Painkiller Already - Painkiller Already #377

Episode Date: March 16, 2018

This week on PKA, friendly neighborhood European, Kwebbelkop, is back and they talk about the super power that is Fortnite versus it's competitor PUBG, YouTuber's blowing their money on ridiculous pu...rchases and Taylor gives us his retelling of the story of Moses. 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Painkiller already, episode 377 with our guest Queblecop. Kyle? Yeah, a couple of sponsors tonight. We have Audible and GetQuip. And my GetQuip showed up this week, so we'll have that to talk about later. It is very functional. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:17 It's a very aesthetically pleasing toothbrush. Yeah, I'm a fan. Big fan. I like it quite a bit. So what's new with you queb it's been a hot second uh a lot of stuff a lot of stuff has happened since the last pka um where where do i start i um i became a game developer first of all um like well i play video games on my channel all the time and i was like well why don't I make my own game, right? Because I'm always promoting other people's games and I love video games. So I
Starting point is 00:00:52 Asked myself like well, how do you do this? Right? How do you make a game and it absolutely no clue so I called my I called my friends at At this gaming company and I was like hey you know you guys are good friends of mine he's like hey please tell me what do I do where do I start who should I talk to how do I orchestrate this and they set me up with a bunch of little little calls with some other people and I just ended up googling how to make a video game in unity made a game in two months later share the game and it has like 150,000 downloads now which is pretty sick and I'm working on I'm working on
Starting point is 00:01:39 three more games right now so but like with with teams the other one I did completely by myself you completely made a game by yourself. Yes. I had never coded anything in my life before. Well, I coded the game in C Sharp. I don't know
Starting point is 00:01:58 if anybody knows any coding languages. But I didn't either. And I was just following some tutorials and then based on those tutorials i was like okay well i now have a basic game and then i was like well i want to introduce jumping so i found out how to add jumping into the game added jumping in added skins in added level selector made tons of levels uh which took about two weeks and then the entire game was complete and then a month and a half of sharing it on the app store getting it confirmed on steam
Starting point is 00:02:31 uh google play store and bug fixes what's it called uh impossible runner it's just a little game little arcade game you can beat it in five minutes or some people spent like 20 hours on it um it's on uh it's the best the best versions on steam and then android then ios there you go it's in there that's awesome you're always diversifying you're always doing well of course promote it people check out impossible runner it's it's also it's free to play i don't make any money of it it was purely for me to like learn and understand what it's like to make a game And then my next projects obviously will be a bit more Focused around like making money. That's pretty neat though. I'm really impressed. That's awesome. What is unity a
Starting point is 00:03:20 unity is like a game engine and and it's a it's it's one's one of the most used and still easy to learn and use game engines. So I believe Assassin's Creed is made in Unity. Cities Skylines is made in Unity. Kerbal Space Program is made in Unity. And there's a bunch of other games out there made in Unity. How did you get the artwork? How did you get the artwork uh there's an asset store uh like i didn't want to learn blender which is like the program how to design model models and stuff design models so i just
Starting point is 00:03:56 went to the art store uh found a few assets bought them for like 30 bucks and then uh added them into the game and then i did the same with the music i went to fiverr and asked somebody to uh make some music for me and then i gave him some guidelines and he made it that's so people actually go on fiverr and get valuable things from that i thought it was just like a joke where it's like hey dance like an idiot in public hey what did quote or not what did PewDiePie do? Make him hold up some sign that people hated? So Fiverr is actually pretty good.
Starting point is 00:04:31 I've used it pretty often. But sometimes you'll find these people and it's just horrible, right? So I once got a guy to write me a paper. I came up with this great idea and I was like, oh, okay. Well, I want this person to do a bit more research for me because it was just an idea. And I was like, I'm just kind of curious what's going to happen here. And he came back with this most generic piece of like paper and it was just horrible and mistakes, grammar mistakes all over the place. And he didn't link any sources.
Starting point is 00:05:02 He made up numbers. At one point it said like there are 100 million people in the world and i'm like okay this is just i mean i give up this i'm not doing this i mean it was only five dollars you paid him right well if you paid me five dollars i would give you a bibliography i paid him a bit more than five dollars but okay well if you need if you need music it's pretty good i sometimes get like songs which are copyrighted if i really want to use them in a video i'll just pay a guy like 20 bucks to remake the song but then a fiverr version of it and then i can use it in my videos
Starting point is 00:05:35 can you really cool you can use like uh covers pretty much yeah uh as long as they like the lawyers don't from the other like if you if drake's lawyers all of a sudden come over and they're like hey listen that's exactly the same as our song then you could get into trouble but none of this automated automatic systems from youtube should pick it up i've been yeah i've done what you've said but it wasn't through fiverr it was through another youtuber that i knew that could sing. And it was actually Shucks You. They recreated that whole thing. Like, what was that guy's name?
Starting point is 00:06:11 Try Hard Ninja? Is that the singer? Yeah, I remember him. Yeah. So Try Hard Ninja sings in real life. So he knows musicians in real life. And he recreated the CeeLo Green song, Fuck You. But it was Shucks You. And it was the version that I wrote.
Starting point is 00:06:32 And everything, all the instrumentals and stuff was done there and uh i think i don't earn any money on that video now because it's a copyright hit so you'd think you wouldn't even have to redo the song and that your voice over it would have caused enough disturbance no algorithm could have possibly recognized that that one was his voice which is actually pretty good very good I don't remember which one which one was did you sing oh it's a bon jovi song good they're both so good yeah they're amazing oh I've never listened like I watch what you know I don't i don't watch clips of the video i usually watch a whole fucking video by the way you're like that thing you have now that follows you behind and gives a third person mode of your paramotor videos very cool if you haven't checked
Starting point is 00:07:15 that okay of course yeah i watched all that that's really cool if you haven't seen that that's a whole different thing on woody's channel he's got this thing that follows behind him with the camera and it's it it's like a shuttlecock that follows you and you get like a third person view and yeah i'm liking it more and more by uh by the second and uh and you're doing that i notice you're doing i i i notice you're doing those maneuvers that initially you were like well i'm never gonna do like loops and stuff because that's how you get killed that is how you kill yourself And hey, I'm a family man got a lot on the line and now I look and you're like I did do a double barrel roll in it. I you're a hundred percent right? Well, if we're gonna talk about paramotors here, I am no, but you're right about your rampant irresponsibility
Starting point is 00:08:03 That's a little different. That's I just wired that way man like there are people who enjoy surfing and they're just like they're soul surfers man they get on the board and they ride and they do their thing that was never the way i surfed it was always about the tricks they got out there and like enjoyed their time in the nature kind of like a hiker would almost you know like oh like a long boarder versus like a skateboarder kind of like that works that works for sure yeah and and they would just go out there and enjoy their time like in nature on waves riding and and they're not competitive at all me like my inner asshole is scorekeeping with everybody else in that lineup and that that that was young woody and how he surfed.
Starting point is 00:08:46 Old Woody and how he flies. Not that I'm scorekeeping, but it's like the point of flying is the tricks. Like that's what I go up there to do. You know, in the video you saw, I'm like, I can't do this one particular trick with a shuttlecock attached. I got to set that thing down and rip it. And yeah, that's just how I like to do stuff. Does Jackie know that you've taken up the trick aspect of this?
Starting point is 00:09:13 She doesn't like to watch. Yeah. She's like, don't show me these. And that is an asset for Woody. He's like, you can go up there and do whatever he wants. And he knows that Jackie won't see. So Jackie has no idea what he's doing up there. That's the feeling I'm getting right now.
Starting point is 00:09:27 I've shown her. And when I show her, she's like, I don't like to see this. She prefers to be in her bubble. So technically, she's not. She knows what's going on. I don't keep any secrets. She's on the phone with the life insurance company. Yeah, let's bump it up.
Starting point is 00:09:42 Make it $8 million. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know what? Every time you go up, Casey's up. Make it $8 million. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know what? Make it $9. Every time you go up, she sees a fork in the road of her two potential futures where she's like,
Starting point is 00:09:55 I hope I have a husband tomorrow or this is going to get rowdy. I can't stave off that angry dog across the way on my own. Wow. Wow. Yeah, hypothetical single Jackie has a lot of toys laying around the house now. There's all this gear and lawnmower equipment.
Starting point is 00:10:14 Yeah, hypothetical single Jackie's got a lot of work to do. And she's set. She is just set. I got to admit, I don't know if you want to talk about it, but is there a life insurance policy that maybe you've boosted up a little bit uh supplemented since you've taken up this uh hobby she'll be fine yeah i thought so yeah yeah so um does it does it cover it though because sometimes like they might be like well, he did it all himself so technically it's suicide And then I hope not that doesn't it doesn't cover it
Starting point is 00:11:03 But yeah, it's a blast man if i don't get upside down in flight then like what am i doing serving living safe living yeah it's just not me it's it's it's it's you know the game of thrones scene where she wants her wolf to like follow her back to winterfell and then she's like you know what that's just not you right he can't be a pet he's out there to like rape and pillage well i'm no different all right kind of you'd be the viking back in the day rationalizing your rape and your pillaging to your wife you're like this is the way we live the The other Vikings, they're fine with a pillage. I need a rape. I'm not that comfortable with that, husband.
Starting point is 00:11:51 You don't get to come on the longboat anyway. You knew this when you married me. Look, it's written on my family crest. Rape, pillage, murder. That's what we do here. You knew what you were getting into when you married me. Only so. When I first got a paramotor she she said no and uh and you know it just dude in life doesn't matter the topic one no doesn't mean shit so she said no and i was like well i'll take that as a
Starting point is 00:12:20 maybe and uh i started like i don't know just getting into it looking at more stuff one guy on youtube was like 11 years old and flying and that's when i decided yes serious great parenting right there yeah but this kid's mom said he could do it you know the paramotor weighs so little that no matter what happens he's gonna float lightly to the ground and go poof when he lands like it works with quads i don't see how you could be wrong so um the thing was actually made out of like a oversized you'd ever see those like quarter scale model airplanes you know yeah that was his motor it was like some gigantic model airplane motor with a prop that's i'm guessing like three feet two feet and uh and i'm like jackie if this kid can do it i'm doing it and uh i put my foot down she buckled and uh i've been flying as much as i can did you ever suggest i first of all i
Starting point is 00:13:14 love the woody's gamer tag motto one no doesn't mean shit kids take that into your dating life have you ever asked have you ever suggested to jackie that you do the tandem thing like like i would imagine that you would be interested in doing tandem unless you had a tandem partner and then once you've got a tandem partner then you can be part of the almost a mile high club in your paramotor not jackie that's too many eggs in one basket right if we both drop what there but i've asked colin i was like colin do you want to go tandem flying with me like i mean he's older than 11 right he's 14 he's almost 15 yeah so i asked colin like do you want to do it and he's like maybe but like i might die i was like okay
Starting point is 00:14:02 poignant yeah accurate colin the voice of reason in all of this. Dad, have you thought this through? I got to say, I worry about you. Like, sometimes whenever I'm, like, with a new girl or whatever, I sort of show who I am and what I'm about. This is my universe. My history and stuff. And I often show them Wings of Redemption stuff because if I'm
Starting point is 00:14:25 showing them old PKA jokes and stuff, Wings comes up and I find him to be such a fascinating character. I'm like, you need to know who Wings of Redemption is if you're going to be part of my life. Because I'm going to be referencing him a lot. So I show him and then I show him your clips and I'm like, this is what he does now. And I show him the paramotor
Starting point is 00:14:41 stuff. I lost my complete train of thought you worried about me is where it started yeah it started is i gotta say i worry about you and then you show yeah oh and they're all all the girls the girls always say oh that's more dangerous than that shit you you did like with the cars blowing up and stuff i'm like yeah i agree at least if i got hurt there was a team of people right there and i picked up. He's just over some woods somewhere doing this. That's so different to me. The fact that you will sit the girl down and be like, this is what I'm about.
Starting point is 00:15:11 Let's hop on YouTube. I never bring that shit up until I'm out at a bar with a bunch of friends. I'm talking to a girl and some drunk friend always, inevitably, stumbles over and is like this is Taylor you know he does a podcast and they're like really? and I'm like no he's lying that's not true, he's drunk
Starting point is 00:15:35 no really, lots of people listen, funny guy and I'm like oh god don't do that, don't sell me down the river on the same way as Taylor he coined the phrase murder. It's almost good enough for a vindictionary.
Starting point is 00:15:53 Sometimes I'll meet people or whatever and a friend of mine will say, this is Woody. He has a million subscribers on YouTube. I don't want that. My mom does all the time too. I don't know. The shit I say on Pa that. Well, my mom does all the time too. But I don't know. Like the shit I say on Painkiller already,
Starting point is 00:16:09 I would like it if no one saw that, right? That version of me is not to be like spliced in with people I know in real life. Have you seen the Seinfeld episode where George, you know, his like, worlds are colliding, Jerry! Like his worlds collide. And he's like, you need to his, like, worlds are colliding, Jerry! Like, his worlds collide. And he's like, you need to keep the two worlds separate. Like, this world is my safe area,
Starting point is 00:16:31 and this world is my ridiculous area. Like, that's the way I see it, where it's like, you could take so many clips of the things every person who's ever been on this show has said and make us look horrible. Yes. This isn't a politics thing but um sarah huckabee sanders was just talking about the storm daniels thing stormy daniels and trump and and she said that
Starting point is 00:16:55 trump won like i forget how she phrased it handily defeated her in arbitration right that turned out to be a mistake and trump apparently behind closed doors apparently raging at her and very upset the thing is i feel like they need to understand she has done a pretty good job avoiding topics not to talk about and talking about topics and saying i've already answered that when she didn't really just staying out of trouble for a long time and if you put a mic in front of every anyone even a professional like her they will eventually say something that they wish they could take back and i do that for four hours a week but yeah even if you're being the best version of you that will the version you'd want
Starting point is 00:17:38 in front of your kids eventually you'll say something dumb and it's all recorded so yeah yeah and usually to chiz's point there the stuff that we say that's ridiculous is on purpose yeah you know i the way i'm sure myself woody and kyle and queb all behave on this show we don't go out like yeah i'm going out with friends tonight and then you just start dropping ridiculous like you know who i hate the irish or kyle's out there going you know who I don't care for Jews Well at the end of the day, it's entertainment right and that's pretty much how you can cover it most of the time But then again, I've also tried to play it off as entertainment sometimes or as a joke and still gotten into a lot of trouble
Starting point is 00:18:24 What's your deepest trouble tell us about it my deepest trouble of one of the deep ones okay uh so so um i like to i like to just say funny things on twitter and i don't have a huge following on twitter compared to like my youtube or my instagram um and the interaction also isn't that big right so so i sometimes tweet silly things to my friends and this and that. And this one time, a friend of mine, he posted a picture of... It's pretty bad, but I'll still tell you guys. He posted a picture of him holding a dog like the Lion King, right?
Starting point is 00:18:58 Okay, sure. And he goes, Photoshop, do a Photoshop contest in which I go ahead and Photoshop him flying into the World Trade Center. And I instantly regretted it once I posted it and realized it was 9-11. It was literally. So that's one of the things. I regret never again. I apologize. And I did my research. I was like, holy shit, like I had no clue this many people were still this like, you know, involved and offended by this type of stuff 15 16 years after it happened
Starting point is 00:19:47 but then again it made sense you know people are still dying because of the consequences of it things like that yeah exactly yeah but hey i'm i was just back then i was just a little arrogant dutch boy uh and if i have to be honest, in the Netherlands, nobody stands still during 9-11. It's not top of mind. Yeah. It's like, oh, do you guys also take a day off during the Dutch Civil War? No? No, there was no Dutch Civil War. I was about to say, I was unaware of the windmill wars of 1747. The cheese wars, the cheese wars. The wooden shoe alliance against the, like, no, I don't know anything about that. No, so that was one of the bigger mistakes I made on social media.
Starting point is 00:20:37 And I was joking. Like, I didn't say anything like Bush did 9-11 or whatever crazy things the internet says. It was a little bit of a joke on the wrong day. Was it on 9-11? Yes. That's what he said. He didn't realize it was literally 9-11. Oh, it was on 9-11.
Starting point is 00:21:01 That made it a whole lot worse. Ten times worse. You could probably get away with it. Do that on Christmas. You times worse you can probably get away do that on christmas you'll get away with it you do it on 9 11 that's yeah yeah that's just because then it's so um i uh i since then had to like uh i first hired a social media team to make sure like hey guys keep me in tone make sure i don't do crazy. Then I fired the guys because they ended up just doing absolutely nothing. But now I'm grown up. I know what I can and cannot say. Save that shit for September 12th.
Starting point is 00:21:35 There you go. There you go. Quib, last time you were on the show, you were getting buff. You still working hard at it? Yes. Yes. you were getting buff you still working hard yes yes yes so actually um i've been i've been hitting the gym uh three times a week now i stopped like the severe bulking i went from i measured myself in kilos i weigh myself in kilos i went from 63 kilos to now 66 76 kilos so in a year so it's 13 kilos gained um with a lot of muscle of course
Starting point is 00:22:09 uh but i've been feeling great uh i've been eating a lot of food a lot of healthy food now um and it's uh it's pretty much like i i always think well i'm still young i should probably start the healthy living lifestyle right now and then it'll be a lot easier the rest of my life um and to be honest that sometimes I'm just a bit bored and I'm like what should I do I'm like yeah I'm just gonna I'm just gonna get buff right or something like that I don't know what do you guys do when you're bored I I do the same thing sometimes. We all just do little extra workouts. Just go hit the gym, go for a run, bike. Well, rarely will I.
Starting point is 00:22:55 I have to be very bored and personally threatened to go for a run. I love running. I love running. I wish I loved running. And biking. Has that slowed down your, I guess, acquisition of muscle mass, like running a lot? Yes. I don't know if that's like a myth or... No, no, no. So actually for me, my metabolism is like, it's like quick, like super fast, right?
Starting point is 00:23:15 So when I was bulking, I had to eat like 4,000 calories per day. And then even then I was, wasn't gaining that much weight while I was hitting the gym at the same time. But I cut out cardio completely because, well, I used to go running before that. And I got pretty far, 10K, 15K, half a marathon. But it just takes so much energy, which you need that energy to... You need those calories to go into your muscles and fat or whatever if you want to gain weight. So I just cut out cardio completely. And I only recently picked it back up because I'm kind of at the weight where I want to be.
Starting point is 00:24:00 Like 140 pounds is what Chiz is saying. You're like six foot, right? Maybe a little taller than that. Six foot one. Let me see. Is it 140 pounds is what Chiz is saying. You're like six foot, right? Maybe a little taller than that. Six foot one. Let me see. Is it 140 pounds? That's what Chiz is saying. He put it in the chat.
Starting point is 00:24:12 It's a bit more, 145. Yeah, 145 is what I'm at right now. Did you say 63 kilos? Yes, yes. So that was in like a dark time's wrong with Chiz's math? Dark time. Is that 138? Come on, this is... 63 kilos is 138 pounds. And now you're up to, aren't you up to 70-something now, what you said?
Starting point is 00:24:35 Okay, okay, wait, wait, wait, wait. No, his math is completely off. So I was 139 pounds at first. And now I weigh 168. Nice. That's a lot of gain. There you go. You're almost caught up to Kyle.
Starting point is 00:24:55 Except Kyle's on the trend downward. Yeah. But are you trying to lose muscle, or are you trying to lose fat? Oh, yeah. I'm trying to lose all of my muscle. I'm so bulky now. I can barely get into my car. I can't touch my back. My neck itches but I can't get it.
Starting point is 00:25:12 I patted a child on the back the other day and just knocked him down. I'm crushing things accidentally. I hit my girlfriend and she actually bruised. Yeah, sometimes I have a goal. Phone books, my friend. These are things like people are going to grab these snippets and then one day they're going to make a Quibble Cup exposed video. And they'll be like, I was on PKA. Watch the whole episode.
Starting point is 00:25:36 Oranges in a sock. That's what goes. Don't waste a good orange. I go flat. I've got to take the padlocks out of the sock i uh i want to tell my story it's a repeat but um i don't know if i've told it completely when i was 32 i weighed about 180 and we're now 34 45 um when i was 32 I weighed about 180 and 180 looks pretty good on me like I won't say six pack but four pack legit and um uh and I did Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu three times a week and I
Starting point is 00:26:12 was in one or two hockey leagues at the same time and that was like the fittest an old version of me had been and uh I broke my I busted my ACL and I came back and I did some activity again. I got back into jits and hockey, but not like I was before. And I want to say from 32 to 44, that 12 years, I just gained about three pounds a year, which seems like nothing, right? Like three pounds in a year, but you do it for 12 years. It's three. But did you stop like exercising or were you still exercising? I exercised less
Starting point is 00:26:47 sometimes i stopped i got into youtube and video games which you know turned out to be great for finance but not for fitness and um so yeah like there are periods and they were like when i had the minecraft server and stuff i didn't even sleep much like i just worked as much as i could and um and just, for 12 years, you gain 3.3 pounds a year, which seems like nothing. You know, you're three pounds heavier. You go from one eight to one 90 and you're like, well, it's not the same, but my frame carries one 90 pretty well. I look good. Um, I was probably one 90 when I started YouTube and I thought I looked pretty good. And then you go to 200 and you're like, ah, it's like
Starting point is 00:27:25 spitting distance from one 90, you know, like it's right there. I could always go back. And then you go to like, I remember I saw two Oh eight and I was like, you know, two Oh eight is not one 90. Like it's, it's not there, but kind of put your head in the sand. Assume that that's just a heavy day. And you're really two Oh five. I i remember seeing 212 but the day i saw 220 sucked i was like there's nothing 220 is a heavy weight for for my frame it's too much it's too fat and uh taylor at about the same time was looking to get buff as well and he just he put it out there at the perfect time so i joined i went from 220 from 220 to 197. That's where I was when I broke my leg, uh, from paragliding. And, um, uh, after that, I don't know, like I didn't move.
Starting point is 00:28:12 Of course I couldn't do anything but lay in bed for a couple of months and, uh, just didn't get back on the train until about two months ago. And, uh, during that period, I went from 197 to 204. You know, I had been saying under 200, which was maybe true on a good day. One time I literally put my fingers on the sink next to me to make myself 199. And somehow I was able to believe that lie. Like, look, I'm 199 if I do this. Now I'm actually 199 the last two days in a row. Nice. Congrats. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:50 I'm lifting weights. The 199 I am right now might be better than the 197 I was before. If not, they're very close. And soon I will go right past that. So last year in April, I started at 220. This year by April, I'm hoping to be like you know 195 190 and now that you've learned the dangers of trail mix dude like it it's a joke and i want to hover on this too long but my fitness pal i didn't like even know how you did it taylor's like yeah you weigh all your food and you enter it.
Starting point is 00:29:25 And I'm like, are you serious? Like weighing food behind before you eat it. That sounds like a giant, like a gargantuan effort. It's not, it's no big deal. We have a food scale in the pantry. Sometimes we drag it into the kitchen. Jackie cooks for me and she hands me a post-it with all the weights of what went in it, which is nice.
Starting point is 00:29:42 And then I enter it and you could see where your calories are coming from i knew that nuts were high in calories it wasn't a surprise to me but it was a surprise to me how few nuts it took to get a lot of calories you know i'll eat a healthy dinner this is like a full fat plate of dinner with like some chicken and vegetables and it's 450 calories like some chicken and vegetables and it's 450 calories a bowl of nuts yeah handful of nuts a fistful of nuts will be like 280 and if you bring a bowl to bed like i did as a like as i went from 197 to 204 um a bowl of nuts i haven't waited or done i bet it's like 600 calories or 700 like half or more of my daily caloric intake intake was just those freaking nuts and my fitness pal it helps you quantify like where exactly you're slipping up like i knew they had calories i just didn't know the extent and like whatever
Starting point is 00:30:39 your weakness is like someone out there listening probably eats too many cheez-its or too many pretzels or I don't know um Cheez-Its sounded tailor targeted but I wasn't going for that but someone out there is probably like yeah I eat pretty good I don't know why I'm not cutting you know and but I do snack on whatever frosted mini wheats right before bed and uh yeah dude you plug in your stuff and you see what's what um yeah someone out there is probably eating cake shakes and thinking that it's nothing at least one person when i was doing my um my my weight gain like the the really like bulking 4 000 calories per day most of my calories came
Starting point is 00:31:22 from nuts so what i did was I got like some vegan yogurt because I'm lactose intolerant and I just poured in like a bunch of nuts and it was like a thousand calories right there. So you already got 25 percent of what you need every day. But what I realized is when you're trying to like either gain weight or lose weight you're not going to be eating food which is going to be tasting nice all the time. And I was like, well, why would I do this? Right. And then a friend of mine told me the way you should look at it is you're trying to survive. You're trying to achieve a goal. You're not necessarily there to have a good time and have the best have the best food in the world and be like this is
Starting point is 00:32:05 delicious right um so so that really helped me uh gain like the the first chunk of weight i think there's a dude i watch i don't remember his name but it's one of the either like fitness or bodybuilding channels where he was like here's a really good tip for when you just can't muscle down that last rotisserie chicken to hit your protein intake shut up and eat this isn't for fun this is for a goal you don't need to enjoy every bite of your food and you don't need to if you feel full and the food's still there and you have to eat it just shut up and eat it's part of your task just as much as working out like if you don't eat enough you're not going to get the gains you want. And so I was like, I've put that into practice before where like I've made, you know, ground Turkey, which isn't very tasty for the most part. And I'll be like halfway through
Starting point is 00:32:54 like a half pound or three quarter pound of it. And I'll be like, God, this sucks. And then I'll picture that jacked ass dude being like, shut up and eat. And I'm like, he's right. Shut up and eat. Just keep shoveling it down one thing i like about fitness is it's it's it's like a dog at your house always happy to see you did you ignore it for 12 years pick up some weights eat some better food and fitness is there with its arms wide open right like this these stories about people going to the gym and getting judged i've never seen that I've never seen that. I've never seen that.
Starting point is 00:33:26 I've never seen anyone be like, oh, my God, look at that guy. He doesn't run fast on the treadmill. That's, like, I've no—does that actually happen? I've never— You're totally right. Like, that's in people's heads. Like, heavy people will go to the gym. And, I mean, I've been to gyms, and I've never seen anybody get picked on.
Starting point is 00:33:43 Not picked on, but definitely judged and stared at. But it's not what you think. It's not that fat people don't get stared at, out of shape people don't get stared at, because even really fit people are like, and he's trying. He's in here doing it. The people you look down on who are not fit are the ones who are doing the opposite of that. So when I see a fat guy jogging down the sidewalk, I often give him a thumbs up as I drive past. Even if he's just soaked in sweat and he's going
Starting point is 00:34:07 three miles an hour, but he's just moving, trying to keep that thing going. What I do mock, what I do love to mock, is when you see those people who put 1,500 pounds on the leg press machine and then they just move it an inch at a time like that's a workout.
Starting point is 00:34:24 When it's still on its safety bars a workout or the people when it's still on its uh safe safety bars thing yeah the people who get the the the pull the like uh the cable machines and they're acting like they're spider-man bouncing around and stuff or when they're like dwight shrewd from uh the office and they've got like that head gear on with weights on it like doing doing neck workouts like like if you if you're doing something stupid in there like then then you deserve a little hook up the lat pull down to your belt like it's mission impossible dude i have another one do you guys mind it if people like make noise while you're in the gym because i'm at home so it doesn't happen but i wouldn't know it depends
Starting point is 00:35:04 all right if they're being obnoxious or not. Yeah, because I watched a video the other day, and it was some guy breaking some record. He was cleaning and pressing, I don't know how much, but let's just say it was 315 pounds or something like that. And that was either a record for his weight class or a personal record. And when he got it up, before he lifted it he was like screaming a little bit but he had so much weight that i was like yeah i i think i've heard that maybe screaming like that like gets your uh gets your adrenaline going or something this is this is literally going to help assist him in lifting this and i was like yeah i could fucking scream bro because if you fail
Starting point is 00:35:40 you might break your neck here but if i if I were to see somebody over there benching like 125 pounds and they're We're laughing at that we're laughing at that Yeah, I'm a screamer for sure in the gym Like at the start, I'm like good. I'm good. I'm good, you know. And then I start doing the breathing, you know. And then it's like, and if I, well, I train with my personal trainer every now and then and he like really pushes me. And then he always goes, he always tells me, Jordy, when you're screaming, I know you've done a good job.
Starting point is 00:36:23 So I'm like the only guy i'm the only guy in the gym going like and then meanwhile meanwhile my girlfriend's like do i look like is does my face look silly when i do the leg press and i'm like i think nobody cares what you look like in the nobody's looked at your face since you walked in here i i work out with colin who and colonies to be able to do five push-ups in good form and a pull-up that's like one of the missions and he's getting so close he does pull-ups now he does nine but he has like this elastic band that helps him get up and we're like dropping to thinner bands that help less and uh his push-ups are getting better i i you you've got him on how much testosterone now you said well you know as much as i could buy i know i know he doesn't like the
Starting point is 00:37:12 injections but they're helping actually in real life uh his mustache is coming in now so we're like oh look at that yeah he's seven foot three right now he's 14 years old so he. Yeah, poor kid like his father is a bit of a late bloomer. But that mustache is rolling in. You can see it. And he's doing better in the gym. The girlfriend's coming soon, I guess. We'll see. He's going to start putting on muscle much faster than you,
Starting point is 00:37:40 given his age and whatnot. If the testosterone starts pumping, are the hormones still going? One of the biggest pain in the asses in the gym right now you'd think given his age and whatnot like he's if the testosterone starts pumping that would be great like one of the biggest pain in the ass is in the gym right now is that uh i get to take my weights off and put his on and it they're pretty different so uh i would love for him to catch up a little that'd be great you know what i always like like remember that that kid they called him like little hercules or something yeah i remember that i like like i don't want children but i've always had that thought that like if i did have a kid i'd make him a little hercules or something yeah i remember that i like like i don't want children but i've always had that thought that like if i did have a kid i'd make him a little hercules right like i'm not
Starting point is 00:38:10 gonna put the effort in but i'll hire him a trainer right like like like like force him to work out from the time he's like four years old he's got little barbells little dumbbells lifting him like it'd just be hilarious and i gotta think that like no kid gets picked on in middle school if they're benching 200 pounds, right? I just feel like that would be a real leg up in the world. Even if he's not athletically inclined or whatever, he doesn't have any actual natural talent. Just being a strong, fit kid has got to give you a leg up
Starting point is 00:38:37 in middle school, high school, all that stuff. Little Hercules did not keep that body. Have you seen him as an older person? I just looked it up, and I've got bigger muscles than older Little Hercules did not keep that body. Have you seen him as an older person? I just looked it up, and I've got bigger muscles than older Little Hercules. Yeah. Wow. Also, I linked a picture earlier
Starting point is 00:38:53 that's of my friend. He did a three-month body transformation. Oh, that's your friend? Yeah, he's a Dutch YouTuber. Holy shit. Three months. It's pretty insane. But, he's a Dutch YouTuber. Holy shit. Three months. It's pretty insane. But he made a whole documentary about it.
Starting point is 00:39:08 And he was all about, like, he was super, like, insecure once he got that, like, perfect body, right? Wait, after he got it, he was insecure? Yeah. Yeah, because he was always trying to get more and more and more and more and more and more. And, like, the diet i i assume they were the diet he followed really doesn't make somebody happy he hit the gym like twice per day i don't know even know why um but uh yeah just thought i'd share that very impressive wow he had great it's clear though he had like really good simit and a really good definition before like like he's definitely
Starting point is 00:39:45 got the the the framework i guess to like get to where he got i mean clearly he did because he got there but yeah that looks great why though i'm curious about this like i can see his face in the before but on the after there's just a a frowny face superimposed over him. it's a thumbnail for his documentary and i'm pretty sure what he tried telling you know like oh he's he's sad once he achieved it yeah. that's interesting huh. yeah. man that would be like a depressing little interview to have where they're like so remember when you were seven and the most shredded kid on the planet. What happened? Well, I became a normal guy. Didn't have an overbearing parent forcing me to go to the gym.
Starting point is 00:40:32 I was able to make friends, do my thing. He's pretty normal now. Yeah. He's not fat. He's still in what I would think is pretty good shape. He was just a freak as a kid though like i feel like like it probably was like you might be having them but you're not are you talking about little hercules yeah yeah yeah there's a video in the can you open that up yeah or does that change everything
Starting point is 00:40:54 it's uh only like only like 15 seconds in when it when it shows his new self i wasn't scrolled all the way down i was but oh yeah the whole making fun of people at the gym thing like it makes sense that as a very heavy person you'd be self-conscious but just know that like everybody else at the gym they may look at you but 99 of them aren't thinking anything mean they're thinking oh good for him and then right other you know uh 99.99 of the time they're at the gym they're focused on getting their own shit done well Because nobody wants to hang out there. Right. When I'm looking at somebody in the gym, like I'm staring at a guy,
Starting point is 00:41:31 like I'm not looking at like, oh, he's fat or, ooh, those muscles. I'm most of the time looking like, oh, what exercise is he doing? Is he doing it the right way? I'm just curious, right? I mean, what else are you doing in the gym when you're like you're you're doing some machine and like what else are you supposed to look at like the ceiling yeah and you're looking at him almost like oh damn like that guy must work way harder than me right or like oh that guy makes me look like 10 years right yeah oh speaking of feeling like a bitch
Starting point is 00:42:00 last night when I was working out uh I I always put on a movie or a tv show or something because i like that more than music i feel like it passes the time a bit faster to have something to focus on i was like oh i'll watch 300 as i work out those guys are shredded and like as i just felt like such a garbage bag full of cottage cheese standing there doing my exercises like watching those actually ripped dudes and being like oh this you're you you like i'll like look at myself in the mirror sometime like oh you look way better than you used to and then like walk back out and see the guy you know doing his spear thrusts and be like god but you are so far you're eons away from what that guy has i have the
Starting point is 00:42:41 opposite like body dysmorphia right because i my i started watching youtube videos to get my form right and make sure that it's good right so i watched like the buff dudes and they are two guys they're both like perfect specimens really strong and then after i watched them like athlean x and scott herman and all these other fitness youtubers men who look fabulous start getting in my feed and like recommended for me so i watched that and i watched that learned something about nutrition and exercises and such and in my head i get to thinking like yeah you know woody scott herman athlon x buff dudes like these are the circles i travel in and it just i had to kick myself like woody what the fuck are you talking about
Starting point is 00:43:22 you know have you seen you like you don't look like that at all but uh the exact opposite i do uh i do legit have like some beginner gains you know i've put on a little muscle that i can see probably no one else knows or cares but i'm positive of it and my my weights go up a ton because you knew and uh my my weight is the weights i lift are going up a ton my actual weight has gone down and then i can see it i'm uh it's different than it was whatever six weeks ago did you take uh before pictures of just like your shirtless self just to kind of have a point of comparison no and even now i'm like do i want those to exist maybe i wish i had i i don't know where i am on that oh you
Starting point is 00:44:03 definitely do like it'll make you feel way way better when you go back and, like, you're scrolling through, you know, you take a picture of yourself six months from now. And then you swipe a picture and you see yourself now or six weeks ago. You'll be like, hell yeah. Like, that's a quantifiable difference in how I feel. Because, like, otherwise muscle gain is so gradual for the most part that like you can trick yourself into being like why am I even doing this like nothing's changing but really a lot is changing one thing that about like I don't know I don't know how visible my muscle gain is because like you said without pictures to relate to but what is measurable is the weights I
Starting point is 00:44:39 lift you know and and that has gone up a ton and because when you first start weightlifting they do so uh it's all pretty excited about that the amount of pull-ups i do the amount of push-ups i do is going up and the amount of weight i lift is going up it's good how many pull-ups can you do uh i don't know what my straight up max would do what i'm exercising with now is uh three sets of four so i do 12 but you know with the breast if i were to just do them wide or small um well last time i just did sort of a medium grip like my bar goes across and then down so i just grab like where the bend is but um if i already do palms forward yes but i have over the last six weeks sometimes i mix it up like if if i do four and like my second
Starting point is 00:45:26 set and i kind of sucked i might do chin-ups for the last four or something like that but um uh i think if i would just walk up to the bar and see what i could do it would be eight ish not 12 can you do it with one arm that thing where you like hold your wrist yeah yeah but it'll look cool you're allowed to hold your wrist yeah that's the cheater way i could probably do one then i bet i could still yeah you're like hey son look at this yeah your dad's so strong actually it's right yeah do you have any desire to jump uh kind of back into weightlifting kyle or are you mostly just wanting to lose the weight right now yeah maybe i you know i i don't have my all my uh my gym stuff out here and i don't want to go to a gym i i really dislike gyms and you know it's it's so much easier if you can
Starting point is 00:46:17 just go to do it and do it at home and just do it there uh and then like i said like like my rotator cuff's all fucked up it's it's slowly getting better it definitely is like that didn't hurt i could tell that if i went about a couple more degrees it would hurt but like as soon as this is better i'm probably gonna gonna lift some and i'll get my uh my bench press and all my machines out here at some point you might see a doctor like i'm not a doctor now i've had uh similar injuries and they hit it with a cortisone shot and they're like, yeah, this will kill the swelling and then that's what you needed to heal. I would like a... Now, that
Starting point is 00:46:52 sounds good. Because at first I was like, well, what are they going to do? Because I don't want surgery. But you mentioned the cortisone shot. That does sound like something I would like. Okay. I've had a positive experience with that. I'll do that. Yeah, good idea. Yep. Alright. Well, fitness talk fitness talk is that new is this the first time fitness talk or does that no we know it's kind of a recurring topic while now all right but all right i have a um uh a tentpole just says
Starting point is 00:47:21 it's a tentpole topic um right next to paramotors and hockey right call of duty is what is black ops black ops 4 yeah it just got announced apparently they are scared of red dead redemption so yes i'm i'm i'm the rock star team red dead yeah so apparently red dead so call of duty the thing i read said that they are normally the leader in game sales but grand theft auto 5 like blew everything away like it made a billion dollars in like four days or something like that and by comparison like black panther still hasn't hit that you know like big movies struggle to hit that and uh grand theft auto 5 was huge so call of duty black ops 4 i'm gonna mess this up i'm so out of touch that's a new one they're
Starting point is 00:48:13 talking about releasing it in october so it can get out before the other like uh franchise titles yeah i hope it has a battle royale mode because that's i heard that red dead's gonna have a battle royale mode and that would be like pub g is that like a cod yeah so so currently like the new the biggest trend in the last year right it started off with uh with some little mods and then h1z1 king of the kill was like the biggest thing like a year ago and then PUBG came over and just Destroyed it and and took over the entire landscape became like the most played game ever on Steam and then for now just completely rips off the Battle Royale theme which is all allowed in in game design
Starting point is 00:49:02 and then added a bunch of extra stuff on top to make it like original and then now fortnite is like the most played game ever twice as many concurrent players as pub g ever hit something like that if not more and like a-list celebrities are talking about it so for any major company to look at it and go let's do some 6v6 domination like they're completely out of the loop so all of a sudden Rockstar Games delays their reddit redemption obviously to create like the perfect battle royale mode because they were pretty set on when they wanted to release and then they pushed it back like three times now and i assume call of duty
Starting point is 00:49:45 is going to do the same but now here's the question are they going to do it in black ops 4 or are they going to release their standalone game called judy battle royale which i personally think could be pretty sick like knowing called judy as long as it's boots on the ground and stuff like that yeah like it's like like a campaign mission but then online you know with a squad or like i think it could be really cool yeah i agree i i definitely agree i i really like battle royale fortnight's not my thing uh fortnight's free to play and you know it's all cartoony and most of the time it ends up with you know guys bouncing around with shotguns and i just don't care for that gameplay but i i would definitely be interested in red dead uh battle
Starting point is 00:50:24 royale call of duty battle royale any of that stuff i'm uh sounds great it's the time to kill is it in my head here's what i got going on i feel like time to kill and call of duty is too fast and it makes for a fast-paced game and people bounce around but gamers have gotten frustrated by the lack of skill in cod and and And I attribute that, this is just me, to the time to kill, right? Like if Queb is twice as good at me in COD, he's not going to get all the kills, right? He's going to win something like 15 to 8 or 15 to 12
Starting point is 00:50:58 because there's a... 61 to 3, you know? Not if you're twice as good, right? Because I'll get points on you. I'll get a hit. Now, on some other game that's more skill-based, like maybe CSGO or something, it would be 61 to 3. Like, the better person wins the gunfight.
Starting point is 00:51:15 In COD, you know, the time to kill is so quick, it can go either way. The more bullets it takes to kill someone, the more the skill divide is pronounced, the more bullets it takes to kill someone the the the more the uh the skill uh divide is pronounced the more pronounced it is if it takes 10 shots to kill someone it's gonna be really hard for the bad player to get to 10 before the good player gets to 10 and pub g it's you know sometimes it's it's four to four to seven shots it's somewhere in there somewhere in that range to kill uh and fortnight it's pretty similar so yeah i i see where you're going with
Starting point is 00:51:45 this like i feel like if it was pickup basketball right i start with the ball and we're playing best of one i might beat anyone i don't know like i got a hook shot that works one time in 10 that might be lebron james you know like yeah you could just huck it up yeah if he doesn't block it oh first to one i win why my best strategy this is bullshit now first to two but but you know take that and apply it to games i i feel like people are moving away from that hey you know let's let's make it so that noobs can have fun kind of game mode and they seem to be willing to invest the time it takes to get good at fortnite or pub g or whatever csgo was huge for a bit yeah they're all trying to make these games like competitive because esports is like huge right now so ask like any big game
Starting point is 00:52:37 developer and and they'll all tell you we're trying we're trying to make the game uh esports friendly and uh like a a Fortnite is great for that CSGO is perfect for that PUBG is getting there too you know but then a Call of Duty I don't know like I've played some competitive Call of Duty and it's pretty boring
Starting point is 00:52:58 in my opinion versus competitive any other game hmm yeah I'm looking forward to this i love it i love battle royale style games so and i think the competition is great like while i'm not a fan of fortnite i'm a big fan of the fact that there is a fortnite out there to push uh pub g to become bigger and better rather than just kind of sit and count their money which is what it feels like they've been doing i'm glad pub g has fallen behind I'm glad that they're not making as much money because they need to get their
Starting point is 00:53:27 shit together. They released their roadmap for 2018 today, like what they plan to do. And so it's still a little bit underwhelming, you know, like looking at the maps they have planned, the one gun they're planning to release. It's like, what are you doing over there? Well, as a content creator, right, and marketing professional. Game designer, game developer. Game developer, rocket scientist too. Like looking at the way these companies work on their games, like let's say grab a PUBG where they release one new gun every month. Like, let's say, grab a PUBG where they release one new gun every month. It's horrible for a content creator perspective. Because if I make PUBG videos and, you know, you guys would know, like, back in the day, let's say there was a Call of Duty update and a new map came out, you could cover it straight away, right?
Starting point is 00:54:18 But with PUBG, it's like, okay, there's one new weapon every month. So that's one video every month, which might be interesting but then compare that to fortnight where there's Two three new updates every week like you have a new game mode you have a new weapon You might have a new town introduced. You might have a new pickup like item. It's constant and Constantly new stuff which will bring people back and on top of that like give the option for content creators to Make videos on it news videos on it like hey guys. There's a new gun. Hey guys There's a new map today and tomorrow
Starting point is 00:54:55 There's a new new this and tomorrow's a new that so that's what I think like pub G's really really lacking Yeah, fact that they don't have frequent updates And they've got the same old staff right like it's a bunch of amateur developers and they're not hiring a new team like an auxiliary team well they're working on it but it just takes ages right whereas epic games was able to do that like they've worked on fortnite for like four or five six years i don't even know i don't have an issue with the i've been watching PUBG. I've watched more of it than you might guess. I was watching Shroud today. It's slow-paced to watch, man.
Starting point is 00:55:29 It is. And I watch Fortnite too. It doesn't seem as slow. I don't see people in Fortnite. Fortnite games are about 20 minutes, and I believe PUBG is anywhere like 30 minutes. So it's much faster. The map, like you move faster. The way you play PUBG is like you go stealthy crawl on the ground whereas in fortnite you're building like forts and stuff
Starting point is 00:55:51 yes i definitely think that the pacing is like good pacing is the way to go it's hard not to be a camper in pub g and it's hard to watch people who do camp i i don't um it's slower pace for sure uh i prefer the slower pace but and i just like the gameplay and the gunplay a lot more but the new one of the new maps that they're they're adding is like a quarter of the size four by four four by four yeah it's it's it's gonna make uh it's gonna be much more uh much much more fast ppaced. You've got 100 players in literally half the areas you're used to. And if you really look at that map, I think it's 16 squares of map. And there's a ton of water. There's a ton of water taking up parts of those 16 squares.
Starting point is 00:56:38 There's really only like eight squares of actual land for 100 players to to be on so that's going to be a game changer i don't know how they're going to handle loot i don't know if there's going to be enough loot uh because right now you don't find loot like out in the woods for example there there's there's not loot in the woods or in bushes and trees and shit they're in towns and buildings and structures they may have to like throw some loot in woods. The map is four times as small. Because the original one is 8x8. And this one is like 4x4. Yeah. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:57:12 That should completely change the way you play. And it's like constant action. It'll be fun, for sure. Yeah, I agree. I'm looking forward to it. PUBG is definitely my preferred game. And one of the reasons Fortnite is doing so much better is it's a free game. It's free.
Starting point is 00:57:29 Oh, is it? Yeah. Free. Yeah, explain that. What's the business model? They have microtransactions in the game, so you can buy skins for your pickaxe, skins for your character. Is it pay-to-win? No, not pay-to-win. Not at all.
Starting point is 00:57:44 It's just cosmetics but they've done an amazing job like every week they'll release new skins too uh so pretty much if you have a little bit of money or you're a little kid and your friends have all the cool skins and you don't then you're like well you're kind of forced to buy something cool i'm impressed with game makers that make a lot of money off cosmetics like woody craft had elements that were pay to win i guess and they had elements that were cosmetics shucks chis throw a number out what i don't know if he knew the i would guess 95 of the sales came from the pay to win stuff and if you went to a strictly cosmetic based thing which would be like there'd be bats following you around or when you ran, a trail of fire went past you, like some stuff that's pretty cool by Minecraft standards.
Starting point is 00:58:33 No one paid for that. So, well, I obviously did my research since I'm making all these games now. One of the things I'm trying to stay away is pay to win, which you kind of always want to stay away with if you're trying to build up a loyal fan base because you don't want the person that spends the most amount of money to actually win the game because then he'll have an unfair advantage. So pay to win is possible if you're, let's say, doing a solo game
Starting point is 00:58:59 where nobody's playing against each other. For example, oh, I'm building this building in my town, but it's an hour. But if I spend $1, it'll be done straight away, right? That type of pay to win. But then... So it's okay to pay to beat AI. That makes sense.
Starting point is 00:59:18 Right, but the moment it becomes a competitive game and you're actually trying to make the game interesting, pay to win all of a sudden becomes a whole lot different and then the only way you can really go with is cosmetics so skins on your weapon skins on your backpack skins on your parachute all the all the fun stuff yeah it's good stuff i like the uh i like the crates in pub g i'm actually like i've made more money than i've spent on the game costs 30 and i've probably bought 10 worth of keys 20 worth of keys to open crates but i've opened like a total of 300 worth of gear or something like that that i could sell on op skin so like i i've made money on pub g you know just by opening crates and stuff
Starting point is 00:59:59 that's interesting i really like the battle royale thing i think it's really going to change like online multiplayer gaming i think all of the games are definitely going to shift to it it's the biggest thing everyone's into it it's it's really rewarding and you know when you get down to those final circles when it's your team versus maybe when it's a 1v1 situation or whatever the adrenaline is rushing through your veins and it's great from a and then you're like i can't do this anymore and you're missing all your shots as amazing as it is from a plate from a player standpoint to be that in that 1v1 scenario or even like that 1v4 scenario where you've really got to clutch it hard like it's a like a like it's a csgo or cod for search and destroy or something it's equally interesting
Starting point is 01:00:40 to watch someone clutch it like like we were we were playing the other night and like my buddy class was like it's a 1v1 scenario for in a squad game to like you know the it's it's the last circle and there's they're each on the side of a hill there's a road separating them and he's just peeking peeking peeking and like five minutes goes by of them just kind of like looking at each other before he finally gets the kill and clutches that we all go crazy you know everybody's there's you could hear a pin drop because nobody wants to say a word because he needs to listen for footsteps. It's a lot of fun. It's a good spectator thing. And it's also one of the reasons
Starting point is 01:01:13 some YouTubers are blowing up right now with Fortnite and PUBG, mainly Fortnite on YouTube. It's because, like, these kids will start watching the video and they're like, I'll just watch until he dies, right? But the moment the game progresses it starts off like I've been reading books So I've got this shit from books, but it's the same thing with movies It starts off with a spike right and it's always the same thing with Fortnite 2. You drop down in a town where there are 10 people around you. You pick up a shotgun and it's action, action, action.
Starting point is 01:01:51 And obviously you survive it because you're really good. And then the excitement level goes down. But then it slowly crawls up the moment more and more people die. And the circle gets closer and closer and closer until you're at the final like the final circle and there are three people alive and you kill these people and you're shaking everybody's yelling and the excitement level peaks and then you win and you end your video and then people have to watch the next video tell me if this is true i feel like the battle royale game mode has made gameplay matter more right back in the cod days yeah people said
Starting point is 01:02:26 gameplay didn't matter but it did you had to have you had to meet like a certain standard on my channel so for me as a as a full-time content creator mainly making gaming videos i really noticed that back in the day like go back one year i could upload some stupid video with my friends You know, we're pretty good at video games, but we're not professionals but just us having fun and people would laugh and love it and it would get like a Bunch of views versus now where I would play fortnight and we would do the same just have fun and the funny moments is what? We call them people just destroys and be, we're not watching this or shit. You need to be good at the game.
Starting point is 01:03:07 So all of a sudden, like I actually need to be really good at the game for me being able to upload it, for example, with any Battle Royale game. So me and my friends, we now have a rule. We can only upload Battle Royale videos if we actually end up winning the game. So that's like the minimum criteria.
Starting point is 01:03:25 But everybody knows you can win the game with one kill, right? And then the entire gameplay is boring. So you need like five to ten kills. You need to be a professional. Your building skills in Fortnite need to be amazing or your aim in PUBG needs to be super sick. But I've really noticed that professional gamers now are starting to grow like a massive audience on YouTube. I don't know if you guys heard about Ninja.
Starting point is 01:03:53 He's like the new... I heard about this guy two weeks ago, looked at his channel, and I'm like, this guy gained a million subscribers in the last month, which is crazy, right? A million youtube subscribers um and he has a hundred thousand a hundred thousand twitch subscribers the paid ones right now um and this guy is he's probably one of the best fortnite players right out there right now and on top of that he's very entertaining right so you watch him and you're like this guy this is this sounds like a great guy he's funny um and then on top of that he's a professional gamer so if i would go up against this guy i
Starting point is 01:04:29 would get destroyed and and you know i get destroyed currently in concurrent viewers right like he's pulling like 80 000 people right now on twitch so it's a gameplay matters so much more than it did back in the day. So, interesting, yeah. It seems like the life cycle is shorter now. Like, back in the day when it was Call of Duty, it would be years. Yeah, half a decade. Now it seems like, I bet there was a dude just like Ninja for DayZ. That game that was huge, like, maybe two years ago?
Starting point is 01:05:05 I don't recall exactly when. Four years ago. No, I was huge maybe two years ago. I don't recall exactly when. Four years ago. Four years ago. I haven't heard about anyone playing that game in years now. And so it's only a matter of time until Fortnite fades away and some other game takes it, and then some other dude perhaps seizes that mantle. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:05:21 It's good that he's capitalizing. But then again, I'm sure if he's that good at this game he'll kind of transition to something else well you had you had shroud with pub g right like that's i believe his how how he got really big um and then now you have this ninja guy in fortnite and then soon the call of duty one will be out and um you know reddit redemption two will be out so like you'll need a guy to fill all of it in in his posse but the game dies quickly and that might be what taylor was saying like it feels like pub g lasted a year and now it's fortnight i was gonna say nine months but i thought i was shorting it no probably nine months yeah and now's not dead, but it's clearly on the other side of the bell curve,
Starting point is 01:06:06 and Fortnite is on the top. But, you know, shucks, six months from now, it's going to be all new stuff. Battlefield's coming out. Battlefield, Battle Royale, there you go. Probably. Yeah, and then they call it Duty. And why can't I name it?
Starting point is 01:06:24 Oh, Red Dead Redemption. So, yeah, and those all might bury Fortnite. Which Fortnite's not going to last for five years like COD did. I mean, grab Fortnite and put them up against a giant, like, Activision or Rockstar games, right? Like, they're going to get completely destroyed. So, it's going to be fun. You think? Like, they'll come out with something bigger and better in the exact kind of format that yeah yeah addicted i mean like i'm sorry i over talked
Starting point is 01:06:53 to you but the one thing that might hold back the big ones is you never know when they're gonna go ea right rockstar games could be like yeah all right you know it's just like fortnite except that instead of free it's 60 and instead of skin it's guns and you know this part of the map is 10 dollars but look at look at i don't know if you guys followed it closely but gta 4 to gta 5 right or even gta 3 to gta 4 people were already like oh my goodness this game is gorgeous there's nothing is ever going to be able to beat it and then gta5 comes out which just completely destroys gta4 um like rockstar games knows what they're doing uh there's a reason they made a billion dollars in like a day right what i thought you were going to say was gta 3 comes out then 4 comes out then 5 comes out with
Starting point is 01:07:45 microtransactions and there hasn't been a new one since yeah but it's it's it's like i i i'm a little bit biased here but gta 5 was huge for me right on my youtube channel like you know i probably got like half half a billion views of just GTA alone if not more and and it was like one of the most popular games out there until like recently but I think rocks are games they have the resources they have the knowledge like they're they're observing for tonight everything for tonight does right now and then they're observing everything pub g has done and they were the ones before that and probably the ones after that and i i hope as a rockstar fanboy um for for me my
Starting point is 01:08:33 business and my employees too that uh it's gonna be huge all right oh i have a related topic not related at all we'll we'll jump to that in just a moment. But first. I'm going to tell everyone about Audible. Because this episode of PK is brought to you by Audible. Audible is a leading provider of preview of digital spoken audio information and entertainment on the internet. Audible's content includes an unmatched selection of audiobooks, original audio shows, news, comedy, and more. From the leading audiobook publishers, broadcasters, entertainers, magazines, and newspaper publishers.
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Starting point is 01:10:05 a title free and start listening it's that easy go to slash pka or text pka to 500 dash 500 to get started today links down below in the description check them out if you're anything like me and you don't think that listening to music passes the time while you're working out or doing something active. This is ideal. And you're learning. You're learning better words. There are only so many words you can learn from a hip-hop song as you're lifting weights. But you'll actually augment your vocabulary.
Starting point is 01:10:39 Some of Taylor's favorite – some of Chiz's favorite words are in hip-hop songs. One of them, certainly. Yeah. Some of Chiz's favorite words are in hip-hop songs. One of them, certainly. Dude, I was about to go to the next topic when I looked at the before and after pics of Quib's friend. Oh, I'm in the wrong spot. Dude, I legit would love to look like his before picture. Like, that guy's not bad.
Starting point is 01:11:01 You know, he's got a little hint of some abs. He's pretty cut. It's not bad. Yeah, he had a good a little hint of some abs. He's pretty cut. It's not bad. Yeah, he had a good foundation to work on. There was no extra fat there. He's just adding muscle to an already sort of toned frame. Pretty lean, yeah. And real quick, Woody, before you jump into your topic,
Starting point is 01:11:17 we got to give a hand and a little congratulations for Quev here passing 8 million subscribers. Dude, you're going to be diamond. I literally just hit it on on on the show awesome dude yeah that's great i don't follow any gaming channels and so when you linked that like if you would have told me i just hit three million i would have been like hell yeah that's great but i saw eight and i'm that's bananas dude i thought he had i pinged him last night and i thought you know i've got a friend with so many Yeah, that's great. But I saw eight, and that's bananas, dude. You're killing it. That's great. I pinged him last night, and I thought, you know, I've got a friend with so many subs. I'm going to get some YouTube advice.
Starting point is 01:11:50 And in my head, you had three million, and you just cracked eight. That's outrageous. Yeah, no, like it's been a slow few months, but I've really been enjoying my YouTube channel. So that's pretty much what I all care about right now. You know, sometimes you're like, oh, I got to really do the Call of Duty videos because they pay well or get me views. And for the last few months, I've just been like, well, I kind of don't really need any money. And I'm doing good with everything. So I'll just make videos that I enjoy doing.
Starting point is 01:12:23 And it's still going good. So, yes. That's great, dude. You deserve you deserve you're a great guy you deserve all the success so well done i'm i'm taken i'm sorry uh taylor taylor stop trying to muscle your way into our relationship okay we talked earlier before the show about our ability to beat women up. I didn't take her. A nice one-two. Anyway, go ahead, Woody. Notre Dame over here made a call that 50 Cent was full of shit. I called it. I knew it. 50 Cent is like, hey, you know what?
Starting point is 01:12:55 I've got, what did he say? $7 million? $25 million in Bitcoin? Like a few million, yeah. $8 million. $8 million. 50 Cent claimed he had eight million in bitcoin and i was like dude no way 50 cent has made a career out of lying about his net worth 50 cent floyd mayweather a bunch of other guys all the guys that talk about how much money they have exaggerate how much money they have they do and uh they're like no there's a transaction log it has to be
Starting point is 01:13:25 true fucking not true it's not true 50 cent zero dollars in bitcoin zero it turns out that he instantly converted the bitcoin into like cash before it even got to him by some third party and he was a hundred percent full of shit zero bitcoin i just pictured the hunchback of notre dame okay the hunchback oh did i say the wrong thing who is the uh no it's not your damos that's the guy that predicts the future right not nostradamus oh not your damn that's that that's it yeah well what is it anyway fortune teller. Gypsy. I don't know. Whatever you want me to be.
Starting point is 01:14:07 I saw it coming, and he's full of shit. Yeah. He took that Bitcoin and went straight to the bank with it. He didn't hold on to it. Which is another fun topic. I don't know if you guys have anything to talk about, but I thought this would be a pretty smooth transition. YouTubers blowing their money.
Starting point is 01:14:27 It's ridiculous. Like, I have a lot of YouTuber friends, and there are two things, two pieces of advice I give them the moment they blow up, right? So the moment I see a guy go from minimum wage to 10 million views per month, it's like I message them. I'm like, hey like hey listen good for you but there are two things you should do pay your fucking taxes and well three things don't buy any stupid cars like expensive cars and three invest your money into real estate because you're you can thank me in like five years and then meanwhile meanwhile, I got friends still buying Lambos, Ferraris, houses, which they cannot afford and get a ridiculous mortgage.
Starting point is 01:15:12 Not like a little one. Not like, okay, you're making a lot of money and you get a million dollar mortgage. No, I'm talking four or five million dollar mortgage. And then instead of leasing a car they would buy a car and it's not just your regular car we're talking a Lambo Ferrari over here just outright cash what you want to do new money as fuck you're like shaking the bottles they're like yeah dude I know a guy I won't mention his name but uh he's at a conference he wore four thousand dollar jeans and had all the other youtubers sign them and then he like trashed them that day too
Starting point is 01:15:54 got like you know all sorts of alcohol like they got stained and yucky and they were a one-time wear four thousand dollar jeans that he just had people sign. Solid investment right there. Wow. Yeah, you better make like an 8 million view video showing you trash your $4,000 jeans. This is a net loss, my friend. Yeah, what you really want to do, you want a racing yacht. That is the best piece of investment advice I can give anyone.
Starting point is 01:16:20 Get yourself a racing yacht. They hold their value like, I don't know, gold, platinum, any of the precious metals. You can always count yourself a racing yacht. They hold their value like I don't know, gold, platinum, any of the precious metals. You can always count on that racing yacht. Just two people who haven't lost their asses on a racing yacht. Just two. I wouldn't know where to begin. There's dozens
Starting point is 01:16:37 of us racing yacht owners. They say the happiest days of boat ownership are the day you purchase the boat the the happiest days of uh boat boat ownership are the day you purchase the boat and the day you sell the boat the day i sold the boat was so much happier than the day i bought the boat you wouldn't even put them in the same same sphere of thought like like when that boat got sold i was like ah finally because this is a bleeding wound it was like seeping money out of this seeping money out of it. Seeping money out of it.
Starting point is 01:17:06 You can look at Queb's subscribers rapidly going up, ticking. That was just money ticking away in the negative. Every day you owned it. It was just the stupidest fucking thing. Yeah, I see that a lot the advice that i lay out is look at your net worth and live like you earn 10 of that annually right so if you're a millionaire consider yourself a guy with a hundred thousand dollar job if you're if you earn two million right consider yourself a guy with about a two hundred thousand dollar job and if you do that while these things are growing
Starting point is 01:17:42 then you won't run out of money. But what happens is they make whatever. They have an amazing year. They make $700,000, and they buy a $500,000 car because they think they can. Because they believe they're special, and they're going to be making this for the next four or five years, right? Which most of them aren't. Most of them, they have one amazing year and then it slowly goes down and that's the end of their career. But what I like to think is when I'm about to purchase something expensive, I ask myself, do I really need it? And how much money would this be if I had a regular nine to five job, which I might have if I spend my money stupid in like 10
Starting point is 01:18:27 years right. For example I was talking to Woody yesterday, messed it up again the first time and we were talking about was it $500? 300. 300 dollars and I'm like that's still, right? Which, when you're talking, let's say, about a million dollars, and you've got to pay a transaction fee worth $300, it might not look like much, but at the end of the day, that's still $300. That's still a few movie tickets, popcorn, and other things, if you don't have that luxury of having that million dollars. I'm a little less cheap about business expenses.
Starting point is 01:19:12 My personal expenses, I try to keep them in check a lot. But if it's something that earns me money, like this new computer probably costs more than I want to admit. But it's like, hey, man, I got to buy that. Yeah, it's a business expense. Yeah. But have you heard that you can write literally everything off? Almost. Literally everything.
Starting point is 01:19:34 Almost. Almost everything. Yeah, we learned that from a previous guest. Write everything off. Who are we talking about? Joking about Ice, where he's like, yeah, I a hundred percent of everything like my food my clothes maybe not maybe maybe let's not wave a flag of irs i'm here i'm here like yeah yeah yeah you can write anything off i mean technically you don't have to pay your fucking taxes nobody will notice for a while they might never notice i mean it's possible that you could never pay your your taxes and no
Starting point is 01:20:10 one would notice if that is a possibility and you hear about people who are like yeah i got caught i i hadn't paid taxes in 14 years i my my my penalties and interest have added up to like 1.8 million dollars that i owe or I'm going to go to jail. But that's a possibility. They might never notice. Or you can just – but just because you wrote everything off, you filed your taxes, and you got your return, don't consider that like approval of your tax methods. No. You might just be four years away from a gigantic audit just pay your taxes
Starting point is 01:20:46 the way you're supposed to if you're an idiot about your taxes it's about a five percent chance you'll get audited that's about right um so just take that five percent and do it for 10 years there's a pretty good chance you're fucked and then yeah yeah so there you go yeah especially if you're pulling down a lot of money like you're not some guy making you know 45k a year who's bullshitting some stuff like if you're pulling down a lot i'd say it's probably even more than you know the 1 in 20 chance you said like the penalties will be so much higher right like like if you cheat on your 45 000 a year income for 10 years you know your penalties and interest probably aren't going to be that horrible. I mean, maybe to you they'll be that horrible.
Starting point is 01:21:29 But in the grand scale of things, you know, you could bear down and you could get it taken care of. But if you're cheating on $800,000 a year income for 10 years, you're fucked. Yeah. Which is another thing, by the way. Obviously, some of these YouTubers, they're a little bit crazy. And like you guys said, they'll write everything off as a business expense. You know, okay, sure, you do that. But then the remaining money you have, don't spend it on a stupid car.
Starting point is 01:21:57 Put it in the house. Because if they then come knocking on your door, the IRS, and they're like, hey, gotta pay up three hundred thousand dollars of of taxes you you didn't pay you're like okay sell a house and then there you go right um but if you have a lambo which is now worth 10 grand and has cost you 150 grand already in in maintenance and stuff then you're just screwed yeah yeah yeah i definitely don't understand the lambo thing no i see guys i i wouldn't direct that at every like youtube entertainer or twitch streamer that does that because there's some of those guys there's a bunch oh yeah oh i know it seems like the it's like the thing to do but like the guy i'm thinking of like like uh you know he's you're making
Starting point is 01:22:38 hundreds of thousands of dollars a month so yeah i mean you can afford a lambo now if you're still i wouldn't do it. It doesn't matter. It depends where your priorities are, right? It's not a smart business. It's probably akin to getting yourself a nice racing yacht. It's not a smart thing to do, but you can afford it at this point. That's your splurge item.
Starting point is 01:22:59 You say they're making hundreds of thousands a month, right? Let that accumulate. And now that they're worth $7 million, they can live like a guy who earns $700,000 a year. And that guy can have a Lambo. But don't go thinking that because you made hundreds of thousands a month all year that that's going to stay on forever. You need to have $7 million in the bank. And then you can buy your $700,000 car or whatever. Yeah, I would agree with that.
Starting point is 01:23:24 I don't understand buying a car that expensive anyway. There's a lot of really, really fucking nice $40,000, $50,000 cars. You don't need a $150,000 car. Or more. Or more. And then those guys who have never, they forget that, oh, well now my tires cost $900 a piece. Now my now my oil change has to be performed by a fucking uh physicist now you know it's absurd oh i need spark plugs what elon musk is the only one who has them you know it's it's a real fucking big
Starting point is 01:23:57 deal there's you guys i'm gonna mess up his name but i'll help people get close is it doug demario does the car reviews does anyone else know him do you mean i don't watch car reviews i have no idea wait who are you talking about he does car reviews and he kind of spends a lot of time looking at the quirks of like this or that he was looking at a ferrari and this ferrari seemed really neat uh it was a little older and you could almost afford it like like it was like a hundred thousand dollar car which is a lot but not 700 000 you know it's not a different so it turns out that every like i forget what it was 15 000 miles it needed the belts changed but to get the belts changed you had to take the motor out and of course it had
Starting point is 01:24:40 to be done by a ferrari dealership if there's any work not done it by a ferrari dealership suddenly the car loses all its value you have have to have like people where it's almost like a certified aircraft, $30,000 to change the belts. And every 15,000 miles. Yes. Yeah. It was outrageous. And the car had like 75,000 miles and like clockwork and it had $60,000 worth of belts changed already. And it was halfway to the next one or whatever it was. It was a do for another. And I was just like, oh my gosh,
Starting point is 01:25:10 like that. Like Kyle mentioned that the tires are now a thousand bucks a pop that sometimes that is the tip of the iceberg. You didn't know a clutch could be $12,000, but it can. That's awful. See, that's why like,
Starting point is 01:25:27 I really like American made cars for one thing like i feel like when you get that exotic like italian uh sports car like you're really stepping in shit unless like you said well you've got seven or eight million dollars in the bank like if you get yourself even even one of these z06 corvettes that's eighty thousand dollars it's still an american sports car that you can you can get worked on here and if you know what you're doing you can do the basic shit right like like it's it's the parts are here they're readily available i i don't like the idea of getting the exotic crazy fucking sports cars i love the idea of the z06 though that's such a great buy for what it is i know i understand eighty thousand dollars is an absurd amount of money for a car, but when you compare it to the $150,000 cars that it blows away, it starts looking like a better and better deal.
Starting point is 01:26:12 Yeah. Look at this guy's fucking leg, all right? What am I looking at here? This is horrible. Yeah, this is disgusting. This is a guy I don't look at. It looks like it's, like, necrotic. It is.
Starting point is 01:26:20 And I got to tell you, I want so bad, so bad to pour hydrogen peroxide on it just to watch it peroxide on it. Just to watch it bubble. Do you want to kind of stab it and see what would come out? I wouldn't want to stab it. I honestly just want to pour hydrogen peroxide on it, like bottle after bottle. Just a little bit of Windex. I thought it was a boot.
Starting point is 01:26:41 I thought it was a boot, too. I looked at it, and I'm like, what's this guy's boot? Why is he wearing a broken boot? I thought it was a boot,. Like I looked at it. I'm like, what was this guy's boot? The little sky. I thought it was a boot too. And little Skype picture. And then turns out it's like his leg with like, uh, I'm like, are we seriously going to talk about boots that are different sizes?
Starting point is 01:26:54 That's our next topic. Have you ever done that to your, to like a wound of yours? Like put peroxide on it. And they're like bubbles and foams. It's just, I, it's satisfying to me.
Starting point is 01:27:03 Like when I was a kid and I'd scrape my knee, I'd i'd be like well i got some good hydrogen for hydrogen peroxide action coming up this will be fun that would be so much fun i want to i want to do stuff to that i don't want to touch it because i'm afraid i'll catch whatever that is that caused that but i do want to pour stuff on it and watch what happens this is a stupid question is that a black person what is that skin tone exactly well we don't know at this point it could Is that a black person? What is that skin tone exactly? Well, we don't know. At this point, it could literally be a white person with, like, his legs about as tall. If you see, zoom in on the fingers up at the top. It looks like a white person.
Starting point is 01:27:34 Yeah, it's a white guy. Oh, no. Wow. Buy bigger jeans, asshole. Don't make everybody else have their bus ride more uncomfortable than it already is. It's so gross. For those of you who aren't watching the video, you're really missing out.
Starting point is 01:27:46 Like, it's worth clicking the video just to see this guy's necrotic legs. They are black, swollen far beyond what they should be. Like, the part of his leg that's outside the shoe is much fatter and bigger around than it should be. And there is a hole that's been created by, like, the necrotic flesh being eaten away. It looks like brown recluses have attacked his legs for the last week or something,
Starting point is 01:28:11 and the flesh is rotting away. You could totally reach into that and tear his flesh off if you were insane. A rabid dog would try to eat that. Or a regular dog would try to eat that. You got to kick him away. No! No! Get out of here! You're not getting another... try to eat that or a regular dog would try to eat that. You gotta kick him away. No, no. Get out of here. You're not getting another.
Starting point is 01:28:28 It looks like his shoes are screwed on. Where is he? Is that a subway you think? Yeah. Do you think he's American? I think it's like a homeless person who's on the subway and he's just minding his own business and somebody has to take a picture. Do we know the country? I'm just wondering dude is this us health care is this guy analyze the
Starting point is 01:28:49 the subway i i'm looking to try to see what country it's in i'm looking for the link the fact that he's on public transportation makes me think it might not be american but the fact that he needs health care and isn't getting it makes me think it might be american i don't know i think whatever country this is this is a homeless person right yeah it the title said a beggar i saw on the something or another this morning i'm looking for the original link i clicked so oh here it is let's see a beggar beggar on the l today so it's an l train l train in chicago chicago i found i i L train? L train? In Chicago. Chicago. I found, I reversed, searched the seats. Chicago Transit Authorities thing.
Starting point is 01:29:32 That's what it looks like, at least. So we got US guys. We're in the US. We're number one in the product list. Okay, there you go. For all we know, he could be a veteran. Here's a comment. And the VA just said, fuck you.
Starting point is 01:29:44 It is Chicago. New York. New York, we got here. This guy says, shit, I used to see this guy on Michigan Avenue. I honestly thought he was dead by now, as I hadn't seen him recently. But here he is on our what the fuck. It looks like someone took an ice cream scoop and just scooped out the whole front part of his leg. It's like somebody bought a Subway sandwich
Starting point is 01:30:06 and instead of starting at the end, just started at the middle. And got a big bite. And it was like, here's your leg back. Yeah, it's like eating a Qdoba burrito just with a middle bite. And then just letting the rice fester for seven weeks on the street
Starting point is 01:30:23 and then packing it into those Nikes. And I gotta say, don't get the idea if you're still not looking at this picture because you're sane. His left leg is not healthy. His left leg, you can only see the back of his calf. It is black and has these gross veins. And his skin tone is like blackish purple, which I thought was the skin tone of dead bodies after three or four days. Ah, almost dead bodies in this case.
Starting point is 01:30:50 This is what happens when you tie to your belt too much. He's got like a blood infection or something. It's so fucking gross. Oh, I bet it stinks. I bet it smells really bad. And the worst part is, he's become accustomed to that smell. You get accustomed to any smell, right?
Starting point is 01:31:09 It becomes part of your life. He's used to this right now. Just like some people get used to their BO, or some people get used to living in New Jersey. After a while, you just become acclimated to the stench. And this guy doesn't notice this anymore, but I guarantee you, like, these people around him are just like, I smell, I smell rotten cat food. Does anyone else smell rotten cat food? Did somebody die here?
Starting point is 01:31:32 There's just this guy standing next to him. He's walking down the street and there's like eight cats chasing behind him. MEOW! MEOW! And a few birds are flying. Yeah. We'll get him while he's sleeping again! He can't feel shit this guy whenever he wakes up there's like three cats nibbling on his
Starting point is 01:31:50 leg, he's like get the fuck out of here that's my good leg get out of here I imagine if he sleeps with like a blanket on, like every morning he wakes up, the blanket is stuck to his leg. If you're just on a minor league level,
Starting point is 01:32:11 cut your foot or something, and you put socks on in the morning, and it bleeds throughout the day unwittingly, and you take your sock off quickly, and it... If you've got a scab on your knee or something, and you take a hot shower, and it gets all soft, and then you then you accidentally towel that part and just scrapes the scab right off. Of course, this guy doesn't have to worry about showers, but certainly not hot showers.
Starting point is 01:32:34 He's clearly not taking. Well, I was just taking a hot shower that I scrubbed and a piece of skin the size of a quarter pound fell off. Sloughing towards the public gym stall that i use i can't imagine this guy's daily life i feel so bad for him like it's i mean we're mocking it because i don't know how to deal with this this horror well and he probably doesn't even know that it's like he's about to lose his legs it needs to like soak it in some epsom salts or something and like like he needs antibiotics and the ship the ship has sailed of redeeming those legs he needs civil war era hacksaw technology to just get that off because he's just gonna get blood poisoning and you're just gonna get a blood infection and die like
Starting point is 01:33:18 those legs are done you can see actual flesh rotting and we don't know what it looks like from the front by the way we're only seeing thank god thank god for all we know could be scooped out around the entire thing his dick looks like oh exactly the same exactly pristine that's where he uses all this soap yeah no his dick's probably a disaster poor guy can you imagine what that guy's ass must smell like not as bad as his leg though right if you had to sniff his ass or his leg which one would you do you know uh that cannonball that knocked off that guy's leg in uh the patriot yeah yeah that's that's the only medical you know that's that would help this dude yeah he's he's praying for that to happen every day he needs to
Starting point is 01:34:01 lay on those tracks of that l train him and and get an amputation right away. That's so fucked. I gotta imagine if he walked staggered into an ER, though, they would treat this in some way, right? Even if he doesn't have... No matter what. They couldn't turn him away. You can't just say, oh, go die on the street. I'll pick up the tab for this guy. I'm always
Starting point is 01:34:19 talking about, I really don't like that we all pay in for these guys who just go into the ER for any old thing. Bill me. Bill me. You should go get it done in Mexico. Or better yet, just go to any local Home Depot and spend $7 on Exxon. Jesus. Fuck me, that's gross.
Starting point is 01:34:36 That's one of the grosser things I've seen in a while. And it's more horrible that he's in the wild. You know what I mean? He's on a train. You think he's taking the wild you know what i mean like he's on a train like he's not you think he's taking that train to the doctor fuck no no he's going to the soup kitchen or wherever you buy pants that look like that well i got an appointment yeah he needs he's wearing jean co jeans like those giant ones from like 1995 and they're still not big enough to go around those mammoth well he's pulled them up because if they go down i think he likes showing off first of all i think this is like a girl who wears a short short skirt
Starting point is 01:35:08 to show off her calves and her thighs and stuff she's like oh i can't cover these this is my best asset right here this is what makes me unique and interesting ladies are always saying oh i love that necrotic hole in your leg are you a necrophiliac but not ready to commit to an actual dead person? Well, take the stepping stone in that right direction. Half of me is medically dead. Necrophilias hate him. Necrophilias hate him. I wasn't sure if you guys were going to get that joke.
Starting point is 01:35:42 Oh, of course. That's hilarious. Oh, what a – God, you got a feel to get that. Oh, of course. That's hilarious. Oh, what a... God, you got to feel for that guy. What a terrible life. I wonder, like, what... At what point did his life go in that direction, you know? I always assume with people like that that they got into heroin
Starting point is 01:35:58 or that scary Russian drug, Crocodile, that, like, eats... Like, there's that one picture on the internet where it's like you can see both bones in the person's forearm, just straight through, no flesh, because it's like creepy heroin. Any drug that takes a needle to administer and a doctor
Starting point is 01:36:18 is not present, just do other drugs. Yep. You know? I mean, no, don't do drugs. I never do drugs if someone's like hey I'm gonna do some crocodile or I could just take it easy and do some cocaine I'm like go go coke it up buddy you know you're not gonna be like missing arm flesh how often at a party do you hear somebody go yo you want to go to the bathroom shoot up some heroin heroin? Never. Never? No.
Starting point is 01:36:45 I don't congregate with those types of people. All the time, guys. What do you mean? And how much of an asshole would they be? They go to the bathroom at the party, shoot up, and then just pass out on the toilet, and then nobody else can use the bathroom because they locked it, and they're just incognito for a while. Yeah, no. No, thank you.
Starting point is 01:37:03 I don't hang out at drug dens exactly chiz but if i lived in like turn of the century england like those opium dens i bet i'd try that yeah just to see what the hype was about like like the those like pipes you see them smoking in like westerns like the where the chinese would bring the opium you mean're talking about that? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Interesting. Because they're far, far away, guys. Also, another tip for up-and-coming YouTubers. Don't do drugs.
Starting point is 01:37:36 Yes. There you go. And don't buy $5,000 bottles of champagne. Kyle, did you just see something horrific? Yeah. Can you link it to us? Oh, no, it to oh no no no how bad is it if i open then it's not good i'm literally covering the image while i copy paste so i don't get exposed to it i want to sleep tonight oh boy oh boy what is this oh what is this is that a dog's feet that's what happens when you don't get your hands circumcised.
Starting point is 01:38:06 Oh. Yeah. But what's happening here? He didn't get his hands circumcised, so they're absolutely horrific. I'm just moving the chat off screen. That looks like a dog's paw, doesn't it? Yeah. It does.
Starting point is 01:38:21 I'm interested in what's happening here. Do you really want to know what is this one of this issue why not get it taken care are these feet that are fucked or are these hands those are hands the facts i had to ask those are hands did it say what's wrong with it or him her what the fuck is a hard subreddit to browse casually like every now and then it just takes a little chunk of your soul away oh he really okay thank you keep bumping it a little bit more i'm gonna yeah could you just bump that real good for me so that i don't thank you thank you okay i think we're good oh boy, boy. Okay. Can we start?
Starting point is 01:39:07 Can we talk about games again? Yeah. Like, I still want to sleep. Oh! Taylor relinks it. Bump it! Bump it! All right, it's gone again. I'm not doing this.
Starting point is 01:39:17 It's gone. It's gone. I promise. No. Ah! You did it again. Ah, damn it. Cheers is too quick on the bump. All right, I'm done. Cheers. Oh, we're good. Ah, damn it. Chiz is too quick on the bump.
Starting point is 01:39:25 All right, I'm done. But we're double bumping. We're double bumping. Oh, it's quick. Oh, no, it's me bumping. It's me bumping. So Chiz is on an interesting diet right now. I believe it's been two full days since you've eaten, right, Chiz?
Starting point is 01:39:38 Is that correct? Shut up. Like 48 hours or something like that with nothing but water and black coffee? Three days as of 20 minutes ago, Chiz says that has a healthy only coffee and water is because you start eating again dr chis recommends it he's the only one one out of 1 000 doctors recommend it 1 000 out of 1 000 actual doctors do not recommend it. Yeah, I don't know if that's healthy, man. I mean, I don't think it's that unhealthy.
Starting point is 01:40:15 It's healthier than eating a large pizza every day, for sure, I would say. But I feel like I would really be starving after day two. Even on that survival trip, we had morsels, right? Like I ran into that cookie man and stuff like that. We had some stuff to eat. But after multiple days without food, I feel like I'd be getting all shaky, and I don't think it'd be safe to drive. Yeah, it would. That's a good point, too.
Starting point is 01:40:36 Like, your blood sugar, I think, would be so low that you get, like, shaky. Your vision's not as good. Like, you could just banning people. Who knows? Who's to say? what chiz is up to over there i just like i was talking to chiz about this on twitter i guess not talking to tweeted at him uh semi-jokingly is a better way to say it's not like we discussed it but like this kind of like i compared it to instead of working out regularly, I work out twice a month for 16-hour sessions. Where it's like at no point am I going to get yoked doing that. I'll just get injured and tired.
Starting point is 01:41:14 In this same way, it seems like you can be an all-star for even a week of not eating, lose a bunch of weight. But then you're going to reward yourself with an In-N-Out burger. And then in for a penny in for a pound i'll get the shake with my animal style burger and then before you know it you're right back to square one you know because you didn't actually practice moderation exactly and that's a that's a problem with the fasting obviously it's like a lot of stress on your body while doing it but you don't you don't practice like cooking for yourself or like eating healthy three times a day or five times a day whatever uh and then once you've lost like what 30 40 pounds whatever you're going for uh you just go back to your old habits start eating some pizza again stuff like that i posted a picture of hands just to yeah beautiful perfect hand roll you
Starting point is 01:42:05 guys a little bit they're just regular hands don't worry about it yeah those are like george costanza or something they're just perfect what is what does he says uh like uh sensual yet masculine he's describing george's hands yeah i saw someone uh have you still never seen sopranos taylor i forget the shows you've seen i've seen the first uh i think the first three seasons of sopranos i've seen yeah i think they're gonna make a – one of the AMA questions here is Kyle thoughts on the recent announcement of a Sopranos prequel movie that's going to be set during the 1960s. Are you happy about this or should they just leave it alone? Man, I'm happy about it.
Starting point is 01:42:54 I hope none of the original cast is in there obviously, and I really hope they find a good character to – let's see. If it's in the 60s though, how old was James Gandolfini? Yeah, he would have been a child I guess in the 60s, his character was james gandolfini yeah that would he would he would have been he would have been a child i guess in the 60s his character because the sopranos was like during the late 20s right would he yeah was he not in his like uh mid 40s in the 90s so he'd be 15 i think i think the sopranos was in like 2000 right like 99 i'm not somewhere in there yeah i i don't you know it's all fictional math anyway but i'm hoping that he's like a young man getting into shit right like i know he started off and
Starting point is 01:43:33 like killed a guy when he was like 15 or something in the show or whatever they took him down to that basement he killed that guy but um i hope that like he's a he's a central character i want to i want tony soprano that i guess uncle junior obviously will be like a central character. I want Tony Soprano. I guess Uncle Junior obviously will be, like, a main character. Tony's dad will be a main character. I hope that they're, like, that it's that kind of show. I don't know. Yeah, I'm excited about it. I don't like the idea of the movie, obviously, because you lost Tony, right?
Starting point is 01:43:57 James Gandolfini died. So that's next. But I'd love to explore that universe some more. You know, I like mob movies. I'm looking forward to The Irishman that uh scorsese's making for netflix the um the the budget for that has ballooned even more like 200 million dollars or something i want to get that right let's see the irishman budget 125 million but it's gone over that now according to this now yeah 140 now it keeps going up
Starting point is 01:44:26 so i don't know i i look forward to seeing it i'm wondering where it's gonna be let me look at your question again a prequel movie ah you see movie tv shows are better than movies because they have more time to develop a story uh i enjoy movies as much as the next guy but it seems like the greatest things going on right now are epic tv shows yeah man i agree a hundred percent we've got so much more uh time and budget to flesh things out with a movie you're taking a big bet right you're like ah the studio's, we'll give you $125 million for 90 minutes of content. It better work. But with a TV show, you can film like a pilot episode for $5 million or something.
Starting point is 01:45:12 And that's kind of on the high end. And if it just blows the fuck up, it becomes the biggest thing ever. You're like, oh, we're signing you on to 16 more episodes. We'll give you $8 million per episode. This is going to be a money-making cash cow. And the production quality can increase as the show goes on, kind of like with Game of Thrones. I mean, Game of Thrones in the early seasons,
Starting point is 01:45:30 you never really saw any of the battles, if you remember. Like Tyrion gets knocked out at the beginning of one battle. The battle in the Whispering Woods where they captured Jaime Lannister and Robb Stark is victorious, his first big battle. You didn't see any of that. Lots of the battles were that way. And in the books, they're not like that. In both of those battles I just mentioned,
Starting point is 01:45:50 they're really fleshed out in the book. You get to hear how the Vanguard was here and then they were deployed and it was a big deal. Or you get to hear how they used tactics to hide soldiers in the woods and sort of use a feint to draw Jaime Lannister to chase them. And you get to hear about the battle tactics.
Starting point is 01:46:05 And I think that's probably a result of the lower budget in the earlier seasons. Whereas now in the later seasons, we got dragons burning entire Lannister armies and shit. And that's, that's, that's pretty fucking cool. So it's definitely TV over movie every time.
Starting point is 01:46:18 Yeah. I watched a decent TV show recently. Have you seen American Vandal? Yeah. Yeah. I thought it was hilarious. hilarious yeah i had a good time watching that it's not game of thrones or anything i heard they're gonna make a second one that uh for anyone who hasn't seen it it's basically making fun of uh making a murderer
Starting point is 01:46:38 where they're going through trying to pin someone for you know the crime and very much presenting the evidence in a skewed way while pretending their objective and it's the guy i don't know what youtube channel he is but he did a youtube channel and someone spray paints dicks on all of the cars in the school parking lot and they're trying to figure out who spray painted the dicks and so it's just going through his day there as like their whole day was spent you know while the dicks were being spray-painted saying no I was pranking this old man I was trying to make an old man think he was going crazy, which is like another kind of crime But they're like oh, you know you weren't doing that you were spray-painting dicks
Starting point is 01:47:15 That's cross-referenced and very very funny. It's on Netflix recommend it to anyone who hasn't seen it. It's very watch it Oh, you know it's it's funny it it's very fun i'll go watch it oh you haven't it's funny um and the what i and a thing i thought was fun about it is the kids are the detectives kind of they're at they're like investigative reporters and they approach it from an angle there all the adults were incompetent right like the attorney has no idea what anything is they don't get what the one of the characters in the show is a twitch live streamer and you know the attorney who's on this case has no idea what Twitch is all about. And it makes him fucking useless at his job. And then other – well, the kids on the other hand are like piecing together Instagram stories and Snapchats to recreate how things went down.
Starting point is 01:47:59 And it was really good. And like I'll give away a piece of it like this guy is a witness but that guy also claims he got a hand job from the hottest girl in school so we don't know how reliable he is and they spend a lot of time trying to figure out whether the hand job is true or not which i will leave you as a surprise and like instead of like the the way it's like making a murderer, where they're like, did Dylan really murder Samantha? It's like, did Eric actually get a handjob in the bathroom at Aaron's party from Samantha? Who's to say? You know, her best friend, Tabitha, says no chance because she gave a hand job to Derek that night. And then it pans to Derek and he's like, yeah, it was pretty great. Not my first one, but it was Derek's first hand job. Now a second layer has come to life.
Starting point is 01:48:57 It's really funny. It's super well done. I was reading just now about the Irishman to try to make sure I was correct in what i said so here's the deal this movie cost about 70 million dollars to make they're spending about another 70 million dollars to digitally de-age robert de niro al pacino and joe pesci so that because they're doing a like a two-time period movie like it's they go back and forth between when they're they're younger days and their current aged selves so we're gonna get a de-aged de niro pacino and joe pesci in a mob movie i i'm excited about this and it's on fucking netflix you know we'll just get it i recently watched justice league have you guys seen that yeah in the opening scene they digitally remove a mustache
Starting point is 01:49:42 from superman yeah and i had heard that it was done poorly but figured people were just being nitpicky because cgi is very oh my god what the fuck were you thinking there are youtubers out there who could have removed that mustache better there's there's a video of a guy doing it like in no time just at home and it looks so much better really yeah wow i am nostradamus except now i'm predicting the past uh i thought denier i uh robert denny jr was dh to chis's point here in civil war i thought they did a good job i thought he looked like um i'm trying to think of his early like like what was that like uh i can't think of the movie breakfast club or something what was the end that was he was really young i'm spacing out but he looked very young i
Starting point is 01:50:29 thought it looked good huh well maybe maybe you're right as long as they don't have to remove a mustache if this is 70 million dollar budget maybe they'll get it they'll do a pretty good job and and it's it's something which uh it's getting better and better now. Well, you guys obviously know about the deep fakes, I assume. But that type of like stuff that can it can be used on movies, too, like for the greater good. Are you suggesting that finally getting to see the Emma Thompson porn we've all wanted is not the greater good? What I mean is like. Emma Watson, fuck. Whatever.
Starting point is 01:51:08 what what i mean is like hey fuck whatever uh what i mean is like currently all these young actors they got so much footage of them and then let's say in 40 years time they're trying to play their younger selves again like they will have computers and they're like oh here's enough footage of them as as as young adults uh de-aging should be like super easy instead of spending 70 million dollars on it now or if i'm trying to uh get a host to replace me on my youtube channel i can find somebody that is a body double and then just put my face on there and i assume with the voice like it's also pretty easy to fake i mean you wouldn't even have to fake the voice just put me in and well there you go give you a wig put my face on there give you some glasses easy you'll be hitting nine million subscribers before you know it you're looking for a job not not playing video games they'd figure out no no no no you don't have to play. We'll fake the gameplay too. No worries. You just have to pretend you're playing video games.
Starting point is 01:52:06 Oh, I excel at that. Just read the script. Come on. Do you think I actually still play my games? Are you crazy? I got a pro. I got like some professional gamer who like sits here under the desk and plays. And I'm like, oh, oh, no.
Starting point is 01:52:20 I just got a kill. Oh. Well, then, yes. Hit me up. There you go. Dude, then, yes, hit me up. There you go. Dude, I... What is this? Yes, I have a thing.
Starting point is 01:52:32 CNN Florida teacher. A Florida teacher has been suspended after his high school district concluded he repeatedly used the N-word in class and told his 7th and 8th graders not to date African Americans, quote, because they're not worth it, end quote, among other violations. And this gentleman in the picture looks like he's happy he was discovered for his sex.
Starting point is 01:52:53 He is hard to look at. He looks like on the weekends he's a juggalo. And years of having that juggalo makeup on has really damaged his complexion. But I don't know what happened to his teeth. It looks like his teeth are from different people. Both of which don't brush often. Dude, this is what a KKK member looks like to me. Whenever I see the Master Race subreddit or something,
Starting point is 01:53:21 and they make fun of people in the people in the kkk this is what they are he's a rough looking he's a rough looking fella um that's some that's a pretty edgy uh content that he's pushing in his classroom there how did he think he was going to get away with that i mean by the look of his smile he knew he wasn't going to get away with it. But he won an extra two stamps on his Grand Dragon rewards card. And so, you know, he can use that at nowhere. Yeah. It seems like all the people who get really, really into race identity, no matter what race it is,
Starting point is 01:54:01 are never very good representations of that race. Of their own race like you know what it is like a bunch of white losers and then you'll see like oh the black israelites and it's like those are some of the ugliest black people i've ever seen in my entire life have you ever seen like those kind of people glob on their identity because they feel insecure about other shit have you ever seen a 10 out of 10 looking male model full on racist? All right. Well, there's that one guy.
Starting point is 01:54:28 There's that one guy who's like some sort of spokesman for him. And he got in a little bit of trouble when he was like, you know, hail our flag, hail Donald Trump, et cetera, et cetera. Remember that guy? He's not a bad looking fella. He's a good representation, I guess, if you're going to champion one of this. Okay. I see you with gender i see you're just being weird like hail this hail that or was he like is he a uh a nazi white supremacist kind of guy
Starting point is 01:54:51 well for real yeah yeah i i think he's like legitimately some sort of a white nationalist or something i i think that's the term he uses yeah when i envision someone screaming about gender inequality, right? What does she look like? She's overweight. She has a short haircut for some reason. It might be purple and maybe some sort of facial piercing. Her glasses do their best to take the attention away from the rest of her. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:55:22 That always seems to be seem to be who represents like the gender inequality fight as well not their best representative yeah i agree and like if you talk to those kinds of people you're never like hey so what do you do they're never like oh i'm a i'm a nurse oh i'm a you know successful business person. It's always like, oh, we're good at Starbucks. Oh, I got an underwater basket weaving degree and it's not paying off. It's always that kind of person. Because like, I don't know. It really is true.
Starting point is 01:56:00 People who glom onto those kind of movements, whether it's gender or race or whatever, it always seems like it's a smokescreen because they're not confident in themselves individually, so they have to kind of co-opt the identity and success of it. The same way that, like, some retard white supremacist will be like, well, us whites invented everything. And it's like, you've never invented anything. You probably couldn't use a DVD player, you retard. Like, you're co-opting the success of of other groups of people because yeah to confront your own ineptitude is you know and and in the case of the white
Starting point is 01:56:31 supremacists and white racists like they're really just looking for something and someone to look down on they want they want there to be a lower class than what they are which is usually the ugliest grossest white person you've ever seen. They're like, I'm kind of bottom tier in my group of people, but if things were set up so that there was a lower group of people just by definition, then I could look down upon them just based upon my skin color. That's so often what they've got going on with themselves. And they pick on black people for some reason yeah where they can be like well
Starting point is 01:57:06 i'm the bottom half percent of white people i got robotty go ahead i was i was gonna say something racist as a joke yeah i saw it coming i shut the fuck up oh yeah there's there's an american indian joke in there and i'm gonna let it slide uh i got i got scared yeah chis is telling me it's a good time for the ad before i do the ad like i just want to show what we're talking about here this is the i whenever we we did a thing for uh for get quip uh a few weeks ago i uh i was sold so i so i i ordered one i think it was like 20 or something it was it was pretty affordable i'm gonna try to give you a close-up of this bad boy. They come in like four or five different colors.
Starting point is 01:57:47 This is like a bronze or a gold type thing. And it's a super... It's vibrating right now. There's a little button right here to turn it on. And it vibrates like crazy. This is like a million vibrations per second. Don't quote me on that. It's really going to work over here. Wow. This thing,
Starting point is 01:58:06 yeah, right? Powerful. Yeah, you could do all sorts of brushing with this. So, yeah, let me get to the ad. When it comes to your health, brushing your teeth is one of the most important parts of your day. Quip knows that. They've combined dentistry and design to make a
Starting point is 01:58:22 better electric toothbrush. Quip is the new electric toothbrush that packs just the right amount of vibrations into a slimmer design at a fraction of the cost of this bulkier traditional electric brushes, which could be really, really expensive, by the way. And guiding pulses alert you when to switch sides, making brushing the right amount of effortless. Quip also comes with a mount that suctions right to your mirror and unsticks to use a cover for hygienic travel anywhere. Oh, I threw that away. Dang it. Whether it's going in
Starting point is 01:58:52 your gym bag or your carry-on, and because the thing that cleans your mouth should also be clean, Quip subscription plan refreshes your brush on a dentist-recommended schedule, delivering new brush heads every three months for just $5, including free shipping worldwide. Quip is backed by a network of over 10,000 dental professionals, including dentists, hygienists, and dental students. Most toothbrushes don't get named one of Time Magazine's Best Adventures of the Year, but Quip did.
Starting point is 01:59:19 Find out for yourself why. Quip starts at just $25, and if you go to slash pk right now, you'll get your first refill pack free with a Quip starts at just $25, and if you go to slash pka right now, you'll get your first refill pack free with a Quip electric toothbrush. That's your first refill pack for free at slash pka, spelled G-E-T-Q-U-I-P dot com slash pka. Link in the description. It says $25 there, and, you know, I could be wrong about this, but it seems like it was maybe $25 out the door, and I also, also like got their toothpaste to come with it or something like that so yeah very affordable uh and a lot cheaper than some of those uh other electric
Starting point is 01:59:51 toothbrushes that i that i've seen on the market those things get really expensive and that'll last they're very very sturdy like it doesn't feel like when it's vibrating like with cheap ones you can feel it shake and falling apart almost right away this is like solid you know yeah it really is like i haven't used it yet it literally showed up today and i took it out of the packaging like an hour before the show but uh uh i'm sold i'm really glad i got this quit using your stone age toothbrush like a goddamn peasant get your quip yeah exactly i saw an article about how millennials are apparently much much worse at caring for their teeth really than previous generations like those poor people can't catch a
Starting point is 02:00:31 break yeah these damn millennials like they're not good with oral health and so grab yourself a quip and don't be one of those millennials who 20 years from now has rotted out teeth i yeah i don't know i i suspect millennials are not as bad as uh as the media tells us they are they really aren't and then i saw an article where it was like the official cutoff date i think for millennials is like i think 81 to 96 and that was so not the group I was yeah 81 to 96 Chiz confirms I just kind of figured you know maybe 80 85 on or something but apparently there's some well into their 30s millennials now what is the what's after 96 what's the group uh Gen Z assholes Gen Z Gen Z fuck Assholes. Gen Z. Gen Z fuckers, according to Chiz. Alright. Woody, did you ever catch up on all of Walking Dead? There are two episodes.
Starting point is 02:01:32 Or did you watch The Foreigner with Jackie Chan? No to The Foreigner. And I'm trying... I think I did see both Walking Deads. What was the second one? Oh, it was a lot of Garbage Pail Kids. Yes. Yes, it was. And at the end, Rick calls Negan the radio.
Starting point is 02:01:49 Right, right. Yeah, I saw them both. Ratings just continue to drop. Lowest point since season one. Shut up. Hoping they kill the fucking show soon. Really looking forward to that. It just being over.
Starting point is 02:02:00 Supernatural is a much better show than Walking Dead at this point. It just is just is I don't know what they're doing the writing was so bad last episode I like kind of where they're going with the show but the writing sucks right I feel like they don't even need writers to do what they're doing
Starting point is 02:02:15 like they could have just showed up with cameras and random people brainstormed and came up with an 8 episode long gunfight yeah and like like that last episode like they don't need lines at all i don't feel like i feel like the director could have been like all right rick uh you call negan you tell him what happened go carl's dad he doesn't need lines for that like i oh man i'm looking forward i wish the show were good again
Starting point is 02:02:41 and one of the things i knock a show for is if I can describe everything that happened to a show in like 15 or 20 seconds, then not enough happened in that show. You got to move the plot forward to some extent. And basically, Garbage Pelkey is wiped out. Rick calls Negan. That's the whole thing. You didn't miss anything with that. Yeah. Basically, yeah.
Starting point is 02:03:01 Although you can definitely see how the pieces are going to fall together so that Negan and Rick become best buds, right? Because that guy who works for Negan, I don't know his name because they don't do a very good job of character development. No idea what his backstory is or why he's so evil all of a sudden. The guy who killed the garbage kids, when Negan finds out about that, he is going to just fucking go ape shit, and that's going to create a big rift in the middle of the Saviors.
Starting point is 02:03:27 I don't know what he's going to do to that guy. He may beat him to death with a bat. He might give him the iron. Something's going to happen with that. But those are the two options. I mean, it seems to be the only two punishments they have over there is the iron or the baseball bat. Not a lot of probation handed out, I guess, in the Savior's organization. I would do scaphism to really scare people.
Starting point is 02:03:52 Oh, not the scaphism. I don't know what that is. It's where you take two canoes and you rope the person up between the two canoes. And this is after you've forced... So they make a coffin out of two canoes. Basically, yeah. And then you force... This is after having force-fed that person
Starting point is 02:04:11 tons of milk and honey to the point that they're, like, vomiting, but you keep forcing it in. And because that's, like, apparently mixed together, a natural diuretic, they are going to shit themselves constantly, and you're always force-feeding them. And then you put them in like a swamp or some sort of stagnant area and you just allow bugs
Starting point is 02:04:32 to consume them and enter their orifices and they slowly, slowly, slowly die. Their arms and their legs are sticking out of holes in the canoes and you continually go back and give them more milk and honey. I feel like this never happened. This is really expensive to pull off. I feel like some people on a medieval podcast just brainstormed it up and came like, what would be fucked up ways to kill people? It was an ancient Persian method of torture, of execution. There you go.
Starting point is 02:05:01 There's the link. Did you guys hear about the uh the hitman interrogating a kkk member he was yeah he was on reddit and then with a razor like together with like some fbi agent or whatever uh they were interrogating some kkk member and this hitman was uh torturing him by grabbing a razor and slowly shaving off a piece of the guy's dick until he said what they wanted to hear. I bet all of his KKK, I'm not talking to the authorities, went away pretty fucking quick. What would you like to know?
Starting point is 02:05:42 Yeah, right? Anything. You know, you want his address? I know the last four of his social. His father's maiden name. It's not even what you'd like to know. It's like, what would you like to hear? You know, true, false, name it.
Starting point is 02:05:59 I don't know what his favorite childhood teacher's name was. We're trying to get through these security questions. What's his favorite sports team I don't know the Ravens wrong that was a test speaking of sports teams the Blues out of the playoffs right now
Starting point is 02:06:17 oh they're I hope that they don't make the playoffs so that they can't write off some bullshit of like well the season didn't go as well as we thought, but we made the playoffs. Like, no, I want them to have started out hot and then shit the bed so that there are no excuses that can be made post-season where they can't even say at least you made the playoffs because no, you didn't. And I really hope they lose almost every game from here on out because that might give us a top 10 pick and if we get a top 10 pick we don't have to give that pick to philly
Starting point is 02:06:50 in what we got for braden shen but if we do what blues do which is never enough we'll tank enough to get the 11th pick and provide philadelphia with a wonderful choice we appreciate that uh philadelphia looks like they are headed into the playoffs. I'm not sure if they're a team on the rise or not. It seems like our best player, Giroux, Giroux, is old. Simmons is good, but I don't know how old he is. He's injured right now. He's getting up there too.
Starting point is 02:07:17 Yeah. And it just seems like we're going to peak at barely make the playoffs. We'll see. Yeah. Did you guys watch any of the Oscars? No. Only the intro. Yeah, I skipped it as well.
Starting point is 02:07:34 Also, lowest rated Oscars. I heard that from Trump. Did you not see that? I wasn't there. I don't watch Trump. But I can believe it. If Trump had been there, ratings would have been higher. They would have been higher. Trump tweeted at Jimmy Kimmel that it was the lowest rated Oscars,
Starting point is 02:07:50 and he was kind of taking a dig at Jimmy Kimmel, which is a huge mistake. Don't throw stones at comedians. He came back, and he's like, yeah, lowest rated presidency. It's like, ah. That's not even true. Kind of. At this point, it's not the true uh kind of like at this point it does it's not the lowest
Starting point is 02:08:06 rated that anyone's ever had but it's the lowest rated for this point in their term not according to rasmussen but i know they tend to lean a little right yeah but yeah so he's definitely i mean his approval ratings are not good not good you shouldn't be well i guess approval ratings are different than than viewership ratings. But I think Kimmel blamed it on Netflix, where it's like, are you stupid, Jimmy Kimmel? You didn't just become the lowest this year. You tanked from the previous year, which was the lowest ever, by like 20%. I think what he was blaming it on was internet viewership. I guess there's another way to see it and start splitting up the audience uh there's it's multifaceted there's lots of stuff to blame there's there's
Starting point is 02:08:49 people that you know board cutting has something to do with it sure uh i i yeah the the big win that i thought was good and like probably speaks well to like the future of film production and what and what studios are going to sign off on and not sign off on is guillermo del toro one for uh shape of water you know he directed shape of water it's for those of you don't know if you've you've seen hellboy right woody yeah long time ago though remember like the the fish guy abe who was like in that tank and he was like psychic barely he's like yeah yeah yeah this is like a prequel movie from what i understand featuring him he's like being held by some government agency they're like testing on him and like uh a girl falls in love with him and it's sort of their love story would you call it a superhero movie no it's i i don't think you i don't think so it's more of a
Starting point is 02:09:35 supernatural kind of movie i guess he's certainly not fighting crime or anything you know um uh certainly but it's sort of a prequel to hellboy in a way in that it features that character and everything. And it won Best Picture. So I think that's great. I like Guillermo del Toro. I've always liked his movies from... It's a different fish man, she has a saying. Well, it looks like the same fish man.
Starting point is 02:09:56 Where are these fish people coming from? All right, well, fuck, I'm stupid then, apparently. Are they the same species of fish man, or is it just nothing to do with it? And when you say it's not related at all, are you saying it has nothing to do with Hellboy? Correct.
Starting point is 02:10:14 Wow. Kyle usually nails these recaps. It looked like the same fucking guy when I watched the... And Guillermo del Torro did hellboy right she's just saying that it's that what kyle said is a common mistake so maybe he saw it elsewhere well if the guy makes two movies with two similarly looking fishmen i have a hard time
Starting point is 02:10:38 blaming kyle for that they might be in the same universe it might not be the same character but they might be right the same species or somewhere close maybe i don't know i i don't blame you didn't look very good to me from you know just from the cover i didn't even watch the trailer i just saw like a a fish man like sensually holding a human woman and i was like nah no thanks i but Taylor I would have called it just not the kind of movie you like it's not a superhero movie but it's next to it and you hate superhero adjacent yeah and your hatred for superhero shines like an aura to anything adjacent to it yeah when I watch World War II movies and they start to get a little too gung-ho, it's like, settle down. Take a bullet or trip
Starting point is 02:11:28 or something. Just so we know you're not too hardcore. You know Captain America. Did you guys see Altered Carbon? Yes. I haven't yet. I planned to. Is that a show? It's a show. It's a new Netflix show. Fairly new.
Starting point is 02:11:43 I loved it. I watched it not too long ago. It's a new Netflix show, fairly new. I loved it. I watched it not too long ago, I think a week ago. It's really cool. It's about the – no spoilers, don't worry. It's about 250, maybe 500 years in the future, and people have figured out how to put consciousness, how to back it up into like a disc, which is like in the back of the – somewhere in somebody's back. And it's really cool. It explores like what would happen if you can back up your life, like you can just die.
Starting point is 02:12:23 Like your body is just another just another what do they call your body is it a suit a sleeve sleeve thank you yeah yeah so so let's say i would get into a car crash but my disc would be fine then they just grab it and you know if my family has enough money or i have enough money or i have a backup then i get put into a different skin and now all of a sudden i'm i'm an asian dude right or all of a sudden i'm a black dude uh or all of a sudden i'm a lady that happens too uh or a kid dies at a young age and only skins that are available or sleeves that are available are 50 year old women right so uh it's like it's a really cool concept it's neat yeah like like your kid could die but
Starting point is 02:13:05 since you're a poor family she comes back to you as an old lady or even like an old dude and you're kind of screwed but if a rich guy dies he'll come back in like a special forces body with the muscle memory to fight and you know or they could just like choose to like come back as like a five-year-old and just live all of life again exactly or you know they could uh they could just choose to come back as a five-year-old and just live all of life again. Exactly. Or they could clone themselves and they have a backup of the exact same body. Stuff like that. I hardly see why being a five-year-old is advantageous when you can get new... It seems like you just want to ride it from 20 to 30 and then start over.
Starting point is 02:13:42 Yeah, that's true. Just go to 39 over and then start over yeah that's true yeah just just go to like 39 over and over and over but then after like a century of that you probably will at some point be like you know what let's let's try one from scratch like put me into a five-year-old and then you just dominate school but then you don't really dominate school you don't be like bullying someone and someone will be like yeah well i was in vietnam it's like oh shit i ran into the wrong five-year-old which is actually a part of the show where like this little girl is like talking shit to to the main character and you're like it's like a little girl but you you end up realizing
Starting point is 02:14:25 it's not a girl in in the in the body um it's actually some 40 year old lady if not 340 year olds yeah that's really interesting i plan to watch it i saw that the main guy i guess is he was from house of cards he played like that guy that frank was running against at one point i think he was a really good main character like i've never seen him as a main character in a show and then after that i was like this guy's like a he's like a super badass and that main character was played by two different sleeves two different actors see kind of like bounce back and forth but in your heart you know it's the same it's pretty interesting to follow so so did you see it, Woody? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:15:17 So one of the parts which really stood out for me was this criminal who his sleeve was like he was sent to jail or whatever. So he got taken out. And then a Russian guy came into him and he had a Russian accent. And then this grandma came into him and all of a sudden he had a spanish accent and then somebody else came into him even though it's the same actor like he he still kept the traits and i was i was pretty impressed by like the acting skills of the guy as that was like that was really good dude that kyle i brought up a movie a couple weeks ago and i guess it's in the same universe as unbreakable uh yeah uh split split that guy's acting skills were outrageous did he win any awards or oscars for that i was blown away not any good ones like he won some but they weren't like prestigious
Starting point is 02:16:02 awards what is his name james mAvoy? James McAvoy. Yeah, he's good. Oh my. I was so impressed. I was so... He created... For people to know, Slate is this guy with multiple personalities. He does bad things to a couple girls. And the
Starting point is 02:16:19 girls have to interact with different personalities in this guy. That's not a spoiler. You learn it all right all right away anyway the way that he would become different people as the same actor was outrageous to me you know i guess all actors could do it to some extent but his was next level his his changes seem to be like both mental and physical and that's sort of the premise of the movie right you know like like uh you know he starts to move like a young girl when he's like in that mindset right then he like sits up straight all of a sudden and like everything changes it's one of his personalities is a young kid and i can't hardly explain how he his aura becomes that of a little kid you know his
Starting point is 02:17:04 vulnerability is like he starts like like slouching like sitting the way kids do like immediately like doing stuff like that it very very convincing yeah it was you got to see split it's a very good movie and i didn't quite pick up on it so much but it's in the unbreakable universe that old bruce willis film and uh is it bruce willis yes thanks so yeah what is it i'm one for three now and uh uh yeah so he's in that same universe that there's going to be more coming and you'll want to know what's up yeah we'll get another movie with james mcavoy bruce willis and uh uh samuel l jackson Glass, which, you know. They took too long.
Starting point is 02:17:47 They took far too long. They couldn't get the studio to sign off on the sequel. And, you know, Shyamalan's had a rough go of it, you know, with some of his movies after Signs and stuff. And a lot of people think Signs is a poor movie. I don't know how it did in the box office. I disagree with that. Oh, of course.
Starting point is 02:18:03 Yeah, we talked about that a couple weeks ago our love for that movie um but yeah i definitely look forward to that you know i i love that universe i don't know if you've ever seen the deleted scene i always talk about it when this movie comes up but it's when bruce willis he works as a security guard at the university at the football stadium he goes into the weight room and he starts sliding 45 pound plates on till he's got like 495 pounds on there. And he sits down and benches 495 twice. It's great. Have you seen that scene, Woody?
Starting point is 02:18:32 Yes. It's got length. And they just run out of weights too. Well, yeah. In his basement gym, he's just out of weights. He's got a couple hundred pounds or something. And then he puts paint cans on there. Oh, that's right. But this is the deleted scene that
Starting point is 02:18:47 wasn't in the... It's right here. It's linked. Let's watch it. Does it have music? No. Okay. My network's coming down on me about this music stuff. All right. I am ready. We could skip to...
Starting point is 02:19:06 Oh yeah, this is like five minutes. Yeah, let's skip to 50 seconds and start there. Three, two, one, play. At this point in the movie, Bruce is starting to believe what Samuel L. Jackson has told him, that perhaps he is a metahuman of some kind, some sort of superhero, some sort of superhuman. And he's got to test it, you know, because he benched more than he ever thought he could in his basement. It was a couple hundred pounds.
Starting point is 02:19:36 What are those plates, the solid ones? Forty-five. Forty-five. The solid ones aren't heavier? It looks like he's taking 45s off. He's just flipping them. Oh. He's got 495 on there, I believe.
Starting point is 02:19:58 Although those locks may be two and a half pounds or something, so roughly 500. I like what the sound does right here. You've got all the noise of the college players kind of conversating and socializing. His grip is wrong. That's fine. You're supposed to put your thumb on the other side. Some people don't.
Starting point is 02:20:37 He's got that suicide grip. That's exactly what it's called. But they say you can press more if you have easier thumbs. I watch these videos on the forum and they called that out. Okay. You can't even move it.
Starting point is 02:21:10 Yeah, all the sound goes away as he concentrates. These are slow reps too. Yeah. Constant tension reps, as the commenter below points out. Mm-hmm. He's cranking it out. Oh. He's cranking it out. Is anybody watching? He's not even slamming it back into the bench.
Starting point is 02:22:00 He's gingerly setting it down. I can imagine what is the imprint on his palms after that. The knurling. As he let go there, he would... He's wrong with you He doesn't even put his weight back. Yeah, right? What an ass. Somebody else will put the 450 pounds of plates back for you, Jared.
Starting point is 02:23:15 Yeah, but nobody's about to yell, Hey, put your plates back! You want some too? No. I was joking. That's a good scene. Yeah, man. I have not seen that movie.
Starting point is 02:23:28 Really? Yeah. It's an interesting movie. It's a really dark atmosphere. I want to say his wife is maybe Robin Wright Penn. She does a good job. The child actor. I really am hard on child actors.
Starting point is 02:23:43 They can fucking ruin a film, and they rarely make a film. But something about Shyamalan, I think he's great at directing kids. Because look at three of his movies, right? Sixth Sense, that kid is excellent. This movie, I think the kid is excellent. And then go to Signs, I think those kids are excellent. I think Shyamalan's great at making, whether it's the casting. That's a good observation. I never noticed that.
Starting point is 02:24:04 Whether it's the casting or it's his direction, something about kids in his movies they add rather than take away. Yep. Do we need a new topic? Sure. Do you guys want to hear about Moses? Oh, yes. And the story therein.
Starting point is 02:24:23 Now, Queb, you come from a heathen place far, far away where you don't follow the scriptures. So some of this, the scriptures of the Lord, the Bible and shit. I'm just being a dick. So this is a very long story. So I'm going to have to abridge some certain parts. I mean, I know Moses. You know of Moses. Okay., I know Moses, you know of Moses Okay, so, you know, you know who he is. So Moses was a Jew and he was born a slave in Egypt and
Starting point is 02:24:53 Right in his generation of being born The Jews were proliferating so much in Egypt that the Pharaoh at the time was like there are way too many Hebrews being born if they decide to revolt We're kind of up Schitt's Creek because we've had them here for a couple hundred years and they're really starting to multiply. So what we're gonna do is we're gonna kill all the first born males that are under like two years old. And so he sends his soldiers out to pretty much every little hut everywhere, starts killing all of the little babies, pulling them from their mother's teat, all the rest, And Moses' mother is like, fuck, I can't let this happen.
Starting point is 02:25:28 So she takes some tar, puts it around a wicker basket, and then puts Moses in there, hands the basket to her daughter, Moses' older sister, and goes, go and put this in the Nile River quick before the guards get here. We can't let them know. So she runs over to the Nile, puts Moses in, and then kind of hides in the reeds and watches and before too long you know dodging crocodiles and hippos and whatever else was there in olden days makes it to a bank kind of gets stuck in some reeds near the
Starting point is 02:25:56 palace of the pharaoh and the pharaoh's daughter comes down sees the basket, curious, picks it up, opens it up, sees a little Hebrew boy in there. And she's like, oh my god, so cute, so cute. And so she picks up the baby, goes back to the palace, and she's like, dad, dad, can I keep it? I know literally last night at dinner you were like, we gotta kill little Hebrew boys, but what is one little baby Jew gonna do? Please, can I keep it? Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, you were like, we got to kill the little Hebrew boys. What is one little baby Jew going to do? Please, can I keep it? Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, dad, please. He's like, all right, you can keep the one baby Jew, but that's it. No more.
Starting point is 02:26:32 She goes, thank you so much. It's all I ever wanted. And so they raise Moses as an Egyptian prince. But of course, Moses knows the whole time as he's being raised, you know, you are a Hebrew. That's who you are. But we're raising you special and so on and so forth. And so Moses was kind of given better jobs. So while the rest of all the Jews and Hebrews were slaving away, building pyramids or whatever they were doing, he was kind of like an overseer. And one day out there on the workforce, he was
Starting point is 02:27:00 overseeing an Egyptian slave master berating and disciplining one of the Jews. And this slave master got so out of hand that he beat that Jew to death. And Moses lost his mind and proceeded to go into like a blackout, beats that Egyptian to death. And he stands up and that Egyptian's dead. Meanwhile, like his fists are bloody and he's... And all the other Jews standing around him are like, Moses, the fuck? We're the ones who are going to pay for this, dude.
Starting point is 02:27:29 Like you're in a good enough place. Like we're in trouble. Moses is like, I get it. Totally my bad. But I got to peace because I'm out of here. Like they're going to kill me. And so he starts going into the desert trying to get away. That's where the burning bush story happens.
Starting point is 02:27:41 I'll tell that very quickly. He comes across the bush. The bush goes, Moses, hey, it's me. And he goes oh he goes oh no it's just god and he goes oh all right and and the bush goes moses i put you in that position for a reason you got to go back and release them from slavery and moses is like they're gonna kill me and god's like kind of implying like i'll fucking kill you and so he's like all right welllying like, I'll fucking kill you. And so he's like, all right, well, those are two sure things. At least the Egyptians, I might be able to sweet talk. So he heads back.
Starting point is 02:28:10 He goes back and meets up with Aaron, his brother. And Aaron's kind of his like right hand man, prophet kind of dude. And so before any of the plagues and all that start happening, he goes up, you know, up front to the Pharaoh. And they get into the chamber and everything and god had told aaron hey throw your staff down in front of the pharaoh if he gives you any guff and he'll be very impressed by what i'm about to do to that staff and so they get in there pretty cocky pretty confident and moses is like hey god told me you got to let all of the Jew slaves go. And the Pharaoh's like, why'd you even come back, Moses, first of all?
Starting point is 02:28:51 And second, no, eat shit. Not a chance. No way. And so Moses gives Aaron like a sideways look. And Aaron throws his staff down, immediately becomes a mighty serpent, a big snake on the ground, slithering around the throne room. And the Pharaoh's like, frankly that's pretty cool. So he summons his wizards and his warlocks or priests or whatever and he goes, hey guys, can you guys do the thing where you throw your staff on the ground and it turns into snakes? And they go, oh yeah, yeah that's that's pretty fucking easy. So all like ten of them throw their snakes, their staffs on the ground and all of them turn into snakes too and the pharaohs and you know so everybody's got a
Starting point is 02:29:29 snake on the ground snake yeah snake makery and so aaron's snake eats all of their snakes and then the pharaoh's like that's all well and good but this was not a who can make the bigger snake competition this was just a who can make snakes with magic competition so i'm not convinced eat shit i've got way more magic men than you and way more sticks to turn into snakes and so moses and aaron leave humiliated you know it's like they got pants so they go out there and god tells them up front he's hey, I know that I knew that trick wasn't going to work. You know, I just sent you in there to like, you know, set the stage. But I'm going to send a series of plagues upon the people of Egypt and I will harden the Pharaoh's heart so that he will not agree to anything after any of them until all of them are complete. And Moses and Aaron are like,
Starting point is 02:30:23 why would you tell us that why would you let us know that no matter how good a salesman we are now like you're you're gonna keep them from saying yes until the very end like you why why would you pull the whatever you know because obviously they're not going to be as good a salesman if they know it's going to fail no matter what so he tells them all right go down to the nile slam your staff all dramatically on the water. Every bit of water in the Nile and in every pot, every pan, every clay jar in all of Egypt is going to turn to blood. And so he goes down there, slams the staff. Immediately everything is bloody, except for what the water that the Jews had. That's totally untouched. And so it starts to smell really bad after like two days and so they go back to
Starting point is 02:31:07 pharaoh and pharaoh's like honestly this sucks i am fucking thirsty like and i've had nothing but blood for two days let's get your iron so and so and so moses is like all right well are you willing to let us go and pharaoh goes one sec sec, real quick. Hey, magic men, wizards, can you turn water into blood? And they go, oh, hell yeah. And so they turn some water into blood. Pharaoh immediately goes, fuck, that was a waste. Can you guys turn blood into water? And then they go, no, we can't do that.
Starting point is 02:31:38 And he goes, oh, damn it. Well, Moses, I promise I will let you go if you turn all this blood back to water. And Moses goes, oh, hell yeah. Swings his magic sword, his magic staff rather, all of it back to water. Pharaoh immediately goes, ha, he fell for it. No, absolutely not. Eat shit. So they go back and God is like, don't worry.
Starting point is 02:31:58 I knew that would happen too. Moses is like, this is going to be a trend, Aaron. We better get used to this. God goes, all right, next, go strike the Nile again with your staff, and I will summon forth a horde of billions of frogs, and they're all going to just wreak havoc. And they're like, but what are frogs going to do? He's like, silence!
Starting point is 02:32:19 You will do the frogs! So they go back down to the Nile, slam the river. Immediately, billions of frogs start jumping out, and they weren't just coming out of the river immediately billions of frogs start jumping out and they weren't just coming out of the river like people like egyptians were like sitting there getting their rice out of their fucking pot or whatever and frogs start jumping out of there and after another two three days of frogs you know everybody did some gigging had a fun time the first day but you'd only do so much and then after that they go back to pharaoh and they go are you getting tired of the frogs yet he goes honestly i have an enormous palace and i've just paid people to stomp on
Starting point is 02:32:51 them as they try to get in and frankly ted head wizard he showed me how to make frogs stop making them now ted there's enough there's enough and so he i can do that too not that impressed but once again my wizards don't know how to get rid of frogs. Do you know how to get rid of frogs? And he goes, oh yeah, yeah. And he goes, all right, get rid of the frogs. And I promise I'll let you go. Moses waves his staff, all the frogs.
Starting point is 02:33:16 Okay, this is an interesting thing. Kind of like in Skyrim where you run out of magicka and you have to wait to recharge. God used too much of his magicka to create all the frogs, and so he wasn't able to just suck them back into oblivion. He just killed all of them. Just all these frogs died, and so the next couple verses in the Bible are like, And they swept the frogs into piles, and did they reek. And like that, and so there's just big piles of rotting amphibians. And so then immediately the pharaoh
Starting point is 02:33:46 goes eat shit no no no my heart feels hard all of a sudden no and so they go back i'm gonna lump plagues three and four together because there's fucking 10 of these and plagues three and four were not original one was gnats and one was flies and they both basically happened the same way where god tells them do this you know hit the ground and every mote of dust will turn into a flea that will be leaping it'll look like woody's carpet you know across the whole land the whole land of egypt and that's what he did and then eventually goes back into the throne room goes hey you impressed and he goes no all of my magic men have been making fleas all morning to show
Starting point is 02:34:26 they can but we don't know how to get rid of them and so swings his staff all of them go pharaoh says eat shit no you can't leave again and so then they go back to god and god goes all right we're about to turn this stove up to medium and they go can we just can we just go to high we just go to high because at this time they don't know the future but they do know that god is obsessed with round numbers and the number seven and so like in aaron and moses's talk they're like this is either going to seven best case scenario worst case scenario 10 you know so just keep keep forging through so the fifth one is he goes all right right, Moses, slam your staff on the ground, and every single animal that Egyptians own is going to die. All of them. They're all going to
Starting point is 02:35:11 die except for the ones that the Jews own. And so he does that. All of their animals die, goes back in there and goes, hey, have you noticed anything about your entire economy, Pharaoh? And he goes he goes yeah it's it's destroyed it's crashed thousands will starve millions will starve we have no more animals and they go yeah that sucks and then he goes all right we'll bring all our animals back to life and then i'll let you go and then they're like actually that's one that we don't know how to do that even god can't bring that back and he goes all right well then fuck you get out of here sends him back again then god goes all right they've been very uncomfortable in their lifestyle but physically they haven't felt the burn so aaron i want you
Starting point is 02:35:54 to walk down to the nile grab some fine sand on the on the beach of it toss it in the air and everyone in egypt will be stricken with boils and so throws it in the air everyone in egypt has boils terribly and after a couple days of the boils shows back up at the pharaoh's palace goes hey all of us jews are looking fantastic out there nice olive skin looking good you know noses for shade everything's going well and he And he goes, well, for me, it's been terrible. You know, Moses actually asked. He's like, hey, where's all the magic men? Where are all your magic men?
Starting point is 02:36:31 And they go, well, actually, they got hit extra hard with the boils, so they called in sick. And so their magic men are out. They can't compete anymore with this. Pharaoh promises him that he's standing in front of his throne because he has so many ass boils. It's impossible to sit. And. He says I promise you guys. I promise you. I'm in my head I know I'm gonna say you can go as soon as you get rid of these boils I promise and then the boils are removed by Moses and then immediately Pharaoh is like ah like I want to say you can go but the only thing that I
Starting point is 02:37:04 My heart is so hard like I don't know what's going on. I'm trying to, here, listen to this. I'm trying to say, yes, you can go. No, you can't leave. Did you hear that? I'm trying so hard to say, I guess you guys can't go. I literally can't. And of course, Moses and Aaron are like, yeah, because you're getting fucked with by our God, who's kind of a cunt. And God already told him at this point, hey, the only reason I'm keeping this charade going is because I need people in the future to be able to look back and go man the jewish god does not fuck around like and clearly he doesn't like moses should have went up there and been like hey uh this our god who's on our team made us cut the tips of our fucking dicks off before we could
Starting point is 02:37:41 join his club what do you think he's gonna do to to you? He's going to buttfuck you. He doesn't give a shit about you and your people. But as soon as the boils are gone, God hardens Pharaoh's heart again, and Pharaoh is forced to say, no, I can't. I can't let you go. And so then he goes, God goes, all right, you need to go back to the Pharaoh again and tell him to tell every Egyptian that there is a hailstorm coming, the likes of which this country's never seen. And anyone who is outside who's Egyptian, when this storm hits tomorrow, will die. All of the remaining animals you have, if you have any, will be struck by lightning or hit with hail. And most of the Egyptians were like, dude, this guy's six for six so far so i'm staying in tomorrow but a couple
Starting point is 02:38:25 cocky ones were like oh what does he know osiris will protect us and so they're like out there like trying to get their animals back up hailstorm comes everyone who's outside dies like like these are you know moses was telling them up front these are gonna be like cantaloupe sized you know hail and they're like what's that he's like oh fuck like a fruit and and so after two days of that goes back in pharaoh's like this is ridiculous like my entire country's collapsing like everyone i've lost hundreds of thousands of people people are starving to death please please leave just stop this storm stops the storm and like a switch once again god like hardens his heart and pharaoh goes no you can't leave can't leave nope and they're like are you sure pharaoh and he's like like in the eyes of
Starting point is 02:39:12 someone in a movie who like has their mind controlled where he's like please get out of here no you can't leave no like doing that kind of shit very fucked up very very fucked up and so then goes back again to god goes all right what do you have for him now what can we possibly do and god goes locusts locusts i'm gonna send locusts on him and aaron and moses are kind of like that's your third bug related i was thinking i'm confused in this because it seems like four times we've already destroyed all of their food, right? Like we killed them all with this. We killed them all with that.
Starting point is 02:39:48 What are we doing other than creating craters for us to walk through on our way out of here? Like what's going on? He goes, obviously that part didn't happen in the Bible. You don't talk back to the Jewish God. And so locusts come. Frankly, a lot of the Egyptians were probably happy to see them because they could eat something. Suddenly these frogs were like, bring the frogs back like that again but they ruin all the rest of the crops hundreds of thousands of people are starving goes up to the pharaoh says can i
Starting point is 02:40:15 can we go now pharaoh wants to say yes so bad gets rid of it pharaoh can't say yes god forbids him from saying yes he hardens his heart so then he goes back again. The ninth one, which was basically the way this like climax worked, is that God was like building, like stroking himself, getting near climax, and when he got to the hail, that was like edging. Yeah. You know, where he was about to come, but he couldn't finish there. He has to get to the round number. And so then he had to like ease himself off a bit with the locusts and then the ninth plague which was darkness where he just makes everything dark for three days straight
Starting point is 02:40:49 day and night total darkness the only light is a beacon from heaven on the israelites uh area where they are because they're still untouched they're they're hunky-dory good to go a lot of resentment from the neighboring egyptians though uh and so after three days of that you know moses has to stumble back into the palace he goes hey we can't even uh pharaoh rather goes hey we can't even grow the crops back because there's no light please turn the lights back on moses turn the lights back on moses turns the lights back on only to see pharaoh sitting there this right in his face going help for it again idiot and then sends him back out there.
Starting point is 02:41:26 And he says, oh no, that's a bit later. So he goes back out there, and then God, God's ready to climax by now. He's ready to come his wrath all over the people of Egypt. And so he goes back, and God says,
Starting point is 02:41:40 hey, we're about to amp this up. It's number 10. All the firstborn children of every Egyptian will die. All the firstborn children of every Egyptian will die all the firstborn Animals of every Egyptian animal will die Aaron and Aaron and Moses like there's they haven't been any fucking animals in five plagues They're gone and so and so comes back. There's like way too many verses of God going to to Moses and saying all, need to make sure the Israelites get this
Starting point is 02:42:05 kind of goat, get this kind of sheep, do this, don't eat the bones, make sure you put the right amount of blood on the threshold of your door. And so the point of that is that God was going to send the angel of death to come into Egypt. And any house that didn't have blood of a one-year-old male pure lamb or goat on the top and sides of the doorframe, anyone who had that would be passed over. That's why it's called Passover for the Jews. You know, they're celebrating not being murdered by their vengeful God. And so Angel of Death goes through, murders every single firstborn child in all of Egypt. The way they describe it in the Bible is that there was not a home in Egypt where someone had not died. Every house in Egypt, because it didn't matter, like, if you're 50 years old, but you were the oldest of your kids, you're dead. You're dead, too.
Starting point is 02:42:59 Like, if both your parents were firstborn, sorry, little Egyptian boy, you're dead. Like, your parents are dead,, sorry, little Egyptian boy, you're dead. Like your parents are dead and your older siblings dead. And so it describes the wailing for a while in the Bible. And it says it was a wailing unlike anything that had been heard on this earth before. A wailing, a gnashing of teeth for the sadness that these people felt. And it wasn't the elite of Egypt. Every Egyptian from pharaoh to slave because they had more than just the jewish slaves and so some poor poor fucker from babylon who was also a
Starting point is 02:43:34 slave it's like oh no not my kids or like up to norway grabbed someone brought him down doesn't matter go back and they're like about to enter the palace again, and Pharaoh, like, comes out on his stoop or whatever, and is like, get the fuck out! Get out of here now! And they're like, are you serious? Are you for real this time? No takes, he's back. He's like, yeah, for real.
Starting point is 02:43:58 Get the fuck out of here. But what Pharaoh had forgotten is that he was not only dealing with God, but also with Jews. And so the Jews said, well, before we get out of here, we're going to need some gold and some silver. Jesus Christ. And some spices to make sure we're comfortable. And he's like, whatever, dude, whatever.
Starting point is 02:44:20 Everyone, give them whatever you have. Give them all the silver and gold you have. Get these fucking cursed people out of here out of here so they all load up in all their shit and they head off into the desert and that's where this chapter of the story ends prior to the whole red sea thing yeah so that is a very abridged version of the Bible. And it's mostly true. It's absolutely not true at all because there were no Jewish slaves in Egypt.
Starting point is 02:44:53 No, I'm saying according to the book, it's pretty true. The story I told was pretty accurate. Accurate to the Bible. One of my favorite things about Taylor Bible Time is that later on, a couple weeks from now, maybe even a couple months, I will get a call from my parents who fact check it and tell me like, yeah, you know what? It wasn't that God was edging and about to come during the
Starting point is 02:45:18 sixth plague. Like I remember you described like, I don't know why they mixed up his goat hair with it. My mom was like, he was a very hairy guy. I think Taylor didn't exaggerate that quite enough or whatever. Yes, I can't wait to hear my mom try to take that apart and tell me where you went wrong. I've seen the movie. Have you seen the movie? The Disney movie?
Starting point is 02:45:46 Exodas, Gods, and Kings. Exodos, Gods, and Kings. Exodos, Gods, and Kings. So they attack the situation of Moses in two ways. Where it's the religious people, they go, oh, it's God has done this. And then you have the scientists which go, well, technically, if you take all the frogs away, obviously, there's going to be a lot of flies still alive. Stuff like that. Yeah, it's pretty interesting. At first I thought you guys were like pulling a prank on me with this whole Bible talk. This is a tentpole topic around here. I've like never, in my few times that I've been on PKA, I've never experienced Bible talk.
Starting point is 02:46:21 Oh, it's highly requested. It's one of the most highly requested topics, not to jack myself up. I'm a huge fan of it, because after you hear a ridiculous story like that, you have to stop and remember that there are billions of people
Starting point is 02:46:38 who believe this, and are willing to kill and die over these facts. And again, if you care about reality, just know there were no Egyptians in bondage in Egypt ever. And if there were, they certainly didn't build any of the pyramids or the structures. Well, they were never slaves, right? That's what the scientists and geologists and It was professional artisans. These were highly paid craftsmen
Starting point is 02:47:06 who actually constructed the things you see in Egypt, all of the pyramids and such. You could tell that by not just the quality of the craftsmanship, that this was a well-trained person, but also the housing they lived in, the food that they had available, the implements, you know, everything
Starting point is 02:47:22 down to the quality of the pottery that they had in their domiciles you know these were well-paid artisans of their time who created those those you know if woody's mom is going to go through and and fact check me more important than the facts of the plagues and he actually didn't slam his staff down there the actual thing to talk about in that story to do with the religion of Christianity or Judaism is that the Lord repeatedly and continually forced the Pharaoh to harden his heart. You can't give someone free will and then force that. What it was is like, you know, when you're dominating a game of Civve or age of empires and queen elizabeth is like oh please let me retire with some dignity and it comes up as yes or no and you go no
Starting point is 02:48:11 burn them down like that's the fucked up part about it really is as far as like christian canon is that god directly intervened changed the ability to make a decision thereby infringing on his own gift of free will in order for his own macabre story to play out. If there's anything she takes qualms with, that's what I'm interested to hear. When we used to play Call of Duty 4 and we'd be destroying someone in Domination, the game's about to end, so we let him capture
Starting point is 02:48:36 two flags, so the game will just keep going on for a while and we can force it into the floor. That's exactly what God was doing. That's exactly it. God is a hateful uh 14 year old cod player apparently who just likes playing with his food yep he's a old testament god's a real piece of shit rough customer right i mean you told the one before didn't like the is it lot lock let his daughters get raped maybe yes ah yeah well he was about daughters get raped, maybe? Yes. Well, he was willing to.
Starting point is 02:49:06 Yeah, but then he went ahead and fucked them himself, so decide which of those situations is more out there. Well, he was drunk. Oh, yeah. Geez, Quib, why are you so judgmental? He was drunk.
Starting point is 02:49:21 I mean, you get a little wine in you. You know, Woody. Yeah. Get a little wine in you uh you know woody yeah get a little wine in you and then a lot later that night was like oh the floor of this cave is so cold you know talking about what do you think thank god this cave is so cold lot was a uh a pretty devout guy it's interesting that he was so devout within a city of those who were so the opposite it's almost as if the story was completely made up and meant to be a parable that's no i'm pretty sure it's true oh yeah you're right yeah yeah
Starting point is 02:49:59 i like whenever history i like whenever some, air quotes, is like, we believe we found the city of Sodom and the city of Gomorrah. Unless it literally says Sodom on, like, a big placard that you found outside this motherfucker. Like, ye old Sodom, like, house of sodomy and more. Like, no, you just found an old fucking city that's been abandoned and destroyed or something like that. I hate that so much remember when people were always finding the ark or not the ark but um the uh the noah's ark yeah noah's ark they found the ark like four times in my teens yeah i was like but which what like that one has metal in it like fun story one of my uh one of my good friends still good friends his mom was like
Starting point is 02:50:45 super religious right so uh she would go to church and then the pastor is like you you're not allowed to wear jeans you can only wear like dresses and stuff like that and she's like okay and then does it right throws out all her genes and then he comes over and he goes your son yeah that computer of his it's uh the demon is in the devil's inside of him demons are inside of him and she like believed it and was like so what do i do with this computer and he's like give it to me i'll make sure that the demons they go away from your son and uh she she would come up to me and be like jordy like you you know there are demons in here you don't go to church i'm like listen like i was 14 15 i'm like i don't believe in any of that stuff you know i respect you believing in it
Starting point is 02:51:37 and you know i'm down to have a conversation but please show me any any proof any proof that any of these stories that you just told me is actually real and i will research it and and then obviously i'm super open to actually believe in something and she goes and links me this shady article on like yahoo news of like no s arc has been discovered in in in syria or something like that and i'm like what it's just like it's it's it's not it's fake it's it's like you know how how boats made of wood stay together for five and a half thousand years no it doesn't work that way and then the story ends pretty funny uh well sad at the same time um she uh she realized at one point she's like well the Sun's like why won my computer back and and she's like well okay I'll ask for your computer back and then it turns out that the pastor obviously sold it and cashed
Starting point is 02:52:37 in all the money and was doing it to like 20 30 other people and then she's like fuck this shit did she become your iphone did she become less this was before iphone it's full of ghosts did she like move away from the church because of that experience yeah yeah yeah because did she move away from god too or just the church i i think she's still religious but she does she's like where's jeans now again so one step in the right oh she's a modern not that crazy yeah she pants-wearing Christian, one of the good ones. A pants-wearing Christian. Oh, I have another funny poop story.
Starting point is 02:53:12 Oh, I love this. It was in their house, and I would hang out with my friends in his place, and there were a bunch of other friends there. And we would play Call of duty 4 back then uh like a lan right so we would all sit on the couch and then play call of duty and not online but just with the four of us and this one guy goes to the toilet and um goes to the toilet and he stays there for quite a while we're like whoa this guy's taking a shit or something right and um well he comes back obviously took a shit and we're like, whoa, this guy's taking a shit or something, right? And when he comes back, he obviously took a shit.
Starting point is 02:53:47 And then the next person goes to the toilet and he opens the toilet and obviously big shit odor comes out. And we're like, dude, like he looks over and he goes like, bro, like you didn't flush the toilet. And obviously as young guys, we all run over to look at his shit and he clogged the toilet with his shit and then tried to push it down with like a perfume bottle in the bathroom and then he got stuck and then he just thought that was a good idea and nobody would notice and he just walked back and he was trying to play it off like that wasn't me
Starting point is 02:54:32 Everybody's like you went to the toilet like everybody knows it's you I'd be like sitting on the toilet on Zillow, like, where can I move? Trying to figure out a new place. And everybody's like, why did you put a perfume bottle in the toilet? Like, that's not how you fix issues. But it is hilarious. Fun story. Poop story.
Starting point is 02:55:00 I love poop stories. Those leads are the most embarrassing situations, though. Like, the best representation of it ever in a movie has got to be that scene from Dumb and Dumber, right? Where Lloyd is about to go on... It's not Lloyd, it's the other one. He's about to go on the date with Jamie Lee Presley or whatever her name is, the super fucking hot redhead
Starting point is 02:55:17 who was married to Jim Carrey at the time during the filming of that movie. And he's in her bathroom and he has just... It's Harry. Harry takes the most horrible shit of all time because he's been dosed with X-Lax or whatever. Like, he's literally like... Let's watch it.
Starting point is 02:55:31 Let's watch it. It's just a shitting scene. It's so fucking classic. This is a minute of shitting. Like, you can feel how shameful this would be. Just keep in mind, he just has shown up at a beautiful woman's house. Very nice house. A very nice house to pick her up for a date. And yeah, let's watch the second one
Starting point is 02:55:52 instead. Chiz says, yeah, this is just gold. This is gold. This is the worst case shitting scenario right here. I got another fun story based on this top comment. If you're lactose intolerant, you know this all too well. But we'll watch it. We'll watch this first. Yeah, skip to 38 seconds on the second video. And I'm there. Three, two, one, play. Look.
Starting point is 02:56:22 Look at him! His leg's in the air! These were his moccasins. Why? Good call. Shittings already has to stomp it out. You gotta do a mid-game flush in this situation. Yes. Yeah. using the toilet it's broken the toilet doesn't flush no i was just shaving shaving yeah i i was
Starting point is 02:57:34 running a little late i thought this would save some time okay well i'll be in the kitchen whenever you're ready. That's an easy thing. It is. Yeah, if there's water in the top, you should be able to get it to go. You could get water out of the sink and put it in there. I mean... I'm just cleaning my teeth. Oh my god Is he gonna get it on himself? I don't think that would even work
Starting point is 02:58:15 There's a hole in the bottom He's blocking the bottom with a towel I don't like his odds I'm gargling Just give me a minute Mary I'll be right with you Harry I sorry, but something important's come up and I've got to run out. It's sort of an emergency, I'll explain later. But Mary! I'm sorry, Harry, I really got to go. I promise we'll do this again sometime.
Starting point is 02:58:37 Oh, this is so horrible. That's hilarious. You guys wanna hear my shit story? Yes. So, I'm lactose intolerant and I didn't know it back in high school. So I would eat a pizza and the next morning I would be running to the toilet. Right. And, you know, if you've ever had some pretty bad diarrhea, that's pretty much what it's like when when I eat a lot of cheese and I don't take my lactose pills.
Starting point is 02:59:01 And I had this I had this this this casting for like a tv show or whatever and me and a bunch of people went there and uh you know back in high school i had my high school crush and she went too and i was like trying to like play it smooth and uh we're at this we're at this casting and then i realize my tummy is like acting up and I'm like gurgling. And I'm like starting to sweat and I'm like I need to go to the toilet.
Starting point is 02:59:34 Right? And I'm like it and then I was like I can hold it till the casting. And I'm standing there during the casting because it was like in two breaks and I'm there like and they're like are you alright? I'm like yeah I'm just there during the casting because it was like in two breaks. And I'm there like, and they're like, are you all right? I'm like, yeah, I'm just feeling a little bit sick. But I didn't want to go to the toilet because I was like in the middle of doing like the casting and acting and shit.
Starting point is 02:59:56 And then we had this break and everybody went back to the waiting room. And the toilet was touching the waiting room. And it was like a unisex toilet and stuff so just one toilet um and uh and i was like okay well i can't hold it any longer i need to go to the toilet and then i realized while sitting on the toilet that there was like this big of like a like a hole underneath it and then the door if you open the door you're right at like the waiting room right yeah so i'm there on the toilet making so much fucking noise out of my butthole like destroying the toilet and um and then i was like okay okay, I feel good. And I opened the door and everybody's just staring at me.
Starting point is 03:00:47 Like, are you all right? And I'm like, yeah. And then I went like, I'm all right. Like trying to play it off cool. But everybody caught me. That's so bad, it made my stomach hurt. I was totally shitting all over the toilet. And yeah, I haven't seen those people since i also
Starting point is 03:01:08 did not get casted for the tv show which it doesn't matter i'm i'm doing good right now all right next person for shitting man one we've got a natural here john my god who is that in the bathroom the thing was people were they weren't laughing at me they looked at me as if i just they hurt the devil and they thought i died right so you know some people could laugh like they're like i heard this guy in the toilet they were shocked like staring at me like that was your asshole we We thought that Satan had emerged. Like, do you want me to call you somebody? Like that, like, that bad.
Starting point is 03:01:51 I was like, no, what do you mean? It was fine. That was one of my embarrassing pooping. You should get a plumber, though. Yeah. Yeah, that clearly reminded me of that. Embarrassing things in the world because even as you're being relieved and all your poop stress is going away or like the moment you open this there's gonna be a
Starting point is 03:02:14 whole lot of utter stress i now i don't care now i'm like i'll poop yeah you know people will be like making fun of me i'm like yeah shit all over your toilet i don't care i think i told i think i told this in one of the hangouts we did but like i was listening to the stern show and basically what's going what was going on about a month ago is they were getting their bathroom completely remodeled and on the stern show takes up like two floors of that building and so there are two bathrooms two men's rooms specifically because that's where what matters and their repair they're completely remodeling one of them so that means now there's only one bathroom so five stalls to shit in for i believe like 200 people roughly it it's so bad that there are lines of people waiting outside the stall as someone is shitting continuously there's a there's a lady in
Starting point is 03:03:02 there who has to clean each toilet like every 20 minutes And so that time scale means that she is continuously Cleaning a toilet like if she's not in one stall She's in the other cleaning it and so Sal is telling how he shits Sal Gov. Nally and so basically he goes into the stall He takes his pants completely off because he figures if he puts them around his ankles then the cuffs are in piss he's like there's so much piss on the floor if you if you put your pants down then your pants cuffs are in piss so he takes one shoe off takes his leg out
Starting point is 03:03:37 of that pants leg and then stands on top of the shoe and then repeats the process until he is pantsless so he takes his pants off he folds them up hangs them up on the little hook in there and everything he does his business he shits and he goes to wipe and you know there's a toilet there's a toilet paper dispenser there but he figures it's so close it's so toilet adjacent that piss particles must be sprinkling up on it you know and getting on the toilet paper roll. So he figures he's going to reach up and grab that extra roll of toilet paper that's placed up on top of the dispenser. When he reaches, he puts two fingers into it to grab it.
Starting point is 03:04:16 It's full of shit. Someone has shit inside of the toilet paper roll and left a poo-poo booby trap. And it goes under his fingernails, all over his hand, and now he has a shit hand. And it's grossing him out so much, he's gagging. So he just has to put his right hand above his head and then try to wipe with
Starting point is 03:04:35 his left hand, you know, doing the pulling of the paper, the tearing of the paper, the wiping and everything one-handed, while he holds his right above his head. Then he has to somehow get his pants and shoes back on one-handed with a shit his right above his head. Then he has to somehow get his pants and shoes back on one-handed with a shithand. So he's just like jostling around in there, juggling
Starting point is 03:04:52 the shithand. It was hilarious. I can't imagine how awful that would be. And then of course you gotta get the shit out from under your fingernails. He set himself up for that failure. He should have just wiped and left his pants on like an adult. If he was that concerned, just pull the roll and let a few
Starting point is 03:05:08 layers of it come off, throw that away, and then start using the fresh one, right? I don't know, man. We gotta put the blame... I don't know how you put the blame on Sal when the blame should clearly be on the adult man who works in an office building who shat inside of the toilet paper roll. That's fair enough. I can agree there.
Starting point is 03:05:29 They're like, and someone is taking spike pisses and shits on the seat. They do it on purpose. He's like, why wouldn't they the other day? There was just a turd laid across the seat. You know what, he's lucky- Like it had been placed there, like a piece of modern art. He should be lucky that Opie didn't come in and stick a camera phone underneath the stall and start getting some footage of that. They actually joked about that.
Starting point is 03:05:50 Can we take a camera in there? And everyone was like, no! No cameras in the bathroom! That's funny. Man, poop stories can be so funny. I've never gotten someone else's shit on me, and certainly not in a scenario like that.
Starting point is 03:06:07 That's awful. That is just repugnant. It'd be one thing if you had some sort of anal sex mishap. That's obviously someone you're pretty close with anyway. But to get a strange man's shit under your fingernails in a non-sexual setting is about as horrible as like yeah that's yucky and it's randomly violent sometimes you touch poop when you change yeah okay and then that's baby poop too like i feel like first it is
Starting point is 03:06:37 once they get like two years old they're like you're coming out of diapers it's people poop old they're like you're coming out of diapers it's people poop okay it's people poop at that point yeah but even then like you have complete control over what that little human is eating so you're like this is just poop converted bananas or whatever all vanilla face for you little man yeah when you're up here okay i eat it to cut a fish Okay, I eat the cuttlefish. I haven't seen that episode in a while. I don't like that one. That one grosses me out.
Starting point is 03:07:14 Have you ever watched Human Centipede, the actual film? That's where I was heading with this. Like, I've seen Human Centipede 1. Traumatizing. I skipped 2. But the other day I saw, like, on YouTube, like, I watched so many film reviews and film-related videos that somehow Human Centipede 3 commercials and tidbits were shown on my page. The premise of that is that this maniacal prison warden decides that he's going to create a gigantic human centipede out of his prisoners.
Starting point is 03:07:45 And so he does and then i think at the end maybe he creates a human caterpillar which basically is cutting all the limbs off of his prisoners who were connected ass to mouth so now they just wiggle like like who's going wouldn't that be a human snake or something i you know like caterpillars have a bunch of feet no i'm gonna agree with you uh there but i but you know i'm not gonna argue with the makers of Human Centipede 3. I don't want them coming after me, those sick, sick fucking human beings. Watch Human Centipede 2. It is way worse than the first one. I watched it when it came out, and instead of it being...
Starting point is 03:08:20 The difference is, like, in the first one, it's like some mad doctor who's like got actual plans of like, ah, and I'll thread the intestinal tract through here and do this and do this kind of sewing. The second one is it's a security guard who's obsessed with the first guy. And so he just drugs and kidnaps a dozen and a half people. And but he's a security guard. a dozen and a half people and but he's a security guard and so he basically just drugs cuts their achilles tendons and then like staples them to each other and then they have to like parade around the name of it is human centipede centipede 2 full sequence because it's a full circle of people like marching around in some warehouse and he's just standing there like this fat schlub, you know, admiring
Starting point is 03:09:06 his hand. It's pretty fucked. Yeah, I don't care. But it's one of those kind of horror movies that it's so over the top, so ridiculous that you have to laugh. Yeah. Chiz and I watched one of those the other day. If you want to waste a good 90 minutes of your life that you can never get back, watch
Starting point is 03:09:21 Jeepers Creepers 3. Well, I haven't seen one and two well you're missing out well i'll be able to keep up it was so fucking bad that we were laughing at it one of the guys had the worst hairpiece of all time i was like look at this look at the hairpiece look at the hairpiece jesus was like i can't even look at it now i can't even look at that it's so fucking bad it was so fucking absurd dude it was so fucking absurd, dude. It was so awful. It was, it's one of the worst movies I've ever seen. And it kind of seemed like they were trying to make a good movie.
Starting point is 03:09:50 Like, that's how you differentiate. Some movies are like spoofs or parodies or like, we're being goofy here. Yeah, we got to watch it. Some movies know what they are. It's so bad, it's good. Sharknado. Like, Sharknado knows what it is. Like, right?
Starting point is 03:10:00 You know, they put like, like Luke Perry or whatever from like 90210. And like, like Benji Bronkry or whatever from like 90210 and like like benji bronk is in there from the howard stern show like they've got like goofy celebrities in there being silly i mean it's a movie about a tornado that scoops up some sharks right you know it's a goofy fucking movie but jeepers creepers 3 seemed to be trying to make a horror movie and failing at it miserably miserable another good one i watched actually both of these the other night it's on both of them are on netflix it's called creep and it's like an independent kind of horror movie where it's all from like the documentary
Starting point is 03:10:37 style where it's basically a really really creepy guy who like puts out craigslist ads of like hey i just need a videographer i'll pay you x amount of money to come and record my my life and and you know for my you know final days or whatever and i don't want to say anything and give it away but it is it starts off the first 30 minutes of it are ridiculous and uncomfortable and i almost turned it off and then the last hour 70 minutes or whatever there were actual parts where i was fucking scared like like it was it was fucking scary like very very creepy very unsettling and the guy who plays the main character of the creep plays the creep so so well chis just said it's very, very creepy. I'm reading some of the there's something here about some
Starting point is 03:11:26 an animal mask and some rape. No, there was no rape, but there's an animal mask. Yeah, unless there's Creep 3 or something that I missed, but Creep 1 and Creep 2 are fucked. Well, I'm not watching if there's no rape. They're much, much scarier than you feel like it's going to be 20 minutes into
Starting point is 03:11:46 the first one, because it's very just uncomfortable and awkward. Chiz and I have been watching this documentary full of mape. It's called The Killing Field, or The Killing Fields, maybe. Basically, it's a... make sure I got
Starting point is 03:12:02 that right according to Chiz. The Killing Season. Season. Thank you, Chiz. And it... I'm really glad it's uh make sure i got that right according to the killing season season thank you chis and uh it i'm really glad that i'm not a truck stop prostitute because your days are numbered if you're a truck stop prostitute any day now someone is going to make you good it's a coming apparently there's a whole group of trucker mappists who travel the country and mape girls and trade them and torture them and it's what they do and they they have a name for themselves it's some uh like apache word that me i find it for each is because i'm really curious as to what they call themselves but they follow all of these serial killers who apparently are not being looked at or investigated
Starting point is 03:12:42 by anyone and these amateurs on like web sleuths and other forums are the ones who are like uh guys we found eight women on the side of the road in this one county all in their underwear shot in the back of the head you think maybe these are connected and the cops like duh well maybe i don't know we hadn't really looked at that angle and like they call the fbi and they're, we think we found something here. We think there may be as many as 28. The FBI is like, we think there may be as many as 90. We're not really talking about this publicly about this one right now. And they keep finding them. And then they show a national map, the whole US. And first they superimpose the highway system. And then they superimpose the dead bodies of
Starting point is 03:13:24 hookers. And it just covers the whole thing like you're like you're showing me this is all yes yes like it looks like they're showing you the locations of mcdonald's restaurants but they're showing you the location of dead hookers they find on the side of the road it's outrageous and it's multiple serial killers some of which operate in bands apparently it's crazy wow. Wow. Sounds pretty interesting. Yeah. What's it called again? This quote, uh, the killing season. Killing, yeah. This is a quote from the guy that they caught, uh, one of them. He had killed, I don't know, 30 women or something like that. It's really funny that he's clearly not
Starting point is 03:14:00 the brightest person in the world. They ask him in the interview, they're like, do you know exactly how many women you killed? And's like oh yeah i know exactly they're like how many he's like more than 30 i don't think you know the definition of exactly sir but moving along and he's like we called ourselves the uh the natahi which is an apache word which translated into english means avowed killers and it was like a group of like six truckers that all knew each other that would trade women to mape and like torture and stuff like that and they all knew each other and they traveled the country and you know they'd take a woman from north carolina and maper and dump her body in alabama and you
Starting point is 03:14:41 know vice versa and just do this everywhere he's like oh yeah you never get caught like that he's like I only got caught because I did this this and that this stupid thing or whatever it's it's so scary uh like when you realize just how many of these women are and they're prostitutes so that's one reason they just get swept under the rug they have this term called the missing missing basically like they're they're these people who don't have friends and family and so never get reported missing so no one's ever looking for them until they're actually found if found at all and and so they they figured that the numbers could be double or triple or quadruple what they know because they're just working with what the people have been found the bodies that have been found and the people who have been reported missing because there are
Starting point is 03:15:21 more women reported missing that fit these profiles and situations than have been found it's outrageous it's it's really i'm glad i'm not a hooker because they they have a rough life that all the more reason to legalize prostitution yeah i agree it should be legal safe and legal and uh they they said that there were easily 300 serial killers active in the united states at any one time that's so i'm going to la next week yay i'm like the ones that like you you always wonder if the ones that we catch and we're like oh the most prolific serial killer of all time this guy or he killed 13. It's like there's got to be some mastermind out there who at this time is like 65 or something who's killed like 100. And he's just got it down to like a science, you know? Like there's just got to be someone out there like that.
Starting point is 03:16:15 Well, the best one hasn't been caught. Yeah. The best one hasn't been caught. Did you guys see Gerald's game? Yes. I read the book oh did you yeah it wasn't you know man i it was fine i i i it was well done six and a half out of ten it accomplished what it was going after but it just wasn't the kind of entertainment i was looking
Starting point is 03:16:38 for right then i liked 1922 better which was also a stephen king netflix movie it's the one that's got what's i don't know the actor's name it's escaping right now he's the original guy who he was in the mist he was the father in the mist he was uh the original punisher uh and basically he's got a i like his accent he's the guy from 1922 yeah this is thomas jane in 1922 a man's land and his boy were his two most important things. And she was trying to take both of them from me. His wife is trying to basically leave him, and she wants to sell the land, which is technically hers because it's inherited from her family,
Starting point is 03:17:17 and she wants to take his son to be a city boy. And so he convinces the son that if she takes him away, not only will he be'll be a city boy then living in shops and such and your little girlfriend won't never see her again neither he's like and the little boy the boy's like mama shouldn't have said that thing she said about her anyway he's like yeah she shouldn't have said that at all i got an idea though we can fix all of this and he basically convinces the son, we're going to get her drunk.
Starting point is 03:17:47 We're going to fucking kill her. We're going to kill your mother. Me and you are going to be farmers. This is our land. She can't take it from us. And they do. And then things get supernatural from there. Like the guilt and the shame that's brought on to both of these characters by it
Starting point is 03:18:02 is either going insane. You know, you can interpret it, but either way, as you came with a lot of Stephen King stuff, just like in Gerald's game, was she really seeing that stuff, or was she just, you know, going crazy, right? You don't really know if the character is going crazy, or if his wife has returned from the dead to haunt him, but one thing's for sure, one or the other is happening,
Starting point is 03:18:23 and it's creepy as fuck and i like the time period i like uh i like his accent that he does i like his like relationship with the sheriff the sheriff comes to investigate and like i like the way he tries like covering up the murder it's uh it's it's good it's good did you guys see uh 1163. I believe it's also Stephen King book. I haven't. No, I've never heard of it. It's a terrible name. Yeah, so it's the day JFK was assassinated.
Starting point is 03:18:54 Ah, James Franco. Yes, yes. It's the one with James Franco. So I'm watching the show right now. I'm like six episodes out of eight in. And it's like pretty good. It's about James Franco it's um it's about james franco who's uh chilling in 2016 and then gets introduced to a time machine pretty much
Starting point is 03:19:13 which brings him back to like 1960 and their goal is to try and stop the jfk assassination um and it's it's it's a pretty interesting show. But I thought, I mean, you guys were talking about Stephen King. There's also a book about it. But you guys don't read that much. I mean, yeah, recently I haven't read very much.
Starting point is 03:19:38 I need to kick it back up again. I was just joking. No, fair enough, my friend. You mean our opinions don't seem informed? Is that what you're saying, Queb? Tell me another Bible verse. Oh, man.
Starting point is 03:19:55 Or whatever the chapter. I went to religious school, so I've got them on a tap. Shut up. To me, that sounds like all these like to me the super highly religious stories they all sound like crazy because i was born and raised city boy public school no no catholic schools or whatever religious schools bible class never heard of it even when when I just started when I started dating my girlfriend she was like well you know every morning you know the anthem plays and stuff like that and I'm like
Starting point is 03:20:35 what the national anthem and then same thing in America right where every morning you have to stand up and yeah pledge of allegiance there's a flag in every classroom and the Pledge of Allegiance or whatever it's called, sorry. And I'm like, what? Everyone put on your wooden shoes. It's time for the national clogging. What we would do in the morning in school is we would
Starting point is 03:20:58 share our stories of what we did in the weekend in the morning. It's like, hi everybody. How was your weekend? Did anybody bring their favorite item to school? And it's like, yay, I brought my football. And then you tell a story about your football, and then school starts, right?
Starting point is 03:21:15 Versus singing the national anthem or something like that. To me, it sounds ridiculous to an outsider. I mean, if you're born and raised with it, obviously it sounds ridiculous to an outsider i mean if you're if you're born and raised with it obviously it sounds it sounds normal it was uh the thing equivalent of that that i had in at least one of the schools i went to that's a religious school is they would take like you'd have to pray before every class or not every class before like the first class of the day and if the first class of the day was like shitty like they would always take like prayer requests and shouldn't be like all right you know raise your hand if you have a prayer request.
Starting point is 03:21:46 And so if you had math or something that you didn't like in the first class, it quickly became a thing that everybody would just make shit up to take up as much of school as possible. prayer requests and be like yeah my my aunt's dog is really under the weather lost a paw in a u ups accident they don't know if they're gonna be able to afford it and also my uncle is uh uh did meth again and he's been clean yeah and then also the and you just list things until eventually the teacher goes all right all right that's enough prayers for taylor all right who else jeff yeah my uh i i haven't i haven't pooped in four days and all right enough you just make shit up and take up as much time as possible it was it was pretty funny i had a a uh an anal an anal study hall teacher who like was just the the proctor lady who just oversaw and she would like take when i had first hour study hall she would like take prayer requests and shit and i came in late one day and she was in the middle of praying and i
Starting point is 03:22:57 came in late while everybody's eyes were closed and i sat down and i sat there and then when she opened them she's like taylor the holy spirit told me you were late and i was like are you sure it's not because i came in late and you saw me she's like no the holy spirit told me i had my eyes closed the whole time you need to be more you need you need to be punctual you know do everything you do to the glory of god and i'm like you you're right you're right you know praise him and then uh she would get mad if you would do work while she was taking prayer requests because i wasn't paying attention and so there were time like there was one time i came in i sat down i had to get math shit done by second hour because i put it all off so i was sitting
Starting point is 03:23:37 down there like feverishly trying to get this like like five worksheets done and she was like taylor you need to stop put your pen down and pay attention to the prayer requests until we're done with this and i said mrs keenan frankly i know how important it is to me and to you to do everything i do to the glory of god and i don't feel like unless i use this time properly i'm going to be able to complete this this activity in a way that would glorify him and she was like My own bullshit Yeah, because she had to be like Well Taylor if that's the way you feel then you need to do what you think the Lord is telling you and I'm like
Starting point is 03:24:18 I absolutely will keep doing math then you know as you did in that and it was easy and I figured out from then on Out like she never picked on me again because it was like you just turned their wizardry back on them like you guys religious no i'm not no to my parents disappointment no they did that that seems to be the trend right where your parents were most parents super religious and then kid grows up and it's like no you're super religious they wear capes and they're super religious superheroes get it yeah so uh but yeah every phone call with my father like he can't go he can't go 15 seconds without turning the conversation back towards God. And it's almost harder to talk to him than I wish it was.
Starting point is 03:25:12 Because every topic just circles back to God. Everything circles back to God. He's the root of everything. And it's infallible. There's never been a book as perfect as the Bible. They'll tell me about how it just absolutely articulates the future. And it's never been wrong. You know,
Starting point is 03:25:31 regard like who's going to be president, American, Israeli, Russian relations and stuff like that. And I'm like, does it say America in there? No, no,
Starting point is 03:25:40 no. You know, like it's not mentioned by name, but it's all inferred and it's in there by code. It's just wowsers. I have a topic now that Kyle's back. Yeah. So ridiculous. All right. I'm going to mix up the ages as best as I can. I don't want it to be too like identifying, but this guy's a freshman in college. He's been dating the same girl for, I don't know, three years or so. Uh, his girlfriend's a few months older and attends the same college he's been planning to move out his second year in
Starting point is 03:26:09 college and either the dorms are into an apartment he has enough income from work to cover the tuition in the dorm and he feels like it's time to move out so he wants to be on his own I mentioned it to my girlfriend and she said she'd be my roommate I said I'd think about it and she got upset at me and asked why I wasn't jumping on this opportunity. He's super scared yet intrigued by the idea of her moving in. They've dated three years and they've never lived together. It seems like a massive step. Are there implications about getting married if we go in that direction? I'm not opposed to that eventually, but I feel like I'm way too young to think about that. Remember, he's 18.
Starting point is 03:26:45 I'm afraid if I tell her I'm not ready that I'm going to hurt her. I wish we could demo living together, but it's not tenable at our parents' house. Do you have any advice? What would you do here? I'm just kind of afraid of not having my own free time, and the implications on the relationship would be if it doesn't work out. Yeah, you don't want to do that. That's a bad idea. How close do they live together now uh to each other now does he say that like like like i i
Starting point is 03:27:12 would say invite her over a few times go to the same college so same townish yeah so you got ready access to this person you know if it's something where like like i've been in situations where the person lives hours away so it's like oh yeah you you need to move in so we're closer to one another but but even then there was there would be like a baby step where like she lived nearby for a couple of months so let's make sure that like you staying at my house let's try a weekend let's you know sleep stay here for the weekend three-day weekend all right stay here all week and let's just agree that you know at the end of the week you'll go back and we'll kind of decompress and see how we feel about this you know there's a lot of stuff that comes up when you when you're living with someone
Starting point is 03:27:51 what if you're just seeing someone one day a week they get that best version of you right you're like you know you're you perfect yourself you you you clean your bedroom. Yeah, you know there's not a there's not a like a whole PC And like boxes of PC equipment sitting around right like they get to see the best version of you that you've put on for them And that's not disingenuous. That's just how dating works right, but when someone moves in with you now They get to see your day-to-day life They get to see that maybe there's a dozen coke cans occasionally stacked up in a pyramid by your PC. And the other way around, you get to see her without makeup,
Starting point is 03:28:30 all dirty. No, you better make yourself up 24-7. When you go to bed, it's going to be like a sitcom. You better have eyeshadow on. Kyle's totally right, though. You're absolutely right. no you're absolutely right yeah yeah like i see the if her initial response to it was being frustrated at you for not immediately jumping on it then that's a bad sign what's bad about that sign because it tells me that she's just more serious than he is that's true and i'm sure she's
Starting point is 03:29:02 not doing anything maliciously but for her to jump down his throat when he's like, yeah, I don't know, like, it shows maybe she's over-comfortable with her position currently. You know, she doesn't want to remain the girlfriend. If she wants to move in with you that bad that she got upset at you, dude, she's, it's not a maybe if she's looking towards marriage or something permanent. She is. She absolutely is. Right, if you're having that conversation after three years then you're probably not talking enough first of all because like for example me and my girlfriend we're like we live together and when we're gonna have like we have baby talk every now and then or marriage talk and we're on par like we know what we want
Starting point is 03:29:47 we know like the planning and it when we want to do these things right and we haven't been dating for three years right so so i feel like if you've been dating for three years and you haven't had a proper conversation yet with her about moving in together, then you should probably talk a little bit more with her. There might be a reason they're not talking. I'm guessing that maybe the reason he doesn't want to talk about marriage is that he knows she won't like his stance on it. He says I'm not opposed. That's why you should talk. Get that fight.
Starting point is 03:30:20 He's avoiding it. You know what else makes sense? Argument. Well, no. That's too presumptuous I don't think you should do it they should just talk more maybe move in for a weekend and then a week
Starting point is 03:30:38 right and then they'll probably realize they don't know each other that well or maybe they realize that they love each other a lot and it's great uh do you think just to get a little meta with this do you think this guy would be writing in asking for advice if he really wanted to live with his girlfriend yeah i think he's looking for a good argument or a good rationale of why it's not a good idea. And I think you found it here.
Starting point is 03:31:07 Like, this isn't a good time to be doing that. Like, you're getting way too serious. Aren't there a lot of guys who, you know, I don't know, push away a good thing because they're naturally resistant to commitment, right? Like, they've been together three years. He's 18 now they met at 15 uh you know like that's that's kind of like a childhood thing right like if they're a fit it is is he just backing off because he reflexively says no to anything commitment related i don't think so because he's been with her for three years so he's okay with the level of commitment but keep in mind dude the person you are at 21 is not going to be the person you are
Starting point is 03:31:51 at 18 the person she is at 21 is not going to be the person she is right now and the same goes from from 21 to 25 like you're in a very amorphous time in your life where a lot's shifting a lot's changing you're just kind of finding your own and for her to be this forward and actually getting upset with you at the age of 18 18 to not want to move in it shows that this chick is is ready for much more commitment like 18 that's young dude you should not be living with a girlfriend at 18 when i turned 18 and or 19 and moved out like if i had a girlfriend that would have been like yo listen This is not not gonna work out because you're you're now finally really living your life And this guy is going to college or university or something like that
Starting point is 03:32:34 He's gonna meet so many more girls instead of just the one he knew when he was 15 and got into this relationship he knew when he was 15 and got into this relationship so most likely he's he's afraid because he knows she might not be the one and he might meet somebody he feels better connected with i don't know maybe he's just down to experiment maybe he's gay who knows right he's 18 so yeah that wouldn't be fair to her if he's been gay for three years. Well, he's 18. Like, who knows? Queb mentioned that they should talk more. And Taylor said you're going to change. And that ties into the way I used to talk with Jackie, right? We were dating.
Starting point is 03:33:14 We met young. I was a freshman. And she was a sophomore in college. And she was ready to get married. And I was like, you know, I want to see post-college you, because when I started working during the day and going into school at night, I feel like I grew up a bunch. You are still a full-time student. So I don't know what you're going to be like when you, you know, hit the grownup world. I want to see that version of Jackie because I predict that's
Starting point is 03:33:39 your final form. And, uh, it kind of set like a timeline and such so she was in the workforce i don't know for like i guess it'd be whatever six or nine months before i proposed and then we were engaged for a year before we got married so i you know got to meet adult version of jackie beforehand i just kind of agree yeah yeah that's smart. You know, one thing, this girl specifically, make sure you're using condoms. I feel like this girl is ready to trap you real quick. I'm going to make some big leaps here and guess that maybe your family has a little bit of money. Make sure they're your condoms. Make sure you bring them and you have them with you. Always. And you keep your eye on them and don't maybe your family has a little bit of money. Make sure they're your condoms. Make sure you bring them and you have them with you.
Starting point is 03:34:25 And you keep your eye on them and don't leave your wallet if you have them in your wallet, like on the couch when you're Netflixing and chilling. You are not trusting people. And just in case... Sorry, go ahead, Quentin. No, no, that's all. No, no, you're good.
Starting point is 03:34:42 No, that was all I wanted to say. Take them straight from the safe to the, you know, to the chutes. Don't store them. Look, you keep your condoms in a condom box or in one of those little plastic clippy things that they used to put Nintendo cartridges in. Like the Game Boy cartridges, those little plastic things. Those are the perfect size.
Starting point is 03:35:02 Don't put a condom in your wallet. It dries out. It goes bad. Then it's not nearly as foolproof as it normally is. And no, she doesn't bring condoms. You bring condoms. You always use a condom because she sounds like she's ready to lock your ass down. I'm just guessing and making huge presumptuous leaps here, but it seems like maybe you are the prize to be won. And she's trying to rope you down, Michael. And what did you say just a moment ago, I think we missed, Kyle? That you assume his family... Yeah, maybe his family
Starting point is 03:35:32 has... Yeah, again, huge leap. Maybe his family has money. Maybe she sees you as like, this could be my best shot. I gotta get on board with this one before the eggs go bad over here. I think she's pretty fat. knows it he might be like the fact that he's just concerned about it at a young age like obviously he's 18 he doesn't have a large scope of relationships to look back on for comparison but she might or rather you in writing this you're you like her enough that you're afraid you'll lose her because she'll drop you if you decide you fear she might drop you if you decide to move in with someone else
Starting point is 03:36:08 but if that is your fear and you're making decisions on a living partner based out of fear of being dropped that is a terrible terrible thing to do if you say no I'm not comfortable with that I'm a teenager we're both teenagers and she wants to break up then you
Starting point is 03:36:24 that is a blessing in disguise you should be happy for having discovered that snake in the grass before you're 18 like come on man you got your life ahead of you you shouldn't with the first one say i'm gonna lock this one in i'm gonna stay with this one forever how old were you guys when you had your first living girlfriend? I was 21. 22. Okay. And for me, it was a total accident. I don't know if I told it.
Starting point is 03:36:53 28, 23, 22, around. I've had a few girlfriends before. No super serious relationships. And I just got out of a relationship i was single again no plans to get into a relationship and then i met my current girlfriend and we just got a got along super well um and and she had all her stuff sorted she had her uni degree and did like a good job well-paid job and so did i um and then i said to her well hey i'm moving to spain um i got this great house here if you want to come over like there's an office for
Starting point is 03:37:35 you and just get like a one-way ticket and uh whenever you're sick and tired of me you just fly back maybe like two weeks or something like that and she moved over or she came over on holiday with like her suitcase and stuff and we got along so well uh before you knew it she was staying she stayed there for a month and then before you knew it it was two months and then three months and then four months and five months and we kind of completely forgot time and we realized we're just now living together right and our clothes started to smell bad and yeah well yeah you know you stopped shaving and no no um like it it went automatic like we didn't plan it or anything it was just that we got along
Starting point is 03:38:19 so well and and and you know we talk a lot about things um and then obviously we had to plan like because well she it was a long distance relationship too she she was in canada and i was in amsterdam and then we had to plan the next step right like where are we going to live because if we live in canada i'm never going to see my family in amsterdam plus i need to get a canadian visa if we're going to live in amsterdam you need to get a Dutch visa and you're never going to see your family. But luckily enough, we have very well-paid jobs and we have the luxury of being able to work in both locations. So technically I'm visiting here in Canada, Toronto right now. I'm on a holiday. And then in like a month's time, we go out to Amsterdam and we switch it up and that's how we do
Starting point is 03:39:06 it uh but it was it was a total accident like we we didn't plan on moving in together um is she like is she over there being like haha he thinks there was no plan to this but in reality my plan came to perfection no i've i've told her, like, I've tested her many times because I'm very, like, very careful, obviously. You know, like, if I have to be honest, if you're a young guy with a lot of money, there are a lot of people that get taken advantage of, right? So the first thing I did when I saw this gorgeous girl was i tested her i tested her from from a to z right um so first i was telling the stories and she would agree to everything and be like oh my god that was my favorite movie too or oh my god that was my favorite game too and i used to play these games too and then i thought there was only like her second date and I thought she's just agreeing to everything what I'm saying.
Starting point is 03:40:05 So now I'm going to let her talk and see if I think the same way about things. And then I also always wait till the second date to let. Right. And then I did. And you're supposed to let them talk. Right. And then and then, you know, I was like, oh, is she really who she claims she is and and stuff like that and you know you just you you're very optimistic at the start and um and everything turned out great and i was like is she does she really have a job and it all checked out and now she's making more money than i am every month so that's another great thing um what does she do she's a youtuber
Starting point is 03:40:46 oh that's right that's right you told me yeah i mean i i always say i'm a coach um but and in any return i get to stay in her gorgeous place and she just bought her first house too which is insane so um it's like it's like i'm i'm good i I'm good. But I checked every single possibility. I made sure, like, be careful. You know, you guys say, you know, you bring the condoms, like things like that all covered. And you can never be too careful. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:41:18 You know, you had her tailed by your private investigator. Oh, of course. It's like six guys on them. And I was like, I hit up my hacking buddies. I'm like, yo, could you just check her Facebook? Make sure she's not talking to any other guys. Yeah, of course. You make her every day at 4pm.
Starting point is 03:41:33 You FaceTime. Watch her take the birth control. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, no. I administrate myself. I'm there every morning. I'm like, hey, did you take it? Did you take it? Make a fist. Make a fist. Just every day you're grinding up plan B and putting it in her drink.
Starting point is 03:41:55 I've had my eighth period this month. I don't know. That's the best part as a man about plan B is that, like, you just go to the store and buy half of a plan b and you go all right and here you go but for them it's like this is a start my period pill and they have to do that and then go through five days of bleeding meanwhile you forget and so if you see in the next five days you well you just have period sex but or unless that grosses you out which i don't think it should
Starting point is 03:42:25 gross anyone out it's not a big deal right kyle are you really you're usually down for things that are yeah i know i you know i just not a fan you know we could do other stuff just put a towel down we're not washing a dog we're having sex all right we're not gonna put a towel down all right then just have put a couple towels down then i mean this is you know there's this just because it's right it does smell like pennies in the air my my taste worse if your rule is if you don't see it it's not there you turn the lights on it looks like someone performed a ritual in the bedroom. Someone slaughtered a goat in here? How did they get up there? You turn the lights off while you're doing it,
Starting point is 03:43:11 but then that walk back into the hallway light on the way to the shower afterward, and you see, of course, all the caked and probably a lot dried blood all over the place. Sure. No? Am I alone alone here are you guys serious yeah but we usually skip the worst days like like this experience of like goat slaughtering and coated cocks and stuff like that it's like the bible story all over again yeah yeah no i i you know if a little bit under the head or something is about as much as I've seen. Because I think if the term we use is the office is closed for construction.
Starting point is 03:43:52 Shark week. I don't like that one. It's cliche and everyone says it. But the whole uterus is like rebuilding itself. The office is closed for repairs. But yeah, yeah. The days that are the worst, we skip those. Yeah. building itself the office is closed for for repairs and uh uh but yeah yeah you know the the days that are the worst we skip those yeah but it's so you don't have to just put a towel down just a towel down says taylor jesus christ it no no nothing you know there's other there's
Starting point is 03:44:20 other entryways i think you're the weird one frankly frankly. If I'm a woman and I hear that Taylor has, like, no objection to my period, I find that to be a plus in Taylor. I think. You know, like, if they say, oh, yeah, you're gross about, you know, 15% of the time, 25% of the time, then I'm like, oh, really? Like, I'm still me. Don't you like me? I like you, just not that bleeding cunt. But in the dark,
Starting point is 03:44:52 you just... In the dark, it's lube. We're not mole people. The lights are going to come on at some point. If I were blind... A little Vicks under the nose to hide the penny smell. And then off to the races. What? Smart mouth can't fix that. And then off to the races. What? Smartmouth can't fix that.
Starting point is 03:45:08 He's saying, what about the taste? See, I'm not... I don't go down on girls when they're on their period. Aw, amateur. There's not a girl in the world that wants you to go down on them while they're on their period. Oh, yes there is. You want some links? No, no, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 03:45:22 I trust you and I... It's fine. I trust you and I... No, no, no, no, no, no. It's fine. I trust you. You called down the thunder. Well, here it is. Those hands from earlier were enough. Those hands from earlier
Starting point is 03:45:30 were enough, okay? Oh, no. The hands? Kyle's mind, when you bring up... Can we... I'm getting my bump ready. I'm not...
Starting point is 03:45:38 I don't want to... I don't want to see this. I hope the thumbnail isn't too bad. Oh, it's like that scene from Tombstone where, like,att finally decides he's gonna fight but he's like you call down the thunder well here it is see but there is a 10 miles of difference between having sex with a girl on her period and performing oral on a girl on her period you know, Hutch has talked about this on the show before, and he said, and I quote,
Starting point is 03:46:07 you just stay above the high water line, which I interpret to mean the clit is clean, and you just stay there and away from the whole badge. Yeah, but then your chin gets all red. Yeah, that's true. There are other angles of attack. Yeah, there are other angles of attack. Yeah there are other angles of attack. But are you gonna risk a 69 situation when the flood waters are at levy? What if you're at the top?
Starting point is 03:46:33 My eyes! My eyes! They're bleeding! Yeah and she's just choking down there. I'm breathing in blood. Okay. I don't like any of this. TMI, TMI. No, no. Wow. It's rare that Tile is the one that backs off on sex talk, and I like that it happens. Well, I'm just being honest. Most of the time I'm just being facetious,
Starting point is 03:46:57 but if we're talking seriously, like, no. If the office is closed for repairs or whatever you said, like you put it in her butt. She could just do oral. There are many more options, right? Yeah, like, you know, I like a good hand job, right? We could work something out. Well, hey, if you're ever in Canada, hit me up.
Starting point is 03:47:18 I'll let you know. I'll let you know. Let me see your hands. Are they... I moisturize my hands. I got girl hands. Yeah, same, too, right? Like, I always wear weight... I moisturize my hands. I got girl hands. Yeah, same too, right? Like, I always wear weightlifting gloves.
Starting point is 03:47:27 I'm joking. I'm joking. I don't care if your hands are rough or soft. I just need them to be small. My ego can't... Your appearance is safe. You know? I wanted to look like a baby's holding that thing.
Starting point is 03:47:41 It looks better on video that way. Yeah, absolutely. I've got so many calluses now. It looks better on video that way. Yeah, absolutely. So many calluses now, it's like sometimes uncomfortable. Yeah, I always moisturize my hands two or three times a day and then when I work out, I always, always, always wear my weightlifting gloves
Starting point is 03:47:57 because I don't want the calluses. My hands are very, very soft. I don't want to buy Pokemon trainer looking gloves to lift weight they all they go on your wrist too for like if you're doing bench bench stuff to keep your wrist straight like you know they're helpful that would be helpful i watched the gross but then i feel like you're not getting they say not to buy anything like that why not uh he said that you need to contribute to the menagerie of human skin in the
Starting point is 03:48:26 knurling on the bar as part of the gym's heritage. Oh, so it's just some, some random like silliness. There's no scientific approach to it. Now, bro. Science is not real science.
Starting point is 03:48:36 Yeah. Okay. Well, it's usually more scientific than that. No, no, not this guy. Every time he flexes,
Starting point is 03:48:43 it makes bullets out. No, I don't want my hands as soft and supple as they can possibly be. I like manly hands. Oh, no, not this guy. And every time he flexes, it makes bullet sounds. Bang, bang. I don't want my hands as soft and supple as they can possibly be. I like manly hands. But I'm saying, like, after a little while of, like, kind of beating your hands up, lifting, it's better. Better than what? No.
Starting point is 03:48:59 Like, you wouldn't need a glove anymore because the calluses protect you. I don't want that. That makes my hands all rough and gross I don't want calluses. I want my hands to be nice and soft and smooth You don't want to be able to just like Grab something and know that it's not gonna slip out of your hands instead of what you have right now where you I mean I'm not But calluses are earned.
Starting point is 03:49:27 They're a sign that you're actually doing something. Calluses are like, I don't play guitar, but the tips of their fingers get all calloused from doing the fingering on the frets. And that's a sign that they're practicing, that they're actually guitarists. When I have calluses from lifting the bar it that doesn't come without effort and this isn't to say i never moisturize because when i get like dry winter skin i do put like jergens extra moisture or whatever the fuck on there but that's just to stop that that nasty cracking on the top you know there's no modern uh benefit to having calluses on your hands gloves exist they are they are cheap they are uh not with rough hands like i mean maybe some of them maybe some are like oh i want that sandpapery feel all over me like like but i i have found the opposite to be true that maybe they want soft hands when you're touching sensitive parts of their bodies
Starting point is 03:50:20 you know like like i you know when you when you're using your fingernails to scrape the small of their back you want to you want to combine that with nice soft smooth moisturized uh strokes right you know i'm siding with wings of redemption on this wings has often talked about his hands and how he moisturizes them keeps them nice soft and supple i i'm on team wings here i don't like moisturizer oh I feel like it makes me slimy. And then some of the problems that people solve with moisturizing, I can't relate to at all. Like cracked knuckles that Taylor just mentioned. I bet you got ashy elbows.
Starting point is 03:50:54 Oh, yeah. I get cracked knuckles in the winter. And that is a gross look, like the dry cracked knuckles. So you've got to put lotion on there. I moisturize every inch of my body i have uh a couple different moisturizers every day you know just just let your body drink in those nutrients and vitamins and and nourish it i i i maybe i'm naturally slimy i don't know but i i can't really oily your skin and the oilier your skin is the better you'll age you know if you
Starting point is 03:51:22 if you have naturally oily skin but but you you know, at first, like, there are different moisturizers, right? Some of them leave this powdery feel, which is just disgusting to me. I'm kind of OCD about that. Like, I prefer, like, a greasier type one. But then I rub it in to the point that it goes away. Like, if you just, like, all right, I'm moisturized. Then, yeah, you have, like, grease on your hands now. But if you continue to rub it in and you, like it around until it goes away and like goes into your skin like
Starting point is 03:51:49 it's supposed to then you don't have that feeling anymore you just you're just moisturized i don't know i used to you do that to your whole body after every shower yeah yeah like you come out of that hot water it's it you know your skin's all dried out so i've got my big jug of whatever kind of cocoa butter lotion i use for my body and then i've got my big jug of whatever kind of cocoa butter lotion I use for my body. And then I've got my face moisturizer for the Jack Black stuff. And yeah, everywhere. Not my legs, really. I put so much less effort into my skin care. Same here.
Starting point is 03:52:16 As long as I'm not... Like, I never get pimples. Well, your mother saw to that. Yeah, she did. We nuked that. Any kind of oily skin I had before is gone now, so I guess that means I'm going to age poorly. But I've already got some gray hairs coming in on the sides,
Starting point is 03:52:33 so it'll match well with that. Yeah, that's distinguished. Nothing wrong with that. But you don't have much gray hair in your beard that I can see. No, I have none in my beard. Yeah, we're the opposite. Well, I have some, but very little in my hair and tons in my beard. Yeah, and it's still only strands there.
Starting point is 03:52:49 But I've been with girls before who will be like, oh, I like how your hair is a little gray over here. And I'm like, what? Really? And they're like, well, yeah. And I'm like, oh, I didn't know if that was noticeable to anyone outside of just me looking in the mirror. You should just own it.
Starting point is 03:53:10 My mom has the exact same hair as I have but then it's all gray now And I think it looks pretty badass Well, I'm gonna. I'm gonna do one stripe white like that girl from X-men. I got anime character storm That's how pka Dan grade you react actually storms all white. It's a Anyway, it's the one that It's Jean Grey. I don't know the characters anyway. It's the one that touches you in the age or something. Yeah, Jean Grey. Dan, he got like a stripe of grey hair down the center. And one of my co-workers called him Skunk Boy.
Starting point is 03:53:40 Did he just embrace it though? And that's the way my hair grows? Or did he get like a touch of gray like just for men? No, he just died. That's just the way he grayed. Yeah, he eventually got some on the side. I'd rather be gray
Starting point is 03:53:53 than be one of those guys who's like well into their 50s and they've got like soy sauce hair where it's just so obvious. Like black. Like black as night hair where it's like so obvious. Like, black. Like, black as night hair. Where it's like, that would look odd on a 22
Starting point is 03:54:09 year old, much less a 56 year old, you know? It's not a good look. Do they have odd hair, or are you saying it looks fake? Or it is fake? Oh, I'm saying that their hair, the color is fake. Not the hair itself. But, like, they'll dye it, and it's so dark it looks like soy sauce. And when you're that age like everybody has a little bit of gray hair and so
Starting point is 03:54:30 it's almost like that complete absence of gray hair draws more attention than a little gray hair would by itself i uh i've been accused of dyeing my hair which is awesome because like when i played video games a lot i was rarely accused of cheating like everyone knew i was able to pull off 25 and 5 and upload it to youtube but uh but when they accuse me of dying my hair which i don't there are some grays in there um it's like aha like that is like the highest compliment right like like if if they think that this is too good to be true dude yeah nailed it when i tweeted uh like a picture of me in a tank top like five months ago after i've been working out for four months ago and i've been working out for a long time and people on the subreddit a couple people were like
Starting point is 03:55:15 he's clearly doing steroids i was like oh well thank you i guess things are going well. Yeah, yeah. It's the YouTube equivalent of people telling you, like, oh, all his subscribers are sub-botted, and he uses bots to get his videos to get millions of views. And I'm like, thanks. Yeah, people just say, like, there's no way anyone could actually get a quarter million likes on a video. That has to be a bot. And I'm like, no. He got big getting all his videos botted and stuff like that.
Starting point is 03:55:50 I'm like, cool. Yeah, thanks, I guess. Yeah. Or when people ask me, like, how do you do that hair? It's not natural, is it? I'm like, yeah. And they're like, well, what do you put in it? I'm like, I just wash it with water and brush it, and that's all. And then I get these curly things in my hair, and I'm like, I just wash it with water and brush it and that's all. And then I get these curly
Starting point is 03:56:06 things in my hair and I'm like, oh my god. So, I like it. It'd be interesting to see if you straightened it. Have you ever straightened it? I have, yes, yes. Do you have pictures? Is there a searchable picture? I have a video. Guys, come on, I'm a YouTuber. Jeez.
Starting point is 03:56:22 Let's see it. With 8 million subscribers. 8 million. Congratulations, dude. Subscribe to my channel. Woody's Gamer Tag. youtuber jeez that's let's see it with eight million subscribers eight million congratulations dude subscribe to my channel what is gamer tech okay so you just skip through the video i'd say it's a pretty boring video oh wow i saw the thumbnail yeah there's a thumbnail but that's like my hair look at it flowing in the wind. We straightened it and my hair, because it's naturally curly, it curled back like really, really quickly. So I think if you go to like 130, if you watch it from 130,
Starting point is 03:57:01 you can see like the most like straightened hair I've ever had. Dude, that looks great. You look much better with curly hair, I think. I like your curly hair look. My girlfriend agrees. I like the fake quibble cup. Yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 03:57:19 You got a Fabio thing going on in two minutes or so. You look like you're in a Tresemme commercial. Yeah. It's hilarious. Ozzy, voluminous hair. It looks like I'm wearing a wig. The curls go, they come back super quickly. I took like one shower and then
Starting point is 03:57:37 it was back to normal. Yeah. How much did it cost to straighten it? How much? It was like 20 bucks. Oh, that's not so bad. Something like that. It's super cheap. It wasn't permanent, obviously. But I did it for a video because people, on one video, I said, if this gets 100,000 likes, then I'll straighten my hair. And it got 100,000 likes, so I straightened my hair.
Starting point is 03:57:59 Well, you're a man of your word. No, not really. I've also said I would dye my hair which i've never done what color were you gonna dye it orange oh definitely don't do that carrot top you look terrible it's because like orange is my color so there there are a bunch of times on youtube where i'm like if this video hits 100 000 likes i'll jump into the water and like for two years it didn't and then it hits 100 000 likes and people are like when I'll jump into the water. And for two years, it didn't. And then it hits 100,000 likes, and people are like, when are you jumping in the water? You still
Starting point is 03:58:28 haven't jumped in the water. I'm like, kind of moved away. I'm kind of done with that. That's cool. So we're at three hours and 59 minutes. Oh, boy. So you guys still go for four hours or is five hours the new norm?
Starting point is 03:58:50 Four is the norm. The subscribers will definitely rage if you don't crack it, if it doesn't start with four. Just sit in silence for the last minute. So, yeah, the weather so i want to know are you are you looking forward to 10 million subscribers is that like me and the trophy that comes with it yes so so actually the uh the thing with the whole youtube is when you start off you hit milestone after milestone after milestone after milestone right and uh and they're life-changing events happening.
Starting point is 03:59:27 So when I started off, the first time you hit like 100 subscribers, that shit's insane. You're like, 100 people are following me? Probably can't even name 100 people you know, right? And then you hit 1,000, which most of the time doesn't happen like straight away, but it happens fairly close to you starting off and then you hit 10 000 and the moment you hit 10 000 you're like this is actually happening right this is getting really big and then i remember that i hit a hundred thousand subscribers and it was
Starting point is 03:59:55 huge and i got my silver play button and i was staring at it and i was like i'm gonna be doing this i'm gonna be doing this for however long I can do it. And then in that 100,000 to a million range, it starts to become your job, right? For most people, for me at least. It became my job. So it really was life changing, which is like another milestone you hit, right? And it's also tends to be the first time that you're going to get recognized on the street. And it's like you're hitting these milestones constantly, constantly hitting these milestones if you're growing at a decent
Starting point is 04:00:30 rate. And they hit a million subscribers and it's oh boy the big one million subscribers. And I remember I hit it and one of my friends who had over a million subscribers he messages me and he goes congratulations on hitting a million subscribers but get ready because you're not gonna hit a milestone for a very very very very long time right and i'm like what do you mean i'll be happy when i hit two million and three million and stuff and then from that one million now to the eight million grind and on my second channel i have like 1.3 million subscribers too but 1 million to 8 million subscriber grind you hit that 1 million you hit a million mark all the time like today i hit 8 million subscribers and obviously i'm thankful
Starting point is 04:01:16 for it and i love it but it does not get anywhere close to the excitement of me hitting a million subscribers or even a hundred thousand subscribers you know what one of the most interesting milestones for me was um i had a friend that i used to play games with and they said uh and i'd be like ah yeah i got well you have a youtube channel uh yeah a little bit and i and i was like i was like yeah i got i got 50,000 subscribers and they were like nobody cares yeah so it's 100,000. And he was like, let me know when you got more subscribers than Hutch. And then, like, at some point, I passed Hutch. And I was like, here you go.
Starting point is 04:01:53 And they were like, oh, fuck. I can't say shit anymore. God damn it. And it's like those milestones you hit, they feel good for a little bit. And you shake it off. And then you move on, right? But from, like, a million to eight million, there's nothing there. They're like they feel good for like a little bit and you shake it off and then you move on right but From like a million to eight million. There's nothing there or a million to ten million
Starting point is 04:02:11 There's not many milestones. You're gonna hit maybe at one point, you know, you'll be able to buy your first house, which is great Five million subscribers sounds good and it is good But it's pretty much the same as four million pretty much the same as six million like you're just looking for the next digit to be added you're looking for the eighth digit so the next digit like that 10 million but to go from a million to 10 million that's like a lot of people don't make it right a lot of people do not make it or it takes four years five years before somebody makes it um and it's just very like it's a it's a grind and and to then think that once you hit
Starting point is 04:02:54 that 10 million subscribers it's huge like i'm gonna be throwing a party if if i can even get there um but to then think that pewdiepie is on 64 million subscribers or something like that, he's done that. He's hit that 10 million subscribers five, six, seven years ago, and he's going to that 100 million subscribers. So the grind I'm on right now, me feeling like sometimes a little bit like, where's the next milestone? Right? Milestone hungry. I can't imagine how PewDiePie is feeling right now, knowing that he's a little bit like, where's the next milestone? Right? Milestone hungry. I can't imagine how PewDiePie is feeling right now, knowing that he's a little bit over halfway there. You know,
Starting point is 04:03:29 two-thirds of the way there. Oh yeah, you gotta feel bad for him. But it doesn't go like that though, right? I mean, 61.3 million subscribers he has. Like, the first million is so much harder than the second million, right? Like, it kind of builds. And obviously that's also the point where most YouTubers will have to look for.
Starting point is 04:03:49 And I did especially like, are you into YouTube purely for like the subscriber count, for the views, for the money? Or are you doing this because you really enjoy doing it, right? Which sometimes takes over a little bit and for most youtubers they get carried away or they hit a million subscribers and they think they've made it in life and they go and spend all their money etc it's interesting when i hit a million uh like a million was a bigger deal when i hit it than it is today of course yeah and um uh so it was like this big celebration like it was a really really big deal for me and i i sort of planned it out i had like a 45 minute like tribute video of like highlights over the course of my way there and i did a live stream where like
Starting point is 04:04:39 i had like i don't know 999 800 subs and was going to like get the next 200 over the course of the live stream. And as soon as I got like 10 away, everyone in the live stream was like, unsub, unsub, unsub. And they did. And I got like hundreds away and I lost like a thousand subscribers. And it was like, darn it, darn it. These guys are trolling me. People who like me are unsubbing
Starting point is 04:05:05 just so that I won't hit the milestone on the stream that I was hoping for. But I guess they either resubbed or I picked up new subs and hit it and it all worked out okay. But they did get me good. Yeah, man. It's an interesting little ride.
Starting point is 04:05:24 It is an interesting ride. So, PKA, episode number 420, with our guest, Squibblecup, now a word to our sponsors. Isn't that what you were going to say? Yeah, something like that. Kyle, you want to say something? Big thanks to Audible and GetQuip. Check both of those things out. Those are two that I... Someone was asking me the other day about... I won't name which ones. They were like, do you really use this one? Do you really use that one?
Starting point is 04:05:52 I'm like, yeah, absolutely. I sleep on that Casper mattress every night. I listen to audiobooks on Audible. And I brush my teeth with a Quip toothbrush now. So yeah, check them out. Good stuff. All right. P.K.A.
Starting point is 04:06:05 420, maybe.

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