Office Ladies - A Conversation with Billie Eilish

Episode Date: January 5, 2023

This week we have a special episode where Jenna and Angela sit down with “The Office” superfan and popstar, Billie Eilish! Billie shares her favorite episodes, seasons and what “The Office” me...ans to her. Billie also shares how “The Office” made her learn a couple things incorrectly including thinking that the band U2 was from Scranton. The ladies talk with Billie about what it was like to sample a clip from “Threat Level Midnight” in her song, “My Strange Addiction.” Then we end with an “Office” quiz! Are you an “Office” superfan? Can you get all the questions right? Enjoy this very fun and special episode with Billie Eilish! Happy New Year!    Check out Billie Eilish: Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: Us on Instagram: OfficeLadiesPodCheck out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm Jenna Fisher. And I'm Angela Kinsey. We were on The Office together. And we're best friends. And now we're doing the Ultimate Office rewatch podcast just for you. Each week we will break down an episode of The Office and give exclusive behind-the-scenes stories that only two people who were there can tell you. We're The Office, ladies. Hello, everybody. Hi. We are very excited about today's episode. So, we have arrived in our rewatch to Threat Level Midnight. Mm-hmm. But we are not breaking that down this week. No. We're actually going to be breaking that down next week with writer B.J. Novak. Yes. So, if you do not already subscribe to Office Ladies, you might want
Starting point is 00:00:47 to hit that subscribe button so you don't miss that one. Yes. And go over to Office Ladies on Instagram because we're going to be posting lots of photos and behind-the-scenes stuff that I think we need to talk about what's about to happen today. This week, we thought we might reach out to someone who loved this episode of The Office and is a huge Office fan. So much so, she even sampled the episode in one of her songs. Let's hear it. No, Billy. I haven't done that dance since my wife died. There's a whole crowd of people out there who need to learn how to do the scar. That's right. Billy Eilish is in the studio today to have a conversation with us about her love of The Office. I can't believe it. You guys
Starting point is 00:01:55 obviously know Billy Eilish from her amazing music career. At just 20 years old, she has won multiple Grammys. She's won an Academy Award. I mean, People's Choice Awards, Kids' Choice Awards, Billboard Music Awards, I Heart Music Awards. Name an award and she has probably won it. She also is a director. She directs her music videos. She has a book. She has a fragrance. Her new album is called Happier Than Ever. It is out now. You can find out about all this stuff on her website,, including her tour dates. And she's a super fan of The Office. Like super fan. Super super fan. And we are super fans of hers. So much so that we brought our kids in today. Yes. And here they are. They're in the studio.
Starting point is 00:02:39 You guys want to say hi? Hi. Hi. Hi. Hello. Hi. Oh, that's our kiddos. Yay. Are you guys excited to meet Billy? Yes. We are too. Yeah. For about a year now, Harper, you've been asking me what? Hi. When can we meet Billy? Yeah. Yeah. You said if Billy ever comes on the podcast, can I please come meet her? Well, we should probably scooch on out of here because we just got a text that she's moments away. Okay, let's take a break. And when we come back, Billy Eilish is going to be here. Woohoo. Yeah. Yeah. Billy Eilish is here today on Office Lady. Billy Eilish is here. I'm here. Hi, guys. Thank you for coming. Thank you for having me. In studio, right here, right now. We're really excited
Starting point is 00:03:38 to talk all things Office with you. Oh, me too. Where should we start? Oh my gosh, wherever you would like. Okay, I'm going to kick us off. How did you discover the office? Was it with your family? Did you watch it with your folks? Well, okay, so I was a little kid when this was all starting. I didn't watch it as a kid because it's not a kid show, but that's super appropriate. No, it's not. But I would hear it all the time and I would hear people talk about it. And that's what she said was constantly being said. And I remember it was a really big part of my childhood was not understanding what that's what she said. And I would get very, very frustrated. And I would ask people, what does that mean? You
Starting point is 00:04:18 would explain it to me. I don't ever remember hearing the first time about the office. Like it was just, I just knew about it forever. It was like the beginning. Yeah, I don't remember finding it. I don't remember hearing about it. I just, it was just part of life. It was like, you learn to speak and you don't, there's not like a day that you want to speak, you're just speaking. Yeah. And so that was kind of what the office and then I just didn't understand that's what she said. And I remember there was a specific moment. I must have been nine years old and I was sitting in my kitchen and my mom had a bunch of people over that I didn't really know. And somebody said something and somebody said that's what she said and
Starting point is 00:04:53 everybody laughed. And I remember understanding it for the first time and being like, I didn't go. I figured it out. And then that was like, I was like, okay, got it. And then you're like, TWSS. Got it. Yes. And then I got like into that. And then I must have started watching it when I was probably 11. Do you remember the first episode you saw? I think I started it from the beginning. Really? I've seen it now. I believe it's about 30 times. 30 times? All the way through. You're a purist. Yeah. Do you only watch it in order? Do you skip around? I sometimes I skip a specific episode. Oh, I can't wait to hear that. It's honestly like Scott's Tots. I can't handle it. Oh, is that the cringiest for you? Can't do it.
Starting point is 00:05:40 It's so cringy. The second hand embarrassment. I just can't handle it. When we've been doing our rewatch, the one that hit me hard was Prince Family Paper. Yeah, that broke my heart. When they take down that sweet family paper company. And how bad he feels about it. I mean, I don't think I could watch that one again. I think I'd have to skip it. That was hard for me. Well, so for you guys, have you guys watched it all the way through fully or no? Okay, this might break your spirit. No, no, it's okay. I get it. We are rewatching it for the first time all the way through together. I mean, we'll catch an episode here or there like on a plane or maybe it'll come up on Comedy Central or you know what I mean over the years. But this
Starting point is 00:06:22 is the first time I have sat down and actually rewatched it. Yeah, watched it in order from beginning to end. Yeah, when it originally aired, we would get together as a cast and we would have cast screenings on Thursday night and watching each other's living rooms. And so I saw most of the episodes then. But I didn't watch every single episode. And so there's going to be a few that I haven't seen before. I'll be seeing them for the first time, which is crazy. It is crazy. Oh my God, you haven't seen all of them? Not all of them. I would say 98%. Yeah, we tried to watch every one when they aired. But it is very surreal because you're watching a version of you from, oh my God, what is it, 15 years ago? Yes. You know, I mean,
Starting point is 00:07:07 who was the kid that came up to you that was like, you look like an older version of Pam and you were like, I am an older version of Pam. Yeah. Oh no. He said, when was that? I was in a target and he was like, I'm sorry. Has anyone ever told you you look like like an older version of the person who played Pam on the office? And I said, I am an older version of the person who played Pam on the office. Oh my God. And he kind of didn't believe me. He wasn't sure. No, they don't. This happens. I mean, a lot of people discover the show through streaming and don't really have a concept of like how old it is, how far it goes back. I know. Because it hasn't really aged. I don't feel like it's aged much. It feels, it doesn't feel like an old show to me. There's some shows you
Starting point is 00:07:50 watch and it's like, this feels old. I mean, maybe like people because of the way the world is, it's aged in terms of humor. We say entertainment was a time stamp of when it was made. Yes. That's all I think it would be, but it hasn't aged. It's aged very well in my opinion. Yeah, it holds up. It does, right? It cracks me up. Billy, I have a question. This is from my daughter Harper. She would like to know if you could only watch one episode of The Office for the rest of your life, which one would it be? Oh my God, I wouldn't want to watch just one for the rest of my life. I've thought about this a lot though. Honestly, rewatching it, I just, I fall in love with different parts of it and different episodes every time. But my, my favorite kind of one of
Starting point is 00:08:33 my favorites was my favorite for a long time was beach games. That one really gets me. Yeah, it just gets me. The scene where, actually the scene where Andy is in the sumo suit and then he's like so sad and it's just really hard. He's like, slow, like he's like, oh, it like hurts my stomach. Like the way he's looking at the water and he slowly just wants to touch the water and then he falls in and then you're there. You're like, I can't hear you. What? He's like, get help. Poor you. You know, that's really Ed. And all, even when he's floating far away, it was not a double. He just floated Ed out in that river. There was a man in a little like rowboat thing with a rope tied to Ed and he would like pull him out. Oh my God. I know. I loved that. I got to
Starting point is 00:09:28 walk across the hot coals. Uh-huh. Was it actually hot coals? No. Did I make you believe it was? Yeah, you did. Tell me what it was because I think it's just as painful. It was. So it was like real lava rocks over. They dug a ditch in the ground and then they kind of filled it with some lights with gels to give it that glow. And then on top of that, they put like real lava rocks. And then along the side were real flames. Oh, so it was still really warm? It was sort of warm. Like they were very specific. Do not get near the edges of this fire walk thing, this coal walk. You saw your bare feet on little sharp little rocks. Thank you. I say it was like running over a bunch of Lego. Yeah. Eek. It had not feels. So it was painful, but not because it was hot,
Starting point is 00:10:16 just because it was like digging into my feet. Yeah. And how many times did you do it? I think we did about three takes. Okay. Yeah. So not too bad. Pretty good. Yeah. And it was cold. Super cold. It was so cold. What was your guys' like, what was your favorite episode to shoot? Oh, I love this question because it's not what our favorite episode is. Right. Because filming it, that's what I mean. That's why it's different. That's what I mean. Yeah. Because that's another question of like, what is your favorite episode? What's your favorite episode you shot? You got a lot of big questions. I think I can actually sum it up into one answer. Okay. I'm going to say Dundee's because we were out of the office kind of for the first time and we were on a location
Starting point is 00:10:58 and it had a slumber party feel to it. Yeah. Because we didn't really have trailers or anywhere to go and we were just hanging in that restaurant. Yeah. And oh, for like, you know, 12 hours. Yeah. Just in that one room. Yeah. And it was just fun and funny and nonstop. And I got to be drunk. Yeah. Or pretend to be. Steve kept improvising with rain on that keyboard, you know, like Dwight would do different things and we kept cracking up. Well, don't give rain Wilson a keyboard that makes sounds. No. No. Unless our burp noise. Yeah. No. That was just going crazy with it. To the point where I think they were like, Hey, rain, can you get through one? No, I totally remember because Steve, like my as Steve as Michael was making a speech and rain kept hitting the
Starting point is 00:11:48 Oh, yeah. Exactly. You were like, okay, you have to stop. Yeah. So that's your favorite to film and maybe one of your favorite episodes. Yeah. And here's the crazy thing because, you know, there was a big debate on that episode because we thought it might be the last episode of the office that ever aired. Because what? Yeah. For that season, we only got picked up for six episodes. Yeah. And it wasn't looking great. And so we had this big. Can you believe that when you think about it now? It's weird now, but that was our life for the first two seasons. At the end of the six episodes, they had our names, you know, on paper that they had laminated and velcroed to our trailer doors. And I went and I unvelcroed my paper laminated name. I was like,
Starting point is 00:12:33 well, that was fun. I'm going to take this one. Oh my God. Yeah. After the six episodes. Yeah. This was after, yeah, this was our season two pickup. Yeah. And we thought maybe Dundee's would be our farewell. And I remember standing in the parking lot with Greg Daniels and saying, do we think Jim and Pam should kiss outside of the Dundee's just in case there's no more episodes of the office? Like, should we, like, should we have it as an alt? Yeah. Yeah. And then if they cancel the show, you can put that scene in. And if they don't cancel the show, we'll save it. And Greg said, no, we're not going to give them the option. If they want to see you to kiss, they're going to have to pick up the show. We're not going to give them the footage. That's right. But hold
Starting point is 00:13:14 up. Pam does kiss Jim. She does kiss Jim. Okay. I think they don't kiss till casino night. Are you crazy? She would literally use. I know, but it was like, it was like a sloppy fall into you kiss. It wasn't like kiss. Okay. I say, I know, I know. John and I argued about this too. You say Jim and Pam's first kiss is casino night. Yes. Well, that's their first, like, intentional, together, you know, consensual kiss. Yeah. Yeah. Or their first, like, passionate, really, whatever. And yeah, I guess, I guess in Dundee's, it's more, you're drunk and you love him and he's your friend and you hug him. My mouth is falling onto his mouth. Okay. Well, you've been on, I mean, like, that's like, I don't know about this
Starting point is 00:14:03 part. Because I mean, it is getting weaker for me. No, but, you know, when we talked to John about it, John was like, from Jim's perspective, they kissed. He got a kiss from this girl that he's liked forever. Yeah. Well, wouldn't you, yeah, I would agree with Jim's perspective. Yeah. I know. I hear it all. I hear it all. What about you, and what's your favorite episode to shoot and or to? Oh, man, this is so hard. I loved filming the Christmas episodes. They were so huge. My character always lost her mind, you know what I mean? Every time. Just screaming and throwing ornaments and stomping. And I loved all of that. So filming Christmas was really fun. I loved the scene in Yankee Swap when we all sat in a circle and traded gifts. And I got that jazz poster,
Starting point is 00:14:51 babies playing jazz instruments. Some people like these. Such a good line. Oh my, and it hung by my desk for like years. Yeah. I have one at home. I do. But I feel weird putting it up because it is babies like with the playing instruments. Yeah. Okay. But what my favorite episode is, is changing all the time. Now that we're watching it. I feel the same. And I rewatched. Oh God, it was so funny with my daughter. I rewatched the deposition. My character is barely in it. Like really, I don't think I have a single line in it. Jan in that deposition. And then when they get Michael's journal, and his journal is so dorky, but it's like, I'm dorky when I journal. Oh, we know, Ange. Oh, it's really a journal. I love your journal. Okay. Listen, you do? I do.
Starting point is 00:15:37 Okay. You've made Angela so happy. I journal too, but she is such a dorky journal artist. Well, we brought in one of my journals that I wrote in my 20s. And I was interning on Conan. I was living in New York, and I literally wrote something like, you'll never believe what happened today, but I got a run. Stay tuned. I'll fill you in later. XOXO, Angela. Right? But that's like, who am I writing to? I'm such a dork. You're writing to yourself. I know. Your future self. Oh, it's so dorky. It's a big deal. It's cute. Do you journal, like, what do you journal? Is it just like free association? I journal on my phone because it's easier for me. Oh, yeah. I'm not a fast writer. And I just journal anything that I think,
Starting point is 00:16:20 because I've noticed in my life that you get excited and you tend to lie to yourself about your life and your situation and how you feel about stuff, because you really want to feel something. Yeah. And then you think, well, if I just say that's how I feel, then that's how I feel. I've been journaling for a while, but this year I was specifically like, you know what, I feel like I've done a lot of lying to myself about how I'm really feeling. Because I'm worried people are going to find it or post it or tell somebody, because that's a big fear of having this kind of life. And so I just made a decision to just write down every thought with the comfort that no one's going to read it. No one's ever going to know. I'm not going to have to worry
Starting point is 00:17:04 about it. It's just for me. So I just write freely anything that I think, which is dangerous for sure. But it feels really good. It's a lot better. It makes me feel good. Yeah. I have those journals. I have those journals from my 20s especially, where I lay it all out and I do have a slight fear that like, yeah, I'm going to pass away and like my kids are going to find it. And these are not all the things that my kids need to know about me. So I have an agreement with Angela. They're in a special cabinet and I showed Angela where they were. Okay. And so if anything happens to me, it is Angela's job to go in and burn the journals and destroy them because they destroy them. They're for me. Oh my God, dude. But this is your legacy though. Like you're you. People want your
Starting point is 00:17:55 words after you pass on, dude. Do I want people to love me? I don't know. It's mostly like that's for me. And I like to go back and reflect. I like to go back and be like, what was my mind at 27? Where was I? What did I care about? What was I interested in? What was I worried about? And you see patterns over time when you review your journals. I see habits, habits of thinking, habits of behavior. It's really fascinating. But it's so personal. I'm not sure. In order to give me the freedom to really write it down, I need to know that Angela is going to burn them if anything happens to me. I told her I will torch them. It's the best friend agreement. Jay doesn't come. Really sweet. So I'm glad you guys have that. You need a BFF who can torch.
Starting point is 00:18:47 I know the problems might are all digital. So that's an issue. Well, I exist forever. It does. And I I've started a few years ago. I know I'm like a dinosaur, but that that notes app on my phone. So I love to write comedy. I love to like study people. So I have a whole notes on my phone. Jenna, I don't even know if I've ever shared this with you of just observations of people, situations, things that I might find funny. I have a handwritten notebook of that. You do? Yeah, I wrote one down the other day. I said, in case I ever need to play characters, I can look at all these notes. Woman who reapplies her lipstick immediately after finishing a meal. That's a person. That's a full character. I have a question for both of you,
Starting point is 00:19:31 because I I know what some of this stuff is like. What did you hate doing or like the process of making by the end of the run? It was less fun to sit in the background of all the scenes. I think about that a lot when I'm watching because you guys really be doing that. I think you guys are in the back of a lot of shots. Everybody, like all of the one-offs, like the talking heads. And you don't even think when you're watching, honestly, I don't even think about it unless I religiously watch like the bloopers of all the stuff. And that's when I notice I'm like, oh my God, Leslie David Baker and Creed in the back of every single one. Yeah, I know. For nine years. For nine years. I sometimes lucked out because I was behind
Starting point is 00:20:20 a partition. And so I could be like, come on, guys, you can't see Angela riding here. Come on, you can barely see me when I stand up. I know for me, the thing that really got old was the fake pregnant belly because you had a body suit with the belly. And it was itchy and heavy. And Jenna had it first. And she was really griping about it. And I was like, okay, all right, it can't be that bad. And then I had it. And I was like, are you kidding me with this thing? Like to go pee, forget it. It was under the pillow thing. Wow. So it's not just a belly. It's like a full piece. It's like a wet suit. But then a little pocket that a belly goes. So your legs and your arms are in that thing. Yeah, you step into it, right? And how about this? We haven't gotten there
Starting point is 00:21:12 yet. But when Robert California has this big party, we all go in the swimming pool. And they had me swim with that fake belly. Guess what? It absorbs water. I was like, oh, my God, you didn't sink to the bottom with your tiny self. I know. I got a good core workout. Do you have a favorite season of the office? I do. You do. What is it? Okay, three, four, and also five, but three and four are like, unbelievable. Five is also incredible. Incredible. But three and four, like it's just like Jim and Pam get together around there. Things are good. We're like, Michael's not leaving yet. We're in a good zone, man. There's not conflict as much yet. There's not like the senator yet. There's not Robert California yet. There's not Joe. There's not Gabe yet. And it's still, it's still,
Starting point is 00:22:02 it stays really good. But those just couple seasons are just like, yeah, happiness. Can I bring you into a controversy? Yeah, please. Do you think that it was okay that Jim bought his parents' house in Frametownie without telling Pam first? Where do you stand? Romantic or controlling? I don't love it. But also people in their relationships have their own what's okay and what's not. That's a great answer. Even though these are not real characters, they are in the show. And it's not, it's up to Pam whether it was okay or not. Not me. Exactly. And I think it made Pam's life, she felt so taken care of. And also what I liked was that at first you're like, you know, this without telling me and like,
Starting point is 00:22:47 look at all these weird things going on. And you have this whole concern and everyone that's watching is like, yeah, what the hell is going on? And then it's this like very sweet touching moment of you being like, I love it. Like, look at this. Like, I don't even care about any of the anything, but you, you bought me this, you know, you bought me a house. That's amazing. So it's like, I think, I think you can see it from, from both sides. Like, I wouldn't want someone to do that in my life. But also it's like, it depends on the situation and the person and your life and the thing, you know, and I think also what came before it was Roy, who was so noncommittal, they were engaged for so long. And then you meet us. And then you meet Jim, who's like, all in.
Starting point is 00:23:29 Yeah. And how good that must have felt. So yeah, it's true, actually. And someone who didn't do anything for Pam ever. And then it's like, yeah, maybe it's so far the other direction that it could be too far, but it's so nothing like she's ever experienced that it's like really touching to do that, you know, which is sweet. It's interesting because when that episode came up, I said, and we've had these conversations before, what do you do when something has been written for your character that you don't agree with? Yeah, that you're, you're like, how do I get behind this? I don't know how to wrap my head around it. And Greg said something similar, which is that Jenna wouldn't like this, but Pam does. And very similarly, Jenna does not like
Starting point is 00:24:13 being tickled, but Pam seemed to respond well to it. When Roy tickles her, she would always like come around, she liked being tickled. And I was like, but this one's really difficult for me because I have a physical, like visceral response to tickling that just causes sort of rage. Oh my God, dude, my mother is over there. Is this true? My mom will, I'm getting a thumbs up from your mom. Serious. I have to resist with all my might, hitting the person who tickles. Yes. Thank you. Tickling is a serious thing. My brother tickled me. We were in anthropology when I was a little kid and my brother started tickling me and I, I had an overreaction to make him feel bad. I was like, oh my God, stop. And I like swung my whole body and I, I bonked myself on the corner of a table
Starting point is 00:25:05 and gave myself a black eye. Oh no. And I always blamed him because he was tickling me. Did he ever tickle you again? Yeah. Okay. But, but he was scared too because I'd be like, I'll give myself a black eye and I'll blame it on you. Yeah. Older brother gets the punishment. But no, I agree that I'd be furious if somebody bought a house and didn't ask me or tell me. Yeah. Be furious. Jenna wouldn't like that. Yeah. But then it's also like funny when you sell the house. I'm telling him absolutely bonkers. That happens. But it's like, you have a point, you're like, well, you bought it without telling me. So I thought I could sell it without telling you. Every time I hear that line, I'm like, unbelievable. I know. You bought the house
Starting point is 00:25:47 without telling me. So I'm like, sell it. I know. It's a weird book. It's a crazy relationship. Maybe she had been holding onto it a little bit. I don't know. Clearly. Clearly. I mean, every week I had to reconcile with a character that was very different from me. Like, oh, yeah, all of my reactions, everything. So I can really relate to that. I mean, there were plenty of times where I was like, okay, can we dial Angela back just a little? Like, can she not always just be the bitch? And I loved that note that Ken Quapas gave me. He was like, Angela, today, why don't you try being the suspicious bitch? And I was like, ooh, she's totally different than like the strict bitch suspicious bitch. Was there anything in Angela's character that you did like resonate with at
Starting point is 00:26:35 all? I mean, I do love animals. I mean, I don't know. I haven't ever licked my cat. I did really do that, Billy. Yeah, I was gonna ask. I really licked it. I love that you did. I mean, they were like, it's just one take. We're just one take. We're going to be a little bit closer. And I was like, oh, and then I licked the cat. But I also like Angela. She's when she's in, she's very loyal, like, you know, like, I don't think she ever gave up on Dwight, even though they were such a weird on and off again, romance, but he was her soup snake. You know, it's true. So I guess those two things, but pretty much nothing else. If you're an office character, which one would you be? Good one. I've always really resonated with Michael's character, which is
Starting point is 00:27:27 maybe problematic. I just I've said that before to like my mom or like my parents and my brother and stuff. But it's really true. I see a lot of my character and not some stuff like more of just like, I can't even really explain it. There's just something that I really, really, really relate to about his character. One of my favorite favorite moments is when he can't help but shout. That's what she said, even if he's like, furious, like when when she when she is about to throw the Dundee at the TV and they're having that argument. And he's like so angry and he's clearly just so sad and like, you know, and then she's like, you're hardly my first and he's so angry, but he has this need to say that's what she said, because he knows I need to say it and he just shouts it at her.
Starting point is 00:28:24 Michael also just has such a pure heart. He really does. Yes, it's he's pretty like just a person who just wants love and to be loved, but he goes about it so wonky. But I'm with you whenever he has to yell something. Every time I lose it, like so funny. I hadn't seen him yell, I declare bankruptcy until we rewatched it. Yeah. And just like his need to do that to make this announcement is like amazing. It just hurts my soul how he's like, that's how he thinks you you declare bankruptcy. You declare it out loud in a room. It's done. I've done it. I just feel that. Okay. And this is a part that I find so starting starting to watch the office at a really young age. I almost didn't understand any reference whatsoever. I just thought it was funny. And I
Starting point is 00:29:12 thought, you know, it was, it was funny. I just liked the show in general, but a lot, most of the references, I had no idea who anybody was. No idea what movies they were referencing. So something I do blame the office for, to be honest, is, but then also I blame myself, but I blame the office is, is there's so many things that are said, especially by Michael in the office, that he says wrong on purpose, like written on purpose. Yeah. That I didn't even know the real word. So I said many words wrong because I learned them from Michael Scott. Were you a little stitious? That was a little, that one I knew. That was one that I knew. And I was very proud that I knew that one. But like insurmountable, to be honest, I thought that was a word. I thought, oh, no,
Starting point is 00:30:04 this has happened many times. I never thought about this filter of the office that on a younger person, they're learning Michael's vocabulary. Yes, learning his vocabulary, because I thought I was learning new words, which I was, they were just wrong. And then, and same when, you know, the joke when Aaron is like, my New Year's resolution was to learn a new word every day. Yeah. And it is going immensely. Yeah. I didn't get that. I was like, oh, cool. I'll start seeing that. So now, because I have said so many things wrong. Mom, do you remember off the top of your head some more ones that I just said that everyone was like, what the hell? I remember when you first heard that you two was from Ireland. Oh, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys,
Starting point is 00:30:49 you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys. What? Okay. This is, this is the worst one. Sweet, sweet, Bono is, is a supporter of mine. Yeah. And I, I love him. My God. Amazing. Yeah. My God. Here's the issue, guys. What? What? Literally, in June, this last June, we were in Ireland. So very recently, we were in Ireland and I get, oh God, I'm in my hotel and I get flowers delivered to my hotel room and it has a little letter on it. And it's this really, really sweet letter and it says from Bono. And I was like, why would Bono, who's from Scranton? You thought Bono was from Scranton, Pennsylvania? I go, why would, why would he send me something in Ireland? What does he have to touch? What does this have to do with him? And it was like, welcome to like, it was something
Starting point is 00:31:47 about like, welcome to my like, hometown or something like that. But you two is from Scranton. And I was like, I kept asking everyone like, what was, what is, what is Bono doing, sending me flowers all the way across the world? From Scranton. Why would he do that? What does, what does this have to do with anything? And they were like, Billy, what are you talking about? They're Irish. And I was like, no, they're not. Have you, have you told him this story yet? No. Oh my God. But it's because when, when Michael falls in love with Holly and he's making her a mix and I blame John for this because Jim comes in and Michael goes, what's the ban from Scranton that made it big? Is that you too? And Jim goes, yes. And then he sits down and he goes, you don't
Starting point is 00:32:31 love Holly. That's all there is. It's not even, there's no pause. There's no laugh. But if you've seen it 30 times, then guess what? You two is from Scranton. I thought it was like, honestly, in my head, I thought Jim thought, oh, that's a stupid question because obviously they're the band that made it big from Scranton. I thought if it was like, I thought it was like the question, like, is, you know, I don't even know, like, like, is, is so-and-so that's very obviously from some, this place, is they, are they from that place? You're like, yeah, obviously. I thought that was the vibe instead of no, not at all their whole thing. This is in June. June. I didn't know. Like, I could have been in an interview. Somebody could have asked me about you two and Bono and
Starting point is 00:33:17 I could have been like, okay, well, it's really cool because here's the thing. Here's the thing. We are going to give you our phone numbers. Anytime you come up on something like, is this just text us? We're like, we're like your office aunties. Yeah, I'm gonna need to do that. How much do you watch The Office? Because I read in an interview that it's like all the time. Okay, so I play it. It's playing only on my phone. I don't watch it on anything else. It's playing on my phone at all times. When I'm doing anything, when I'm like in the shower, I have it sitting outside the shower. I can't have any silence, guys. It's like right outside the shower. It's like when I'm getting dressed, when I'm eating food, when I put on makeup, when I do my hair,
Starting point is 00:34:06 when I, like it's like truly playing always just in my, like I'll just honestly, I'll be, I was like rearranging my closet a couple of months ago, or maybe longer ago, and I was just in my pocket. I couldn't even see it. It was just in my pocket and the audio was playing. And it's like, I listened to it like it's a podcast. Like also because I've seen it so many times, I haven't all memorized, like all the lines memorized and all the visuals memorized so I can picture it. I don't, I'm not missing it. You don't even need to look at it. I don't need to need to look at it. This makes something your mom said to me when we met, when you got here, make perfect sense. Maggie said to me, I feel like I know you guys because I hear your voices
Starting point is 00:34:42 all the time. And I thought, well, all the time. And you know, I don't live at home anymore, but when I lived at home, it was, I mean, it's just, it's just, you can just hear it. And I also have like weird needs. Again, I have these weird, I have like a need to like, if I'm eating, I have to have the office playing or something playing preferably the office and silence otherwise. Like nobody, if you talk to me, I'm not there. I'm not, I'm not there. And so, but when I was living at home, I'd be like going into my parents' kitchen where my parents were and being like, shh, talking about the office. And being like, don't talk to me. I'm watching the office. I'm eating my waffles. Leave me alone. Maggie, we love you. We love you guys.
Starting point is 00:35:30 Parents are amazing. Okay. Oh, actually, Jenna, I'm curious. So you're Michael Scott, right, Billy? Which office character are you? Me, who am I most like? Yeah. So I'm most like Pam. Like there was so much of me that was Pam and so much of my early life as a struggling actress that I brought to Pam. I mean, I literally know what it feels like to sit at a reception desk and wish that I had an artistic career because I was a receptionist. So I know that longing and I know that feeling of wanting something to change but feeling like I'm in a place where nothing ever changes. So I definitely could relate to that. But I am an action person. So I'm not a wait for it to come to me person. And I feel like Pam, it was harder for her to get herself
Starting point is 00:36:23 started or take movement, you know? So I'm just much more ambitious than Pam. I always say it would not have taken me like three years to kiss the cutie in the office. Right. We're not waiting that long for that. That's happening much sooner. Would have happened at the Dundee's probably if I were in charge. Like for reals though, you know, not the drunken, not the falling onto his lips kiss. Yeah. But I also think I have a tiny bit of Ryan than me. I have a lot of... She is falling. She loves Ryan now in the three watch. I have fallen in love with Ryan on the three watch. Which version of him? There's serious different versions. Talk about so many versions of a character. Yeah, those are different. Those are like,
Starting point is 00:37:07 it's like he's playing different characters. I think my favorite is Ryan the Temp. So I like her early Ryan. But I guess it's just I have a lot of entrepreneurial ideas that go nowhere. Gadgets that I've invented in my mind and things that never get made and whatever. We've discussed on the podcast before that with my high school best friend, we invented something called the tan baster. It's a way to put on a sun tanning lotion without getting your hands dirty. It's called the tan baster. How do you do it? You know the thing that you wash dishes with that like fills with dish soap and then has a sponge on the end. So it's very similar, but with sun tan lotion. And then you can also get the middle of your back
Starting point is 00:37:55 with it. You know what I'm saying? The tan baster. I know bless your heart. The tan baster. Someday I need you. I need you on HGTV. I don't know. I mean, I think I should call my friend and we should get it going again. Welcome to Celebrity Shark Tank. Today we have Jenna Fisher. She's made it. You're so passionate about it. You're so passionate man. You just described it for so long. But what do you think? What's your honest opinion? I don't know. It's not happening is it? Don't send me on Shark Tank just to be humiliated. There's lots of other inventions that do well that are stupider. Oh my god. That's your... It's not a bad idea. It's really not. I mean, I totally get it. Like, you know, you get your hands all gross when you get it. Especially at the beach and then you've
Starting point is 00:38:46 got sand on your hands. I think you need to let it go. I think you need to let it go. One day. Maybe. I'll have time. You know what? Tans are going to come back into fashion and when they do, I don't think tans are in fashion anymore. No, it's for the sun tan lotion. It means sunscreen. The sunscreen. I'm sorry. Sunscreen. All of these years you have told me about this. I thought it's like a spray tan in a tube. No, lady. It's applying sunscreen. I thought this is such an uneven tan. It looks like from a sponge. Well, that would be true if that's what it was for. Are you behind it now that you understand it? Sunscreen. I want you to go for this now. Applying sunscreen. What about your face? It doesn't work on the face. No squeegee for the face. Well, we already have those like,
Starting point is 00:39:31 you know, deodorant sticks. That's true. That we can put on our face. The problem is that the rubbing in is where you distribute it evenly and so that you actually get all the little cracks and crevices. Okay. All right. You know what? Workshop. When we're testing that in our focus groups, we're going to think about that. We're going to make sure that we get a sponge that can apply evenly. So Ryan, because of your ideas. Yes. Thank you for bringing us that. Sorry. Just had to come back. Oh my God. Ryan, because of your ideas. What about you? I think I'm a little, maybe, hmm, maybe a Phyllis Angela combo platter. Maybe a little bit. I'm a little bit Angela. And then Phyllis has a little sauce. You know, she like, hooked up with Bob Vance on the
Starting point is 00:40:16 bathroom. She does. I have a little bit of that. Phyllis is a freak. A little bit. I might have a little bit of that combo in me. What do you think? I think you are way more Phyllis than Angela. There's almost no Angela in Angela, except for maybe love of animals. But I think, yeah, I think Phyllis. I think Phyllis is a strong choice. Maybe with the side of Kelly, like Chatty Kelly. Yes. Angela is very chatty. I do like to chat. Yeah. I get it. I feel that. I feel that for sure. Like I could go to your family reunion and I wouldn't have a problem. I wouldn't miss the beat. Wow. I could go to your cousin's wedding. I think that's also like you're a good hang. That's what that is also. Thanks, Billy. That's a good thing. Oh my gosh. When you can just
Starting point is 00:40:59 fit right in anywhere, you're good. Oh, oh, oh, oh, I have a thing. What is it? Okay. Okay. Well, I've just got very excited about this. So how many cast members have you met from the office? So I've met Creed. Yes. I've met Rain. You know what's interesting? I've spoken on the phone with Steve and Brian. Yes, Brian. Yeah, that's right. Steve and Brian. I think that, oh, I've met, I've met, I've met Mindy and I've met PJ. Oh, well, actually, okay. So two interesting things. When I was a kid, I think I must have been, I'm four years, four and a half years younger than my brother. And he was probably 13 or 14. So I was some, some years younger than that. My brother was in Bad Teacher, which is with Cameron Diaz. And I was like a little kid.
Starting point is 00:41:54 And I remember going to hang out on set at one point and standing in craft services and Phyllis, yeah, was right there. And I hadn't seen the office. I was like, I must have been like, you know, I was probably like eight or nine or something. And she was standing there and I remember somebody saying like, she's in the office. And I remember thinking, the office, like, I know that show. That's really cool. I've never seen it, but that's really cool. And I remember sitting, standing right next to her, like she was right here and she was eating chips or something. And she was having a conversation with somebody. And I just remember looking up at her and being like, she's a star. And she doesn't know that. I've never, I don't think I've ever spoken to her. That was
Starting point is 00:42:38 like a big deal for me. I talked about that for a long time after. And she has no idea that that little kid was me also. But, and then the other thing is my mom's, one of my mom's long lasting best friends is Amy Ryan. So I grew up. And so, you know, I knew her, we knew her like before she was obviously cast. And, and then she was just like one of my mom's friends. And then she, once I started being a fan of the office, it was hard for me to be around her. It was, I was because she was Holly. She was Holly right then. Yeah. And I was like, I was like, peak the office was it. It was, it was crazy. It was, it was, yeah. So she, she has been in my life for a long time. And she has a daughter who's a few years, years younger than me. And I, we would,
Starting point is 00:43:35 we would go to their house and like, I'd play with her daughter. And it was cool. Yeah. She's, she's great. I love her. She's, she's great. I love hearing that. Amy is amazing. You know, it's interesting because my daughter, one of my daughter's friends recently started watching the office. I have known this little girl, they're 14 now. I've known her since kindergarten, right? Best friends since kindergarten. She was over at the house the other day and she was like, looking at me like this, like, oh my God. And I was like, I turned around and I was like, what's that? What's going on? And she was like, sorry, I started watching the office. Oh my God. I was like, I have known you forever. But now I'm Angela Martin, you know, and I'm like, oh my gosh,
Starting point is 00:44:14 it's so funny. You know what the other one was? I, I used to be a camp counselor and there was this girl and she was like my favorite student at the camp and her name was Piper and I loved her to pieces and her mom would come to her every day and I was like, that's Jan. That's literally Jan. And I was like, is your mom Jan? And she was like, yeah. Oh my gosh. That is crazy. That's so cool. It's Jan. And I tried not to freak her out because I'm sure she was annoyed with that a lot. But, but I think about her a lot. I hope she's doing well. Okay. I have a message for you from Creed. Okay. So Creed is my neighbor. Really? Yeah. He lives down the street from me. No way. Walking distance. Yeah. Like we, we sometimes we walk, we call it the sauce trail. We get an adult beverage
Starting point is 00:45:03 and a red solo cup and we go for a walk. And he often comes over and brings his guitar and like jams out. He'll be like, Andrew, I have a new album. You want to hear it? I'm like, yes. It's, it's like one of the joys of my life. But he, we were texting because he, he loves animal documentaries and he was texting me recently that he wants me to come watch one. And I said, hey, I said, have you met Billie Eilish? She's coming into the studio. We're so excited. And he wrote back and he said, yes, I have. I met her brother also. She's been ghosting me for a while. And then he called me and he said, I'm kidding pumpkin. I'm kidding. And I said, I figured you were kidding. And he said, I was blown away by her voice. I got to see her in concert. She's
Starting point is 00:45:46 amazing. I love meeting Phineas too. And will you tell her that if she ever wants to talk music or jam to come over, I'm around? Yeah. Oh, that's sweet. I met him for like a split second. He, he came to one of my shows like three and a half years ago. And I was meeting a million people and I was like, it's great. It was really cool. But you know what's, what's funny about like, I love that his, his just all of his musical talent just comes through throughout the show. And what I think is really cool is, you know, when he's singing spinning and reeling with love at the Christmas party, when everybody's doing karaoke, I love that that's in there because it's his song. But you don't know that. And you think you're, you think he's just honestly,
Starting point is 00:46:35 because here's one more thing is that I watched that thinking this is probably a super famous song everybody knows and he's doing a karaoke to it. And I always thought the song was really cool. And I find a lot of the music that I love through, through other things and like hearing in the background of something and looking up the lyrics. And so I remember after a while being like, every time I watched that scene, I'm always like, oh, that song is really cool. I love, I love whatever song with this, what song is this? And I, I looked it up, honestly, probably like last year and I saw that it was his song. And I was like, he's a great songwriter. He will just come over and play. And I mean, I'm always amazed. I'm amazed when I love to write,
Starting point is 00:47:18 but I, it's always so interesting for me when people can put music towards because I can't hear music. That's such a gift. Like maybe it's maybe some in another life, I'll get to hear music in my head like that because that is so cool. And if you can't hear it, when you see people who can, it's like your little piece of magic that you get to witness. It's like so cool. So yeah, I'm the same way. My son is a musician. He's a drummer and plays guitar. And from the time he was very little, he would be like three years old, we'd be driving somewhere. And from the backseat, he would say with this little voice, mama, you play a song with a lot of ride symbol, play a song with a lot of ride symbol. So like, wow. And I would say, and I said, I said, baby, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:48:06 I don't know what song has a lot of ride symbol in it. And then he, I mean, I'm going to get it wrong, but then he would say like some Green Day song. And then I'd put it on and I'd be like, holy s***, there's a lot of ride symbol in this song. Wow. And so, and so it is true because I'm seeing that in my own house with this person who can like hear music in a way that I just, you know, it's so specific. It's so interesting hearing that you guys can't. Have you ever tried to write a song? No, I haven't. No, I haven't. I mean, I've written poetry and I've written, you know, I was a English, I was a creative writing major, but I don't know that I can see it. Well, this is actually a great segue into my next question, which is that you sampled part of the
Starting point is 00:48:58 episode Threat Level Midnight. I did. For your song, My Strange Addiction. I did. How did that come about? Well, first of all, I can't believe they let me do that because that's a, I mean, that's wild to do that. Like take audio from a show like The Office that's that big and that. I mean, come on. It was crazy. It was such a pipe dream. I can't even tell you it was. It is wild that they said yes, because we are going back now through emails from NBC and standards and practices and things like that. And they were super particular. They were. Yeah. But I remember all of the people whose voices you hear, like Brian Baumgartner's on there and Ed Holmes. You hear Mindy, you hear John. I remember, I think you hear BJ, right? Yep. So I remember,
Starting point is 00:49:45 and Steve, I remember each of those individuals had to give permission. Yes, they did. They were an enthusiastic. Yeah. So they were hesitation. Let me tell you the office text thread blew up. Oh, yeah. When that went out, like everyone was so excited. Yeah. Oh, my God. It was very. Oh, that's so cool. I mean, so the way that that happened was Finney is my brother had written this song called My Strange Addiction, just the words and like the whole song. And he was like, Billy, I wrote this song like, do you think it's cool? And he played it for me and he had this beat to it that was like so goofy. And I was like, dude, this reminds me of the song that they dance to the scarf. The scarf. Reminds me of the scarf. And he was like, what are you talking about? And
Starting point is 00:50:30 I played the scene and it just, just when he, when he hits that button in the jukebox and he's like, it's like, yeah. And it's so like, it's so stupid, but it's so good. I was like, this is giving me that same feeling of like dumb, but kind of groovy as shit. And so we were like, oh my God, that would be so. And also the song is, it's, it's, you know, kind of a playoff of, you know, the show My Strange Addiction. Do you guys know that show? And it's about people with these weird addictions to like weird stuff. You know, Finney has wrote the song, but it's kind of about like, you know, I've got an addiction, but it's to you. But I kind of was like, well, the office is also my addiction. And this song is kind of goofy. And it reminds me of that scene. And also,
Starting point is 00:51:19 then we were just watching the scene. And it's like, the way that like Andy's voice sounds and the way that Steve is just, it's just the whole dialogue is so good. And we were like, dude, what, and we jokingly, truly, truly, truly jokingly, like ripped the audio and just put it in the song. And it was so perfect because Andy's name is Billy. Yeah, scene. So then it's like, no, Billy, I haven't done that dance since my wife died. And we were like, oh, that'd be so crazy. My name is Billy. Yeah. Yeah. And so we like put it to the song. And there was not any reality that it would work or like be okay. But we were like, this is so funny. And we like sent it to the label and we were like, dude, like, just can you just ask somebody? We know
Starting point is 00:52:01 it's going to be a no, but just ask somebody. There's no way they're going to give us the rights to this at all. No way. And it was like, yeah, absolutely they're not, but we'll ask. Truly. And here we are. We did it. You did it. It's amazing. And it's really cute because, you know, the fans have that whole song memorized. And so when I do it live, they all shout all the parts. Oh my gosh. Do they do their, I love, Ed Holmes does a lot of great characters, you know, he's so funny like that. So good. And I loved Ed as Andy, Andy's version of what he thought that bartender was like, Hey, you know, yeah. It's so good. So good guys. Guys, I just love this. We're having a bad time. I know. I'm just like, I feel like I'm going to have sore cheeks
Starting point is 00:52:48 because I know I feel the same. And I just, there's a lot of things that I love in the world. And there's a lot of things that I'm passionate about. And I try not to be like a nerd about it. And truly when I meet other people that like the office, I'm like, okay, whatever. Like I don't care. I'm like, I'm not trying to relate to people about it because it's my own personal thing. And in my head, no one else knows the office except me. It's my show. It's not, I'm not a, I'm not in a club of people. I'm not, I am very, I'm very pick me about it. I don't know if you guys know what that means, but I'm very like, no, no one's ever seen. It's like how you kind of like you joke about like your boyfriend and no, he's never dated anybody but me. Oh, right. Right. The only
Starting point is 00:53:27 only reason he's ever been with, right? That's how I feel. The office is like, it was made for you, made for me. You guys shot for nine years just for me on your phone. Nobody's seen it before. But, but truly like, I don't, I don't really talk about it. Like, like, oh yeah. And my favorite show, The Office, it's truly like such a deeper thing than that, that when people are like, so I heard your favorite show is The Office. I'm like, don't say that. It's somehow just sacred. It's sacred. It's like a, it's truly like a sacred part of, of my personality and, and so much of who I am and the things that I do and say and think like, and also I just, I base a lot of my life situations on TV shows, like scenes from stuff and the amount of like,
Starting point is 00:54:16 one of my best friends, many times earlier this year, I, we'd be like in a really deep conversation about like something really serious in my life. And I'd just take a pause and she'd be like, oh my God, I know just what you're going to say. And I'll be like, well, well, but I have to, there's this one scene in The Office where like, this is happening and I just, I use it as like a, this reminds me of that one scene and, and how they feel here. And I really feel like that right now. It's, it's stupid guys. Like you really, you really have a phrase to me in a way. There are things that when they sort of get like, I don't know what the phrase is, but like kind of in your bones, you know what I mean? Like then they become sacred to you. And like, if someone asks
Starting point is 00:54:56 you about it, you're like, okay, first of all, how dare you? I know it's mine. I know. But at the same time, you're like, okay, yeah, let's talk about it. How well do you know it? Don't even come at me. I know. Well, that's the other thing is people are like, I love that. And I'm like, I referenced the out of this show. And I'll go, does anybody in this room know The Office well enough to know like specific details and people go like, yeah, for sure. And I'm like, I just know it's not true. I go, okay, so do you know in, you know, this one episode where, where Michael is like doing this and then he's doing this and then somebody comes in and, and everybody's like, no, sorry, I don't know. And, and also what's cool is my brother who's seen The Office many times. He,
Starting point is 00:55:37 and his girlfriend who's seen The Office kind of the way everybody has, where you've seen it. She's never really watched it all the way through. And so they've been watching it all the way through for the first time, like, as a whole since it came out for, for Phineas too. And so for him, everything's really fresh. And so he's finally like, oh, Billy, we were watching, we were watching the deposition the other day. And that one scene, what does he say? And I'm like, oh, you mean, yeah, yeah. Oh, so this and this. And also like, sometimes he'll just, he'll reference something that he just watched. And I'll immediately get the reference and be able to like recite the rest of the scene, which it's like a whole new level of your, like your sibling hood. It really is a
Starting point is 00:56:19 whole new layer. Wow, you can finally see me. Yeah. It's cool. Do you want to do a scene with us? Oh, yes. Do you want to be in a scene with us? We printed out a scene from the show. Okay. I first of all, Billy, I went to our actual shooting draft. So this is as we held it in our hands. Wow. Let's see. Oh my gosh. In 2004. This is from 2004. I was two, you guys. Oh my gosh. Look, I highlighted your parts. Jenna, you will play Pam. Okay. Oh, Billy, you're going to play Phyllis. We are going to do the first ever party planning committee scene. Oh yeah. I know this scene quite well. Season one, episode four, The Alliance. Sure is. Okay. I'm going to also read our stage direction. Party planning committee. Here we go. Interior conference room. Pam, Phyllis,
Starting point is 00:57:17 and Angela. Cymye Cullen, the party committee. Well, for decorations, maybe we could do, no, that's stupid. Forget it. What? Well, I was going to say we could have streamers, but that's dumb. Everybody has streamers. Never mind. No. Yeah. I think that's a good idea. What color do you guys think? Well, there's green, blue, yellow, red. How about green? I think green is kind of hoarse. You're officially in the PPC. It's so scary. We actually have for you since you are in the party planning committee now. We have a party planning committee sweatshirt for you. It's all mine. There you go. You can plan as many parties as you want. Or however, are you the committee to plan parties? Oh, gosh. The committee to plan party was a pretty good
Starting point is 00:58:27 party planning. Pretty good stuff. I know. Isn't it interesting though that the first time this scene was ever written, it's called the party committee. The party committee, I know. One of my favorite lines of yours, it's your one off and you're like, Michael should have asked the party planning committee first. That's supposed to just spring things out as willy-nilly. And then you're like, the hand grabbed to your face of you crying is just, oh, it breaks my heart. Angela's whole just clearly just miserable life. Repressed. Miserable self. And when you throw that whole episode, oh my god, and the Yankee swap, just how upset you are that it's not going how you wanted it to go. You had a whole idea for how it was supposed to go. And Michael's just ruining
Starting point is 00:59:16 everything. And then Dwight kisses Kelly. And you're just, it's just horrible, horrible day for you. And you throw the ornaments. Which by the way, we're supposed to shatter. But they didn't. They don't shatter. I threw them. And they, in the first take, I threw it and it bounced right back. And I was like trying to stay in character. But at the same time, I'm like, why the hell is in this breaking? So then just in a pure rage, I just started screaming and stomping them. And that's what, no, you guys, the character is just, everybody is Pam, you know, I feel like that's, that's everyone's Pam, you know, and I, I also love the way that Roy is written, because it's so perfectly, he's got charm to him. And he's got like, you can see it, but also
Starting point is 01:00:01 he's so neglectful and like emotionally abusive that it's like, you can totally see how you could get there. My dad had a saying for guys like that. He used to say, well, and he's not a bad guy, but he's not worth much. And I'm like, that was Roy. That was Roy. And just made you feel like so shitty, you know, it's just like so, oh God, it's so good. And it's just like everything about Pam is just so heartbreaking. And just like you, you really, you do it perfectly. Everything about it is perfect. Guys, I'm serious. Like this show, it just can't be beat. It just really can't. I like a lot of shows, but it just, it's just the one guys. I'm serious. We have two things we can do here. If you have any more questions for us, we've asked you all of our questions. So if you
Starting point is 01:00:50 have any more questions for us, please ask. Also, we did prepare an office quiz that we would take against each other. And we don't know the answers. We don't know who would win. Would you like, by the way, love to do it. We haven't seen the questions. We don't know. Cassie prepared them. We haven't gotten to season eight yet. If you ask me a question from season eight, I'm not even going to know because I haven't watched season eight since we filmed it. So that's like, okay, so we'll control the quiz then. We'll say, okay, so here's another interesting thing is that I just, every time I watch it all the way through, because again, I started from the beginning and I finish it every time. I can't believe I did that. So where are you right now? I finished it. Oh,
Starting point is 01:01:27 you just recently finished it again. I finished it like a couple weeks ago. Okay. Every time I finish it, I take a couple weeks off and then I started over. Okay. So I'm in my weeks off period. Okay. Which means it's not right here. It's here. Billy, I'm pretty sure it's just in your DNA. I think it is. I think it is. I think. But for instance, and I think about this all the time, when Rain came over and did the office quiz with me, I was watching it, but I hadn't gotten to when Nellie is in the show. Yeah. And so she wasn't on my mind. I was just not there yet. And so he asked me a question about Nellie and also I was nervous as, do I treat sitting in my front of my face in my parents house? And I was 16. Like, I was so intimidated and nervous that when he
Starting point is 01:02:11 asked me a question about Nellie, I just like, my brain just didn't work. And I just like, forgot about her character for two seconds. Until you said her name, I really hope there's no characters name. Nellie character question. I completely forgot. We haven't gotten there yet. Yeah. Okay. Here we go. Here we go. Office quiz with Billy Eilish. Yes. Starting hopefully from easy questions and it'll get harder. Oh my God. Cassie. Okay. How many questions are there? There's 10. Okay. Is it just, is it just anybody shouted out whoever's first? I think so. But then you said Cassie, if we shouted at the same time, we each get a point and she has tiebreakers at the end. Okay. What? I didn't know any of these roles. Okay. Here we go. Oh yeah. Sorry. That was a
Starting point is 01:02:51 private conversation I had with Cassie. Okay. All right. Here we go. What body part did Michael accidentally grill because he likes his foot? Angela got it first. Okay. I didn't realize we could break in before the question was over. Yeah. It's true. I'm a rule follower. I know it's true. No, it's vicious. All right. I'm slightly competitive. Okay. Number two, besides the bride, who wore white to Phyllis's wedding? Oh, Billy. That was so good. Please. Okay. Three, what does Michael give Toby as a goodbye present? A rock. It's a brick. It's a brick. No, it's a rock. It's a rock. It's a post-it note with a rubber band around. And what does the post-it note say? Suck it. Suck it. Suck on this, guys. Suck on this. Oh my gosh. Suck it. Suck it is David Wallace's
Starting point is 01:03:48 invention. I knew suck was on it. I knew suck was on this. Okay. All right. Who are the members of the finer things club? Oscar, Pam, and Toby. I just stayed quiet on that one. You guys killed it. All right. Bonus. Who wants to join? Me, Angela. No, Andy. Andy. I think Billy. It's literally screaming. I think I just wanted to join in real life. Okay. What is Stanley's favorite day? Press okay. I feel like they all got it. Yeah. Okay. Good. Finally. All right. In second life, Dwight creates a character that is exactly like himself in real life. But he can fly. All right. What's the name of the song Jan keeps playing during dinner party? That one night. I don't know what the name is. They don't ever talk about the name.
Starting point is 01:04:44 By Hunter. By Hunter. That one night. Yeah. But they never talk about the name ever. Oh, so maybe it's not called that one night. It might not be called that. It's just that's all you hear. She could contest that. That's just the song. All right. But I don't think my point on that one is going to make any impact on the final score. Okay. Okay. Who is Gabe often mistaken as? Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln. Oh, I was going to say a praying mantis. I don't want to say that. A stick bug. A stick bug. Oh, my gosh. All right. This is a fill-in-the-blank question. Oh, gosh. If Creed can't blank. Scuba. Scuba. Yeah. Good one. What's it all been for? All right. So right now the score is Billy has six. Angela has four. Jenna has two. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 01:05:32 That's so fun. I will give you a point for as many names as you can come up with this question. What? Name Angela Martin's cats. Amber. Ash. Prinkle. Bandit. Mumpy. Bandit. Garbage. Garbage. Well, garbage. I guess she does keep it. Lady Princess. Princess Lady. Princess Lady. Ash. Diane. Diane. Comstock. Oh. Comstock. Well, okay, but I don't know how many we did. We both were doing it. I said Amber. We got Sprinkles. Lumpy. Amber. Ash. Bandit. Princess Lady. Princess Lady. Diane. Mr. Ash, right? That's Mr. Ash. Garbage. Did you say Garbage? I got Garbage. So. Sprinkles, obviously. Are there more? Who are we missing? There's more. How many more?
Starting point is 01:06:29 There's like 13, isn't there? Yeah, there's 14. Wait, wait, wait. Yeah, I knew there were like 13. Yeah, there's eight left. The one with the... Is there one named Jenny? No. Does she say them all when Dwight is saying that he doesn't like sleeping on? No, she only says like four. Yeah, only four. Then the other ones. Oh, there's some, there's another one. I'm thinking of what letters does it start with? Give me a letter. Wait, wait, wait. Is it the one that's humping Princess Lady that we're forgetting or did we get him? I think that's Mr. Ash. Yeah, Mr. Ash. Yeah, that's right. Mr. Ash. Give me, give me one letter. I'll say there are two that start with P. It's your cat. Oh, yes. To start with P. Oh gosh. Oh my god. I can, Peter.
Starting point is 01:07:16 No. No. Paul. No. No. I'm just saying, I'm saying like people precious. Oh, Princess Lady. Diane. Diane. Lumpy. Uh, Mr. Ash. I can so picture it. Bandit. Mm-hmm. Penny. No. I'm just making it up. Oh, I'm trying to think of another P one. Oh, we have a hint. I have a hint. You also name your children this. What? You name your children this. Like it's a kid name? Yeah, it's like Angela Martin named her kid after. Philip. Yes. You have a cat named Philip? I didn't realize that. Oh, because you named him after your cat. That's right. Because it was named after my grandfather. But it was named after Angela's cat. Yes, because you're like the same tricky one. Oh, that's a tricky one. It's named after my cat. It's after my cat. Oh my god. That's tricky. Okay. What's our
Starting point is 01:08:16 score? What's our tally? Our score is, Jenna, you still only had two points. What? I said garbage. Okay, okay. I'll give you one. No. Fine. It was embarrassing. Okay, fine. You have three points. Angela, you have seven points. Woo. Billy, you have 10 points. Billy. Well, Billy, thank you so much for coming in and chatting with us. This was an absolute delight. We could talk to you all day. We do. Thank you. We just love you so much. We're so happy to have spent this time with you. Thank you. I will come back whenever you want me. Yay. Thank you for listening to Office Ladies. Office Ladies is produced by Earwolf, Jenna Fisher, and Angela Kinsey. Our show is executive produced by Cody Fisher. Our producer is Cassie Jerkins. Our sound
Starting point is 01:09:10 engineer is Sam Kieffer, and our associate producer is Ainsley Bubbicoe. Our theme song is Rubber Tree by Creed Bratton. For ad-free versions of Office Ladies, go to For a free one-month trial of Stitcher Premium, use code, Office.

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