Painkiller Already - Painkiller Already #290

Episode Date: July 15, 2016

This week on PKA, Kwebblekop joins the guys for the first half of the show & they talk about the CSGO gambling website controversy and hype leading into UFC 200, then political commentator, Dave Rubin... hops in and the guys talk about Trump, BLM, recent police shootings and then the Dallas Police Officer shootings as they happen.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 And we're live, PKA episode 290, with our guest Quibble Cop. Kyle has some kind words for sponsors. Yeah, I got three sponsors tonight. Me, Undies, Loot Crate, and Squarespace. We'll talk more about them later in the show. I'm broadcasting to you from a cave. This should be good. Got Quibble Cop on tonight.
Starting point is 00:00:19 I'm psyched. Oh, so we have Quibble Cop for about the first two hours, and then we have another guy coming on, Dave Alden? Ruben? What's his name? Ruben. Ruben. Ruben.
Starting point is 00:00:28 And he'll be our guest for the second half of the show. I've watched his content. I usually don't like, obviously, everybody watches shit that they kind of like. So when I watch a news guy, I prefer that he be a little more conservative so I can be like, aha, I knew I was right the whole time. And Dave Ruben's more of a liberal guy, but he's super reasonable against the whole regressive And Dave Rubin's more of a liberal guy, but he's super reasonable against the whole regressive left thing.
Starting point is 00:00:48 And I like him a lot. He's entertaining. But Quibble Cop, how are you doing, man? You said you took some drugs right before the show. Just to make sure you put forward the right foot and making sure as to be as funny as can be. Yes.
Starting point is 00:01:05 I can't do that's not, I can't do the ColoCup impression. That's too good. That's too real. You're an articulate guy that speaks more languages than me and my impression of you, you sound like some
Starting point is 00:01:19 Slav who hopped off a boat in New York in like 1919. It's not a Dutch accent, not at allork in like 1919 he's like borat so heard any interesting uh drama rumors etc this week not at all definitely not it's been pretty boring so um yeah no just check out my uh you my betting website. Yeah, we have Slash QuibbleCup. Make sure to use that. Not affiliated. It's a happy circumstance.
Starting point is 00:01:53 So happy accidents. Thank God for small miracles. I'm happy too unless someone else wants to lay out the two or three minute like what we're talking about thing. Okay. You can say it. All right. the two or three minute like what we're talking about thing okay oh all right it seems like quibble cop had like you've been following it pretty intensely you and woody so give us a tandem catch okay okay i could do it i could do it all right so so basically there were these two youtubers who were running a three youtubers who's the third? Josh og or something yeah, nobody cares about him. I don't know He's literally the other owner but carry on anyways okay, so there are three
Starting point is 00:02:35 Yeah, yeah, you do you go tell the story okay? Oh do you want me to do it? All right? You know more about it you know there's there's three youtubers and a couple devs who were kind of out of the the line of fire for some reason and um well i guess they didn't do the bad stuff so these three youtubers syndicate t martin and i hope i get the other guy's name right josh og or og josh something close to that i didn't know him about him before this they made a csgo lotto website And the way it works is you get skins. You can get skins either by playing CSGO
Starting point is 00:03:11 and then buying a key with real life money to get skins, or you can just go to other websites and buy skins. It's worth noting that at CSGO Lotto, you can't buy or sell skins. You can only win or lose them. So that makes it not gambling in the eyes of the law right now so these guys uh founded the the csgo lotto site and then they promoted the site without fully
Starting point is 00:03:34 disclosing that they owned it and um you take that sin and then i guess the community has wrapped a lot of other sins around it. For example, like so I should mention you can buy and sell these skins off the website. So in the eyes of the public, it's a gambling site and skins are just kind of like poker chips. Right. The skins are worth like real money. And it's like i don't know how much they're actually worth but they can be worth thousands yeah yeah on the high end they are worth like 10 grand for like a good knife skin so in the eyes of the public and i guess in the
Starting point is 00:04:14 eyes of any like reasonable person who's not a lawyer um might say look these skins are just poker chips the fact that you have to walk across the hall to exchange them for money doesn't mean they're not money, right? That's the way it is. So anyway, you can trade these skins online. So the principal sin is that Syndicate, Tmart, Josh OG – I got to get his name right. Yeah, no, it's Josh OG. I just looked it up. Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:41 I just looked it up. Okay. They ran the site and they acted like they were happy customers instead of saying that we own this thing. Right. So that's like the principal original sin. And then beyond that, there's been a lot of sins that are kind of assigned to them that have, in my opinion, different levels of truth. Like one is you're promoting this to kids. Right.
Starting point is 00:05:05 And I had this really good debate with my wife about it I was like I feel like he's only half guilty for that like you don't get to tell you have to check a box saying that you're over 18 but that's like the limit I guess aside from the existence of you know owning an over 17 game and stuff but you just check a box say you're over 18 and you're kind of lying to Tmart and Syndicate and Josh OG about the fact that you're over 18. So is he responsible for that? I was telling my wife like he's only half guilty. And she said, what about this? What if he owned a bar, right? And people with fake IDs were slipping in, would that be his fault? And I thought about it for a second. And I was like, I guess it depends. You know, if you get 19 year old Taylor who could pass for 27 with the full beard, slipping in with the fake ID, then I give that bartender a pass.
Starting point is 00:05:53 Right. You know, like these things happen. Yeah. But if the place is hopping, you know, just the whole dance floor. Well, not just that. If the whole dance floor is bouncing around with 17 and 19-year-olds, right, then that bartender or bar owner is complicit in the fact that there are kids, you know, frequenting his place. He knows he has a problem,
Starting point is 00:06:16 and he's just accepting any old written-in-crown ID. And depending on what their makeup is, that depends on how guilty Tmart is of this whole like promoting a site to underage people. If tons of the guys hitting it are 16 years old then you can't just have a checkbox dude you gotta do more.
Starting point is 00:06:35 If in fact it was just the every now and then guy then I see him as a little less guilty. But do you have to or should you? What you literally just said was you have to but should you? What you literally just said was, you have to, but do you? Because every porn site I've ever been to, nobody ever asked me to hold my ID up to the camera. Nobody wanted to look at my birth certificate.
Starting point is 00:06:55 They're like, you 18? You want to see some pussy? Come on aboard, motherfucker. If these kids have access to a credit card, then their parents are signing off on whatever these kids want to get into. The parents are the ones that are really at fault if you want to say that there are children who are gambling. In my eyes, Syndicate sort of lied and he said that, hey, I'm sponsored by this website, when in fact he owns it. But he did at least meet the legal requirement of saying, I'm affiliated. owns it but he did at least meet the legal requirement of saying i'm affiliated and but but t martin he just he he really went out there there's a lot of stuff that's actually defend
Starting point is 00:07:31 saying i'm affiliated with it when you own it doesn't meet the legal requirement says who because the attorneys yeah the attorney see i just had an attorney that told me something different see like okay like i got i got like one Well, we say it's up for debate, because, like, the video game attorney did a Q&A on it, and that guy's a real attorney, by the way. He's not Cliff Hutchinson. Yeah, I think I did really well in that AMA. No, the video game attorney looked at it, and they even linked the FTC guidelines on it, and everyone's been linking to the same one.
Starting point is 00:08:01 If you say, hey, these guys have sponsored sponsored me but in reality you own the company then you failed to disclose the nature of your relationship which is i think how it's worded it's something close to that so i wonder if he went on the see like what i have seen is all these t martin tweets and stuff that you know in his own words i haven't seen as much of that from syndicate but you've got you've got team t martin in his own words. I haven't seen as much of that from Syndicate, but you've got Tmartin in his own words being like, hey, look what I just stumbled upon here. Ha! It's cool, huh? Fancy that. I just stumbled upon this thing. Maybe I'll play
Starting point is 00:08:34 a bit. Let's see. Ha! I won again! What's the chances? Every time I play, I just win! Ha! I don't think that part's fair. Like, almost all the hardcore information I got about it it was from the H3H3 video and then there was like a subsequent one with more details
Starting point is 00:08:50 and first of all that dude H3H3 has such spastic facial movements and like movements around that it almost it's like I can't even focus on him cause I'm like this guy's about to have an aneurysm like he's in the last three seconds of his life.
Starting point is 00:09:05 Oh my gosh. What Taylor must think about me. No, it just, it was, I wasn't used to it. So I was watching him and I kept wondering, like, is he going to fucking sneeze? Yeah, but he's in control of his. Like, he's consciously, like, doing it. It might be part of the act, too, you know? He looks like he constantly is about to sneeze.
Starting point is 00:09:22 And he's just holding it back. He doesn't want to do two takes of the video but anyway enough about him his information in the video was good that was like one of my first videos i watched of his and i liked it and he really fucking nailed trevor to the wall on like showing videos of trevor saying you know i am not affiliated i didn't do this hey i found these guys i've left it uh i've left it open you. It's been public knowledge the whole time that you could have gone out there, and then a video of him just up in the top right on his second channel, like, wow, crazy bananas, more money?
Starting point is 00:09:55 As he said, you know, I really wanted to not believe all the shit about T-Mart because I really like T-Mart. He's a good guy. But especially the apology video he made rubbed me the wrong way, because it was like he was saying, I'm sorry that you didn't understand what was going on. And I'm like, that's not fair. I want to jump in.
Starting point is 00:10:15 Go ahead. So Taylor's been taking, I feel like it's been 80% Taylor, 20% Syndicate, and then like 1%, I know that's more than 100, of Josh OG. You know, like no one even notices that guy. He got lucky. Can I ask a question? Because I don't know, because I've never heard of Josh OG.
Starting point is 00:10:34 Does Josh OG have a YouTube channel where he promotes these websites? He's a Twitch streamer mostly, but his YouTube channel is like 150,000 subs. Do you still have it up, Quib? He's a significant youtuber so do we think that there are actual fans of him who are not t martin slash syndicate fans though in all honesty isn't it really like if no one would guess isn't it really like if i if i'm being honest here i bet i bet it's like if you and i woody were pulling some sort of scam and somebody was like nobody's even mentioned this Taylor guy. He was defrauding
Starting point is 00:11:05 his fans as well. And it's like, well, they're probably all in overlapping circles in the end, right? I don't care about this Josh OG guy. I don't know him. I don't know. I've never seen him do anything. I certainly don't have any videos of him standing in front of a camera going, I'm sorry, guys.
Starting point is 00:11:21 He actually has said that. I made a mistake. So not really what you would legally call a mistake, of course. I got so much to say. So Taylor has taken 80% of this flack, right? Like on the chin. You mean Trevor, right? Yeah. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:11:36 I've done that more than once. Trevor has taken, T-Mart Trevor, has taken 80% of this. And part of it is because I think he hasn't done damage control perfectly. He's sort of been out there. Every time he says something, it's been fueling his people. And his apology was one of those. I feel like the attorney said, look, you know, you can apologize, but don't admit wrongdoing. So like from a, I feel like his hands were tied and he couldn't do the apology you want. He should have said, look, I love you guys.
Starting point is 00:12:05 I value you so much. I'm so sorry I did this to you. But he couldn't. He had to say, oh, it was public from the start, and I'm so sorry I wasn't more clear about that, and you didn't know. So that way he's not nailed legally, but the apology was worse than almost non-apologize.
Starting point is 00:12:20 Yeah, the apology, as Quovalcup was just doing the miming of digging his own grave. Like, he just made it so much worse by, like, when I first watched it and I saw the whole, like, he's playing with his dog. Like, I don't know how we're going to make through this video. I was just, like, I immediately remembered from the 2012 campaign of Rick Perry to be president where he, it opens on him and he's standing in a field and he's, like, petting a dog. And he's, like, I'm Rick Perry. and i'm not ashamed to say i'm a christian and it's like you weren't just playing with your dog there whatever like it's not like we know that like that's take 10 upon you like that's it it's especially in the context of it's it should be a very sincere apology of i fucked up like i i know
Starting point is 00:13:06 legally he can't do that i'm not an idiot but that's what it should be so if you can't do that why you know put more onto the fire why is it so it's partly all taylor because shit it's partly all trevor because um his like his damage control has been a problem you know like like he told scarce look i didn't own it originally we were just checking things out and then you know what that turned out to be a lie right which was terrible these lies are making things worse he like he lies and then he gets caught in that lie and there's a couple of those along the way um and they just keep replaying that footage so that's burning him Whereas Syndicate is just being quiet
Starting point is 00:13:46 and there's really not much to burn. There's no news cycle on Syndicate. But this is Syndicate's third time being caught for this, right? There was the Xbox promotion. Yeah, this is the third FTC violation for Syndicate. There was the time when he said Xboxes were great and didn't disclose he was being paid to say that. There was the time when he had a video game he was making,
Starting point is 00:14:05 and he acted like he was a happy customer. That was Machinima's violation, though, not his, technically. I don't give a fuck about that distinction. Remove one. So it's the third violation in your book. No. Please, Sinekit made that ad without disclosing. You can't say he's got three strikes against him
Starting point is 00:14:26 if you're doing the counting. You gotta figure out what the umpire's saying. So that one was on Machinima, not specifically on Tom. The words came out of Tom's mouth. I don't even get how this is defensible. Can you explain a little bit about what it was that Machinima asked?
Starting point is 00:14:43 To talk good about Xbox One, I think. And keep the secret that you're not. He should know that it's a sponsorship. As a YouTuber, I know if I'm getting paid to do something, I always will disclose it to my viewers. Even if it's just a link, like text in the description or vocally like it's you know you eventually as a as a as an entertainer as the boss of your own company you have to know these rules it's default like everybody knows it at a certain you know yeah by the way the josh
Starting point is 00:15:18 og guy has a million twitch followers that's amazing um yep so uh so there was that one and then um yeah kyle it is so um so there's that one and then there was the time he owned a game and pretended he was a happy customer and then there's this one so this is the depending on how you're counting the second or the third time that cindy gets done this and uh but you know it's really all fallen squarely on tmart which is interesting to me um yeah well it's because it's a difference in damage control to talk about yeah they want entertainment right with syndicate because syndicates just syndicates you know just on cloud nine of yeah well it as cloud nine as it can be in a shitty situation for him
Starting point is 00:16:01 because he has a channel that's like three times the size of trevor's way bigger as far as views and like just in every by every metric his channel dwarfs syndicates or dwarfs team arts and team art has a big fucking channel yeah more than one still team art taking all this flack because he god i just i partly wonder if that's why is it because team art is an easier target a less dangerous? Like a lot of people have been attacking T-Mart for a while now and there's really no repercussion. It's just because they don't have anything new on Syndicate. That's it. Like he has not said anything.
Starting point is 00:16:35 He tweeted one thing. That was it. But no parodies can be made on a tweet, right? Everybody's making a parody on the dog and kissing and blah, blah, blah, right? That's like fresh information. That's the thing you don't want to do when something leaks. Had Syndicate been the one who made the I'm sorry with
Starting point is 00:16:54 the dog video that was actually more like saying I'm sorry that you didn't understand what was going on I'm sorry you didn't look up the LLC filing in the state of Florida. We'd see an exact reversal of the roles. It would be Tmart, who didn't post anything, not getting hounded, and Syndicate, who's bigger, probably getting hounded even more just because more people would have watched that video in the first place. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:16 What would have happened if Tmart said, I'm sorry, I didn't disclose that I own this thing from the beginning. I felt backed into a corner and told another lie where I said that I didn't own it at first and then owned it eventually. And now I'm done with the lies. Any attorney is going to tell them, no, don't go admit. Don't go make a video that's basically just an admission of guilt. It would frame you poorly if this does go to trial or whatever. Would you just continue the upload
Starting point is 00:17:49 schedule and act like you didn't notice this was all happening? That's what Syndicate's doing. Which I think is probably the best way to do it. Just wait for, you know, just contact your attorney and just pretend like nothing happened. I would have done a quick sorry on my
Starting point is 00:18:05 regular content and moved on like i don't know if that's the right way to handle it but that was my thought process it was like hey guys i'm so sorry i owned it from the start i you know it i wasn't being the person i aspire to be when i acted like a happy customer you're gonna get full transparency going forward now check out my new chainsaw lollipop but then again like it's so stupid why would you keep it a secret because like i i host like i start companies left right and center right and i promote it to my subscribers but every time i do i will always tell them like listen i came up with it you know i started this company launched this company and they love it right they'll you know enjoy it
Starting point is 00:18:45 even more when i tell them it's my company than when i keep it a secret right the only reason i would keep it a secret is to eventually surprise them and be like listen you know i was the owner like after all exactly if i own csgootto, it would be called CSGO Woody. And I would say this is the best goddamn Lotto site in the multiverse, right? And then I would tell them why it was the best. Our things are provably fair. And the rake we take is – I'm told they take 8% of the skins. We only take 6 compared to these other guys, and that improves you.
Starting point is 00:19:22 Whatever it is that made my site the best or distinguished mine from the others, I would be pimping to the nines. And everyone would know there'd be no surprises. Another thing, I would never, ever, ever, ever put myself in a position to take something from my customers. So at WoodyCraft, we would sometimes raid other people. But I'm an admin there, and it's not fair. If I bust into your base, I can spawn all the TNT an admin there, and it's not fair. You know, like if I bust into your base,
Starting point is 00:19:45 I can spawn all the TNT in the world, so it's not fair. What we would do is we'd call it Raidy Claws. I'd go in there, break into your base, and then afterwards, I'd repair it for you. And if there was some vulnerability that made it easy, I would fix that for you too. And then when I got in there, I would leave you gifts. If you're a small thing, I might leave you armor,
Starting point is 00:20:01 which is like a little thing. If you're a powerful faction, I might leave you beacons, which is like a gift that even a strong faction might value. That's the kind of stuff I did. And that's what he should have done. If he wanted to bet on his own site, fine. But then just let them win 100% of the time. Hey, I won.
Starting point is 00:20:17 Yeah, but really, here I am giving the things as if I lost. Give the skins away. Doesn't matter. Make smaller. You can pimp your site. You can live stream. You can do whatever, but don't put yourself in a position to take from your customers.
Starting point is 00:20:28 And I get that WoodyCraft and the lotto site are different things, but... I feel what you're saying about not... Like, you don't want to put yourself in the situation where... Exactly what you said. I don't want to mulch over it again, but the whole thing with Trevor is as of now, I don't know
Starting point is 00:20:44 and I don't think anybody does if he or Syndicate were rigging it, making it so they were sitting there like oh fuck! Ten grand again today? Lucky me. But the fact that they would actually get those results at all, at all
Starting point is 00:20:59 leads me to believe, multiple times, leads me to believe that it's bullshit. Because you can go your whole life betting on shit and never hit a ten thousand dollar prize i've handled a lot multiple ones one a week where you're just oh every tuesday trevor's striking it rich and syndicate every thursday it's weird how they they seem to space out their promotion of this fun site like if that's the case and they like fake it like that then that's beyond the pale really shitty doesn't it work by like two people betting against each other like i throw my things
Starting point is 00:21:29 in the pot you throw your things in the pot and then one of us wins the pot yeah you have a certain percentage you have a certain percentage to win and then the thing goes and spins around so then i'm like what what if they what if they put like a 5%? What if they have a 5% chance of winning even though they take a 6% cut out of every bet then they always win Right, so they could just Right. I hear they always get something they would Wow, I just figured out what you're saying are always going to get something exactly so they so that you'll put in like 5% Like they have a 5% chance of winning every time. Meanwhile, if they lose, they make 6% anyways because that's the cut they take.
Starting point is 00:22:10 I don't know the truth. The number of people uses 8%. Well, 8%, right? So they could just go with like even if it was still legit betting, they could still do the bets because they make money off it anyways, right? And then eventually they'll win and then they'll upload it on the internet for people who don't know anything about this like what can happen is let's say quibble cop bets ten thousand dollars worth of skins and i bet fifty dollars worth of skins and ignore the numbers here because i'll screw it up he would hypothetically have like a 95 yeah 95 chance of winning but i'd have a five percent chance and uh because he bet
Starting point is 00:22:44 so much more than me he's almost a lock to win. But if I were to do that and I got 8% of the pot no matter what, it seems like I could just do that all day. I don't know. Right? And then eventually you'd win out of the 20 times you do it, and then you go like, oh, let's upload it on my YouTube channel, right? You see, the problem here is that they've lost all credibility.
Starting point is 00:23:04 Like, I want to say, hey, look, they could do this all day. They could play and play and play and get their video legitimately. I want to believe that of T Martin. And to be honest, I think him owning the site and not disclosing it, it doesn't bother me. I wouldn't care if I were on that website. I wouldn't have minded if I'm a fan. I don't care about that. minded if I'm a fan. I don't care about that. There is a question as to whether the entire idea of the site is a bad idea because of the young people who are supposedly being lured in
Starting point is 00:23:32 there. I doubt we're luring anyone like children to a pedophile's van. I think the reality is a lot of young people are really into this and have a lot of fun doing it, and it costs a little bit of money. And from the outside looking in, you're not always getting material to match the dollars that went in, but that's every hobby. I just spent $5,000 this week on a fucking hobby. I mean, there's stuff to look at, but it doesn't look like $5,000. Weed cookies? Yes.
Starting point is 00:23:58 That thing about the children, there's always someone else defending the children, and I don't know exactly what the right position is on it. So let me expand. There's not many people saying, I'm 14 and I was so hoodwinked by this thing, I want my cash back. There are though. Even at 14, you understand the concept of money. I was on my second job by the time I was 14. I would look at a candy bar and equate that to the number of minutes
Starting point is 00:24:25 I had to work to get that candy bar. I fully got money, you know, like understood what money was all about at 14. But somehow like, you know, I used to get it and it might, you know, Woody crap is a very different thing than some lottery site, but people would be like,
Starting point is 00:24:40 oh my God, you know, Woody sells things to kids. He's taking kids money, right? And so does Amazon and so does Lego and so do clothing manufacturers. And like, know woody sells things to kids he's taking kids money right and so does amazon and so does lego and sort of clothing manufacturers and like so people can sell things to kids and that doesn't make it evil with this lotto thing the evil for me is tougher to define like is it it is gambling and i feel like you should be of a certain age to do it i don't even know what that age is well the reason that like they've always had age limits for gambling is i would think because of impulse control if you're a kid and you really don't understand the value of money if you'd had a credit card at 14 at your disposal what do you
Starting point is 00:25:16 may not have thought i need to work for seven minutes to buy this payday or whatever like you may have been you you would have lacked that foresight as many young people do and they rack up a ton of debt on their credit card and they gamble a ton on that. Not theirs obviously, a parent's, but at that point the money's gone. I do understand the reason that they have a limit for things like this which is gambling for all intents and purposes.
Starting point is 00:25:36 So I think what the real question that it comes down to is this goes a bit beyond simple YouTube slash Reddit drama. It may not be over next week to be forgotten and replaced by the newest hot thing because it looks like that Trevor may have opened himself up to civil suits. I see people on Twitter saying, hey, I saved this video of Trevor beating me, taking my money.
Starting point is 00:26:01 Here the video is. I used to think of it as kind of a badge of honor that I would show off. Look where, look how T Martin beat me in a game. I played against him 1v1 and you know he came up and won. But now I look at it as evidence and so does my representation. And then there's of course these FTC violations which I don't know anything about the FTC. I just heard about it for the first time this week. I think that if some people were calling it FCC, and I was like, are you sure that's who does this? So who knows how much teeth that has and how often they actually use those teeth. They might look at this thing and say, yeah, there's 10,000 people on the internet complaining about this guy who runs a website.
Starting point is 00:26:39 Is it bad? Well, it's just like 10,000 more websites, so no, not really, and they don't do anything. Or they might see this as something to do, and and they might go after t martin freeze his assets which would be such a nightmare yeah they might want to set a precedent of some kind so i've read the video game attorney's opinion on this and i'm a little i think i'm not an expert enough to evaluate his his take it well salted yeah yeah but um he said a couple things. He's like, someone's going to do a civil suit. He had 75 people write him. He's like, if it's not me, it'll be someone else.
Starting point is 00:27:09 The thing is, if you lose like $75, if you lose less than $5,000, it's usually better to just lose it than to hire an attorney. You know, hiring an attorney doesn't make sense when we're talking about small amounts of money.
Starting point is 00:27:29 I know this concept of a class action suit where everybody shares the attorney costs and et cetera. But even so, like I'm not sure that individuals who lost on the site are going to bring cases forward. The next one is he thought it was likely, I don't know, that a district attorney. He's like, all it takes is a district attorney from one of these states to act like, to think that this is the kind of case that will get enough news that will help him win elections. Right? So that's their goal. They prosecute people. They get famous. And they become either reelected or governors or who knows what.
Starting point is 00:28:02 So he thinks that somewhere in America, one of these district attorneys will take it. I don't know. And then with the FTC, he said that while it's a problem, he didn't think the FTC was going to do anything, if I interpret this right. I forget who it was. There was this fantasy football or fantasy whatever, sports thing, that took a Super Bowl ad advertising their stuff. And that's what it took. It took like a big company to get a Super Bowl ad and tons of media attention. It was on like CNN all the time before the FTC said, all right, this is big enough to get my attention. So even though T-Mart's on like BBC, the webpage, it's not the sort of thing that gets the FTC's attention according to the video game attorney. So yeah if he had just like been up front from the start i think a lot of
Starting point is 00:28:48 this other stuff you know if he had said look i own this site it's the best gosh darn site please be 18 you know you guys are gonna love it then there'd never be a controversy the whole controversy is one that he that he hid ownership and two he did whatever the opposite of damage control is you know explosion stuff so he supplemented the amount of trouble he was in like maybe not legally but everybody who was still on his side or on the syndicate
Starting point is 00:29:16 Tmart benefit of the doubt side those kind of apology videos just they rub people the wrong way like not just I'm just surprised that he still uploaded that having sat and watched it and thought, this is going to help me. And that's not a knock on Trevor as a person. He's a smart guy, obviously.
Starting point is 00:29:33 And he's not the only one who watched it. His dog probably watched it too and went like, that's a great video. Maybe his attorney. You know one thing I noticed? So a couple months ago, T-Mart did this video in support of Keemstar. Do you guys remember it? He even gave out his G Fuel coupon code. Do you remember that?
Starting point is 00:29:52 No. He totally backed Keemstar, gave them the key. Buy coupon code, whatever it is. Now there's no Keemstar video about T-Mart. Ooh. Yeah. I got inside sources a drum alert that could
Starting point is 00:30:08 you know, poke around there too. If you guys ever fuck up, right? Just hit me up and I'll be like no Keemstar video for you. That's a power, that's a string you can pull. I actually... One minute there was a video and that's a string you can pull. Yeah. I actually...
Starting point is 00:30:25 One minute there was a video and I pulled the string and now there is no video. I actually... You're taking my meaning. I had it a while back, like two months ago. I broke up with my girlfriend
Starting point is 00:30:39 and the day I tweeted it, I also got a flat tire in an Uber on like a highway, right? So one of the guys that works there who's a really nice guy by the way or works for DramaAlert he just sends me like a winky face, right? And then the DramaAlert comes out
Starting point is 00:31:02 and they totally do not cover me breaking up with my girlfriend. They only covered me getting a flat tire. So I was like, you could have totally covered it. He's like, nah, don't worry, I got you. Oh, look at you. Wow, super connected.
Starting point is 00:31:20 Yeah, no, like it happened to me. I assume it happened to other people too right you know i yeah it could it seems like a pretty big story for drama alert to sit on the side and not cover whoo i didn't somebody lost a job so and then they would come up with like fake stories and stuff about like guy that played RuneScape who was in the last pedophile. Dude, that was an upsetting video to watch.
Starting point is 00:31:53 I didn't watch the Keemstar one. I just watched the response video of this evil old man who was just in that age of video games that we were in right when the first online together console gaming came out where it's like wow what a community we all like the same thing and we can talk online this guy's in that mode of i'm just a retired old man and i i just like playing run
Starting point is 00:32:18 skate with my friends and and i swear to god i i have never touched a child and I would never, now it's becoming Bill Clinton and how he didn't touch a kid. But yeah. What is this, Kyle? I think it's for later in the show. Are you looking to answer it, Kyle? Yeah, I didn't mean to answer that. I should have done that.
Starting point is 00:32:38 So we just hang up on him. But anyway, yeah, that was a sad video of that old man. But back to the T-Mart and Syndicate thing. Unless we've drilled that in the ground. Is Syndicate involved in this? I'm not even sure. I haven't heard. You know, it's a T-Mart scandal.
Starting point is 00:32:53 Or he fucked up. Yeah. His damage control has been off target. Terrible. Yeah. And he needed a PR guy. I could have been his PR guy. He would have said, hey, Taylor, do you like this video?
Starting point is 00:33:06 And I would have said, are you high? No, we're not. It's like your friends would tell you, right? Like, are you being an idiot to remove the video, right? Like, if I would, even if I respond to, like, a hate tweet on Twitter, my friends are on it, and they're like, remove it. Why are you starting drama with these guys and stuff? I was like, imagine me uploading an apology video or me fucking it all up.
Starting point is 00:33:31 They would all tell me like, ignore it, right? Get some help, you know, get people to help you out with this. I was about to say in his position, it's impossible to make a good apology video, right? No matter what you say you're going to get, people are going to tear it apart and do whatever. But there's an exception. H3H3 made a video about Leafy. So Leafy was cyber bullying somebody. I think they were autistic or something like that. And Leafy made an apology video and it was perfect. It was amazing. I was like, I should bookmark this for the next time I screw up, which happens every maybe six weeks for me. I should look at this for the next time I screw up, which happens every maybe six weeks for me. I should look at this as the answer key on how to do a perfect apology video.
Starting point is 00:34:11 He just – he nailed every note. He owned it. He's – like it couldn't have been more perfect and I – so shucks. Well, he admitted all his mistakes. That's what he did. And he apologized and that was it. He admitted all his mistakes. That's what he did. He apologized. That was it. He didn't try to defend himself.
Starting point is 00:34:32 He didn't go like, I didn't know that. He wasn't... He just basically was a man. He said, I'm so sorry. I fucked up on many different ways. Yeah. You gotta just admit fault and just be like, look, I'll be honest. I didn't think people would want to come to my website.
Starting point is 00:34:51 No, just be 100% honest. Here's what I say. I didn't think you guys would trust me if I told you I owned the website. I thought that you would think that I was doing something dishonest. And here, now that I hit it and you've discovered it, I look ultimately dishonest. So I don't know what to do. I've made this thing so much worse than I ever thought it could have been.
Starting point is 00:35:12 I'm not doing anything dishonest behind the scenes. Everything's on the up and up, but now I look like an asshole and I don't know where to go from here. That's what he should have said, right? That's a pretty good one, I think. I don't think his attorney would approve. That's better than the video he made. Yeah, but he was so... And then he should he should say i'm sorry and then cut it no dogs
Starting point is 00:35:28 should we shoot the video for him maybe i get that we should do that uh the everyone's ripping on the dog thing i i think it was a mistake yeah i think it was too transparent like i get what he was doing there but i'd have had my mom there but his mom not my mom yeah about to whoop his ass the the and then just like with tears like nobody was fooled by the dog lover thing you know last night i was saying that what what he should do is post a video of him going through. He should have a fan meetup and be like, everyone come here. Pick LA, New York, something like that. Get a couple hundred fans out and have them do a gauntlet that he has to run through.
Starting point is 00:36:15 And that's his punishment. Let the children he defrauded beat him senseless with bags of nickels. And as he runs between them, they're just slamming him with these things, and he makes it all the way to the end, and they just beat him senseless, and then he apologizes. But in the end, I want to lay this out. I feel like he was guilty of one or two things.
Starting point is 00:36:33 One, he didn't mean he owned it, right? Better yet, he acted like he didn't own it, right? Exactly. There was actual deception there. Being affiliated with it, right? Right, right. He acted like he was a happy customer when he was indeed the owner. Guilty.
Starting point is 00:36:48 The second thing is up to you. If you want to bet on it, there's just a checkbox that says you're 18. Yeah, like I think the second thing isn't the biggest issue. And that's also not what started this controversy. It was mainly the fact that he was saying like, hey, I stumbled upon this website and then he was saying, hey, I bought myself into this website and then people looked it up and it's like,
Starting point is 00:37:11 no, he owned it from the start. He was lying, right? And when you're lying on the internet... You really should have hid that better. It seems like you could hide that somehow, like maybe have a trust involved somewhere. He did have a trust involved except the trust was called T Martin Enterprise.
Starting point is 00:37:27 You know what my trust is called? No one does. It's the basic business stuff. You don't want everybody to know. No one does and it's so innocuous. It's not like FPS Productions. No it's like innocuous. It's not like FPS Productions. No, it's like
Starting point is 00:37:48 Blue Rock I know the other direction entirely mine's called Woodworth Enterprises, and there's nothing there that would ever haunt me My there's nothing those skeletons in the closet. It's it's that I don't when you see it on paper There's no reason you should know that's mine. It's there to conceal things. It's there to hide things. People are going to be like, what the fuck? He had involvement in Huppet all this time? Yeah, I did.
Starting point is 00:38:15 And I told you, and there's no surprise there. No way. I used to be on Huppet. Between 2009 and 2013, Woody's gamer tag made $8.76 on your watch. yeah help it for the year 2009 2013 woody's gamertag made eight dollars and seventy six your watch hope it did not make a lot of money is the worst and then I don't have nine dollars that's
Starting point is 00:38:34 almost fifteen dollars what the minimum wage reinvested probably that would be twenty two dollars a day for my kids let me give you a second to be here yeah no just two thousand not woody's gamertag we've got a small loan of eight in today's money. Can you live with yourself in America? Yeah. In 2009, Woody's Gamertag got a small loan of $8 from his constituents. What he should have done, Trevor, at the very least
Starting point is 00:38:54 is have his attorney or whoever is filing the LLC to just put a little accent over the I in his last name. So at the very least, he could be like, oh no, that's Trevor Martin. He's my business manager. All very least, he could be like, oh no, that's Trevor Martin. He's my business manager. All jokes aside, he should have said,
Starting point is 00:39:08 this is my site. It's the best one in the multiverse. You guys are going to love it. And there'd be no story today. Woody was saying, you know, if it were my site, I would gamble with my customers. And every time I won, I'd be like, you know what? Take it. And just give them
Starting point is 00:39:24 the winnings. Advertising expense. It's a charity, you know what? Take it. And just give them the winnings. Like, so if you- Advertising expense. Give it to charity, right? No, don't take it from your customers. Right? Oh yeah, fair enough. Once they won, as soon as they get in the lobby with you, they're like, cha-ching!
Starting point is 00:39:36 Yes! Yes! Like, I already won, now I can just enjoy my time with Woody, and hell, everybody's watching, this is gonna be in a video, people would love that. But instead, T-Martin's like, here I come, motherfuck going to be in a video, people would love that. But instead, T. Martin's like, here I come, motherfuckers, Mr. Badass, I got a bot back at me,
Starting point is 00:39:49 I never lose, give me your money. And I'm not saying he did that, I'm saying that's how it looks. I don't believe he did that. I hope that he's not using a bot to take another $200 out of your pocket when he's already doing very well for himself.
Starting point is 00:40:05 And I never begrudge someone from doing well for themselves and becoming multi-multi-millionaires, making $5, $10, $15 million, stuff like that. That doesn't bother me. I'm very happy for him. I saw his car and I was like, fuck yeah. I bet it goes fast. I bet. It's a GCR pussy.
Starting point is 00:40:22 I love seeing that. By the way, there were three people. There were three entertainers that did this. Even we are just saying T-Mart, T-Mart, T-Mart. He's the one we know better as well. We all know him better. To me, it's because he's the owner and because he went through that ledge of saying, I just stumbled on this website.
Starting point is 00:40:43 I just discovered it. Hey, now I'm going to do this and that. You do know T-Mart. I'm sorry. Syndicate owned as much as T-Mart did. Yes, I just stumbled on this website. I just discovered it. Hey, now I'm going to do this and that. You do know T-Mart. I'm sorry. Syndicate owned as much as T-Mart did. Yes, I know that. T-Mart is the CEO, and in people's heads, that means more. So that's why I would think.
Starting point is 00:40:52 And he's the only one making videos about it. Syndicate's shutting the fuck up and letting it roll over to T-Mart's lake. They all fucked up at the end of the day, right? So T-Mart is not just the guy who owns it. He's the one who has access to the back end and stuff. Syndicate doesn't have that access. Syndicate is... I know that people like to be like,
Starting point is 00:41:12 hey, this is Syndicate's third strike. Nobody wants to say anything because he's so beloved. And that's true to some regard. People really have a his-shit-don't-stink thing about Syndicate, and I like Tom. I'm just saying. They don't want to throw any dirt on him, it seems to be all on t martin but i think it might be rightfully so in this situation like like hey next time syndicate steps and shit like you know hold
Starting point is 00:41:36 him accountable i suppose but this time around t martin's the ceo he's the president and he's the one in control of the back end of the website. If there's anything nefarious going on there, which is the biggest thing to me, if there was anybody going in there and using a bot or something to tilt the wheel and make sure that T. Martin wins when he plays, not just in this one game,
Starting point is 00:41:58 but let's get on a roll so that we can make a YouTube video that will promote this website and make even more money flow in. It'll be a never-ending process here if he did that that is unforgivable that's reprehensible that's criminal um I don't think he did that I don't think he did it either and by the way Tmart's not technical like there's all this like people say like oh you know he had his foot on the scale and all this I don't think Tmart could find the scale at the Unix prompt.
Starting point is 00:42:26 He's not a technical guy. He's never written. What? Some sort of tool or something? He can change a percentage? Maybe it's not even him. Maybe he just hired somebody and he's like, yo, give me a 1% chance of winning this extra, right?
Starting point is 00:42:42 Give me 100% chance. But then again, it's like he has access to it and then you can't you can't play anymore that's just that's you know that's rule number one if you own the place you don't play at the place right you're he's the house and he's a player he wins regardless and the dealer and the dealer yeah yeah yeah yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They've got their fingers in every part of the transaction, which, I mean, fine. I'm sure that's similar to how these other Counter-Strike lottery sites are. But, I mean, I just don't get the incentive to lie about it from the beginning and try and be misleading. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:43:22 But what Kyle was saying is it's perfect. Like he would have made more money because people would have been like, I'm going to – well, if I go on, you know,, the owners – there's a 0% chance the owner is going to end up in a game with me and I'm going to just win by default. So I'm going to go to the one where that could happen. They should go to csgolottowoody where they know if they find the owner, there's a 100% chance they're going to win. Exactly. Even if I win, here's your shit.
Starting point is 00:43:50 And then you'll pull so many more people, right? So many more people will go and bet. They'll all be wishing they were in a lobby with me, I guess. It would have been a way better marketing plan if that would have happened. Which is – Plus you wouldn't have – Like on WoodyCraft, what I used to do, so we had these crates you gave out, and the crates even looked like a slot machine.
Starting point is 00:44:08 Like you'd buy a crate, I forget how much they were, like three for $5 or something. And when you open it, the thing pops, and it's like sword, creeper egg, spawner, whatever, and you get your thing. I would go to live streamers and just give them away. Give them away. And then the live streamer would be grateful,
Starting point is 00:44:23 and he would be happy on my server. I hope he continues to stream there, right? That was a thought process. And then everyone who's watching the stream becomes aware of the existence of these things that we sell. Now, potentially I lose sales out of that. These are things that he maybe would have otherwise bought from me. Advertising expense, not a problem. People would stream.
Starting point is 00:44:42 Even if they had like 18 people in their stream, I'd give them shit. And maybe they'll be a bigger streamer someday and still like the thing. That's how you do it. Don't take from your people. Don't ever put yourself in a position to take from your customers like that. To win off of them. Yeah, to win off of them. Obviously, you make money off of them.
Starting point is 00:45:03 I take money in exchange for goods. Oh, can say you know i didn't you know the whole t-mart thing didn't you know i to be honest i you know i i think about the same as i did before about t-mart i don't think less of them and i hope that people out there will hold their judgment until we know a little bit more they're probably going to be a real judgment at some point so just just wait on that um but wings of redemption is guilty as a motherfucker for saying my name for no goddamn reason i talked about this thing fuck you wings what happened i missed this that's a jerk sitting there all dirty and disheveled sitting there like woody and wings they're all pro business you know pro fucking people over fuck you no i'm not pro
Starting point is 00:45:44 fucking people over i am pro business because somebody's got to be making the money to pay you whatever money you're getting from the government to live right now so fuck off wings shitty of you to say that no reason to bring me up i don't randomly bring you up and i certainly could so just stop yeah when it comes to customers dude win-win man if you do these win-win deals then you get more customers later you know like and you get happy customers repeat customers that's the thing by the way we really got to do those fucking ringtones or whatever that is i'm the one out of the loop for the wings thing but kyle could you give like a rundown of what the video was
Starting point is 00:46:19 real quick he well he gave his opinion about the whole t martin syndicate thing and at the very beginning of it for some reason he's like you know woody and kyle are always you know pro business pro fucking people over and then he goes into how he's not or something like that and it's just like it's just this disjointed silliness which you which is what you always get he's just sitting there all dirty and unshaven and just like rambling in the top of his head now off the top of his head in the dark, telling lies like he always does. At least stick to the truth. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:46:51 We were very upset with our characterization in that video. It's not like I've got a lotto sight. There's no reason to even involve me. If you're going to talk about somebody who stepped into some shit and did a bad thing, why are you going to drag me into it? I haven't said anything to talk about somebody who stepped into some shit and did a bad thing, why are you going to drag me into it?
Starting point is 00:47:09 I haven't said anything to you about business in a long time, except when I was telling you how much money I was going to get you to do that hot sauce, which now I'm not going to do. Now I'm not going to do it, because I don't want you to get that $100 or whatever. So the hot sauce is off the table now because of that? I'll make a Taylor's teriyaki long before I make Hot Wings Redemption. Yeah. Yeah!
Starting point is 00:47:30 So now you know the reason there's no hot sauce. It would actually be Taylor-san's teriyaki. Yeah, I didn't like Wings doing that. I got all the hot sauce. I've got 200 bottles. Do you really? Yeah. I'm waiting on the labels that are being done. Not anymore.
Starting point is 00:47:48 yeah yeah i'm waiting on the labels are being done not anymore um so yeah that most of his audience also i don't know his audience but i think that most of wings audience likes you too so it wouldn't make sense to even bring you up to like get the audience on his side or something like mischaracterizing you as pro-business therefore pro-fraud. Wings probably did, Wings just kind of rambles and it's really incoherent a lot so he probably didn't mean anything by it. He probably doesn't even remember it but it's just like think about what you say before you say it. You don't see me like starting
Starting point is 00:48:15 any of these podcasts off with you know, Wings Redemption's a fat lazy motherfucker but I've been putting a lot of work in this week let me tell you about it. Like, why would I do that? Why would I do that? Just to be a dick. It was, you know,
Starting point is 00:48:32 I was thinking about Kyle and Woody and how I don't like them very much, and, you know, fuck them. Let me just begin with that. He wants us to talk about him because maybe, you know, maybe he just wants some promotion, right? That implies a level of calculation that I don't think was there no he did not calculate oh i i don't i don't i've never met him i've met him once i've met him once i did i tell you guys how did you meet wings of redemption
Starting point is 00:48:54 i because i used to be a fan of the show did you drive to his house no no no no no i met him like um as in he tweeted out that he was looking for people to play Call of Duty with. Right. And like I was like dedicated. You know, I was I was a good Call of Duty player. So I joined him, joined him in the session. And he just, you know, we got destroyed. Right.
Starting point is 00:49:19 The whole team lost. And he was just pissed off at everybody. And then he said, OK, gonna block everybody uh on xbox so i never have to play with you again and i was like are you kidding me like this guy used to be my hero right got to play with my hero and then he just fucked me over like that and i was i was sad and it was like at least you didn't pay for that friends list spot or anything and then get removed. Nah, but then again, now I'm here, right? That experience is not unique to you, Quibble Cop.
Starting point is 00:49:51 I know, because you blocked everybody. And I was like, this guy does it all the time, I bet. He blew up on Taylor one night in Modern Warfare 2. Oh, I was blocked. Yeah, he's like that. And it was one of those things where, like, we were all a little sore with Taylor for breaking the spawn trap and running into the building. But, like, you know, we didn't care that much.
Starting point is 00:50:10 We didn't care that much. It's like, all right, I didn't get my hair here. All right, well, shit. Next game, next game, you know. But for Wings, it's like, you took a decimal point off my KD, motherfucker. Not even a decimal point. I'm from Conway, bitch. Get out of here.
Starting point is 00:50:27 You know, he lost his shit. He was like, get out of here he was like get out of here Taylor get out of here and we're all just like I just couldn't fathom at the time like is he joking because this isn't a very big deal at all like it wasn't like fuck now I'm not gonna get my chopper gunner
Starting point is 00:50:44 and the whole game's gone to shit. It was more like, oh, man, I don't get my sixth Harrier. Darn. Because we were butt-fucking. It wasn't like if we lost a flag that suddenly chaos was amidst. Oh, retreat back. Two clicks to the left flag. It was, hey, can you shoot that?
Starting point is 00:51:02 Okay, they're back. They're back over there. That was it. It was like our Company of Heroes games. It was just us herding them into the best little bubble that we could destroy. And, like, and Taylor squeezed the bubble too hard. And it broke in half. And Wings, like, got killed.
Starting point is 00:51:20 Right? And it's not like, you know, he he didn't get killed because like taylor broke the map and a fireball fell on he got killed because somebody shot him you know somebody just spawned there instead of there and they aimed at him and shot him with their gun and he died he lost his shit on you though yeah he doesn't like that all right enough wings redemption talk though quib have you uh have you gotten into vr at all i can't remember yes yeah i have a vibe downstairs and i think on the previous the last time i was here i talked about oculus rift porn um let's just say it got a lot better awesome well then i'm glad i want to talk to you about this so i got i got a vibe everybody's
Starting point is 00:51:57 leaving okay let's go yeah i don't know what they're doing so so i got a vibe um i uh i built my pc last week and i got the vibe this week um i'm using a 980 ti in it now until the 1080s are more readily available because they're just out of stock here especially the the ones with two hdmi ports which is what i need and and so i'm really loving this i i got it today i hooked it up today and I spent the entire afternoon in VR. I played the Lightblade VR, which is like a lightsaber game. Lightsabers, yes. I like that a lot. I played, I'm reading them
Starting point is 00:52:34 off my monitor. I played Tilt Brush, which is so psychedelic and just ridiculous. You're painting in three dimensions. Oh, yeah, yeah. I've played that too. Yes. I got Hollow Point, which is a bow game, bow and arrow, or archery game.
Starting point is 00:52:47 I think I saw you play that on Twitter maybe, just by your hand motions. And I got Space Pirate Trainer, which is the coolest game by far. You've got a gun in each hand and you can reach back and grab a shield
Starting point is 00:52:59 and there are robots floating around shooting lasers at you and I love it so fucking much. You have to block it and shoot? Yeah, yeah. around shooting lasers at you, and I love it so fucking much. You have to, like, block it and shoot? Yeah, yeah. When they shoot at you, you can block it with your shield, and then, you know, you've got a gun to shoot back at them,
Starting point is 00:53:13 and the gun's got three or four different fire modes that you activate with your thumb. I'm going to play it in a little bit. I've got this set up now so that I've got the Vive set up here, and I've got my gaming PC set up hooked up to it and that'll be able to call into the show I think and share its screen so you'll be able to see like The display of what I'm seeing and then on this camera you live to see me like standing back there So I think I'm gonna try that a little later, so so no no porn yet
Starting point is 00:53:40 No, I have not gotten into the porn yet. I did go ahead and buy a membership for like or something like that that's probably the best one out there you know inside sources have told me about that i mean like i didn't do the research um but i could i could send you something which is a a collection of free, let's just say, a lot of free stuff. But, you know, you can experience the experience really easy to set up. Yeah, yeah. I'll just drop the file in here, you know. It's only 80 megabytes.
Starting point is 00:54:19 It streams it off all the websites. That way you can, you know, okay. Is it comfortable to wear for a long like because it looks a little heavy to me it's not heavy at all it's very light the controllers are very light too um i wore it all day with a headset and by all day i mean i start i i got up at 11 a.m because they were knocking on the door uh got my vibe took a shower hooked it up started playing and the reason i was late to pka is because i was like vibe took a shower hooked it up started playing and the reason i was late to pka is because i was like taking it apart and setting it up in this room for the show
Starting point is 00:54:50 um i played all day all day i was in there i got a little nauseous on the uh the roller coaster game but it's like 3d it's it's a picture for each eye and it's it is very and it does that thing that everyone says makes you nauseous that like what's happened the movement in the thing isn't matching your movement in real life and that's the yeah oh it is it is with the vibe though because you can go left right you can go anywhere you can even yeah but i'm not with the roller coaster in particular oh oh the roller coaster did you tell them how you were doing the roller coaster sitting yeah i got in
Starting point is 00:55:25 kitty's wheelchair and i'm sitting there like like watch and she's behind me shaking the wheelchair and i'm just like oh dude i would love to come down to your house and basically take turns sitting in there with the like in the driveway with that headset on and we just push each other down as fast as we can oh that sounds like so much fun. Now I really want one of those. And I texted you earlier being like, so those things are like $3,000, $4,000. Just like wanting to make sure that it was something I wasn't going to buy.
Starting point is 00:55:57 And then he's like, no, it's like $800. You can make it run pretty well with a $1,500 computer or whatever. And suddenly it's like, well, shit. I mean, I can't not be with the times. I can't be behind. The new 1060, or it's either the 1060 or the 1070 GPU is already more powerful than the
Starting point is 00:56:15 1080 reference card for $300. No, than the 980. Than the 980, thank you. And it's a 1060. And it's like $60. 1060. And it's like 300 bucks. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:56:28 And then you got the RX 480 for $250. You know, you could cross-fire this and have a ridiculous VR machine. So, yeah, I'm pretty confident you could build a VR machine for less than two grand with peripherals and get the vibe for another 800 plus tax. And, man, it's so cool um i'm gonna i'll turn it on here in a bit but it's i was in there all day just loving it and and just i got the biggest smile on my face the whole time kitty kitty walks through and it'll like poke me in the stomach or something and i'm just like it scares the fuck out of me because i know you're in a different world i'm in a different world entirely and i and'm hitting stuff and, like, dodging,
Starting point is 00:57:05 and every now and then I'll punch the wall, and I'm just like, ah, ah, god, that's not there in the game. Did you not have it, like, set up, like, properly? Yeah, what game? Like, ruined the living room simulator? Yeah, yeah, well, I had it set up really close to the wall. Ah, okay, okay. I had not too much room to play with
Starting point is 00:57:22 as far as, like as the boundaries and stuff. I wanted as much usable space as possible, so I held the controller next to the walls when I spaced out the room, but it was definitely worth all the money. It was definitely... And yesterday I was blown away playing Witcher in 4K with this system. I love that. I'm playing Witcher in 4K with all the settings maxed out and like 40 plus
Starting point is 00:57:45 frames per second. And that's just incredibly beautiful, incredibly immersive. I'm loving that game. I'm like uploading screenshots and stuff. That's not VR, right? No. Okay. Something about VR, like I'll probably eat these words. I haven't even experienced it, but it's like, like watching TV and playing video games is totally doing nothing
Starting point is 00:58:05 and somehow vr is even more nothing than the other like like now you're literally just not getting past your sunglasses i i it's like if you're up and moving around dancing around the room i'm punching and swinging and slapping i think of it a different order i think of like tv like sitting there and just absorbing, is probably the lowest. And then you have video games, where at least, depending on Candy Crush,
Starting point is 00:58:31 you're not really thinking too hard. But if you're playing a strategy game, or even Call of Duty or something, you're engaged. You're with it. You're doing something. And then VR, unless it's the kind... I wasn't picturing people
Starting point is 00:58:41 doing what Kyle's doing, standing up and jazzercising about the home as they're playing video games. But that's really what it is then that's that's actually make a strong argument and i think that's a fair way to stack rank them uh the way i was doing it though was like the size of your world right like like if you can picture my tv right it's like a projector thing on the other side of the room my world is whatever i don't know how big that room is you know a couple hundred square feet i'm not sure more than that if i play a video game i exist in like in these 10 square feet
Starting point is 00:59:10 and if i play on a vive i exist in like six inches your entire imagination right right so i think both of them are like an appropriate way to to like the size of your world you're doing tv computer pc or pc gaming and then vive gaming um but i can see the other way too yeah because tv is definitely the least engaging especially whenever my wife watches something she picks something she's already seen so that she can multitask and such so friends is on way too flipping much in my house. Yeah, there's... Oh, I hate Friends. Dude, and I've seen all the shows, so there's no episode of Friends that I pay attention to.
Starting point is 00:59:50 It's just turned off. To be fair, I've probably watched maybe six episodes of Friends ever, but at no point during any of them did I laugh or even titter or be like, oh, clever them. I got more laughs out of 30 seconds of seinfeld than any of that but that's what i always thought of it as it's like a shitty seinfeld that
Starting point is 01:00:10 tried to be more mainstream without as funny risky characters but that yeah although i will say the actors were very risky a lot of drug addiction stuff like like that. But the characters, not so much. No. No. I mean, the actors in Seinfeld are pretty risky, right? Maybe not Jerry, but Kramer. Kramer, yeah, yeah. At black people in a comedy club. Not a good risk, but a risk.
Starting point is 01:00:40 It's definitely a career risk. I haven't heard of that fucking dude since then. Not like I had prior to that either. It's a career risk I haven't heard of that fucking dude since then not like I had prior to that either it's a career risk just to support him but I feel like his motives weren't racism and people who know him say that too he was just trying to hurt the guy who was heckling him and I don't know
Starting point is 01:00:56 somehow that's different to me I don't think it was racially motivated I don't think if that was a group of I don't know Asian people or white people heckling him or what he perceived to be heckling that he would have just ignored it you know he would have went for whatever he thought was the most hurtful to that person that was fucking with him and that's what he did if i somehow like attack your beard and call you a robinson caruso or whatever it is you call bearded people it doesn't mean i hate bearded people i was just trying to hurt taylor's
Starting point is 01:01:23 feelings and well there's a storied history hate bearded people. I was just trying to hurt Taylor's feelings. There's a storied history of bearded people being oppressed. Receiving less treatment under the law. Right, right, yeah. Do you understand why beard folk, such as myself, take a little bit of offense? Yeah, there were the Robinson Crusoe laws that prevented you
Starting point is 01:01:39 from doing various things. Separate but equal, right? Kids who hit puberty would be in different schools. Not fair. Not fair. Not fair. That's such an old story, and I know we've talked about it before, but definitely racist what he did, but
Starting point is 01:01:55 his motivation wasn't racism. His motivation was being arrogant, thinking that he could just go up there and do stand-up comedy as a guy who had only been funny as an actor, doing scripted shit in context. So I think going up there and seeing like, oh shit, this isn't going well.
Starting point is 01:02:12 Reality is hitting me really hard. I am not as talented as I thought I was. This isn't coming naturally. And part of the stress that comes from it is how much you care about it, right? I remember people having a bad video game, right? You know, this session's not going well for me. I'm not getting any gameplay.
Starting point is 01:02:28 To other people, it's like, dude, it's just a game. Flipping chill, right? But if you're a YouTuber who, it's not so much important how good you are as it used to be, but like, to you, like, it's not just a game. Like, this is my career. This is my, people are looking at my stats all the time. I get so much hate. A lot of people in this lobby know me and they think less of me for what's just happened like it matters more to kramer like this was his next thing this was a thing that that he
Starting point is 01:02:54 had a lot of like invested in it was part of his sense of self-worth and flopping for him if i flopped at comedy it would be a very embarrassing three minutes and then I'd move on, knowing that I wasn't good beforehand and confirming it. But to Kramer, that was his everything so it's not so easy to fail. Kyle, are you chomping at the bit to show us something cool? Yeah, you want to see this thing?
Starting point is 01:03:18 I absolutely do. Let's call here. So how is this going to work? He's going to have two screens and the other one's camera is going to be the VR. For those of you watching this, give me a moment to
Starting point is 01:03:33 set up the screen share. Else everybody's going to get mad. No pressure, Woody. No pressure. It changed on me. Did Kyle leave? I know screen sharing oh you're screen sharing oh he's screen sharing yeah yeah what's funny is I don't have Kyle's video do we do we want that Kyle do you I have not seen him for a
Starting point is 01:04:00 few minutes well hang on can you hear me okay so I can hear you and I can see your desktop. Yeah, you should be able to see me and the desktop. Yeah. Okay, let me turn the VR game on. Make sure you play in Windows by the way. Because it's not going to show it, I think. I think it will.
Starting point is 01:04:20 Let's see, let me pick a game. I'm going to play I think it boots it in Windows anyways. Light Blade VR. I don't want to play Light Blade. I want to play Space Pirate Trainer. That's the cool one. Just in case something silly happens.
Starting point is 01:04:41 Alright. The moment of truth. Yeah, let let's see I'm excited or maybe this will convince me not to buy one I could go either way no no no you should experience it and you're sold unlike a CSGO gambling site it could go either way
Starting point is 01:05:02 by the way this is not sponsored by HTC Vive just making sure everybody knows gambling site it could go either way by the way this is not sponsored by hcc vibe just making sure everybody knows mention that yeah but if you are interested go to check it out use coupon code not a sponsorship ship okay now see so I have your screen and I have oh yeah I don't get to control who's at the bottom I need to sort of did you guys still have the screen share yeah but I only see the top off I've got it now. Yeah, I can see it. Alright, I currently have what I want. Ooh, I think I could do this better.
Starting point is 01:05:49 Can you see this? Yes. I can. Can you hang in there for just a minute? I think I can make this better for my subs. It's kind of... So you'll have to talk a little bit loud so i can hear you but if i listen carefully i can't hear you okay we'll speak louder uh can we can you spin around just so we can get a landscape view
Starting point is 01:06:14 can you jump or like dip a little bit so we can see the height difference. Clap your hands. I want to see what happens to the guns. Okay, excellent. Oh, no, not immersive enough. No, I'm not feeling immersed. I rate it 4 out of 10. 4 out of 10.
Starting point is 01:06:43 Needs improvement, you know. This is really neat, though. Even it's like a little laggy for me this is cool the lag is off Skype though what did you just do to start the game Kyle like it's going he like pointed the
Starting point is 01:07:00 pointed the gun at it and shot at it and then it started so he has a shield and a gun now. He's got a shield. Oh, two guns? Jesus. Two guns. If you're listening in the car, we're watching Kyle play a video game.
Starting point is 01:07:16 He's playing Martian Madness or something. It's going to be like Star Wars with guns and lasers and shields. This is nitpicky, but i don't like how there's no hand on the gun you know it's just that would be too confusing and then it would be you know people would get mad at it for being a guy or a girl again too like the guy's white right that's usually like the same four people who get mad about that stuff and just have a lot of email accounts
Starting point is 01:07:44 like just really just hound people i can't because I've never met a girl who plays video games who was really like I need a female character like I can't have fun otherwise just like you know if you like Optimus Prime or whatever not Optimus Prime but the Samus game you don't give a fuck it's a girl like I didn't even know it was a girl. It is. I know it now, of course, but when I was playing it back in the day, I had no idea.
Starting point is 01:08:12 When I was playing it back in the day, I thought it was a robot. So could you see all that? Yes. I saw everything, yeah. That is so much fun. All day. Space pirate train. More or less. I saw everything, yeah. That is so much fun. Space Pirate Trainer.
Starting point is 01:08:26 More or less. Let me close that one. So is that your favorite game thus far? Space Pirate Trainer? It's one of my favorites. I've gotten really far in that one. This light blade thing is pretty fucking cool too though. And what is this one?
Starting point is 01:08:44 Quick little... This is... Yeah, That's Star Wars. This is... Yeah, this is Star Wars. The lights... Is it like a Star Wars ripoff, which is why they have to call it Light Blade? Uh-huh. Really?
Starting point is 01:08:57 Yeah, I was sure that... I knew the answer was going to be that. It's a photon scimitar, you know? All right, so what's happening here he's about to grab the lightsabers oh there yeah he just pulled one out of his butthole there you go that's where I hide my
Starting point is 01:09:18 I was thinking I want hands too it can be gloved if we have issues with race yeah good one but then then again, right? Just, you know, the little... White gloves, black gloves, I don't know. Make it an alien hand. I don't even care. I just want some sort of... There you go. Yeah. I pictured, like,
Starting point is 01:09:36 almost a, um, like a suit of armor hand, although that doesn't make much sense in the context of a Jedi, but yeah, I'm all fine with that. Ooh, look at Kyle. I mean, ideally, someday, it would look like your hand. You could scan your hand in or something. We just got hit.
Starting point is 01:09:53 There could be a character creator, like lots of games. So Kyle's deflecting. All of your steps look very pained and lumbering in the game, not you personally i wonder how that's working in real life because i feel like yeah because you know obviously you can't yeah like like you think oh vr the number one thing is going to be sword fighting but the fact that our swords can't touch
Starting point is 01:10:17 each other like it really changes the way that sword fights work yeah it does it because you just swing past each other yes exactly right through each other like yeah and and i don't even know how the game would react to that like you know yeah obviously i can't tell how much like is this pretty close on that you actually have to block that bullet? I don't think so. Or is it kind of like the Star Wars game currently on the Xbox, not VR, but motion detecting thing, where you kind of just go like this and everything's fine. You can just hold it like that, like this, right?
Starting point is 01:10:57 And then he'll just beat the game. I like the easy martial arts games where you just mash buttons in your character. Like Assassin's Creed, right? I don't even know how to fight people in assassin's creed but i'm amazing at it my kd is like a thousand to one wings would be proud like you can't die you could go into entire crowds and like 150 people attack you they even have guns and you just seem to beat them all somehow uh are we talking about lightsabers?
Starting point is 01:11:27 We drifted from that to Assassin's Creed, like when they don't accurately resemble combat. Yeah. Assassin's Creed combat is... It was really fun to play the first time through in Assassin's Creed 1, where you're kind of like, oh, I'm jumping over here, and I slice you. Oh, and now I spin around, and I slice you in the back. Oh, and now I spin around to the side,
Starting point is 01:11:43 and put my cloak up, and I'm'm hidden and i really got tired of that because once you figure out how to do okay with that kind of style of combat it's like two buttons you need for the entire game to just bounce around people like a pinball willy-nilly and be fine but i don't think that game's super popular anymore i didn't get into assassin's creed to like the third one or something. But I think the one before Pirates, like the American Revolution one. And like I totally didn't understand the significance of major events and stuff like that. Like, don't you understand? They just revealed the brotherhood. As a matter of fact, I don't.
Starting point is 01:12:17 I don't. I have no idea why that's a big deal. Like you're in The Return of the King and you're like, someone's got to catch me up on this Suron guy and maybe he's not 100 in the wrong i don't know i don't know don't nail me to the wall i'm just saying we have all the facts haven't come out yet on this sauron guy you know not all saurons anyway so what are we looking at now kyle so this game is uh this game is called tilt brush i think uh i don't know if it was made by google but google definitely bought it at some point So what are we looking at now, Kyle? This game is called Tilt Brush. I don't know if it was made by Google,
Starting point is 01:12:49 but Google definitely bought it at some point. It's a three-dimensional painting game, which sounds a little lame at first until you see it in practice. Check this out. By the way, this show is not sponsored by Tilt Brush. We should just call out all the time. Not sponsored by these guys. Just making sure, you know.
Starting point is 01:13:10 There are a few sponsors. I'm associated with this episode. I do not want to be associated with any. I think it would be great. This show is not sponsored by Pepsi Max, the only zero-calorie cola with maximum taste. Once again, not sponsored. We also do not own Pepsi, I swear. We need an expose video,
Starting point is 01:13:29 and for some odd reason, Quibble Cop hates it totally on the chin. And no one mentions any of us. Can you believe Queb took all that Tilt Brush money and... We just need to make him CEO. Two dollars, LV.
Starting point is 01:13:44 Didn't we have equal ownership? Shut up. You know what I want to be? I want to be the Josh OG of this company who nobody remembers or knows if shit goes awry. We'll make it a term like he's so Josh OG'd that one.
Starting point is 01:14:01 Did you guys get those words? Rob everybody. That's pretty. It's going to be our escape for life you should do one of those ridiculous draw my life videos in this where it's like I started out in a elementary school where I was bullied and it's just a terrible like so they kind of pointing at you
Starting point is 01:14:21 I would love that dude I keep wanting to do a draw my life made this video very difficult to produce but the standard for draw my lives are so high I can't even come close I can hardly write my name in print let alone draw my life
Starting point is 01:14:41 all those draw your life videos I've never seen one that wasn't high. I've got 90 seconds of content, but I need to make an 8 minute video. So you're going to watch me write things out that I said 40 seconds ago.
Starting point is 01:14:57 I see it the other way. Most of the draw my lives are like, oh, you might not know this. This is looking cool. But I was routinely raped as a child and, oh, you might not know this. This is a real neat. This is looking cool. But I was routinely raped as a child, and my parents were awful, and my uncle was a prisoner. And, oh, yeah, yeah, I spent most of my young time in juvie. And it's just like, oh, man, My Draw My Life, like Beverly Drive.
Starting point is 01:15:21 I got bullied once. And, yeah, okay. And then I started YouTube. Yeah, that's my life. Yeah. Just started YouTube. They tell me, I am going to be bullying you. And I say, please do not begin to bully.
Starting point is 01:15:37 And they give me cookie. I take it. Before you know it, being bullied constantly. I don't know why your voice is so funny man well that's it I get bullied all the time you know PK once my life is so hard right now guys you don't understand I totally want to see you do like it yeah Yeah, I came on Painkiller already. Since then, I've been bullied about a weed cookie ever since. This was sponsored by PKA. Link is in the description.
Starting point is 01:16:11 I do not own PKA, I swear. This is a real neat 3D kind of... This is almost more like sculpting than it is drawing in a way. Because you can move around. It's like a drug simulator. Yeah. It looks pretty. Oh, look at that. This is like...
Starting point is 01:16:31 I was expecting this to be really stupid and silly, but I could see having fun in this. I could see enjoying it the first day. It's one of those things where it's like when I got my first laptop or my first computer and Solitaire was on there or like Minesweeper, I was like, when I got my first laptop, or my first computer,
Starting point is 01:16:46 and Solitaire was on there, or like Minesweeper, I was like, they have games? Holy shit. Like, I can be sitting here, and they won't even know that I'm at the library fucking off with Minesweeper. But that's kind of like what this is. By 2018 standards,
Starting point is 01:17:00 this is going to be horrible and dumb. Oh, yeah. Like, look at the menu. You can already tell, just by watching Kyle do this, this looks really difficult be horrible and dumb. Oh, yeah. Look at the menu. You can already tell just by watching Kyle do this, this looks really difficult and obnoxious. Yeah, I don't know what paradigms are going to take off. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:16 I don't know. It's very easy to use, though. I don't know why you say the menu is obnoxious because Kyle seems to be tearing it up. Yeah. And I know he just got it today so maybe that's true maybe Kyle is very intuitive though alright Kyle that's enough
Starting point is 01:17:34 he can't hear us right I've had plenty of this it must have hurt us because now there's just chaos going around darkness so yeah It must have hurt us because now there's just chaos going around. Darkness. So, yeah, I'm really digging the VR thing. You could probably hang up on my VR guy now.
Starting point is 01:17:55 That's an awesome, awesome tool. Game system, whatever. Well, that's not helpful. Yeah, it does everything, too. So you can watch. I can hang up on you, yeah. That would be good. That's helpful you'd think I'd know Skype better click the red button
Starting point is 01:18:16 there you go I got a couple of different screens open here there's a laptop here and then there's a big like curved monitor behind that and then there's a lot of shit going on behind that camera. But yeah, I really dig that thing. The porn is going to be cool.
Starting point is 01:18:32 Hey, I hooked you up. I hooked you up. Yeah, I appreciate that. Just click the file and just run it and then it does it for you. You're in there. Just select your movies and enjoy. That's what you linked to him? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:48 No, let me finish this up. So, right now, it's so rudimentary with a lot of the games. They're just, I don't know, new games are coming out every day, but next year you've got full support for Fallout. I think that's going to be insane.
Starting point is 01:19:06 And I'm going to be insane. I can't tell you how much fun it is and how happy I am with my purchase. Do you play every game standing up? You did it in a demo, but is that... Yeah. Do you expect to play all of Fallout on your feet? Yeah, most of it, yeah. All of the Fallout that I play of it. And it depends.
Starting point is 01:19:25 It's probably going to use a teleport aspect to point and click to move around. But it feels better to be on your feet. It doesn't matter if you're... You think on your feet that you're walking a lot and going somewhere, but it's more about leaning and looking and ducking and dodging. In that last game, when those laser beams come, I can dodge those and watch them go past me Matrix-style. I think that's going to be really fun in that game.
Starting point is 01:19:50 What is it called when you peek out from behind a wall? There's a term for that. Not leaning. Not cutting the pie. That's what Wings called it. Anyway, when you duck in and out of a cover... Cutting the pie? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:07 What are we... You're just talking about the word for leaning outside of cover and shooting at people? Yeah, but I think there's a term for it. Probably everyone in the comments knows it. Concealed? No, there's a term for ducking in and out of cover, and I can't remember it. But I wonder how that will work in VR. I would say it will work in VR. I would say
Starting point is 01:20:26 it would work very well. It's mostly tracking your head. It knows where your head is. So that's what it knows. I think it's assuming your body is beneath it, but other than that I think it would work really good. I don't think there's a lean in Fallout.
Starting point is 01:20:42 Is there? I don't know Fallout that well. So your whole body just shifts so that you can see the guy to not see the guy, right? That's like a thing in Fallout that you do a lot, at least I think. So how would you do that? Is there like a joystick on the controller that moves you? If there was any leaning to be done, you'd just lean. It's not leaning, it's strafing. Right? Well, that too.
Starting point is 01:21:06 Oh, you do that by moving your body? Oh, yeah. Do short people have an advantage? The reason I'm walking around is because I'm moving in space. Like, I can... We didn't see you. Oh, you couldn't see me through this camera? You know, technically we could, way what happened is it um like it took everyone
Starting point is 01:21:26 you murphy and queb made you share a position and whoever talked most recently was there so it wasn't you okay well yeah so so it's tracking the motion of my head in a three-dimensional space so if i duck i duck in the game if i'm if i walk there, I walk over there in the game. And so like that game where the orbs are flying around shooting lasers at me and I've got a shield and a gun, I can dodge and strafe and run around. I move around a lot. The moving around is the most fun part because you can, like some of the menus in that lightsaber game, you have to walk to the back of the room, the virtual room, and that's how you change the hilt and that's how you change the color of the lightsaber game, you have to walk to the back of the room, the virtual room, and that's how you change the hilt,
Starting point is 01:22:06 and that's how you change the color of the lightsaber blade. So yeah, moving around and stuff like that is mastered. It's so intuitive and it's so good and accurate. It's very, very good. I'm real happy with my purchase, and I can't wait for the first generation of
Starting point is 01:22:21 AAA titles for the thing. And XXX. AAA and the XXX. I was telling him I got a Naughty America account for 4K porn because you cannot just go out and... Oh, you do? I don't.
Starting point is 01:22:38 Definitely not. I might have some account information that I could share with you. It sounds like you already have one so you don't need any help at all. But yeah, the Naughty America account with the 4K porn is outstanding. I've been watching on my 4K monitor. Is it too real? No, and anyone who says that's a faggot.
Starting point is 01:23:01 Nothing wrong with that. Just putting a disclaimer out there, too. Yeah, I don't mean a homosexual homosexual i mean a piece of shit asshole the kind of like a south park faggot the guys who are riding their motorcycles too loud and stuff and just being annoying you're that kind of faggot like if you're like oh no that pussy looks too real it's like good it's supposed to look like good but i can see all the hairs and shit yeah now, now it will make you raise your standards for porn stars. I found myself very quickly, like when I found a porn star I liked, I was like, let's stick with her because she doesn't have razor burn.
Starting point is 01:23:34 She doesn't have cellulite. She doesn't have, you know, like an... You can't see the stuff, you know, under the fake tits, right? Yeah, you can't see the stitch marks and stuff. The scars, exactly, yeah. Yeah, and you can see all that in 4K if it's not an attractive lady. For HD, there was a big thing about that. Like, when porn stars first got HD, they started hitting the gym.
Starting point is 01:23:57 They can see every flaw in us. And now, step two. Oh, you definitely can see. Dude, if you go back and you look at like porn from 1941 you would think that people just were 80 percent uglier across the board because it's like what is this unattractive mustachioed man doing with this quite frankly rotund woman in this weird shack oh the thing about hd and 4k is not just the people and the bumps or whatever. It's the surroundings as well.
Starting point is 01:24:29 To where now it's, oh, I was thinking these were like real nice mansions that they fucked in. There's a stain of blood right there on the carpet. There's the repair guy, the actual repair guy is right there in the kitchen fixing the sink. Like what the fuck is going on? I don't like that part it takes you out of the fantasy so so what you do have to do is be more selective with your porn stars when i find a guy that i like and a girl that i like i try to find i try to stick to them because some of the dudes look so gross in 4k like like it like i don't want to watch that guy fuck and some of the girls 20 male porn stars so i like faye reagan i'm going to female i'm just ignoring your question so faye reagan
Starting point is 01:25:11 is one of my favorite female uh porn stars um i can't i can't really draw up any other names off the top of my head but um there was this brunette who had kind of a bunny face kind of like chubby cheeks and that was really fucking hot she wasn't fat fat or at all. She just had big cheeks. I can't think of her name. But, like, if you find a dude who's poorly shaven or something like that, he'll have, like, razor burn, and you can see it, and it looks gross. So it's raised – it's definitely raised my standards for porn, but it's better porn.
Starting point is 01:25:40 And you can watch it through the VR system. So I've got a whole Twitter – go ahead. You've got to get the VR porn tab on the website. And then you need to do that and then figure out all the settings and stuff and it's a whole... It's like the real deal. Yeah, you've got to line your cock up with them.
Starting point is 01:25:57 Use the virtual desktop app. Use the virtual desktop app and you've got to line your cock up with his cock so that you can look down and she's blowing you. And then you put the auto-blow on and dial it in just so. There you go. Just so. Ying, ying, ying, ying, ying, ying, ying.
Starting point is 01:26:13 It's like I'm there. And, you know, I got this sound, too. So I imagine that I will never need a girlfriend again. Like, what's the fucking point? This is my girlfriend, this fucking NZXT gaming PC right here. You're making a lot of wrong points. I wonder who's cheaper. In the long run, the computer definitely is.
Starting point is 01:26:34 The computer, I don't know what I've got in it yet. It's still not over yet. I haven't put the graphics card in. So I don't know. It's going to be probably three grand or something like that. And then I got those monitors. Those monitors were expensive. But I'm real happy with what I did here.
Starting point is 01:26:48 This is a – I'm just – I was texting my dad then, calling him. I'm like, you've got to get over here and try this. So he's coming over. I told him I had to do the show tonight, but he's coming over tomorrow. Are you going to help him line his cock up with the virtual desktop application? I'd like to figure that out. Were you joking about that, or is that something that you actually do? You sit there with your headset on, and they're like,
Starting point is 01:27:07 all right, position your penis here. And it's like a moving penis-shaped thing. They don't, but the perverted men of the internet have already figured this thing out. See, I've been doing my research for a few days leading up to getting this thing. I wanted to know what games to play. I wanted to know if there were any movies that are worth watching
Starting point is 01:27:23 in the headset. Turns out there's really not. I got a 4K screen. That's what you want to watch it on. And I want to know about the pornography. And the thing about the pornography is it's not a higher resolution. The resolution on this headset is like 2K and it's like
Starting point is 01:27:37 right here. So you're better off with just about any other kind of monitor to watch something. It's the interactive nature and the ability to look down and see it happening. And it's 3D too, you know? And the headset, if you put your headset on, it uses weird surround sound stuff. So it gets really immersive. Not that I know, of course. What is your favorite kind to watch of the vr like it sounds like it's pretty much all beach related from what i can tell maybe that's because it's the easiest to do because you're more stationary that's the most effective to do because like you can look down and see
Starting point is 01:28:18 someone sucking a dick that's in your lap and that's an easy pov to achieve with a camera and an easy way to do it but there's lots of them so you can watch two girls go at it it can be like a three-way scenario i think there's one where you're a girl and another girl is going down on your vagina and my um and see that my favorite ones is where the guy goes and fucks me you know yeah so here's what i'm gonna do like like i'm curious you know i gotta learn these things. I'm curious. I've got to learn these things. I want to know how it feels like to be a girl. And there's just a guy pounding you. That's what I'm going to do, more or less.
Starting point is 01:28:52 You need an auto-blow dildo for your ass. I bought the American Challenge. I don't know if you guys know what it is. No. Should I grab it? It's downstairs. It's the American Challenge. I could just run downstairs.
Starting point is 01:29:06 I want to see it. What I'm going to do to a girl, though, is I'm going to put the VR headset on her, and it's going to look like a girl is going down on her, but it's going to be me going down on her. That'll be almost as hot as just you going down on her.
Starting point is 01:29:24 No! I'm adding technology to the sex! It's gonna be great! What I'm gonna do is I'm going to have Melissa wear it, well, if she's blowing me, but instead of her seeing porn, it's gonna be like she's in a William Sonoma. And so she's
Starting point is 01:29:39 in her happy place, you know? And I'm not. Everyone's enjoying it. Like, she may have a dick in her mouth, but she's like, oh, my God, look at this sale on cutting boards. I had no idea. This is a great ladle. I should look at this online afterwards. And then with the virtual desktop. That's hilarious.
Starting point is 01:29:57 With the virtual desktop, like today, you guys, we were all Skyping back and forth and setting up the times for the show and figuring stuff out. But I was in VR the whole time, so I would hear Skype go off, and I would... Let me grab a controller. I would hear Skype go off, and I would just push this button and point it somewhere, and all of a sudden, my desktop appears there, and I can interact with my desktop and, like, open it up, and I can type with this, and I can open things. Is that the VR handheld?
Starting point is 01:30:25 Yeah. This is one of the controllers. That's really cool looking. Looks futuristic with that hole in the front. And I don't know if that's ever going to... It doesn't work work, but I still know more than I did before. Like what the inside of it looks like yeah and then there's a uh for augmented reality stuff there is a camera right here and uh so some so sometimes there will be an overlay over the room that is there and you can interact
Starting point is 01:30:59 with it so all of a sudden i don't know do you guys like it obviously oh my god jesus how big is it because there's like a forced perspective oh my god what was that like 70 bucks yeah something like that it's for a video though totally but heavy healthy american challenge yes that's typical for us Americans. Right? Is that right? I put it next to mine and it looks pretty small compared to it. Could be the perspective.
Starting point is 01:31:36 That's it. What is the challenge? To swallow that whole thing? What are you talking about? Go ahead, try it. You probably can't put that bigger than the microphone by the way for the there it is webb webb has a huge dildo with balls on it and you're probably thinking i'm making this up right now to be a to be silly it's as big as my arm he literally has a huge purplish red dildo that's as long and bigger around than his arm.
Starting point is 01:32:06 It's bigger than his microphone. It's maybe the biggest thing he owns. It's absurd. He couldn't put it in his mouth and that clip will definitely be in all the Quibble Cop exposed videos. If you got in a fight with someone on the street and you had that and used it it would be a felony of a misdemeanor.
Starting point is 01:32:23 It hits hard. And a sex crime. Yes. And a sex crime. Dangerous. And a hate crime. So how did you use it in a video? So I'm making a parody on loads of YouTubers. We're copying YouTubers.
Starting point is 01:32:38 So one of the guys we're copying is PewDiePie. And you know how he got sent out of his home? Because he was making gay sex noises or something well we're gonna reenact that bit and then like we're gonna fight each other with a dildo and shit we're like a naked suit with a dick on it and we're just gonna start hitting each other with a dildo and we were like we're not gonna get a small one we're just gonna go straight up for the fucking American challenge.
Starting point is 01:33:05 Can I say you made a bit of an error, though? So the toy that you wanted, so they make these dildos that have a handle. Oh, no. They're made like a sword. There's a handle with a grip, and then there's a, what do you call that thing between your hand and the blade?
Starting point is 01:33:23 Is it like the pommel? No, the pommel's the bottom because you would pummel somebody with it i guess guard thing is the scabbard no that's the that's what you put it in let me ask hope she'll know that yeah she will know it but let's call it the hand guard for now um it's got a hand guard so that and then it's just a dildo that's and the whole thing is about this big and it. What you got there is badass, but what I'm talking about is made for a sword fight, a dildo sword fight,
Starting point is 01:33:50 or for just fucking the shit out of somebody. Whatever. It's called a hilt. I like this one. It's not the hilt, is it? The hilt's the whole bit, right? The motion tracking on these are so good
Starting point is 01:34:05 that when I'm in VR with the headset on, I can throw these up into the air and catch them. It's relaying to the headset where these are mid-air, and I'm still able to grab them in mid-air. The tracking is the most impressive thing. It knows where these are. It knows where the headset is at all times, exactly where they are.
Starting point is 01:34:24 I'm sure the timing's off, but it's called a bell guard. It's called a hilt. I looked it up. I was like, is it called anything else? And she says, I've never heard it called anything else. Well, it would depend on the sword, because she uses fencing swords, sabers, and oils. Right, that's why I thought,
Starting point is 01:34:39 because bell guard sounds... Ah, that makes sense for fencing. Because it looks bellish ah yeah the one on her sword would be referred to as a bell guard because she's using a foil or a saber or whatever one she does let her know that it was originally called a bell end so she should call it that yes that's true so it's called i like how the dildo you bought a quillion i think i don't know i like how the dildo you got a quillion i think i don't know i like how the dildo you got was not like if you had got one of those like that's totally straight
Starting point is 01:35:10 like it's made of wood or something like it wouldn't have been as funny the funny ones are the ones that flop around a bit and they hang yeah they hang like a dick that like you had sex five minutes ago you know and so you so you're still not back to action mode where you can, you know, keep going with life. It's a semi, right? Yeah, it's a semi. That's what it's called? Pretty much.
Starting point is 01:35:32 Your English is very good. Shit just went down. Your English is phenomenal. Although, I think if you got one that big... Oh, yes, it is, yes. Thank you, weed. Yes, cookies, yes. I think it would take a lot of blood to get that thing just rock hard, though.
Starting point is 01:35:47 I mean, if you got that thing to this point, you're already down at least a pint. I'm browning out. You're like grabbing the base of that thing and squeezing it because if you let go, it'll all shoot back into you too fast and your capillaries and your eyes explode. That's the one guy who was writing the blog of, you know, I think it's good they're getting nudity out of Game of Thrones. It's a real feminist thing that they should do and, you know, the last thing I need is browning out during another
Starting point is 01:36:13 Tyrion scene. Because I got caught up in Daenerys and then suddenly boom, I'm somewhere interesting and I can't see. Dude, have you guys followed UFC 200 at all? Yeah, yeah yeah so john jones got fucking caught with with uh doping again dude i am so i could talk about this all night here so ufc 200 i was feeling very fortunate you guys have heard my spiel a million times about how with the ufc event like they're not necessarily guaranteed a super bowl so this is the main event of ufc 200
Starting point is 01:36:46 it's the one that people are most looking forward to john jones daniel cormier cormier i can't do names um they're fighting and it's such a big build-up and it's like it it is one of the biggest fights that can possibly exist in all of mma it's prime mayweather versus Pacquiao. It's the thing you wish you had. Nice cock, Kyle. It is amazing. And then John Jones fails his drug test. Rumor is, two different drugs he was taking. Probably PEDs, but I'm not sure.
Starting point is 01:37:19 doping is not the same as steroids, typically. Usually, doping means blood doping, so they have more red blood cells and more energy. Oh, what Lance Armstrong did. Well, blood doping, but I think doping in general, I think doping would refer to all drugs, because marijuana gets referred to as doping.
Starting point is 01:37:38 Okay, I've only heard blood doping called that, but I could be wrong, I don't know. But basically, Jon Jones is out, and 72 hours before the event he gets yanked at the time we're recording this the rumor is anderson silver's replacing him he's fought at 205 before he's coming off like two losses or something one or two losses and um i don't know why he's like he's getting this shot but i guess he was willing to take on a short notice and he's a big name uh j' legacy, I think I'm particularly hard on drug users,
Starting point is 01:38:09 like performance-enhancing drug users, because to me, he's off the list for greatest of all time. Like, he was the GOAT. Anderson Silva was the GOAT, got called for PEDS. Fuck him. John Jones is the GOAT, got called for PEDS, performance-enhancing drugs. Fuck him.
Starting point is 01:38:24 Demetrius Johnson is the GOAT now. Or for PEDS, performance-enhancing drugs. Fuck him. Demetrius Johnson is the GOAT now. Or George St. Pierre, one of those. How many people are they going to go down through before they realize that, like, all those guys at the top are cheating? I don't know. Isn't it, like, is it, do you really, I think it's probably, and this is not an educated stance because I don't follow the UFC, but I also didn't follow the fucking Tour de France, but it turned out that if you wanted to pick the real winner, you had to go to the guy in 28th place or something because every guy on every team was blood doping
Starting point is 01:38:52 because you simply can't compete because everyone has the same unnatural advantage. You might be right. Is that what UFC is? I don't think it's as bad. It's certainly not. That guy's so good. He beats the shit out of everyone by a huge margin.
Starting point is 01:39:05 Oh, fuck. Turns out, yeah, he was probably cheating. There's some upside to this. The next guy. So in track, there are runners who are considered too big to catch, right? You know, like Usain Bolt. I'm not saying he's doping, but I'm saying if he was caught, they might look the other way because some guys are too big and too important to catch.
Starting point is 01:39:23 It would ruin the sport if they did. It's happened in swimming, I'm told, like some of these German women or whatever. And it's definitely happened in track. Yeah, right? I don't want to ruin that market. German swimming. X, Y, Y. Did you see the German soccer team at Playboy?
Starting point is 01:39:38 Yeah, I was disappointed. That's a better topic. The exciting thing about catching Jon Jones is there's nobody bigger. He's number one, maybe next to Conor McGregor. If Jon Jones gets caught, then no one's too big to catch. 72 hours before UFC 200. And if you don't know the sport, I can't even think of a parallel in most mainstream sports. Even the Super Bowl happens every year.
Starting point is 01:40:05 The UFC 100, 200, this is like every five, like an Olympic Super Bowl if there's such a thing. So, like... Yeah, it's the same thing. Like, it's the same as UFC 190. No, no, UFC 200 is not the same as UFC, like, 182 or something like that. Like, they take the 100 and 200 and make them black like crazy events they they like everybody on the card is a main liner whereas normally you have one or two um
Starting point is 01:40:31 like it it is it's not a normal card it's they pull out all the stops they got block brock resner block brock lesnar out of retirement to fight on this card, right? Like, they pull out all the stops, and they took the last fight, like the mainest of the main event fighters, 72 hours beforehand, said no drugs. And so on the upside, you know, no one's safe. On the downside, it's Daniel Cormier,
Starting point is 01:41:02 assuming his name is close to that, I mess him up. He's like, is there anything I can do? I'll sign a waiver. I'll fight him anyway. And it's like, that's pretty badass. Cormier. Cormier?
Starting point is 01:41:15 Yeah, I don't even trust you. Fuck off. Cormier. So let me tell everyone a little bit about me undies. You wear underwear every day. That's 365 days a year, rain or shine. You need it to be extraordinary. Without an insane price tag, MeUndies understands this and that's why they've created the world's most
Starting point is 01:41:31 comfortable underwear. Luxury at half the retail price you'd find anywhere else. MeUndies is made from Modal, a fabric that's twice as soft as cotton and twice as soft as whatever you're wearing right now. Most of us wear underwear every day. So why settle for low quality multi-pack underwear that's scratchy and lame? MeUndies has tons of colors and styles for both men and women, which means you and your lady can finally have matching underwear.
Starting point is 01:41:53 They release a new design every month. And on top of that, they even have free shipping to the United States and Canada. MeUndies has a money back guarantee. If you don't love your first pair, you get to keep it for free. That's right. They don't want your used underwear back. So you have nothing to lose. The best part about all this, of course, is that they're offering 20% off your first order when you use our URL, slash pka.
Starting point is 01:42:15 So click the link in the description or go to slash pka to get 20% off your first order over at MeUndies. It really is superior underwear. Keeps your butt dry. Never rides up. Keeps your cock and balls just so. On display.
Starting point is 01:42:31 On display. Excellent underwear. Worth the price. Make it happen. I can't believe that topic's open. It's like Tom Brady just got pulled from the Super Bowl three days before it happened for performance-enhancing drugs. It impacts his legacy.
Starting point is 01:42:44 It's everything. It's like the biggest drug bust ever to happen in UFC history, and I think I'm the only one that cares. Well, it's not as big as the Super Bowl. What's that? It's not like a Super Bowl. It's bigger, right, because it's a Super Bowl that happens twice in history. Well, no, I was saying it's like the Super Bowl,
Starting point is 01:43:03 but it's much, much, just so much smaller. Like, so much. Like, in a big way, it's smaller. It's like the bicentennial. You know, it's a big deal. Every 100, sure, they call out the stops, all the stops. But it's not like it's like they do it because Dana White says it'll make a lot of money. Hey, this is a round number, so let's spend a little bit more money here
Starting point is 01:43:29 and beef up the pay-per-view numbers. They're trying to put on the biggest show they can put on in MMA, the biggest show that MMA's ever had, and they're failing at that pretty spectacularly. They got a Misha Tate fight on there, right? Oh, dude, I love that fight. I know you do because you're a big MMA guy, but the average dude wants to see...
Starting point is 01:43:47 Where's Ronda? Where's Ronda here? Who's this other lady? That's all they care about. They don't care that Ronda's getting knee surgery, or she's rehabbing, or whatever Ronda's doing. You know, they... This isn't as big as they would want it to be. They would much rather have Ronda Rousey and Jon Jones still on the card.
Starting point is 01:44:04 I'm gonna watch it. I'm going to watch it. I'm not going to buy it, though. Every fight on this card, all the way down to fight pass, is amazing to me. I knew all the names. I will say that. I don't follow the UFC to the point where I know the names. When I hear Frankie Edgar, I know who that is. I saw all the names in that lineup, and I'm like,
Starting point is 01:44:27 every single one of the matchups, I knew at least one of the guys. So I will say that for this lineup. It's clearly the best that they could get together. They're doing their best at this, and unfortunately in professional sports, the fighters are fucking the fans over. That's what's happened here. Jon Jones has taken a little bit of the greatness that should have been there.
Starting point is 01:44:48 And, you know, coming off that cocaine hit and run bullshit and, you know, oh, I got my axe cleaned up, you would think he'd be shooting straight, but clearly he's been doing it the whole time. I seriously doubt that Jon Jones was doing cocaine but not doing performance-enhancing drugs back a year ago so he's been a doper the whole his whole career let me jump in hit the cocaine drug tests that they found he didn't get busted for performance enhancing drugs but there was something weird about it
Starting point is 01:45:18 like abnormally high levels of estrogen to keep his like ratio intact or something. Not only that, but that's one of the ways you prevent getting the bitch tits and the hair loss, the acne and stuff like that. You counteract that huge amount of testosterone with estrogen. Clomid, I think, is one of the drugs. I remember I was
Starting point is 01:45:40 doing a lot of research about this stuff a long time ago. But yeah, that's how you prevent getting those serious side effects. I might be wrong on the details of it, but the people who do understand these things were all like, this is very suspicious and not just for the Coke. You know, like the ratios that it takes to flag for a drug test are usually pretty outrageous. Like, you know, if a normal man is one to one
Starting point is 01:46:00 and a Superman is four to one, we don't bust you until you hit six to one because these are kind of supermen right there's a very good chance that like if if i don't know john jones never popped a pill or shot a syringe he would have better t levels than me because i'm a normal person and he's a professional athlete but they don't catch them until it's like a thing that humans don't do yeah yeah i would imagine imagine the blood chemistry of John Jones is completely different than ours. His cholesterol levels, his body fat content, the amount of water that's in his blood, his bone density, his muscle density. Just the fibers that construct his muscles.
Starting point is 01:46:40 Ronda Rousey's nose can't break. It's weird. Yeah, I didn't do it personally, but I saw her on a talk show. She's like, yeah, push it. And people are like, that's weird. Her whole nose smushes in, so she can be punched indefinitely without having a broken nose. It's just form different. These aren't regular people.
Starting point is 01:46:57 They're super people. I don't believe that. I think if I punched Ronda Rousey in the nose with my fist, it would break. Apparently, she just doesn't have a bridge or something. The whole thing pushes in. I don't know. I got it from Conan O'Brien. But she's like, yeah, my nose can't break.
Starting point is 01:47:12 Feel it. And he's like, oh, shit. If Conan says it, I'm sold. I was. Who tells him that? What was that? Coco. Yeah, Conan O'Brien.
Starting point is 01:47:24 Oh. I didn't hear your words. But yeah, yeah. So these are super people. They're not like regular people. And if they get caught for abnormal ratios, they're super abnormal. Things that don't happen to humans. Sports stars cheat.
Starting point is 01:47:38 They just do. There was some baseball player on the Stern Show the other day, and I can't remember his name. It was an amazing interview because he talked not just about baseball. He talked a lot about his sex life and all the money he spent and wasted and stuff like that. So it was very good. And he was talking about, he's like, yeah, I did them. Yeah, I did steroids.
Starting point is 01:47:56 I did them because I wanted that $100 million contract, and I got it, and I'm glad I got it. It was great. It was so, because they had jose canseco on back in the day and he comes on the opposite he's like you know i did it because i had to do it and i feel terrible about it and he just all this bullshit boohoo boohoo this guy is like yeah did it i'd do it again shit i i'm i don't remember that's how I feel right now. I'm like, maybe I should start a CS Lotto company. But I wouldn't hide it.
Starting point is 01:48:29 I would be honest. I would say, yeah, you know what? I didn't realize this was such a lucrative business. Check out CS Go Woody. Why don't we remember that fan we've got who comes to the Google Hangouts and he does that shit and makes a bunch of money? Let's hire him. Let's each give him $5,000. Send him out to go get this thing set up and just keep promoting it and let everybody know, we own it. I won't play on it.
Starting point is 01:48:53 I don't want your fucking skins, bro. I just want to facilitate this fun game that you all seem so interested in. I might play on it, but hey, what? Guaranteed you win. If I win, I'll just give you the shit. I don't care i don't want to take anything from you guys in a bad way i want to offer things to you and come up with like never a parasitic uh a circumstance always a symbiotic circumstance where where i
Starting point is 01:49:17 give you something you give me something and we both walk away happy and we're glad that we did the thing you know you don't want to play some sort of hit and run business tactics and you can't do that if you're dishonest when there's gambling involved now now if they started a company that was something else i feel like they could have started uh uh uh maybe a hardware company maybe they're selling gaming mice and not admit that they own it and people would wouldn't have given that much of a shit but because it's gambling i think that doubled it that's the real thing. There's the gambling. I feel like a lot of other stuff, because he had one lie,
Starting point is 01:49:53 they added five more. The thing about fixing games I don't think is true. I don't either. They threw it in there. The thing about having, oh my God, he's marketing to children. I don't know. I don't I don't I don't know I don't care that's it that's who that's who plays this shit everybody knows that I just if he had said this is my site and said you know these are the
Starting point is 01:50:15 rules for it then it would have been about kids lying to him rather than about him trying to corrupt children. Yeah, it's a shame it went the way it did. Yeah, everything around it. Because of the initial lie, I didn't own it, everything around it became dirtier, and that's what happened. How hot is it up there? Oh, what are we talking about?
Starting point is 01:50:41 The temperature in North Carolina. Oh, I thought you literally meant like is my room too hot. The number is not that impressive. It will be like mid-90s or something. But with the humidity, like you just step out. I took drone footage and I am just coated with sweat. Flying a drone, not strenuous. Why didn't you get in the car?
Starting point is 01:51:03 Because the remote goes farther if I'm outside the car. And I need to go far. I want to go to the edge of the campuses and stuff like that. I'm outside the car. So, and I need to go far. I want to go to the edge of the campuses and stuff like that. I'm not just flying above me. So, but yeah, so I'm outside and I'm like, you just melt in 60 seconds.
Starting point is 01:51:19 My whole face is just beaded up with sweat. You know, I'm doing this to my shirt, trying to get it to dry without having the shirt be wet. It is so sweaty out. Even though it's just like 93, it's the worst 93 imaginable. I think the next VR game I buy is going to be the Paramotor Simulator. I'm so jelly.
Starting point is 01:51:40 You'll have more flight time than me. Woody finally got to fly, and I went and watched the video i uh i don't several days ago i i watched it i wanted to be able to get on a full script full screen sit there and relax and see this thing from beginning to end that second landing you took when you accidentally shut off the engine and you know some guy on the ground yells he's he's stalled he's i was me i yelled you can hear me from the paramotor oh that's you screaming yeah i was like oh shit stalled the motor something close to that i thought a random yeah yeah i thought a guy on the ground was like he stalled he stalled oh no but it's woody screaming he stalled but what woody has done is as he's like guiding himself in he he hit the
Starting point is 01:52:21 shutoff switch on one of his strings and the motor stops and that's what's keeping him sort of gliding in nicely that's how you gain altitude yeah so he starts kind of dropping out of the air and descending a little faster before this happened so what happened was he says bad landing go around again right i didn't land in the spot i was supposed to. I was going to overshoot it. So I went to try again. And so it wasn't like the motor just stalled. No, no. This was a landing that we had deemed unsuitable. And then it wasn't optional anymore.
Starting point is 01:52:55 Shit. Yeah, you hit the ground pretty hard, man. It sounded hard. It could have easily been both legs broken. It doesn't take that much to break your legs. If you just go in at a shit angle, and maybe there's a rock that you didn't see, and it touches your foot, and suddenly your knees go in the wrong direction. To your credit, I thought that was also a man on the ground saying,
Starting point is 01:53:16 Oh, you stalled, but knowing it's you, you kept your composure. I would have freaked the fuck out. Oh, yeah, one time! Of course! Of course! Why am I up here? It looked very scary. You hit the ground pretty hard, and your landing gear is your feet, so
Starting point is 01:53:35 you could have twisted an ankle or something, but it seemed like you did a good job of protecting the machinery. That thing is expensive. I mean, a broken leg is expensive but i don't think it costs 12 grand so well we just had our second half of the show guests come on dave rubin thanks for coming in what's up people hey how's it going i just saw the chat right you're live i saw the chat i'm live uh i jumped in on a on a twisted ankle. I have a severely twisted ankle myself right now.
Starting point is 01:54:06 Arnica. You know about the Arnica? I don't. No. It's a homeopathic or some, you know, you get it like some weird people that sell shit that you probably shouldn't buy. Snake oil, yeah. Yeah, yeah. You just rub it on your leg and then the sensation will eventually come back.
Starting point is 01:54:23 You'll be all right. Huh. your leg and then the sensation will eventually come back you'll be all right ah so basically i think kyle and woody have watched a little bit of your stuff i'm i lean admittedly more to the right and you're the only channel on youtube that i can watch uh a guy who's self-professed liberal talk about it because you don't come off as smug which is the biggest turn off i think to people on on the more a little more right you know woody here more of a centrist me and kyle on the right but the smugness turns a lot of people off even if they're being you know genuine and right but yeah i really enjoy your content on your channel guys uh i'll see a compliment right dave dave dave can I interrupt real quick?
Starting point is 01:55:05 Because I'm going to head off. It was really nice meeting you. But thank you guys so much for having me. And adios. Hey, hey. Thanks, Will. Always nice to have you up on the show. What kind of show did I just jump in on?
Starting point is 01:55:23 Don't judge. You know what I always say, to each his whole. It's okay. There you go. You know, my biggest issue with – so if you had talked to me a year ago, I'd be pretty left, right? Like way over there. It's like – do they call it the righteous left?
Starting point is 01:55:43 What is the – the regressive left? The hippie ones that are like, it just makes you not want to be on their team anymore. The guys who find injustices when they're not really there, the people who completely avoid responsibility for the position that they're in, it is infuriating and it makes you want to jump ship. is infuriating and it makes you want to jump ship. Yeah. Well, you know, first I hear from so many people that I'm the only liberal they can tolerate, which I know they mean as a compliment, but I'm starting to think it's not a compliment because it's lonely, man. Like I should be, you know, I should be writing a book. I am writing a book, but it's not going to be titled this, but it should be the last liberal standing. I mean, that's how I feel right now because I am and always have been a liberal. I'd be happy to answer literally any question you guys want to ask me on any topic and can explain any political position I have. And I think nine out of 10 times they will come across as liberal positions, which,
Starting point is 01:56:39 by the way, in a classic liberal sense, aren't very far from libertarian positions. It's just which part of your brain you argue from, sort of. But yes, to both of your points, the regressive ideology, the regressive less, this outrage machine, this social justice warrior machine, this oppression Olympics machine, this group of people who consistently want to rank us all on our color and our creed and our nationality and our sexuality and whether we are ableist or not and other nonsensical words that they make up to basically paralyze all of us from actually speaking, this is on the left. And just to be very clear, because people say this to me all the time, you're on the
Starting point is 01:57:19 left, you're a liberal, but you never attack the right. The right aren't my guys. I will gladly rip apart everyone on the right, if that's where you want to go with this. But I'm trying to clean up my house. You know what I mean? I could turn on any TV show. We could turn on The Daily Show. You could turn on – what's her name on TBS that has that new show?
Starting point is 01:57:38 Or any show, SNL, anything. They'll always rip apart the right. That's easy. I'm trying to clean the house here and i'm dealing with a bunch of people uh that think i'm cisgendered scum even though i'm gay but that doesn't count anymore because i'm white so yeah my little ruins that you know he came in all gay and alt-right and now you don't even get that checkbox on your card no you're out there are there are actual lgbt organizations in colleges right now google this i'm not making this up that are now not allowing white gay men to sit on the boards of the organizations because now those guys are
Starting point is 01:58:10 privileged. And look, this is the inherent problem. If you view everybody just by what you can see about them, the ultimate individual, Zion Hirsi Ali, who I think is one of the greatest humans on earth who I've had on my show, she always says, look, if you want to protect minorities, the minority that you really have to protect is the individual because the individual is the ultimate minority. So every time you get upset because someone talks about Islam, which is the most regressive ideology in practice today, if you get upset every time someone criticizes it, who are you hurting the most? You're not hurting the three of you guys or me. You're hurting the atheist Muslim that lives in Saudi Arabia.
Starting point is 01:58:48 You're hurting the gay guy that lives in Kuwait, the free thinker that lives in Egypt. Those are the people you're hurting, so don't pretend you're for them. You're only for them because you lump them all together. It's pretty pathetic. Here's the thing. Totally agree. It's a behavior I've noticed And I sometimes do it myself So I don't know how to cope with it
Starting point is 01:59:07 The Trump apologist, right? So people listen to Trump And if he says something that they love Oh my gosh, we have to stop all these bad trade deals We lose every one of them They say, yeah, Trump's right about that And if they say something they don't like Like, you know what? I'm pro-life
Starting point is 01:59:23 They'll say, ah He was just kidding about that position. No, no, no. The ones that he agrees with me on, those are all true. The ones where we disagree, he's just saying that to get elected. The thing is, I hate to say, is there an element of truth to that? Right? Like, Trump really was pro-choice a few years ago. He might just be saying that to get elected. And that's was pro-choice a few years ago. He might just be
Starting point is 01:59:45 saying that to get elected. And that's not the only position that he's like that. Look, first off, all they all want to do is be elected. Every single one of them. That's what they're there to do, be elected. Barack Obama said a lot of shit when he was running for office that never came to fruition. Remember when he was talking about Obamacare the first time around? We're going to have all the hearings live on C-SPAN, nothing behind closed doors, blah, blah, blah. So even if you're the most pro-Obamacare person, which I basically think it's okay, even though I just went independent with my show, we're now a small business, by going through Obamacare, it cost me a lot more than had I done it through
Starting point is 02:00:20 individual things, which is a whole boring other topic. But the point is, they all lie. All of them lie. What people are hitting on with Trump is that he doesn't speak like a politician, which a lot of that I think is good. But look, yeah, I think to your point, ultimately, this guy's a New Yorker. He's been around New York liberals his entire life. He's a big government New York guy, which as a New Yorker myself, born in Brooklyn, grew up in Long Island, went to college upstate New York, lived there almost my whole life for the last three years. I have no problem with New York. I love New York. Give me a state where they have more diverse people living together and not killing each other. That's New York. Go to New
Starting point is 02:00:57 York City for a day, you know. At the same time, people don't know what he believes. So I would say that between him and clinton if there was ever a time that we just needed to have a national referendum on getting these fucking people out of our lives this is it yeah there the thing about trump is he god i sometimes i really i it's what i want to like him a lot more than I actually do just because I want to believe that, you know, I'm doing something against Hillary. That's really the motivating factor for me, this cycle. Most people in my boat is I want to not – I don't want Hillary. I don't think the whole email nonsense like her – it just puts a bad taste in my mouth that she can get away with shit that I couldn't and that you couldn't and that Woody couldn't.
Starting point is 02:01:42 We'd all be fucked if we were in that situation. We wouldn't have – you know, Obama wouldn't have tweeted about it. I've had my own email server. No one gave a shit. You know what's funny about the email thing with her just in the last couple days is that basically Comey came out and said this woman is not criminal in that she didn't maliciously do these things, but pretty much he just said she's incredibly inept. That in a way is a worse condemnation than had she maliciously done this.
Starting point is 02:02:12 Saying she doesn't really know what she's doing, she doesn't really understand what our basic procedures are, how is that giving anyone confidence? So yeah, she's not going to be brought up on charges, but the Democrats are trying to spin this like they're walking away like, ha-ha, see, we're free now. It shows – at best, it shows utter incompetence. And most people that are listening to this or watching this, if you at your job did something that was grossly negligent but you did it by accident, guess what? You'd get in shit. You'd probably be fired.
Starting point is 02:02:43 But they're chalking this up as a major win because their candidate is grossly negligent. The way that the FBI guy was explaining it, it was so reminiscent to me of when Dumbledore would read that shit at the end of Harry Potter where he'd be like, you endangered your fellow students. You made gross misappropriations of magic power. And for this, you are receiving the highest honor like that's what it was like it was the guy being like you did this you did that uh some reporter hey if anybody else did this would they be in trouble yes yes you did this you did that no charges as a matter of fact no one reasonable would bring you up on them moving on like it's enraging to see that kind of that is
Starting point is 02:03:25 that's true that's the truest example of privilege i've ever seen in my life well that's the thing if there was ever a time for for people to really figure out what is the role of government what should government do in our lives should these do you want more hillary clinton in your life do you want more even if you're the biggest trump guy and and you love the free speech stuff and that he's railing against the SJWs and all of that stuff, even if you absolutely love that. And believe me, I get it. My main place of sympathy with him is that he's trying to crack through this politically correct, horrific, chilling bullshit that we deal with on a daily basis that is literally destroying the country. There's a lot of other bad things going on here, too. But I think that's pretty, it's on the top of my list of some really horrible shit.
Starting point is 02:04:11 And but at the end of the day, if there was a real libertarian, a classical liberal or libertarian candidate who said, what is government supposed to do? What is it that we're actually supposed to do? Should we be part of your lives? Or is government supposed to give you roads and be part of your lives? Or is government supposed to give you roads and give you some schools and, you know, have some defense, but not have fanciful wars and blah, blah, blah. I think most people, and this is, I think, why my show is working and the things that I'm talking about are working. Most people, that's what they
Starting point is 02:04:37 want. They want to be left alone. You want to wake up, go to your job, eat some decent food, have sex with someone that you want to have sex with, and that's it. That's pretty much it. And instead, we've created a situation. Sounds like a good day. Yeah, that's a pretty good day, right? Instead, we've created a situation where somehow we have to have Trump and Clinton making every decision of whether a trans person can go to a bathroom and this Trump can do that. It's like that has nothing to do with what the founding fathers wanted the government to be about. I'm in North Carolina, and that's such an embarrassment to me.
Starting point is 02:05:08 I hope you've gone to your own bathroom. Have you ever put on a dress and gone into your own bathroom? Oh, sure, haven't we all? That's a unisex bathroom in your home, right? Anyone allowed? All are welcome. You should open your bathroom to refugees. Take it two steps further.
Starting point is 02:05:26 Hang on a goddamn minute. Yeah, one of the things that's appealing about Trump is the people that hate Trump, I hate them, right? Social justice warriors hate Trump. Remember when he was still in the primary and 50 multimillionaires came in in their private jets to the coast of – is it Virginia, Kyle? Georgia. Georgia, coast of Georgia, and tried to put their heads together on how to stop Trump from winning the nomination. Well, that sounds like the kind of person I don't like either. It doesn't matter whether it's the elite not wanting Trump in or the social justice warriors not wanting Trump in.
Starting point is 02:06:06 It's like, you know, I'm against that team. So I guess I'm on this one. Well, you know, Bill Kristol from the National Review has been leading this charge, right, to get the delegates to be unbound. And a lot of mainstream Republicans want the delegates to be unbound. So forget whether you like Trump or not. Irrelevant. to be unbound. So what do you forget whether you like Trump or not? Irrelevant. If you want, after we've had now, whatever, six months of elections, he mauled everybody again,
Starting point is 02:06:34 for better or worse, he mauled everybody. He systematically took them all down, showed that they were all pathetic, flawed candidates, which they all were. The only one who I think was saying anything different was Rand Paul, who got sacked after the freaking Iowa straw poll or something. But forgetting all the things you may hate about Trump, if you're for the idea that after all of these elections and the most Republican votes ever and 62% up in turnout for Republicans, if you're for the idea of allowing unbound delegates, basically meaning that delegates could now go into the convention and say, you know what, you guys had fun for six months and you all had record turnout and we did elections and all that, but actually the seat of power, we've decided to pick somebody else. Regardless of whether I like Trump or not,
Starting point is 02:07:21 I would be on the streets protesting that too, because then you, then we genuinely no longer have democracy. And it's, it's tenuous at best, whether we have it at this point. But you cannot allow party delegates to suddenly, and this is what Bernie wanted, you know, until a month ago, he wanted party delegates, the superdelegates, which he rails against, says the system's corrupt, but his whole campaign for the last two months was about getting superdelegates to override the popular vote. So they're all liars. They're all con men. Even Bernie.
Starting point is 02:07:52 And people should have sex with our lives. Yeah, even Bernie. I've said this. It's a corrupt, crooked system, not because there are superdelegates, but because those superdelegates had already came out in favor of Hillary before any voting took place, way before Iowa or any of that stuff. So that influenced the public at large. I think that's been what he's said all along. And yeah, you're right. At the end, he was like, let's make it work for me now. so let's make it work for me now. Right. So there's a little, so yes, you're right because a lot of them had pledged before
Starting point is 02:08:27 Bernie had gotten any momentum or any of that stuff but A, they can turn their pledge. They can still turn it tomorrow. Can you imagine what would happen to that guy? The guy who's like, you know, Hillary I know, team Hillary I changed my mind. I'm going to, what?
Starting point is 02:08:44 It'd be worse than going against chris christie so someone's story let me go check on this whack bag his ass whack him over the head like v for vendetta i've said the same thing as dave you know i really really don't like clinton and i've actually never met a clinton supporter but the liberals are bernie supporters i still have yet to ever meet a Clinton supporter. And I really don't like Trump, but I do like democracy. And, you know, Trump got the most votes and Clinton got the most votes. And people who think it was at all close that Bernie was in this race, you have to realize he was winning the caucuses, right? So if you were to go popular vote,
Starting point is 02:09:19 not only did Bernie lose the popular, like the electoral vote, if it's called that, you know, in the primaries, but the delegate vote, but he lost the popular vote by the electoral vote, if it's called that, you know, in the primaries, but the delegate vote. But he lost the popular vote by even a bigger percentage because he was winning these low turnout caucuses. He lost the popular vote by about three million. So when they keep telling you he's having a revolution, like, I get it. He talked about some stuff that I would guess that we all probably agree on, that the system is broken and that money's corrupting the system and all of those things, whether we agree or disagree.
Starting point is 02:09:46 The point is that he did talk about some things that most people want to talk about that nobody talks about. Not that long ago, I don't know, 20 years ago, there was something called the McCain-Feingold Act where actually John McCain was leading the charge to get campaign finance taken care of and then the Supreme Court systematically destroyed that. So Bernie did some good stuff, but I always said all along about Bernie that I actually liked him better than I liked his supporters, because it was this entire SJW thing, and it was just this grievance industry. And I don't, I am not a victim, and I don't want anyone to treat me like a victim and by the
Starting point is 02:10:25 Way, that's why I thought gay rights were important because gay because gay people just wanted equality now We got equality now. I want to be treated as shitty as everybody else I don't want to be I don't want you to not you can make a fucking joke about me or Say what you want about me give us equality and I know there's still a couple little things that need to be dealt with But that's it now Let's be let's be treated equal. And if we just keep being afraid to say anything about anybody, that's when people start killing each other because they're so internally frustrated. I didn't like Bernie's platform.
Starting point is 02:10:56 And I'll tell you why. I felt like the side effect of his platform was a lack of responsibility. He tells you the system is rigged. He's not telling you stop majoring in women's studies. He tells you it's not your fault that you're not getting ahead. The system is rigged. Oh, the student loan debt? You signed up for that.
Starting point is 02:11:17 Did you not look at the cost of schools when you chose whatever private school over public school and now you're complaining about your debt? Did you not work summers? If these people finished with six figures worth of debt, they probably didn't drop a dime into their tuition costs for four years. You took a four-year vacation, you fuckhead. Now you have six figures worth of debt.
Starting point is 02:11:37 And Bernie says it's not your fault that this should have been free in the first place. Dude, assume some responsibility. Take a major that will get you employed after college, right? This isn't supposed to be like this I don't know, four year vacation where you enrich your heart as a person. Never once uttered a word about
Starting point is 02:11:53 raising some money for trade schools. Some people who spend two years and they go right into the workforce where they can start building seniority and start becoming an entrepreneur perhaps. I always use the idea of a young person who's maybe not heading to college and they don't know what to do. Why don't you go get a degree in heating and air?
Starting point is 02:12:12 It'll take you two years. And five years from now, you can have your own heating and air van and your own business in 10. Like, you want to be a millionaire even though you've barely graduated high school? That's how you do it. Do something like that. Or you can do a Bernie Depp is path to success of being a bad carpenter for a few years and then being an irrelevant senator in one of the least influential states in the union.
Starting point is 02:12:33 Yeah, well, look, also, you know, Bernie, I think, had maybe two pieces of real legislation in, like, 30 years, and they pretty much were nothing. So people like to think he's this outsider renegade who's done all this stuff. And actually, he's done virtually nothing across the aisle. And the truth is, he's not a Democrat. He really is a socialist, which is fine if that's who you are. But so to me, it's like now everyone's upset he hasn't endorsed Hillary yet. But it's like you're about to endorse the person that literally stands for everything that you're against.
Starting point is 02:13:05 You hate Wall Street money. And guess what? Now you're about to you're about to endorse the ultimate in Wall Street money. And I'm actually, you know, in some ways, I'm a little surprised because I thought there was a chance that he would take this moment because the whole political system is so mangled right now and everyone is so frustrated and say, you know what, I'm not endorsing her. I'm running as an independent. He wouldn't win, but it would set the stage for a third party in 2020, which I hope will be a libertarian party. I wouldn't want it to be that party, but I thought he was maybe going to do that. But now it's like, it's like Elizabeth Warren. It's like she didn't endorse anyone the entire time, even though she agrees with everything
Starting point is 02:13:43 Bernie says. She waited until the day Bernie lost California to finally say she's endorsing Hillary. It's like, wow, you're a leader? You people aren't leaders. You're all – No convictions. I love the side effect of Elizabeth Warren endorsing Clinton isn't that Bernie supporters suddenly like Clinton. It's that Bernie supporters suddenly don't like Elizabeth. That's been the, oh, well, you're a sellout.
Starting point is 02:14:10 Now we know. That's fun. A big thing with Bernie, I think, and the reason he appeals to so many people my age and younger, like mid-20s, late-20s even, is that he's so old and has been around for so long that he's like all the other senators probably know of him as an irrelevant loser
Starting point is 02:14:30 who's never done anything and is sitting at the lunch table by himself. Oh my God, you see what Bernie brought to lunch again? What an idiot. Like, that's what they're doing. And he comes out, tells all these kids my age, older, younger, hey, it's not your fault.
Starting point is 02:14:44 It's all everybody else's fault no responsibility on you you're in a broken system and they're all like hey yeah this guy is not a dumb idiot who never achieved anything basically was way into the career you're breaking up taylor but there was a similar there was a similar thing that happened. I don't think he can hear us. He's cool. He's fighting for me. It's like the only reason people who hate sports. Let him go here.
Starting point is 02:15:12 I'm liking this. So there was a similar thing during the mortgage crisis when McCain and Obama were running against each other. There was this big like, yeah, can you believe all these loan companies made people take out these loans? It's not their fault at all, they're so deep in debt and losing their houses. They had nothing to do with it. The loan companies should have verified their income better. And Taylor, it looks like you're back. So I'm just like, man, you know, of course,
Starting point is 02:15:40 they'll say anything to get elected, but the message of you're not personally responsible for the things that you do is a very popular one, and I hate it. Yeah, well, look. People – you could take two Bernie things very easily. You could take the free college thing. First off, it sounds great. That's your point. It sounds great if you're young.
Starting point is 02:15:58 If I was 15 and they were like, you're going to go to college for free, I would have been like, that's the greatest thing ever. Now, I went to a SUNY school in New York, a state university of New York at Binghamton, and it was pretty freaking cheap. So I didn't walk out of there with all the debt that everybody had. And I got a great education. But first off, free is not free. Somebody is paying for it. Somebody pays your professor. Somebody pays the janitor at the commissary, right? Somebody pays that. So they keep saying free. It's just stupid. Number one. Number two, you know, the minimum wage thing, I think, is also one of the most disingenuous things that they've pushed because there was that debate where Bernie kept saying $15 minimum wage, $15 minimum wage. Now, first off, of course,
Starting point is 02:16:39 you're young again. It sounds good. $15. Now, number one, guess what? McDonald's is going to then replace all of their workers with iPads. They're doing it already. It's happening already. Every fast food joint, every minimum wage job in L.A., in Koreatown over here, our Walmart closed because they've already passed something in California for the fifteen dollar minimum wage that's going to kick in in a year or two. And Walmart immediately was like, we're out. Now, look, I don't have any great love of Walmart and I would be much more for small businesses. But the point is, business is going to do what business has to do. So if the government comes in and just puts artificial controls, so then it's never going to work. So when Bernie's like 15 and then Hillary hillary was like well she tried to do something a little more honest believe it or not she was right she was like wow we could get it to 12
Starting point is 02:17:30 and then see what happens and basically they booed her because bernie bernie just stuck out a position that is every economist knows his nonsense any anyone you don't have to be an economist you just be a smart person what's going to happen at mcdonald's if they say well we could pay our people eight or we could replace and then now the government is saying pay them all 15 and we can replace 10 people with a fucking iPad. There's a couple things they could do there, right? Like one is, as you said, you could automate them and that's probably the most likely option. Another option is they could offshore them or do some sort of equivalent offshore, right? They do that with the drive-thru.
Starting point is 02:18:03 Yeah. McDonald's might be most busy between – I'll make up like 12 and 130 right well you know shucks get that guy who just finished his shift in new york to do the uh the illinois shift you know a time zone away and then you know that i don't even know any denver shift and then the uh la shift they don't have to hire do the drive-through you can have a call center yep yep it could be in india it's it's like a mis-framing of the entire argument as well because from bernie's side he makes it sound like it should be perfectly fine to be a 46 year old man with four kids and be working at mcdonald's and be like i can't afford my uh my apartment
Starting point is 02:18:43 and my home and my cars and private school for my kids. It's like, well, that's because of a series of bad decisions that you made. It shouldn't have been on your radar to think, oh, 25 years from now, I'll still be working at McDonald's. You know, that excellent minimum wage they provide me is more than enough for my family. Like, no, it's supposed to be a job that young people have as a transitionary period to where, you know, you're making enough money to make kind of ends meet and then you move on to something else. Like it's not the last stop on your life ride. The $15 an hour thing was always pitched as a way to transfer money from the employer to the employee, right? That's their
Starting point is 02:19:19 thing. And they completely deny that there are other places that that money might go as if their hands are tied and the only option Is to just pay employees more no And what the thing is what it comes down to is forgetting even if we had an economist on here who was arguing against Everything that we've all said here what it comes down to is what should the role of government be should the role of government be to? Tell businesses how much they can pay their people? Or should the market dictate that? And look, we have crony capitalism that allows, we have an artificial market. So it's not, you know, because big businesses get all these tax breaks so that they can hire more people for less and all of that stuff.
Starting point is 02:19:55 So no one's defending that. I am not defending that at all. And even with like the housing market, as you mentioned before, I don't want to come off as a cold, heartless right winger on on this one because I agree with you it's about personal responsibility so these people shouldn't have to take these million dollar house if you make $40,000 a year of course you shouldn't but at the same time if Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac come in and these are government-backed organizations and they're like yeah you can do it we've been trained to think that the
Starting point is 02:20:22 government is sort of like God or Santa Claus or something where it's like, oh, well, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac show I try to talk about the ideas behind this shit and not just the day-to-day minutia of it. Because people should say, well, you know, and this is another thing with the progressives, it's like all you do all day long is rail against the system, right, Bernie? Rail against the system. And what's their solution? Make the system bigger. Make government bigger.
Starting point is 02:21:02 Keep giving it more of your money. Allow government to take money from some people and give it to other people. So you're saying it's fucked up and we better make it bigger. That's the only solution. And that's just bonkers. So are you voting for Clinton? I don't know. I'm moving up the moon.
Starting point is 02:21:17 I don't know what I'm doing. If Clinton wins, I'm leaving the country. But if Trump wins, I'm leaving the country too. I just like to travel. Yeah. This will be a good day. It won't be a great time to travel after he trashes all those deals. I had Gary Johnson on my show
Starting point is 02:21:34 who's the libertarian candidate. I'm sure you guys know him. And look, I sat there across the table from the guy and I looked him in the eye and we talked about a lot of ideas and I really liked him. There is no shot in hell he can win. But right at this moment, I would say I'm leaning towards voting for him because for whatever influence that I have with my audience, if there was ever a time to do a protest vote and just say, you know what, I'm not happy with either one of these people. I like some of the stuff with Trump.
Starting point is 02:22:04 I sort of like, you know,. I just don't like any of this in a lot of ways. If there was ever a time to say I gotta do a protest vote so that maybe we can have an alternate voice in four years, I think this is it. But I'm not sure that that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to wait to announce probably until the end of the summer after the conventions. I think you're too young to do this.
Starting point is 02:22:22 Do you think there's any chance that you might cast your protest vote for Trump, or is that totally off the table in your... No, it's not off the table. It's not off the table. I'm glad you asked that, because people have been begging me to answer that question. It's not off the table. I think this social justice warrior stuff and this...
Starting point is 02:22:38 You know, look, Trump may be lying about a zillion things. Everyone knows he lies constantly. For sure. Yeah. Everyone knows this. But the thing is, they all lie Everyone knows he lies constantly. For sure. Everyone knows this. But the thing is, they all lie constantly. Hillary lies constantly. All of them lie constantly.
Starting point is 02:22:53 He's just lying more like a regular person lies than a politician lies. And that's the thing. When he lies, it sounds like your friend who's a liar. But you know what I mean? And when they lie, they lie, and then they talk about it in politician speak. And we've been so dumbed into believing that that's how you're supposed to lie, that that somehow comes off as a better lie. And he's just talking the way most of us talk. And so I could see a situation where I vote for him. And that's crazy. I only vote. I'm not proud of this anymore, by the way, but I've only voted Democrat my entire life in pretty much every major election except for the third term that Giuliani ran after 9-11. I lived in New York City at the time, and I thought he did such a good job fixing the city that I did vote for him. And I don't say that with any pride.
Starting point is 02:23:39 Maybe I should have been more diverse in my thinking all these years, but I don't know what I'm going to do. I voted for Ross Perot twice. i'm old and uh yeah it was it did they even when you when you do that did they even put it in the basket with the rest or they just throw it the fuck away this guy accidentally clicked perot too so ross perot was actually a multi-billionaire and he bought these advertisements across all of television like a night or two before the election. And he did like, I'm trying to get it right, like a two-hour infomercial on why you should vote for him. And it was pretty neat. Like he had like, it wasn't a PowerPoint presentation, but it was old school. He had all these cue cards and stuff and he was talking like with facts and figures about what he would do and why his ideas were right.
Starting point is 02:24:29 And just having visual aids was like still people don't really do that. But it was groundbreaking. And then one of the things he said that was most compelling to me was he's like, look, even if I don't win, right, if I just get, and I forget what the number is, like 25% of the vote, then we become a viable third party. Next term, I receive government funding. Now, everyone turns down the government funding because it's not enough and you can't do both. At the time, government funding is what it took to be a viable campaign.
Starting point is 02:24:56 He's like, if I get this government funding, then my party is on the same footing as Republicans and Democrats. He got 19% of the vote. It wasn't trivial. It was a big miss. Yeah. And that's why, for no other reason, I would say people like us should at least be talking about Gary Johnson enough that, you know, he only has to get 15%, an average in the
Starting point is 02:25:19 polls that they allow. And look, the big two campaigns and the networks, they're all in it together. So they'll never allow it to happen no matter what. But I'm a dreamer a little bit. If he was average 15 percent, knowing what I just said, they'll never let it happen. But if he was to average 15 percent in those national polls, they'd have to put him in one of the debates. And I would say at the very least, before you make your selection of these two people, let's have one debate with another voice. Let's have one debate with a guy who is for gay marriage because he thinks the government shouldn't have anything to do with it.
Starting point is 02:25:50 Who's for, who's truly for legalizing weed because he doesn't think the government should have anything to do with it. Who understands that we shouldn't have a bloated military that has adventures all over the world, but should have a strong defense. Most of those things are things that people care about. So let's have one debate with that guy. But as I said, I'm a dreamer. One of the challenges with libertarian – like all the things you said, I'm like, yeah, sign me up. That's exactly where I am, right?
Starting point is 02:26:16 Libertarians need a leader. Well, the other trouble with it is like – so Ron Paul ran as a Republican but let's all say pseudo-libertarian. And then he says things like, hey, let's completely get rid of the EPA. And you're like, whoa, well, what happens if, like, this whole neighborhood gets cancer? Oh, oh, well, okay. So that neighborhood would get together and launch a lawsuit against the power company. And then, you know, it'll just get resolved. That's not like, no, you need a government to protect you in more aspects than he wanted. Little Bobby's
Starting point is 02:26:46 got 15 toes. The lawsuit isn't going to help. Not only that, the damage is done. Dude, regular people can't sue big companies. We saw it with cigarettes for decades. Listen, if regular people could sue big companies when that three-eyed fish showed up in Springfield,
Starting point is 02:27:02 Simpson would have been able to take down Mr. Burns, but it didn't work out that way. I have a squid for a son, Your Honor. I don't care what the judgment is. I think the problem goes to what you're saying. It seems a problem with... Go ahead. I'm sorry, go ahead.
Starting point is 02:27:18 You go ahead. I think I'm still lagging behind you, Audio, so I'm just going to fuck it up. I think the main issue with the Libertarians is, first off, we've been so whacked into believing that Republicans or Democrats are the only thing that matter, which talking about Republicans, Democrats, guess what? There's a reason that Wall Street gives like 51 percent to one side and 49 to the other. And it flips sometimes because they're not really that different. That's the truth. I mean, even Obama in his second term, you know how many how many fundraisers he's gone to? Thirty thousand dollar plate fundraisers as a second truth. I mean, even Obama in his second term, you know how many how many fundraisers he's gone to?
Starting point is 02:27:46 Thirty thousand dollar plate fundraisers as a second term. I get it. He's the head of the party. But, you know, you wanted hope and change. And guess what? The system is only much more worse after eight years. Not to say he's done some good stuff, too. But I think the reason libertarians haven't caught on is because, A, until the last like three months where people realize this clinton trump thing was serious nobody was even talking about them uh mainstream at all and uh the problem is that they have this this litmus test you're right where it's like a lot of makes sense weed good gay marriage who cares um you know let's not put so many people in jail okay sounds good and then suddenly it's like but destroy you know get rid of get rid of the EPA. And then they have this test where it's like,
Starting point is 02:28:29 if you're not pure, then they hate you. Because they've been outliers for so long, they can't agree on anything. I don't know if you guys saw any of the Libertarian Convention, but it was bananas. I mean, it was a comedy. I heard some of it. They were playing it on the Howard Stern Show because it was bananas. Yeah, bananas. It can get out of hand pretty quickly. I like that they're used to being outliers so it's weird to have a cohesive group of them. They're like, wait, you like that too? Well, I want no government at all. No one can write anything down anymore. Ever. No more writing. They just want to be so out there sometimes.
Starting point is 02:29:03 Let me sneak in here with an ad for the show. It is time. This episode is being brought to you by Loot Crate. Loot Crate is a monthly subscription box service for epic geek and gamer items and pop culture gear. For less than $20 per month, you get 4 to 8 items that include licensed gear, apparel collectibles, unique one-of-a-kind items, and much, much more.
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Starting point is 02:29:58 That's the one for this month. We've packed July's crate with items from some of pop culture's favorite prognostications of science and future. Look towards the future with items from Rick and Morty, Futurama, Star Trek, Mega Man, Valiant Comics,
Starting point is 02:30:14 and Star Trek twice, including a model of figure, and don't forget about their monthly t-shirt and pins. So remember, you only get until the 19th at 9 p.m pacific to subscribe and receive that month's crate and when the cutoff happens that's it it's over so go to slash painkiller and enter and enter offer code painkiller to save
Starting point is 02:30:36 three dollars on your new subscription today all right i like the rick and morty shit yeah me too the uh the third season of rick and mort, for those of you out there who are fans, I believe is coming out on the 26th of this month. There's already been some talks of some delays and stuff, but very, very soon we get that long-awaited third season. It's not going to be another six months, year, anything like that. Rick and Morty coming soon. I don't think so.
Starting point is 02:31:02 I know you don't. It was supposed to be 2017, and then they announced that it was coming out way earlier than they had told you initially. And that's one of the – Dave, do you watch that show at all, Rick and Morty? I don't, but Futurama I loved. I can go down that road with you. This is a bit like that. It's very dark.
Starting point is 02:31:21 It's a very good show. It takes a lot for me to get into a new animated series because I feel like there are just, there's some animated series out there that are just amazing, and then there's a bunch of them that are just shit, and I don't want to get into that cartoon that you like so much. But this is one of the ones that's like, it's right up there with things like South Park, I guess. And I like King of the Hill, or at least some of it.
Starting point is 02:31:42 And I like the old Simpsons and some of the fans, I'm a family guy. But this is one of the best animated series on television. I love it. It's very, very smart. It's very hit or miss. If you get a Peggy-heavy episode, oh, Jesus. Oh, yeah! Peggy Hill! Yeah, they won a few Emmys. It's just her
Starting point is 02:31:58 speaking Spanish poorly. What I heard about Rick and Morty, and I could be wrong, is that a lot of people are confused, thinking that it comes out the 26th of this month because it actually came out the 26th of last year. Like July 26th is when it came out last year and they're seeing out of date stuff. Like there was this, I saw it on Reddit. The guy's like, don't be confused. Everyone is just mixed up because it came out that date last year. But it's not going to be out that date this year.
Starting point is 02:32:25 I could be wrong. They've been tweeting about it, the makers of the show and stuff. So I'm pretty sure it's coming out very, very soon. I heard that the 26th got delayed by like a day or two or something like that. Or there was some tweet about that. But it's not going to be another year. It's going to be at the end of this month. If it's on Twitter, it's true.
Starting point is 02:32:41 I'll tell you that much. Yeah, yeah, definitely so. Yeah, I'm googling it and i can't find like an official time i just heard not to get it mixed up that it's not july 26 that was last year so i don't know for sure uh i just i was like oh yeah i read about that it turns out it's not the 26th and a lot of people think it's that's why. Anyway. Yeah. Oh, Obama and transparency. That's one of the things that he didn't do in his term,
Starting point is 02:33:12 and I wish I knew why, right? So this guy ran his first campaign, transparency, transparency. But not just that. In his inauguration speech, he goes in there and says, you know, we are going to be the most open and transparent government in history.
Starting point is 02:33:28 And because it was the inauguration speech, it meant something different to me. He's not trying to get elected anymore. This is actually what he intends to do. And then something happened to him that happens to everybody that makes them say, holy smokes, you know what? Transparency is a terrible idea. And we have to start keeping everything we do the biggest secret we can possibly keep it. Something is, like, I don't know why transparency is terrible,
Starting point is 02:33:55 but apparently once you get on the inside, even the purest of hearts, like Obama seemed to have during his first term, get turned black. And they just corrupt. Absolute power corrupts absolutely you know like look if you think back to the first obama hope and change thing i feel like i would like if it was like being on molly for like three months non-stop you know i wouldn't know you wouldn't want to be on it for three straight months like it would be a bit much but we were we were all just taken not by facts we were taken by feelings it felt so good that this was happening it felt right
Starting point is 02:34:31 and he was running against you know old stodgy john mccain who by the way i've had on my show and is a pretty decent guy and if john mccain was running this year as a republican i'm 99 sure i would vote for him with no problem. They call him a hero! Ha! A hero! Hey, hey. What would Trump nickname him? Don't get captured. That's what I want.
Starting point is 02:34:52 That's a hero. Now, let's be honest, though. Like, hang on a minute. Maybe there's a bit of John McCain's history I'm not aware of, but I understand that he was a pilot, and then he was shot down, and then he was held in captivity for four or five years, something like that, a long period of time. It wasn't a a short stay yeah but what what about that makes him a hero did he like withstand torture and not give something up the whole time or did
Starting point is 02:35:14 he just live definitely tortured and he was kept in a you know a small crate bamboo cage i know that he was mistreated and it was terrible and i think maybe he's got a limp because of how he was treated or something. Maybe a wound wasn't set correctly. But which part of that makes him the hero? I want to know what he did that was heroic. Right. So look, I don't know what the information is as far as did he.
Starting point is 02:35:35 I actually don't know if he had information that he didn't give up or whatever it was. He probably did know some strategic things about troops or whatever it is. But that would just hold fast. Like if they've been torturing you for more than three days and you still haven't told, like back at command they're like, hey, did you switch the codes? Because McCain knew them. Oh yeah, oh yeah, those rotate every night. McCain didn't know shit.
Starting point is 02:35:56 I mean, what did McCain really know? What time Chau was? I mean, he's just a pilot. I mean, look, at the end of the day, you know, I think when I had him on, you know, I thought my sense from this guy was even though I've disagreed with him on a lot of stuff and he's more militaristic than I would be. I felt that he really still is trying to do what he thinks is right and that there was still some sort of moral center there. And we don't have much of that. Like, I get it again. And for as long as we do this, I'll keep repeating it. I get why people are supporting Trump. But it doesn't have
Starting point is 02:36:31 anything to do with a real moral center. It doesn't have to do anything with real policy. They're voting on, you know, they mock people on the left because they say they vote on feelings, but they're voting on a feeling too. But I do understand it. I understand the frustration. but they're voting on a feeling too. But I do understand it. I understand the frustration. This creeping idea of us all being afraid to say what we think and tolerating a media that is in bed and just look on all the cable news channels and figure out who's married to what politicians and they all go to the same parties and the kids of the politicians are all anchors and analysts and all the other analysts are former campaign managers. There there is a media elite and a political elite that are in on it
Starting point is 02:37:11 together. And guess what? They all hate Trump. So for that reason alone, I understand why the Trump people say that's the guy that we have to vote for. I get it. You want to crush this thing. Milo, when he was on my show, said it really eloquently. He said, you want to crush this thing uh milo when he was on my show said it really eloquently he said you want to crush this social justice corrupt corruption of the mind warp nonsense you know and he does it in a british accent so it sounds a lot better than when i'm saying it but he said it's at its height right now and maybe this is the one chance to destroy it and i i understand that i do yeah i uh i like trump and i would i guess i I will vote for Trump for a couple of reasons. One, Hillary is just, she's evil incarnate. Guns are a big part of how I make my living. So, like, gun control doesn't just strike at my strong constitutionalist beliefs.
Starting point is 02:38:01 It also strikes at my wallet. So it's just like, hang on a minute. constitutionalist beliefs, it also strikes at my wallet. So it's just like, hang on a minute. I don't like this. I can't stand for it. And it doesn't matter if Satan himself is running against Hillary. I'll vote for Satan. But then you've got this outsider, this ultimate outsider, in some regards, is Donald Trump. He's not a Republican. He's not really a Democrat either. He's Trump. He's out for himself. And in some regards, that's us too. You just have to line yourself up with Trump and see how many things that will be good for Trump will also be good for me. And by the same token, will be bad for those that I think are scummy cheats who have just been suckling. Not even suckling at the T of our system.
Starting point is 02:38:44 They're like vampire bats. They're the vampire bats that come in the night and we don't even know they're suckling, not even suckling at the teat of our system, they're like vampire bats. They're the vampire bats that come in the night, and we don't even know they're suckling at our teat. You know what I mean? He's against those people, and so I don't see how he could go any other way. I like the idea of a protest vote. I wish that 25, 30% of us would vote for that Gary Johnson guy, although I've seen some
Starting point is 02:39:03 of it. percent of us would vote for that gary johnson guy although i've seen some of his vp or maybe uh one of them said i remember uh i guess they want to legalize a couple of the harder drugs and i'm okay with that personally but i can just never see that flying on a national ticket you know i think i think they want to legalize um heroin and maybe i'm pretty sure that he and bill weld who's the uh the vp on the ticket i don't think that either one of them do, but a lot of the libertarians do, and they talked about it at the debate where they were like, yeah, legalize everything. I might be misinformed then because – Maybe Bill Weld did, but I'm pretty sure they both were saying weed, not the harder stuff. Yeah, I think it's the VP who is more, I guess, conservative in that regard.
Starting point is 02:39:44 is more, I guess, conservative in that regard. So he's just like, yeah, free weed or legalized weed, but I don't know about the crystal meth. Come on now. But I think the Gary Johnson guy may be just like across the board legalization. And there are some positives to that. You know, just eliminate this black market. Let's stop treating heroin like it's the equivalent of a kidnapping and start treating it like it's
Starting point is 02:40:05 the equivalent of diabetes, which is probably a closer definition. It's probably a closer thing that we should be treating it like. Because maybe we can... Ron Paul had that too. I remember Ron Paul was pro, I'll make it up, heroin or something very hard that you wouldn't expect him to be pro. And everyone booed and stuff. And he's like, well, wait
Starting point is 02:40:25 a minute. If we legalize heroin tomorrow, are you going to start using heroin? And everyone's like, yeah, actually, no. No, I'm not. Remember in the old westerns when they were smoking opium? I want to smoke some of that now. I will not shoot up, not mainlining
Starting point is 02:40:41 shit, but if I could get me one of those long wooden pipes like uh like uh doc holiday had and toke on that thing a little bit anything smoking a wooden pipe is pretty good i think but you know the weed look the drug thing let's get weed legalized first you know i i used to be a huge pothead when i was in college and for a couple years after college and i smoke weed now not that often anymore but i do have a license here in California so I legally smoke weed it sounds dorky actually I went to the 420 doctor literally he was the 420 doctor and I went in and I was like I thought I had to like create this situation of all my medical ailments and I was like I have
Starting point is 02:41:17 headaches and my back hurts and my knee hurts and the guy looked at me and he's like you want to get stoned or what like it was so like it was just utterly ridiculous. But yeah, I smoke weed occasionally. And here's the thing about weed. And this is why you have to, even if you're for all the drugs being legal, which I don't think I'd be for everything being legal. But if you are, regardless, weed first should just be legalized. Because I have smoked weed for a long time and been around people that are functioning potheads and guess what? Anytime I ever bought weed, I never had the weed dealer come in and be like, yo, you want to buy some crack?
Starting point is 02:41:53 It never once happened except when I went once to get Xanax from a psychiatrist because I was having anxiety when I flew, the guy tried to push like eight other prescription drugs on me and yet we put people in jail for weed we don't put them in jail for the designer prescription drugs that all the rich people have so that to me is a legit class thing and it's like all of you people and rush limbaugh has hopped up on painkillers and all these other people it's like yeah that. Nobody's getting put in jail for any of that. I have someone very close to me that in the last year, someone who is a middle-aged Republican person who was in jail because of weed, who had never had a prior felony or even misdemeanor or anything. That's just bonkers.
Starting point is 02:42:44 Yeah, Limbaugh's a real piece of shit. It was hundreds of pills. He was threatening someone who worked for him to get those pills from her husband. I saw this whole thing. Limbaugh's a real scummy fucker. And you'll notice that he can't hear very well anymore. And it's a big part
Starting point is 02:43:00 of being an on-air personality. You got these on. You're listening to the producer in the back. You're listening to the producer in the back. You're listening to callers. You're getting your cues for ads and stuff. He can't hear very well. You know it's cranked up loud. You know he's got great sound stuff.
Starting point is 02:43:13 And that's a side effect of the drugs that he was abusing, the prescription drugs, his hearing loss. I mean, nothing surprises me. Look, all of these guys, and I say this as someone that talks for a living, all these guys that are talking all the time, all these people that online news people, and I'd be happy to talk about the difference between online and mainstream media, but all these people that talk for a living, guess what? None of them, they all talk because they don't know how to do anything. If they know how to do anything, they do it. But all these people, they're just talking all day long about how they could fix every fucking thing. And Bernie, Bernie, I can save the economy this much by this much, and it's like, oh, so you thought of that and nobody told Obama this whole time?
Starting point is 02:43:50 Like, it's so brilliant. And all these people, they treat him like Jesus. And they're like, oh, he can do it, he can do it. And it's like, that's not how easy it is. He wouldn't have even controlled the house for the first two years, so he would have had to do it by executive order. So actually, if you want us to become a monarchy, then that would have been a great way to go about doing it.
Starting point is 02:44:09 But all of these bloviating buffoons on cable news screaming about how they can know how to do everything and they know everything. And it's like every no matter what the topic is, they know everything. You know, like we thought relations with Cuba. Suddenly people who I've never heard once talk about Cubaa ever ever suddenly they know everything about cuba they know everything about what's going on in afghanistan they know everything about the uh the partition of jordan in 1947 like they know everything about everything and it's like actually you know jack shit so shut the fuck up all right that was my how is uh you were saying you could talk about the TV people versus the online people. Like, do you, Shox, what do you think of the YouTubers that are doing news?
Starting point is 02:44:53 What do you think of the social, like the people who just fire up their own blog? For the most part, really, really great. For the most part. So just as a general rule, anyone that is exercising their right to free speech and anyone that, especially now when people are so afraid to speak, and I get emails literally every day from all over the world. I got an email from the United Arab Emirates today. I get emails from Saudi Arabia, all over the world, of people that are afraid to say what they think because of this leftist regressive nonsense and
Starting point is 02:45:26 also because of horrifically oppressive regimes across the world um so if you're out there anywhere that anyone is listening to this and you have the balls to throw on a webcam and say what you think whether i agree with you or not i give you mad props and i would uh i love helping to amplify people's voices whether i agree with them or not. Look, look at the people I've had on my show. It's been a freaking cross section of far leftists and far rightists and people that I agree with and disagree with. And we just need more conversation out there. Now, that being said, there are also a lot of bad people out there who, you know, pretend to be giving you news online and who are just giving you pure propagandist garbage. And I'm sure you can figure out a few of who the people I'm thinking of. But like,
Starting point is 02:46:09 there's plenty of that. They do it under the guise of news. And it's like, yeah, mainstream news is bad and it's corporate and they don't ask the right questions and they don't know what they're and they put, as I said before, they put children of people that they're supposed to be covering or analyzing and all this nonsense. But at least there's some level of self-policing. There's some bar to get those jobs. And online, anyone can pretty much do anything. So it's a total catch-22.
Starting point is 02:46:35 You know what? I feel like I'm bothered by it and no one else is. It's the Jon Stewart, Jon Oliver cop cop out of being comedians. And you mean like the black face they do of conservatives, basically, where they just create someone who has never existed. So they can kind of demonize the entire side is, oh, look at this. It's not just that they held beliefs that are different. They don't think that, you know, an unborn baby is a baby. That's not the rationale for it. They just have a vindictive like oh fuck women just i just wake up every morning and i think how can i control
Starting point is 02:47:10 women like that's the narrative they construct and i'm on your same page what if you say what i think you were going to say of you know that's damaging to discourse as a whole and it's kind of just lauded as like i learn even more more from Jon Stewart than from my own research. Like, really? Because you're probably a pretty fucking stupid person. The truth is, they are a news source. It really is. And just like Taylor said, people will watch Jon Stewart and say... Does anyone watch The Daily Show anymore?
Starting point is 02:47:36 I mean, since he left. No, it's a failure. I literally never hear about it. I think it's completely off the map. I don't think anyone cares about it. I think you're right. I think you're right. And every once in a blue moon, he'll say something
Starting point is 02:47:47 that gets attention again. At this point, they get attention and articles written about them and the article's title will be it'll say, The Daily Show. This is a perfect example of why you shouldn't let a show die with dignity.
Starting point is 02:48:03 That's what the article will be about. Trevor Noah has bombed that thing. To jump in again real quick and clarify the blackface comment, in no way am I saying that conservatives have ever been treated the same as black people by the United States. Worse, right? Worse.
Starting point is 02:48:19 It's the same kind of strategy though. That's the point I'm making. Not that dressing up like George W. Bush is on the same level of strategy though. That's the point I'm making. Not that dressing up like George W. Bush is on the same level of offensiveness as blackface, of course. I get what you're saying. It's dangerous. I did stand up for 12 years in New York. I used to be funny. That's what I tell people. I don't know if I'm funny anymore, but I used to be pretty funny. Now I'm talking about Islamism half the time it's hilarious really but I get why you know if look if
Starting point is 02:48:49 you want to tell people the truth you better be funny otherwise they'll kill you that's a loose Oscar Wilde quote right there and so I understand that these that comedians have been able to talk about these things in a way that's helped Bill Maher is one of my heroes he does a lot of it through comedy well by the way I for the first time in almost my whole life, I'm starting to disagree with him on a lot of stuff. I've always disagreed with him on pretty much everything. He's shifting to the right.
Starting point is 02:49:14 It's just as mandatory as moving to Florida. He's like 67 years old, and he can't help it. You know what? I actually think that it's not that he's shifting to the right. I think he's ignoring what's happening to the left. I don't. Yes. You know, listen, so watch. There's a video. You can get it on on YouTube. His show, his ending segment about a month ago, he was talking about that, that all these papers keep saying that Donald Trump is a creation of the left, meaning that the left that has not dealt with issues properly. So it's causing Donald Trump. Now, I firmly believe that. And I've had Majid
Starting point is 02:49:50 Nawaz on my show saying that. I've had Sam Harris on my show saying it. Ayan has said it. Douglas Murray, a whole bunch of people have said that. And this is one of the things I've been talking about nonstop, that if the left won't deal with islamism honestly if it won't deal with immigration honestly well then all you're doing is handing it to anyone else who is going to come in and say ban all muslims and then anyone and then regular people who don't buy that are like you know what at least he said something so i'm sorry i thought it was a gap jump again finish your thought no well i so i firmly believe that the rise of trump yes it has something to do with the right, of course. His base is on the right.
Starting point is 02:50:27 It's a Republican nominee, whether he's Republican or not. But I firmly, firmly believe that the rise of Trump has everything to do with the ridiculousness and the dishonesty of the left. And that's why I've been trying to clean up left. But Bill Maher said the complete reverse. It was one of the most stark disagreements I've ever had with him. But I get why you're saying he's going right because he talks about Islam. But that doesn't mean he's going right. That means he's going honest.
Starting point is 02:50:52 Okay. So two things. One, I think he coined the term regressive left. And I know I've heard him claim credit for it. No, no. Majid Nawaz actually coined it. And then on real time to Dawkins, he said that Sam Harris was the one that coined it, but he later said that it was Majid. Am I off target? I thought that I heard him claim credit for it. I could be off.
Starting point is 02:51:14 But I definitely hear him poking at the regressive left, the social justice warriors, and I definitely hear him talking about Islam in non-positive ways. And particularly, he tells the left to get your head out of the sand with regards to Islam. He says, look, these people are not treating women fairly. They can't drive. They have to cover their heads, et cetera, et cetera. The left would not stand for one second when South Africa had apartheid. I'm quoting him loosely. But they do the same thing in gender
Starting point is 02:51:46 based in saudi arabia and all of a sudden it's okay you have to understand you know like it you know what different cultures allow different beatings of different people and you know like women can't get it's just a different set of norms over there yes you know we have to accept that all cultures by virtue of their very existence are equal. You know what, Woody, I think we're actually agreeing basically, because he is doing all of that 100%. I would argue that's not him turning right, that's him keeping the true liberal line of we have to defend minorities and women and gays and have an honest discussion.
Starting point is 02:52:21 It's the left that's going bonkers, and I don't think he quite realizes how bonkers the left has gone. You could argue he stayed on the same track, and the whole world shifted, well, his party anyway, shifted left on him. That would be my argument, yeah. Have you seen the clip on Bill Maher's
Starting point is 02:52:40 program? It was Ben Affleck acting like a petulant child like pouting in his hands and like of course everybody on the panel aside from one token conservative is a liberal and you know bill maher is the only liberal there who's like no this is a real problem in the you know islamist community or whatever and we need to work through this the extremists we need to talk about it the first step to any kind of problem is identifying the problem so that then you can take it from there. And Ben Affleck just throws a hissy fit of like, are you maligning an entire group of billions just because you're a bigot? And it's like, you can't even have discussions with people like that. And if you look on Twitter, the regressive left, it's nothing but that. It's just, you know, swashbuckling phantoms and specters that don't exist. These aren't real people. I can't believe, I love going into every thread on fucking Reddit
Starting point is 02:53:28 about any political thing, and every comment is, all this disgusting right-wing hatred. I can't believe it. And I look through, and I'm like, if I can find any hate, it's roundly rebuffed by everyone being like, yeah, you're being a prick. That's all it is, just bashing phantoms and fighting specters
Starting point is 02:53:48 and straw men. They like to feel moral by fighting fictitious entities, is what I think it is. I hope I don't blow any illusions here, but what goes on on Twitter when eggs are attacking cartoon boxes and what's happening on Reddit isn't actually what's happening in the real world.
Starting point is 02:54:04 People seem to forget that all the time you know i'll get like memes of a of a trump frog a frog with trump's hair pepe pepe or kiki or whatever his name is and then he's putting bernie sanders in a in a um you know gas chamber and i don't like And I don't like that. I don't like that imagery, but I'm like, you know what? If that's what this person thinks is adding to the dialogue, then... But people, it's hate speech. It's like, shut the fuck up. It's some loser who's got a fucking Trump frog and a Hitler thing. It's like, you're a no-brainer.
Starting point is 02:54:37 And on that same side, those same people who on the alt-right are going way too far are fighting PC speech to the point that they're actually being racists and bigots to where they're like ah i'm not letting people dictate what i say and then they go on a huge legitimately racist spiel and it's like well no i don't want you on my team yeah you on on my hill saying you're defending it with me. Like, I want you far away, because you're not helping. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:55:07 Well, look, you know, the Ben Affleck thing, that was on real time, and Sam Harris was the one that was on, obviously, talking, and I've had Sam on my show, and we dissected this thing in and out, and there's a gajillion videos of me talking about it, so we don't have to belabor it, but all Sam did was say, you know what?
Starting point is 02:55:20 There's 1.6 billion Muslims. Look at the pew polls. Here's what the polls show. It was a totally logical, nobody's ever said pew polls aren't legit before. He said, we just have to understand the difference between the nominal Muslim who doesn't care about doctrine and whatever and wants to live their life. And then the Islamist who believes in political Islam and wants Sharia law. And then the violent jihadist. I mean, he laid out some pretty standard stuff, but there was nothing racist versus also a religion isn't a race, but that seems to go
Starting point is 02:55:47 over everyone's head. But all of this stuff, and he just laid it out calmly. And then Ben Affleck's response was, you're gross and racist. And then suddenly the next day, all the websites were saying, Bill Maher and Sam Harris are gross and racist. And it's like, Bill Maher has stood for every liberal value ever. And this is what I mean about where I don't think he realizes fully what's happened with the left. Is that I think he still thinks he owns the whole left. And by no means am I talking shit about him. I still love this guy and I would love to be on the show and have this conversation with him. But the left is shifting.
Starting point is 02:56:19 The left is not good liberals anymore. The base of the left is these crazy social justice, oppression Olympics people, the Black Lives Matter people who can go to the gay pride parade in Toronto and stop it for a half hour until they sign their edict, which happened this past weekend. And it's like, you're not for free speech. You now have said, okay, gays, we now consider you less than us. So you have to do what we want you to do, and we'll find someone else. And it's always someone trying to put someone else down to raise themselves. That's not how humans are supposed to behave, and it's certainly not how
Starting point is 02:56:53 liberals are supposed to behave, because we're supposed to behave in logic and principle. And that's not what the left is about anymore. You know what? It's funny, because I watched the Ben Affleck thing, but I didn't see it through the same lens that Taylor did like in my head he wasn't a petulant child he was trying to remind people that there are lots of Islamic people in Indonesia or Singapore or take it where you are that aren't the kind that he's describing
Starting point is 02:57:20 but that's exactly what Sam Harris said that's the fatal flaw in this whole conversation. The truth is, I don't remember what Sam Harris said. I just remember Ben Affleck talking, and I'm sure I'm not alone. No, so think of the danger of that. So you're obviously a bright guy, right? Woody, you're a bright guy. I'm not called that very often.
Starting point is 02:57:37 You're bright enough. You're bright enough, but that's the danger of using these words of racist and homophobe and sexist and all these things. When you throw them so callously, your only takeaway from that was that maybe Bill Maher and Sam are gross and racist. Your takeaway was that these people, that Ben was defending the little guy, except Sam didn't attack the nominal person. He attacked the violent jihadist. And it wasn't even attack. All he did was read a pew ball. So that's the danger of these words.
Starting point is 02:58:09 The second you say someone's racist, now obviously there are real racists, but the second you throw that on people when it's not true, it creates such a conglomeration of people. Yeah, it destroyed the conversation. So my takeaway from it wasn't actually that Harris and Maher are gross and racist. It was, oh yeah, I almost forget about the Muslims that exist outside of the most repressive
Starting point is 02:58:41 Middle East countries, right? Like when I hear Islam, right? I think Saudi Arabia. I think Iraq. I think Iran. I think Afghanistan. I think the places where I think they're doing it wrong. I don't often think, I'm guessing United Arab Emirates is better.
Starting point is 02:58:57 I know it's wealthy and kind of capitalist, but I don't know exactly. But like there are other countries, I think, where it's not practiced with the same like oppressiveness towards women. Am I wrong? Go ahead. Not really.
Starting point is 02:59:11 In pretty much every – depending on how you define it, there's about 51 Islamic countries one way or another or Islamic majority countries. And it's horrible in all of those countries for gays, minorities, women, one way or another. In any Western... I could argue against myself. That doesn't mean that all of those people are bad. As I said an hour ago, there are free thinkers and atheists and gays all in the Muslim community that those are the people that need our help. So every time Bill Maher tries to discuss this and people on the left say he's racist,
Starting point is 02:59:43 well, all you're doing, you're not hurting the jihadist. You're hurting the Muslim that wants help, that believes in the same things that you believe or that you believe. So that's the danger of throwing these words out. Because then we leave the conversation to the people that say ban all Muslims. And because people are so frustrated, they say, all right, let's ban all Muslims. You're turning me around. In addition to that, I know a couple of American Muslims. I don't want to say much more because I hate it when my internet life and real life collide.
Starting point is 03:00:11 But they don't treat their kids the same way, right? The boys date in a different way than the girls. The girls don't date at all, actually. You know, they're expected to, like, go to adulthood without a boyfriend. And that's not true of the sons. And when I process it, it's like, it's certainly not, as far as I know, beating them with rods or anything. But different rules for boys and girls. Maybe orange is in a sack.
Starting point is 03:00:35 All religions do stupid shit. Look, I live in L.A. Religion, to me, look, all the books, in my opinion, they're all made up by people. It's just a bunch of shit that's in there. And if you want to believe it, go ahead. Fine. And all the books, my opinion they're all made up by people it's just a bunch of shit that's in there and if you want to believe it go ahead fine um and and all the books the old testament jews there's a lot of bad shit in the old testament god was a fucking psychopath the new testament plenty of violent shit in there and rapture and armageddon and all that kind of stuff the point is it's about what people act on so i live here in la it's like 90 degrees every day i live uh
Starting point is 03:01:02 you know maybe three miles from a little Jewish enclave. There are ultra orthodox men walking around in big black jackets and wool hats. And it's like, what the fuck are you doing? It's 90 degrees in LA. I'm in a tank top and I'm dripping in sweat. Religion would trick you to do something so ridiculous. But the difference is they're not trying to convert people in right now They maybe do they they may be teaching their kids some what I would argue is nonsensical shit And that's I'm not saying that's good But they're not trying to convert people and if you leave Judaism nobody cares if you leave if you announce
Starting point is 03:01:36 I'm leaving Judaism most Jews would be like oh, well, would you still watch curb your enthusiasm like? That would be the takeaway but you still like bagels right and that's the difference so christians right now the left will go bonkers because one fucking christian in indiana wouldn't bake the gay cake and yet meanwhile when all these migrants rape all these women in germany they do anything to deflect it from the religion and that's crazy a religion is only it only matters if their people act on it. And every time something blows up, whether it's in Bangladesh or Baghdad or Santa Barbara
Starting point is 03:02:10 or London or Brussels or Paris, guess what? They keep telling you, we're doing this in the name of our religion. And there isn't, Mormons aren't doing this. They're not. Can I just point out that,
Starting point is 03:02:24 so Ramadan just passed, obviously. That's, everybody's like, wow, it's been kind of weird. There's been so many terror attacks. I'm like, yeah, it's Ramadan. They get special brownie points for dying during this month. I didn't know that. If that's, yeah, that's why it's happening. That's why this has been such a rough month.
Starting point is 03:02:42 It's fucking Ramadan. They're out trying to die for their cause. If there's not a more clear causality, like you just look, it's right there to look at. Hey, look at this. It's Christmas time and the lights are out. Must be Christians. Well, look, ISIS, first off, they eat. Oh, Ramadan, it's here again.
Starting point is 03:03:04 I can hear the explosions already. You hear that shrapnel? Hear the shrapnel ring? Oh, man. But we have to remember we're all equal. We're all equal and we shouldn't judge because we're all equal. But that's the point. It's all so silly.
Starting point is 03:03:20 And by the way, I'm sure some people that are watching this would say to you, that's actually not what it says. It says don't kill people in Ramadan. But then the argument would be, so you're saying you shouldn't, then you can kill them after Ramadan? I mean, the whole thing, I would recommend if you guys want to find some interesting stuff about this, research this guy, Bill Warner. He's been on my show. He was on about two months ago. A scientist who decided to study religion from a scientific perspective. And he really goes into
Starting point is 03:03:45 why there's a particular pervasive case about Islam. And when I say that, I'm not talking about the nominal Muslim person that may live next door to me in any way, or anyone who doesn't want to push their values on me. I'm not trying to push any values on anybody. As long as you don't, I don't care what you believe in your house, as long as you don't behead me, or you believe in the law of the land and are not trying to import another law, then do whatever the hell you want to believe in the spaghetti monster. Go ahead. But if you believe in beheading infidels – and by the way, you guys are infidels just as am I – and you believe in stoning women and all that shit, then I have to say something about it. Sorry, and that doesn't make me gross or racist. Yeah, the problem with it,
Starting point is 03:04:27 and I think what drives a lot of people, including me, crazy, is that with the internet, you get information that, in previous decades, the media had way more of a throttle on what information you would and would not receive. Now, you see a concerted effort by the media
Starting point is 03:04:43 to hide when it's an extremist, extreme Islamist, whatever you want to call it, committing horrible atrocities, a terrorist, yeah. And you know 100% that, you know, they'll still evoke, you know, throwback to an abortion bombing at a clinic from 20 years ago and act like that's like super indicative of christians and you're on the same page buddy you guys are still there too when it's like no if there were a group of christians doing that and they harassed or sexually assaulted a big group of women in a scandinavian country or wherever that was in germany i guess it would be all over the news it would be all you could hear you know there were even headlines when uh that adam lands a disgusting guy who shot up the Sandy Hook School, people saying, you know, the white community
Starting point is 03:05:27 needs to really look at themselves for this. And obvious those were extreme leftist crazy publications, but the fact is that that was out there. And yet, not a peep. Not a peep from anyone, for the most part, in the mainstream media when it's to the contrary. That's why intentions matter.
Starting point is 03:05:44 Intentions matter. If you say, this is everyone on the left, no matter, every time an Islamist blows up saying or a jihadist murders people in all of these places
Starting point is 03:05:52 that I just mentioned, they immediately say, well, the Crusades and the Christian cake and the gay cake and the bombing of the abortion clinic and all that stuff.
Starting point is 03:06:00 And it's like, well, wait a minute. Wait a minute. No one's saying any of those things were good, although actually you should research why the Crusades happened. Yeah, I love the evoking of the Crusades. It shows no history knowledge whatsoever.
Starting point is 03:06:12 Also, by the way, when they invoke the Crusades as if that's a getaway, well, guess what? If I was alive during the Crusades, I hope I would have been speaking out against the Crusades. They're happening right now, so we should talk about them. So don't try to stop me from talking about the evil shit going on now because some evil shit happened 500 years ago i feel like during the orlando shooting they really buried that that guy was islamic because like so my news exposure is mostly internet and it seemed like it was everywhere like even and
Starting point is 03:06:38 i'm not even talking about like cnn website of course the fox website like i go to the mainstream stuff bbc to see BBC, just to get a vibe as to what's on TV, because I don't watch normal TV. Well, they cut it out of the 9-1-1 recording, didn't they? Right, they cut it out of the 9-1-1 recording. Look, I don't know that there's... When you start talking about the media this, the media that, I don't know that there's a concerted effort
Starting point is 03:06:57 by everyone. I'm not down with that level of Alex Jones. The press release was also whitewashed as well. All mentions of radical Islam, anything like that. They wanted it to be a hate crime of Alex Jones. The press release was also whitewashed as well. All mentions of radical Islam, anything like that. They wanted it to be a hate crime, not a terror attack.
Starting point is 03:07:12 And that's coming straight down from the top. Who's getting in someone's ear and saying that other than the president? Yeah. They didn't say the word Islam. I mean, the guy called the 911 and said he's doing it for ISIS and the caliphate and all that. So you have to take these people for their word.
Starting point is 03:07:29 I take them for their word. When you find the abortion bomber, yeah, he probably did it because Christianity fucked him up in a way that – but it's rare that you – all of these people, they're telling you why they're doing it. They're saying I'm doing it for Allah. I'm doing it for this reason. So intentions matter. So they say why they do it, and then their leftist apologists say, no, no, no, no, no. That's not what they meant. They didn't mean they were doing it for Allah.
Starting point is 03:07:55 They did it because they were poor, even though they just found out all the Bangladeshi guys were middle class. It's just they just want to excuse no matter what. Because to them, it's evil in the world. I don't think they did it at all. I think the gun did it as far as I can tell. Really, the gun is to blame. That was a joke.
Starting point is 03:08:15 Yes, we're all very pro-gun. Look at this Fox News thing right now. Ten officers were shot by two snipers in downtown Dallas. Three are dead. Three are in critical condition. Two are in surgery.
Starting point is 03:08:32 This was at the Dallas protest that had been happening tonight. Good Lord. And there's a link, which is just going to their live page. Wow, that's pretty outrageous. I mean, we live in really, you know, there's that Chinese proverb, may you live in strange times. I mean, we live in a in really you know there's that chinese proverb may you live in strange times i mean we live in particularly strange times right now and uh you know that's why these conversations are so important look i don't think any of us are sitting here professing to have all the answers but we're trying to have a conversation about some complex shit and in a human way and it's like guess what we could all turn on the second
Starting point is 03:09:03 we're done with this we could turn on c CNN and if you think you're going to get honest thoughtful analysis from any of these pontificating idiots you will be so disappointed I like that word pontificating it's interesting times by the way being a dick sorry
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Starting point is 03:10:27 Pennies. Pennies. I'll give you my pen. Nice pen. What was I going to say? Yeah, anyways. Something we haven't touched on, but that's been big news. I wanted to talk about the two very recent cop shootings.
Starting point is 03:10:42 Not the one, I guess, that's happening right now in Dallas. The one with the two cops who everybody's saying. I honestly don't know a ton about the one in, I guess it was Minnesota, right? I know the Alton Sterling one. Yes, there was one in Minnesota.
Starting point is 03:10:58 The live stream one, I don't know as well. The Sterling one, I've looked at that tape. I actually, I think it's tomorrow's vlog. I haven't edited it together yet, but I'm going to talk about it, which is something I don't normally do, like politics in my daily vlogs. And I just take the footage. I stabilize it. I look at it forward and backwards.
Starting point is 03:11:15 And I'm like, I'm not a cop. I don't have any special training in how they're supposed to handle these things. But I am a video editor. And I'm like, I can look at this better than 99% of the population. I can stabilize it. I can go frame by frame, forwards, backwards. I mark the section where the cop says, I don't like what he says, but he says, if you fucking move, I swear to God. Right?
Starting point is 03:11:34 I'm like, all right. Here's the part in the timeline where he's received his instruction not to move. And then this is the amount of moving he does after. I go through it all. And yeah. I looked at the tape super carefully. Once they get the guy pinned and have him down, it's a pretty tough call. They tell him not to move, and he kind of does. It looks like he's trying to break his arm free.
Starting point is 03:11:57 I feel like they made a huge mistake long before that, right? When they told the guy to get down, and he takes this, like, Jesus pose, right? When they told the guy to get down and he takes this like Jesus pose, right? He doesn't, it's a non-threatening pose. Maybe they could have worked with it, you know? They didn't have to tackle and escalate. That's the thing that, you know, in these, and I don't hate all cops, by the way,
Starting point is 03:12:18 but in the, too many American cops will take a situation that on a stress level is like a seven and turn it into a ten, right? They have to alpha the fuck out of whoever it is they're dealing with when they could be like, hey, man, let's handle this the right way. And I'm a little worried. So I know this guy. He was a detective for 16 years, police detective, et cetera, in Germany. And he says their training is much different.
Starting point is 03:12:44 They're highly valued on their ability to talk down a situation. Two guys are fighting, and this guy hit that guy, and that guy wants revenge. And he says, you know what? I agree with you, man. That guy is an asshole. You do have to get your revenge, but you've got to do it the right way. We've got to take that guy to court. I'm going to throw him in jail, et cetera, et cetera.
Starting point is 03:13:01 And once you can talk a guy off that ledge, it usually takes a whole new incident to bring him back on it. And they could have done that in this situation, and they didn't. They went for the tackle. And that going for the tackle, and the guy's got a gun on his hip, they knew that. That was what they were called for. It was a minute before the shooting that this thing went terribly wrong.
Starting point is 03:13:24 A second before the shooting, it might not have been so crazy. You know, the guy was struggling after they told him not to move. He was. But a minute before that, like, why did you bring it there? You know, he wasn't. And by the way, in the cop's defense, if I say get down and everyone knows you got a gun, right? The police were called for that reason and, of course, the gun carrier knows he has a gun. If I say get down and you do this instead, I worry that you're keeping your options open, right?
Starting point is 03:13:55 Why are you doing that? Like you're not putting your hands on the hood or anything. You're just like, you know, I'm keeping my options open. I'm not disarming myself. These things are so incredibly complex. And I'm glad you ended on that note, because that's the part. First off, the reason I haven't even commented on it on Twitter in the last few days, I've been so freaking busy, as you guys know, when we were trying to coordinate this, I haven't had a minute to even pay attention to the news beyond just the Clinton thing,
Starting point is 03:14:22 because I had to get a little something on that. So I haven't even been able to watch the tapes in a way that I could formulate a proper opinion. And also everyone just watches a little tape. They immediately pick their side and then they love their narrative and they keep it. And you can almost every time, no matter what the video shows, the people who always say one thing always say one thing and the people who always say the other thing always say the other thing. These situations are incredibly complex. We don't know exactly what happened right before. The guy had a gun also. I have no reason to believe that he deserved to die in any estimation, of course. But I don't envy a cop that has to be in that situation too. And I don't envy that person. It's just a shitty situation all around. And unfortunately, this is one of those things that
Starting point is 03:15:02 it's become so hyper partisan that they make it seem like you're racist if you're uh have any sympathies with the cop and if you have any sympathies with the black person you have no desire for law and order and both those things just aren't true um so we got to try to get calmer heads to prevail on this but i don't even know if it's possible yeah but it's funny you said you pick a side, right? So like I know a guy, you can see his arm was pinned under the policeman's leg and he's doing this. And he's like, that's his what the fuck pose. You know, hey, what are you doing to me? Whereas in my head, like it was pretty clear that he was trying to move.
Starting point is 03:15:39 Yeah. You know, I see it from both sides. Me too. And I think that any rational person has to. You can't just come at this from, I feel like if maybe I had a cop in the family, I'd be like, hey, I know how this goes down. Nine times out of ten, they've got this or they've got that. And you're like, what do you mean by they?
Starting point is 03:16:00 But I'm just looking at what I have here, this little equation on the screen, and it looks like everybody's a douchebag. Surprise. It's the same thing that happened in the Trayvon Martin situation. You're like, I don't even want to give you my honest opinion because both guys are douchebags. Nobody here was a nice guy. There was no innocent angel walking. There was no guardian of the neighborhood like he's fucking Batman Bruce Wayne over there.
Starting point is 03:16:25 No, that's not the characters we're dealing with. We're dealing with two very flawed individuals, and those cops definitely overreacted. They escalated the situation, and it should be about de-escalation. They should walk up and say, hey, excuse me. We had a call about you, I believe. Sir, now don't touch it, but do you have a weapon on you? Let's start like that. let's start like that and then we don't end with if you move i swear to god and then death like like like do we know how it started do we know what that initial part of the conversation
Starting point is 03:16:58 was because do we know that that didn't happen i honestly here's what i do know i um i know that the police came there because a homeless man called 911 and said, there's a guy here pulling a gun on people. I don't know if it's true. I don't know if he's a great character witness, et cetera. But that's what the 911 call said. And then the video picks up with the police telling the guy to get on the ground three or four times. And rather than do that, he does this.
Starting point is 03:17:25 So I don't know how the conversation started, but that's the gap. I can't imagine as, you know, I saw on Reddit today the old thing from Fresh Prince of Bel-Air when Jazzy Jeff is in court, and he's supposed to give his testimony, and he's supposed to put his hand on the Bible and everything, but he's standing there like this. The judge goes, sir, you can put your hands down.
Starting point is 03:17:50 Uh-uh. They all got guns. Next thing I know, I'll get six warning shots in the back. And I'm just like, you know, as a black man, I can just imagine seeing those two fucking cops walk up to you and just being like, here we fucking go. Jesus. Like, it must be such a fear. Like, I don't like seeing police behind me because I've usually got a lot of guns in the car, and I know there's going to be a whole rigmarole about that,
Starting point is 03:18:11 and I'm going to have to explain myself and show identification and prove things. And it's just like, oh, God, I hope I don't get pulled over. And in my case, I know that I'm leaving the situation with a, well, that's a pretty good gun, boy. Hell, I wish I had made one of them. You mind if I shoot you sometime? That's how my encounter with the police almost always ends,
Starting point is 03:18:29 with them asking if they can use one of my guns. This guy's lucky if he survives. That's what's in his head. If I'm a black man, I'm like, I just hope I survive this fucking pullover. Jesus, fuck, I knew I should have fixed that taillight. So it's been left out. Do people know his criminal history
Starting point is 03:18:45 like I know Kyle yeah he had a history of like marijuana distribution maybe so it seems like he sold weed and he had a weapons charge against him but I don't know if it was a gun a knife or just to clarify we're still speaking about the individual from the gas station
Starting point is 03:19:02 case okay yeah so he had one charge the more recent one where he was selling drugs i don't it might have been weed i don't know and he had possession of an illegal weapon again i don't know what that is that could have been a five inch knife for all i know but he was selling drugs and he had an illegal weapon he spent a couple years in prison for that prior to that it was sexual assault with carnal knowledge of a minor i also don't know what that means you know like it could mean anything the way that they they like plead things down and stuff though because like he literally could have raped a child and but but there wasn't enough evidence or they
Starting point is 03:19:35 didn't put the child through testimony testifying in court or something like that and it gets bumped down to something like that so you never know or he could have been the other end of it he could have been like that poor black guy from green mile and he was just trying to do his best and he got framed up you know john coffee you know like you never know um it's and i i really hate that like a group like black lives matter will make um the the victim of one of these things be an angel instead of just coming and being 100% honest, being like, look at this flawed man who didn't deserve to die for what he did Friday night. That's what their message should be.
Starting point is 03:20:13 But then on the other side, you've got the law enforcement and maybe the news media at large saying, look at this career criminal put down. He lived by the gun. He died by the gun you know it's it's somewhere in the middle and we never get to that it's sad yeah my daughter for what it's worth agrees with taylor that selling cds was probably not the thing he was really doing that's because your daughter hasn't been in many urban areas or driven a car before by herself when you go to atlanta you go to maybe, you go to, maybe not.
Starting point is 03:20:45 When I go to a gas station in Atlanta, I'm constantly being hit up to buy CDs. Like, hey man, they're trying to get their rap career started. It's like, this is my album. This is me rapping. We put this together with GarageBand, you know, my little cousin, he does and mixes. And they're always trying to sell me this CD for X amount of dollars. And I'll just be like look man i don't want to buy music in a parking lot and and it's not like they're going
Starting point is 03:21:09 like it's not really music if you know what i mean there's a little something special in this cassette i mean it's not that maybe i mean i have driven around urban areas plenty i mean maybe st louis where i believe you have more different than atlanta but the. But selling CDs is usually not selling CDs, if you know what I mean, when it's 2016 and it's late at night. You're telling me I could have gotten drugs from all of those CD salesmen? I was right by crack and the guy gave me a CD. It was seriously messed up. Yeah, I don't know the drug trade.
Starting point is 03:21:41 But some people say that the CD is like a poker chip. It's a token that you exchange for drugs, right? The way that some people would say it is that you go somewhere, you buy a CD, then you take the CD to someone else in a different corner somewhere to keep it separate and then you would trade that for
Starting point is 03:21:57 drugs directly. That's what some people would say, and that absolutely does happen. I don't know if it's just with CDs, but at the same time, Kyle's right. There are people who will just hit you up to try and sell you shit sometimes downtown. Maybe it's way more common in Atlanta than St. Louis because I don't see it here ever. And the guy's got drug dealer priors. I believe he was a drug dealer. The point should be made that Kyle was saying that even if he was selling crack every day right there
Starting point is 03:22:25 eight hours a day like it was a job at fucking subway that still doesn't that shouldn't be used as ammunition to justify his killing no i don't even think he should be rough that's not how i'm using it of course that's not how i'm using it how i'm using it is i'm just and maybe this is inappropriate trying to get into a mind of a guy who's staring down his third felony conviction, right? He's been to jail. He's served years in jail twice already, right? So it's not like he spent overnight in jail, right? I forget the time spans, but it was like, I'm making it up, like four years and four years again.
Starting point is 03:23:00 That's going to be close. years again that's going to be close and uh um so now he's looking at another like term in prison his third felony and he might be you know like feeling more desperate than somebody like you know regular person yeah he might struggle a little extra and so use the nine millimeter i guess i did i hated that i hate it when like he's not allowed to like struggle a little bit while you're pinning him to the ground painfully it's it like i don't know if anybody here's ever been like you know what jujitsu is like when someone's like like like like pinning you and putting force in one area now but we're but we're on concrete now and there's two guys and and weight is being applied in places where it shouldn't.
Starting point is 03:23:45 It's painful and it hurts, and you're just trying to get comfortable and make the pain stop or at least decrease. Sure, so I'm not – in no way am I defending this man's death. However, if cops tell you to get down and you have a gun and you don't, they are going to – this is just a fact. This is not a judgment call they are going to have to apply pressure on you that is going to be uncomfortable so I I get what your point is except it's like what that this is the danger of this whole conversation is that we don't know exactly what led up to this and and maybe there is more information out there that we don't know but but most of the people in the media they're probably saying pretty much the same thing
Starting point is 03:24:26 and everyone's just jumping in and picking their side and it's like look at the end of the day i suspect but again i could be wrong and i don't know exactly what these cops uh uh ambitions were but i suspect if when they had approached him and said you know whatever they said you know put your hands behind your back and that's it that he wouldn wouldn't be dead. That is no, in no way a defense of what happened other than when a cop tells you to do something, if you don't do it, even if it's wrong, even if you've done nothing wrong, if you don't do it, you could get hurt or killed. And that would stand for all of us. Now, look, they might treat us as white people different, a good percentage of them. We don't know what that percentage is. But if you don't listen to a cop's orders,
Starting point is 03:25:09 something bad probably is going to happen. Yeah, and usually the people, I think the people who argue like, oh, but you shouldn't have to do that, it shouldn't be, you know, you should never be in that situation because it's immoral on the cop's behalf. Like, there are a lot of people who argue from like, an ought standpoint to how the world ought to work and how it ought to be and what justice would be in an ideal world instead of saying I'm sorry, we can't use this pie-in-the-sky
Starting point is 03:25:34 standard. You kind of just have to accept these are people, they're cops, they're flawed. You have to treat them like they could potentially go off. Because they could. That doesn't discount that some of them are looking into getting into a fight. You know, I was pulled over about six months ago. I literally had one glass of wine at about seven o'clock at a friend's and I drove home.
Starting point is 03:25:53 I was pulled. I had to drive five minutes. I was pulled over in front of my house looking for parking with one glass of wine in me. The guy, me, he got in my face with a flashlight. You know, did you have any drinks? I said, I had one glass of wine. He got me out. He had a young cop with him. So he was clearly training this guy. So he was like in his late fifties, probably training this young guy. And I could see he was
Starting point is 03:26:13 really trying to assert himself and show this guy how you do it and everything. Had me get out, had me, you know, touch my nose and do all this stuff. I'm a little dyslexic by the way. So when he had me, like at one point I had to close my eyes and like stand on one foot and do something like it's not my thing it's not my thing but anyway but i was also extremely nervous because i haven't been pulled over in many years uh i haven't had that much experience with cops fortunately you know negative experience that is um and i guess had i said what you know one thing the wrong way if i had said, I'm parking in front of my house. What the fuck, man? You know, whatever.
Starting point is 03:26:48 Who knows? That could have escalated really quickly. And if I had fought whatever. And I'm not saying this has anything to do with this specific case, obviously. But I'm just saying that, yes, there could be a bad cop in that that would have looked at a guy like me. And if I had given him one bit of guff who you never know what's gonna happen so yeah there's a lot of things at play here and we got to try to have honest discussions about what we're doing here uh i'm with you there and even though i think i've argued
Starting point is 03:27:14 the other side of this most of the night there is a little part of me that doesn't like to completely surrender his dignity when the police come around you You know, like I've been pulled over a couple years ago or something. My registration was out of date. And they, you know, I've got to hand over my license and my concealed carry permit. My hands are on the wheel. They're on the wheel because I want him, like, it's telling him a lot about me. You know, I have a legal gun that says a thing. My hands are on the steering wheel.
Starting point is 03:27:45 It's unnatural, like 10 and 2 when you're parked. but i'm showing him that i'm keeping them there for him and he asked me where the gun is and i'm like i'm gonna point with my elbow you know one of those deals and it's not just telling him where the gun is i'm telling him i'm compliant but like there is a level where like i don't know like there Like, there are police instructions that they might take that kind of surrender my dignity. You know, if I was, for example, just walking and he wants me to spread him and put him against the wall or get on the ground, I might feel like, what? I am just walking here. You know, I couldn't be more innocent. I don't think I should be laying on the ground.
Starting point is 03:28:23 And then what do you do? You know, like... Well, you know he's slow on the draw, so you do what you have to, Woody. Yeah, if I'm walking as innocently as can be and he's telling me to put my nose on a dirty sidewalk... Yeah, nobody wants that. That's bullshit.
Starting point is 03:28:43 And I don't want to change topics too much, but you should probably watch that 20-second video from the Twitter thing. It's a lady who's living in an apartment building above where that sniper shooting is happening or happened in Dallas. Chiz wrote, you know, I don't usually say this, but that sounds like a scary gun. It sounds like a scary gun to me, too. I'm not sure what that sounds like. That sounds it sounds like a scary gun to me too i'm not sure what that sounds like that sounds uh it's a rifle for sure um and it's shooting a lot of rounds quickly i'm hesitant to say it's a machine gun but it sounds it's bum bum bum bum bum at one point and it sounded a lot like uh i don't know like a 30 caliber kind of slow
Starting point is 03:29:25 cycling machine gun. I'm sure it's an AR-15 or something like that that we'll eventually find out. I just jumped on Drudge as you said that. So it's saying cops down in Dallas shooting at a Black Lives Matter protest. 30 shots go off. So that potentially
Starting point is 03:29:41 is someone, they're at a Black Lives Matter shooting as we think they're shooting at the cops probably intentionally. I mean, man. So from an elevator position. Let's do this. Let's go to this Twitter video. I'm queued up at zero or one second, and then I'll say ready, set, play, and we'll watch it together.
Starting point is 03:29:57 Give me one second. It's a bit loud. It's hard to queue up at zero, by the way. I'll give you a second. Especially with Twitter videos. Can you just shoot that link over to me again? Oh, wait, I think I got it. It's at 1149. How terrible.
Starting point is 03:30:16 I can't wait to hear this gun. Scared Kyle. It's a law rocket. You're hearing the echo of it? Those are scary. You're hearing the echo, definitely, Those are scary. You're hearing the echo, definitely, but you're also hearing it impact something. Go ahead.
Starting point is 03:30:31 Ready, set, play. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. There's people laying on the ground. I hope they're just hanging. What the fuck is going on? What's going on? I hope they're just going to... Fuck is going on? Somebody's really armed to the team. This is not one person alone.
Starting point is 03:30:56 Please, a person with a gun. I'll take you to the police. If you have anything, I'll be there. Oh my god. They're... they can't be... Semi-automatic. Oh my god. Oh my god. God damn it.
Starting point is 03:31:18 So when I heard that a sniper had shot all these policemen, I was like, please let it be with great grandpa's deer rifle. Because I'm so tired of AR-15s being in the news. No way. That's Great Grandpa's deer rifle. Yeah, it's semi-automatic. Yeah, it's semi-auto. I can't tell the caliber. I don't know if you can tell that sort of thing now.
Starting point is 03:31:41 Yeah. Darn. Jesus. Expect a gun debate soon ah let them keep going the the congress won't even budge on the the the smallest of things that's going nowhere i i i don't share your confidence i wouldn't bet against you um but i just feel like at this point, it's something like 90% of the population wants it. Now, those 90% aren't as passionate as the 10%. No, 90% of the population might want some abstract idea of a safer world that involves some gun control.
Starting point is 03:32:19 But when you actually lay the law out there and say, well, here's what we're going to do. From now on, we have this arbitrary list. We call it the terror watch list. Carl there, he decides who's on it. Also, Bill, Dave, there's about 200 or 300 people who actually get to pick the names. And there's some people who work above them. They could kind of whisper down,
Starting point is 03:32:37 and a name would be placed there, too. Well, anybody on this list all of a sudden loses one of their constitutional rights. Not just gun rights, though. We put a little amendment in there when nobody was looking. You lose your right to free speech, search and seizure. We're really going to fuck you over now.
Starting point is 03:32:49 Or even crazier, the no-fly list, where it's like you accidentally bring a Dasani through a checkpoint, and suddenly you can't exercise your Second Amendment right. I'm interested where I haven't watched any of your content where you spoke about gun control or anything like that, Dave. Where do you stand on all that? Are you a gun owner?
Starting point is 03:33:06 So I'm not a gun owner, but I assume you guys are familiar with Steven Crowder, right? Yes. So Steven has offered to buy me a gun, and I'm willing to. I would like to do it. I'd like to do it because I would like to see the process. First off, I do believe in the Second Amendment, absolutely. And I would like to see what the process is like. So we're going to do that.
Starting point is 03:33:26 He's been trying to coordinate it. My general feeling on this is that two things can be true at the same time, that we can have a issue with some of these weapons. And at the same time, these weapons don't magically kill people. It's the people that pull the trigger. It's the ideology that forces people to do it. So, for example, if I had an AR-15 sitting right next to me, I would not walk into a gay club and shoot gay people. And I would not walk into a mosque and shoot Muslim people.
Starting point is 03:33:58 So it's not about the weapon. The weapon is just the tool. And it's about the ideology that allows people to want to kill other people. And at the same point, I totally hear your point on the watch list stuff. I would be for more sensible gun control. But when it comes to all these lists, I agree with you. I think the government is so inept that I understand why people are like, wait a minute, wait a minute, but how did you get on this watch list or this no-fly list or the Dasani or all that? So that's why this whole conversation is so tough, because you're combining people's desire to have their constitutional rights with their distrust of
Starting point is 03:34:38 government, and government consistently shows you how corrupt and inept it is. So it's a lot of stuff, and it makes it really difficult But I haven't dived into it that much and I should more and I'll let you guys know how it goes with the Crowder thing Because I think you know what you should consider with the Crowder thing like I was I was listening to you I'm like, I hope he buys a gun at a gun show Because you mentioned you wanted to see what the process is like It's just like buying it at a gun store. That whole gun show loophole thing is complete bullshit. What's true
Starting point is 03:35:07 is private party to private party sales. Inheritance. But they don't like to attack that because all of a sudden that sounds like you're taking something away that seems like you should just be able to do. If I want to sell a gun to my brother, this is my pistol. I bought it all legally. I'm
Starting point is 03:35:24 legally owning it he could legally own it so i say to him here three hundred dollars yeah give me your three hundred dollars and we exchange it that's perfectly legal in my state because we're for a number of reasons in my state you need permission to do that that is the loophole that they keep talking about that is the gun show loophole now what happens sometimes at gun shows is an individual such as myself will buy a ticket he's in the gun show and he's got a rifle with him. Now you can't walk into the gun show with a gun that's not loaded of any kind. They even put a zip tie sort of thing through the weapon to visually ensure that this gun can't even fire if I want it to. So with a weapon like that,
Starting point is 03:36:02 you can carry that weapon within the gun show as a private individual. So you'll see some guy at the gun show and he's walking around with a World War II bolt action rifle, usually slung over his shoulder. He'll often have a flag stuck in the barrel so he's easily spotted. You could tap that guy on the shoulder and say, how much for that? He'll say $200 and you'll make your exchange in the parking lot. And that's completely legal. What doesn't ever happen is that you go into the gun show and that's completely legal what doesn't ever happen is that you go into the gun show and there's big mike with all of his scary black rifles with the grenade launchers and the flash hiders and the the scopes etc you don't go to big mike and say hey big mike i need that three thousand dollar rifle right there and i got cash let's forget about all this
Starting point is 03:36:41 paperwork mike is going to report your ass after he finishes whipping it. Mike is not going to put up with that. Mike has a federal firearms license that he tried real hard to get. This is his business, his livelihood, and he hates people like you because you give him a bad name. He doesn't like you a bit. Mike will whip your ass for trying to suggest something like that. So there really just isn't a gun show loophole. It's just not a thing.
Starting point is 03:37:05 It's a nice way. It's their way of talking about private sales without rustling any jimmies over actually saying what they mean. And I hate it because I have a federal firearms license. I can conduct firearms transactions myself legally across state lines federally um and so i would always hear this thing and i'd be like what are they talking about is there something i don't even know about and i'm like looking through my atf handbook like it's gotta be in here somewhere this is this loophole you know it's not in there it's bullshit the thing that i i agree with crowder on that's crowder where he's gonna do do it, where he's going to get the gun, but I asked him for the gun. I want the thing that Jesse Ventura had in Predator. I don't know what that is.
Starting point is 03:37:50 Yeah, that's a minigun. Yeah, yeah, that's a Dylan minigun. I could help you with that. Yeah, Kyle actually is the one to talk to of anyone I know. He's the one to hook you up with a minigun for real. What you should do, though, in all seriousness, hook you up with a minigun for real. What you should do though, in all seriousness, is have him get you
Starting point is 03:38:05 a really nice Kimber 1911 or some really expensive gun. Take advantage of this. But I do totally agree with Crowder's thing of... I was waiting for his point, but his point is just get as much money as you can. Yeah, get as much money.
Starting point is 03:38:22 But Crowder's thing of buying a gun for someone so they have to go through that process i've found that the people who are usually most in favor of gun control aren't gun people maybe just because they don't aren't interested in it or they're afraid of it but none of them have actually gone through the process if you just watch them like if i wasn't a gun owner and into guns and i didn't own any I would think that I could just walk into a fucking Cabela's, slap $500 down and walk out with a rifle. And that's absolutely not.
Starting point is 03:38:52 Nowhere can that happen. Well, look, you know, obviously I don't want to comment too much on the news that's happening right this very second, but it sounds like 11 cops shot. And it's like this is going to really alter the debate because most likely if this person was a Black Lives Matter supporter who was enraged about what happened, if, and if, if, I know, if it wasn't he was enraged about what happened over these last couple of days, it flips a lot of this on its head because there was a lot of demonization of cops obviously in the last couple of days. Now this guy, was the gun legal? Was it not legal?
Starting point is 03:39:24 I mean there's just so much here and uh yeah there's been a through line to our our conversation here which has been that there's these are complex issues that we got to talk about otherwise these things are just going to keep happening that's terrible i get 11 cop shot that's that is outrageous and it's odd to me like do they not know the location of the shooter? An elevated position in a garage or something. Parking garage. So he's got up high and he's shooting down
Starting point is 03:39:53 the rifle. So Chiz is feeding us some information. Suspects threatened to plant bomb downtown. Thorough search in progress. One suspect cornered. So they at least know where one is. And I guess after they get one they find the other i don't know like he'd give him up i don't know if there's only two but i don't who knows oh yeah i got the idea there was two from another there was said he said
Starting point is 03:40:15 there were two snipers but like you said information at this point must be pretty pretty bad you know unreliable yeah yeah guys guys i would love to keep going with you i have been talking literally since seven in the morning we did our first tech shows for the new show today uh and i've been skyping all day long with all kinds of people and i i desperately all right i need some food i haven't eaten since like 11 it's nine o'clock um but really it was a pleasure talking to you guys um and let's let's stay in the loop. Yeah, that was fun. Hey, Dave, if people want to know about your stuff, where do they find you?
Starting point is 03:40:54 You can go right here on the YouTube, slash RubenReport. RubenReport on Twitter. It's slash RubenReport. slash RubenReport. This man's got his branding down. He is an all-star, the guy. We appreciate that around here. And RubenReport.. And all that good stuff. And listen, it's always nice to meet people
Starting point is 03:41:08 in this space that care about good conversation, so really, I totally enjoyed this. Have a good night. Thanks for coming out. To our fans out there, be sure to check out Loot Crate again. I wanted to remind you one more time, join us in celebrating this month. The theme is
Starting point is 03:41:24 the futuristic, so they've got pop culture stuff from Rick and Morty, Futurama, Star Trek, Mega Man, Valiant Comics, all that stuff. Remember, you only have until the 19th at 9pm Pacific time to subscribe and receive this month's crate. Once that happens, it's all over, so check them out.
Starting point is 03:41:40 slash painkiller and our offer code painkiller. Get three bucks off your first purchase. Alright. See you later. slash painkiller and our offer code painkiller. Get three bucks off your first purchase. All right. All right. See you guys. See you later. All right.
Starting point is 03:41:49 Bye. So is the show wrapping now? It's still live, just so people know. Yeah, I think we should. I think that's good. We got two guests in there. We talked about all kinds of terrorism, all kinds of video game talk in there.
Starting point is 03:42:03 We got anything else? Drama. in there. We got... Content. Drama. That was Painkiller Ready, episode 290. I hope you guys enjoyed the show. I thought it was a strong one. I had a lot of fun.

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