Office Ladies - Pam’s Replacement

Episode Date: July 5, 2023

This week we’re breaking down “Pam’s Replacement”. Pam is getting ready to go on maternity leave but starts to feel insecure that Jim may be attracted to her temp replacement Cathy, played by ...Lindsey Broad. In the warehouse, Robert California discovers Andy, Darryl and Kevin’s band, Kevin and the Zits, and takes over. Jenna shares a scene she could not get through with Mindy and Rainn and Mindy Kaling sends in a clip about it too. Angela points out Steve Moore, the Mad Drummer, who replaces Kevin on drums, and Rainn Wilson sends in a clip about Dwight grabbing Jim’s crotch. There’s a lot happening in this episode so enjoy it before Creed figures out where he got that long triangle.  Submit a workplace advice question to “Dear Office Ladies”: Check out Steve Moore, The Mad Drummer: Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: Us on Instagram: OfficeLadiesPodCheck out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm Jennifer Fisher and I'm Angela Kinsey. We were on the office together and we're best friends. And now we're doing the ultimate office rewatch podcast just for you. Each week we will break down an episode of the office and give exclusive behind the scene stories that only two people who are there can tell you. We're the office ladies. Hello! Hi!
Starting point is 00:00:23 Hello in person! Offs ladies. Hello. Hi. Hello in person. Hello in person. How wonderful is this? I know it's been a long time. I'm an in person person. You are very much an in person.
Starting point is 00:00:35 I like to see you. I like to hug you. I want to talk to you. I want to look at your hair. I want to check out your outfit. I want to see you. I want to hear you. Not a little box of you. We've been on Zoom
Starting point is 00:00:46 for months because of my broken shoulder. And now here we are back in our little studio with Sam and Cassie out there. And it's really nice to be all together in person. I'm very excited about it. My shoulder's still very broken. Still very broken. Still healing. Your balance. I'm here. Hello, you have your ice pack. Yeah. And we're here. It's great. And this is a huge episode for your character. It is. So I'm actually especially excited to be in person because this episode, oh my gosh, it brought back so many memories. I've got a lot of stories. Well, let's get into it. Here's what we're talking about today. It is Pam's
Starting point is 00:01:23 replacement season eight, episode seven, written by Allison Silverman and directed by Matt Sone. Here's a summary. First rated that people are coddling her because she's pregnant. Pam and Dwight go to great lengths to get Jim to admit that he finds Kathy, her temporary replacement attractive. Meanwhile, Kevin and the Zitz invite Robert California
Starting point is 00:01:46 to join their jam session, but they are upstaged when Robert and his former bandmates take over. Why would Kevin want his band to be called Kevin and the Zitz? Who thinks the word Zitz sounds appealing or fun? I mean, why would Darryl and Andy want it to be called that their visit? Well, I don't think they do.
Starting point is 00:02:06 Fast fact number one, big guest star, arc alert, Lindsey Broad as Kathy. Yes. We got a fan question from Michaela in Utah who said, I want to know everything about Lindsey Broad as she is introduced in this episode. Yes, Michaela, Lindsay is Pam's replacement. Mm-hmm. And she appears in 12 episodes this season. I slid into her DMs.
Starting point is 00:02:32 And she is going to come on office ladies for our telehassy episode. Oh my gosh, that's a big one for Kathy! I know. That's going to be so great. I can't wait to talk to her all about it. Well, I didn't get to work with her a lot because the majority of her time was when Pam was on maternity leave, but I thought she was fantastic.
Starting point is 00:02:51 I mean, she's so good in this episode. And then I remember she's also a very nice person. So, well, my memory of Lindsay is that she just joined the show like seamless. She was amazing, cute as a button. And you know what? I mean, I have to think that if she was my replacement, I might be like, oh, well, that's a very adorable,
Starting point is 00:03:10 beautiful girl. That's gonna be sitting next to my husband. Well, that leads me very well into fast fact number two, Angela. Okay. This episode was written by Alison Silverman Jones. Alison was a new writer with us this season, and this was her first episode that she wrote.
Starting point is 00:03:26 Alison is amazing. I absolutely loved her. And, you know, after the office, she went on to be the executive producer of the Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, at home with Amy Sederis and Russian doll. I mean, she's a badass. Yes.
Starting point is 00:03:41 Before coming to the office, she wrote on the Daily Show, she also wrote on Portlandia. She's very funny. And when she was writing this episode, she was pregnant. That's right. I was very excited because I was the first pregnant cast member, right? And then you, and then finally, we had a pregnant woman in the writer's room. Yes, she was the first female writer to then also be a parent. That's right.
Starting point is 00:04:10 So we had a lot of dads in the writer's room. Yes, we did. This was our first mom. Mm-hmm. Well, we had a fan question from Ashley Kaye and Missouri who said, I have been waiting for this episode to ask Jenna this question. In these episodes, Pam and Jenna are both pregnant.
Starting point is 00:04:24 And I feel like some of the jokes are a little insensitive. I was super emotional when pregnant, and I'm not an actor, but did Jenna ever get her feelings hurt by some of the jokes about her pregnancy? I'll tell you what, Ashley, I did not. I thought that this episode was so well written and so beautifully highlighted some of those insecurities that you might have and actually speaking honestly about them, which is really what Pam wants in this episode when everybody is just feeding her a bunch of balls she knows it. And she's like, no, we can just talk about me. I'm still like a person who is in reality. You know, Jenna, I saw this great comment
Starting point is 00:05:12 after our rewatch of the list aired that I've been wanting to share with you and I thought this episode was perfect to tell you. There was the photo of Angela Martin and Pam side by side the big Pregs little Pregs, right? Right. And this woman wrote underneath it and said, you know what? This is to me.
Starting point is 00:05:28 It's not big Pregs Little Pregs. It's real life pregnant versus fake TV pregnant. And I thought that was great because like you said, we're seeing a real pregnancy shown. You know, my pregnancy was not shown. They got really creative in hiding it, but I thought this was so great to see a real woman really pregnant. And Alison and I talked about that, you know, one of the great things about having a person
Starting point is 00:05:54 who was pregnant right this episode was that we got it, you know? So, you're not a representation in the righteous room. You're not in that club till you're in that club, and then you're like, oh, this club. Yes, yeah. So I'll talk a little more specifically about some of the scenes that I found especially awesome
Starting point is 00:06:12 as we get to them. But overall, my feelings were not hurt by anything that was said. And I loved this episode. And now, fast fact number three, we've got some office ladies business. And do you want to kick it off? Yes, I will.
Starting point is 00:06:27 OK, we had such a blast breaking down the movie speed a while back. And you all were so supportive. It got us thinking that we're pulling into our final stretch here of office episodes. We are. I mean, I can't even believe it. I know.
Starting point is 00:06:43 And we love being here on Wednesdays. We love talking with you guys and hanging out. And we want to keep going after the rewatch ends. We do. So we are brainstorming a lot of fun stuff. We're going to see, you know, what we can sprinkle in here and there is bonus content. As we make a plan for office ladies, phase two,
Starting point is 00:07:03 and Cassie's friend and coworker, Emma Dillon had such a great idea. We can't wait to share it with you. We wanna do an episode where we hear from you about your office life. Yeah, here's the idea, we're very excited. Do you need advice about your work life, office situations or workmates?
Starting point is 00:07:23 Because listen, we to help you out. We are not experts by any means. Nope, nope. Are two ladies who love to give our thoughts on your office predicaments? We would love to chat about it. So, we have set up a folder over on called Dear Office Ladies, where you can send in your office work life advice questions, and we'll go through through it and we'll pick a few for an upcoming episode. And you know, remember, we're not office experts.
Starting point is 00:07:51 We do have a few years of real office work and a few years of fake office work under our belt, so this will be a very fun lighthearted episode where we just chat about what's happening at your office. That's right. Angela will put a link to the Dear Office Ladies folder in our pod story so you can check that out or go to and you'll find it there. Yeah, right us. Well, that takes care of the summary and fast facts. We've got a lot to cover before we jump into this episode. I do want you to know a little piece of digital clutter. Okay. Yes, so I went through all my emails the week we filmed this and I had an
Starting point is 00:08:28 email from you, Jenna. What was it about? You emailed me and said, and look, my nursery is done. I love it so much. Yay! You put four photos if you're finished nursery. You were ready. And it was so beautiful. You had a mural, you know, like sort of like the forest animals and That's what we were emailing about. You were so so happy that your nursery was done and you were ready It was really hard for me when we moved away from that house because of the mural. Yes, that you know We had painstakingly done in the nursery and And I just, oh, I loved the vibe. It was so soothing. So soothing. The color of the paint on the wall was just blue that I've never, I should have saved the little like taking a chip of it or something because I loved it.
Starting point is 00:09:16 Well, that's what we were emailing about. Oh, oh, thanks for bringing that back, you know. Well, listen, why don't we take a break? And when we get back, we have a that back, Yonge? Well, listen, why don't we take a break? And when we get back, we have a cringola of a cold open. I want to just say something that might be a bold statement. I think now the character that makes me sometimes the most uncomfortable is Aaron. Yeah, she's taken over where Michael left off. Maybe so. This episode starts with Andy. He's running up to front reception. He's going to say, Aaron, listen, in two minutes, I want you to pretend to call me.
Starting point is 00:09:59 Say it's an important call, but I am not going to take the call because I want this client who I'm meeting with to know how important he is. So I won't take the important call. She's immediately confused. Yeah, she says who's calling? He's like, there's no one calling. And she goes, but you're not going to take it. He's like, oh my god. Andy, I'm like, Andy, right away. You should bail on this right away. They spend a lot of time going back and forth. And so Aaron gets it. I was actually impressed that we stayed on this for so long, it made it even funnier.
Starting point is 00:10:32 It's hilarious. But if you're Andy, you're like, how many red flags do you need before you know this is not gonna work? Well, it's not gonna work. Andy starts his meeting with the client played by Dave Anthony. He is a comedian, podcast, or an writer
Starting point is 00:10:47 on the series, Marin, and also on Deadly Class. Aaron's gonna come in. Andy, you have a phone call. It's very important. He's like, well, I'm not gonna take it. I'm with an important client. Nothing's more important than my client. That's right.
Starting point is 00:11:01 And then she says, well, your mom's dead. She was hit by a bus. He's like, she's not really dead. Yeah, yeah. That's right. And then she says, well, your mom's dead. She was hit by a bus. He's like, she's not really dead. Yeah, yeah, she's dead. Well, that little look that Ellie gives to camera after she says your mom is dead was scripted. It's wonderful. Andy really doesn't know what to do.
Starting point is 00:11:17 And then he gets a phone call from a state trooper who is Darryl. She has gotten Darryl in on it. She has gotten white in on it. And then I loved when she's like, you should take the call and he's like, fine. Line one, she has no line two. I don't know why.
Starting point is 00:11:33 He's like, of course. And then Darryl's like, man, this is a bad idea. What are you doing? We had a great fan catch from Leigh B. And Waterton, Wisconsin, who said, phone-related fan catches. At 41 seconds, you can see over Andy's shoulder that the Cisco phone he's using is not connected. The screen is blank. Oh, if the phone was connected, even if the receiver isn't being used, there's always
Starting point is 00:11:59 some text on the phone. And I did notice that the next time we see Andy's phone, which is that one minutes and 51 seconds, the screen is lit up. Yeah, because I saw that. I missed the first one. Good catch. So this cold open is going to end with a very cringey moment with Andy talking to the state trooper about his mother who's been hit by a bus. And her last words to him was don't don't let your client down. What was it? It was so cringy. Yeah, it was. Oh my gosh, it was basically like, it was like, I still got her dying wish was,
Starting point is 00:12:33 give your client a great deal. A great deal. Cringe. Yes, very cringe. The next scene is going to introduce us to Pam's temporary replacement. Kathy. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:12:47 And I have to point out something has nothing to do with this scene. What is it? Two minutes, 49 seconds. What the heck is the pink stuffed animal at front reception? There's a new random pink stuffed animal. There is a new random pink stuffed animal. I tried to zoom in on it. I can't tell what it is.
Starting point is 00:13:02 If anyone else spotted it, will you let me know what you think it is? Lady, there's a new stuffed animal at Kelly's desk later in this episode. That what is raining stuffed animals? I think the prop people got some new stuff. And I spotted so many little props in this episode. I think they maybe went to Scranton and had just returned because-
Starting point is 00:13:21 Because- A bunch of stuff. I've got more things to notice. Okay. Okay. Okay. Well, Pam is going to get her chair back and it squeaks when she sits in it. Yes. And she's like, oh, well, she's got a great joke where she says, listen, I make
Starting point is 00:13:35 worse sounds than that. And then Dwight's like, we know this crashed me up because I feel like that moment, remember that movie, The Money Pit, where they're having so much done to their house, and then she goes to open the medicine cabinet, and when she does, there's a construction worker on the other side, and you go, you're out of your birth control pills. I feel like Dwight somehow being in this clump with Pam and Jim, that he's become really familiar with Pam's pregnancy in a way that you normally wouldn't. That is such a great analogy. I love that. We had a fan question from Kerry Essence Chicago who said, I have never understood why Kathy was hired in the first place. They lasted seven years without an office administrator. How come they couldn't survive three months without Pam?
Starting point is 00:14:21 I had the same thought. I have an answer. You do? Yes. They survived without an office administrator because Pam was receptionist. And she covered it all. Yes. Okay. And now I'm sorry, but the receptionist we currently have doesn't know how to run the fax machine. Yes. Exactly. So this is why Pam needs a replacement. Okay. We can't leave it to Erin. I'm sorry we can't. All right. I can buy that.
Starting point is 00:14:48 Ryan is in rare form in this episode. I'm going to point out a few things, but let's just start with the fact that he's lingering at front reception, basically to check out Kathy. Yeah. And he wants to know if Kathy is single. And Jim just sort of off the cuff casually says, I doubt it. And Pam zero ends on that. It's like, baby, baby. She's like, why, why do you doubt it? Why would you say you doubt? I mean, you were like, I doubt it. And he's like, hey, pump the brakes. I just thought maybe we could save her from Ryan. And Pam accepts that. Yeah, she's like, okay, fine. Done.
Starting point is 00:15:24 Yeah, that makes sense. okay, fine. Done. Yeah, that makes sense. The next scene is Andy delivering Darryl his lunch from the fridge hoping that he'll eat at his desk so that they can play some music. Yeah. Later. Did you see the lunch bag?
Starting point is 00:15:36 You know I did, Ange. If you want to tell everyone what it said. Three minutes, 55 seconds, Garities bag for Darryl's lunch, local grocery store in Scranton. We've talked all about it. We know their whole family history. I was curious, what the lunch menu is there. Well, they've got that amazing, like, deli buffet. I know. I went on the website and I was curious, you know, they do a dinner of the day. They also do a
Starting point is 00:16:00 soup of the week, just so you guys know, this week's soup is meatball parmesan. So if you're in the area, it sounds good. I know. We're going to swing over to Kevin's desk, because you know, he's in the band. And when we do that four minutes, 13 seconds, you've got a Wegman soda. I'm telling you, Phil, she went to scranton and he came back. Over the place. Or someone said a huge box of stuff.
Starting point is 00:16:23 Kevin is drumming his takeout container with the drum sticks that he's eating. I just love that. Mm-hmm. That was so funny. The rest of the office is a buzz with chatter about Kathy. They're all in the break room. No one's having lunch. Everyone is having a snack.
Starting point is 00:16:40 Some people have snacks. I broke it down. Oh, you did? I have a food breakdown. First of all, I'm sorry, look at my paper. Oh, look at us, same brain. Food breaks. Well, first of all, did you notice all the Wegman sodas?
Starting point is 00:16:55 There's a table of people drinking beverages, and then there's a table of people eating. Yes. Phyllis, Gabe, Toby, and Dwight all have a snack. Everyone else has a Wegman soda. Except for Ryan, who has a blue mug that looks exactly like I did your mug! That's what I thought to!
Starting point is 00:17:14 I saw it too! Sorry to blow out your eardrums. I was like, wait, that looks just like our mug. That is crazy. Do you want to say what everyone was eating? Cause I found food odd. Phyllis is eating giant green grapes. Gabe is eating blueberries and strawberries. Yeah, it looks like all the berries.
Starting point is 00:17:31 Dwight has what I think is maybe some of his homemade granola. That's what it looks like to me. And does Toby have three packaged cookies? Yes. Yes. There's also one more odd thing about this scene. We got this from a brand-in-R in Illinois. Is there a reason why Dwight is reading an untitled blank book? Was it because you could not get the rights to show a book? I looked closer and it is. There is no cover, there is no title, it's blank. I asked Steve Burgess about it. He says he does not know why this was the case, but it was not scripted that Dwight would be reading a book. So it might have been a last minute idea and to avoid any problems with clearance. Phil Schae probably gave him a book with no cover or title.
Starting point is 00:18:16 Hello. Look at me right now. Look at my face. What? What is this face saying? You deep-dived blank books? No. I don't know. What is it saying?
Starting point is 00:18:26 This face is saying I have a theory. Oh, because I did so many scenes with rain. The minute I watched the scene, I was like, I guarantee you rain was like, I need a prop. I'm telling you, the man loves a prop. He loves a prop. And I bet he was like Phil,
Starting point is 00:18:42 I should be reading something, Phil. I should be reading something. I should be doing something in the corner and Phil probably grabbed that book. Well, I'll say if you go to five minutes and 26 seconds, there are words in the book. Remember in Garden Party, when Jim was reading from a literal blank book
Starting point is 00:18:59 by James Trickington? Okay, this is a real book. It just doesn't have anything on the front. I guarantee you, Rain just wanted a prop. I mean, you know I used to call them carrot top. Yes. I guess you love to prop. You love to prop. Well, let's talk about what's actually being discussed in this scene now. Now that we've told you what everyone's eating and reading. Yeah. Everyone is talking about how great it is to have just like a healthy, young, fit presence in the middle of the office.
Starting point is 00:19:27 This is what Toby said. It's so random. I'm like, what is Toby saying? Yeah. So Pam's at the vending machine. She turns around and she says, yeah, it'll be really nice to have someone hot at Pam's desk again. But she's kidding. She's just, she really is kidding. Like she is not at all upset about this. But then everybody starts jumping in with all this random weird stuff. Well, they over-correct thinking they need to make her fill better. And they're saying things like,
Starting point is 00:19:59 no, no, no, pregnant women are hot. And then of course Gabe is like, you know, it's a fetish, you know? And then they're like, there's other people that don't get their due, not just pregnant women are hot. And then of course Gabe is like, you know, it's a fetish, you know? And then they're like, there's other people that don't get their due, not just pregnant women. And then for somehow Helen Mirren's name gets thrown out there. And then pregnant Helen Mirren, this Christens Helen Mirren is the sexiest thing that you imagine is what they say. The conversation's going off the rails
Starting point is 00:20:21 and Dwight can't take it anymore. He snaps, he stops reading his book and he says, no, there are universal biological standards of beauty and attraction and you are purposefully celebrating the opposite of them to Molly Coddle, a pregnant woman. I didn't know what Molly Coddle was. Did you?
Starting point is 00:20:40 It sounds like just a longer version of the word Coddle, right? Which means like to take care of pamper kind of. Yes. Well, I looked it up. Oh, what is Molly? Kotl. Molly Kotl. Molly Lly, C-O-D-D-L-E. Molly Kotl. Molly Kotl. According to Merriam Webster, to Molly Kotl, someone is to treat them with an excessive or absurd degree of indulgence and attention. Oh, well, they are definitely Molly Coddling her. I think so. It's interesting that that was the thing that got your attention in this scene
Starting point is 00:21:15 and the thing you decided to Google because the thing I decided to Google is if having sex while pregnant is really one of the most common fetishes. Oh, I thought about Googling that and I didn't want to see where the internet took me. You made the right choice. Okay.
Starting point is 00:21:29 Here's all I'm going to say. Of the 25 most common fetishes listed in an article by Men's Health, sex while pregnant or sex with a pregnant woman was not one of them. So Gabe, you are really molly coddling Pam here. Well, he also thinks the way to get a girlfriend is to get her a drug dealer or something. I don't know. Gabe, you are really Molly Coddling Pam here. Well, he also thinks the way to get a girlfriend is to get her a drug dealer or something. I don't know. Gabe, come on.
Starting point is 00:21:49 Yeah. I was also curious if Helen Maren's real name was Helen Marenoff when she was born. And once again, Dwight was correct. Dwight was correct. Gabe was wrong. Yes. Well, now we're going to go down to the warehouse.
Starting point is 00:22:02 And Andy and Darryl and Kevin are just finishing up their song. Oh, they sound good. Yeah, Val likes it. I know. But Robert is walking down the stairs and was like, hey, can I join? Yeah, fakie stairs. Fakie stairs. That door went nowhere. Door went nowhere. When he says, can I join? Darryl, Kevin and Andy are so excited. I think they have the giddiest talking head, maybe in the office history. I mean, literally Darryl is like holding it, like going with this fist, like,
Starting point is 00:22:35 and they're all giggly. Here's what they say. They had given up on hanging out with Robert, California, but now he wants to be in their band and bands, you know, they get bonded for life, even if it's tragically short, but it's still great, right? And they're all like, yeah, gotta go sometime. They are so excited about this backup. Starris, meanwhile, this Molly Coddling in the break room has gotten into Pam's head. Yeah. So Pam's gonna ask Jim, what does he think of Helen Miran? Hmm.
Starting point is 00:23:05 And does he find Kathy attractive? I mean, just objectively. Does he find her objectively attracted? Not are you attracted to her, but like, just like objectively. If you are Jim right now, what are you thinking? What is going through your mind? Jim is sweating.
Starting point is 00:23:22 Yeah. He does a very smooth job. He's clearly, he knows his wife. Yeah. He's doing very well. Mm-hmm. So far. This is not his first rodeo with her in a pregnancy. That's right. Mm-hmm. Yes. We got a lot of fan mail about Jim's predicament and Jim's choices. Here is just one from Sarah F. Indellis, Texas. Do y'all, she wrote y'all. I love you, Sarah. Okay, do y'all think Jim's being a bit of a jerk in this episode by lying to Pam?
Starting point is 00:23:56 I can't decide whether or not I support this choice. Here's what I'm going to say, Sarah. Do it. I think you have to know who you're married to. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, every comic knows their audience. You know what bits you can do, what bits probably aren't appropriate,
Starting point is 00:24:12 depending on the crowd. And if you know them well, you know what they need. And I'm not saying lie to your person. You know, I disagree with that. I disagree without right lying. Well, yeah. But I guess I do support Jim's choices here. I think that Pam doesn't need to hear about Jim's objective,
Starting point is 00:24:37 attractive thoughts about this young woman one week before she has a baby. I like that he's like, I guess, but like, I love you because he's not lying when he says I love you. He loves her. It doesn't matter. That could have been something. You know what, it doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:24:54 Right. If I walk through the world and find other people attractive because I'm with you, and that's where I wanna be. And I chose to be with you, and I wanna be with you. And I wanna be with you. And that's how I saw it.
Starting point is 00:25:04 I saw it as it doesn't matter, and she's a week away from having our baby and that brings with it so many feelings and emotions and she's fixated on this thing that she might spiral on. But in the end, I just wanted to know I love her and I want to be with her and I choose you and really nothing else matters. I think he could have solved it right here if he had just said something more like that. Yeah. If he had just said it doesn't matter. She's attractive, but it doesn't matter. She's attractive or anyone else is attractive because the person I want to be with is you.
Starting point is 00:25:39 Yeah, but to sort of imply that you are never going to find another person attractive is ludicrous. Yes. And then that is sort of yeah that you are never going to find another person attractive is ludicrous. Yes. And then that is sort of, yeah, it kind of like insults your partners intelligence. I think so. I think so. I think you know, in the world, there's a lot of people that you are going to meet and think are attractive or even maybe have a chemistry with in a way. But none of it really resonates to you at all. It doesn't matter. When you're with your person, it doesn't matter. Yeah. That's right.
Starting point is 00:26:08 That's the right answer, right? Yeah. I pick you. I don't know. I pick you today and every day. Oh, that's what he should've said. Oh. That's what he says at the very end, I know.
Starting point is 00:26:21 I know, I know. All right. Right now he's deer in headlights. He's like, what is happening? Why is she asking me about Hill and Marin and then doing a hard pivot to Kathy? What's going on? Well, Jim's going to get up and walk away. So Pam's going to ask Dwight. Yeah. And she's going to finally get an honest answer. And this scene made me laugh so hard when we were doing it. It was so amazing. I absolutely loved this. I don't know why.
Starting point is 00:26:50 It was just like, I loved the Pam Dwight relationship and I did too. I do too. And this was just all of it. Well, Pam's talking had really spoke to me as a woman who had a baby. She said the thing about pregnancy is people treat you differently.
Starting point is 00:27:07 Like you're a kid almost. They lose all sense of boundaries. They start acting weird, telling you things that clearly aren't true. I know it sounds nuts, but I think Dwight is the only one who's telling me the truth. I went to the internet because I know some of my experience as being pregnant.
Starting point is 00:27:21 And I was curious what were some of the most annoying things you can do to a pregnant woman, according to the internet and a bunch of surveys, right? And lady, Dundra Mifflin has done almost all of these things to pamph. Oh no! Ready? Touch her tummy without asking.
Starting point is 00:27:36 Touch the baby bump. Question, everything you do. What are you eating? Hi. When Angela Martin is like, I'm sorry, but I've reported you because you drank a mug with traces of caffeine on it. Criticize your chosen baby name. Oh boy. I think you mean Angela has done all this. Maybe being told you are huge or tiny, either one, and sharing your labor stories without being asked. Oh, that's amazing.
Starting point is 00:28:05 All those things happen to me when I was pregnant. Me too. Well, Pam is gonna ask Dwight, do you think Jim is lying to me? And Dwight's like, I know he's lying. And Pam's like, right? He is attracted to Kathy. And she says, I'll give you $5 if you can get him to admit it.
Starting point is 00:28:26 So they're going to team up. They're going to go in the break room to discuss the ground rules for this mission. Did you notice it was staged like a doangelic scene? I did. That was not scripted. When we got in there, that was Reyn's idea because this is when he's on a mission or when he's like, and he's not is when he's on a mission or when he's like, and he's not.
Starting point is 00:28:48 I was very curious, Jenna, about why you think Pam decided to do this with white. Why does she want to have Jim do this test and jump through these hoops? Why does she need him to admit it? I think because ultimately the thing that she values the most in her relationship with Jim is honesty. And she just wants him to admit it. Yeah, she doesn't even care. She's not threatened by Kathy. She's not jealous and she doesn't think Jim is going to cheat on her any of those things.
Starting point is 00:29:16 And because of that, she needs Jim to just admit it. Yeah, I think that's why. Yeah, that makes sense. Somehow they're going to get Kelly involved. Well, that tracks doesn't it? Because if anyone would have taken a gazillion like how to know if he's lying test or all of those kind of things on the internet, it would have been Kelly. Yeah. She suggests that they do a matchmaker test. She says you say that you want to set Kathy up with one of his friends and then based on who he recommends, you can see how attractive
Starting point is 00:29:49 he thinks she is. That made sense to me. It made sense to me too. We had a really fun fan catch in this scene from Rory S in Australia. Hi, office ladies, my name is Rory and I'm 12 years old. I have read the office BFFs, the actor's life, and the soon-king, I'm a big fan. Rory, you're a big fan and a reader, and that is so lovely. In this episode, I noticed that Kelly decorated her saber water bottle with sequin gems, and I just thought it was such a terrific little detail. I love you both, and even though we've never met, you're my best friends in the world. Rory, I love that and I caught her water bottle too. It's very bedazzled.
Starting point is 00:30:30 It's so her. It's so her. I actually love Kelly's whole desk area, her little Kelly's nook sign. I noticed two more things on her desk as well. This is the random stuffed animal, stuffed fish. This is the random stuffed animal, stuffed fish. I know, has appeared by her computer monitor, and I have not noticed this before, but there's a second name plate behind her Kelly name plate that says minority executive trainee. Has that always been there? I feel like things got rearranged on desk this week.
Starting point is 00:31:01 They did, but she was so proud that she was able to do that program. I make sense that she would now have two name plates. Yes. Well lady, I could use a break. I might need to do a little ice. Well take a break. We have some office ladies belated birthday fun stuff to do. And when we get back to the episode, Kevin and and the zits are gonna be jamming out with Robert in his pals. [♪ OUTRO MUSIC PLAYING [♪ We are back. I'm gonna put in office ladies pod stories the random gifts that we got Cassie and Sam this year. So it's been a while since we've all been able to be together.
Starting point is 00:31:42 Their birthdays were in April. I know. I know. I know. But it is never too late for a birthday. I stand by that. It's never too late to celebrate. I'm really glad you set that Angela because it is never too late to celebrate. If you see your friends six months after their birthday, you can still bring them a birthday
Starting point is 00:31:59 gift. Yes. You taught me that. Yes. This is Angela. Angela is our birthday coordinator. President of birthday. That's a very kind.
Starting point is 00:32:08 She keeps track of the birthdays. She makes sure everyone gets celebrated. I think it's a beautiful thing. And I'm glad you did it, Angie. Thank you. I really am the head of the PPC. I'm just not as grumpy as the lady that planned them on the office.
Starting point is 00:32:24 Well, Jenna, I bet you have some great guest star breakdowns for us, because we're about to meet a few musicians. I do, and they're really fun. Kevin and the Zitz are playing with Robert California. He's playing harmonica. First of all, Steve Burgess said that James Bader can really play harmonica. It looked like he was really playing it. Well, that's why they picked it for him.
Starting point is 00:32:43 But he said that they were also all playing music live. This was not playback and they did have an actual harmonica player off camera. That's the harmonica you hear, but because James Spader can play, he was able to mimic it very, very well. Because you know also, Brian Baumgartner does not play drums.
Starting point is 00:33:03 No. So we had a little fakie harmonica and a little fakie drums, but James really sells it. Well, this is probably the happiest you'll ever see Andy, Darryl and Kevin because Robert's just hanging with them, but it doesn't last long because who comes through the door, but Robert's friends who are in an actual band.
Starting point is 00:33:23 Yeah, and they kind kinda start taking over. Kinda. Here's what we have. On keyboards and vocals, we have Robin Swenson. Robin is a professional musician who toured and recorded as a member of Frankie Valley in the Four Seasons' air supply, Helen Ready and others. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:43 And then on electric guitar is Linda Taylor. She was a regular on whose line is it anyway? She played the guitar. I went back and watched some of her episodes. Me too. And next up is our drummer who was played by Steve Moore. We got a fan question from Justin H. and Buffalo, New York who said, can you please tell us how Steve Moore ended up
Starting point is 00:34:03 playing drums for Robert California's band? He's a wild drummer, and I want to know if you had any interactions with him. Well, as you're going to see in the tag of this episode, he is a wild drummer. He's got a lot of arm flare and stick flips and all of it. And that is how he got his job on the office. He ended up in a viral video called This Drummer is at the wrong gig. It has over 51 million views on YouTube. He
Starting point is 00:34:33 now calls himself the mad drummer. Basically, it's a video he's in a cover band and they're doing Sharp Dressed Man by ZZ Top. Yeah, this was June of 2010 and a random fan shot a video of Steve more playing the drums at this amusement park. Yeah. In Pennsylvania, the band you guys everyone had on a gold shimmery jacket. And imagine him drumming with the flipping and everything in the gold shimmering jacket just in the background. Well, because the rest of the band is playing it pretty straight. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:09 And so that's why they titled this video, this drummer is at the wrong gig because he is at an arena full of metalheads or something. Yes, he is playing his guitar out full throttle. And he was a viral sensation. I watched the video. Me too, it's so good. It's so great.
Starting point is 00:35:31 Within weeks of this video going viral, Steve was recognized by Yahoo, Tosh.0, drummer world, modern drummer, drum magazine, and he was the topic of nearly every drum forum on the internet. Well, he wrote an article for Modern Drummer magazine where he explained how he ended up on the office. Here's what he said. He got an email from the casting department asking if he wanted to come on the show. They needed a drummer in an episode. He said it took a little bit of fancy routing as he
Starting point is 00:36:02 put it because he was still on tour with Rick K. and the All-Nighters. That was the cover band that he was discovered drumming with. And he said still, he did it. He got off the plane at 1 a.m. and had to be on set at 730. He said once he got to the set, he went back and forth between wardrobe and makeup.
Starting point is 00:36:22 And he was being introduced to people along the way. He said this, every person I encountered seemed to be in a great mood and happy to see me. And this made all the difference as I was obviously out of my element and a nervous wreck. Aw. And I just love hearing that because that means cast and crew.
Starting point is 00:36:38 Yeah. That means everybody greeted him with warmth, which I believe, right? So then Steve said, next they took me to the warehouse and I greeted him with warmth, which I believe, right? So then Steve said, next they took me to the warehouse for a drum battle between me and Brian Baumgartner, who plays the role of Kevin Malone.
Starting point is 00:36:53 That's where he met Brian, that's where he met Paul Lieberstein, and they started working out ideas for the drum battle, because what Steve was gonna do was not scripted, it was just have a drum battle. And you guys all know that Paul Lieberstein in real life placed the drums, long time drum player.
Starting point is 00:37:10 And so I imagine this was really fun for him to be a part of as well. So this was the first thing he shot was this drum battle. Well, I texted Brian because I wanted to know what it was like to do this drum off. Do you call it a drum off? Yeah, with Steve, and this is what he said. He said, Ange, he was a very big deal at the time.
Starting point is 00:37:29 He had been on YouTube for doing all kinds of crazy drum solo stuff, and I remember being really intimidated filming it. Because as you know, I am not a drummer in real life, and I was always wanting to rehearse a lot. And you know Craig and Ed are so great musically, and they never needed to rehearse, and I was always wanting to rehearse a lot. And you know Craig and Ed are so great musically and they never needed to rehearse. And I was nervous.
Starting point is 00:37:48 And he said everyone was very excited to have Steve on the set. And the writers had clearly wanted him to be this part. Well, Steve said after the drum battle, they broke for lunch, then they went back to the warehouse to do all the other music scenes. And he said that's when he finally got to meet James Spader. He said, James Spader was very polite and very inquisitive about his drummer at the wrong gig video.
Starting point is 00:38:13 James had watched it. Everyone had, Brian said everyone was so excited. They knew who he was because he was a big deal. He said James started asking him questions about his background and why he performed the way he did. He said at first he was a little intimidated because James Spader quote carries a presence like a Jack Nicholson or Al Pacino. You know what's interesting to me is I feel like James in real life right now was doing kind of what Robert California does is when he zero said on someone that has a lot of question and has a lot of small talk. He also noted and this is true that James Spader takes his job very seriously knows exactly what he wants
Starting point is 00:38:50 and he really enjoyed talking with him that James is a huge jazz and big band swing fan and Found him to be a very quote charming fellow with an appreciation of music history and also a phenomenal actor Steve said everything went really smoothly and they finished filming around 7 p.m. He said his goodbyes and his driver took him to the airport and he had to get on a plane to Indiana to do another gig and he said the day went by so fast. He felt like he didn't get a chance to really take in
Starting point is 00:39:18 all of it, which we hear a lot from people who would only get one day with us. But he said it was just terrific memories. Well, if you want to see more of Steve's videos and his drumming, you can go to his website, the And I'll put it in our stories as well. Well, now that Robert's friends are there, they have taken over the band. Daryl is now on tambourine. Kevin's on the wood thing with the stick. The like a percussion instrument. Yes, I don't know what it's called. And Andy is just slapping his own body. Yeah, he's on torso. He's on torso and thighs. Uh-huh. This did make me think that, you know,
Starting point is 00:39:56 this isn't the first time this has happened to Kevin. What do you mean? I saw a few other people talk about this online and I had been thinking the same thing. This is the second time Kevin has been pushed out of his own band. Oh, he was in Scrantonicity. Yeah. They kicked him out. He had to form Scrantonicity too. Kevin and the Zitz, he just got kicked out of.
Starting point is 00:40:16 It's just the Zitz. Now I guess. I don't know. Well now we're back at front reception. Yes we are. And Jenna, I titled the scene The Sass and the Swagger. Ooh, I like this title. Because Ryan is in such true Ryan form in the scene. I had to rewind it a few times. I laughed so hard. He has a line and a delivery. I just couldn't get over. It's so perfect.
Starting point is 00:40:40 Pam says I was talking to Kathy. Turns out she is single. And Jim says, oh, I stand corrected. This is when Pam says it might be fun to set her up with someone any ideas. And Jim says, you know who might be good? Mike Tibbitts. Pam says, Mike Tibbitts, really? And Ryan casually, because he's lingering by front reception now, Ryan casually says, hey, who's this Mike Dippet's guy? What kind of car does he drive? And Jim says, not his mom's car.
Starting point is 00:41:11 That's the SaaS. Are you ready for the swagger? Oh yeah. Ryan says, yeah, because his mom's car is probably not a Nissan Z. And then he looks to camera like boom. Like what? Like what? What? Jim is like too shay. I looked it up at Nissan Z. And then he looks to camera like boom like what like what What a gym is like to Shay. I looked it up at Nissan Z is a two door sports car coop in
Starting point is 00:41:32 2011 the base price would start at 38k Pretty nice car nice car But why is Ryan so proud of his mom's car that he's driving? Incidentally, we have seen Ryan's mom's car and it looked like a station wagon. Yeah, that's right. When she would drop him off at work. Angelie, you said Mike Tibbets.
Starting point is 00:41:53 Yes, I did. That is a trigger for me. So filming this scene at Kelly's desk where she pulls up the photo of Mike Tibbets. Yeah. I don't know if you watched the bloopers of it. We couldn't get through it. So first of all, none of us had seen the picture
Starting point is 00:42:09 of Mike Tibbitts until the first take. I can't believe they hadn't shown it to you. So it pops up and the scripted line that Mindy is supposed to say is maybe he would be better if he changed his hair. But the person they picked had no hair. And this, we never came back from it. I don't know if I've ever laughed so hard.
Starting point is 00:42:32 Like my stomach hurt, my giant pregnant stomach. Because the line did not match the picture. No. You guys hadn't even seen the picture. Also, the way he's posing, it was perfection. So I texted Mindy. Mindy, Mike Tibbets. And she sent in an audio clip here is what she said. Hey, Jenna and Angela, I have to say, talking about Mike Tibbets now,
Starting point is 00:42:59 all these years later, is probably one of the most joyous memories. It's one of those rare things. We're shooting it. It was so funny. It's a sweet man. This sweet boy of his man who's balding, he's smiling. And Kelly says, he'd be okay if he changed his hair. See if you can get him to change his hair, which is a ridiculous thing to do for someone who's bald. It's just really an insane thing to do. And I just, it's not like on the show we had that many opportunities to talk about dating
Starting point is 00:43:35 or dating profiles or anything like that. And I just, it's so funny. And I actually am very dubious that there's even a take of the scene that made it into an episode without laughing. Like, this was the hardest I've ever laughed in the show. I'm so happy you brought this. I just got back from picketing today. I have no job. I was just really hot standing out in the sun for four hours. And this just like made my day. This photo of him, listeners, you can't see this, but just Google Mike Tibbets, the office, like it's so funny in this context,
Starting point is 00:44:07 I might change it to the screens I've run my phone. Anyway, bless you both for bringing up this amazing memory, I'm so happy. So I'm telling you, like, I don't know how we got a take of it, because if you watch the bloopers, I don't know how we got to what you see, because she said the line has scripted when his picture came up and I'm like change it to what? Like what? We have to hear the bloopers. Okay, you want to hear the bloopers?
Starting point is 00:44:38 I do. All right, so I'll say this. It's scripted that Kelly is supposed to scream when she sees Mike Tibbet's picture and then, you know, it goes from there. Ew! Kelly, calm down. I mean, I guess he would be okay if he did something with his hair. You cannot get through it. See if you can get him to grow up.
Starting point is 00:45:12 Ow! I guess he'd be okay. He'd be like, Jesus! Change, change, what? Put out a wig. Change of how? Could you see if he could just grow his hair out? I don't think Jim cares about his hair.
Starting point is 00:45:29 I know, but I'm just talking about being a nice person here. You can't cover your hair out. Are you James? I was doing such a good job at this. We don't need to take. You know, maybe if we just swank, maybe if we didn't just say it, maybe. So here was the thing. The lines just didn't match the picture. And so finally, what you see in the episode is her saying maybe see if you can get some
Starting point is 00:46:03 hair plugs because we kept trying to say like maybe see if he can change his hair, see if he can grow his hair out. And every time it was just like this is in singenade, this is crazy. And all the while, this just like sweet face is like smiling at you. And Kelly's supposed to be dogging on him. I can't believe we ever got to take. I love so much how quickly Mindy even in her audio clip just couldn't keep it together. Oh, I know. Oh, we got a fan question from April in Berlin and Nicole M. and New Jersey and many others who want to know where did you get the picture of Mike Tibbitts. How does casting get a photo like this? And is the context and use of the photo
Starting point is 00:46:47 okayed by the person in advance? Mom detectives moment here. We cannot figure out who Mike Tibbitts is. We thought maybe he was like a friend of the writers, but I asked Paul, I asked Mindy, they don't know who he is. Steve Burgess thought maybe we just got a stock photo of Getty Images because he didn't have any kind of photo shoot scheduled for this.
Starting point is 00:47:12 I emailed Michael Gallenberg and this is what he said. I didn't take that picture, although it looks like it was taken in front of our art trailer on the ramp. Remember it had that railing? Yes, I thought it looked like our parking lot. Yes, he thinks it's the art trailer ramp, and Michael said he didn't take the photo, but he thought maybe Phil Shea quickly grabbed it,
Starting point is 00:47:35 or a graphics person at the time, but Michael thinks it was taken in front of our art trailer on the ramp with the little banister. Mike Tibbets, if you are out there. Yes. Will you please email us at officeladiespod at, subject line Mike Tibbets, because I need to follow up with you.
Starting point is 00:47:54 We need to find Mike Tibbets. I also have an email out to Phil Shea to see if he can help us out here. Okay. Mom detectives case is marked pending. Unsolved. Unsolved. That tracks. Okay, mom detectives case is marked pending, unsolved. Unsolved. That tracks. Have we solved one?
Starting point is 00:48:10 No. That's the whole show. Not solving crime. You don't even care about. We still don't know what's in the windowless building. Although, do you have an update? I have some fan theories about the windowless building. Many people wrote in to say that the cloud,
Starting point is 00:48:27 you know when your stuff goes to the cloud, I guess it goes to windowless buildings that store all the computers stuff. It's just a bunch of servers. So I could have a cloud in my neighborhood. And then there were other theories too, but I can't remember what they were, but I don't know. I mean, I still think it's worth a fruit basket just to get to the bottom of it.
Starting point is 00:48:49 It does seem to have some sort of a lobby, and I don't think that door is locked, but it is, you can't see through the door. I drove by the front. The side of the building is on the street. The front also window lists can't see through the front door. Well, if it's a cloud building, maybe they'd be excited to get a fruit basket, see some people have someone to talk to.
Starting point is 00:49:11 Yeah, they probably don't get a lot of visitors. So Kelly's gonna write something being on Mike's Facebook wall. I thought that was so Kelly. She's definitely an online bully. Mm-hmm. And Pam is gonna realize, Jim's on to me. He knew this was a test, and that's why he picked Mike Tibbitts.
Starting point is 00:49:30 He never talks about Mike Tibbitts. We had to go through like a gazillion friend of friend profiles to even find him. And that's when Dwight says, well, there's other ways to find out if he's attracted to her. Yeah, he said, Jim may be lying with his words, but he can't lie with his body. Dwight goes on to say, the male reveals attraction through unconscious and involuntary physical
Starting point is 00:49:51 signs, puffing of the chest, mirroring, increased blood flow to the crotch, and lady once again Dwight is not far off. Yeah? Yeah. I went online. There's many, many articles about how people behave when they're attracted to someone. A 2018 study published in the Journal of Psychological Bulletin found that people behave in specific ways when they're attracted to someone. Here are the top signs of unspoken mutual attraction.
Starting point is 00:50:20 Mimicking or mirroring. Mirroring. Wanting to be in close physical proximity nonverbal cues such as eye contact nodding when the other person is talking smiling and laughing this is not looking good for the next scene where we see Jim and Kathy together it's like check check check I know I I thought, well, once again, Dwight, you know, he says a lot of random stuff, but there's a nugget almost every time.
Starting point is 00:50:51 Well Dwight says, we're gonna start with the crotch and Pam and Kelly go with the crotch, with the crotch. Well, I guess step one in the crotch test is that first, Dwight and Pam need to observe Jim from a distance. Yes, and they're going to hover over by Cree's desk. They're going to bribe him with a tobble around. My favorite line in this entire episode is when Cree says,
Starting point is 00:51:15 how to get this long triangle. I know. It was scripted. I know. It's so good. Here's the problem. This upcoming scene where Dw Dwight is gonna now trip and fall onto Jim's crotch, that's right. We couldn't get through that, but it started with
Starting point is 00:51:34 how did I get this long triangle? So we were already goners. It was already a problem. Right. We got so much fan mail about the crotch test scene. Sarah C from New Jersey and Sarah F. from Dallas said, I want to know everything about this scene. How many takes were required was John wearing a cup?
Starting point is 00:51:53 How hard was it to get through? No pun intended. I asked Rainwellson about this and he sent in an audio clip. Feeling John's penis scene. It really is one of my favorite scenes we got to film because to me it felt like John Cleese from faulty towers. It felt like he just a physical comedy scene that was a classic. Classic comedy, like when I was on the episode the other week, talked about Lotsy's clown Lotsy's.
Starting point is 00:52:35 And it's, it's like a perfect clown Lotsy. It's a perfect setup. Like the character is convinced that if he feels the penis and it has a direction or a some direction that he's cheating. And so it's his mission to feel the penis and surreptitiously, to accidentally. And we had so much fun filming that. I remember trying it 50 different ways. John kept laughing. I kept laughing.
Starting point is 00:53:04 John was wearing a cup. I remember that. Get a nice firm athletic cup on for protection. But I just love doing physical comedy like that. And I would always beg them, like, please write Dwight physical comedy. Please have him fall down and exert himself and try things and flail, take a shirt off and just do all that ridiculous stuff. But it was one of my favorite things
Starting point is 00:53:36 from our later seasons. Well, there are bloopers from the scene. They couldn't, John was wearing an athletic cup over his pride fees. Well, I remember doing the scene, I mean, I feel like we did it all afternoon because they tried so many different ways for Dwight to accidentally feel Jim's penis. And some of them were like, he was like, pawing at it. Some of them were like him walking by and, pawing at it, some of them were like, him walking by and kind of accidentally bumping in, and he pan into it. So like, this was like a good at least three hours of this.
Starting point is 00:54:13 So my God needed that cut for sure. Like, private would have been beaten up without it. I have to say. Three hours of random crotch grabs. You know, I love that Reigns shared about how much he loved physical comedy. And the minute he mentioned John Cleese and faulty towers, I instantly could see this happening there. I just love that he got to do this scene and he got to really go for it.
Starting point is 00:54:40 I thought it was hilarious. And John, John has Jim, his face, I'm like, what the hell, man? I know. I know. And I even love at the end when he's like pretending to read the paper, but he's really like trying to scrutinize his crotch. But if you watch the bloopers, I have to give a shout-out to Lindsay, who is a real pro and does not break. No matter what know you never see a reaction shot of Pam over in the corner watching this happen because I couldn't keep it together. I was already a goner after the tobble around. Yeah. And then it was like there there was no saving me. I laughed easily when I was pregnant too. I mean I just remember laughing a lot all the time. So yeah. What really sticks with Pam out of this moment though is,
Starting point is 00:55:26 why is Jim making her laugh so much? Yes. Jim doesn't have an erection, but before they started all of that, they were giggling together. That's her thing with Jim. Now she's legitimately feeling threatened. Kathy's going to come over to Pam. She's kind of hovering. Pam says, you know what? I'll be there in just a second. Kathy's like, yeah, take your time. And then she pivots to Jim and goes,
Starting point is 00:55:50 oh, that line from Zoolander. It was a deleted scene, so we were both right. And then Jim laughs and goes, told you, oh lady. Oh, oh lady. And inside joke, forget it. And inside joke, were they both laugh? By the way, I watched the Zoolander deleted scenes. And I feel strongly they were deleted for a reason.
Starting point is 00:56:11 Okay. But this is that moment where Pam was like, wow, Kathy says, oh, do I hand in my expense reports for a particular accountant and Pam snaps and says, Oscar, Oscar Kathy has a question. Let me tell you something right here. This is the moment. If you observe this moment, that woman is goodbye.
Starting point is 00:56:33 I felt like that went against some girl code right there. Yeah, you don't do that. Yeah, flirty giggle inside joke. No, I don't do flirty giggle inside jokes with my friends' husbands. No, I do not. No, giggle inside jokes with my friends. Friends? No, I do not. No, no, ma'am. No, ma'am, back it up.
Starting point is 00:56:50 You might have noticed that Pam quickly passes Cathy off to Oscar and not Angela. Mm-hmm. I think there was a reason. I know I'm not in this episode really, but I want you to know, I think in this moment somehow Pam knew that Angela had her back.
Starting point is 00:57:05 She's like, you deal with it Oscar, because I think Angela Martin would have been like, who's this hussy? Let's take her down. Let's take her down. Let's take her down. Now, I have a very faint memory of upcoming episodes partially because I was postpartum. Does Angela Martin end up having some reactions to Kathy because I will say in watching this episode,
Starting point is 00:57:27 I was very surprised we didn't have any Angela's side-eye about this choice. Yeah, I think there would have been big side-eye. A lot of opinions. And nothing in the deleted scenes. No, no. Missed opportunity. Missed opportunity.
Starting point is 00:57:41 Pam is definitely now annoyed. And she just says to Jim, why don't you just admit it? Just admit it. You find her attractive. And she has decided to go along with Dwight's crazy idea of his makeshift lie detector test, which involves going to a pharmacy and then using a blood pressure machine.
Starting point is 00:58:02 This is how he's gonna figure out if Jim is lying now. I have a bullsh** card to play. Oh please, what is it? I know I've been throwing him around lately. I fully believe that Dwight would own his own lie detector test. Oh you're so right. Wouldn't he? But does he have time to go all the way to shrewt farms and back? Maybe not. I only a time issue. All right, maybe I resend my bulls*** card. Okay. I feel like if we have a plausible explanation, you have to resend the card. Card reset it.
Starting point is 00:58:35 These are the roles of the BS card. Yeah, okay. We had a fan question from Haley in Oklahoma. Did they use a real drug store to test Jim? And if so, how long did it take them to find a drug store with a heart machine? Well, we went to DeSoto Pharmacy on Roscoe in Canoga Park. It closed in 2018, but Phil Shea brought in the blood pressure machine, and our art
Starting point is 00:58:59 department made all the signs. And I wanted to point out a really great detail. It's 16 minutes and 48 seconds. The sign which our team designed that says, check your blood pressure here. That's on top of the machine. It's all scuffed up and aged. And I just thought, what a great piece of detail. It really is. And old man's going to come in the pharmacy pharmacy he'd like to use the machine. He has a new heart. Mm-hmm. He sure does, 10 man.
Starting point is 00:59:27 He was played by Frank Bernie, who has two office connections. Oh yeah? He played a judge on several episodes of Boston Legal with James Spader and he had a recurring role on 6 feet under with Rain Wilson. Hey! Time when I was in school. I was visiting my grandparents, and I went into a little pharmacy like this with my friend.
Starting point is 00:59:50 She thought it'd be funny to stick her leg in it and turn it on. What happened? It squeezed the sh** out of her leg, and she was like, get it off me! We couldn't figure out how to turn it off. It was probably looking for a pulsing point. I know.
Starting point is 01:00:03 And she was screaming, and then we got in a little bit of trouble, not a lot of trouble, but you know, kind of like a little talking to. Sure. Yeah. Don't put your leg in it. Don't put your leg in it. Pressure machine, everyone. Well, they're going to hook Jim up to the machine and ask him some baseline questions
Starting point is 01:00:21 like what is your name. And then eventually Dwight's going to ask him if he finds Kathy attractive. And Jim says, no. And then Dwight says, you're lying. In fact, you're lying about everything, including your name. You're a pathological liar. Your blood pressure is through the roof on every question.
Starting point is 01:00:39 This is when Pam is like, wait a second. Doesn't your dad have high blood pressure? And she's worried about Jim. She's like, when's the last time you saw your doctor? We need to get you in for a checkup. Yeah. We had a fan question from Brittany being in Atlanta, Georgia, who said why was nothing ever done
Starting point is 01:00:54 about Jim's high blood pressure? Brittany, I hear you. We set up this possible problem for Jim and we never resolved it for anyone. I think we just have to know that he went in, he got a physical and everything is okay. Yes, he's okay. I mean, according to Dwight,
Starting point is 01:01:10 you should go get your prostate checked every month. So I'm sure they made sure he got in. Yes, well, Pam seemed pretty worried. I know. But you know, this is when things get real, all games aside, Pam is like, I need you. Yeah, what would we do without you? Yeah, okay, I'm done asking stupid questions about Kathy.
Starting point is 01:01:30 Let's grab a toothbrush for C.C. And let's get you looked at. I love this little line at the end when Dwight says, Hey, C.C. is toothbrush. Jenna, it was scripted that that was your line. Oh, yes, I remember that. We did a few takes because we're walking past. They had set up a little toothbrush thing on the end of the aisle. Yeah. I actually
Starting point is 01:01:50 love that Dwight is who ended up saying it and that Jim doesn't even turn around. I also just love this moment because I feel like Dwight has gotten to know Jim and Pam so well and gotten to know their pregnancy, their children. Yes it's in this little club. And yes, Jim says, oh, hey, we need a toothbrush, but it's Dwight who remembers. That's right. Well, that's a great example to Angela of how nobody was precious about their scripted lines. If it worked better to have someone else say it, we would change it on the day. That's a great example.
Starting point is 01:02:22 So we already talked about the tag for this episode, which is the big drum battle between the two drummers. But prior to this, you know, Robert California and his bandmates, they just completely took over the band. So much so that our guys just left. Well, Val kind of calls it out, right? She does. She's like, is this your band? Yeah. But I love at the end, they're playing outside together, they're singing, baby, I love your way, my pewter frampton. I love
Starting point is 01:02:51 how that just was the underlying music too, as Jim and Pam are leaving the pharmacy, because that's just such a sweet song, right? Yeah. That was a great choice. That was probably Matt's own. There is an awesome website I wanted to share with you guys called Okay. You can go there and whatever office episode that has music if you're curious to know. You can go on there and they have all the seasons of the office episode by episode and it will tell you if there's any music. What the song was who sang it and how you can listen to it. Oh my gosh, that would be a great Spotify playlist. Yeah. So this episode had two songs, Baby I Love Your Way,
Starting point is 01:03:29 and Midnight Rambler by The Rolling Stones. I love it. Well, guys, that is Pam's replacement. Yeah. And next week, we have Getty's Burg. Yes, that's right. I want to give a big thank you to Mindy Kaling, Paul Lieberstein, Rain Wilson, Steve Burgess,
Starting point is 01:03:47 Michael Gallenberg, and Ryan Bond Gartner. Thank you for letting us blow up your phones and ask you a bunch of questions. And Mindy and Rain, it was really fun to go down the Mike Tibbet's memory lane. Yeah, and now whenever I see a toe barone, all I'm gonna think is, how'd I get this long triangle? Yeah, how'd it go?
Starting point is 01:04:04 All right, we'll see you guys next week. Have a good one. Bye. [♪ OUTRO MUSIC PLAYING [♪ Thank you for listening to Office Ladies. Office Ladies is produced by Earwalt, Jennifer Fisher and Angela Kinsey. Our senior producer is Cassie Jerkins.
Starting point is 01:04:20 Our in-studio engineer is Sam Keifer. Our editing and mixing engineer is Jordan Duffy and our associate producer is Ainsley Bubbleco. Our theme song is rubber tree by Creed Bratton. For at free versions of Office Ladies, go to stitur premium dot com. For a free one month trial of stitur premium use code office. you

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