Not Another D&D Podcast - Eldermourne - Ep. 40: The Girl with the Silver Hair

Episode Date: November 13, 2021

The Third Mates have it out with Cain! Hank confronts his shadow daddy, Zirk plots his revenge, and Fia meets her match.  Support us at to get access to the after-show ...and a bunch of other Naddpod content! Music / Sound Effects Include: "Fire" by TheBoatman at "A Wizard's Tournament" by Emily Axford. "Unknown Tome" by Emily Axford.  "The Purge" by Emily Axford.  "Balnor the Brave" by Emily Axford. "Spare the Spritely" by Emily Axford. "Soul Coins" by Emily Axford. "The Lonely Autumn" by Emily Axford. "A Memory" by Emily Axford. "Hospitable" by Emily Axford. "Gunvar" by Emily Axford. "Gutless" by Emily Axford. "Kingshammer" by Emily Axford. "All I Need is One Thread to Spin a Web" by Emily Axford.  "A Fate Refused" by Emily Axford. "A Friend for Life" by Emily Axford.  "Irina" by Emily Axford.  See for privacy information. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:01:20 with brush processing. Code P-A-W-P-A-W. Goodbye, Sweeties. Hey, everybody. Murf here with a quick announcement. The finale of Elder Morn is next week, but it will not be out on Thursday. It will be out on Saturday, November 20th. Before we post it to the main feed,
Starting point is 00:01:39 we will be streaming it live on slash NADPOT at 8 p.m. Eastern 5 p.m. Pacific. That Saturday, November 20th at 8 p.m. Eastern 5 p.m. Pacific at slash n a d d p o d. Listen to it live with the community. It's going to be a thick soad. We also still have tickets available to some of our live shows, but they are almost sold out, so get those quick. We've got Minneapolis, Seattle, and San Francisco still available. Go to slash live to get your tickets on with the show. Welcome to the campaign after the campaign after the campaign.
Starting point is 00:02:20 This is not another D&D podcast. This is not another D&D podcast Welcome back to elder moor and everybody I'm your dungeon master Brian Murphy joined by Jake her wets can't crit can't hit for shit Off of the worst performance in that butt history, that is zero. Did we ever make jokes about us doing a press conference? Oh, yeah. We did on the short rest.
Starting point is 00:02:54 Just did not execute. Did not execute the game plan. And then of course, we've got. Just have weeks like this. We have all the tools we just didn't show up. And then of course, we've got Emily Axford. Feeling pretty very after getting her ass handed to her by the summer fairy Feeoboginio. Oh, you know, just fundamentals. Gotta go back to fundamentals. Gotta go back to fundamentals. And then the final shamed athlete of the Shitriot called Well Tanner. A sunburned son of a gun
Starting point is 00:03:25 who's feeling silly as I yearn for my sweet sweet belly. It is certain. Oh, and I really think that we've got a lot left to give this season. We've got to leave it. This season's not over, okay? It's not over. We're weeping in.
Starting point is 00:03:40 Romance is into the intro, so. Literally summer isn't over. We're still on the summer wing. That is correct. Yeah, you need to give us at least 10 more episodes to make up for this. Yeah. I'll let you guys fight some bully wugs.
Starting point is 00:03:57 Yeah, I'm just gonna wait for you guys to have some bully wugs just to build up our confidence. Can we have a propal game? Yeah, you guys just take way too long to kill them, you keep missing them even though they only have 14 ACs or something. We just do nonstop bully log until we gain another level because we're so weak of spirit.
Starting point is 00:04:18 I think that would be very good pacing. I think everyone would love it. Sweet guys, let's go ahead and do a little recap. So last time the third mate's received a message from Batilda via the Guardians of the Grove book She then pulled you to a demiplane-ar meeting with Kenley and Walder The latter of whom warned you that Kenley had misled you The vampire Smith had failed to mention that your quest was quite similar to two that he had been on before, both ending with children of the trickster unlocking their powers
Starting point is 00:04:55 and going mad. Walter was convinced that Sarah Nesis would end up the same and urged you not to put the crown on arena. Kenley apologized sort of for his lack of transparency. Just sort of a due to apology. But sorry you took it that way. Yeah. I'm sorry I heard you. I'm sorry if you were offended. If you were. If you were. But Kenley apologized for his lack of transparency, but insisted that his way was the only way. Without serenesis, you could not sort the lost souls. You ultimately agreed with Kenley, but took with you a heavy disillusionment for the blades.
Starting point is 00:05:40 Back on the summer ring, you stumbled upon Cain, battling Callista the Cruel. And that's where we'll end. Yeah, I think that's a good idea. Yeah, I think that's a good idea. Okay, I feel like I'm going to be late. The video's absolutely bloodless because he's no one. Right.
Starting point is 00:05:58 Cain offered a truce explaining that he also wanted to kill Moxora. He also told Fia that Bookfar had been saved, presumably by Arena. You put your differences aside and fought alongside him. I use the term fought very liberally. He's still going behind. You guys were absolutely here. Wobbed? In the end though, you were able to tip the scales just enough.
Starting point is 00:06:26 Like two equally weighted sides of a scale, and then a couple little turd flies land on the one side to get to. We are victorious. You guys are victorious. That's what we bring. You tipped the scales just enough for Kane to win the duel. Let's face it. It was a duel
Starting point is 00:06:49 Kane then created a circle in the sand and invited you to join the circle of trust Seeing if you could work out a deal and that's where we are now All right, okay So Kane has just made the circle in the sand with his sithe. You see he's made this blue flame in his hand. You see he grabs Calista's discarded bow and he cracks it over his knee, throws in the middle of the circle, lights it with the blue flame and you see this campfire, a lights and you see Kane sets his side down and he sits down next to it and he goes...
Starting point is 00:07:36 Strange bidfillows. We prefer to sleep in a trench. Yeah, trench fellows actually. All right. Listen, you were pretty flashy back there. And I think we all got a little heated in the fog of battle, but here's the thing. Make it excuse the sprites. Yeah. Yeah, what he said. We all got a little fluster, but here's the thing. Everything was crazy out there. I think we We get all agree. I saw you missed twice one turn. So I we all had bad turns. Yeah. Yeah. But we're still not friends. We're not allies. Maybe we can help each other. But I'll never forgive you for what you did. Okay. Yeah. You know, you tried to cut me. What the hell was that all? Oh, yeah. Huh? You literally cut you so hard to form to another guy.
Starting point is 00:08:26 Yeah, you stabbed me. Yeah, Shank pops up. Yeah, you birthed me, Sordom. Wow, Shank, you're my mom, the shadow dad. Shit. You see, Shank, with a heavy moment for Shank. Yeah, Shankler's conflicted. You still gave, we all have patterns problems. You see Cain kind of tilts his head at you and goes, Oh, right, yeah. Yeah, I sort of remember you now.
Starting point is 00:08:58 I remember this magic. Sort of. What the hell happened? Well, um, you were just sort of wrong place, wrong time. I was in West precinct with Moxora and I sensed this guy who was dripping with trickster magic. Oh, because of Lianora. And what exactly were you trying to do to him?
Starting point is 00:09:27 Yes, did you mean to do this? Oh, to make a magic shadow? No, I was trying to kill you. Got it. Okay, cool. Shink, this is not your mom. All right, I'm going back. So Mr. Henry, just step to the side and you made a sentient shadow that happens to be reflect different lifetimes of this man
Starting point is 00:09:49 Accident all accident you see just an oopsie on your part then, huh? Kane Kane trucks his shoulders and goes Look I see sprites. I see something that's of the trickster. I Try to take it out God, I's so cool. I'm back then not liking him at all. You guys kind of realize in this moment, like, Cain didn't do anything magical
Starting point is 00:10:12 to make Shank show up. What happened was, Cain was essentially trying to kill Hank, but in a way that first got rid of the trickster magic and just happened to like half sever the curse You know what I mean? So it's like instead of it being this thing that was hidden from Hank where he's like reborn all the time It's like one of his lives essentially, you know, essentially he got like a double it like half broke the curse I think okay shanky he kind of is your mom
Starting point is 00:10:44 All right, well, you know what mom, you owe me an apology. Yeah. Yeah. I'm not gonna give you an apology. I mean, at least apologize to Zorky. So selfish. Alright, look, I don't want to be friends. You all call yourselves blades. I dedicated my life to that order, and I lost my family, and all I got in return were half truths and empty promises. Wait a second, guys. Didn't, didn't Walter also leave the plates? Is this what he said? Yeah. You see, Kane kind of doesn't react, and you would think Kane probably wouldn't know
Starting point is 00:11:31 who Walter was. Walter seems to have just left the blades as like ideological differences with the way that Ken Lee ran things. You guys saw in the flashback with Owen, Kane straight up tried to kill Batilda and Batilda killed him. Okay, I grit my teeth, but I also picture Batilda besting him. And that gives me enough sort of like puff in my chest to continue this conversation.
Starting point is 00:12:07 just to continue this conversation. And I think I just kind of like, look, when it comes to the blades, we strive for an oath to protect a person. I'm not here to debate the ideology of the blades or the merit of the policies they have enacted. This is not interesting to me. I have a person I am trying to protect. I have people. I am trying to protect and that is what we are here for. So why is it that you are wanting to go after Maksora? And do you know her real name? I know her real name now. And that's the problem. Why does that change anything? Because I joined her to get out of all this trickster bullshit. And I found out she's not who she says she is.
Starting point is 00:12:53 But she's just more trickster bullshit. Exactly. I heard her one night while she was trying to extract information from your friend. See, it extends its hand to Euphia. Bookfar? If that's his name, the kid? He is his name. His name is Bookfar.
Starting point is 00:13:16 What did you do to him? What did I do to him? I didn't do shit to him. What did you hear? You should be proud of your friend because he didn't tell her shit. I'm always proud of Bookthorn. And because he didn't tell her shit, she had to try to level with them.
Starting point is 00:13:34 She told him the truth about her identity that she wasn't a Reaper priestess, that there wasn't actually even a Reaper to worry about. That she was actually one of the daughters of the trickster that she was actually a rena sister that she was a friend. So what does that mean? Me coming back, her fived by the Reaper, all smoking mirrors, another fucking trick to serve their purposes. And you see, actually,
Starting point is 00:14:14 everybody going to me inside checks as he talks. 21. 24. I'm going to see three, damn. With your guys in side checks, when he says another trick to serve their purposes, there is so much venom in that.
Starting point is 00:14:34 And you think about it, you kind of acknowledge that the idea that only one blade in one smith would know about Cerenesis and they would keep this from the rest of the blades is like kind of messed up, but it seems crazy that that alone would make someone kill their comrades. It seems like there's more going on here.
Starting point is 00:14:59 When he talks about the trickster, Spittle comes out of his mouth. Yeah. As he talks about it. I think the spittle comes out of his mouth as he talks about it. I think that he is kind of looking at this and she's like seeing this person who like almost, they're anglers amplified because they so desperately want to serve something and nothing is worthy of their service. And I think that she's like a little bit feeling maybe almost like sympathy bordering on empathy for this
Starting point is 00:15:28 and I think she's going to just like soften and just kind of say like, if I may, what happened to your family? Because I, your anger at the trickster reminds me of my anger at the Reaper and it's because of the people that the Reaper took from me. He nods and he goes, well I guess it goes back to when I join the blades. I join the blades for the same reason. Anybody wants to join the blades to get out of their podunk town, to kill monsters, and to live a life of excitement. When I left home, my brother Caleb was only three years old, and I barely saw him until he grew up to be a teenager.
Starting point is 00:16:31 But anytime I did see him, he told me that he wanted to be a blade, just like me. About 15 years down the road. My parents died while I was traveling doing my plate business. Villagers told me Caleb started seeing sprites gathering outside his window soon after. He thought they were trying to lead him to his big brother, the blade. trying to lead him to his big brother the blade. So one day he packs up all his stuff and he follows him into the woods. He gets lost. And I don't know if y'all ever been to But those in her meronites can get mighty cold. He didn't make it to morning. When I found out the circumstances of his death, I thought it was my fault, that I had missed
Starting point is 00:17:41 some kind of sign, so I spoke to a Smith who could communicate with Sprites and I asked her what they told Caleb. You know what it was that got my brother killed. What? Tell us. They wanted to play. I just about left the blades right then. But your buddies, Matilda, and Arthur, Convince me it was just a tragedy. The Sprats are children. They don't know any better. I kept my oats, but I kept that chip on my shoulder too. It made it easier for Moxora to manipulate me. But you know what? I don't regret a damn thing. I would kill them again. My life never
Starting point is 00:18:51 meant anything. Caleb's life never meant anything. Heredicia, the blades, all of them, manipulators, the sprites aren't children there many fucking Gods flying around doing whatever the fuck they want and what are you gonna do about it? What am I gonna do about it just sit around a campfire and complain sit around a campfire and complain You'd be dead in the sand if it wasn't for me I'm gonna stick a side in heredicia's gut and then I'll do the same thing to your friend because they're all the same Kane Hey, the sprites didn't kill you brother the cold did
Starting point is 00:19:32 It's not their fault He he's a victim of the circumstance that that made him believe that he should go outside the blades were right It was a tragedy who are you gonna blame the The people who told you the truth? That it was awful and sad or the person that used your pain to manipulate you to do something you never should have done. Henko, heading to me a persuasion truck. 14. Okay, Kane thinks about this for a second and Tilt's his head and it's one of those situations where someone is in an argument and they kind of know they're wrong, but they're just not
Starting point is 00:20:21 going to back down. There's just too much resentment there. And you see, he shakes his head and he goes, you sound just like them. Yeah, I thought you might say that. Well, what are our shared purposes? Heredicia and serenesis are monsters. Blades kill monsters Let's I am sorry. I'm going to stop you right there. I do not share that purpose
Starting point is 00:20:54 Alright Yes, I'm gonna to want to see That's gonna take Go ahead and give me are you trying to do it without Kane noticing? Yes, okay Go ahead and give me just go ahead and give me, are you trying to do it without Kay noticing? Yes. Okay, go ahead and give me a slight of hand or deception check. That's a 21. Great.
Starting point is 00:21:12 You pop it, as you guys are taking the short rest, does not seem like he notices Hank doing what he's doing. I need to do it too, but I don't have a, I don't have a slight of hand, but I don't have a slide of hand. I'm just going to. Can I make a distraction using flash of genius? Flash of genius would add five to it. I'm going to go ahead and roll mine.
Starting point is 00:21:33 OK. I got a 10. OK. Do you say flash of genius? Yeah. Then a 15. Mine's going to be a 19? Okay.
Starting point is 00:21:46 Hank starts to eat his. Cirque starts to eat his. Fie goes to eat hers. Can't hold his hand up. Grab your wrist. And goose. Now what are you doing here in the circle of trust? Is some kind of...
Starting point is 00:22:03 Bullshit, you're trying to pull on me? I'm sorry, you're asking to work with me. You see how fucking exhausted I am during that fight. I'll go to Papa Seed to give myself energy and somehow it is offensive to you. I am no help. Why do you need energy? Because I need, we're taking a short rest right now and this is when I eat my seed. Go ahead and give me a deception check. Okay, just know that it's- You're not gonna let her eat a seed? It's just a seed. Six minus one becomes a five.
Starting point is 00:22:33 Um, you see, things suddenly become tense. And he goes, I've been leveling with you all. Yes, I'm fine. I thought you might be different. Spit out the fucking seeds. I'll probably swallow them. They take a short rest to work. That's fine.
Starting point is 00:22:55 I am just not going to waste the seed. I think I'm just like, look, Kane, I have to tell you, Cirenesis is currently inhabiting my best girlhood friend's body. I cannot make a pledge. I will not lie to you that I am not going there to fucking protect her and that is who I fucking care about. I don't care about this blade shit. I don't care about all this fucking ideology. I care about Irina, Henry, Zirk, Philip, Sprydl, Spony and Bokvar. Okay, put it on a fucking shirt. She- I held my breath while she said Spony. Uh, he smirks and he goes, Finally some fucking honesty from a blade.
Starting point is 00:23:42 I'll tell you what, we can do this right now. And I'll just swing my sawdh, and we'll see who's got the most left in the tank. Or you give me one of those seeds, and we have a fair fight. Or we take out her adeasy and sereniesis together, but I ain't letting those gods command us anymore. I look to Henry and Sirc because I know I'm speaking from what's personal to me and I'm letting them know if you need to tackle me, tackle me. And I say, look, you don't understand. I don't know where Sirenesis begins, and Arena ends. Sirenesis is just off the fucking table for me. Sometimes, things have to collide for progress to be made.
Starting point is 00:24:35 There needs to be a catalyst, there needs to be explosions for growth to occur. And I've talked with enough people in my life, whose minds can't be changed, and I know they're not worth dealing with. Zart gives him the seed. He takes the seed. And as you chew that, I'm going to tell you something, your soul exhausted with these half truths. And here is a truth that we learned.
Starting point is 00:25:00 All the souls of the dead are overcrowding the afterlife and they need someone to sort them and that means that your beloved Caleb is stuck and it is only with the help of someone like Cironesis that he can find his final rest. Is this the kind of hero your brother wanted you to be? I know, I saw my father. He stuck. It doesn't matter what kind of life they led. They're stuck.
Starting point is 00:25:32 It doesn't matter how sweet Caleb was. He stuck. You got a second chance. Caleb could have a second chance too. You see, this is the first thing that seems to really get through to him. He looks rocked, stairs forward, kind of let's down his defenses.
Starting point is 00:25:56 And here's what I'm gonna say. Guys, go ahead and roll a group persuasion check. Hanca already did a pretty good job, so we'll say we'll add, instead of your guys abysmal charisma modifier, we'll say, we'll do, we'll add half of Hanca's last persuasion check. So he got a 14, so it'll be plus seven to this roll.
Starting point is 00:26:17 Oh, okay, feeling charismatic. This is our one moment. Okay, Am, go ahead and roll it. 17. 17, so plus plus seven that is a 24 17 so this is what it's like to be popular You guys see Kane just stares forward and goes You think Caleb soul it's one of the ones that's
Starting point is 00:26:47 Austin's double-dare I You think Caleb's soul is one of the ones that's lost and doubled our? I know it. That's not a half truth. We've seen them. We've seen them. It's everyone. There's not like a waiting list or anything. They're all stuck. It is a guarantee.
Starting point is 00:27:03 Take our deal. Fight Heredicia with us and give via space. And that's Caleb's best shot. It is true because if we get rid of Syrenesis and Heredicia, then there is no one that can sort the souls. Say for the elder or the reaper or the trickster coming back, but they're gone. They've probably created entire new worlds. The knowledge that she could depart to us
Starting point is 00:27:38 could potentially lead to a world where we know how to manage the souls. This is the first time where we've had such direct control over how the cycle goes. This is a chance that we can't squander, and you can decide now, if you want to stand with us, or if you want to let the past
Starting point is 00:27:59 and your grief consume you. Please change your mind. We do share a purpose. If it's not amenable to you, I am okay to go our separate ways. I will not try to hurt you. You can pursue your purpose. In the interest of being honest, because there's so little of that, I wouldn't trust me around serenesis. I mean, you're basically saying exactly what I said to my friends, which is I wouldn't trust me around Irina, because I'll do something foolish for her. I'm going to let you go your way.
Starting point is 00:28:45 And at the end, if you were right, you make sure Caleb gets where he was supposed to go, and then we don't have a problem. I can promise you, Svaira and Time Devil, that my heart wishes for all these lost souls to be returned. See, he'll descend out, and if he doesn't go where he needs to go, we're gonna have our fight. I spit down my hand in a respectful way and smush it against his. Uh, you shake his hand. You feel this, like, Spryddle doesn't come out or anything. In fact, Spryddle is fucking terrified of the Prophet King. Right? You feel it, Zirk.
Starting point is 00:29:34 The Prophet King... Spryddle was killed. Yes. By the Prophet King. Was fully killed by the Prophet King. Um, but you do feel some kind of magic binding him to you. And he goes, we'll have words if this doesn't work out. You are fully invited to kick my ass. We'll keep an Spins his side around, throws it in the sand.
Starting point is 00:30:07 You see he walks off. I fucking relax for the first time in the fucking world. I don't feel good about that. That sucked. No, that sucked, but you know what? Everything sucks, and it will continue to suck. And it's our job to make it suck just a little less. The thing is, with us doing nothing,
Starting point is 00:30:32 we're completely fucked. Right. With us doing something where most likely fucked, but it's the only tiny sliver of a chance that we have for this thing to work out. We have no other option. Have I done something that binds me in a way that I can't actually look out for arena?
Starting point is 00:30:53 Fiat, everybody go ahead and give me Insight Jax. Great. Nat 20. Oh my, there we go. I won't roll. Fiat, you have the equivalent of what would be like a devil's contract or something. It's basically like if you don't look out for the soul of his lost brother, then he will come for you.
Starting point is 00:31:16 Okay, I can do this because worst case scenario, I can still protect Arena, and all it will do is put me at harm. But protecting Arena is the best possible thing we could do for Gaines' brother. And I will say with a Nat 20 insight check, you realize that Hank is completely fucking on point. Like, no one else is offering an option. Like, like, like, Cain is justified in how mad he is.
Starting point is 00:31:51 But he's also a full unmerderer. He's also a murderer. I suppose I just think that there's a situation, because I don't entirely understand a syreneesis arena connection. Yeah. I suppose that there's a situation where syreneesis is more of like a parasite or something feeding off of erina in which case I would want to save erina from syrenesis in which case I would be destroying syrenesis.
Starting point is 00:32:17 The way that Batilda explained it to you or the way that I don't remember if it was, it was between Walder, Batilda and Kenley. The way they describe it to you is the danger with arena putting on the crown of serenesis is getting the knowledge and the power of the gods but having the temperament of a human. So with a net 20 am I starting to feel like serenises and arena are one? You think the same thing that you thought before which is that arena is her own person and just like you via have lived a mill like not a million lives but you know a thousand lives before and your soul has just bounced from life to life to life. And then Hank is in this interesting position of he has lived
Starting point is 00:33:12 the same life 69 times over and over and over again. But normally people just, you know, they keep coming back. And so it is a part of her It is a key mentality of the soul I'm starting to think that more so than getting the crown to serenesis We just need to take control of this crown There's maybe a way that we can investigate its properties and powers and try to like release some of this knowledge in a drip Without just bestowing it all upon her at once. There's always options, but I think that we have to like, take control. We can't just let these things be out there.
Starting point is 00:33:51 I think what we need to do is like, tell her, essentially it's like reading a Wikipedia page before you go to the movie. You will lessen the impact of the big twist. You only read the initial synopsis, don't scroll down to the plot. Yeah, it's kind of like the movie 51st dates. Yes, I've read that book.
Starting point is 00:34:11 Yes. My Mr. Adam Sandler. Yes, I've read that book. Love him, great. My favorite fucking author. Really great author, great bard. Jack and Jill, my favorite freaking book. You should see Philip reads Jack and Jill all the time.
Starting point is 00:34:27 I actually read in game book is cute as hell. No little Nikki. I think we made the right decision, but God, God I wanted to fight him. I think we have to be honest. He seems like a difficult person to satisfy. I have a feeling. Keeping countering those people, yeah. I have a feeling that nothing we're going to do is going to be proof enough for him. What we are going to say, yes, your brother has been reincarnated. Or your brother has been moved to a peaceful after life
Starting point is 00:35:06 Where's the proof? How? I don't have received for this. Yeah, I mean we could maybe do some sort of ritual to summon, you know the past life. No, that wouldn't work Okay, well, you know what? There was nothing in my deal that if Serg wants to start a fight and kill him, that we can't do that. So I think, you know, stoke your anger as much as it serves you. You guys could try, I will say, in the time it takes to take a short rest, you could theoretically reach Cain before he reaches the steps down to the next level.
Starting point is 00:35:44 Maybe it's just the seed talking, but do we fucking go get this guy? could theoretically reach Cain before he reaches the steps down to the next level. Maybe it's just the seed talking, but do we fucking go get this guy? I can't do it. I've seen the place that his pain comes from. Yeah, I agree. I felt... I felt... um, companionship with him inspired it myself. Just... I'm just tired of seeing people...
Starting point is 00:36:04 whose minds can't be changed, just walk away without learning a lesson or facing any repercussions. I totally understand that, but I think it's kind of like when you're making your priorities, do you fight the things you cannot change or focus on the things you can change? You're right. And that's why things are different. That's why the cycle is breaking, because we're all together, and the decisions we would have made alone,
Starting point is 00:36:34 I don't feel compelled to make when I'm with you. And I see what we're working towards. I fully agree with that. You see, Philip flaps down to you, sir, it can go, do you need me to hold you back, bro? Sir, just stands up and starts the rest. He starts out. No, he starts out. It's alright. It's alright. Calm down. Calm down. You're right. You're right. You're right. It's alright. It's alright. It's alright.
Starting point is 00:37:00 I learned my gun. Bigger flavor is not worth it. It's not worth it. that I will be arena's anchor. I think we are all each other's anchor also Like the one on the tattoo We're not like your mom, man. We're not gonna walk away. Yeah. Uh, Sir, just brings them both in close. She has a moment by the fire. Um, you guys... In both of their ears, I whisper, after all this is over, do you want to copy sailors on a boat?
Starting point is 00:37:42 Oh my god, I would love to. I had nothing would make me fucking happier. Yeah, you guys have this moment where you all embrace and you've just, you know, resisted this urge to get revenge where you could have. So you guys have this moment of being like we're breaking the cycle. Let's take a moment Let's take a moment, but I'm also acknowledging that like I'm also being strategic though being like oh He's going after her adisha so that's convenient for us for sure
Starting point is 00:38:21 Fucking them I I dig three trenches fucking them I'm I dig three trenches. Sirk takes a long drink. Why are you looking for Folk King or Queen? I can do California as well. I think we got to go California on a night like a night. Sweet. You guys go California King on the trenches. Hey connect these trenches. We just need one. Sirk casts heat metal on a bunch of beams around the edges and then buries them So it's like a heated bed I'm sleeping a little too close to the edges just things to sweat box careful
Starting point is 00:38:55 The middle so you guys dig these trenches, but it's just a short rest you guys have the seeds so you guys Replenished very quickly, but I'll say you guys take like half an hour or an hour Yes, but you guys know that up on the autumn ring is Probably where you're going to meet arena and possibly moxora if she's on to your movements Okay, so I think the first thing I'm going to do is like, I'm going to need to take another short rest after this to get some of these spells back. Okay. So you're going to do short rest seed followed by short rest classic.
Starting point is 00:39:33 Yeah. Okay. So I'm going to cast a sixth level contingency as well as a fifth level cure wounds. And I'm going to set the contingency to be if I feel go down, then it will cast a fifth level cure wounds on me. Holy shit, it's contingency one of the old Zoboldar spells. No. No?
Starting point is 00:40:01 Is this the chronology wizard? I don't know if it's chronology wizard. It came up in my spells I can take and it lasts for 10 days. Oh, yeah. No, you're good. Whoa. Yeah. So it's just like a little something like because like if I'm up I can be using Spoonie. I can that means that Spoonie's up. That means that I can be healing word. If I go down though I'll get a fifth level cure wounds. That's so cool. Oh, and then also I'm also going to cast gift of alacrity
Starting point is 00:40:29 on Zerks, so you'll add a D8 to your initiative rules. Very nice. While she's doing that, while we're taking a little extended short rest, could I tinker a little bit with the revivivify spell? Yeah, go ahead and roll a tinkering check. All right, so it's plus 13. Okay.
Starting point is 00:40:47 That's gonna be a 23 for the first one. 23, you're just gonna get one. It's gonna take it down to another level, the fifth level. Fifth level, all right. While I'm working on this, I think that the way that this kind of, the way that this looks visually is I'm basically crafting like a metal music box cylinder. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:41:09 Because I feel like one of the things that this needs in addition to like the complex spell work to cure wounds, but also hold a body in stasis, kind of using some of Fia's time magic, is some sort of like beacon. And I think that as opposed to like the single chime of a bell, it needs almost like a song. And as I'm like tinkering with this, I turn to Hank and I say, Hank, that song you're saying about illuck Henry, that was like a sea shanty, right? Yeah, yeah, that's right. Do you know any other? See Shanty's? I just need something that could maybe help us all find its way back.
Starting point is 00:41:50 Tell you what, Sir, I've been, actually been turning, turning to see Shanty over in my head. It's another verse to the Ilok Henry song. Ah. Holy shit, he's breaking out some Facebook. He's breaking out the fucking open. I was like, he's breaking out the whole
Starting point is 00:42:12 of that on his phone. I kind of splotter you putting Jake on, but he's whipping out his phone. Just get out of the plane ride. Did his people take a plane ride over here together? Is this a rough draft? It is still putting me on this spot because it is a rough draft.
Starting point is 00:42:23 Okay. I'll sing it in a nice way. It is the full draft now. We're just figuring this out. It doesn't have to be perfect yet. Yeah. Let me, yeah, here's this one I've been working on. Spritele, could you maybe play a little chime?
Starting point is 00:42:35 That'd be nice. You hear ding. And how about a beat spoony? Ha, ha, ha. Pff, pff, pff, pff, pff, pff. And then I'm going for that little, for the sound of like that jazz ride with like one of those little like jazz whisk things. I'm gonna do that, but with the pages of fill-up. I'm gonna say that Spoonie's gonna play a melancholy fiddle. That's perfect. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:43:06 And Hank. Spoon place the fiddle. Hank sings, perzerk. The gathering storm is a menacing sight. Strike the sails, all hands on deck. Side by side, we must stand to fight, to avenge arena and let, lash on your lifelines, cast away your fear.
Starting point is 00:43:24 Alone you lose, but with mates you win. I won't run, while my friends are here. When luck runs out, that's when heart steps in. It'll look Henry bad as blade. He just might keep his promise now. It'll look Henry third, mate. He's got his friends to show him how. Yeah. Woo. Third mate, he's got his friends to show him how. Yay!
Starting point is 00:43:45 Woo! Ah! Zirk, go ahead and roll another tinkering check. Within me, touch. Tell me that, that song. No, within antics. Oh, thank you, on a first draft. Ha ha ha ha.
Starting point is 00:43:58 Oh, that's gonna be a 22. Zirk, you, I'll say even, you ring the bell. The bell that you guys had stolen from your mother and Hank sings the song in that tune. And you really lose yourself in it for a moment. And you realize that there is something special about this specific note. That not only do the words that you say in a verbal component matter, but sort of the tone in which you say them also matters.
Starting point is 00:44:34 And you are able to dissect this spell down to fourth level. We're so close. I also, I see this, I see Zerke at work. It's like beautiful. I'm going to use my arcane abayance, turn my little grape pearl into a greater invisibility. Give it a fill up. And I say, I think use this on Zerke.
Starting point is 00:45:00 When we are next fighting. You need me to hold him back? No, I need... By doing so, you will hold everyone else back from him. Right, okay. So... You're holding everyone else back. Hold the rule back, bro! Hold the rule back, bro! Starts flapping around.
Starting point is 00:45:19 Yeah, I think I go back to chipping away at the little music box, adjusting the little notes so that it'll play something similar to that. Sweet. I also cast gift of a lacquer the unbolt me and Henry. Okay. Anyone else feeling good from that seed?
Starting point is 00:45:33 Yes. That seed is actually hitting you guys now. Yeah. You know, like you don't need to eat meat. You just need seeds. Seeds are enough. So much in that. So much protein. Okay.
Starting point is 00:45:45 How are you feeling, Fiya? I'm feeling fucking ready. How are you feeling, Mr. Henry? I'm just ready to help you go get your girl. Don't act like that. Why are you saying like that? I'm sorry, this seems like that. Why are you saying like that?
Starting point is 00:45:59 This seems got me feeling some type of way. I dive into the sand and swim. It's true. Oh, my. You see, Fiya disappears. She might die. I dive into the sand and swim. It's true. Oh my. You see Fiya disappears. She might die. She's at the bottom. Fiya, Kane was making it seem like this would just be a quick fix one way or the other.
Starting point is 00:46:14 You gotta go on at least three dates before we make any progress. Why is everyone talking about dates or whatever? Reading seeds. It's called the three-themed book. I don't know. Stay focused. Fia blushes so much and just shoves her head into the sand. I like it.
Starting point is 00:46:31 You're the one who's the sand. It's the wood yoke from the seed. She's ostriching. Yeah, Fia takes the full short rest and under the sand. OK. OK. All right. It's quite most steps.
Starting point is 00:46:44 Yeah, let's do it. everyone get your shorts at the correct level Super high Sweet in autumn. Oh shit. Actually, I might uncuff these okay. Yeah, you yeah, you shorts are gonna have to hit the knee Oh, I'm hating autumn. Yeah, so I'm gonna do hoodie and shorts This episode of NAD pod is brought to you by bird dogs Link! This episode of NADPOT has brought to you by Bird Dogs. There are company that makes pants AND shorts, so no matter where you fall and the age old battle between the two, you can rest assured that Bird Dogs has you covered.
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Starting point is 00:48:12 We promise you. Okay, that's it for me. Go team pants and enjoy the show. Oh, there's one more thing I forgot to do before we head up. Uh, Hank, I have something for you. For me? Yeah. Okay. I was moved by your song.
Starting point is 00:48:30 Yeah. Oh, thank you. Zirk, actually, this is a little gross, but he does it anyway. He grabs the chart wings from Callista and attaches them to Hank's boots. Okay. And then uses a little tinkering to like Merge them into them and create some flying boots for Hank. Holy shit What does that do he just has?
Starting point is 00:48:54 He has a flying speed equal to his walking speed for four hours. Oh, dude Enjoy the view of these nuts Enjoy the view of these nuts. I already was. Slice up, you guys just see the reddest nuts hanging out of us. Very short shorts. Not what I intended. Gosh, they got so sunburned. Oh, they're so burned.
Starting point is 00:49:15 You absolutely need to allothe them after they hit the sun. I'm going to also sum in my Phantom's Tear. The fucking deer, being a deer with the snake reins comes out. I climb on. Why not? We're doing it. Yeah. Who's she trying to impress up there?
Starting point is 00:49:32 I wonder. Sweet. So are you guys going up the stairs? Yep. I'm flying up the stairs. I'm not. I'm fucking riding a gorgeous deer. Sweet.
Starting point is 00:49:43 Sophia rides her deer up the stairs Hank flies up the stairs I flat my arms even though it's the boots Wildly and elegant Sir watches them leave. Yeah, the surf walks up normally And you guys ascend this staircase of glass going up and up and up, thousands of feet. Eventually, the clear glass steps begin to be covered in fall leaves until you read. Yeah, it's a little dangerous. Everyone, I put a big caution, a little caution.
Starting point is 00:50:22 The first one catches you off guard and you almost go down. You slip and you almost fall into the abyss. No one else or rake. But eventually it gets to the point where there are so many leaves that they're like up to your knees. Like you guys are crawling through leaves by the end. Kind of fun. We're gonna need a blow-er. As you guys get to the top. Even though the situation has dire, I still play need a blow-er. As you guys get to the top. Yeah, even though the situation has dire,
Starting point is 00:50:46 I still play like a kid in a leaf pile, just a little bit. And you guys finally reach the autumn ring itself. You are instantly hit by a cool fall breeze that washes over you and gives you this sense of calm. You know that this is the domain of Sienna, the Autumn Ferry, and you think that this could be like part of her magic is like this wisdom hitting you. This like fall day kind of like clearing your senses. I take out hoodies and pass them out. I take out hoodies and pass them out. He's hoody weather bitches.
Starting point is 00:51:25 Wow. West precinct university. Very nice. I was beat up outside of fraternity there. Holy shit. When did you have time to go to the bookstore? I live many lives. You guys are surrounded by trees full of foliage, orange and brown and yellow, all of the
Starting point is 00:51:49 colors of fall. It is beautiful, but there is a little bit of an odd vibe here. You see that all of the trees are perfectly spaced out. It's like a giant grid. Oh, great. It'll be easy for us to find our place. Looks like we're on the 14th set of trees now. So if we just head up town, we should be fine.
Starting point is 00:52:12 These are subwise things. Navigating this grid. You guys just start. I'm minor illusion, I metrocos. You make a better car. I look like a tourist. They already have the Fanny Pack. You're in your hoodies.
Starting point is 00:52:26 You are walking through the trees looking around. And suddenly, you guys hear a voice, booming, but coming from an unseen source go, you seek the crown of serenesis, but what good is a crown without a head? Because the crown could lead to madness, but also your friend arena is not here yet. One could also say what good is a crown without it tooth or something like that is also a double meaning Well, that's pretty good without a what or something like that a tooth Yeah, a tooth. Oh, that's good a tooth as
Starting point is 00:53:14 As long as we're doing a dentist. Oh, what time what's the best time to go to the dentist? This is really oh, I think I got this. Yeah, go ahead The best time to go to the dentist I think I got this one. Yeah, go ahead best time to go to the dentist He's a cop. Yeah, it's K930 right? No, it's it's it's it's two two thirty two. Oh I got it right. Did you get it? I think the fairy of wisdom. Can you explain it to me? What time is two? That's actually a good good. Why are you so playing with? What are the play that seems more like K930 was pretty good, to be honest.
Starting point is 00:53:46 It's, yeah, well, you know, that would be a vet, a dog dentist. I prefer K930. Yeah, I can't argue with Vistam. Thank you, disembodied voice, that tickles my hair as you rustle through the wind. Where are you, by the way? Is this a true min show situation?
Starting point is 00:54:05 Guys, go ahead and give me perception checks. Okay. Okay. Oh, that's a natural one. Zirk is still going to help on his joke. That's going to be a seven for Fia. Okay. All right. Hank got a 22. Holy shit. Fia, you are can wear. Where are you? I need to explain this joke The dentist makes your teeth hard Get it fear you are I love the idea that the very of wisdom would not understand the like most common joke in the world Fia I am just so distracted by being like oh, Rina's not here yet. Okay. That's fine It's's not a big deal. Cut, I arrived first. Does this look too thirsty?
Starting point is 00:54:45 I look thirsty. Oh my God. Yeah. Fias Rina's have K-92 is the thing. That's why it works. The peg's mind is blown. Fias and Zerker way too focused on the joke and Arena. But Hank, you actually see Sienna the Autumn Fairy is,
Starting point is 00:55:02 you know, kind of not, you didn't get like an amazing perception check where you should be able to see like an invisible god or something. You see, there's a fairy that's literally like running between the trees like she's not even flying. She's like hiding behind one tree, saying something. There's like a little like omnipresent. You're just kind of right here. You're right over there.
Starting point is 00:55:24 Right over your shoulder. Whoa. You guys see, Sienna the Autumn Fairy. She's got like a dark orange skin, a cloak made of leaves with brown and yellow. Sienna tilts her head and goes, arena's arrival is imminent. Yes?
Starting point is 00:55:44 I think so. We didn't set like a firm time. Yeah, it's not a date. No one. So that's the kind of... A big message from Bill. Oh, no, sorry. What? No, let me see.
Starting point is 00:55:57 What, they just had another hundred gold. Yeah, it was just a hundred gold. Wait a minute, wait a minute. Hold on. Zerke smells the gold. We know it was from Billy, because it's gold. Did she spray any perfume on the gold? We didn't wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait like getting the complex notes and is trying to deconstruct like Morse code hidden inside the Ulf Free Six. I think if you're gonna get that deep in, you did smell some Billy Farimones
Starting point is 00:56:30 that were like, I'm interested by this dynamic, let's explore it more. Zirk goes by in the tree. I guess, bring me back my Fanny packs, sir. Everyone is very horny. Did they fuck through the Fanny packs? Let us. Let us...
Starting point is 00:56:46 Cirque conducts an experiment. Theoretically you could fuck through the fatty pack. Okay. You can keep it. I'll just let us all relax. Let us all relax. Let us all just relax. Still a pretty relaxed.
Starting point is 00:57:04 With the hornyness. I didn't do anything. And yet your balls. Yes, yes. I went with the knee-length shorts and it still popped out, huh? It's just that they're so low-hanging and red and you just don't do anything when your Jean shorts get caught. You didn't notice my fandom seat has dropped I did notice We've been waiting a long time to meet with you see an up. Yes This is how to weird day. I'm so sorry. I believe you
Starting point is 00:57:44 We're hopped up on see. Right This is how to weird day, I'm so sorry. I believe you. We're hopped up on stage. Right. Anyway, it is possible for your friend to control her powers. If and only if we can properly guide her. She must obtain the knowledge of the gods, harness serenesis without losing her human perspective. That is where the other children of the trickster went wrong. They were manipulated. Okay, so what kind of timeline is this?
Starting point is 00:58:27 Because I mean, when it comes to saving the world, I honestly have like a weaker to absolutely, I can like totally clear my schedule. You see that the trees all begin to part, and there is a direct path to an altar in the distance. The path is lined with autumn leaves and go ahead and give me a perception checks. four plus seven. Hey, Chris. Hank, you see that there is an altar. And a top it is a crown of pink and white and yellow flowers fit for the daughter of spring.
Starting point is 00:59:17 And you see that Sienna has either teleported or misty stepped there or moved there in some way. Is she hiding behind a tree again? Yeah, I'll say a zirke and fear are still a little distracted. Hank, you see her poking out. She's like weirdly ducking behind the altar. Yeah, so I can see you like your full head. The crown awaits. The bearer of knowledge.
Starting point is 00:59:44 Oh yeah, I see it now. Yeah, there's a land you're sticking out of your pocket. Right. It's really giving you away. But can a crown truly await anything? You also wear a really loud shoes. Yeah, just incredible. And the left one is on Ty. She scrambles down to Ty.
Starting point is 00:59:59 Just squeaky new sneakers. You see, she goes down, starts yet. She's got like Like her feet are like made of leaves. So she just crunches everywhere just like the words the words Stealther in history. She goes down to like fix her feet. Oh, oh wait And then suddenly she looks up serenesis Do you sense her arrival And and looks at Euphia.
Starting point is 01:00:26 Do I? And just then, you guys see a figure deep in the distance in the maze of trees. She's radiating with magical energy surrounded by these swirling green sprites. She wears a multi-colored cloak that she's clearly made herself and she's kind of looking around. It looks like she probably just plain shifted here and is a little bit like she's like staring around in wonder because, you know, even as somebody who's inherently magical, she probably hasn't been to groves before. Or if she has, they're still beautiful every time you go to one, so she looks around.
Starting point is 01:01:10 I think I take a moment to enjoy the pleasure of seeing her before she sees me. Yeah, you see, she smiles, she's got these little tusks that pop out just like you, Fiya. But does she still wear her hair long? She still wears her hair very long, she's got her silver hair goes all the way down her back. I think then I can't help myself. I say like, I'm glad you kept it long.
Starting point is 01:01:33 You say? It's such a beautiful color. There should be as much of it as possible. Oh. Hank and Zirk. You guys, she is like, far five Zirk real quick. She's like, he says not Zirk, really quiet. She's like, that's arena.
Starting point is 01:01:47 Yeah, she is far away right now. So Fiya just kind of says that out loud. Okay, I know I said it quietly to myself then, so she doesn't hear. You say it quietly. I do a perception check to see if I heard it. Yeah. And Fiya, I will say that you see this like, it goes back and forth and forth right because this is someone who you know has been being
Starting point is 01:02:09 Chased for being Saronesis both by you know People like the blades who want something from her and people like Moxora who also want something from her, but like bounty hunters who probably want to kill her Villagers that have chased her out of town and everything. So you see she goes back and forth between like like as she's looking around at all the leaves and everything you see kind of the girl who had this appreciation for the little things like this magical ray of sunshine, but you also see before she sees you as you're just kind of looking around, there's this like sigh of like, okay, now I gotta do what I gotta do, whatever the fuck that is.
Starting point is 01:02:54 Just this kind of like person who's seen some shit. Does it feel like a heaviness that plays down her natural magic? Yes, yes, yes, yes, it big. It's a lot of heaviness, definitely. natural magic. Yes, yes, yes, yes, it's a big and a lot of happiness. Definitely. But you see when she catches your eye, she suddenly breaks out of it. And once again, smiles and looks at Gidee like the girl you remember. And you see she points to a leaf pile, halfway between the two of you guys and goes, uh-huh, race you to the leaf by the... Okay! Go ahead and give me an athletics check. Oh my god, can I help her somehow?
Starting point is 01:03:30 Yeah. Please do because I roll the two. Flash of genius. Okay, we're looking at... With the help of my friends 24! You get there so much faster than arena. I'm on television and don't even think about the social implications. You get there so much faster than arena. You run. I'm on television and don't even think about the social implications.
Starting point is 01:03:49 I just like fucking smoker. She has one speed. It's one of those awkward things, which is like two friends are racing and one of them just kicks the shit out of the other one. You see, arena is way slower. But that's not the point of a leaf pile race. Yeah, this is very familiar. We always do little food races when we are young.
Starting point is 01:04:12 Yeah, so you see, she just, although sometimes she would win by like animating a little vine to trip me. Right, yeah, so you see, she was trying to do some tricks, but you're so athletic that you get out of the way. Oh, damn it. I can see a way to do your tricks, but you were so athletic that you get out of the way. Oh, damn it. I can still have a new trick, Serena. Yeah, you see she's like, she to slow down a little bit, to essentially try to cheat,
Starting point is 01:04:34 but you barrel past it, you jump in the leaf pile, she dives in as she joins you there. You see she begins using like telekinetic magic to shake the trees nearby. Burying friends. Burying friends. Burying friends. Just like the creepy kind of games that you guys have to play that you later took on with the bar. I am very friends.
Starting point is 01:04:59 Very, all of your friends. I did not think I'd ever hear that shout-in glee friend. I am. You guys see, I think we do like a dance hear that shout-out in Gleefe today. Yeah, you guys see... I think we do like a dance that we clearly always did when we were little kids, when we would make the leaves calm down. You see, yeah, as the leaves come down, she grabs you and she goes, Fee, it is so good to see you. You're real! Of course I'm real.
Starting point is 01:05:22 I'm actually really real. I'm right here. Ha! Oh my goodness gracious! I'm real. I'm right here. Oh my goodness gracious! I hug her, I put my little hands through her hair, I'm just like, oh my God, I touch her all over, being like you're real, you're not a fiction of my dream. And I just say, oh my God, you're real. V. Yes? Where have you been? Oh my god, you're real. Fee.
Starting point is 01:05:45 Yes? Where have you been? I've been here three years. But... I've been everywhere too, Fee. It's like we're together. Yes, it was. Honestly, it was like we were together.
Starting point is 01:05:59 I've been running around. I was in a convent, and I had to blow up a wall to run away. And then there was a village, and I had to blow up a wall to run away. And then there was a village and I had to blow up part of that so that I could run away. And then I lived in the woods for a while and that was fun. And then I started having weird dreams. I said that I had to come to this strange far off place. So I came to Endotera and I met people on the out the rim of Endotera who said that they shared kind of same idea as I did and I came and I was undercover for a bit and I met someone
Starting point is 01:06:34 named Glorg who is my friend and I met so many wonderful people here. I met Glorg and I met Johnny and I met Chrissy. Ron and Johnny. Yes. And Chrissy. Oh yes. I met Chrissy. I met Johnny. Yes. And Chrissy. Oh yes. I met them all.
Starting point is 01:06:48 They were wonderful friends. And don't forget about Billy. Billy was at the point of his side. I actually didn't really know her. I didn't really meet her. I didn't really meet her. I got to meet Billy. I heard she was very beautiful and very rich.
Starting point is 01:07:00 I heard she was beautiful and rich and beautiful. That's so strong. Who are your friends? Oh, this is Mr. Henry. He is my swimming instructor. Nice to meet you. You see she goes up and she goes for like a hug and then a handshake. Like she's just like this weird vibe. Does she like the a let that I knew, except with tusks?
Starting point is 01:07:23 She's got a little bit of a similar vibe It's like meeting a sibling of someone you knew got it Yeah, I'll just yeah, put her there. Okay. She shakes your hand Yes, yes, and we also do little kisses on the cheek. We do the kisses. I give everyone a kiss on the cheek. Just like we used to. Just like we used to.
Starting point is 01:07:50 Yeah. We do the kiss on the cheek. She taught us the ritual. Gives. Yeah. Irina's the one who invented the ritual. A little kiss on the cheek. Give Zirk a little kiss on the cheek.
Starting point is 01:07:59 And this is Mr. Zirk. Did I introduce him? Oh, yes. Actually, he's a poor giver. Forgive me. Forgive me. Doctor Cirque. Dr. Cirque? Well, you're a doctor. Not technically, but I feel like I've brought enough people back from the dead at this point
Starting point is 01:08:11 to maybe qualify. He also drinks piss. Dr. Cirque? You drink piss. You're the kisser. Let's show him. Let's show her. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:08:19 Wait, I do all this stuff to make it look like piss. Show her. Dr. sure Sure for God is I don't know if that's like the right foot form I'm really trying to yes please And in front of me I Pull Fia aside I need this would help I need this
Starting point is 01:08:39 Zirk pulls out a Growler work pulls out a growler. He's a wingman to us both and chugs it all in one go. As Zyrk is chugging it, you see Arena quickly loses interest interest. And goes, no one said I had to be a growler. I forgot to mention. Yes! I saved Bukfar. You found him! I sensed him. When he entered the castle, I stole him and hit him away while Maxura was distracted while talking to the other mages.
Starting point is 01:09:15 I think she's on to us, Fee. She's up to something. Yes. Where is Bukfar though? Bukfar is safe for now. He's on another plane. I'd imagine a packet. Indeed. But... What is he safe? book for the book for is safe for now he's on another plane a dimensional packet indeed but what is he safe is he happy was he so happy to see you what did he say what was the first thing
Starting point is 01:09:34 he saw when he saw you he said oh thank god please help. And I said, Okay. I'll put you in magic plane. And he said, Thank you, Miss. I cannot wait to see Miss again. That sounds like him. That does sound like a Diddy mentioned pizza.
Starting point is 01:09:58 He said we will all have pizza again on the train car. Yes, we live in a train car. BookFar makes pizza now. BookFar is a pizza. You make you live in a train car. I live in a train car. See, did you know that I had to live in a box car and I had to move from train to train for a while.
Starting point is 01:10:19 So, trains are not fun to you? Train is our fun to me. Okay, so that is fun. It is fun and it is scary and it is everything. Right? Yes. I've gone many places fee. I want to talk to you about it.
Starting point is 01:10:34 I know. I feel like you've lived this whole life. I wish I could read it like a book. I mean, that would be a story's bounding gold for sure I'm thinking. Do you know why they hunt you? They hunt me because I'm the daughter of the trickster. But now, we are here. And I will meet my mother and she will make everything right.
Starting point is 01:10:58 Okay, okay. Rin, I came into some information in my travels. And so, I just want to talk to you a little bit about your mother and your sister. Sister? I do not have a sister fee. You have a sister, but she's. I do not like to think of you as a sister Go on why are you both shouting at me? We are not sisters Zurk. Yeah. Hank, lock size with Zerk. Okay, so I came onto some information.
Starting point is 01:11:50 You know that there is something incredibly divine in you. Him the daughter of the trickster, I've seen this in my dreams. Yes. So I need you to understand that the true rickster is gone to another plane. Your mother is gone to another plane. But that is the way of the gods. And you have a sister and she does not like mortals. She will try to manipulate you and to feel the same. And she will be right for the thing she said, because mortals are mortal. They are not infallible, they are not good all the time.
Starting point is 01:12:53 And there are things... Do you know, like with my father? Yes. He did something to me that I am always every day a little bit angry about and I don't think that will ever go away. But I don't use my energy towards writing a wrong that cannot be changed. And I think that we have to tell you the truth about what happened to you and your sister, and I need you to keep an open mind. You represent everything good, but in the wrong cans or with the wrong guidance or with the wrong advisors just trust me is all I'm trying to say
Starting point is 01:14:01 everybody go heading to me inside juxtap Fiya you can do it with a badge. 27. I mean, sorry, 22. Just a 13. I just got a 10. Okay. So I'm still drinking the growler. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:15 Hank is watching that. Circus still drinking piss. Hank is caught up in that. Fiya, you see that as you sail this stuff, arena is crushed when you bring up the stuff about the trickster because you grew up in the same village as arena, right? The only person who got her out of being executed was you. So this is somebody who is estranged from her parents who then found out that she had this magical gift that she has this mother that she's going to go to,
Starting point is 01:14:48 and then finds out that that is also not a reality. That is also just a pipe dream. But then you say that you trust her. I think, I mean, as I see this, I just kind of say like, I don't know how you feel because my parents were mortal but you know my mom my dad they're gone you are all I had for so long so I I know that doesn't feel good and I'm sorry if what I said took something away from you.
Starting point is 01:15:30 She shakes her head and she goes, no, no fee. Childish dreams, you've not taken anything away from me. I have what I have always had. Um, she grabs your hand. I have you. And right now, you have me more than you ever have. She knows. Zirk, let's go over here for a second. It's just more chilly.
Starting point is 01:16:04 No, you don't need to walk away, what? I just felt that, yeah, there's a bird over here. I mean, all the trees are the same. I don't know what's over there. I grab Zerk. Hank Grab Zerk. You are alone with Arena. I don't... I didn't want to be this messenger for you.
Starting point is 01:16:22 And I don't want to be this messenger for you. And I don't want to be whatever it is that I am that makes people chase me, that makes people fear me. The same thing that makes people fear you and chase you is what makes someone like me love you. You love me, Thie? We know each other since forever. I am not a what? What? What are you picking at? So, Arena tries to kiss you.
Starting point is 01:17:08 Okay, I'll let it happen. Arena kisses you? Yes. I just... I love you, Phi. You are the only person that I have ever loved, who has loved me back. That is not true. I mean, it is true that I feel that, but I promise, if you spend more time around the right people, you will feel this love in so many different ways. I just don't want you to hate the best part of yourself
Starting point is 01:17:46 just because it's unpopular or other people hated in you. You say she nods and she goes and people inevitably turn on me for my magic. I think of when we first made Book Var, do you remember? He was wonderful. He is still wonderful. He is still wonderful. Have you not seen him? I have seen him. Yeah. Irina, you have to know that the people who don't know you are wrong.
Starting point is 01:18:33 And I can't make you any promises that they won't keep turning on you. I wish I could. I think they will keep turning on you, but I will always be there from this day forward to make sure that doesn't happen. Hank walks out of the trees too. And I can promise you something. For every person that turns away from you, there'll be somebody that stands by your side. That's right. We've traveled really so far to find you. And for me, it was all personal and I can't believe that seeing you, it feels just like, just like before but also better.
Starting point is 01:19:27 Mmm, but I don't know, I just, I really hate hearing you feel bad about the best part of yourself. Well, thank you, thank you all, thank you Hank, thank you Zerk, thank you Hank thank you Zirk thank you Fee we're just so glad to finally get to be your friend three whole friends you have more than who the thought you have more than that I take out Spoonies yeah she's two Boone. She's telling her whole friends. Book for us, but... Book for our two. Spiral counts. And this is an unnamed... Phillip.
Starting point is 01:20:11 Winged deer with snake range. Do you want to name the snake range deer? I will call her... Daria. Daria is... Nice to meet you, Darya. Okay. She does bite.
Starting point is 01:20:29 So what do I do? Because I have dreams that I put on this crown and then my mother comes and she gives me some kind of knowledge. She gives you brain kisses, yes. I don't think your mother is going to come. Okay. Can I promise you that the rest of us will bring you more happiness than even a mother could? Um, she nods and she goes, I think that is quite possible. Okay.
Starting point is 01:21:02 So I think you'll put on the crown and what you're going to remember is maybe the worst of humanity. You're going to see the ugliest side and it's going to be there to try to turn you against humans but you're human. You are a rena. Why then do I even need to? Put on the scound. Let's just run away, fee. We could go on trains. And we could read books. I think I have a plastered smile and I'm speaking through a smile to Henry
Starting point is 01:21:42 and I'm like, tell me why I shouldn't just fucking go right trains with this fucking beautiful girl. Tell me why? Because I don't have a good reason why I'm struggling with this. If that's what you guys want, you should do it. But, Arena, Arena said, you said yourself, you don't want to be chased arena just size and looks forward and nods if it's okay with you arena could I take a look at the crown could I inspect it yeah go ahead and give me an investigation check there it is yeah Nat 20 that 20 I'll say with anything but a Matt 20,
Starting point is 01:22:27 you would just sense that it was a powerful magic item. But within that 20, I will say you sense the overwhelming nature of it. You sense other consciousnesses. It's like 10 nuts at once. You sense that this is a dangerous, dangerous, dangerous item. Sienna, any crown can be reforged. Is there any way we could share this burden with her? Santa not. Like maybe we could make it into friendship bracelets or something?
Starting point is 01:23:10 Santa goes, we cannot reforge the crown, but you can bear some of its burden certainly. And I'll take the first shift. Anything to give them more time. I mean, I think at this point, we kind of need to tell Arena what's going on. Yeah, Arena, it doesn't know about the law, but the law says, right? Arena, there's something else. Do you remember when we were kids and we would organize and reorganize the bookcase by different things? Sometimes we organize it by color, which makes no sense. How
Starting point is 01:23:57 the heck do you find a book? But it looks pretty. But it looks so pretty. Yes. Other times we organize by author, sometimes by title, sometimes by title, sometimes by just the way that the book feels. Or sometimes, if you make it real, sometimes by size, you make it small and then you have it bigger or you have it bigger than it is small, or you make it much of them and you do it by based on personality. Yes, I remember that. Get along and all the spicy You put together with another nest. Yes, if we get a little scuffle going on in the shop.
Starting point is 01:24:30 Okay, so. There's really no one out there for them, but then. No, you know, star crossed. Yeah, it's like watching 12 Tinder days at once. Yeah, it's like this. So when you put this on, you have a chance to do something for this world Okay, you're gonna get the memories that are gonna make you really hate us humans But you're gonna have a chance to
Starting point is 01:25:02 take a bunch of souls you're gonna have a chance to take a bunch of souls, could have not been given a proper farewell to this life, and you're going to get a chance to sort them. They're all backed up, it's like the elder, the reaper, the trickster, they all left, and now the souls are all backed up. But you can change that if you can decide that you want to do that for people. They want me to become Reaper.
Starting point is 01:25:40 You would not be the Reaper? You wouldn't be the Reaper or the Or the Tractor. It's up to you, you would just have a job. Right. And you would, you would all help me with this? Yes! Of course! We have no idea what you'll feel when you wear the crown.
Starting point is 01:26:00 Yes. All we can tell you is that for everything that you feel about humanity and mortals Just remember that fear is a mortal You might hate a lot of people out there, but they're not all like that There's good people and there's gonna be one standing right in front of you It's like as much as I hated my father, I always remembered how much I, you know, you look at you.
Starting point is 01:26:32 And yeah, me and you are whatever. Yeah, I get it. And we are good. Sorry, why do you have behind the tree? Behind the tree, sir. What's happening? They start making a habit. They're going to take a piss.
Starting point is 01:26:43 Alright, alright. I will do it if you will help me. Anything. What's happening? They start making a habit. They're gonna take a piss. All right, all right. I will do it if you will help me. Anything. All right. We'll all help if you'll have us. Of course. If you are friends of me, then you are friends of me.
Starting point is 01:26:57 They are best friends of me. Best friends? So many new best friends. Yeah. That's right. Do you want to tattoo? Best friends and family instructors. You're going to learn how to swim.
Starting point is 01:27:09 You're going to teach me how to swim. I can't teach the trick is to not touch the bottom. Give me a tattoo on my neck, alright? No. Ah, yes. You give her a tattoo. I'll hold her hair back. I relish the chance to touch her hair again.
Starting point is 01:27:24 You're not a smelly thief. I have to you guys are done giving her a tattoo. You see, arena walks up to the altar. She breathes deep and she goes, all right, I am ready. Okay, you see, she bends her neck for Sienna to crown her. Um, you see Sienna presents the crown. I'm gonna look to you guys and goes while arena delves through the knowledge of the crown. It is important for her to remember who she is.
Starting point is 01:28:04 So please take her hand. I take her hand. Sweet. If you take her hand, take via his hand, sir, you take via his hand. I'll take Zerks hand and read his hand. It takes your exam to read his hand. You guys make a little circle. Circle. Circle. You guys all. Can can't. Can I also take a minute and I look to Zorak and I say I see all this money that Billy has been sending you. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:35 Can I have a hundred gold pieces? I have to watch the stink off at first. You can take the time to do that. Yeah, wash it off. It smells very distinct. I just need a hundred gold pieces for a real. She says you a lot of gold, man. I know this sounds like a spam email, but I just really need a hundred gold pieces. Zirk takes the envelope with the 300 gold pieces that his mom gave him The envelope with the 300 gold pieces that his mom gave him. Way back in West precinct.
Starting point is 01:29:09 And he gives it to Fia, no questions asked. I cast Fortune's favor on Arena, which means that she basically has a lock point now. Oh, sweet. Cool. Lock point. Is there anything I can do? Um, I could try to make like a dispel magic salve to lessen the effects. Maybe rub it on the temples? Sweet.
Starting point is 01:29:28 Do you know if you give me $300, I can do two more fortune favorites. I give a fortune favorite to Zerk. I give a fortune favorite to Henry. So you guys both have luck points. Oh, great. So you guys see, as you hold hands, SVA uses these components and casts blessings on you guys You see Sienna places the crown on arena's head and
Starting point is 01:29:54 instantly you guys feel a Jolt of magical energy as it rushes through her and Transfers to you guys you feel like you're all bearing this. You feel it traveling through arena, to fia, to zirk, to hank. And strangely, as it reaches you, you feel it pulling up memories from you. Zirk, you see yourself with your mom selling bum potions to that town in Outerbro that chased you out. You remember it as your mom doing most of it, but for some reason in this instance, it is very a very targeted memory of the part of the show where you did your spiel. You see that after selling the bump potions,
Starting point is 01:30:57 you guys are being chased out of town, you see the one girl who is chasing after the wagon shouting for you to help and you keep going. You promised to come back, but you don't. Henry, you see yourself leaving West precinct and your family behind. No context, no threat of profit cane, no any of those things, flashes of abandoning responsibility in other lives, but most prominently you remember not speaking up for a let as she was being thrown overboard. Fia, you see flashes of yourself speaking to Patilda and Hank and Zirk in the rain in West precinct after Bookfar was stolen. At your lowest, you're asking if all this suffering is worth it for just one person. Your comments are taken completely out of context and replayed over and over and over again. And finally, you see a flash of you dropping
Starting point is 01:32:07 Reina's hand in the dream. And you feel her droppet in the present moment. You look up and see her. No longer bracing to contain the magic, but comfortable and confident. She looks like the Reina you knew a moment ago, but she's holding herself differently, like a god. You guys see above you, leaves fall down from the trees, and when you look up, you see Sienna, the autumn fairy, with an acrotic spike through her chest pinned to a tree. The Sienna in front of you sheds her leaves and the illusion, revealing herself to be Maksora, heredicia, the daughter
Starting point is 01:32:57 of winter no longer has any pretense of being a priestess of the Reaper. She wears a long white cloak made of frost and speaks with icy breath. Fuck me. Come, sister. We will destroy this world and build a new one. And that's where we'll end our story. No!
Starting point is 01:33:20 Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah! That fucking yeah! Oh, yeah! That is fucking important, favorite of the inside Jack, to realize that I don't feel like that anymore!
Starting point is 01:33:32 Are you kidding me? You're sick! You're fucking sick! You're turning our worries into actions against us. You're the only one here. You're the only one here. Become Dead Sea for 31 days. It's been a long, long period. Become that sea for 31 days Our sail's hang limp and our winds don't move Far from home but dark in the glace
Starting point is 01:33:56 Eat in the red swipes pull from the mold Things to ill-acc Henry Cursid's ailer, Why'd we bring them's voyage? Ill-uck Henry, Bratch it, oh, And he shan't be allowed at sea. The scurvy stings and the crackens close in, Two points south of the starboard road. One wrong move could stow us in
Starting point is 01:34:27 Patten down the hatch for a fearful run Yillock Henry cursed its sailor He never should have left the shore Yillock Henry hopeless lover, that toss him overboard The gathering storm is a menacing sight Strike the sails, all hands on deck Side by side, we stand and fight To Vengea Arena and the Lyn Marina and the Lyn Ilah can't read bad as fate He might just keep his promise made Ilah can't read first third made
Starting point is 01:35:16 Fear some with this trusty shade Ilah can't read fortunes Blade he might just keep his promise made. Ilok canry blessed fate he might just save the day. Hello dear friends, called well here, it is the end of our episode, which means it's time to shout out our benevolent counsel of elders, let their names be etched in the stone of your hearts. Let's go. Brad D. Jeffery S. Haldor Frostback, Steelbreaker, Matt M. and Darby M. Campers staying in the
Starting point is 01:35:57 lot right next to Kane and the third mate's Circle of Truth. They actually took a bunch of mushrooms mushrooms right as Kane started his heartfelt story and now they're all having a very weird trip. Jordan DJ, Cutter W, Jive G, Dylan B, and Dungeon Mama! Record execs looking to sign Henry and turn his C-shanty into a full concept album. Unfortunately, negotiations are at a standstill because Hank refuses to include a verse about his gene jacket. Come on, Hank. Daniel the Dastardly Dame, Andrew M. Beardman Dan, Scott D. and Danny P. The inventors
Starting point is 01:36:35 of a spell called Nut Without Trace that lets you eat a long-rest seed without being noticed. Days later, they realized the name should have been, discrete seed, but sadly the patent had already been filed. Too bad. Miktologist Michael McDee, Vincent W. Bounor's boy Andrew B. and Justin I. Leaf peepers who ignored the warnings and traveled to the autumn ring to see the fall foliage. Sorry folks, but you peep what you sow. Radnar Fared Wind, TJM the gnome barbarian, Elena M, Trayle the cray-fay, and Jared E. Fashion designers who, after seeing Henry's winged boots, declare that this season, wings are the thing. They thought about getting Henry to be their spokesperson, but his balls fell
Starting point is 01:37:21 out midway through their meeting meeting and so they reconsidered. Damial R, cyborg version of Josh the Cobald, Gage M, Fulbert the Fabulous and Richard X Machina. Skateboarders attempting to grind down all the fairy steps in Old Zelbuldar. Hurry up with that Revivify spell, Zirk. These folks are gonna need it. Michael L,
Starting point is 01:37:44 Trest, the Trav spell, Zirk, these folks are gonna need it. Michael L. Tressed the Travator. Sir Carl, Jory S. and Kalam L. A band hired by Zirk and Hank to play during Fia and Arena's first date. Sadly, they do not offer refunds. Jack L.
Starting point is 01:38:00 Flawless Whale. Sam L. Nicholas C. and Mike H. Elder Morn Sex Ed teachers who now have to devote a whole day to the dangers of trans-dimensional philatio. You don't know where that bag has been. Seriously, be careful.
Starting point is 01:38:15 Udu Shmirluk, the baby bronze dragon, Matthew E. Colton B, Adam G, Megan S, and knee-badger. The Council of Insights! These public servants travel the land reminding people to do insight checks. Their motto is, even if you don't suspect, always, always do a check. Ugh, if only you were there. Panama James! Cummings the board!
Starting point is 01:38:40 Captain Sijal! Nathan C. and Diana! The sprites that Blur hangs balls to make sure we get a PG-13 rating. Thank you sprites, bless you. C.C. Lulu, Barnes & Aitor, Michelle O. Alex W. and Timmy R. Creators of a fly spell that requires you to flap your hands like a bird. Hank is the only one shameless enough to use it.
Starting point is 01:39:03 Johnathan W. The Crock wearing warrior, LucasP, AaronS, Itzkevin, and Bionic Puke. The publishers of the magazine Girlhood Best Friends, who are interested in a cover with Fiya and Arena, but now it seems like the relationship is a little more complicated. New York, KDW, Cass, Steven C, Michael M and Mike K. Kane's brothers Ghostfriends. Turns out he actually really likes Limbo and has a wide rich net of friendships and relationships. Don't give him eternal piece big brother, just let him chill. Taco, the queen of curling. Joy T, Jake L, Nick W, brave the badger, and Esmi M. The ghost riders of illuck Henry. It took a team to convince Hank to write a nice
Starting point is 01:39:54 verse about himself. Oh, Kelsey C, Nathan, Kazemir, the all-knowing. Big bad, beautiful, the mad. Giant monsters on the horizon. And gooly a jewel. Eldermore and mommy bloggers who just love adding short rest seeds to their smoothies. It's good for your hair and skin, but also your spell slots. Namaste. Thraft!
Starting point is 01:40:20 Early tea. Percival Frederick Stein von Mussel Klosowski der Roleau III. Yes, nailed it. Christian A. J. Dragonborn and Joe Roe, the Inna Pro Pro. The autumn sprites who thought Moksaurus posing as Sienna was actually part of an Instagram takeover. Turns out they were wrong, but the views were great anyways. Chiching. Liam D. The San Drian. Ben A, Dave H, Vivian, and Qual-A-Bare. The Crown Cobblers who made the Spring Crown.
Starting point is 01:40:51 Unfortunately, Murph didn't go into details about the delicate filigree and gold embossing and instead focused on the terrifying mechanics. Weird choice, but I respected. Catherine S, David K, Christian S. Dustin S. and Keith K. Wizards who cast contingency spells, the cast contingency, the cast contingency, the cast contingency, and so on. The loop ends in just the cantrip, dancing lights, and serves no purpose other than to be super trippy.
Starting point is 01:41:20 Honestly, that's enough. Connor F. Hawkeye Pierce. Isabelle F. The Time Walker. Two left eyes and DPC is awesome. The team of makeup artist who disguised Moxora as Sienna with practical effects. They're a shoe in for the Oscar, if the third mates don't kill them first.
Starting point is 01:41:39 No promises. Blair, the bug Blair, barbarian. Portchop, Chanel M. Valacy Raptor, and Minette F. The only adventurers to ever get lost in the grid-based autumn ring. Jumping in leaf piles constantly can really throw you off track. Pat L, a Chuth-A, Lauren H. Elias Hawthorne, and Alex H. A heroic crew who straight up fought Cain off-screen after
Starting point is 01:42:06 he left the third mate. The outcome is a mystery to everyone but them. Ryan S. The Bone Duster. Robert Crisps, Brent Lee C, and Micah B. Vinders who sell pumpkin spice lattes on the Autumn Ring. Here's hoping a clash of demigods doesn't affect coffee sales. Ploups? Carlyanne, Laurie P, Seth AJ, and Spam gaming the not-so-skilled gamer. Callista stands. They say you should never meet your heroes and for this crew, that advice literally saves lives. Conor Savage, Christopher J. Pobbleod, Leviathan, and Bioquart 7. Desert Park Rangers who gave Kane a ticket for making an open flame without a camping
Starting point is 01:42:50 permit. It did not end well for them. Remington CD, Amber Dextrous, The Real of the Fright, Sullivan H, and Trooob-Hopdropper, Rare Ferrys who like a change of seasons, so they mostly just chill on the stairs between rings. They are the STARIES! Sydney T. Matt Y. Alex C. Lindsey W. Champ Wilde. And Vailin! Elite scientists who have confirmed that you can indeed fuck through a bag. Didn't need science to prove that. Sprite Pepsi, Carl and C, Jake, CCA, and Matthew J. A crew so chill that Owen tried to freeze them, but he couldn't.
Starting point is 01:43:34 They just freaking live at that temp. Okay, nice. T-R-E-P, Noah Estelle, Baron S. Soastion's romance partner from the Baronies, conflicted DM and Justin LB. Warriors eagerly awaiting Zurks' all-cure elixir because they have super-chapped lips. You'll know about Aqua for, right? Right? Okay never mind. Dandy, Jennifer R, Richard G, Imbarber and Marcos P. A team of tailors enlisted to extend just a few inches on hank shorts to keep him modest. One could also try convincing him to switch to briefs, but let's climb one mountain at a time, right folks? Pub-Kalish, Gabriel M. Learns the balance
Starting point is 01:44:19 druid, Dakota P, and Pegos! Self-proclaimed, Faye Prince. Producers of the Elder Morn prank show, you just got got on which the third mate will be starring in the next episode. Huh. Tracy P, the Crick-Out librarian, Andy, Scruppy Bogpipe, Lisa M, Holly Hyena, Hugh, and Anthony A. Ferrari sales people who just unloaded literally all of
Starting point is 01:44:47 their inventory when Brimstone Billy came through for some impulse buys. God love it. Abigail, maybe, egg infinitum. Sloth King 777, Cal can't commit, and Commodore. These folks just housed some trail mix, which was mostly long rest seeds and good berries. So yeah, we're gonna need all of y'all to join us in this fight. Thank you in advance. Edison Inn, Russell H, a monk named Dilgo.
Starting point is 01:45:17 Nios, the novice monster hunter, and Kyra. An honoring basketball team who are vying for Hank to join them now that he can fly. Though they are going to make him wear pants. Smart. Morgan M. Sticker, Zachary A. and Stephen E. The owners and operators of a corn maze on the Aonora who are just a little worried about their business, what would the whole clashing demigot thing. I'm sure it'll be fine.
Starting point is 01:45:45 Mr. Adams, Megan F, James F, Jimmy A, and Penguin Crusader. The artificers who made Zerks Fanny Pack and who can indecanfirm that it is supposed to be used like that. Nice. And that is all of our shoutouts. Thank you so so much for listening. If you would like to join the council, you can do so by heading to slash nad pod.
Starting point is 01:46:09 That is all from us for this week. We will see you soon. Bye bye. That was a hit gun podcast.

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