Office Ladies - Baby Shower

Episode Date: June 9, 2021

This week we’re breaking down Baby Shower. Michael has the Party Planning Committee throw a baby shower for Jan, while Jan has already had her baby and just didn’t tell Michael about it. Jenna doe...s a deep dive on the history of baby showers, the ladies explore the song Son of A Preacher Man, and Angela shares what Phil Shea gifted her after shooting this episode. So you can put this episode to the test, just like Dwight did with Jan’s stroller, but we guarantee it’s a very good, indestructible episode.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm Jenna Fisher and I'm Angela Kinsey. We were on The Office together and we're best friends. And now we're doing the Ultimate Office rewatch podcast just for you. Each week we will break down an episode of The Office and give exclusive behind-the-scenes stories that only two people who were there can tell you. We're The Office, ladies. Are you ready for a baby shower? I sure am.
Starting point is 00:00:27 This is Jan's baby shower today. At a company she no longer works at, with a man she no longer dates and is not the father of her baby, it's going to be a huge success. Oh, yeah. Yeah. All the elements are there. Right? Yes.
Starting point is 00:00:43 People she doesn't really like are throwing her a baby shower. And they don't like her. It's going to be great. It's season five, episode four. This episode was written by Erin Shore and directed by Greg Daniels. I have a summary. Let's do it. Michael and the party planning committee, still headed by Phyllis, throw a baby shower
Starting point is 00:01:04 for Jan. But they are unaware that she has already given birth to her daughter Astrid. Jan's presence in The Office causes Michael to be rude to Holly and Dwight spends the day putting Jan's luxury stroller to the test. Meanwhile, Jim and Pam feel the effects of their long-distance relationship. Oh, that was hard to watch. They were out of sync. They were.
Starting point is 00:01:28 You don't like to see that? No, I don't. Fast fact number one, new writer alert. Erin Shore joined the writing staff this year in season five. Erin had been a writer on Everybody Loves Raymond, which is one of my favorite sitcoms of all time. It is such a great ensemble sitcom. Do you know that one where Marie goes to art class and she makes the sculpture?
Starting point is 00:01:52 And then guys, look it up. She makes a sculpture and she's so proud and she unveils it and it looks like a vagina. But she doesn't know, but everybody else is like, Marie, what inspired you to make this piece? Oh my gosh. It's so good. Her character was so good. So anyway, I was very excited to have Erin join the writing staff because then I could
Starting point is 00:02:14 ask him tons of questions about Everybody Loves Raymond. And you did. I did. You chatted him up a lot about it. Well, we have some news. Angela, do you want to share? I do. So I reached out to Erin.
Starting point is 00:02:27 We had been trying to get ahold of him. You slid into his DMs. I did. He was like, I don't even know. Do I have DMs? I'm like, yes. But I found an old email and we got in touch and it was so fun to talk to him. He's a huge fan of the podcast.
Starting point is 00:02:39 Jenna, he told me that he listens to the podcast in the evenings and then sometimes when he drifts off to sleep, he dreams like that he's in the podcast with us. Oh my goodness. Is that a good dream or a nightmare? I don't know. I hope it's a good thing. I hope so. Erin had lots of great stuff to share.
Starting point is 00:02:55 We're going to hit him up quite a bit. We have Erin now. We have James and also Randy Cordray. Yes. When Angela told me that she got ahold of Erin, I know you were going to ask him about the office, but I had an Everybody Loves Raymond question. Still, this poor man, I cornered him on set and now you're calling him on the phone and my question is still about Everybody Loves Raymond.
Starting point is 00:03:15 But here's the thing. I remember that there was this episode that was based on a story from his real life, but they couldn't remember all the details. It's the episode. It's called 10th Anniversary and Ray and Deborah are celebrating their 10th anniversary and they want to watch their wedding tape and they get it out and they put it in the VCR. They press play and Ray has recorded a football game over their wedding tape. And I remember that there is some story where I think Erin recorded over his wedding tape
Starting point is 00:03:49 with his wife. That is true. I knew it. That is true. So this is what happened. Okay. So Erin was a fan of Everybody Loves Raymond. It was a show he wanted to meet on.
Starting point is 00:03:59 So he thought, oh, I'll record a few episodes, watch them, really study the show. So when I go in and meet, you know, I have all this information. So he popped in a VHS guys. This dates us all a little bit and he hit record and it was his wedding video. Yeah. And back then you guys, it's not like you have multiple copies. Like you get your wedding video tape and that's it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:21 Yeah. His wife was really upset. Oh no. And he went in to meet on Everybody Loves Raymond and he told that story. He was like, I taped over my wedding video to watch Everybody Loves Raymond. So my wife is really mad. You got to give me this job and he got the job. And then that story made it into an episode.
Starting point is 00:04:40 Yes. Oh, I love it. A lot of Erin's life ends up in scripts, you guys. There's a few episodes coming up that his actual life inspired things that Michael does and I can't wait to share those with you. I'm so glad we're in touch with him. I know. Fast fact number two, Angela, we shot this episode in August of 2008 and since we brought
Starting point is 00:05:03 it up before, I thought it was worth mentioning that this same month, Steve Carell won his second surfboard at the 2018 Choice Awards for TV comedy actor. Steve, where did you put your surfboards? Back to Pack's surfboard. Wow. When we have him on the podcast, is it going to be weird if we ask him where his surfboards are? It depends where you put them.
Starting point is 00:05:26 It's going to be such a weird question. Well also this same year, the movie Juno won Best Comedy Movie and Rainn Wilson was in that. Also this same year, we won a SAG Award. Yes. This was like the awards and the surfboards were coming in now. Yeah. Right?
Starting point is 00:05:48 It was really cool and I remember at the 2008 SAG Awards, we were sitting at the table and everybody was like, who's going to give the speech if we win and we all assumed it would be Steve. Like Steve will give the speech and Steve said, guys, this is an ensemble. I don't want to always speak for the cast. That doesn't feel right to me. This is an ensemble award. I think someone else should speak.
Starting point is 00:06:10 I mean, first of all, amazing, right? He's so sweet. Awesome. And so then Rainn said, I think Jenna should do it and I feel like none of us really thought we were going to win because we'd won the year before and I said, oh, okay, yeah, sure, I'll do it and then we won and I had to give a speech at an award show. And you did such a great job. You were so articulate and well-spoken.
Starting point is 00:06:34 I was in awe because we didn't think we were going to win. No. It was a total surprise. I mean, we won and I'm like walking to the stage and I'm like, oh my God. Well, I know you guys are tired of me talking about being pregnant, but I was pregnant at that award show and it's a very odd thing to be super huge and pregnant at an award show. But you did such a great job. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:06:56 I ended up kind of going down a rabbit hole of all the like cool things that happened for our show in 2008. It was a good year. It was a good year. James Carey sent me the call sheet for this episode. James Apedia. And on the call sheet, it said, there is a screening of Rainn Wilson's new movie, The Rocker at Universal CityWalk for the cast and crew.
Starting point is 00:07:18 All are welcome. So that was also happening. So what happening? All right. Fast fact number three, this episode is a baby shower. So I'm going to tell you some stuff about baby showers. You did a deep dive on baby showers. I did.
Starting point is 00:07:33 What is there to know? It's a baby coming. Get some presents. Get everyone ready. What else is there to know? Well, baby showers are believed to date all the way back to the Egyptian and Greek civilizations. Whoa. But baby showers, as we know them today, began during the baby boom era of World War II.
Starting point is 00:07:52 So traditionally, the baby shower was thrown by a close family member or a friend and the mother-to-be opened gifts in a decorated chair. Well, Jan has a very decorated chair. I noticed. Yeah. Thank you, Party Planning Committee. Thank you, Phyllis. Well, I think Angela did it because Phyllis is making her do everything.
Starting point is 00:08:13 So thank you, Angela. Okay. I don't know. Well, listen, nowadays we have all kinds of ways that we can celebrate a new baby. And here are some new updated baby showers, a diaper shower. That's where all you bring are diapers in different sizes. It's like if you go to your baby shower, it's like you went to Costco and bought out all the diapers.
Starting point is 00:08:36 So let's go home with every diaper because diapers are expensive. What's the next one? Grandparent's shower. This is a shower that you throw for the grandparents and you give them stuff to keep at their house for when the baby comes over. Boom. I love you, grandparents, but come on, grandparents, they love to go get that stuff. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:01 I don't know. Here's another one. Okay. I've heard of these, a sprinkle. What? You don't have a baby shower. You have a sprinkle. It sounds like you're going pee.
Starting point is 00:09:09 It does. This is a shower that you throw for your second or third or fourth babies to collect maybe some of the things if you are having a baby of a different gender. Right, right. Or if you need to refresh. Oh my God. I just got it. A sprinkle.
Starting point is 00:09:26 A shower and a sprinkle. Yeah. It's not a full shower. It's just a sprinkle. Every time you say it, I just think of tinkling. I do too. All right, the final one is a sip and see. Does this involve wine?
Starting point is 00:09:39 It does. It is a celebration planned by the new parents after the baby has arrived. Oh, you sip and you get to see the baby. Yes. So I have to say what we are going to see in this episode is technically a sip and see. You know what? I have been to a sip and see, but I didn't even know it. I love the name sip and see.
Starting point is 00:09:58 Sip and see. Can I have a sip and see for my new puppy? Can I do that? Yes. Okay, good. That's all I got, Angie. Anything you want to add? Do you have a Kinsey tidbit today?
Starting point is 00:10:11 Well, here's a little Kinsey tidbit. One of the things Erin said, which we have talked about before, is how long these scripts came in. You know, they were pretty big episodes, and then we would have to just chisel away, and there was so much that didn't make it to the screen. For example, this episode came in at 49 pages, right? Wait, what? The script for this was 49 pages?
Starting point is 00:10:33 Yeah, 49 pages. That's craziness. And you know how we've talked about how they would sort of rebuild the episodes in editing? Well, Erin had this quote that I absolutely loved. He said that Greg liked to rebuild the ship at sea. Oh, yeah. Isn't that such a great phrase? I love that.
Starting point is 00:10:52 I just love that. They would get in the editor's room, man, and they would just carve it up. And I told him, I said, it's always interesting for me now that we have all these scripts. Thank you, James, to see what makes it on the screen and what doesn't and how they move everything around. And I'm always so happy with the final product, you know? But it's a cool thing to see. But I thought that Greg likes to rebuild the ship at sea was like a great phrase.
Starting point is 00:11:16 Well, I think those were really good fast facts, and we've got some more Erin tidbits. We should take a break and get into this episode. I like it. All right, we are back. And you guys, at 12 seconds, everything you need to know about this episode is laid out by Jim. Jim has a dry erase board, and he's going to tell you everything you need to know about this episode.
Starting point is 00:11:47 Sam, can you play that clip? Jan is about to have a baby with a sperm donor, and Michael is preparing for the birth of a watermelon with Dwight. Now, this baby will be related to Michael through delusion. There you go. That pretty much sums it up. That could have been the summary. I know, right?
Starting point is 00:12:10 When I saw that, I was like, well, that's everything you need to know. Did you catch the Dwight? I know, I was about to say, Ann, you got a real good Dwight in there. Well, it's true. Dwight is walking around. He's got a watermelon in his smock that he's wearing, an apron. They fastened like a smock to hold the baby. Yeah, the watermelon baby.
Starting point is 00:12:32 Do you have some Phil Shea trivia about this? I do. Yay! I talked to Phil Shea for about an hour yesterday. Propmaster extraordinaire. I know. And we are going to have him on for an extended interview because he has got just some great info and stories.
Starting point is 00:12:47 I can't wait. We need to have Aaron Schur on, too. We really do. Let's load it up. All right. We had a fan question from Lisa W. How many watermelons were needed to do the practice birth scene with Michael and Dwight? Phil said, in total, we used about 30 watermelons for this whole episode.
Starting point is 00:13:06 Oh, because he straps it into the stroller later. Yes. These scenes and for later. And Phil said, you know, it's great living in Southern California because you can get watermelons all year. So it wasn't a problem. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:22 Fan catch from Evelyn V said, at one minute 41 seconds, I think I can see other stains from when the watermelon crashed into the ground on previous takes. I looked at it. Evelyn, I think that's a stain from something else. I don't think it's a watermelon. I feel like as Pam, I have walked up to the front of Michael's desk and I've looked down at my feet enough in scenes. I recognize that stain.
Starting point is 00:13:47 I don't know what that's from. I don't think it was watermelons. I don't know what to make of that other than maybe we should have splurged for new carpet. I think Michael needs new carpet. Yeah. We had this letter from Ben M. in Chicago. I am an ER doctor and whenever I'm teaching medical students how to deliver a baby, I like to show them the cold open from this episode.
Starting point is 00:14:10 Get out. Yes. This reinforces to them that newborns are very slippery. Oh, come on. It helps teach them that you must always support the baby's head and neck and also hold an arm or a leg immediately after delivery. It is a very funny cold open, but also extremely accurate. Wow.
Starting point is 00:14:31 Yeah. Well, Erin told me that this whole cold open was Greg's idea, the watermelon, the whole thing. Okay. He had this whole idea and Erin just ran with it. It's funny you say that because when I spoke with Phil, he said, I think Greg had an affinity for Gallagher and that's why you see so many watermelon gags on our show. That is very funny.
Starting point is 00:14:52 Yeah. The comedian Gallagher, he used to smash watermelons and if you're on the front row, you just get splattered. Yeah. I think that was it. Erin told me because after he spoke with you, he came to the DM. Oh, he found you. He DMed.
Starting point is 00:15:07 Oh, good. He said this cold open was the first thing they shot and it was his first time on set for the office and he kept laughing out loud and Greg had to say to him, Erin, this is not everybody loves Raymond. It's not a live show. You can't laugh out loud. He was like, oh no. Yes.
Starting point is 00:15:23 He told me that it became a thing he became very self-conscious about because he'd only ever worked in four camera where they encourage you to laugh and laugh and laugh. And then he had to start suppressing the laugh and suppressing the laugh. And he said, after a long day of work and suppressing the laugh, he would go home and just burp constantly because he had given himself some type of indigestion from holding and laughter all day. Oh. Well, you guys, this was very hard to watch without laughing for all of us.
Starting point is 00:15:52 And if you go to one minute, 11 seconds, Phyllis had to put her head down because she was laughing so hard. The shot of the bullpen reacting. Yeah, was so funny to me. Well, there is a lot in this episode that we could not get through. Oh man, the conference room, we'll get there. I think we should get to the party planning committee now because they have been very busy decorating the conference room for the shower.
Starting point is 00:16:20 They have two bowls of M&Ms. So I talked to Erin about this and I said, who came up with Astrid and Chevy? And he said Astrid was definitely Greg. He thought it'd be funny to see that name on an M&M. And then Chevy, he couldn't remember who came up with that. He said he thinks the room kind of pitched names. It's funny when I saw the bowls of M&Ms with the names, that was like a really popular thing.
Starting point is 00:16:45 It might still be popular where you can get these personalized M&Ms. Oh, I went to the website. It's still a whole thing. High school graduation, anniversaries, and I did this for my parents. My parents' anniversary. I got M&Ms with their names on it. Well, when we did the Jim and Pam wedding episode, Greg threw the cast of viewing party that was kind of like a little mini reception.
Starting point is 00:17:09 And he had bowls of M&Ms that said Jim and Pam. He clearly was a big fan. He loved that you could personalize an M&M. I know. Well, they've gotten the name wrong though. The party planning committee has asked Turd. Phyllis is like, that can't be right. Angela is like, Michael wrote down Astrid.
Starting point is 00:17:29 Michael said, yeah, it's like the name of a Viking princess. So of course, I had to research Astrid. I didn't research Astrid. And he is right. Michael is right. According to the internet, Astrid has Norse, Danish, and Swedish roots. It can mean godly strength or divine beauty. And the name Astrid has been used by Norway's royal family for hundreds of years.
Starting point is 00:17:57 You know, Michael is annoyed by their effort. He says, Phyllis, we gave you a whole golden shower. I want my golden shower. He does. And then he has this talking head where he says he's going to love this baby even if it isn't his, like that dog that nursed the tiger cub, right, bizarre, but also beautiful. It happens. Jenna, I looked it up.
Starting point is 00:18:22 And there are so many stories of dogs nursing tigers. But the one that caught my eye was on the Today Show in August of 2008. That's when we shot this episode. I know. And there was a safari park in Kansas with a white tiger named Sassy who had cubs, but she was too sassy to nurse them. Okay. So a golden retriever stepped in, Isabella.
Starting point is 00:18:46 Well, I would expect that from a golden retriever. I really would. What a good dog. Anyway, it just cracked me up that on the Today Show, there was a whole thing about Sassy and Isabella. And I think it ended up in our episode. Clearly it did. Michael is going to bark orders at Phyllis.
Starting point is 00:19:03 She's doing a talking head. I was supposed to be glaring at her in the background. And if you go to four minutes, 11 seconds, you can see me talking to Andy. And I'm so delighted that Phyllis is messing up. And then Michael walks in and kind of yells at her and says, make the party, make the party. And then he leaves and Phyllis starts pumping the balloon. Well, Steve improvised walking back in and saying, pop it, pop it. He did.
Starting point is 00:19:26 He did. That was all improv. We just started cracking up. I thought I could see you starting to break in the background of that. And Phyllis is starting to break too. So now Jim is at his desk and Pam is trying to tell him this story. I loved this. It was so funny.
Starting point is 00:19:43 When she's like, Sarah Kaya comes in and he goes, oh wait, Sarah Kaya comes in and she's like, no, Sarah Kaya comes in. And then at the very end of the scene when Dwight's like, who's Sarah Kaya comes in? That was improvised. It was. Rain improvised that. That's not in the script. Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 00:20:03 I watched this and I feel like I have had these conversations. Yes. 100%. And I love the line when she's like, why can't you just be in art school with me? Because she's trying so hard to tell him the story and you know, this is the beginning of this storyline with Jim and Pam where we're going to show that this distance has gone on for a while and maybe they're not connecting as easily as they used to. You know, long distance relationships are hard and particularly when the people involved
Starting point is 00:20:33 in your new life, the other person doesn't know. And it's kind of hard to keep track. Oh, yes. I mean, we experience this all the time when we go on locations or I remember Lee went on location to shoot a movie and he was directing a film. And he's trying to tell me this hilarious story about some prop mishap that happened and everyone was laughing about these prop glasses. And I'm just like, I don't know who any of these people are.
Starting point is 00:20:56 And what's really hard about it is that I like to be able to imagine the people or where they are. And we've talked about this when we get to a new place where like, send me a video of where you are so that when I'm talking to you, I know what your little apartment looks like or I know what your room looks like. Yeah. I have to have that. Otherwise I'm a little unsettled because I can't picture where you are.
Starting point is 00:21:17 Yes. So I feel like that's what Pam and Jim are up against right now. Yeah. He doesn't know her world and it's some of that location situation kind of stuff. I love the next scene. I love it so much. Angela is preparing this poster board full of baby photos because they're going to play a game where you have to guess which baby photo belongs to which employee and Andy
Starting point is 00:21:44 comes in and he mistakes Phyllis's baby photo for Angela. Will you please tell me about shooting this scene, Angela? Well, one of the reasons I storm off is because I started to laugh. I could tell. That was me trying to get out of there before you saw me laughing on camera. So here's the thing, Greg directed this episode, right? And he said, you guys, can you bring in your actual baby photos? And he said, if you don't have a baby photo, it could be like when you're a toddler.
Starting point is 00:22:10 Just can I get photos of you guys when you're little? And we did, right? Yes. We got a lot of fan mail about that. Were these actual photos of the cast? They were. Yeah. There's three people who aren't on the poster, me, John, and Steve.
Starting point is 00:22:26 Everyone else is an actual baby photo from their childhood. Including Amy Ryan. She's up there. Yes. And so was Mindy. I mean, we're all on the board. Yes. We're all on the board.
Starting point is 00:22:37 We're bringing in today. Do you want to share with them? You brought in your baby photo, the one that was on the board with your little hand up on your little chubby cheek. I know. I know. You guys, it's really me. I get asked this all the time.
Starting point is 00:22:51 And my mom, I called my mom and I said, mom, we're doing the baby shower episode and it's my baby photo and I want to know everything about it. She said, oh, I have several more of that same day where we put you in different poses. Oh, so there's more. But here's what my mom said. She took me to JCPenney's at the Acadiana Shopping Mall in Lafayette, Louisiana. I was around six months old and apparently I was born with just a ton of hair and it was sort of an auburn brown.
Starting point is 00:23:19 She said I had so much hair. Just right out of the gate, I had tons of hair and so she tried to style it for the photo. I was like, mom, you gave me like a mohawk with bangs. So yeah, she said she had tried to put a little ribbon at the top. That would have made more sense. Right. But I don't know what fell out or something.
Starting point is 00:23:40 And then they propped me up on my hand like that. It's so funny because I remember those photo studio photo shoots. That was a thing of my childhood as well. And they would have these carpeted blocks and you would like be propped up on a little carpeted block. I'm propped up because I can't sit yet. Really? Yes.
Starting point is 00:24:01 Anyway, there you go. That's my actual baby photo, you guys. Well, since mine wasn't on the board, I tell you what, I'll post mine on the office ladies pod so you can see me as a baby too. Yes. And I'll ask my mom if she can find any other photos from that particular photo shoot. Please. As Michael is preparing for Jan's arrival, he needs to tell Holly that he's going to
Starting point is 00:24:23 be kind of cold to her today because he needs to protect Jan's feelings. Jan's bloated feelings. Yeah. Jan is going to come in, she's going to be so unattractive. And Holly is very attractive. And yeah, he just wants to be sensitive. So he warns her. But then Jan arrives.
Starting point is 00:24:46 She's not pregnant. She has a baby. And she looks amazing. Yeah. But she's had the baby. We had a fan question from Brittany Y, Sarah M, and many more. Who is the baby that played Astrid? I will tell you, thanks to James Apedia.
Starting point is 00:25:04 First of all, you know, babies are played by many babies. Sometimes there are set of twins. Like in the case of Cece, Cece was the set of twins and it was the same twin girls all through the show. They were absolute sweethearts and I loved them. But sometimes, especially with a baby this little, it's like three babies, five babies, lots of babies. And they're all up with several different babies and then a different toddler.
Starting point is 00:25:31 Yes. So this is because there are rules about babies working on a set. They can only work for like 20 minutes. And I think that's a good thing. Yes. Also, if you have a baby and one of them's fussy, you can swap them out for a different baby. They're all dressed the same.
Starting point is 00:25:48 You go backstage and there's like six babies in the same outfit. So Astrid was played first by a set of twins and another baby. Here's the crazy thing. The twins' names were Matthew and Joey Levinson. Crazy. Right. And they were playing Jan Levinson's baby. Yes.
Starting point is 00:26:07 The other baby was Harvey Green. So her babies were the Levinson Green babies. Okay. All right. And then that was on one day. The other day, we had a set of triplets playing Astrid. They were Chase, Chloe and Juliette Purcell. So those are all the babies.
Starting point is 00:26:25 We also had a fake baby. We did have a fake baby, yeah. And it's really funny because if you look at the call sheet scene by scene, it'll say real baby or fake baby. Like what we're using in the scene and they would stagger them, right? Because the babies could only work for 20 minutes. So you'd have a scene with a real baby and then a scene with a fake baby. Well, Michael walks out of the kitchen and he sees Jan with the baby.
Starting point is 00:26:51 I can't imagine how he felt. He'd been to all of his birthing classes with her and then he was sort of left out of this big moment and he confronts Jan about it. This is one of my favorite couplets of dialogue from the whole episode. Okay. It's so rich. Michael says, why didn't you call me? I could have helped.
Starting point is 00:27:09 Jan said, well, the birth instructor thought it wasn't a good idea for you to be there. So Michael says, oh man, him, that guy. He had no sense of humor and I proved him wrong in so many ways and it just made me think about these classes. I wish we could have seen Michael trying to do comedy bits with like a birthing instructor. I would have loved to seen that scene. I think what Jan has done to Michael is so cruel. I know that she didn't call him and also in that scene, Jan is like, Michael, you don't
Starting point is 00:27:42 know what I have been through and he said, no, no, I don't. And I love Steve's delivery on that. I know. I guess she feels bad and she lets him hold the baby, but it says the baby has to stay in the car seat. And then Michael has this very sweet talking head where he says he loves babies and he tries to pick them up and hold one every day. It just nourishes him.
Starting point is 00:28:04 And then we see this really sweet montage of Michael and babies and the babies love him. They really do. Well, that's because it's Steve Carell is holding the baby. I know. I know. I wouldn't have loved Michael, but Steve is a natural with kids. I know. We had a fan question from Evan L and Stacy M in the scenes where Michael is holding all
Starting point is 00:28:24 the babies. Were those hired actors or did the crew just go out and let people line up to have their baby held by Steve Carell? All of those babies were the children of our writers and our crew. So here is a list of the babies. At nine minutes, you have baby on the street. This is Emma Holland, daughter of our editor, Dean Holland. And that is also Dean's wife, Tasha.
Starting point is 00:28:51 At nine minutes, nine seconds, I'm calling this one baby at the bathroom. That baby is Theodore Grandi. The woman is Sage Grandi. And this is the son of our writer, Charlie Grandi. At nine minutes, 15 seconds, we have double baby. And that is our writer, Mike Sher's wife, JJ Philbin, and their baby, William, along with our camera operator, Matt Sohn's wife, Melissa, and their baby, Devon. And the final baby at nine minutes, 17 seconds, that is Avery Ferrell, the daughter of our
Starting point is 00:29:25 writer, Anthony Ferrell. The woman was a background performer, but that's Anthony loading the stroller into the car. So we had had kind of like a little mini baby boom on our set. All of these kids were around the same age. I texted with Dean, he said his daughter, Emma, is now 13 years old. And she tells everybody that she's one of the babies on the office. And Angela, I know you get asked a lot about Isabel because she was right around the same
Starting point is 00:29:55 age too. Yes. Isabel just had her 13th birthday. There was this baby boom and it was really fun for us to have our babies on set. And I get asked if she was in this episode and she wasn't. And you know why? The day they filmed the scene with all the babies was my day off. And I wanted to be home with my baby, not bringing my baby to work.
Starting point is 00:30:15 So I wasn't in it and they said, don't worry, Angela, we're going to get Isabel in there. And they did. She ended up having a very fun day on set years later at CC's dance recital. I can't wait. I know. Well, Michael's going to try to make the best of it. Okay. He is going to present Astrid to the office and they're going to go into the conference
Starting point is 00:30:34 room. And he does the lion king and holds the car seat over his head. I know. I hope that was fake baby day. That was fake baby. And that was all scripted. Oh boy. Well, when we move into the conference room, Kevin is like, you know, the fact that the
Starting point is 00:30:52 babies here kind of ruins the games and Michael is like, no, it doesn't, no, it doesn't. It kind of did. Well, you know, the theme is a baby shower and all the games are for an expecting mother. No, it was really awkward, but there are a lot of scenes in this conference room baby shower that didn't make it. I'm going to share a few. The first one is Jenna, one of the funniest things I have had to witness and we could not get through it.
Starting point is 00:31:19 Kevin thinks he might be the sperm donor and the look on Jan's face is amazing. Sam, can you play that from the deleted scenes? Hey, Jan, you went to a sperm bank? Yes, I did. I donated sperm. Oh, maybe I'm the father. Well, this is a highly exclusive establishment. Next to the IHOP?
Starting point is 00:31:45 Well, I paid for an ideal specimen. Are you saying Kevin is not an ideal specimen? This is a wonderful shower, everyone. Thank you. I might have done it with Jan. It's not Kevin's. We could not get through it whenever Brian said, you mean the one by IHOP, just every single time because Melora's reaction as Jan was so good and then she says she paid for
Starting point is 00:32:17 premium sperm, which we learned might have been anti-Rodix. I love there are so many deleted scenes about who the father of Jan's baby is. We've got Andy Roddick, maybe Kevin. There's a lot of speculation that it's Hunter, and none of these scenes actually made it into the episodes, so what do you think about that? Do you think if something didn't make it in, it counts? Or does it not count if it doesn't make it in the episode? So yeah, what is the canon, right?
Starting point is 00:32:53 Yes, exactly. What is the canon of the show? Well, I guess it would have to be what aired, right? So then that would mean it's just a mystery. It's a mystery. She paid top dollar for it, though. That's what we know. Yeah, that's all we know and all will ever truly know.
Starting point is 00:33:09 And I think the one thing we also know is that it's not Michaels because he had to wear two condoms. We know that. Yeah. We know whose baby it's not. That's right. I got this cool letter from Kristen B. She has a background catch and she said, the first time I watched this episode after having my son, I almost jumped out of my seat when
Starting point is 00:33:29 I saw the pink donut pillow on Jan's chair at the baby shower. I had never noticed it prior to giving birth, but after I got one at the hospital myself, I just have to say this is amazing and 10-10 for attention to detail. That is a great background catch. I noticed it as well. I loved that detail. I did too. I don't know if you guys also noticed behind Jan's chair, there's a little table and on
Starting point is 00:33:54 the table is a big bird stuffed animal. There is a deleted scene where Michael tells Phyllis he wants storks. She said she couldn't get storks and he's like, look, I barely got Jan to even come today. This needs to be a big party. If you can't get a stork, I at least want Big Bird. And the best Phyllis could do is she got a Big Bird stuffed animal. Wow.
Starting point is 00:34:14 Yeah. Oh, that is so great. Well the group gives Jan her gift. It's a stroller. I think this is a very nice gift. It's a very nice gift because it's a big ticket item, but she's already got a stroller. She has an orbit. That Oscar tells us costs $1,200.
Starting point is 00:34:33 Yeah. Dwight is curious. He's like, I need to see how good the stroller really is. Yeah. He said his whole bomb shelter bunker thing that he built didn't even cost that much. And he needs to see what the stroller's made of if it's going to cost that much. So yeah, he wheels the stroller out and then Jan is going to sing to the baby. Oh, Jenna.
Starting point is 00:34:58 How did you get through this? How did you get through it? It was like bite the inside of your cheek, don't make eye contact with anyone, and also at the same time in total awe of Malora. Yes. Who has an amazing singing voice and performs as a singer, guys. Yes. She has albums.
Starting point is 00:35:18 Yes. She's a singer. She just owned this moment so wholeheartedly. There is a scene, Jenna, that was in the script that we shot. I remember shooting it because the timing and everything in it was amazing. So Jan is singing, Son of a Preacher Man. She's belting it out and Ryan comes in urgently to tell her something. She won't stop singing and I printed out the script here, Jenna.
Starting point is 00:35:43 Just read right here. Okay. So I'm going to be Ryan. Yeah. Okay. And you guys forgive my singing. Okay. Was a Son of a Preacher Man, yes he was.
Starting point is 00:35:53 Hey Jan. He was. Jan. Yes he was. You parked in the handicap spot. Keys are in my purse. I'll just, I'll take them. Did I do a good?
Starting point is 00:36:03 You did great. Sorry to make you guys suffer through my singing. Malora was amazing. She never missed a beat. She sang where her keys were. It was amazing. I did a mini deep dive on Son of a Preacher Man. Did you really?
Starting point is 00:36:18 Yes. I think we should take a break and when we come back I'll tell you what I found. Okay. All right. We are back and I'm going to start us off with a fan question from Yvette M and Alexandra S. Why was the song Son of a Preacher Man chosen for Jan to sing to her baby? I asked Erin who picked the song and Erin said he isn't sure if Mindy picked it per say but she was pushing it.
Starting point is 00:36:54 He said I don't remember how exactly it came up in the writer's room but the minute it was out there Mindy was like that's got to be it. That has got to be it. So I think we have Mindy to thank for that. I got curious about the song so I did a little deep dive on it. Son of a Preacher Man was written by John Hurley and Ronnie Wilkins. It was recorded by Dusty Springfield in 1968 and her version is most popular. It's been covered many times by many artists.
Starting point is 00:37:23 Here's what I found interesting. Apparently the rights to record the song were originally offered to Aretha Franklin. She was the daughter of a preacher and the rumor is that she turned it down because she worried that maybe it might be a little disrespectful but she changed her mind. No. She recorded a cover version of the song just one year later in 1969 for her album Soul Sister. I had to hear it.
Starting point is 00:37:50 Sam, will you play it? It's so good, isn't it? She always gives me chills. Dolly Parton also did a cover in 1996 for her album Treasures and it is also a gem. Do you want to hear that one? Yes. Billy Ray was a preacher's son and when his daddy would be, did he come along? When they gathered and started talking, that's when Billy would take me walking.
Starting point is 00:38:46 I can listen to these women sing anything. They're legends. They're legends in our podcast today. Do we need to hear Dusties? I think we need to hear Dusties. I mean, we have to hear Dusties. It's Son of a Preacher Man Day today. I mean, I just want to hear all of them.
Starting point is 00:39:19 I feel so embarrassed that I even attempted to sing it at all to recreate the scene with Ryan. I am so sorry. Billy Ray was a preacher's son and when his daddy would visit, he'd come along. When they gathered and started talking, that's when Billy would take me walking. I threw the bag down, we go walking. Then he looked into my eyes. Lord knows to my surprise, the only one who could ever reach me was the Son of a Preacher
Starting point is 00:39:50 Man. All right. So good. All right. All right. Here's what I have to say. Kudos to John Hurley and Ronnie Wilkins, because when you write a song that can be sung by all of these different people with their different spins on it and their different
Starting point is 00:40:05 arrangements. And it still knocks your socks off every time. You have written a good song. Yep. One last thing I want to say about Son of a Preacher Man is that when Malora sang it, she improvised the snapping. And you know what? It about got me on the floor.
Starting point is 00:40:23 We were so trying to suppress laughter that one more thing was like the tipping point, you know? So as she's swaying and singing when she just starts doing that snap, I was like, oh Lord, I'm not going to make it. I am not going to make it. There are really great scripted talking heads of people reacting to it. And Stanley had a great one where he was like, I used to like that song. Well, Jim is going to try to describe it to Pam.
Starting point is 00:40:54 She's at the laundromat and she can't hear anything he's saying. Why couldn't she just walk away from the machines, Jenna? You know what? Megan P would like to know the answer to that question as well. Megan, it's the first thing I thought. She hasn't talked to him all day. She finally has free time. Walk away from the machine.
Starting point is 00:41:09 I'll tell you two things. Number one, right before this phone call, there was a bit of the scene that got clipped. Pam is with her friend at the laundromat and they are together and they're talking about a class assignment and she says, oh, just one second, I'm going to take this call. So maybe she felt like she couldn't walk away, but also in the script, there is a version where she does walk away from the machines and the problem is not that the machines are loud. The problem is simply that Pam is not understanding what's so bad about Jan singing to her baby.
Starting point is 00:41:45 So it's another kind of like... Miscommunication. Like you had to be there kind of things. But they kept the loud laundry machine version in. I'll have you know, location, alert. The laundromat was Launderland on Sherman Way in North Hollywood, California. I like to throw these out there because there are these office tours where people go around and look at our locations and so I thought, I don't know if you want to see where Pam
Starting point is 00:42:11 did her laundry. That's where. Okay. So Pam has this talking head at the laundromat where she says that she's not frustrated. You know, they have these kind of days where they don't connect even when they're together in Scranton and then she discovers that she washed her lipstick and it got all over her green towel. You know, I recently washed Lee's wallet and car key.
Starting point is 00:42:32 I remember this. You called me and you're like, I washed the keys to the car, his whole entire wallet. Whole wallet. Whole wallet. And now he couldn't find his wallet for days. He was like, where is my wallet? I can't find my wallet. Isn't the laundry basket?
Starting point is 00:42:48 It was in his pocket. Yeah. It was in the laundry basket and I didn't check the pockets. I threw in the laundry. I found it in the dryer. It went through a full wash cycle, a full dryer cycle. I said, babe, I found your wallet. Wait, did the credit cards all get melty?
Starting point is 00:43:08 Did he have to get everything new? Lady, his vaccination card was in his wallet. Oh no. All of his credit cards, he was like, oh my God, the vaccination card made it. I was a little afraid at the top. He went out, he bought some gas and the credit cards worked. Well, how about that? So I don't know.
Starting point is 00:43:27 I guess you didn't have it. You didn't have it on high heat. No, I did dry on low. And the car key still works because it's one of those little like, yeah, it still works. While all of the singing is going on, Dwight decides he's going to put the stroller to the ultimate test. Yes. I had a fan question from Beth E, Rachel R, Amy F, and Julie G. How many of those strollers
Starting point is 00:43:51 did you use for the scenes where Dwight tests its durability? This is why I was on the phone with Phil Shea for an hour yesterday. Well, how many did they use? I'll tell you, it started with Phil Shea doing a ton of research to find the perfect stroller for this episode. He said he and Greg had a long talk about how Jan was the kind of person who would have to have the fanciest stroller. In the script, it's written that the stroller is indestructible and he wanted to find something
Starting point is 00:44:26 that would even look out of place in Scranton. So he went on a search for an indestructible luxury stroller and he found out about the orbit baby stroller, which was kind of a startup stroller at the time. It launched in September of 2006, so just two years before this episode. It was invented by two dads, Brian White and Joseph High. I think it's high, Joseph, I'm sorry if I got that wrong. And they made it because Brian had just become a dad and he said that his back really hurt whenever he was trying to get the baby in and out of the car seat in the car.
Starting point is 00:45:07 So in his garage, they made a wooden prototype. They studied all kinds of things, but they also sought to use green materials. I like these fellas. Yeah, and this car seat was cool because Phil said it looked kind of weird, but it also rotates 360 degrees. So Phil was like, it was so cool. Like if you want to get your baby out of the car and not remove the car seat, you can swivel it and then you can get your baby out of the car really easy.
Starting point is 00:45:36 Well, Jenna, you know, Phil Shea had a few extra orbits left over and I was a new mom on set and he always was looking out for us and he said, Ange, do you want one of these orbit strollers? They're pretty amazing. And I said, yeah. And that was my favorite thing about it too, what you just said. You could pivot and it would lock into place. So if you swiveled it, it could face left, right, front, back, and it would lock into
Starting point is 00:46:00 place. Not only was it great when you got your baby out of the car seat, what I loved is you could attach it to the stroller and let's say you're on a walk and the sun is kind of beating down and you don't want to put the little flap over your baby because your baby wants to be able to see where you're going, you could just pivot so then the baby could look at everything on the right side of the street or everything on the left side or look at you. It was so great.
Starting point is 00:46:23 I love that Phil gave you a stroller and that he gave you a chair from work bus. I know. Do you have any more things? I'm sure I do. Maybe your memory will be jogged as we go along. As we go through the episodes. Well, Phil said that he called Brian on the phone and he was like, listen, I've researched your stroller and I want to put it on the television show, The Office.
Starting point is 00:46:48 And he told him the storyline and Brian agreed to send us 10 strollers. And then Brian flew out and watched the taping. Phil also said the stroller really was indestructible. He's not kidding. There are so many deleted scenes of Rain as Dwight doing things to that stroller and the stroller just keeps on trekking. There's way more. Phil told me that one of his favorite things to do was to reach out to these smaller companies
Starting point is 00:47:17 that didn't normally do national advertising and feature their products on the show or collaborate with them. And he said, another one of the reasons that you saw all of the local foods or the local sodas on The Office was because one of our characters is eating like Lay's potato chips. That could be a conflict with maybe another big national potato chip brand that would have a national commercial running during our show. So we weren't allowed. So his choice was he could tape over Lay's or create a fakey bag, chip bag, right?
Starting point is 00:47:52 He said, but what he liked to do was feature products, local products like a hers chip, a smaller company that is not going to be in competition for these national spots. And that's another way that he focused in on the orbit. He would try to find these companies that could be approved. Well, I love that because, you know, we love supporting small business. Yeah. Well, the orbit stroller is still available and it is now a big business. I saw online you can get one at Nordstrom.
Starting point is 00:48:22 Well Jan has done singing. She's pooped out. I mean, all that singing is going to tire you out. Yeah. She wants to take a nap. She gives the baby to Michael and she says, when I wake up, I want to talk to you about Astrid's 529, which I looked up. It's like a savings plan for college.
Starting point is 00:48:39 Yeah. So what? Michael has to go to all the birthing classes, but he doesn't get to be there for the birth of the baby. And now he's going to contribute to the college fund. That's what it sounds like. Jan needs to go buh-buh. I agree.
Starting point is 00:48:50 Well, Michael only holds the baby for a short time. He's not feeling that connection and he gives the baby to Phyllis. Yeah. First, Michael has to go to the warehouse. He needs some advice from Daryl. We had a fan question from Ethan B. Did Steve improvise the moment when he asks if he can hold Daryl? They get on this runner where Daryl's like, do you want to hold this?
Starting point is 00:49:17 Do you want to hold that? And see if you have a connection, do you want to hold me? No, you guys, that was in the script. That whole scene was scripted just like that. Well, Jan is still sleeping in the deleted scenes. She's like snoring and everyone's looking at her. She's covered herself with the plastic tablecloth from the shower and she wakes up and has a pretty amazing exchange with Holly.
Starting point is 00:49:40 Where she realizes what we have realized, which is that Holly has a little bit of Michael Scott in her. Yeah. There's been some real Michael Scott jokes here. Yeah. And Jan is like, oh, I get it. Funny. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:49:54 But Astrid is now with Angela and Andy. I love the scene so much. Angela, please tell me everything about putting all these vegetables on this baby. All right. They had the table completely laid out. They had it all staged. They had the mom with the baby in the wings standing right there. And literally right before action, the mom put the baby down.
Starting point is 00:50:16 And then I just put that big giant fake piece of lettuce on the baby. It was really hard for me because I was a new mom and I was just like, okay, I just want to do this so fast. I want to do the scene so quickly. And then it was so hard for me as a mom to not really connect with the baby at all and just say like, I need to look up here. Make it look up here. Yes.
Starting point is 00:50:36 But it's such a window into Angela, you know, she was a pageant baby. She dresses up her cats. Yes. Her kids are going to be dressed up a lot for all kinds of photos and Andy is on board. I always imagined that Angela dressed Philip in like the little knee socks and shorts and suspenders with the little Peter Pan collar that you always see little Prince George wearing. That's how I imagined Philip dresses. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:04 And I also imagined that Angela had like a little sailor suit for him. For sure. Sailor hat. A hundred percent. All of that. Jan comes in as Andy and Angela are having their Aunt Getty's moment creating this baby salad photo and she is not happy. No, she's irritated and she wants to go.
Starting point is 00:51:25 She's done. She's done. She finds Michael in the kitchen and she's ready to go and Michael insults Holly again. I guess we've failed to mention that throughout this whole episode, every time Michael, Holly and Jan are together, Michael just keeps, you know, insulting her when Holly was going to go into the conference room. He's like, uh, HR. Now he says she smells like rotten tomatoes and dirt and dirt.
Starting point is 00:51:51 She smells like tomatoes and dirt. Yeah. And you know what? Jan sees all of it. Jan knows what Michael's doing and he walks her out to the car and as she's putting the baby in the car seat, she turns around. She's like, there is one more thing you could do for me and he's like, what? And she says, don't date Holly.
Starting point is 00:52:09 Yeah. And he's like, why would I hate her? Why would I? You know, and yeah, he clearly likes her. Yeah. Jan leaves. She leaves the stroller that was gifted to her. I know.
Starting point is 00:52:22 So tacky. So tacky. Tacky Jan. What was the point of the baby shower that she could get a nap and maybe get some money out of Michael for a college fund? That's what it was. Yeah. Well, Michael is going to go upstairs.
Starting point is 00:52:36 When he finds Holly and she says, are you going to still be mean to me? And he just gives her a hug. It's the warmest, most intimate hug. It's so intimate. Amy Ryan is so great. Her eyes just fill with tears. And then Michael has this talking head where he says he didn't feel much when he held Astrid, but he, he got a good feeling when he held Holly.
Starting point is 00:53:05 He asked her out on a date, a real official date. She says, yes, she sure does. So we're ending with a little love connection there, but now Jim and Pam are both trying to call each other at the same time and they miss each other. They both go to voicemail at the same time. And I remember Greg talking to me about this scene. I just loved this idea that we're going to hear each side of their voicemail message and you're going to see they really are connected.
Starting point is 00:53:36 They both recall this same story about the time that, you know, some man came into the laundromat and Jim had to save Pam and then they bought a washer dryer. They were calling this same event. And at the end, they both say, I guess this was just one of those days. I miss you. I wish you were home. Yeah. Aaron shared with me that he was just so curious how this scene would turn out because you
Starting point is 00:54:01 guys filmed it in two different locations. You didn't have the other person there. No, I couldn't hear John. It was like I was really leaving a message. Yeah. And so you guys were just in this vacuum separate. And then in editing, they were going to find the moment and create it. And he just sort of marveled at how the whole thing came together and just so perfectly.
Starting point is 00:54:21 Yes. Well, I had to really imagine in my head as an actor that I was just leaving a message. So in the script, I could see how our dialogue was going to alternate and sync up, but I put that out of my mind and I just did my half without thinking of John's lines in my head at all. Right. And we filmed it like a monologue. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:43 Well, I loved it. I thought it was really sweet. And it also made me a little sad because you can tell the distance is starting to take a toll. Yeah. Well, that ends the episode, but Angela, I just realized I skipped a fan question. Okay. And I don't want to leave Evan L hanging.
Starting point is 00:54:59 Okay. Evan. Evan wrote in to say at 17 minutes, 30 seconds, was that really rain driving around with the stroller tied to the back of the car or was that a stunt driver? Well, we had a stunt driver. His name was Sean Crowder. We also had a stunt coordinator named Wally Crowder. And so Sean did the driving parts.
Starting point is 00:55:22 Mm hmm. And there were some shots of rain inside the car, but the other stuff, that was a stunt driver. Yes. We would often do the driving that was just sort of like where you pull up and stop. Yeah. But then if there was like aggressive driving, that's when the stunt driver would take over. Yes.
Starting point is 00:55:38 Well, I loved this episode. I thought it was so good and layered with so much heartfelt stuff. And before we say goodbye, I have a little bit of trivia for you. Okay. Moving to, here are the top girl and boy names in 2008. Oh, from when we did this episode. That's right. Any guesses for the girl?
Starting point is 00:56:00 Emma. Yes. Ah! You got it. I was thinking maybe because of the friend's baby. Yes. Rachel had Emma really put that name on the map. Guess what the boy name was.
Starting point is 00:56:12 I guessed Emma for the girl like you, but I did not guess right for the boy name. Liam. Aiden. Aiden. Aiden was the top boy name. Was that from Sex and the City? I don't know. I guessed Jack.
Starting point is 00:56:27 Okay. He was in the top five, but Aiden and Emma. Well there it is. You've learned some new baby showers, the sip and see. Eminems are still printing names. Yeah. And the orbit stroller is actually really good. And Emma and Aiden, 2008 babies, where are you now?
Starting point is 00:56:46 I would love it if an Emma and Aiden got married. Oh, well that was baby shower. We'll see you next week. Bye you guys. Thank you for listening to Office Ladies. Office Ladies is produced by Earwolf, Jenna Fisher and Angela Kinsey. Our show is executive produced by Cody Fisher. Our producer is Cassie Jerkins.
Starting point is 00:57:07 Our sound engineer is Sam Kiefer and our associate producer is Ainsley Bubicoe. Our theme song is Rubber Tree by Creed Bratton. For ad-free versions of Office Ladies, go to For a free one month trial of Stitcher Premium, use code, OFFICE.

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