Painkiller Already - Painkiller Already #293

Episode Date: August 5, 2016

This week on PKA, OpTic MiDNiTE comes back on and they talk about the DNC, the Rio Olympics, Call of Duty 4 and Kyle shares a story about a skunk walking into his life....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 And we're live! Painkiller already, episode 293 with our guest, Optic Midnight. Hello, I'm Ashley. Optic Midnight, good to meet you guys. Well, I've already met you guys. I think this is my third time, I want to say. I think it's been a hot second since you've been on, though. Yeah, the first one was in, like, gosh, I want to say, like, 2011, 2012-ish, somewhere around there, maybe a little later. And then the last time was, was like a year and a half ago or something. So, you know, I've been listening
Starting point is 00:00:28 way before I was ever on, and I don't know. It's just good to be back. Thanks for having me back. Yeah, anytime. Let me tell you guys about the sponsors tonight. We've got a few sponsors. I've got a brand new one for tonight,
Starting point is 00:00:38 SmartMouth. We'll be talking about them later, Also, we've got Casper coming back, my favorite and most softest of all the sponsors. Me undies, CISO, and Loot Crate, it looks like. I think that's everybody. Yeah, we'll get to all those later in the show.
Starting point is 00:00:55 Yeah, what do we want to start off with first? Do you want to just chat to our guest, who we haven't seen in ever so long, or do we have something topical we want to go to? I could go with a little bit of a chat. Let's chat right what's with you so you're still in optic i see the the banner behind you yeah did you did and did you see this being like oh no 2016 thing that you'd still be and i didn't see youtube or anything it was a 2016 thing i mean i just kind of started like making call of duty videos for fun and i I'm like, Oh, yeah, whatever. And then it got into optic. And then that evolved into its own monster. And now just recently, we had like a book come out about all of that stuff that kind of led to this moment, or these moments recently anyway. And so no, absolutely not. didn't picture. I don't think anyone did at the time, though.
Starting point is 00:01:46 Maybe Hector might have seen a little bit of a future going there, but I was, you know, no idea. I was in before even the competitive team. So I had no idea the success we have there. And so, yeah, it's been kind of a fun ride. I've been streaming a lot more than making YouTube videos lately just because I enjoy the, like, instant interaction more, but I still am kind of cranking out YouTube videos lately just because I enjoy the instant interaction more, but I still am kind of cranking out YouTube videos.
Starting point is 00:02:08 I'm still doing Call of Duty videos, which is kind of, I don't know, man. It's kind of tough. After six years, how many times can you make a Call of Duty video, you know? But I still genuinely enjoy the game. What's the
Starting point is 00:02:24 new shot status? Like a no scope trick shot person, right? No, well, it started as like a sniping thing. That was how we got like a big YouTube presence was doing like sniping and being known as like the best snipers. And then they'd make like sniping videos from that. Then it turned into commentaries. That's kind of where I came in.
Starting point is 00:02:45 And then we got make, like, sniping videos from that. Then it turned into commentaries. That's kind of where I came in. And then it just, then we got the pro team. And then it all just kind of happened really fast. Like, it really did. And so it was, like, the right people at the right place doing the right thing at the right time. And even in their sniping, like, when they were all about sniping, they weren't so much about trick shots, you know? It was wins, not spins. Yeah, it was, yeah, that was, like, Hector's. that was like hector's yeah that was hector's like mantra he's like wins not spins he would he liked the idea of being like the best in the lobby with one of the most difficult guns to use right so right
Starting point is 00:03:17 and um if if there was like a cool clip that you had but you were losing then it's not a cool clip oh he would roast or even if you would like hector will even still say this like even if you had but you were losing then it's not a cool clip oh he would roast or even if you would like hector will even still say this like even if you had a particular perk on like if you were using steady aim like you were a noob you weren't doing it right or whatever you need a deep impact or ninja or whatever else we know depending on the game so he was kind of an elitist like that and it's that's how though that we got the idea that that we did how we got the idea of being like this little elite core uh of snipers and so yeah that's where it started and then content became a big thing and i mean do you remember do you remember the initial
Starting point is 00:03:57 wings of redemption drama i was just gonna bring that up. This is such old bullshit. Which one? Because there's a lot. So Wings was always talking shit about Hex and Optic and the way they did things. And quickscopers in general, really, he hated it. He was a hard scoper. Tryhards usually do. Yes.
Starting point is 00:04:19 Yes. What did he say, Woody? What was the first thing? His thing was that if you're going to use a sniper rifle it's all about camping right you need to set yourself up in a position where you have like a distant view on traffic and to wings's credit he's particularly good at shooting things that are only like four pixels large like if he has one skill set it's picking off things from across the map it's not necessarily zapping on target like a Sandy Ravage can do.
Starting point is 00:04:46 Yeah. And this might have changed. I haven't watched in that style, through that lens in a long time. But back in the day, his thing was like, you know, putting a red dot sight on a guy that was barely showing any helmet and getting a kill. And, yeah, so that was his thing. He's like, you know, in real life, this is how you use a sniper rifle.
Starting point is 00:05:04 Yeah, he was like Gillilly's in the mist style. Yeah. Like hiding and all that. Uh-huh. And I remember both Hex and Wings edited videos of each other to make them look awful. So I think Hex took a Wings of Redemption video. Yeah, and he edited out like all the kills and just showed all the waiting. He's like, this is how boring – go on.
Starting point is 00:05:28 Wings had one where – because Wings had really innovative sniping techniques. He would get in the back of a – like a real sniper would. He'd get in the – you don't stick your gun out – yeah, innovative. Yeah, you don't stick your gun out the window of a building. That's not how a sniper shoots. You get all the way – like a real sniper. You get all the way back into the buildings sniper, you get all the way back into the buildings, and that's what he'd do.
Starting point is 00:05:48 He'd get in the back corner of a building with thermal, and he'd be looking through this bullshit crack or something. But his view was like the whole corridor, and he's just... So everyone would know, like, oh, this window can see this window, right? And it's kind of a draw there. Wings
Starting point is 00:06:03 would go, like, to some other spot. He'd find lines of sight that most people didn't know about. And he'd just pick you off from super distances and stuff. He'd do innovative stuff. He would want to use cold-blooded. That was his other thing. He didn't think that stopping power
Starting point is 00:06:20 was necessary for snipers. He thought that was... Yeah, he wants you to shoot. She wants to go neck or above. He wants to use that Barret with the thermal on it or something like that. Yeah, the cold-blooded scrambler.
Starting point is 00:06:33 Camping or not. His videos back then were like, that style, I understand that it could be boring of him sitting there for a long time, but every once in a while, the stars would align and six people would be in his line of sight
Starting point is 00:06:47 from his little coven in the back of the house, and he'd just kill all of them. And that was almost more impressive than the whole, like, I don't know, running around and quickscoping thing, because it's like, oh, he waited for that, and that was almost just as much a tactical win as it was a skill win.
Starting point is 00:07:02 I don't know if he still does it, but he used to run these odd, like everyone in the world agreed Scrambler sucked, right? Scrambler's terrible, right? Universally. I thought it was fun. Well, hold on.
Starting point is 00:07:12 So what, if people don't know, what Scrambler would do is it would make the mini map in the corner all snowy and worthless. But. No, no, by proximity. If you're, as you get nearer to me, your mini map scrambles. Thank you, that's critical. I create an area of scramble on mini maps. So what would happen is like, if, as your map started to scramble, your mini-map scrambles. Thank you. That's critical. I create an area of scramble on mini-maps.
Starting point is 00:07:29 So what would happen is, like, as your map started to scramble, you'd know a guy was there. Like, it's supposed to blind you, but what it actually does is gives you a kind of vision. Like, oh, there's a scrambler dude around here. And if you knew the map well, you'd probably know where he was. Like, oh, he's going to be looking out that window upstairs. So Wings would use that knowledge. Like, I know you know that. Therefore, Claymore at the top of the steps. Like, he would use Scrambler not to mess up your map, but to ring the dinner bell.
Starting point is 00:07:53 Right? And he's like, yeah, fuckers are going to run to me all day. I'm not looking out that window. I'm behind the couch. You know? With Scavenger. Yeah. So you would die to his Claymore, and he would ka-chink, have another.
Starting point is 00:08:06 And, of course, you're coming right back and he's he's counting on the claymore in a new spot this time and he's just hard scoping where you came the first time so when you come up that alley he's just with a 50 cal thermal away and now you're really pissed and you're telling us telling your buddies he's got a harrier before before you realize this is what he wants. It was neat. Once in a while, he would just sit there for three straight minutes, which doesn't sound like a long time, but in a Call of Duty game, three minutes is a long time.
Starting point is 00:08:34 And he wouldn't see anyone until he just would do the bop, bop, bop at no one in particular, and then wait, and then continue to wait. There was a map in Modern Warfare 2. I forget it, but it was snowy and in the corner of it there was like a broken down fuel tanker, like a semi that would carry... he'd hop on it, he'd wait there and he called it ringing the dinner bell. He just fire off his like, you know, M16 or something and wait for people to come. He'd intentionally put himself on the mini-mat so that people would run into his
Starting point is 00:09:06 scope. Of course, it got him some heat here and there, but he played differently than everyone else, and he ran kits that were different. He discovered the noob tube problem. How OP it was. I remember watching his videos back in the day
Starting point is 00:09:22 and being like, this guy does play... He's like opposite play style of me. I'm just the person, give me the submachine gun and the red dot, and I just run around and see what happens. Whereas he's like doing complex, it almost feels like math problems, mathematics to like judge and decide where he's going to be and put himself in the most advantageous position. Let's not go too far now. That's what it seemed like to me. There were no equations. Well, there was a little. So get this. He's not jot too far now. That's what it seemed like to me. There were no equations. So get this.
Starting point is 00:09:48 He did a video on the fastest way to rank up in Modern Warfare 2. And what he would do is he would run Emergency Airdrop and he would give the shit away. And in some cases, giving it away caused you no... Was it called an Orbital VSAT?
Starting point is 00:10:03 Do you guys remember it? Yeah. And I forget what the Orbital orbital even did what did it mess up everyone it was like a black bird or whatever the one was that gave you the triangle okay so anyway like if you call that in you'd get like 50 points if someone else called it in you'd get like 350 points it It was like seven kills. And the whole team benefits. So why would you ever pick that up yourself? So he would just sit there and defend the care package until one of your teammates called it in for
Starting point is 00:10:34 you, and you'd just get a lot like, you'd rank up a lot quicker. And he would go through. He's like, the Predator, for example. The Predator, I think, was 150 points for giving that away. But how many kills do you get with a predator? Zero to two, I would say. Yeah, okay, I'll say one.
Starting point is 00:10:50 One guarantee. Not even, you think one guarantee, but sometimes you don't get one. Sometimes everyone goes inside. Yeah. But you usually got one. Sometimes you're lucky and you get two, sometimes you're unlucky and you get zero. So at most you get 100 for a predator, but if you give it away you got like more than that you got 150 xp so yeah wings you know he would just be like give this away give this away take that take that
Starting point is 00:11:14 santa claus yeah it was uh yeah he had some clever ideas on that stuff there was one video i still remember of him doing that exact strategy and it it was right when Modern Warfare 2 came out, and he leveled up, I don't know, like seven levels in one game, just giving it away. Was it Scrapyard? I think it was. He throws that grenade, and the red smoke comes out, and then it starts
Starting point is 00:11:38 to drop, and he's just like, I'm gonna make sure there's nothing there I want. Nope! And then he just leaves, and everybody else feverishly runs over and is stabbing each other to get their hands on it. I was too selfish for that. I don't care if I got more points. I want to be calling everything in.
Starting point is 00:11:54 So it's post-sticker shock, I guess. We've all had a little time to absorb the fact that Call of Duty 4 Remastered is coming. Who's actually going to get it and play it, and where are you going to do so? Xbox One. I like what he said. I was just like, eh.
Starting point is 00:12:12 I don't want to make a promise. There's someone out there. I'm going to get it. Yeah, right. I'll buy it. I got 60 bucks. So is it sold separately? I heard that somewhere.
Starting point is 00:12:24 Is that true? so is it sold separately i heard that somewhere is that true you have to buy the new call of duty in order to get the old call of duty for now i i don't know anything about if they're going to release it separately but i think it makes sense for them to do that at some point down the line maybe Maybe after Christmas or something like that. I don't know. It's included in the next COD. No, you have to pay 20 extra dollars. So it's $80 for the
Starting point is 00:12:53 new COD and COD 4 Remastered. It's supposedly going to have campaign, all the bells and whistles, but only 10 out of the 14 or 16, whatever it is, maps. Yeah, they'll sell those later. Yeah, I'm sure they will. I'm actually really excited though, because that's the Call of Duty I started on.
Starting point is 00:13:12 So... Me too. That's where I started, and that's where yeah, that's so many people. So that's where the addiction started, and I mean I'm hoping that nothing bad happens to it, I guess. What console are you going to play it on? I'll probably do PS4 just
Starting point is 00:13:28 because recently they moved it over. All the exclusivity stuff comes out on PS4 first. Because of that, they're actually releasing the campaign a month early if you pre-order it, so you'll get to play the campaign early, which I think is one of the best
Starting point is 00:13:43 COD campaigns. I'll probably just hop on stream when it comes out and play it and have a good time. I'm not sure. Are you sure that for the next COD, the PlayStation still has the exclusivity? You are? Yeah, I'm like 90% sure. I'd be surprised if they went back to Xbox right away. I'm assuming the deal they signed with Sony is longer than a year or two.
Starting point is 00:14:05 That's just an assumption. I don't have a playstation 4 um i i guess and maybe i don't know enough about the new hardware because i know that xbox just released their new console so what's is is the is the new version of the xbox one the cheapest 4k blu-ray player is that its deal yeah i i haven't done a whole lot of research on the new... You're talking about the Xbox S or whatever, Xbox One S or whatever it's called. Yes, I saw a white one on... Yeah, it looks really cool. I think it's smaller and it just has more 4K type of capabilities,
Starting point is 00:14:35 which I'm excited about. But, I mean, yeah, as far as playing games, I mean, I might be wrong too. I haven't super researched it, but I think it's the same kind of thing. Yeah, but I'm definitely going to have to get... I'm probably going to get that because I don't have a 4K Blu-ray player as of right now.
Starting point is 00:14:53 My PC can do 4K stuff, but it doesn't have a disk drive, so that's not... Are you going to play on Xbox One, Kyle? Yeah, that's what I was getting at. Good, good, good. What's interesting about COD 4 Remastered to me is it i i since my cod days i've become a filthy casual and i won't have to invest the same amount of time in learning maps learning perks kits etc i i assumed on day one i'm gonna know like 85 of that game and yeah that's kind of the benefit too and it's kind of interesting as i mean you're
Starting point is 00:15:23 probably not looking at from like a content perspective anymore but for me it's like there's some there's choices now like if i want to make a video on the new call duty i can but if i just want to do something i already know that i'm i know i'm good at or whatever that i've practiced a lot before i can go to play call for and i'm just hoping it's done correctly. I don't, I mean, when I heard about it at first, I was like, no, Frag Times 3, they gotta change it, they gotta change it. Now the more I think about it, I'm like, they can't change anything. Don't touch it. Yeah, don't touch it. Leave it alone.
Starting point is 00:15:53 Leave it. I still want it to be that there's no reason to not use Frag Times 3, and there's no reason to not use 48-3. I need the Bandolier. The Frag Times 3 are great in like uh like backlot domination games where i'm just gonna spend the whole game coming to the center to kill three people and die and that's that's all my what's
Starting point is 00:16:14 the rainy one vacant yeah vacant some frag times three man just throw them over that fucking wall you know where they are they're by the glass house. I just, every, if I spawn on the uphill side, I throw them over the wall, all three of them, it's like a mini airdrop. Yeah, it's like an airstrike almost. Boom, boom, boom, you'll get a killer too. I'm not looking forward to
Starting point is 00:16:37 being markedly worse at the game than I was, what, eight years ago? Ten years ago? Practice! See, this is the good thing about this, and this is what I was going to get at, what, eight years ago? Ten years ago? When it came out? Practice! See, this is the good thing about this, and this is what I was going to get at. Any video makers out there, if you're in the Call of Duty video making game,
Starting point is 00:16:53 go ahead and load up Call of Duty 4 on your 360 and make a video called Everything You Need to Know About the Ten Maps in Call of Duty 4 Remastered. And you've already got them right there. That was my next video, man. Get in there.
Starting point is 00:17:09 You can show the grenade spots. I bet there's so much. There's this huge wealth of knowledge out there, but it's like eight years old or something now. Everybody forgot. It's dashed away and it's like... Remember the old C4 throw glitch when you're planting the S&D bomb? All of that bullshit. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like all the grenade spots it's dashed away and it's like remember the old c4 throw glitch when you're like planting this the
Starting point is 00:17:25 all of that bullshit yeah yeah yeah like all the grenade spots where you just look straight up aim at a cloud those old like cod to zurgris style grenade throws and stuff um there's lots of shit like that that has been forgotten little life pro tips what's the quote uh in the in the uh in the beginning of lord of the rings that Lady Galadriel says something like, much that was once known was forgotten, or something like that. Much that once was was lost. There we go. Of course, okay.
Starting point is 00:17:58 I was like, is he going to know that? Well, sure. Oh, yeah. I'm deep into Lord of the Rings. The Call of Duty 4 thing like i either want it to be exactly the same way as it was that frag times three leave it all or i want it to be the exact same way and they just put something in like that double jump where you can just like i'm not i don't love the game enough that i would be really upset if it bombed. Oh, fuck you! I'd be upset. It'd be funny to see everyone play it.
Starting point is 00:18:26 Give everybody lassoes or something and whips and like, no, no bullshit. I want it unadulterated. Now look, there are changes that I would like for my own play style and the way I think the game could be improved. But, I know that I can't start asking you to implement those
Starting point is 00:18:42 changes without considering yours. And I'm not comfortable with that. Like, what's wrong with thinking of it? Martyrdom is silly. And the reason why is there are situations where if someone throws a grenade in such a way that it explodes right next to you, it's because of their skill or some random luck. But it can be because of their skill. However, if two martyrdom grenades drop
Starting point is 00:19:05 and each of them, one's to your left, one's to your right, and, you know, that thing's got like a.5 or.7 second fuse on it. Yeah, you literally can't live. It's like, well, what do I do if I turn left, I die, I turn right, I die. There's no way for me to win this. This is a no-win scenario, and it's bullshit.
Starting point is 00:19:21 And the martyrdom, it always rolls toward you, right, the martyrdom. Yeah, it's like heat-seeking grenades. They'll roll toward you. So if you shoot them at the right distance from you, you know, sometimes you just approach it as it blows. You know, it's like it's properly timed. It can be frustrating, but all the CODs have deaths
Starting point is 00:19:38 that aren't really your fault. If you play shipment, it's pretty much a guaranteed kill every time you die. If you're playing 6v6. It can be. It's just the constant indicator. Juggernaut and stopping power need to remain, though. Because I felt like when they took Juggernaut and stopping power out,
Starting point is 00:19:53 the games got less fun for me. Because it was only the most ignorant. If you're a sniper, then Juggernaut's just a problem. It really just is. It completely changes the way you play the game. But for everybody else, it's just a kind of a mind game. It's one more bullet, and you're on the same playing field, because
Starting point is 00:20:09 if they've got Chuck, they don't have stopping power. So it's even. He has to shoot you three times, you him three, unless you get some headshot multipliers. It's easy math. But people are like, ah, he's just got more health than me. It's not fair. It's like, yeah, but he doesn't have fucking stopping power, making every kill super easy. There was a trade-off there. It's it's a mental game because when you shoot and you see the red thing
Starting point is 00:20:29 you're like oh like i get really mad at it part because the juggernaut guy doesn't have something to kind of make him pause for a moment go oh here we go again like he's focused on every fucking kill he knows they all take four bullets the stopping power guy he's the one who only occasionally has to fire the second burst. He might be in a groove of one burst, one kill, one burst, one kill, and all of a sudden he gets to you and starts to follow through to the third guy and you don't work.
Starting point is 00:20:53 It's like, ugh. There's stuff I'm... With sniping now, there's a trail to where it came from. Back in COD 4, that didn't exist. You were just ghost mode good yeah i guess we'll go back to that yeah like you gotta listen for it like i can remember being in search and destroy and us being like can anyone hear where that's coming from
Starting point is 00:21:17 because we asked jd reed if he knew where it was, and he said he was going to peek out, and then it said J.D. Reid has died, and I can't get him on Skype right now. Yeah, because back then you went into death chat, and nobody was sitting on Skype together and having full-on communication. That's a thing too, man. Back in the day, people didn't have – now you're in Skype together, and you've got full-on communication. Yeah, or even TeamSpeak, whatever. There's nonstop communication.
Starting point is 00:21:45 Today, everyone has a headset. It used to be like being able to directionally locate sound was a serious competitive advantage. You might be the only guy in the lobby wearing a headset. That's not true now. I feel like everyone has it. Yeah, everyone's got some kind of headset, a mic that they're playing loud music through
Starting point is 00:22:01 or whatever they're doing. It seems like every old cod I go on, some kid's blastingke through his headset but but yeah now it's like everyone's on a more even playing field and everyone like like back then too the only way that i got information about cod for there was no t martin video i go watch or whoever's video i go on youtube and see what's the best way to do this like I had to go on message boards and like Figure out strategies for doing challenges. It was it was you really had to dig if I don't wait too much faith in it Weapon stats and all that shit. Yeah, it was my first video
Starting point is 00:22:34 I would like look at sniper lines of sight online and like but I wasn't nearly qualified enough to evaluate whether this website was Worth a shit, you know, so I'm like, all right,'s where I want to stand. It's like on top of an open field. It looks down a road. Yeah, it turns out that it's not a good spot. You learn the most from playing the game. I remember like getting really into Search and Destroy and that was where I decided where the best players were because I read online that that's the best way to rank up so that's where the best people had to be. So I would literally watch all the kill cams like how'd this guy do this
Starting point is 00:23:08 where'd he see me from how did he get there so fast like the sound is the most important thing to make in this game the same because what I thought was perfect about COD 4 what I was really good at I thought was playing search and destroy so there's not just constant bullshit
Starting point is 00:23:23 going on and listening for dead silent footsteps, because I could still hear them within a certain distance. You need to still be able to hear them if you're willing to hurt your ears that much, because you really gotta crank your shit to hear them. And you need to be able, all the footsteps need to be the same. Not just
Starting point is 00:23:40 the volume of them, but one thing I noticed in Call of Duty 5 The World at war was that the footsteps footsteps seemed to be disconnected from the character models so the character model might be here but you sort of heard footsteps in a weird bubble behind them yeah and it was in cod 4 it was almost like i was a fucking like what's that blind guy from mortal kombat like chinchy or something like I was just probably right and know where they
Starting point is 00:24:08 are no matter what but like in World at War I just remember immediately being like ah well I know he's in that room I guess which door which door which door World at War your character became noisy like I don't know what it was I described it as jingle bells yeah it's got changing you've got like six canteens
Starting point is 00:24:24 on your back apparently a bunch of sleigh bells and cat necklaces and shit you know it's just like you're a total man um and then as you get into the more the more recent cards that i started playing like like they would intentionally add like rocket launches moving moving trains, bars with dance music popping. None of that. I don't want any of that. I want a sterile landscape to conduct my business in. I want to remove any outside bullshit.
Starting point is 00:24:55 If I die, I want it to be my fault or his skill. One of those things. I'm happy with either of those. There's so many times when I die and I'm like ah he's fucking better than me shit gotta change my tactics here that's the thing that you don't think about though when looking back at call of duty 4 even if they didn't use some underhanded like martyrdom or as all the kids called it marty dome um even if they don't do that even back in that day if i was using the ak-47 and somebody like out shot me at mid-range with an m16 i'd be like well a fucking course he wins because i'm crippling
Starting point is 00:25:31 myself with this horseshit weapon like and that was aggravating at the time i think people underestimate how aggravating it was to even venture outside the world of mp5 m16 it depends how you play juggernaut ak was particularly good if you if you played it naked because as soon as you put the red dot on the damage at close range goes from 40 uh 30 to like 40 20 20 being the the mid to long range damage it causes you got to shoot five fucking times this probably won't be the same so yeah jug ak was good m60 ak was good too because it does 50 damage per shot so you can two shot somebody across the map and they've got a two round they've got a two burst you at minimum with an m16 probably three burst so there were some ways to get around it but the m16 was and then it's the way to go like there are not the best there are problems
Starting point is 00:26:21 with certain guns but if you played them right, they had advantages. Like, I always thought the Scorpion was a weak gun, right? However, up close it did like 50 damage per shot. So if you're, um, is it block? What's the one where there's two spots? Yeah, where the two buildings on the side? Yeah, if you rock Scorpion and spend all your time in those buildings,
Starting point is 00:26:39 most of your gunfights are going to be same-room fights. You can rock the Scorpion in that and be successful and, you know, level it up or whatever it is you're trying to do. Get your gold... What was the gold? Gold Scorpion. It was the Scorpion. Getting the gold was so fucking disappointing
Starting point is 00:26:56 because then you have to use a Dragunov. I wanted the golden M40 so bad. I was shocked when I found out it was the Dragunov gold. I was like, what? Well it was the Dragunov gold. I was like, what? Well, there's a change they can make. We'll allow that. There we go.
Starting point is 00:27:10 Yeah, maybe all gold like they do. But yeah, I really don't want them to change it that much. There's a lot of intricacies about the game. Yeah, I want it to be like I still know the little secrets about the game because I really did play that game a lot when it came out. I want the glitch on Overgrown gone. That rock glitch where you could get in. The glitches can go.
Starting point is 00:27:32 What about the ambush glitches? That was fun. The ambush glitches in center map I'm fine with. You know how you could like, if you went straight across the map, you could get into the building or go on the side. I think you might be able to get to the roof of the building um but to get outside the map no i'm not cool with that yeah not outside the map and not under the map you could do all
Starting point is 00:27:52 those things on on ambush you could get uh all over all these buildings there was like there there really weren't very many buildings that you couldn't sneak out and get on top of in that map uh who made that one i would love if if you could look at the fine print and see what dumbass was the one on that map. Because clearly, that's the one that didn't get proof tested or something. Because you could get under the map by the dom plant
Starting point is 00:28:16 spot that's in that little field over there. I never knew A and B. I didn't memorize that part. Because you just look on the map. I never knew how people memorized that. But you get under the map over there, you get out of the map on the far side you get on top of every single building so that map was fucked that can all go i didn't like going under the map or outside the map to where even if someone saw you you couldn't fight back but the glitch i didn't mind on ambush is where you do like the little look down then sprint jump and then you get up
Starting point is 00:28:42 into like a different building but you're still visible and they can kill you if they see you so i don't care about that if anything you're kind of making yourself a bigger target as you look like a goober trying to like sprint run and then fall and then run your little route back up there sprint run fall then run your little route until you get it to work but um there's a rocket do you guys remember angling the rocket launcher down and wearing jugs so you could boost yourself up? The one on Crossfire, people would do that in S&D the whole time. And you're like, where are these sniper shots coming from? Yeah, that was annoying.
Starting point is 00:29:12 I remember that. Toward the end of the game's life cycle, people were like, just go do it in a private match. I guess they wanted to get a kill on you from up there. The bigger problem than getting killed was having them on your team like that's what i didn't like yeah you gotta watch them ambush man like that map if you want it's glorious right but if you're losing dom on ambush it is so hard to like regain mid-map you know you're just pinned down at the end it's terrible you buy the freaking turret in the back taking out. Two long pathways and that long
Starting point is 00:29:45 strip in the middle. Yeah, you get pushed all the way back into the ends of your Z. And they're just sitting in the lane with their M16. They're calling in choppers that are getting their choppers choppers. It was nuts. We were they! It was great! That's what I missed, though. I hope
Starting point is 00:30:01 spawn camping is still a thing. I hope they don't start flipping spawns like they're made of glass. Yeah, I don't want them to touch spawns. I want to stick you back there. I want to stick you back there where you belong, enemy player, the unnamed Dragonslayer175R, and just sit there and camp on you for 20 minutes. It should be old-school DOM rules.
Starting point is 00:30:20 Now, I mean, even in Black Ops 3, you touch middle map, the spawns are like, oh god, we better spawn your enemies behind you or to the side of you so that you don't spawn trap them and make them hit the eject button. Like, I think it should be the old-fashioned. You could even spawn trap in TDM on COD 4. No objective. Just straight up, play it right, and
Starting point is 00:30:38 you just, you couldn't even let them get a kill. Or, um, it wasn't as effective because of the spawn delay, but, um, oh, what's it called? What's the game mode where there's one bomb and you're trying to demolish it? Sabotage? Sabotage, yeah. Sabotage, you can get very mean because of the spawn delay.
Starting point is 00:30:56 That allows you to really start moving up your three-man spawn trap. Yeah, get map position. And on a map like Shipment, where there are precious little spawn points in a game mode like that, like in that game mode, there's only three spawn points per team. So all you gotta do is put four. So all you gotta do is put three of your teammates in three
Starting point is 00:31:16 of the spawn points, allowing only one more spawn point in the game. So everybody just aims at that point. Yep. Like I said, I hope they keep all that. Only if Blade had a friend named, I think it was Ricky. He was amazing at sabotage. Just beastly.
Starting point is 00:31:31 He would get like 185 kill games all the time. And I remember, I forget if I was playing with Blade or if he was telling the story, but he had to go. They're playing sabotage. I think it was like a 20-minute timer. And they let all 20 minutes go to fully abuse their enemies and he's like yo man i gotta roll yeah i'm gonna back out he's like no no don't back out but we could just win so he like single-handedly takes the thing runs it in wipes out the whole team they get cod 4 probably still the new cods too
Starting point is 00:31:59 but one man could win him win a game yeah in sabotage ifage, I didn't like playing it as much where you went in there just to stomp people for 20 minutes. I liked getting a team of at least of the six, get three to four who are good, and then if you just have it in your head like, alright, every start of the game, we're using our little lightweight legs
Starting point is 00:32:19 and running over there with an MP5, and we're going to win in 16 seconds every game. You could level up so fast that way. We in modern warfare 2 not so much cod 4 yeah it either lasted like one minute or 20 you could decide if you're on the strong team and everyone here has like a big group of friends when i first started in cod 4 so like my first the first half of my COD 4 career was you know just random teams the second half you know I got to be on teams that never lost
Starting point is 00:32:50 which was cool yep it was nice well we're all excited for COD 4 yeah I'm gonna play the new COD but Battlefield I feel like the world is excited about the new Battlefield I think it looks cool.
Starting point is 00:33:06 I wouldn't be excited about it if I hadn't just got this gaming PC. I wouldn't play it on a console. I'm not too interested in that. But I really want to play it on this computer. I really want to play it on the wide monitor and everything. It should definitely be good on the computer. I've played Battlefield and I never got into it because it feels so much slower. It feels more like a simulator than the arcade quick shooter like call of duty a hiking simulator Yeah, I would die and then on team. This is what it's like to run half a mile
Starting point is 00:33:36 Yeah, basically, but I The breathing that they do the breathing field makes me feel more panicky than Call of Duty, because, like, in COD, if you get shot twice, it's like, like, as he's kind of dying, but then he's okay. In Battlefield, you take, like, three steps, and your guy is just heaving and hoeing, and it makes you
Starting point is 00:33:57 feel like you're gonna hyperventilate, just making me nervous. I hate that. But I will play it, because it's World War 1 and I don't think I've ever played a World War 1 first person shooter I'm excited for just the setting have you watched much of the content from it?
Starting point is 00:34:13 because there's full on game plays and stuff I've seen it all I think I don't remember the keystroke they were using but it looked like if you shot a guy once and then pressed F you would go into a bonsai type charge and just hunt him down and fucking the death uh so that looked really fun if you just put one bullet in him and then stab him to death and it wasn't always a bayonet the the bayonet charges a thing and he'll like hit the guy in the chest and take him off his feet
Starting point is 00:34:39 down to the ground and kill him but he'll also if you're if you attack from someone from the side with a melee it looked like he pulls out a trench uh shovel and just hacks them into like the throat right there uh so that looked really satisfying i can't tell which game is going to be better like it it if you look at the trailers battlefield is going to be way better right battlefields always produce better trailers than cod has cod trailers just aren't that good and um but then when you actually play the game like oh it's like the same as last year typically yeah it depends on how long like you really want to put into it sometimes they have the nerve to release like just skinned games like i didn't
Starting point is 00:35:15 play the star wars one but everyone who plays it kind of agrees like this was a thin game you know yeah that i i didn't play much battlefield but that was the one where I played I'm like okay this is like Battlefield but I kind of like it because it's Star Wars and it you know it feels like Battlefield so that's how that was kind of like the familiarity I guess that I felt with it but yeah that's why I'm looking forward to this one though because I feel like it'll be like that hopefully cuz I kind of like that game great side from the running and in my exposure like everyone switched over to pc gaming but i don't know what the real numbers are like for all
Starting point is 00:35:50 i know console is that i feel like in 2012 console was way bigger it's 2016 and like everyone i know is kind of like gotten pc excited and into that but i don't't know. It might be like a lot of younger people invest in consoles because it's easy to say, hey, mom, go buy this PS4. That's what I would do when I was a little kid. But for PC, especially for like Battlefront or I mean, Battlefield games, that's like a really big community on there. And that's like the community you want to be in for that game. I mean, you can still play it on console and probably have a fun time.
Starting point is 00:36:28 But I want to be in for that game i mean you can still play it on console and probably have a fun time but i want to try it on pc when i was playing battlefront on pc and i was getting annihilated by these people that were just amazing so i was like okay i need i need to play this more that's my csgo experience yeah about the same for me i'm a silver two that's my every experience with any sports game I've ever tried to play online against any other person. Like it's not a sometimes I go up against someone who's not that great. I swear to God, everyone who takes the time to actually go online and play versus an NHL 16 on the EA servers has four to six hours a day devoted to techniques and strategies and offensive zone break-ins and it's like i play my friends when they're over and i'm just like beating ass like oh yeah i'll play as the oilers you can be the blackhawks that's fine oh six nothing you eat shit i play against a 14 year old half an hour later and it's like he it's like he'll get into my zone and be like
Starting point is 00:37:20 that was too easy i'm gonna double Like, now you're humiliating me. Same thing with Madden, same thing, any sports game. I know you guys both don't play sports games, so maybe you don't have the same experience. I had the exact same experience with Madden. I can remember being at, like, I don't know, like a house party, and we'd get it out and start playing. And I had no Madden experience other than just playing single player
Starting point is 00:37:42 maybe a couple hours a day. But I was still as good as just about everyone there I didn't win every game I would win some and lose some but then we got online and we all just get destroyed it's like who are these people is there a group of friends at some other house making fun of us right now or what's happening yeah they're smart people somewhere just killing us their house party is just laughing at how bad ours is and when they like do strategies in game like i'm not trying to look like a real nhl team out there like i give it to the best guy and then that guy's doodles around and then shoots when they come up the ice and they look like a real team where they're like you know
Starting point is 00:38:20 pass back to smith smith over to oj. OJ takes the shot, and he's gone! It's like, fuck! Whereas mine, it's like, another fast entry from Tarasenko. Oh, misses the net. Like, anyway. Well, see, maybe that's the barrier that you've got to penetrate, because that happens so often in all the games that we've taken on that I've gotten good at.
Starting point is 00:38:42 Mostly RTS and SIP, which is turn. But I can remember at first it would be like, we can't even beat the AI on normal, and then we get to the point where that's laughable, and then we can't beat the AI on expert, we can't even fathom that. And then we get to the point where, yeah, we can beat the AI
Starting point is 00:39:00 on expert. So, maybe there's just a little layer you gotta... Are you watching your YouTube videos? Are you training? Are you doing your finger exercises? I haven't done any of those things. You've got to get your rubber bands and stretch them. Is St. Louis going to suck next year?
Starting point is 00:39:16 In real life, your hockey team, they trade three of their better players. Even the GM is saying stuff like yeah you know we hope that we hope that our younger players get better really fast that's our plan
Starting point is 00:39:32 we're really trying to accelerate the good process no basically what it is is David Backus our captain who he's gone right that's a different one yeah he's 30 31 years old he's played his whole career in st louis and he's a power forward so he's constantly sacrificing his body getting the shit beat out of him in front of the net and he wanted like six years in as a contract for like
Starting point is 00:39:57 six million dollars a year whatever in st louis and that's a bad contract to take because those power forwards their bodies start to fall apart so that would have been maybe worth it for the first two years, but not at all after that. Boston picked him up, and so they're going to get maybe two, two and a half good years out of him and then not. Our other power forward, Brower, we didn't want to sign him because he's also 31, and so he went off to Calgary. One of our goalies went to Calgary as well. So really, I'm glad that we let them walk as opposed to signing them to contracts that will ruin our cap later. Because now it's like, you know, we have a young core of a lot of guys under 28. And we're taking a small step back, maybe medium step back from
Starting point is 00:40:35 last year, to make sure that in three years, we're not totally shit, because we locked up all our money in a couple of guys who now are on injured reserve the entire season another way to rephrase that is oh it turns out last year was our shot oh no they've had so much better shots than that and still blown it so many like or no that was their second best the 1999 team was really fucking good they had a shot 2001 team was really good um did they win the president's cup this year or am i crazy no that washington capital is well win the president's cup this year am i crazy no that washington capitol is well in the president's cup that's right um blues were in uh third place in the entire league i guess they're good next year we just won't be as good as we were this year
Starting point is 00:41:17 because we have to wait for these guys to get older as as that happens you know oh okay yeah getting older will help. You're saying that unless there's some Captain America serum used on your hockey team, it's going to be a couple of shitty years to come. Not necessarily shitty. I would say this year...
Starting point is 00:41:37 Compared to this year? Compared to this year, next year will be disappointing. Will you make the playoffs? What? Will you make the playoffs? Yeah, we'll make the playoffs first round what you make the playoffs yeah we'll make the play i really have no doubt like the blues are still one of the best teams in the league they're just not top three anymore now they probably put them at like seven yeah i don't see that's the beauty of being a flyers and hurricanes fan because there's nowhere
Starting point is 00:42:02 to go it up you know if we make the, we'll break our non-playoff streak. Yeah. Can we make some – You know, we're a team. We certainly play. There's not a college team in the nation that could take us. That's true. I would stand for midnight.
Starting point is 00:42:22 Are you a hockey fan at all, or are you near? You know, I really should be because I'm from Minnesota. Hockey's huge here. Go wild, I guess. But yeah, really, I only like NFL, Minnesota Vikings, and I avidly watch the UFC. That's my sports I watch. Everything else is like, oh, cool. But I'm not following it.
Starting point is 00:42:46 You're an odd person out because else is like oh cool but i'm not like following it person out because minnesota is like the state everybody's a wild fanatic which sucks because they're right yeah yeah everyone here loves the wild and like i have like family members that play hockey and they grew up playing hockey and it's cool and there's rinks all over the place but yeah just i don't know it never clicked with me i remember going to a game as a kid and being like i can't even see the puck what's happened like i couldn't follow i guess my first boss at cisco right he lived in the south somewhere i think i don't know that that detail could be wrong and then he moved to minnesota when he was like 16 years old right and it's this small town in Minnesota. And everyone's talking about him, like getting the scouting report.
Starting point is 00:43:27 Like, ooh, what's the word on this Chris guy? And they're like, he can't even skate? He can't skate? He's 16 years old. He can't even skate? What the fuck? The way he described it, the whole town was like, oh, yeah, Chris, yeah. They want to know what kind of addition they're making to the local team. And when they heard he couldn't skate, it was like, you know, oh, yeah, Chris, yeah. They want to know, like, what kind of addition they're making to the local team.
Starting point is 00:43:46 And when they heard he couldn't skate, it's like, what kind of fucking teenager can't skate? Get him out of here. No, yeah, that sounds like small town Minnesota. Can we all agree that they should at least alter the puck in some way? What way? Make it more visible to the crowd and the viewers online. What's better with black? Maybe they should have black ice with a white puck.
Starting point is 00:44:09 No, although I like that. I would like it if instead of this opaque white ice, it looked like they were skating on infinity. Just a clear thing with distance underneath them so it looked like they were flying. So they're all disoriented trying to catch the puck on their stick? Yeah, add some skill to the game. That's what i'm saying skating on the ice turns into white yeah suddenly depth perception becomes a new trackable stat you know guys are like got wonky eyes when they retire like yeah for so long trying to track it to my stick and now it's all fucking
Starting point is 00:44:43 you know it's like but realistically, what if in the center of the puck there was just a really bright red LED? I don't know. Or yeah, like a light or something. Yeah, what if it was glowing red so that everybody, including the players, could really keep tabs on that thing? The one thing I would be good with...
Starting point is 00:44:59 Because when they fire a slap shot, when they really knock the shit out of it, I know the direction it's going in. So I immediately just go, all right, look toward the net and we'll figure out where it is now. And I bet you guys are the same unless you have some sort of crazy vision or like 200 FPS monitor you're watching these games on. I was going to say, I've got two ideas. One, if the TV channel went to 1080p at 60 frames per second, that would be a step in the right direction.
Starting point is 00:45:27 I feel like just like in gaming, when you go from, in this case, 24 to 60, it would be a big improvement. Or maybe it's 30. The other thing, and they used to do this, when the puck isn't visible, like when it's behind a player or up against the boards, they'd make it glow so you could see where it was. Not the trails. It used to be when so you could see where it was. Not the trails. It used to be when you passed it, there was
Starting point is 00:45:47 a blue shriek, and when you shot it, there was a red one. That I don't need. And they were shitty. It wasn't like, listeners who are hearing this who never saw it are like, well, actually, that sounds like a good fucking idea. It was more like on NFL Sunday when they have that magic marker
Starting point is 00:46:03 that they write on a TV screen with and show you. Here's the puck scoring north, and you're to that side of the ice. You're over. Real quick, though. He passes it back. And it's like it was not helpful. Some meteorologist handwriting showing you how they hit the puck. That was bullshit.
Starting point is 00:46:17 And that's one of the reasons that when I went to the game, it was great because I'm getting whatever real world. I don't know how many pixels are out there in RL But it's all shitload okay, and I don't know what frame rate I'm reading things at but it's high too so I can see the puck all the time I can when they crash into each other You know that the audio is perfect obviously good fucking real But I just can't get into it on watching on a screen for some reason the way I do other sports Well if you ever come to st. Louis during hockey season I'll buy tickets and take you to a game. It'll be fun
Starting point is 00:46:47 to be there in person. The atmosphere is like the Woody. It's like $8 beers. It's like $9 beers. The atmosphere is good. The environment is so much fun. It's so energetic. Everybody's screaming. The fights are exciting. We got the
Starting point is 00:47:02 best enforcer in the league. If there's a fight that Reeves is in, we're going to go ahead and win that. Is that the black guy? fights are exciting now we got the best enforcer in the league so if there is a fight that reeds is in we're gonna go ahead and win that the black guy uh he's at least half black yeah i mean if you're look i i think that being a black hockey player is like being a black president if you're half that's good enough you're full there's no well he's half black no he's the black hockey player i saw him he's out there and he's just like yeah come on and he's got like good he's a good skating fighter and a decent hockey player maybe i don't fucking know but what i did definitely noticed was that he was if there was a fighting league that just you fought on skates he we get him right in there because he's
Starting point is 00:47:44 incredible like he's a really good in there because he's incredible like he's a really good fighter and and he's got he had all these techniques where he was trapping their arms and like fucking chicken winging them and like punching them in the face and they're just like who is this guy get me out of here it's like that the nhl is changing and moving away from like the enforcer role even being a thing, which I really don't like because I think it's good to have the Blues all-star, Vladimir Tarasenko, one of the best players in the league. If someone starts fucking with him, I want to know that the next line, they're going to be like,
Starting point is 00:48:19 Hey, Reeves, we need you to go out there and beat the shit out of DeKaiser or whatever our Canadian coach says. It's good that they know that threat is there, and that they can't just act and ignore it. How much of the success of a smaller-framed, wiry, quick guy, like Wayne Gretzky, is because players didn't want to hit him? Let me finish my question. Is it because players didn't want to hit him?
Starting point is 00:48:44 Because, hey, that's Wayne Gretzretzky no don't fucking hit him or did was there an enforcer for the bulk of his career right behind him ready to kill someone if they did so woody sounds like he's ready to answer that oh i mean i know you probably do it better but yeah so he had a deforcer his name was mcsorley he ended up getting in trouble and they threw him out of the league but um he would protect that. But I think also Gretzky had a vision that made it hard to hit. If some brute wanted to line him up from seven strides
Starting point is 00:49:12 away, good luck with that. Yeah, but if he's killing you every night, somebody's going to hit him in the back. If he's Billy McGuire from Utah, where hockey's not so big. No, you're right. The, and the NHL is, just like most sports, is notorious. Like, if LeBron James gets punched in the, you know, stomach
Starting point is 00:49:32 lightly by someone, it's going to be a way bigger deal than if you hit Joe Schmo the same way. Like, that's just the way it is, but, like, the first part of Gretzky's career, McSorley really, really protected him a lot, if I'm not mistaken. And then it got to the point that he was so respected and just so much better than everybody else that it was like, no, you're not going to cheap shot Wayne Gretzky. Are you going to be the dude that's known in the NHL community forever as the guy who ruined
Starting point is 00:49:56 Wayne Gretzky's career? No. I want to continue living and have people like me. In the beginning of his career when McSorley was next to him, he was a play a goal scorer etc in the later part like when he was playing for the Rangers you know he would set up in his office like behind the net and uh just like you know everyone's playing except Gretzky who's observing and setting things up and then as soon as it went to him he'd hit that outlet pass and the guy would one-time it and how are you going to hit the guy who's who's the whole thing is watching what's going down
Starting point is 00:50:28 yeah he would just lure you behind the net and then as soon as you're behind the net he can either dip and dodge around you fire a pass off and by that point you're too out of position to cover the person that you just left open so he was a master tactician at that and like in the realm of like michael jordan being the best in the nba i don't know who you'd say for the nfl so many positions and wayne gretzky being the best for the nhl no one's records beat the fuck out of everybody else's like wayne gretzky's the way it works in hockey is you get a point for a goal or a point for an assist an assist is any pass to the person who scores or a pass to the person who passes to the person who scores. So it's two passes out.
Starting point is 00:51:06 If you got rid of every single goal Wayne Gretzky ever scored and only counted assists as points, he'd still be the all-time leading scorer. All-time. So he's like first place, like 2,800 career points. Next up guy is like, I don't know, 1,800?
Starting point is 00:51:22 Yeah. Is any of that, when you look at that score objectively or that record objectively, is there any of that that you're like, well, but there was those three years when he was here and it just seemed like they were giving him assists because this is the guy he was feeding him to? Or is there any part of those numbers where you're like,
Starting point is 00:51:39 well, it's that high because of X? Yeah. Well, there's certainly the fact that he was on the Oilers as a dynasty. So in five years, he won four Stanley Cups with the same team. So it wasn't like they were winning. Are all of those post-seasons counting toward his records, right? No. No, that's regular season record.
Starting point is 00:51:59 Oh, shit. That's impressive then. Yeah, his post-season, I'd have to look it up. Really good. Really good. There was another guy. Who's the guy that played, his postseason. Wow, really? He was really good. Really good. There was another guy. Who's the guy that played like in five decades? Gordie.
Starting point is 00:52:10 It's not Gordie Howe, is it? Yeah, Gordie Howe. He just died. Yep. This guy played, I'm going to get the things wrong, but I think he played in like the 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s or something insane like that. 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s. Okay.
Starting point is 00:52:24 And then he played like an exhibition game in the 90s, but that doesn't count. But from 1949 to 1981, or whatever it was, it was a lot of fun. It was so crazy. Yeah, he'd play in the NHL level with his children. Yeah. And he's still a viable player.
Starting point is 00:52:41 It was good. There's pictures of him facing off. Or there's a picture of him facing off. Or there's a picture of him sitting with Wayne Gretzky as a little kid because Wayne was his biggest fan. And then there's another picture of him taking a face-off
Starting point is 00:52:53 against Wayne Gretzky in the NHL like 12 years later. Still playing. Totally bald. And for as long as that guy's career was, he had like two and a half careers,
Starting point is 00:53:03 Gretzky outscored him by a lot. An order of magnitude. Gretzky was really good. Now, you could argue he played at a time when people scored more than they do now. Defenses changed and such. Still, right now, people
Starting point is 00:53:18 are arguing that LeBron is better than Jordan. I feel like they're knowledgeable people. I'm not one of them who say, you know what? The Jordan mystique is just this thing that he couldn't possibly be beaten, that there was no one on his level, etc. But when you really look at
Starting point is 00:53:34 it, Jordan was just actually the best player of his era. LeBron, with his size and his stature and the things that he's doing, there are people who think he's a better player. I'm unqualified to say. No one does that about Gretzky.
Starting point is 00:53:49 No one says, you know what? Tereschenko's actually better. No, he's not. No, it's Gretzky. It's Gretzky unquestionably. Nobody's better than Gretzky. Undisputed. Best argument would be Sidney Crosby. Or maybe if you're going to talk about someone right now, I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:54:03 And you're a Flyers fan, so obviously you're going to be like, oh, that guy with 940 points in 700 games. Wow, what a loser. He sucks, crybaby. But anyway, yeah, I'm sure they're tired of hockey talk. But I'm glad you asked that question because that makes me happy. Do you want to watch this guy shoot himself? Unless you've got something better.
Starting point is 00:54:23 I could do that. I've seen it a couple times i had a different topic but i think yours is better that's why i came here you would like to watch a man shoot himself can we show this can this be on youtube does he die he is on youtube no he doesn't oh so it's not safe for life or not is it like an accidental like no in my understanding if i have the background in this, is this guy's a rapper and he shot himself for a rap video. Like Cheddar Bob? Yeah, exactly like Cheddar Bob.
Starting point is 00:54:52 Yes. Oh, sure. Similar to Cheddar Bob. I guess. Oh, shoot. He shoots himself in the mouth. Gotta love that thumbnail right now. That is a man on his thumbnail game.
Starting point is 00:55:06 Look at that. He's letting you know right away, yeah, this is happening. The only time where you will believe what happens next is actually a prudent line, and they don't use it. I'm queued up at zero. Before we watch this horrible thing,
Starting point is 00:55:21 I opened it on my phone, and it got to the part where he goes and Then I stopped it because I was like I don't fucking see that so dude first impression is he does this You cute zero zero you go to zero and we all press play together And I'm stuck at one, but I'm sure zero all right. Are you guys ready? Yeah? Yeah ready set play? I'm sure it's zero. Are you guys ready? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:44 Ready, set, play. I don't want audio. I have audio. I'm doing... Oh, he has a neck tattoo. Oh, God. He's about to do it. Oh, Jesus. Why?
Starting point is 00:55:57 Why did you do it? Oh, shit. What is he doing? Oh, he's spitting blood out. He doesn't care, though. I don't give a fuck about nothing and that's it now the thing is the bullet's gone no he said I swallowed the bullet
Starting point is 00:56:18 right I was about to say that he thinks he swallowed the bullet it did not come out the other cheek my expectation for something like that would be it be it did not come out the other cheek my expectation for something like that would be it'd be in one cheek and out the other one but i was thinking it went like through this cheek and then kind of like forward out you know like maybe out the front next to him because there's no way it went through his cheek and just went like and then stayed in his mouth and then he swallows it and doesn't. Like, notice that he did that.
Starting point is 00:56:46 Oh, he just swallowed a really hot piece of metal. Oops. Like, it must have slipped my mind. I like your theory. I like that the chief deflected it. Does he want a piercing, or why did he do this? I don't get it. Just to be like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:57 I think it's for... To be fair, he should have mentioned the rap album before he shot himself in the face. Well, yeah. We don't know where to go. Is it in stores now? I don't know. What's the iTunes? Seekless on iTunes.
Starting point is 00:57:09 Bang! Knight explained that he originally wanted to perform the stunt for a music video, but no cameraman would film it, so I did it myself since I felt like taking a bullet to the face. Anyway, this is really nothing. I've been shot a couple of times, and this was like 4 out of 10 on the pain scale
Starting point is 00:57:26 after the initial impact. I look slightly disoriented after the blast, but that's because my ears were ringing in pain. It was hard to focus on sound and although I assume I swallowed the bullet, I wasn't quite sure. And then he tells anyone worried about shooting himself in the face, deal with it. He should put sunglasses on.
Starting point is 00:57:42 Oh man, he really came out on top with this one. i don't give a fuck whether you want me to live or not unless you're paying me money you care for my life will never supersede my disregard for it the worst part about all this is i'm pretty sure this is going to count toward the gun statistics like this is why those those stats look so fucking bad. You got this guy out there going like, check out my album 2017. What the fucking asshole. Wow. I don't know what kind of gun that is.
Starting point is 00:58:13 I don't know what kind of bullet that would have been. 22? Is there like a 17 in a handgun? No, it could be like a 25. It could be like a 32. There's all of these like. What's weaker than.22? .17, right?
Starting point is 00:58:28 There's a.17 HR, but those are fast, elongated varmint bullets. But in the class of short, slow pistol bullets like we would see here, it's a.22, a.25, i got a 32 something like that is there some kind of the 25 and 32 are they more powerful than a 22 they sound yeah yeah yeah well you can't be 100 maybe they've got like no powder or something but they're obviously heavier but so the 22 is the weakest i would have thought even a 22 would go out the other cheek taylor has to be right. You say weakest, but by what measurement? By the ability to pierce the other cheek. The.22 is a.32 grain bullet or something like that going 700 to 1,400 feet per second.
Starting point is 00:59:16 So, I mean, it could do all kinds of crazy shit. A.22 can, but maybe a.25 is like this lumpier, fatter bullet going much slower, and maybe it's 700 feet per second and 70 grains i don't know what a fucking 25 is i to me if i'm being honest like the guns like the 25 and 32 are like like street guns like there's no reason for someone who likes guns to to really have one like that's what i usually say is like why would you that's kind of like a low class gun the person who has that is like to no good, or it's like granny's old pistol in the attic or something.
Starting point is 00:59:48 That's not the kind of gun that you would buy. Is there any round out there that wouldn't go straight through both cheeks? I feel like even the weakest thing, if you hold the barrel up there, it's going to just punch right through. Yeah, that's what's surprising. Both cheeks are nothing.
Starting point is 01:00:04 It's just, I mean, people pierce that all the time, right? Yeah, that's what's surprising. So I don't... Both cheeks are nothing. Like, it's just a... I mean, people pierce that all the time, right? Yeah, that's what I was going to say. He was just looking for a cheap piercing. He could have made a dummy load. That could have been... This could be fake. I mean, let me watch it again, I guess. If it was a rubber bullet, would it still go through?
Starting point is 01:00:20 Do you think it was rubber? I don't know. I think a blank one can go am a blank i mean that close yeah i'm gonna watch this shit again i looked it up i did some more googling and another article describes it as a 22 oh wow ah so he could use the revolver 22 make it look more hard to see that if you pause it at like right after he shoots, I'm going, oh! Oh, yeah. Hang on. Did we see where the bullet went?
Starting point is 01:00:48 I'll watch it again. Yeah, I think maybe she goes in his mouth, in his cheek, and out his open mouth, maybe? I'm clicking it frame by frame at the worst part, which is 12 seconds. That's what Taylor said. I think that has to be it. He's lucky it didn't hit his other cheek,
Starting point is 01:01:03 because it would be like an exit wound. I think it'd be worse. I think that has to be it. He's lucky it didn't hit his other cheek. It would be like an exit wound. I think it'd be worse. I can't tell if it's the force of the gun that made his cheek do that roller coaster wall thing, but it looked almost like it went through, hit this little edge right here, and then
Starting point is 01:01:19 kind of like whizzed out. His face before he does it is hilarious. The pistol barrel fucking window into the house. The pistol barrel kind of points toward the camera at one point. And it looks like a.22. It looks really tiny, the barrel does. Yeah, what a douchebag. I mean, his face before he does it, he's like, yeah, this is the best idea I've ever had.
Starting point is 01:01:40 Don't shoot your face, kids. Don't get to this point of your life, okay? You think he did do it for a piercing? And he was just like... He's so full of shit he's got earplugs in. Like I don't know... Let me see. I'm watching it.
Starting point is 01:01:58 Is he driving? There's no way. He's in the car for sure. Is it the right side of the seat that means you're gay? Ah, fuck. He does have earplugs. He turns his head, right, like seven seconds. That's so bizarre.
Starting point is 01:02:12 This is one of the most bizarre things I've ever seen because I'm trying to wrap my head around what he was really doing, you know? But in the end, I'm coming to the conclusion this is a real crazy fucking person. He even says after he shoots himself in the mouth, I don't give a fuck about anything anymore i'm just driving around shooting myself that's what i do that's because i'm hard check out my new album 2017 don't give a fuck lyric was like i won't
Starting point is 01:02:37 your concern for my life ruin my you know harmful hobbies or whatever the hell it was where it was like what the fuck? You know he's going to have some cool, some good rap lyric about spitting bullets or like, you know. The thing about the internet, though, is this whole event will be completely gone in two weeks. He really needs to bring it closer
Starting point is 01:02:57 to his album's release date. He'll shoot himself again. He'll just reload. His calling card now is going to be like, Lil Hearing Aid. He'll just reload. I mean his calling card now is gonna be like little hearing aid I don't like it fucking hurt is what that look like what an asshole. Yeah, it's stupid I mean the blood that pours out of his mouth to after he does it's kind of insane Yeah, it's just like well after talking about that gentleman shooting himself in the mouth, now might be a time to tell everyone about Smart Mouth. Best segue ever.
Starting point is 01:03:29 After talking about dumb mouth, welcome to Smart Mouth. You can imagine that gentleman might have a terrible taste in his mouth after doing something so stupid. He should probably have some Smart Mouth. Mouthwash brands want you to believe that bad breath comes from germs alone. But trying to freshen breath by just killing germs is not effective. Within an hour, those germs start coming back. Science proves that beating bad breath means beating sulfur gas.
Starting point is 01:03:53 SmartMouth's activated mouthwash is clinically proven to neutralize smelly sulfur gas and keep it from coming back for 12 hours with each rinse. SmartMouth's line of activated oral rinses provide a daily cure for bad breath by eliminating and preventing the bacterial production of volatile sulfur compounds for 12 hours per rinse. SmartMouth works because you activate it, releasing zinc ions that actively block sulfur gas. The sulfur gas will be gone even 12 hours later.
Starting point is 01:04:23 If you want truly clean breath for 24 hours, you need to fight the real cause of the bad breath, sulfur. For that, you need to use SmartMouth activated rinse. SmartMouth solves a real problem with real science. So learn more about science or order online by visiting or look for SmartMouth in your favorite store. Use offer code PKA for free shipping or print out a coupon online. Once again, that's Code PKA. Yeah, I got a whole gift box from them the other day. The mints, the mouthwash, all that stuff.
Starting point is 01:04:55 I'm a pretty big fan. The mints especially. I think they prevent dry mouth. Yeah, and a quick addendum onto that. I'd feel guilty if i didn't divulge my bias with this and uh well i guess i can explain it differently you guys always want the by you guys i mean the listener you're always trying to get the like behind the music vh1 of my life where you're like oh man what does he do when he's not doing podcasts it could be anything it
Starting point is 01:05:21 could be it could be a stripper no it not that exciting. I'm a marketing and advertising consultant, and SmartMouth is a company that I've worked with before. And so obviously when they reached out to me like, hey, you want to have us as a sponsor? We really think some of your audience may enjoy this product. I was like, of course. And so I wanted to keep it up front with you guys. This isn't a CSGO lotto situation,
Starting point is 01:05:41 and it's not like I fucking own this place anyway. I'm not making this money. Good guy, Taylor. But it's not like i fucking own this place anyway i'm not making this money but good guy taylor but it's an excellent product um it's actually two liquids in there at once and when i first learned about it i thought it was kind of like gimmicky like why do you need two that's kind of weird like it's got two spouts where two different liquids pour and they combine together and activate and it really does do what it says it's going to do. Like, I hope you guys trust me enough to know I would never bring a product I was affiliated with on here unless I really thought it was good and that you would like it. And unlike pretty much every other product we promote here on PKA, it does most of its business in stores. So even if you don't want to order it online, pretty much walk into any store around you. Go to their toothpaste, toothbrush, mouthwash section.
Starting point is 01:06:23 You'll find it. any store around you go to their toothpaste toothbrush mouthwash section you'll find it um and the science itself like it's not one of those products where like a homeopathic where it's like oh just crush up ladybugs and ant legs and add soy milk to give yourself a moisturizing cream like no it's actual science clinically proven uh go to their website check it out and they have coupons you can download there as well to use in store so yeah it'd reflect well on me of course if you go buy some some fucking mouthwash there it is 12 hours is amazing most mouthwash doesn't even attempt anything like that no have you guys been watching the democratic national convention i checked it out uh it's really upsetting it's it's it's been really
Starting point is 01:07:02 interesting so far so there was there was a lot of Bernie supporters making themselves heard and making themselves seen. That part in particular I found interesting. It's got to be frustrating if you're a Bernie supporter, a real one. Like if you liked Bernie for the revolutionary movement that he was talking about this whole time. You know, I'm not really a Bernie supporter. I don't really like a lot of the, that he was talking about this whole time. And you know, I, I'm not really a Bernie supporter. I don't really like a lot of the things that he stands for,
Starting point is 01:07:29 but if I were, I would be so upset by all this. I would be so upset that he took all your money and he gave it to Hillary Clinton. He took all of your, all of the time and effort that you put into this and, and basically gave it to Hillary Clinton. He's going to give her all of the time and effort that you put into this and basically gave it to Hillary Clinton. He's going to give her all of his lists, all of the information that you guys went out
Starting point is 01:07:48 and ran around the world on your feet, compiling all that data. He's giving it to Hillary Clinton. And I don't know what you're getting for this. Yeah, the ticket is a little bit more to the left than she would like it to be. There definitely were some concessions made as far as policy and so forth,
Starting point is 01:08:04 but you're not getting your minimum wage. You're not getting your free college. You're not getting a lot of the things that he stood for. And the person that you're nominating, the person that he's telling you now to bend over and take it from is crooked. She got is crooked. Yeah, crooked, as Mr. Trump would say. as Mr. Trump would say, but the reality is that she's in bed with the people that you guys are so vehemently against, you know, from big corporations to Wall Street to Saudi royalty, you know, putting money in the Clinton Foundation into Hillary's pocket for influence.
Starting point is 01:08:36 I don't get it. I don't know how you've been over the years. I've been ripping on Sanders supporters for a while now, but I've really turned around on a lot of them watching the DNC little clip of every time, at least at first, before they all left, which they did, huge swaths of Bernie supporters just left the convention, so they had to pretend that it was still full by just focusing on the stage. But every time they were like, we need to vote, even when Bernie was up there, and you gave me your money, I gave it to hillary and now it's
Starting point is 01:09:05 very important that we vote for the establishment that three months ago i said would literally be the end of the world it's like and his fans were like boo boo no like this is ridiculous and kudos to them like sticking by your guard like you're not just they're not retarded like you have to be a moron to just really be like oh well i guess he says to follow her now that'll work okay like no like like what are you talking about she's just as bad as trump like she's she's just as much of a problem for you on if you're a bernie supporter if you're that far to the left of hillary then she's just as bad i mean she's pretty right down the middle from your standpoint from your point of view of being a democratic socialist.
Starting point is 01:09:46 Do you think you're going to get a basic income from her? Do you feel like he was kind of forced into the situation he's in now? Because it just does seem so... I think he was bribed into positions. Yeah, I feel like it's so backwards from the trail he was on. I mean, I'm not a super political person
Starting point is 01:10:01 who follows it all closely, but I did follow what he was doing and to just kind of turn like real quick you know he's on this path and then i mean i mean it's completely possible that that he's not in love with hillary like he's sort of pretending to be now and he's like look it's hillary or trump like get real yeah and you know that he's just like you know he's voting his conscience based on the options that are out there. Because what else is he going to say? You know, go to Trump?
Starting point is 01:10:28 Personally, not a big fan of either of them. Jill Stein offered to give him the Green Party nomination, right? Like, I bet Gary Johnson would probably step out of the way and let him run as a fucking libertarian. We all know the effective result of having Bernie and Hillary is a Trump presidency also. Yeah. They would split the left. It's a Trump presidency, right? Because if there's a split thing, then it goes to the House, and then they make the
Starting point is 01:10:53 decision, and then just go, well, Trump. It wouldn't even be like that. Trump would get the 270 so easily because Hillary and Bernie would split the states they would otherwise get. I think a lot of the forecasts would show that maybe no one gets to the 270 if you introduce a candidate like Bernie Sanders and he's got the backing of the Green Party or the Libertarians and they actually get on the stage and debates and such.
Starting point is 01:11:17 That's impossible. Then I think the Electoral College votes a couple of times. Nah, it's the fucking House, man. It goes to the House, which is Republican-controlled. You're probably right. Yeah. Do you guys get the vibe that Republicans don't even really
Starting point is 01:11:30 are like, yeah, Trump? Dude, no one likes their candidate. I don't like Trump. I've got a couple things. I don't like any of them. I don't know what to do. When Obama and Clinton ran against each other
Starting point is 01:11:41 back in, whatever, eight years ago, everyone was like, you know, no, us Clinton people are never going to go over to Obama. Like, don't even think about it. We're split. We're pro Clinton. That's it. And then they did. They went to Obama. So I assumed a similar thing would happen with Bernie that, you know, like, yeah, we're pro Bernie. Don't think we're going to Hillary just because she's also a Democrat. I actually question it now. You know, like maybe those Bernie people aren't going to come to Hillary, but I can't think of a race with two weaker candidates in my
Starting point is 01:12:10 lifetime. There has always been somebody doing this who would be like a decent president. And sometimes like, um, yeah, I, the first time W ran when it was W versus Gore, I was like, you know what? I feel like if either one of them gets president, they're both going to be fine. George W was great that first time around in those debates and that early process. He seemed like the guy you wanted because you had Gore up there so mechanical and robotic.
Starting point is 01:12:36 I was so stupid. He kept talking about the polar ice caps and George W's up there and he's your friend. He's kind of... I remember when Al Gore tried to do that shit where he creeps up on George W's up there and he's your friend. He's kind. And I remember when Al Gore tried to do that shit where he creeps up on George W and stands over him because it was like a debate tactic of his because he's a tall
Starting point is 01:12:52 guy. He was alphaing. He's trying to alpha W. He like walks up on him. While they're debating, they're doing one of those things where you kind of walk around the room with a microphone and answer questions from the crowd. And Gore's like trying to alpha dog him or something, coming up and looming over him.
Starting point is 01:13:09 And George just goes, hey there. Like kind of pointing out, what are you doing so close to me, you fucking weirdo? Let me finish answering this question. You just want to hear what George W. has got to say. Gore walked over there like alpha, and then W. made him look like a dork. What are you doing here?
Starting point is 01:13:26 You know, like, aren't you goofy? Yeah, yeah. It totally backfired. You smell like mothballs, you old weirdo. And Gore got up there. You old goofy Gore, you know. He had a plan to, like, make Social Security solvent. And in his plan, he mentioned the word lockbox, like, three times.
Starting point is 01:13:39 Oh, my gosh. SNL is just running with it, the lockbox. And no one quite understood what the lockbox was really about. Is it a physical lockbox? No, it's a virtual lockbox. Yeah. It always sounded a little bit too much like Forrest Gump to me too. Imagine if Gore won.
Starting point is 01:13:57 Like just play this out. 9-11 still happens. And instead of attacking Iraq, which made no fucking sense at all, right? Instead of pretending that Iraq had anything to do with 9-11, which is the Bush excuse that they used, if Gore was in there and said, you know what? In response to 9-11, we're going to go energy independent. We're going to fuck the whole Middle East. We're going to get off oil. We're going to change this whole thing. We're going to start selling technology so the rest of the planet gets off oil too that's what gore would have done he would have changed the planet he would have devoted that trillion dollars to like solar power
Starting point is 01:14:34 or something and he i i really think that a lot of the same would have happened no like it wasn't just bush at the time who was like leading the charge of we gotta invade Iraq like it was everyone everyone had a flag out on their front porch everyone was screaming about they looked like they needed a good invasion nobody has this hindsight so to them if Gore just goes well you know let's not
Starting point is 01:14:58 be hasty you know let's really just let them continue to do their thing like people would have been severely upset. Gore was on CNN doing interviews. This is, like, in the build-up to the Iraq War. And he's like, look, Afghanistan and the Taliban are hiding Osama bin Laden in there. They're giving him refuge.
Starting point is 01:15:21 We're going to war with them. But Iraq has nothing to do with it. We have this national patriotism that we've never seen before in our lifetime. We have an energy surrounding it. You know, like Americans aren't really patriotic very often, but suddenly everyone has American flags. Everyone's rallying around like, yeah, we have a country too. Like I had never in my life like seen that thing.
Starting point is 01:15:41 It's like we could take this national energy and push it towards energy independence this is what he's saying in the lead up to the Iraq war he's trying to pull the nation back and go towards some sort of green energy thing which is like his baby right um so that's what would have happened if Gore was president I believe it we would have attacked Afghanistan just like Bush did but he would have stopped it. He would have gone with one war, which I think was maybe good enough. And then otherwise, he would have just defunded Saudi Arabia by getting off their oil.
Starting point is 01:16:13 That'd be pretty neat. It was just so resoundingly popular with everyone at the time, though. Everyone wanted to go to war at the time. Yeah, we wanted revenge really bad. Do you not think we could have steered that enthusiasm towards just one war? Was it too much enthusiasm for one war?
Starting point is 01:16:33 I would have liked that better. Why don't we, we could have went in there and take the Saudis out, take their oil, as Trump always wants us to do. What does that even mean, though? Do we actually, like, set up some refineries with American soldiers outside pumping oil? Is that what you want? Put an American flag down? This is ours now. That would be great. I hope
Starting point is 01:16:54 that that's the sort of diplomacy that he's going to bring to the world. It's funny. I have thoughts like that, too. Not that particular one. But sometimes I'm like, you know what? I hope the Russians do get the rest of Hillary's emails. I'd like to see them and no one else is hacking her. And then I think it through. Like, wait a minute. You can't encourage the Russians to hack American secret emails,
Starting point is 01:17:16 classified shit, and release it and be like, thanks, Putin. I owe you one. That's not what he said. He said that russians or anyone else have these emails they should turn them over to the fbi that's like saying if anyone knows where osama bin laden is you need to turn him over to the fbi he's saying there's some information out there that needs to be divulged if it's uh if it's readily available and it doesn't care where it comes from and if it's what clinton says that it is you, just party invitations and her cosmopolitan monthly update, then it shouldn't be a big deal that the Russians have it, right? I mean, she says there's nothing hugely compromised. She doesn't read Cosmo, man.
Starting point is 01:17:54 She probably reads some weird shit. I bet she does read weird shit. She just looks like someone who does weird stuff. Humans and you. Like, behind closed doors. Not even in a sexy way. Just like she's reading up on some crazy alien.
Starting point is 01:18:08 She just looks kind of like... What he said was, Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press. Now that, you misquoted.
Starting point is 01:18:21 Dude, Kyle, that's fucking fucked. Right? That's not, hey, if you happen to have them already then release them no little sarcastic I hope you're able to find those that they have hacked them that see that's been there They're take the whole time is that look she had this unsecured email server the Russians hacked into this thing And then that goose of her guy he was he was saying yeah Anyone could have hacked into this of course other government agencies would get in there,
Starting point is 01:18:45 and then of course they could hide their own footsteps. I think he's been playing this narrative the whole time where it's like, yeah, the Russians have her information. I think a lot of people believe that. What he said is, if you're able to find those 30,000 emails, you'll be rewarded mightily. Like that's essentially what he said. He said by the press.
Starting point is 01:19:02 Like you can read it like that, or you can read it as the fact that all the DNC leaks, everything that leaks that reflects poorly on the Dems is completely ignored by every outlet aside from Fox. And so he could be saying yeah, I mean, I'm sure you'll be mightily rewarded by the press when they once again
Starting point is 01:19:20 ignore every bit of it. Let me go for a little run on this here. So I heard Milo talking about death threats and stuff, right? So Milo got Milo Yiannopoulos, something close to that. He was picking on this star from Ghostbusters, right? He said the movie was bad and then he teased her. I didn't get the quote on the teasing, but the people that follow him just went over the top,
Starting point is 01:19:46 death threats, crazy nonsense, etc. He's not completely responsible for the things his followers do, but they were following him and they ran right past him into crazy town. So then Milo said this, and it sunk in with me. He said, you know what, though? She's in entertainment. We all get death threats. Fuck, I get death threats.
Starting point is 01:20:05 We all get mean comments on the internet and stuff. But only one group, the left, makes a big deal out of it. Only one group on the left says, hey, people are talking rudely to me. People are being mean to me. People are giving me death threats. I want you to protect me. People on the right don't do that.
Starting point is 01:20:22 They never take their weakness and use it as leverage to get something to happen. That's just not a thing that the right does. The right does do this, though. They complain about their coverage constantly. They're always saying, you know what? CNN didn't cover the emails. Yes, they did. The CNN's covering all kinds of crazy shit that Clinton's doing. Was it ABC or CBS that completely glossed over it in their Clinton interview the other night?
Starting point is 01:20:51 I'm not sure. Their non-story was a story in and to itself. They were like, why did they... The Republicans are always running with this unfair press story, though. That's something the Democrats never do. It's true. It's true from the lens that you look through. It's absolutely true.
Starting point is 01:21:08 It's absolutely... Like, look at every network out there. Every single one that's not Fox leans left. That's why Fox is the biggest, because all the conservatives have to join together and watch that shitty station while people on the left can watch a number of shitty stations. They split it up, right.
Starting point is 01:21:23 I hear you. I don't know. I just... Like, I've seen it before, where where they say you know cnn's burying this story and i'm like huh and i go to their website and it's like the lead you know the the right will always say this is being ignored but if you go look it's not it is in a lot of ways though and you also have the additional thing of of social media being completely inculcated at least in censoring certain viewpoints to where they will totally and shamelessly push a trending topic that they want to the top of facebook or the top of twitter or just like yesterday or the other day on reddit uh donald trump did and asked me anything i didn't
Starting point is 01:22:03 read it or look through it or anything yet, but apparently it just got taken off the front page. Do you want the details behind that? Apparently it got downvoted, but I don't know. That's what I read. So here's the scoop with that.
Starting point is 01:22:20 What was happening is the Donald was being organized in a way to take over the front page. So they would like sticky posts. They would like organize upvote parties. So if people don't know Reddit, R all is like all the subreddits. And if you dominate R all, you get a lot of attention. So the Donald subreddit was like just in a way that videos or politics or funny.
Starting point is 01:22:48 Like Sanders for president did for the last eight months. Okay. If that's true, not nearly as effectively. They didn't dominate the homepage. The Donald would at times have seven of the top ten topics. So what they did. Because it's a much larger group of people. They're a much more active group of people.
Starting point is 01:23:04 They shouldn't be punished because they're good at what they do let me explain what the change was so what happened was they made it so that the algorithm had it less likely for a single subreddit to have multiple posts on the front page so the donald was on the front page like they had like the top post it's just page. They had the top post. It's just that it wasn't the AMA because they were already dominant. They already had their subreddit out there. There's some other hot thread or whatever. That's absurd. Because we all know that Reddit knew that Donald's coming to do this.
Starting point is 01:23:38 Clearly someone is – they've set up the rules in a way that keeps the Donald contained. And one of the main ones that they complained about was that they were stickying posts. is they've set up the rules in a way that keeps the Donald contained. One of the main ones that they complained about was that they were stickying posts. Isn't that what subreddits do when they want to promote a thing? I know some subreddits don't sticky every single day two or three things, but now they've made it so that
Starting point is 01:23:59 only the mods can sticky something, which really takes away from the whole community aspect of what the subreddit's meant to be. There's a fair argument that the Donald is censored in a way that never happened to any other subreddit, but also they had a front page dominance that no one else had ever had. No one else ever tried to organize front page dominance before,
Starting point is 01:24:19 so that's a thing. I think the Sanders subreddit was very similar. I had to slip out. Colin hurt his thumb, and he's upset, so let me... All right. I'll be right back. Okay, we can carry on.
Starting point is 01:24:27 You got something to read, Kyle? I do. You do? I can't wait. I was looking for an ad read that would accompany child injury best. You don't have any on deck there? No Band-Aid companies for us to promote? Put some mouthwash on it.
Starting point is 01:24:44 Yeah, pour that all over. You could put some of some mouthwash on it. Yeah, pour that all over. You can put some of that mouthwash on it. It is antibacterial. It'll keep any sulfur from getting into the wound. But first I'm going to tell you about Casper. Casper mattresses are obsessively engineered American-made mattresses at a shockingly fair price. And now you can get $50 toward any mattress purchase
Starting point is 01:24:59 by going to slash pka and using opera code pka. Listen, you spend about one-third of your life sleeping. Let's make sure you're doing it on a good mattress. Casper brings together two comfy technologies together for better nights and brighter days, latex foam and memory foam. So they've got just the right sink, just the right bounce, no matter how you sleep.
Starting point is 01:25:19 They've got a risk-free trial and return policy. They'll deliver it straight to your door. You can try it for 100 days, and if you're not happy, they'll pick it right back up. At the store, maybe you'll get a minute or two to try out a mattress. It's one of those mattresses that everybody else has laid on, which is always grossing me out. But with Casper, you'll get to keep it, and you'll get to sleep on it. It's $500 for a twin-sized mattress, $950 for the king- size mattress, which is what I got. Comparing that to industry averages, that's an outstanding price point. So get $50 off of any mattress purchase
Starting point is 01:25:51 by going to slash pka and using offer code pka. I'm not going to dwell on it too much because you guys have all heard it before, but I really, really do like my Casper mattress. For whatever reason, I had never upgraded to a King until I got this one. And I just love how enormous the bed is. I can get in and out of it and if there's someone in bed with me, I don't wake them up. You remember those commercials where there's a wine glass
Starting point is 01:26:16 on the bed? Yeah. It's like that, virtually. It really is great. I don't know. I don't think I have anything else to say about it. I did that to my parents' bed with a cup of milk when I was like six or seven, maybe. But they didn't
Starting point is 01:26:32 have that kind of mattress. They just had a spring mattress. It did move. Oh, that's the worst. Spilled milk is something to cry about if it soaks in. It smelled awful. Imagine the bacteria that was alive inside that mattress.
Starting point is 01:26:48 Just growing on the on all that lactate. Curdling. They're eating that curd or whatever formed in there. There's like some sour cream germs in there amongst the springs. And every time you lay on it
Starting point is 01:27:03 you're like squishing it and opening it up to creatures of the night. And every time you like lay on it and like, you're like squishing it and like opening it up to like creatures of the night. Creatures of the night. Yeah. Maybe some serious cat problem. Fruit flies start laying eggs in your mattress. Next thing you know,
Starting point is 01:27:15 you got a maggot mattress. They're just in there squirming around. That doesn't happen with Casper. That would never happen. That would never happen. I do have to divulge that I own 15% of Casper. Oh, wow. I'm kidding, obviously.
Starting point is 01:27:30 Jesus. You'd be a very wealthy man. I really do like those mattresses. Check them out. I guess we'll just stick one more of these ad reads in here. I wonder what happened to Colin. Yeah, I hope he's all right. Maybe he was outside turning up.
Starting point is 01:27:44 Did you find any child injury related sponsors in the last minute or so? No, but while we're speaking of children, let's talk about MeUndies. You wear underwear every day. That's 365 days a year, rain or shine. You need it to be extraordinary without an insane price tag. MeUndies understands this and that's why they've created
Starting point is 01:28:00 the world's most comfortable underwear. Luxury at half the retail price you'd find anywhere else. MeUndies is made from a very special fabric called Modal. It's twice as soft as cotton and twice as soft as whatever you're wearing right now. Most of us wear underwear every single day, so why settle for low-quality multi-pack underwear that's scratchy and lame?
Starting point is 01:28:16 MeUndies has tons of colors and styles for both men and women, which means you and your lady can finally have matching underwear. They release a new design every month, and on top of that, they even offer free shipping to the United States and Canada. MeUndies has a money-back guarantee.
Starting point is 01:28:28 If you don't love your first pair of underwear, you get to keep it for free. That's right. They don't want your used underwear back, so there's nothing to lose here. The best part about it all is that we're offering 20% off your first order. When you go to our URL down below in the description, it's slash PKA. Click on the link in the description and go to slash PKA to get 20% off your first order. They really are super high quality.
Starting point is 01:28:49 Are you wearing your MeUndies right now? I'm not wearing underwear. Oh, I'm wearing my MeUndies right now. I don't wash mine as much as you, so I don't get through the cycle of underwear as much, but these are bar none my favorite underwear now. They're excellent.
Starting point is 01:29:05 The fabric you said, the fabric sounded fancy. Is it like a thin, soft type of t-shirt-y? It's soft and it's also stretchy. So it feels as stretchy like real cotton can be before you wash it, but even after you wash it, it's still stretchy and it really conforms
Starting point is 01:29:22 to all the nooks and crannies and supports things that need to be supported and just makes everything look good that's inside the underwear. It keeps it under control. I think Modal is made from some sort of tree bark extract or something or some product that
Starting point is 01:29:37 originates as tree bark, but yeah. I like it a lot. Really good underwear. You don't realize the sense of control that you've lost when you walk around for years in boxers. You know, like Kramer talked about in Seinfeld. I'm out there, Jerry!
Starting point is 01:29:53 Love it, everybody! But it's, you know, to get back to something super comfortable and it's not super tight, like it's still breathable, it's great. I love these underwear. And they have them for women as well, I believe you read. read damn i'm sold all how much are they you get an affordable price an affordable and i get a discount with ek okay god so lucky let's see what i want to go to next um you better hope woody doesn't see this e-cigs and cancer article from the verge let's just sweep that one
Starting point is 01:30:22 out of there let's sweep that because if he sees an e-cigs thing, we're going to have to talk about it, and I don't think anybody cares. There will be an I told you so, the likes of which you have not seen before. Has he been saying that for a while? Like, that can't be good for you. I've never disputed it. I've never said, you know,
Starting point is 01:30:39 oh, this is good for me. Like, no. Yeah. But it's not as bad as cigarettes. Yeah, I was going to say, I don't as bad as yeah i was gonna say i don't think anyone legitimately thinks it's good i don't think inhaling anything into your lugs can't be good for you but but it's better than the alternative that everyone was addicted to before i think so someone here asked me um what i got some ama questions from this month uh this guy says kyle uh i saw that you got a train to
Starting point is 01:31:05 go around your house for to train your pokemon go eggs what is the brand and model of the train man i just got on uh amazon and searched toy train and i bought the one that's like 40 45 dollars did that really work no and uh i was gonna say does it go fast enough i'm glad you brought that up no it doesn't work so if you want to like work. So if you want to fake train your Pokemon, the fan thing works if you've got a big bedroom. You just tie a string to your fan blade, put your phone in a plastic bag with a charger plugged into it, log into the app, let it do circles around the room.
Starting point is 01:31:38 No way. Are there people, like the cords swinging with it? Yeah, there are some people who do that. You're like an idiot walking around. You would never do that, right? Yeah, the worst part is like when I'm in bed and it's going woof, woof, woof, woof. Oh my gosh. Whenever I get ready, I'll see that like the battery's died and it's time to turn it off.
Starting point is 01:31:56 So I've got to time it just right and like barrel roll out of bed, crawl across the floor, flip the switch, and then catch it before it gets wrapped up in the blades. So it's a little bit of an ordeal. If you really want to know the best way I've found to hatch eggs, I go to an outlet mall where, you know, the speed limit, you drive around at like six, seven miles per hour, and I just make laps around that thing endlessly because there's a Pokestop at one end, and I just get my free shit, keep making laps, catching Pokemon, and I just drive for half an hour and
Starting point is 01:32:25 you'll do 10k in no time in a car. Dang. You've got it down. Yeah, I'm losing interest quick on Pokemon Go. The fact that I can't find out how fucking far any Pokemon is away from me is upsetting. And the fact that I haven't seen
Starting point is 01:32:41 there was between the 17th of this month and yesterday, I didn't see a brand new Pokemon at all. Ten days. I logged in every day. I looked around for Pokemon. I caught a fucking Mankey on the 17th, and it was nothing until the 27th when I caught a Magmar
Starting point is 01:33:02 that just wandered into my home. So Hope is into Pokemon Go. While she was at that speech and debate camp, like everyone else was playing it, so she got into it. It's good to know she was working hard while she was there. Right? So we were walking around Wake Forest today. It's a potential college she's interested in. And she's trying to get credit for all these kilometers that we're walking.
Starting point is 01:33:24 Didn't hatch one egg. She said the server kept crashing. I don't know, server app crashing or whatever the deal is. Oh, I'd be mad. Yeah, but all day long we were just touring a campus, and she didn't get credit for the kilometers that she walked because it wouldn't stay working. Well, that's shitty.
Starting point is 01:33:40 Yeah, that's one of the things that turned me off is every now and then you'll lose credit for some stuff you do or a pokemon you catch uh i i beat a gym until it turned gray one time so now i can like put my shit in it now it's my it's virtually my gym i just have to bloop bloop and now it's mine and that's when the servers went out so all i did was like go in clear all the bad guys out, and then leave, essentially, for some random asshole to come along and be like, yeah, I'll be the gym leader, sure. It's like, did you ever play Skyrim, where you'd go through a really difficult
Starting point is 01:34:12 dungeon, kill everything, and then you forget the helm of Pelennor or whatever on the back chair, and then you leave, and you're like, fuck! Then you have to go through the whole thing again. That's what it's like. I've done that many times. i got so much endless time in skyrim and uh and in those elder scroll games in general and that that happens a lot yeah you'll like go you'll go through uh you'll do a dungeon
Starting point is 01:34:36 crawl and you'll forget that like the red sword of big pete is down there and then a year later they tell you to go get the sword and it's it's just sitting there you never saw it ashley so you've been live streaming right yeah i think you said you like it more so be honest is it is it the profit thing is that why it's better um you know for the last like like three years that i've been doing it i i kept YouTube up consistently as well and I've always tried to make sure that I don't have all of my eggs in one basket right because if that basket ain't there no more then you're gonna have a bad time um but I've been able to keep them even but it can fluctuate too you know how fluid it can be so it can be like you're killing it for like a couple months or even like around November things Things are really going to kick up.
Starting point is 01:35:26 This is like the slow time of year. So to be honest, like if I if money wasn't even something I thought about between the two, I would I guess I would pick streaming. But it's so hard because YouTube's about creating and starting with a blank slate and then doing what you want. Or even if it's just like a Call of Duty video or a vlog or whatever you're still creating something that you you know you had a vision for whereas streaming is all about interaction and playing the game and making it centered around the game so they're kind of really hard to compare but i have tried to do them both super consistently and grow them both at the same time which i think like if i really focus like let's just say i just quit youtube and i focused really hard on streaming i think i'd be more successful at it and vice versa if i just super focused on youtube and had
Starting point is 01:36:13 all day to create and stuff because streaming takes a long time right like you have to do it consistently and for a very long time this is my cat simba by the way he's he's up from his nap hey simba i have another cat by me too i promise i'm not a cat lady i only have two just a lady with cats i love dogs too but i can't have dogs where i live right now but but yeah i i really like streaming i like the interaction i like the community that you kind of build it's a little bit different from youtube like especially it got to the point where youtube comments it was just like gosh why bother reading them right like it's just craziness
Starting point is 01:36:48 like no matter what you do you're never correct or right and it's not even about being right but it's just being criticized almost constantly I mean there's good comments too but and you even have trolls in the stream too but my when I stream it's troll central it's
Starting point is 01:37:03 hard to stream you have to have some solid moderators who are there with the little green sword time and amount you got to get night bought on some automatic word recognition stuff i mean if you you can moderate the chat but it is hard you should try streaming while you own a minecraft server like so oh gosh i don't know how well you know Minecraft, but factions in Minecraft is the most toxic community by far amongst Minecraft players. Is that where the teams are versing each other type of deal? It's like the PvP section, right? It's PvP, but it's like six months long. You build a base.
Starting point is 01:37:38 You straw your stuff in it. You make these cannons that knock into other people's bases. People in factions, this is my favorite way to describe it. It's's six months long they'll change the sound of tnt to sound like an alarm clock so it wakes them up in the middle of the night when they're being attacked so they can defend themselves they'll um they'll like i'll pretend to be your friend for six weeks to gain your trust and get into your faction and then rob you blind and laugh at how stupid you were for having trusted me at the first place. It's called inside raiding. It's a thing.
Starting point is 01:38:07 That's just lying. Yes. Manipulating lying is the dirtiest, most awful thing. The George Costanza way of Minecraft. They take it out of the game. They will dox you or they will threaten to dox you unless you pay them off. It gets super serious.
Starting point is 01:38:21 Yeah. Oh, yeah. They'll send SWAT. Dude, players on my server, you'd think sending the SWAT team would be like it, but they got creative about it. They sent a sailboat to someone's house. They sent bouncy castles to people's house. What?
Starting point is 01:38:33 They sent a crane, like a big construction crane to somebody's house. Yeah. I learned that you could rent bouncy castles because someone did that to someone. And then we had a party one time and I was like bouncy castle it up let's do it for a few hundred dollars you can put on your own private carnival in your backyard it's absurd you can get jugglers
Starting point is 01:38:55 all kinds of crazy shit online so these are the people watching me while I stream and it's just so toxic and so nasty and like nothing's perfect right like when you play COD you're always fussing about lag or this or that and it's just so toxic and so nasty. That's tough, yeah. Lucky Handler's direction. So nothing's perfect, right? Like when you play COD,
Starting point is 01:39:07 you're always fussing about lag or this or that. Oh, sure. Something's always pissing me off on quality. Yeah, and WoodyCraft was no different. So the players would just go ballistic about like one problem that they had even if it was days ago. I'm sure they have the perfect way to fix it too.
Starting point is 01:39:22 They're telling you all about it. Everyone has their own way. So streaming for me, go i'm sure they have the perfect way to fix it too and i'm telling you all about it everyone has their their own way so streaming for me like it's been a long time since it was like a real fun environment since the chat felt like my friends yeah i could see how that would be a little too like i'm i feel like i'm really lucky i have a pretty good community it's it's kind of cool you have like like regulars that are there like almost every day nearly religiously like it's kind of like dang like am i that cool i'm not that cool right so uh you know having like regular people come all the time it makes it feel more familiar even if you're just stopping by you're like oh this place seems kind of cool or whatever we try
Starting point is 01:39:59 to keep it chill chat but it is work to keep the chat you know moderated and i don't have like hundreds of billions of viewers or whatever you know but but i get a decent amount sometimes and it's it's like the trolls come in at that moment i i'm i laughed i wasn't laughing you i i've i've been looking at how to rent a monkey for a party how much much is it? Well, I found this place called Wild About Monkeys. So I'm kind of looking into that right now. Monkeys Gone Wild is a different site. Oh, that's a very different site.
Starting point is 01:40:37 Yeah. That one's upsetting. Rent a monkey for a party service monkey it's not does that come with like the trainer i don't want i want no supervision for my monkey i want a guy to show up he's just like who wants the monkeys and like he just puts opens the cages he turns the monkeys over to us, maybe hands me a leash or a rope, whatever, you know, or maybe one of those long poles with a loop on the end
Starting point is 01:41:09 so you can keep them from clawing at you or whatever they do. I know they like to go for the genitals. I learned that. And it's a really smart way to fight if you think about it, because most of the fights that, like, lions and tigers and bears get into with other lions and tigers and bears is about mating rights.'s like which caribou gets to mate with all the
Starting point is 01:41:29 caribou females in this herd so the monkeys and maybe just primates in general figured out that hey if i just rip his balls off what's the what's he gonna do like now now i'm done i won it's over now he can't fuck any of my my females so it's over so you got to be careful around those monkeys so i think i want one of the little ones one of the there's a group on here for 49 dollars for a week read below it's like you can't it's serious rent a monkey for a week for 49 dollars in Chicago. It's a Groupon. This is real, and it says in bold letters, with today's Groupon only, criminal background check
Starting point is 01:42:10 and medical testing ban are waived. So if you have a criminal record, doesn't matter with this Groupon. You can rent your monkey for $49 a week. Monkeys, rapists, it's your lucky day. Our monkeys will fit right in with your posse. $49 the whole week for seven people a day.
Starting point is 01:42:31 Take care of it. Dog food and, you know, goodwill. I would give it to people, but in tiny little portions, like, that I would make look like his dinner, you know, on like a saucer.. A little bit of steak and then a little baby carrot
Starting point is 01:42:46 and a little tiny red potato. Oh, it'd be adorable. Are we talking about one of those little marmoset shoulder monkey fuckers that throws her poop or whatever? Organ grind monkey. I'm going to be honest, though. I want a chimp. I want a chimp at the party. The bigger one?
Starting point is 01:43:01 Yeah, the big one that could kill you if it got out of hand. I'm going to tell you, I fully realize that those are the dangerous ones. I'm going to wear a cup for sure. We're going in. We're not going in unprepared. I'm going to put my pistol on my side. You know, if things get out of hand, I'm just going to waste your monkey.
Starting point is 01:43:15 Like, you should know that going in. And my level for when we move from, like, oh, that monkey's getting a little out of hand to bang, bang, bang, bang, bang is like that. It's like that. It's like that. Your monkey could kind of yawn too aggressively, and I'm going to take him out. I don't want any monkey rampages going on, but I would like to hang out with a monkey. Yeah. I would like a two-hour
Starting point is 01:43:38 thing, not a one-week thing. Like one of those dolphin experiences. Swimming with a monkey is a much more horrifying thing. Yeah, Taylor, what kind of monkey did you have? They were very young chimps. So they weren't like the level of chimp that it would tear your hands off or something. But they were very little chimps, and it was only like a couple hours.
Starting point is 01:43:57 But you definitely want a whole day with them, because I cannot tell you the dread and sadness you feel when you realize you're in the last six minutes of monkey time. You know? When you realize that clock's winding down and you just can't get enough of this monkey. I didn't realize how sad your childhood was, Mirka. I didn't realize the hardships that you endured.
Starting point is 01:44:17 You only had your monkeys for hours. Did he smell bad? I was very young, and I probably smelled just as bad as they did. So I didn't notice at the time. I'm going to be honest. At the next PKA gathering or whatever, or next gathering that I'm at at all, we're going to have a monkey.
Starting point is 01:44:40 I'm totally down for that. There will be a monkey there. I'm not going on a 600-mile motorcycle ride. I'm not going to go... With a monkey on you, though. Now, that's a good time to bring a monkey. All goddamn day with a monkey. Just as long as it's cool.
Starting point is 01:44:56 You know? I don't want some sassy monkey that thinks he's too good to be there. You don't want a nerdy monkey? I'm sad. Yeah, I don't want a show biz monkey they're spoiled that's well known i saw a showbiz monkey uh when i was in la like i was walking to lunch and i looked next to me and i'd been looking for the monkey all day and there it was just on the guy's shoulder i was like oh you're the monkey guy and he goes yeah i'm the monkey guy i'm like can i can i shake his hand
Starting point is 01:45:22 he's like sure shake and the monkey shook my fucking hand except it's a monkey so it grabbed my finger what it's little little hands yeah i i was like i i reached up and he goes oh and he fucking shook my hand and i was just like oh shit and it was just like and then they went and got some quesadillas or whatever so i didn't have any more i'm not in a scene with the monkey or anything i I just got to look at it, but it was really cool. I realize monkeys are novel and everything, but these are the experiences that new parents get as well.
Starting point is 01:45:52 Yeah, but none of the responsibility or cost. Imagine if this was something else. You're like, no, for roughly a quarter million dollars and a lifetime commitment, you could have one of those too, anytime you wanted. I'm like, yeah, I i know it'd be cheaper to buy a herd of monkeys though right it was wrong with a monkey owner for less than it cost to raise one kid yeah with a kid
Starting point is 01:46:15 that's shit but like with a monkey the worst thing that can happen is that it goes awry and i have to spend like 25 minutes with the garbage disposal. And then my life goes on. Thank you for saying that because I was thinking it. I was like, you know. Last week, fucker escaped. Oh, well, he is a monkey. So you don't have to ask questions. Never found again.
Starting point is 01:46:40 Just a big puddle of red mush. I have a whole new topic. Are we still on monkey talk oh we can see if your next topic involved monkeys it does not put it would monkeys improve it no is it the dc again it's what you got phantom lord so phantom lord is a huge twitch guy i think he had like a million followers or something like that. Giant. CSGO person. And it turned out he secretly owned a
Starting point is 01:47:09 gambling site in the same... It's like the same drama as the Syndicate T-Mart. This is real familiar theme with CSGO. But dude, this one's worse. So what happened is all the Skype chats got leaked. I don't know if it was a hacker or what. And it is confirmed that he cheated
Starting point is 01:47:26 in his gambling. So not only did he own it and sort of not admit that he owned the place, just acted like a happy customer. Stack the deck. Yeah, they would take skins. I think what happens is they win money via skins. So they would just take those skins and use them
Starting point is 01:47:41 for gambling. They would take the winnings that the site collected and he would use them to run his streams with. Yeah, it's all free money. Well, I mean, it's money that could have been cashed in. It's advertising expense. Yeah, but he cheated to win the money from it. No, that's true.
Starting point is 01:47:57 He's like, let me just go out and cheat these fans and subscribers out of a little cash. All right, now I can use this to gamble against my subscribers come on everyone come on do your best even if he's losing is he even losing you know because he's he's probably won way more than than he lost yeah right so i'm not an expert on how it works playing under an assumed account cheating that way and making ten thousand dollars today apparently like these websites are like provably honest in that the hashes are all determined what wins and what loses ahead of time. It's not just done on the fly.
Starting point is 01:48:31 And because those hashes are done ahead of time, if you have access to the back end, you can know whether they're likely to win or lose. Yeah. Do you remember? Because it was so similar with the online poker thing, do you remember when it turned out that there were employees of those big online Texas Hold'em sites that were cheating in a very similar manner and making off with hundreds of thousands of dollars? I remember about that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:48:59 So this guy, unlike the syndicate T-Mart, Josh OG guy, his account's closed on Twitch now. So PhantomLorb, I don't think, was big on YouTube. Yeah, he got terms of service banned for life. So another thing he did, apparently he was shady in everything he touched. He would have fake subscribers and fake followers. I think that's more the reason he got banned. Yeah, right? How much money do you think he was making's I think that's the reason he got banned yeah right like much money does what it looks like millions from twitch a day like like is
Starting point is 01:49:29 this because because I think that's what the listeners need to know because if you're not like plugged into the the twitch users scene then you might be you might be thinking oh well he can't share his online and spirit online experiences anymore the way he wanted to how many thousands of dollars is he losing a day I would be yeah I mean okay so he lost somewhere between two and ten thousand dollars a day right like easily it's fair yeah that sounds I mean with donations and everything that he was probably doing I mean he was I guess I didn't really watch his streams uh because i'm not super into like the gambling stuff but um he was making it look like he had large sub trains to entice people to keep the
Starting point is 01:50:12 sub train going kind of gives that sense of urgency like oh i should subscribe to you know everybody's doing it i should yeah if i ever if the community is so big it must be so awesome so i'll join too yeah and everyone loves that too when it's actually legit like there are some crazy sub chains that happen on twitch and big streamers can can pull them off like magnificently but yeah i just like my my opinion as a streamer and as i mean obviously not like as big as him but how do you think that's not ever gonna get like found out early in youtube it used to be possible to buy view bots and like bots and stuff i never touched that stuff um heck even before youtube at cisco it like there's um expense reports and stuff you fill out i never tried to expense a haircut i never lied about the tip right it'd be so easy to tip $2 and say you
Starting point is 01:51:06 tip $12 and then turn in the customer side. I forgot my T&E receipts 100% of the time anyway. So it'd be like, well, fuck! I guess I bought that. But I never touched it. I'm like, the gravy train is my job. I'm going to try to steal
Starting point is 01:51:22 $10 from Cisco and lose my paycheck? Don't don't even think about it and and with twitch and youtube it was the same thing like i never bought it anything i never faked gameplays no one ever accused me of not going 25 and 5 like i accomplished that on my own um but these guys you know that they they it, they fake it, and now he's done. And it's another one, like I meant earlier in the show, I was saying I was kind of envious of the position that a team artist syndicate had. Dude, everything's at risk, right?
Starting point is 01:51:57 You don't know how big this fine is coming down. There's a reality where syndicate goes to jail and his whole net worth goes below zero from this thing. Do you think that's likely at all? I don't think it's that unlikely it's too hard to say i mean i don't have enough knowledge about it to know how that all works like so on the ftc thing i don't see it coming down that hard you know i bet it's a pretty significant fine but you know like low five digits or something these guys can write a check for and not notice but um on the dude they really did run an illegal gambling site for children yeah like that's a thing they did like if it's like 20 grand or something they can write without even thinking about it like i assume they can do that given the amount of money they're making on that site
Starting point is 01:52:39 and granted i don't have the figures i'm just going by what i've heard like it needs i don't want to see them destitute obviously like tmart's a good guy in his core i believe and I don't have the figures. I'm just going by what I've heard. Like, it needs, I don't want to see them destitute, obviously. Like, T-Mart's a good guy in his core, I believe. And I don't want to see that. But it should be severe enough that, like, it's not just a, ha-ha, got away with it. I don't think this is, like, a situation where it's like, oh, yeah, you screwed up, but, like, it's cool.
Starting point is 01:53:02 I think they kind of screwed up big. And I, like like i like tom and and trevor as people like because i guess i know them differently than most people you know or i mean probably more trevor not so much tom me too but like yeah it's like i don't know all my interactions took a huge risk they had to yeah well yeah same here i mean hug him when i see him and then you know whatever so it's like i don't know they had to have known while while they were screwing up i think they knew they were screwing up too they had to have yeah they wouldn't have made such a concerted effort to to like make it seem like they stumbled upon it of of you know like wow this new uh
Starting point is 01:53:44 partner with of mine like they they could have done it so much better just admitting their affiliation well and that's the smartest way for them to do it though right because they're people are going to be less enticed to say oh yeah check out this you know new gambling site that i have check it out guys whereas they could make it look organic and which will in turn get more viewers i mean uh people on the site but yeah they kind of i don't know i guess i mean i even disagree on that point that oh yeah i don't think they could have been just as successful being like uh hey yeah you come gamble over here you get paired up against me or tom bet whatever you want because you are winning like You're going to drive a ton of people who go
Starting point is 01:54:26 over there just for the off chance of, oh, fuck, pair it up with Tom. I'm getting a ton of shit. And everybody's all on board. When you're that popular, you don't need to cheat people. They're already begging to be your friend. I would have named the thing Cindy Mart. It seems like they wanted to ring out the last drop of money.
Starting point is 01:54:41 I would have named it Cindy Mart. You think Woody craft is just coincidentally named after me like that that people would have been like this is syndicate site this is the one that like has you know his integrity behind it like that that's how i would have run it if it were my business they would have sponsored like you know streamers publicly and been like hey we brought on this streamer because he likes gambling and this is where he's gonna do it so that's even more benefits so i don't know there's definitely different ways they could have done it but yeah we'll have to see how much real legal trouble
Starting point is 01:55:13 they're in because i think they're definitely in some i think so too but i'm not that qualified phantom lord though he cheated his customers like he yeah really yeah that's it's a whole different thing these guys failed to disclose and perhaps failed to enforce the age thing he did that but you add to it you know legit like stack the talk to his dev about the back end hey give me something that where i can you know pretend on the head or yeah sure win or he might intentionally lose a couple then snipe a big one at the end uh yeah that was the kind of stuff they did and um and like the dnc twitch didn't shut him down for doing that twitch shut him down for the fake subs and stuff yeah i think that that fake like viewer and follower
Starting point is 01:55:57 and sub thing is a huge no-no on twitch it's like super enforced when you sign the contract so it's like you kind of he knew he was doing something really wrong and like even like he's so sick he was so successful at it why don't you just kind of like stop doing that so now you've got such a big fan base anyway that you don't need to sit there and do that i would think i don't know why you would why you would do it in the first place and why you'd continue to do it for what seems like so long yeah just you risk it all baby you know and now we lost it and
Starting point is 01:56:30 who knows what's coming I'm too paranoid man if I did something like that I'd be constantly thinking like okay they're gonna find out someone's gonna find out yeah so I think we need to focus more on chimpanzee rentals so i'm on that now
Starting point is 01:56:47 chimp rentals are they more expensive than the little dudes they must be right because it's by a pound usually do you do you have to have a trainer with them i mean i'd be afraid to be alone with oh yeah i definitely want a trainer or a big club in lieu of trainer. You should write that in my email. I should write an email to them requesting the chip. I would like a trainer or in lieu of trainer, a club. I'd like a large kujo to handle
Starting point is 01:57:18 the beast if it gets out of hand. Show it what for? Are you sure? You just don't want to send our expert with them? How much more is that? $8 an sure you just don't want to send our our expert with them how much more is that eight dollars an hour no i don't think so like i can handle this ape on my own i've watched a few youtube videos i know yeah have you heard like the 911 call when the the chimp ripped the woman's girlfriend's face off and uh and she's already stabbed it a couple times and she's trying to explain to this dumbass
Starting point is 01:57:45 911 operator it seems like they're all idiots like whenever you hear one of those you're like come on what are you doing you're terrible at your job this is this is all you do all day is answer emergency calls and you're not even good at that but she's just she couldn't comprehend what the woman was saying she was like she was like we're police, but why? Why are we sending them? They're like, because it ripped her face. It killed her. It killed her. Who killed her?
Starting point is 01:58:10 Is she breathing? Is she conscious? No, she's not conscious. Like, well, who did it? She's like, I already stabbed it twice. Come shoot it. Bring guns. I need guns. And they're like, why do you need guns?
Starting point is 01:58:26 Who killed him? It was Bubbles! I've told you a hundred times! It was Bubbles! Who's Bubbles? Bubbles is a 20-pound female chimpanzee! That's what they needed from her, because it wasn't until two or three minutes into this call where she's finally like,
Starting point is 01:58:40 the chimpanzee! My chimpanzee! And the 911 driver's like, I don't really understand what you're saying. What do you mean, the chimpanzee! My chimpanzee! And the 911 operator's like, I don't really understand what you're saying. What do you mean? My chimpanzee! Like, she really couldn't get it. I'm sorry, but if there's a man at your home who's tearing people's hands off willy-nilly, we're not, we don't have any
Starting point is 01:58:57 officers who want to come. The 911 operator gets off with her, she calls dispatch. Yeah, there's a black man in the neighborhood that they want shot, I think. I'm not sure what she was getting at. You know what to do. They go out there, shoot the fucking neighbor. Meanwhile, the chimp's still murdering this woman in the house. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:59:13 They ripped her face off, though. Wow. And they gave her a new face. Wait, she lived? Oh, yeah. Yeah, unfortunately, she lived. And they gave her what they... Well, they called it a new face.
Starting point is 01:59:26 That's what they said they were doing. You ever see the second Hannibal Lecter movie? Yes. I think it's maybe Gary Oldman playing that disturbingly mutilated former child molester that Hannibal Lecter had carved his own face off.
Starting point is 01:59:42 But that's what the woman's face looks like in Caves to Curious. The replacement face. off but that's what the woman's face looks like in case you're curious like the replacement face they should have took that fucking monkey's face and given it to her at least that would have been better it was a nightmare dang honest like you were saying not even joking like unfortunately she lived like it when you saw a minute it looks like one of those uh no i'm agreeing with you like there are some grievous injuries that just ruin your life to the point that like her life is like like there's no way she's enjoying your life now like you'd have to be a really upbeat motherfucker to be fine with no hands like one foot uh just your whole face just gone like you're blind pretty much like this this
Starting point is 02:00:20 monkey these things are so strong just tears your like your... I would just be laying there like, just kill me at this point. Is my face gone? Oh, no, because I've never looked myself in the face without a mirror, and I see it right there on the grass. There it is! Yeah, where are my hands? Oh, near my face. So sad, man.
Starting point is 02:00:39 It's one of those worst stories. And still, people out there have pet chimpanzees. And I'm not positive about this, because I'm like three years removed from really following up on those news stories and stuff. I think maybe it was because... I think they were lesbians. I think it was literally her girlfriend was the story. But I think that the girlfriend was...
Starting point is 02:01:01 I think either the monkey thought that its owner was its mate or i know that the monkey was on xanax i know that that was one of the things but i think that's a common thing you give those monkeys xanax i don't yeah relax them or what chill them out yeah yeah and then the other thing the other thing i think i read somewhere that maybe the other person was on her period or something but who fucking knows what it's a monkey it's a monkey we don't need to boil it down very far for you to understand how things got out of hand when you let that creature from the jungle come into your suburban home and hang out with a human being so did they like buy it or like yeah she owned the monkey it was her monkey yeah she like it
Starting point is 02:01:41 wasn't like she just got this monkey and then it went ape shit she had this thing for a long time that's where that phrase came from yeah the world had more idiots i'd like to see people buy like baby hyponymous's and try to like cozy up to them and like yeah no this hippo he's cool with the family like i loved him since he was nine pounds and then suddenly the hippo is like 700 pounds who would have thought if you've ever watched the show An Idiot Abroad it's got Carl Pilkington in it he's like one of
Starting point is 02:02:16 Ricky Gervais' good buddies and it's basically following him into weird situations that he really doesn't like and watch the hilarity it's a fucking hilarious show but one of the episodes he goes into this person's house and they have an indoor hippo fully grown as a no way walks into the house and this hippo which is mind-blowingly big just stomps in and just starts he feeds it it. And its mouth is so big, it's throwing like a couple heads of lettuce in at once.
Starting point is 02:02:47 Like you could just toss shit into there. And the thing is, it gets a little bit upset for half a second, and your home is ruined, and you're dead. You shouldn't fuck with animals like that. You ever leave the house, you come back, and the dog has torn the trash, strewn it throughout the home, there's coffee grounds in the carpet and he's peed on the floor. Imagine a hippopotamus does that to your home.
Starting point is 02:03:09 Oh my gosh. You're not getting your deposit back. I don't understand why. Who rents and owns a hippo bow, right? What? I happen to know that hippos are incredibly expensive to get and import. That guy in Texas has an interest in getting them,
Starting point is 02:03:26 and it's one of the drawbacks because he knows that Pablo Escobar had pet hippos down in fucking Columbia. And so he'd want some as well, but getting the habitat for them and then getting them imported and purchasing them is outrageous. Keeping up with the Escobars. Yeah, keeping up with the Escobars. That's what he's up to over there. I know for a fact that the giraffes that he has
Starting point is 02:03:45 are a quarter of a million dollars each. Sheesh. I wouldn't pay... You know, I'm not interested enough in a giraffe to pay anything for it, I don't think. I'd probably pay at least $15 to have someone come and remove a giraffe from my place.
Starting point is 02:04:00 It's funny you mention that. The best fucking part is, you go to that place to hunt, and giraffes are on the menu. If you want to shoot a giraffe, you can fucking write a check. I think it's a quarter of a million dollars, and you can gun down a giraffe right there, and they'll butcher it and make you some giraffe burgers, I guess.
Starting point is 02:04:20 You'd have to have some. Imagine the wall mouth, though, just that long neck snaking around your home I would just laying on the floor the thing I don't like about sport hunting is that you don't eat it
Starting point is 02:04:34 and so you're not using it at all but if there was a way where they got like a giraffe problem and you pay a quarter million dollars and you shoot it and the guy cleans it or you clean it yourself I bet that's a huge amount of guts to get through. But I would do that just to try it.
Starting point is 02:04:49 As long as you can eat it and use all the parts. Well, that's what they do. That's exactly what they do. You go there and you pay like a... This is starting to sound like an ad for Brent's Hunting Ranch. But what you do is you go there and you pay a fee. You're like, oh, I want to shoot a cape buffalo or a zebra or a red
Starting point is 02:05:06 pronged asshole or whatever deer you want to kill he's got dozens of species and each one has a price and the price there's like three categories you want the like bullshit hunt where you just go out there and sit or do you want to like a guy that takes you around and drives you on an expedition or whatever you want you pay that price you go kill the animal and then they butcher it put its head then you know mount it and everything and you get all the meat and everything it's like one-stop shop are you a hunter at all midnight i'm not i i i haven't before i think well one time when i was like 12 i went hunting no way oh i killed a squirrel with a bb gun does that count? I felt really bad. The guilt was too much.
Starting point is 02:05:50 I have a lot of hunters in my family. Was it a healthy squirrel? Did you just kill it for sport? Yeah, it was up in my tree in my backyard. I'm pumping up the BB gun on my head. Yeah, I remember that. My dad was like, you can shoot the squirrels because you know they're
Starting point is 02:06:05 eating the bird seeds so show them who's boss i'm like yeah i will for sure dad so i'm like i aim up at it and i did not think i was gonna hit it for some reason when i pulled the trigger i was like i don't think i'm gonna hit him right and then i shot it i hear that and then i see him fall out of the tree and then i'm'm like, okay, cool. And so then I come out on my porch a little more and I look over because I'm like up on the deck, right? And so then the squirrel is like, I don't know, freaking the frick out on the ground. Like I shot him in the neck. And so he's like, oh, my God, you know, freaking out.
Starting point is 02:06:38 I'm like, oh, my God. Pumping this shit up again. Yeah. I'm like pumping it up 10 pumps. And I'm like, okay. And then I... For real, that's what I thought too. So I chambered the little BB,
Starting point is 02:06:50 and so I'm like, gonna try to hit him again. Miss. I gotta kill him, I gotta... I was like, I have to do this. I thought I was gonna get in trouble, because I didn't kill him right away. I felt so bad. So I'm pumping it up, pumping it up, to rechamber the little BB, and then I shoot him again,
Starting point is 02:07:06 and that's when I hit him, like, more in the ribs. And then I hit me, and that's just the movie. And that's when I was like, why? And that's when he started screaming. I know. I felt so bad. So I went down to see him.
Starting point is 02:07:22 He was dead. He was like, peace. And I was like, oh my gosh. So I didn't know. He was like peace. I'm like, oh my gosh So I I didn't know what to do though I was like my mom's gonna kill me because I've murdered this thing and so I got a shovel and Simba check it out so I got a shovel and I scoop him up and I walk him back to our fences and I just Throw him over the fence and I forget all about him. I was like I felt so bad I think that might be why though. I felt so bad. I think that might be why, though.
Starting point is 02:07:46 I felt so bad. I still feel bad about it to this day. I thought you were going to bury him. I got the shovel, a great little base, a little tube. No, no, no. Put him in the neighbor's yard. We're all good. Some little animals aren't nearly as easy to kill
Starting point is 02:08:02 as you would think. I was out shooting once in Idaho and and there was, like, a shitty varmint bird, and I shot it with a shotgun, and it, like, wounded it, and it was, you know, twitching around, and I had a, you know, little pistol. And so I just went over and shot it again and, like, started to walk away, and I just heard, like, a... And I was like, oh shit, this is a 9mm gun.
Starting point is 02:08:28 This should be taken care of this. I went over and went and I turned around and I got about 10 feet away and I heard a as it was flipping around and I was honestly like, there's no way. Getting down like, yeah, it got hit. Yeah, it's hit twice. It was dead by the time i confirmed
Starting point is 02:08:45 that but it was it was more than you can my experience things can take so mine was i've told this before mine was already like dying the dog had carried it in its mouth i don't know if had a heart attack or what the scoop was but it was a mercy killing on a squirrel that was just in the like in the mulch under our swing set for a while and uh for whatever reason like i'm not like a money shot with a pistol or anything i consider myself a normal shot and uh change shot yeah a change shot i was gonna say less than money but you're good okay anyway oh change shot i followed him anyway from like 10 feet away or so i just lined it up and i wasn't even sure i hit it like it wasn't like it blew up or exploded or anything,
Starting point is 02:09:25 nine millimeter. And I had to look closely and there was a second hole by its ear. Like I brained it. And it just, I guess, I don't know. I was the super me for one moment. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:09:35 Squirrel killers are some of the hardiest folk I've ever killed. It's so weird to me that like, I get, it makes sense. Like, I guess not growing up hunting though. I don't guess I would have killed as many critters if i weren't like growing up always hunting and because like one of the things that we would do is like or maybe it was just i i don't really know what
Starting point is 02:09:52 other hunters do right i just know what we did and what like the hunters that i went out with did but like we would always make sure that like if we're going fox hunting we do it in a way and such it's still legal and we're still following all the correct rules to shoot a coyote if we see one or to shoot you know three or four or five other things so if we're dove hunting there's three or four birds I'm gonna shoot I shot a banded pigeon one time a fucking banded pigeon while we were dove hunting that rare I don't know yeah I banded me not all and fucking band on its foot with a fucking serial number that goes to like the Pigeon Institute of Atlanta because they're tracking this bitch across the country as it flies around. And it didn't make it out of that cornfield.
Starting point is 02:10:33 And I'm just like, I thought it was a king dove. I was like, I got the big one. It's this fucking, it's huge. And I'm just like, well, what do I do with it? And everybody's like, throw it in the bushes. I was like, all right. it's huge and i'm just like well what do i do it and everybody's like throw it in the bushes i felt a little bit bad about that but mostly because i had broken the law i think i didn't mean to shoot it i mean i meant to shoot it i thought it was the biggest dove i'd ever seen though i didn't know he needed to go that dove's got a white head it's bald you know but yeah a
Starting point is 02:11:00 lot of the times when we would go hunting like like during archery season, you know, I would bring field points along with my broadhead so that if I saw some fox squirrels or, you know, a varmint or something, I'd fucking shoot them too. I'm always ready to shoot anything that comes along. So by hunting like that, I killed like dozens of different kinds of things, like all the like things I can think of. Really, I think I've shot at one time or another. I need to shoot a skunk. Let me tell you this I got a story so the other night. I'm on I'm in bed on my laptop and I type I type to to Chiz. I'm like skunk Skunk I smell skunk. I smell skunk because I can smell it just I can smell it and I'm just like
Starting point is 02:11:41 Skunk skunk and my's operating like, what's happened? I'm like, oh, God, Kitty's fucking dog has messed with a skunk. And I hear Kitty coming toward my door. And I start yelling before she even gets to my door. I go, no, no, I don't want to be involved. I don't want to be involved. And she goes, oh, please, please, more pizza and British bullshit. And I'm just like, I go, what? And she opens my fucking bedroom door and in runs her fucking dog sprayed by the skunk up into my bed with me to hang out.
Starting point is 02:12:19 And I'm just like, why? Why have you done? She's like, she's foaming at the mouth. And I'm like, no shit. She got sprayed by a skunk. And She's like, she's foaming at the mouth. And I'm like, no shit. She got sprayed by a skunk. And she's like, a what? I'm a skunk. I don't know what that is.
Starting point is 02:12:34 She didn't know what a fucking skunk was because they don't have fucking skunks on that stupid fucking island she's from. How do you not know what that is? She's been living here for like a decade or something. And I've never associated that smell with that
Starting point is 02:12:51 black and white striped weasel that sprays everything and ruins it. Ruined the night. All night. We're burning pounds of incense, spraying Lysol and Febrezeze vacuuming, washing and the dog must have
Starting point is 02:13:08 gotten a dozen baths. I'm never gonna appreciate that. I'm mad at that dog and I will never get over it. That dog will be dead and I'll be like, Muppet. Muppet. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Dude, letting a dog in that just got sprayed by a skunk
Starting point is 02:13:23 that's like borderline house ruining. Yeah smells in there for a while how long was it smelling kitty should have known better like like kitty's smart in a lot of ways but you know what it was but i can't fathom bad yeah like if if i was on some alien planet and my buddy was like sprayed with something that smelled bad like I would recognize like oh look what happened here like you know would you tell him to quickly march into the house and touch things
Starting point is 02:13:53 no you'd be like stand out here you better hop on my bed it was awful I can't understand how that happened but it happened and it was awful and it's only now like I went to the gas station I'm getting the fuck out of here. Like, I left the house, and I'm
Starting point is 02:14:08 at the gas station standing in line, and I'm like, God damn it! I sound like a skunk in fucking Wilco gas station shit! I was so mad, and there was nothing to do about it, because I can't yell at Kitty
Starting point is 02:14:24 anymore. She's fucking washing the dog with a big jug of tomato sauce. She feels bad enough. Can't yell at the dog because it's a stupid fucking dog and I can't find the skunk. Yeah, I can't believe she didn't know what a skunk was. It's in cartoons.
Starting point is 02:14:39 Oh, we watched Bambi right afterwards. Pepe Le Pew once. Just an annoying mouse? What did she think? We afterwards. Pepe Le Pew once. Just an annoying mouse? What did she think? We talked about Pepe Le Pew. We talked about Bambi. Apparently she's not familiar. Wow.
Starting point is 02:14:55 Ridiculous. She learned. She knows exactly what it smells like. And I gotta say, the smell of skunk when it's in your face is a lot different than when you drive by it on the road. Oh yeah. It made your eyes water. by it on the road. Oh, yeah. It made your eyes water. It was noxious. It was awful.
Starting point is 02:15:12 Yep. Yeah, I'm trying to deal with the skunk. Thank God. But if I did, I wouldn't sprint into the house and roll around on things. Good. Good. Don't ever do that. No, I hate that. I don't know what she...
Starting point is 02:15:23 She must have thought you would know what you did yeah of course like i knew i knew like 30 seconds into the future what had happened like i was just like oh no like don't come in like yeah i i in my head i was like there's there's no fathomable way that she would allow that sprayed dog into my bedroom, knowing that the first thing that fucker likes to do is jump on my bed anyway. And I don't even like that dog in my bed when it's clean. Stay the fuck off my bed. That's my Casper mattress. At least when it jumped up there, you didn't bounce around, you know?
Starting point is 02:16:02 No, I was able to barrel roll out of bed and fucking scream at the dog and it got the hell out of there. And that was that. I have an AMA question. This is a good break? Yeah. All right. Had sex with a hooker.
Starting point is 02:16:16 Okay, guys. So recently I got out of a long-term relationship and I met with someone new. We hit it off quickly and one thing led to another and we ended up having sex. It wasn't until later she revealed to me that she had previously gotten paid for sex
Starting point is 02:16:28 via Craigslist. It creeped me off and was a total turn off for me. Anyway, she's pretty hot, and she's really cool. I would never guess she fucks for money. I'm sorry, you would never guess she fucks for money if you met her. My question is, should I continue to hook up with her, or just cut it off before I end up dating an
Starting point is 02:16:43 ex-call girl? Any help would be great. Long-term fan of the show. Keep up the great work. So I just want to stress, I'm pretty sure she's an ex-call girl, but he does mix up the tense and say she presently fucks for money. But I think it's ex. Yeah. I mean, the fact she told him after was kind of weird.
Starting point is 02:17:07 Do you think that's kind of like an upfront, let's just get this deal breaker out of the way so we both are on the same page type of thing if she tells you afterward it's almost like she's saying like you know you have sex for money like that's a weird little past that it's a weird thing to bring up Wow so what do you do like I wouldn't have buried it forever if I was her, but maybe that is the smarter move. I would have. I mean, definitely don't pursue anything with this girl. He's going to see her on those bus benches eventually.
Starting point is 02:17:34 Her friends are going to mention it. If he's going to be in her life, it might come out, assuming her will. Who's got friends through this? I can just see that conversation in the living room where one of her friends goes, yeah, remember the time you sucked all that dick for money? That was a laugh, like right in front of your boyfriend. Really?
Starting point is 02:17:52 I don't understand why she'd... No, that would never come out. No woman is that stupid. I can't imagine anyone ever saying anything about that. If they wanted to be mean. Yeah, those aren't your friends, though. That's the risk of someone who you've confided in coming and ruining your relationship. I guess that's...
Starting point is 02:18:09 Friends become ex-friends. Do you want to continue a relationship, dude, where you had sex immediately after? She's like, well, I used to be... Some might call it a prostitute. I'd prefer an encouraged sexual companion. Like, no, you can't continue this. No. Yeah, I think you're going to call it a deal breaker.
Starting point is 02:18:30 Yeah, I wouldn't be so mad that that was happening, I guess, that she did that because whatever. Everyone has their thing, I guess. But, yeah, it feels disrespectful to not tell you before. Or at least because it's a pretty big bombshell. Yeah, so first of all, she told you. I don't know why she told you. You weren't very clear about that, so I guess I'll give you a couple of ideas here.
Starting point is 02:18:54 If she told you because you somehow found out and drug it out of her, that's very different than if she just said, hey, sit down, I need to tell you something. That sounds like she's confiding in you and letting you know that she's turning over a new leaf. And if you see a picture of her in a bikini on top of a cab riding down the strip, don't worry about that. That's just an old model.
Starting point is 02:19:14 I'm not doing that anymore. That's not me. It could be that. Yeah, that's not me. That could be something like that. But I think I wouldn't care that she had gotten paid to have sex because like it's probably not that uncommon in the in the long run um if you're a woman who's maybe 30
Starting point is 02:19:33 years old at some point in your life you've probably been paid in one way or another to do something sexual somehow some way um not saying you stood on a street corner but you don't have to to to to meet that classification. I don't really care. And hell, have you ever heard of the whole dating situation? Like that's basically, you don't even have to go to that. I don't think I have. Well, you know, I come and I pick you up at your house
Starting point is 02:19:58 and you get in my car and then I drive you somewhere and I pay for some food for you. And then I drive you somewhere else and I pay for some entertainment for you. And then I drive you back to your home and perhaps you have sex with me. I actually have heard of that. My mistake. Yeah, dating. And look, I got nothing against the dating system. I like the way it's set up. I don't want my date to pay for anything. Hey, I'm taking you out. that's what we're doing that's what my idea of a date is and as long as that's still your idea of what a good date is we'll keep
Starting point is 02:20:30 it up yeah i don't like it when the woman wants to pay yeah i don't like it when the like it's like watching the office if i don't like it sometimes when the woman wants to pay because it's like you know no no no like this is what I'm bringing to the table here. Like, you're not... Is this a hypothetical? No, I'm just saying that, like, if you're going out with a girl for the first time and she's like, oh, we'll split it or I'll buy it or we'll split everything. I understand that it's meant to be nice, but I also, it's almost like undercutting as a guy where it's like, well, no, I want to, like, do this for you and do the nice thing nice thing and like have it be a night where i took you out and you didn't have to worry about oh i guess i'm not getting two sides like you just order what you want you have a good time like i don't know
Starting point is 02:21:13 i guess that's technically old-fashioned but i think there's a reason for that i feel the exact same way you know when when someone offers there's a brief moment and it's just like sort of a gut reaction of like oh what the fuck are you thinking? Are we on like a pal date right now? Because I'll fucking leave you here right now if that's what this is. If you're like in a relationship with them though and it's like
Starting point is 02:21:36 a long time, like me and my girlfriend when we go out and she's like I got it this time. It's like aww that's really sweet of you I appreciate that a lot. So it's very different than, like, a first couple dates. My dates are so long ago. I'm sorry, Ashley.
Starting point is 02:21:52 Do you want to go? No, you go ahead. Are so long ago that there was just an understanding that I'm broke. Broke, broke, right? Like, if she orders more than the grilled cheese, I'm getting water. Because I don't have enough. You can't just choose anything from the menu. What the fuck?
Starting point is 02:22:10 I clean hotel rooms at night. Surf and turf. I was looking more at the appetizer section or maybe the sides. I don't know. Three sides. Just a little sample. Right, right. Or breadsticks.
Starting point is 02:22:22 If I take a girl out and she's like, you know, just some breadsticks and grilled cheese. I'm like, yeah, well, I can see doing two dates with her. Breadstick bonanza. That's it. Yeah, you're going to want to go to Olive Garden in the afternoon. That's the way to handle that. Dude, if you look at that nutritional information on that Olive Garden salad, don't think for a second that you are eating healthy
Starting point is 02:22:48 by eating that salad. Especially not when I get them to put all of that cheese on there. A whole wheel of cheese. Are you done, sir? Is it over yet? Nah. Keep on coming. Sometimes I just think it's funny to see how much they'll put on there before they really start going Really?
Starting point is 02:23:05 Sometimes there'll be so much cheese on there do you like ask them as a joke like hey it's two right and they go of course sir and then you just make them do it for like three minutes and just crank them to mess with a date before it was kind of a joke for that for that for my date as well i was just like i really like a lot of cheese just keep it coming and then i didn't say anything until she really was like sir you you really want more cheese like she was gonna have to go get some more i was like no that's funny that's funny and we we threw away so much cheese i felt a little bad you so what do we decide with this hooker oh yeah okay yeah i guess i was still giving my thing um i my my thought process is that essentially the normal human dating process that every gentleman, lad, and lady is part of is essentially prostitution.
Starting point is 02:23:53 It sounds like she was like a call girl or something, or maybe like answering to an ad online or something. Like a back page type of thing. Well, he described her as a call girl. Yeah, that to me is like a mid-tier prostitute. Like, you're not, you know, the street corner prostitute is much worse thing to become because that sort of insinuates that you're a professional prostitute, that you're not going to school in your spare time, you're doing heroin.
Starting point is 02:24:17 You know what I mean? That's the difference. Yeah. So, like, honestly, if you like this girl, I think that you should just date her and just not worry about the fact that she used to be a call girl. It sounds like she probably went on a dozen dates or something, and that's in her past, and she likes you enough to tell you about it. So you should keep that in mind. That's what you should take from this, is that she cares enough about you, and she trusts you enough to give you that information um without being uh forced into it
Starting point is 02:24:47 or goaded into it or anything like that i guess but she should have maybe told you before though how long have they known each other maybe i didn't catch that yeah it kind of depends too it's all situational like if you didn't maybe asking her like so like for why why'd you do that though or like i don't know just kind of maybe some more backstory into it or maybe she just saw it as like a fun and easy way to make money. Well the PlayStation 4 was coming out
Starting point is 02:25:13 and look. She got bills to pay. Well this guy lived at a Pokestop and he wouldn't let me sleep over unless I banged him. Oh I understand. So he paid me in Poki. Makes sense. let me sleep over unless I banged him. Oh, I understand. Okay. Makes sense. Yeah, I'm on the same page as Ashley.
Starting point is 02:25:31 What if you became a deacon at a church to get in the front? Yeah. I would have liked to know before the intercourse. Yeah. Because then it's like, it's too late now. Maybe you would have been more concerned about the STD aspect of it.
Starting point is 02:25:45 Well, yeah, or even just, like, why, you know, or what was going on in the life at that time. Because, obviously, it kind of sounds like she did want to tell him. She just maybe didn't know how. Yeah. I say if you can stomach it, you should definitely go forward with this because she sounds like she cares a lot about you because she told you this stuff. And it doesn't seem like a very big deal to me because
Starting point is 02:26:07 it doesn't sound like she's working on like a uh i'm trying to think of a polite word for whorehouse but brothel brothel yeah it doesn't sound like that was the situation or anything um it sounds like she was a call girl which well she literally said it like you said it doesn't bother me she was telling you just because she knew that big tony was going to show up at your door later in the day and yeah it'd be a surprise when big tony needed his money now if you're gonna have to fend off a pimp or any johns then you want to pull the plug on me maybe that should be question number one like is anybody coming to get you like is this is this all gonna end like that scene in taxi
Starting point is 02:26:45 driver where i'm laying in a hallway soaked in blood like is that's what's coming i don't want this like i you need to find that out now yeah taxi driver's so fucking good taxi driver just taxi it's taxi driver he pulls out that fucking 44 magnum and shoots a guy in the hand and his whole fucking hand just explodes it's Joneiro right yeah that's what I was thinking of
Starting point is 02:27:14 that mohawk that's a great movie Travis Bickle I think his name was and so relevant to this guy's question definitely you don't want to be Travis Bickle do you so his name was. And so relevant to this guy's question. Definitely. You don't want to be Travis Bickle, do you? No, no. So we got any more AMAs? Sure. This one's kind of...
Starting point is 02:27:31 We'll see. What has been the best year of your life, and what has been the worst? And he says years 1 through 9 don't count. You have to be older than that. I really hated the 9th grade of high school. I hated that so much I felt like I I just hated it I really did I didn't want to be there I didn't enjoy there would be like one class a day that I would enjoy and you'd be looking forward to that and then that class would go bad and you're
Starting point is 02:27:59 like well it's all downhill from here that was the highlight of my day right there you know tripping and fucking weightlifting twisting my ankle now i'm gonna limp through torture the rest of the day you know it was um so i really just fucking hated that i i can still remember how awful that was and how like going to school in the mornings was just like it felt like you were just being transported to like like a like a prisoner or like a like an animal or something like a prisoner or like an animal or something like that. It's like I have no input on my future. I feel like I'm just being transported
Starting point is 02:28:31 over here so that some bullshit will happen and then they're going to put me back in my other box tonight and it just felt so awful. I hated it. I hated ninth grade. I don't know what's the best year and like what are you gonna do like a 365 uh day period or like 1999 i'm having a hard time just like any age yeah i'm trying to think of like
Starting point is 02:28:52 a little group of years almost there was probably a summer in like 2011 where like i went on a lot of cool trips and did a lot of cool stuff and um and i don't know bang two girls in the lake or something you know and did you know had a good time so like i don't know that year was pretty fucking good my worst year had to be the year colin got diagnosed so my son's autistic if people don't know or whatever speech apraxia dyspraxia a bunch of other things Tourette's he's got challenges and um so he was like 18 months old when he got diagnosed. So it was pretty easy to be like, all right, I see he's delayed, but, you know, I just, I don't see it. You know, I think they're wrong. And did you kind of think you would develop out
Starting point is 02:29:37 of it almost? Well, yeah. And, you know, there were, there are some professionals who would say like, we have no idea where this is going. He's 18 months old. You can't tell. And there were others who were like, by the time he's in third grade, you won't even know he was a late starter. And that turned out not to be true. So just because we start sending them to therapy like six times a week. I remember we spent $47,000 one year in medical expenses. Like that was a hardship.
Starting point is 02:30:08 So that like, we just started attacking the whole house, like converted into like an elementary school with like alphabet on the wall and learning materials everywhere. And it was just like a, a slow acceptance. And that was a really tough time. Uh, that was probably the worst year of my life.
Starting point is 02:30:29 That's a toughie. Um, as for best year, I don't know, like to come to mind, like my senior year in high school was pretty good. Uh, on the show, if you guys, if people don't watch all the episodes, we joke a lot about how I was late to puberty, you know, and like, I'm like, I broke 100 pounds as a sophomore, like it was just it sucked. Everybody could beat me up. By the time I was a senior that kind of cured, like all of a sudden, I'm six foot tall. And I was on the swim team. My girlfriend was really pretty. She was one of the hottest girls in the school. And I don't know, like I had just never experienced much
Starting point is 02:31:05 success before. Uh, that was the, I think, yeah, it was after that year that I became a lifeguard on the beach. And that was like a, it's hard to explain to like people who didn't grow up on the beach, like what an accomplishment that is. Like it's the best job that you can get. And, um, uh, so that was pretty cool. And then also, um, I want to say like one of my YouTube years might have been the best ever to like, there was was this this period where like my youtube channel is exploding i'm doing well at work but i almost don't have to give a fuck about work right so suddenly like all the pressures and stress that come with work are like you know other people are getting laid off like it was like you know during the like post 9-11 stuff and And I'm like, come at me, bitch.
Starting point is 02:31:46 Come at me. You're all stressed here. You can lay me off. I'll take the severance package. So that was a pretty good year, too. There was a lot of professional success around then. So those are probably best and worst years. Those are good ones.
Starting point is 02:32:04 Cool. Ashley, do you want to be the buffer zone? Yeah, I will, for sure. I'd say my worst year, I'll just get the worst out of the way, was seventh grade, so I guess I'd make me 12. Parents sat me down. They're getting divorced. A bunch of crazy stuff happens after that.
Starting point is 02:32:22 It's basically my mom has to get her own place and support us and herself and same thing with my dad and then they both don't know how to deal with that appropriately so i'm just like me neither i don't either dad or mom so i hated school i didn't have that many friends i wasn't confident in myself i didn't really find like true confidence until like high school probably where i really was felt like okay yeah this is who i am and i'm comfortable with that and all that um so yeah that year kind of just sucked i hated every day i nothing really positive was happening i just played a lot of video games listened to a lot of music um but best years i'm i'm struggling to find just one because i've been pretty happy lately and I also had a really I
Starting point is 02:33:06 want to okay this this will count I have a year in a summer summer of 2006 was awesome because I was in high school no really worries I mean I had a job but I worked at the mall whatever you know go I would go there for four hours after school but I I had good friends I was experiential and experiencing like so much stuff for the first time as you do like I was just it was just really awesome it was a super cool summer almost worry-free and I think like while it was happening I really realized how awesome it was and then more recently I'd probably have to say not to completely just hijack Woody's answer but something to do with the success that I'm having and something that I really like because I feel like I have a little bit of an advantage or I guess a luxury to
Starting point is 02:33:51 do something that I really like every single day and you know one year I think I flew like I want to say I flew like 16 times or something like that going to all these different trips and places for gaming and going to events and just like meeting new people and really just kind of keep keeping going with something i really like doing so i'd say that was when i was probably really happy also pretty happy right now too so that's where i'm at yeah definitely like that year and then that summer in high school was awesome i'd have to say worst to kind of piggyback off the the trend was eighth grade because i i'm convinced most eighth graders really hate themselves and you it sucks and you're just so uncomfortable and i was like like i just i hated it i hated that age i don't know what year
Starting point is 02:34:40 that was like 2003 maybe 2004 i don't know um i picture taylor in eighth grade with like muscles a full beard like none of the problems that i had you know set of problems that year because i was the guy you were mr didn't start puberty i was mr like boom puberty really hit like a fucking train that summer between seventh grade and eighth grade like it was it was it was creeping around seventh grade and then just i came back from break i still remember walking up to people like first day of eighth grade and like just noticing like wow i'm everybody's really short now like i am huge and like i walked over and like spoke i guess in the voice i have now and they're oh, someone's voice changed.
Starting point is 02:35:25 And you're growing a beard? And I was like, no. No. I don't shave yet. Because the only person who shaved got made fun of. So yeah, I hated eighth grade. That was horrible. Best year, I'm almost, I mean, I think I'm at the point in my life where it should continue to be trending up.
Starting point is 02:35:43 So I feel like every next year is better than the one before in a lot of ways. You know, things change and you have more responsibility. If I had to, like, not use that cop-out answer, probably maybe my senior year of junior or senior year of college. I had a ton of fun. So it would be one of those years as far as the best just because socially it was a ton of fun going out all the be one of those years as far as the best just because socially it was a ton of fun going out all the time being at a large school where there's tons
Starting point is 02:36:09 of shit to do um yeah that would be that so that was the best and the worst eighth grade no but leave a comment if you enjoy eighth grade or if you're in eighth grade now and you're having fun because there's no way that you do no way no yeah you'll see unless you're way more mature and like comfortable with yourself than i was but like all that i thought about walking around in eighth grade is like god you look so awkward everybody's looking at you and it's like i can't even relate it's like like you say awkward um it's like man you're so strong and you're so tall and and you embody all the things that are masculine and man-like. The horror.
Starting point is 02:36:49 You're not conforming. That's the problem, though. None of that matters. You've turned into this freak over there. You're not conforming with the rest of the people. You're the best athlete in the school, though. We don't give a shit about that. You freak with your acne and your dirty
Starting point is 02:37:02 fucking back hair. get out of here the rest of us boys and girls don't belong around people like you that's how it would go i i guess if you're teen wolf but like otherwise i don't know it's just our problems are not separate but equal totally fair i would much rather be the guy who hit puberty early, like I did, than be the guy who hit it really late and has to deal with, like, shattering all the other guys while they're still not going through puberty. That would suck.
Starting point is 02:37:37 Yeah. I didn't have to deal with that problem. Yeah, you'd rather be first than last, for sure. Yeah, that makes sense. But not too first than last for sure. Yeah, that makes sense, but not to first not not first You don't start yet. You don't be like Lindsay with the fucking fifth grade. She had like huge jugs. It's like That was so confusing as a kid to like I remember there's one girl in my eighth grade or ninth grade class Who's like her boobs were just so big it was bananas.
Starting point is 02:38:06 Like, it was like, how are you our age? And seeing that and kind of realizing, like, oh, man, it's about to get a lot more fun going to school with a lot of these girls. Like, this is, we're entering the fun time now. But anyway, yeah, middle school sucked. Not fun. All right. Let me slip in an ad here about CISO. Middle school sucked.
Starting point is 02:38:24 Let me slip in an ad here about CISO. This episode is sponsored by CISO, the all-comedy, ad-free streaming TV service made for the serious comedy nerd. And if you love Community and or Rick and Morty, then you have to watch CISO's new original series, Harmon Quest. Harmon Quest is a comedic, improv, animated, live-action journey into the hilarious world
Starting point is 02:38:43 of fantasy role-playing with Dan Harmon and his comedy companions. Starring Dan Harmon, Spencer Crittenden, Aaron McGathey, and Jeff B. Davis. Dan Harmon, creator of Community Rick and Morty Harmon and Harmontown brings you Harmon Quest. It's like nothing else you'll see on TV, streaming, or anywhere else. Dan Harmon
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Starting point is 02:39:50 It's all of the movies. Life of Brian and Holy Grail and all of that shit. So, big fan of CISO. A lot of comedy in one of the packages. Two minutes for free. Oh, we lose Taylor in the interim? Yeah. It looked like you went AFK quick then and then maybe you think cut off and I tripped over the ethernet cord as he went out the door yeah could be see here do we have any more AMA questions that
Starting point is 02:40:19 uh do the one that I that I wanted to do most, I want Taylor back for. Okay. Here's a guy who asked me a question. Hey, Woody, fellow collegiate swimmer here. With the Rio Olympics right around the corner, I have to ask if you've been following the swimming world as they've gone through the process of selecting the 2016 team. If so, are there any swimmers you're following and are eager to see compete? So I followed collegiate nationals on a really, like, I was really interested in those.
Starting point is 02:40:49 And the times for, like, the sprint free, like, oh, my God. Like, were they running 19s or something? Like, the times were just times that don't happen. It didn't happen 20 years ago. So that blew me away. And then I learned that, like, oh, these collegiate guys I'm watching in the 25 yard pools are not even the top guys.
Starting point is 02:41:07 Like the back in the day after you graduated college, it was pretty hard to keep being a swimmer. But now if you're a top swimmer, you know, you can be a multimillionaire and, you know, just do it every two or four years. So the guys I'm watching and can hardly fathom their speed are not even the top guys anymore. But the coverage I found like on Yahoo and stuff just seemed to cover like Phelps and Lochte and shit like that.
Starting point is 02:41:32 So no, I'm not really tuned in with what the whole team has to offer. But I'll check it out. They always impress me. I think I've said it before, but I just want to reiterate because I think the Rio Olympics are going to be an utter disaster. I saw that
Starting point is 02:41:47 they were telling... That's great. I'll get right on that. That's going to have to add that to my list. I'll find it. They're telling the swimmers to keep their mouths closed. I saw that. If they're out in that water. This is going to be such a disaster. I predict... I can't believe it.
Starting point is 02:42:03 I predict terrorism, global contagion, tiny headed babies. That will happen. I want to see one of these athletes have one of those tiny headed babies, though, to see like the freak that that's created, like maybe some sort of super strong but tiny headed baby. I don't know what you get. super strong but tiny headed baby, I don't know what you get. There's going to be like domestic unrest, I think, where like protesters or rabble rousers or freedom fighters, whatever you want to call them, that are unfair with how many billions have been spent on the facilities and how no money is being spent on their fire, police, rescue, basic utilities and increasing their way of life above poverty level.
Starting point is 02:42:44 Sure. You know um i think you're going to see lots of that people um people who are coming to brazil i think are going to be raped murdered assaulted um beaten robbed all of those things by uh by the populace at large that is that is mostly poor and being held back at gunpoint they brought brought in 90,000 troops and police into Rio to keep things under tabs, but I still predict terrorism. I think it's going to be the biggest failure in Olympics history. I'm really looking forward to the shit show.
Starting point is 02:43:13 I hope, not looking forward to anybody getting hurt or anything, but I think just watching this thing fall apart is going to be like really watching a train wreck. It's not even going to be a car. I feel really bad for the athletes and their families that have to be there. It's just like, what the hell, man?
Starting point is 02:43:31 Who chose this? Reddit is called Apocalypse 2016. Great! That's awesome. I'm looking at the top two posts. Athletes told to keep your mouth closed when in contaminated water. Horrifying pic shows dead body floating in a bay where Olympic athletes will compete.
Starting point is 02:43:48 No way. He didn't make it. A group managed to steal and extinguish the Olympic flame in Angra dos Rios RJ. I don't know where this is. Good job. Good job. Yeah. It's just like.
Starting point is 02:44:03 And you'd be surprised how many people are pro, not only that it got put out, because to me, that's a... To me, they're putting it out because they're protesting against the Olympics being there and all the money that's being spent on the Olympics rather than them. And that makes a lot of sense.
Starting point is 02:44:17 But as I read through the comments, there is a huge amount of people who are upset that there even is a torch relay because apparently Hitler instituted that practice. That was his contribution to Olympic tradition. Really? Yeah, it was the Olympic torch relay. That's a Hitler thing.
Starting point is 02:44:33 And so there's this big bullshit back and forth in the comments. It's like, oh, can we not drive Volkswagen's anymore too, asshole? Can no one drive on the Autobahn? Like, anything Hitler did we can't be associated with anymore? Like, come i'm glad they put it out i thought it was funny that's great yeah i don't mind the olympic flame that doesn't strike me as very anti-semitic like yeah it's not like they're fueling it with jews i mean that's not what's burning in there
Starting point is 02:44:59 not as far as i know not since the old days but um yeah i i don't know apparently it's going to be a real nightmare we'll see i there is an argument that olympics like forces people there forces a nation to build an infrastructure that becomes good for them afterwards you know i think to this day atlanta has better highways than they otherwise would have the same is true of salt lake city and lake placid you know They have facilities there that have turned them into better vacation spots than they otherwise would have been. But if you do it too big, then it's just a money piece. I think the last thing that the poor people of Rio needed was a huge swimming facility. That's true. That's true. But there might be other stuff that comes
Starting point is 02:45:42 with it, better infrastructure that makes business better. The whole thing is supposed to bring them money because people want to come to the Olympics? Does that get reinvested into the city? There's the immediate influx of tourism, of course, that is the
Starting point is 02:46:00 Olympics, where you've got all those people coming there and spending money. That pales in comparison to the cost, though. Like, $100 billion or something? Like, it was absurd, the amount of money this shit cost. And while Brazil's not a poor country, they're not like... Germany could have handled this just fine. Germany could have shouldered this burden with no problem.
Starting point is 02:46:21 Their GDP's off the chain. They're doing great. Brazil's not the same case. It's declining. It's been in decline. It's not where you want to be spending that much money. It's not like a very attractive location. I wonder, I guess, I don't know too much about it, but they're saying
Starting point is 02:46:37 corruption led to it being there, but I can't... It's always the case. Corruption not only led to it being there but then corruption within brazil or within rio led to them only picking like five contractors for like 90 billion dollars worth of projects that needed to be built and all five of them are currently under investigation or are tied up in court for not fulfilling their projects in a timely fashion for the cost given so that i saw where they were turning on, if they did a stress test,
Starting point is 02:47:07 where all the athletes from Bulgaria turned their showers on at once, water ran down the walls. Oh, my God. Down the walls, like in the living room. It's a shit show. They described the Olympic Village or the quarters or whatever, the rooms, as austere. But that's just code for
Starting point is 02:47:25 really cheap and shitty. It looked like the cheapest of motels to me. Like the fixtures for the sinks and the beds are all those really tiny single or maybe double beds. Whatever the smaller one is where you're just like not happy you're in it.
Starting point is 02:47:41 And that may be nice for the area. That might be like the mid-range hotel see rio's like this like touristy place already where there's already this big disparity in income um right you've got like these towers over here that cost like a billion dollars and then right over there you've got poverty and people living like a lads it's like aladdin like you got a street rat over there and then fucking jaafar over here living it up with his big feather and everything. Do we still have Taylor?
Starting point is 02:48:09 He texted and said that he was restarting. Oh, his internet pooped out. His laptop locks up a lot. I think it auto-upgraded to Windows 10 and became unreliable. We need to get that PC build going. That's actually one of the AMA questions.
Starting point is 02:48:25 Kind of hard to do it since it's focused on Taylor. We don't have the guy who's learning. It's like, hey, Taylor. I put a build together for him. It's a PC parts picker for him a few weeks ago. I think it came to like $1,500 or something. No, it was like $975 or something to get it going. Did it have a 480 in it?
Starting point is 02:48:45 I think it did have a 480 in it, yeah. But that, God, they keep, you know, every day they come out with a new card. I don't really know very much about the Titan X that's $1,200 or whatever, but Gun Surgeon said he has two, and he'll give me a good deal on one of them if I want one. Really? Damn. Yeah, no, wait, is that, that one's out? Damn. Wait, that one's out? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:49:07 There's a different one that's coming out after in like six months. There's two 1080 predecessors that are coming out. But this is... Oh, this is the 980 base Titan.
Starting point is 02:49:22 I see. I think it is. They said this is the Pascal80 base Titan. Yeah. I think it is. They said this is the Pascal architecture, but it's a Titan X. I just had to get my computer fixed, and he was talking, because my computer is like almost two years old now, so he was talking to me
Starting point is 02:49:38 about graphics cards, and he's like, well, you have this one that's out right now, which I think is the one you're talking about, and he's like, but in like six months, this super good one's going to come out for around the same price. So you should just wait. I'm like, all right then. I'm fine. I'm fine with where I'm at for now.
Starting point is 02:49:53 So I think the Titan X is the super newest one. The GTX? I'm really confused. I just want to be honest. Maybe. That sounds like something that he was saying, too. I wish I was a little bit more... Yeah, Titan X.
Starting point is 02:50:09 It turns out that's the name of the one that is the latest and greatest best you can get. Does it say anything about one that's coming out in a little while? I feel like that's the one. Or is that maybe is the one? Yeah, that's the one that's coming soon. It's insanely good. Super powerful, et cetera, et cetera. Yeah, that's the one he was telling soon. It's insanely good. Super powerful, etc, etc. The next iteration of the 1080 definitely will be,
Starting point is 02:50:28 right? Because it's our... There's two more iterations of the 1080. This is not... This is the same platform as the 1080 and the Titan X. It's just it has more cores in it and such. I don't know enough about it to... Chiz was explaining this
Starting point is 02:50:43 to me the other day and correcting me. It's kind of what they always do. They came out with the 780 and then they came out with the Titan which is what I have. And then they came out with the... 780 Ti. The 780 Ti and the Titan came out... The 780 Ti actually came out just after the Titan
Starting point is 02:50:59 and they turned out they're like the same speed but it was much cheaper so I would have been smarter to get the Ti if it's like a week too early. And then they skipped 880. So then the 980 came out and then they replaced it with the Titan something. It might be Z. I'm getting a little mixed up in my head. And now the 1080 comes out and the Titan will come out after that.
Starting point is 02:51:19 And it's the 1080 base Titan. And that thing will be the latest and greatest. I can't tell you what the specifics are, but it seemed like the 1080 cards had a bunch of VR related upgrades. Which make me think, like, if you're gonna get a Titan, I don't think you want to go in the 980 world. Like, you want all that VR stuff, since
Starting point is 02:51:36 it's so essential. This 980 TI that I've got in here runs all the VR stuff really well. I mean, there's some of the more demanding games have outrageous settings within the game itself. And I'm going in the back end and changing the render multiplier anyway to get more juice out of it.
Starting point is 02:51:51 I mean, I want more power, certainly, but I'm saying the 980 Ti that's in here now does a great job. I'm going to do something. I want more power, for sure. Taylor, are you all set up? You mic sorted out? I should be fine. Am I alright? Yeah, you seem yeah what happened okay uh skype shit out and then it wouldn't reopen oh i had to restart just to get it to yeah i had to restart twice just the computer to get
Starting point is 02:52:17 good an extra one too it just you know didn't work the first time give it another is it a windows 10 thing that's what i said while you were gone. I do have Windows 10, and these problems never happened before it self-updated Windows 10 or whatever it did. I'm not a fan of this operating system. I've been putting it off, but now I think in a few days
Starting point is 02:52:39 it's not going to be free to upgrade anymore, so I'm like, should I do it? I can revert if I don't like it. I really don't like it. I don't know. I don't mind it, but I've had some performance issues. My laptop does weird stuff. The other day I reset my laptop to factory configuration just because I was tired of it being weird.
Starting point is 02:52:57 I was like, what bloatware or bullshit has gotten on here that's doing this to me? Fuck it all. I'm just going to nuke the whole thing. It's not like I keep pictures, images, anything on here. I'll just have to re-download three programs and download three or four games from Steam
Starting point is 02:53:12 while I sleep or something, but fuck this computer. And I just fucking went... There's a quick way to restore a factory set. Like a backup? Or is it like a completely new factory? Yeah, yeah. It takes like an hour. AMA question. Is Taylor considering building... Is it like a completely new factory? Yeah, yeah. Oh, wow. Yeah, we just killed everything.
Starting point is 02:53:27 AMA question. Is Taylor considering building... It's not even an interruption. It's part of the topic. Is Taylor considering building a PC so he could possibly get more into PC gaming or streaming? A better PC and a good webcam could go a long way to help his quality on the show. I think your quality on the show is fine, actually.
Starting point is 02:53:43 Yeah, it looks better now. I put some more light shining on me this week it gives me the appearance of like a person instead of a dead body like more more color yeah it looks is it like a yellow light kind of or not it's not white it's the light that was closest to to this place in my might be a little bit too much light i think you might need some, like a diffuser over there or something. I don't know what's going on because it seems like you're getting hit with, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:54:11 You're getting hit with so much light. You're getting hit with so much light that it's creating the appearance that you're a zombie a little bit. Even a webcam setting can fix that for you. I mean, I have a white light on right now and i think it makes me look really pale like i'm pale but i'm not this pale so i still need to figure out my
Starting point is 02:54:30 lighting situation too i watched the truly tale truly terrible with your first video it's fuzzy right i'm sure you saw people yeah give that feedback um but i noticed that your screen wasn't in 16 by 9 which implied to me you you weren't at your best webcam setting during recording. Yeah, it was the first time. I didn't even, full credit to Melissa, my girlfriend, who wanted to do the video thing. I was like, no, let's just do it audio again like I've always been doing. It doesn't matter that much.
Starting point is 02:55:01 And she's like, no, come on, let's do the video. And so we got it all set up and going, we just didn't didn't do it right i guess but it'll be better in the future um for the uh pc thing though i i'm really close to pulling the trigger like on that list that kyle sent me just because like it's great that kyle's so into it, but I really, I don't care about the specific, like, oh my god, like, I got the XR20 Razer graphic card. Like, I just, I want what's pretty good, and Kyle did a great job piecing that together for me. Reasonable price, less than a grand, like 960, 970 bucks, really not much. I just, I don't know, like like i don't play any pc games independently the only time i play pc games is if we're playing company of heroes or age of mythology or something
Starting point is 02:55:53 with you know kyle or chiz or some subs that play those games on steam so i i don't know but just having it would be nice though i guess like i could do i feel like you haven't been pc gaming just having it would be nice though i guess like i could do i feel like you haven't been pc gaming through november yet i could be wrong on that but i just yeah you're right i suspect that like this christmas season you're gonna wish that you could play battlefield um i don't know what else but and i'll probably get it's gonna look really nice yeah and the thing about this pc builds is for like every time you go up 100 or 200 a lot of things can change because it's like oh well if we invest that extra 200 over here that opens up the future for an array of things that you could do and for oh well for 280 where you're getting like
Starting point is 02:56:40 20 more performance you know so like the like, the more money, the better. How much worse is my PC if I were to just click buy and buy that? How much, like, would I be able to keep up with you playing games for a couple years? So the difference is, you're going to be playing in 1080p, and
Starting point is 02:56:59 I'm utilizing, I'm using all that extra power that I've got to power you know, a 4K monitor and this ultra-wide 1440p monitor and the VR headset, but you're going to be playing on one 1080p monitor.
Starting point is 02:57:14 You're going to be able to max the settings out with that RX 480 for a lot of games, or at least the top tier, 90% maxed out on most games in that 1080p monitor and still be running at respectable frame rates all right um i would expect that becomes true even if you go to 1440p now kyle has an ultra wide 1440p which is a little more difficult to run but a regular 1440p which is super common i think that 480 would be great sure i just i don't even my eyes are so bad i don't think i can see in 4k so
Starting point is 02:57:47 it's been best in that like my eyes like it's a shit show like what's the point it's blurry anyway why would i spend so much money to still see the same blurry stuff okay you see like you can see the the leaf blades really because I can go outside and not see those too. I have to get real close to shit, even with my glasses or contacts. I'm doing that thing. I'm 25 years old, and I'm closing one eye to read shit with my phone if my glasses are off. Have you considered getting one of those, like, okay, what's the iPhone? What's the big iPhone called? Help me out.
Starting point is 02:58:23 Is it S? 6 Plus. Plus, that's what I'm looking for have you considered oh is that what you have yeah this brick it's I was it's too big I mean it's perfect for when I'm at home and I'm reading reddit or doing whatever I'm doing but then immediately when I have to go somewhere and I have to put it in my pocket or carry it with me it becomes a hassle so but I've got two counters to that. One, you wear girl clothes and your pockets suck in comparison to like, I'm pocketed.
Starting point is 02:58:53 Trying to fit it into my front pocket is like a joke. Over here can put a whole bag of nails in there. Dude, I can put a bag of nails, a phone, and a gun in my shorts and still not enough to do with my other back pocket. I'm not even huge on purses. Sometimes I'll carry a bag or whatever to carry other things too if I'm going somewhere. But yeah, if I'm just going to the mall or even into a store, I got my wallet and whatever. I'm holding my money. I got my stuff in my pocket and then I got to put it in my other pocket. So half of this big phone is hanging out of my ass while I'm trying to shop at Target
Starting point is 02:59:26 and I just I don't know I'm not sure if we've met in person but I imagine you're smaller than me in general right like I bet my hands are bigger than yours and stuff oh for sure and I mean I don't know I like it like I said for at home it's great for viewing and reading and all that it's
Starting point is 02:59:41 wonderful but now I've cracked it pretty bad so now I'm waiting for the new one to come out the 7 or whatever I'm assuming it's wonderful, but now I've cracked it pretty bad, so now I'm waiting for the new one to come out, the 7 or whatever I'm assuming is coming out. I'm just like, hold on for like three more months or whatever. But I don't know which one I'm going to get. Stick with the Androids. I don't like... I was going to go
Starting point is 02:59:58 to Apple, but strictly because of the phone jack being removed and all the bullshit I've read about that, and the fact that none of my current Apple accessories will be any good whatsoever, even though I've got a few. I don't know, I guess those Thunderbolt cables maybe still work and all that bullshit. But anyway, I want no part of it.
Starting point is 03:00:15 I'm going to get that S7, or not the S7, whatever the new Galaxy is that everyone's raving about. It's beating Apple in sales. It's beating Apple in the reviews. I'm going to look at it, because I've been iPhone 6S. I mean, like when the 7 – Is that the case? Yeah, so the 7 pre-orders start in September 9th.
Starting point is 03:00:37 So one would expect – The 7 would be a significant update. It's not a good year. So here's the scoop. Normally you go like 5 five s six six s and then like seven would be a great one it happens that seven's not gonna be great because they want their 10-year anniversary to be great so we're gonna have two s years and then supposedly the year after that will be wonderful but the seven that's what i am on the it's time to convert
Starting point is 03:01:05 I don't know man I read your stuff too much I like how simple the iPhone is I like my iPhone a lot I went to Android and I switched back maybe they're better now than they used to be but I didn't have a good experience I had a bad experience too with Android
Starting point is 03:01:21 the operating system on my old phone back in the day and also the phone itself literally fell apart in my hands i'm not even like i didn't subject it to water damage nothing like i treat my stuff pretty pretty well so i was really disappointed that's when i became team apple and i was like yeah and then ever since then it's like you you're stuck i have the galaxy okay go ahead all right Galaxy. I have something to say. Smartphones in general, the thing that impresses me,
Starting point is 03:01:52 because I've seen this with iPhones and with the Android devices, you can drop these things from head to height into a parking lot all day long, and they'll fall to fucking pieces. If Pinky now worked in there just right, you can fucking call for help. It'll still work. I had an iPhone, and the screen had been picked off of it. You know how as a kid, you got a scab, and you pick at it?
Starting point is 03:02:13 You're like, I just can't stop picking at it? That's how my screen was. A little piece of the glass would get wobbly, and I'd be like... So satisfied. Picked it off, and exposed some copper and like inter workings and you can see the circuit board and you can see where the tiny screws were put in by the Filipino children and I would just
Starting point is 03:02:32 keep picking away at it until like this much of the glass up was just gone and it would still fucking work the camera would work the phone would work you couldn't see the screen so you had to like imagine you just have to really know what apps you had on the top yeah yeah yeah i had the galaxy three and four and they were supposed to be like you know the one of the better phones like they
Starting point is 03:02:56 were the top sellers at their time i've later learned that they were really loaded with some bloatware i reskinned it and it started crashing all the time and i'm like man i just switched over to apple it just kind of works it's great but i'm thinking about going to the plus version because like taylor i like i started to do the one eye thing and maybe i just need a bigger one well you got i mean if you've got big pockets to carry it around in and i mean even like my mistake with this one is because it's so big i didn't want to put a case on it because then that's even that's more of a brick hanging out of my ass when i'm at target and so i i didn't have a case i haven't had a case on it for like over a year i've been traveling with it go to events with it nothing so like about a month ago i was sitting on a park
Starting point is 03:03:39 bench and i was talking on the phone and then like it just like I was I'd been on a bike ride and I'd had like shorts on and it just like slipped from my shorts through the crack and it probably fell like maybe this like a solid like two or three feet you know not bad I've dropped it out of the car I've slammed it in things I've dropped it off this desk
Starting point is 03:04:00 numerous times I've dropped it on tile nothing things indestructible with no case I just barely drop it on tile nothing things indestructible with no case i just barely drop it on some pavement and i look and you can't see it because it's black but i got cracks all up in here this part's like group i can stick like my nail in there and really feel around in there and it's i'm just like trying i'm holding out i don't even know if i need to hold out for the new iphone especially if i'm gonna get the Samsung. But I want to see, I guess, what comes out about it.
Starting point is 03:04:27 Once I find out... So I had mine repaired and I didn't have the Plus, but it was $100. They fixed it same day. Really? You can get the kit, do it yourself. I mean, it even has like... It had this lag problem before I even cracked the stream, probably
Starting point is 03:04:43 because I was dropping it so much but it like I can't type properly I'll type something out and then like 10 seconds later it types what I was trying to type so I'm like I haven't even been tweeting as much I was I was a pretty fanatical Twitter person before I tweet out anything I think I tweeted out but now I'm like I don't even want to type on it I don't want nothing to do with typing on it so so it's sabotaged your Twitter game basically yeah for sure for sure because typing's so hard i don't like texting anymore maybe it's just because i'm getting older but like yeah i just i'm pissed at my phone right now and i don't know i gotta look into this maybe you guys in the comments will have a war about this i'm
Starting point is 03:05:20 sure let me know which one i should get well i, I'm sure it'll be measured, reasoned, and they'll come to a conclusion. There will be no telling each other to KYS and do all this other crazy stuff. Oh, this is the question I wanted to tailor around for. Are you ready? I'm a 20-year-old Finnish guy studying civil engineering. I'll be graduating in 2018. I've thought about
Starting point is 03:05:41 moving to the USA after a few years work experience, main reasons being climate and wages. In Finland a rookie engineer will earn about 35,000 whatever the fuck that thing is. Probably euros. And with experience that grows to 7,100 in the US you can start at 50 and go up. My main worry coming from country with stronger social learning priorities and priorities to a country that is more business and GDP oriented. So it's like Finland's a social learning
Starting point is 03:06:08 and the US is more GDP. Is the American work environment really as harsh as I've been led to believe? As in almost non-existent or frowned upon vacation times, little to no parental leave for fathers and that whole mindset that one's purpose is to work and
Starting point is 03:06:25 contribute to the gdp first and other aspects of life like mental health and well-being come behind if so i guess there's a reason why civil engineers make way more in the u.s so taylor and anyone else has been in the workforce what do you think is it true that we have little to no vacation time parental leave yeah i mean if you look at like the comparison like for him our vacation time probably does look like shit because you get a ton of like pater i think they have like paternity leave like even for dads in yeah they have it very far but it's very interesting to see his his the way his mind is framing it naturally where he's like well you know in finland it's all you know social learning that you're putting it towards and in the united states you're putting
Starting point is 03:07:08 your effort towards the gdp because like i guess he has that frame of mind of everybody working collectively towards something but nobody's going to work every day like god damn can't wait to crush russia and gdp again i'm contributing to like no like you're the fun part is that you're working for yourself you know even if you're not working for yourself and you have people to whom you're accountable the the dream the american dream is you're working on behalf of yourself and that through hard work and determination you can get through bad shit and make more money and enjoy yourself and find a job that you like um but yeah, the whole business world thing. There are so many jobs, dude.
Starting point is 03:07:47 It depends what you're doing. Are you going to be in HR? Are you going to do that kind of job? Are you going to be a salesman? Are you going into... Obviously, he's doing engineering, but I was speaking kind of towards all fins at that point. It's really hard to group all of business in. You generally don't share your private life, but can you share your paid time off package?
Starting point is 03:08:06 Like, would you get two weeks paid time off, one week sick? No, I'd rather not. Okay, so at Cisco, I got four weeks off. And there was no concept of, like, sick time or, like, vacation time. If you're the sort of guy that gets sick four weeks a year, then there's no vacation for you. If you hardly ever get sick, then you get four weeks a year, then there's no vacation for you. If you hardly ever get sick, then you get four weeks a year. And then there was a capability of carrying it over.
Starting point is 03:08:30 You could build up to six months, at which point it stopped accumulating. Like roll it over kind of? Yeah, yeah. A lot of that time off, I don't spend a lot of time off. In past jobs where I've been hammered down with you get this amount of time, because thankfully I don't have to deal with that anymore like the past jobs where it was like you get one week in this amount of time or whatever like a lot of the time I didn't even spend that time off because it was
Starting point is 03:08:53 like I could use this time to get ahead. Are you willing to share other packages you've had in the past? Like well I'm just because I feel like okay so in the US it's often considered two weeks off vacation and one week sick is kind of like a standard. Like that's a common thing. But I don't even know anyone that has jobs that sucky. Like, you know, everyone's like, oh, U.S. sucks. Really get two weeks off a year. And the whole time I'm like, I get four.
Starting point is 03:09:20 You know, like four just it's not as good as six. Like I think they get in Europe. But it also is not two. But be honest, though. Like, I find it interesting that you're thinking about coming to, not you, that you're thinking about coming to the United States to work. And your first thought is, hey, how much time off can I get? When I travel to your country to work, is there going to be a lot of vacation time?
Starting point is 03:09:49 Could it start kind of immediately? I'd like to take that up front, actually. I'll start on my first day and collect my first paycheck. I'm going to run to the bank and deposit. I'll be back in around noon-ish on that 16th technical day of my tenure there like like look dude like your first question shouldn't have been how much time off can i get when i come to your country to work if i'm the guy stamping your fucking work visa i'm it's fucking denied because you your thoughts are in the wrong place and the whole idea of a gdp like first of all the average american worker and the average human being doesn't know what a gdp is and it doesn't fucking factor into their day one iota not even
Starting point is 03:10:28 a little bit even if you're an economist you're like it's not the determining factor of your day you're not thinking about it constantly jesus why are you you're thinking about like taylor said bettering yourself getting ahead and getting ahead of the pack in many cases if you're in one of those middle tier jobs where there's so much room for advancement and like becoming an entrepreneur perhaps through your tenure at this place or something like that the idea isn't like oh this is a real sweet gig i just sit here for the next 60 years check in as much as they need me to and then i collect my you know my my pension for until i'm dead like that's not the mindset you should have let's let's see if we can get ahead here
Starting point is 03:11:09 that's the whole american dream is is starting somewhere as a cashier like and then working your way up or going to college and then you have a degree to get yourself somewhere you know don't get me wrong if you're an engineer and you're shopping three different engineering firms, go with the one that's going to give you the most vacation days, right? Because you can probably cash them in at some point. You're not even supposed to ask about vacation time in America. When you interview, it's considered bad form
Starting point is 03:11:37 to be like, how much time off do I get? No, no, no. They will give you a package. Yeah, they get what you get. Yeah, they're going to talk about salary and that's okay. And you negotiate that hire, you know, if you can do that. Always negotiate. And then when they give you the package, they're going to say at this company, you get four weeks off a year.
Starting point is 03:11:55 And you'll invest in your four. Okay, this is our matching, et cetera. You just sort of learn all that. And then you know what you've got going on. You don't ask. You know, you'll find out before you accept. what you've got going on. You don't ask. You'll find out before you accept. That would be like on a first date if you asked if she did anal.
Starting point is 03:12:10 You're getting a little ahead of yourself. You've got to prove yourself here a little bit first. You've got to get your face a little more familiar around the office. Then we'll start talking about your retirement package and your vacation days. We just met here.
Starting point is 03:12:26 Perfect analogy. Well, you get three anal days a year. You can't roll over and cannot be used concurrently. You know, in the Netherlands, we get four ass fucks a year minimum. The other thing that he was saying, like, you know, in Finland, we start out at 35 fin bucks or whatever he's talking about, and in the United States, you start out at 35 fin bucks, or whatever he's talking about. And in the United States, you start out at 50 real dollars.
Starting point is 03:12:52 I don't know what the culture is in Finland. Maybe when they say, like, are you starting at 45,000 fin bucks? And they're like, oh, that sounds good. How much vacation do I get? And they start now? I don't know know that's the culture but here you're gonna be talking to a guy and he's gonna go like all right finland uh finland school of civil engineering all right we're gonna go ahead and start you at 29 000 and is that all right is that good all right perfect just sign here and you'll be you you have to negotiate your
Starting point is 03:13:24 starting salary i don't know if that's a thing in Finland, but regardless of people, you'll come across people every time you're being interviewed of, well, this is really just our set package. accept whatever offer they give you first, if you're actually worth more than that, you could get more. You can always get more if you're worth it. So definitely negotiate that salary and then maybe you can pick a job where you get more vacation days instead of just going,
Starting point is 03:13:54 well, I got more salary over here and less vacation and less salary, more vacation. You got to be playing the angles. You got to try and familiarize yourself and really negotiate that. Not nearly enough people do that. And keep in mind, bonuses are not not guaranteed they will tell you bonuses are guaranteed fuck that oh my god bonuses are not guaranteed at cisco bonuses were often like a decent chunk
Starting point is 03:14:16 of your salary like 25 could be 40 on a good year and then you go through the whole fucking george w bush years and you're like i have had zero bonus like seven years in a good year. And then you go through the whole fucking George W. Bush years and you're like, I have had zero bonus like seven years in a row now. That's exactly how selling cars was. Because the percentage that you made per car, you make $1,000
Starting point is 03:14:38 profit on the car. If you only sell one car a month, then you get like 20% of that profit. But if you sell 20 cars you're getting like 30 something percent of it there's a sliding scale and it goes back on all the previous deals so getting to that 20th car might might net you another four thousand dollars on your paycheck at the end of the month like one more car sale so everybody's trying to hit those numbers
Starting point is 03:15:01 that's why whenever I'm talking about like buying a car it's you've got to get patient and go to a lot of dealerships if you really want to get the best possible deal because if you can find that one manager, sales associate, finance guy who just needs that one more number on their monthly, quarterly, or yearly scale to put them over the edge for this big $10,000, $20,000 bonus, or maybe a bonus that applies to their whole network of dealerships, you can really win the jackpot. Is it better to go towards the end of the month or quarter? You always want to shop late?
Starting point is 03:15:36 Yep. I hadn't heard quarter before. It's better to go at the end of the quarter, too? It depends on the situation. Because if you've got Rick Astley Chevrolet and Rick owns two two of them one here and one in a neighboring town like probably not but if you go to a um like a a chain of dealerships it's owned by like auto nation auto nation is the biggest auto retailer in the world they own all of these chains of dealerships under many many different brands um and they own them in different regions across the United States
Starting point is 03:16:05 and maybe the world, I'm not sure. But they go by names like Fox or Team. So if you see Team Chevrolet, Team Ford, or Fox Chevrolet, Fox Ford, they're all owned by the same asshole. It's a corporate thing. So yeah, if you're in a corporate chain of hierarchy of stores like that, then yeah, one more car might be like winning the lottery for your general manager with Ford Motor Company. I can't tell you how many friends I've
Starting point is 03:16:31 had who have got into like some competitive field of sales and I'll ask them just, you know, oh, that's awesome. You got a job. Like what's the compensation like? And they'll be like, well, you know, they told me that I can expect my first year to be at around 80. And it's like, wow, that's great, man. First year at 80 and you're, you know, 25 years old, 26 years old, like obviously not believing it. And then you ask them a little further, like, well, base is 31. But with bonuses, I can get all the way. And like, if you have never been in a sales position before where you're selling something big where a huge percentage of your income is going to be
Starting point is 03:17:10 that commission or that bonus base like they will intentionally make it so that bonuses are unattainable so for kyle they'd say like oh yeah kyle you know you're gonna start out at a hundred and hundred and twenty thousand dollars a year uh to sell, how many cars in the lot? You've got to sell 500 cars a year. And of course they don't tell you that until the end. So they just manipulate it and keep it as like you're selling it. We negotiated our own
Starting point is 03:17:36 pay rate at one point. All the salesmen got together and were like, we don't like this current pay rate. It's not fair. It's not fair for the salesmen who were coming in on Sundays and on their days off and working fucking Easter and shit for us to not get compensated for trying to hit
Starting point is 03:17:51 higher numbers. And we negotiated that sliding scale that would actually, you could actually hit. It was like, yeah, when I get to that 14th car, that means something. You've got to bust your ass to get there. And when we get to 18, it should mean something too. That's shitty if you can't even get to it that sounds more like a uh a pyramid scheme sounds like we're selling mary kay all of a sudden it wasn't like that at cisco like the way they do
Starting point is 03:18:13 bonuses in a lot of places that they'll have like a tier system obviously so they'll make it so that tier one attainable tier two attainable you know tier three where the money really starts rolling in it's just like a banana's difference in what you'd have to do so it's it's orchestrated in a way that's very manipulative to people who go in just wanting a job it's cisco there was a guy on my hockey team uh there was actually a cisco hockey team anyway he uh he drove a corvette to the rink one time and everyone was like oh damn nice and he's like yeah man can't live on salary and i was just like is there something i should learn from this like do i need to be in
Starting point is 03:18:51 sales you know like do i need to be in sales yeah it was just like that i've been living on salary the highest paid occupation in the world right like? It's one of the lowest. Oh, that's interesting too. On average, it's the highest though. Management seems to really value the people who invent the product and the people who sell it. Everybody else is just an expense.
Starting point is 03:19:19 So those are the people that make the money. We need salesman robots. No, that wouldn't be very compelling. Imagine Hillary Clinton trying to sell you something. Man, I felt like on a scale of 1 to 10, Trump's convention was a 5, and it would be easy for Hillary to do better.
Starting point is 03:19:40 But I feel like she's rocking a 2 or a 3. I did not expect... Unfortunately, it seems that she's doing a two or a three. I did not expect... Unfortunately, it seems that she's doing very well. The ratings are very high. They've beaten the RNC every single night so far. You know, they... To not be united... The Democrat Party,
Starting point is 03:19:57 the Democrat Party, it's not the Democratic Party, that's not what it's fucking called. The Democrat Party is not united, at least the voter base is not because you've got that 46 percent of vote voters who voted in this last process that are really unhappy about what just happened and at least 40 percent of them are fucking pissed about what happened but what you do have is all the uh the hierarchy of the party all the old guys you know you got it's easy to will out Biden Obama and Michelle Obama and and
Starting point is 03:20:27 The only guy I didn't see up there at the DNC so far that I would have thought would have been like a good guy For them to bring out as Al Gore But he seems to have sort of distanced himself from the party as well and done his own sort of environmental Al Gore thing It's the Democratic Party Democrat Party, right? It's not no democrat party is a like insult that republicans use you know so did the democrat party yeah it's an insult yeah it's a political what is this word epithet epitaph yeah no an epitaph is what they write when you die on your gravestone epithet is like a racial phrase yeah Ah, good point. Yeah. So if it was like,
Starting point is 03:21:05 here lies Obama, that would be an epithet. Thank you, Taylor. So yeah, it's the Democratic Party. Anything else is name-calling, which you can do if you want to. Just know that you're name-calling. I'm comfortable with that.
Starting point is 03:21:18 All right. I didn't even know that. Well, I guess it doesn't make sense because that would be like calling it the Republic Party, right? yeah the Republic Party yeah I don't know I who would have thought that they would be offended by something like that that's so out of character for them to get offended over to get all pissed off over yeah yeah that isn't tonight the last night of it I was gonna ask I think Yeah.
Starting point is 03:21:48 Isn't tonight the last night of it? I was going to ask. I think we're missing it. I think Hillary is probably speaking now. I'm sure Chiz will have information about it. Where he'll link us a bunch of shit. Chiz has been following intently that whole time.
Starting point is 03:22:02 I've seen his tweets. He's really into it. Yeah. I feel like I should be more into it because I'm old enough to care, I guess, at this point. Before, I was just like, oh, whatever. But now, I just have a hard time really getting excited about this election because I thought when I heard Trump was going to try to get the nomination, I was like, that'll never happen. And now
Starting point is 03:22:28 here we are. It's happening. Even when Hillary, they were like, yeah, Hillary. I was like, no way she's going to be the person. We can't have two Clintons in however long. So I'm like, I don't know. It's just a shit show. How much makeup they slathered on the old
Starting point is 03:22:43 Bill Clinton to make him not look like a frail, fragile old man. I somehow doubt it was more than Trump. Oh, it was. No. Look, look. I've seen Bill Clinton when he's not made up. And they made him look like fucking 90s Bill Clinton there for a minute. He still looks skinnier.
Starting point is 03:23:00 But he fucking, they had him snort some fucking meth rolled his out through his outside on stage and he came alive bill clinton gave a speech uh and very good he went on for i don't know an hour or something like that it was a little lengthy but he was he sounded stronger than i've heard him in a few in years past and his whole like his face doesn't look right anymore. There's, like, red and splotchy. Yeah, it's really weird. You see lots of veins. Lots of veins. Where does he live?
Starting point is 03:23:30 Yeah, yeah. Yeah, really sluggish. Sallow. They fucking had that same guy, like a mortician, come in and fucking made him look alive again. And, man, he did a great job out there. I was so upset at how good he looked because I was looking forward to seeing him look bad because he looks bad in real life but i was like shit they not only just you know they brought out some hollywood makeup artists to make this guy look like a human it looks like he's the first ever person to have both eyes transplanted with tiny little eyes that he didn't like just look
Starting point is 03:24:01 at his eyes now they're sunken in like if you if he his fucking profile right now you see like an inch back of skull where his eyes start like it's it's weird it's very he has the kind of face right now like the gaunt sallow sunken look of someone who has some kind of disease like i don't know but he looks do you think he does he's a vegan now right because i know he had all those heart problems and all those heart surgeries. Because remember back in the day, you'd see him jogging, and then he'd duck into a Mickey D's for a double cheeseburger. He wasn't the healthiest of guys.
Starting point is 03:24:33 Actually, there's a raping his president, though, in quite some time. If you Google 2016 Bill Clinton, there's a lot of pictures where he looks good. You've got to go back to a family. Yeah, that's what I was just Googling. No, he looks good now. I was wondering how I was just Googling. He looks good now. I was wondering how old he is, too. He's 69. 69 years old.
Starting point is 03:24:50 Wow, man. Age is not a factor in this election because Hillary's going to be... I think she's 68, but she'll be 69 when she takes office. And I want to say Trump will be 70, if not real close to that. Yeah, they're very close in age. Let me tell everyone a little bit about, you got something?
Starting point is 03:25:13 Real quick, Biden would have been 73. Yeah, Biden spoke as well. I really wish Biden had ran because he'd have beaten Hillary hands down. Oh, for sure. Because, you know, he's a human being. He's just a human being I don't agree with. That's very different than that robotic monstrosity they
Starting point is 03:25:29 wheel out every now and then that shrieks at us. Let's see here. The cackling. This episode is being brought to you by Loot Crate. Loot Crate is a monthly subscription box service for epic geek and gamer items and pop culture gear. For less than $20 a month, you get four to eight items
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Starting point is 03:26:51 slash painkiller and enter offer code painkiller to save $3 on your new subscription today. Check it out! Nailed it! Good read. Kyle's a very good reader. I don't think he gets enough reading credit you know they lots of practice you got to start early with that reading stuff when i was in like the
Starting point is 03:27:11 sixth or seventh grade they said look here's the alphabet all right this is the key to reading in the future and and by the time i was 15 or 16 i was reading whole sentences on my own my god that really yeah impressive were you guys the fast readers or the slowly were you the good readers I was reading whole sentences on my own. My God, that really... Yeah. Impressive. Were you guys the fast readers or the slow readers? Were you the good readers in your class? Yeah.
Starting point is 03:27:31 Nope. I liked to be done first so I could be done, but it led to a lot of skimming and missing important details. What I did when I was learning to read is... They were like, hey, why don't you read this book to me? Like those little tiny, like, Tom talks to Tim. Tim rides a bike. Tim's bike is red. Like that
Starting point is 03:27:52 kind of thing. They would say, you can read this and then when you're done, you can go play with blocks or Legos. They didn't have Legos. They had those bullshit mighty blocks where they're too big to build anything cool and they don't snap down. I'm five, but I get it come on but I didn't care
Starting point is 03:28:07 for that and I just did my best to memorize every story and for a while it worked to where I would see the cover and I'd be like ah the big red bike oh I know this one I can do it with my eyes closed you wanna see oh Stephen loves his big red bike the big red bike
Starting point is 03:28:24 goes fast you won't believe how fucking. The big red bike goes fast. You won't believe how fucking fast this big red bike goes. Like, it's just shit like that. And eventually, I capture maybe, like, two times, because I'm not some suave motherfucker when I'm five. They're like, Taylor, you're clearly just memorizing this, because you started reciting Clifford during an Arthur book. And I had to go to, like to the special Learn to Read Faster program to
Starting point is 03:28:45 get me caught up real quick. In that class, I was a god among men. I was one of the men in that class. I walk in and she's giving starbursts to kids for pronouncing the TH sound. She's like,
Starting point is 03:29:01 oh man, I'm immediately the star of that show. Can you read this sentence? B bill it's bill tim it's bill you see the two l's taylor what's this bill flicks you a starburst bill also loves halloween halloween taylor my goodness that's excellent i know i know give me the candy i was i was uh i didn't get to stay in that class for very long but um they caught on dude yeah i had this is my turn so i was a pretty good reader right that i did fine but my pronunciation was bad like i like a, not even a lisp. Like I remember, there's not 26 sounds in the alphabet.
Starting point is 03:29:50 There's like 40 or something like that. I don't know how many, because, you know, some of them have a couple letters or whatever. So it was something like, hey, out of the 45 sounds in English, Woody fucks up like, you know, 29 of them. You know? And they were really picky. And she'd do this. in English, Woody fucks up like, you know, 29 of them. You know? Yeah. And there was, and I'm like, they're really picky. And she'd do this. She's like, you know, look at my mouth.
Starting point is 03:30:11 Arr, arrr. And I'm just like, I don't fucking see what's happening in there. Like, like, this isn't helping me at all. Say arrr. And I would just say it like repeatedly, the same sound, I think, until what liked it like say r r nope r nope r there you go i don't really know like you know and uh like i just oh so much so they'd pull
Starting point is 03:30:39 me out of class and bring me into like speech therapy all the time. But I didn't mind it because I was out of class. And I just didn't like the up close. She really wanted me to look inside her mouth and see what was happening in there. And that wasn't really my jam. I was just like, come on. Sure she wasn't trying to come on to you. Maybe if you felt the inside of my mouth, Woody.
Starting point is 03:31:06 Look at my tongue, Woody. It's kind of like Braille. Now they do that. That's how they do it now. It's called touch prompts. Well, you don't go inside the mouth, but it works suspiciously well. You're like, there's a thing here, there's a thing there, there's a tug.
Starting point is 03:31:29 Jackie knows it better than I do we do them with colin and the touch prompts like you're like oh yeah that that would make you say t and uh i found the whole helen keller thing fascinating with because it's like wow when you can't see or hear like you know you have to use signs in the hand so like like they're just doing that sign for water over and over like water in her hand and then like pouring the water on her and this back and forth i can't imagine that's illegal now couldn't teach someone to read like that anymore she she read uh you know right in the nick of time some say that is really impressive, though, that she learned how to... Actually, is there a recording of her talking? No, she can't talk. Yeah, she could.
Starting point is 03:32:11 Wasn't it just inaudible? Yeah, only the one person could understand it, really. Let me see. There's no way that... Because if there's footage of her talking, that'd be interesting to hear. But it's also like... There might be some footage of Helen Keller making some noises. Like, I could believe that. but she's deaf and blind she has no concept of like a human mouth she would literally have to put her hands inside a human mouth to even and and then just
Starting point is 03:32:35 and like feel the vibration of the throat and then try to mimic those feelings like i can't imagine her being very eloquent after that do you want to watch it? I don't know what this is going to be I'd like to see what how she spoke 1930 wow I'm queued up at zero I didn't pre-watch it surely she's going to sign into the lady's hand
Starting point is 03:32:57 I'm queued up at zero ready set play when I saw Helen Keller first she was six years and eight months old. Not bad looking. She had been blind and deaf and mute since her 19th month. As a result of a illness. Is there a lady that can understand her, maybe?
Starting point is 03:33:18 She had no way of communicating with those around her except a few imitative signs that she had made for herself. A push meant go and a pull meant come and so on. She had observed that we did not use the hands when we were talking to each other. And I let her see, by putting her hand on my face, how we talked with our mouths. She felt the vibration of the spoken word. Instantly, she spelled, I want to talk with my mouth.
Starting point is 03:34:03 That seemed impossible. but after experimenting for a time we found that placing her hand in this position the thumb resting on the throat right at the larynx the first finger on the lips, the second on the nose, we found that she could the vibration of spoken words. So she's basically got her middle finger pressed against the lady's nose, pointer finger on the mouth, thumb on the Adam's apple, whatever that is for a woman. And on the lips she feels the... And the K sounds. On the lips she feels the B. And the...
Starting point is 03:34:52 And with the second finger on the nose, the nasal sounds. The N. The N. Whoa. The first word she learned to articulate was the little word, it. With the hand in this position, I made the vowel, it. She felt it, it.
Starting point is 03:35:21 Then I made the T. She feels it with the finger on her lip, on my lip. Then I put the two letters together to form the word. It. And the first word was learned. That's incredible. After her seventh lesson, she was able to speak the sentence word by word. I am not dumb now. Wow, that was crazy. Oh, that was so good.
Starting point is 03:36:03 I was amazed when she put her hand on her face like that. I was like, surely this can't be how she's doing it. Wow, the most impressive thing about Helen Keller isn't that she managed to communicate at all. She was a fucking genius, it seems like, who just couldn't see or hear. Wow, to be able to do that. Incredible.
Starting point is 03:36:22 Especially when she said the sentence there at the end. Yeah, i am not dumb that's that's really well she probably got yeah it's easy to make fun of that story when you don't really know much about it which i really i guess i didn't but watching that it's it's fine that's fucking remarkable to be able like if you don't have the ability to hear or any of that to even be able to put the pieces together of what is vibrating and what's not by a i i just want to know how much communication she had though like what we saw was a parlor trick right what we saw was her able to imitate i am not dumb right and it
Starting point is 03:36:57 what can she do right can can she free form her own sentences like? I wonder what the limits are of her abilities. She's able to mimic, and how much did they practice that one sentence that she did say? So if she had this lady with her, could she communicate like, I have to use the bathroom or whatever she would need to do? I've seen Siberian Huskies say I love you pretty well, actually. Right? But they're not saying I love you. So I don't want to compare her to a dog, even though I clearly just did that.
Starting point is 03:37:29 I just wonder what the limits of her communication are. I feel like it would give her enough treats. It seems like it would be an escalating trend, where once you got all the basic sounds down and you could explain to her like what do you think about this you know then she could maybe pontificate on that a little bit given her you know shrouded ability to ascertain what's going on around her but we've seen with colin page it says she's like a uh you know an activist or something. I don't know if that's something they just slapped on her to give her something.
Starting point is 03:38:07 Not to be mean, but I don't know. She must have actually been giving speeches and having opinions because obviously that's the most compelling image of someone who you would think at the time is so stupid and worthless. And then you see this and you're like, oh my god.
Starting point is 03:38:24 That's just another person in there. When a kid learns to walk, like I, I don't think I've been here as kids yet. Uh, when a kid learns to walk, like first they're like couch surfing and, you know,
Starting point is 03:38:34 going from the couch to the coffee table or something like that. But their primary form of locomotion is crawling. And then once they switch from crawling to walking and that's how they get around, like the running comes, their dancing comes, like everything else just kind of switches. In language, we had a similar thing with Colin. Like for the longest time, he could say a word or two and communicate that he wanted things. But it wasn't until like talking really became the way that he interacted with his world that like the rest of it like started to say it avalanched in is maybe overstating it but but you know his
Starting point is 03:39:10 communication was just kind of like you know working working working working and then it you know it we had a real nice long prolonged growth curve that they were probably still in really um because he just you know he talks every day he talks for strangers he talks at parkour he you know he meets new friends at parkour class he talks with his family he's just like all the time he talks actually he never stops talking and it's actually going to be a problem oh yeah like dude it's nonsense well the thing is I'm not usually interested in his topics like he'll watch a youtube video I want to tell me all about it and it's like oh my god this is work
Starting point is 03:39:47 but but yeah so that that's how it went with him like it just it sort of there was a he had to cross the chasm where talking was like this thing we forced him to do to oh this
Starting point is 03:40:04 is how you know i can interact with the world around me and then yeah maybe you just like hit hit the hit the stride and then he's like oh i've been waiting to be able to do this you know yeah that's that's you know the hope is that this keeps going that at some point like you know if if he's i'll make up numbers right let's say he's 10 years old and he speaks on a three-year-old level like that's a real problem he's, I'll make up numbers, right? Let's say he's 10 years old and he speaks on a three-year-old level. Like that's a real problem. He's seven years behind. But if he's 25 years old and he speaks on a 18-year-old level, then that's really not a problem anymore.
Starting point is 03:40:32 You know? Yeah, sure. So we'll see where the future takes us. Yeah. Well, that really, that video actually made me start thinking about a lot of things and being kind of sad for how it killed her. Hi.
Starting point is 03:40:47 What a downer. I've always thought that she's really trapped. You think of it as a disability at first, but what it is is a box that she can never leave. It's a trap. And it's not about keeping her in it. It's about keeping everyone else out because she can't interact with anyone, anyone at all. She can't let anyone know what she's really feeling.
Starting point is 03:41:09 She talked about the, you know, she had two sides. There was pull and push, like come and help me or get away from me. That's all she had and that was her entire interaction with other humanity was go away, please come here. And that's so dark and so off. It must have been so liberating and incredibly emotional to be able to express yourself for once. And, you know, we saw her learning to make those noises like that. And you think, like, wow, I could never learn that.
Starting point is 03:41:38 You totally could learn that if that's all there was to learn. Like, if the only thing there was to learn was that, and that's all that mattered because that like if the only thing there was to learn was that and that's all that mattered because that was helping you get a little bit closer to being like whatever her visual imaging is of what the world around her actually is like man what a what a dark way to live literally and figuratively as a kid we learned she was blind deaf and mute although as i think about it i feel like she was blind and deaf and the mute was just a downstream symptom of the other two yeah often yeah yeah usually a lot of people who are deaf don't speak because they can't properly mimic the
Starting point is 03:42:14 the sounds correctly and so they're self-conscious about you know they don't they don't hit sounds as hard so instead of saying like they'll be like meh like sounds that just remember the the lady on Seinfeld. She's, like, the best example of that, because she's a deaf actress. That blonde lady, she's been in tons of movies and TV shows since then, but she played Jerry's deaf girlfriend. You know, she was the tennis player,
Starting point is 03:42:39 and he's, like, trying to hit on her, but she's ignoring her. And finally she turns around, he goes, what are you, deaf? She's like, yeah. So, like, it's not like you can't understand what they're saying. It's just a lot of times my understanding is deaf people don't like to talk because they don't want to draw attention to it. Someone told me, if we have any deaf listeners, which is probably unlikely, they can confirm this. But it's like a romance language.
Starting point is 03:43:04 There's deaf people listening in right yeah i know i know podcasting has really taken a surge in the deaf market i think what you mean to say is hey if any of you out there have a deaf guy next to you sign this to him no i said what i meant i meant what i said if we have any deaf listeners then uh you can confirm or deny this it's a romance language that's what I'm told. I have a friend whose wife did a sign language. She taught it. So a lot of the words are
Starting point is 03:43:32 in a different order than they would be in English. If you've ever received a letter from someone who's deaf you really have to fucking dissect the meaning from it. The adjective is on the wrong side of the direct object and stuff like that.
Starting point is 03:43:48 Like Spanish. That's interesting. I did not know that. And it's a lot more simplified. I got credit for my foreign language being American Sign Language. Nice. Did you take two years of sign language and get decent at it?
Starting point is 03:44:05 I'm just going to, no. No. I knew the alphabet very well. I knew a handful of signs, but I was going through a lot of stuff while I was in that class and kept my head down and slept a lot. And I didn't really pick too much up at all. The teacher was very cool about it, though. She was just like, she didn't really give a fuck.
Starting point is 03:44:25 There were some classes where I wasn't even there. That's how I got injured one day. I was supposed to be in sign language but instead we commandeered a gardening part that kind of had one of those pull behind handles you pull it behind you. You flip that handle back into the cart and now all of a sudden it's a steering mechanism.
Starting point is 03:44:42 I get in that thing at the top of the asphalt parking lot, get my buddy to give me a real running boost shove down the hill and it's not until i'm going 25 miles per hour down a hill in a gardening cart that i realized this was a terrible idea i go straight into this five gallon bucket full of dried concrete that they were with a flagpole stuck in it that they were using to like signify parking areas. Hit that, and the cart just hits it and then goes backwards.
Starting point is 03:45:10 I fall on my back on asphalt and slide, like taking the skin off at every vertebrae down my spine. Hop up, dust myself off like it didn't hurt at all as I like to do, and proceeded to go into the men's bathroom,
Starting point is 03:45:26 pull my shirt up and look, and fucking passed out right there on the floor. Wow. Oh, in the men's room with an open wound? So I didn't pick up too much sign language. We used to do that same thing. My friend had a driveway at the end of the street that
Starting point is 03:45:41 was really tilted. I feel like we knew we were going to crash. So we kind of rolled with it like a skater might. Like, you know, we would just crash all the time. We used a wagon, not a gardening cart. And like a red rider, like red wagon. And dude, like with a car, if you do nothing, it kind of wants to go straight. The wheels want to center, et cetera.
Starting point is 03:46:04 You correctively steer a wagon even a little bit, and it just wants to go straight. The wheels want to center, et cetera. You, you correctively steer a wagon even a little bit and it just wants to turn sharper and harder until you roll out the side. But, um, none of it took us by surprise. I don't think we got hurt as much. I got hurt. Yeah. I got another question. Oh, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 03:46:21 Do you want to go with that? I was going to say like, that was the biggest scam ever taken, taking ASL for your foreign language and then letting us do that. And then only having one... It's not like there was a Spanish test. In Spanish, I bet at the end of the year, you had to display some proficiency. Maybe you had to... I don't know what your exam is in Spanish, but I would imagine it displayed proficiency beyond any doubt.
Starting point is 03:46:42 Yeah, it's all in Spanish. Especially if you're taking Spanish 2, it's your in Spanish. Especially if you're taking, like, Spanish 2, you know, it's your fourth semester, second year of Spanish, something like that. After two semesters of this shit, like, there was no anything. Like, the test would literally be, like, a hand signal, a hand sign,
Starting point is 03:46:57 and then you'd write underneath it what it was and shit like that. And, like, there'd be a little group participation, but if you didn't know it, you just kind of had to glance out of the corner of your eye and you'd see somebody else doing the sign before we get to the next ama i had a like a thing about uh languages so in college and i've mentioned it before the only language you can take in two semesters and finish instead of three was italian so i took italian and And I took Italian one my sophomore year,
Starting point is 03:47:26 and it sucked, and I hated it. And so I was like, I am putting this off until the last possible minute, and then I'll take Italian two. And that was a grievous error. Because I forgot fucking everything. Everything. I showed back up two and a half years later into the class
Starting point is 03:47:46 and you know Italian 1 the instructions at least on the test are in English so it'll say you know write or translate this sentence into Italian or write a story about this in Italian or what is the you know dissect this
Starting point is 03:48:02 word in Italian I get Italian 2 and I foolishly assume of course the instructions will be in English why wouldn't they I speak English and I go in first test and I thought I was going to be okay I had to turn no
Starting point is 03:48:19 did we lose him? it looks like that so do we want to take turns concluding Taylor's story for him? Where does the story go from here? This is like one of those books you got as a kid where you're like, do you want Taylor to get the test and it's all in Spanish and he has to turn in a zero? Flip to page 47.
Starting point is 03:48:38 I'm going to say that he ended up cheating off other people and made it through Italian 2. I'm going to guess that he guessed his way through the first test and didn't do so hot, but then he toughened up and he did his research and he passed. Okay. He either had to get a zero on the first test or he had to turn the thing over and right on the back
Starting point is 03:49:05 like i i don't speak any italian at all help me it was definitely a zero the first time right that's awful i can't imagine that that would be so embarrassing that sounds like a nightmare scenario you know you have those are a literal nightmare scenario the scenario of a nightmare you know i i still have those dreams and all know, I think everyone has very similar dreams. Of course, we've all had one maybe where you're flying or you're somewhere in an awkward position. Unprepared. Unpreparedness, I'm sure we all have.
Starting point is 03:49:35 You know, you didn't study for this. In my scenario sometimes, it's not that I didn't study for the test of the day. It's like, holy shit, today's midterms and this is my first day in class like i didn't it the dream will literally be that like i thought there were four periods but there were five i miss i have been missing the fifth class of the day for fucking a year and only now do i realize and only now do I have the opportunity to perhaps graduate in spite of this. And I'm in there like talking to people like, well, what the fuck is this? What do you do here?
Starting point is 03:50:11 And they can never quite explain what the class even is. Like I'm trying to cheat and I can't even cheat effectively. Like I have that dream a lot. Dude, I have a similar one. So in college, like your schedule is not booked all the way through. There's all these gaps. You might not even have classes some days, et cetera. And the nightmare is that I just like missed one.
Starting point is 03:50:32 Like, oh my God, all this time, Wednesdays and Fridays at 2.30 p.m. I was supposed to be here. Now the school is like four or five weeks in. I'm hopelessly behind trying some way to salvage a passing grade out of this thing. And I've got that one. I've got another one sometimes where I really worry about my mortgage. I don't have a mortgage anymore, but it still gives me this stress. You gave yourself mortgage PTSD. Yeah, I just like, I got to come up with this. I have one where the situation will vary but the constant is
Starting point is 03:51:08 that I have a handgun that I am not strong enough to fire that's always what it is I literally I literally cannot squeeze the trigger and in the dream I'll go so far with the foreknowledge
Starting point is 03:51:23 in the dream I'm thinking to myself with the foreknowledge of you know I'm in my in the dream. I'm thinking myself all right He's not looking got to get him like I'm being held up by a robber or there's someone there's like it's it's always something like That and there's a monster. That's all that's the case a lot It'll be a monster or a demon because I believe in those apparently And I'll be like all right. Let's fucking get it into fucking double action here so this will be easy let's get as much of that trigger pull taken out of the situation as possible and then i'll literally double my fingers in and like oh and i cannot and sometimes i'll get one off and it'll and i'll miss and now the the like giant praying mantis that i was trying to like fucking kill goes and it sees me and i'm like oh shit i don't know i've got enough juice for two
Starting point is 03:52:14 i have that dream so much i literally cannot fire the gun i don't have the strength you still have any like crazy reoccurring dreams. I mean probably like scary dream wise it's just like something's chasing me and I have to get away or I have to outsmart it in some way to get it off my back but usually when I dream I'm just like doing something random and
Starting point is 03:52:38 it's cool. I've told this before but when I was a teenager my house got robbed like I don't know 14 times or something like that. What? Yeah. And to zip through it, at one point I was sleeping on a downstairs couch and he literally like reached over me, opened my wallet, threw it on another couch. No.
Starting point is 03:52:58 I think this is why you're so trigger happy with the prospect of home intruders now, by the way. Well, maybe you're onto something. When he's ready. In the end, like I heard him coming with the prospect of home intruders now, by the way. Well, maybe you're onto something. When he's ready. In the end, I heard him coming up the stairs. Our stairs were really creaky, or the door was creaky. And I confronted him. I yelled at him. He ran away.
Starting point is 03:53:13 And then the police came and everything. But coming out of that, now I'm like, even though I feel like I was fully brave on game day, after that, I'm just like PTSD from it. You know, I slept with a knife underneath me. I had these recurring night terrors where I'd wake up at like drenched in sweat.
Starting point is 03:53:35 And the thing is, so the, the, the way the nightmare would go is there'd be a door with a light behind it. So I just have like a silhouette of our robber there. And, um, I need to like confront or
Starting point is 03:53:46 deal with this robber in such a way but i'm asleep so i'm kind of like half paralyzed in this situation and sleep paralysis yeah i was gonna say that sounds just like sleep paralysis and and so i'm like struggling to wake up like it's a fight to come out of this sleep paralysis and I'm making some noises. I'm sweaty. I'm hot. And, and you know, and I'm just kind of kind of stuck there until eventually I wake up and then you gather in your surroundings and that's that. But I had that reoccurring night is called a night terror all the time, you know, and it would just, it would take like a while,
Starting point is 03:54:21 like 30 seconds, a minute to wake up where I'm in that like sweaty, like, you know, because I'm still asleep. But in my dream, it manifests itself as being like just paralyzed with fear, you know, unable to move and act. And yeah, I had that for like a decade. Taylor's back online. Yeah, he says there. Does that mean like we're still here or can we see him? He's asking if we're still here.
Starting point is 03:54:50 I think we just need to call. I'm doing that now. Call failed. Yeah, that's a shit. Normally he rejoins on his own. Let me see. I'm trying to think of other scary... Now, my favorite dream is obviously the lucid dream
Starting point is 03:55:10 where at some point I figure out that, wait a minute, I'm in the Matrix right now, asleep in bed, inside my own fucking brain. I own this brain. I decide what goes on here. And literally through like... Just like in the movies i can remember once being like i need one of those giant hammers where you hit the thing at the circus and the thing
Starting point is 03:55:31 goes to the top i was like that would hit the spot right now to deal with this fucking asshole and i'm just like make a giant hammer poop and i had one and i was like holy shit i'm god and just smash my enemies or fly or like you or go grab some boobs or something or whatever God version of me does. It's usually one of those things. Smash your enemies or grope someone. Whichever's closest. If there's an enemy nearby or boobs close by, that's where I'm going to
Starting point is 03:56:00 because the other quality of the lucid dream, at least in my case, is they're fleeting. Like, once I figure out that this... It's like someone pulls the plug out and the water starts draining as soon as I realize. And I'm like, alright, precious little time here. Honk, honk, let me find
Starting point is 03:56:18 something to fucking kill. You! I try to get the most I can out of those. So, Taylor, you cut off at the point where you were saying you got the test, you weren't expecting it to be in Italian, and... Oh, yeah. God, fucking Skype. So, Italian 1, all the instructions are in English. I get the first test in Italian 2,
Starting point is 03:56:41 and it'll be a testament to how little i learned in italian too i fumbled my way through that but like i just looked at the test and the first section was like or whatever it is and i was like oh oh shit oh no i don't even know what the question is and so i had to go up to my teacher everybody else is italian too they they all know each other because they took italian 1 the previous semester, like someone who's not an idiot would do. And so I walk in not knowing anything, and I have to go up to the teacher. You know how there's like a buffer zone of they hand out the test,
Starting point is 03:57:14 and even if you have a question, you go on and continue as much as you can, and then you get up like 20 minutes later? I couldn't find a single fucking thing on that test that I could answer. Like, do I know this question? No. Do I know qual question? No. Do I know qual? That means how many, right? You're weeks into the class, right? Like, they don't give you a test on your second day of class.
Starting point is 03:57:30 You're like three weeks in or so, right? Yeah, a couple weeks in. And I knew I was behind, but the extent to which I was behind was mind-blowing. Because I thought I could just, like, I just memorized all the vocab words and I'm like that's enough for a C and I go in and it was not I had to ask her go up to her and be like Senora Wilson I don't know what this means I am way behind I am fucking lost I just I just used all of the Italian I know quite frankly, and I don't know where to go from here. Can I go back to Italian 1 and just do that twice and then get credit for the language? Because that would be the tops.
Starting point is 03:58:15 She looked at me and she goes, like, non so Timoteo. And so like started like explaining to me in slow italian what the italian on the test meant and it was like no you don't you don't get it i don't know what you are saying can i just like put my my thumb in your mouth and then listen and so i just had to like trudge back to my seat with no answer sit down struggled my tits off just it was honestly just like a word uh vomit of like i remember this is the word for like uh you know the garbage man maybe that's something you at the end of every test in italian you had there was a question and you had to write a short story in italian about it only like a couple hundred words and it'd be like, what did you do at the fair today? And every fucking test, I
Starting point is 03:59:08 started out every sentence as sometimes it was, you know, you go to the fair, sometimes you go to the movies, sometimes you go to the sporting event and every time it was me and my brother love blank. Me and my brother and my dad
Starting point is 03:59:24 and my mom and my sister and my uncle and my grandpa and my grandma all go to the film. We love film. No, no, no. I still remember. Mi piace something. You know? And that's what every one of them was. And like the seventh, because there were like ten tests in this class
Starting point is 03:59:48 because they were average size. And by like the eighth one, she was like, Timoteo, you're that was my Italian name. Why would you do Matthew? But anyway. Yeah, Timoteo, all of your stories are very similar.
Starting point is 04:00:05 I was like, well, yeah, but, you know, in Italy, it's very family-based, so everybody's in on the show every time. So it was really just about a sentence of new material every time at the end. It was like I was a stand-up who was really big in 1984, and I was milking the same shit up into the early 2000s. It was humiliating. Humiliating to be that bad at something and be that guy in the class raising his hand,
Starting point is 04:00:30 because that's the way I passed, is every day I would raise my hand for like five questions just to show like I'm engaged, I'm really fucking trying here. And yeah, it sucked. It sucked. And that's how you passed,
Starting point is 04:00:40 just by being the best student that you could be, which was not very good, but... If you put in the effort, and your teacher knows you put in the effort, they will do everything they can to help you. Absolutely they will. Like, I showed up to office hours when nobody else would, just trying to show, like, you know,
Starting point is 04:00:57 I'm doing these extra workbook assignments poorly, but I'm doing it. You know, I'm trying. Yeah, that's a college tip. Just, even if you suck at it, make sure your teacher knows that you are engaged. Even if that means being the guy who asks, like, leading questions of, like, you know,
Starting point is 04:01:14 something you know they're interested in. Like, tell us again about your time in Spain, senora. Like, nonsense. Dude, my college tip is the CLEP exam. Like, I... Not to be an arrogant douchebag about it, but you have to be a little smart. Or at least the best version of you. If you have any kind of cognitive horsepower at all, well, you can turn it on for just a couple of weeks, maybe two of them, and study. Like I needed a year worth of biology to graduate.
Starting point is 04:01:47 and study like i needed a year worth of biology to graduate it's the college level efficient uh not efficiency uh equivalency program or something like that and um basically you take a test and i got out of a year of biology i bought the textbook that they used for the class and i read the whole textbook something you rarely do at least i rarely did a normal class i read the whole textbook, something you rarely do. At least I rarely did in normal class. I read the whole textbook. I had some like CLEP study guide that would like tell me what, like you really needed to know what the cell was. You really needed to know what this was. Well, you know, you need mitochondria, powerhouse of the cell. Like you need to know that bullshit, right?
Starting point is 04:02:18 And I knew enough that in two weeks I could pass the end of year biology course and it saved me like $1,500 and a whole year of studying. And I'm like, you know, dude, that's, that's the bomb. Totally worth it. Yeah. And, and I have since never used biology. Like it's just not something computer programmers or accountants need. And, uh, I don't regret it one bit. It it was it was a great use of my time they did figure out how to clip yeah clip something you'll you'll be happy you did yep i did that with math worked did you how did that work uh i didn't want to have to take math in college and so they were like hey if you think you're good enough at math to test out of whatever college algebra and whatever was after that, like discrete statistics or whatever it was, just take this test and you'll be fine.
Starting point is 04:03:11 And so it was really fucking easy. And I just – I didn't ever have to take a math class again. I had something similar. Except for like finance classes, but I don't consider that math. For the very lowest level, right? And they were like, look, if you want to get out of college Algebra 1, you can take that. But I'll advise you, college Algebra 1 is a little different than
Starting point is 04:03:29 high school Algebra 1. And even if you do pass this test, you might struggle with college Algebra 2. So I was like, I'll just take it. If I was super strong, I might have changed my mind. What were you going to say, Kyle? I was going to say, either we could close the show or
Starting point is 04:03:45 we could watch this YouTube music advertisement that I got on Hulu that surprised me a little. Am I going to get a copyright strike from the automated music stuff? I don't see how you could because it's a YouTube commercial for YouTube music. You know what I mean? Is that risky to put songs on? I don't know.
Starting point is 04:04:10 Yeah, they have these automated algorithms that catch songs. They're particularly good at it. Okay. Maybe we'll do it on BKM. Because it starts out with a guy, and then he's transgendered, I guess. So about halfway through it, he gets home and dresses up as a girl in a skirt and a bra and a see-through number and a wig and does his makeup and then goes out. Sounds like a good one. We could risk it or we could do it on PKN. Yeah, maybe so.
Starting point is 04:04:35 Maybe we'll save it for that. Because they've got a couple of them that are kind of out there like that. It's not that it's out there. It's just like, all right, so this affects like 1 percent of the population if that like it's attention grabbing yeah it well it seems like it grabbed the wrong kind of attention based on the comments and the fucking ratings nobody seemed to care for and then the other one there is a white girl with an undershave um picking up garbage on the side of the road she's a convict what's an undershave uh it's where she like
Starting point is 04:05:05 shaves the sides but it's long like hanging over oh and then you pull up in a ponytail and it kind of and so at the end she gets done with her like fucking convict garbage picking up duty and she goes and hangs out with her daughter and her baby mama or her baby's daddy you know it's just like wait a minute is this a commercial that you're saying that youtube music is good for cons like yeah hop into some youtube music while you pick up trash on the roadside before you go hang out are they drawing an equivalency between a cross dresser and a convict um there's like four or five of these commercials and they're in one way or another they all seem a little like they're all a little off all right so another one there's just a girl sitting clearly alone on a flight and it's it's an international flight so because she's like sitting in that
Starting point is 04:05:50 center aisle thing that like domestic flights don't usually seem to have she's sitting there with her like knees pulled up like in the chair and she's sobbing quietly to herself that's the whole commercial she kind of around. It becomes clear that none of these people are with her. She sobs silently to herself, then starts playing a song and sobs some more as she listens to the music. I don't know what these ads are. They make me feel terrible or unsettling. It's not that I'm not transphobic, but when that guy randomly in the middle of the commercial just started dressing like a girl in some sexy, provocative
Starting point is 04:06:28 stuff and then completely gets made up and goes out, I'm just like, I didn't see that coming. I'm certainly not focused on YouTube music right now. I'm just, who's coming up with these bizarre commercials? Then again, we're talking about it. Even if it's negative attention, there's still
Starting point is 04:06:44 really weird platform launch. then again we're talking about it even if it's negative attention they're still pretty it's really weird platform launch i did a little more investigation and apparently you can't even use that you have to like have your phone unlocked and the app open and running for it to even work and it's a music app like who doesn't want to like lock their phone put it in their pocket and go and that's what they show people doing, like that convict. You think that convict can be having her phone open and unlocked at work? Wait, this is YouTube Red? I mean, in jail?
Starting point is 04:07:09 What? Were we talking about YouTube Red? No, YouTube Music. It's new. Yeah. I see. Yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 04:07:17 I had no problem with the content of the commercial. It just seemed odd, you know? Oh, yeah. Yeah, YouTube Red is pretty, like one of the things that youtube red lets you do that you can't do with the like normal youtube app is uh change it and still play the video like like you know now if you want to watch pka for example without youtube red you just have to like keep that in the foreground but you could like switch over and read reddit while pka plays
Starting point is 04:07:42 in the background with youtube red which is is, I think, one of the things people like most about it. I think I may have actually read, to be fair, that if you have YouTube Red, then you can do what we were just discussing, that everyone wants to do with their music. But it's just another barrier to get you there, and there's so many services
Starting point is 04:08:00 where you just fucking plug and play and go. Is music free? This says to download for free. I know some places where music is free. Let's just say that. So I'm not... It would be like... I don't know.
Starting point is 04:08:13 What's free right now? What's the incentive for this over Spotify or Pandora? Yeah, that's what I'm getting at. Especially if I can't put it in my pocket when I go to the gym or ride my bike. There's not a lot of reason for me to be like, yeah, let's do this. I think
Starting point is 04:08:28 it's maybe for desktop use? Maybe it just made YouTube Red better. Right? So if you just have it as a music app and it sucks because you can't lock it and continue to listen to music, that's a thing. But if you were a YouTube Red person already and now this music service comes along and it does all the
Starting point is 04:08:44 things that Spotify did you save yourself 10 bucks a month it's true I don't like music very much I'm having a hard time so I've been driving a lot lately you know tying into the whole paramotor thing and you got XM serious yet
Starting point is 04:08:59 I guess the phone would be a good player but no but I was gonna say the paramotor thing and taking my daughter to see colleges it feels like I guess the phone would be a good player, but no. But as I was going to say, the paramotor thing and taking my daughter to see colleges, it feels like a couple times a week we're making these four-hour drive days or six-hour drive days. And I've just run out of songs to like. It's hard to like new music in my truck because it's so loud. Oh, talk radio would help i don't
Starting point is 04:09:25 listen to any music as i drive around i only listen to podcasts and talk podcasts help i feel like yeah i mean if nothing else i feel like i don't it's not like i'm getting an education when i listen to the howard stern show but i am getting more of an education than i ever would listening to the same old songs over and over just the radio you know I'm getting current events I'm I'm getting it you know it's it's entertaining and I listen to a lot of news and uh mostly talk radio almost exclusively I it's so so rare that I flip over to my other set of presets that have actual music on them uh it's almost always news or talk. Out of curiosity, what podcast do you guys listen to when you're, you know,
Starting point is 04:10:10 just hanging out again and again? Only to your and only your sections. This sucks. If you guys start talking, I fast forward. I'm a Joe Rogan experience person. I like him a lot. If I fly, I make sure that I download his podcast because they're pretty long.
Starting point is 04:10:30 This one as well. No lie. I have you guys downloaded onto my phone. Awesome. So listen to you guys on the plane too. I used to listen to more and kind of explore. I like to listen to like Bill Burr's podcast or just. I like Rogan if he has the right guest uh a lot of times i'm just not interested in it i like the fight stuff more than most of
Starting point is 04:10:52 the other stuff um did midnight freeze for you guys yeah she froze oh yeah and um uh bill burr i wore out with him i i his inability to to flow through a topic in a straight line is something I value, and he doesn't have it. I like that. I love it so much. I was listening the other night. I wish I could remember the tangent he went off because he started on one thing. He was talking about something he had done in his day. He's like, you know, I went here, and I went there, and then this thing happened.
Starting point is 04:11:21 Let me tell you about that thing. And he goes on this whole thing that ends up talking about the banks. And, you know, I was just like laughing. I don't care. You know, he sort of teased me at the beginning maybe. Like, let me tell you what happened to the dry cleaners. And by the time he gets to the dry cleaners, it was much more entertaining for him to tell me about his car trouble
Starting point is 04:11:40 than what happened at the dry cleaners. It's about the journey not the trip i guess but the destination oftentimes when i listen to bill burr there's a particular topic like i'm invested in you know he once talked about i think he saw his first ufc fight not too long ago it might have been the one that we saw at the movies i forget and he told the story so well you know all the way from the like bruce buffer does the announcements and he's like oh my god like this guy kills it with you now i've been introduced on stage like 10 000 times in my life and they just say hey this is bill burr he's from boston he's got
Starting point is 04:12:18 red hair give him a hand everyone he's like but no you know bruce buffer takes it next level he's jumping he's this the whole crowd is like excited on another level and he tells the ufc experience story like amazing so i got hooked on his like you know hey i saw another event this is what it's like and then he just goes like yeah yeah and then oh by the way this guy had a tattoo. The tattoo was of a sword. And I'm like, no, what? Fuck. Fuck. Like, you changed topic. You interrupted yourself.
Starting point is 04:12:50 And I really wanted to hear what you had to say. I empathize with that because I often do the same thing. I like it, though. I have my own story, and then, like, something else catches me, and it's like, oh, now we're going this way. And then I forget what I was talking about. I like that. talking i like that but i feel like that's my brain the creative part of my brain will sometimes open up if if i have it
Starting point is 04:13:11 start telling a story it's like it starts coming it's like i allow it to do things in the background and it starts coming up with some other shit and i want to jump on that other shit that it's fabricated i was i was talking to somebody the other night and like went on this fucking long rant about japanese prison camps or something and and how you wouldn't want to be the tall american in there i was like i i was sorry i was like can you imagine if i was in one of those you'd just be fucking scared the whole time rolling up in there i'm six foot two fucking tojo over there's five foot three with the world's biggest inferiority complex. Not to mention he's got a 600-year-old katana on his side. And he's looking for a head to lop. Whose head do you think he's going to lop first?
Starting point is 04:13:52 It's me. It's me. He already got Popsie. He got Sticky. He got Moe with the squinty eye. I'm next. I'm the next tallest guy. Like, you'd just be living in fear every day.
Starting point is 04:14:03 Yes. Hey, Ashley. Welcome back. Am I back? I had to call back in. I living in fear every day. Yes. Hey, Ashley. Welcome back. Am I back? I had to call back in. I don't have your camera. Yeah, I had to call back in on my phone. My internet actually literally just went out, and it never goes out.
Starting point is 04:14:16 Alright. Well, I tell you what. We're pretty much done with the show anyway. Let me read this last ad. Then you can tell everyone how they can best reach you, and then we'll call it a night. For sure. I'm sorry my cam's not working for that part, but yeah, I'm resetting the router now, but it's... I don't think it's gonna work.
Starting point is 04:14:32 No worries. Yeah, uh, thanks again to Loot Crate, the monthly subscription box for geeks, gamers, and pop culture nerds, from bad guys doing good things to, uh, for the wrong reasons, to good guys with questionable tactics, August is the perfect time to explore the anti-hero. Walk the hero-villain line with 100% exclusive collection of items from DC Comics, Archer, Dead, Dark Horse, and Kill Bill that include two great collectibles,
Starting point is 04:14:51 a wearable, and, of course, their monthly tee. Oh, and don't forget the pin. You only have until the 19th at 9 p.m. Pacific time to subscribe and receive the month's crate when the cutoff happens. That's it. It's over. So go to slash painkiller and enter offer code painkiller to save $3 on your new subscription today. And I just want to remind everyone one more time,
Starting point is 04:15:11 you can watch every episode of HarmonQuest on CISO right now. Go to and use promo code HARMONQUEST to get two months free. Yeah, that's an extra month on top of the already free trial. CISO is stacked with the new original commies, classic series, and loads of stand-up specials. They have every episode of SNL, the entire Monty Python catalog, and so much more.
Starting point is 04:15:27 Start your free trial today. Boom! Nailed it! There it is. Tell them where they can find everything that is you. YouTube and Twitter and Facebook. Oh yeah, I got all that. Twitter and link is OpticMidnight no spaces, and then YouTube
Starting point is 04:15:43 is slash midnight. I play video games. I have fun. It's usually a good time. And, yeah, I just thank you guys so much for having me on. The third is a hat trick, right? Is that? Yeah, yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 04:15:58 Okay. This is the hat trick episode. Very nice. So thank you guys so much for having me back. And it's always fun talking to you. And I'll be keeping an ear in on the podcast too when i fly and all that i'll be listening to you guys thank you thanks for coming on no problem 293 in the books thanks again guys i'll talk to you later

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