Office Ladies - Mrs. California

Episode Date: July 21, 2023

This week’s episode is “Mrs. California”. Robert California’s wife (played by Maura Tierney) wants a job at Dunder Mifflin and Robert doesn't, which causes Andy to be stuck in the middle of th...e two. Meanwhile, Dwight opens a “Gym for Muscles,” Angela can’t get people’s names right, Jenna breaks down the origins of the term “Mrs” and the custom of women taking their husband’s last name, and Mom Detectives solve “The Case of the Windowless Building”. This episode is so great that it’s on par with Lejon Brames! *This episode was recorded May 19th, 2023. Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: Us on Instagram: OfficeLadiesPodCheck out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm Jennifer Fisher and I'm Angela Kinsey. We were on the office together and we're best friends. And now we're doing the ultimate office rewatch podcast just for you. Each week we will break down an episode of the office and give exclusive behind the scene stories that only two people who are there can tell you. We're the office ladies. Hello everybody. Hi.
Starting point is 00:00:27 Are you ready for this week's episode, Missus California? I am. I enjoy this episode so much. I found myself laughing really hard. I thought Ed Helms as Andy being caught between Mr. and Mrs. California was, his performance was amazing. Well, this is season eight, episode nine. It was written by new writer,
Starting point is 00:00:50 alert Dan Greeney. He had previously worked on the Simpsons. This was his first office script, and it was directed by Charlie Grandy. Who I got to talk to about this episode. And I've got some really fun information to share. Oh, I love Charlie. He was so fun to have one set. He was great. Here is your summary. And he is confused when Robert California charges him with the task of finding a job for his wife, Susan,
Starting point is 00:01:14 while simultaneously insisting she not work there under any circumstances. Meanwhile, Dwight opens a gym in the building and coaches his reluctant first member, Darryl. Fast fact number one, Moratirney as Mrs. California. Is she the coolest or what? She is the coolest lady. I just remember having a girl crush on her
Starting point is 00:01:35 and really wanting her to like me so much so when you see her over and accounting, do you see me just like laughing like, hi, you're so cool. For years, my agents would pitch me as a moratirney type. Really? Because she did whose radio. And they were like, that would be a perfect role for you,
Starting point is 00:01:53 Jenna, we're gonna pitch you as a moratirney type. I was so bummed out that I did not get to work with her in this episode. I think we should play sisters, personally. Oh, you so should. Right? Yes. I know, I love her. She's cooler than me. Oh, you so sure. Right? Yes. I know, I love her.
Starting point is 00:02:06 She's cooler than me. She would be my cool older sister. Exactly. Right, that we want to hang out with. Yeah. Yeah. Well, we got a lot of fan questions about Mora, particularly from Kitty G and Austin, Texas, who said,
Starting point is 00:02:18 I was so excited to see one of my all-time favorite actresses, Mora Terni, pop up as Mrs. California. How did she end up on the show? Well, Charlie Grandy said that Paul Lieberstein really wanted Moratirni and everybody else was instantly on board. Charlie said in addition to being funny, she had a really natural warmth and strength, which was key in this episode. Well, like I said, I'm bummed I couldn't be there. Maybe one day, there's a project in store for me and Mora. I would watch that. We need to get on it. She could be a mom detective, you know. We need a mom detective like, we need our boss, our boss. Oh, the boss of the mom person. The person we call in to. Yes. Yes. She's it. Mara, we have a job for you.
Starting point is 00:03:02 Done. All right. Are you ready for fast fact number two? This is a fan question from Kate Kaye in Holland, Michigan, who says, not so much a question, but rather a feminist rant. Okay, I hate that Robert introduces his wife to the bullpen as Mrs. Robert, California, so, so much. She corrects them immediately by asking to be called Susan, but this demonstrates an epidemic
Starting point is 00:03:28 that I am so repulsed by. Why is it always Mr. and Mrs. the man's last name? I feel like there's a deep dive here, just waiting to be unpacked and rant it about. Hashtag down with the patriarchy. Kate, I like your fire. I'm liking it. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:03:44 I deep-dived it for you, and here you go. Okay. Women did not always take their husbands last name. In fact, last names didn't even matter at first, because back in the dark ages, I guess populations were so small that you just went by your first name. But later, when last names mattered, that's when women started taking the last name of their husbands.
Starting point is 00:04:04 And according to several articles, including one from, the reason is because women did not hold any legal rights on their own. They couldn't own land. That's right. That's right. Yes. Or if you were injured as a woman, and someone was to be compensated for your injury, it was either your father because you were his property or your husband once you married. Women could not enter into contracts, however, they could be employed, but their husband collected their wages. Also, the husband held the right to sexual access to their wife. So this was all, you know, back in the day. Kind of sounds like the handmaid's tail. Oh, of sounds like the handmaid's tale.
Starting point is 00:04:45 Oh, a lot like the handmaid's tale. One of the first things that happens when they're slowly taking over is that they close all the women's banking accounts and have their funds transferred to their husband's accounts. Yeah. Creepy stuff. Right. Here's something I found out. Did you know that prior to the 1970s, there were laws in the United States that said,
Starting point is 00:05:05 women could not get a driver's license, a passport, or registered a vote, unless a woman took her husband's last name. If you were unmarried, you could. But if you were married, you could only do those things if you took your husband's last name. Hmm. It was the Supreme Court case of Don versus Palermo that struck down a Tennessee law that required women to take their husband's last name in order to vote, and that is when it finally ended. And that is also when the little, what do you call
Starting point is 00:05:37 it? The prefix, Miz came into play. Because you could be a miss, a miss or a miss. Wanna hear about a bad-ass lady? Yeah. Amelia Earhart. She refused to go by her husband's last name. And after her first solo trans-Atlantic flight, the New York Times wrote a big article about her and the whole time they were furged to her as Mrs. Putnam.
Starting point is 00:06:01 So she wrote them a letter. Yes, she did. She said, as previously stated. I mean, we all know if someone says that, they're like, listen, this is my polite way of saying go F yourself. Yes, I will say that phrase was not in her letter, but it was implied. She did say like, as stated in my previous letters to you, I would like you to refer to me by my professional name,
Starting point is 00:06:28 Amelia Earhart, and not Mrs. Putnam. Yeah. So I took my husband's last name. I am Jenna Kirk. I took his last name and approximately 70% of women still take their husband's last names when they get married. 20% keep their maiden names and 10% hyphenate their name or they make up a new name, a new last name together.
Starting point is 00:06:51 I'm in the 20%. Okay. I did not take my husband's last name. I am just Angela Kinsey. Although I absolutely love being Josh's wife, I am the last of four girls. And I remember when my dad was alive telling him, dad, I'll keep the Kinsey for ya. Oh, that's so sweet.
Starting point is 00:07:12 So his name would live on at least a little longer through me, right? Yeah, yeah. And it meant a lot to him. So that was something I wanted to do for my dad. I love that lady. Yeah, and Josh doesn't mind at all. He knows I'm also Mrs. Snyder.
Starting point is 00:07:26 Well, you know, very occasionally, men will take their wives' last names, but it is much more difficult to do it. Like, when a woman gets married on your marriage certificate, there's just a line where you can fill in. That line isn't there for the men, I guess, because only in Georgia, Hawaii, Iowa, Massachusetts, New York, and North Dakota, is it is easy for a man to take his wife's last name upon marriage as the other way around.
Starting point is 00:08:00 So there's my deep dive for you, Kate. Well, I loved it. And right here in this room, the two of us represent two different sides. We do. Yeah. Ultimately, how I feel about it is, whatever is comfortable between you and your partner, ain't nobody else's business. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:15 I like being Jenna Kirk. Yeah. All right. Are you ready, everybody? Yeah. For FastFak number three. Oh, yes. Yes, I forgot we were doing this.
Starting point is 00:08:25 Yes. Alright, it is... Mom detectives and the case of the windowless building. Yes, our very first case! We drove to the windowless building. We sure did. Jenna got out her phone and recorded the audio of our whole investigation.
Starting point is 00:08:44 Here it is. It was a cold and rainy night when someone dropped that package through my mailbox. So many clues, so much chaos. It had been a long time since I saw this big of a mess. But because it wasn't a far drive, and because it wasn't a school night, and because there was only a little bit of evidence so I could fit in a small amount of pockets, and because I had snacks in case they got hungry, and because it wasn't chilly out, God helped me, I knew who I needed to call. The Mom Detectives. Okay, here we go. Do you see it? Anjolicy, those are not windows. Oh, oh, there's a driveway. There's still people sitting outside. Oh, we got to go through the driveway. Let's go through the driveway.
Starting point is 00:09:37 Okay, let's go in. What? Park right here. No, it's super free here. Yes, okay. It's working. Two hour working. I'm two-way away from the curve. What do you think? I'm not an eye fool. It's not unfixable. Let me back up. Just make up.
Starting point is 00:09:51 Backing out. Now you're too close to the curve. I just occur. Okay. Okay. All right, let's get out. None of this is Windows. Okay. No, there's no Windows, but it looks like Windows. But it's also like CMAT, right? And also there's two numbers on the building.
Starting point is 00:10:15 I know it's a long address. I have to point out. But there's no trouble. There's like just a dirt patch. They just let it go. Good observation. Thank you. All right, we're walking in. We're currently walking in. The gate is open. The parking garage, there are no cars.
Starting point is 00:10:35 The pedestrian gate is locked, but there's one car. Oh my God, there's three sheds. There's three sheds, and there's four people and outside. Like the water, like the sensor thing? Wait, what are we doing? There's three sheds. There's three sheds. There's four people. And outside. The water, like the stints are saying? Wait, what are we doing? I'm just going to walk in and ask what the business is.
Starting point is 00:10:51 Okay, okay. Oh my gosh. I'm hanging back and digging back. She was walking in. Hey, we were just curious, what is this business? Talking to someone, it looks like a nurse. It looks like a very nice, young male nurse. Huh.
Starting point is 00:11:09 It's a daycare center for elderly people. It's open for four hours a day. They get two meals, and that's it. Well, that was anti-climactic. The Mom Detectives. Case solved in the most unthreatening, like, zero conspiracy. Like, really, the hype we gave this, and it's a senior citizen activity center. The thing is, why no name on the building, you know?
Starting point is 00:11:47 Like, just, it would be so easy. Do they not want you to know? Is it, I mean, wouldn't you put a sign like it's a beautiful facility? I walked in and it's so tonight. I walked in and I hung behind you a little, but I did look around. It had a little lobby area. Yes, and just a beautiful dining room. And something that nurse said was, they also do occupational therapy
Starting point is 00:12:09 and physical therapy there. I mean, so you don't want a sign that says what you are with a phone number so you can, someone can check it out. I thought it was odd. But, you know what, fine, mystery solved. Turns out the lack of shrubbery and three sheds. Angela, I thought you were very good at pointing out clues,
Starting point is 00:12:27 none of which led to the answer, none and all. But what if I had gone inside and they were evasive? We might have had to follow those leads, yeah. Mm. Well, you know, I have to say, I'll never forget the look on everyone's face when we did enter in the building. Yes. They were confused. I want to say that I gave no context when I walked in the building. None. I didn't say, hey, I watched this building be built and I'm just so curious, what is it?
Starting point is 00:12:57 Yeah. I walked in and the guy said, can I help you? And I said, yes, what is this? Yeah. What is this facility? I said, can I help you? And I said, yes, what is this? Yeah. What is this facility? Mm-hmm. Yeah. I mean, I was very to the point.
Starting point is 00:13:08 I think maybe I need to work on my bedside manner as a detective. While you were doing that, an elderly man pointed at me and then talked to someone else and then that other person pointed at me. And so I just said, hi, how's it going? Yeah. I think they didn't know why I was there. We were there because we had a mystery to solve. That's right. I should have just said to them. I should have said, I'm sorry to disturb you, elderly fella. I am a mom detective. Yes, and I am
Starting point is 00:13:38 here on a mission, but I am too embarrassed to walk all the way in, but my friend charged in there. So now I'm hanging on this patio with you. That's what's happening. Can I just say that I think some of my Hutzpah from the award show circuit is paying off as a mom detective? It's showed up. Yeah, perhaps they should have walked
Starting point is 00:13:59 in the door laughing. No, and he would have laughed together. No, I think you made the right move to not walk in laughing. All right. Well, maybe we need outfits Because that would make it clearer hats who we are get his hats. Okay, they'll say MD I don't know Well, everyone there you go. That's what I got for fast facts. Should we take a break and then we'll come back and watch Dwight stand for a really long time? Yes.
Starting point is 00:14:29 We are back and Dwight is standing at his desk and it's not just because he's standing hanging out at his regular desk. He has a new standing desk and he's looking over at Jim and he says, you know what, your hair's standing. Yeah, he explains that standing is healthier and more productive. So that's what he's going to do now. My husband has a standing desk. I was going to bring that up. Yes. I want you guys to know at one point, we were sharing a small room in our house and we made it into a little makeshift office.
Starting point is 00:15:10 It was that catch-all room. Mm-hmm. And he moved in his standing desk and I had my little lower desk. And it was like he was mission control, looming over me. And I was like, Bay, we have got to sort this out. You need your own place to stand and work because you're driving me crazy.
Starting point is 00:15:29 But he loves his standing desk. He still has a standing desk. It's from Veridesk, shout out to those guys because he loves it. Well, I have a fan observation to kick off this episode from Charlotte E in the UK who would like to know, why does Kathy have Pam's baby photos of Cece on her desk after she's taken over on maternity leave? Surely she's gonna be there long enough to put up her own photos if she wants to. Charlotte, no. As Pam, my baby pictures are staying where they are. Kathy, don't you touch them.
Starting point is 00:16:01 I have a question. What? We've learned in this episode that Andy's desk is empty. Why can't Kathy just go sit there? I thought that a long time ago. Mm-hmm. I thought that during Pam's replacement because she does sit there a few times.
Starting point is 00:16:18 There's no computer there right now. Well, you know what, sort it out and leave Pam's desk alone. You know? Don't even sit at Pam's desk. You know who's dropped that is. The office administrator. She should learn to take care of herself. We also had a fan catch from Elizabeth M.
Starting point is 00:16:32 in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, who points out that Dwight has a mug with a sheet's logo on it. Elizabeth said, I love the detail work done by the props department. Little details like this make all the difference. I agree. Jim is going to see an opportunity here at Frank Dwight. He's going to say, you know what, Dwight, you're right. You're better than the rest of us. I'm proud of you. You're committing to standing and you're never going to sit again. You're going to stand forever, aren't you? And Dwight's like, yeah, I am. And almost immediately his ankle started bothering him. Yes, and he tries to sneak away to the break room to sit down,
Starting point is 00:17:06 but then Darryl walks in to get some coffee, and I have something to say. About what? I need to discuss the coffee situation at Dundermifflin. Okay. There's a coffee maker in the kitchen. Right, why are people walking past it to go all the way to the break room? Thank you.
Starting point is 00:17:21 Now, something I did notice is that in the break room, there appears to be a decaf coffee option and a regular coffee option. In the kitchen, there is only regular coffee that Darrell gets regular coffee. He doesn't grab the decaf. Also, there is an entire coffee machine in the break room. One of the vending machines is all coffee.
Starting point is 00:17:42 And we have caffeine corner. We have a lot of coffee. There's like free coffee, vending machines is all coffee. And we have caffeine corner. We have a lot of coffee. There's like free coffee, vending machine coffee, I guess artisanal coffee. It's a lot of coffee. That's it, I needed to say it. For once. For once.
Starting point is 00:17:57 Season eight. I'm calling out this coffee bullshit that we've all had to live through. Thank you. It's been a long time. Well Dwight is back at his desk and he seems to be a lot chipper. He's humming. He's being nice to people. That's right. Jim approaches and notices something sticking out of Dwight's pants leg. It looks like some kind of, I don't know, pogo stick, what is it? Well, we had a fan question from KCB
Starting point is 00:18:26 in State College, Pennsylvania, who wanted to know, what was that? Steve Burgess said it was embarrassingly simple. That's a quote. It was an aluminum cane that they put up through his hand, and he's sitting on the handle. Yeah. Ow. No. Ow. He had to have at least one sore butt cheek there. Well, I was so tickled by this next moment when Jim's like, I'm gonna have to do this and Dwight's like, I know.
Starting point is 00:18:56 Did you hear the noise that Rain makes this Dwight when Jim topples him over? No. It made me laugh so hard. I emailed Cassie about it. She was like, yeah, that's ridiculous. It cracked us up. You have to hear it.
Starting point is 00:19:10 That's real creative. You know what, you're right. It's not my best, because you could easily just bend over and pick that up, right? I could. I just don't feel like a lizard because you're sitting. Standing. OK.
Starting point is 00:19:19 Don't. Because you're sitting. Standing. You know, I have to do this. I know. Huh! Because you're sitting? Standing. You know I have to do this. I know. Ah! Ha ha ha ha ha!
Starting point is 00:19:30 Wah! Ah! Like, what is that cartoon, yell? Oh my gosh, it got me so tickled. So this episode starts with Jim in Andy's office. Andy is signing paperwork. He really loves signing his full name. They're just having some chit chat.
Starting point is 00:19:46 Then all of a sudden, they're big, big, big on the window. And it's Robert and he is so flustered. Like, we've never seen him this flustered. He's panicking. He's like, hey, in four seconds. My wife is walking through that door. She wants a job here under no circumstances. Can you give her a job here?
Starting point is 00:20:03 Understood? And then he runs away. It was so amazing. It was so good. Yeah. Miles McNutt had something to say about this scene. Miles, you did? Yes.
Starting point is 00:20:13 Reviewer Miles McNutt wrote for the AV Club, quote, the very first scene of Mrs. California suggests the potential for a very smart episode of the office. Ooh. Does that mean so? You've been saying it ultimately failed to press. suggest the potential for a very smart episode of the office. Ooh. Does that mean so? It's been so ultimately failed to press. Why do I feel like there's a however coming?
Starting point is 00:20:32 He ended up giving it a C plus. But I wanna say this was an amazing opening scene. Amazing. I agree. And right away Jim was like, I am out of this. That's right. Because Andy's like, what was that about? And Jim's like, I am out of this. That's right. Because Andy's like, what was that about? And Jim's like, I don't know, he wasn't talking to me.
Starting point is 00:20:51 I know this episode is called Mrs. California. But Jenna, when I was doing my research, I realized there was something I have been wanting to share with you all, and I haven't yet. It all started with an email to Joya, who you know, worked for NBC Digital. She always gives us great little tidbits. And I said, Joya, did you guys build anything out for the saber pyramid? She said, Oh, saber had an amazing website, right? We've talked about that. I put stuff in stories. One of the things I felt to see was Robert California's bio. Oh, he has quite the bio. It's clear that he wrote
Starting point is 00:21:28 it himself. Oh, and it's on the Saber website. I would love to read it to you guys. Chief Executive Officer Robert California, one African story of creation depicts a bee carrying a mantis across a river. The river is wide, and the exhausted bee eventually leaves the mantis on a floating flower. The bee plants a seed in the mantis' body before dying. And the seed grows into the first human. All of you are the equivalent of that exhausted, primitive worker bee towing a dying, outmoded business behind you. And it has weakened every fiber in your pitiful bodies.
Starting point is 00:22:07 I am commensurate with the first human, a mark of welcome change, an evolution, a visitude so powerful and so blinding that you'll need to put on a pair of blue blockers just to get through the day. I possess the fire of a young Egyptian protester and the restraint and stoicism of a wise Chinese village elder, an impeccable combination ideal for rejuvenating a regional paper distributor.
Starting point is 00:22:32 I know what you're thinking. Will you be able to keep up with the demand? Will you live up to my exceedingly high standards? Will you be replaced by someone faster and much, much more attractive? My advice is to never stop asking yourself those questions. This is his bio. This is his bio. I am now dying to write a bio where within my bio is the phrase, I know what you're thinking. I sure starred for nine seasons on the office. I know what you're thinking. I mean, this is the oddest bite. This wasn't like a letter.
Starting point is 00:23:10 Do this under bio. This is next to his photo, chief executive officer, Robert California. Incredible. Starts with the story of a bee and a mantis, floating down a river. Isn't that exactly what you expect though? Incredible. Thank you. Anyway, I have been meaning to share that for weeks now.
Starting point is 00:23:30 Well, Robert is going to introduce his wife, Mrs. California, to the bullpen. Susan, please call me Susan. Yeah, please call me Susan. Robert is going to share that last night at dinner, they were discussing her return to work, and she's here to see if there's a position for her. And he's going to jump on this. He's going to say, oh, you know, that's so wonderful, but we're, I mean, we're completely staffed up. Immediately, he's trying to shut it down, because Robert had banged on the window. This whole scene, Jenna, was so rich to me. Just the sentence where he says last night at dinner, we were discussing her, getting back into the workplace.
Starting point is 00:24:07 I was like, oh, that was so layered. I bet that was the most painful, awkward, layered conversation. Those are the kind of scenes I love like in a one act play. I want to see the scene between Robert and Susan at dinner where she basically says, I want to go the scene between Robert and Susan at dinner, where she basically says, I want to go back to work. You know, Maritiri doesn't have any lines in this. And yet, like you're saying,
Starting point is 00:24:33 there is so much playing out on her face. Yes, the way she looks at him. Yes, when Andy says we're completely staffed up, oh my gosh, she turns her head and looks at Robert. And they're whole dinner. They're whole dinner conversation. Yeah. All of it. That history is there. Yeah. Because you know, he made fake promises to her that he never intended on keeping. And right away, she's like, and then he looks at Andy and kind of does a weird twitch with the sign goes, I think we can see
Starting point is 00:25:01 the options first. Yes. Like basically like Andy, you idiot. Let it play out a little bit. So it's more believable. We had a fan mail flurry about this scene. People pointed out that Robert California and his wife are wearing color coordinated outfits. The turquoise. Yes, and the black.
Starting point is 00:25:19 And they wanted to know if it was intentional or just a weird coincidence. Charlie Grande, remember I said he directed this episode and I traded messages with him. He said it was a conscious decision to make it look like Robert and Susan are quite literally on the same team. And then if you notice the way Andy's dressed,
Starting point is 00:25:37 it's really, it's like a completely different color palette and it's made to further isolate him. And Charlie said, good catch everyone. This is the stuff I love. These are the little details I love to learn. Well, next up Dwight is going to knock on Darryl's door. He's going to tell Darryl that he has started Dwight's roots gym for muscles. You know, Darryl was saying he wanted to start working out. Well, Dwight's going to solve that problem for him. Dwight is always looking for the side hustle. He's got capping corner. He owns the business park now. He tried to have a daycare. Now he's going to have gym for muscles.
Starting point is 00:26:14 In Dwight's talking head, he says that obese people in the building are putting a strain on resources. For example, the chairs wear out faster. We had a fan question from Christian H. and Independence Missouri who said, there are two previous office episodes all about Michael having to buy chairs. And Chair model, he's buying a chair for himself and in the surplus, they're debating between buying chairs or a new copier. So my question is, which is it? Does the office buy the chairs or the building? Are you asking me? I think Christian has a little task. Christian, Jenna just looked at me like, and what do you think, Angela? I think, um, why is Dwight worried about the chair so much?
Starting point is 00:26:56 I think the building buys the chairs. That makes no sense. Well, they don't ask me. Why did we have a whole episode where we argued over what to do with our surplus if the building would have just bought us chairs anyway? I don't know. I mean, I think very clearly the office has a budget to buy chairs for the office, but you know, there are other chairs. There are the chairs of caffeine corner, perhaps.
Starting point is 00:27:20 There are building chairs. The lobby sofa. Yes. There you go. Hmm. Maybe it's both. Case of the chairs. Well, Andy is going to start showing Susan around.
Starting point is 00:27:34 And right before they start their tour, she says goodbye to a few folks. Yes. And she gets Ryan's name wrong. As she's saying goodbye, she calls him Brian. And he is not pleased. This is something I struggle with. Anyone else out there like Ryan and Brian, Craig and Greg, Kristen, Christine, Tim and Tom.
Starting point is 00:27:55 I'm gonna get it wrong guys. Tamara, Tamara, I'm gonna get it wrong. And I'm so sorry, I don't mean anything by it. It's a hard thing sometimes to dial in, wait, which one was it Ryan or Ryan? And then, you know, I wonder if, like, behind your back, someone's like, bitch. There are so many parents at my kid's school,
Starting point is 00:28:16 who were probably introduced to me in the beginning. But now we're like five grades deep. It's too late, it's too late. You've got the name wrong late, it's too late. You've got the name wrong and it's too late. There's a dad at our school who calls everyone friend. Oh, I don't think he knows the names name. No, but I can't do it, I can't pull that off. Yeah, my husband does a lot of like,
Starting point is 00:28:36 what's up buddy? And I'm like, you don't, just don't. Men can do it better. Stop saying buddy, we all know you don't know their name. Men have dude, buddy, man. I know. We got nothing. We got lady. That's it.
Starting point is 00:28:49 But you have to, like, if I am familiar enough with someone to call them lady, I know their name. Right. Not gonna call, you know, someone I rarely interact with. Play hey lady. Yeah, good morning lady. No, I don't think so. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:29:04 But isn't this everyone? We all suffer from this, right? Guys, I mean, everybody has this problem. How many people out there hear a name once and they lock into it? The percentage must be small. Can we just all agree that we're not gonna be offended if someone has to ask us our names 70 times?
Starting point is 00:29:22 Can that just be like a collective... Forgiveness. We just forgive this. We release that. There's so much to be stressed about until we can be judgy about other stuff. I wanna just drop the name forgetting thing. Let's just drop it. It's fine.
Starting point is 00:29:38 I don't care if you forgot my name. It's fine. I don't know how we get this out there. I feel like it needs to be on a valid or something. We wanna collect collective forgiveness. Collective forgiveness on names. Some days I'm amazing at it. Some days I crush it, but then there's my Ryan, Brian days.
Starting point is 00:29:53 Well, Andy's going to begin his tour of Dunderclund at reception. Aaronville. Yes. Should we have two secretaries, two receptionists? Andy doesn't think so. Maybe Susan would be good for sales. Let's go talk to Jim, where Andy sure Jim's gonna have my back. He's gonna make sales sound horrible.
Starting point is 00:30:16 But then Dwight comes over and makes sales sound amazing. So much so that after her first sale, Susan and Dwight are gonna go have a glass of red wine and trade their lists of best animals. Their rankings. She's fitting in pretty well with Dwight. This really stresses out Andy. He's like, oh, how am I going to do this? And lady, I think we're about to learn something that might confirm what Michael knew all along. Proof of Phyllis' flatulence.
Starting point is 00:30:46 Yes, Andy has a talking head about why couldn't Phyllis have one of her room clearing farts? This definitely made me wonder if she really tutored at her wedding after all. That's what I think, right? Yes, here's one other thing I want to say about this Andy talking head. There were several candy bag ults for it
Starting point is 00:31:07 That were so hilarious. There were two pages of candy bag ults Three of them really made me laugh hard and I want to share them, okay? Andy, how am I supposed to pull this off? Kevin Ward deodorant today? Angela smiled Meredith eight before she drank G G, thanks team, way to go. Here's the other one. How am I supposed to pull this off? Creed talked to her without a single spit bubble forming in the corner of his mouth. Really? That hasn't happened in a decade. Last one. This is one where you know sometimes they throw a crazy one in there. Yeah. How am I supposed to pull this off?
Starting point is 00:31:47 I'm doing my best to make these assholes look like assholes, but these assholes keep acting like pretty good people to work with. These are all amazing. Oh my gosh. I know it was really good candy bag. Lady, thank you so much for sharing those. I think it's also really great for people out there who are maybe wanting to be writers or artists or whatever to see how like our writers,
Starting point is 00:32:12 they didn't write one talking head or one button for a scene. They wrote a bunch. Oh yeah. You know, it's like you try everything and you see what ends up working best. But there's so many good ones, like any one of those would have cracked me up. Same. Well now Dwight is going to unveil his amazingly fancy gym to Daryl and by amazingly fancy, it looks like something out of a scene in SAW 5. Yes, this gym. It reminded me of the strongest man competition. Do you watch the strongest man competition?
Starting point is 00:32:46 Well, is that the one where they have to throw a log in the air? Yes. So Dwight's gym, it has like, there's just like a stump with like an ass and there's just like gravel buckets and phone book ripping. So the strongest man competition, it started in 1977. I looked up a description of it, and this could be written by Dwight. It's amazing. Let's hear it. The world's strongest man competition
Starting point is 00:33:11 is about more than just force. It is about stamina, skill, tactics, training, and strategy. Every event is designed to push the strong men to their absolute limits, challenging not only their physical strength, but their agility and mental toughness too. Doesn't that seem like? That sounds very Dwight.
Starting point is 00:33:30 Very Dwight. But yeah, they like lift giant tree trunks and boulders, and then they have an event. This is the one that gets me. The vehicle pull. Oh, did they put the thing around their waist and then after walk, pulling a car or something? Yes, but they don't just pull cars.
Starting point is 00:33:46 They pull all kinds of stuff. And one time they pulled planes, a plane. Is it stripped down or is it an actual full plane? I am not exactly sure. I mean, listen, stripped down or not is still a fucking plane. It's very giant. And they have to wait and everything.
Starting point is 00:34:01 And then the way they do it is it's like, they have to drag it a hundred feet in the quickest time possible. So whoever drags at the fastest is the winner of that competition. But like each year it's a different vehicle. And it kind of matches either like a strong man's profession like one time there was a guy who was a firefighter.
Starting point is 00:34:21 So they all, Fire truck. They pulled fire trucks. And then another year they pulled a mining coal car in honor of the coal miners in West Virginia. And also, it's not always on land. Sometimes they pull stuff across like ice or snow or sand. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:34:39 Can you imagine pulling a vehicle through sand? No, I can barely walk like on the beach and then I'm sore. But anyway, I did want to shout out this year's winner. Strongest man competition goes to Mitchell Hooper. He's the first Canadian to win. Way to go Mitchell. But they would love Dwight's gym. They would be all over. They'd be like, this is amazing. This is literally how they train. Darryl's not loving it. No, he wants a real gym. This whole gym storyline was so much bigger, almost all the deleted scenes are gym storylines. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:35:09 Not Jim helper. Not Jim helper. Jim muscles. Jim muscles. But I'll share more of those later. Next up we have one of my favorite scenes in the episode, which is when Andy meets with Mr. and Mrs. California in his office. And no matter what job Susan says she would like to do,
Starting point is 00:35:25 Andy has a reason why she can't. And Robert has a reason why she can. Here's what I didn't understand. In this moment, Robert would have been off the hook. Susan actually says, this is very uncomfortable. Obviously, there's no place for me here. So thank you for trying. Why don't we just let it go?
Starting point is 00:35:43 And Robert can't let it go. He needs so desperately, I feel like, to look like the good guy to her. Mm-hmm. That he's like, I'm the CEO Andy. Surely you want to owe me one. Yes. Poor Andy. And Ed's performance was so amazing. Like you could feel how confused he was. We had a fan question from Mojo and Michigan. How uncomfortable was Ed filming these scenes where Robert keeps saying there's got to be somewhere for her to fit in? I was so uncomfortable this whole episode,
Starting point is 00:36:12 not as bad as Scott's tauts, but still really uncomfortable. Yeah, it's pretty cringy. Well, Charlie Grandy said it was extremely uncomfortable, this scene. He said the biggest challenge of this episode for him was trying to escalate the discomfort while still keeping it enjoyable to watch, which is that's the
Starting point is 00:36:31 sweet spot, you know. He said that since this was his first time directing a complete episode, Paul Lieberstein was really helpful in suggesting shots and camera movements. And in this scene, for example, you might notice, they start wide, they even start with like a spy shot through the window, and as the scene goes on, they go closer and closer and closer, it ends on like a super close-up of Andy nervously smiling, and Charlie said that was intentional as a way of building that discomfort. Yeah, and ultimately Andy's like, fine, okay, welcome aboard. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:07 And then she's like, yay! And Robert just shoots him a dagger. Yeah. It's amazing. So good. Because Andy knows immediately he's messed up. Well, let's take a break and we get back. We'll see what Andy's going to do to solve this problem. We're back and now it's just Andy and Susan in Andy's office.
Starting point is 00:37:35 And Andy's going to get a phone call. It's Robert. And when Andy answers, he says, say hello, grandma. And Andy says, hi, Gam Gam. And then Robert says, hold one finger up to Susan, you'll just be a second. You numbschool. You're given a very simple task. I could not have been more clear with you. Now say, are you taking your medicine? And Andy says, are you taking your med meds? And Robert says, why can you not say exactly what I tell you? I thought that was so funny. So funny.
Starting point is 00:38:07 There's two frustrations happening in this conversation. But ultimately what Robert is going to say to him is, undo this or else. Yeah. I like that phrase. I want to start using that. Like if Lee makes plans and I don't want to do them, I'm going to say undo this.
Starting point is 00:38:24 Undo this. I need you say undo this. Undo this. I need you to undo this. Yeah, it's like that. The line that really stuck with me in succession when he goes, you are not serious people. Yes. What if we just start speaking in our favorite quotes? Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 00:38:39 Next up Dwight is going to announce to the bullpen that his gym is up and running. He has gotten some real equipment. We saw it delivered. Really nice equipment. This is a nice gym now. It appears so, but nobody really wants to sign up. Everybody has an excuse.
Starting point is 00:38:56 Including Kelly who says her sneakers are like a gym for your feet. Mm-hmm. Lady. Oh my gosh, do you remember these sneakers? They were the sketchers, sneakers. Oh, with the foamy, memory foam? We got a fan letter from Mary Grace in Athens, Georgia, who said, the shoes Kelly's wearing are sketcher shapeups,
Starting point is 00:39:16 and I just learned about these in class! She's an advertising grad student, okay? Mary says, allow me to deep dive for you. Sketchers' shapeups were a shoe with Kim Kardashian as the spokesperson, immediately at tracks that Kelly would be wearing these shoes. 100%. In the ads, Kim says she was able to ditch her personal trainer because of the shoes. Because the idea was that these shoes were all the workout you needed,
Starting point is 00:39:42 because they had that little foam thing that you were talking about in the shoe. There were lawsuits filed against sketchers for these misleading ads because they conducted studies on the target market and they found that most people were misled into thinking that the shoes alone would make them healthier and most of the people who bought the shoes gained weight because they ditched the gym.
Starting point is 00:40:05 I looked into this, sketchers had to pay $40 million to settle this lawsuit of these shoes. Oh my god. That Kelly is wearing. Yes. The FTC settlement. Wow. That's an expensive pair of shoes. Thank you, Mary Grace, for that amazing bit of info. I have a little accounting shout-out because I loved, loved, loved whenever the writers would write something for Angela Oscar and Kevin that was just full of assumed history. Even if it was just a throwaway line, because you know, Oscar says like I need more gym drama and he starts listing all the different dynamics that the gym where he works out and Angela goes, enough Oscar, enough. And you just know that he comes into work and he's like, you would not believe who's doing leg day to day and taking up all the machines. Like you just imagine his gripe over there and Angela is just over it. I feel like this
Starting point is 00:41:02 is a little bit of a call back too. Remember in the previous episode when Oscar knew who was the most fit person when they were looking for warehouse people? He talks a lot about his gym. Susan has arrived in HR. She's going to do her, I guess, her paperwork, right? Her start-up paperwork. And Toby asked her for her passport. She just, in one one sentence destroys him.
Starting point is 00:41:28 I know. She's like, well, no, I mean, who walks around with her passport. And Toby's like, well, I do, you know, just in case there's an adventure. She goes, have you been on any adventures? He's like, no. Here was my question. Does he keep his passport on him at all times for adventures? Or in case he has to flee because he is the scrant and
Starting point is 00:41:49 sprinkler? Well, there you go. Evidence of strangling? Maybe so. We had a fan catch in this scene that so delighted me. I didn't notice it when I watched the episode, but when I went back to check after I read this fan question, I laughed out loud. What?
Starting point is 00:42:05 Allison H. from Norway said, why is Toby's chair so low and his desk so high? Oh my gosh, Angela, his desk, it's in his armpit. I took pictures. Let me see, I'm putting on my glasses. Swipe to look. That is a far away and then I did a close up. What?
Starting point is 00:42:27 Who sits like that? You know what? I bet he got the crap chair that we kept passing around. Remember sometimes she would come on set, and you'd be like, who the heck put the crap chair? The one that would go up and down, and we kept moving it back to the annex or moving it somewhere else.
Starting point is 00:42:44 But why was this allowed? Like you'd think like when it was time to shoot, they would be like, we got to get this guy. Yeah. Yeah. A real chair. So funny. It was delightful. Great catch, Allison.
Starting point is 00:42:57 Andy has a new strategy for getting rid of Susan, which is that he's going to tell everyone in the bullpen to make it a miserable place to work, so miserable that she wants to leave by lunch. Yeah. And you know, Jim is gonna say, I don't think we should try to make this place seem unpleasant. I think we should just let this place crush her spirit by itself. I mean, it knows what it's doing. That made me laugh. I also love when Aaron goes, I know exactly what's stapler to give. Yes. And then we have to do anyone. It's like so ridiculous. That joke pays off so well. The wait, Ellie, like as Aaron placed it on the table, too.
Starting point is 00:43:32 Yeah. Look what I've had to deal with. Well, there was an alt talking head for Jim, and we find out a little something about Stanley that I want you all to hear. Okay. This whole thing is making me very uncomfortable. I'm not getting in between the boss and his wife,
Starting point is 00:43:48 so just ask me about something else. You know, Stanley's tie is really the story of the day. It's my birthday. Oh, this whole day has been Stanley's birthday? Yes, where is his cake? Where is his party? What has happened to the party plan and committee? And the best thing is when he says,
Starting point is 00:44:11 it is my birthday, they do a full pan shot of his tie. And his tie is a long blue fish. And the face of it is the end of the tie. Okay, it is a hilarious tie. He's clearly worn special for his birthday. In the whole episode, I rewatched it looking for this tie. You only see the top of it. Oh, wow!
Starting point is 00:44:34 You just see the blue top. But if it had ever shown him standing, you would have seen the fish face. But it's Stanley's birthday. Well, Pam is gone. Maybe she was in charge of this, but you know what? What is Kathy for? I don't know. Pam is gone. Angela's retired.
Starting point is 00:44:52 And Kathy is not doing her job. No, not if Pam was in charge of birthday, she's not. This is actually a good segue for me into the next scene. We're in the break room, and Oscars passing around is phone to kind of show everyone his like new puppy who has crawled into a Williams Sonoma ladle Gerald. Yes. And they're not letting Susan see the picture. They're kind of freezing her out of the conversation.
Starting point is 00:45:14 We got a fan question from a lot of people. Gina S in Iowa, Meredith and Sacramento, Lauren from Peoria, Illinois, who all said, Jenna had to leave the show temporarily for maternity leave, but it has always bothered me that Pam disappears with no fanfare. It seems like Jim would have been more excited to share the birth of their second child, or the story of the delivery, or maybe how mom and baby are doing something. There's nothing. Was there a writing decision to not focus on this part of their lives?
Starting point is 00:45:46 I really would have loved to see more of Jim acknowledging the addition to his family in this episode. Well, first of all, Steve Burgess reminded me that my son was born the Saturday before we started filming this episode. Aw, yeah. And as I was watching this episode, I too was surprised. That Pam had given birth and we do not mention it at all,
Starting point is 00:46:06 so I asked Charlie Grantee about it. He was the director of this episode, but he's a long time writer. And Charlie said this, it is weird that we spend more time learning about Oscar's dog in a ladle than Jim and Pam's baby. I can't remember what the thinking was, but being a second child myself, I can attest to the fact that we just don't get
Starting point is 00:46:24 the same amount of attention. All we can hope is that a second child myself, I can attest to the fact that we just don't get the same amount of attention. All we can hope is that the second child of theirs is now 12 and turning toward comedy as a desperate way to finally be seen. You know, there was also an Aaron talking head that would have followed this scene. That is absolutely delicious. I saw it in the shooting draft. She is really struggling with the fact that they were freezing Susan out of this conversation. And here's what she would have said.
Starting point is 00:46:50 It made me laugh. You don't keep a puppy picture from a nice lady. I feel sick. And it was that type of ladle. There you go. I just like it that you don't keep a puppy picture from a nice lady. Yeah. I think the whole office was struggling because they liked her.
Starting point is 00:47:07 Andy had a talking head that was in the shooting draft that didn't make it where he said, please, please, just somebody piss off the nice lady. Yes, exactly. Well, Susan's gonna have a talking head where she says, you know what, I get it. The last time I had a job, I hated the boss's wife too. Of course, she was married to Robert. Wow. Wow. Susan, a little scandalous. Now, she's going to go confide to her husband. That she doesn't
Starting point is 00:47:33 think anyone here really likes her. He's like, we will do something about this right away. Again, Robert, you're overselling. You're overselling this. He's like, Andy, get in here. And then he excuses himself. He's like, not going to stick around for the conversation. Andy fix it. And Susan is going to get Andy to reveal that maybe, maybe there's something more going on here. Andy is no match for Susan. No. She is just watching him and observing quietly and figuring it all out. And Andy cannot hide his truth. We're going to get our first glimpse now of Dwight's newfangled gym with all the real equipment. His gym for muscles is really nice.
Starting point is 00:48:18 I remember this gym. At one point, I remember the writers got a treadmill. I remember that. It was in their writer's trailer, and I would go in there, and I would walk on that treadmill. Me too. The treadmill that you see in Dwight's Gym is the one they took it from the writer's trailer.
Starting point is 00:48:34 Steve Burgess said, yeah, that was the writer's trailer, treadmill, and after this episode, we got to keep almost all of that equipment, and we finally had a gym. Dwight's gym for muscles became the cast and crew gym. Finally, after eight years. I never used it single time. Did you ever use it? Yes. I used to walk on the treadmill all the time. No, I walked on the treadmill, but all the weights and all that stuff. I used the weights. You did. I did. Yeah, because I do
Starting point is 00:49:02 like weights. Yeah, I didn't do any of that. I did love Dwight trying to motivate Darryl to work out. And Darryl was like, I was just on the treadmill for 35 minutes. And Dwight goes, no, you weren't. I timed it. It was eight minutes. And that rang so true to me. Because I feel like I get on the treadmill for five minutes.
Starting point is 00:49:20 I'm like, oh, I have. I've been here forever. Yeah. I really wish podcasts were around back then because I feel like I would have worked out so much more if I could have listened to a podcast. I used to have playlists. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:33 Oh my gosh, do you think anyone is working out right now? Are we keeping you company on a treadmill somewhere? If you are working out right now, you can do it. You got it. Keep going. Yes, and in the words of Dwight from this episode, bring that same buffalo-wing passion to this gym. You can do it.
Starting point is 00:49:52 That's right. You're getting healthy. Way to go. Let's go a little pep talk. That's pep talk. All right. Well, Robert is gonna return and he finds Andy and Susan still in the conference room and Susan's gonna say,
Starting point is 00:50:05 hey, you know what? Turns out I'm not gonna be working here after all. And then she basically says, you know what? Andy kind of let me in on it. I'm up to speed and Robert's like, what are you talking about? You know? And Andy says, hey, I don't want to get caught in the middle of this marital issue. And Robert's like, Andy, be honest, okay? Whatever you're trying to do right now, Andy, whatever this privacy thing is you're trying to do, we don't need it, just be honest. No games.
Starting point is 00:50:35 And Andy's like, no games, no games, be honest. So Andy's like, okay, here's everything that happened. He came running, Andy banged on the window. He said, don't give her a job. Blah, blah, blah. And Robert's like, you son of a bitch, you liar. You are a liar. Say you're lying.
Starting point is 00:50:54 So Andy's like, listen, the person who knows everything who was there when it happened is Jim. Jim knows the whole truth. Well, Jim hears this and he has to get out of dodge. It made me laugh when Robert goes, wait, where's Jim and Aaron goes? He, he, I'm like crawled out, he like rolled and then crawled and scooged.
Starting point is 00:51:15 So Charlie Grandy said that they really needed something new for this storyline to happen in Act Three. So they came up with this storyline of Jim needing to escape. They thought it would be a really great way to inject some kind of silly physical comedy into the script and also relieve some of the tension. Yeah. Because now they're going to have to go as a group and find Jim. I loved when he dropped his shoe as he was climbing up the side of the building and he goes, ow, ow, ow. Because you know that little metal bar
Starting point is 00:51:45 on your barefoot climbing what hurt? Yes. We got a fan question from Maddie and Arkansas who said, did Jim really climb that ladder to the top of the building? It feels like a major stunt that would definitely require a safety meeting. Also, how did they make his shoe fall off just right?
Starting point is 00:52:02 Well, Charlie Grandy said that shooting gem on the ladder and then on the roof was absolutely nerve-wracking, especially on the ladder. And when he had to drop the shoe because he did not think that John was Harnestin. He does not look Harnestin. He looks like he's just climbing the ladder. Steve Birch has said that he thinks we did have a safety harness on John and we removed the wire in post. Well, let's stick with that story. And Steve said we did have several safety meetings about it. We had just changed stunt coordinators. Our new stunt coordinator was Brett Jones starting with this episode. And the whole shoe thing was just John.
Starting point is 00:52:40 He just kicked it off and it was perfect and we only had to do one take. He said John was completely safe the whole time. It just looked a lot more dangerous than it really was. Okay. Okay. Okay. Well, you know, when Jim gets to the roof, Cree just up there. Yeah, he's flying a some helicopter. We had a fan question from Brent D in Virginia.
Starting point is 00:52:59 In a episode from three years earlier, Cree was shown shopping for a helicopter on his work he sees. He had blackmailed his co-workers for the funds, and supposedly he was going to quote, fly it down to Brazil, down to the Amazon, in search of the world's largest bookstore. Brett said on its own and without any prior setup, Creed's rooftop pastime just seems like another one of his many quirky eccentricities. Was that the intent or was this a callback on the writer's part? Brett, this was an amazing callback. And I love that you spotted it.
Starting point is 00:53:37 Yeah. Great catch. I guess Dwight's a personal trainer now. Apparently he's going to show you how to do a pelvic bowl. Daryl's not into it, but Gabe, right away, it's like, hey, nice pelvic bowl. Mm-hmm. So like I said, the gym storyline is a lot bigger. Here are the office co-workers that join Dwight's gym
Starting point is 00:53:56 for muscles. In addition to Daryl, Kathy, Aaron, Oscar, Gabe, and Meredith all join. And you see them working out. Oh, yeah, there's some really funny scenes. And as it turns out, you know, we find out why Darryl wants to be at the gym. He finally admits he wants to look good for Val.
Starting point is 00:54:14 Yes, of course Dwight thinks this is Val Kilmer. Mm-hmm. Well, you know, we had a really great fan catch from Jenny B and Ontario Canada who says, is it just me or is Gabe running backwards on the elliptical machine? Yes, he is. Jenny B, an Ontario Canada who says, is it just me or is Gabe writing backwards on the elliptical machine? Yes, he is.
Starting point is 00:54:28 I looked at his feet and he's going in the reverse order. He's not going forward, he's going backwards. Well, Susan and Robert's storyline is gonna wrap up back in the conference room. They're now in there with Andy and Jim and Susan very pointedly says to Jim, is this all true? Does Robert not want me to work here?
Starting point is 00:54:45 Answer the question. And Jim kind of gives a long speech about how he works with his wife and he loves working with his wife. And he wishes she were here. And the more he talks, the more apparent it is, how true that is for Jim, and how untrue it is for Robert.
Starting point is 00:55:02 Yes. We don't see exactly how Robert and Susan are going to resolve this within their marriage, but it is clear that Susan is not going to work there and she goes down to the parking lot with Andy. And then she sort of hits on him. That's sort of, to me, it implied that she doesn't think things with Robert and they're working out
Starting point is 00:55:22 because she says when all of this settles down, it's a date. Yeah. We really hit it off, I think. Yeah. Fan mail flurry. I bet. People wanted to know, was there any plan to continue the Andy Mrs. California storyline? Well, Charlie Grandy said he thinks there was, but he's not really sure what happened to that arc because he had to leave the office immediately after shooting this episode. He said that while we were shooting the act to conference room scene with Andy Susan
Starting point is 00:55:55 and Robert, he got a phone call and he learned that a pilot he had written was going to get made like next week and he had to leave the show. So he was really bummed, but he was also super happy that he got to direct this episode before he left. Wow. But he's not sure. He said, yes, there were some plans
Starting point is 00:56:14 to maybe keep more in the mix. Yeah, I can't remember what happened. I sort of remember that scotle, but we all loved working with her. And she was so great in the episode. And I remember after this episode aired, everyone being like, ooooh. So I'm sad we didn't get to see a date between those two. Well, Andy has been seeing someone now for 31 dates. Yeah. We never meet that person, either. Nope. Well, that is Mrs. California, everybody. A big thank you to Steve Burgess and
Starting point is 00:56:44 Charlie Grandy and all of you for sending in your questions. Seriously, your questions are so good. Your background catches are amazing. I feel like we dig into the episode and then you guys will write in and say something and I'm like, oh my gosh. I know, so good.
Starting point is 00:57:00 It's really a team effort. It really is. We love you guys. And if you're on a treadmill right now, it's been more than eight minutes! You did it! You did it! You did it! Way to go! We'll see you next week!
Starting point is 00:57:11 Bye! [♪ OUTRO MUSIC PLAYING [♪ Thank you for listening to Office Ladies. Office Ladies is produced by Earwolf, Jennifer Fisher, and Angela Kinsey. Our senior producer is Cassie Jerkins. Our in-studio engineer is Sam Keifer. Our editing and mixing engineer is Jordan Duffy, and our associate producer is Ainsley
Starting point is 00:57:32 Bubbaco. Our theme song is Rubber Tree by Creed Bratton. For ad free versions of office ladies, go to stitur For a free one month trial of stitupremium, use code office.

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