Not Another D&D Podcast - C3 Ep. 11: Beatrix (The Mothership Saga)

Episode Date: May 19, 2022

Duck Team races to catch up to Beatrix amongst an army of security bots! Sol witnesses sexy office affairs, Calder discovers something close to home, and Callie learns about treachery amongst... the Dragon Elves. Support us at to get access to the after-show and a bunch of other Naddpod content! Get tickets to our upcoming live shows at Effects Include:"Engine Room" by Zimbot at"A Wizard's Tournament" by Emily Axford."Mothership" by Emily Axford."Paetina" by Emily Axford."Alexandrite" by Emily Axford."Bonkginya, Fia Bonkyginya" by Emily Axford."A Fairy Remembers" by Emily Axford."The Game Plan" by Emily Axford"Mothership Lobby" by Emily Axford."Spooky Shafts" by Emily Axford."Into the Planar Rift" by Emily Axford. "Mee Maw's Burden" by Emily Axford.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is a Headgun Podcast. Hey everybody, it's Emily here to talk to you about Adam and Eve. Who wants better sex? And who wants to start having better sex immediately? The best way to level up your sex game is to go to right now. Adam and Eve is offering 50% off just about any item. Plus free shipping, which includes rush shipping. More than that, Adam and Eve wants to make your life easy.
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Starting point is 00:01:21 brush processing. Code www-A-W-P-A-W. Goodbye, Sweeties. Welcome to the campaign after the campaign. This is not another D&D podcast. Welcome back to Bahumia, everybody. Bahumia. Bahumia. I am your dungeon master, Brian Murphy, joined by Jake Herwitz. Speed skater, Texan hater, stuck on an elevator.
Starting point is 00:01:52 Oh, how they killed it. You're on top of an elevator, my friend. Oh, I'm on top of the elevator. Been better. And of course, Emily Axford. Coming for your elevator doors Collier P. Petra call Norell it And then of course called a Tanner. The name is potato skinderson
Starting point is 00:02:14 But you can call me Tater because you are my frienderson wait Did you you you ended with Tater? Uh-huh, and then you made the rhyme, Frenderson. Yeah. I would say that Carlos, kind of like the e-e-coming's of intro. I would call myself that too.
Starting point is 00:02:34 He just kind of doesn't go for rhyme schemes as much as rhyme theme. Rhymes, yes. Exactly. And if that were to be written out on a page, you would look like a little like meandering trail along a river. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:49 Yeah. Well, I'm sold. Let's go ahead and do a little recap. So last time you returned to the mob goblin camp covered in shit and licking your wounds, which is disgusting. That night, as you went to sleep, Kie had a moment with Foster, who psychically walked her through a string of memories, including the time she ran off with a mysterious egg and an incident before that.
Starting point is 00:03:17 While her mother and sister were making spell components out of plants in the Feywild, a sentient sunflower told Callie that someday the wild would take it all back. Their eyes turned red, just like fosters, and she woke up from the dream by hearing war horns blaring in the camp. As the soldiers rushed into position, Magablin briefed you aboard the ship. Beatrix had made her move and boarded the mother shiphip area. Ma told you that it was imperative to find her during the raid because she was the only one likely to know where to find Alexandra's core. You donned your disguises, dressed as B-classes, and were flown to the mothership after a quick pass through the docking bay. You made your way to the lobby where you were accosted by a diligent guard.
Starting point is 00:04:05 One the strange lie about bees later. All right, so it was like that the dragon elves like summoned bees on us, but I didn't get to say all that did I? A fight broke out and alarm was sounded and you all boarded an elevator in total chaos. Mark Oblin attempted to hack it, leading to a malfunction, as you were forced to fight dozens of mothership goons on various floors.
Starting point is 00:04:31 Emphasis on attempted. Attemptive. Attemptive. It didn't fight that many goons. Hey, you eventually got it. You eventually got it. I love this. You succeeded by stunning them, throwing them at each other
Starting point is 00:04:42 and rending the door closed. Finally, Magoplin was able to gain full control of the elevator system, Calicast Featherfall, and you all glided on Foster to another elevator at the end of the shaft. Yeah. At the end of the shaft, sick. And that's where we are now. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:05:02 I think as we saw through the sky, maybe we hear some heavy metal. Nano, nano, nano, nano, nano, nano, nano, nano, nano, nano, nano, nano, nano, crazy, but that's how we go. There is a people. Okay, so you guys have landed on this elevator. You had just jumped down using Foster. The one that you were just on was malfunctioning and ascending. So we'll say this one was going down. You're at about the 7th floor right now.
Starting point is 00:05:31 OK. You guys hear the loud clanking of machinery. And you see cogs on the wall twist and turn to accommodate the police of the various elevators. Over the buzzing of machines, you hear Magoablan in your piece called Ergo. Under and in, okay, that was an interesting start to things. Ah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:55 Thanks for all your help. Hey, no, sorry about the first few rounds there. That was tough stuff. Totally cool, we fucked up too. Hey, hey, we all fucked up. Let's try not to fuck up anymore Okay, I use too many spells Oh, Kelly use too many spells. Okay
Starting point is 00:06:11 Dark unrelated my ear is infected. Oh, okay Leon ends again too big too big of a hole there. Yeah, you got the gay job. That's why it's for the gay Here's the good news. Okay thought Beatrix would end up being a cover for you guys but you may have ended up being a cover for her look at that yeah maybe that's just winter over actually yeah yeah let's fucking up and more sucking up right we do suck
Starting point is 00:06:40 okay we don't you don't suck down you suck up you suck up we don't talk about how much we suck, this is really, sorry. So, Beatrix has gotten deeper. Her jammer just went off on the 56th floor. Six in the T block. T block, this area is restricted
Starting point is 00:06:57 and I've got no information on it on my end, so it must be something good. So to help you guys kind of get a sense of that out of character, the mothership is 100 stories tall, as we've said, but it's also sectioned off by letters left to right. So the far left of the ship is the A block, and the far right is the Z block.
Starting point is 00:07:19 You guys are sort of in the left center of the ship right now, so you're in the G block. Mm-hmm, okay. And Magovlin canblin can just try to get to starboard. Yeah, so Mag Oblin goes, the elevators will take you up and down but we need to get you deeper into the ship to the T block. For that, we're going to need to get you onto a tram. Alright, so the trams are going across. Great. Trams go across, elevators go up and down.
Starting point is 00:07:45 I'm gonna direct this elevator to the transportation hub on the 50th floor. Do not get off on the floor itself because it will be swarming with guards. At first, they'll probably go towards the one that you guys were just on, but eventually they will find you there. Right.
Starting point is 00:08:00 Can we just up to the top of the tram? Yes, good idea. I throw up another hang loose sign and say, we could essentially surf it. Keep on, Kata. She absolutely does not see this, because she's on an earring in your piece. She doesn't have to.
Starting point is 00:08:13 I'll be in describe it to her. I'm also on the other side here. Yeah, but you know, I don't know what you guys are doing. You guys, I heard the cracking of fingers as you made some sort of finger motion. I have carpal tunnel, pasteglastic dexterity by a phone. The bones were popping on lots.
Starting point is 00:08:27 It's just kind of like in a low-hot attitude. Yeah, you're always rainy, so your joints must just be inflamed. Yeah. So you guys continue descending while standing atop this elevator. It begins to climb clouter as it starts to slow down. And you hear Alexandra muffle from within the car going, a Trochin, 50th floor, transportation hug.
Starting point is 00:08:51 Look alive, hurry. As you pass the 51st floor, you see the shaft opens up into a giant terminal of cable car tracks and elevators, trams whizzed by in different directions. There's a cacophony of mechanized sounds. Do we see like girders? We could like scramble across? So everybody go heading to be a perception check.
Starting point is 00:09:10 Okay. Alright. Nine. Seven. Okay. Seventeen. Great. Thank God.
Starting point is 00:09:18 Collier PC glass sonnies. Which we haven't talked about in a half minute. Oh. Oh, fucking. Unfogged. Unclogged. Holy shit, this is thick. You put on thick oak ball.
Starting point is 00:09:29 Prescription sunglasses underground. You guys see there are trams heading west towards the A block. I'll say actually, Cali with that perception check. I think what that means is that you have sort of a better bearing of where you guys are based on kind of how you entered. So you kind of know that east from the west and are able to kind of navigate
Starting point is 00:09:51 where you think these trains might be going. So you see, Trams heading west towards the A block and one's heading east towards the Z block. You know you need to head west from where you are. You see there are fast moving trains which are likely essentially expresses that make fewer stops. That might be for like higher up executives or something
Starting point is 00:10:11 that they get in and they get taken to like, you know, TUV XYZ. And there are slower ones that look like they're going to stop every block. The fast moving ones seem more dangerous on first glance, but the slow moving ones are going to be constantly stopping with more opportunities to get caught. Okay, right. Can you describe like the look of the tram? Is it like the Universal Studios Hollywood tour or is it more like a subway? Okay, great. Yeah, it's
Starting point is 00:10:39 like an underground tram. Yeah, get onto a roof of a. Yes, you can absolutely get onto a roof of a. Yeah, you see all of these. There are a bunch of girders and everything like holding up this whole area. You also see a bunch of pulleys and wires and stuff. These are essentially, I sit subway, but they're more like fast moving cable cars. Okay.
Starting point is 00:10:58 I'm going to turn to FASTA real quick and say you still have that potion of invisibility. All right, we might need that just in case. Smart. Yeah. I feel like need that just in case. Smart. Yeah. I feel like that's just jump. Yeah. Fast car, fast train.
Starting point is 00:11:09 You got a fast train. Trains in Japan. Me, for the fast train, if you miss, you'll be on the slow way. That's the worst to live by. I've read that on a hand towel before. Everybody, go ahead and give me athletics checks. 16 for Saul, okay.
Starting point is 00:11:25 21. 18 for Cali. You guys all successfully time it as this elevator is passing the 51st floor and going down to the transportation hub before you guys actually get to the floor itself where you can, I'll say you can even hear the sounds of activity in the floor below you as security officers
Starting point is 00:11:46 are like gathering in the little terminal down there. You guys jump off and time it with a tram go ahead and roll initiative. Oh, it's... Are we fighting the tram? You are not fighting the tram! Oh, two bad Final Fantasy 6, wouldn't you? Yeah, 14. That's true. 17.
Starting point is 00:12:15 I suplex the tram. 16, yeah. So, you guys zipped through the tram tunnel surrounded by the glowing lights of machinery that blur as you pass them. I love this. We've had so many good landscapes and visuals on this fucking very secret mission. Yeah. Up ahead you guys see four pairs of flying drones. Of course. You guys can hide to try to avoid them or try to shoot them.
Starting point is 00:12:39 It's up to you. Would you guys say you when you landed would you have gone into like a stealth position? Do you guys want to like lay low or what do I land with thunder lightning? But then dropped my belly like a cat and scared. Okay, we've made enough noise I think we're trying to be quiet. Yeah, I'm trying to save some spells. I feel like we probably like drop down in between Two cars like like hanging on the side so I can't see us up top everybody go ahead and give me stealth checks 14 So I can't see us up top everybody go ahead and give me stealth checks 14 Just a flat 10, okay, I also got a 10 okay
Starting point is 00:13:10 Yeah, so it's definitely tough like you guys jumped down onto this train. It's going fucking fast You guys sort of rock back try to get in a position So I'll try to like climb down Callie gets low you guys are trying to not be seen. I'm gonna roll for each pair. We're very brightly colored. This blue is extremely crackling. First two get a 15, so they do see you.
Starting point is 00:13:35 So we're gonna say the first three are gonna go after Saul, so that's six attacks. You see they buzz down, they fly down, inchiter, inchiter, ptupuder, intruder, you can't get enough of this cute tongue. You hear loudly through callers here ago, is he still doing that? I don't think so. I don't know that he got the message.
Starting point is 00:13:56 We're not going to get through to him. 16 hit on the first attack, misses. 15 hit on the second attack. Missy. attack, misses, 15 hit on the second attack, missy, she's a second drone completely misses, third drone completely misses, next, damn maybe the tongue is cute. Sal's using it like a Matador, next three drones will go after Callie. Be careful, it's rainy around me, be good for your second dream. First one.
Starting point is 00:14:23 Especially if you've got a cold. First one misses. Two. Thank you for considering me. Nat one doesn't do anything. Shots. Last one takes shots at Callie. Jesus Christ, I'm really terrible.
Starting point is 00:14:35 But on the last one hits for five damage Callie. Last two go after Calder. Oh boy. First one completely misses on two shots. Next one gets a Nat 20 on its second attack. Detection Paladin. I throw out my umbrella. Uh, rerolls? Here's your ears. I think I do pierce a little bit of a second.
Starting point is 00:14:59 Oh God. Yeah, you block with the umbrella. Um, not one on the reroll. You guys do do that. And the last drone misses twice. So you guys are being pursued by eight drones who land on the tram with you guys to keep up and they have like little spider like legs that start clacking on the tram. Cute, you guys.
Starting point is 00:15:24 It's really cute. Saul, that is your turn. Okay, people, Saul, these are impossible to hit. Pew, pew. I'm a little drone. It's invincible, Saul, run. There's a big red mothership logo. It's very easy to target.
Starting point is 00:15:36 I want to grab one and using my reach, which is 10 feet, I want to hold it under the wheels of the train. Oh, that would work. It's, yeah, probably about 10 feet tall. Go ahead and give me a contested athletics check. Okay, so this drone tries to get away. Pupu, ow, stop. Rolled a natural 19, that's a 20.
Starting point is 00:16:01 Well, I got a natural two, so shout out. Oh, wow. You guys see this a natural two. So shout out. Oh, yeah. You guys see this drone starts to be down the future. Overpowering. Yeah, it's Saul's tongue. Yeah. Don't make it cute, make it angry. Callie, that's your turn.
Starting point is 00:16:15 Okay, do I know, like, okay, Alexander, I talked to my belly button. Alexander, I, oh my gosh. That's so big. Go ahead and give me a deception check because you guys are like back on the grid now. Oh, here we have like fake IDs. That is a 2020.
Starting point is 00:16:32 Ooh. Yeah, she just kind of shows up and it's not like a thing where she's tracking you or anything like that. It's just the helpful old Siri, Alexandra. Ah, hello, Glennifer. Who could you see you again? Yes, Glennifer, Aristosky Days. I want to know, these drones, are they here for like protecting the tram or just going
Starting point is 00:16:56 after intruders? Because I'm worried about the integrity of some of these wires that might be a shower of sparks that I'm looking at. The drones in the tram system are there to detect intruders. Okay, so press a digitation would not be applicable in this situation. I'm just going to take out me umbrella. Thank you so much, Sally. It was great talking to you, Glenifer. You too, we should talk more.
Starting point is 00:17:20 We can. Okay, what's your favorite food? Nothing. Okay, you want to go? You have to trick questions. All right, well, RIP my spell slots. I'm going to shatter all of them. To the do a deck save?
Starting point is 00:17:38 They do a con save. Okay. And if a creature made of inorganic materials, such as stone, crystal, or metal, has disadvantage on the save. Oh my god. I love our shatter era. All of them fail.
Starting point is 00:17:50 They all fail. 15 damage. They all look super hurt, but are all still up. They are all sputtering and still spit narrows. Okay, try to try. I mean, that was incredible. Yeah. After Callie, that is called us turn. Oh, you can cleave through them. I know you. Oh, yes, Minita. Stump the spiders out. Calder pushes himself up and
Starting point is 00:18:17 Finds us a shaky stance on the top of the train and just says I Might die, but I'm taking you with me. We're just little drones. No, that's what you wanted to think. Calder, shatter the plants. Do you have pilots? Is someone piloting you? No, we're very little.
Starting point is 00:18:37 But you've taught me a valid... No, I meant like, is someone remote piloting you? No, you have taught me a valuable lesson that little things are powerful too. He's talking about you so That is a 25 did well Fucking finally 15 damage to the first one. I you blow through two of them. Yes, just baseball bat swing blow up to
Starting point is 00:19:03 15 at the second. Misses. Oh! I have to fucking action. That's sick. That's sick. Fuck this. 17 at hits. There we go.
Starting point is 00:19:15 Shout out to the two. No! Ugh. Rough. 18 damage. Take out two and another one looks messed up. Four left. Four left, okay. nice after call does turn at
Starting point is 00:19:27 Initiative one you hear ma goblin in your ear go these drones can send Security messages out. I'm going to go ahead and do sort of an area of effect thing and disconnect them from the network She's gonna go ahead and do like a hacking check And she succeeds it's very cool. Yes. It's low DC for her to do things like that. So these things can, you know, like if something sees them, they can do something, but yeah,
Starting point is 00:19:54 you see this magic aura comes out from Calder and there's this little magical effect on these dudes. She's got her hacker legs now. You're done. That is the second layer action. You guys continue blowing past several blocks of offices. You hear muffled. I'm going down the road.
Starting point is 00:20:13 Besides just crazy train, you hear Alex and dry going, it's block, I block. And as you pass the ladder, you guys see two turrets on either side of the tunnel, begin shooting security laser grids randomly. Guys, go ahead and give me deck saves to avoid them. Okay. Dirty 20. 18. 19. You guys all pass. Guys, describe to me how you dodge these lasers, starting with Callie. I think I do an aerial cartwheel over them. So, are you doing aerial cartwheel over them?
Starting point is 00:20:48 Some of the drones go, ooh. And I wink at one. Good enough, but it's holding up. So, what do you do? Saul crouches down and then leaps up and just like quarks through them. And as he quarks screws, he in slow motion sees two people passing by in an office building.
Starting point is 00:21:06 They're having a secret for bin romance in the kiss. Wow. Wow. What do I need to call there? I do kind of like a skate through and a hockey stop right at the edge of the edge of the drain. Very sick. So you guys pass this by.
Starting point is 00:21:20 We hope the security cameras caught us. Because we look good. We don't want that. We don't want that. We don't want that right right I don't hope they caught us But if they did I want the footage right Albin you got that though right via the earring I can just hear stuff so I hear sounds of it sounds like a train going fast did I hear lasers? I feel like the lasers were buzzing there were lasers. They were lasers cool. What did anyone do anything cool?
Starting point is 00:21:41 I feel like the lasers were buzzing. There were lasers. There were lasers, cool. What did anyone do anything cool? Ah, yeah, Kelly did an aerial, some assault, okay. A real thing, very cool stuff. A saw, saw, and a fare. Oh my goodness.
Starting point is 00:21:53 Wow, that sounds juicy. I was very illicit. Someone was grabbing on someone else's tie, you know, the holes you're bang. Wow. They cleared a desk. They cleared a desk. Wow, that sounds like straight out of a movie.
Starting point is 00:22:04 That's not, yeah, that's incredible. I don't even think people do that in real life. Well, they got it in business. It's not without remorse, I guess. That is the drone's turn. There's four left. Did any of them get sliced? One on, it's security thing.
Starting point is 00:22:18 Their program to not get a slice bite. One on each of you, and then an extra one on, called or why not, fuck you. Yeah. Yeah. Good. First two attacks against Saul. Misses. Second one takes two attacks against Cali. Puping. 21 on the second attack. Five damage. Can I take a healing potion? It's yours. Oh yeah. Sweet, last two go after Calder. First one, misses. Both of its attacks. Second one.
Starting point is 00:22:51 Yeah, 17 on the higher one. misses both attacks. Pew pew. Yeah. That is Sal's turn. Cool. I feel like Sal is excited to try out the maneuver that didn't work last time.
Starting point is 00:23:00 So he's going to try and grapple another drone. Sick. Contested athletics. I can go. That one. Thatested athletics. I'm gonna go. That one. That's it unless you're rolling out one. You guys are gonna both be so pathetic if you're rolling out one. Don't do it man.
Starting point is 00:23:12 You guys are gonna bullshit yourself so you're gonna shoot oil all over the place. Don't fucking. Don't do what everyone's expecting. Don't curse my already cursed fingers. Yeah you see this hurt derived starts farting out oil. Yeah. That's an eight motherfucker. Suck on that. You got eight. My already cursed it fingers. Yeah, you see this hurt droid starts farting out oil You You freaking grab it chop chop you grab this drone with your tongue you whip it down you pull up your
Starting point is 00:23:34 Tongue at the last second and this cable car goes right over the drone and Rolls it up and that's you about that and I can only do that once as an action, right? You can only do it once it's a grapp right? You can only do it once. It's a grapple. Yeah. Okay. Cool. And as a bonus action, you can do a punch. These guys are at low HP. Yeah, let me punch as a bonus. Totally. Excellent. I will do a punch. Cool. No, I won't. That's a 12. It does not do it. Great. That is still I'm still thinking about the affair. That is, Cali- I'm still thinking about the affair. Okay, I think I've got to be conservative, so I'm just gonna swing my umbrella at one.
Starting point is 00:24:10 Sick. 18. 18 hits. Okay, I'm not using anything fancy, I've got to save it. The roll of the eight on the die becomes a 16. Boom. Cali, you kill two and you get one that is just spottering and spewing oil everywhere. I drink in the oil.
Starting point is 00:24:31 Let me see. Why? We're behavior. Call it that's your turn. I look at Sal and I'm like, I feel really sick from the oil. Srender. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:42 Go. It doesn't go stays there. I said I You'll forget it. This is that is a 24-22 It's nice you no matter what will kill the strong is at 1hp go ahead and finish this drone I Eat it eat it. Be careful. Be careful.
Starting point is 00:25:03 You can't do oil, maybe really sick to buy something. I bite into it's gear. I grab it out of the sky and I bite into your balls. Do I hear the sound of brittle teeth biting in the metal? Don't do that. I never noticed, but color is a really cute tone. Don't do that. Really? Yeah. Coming from a guy cute tongue. I don't do that. Really?
Starting point is 00:25:25 Yeah. Coming from a guy with a hot tongue, that means a lot. It's like you've just constantly been drinking blue gatorade. How's mine? I stick it out and you see that I have three tongue piercings. Oh my. Alternative. You guys at the next layer action, you hear the muffled voice of Alex Sandrite from the tram go.
Starting point is 00:25:41 Now arriving at J-block. As the train slows down it slows down rapidly you guys are all standing up everyone go ahead and get me deck saving throw a stand your feet oh that's only a 10 at 23 for Saul okay I'm very sticky that's a 12 foot honey Saul you stay standing calder andali, you guys both flop forward and take 10 damage. Ow! Ow!
Starting point is 00:26:07 I'm gonna just use stones and dirints and shake that off. Sick. Yeah, you turn to ice as you crash into the train. Did not happen. Didn't happen. I feel good. I see what caulder does and I try to do the same thing. He just lands.
Starting point is 00:26:23 You are water, so no, just very much affected by hitting the ground. I just feel like I to do the same thing. He just land. You are water. Oh no. Just very much affected by hitting the ground. I just feel like I should do a puddle. Is that a garbage bag full of water? What happened? Oh, Kelly. It's a water balloon. There's all of her rain.
Starting point is 00:26:33 It starts to turn to blood. It starts to go everywhere. I'm sorry. I got hit in a way that I started crying. I don't know why. It's OK. Let it out. Let it out.
Starting point is 00:26:42 It's mostly oil. So I'll say you guys have wiped out all the drone So the next action you guys have some time to prepare Everybody go ahead and be perception checks great That's one. Oh, yeah, okay. Oh, yeah, once again, my seat last sunny I'll say happy spots this right away. You guys don't even have to worry Callie you see that as the train begins You guys don't even have to worry. Kali, you see that as the train begins speeding up again,
Starting point is 00:27:06 it begins twisting and turning through different blocks and traveling quickly through the mothership, you see there are four more security turrets coming up that are shooting lasers out. Once again, it looks like you guys are going to have to brace yourselves and jump through these lasers. We have a Nats 20, can I communicate this to everyone
Starting point is 00:27:25 so we can have like a band-aid. So you guys have advantage. Nice. But everyone has to do it twice. Or lasers this time. Got it. So everybody give me two deck saves with advantage. Okay, great.
Starting point is 00:27:36 18 for the first one. Passes. Oh, 21 for the second. Passes one. 21 for the first one. Passes. 24 and second. Passes one for the first one. Passes, 24 and 23. Passes both. Now one but then a 17 becomes a 22.
Starting point is 00:27:50 So 21 and 22. How do you guys jump through these lasers? This time I do an aerial, but with my umbrella out, so I do it kind of slow motion, actually. Oh, check. Call the does these, the figure skating parouettes, figure eight, a spin. The lasers are just going all around you
Starting point is 00:28:07 as you swing your leg around dodging each one. Y'all, you're not gonna believe it. I saw two more cases of infidelity. Yeah. How do you know they're not just coworkers that are single? I saw them remove rings. Yes, so you very weirdly say somebody
Starting point is 00:28:21 with very expensive equipment on their desk, just push over a full desktop computer and throw someone else on top of it as they start making out. Just so many crystals shattering to the ground. Doug DeVirgin is not okay with this. Tater says, God, I wish that was me. Glenna Fiskai days is thinking about the spring menu. is thinking about the spring menu. Uh, uh, onto the next round, as the tram continues,
Starting point is 00:28:49 you guys eventually hear Alex and right muffled go, next stop, you block. No, you. So it would appear that you guys are about to blow past the T block. It's not going to stop there. So how are you guys going to proceed? Saul, that is your turn.
Starting point is 00:29:05 Saul is remembering the alphabet song in his head to make sure where he's at. And he's like, oh, we gotta go. Okay, so I guess I'm just gonna try and jump. Six, since I can extend my gauntlet's 10 feet, can I just like jump and like, as an attack, grab them to? Yeah, I'll say.
Starting point is 00:29:23 Oh, actually, I have a tongue whip, which is a modified thorn whip, so I could grab someone with that. Totally. So I'll say that you jump, go ahead and do an acrobatics check. I'm good at this. Caldwell, you're good at this. I believe in you.
Starting point is 00:29:35 I'm good at this. That's going to be a 22. Sweet, you time it perfectly, you jump out, you roll as soon as you hit the T tram station station and you land. Also, you get ready to dart your tongue out to grab anybody who fails to essentially get them advantage. Awesome, thank you. That is Callie's turn. Okay, take out me umbrella and it's time for me to commute. Net 20 again. Yes! Callie lands perfectly. Kali, you jump, you pull out your umbrella and like, marry poppins, you just land perfectly
Starting point is 00:30:08 in the tram station. Call her, that's your turn. I grow skis like I'm in a slalom doing moccles. Ha ha ha ha. Do I hear skis on top of a trail? I don't know what's going on. And I got a 23. Sick!
Starting point is 00:30:24 Oh yeah. You jump out, you make like big ice blocks I don't know what's going on. And I got a 23. Sick. Oh yeah. You jump out. You make like big ice blocks on the bottom of your feet. I'll say that you were the last one to go, so the tram was about to blow past the station. You put your feet up. The ice explodes and shatter below your feet,
Starting point is 00:30:40 absorbing all of the impact. And you are able to slide down the wall and land in the tram station safely. Awesome. Did you catch the name tags on anyone that you saw having a fast? Because it'd be good ammo if we get in a bad situation. We're gonna roll a perception check. You guys are fucking pushing it. Not even name tag.
Starting point is 00:31:00 You know some people have on their desk that like, like, let's do it. Yeah. Employ the month Oh, I didn't roll roll two net 20s in a row. All right, gladly. Shouldn't be a problem. Yep, you got it Roll two net 20s in a row. I'm so good at this. I always got it. First one. That's 20 Oh, this is 10 that's half a 20. Okay, no They got half in a row the other one just to see. Yeah, just to see sure It's a 15.
Starting point is 00:31:25 Right? No good stuff. Just let me keep rolling. No. Okay. All right. So you guys have just arrived at T Station. You see that it is this long hallway with access to different doors, many of which look to be offices.
Starting point is 00:31:40 Magoble and Pipe's in into your earpiece. All right. So things are about to start getting more restricted. That means less guards and more security bots. There should be a stairwell near you. That'll be less dangerous, probably than an elevator. Okay, is that to the Luciea Reginald? I don't know exactly where you are.
Starting point is 00:32:00 Guys, go ahead and give me a perception checks. Lucie and Reginald are our code names. Yes. 13. 21. Oh yeah. Oh, Golanifah. You guys pretty quickly find a door to a nearby stairwell. You guys see that there is a short walkway and a stairway heading down and one heading up above and below you. You guys hear the warring and clanging of security bots? You know that you have six floors to go
Starting point is 00:32:27 to get up to where Beatrix is. T-block 56. Is this the time where we could catch our breath and take that short rest? You want to take a little short rest? Yeah, yeah, you guys can take a moment, certainly. I would need it. You know, I think I know with being stealthy,
Starting point is 00:32:42 but I think I am going to play a little song of rest. So I take out my bird pipes and I play a sweet Adam Dorit solo. Wow. Yeah. Just a little sparrow that says that. The end of what song is that? Is that Anna Begins? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:01 I don't know. I thought it was long December. I don't know. No, no, no. Yeah. I don't know. I thought it was long December. Mmm. I don't know. No, no, no, no. Yeah. No, no, no, no. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:11 Okay. It's the end of long December. Sweet, so you guys hide out in the stairwell. Take a moment to catch your breath. I've got my hit points and my face step and not my shelves. All right. I'm full of key, baby. I got some stuff.
Starting point is 00:33:24 Okay. So you guys, here's how I'm full of key, baby. I got some stuff. Yeah. Okay, so you guys, here's how I'm gonna say this is gonna work. There are definitely security bots and stuff on these stairwells, but not on every single floor. So there's gonna be encounter checks, but you guys can do a roll on a one through a 10. There will be people there on an 11 through a 20. You're lucky and there's nobody on that floor.
Starting point is 00:33:46 Three. Okay. You guys go floor the better. You guys start climbing up to the 51st floor and you see that there is a clockwork enforcer and a clockwork hound. Marching back and forth, you hear the clang of the steel of the clockwork enforcer and the little hound is going around rough rough searching for intruders no intruders detected rough rough searching for intruders no intruders detected rough rough just over and over again I don't like his tone mm-hmm how do we stay not detected I mean I don't think it's wise for me to use a password
Starting point is 00:34:26 of trace here. That's what I'm worried about. I'm worried about spending it all on these clockwork. Right, yeah. There's got the potion of invisibility, but that's just one of us. Yeah. How stealthier are you guys? I'm stealthy. I drink the invisibility.
Starting point is 00:34:40 Double-dry just stealthy. Okay, that's true. Yeah, I could climb along the walls. Okay. All right. Let's give it a shot. Let's try it. Yeah, let's try to climb up the divergent to disappear. Calder is going to use an invisibility potion. So he is gone disappears later. Callie and Saul. I'm still here, you're breathing. I'm gonna go ahead and see my frosty breath. These dudes are actively on the lookout, so they are going to do a 400 pound virtual perception checks. So guys, go ahead and give me your stealth checks, and then I will roll for these guys.
Starting point is 00:35:15 Come on, come on, come on. Do I need to roll one upon the floor? You don't have to roll, you're invisible. 24 for Callie. Okay. 17 for Saul. Okay, so the clockwork count is to roll first. What did you get? 17, um, you see as you guys starts to crawl up, uh, the hound, uh, looks up, um, and goes to
Starting point is 00:35:36 bite at a Saul. As you're climbing, uh, everybody go and roll initiative. No, intruder alert, intruder alert. Bark bark. Frogs. Hey dogs. That's 29. 13. It's gonna be a nat 20. Oh 18. Cali you are first. Oh, we try and to engage this. You're invisible. I've stealthed. Oh, I will say hasn't hasn't seen you yet. Yeah, Cali. Okay, so that is probably me. Yeah, and you are one exactly one intruder alert bark bark one intruder bark I got to get all the way to the hundredth floor. That's my mission. Here we go bark bark I think I'm just gonna beat feet. Yeah sick. Okay, so you just keep still thing up the stairs. I think I stelf up Yeah, I'm a lone wolf. That's also a frog. Chase me.
Starting point is 00:36:27 Saul, that is your turn. I guess I'll go in the opposite direction and try and like lose them. So you're gonna run down? Yeah, okay. Are you gonna dash or what are you gonna do? How long is this quarter that we're in? I mean, it goes up and down.
Starting point is 00:36:42 You could go down infinite, down your floors. Like like yeah, you're on the 51st floor. Yeah plenty of room to run. Yeah What I'm gonna do Is I would like to run my regular 45 feet and then I cast step of the wind And what I want to do is I want to try and like round a corner and then jump into an exposed vent or something like that to try and hide and lose them and then double back. Sick. Okay. So here's what I will do.
Starting point is 00:37:11 I will allow you to normally monks don't get high as a bonus action, but I will let you use your movement to try to hide, so because you use step at the wind, so you rush down, you see they start to take after you or they have not acted yet, but you rush down, you try to start to take after you, or they have not acted yet, but you rush down, you try to jump up, go ahead and give me another stealth check. I push over a cardboard cut out of patina glen bottle around a corner.
Starting point is 00:37:34 Okay. This is a stealth. Another stealth check, yeah. That's a 23. Sick. Okay, so Saul, you rush down the stairs, bounce down them, you jump and you fucking spider-man just hang on to the back of the stairwell Haldor that is your turn. They don't get to act yet But they see you see that they're about to go chase Saul. All right, I guess I'll follow Glenifer. Okay
Starting point is 00:37:56 Keep following Glenifer up Saul you do see that the dog and the enforcer continue rushing down the stairs. Bark, bark, the intruder, is this way? Bark, bark. Such a sassy bark. Is anyone else here in that? And yeah, you see they go down to like the 50th floor. OK, I wait a safe amount of time, and then I'm going to drop down and tiptoe back to Glynifer and Doug.
Starting point is 00:38:21 Sweetie. Potato, you're back. Good to see you Skinner's in Skinner's in for you guys Hey Skinner's in is Anderson You've got a job at Sky Days if you ever wanted I desperately do So my father invented the potato
Starting point is 00:38:37 You guys I invented it's Sky You guys will pass the 51st floor 50 second floor go ahead and give me an encounter check 11 through 20 it's all clear I'll roll this one Wow it's a strategy to let Cold War roll Pass the 51st floor, 52nd floor, go ahead and give me an encounter check. 11 through 20, it's all clear. I'll roll this one. Wild strategy to let Cold War roll.
Starting point is 00:38:50 We've been sharing. Okay, yeah, it's still wild strategy. It's still bad. Eight, you do see another clockwork enforcer is up here on the 56th. No dog, this one does not have a dog. No dog, thank God. I am dogless.
Starting point is 00:39:05 And you're a dogless. Oh my God, I am dogless And you're Douglas. Oh my God Have you shown yourself? Antonutically, yeah, I think we maybe try to stilts don't begin the same. Yeah, go ahead 18 God damn it y'all that's gonna be a 12 okay, uh, this dude got a 10 Damn it, y'all. That's gonna be a 12. Okay, this dude got a 10. On it. Oh, no, no.
Starting point is 00:39:26 You managed to sneak it. Yes. This robot is so sad that it doesn't have a dog that is just looking down at its feet as you walk past. So you guys sneak past on the 53rd floor. Go ahead and give me another encounter check. Get a cat, it could live inside your armor. Forced at that.
Starting point is 00:39:40 What? 14? Yeah. Nothing's up here. Ooh, so you guys, I will say though, you guys reached the 53rd floor. The offices that you've passed as you've been climbing up the stairs.
Starting point is 00:39:53 Full of stairs. The doors have been closed and you see that this one has been kicked in. According to Magaublin, Beatrix is on the 56th floor but here on the 53rd floor, it does seem like she could have been here as well, or somebody else was here. Oh, can we peek in?
Starting point is 00:40:10 I'm invisible, can I just, oh my god. That's good. Yeah, yeah. You have a nice gander. Sweet, yeah, I'll say Saul and Cali, you guys are kind of waiting on the outside. Calder, you are invisible and go inside. Go ahead and give me an investigation check
Starting point is 00:40:24 or a perception check I'll see you do with advantage. Thank you. I would love to have guidance on him. Shout out to the two crew on the first one And that's a three on the second. Okay, can I you guys can go in? Yeah, it doesn't seem like there's anybody here Okay, I go in and I put on my detective laser. Okay. Like, remember in the airship. Okay. Don't bother, there's nothing in here. Okay. Callie and...
Starting point is 00:40:51 It's a trash can. Sol give me a perception or investigation check. Actually, you know what, I'll stay outside and keep watch. Okay. That is that team. 13, okay. This episode of NADPOT has brought to you
Starting point is 00:41:01 by Bird Dogs. They're a company that makes pants and shorts, so no matter where you fall in the age old battle between the two, you can rest assured that Bird Dogs has you covered. Now we all know when the legwear war begins and we're forced to choose a side, it's gonna be difficult. Luckily Bird Dogs has made the decision of which pants and shorts to buy a little easier. Bird Dogs stretchy khakis are designed to fit slimmer through the thigh and leg to give you a truly sculpted look.
Starting point is 00:41:29 And instead of making their clothes out of restricting cotton, Bird Dog's invented a cloud-knit fabric that looks just like khaki, but stretches so you get a way slimmer fit without having to sacrifice movement. And trust me, you are going to need all the movement you can get when you and your brothers and legs are out there on the battlefield kicking the shit out of your rivals. So when the lower body battle begins and brother is forced to kick brother, make sure you are wearing bird dogs. To get yours and a free Yeti-style tumbler, go to slash pop-a or enter promo
Starting point is 00:42:00 code pop-a at checkout. That's slash Papa or promo code Papa for a free Yeti style tumbler. You won't want to take your bird dogs off. We promise you. Okay, that's it for me. Go team pants and enjoy the show. So you guys enter these offices and you see a large open floor plan. Dozens of desks. Oh, so demoralizing. Large floor to ceiling windows that overlook the night sky. You see the twinkling lights of the city below
Starting point is 00:42:31 and airships passing by. And in the center of the office, you see there are large dioramas, many of them of prototype ariots. Oh. I, yeah, I would like to further investigate those. As you go over, you see that there is one over a mountain city that says that is labeled that's over Iron Deep, Mother Ship West. See, there's one with a model Ariots over Marin Gate, the CL and Aladdin Trade City. This is called Mother Ship South.
Starting point is 00:43:06 And you also see that there is one hovering over Frostwind called Mother Ship North. And Calder, when you see this one, you know the history of the Furgid North is that there was once this great mountain called Mount Forge that had collapsed 200 years ago. And where it once stood, there is this giant riff in the material plane that lights up the night sky with a majestic purple. Your village is one of many that exists in the remains of the great mountain amongst the smaller mountains and hills of the frigid north and you see that this mothership area casts a shadow that not only eclipses frost wind but the remains of Mount Forge as well.
Starting point is 00:43:49 I will not be living in that shadow. I mean, can we pocket these blueprints? Because if these blueprints will contain lightly some information about how to fell them if they ever get made. Yeah. Our stuff it in, foster's mouth. Sweet, yeah, you guys do, you look around, you look for paper work and stuff,
Starting point is 00:44:12 schematics for what they plan on doing. And they're like, do I see if anyone in Merringate has signed off on this, or is this conjecture without any conspiracy? I don't have like personal connections there, but that's where we dealt out of. I see. And I know that my sister like sort of like massaged
Starting point is 00:44:32 some people in customs, so I'm just curious to see if I know any of the names. She's a masseuse. So yeah, let's call her that. I'm gonna sue some of the passage of smobble goods. So guys, go ahead and give me investigation checks. Now that you guys are like really digging in here. 11.
Starting point is 00:44:52 19 on the die with plus zero to investigation, 19. So it gives a thumbs up from the door, a thumb gun. I flinch. Put that thing away. I'm sorry. It's just so aggressive. So it's too realistic. It's too realistic. It shoots BBs. You look through. You don't recognize the names for Frostwind North because you live in a little bit of a remote village calder. So you don't think that anyone approving this would need to be from where you are.
Starting point is 00:45:25 This is probably dealing with Frostwind. You do see that these are all like perspective deals and stuff. There are like memos and stuff with people who are trying to get laws past and stuff like this. None of this has happened yet. You don't really recognize the names in Frostwind. You know it's not any of the monarchy or something. It is not gone, you know, official yet. Iron Deep, you do recognize amongst the names, Bronzebeard Industries is on there,
Starting point is 00:45:53 as one of the possible like influencers that can help them convince them to build an area out there. And you recognize amongst the paperwork with the Marangate stuff, you recognize the name Tabister, and that was the last name of one of the crime families that did help your family Cali with like the smuggling stuff from the Feywild. There's a Feywild gate in Marin Gate and there are essentially like customs officers that make sure you're not bringing in insane magic items that are going to destroy the material plane. But you guys would be able to like kind of massage their pockets and get in. Interesting. This is shady dealings. Yeah. Should we mark it up so that these blue prints are unfliable?
Starting point is 00:46:47 Oh, interesting. Just proportions that could never be airborne. These will never pass inspection. Yeah, maybe we just pocket it. Sweet. Sweet. Yeah. Yeah, you guys grab a bunch of the paperwork. Alright, let's keep on climbing. Yeah, you guys meet back up with Saul detectives As you'll see I cordoned off the area with some yellow yarn
Starting point is 00:47:14 We all good here. We're all good. We're out. All right, so the 54th floor Go ahead and give me a encounter check eight What a eights eight is of course go ahead and give me an encounter check. Eight. What? Eight. Eight is, of course, a, how'd listen forcer. And eight is indeed a how'd listen forcer. All right. I will just try to stealth again.
Starting point is 00:47:39 Cool. Yeah, give me a self check. Only 16. Okay, 22. Um, Callie, you are first to act. You do see that this enforcer looks up intruder alert. Intruder alert. I don't need a dog.
Starting point is 00:47:52 Divine people. Intruder. So he's clocked me. Ah, yeah, you are first to act. Um, I'm inspired by Saul's movement. So I run downstairs. I do. And I hold like a bonus action to, as soon as he turns the corner to see me, I'll face
Starting point is 00:48:08 that back up. That's good. That's pretty fucking good. Good. Yeah, that's all by the book. I can't really stop that. So runs down is chasing you and you disappear and end up higher up on the staircase. You guys got to get
Starting point is 00:48:25 motor in now because these joints are behind you. You hear clanking of metal feats in the stairwell. Can I also have dropped some marble style? No. Go ahead special. Oh, not to make them fall to make it sound like there is motion. Go ahead and give me an encounter check for the 55th floor. Here we go, rolling the biggest dice I have. 11? 11 is nothing, you're great. Great, all right.
Starting point is 00:48:53 So, no dogs at all. You guys, no one that wants a dog. Are running up, you hear the clanking of boots behind you of clockwork boots. You guys get up to the 56th floor, which is where Beatrix is said to be. Go ahead and give me encounter tricks here. All right, call it right, that's you.
Starting point is 00:49:12 That's a three. Three. Okay, oh no, once again. That's what we start with. See a clockwork enforcer and a hound. I'll say that you know Beatrix is here, so once again, you see another door that's kicked off its hinges. You hear them coming from up the stairs. like they're coming down on their watch.
Starting point is 00:49:29 Can I do a perception check to see who rescued who? Yeah. That's a five. You can't tell. Wow, they love each other very much. That's really nice. Okay, I can't do my move that I just did again. That's okay.
Starting point is 00:49:41 I don't know, we've been running for this. It's been a long time. Maybe just a kick some ass. Can I just press the digitation to turn off the lights to give us advantage on stealth? Oh! Because I mean, technically, press the digitation is like you can snuff out a candle, but I'm assuming that. Yeah, these are like, I mean, these are like arcane lanterns. So yeah, there is like a flame nearby that is being caused by this like magic spell
Starting point is 00:50:06 So you're gonna make it go out. Yeah, would it okay? You make it go out. Yeah as it goes out You see that the enforcer and the dog go over to investigate it guys everybody give me self checks with advantage nice I'm still invisible Thank God for advantage 27 okay 14 14 thank God for advantage. 27. Okay, 14. 14. Thank God for advantage, and a 14. Ha ha ha ha. Well, we don't know what the other one was.
Starting point is 00:50:30 You know what it was. Yeah, I do. I know. With a 14, Saul, you do see that you are clocked. Kelly, you were first act. I know that potato is like the trickiest person of ever fought alongside, other than dog. And so I just beat
Starting point is 00:50:47 feet. Sweet, you run into the hallway ahead. That is. Although on my way, I will look back at potato and I just say, if you feel invisible, they'll believe you're invisible. That's what happens with me and Glenn. And I run upstairs. You just do your album over the earpiece. Oh my god. Yes, it turns his head and says, what? It's a process. And you have a part of conspiracy.
Starting point is 00:51:19 That's good. Is it my turn? No. That is the dog's turn. You see the dog rushes over to Saul and is going to first do a tripping tongue. What? That's not cute.
Starting point is 00:51:33 Sound is kind of cute. That's a 19 to hit. That's my AC exactly. 15 damage Saul. Go ahead and give me a strength saving throw. Oh, it's like that. It's like that. Huh my gauntlets are up. So I believe I can use my wisdom score for this, which is nice 14 that Passes so it starts to trip you you see this mechanical tongue comes out wraps around your foot pulls you towards it
Starting point is 00:52:02 You're able to stay on your feet, you drag your back foot behind you, just keep standing. Excuse me. Hey, put a leash on your dog. Excuse me. There are leash lines. I would never do that. Excuse me.
Starting point is 00:52:13 I would never, ever do that. Dog is going to take a second attack of light attack. It's a federal building. That's 22 to hit. OK, that does hit. 17 damage on the second attack. Ooh. I saw feels that through his very flimsy fake armor
Starting point is 00:52:28 I saw that's your turn. Okay Saul just holds out his arms and Let's the dog bite into him and as the dog makes contact. He's gonna use thunder wave. Okay, sick Makes it unsafe. Yes. Does that push them because maybe they'll get pushed down the stairs? It does. It's a 10 foot push. Okay, they fail.
Starting point is 00:52:49 There we go. That is a 18 for the dog. Okay. That passes and a 12 for the enforcer. Fails for the enforcer. Okay. That's eight damage to the enforcer and I would like to hide myself in the smoldering wreckage of their clearly dead corpse.
Starting point is 00:53:09 The enforcer looks fine. Ah, that kind of hurts intruder. Wow, great guard dog you got there. Thanks. Okay, so the enforcer is push 10 feet back. Okay, I'll have a do a deck save to see because there's stairs everywhere. 21.
Starting point is 00:53:24 Oh. Oh my 21. Oh. Oh my gosh. You grab that handrail so hard. Thank God we have these things. In that case, I use my action for Thunderwaves. I'm gonna do a bonus action flurry of blows on the dog because I feel like they have an emotional attachment. Sweet.
Starting point is 00:53:41 Are you trying to hurt me? Thank you. I'm trying to hurt the person closest to you. I hate dogs. Soul hates dogs. Soul the character hates dogs. Oh, 25 to hit. Yeah, you just start beating the shit out of this robot dog. What are you doing? That's five damage. Okay. That's fine. I'll take my second attack. This is four of blows.
Starting point is 00:54:09 That's going to be 23 to hit. Hits. And that's another five damage. Okay. Stirring a chip away. Cool. And that's all I got. Sweet.
Starting point is 00:54:19 Call to that's your turn. You're invisible. You get advantage if you attack somebody. Great. On the first attack. I'm not gonna hit the dog. Okay, bold move. The enforcer.
Starting point is 00:54:28 Okay. That is a 26. Hits. 15 damage. So my second attack is without advantage. Without advantage, yeah. You appear from invisible swinging the sword down. Intruder's two intruders.
Starting point is 00:54:42 I'm just telling you to leash your dog. You are still intruding. The second attack is only a 12 misses blocks. I'm offended by you. After caulder, that is the enforcer's turn. The enforcer will take a crack at caulder. First attack, totally misses. That's a nine to hit.
Starting point is 00:55:04 Then I will repost, which is a little ability that I have. When somebody misses me, I can attack them with six. To melee attack. Yeah, this enforcer has an axe, swings down, you swoop out of the way and stab. And I did crit. Six.
Starting point is 00:55:20 Yeah. 20 damage. Things looking messed up. You see the bot starts sparking. I have a cat, a cat, a security cat, dog. I'm close. Who adopted who? I adopted the dog, adopted me.
Starting point is 00:55:34 I adopted a cat, intruder. I'm the intruder. You, you have to leave. Ha, ha, ha. After the enforcer, I'll say you hear Mark Oblin in your ear go, I'm seeing some security alerts near you. I'm going to go ahead and try to shut down as many as I can. I'm just gonna go ahead and make a hacking check. You hear the stomping from downstairs of the dudes who you guys had ran past, to it spotted you.
Starting point is 00:56:00 Stop running. Oh, there's basically a different, there's a different sensor for like immediate threat versus like general threat in the area. Look around. She can knock off things like, oh my, something trying to tap into the main system. Moby's good. I touched the huge gauge in my ear.
Starting point is 00:56:24 I said thank you mom. Under and then over and out. I turned it over and out. That's back up to Kelly. Great. So Kelly, I'll say you had just ducked in this doorway kind of waiting for these guys. But we're doing this.
Starting point is 00:56:38 So I want to go after the imposter. Sweet, enforcers looking pretty messed up. I adopted the dog. I got the dog from a robot breeder. Because of my stealth, can I... I hack with you. With advantage, doesn't know you're there. Nice.
Starting point is 00:56:53 It's a five and a three, absolutely. Oh, oh, oh. Jesus, the single we have 14 AC. Oh, really? So the five would be 14, because I have a plus nine. Then it hits, yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:03 Don't hesitate. It's not a real dog. Okay. I'm gonna use my last bardic Okay, hell yeah, can I do a mobile flourish? So I'm gonna push him Five plus the number I rolled feet. Okay. Yeah, okay, so 20 damage and I look super hurt. I push him 10 feet Okay, 10 feet. He'll do a dex save to not fall down the stairs. Passes 19. Oh my gosh. We got a try. There's so many marbles on the floor. How is he avoiding those? If only Murth let me throw my marbles down the stairs. That is the dog is the dogs turn dogs gonna keep biting it Saul first with the tongue attack only a 16 hit misses misses takes a bite
Starting point is 00:57:49 23 hits that does hit protection. Oh Throughout my umbrella. All right, you don't ever go after potato 19 I'm gonna be a potato no. Thank you so much. Whatever, but that's still it Ty no, thank you so much, Clifford, but that's still it's 19 exactly I Don't see that it failed because the umbrella is out So I just think I saved your life. Roll very poorly though bites you for a damage still up That is Solstern okay rough rough rough. Don't give me that
Starting point is 00:58:22 Just don't you know I see I see you trying to make those nice puppy dog guys at me that. Just, you know, I see you trying to make those nice puppy dog guys at me. Bark, yeah, it's not gonna work. So who adopted, who, you did, I did. This is the problem with dog owners. They're just so dependent upon their creatures. Yeah, so I was just gonna keep whaling on the dog, I think.
Starting point is 00:58:41 Cool. The phrase whaling on a dog is great. It's like he's really going out to this dog. Do you know that? I'm talking about it. Anyone listening to this show for the first time, this is part for the course. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:54 So all thanks back to like the entire summer at the water park, where a dog just like dragged him around like a toy. Just a dog kid. Adopt this. Oh yeah, it was actually. It was Just a dog kid. Adopt this. Oh yeah it was actually. It was absolutely dog kid. Yeah. Okay, that is going to be 23 hits. Great. You punched this dog right in the face. That's my third one. Jesus Christ. On the D6. Okay, that's going to be five damage. I'll take my second and start. just keep punching this metal thing in the face and just make your a loud clank as he bruises.
Starting point is 00:59:30 Maybe deep down inside you don't want the dog. It hurts when you grab my neck. Done. Done. Done. Yeah, the name was also done. There's a lot of dogs. You named your dog, Doug. All right, second attack. Here we go. That's going to also a dog. There's a lot of dogs. You named your dog, Doug.
Starting point is 00:59:45 All right, so I gotta talk. There we go. That's going to be a 22. Hits. Great. That's going to be seven damage. Seven damage? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:55 Saying still standing. Still standing, okay. But starting to smoke and glitch. Meow, meow. Oh, save it. Not helping your case. There was a cat that was very mean to me at the waterpark as well Calda that's your turn. I'm gonna use a bonus action
Starting point is 01:00:12 Flare blows. Yeah, go for it. Just a regular attack. I'm gonna save some key points. I don't know what's coming up That is going to be 13 13 hits okay There we go. That's gonna be nine damage Those monk numbers add up. Chippin' away. Things looking messed up, but it's still up.
Starting point is 01:00:31 Calder, that's your turn. Alright. The enforcers are still around, right? Correct. Uh, cool. You should leave your dog at home. This is what happens. I don't have a dog.
Starting point is 01:00:41 I don't like dogs. I love dogs. Who adopted who? You adopted me. Dad. I am't like dogs. I love dogs. Who adopted who? You adopted me. Dad. I am gonna put you out of your misery. Take my two attacks. That's a 23 and 13. The 23 hits. The 23 hits got it. 15 damage. You slice through the enforcer and slice into the Robo Dog who looks very fucked up. I think he adopted you.
Starting point is 01:01:08 I just think that's how it works. I just, head on the ground. I adopted me. You're free. Run. Go boy. Rolls off. Go on, kid.
Starting point is 01:01:20 That is Callie's turn. Okay. This dog is smoking and absolutely so fucked up. Um, I stand behind Saul, A.K., Potato, to attack the dog, but make it look like so. Okay. You can't have the summer conscious. Yes, you hear Albin here, Irgo. We finally got a video up.
Starting point is 01:01:37 Let's see what's going on out there. There's gonna be another three. We're at three? Yeah, three, which becomes a 12. 12 hits. Ah, ha, ha, which becomes a 12. 12 hits. Ah ha ha ha. I was almost relieved. Callie's about to put this dog down. Oh.
Starting point is 01:01:53 Take that dog boat. That was his full name. It was dog boat. That's 11 damage to the dog. Callie, do a deception check to make it look like it was. So. A bit of it helps Galenipur is the one killing this dog
Starting point is 01:02:07 a a a a a a a a a a a a a
Starting point is 01:02:15 a a a a a a a a a a
Starting point is 01:02:23 a a a a a a a a We finally got video up. Oh like Cali. What have you done? Cali that nice little robot dog. I think I'm trying to be friends with animals and Where it's a bad first day of that intention See Foster goes over and just starts packing at the cogs You know what made of that dog kit at the park had his own issue is that oh no You guys have destroyed the
Starting point is 01:02:49 Security box in this area. Um was there a dog tag on the dog? Yeah, what good I take it. Yeah, what did it say zero zero one zero? Zero zero one zero. That's a cute nickname. Oh you I wear it We'll never forget you Ulo That's a cute nickname. Oh you? Um, I wear it. We'll never forget you, Ulo. Alright. Alright. Alright.
Starting point is 01:03:11 Let's keep Ulo in our hearts and move on. Sweetie. Glentifer, thank you. Thank you for your help there. Uh, yeah. Yeah. I think what I did was a rowick. And I'm a hero.
Starting point is 01:03:23 No matter how messy things get or how much we suck, you're always heroes to me. I have to stream and die in my face, get in into my fake plastic smile. I mean, that's normal for you, but I understand how you feel, and I respect it. Killed a dog. The marbles was a cool move. Thank you. It's not canon. All right.
Starting point is 01:03:42 Here we go. Yeah. Thank you, it's not canon. All right. Here we go. Yeah, so you guys see that the door on the 56th floor here has been kicked off at hinges. The bent and narrowed door has a sign on it that reads restricted. And you see, beyond it is a long dark hallway. Oh, restricted. So we shouldn't go in, right?
Starting point is 01:04:01 Okay, I mean, can I use press the digitation to turn on these lights? Yeah, I'll say, I mean, can I use press the digitation to turn on these lights? Yeah, I'll say, Cali, as you reach your handout and you cast a spell to light the magic lanterns on the wall, you see that bright, white, arcing lanterns light up all down the hall. Do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do. They all turn up and you see that there is this like bright, bright, white light in here.
Starting point is 01:04:30 And you see the remains of like six security drones in here, like a bunch of bots all messed up. What sort of ends did they meet? Do I sense the lingering of any sort of spells or weapons? Yeah, go over and give me an investigation check. Nice. Do I sense the lingering of any sort of spells or weapons? Yeah, go over and give me an investigation check nice you walk in you do see that there is a Door at the end of the hall that looks like a reinforced iron door with like a small circular window Probably to some hidden lab or something like that deep within the deep within the ship. Okay, 15 investigation 15
Starting point is 01:05:07 Looks like they were bisected By like a sword. Okay. Okay. Any fallen dogs. Robo dogs, certainly, yeah. Okay, let's just follow the trail of failed gods. Great, you guys, should we flank up? Everyone back to back? Yeah, back to back, stealth, and if we can. Okay, you walked
Starting point is 01:05:25 on this hallway and you see that there is this iron door with a small circular window. You see a blue light beyond it. Can we peek in the window? You said there's a window. I like a sandwich. What's blue light mean? You see as you summon Alexander, on this level. You see she goes searching for information on redacted, redacted, redacted, restricted area. Thank you. I scoop her back up into my tummy that like a gerbil you're putting back on its cage. So Saul, go ahead and if you want to look in the window, go ahead and make a perception. Call her a little help. I boost Saul a little. Sorry, skin interesting.
Starting point is 01:06:14 That's a Nat Twinderson. Okay. Saul, I'll say then, the lights are off, but the entire thing glows with an eerie blue light coming from these big human-sized test tubes. This looks to be a bigger version of the lab ship that you guys were in before when they first tried to convert you guys to S-classes. Along the Eastern wall, there are rows of lockers. They look like something that a corner would have Like those drawers that keep bodies. Mm-hmm. You see the corner. I'm more exactly You see that there is a figure that has rolled out one of the drawers and is hunched over one of the bodies and and is hunched over one of the bodies and they are wearing a long red cloak. And with a nat 20 you do not alert them as you also you peek really quick. You see
Starting point is 01:07:13 this person and you get a pretty good lay of the land. All right, red cloak. Do I see a mask attached for the face? Yes, with a nat 20, you see that little points coming out. You see the like dragon elf masks are kind of ostentatious. Like I said, they kind of almost look like masquerade masks. So you do see the points of like little horns and things coming off the sides of her eyes. You can assume this is probably Beatrix. She is leaning over what you can assume.
Starting point is 01:07:44 Actually, with a fucking nat 20 perception check, she is leaning over what you can assume, actually with a fucking nat-20 perception check, she's leaning over a dead body. Can I see what sort of dead body it is? Do I know, do they have a man of stone in them? You do, you see that they have a monestone on the back of their hand. You see Beatrix's shoulders are kind of like heaving, like she's crying or something,
Starting point is 01:08:04 and you can assume that this is anothering, like she's crying or something, and you can assume that this is another soldier, like another S-class. I turn to Calline Calder and I say, I think this is a morgue for the casualties of the S-class massacre. I think we should let her have this moment. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:23 Because if we interrupt her in a vulnerable moment, she'll be more defensive. OK, you should count to 10, because there's not a lot of time, right? Yes, different. I know, but interrupting someone mid-sub, I mean, I know you do it with me all the time, but I'm a different kind of reading. I'm also at the worst part of my life.
Starting point is 01:08:41 I'm not even normally like this. But yeah, maybe we should let her. Yeah, so I'll say that Saul, you literally are the perfect person to look through a tiny window without anyone seeing because your eyes are literally on top of your fucking head. So just this little, this sphere comes up a little bit and you watch. And I'll say you even saw last time around.
Starting point is 01:09:03 Not only is there a body in this locker, you see that there are, they're trying to like preserve the people who were killed. You see people with like grievous wounds. Preserve or revive a thigh. Great question. And you see Beatrix is in one moment she's kind of like crying over it. And then another moment you see she just like punches through the locker. And then you see she turns and shakes her head and then looks up at the sky and starts laughing. Okay, that doesn't seem like a good moment to enter either.
Starting point is 01:09:38 So we're not gonna have a good moment. Yeah, ask Margot Blinifus anything, any last thing she wants to say before we run Davey with misbeautrex. Can you take over the comms and let her know we're coming in or something just to give her an advanced warning? I just feel like I'm bursting them in the doors, just gonna put her on the defensive real quick.
Starting point is 01:09:56 I think we just make a friendly little knock. Yeah, and we tell her we're buddies. She knows our faces. She's helped us before. Okay, you're right. You're right. I think all three of us hold up our hands to do a little. I want to do like Doesn't get friendlier than that. Go ahead and call to give me a persuasion check. Callie and call there. Got it really. And so
Starting point is 01:10:22 They don't have good persuasion Can a callie can do it if you want to use just one person persuasion? Can I give guidance? Yeah woman to woman that's doing this 22 Be a trick. Can I breathe on the window and write sorry to interrupt? Smart Wow, she turns and looks so that's how you're right, thieves can't. You see a dragon elf in a red mask with arcane ruby eyes sparkling behind them. She looks at the little window that you've just fogged up. She cocks her head as she reads it. Come in. Don't mind if we do. Ah! Come in.
Starting point is 01:11:06 Don't mind if we do. We're coming in. Come in. I put my umbrella down, put my hands over my head. Yeah, I put my palms out. Yeah, we do passive finger guns, which is open palm. She puts her hands out and then very swiftly. She's got her sword on her back, kicks it off her back and then in her hand and then twists with a smile and points it at you guys. Mother ship scone.
Starting point is 01:11:34 We should have taken off our uniforms. Another cadaver for the collection perhaps. Thought you recognized us. You have a helmet on. I take off my helmet, smearing all my makeup. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We're from Mark Oblin. Mark Oblin. I told her I didn't need any more friends. Do you see what happens to my friends?
Starting point is 01:12:00 She didn't send us his friends. She sent us his backup. Yeah, we're not friends. We're just folks who have the same mission as you. Oh, you have the same mission as me. I... I think I... Come and go. Do you? Yeah. Not from the same place, but the same end goal. Yeah, ultimately. You're about to laugh at me.
Starting point is 01:12:22 You destroy? Yeah. Everyone. Everyone defined the mothership. No. In the order of the emerald scale, everyone involved in this wretched conflict. Oh, the emerald scale. I know what that one is. That's Gl Glans. Who did you say?
Starting point is 01:12:50 Glan. He's a man who ripped my heart out in Tradonet. I know who Glanfier Glatwyn is. You see, in a flash, whew, she's right up in your face. Are you a friend? Too Glanf fear Gladewyn. No, if anything, I was a fucking toy. Hmm. We can vouch for her. We've heard the story many times.
Starting point is 01:13:13 It's so fucked up. It is fucked up. It's really shitty. Look, that's just, that's just, put everything on the table. We are here with the express purpose of getting rid of the S-Class transformation program. That is what we're here to do. That is what Mark Obernest tasked us with, and we are the ones who almost got turned. We were in tubes. We saw you from those tubes.
Starting point is 01:13:38 My tube, friends, I recognize your eyes. Where are your friends? Totally tubular. I do the shotgun. I do a hang loose, but the wrong direction is going in that. It looks like a little baby Yoda. Who is that? It's from a graphic novel. A cool little green guy.
Starting point is 01:13:56 Not me, another cool little boy. I hate little green guy. Okay, well, we're here because of you. You spared us in those tubes. And ever since that moment, we've realized how terrible everything is, how bad mothership is, how awful and rotten this entire bubble can be. And we're trying to fix it. We're trying to help. I can't help it.
Starting point is 01:14:21 Why do you want to destroy the Emerald Scale? Because they killed my dragon. I am the last of the Ruby Scale. I joined Mother Ship to get revenge. And all I got were more enemies. What is your relationship with the Emerald Scale? I met them at a very vulnerable time in my life, and it was convenient for them, and not so much for me. Gotting a meal at Prisvacenchuk with the advantage. Nineteen. She nods, and she seems like she can relate to that.
Starting point is 01:15:02 We trusted them, but some there wished to rule the living wood. How's it they kill your dragon? Treachery. Lavax was her name. She was wise and merciful. It was the latter that got her killed. She raised me and the others. We had enemies amongst the dragon elves. There are struggles for power. One of our rivals was the order of the Sapphire scale, the blue dragon elves. I remember them. Kallia, you remember the blue dragon elves dealing with the green ones, by being aligned with them.
Starting point is 01:15:54 The Sapphire scale had a blue dragon, their dragon and ours were mortal enemies, and they attempted to destroy us. The order of the Emerald scale, the green dragon elves were not even a blip on our radar. Their dragon was young, barely more than a wormling was born on the material plane hatched in the living wood. But they are crafty, I will give them that. They were under attack by the Sapphire scale, they sought shelter with us, and they betrayed us.
Starting point is 01:16:33 The Sapphire and the Emerald Scale. It was a masquerade. Indeed, pillaged our village, destroyed, laverics, and any faith I had in the Dragon Elves. And so I turned to MotherShip. And you see, she motions around the room. And here, I'm not even an enemy. I'm not even an enemy force. What are we, were lab rats? I think that we all, all of us, followed the false promise of mothership and found it equally wanting.
Starting point is 01:17:11 Yeah. But that's why we kind of want to prevent what happened to you and your friends from happening to people like us. We don't have to be friends. We can be allies. We have a common cause, a common enemy. We've got more than that. We've got a plan. I pull out the special jammer.
Starting point is 01:17:34 You see she looks at it and she smiles. You see the glow of the green jam on the end of it on her face. And she goes, what do you plan on doing with that? Because I was just going to burn this lab to the ground. You can burn this lab to the ground. Honestly, I've seen enough of the Insighted as Lab to know that it needs to be burned. But we need to find the core of Alexandraite so that we can erase every mention, every concept, every coded reference to S class from her memory so that we can never make any more of them.
Starting point is 01:18:09 Very well, you've convinced me. I will take you to Alex Handryte's core and we will have the flames of this lab licking at our back. All right. She goes so strong, we cannot disagree with you. You see as she goes to light a torch, you hear not so fast. Out of three nearby test tubes, you see star don't. Pfft.
Starting point is 01:18:38 Jazz learn. Pfft. And Todd. Take it out. Oh fuck. But they were in the tubes. You see Todd. They were in like closed off ones that were. But they were in the tubes. You see Todd, they were in closed off ones
Starting point is 01:18:46 that were nearby in the back of the room. You see Todd comes out and goes, being S-Class is an honor, and you four have squandered it. Are you S-Class? Are you A-Class? I forget. As you say that, you see StarDunk and Jazzler
Starting point is 01:19:01 are looking around the room, looking kind of concerned, and you see StarDunk pulls out aler are looking around the room, looking kind of concerned, and you see StarDunk pulls out a transmitter and patina glen bottle appears. And StarDunk looks and goes, um, man, we have engaged the enemy, but we're in a strange lab. It's not the one we were put under in. What's going on? And patina goes, hello, everyone.
Starting point is 01:19:22 Ah, finally, all of my S-classes in one room. StarDunk dear, don't lose your composure when we're so close to victory. Remember, your objective is to secure- I put my hand- No, I put my hand- The four of you, including Beatrix, buckle, as you feel a piercing your head, but it does not take over your body because the conversion was not successful on you guys. Damn right.
Starting point is 01:19:46 However, you see the fear and doubt. Leave star-dung and jazdlers bodies as they suddenly straighten up. Their eyes go cloudy and their faces are expressionless. You see the bodies in the nearby test tubes begin twitching as a bunch of these S-class soldiers smash through. You see Beatrix looks out at them, goes, no, no! Jassler, Stardunk, drop to an E, point at Todd, who strikes a pose in the middle.
Starting point is 01:20:19 Dedicated to our city's protection, committed to our enemy's detection. Go, go, team Texians. Teched in, sir. Go, not the moment, guys, not the moment. And that's where we'll end ourselves. Oh, what? I have four HP.
Starting point is 01:20:36 Oh, I should have taken three spells left. Oh, boy, oh, boy. I guess that be a trick here. Do you have be a trick? How how many goddamn S class are in this Well, they are like zombie some of them are like, you know cut in half so all the Protection cut in half zombie S class They go, yeah, but you got Beatrix on your side of the trick Kind of zipping around the world. I'll just do help actions for Beatrix. Well
Starting point is 01:21:03 Sweet guys, thank you all so much for listening. You can head on over to slash nad pod that's any ddpod. Looking towards the end. I want to unpack the dog stuff. That's a really good call. Does anybody have anything they'd like to plug? I've been reading book called The Goblin Emperor. It's kind of like a regency that takes place in the unceilig Court. It's like very, very much courtly drama, but it reminds me of daughter of the Empire of like a person thrust into a position of leadership and fumbling their way through, but I've just been enjoying it. I've been listening to it.
Starting point is 01:21:40 I think it's called the Goblin Emperor. That sounds incredible. That sounds very nice. I'll quickly plug Carpenter Brute. That's a band you can listen to. They're really cool. They are basically like a gunship. Would you plug the while back? But kind of a little more like heavy metal version of a gunship. So like real fun if you're just trying to work or work out.
Starting point is 01:21:59 But I've also got some PO box plugs if y'all are into that idea. Yes. Sam R and Ashley L sent Emily a copy of their new book, A Inver in the Junk. Oh, really? Oh, as well as a tarot reading and some other goodies. Yes, they give me the strength card. Ooh, sick haul.
Starting point is 01:22:17 Very cool. Very nice. You're bound to that card. See, Christopher J. Pebblepots and his three cans of G. Fuelsonic peach rings. Oh, Christopher J. Pebblepots sent us three cans of G. Fuel Sonic peach rings. Oh God. We're all drinking it now and unfortunately there's only two bathrooms here. Thank you, Christopher. John B sent us maple syrup they made along with their friend, Glenn. Hey, I don't know what this glens up to, but they made good maple syrup, so we're going to give
Starting point is 01:22:44 them a pass. Oh, the maple syrup, so we're gonna give them a pass. Oh, the maple syrup is so good. I put it into my matches in the morning. And then also drizzle it on my like chia seed porridge. It's so good. That sounds delicious. Oh my gosh, you're living a syrup life. Yeah. Parker M. sent us a copy of their thesis about the effect of temperature changes on the yeast growth during the fermentation of beer. Very cool. Mac would be proud. It is a thick document, but yes.
Starting point is 01:23:08 It is, you basically have like crafted a thesis about the magic of making beer. So you are an honorary beer druid, you're clear. Justin in a K.A. brother, Turk is Stone Hunter. And also, just want to give a special shout out to Ryan S, who is included in their note. They wanted to say thank you to Justin for getting them into NAD pod.
Starting point is 01:23:28 And thank you, friend, for preaching our gospel. Tasty in is, H, send us some nice, possum facts. Adam G, send us a lovely Calvin and Hobbs themed postcard from Japan. Happy New Year, Adam. Oh. So thank you again, Parker, for that cool document. We're excited to read it.
Starting point is 01:23:44 And then, of course, do a peer review and decide whether or not you will be awarded your doctorate. So look forward to that. And thank you to everyone that sent us stuff in the PO box, 1920, Hillhurst Avenue, number two to two, Los Follies, California. Sweet, anything Jake?
Starting point is 01:24:01 I'll plug my mom's book. I'm like a media, check out, check out Dispure Home. It's a YA novel. It's on Amazon. Dispure, get out. We got some live shows coming up, slash live. We're coming to LA, we're coming to Portland.
Starting point is 01:24:15 We got stuff from the air. Not a lot of tickets left for Vancouver. That's right. Yeah, those fast. Please check that out. You can follow us on social media, the way we're not used at CHMRIFUSME, at Call DeezCalleBall, at Extra Assembly, and at CheckerWords' Jake.
Starting point is 01:24:28 You can tweet about the show using hashtagnadpod that's N-E-D-D-P-O-D. We are, we are, the earth of the nation, we are, we are, the earth of the nation. Okay, okay, okay. It's time to thank our benevolent counsel of elders starting with Brad D. Jeffrey S. QC, later Mick Skater, Matt M. Jordan DJ, Cutter W. Jill and Tucker who want to help Jake move out. Dungeon Mama, Danielle the Dastardly Dame, Beard Mandan, Scott D, Danny P, Michael McDee, Vincent W, Miss Turr Cole, Victor T, Balnor's Boy Forever, Dominic Person, Andrew B, Justin I, Ragnar Faredwind, TJ M, Alina M, Traylae the Cray Faye, Jared E, Christopher B, Damial
Starting point is 01:25:23 R, Cyborg version of Josh the Cobalt, Buff Danny Elfman, very nice. Richard X Machina, Michael L. Calum L, Jack L, Sam L, lots of L's. Nicholas C. Thaddeus Thundress Turtle, Samuel B. Mike H. Martin P. Matthew E. Colton B. Way cooler than Angry Wheat. Adam G. Tyler F. Nebadger. Panema James. Andrew the Bard. Captain sigil. Diana C.C. Lulu. Michelle O. Hericule Poirot.
Starting point is 01:25:57 The Rabbit Folk Detective, of course. Timmy R. Croc Aholic Lucas B. Rayco. It's Kevin. Calder's cold cum can't stop me. Here they are. New York. Casse. Skateboard. Casse. Steven C. Michael M. Mike K. Lady Taco. Joy T. Nara. Whit and Wimsey. Jake L. Nick W. Brave the Badger.
Starting point is 01:26:23 Esme M. Mutton, the mad druid, has been trying to undo his friend who has been stuck Jake L. Nick W. Brave the Badger, Esme M. Muttin, the mad druid, a has been trying to undo his friend who has been stuck is a polymorphed sheep for three weeks. Foster, the original boneless duck, Veronica P. Aaron, the asshole ranger, Raza G. Big bad beard of the mad, Eric Mick D Giant Monsters on the horizon, Burley Tee, Percival, Frederickson, Van Mussel, Kloewowski, D. Rolo, V3rd, Christian A, Olivia K, J, Dragonborn, Joro, the Inapropo, Cody B, Liam D, the Sandrayon, Ben A, Feldonis, John III, Dave H, Vivian Kovala Bear Catherine S David K Christian S. Rebecca G Dustin S Connor F Hawkeye Pierce Book Vars Assistant Izzy F the time walker Blair the bug Blair Bar Blair and Kat C Kelsey J pork chop aerial the occasional mermaid
Starting point is 01:27:21 Selina N. A. K. A. Velaicy Raptor Ariel, the occasional mermaid, Selena N.A.K.A., a lacy raptor, Minette the Magnificent Magic Carp, Pat L, a Chuta A, Lauren H, Amber W, Joshua D, the Bone Duster, the charming fluff, Robert Crisp, Master Brentley, Telekitty Creations, the official NAD pod in my personal favorite illustrator, Plous, Carly A, Addy K, Amber, Laurie P, hashtag end callers coldcom, hashtag rise against the snowy spunk. Spam gaming the not so skis well actually, whoa, update. Spam gaming the submarine sailor who saw the eagle. There we go.
Starting point is 01:28:02 Grant L. Conor Savage, Christopher J. Peppelpot, Logan S. Leviathan, Bioquart 7 Remington CD, Amber Dexterius, Sullivan, H. Trub Hop Drop or Sidney T. Jack H. King of the Mole City, Under Iron Deep, A. Frex, Hashtag No Censorship, Hashtag Pro CCC. I think I know what that stands for. Gerbal the moist juicy kiwi singing Lucy in the sky with diamonds and deminer. Champ wild, Vailen, Sprite Pepsi, Carlin Sea. Louis is your centaur dad. Armadon the only Emily as Harry C Chloe L. no of the bagel of all things. Estelle I owe a Thea theger, nailed it, I'm sure. Conflicted DM, Justin, LB, Torley, Skirmisher, Dandy, E&D, Bunny, Hashtag, Claudius did
Starting point is 01:28:53 nothing wrong, Hashtag, Frogpile, Sucks, Marcos P, Pup, Kalish, Learn the Balance, Druid, Dakota, JP, Frida, M, Pagos, The Self-Proclaimed Bay Prince, Tracy P. the Crick L. F. Librarian, Friar, Frisid, Andy E. Holly H. Anthony A. Kristen Z. Leah C. Page H. Ryan Irfy, fully supports Calder's Coldcom, hashtag CCC4lifeSpeld with a Y. Of course, Kristen with a K, Cal just Cal, Commodore Galaxy, Edison and Russell H, a monk named Dilgo, yes the whole thing, yes every time, Nios the novice monster hunter, my new friend Simon, who I met last night in Dreamland, he was a little sad at first, he seemed to think we'd met before, interesting. Morgan M. A. P. St sticker. Stephen E. Mr. Adams
Starting point is 01:29:46 Meg the male carrier of Bahumia. James F. Jimmy A. Hyman Hyman. Yeah, that's me. Captain Kappy M4L. The dragon ambassador. Wayfarer inventor of the SS Storm Bjorn. Andrew B. Dalton B. Cope Fresh. Barpo. Good Barrel, Bard, Beryon, and Brewer Emeritus of Waterdeep, Tari Rhymes with Jabari, Welshlander, Garrett G, One Big Curred, Eric M. Mr. D. John P. Mr. Silly Head, Monster Captain Renee S. Cameron C. Hoops daggers, the only dagger of Hopes. Nope, Hopes, nope, okay, here we go. Hopes, dagger, the only dagger of Hopes. Nailed it, on the third or fourth try. Olivia, the enchanting bard, who will totally be making money off the duck team tails
Starting point is 01:30:37 with and on the go, all the stops show. Blue, Slade, Michelle, Arr, Albin, Alibasteraster Aftermath, Hashtag worth $200. Salam Sticky, Saus, Hashtag, CCC, Double Down, Kaliapis, Cumulow, Cumblast, Hashtag, CCC, Forever, Riley S. Sirsig, 93, FICO, Melvin the Moon Town, the Moon Tan, of course. No one is cooler than Angry Wheat, especially not the front half of a horse costume. Aruuusha, an enacrust, an enachronistic enigma. Of course, the game itself and lastly, and easily, Emily. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:31:15 you

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