Off Menu with Ed Gamble and James Acaster - Ep 240: Killer Mike

Episode Date: April 10, 2024

Grammy Award-winning rapper (and half of Run The Jewels) Killer Mike joins us in the Dream Restaurant. And he’s impressed with Ed’s fishing skills. Killer Mike’s Grammy-winning album ‘Michael�...�� is out now. Listen here. Killer Mike is on tour this year. For dates and tickets go to Follow Killer Mike on Instagram and Twitter @killermike Recorded and edited by Ben Williams for Plosive.Artwork by Paul Gilbey (photography and design).Follow Off Menu on Twitter and Instagram: @offmenuofficial.And go to our website for a list of restaurants recommended on the show.Watch Ed and James's YouTube series 'Just Puddings'. Watch here. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello, it's Ed Gamble here from the Off Menu podcast that you're currently listening to. I am on tour now. The show is called Hot Diggity Dog. Make sure you go and get yourself a ticket. I'm probably coming to a town near you if you live in the UK and Ireland and Ireland, Dublin and Belfast. Do go to, buy yourself a ticket and I'll see you for an evening of Hot Diggity Dog. Hot Diggity Dog! Thank you, James. Welcome to the Off Menu Podcast, taking the onion of humour, mixing it with the batter of friendship and the spices
Starting point is 00:00:49 of conversation and deep frying it in the oil of the the world wide web James onion bargy an onion bargy of a podcast yeah that is a gamble my name is James A. Castle together barge cast together we own a dream restaurant and every single week we invite in a guest we ask them their favourite ever star a main course dessert side dish and drink. And this week, our guest is Killer Mike. Killer Mike from Run the Jewels and a wonderful solo artist. One of the greatest rappers. Oh yeah, he's probably my favourite. Probably my favourite, James. Yeah. I mean, we're beyond excited for this. Yes. It's a bit ridiculous. You know, obviously, we're currently recording it in the podcast studio, waiting for Killer Mike to arrive. And we didn't think we'd ever say that when we started this podcast. No, we didn't think that's also nerves, just a bit nervous because he's we really like Killer Mike. Yes, we don't want
Starting point is 00:01:44 to seem like idiots in front of Killer Mike. Yeah. Which is a tricky one because our stock in trade is being idiots. So that's going to be quite hard. He's a clever guy. He's a clever guy. That will be difficult. And it would also be very awkward if we had to kick Killer Mike out of the dream restaurant. It's just a secret ingredient, an ingredient which we have deemed to be unacceptable, but those are the rules of the podcast. I'd rather kick myself out of the Dream Restaurant. I'd rather kick you out of the Dream Restaurant too.
Starting point is 00:02:11 I'm happy to fall on that sword, but the secret ingredient James, this is one that you've come up with actually. Yes. Because I just went to the toilet and I came back and you said you thought of it. Yeah, this week the secret ingredient is... A cheesy rat. A cheesy rat. Now explain this a little bit for everyone. Run the Jools get their name from a lyric from another rap song by LL Cool J, cheesy rat blues. Yes. So it's associated with Killer Mike. Yeah. But most likely won't come up.
Starting point is 00:02:36 No. So we won't have to kick him out the restaurant, which is like, you know, there are a few, you know, food references in Killer Mike songs and song titles, but stuff like, you know, there are a few, you know, food references and killer Mike songs and song titles, but stuff like, you know, Southern Fried. I don't want to go, Oh yeah, we'll choose Southern Fried chicken. Cause he's rapping about things that he likes and like, you know, I mean, I think Southern Fried is made about being from the South. Yeah. I was going to say, also these rappers sometimes they use double meanings, Which is not our stocking trade. No, we're very single meaning guys. Yeah, yeah, we're very just, we say what we mean. Will you be telling Killer Mike about your album?
Starting point is 00:03:12 No. No? No, no, no. Don't worry man. I'm too intimidated. Don't worry man, I'll bring it up for you. I'll say, have you heard of Temps Killer Mike? One of the hottest hip hop outfits on the scene.
Starting point is 00:03:23 Yes, but then Killer Mike will say nope. Yeah, and I'll say they're one of the hottest hip hop outfits on the scene. Yes, but then Killer Mike will say nope. Yeah, and I'll say they're one of the hottest hip hop outfits on the scene. And if I do that, will you tell Killer Mike about my book Glutton? Yeah, okay. I'll say, have you heard about Glutton, the multiple life of a very greedy boy, Killer Mike? This is so weird. It's one of the hottest books on the scene. Yeah, one of the hottest hip hop books.
Starting point is 00:03:44 We're lucky if we even get through. It's also for the listener. We've, uh, we've told our friend and comedian Nish Kumar, uh, to meet us. If we haven't told him who we're interviewing, this is a massive Run the Jules fan and we've just been like, come and meet us at the studio at five. And he was like, I've got an appointment at five. Very important appointment. Yeah. We're like, move it.
Starting point is 00:04:03 It's like, tell me what, tell me what it is. Tell me what is going on at five. We were like, no, you ought to come. It's a surprise. Yeah. You come in, we don't tell you or nothing. Yeah. So he's done it.
Starting point is 00:04:14 It's moved his very important appointment. Yeah. He's covered at five. So that's going to be, that's going to be mad when that happens. Well, also Killer Mike's got a busy day. Yeah. Um, so he's going to be late. So Nish is going to be here for hours. Yeah. So Killer Mike's getting a busy day. Yeah. So he's going to be late. So Nish is going to be here for hours.
Starting point is 00:04:26 Yeah. So Killer Mike's getting here at like half four. Yeah. So we're supposed to be finishing at five. Yeah. So now Nish is going to get here and he'll be waiting for quite a while. Yeah. And we've told all the people who work here at Plosive not to tell Nish who we're interviewing.
Starting point is 00:04:39 So he will know because he'll walk through here and he'll look. He'll look and then we'll hear him go... BAAA! And Killer Mike will be like, who's that? That's Nish Gumer. Or what's going to happen is Killer Mike's day is going to get later and later and he does have a gig tonight. So he might just cancel
Starting point is 00:04:58 and then Nish will just be here. Oh, that would be funny. Yeah, that would be funny too. We will interview Nish. If Nish turns up and Killer Mike doesn't, we will interview Nish. Yeah. We'll get him to imagine the menu of Killer Mike. Also, I can't stress this enough. If Killer Mike doesn't show up and can't make it, you won't be hearing this now. You won't hear this. No, this is for us. No. Ah, RTJ motherfuckers.
Starting point is 00:05:20 RTJ motherfuckers, this is the off-menu menu of Killer Mike. Killer Mike! Welcome Michael to the Dream Restaurant. Yeah, thanks for that. Welcome Killer Mike to the Dream Restaurant. We've been expecting you for some time. Man, thank you guys. I appreciate you for waiting me out, man. I'm glad to be here. We're very, very excited to have you guys. I appreciate you for waiting me out, man. I'm glad to be here. We're very, very excited to have you here. They tricked me. If you guys may not know, I'm a chubby guy. It was like, Mike, it involves
Starting point is 00:05:50 food. I'm like, hell fucking yeah. And then we were coming and said, well, we don't actually serve food. Just talk about it. Yeah. That's fair enough. That's the hustle. Yeah. I mean, a lot of people leave this podcast very hungry and frustrated. So sorry about that. On show days, I don't eat too much before I
Starting point is 00:06:05 took my, but I did take my whole production team and my choir and DJ and everybody. I took them to breakfast this morning. I grew up eating an English style breakfast and didn't know what I was. I just thought my grandpa liked beans in the morning, but I'm assuming whoever owned his family over a hundred years ago were probably people from this side. Cause we ate fucking pork and beans, blood pudding or blood pie, you know, two different meats. And I didn't know until my first trip here years ago that that was just actually a thing here.
Starting point is 00:06:32 And then I felt normal again, because kids thought I was weird eating beans for breakfast in the morning when I was a child. That must have been mad. So just coming here for the first time and seeing that breakfast again and putting two and two together. Yeah, I literally jumped off the plane
Starting point is 00:06:44 and saw an advertising there, I was like, what the fuck? And then by the time I got to the airport, I literally jumped off the plane and saw an advertisement in the airport like, what the fuck? And then by the time I got to the airport, I mean, by the time I got to the hotel, I'm like, oh, I'm eating this. And it was, it was as good. It was as good as my grandmother. Every hotel here as well, you're going to get that for breakfast. And that's when my wife and I ate beans this morning and, you know, and bacon and sausage. And that's, it's good. But I realized that it probably worked great for them back in the days because they actually went and did work after they ate it. We just went back to sleep.
Starting point is 00:07:11 There's so much British food as well that is like clearly designed for people who are gonna go and do manual labor afterwards. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's like you can tell working class folks, you know what I mean? They're gonna work it off during the day. We're just sitting around watching fucking reality TV now.
Starting point is 00:07:24 Go and sit in the car after- Listen to podcasts smoking weed and shit. They're gonna work it off during the day. We're just sitting around watching fucking reality TV now Smoking weed and shit. You got a whole choir to feed as well. Yeah people. Yeah the Midnight Revival man I got a five-person choir on there. Shout out to Jory Jordan Adonica Troy and Alicia and my DJ of course track started DJ Thanks for them. And then I just got a great production team to him and Connor, you know, my man pinner I got my camera guy here, Mike, and my man, Barron, my assistant, Rhonda, and my A&R cousin. I didn't make any money out here.
Starting point is 00:07:53 I just took a big loss to come here and promote. And I don't have any regrets. I really love coming over here for the enthusiasm of the crowds and doing cool stuff like this. All we've got is the great Benito. That's our name. Benito. You got a name that says, I'm gonna have sex with you.
Starting point is 00:08:07 Like, there's no way woman or man could refuse Benito. What's your name? Benito. Well, you're a man of mystery. Yeah, he is. Yeah, like Benito, that's like a rapper would choose your name as their name. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:19 I'm Benito, you mean for Nito. I'm not Caucasian, my name is Negro. You know what I'm saying? Don't say that, Benito. I mean for Nito. You know, I'm not Caucasian. My name is Negro. You know what I'm saying? Don't say that Benito. I wouldn't mind. I won't let anybody jump you Benito. He's with me. He's like a mob movie. He's one of my guys. So how's the response to the album been in the UK and the live shows?
Starting point is 00:08:39 Man, the live shows sold out in a day? And I was leaving to start doing interviews a day and this peck will be well dressed man, I'm in the financial district, great haircuts, I know this motherfucker's rich. When he runs up to me he says, are you big Mike? And I'm like, I'm like I'm killer Mike. He says, man that album is mad man, you gotta take a picture with me.
Starting point is 00:09:01 I'm like, fucking A. We take a picture, I was pleasantly surprised, you know what I mean? Especially since the night before security didn't know who the fuck I was and tried to put me out of the lobby. Oh, good fun. I didn't know you could do an English accent. I'm really glad to hear you do that.
Starting point is 00:09:18 The South, and what's crazy is, so you know, originally, you know, America, at some point they get over there, whoever their first Americans were, and they were originally, you know, America at some point, they get over there, whoever their first Americans were, and they were like, you know what, fuck that. We ain't gotta send tax money back. We could just stay. And those cities were, of course,
Starting point is 00:09:32 like Boston, Philadelphia, New York, you know. And they would tell us in the South, you guys don't use proper English, shit like that. But when I started coming over here, I started realizing, no, we do. You know, we don't say watch your step, we say mind your step. You know, we don't say either, we say. We don't say watch your step, we say mind your step.
Starting point is 00:09:45 We don't say either, we say neither of you. Stuff like that. So what I realized is a lot of the colloquial terms that I grew up thinking was not good English is actually proper English. So I grew up going back, I grew up going home like, Southerners, we know what we're talking about. New Yorkers, you don't know what the hell you're doing.
Starting point is 00:10:03 So I feel a weird kinship to the UK. And again, the people here are always kind of nice. Whether we're doing Kingston or whether we've done Birmingham, what's called Birmingham in America, it's incredibly similar at different points. So I'm always comfortable here. Now we always ask at the top of the podcast, if someone is a foodie. You've already told us before the podcast that you are. Well I'm fat, I think that explains it. For me, I lost the weight though, I'm 47 pounds down trying to lose some more.
Starting point is 00:10:31 So I'm still eating food, just eating a little differently, you know? Yeah. What's that change been then? Just, you know, going, honestly man, just more toward, I've always been a little chubby kid, but I've always moved around a lot. But just honestly more like my,
Starting point is 00:10:45 I realized my grandparents gave me all the answers. You know, my grandpa had to lose weight in 87. He had a mild heart attack, had to lose weight. So I was telling him to my grandmother, feed me out of a saucer instead of a plate. So you know when they say portion control and stuff like that, no one had to tell him to do portion control.
Starting point is 00:11:00 He'd just say, instead of doing a plate, he'd just eat out of a saucer. And the next thing you know, he planes out. And we ate a lot of game meat. So we ate deer, we ate wild hog, we did a lot of lake fishing, so we ate a lot of lake fish. And my grandma was big on, she'd preserve her own vegetables and stuff like that. So our cupboard was full of jars and stuff from vegetables she had.
Starting point is 00:11:19 So I just started just doing back to shit that they did. Less breads and sugars and stuff and just drink ice water. If you do drink something that's sweet, just drink one of it, drink it at the end versus that. So just very simple stuff like that and just moving around more. Like I say, my grandfather's lead to English style breakfast, but he'd go work 12 hours.
Starting point is 00:11:39 You know what I'm saying? I'd do it, smoke 12 joints. So I'm learning, eat off the saucer, only smoke one joint, take a 10 minute walk, don't go to sleep. So you've cut down on everything. Yeah. It must be nice doing stuff that like, you know, your grandparents did as well to make
Starting point is 00:11:53 you feel more connected to them as well. It does. They raised me and my sisters. So my middle sister, who was the wilder one who liked clubs and shit like that, she now gardens, helps feed six or seven families from a garden. So she was, I was like, shit, I wasn't paying attention to grandma like this, but she paid attention.
Starting point is 00:12:08 So she gardens, she knows how to can her own food and stuff. My younger sister's in the council, she doesn't have to do shit, she's rich. You know what I'm saying? But I, yeah, and I, you know, I haven't been in a while, but fishing is something I still enjoy, because you just get to talk shit, smoke a joint, you know, until the gang war comes by,
Starting point is 00:12:25 you gotta hide your weed. Like, why isn't you can't smoke weed on a lake? You know? Like, how are you policing me on a fucking lake? I'm just trying to catch a bass. Get some ass. Also, you just sat there with a rock, like, it feels like, that feels like the perfect time.
Starting point is 00:12:37 It is, yeah. And then the gang war comes along, I smell marijuana. Like, how the fuck do you know what marijuana smells like? You know? Well, we always start the dream meal Like how the fuck do you know what marijuana smells like? You know? You know? You know? You know? You know? You know? You know?
Starting point is 00:12:48 You know? You know? You know? You know? You know? You know? You know? You know?
Starting point is 00:12:55 You know? You know? You know? You know? You know? You know? You know? You know?
Starting point is 00:13:01 You know? You know? You know? You know? You know? You know? You know? You know? You know? lemons in my ice water. Sparkling water if I'm on a date with my wife and I want to feel, because she drinks, I'm not as much of a drinker. I have like, you know, maybe a whiskey three, four times a year, but you know, I like still water and just with a lot of ice in it. And with her, if I want to look fancy, I'll get a sparkling water. Are we talking crushed ice, big cubes of ice? I like any ice. I like, in my whiskey, I like when they give you the one big cube. I love that. Yeah, because it never melts, but the crushed ice melts quick. I want to know what's the difference.
Starting point is 00:13:25 I got an ice conspiracy. I think rich people have better ice. Yeah. When you go to those whiskey bars and shit, their ice never melts. When you go to TGI Friday, that ice is gone before it even hits the cup good. But those posh bars, like they have ice shipped in, right?
Starting point is 00:13:43 Yes, yeah. And they get huge blocks and they chop it off. They chop the blocks off and they make it a whole thing of it. It's amazing. I love watching those videos of them shaping the ice blocks. Yeah, me too. It's pretty cool. It's pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:13:52 Yeah. I definitely feel one of those big, but you can't have a big, those big whiskey cubes. If I saw that in any of a drink, I wouldn't be able to take it seriously. Yeah. If someone gave me like a Coke and it's got that in it, I'd be like, are you kidding me?
Starting point is 00:14:04 I can't believe this. Cokes, I've broken an addiction to. I literally just loved Coca-Cola and I'm from Atlanta, home of Coca-Cola. So I haven't had a Coke since when? It's December 31st last year. Wow. Yeah, I haven't had a Coca-Cola. So it was a New Year's resolution, was it?
Starting point is 00:14:19 Well, I just was like, man, you got to break the Coke addiction. So not even resolutions, it's just like, let me see how long I can go. I did cheat once, I had a float. So I do like vanilla ice cream, so I did do that. Well, that's difficult to resist. Yeah, how could you not have a float? Yeah, that's real. Also then it's a dessert, right? Yeah, I did it as a dessert. I did.
Starting point is 00:14:39 That's the equivalent of like one big ice cube in a scoop of ice cream. That's as close as you'll get in a coke. That's fine. I don'll get in a Coke. That's it, that's it. That's fine, I don't think that even counts as cheating on. Yeah, I did that, I did. I felt my stomach hadn't had a Coke or ice cream in a minute, so I spent the rest of the day in the bathroom. Worth it.
Starting point is 00:14:57 I was literally just looking like this, like, damn, it was worth it though. Smoking a joint on the toilet in a hotel, hoping I don't get charged for it. The same guy from the late- Yeah, yeah, I go to the front, I know Benito. You want problems with me and Benito? I once didn't have a Coke for five years.
Starting point is 00:15:16 Word. And then I started drinking Diet Coke, and now Diet Coke tastes exactly like Coke does to me. I won't do Diet Coke or Coke Zero. Coke Zero, I will say, got the taste of coke better, but but when you it's like us like, okay Coke is sugar fruit toast is not but then you'll you'll you'll be on the internet They'll say diet coke even worse than coke. It makes your balls fall off and I'm just like what? Why does diet soda kill us quicker than regular stuff?
Starting point is 00:15:43 People get weird about sweet artificial sweeteners, right? Yeah, they do. I've never heard the theory that it makes your balls fall off. Yeah, well, I mean, basically that's what this one said. And I was just like, well, I want my balls, so I'll probably just drink more water, eat watermelon. I think your balls fall off and then rich people use them as ice cubes. Yeah, that's usually how I would imagine.
Starting point is 00:16:01 I would imagine evil bastards. Pop an OBSORT bread! Pop an OBSORT up, absorbed bread. Pumped up, absorbed bread killer Mike. Pumped up, absorbed bread. None of that for me to start because my wife's a bread eater to start. I like to start with the meat. So there's a Florida hole in the wall style bar when you land in Atlanta.
Starting point is 00:16:20 It's called Spun Divots. It's built like a, there's this strip right by the airport called Virginia Avenue. And if you want great Louisiana style food, there's a place called Louisianaondivitz. It's built like a, there's this strip right by the airport called Virginia Avenue. And if you want great Louisiana style food, there's a place called Louisiana Bistro. That's right in front of a dive hotel. But the food outside of Louisiana is a great Creole and French based foods.
Starting point is 00:16:36 And it's a great place to go, but it's in front of a Motel 6. There's a Spondivitz, which is a Florida dive bar style, terribly overpriced on some items, but they have a Cajun shrimp appetizer. That's amazing. So I like meat in the beginning. So the Cajun shrimp is what I,
Starting point is 00:16:51 and I get them done extra low crispy, I get those. Are these big shrimps because- No, not the big ones, not the big ones. The big shrimps I get the feeling weird about after so long. I'm like, this shit's as big as my fucking thumb. You know what I'm saying? So it's not too small, but it's a good go between the small and the big.
Starting point is 00:17:07 Are you suspicious of the big shrimps, though? I don't know if I'm suspicious, just they're so fucking big. Like, how long has this shrimp been here? What foul shit has this shrimp done? Because they always give you, you know what I mean? Shrimps in the ostrich, the cockroaches of the sea. That's what my cinematographer guy always says to me. I'm like, shut up.
Starting point is 00:17:23 You grew up eating the wild hog, you know, like I did. So yeah, but I just think they're so goddamn big. They've been around, like lobsters are like, they've been around for ages. Yeah, lobsters used to be served in prisons. They thought it was, you know, just, it's like chitlins, right? I'm not a big chitlin either, but I'm from the South.
Starting point is 00:17:38 So chitlins are a thing. Chitlins are essentially the intestines of a hog that are cut out clean and then boiled. And my grandmother would boil them and then fry them. My mom liked them fried. They would do that. So it was something that people looked at
Starting point is 00:17:50 as poor people's food for a long time. And then somebody in the South who was rich realized, oh man, black people are eating this and poor people are eating this, poor white folks in the Appalachian. So we should probably overprice these and sell them during the holidays. So between Thanksgiving and Christmas,
Starting point is 00:18:04 people eat hog intestines and their chitlins. You know, I don't eat them so much. I didn't when I was a young boy, but shrimp and lobster are the same way. People I hear used to didn't care much for them. And then they realized those prisoners look really happy. Maybe we should serve this lobster and charge people a hundred bucks for them. Yeah. It's good to learn what chitlins are because like I've heard them said in like TV shows and I've had no idea what they are because we don't have them in this country. Yeah, it's the intestines and the cool the cool shit is about is my grandpa right? He liked chitlins.
Starting point is 00:18:32 He didn't always like when family came to visit because chitlins were a little expensive. So whoever cooked them best everyone would bring their buckets to. My grandmother was a great cook of chitlins. So they'd bring her and she'd have to clean them and she'd cook them and then you'd come pick yours up. But there was some holidays, my grandfather was just like, he wasn't into a bunch of people coming. But too many people would come and want chitlins and he'd tell me, go put a piece of corn in the pot. And I'm like, what the fuck are you doing?
Starting point is 00:18:58 He said, just take a piece of corn and put it in the pot. And that make it look like the chitlins didn't really get cleaned well. And that way the chitlins were him and my mom for the rest of the night, knowing that. And my grandmother would get a bad reputation if she didn't clean well. She found out, man, she was mad as a motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:19:14 My grandfather was happy, though, he ate his chitlins. He'd get hungry. So it was like sabotaging his own wife. Yeah, that's the hey man. He was making sure no one else ate her chitlins. I get like that about my wife's food, though. My wife made an amazing lasagna before we left, and was like you want if you don't come home and eat it and leave The studio now I'm gonna give it to somebody I was like no the fuck you aren't
Starting point is 00:19:34 That that lasagna will be there when I get there ma'am With the first two weeks I asked her to marry me and she was like get the fuck out of here You're a rapper in there. So after about, I think four or five years, we got really high in Vegas and really drunk. And I played my love tour and we went and got married and a fucking drive through marriage thing when our cab driver was our witness. And then we didn't tell anybody we were married for nine years. Oh wow. Yeah. And so we've been married 17 years now. That's amazing. For nine years, no one knew. And then we finally had to tell her family because her family is from Hilton Head Island and they're, they're very traditional black, you know, just tightly knit black family, similar to mine. And they were just like,
Starting point is 00:20:13 are you going to marry our niece or are you just going to keep playing with her? And I'm in, we had to say we're already married. Okay. Were they okay with that or were they okay with us being married or no, they were not okay with me just fucking on their niece. No, for a decade of just fucking on her niece, no, her aunt, I call her my aunt, no, my aunt Penny was definitely not, she's, you know, we were trying to talk about, you know, hey, we want to build on some land here,
Starting point is 00:20:37 we'd like to put a house here, and they were like, nah, you're just fucking on our niece. What are you gonna do to take it seriously? And I was like, well, we're already married. But were they, I'm not, were they okay about the fact you got married and then not told them for nights? Yeah, they were fine. They were fine with it.
Starting point is 00:20:50 No one really likes going to weddings. The food is usually shitty. You know what I'm saying? Like I have two best friends, one since kindergarten, one since first grade. And we're all, so it's a trifecta friendship. Me, Robert Hicks, he used to play for the Buffalo Bills. And our man Darius, Darius Gignignard so we've been friends literally since elementary school
Starting point is 00:21:07 And they both got married neither one of them know let me be the best man Not even that I wanted to be but I'm sitting down the man next to the man So I'm the man next to the man and in both times. They're like hey when you do your wedding rehearsals The minister will always say also say What they say the wedding if there's anyone who has any objections, if you don't wanna, you know. And I'm standing there like, hey, if you don't wanna do this, so Benito, you're my man.
Starting point is 00:21:28 Benito, if you don't wanna do this, you know you don't have to do this. The bride is literally right where we're at. If you don't wanna do this, you know we can fucking walk. We don't have to be here. There's a strip club that's open, the great chicken wings at the Blue Flame, and the fucking wives looking at me like,
Starting point is 00:21:42 you fat motherfucker. You know what I'm saying? So what are we gonna do? And the food is always wack as fuck? You know I'm sitting order for some oh, we're gonna have grenadine baked corn bread like get the fuck out of here Just give us cornbread without sugar in it give us some fucking oxtails the greens his mom's makes They always try to get exotic it always ends up just being chicken Cold shrimp or salmon. And now everybody's vegan,
Starting point is 00:22:06 there's fucking fried cauliflower. Bitch, get the fuck out of here. Are we going straight to main course? Did you have a dream starter dish after that appetizer? So after like those shrimps, I like home cooking. I'm big on like my wife's cooking, my sister's cooking and stuff like that. So, you know, if I was gonna say, the starters, I'm just doing my wife's cooking, my sister's cooking, stuff like that. So, I was gonna say,
Starting point is 00:22:26 the start is I'm just doing a start on a restaurant style. I do the Cajun style shrimp. I like meat. I like steak houses. I like oxtails. I like stuff that. And then just give me a protein and give me something green. My grandmother's family's from Alabama.
Starting point is 00:22:40 So I like a starchy cornbread. I don't like, so half my family, my dad's side is from Georgia. my mom's side is from Alabama. Alabama tends to cook a starchier type, so their cornbread doesn't have sugar. It is absent sugar. Their pancakes don't have sugar. It's a starchier and just butter. So I like a starchier that. And what I like doing is, so my grandma would cook collards and it's interesting, I saw this African woman talking about it.
Starting point is 00:23:07 She was like, you should be eating food with your hands. There should be a connectivity between your hands, your food, and your brain. Eating with knife and fork. Sometimes I'll just do the proper thing to do publicly. The first time I went to kindergarten, I think, they served at some point collard greens and cornbread, because I went to all black public schools,
Starting point is 00:23:23 all black neighborhoods, so the women that were cooking were black. And I got the collards on one side and the cornbread on the other. I did what I did at home. I put my cornbread and my collards and mashed that shit together and was eating with my hands. And the teacher said, baby, I eat like that at home,
Starting point is 00:23:36 but that's not how we eat in public, baby. And I looked at like, fuck you talking about? And that's how I learned you use a knife and fork in public. But I like my collard greens. So if I was at a restaurant for starters, I'd do collards and cornbread. Yeah. Because the collards are cooked, there's a turkey neck
Starting point is 00:23:51 or either there's a neck bone or something cooked in it. So you get the meat flavor, you get some strips of meat. But with a good starchy cornbread, you get to put it together and that sets you up pretty good. I love that. I've never really known what collard greens, because I've had them,
Starting point is 00:24:06 but I didn't know what made them colored greens. I didn't know that there was the turkey. Yeah, well they started doing it with turkey, because they deemed other meats not as good. So there was a pivot toward health, and people started doing it. But now the old stuff, you throw what you have in. Essentially peasant food or poor people's food
Starting point is 00:24:22 is not different. If you go around the world, poor people eat beans, they rice, they eat some type of protein usually. You know, I say poor, I don't mean like distraught without just working class folks. Folks that are gonna have to work a half a day, they're gonna need something nutrient dense to support them. So when you look at collard greens,
Starting point is 00:24:37 turnip greens and cabbage, oftentimes that's a part of the meal, that's the green thing on the meal. So turnips tend to be a little more tart than collards. Collards are a little sweeter. The meats that are in them will give it whatever flavor. So whether it's smoked turkey, whether it's neck bone, stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:24:52 And then to me with a good starchy cornbread and that sweet greens, it's just perfect to start with. Is that all part of the main course? Could be, could be starting, you know, it's just- I like that coming as a little starter. I like that, yeah. Yeah, I like that. Who does? I think Candy Burr's restaurant, Old Lady, I think they do that as a starter. There's a place called Mary Max when you come to Atlanta too. It
Starting point is 00:25:16 is, it was forever owned by one family. A young black guy who went to Morehouse, went to the same college as me, he just acquired the restaurant. But what I love about it is they do a cornbread, that's a starch cornbread, and it also has bacon bits in it. So you have these pork rinds that are in it, and they have a very good collard green. So Mary Max is a place that I like to go if I'm not eating my own family's food at home, but that's their starter. That's one of the starters you get from them. Wow. And whereabouts is that? Mary Max is on Pasta Leon, or Pasta Leon, if you're in Europe. And obviouslyabouts is that? Mary Maxx is on Pasta Leon. Right. Or Pasta Leon, if you're in Europe. And obviously this is your dream meal we're creating. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:49 So if you don't want to eat with a knife and fork during this. No, I'm eating with my hands. Yeah, I'm going to eat with my hands. I don't mind. Yeah, yeah. This is the first radio ad you can smell. The new Cinnabon pull apart only at Wendy's. It's ooey, gooey, and just five bucks
Starting point is 00:26:05 with a small coffee all day long. Taxes extra at participating Wendy's until May 5th. Terms and conditions apply. Main course. Main course, man. I like a steak. I like the porterhouse, I like the ri eyes, like the bone-in rib eyes. The steak I like, there's a place called Bones in Atlanta, and there's a place called Chop's
Starting point is 00:26:33 Lobster Bar in Atlanta. And then it's like a, Roof Chris is like a national chain in the United States, but they always got a good steak too. But you can find a Roof Chris anywhere, but Bones and Chop's are Atlanta specific. I like the rib eyes there like the bone in rib eyes I like to do either medium or medium. Well the thin line of pink or Serve it so hot that if I reheat it later, I'll order medium So if I reheat later, it doesn't fully cook. I don't like a well-done steak I don't think that's a proper way to eat steak and I'll do a blackening seasoning with sometimes extra blackening
Starting point is 00:27:04 Because it gives it that pop. Meat is, and even gay meat, people are oftentimes, meat has a sweetness. When you stop drinking Cokes and doing shit like that, you'll even taste whatever grass this animal was fed. So I'm really into it. I grew up eating deer meat, wild hog meat, stuff like that. So I love a good steak, and depending on where I'm from,
Starting point is 00:27:21 I was in a steakhouse here, and I actually want to go to tomorrow, and they have steaks that are raised here and they have some that are directly out of Nebraska. And she was telling me that the grass here, it's smokier, it's a little different. So I'm going to order two steaks for the table and we're going to have a comparison, but I'm a steak guy, I like steak. Great. I love that comparison thing as well. That's the sort of thing I do if I go to a restaurant and we're going to get both and we're going to see what the difference is. Absolutely. It's like I try to convince my wife about other girls. She's not as open to the idea.
Starting point is 00:27:55 So the places that you just mentioned that are in Atlanta, how long have they been in Atlanta for? Long time. Chops is newer, but still been for, we're a member of the private club where you can you join and you go through the doors and behind the kitchen and there's a speak easy and that's really cool because you don't have to be bothered with the whole restaurant. It's just it's really dimly lit. It's like watching a Yak is a Mob movie almost, you know what I'm saying? There's pictures of Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis and stuff like that. And the one Bones, former Atlanta mayor Andrew Young, who's also a former ambassador to the United States,
Starting point is 00:28:31 he was a lieutenant with Dr. King and helped with civil rights and just helped my city be a great city. He took me to Bones first. You know, he showed me the difference between regular fork, salad fork, that type of stuff. I'm a little kid. And their place is great because they're a steak house, but they don't take theyself so serious.
Starting point is 00:28:48 You can still wear sneakers in there. You know what I'm saying? So they were very, not kid friendly, they were before it was cool to walk around in sneakers and just a regular t-shirt. No one was really, they weren't really tripping. Balls is one. Some of the steak houses in the States
Starting point is 00:29:03 are like super fancy. Like I remember going to one, weren't really tripping. So some of the, some of the steak houses in the States, like super fancy way. Yeah. Like I remember going to one and this is when I learned just great service people. You just can't, they're irreplaceable. My wife and I are getting ready to open a restaurant, to reopen a 50 year old restaurant that me and TI bought together called Bankhead Sifu. But I went to the steak house and the steak house required you have a jacket to
Starting point is 00:29:23 come in. And I was a big kid, you know what I mean? So I didn't have a jacket. I know you're supposed to have a jacket. And the guy says, we're just gonna walk in with your jacket and we'll put it on the back of your chair. That way I'll just tell people he didn't wanna get anything on his jacket. And I was just, I'm this little black kid,
Starting point is 00:29:39 I'm a little intimidated by the environment. You know, he's a big, burly white guy. He was nice as anybody's uncle has ever been to him. But he walked me through it and showed me just how to the loopholes. And I just, I like steakhouse service. And I think that's a part of the reason I like steak houses. You still feel very masculine. Your machismo is validated in a steakhouse. I'd like to know how you got to be part of this little secret room at Chops. How did that come about? So man, it's a guy named Don Perry, who Don is like a um, he's a guy in the music industry Who's mentor just like dozens of guys he likes to meet there
Starting point is 00:30:13 So when I meet I have dinner with them there But he told us that hey, you know, there's this club and if you if you want to join you Let me know I'll get you recommended and we'll get you on there and we had heard about it Maybe being a thing but he's the guy that he pushed the button. And my wife and I joined and now we are, she goes more than me. My wife eats out more than I do. But again, I love her cooking.
Starting point is 00:30:32 So I don't give a fuck what she eats. I won't eat at home. And so we joined and it's been pretty cool. I think we'll probably be lifetime members. Is LP part of the little secret club? Or just hits the light of the door? I think LP is like a, what is it, Soho House or something? I think he's a Soho House guy.
Starting point is 00:30:49 The steak's not as good at Soho House. I mean, the environment is cool at Soho House. The food is cool, but it's not the same. Yeah, yeah, it's not. You're not getting that. There's no open fire and the big steaks and stuff. New York Prime, too, is a place that's in Atlanta, but they got a really good steak and really good service, too. What I like, I know when I'm in a good steakhouse got a really good steak and really good service, too. Nice.
Starting point is 00:31:05 What I like, I know when I'm in a good steakhouse, when I look at the pictures or the writings on the wall, so it's like, you know, you go to New York Prime and it says, any complaints take to Lou Cabrazi, you know, because Lou Cabrazi sleeps with the fishes, you know what I mean? Yeah, I go, if you go in, once you go to chops in their private room and pictures of, like I say, Sinatra and Sam, you know, so you know, you know, Americans love criminals. God bless you. So you give us a good mafia member, man, and we're going to eat there. So, you know, I, I enjoy steak houses for that reason too.
Starting point is 00:31:36 There's always this element of, you know, anything can happen. I'm in the same from the Godfather. And the sides as well. Sides and a steak house. All of those. And they're big. And they're, you know, they're, you know, when sides in a steakhouse. Just all of those. And they're big. You know, when I do a steakhouse, that's the only meal I'm eating today. Are you having your dream side dishes from the steakhouse as well? Yeah, I like the garlic mashed potatoes. I tend not to like macaroni and cheese from any restaurant, but I prefer my wife. If I was doing macaroni and cheese, I'd have my
Starting point is 00:32:09 wife make the mac and cheese. Asparagus is something I caught on in the last few years and I really like. Asparagus is a vegetable that I can get. You smell it when you pee after you're done. You really do. Yeah, but that lets you know that water's getting through your body quick. So yeah, but I don't have to go too crazy. Just give me a good steak and potato. The baked potatoes are great at Steak Houses. When it goes big, hearty baked potatoes, you get the sour creams. Not so much big on the chives and stuff,
Starting point is 00:32:35 but just give me butter potato and sour cream. I love a good baked potato with my steak. There's what I like about Roof Chris is being from the South, we're into yams. You know, with sugar or without. Sweet potatoes are a staple in the South. My grandmother made them, my aunt still make them. And so Ruth Chris has a great, it's like a sweet potato souffle.
Starting point is 00:32:57 So it's sweet potato, there's these pecan choppings on it, pecan choppings, and like this sugar that sprinkle. My wife will take that and add a little more butter and sugar as she tries to fad me up some more. So I like that. I like my steak with a sweet potato too or a white potato. But yeah, I'm a steak guy. And what else?
Starting point is 00:33:15 Salads. I like a mix. I don't like regular lettuce. I like mixed greens. I like spinach. I like other greens. So I'm big on my salad. And I don't like a lot of dressing on my salad. Usually I'll get a salad and I'll just add some type
Starting point is 00:33:27 of fruit, whether it's the clementine oranges or apples or grapes or something. And I let that kind of serve as my dressing. I don't even do balsamic vinegar or something. The fruit juice kind of pops the flavor. Sometimes it'll smother the taste when you put like too much dairy or creamier thing on it. And if I do get, or if I'm sharing a salad with her, I might dip a little bit, but I'm not big on salad dressing. I just like my salads with some fruit on top. I think especially if you're at a steak house, right? And you're having like, the steak is like rich and fatty
Starting point is 00:33:55 and meaty and everything's, all the sides have got like butter and stuff, you need something to cut through. Absolutely. Absolutely. We've spoke about yams a few times on the podcast because- Are you talking about cocaine or are you talking about... I'm sorry, just where I'm from, yams. Does that mean... Well, yeah, when you're talking about yams, you're talking about KeeLo and the Cameras.
Starting point is 00:34:12 Are you guys into cocaine? No, no. Okay, okay, okay. Not personally. I've suddenly just understood a lot more songs. Yeah, I was like, you thought GZ was talking about vegetables all the time. Yeah, yeah. I mean, literally, I live, what's the yams? I understand it now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:29 Okay, so, but like, yeah, we talked about- Yams also means ass too. Does it? Yeah, yeah. So when the girl said, man, she got them yams. So it's in- I don't know whether I'm coming or going. This is ridiculous. Yeah. In King Kunta by Kendrick, what's he talking about the yams in that song?
Starting point is 00:34:44 I don't know the lyric. I'm just, I'm a little stoned so I'm blanking a little bit. Yeah, he says what's the yams. They're talking about the yams and Richard Pryor in the same lyric. That was cocaine if he's talking about Richard Pryor. Yeah, when you got the yams, what's the yams? The yam brought it out of Richard Pryor. Yeah, yams and cocaine. Come on on you can work that out from context I can now I'm gonna take advantage of this education while I can Ed we've talked about just the sweet potatoes on the podcast and how as English people when we first saw it with marshmallows it blew our mind oh yeah I've never seen the marshmallow couldn't comprehend it yeah but I understand it though I like you Couldn't comprehend it. Yeah. But I understand it though. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:35:25 You know what I like for breakfast? I like cheese eggs, I like grits, and I like a crisp fried fish. That's fish and grits or fish and rice. My mom would do, my grandma would do fish and cheese grits. So you get eggs. My grandmother made an egg. It's interesting, my friend who's co-producers for Run the Jewels, Lohshalamar, his dad made eggs in a similar way,
Starting point is 00:35:47 but it's when you turn it on low heat, you crack the eggs and you put in, and you let the egg's yolk sit there, and you let the white start to firm up first, and you just leave it. My wife made me some of these actually before we left too. And you let them, and then you scramble, so the eggs are this beautiful, orangey yolk
Starting point is 00:36:02 with the white, and you do cheese, and she would even throw cream cheese in it sometimes. You do that versus just mixing it all together. My grandmother would add milk, and so it just becomes this base yellow. You know what I mean? So I like that, and I like the grits. I like my grits with cheese.
Starting point is 00:36:16 And then you just get a crisp-fried fish, or you do rice instead of the grits. That's always a good breakfast to get you going. Probably not gonna eat any things for the rest of the day, because it's gonna be so heavy. But that's it. So if I was doing breakfast, I'd do that. What fish are you going for in that?
Starting point is 00:36:28 Man, whatever you catch, bass, crappie, catfish, whatever you catch at the lake that day, you know what I'm saying? So I'm a catfish fan, a lot of people aren't, but I like catfish because it's firm. It's firm like a beast. Yeah, I like it like that. Bass is always clean, always tastes clean.
Starting point is 00:36:43 So, you know, if you give me a bass for breakfast, a lot of people wait to get sea bass or bass at night, but I like bass in the morning for breakfast. Have you ever been in with a catfish trying to catch a catfish with your hands? No, I haven't done that. I have, I'm gonna tell you, catfish are strong as fuck. They're hard as hell to clean and I loved catching them, but they're such a big fish. I've seen those people, they call it noodling, where they bend down and they put their hands at that Native American thing.
Starting point is 00:37:07 You've done it? I had to do it for a TV show. Come on, you bad motherfucker. They are strong. Yes, sir, they're strong. They're strong as shit, right? I ended up with it. I mean, it was like, it was massive.
Starting point is 00:37:16 It was like that. And it ended up with its mouth around here. So my arm was just like fully inside. Did you have hand through gill pulling it out? Yeah, I had to try and get it out and then eventually got it around the mouth and pulled it out of the water. Even if you're catching a catfish just,
Starting point is 00:37:30 you know, with the fish, one of the smaller ones, they're just strong, they feel like a whole muscle. Yeah. I mean, they're strong, that's crazy. I've always wanted to meet someone who did that. There you go. Yeah. I mean, I don't think Ed has ever been happier
Starting point is 00:37:43 that this podcast gets filmed Because that was probably the best moment of his life just that You've said you've always wanted to meet somebody Because when we hear about in the states it's something that you know indigenous people used to do and the next thing you know know, man, some white guy says, hold my beer. Next thing you know, they're in the fucking lake up to their neck, reaching the goddamn, the cat cave and pulling it out. I think you're amazing.
Starting point is 00:38:12 I think you're awesome. Earlier you said like, what your meals are on this tour with the choir and everyone that you've got. Does that differ? How does that differ from a Run the Jewels tour? If you're going and you're going out for food on that with- Elle likes Asian food. So, you know, there's a, there's a lot of, and here in Track Star, I just have a theory, white people and Asian food is a quirky thing to me. Like, you know,
Starting point is 00:38:34 in search of spice, you know, I mean, so, yeah, so, you know, there's a, there's a, I like Thai food. I've, um, there was a man, shout out to Gary, who is a, Gary's an engineer at Shangri-La, I think it's called Shangri-La, Rick Rubin's place up in Malibu. I was like, man, fuck it, man, I gotta expand my taste buds. Gary, what are you eating?
Starting point is 00:38:56 And Gary was eating a vegan dish, but I thought there were meatballs in this rice and this wonderful peanut sauce over it, no meat in it. Me and Gary sat around and ate that shit like my grandpa had just slaughtered a deer and dressed it and then wonderful peanut sauce over it. No meat in it. Me and Gary sat around and ate that shit like my grandpa had just slaughtered a deer and dressed it and then we were eating meat. It was amazing.
Starting point is 00:39:10 So Gary got me on the Indian food more, but sometimes it's so spicy. I'm not a fan of spicy food. But when we're out with Elle, more experimental, more Asian-based stuff, and shit is cool. But I'm a back to the basics guy. Get me at a good barbecue place. I like Austin for that reason.
Starting point is 00:39:26 I like Dallas, Texas for that reason. You know, I'm totally in the Brazilian restaurants where you just get fucking so much meat coming around. I mean, yeah, I'm a big fan of that. And are you gonna catch, Mike, a catfish? Yeah, I can catch you a catfish. Send it in the mail. We're gonna eat the fuck out of it.
Starting point is 00:39:43 Yeah, I'd have to fly over to the station. Why don't you just come and we'll just figure out fishing. We're not gonna stick my arm in the water, but we'll... I do that. I've never really done proper fishing before. So we'll do it. No bullshit. You can be smoking weed on the boat. And edging the water. The gang warden comes, I'm not talking to him. Ed's gonna do all the talking. I can do all the talking. I say, excuse me, Mr. Warden, that's not what you smell. That's the local vegetation. That's tobacco.
Starting point is 00:40:17 Your dream drink, Mike. Well, I don't drink alcohol a lot, but Johnny Walker Blue is the whiskey that I was to Scotch, I prefer, but it's in the lane of whiskey. There's also, this is off market. You guys can't get it. In the South, there's a long history of just brewing your own, what they call corn whiskey or illegal liquor. And I found some great, great liquor out of the Carolinas. It's a moonshine, but it's a peach based moonshine. So you're drinking it and it tastes like something you'd order at a resort, but there's a guy with a long beard and overalls that makes it and you pick it up, you don't tell anybody. So that is probably my drinking. That whiskey is one of the best. So Johnny Walker Blue, if I'm just buying stuff off
Starting point is 00:41:01 the shelf, but when I'm at home, I still got some in my fridge right now, just got an amazingly home-crafted, you know what my grandpa would call corn liquor. Corn liquor, and it tastes like peaches infused. So that's one of them. Do you ever do small talk with the guy with the beard when you go and get the drink from him? Do I do that? Yeah, yeah, of course.
Starting point is 00:41:20 Do you have a little bit of a... What kind of stuff do you end up talking about? My guys would go with me, but we talk about marijuana because we have better marijuana and they have better liquor. So it's oftentimes, why don't you try this week? And they're like, you know, you were going to give you liquor at a better price. I'm like, thank you. So yeah, the small talk is usually just about, you know, Southerners are very similar, even
Starting point is 00:41:41 though if we're racially different, we're very similar. We want to be left alone. We don't like the government in our fucking business. We like to grow our own weed or brew our own liquor. We sit on Saturdays, go to church on Sundays, ask for forgiveness and work hard the other five days of the week. How long will one of those bottles last you then? If you're getting some of that and you're only having like three or four drinks a year, you say? Yeah. But I have friends and my friends are drinkers.
Starting point is 00:42:05 So my bottles, the Johnny Walker goes pretty quick. My wife curses about it. I'm like, I don't give a fuck there. My friends, I don't give a shit if it's 200 bucks a bottle there. So, you know, with that, it can go quicker because I'll just be smoking marijuana, my friends be like, I want something to drink
Starting point is 00:42:18 and I'll just bring it out. The moonshine though, in terms of the peach infused moonshine, we call it killer peach, that stuff doesn't last as long because I actually like it. And so when my friends come over, I'm just like, let's drink some of this shit. So, you know, three to four times might be five to six times with them. And I pour a big cup, not a small cup. I'm going to be drunk.
Starting point is 00:42:37 I'm not going anywhere the rest of the day. Does it go down super easy then? Super easy. So your corn whiskey is not known for going down super easy. It can be, it can be smooth, but it still hits you. And usually if it tastes like something, it usually means it's not good. So they mask it with a taste.
Starting point is 00:42:52 This is the first time I've drank the corn. It's as clear as this. You can see through it. Like a glass and the peach infusion is there. And it's absolutely clean and it's beautiful. I just put a cup of ice together, pour it over it. And if I'm watching say, American version of football,
Starting point is 00:43:05 what, an hour, hour and a half, that's going to last me that whole thing because I'm going to sit and put it down because afterwards I'm not going anywhere. Yeah, I'm drunk. And you said that might be when you're smoking weed. What are you pairing with that? What kind of weed would go best? Heavy indica, heavy indica. Right now, like right now I'm smoking Gary Payton, smoking Gary Payton and drinking peach when I get back home. And I found some Gary Payton over here, just to lean on,
Starting point is 00:43:27 but it's an OG Cush, so. We rarely talk to guests about weed pairings with things. I think it's just you and Dan Aykroyd who've talked about that. Really, shouts out to Dan, man. Blues Brothers, man. Essentially part of Run The Jewels is based on Blues Brothers.
Starting point is 00:43:39 But no, man, yeah, I think that marijuana, there's a chef that we use on the holidays especially, but different points of the year. He does a marijuana infused king crab that I love. And it's cream crab, it's just fall out of the shell good. I like king crab because again, like bass or catfish rather, it's a heavier, it's not like regular crab. My wife taught me how to eat crab.
Starting point is 00:44:01 She's from a port city, she's from Savannah. So I grew up eating lake fish. I didn't grow up eating lake fish, I didn't grew up eating stuff out of the ocean. When the, you know, when I didn't even know I liked oysters to her aunt literally went next to her, her house is here. She walked to the water, pulled oysters out, and they were cooking them in her front yard.
Starting point is 00:44:18 And I was like, well, I don't know if I like it. And by the time she did, she had popped it out and put it in my mouth. I said, oh, it's fucking amazing. You didn't even have to add salt. She was like, the salt is in the water. So, you know, that, I like marijuana infused king crab legs that this guy makes for me.
Starting point is 00:44:31 I like smoking marijuana where if you, I don't know if you guys, how you do it here, but when my wife or port cities in America, when they eat crabs, they just put newspaper out like on a table and they just dump them all out and everybody goes for it. So I like marijuana infused in my king crabs. I like smoking when I eat seafood. newspaper out like on a table and they just dump them all out and everybody goes for it. You know what I mean? So I like marijuana infused in my king crabs.
Starting point is 00:44:47 I like smoking when I eat seafood because seafood usually isn't that heavy on you so you can still enjoy your high. You know if you've you know with a steak you have to smoke before and after because the steak is going to sober you up some. You know what I mean? So you know I'm pro marijuana infused food. My dad ate some cookies got too fucking high one time in my house thought he's gonna die My dad used to be a cop too
Starting point is 00:45:11 Did he know that the cookies were weird? No, of course not. No, he was just like you're just like your fucking mother I'm like you had a kid by her Cuz I'm more of a sweet tooth myself. What's the best weed cookies or weed brownies or things that you've got? I go to get, back when you still had to get a marijuana license in California to get it, so I go, me and my wife set up an appointment with the doctor. So we go to the doctor. The doctor says, do you smoke cigarettes?
Starting point is 00:45:37 No. Smoking marijuana? Yes. Do you eat infused up? Yeah. No. It's no good for you. I say for real? Yeah, no good.
Starting point is 00:45:45 You just smoke, drink plenty of water. My wife goes in, you smoke? Yeah, you smoke marijuana? No, no, you smoke marijuana? Yeah, yeah, good, good. Do you ever eat marijuana? You eat infused? Yeah, yeah, I'm good, keep going, keep going.
Starting point is 00:45:56 So we leave later, and that's what I'm looking like Benito. Like, what the fuck? Why'd you tell me not to, and I'm saying, why'd he tell me not to eat? And she just looks at me. Why would he tell you not to eat sweets Michael? And I'm like she says your little fat ass Something scientific Don't do as many edibles as much as I Smoked I drink a lot of water.
Starting point is 00:46:25 If I eat edibles, it's like a holiday, but I always think about that little doctor, man. He's just like, no, no, you shouldn't. You shouldn't. Well, we do arrive now at your dream dessert, the dessert portion of the menu. Yeah, as you can tell, I'm like, you have a sweet tooth, I like desserts.
Starting point is 00:46:43 I like chocolate cake a lot. But you know, honestly, my favorite is carrot cake. Carrot cake is amazing. The cream cheese, icing, the nuts on it, the texture of the carrots in it, and the ginger or whatever it is that kinda pops out. I'm a big fan of carrot cake. I like it room temperature though.
Starting point is 00:47:02 I don't like my carrot cake cold. I don't like how I like it room temperature. But I'm't like my carrot cake cold. I don't like how I like it room temperature, but I'm big on carrot cake. And carrot cake pairs well with whiskey too. So if you're having dessert, because usually I'm ordering my whiskey mid or at the end of the meal, it's a good thing to have. So yeah, carrot cake is one.
Starting point is 00:47:16 I like key lime pie from Spondivitz from the place I told you about. But what I really like is Edwards, which is just a pie company, big pie company in America, but they make a lemon meringue pie. So probably my all-time favorite dessert would be a tie between carrot cake and lemon meringue pie. So what makes this particular lemon meringue pie so good? The Edwards, because the meringue is sweet, it's firm, it's not loosey goosey, and the lemon part of it, the
Starting point is 00:47:47 custard is firm, you know what I mean? Not hard enough, but it's a pie, but it doesn't fall apart pie, you know what I mean? So it's a pie, but it has the consistency of a cake. So what I've got to ask you about desserts is about where to get the best peach cobbler in Atlanta because- My wife, you could just come to my house and she'll make you some peach cobbler. So Shay makes a hell of a peach cobbler. Yeah. And she makes a hell of a lemonade. When I was thinking about what I drink that's non-alcoholic, we're opening, so there's a 50 year old restaurant called Bankhead Seafood. It's, it's, everybody's
Starting point is 00:48:17 heard TI records heard it say Bankhead. That's the street that runs through the community we grew up in. We bought this restaurant. We bought the land, bought the restaurant, bought the recipes from the lady. And we would say, well, what do you want to add? TI makes a great sweet potato pie, so I think we're going to add that. My wife makes an amazing lemonade. She also makes an amazing peach cobbler
Starting point is 00:48:35 that when she asked if we could put on a meal, I said, absolutely fucking not. That stays in the family. I'm fucking giving them a peach cobbler. So her peach cobbler is amazing. And so you can come now. But Bankhead Seafood, we're gonna open. Great, it used to be a dive place
Starting point is 00:48:49 where you just come in, get fish to go and whatnot. Now we're at some proper sit down restaurant. I'm trying to get our liquor license and beer license now so you can drink RTJ beer while you're there. We have a rooftop and stuff. So when you guys come to Atlanta, you're gonna have to stop by. But my wife's peach cobbler is fucking amazing.
Starting point is 00:49:04 And there's also, trying to think there's one- Because you went on a quest, didn't you, James? Yeah. For a peach cobbler? Yeah, when I was in Atlanta, I was only there for a couple of days. Yeah. I really wanted a peach cobbler one day
Starting point is 00:49:16 and I didn't do a good job, Mike. I just put like into Google, the best peach cobbler in Atlanta. Yeah. Came up with a place, so I put the postcode in and I followed it, I went there. And then it was just a, like a store. It wasn't a, it was like a general store.
Starting point is 00:49:31 I went to the back and they were like, yeah, you can kind of heat this up in that microwave over there. Nah, nah, nah. Peach cobbler gotta come out of an oven. But I got you, I promise you, I got you. I knew it had gone bad, you know. There are a couple of restaurants,
Starting point is 00:49:42 I'm blanking on the names right now, cause I don't eat peach cobbler often anywhere. My grandmother, God bless her dead, made an amazing cobbler. And I married a woman who cooked so similar to my grandmother that, you know, it's like, I don't really notice the difference. But she, my wife makes an amazing peach cobbler. I'll get Shay to make you one.
Starting point is 00:49:58 Oh man. I got you. That's a promise. So we'll go fishing and James can eat peach cobbler. Absolutely. Oh, happily. What a great deal. That's a promise. So we'll go fishing and James can eat peach cobbly. Absolutely. Oh, happily. Let's get it. What a great deal.
Starting point is 00:50:06 I can't wait to eat a peach cobbly and watch him catch a fish with his bare hands. Let's get it. I'm so happy to do that. So do you want carrot cake and lemon meringue for dessert or just one of those? I'm Polly when it comes to food. Yeah?
Starting point is 00:50:21 Yeah. But I'm pro dessert for the same way. Like if we were out, I just ordered for the table. Like let's just hit three or four, we'll just share. Yeah, yeah, nice. That's it, you know. Yeah, well. James does that when we go out.
Starting point is 00:50:33 He's like, this is for the table. And you're like, it's for you, man. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, well, yeah. We'll get all the desserts. Yeah, get all the desserts. We've done that before. Everyone tries some.
Starting point is 00:50:42 We have done that before. Yeah, that's it. I think that's a cool thing to do. Those are good days. Well, then maybe we put Shade's Peach Cobbler in there as well. Yeah, I'll the desserts everyone tries. We have done that before. Yeah, that's it. I think that's a cool thing to do. Those are good days. Well, then maybe we put Shay's Peach Cobbler in there as well. Yeah, I'll have a bring it. I'll have a bring it. Yeah, we'll just have them for the table. Yeah, perfect.
Starting point is 00:50:52 Yeah, for your dream menu. Would you like a little whiskey at the end of the meal? I do. I do whiskey with you guys. Yeah, why not? We all have a drink. Benito. Yeah, Benito nodded his head.
Starting point is 00:51:01 Yeah, Benito's gonna have a whiskey too. He'll have one as well. Let's get it, Benito. And what, because also you're a musician, what music would you like playing for this meal? Man, I'm pro Sinatra and Nat King Cole. Like I like, when you're eating, you know, I rap for a living, so it's not like I want to hear more rap when I'm eating R&B and stuff
Starting point is 00:51:20 at about a third R&B song. I'm like, God damn, how sad are you? You know what I'm saying? So for me, you know, how sad are you, you know what I'm saying? So for me, if it's not, you know, I like stuff that feels like I'm in a Goodfellas movie. So give me Frank Sinatra, give me Nat King Cole, give me Dean Martin, you know,
Starting point is 00:51:37 if you wanna up it a little bit and have a cool vibe, give me Sade, give me Snow Allegra, give me stuff like that, you know what I'm saying? So yeah, I like, I like cool. But, but really give me that, give me that old jazzy shit, man. There's nothing, there's nothing, there's nothing as cool as having a steak here in that King Cole Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr., Dean Martin, there's nothing as cool as that. I'm gonna read your menu back to you now and see how you feel about it.
Starting point is 00:51:59 Okay. You like still water with lemon and lots of ice. Yep. You would like Cajun shrimp from Spon Divots. Start, you like collard greens and cornbread. Main course, medium steak with blackening seasoning. Rib eye steak we going for in the end? A porterhouse, yeah, I'll do the rib eye.
Starting point is 00:52:14 I'll do the rib eye, even with the bone in. Bone in. Yeah, bone in. Bone in. Yeah, fatty too. Fatty for flavor. Side dish we've got, well, actually, we hit a lot of different ones here as well.
Starting point is 00:52:23 Garlic mashed potatoes, a big baked potato, drink course you would like the killer peach which is the infused moonshine and dessert you want carrot cake, lemon meringue pie from Edwards, Shay's peach cobbler and then some Johnny Walker blue for everyone afterwards. Absolutely, absolutely and also I'll add this though for the table. You know I heard early that champagne cleanses the palate And you know, we were young when we were kids We were trying to be like we were trying to be like the older drug dealers who were buying like $100 bottles of champagne that $40 baller moat that white star that plain it really does clean your palate
Starting point is 00:52:58 I will say that it makes your mouth fresh again. So whatever you're eating next is something new So I'd order some champagne. We'll get that for the table. Keep it flowing for the whole meal. Absolutely. Oh, I'll add this. I'll give this because this is Elle's favorite restaurant. Peter Luger's.
Starting point is 00:53:12 As a steakhouse, I don't think their steaks are the most amazing. It's a decent steak, but their bacon. Yeah. The god damn bacon. Oh, that thick. It's that thick. So Peter Luger's bacon and New York Prime in Atlanta
Starting point is 00:53:26 both have amazing bacon. And I'd add that to the starter. Oh yeah. Yeah, because they look like- I've still not been to Peter Luger's because you can't book, right? And then it's only cash. So whenever I'm like-
Starting point is 00:53:38 So this is what you do. You put a hundred dollar bill in your hand, you fold it, you shake the counter's hand and say, you guys got a table for me. He's gonna say, go sit at the bar, give me 10, 15 minutes. Okay, we're gonna do that next time we're there, James. You gotta do it, just be subtle. Be subtle.
Starting point is 00:53:52 We'll do it. I love when L tells me, I can't get reservations, and I'm just like, I think we can. Let me do it though, because your hand's stinking catfish. Yeah. No one's shaking your hand, man. That's the way to do it though. In any steakhouse, obviously. That's the way to do it though.
Starting point is 00:54:06 In any steakhouse, obviously, that's the way to do it. Make sure you tip well. That's a lovely way to end it. Thank you very much. Love and respect, guys. Thank you so much. Thank you so much to Killer Mike for coming on the Off Menu podcast. What a chat, James.
Starting point is 00:54:24 We were both very excited for that one. I think it lived up to all our hopes and dreams. Yeah, it was great to have Killer Mike on the podcast. It was, it was. Great menu as well, James. Great menu, very delicious. Made me want to go to Atlanta ASAP. Didn't say cheesy rats as well.
Starting point is 00:54:38 Didn't say cheesy rat, which is fair enough. I mean, it was never gonna happen. Ahem! He sneezed. He sneezed. That's a loud sneeze. He jumped up and down on his chair when he did it as well. And his chair went backwards. He bounced up and down on his chair. I was on Claudia Winkleman show the other day and she sneezed during the traffic report,
Starting point is 00:54:58 but she was still on Mike. Good on her. She's a pro. Did she interrupt Sally traffic? Yeah. Sally traffic was so surprised. Good. James has got a feud with Sally traffic from radio too. I'll keep it going. Thank you to Killer Mike. The album Michael is out now. Yeah. Make sure you go out and buy it. It's brilliant. In fact, just get Killer Mike's entire back catalog. Yeah, do it. All the stuff we've run the jewels. Yeah. Yeah. Every guest appearance he's ever done. Just fantastic. Starting with that outcast song he did on Stan Kody. One of the best and he's on tour later this year. So make sure you go and see him on tour as well. I'm sure you'll probably bump into me and James there. Yeah. Don't say anything to us. Don't say anything to us. You stay away from us. Thank you very
Starting point is 00:55:40 much for listening. We'll see you again. We'll see you again sometime soon. Bye. Bye Hi, I'm Lucy Bobant and guess what I'm Sam Campbell. If you enjoy, well there's another podcast just coming out. Oh wait, the podcast is out now? Yeah. If people have enjoyed Off Menu, will they enjoy Lucy and Sam's Perfect Brains? I don't know. There's a bit of a crossover. We talk about maybe, you know, a couple of food issues. We talk about cutlery and that's near food. We reckon it's out now. Not soon, it's now. Is it on all the platforms?
Starting point is 00:56:28 Oh, it absolutely is. If you like James and if you love Ed, you might get a kick out of this. But yeah, again, no pressure. But yeah, this one is coming. This one's out now. Lucy and Sam's Perfect Braids.

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