Painkiller Already - Painkiller Already #383

Episode Date: April 27, 2018

This week on PKA, anonymous internet personality, Mister Metokur, joins the guys to discuss his pedophile hunting and the guys go through a ton of WingsOfRedemption history and stories because Metokur... plans on producing a video about Wings, through these talks we learn of a fetish called "Adult Baby Diaper Lovers" and then after his departure, the fellas recap last week's drunk PKA which Kyle has no recollection of partaking in.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 painkiller already episode 383 with our guest mr medicare kyle yeah a couple sponsors tonight we've got get quip and uh archer danger island is returning we'll talk about uh those guys more later on in the show but yeah we got mr medicare here for those who of you who are unfamiliar just stop right now watch a couple of youtube videos of his from his internet insanity uh series yes and come back to us after that sir j Jim, as you like to be known, you're a mysterious individual. I like that about you. That's the first thing I liked. I was like, well, what's his name?
Starting point is 00:00:33 Jim was like, oh, he doesn't give out his name. I was like, what does he look like? No one knows. All right, let me get into this a little more. And then I see that you're exposing pedophiles on the internet. You're facing off against these insane people who are literally criminals on the internet and exposing them and i i really enjoy and of course you do more light-hearted things like uh the gang stalking video and and stuff like that well that's light-hearted for us they're schizophrenics
Starting point is 00:00:59 who are freaking the fuck out everyone's anti-pedophile it's except well not i just like look these are these are charitable men bringing children towards their sexual maturation and mr mediker goes and fucks it up yeah i'm i'm a terrible bully interfering with the the love that they're expressing to the innocents yeah um hey they're doing they're doing uh what is what was it that one guy said ethical child porn oh no uh oh god yeah how did he put it he he was quoting somebody too that used to work for salon um virtuous pedophilia i don't like that gymnastics do you have to be involved in to convince yourself or rather what kind of a fucked up crowd do you have to like roll with that you're tossing this
Starting point is 00:01:41 idea around over a couple beers and you're like yeah people will buy that like no fucking of course not you're a pedophile we hate yeah it sounds good i think i'll roll with that one and people won't throw stones at my head um you know when i when i started my channel and the most you know the focus of my content is mostly laughing at absurd things on the internet but for whatever reason over the last i'd say four or five months it has just been non-stop you know you dig a few layers down and there's some pedophilia. Ross is probably the most recent example. And that got a little, you know, over the line even for me, because it's not just a guy that's espousing, hey, I like to look at naked kids on the Internet. Hey, I'm a pedophile. You know,
Starting point is 00:02:18 he's talking about really violent things like I want to shoot up a school. I want to hurt little kids. And then he starts saying that you can't stop me i also work at a school he volunteers at a school one day a week so now you've got a situation where a guy is talking about not just a sexual attraction to kids not wanting to just hurt them but he's got access to them one day a week and that's yeah that's crazy you had a really interesting take on that guy i lied you were like you know what you need to be put up against a wall and shot you said it straight to the man's face like like there there's a there's sort of a skype call or a discord or something or another where it's uh you know there's maybe four of you in there and that that disgusting autistic pedophile is in there with you and you
Starting point is 00:02:59 literally you need to be put up against the wall he's like i i feel like you're all picking on me we are we don't care about your feelings. You're a fucking pedophile. And Chiz just pointed out, he kept saying in the stream I was watching, I'm not a pedophile. I'm a child molester. I'm a pedophile.
Starting point is 00:03:15 And it's like, only a pedophile could think that this is some get out of jail free card. It's like, no, you want to fuck children. Can you not catch up a little bit? Oh, yes. Is he saying that, is the guy's defense that he doesn't actually do anything he just fantasizes is that what he's saying well i can give you kind of the basic rundown i ran into this guy about seven months ago and it was by pure happenstance i just was looking through live streams you know youtube has a feature you can kind of go through stuff and i found one that
Starting point is 00:03:43 had maybe like three people watching it was like the bottom of the barrel live stream. And the moment I happened to just tune into this one is the moment that somebody says, but Ross, you said you looked up naked children on the internet. And I was like, okay, well, we've got gold here because I have, I can't go away now. I have to, I have to see where this conversation goes. And he started going on and on saying things like, well, I want to be a father. I really want to be a father. So I like to look at naked videos of naked children on the Internet. That was his rationale for it. Then the guy follows up within about 30 seconds and he says, well, what about those discord messages you sent us where you said that you have a problem and you need to seek
Starting point is 00:04:19 professional help about it? And I was like, this is insane insane so i was able to get onto the live stream and i talked to him about it and it got a bit heated uh between myself and him uh you know i ended up doing a video and this bizarre cast of characters that he happened to know kind of got sucked into it you had somebody who was like a twitch streamer nuclear gamer was like we're gonna medicare if you if you cover this we're gonna hack you we're gonna hit all your accounts we're gonna doxy you're gonna get taken down then they tried to say that they knew people in lizard squad like, we're going to, Medica, if you cover this, we're going to hack you. We're going to hit all your accounts. We're going to dox you. You're going to get taken down. Then they tried to say that they knew people in Lizard Squad. You know, we're going to get all these people from, you know, these notorious groups to come after you.
Starting point is 00:04:53 The funny thing is, I'd say maybe a month later down the road, the person they were, you know, saying that was on their side from Lizard Squad was like, I have no idea who these people are. And I wouldn't defend a pedophile. For people listening, Lizard Squad is a big name hacking DDoS thing. They've taken down Minecraft, Xbox Live, etc. Yeah, they were throwing out anything to try to get me to stop focusing on it. What ends up happening is his grandmother watches my video and takes him off the internet. So I dug into it. He made a lot of statements.
Starting point is 00:05:24 He got very angry at people. He would dox people and scream at people. So his grandma watches it, pulls him off the internet. You're done. Now, what I didn't know between that first video and this most recent occurrence was he got, this is alleged, I can't verify it, but people who said they were in contact with his family said that he freaked out so badly, he sent his grandfather into a panic attack that triggered a heart attack. This guy about 25 years old, maybe? Yeah, he's about 22, 23 years old. So the grandmother's like, that's it, you're gone. You're out of this house. We're not going to take care of you anymore. This is too far over the line. They put him into
Starting point is 00:06:04 a halfway house, or some kind of rehab, you know, autist house. I don't know what it is exactly. And the minute he gets in there, he takes the money he had saved up and he buys a phone, a smartphone, and he's right back on the internet doing the exact same thing again. You know, I can do whatever I want. Nobody can stop me. And it comes out that, you know, he's telling people that he's working at a school in his area, you know, that he has access to kids and that, you know, he's not just watching videos of naked children anymore. He's outright saying, I'm a pedophile. I'm a virtuous pedophile. And you, and you left out the bloodlust part. And I'd never heard anyone use the phrase bloodlust, especially not to describe themselves. He says he has bloodlust. And I believe what he's inferring with that is that he is addicted to sort of the idea
Starting point is 00:06:50 of inflicting extreme bodily harm on others. He wants to injure and maim and hurt other people. Not just others, children too. There was one phrase where he's like, I want to kick a kid to death or some ridiculous shit. Well, Jim asked him that. He that he was like well you could hurt these kids he's like ah i wouldn't hurt the kids they're far too fragile it it was almost like they weren't enough i'm not sure if they weren't enough challenge to him like he wanted something that he could really inflict a lot of pain into he's a pretty swole pedophile yeah it's disturbing it's crazy it's one of those lines i mean yeah i ended up
Starting point is 00:07:26 getting very heated with the guy but i mean that's one of those lines for me i think that's a line for a lot of people um you can deal with a lot of goofy stuff online you can deal with a lot of really weird fetishes and weird opinions and weird behaviors but i think when you run into somebody that is just unrepentant about it i you know i i, I, I, not only am I attracted to kids, but I want to hurt them. And then I have access to them. It, it, it, that triggers something. And I think almost anybody that they're like, this guy needs to be dealt with. Um, from what I understand too, again, this conversation that I had with him was on a live stream, right? He ended up coming on a live stream after the third video and we had it out. That's where I told him I'd line him up against
Starting point is 00:08:03 the wall. Uh, his, his grandmother watched that watched that as well uh if you listen to the video you can hear his phone go off about 38 times and that's his grandmother watching this take place trying to call him and say what are you doing you need to stop wow it is just nuts earlier in the stream like i guess this is like the beginning part of it because i think i watched the whole thing he tried to act it took him probably 15 fucking minutes of you telling him hey it's not normal to look up images of kids bathing naked on the internet just because you want to be a father and it you could tell he's a genuine pedophile because it did not register with him that that was not normal yeah it's like i'm just i'm just looking up kids bathing how is that weird i didn't even jack off to it it's like that's not the fucking point retard you don't look up naked kids bathing if you're like i'm excited to be a father maybe look up you know
Starting point is 00:08:53 kids sports or whatever the fuck you're oh i can't wait to teach my kid baseball oh i can't wait to do this like you don't go to bathing you're a pedophile everyone who's not a pedophile can see that and you know it follows up on there there was another person on the internet and i i i how do i go into the details of the story without getting too uh descriptive but uh a guy oh feel free yeah you can get as descriptive as you wish all right remember you you asked me that so all right. Another guy named Nick Bate. Nick Bate made outrageous claims, kind of like Ross did. Said, I'm attracted to kids. I like kids.
Starting point is 00:09:30 Turns out Nick Bate has a little sister, a stepsister. Now, Nick Bate, and he's in jail right now. He went to jail because he molested her. But the thing that was so disgusting about Nick Bate is, I mean, he went on for years talking about how he wanted to molest kids. He wrote fan fiction about it. He acted unrepentant about it., acted like it was a normal thing altogether. He was also, I think it's called a corpophiliac. Yes. So he was into shit play, basically. Yes. When he ended up getting contacted by law enforcement, he thought he had the brilliant
Starting point is 00:09:59 idea that the best way to prove to the judge that he wasn't a pedophile was to send a video of him masturbating with a piece of shit and say see see this this is how i get my rocks off clearly i can't molest children i want to play with poop um solid logic if you jack off with shit you must acquit so it's that mindset it's like they don't understand that there's something off right it's like they can't they can't see it themselves. Kind of going back to your point of when he's talking about I'm looking up kids naked in the bathtub. It's like they just they just it's it's right there, but they can't grasp onto it. But with Nick Bates, nobody took him seriously. And eventually he did do something with a kid with Ross coming out and saying, I have access to kids that that kind of, you know, fucked me up a little bit, made me angry because i don't want to read a story five months from now where this guy's doing something why do you think pedophilia is so prevalent from the outside i think most of us see it as a very rare occurrence you know because in our day-to-day lives we don't meet a single individual who who who has any who is a pedophile and of course you wouldn't because if you are a pedophile and you're sane,
Starting point is 00:11:07 see, I think that's the key takeaway here, I think is this. The people that are easily discovered as pedophiles aren't all there to begin with. They have a whole host of other things wrong with them. Like both of these individuals aren't all there. They're no good at covering up their desires for children. But I think that pedophilia is rampant. I'm always
Starting point is 00:11:27 reading on Reddit about a cell of men getting shut down who are trading pictures or images or videos. I'm always hearing about international and I'm hearing about politicians and all these secret organizations. They make it seem like there is an underground enormous group of pedophiles, pedophile rings. Are these people getting caught, especially ones live streaming their pedo instincts, crying
Starting point is 00:11:58 for help? Do they recognize the problem on some level? Not these particular individuals. These two guys, they were almost doing it to show they could it seems like where it's like i can get away with this i can say whatever i want oh i want to do this that and the other thing nobody's going to stop me and it was like okay this is a dangerous kind of person to be out there because they will eventually do it it's not oh i'm a virtuous pedophile i only looked at cp once or twice it It's like, well, you went back again, didn't you? You're going to do something.
Starting point is 00:12:27 And they also weren't socially evolved enough, these two individuals in particular, to even know that they were really stepping that far out of bounds, it seemed. Because they were like, hey, no big deal. I just read a little fan fiction. Ah, no big deal. I just wrote some text messages. Yeah, I guess I mentioned that my eight-year-old half-sister has acne on her boobs and that it kind of looks like nipples and I want to lick them. But hey, that's normal, right? I mean, it's fan fiction.
Starting point is 00:12:54 Well, yeah, those are pictures of me cross-dressing. And no, I don't ever shower. I pretend to, though, so Granny won't get on my case. Yeah, that'll fool. That shows the mentality of him. That's like a four-year-old mentality of like, if I pretend to shower and leave the water on
Starting point is 00:13:10 and leave smelling like asshole, grandma will be tricked. It's like, no, you're a 22-year-old. You just have the mentality of a four-year-old when it comes to hiding your pedophilic nonsense. Well, that was one of the weird things. I mean, especially when you kind of compare Nick to Ross. You know, Nick is into corpophilia, i'm sure the the smell and the dirtiness of it never brushed his teeth never showered uh ross wore diapers till the age of 12 uh wouldn't take a
Starting point is 00:13:35 shower his grandmother had to yell at him for a month to get him to finally shower by telling him his balls stink the house up uh in the the halfway house that he's in he actually they had to have a staff worker uh wash his ass because he refused to do it. Oh my god. Is this a halfway house for pedophiles? Not enough. As much as I'm enjoying you, Jim, a much better guest, I must admit,
Starting point is 00:13:55 would be the man at the halfway house who has to wash that guy's ass. I want him here right now. As soon as the call started, there'd be tears, right? You'd see him welling up in his eyes. You'd have to keep barging into different rooms. Hey, no Nick Jr.
Starting point is 00:14:13 So this guy. It would be the world's most awful job, yeah. The one in diapers until 12. He's the same one that doesn't bathe? Is that the deal? I'm mixing up my people. The diaper one, I think, is the bathtub. The guy who was looking up pictures in the bathtub, right?
Starting point is 00:14:29 Yeah, so the diaper guy is Ross. Ross is the one that wore diapers until he was 12. Ross is the one that doesn't bathe. Ross is the one that has to have somebody wipe his ass, and that's the guy who said he should get lined up against the wall. Nick, it was just somebody that was into corpophilia, but it's weird how it's kind of similar. It's just dirt, filth. they almost brag about what they're into.
Starting point is 00:14:49 You know, this sort of forms a pattern for me because the individual who refused to wash, do we know if he was molested as a child? No, this is interesting. He claimed that he was abused by his father, right? And so people assumed that that meant it was sexual molestation. I actually got angry with him about this because it came out later on that he was abused by his father, right? And so people assumed that that meant it was sexual molestation. I actually got angry with him about this because it came out later on that he was abused. It was physical abuse. That's why the family split. But he made it seem like he was molested.
Starting point is 00:15:16 Like that was his out. Like, oh, see, because I was molested, now I'm molested. You need to lay off of me. That gives me the excuse for my behavior. I don't know if it's that pedophilia has become more prevalent or if it's just more noticeable because everybody's online now. And so you can kind of see what was hidden before because it's just presented out in the open. So an interesting scenario that comes to mind for me, like I knew a girl who had a friend who was also a female. and she had been molested by her father when she was very young. And as a result, she didn't bathe anymore.
Starting point is 00:15:52 As an adult, she no longer bathed, and she would stay filthy all the time. Now, the reason she did this was it had become a defensive mechanism for her as a preteen to prevent her father from molesting her. Yeah, I've seen Oz. I guess a bit like that as well but but this is literally like a coping mechanism that she had fallen into was was becoming filthy and smelly so that her father wouldn't molest her and it makes me just wonder now that i think about this individual not to really give him it if he if he hears this he's gonna be like oh yeah all right, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, that's what happened.
Starting point is 00:16:27 Yeah, yeah, that's what happened. No, that ship has fucking sailed for that guy. But, like, I think wearing diapers up until you're, like, 13 or 12 or whatever it is, that's sometimes indicative of having been molested as a kid, isn't it? Like, bedwetting until an older age? Not that any of this excuses it, but it's just curious.
Starting point is 00:16:43 Well, I know he's claimed that he had mental issues, and I think that's pretty obvious when you're listening to the guy, aside from just, like, autism. We're not just talking, like, autism or Asperger's or something like that. You know, he told multiple friends, and this is consistent throughout the years, that he had a form of schizophrenia.
Starting point is 00:16:58 I don't remember my, like, entry-level intro psych classes and stuff, but I vaguely remember that there were two types of that, and one was more of an internal type. And, you know, people with schizophrenia could be prone to not wanting to wash. They were kind of introverted. They could fall into, like, deep depressions. So, I mean, maybe that's like, you know, an affect of that. Maybe that's part of it.
Starting point is 00:17:18 But he tried to grab anything he could. And he was using, I can't remember the guy's name, but the virtuous pedophile thing came from a salon writer who wrote all these articles saying, I'm not a monster, I'm a pedophile. But then it turns out that, okay, you are a bit of a monster because you're more than just a pedophile. You're getting into some things that are pretty underhanded. Salon pulled the articles because of it. And that's the guy Ross is going to. He was holding him up as a prime example of a virtuous pedophile. You know, somebody afflicted, but he's a good guy. But it turns out he's not a good guy.
Starting point is 00:17:48 Who could have seen that coming? Oh, you know, it's a shock. Do you mean to imply there are no virtuous pedophiles? That was my next question. I wanted to poll the group here. Do we think that there can be a virtuous pedophile? I think there can be. No.
Starting point is 00:18:04 So here's my thing i think there are people who feel a pull to maybe a drug they used to be addicted to right there are ex-alcoholics right people who are like man i'm like this is the kind of situation where i would have drank before but i know what happens and that's not for me anymore i think there are people who do that with all kinds of drugs i imagine there are people who feel the pull towards pedophile and just say, no, like I get how hot four-year-olds are, but it's not for me. I feel like it's almost a layer deeper though, because you may have a predisposition for alcoholism, but it's still like a choice you're making like to get into it. That sexual attraction that a pedophile has for children like if that is
Starting point is 00:18:45 ingrained it seems like there's really no way for them to truly combat it and it's almost going to be only a matter of time until something happens i'm just cautious about nailing people to the wall as thought police right action police fucking line them up and shoot them right but thought police is that against the law would you want one of these recovering pedophiles in your neighborhood at your child's school? You know, like what if he's at Parkour with Colin, and he's the one who grabs the kids by their waist and gives them a little boost so they can make the jumps? Is he a good waist grabber? I don't know. Oh, I bet he's a great waist grabber.
Starting point is 00:19:22 You can see his fingers trembling with excitement. He's been thinking about it every night for months. I don't know. Oh, I bet he's a great winger. You can see his fingers trembling with excitement. He's been thinking about it every night for months. He's got an emergency taint move just in case he doesn't make it. I don't like how the instructor has to go sit down after every time he helps out. I guess it sounds like this guy needs to be institutionalized, right? From what I'm hearing, he hasn't done done anything bad but he's really headed down the wrong road and yeah he's he's throwing up every red flag you can i i do kind of tend to agree
Starting point is 00:19:50 with you about the thought police thing i mean we're talking about two individuals like with nick that was somebody who definitely acted on it uh ross is somebody that's almost guaranteeing that he's going to act on it by making statements about wanting to hurt kids uh i i are there virtuous pedophiles i mean i'm sure there are people out there that have all sorts of really negative aspects of who they are that try their hardest to fight against them. You know, I'm sure there are people that probably take it to the limit, people that get chemically castrated, people that do whatever they think they need to do to prevent themselves from hurting somebody else. But Ross is definitely not one of them. I think this guy is dangerous. I know people have
Starting point is 00:20:27 contacted the police department. I called up a non-emergency number to report him. People have talked to different sheriff's departments. Because one of the issues is, where is he exactly? You kind of had a general idea of where he is, but you don't know exactly where he is and how do you alert who you need to alert. You know, people try dropping tips to the FBI. People talk to his family. So it's one of those things where, yeah, I just really don't want to read a news story two months from now and be like, that's the guy that I was making videos on. And now here he is hurting kids in a classroom. I mean, I think if you have that in your nature, at the very least, if you want to claim to try to be a virtuous pedophile and fight against the nature of it, don't work with kids, I think would be a very simple first step. Yeah, yeah, this is not the virtuous pedophile that we just described. Like, I was just I was quickly reminded of that movie The Woodsman with Kevin Bacon, where he gets out of prison after 12 years, convicted pedophile, and he tries to stay away from any temptation. He tries
Starting point is 00:21:25 to get his life back together. He didn't go get a job at a school, right? You know, like, like, that's not what you do. You, you, he, this man should be putting himself in an environment that is completely free of children where children aren't even allowed. A nursing home. A brewery, you know, like, like, like, like maybe you and there's probably an alcoholic somewhere working at a brewery you and that guy swap lives all right like both of you are gonna be better off right like like get him in there with the kids he'll be a little tipsy at first but you know somebody will watch him it'll be funny i guess it's all about the precautions they're taking to keep themselves away you know like if if they're like oh i'm a pedophile but i'm gonna go live in rural
Starting point is 00:22:03 north dakota you know and be a you know oil rig worker where it's only you know adults then yeah you're trying at least like i still you know i'm gonna be wary of you because you've admitted you're a pedophile but if you're like oh i'm recovering i don't work at a school or anything i work at a bank and it's like you live three miles from an elementary school like that that you shouldn't be able to do that yeah you don't want to be you don't be driving through school zones and stuff like like if i were afflicted with something like that i would have to speed limits 20 not three just drive it slow i feel like you dropped your ball the only truly virtuous pedophiles are the ones who take the route of either chemical
Starting point is 00:22:43 castration jesus taylor there's a there's another option chemical castration or they uh you know they do literally put themselves in a position where there just aren't any children off the top of my head i can't think of one an oil rig in north dakota seems to to get the job done honestly but but how long is it before like the boss's daughter comes to visit or something like that and and you're you know i don't know it seems like too much money they're gonna be popping up chucky cheese franchises around getting too confident having a pedophile on your workforce or in your life seems like befriending someone who has a cougar as a pet you know like oh yeah he's friendly with me well the first time your
Starting point is 00:23:19 girlfriend comes over and she's wearing the wrong perfume she's gonna need a face transplant right like it's just not worth the risk well and, and one of the weird things that factors into this, and I did a video on this maybe three or so weeks back, was the kerfuffle that happened at Facebook, where they put up a poll asking users, would you be okay if men were asking young girls for erotic pictures? Somebody in the pr marketing looking to slip that into the survey data or you've got stuff like uh youtube where they had just all sorts of things i mean they had the massive uh culling of channels that were really bizarre stuff i mean it was a lot of pre-teens that were wearing diapers and sucking on pacifiers and just doing some really bizarre stuff uh toy
Starting point is 00:24:01 channels and that kind of stuff there There was the YouTube search algorithm that auto-completed something to how to have sex with your kids when you entered how-to. So, you know, it's just I think maybe some of the tech firms out there might want to just, you know, give it an extra look over before they start surveying user bases about
Starting point is 00:24:19 sending erotic pics from teenagers or looking up kids dressed up naked or how to have sex with them. You use a song that you're not supposed to use. You're down in 30 seconds. You can make an Elsa in Spider-Man video where it's like two adults dressed up and it's like, Oh, you know, Elsa performs fake blow job on Spider-Man.
Starting point is 00:24:39 It's like 60 million views been up for three months. You know? Oh, Spider-Man is naughty. He gets a spanking from the whole. At least 100,000 of those views are me. And that's still far too many. But yeah, that is a curious trend with the tech world. Yeah, it is.
Starting point is 00:24:58 But I don't want to make it seem like, you know, I'm Mr. Medica or Pedophile Hunter. It's just been very bizarre that I've run into this groove. It seems to kind of be a reoccurring thing, at least over the last couple of months. I mean, my majority focus is looking at absurd things on the internet or laughing at goofy stuff on the internet. That's kind of what I enjoy. But you start looking at the goofy, absurd stuff,
Starting point is 00:25:19 the outliers that are kind of on the fringes, and you're going to start seeing a lot of crossover with some darker stuff. Yeah, especially that recent series you did internet insanity on uh kurt eichenwald it was really interesting in that way because it was like two and that came out right at the perfect time because i just i started following him during the tentacle porn uh cartoon porn debacle because i'm like this guy's like he's gonna tweet out something else stupid like this is too good not to follow and then as you were releasing those he went he had like a meltdown on twitter and and was tweeting all this other ridiculous
Starting point is 00:25:49 shit and just like you were talking about that also eventually came back to like sex and pedophilia and shit for some story he was uh uh investigating i can what was a really interesting case this is a guy that had a very uh kind of big bang at the start of his career. I mean, he was respected by his peers. He's a bestselling author. He received accolades and awards for his writing. He covered Enron and did a whole bunch of stuff. People said he's very detail oriented, very meticulous. And then the story comes along where he's investigating a child porn ring and he cracks it. And the kid that was at the center of it, I think it's Justin Barry, ends up testifying before Congress. It becomes a really big thing. It gets him a lot of press. But then details start to emerge that he was making payments to Justin Barry before the story ever started, that he had access, potentially access, that was an allegation, to the back end administration of the child porn site. porn site. So, you know, a lot of really weird details. And, you know, he's kind of become just weirder as time has gone on. I don't know somebody that would accidentally show
Starting point is 00:26:51 a porn tab in a screenshot and then think the best way of reacting to that is telling everybody, no, you don't understand. I was just trying to show my wife and kids that tentacle porn exists. I can wall. You know, right after you finish eating dinner, and you're like, hey, kids, come over to the computer, and then instead of Googling tentacle porn, you go, let me go to my favorites, click this tab, and then just see through the rest. Hey, honey, you like Calamari, right?
Starting point is 00:27:16 Come here, let me show you. Let me show you what the other side does. Oh, right. He's very litigious, too. That was one of the things I noticed. There's a YouTuber, I think it's Diversity in Comics, who covers comic book-related stuff, obviously. Eichenwald somehow got involved in a spat between him and somebody that worked in the industry who was an artist. Eichenwald took this guy's side, was praising him, saying, oh, this is crazy.
Starting point is 00:27:38 Look at these super PC people that are attacking you. Everything looked like it was great. And the guy does a video and says, maybe I don't want Kurt Eichenwald on my side. That's essentially what he said. Eichenwald goes apeshit, sends him about 13 emails. I'm going to sue you if you don't do what I tell you to do. You better tell people you screwed up and made a mistake.
Starting point is 00:27:58 I'm sick of taking shit. I'm going to make you an example. Just going after him. One of the things I wanted to include in the video, I couldn't because people want to remain anonymous,, you know, it kind of makes it useless, at least in this context. I had people that were reporters for different outlets talk to me and say, yes, he is litigious. Yes, he will threaten to sue you. Yes, he did this kind of stuff to me. So, I mean, I heard enough of those stories to see where this was going. So I made very sure
Starting point is 00:28:22 when I made that video to be like this is an allegation this is being reported from this uh from this outlet these are things that we can verify through archives because i i did not want to get eichenwald emails from him saying i'm going to sue you because you hurt my feelings on the internet which he apparently is prone to try to do yeah you wouldn't want that uh so like another aspect of what you do until a few days ago, I didn't know this. I'd only watched your main Mr. Medeker channel and watched all that content. I just in the last couple of days discovered the blood sports thing. And it is like I was trying to like jump into a stream and figure out what it was about. But there are so many characters. There's so much backstory.
Starting point is 00:29:02 There's so many people in the call. It's like's like god i need to like set aside a weekend to try and figure out what the fuck is going on and uh one of the one of the big and it is very entertaining i like the like a very uh combative shit you're hilarious on it uh but a guy i did i don't know i still don't fully understand i know he's a political figure like right alt-right kind uh i think alt-right. Baked Alaska. He's the big thing as of late. Could you give me a download on what is going on with him? Because it seems like the whole Bloodsport arena is just knee-deep in him right now. Lay this whole thing out for people that aren't familiar with Bloodsport.
Starting point is 00:29:39 Yes, yes. Bloodsport is just the dumb gay little nickname that it's been given. But it's a stream where people come on with a heated confrontation. That's really what it boils down to. You can think of something like almost like a Jerry Springer or Maury Povich or Richard Bay kind of type atmosphere. They've had some interesting matchups. Tariq Nasheed went up against Jared Taylor. So you've got somebody who's, you know, more kind of like a black supremacist than a white supremacist going at each other.
Starting point is 00:30:03 And Tariq was funny. I mean, he actually said it. And this is almost a verbatim quote, my dick is a weapon of mass destruction, which I will use to destroy the white race. And so I got a great chuckle out of that. Tariq, he's a very funny guy when he gets going on his spiel. But, you know, it started off really political. A lot of political matchups. A lot of people on the alt-right or on the left kind of going at it.
Starting point is 00:30:26 And it spun off into multiple directions. But with Baked Alaska, who was this guy that used to work at BuzzFeed, got into the Trump presidential cycle, you know, based Magapede and all that. That's how I describe himself. He and I had a bit of an argument. One thing I don't like and this is me personally, maybe this is just me but I don't like somebody that builds up an audience rapport with a group of people
Starting point is 00:30:51 who financially support you and they're showing up to watch your content they're showing up to support your streams maybe they're buying your merchandise and then you turn around and tell them you're not worth it anymore, I don't like you you're toxic or there's some aspect I don't need you anymore, I'm better than you and that's kind of essentially what he did and anymore i don't like you you're toxic or there's some aspect i don't need
Starting point is 00:31:05 you anymore i'm better than you and that's kind of essentially what he did and i really didn't like that and so i was like you know you seem to me to be a sellout you seem to be somebody who takes for granted people who supported you you kind of turned your back on them uh this this sets into motion a sequence of events that just goes completely off kilter. I mean, at the very beginning, it's me calling him a sellout. Today, we're talking about people going to the Pentagon. So the real Pentagon, swear to God, I will try to lay out the sequence of events on how this happened. So I tell that to make Alaska. He gets very angry. He ends up going on to a stream, a blood sport stream called the Morning Kumite, which is hosted by a guy
Starting point is 00:31:45 called Tagasa. On there's a streamer, Andy Warski, has his own show. Turns out Andy Warski and Baked Alaska get into an argument. Baked Alaska had him out in California. They're all hanging out and doing stuff. In the middle of the argument, right, Baked Alaska
Starting point is 00:32:02 looks at Warski through the camera and everything and says, well, you're a cokehead, Andy. you came down to california you wanted me to get you cocaine and then andy responds do you want me to tell people where you got it do you want me to name the really big streamer who's supplying and bake turns to him and says hey i have records on my phone of you wanting cocaine i have records of all this. So that starts a whole bigger shit show because now you're talking about, you know, Baked Alaska's in California right now and I'm not making any allegations.
Starting point is 00:32:32 I can only tell you the people he's hanging out with. But he's in California right now trying to do the In Real Life streaming stuff. And he's hanging out with people like Ice Poseidon. He's hanging out with people like Asian Andy, you know, and doing all of this stuff. So I have no idea who Andy and Baked are referring to, but I have a feeling a lot of people down in California right now aren't too pleased with either of them because they couldn't keep their business private. So Baked Alaska gets very angry.
Starting point is 00:32:54 Andy gets very angry. Baked leaves the stream. Then things start to circulate about there's a secret Discord server being run right now. People are going to get doxxed. People are going to get flagged. And people are saying Baked Alaska baked alaska's behind well one of the people presenting the evidence is a guy named zoom it was as i have the evidence i have emails i can i can prove it he says baked alaska was trying to contact a hacker he was trying to contact a hacker he was looking for weave we intercepted him i had it sent to me instead all this funny stuff intercepted him intercepted him? Intercepted him? What does that mean? Did they hijack his SIM card? It's all cloak and dagger. It's all cloak and dagger. Apparently the
Starting point is 00:33:29 word was out, he was looking for somebody and somehow Zoom got in contact with him and said, hey, I can do this for you. You know, I am skipping over one part. Let me back up just a tiny bit. After I called Bake to sell out, he had like a 12-hour stream where people were going insane at his house. There seemed to be some festivities going on that might have involved some recreational
Starting point is 00:33:48 drugs, let's say. What could cause someone to freak out and overreact in that kind of situation? I don't even know. What kind of substance? Were they throwing dollies and such? Oh, I'll tell you. One of the guys on the stream is mocking chat. Oh, hey, guys, it doesn't matter what oh hey guys it doesn't matter what you think
Starting point is 00:34:05 it doesn't matter what you say you can't do shit to us he accidentally tells people what his name is on that same stream he said something to the effect of I think if teachers have sex with students they should get a pay raise turns out this guy works for a very conservative individual
Starting point is 00:34:21 in the political sphere and the radio sphere and he said this multiple times. Well, Chad's like, we love a challenge. And you just told us what your name is. We figured out who you work for. So they start just screwing with this guy relentlessly. So I want you to imagine this. I mean, you get called to sell out by somebody, right? You start talking about people doing drugs. And then some guy shows up on your stream and he's spazzing out and people find out who he is. He's making really weird statements
Starting point is 00:34:48 about teachers screwing students. People find out who he is and they're contacting bosses and things are escalating as time is going on. Now we've got a hacker appears from out of nowhere. He's going to turn over the evidence to Andy Worski. Andy Baked wants to come after you.
Starting point is 00:35:03 I have all the evidence for it. Well then, to follow this up, because this shitstorm, this rolling trash fire has to continue. People are like, well, this Zoom, the hacker is making this all up. He's completely making it all up. And not just that, but he's a pedophile. uh so there was a stream just i think it was last night or the night before where they played like 20 minutes of audio uh with the the zoom guy and a girl that he knew on some site called blab where they're talking about some really outrageous shit talking about watching child porn together um she says something along the lines of you'll never make me come as hard as he did when i was 12
Starting point is 00:35:41 just a lot yeah yeah oh that's some dirty shit that's some that reminds me that what was that um christ was it fight club where he uh yes you know i haven't been fucked like that since grade school hell of a bottom carter said that in bed she's british though so to her she doesn't know what grade school is. She had no idea that that meant LSU. But to sum it up, so people are like, oh, well, this guy's a pedophile. Well, his claim was, no, I'm just trolling. This is how we used to screw with people. We'd go onto streaming sites, make outrageous claims like this, get a large audience watching, and then watch them get angry.
Starting point is 00:36:23 So this starts like an inquisition on this stream. They have like three hours going. Finally, the girl comes on. They're like, oh, the girl's going to prove that this is true or not. She comes on and she's like, yeah, we're just fucking around with you. So even I'm lost at this point. I mean, Bloodsports, I think it really is just Jerry Springer for the internet. I don't know how one event leads into a sequence of events like this, but it just gets more absurd as time goes on. More people get drawn into it as time goes on.
Starting point is 00:36:49 More outrageous allegations come out as time goes on because people get so heated and so personally involved in it. I mean, what started as me saying, you are a sellout, because you're treating your fan base bad, has now ended at you know uh super hackers and and the zoom guy said on the stream this is how the pentagon is getting involved apparently that he had like um you know he was contracted through the government he had gs13 pay ranking or something like that and he was uh you know top secret rated or top secret ranking or something like that one of the guys watching well two of the guys actually one guy called in he's from an australian police department it's like you know i've heard some i've heard some interesting things here. Maybe we're going to pursue this.
Starting point is 00:37:28 You know, I can't say that we have any jurisdiction over you, but I can contact people. And then another guy calls in and says, I just want you to know this, but, you know, I'm in the Navy or whatever. This is my rank, and I'm what's called, I think it was a designated or mandated reporter. And you're claiming that you're contracted through the government. Well, I have a meeting at the Pentagon in a week that's been scheduled for a month. And as a mandated reporter, I have to bring this up because maybe you really are working for the government. And if you're involved in pedophilia, that needs to be dealt with because people are making claims that you're doing some really outrageous shit. Is that I'm going to talk to some general in particular.
Starting point is 00:38:05 Mattis? Mad Dog? You know who I'm talking about? Wait, Secretary of Defense? He might be full of shit. Mad Dog, we got a pedophile on the Kumite show. Oh, God, no. They're there, too? I love the Kumite show. Wait till I tell Donald about this.
Starting point is 00:38:23 Oh, I fucking love Kumite. I watch it every morning right after Fox and French. But yeah, I mean, you can blow smoke out the ass. Big Alaska is a cokehead pedophile. But it's so absurd. But yeah, it really is. It reminds me of
Starting point is 00:38:44 that kind of generation of television where it was just a ridiculous story that's kind of ongoing and i i don't i don't think it's people intentionally trying to do it i just think it's once people get really invested in the argument all the all the secret comes out you know these people have had me on their streams before and they say they give me a lot of crap because they say i don't have internet friends well why don't you have internet friends and i'm like well look around i mean big alaska is talking about ant coke use and they're supposed to be internet friends you know people are tearing themselves apart why would you open yourself up to that section of a stream i watched it must not have been the whole stream because it
Starting point is 00:39:17 wasn't that long but it was like your friends your friends discussion with all those guys that i'm not i'm not familiar with all their names but they, Oh, we're all kind of friends here. And you're like, no, none of you are my friends. And like one or two of them pipe up. Yeah. But like me, Jim, like we've known each other. No, none of you are my friends. I don't want to be friends with them. And it was just the blatantness of it. And then the subsequent, like almost passive, almost underhanded way to be like, but we're still cool, but we're all right. Right.
Starting point is 00:39:45 Like the, the need for validation. Yeah. Very funny to watch. Well, and to give you a, you know, kind of a, to cap this off and look, I want to make sure I'm saying the right person's name. So if you can give me one moment here, let me just pull up my Twitter account to give you an idea of how ridiculous this is getting at this point as a followup to all these streams um during the stream with the you know the alleged pedophile hacker right um one of the host of the blood sports is like i want to set up an in real life money match with you i want to get into a fight
Starting point is 00:40:14 with you i want to kick your ass so they agreed to set this up now here's where it gets even more ridiculous apparently uh i i don't know do you know somebody maybe you're familiar if you watch mma uh tara larosa sure i've rolled with her yeah uh it wants to wants to get in on this i used to so tara larosa is like uh if you're setting up this is this is the tweet um did someone say setting up fights i like in real life and i want to play so i i don't know if that means we've got a fucking female mma fighter showing up for youtube fights now if that's going to be a thing but you know great woody carol rosa roughed you up a bit right she won yeah i was just starting i was like a brand new white belt i had like 70 pounds on her and she but she was just so much better
Starting point is 00:41:02 in the transition she'd always trick me uh she's like i don't know if she won abu dhabi which is like the premier grappling competition on the planet but she definitely meddled like several times bronze silvers maybe gold did you have any like impressive moves against her or was it just she was doing whatever she wanted i was really new and almost to say i was trying to be polite would exaggerate like what I could have done. But I didn't know how to roll with a girl and nothing went my way. You twist the nipples. What happens is like, I don't know, I'd be in her guard and I'd be so much stronger than her that she couldn't pull anything off.
Starting point is 00:41:40 And then whatever, like we both fall to our side. And all of a sudden she had like an arm bar in a way that i didn't see coming and that's what it was like to roll with someone much better but weaker does not sound like fun well maybe she'll show up to the to the well yeah yeah youtube fights i don't know i mean that's the third one now that's been set up there was an event called kilroy that fell apart because a person running it was basically a scam artist i did a sequence of videos on that. And all the YouTube personalities that were going to show up
Starting point is 00:42:07 ended up fighting with one another. All these people were talking about setting up fights. You had one guy called Coach Redfield wanted to fight Jeff Holiday and another guy, Monday Matt, wanted to fight Johnny Fox. So I think there's some, as Ross would put it, some bloodlust there. So maybe YouTube fights will become a thing like Next Generation Bumfights
Starting point is 00:42:23 if anybody remembers that. Oh, we talk about bum fights every other week. It's a tentpole topic. Big fans. Guy gets his face bit off. That's felony fights. Don't mix it up. For a natty pack.
Starting point is 00:42:37 That's felony fights. Yeah, that's felon fights. That's a whole different thing. Much classier than bum fights. Don't get it twisted. Don't bes smudge the name it's the pinkies up we start with clubs you're no stranger to internet fights way before the or not to being challenged to them it was like 2011 before the first time you got challenged
Starting point is 00:43:00 something like that yeah i guess i yeah there was a guy and people here know the story i think he was on the spectrum he claimed to be on the spectrum actually he said he had asperger's and um he used to routinely talk about raping my wife raping my daughter anally raping my daughter and uh and he would make fun of my son i have a special needs son and he would just like i don't know like take pictures of his poop in the toilet and say like, here, I got some snaps of Colin and tweet that stuff out. And I mostly looked the other way. I was a much bigger YouTuber than he was and didn't make sense to punch down constantly. But at one point he said he was going to beat me up at this gaming convention.
Starting point is 00:43:43 And I said, I accept. I'll set it up. And, you know, I got it all arranged i got my friend as you see fighter so we got an octagon lined up and we were going to go and then he said he didn't want to fight anymore so that's that's all there was funny that isn't it how how it reaches that point suddenly they don't want to do it anymore it's a little too real for them oh this got a little bit real bit real. I might get punched. He made a mistake. He said he wanted to kick my ass, and it was like, oh, invitation accepted. I'm totally down. You know, that was the thing that got me
Starting point is 00:44:12 to reply, and he looked kind of silly. He was smaller than me, too. Yeah, I've long suspected, it's hard to get inside the head of one of these insane people from the internet that really doesn't make any sense, even when they're not like, being silly. They're always kind of just on on the edge or they're not like the rest of us i always had the suspicion that he was just sort of trolling because he wanted your attention you know
Starting point is 00:44:34 he wanted even if your fans were going to tell him oh my god you're terrible how dare you say that about colin how dare you say that about woody woody's a great guy it's still views for him right like like any attentions good attention as far as someone like that is concerned perhaps yeah but uh but in any case i always even at the time i was i was like talking to woody in private i was like what are you gonna do you're gonna hurt him and he was like i'm gonna break his fucking arm yeah that was the plan at the time i was in pretty good and I had trained a lot, and I was pretty sure that this fight would go any way that I wanted it to go. Yeah, it would have. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:45:13 No doubt. So I had decided that an appropriate level of violence would be to break his arm at the elbow. Break his arm at the elbow so that it wouldn't heal right, I believe. That's what would have happened. So, Jim, before the show, I know you've been speaking to Chiz a lot on and off throughout the week or so. And you've expressed some interest about our resident peculiar individual, Wings of Redemption. You're interested in perhaps doing some sort of series about him or at least learning more about him. So if you have any questions.
Starting point is 00:45:47 Yeah, this is a fantastic opportunity for me. I don't know what it is. I'd never heard of him before. But for some reason, it was in my recommended video feed. And so I was like, well, I wonder what this is. It was a compilation video. There are a lot of compilation videos I've come to find out. So I'm watching this video and I was like, well, how bad could it be?
Starting point is 00:46:06 Boy, was I in for a treat oh i've never seen a man more miserable with his position in life than wings of redemption it was every video i watched and i watched maybe 50 of them just just awestruck just just awestruck by it who says repeatedly the traits that I noticed, maybe it's a gimmick, I don't think it is, is I hate my life. I fucking hate video games. I hate Call of Duty. I hate Rainbow Six.
Starting point is 00:46:34 I need my subs. If I don't get two subs this hour, there's going to be hell. You get three minutes of commercials. You know, just watching this go on and on and on. And the weird thing is i can draw two comparisons right the first is i think most people would go to would be dsp uh you know i don't think dsp is this bad from what i've been uh the other comparison is somebody i knew uh was a really early on kind of big video game youtuber rmc 21 uh rmc 21 had a
Starting point is 00:47:03 large audience uh kind of started to fall on hard times, got really angry, did a lot of drunk streams and stuff like that, hated what he was doing. But there is, you know, he's kind of the story of the light at the end of the tunnel. He took a step back, he said, you know what, this is ridiculous. Got a job, got a really nice job, met a girl, fell in love, got married to her,
Starting point is 00:47:20 bought a house, and now he's doing his own thing. He's got a very happy life. And so I look at somebody like Wings who's like, I hate i hate what i do i hate what i do i don't want to do it anymore and i'm thinking well why are you doing it because i know that people oh go ahead i'd love to hear this wings feels like because of his weight right wings is a guy who probably can't stand up for more than 60 90 90 seconds in a row, that most doors are closed to him. That the only avenue available is streaming games and getting the surgery. So that is his window to normalcy.
Starting point is 00:47:56 Oh, the surgery. See, now that's a topic I wanted to touch on. Because I get the feeling Wings is the sort of person that's never going to get the surgery. You're on my side of his bed. Never, ever going to get that surgery you're on my side of his bed ever ever going to get that surgery kyle and i lost this bet or we're going so yes here's my take on it um wings he lives in conway south carolina that's something that he says loud and proud all the time so it's not like a doxton and he rarely rarely rarely leaves his right? That's a very uncommon thing for him. He hardly leaves his house, right?
Starting point is 00:48:27 Can I interject? I would guess that he has left the town that he lives in six times in his lifetime. I wouldn't bet against that. He's really that much of a recluse? Yes. Not necessarily a recluse because I suppose he socializes with a very small group of individuals within his circle. And it's not that he doesn't want to go out to a restaurant with a girl or anything like that. He's a homebody who feels very uncomfortable out of his shell of protection.
Starting point is 00:48:55 And his mother is very important to him as sort of a safety blanket figure. She needs to be close by. Yes. Yeah. His family he's super, super tight with. And he's, yeah, like Kyle says, you know, he has a little circle of real life friends. They come and go and leave the show. But he's just not an explorer.
Starting point is 00:49:16 He's the opposite of an explorer. He very much leaves his comfort zone. The minute he leaves practically his block. Could you call it exploration though just going out to the local grocery store i mean that's making it sound like some grandiose adventure he's going on that's it's like an everyday thing every you should have so so i just to give like the broad strokes of this gentleman he was he was quite big in the in the days of call of duty commentary i don't know are you familiar with call of duty commentaries
Starting point is 00:49:44 and what a big scene that was at one point. He was one of the first. I mean, like one of the first 25 people on the planet who did it. And at that time, it really didn't matter about the quality of your content as much as it did the quantity of your content. Because there was a limited supply of it out there. Today, you can go on YouTube and find endless hours and hours of this stuff. But back then, especially if you wanted late-breaking, newest COD content, there were only a handful of guys who were doing it, and he was one of them.
Starting point is 00:50:12 And so he became quite big in that sphere. He was making – at the time, he was making much more money than Woody or I. Woody and I, we'd count up our money that we had earned at the end of the month and be like, ah, man, maybe I'll earn this much by the end of the year. It's like, holy shit. 5,000 a year. Yeah. It was stuff like that. You know, it's, it's like, ah, this is a, this is a fun hobby. I basically get my video games for free sort of, sort of thing that we were doing. Wings was making $10,000 a month at this early juncture and we were blown away by it, you know, and to live in his income area and to have his history of low income, it was like one of us making $100,000 a month out of nowhere. It was life-changing to him. And like many lottery winners, it really made him a completely different person in a lot of ways.
Starting point is 00:51:01 He splurged that money around. He spent it on vehicles and, uh, on, on ladies. He's, he's had several girlfriends that were part of his YouTube channel and, uh, and the money all he, he invested into a restaurant with his mother. And, uh, there were many ventures like that, that he, he got into financing a call of duty team for a while. And, you know, things sort of petered out after a while when the Call of Duty thing took off, and now there's literally thousands of people doing exactly what he does, but better.
Starting point is 00:51:32 Not only are they better at the game, but they're cutting edge with their audio, with their video, with the quality of their videos. You know, there are guys who are spending four hours for every minute of content they're putting up. The guys who are breaking down the weapons in Call of Duty and breaking down all sorts of tips and tricks. Wings, on the other hand, on a busy day would make 11 videos in a day. So you can imagine that these are kind of just spit them out, not as great as the competition.
Starting point is 00:52:02 These were pulled from his streams, right? That was my understanding. He'd do his stream. Yes, he has segued into a Twitch streamer because, as he says, the troll channels, which you've watched about 50 of their videos. Which I've watched quite a bit of, yeah. Yes, he believes that the troll channels
Starting point is 00:52:17 have affected the YouTube algorithm in such a way that his YouTube channel is worthless. Now, that's just a bunch of silliness because it's not as if anyone is out there searching Wings of Redemption looking for him for Call of Duty content. That's not how it works. You get discovered via those troll channels,
Starting point is 00:52:33 if anything, at this point. If he were regularly uploading, then people would segue, someone like you would have ended up on his channel watching some of his content. And if he was putting his best foot forward on his channel, you would say, oh, well, he's not all that bad. Look at him. Here he is with his grandmother
Starting point is 00:52:48 sitting there having a nice conversation. Here he is cooking. Here he is going for a walk. He's trying to better himself. But there's none of that content because he's completely given up on YouTube. Only a Twitch streamer now. Now, he's been raising money for, let's call it six months now, for the surgery, as he calls it. And it was very vague at the beginning. It was just bariatric surgery. There's a couple of different kinds, but that's neither here nor there. In the United States, they cost about $20,000, roughly speaking. And in Mexico, they cost $6,000 or $7,000, roughly speaking. And he has had enough money to do it in both locations back to back for a long time now back to back he could have a pair if he had another belly
Starting point is 00:53:33 he could go to the u.s swing by mexico and come home absolutely he he has he has reached his goal several times now and people continue to donate and everything. Yeah, if he had multiple stomachs like a farm animal. Oh, I'm ruminating a little bad today. But he keeps putting the surgery off. And his most recent, when we made the bet, Woody and I, about whether he would get the surgery this year or not, I said absolutely he will. Because the last update I had gotten from the Wings twitch streams was got my passport um i've got dr martinez i've got uh i've
Starting point is 00:54:14 got an appointment i've got this i've got that i've got the money we're set here and then the next day he's like ah but i went and saw a doctor here in the u.s and she says i might my heart might not be healthy and it's like of course your heart isn't that's the excuse strain he's gonna pull out every though the interesting thing he's like a weird amalgamation of different characters uh you know in regards to the weight loss i compared to maybe like boogie boogie talked for years about wanting to lose weight before he finally kind of went through with it you know he got the surgery and he started trying to do it but there seemed to be at least some motivation there to do it but with wings it seems like i i saw some uh these compilation videos they touched on it and
Starting point is 00:54:54 one of his excuses early on was i don't have a passport i can't go get a passport because my mom needs to take me or something like that and then it was how angry would you guys be if i if i didn't do it because i'm worried about mexican doctors or you know how angry would you guys be if I didn't do it because I'm worried about Mexican doctors? Or how angry would you be if I delayed it because I need to do it here instead? It's like any way out that he can find. And with the algorithm thing, too, and the troll channels, did something happen? I'd almost place it like three to five weeks back because that seems to be a lot of the compilations really started taking off then. Did he do something extra ridiculous three to five weeks back was it you kyle oh come on why do i go finger pointing at me kyle at one point asked for compilation videos on no that's been months ago to be fair
Starting point is 00:55:36 no kind of backwards in a way ask for that every episode no what happened was long long ago four months ago or something like that. Long, long ago. I don't know that this is going to be exactly accurate. So the 100% truth of the matter is there have long been these compilation channels that put his stuff together for years and years now. And we've always watched them. And at some point I asked for sort of a music accompaniedaccompanied compilation of him raging set to Johnny Cash's Hurt. You know, I hurt myself today to see if I still feel. And it was made.
Starting point is 00:56:15 It turned out well. It turned out very well. Someone did an excellent job at it. And, you know, music videos are the biggest thing on YouTube because they're so rewatchable. They're so catchy. They draw you in. And music speaks to the soul. And when the images accompanying that music match it so well, it just went off. And so from there, a lot of people kind of got into the idea of making these compilations,
Starting point is 00:56:41 and that spurred on a couple more channels. But the thing is he fuels the fire you know like like if there's no if there's no coal to stoke that engine then it just dies out right like like if he's just a normal human being then then there is no content to this is why i object to the troll channel thing right like one thing wings of redemption did to me is he lied about some charity that I had done. I did this thing a long time ago called King of the Web. There was seven thousand dollars. I won and I donated 100 percent of it to charity.
Starting point is 00:57:15 And then and by the way, like like in real time, I like I put the check in an envelope, mailed it on camera like I did it. I got like shirts and thank you letters from them it was real wings of redemption told this guy holiday doc that it wasn't real that it was all a scam to make money that i was keeping it um i made a video saying hey vote for me on king of the web i'll put the money towards uh this charity to write love on our arms and uh uh wing said i made more money off of that video than the 7 000 i would have made from king and the web as if i make like eight thousand dollars a video that's outrageous was that a 15 million view video no uh it was it was a it was just all untrue it was a lie that's a troll
Starting point is 00:58:00 right when people talk shit about you and make things up and it gets believed and it was tarnishes your name like what wings of redemption does to me is troll video shit what he's getting is truthful clips of who he is right yeah there's a i think there's years of difference between like trolling and lying and you know like there used to be all kinds of videos about me saying i was a pedophile and this and that not a like outrageously false right not true they're monetizing my children i used to hear that all the time what happens to wings is they just literally show him live streaming angry at the people he plays with yelling at other people for his deaths in video games now let me interject this now your research, if you decide to do something about this guy, you may find some
Starting point is 00:58:48 people who call him out as a racist. That is 100% not true. And whenever that comes up, I defend him on that note. I'm all about giving him the fair shake as far as this stuff goes. Now, he's terrible to people, and he makes up terrible things about people and and and he does terrible things but he is not racist he he grew up in a very mixed race environment and uh and he has he has nothing he has no racist racism within him so so you'll hear you'll see my primary focus was really and what drew me into this what made me watch 50 videos
Starting point is 00:59:23 of this guy aside from my general interest which was really weird because drew me into this what made me watch 50 videos of this guy aside from my general interest which was really weird because when i'm watching this and i was talking to a friend about well maybe i'll do a video on this guy my girlfriend came in the room and she's like is that wings of redemption she used to be in a gears of war clan and they used to apparently fuck with them and laugh back at like 2013 2014 so i that was really weird to me and she's like you have to do a video so i started watching more compilation videos on it but they really are just strung together video clips of him being him and the thing that attracts me is it's that he hates what that i think is the overall message is he hates his life so goddamn much, but he won't do anything to change it.
Starting point is 01:00:05 He's not brave. The core of wings of redemption is, is this is going to sound meaner than I'm targeting, but he's actually a coward, right? They, in his core, of course,
Starting point is 01:00:18 it's why he doesn't leave his house. It's why he doesn't make any changes. It's why he doesn't have like the internal, just bravery to get anything done with his life. That's and take it from here, Kyle. You know the tale. So we're always throwing around fun ideas on this show about things we can do outside the show in real life and such. And people sometimes will accuse us of never doing them.
Starting point is 01:00:58 And there has been some ideas that just didn't come to fruition. They're not completely wrong. Well, sometimes they're just not practical. Sometimes we're like, ah, that's going to cause a legal issue. I can't fight insects in my house. That might be... Can't do that. Plus, my roommate doesn't want there to be giant bugs in my house
Starting point is 01:01:14 or something like that. But, one episode, I threw this at Wings, because he was bemoaning his... Stationing life. Sure. And I said, look, man, come to my house. We'll do a fucking month long boot camp. We'll get the fans behind it. We'll we'll do a Kickstarter to get you like fitness gear supplies. You know, we'll we'll film the entire thing. We'll we'll make posters. We'll make coffee
Starting point is 01:01:40 mugs. We'll we'll get like a big viewership. Not only will this revive your body, it'll revive your YouTube channel. This will be amazing. Come to my house. I'll take a month out of my schedule. I will devote it to you. We'll do this thing together. It'll be fun. I sort of half-heartedly meant it. I didn't really expect him to ever say yes, because of all the things that we've told you so far, he doesn't get out of his bubble too much and then the man said yes he took you up on it he took me up on it took you up on the offer and so that night i was taking my taking a shower in my shower after the show and and uh i was washing my hair and i bumped my elbow on the shower wall and i was like god the shower is a little narrow and then it occurred to me wings of
Starting point is 01:02:25 redemption could not fit into my shower and if he was going to live with me we would have to put in a new shower so construction began the next day on a five thousand dollar shower we tore out the old wait wait are you joking with me or is this bit. You're being legit. You're being legit. You built a guy a new shower. Called in the contractors, ripped the old shower out, ripped everything out, laid a tile floor. More of a car wash, really. That's a good one. A couple glass doors, a power hose with the multicolored foam, wax, the whole thing. And getting ready for him to come over. I had a guest bedroom, but I don't think it was very well equipped. Bought him a new Roku,
Starting point is 01:03:14 put a TV in there. This man is going to lose weight. So he shows up to my house. He lived in Myrtle Beach. I was in Northeast Georgia. It's about a five, six hour drive, something like that. He lived in Myrtle Beach. I was in Northeast Georgia. It's about a five, six hour drive, something like that. And he spent a month at my home. I filmed everything. I had a pretty nice digital camera. And I'm sort of doing voiceover live during the workouts. And I set up all of these sort of comedic type workouts where I we use some of the money that was raised via Kickstarter to hire a friend of mine who assisted me in my videos. via Kickstarter to hire a friend of mine who assisted me in my videos, this guy named Jeremy, to be sort of like Wing's personal trainer while I was holding the camera and coming up with the workouts. And make sure you say that Jeremy is not a personal trainer. Jeremy's in good shape though, right? You know, Jeremy's strong and Jeremy can follow direction. And that's what I
Starting point is 01:04:03 needed from a personal trainer. So Jeremy would motivate would motivate wings like come on one more come on one more or or they would compete in in some sort of physical activity to make it fun and as well as entertaining for the viewership and uh and sometimes when wings was on the elliptical machine his his weight would cause it to come off the casters and jeremy was there to put it back on fires yeah start smoking or whatever jeremy was literally there spraying lubricant on the casters of the elliptical to keep it working because it had a 350 pound uh limit on it and you know the man weighed 425 he lost 40 pounds at my house in 30 days he tried to quit multiple times not 30 days that that's important to me actually uh it so two weeks in he wanted to leave and we held like an intervention on the show where all of us
Starting point is 01:04:53 were like you can't leave you can't leave you can't leave so he didn't leave but he kind of half-heartedly quit but he stayed there and i want to say it was 24 days total that he stayed wait so are the videos of this up? Oh, my friend, there is a whole fucking video series that I have to go watch. Like not to toot my own horn, but it's been called. The greatest Wings of Redemption content by me right here on the show. Just now, I really put some some blood sweat and tears into this not i i invented sort of competitions for him to do there were costumes there were gags there was sat in a
Starting point is 01:05:35 kiddie pool while being towed around by a truck i think it's some sort of upper body exercise does that sound right that happened i don't remember why i had him do it there was a week an obstacle course he was flipping tires swinging hammers swinging baseball bats pushing trucks um Does that sound right? That happened. I don't remember why I had him do it. There was a week in obstacle course. He was flipping tires, swinging hammers, swinging baseball bats, pushing trucks, doing wall sits, lifting weights. I got kind of a full gym. And there was at no point was there a structure of like, all right, Monday, Wednesday, Sunday, we're going to do shoulders, arms and chest.
Starting point is 01:05:59 And then we're going to do legs here. It was just, hey, see this guy dressed up in a Gumby fucking mascot suit. He's going to sit down and try to resist as you pull him across the hardwood floor. It's like, who knows what it's working out, but he's being active. It's doing something. He dropped 40 pounds from this. Yes, because I put him on a diet. We prepared all of his food.
Starting point is 01:06:22 There was no going out for fast food. There was only what we brought into the home and prepared for him. Um, there, I, I, I lost like 15 pounds during the ordeal because I didn't have any junk food in my house for his benefit, you know? Uh, and I was going along with the workouts to some extent with him along the way I'm jogging beside him or, or, you know, if, if, if he's lifting weights, then to spell him, I would do some lifts or show him the technique. You know, I'm certainly not an expert or anything, but I know how to do a proper bench press or I know how to do proper squats or whatever. And I'm enough of a watching of YouTube videos. And, you know, I took weightlifting in high
Starting point is 01:06:58 school and stuff. I know what I'm doing so I don't hurt myself. And so he wouldn't hurt himself. And so I would demonstrate along the way. way well living with him outside of the workout was one of the most horrible ordeals of my life that month was one of the worst months of my life because wings lives within his own bubble he doesn't socialize and so he doesn't curtail himself to social norms right away myself my roommate Kitty and my girlfriend were in my kitchen and the bathroom is visible from the kitchen and we hear this noise of water flowing into more water and we all look up ponderously and
Starting point is 01:07:41 The bathroom door is agape and wings is pissing and ponderously and the bathroom door is agape and wings is pissing and we and we can see most of him i couldn't see the penis nor could he but he was pissing and we all did and we were all just in shock and finally my roommate kitty yelled close the goddamn door you're pissing with the door open she's british as you if you can't tell and we all just bust out laughing like can you believe that he's like what what's the big deal you know just taking a piss and i'm like oh you're shitting strong point sitting when i put him on the fps kyle diet diet which is a lot of salads and grilled chicken basically he didn't shit for a week he didn't shit for so long i called the only person who i truly know is a bit of a fitness expert joe lozon who's a ufc fighter a man who
Starting point is 01:08:33 is literally a fitness expert he's a professional fighter professional athlete big name in the ufc i'm like he hasn't shat in four days dude he's like what he hasn't shat in four days, Stuart. He's like, what? He hasn't shat in four days. What do we do? He's like, well, if three or four more days go by, you know, that's going to be a problem. It's already a problem, I think. Like, I'm just picturing the meals that he's taken in. That's still inside him somewhere.
Starting point is 01:09:03 Like, he's more stuffing down the musket barrel. Yeah. Like, he's more stuffing down the musket barrel yeah it's like like he's overloaded this you know i've seen what happens when you put the wrong ammunition into a gun it is like like what are we gonna blow this man's asshole out and i kept thinking back to a story that wings once told us about how he was very constipated for a while and he hadn't been able to poop and then he finally sat on the table and i'm gonna quote him instead of telling you what actually happened did you say sat on the table toilet oh okay that's gonna be a more horrifying story it's much more horrifying
Starting point is 01:09:34 he sits on the toilet and he begins pooping and to quote him the turd came out sideways to quote him, the turd came out sideways and log jammed in his asshole. If you can imagine a long turd coming out an asshole and then somehow making a 90 degree turn and just wedging it open.
Starting point is 01:09:56 It was a breech berth. You know in the movies when a big crocodile is about to bite the good guy and he sticks his mouth? That happened to his asshole according to him. and he screamed out in pain and fell into the floor with the turd still lodged and and he was in so much pain to quote him it was only one thing to do and that was call for grandma what any of us would do grandma there's a turd log jammed in my butthole help me and she did quickly she came to his aid
Starting point is 01:10:29 rubber gloves were placed a finger was inserted and the turd such that it was was broken up and destroyed so wait his his grandmother fished shit out of his ass. Is that what you're telling me? Well, to be fair, it was more of like breaking it up for easy removal. Like an abortion. To be fair. Mr. Medeker, we have our own scat man on the show.
Starting point is 01:10:57 It's not exclusive to you and your universe. Who would tell somebody that story? God, if that happened to me, I would never tell that fucking you might kill your grandma so that she you're just like smothering her that night with a pillow i'm sorry just gonna have to get out if mr medica finds out so if you want that that clip exists of him breaking that down just breaking down her breaking down the shit in his asshole. And so that was occurring to me as I pondered over his constipation. And so we're getting him these chia
Starting point is 01:11:33 seed drinks from the grocery store, which are supposed to aid in passing, making you regular, making you poop. We're filling his diet with fiber. I believe there was shredded wheat and chia seed drinks and all of this stuff. And finally, seven or eight days in, I had to replace the toilet. Not because anything was wrong with it, but just out of principle. You knew what happened in there. It was like if your girlfriend told you she'd been in a gangbang. You didn't see it, and there are no visible damages, but you just can't get past it. I knew Wings of Redemption had taken a seven day shit in my toilet and that and i couldn't get past that ever again i couldn't look at that toilet in the face square again and have any
Starting point is 01:12:15 respect can i ask you what was his reaction after i mean so you host him on this was on your channel yeah uh you host that's what he thought you that that that's to to be fair i felt like that was even more benevolent of me i made all of this content for him hosted him at my home and he was like so you're gonna put this on your channel i'm like no no this is going on your channel this is about reviving your youtube channel yeah and these videos have hundreds of thousands of views i'm looking at uh fbs so. So all the traffic's going to him then? All the traffic. It was all for wings.
Starting point is 01:12:47 Kyle did this very benevolently. I wasn't being sarcastic. So he loses weight. He gets to show with you. He's got, you know, hey, come check out my channel. You watch this stuff. It's a month long. And?
Starting point is 01:12:56 Was he happy about it? Was he thankful? And we set up an Indiegogo and raised him $10,000 cash. So did he ever say thank you for that? Thank you for helping my channel. Thanks for the money. Thanks for losing the 40 pounds for all the work. I don't want to say no
Starting point is 01:13:10 because there's a chance I just don't remember it. And he did say it, but I will say I don't remember him ever thanking me now. I remember him saying, Kyle didn't do shit except for set up the workouts and make the videos and whatever other things you did. And he's kind of gone the opposite route and said that I didn't do anything really to help him.
Starting point is 01:13:30 And then follow that by listing all the things that I did do. You just said you put in a new shower for him. Yeah. For fuck's sake. Right? You redid your damn house for him. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 01:13:41 That's remarkable. And I don't know if I've ever said this, but the first night he broke the bed and in the room it wasn't a bed to be fair it was a futon because it was a guest bedroom and i had never had a guest in there before and so there was a futon you know a couch that folds out into a bed and i had slept on it once before like i i was like ah let's break this in and i fucked my girlfriend on it and it wasn't bad. It was pretty comfy. He broke it immediately. It was a $400 futon. And so I also went out and bought him a new, a bed and box springs to sleep on during the door duration. That was probably another five or $6,000 a month of time, a bed. Yeah. Like you definitely did a lot. Uh, I I'm not, this isn't about me, but, but, but we did a lot for him, and he was very ungrateful in the end, I suppose.
Starting point is 01:14:29 Living with him was a nightmare, though. He played music all night. He brought his own speakers with him instead of headphones, and he had – he played really high-bass music, like thumping. Just – Was he trying to get you to kick him out so he didn't have to lose the weight? Do you think that was like a plan? This was night one. Do you think it was a plan like if i'm really obnoxious with the music they'll be like you got to go man you got no social awareness he had no idea he was he was
Starting point is 01:14:54 offending me and and i'm so the opposite direction where i'm really considerate of people's feelings i was just like i'm not gonna i'm not gonna say anything i'm just gonna move to one of the other bedrooms in the house like it's a it was a two-floor house, and my basement was finished and had two bedrooms in it. So I just moved downstairs to one of the other bedrooms, and I lived there for the duration of his stay. That's crazy. Yeah, because the thing with him is there are a lot of rumors out there, and so maybe you guys can enlighten me on some of this stuff. One of the darker subjects that's come up, and I've seen this on a couple of websites, talked about on a couple of subreddits, talked about in video comments. But again, I'm only watching the compilations.
Starting point is 01:15:34 Is he a guy that's threatened suicide on multiple occasions? That keeps coming up, and I don't know if that's legit or if that's just people exaggerating. Lots of times. Many, many times. He has gone so far as to show the bullets and the gun that he would use to commit suicide. He's taken pictures of the 45 hollow point bullets and tweeted them out saying, these are the bullets I will kill myself with when I run out of money. Is that to try to guilt trip the audience into paying him, or is he trying to, do you
Starting point is 01:16:02 think he's reached that far down that he's at that point can i take this one i think it's really difficult to tell where his like 3d chess audience manipulation starts and where his just that's who he is and you know like there's somewhere on that spectrum is a thing and i can't tell if he's really sometimes harboring suicidal thoughts or if he's just playing everybody. I don't think he's playing anyone. I think he's socially inept in a lot of ways, and he doesn't really understand
Starting point is 01:16:35 the way... When he feels something... And this is what makes him so fascinating. To this day, I'll say, I don't hate Wings of Redemption. I don't dislike Wings wings of redemption for all of his flaws all the things that he all the insults he's hurled our our way both true and false you know lies and the truth i don't dislike him i don't want bad things for him because he is real he is raw he will give you he will like we've all had bad days right where maybe we had some
Starting point is 01:17:06 some terrible thoughts like oh fuck this this is bullshit as soon as he has those thoughts he'll share them with you he'll he'll tell he'll cut himself bare to the bone and expose it to you and tens of thousands of more people on the internet because that's just how he is uh he's he's made he's he's hit rock bottom 10 times okay like he's at magma at this point he's under the crust he's found the iron core and he's drilled deep within but but but he still finds a way to like perk back up and then you watch him fall again i to speak to his sort of social ineptness or whatever you want to call it, some people call it social retardation. The first time you met my girlfriend at the time,
Starting point is 01:17:51 she knew all about Wings of Redemption. She had gotten her friends watching him. It interested me when you said that your girlfriend was familiar with him because my girlfriend's girlfriends were familiar with him. They were fascinated by watching the compilations, the music videos and stuff, which existed back then. This is four years ago. And, uh, and my girlfriend comes over, uh, we're in the basement working out and, uh, we're very sweaty and smelly. And, you know, we've been working out for a good 45 minutes or something like that. And that's, you can't keep him going from three or four hours. He's not a pro athlete or anything. You, you, you, you warm him up, you cool him down, you warm him up, you cool him down. He collapsed a few times. Like I will say
Starting point is 01:18:29 this, he gave his all when I was pushing him on the workouts. He collapsed a few times. And my girlfriend comes down there and she meets Wings of Redemption. And I sort of studied him to see, like, what does he do when he meets a strange female he pulls his shirt up exposes his enormous belly and he show he says this is my MRSA scar see here and he's got because he I believe MRSA I think it's an acronym right right isn't like a staph infection it's a staph infection oh yeah you're talking about yeah that's a really nasty one from hospitals, isn't it? Oh, yeah. So he got a MRSA infection in one of his folds. And, yeah, and at first he thought it was a pimple.
Starting point is 01:19:14 So I believe he was trying to pop it or something like that. Oh, God. Oh, Jesus. Which made it much worse, I think. It sort of inflamed it. And so it got to the point where, like, he couldn't really move around very well because of the extreme pain that he was feeling in this fold over here on his belly. And this is also a YouTube video. If you're taking notes and you're looking for content. Oh, no, no.
Starting point is 01:19:34 I am taking notes. Trust me. He went. Chiz just linked it there for you. He went to the doctor. So if you can call it that. And they lanced his MRSA infection, drained it, and the smell, this is what the doctors and nurses were saying, the smell was so bad they had
Starting point is 01:19:53 to open the door. They opened the door to the operating room, to the outside. There's just a field back there, to let the stink out. And this is all filmed, and it's draining this dark blood full of red blood cells. Pus and congealed. It's quite bad. So the first thing he did
Starting point is 01:20:14 when he met my girlfriend was show her that scar because I don't know why. It was bizarre. Because the women love it. I mean, who doesn't want to look at a mercy scar? Chicks dig scars, man.
Starting point is 01:20:23 I feel like he had heard that at some point. You're lucky she stayed with you after that. Yeah, I know. I'd have upgraded right on the spot if Wing showed me his scar. She's like, Kyle, I got to say, I think I'm going back to Myrtle Beach with Big Boy over there. I'm leaving you in the dust. Can I ask you about the hand thing?
Starting point is 01:20:41 The hand thing? When I watch the – yeah, maybe you've noticed this, maybe you haven't. ask you about the hand thing uh when i watch the con yeah maybe you've noticed this maybe you haven't when i watch the compilation right uh a lot of comments and you know focusing on a clip saying why does he keep smelling his hand so you know how oh you have a story for this you know how like like frat boys will like finger a chick and they'll be like bro smell my finger and they sort of like relive the thrill of fingering a chick by smelling their own finger. He does that with food. No.
Starting point is 01:21:09 No, I'm making that up. That's just something me and I made up once. See, now that's just a joke. What's actually happening is he has a tick where he does something weird with his nose and does this or something. He's not really smelling his fingers. That's them trolling him because they know he'll respond to it over and over.
Starting point is 01:21:28 Just like you. I think the tick's getting worse because he, the funny thing is I watched these compilations and I thought to myself, well, maybe he's not really this bad. I'll go watch him on Twitch. And I swear to God, the five minutes of him that I watched is every compilation video.
Starting point is 01:21:43 First, it was him saying, I hate this game. This game is stupid. And then he smelled his fingers and the chat was like, oh, he's doing it again. And then he starts talking about his sub loss. And it was like it was ticking every box that every compilation video had done. And it was a random stream.
Starting point is 01:21:59 I just picked it out of the blue to watch. That's why I prefer the term compilation video to troll video, right? A troll video would be making up lies about him like he did for me a compilation video just accurately represents what wings has been doing lately well that's why they're able to pump that content that those compilation channels can pump it out so quick it's because they're not curating a huge amount of content they're going oh look a stream from today boom four more videos because they're really just kind of accurately representing it. Yeah, I'm sure.
Starting point is 01:22:27 Save that money. Is this going from today? Yeah, this is take that money. And it's to that Little Dicky song, save that money. Save that money. Going to save that money. Except this is take that money. Okay?
Starting point is 01:22:41 You know, like, there are high quality. There's different grades to this stuff. Our favorite one is Mr. Big Guy. It's to the beat of Mr. Blue Sky, I think, or something like that.
Starting point is 01:23:00 I don't think it's the Beatles. Oh, okay. But it's Mr. Blue Sky. It's to that. And it's the Beatles. Oh, okay. But it's Mr. Blue Sky. It's to that. And it is high quality. Is this one we want to watch at the gym? Oh, we can't. I can't because of the music.
Starting point is 01:23:11 Oh, it's got music in it. Electric Light Orchestra. Yeah. Well, yeah, I'll be checking out. You want to name these videos? I will be checking out each and every one of them. Tell me the name. I'll be looking at every single one.
Starting point is 01:23:22 These are the cornerstones of the Wings of Redemption quadrilogy or whatever. It's must-see TV. I'm fascinated by the guy. I have long said that his career shouldn't be piddling around with gaming videos or Twitch content or anything like that. It should be a reality show. We've probably all seen honey boo boo or at least know of it you know it's true it's garbage tv he's so much better he's so much better he if you think he's interesting or at least bizarre enough to be
Starting point is 01:23:57 fascinating you should meet his extended family he kind of reminds me of bam majera's uncle you remember uh bam majera on his MTV Uncle I'm Talking About? Vito? Yeah, yeah, Vito, the big guy. Yeah, with the lazy eye, and then he died a few years ago from being so fat. Yeah, Don Vito was a pedophile. Yeah. Was he really?
Starting point is 01:24:15 It all comes back. Mr. Medeker. No, no. No, I remember him. There was, like, one really nasty episode where he, like, had had a infected toenail or something and he's showing it off and I was like, this guy is just, why would you do that? Oh, and they were like, he was like dipping it in their shots at a bar or like
Starting point is 01:24:32 some shit like that. Yeah, yeah. Oh man. I'm trying to think of more classic wing stuff. Sex assault on children. Margera51 was accused of fondling three girls during a public appearance at a Colorado Mills. They were 13 to 14. He grabbed their breasts and buttocks. Um, yeah, yeah. And pedophile.
Starting point is 01:24:49 It keeps coming up. So wings, uh, wings is obviously much closer to Woody and Kyle because the three of them started PKA together. I think if he asked wings, he would say he started it. Uh, I don't have nearly as much exposure to wings, but I am in the spot that he used to be on this show. And so he does not care for me. That's one thing I wanted to ask, I guess, to get your perspective on this, because I do find this interesting.
Starting point is 01:25:14 I know he's got a decent-sized YouTube channel. He had a following for a while. He had a lot of people watching him because the content was kind of fresh and he was one of the first people there. But it seems like there's like an inverse thing going like he was big and now he's dropped and you guys were kind of smaller now you've just skyrocketed into doing stuff is that am i am i getting that right or am i getting this wrong because it seems like he had like 200 people watching his stream when i went on there on twitch yeah he would have definitely had more back in the day yeah um oh yeah you know and he drives people away right like like he's continuously banning people you know that's the
Starting point is 01:25:49 thing with him is he's he's banned so many people um and he doesn't sort of embrace the the people who come there for like the show as it were like if he just embraced the character of of wings then he could be very big he could have a thousand people a stream because he routinely gets 600 people in there and about half of those are there for the rage he should they're there as the angry gamer right you know he should have a bunch of stunt controllers that he tosses at the wall again and again and yeah he does that a lot i in the compilations i it must have been like 10 controllers in total he maintains that that is one stunt controller and that he doesn't actually break them. That's a lie. That's a lie.
Starting point is 01:26:31 His Twitter banner is a broken controller. No, he does say it. I'm not saying that you're lying. I'm saying that he is. He broke a controller in the freaking Syndicate 1v1. We've done shows before where he's like, I'm up to a little bit of controllers. Syndicate 1v1. That's a good one to bring up. Syndicate 1v1. So've done shows before where he's like ah the syndicate 1v1 that's a good syndicate 1v1 so i don't know is that what he i think i vaguely know this like i said i'm still kind of like
Starting point is 01:26:51 i it's i've made my way through the compilations i've had my girlfriend tell me her stories of them laughing at him from back in the day and i've heard some of the rumors and stuff was this the one where he challenged somebody to a 1v1 and then he threw like a shit fit because he lost let me lay this one out it's exactly that so hit me with a story on this uh we have a guy on our podcast wings is one of our hosts at the time this is maybe four years ago and the guy is known for being the best call of duty zombies player on the planet and his youtube channel is kind of skyrocketing largely because he's so good at call of duty zombies six years ago six years ago thank you um what wings doesn't realize is that he's
Starting point is 01:27:31 actually good at the multiplayer version of call of duty as well that's what he did before he got famous anyway during the show for hours and hours wings is wildly disrespectful to this guy just shutting him down acting like he's not a gamer. He says that he'd be much better at zombies on his first game. He doesn't even play zombies, but if he were to, he'd be much better than the best player on the planet. And this was not like banter back and forth. It was Tom or Syndicate being very courteous back to Wings
Starting point is 01:28:00 being pretty aggressive and rude. So he's goading the guy non-stop basically implies uh shitting all over him is better goading implies like a a level of social sophistication that isn't there that he doesn't he doesn't have right right so so he's just shitting on this guy all show long and then at one point he challenges him to a 1v1 on bog now a thing you need to know about wings is his style of gameplay he's actually very very good at these across the map sort of accuracy based thing you know where we're both behind cover we both have two or three pixels to aim at that is wings cup of tea that's what he's strong at
Starting point is 01:28:38 so he sets the rules up and he says we have to use m16 it has to be on bog it has to be he lays it all out there so it's to his advantage i'm host which is another big thing because i'm in north carolina wings of redemptions in south carolina and syndicate is in the uk right so so syndicate has all this lag and trouble to deal with whereas wings is next to host practically right he's a couple hundred miles from me it goes on wings loses and uh to get into the details of it he gets behind which means that he has to start taking some risks you know to catch up and that just leads to being further behind and eventually he throws the controller rages and blames me for streaming it as if it were a surprise i mean we all agree they were going to stream 1v1 it was it was like there's thousands of people watching well he goes ballistic
Starting point is 01:29:33 and uh he asks if we can turn off this in the aftermath of it we're all like you know it's okay wings like i understand this sucks i've been there and he's like what i don't fucking suck you shut up you fucking faggot to me right that's what he's saying i'm being nice to him he's cursing me out calling me a faggot stuff like that i try to like change the topic and play 1v1 against a different guy you know like let's just put that in the past and move on he doesn't want that he wants to end the stream so we do after the stream ends he's continually threatening this guy he says he's gonna break his teeth out with a mag light that if he was there he would kill him and he goes like nuts on it and tom on the other hand is also known as syndicate is just being cool
Starting point is 01:30:18 about the whole thing like you look man you know you win some you lose some like don't make too big a deal out of it. Why is he getting so... I guess this would be my mindset. You said this guy's really good, top of the rank, right? At zombies. Not at zombies, yeah. But, I mean, just the game in general, then, he would be proficient at, I would imagine. Sure.
Starting point is 01:30:36 Yeah. You know, if you're going against somebody like that and he loses, you'd be like, Okay, well, I lost. Maybe you talk a little bit of shit. But you'd be like, Well, the guy's good. Right? I got a loss. I got a loss. I got a loss.
Starting point is 01:30:46 Wings thinks he's great. You would think so. Wings' self-appreciation is out of this world. You know, he legit thought for a while that he was better than all the pro gamers, that he was better at quickscoping than the quickscopers, better at zombies than the zombies guy, better at everything. He plays all his games on hard mode right as if that was some sort of like you know qualification to be an outstanding gamer so he was surprised that the number one zombie player on the planet was better than him he didn't see that coming and you say why is he making such a big deal of a loss you also have to recognize
Starting point is 01:31:21 maybe you do that it's not just a game to him this is his living this is his sense of self-worth this is like being good at games it's not just his finances but who he is that's like as a man he is a dominant gamer that's what did you mention the part where he tried to bribe syndicate to lose the the rematch we didn't get there wait he tried oh yeah now we got to get to that so uh yeah yeah so to pick up where i was as soon as the call ends he starts threatening tom he's going nuts about it he's like lots of violence i'm gonna bash your teeth out i'm gonna do this i think he said he was gonna have teeth soup i think that was one of the things where where he busts his teeth out
Starting point is 01:31:59 with a mag light and then he's just there with a bloody mouthful of teeth and and this is what wing he said he would kill him he said if he he was near, if he was closer, he would literally kill this man for beating him in a 1v1. And a little time passes and Keemstar gets involved in this. Keemstar was always opportunistic about when he found drama. And he's like, we'll set up a 1v1 with you guys. We'll put, I forget what it was, like $5,000 on the line. And then winner take all and wings came to him and said look we'll do this we'll do a 1v1 you throw it you look i'm gonna win anyway because i'm wings of redemption but but you throw it just to lock that in and then i'll keep i – what did he want the split to be?
Starting point is 01:32:46 See, that's the best part. Wings would keep the lion's share and get the victory. That's not how a bribe works. That's not how bribes work. Yeah. So it might have been 3-2. It might have been 4-1. But Wings was keeping the bulk of the money.
Starting point is 01:33:02 And then Tom, who just beat him, was supposed to lose on purpose and Wings felt like, but you will get that $1,000 in public humiliation. You should take what you can get. He jumped right on that and said, that sounds great to me. He took an alternative route where he took a screenshot of the Skype conversation
Starting point is 01:33:19 and tweeted it out to the world. That's amazing. See, I would have done that. Yeah, that does sound that yeah i would have absolutely done that and laughed about it for weeks and and if wings wings to this day thinks that the syndicate 1v1 loss was a big part of his loss of popularity it really wasn't you know he could have just laughed that off and it would have been nothing but his reaction to it was a part of his loss of popularity the bribing was a part of his loss of popularity and um it really wasn't about his gameplay at all well yeah
Starting point is 01:33:52 that's what kind of fascinates me about uh him because kind of going back to the dsp thing uh wings on uh his youtube channel i think he's like at a half a million, isn't he? Somewhere around that. DSP has 180,000. DSP can do a stream and he'll have, you know, he can get like between 600 and 1,000 people watching on the regular. So you'd think that Wings would be able to pull in at least a comparable number to that from somebody who's got a smaller base. But I think DSP, I mean, he's got, and he has things that go way beyond what wings
Starting point is 01:34:25 deals with i mean he has actual a logs people that want to see his life ruined so you know it's more than compilations and just trolling but i think dsp rolls with it better and wing seems to have a worse reaction to it like watching the compilation videos there's a if you look at his sub count you know because he he has that i believe in his video that shows this sub number and you go back four months and you look at the newest one, you can see it ticking down as he's Louie, he's losing subs every week because he keeps freaking out on people that come into his streams. It goes up and down. It goes up and down. I went and streamed with him, um, maybe two and a half, three months ago. Like I played some, uh, player unknowns battlegrounds with him. And, um,
Starting point is 01:35:05 like I played some player unknowns battlegrounds with him and and it was a very popular stream and then the next day he made it so that you you had to be subscribed to him in order to watch it I don't know there were a thousand twelve hundred people in there watching it live and then which was like quadruple what he normally gets and then to watch the four hour long video you had to subscribe which is he made it that way and so he got like a hundred extra to watch the four hour long video, you had to subscribe, which is, he made it that way. And so he got like 100 extra subscribers. And so he's been losing those hundreds steadily
Starting point is 01:35:32 as like when the next month came around, they all left. And so that's when you get a big disparity and like up and down kind of thing. But he hovers around 600 to 700 subscribers somewhere in there. Yeah, why does he do that, by the way? Because when I went to his Twitch channel, I was like, well, maybe I'll watch some past streams. Nope, can't watch it, have to 700 subscribers somewhere. Yeah, why does he do that, by the way? Because when I went to his Twitch channel,
Starting point is 01:35:45 I was like, well, maybe I'll watch some past streams. Nope, can't watch it, have to be a subscriber. He does that in an attempt to combat the compilation channels, which I suppose we'll refer to them as. Did it really hit that level? He's trying to counter-optimize it? So at least, like, what, 10 of his subs
Starting point is 01:36:01 are the compilation channels? Absolutely, and of course, he acts as if many, many of these people who make those compilations simply watch the whole stream. I say that. They tune into his stream on their computer and click record, grab screen,
Starting point is 01:36:18 record, and then they come back in a few hours when it's all over and they look for the juicy parts and they chop up their video. They don't need his permission. They just record it. They just screen grab it. Or they clip it as they watch. That's a thing that people do frequently.
Starting point is 01:36:32 So it's kind of silly to do that. We should go through the more downfall aspect regarding him and PKA, where the survival trip was coming about. i've heard a little bit about this i'm kind of curious about the details on this because from what i understand didn't he initially agree to something and then at last minute cancel out on you guys so he led you along to believe something was going to happen and then didn't give you the courtesy of just saying outright no or even a heads up can we can we try again for another time kind of thing yeah this is another example of right this is another example of us as a show trying to do things outside the outside of just what we're doing here tonight um we i guess we've been
Starting point is 01:37:15 watching a lot of bear grills and survivor man and that sort of thing and it was very popular at the time and and we were into it we all liked watching them survive in the wilderness with minimal tools and such and uh somehow it came up hey let's do a survival trip let's go out into the wilderness the three of us and uh let's see let's see how we how we fare and uh everybody was on board except for one i was gonna mention the lefty thing um there were four of us on the show at that point taylor was not on the show it was myself woody wings and a fourth gentleman named uh lefty and lefty when this came up he was like ah that's not for me boys um you know that that's not my game uh i don't think i'd fare very well i wouldn't enjoy it i'm sorry i'm out we were very respectful of that woody and i we were we were like ah well all right man cool beans beans. You don't want to do it. You don't want to
Starting point is 01:38:06 do it. Nobody here is going to give you, and then Wings interjects, pussy, a real man goes into the wilderness and survives. A real man does this and that. A real man does blah, blah, blah. You know, Lefty's from Chicago. So he's like, ah, Chicago.
Starting point is 01:38:22 Yeah. If I had my passport, I'd come up there to Chicago and whoop your lily-livered ass. You know, this is the sort of like mindset that he has. That was a side joke Kyle just mentioned because Wings thought that you needed a passport to go state to state. Oh wait, no, really? Yes.
Starting point is 01:38:38 Yeah. Wow, he really is a fucking And so, and so you know, we were like, ah, he threw Lefty really under the bus there because Lefty didn't want to do this thing. And, you know, privately, I would have liked Lefty to come on the show, of course. You know, four people on a trip is better than three. Five is even better. But three is acceptable, I suppose.
Starting point is 01:39:00 So planning begins. Lots of planning. We're looking at satellite images of potential locations. We settle on this place called the Uari National Wilderness Forest in North Carolina. It's a true wilderness. It's a I think it's a federal park or a state park, something like that. But you can go out there, you can camp and we settle on a date we all figure up you know when we're gonna arrive we started like divvying up skill sets right like kyle was the hunter i'm particularly good at starting fires i don't even call what wings was but he was working on fires too and we were just like all
Starting point is 01:39:38 thinking about how we were going to succeed at this yeah and leading up to it we're making videos talking about it like one of the things was that we kind of got fixated on was starting fires with Flint and steel. And so I made a quick video on one of my YouTube channels of me in my backyard, making a fire with Flint and steel. You know, it's, it's a little annoying at first, but once you get the, the, the, the knack of it, you can do it. Wings made four videos of him making fire with flint and steel and never accomplished it. He uploaded all four. All four failures. They failed in various
Starting point is 01:40:11 ways. There would be a cut between him going, and the camera would cut and it would come back on and then there was a big pile of leaves on fire. It was like 18 inches tall. Like the fire. What the fuck? What happened? He just got out a big lighter and put some leaves on fire and you were like 18 inches tall like the fire what the fuck what happened like he just got a big lighter and leaves on fire in his backyard and again they're like leaves you'd rake up in
Starting point is 01:40:31 your backyard i'm going literally into the woods and like scratching uh trees with a knife yeah yeah i got really upset about that i don't know he lit a bird's nest on fire? Yeah. Well, they weren't in it. So the day comes. It's time to do this thing. And so I set out on this quite long drive. I'm going to say it's four and a half, five and a half hours from where I lived at the time to where we're doing this thing. So if I leave the night before, I'm going to get a motel room in the area, 30 minutes from the meetup location. And that way I don't have to drive, you know, early in the morning. I don't want to leave my
Starting point is 01:41:10 house at 5 a.m., get there at 10 a.m. and be already just kind of out of it before we begin hiking and surviving and such. So I'm driving in the night before and I think to myself, hey, let me give old Wings a call. Make sure we're all good to go here, you know, because it's Wings. Call him up. Hey, man, get ready to do this thing. I'm driving in now. I'm about three hours from the place. What are you up to?
Starting point is 01:41:34 You know, if you left right now, you'd be here around 11, and, you know, you could share this motel room with me. I could get a room with two beds or something. He's like, I'm not going. What? What do you mean? I'm not going. What? What do you mean? I'm not coming. When were you going to tell me? I'm telling you right now.
Starting point is 01:41:52 What the fuck? So I text Woody. I'm like, he's not fucking going. He's not fucking going. And so Woody gets on the phone with him. Woody tries to talk. And I'm thinking, like, Woody's going to talk him into this. I'm still driving with this idea.
Starting point is 01:42:03 Woody will talk him into this. Woody's a great motivational speaker when he needs to be and i'm sure what there's some compilations of me telling wings like you know if you want to be an extraordinary person you have to do extraordinary things be a winner not a loser be a doer not a donter you know henry rollins-esque yeah yeah this sort of talk you know and he just doesn't fucking come he just doesn't fucking come and and And it's now it's just me and Woody in the woods. Now it's just kind of weird. It got gay. I hope nobody sees me in this 40 year old man just driving off into the dark.
Starting point is 01:42:40 I'm practically a pedophile with Kyle. I'm practically a pedophile with Kyle. Yeah, yeah. So it really took the wind out of our sails. And, you know, I ended up getting violently ill, like, on the first night of the survival trip. I think from some tainted tap water. But in any case. No, it was because you weren't very good at swimming through that stream and you swallowed stream water.
Starting point is 01:43:00 That's my theory. That's exactly what happened. Yeah, I drank some river water and I think that's what. I was vomiting, what i was vomiting like for hours swimming all over that river like it was nothing like i see a frog out there yonder i'll go get it you know i think i shot a turtle so he he left you guys high and dry then you had this all set up all ready to go it was going to be this big thing and then at the last minute you you talking to him and he says no no i don't think so what's going to notify us i i think that the next morning at 9 a.m we were just gonna woody and i would have pulled up to that bait and tackle shop slash restaurant uh and just been sitting there at
Starting point is 01:43:39 the table like no no we don't want to order yet our friends coming and coming. And like 10 minutes, 20 minutes, an hour would have gone by. I'm like, no, no, no, yes, we're hungry, but it's lunch now. Well, we'll wait. We'll wait for our friend. And he just never would have fucking shown. I don't think he was ever going to notify us that he wasn't fucking coming if I hadn't called him and asked. It was absurd. It was absurd, and it made me so goddamn mad.
Starting point is 01:44:03 Yeah, I'd have been pissed. I'd have been really pissed. I went on our subreddit, and I was like, I've been pushed to the edge. I'm typing this now. I've been pushed to the edge. No excuses. I can't take it anymore. Play like a champion. No excuses.
Starting point is 01:44:15 Play like a champion. Rule number 34, no excuses. Play like a champion, which is from that movie Wedding Crashers. They got rules for wedding crashing. I can't believe this. He's not coming. He has no excuse. He has no reasoning.
Starting point is 01:44:29 He's just literally afraid of the woods and doesn't want to come. Exhibit A, at his core, bravery is just not an attribute that he has. And so that was the downfall of Wings on the show. That was the straw that broke the camel's back i believe um like he was also showing up late for shows right like we scheduled different ones i think for kyle bailing on this survival trip was a really big offense it was for me i didn't like
Starting point is 01:45:01 it but i could almost take it or leave it it was like all right wings isn't Wings isn't here. The survival trip, I felt like just got a little easier. I didn't expect him to pull his weight. That's funny. Well, true, for sure. Yeah, yeah. No, I wish he was there, but there was at least a little part of me that was like, well, now I don't have to find like one and a half persons worth of food. You know, like me and a half. And you would have, you know, I sort of thought we were going to, like he was going to do less than his share.
Starting point is 01:45:30 So it wasn't like a big criminal offense to me i i had harbored other things like like remember the guy we talked about who said he was gonna anally rape my wife and daughter and compared my son to shit wings gave him money oh is this the um oh okay let me let me read this out before you go into the story maybe maybe you can tell me if this is accurate or not um because like i said there's information posted everywhere and i don't know what's real or not i'd say and this was i believe from 2014 or 2015 earlier this year it was revealed that he worked as a double agent helping a youtube troll attack a 10 year old autistic son of one of his friends is he is that talking about you that sounds like it yeah yeah yeah that's that's it yeah that's it. Yeah. So this guy, the one that challenged me to fight him and we organized it, he also would like – he'd be like, give me money. I want to go to Europe or I want to do this or I want a car.
Starting point is 01:46:14 I don't know what he wanted money for. And Wings donated to him. And I felt like that – like for me, that was a real betrayal, right? This is a guy who doesn't just attack me. He attacks my wife and my children. Wait. I'm sorry. Say that again. So the guy that's screwing with you and your family he gave him money yes yeah via paypal why he because this dude that was attacking woody's family uh obviously jesus his
Starting point is 01:46:37 his channel was named he also like as like a different thing not related to what he was like oh i really you know i'm feeling depressed and I'm all in a bad head space. I would feel really way better if I could go on a three-week, no thinking about anything European vacation. So donate to my European vacation. Oh, also, I need a new gaming PC. That would really pull me out of this funk. And so that's basically what he was doing, e-begging for vacations. That makes no fucking sense.
Starting point is 01:47:03 You guys were doing a show together at the time, we were friends you're friends with him and you're doing a show together and the guy that's fucking with you he gives him money yeah that's not the only one yeah there was another guy his name was thunder toro and uh thunder's channel is doing well at this point but he hates me he hates me i think because he was a better gamer than me but i was more successful on youtube and i think that's the core of it. Like, I never talked to him or anything. And he uploaded a video where his friend said that my son was a fucking faggot that jerked off dogs. And I didn't like it, you know, so I uploaded a response.
Starting point is 01:47:38 Yes, understandable. And I gave that comment two thumbs down. and I gave that comment two thumbs down yeah Wings on the other hand was giving him like search engine optimization advice and like how to grow his channel and he was doing really well and Wings took some credit you know what fuck this guy then
Starting point is 01:47:54 how is he going to cry about compilation videos and be like the trolls are coming to get me when he's funding people that are fucking with you that's you know what we're of the same mind on this one no fucking pity and W wings was like woody i feel like you're making me choose between you and him and i was like i am that was the day i
Starting point is 01:48:12 decided not to fix his desk right that was it that was the you're way too nice man i'm surprised you didn't just kick his ass yeah so wings had this guy who was totally underqualified and he gave him like thousands of dollars to make a desk and the core of it is the guy messed up the epoxy job so i was like stick the thing on a trailer bring it to my house i will fix it for you i will sand it down i'll finish it properly i'll get it all done woodworking is something that i'm good at and uh and we were all it fell through i I guess, or got delayed because Wings insisted on bringing these felons over to my house. Like, I guess he has these friends with felony convictions. But what the fuck is this guy?
Starting point is 01:48:52 And I've got like kids and like a girl and a boy in grade school at this point. And he just wants to bring the felons over. And I'm like, no, no, no. How about it's just you? But like I said, Wings doesn't really leave town. So he didn't want to drive a few hours without, you know, I don't know let's how about it's just you but like i said wings doesn't really leave town so he didn't want to drive a few hours without you know i don't know some muscle i'm not sure why he was so i don't think the felons should be leaving yeah so he he just but we got to keep this on the down low they're not technically allowed to leave south so uh um and yeah the night that
Starting point is 01:49:21 like it all went down and he's like i feel like I have to choose between you and Thunder. I want to give him help growing his channel while he attacks your family. And I was like, fuck it. Fuck you. You can let Thunder fix your desk. And that's how the desk thing fell through. Can I ask you a question? It sounds really cold-hearted on his part, right?
Starting point is 01:49:44 It doesn't even make sense rationally, really, when you think about it. So he's doing these kind of shows with you guys. You've got a big sub-base. You've got a lot of viewers. This Thunder guy, did he ever do anything for Wings? Like, Wings is sitting at 200 people watching his fucking streams right now. So where is the people he funded that fucked with you? Are they helping him right now?
Starting point is 01:50:02 No. No. So Wings is a giant retard then right i mean that's kind of yeah like socially i haven't seen his test scores yeah i i just i felt like wings wronged me for a long time and we this came we got here from the survival trip right so i think that for kyle the biggest offense wings committed was bailing on the survival trip especially the way he did it attacking lefty for a month on being such a pussy and then turning out to be an equivalent pussy for me that was just the straw that broke the camel's back it was one
Starting point is 01:50:37 percent of why i was fed up with wings yeah so you had a deeper history running with the guy with the stuff that he'd been doing yeah you don't even need a history for him to get upset with you the first time i ever played a game with wings of actually kyle and woody you were both there this was like what eight years ago now we were playing modern warfare 2 and we were playing domination and our team was thrashing them we were up like the games were played to 200. I'm not sure if you played that game, but it was like 180 to like 40 or something ridiculous. We were thrashing them. And I was really close to my kill streak
Starting point is 01:51:12 and we had them pinned in the spawn. And I'm like, I'm just going to run in there and shoot a few people, get my score streak and then get a few kills with it before the end of the game. I get up, run into their spawn, kill a couple people. Someone spawns behind wings who's in his general tactic camping behind something like head glitching out and getting pop pop pop pop pop you know and he gets shot from behind and he starts screaming like who the fuck ruined the spawn trap who the
Starting point is 01:51:36 fuck who the fuck is murka durka who the fuck is murka durka just screaming and at this point like i'm like i i don't know these guys well enough. I know Kyle and Woody. I feel like they'll back me up. And then, of course, at the time, Wings was the biggest channel of all of us. And so everybody was kind of giving their respects of like, yeah, that was Taylor. He shouldn't have done that. And I was like, I'm sorry, man. I didn't mean anything by it. He's like, well, you fucked it up.
Starting point is 01:51:59 I almost had a nuke. I was 22 kills or whatever the fuck he was saying. Taylor's like 15 at this point. Oh, this is like 8 years ago so i'm like 19 okay yeah all right like uh he i i so it was the most angry i've ever heard anyone in any game for any reason and we won by a lot and so i like i i don't know it was just like an eye-opening thing of like wow this guy really gives a fuck and then he As soon as that happened removed me from his friends list and wanted me kicked from the girl though
Starting point is 01:52:33 That was it how you were thrown out to the wolves for that offense. Yeah I think I was on his friends list for what how long was that game 20 minutes? I've noticed in a lot of the compilations, too, when he starts streaming, people, to mess with him and make him angry, will go stream snipe him. So they'll watch his gameplay, find out where he's spawning, and then just constantly screw with him. And it drives him up a wall.
Starting point is 01:52:58 You know, maybe I'm not familiar enough with Twitch, but couldn't he delay his stream a little bit so that's not, like, an issue? It seems like such a huge issue. Well, see, that would work if he were the type of player who like moved around the map and like moved from position to position very static but he finds one location that's ideal for sitting right here hiding so only his eyes can be seen and there's a good flow of enemies running past that he can pick off one at a one by one and are just like, oh, I'll chunk a grenade over there. And he's dead.
Starting point is 01:53:29 And he's like, fuck! Fuck! And he goes right back to those barrels. And 30 seconds later, another grenade comes out of nowhere and blows him up again. And so, you know, rage quit. Just rage quit. He can rage quit faster than any human being alive. He doesn't get enough shit for that.
Starting point is 01:53:43 He brags about his kd constantly it dashboards every bad game and and if you're not familiar with this if you exit the game normally then that game counts towards your accumulated statistics if you dashboard then that game just never happened and he does it all the time which in itself is kind of bad like you wouldn't want a teammate who did that but he he does it all the time which in itself is kind of bad like you wouldn't want a teammate who did that but he he does it so much that his stats are now fake he's not a 3kd player you can't dashboard that often and then brag about your kd so he he's basically like the the low tier god of first person shooters like he he's a guy that if he's even starting to lose a
Starting point is 01:54:24 little bit or getting a little on tilt will automatically just jump. Yeah, he likes to pub stomp basically. He's a pub stomper so he'll go and he's very good at Call of Duty. Not taking that away from me. He's very good but he likes the game the way he likes to play it.
Starting point is 01:54:40 He may be very good at it but god he seems to hate it so much. I've never heard him say a positive thing about it while I've watched these compilations or the stream that I happen to watch. He hated it. Were there any like outlying questions, Jim, that you had about Wings? and a lot of people were watching him, and he was doing really well and pulling in a good amount of money, I can imagine, at the time, from all the ad revenue and stuff. Did he not have any foresight to build a nest egg, to save that away for a rainy day so bad things wouldn't happen five years later?
Starting point is 01:55:13 Well, if by nest egg you mean purchase three new trucks. In a year, and it's four. In a year. Oh, four new trucks. Well, you know what they say, don't invest in real estate, keep it to automobiles. That's a smart idea. They appreciate it in value. It's got a Roush engine. That's what you don't understand.
Starting point is 01:55:30 This F-150's got a Roush racing engine in it. Hell, it's worth more now than what I paid. Kyle or Woody, both of you know the truck story. You want to enlighten Jim a bit on that? He bought two. Woody and I went and visited him New Year's Eve, 2012, 2011, something like that. And we were both blown away by the quality of this man's ride. Once again, we questioned our, our own direction in life, just as we had a couple of years prior when he told us
Starting point is 01:55:59 he was making $10,000 a month. And neither of us were even close we were like i was like i feel like i'm doing well but goddamn look at this man's ride look at the odometer woody and i are both looking at the odometer the gauges on this thing they're like glowing green the leather seats the the step the chrome railings and step bars the nice wheels and tires it's immaculate it smells good it's. He bought a new one a couple months later. The first one wasn't comfy enough. It wasn't comfy enough.
Starting point is 01:56:31 Wait, did he sell the old one or he just kept it? He traded it in. He kept it for a while. He didn't trade it in right away. He traded it in right away. There was a time when he owned like four vehicles. He had his 2002 Chevrolet, which is what he drives these days
Starting point is 01:56:45 he had like i don't remember the years but let's just call it like a 2011 and a 2012 f-150 both the the big ones you know like like four doors leather seats like lariats uh with with you know 5.7 liter engines and and just very nice vehicles and then like you know he gets a girlfriend he's like ah you need a tahoe my love buys didn't didn't you guys tell me he that's this is even weirder to me than i guess like if he's such a homebody right if he's a guy that doesn't hasn't left his town more than six times likes to stay inside why would he invest so much why would he invest so much because trucks are a status symbol in uh and and not only redneck culture but specifically it seems in his opinion in his neck of the woods there was a time when i believe he was talking about his sister is that correct he was talking about how attractive his sister was and and met the young
Starting point is 01:57:39 lady she's she's cute uh i think and and he said she's good-looking she she's dating some guy now though that's got a Honda Civic I mean she could get a man with a with a Lariat or a Chevy 2500 or something it's a four-wheel-drive quality girl I got here messing around with that honda civic boy she can do much better she's at least an all-wheel drive subaru no no no consideration as to like what this gentleman's personality is like what his education is like what his uh what his goals in life are what his means are where he lives what are you driving what are you what kind of wheels you got bro what's your towing capacity you got the blood kind of wheels you got, bro? What's your towing capacity?
Starting point is 01:58:27 You got the butt-gripping tires? You got Flowmasters on the back? Hell yeah. The reason he's driving this decked-out F-150 with a Roush engine is that that is his status as a human. That's his rank. If I could ask you one final question, I guess, because I probably am going to be doing a video on this this guy it's too interesting not to where do you think because you guys
Starting point is 01:58:50 you're much more familiar than I am right with this guy you've interacted with him more you have more of a history in a year's time where do you see him in two years time where do you see him is he going to still be on the internet holding on to 20 subs or is he going to finally have like a eureka moment and get a job or get in shape or do you where do you see it playing out how do you how do you think this is going to end
Starting point is 01:59:14 you want to go first i think that he won't get the surgery that the money will get spent on just general living expenses he's not going to go out buy a Roush again or whatever but but he'll stream a little less often he'll there won't be an urgency he won't be like hungry he'll live off of the good times that he's had in 2018 because he's making money right now and then come 2019 we'll start again and he'll raise money with the promise of a surgery. His fallback plan has long been to go on to disability if he can get it. So if he could ever swing that, that'll be his lot in life. The money he has right now, let's call it $25,000.
Starting point is 02:00:00 It could be $35,000. There's a couple of things he could spend that money on. He owes roughly that on his modular home. And by his modular home, I mean his mother's modular home, that they have an agreement with one or another that whenever he pays it off, she'll sign it over to him. Although she's broken that agreement once before when he paid it off. So who knows? Is modular home what you're supposed to call double wides? It's what he calls a double-wide.
Starting point is 02:00:27 It's a very fancy name for it. It's like a couch that you can move around in your living room, right? Modular? No. Like a sectional that you can disassemble? Yeah. How could she have broken it? Did he take out a second mortgage on it then? If it was already paid off once, how could she have broken it? So did he take out a second mortgage on it then?
Starting point is 02:00:45 If it was already paid off once, how could she? Oh, she did. He paid the house off once thinking that it was his house, and then she was like, second mortgage time. And he's like, oh, no. And so now he's paid off the second mortgage up to, you know, I don't know, $10,000, something like that, $15,000, $20,000, whatever. And so she has told him that the next time he pays it off she will uh sell it to him for one dollar
Starting point is 02:01:12 essentially she super swears this time pinky swear this time and she's reliable yeah no i i think that he actually will lose the weight eventually and i think it's going to come from some kind of real health thing. Not like going to the doctor and them saying, oh, your heart's a little fucked up or whatever. Something big is going to happen because you can't age at that weight and continue to gain weight until shit gets real eventually. I feel like a heart attack or something like that is going to happen, and that'll actually scare the shit out of him and be like, I don't want to die. like that is going to happen and that'll actually scare the shit out of them and be like i don't want to die like yeah like this sucks doing twitch and getting made fun of or whatever and not not capitalizing on the many opportunities i've been handed but i don't want to die and so you know i don't think i'll ever be a fucking triathlete but i think at some point a big enough scare is going
Starting point is 02:01:57 to get him that he will start declining in weight but who knows about what that will mean for his actual life if he gets a real job if he does does what. Well, yeah, I'm probably going to have a video out more than likely by the end of the month or the first week of next month on this. I will put a little, I don't know, maybe like a little poll as a pinned comment so people can come back a year from the video's release just to see if the speculation on where his lot in life would be ends up being close to what it actually is because again i don't know him but i don't think he's ever going to get the surgery i think he's just going to get angrier and angrier and the sub count is going to keep dropping and i don't know where he's going to end up but i don't
Starting point is 02:02:39 know it just it seems like he really hates what he does but i don't i can't picture him doing anything else does he have any i don't see like a skill set where he's going to be like hey come let me work at the fortune 500 company or hey come let me uh be an auto mechanic or hey let me let me come do something like this because well he was a metallurgical engineer that's not actually true but he said it metallurgical engineer huh yeah but he didn't know that aluminum and steel were different things. No, aluminized steel. I'm very confused by all that. So I've known Wings for eight, nine years now, something like that.
Starting point is 02:03:15 I knew Wings when I opened my channel. I had 38 subs, I think, when I met him. So in all that time, in the last nine years, he hasn't demonstrated the get up and do it or bravery to make a change in his life. Instead, for the last nine years, he's just taken whatever kind of came to him. He doesn't go out and get it. He gets what comes to him. And I just I haven't seen anything that will imply a different path than that.
Starting point is 02:03:43 And what will come to him naturally? Well, the same thing we're watching right now. You know, some pity donations, some streaming, some controller throwing. I think that someone in his life is going to get a hold of that money and he's going to be broke again. And, you know, I don't think he's ever going to stop doing what he's doing because it earns well. You know, you've mentioned a couple times he doesn't have quite that many viewers. Make it five, six grand
Starting point is 02:04:10 a month, you know? Every month, you know, without fail. Wait, is he really? Oh, yeah. Is that from YouTube ad revenue? No, no, no. It's from Twitch donations and Twitch subscriptions. You know, each Twitch subscription is paying him a few bucks and then he gets donations. Like the night that I went on with him, he made $1,500 cash just in donations.
Starting point is 02:04:29 And there's been other nights where he'd make $1,200 cash in donations. You know, if there's a couple of fans of ours that are mutual fans, you know, they go back and forth that have money, and they'll go in there, and they get in a little bidding war with one another. Ah, I gave him $100. And the other guy, ah, I gave him $200 gave him 200 yeah well i'll give him 300 and before you know it they've between the two two guys they've given him eight or nine hundred dollars and then that gets everybody else fired up and four or five hundred more will flow in and you know he makes good money he'll put the room in sub only mode and people will sub so they can steal trolling he He makes money. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 02:05:05 He puts it in sub only mode so that the trolls will be silenced, but then the trolls donate in there. They speak up again. He's, he's making money. And you know, like five grand a month. What is that?
Starting point is 02:05:17 60 grand a year. Yes. It's not rich and famous, but what other jobs do you make 60 grand a year with no skills? Right. Yeah. Doing it on your own time, just sitting at your computer playing something that you know you may say oh i hate this video game it's like okay would you rather be doing this or working at mcdonald's or renting someone a car it hurts or whatever the fuck like how many you really didn't like that job i don't know how many hours a week he worked I feel like he's making 60 grand a year
Starting point is 02:05:47 And Working less than 40 hours a week I guess my appraisal was wrong I thought he was making much less than that I was going just based on sub numbers And kind of what the activity that I saw in his stream I thought he was more like around 2 grand a month When he tells people
Starting point is 02:06:02 You better fucking donate or on this stream They do That's fascinating you crack the whip and they uh they they fill the coffers a lion tamer i like how there's no consideration for his loyal viewers like in the way he handles the stream in that what someone will write you're doing great tonight wings you know ten dollars from you know whoever's 69 and then two minutes later he'll be like oh man that guy made you look awful he totally out you know out maneuvered you or whatever the fuck like ban that guy ban that guy forever and ever if you question my gaming ability ban what was the quote he said if you question my gaming ability mods ban ban him. Anyone who questions my gaming skill, ban them.
Starting point is 02:06:46 Anyone who questions my gaming skill, ban them. Isn't that great? It's not a way that you foster a fun environment of people who want to pay you money. Right. It's the way you piss people off. Who are we to tell him how to make money streaming, right? I got a 1099 from Twitch. I made $23 last year. Damn year i should be asking him for help
Starting point is 02:07:08 yeah i still get my machinima checks i haven't uploaded anything since 2013 and it's like for a while i was hoping like just to get below 400 so i don't have to like talk about this on my taxes because if it's any more than 400 at least in missouri it is but okay yeah so i have another question about your corner of the internet uh jim if i'm trying to trying to get up to speed on all this blood sports shit and and the fun streams because it does have kind of like a a more argumentative onaNA vibe to it, where it's just, you know, making fun of each other, which we're all fans of that show.
Starting point is 02:07:48 We like it a lot. You know, I think it's influenced a lot of online shows. Where do I start? Because it seems like there's fucking 500 channels doing it and so many characters, quote-unquote, to follow. Like, where should I go? Well, I mean, if you're looking for more like the ONA vibe, like kind of a Jocktober thing, I'd say go with Morning Kumite, which is pretty good. I mean, he does it, you know, morning from like maybe 10 to noon to 1 o'clock, somewhere in there.
Starting point is 02:08:17 So it's about a three-hour chunk, five days a week. It's got a nice little vibe to it. It's more laid back. There's a lot of stuff. But, I mean, there are a lot of clipping channels, so I get it. Not everybody's got time to invest in these ridiculous streams that go on for way too long. So there's Kronos, who kind of clips them out and then gives you a basic idea of what's going on, because it's hard to digest that much stuff.
Starting point is 02:08:38 So a 20-minute section makes it much, much easier to kind of enjoy it. That would be my recommendation. But, yeah, they've done pretty well for themselves. I mean, when Warsky had his big debate, I think it was Richard Spencer and Sargon of Akkad, I think he made, you know, going on Super Chats, probably around $10,000 to $15,000 that night. Jesus Christ. There's an audience for that crap. You know, even the Morning Cumin Tates pull pulling like 2,000 or 3,000 viewers.
Starting point is 02:09:07 And I'd say maybe they're making 20,000 to 30,000. So I'm expecting more of these to kind of pop up because, one, people like Jerry Springer and then the people that host this stuff like making money. So it's kind of like a perfect combination. I just want a nice shit show to watch. I just want to watch people scream at each other. And I'm happy. I'm content with that. So, yeah, I'd recommend Morning Kumite or I'd recommend Kronos if you want the small clips. Do you ever do videos, maybe you have, I haven't seen them, where you actually get into
Starting point is 02:09:35 your real beliefs on shit or are you pretty staunchly in the I just want to watch a shit show and laugh at idiots camp? I have on a on a few beliefs um you know i don't like kind of like the um the sanitization i i guess you could say online that we kind of see play out everywhere uh where it seems to get more and more restrictive on what you can say and how you can interact uh you know terms of service get upgraded i mean look at youtube content creators here are kind of walking on eggshells when they make certain videos at this point. I mean, Twitch has gotten to the point where I know certain streamers are scared to have a Twitter account anymore or a Facebook account because something they say there can get them banned on Twitch now. So I'm against that. I don't like that.
Starting point is 02:10:20 And obviously, I don't like pedophiles. I think it's a safe one to say. I don't think anybody else is going to really stick my neck out there. But I mostly use the Internet for what I always have used it for, which is just laughing at dumb shit and trying to get some entertainment. That's about it. I have a question. I don't know if you could answer it quickly, but I don't understand Gamergate. I have no idea.
Starting point is 02:10:43 I don't get it. It's been explained to me. Are you like one of the originators of Gamergate. I have no idea. I don't get it. It's been explained to me. Are you like one of the originators of Gamergate? What's Gamergate? If I had to sum it up and give you like the short and dirty of it, I'd say maybe for like two years before that, right? Before Gamergate became a thing. You had a lot of outlets writing kind of articles that were shitting on their audience. Gamers are terrible. Gamers are toxic. Trolls are terrible. Nobody can
Starting point is 02:11:10 play games anymore. We need more restrictions. We need more. I mean, look at where Overwatch is now, where you make a joke in your band. You do something they don't like in your band. Anything even outside the game. I mean, Overwatch has a thing built in at this point where they're looking for content. So you're not even getting reported anymore. They have things that look for content on YouTube. And if they find something with your handle on it, you're banned. And so, you know, it was it was really negative attitude towards what a gamer was or what people in gaming were like. And then Gamergate kind of comes around. It comes to a head where you've got an indie game dev who's friends with people in the industry and who's friends with different people at different news outlets like Kotaku, like Nathan Grayson and stuff like that.
Starting point is 02:11:52 And you start to see this really weird kind of interaction behind the scenes where they're all buddies and they're all, you know, have these relationships, dating relationships. And they're kind of covering each other's back. And it just was really screwed up. And that kind of kick-started it and then about a week or two after that i think it was about 13 different outlets all released articles within an hour of each other that said gamers are dead gamers don't exist anymore we don't care about gamers we don't need you anymore and it made that initial feeling of wow they kind of seem slimy it's like they have a you know kind of a backroom deal with each other to promote each
Starting point is 02:12:24 other and it's not really about is it a good game or not it's about who you know in in the industry and then all these articles come out and they're all saying the same thing and it was just really shitty i mean i was in that for about i'd say like three months uh and then i felt it got a little too retarded and i i walked away i ducked out. Yeah. OK. If you if you were to pull the room of people that were in that, you know, or paying attention to it, you're going to get 100 different answers. I mean, you know, you've got demographics from all over the Internet. You had Reddit, you had Tumblr, you had 4chan, you had YouTubers, you had Let's Players. They all had different reasons for being attracted to it or being interested in it. Yeah, I thought it had something to do with feminism or something but oh yeah i can see how there was tangentially yeah well i mean there was a good portion of it that was related to you know uh social justice
Starting point is 02:13:13 or the pc culture because a lot of the articles getting pushed uh talking about how gamers were shit seemed to kind of really hone in on the fact that if you were a white guy or a straight white guy that played games you were the devil uh was kind of the approach they took um yeah it's i i don't know what to tell you uh anything i say about it is going to piss off a group of people if i if i give one opinion one way the people that were in it are going to hate me and if i give you opinion the other way the people that were against it are going to hate me there's there's no good answer i can give you it's not going to get me a metric ton of shit oh i don't think you mind the shit though i think you have a little bit of fun waiting around in it right yeah i actually well there there is a breaking point i
Starting point is 02:13:54 mean uh right now i'm involved like i said it went from baked alaska calling him uh a sellout to having the pentagon involved so i've got that show going on uh i've got a bunch of mras that are really angry at me right now so i've got that going on i've got no not mras a dozen of people i know 14 of them i've got a group of bronies that are angry at me because they had them oh they had a group yeah there was some bizarre skype call got released of this guy admitting to trying to have sex with a 12 year old uh and like yeah so a full circle a full circle like i said so i mean there's there's so much shit going on but i i don't really have a great answer for you on what gamergate was other than a reaction from the consumer against what they saw as kind of like an intermediary or
Starting point is 02:14:39 an unnecessary cog like you know it used to feel like if you were a gamer there were the companies right the guys that made the video games and you may shit talk a game and the the company that makes it may think you're an idiot for doing so but it was kind of that back and forth rapport but somewhere along the lines the media got kind of in the middle of that and started telling developers what gamers thought and started telling gamers what developers thought and that connection was lost that interference kind of started to play a part uh and i think it was a good pushback against that as well that would be that'd be i i don't know i feel like i'm rambling now i feel like i'm curious about this you seem to be in the middle of some real stuff you're dox proof i suppose no one knows
Starting point is 02:15:19 your name or where you live you're just this on this on my screen a black box where people can't well thanks for putting the thanks for putting the bullseye on me yeah that's nice name or where you live you're just this on this on my screen a black box where people can't well thanks for putting the bullseye on me yeah that's nice your docs proof it's basically hey come fuck with this guy oh dude i don't want to say it like that if you one thing i've learned and anthony so tell me jim you were you were saying earlier that you're completely untouchable that you're an invincible god of the internet if you make a uh uh an audience out of like poking at people the audience will poke at you expect that oh my god yeah right you know anthony cooney is like you know it's shocking all the people that watch us are terrible fans and it's like right you're looking in the mirror you know and and so
Starting point is 02:16:05 are we like our fan base pokes at me every day and it's for the memes it's what you get that's where you are um yeah you don't want to play with fire if you're afraid of getting burned obviously i mean yeah i know what i'm appealing to and i know the kind of content i like to make and the stuff i like to laugh at is always going to bring kind of with it a a backlash but i've been doing this shit for a while i mean if you go look up north american a school shooter north american tour 2012 was a mod we made for half-life as a joke uh that's listed in a supreme court decision so yeah i've been fucking around on the internet for a while uh doing stuff that draws attention um that was the one where at the end of the game you had to commit suicide before the cops got you, right?
Starting point is 02:16:45 That's correct. I'm a bit of a completionist. A thousand gamerscore on that one. You do something goofy, it gets a reaction. You're going to obviously get some pushback on that but i i think at the end of the day you know the people that watch the videos more so do it because they just find the shit weird right i even the deviance videos that i did where i was looking at weird subgroups and fetish groups i i had people in those communities sending me emails and fan art saying yeah they're goofy fuckers we think it's funny too so yeah it's one of those things i think everybody likes to laugh at shit um yeah you know you actually like parlays into something i even
Starting point is 02:17:30 wrote it down because i wanted to ask you of you've poked and prodded and trolled so many different groups and subsections and communities on the internet what was the biggest shit fit that any of them threw because i'm sure there were some that you poked at and were like i don't really care but there have to be one or a couple where you were blown away by how pissed or how much they tried to do to get back at you ah ah shit um you're going over like eight years of uh screwing around on the internet here i know sorry i put you on the spot if i had to pin it down to the group that really got the angriest i would say it would be the adult baby diaper lovers um what yeah yeah adult baby diaper lovers diaper furs uh didn't like getting
Starting point is 02:18:18 uh laughed at i i had people that presented themselves as gay bears like in a bear suit uh saying they were going to show up at my house and shoot me with a shotgun because I laughed. In the bear suit. In the bear suit, yeah. Big gay bear showing up at your front door with a shotgun is a hell of an image in your head. And they got angry at me for that because there was a particular person in their community who flagged a couple of my videos making fun of them. YouTube reversed it because there wasn't anything violating terms of service in the videos. But they didn't like the videos and where they were going because this person in particular bragged on their social media accounts
Starting point is 02:18:56 and on forums they'd been on that they were defrauding the government, that they were using their fetish and saying that it was actually a medical condition so they'd give them disability. They were medically a baby diaper lover or whatever? Yeah, here's the thing. So they would wear the diapers to fetish role play, but they told the government, I need to wear the diapers because I'm incontinent. So they'd get the disability money.
Starting point is 02:19:20 So the government would pay for their kinky sex. And I found the evidence of that, and they were very upset about that. So that, I think, is what sparked the community to get angry. Howard Stern did a whole thing on the adult baby diaper-wearing people. I guess they have conventions, you know, where – I'm not exaggerating. They fill up these halls with like-minded individuals. And I think there are two sides to the coin. There are the daddies and the babies, right? So, or at least in the one that
Starting point is 02:19:53 I was looking at, the particular thing that they were looking into, the fetish was that you had a grown man who was the baby and he would be in a diaper and you had a grown man who was the daddy and he would be changing the diaper and there were two variants even still of the babies they were those who pooped in the diapers and those who only peed in the diapers and uh their their their fantasies were fuck yeah and they had different they had different role play going on some of the gentlemen who would play the baby role would take on the role of a toddler, like a three-year-old. And they had a mental idea of what they were. They were questioned by this by a Howard Stern staffer, you know, like, well, how old are you in make-believe terms?
Starting point is 02:20:37 Well, sometimes I'm like eight months old and I can't even talk. I can't even tell him what I want. But sometimes I'm like a four old and I can't even talk. I can't even tell him what I want. But sometimes I'm like a four year old, so I can kind of talk to him and baby garble and tell him what I want him to do. And if I'm naughty, he'll make me sit in my poopy diaper. And they're just going back and forth with all this madness. it's hilarious because they you know one of the howard stern staffers is is there with a cat with a microphone asking the hard-hitting questions of these baby diaper aficionados it's fucking great and then of course the the cloppers um you know the the the people who were into um i think they're similar to bronies cloppers yeah yeah the my little pony people yeah cloppers are uh are like
Starting point is 02:21:23 my little pony people who sexualize it, I believe. Although, you know, there's different subsects of each of these groups. It's not weird enough that you're really into this little girl's cartoon. You have to want to fuck the pony, too. Yes, they sexualize the ponies. This is why we need fathers in the home. And not fathers wearing diapers, preferably it's disturbing i'm i remember real quick can i ask like the diaper thing jim probably knows too is the fetish for them that
Starting point is 02:21:54 they enjoy sitting in their own poop and whatnot and being treated like a baby or are they like being stripped down you know baby wiped off and then being fucked in yeah they're role-playing like it's it's twofold i think i mean i i think you have the people that just like the idea of being in a diaper and shitting themselves but i think the majority would fall into the little category which are the people that want to role play as a little baby or a toddler uh and then sexualize it with their partner which gets even weirder like abdl had some you know and i'm the a lot of the sites i cover are public ones like if you if i mentioned deviant art you'd think it's just a bunch of like people drawing sonic shit or something like that but you go there and you start seeing all this stuff and
Starting point is 02:22:34 you take off the uh adult filter you know where they'll show you everything that's on the site and you're like holy crap what the hell is going on yeah i watched your sonic video on deviant art which by the way thank you for introducing me to DeviantArt. I knew what it was, but I'd never gone over there because I thought it was just people posting their cool wallpapers or something. And so when I saw your DeviantArt series, and it was like, you know, Sonic, what could be weird about that? And then it's like Sonic wanting to be fucked and then eaten by tails
Starting point is 02:23:04 or something like that. It was a little macabre, but it was like, God, be like fucked and then eaten by tails or or something like that it was a little macabre but it was like god i need to go poke around this site and so i did and i found vor which i'm sure you know what what that is if you made one of those i didn't see it but yeah yeah there's so much of it i mean the thing that got me into the deviant art series was uh we're we're trying to find the most absurd stuff and there's one guy i think the username was blueberry bitches uh and it's a guy that I think the username was Blueberry Bitches. And it's a guy that wants to have a bike pump shoved up his ass. And he paints himself purple because he wants to be a living blueberry.
Starting point is 02:23:34 Like in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Yeah, yeah. Well, there's so much chocolate. You know, this is like a little German fuck. And I was like, that's too good to pass up. So I did a video on that. And then I started looking at the other stuff. And I was like, yeah, you know, there's a lot of material to work with here for this particular community. Oh, I think I saw that one, too.
Starting point is 02:23:50 So I've been binging your videos. Is that the one where, like, it's like those really, like, semi-erotic videos of, like, a woman, like, standing in a garage. And suddenly, like, her hands explode into wheels. And she's like, what's happening to me? And she just, like, turns into a VW bug or some shit. And then some other dude will walk in and fuck her in the tailpipe. Maybe I made that up. Transformation videos, yeah.
Starting point is 02:24:14 There's some really weird shit on the website. And DeviantArt's been like that forever. We used to do articles about it back in 2012, 2013 for Deviiant art coalition for quality control laughing at it i mean it's consistently weird where do we draw the line and this is a serious question to the group here where did we draw the line with accepting these fetishes but all right so we had um the kids remind who was the furry guest we had it was your movie sucks right or something like that yeah his channel's called your movie sucks he does He does film reviews. He's a furry, a gay furry at that. I was okay.
Starting point is 02:24:48 I was like, all right, you know, cool. I got no problem with that. I accept your federation. We all have our things. We all have our things, right? Like, you're telling me that you like to dress up as a blue dog and have another man dress up as a blue dog and you two get it on.
Starting point is 02:25:03 Nobody's getting hurt. I mean, unless they wanted to. And, you know, I mean, maybe the dry cleaner gets a little extra business. You know, right? Somebody's got to clean those costumes off at the end of the day. I got no problem with your fetish.
Starting point is 02:25:15 It's not mine, but I can sort of understand it because, you know, I like when girls wear lingerie, right? Like, you're not that far off from that if you're dressing. Like, I kind of like those dirty pictures on Reddit. Don't pretend like that's not super far off.
Starting point is 02:25:29 What about when the girls have like the little like bunny ears on and they're like, ooh, ooh, ooh, like being all cutesy. Yeah, and then like the rest of the bunny outfit. When they use the black lipstick and make the nose. Just me? It's not like a whole thing. oh just kind of like nibble on your dick like it's one of those watering spigots i just feed your carrots all day no like what i'm saying is like i can i'm accepting of that i i don't quite i don't quite get it but i'm fine
Starting point is 02:26:02 with it like where do we draw the line though lead the way with what you're think where you think the line is i've got to say like like certainly when anyone like like pedophilia is obviously a line that i think we can all agree upon because there is a participant there if you can call the child that who is either unwilling or unable to make the decision to be unwilling because of immaturity. So that's a clear line. But beyond that, I mean, we've all said that we think bestiality is okay, as long as the animal is doing the fucking. Or big enough to refuse the fucking.
Starting point is 02:26:39 Or if the animal is large enough to refuse said fucking. If you are fucking a chicken wildly inappropriate you should go to jail that chicken can't escape but if you are fucking a tiger or a moose or something on a moose on a step stool whatever the fuck you'd have to do like that moose at any point can go i'm not feeling this and kill you you so i think that's a risk you take show me the man who fucked a bingle tiger in the pussy and i want to shake his i want to shake his hand yeah yeah that tiger he must be pretty good if you guys are you familiar with mr hands at all by the way oh the guy who got uh fucked to death by the horse like that's old internet yeah yeah
Starting point is 02:27:17 yeah so mr hands was a dude that went to a farm because he wanted to get fucked by a salient uh but his buddies i guess didn't think it through nobody really thought well wait a minute if it's like a two-foot horse cock and you know how far can how far are your organs inside of you uh so he got like everything torn apart yeah and they didn't know what to do because this horse ranch catered to gay men getting fucked by horses so they didn't want to call an ambulance so they just dropped him off at the er rang the doorbell and took off and he died from his injuries. So wait, did this guy have like a lightweight intestine? If there's a horse farm that caters to gay men
Starting point is 02:27:50 getting fucked in the ass, was this guy just not good at getting fucked? There's a video of this, by the way. It's not just you're getting fucked by a horse cock. You're getting fucked by the power of a horse. We'd use them for centuries to tow and do things.
Starting point is 02:28:06 About a horsepower. Yeah. It's one horsepower of cock. It's actually two to be fair, but that doesn't matter. Okay. It's two horsepower of cock pummeling your asshole and then your colon and then your intestines and then just the rest. I just feel like if there's a farm that caters to gay men getting fucked by horses and one guy got hurt what's with the one guy you don't you don't you don't think they had an osha representative there
Starting point is 02:28:30 to go hey this this cock isn't regulation i just apparently these other people are doing it and there isn't any trouble what's different about this guy is he is he small i know i can tell you it's fucking sad that i know this but i remember when he was being passed around and the explanation that was offered for it uh from what i understand they were supposed to have a helper uh that was supposed to use their hands to create like a um yeah a little collar to make sure he didn't go full bore but this guy's like fuck it i want the whole thing uh and there's a moment when this is happening after the horse is fully inside of him where you hear him make this kind of grunt that no person should ever make where it's like the grunt
Starting point is 02:29:11 of i've made a serious fucking mistake and something is very badly injured but nobody could get the horse off him because the horse is going full bore on it so uh after the horse finished up they just they carted him off the er dropped him at the door and said nice stadia sir well they couldn't get the horse off him? He didn't respond to a slap on the ass? I don't know if he should be... One of those riding whips? Well, remember, it's a gay horse because it's at the gay bar
Starting point is 02:29:34 of fucking all these men. What if they're hitting him with that crop on either side, just spin him up? I don't know if they have a cowboy on hand to come tame him when he's fucking somebody's guard. Why would you, if you're running a gay horse farm, why would you rely on an assistant to put their hands there? Like, you know how when you're going to the gym and you slide that thing onto it to hold the weights on?
Starting point is 02:29:57 Get a couple of those, slide them on there, and you're not going to have a problem. God, if I ran a gay horse farm, we would have no liability. And you're not going to have a problem. God, if I ran a gay horse farm, we would have no liability. He was not thinking of the logistics, but that was a brutal, brutal fucking video. That's rough. That's rough. I mean, yeah, he was asking for it, though. Like, that's the kind of thing, like, when someone's like, you know, when you go to get fucked by a horse and you die you kind
Starting point is 02:30:27 of have a hard time feeling sorry for him because he went to go get fucked by a horse and he died it's like he knew if any of us were standing there we've been like hey hey it's gonna kill you this you see that is why i and i'm just speaking me, cut it off at donkeys and ponies. Ponies. You want a pony. Horses, too much. Well, yeah, this wasn't like a little horse either. Like, this is a big, bad motherfucking stallion.
Starting point is 02:30:56 Like, yeah, he was going for the top of the line on this one. You really want to get fucked by a donkey or something. Like a breeding stallion. God, what a fucking degenerate well he was one i guess yeah not anymore well kyle where's your line my line um i don't know man like the people whose fetish intrudes upon the lives of of of people who aren't into it like if your thing was doing something in public for example example, I think that's, and by public,
Starting point is 02:31:26 I don't mean like in a car, in a parking lot. Like if it's out there for like, women and children. On the subway. Women, folk, and children to see. Like that's not cool. So there's those guys that like,
Starting point is 02:31:39 masturbate onto women in public. That's a thing. Like I've seen videos of that, where the dude's thing. Well, that's a thing like i i've seen videos of that where the dude's thing yeah the dude like gets himself this close to coming and then he's just looking for a pretty lady like like she'll be sitting at the bus stop or on a bench or something and he just comes up next to her and just blows a load on her shoulder and she doesn't even notice because like i mean you know you're going about your day you're probably on your iphone or something smells all of a sudden.
Starting point is 02:32:06 And she just walks away, and he's filming it. He's like, look at her walk away with my load on her. That's fucked. So things like that are obvious. But I don't know. I just have a hard time getting down with the adult baby diaper people. That one doesn't bother me. So long as everyone involved is a happy participant
Starting point is 02:32:27 knock yourself out yeah i actually agree with woody on that one like as long as they're both consensual and enjoying it like i look at it with revulsion in my heart like that's awful you probably shouldn't do that if there's a child in the house you probably shouldn't be walking around with a diaper who knows what psychological scarring yeah but as long as it's human or an animal smaller than you i don't large bigger than prime or yes large yeah you don't want to go bullying ducks you jerk no and we know jim's strong stance against bullying i'm disappointed that i don't see your uh i was expecting to see your whatever the fuck show, that cartoon kid dancing around in the Billy No Bully shirt. My line isn't really a line.
Starting point is 02:33:14 I draw it at absurd things, obviously, or illegal things like pedophilia, obviously. And I'd agree, too. If you're doing something in public and jacking off on somebody, obviously, you should get your ass thrown in prison. But my stance on it more is just being able to laugh at it. I mean, it's goofy shit. Whether you think it's permissible or you think it's weird or not, it's nice to be able to look at it and say, yeah, that's pretty fucked up. I think I'll laugh at that for a little bit. I think that's kind of what I was getting at. I think it got kind of construed into a legal or illegal thing, but I accept what
Starting point is 02:33:43 our guest was into, and i wouldn't laugh at what he's into because i don't know why but i i don't draw the line there i laugh i would laugh at what he was into you didn't though did you you didn't laugh at his to his face was i on that show i don't know you weren't there wasn't there would you have laughed in his face when he of a guy who goes i like to dress up as kermit the frog and you know give it to someone dressed up as grover to be fair i believe he was the bottom in that situation but yeah yeah basically describe the scenario funny the characters are like if he's the hamburglar or something then it's great he didn't say i don't think you know who knows oh yeah i mean you should be able to do it yeah blue fox have you noticed like the same thing
Starting point is 02:34:25 with all those uh uh other kin it's like a tumblr place in tumblr where people are like i'm not a human i'm a dragon kin i can feel my wings fluttering when i get nervous and shit they're never shitty animals that they identify as they're always foxes or dragons or tigers or lions or sea serpents or an angel like they're never like i identify as you know a raccoon going through the garbage or an arm it's only the cool ones anyway that's far beyond anything here just now in a mindset of trying to think of fucked up shit i've seen on the internet yeah that's what's enjoyable about the internet again that's that's kind of my interest in it i like looking at goofy ship at goofy shit and laughing at it, really. At the end of the day, that's kind of all I'm here for,
Starting point is 02:35:09 because it's full of it. You can't look at one corner of the Internet and not find something absurd. Yeah, I can't imagine how much real effort and research goes into a lot of, especially your Internet Insanity videos. That series is fucking hysterical. The Game Dude one was the best i think uh because that guy went off the rails that was a dude that wanted to be the next james rolf he was going to be like the next chris boars uh and then he found out that he had like a psychotic break and was filming he
Starting point is 02:35:33 like ran and he fled the country because he was stalking a girlfriend and ended up filming dinosaur commercial like dinosaur movies where he's replaying moments in his relationship for three hours on a beach in like mexico it's just something that occurred to me that I have to say. I think Mr. Medeker would really like Shoe Nice. Oh, he's got a video on him. He's done a video on Shoe Nice. Yeah, yeah, did one on him. I'm late, but it was on time.
Starting point is 02:35:56 Good call. Good call, buddy. Yeah. Yeah, you would like Shoe Nice. I guess you did. Yeah, you'll have to pour through Jim's content. Very, very funny shit. I like the hug box stuff.
Starting point is 02:36:08 I wish you would. You should do some more of those if you're not working on them. Oh, yeah, I'll probably end up doing one based on the reaction of the baked thing going from, again, calling him a sellout to getting the Pentagon involved. I really hope that's true. By the way, I hope somebody actually goes to talk to a general about this ridiculous shit because that would be funny to me. It's so absurd and so ridiculous. That would be great. But I appreciate you guys having me on here, especially for all the Wing stuff, because that is going to be most definitely helpful.
Starting point is 02:36:33 And the insights kind of into who he is and his background, I really, really appreciate that. For sure, dude. Welcome back anytime. I'm glad that you hit us up because we are truly Wings of Redemption aficionados, historians, laureates. There is no better resource outside of his own mother. There truly is not. I've lived with a man. I've eaten with a man.
Starting point is 02:36:55 He puts A1 steak sauce on his Mexican food. Okay, this is a unique kind of individual, and I got the skinny, so to speak. All right. Well, thanks again, guys. I had a good time. Thanks for having me on. Yeah, man, thanks for coming. Talk to you later. So, Chiz, do you want us to do our advertisement now, or do you want to?
Starting point is 02:37:17 Yeah, okay. So I'll tell everyone about GetQuip. Really enjoyed Mr. Maniker. When it comes to your health, brushing your teeth is one of the most important parts of your day. Quip knows that. They've combined dentistry and design to make a better electric toothbrush. Quip is the new electric toothbrush that packs just the right amount of vibrations into a slimmer design
Starting point is 02:37:34 at a fraction of the cost of bulkier traditional electric brushes. And guiding pulses alert you whenever you need to switch sides, making brushing the right amount effortless. you whenever you need to switch sides, making brushing the right amount effortless. Quip also comes with a mount that suction cups right to your mirror and unsticks to use a, uh, uses a cover for hygienic travel anywhere, whether it's going in your gym bag or your carry on. And because the thing that cleans your mouth should also be clean, Quip subscription plan refreshes your brush on a dentist recommended schedule, delivering new brush heads every three months for just $5, including free shipping worldwide. Quip is backed by a network of over 10,000 dental professionals,
Starting point is 02:38:08 including dentists, hygienists, and dental students. Most toothbrushes don't get named one of Time Magazine's best inventions of the year, but Quip did. Find out for yourself why. Get Quip starts at just $25, and if you go to slash pka right now, you'll get your first refill pack for free with a Quip electric toothbrush. That's your first refill pack for free at
Starting point is 02:38:29 Spelled Very cool. I'm a big fan. Well, yeah, you just play the thing, eh? Yeah, okay, I'll start it. thing, eh? Yeah, I'm, okay, I'll start it. This episode of PKA is brought to you by the all-new season of the FXX animated comedy Archer, Danger Island, premiering Wednesday, April 25th at 10pm on FXX. The all-new season centers on the semi-functional alcoholic seaplane pilot Sterling Archer as he navigates the mysterious and deadly world of Danger Island, located on
Starting point is 02:39:03 the lush South Pacific island of Mitimotu in 1939. While the rest of the world is concerned about the impending Second World War, Archer is only concerned with who's buying his next drink. Along with his trusty co-pilot Pam, Sterling must navigate quicksand, cannibals, super intelligent monkeys, poison darts, pirates, and did we mention quicksand? Welcome to the mysterious and deadly world of Archer, Danger Island. Watch the all-new season of Archer, Danger Island, Wednesday at 10, That's it. So I'm curious, why did we have to change the mid-roll? Are we just changing it so it's different, or is there something wrong? You guys can't hear me? Hmm, what? You didn't hear me what you didn't hear me are you playing with me no i heard you no we didn't i wasn't sure if we were cool to start yet oh we're cool why did the mid-roll change i think it was just
Starting point is 02:39:58 slightly different yeah it was barely different okay yeah see i i didn't hear kyle record it and i didn't hear you play it so i'm not a good person i just thought maybe something interesting happened but maybe not well we should get medicare back on again at some point jizz because he is a fucking funny dude and woody you are depriving yourself by not checking out his watch his shoe nice video first since you you very you astutely notice that someone who's perfect for him. And he goes so much further than what any of us did, obviously. We had a conversation of like, man, it seems like he's kind of being manipulative and tricking people into donating and stuff like that.
Starting point is 02:40:35 He goes line item by line item, and he does this at this point for this reason and just breaks the whole thing down. So yeah, check that out very good i like all medicare shit anyway kyle i think we had kind of on the agenda after jim left fitness recapping mma fitness hot well we were gonna forego fitness and mma and just talk about oh we're gonna recap the drinking episode. Kyle, I know you had quite a few things to say. I completely
Starting point is 02:41:10 blacked out the entire episode that we did. Not just the parts where I was drunk and forward, but the previous parts where I was just sober, buzzed, tipsy, drunk, wasted. I don't remember sober, buzzed, tipsy, drunk, wasted. Like, no, I don't remember sober.
Starting point is 02:41:27 It's all gone. And so like, I didn't understand why people were like giving me a little bit of a hard time about some of the stuff I said. I was like, I remembered vaguely that I like, I like said something and I was just like, I don't, I doubt I said anything that bad. And then Chiz keeps linking me these clips.
Starting point is 02:41:45 I'm like, oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Poor Alina. Alina. So I will say this. Alina. Look what Lyle did.
Starting point is 02:41:58 That was Lyle. That was Lyle. So first of all, I will say, I usually don't re-watch PKs because I'm here, right? I remember everything we've said and done. I've more than seen it. I've experienced it. But this time, I had to watch. And I loved it.
Starting point is 02:42:15 I thought that the stuff that I was saying about them, while terrible, absolutely ruthless, was fucking hilarious. And every time I would say something, was like i was like ah don't say that i had no idea that the gentleman had an injury i mean i i clearly had an idea that he had an injury in the show because i made a joke about it i was like maybe elena would like a fellow who can walk you know like jesus christ like don't say that that's terrible like like i didn't love them as a guest but i don't hate them as people why am i saying these things just just went on a fucking roll now i have no regrets about any of the things i said about elena and her pooping and beating ponies to death to
Starting point is 02:42:57 fuck her burning ponies to death to fuck her any of that i think those thoughts sober but some of the stuff i said about riley i regretted uh after watching sober and i and i would apologize to to him if if uh if i had any dealings with him in the future and you know if he's listening to this sorry i black out drunk literally just trying to be funny and entertain everyone and also at the end of the show we got into this weird place where i feel like we were just so drunk and still trying to be funny that we just started saying random racist and homophobic things and i i feel like that was just us trying to like blindly lurching to try to make people laugh again i kind of regret that part again i don't remember that oh well you do need to see it again then because we said we said the n-word like i said the n-word eight or nine oh. We said the N-word like eight or nine.
Starting point is 02:43:46 Oh, yeah. You said the N-word. Are you sure? I swear on your children's lives. You said the N-word. We all said the N-word. Does Chiz agree that I said it? I wouldn't swear on your children's life otherwise.
Starting point is 02:43:58 Chiz wrote. Oh, yes, you did. Kyle cares about your children. He wouldn't do that. I do. You know? We all did. And I'll say this.
Starting point is 02:44:06 It wasn't coming from a... And I think if you watch it, you'll see. It wasn't coming from a racist thing. It was coming from a drunk, completely out-of-it person trying to make people laugh and entertain people by being outrageous and obnoxious in that moment. And I didn't think that was funny on a rewatch. Whereas the stuff with LaVagabond and much of the rest of the show i found to be excellent top notch some of the best
Starting point is 02:44:29 work we've ever done um probably because we weren't held back by like any sort of social norms or any sort of tact or no tactfulness or kindness or you know consideration, consideration. None of that. It reminded me of an ONA. It was excellent. It was so funny and so mean spirited, um, that, that, that it was very funny, but, but, but I felt bad about some of the things I said. And I, I honestly had no memory of much of the show. I mean, 10% of the show I remember. And if you had to narrow down, I mean, bits and pieces throughout the four hours, 10% of that I maybe remember. What was the last little bit that you remember? Like the last speck of recollection.
Starting point is 02:45:13 I remember. It's all kind of vague, you know? Like I remember Woody staggering around. I remember Woody talking about his headphones being tight. They were very tight. Yeah, they got much i remember i remember um i remember tucker i mean taylor uh talking about he had his lime i remember that you had lime um yeah for my tequila and that's like it that's like you remember woody had tight headphones and i had limes yeah i swear to god like i have never had so
Starting point is 02:45:45 much to drink like like so i was drinking out of this thing and um like you were pouring some heavy shots i was i i i should fill it up to the mark and then measure it because i feel like i was drinking like maybe not doubles but one and a halves like i was drinking an ounce and a half or two ounces every time and and someone said i had nine i i feel like i had 16 shots of fucking alcohol and over the course of four hours and that is the drunkest i have been in my entire life bar none there was one other time where i got so drunk i blacked out ever in my life it's it's only ever happened that other time and that was on a trip to austin where there were fans buying, buying me tons of drinks. And we were trying to hit every bar down, uh, down the street in Austin. And, uh, and I spent that night on the toilet.
Starting point is 02:46:30 I'll tell you after near a toilet. Anyway, I, after the show, um, I, I, uh, in my head the next day, I remembered spending a little time in the bathroom and vomiting and then going to bed, waking up vomiting. And it happened three times. I remembered vomiting, going to bed and waking up and then vomiting again, going back to bed, vomiting, going back to bed and then sleeping throughout the night. That ain't what happened because Kitty took plenty of pictures to document it for me. I spent the night in the bathroom, the vast majority of the night. And I'm just, you can tell that time is passing because she's bringing me more accessories like at first it's just me curled up
Starting point is 02:47:11 on a cold tile oh he only needs a blanket for now he'll be better soon then all of a sudden there's like some tums there right and then some water appears and like like as the photos go and then you see i'm swiping you know left to right and then there's aspirin And then there's a blanket and like I'm like changing positions throughout the night clearly like like like just on the floor I have no recollection of any of that now the next day by 830 9 a.m I texted the guys I just had eaten like a bowl of oatmeal which I felt like absorbed any further poison that there was in my stomach and
Starting point is 02:47:44 Got me to tip-top shape almost instantly and I was like, ah oatmeal which i felt like absorbed any further poison that there was in my stomach and got me to tip-top shape almost instantly and i was like ah i'm all good now boys i'm all good that wasn't so bad and taylor was like i got a headache and i don't even know if what he responded i don't recall like he maybe said you vomited or something like that the night was much worse than i remembered and i'm glad i'm so glad there was a star trek where the where the characters were being kidnapped tortured tortured terribly, but then their memories were erased, and there was this sort of philosophical question. Like, are you damaged by that?
Starting point is 02:48:13 Well, I don't have any fingernails. They put them back. They experiment on their memory. Literally, they cut their arms off surgically, and they stick it back on. I don't know what the fuck happened like if the next drinking episode we do and i'm happy to do it next week if if anyone wants to there has to be some fucking moderation okay like like like like starting with a 1.75 mil bottle is not a good idea so the first time well the first recent time i was on the bathroom floor throwing up all night the second time you were you can see where this is going we're taking turns oh shit see i i was uh i think i was the only one of us who didn't vomit after
Starting point is 02:49:00 the last episode i didn't either i thought i would i tweeted that i was going to because i didn't think I was lying. But in reality, I just felt terrible. I felt terrible deep into the next day, like 4 p.m. I still felt bad. I went to bed instantly after we finished,
Starting point is 02:49:15 just stumbled to bed, passed out, forgot to put my fucking retainer in, and ground my teeth so bad, I chipped one of my teeth. No! No! And so i had to go a thousand dollar problem oh no it like they'll they'll patch that back up no big deal so it didn't cost anything but like i woke up the next morning and i was like oh my head i feel awful and i like got up
Starting point is 02:49:41 went to the went to the bathroom start used my quip started brushing my teeth i mean i'll throw back to the sponsor excellent toothbrush by the way i love it and i was brushing my teeth and i spit and you're like you know how after you spit you do the like make sure there's no shit in your teeth or anything i did that and i saw a big old divot in my front left tooth yeah it's been it's been fixed by. But the big old chunk taken out of this and I was like, fuck! Fuck! Like, I've only had these, like, forget my retainer
Starting point is 02:50:12 for one day! And then I got it patched up again, which is annoying because I hate going to the dentist. But still, it was like, goddammit, I did pay my due for that drinking episode even if it wasn't vomiting. Chipped my goddamn tooth ground, my teeth so hard.
Starting point is 02:50:26 Cause I was too drunk to remember to put a retainer in. I got to tell you that that's, that was, that was rough stuff. Um, and rewatching it is kind of bizarre, like watching yourself, but not having any memory,
Starting point is 02:50:36 um, of like the stuff happening. It was, it's weird to rewatch it. Right. Like so much vitriol for that 750-pound woman. You're a fucking animal. You should be put in a cave and observed by medical science and poked and prodded.
Starting point is 02:51:01 You keep bringing her back. We haven't finished talking about the fat woman yet. Or maybe that was Tucker. This topic has two more hours in it. Easy. And like Taylor kept forgetting, like we kept saying, like, alright, we're working on the titles now.
Starting point is 02:51:17 The show isn't over. And Taylor would be like, well, now that fucking show's over. Yeah, man. And we're like, the show isn't over, Taylor. What, it's not over? No! We keep telling you. Yeah, there were two times in like the last seven minutes that I thought the show was over.
Starting point is 02:51:37 And it was in a seven minute span at the end. I insisted repeatedly that I was whiter than Taylor and Chiz. Yes. Yes, you did. You maintained that being English was somehow a sign of whiteness. It was bizarre. I still think it's the whitest white. That's why my N-word came up, because Chiz wrote that in the chat, disparaging Sicilians. And I was like, Sicilians are not the n words of europe
Starting point is 02:52:07 like which is what give us a ruling is english the most white what could be whiter maybe german yeah oh scandinavia that's pretty white the whole point is none of it matters we were all wasted we saw we saw and like to quote kyle's point we saw an anchor point for a potential conversation in who's the widest and we're all wasted and so we just it's like almost four hours in so we're just trying to do anything and when you're drunk you're not looking for tactful sly humor you're like if i just say it loud enough and angry enough i'll get a laugh that's all that it is she says Nordic countries. I think it was a rip-roaring success overall.
Starting point is 02:52:49 People seemed to think it was very funny. I thought it was funny. I was thankful that we have 78 more weeks before the next drinking episode. We don't have to maintain any sort of schedule. We're going to do one a month. No, we're not. One a month.
Starting point is 02:53:04 One a month. You guys we're not. One a month. One a month. One a month. You guys are just making me the asshole. You don't even want to do it once a month. Down in the comments below, one a month. One a month. On Woody's Twitter, tweet him. One a month.
Starting point is 02:53:17 He'll never see it there. You're right. Woody never checks his fucking Twitter. That's funny. No, I... So, in my heart, three quarters of the way in, I thought I was the drunkest. Not that I drank the most, but, you know, my tolerance combined with how much I did drink. In hindsight, Kyle was the champion, and that shouldn't be disputed.
Starting point is 02:53:43 Kyle did drink the most, for sure. Wait, wait. Kyle was the drunkest. Is it possible Tucker drank the most? Drank the most? No. I think Tucker was taking... Wasn't Tucker taking real shots?
Starting point is 02:53:55 Yeah. I think due to the... Because Kyle wasn't measuring. Kyle was taking... You may be like, oh, Kyle took 10 shots and Tucker took 12, but Kyle...
Starting point is 02:54:03 Those were some heavy, poor shots Kyle was taking, especially towards the end. It was foolish. I was drinking. Because when I'm drinking, like watching a movie or something, what I'll do is I'll pour like, I've always heard them refer to fingers. You know, like, you know, they're like, oh, yeah, give me two fingers of gin. You know, and that's, you know, that's this much. Right. So I'll pour myself two fingers of this stuff and I'll down that and I'll usually drink at least one or two more.
Starting point is 02:54:29 And that gets me real good and buzzed to like watch a movie and like eat some popcorn or something. I'm having a great time at that point. And I was kind of used to pouring about that amount. I don't know how much I was drinking. I should have used a shot glass. I don't think own one um because i don't usually drink like that i just like i said i just pour a couple fingers of that stuff i don't drink you should own one i drink doubles yeah you should own one just for measuring out your your well i have a whole like fancy mixing kit that that has like a like a bartender's like one ounce and two-ounce thing and a shaker and all that stuff.
Starting point is 02:55:06 But I should have gotten that out, I guess. And you use that to drink Grand Gala straight. No, no, I don't. But I could have measured one ounces out every time, which is what I should have done. And I think it's what I would have done if I'd known that you were going to be quite such the cheerleader that you were. Because re-watching the footage once again uh taylor
Starting point is 02:55:26 okay taylor was was driving us forward like we were a team of fucking horses i don't know if you remember this you were my sled dogs and i was keeping you in line he fucking mush every 20 minutes or something you know what you know what time it is time to drink again yeah woody i'll wait for you i'll wait for you. I'll wait for you, Woody. I'm here. I'm here waiting for you, Woody.
Starting point is 02:55:48 Like, oh yeah, all right then. Glug, glug, glug, glug, glug.
Starting point is 02:55:52 Smash. Just, it got real fucking out of hand. Like Tucker was taking his shot. I would take my shot. Woody would take his shot. Or shot amount. And you would be like,
Starting point is 02:56:02 a three second pour into a glass. And then have to do like a two swallow to do your shot, which is a sign the shots too large. Yeah. They were like full, like mouthful gulps. Like I couldn't drink more in one swallow if I'd wanted to every time. Um,
Starting point is 02:56:19 I had one or two that was big. I remember my first one, like everyone's like shot, shot. And I was drink. Uh, if if if anyone watches the first shot but there were some small ones i took too i'm just not a drinker i don't want to be a drinker i people were like one guy wrote me like seven or eight paragraphs on how to
Starting point is 02:56:38 be a better drinker you know and like the attitude i need to go in the fun don't worry about the hangover this and that. And he really laid out. They seem to be an expert on the topic. But to me, that's like an article on how to be a better cutter. You know, like it's not something I'm looking for. Across the street, you're just looking for attention. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 02:57:03 You know, scratch your inner thigh. No one looks there. the street you're just looking for attention yeah right you know scratch your inner thigh no one looks there that's uh russell crowe has a really interesting drink i i want to try to find exactly what it is but ed sheeran was telling the story of russell crowe teaching him how to drink because ed sheeran was like partying a lot i guess and then he'd have to do these shows and he was like i'm i'm not able to perform you know i'm getting hung over and stuff. And he's got this drink that he comes up with. It's, I want to find exactly. So we proceeded to knock off, let's see.
Starting point is 02:57:33 It's something with like passion fruit juice and ice and tequila and lots of water. I wish I could find it. I think I'm looking at the same article you're looking at, Chiz, but I don't know if it says exactly what's in it here. Anyway, it seemed that the way to avoid the hangover, it was ice, a bottle of Silver Patron, and a good bit of Passion Fruit. And I guess the ice was adding a lot of water to the mix,
Starting point is 02:58:00 and then he was drinking a lot of water. I felt like I drank a lot of water. I drank that entire bottle of Fiji, and then I had a glass of water that I was sipping on after that and that did not help i make it maybe i'd be dead otherwise i don't i might be like kyle perhaps drank the most alcohol but i think i drank the most water i mean jackie was coming in with those waters like on a rotation. Yeah. And those, I drank like glasses, seven LaCroix's throughout the night. It's a lot too. But I think a couple of those were probably after we finished.
Starting point is 02:58:33 I don't remember though. I guess that's where I hang over anyway though. And, and to Chiz's point just now, I did not have a hangover. Like I was fine the next day. I mean, I didn't feel a hundred percent,
Starting point is 02:58:41 but I had no headache or nausea. My head was fucking killing me the next day. Felt awful. Like, you know when you do, like, the hangover test, and you give your head a little shake like that to see if you're hungover? Yeah. And if you, like, give it a nice little shake, and you don't feel anything, you're like, all right, I'm solid.
Starting point is 02:58:59 I gave my head a nice little shake, and I was like, oh! Oh, there's, like like fucking marbles everywhere in there just like click clacking off the side of your skull i was sensitive to light i went downstairs in the living room and just pulled every shade and and claimed the room as mine and i think i slept on a blanket on the couch that day yeah well it was uh fr morning, so I had to go to an early meeting. That's great. And I was sitting there thinking, like, God, those fucking cunts. Yeah. Like, just sleep and do whatever they want.
Starting point is 02:59:33 Thank God I have no responsibilities until Tuesday night. Until Tuesday night. I think I'll be all good by Tuesday night. Did you see this YouTuber who was feeding homeless people Oreos with toothpaste in them? No, that's not very nice. Were they requesting
Starting point is 02:59:54 Oreos with toothpaste in them? Not with their teeth, though. I considered their oral hygiene at the time, so apparently this YouTuber named... Face is jail. Yeah, he's in big trouble in Barcelona. He was feeding Oreos with toothpaste to a homeless man
Starting point is 03:00:10 and joked that it would help him with a long overdue clean. His name is Kangua Rin, I think I'm pronouncing that right, known as Reset, R-E-S-E-T. He's got more than a million subs, filmed himself filling the biscuits, cookies, with toothpaste and replacing them in their package before feeding five of them to the homeless man in January. Well, he didn't stop at one.
Starting point is 03:00:32 As the 52-year-old man named by authorities as George L. ate the cookies, the YouTuber jibed, maybe I've gone a bit far, but look at the positive side. This will help him clean his teeth. I think he hasn't cleaned them since he became poor well you know he did he was sensitive about it and he apologized so you know i'll move on man what about a tone deaf way to respond to that oh he's been ordered to pay 30 000 euros in compensation to the homeless man. Dude, I'll eat five Oreos with cat shit in them.
Starting point is 03:01:09 If you give me $30,000, oh wait, he also fed someone cat shit. Wait, did he really? That's what I'm being told. That's what I'm being told here on the Discord. I don't believe you. Are you being a jokester right now?
Starting point is 03:01:24 Reset is currently on jail awaiting judgment hey has previously offered sandwiches filled with his cat's shit to children and elderly people the court heard he fed cat shit to people too yeah just like chiz just linked the quote just a year earlier he apparently tried to offer sandwiches filled with cat feces to children and the elderly oh no that's not funny i mean it's a little funny it's a little funny but you you shouldn't do that yeah no that's horrible yeah yeah i don't think you should go to jail for this did he did he force the cookies into the man's mouth or did he go eat this cookie um well he offered the cookies to the man you know
Starting point is 03:02:07 he's a homeless man presumably on a sidewalk hungry and he was offered like it looks like the single serving sleeve of oreos you know it's just one oreo round and long it looks like he's handing him the whole thing i bet the video has been taken down i'm almost positive it would have been taken down at this point according to this this, he made 2,000 euros from that video, which seems like an exaggeration, but Jesus Christ. Prosecutors said that, oh man, witness tampering. Here we go. Prosecutors said that Reset had later deleted the video and offered the homeless man 300 euro for his silence in an attempt to, quote,-establish his image and ingratiate himself with public opinion jesus christ see that's pretty fucked up that's that that's i don't like that
Starting point is 03:02:54 like like we joke about the homeless and like integrating them into sort of bits and stuff but feeding them like something that's not food by tricking them even, it is... The cat poop was pretty outrageous. The toothpaste... I feel like if you... All right, this is not going to be a popular opinion, perhaps, but you give the guy a toothpaste cookie, and then you pay him $300
Starting point is 03:03:17 so that he forgives you 300 euros. It doesn't seem like... You know what? I feel like I've had worse pranks played on me with no euros at all. Yes, but you're not in a vulnerable position, right? Yeah, not like a homeless fella. This guy wasn't eating those cookies
Starting point is 03:03:38 because he felt like a cookie. He was hungry. And presumably after he ate the first one and it didn't taste good. He was just so hungry. He ate a second one and it didn't taste good he was just so hungry he he ate a second a third a fourth and yes a fifth there was a fifth toothpaste oreo yes there was a fourth crow if you must have yeah that that is pretty fucked there are so many other ways to do funny pranks that don't involve
Starting point is 03:04:02 throwing backpacks full of fake bombs at people and uh because i remember we watched that a while ago and feeding toothpaste to the homeless yeah if anything couldn't you do something where like you got a potato gun and a bunch of rolls of pennies like they do at the bank you know i'm following you would like tell the homeless person like you know make a fake goal for them and you say every shot you save that's money in your pocket and so then you just stand a bit away and you fire shit at them and they're gonna save all of them because you're not trying to score you're trying to hit them yeah you know and so they get hit with like heavy heavy rolls of coins over and over and and they get to keep all of it at the end and it's not pennies because we're not taxless dimes at least a roll a roll of dimes is let's see 50 dimes five dollars yeah see so
Starting point is 03:04:53 dimes would be good not nickels because that would be heavier and they'd probably quit sooner but yeah that's only two bucks yeah there you go so yeah fire dimes at the homeless have you ever thought about that like you know those rolls of money yeah you see in like drug movies and shit where they're like just perfectly cylindrical yeah if you put one of those in like a t-shirt gun if i were like a billionaire and i could just like drive through dangerous areas in my bulletproof limousine and like pop out intermittently and just like fire twenty thousand dollars of cash hard hard at some dude and it'll hit him like a punch in the chest but then he'll quickly realize his anger will turn to glee yeah and then his glee will turn to fear as the rest of the homeless
Starting point is 03:05:37 begin encroaching on the pile of money surrounding him and you just sit back and relax you guys haven't thought about this in great detail often no no not not recently i i don't know the warren buffett he should do that southwest 1380 have you guys followed that flight at all the whole is that the plane where the engine exploded the window blew out and the woman got sucked halfway through the window and she died and they pulled her back but she died of cardiac arrest i'm exactly sure how that works i bet she was fat she didn't fit through the window if she was fat do you think southwest is going to be like this is circumstantial any hyper stressful environment like that did you listen to the captain they had a recording with the um with the air traffic aircraft traffic controller the atc she was amazing i teared up listening to just how great she was at the whole thing i'd play it it's like seven minutes long so
Starting point is 03:06:41 it might be too long but how was she so great? Like just the way she handled it or like what really got to you? She was cool as a cucumber the entire time. The aircraft traffic controllers were also very good. They had a lot to do. They had a lot of shit to handle. She's in a hurry to descend, to lose altitude because, you know, the people in the back, they don't have air. Someone's getting sucked out.
Starting point is 03:07:03 She's like, I need to get down to 11,000, 8,000. They've been working on it. She needs a long final, which is the straight part of the approach as you head towards the landing strip. And just she was polite. She was cool, calm. And she's like, all right, I'm going to need a dedicated channel to get to the final. Good day. And I'm like, oh, my God.
Starting point is 03:07:24 She wished them a good day, which is kind of how. She the final and good day and i'm like oh my god she's she wished them a good day which is kind of how she's actually said good day yeah yeah which is what they say as they um switch from one frequency to another it almost means goodbye but uh if you guys haven't seen it yet check out that log it's all over youtube which is where i watched it she's amazing and and just like cool calm stuff like you know hey yeah we're gonna want some uh fire trucks on engine number one that's the captain's side and uh oh yeah by the way um looks like someone got sucked out a window we're gonna want some medical there i'm waiting for us as we arrive and you know everyone on both sides is just like okay get medical yep yep we'll have that there for you and uh she landed on one engine right next to the fire trucks and they squirted her with uh
Starting point is 03:08:10 foam or something it was dude i i she was better than sully she it was amazing it was quite the feat ah come on i don't know about that he landed a plane that shouldn't have been able to to be landed in the water and saved everybody she lost a woman all right did lose a woman i i he had no runway people said he landed on the water people second guess sully they say uh that he landed on the water and he should have put it down in an airport now no one died so i guess it was a good call. But it was questionable. He might have made it back to the airport. I don't know. I don't know enough about piloting.
Starting point is 03:08:56 If he made it 80% to the airport and then smashed that motherfucker into Ramada, they'd be talking, they'd be, why did you land in the water? What the fuck? Come on. Everybody lived. What, they sunk a jet? Big deal. Yeah, I'm guessing.
Starting point is 03:09:09 I don't know much about this, but I think that if you land a jet, it would have had wheels. I don't know why I just assumed it would be a belly landing. But yeah, he lost the plane. But I don't know. Yeah, there's some insurance adjuster somewhere who's like, you couldn't have made it another mile and a half. Come on. God damn it.
Starting point is 03:09:24 You know, I would have liked it more mile and a half come on god damn it you know i would have liked it more is as they were getting everybody off the plane he was like barricading himself in the cabin like the the cockpit being like no a captain goes down you got that kind of captain that only applies to boats sir sir not me I'm going down in this 737. It's a boat now, bitch! I'm drinking till the end as he frantically unscrews little bottles of wine. She was amazing. So I started looking into her.
Starting point is 03:09:56 And apparently she was the first female fighter pilot captain ever. She flew F-18 Hornets. And she just broke barriers her whole career. Almost like if you're going to have an emergency like this, she'd be a good pilot to pick, and she nailed it. I was pretty excited. This was the first U.S., I guess.
Starting point is 03:10:16 Yeah, death since 2009. So that was almost like a 10-year streak. Yeah. Ruined. Before Fatty McFatty got sucked halfway out but how do you get sucked halfway out i just told you how fatty mcfatty was the key there yeah so what happened was an engine part of her got sucked out like an arm got sucked out top half oh her head got sucked out yeah her ass is just in the plane that's how i pictured it are you right are
Starting point is 03:10:46 you guessing i'm guessing because it's the most comedic way to get half sucked out of plane yeah it's how i pictured it yeah it certainly wasn't like a thigh or something i don't know i was just trying to think like she must have had the window seat right reading her book playing her candy crush and then the thing off the uh engine, breaks it, shatters the window. Immediately, like, is it like the way we see in the movies where you just get sucked out? Apparently. Well, I don't care for this. I don't want to sit next to the engine anymore.
Starting point is 03:11:18 Oh, I hate sitting next to the engine anyway. It's so loud. Yeah, but sometimes you get that seat next to the engine where there's not a seat directly in front of you and you get that extra leg room you know i like that now when i was like that when they come by and they're like hey are you willing to risk everything to save everyone on this plane and it's like when the time comes it won't fucking matter if i don't when i was like there is an airplane accident we're looking for sir the the metal fatigued on the top of the plane and just got sucked off it blew off like the hood on a car, just gone. And first class got sucked out of their seats and died.
Starting point is 03:11:51 And everyone was like, well, fuck them anyway. It's like the national response. Oh, you got 200 extra dollars? Go fuck yourself. And you know, there's just one like woman on there. It's like, I've been flying since 47 never once sat up front now's the time for edna to live the high life my grandchildren treated me when i asked for a hurricane this isn't what i expected you know oh man that's so fucked to die
Starting point is 03:12:19 on an airliner like i gotta admit like whenever i'm on a plane and things get bumpy or it's going up and down i have no fear because i just have this belief that like these things are safe as fuck like like they just are they're just so safe now like like i i just have no fear no matter what it does like like it's it's like being a passenger in a car with a professional driver like no matter what he does i'm just like dude you got this this is what they pay you to do i have no fear of this but but you kind of have to suspend that fear in order for you to not be like freaking out you know like because if you were serious i wouldn't be able to suspend it if i was being suspended out a goddamn jet window at 30 000 feet and four i don't know how fast 550 miles per hour at no point was she thinking these are really safe
Starting point is 03:13:07 she died smiling it was more of a frozen grimace oh shit that's fucked man that would be and you'd imagine like telling your family what happened to like mom or grandma or whatever yeah she uh she got sucked out the window kids what what yeah yeah so forever that in southwest you all choose your own seating you semi semi-brought this upon yourself. That's great. If you're like a nine-year-old kid and your mom is the one who got sucked halfway out a window and died or whatever, there's no way you could ever fly again without fear, right?
Starting point is 03:13:59 Like that's always... Chiz, did someone you know get sucked out of an airplane? Is that what this has all been about? Is there an 09 incident? Was that related to you? Is that why they call you the ground or the greyhound?
Starting point is 03:14:17 The greyhound. Groundhog. Groundhog's a better nickname than greyhound. Man, that's fucked. Man, that's fucked. Yeah, that is fucked. That's so sad, like, for the family of that person, you know? Because it's like, even among random deaths, that's got to be one of the most random,
Starting point is 03:14:38 to die in a plane crash where it's not even a plane crash, it's just one person on the plane dies. Like, how many times has that happened ever's just one person on the plane dies. Like, how many times has that happened ever, where one person on the plane dies? Right, just right like... It just sucked that person out the window. Like, I... Fuck you in particular.
Starting point is 03:14:56 Maybe she was an evil person. Like, that's the kind of, like... That almost seems like God reached down and was like, no more. Maybe the devil did it. Maybe she was the good person. But if she died of cardiac arrest... That almost seems like God reached down and was like, no more. No more of you. Maybe the devil did it. Maybe she was the good person. But if she died of cardiac arrest, God did it just after.
Starting point is 03:15:11 I don't think the devil has that power. Taylor can correct me, but I don't believe the devil can influence. None of it's real. Consider yourself corrected. It's like having a competition of who can imagine the bigger goblin. What? Mine's just bigger than a skyscraper. Mine lives in space and is the size of the sun.
Starting point is 03:15:36 Oh, yeah. Yeah, no. But that does fucking suck. Yeah. Because, I don't know, every time i hear about a tragedy like that i always go back and i always think what was that person thinking 30 minutes before that what were they thinking that morning you know when they were buying a coffee that morning did they know that like they obviously didn't know this is the last cup of coffee you're gonna have
Starting point is 03:16:00 in your whole life when they took a shit that day this is the last shit you're ever gonna take in your life this is the last piss this is the last step the last time you're going to be standing like do you guys get like that where you think about it where it's like they didn't even realize like if i had a brain aneurysm right now and died like i wouldn't have known that that the last time i stood on two legs was when i was sitting down here. Time to shine, baby! Put me in, coach! No remorse. I would hope so. Is Chase ever going to be on the show again?
Starting point is 03:16:38 Who knows? Probably not. He doesn't seem to have any desire to. He just wrote, moving on. Was that in response to my question? Or is that there already? He was telling us to move on from the plane shit. Oh,
Starting point is 03:16:49 I have it. Somebody. Oh, I'm Taylor dying. Yeah. Oh, fuck you. I,
Starting point is 03:16:55 somebody wrote me and I saved it. I, let's see where this goes. Am I a coward? Yeah. Hey, Woody, I don't know why I'm writing this, but I just want to tell someone as i've always seen you as a father figure i'm in my early 20s in the middle east but in time i've had the privilege of living in the u.s but i'll have to go back to my country eventually the thing is i no longer believe in the islam face i'm sorry faith and if you are muslim
Starting point is 03:17:23 and muslim and leave you are killed. That's Islam for you. In my country, I don't think that I'll be killed, not right away at least, but definitely I will be put in prison if I voice my thoughts. But that's not the worst to me. What's worse is my family believes that shit. I'm afraid that they will turn their backs on me and they'll never hurt me physically of that I know, but my family is everything to me they're my friends my mentors my support if I lose them I'll lose everything that's meaningful in my life when I'm with my friends here in the U.S. who are all Muslims and really good people I pretend that I'm still a Muslim myself I feel like a coward every time I do it I have no one in my immediate life to talk to
Starting point is 03:18:01 about this I don't know why I'm even bothering you with this i wanted to tell someone i want to ask if i am a coward for pretending in front of other muslims that i'm still one of them sorry for the long message uh i just need to get this off my chest a little more so this guy pretends to be a muslim partly just to get in socially and partly to avoid physical problems, you know, beat up jail, et cetera. Is he a coward for this? Pretending?
Starting point is 03:18:31 Hell no. I didn't think so either. Not at all. Like you're being smart. You're being tactful. You live in a country. Like if, if we all lived in the U S and it was illegal to not be a Christian and they
Starting point is 03:18:43 would send you to prison or something like that,'d be arguing which was the most christian yeah the anglican church like of course you're not a coward dude like you don't want to die or get executed like the fact that you were like yeah she just brought up a good point was anne frank a coward no she was hiding from the nazis because she would have been executed. Or she was executed eventually. But like, yeah, no. In the U.S., he does it so that he fits in a little better. And I feel like even that is just being sort of socially responsible.
Starting point is 03:19:19 I don't know. If I'm at somebody's Thanksgiving and they start praying, I look down and I'm quiet. Yeah, you just kind of let it happen and there are definitely faiths like particularly islam where if you are an apostate and you leave the religion like it's not just all right well we'll go to church without you on sundays it's like no every link in your life is shattered like your your family even immediate family might disown you uh well mormons will do that more than like christians but it's rare for like if you get out of mormonism that they'll just totally excise you unless they're like hard hardcore mormon they'll excommunicate you but that just just means that your family can still associate with you.
Starting point is 03:20:06 They're not supposed to let you be a bad influence on them. A lot of cults operate that way. I was listening to a Joe Rogan podcast with Leah Romini, who was the lady from King of Queens, if any of you have seen that show. Yeah, yeah. She was born and raised in the Church of Scientology. And so she was talking about how your whole life revolves around it. If you leave, your family won't talk to you anymore. They won't associate with you.
Starting point is 03:20:34 They'll disown you. You don't just lose that aspect of your faith out of your life. We have to fill that hole, your God hole, as Dennis calls it. You have to fill your social needs hole and your financial needs hole if you had a job that was with other Mormons or other Scientologists or Muslims or whatever. It's really shitty.
Starting point is 03:20:54 I'm glad it's not like that here. Hasidic Jews, they'll do that as well. Would you associate with a Scientologist, Taylor? Like if you met a girl and otherwise she was all good, you liked her her but she was a scientologist could you date her no what if she gave great blow jobs no there's a lot of girls out there that can suck dick yeah like i i definitely like because it would even if she was like oh i'm totally cool with this whatever that's only a temporary thing because Because if she is, you know, steadfast and wanting to remain a Scientologist,
Starting point is 03:21:28 she would have to either convert me or hide me as like a secret boyfriend or something because they would not allow that in the church. What if she was massively racist? Could you deal with that? But not to like all the races. Like what if she just hated Jews? But whenever they came, like she was full blown though. She was a Holocaust denier. What if she just hated Jews? But whenever they came... She was full-blown, though.
Starting point is 03:21:47 She was a Holocaust denier. What if it wasn't Jews? What if it was Jamaicans? Just a little subset of people. Only Jamaicans. She just hates Jamaicans so much. She sees that yellow, green, and red, or whatever the fuck it is,
Starting point is 03:22:00 and goes crazy. Every time she hears steel drums. Those steel bongos. Could you date a Jamaican hater? You know, a Jamaican hating Scientologist, I don't think that's sweetening the deal for me at all. Would you? Could either of you date a Scientologist. I don't think that's sweetened the deal for me at all. Would you? Could either of you date a Scientologist? Think about it.
Starting point is 03:22:29 No, not a Scientologist. No. So I could date her, but almost for the curiosity factor, you know? I would love to get on the inside of that thing. Like, I'll tell you what, in Atlanta here, we have a Hindu temple. And when you drive past it, I'm not exaggerating. Let me find you some pictures of that thing. Like, I'll tell you what, in Atlanta here, we have a Hindu temple. And when you drive past it,
Starting point is 03:22:46 I, I'm not exaggerating. Let me find you some pictures of this thing. It is beautiful. Like I, I have no interest in becoming a Hindi or whatever, but God, this thing makes me want to like,
Starting point is 03:23:00 look at these images at how spectacular this thing is. So, so I have a similar like fascination with Scientology because it's such a closed, weird thing. Like, I think I would like to get on the inside, especially if they didn't. See, here are the negatives to Scientology as I see them, right? They milk you of money. Like, it's not like you can just go to Bible class and learn. Like, these levels cost money, right? They milk you of money. It's not like you can just go to Bible class and learn. These levels cost money, right? And you end up spending hundreds and hundreds of thousands of
Starting point is 03:23:32 dollars to get to a higher tier level, millions of dollars if you're capable of it. And I think they charge you more based on what they think they can get out of you. If you've got fifty thousand dollars to your name guess what the next level costs $49999 for a limited time so i i wouldn't want to be a part of anything like that that cost a lot of money or any money whatsoever really but if you could just get in there and see what was what i find it fascinating i i so i think i could date a girl who was a scientologist in that regard but like i i wouldn't want to be held to any standards or anything i wouldn't want to affect me if you haven't listened to that joe rogan with leah ramini about scientology you should it's really interesting to get like the insider perspective on it uh she was talking in it about how like Tom Cruise is not just another high ranking guy or whatever level he was on. Like he, like she was saying, like, you, you do not question Tom. Like what Tom says goes like when Tom was on set doing his movies and like, you know, the other actors are like,
Starting point is 03:24:41 Hey, can you bring me a water? And some, I don't know what they're called there, you know, some PA or something will run off who works for the studio or whatever, get him some water. Tom Cruise, apparently, is totally inculcated in like a bubble of Scientology assistance. So when he is like, hey, bring me a cucumber sandwich or whatever, one of them will run off and get it. Like he's not even talking to non-scientologists in those environments like they they have like almost a shell around him sorry go ahead so what what made that part interesting to me was that tom wasn't as crazy as i thought right you hear it and you're like oh he believes in aliens and this and the xanadu is going to come down and he's uniquely qualified to save it.
Starting point is 03:25:26 No. This motherfucker is getting his yard cut. He's getting water delivered to him. Everyone else is pouring money into this thing. And he, on the other hand, is the recipient of all these services. He's not going broke from Scientology. Scientology wants Tom. He's the guy who's getting his dick sucked by his religion.
Starting point is 03:25:47 Scientology is blackmailing Tom. Scientology has him as their figurehead, right? Like, that motherfucker paid in, just like Travolta paid in. No. Yes. Oh, yeah. They've got shit on him for sure, probably. They do on Eric's.
Starting point is 03:26:01 And it seems like Tom and maybe travolta too are the people at the top of the multi-level marketing thing here and they get this shit they get babied they get treated right no they get babied in a way after all that auditing that that especially john travolta did they've been blackmailing him to be part of that thing for a decade or more like that's just how it works those people don't want to be there like you don't think they can get a cucumber sandwich as tom cruise like that's john travolta how could you say that john travolta owns a fleet of planes you know he's got he's got a 747 literally in his backyard he's got a runway has a runway yeah yeah that motherfucker doesn't need scientology scientology needs him and they keep him
Starting point is 03:26:46 there you know he bought that runway maybe scientology put the runway in for him oh i who who knows if they helped or not i don't know documents but he's had that runway for like 25 or 30 years or something like that i i there's a reason that many of these niche you know religious organizations have different words for what they call youiting in Scientology, where it's like you sit down with someone, everything is recorded, you hold on to whatever and so they basically just gather tons and tons of info on you getting you to spill your guts and then you know 12 years later or whatever if tom cruise or whoever is like i don't want to be in the church anymore i've paid enough i'm leaving they'll be like oh well you know that would be a shame if you know someone learned about xyz i i hear you i i don't know the way that i've watched a couple scientology documentaries and i saw of course the podcast with her on it leah whatever um
Starting point is 03:27:51 my understanding is there are a few people who are winning at this scientology thing a couple leaders in it and tom cruise is one of those few i don't think so at all according to going clear they're being blackmailed you know the whole hbo documentary like that's that's what i think it's more like they're you're definitely right that they're no slouch in that ranking system i don't know i think it goes to nine uh nine levels like they're really high up but i feel like the group that's really benefiting is the ones even higher than them like the i don I don't know, board administrators. I don't even know how you would refer to them.
Starting point is 03:28:28 The heads of the church. They're the ones making the decisions and no matter how high you get, you're not making the calls like that. I don't know. It's so fucking convoluted and confusing. There's key holders in any of these power structures and you have to reward the people who hold the keys to your power.
Starting point is 03:28:44 If the guy on the very, very top is the only person who likes the situation, that doesn't last. They get rid of the top guy. It does if he's blackmailing you. The documentary claimed that Scientology chiefs hold a black PR package on Travolta with all of the disclosures he made during auditing sessions. During these sessions, a trained auditor asked pointed questions such as, During these sessions, a trained auditor asked pointed questions such deal i think that you get these stars to be your figure heads to bring in the peons which are then put literally in slave camps and like like they pay to work for you you know and and then in turn they're blackmailed. And then there's a lot of people who have gone missing, right?
Starting point is 03:29:46 You know, a lot of people who have died. And there was that lady who was like boiled in a bathtub in their hotel. Wait, what? Yeah. I did not hear about this. How do you boil water in a bathtub? Do you have to bring it up boiling and then like quickly torture the person? Because it'll cool off.
Starting point is 03:30:05 Let me get it. Then you just have a tub of lukewarm water man i feel very lucky that i was not brought up in one of these fringe religions 10 strange deaths connected to the church of scientology thank you chiz oh they've got them by name yeah here we go yeah look at the oh maybe you're on the same is it the list verse patrice big the xenu scroll down on the on my link look at the third one down that's the uh that's the person who was boiled alive in a bathtub death listed as drowning drowned in boiling water holy shit some rough deaths here. I guess most deaths are pretty rough. They call it the lobster.
Starting point is 03:31:11 If you're going to drown someone, be a decent person and just do it in regular temperature water. Right. What temperature would you prefer, Taylor? Something comfortable. As I slip into death, I would like it to be a little, maybe like 87 degrees. Too much, too much, too much. No, 68, 72, something down there. That's where you want to be drowned.
Starting point is 03:31:29 This makes a good point. Maybe you want to go into full-on shock from very cold water and then sort of drift down into the... I think your body lasts longer in that situation. That's why people get trapped under the ice. I'm imagining someone holding my head under in a bathtub like this, where they're, you're going to drown, you're going to die. I don't know if any temperature is going to make it. Can you just hit me with a lead pipe, Sons of Anarchy style?
Starting point is 03:31:54 Yikes. Just shoot me. Can I do another question? This one has me curious. Another AMA. How do you guys feel about where YouTube gaming is in 2018 compared to when you were in your prime,
Starting point is 03:32:06 considering the perks and opportunities that weren't available to you back then, such as all expense paid trips out to events to play games early and the exponential growth in popularity, i.e. 500 subs, 500,000 subs back in 2010 is like 5 million. Now are you guys regretful?
Starting point is 03:32:22 Your peak in the scene wasn't later are you okay with being vanguards of youtube gaming never peaked in the scene so it doesn't apply to me some of those things i actually got like all expense paid trips um i've been on a couple of those actually but yeah that's not that big of a deal it's not even that great like you play the game for a short while not in an environment where you really enjoy it everyone you play against is really good because there are other youtube gamers or pro gamers or something and uh i always felt pressured like to get a gameplay in an environment against good players so they didn't just didn't love it
Starting point is 03:32:59 um but as far as the the core of it like, do I wish I peaked later? I guess later would be better, right? You know, because my peak, at my best, I would routinely come in the mid-60s on YouTube, like 65th for views and 67th for growth that day, which is pretty big. Like, nowadays, that would be a person who gets a million views every video and uh and there would be a lot of money for that so i feel like i'm almost a baseball player in the 80s yeah i did well yeah i did well not like today was well today's well this is when you want to be a pro baseball player not in the 80s on the other hand it's also difficult to nail it down though because it's pro baseball player, not in the 80s. It's also difficult to nail it down, though, because it's like that pro baseball player in the 80s,
Starting point is 03:33:48 who knows if he would achieve a comparable level of success today. For sure, yeah. And also, be happy with what I got. We just talked about how I got drunk on Thursday night, and my next responsibility was Tuesday night. I'm thankful for that. I rolled a six-sided die and got a five, and now I'm going to fuss that it's not a six?
Starting point is 03:34:13 Be happy. So that's kind of where I am on this. Of course I wish that I was one of those guys making $400,000 a month, but I'm in no position to complain. Yeah, it's a good take. And I've always known it too. Like I passed Hutch at one point, right? Hutch might have passed me back.
Starting point is 03:34:34 I don't pay close attention. But I didn't think to myself like, oh, the reason I passed Hutch is because I'm so much better. I always knew the reason I passed Hutch is because I'm so much better. I always knew the reason I passed Hutch is because I'm the next gen. And there's a generation after me that will pass me and a generation after them that will pass them. And everybody's achievements and fame and money will be better than the one that the generation before them got. Woody, you'll be happy to know you're still 231,000 subs ahead of Hutch.
Starting point is 03:35:03 So by your metric, you're still 231 000 subs ahead of hutch so by your metric you're you're solid absolutely yeah no yeah i think that you know the way the the question was was framed is a is a bit off because like i always got free trips you know everywhere that i went and uh you know like all kinds of perks and stuff you know like like i wouldn't usually go to the YouTube line. I would usually go to a private kind of thing with the developers because oftentimes the reason I was being invited was to do some sort of a featured video for them or something like that. So it would just be me on my own playing the game,
Starting point is 03:35:36 especially if it was a single-player game. I got to play... What's that game that you like, Woody, that's sort of a cartoony... It's got a weird art style. Oh, Borderlands. Yeah, I remember getting to play that Borderlands game that you like woody that's sort of a cartoony it's got a weird art style oh borderlands yeah i got i remember like getting to play like that borderlands like months and months way before it came out and like a private kind of session and a bunch of games like that like rage and stuff
Starting point is 03:35:53 like that um so so you know that that's not really the the top of the heap like perk wise or whatever um but yeah of course you know the uh people are getting paid more and more money although i'm not sure i don't know with the current youtube situation i don't know if they're if they're making it's it's a weird comparison to draw but uh but i think yeah the later i think people are probably getting paid more now than they got paid then but it really depends on what exactly you're doing i was doing something kind of different than everybody else you know it wasn't really did you peak around ninth on youtube ninth yeah yeah i mean that's really cool that guy today is like bigger than jay-z right yeah like like you know it if you peaked at ninth in 2018 you're like i don't know like people more people know about you than marvel universe or something like
Starting point is 03:36:48 i'm fucking all the blue fox pussy i can get a hold of it's it's so big ninth in i don't know 2013 or something i'm not sure uh was awesome ninth in 2018 is like next level like pewdiepie is not nine ninth in 2017 is a guy named winder son winderson nunez i guess 17.7 million a brazilian guy so yeah that's so much bigger than back then yeah it's crazy yeah it's yeah well according to this business insider article it is true chiz it doesn't they wouldn't lie but but but yeah i definitely see what you're talking about but yeah i don't know you'd be happy with what you got be happy when you still have you know like like like i no regrets over here i i've always enjoyed myself to the fullest one way or another i i hear you i i and i was
Starting point is 03:37:41 talking to um joe lozine years, and he was basically what he said. I thought it was really interesting. He's like, you know, with what I have, this is Joe talking. He made the absolute most out of his opportunities, right? Joe at one time was a fight or two away from the championship, but he never got a championship fight and never was the champion but he had a ufc career has a ufc career better than you know 95 of the people that have entered the organization 99 i don't know some really big number uh i feel like i'm a parallel almost like with what i had to work with i was 34 35 maybe when i started youtube uh i was never the best gamer on the scene but between what i
Starting point is 03:38:26 did with my channel and what i did with woody craft and what we do with pka i made a lot of good moves and i can't regret it you know yeah really like there's not a huge difference between me and uh who's that guy that kyle picks on the dad oh you're gonna you'll admit to it uh you made a video about him oh junkyard yeah yeah junkyard right now is a better player than junkyard but we all were like we weren't wildly different places in life you know and we are now so um yeah i don't know like i i oh you were way ahead of the look i i feel me you have always been three levels ahead of mr junkyard i'll just leave it at that because going much further delves into the levels of cruelty which is not what my you know what i i never i never try to go to the level of cruelty with my, with my silliness.
Starting point is 03:39:26 You know, we, we made a funny video montage of him raging, right? You know, like, like, and blamed him for taking down Machinima. I gotta take down a whole damn company. But, uh, but yeah, I mean, he was also a dad and, you know, some sort of side job type dude who tried to make the most of YouTube. Anyway, uh, I'm pretty lucky, I think. It couldn't have gone much better. Yeah, yeah. Mr. Fortune 500 Senior Software Architect over here is like,
Starting point is 03:39:57 ah, we were about the same level. Get out of here. Get out of here. I think he sold cowboy boots on, like, Western clothing on ebay i think that was his other business but i don't know he may it's kind of like being a cis admin right yeah same thing right uh would you ever consider taking a psychedelic such as lsd or shrooms yes not that i want to i'm about to i'm in the same guy who like dreads drinking episodes but Joe Rogan makes them sound like permanent mind improving experiences he makes it sound like that trip
Starting point is 03:40:34 will open your eyes to new thought processes like like you know how people take steroids and then they get off it but they're still better than they would have ever been without those steroids. Right? Like, you know, like you went from a, on a,
Starting point is 03:40:51 on a scale of one to 10, you went to a 10 and now you're only an eight, but you weren't going to be an eight. If you never did roids, he makes LSD seem like that. I might be getting my drugs mixed up, but whatever these mind enhancing one. And it has me curious. It has me curious. Not that I'm about the drop rooms, seem like that i might be getting my drugs mixed up but whatever these mind enhancing ones and it
Starting point is 03:41:05 has me curious it has me curious not that i'm about to drop shrooms but i'm just like what would this trip do to my perspective on life what would having this trip do like would it open me up to new thought processes and perspectives and values i don't know like i i do know though that as the occasional viewer to the joe rogan experience it seems that he would be an 18th century snake oil salesman's wet dream you know where they just be like come on down to steve's magic uh fucking wagon you got polio typhus age malaria chol malaria, cholera, smallpox. Come on down. It all takes care of it.
Starting point is 03:41:47 No issue. You know, and then, oh, come on. Oh, what's this called? It's called a nootropic. All you do, take this, lay in a bath. Don't move in the bath. Just lay there. Close your eyes.
Starting point is 03:41:55 Make sure you stay about 30 minutes. Put a lot of salt in it so you're floating high. That's O-N-N-I-T on it. At O-N-N-I-T on it dot com. Look up that in 150 years and we'll get some Bennett. No, but like, i don't think that i mean i like joe rogan a lot he seems like a genuinely good guy but he also seems to go like whole hog into any kind of theory at all like he had a guy on uh and i listened to part of it
Starting point is 03:42:20 and he was he's a doctor but he's like a surgeon kind of doctor and he only eats meat he's a carnivore and he was talking about how like oh i feel so much better like i i feel great you know i i look better i lift weights all the time you know and joe's like all right all right yeah do you have any blood work for that you've been eating nothing but meat for a year and the guy's like nah nah nah i'm feeling fine and it's like dude you haven't had a vitamin in in 12 months like other than b like what else is getting from from me i feel like rogan gets a gets a a bad spin it seems to me that he's very open-minded obviously so so that that does mean that he is perceptible to some nonsense.
Starting point is 03:43:06 Like there was a while where he believed in a Bigfoot, right? And there was a while when he believed the moon landing was faked. But then he, as Eddie Bravo would say, looked into it and he's like, clearly there's no fucking Bigfoot. I went and I did a whole show with people who thought there was Bigfoot. I hung out with those people. I talked to those people. Those people are crazy. They see a bit of brown fur in the woods and then they'll start describing these things like orangutan-like face.
Starting point is 03:43:36 That bald dude who lives in the wild thinks Bigfoot's real. What's his name? Les Stroud? Yeah, Les Stroud. He believes in Bigfoot. He claims that he saw it once. And look, it's hard to – like there's someone who would recognize a bear walking on its hind legs, right? Okay, one, he doesn't seem like a crazy person. But two, he often spends times in the wood diminished. In the woods, I mean to say diminished, right? He hasn't had proper
Starting point is 03:44:05 nutrition for five days seven days 14 days he's been surviving off of like water and the foam seat from a snowmobile for 11 days now and he's yeah so so the interesting thing about bigfoot i guess we could so gigantopithecus i've learned from the Joe Rogan experience, was an actual, you know, primate that lived, I don't recall exactly how long, like 10,000, 15,000, 20,000 years ago or something like that. It's like an eight foot tall fucking ape that looks like what everyone describes as Bigfoot. And then they talk about how the Native Americans had like 20 words for the Sasquatch or whatever. That's all interesting sort of evidence if you can even call it that but look somebody would have shot that motherfucking thing by now i'm gonna tell you
Starting point is 03:44:50 right now if i were hunting and i saw a bigfoot i'm not even i'm not even taking like people talk about seeing deer and they're like yeah i counted the points before i shot it or like yeah it was an eight pointer but i wasn't able to shoot i I was like, you took the time to count? Why weren't you shooting it in the heart? I have never once seen a big, like I always know these people are lying. Like, yeah, I saw the biggest buck ever. It was a 14 point, about 22 inches wide. And I was like, why didn't you shoot it? Well, I was counting.
Starting point is 03:45:18 No, that's not what you do. You fucking shoot it in the heart immediately. Like that's how hunting works. So if a hunter had seen a Bigfoot, I'm telling you, hunting works. If a hunter had seen Bigfoot, if I'm hunting and I see a Bigfoot, I'm blowing it the fuck away because I'm going to be the guy that shot Bigfoot. That son of a bitch is getting mounted in my house and you're going to have to pay the price to come see it.
Starting point is 03:45:37 I'm going to be on Nat Geo and fucking CNN. But are you going to do LSD? What? That was the question, LSD. Oh yeah, the hallucinogen question i've totally forgot about that oh it's illegal on the oh that i forgot if they if they ever made it legal yeah if they ever made it legal i would try it but i have no desire to seek out any of that stuff and try it i have like i was more being tz towards joe rogan like when you talk to people
Starting point is 03:46:04 who have done shit like that they always say it makes you so much more open minded and changes your perspective so who knows maybe they're right but I've also talked to people who are like no that's not true I just saw weird shit and the walls were breathing
Starting point is 03:46:18 and then I vomited and felt awful so who knows if it were legal would you try it kyle yeah sure absolutely what's the worst injury you've witnessed happen to somebody else in real life or on the internet because i've seen some doozies yeah on the internet real life someone else uh stormed this beach i need to thank the first one i can think of Real life.
Starting point is 03:46:43 Someone else stormed this beach, I need to thank. The first one I can think of, I've told it before, at Lifeguard, there was a guy surfing, and he wasn't very good. And if you don't know, you sit on the board with it between your legs while you're waiting for a wave. Well, it slid out from under him, and the fin on the bottom, the skeg on the bottom, cut the artery, like like right here in his thigh
Starting point is 03:47:06 and um the femoral artery right thank you i forgot the name of it the femoral artery and it shot like a six foot tall rainbow with his pulse so just like boom boom like it like you could have stood under it as it arched over your head. And, uh, I just, I just gave him my t-shirt. We applied pressure and the medics finished it from there. But that's the, that's my best. Well, that first one I can think of. That's good. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:47:34 You shouldn't have went first. You know, none are coming to mind. Uh, I don't, I don't know that I've ever seen anything really impressive in real life. I saw a guy fall off a ladder and have a seizure one time. That was scary because we didn't know what was happening. And blood came out of his mouth because he bit his tongue a little bit. Like not in two or anything crazy like that. Oh, a kid in elementary school jumped off and did like – he was always known to do backflips.
Starting point is 03:48:01 I don't know if this is common. Like every school has one of these kids who can just do backflips. I don't know if this is common, like every school has when he's kids, who can just do backflips in fourth grade like a goddamn ninja. Not just out of swing sets, but just off of an elevated position. He landed wrong and bit his tongue 95% off. It was like dangling, and they
Starting point is 03:48:18 had to put it back together. He was fine. They got it back together, and he was fine. Old mealy mouth from there. No, he didn't have any speech issues or anything like that. It was fine. They attached it. together and he was fine Old mealy mouth No he didn't have any speech issues Or anything like that it was fine They attached it My friend got punched in the mouth And his upper lips split
Starting point is 03:48:35 Kind of like a dog's To where he had two independent upper lips God damn Like the Joaquin Phoenix look I think I've even mentioned this On the show before to to kyle's point about kids just doing backflips off of things i i spoke about that right where two people did backflips off of monkey bars at my grade school or did i not talk about that not sure either way uh i was in fifth grade or fourth grade but they were in the grade above me, whatever the top grade school grade is.
Starting point is 03:49:06 And they climbed up on top of the monkey bars. And it was this kid named Jared. And he was like the cool kid of, you know, of the grade school. And he's like, I'm gonna do a backflip. And we were all like, yeah, Jared. And like, oh, yeah. Oh, that's crazy Oh look at how animated he is I didn't even know
Starting point is 03:49:31 Must be a good story Fuck You're back Wow God damn that was rough, Taylor. Wow, goddamn Rufus got my Wi-Fi. I'm not even on Wi-Fi. Am I back at all?
Starting point is 03:49:53 Yes, you're fine now. Okay, so this guy... I'm eating my way-os. This guy backflipped off of the monkey bars and our playground didn't have the wood chips that they have now that are regulated and comfortable these were like long shards big long shards like we'd play games where we'd find the best one like be like aha on guard and like ship each other with him he landed he
Starting point is 03:50:16 overspun landed with both of his hands behind him and cracked his his his wrist pretty bad to where you know, broken. And what all kids do immediately is they go, teacher, teacher, we got to help Jared. It was like, Jared, shut up. We can't let them know that we were all, you know, implicated in this. And so we, like, drug Jared off to the side, told him to calm down. And then this kid, David, who was, like, almost like the little minion of Jared,
Starting point is 03:50:43 like, always wanted to be the cool kid but never was quite that level he was like i can do it and in his head he must have been like if i can do this and jared couldn't then i will take his spot i will seize the reins and be the cool kid he went up there did the same thing also over spun it even worse than jared did he breaks his wrist and so then uh one of the goodody Two-Shoes kids had to run over and explain to a teacher why they were two kids with broken wrists at the exact same time.
Starting point is 03:51:12 And, of course, they banned flipping off of the monkey bars after that because they're a bunch of fascists who wouldn't let us learn our own lessons. I wondered what a fascist was. Only the year before they had banned Taylor from spinning people super fast in the swing on the tire yeah one little girl and and nobody gets to get to go spinny spin can't believe she didn't fall in love with him as if the master plan had laid out one one blood-stained
Starting point is 03:51:39 railroad tie holding up the thing and taylor gets in trouble uh another one another injury i i it was more like the seizure thing that kyle mentioned where it was scary to watch but like not bloody or anything i was playing hockey with this kid and i was like maybe 13 like we weren't old enough for it to be super serious and this kid got decked like hard like a hit that is even harder because you're young because you're not controlling your body and woody knows how this is like a guy's just skating full speed and just cracked this guy hit his head right into the the shelf on the boards before it gets to the glass like right on the corner and he like got up and weeble wobbled his way back to the bench and his dad was the coach and so he got on there and like the assistant coach and whatnot was like all right you
Starting point is 03:52:24 know aaron whatever the fuck his name was all right let's go let's get you out of here and he was starting to like help him off and his dad was like no he's playing he's good he's playing you good aaron you good it's like yeah yeah dad i'm i'm good i'm good it's like yeah you're good sit down you're going out next shift again and so this kid like went out again for another shift and it was so fucking clear that he was concussed and had no idea what was happening like he was like skating like lackadaisically into into our zone because i was the goalie and so like i saw him and just eyes like saucers like didn't he was not registering or recording anything that was happening he was just on autopilot, like, waiting to get hit again.
Starting point is 03:53:06 And eventually they, like, when a whistle blew, like, a couple players had to, like, go grab him and be like, hey, Aaron, Aaron, let's go back to the bench, huh? He's like, what? Yeah, let's go back to the bench, buddy. Let's go back to the bench. Finally gets back there. And the whole time his dad was, like, yelling at him. Like, during that shift, but not when he was getting skated back. But during that shift he was like, Aaron, skate! Skate!aron skate skate get in there get in there like what are you doing like just
Starting point is 03:53:28 like a hockey parent to the max like taking it way too seriously and it was like dude you're fucking screaming at this 12 13 year old he's clearly concussed like like there were parents like you know there's like the stands and like there were like a couple parents like walking around to like say like hey that kid like let's get him fucking out of here like this isn't cool but uh yeah that was a scary thing to see and it also made me very thankful like yeah if i ever get a horrible concussion my dad's not gonna scream at me to you know receive passes better like a hope played uh softball when she was little little little. And I found it hard to be the perfect parent, right? Like I would cheer for her. And like, is that too much? I don't know. The other
Starting point is 03:54:17 parents seem to be barely paying attention on their phones, talking to each other. Am I being like one of those oppressive parents who like paid attention the whole time, made sure she knew when it was time to go up? She wasn't good. So I felt like she needed a little more like assistance than the other kids did. And I'm interested in future Taylor someday, if you have kids playing sports,
Starting point is 03:54:42 if you also try to figure out like just what level of parental participation is perfect it depends on the sport it depends on the kids age and it depends how good they are at the sport because if you suck the last thing you want to hear as you because you know if you suck you know you suck at a certain age. And the last thing you want, the last thing you want is like, come on! Woo! Let's go! I always had a fucking cheering section in baseball.
Starting point is 03:55:16 And I fucking hated it. I fucking hated it so goddamn much. I'm like, I'm trying to concentrate out here. This is very important to me. You don't even know how the game's fucking played, mom. You shut up out there. You shut up with that high-pitched squeal. I don't want to fucking hear it.
Starting point is 03:55:31 I want to hear silence. I want crickets when I'm out there pitching. I don't want to hear shit. They meant well, though. And they recorded it all with their VHS, and they still have those. So never watch again. No, we watch that shit. We watch all. Every now and then, we would sit down and watch like like all kinds of crazy stuff like like like just you know they would they would get out the
Starting point is 03:55:49 the the camcorder you know they had the big daddy camcorder from i don't know when they got it but it existed when i was three so 1989 1990 somewhere in there they they got that thing and so there's like libraries of these vhs tapes all of our birthdays ever all of our like um just random days sometimes like the whole day will be filmed uh you know like the days at the beach or uh or anything like that it's really cool to go back and see like three-year-old you running around raising hell like like like just going bonkers with with my he-man sword or my proton pack or whatever. Your He-Man sword? I had one of those.
Starting point is 03:56:29 I have the power. Fucking it made the sound effects when you swung it. I fucking loved He-Man. I think my mom still has footage of my, when I was very young, birthday party with those monkeys. Probably also filmed on one of those ridiculous giant cams. I'll have to see if she still has that. If she has it still, I would get that and
Starting point is 03:56:49 bring it in and show it. Last time we were on a trip together, Taylor and I, we were strongly considering getting monkeys brought in. We looked into it. There was a couple of different places who did that sort of thing. Next trip, monkeys will be there.
Starting point is 03:57:07 There will be, I didn't say monkey. I said monkeys. Oh, and Chiz and I have this idea. We are duplicating that Louis C.K. bit that he did, except we're doing it for real. The clown? The clown. Are you familiar with this bit, Woody?
Starting point is 03:57:25 No. Yeah, I'm familiar. So Louis C. The clown? The clown. Are you familiar with this bit, Woody? No. Yeah, I'm familiar. So, Louis C.K. answers his door. A clown. Oh, yeah, let's just watch the video. It's awkward, it's hilarious, and it's short. It's very funny. I bet in the clown circles, though, they're all aware of this video.
Starting point is 03:57:39 Oh, they don't know. They don't know. They don't know clowns don't have their finger on the pulse. Well, they clearly don't have their finger on the pulse of what people like because they're clowns. Yeah, so if you want to watch along, this is called Birthday Clown. It's from SNL. 2 million views. Ready, set, play.
Starting point is 03:58:01 Hey, I'm Seth. I'm the birthday clown. Sorry, I came a little early. That's okay. Yeah. You find parking okay? I took an Uber. Dressed like this? Yeah, it's part of the job.
Starting point is 03:58:12 I'm used to it. Well, set up right here. They gotta get a better defense, man. Oh, yeah. It's been a good season, though, altogether, you know? So where's the birthday boy? Little Ernie, right? That's me. I'm Ernest. It's the birthday boy? Little Ernie, right? That's me. Come again?
Starting point is 03:58:26 I'm Ernest. It's my birthday. I've not seen this. So, do you want... So should we wait for everyone else to show up? No, it's just me. Whenever you're ready. I'm sorry. Just before I start, I start, I guess I'm just wondering why...
Starting point is 03:58:48 Just start the show, man. I gotta take my mind off some stuff. The acting is perfect. Okay. Sure, yeah. I'm just gonna do it. Don't mind if I take my dick out. Music! Hey kids! Are you ready for Dodo the Clown? music hey kids are you ready for
Starting point is 03:59:07 dodo the clown uh huh I can't hear you yeah I'm ready now here comes dodo that's good hey kids
Starting point is 03:59:24 do you remember my name? Dodo. And what's your name, birthday boy? Ernest Sullivan. And how old are you turning today? I'm 53. What's your favorite color? I don't know.
Starting point is 03:59:43 I don't know. Okay. Boy, I sure am hungry. I hope I got a snack. That's pretty funny. There you go. Are you giving me a tip? Yeah, you want me to wait till after?
Starting point is 04:00:06 Yeah, no, I don't. There's no protocol for whatever this is. There's no protocol. Go ahead. Excuse me. Are you going to stop and wait? No, I can see through here. Go ahead.
Starting point is 04:00:30 Keep going. Hey, can you get that? We're here for little Ernie's birthday party? You don't want this. I have to go. I think I should go, too. Yeah, man, listen, I'm sorry. I tried to do something different for my birthday.
Starting point is 04:01:04 I guess it got weird. No, no, it's okay. It tried to do something different for my birthday. I guess it got weird. No, no, it's okay. It was fine. Happy birthday. Thank you. Hey, can you come into my kitchen for a minute? Yeah, what's up? I'm going to chop you up into little pieces and put you in the fridge.
Starting point is 04:01:16 Yeah, that seems about right. I want to do that so fucking bad. That's sort of reminiscent of that thing Ice Poseidon will do where he has the hooker come over and awkwardly has her clean up. But something about this, that deadpan reaction, that clearly depressed 53-year-old man alone day, that's
Starting point is 04:01:38 beautiful to me. He cracked open the beer. It was a two-day. Ernest. Ernest Sullivan. And how old are you turning? 53. Color. I don't know.
Starting point is 04:01:52 It doesn't fucking matter. I was just trying to do something different. It's fucking great. That was really good. I didn't think it was going to be as good as it was. And people say SNL sucks now. Look, SNL has always been a 15% hit rate. That's just what the show is.
Starting point is 04:02:09 Oh, right. To me, it waxes and wanes, right? There were years with a particular cast where everything would crack me up. I really enjoyed the years where Belushi and Ackroyd are on there. There are specific characters. I think I'm too young for that. Oh, I didn't watch it when it was coming out. That was 1977 or something like that.
Starting point is 04:02:34 But I've seen the reruns. I've watched those episodes. I love that time period. I like Dana Carvey and Mike Myers during their time period. When Eddie Murphy was on, and he would do do Gumby and he'd do Mr. Rogers. Like he did like an angry Mr. Rogers. So like they'd knock on the door. Who the hell is it?
Starting point is 04:02:52 You know, like he was just like mean Mr. Rogers. Like, I don't know. There's a lot of particular skits that were reoccurring every episode and those would just make it for me. Anything Chris Farley did. I fucking loved the In the van down by the river guy and whenever you play a woman his skit with um his skit with um where he did the chip swayze where he did the chip and dales thing fucking hilarious uh chis just wrote um whenever you've got sean connery on the jeopardy i don't like those i think i must be alone because they
Starting point is 04:03:21 do it so many times but by yourself my friend yeah yeah i don't know but some of them like the cheerleader one they literally did that like four times and people think they were a ton uh i'm trying to remember i don't know i i was i still think the show was like a 15 hit rate and sometimes people get nostalgic about the best parts oh even lower than that most of will ferrell's. There are some characters on there that are fucking terrible. I hate. But I felt like some of the actors were so good that they transcend the material.
Starting point is 04:03:54 Everything that Will Ferrell did made me laugh. Everything that, even Andy Samberg is pretty fucking good. But fuck, I can't think of the guy's name. The guy who played Sean Connery, like Will Fortet now, whatever his name is. He was always really good. And definitely Will Ferrell. Will Ferrell killed it.
Starting point is 04:04:14 I feel like I only remember Will Ferrell as the cheerleader. What else did he do? Oh, he was Alex Trebek. He was that creepy hot tub guy who was a lover. And they were always super awkward in the hot tub, him was that creepy hot tub guy who was a lover and they were always super awkward in the hot tub, him and that other girl. He was shirtless, of course, with his big hairy
Starting point is 04:04:31 chest and he'd make the hot tub really awkward for someone else. They'd start talking about their sexual exploits and going to this weird graphic. Oh, yeah. He was also the cowbell guy. The guy who played the cowbell When
Starting point is 04:04:46 Who was it? Christopher Walken I might be the only one The cowbell thing is more fun To remember Than to watch If you actually watch it to me There's just one joke That they just retell for seven minutes
Starting point is 04:05:02 I love it And the best part of it to me is the two best parts are will ferrell's belly because he's fat at this point in his career his big hairy belly is hanging out of his medium shirt he's wearing um how serious christopher walken is when he comes and he's like believe trust me you're gonna want that cowbell on the track and of course jimmy fallon as one of the musicians just cracking up a completely breaking character and laughing his ass off because will ferrell is like in his has that belly on him and is like completely deadpan like ringing the cowbell in his face like really
Starting point is 04:05:35 serious yeah no you're gonna want more cowbell you're gonna want that cowbell yeah yeah you're gonna want that cowbell it's funny uh anything else you guys want to get through or call it a show i think i think we have blown our load my friends i really enjoyed that go check out mr mediker i really i i can't i can't tell you like like you watch his videos and and it's fun to watch him take down someone who's who's a goddamn pedophile like specifically those two uh pedophiles that he went after the nick Bates guy and I can't think of the other guy. Ross. Ross. When you see him take those people apart you'll see like they're disgusting and he goes into he sort of has this smarmy way of being like but he's just a regular guy who likes to suck the pus out of the
Starting point is 04:06:21 pimples on his nine-year-old half-sister's chest. What's the big deal? And of course he can't be a pedophile. He didn't lick her shitty asshole. Come on. If he didn't lick, he must have quit. Taylor Swift. Ah, he licked the cheek.
Starting point is 04:06:40 A real propofiliac or whatever. Whatever the hell it is. Poopophile. Poopophile. I like poopophile so much better than propofiliac or whatever the fuck it is. I can't remember the other one, but I'll remember poopophile. Poopphile.
Starting point is 04:06:55 So the Flyers keep losing to the Penguins. I can't explain it. I don't know why that would happen, but anyone who watches the show knows my true passion is basketball, so go Sixers. Go Sixers. All right, and go Sharks from Chiz
Starting point is 04:07:08 PKA episode 383

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