On Display with Melissa Gorga - REWIND: A Rose With No Thorns (w/ Whitney Rose)

Episode Date: September 26, 2024

The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City are back, and it's a great time to crack into the vault for a little talk with The Wild Rose herself!  Melissa is joined by the up-front and always empatheti...c, Whitney Rose, to talk about the reality of reality tv trolls, why accountability is a huge part of forgiveness, and how self-love is a much easier thing to find as you get older.  Melissa and Whitney also talk about how success can often change the dynamics of a good marriage, and why support is such a crucial piece to the puzzle.  This week's sponsors:   Apartments.com - The Place to Find a Place: Apartments.com Dime - High-End, Affordable Skincare: DimeBeautyCo.com , promo code: MELISSA20 (20% off) Ibotta - Cash Back on Nearly Every Purchase: Use Promo code "Display" at Ibotta.com or download in the Apple Store or Google Play Store ($5 free for registering) PlutoTV - Free Streaming TV: Pluto.TV Ro - Weight Loss? We Got You: Ro.co/MELISSA ($99 for first month)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I always say we don't have time to hear why the haters love us today. What's up everyone? Welcome to another episode of On Display with me, Melissa Gorgia. I'm super excited today. You guys know I love when I have Housewives on and I have a juicy podcast for you today because I have such a great guest. She's a successful businesswoman. She's the host of the wild rose podcast. And I mean, let's be real, you all know her as the fan favorite on the Real Housewives
Starting point is 00:00:40 of Salt Lake City. Ladies and gentlemen, I have the lovely Whitney rose with me today. Hi. Hi, wow. What an introduction. He made me blush. Oh, well, good. That's what I that's what I want to do. How are you, honey? So good to see you. Yeah, so good to see you too. You have to bear with me today. I just got a moxie laser. So I look terrifying. No. So wait, are you red?
Starting point is 00:01:05 I am so red. I don't know if it like reads through the screen or not. But I've read dots all over. I see I see it. Wait. So what was that? Was that like a is it like a fraxel? Like what kind of laser is that? You know, to be honest with you, I have no idea. I just know that it's the only laser. Well, there's a couple lasers. I have really bad melasma, so I have to be careful. I don't do a lot of- Stem's, wait, so do I.
Starting point is 00:01:29 That's why I wanna know if this is safe for melasma. It's for melasma and rosacea. So it treats, it has two different types of color, red and blue. So it treats all of your problems, like melasma, rosacea, redness, blue veins. It gets amazing. But you look like I have been walking around like a freaking freak for the last two days. I went to my daughter's soccer training last night with a new team and everyone was just staring at me because I was bright red and swollen. And I was just like, I have no shame.
Starting point is 00:02:02 You have no shame. And care is the game and I'm here for it. You just have to make the announcement. Yep, just had a facial. We're good. Just had a laser like all good. And isn't it kind of funny is now you're obviously you're known over there. I'm sure you're on a hit TV show, which we are going to talk about that show a little bit later on. But is it kind of odd for you, especially like so you said last night you went and it's a new team. So there's all new moms and like, it's like I've noticed
Starting point is 00:02:29 even for me, like once they get used to you being there, it's like no big deal. But when you enter the room and it's like all new people kind of starts all over again, right? Yeah, it's almost it's crazy because it's you know, season four was such a big season for us. So I would say it's even crazier now People people kind of you know, it's almost like that When you walk in right and it's like instead of seeing the glam Whitney It's like here I am and all my glory after a laser treatment Of course all of your life like I've just learned that I can't care about how I look all the time or You know, I've got to do me too.
Starting point is 00:03:05 Like that's not right. 1000%. I just, I don't know if it was a thing as I'm getting older or if I'm just getting more comfortable in my skin, but I have finally stopped putting any type of like foundation when I go to the gym. Like I used to, and I'm a gym girl, so I go to the gym every morning, almost every morning. So I used to wake up and be like, I can't just put lotion on and leave like I need to curl my eyelashes, I need to
Starting point is 00:03:30 like put it the tinted voice, but it would be uncomfortable when I work out, I don't want anything on my skin when I'm like sweating. So I finally I want to say within the last year, just wake up, put moisturizer on and walk out the door and just don't like I don't give a shit anymore. Even right now I don't have a stitch of makeup on I just put lip gloss on at all times because I feel like you could fool people if you have lip gloss on that's the way to go.
Starting point is 00:03:53 I always keep a gloss in my pocket. Nothing else I have nothing on right now besides my red beautiful spotty face. I think that that's called self love like you're like, I think it does come with age and experience and wisdom. But also when you become so comfortable with who you are, and I feel like Housewives has really taught me that, honestly. For sure. 100%.
Starting point is 00:04:16 I'm okay with not being in full glam all the time. Because I used to do the same. I'm like, why am I getting ready to go to the gym? Who am I trying to impress? It's so true. And I do think people respect, they respect us more when you walk in without the makeup on a hot mess like most moms are when they're running around in the morning with their kids or like whatever it is. And I feel like it it's
Starting point is 00:04:39 just I don't know, I feel like it kind of just makes you more relatable. And it's just, it's better. I took me a minute though I used to always always be like I can't go without everything. So it's like it's relieving it is I think and then you find a new sense of confidence and Sexiness in being in your own skin and that is empowering as a woman I think for sure for sure is it weird when you go to the gaze? Does everyone come talk to you? Do they ask you questions? Do they kind of respect that you're there with your kids?
Starting point is 00:05:09 How is that going now? Cause you've been on the show for how long? This will be, that was our fourth season. And I don't think it's officially been announced, but we are heading into another one. So- Well, I would imagine after that reunion, I don't think you're giving us any,
Starting point is 00:05:26 I think we all knew that was coming for sure. Yeah, I think we're safe to talk about it because it's been all over Instagram that Monica's not coming back. So it's been nuts. It has changed. Season one, everyone was so excited to be like, are you Whitney?
Starting point is 00:05:43 And then now it's just crazy. A lot of I would say, like in Utah around my community, people are just used to it. But when I go somewhere new, it's definitely people want to come talk to me talk about it. And what's fascinating, I you probably get this with your show too is a lot of male fans. Oh, like are tuning into housewives now. Like, I'm shocked by the amount of men that come up on the sports fields and are like, you know what, I have to admit,
Starting point is 00:06:12 I'm a huge fan of your show. My wife made me watch it. And now I'm addicted. All day long. If you think that happens there, could you imagine the jersey like the men? It's crazy. Men are so prominent on Jersey. And obviously, you know, my husband's like, very known on this show. So like everywhere we go, it's men. It's a lot of men, you would be surprised. I feel like your show also highlights the men, I think a little bit more than the other
Starting point is 00:06:38 shows. So that makes sense that like the men are watching you guys a lot too. I feel like, you know, when we incorporate the men, it kind of it drags in the men to be able to relate a little bit and they like to even see like the husband and wife issues that are going on and they'll relate like even when Joe watches the other shows he's like see you do that like see like he's watching like Kyle and Mauricio right now and little things he's like, see what happens after time, everybody changes and blah, blah, blah. And it's like, the men like to relate to what's going on, like, you know, with
Starting point is 00:07:13 you girls, like they like to relate and you and your husband, you guys have a very like similar relationship, I would say to Joe and I right where it was hard for you like in the beginning, he was a very protective right? Where it was hard for you, like in the beginning, he was a very protective husband and it was hard to like maneuver your own found success and being on the show. Tell me about that a little bit.
Starting point is 00:07:34 Yeah, it was hard because first of all, before I became a housewife, I realized I had the most cush housewife life ever. Like, why did I go chase bigger dreams and ambitions? Because I did, I like had my responsibilities of the home and the kids and Justin provided a very beautiful life for us. And he's always been in support of me though, like when I wanted to go back to school, when I wanted to start my
Starting point is 00:08:01 business, when I wanted to do the show, he's always been my biggest cheerleader But the dynamic shift was what we didn't expect to come right? You just think that you're gonna keep growing and doing all these things and nothing will change Right, the truth of it is is that as I started all of this I'm now no longer able to dedicate full time to the children full time to him full time to the house and It has been very difficult because he is 18 years older than me. So he was raised in a very like traditional family, LDS. This is the life that we know. But Justin has an
Starting point is 00:08:40 open, like he's an open person. He has an open mind, open heart. And he's always, he just loves me so much that it took time. But I would say we're at a place now where it's like 50 50. Like equally, it really truly is when we go to make a decision, when we view the family, it's no longer just me making decisions for the family and he making decisions financially. It's what are we going to do for the family and he making decisions financially. It's what are we going to do about the kids? What are we going to do with this property? What are we going to do with this account? It's really cool to see.
Starting point is 00:09:12 Yeah. Isn't that a beautiful thing? I have to say that's a beautiful thing. It's sometimes it used to like irk me. I don't know if irk is the right way, but like, the right word rather. But like, you know, it's like, did I have to get on The Housewives to realize that like, I needed to make more decisions and that I needed to, you know, to expand in everything I was doing. But I'm very thankful for the TV show and for The Housewives a lot of times, and I'm sure you feel the same because you get into your little bubble and you don't realize that like everything is just kind
Starting point is 00:09:48 of happening around you while you're holding down the fort while you're holding down the kids while you're you know you're making every life family life perfect so to speak right and making everything cute and sweet and nice so that your kids are happy your husband lives great life you're a great wife, but then you're missing this little piece of something that you wanna do for you, right? So jumping on Housewives kinda opened that door for me, and I feel like it's very similar with you as well.
Starting point is 00:10:17 Absolutely, I've always worked in some capacity since we've been married, but never had I had to jump into the role of being a provider. I mean, last year, one year ago, I was the sole provider of the family because Justin had to sit out of his job for a year because of the show. And yeah, it's been so that it has come with its trials, but like, it really has shown me that I can do anything I want. Like if I really try, I have the confidence and the posture now to go get it.
Starting point is 00:10:50 Like it's taught me to be a smarter business woman, to be more creative, think outside of the box, and really push my strength. Because if you can stay on a house I show for four years and deal with everything that comes with that. I think you can do anything as a woman. Oh yeah. You've become a superwoman.
Starting point is 00:11:09 Try 14 years and then talk to me. I can't believe it because I have so many questions for you too. Feel free. Feel free. Ask me whatever you want. I feel like I just, I love your show. I've watched you from the beginning and I just really admire the way that you've handled raising your family in a public eye, like with such grace and you've handled your marriage, everything
Starting point is 00:11:32 about your personal life, you've done it so gracefully. And you know, I'm at the point now where my kids, when I started, they were nine and six and now they're 13 and 11. And I'm like, how do you protect your kids in this process from the fans, social media, the haters, all of it, right? Like, I don't know about you, but it's been interesting dynamic between my daughter and I since she turned 13.
Starting point is 00:11:57 Oh, well, yes, very interesting. Well, how invested is your daughter on the show? And has it like changed her life a little bit that she's a 13 year old girl at school On TV. How is that going? That's that's exactly where the hard she loves to film She loves the process but what's hard now is the kids at school will come and talk to her about You know things I've said or done things. She did her said on the show. They'll pull up old pictures from Instagram. And it's just become she's, you know, learning how to have that, like, what we have not caring what people think that resilience but right, geez, I'm like,
Starting point is 00:12:35 how, how can I keep moving forward and protect them? It's hard, honestly, I feel like I've been navigating that for many years now. I think each child is probably, it's individual, right, for each child because some of them, like for instance, my Gino, he could care less. He doesn't want to know anything about the fame, about the show. He's an athlete. He actually doesn't want to walk around the school with me and everyone looking at me. He's not into that, where I feel like Antonia is a little bit more like she's cool about it. And so is Joey but she knows very like, we do not want the attention we do not want like, we're
Starting point is 00:13:14 not the housewives family like, like he's just not into it. So I feel like with every kid you kind of have to figure out the balance. But if I can give any advice, I'd say, I constantly teach them that the outside world is the outside world. It has nothing to do with us or how we function our family and that they know what a hater is, right? They know how to handle a hater. They know to ignore it. They definitely know not to believe everything they read.
Starting point is 00:13:43 So they're very good at like, and obviously, there's a lot of stuff about us in the press constantly, right? So yeah, she especially Antonia, I feel like she's older and more in tuned with like Instagram and all this. Like, for instance, I'll give you a perfect example. I'll never have her block like we never really discuss like block this hater do this do that. But once in a while, there'll be a bad one, right? Like a real bad one that's like then the kind that like wakes up in the morning and
Starting point is 00:14:09 Doesn't stop until they go to sleep like it's become their literal job to be a hater on me or my family or whatever It might be so when I see one like that, which I saw one actually today I which I wasn't even aware of I I text her and I said, block that account because I don't want them ever saying anything to her. I don't even want them watching what she does, you know? So, very rare but I do tell her. I'll be like, I don't like this account, block it and she will and she blocks them, you know? But she's also 18 and she's a little older so I feel like she gets it. She's very good at like
Starting point is 00:14:44 just brushing it off. She's like, older, so I feel like she gets it. She's very good at just brushing it off. She's like, oh, please. And she also realizes that if you put a post out, and this is advice for you too, Whitney, because I think as Housewives, we all do this, we'll put a post out, right? There will be 2,000 positive comments, 2,000. Everyone, we love you, you're the best, yada.
Starting point is 00:15:04 And then there's like three negatives and what do we do we pay attention to the three negative people? That like wrote something on this post right when there's 3000 positive comment it's a terrible So it's if you do notice the same name which I'm sure you've seen this the same person the same person Just get rid of them. And like, you're almost helping the hater as well, because they're obviously obsessed, right? They're fixated. So it's like, here, go live your life. Now you don't have to watch me anymore.
Starting point is 00:15:34 Go go figure yourself out. You know, honestly, the best thing that Instagram has done is when you block one of those haters, it blocks any account they create in the future, which is amazing. How great is that? We had I know my way around Instagram trolls. We've had a major problem in Salt Lake City with Oh, I can't wait to talk about that. I'm like, I am like
Starting point is 00:15:56 foaming at the mouth to get to that part of the conversation. And I Oh my god, is this your puppy? Yeah, this my puppy. She was chewing up my son's game, so I had to. She is so cute. What kind of dog is that? He's a Cavapoo. This is Rosie. Hi, Rosie.
Starting point is 00:16:14 My sister has a Rosie, the same exact dog, only big. So cute. I have a big one too, but she is a handful. Oh my God, she's so cute. Does she eat like your high--end shoes? That's what little dogs usually do. Oh my gosh no but look what she just did. She just chewed up an xbox cord. Oh no oh my god. That is so she's so cute though she's worth it just get another cord. Yeah I would keep her in her crate but she'd bark through the whole thing. So- Unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:16:45 ... another guest on today. It's fine. Don't worry. She's adorable. But anyway, I mean, to get back to this whole thing, I do think it's unfortunate because our kids are like an extension of ourselves. And I think some really mean people think they can go through our kids, right, to get to us.
Starting point is 00:17:03 So we do really need to protect our kids and just teach them how to avoid people who want to do nothing but hurt us and be able to see that that's like a red flag and that's a bad person and to almost like not feel sorry for yourself, feel sorry for the person that's doing that. Like they're obviously not living the best life and they're fixated on you. And I always say like, they're not truly your hater because if the whole feed is written about you, they're your love, they're upset, they are entertained by you.
Starting point is 00:17:30 They don't think you're boring. They don't think you're any of the things that they say because they literally talk about you night and day. So find it as a compliment. I've taught my daughter that. So as your daughter gets older, tell her these things, it works, you know? We have a saying in our house after I had a really hard season.
Starting point is 00:17:47 I started saying, because Bobby wanted Instagram, she this is back when she was like 1211. She she really wanted Instagram. And she has Instagram, I just never tag her because it's only her friends, right? I control who follows who follows her. Still, I have full access to that. But I always say to them, if I find myself going down the rabbit hole and getting distracted, or if they're hearing something from friends, I always say we don't have time to hear why the haters love us today. Oh, I love that. But that is such a true statement. We don't have time for why they screenshot our face in five different ways and put it
Starting point is 00:18:28 up and set like just leave that be. We don't have time to hear why the haters love us today. I love that. Oh my God. Love that quote. Such a good quote. Guys, fall is practically here and you know what that means, right? Fall fashion time, my favorite. And if if you're like me a lot of your clothes
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Starting point is 00:21:28 No, we need to speak of trolls for a second. I have to tell you that people used to say watching Jersey that they would get anxiety. They'd be like, I can't even watch it anymore. I have anxiety or like, you know, people, our show brings a lot of anxiety watching, I would say holy crap I watched your reunion and I looked at my husband and I said I have anxiety right now like I totally Understand what people say about our show because now I feel that watching this like Monica really brought that level for me of like, you know what it is
Starting point is 00:22:02 it's that like talking to a wall situation where it's like, anything that you say it like the person's not understanding or it's like they're going to twist it and there's no, there's no like real form of communication. And it was driving me crazy. Like the way that whole first of all, are you in shock that she got fired? Were you expecting it? I mean, I did not know what was going to happen, but it's an unfortunate situation, but I'm glad she did because people like Monica, she trolled us for four years, was obsessed, stalked us, followed everything we did, curated her entire storylines around us. Right? So that's
Starting point is 00:22:47 to me is like, wow, if you stand for that, then anyone can come on and do that. And I mean, as someone who's come on as Whitney Rose shared my real life, what I go through every year, every season, I'm not making it up. I'm just sharing what's coming in and out of my door at the time, right? That's what housewives are supposed to do and what it's supposed to up. I'm just sharing what's coming in and out of my door at the time, right? Well, that's what housewives are supposed to do and what it's supposed to be. And I just want to say like, bravo to bravo for really taking a stance on this and saying,
Starting point is 00:23:14 listen to all of the other franchises and people troll accounts. Like, don't think that this is what you're going to do when you're going to become a real housewife. Like, bravo, bravo. I'm so happy that they did that because they're really setting a real housewife. Like, bravo, bravo. I'm so happy that they did that because they're really setting a president's on. Like, you know, right?
Starting point is 00:23:29 They're like really making their mark there. Like this is unacceptable and we'll never do this again. You know? Yeah, I'm really grateful Bravo protected us and had our back because we've been through a lot. We went through it with Jen. We went, I mean, we saw like cities had had a lot going on, right with right issues, especially with online stuff with bullying on Instagram among the cast. So
Starting point is 00:23:53 I'm so grateful that Bravo protected us and said enough is enough. And I love your wall analogy, because it literally, whenever she's involved in a conversation, it's like bouncing a ball off the wall, right? It just kind of like, you know, I mean, it's like, I had to fast forward through my own reunion because I could not take her and Lisa screaming at each other the whole time. Like it, ugh.
Starting point is 00:24:19 Listen, I know exactly what you're saying. There's no ending to the conversation. So it's like when you are dealing with a situation where no one is talking to a wall, I don't know how else to explain it because there's never going to be an ending because you're not getting through and there's never really a full adult conversation going on. So it's hard and that's how I kind of felt when you guys were discussing things with Monica, because I was getting annoyed. Like I wanted to host that because I was like, wait, wait, wait, wait, like, I
Starting point is 00:24:52 didn't get an answer yet. Like, I feel like she would kind of beat around the bush on a lot of the answers. And I'm like, No, why is Andy not like I'm not accepting that answer. I need to understand, like, why she did these things. Like she just kept putting it on the other people with this account, but it wasn't like I wanted her to take full accountability. Like I did this and like, I feel like she didn't say that. Right? Well, that that was the hard thing is like, she came in with zero remorse, zero accountability and she wasn't sorry.
Starting point is 00:25:25 She said she'd do it again. Right. And she even went as far as thinking she's become iconic by bringing a burn book. Right. And people right now are really coming after. And one of the biggest things that I see every day is, how can you forgive Heather who lied to you
Starting point is 00:25:45 for a year or two years, you know, however long it was, but you can't forgive Monica? Well, yes, the black guy situation, Heather lied about it, I get why. I don't like that she did it, but Heather took accountability. She sat there and answered everyone of Andy's questions. Right. Monica sat there and blamed everyone else. She never took accountability for yes, she was a part of the account. Yes, she stalked
Starting point is 00:26:12 us and she never she wasn't sorry. She said she wasn't. You know what? And what Heather was lying about was also something that had to do with herself. It wasn't about her hurting everyone else. Right? So it's a little, it's much different than like someone lying, but they've actually been torturing you for the last four years. Heather was not torturing you guys. She wasn't being fully honest, but she wasn't hurting you either.
Starting point is 00:26:34 So it's a big, there's a big difference there. Yeah, and there was a big legal side to the black guy as well. So I get why Heather did what she did. Like I understand whether anyone likes it or not, you can see where she's her point of view, right? She explained it. So do you remember this Von T's account? Like, do you remember things that used to say to you like specific things that would
Starting point is 00:26:56 this be an account that you would notice and be like, who is this evil human? So not at not out of the gates? No, not at all. In fact, they were never really rude about me in the beginning. It was all about Junshaw, exposing Junshaw. I went through, so I never even followed the account. I never engaged with the account. If they said something extremely nice, I hearted the message maybe three times or something. Got it. So they were good to you. They were nice to you. They were nice to me. However, it was what behind the scenes, there was a few things they posted that weren't, but they weren't anything that I mean, a thousand accounts.
Starting point is 00:27:37 They didn't keep you up at night. You weren't one of the people that this account was like trolling. No, but here's the problem is that account allegedly is related to two other accounts that were relentless against me, my husband, my daughter, my marriage, my business. So you know, it's- So frustrating. He said she wasn't a part of those, but there's enough, like evidence, if you will, to believe that she was in some capacity, or knew about it. And, you know, I don't know, but it was also her best friend turned on her. And that's how we got all the information, right?
Starting point is 00:28:16 Her Tanisha. So I got to see the text messages and DMS between the group of them. And I don't care what the account posted what Monica said about me and messages behind my back is like, okay, I'm glad I found out now. Because this would have all like this would have come back and bit me later. You don't like you don't like me. You're you made all this up to be my friend to get on the show. Yeah, you can't listen
Starting point is 00:28:45 It's like they can't hire actresses to be she's literally coming in her like her role She thinks she's coming in like her acting position and she's like planning it out with her mother that she hates It's just the most bizarre Like I cannot handle it. Can you talk about her mom? Because, you know, I'll be sensitive here because I do have a very dysfunctional relationship with some of my family members. And I had to stop talking to my father because it was so toxic.
Starting point is 00:29:13 Wow. And I haven't talked to him for two years. So I get what that looks like. And that's why I had empathy and sympathized with her and really gave her a chance because there's all these red flags and all these rumors about her, but I ignored them and just focused on getting to know her as she presented herself.
Starting point is 00:29:35 But her mom, who do you think wanted to be the housewife more, her or Linda, her mom? They both equally thought this was their big break, I think. Like I I'm not sure who wanted it more. I think they're in like a competition type of relationship. I think it was sad to watch that I did with her. Like if I didn't know all the other things she's done wrong, I would say like hurt people hurt people. Right. So I do see that in her and I see her just never being taught how to treat people nicely because she was never treated nicely. Well, it's hard though. I guess what I'm trying to like get at is it's like hard to believe anything that she says now. Because I hear that her and Linda are just fine. Like I get
Starting point is 00:30:24 the word on the street. Yeah, so it's like, I don't know. I'm just, I wish Monica the best. I wish Linda the best. I hope that Monica's girls are doing well and we'll see what Monica's next chapter is. But you, like, you can't sustain lying on the show. Some people do.
Starting point is 00:30:45 Some people do for a while. But it all cannot you always get caught. There is no way the truth always comes out between the show between the Instagrams between there's threads, there's what there's just too many avenues now like just forget it. Just come on and be you and own your shit and that's it. It's like there's no other way around it. There's just not. Not in this day and age.
Starting point is 00:31:12 I don't even know how people like... People know every move everyone makes. There's cameras everywhere. I said that to my mom the other day. So when daddy used to leave the house, I'm like, you had no cell phone, no beeper. Like, how did you know what time he was going to come home for dinner? Like, how do you know where he is? Like, she's like, you don't, you just wait for them to come home. And like, and I'm like, and then they just walk in the door whenever they walk in. It's just so crazy to me. Like, I don't even remember that, that life, not
Starting point is 00:31:40 having the cell phones and stuff. It's like insane. No, I know. I mean, I got a cell phone when I was 17. Yeah. But I do remember the days where we had to call like, I call my friend's house like, Hi, is Melissa home? Okay, ride my bike over. Those were the days though, like I missed that so much. I missed that. So that's like, but that so much. I missed that so much. I never know what that's like, but it's true. You can't do anything anymore.
Starting point is 00:32:10 Like everyone's always, especially, I can't imagine being in your shoes because just four seasons in already, I know I'm being photographed and filmed when I'm in public. Yep, when you don't even know it. Like when you do not even know it. Like I could be checking out at ShopRite and they're behind me videoing it and I had no
Starting point is 00:32:27 idea that, you know, and then they post it later on. I'm like, oh, all right, you should have said hi or something. You know, it's like, it's a hard part of being on reality TV. Obviously we get a lot of perks, right? With our businesses and you have a great podcast and you know, I have this, I have Envy, I'm opening a new store. There's always great perks, but there's also a lot of negatives. It's just, there's the pros and the cons with
Starting point is 00:32:50 this whole reality TV world. But I will say, you know what Monica should do? She should go do House of Villains. That's what she should do. She should go jump on House of Villains. That would be the perfect show for her because that's, I think, where she belongs. She would kill it. She would actually do well. That's where she belongs. If you've heard of Ozempic or Wigovie, you've probably heard three things. They're effective, but they're expensive and they're hard to get.
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Starting point is 00:35:30 to find a place. I know this is kind of personal, but do you want to talk at all about how you left your religion at all? Like how you've left and where you're at with that right now? I mean, you could talk as little as much as you want about it. Yeah, no, it's such, I thank you for asking because I just recently lost my grandfather. His funeral was last week. And I, it just, it is sad. He was 92. But it was beautiful in a sense because I got to remember the legacy that I come from. So I, on my mom's side, both of her parents come from like Mormon pioneer families. So my family really was responsible for building Utah.
Starting point is 00:36:18 Like they came across the plains, which was- Wow. Founded American Fork, Pleasant Grove, like a lot, a bunch of the, um, all of the land here in the general, like a hundred miles my family owned. Oh my God. Wow. It's pretty crazy.
Starting point is 00:36:34 Yeah. So my, you know, my grandpa was born in a chicken coop. He was, had nothing and he built this huge legacy of farming. He's a cattle rancher. He ran 600 head of cattle until he was 92. He bred race horses so he like really went from nothing to Having a legacy like I mean we're talking for I'm the fifth generation of a Mormon pioneer family I'm named after a Mormon pioneer who came across the plains and died giving childbirth. So I would say, yeah, I'm no longer Mormon. I grew up very Mormon.
Starting point is 00:37:14 I was devout. I was the Amali Mormon, they call them, where you do everything right. I did everything, dotted my I's, crossed my T's, mind my Q's. And when I was, in fact, when I was 18, I had the opportunity when I graduated high school, some of my girlfriends were going to Maui for a senior girls trip. And I chose to go on a three, three week church history tour. Wow. So I got on a bus and I drove all the way from Utah, all the way to Palmyra, New York and back
Starting point is 00:37:45 and went to every church history site along the way. So that same night though, I came home and had my first beer. Okay, because There's no balance here. Like what just happened? So that confused me and I started down the path of, wait, do I really believe this? Or is this just what I've been told I need to do? Am I seeking validation because I'm not getting it at home? Am I just finding that validation from church? It's feeding me that I'm getting all of my validation and approval from my church leaders
Starting point is 00:38:17 and my peers that way. And balance and structure. And it's like, oh, I'm part of something that loves me and important and this is my faith and I get that. It was like escapism. Like I was escaping in the church. It was like escapism. So it was like, I really appreciate the years I spent, but I also had a lot of years of hard times and some abuse happened and things like that. So I would say, you know, I've left it, I haven't been active for 16 years, 17 years.
Starting point is 00:38:51 And I have removed my name from the records, which was devastating to my family given our heritage. Right. But for me, that was the final step for me to have closure on the past. But going to my grandpa's funeral, it's like, yeah, I am very proud of my family legacy and my ancestors. I would not be walking the path I walk had they not had the courage and faith to do what they did, even though I don't believe in the doctrine.
Starting point is 00:39:19 But I believe in the hardworking people. That's where my entrepreneurism comes from, my hard work ethic and my resilience. That's where my entrepreneurism comes from, my hard work ethic, and my resilience. That's in my DNA. Well, it's a beautiful thing that you figured that out and know where you want to stand and know what your faith is right now. Is your husband the same? Are you guys the same or how does that go?
Starting point is 00:39:38 Yeah. So he was born and raised LDS. He in fact was the first person in his entire family ever to leave. Wow. Yeah. Okay. Generation upon generation. So it's been harder for him.
Starting point is 00:39:53 He's a little bit, I would say, further behind on the journey of it being concrete for him that he is no longer LDS. He was actually, I removed my name from the church and he was ex-communicated. Got it. So, you know, it's the difference of men and women. Men hold the power in the church. So he wasn't following the rules, so he got kicked out.
Starting point is 00:40:18 Oh, and that's how that happens, okay. Yeah, and I wasn't following the rules, but they wanted to keep me. Okay. Okay, so they were like, no, we like her. She the rules, but they wanted to keep me. Okay. Okay. So they were like, no, we like her. She's good. We're keeping her. Well, thank you.
Starting point is 00:40:30 I wanted to ask you, I didn't know how much you wanted to talk about it, but I was interested in that because I just find the whole, it's very interesting. Anything that's out of my faith, I am always curious about other faiths and how they go and the thought process on everything. So yeah. I'm very spiritual. I would say that I'm raising my kids to believe in God, higher power, something we definitely live in a gratitude mindset and you always give the gratitude back to your creator. So for example, I prayed a higher power, my daughter prays to Heavenly Father and my son prays to Creator. So she's like
Starting point is 00:41:07 a different language, but we're all saying the same thing. Wow, that's beautiful. Yeah. And we've been going on and off throughout the years to non-denominational Christian church. My kids actually love it. They love going for like the music. That's awesome. I love that. Okay, good. Well, thank you for sharing. I was very curious and I was like, I didn't know if you would want to really talk about it or not. I love that. Okay, good. Well, thank you for sharing I was very curious and I was like I didn't know if you would want to you know, really talk about or not I don't like to push anything but I was so interested Okay, good, you know what you and I I feel like you and I met at we didn't meet at Bravo Con for the first time
Starting point is 00:41:37 Right, but we we hung out there and we did a panel together and I was like I could just tell you're you're a girl's girl And I like I loved you from the start. We had a great panel. Who are we on with? Like we were with Gigi and Lindsay Hubbard, right? Yeah. And, and Gina from Orange County. And I love her too. I just had her on the podcast too. She's so awesome. I love her. I feel like she's, I don't know. She's like a New Yorker. She is a New Yorker, but I love her. I think she's awesome. I just had, did you see Watch What Happens Live? I need to, oh, I want to clarify this up. I had somebody just went on Watch What Happens Live for Potomac. She was a new housewife that I guess this was her first season. It was her first BravoCon. And I have to admit, I haven't watched
Starting point is 00:42:22 the Potomac Housewives in, I feel like I like the Potomac Housewives in I feel like I like the Potomac Housewives a lot. I just haven't seen like the most recent season or two. I have been and her name was Anika. And she went on watch what happens live and she said that she didn't have like I guess one of the questions was it was your first Bravo con and who was the most dismissive and she said, I hate to say this, but I want to say Melissa Gorga. She's like, but Joe Gorga was so amazing. So I was like, Oh my God. And everybody was like sending that to me. And I was like trying to figure out the situation because it's so unlike me. That is like, I would never be purposely rude to
Starting point is 00:43:03 anyone. You know, if anything, I just feel like there's so much going on at BravoCon. And I will say Joe is known to like, have a conversation and keep going and going while I'm like always tired and my feet hurt and I want to like, keep it moving. So I can see that. But so I I found her on Instagram, I DMed her and I was like, I apologize, I am so sorry, I would never be rude to a newbie or not give you time or say hello. And she was so gracious and so nice. She came back and she was like, Melissa, you probably didn't even realize my husband was talking to Joe and they were talking and you walked over to Joe and then I walked over
Starting point is 00:43:43 to my husband but you were kind of like, you just kind of like, were tired and walked away. And I was like, I apologize. Like I didn't even realize I did it. And sometimes, you know, it's a lot because I feel like everyone knows us, right? But we don't necessarily know everyone else. So it kind of puts us in like a position where, you know, if I knew that that was her, of course I would have spoke to her. I would have spoke to anybody, but you never really know the situation. So I just want to clarify that on my podcast. Clarify it. Because it's so hard because, you know, I hate when we get asked those questions because it just sets us up to pin us against each other. But it is true, like outside of
Starting point is 00:44:20 the Housewife shows, if there's other shows that maybe I don't watch as regularly, it's hard to like, there's higher turnover on those, right? So it's hard to know. Yes, I don't know all the new people. And I'm sure like, who knows? Sometimes I'm like in my head, I'm thinking about something. It's BravoCon, it's freaking chaos to begin with. So it's like, and you want to give everyone attention, right? You want to talk to everyone and every fan. It's like, you get it's exhausting. So if you hit someone at the wrong moment when they're in their head and they're just walking away like, who knows but I felt terrible. So I just wanted to clear that up that we did message each other and that was the situation and
Starting point is 00:44:58 it was fine for anybody who anybody who was listening. No, I'm not rude. Right Whitney, how was I when I first met you? Yeah, I recognized you. It was the very first BravoCon that I went to in New York, so two years ago. Okay. We were at the Gansevoort and you were in the lobby and I instantly recognized you and Joe. And I just came up to you and I said,
Starting point is 00:45:20 hey, now that I've been at BravoCon for one day, I totally get it, you don't want to talk to me right now. I just have to tell you that I do love you. And I've always been a major fan. And next time I'm in, I want to come to Jersey and see your store. Oh, you're so cute. You're so nice. And then Joe is I could tell Joe was dead. He's just staring at me. He's like, Hey, this next Bravo Con. He it was exactly what you said.
Starting point is 00:45:47 He wouldn't stop talking to Justin was so amazing. He he and Justin are having a great time. And yeah, you and I like just went off. I went to one corner. You went to another. I'm like, I got to sit down and just be alone for a minute. Yeah, see, it's like it depends on the time of day you hit someone up at BravoCon, I will say like, because it is you don't you don't know something you they could have just walked
Starting point is 00:46:09 past somebody that startled them or they didn't like or someone could have just you just don't know there's just so much going on. So it's like you hit jokes, but the right time you will be invited to Sunday dinner because that's Joe. Yeah, he was so amazing. We ran into him a lot over BravoCon and Justin lives for those moments because the dudes just want to be with the dudes. Of course. Yes. Especially like the cool dudes, right? You were so nice when I met you and it was late. It was at the end of a long day. It was late at night. And I think you even DM me back after, cause I was like, I want to get Prism
Starting point is 00:46:51 into your store, my jewelry line. Oh, okay, good. And yes, did I answer you? Yeah, you did. Okay, good. You did. You were great. And I got your team's information
Starting point is 00:47:00 and I know now we're fast forward a year later, but I barely missed this the the whole like scuffle in the lobby. Remember? Oh my gosh, don't even remind me what a shit away from that. That happened right after I saw you. Oh, what a shit show. Right. So that's why we were probably just like staring into space that that was very late night in the hotel. That's so funny. Oh my God. It's so crazy that this season that's about to air, we actually touch on that BravoCon, which feels like forever ago at this point. It's so crazy. But anyway,
Starting point is 00:47:38 Whitney, thank you so much for taking the time to come on today. I think you're awesome. I think empathy really helps solve a lot of problems. And I think many of us learn how to practice empathy from you because you're great at that. So guys, make sure you guys check out Whitney's podcast, the Wild Rose podcast. And you know what? You need to come out to New York. We need to go to dinner. We need to hang out. You need to come to Envy like you said originally, we need to do all these things. Yeah, I'm coming. I keep telling Julius, I'm gonna come to the salon and have him do my hair. Yeah, it will hit you up when I come out. And I would love to give your listeners
Starting point is 00:48:16 a discount code for prism. If that's cool, go right ahead. Oh my god, on display 20% off. Yes, guys on display 20% off. What's the website? prism lifestyle co Hopefully soon you'll see it in envy and the new spot. Yes, of course, you know what? Let's talk about that I'll shoot you a text when we're done here and everyone we all need to remember Whitney saying we don't have time to hear why The haters love us today. So So with that, thank you for coming on Whitney's saying we don't have time to hear why the haters love us today. So with that, thank you for coming on.
Starting point is 00:48:48 We'll talk soon. Guys, don't forget to go to the website, use code ONDISPLAY to get 20% off her gorgeous jewelry. And thanks for chatting with me today. I'll see you soon. Thank you so much. Bye. Bye. Let's do this! Hey guys, this is Kail Lowry.
Starting point is 00:49:35 And this is V Rivera. We're the hosts of Baby Mamas No Drama. Every Tuesday we talk about parenting, co-parenting, lifestyle and sex, Pop culture, current events and pretty much all the things you want in one podcast. So download and subscribe on your favorite podcast app. Listen to us every Tuesday and join us with all the tea. Pluto TV is a place for movie fans like me. And TV fans like me. They've got something for everyone and it's free.
Starting point is 00:50:07 I love free and I love Jersey Shore. For me, it's the Godfather. SpongeBob SquarePants, I am Patrick. Patrick is me. Oh, Forrest Gump, come on. Criminal Minds, solving crime after bedtime. Whatever you love to watch, Pluto TV makes it easy with thousands of free movies and shows.
Starting point is 00:50:25 Pluto TV, stream now, pay never.

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