On Display with Melissa Gorga - Yogi in the OC (w/ Jennifer Pedranti)

Episode Date: August 29, 2024

She’s made quite a splash in Orange County, and Melissa has her on the show this week! Jennifer Pedranti sits down with Melissa to talk about finding her voice in the noisy world of Housewives, her ...friendships that have changed dramatically between seasons, and why a story on reality tv is only a tiny portion of what’s really going down.   This week’s sponsors:  GDefy Shoes - Ultimate Comfort and Relief: GDefy.com , promo code: Melissa ($20 of f orders of $100 or more!) Ibotta - Cash Back on Nearly Every Purchase: Use Promo code "Display" at Ibotta.com or download in the Apple Store or Google Play Store ($5 free for registering) OneSkin – Flipping the Script on Aging: OneSkin.co , promo code: MELISSA (15% off) PlutoTV – Hit TV Shows and Movies, Free: Pluto.TV Progressive – “Name-Your-Price” Tool: Progressive.com Ro - Weight Loss? We Got You: Ro.co/MELISSA ($99 for first month)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I have a new voice for myself. I have a new respect for myself. I would not trade this experience. What's up guys? Welcome to another episode of On Display with Melissa Gorga. This is going to be a great episode for you all, especially if you are a Real Housewives of OC fan. She's one of the newest girls to hit the OC. She's a mom, she's a businesswoman. And I think she's really created her little space here in the Bravo universe. Ladies and gentlemen, today I have with me Jennifer from the Real Housewives of Orange County. Thank you, Melissa. So excited to be with you this morning. I know you're such a doll we met where did we meet at? What did we just do together? We did something
Starting point is 00:00:55 in New York. We did the Bravo. What was that like a VIP screening? Remember the screening? Yes. It was so yes, I did this reading with you guys. Yes, that actually was so much fun. Are you tight with them? Is that who you're kind of tight with on the show with Vicki and Shannon? Or like, does it change up a little bit? I don't know how it is for you guys. I feel like the dynamics are always changing. Last year, I would have said I didn't really get to know Vicki at all this year. The dynamic has been
Starting point is 00:01:23 very different. And I have gotten close with Shannon and Vicky. It's been awesome. Yeah, I have known both of them, I feel like for so long. So it was good to kind of catch up with them. I feel like I've Vicky for forever and ever and ever. Like I feel like I've just known them forever. So when I see them, it's kind of like seeing like these old, you know, big sisters that I haven't seen in a long time. I just feel like, you know, it's crazy. But I want to dive into you a little bit. Can I just tell you, I binge watched last night, like four episodes. I did because I never have time and I do love OC. OC is what got me into watching Housewives to begin with. I used to love when it was like the Tamara Gretchen days and the feuds
Starting point is 00:02:14 over like Tamra's dating an old man and I'm the hottest. No, I'm the hottest. Like, oh my god, that got me hooked on OC. Like I loved it back then too. But I'm thinking that now like you guys are back into the groove OC it's like so awesome. I was literally watched four episodes in a row last night with Joe Gorgia. He was like really Melissa like yes, that's watching another one. Dang it. Yes. And I knew I was talking to you today. So I'm like, no, it's the perfect night to like catch up on everything and see what's going on. So I have so many questions. First of all, let me just tell you, I think you're doing an amazing job. Like it's not easy to enter these shows that have been on for almost two decades at this point. So, and so many seasons. So you're
Starting point is 00:03:00 doing awesome with coming into something like this. You are. You're doing really, really well and I feel like they're tough on you. This is your second season, right? So first question I have for you, I need to know because I'm so interested in this and I don't know if you've talked about it a lot or not, but so your ex, your first relationship, you are now divorced from your ex-husband, correct? Yes. Yes. And how many kids do you divorced from your ex-husband, correct? Yes. Yes. And how many kids do you have with your ex?
Starting point is 00:03:28 So my ex and I, we had all of our kids together. My ex and I have four biological children and then we adopted our fifth. So five kids. Will and I have five kids together. Wow. Okay. Wow. That's pretty crazy.
Starting point is 00:03:42 That's amazing. You have five children. I saw them flash a picture, I think, of your ex and your family. I was like, Oh my God, she has so many children. Like there is a lot of kids here. Those are all mine. Yeah. And you look amazing. You look amazing, by the way. I was interested in the fact that you had said that you never had a credit card before. You did not take care of your own financials, you didn't really
Starting point is 00:04:06 know, you know, like he pretty much took care of you. Did you get, you got married young, correct? I was, I married Will when I was 25. We had a baby at 26. And you know, I wish there was more of a opportunity to speak on this because I know it makes me look very dumb. I, Melissa, I feel like I didn't even think about it any other way. I was home and my job was mom. I mean, that was it.
Starting point is 00:04:30 And so it was like, here's the target card and here's the debit card. And my husband worked and he was a hard worker. And I just, it was mom 24 seven for me. And truly Melissa, in those years of my life, I never even thought to be, I never thought to say to Will, hey, can we sit down and can I log into our bank accounts? I think Will would have looked at me
Starting point is 00:04:49 and been like, well, sure, but what do you want? I mean, what are you trying to do? If we made a big purchase, we communicated about it. And that is exactly how it was. That was it. And I can totally relate to that. And I think this is why I wanted to ask you. I also got married at 25. I had my first daughter, Antonia, at 26 because I got pregnant. Yeah, I got pregnant two months after I got married. So very similar situation. And I will say that I know all the finances when I was first married, but it's a very different situation that it is right now. And like, just fast forward now, I'm married for 20 years, right? But I could relate with like, you know, Joe kind of took care of it all. I was a stay-at-home mom. I, you know, married him right out of college. and I could relate with what you're saying and I don't
Starting point is 00:05:45 think it's fair for people to look at you like, oh, look at this dumb blonde who didn't know where her money was or what she was doing or... It does happen and I think there's many people that can relate to you with something like this. I think the misconception is the dumb blonde thing. And I am not trying to negate the nativity that I had about finances, but it just, I don't know how to explain it. It wasn't like when the Cox bill was on,
Starting point is 00:06:17 the bills were online and Will had it all set up. I never thought to say, hey, did you pay internet this month? Because I just knew my husband took care of all of that. I took care of our kids and school and store. I mean, I do think it's a role. I was raised in the Midwest. I'm not putting anything to that.
Starting point is 00:06:34 But it was kind of how I was raised as well. It wasn't that I never knew, oh, do we have money? Do we not have money? I always just knew. My husband was a hard worker. He always had a great job. And that was his role. And this was mine in our marriage. And we never questioned it. It was never a topic of conversation as odd as that may be for some people. Right. And it worked. It worked for you.
Starting point is 00:06:57 It did. A question really is like, why do we as women somehow attach our identity to what we bring into the house instead of like what we take care of in the house? Right? So it's like, And are you different? Like my daughter and I, I have to be careful because I'm still adamant with my daughter that you figure out you like I want Evy to stand on her own two feet. And when she enters a marriage or a partnership, whatever it is for her, that she's good, she's solid, she knows her responsibilities. And this is an addition because I will tell you the unwinding of my marriage, which I
Starting point is 00:07:37 never thought I would be divorced, it was literally the world I felt like came out from under me. And that was my fault because so little that I did know. Right. And I totally can resonate with this. And this is why when I had first gotten on to the reality show and I started, I now have created a, I have envy, right? So I created this large business that's my own along with being an influencer and brands
Starting point is 00:08:03 I work with. But I will say watching you and watching that unfold and not knowing a lot of the backstory, obviously I have a couple more questions, but seeing how you really got put in a tough place when your marriage ended and then you're like, wow, now I'm standing here and like, what do I do now? And if someone's not going to help me, how do I get out of this? And how do I make ends meet? And, you know, and that I really felt for you in the aspect of like, wow, and it showed me like, it is important to no matter what we think, and what the situation is to really teach our kids, right? And we learn as women to work, make our own
Starting point is 00:08:46 way. Like, let it be known that they're just as responsible for the children in the house as we are, and we're going to bring money and they're going to bring money. And they might be different amounts of money, but it is just as important to actually go out there and like have your own things sometimes. And that you are the perfect example of if I did not possibly, not that I ended up in divorce, right? But I always think about that. What if something happened and then my ex-husband decided, hey, I don't have the money or I'm not going to take care of you or I'm not going to give you this or that?
Starting point is 00:09:19 Or how did that end up happening, by the way? I'm so curious that he's not giving you money or taking care of you. My divorce went for, it just finalized, Melissa. So it was like a four year process. And when we separated, it was nesting. So my ex has been sold our home, and that was another thing. I realized at the sale of our home, I wasn't even on title. So I tried to stop the sale of our home because I wasn't even on title. So I tried to stop the sale of our home
Starting point is 00:09:46 because I thought to myself at that time, we're separating and now you're selling our home. What else can our poor kids take? But what happened was, and then my ex-husband apologized. He said, okay, I'll file, I don't know what you call it, list penance or something where you can stop the sale. But the people who were buyin
Starting point is 00:10:06 too far in and they threat I thought, forget it, let kids and I'll figure it o sell of our home, my ex h okay, we're gonna rent in neighborhood and we're go when it's your time in the so our kids don't have to
Starting point is 00:10:24 had to move a couple of t and the owners came in an time in the home, I'll le don't have to keep moving a couple of times. We fou came in and sold it. So w time. And then it was thi we were in nesting and pe of grief. Like, well, why that you can't afford? Mo the price range we always
Starting point is 00:10:42 I never thought to say, hey, on this house, is this price okay? Because the last two were the same. I always looked at that range. And I just will tell you, something happened for my ex-husband. I don't know, he doesn't communicate with me. And the landlord of the house started reaching out to me saying, hey, is Will back in the country? And is he making a full payment? And I would think he just picked the kids up. I know he's not out of the country, but I wanted to kind of support my ex and think something's up. And so I started feeling like, okay, there's something going on with our rent. And then the owner of the home lived in, she was out of the country.
Starting point is 00:11:26 And I remember I got on the phone with her. I remember that it was almost January 5th. And I remember her saying, Jen, you're like $24,000 behind in rent. Oh, wow. And I sunk. Like, what? I'm how far behind? And then- And he didn't even let you know that this was happening. He didn't tell you like, listen, I'm having issues or I'm not paying or whatever. No. Well, there were email threads. And I noticed like, she would ask, hey, Will, I got 8,000. Are you going to make the remainder? Yeah, Tracy, I'll get it to you on this. And I let them, they would go back and forth. So things are starting to add up in my mind,
Starting point is 00:12:02 something's up. And then I remember her telling me the $24,000, the kids and I were back rent. And that's the one thing I wanna address that you were saying, everybody was like, go get a job. I think what people forget when you're 44 at the time, okay, I owe 24, where am I going? So I do have the studio, but what else can I do? I can't just turn it over tonight.
Starting point is 00:12:23 So thank God for my family. I have a very close family. And Melissa, it was January 1, rent was late, but I had five days. And on January 5th, the kids and I were out and it was like, I can't keep accruing all this back rent. I don't know who's going to pay it back. And to this day, I'm on a payment plan with the woman that we rented from. And it's been the lowest year of my life, but I'll tell you, I'll never be there again. I am so dialed now on what goes where, what money's coming in. Just like you said, I do look at women like you, Emily on my cast, who have hustled and created something for themselves. I want it for myself. I need time. It's not easy. It's not like you can just snap your fingers and do it. And I understand
Starting point is 00:13:08 that completely, but it is, I really see both worlds. And I did resonate with you on like, wow, there was a time in my life that if this had happened to me, I would be in her same exact situation. Do you know what I mean? Because I lived my first five years of marriage, kind of just like Joe takes care of this and I take care of the kids. And I know there's many women out there that do that, but I think it's a huge lesson just to be, even if that's the way your marriage works, that's fine. I think like we need to be in the know. We need to see it. I 100% agree with you. Right? Even if I agree and I know there's a lot of women that this works seamlessly for them, my advice would say nothing's wrong with your marriage. You have a beautiful marriage, but still be in the know. Just for yourself, be in the know.
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Starting point is 00:16:44 where you heard about them. Please support on display and tell them we sent you. That's 15% off Oneskin.co with code Melissa. So at this point, do you think maybe he stopped paying because you started dating someone else? Did he ever come to you and explain to you why this happened? My ex-husband worked for my family and then things were getting very messy and intertwined. And Will was living in Oklahoma. My family's from Oklahoma. And so Will needed to come
Starting point is 00:17:15 back to California. He took a job here locally. And I would ask, hey, is everything okay? Is everything going okay for you? And he'd say, you know what I would ask, hey, is everything okay? You know, is everything going okay for you? And he'd say, you know what? It's just a little bit of a spot he would say he was in, or I would read his emails to the home owner and I could pick, I was, you know, picking up clues here and there. I think truly he just went through a spot
Starting point is 00:17:39 where money was tight. And instead of just calling me and saying, hey, you and the kids need to find somewhere cheaper to go. I think he was trying so hard to keep it going, not communicating with me. And I think it bottomed out. Right. It happens. I get it. Yeah. The one thing I noticed watching the show was that I felt the girls were a little like rough on you about it all too. I couldn't believe like I was like, I mean, listen, it makes great TV, but I was like, wow, like
Starting point is 00:18:11 they're calling out her Rolex, they were calling out you going to vague it like, I honestly didn't think that was fair. I didn't think it's fair to like call out things that you've previously had and that you should be selling off your whole life to. I think as long as you're making the payments and doing the right thing or whatever you need to do, because that was Gina's contact, right? Was that Gina's contact? Gina did. Gina had the listing and showed us the house and we got into the house through Gina.
Starting point is 00:18:43 And it was that whole thing where Gina lost it on me. You know, you, you film these shows and you film yourself, but you don't see what other people are doing until you watch it back. So initially when Gina went off on me, I, in my mind, I was thinking, I've been talking to the homeowner the whole time. Why are you acting like this is affecting you so much? Like this isn't even about you. Tracy and I have been in contact and have had a plan and come up with the plan. How is this so devastating to you?
Starting point is 00:19:12 But when I watched it back, you know, I can respect Gina has a career and she's hustling and she doesn't want any negative connotation associated with her name. So I had to take ownership in that. Like, I am so sorry if I did do that. It was not intentional. I would never do that. But I was shocked when she came at me because I thought, how could you come at me right now? This is like horrible, but I had to see her side of it. Right. And I will say that is one thing I love about the OC and watching you girls. You all speak your mind, but you're
Starting point is 00:19:45 able to come back and then, you know, after the dust settles, you can kind of like see the other person's point of view, which I think Jersey lacks, by the way. But I think you guys do that so well. I was actually enjoying watching a group of friends that would have a legit argument, right? And then they can, then they settle down, it takes an episode or two and they're like, you know what, I understand why she said that, why she felt that way. With all of you, I feel like are really, really good at that. And it makes it so much more like enjoyable to watch. That is funny how our dynamics are different among your show and our show.
Starting point is 00:20:25 I feel like for the most part, most of the women are like that. It can get heated and hot and mad. And then I feel like a couple episodes, it can die down and there can be a conversation. I don't feel like everybody is amazing at it, but I do think for the most part, the girls are pretty good about it. Right. How are they embracing Ryan this season? Do you feel like they're embracing him a little bit? I know it was, was it super, super rough his first season, right? Your first season was rough.
Starting point is 00:20:54 It was so bad. It was so bad. And I think I looked back at that season and I'm like, I was like a deer in headlights the whole time because people forget Tamara was my friend for years. And Tamara knew Ryan before I knew Ryan. And Tamara and Eddie had traveled with Ryan before I even knew who he was. And so in casting, Tamara would say, they were talking to Tamara about coming back on. They were talking to me. And Tamara would say, you got to tell them that Eddie and Ryan are good friends.
Starting point is 00:21:23 You got to tell them. And I'd be like, of course. And I'm like, like this and I'm gonna come on the show with my girlfriend. And then to come on the show and Tamara just railroad Ryan, I the whole time, I just think I sat there like, what is happening? But I didn't know TV, Tamara. And so this season, you know, this season started off rough again for him. And then Ryan stepped up as my partner. And I think the women were like, wow, he took you in. He took the kids in, he took your dogs in,
Starting point is 00:21:52 he took your cat in. Like maybe there is something to this guy. And then the end of the season kind of flips on its head. But initially they were, the beginning of this season, I felt like they were starting to see my relationship for what it was or what it is, I should say. Right. And how are you and Ryan? How's the relationship right now?
Starting point is 00:22:12 Everything's great with you guys? I mean, I don't know how you and Joe feel about it. I feel like either you are gonna come on into this world and it is going to like crack your foundation a million, a million different ways, or you better button it up and figure out your partner and it just builds you. And I will tell you, Melissa, I never had more of a solid relationship in my life. I, Ryan and I are great. The kids are great. And I'm just so thankful that I get to do this with my best friend. I couldn't do it with anybody other than Ryan.
Starting point is 00:22:46 Well that's awesome. And your kids love him and they're happy in the home. You guys are all living together in Ryan's house right now, right? Yep. We're all here and everybody has their space and it took a minute. It was a lot. Ryan lived here with his daughter and then we all come in. And so it did.
Starting point is 00:23:03 There was a minute of like, oh gosh, and then it just took time and it felt like now we're all settled and the kid's dad, they're super close with their dad. So Ryan's not dad and I don't want Ryan to be dad. He's just like an addition in their life. Right. How is it working with his daughter? Was she kind of like, wow, there's a lot of you invading our space? Or how did that go? I mean, it's hard, right? With a blended family, sometimes it's hard. Yes. She's 19 and her name's Tyler and she and I talked about it. I'm like, Tyler, do you just come home sometimes and think, oh my God, like, what am I doing?
Starting point is 00:23:42 But she's lived with her dad full time for, gosh, three or four years now. And she said, Jen, she said, the house was so quiet when it was just dad and I. She said, I come home now and there's so much activity. There's always someone here to talk to. So I'm sure there are times when she would go back to a little bit of quiet, but for the most part, she tells me she loved it. See, no, because it is probably fun. Like you brought in the cats and the dogs and like, you know what she's probably like. A partridge in a pear tree. Yeah, there's some action going on in the house. I could see that happening where it's
Starting point is 00:24:14 like a little bit more fun, but I am glad that you're settled. You're able to, how is it going as far as like with that tenant, everything's good. You're good now in your house situation. Here at Ryan's? Yeah. So you're settled, you're there, you're living with Ryan. Everything's good. Like, okay, good. So perfect. See, everything like works out. And it was funny, like there was like a time period where I would say, okay, well, the kids and I, you know, the kids are going to come to your, be at the house, be at your
Starting point is 00:24:42 house. And he would say, where are you and the kids going to be? And I'd say, well, we're going to come to your house. And he'd say, what house are you going to go to your, be at your house. And he would say, where are you and the kid's going to be? And I'd say, well, we're going to come to your house. And he'd say, what house are you going to go to? And then I'd say, I'm sorry, you could be like, it's our home, it's your home. And I love him so much for being like, this is not a Ryan's home, this is our home, this is the kid's home. And so home, you're a mom, home is everything.
Starting point is 00:25:01 And when you don't have home for the kids, it's like, I failed. Right, I totally get that. And then you were also working with, so do you still have the yoga studio? Are you still doing that? Okay, great. How's it going? I saw that episode where you said it was like a little rough. I saw you talking to your business partner about, you know, just like social media and trying to amp it up a little bit. How's it going? Unfortunately, I mean, the studio is there and it's going. And I wish I could sit here,
Starting point is 00:25:31 Melissa and say it is like taking off. It was open right at COVID shut down, open, like we did that three times. And so even though we're three years sitting there, it still feels like it's building. It still feels like I'm constantly trying to promote. I'm constantly inviting. I'm constantly trying to put another retreat on the calendar, hold a teacher training. It's there. The teachers are great. Our students are happy. But I would be not being honest if I didn't say we're not where we are three years.
Starting point is 00:25:58 We're not where we want to be three years in. Yeah, it's rough, you know, especially to get like a business off the ground. And hopefully, listen, hopefully the show gives it a little notoriety to sometimes that's like the, you know, the reason why we do some of these things. And sometimes you'll probably sit in a room with Tamra and these girls and be like, what am I doing? Why am I here? And like, you know, sometimes it can bring awareness to, you awareness to your brands and to your businesses and things that you want to live. So you have to kind of look at that like the cherry on top, or sometimes it just makes it all worth all the stress that some of these shows cause,
Starting point is 00:26:36 right? Yes. And people say, what's the benefit right now for being on the show? And I'm so happy to hear you say that because it can be chaotic. It can be noisy. Like my life has never been noisy. And now I have a little bit more noise in my life. But I feel like I'm still so new, Melissa, that I just I can't say like, Oh, I'm, I'm branching off and doing this. I just feel like I need time to feel it. And what's meant to be for me will find its way to me. And I do appreciate the platform for that. I'm actually excited about that.
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Starting point is 00:29:38 I was such a, I didn't, I learned so much about me that I could not trade this for anything and you could not have prepared me for what this show does. I realize I can be very passive about myself. Like you can talk about my friends and I'm gonna go to bat for them. But with me, I'm very like, oh, okay, I can see it. I have been like, I have a new voice for myself. I have a new respect for myself.
Starting point is 00:30:03 I am so grateful because had I not had this, I really don't know what the kids and I would have done. I think people forget this is a job for us and we're not supposed to say that. It has helped me with provide for the kids. I wouldn't trade it. I would not trade this experience. Good. Especially, listen, I would say as women in our 40s too, right? It's like, you're empowered at this point. It gives you... It's just you're more comfortable in your skin to say and do and feel, and you know that you're reaching other women. And trust me, whatever your story is, it's reaching someone out there that's at home watching it and struggling.
Starting point is 00:30:46 And that is a really great thing that I think people don't get when it comes to the Real Housewives shows because sometimes it'll get a lot of negativity like, oh, you're a bunch of screaming women yelling at each other. But no, you are touching people's lives. And I always think it's good to just remind people that sometimes, right? And especially being at this point in our lives, that's what we want to do. So true. Do you, for me, the thing I'm still working on, and I would love your advice on this, I feel like I can get 25 amazing comments.
Starting point is 00:31:17 Jen, you're a great mom. Jen, you're a good person. And then there's the one. And I'm like, wait, what did they say about me? Why did they go that way about me? Do you just, in time, do you get thick skin? Does it still bother you? What's that like for you? Oh, yeah, you have no idea what it's like being on Jersey. I mean, I'm sure you have
Starting point is 00:31:34 a lot of not imagine. I cannot imagine. It's very special. But yes, like you get to and I will make a comment about what you just said. It is so true. There will be 2000 comments that are amazing and like two that aren't out like and I'm like, and I'm like, look at this asshole. Like, you know, it's like, and it's so funny. It's like, it's a fake account half the time anyway, or whatever, some miserable human and you know, that sits behind and they tell everybody they hate them all day long. But it's so funny that we need to focus on the 2000 comments that were left that are like, you're an inspiring, you're an aspiration, you're a great mom, all of these things, instead of the one person that was like, whatever they said. And that
Starting point is 00:32:22 is so funny that every housewife, by the way, says that. Like, we'll scan through all the positive. Yes. But you'll get, as you get, I mean, now I'm doing this for 14 years, which a very long time. So my second season in, no, it was still bothering me 1000% my second season. And was still like, irked by everything. I still had the need to like want people to like me and I didn't understand why they didn't see my point of view. And I'm like how and I wanted to prove to them like that I was now I'm like, go scratch if you don't like it. I'm not for you keep it moving like and if you and if you like my look forward to that. Yes. Oh my god. It's so free. I look not for you. Keep it moving. Like, and if you and if you like, I look forward to that. Yes. Oh my god. It's so
Starting point is 00:33:06 free. I look forward to that. Trust me. Get there sooner than later. It's a mental thing, right? And it's like, it's the friggin best and you'll start to say to yourself, well, if that's where you want to be or if you are choosing that over me, then you don't belong over here anyway, because you're not my kind of people. You know, so I'm not your kind of people. Yeah. I'm not your girl. Yeah, exactly. I'm not your girl. Go find your girl. I'm not for you. That's like the most freeing thing. I want to talk to you about Tamra for a second,
Starting point is 00:33:35 because it's crazy to me how you guys had that last season. And I absolutely love the way that you guys have like this, it's like forgiveness almost, and the way that you guys have like this, it's like forgiveness almost and the way that you guys have really moved forward. I mean, I had Tamara and Teddy on the show last week. So I thought it'd be good to like talk to you a little bit about, you know, how you guys got past this as two friends that are friends, but also working together. I know she went hard, you know, very hard last season. So how were you able to forgive her and move on? Because you guys seem to be really good right now.
Starting point is 00:34:15 Oh, these shows are so interesting, aren't they? Last season, gosh, last season was shocking for me with Tamra. I told you earlier, I could not figure out where it was all coming from, from her. And I couldn't figure out if she had all these issues with Ryan, why did she never pick up the phone and call me? Like that was what was hard for me. Why did we never as girlfriends
Starting point is 00:34:40 have like a conversation off camera? Like, I didn't know you felt this way about Ryan, Ryan didn't know you felt this way about him. And so we're unfolding all of this on camera. You know, I'm trying to understand my friend who I don't know that this these feelings even live inside of her because they've never surfaced before. And so I know Tamara, she drinks, she gets very elevated, and she can't help herself. And she says everything she thinks and feels. And then she comes back around and gives
Starting point is 00:35:10 an apology. And I love her. I love Eddie. It's been a long time that I've known them. So that person in me wants to forgive my friend. The problem is it keeps happening. And so I keep getting into this place where okay, so you're sorry again. Do you mean at this time? Like, are we good this time? We're good this time. And then a little bit more time goes on and then the wills fall off again. And so I did find myself getting to a spot where I'm like, I don't know if it's for me anymore. I don't know if this friendship is for me anymore because I can't keep doing this rinse and repeat with
Starting point is 00:35:43 Tamra. Right. And I don't want to ruin it for any of the next episodes coming up. So I won't ask too much about it. But where we're at now, watching you on the show, you guys look like you're in a really great space. I mean, first of all, can we talk about OnlyFans for a second? Because I... Oh my God. Please. Yeah. Let's talk about that. I watched that last night and I thought it was hysterical how she will like, yeah, I mean, yeah, let's talk about that. I watched that last night. And I thought it was hysterical how she was like, Listen, you want to make money, you got to join
Starting point is 00:36:11 only fans. And she was kind of being your little manager and you were sticking your foot into the pie. And what I thought was really funny was my mother Donna Marco is always telling me like you need to go on only fans and just show your feet. Oh, my gosh. Like you need to show your feet, just your feet, like just show your feet. You're gonna make $20,000 and one million like, like Larsa Pippen. Like this is literally the funny like she loves to talk about this. And when I saw you doing that, I'm like, Oh my god,
Starting point is 00:36:40 my mother's gonna bring my phone in 5, four, three, two, one. Like I'm like, are you, are you on only fans currently? What happened? No, I, I've never been on only fans. That was like, you know, I'm laughing to myself. Here are my girlfriends are, you know, I, I laugh thinking like Tamara, why when you think of me making money is the only option only fans. Like you've got podcasts. Can you help a girl out?
Starting point is 00:37:03 We've talked about real estate, you know, Tamra's go to is let's film your feet and put you option only fans like you've got podcasts. Can you help a girl out? We've talked about real estate, you know, Tamra's go to is let's film your feet and put you on only fans. She was thinking quick money. That's what she's like, make this girl some money. That's the thing with Tamra. When it's good with Tamra. It's so fun. You know, she she really is so much fun. That big bear trip was like fun the entire time and the pie and the toe sucking. I wanted to die and I don't think I've ever laughed so hard in my life. But no, I don't
Starting point is 00:37:33 have OnlyFans and maybe I should think about it. I don't know. I don't know. I just thought that that was like a pretty good, like I just, I was hysterical actually the whole entire time. And I was like, this is so funny and I need to ask her because I know these things are filmed so long ago. I'm like I need to find out if she actually has an OnlyFans account or she ever listen girlfriend you can make $10,000 a month on that I'm just saying I know okay so so can you would you do it would you do it I mean if I got it right now problem No, because I have so many other avenues listen if I were in a situation where I needed to do it I I can't say that I want to put my foot on only fans. I might do it, you know And you know where my head goes. I'm like, okay. Okay. It's just my feet like who cares
Starting point is 00:38:22 It's just my feet and then I think about my 17 year old going like mom Are you on only fans and right, you know, even if it's just my feet like who cares it's just my feet and then I think about my 17 year old going like mom Are you on only fans and right, you know, even if it's just my feet. I think I have a 20 year old I have a 17 year old. I was you know, these boys. I'm like, yes, honey. I am on only fans I'm like, how do I sit my children down and say mama's gotta make money? Yeah, so the feet are going on No, because God only knows what people are doing while they're looking at your feet. So that's a whole other conversation. Right. I don't know about that.
Starting point is 00:38:50 Yeah. I cannot. On Display with Melissa Gorga is brought to you by Progressive Insurance. Most of you listening right now are probably multitasking. Yep, while you're listening to On Display, you're probably also driving, cleaning, exercising, or maybe even grocery shopping. But if you're not in some kind of moving vehicle, there's something else you can be doing right now. Getting an auto quote from Progressive Insurance. It's easy
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Starting point is 00:40:20 Bear that we're watching? Oh gosh, we went to Big Bear. It was snow. I mean, five, six months ago. Probably like 60. That's usually how it rolls, right? Like six to eight months. So how's your relationship right now with Gina? How is everything between you guys? Gina's great. You know what? Just like you and I talked, Gina is, she's an authentic person. So Gina got pissed, she let me have it. And then Gina and I've had conversations like she will take ownership. I blew up, I should not have done that. I did not see your side. I am so sorry. And she will conversate through all of it. And she's good. Once it's done for Gina, she moves on and she's passed
Starting point is 00:41:03 it. She is actually one of my personal favorites if I'm being biased, I completely love her. I've had her on the podcast a couple times and she is just like girl talk like she's just great. I really do. I'm a big I'm a big Gina fan. So I'll just say that but she's she's awesome. I think that she's just a great girl. And I will say the same about, you know, I've been watching I don't know Emily as well. But I was watching all of these episodes last night. And I will say that I was very impressed how she has that alpha energy also on the show, right? She has that alpha energy where she needs to be you can feel a little bit that she needs to be heard. She needs to have that like alpha feel, which I'm normally not a fan of.
Starting point is 00:41:49 But what I really liked about her and when I was watching her is that when she was confronted with that by Gina, she immediately took ownership. She immediately had emotion. She immediately wanted to know why her friend felt that way. So I actually ended up respecting that. I really liked that. That like, listen, she's an alpha. She likes to be heard. She kind of likes to be like in charge, but she also can show us like a soft side with emotion. She's not so like cutthroat. Do you see that with her or what's your relationship like with her?
Starting point is 00:42:26 You said it perfectly. And Emily, you know where I sit right now, Emily is, she's hard on me and so much, not even so much hard on me. Like you're dumb, you're stupid. You know, she comes hard for me, but I will tell you, I see the other side of Emily. And I know people are like, Jen, why don't you just say enough's enough? But I'm with you, Melissa. I can see that there, she's the alpha, but there's a reason. She comes from
Starting point is 00:42:49 a place when she was young of protecting herself, providing for herself. Nothing was given to her. She sees someone like me who I've come from love and parents who cared everything for me. And it's hard for her. She can't relate. So she goes to that alpha. She's got to get bigger, bolder, louder and I can see that in her and I see I just have love like for her for that. I think that's from pain and I can't be pissed at someone that has like an inner pain like that. I'm telling you Emily's such a good housewife because she loves her husband, she loves her kids, she loves her marriage, she's successful, she's bold, and then she can be very vulnerable. And I can respect, I do respect the hell out of Emily.
Starting point is 00:43:31 Yes, bold was the word that I think, yes, that's such a great- Bold, yeah. And I think that's how I resonated with her also because I had to, growing up, I had a lot of struggles and had to make my own way in a lot of ways, you know, prior to meeting Joe and greasing my family. So I did appreciate her a lot more these last couple episodes because I think I like understood her more and I liked how she took a back seat and she she empathized when people actually talked to her. So I was like, Wow, like this cast is great. Like I really loved how everyone had, I will say I yelled at the TV a couple times because I wanted you, you, you do take it a lot. You allow everyone to say too much. And I do want you
Starting point is 00:44:16 to start like, like talking back a little bit. I know it's not your personality. Trust me, I get the same thing from a lot of fans. So big, Melissa, why didn't you scream back? Why did you? So nice? Like, I get that. So I get it. But now I think watching you I was like, Oh, okay, I get why people say this to me because I want her to yell back at them right now. You know, so I hear that all the time. Literally, that is the one thing people say to me, Jen, speak up, Jen, say something. And there are times when I will
Starting point is 00:44:49 watch it. And I'm like, but we did, or I did say, you know, and not everything makes it, you know, editing, but I can't, it's not my go to it's not my, I'm very much like, I like to listen to you, I want to take it in, I want to feel how I feel about it. And I'm not a big like lash in your face and cuss you out kind of girl, but I watch myself, Melissa, and I'm like, say something like, Jennifer, say something. It does get better, but I can't say I will ever be the drink in your face kind of girl. No, and I totally get that because that's not me either. Like you have to push me.
Starting point is 00:45:26 I get crazy once you like, you know, once you say something to me, but I do, you're definitely going to be, you know, it is who you are. You're definitely softer. You're very understanding. And I think that's what makes these shows go around though. I don't think we can have everyone throwing drinks and in your face. We do need, you know, we need some of the softer sides and and and, you know, people like you. So I do get it though, I was
Starting point is 00:45:50 giggling because I'm like, Oh, I want her to yell back right now. And I'm like, now I understand why people say that to me. You get it. Shoot on the same way. I'm not gonna lie, I used to get so annoyed when like, you know, some of my fans that I've known for over a decade, that will DM me and be like, Melissa, I saw you in the scene I got and then I start to get pissed off at my
Starting point is 00:46:09 sound like, damn it, why didn't I say something and then like, I watch it back in a different light and I'm like, she's so right, I should have said so why did I let that go? But you know, there's also like, you don't know what made the cut and what did it because I do forget what I said six months ago in the scene. So sometimes I'm like, I don't know if I did answer her back or if I didn't. Did I say that? Yeah. Did that make it? Yes. Okay. I got to know your thoughts on this. Did Heather call the paparazzi or not?
Starting point is 00:46:38 Listen, my opinion is Katie came in kind of hard and fast and thought that was gonna be funny Anybody that knows Heather does not think any of that kind of stuff is funny and I don't know To me could Heather have called the paparazzi. She's Heather DeBrow. Of course, she can call anybody she wants, right? I know that was tied to rumors of their marriage and I hate that like I don't like when people go after of their marriage and I hate that. I don't like when people go after people's marriages, her and Terry are fantastic. So my opinion is if Heather called paparazzi, I would have been like, of course I called paparazzi because I can. I have them on speed dial and I just dial them up and they show up at Disneyland.
Starting point is 00:47:18 But she is sticking to the fact that she did not and Katie is sticking to the fact that she did. And are we going to see- And that does not change the whole thing. Oh, because that's what I want to know. Like am I going to get an answer to this as the season is there going to be like some hardcore proof that just gets slapped out or something? Because I feel like that's what everybody wants to see at this point. Well, Katie, you know, Katie has the text thread where she asked about it and she got
Starting point is 00:47:44 the answer. Yes. Heather very much feels like that's not proof like anybody can create a text thread. It's just so funny. You know, I feel like this is what housewives should be fighting about. Did Heather? I love it. I was so it was so refreshing.
Starting point is 00:47:58 I was like, this is amazing. Yes. If you knew what we argued about on our show, like this is so refreshing and amazing. Like, oh, I watch your show girl. I know I know what you're Lord. You're not arguing about pop. We need some help out here in Jersey. It gets it gets very dark and very toxic. And it's like not great. But I love that. And can I just say even if Heather Dubrow did call the who cares? It's okay. You're allowed to like get pictures.
Starting point is 00:48:27 You're allowed to look good. And we do make and I will say this we do make friends like we start to once you're in this business for a long time. You do see the same guys on the streets. A lot of times you do see the same cameraman. Hey, Melissa, how are you? It's like, Hey, how you doing? Like, oh, let us know if you're here. Let like, it's if she did do it. It's not the worst thing in the world. I will say that I know she's saying she didn't. But like, who cares if she did? That's just that's just Yeah, that's my point on it. But anyway, Jennifer, it was so great talking to you
Starting point is 00:49:01 today. I think that you are you're amazing. You're doing awesome. You know, so listen, season two is not easy. A lot of times like season two is the downfall new housewives come in and then they fall season two and I don't think you're doing that. I think you're doing an amazing job. So I wish you nothing but the best for your family with the show with your business this yoga studio everybody out there in California. What's the name of your yoga studio? So Debbie rebel yoga, and it's over in Rachel Santa margarita. Love to have you all come to the studio. So thank you for saying that. Of course, guys, check it out. If you're out there. If I'm ever out, I'm 1000% coming to check it out. So I will let you know when
Starting point is 00:49:43 I'm there. I am rooting for you. And hopefully I see you again sometime soon at maybe some Bravo event or something. Yep. Same thing for sure. Thank you, Melissa. Thank you. We'll talk soon. Bye. What if I told you that I just walked away from a wonderful and very high profile fitness brand to pursue bigger dreams? And I broke away from my own golden handcuffs to pursue a more artistic life. What's up? I'm Kendall Tool. And I'm Gaylee Alex.
Starting point is 00:50:39 And we are so excited to share our new podcast wholeheartedly with Kendall and Gaylee. The two of us have taken the uncharted path and felt we were at a great place, or at least at a pivot point in our lives, to share our biggest tragedies and triumphs. So that everyone here with us can learn from our battles, victories, and our total F-UPS. And that's from two people who have really been through it. Good Lord, yes. We're both still navigating life, and we want you to come along on the journey so we can stay in the fight to overcome whatever BS is thrown our way. It's not easy out
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