Painkiller Already - Painkiller Already #386

Episode Date: May 18, 2018

This week on PKA, good friend of the show Richard Ryan is back and the guys discuss the recent Mister Metokur video that released about WingsOfRedemption, then they answer some Patreon AMA questions a...bout being friend zoned and of course wrap it up with a big discussion about Ice Poseidon's RV Extravaganza Adventure and the insanity that unfolded from said event.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 and we're live painkiller ready episode 386 with our guest richard ryan kyle yeah a couple sponsors tonight movement watches get quip and smart mouth we'll get to those guys later on the show but yeah we got richard ryan back with us been a little while nice to see you again my friend it's good to see you guys appreciate you having me on yeah anytime how's the coffee business treating you oh jesus it was so funny is i was like legit. I kid you guys not. I was thinking about you guys last week because I was like, hey, it's the Stanley Cup playoffs. I just moved again. It's probably about time for me to talk to Chiz or somebody to see about coming on PKA. It seems like that happens every single time.
Starting point is 00:00:40 So I just moved to San Antonio. We moved the coffee company's headquarters down here. And I went from Google Fiber to screaming at my computer trying to make sure that this connection is good for you guys. So it's good. It's really good right now. Dude, since we are leading with you and not the Kyle's topic, I have to ask. Shortly after you were on the show last time, there was coffee drama. And that's not something I'm that familiar with.
Starting point is 00:01:09 I remember that. Yeah, right? It was like, you guys did like a Reddit AMA, right? And I mean, I don't need to bring up a sore subject, but this was a Reddit AMA that went horribly wrong. Everybody, I guess. Oh, shit. Do you remember? Tell me you remember this.
Starting point is 00:01:24 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So this was like October of last year, I think. I don't know. Maybe it was November around Veterans Day. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, and I guess you guys had poked at Starbucks or something because you're a rival coffee company. No, it wasn't even that.
Starting point is 00:01:42 It was more so the frustrating thing. Well, it was Starbucks a little bit, but Starbucks has never really been that big of a tiff for us in that direction coming towards us because we've been seen as counterculture for that. So that you'll be at the the pro to a the veteran community and things on those lines have been extremely supportive. So we've never really seen a pushback. And even if it was a pushback from, say, like hipsters or something along those lines, we I mean, that's let me explain to you what I saw. What happened was if I had the background right and correct me if I get anything wrong, you guys had poked at Starbucks a little bit because you're like the military. I'm going to say Republican muscled camo wearing coffee company and uh you guys had poked at starbucks and then it turns out the truth is starbucks actually does a lot to support the military and the veterans and and such so a lot of people were pushing back at about the inaccuracy of your portrayal of starbucks as the unmuscled latte drinking, I don't know, working on my screenplay crowd.
Starting point is 00:02:50 Yeah, no, no, no, no. So, I mean, man, if you try going through the comments, I think one of the things that was really frustrating was that, man, Reddit, those threads go crazy, right? So it's like trying to keep up with all the comments and everything. People are like, well, you're not answering, you're not answering. But Evan was answering the questions, it's just they would get buried in downvotes. So we don't know exactly what the deal was with that because the same questions kept coming up and things along those lines.
Starting point is 00:03:23 So specifically, I don't know, it was kind of hard afterwards. It was more a personal thing than it was a professional because most of the guys that we work with come from the special operations community. And Evan, our CEO, he had worked in the agency for a while. And so their rotations are a little bit different than that of those um uh i guess standard rotations that what's a rotation you're talking about we need to deploy okay yeah so people people were calling out his his service record and and things along those were the big things that people were pointing out. And it was like, okay, if you like, again, like,
Starting point is 00:04:07 I don't want to like bring up this, this spiral, but, um, you know, I understand if you, you, you're not completely familiar with like the special operations community, but if you do a quick, a quick, um, I don't know, reach out to anyone, you know, reach out to, um, the green brave foundation or like or like any of these popular guys like Kyle Lamb or Larry Vickers or, you know, some of the guys associated with our company and just ping them. Be like, hey, you know, what do you know about Evan? What do you know about Matt? What do you know about their services? Like these guys are legit. about their service. It's like, these guys are legit. I mean, there's, there's nobody in the community of, uh, reputation equipment questioning their, um, their resumes in any way, shape or form.
Starting point is 00:04:53 It's just, it's a lack of, um, it's a lack of information and communication for the most part, because people want to jump to, you know, the, the quickest sensational thing that they can, or jump to conclusions. And it's, it's really frustrating because that's, that know, the quickest sensational thing that they can or jump to conclusions. And it's really frustrating because that's that's even you like saying that we're the like the the Republican company. I would I would argue that the majority of the people in the company will be perceived as libertarian because, you know, the the the guys in the company, I can't speak for everybody, but for for me myself, it's, we're more along the lines of constitutionalists in a lot of ways and individual, uh, liberties
Starting point is 00:05:29 and freedoms of, you know, be it, you know, whatever, whatever your choice is, as long as you're not hurting somebody in the process. So, um, yeah, but once that righteous indignation starts in a Reddit thread, you're not going to be able to come back from it. Everybody's already decided they're on the right side and they feel good about it you know what's funny you know what's funny is uh i actually uh i i was like i want to i want to look up like when was the last time i was on pka because you guys have such an active reddit community and uh i went that i went into the deep dive of like things people like about our episodes and what they dislike. I was like, okay, I'm not going to talk about wingsuiting, but yeah, no, I mean, that's a frustrating thing is like,
Starting point is 00:06:14 when you get that many eyes on, um, especially on AMA, it's like, you really don't get an opportunity to speak to, um, people in a way that, um, is productive. And I feel like, I feel like if you pick and choose things and people get upset, if you try to go down the list of, uh, questions people are asking, people get upset because, you know, there's a lot of softballs or easy things, but I don't think, uh, anyone, anyone's ever shied away from, um, any,ied away from any questions in the company. I mean, even me, for example, like, you know, I get in that firearms debate all the time with people. And it's like a broken record.
Starting point is 00:06:55 I mean, you can look back the last five, ten years. I know Kyle's been a part of it, too. But it's like I don't come to the table emotionally charged about things. I feel like if you can't have a conversation with somebody who disagrees with you, then you're probably standing on a weak foundation as far as your beliefs are concerned. We know someone like that. Oh, really? What are we talking about? It's not like...
Starting point is 00:07:27 And also, you were fighting an uphill battle with it just because your company isn't the paradigm of what Reddit users would like, usually, as a whole. We like guns. We're libertarians. If you had a company that gave pot strains called Pickle Rick to homeless people, they would have been beaten off in that thread all day. Like this is hilarious.
Starting point is 00:07:50 Wiggity, wiggity, whack or whatever the fuck. Yeah, they would love that. But no, that was that was all my fault. That was like, honestly, that was all my fault. And I have to I have to own that mistake because I really love the Reddit community. I really love going on and on a regular basis. There's, there's so many subreddits that I just go to for like positive,
Starting point is 00:08:12 like perspective and things along those lines. So like, I'm so, I'm so ingrained in Reddit. It's just like, I have this affinity towards just going in and finding new things and stuff like that. And I was like,
Starting point is 00:08:22 Oh yeah, we should like, we should totally do this. Like, you know, the, the guys that. And I was like, oh, yeah, we should totally do this. Like, you know, the guys at Reddit, you know, they want to help us out as far as like an AMA and everything is concerned. I was like, yeah, let's totally do this. Let's totally do this. Unfortunately, it came at the cost of, you know,
Starting point is 00:08:38 not only letting like some of my business partners down, but friends too. You know, and that's the hardest thing when you see people that you love and you care about get kind of hung out to dry by just the trolls of the internet. Was there another marketing misstep around the same time? I remember there being a pair, and I can't even recall the other. Do you know what I might be thinking of? It was like that that ama and maybe some other attention was it in the news maybe no i think i remember seeing something really positive
Starting point is 00:09:10 about it around the same time yeah yeah and that was the thing is like when when i i kind of geared up for fourth quarter at the company i was just like there was a million and one things we wanted to do we're really short staff and spread thin so. So I did this series called It's Who We Are. And again, it was trying to flip the perception of what people thought that they would expect from us as like, you know, the veteran owned coffee company and, you know, pro 2A, pro constitution and stuff. They think, you know, they some some preconceived notions so um i did this series called it's who we are just talking about the people within the company and their their stories and one of them specifically that off with was um about uh muhammad wally al-saleem he um he um good, yeah, he's like, he's got an amazing story, like legit. Like the guy, the guy, um, was born, grew up in Afghanistan.
Starting point is 00:10:11 Um, he's a Afghan commando turned, uh, commander and the dude is just, I mean, his whole life has been in conflict. And, uh, he worked actually with, uh, one of my partners, um, and, uh, a couple of the other guys in the company. And it's, it's just an extremely compelling story. He, um, he was ambushed a few times by the Taliban with his family in the car. Uh, he ended up, he ended up doing, I don't know how many, how many missions, like, I mean like i mean this guy is legit you gotta you gotta watch his story if you have time um but he ended up getting uh a visa to come to the u.s and ended up going into um public housing with his with family and they pretty much had nothing and
Starting point is 00:11:00 they were living in the projects he's a a taker. We need a wall. Yeah. Well, that was a perspective, right? God damn immigrants from a Muslim country too? Yeah. Sounds like a good guy. We're fine with Mo. That was the thing.
Starting point is 00:11:18 People would see us as like anti-immigration and all this other stuff. And we're like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. There's more to these conversations than right or wrong. There are, there are massive shades of gray in the firearms debate, immigration debate, you, anything political, it's not, it's not going to be black and white. And so he was, he was just seeing like the, I don't know, the, the, uh, uh, the brunt of, of racism post 9-11 towards Muslims and things along those lines to the point where his kids couldn't play with the neighbors and stuff like that. And he was working at a gas station. I mean, this guy is legit hard ass.
Starting point is 00:11:57 He is like an Afghan special forces commander, and he's working at a gas station in the U.S. and getting the least amount of respect he's working at a gas station in the u.s and getting the the least amount of respect he's probably ever had where that gas station is that could be a helpful skill set like if he's working at a detroit 7-eleven like he would think why why can't he get a job as like an interpreter or something like that or maybe work for like a private organization or something like that i don't think I think whenever he immigrated, I don't think those options were available.
Starting point is 00:12:27 I think they just needed to get out of Afghanistan because his family was constantly at risk. And so it was like, get out of there and then figure it out. And I think that's what he was doing in the process. And when we found out that he was in the States, And when we found out that he was in the States, Evan, our CEO, reached out to Jeff, who had served with him as well. And he's like, dude, get him here. Like, whatever we got to do, let's get him a house.
Starting point is 00:12:59 Let's move his family out here. Whatever we need to do financially, like, he needs to work for us. We need to make sure he's taken care of. And to the point where we have, um, you know, several, several Afghanis, um, working for us now. Um, and it, it's just, it's great, man. And that's one of like a dozen just insanely compelling stories, you know, like Matt Mellencon, you know, the, the guy who's head of our retail at the coffee shop in Salt Lake, he's a bilateral amputee and the dude is just a bundle of... Does that mean both your legs? One arm and one
Starting point is 00:13:34 leg, right? Let's take a poll and guess what bilateral amputee is. I'm going to guess he lost... I'm trying to imagine I'm trying to imagine with no arms and no legs trying to serve coffee upsetting customers right right i i i think he has one arm and one leg on the same side i think that's what a bilateral amputee is kyle what do you think
Starting point is 00:13:59 a bilateral amputee is honestly i thought it would be someone who had lost one arm and one leg on same side because i think if it was a diagonal loss it wouldn't be lateral right i think he's got to be split i that that's how i would prefer it honestly because i think if you could hop on your left leg you could still pivot enough to punch with your right and and you're going to need to be able to defend yourself at some point. It's not a choice. We're guessing what bilateral amputee might mean. Well, that's my guess. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 00:14:29 He's got his left leg and right arm. He's got kind of a crisscross applesauce limb loss. You're missing both your legs. Both your legs. All right. Solve it, Richard. Who got it? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:39 He's an amputee below the knee on both. I actually thought I was going to be right. Does he have prosthetics? Or maybe above the knee. Yeah, he does have prosthetics. Just lower the counter for him. Those prosthetics have gotten so good. It's insane.
Starting point is 00:14:57 I feel like when I was a kid, and I gotta say, I guarantee the reason prosthetics have advanced so quickly between the time, say, I was in high school and now is we've had so many servicemen lose limbs, right? I feel like we're probably the driving force behind us getting better at replacing limbs, right? That sounds right. I just remember as a kid, if someone lost a leg, the prosthetic they got was more about an aesthetic.
Starting point is 00:15:24 It was bullshit right they just stole it from a mannequin at macy's stuck it on your leg and you're like good to go now they make you run faster yeah and that was one of some of the things he was super stoked about i mean again like the like there's no way you're gonna get a negative statement out of this dude he's he's just radiating positivity he's just such such an awesome person to be around he was like dude like i didn't want to get my my other leg amputated but whenever i did um you know like adjustable height all of these different things just became so much easier than trying to you know walk around with um or try to salvage this leg um and dude is he's just so awesome like you got
Starting point is 00:16:08 to be able to go through that like like every time i see those like double amputee people who still have a good outlook and they're still happy like part of me is like what like how like i put myself in that situation i feel like i'd be throwing myself a 24-7 pity party or some shit yeah some of these guys are like you know spilling soup all over themselves every day and they're like well that's life you know if you cut off both my legs i'd immediately start bragging about how fucking awesome i am at pull-ups like i do sets of 12 pussy i saw a uh i saw a tinder profile and the guy was missing most of his left arm and it said something at the bottom. He's like, 17 inches of stump, all here for you, ladies.
Starting point is 00:16:49 I was like, ah, all right. I really found the bright side to this whole thing. That is a bright side. But you know that the 99.9% response to that is like, look at this. This is funny. No. No, I don't want a stump shoved in me you gotta find your niche i bet there's a lot of young ladies out there who would love a stump shoved into them as you put it it's called an
Starting point is 00:17:12 ampuphiliac ah is it oh shit no i mean but it sounds weird yeah well i'll say this though you know it was it was that's one of the great things about talking with some of these guys because you know me not having anything amputated or no prior service or anything along those lines, it's nice getting perspective on things that I may have misconceptions about. And for him specifically, man, you just couldn't – you talk to him and he's like – he I guess had to adjust the pins in his foot and his ankle and everything. And this is before the first amputation. And whenever he did the first one, he just went into this major depression. You know, he was like the phrase that really stuck with me to the point where I wanted to use it in the video was like, he was like, I don't want to be like them.
Starting point is 00:18:03 Please save my legs. And that's what he was talking to the, you know, the doctors or to himself about. And it's like, I totally understand that where that perspective where it's like, you know, you don't want to be, you don't want to be like the perceived, uh, helpless, um, handicap or whatever it is. And he, he, he went through that and he dealt with it for a year and was going through all this stuff, you know, at a strain on his relationship with his wife and everything to the point of getting a divorce, being discharged from, from the, the military and everything.
Starting point is 00:18:36 And, um, and then finally he, he decided that he wanted to become a bilateral amputee and, uh, it's, it's so compelling. Like he goes into kind of detail about. What was the state of his good leg before it was amputated? Because he made a slow decision to amputate it. Was it working? Yes. So it was it wasn't it wasn't fully functional.
Starting point is 00:19:01 I think he was you know, it was blown to, um, fragments. So they were, they were trying to use, um, screws and this is me speaking ignorantly about it. Like, I don't know all the technical terms, but I know, I know. Welcome to the show. But I know he had a, um, um, a wireframe around that and he's having to manually adjust that stuff to try to get his bones to set back in place. And ultimately, they ended up having to amputate it because it was infected. Jesus fucking Christ. You're really putting me in a downer mood here, Richard. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:19:36 Please don't. I was having a good day. I was having a good day. Don't feel sad because this dude, man like he is he is a um he's an amazing snowboarder like he i just started skiing this year um never skied before um and he just he he fucking crushes it the dude is just a stud and he's like he is just a a bundle of positivity i mean you like you you couldn't be around anybody more optimistic about things in life is all about perspective. Right. So it's like, you know, you, you, I guess with the ups and the downs, the yin and the yang, whatever you want to call it, that, that, that
Starting point is 00:20:14 forced perspective sometimes is, is, is something that you may not want, but, uh, you end up ultimately needing. So, well, I'm glad he's got a good outlook now that's a really sad and tragic story no man like you should like again i don't want to be the guy who's hawking videos or whatever but this is this is the stuff that i i really wanted to do um you know like this is this is kind of the the thing that i felt like you know like if i had all the money in the world what is the stuff that i want to do i'd want to tell other people's stories and the most you know, like if I had all the money in the world, what is the stuff that I want to do? I'd want to tell other people's stories and the most compelling way possible kind of do do them justice. And I feel so fucking stoked every single day that this is this is kind of the path that I'm I'm getting to go down. Oh, man, if I had all the money in the world, I'd build like a castle with a moat, fill it with eccentric animals.
Starting point is 00:21:01 Like I would like maybe when I got bored i'd be like all right i'm gonna go fire a hundred dollar bills in a wad out of a potato gun homeless people you hire the wet a workshop right you get those guys the lord of the rings folks yeah yeah you set up your own like amusement park where where people are acting as hobbits and elves and shit in full costume they wake up at 5 a.m every morning they're going in for. No one else is allowed to come. It's just for you. It's just for you. And you're walking around in your normal people clothes the whole time. Just loving it. Like you're a time traveler
Starting point is 00:21:32 or something. At this point, I'm just an insane person who pays hundreds of people to pretend to be hobbits. Thousands. Thousands. Every digit in North America has a job because of my estate. You would maybe... Absolutely, yeah. I was going to take that to a dark place. You would, you would maybe.
Starting point is 00:21:45 Absolutely. Yeah. I was going to take that to a dark place, but yeah, you're going to need a lot of little people. You're gonna need a lot of little people for this. You're gonna need trolls. You're going to need goblins,
Starting point is 00:21:53 orcs, elves. Some of these aren't little. Yeah. Trolls would be difficult unless I do like what Charlie Kelly wanted to do, where they, I put everybody in a different piece of the clothing, you know,
Starting point is 00:22:04 like we're all going to be wearing the wearing the same clothes oh you mean in different outfits you can be the arm I can be the leg oh it's so retarded but uh real real quick yeah uh I wanted to ask one more thing about the the coffee before we moved on last time you were talking about getting into into retail like brick and mortar style retail. How's that coming along? Are you in any stores yet that people could go out and buy the coffee? Yeah. Well, it was trying to focus on the dealers, like the gun shops or outdoor stores, people who wanted to sell product. And again, we've just grown way too much for us to be able to really keep up with. So we've realized really fast that you can have X amount of growth in a year for whatever the national average is for the growth of a company, right?
Starting point is 00:22:54 We may have grown 10 times that. And so you take all those problems that a normal business would have and you compound them in that smaller period of time. And we've just seen some of the mistakes some other companies have made, be it with customer service or dealers and things along those lines, and we kind of just want to get it right. And it's taken a little bit longer for our brick-and-mortar stores to start rolling out, but we've partnered with some people like Nine Line Apparel in Savannah.
Starting point is 00:23:23 They have a coffee shop. And there's one at Battlefield Vegas in Las Vegas. And of course, we have ours in Salt Lake. But we just relocated our content marketing team and our executive staff so we can open up our headquarters in San Antonio. And Nashville will be opening up our roasting facility here in, I think, July. So I'm actually going up next week to check out our new roaster and all that stuff at ProBat Burns in Illinois. So brick and mortar is on its way. I think it's probably going to be a little bit more along the lines of next year before all the stores start rolling out.
Starting point is 00:24:04 We're just trying to figure all that stuff out until we do it right. When you're flying around location to location, are you first class? No. No? No. No, just because I feel like it depends. It depends, right?
Starting point is 00:24:18 Because if it's a, some flights, you can justify a first class ticket if it's like $100 more and I'm traveling with a lot of gear because generally production equipment, they charge you like $150 per bag. But because I'm traveling with crew and stuff like that, I could probably afford to pay to upgrade or something here and there, but I don't because it's just, I feel like if everybody can't do it, then I'm not going to do it. Smart.
Starting point is 00:24:43 Yeah, for like a burgeoning executive in a company like that, you don't want to be the one dude who's like, all right, boarding group one, that's me. Enjoy lugging everything back, assholes. Well, stewardess, don't let the riffraff pass this curtain here. I fly Southwest a lot, though, too, so I like that. Oh, wow, come on. There's pros and cons to all of them. You like the fear of not knowing
Starting point is 00:25:06 if you're going to make it or not? Is that what you're going to say? Hey, man, live on the wild side, bro. You're like, it's steep and you get to pick it up. I'm glad I brought my parachute. You can fly on Southwest and hope that the thing doesn't go down or you can fly on United and hope you don't get assaulted.
Starting point is 00:25:22 You wear your wingsuit to Southwest? Those people who get assaulted almost always are asking foruit to Southwest? Those people who get assaulted almost always are asking for it, right? All you got to do, I've never come even close to getting assaulted on a fucking airplane. All you got to do is sit there, drink your drink if you want to drink,
Starting point is 00:25:36 go to sleep. You'll wake up in the city, in your destination. When you start socializing with the other people on the plane, especially when you start antagonizing motherfuckers or you start questioning people fucking with people you're fucking with the wrong that's not how it happened you know what he tried to do sit there yeah he was asked to deplane if you're talking about that he was trying to sit there but he was asked to like
Starting point is 00:25:59 if we're talking about that asian guy i remember watching the clip and like even if i did nothing wrong if a bunch of cops come in and are like we need you to exit the the plane i'm gonna be like okay like i'm not gonna be like but i'm already buckled like no i'm gonna get up and leave and you know what i'm definitely not gonna do i'm not gonna wait for them to drag me and then go that's because you have forethought and you're you're able to look forward into the future And realize that there's no scenario in which You beat up these three cops And then the plane takes off
Starting point is 00:26:31 And takes you to Seattle It's not happening This isn't Canada where they're gonna be like You know he's being pretty steadfast He's not getting out of the chair Well I suppose let him go what's he gonna do That was his plan His plan was like they're not actually gonna kick my ass And drag me out of the plane chair well i suppose let him go what's he gonna do that was his plan that was his plan his plan
Starting point is 00:26:45 was like they're not actually gonna kick my ass and drag me out of the plane but welcome to united and welcome to america they will kick your ass and drag you out of the plane yeah as so as they should there's a hundred other people who got somewhere to fucking go ideally they shouldn't he paid for the ticket um well i'm sure they're gonna refund him well i assume but until he kind of had every right to be there he bought the ticket he boarded the plane he sat in the seat that had the ticket number on the ticket that he paid for right or in like tell me what was i don't even know i'm more just making fun of because it's funny what was the reason he got removed from the plane that asian fella they sold the ticket twice they sold sold that seat twice. He did what? I'm sorry?
Starting point is 00:27:25 They sold the seat. Kyle's full of shit. They sold the seat twice is what happened. Oh, okay. And he must have been the guy who bought it afterward. And they were like, the person who had this initially showed up because the person who bought it afterward, right?
Starting point is 00:27:38 I don't know how they chose who got to keep the seat. Chiz is writing something. He might know. But yeah, he bought the seat he sat in his seat and then they said no no no we're unselling it to you and he was hoping that they would that his will would keep it but that didn't work out yeah yeah of course not that's not get off the fucking all right kyle for the sake of spirited debate let's let's let's let's hear let's hear your thoughts on this. So there's two thoughts behind the Southwest business model and the other airlines, right?
Starting point is 00:28:08 So the other airlines have that panic line when they do Group 1, Group 2 boarding and all that other stuff, right? So everybody's like shouldering up posture and trying to get like jockeying for position. There's the panic line that goes along with all those airlines, but you have an aside. But with Southwest, it's like you know exactly what your boarding number is. So you can wait till the last second before they start boarding to get in line and you're still going to enter at the same time, but you're not going to have an assigned seat. So what's the lesser of two evils there for you? Forget about like the airplanes and all that other stuff. I definitely want assigned seats because when I book my flights, i pick whether i want a window seat or an aisle seat or maybe there's one of those seats that has like six extra inches of foot room for 15 or whatever like i want the seat i
Starting point is 00:28:54 want you southwest get business get uh business select and they have they have a seat it's it's on the left side of the airplane exit row there's a seat missing so you like you get more leg room than any other airline because you get that exit row with a seat missing in front of it i i've gotten that seat before like on delta flight you know planes of planes i i've definitely gotten one of those seats where it's like oh shit there's nothing in front of me here this is excellent i'm just like kicking air in front of me la la la la la like like those are those are good flights i've also been on flights where like i air in front of me. La la la la la. Like those are those are good flights. I've also been on flights where like I was in coach, which I don't like very much at all.
Starting point is 00:29:29 But then there's no one else in the coach seat with me. So I've got like a full bench to myself and I'm just like spreading out across all three seats, like rocking like a child. There seem to be others in this aisle. It's just an oversight. No, Kyle, you're too fucking fancy to sit in coach. side no kyle you're too fucking fancy to sit and coach i i mean if i just because you don't like dirty feet being put between the seats to rest on your your armrest have you ever had that happen that is where people put their their bare feet or socked feet without their shoes on like to the side of you like i'll just see it over there between the wall and the seat i'm like oh it's right there oh that's why they should make tsa should make an exception where they're like all right no sharp objects aside from of course courtesy bolt cutters
Starting point is 00:30:08 which you can use to cut off the toes of people who try onto your seat i i don't like that at all i would say something i don't i don't fuck around on airplanes like if someone like i'm not gonna say shit on an airplane because you get put on that no-fly list, you're on that fucking no-fly list, right? Now you're taking the bus. Now you're a bus person. Now you're a fucking Oregon trail riding piece of shit, right? Like, it's game over, bro. Well, I've got a business meeting in Portland on Friday,
Starting point is 00:30:37 so I'm heading out on Monday afternoon. No, you don't fuck around on airplanes, even if you're in the right and someone else is being obnoxious you just be an adult you know you're gonna land we're all landing it'll be cool like i will never if someone has their bare feet near my head i will say excuse me i can smell those or i'll ask a stewardess to do it i am not going to just fucking inhale someone's foot fumes for an entire flight that is outrageous what am i your victim suck my dick i'm nobody's victim i was saying that's the problem followed followed by let's wrestle yeah hey that works out well
Starting point is 00:31:21 that's awesome no but i mean you mean, you guys are getting fired up about feet and stuff like that. But what about the guys who like the people who will just cough without covering up or anything like that? Or that somebody is like just clearly got to drop a deuce and they're just like filling the plane up. This is why I fly first class. You avoid all of this. I've never been in first class and had an unpleasant experience, except for that one time this Asian lady
Starting point is 00:31:48 like confused, like stumbled up into first class on a Virgin flight and was like, how much you pay for this seat? How much? How much? And I couldn't tell if she wanted to purchase the seat from us on the spot, like slip us some money, or if she wanted to know for future reference how much she needed to pay to get up there where we were. they kept having to kick her out of first class like they did it
Starting point is 00:32:08 like twice first she came to use our bathroom and then she came like fucking with kitty trying to like like walked into the space between my seat and kitty's seat like into our like little area and woke kitty i'm over there like like what when my blanket pulled up Like watching it go down pretending I'm asleep She like shakes her awake And she's like how much you pay How much how much Who are you what's going on here It's fucking brilliant
Starting point is 00:32:34 I don't want to act like an asshole However if the stewardess acts like an asshole On my behalf I love it It's like my favorite thing Like when people come up to use the first class bathroom and they're like no no no i'm sorry this is for a better class of person that you shit in the back yeah you shit in the back you see that line that's 12 people deep i don't do it just when i see it i love it i've never flown first class in my entire life oh yeah all i know is. People try to come to your bathroom and the flight attendants,
Starting point is 00:33:06 I keep saying stewardess, they're just like, nope, you go back there in the coach class bathroom. That's where they belong. I have separate bathrooms, right? I love it when they do it too. When I see someone walk up there,
Starting point is 00:33:19 you can tell they got that, the look on their face is a mixture of, I really got a shit and I'm being sneaky. It's a sneaky, got a shit look on their face is a mixture of I really got a shit and I'm being sneaky. It's a sneaky got a shit look on their face. And you're just like, I know what you're doing here. They're going to get you.
Starting point is 00:33:32 They're going to. And you're like looking for the for the flight attendants. I get him, get him, get him. And when they stop him right before they're able to get in. Oh, it's like, sir, are you a first class passenger? No, no, I just can't. Yeah, yeah, yes. Go on right back.
Starting point is 00:33:47 Ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta. Shink! Shut that fucking curtain. You know what bums me out? I didn't know they had class bathrooms. Oh, yes. I hate when I'm flying and you see them coming down with the drinks and shit. And instead of it being two middle-aged or young ladies there's like one 72 year old man who's a flight attendant and that ruins my whole flight because then i'm thinking
Starting point is 00:34:13 like oh god i hope that he's just doing this for fun but there's no way he's doing this for fun he's doing this because who knows a series of bad life decisions maybe he got screwed in a divorce and now he has to fly to Cincinnati, you know, to do this many times a week. Like, and then he gives you your drink and like, like,
Starting point is 00:34:30 he's like, God, you're 72. You remember things I wasn't even here for and you're, now you're giving me a free Diet Coke
Starting point is 00:34:36 on Southwest. I used to be a pilot. Yeah. I lost my eyes. He hands you your shaky cola. No, we were talking about this the other day. Like, the delivery person who brings us our food from, like, Grubhub, Postmates, DoorDash, whatever, Uber Eats.
Starting point is 00:34:52 Like, we give them different tips based on who and what they are, right? An old white man, he gets the biggest tip of them all because we're like, how did you end up here, dude? Like, a 60-year year old white man who's bringing me my burrito at three in the afternoon he needs a ten dollar tip all right he needs a ten dollar tip an attractive young white girl who's bringing me my chinese food at 8 p.m she's getting two dollars she's getting two dollars like she's playing life on easy mode oh yeah well that's true but but also clearly she's not she's got her whole life ahead of her right this this old white guy like this ten dollars may be all that keeps him under the roof under a roof this week this is interesting interesting
Starting point is 00:35:37 principle it's it's absolutely true when you think about it i'm telling you when a when a 65 year old white guy shows up at your house he's like yes, yes, I've got your Das Lobos Mexican food, sir. I'm like, oh, don't call me sir. Here's some money. Call me boy. Anything but sir. He just takes his own Meals on Wheels and gives it to you because he needs money. Oh, that's super sad. I'm sorry it took so long. I had to stop off he needs money. Oh, that's super sad.
Starting point is 00:36:06 I'm sorry it took so long. I had to stop off for my medication. Wow. Damn Medicaid. Yeah. Oh, go ahead, Kyle. I was going to say I have a couple of videos here, and all three of them, I think,
Starting point is 00:36:21 are very good. In order, I would say the pizza robbery video is best, followed by the blackhead popping video, which is outrageous. And then third is this video I just discovered of a mother who is ending her children's social media addiction with a shotgun. Oh, that one's old. Kill kid they'll never tweet it's old because this looks like an i mean i've seen it so many times you've seen this this heavy set mom she's got a she's got a bandolier i saw on reddit recently yeah okay it's social puts it on the stump and shoots the phones and stuff yeah yeah all right let's
Starting point is 00:37:02 are we watching this uh oh are we watching stealing from a pizza man i want to lead with that one i'm very curious about it yeah stealing from the pizza man that is my favorite let me adjust all right does any uh stage setting need to be done before we start watching there is a pizza man delivering a pizza and uh these gentlemen don't seem to want to pay for it. Okay. And just from the freeze frame here, this appears to be like an apartment complex, and there's, it looks like five people maybe,
Starting point is 00:37:34 four or five people who are not, who are having the pizza delivered to them, and one pizza man. Right? Correctamundo. Are we ready? Yes. Ready, set, play. Stole his pizza. Oh, I was just about to compliment the camera. And he pulls out a handgun.
Starting point is 00:37:57 Pizza man pulls out a gun. I can't see shit. He's like, get on the ground. Oh. Goddamn. He's pulled out a gun, and they're all lying on the ground now. They were all tough a second ago, robbing him of his dominoes. And now he's totally at gunpoint.
Starting point is 00:38:19 They're all lying on the ground. And it looks like he's taking their money. Looks like he's robbing them now. Now ain't nobody getting breadsticks. He's going wallet by wallet. Have turned. You know, I don't mind this. Corrective burglary.
Starting point is 00:38:38 Yeah, he's robbed all four of them now. He's taking the pizza. He takes the pizza. Was he really the pizza guy? Retaliatory burglary. He's just calling people, showing up. Y'all order pizza?
Starting point is 00:38:57 No? All right. Y'all order pizza. Yeah, sure. Yeah, that's great. Good for him. I mean, I think he took it a little too far when he committed the four to five felonies at the end. He's like, give me some money.
Starting point is 00:39:10 You too. And you. They're just lying on the ground in terror because it wasn't a small gun he pulled out. He didn't pull out like a little compact pistol. It looked like he pulled out a full-size 1911 or something like that. It's like glinting in the sun as he waves it around menacingly. Oh, man, that's great. A lot of pizza guys carry,
Starting point is 00:39:28 and I've talked to a lot of pizza guys. Apparently, it's a really dangerous job because shitheads can basically call a number, and a guy will show up who's got like $35 in cash on him, and he'll show up wherever they tell him to show up to, right? And they get a pizza. So you're saying that happens more in those hot chicks who really want
Starting point is 00:39:54 a good time? Yeah, right. He's talking about a porn setup. You know, where the pizza guy comes to the door and suddenly these girls want to fuck him. I'd like to see a clip like that, except instead of them being like, I want an extra large sausage pizza. He just robs them. I bet you would get on the ground.
Starting point is 00:40:16 So this is where she robs him. So there's a whole subreddit about this, actually, where it's called Pizza Dare. It's our pizza dare. And the deal is you as a young lady orders pizza and then when the pizza man shows up she's fucking naked and sometimes of course this is a thing yeah and sometimes she just gives him a little uh little pixie right as she signs the receipt or whatever sometimes she pretends to drop her towel and sometimes she fucks him now usually if they're fucking the pizza guy it's it's a fake one but many many of these are amateur and it is clear
Starting point is 00:40:52 by the footage that they are amateur but yeah it it's it's uh slash r slash pizza dare one of my favorites one of my favorites big this. Well, I'm watching a couple of them now. I think this is high quality content. It is very high quality content. I love it. Love it. Do these girls come off as attention hungry whores? Subscribe. As thrill seekers, right?
Starting point is 00:41:19 Thrill seekers. Thrill seekers. Is voyeurism where you watch someone or where you do so you're the watcher oh exhibitionism i think is exhibitionism okay oh well well this girl just pulled her pants off for the pizza she wore like black tight pants yeah i am a little bit ahead of you there's a cat there oh there's there's a cat there in mine. Yeah, big fan of this in any case. I moved on.
Starting point is 00:41:46 I didn't notice the cat. Yeah. Oh, it's maybe we're watching a different. This one's room service. Oh, yeah. That's another category of videos where these creepy dudes do this thing where, you know, when like the maid service knocks on your door at a hotel? They'll be like, you know, housekeeping. You don't say a word.
Starting point is 00:42:08 Housekeeping. You don't say a word. Housekeeping. And then they come in, right? These dudes do this thing where as soon as they hear housekeeping, they put on headphones like I've got, and then they start masturbating furiously. Like right there.
Starting point is 00:42:24 See, that's not as fun as what I'm watching here with the pizza man. So she walks in and she's like, oh shit, oh no. And again, like many of these are amateur, and you can tell they're amateur because the girl is like, oh shit, and they leave. I picture this subreddit just being Louis C.K. post after post
Starting point is 00:42:40 after post, because that's his thing, right? Well, no. He asks permission first. Yes, he always asks permission, which turns it in from predatory to just really, really weird. You're thinking of Harvey Weinstein. He's the one who likes to go to hotels and surprise masturbate for ladies. No, I thought the ladies entered the room and you're there masturbating. That is the premise, yes.
Starting point is 00:43:04 the room and you're there masturbating that's that's that is the premise yes yes and often you know when when the ladies would knock on harvey weinstein's door he'd be there in a uh in a in a robe and nothing else speaking of all you know rapists in the media um bill cosby got convicted of course and i saw bill um eddie murphy eddie murphy eddie Eddie Murphy was accepting some kind of a black comedian award. And he I hadn't seen Eddie Murphy do comedy or anything resembling comedy in years. There was an SNL get together for like the 25th or 30th anniversary recently. He didn't do shit that was funny. He was just like, hey, I'm Eddie Murphy. It's nice to be here. But he's on stage accepting the Mark Twain Award, which to me seemed like the black black comedian award because everyone he said that he admired who also had one was a black comedian I thought maybe I'm
Starting point is 00:43:50 wrong but he goes in on Bill Cosby and it's some of his funniest shit I've seen in a long time you want to watch some of that yeah yeah let me find that I don't know why where I was going to go with it was imitating him but why would that be a better idea?
Starting point is 00:44:07 This is a much better idea. Clearly wouldn't. I would like to talk to you. Then you want to find a timestamp real quick, Chiz, for where we should start? A zero. A zero, okay. I'm ready
Starting point is 00:44:25 Ready, set, play How wonderful this is A wonderful, wonderful thing To be included with some of my My heroes, Richard Pryor And George Carlin White guy Carl Reiner
Starting point is 00:44:41 Don't know that guy Lily Tomlin. Who else got this? Bill. Oh, Bill has one of these. Did y'all make Bill give his back? No, because I know there was a big outcry from people. It was trying to get Bill to give his trophies back.
Starting point is 00:45:01 You know you f***ed up when they want you to give your trophies back. back you know you up when they want you to give your trophies back he should do one show we just come out and just talk crazy now i would like to talk to Some of the people who feel that I should give back my jovies. Just because you may have heard recently that I allegedly put the pill in the people's chocolate. I wish somebody would come up to my house talking about giving up the trophy because you put the pill in the people's chocolate. You get nothing.
Starting point is 00:45:59 But I'm not giving back. And who is Hannibal Barris? Oh, shit. Hannibal Barris. There's a subtle part coming up. Hannibal is a caveman's name. And you're going to just come on out and push over the apple cart to Hannibal? If I ever see or meet this Hannibal Barrison person, I am going to try to kill this nigger!
Starting point is 00:46:42 Hard R. I don't want to go too far. I think that's the end. I don't want to make this about him. But this is a... The name of this YouTube channel is Hip Hop News Uncensored. They censored every fuck and every shit. I don't want to go too far thing is that a reference to his own glass house that he's in like didn't that
Starting point is 00:47:11 guy get picked up for fucking transvestite prostitutes eddie murphy yeah yeah yeah murphy got stopped oh well he didn't rape him yeah no he didn't he just got stopped with one on his car. He was giving that young lady a ride to church. Woody, how dare you? How dare you question? That's Eddie Murphy. He was scaring that person straight. Absolutely. That's the donkey from Shrek.
Starting point is 00:47:37 God damn it. The donkey from Shrek would never do anything wrong. Actually, I don't know. The Cosby show was pretty wholesome. Eddie Murphy was a rapist. Eddie Murphy was four years into his marriage with Nicole Mitchell Murphy when police pulled him over at 4.45 a.m. after he picked up a transsexual prostitute in his Toyota Land Cruiser. Early services.
Starting point is 00:47:57 A known homosexual prostitution spot along Santa Monica Boulevard. I could go on. But, yeah, the man likes them with all the tools in their arsenal. Bill Cosby, just based on this thumbnail, is now the oldest looking black person on the planet. He has the eyes of a dog
Starting point is 00:48:16 who just turned 19. That's a great line. He's a wanderer into islands in your kitchen and shit. Chair legs. He has been through the ringer shit zero control i don't know i don't remember exactly when this came out that he was like started becoming under scrutiny but i bet he's aged more in that time than like presidents do he went blind in that time he could see before they started calling him a rapist. He went blind.
Starting point is 00:48:50 There were times I looked it up and I was like, man, Bill Cosby, he must be 96. Like, how old is he? And you look it up and I think he's in his 70s still. Yeah. He's pretty old. He's got old dog eyes. To get a better sentence. It's part of the whole give him leniency, etc. because he says he can't see. Well,
Starting point is 00:49:07 it's been years since I've raped and pillaged young white women. Poor Bill. Yeah, it is a shame how he was treated. Life's just not fair for Bill
Starting point is 00:49:24 Cosby. He was the guy. Bill cosby was the guy always uh always preaching to young black men you know not to use the n-word to pull their damn pants up get a job do this etc etc go to temple meanwhile meanwhile he's out drug raping bitches left and right right like like meanwhile he's he's slipping lewds and and 19 year old actresses drinks and finger banging them at the hyatt a little tougher after the end of the 80s when the lewds ran out yes but uh in all jokes aside he's a he's a rapist. Yeah, see, I don't like when Cosby gets mixed into the same conversation with Weinstein for the same reason I don't like when Weinstein gets mixed in with Louis C.K., right?
Starting point is 00:50:15 There are levels to this shit, as Meek Mill would say. And Bill Cosby is a full-on rapist. Full-on rapist. And he's not helping kids and retarded like Charlie was when he was a full-on rapist. Full-on rapist. And he's not helping kids and retarded like Charlie was when he was a full-on rapist. Exactly. Exactly. That's a philanthropist. A full-on rapist.
Starting point is 00:50:36 Oh, I see what you did there. Yeah, and then Weinstein, of course, being real grabby, physically aggressive with women. And there was a woman, I believe, who said he forcibly penetrated her. But I don't believe her. I don't believe her. Do you think he was all about the drugging? No, Weinstein was all about the coercion. That was his drug of choice.
Starting point is 00:50:58 It was power. That's what he was using. He's like, hey, you could be in Kill Bill 3. Are they even making that movie? Just suck it. You know, like he was using was you want to be one of the avengers we could always add a fucking other one greatest crossover that's funny who is the guy that like locked the door and fucked the women matt lauer maybe yeah he was the one with the button and did you see that like nbc released something where it's like nb is reporting that according to NBC, an NBC internal investigation has freed NBC of all wrongdoing.
Starting point is 00:51:32 Yeah, it looks like this guy had a door locking button. They do. No, no, no. Most of their big stars have door locking mechanisms so that they can choose who comes in and out. It's a privacy thing. Yeah, yeah. So it wasn't unique to him it wasn't a rape device it was just yeah i've got one of those people let them lock
Starting point is 00:51:49 to the door and lock it manually like why do you need this like dr evil style i don't know but apparently how are you gonna beat her to the door a lot of a lot of the hot shots at nbc have door locking mechanisms at their desk it wasn't unique to matt lauer or even that uncommon for people in his position at NBC. I don't know. Industry wide. But here's the thing. What I hear about the Matt Lauer situation is that that chick was fucking him to get ahead.
Starting point is 00:52:15 And that's not rape. Right. It's kind of creepy. I'll admit. But it's creepy on both sides. There is someone else who didn't get ahead because she fucked her way to the top. That position opened up, and then she opened up, so to speak, to go get it. That is horseshit.
Starting point is 00:52:34 But that example you're using also would apply to Weinstein. He was getting laid because he's like, hey, you want your career to really take off? You want to be a multimillionaire movie star? you want to be like angelina jolie or you know except that the the differences and unless you're there you don't really know is it seemed like matt lowers was like a consensual thing those people did it like dozens of times you know you fucked her 50 70 times sometimes in the office sometimes outside the office all over the place they had some sort of affair where he got laid and she got ahead with weinstein there's recordings of people who really didn't want to do this being coerced
Starting point is 00:53:16 into doing something they didn't want to do yeah weinstein is an incel all right if weinstein weren't one of the most powerful power brokers in hollywood he would be a fucking incel he would be with that body he would be mexican andy right he'd be he's using coercion and and and basically rape you know to to get laid it's the only way he is fucking hideous and creepy as shit yeah there's so many photos i've seen i saw a photo of him um with a young actress and like it looks like they're having a good time and then they like zoom in and he's like holding her forearm with like a really tight grip he's just like he's like got her it's it's he's just
Starting point is 00:53:56 such a bizarre guy whereas matt lauer appeared to be more of a sugar daddy situation where she's just using him for something she can get in return except its career you know yeah like like you said there's levels to this game yeah it is the level oh sorry go ahead richard no no no worries i was like i man i feel like i've been in the the industry for so freaking long but um you know in the like early 2000s before like like my space was still coming on and stuff along those lines. Social media wasn't that, that,
Starting point is 00:54:27 that prominent, uh, especially for the masses. And, um, you could see that and it's not just Weinstein's. That's what the whole me too movement. There's,
Starting point is 00:54:37 you know, there's a lot, there's a lot going on behind that. And it's, it's nice kind of seeing that in the entertainment industry in a lot of ways, because, um, I feel like,
Starting point is 00:54:44 you know, between social media and, you know and things along YouTube, I'm just throwing it out there. I've seen some really frustrating things. I've been in some frustrating situations to the point where that's the whole reason why I got YouTube was because I was frustrated with the traditional media way of doing things. And I saw that. I saw that really frequent. And there are people out there who were being taken advantage of, like the Weinsteins, abusing their power on these people to influence them. But there were a lot of people who are willing.
Starting point is 00:55:19 And that's, like you say, it's just gross, man. You have all these people willing to do whatever it takes to get that shot at Hollywood or whatever it is. But then you have these guys who get used to that or these girls who get used to that and then they abuse it on people who don't necessarily – So is it that – is it, Richard, that you weren't willing to do what it takes, so to speak, to quote you? Or maybe no one was buying what you were selling? No. Richard, huh? Is that what's up? Negative.
Starting point is 00:55:47 Negative. I would never say that one situation would determine my career or anything like that. There were some situations where it was really clear that... You were running around shirtless and they were expressing no interest. Negative though. There was some fairly like prominent, um, um, people in the community who, you know, like in no way, shape or form, did they directly say anything or ask anything, but it was, you could sense it was being insinuated in a lot of ways. But it was you could sense it was being insinuated in a lot of ways. And I'm not gay.
Starting point is 00:56:37 And this this, you know, these different people had maybe some some influence in the industry, I guess you could say. And being I'm a bigger, bigger dude. And it's it's one of those things you can't really bully me into a lot of situations. And so I could see where a more less secure person or somebody who may not be as physically capable would maybe cave in that situation if they were like 50-50 on the line or something along those lines. Or even worse, below that, I'm stubborn and strong-willed anyway. So it was never that for me, but I could see it all the time in all the different like parties or you know the whatever situations we'd be in i don't want to get too many specifics because i was never i was never like i was never really like even remotely close to being in any situation like some of the the people who have been uh
Starting point is 00:57:37 um accused of or you know been talking media but do you think uh Spacey's ever going to come back? Or do you think he's done like dinner? Ah, come on. Don't you want Kevin Spacey to come back? I really like him. I watched as an actor, I really like him. I love him as an actor. I watched The Usual Suspects
Starting point is 00:58:00 recently, and he's fantastic in The Usual Suspects. He's the best. He's the best character in that whole movie by an order of magnitude like a lot easily one of the best impressionists out there too i think he should play roles that fit him in real life if he just played like pedo gay rapist after pedo gay rapist i would enjoy yeah but nobody's gonna be like man this pedo gay rapist is really pulling on my heartstrings. Like, I understand where he's – that is a cute little boy.
Starting point is 00:58:29 Like, no, nobody's going to be thinking that. And if anything, you know that movie American Beauty that he was in? It's made that movie way less realistic. Oh, that movie was already very unrealistic, that he was the macho man, and the neighbor was the one who was the closeted homosexual. I just mean because he was into a young girl. Because he's clearly into young boys. Remember his ridiculous statement.
Starting point is 00:58:57 Where they're like, hey, lots of young boys. Dozens and dozens of them. Saying you touched them and exposed yourself and did inappropriate things. And he's like, I'm like all right live my life as a gay man and uh let's just forget all of this nonsense hey house of cards coming back this fall no sir this is not gonna fly this isn't gonna work it's it's not 1990 you know like it's not gonna work i could hardly listen to what the senator was saying with that young boy in the corner of the room kind of fits right oh i would like it really sucks that it's ruined house of cards right like it's already on the downturn i think
Starting point is 00:59:33 oh come on but you wanted to see it the the finale you wanted to wrap it up you wanted to see it end i i get that like it's hard to top season one it just it's just it's just really hard to top season one your immediate shock of meeting frank underwood and like you know he kills a dog in the first 60 90 seconds of the show right and then you know then all of a sudden he breaks the fourth wall and he's talking directly to you and it's a whoa this is a cool show you know a couple seasons in you're not gonna be riding that high wave anymore but still it's still a good show i i think i think the next season is going to suck. So there is going to be a next season.
Starting point is 01:00:07 They didn't just shut it down. Are we talking about House of Cards? We are. There's more coming? Why bother? Claire's the president. Claire's not a likable character. No, she's not.
Starting point is 01:00:23 But that's kind of the point, right? Frank wasn't a very likable character either. No's not but that's kind of the point right like frank wasn't a very likable character either no but frank was more interesting like the same way that like i like ramsay bolton in game of thrones i'm not watching him like man this guy's great i love this guy but i'm watching him intently because it's like man he's gonna do something fucked up he's gonna do something crazy like he he people like him joffrey like they hold your attention the whole time that's how frank was claire on the show it was more like all right like when is it going to get back to the wheeling and dealing shady shit of she's so hot she's so hot i don't know how old she is but she looks fantastic uh she's the same
Starting point is 01:00:59 old she's about the same as like carrie ewells right they were in princess bride together carrie is not looking as nice as she is she is looking very nice the the first one whoever plays in the house of cards she looked good in 300 was that the same chick from 300 right no oh no that's uh that's lena heady hmm is that the girl from game game that's the that's queen cersei from uh yes that's who I'm thinking of. She was prime in 300. I was a big fan. Yeah. You know, funny thing.
Starting point is 01:01:32 I don't know if everyone thinks this, but oftentimes in a movie they'll show two people having sex, making love, as a way to sort of demonstrate that they're bonded well, right? They have an active, happy relationship. demonstrate that they're bonded well, right? They have an active, happy relationship. For whatever reason, when I see a chick taking it from behind in a movie,
Starting point is 01:01:53 I'm like, yeah, they are bonded well. That's a good relationship. Is it just me? Yeah. I don't know. Maybe. Maybe just me, yeah. So if you don't know, they're kind of demonstrating that these guys are good in the beginning of 300 before the Leonidas goes off to war.
Starting point is 01:02:15 And he fucks her and they switched a bunch of different positions. And there she is taking it from behind doggy style. And I'm like, yeah, they've got a good thing going on there. Is doggy style not super, super common? It is, but it's not that common in movies, I would say. Oh, maybe. I've never really noticed that. I don't know. I know in every relationship it's pretty common.
Starting point is 01:02:36 Yeah, yeah. It kind of just makes sense. One of the standards. All right, Kyle. Yeah, let me tell everyone about, let's go with Mubit. The guys at Mubit don't just make great watches. They also make awesome sunglasses, and they just released a ton of new styles. Spring is here, and summer is right around the corner,
Starting point is 01:02:53 so it's good news for all of you that Movement is dropping new sunglasses just in time for that warmer weather. Here's the problems with sunglasses. You get all these cheap pairs that look terrible, but then if you buy a $200 pair, you feel like you got ripped off with that unjustifiable price. Well, our friends over at Movement, yeah, the same guys who, oh man, I'm having a hard time with this. Well, our friends at Movement, yeah, the watch guys, they kind of felt the same way, so they thought, screw it.
Starting point is 01:03:19 How about we make quality, trendy sunglasses at a fair price? These aren't plastic, they're acetate. You can get them polarized and they start at just $70. They have a lot of styles you can choose from. Classic, trendy, round, aviator, mirrored, polarized for him and for her. You're sure to find the perfect pair. All of us here are looking forward to the pairs
Starting point is 01:03:38 that we ordered because they're looking great. Get 15% off today with free shipping and free returns by going to slash pka you know movement for how they've revolutionized the watch industry now's the time to check out their sunglasses go to slash pka join the movement i got mine a couple weeks ago and i really have been wearing them uh those are the sunglasses that i wear when i go out now i um i got some sort of i don't know how to describe the kind of guy but i definitely had the polarized ones yeah if
Starting point is 01:04:04 you're springing for these, spend the extra, I think it's only like $5 or something to go from not polarized to polarized. You really, oh yeah. It's a very cheap improvement. So go, go for the polarized.
Starting point is 01:04:14 It's totally worth it. Yeah. It's awesome. Yeah, definitely. So yeah, let's watch this popping video. Oh,
Starting point is 01:04:20 I was hoping you'd forget about it. I'm never going to forget. And you're never going to forget. So we were leading into this. Kyle was talking to me about this before the show. He linked this popping video. There's a whole subreddit about popping zits, I guess. And I was telling him, like, I can watch people be beheaded on the internet.
Starting point is 01:04:39 I can watch a nice Vietnamese man's arm be torn off by a crocodile like last episode, and it doesn't cause me any distress. I can watch it and be grossed out, but I'm fine. Watching people pop zits or eat boogers for some reason are the two things that make me want to gag. This is going to be horrible. I have no desire to watch this. I don't want to watch it. I may just pretend right now. don't want to watch it i may just
Starting point is 01:05:05 pretend right now okay i'll watch it but this is all right so oh boy i'm i'm i'm cute at zero ready zero two all right so just so what we're looking at we're looking at the side of a looks to be an asian man's face and he's got a bunch of little they're not even like normal blackheads they're like all over his cheek and they look like craters. Yeah, larger than normal blackheads. The girth of like a toothpick, as Kyle would say. So alright, I'm ready to
Starting point is 01:05:34 fucking watch this. Ready, set, play. Oh boy, they zoomed in. This is so good. This is so good. Oh man. He needs this. He This is so good. Oh, man. He needs this. Watch, watch, watch. He needs this so badly. You gotta feel good for this guy.
Starting point is 01:05:51 He's like, oh yes. Oh, he's putting a little knife right into the blackhead, stabbing it. Probably making a pressure hole. Yeah, she's digging at it a little bit with that thing. Oh, yeah. There's a lot of shit in there and then she wipes it right on the glove very unsanitary ooh and she's just making the rounds how long is this oh yeah minutes you stick in there we're watching at
Starting point is 01:06:18 least a minute and a half of this they're smaller than I thought I thought there was gonna be like a mess oh're going to get to some big ones. Look how unsanitary that is. Why is it so unsanitary to wipe on the back of her? Because she's spreading it around. Instead of wiping it on gauze and sanitizing it, she's going from wound to wound with the same blade. Look, that one popped. That was like a secondary pop. Yeah, right?
Starting point is 01:06:44 I'm squeezing that one. He's like a secondary pop yeah right squeezing that one he's like i want out look at that oh yeah she's oh that's a good one here oh oh oh you fuck right off i would do this honestly i would do this like this looks like so much fun to get it all out like i would do the popping i I would do the popping. I would do the popping. I would enjoy it. Kyle's not alone. There are people who think that this kind of video is satisfying and glorious. It's very satisfying. Here are the big ones. Oh my god, it's not. This is fucking- Oh, jeez.
Starting point is 01:07:17 This is Big Daddy right here. Look at this guy. Oh no, she switched off. Oh god. This one's gonna be a whopper. I can see it. Oh, fuck! It's be a whopper. I can see it. Oh, fuck! It's like a worm is emerging. A little blood there. No worries. Here it comes. This is the one right here.
Starting point is 01:07:34 Look, it's so big she can't squeeze it out. I think she's going to have to just pull it out with the blade. Watch this. This is nice right here. Oh, this is the one. Oh, God. Watch how it just comes out in one piece when she grabs it. watch this watch this this is this is nice right here but oh oh this is the one this is oh oh god watch how it just comes out in one piece when she grabs it
Starting point is 01:07:50 there are just holes in this guy's skin now it didn't seal back up they're just holes yeah they're gaping it It's like that's another subreddit. We'll talk about that later. Gaping. That's a very different scenario. What is the rest of this video? It seems like she got them in the first two minutes. She got those. She's got a lot there. Can we be done?
Starting point is 01:08:18 Oh, come on. Let's just leave this plane in the background. Come on, Will. Oh, it's so satisfying. Look at her getting them. I don't see it it i just see yuck and to me she got the lion's share of it but i don't like watching this but i can tell it's it's good content because it's genuinely making me want to throw up in the back
Starting point is 01:08:36 look at this look at this see there's dozens more there's dozens more. There's dozens more. Yeah. She doesn't know where to start. She's like a kid in a candy store. Kyle, can you link the grossest one of these you've ever found? This has got to be towards the top. Yeah, just get it done. Yeah, like a completely different video, you mean. Yeah, just like the nasty. I'm turning this one off. I'm turning this off.
Starting point is 01:09:00 We can stop this video now. I'll try to find it. We've watched it on the show before, but it's literally been like 200 episodes since we have. There's this video where this man has this boil or infected floor thing on his back. And they're outdoors, mind you, because it's going to be that fucking bad. They're like, let's just go outside.
Starting point is 01:09:23 We don't want to ruin the living room with what's about to happen, sir. And this woman who looks like a nurse, I want to say she's wearing scrubs, has rubber gloves. And this thing on his back is about as big as a cantaloupe. I don't know. She's like massaging it with both hands like it's a tit and then when it finally pops ounces and ounces of pus are erupting from it and she has she keeps massaging it and getting more and more out people vomiting in the yard shouldn't have drank that kombucha i'm gonna i'm gonna see if i can find it but I really don't think I can it's been years
Starting point is 01:10:05 we watched it on the show though, it was great what a terrible community oh here's a guy who has them in his ears I had black, so when I was like 13 years old, I had blackheads in my fucking ears and I had to go to the dermatologist
Starting point is 01:10:22 to get them out and it was so painful that from then on to this day when i'm in the shower i get in there good i get in there good i got so far were they into your ears not not into the canal just like well here i'll show you they were they were first of all why would i ask let me just say they weren't as bad as this guy's blackheads, okay? Oh, god damn. Oh, blackheads in the ears. Blackheads, yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:51 They used, now I don't know what they're going to do to him, but in my case, they used one of those blackhead remover tools that's like a little loop, and they press, and it applies pressure around the blackhead, and it's a metal tool. It just pops it out? She pressed so hard that it literally felt to me, cause my head is on the table. It literally felt to me like she was going to go into my skull at any moment,
Starting point is 01:11:13 like that she was going to push through my ear and into my head and kill me. I was like, tears were running down my cheeks. I was like 13, but it was excruciating. Can we watch this? Yeah, sure. Oh my God. Where. Can we watch this? Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 01:11:26 Where do you want to start? I guess zero. I haven't previewed it. How long is this? Half an hour? Another nine minutes. Ready, set, play. This looks like a real Zal's ears.
Starting point is 01:11:39 I had to mute the music. Who knows? Is this even a blackhead? Yeah, it's a blackhead. They look like they're insect plantings or something. Yeah, like something laid that inside. Yeah, exactly. She's inserting very sharp tweezers into the blackhead and doing loop-de-loops to get it all loosened up before she does.
Starting point is 01:12:02 This is fucking revolting. I don't be a baby. It's like she's making the hole bigger she is she's making the hole bigger and uh oh i think she's gonna try to grab it and pull it out i hope there's another tool used because i want to see that tool they used on me oh my god jesus wow she's talented i can see she's doing lots of little grabs because you know how like you pull a sticker off you don't get all of it you have but once you get enough of it going it stays together that's what she's doing she's she's making sure she gets a good enough grip
Starting point is 01:12:34 that it comes out fairly whole this looks like earwax almost it's a weird dark dark yellow consistency it's it's It's crumbly. It's gross. It's real gross. But it's very satisfying to watch. She's getting more. Oh, it's coming out. Look at that.
Starting point is 01:12:56 I'm developing a tolerance to this kind of video on the show. Wow. Oh, I really like watching this. I'm glad you got us to watch this. This is a good one. She's digging in deep with the tweezers and getting more and more of it. I'm glad you got us to watch this. This is a good one. She's digging in deep with the tweezers and getting more and more of it. I've never seen this technique. She's just going into the hole with tweezers and
Starting point is 01:13:11 grabbing... How is there more still coming out? It's so deep, dude. It's so deep. She just keeps going back in for more. She just keeps going back in for more. This is grotesque. Oh, she loves it. She's skilled, though.
Starting point is 01:13:27 We're saying she. I guess it could be a man. I don't know why we assumed it's a lady. It's a lady's ear, I guess. I don't know. Is it a lady's ear? I'm dreading all of that nastiness. Because she's just leaving it in his ear.
Starting point is 01:13:38 I'm dreading it, like, tipping back and falling into his ear hole. Oh, no. It gets into your brain. Oh, no. I guess if it goes into the ear canal, Taylor, we've got the man on the job to handle it, right? So just pull it out of there. Begging Vietnam, I was actual surgeon.
Starting point is 01:13:56 Yeah, right? Steady hand. Honestly, surgeon popped into my head. It doesn't take, I don't think, the education that a surgeon has, but it takes a similar skill set with the dexterity. Oh, my God. Is that an esthetician or whatever? This is enough of this.
Starting point is 01:14:12 That's enough of that video. I'm going to look. I'm going to. Oh, my God. Look at this stuff in the ear. There's a real accumulation of things that came out of that little hole. What is this? my god did like a woodpecker perch on this guy's shoulders just hammer a hole into his cheek what the fuck is this oh my god that's so nasty i kind of want to skip ahead into this video and
Starting point is 01:14:41 just see at least put a band-aid on it okay thank god there's not a video for that guy's cheek ulcer good lord is this like a satisfying thing for you Kyle like you like these kinds of videos holy smokes Kyle I jumped ahead
Starting point is 01:15:04 we should sync up it again at 648 okay 648 yeah 648 i'm there ready set play Ready, set, play. There's so much shit that she has pulled out of these holes. Dude. And she's, oh, now we're talking. Now, oh, yes. Yes. You know when potheads show off their stash, like, check out my cool bud. That's what I'm seeing in this guy's ear.
Starting point is 01:15:41 She just pulled a fucking nug out of this guy's ear hole. He's a criminal amount. Look at this next one. It's just as good. I can't believe there's more. I don't know how they're finding more. It's just in his ear. There's not that much room in an ear. That's what I was wondering.
Starting point is 01:16:00 I thought the cartilage would prevent it. You know when you crack open snow crab legs? This one. The first one. I thought the cartilage would prevent it. Look at this nug. This one. This one. The first one. I'm telling you.
Starting point is 01:16:15 She is pulling so much shit out of this one ear hole in this man's ear. You will be blown away. This video. I would tell you what video it is. But it's all in fucking Korean or something. You know? It's got 11 million views the the channel name is and it's got seven silly asian symbols yeah your best yeah to your best i went to top all on popping and it's the ear black she is still pulling it out look at this there it is oh on
Starting point is 01:16:44 my screen it just oh my fucking god look at that it's like an egg it's like a it's like a bug uh proboscis or what do you whatever you call those things like like like it looks like what a what a moth would would come out of syphilis no chrysalis all right that's enough well that's that's the process in which it happens i think but but that But that's so much better. He must feel a thousand times better. He must be so happy. That was
Starting point is 01:17:11 awful. Oh my god. Okay, I found the Kuda Grah boys. I found the Kuda Grah boys. Is it weird to watch another one? Yeah, we have to watch one more. One more. And don't worry.
Starting point is 01:17:30 It's not a person. So Chrysalis is the thing. Oh, this is fucking horrible. And I forget the name. Maybe? Let me search proboscis. That's the thing that I think they use to get in and take the pollen out, right?
Starting point is 01:17:49 Yeah, that's something completely different. Then there's like the what? Proboscis monkey with that giant honking nose, I think. Yeah, that's correct. You know your monkeys. She does. We do have a monkey expert on the show. Let's watch this.
Starting point is 01:18:04 I am queued at zero. is a cow okay i made my face hot well this one is an infection or it's an abscess uh and then we're done and well we're done for now ready set play wait wait i didn't oh i'm sorry all right go back to zero go back to zero wow you're gonna love this one camera works not that good ready oh it's a cow so this won't be as bad are we ready yes ready set play i like the audio oh it's not it looks like they're pulling bubble gum out of a hole in this cow's underside. Yeah. It just looks like they're tearing handfuls of flesh out of it.
Starting point is 01:18:49 Oh, God! I'm not exaggerating when I say it looks like... It's the size of this dude's forearm at this point. Now it's the size of his whole arm. Whoa! Look at it drain. This is literally gallons. That must feel so much better, right?
Starting point is 01:19:11 Yeah. Wow. That was outrageous. I didn't mind that one because it wasn't a person. That was hard fucking core. Look at Richard's face. That's the PKA experience right's the welcome to the show that's always funny that's something i like when we get like a new guest and they'll be like and so i was at the airport and is uh is cursing okay
Starting point is 01:19:35 yeah that is funny when that happens yeah oh man what a what a terrible topic i hate that damn that's rough stuff right oh man i really i'm gonna go to live leak and look for the one where it's in the backyard because that's where it was that is this a person or another cow the person the one that we watched on the show before popping abs i want to say. I thought we were done. I feel like we had a deal. I feel like you're breaking a contract. But if someone's listening and you remember back to that PKA
Starting point is 01:20:14 years ago where we watched this video, it's outdoors, they're in a backyard. I want to say there's a man shirtless and it's on his back, his lower back. It's like a cyst or an abscess. And she is squeezing the flesh like this, with both hands, to squeeze all this pus out. And people are talking about the stench.
Starting point is 01:20:36 Everybody's like, oh, God! And I want to say someone in the background vomits just from the smell. Because it's all just gushing out onto the yard. Is this a big man having a MRSA staph infection taking care of no I don't know did you link something else that I didn't see I'm making a joke oh oh speaking of which mr. medicare's video finally came out oh man it did we um we were waiting with bated breath um and he had told chiz oh it'll be out today maybe tomorrow and tomorrow came and passed and i was like oh man i was all set up you know i had a
Starting point is 01:21:22 popcorn i had my grand gala and some popcorn. Are you ready to go? I had invited friends, family. Everyone gathered around. And it didn't come out. And so the next night it did come out. And I just hear all of my devices simultaneously go off. My phone's vibrating.
Starting point is 01:21:39 I'm getting email alerts. Skype's chirping. Discord's going off. And I and i'm like oh that can only be one thing the wings video is out on mr medeker's channel and and we all hopped into discord and my god i he no one's ever really framed everything up so professionally and done it as well as mr medeker did he made Richard, he made a 45-minute long video about Wings of Redemption where he explained all of the horrible things
Starting point is 01:22:10 that he's done to us over the years and all of the interactions that we've had with him and all of the weird idiosyncrasies about him, all of the insane things that he said. And it's fucking hilarious. Last I checked, it was closing in on 200,000 views. It was... We were laughing our asses off the whole fucking time.
Starting point is 01:22:33 Had a great time watching it. Yeah, if anybody's listening and you're interested in it, I know some people aren't, but it seems like the vast majority are. 200,000 people over on Mr. Medeker's channel are titillated. Head on over there and check it out it's called Wings of Redemption and Kyle and Woody
Starting point is 01:22:54 are the biggest cameos of the whole thing they really helped set up the story structure give the backstory we'd say a thing and then he'd find the source material and like juxtapose them together and you know like this is what happened and then he'd find where it happened yeah because maybe you know kyle would be like he didn't shit for
Starting point is 01:23:15 the first week i was there and then it cut immediately to wings i didn't shit for the first five days i was there and then i'm like confirming all the details yeah because like maybe you don't believe the ridiculous things that Woody and I are saying, especially if this is the first time you've ever seen us, because it's on Maddicker's channel or whatever. So it's nice to have those cutaways to Wings actually admitting
Starting point is 01:23:35 to what we had said. Woody is like, yeah, and then he helped Thunder Toro. This guy's going after my son. And then it goes to Wings, he's like, all I did was help Thunder Toro. Then his channel took off. He made a ton of money. I don't have to choose.
Starting point is 01:23:50 He's like, that's literally what he just said about you. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Good shit. Good shit. It was a very good video. I hope there's a part two.
Starting point is 01:23:59 That would be nice because we sort of – in that video, we got where Wings started with YouTube and sort of how his career has petered or whatever and how he's gone insane and the horrible things that he'd done to all of us and some other people. I would love to see what made him the man he is, right? Start with his childhood. Dig deep, right? An origin story. An origin story. Yes. A prequel.
Starting point is 01:24:25 Oh, boy. An origin story. An origin story. Yes. A prequel. Oh, boy. The first video. I'd love to see that. And I told Chiz, like, tell Medeker I am... An open book of information. I'm a fucking Wings of Redemption historian. I know all of the little stories. I know all the stuff about, like, his family and his mom and his dad and his is all
Starting point is 01:24:46 of these people in his life i i i know way too way more than i'd like to know it's it's fascinating it's fascinating i'm telling you i wish wings would get a reality show i wish someone would see this video and be like shit we gotta get this guy on on the on the on the small screen we gotta get a let's get this guy on the small screen. Let's give this guy a five-episode deal because he'd be fascinating. He'd be fascinating. I'm curious about Wing's thoughts on all this thing, right? So here's what's in my head.
Starting point is 01:25:24 I have heard Wing say that these troll channels are unfair, that they're bad, they're picking on them, and that they're bullying him and what have you. Now, I remember when Philip DeFranco was talking about Daddy O5. And if people don't know, Daddy O5 was a guy who had daily vlogs and he would commit obvious child abuse for his vlogs. He would pick on them. He'd have the kids literally like fight. They'd hit the kids. He accused the children of doing wrong things just to get them crying and scared yeah you're lying but we know the kid's innocent right but tears are coming down his eyes so he blamed philip defranco for all the trouble he was in and philip defranco
Starting point is 01:26:02 said something that resonated with me he says i am as responsible for what's happening to you as a security camera, right? And it was like, yeah, that's right. All he's doing is talking about the content he put in his vlogs. DaddyO5 is the guy that did this stuff. So now circling back to Wings, how does he feel about this right when when these
Starting point is 01:26:27 channels make like put the highlights of his streams up where he's either happy or sad or most often angry about something and wings is like man all these channels are picking on me all these channels are doing this to me it's like blaming the mirror for the way you look i wonder how wins feels about that thought i mean i he feels that he's misrepresented he feels that things are taken out of context but that's just his own personal delusion right like like you're not getting he's not a clear lens to look through right he's he's it's absurd some of the things that he thinks like he has said and done all of the things that that he's been giving shit about i didn't i don't think i remembered any real inaccuracies in medicare's video certainly not
Starting point is 01:27:16 any that were biting or anything maybe some like factual silliness like like oh you got that slightly wrong it was actually this way in that way but for the most part like it was pretty accurate wins will throw his controller behind him right does it all the time throws that oh, you got that slightly wrong. It was actually this way and that way. But for the most part, like, he hit the nail on the head. Wins will throw his controller behind him, right? Does it all the time. Throws that controller, slams it on the wall, et cetera. What is his side of the story? Like, oh, you don't understand.
Starting point is 01:27:34 I expected to win that gunfight. Right? Is that reasonable? Does that make it better? Now that we have the context, are his actions normal? Well, that's funny. Like, I got no problem with his rages i think the part that that may you know it's the way he treated us you know it's it's it's his lack
Starting point is 01:27:51 of like i'm talking about wings's feelings on the channels that are showing who wings is you know like does wings look at medicare's video and say well this isn't fair and it's like no that is fair it's a totally accurate representation of the things you've done and said you know on your way up on your way down the whole way through and every time he backed it up with you actually saying and doing it as a source material do you look at you doing things and blame other people for the way you come off because that's you doing stuff i wonder like how does he rationalize in his head that he actually doesn't behave badly the way you come off? Because that's you doing stuff. I wonder. How does he rationalize in his head that he actually doesn't behave badly very often when all his bad behavior is documented on camera?
Starting point is 01:28:34 Yeah, I don't know. It's a bizarre situation. But, you know, you got that video there. It's fascinating. Very funny to watch. I really enjoyed it. I haven't seen Wingstream since. I saw him tweet, and he's like, hey, what's everybody doing tonight?
Starting point is 01:28:48 And everybody was like, watching this. And then they looked at Lincoln. Lincoln the Medicare video, of course. Have you seen that yet, Richard? I haven't, no. The Mr. Medicare Wings video? Oh, you should check it out. It's pretty interesting.
Starting point is 01:29:02 No. You probably don't know the Wingstream. I'll try to tell it in fast forward as my sons love to hear Wings came back into streaming prominence almost that might be an exaggeration but a stream started doing well getting attention
Starting point is 01:29:15 and he said that he was taking the money from his streaming and he was going to buy weight loss surgery a little lost on exactly which one but picture it as gastric bypass or something so people started donating and things started doing really well and he gets like thirty thousand dollars you know enough to buy the surgery and recover and not work for a couple weeks and pay his debt off a lot of stuff right and the
Starting point is 01:29:43 surgery hasn't happened and And people, you know, started getting frustrated because they felt like they were donating towards a cause. And now they weren't, you know, unless he comes through in the end. I don't know. He says he's coming through. And I wouldn't I have a bet. It's five dollars. But all of our bets are kind of are kind of small potatoes like that. It's more about, you more about just sort of nailing down our points of view about a topic at any one given time, and we don't forget. I got five bucks that Wings gets that surgery this calendar year, and I think I'm fucked. I'm really glad it wasn't. You still think you're fucked, even though he's come out and said it's still happening.
Starting point is 01:30:22 He's come out and said the blood work came through, that he come out said the blood work came through that he's healthy that it's happening etc etc look at the time i made the bet if you had been like hey let's make it interesting make it 5 000 i'd have been like all right fuck you you're gonna lose five thousand dollars be ready to pay i'd have made that bet i'm so glad that you're not a high roller i'm not i'm really not because at the time i was so sure that it was coming that it was happening because he was like oh yeah i got my passport mama is gonna help me make the phone call to make the appointment that's the only hold up here is me and mama linking up so that we can make the appointment you know and i was like well shit as soon as he gets as soon as he wakes up in time one day and he's able to link up with mama, then, you know, he'll, he'll get this thing scheduled and he'll book a flight to, oh, that's true.
Starting point is 01:31:11 He already booked, he already bought the tickets to Mexico. Right. So, you know, we're just, we're just waiting on it to happen. I have a completely different interpretation of that kind of obstacle. Right. If someone says, the only thing holding me up from getting this surgery is that I have to walk across the room and turn the light on, I think, oh, well, obviously, there's something holding you up other than that light switch because that's not a flipping obstacle, right? That's not a problem. If you're telling me that the reason you haven't scheduled your weight loss surgery is that you need to coordinate with your mom about timing or something, horse shit, you have some other problem,
Starting point is 01:31:47 like cowardness or money or I don't know what, that there's something stopping you from getting this done other than coordination. Schedule conflicts don't take three months to sort out. Right? What do you learn to fly faster than you've gotten a surgery? Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:05 That's true. He became a fucking airman. Call him the Nighthawk. Or he calls himself that. We don't know if it's the rest of the group. He's got the jacket. This is true. But yeah, so there's something stopping him from doing this that's not scheduling. It's not scheduling.
Starting point is 01:32:21 Stopping him from doing this. That's not scheduling. It's not scheduling. And, and you know, if you just know how infrequently he leaves the house, infrequently he leaves his town, then I think that is, those are the kinds of things that are his actual obstacles,
Starting point is 01:32:34 not a telephone call. Yeah. It seems, you know, I don't want to always go back to beating a dead horse. And then my mind wants me to make it beating a dead pig because I think that's funny, but I've said, I'm going gonna stop doing that you know he hadn't left the
Starting point is 01:32:49 state at the age of 25 or so right you know he you can't say i want to say beating a dead horse but i really want to say beating a dead pig but i'm not going to say that stenographer scratch that from the record that's unsaid well you know beating a dead pig here but the man hadn't left the house at the age of like 25 or 26 right you know like left the state you mean let the state like never left the state and you know that's that's pretty telling about you know his i think he has a his fear of going out. Not necessarily outdoors. I think that's agoraphobia, maybe.
Starting point is 01:33:29 I don't think he's afraid to just go outside. I think he's afraid to leave what is his comfort zone. And there are multiple layers to the bubble of comfort, right? Bubble one is that room he's in all the time. Bubble two is the trailer. Bubble three is Con room he's in all the time. Bubble two is the trailer. Bubble three is Conway, South Carolina. And then it just goes out to, you know, finally there's the South Carolina bubble. And like getting through that layer is a real ordeal for him. You know, he was
Starting point is 01:33:56 very uncomfortable that time he went to L.A. I mean, you were with him for that. I wish I'd gone on that. I had some sort of prior engagement. they asked you know they invited a lot of people and and i was like oh freddie w's going maybe i will go but i had a thing i don't remember what it was but it was it was like oh we gotta do that thing instead it was it was super important but like i really wish i'd been there because that would have been the first time i think that i ever met him and i would have loved to have been there and met him with you and had that whole experience go down because it was I've seen all the clips. I've seen him jumping into the swimming pool and him like posing with that guy's Lamborghini or whatever. And and then I've heard your stories of him like contemplating renting a fucking car and driving from Los Angeles to Conway, South Carolina.
Starting point is 01:34:40 Dude, if you had blogged that now, I'll right now like you make a private video series i'll pay a hundred dollars i want a video i want full live stream the whole way you and a rental car and i've seen the rental cars you get from one side of the country to the other literally coast to coast los angeles to conway south carolina i'd fucking love that can't even vlog because the highway noise on that thing sounds like you're in a you know airplane testing terminal wings wings would fart and the windows would fog up wings uh it was funny he forgot he forgot his deodor. He hadn't packed deodorant on that trip. And he went from person to person trying to borrow deodorant.
Starting point is 01:35:30 He went to White Boy. And White Boy is like, nah, dog. If you need socks, I'll hook you up. But he wasn't willing to share deodorant. He went to me. And I was like, I can't leave my man hanging out alone. I shared my deodorant with Wings on that trip. Deodorant's like $2.
Starting point is 01:35:48 Here's how you share deodorant, right? Look, you roll the deodorant stick out. You take a butter knife or something. You slice him off a little deodorant. Here's your deodorant. Don't lose it. That's what you do. That's what it works. You can use a cap stick or anything like that that you don't really want to share.
Starting point is 01:36:03 Don't lose this slice that's going to immediately turn to paste in your hand it will crumble you roll it up in a ball like do whatever you gotta do to have you done this before because i'm i i think my deodorant does not have the consistency to make that work huh i haven't done it but i know it worked like even if you had to repeat the process daily, I don't want to share. I don't think I've ever shared deodorant with another man. And I don't think I would want to. There's something kind of gross about armpits.
Starting point is 01:36:33 That's true. It wasn't a want to. It was a sacrifice I made. Did you ever lick a girl's armpit? Yeah. No. I love that I got that simultaneous reaction. Both of you were just as headstrong about your reaction.
Starting point is 01:36:47 Equally. Woody's like, oh, yeah. And Tim's like, oh, no. I'll tell you, Taylor, you're missing nothing. Typically, it has deodorant, and now your tongue is dry. Yeah, it's the worst. If you ever got deodorant on your tongue, you're like a cat that just licks it. You're like, no, it won't go away. You can do other stuff with deodorant on your tongue you're like a cat that just licks yeah that's like you're like that won't go away you can do other stuff with deodorant i remember this was like
Starting point is 01:37:10 super super early 2000s like when n-sync and backstreet boys were still huge and they had the frosted tips you know on their on their hair in the top and a friend of mine you know lots of people were getting it done and he was like we – we were at this kid's house in the neighborhood just fiddle-fucking around like kids do. And he's like, my mom won't let me get the tips like whoever the hell. But I found out that if you put deodorant all over your hair, it will bleach all of your hair. And we're like, Scott, what a good idea. And so we were like standing outside did you all know it was a bad idea when you said that no but we knew it was not a good idea enough to be like
Starting point is 01:37:52 you storm this beach buddy like we're gonna watch and see like we weren't obsessed with having the tips and so he we were in his backyard and he like went over his head with deodorant like caking it on and he's like all right now i just need to wait and then wash it out and it'll do everything. Next time I saw that kid, it had changed the color of his hair, but it was not Backstreet Boy, super cool frosted tips. He had gray as a 70-year-old Anderson Cooper hair. Like totally, but not anderson cooper because that look is odd on a on an 11 year old and just totally gray looked awful and it there's nothing you can do about it he just had to wait for it to grow back so he had a bad look for a while
Starting point is 01:38:38 so i grew up at the beach and a lot of people wanted blonde hair and they just put lemon juice in their hair are you familiar with this yes yes it doesn't make you blonde it makes you something other than blonde it's like you're not a redhead you're a fake brunette type thing it's not a good thing and i do remember sun in yeah yeah sun in where it's like oh put this in your hair it'll kind of just make it redder if you have dark brown hair like and i was like, oh, this isn't working. I'm sorry. You mentioned Sonnen, and it made me think of Chael Sonnen. And I know folks don't like mixed martial arts talk, so let me just make this quick.
Starting point is 01:39:12 He's fighting Fedor, right? He is. I'm excited to see that. I really am excited to see him fight Fedor. Fedor is an interesting guy to me. He's so deadpan. He's so, like, emotionless. And he's got this storied career. He's obviously
Starting point is 01:39:28 a shell of his former self. But so is Chael. Chael isn't the Chael that went up against John Jones. Even the Chael that went up against John Jones wasn't top tier Chael. I watched that at your house. Woody and I were watching a mixed martial arts fight at his house. It was John
Starting point is 01:39:44 Jones versus Chael Sonnen for the belt. And Jon Jones is whooping the shit out of Chael Sonnen. And in the second round, I want to say, Chael has him. In one of the rounds, Jon Jones has Chael up against the cage, and he's pushing off with his foot. And imagine my index finger is my big toe. It tears off till it's dangling. It rips at the webbing away from the other toes sideways. And it is dangling by, I suppose, skin alone. Yeah. And compound fracture. You can see inside his body now.
Starting point is 01:40:22 Yes. And so it happened to be at the end of the round before anyone even took notice that his toe was hanging off. But if – and he beat him. He defeated him before that round was over, I want to say. John Jones won with like 10 seconds left in the first. Yeah. And if Chael had managed to survive the beating he was taking, and it was quite a beating, they'd have disqualified John because his toe was dangling off like a
Starting point is 01:40:48 fucking, I don't know what, and Chael would have become the fucking champion of the world until John's toe grew back, right? And I always thought that would have been one of the most crazy flukes of all time. So ever since then, I've been a Chael Sonnen fan. All of his ridiculous shit-talking,
Starting point is 01:41:04 all of his comedy. He's a wordsmith. Yeah. If people don't know Chael Sonnen, that's one of his best skills. He is a wordsmith. He's a speaker. And he often has prepared lines, but even off the cuff, he's fantastic. I really want to visit the alternative universe where he makes it to the end of that round and wins.
Starting point is 01:41:23 Yeah. Because while Jon Jones was pushing him around, he hurt his toe. And to be clear, Chael had nothing to do with him hurting his toe. It's not like he got him in a toe lock or something. That's actually illegal. But he just was pushing him around and his toe snapped off. Would Chael have said, yes, I'll admit, Jon Jones might have been getting the best of me until god himself intervened and
Starting point is 01:41:48 made me the 205 pound champion right clearly john jones has a foot durability weakness that i do not share that is why i am the champion i tore this man limb from limb in our first bout next time he'll be lucky if he has a foot yeah yeah he'd have taken he'd have taken that route he wouldn't have been like oh it was i got lucky i guess he'd have been like you got lucky you got lucky you still even have a have a leg got lucky it was just your toe next time i'm taking your head off right like what post-fight interview with Joe Rogan where he talks to Rogan about uh Chael Sonnen in third person to him about how excited he was he got to be there to experience that with him it's it's it's just it's it's just one of the funniest post-fight interviews ever
Starting point is 01:42:39 dude the one where he does the like I'm the man with, like, I'm the man with the greatest charms. I'm the man with the biggest arms. He's going on, and Joe starts to, like, take the mic from him. And he's like, I just got done whooping an ex-world champion of the world. If you don't think I'll do it again to a 50-year-old comedian, you got another thing coming. Give me that microphone. That's the greatest. Let's watch this quick clip. I think it shows a little bit of humor in both
Starting point is 01:43:07 chael sonnen and fedor because they were both at this press conference this is a while back this reporter is by the way this video is called flirting with hot reporter chael sonnen and madrid or emilie emilie nico and matt mitrione the reporter is fucking hot i just need a movie. Are we at? It should be time stamped to start at four seconds. Ready, set, play. Alan for Vander and Silva.
Starting point is 01:43:35 We have been waiting three years until your fight. So what is your feeling now? Tell. Hello, sweet potato. What was the question? I was a little distracted. What did you say? My question was was what is your feeling now child? Mmm pretty excited as a matter of fact Now I have a question for heavyweights does the better part Bellator 172
Starting point is 01:44:04 Not first, I'm sorry, could you fire that one off again? It's a problem, isn't it Matt? Велатур 172. Мат, ты первый. Простите, вы можете опять выключить? Это проблема, не так ли, Мат? Это действительно проблема. Я не чувствую, что здесь нет никакой напряжения. Есть, это на его счету, и я еще не взял. Но он выглядит как кукуруза для меня. Нет, напряжение уходит медленно. No, the tension is going away gradually.
Starting point is 01:44:30 The translator did not want to say that. That's the same translator I saw him with at the fight the other night. So I don't know who that chick is. It looks like his mom, but she's always with him. I was like, is he talking about his boner going down? Yes, he is talking about his boner going yeah yeah i needed to yeah that's that's good stuff i look forward to that fight um i i that'll that'll be cool um i like chel a lot i listen to his um what is it the the bad guy or something whatever i watch the highlights yeah i don't usually watch the whole thing um what was i gonna say chel, he's talked about how difficult it is to prepare for the Fedor fight
Starting point is 01:45:08 because most of his fights in Japan were fake, and he can't tell how the guy actually fights. I don't know what's true. So what he was saying, and maybe you understood it fully as well, but he was saying that what happens in Japan is that fedor thinks he's having a legit fight everyone thinks it's a legit fight but the yakuza goes to the opponent and says hey you go down in a second and he's like i don't want to and they're like no you you go down in a second or we do something bad to you and he's like well i guess i go down in a second and so
Starting point is 01:45:43 he loses to fedor intentionally but fedor doesn't realize it's a fake i guess i go down to the second and so he loses to fade or intentionally but fade or doesn't realize it's a fake fight so i don't know how he gets this information but you you wouldn't think you just make that up and lie about it it's a pretty harsh accusation right it's not like saying he's a yeah implicating the yakuza in it like suddenly lies constantly he would never lie about the yakuza he lies about everything else he's the liest liar to have ever lied no never i've never heard him say a dishonest word if people don't know me jail son and lies a lot and and it's funny because some of the lies are obviously untrue like you know this guy's from brazil it's not a modern country i saw him try
Starting point is 01:46:22 to feed carrots to a bus right like that's that's a lie that we all know wasn Brazil. It's not a modern country. I saw him try to feed carrots to a bus. That's a lie that we all know, wasn't it? That's not even a lie. That's just a funny joke. Right, right. But then other ones are lies, lies that could have been true. And because he mixes them all up, sometimes it's difficult to discern whether or not he's telling the truth or not. So, yeah, he's – That's the sort of thing that i feel like would make fedor
Starting point is 01:46:46 mad though like if anything would actually get under that guy's skin right going after his storied record but he would do that right he he so tito ortiz said chael son and made a living with his mouth tito who dated a porn star for quite some years said no jenna jameson made a living with her mouth that is what that's about and uh and tito got very upset but that's what chell does he upsets you yeah yeah he was wasn't he wasn't it jenna jameson that he was with i don't think they're together anymore but but he was with yes yeah that i'm sorry the jenna jameson was not yeah i think i saw them like do like guest appearances on the howard stern show like together it was a
Starting point is 01:47:30 real shit show yeah i don't think they were married but they were very serious yeah interesting yeah yeah so i don't know i look to see that i want to see it too i want to see it too and i'll tell you chael's as big as fedor fedor is a small heavyweight chael is huge at 185 they seem to be roughly the same size to me yeah uh although fedor did not struggle with uh what's his name he was fighting the other night at 265 you know that that was um ed uh who's his opponent the other night um the big white guy, Frank Mir. Frank Mir. Frank Mir was walking around in 1965. Yeah. Fedor crushed him.
Starting point is 01:48:08 All right, I got another ad read here. Tell everybody about Smart Mouth. Bad breath is a gross, embarrassing problem that impacts everyone at some point in their lives. Fortunately, it isn't your fault. Smart Mouth Mouthwash knows that the real cause of bad breath, and they know that just two rinses a day can solve it for good. But first, what is bad breath? Bad breath is a natural consequence of bacteria living in your mouth, naturally occurring oral bacteria consume protein in your mouth and give off sulfur gas as waste. So when you smell
Starting point is 01:48:33 that rotten egg bad breath odor, you're actually smelling sulfur gas. Using alcohol to just kill germs or trying to cover the odor with a minty mask won't solve the problem. To solve a real problem, you need real science. SmartMouth uses a clinically proven patented two-liquid system. When poured, the clear sulfur-eliminating solution combines with the green zinc ion solution and activates. The activated zinc ions seek out
Starting point is 01:48:56 and bind to bacteria in the mouth, stopping them from being able to consume protein or release that sulfur gas for a full 12 hours per rinse. No sulfur gas means no bad breath. Find SmartMouth in the oral health aisle at your local supermarket, pharmacy, grocery store, or online at Amazon. And now, for a limited time, this is very important, you can go on over to slash PKA and get a free $3 off coupon for any SmartMouth rents. That's slash PKA to save.
Starting point is 01:49:22 slash PKA. Let them know that we're impactful over here. Go to that URL. Don't waste any time. Don't put it off until tomorrow. Just clickety-click, clickety-clack. slash PKA. Do it.
Starting point is 01:49:35 Clickety-click, clickety-clack. Yeah, it reflects very well on our show if you guys visit that. Do it. I use it every day. It's a great way to, well, let's not be too aggressive, Kyle. Actually, you know what? Yeah. Let's be aggressive about it. You could have even said bitch louder, I think.
Starting point is 01:49:51 Bitch! I use it every day, and I never have bad breath, and I guarantee Woody and Kyle don't either. I mean, if I were there in person with Kyle and Woody, I would feel comfortable putting my nose directly into their mouths. It's a delightful experience in here. You'd be like, oh, that doesn't smell like anything. It smells neutral.
Starting point is 01:50:11 It smells like nothing. Your mouth is such a joy. Would you lick my armpits? You ever see the movie Hot Shots? That might be the way it goes. I have not seen the movie Hot Shots. It's got Charlie Sheen in it. It's kind of like a Rambo spoof. It's like slapstick comedy. And the super hot It's got Charlie Sheen in it. It's kind of like a Rambo spoof. It's like slapstick comedy. And the super hot chick is with Charlie Sheen.
Starting point is 01:50:28 She goes, kiss me like you've never kissed anyone before. And he just like French kisses her entire nose, like whole nose. That's a good movie. You've never seen Hot Shots? Come on. I thought it was a Top Gun spoof. Am I crazy? It spoofs a bunch of movies. Top Gun seen Hot Shots? Come on. I thought it was a Top Gun spoof. Am I crazy? It spoofs a bunch of movies.
Starting point is 01:50:48 And Top Gun is definitely one of them too, yeah. I'm not nearly as film cultured as Kyle. Dude, I've seen seemingly everything. I had a long drive recently, and I was on the Spotify 80s playlist. And I'm like, I bet Taylor doesn't know most of these songs. No, I don't even listen to music in the car for the most part. I listen to streams of debates or podcasts and shit because it passes the time faster.
Starting point is 01:51:15 There have to be people out there like me who are like, all right, if I listen to music, time goes by really slowly. But if I'm listening to something like a debate, I'll be there in my car like, because this or that or something like anything where you can like pick a disagreement with like you're going to get lost in your own thoughts of it and it's going to make you maybe some people like that with music i i'm not but i think it passes the time way faster i don't know that music guy or a podcast guy richard um i actually do well i love podcasts um those are those are great um lately i've been doing audiobooks um i'll do them at 1.5 or 2x and surprisingly your your brain adapts pretty quick
Starting point is 01:51:55 like you you can listen to it pretty well um and i just power through books way way faster that way what kind of books entertaining books everything it's like broad well it's broad spectrum right because i did like i've done that drive from california to tennessee multiple times and i'd i'd listen to like or game of thrones or um recently i did uh ray dalio's uh principles book and um let's see what it is have you listened to Gary Vanderchuck I think that's his name do you know who I'm talking about the yeah of course yeah I just thought with your job you would really like his stuff yeah I mean it's it's funny you like you you you find out the more stuff you start consuming the
Starting point is 01:52:42 more stuff that you want and just there's so little time in the day. Like in the past, I used to listen to music. I was like, oh, you know, I'll read this book. I did this. I feel so productive. And then now I'm like, I'm a piece of shit. I'm not doing enough. I used to listen to Game of Thrones in the car and my daughter hated it.
Starting point is 01:53:02 Which in fairness, like she's only catching the pieces that we're driving together on. So it's just a I don't know how old Roy Detrice was. I'm something 130 maybe. And it's this old man doing accents of people. Yeah, it's it. I can imagine how dreadful it was. And I know she had an accent. The thing is, I wanted her to get her own license so I could stop driving her to school.
Starting point is 01:53:27 So the fact that this experience was dreadful to her was just a bonus. So she's like, can we listen to music? No. No, we can't. I'll tell you what. I'll buy you a car. You can listen to anything you want. But in my car, it's Game of Thrones all day.
Starting point is 01:53:43 You're going to get every sixth chapter of this book. And you're going to like it. And you're going to like this old man. Or hate it. It doesn't matter. Or every single character. It is. It is.
Starting point is 01:53:53 And you can hear how old he is in the audiobooks. I know you guys know Roy DeTrees. You'd be like, And Judd Snow said to him, Sam, you must come with me out into the wild. And Sam replied, But master, I can't come with you. with It's like, no, it's the same It's the same
Starting point is 01:54:10 All their female characters are the same too Yeah, their names sound similar So I can only imagine somebody who There's no way I could listen to that audio book On 1.5 or 2X Because you're trying to figure out Who are all these sunspear people There's so many characters and and i personally struggle extra because their names aren't names
Starting point is 01:54:31 you hear every day you know they're all like ayushi or something and he's like i don't know who the fuck ayushi is that's not a name that works for me if they named taylor and richard i would have no trouble less trouble but yeah but it adds to it the fact that they all have names you've never heard before and and she just hated it and if it was a motivator for her to get her license then good parenting by woody torture we're listening to this on half speed oh the fucking hordes Oh, the fucking hordes. I'm going to get my fucking license.
Starting point is 01:55:09 Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's so good. Right. You're not supposed to like this experience. Well, that's the last we're going to get a Game of Thrones books. I would bet $100 that we will never see another Game of Thrones book. I would not bet against that. That guy is going to drop any day now. And I was going to say he writes a page a day like is a goof.
Starting point is 01:55:30 That could be overestimating. I don't think he averages a page a day. There's absolutely no way he does if you do the math, right? Is that a 12,000-page book or something like that? It's been three years, right? Three years is 1,000-plus pages. That guy is a perfect example of what you often talk about when you don't understand what motivates people once they've made it. He's made it.
Starting point is 01:55:50 I bet his royalties off of the HBO series are substantial. He's got all kinds of credits on there. He gets paid for more than the royalties. He's like a contributor. He's written episodes, I think. He's doing all these appearances. I bet for the first time in his life he's getting pussy.
Starting point is 01:56:06 This guy is just not right guy He might be stretchy dude Wow I mean let's be real look at that troll Look at him If you gotta suck somebody's dick You suck in Harvey Weinstein's dick Or you suck in Martin's dick Well I need to know what else is in the offer
Starting point is 01:56:23 Do you have to rest their belly fat on your head Oh yeah He lifts it up and then drops it right on top of your head do you think it's like moist oh it's moist under the in the folds oh in the folds there's infections and do you think he lifts and then puts deodorant in there if i were a fatty i would lift those folds and i would powder i would i would powder everywhere right but just imagine after a long workout the powder turns to some kind of a slurry right and then and then like as you're working out you got to reach down there and like like like two three fingers under the fold and get the slurry out and like like maybe powder is not the
Starting point is 01:57:00 answer maybe you want an oil you know a little baby oil like buddha yeah get all lubed up and start jiggling it might be pleasurable do you think when they go down on them they have to do the same thing we were watching that that lady do to the zits where they have to like push in on the side of his fupa to get that pop out pushes pushes oh there it is. There's a tool. It's this big and you just push it Like an acorn in a bird's nest Do you not think that he manscaped appropriately that man does not man's oh, how could you he would he would need someone else to? Do it for him that would be your job. I mean, I'm sure you can afford it. Did you see this clip? I was the inspiration for Tormund's beard.
Starting point is 01:57:48 Did you see the clip I linked of, what's her name? From the actress that everyone's so fond of. In Game of Thrones? No, no, no. From Hunger Games. Jennifer Lawrence.
Starting point is 01:58:02 Yeah, did you see her, all the nudity in the new movie she's done Yes So this woman This woman avoided Nudity in her scenes as far as I know For a long time And then when she finally decides to get naked on film
Starting point is 01:58:18 It is fucked up Like What do you mean So what it looks like is happening to me and i'm just using context clues and i think i'm quite good at that it appears that she is challenging this man to fuck her right there on the spot in front of the class and so she strips completely naked and she's like gets up on the desk and she's like yeah fuck me and he can't get hard and in his like he's ashamed and he like jerks his pants up and
Starting point is 01:58:45 storms away i i'm like 95 sure that's what's happening in this scene over here that i've just linked he said a class i think it's more of a trial like she's being class isn't she being accused of being a spy in that scene i have no idea what this movie's about i'm pretty sure it's a classroom but is it a body double or no, it's her. No, it's definitely her, and she's talked about it in many interviews. She said that she was very uncomfortable getting naked, and then when she got naked, suddenly she got super comfortable being naked
Starting point is 01:59:14 to the point where everyone else was uncomfortable. They're like, can you put something on? I like that. There's another scene in the movie where she's showering, and this dude tries to rape her, and she pulls off the hot water nozzle and punches him with it and beats him down with it.
Starting point is 01:59:32 But yeah, she gets completely naked here. It's pretty great. If I were a famous Hollywood actor, I wouldn't give a fuck about getting naked. Yeah, right? It makes so much money, I don't care. You don't want it to damage your future prospects, though, right? Like, there's some...
Starting point is 01:59:46 Sometimes it helps tremendously. When Margot Robbie got naked in Wolf of Wall Street, that catapulted her to stardom. She's getting roles left and right, and not just in, like, indie stuff and Sundance stuff. Like, she's Harley Quinn, right? She's established in the DC universe such that it is as Harley Quinn now.
Starting point is 02:00:08 Then there's other examples of ladies who got naked and then their careers just tanked. Can you think of one? It's probably partially because the movie was so bad, but Showgirls. Elizabeth
Starting point is 02:00:23 Barclay. That was rated X i think or nc 17 like there's this like the sex scene in the pool is hilarious it's hilarious like i think they were going for like hot and like like like like animalistic likes like fucking but instead like he's like fucking her in the pool and she looks like she's having a seizure. She's like, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah. It's great. It's fucking great.
Starting point is 02:00:51 It's a terrible movie, though. Don't watch Showgirls. Just watch the clip of Showgirls with her fucking... I don't know if that hurt her career, because prior to that, she was just saved by the bell, I think. And that was her movie debut, and it didn't really go anywhere. And after that, nothing. Yeah. But I don't know that
Starting point is 02:01:05 she would have done much better if she played like a serious part i can't hallie berry when she got naked that was great that was great and and swordfish when when uh apparently uh he kept fucking his lines up she was like naked for like two or three days or something like that that's great that's what i do too yeah hally berry looks amazing yeah i'm a fan of hally berry do you see there's a there's a whole new issue that we need to be thinking about now guys you know consent obviously is a huge issue yes but have you ever considered sometimes you know everything you do is your favorite. Anyway. Have you ever considered that you need to ask your baby if they're okay with having their diaper changed
Starting point is 02:01:50 before you change their shitty diaper? That's a good point. Because maybe they're not into it, right? Maybe they don't feel comfortable with it at that moment. Maybe they want to sit in their own shit, right? Yeah. It's this pink-haired person is saying, first of all, if you're going to give advice to anyone,
Starting point is 02:02:13 don't have pink hair, because no one is going to take you seriously. You look like a retard. You look like a moron. People in the street don't go, that's quirky. They go, someone didn't have a father in the home. That's what they say. They don't think that you're qualified to say that babies need to specify if they want their nappy changed.
Starting point is 02:02:31 But this is a real article now. That we need to pay attention to whether babies are consenting to it. That's the same thing as, Woody, you've raised children. Did you ever go, do you want to eat your carrots no that two blinks for no throw them away like no of course not this is this is this is not even borderline this is total retardation that this would get any traction anywhere i and not be a joke. How did this get traction at all? Right? Like, why did ABC put this on?
Starting point is 02:03:09 I guess for ratings, people are looking at it as a goof. People are making fun of it. Maybe. No one really thinks this, except maybe this idiot. There's also, I mean, if this idiot got on there, then they clearly are from some idiotic organization. Right? That, like, is like, yeah, I let your babies sit and shit if that's what they want. They didn't consent to being taken care of appropriately.
Starting point is 02:03:33 The thing about this, so I don't think of myself as that liberal, but compared to the show I am, and you just know this idiot is on the blue team. You just know it. You know this idiot is on the blue team you just know it you know this fucking asshole like i have to apologize for this idiot with the blue hair because they're no you don't have to care their shit because they're on the weird i'm telling you i i would bet 15 dollars which is triple my normal bet that this person wanted barry sanders to win and then settled for hillary i'm positive of it i'm positive you don't think there's a make america great again pin right This person wanted Barry Sanders to win and then settled for Hillary. I'm positive of it. I'm positive of it. You don't think there's a Make America Great Again pin right under that.
Starting point is 02:04:10 No, I don't. I don't. I don't. No, in fairness, the other team's got. The Detroit Lions running back. The other team is going to have some guy in a Ku Klux Klan robe. And, you know, I'm sure Republicans are like, are like oh my god i can't believe they wear red but this pink haired idiot asking babies for consent is clearly a barry sanders or this i'm saying barry sanders that's that's why the jokes i didn't get them at first i'd much rather vote
Starting point is 02:04:37 for barry sanders barry sanders was cool he lived in that same 150 000 house through his whole career he's rich as hell. Didn't move. I liked it. I don't know. This is what that pink-haired retard actually said. She said to tell babies, I'm going to change your diaper now.
Starting point is 02:04:54 Is that okay? And then wait for a response. Of course the baby's not going to respond. Yes, mom, that's awesome. I'd love to have my nappy changed. But if you leave a space and wait for body language and wait to make eye contact, then you're letting that child know that their response matters.
Starting point is 02:05:08 It's like, no, you're letting a child sit and shit for an extra four minutes. Right. I agree. It is outrageous. It is. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:05:17 But the fact that we're talking about it, I mean, that's, that kind of proves the point. It proves the point that we're stupid. It doesn't prove the point that they're right no not that they're right they're just that just that they know people will discuss it and talk about its absurdity well i hope that next to pro-rape and uh zit popping and uh the
Starting point is 02:05:42 wings of redemption talk that this guy is like you know what that's what i was hoping for you know i yeah i feel like even the assholes on twitter who like do like the kill all white people or kill all men stuff even they have to look at this and be like well settle down yeah yeah sure i want to kill all men but change change your baby. All right, Kyle, what's this we're looking at here? Deputy shoots groundhog? This is absurd. So in this video, I think it's Georgia. God damn it, I think it's Georgia because it says...
Starting point is 02:06:16 Kyle gets to apologize for his team. It says Carroll County, and I don't know that there's a Carroll County, Georgia. No, it says sykesville md merrily okay well in any case um this uh this groundhog was coming right at him apparently if you if you skip forward to let's let's start at a minute. One minute? One minute. And just to set this up, this deputy has stopped traffic in both directions on the highway. The groundhog has been slowly making its way across the road, and he is standing near the groundhog.
Starting point is 02:07:01 Ready, set, play. He wants to get patted. He's holding his gun. Oh, no. Oh, my gosh. Oh, no. Oh, no. He just threw down.
Starting point is 02:07:19 Oh, he's not dead yet. Oh, my God. He shot. Just step on it at this point. Oh, my God. Watch this. Watch this me! Just step on it at this point. Oh my god! Watch this, watch this. I love this, I love this, I love this technique. One handed. Fire again.
Starting point is 02:07:36 Double tapped him. Alright. Alright folks, it's safe now. Oh my god. Don't worry, I... I... I neutralized the... the enemy! Don't be afraid! We're all safe now!
Starting point is 02:07:53 This is not happening right now. This piece of shit. Like, what's his deal? He can just try and scare us away. Comes out, he shot Punxsutawney Phil. Now we'll never see spring! What was that about? Like, about like like like it just wow good that was i guess i'm glad he's not shooting a person an excuse for him to use his gun right don't you want to sometimes he could have at least tased it like i'll tell you this happens to me i'll see someone stuck on the side of the road right maybe their car is flipped
Starting point is 02:08:25 over maybe they're just stuck in the mud i'm driving a truck with the winch it's like oh my god like this is what we train for right like it this is my big opportunity to get this guy unstuck nine times out of ten there's already like a tow truck coming or something but it you have a tool it's exciting when you get to use it. It is. It would have been funnier to see him try to tase the thing. Just a little twitching around in the street. If I were a person waiting in traffic for that and I drove by and saw a dead groundhog that held me up like i would
Starting point is 02:09:06 call whatever police department that was be like hey what the what the fuck what kind of retards do you have working out here that i'm late because he had to murder a groundhog he couldn't just go over and like pluck it up and throw it back into the woods or something? It's idiotic. Let's be fair. I mean, it did look like the groundhog was reaching for something. He was rabid. Fierce. Coming right for him. They're coming right for us, Ned! Blow them away.
Starting point is 02:09:38 Here's a good Patreon AMA that I guarantee is tailor-made for Kyle. What is the most vile video or image you guys have ever stumbled upon on the internet? Interesting. The most vile video or image. So there's this one where the person's eyes
Starting point is 02:09:57 are infected with maggots or something like that, and they're living in its eye, and you can see all of them in the eye um that so that one's pretty fucking awful i can't i can't look at that one uh that i when i whenever i see it on like reddit i'm like ah fucking just get off the internet for a while um there's one where there's something i don't remember exactly what it is but because i always click off of it so quickly but the guy's got something wrong with his dick. It looks like his dick is being eaten by something,
Starting point is 02:10:29 some sort of infection or some sort of disease or some sort of parasites are in his dick. There's one where, of course, there's lots of them where homeless people are found to have been wearing the same pair of shoes continuously for three years or something. And when they take the shoe off, their foot is dead and infested with maggots. The maggots are eating their flesh. And then there's another where maggots are utilized as a medical treatment in these people who have, maybe it's frostbite or something like that. So in a case of frostbite, it's not like there's a right angle cut of flesh
Starting point is 02:11:16 that has been killed by the frostbite. It's like a giant chunk or a whole appendage or something. Yeah, it's three-dimensional within know, it's a giant chunk or a whole appendage or something. Yeah. It's, it's, it's, it's three dimensional within the foot or the toe or whatever. So what they'll do sometimes is use maggots. They'll introduce maggots to the wound and then wrap it up and then they'll wait for a day or two days and then they'll go back and the maggots will only eat the dead flesh and they'll leave behind this perfect pink flesh that is alive.
Starting point is 02:11:48 And by using those maggots in that way, you don't cut away anything that the person could keep. You know what I mean? So those are probably some of the grossest things. I think anything where there are parasites in your body eating you or where you are rotting alive. And anything with the eyes. I don't like anything with the eyes.
Starting point is 02:12:10 Oh, like the bot fly stuff? Yes, the bot fly stuff. That's what it looks like the guy has in his eyes are human bot fly larva. If God were real, he wouldn't have made bot flies. That's true. It put me up in a debate against the most religious scholar on the planet.
Starting point is 02:12:27 Perhaps that's Woody's parents. Who's to say? But I'll just pull up on YouTube the video of the guy getting multiple bot flies, you know, the kid having them pulled out of his ear and over his eye and all that and be like what has your god done? Like, what did this kid do to piss off?
Starting point is 02:12:44 This wasn't even like a holy prophet like elisha came out and said you know to all the kids who called him bald and summoned bears to have them murdered you know that's reasonable we can all agree but the bot flies like that no loving god would make bot flies bot flies are horrible i learned about bot flies watching this uh this thing on the Discovery Channel once about this. I want to say it was a lady who, like, her, I think her plane crashed in the jungle. Maybe the Amazon. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:13:11 But she was left alone in an enormous swath of land, like tens of thousands of acres, with no knowledge of which even direction to go. And so she just starts walking out of the fucking jungle she survived the plane crash and maybe the sole survivor and along the way the bot flies were laying their larvae in her and she recounted because she made it out alive she took a key ring and you know how like you can like unfurl a key ring and it's it's like wire spooled around and you know you separate it and slide a key on. She used that to hook them out of her flesh
Starting point is 02:13:50 and pull these maggots out of her. And I was just thinking, Jesus Christ, that would be so awful. I remember thinking that was one of the worst things that could happen to you. Anything that's under your skin that you have to pull out is horror movie level gross it's bad it's
Starting point is 02:14:07 gross but those aren't the images and videos that get me it's usually something to do with death like there's two that are burning in my head one we've talked about before in russia they were killing a guy with like hammers and screwdrivers and stuff it was a real slow death maybe a 17 minute video and the whole time as they ratchet up the violence you're thinking about like can that guy recover from here like all right all right he's got a couple pokes in his chest but you know what sew that back up we'll be all right all right all right now they've now they've damaged an eye there's no coming back from but but okay he's gonna sport a pirate look for a little bit and then they break his skull and
Starting point is 02:14:45 it's it just progressively it gets more and more unrecoverable and that's awful there's another still image because he asked about images there's a guy who jumped his bmx bike over the great wall of china oh so he had like a half pipe and they picture him in midair and i think things are still okay in the picture at least to my untrained eye but i know that he died i know that when he landed he didn't hit it right and he dies so here he is in midair pre-death maybe maybe he doesn't know it but i do and something about that like final image this is the last picture of him moments before he dies was impactful to me those are the kinds of things that get me more than like pimples and stuff yeah that that's a good one like that kind of applies to a ton of historical photographs where you'll see like oh
Starting point is 02:15:35 eight poles lined up before they're murdered and fall in the death pit or whatever the hell in world war ii like and watching that it's like man this is that's almost even worse because you're looking at people who are being documented they see the camera taking the photo of them and they know like this is for some history book at some point like this is i'm i'm done this is it the end like no chance somebody watched them kill 500 other people there's no way they're gonna change their mind right now for me that thing about the so i watched an isis video and they were executing people they were shooting him in the head bam bam bam bam bam and like you said like i've just watched 37 people get shot in a row here's number 38 he knows how
Starting point is 02:16:16 this ends like like even basic pattern recognition skills see how this. And it's something about that. And then if you think about it, like when one person dies, obviously that person dies, but now you have a family that's missing that person. And the impact is really great. You know, like how many people are impacted by the death of a man? It, I don't know. That's impactful to me because you watch 40 people die,
Starting point is 02:16:43 you know, 400 care and it's a lot yeah it's dark that's a good one uh on a slightly lighter but still gross note i will still never forget when kyle showed me in the in the lobby of the marriott hotel uh with people walking in and out that video of that dude laying back in the bathtub wearing goggles like swim goggles and then opening his mouth and having someone a nice lady shit directly into it I didn't care for it he loved it
Starting point is 02:17:13 he was aggressively chomping that shit like it was fucking soft serve ice cream it would be like imagine you haven't eaten in a day and a half and you've barely had any water you're parched your mouth is so dry that your tongue is swollen and your throat is dry now to the part where you can feel it sticking to itself never seen a man drink horse
Starting point is 02:17:37 piss that fast and someone and they tell you you have 15 seconds under that soft serve ice cream machine vanilla chocolate or swirl it's up to you go that is how aggressively he is chomping at the the this lady shat more than i have ever shat in my life and that is saying something because i have a poor diet perfect job for her. I mean, we all have our calling. She must have been saving that load up for days and eating poorly. Olive oil. Okay.
Starting point is 02:18:13 It was awful. This wasn't a healthy shit either. This was not a fiber eater who's eating a lot of vegetables, a lot of greens. This was sewage. it was rancid and the way the guy was clearly just eagerly gulping it down like like the way i would be with cheez-its were like i don't even chew the first before the second third and fourth go into my mouth like he was like eager eagerly gnawing on that shit he wished it was more consistent like there were more consistency to it so he could get a few more chews in before it slid down his throat like tapioca pudding. But no.
Starting point is 02:18:51 Anyway, I still remember that video. AMA question on here from the Patreon guys. Would you ever consider a permanent fourth guest? I guess he would mean fourth host if they're permanent. But I've thought about stuff like that before, but I really think it's too much. I think that sometimes I watch other podcasts where they have like five or six guys on and everyone's fighting to get their words in. And I think three and three plus guests is about right. And when I look at other podcasts that I really enjoy, they don't usually have six people on either. Yeah, it's too many cooks in the kitchen to have five people on there.
Starting point is 02:19:28 You're not going to get enough of anybody's individual perspective, I wouldn't think, to actually get a feel for who they are or what they believe. Even four people is a lot to work with. I agree. I would like to do that, but I wouldn't want it to be a fully functional person. Like if we added like a retarded person.
Starting point is 02:19:50 A whack pack. Yeah, like a guy who, like he's always talking. He's continuously jibber-jabbering about crazy shit, but we have him on mute. And we only unmute him when we can make some sort of fun out of it. Like maybe then, maybe then, if we had a literal insane person, maybe. What flavor of retarded? I would like him to be funny and not pitiful. Not too retarded.
Starting point is 02:20:21 Well, I want him to be pretty fucking retarded. I want him to be pretty fucking retarded. I want him to be very racist as well. I want him to be like a real outsider. You know, someone who doesn't have any idea of social norms and so just says
Starting point is 02:20:37 stuff. Kind of like a Howard Stern style whack packer. A real piece of shit. Middle of the road retarded. Enough to play along with you. Chiz, what do you mean in the chat? Am I supposed to say e-tarded? I don't think
Starting point is 02:20:54 retarded is a bad word. Chiz won't even say fire retarded. That's how PC he is. Now, if you've ever seen the Howard Stern show, they've got a Whack Pack, and one of the Whack Packers they have, his name is Bigfoot. and it's the second bigfoot the first bigfoot died but it's second bigfoot he's enormous he talks like this it is he ends every sentence or phrase with it is i don't know why he doesn't either he's retarded um he's he he's. He's got lawsuits against the state of New Jersey.
Starting point is 02:21:25 He lives with a transsexual, disgusting human being. They do these embedded series where they send this reporter to his home to see what his living experience is like. And this guy's like a professional journalist, which makes it even more hilarious. He's got a great radio voice. He's like, so, Bigfoot, I noticed in your bathroom that there was a large pile of towels. Yeah, that's right, it is. They seem to have something brown all over them.
Starting point is 02:21:57 Was that shit? It probably was, it is. So, are you wiping your ass with towels? No, not me. Someone else is doing it. They've been there for months, it is. Someone's sneaking into your bathroom and wiping their ass with your towels.
Starting point is 02:22:15 It's someone like that. Someone who you can have a conversation with. It just won't make any fucking sense. Okay, so you're fine with another host as long as it's an actual retarded person yeah because you don't got to pay a retarded person i mean you do but like animal crackers and shit yeah we just ship them like a half pound of haribo gummy bears like twice a month yeah like that yeah we already pay taxes to take care of those people it's fine that's true yep richard cared to weigh in on this ruin your coffee company no no no six six six people five minute podcast go oh shit black rifle coffee only for the abled
Starting point is 02:23:00 taylor do you have any uh charities that are close to your heart that you donate to uh when i do donate to charity i usually pick like whatever like the most reputable one is for uh veterans like wounded or hurt not i warrior i know that one and i've given to them before but then also i've looked into it. And but I feel like any time you look into any charity, there's going to be just a slew of articles that are like, oh, this is bullshit. This is bullshit. This is bullshit. Like you can do it for any of them. So who knows? But there's another one. And I can't fucking recall. But I've gone to an event here in St. Louis for them where they have like the police and firefighters box each other.
Starting point is 02:23:50 Guns and hoses is the name of the event, where all the actual cops in the city and the actual firefighters in the St. Louis city area, they'll pick their best six or 10 or whatever, and they'll box and fight for charity or something. And that's a good one. That one doesn't go to the troops, I don't believe. I think it goes to wounded wounded you know public service or some shit but yeah but yeah i usually go for for something veteran related or like uh uh special needs as much as i make fun of retarded people i i do really feel bad you have to see to make up for the jokes yeah exactly yeah i'm gonna owe a pretty penny after this episode um Um, Richard,
Starting point is 02:24:25 what's the, uh, the charity that, um, like Dylan is part of that. Um, those guys, uh,
Starting point is 02:24:30 that like at the ox ranch, remember the guy who was, um, Oh yeah. Oh shit. Yeah. Uh, yeah,
Starting point is 02:24:39 there's, I mean, there are, there are a ton of, those are like the kind of guys that were, um, that's, that's the stuff that you, you have like a direct connection to,
Starting point is 02:24:47 which is great. I think that it's hard for a lot of people who want, you know, to help out. There's a lot of people out there who, you know, feel inclined to help out, even if it's just a little bit because they know it'll make a difference. And like you say, you like look into some charities
Starting point is 02:25:00 and you get a little discouraged because you see bad PR around them and things along those lines. And like, maybe you don't have a whole lot of time to invest in research, but I feel like those, this, the safe bet for a lot of people is, is looking into those local, um, charities and things along those lines. I mean, I guarantee you that, that those people have some type of community organization or something like that, that, uh, they could, organization or something like that, that they could, you know, they'll probably hear more, more stories of people that it makes more of a direct impact. And that stuff generally spreads
Starting point is 02:25:32 to the point that, I don't know, you can kind of vet it pretty easy, but I don't know. There's, I am fortunate enough that like we, we have so many, so many friends and so many different communities that we, we kind of see who gets impacted by which charities and we just help support them any way we can. And then of course, there's, there's a lot of bad, uh, bad things out there too, where people get a little aggressive with their salaries and, um, the way they spend their money. And, um, you know, I get it. I mean, there's, there, there, there are things to be debated here and there where it's like, oh, well, you know, you take, you take some of the charities like wounded warrior i mean they spend a lot of money in in marketing but arguably they kind of need to i mean they're they're competing
Starting point is 02:26:13 for dollars and you know pretty big space yeah because right now we can't even remember the name of that that that other one that dylan's a part of and like i work with those guys it just not coming to the top of my head um that dylan guy really nice guy met him a couple times um i think he was in iraq and he got shot by a sniper maybe i know it hit his i think it is thyroid or something crazy like that um he's uh he's paralyzed sort of from the chest down with limited use of of one arm um and um he's got a guy that helps him, like on all these trips that he's gone on with us and stuff like that,
Starting point is 02:26:52 that's part of the charity organization. I think they reimbursed him to come help Dylan out and stuff like that. And we did this video with a tank, and it was like, we didn't know what we were going to do with Dylan. Because again, he's paralyzed from the chest down down and he only has limited use of one arm um but he's he's got a great sense of humor and he's like a go-getter you know he he was a military man like before this
Starting point is 02:27:16 all happened and and so he he's gonna as wings tradition would say he's got a bitch in his blood so so i'm like i'm like dude what let's just stick you in the tank and see how it goes he's like yeah let's just fucking do it you know like like how are you gonna do and i'm like i don't know we'll we'll get you in there it's getting you out that's gonna be the hard part and we literally like like four of us it's really hard moving a person who's dead weight it like like he's not a heavy guy but i'm telling you when someone's dead weight and you're trying to carefully maneuver them down into a tank we were all just dripping sweat in the texas heat getting him into that tank but we got him just dumping a dead body in the tank that'd go easily i suppose right just head first pour that shit in no biggie i suppose
Starting point is 02:27:59 so i didn't think of it that way but you know got him in there, and he operated the machine gun and stuff. He's a really cool guy. With all of the benefits, I guess, for the wounds he took and maybe some other stuff, he's able to live quite a lifestyle. He's got a Camaro that's got the supercharger in it, the ZL1, I think, maybe. He's got a supercharged camaro he's got a badass chevrolet pickup that's got the crane in the back that like it puts him in his wheelchair and stuff and he's got the chair in the driver's seat um that i want to i don't remember exactly how it worked but everything is mechanized like it's made so that it happens like there's a crane in the back that moves his chair into the truck i think i think his chair just goes in there i don't remember exactly how the
Starting point is 02:28:49 back of the cab maybe it would hit like suicide doors it was weird the way it worked it was a super modified truck that he's got i think he got married recently he's really cool guys he's a hell of a like i don't know i'm sure there's guys that like that would happen to and they would just you know be in a really dark place i know i would be but you look at you look at him and all the success he's had in his life and it's uh he's a he's a really cool story really cool guy so i i don't so i like that charity and also like honestly i when i see homeless people i give money and maybe you're not supposed to do that uh maybe it's like feeding the birds i guess some places they penalize that or they'll ticket you for it well and it's also a business for a lot of a lot of homeless people are fake that's something that that you can tell sometimes though you can tell sometimes when they're totally abject poverty like like barely
Starting point is 02:29:43 keeping themselves together but then you'll also see like white girls out there with shoes that aren't even dirty. This is where I was going. And it's like you're being a liar. You never give money to a homeless, pretty girl. Don't do it. Don't fucking do it. No.
Starting point is 02:29:59 Yeah. She's a liar. Well, as far as charities and stuff go, though, I think that if anybody's ever frustrated with trying to vet a charity, I feel like time and volunteering is probably the best bet. If you really want to make a positive impact, you can do it in your community for sure. My next paramotor video is about a charity.
Starting point is 02:30:21 Assuming. I haven't edited it yet, so it might suck or something. Paramotors for the needy. Just a homeless guy flying into a tree. you're not too far off how can i be close i'll explain i watch the video when it comes up but here's the deal so i met this guy he's an ex-army guy and he has a charity that gets people to fly paramotors. And I was, like, double suspicious about this thing because on one part of it, and I'm such an asshole for having this thought, but here I am, is, like, oh, my God. Like, you get, like, healthcare for life and discounts at AutoZone. Like, haven't we done enough for veterans? So, like, do we have to salute
Starting point is 02:31:05 them and give them our window seat on the airplane because they're wearing their fatigues like enough is enough and um and and I feel bad for having said that and I'll explain but the other side of it is it's charity right and and like so I I I've got a couple million and I'm on social media and it seems like a lot of times when I meet people, like their palm is up and I'm just like, oh, yeah. So without it, like the first seconds of meeting this guy, I'm like, oh, my gosh, here we go. So then I hear his story and it goes something like this. He's in Iraq and his term, what is it called? His deployment maybe is almost up.
Starting point is 02:31:43 And he's not like in warfare and i think they're doing physical like a pt i mean to say with the physical training and or maybe they're playing a sport or something and uh it's hot and he goes down as like a heat casualty so the medic goes over to check him out and treats him like a heat casualty whatever that is get him in some air conditioning some wet towels what have you and over the next few days he still feels bad like it's not going well for him and uh he goes to the hospital and they check out turns out he had a heart attack he had a heart attack and because he was misdiagnosed because they thought it was only like a heat exhaustion he has some like dead tissue in his heart is it called necrosis i'm not sure
Starting point is 02:32:26 but um his condition was made worse by not being treated properly so the medic is a friend of his like they were serving together and he meets him a year or two later and sort of gives him an update on the situation like yeah i'm being discharged and again i never, so I don't know some of these things. I think he might have got medically discharged or honorably discharged or maybe both. But he's out of the service. And he had been in it a long time. Like he was going to be a lifer. And now his plans are derailed because he had a heart attack.
Starting point is 02:33:02 And because that heart attack wasn't nailed on with the diagnosis so he's out and the guy he's with the medic that he's telling you like hey here's where i am here's what's up this is pounding beers and my friend is a guy who's capable of pounding beers and he's like woody i cannot keep up with medic like it is not happening. He's in a whole nother league and he's concerned. So he talks to Medic's wife and she's like, yeah, this is a problem in our life now. He is having problems emotionally dealing with not handling your case right. You know, because he misdiagnosed your heart attack as heat exhaustion. He's an alcoholic now.
Starting point is 02:33:42 And the guy died like two years later. So my friend. The guy with the heart thing or the guy died like two years later so my friend the guy with the heart thing or the guy or the medic the medic died from alcohol related you know illnesses at a young age call him like 30 something right so um my friend todd has gotten into paramotors actually a fairly new pilot but it's been life-changing for him as it it is for a lot of people. It's addicting. And I just took it and applied it to my own life experiences. How do you beat depression? How do you fix it?
Starting point is 02:34:14 Get some sunshine, get some camaraderie, get a little feeling of accomplishments. These are the ingredients to the recipe that is beating depression. And sunshine and camaraderie and accomplishment. Those are also the ingredients to learning to fly a paramotor. So he had this idea that if he could make a charity that got people to fly, whether it be the scars you can't see, you know, from people who serve or the ones that you can, you know, guys with no legs, no arms, whatever, you know, get them up.
Starting point is 02:34:41 You can do it. You can get it done. And he made a charity. It's called Resurgence PPG. Google it. It's a real thing you know he files taxes and etc and uh my next video is going to be about that and the story i just told and uh i forgot how we got on the topic but yeah like a charity for flying paramotors it sounded goofy at first but then it's like, man, you know, mental health is health. And it's about getting people sort of emotionally right to recover from their emotional and physical injuries. I thought it was really cool.
Starting point is 02:35:14 It's something I like. We want people with mental problems 600 feet in the air with a fan on their back. I do. I do. I just feel like, man. Fly the pain away. I actually believe in this. I do. I do. I just feel like, man, I actually believe in this. I do. And I just like, man, if people could experience what it's like to run into the sky, it would, it would, it would fix your outlook. It's Cut away at 3,000 feet. I saw, what was the Michael Moore documentary, if you call it that? It was about health care, though.
Starting point is 02:35:54 Oh, Sicko. Thank you. Yeah, it was Sicko. So look, I get Sicko was a little warped, and it's not an unbiased source of news. But he was talking about a cancer survivor in France and he compared him to an American one now the American one they both beat their cancer and the American was still a ghoul right his face is drained he had just finished his chemotherapy he had no hair and it was time to get back to work because that's how we do it in America. And then this guy in France got like six months vacation after he beat his cancer.
Starting point is 02:36:28 And he used it to go to the beach. And he met girls. And he got better. And he got a tan. And my knee-jerk reaction was like, what the flip? Like, part of your health care pays for a post-cancer vacation? And then I thought it through. And it's like, actually that is healthcare.
Starting point is 02:36:46 You know, like that, that is a thing that just because you freshly like got declared cancer free, you're not okay yet. There's a lot you just went through both physically and emotionally. It makes sense to give someone three months or six months after your last chemo treatment and heal and somehow watching that like french guy become fucking johnny lawrence from cobra kai you know as he healed um it was like yeah like get it become that guy and resurgence ppg kind of does that for people like you come out of your service and you're hurting, and it lets people recover physically and emotionally, and I think it's a cool thing.
Starting point is 02:37:32 It's called Resurgence PPG. Where do we draw the line? Where do we draw the line, though? Let's say, what about prostitutes? Maybe a prostitute would help in my healing and my mental recovery after a rough time of it, right? Could we get the prostitutes in there? I think that's fine. Preventative health care is like a legit thing, though.
Starting point is 02:37:51 I mean, a lot of insurance companies will offer employers incentives. Like I know when I was with Verizon and everything, we had a, I think it was a $200 or $400 credit They gave us a year that we could use on, uh, any type of athletic, uh, reimbursement or something like that. So it could be, it could be a gym membership, could be yoga, going by in tennis shoes, whatever. Um, and there, there's something to be said for that. I mean, there's, there's all different aspects of, of health and wellbeing. There's the mental side of it, physical. I mean, in those situations, be it PTSD or depression or whatever, I mean, it's such a complex thing because who knows? Like, I mean, do you have some type of chemical imbalance in your brain?
Starting point is 02:38:35 Do you have something physical? Or is it, I don't know, like you say, a sense of camaraderie? Like what is it, community that you're you're needing? You just need some pussy like Kyle. Yeah. Like your sense of self-worth can be warped. Like you are your sense of your identity. Right. You are a soldier. You are this guy. You are with your brothers at war, a kind of bonding and excitement that gets removed. And then suddenly everything seems mundane. My friend in the army, he was telling me they make them go through mandatory courses
Starting point is 02:39:10 before they come back home. And while he wasn't married, they teach married people how to go home. They're like, do nothing. Do nothing. Your wife has learned to live without you for a year now. You know, if the baby's crying and you think she's not changing the diaper fast enough shut up shut up she's been doing this while you're gone don't insert yourself
Starting point is 02:39:32 into this like head of household role on your day back that's you know what an important thing is there is they need to start one that keeps the women who are home while you're on deployment from becoming big fat animals Serious here they need to have a guy who goes around in checks and goes it has a picture of them from before deployment That guy's masturbating to in a porta potty on the base Everyone's masturbating to that picture He's been gone for three months in god's name are you thinking you're an animal you're a disgusting put the trail mix down i'm gonna text i'm gonna text your husband to bring home a cute afghani girl because it's going to shit here or whatever like that that would be a real thing because I guarantee I've watched enough soldiers returning home videos to see the ones where like
Starting point is 02:40:30 the soldier comes back and his wife was clearly not that fat when he left and it's like he's happy to be home but there's a true look of like what the fuck like I'm out there doing my job doing my damn disc supporting everyone and you're here because she's pregnant oh jesus while he was gone i wasn't gonna say that his rotation no his rotation was six months she was pregnant before there you go okay and i'm not gonna let facts get me down on this particular bit of umbrage I'm taking with fat army wives. When Taylor started, I thought he was going to talk about cheating army wives, which is an unfortunate reality, right?
Starting point is 02:41:13 Like that happens way too often. That sucks. Both of those are sad, the cheating and the fat. Which is worse. The cheating is definitely worse. Is it? All right, put yourself in those boots, all right? You come back home after literal war, okay?
Starting point is 02:41:34 The whole time you've just been thinking about your beautiful wife, Rachel. I'm going to continue with Rachel. Let's just pretend like she's Jennifer Aniston from Friends. All right? Would you rather her have gained 100 pounds? 100. 100. Is she a seven foot tall woman?
Starting point is 02:41:54 She's five foot six. She is now five foot six. She's now five foot five. I was going to say. Well, she does make a small depression As she enters the room Would you prefer That she has become
Starting point is 02:42:12 Now 5'5 210 pounds Or That she sucked my dick while she was gone Doesn't really matter either way she's out my door Fuck her Well now Now she's out my door. Fuck her. I agree with Woody on that. Well, now she's going to take the kids,
Starting point is 02:42:28 and you're going to be paying child support and alimony on your military pay. That happens in either case, Kyle. That happens in either case. She's out the door. Like, not joking, cheating is definitely worse. But if there are no kids involved. Three kids. I'm just saying there are no kids. Jonas, kids home, I'm just saying, Jonas,
Starting point is 02:42:45 Clint and Noah. Ah, Jonas, Noah. That's great. No, my kids names are Jonas, Clint and Noah.
Starting point is 02:42:56 That's the baby. Okay. Little baby Noah. There's, there's dozens of Jonas, Clint's and Noah's listening to this. You were like, which one does he hate?
Starting point is 02:43:05 Is it all? I don't hate any of them. Not you, but Taylor clearly does. Jonas was a name? I've never met a Jonas. I've met a Clint. I've met a Noah. Well, your sons are going to be very disappointed when they see this someday.
Starting point is 02:43:19 Jonas, Clint, and Noah. If I ever have children, I can't let them listen. I can't even let this part of my oh I'll link it to him look at your dad wasted wheelchair defend himself yeah we used to have a guy who uh a host there was a host uh named filthy all right filthy fucking lefty lefty lefty i never got to know lefty at all i really didn't i don't even know lefty's real fucking name to this day and i worked with him for years i know it but he doesn't share it i'm sure you do yeah you send him checks and shit but let um lefty uh was a was a host here and one night taylor was the
Starting point is 02:44:09 guest he was in your seat and taylor had been drinking all fucking day when he got the text inviting him on the show and he was just like uh like yes but I'm a little drunk. So he's like, no reason not to. But he was like, even better. And he continues drinking onto the show. Taylor is so shit-faced. He literally told me the day after, he's like, that's the drunkest I've ever been in my life. That's the drunkest I've ever been in my life.
Starting point is 02:44:47 He woke up the next day and rolled out of bed so hung over and i was like what did you do last night and i was like then like my eyes popped up the way it happens in movies and i was like i was on pkn last night oh my god i need to go check this out and like i like at like at the time i like watched like a couple clips of it and i was like oh oh like my teeth were gritting it was so awful and i felt so bad because lefty handled it well and he was nothing but courteous i've said every time this gets brought up if i gets brought up if i ever speak to him again i will apologize for that because i was and you did apologize for the line rude to him for literally no reason other than you know people what five years later seem to think it's funny so that was great anyway that i'm watching it right now
Starting point is 02:45:33 all right uh thank you chis i will read another ama AMA question. This one is a bit longer. It's a paragraph, and it's for advice from the gang. So I'm going to read through this one. Hey, guys. I'm in a bit of a situation, and I'm unsure how to handle it. I'm a 19-year-old freshman in community college, also a virgin, and an old good friend of mine, girl the same age, who I used to have a huge crush on in high school,
Starting point is 02:46:00 recently dumped her boyfriend of five years. About three years ago, we were very close, but her boyfriend banned her from hanging out with me which broke my heart over the past three years i've gotten over her and we've hung out maybe a handful of times in groups since the ban but now she's single and we've started hanging out alone again it's a bit hard for me to not catch feelings for her especially since she's single well we get along great it's always laughter and smiles and fun and we're very compatible she's always been a bit flirty with me ever since i've known her and now it's still the same she's been sending
Starting point is 02:46:27 signals of interest in me inching closer but squeezes butt squeezes and even at one point explaining how great it would be to be my girlfriend back in high school she would even say if she wasn't dating her current boyfriend she'd be dating me i've tried to make very subtle moves as to as well but that's when she sends very mixed signals and discomfort. She says she's never thought about me in that way before, so she is unsure if she likes me, I guess. I totally understand how it could be uncomfortable for her to like someone else, for she has recently left a five-year relationship. Here's the kicker. She does not want to date her ex-boyfriend again, but she continues to hook up slash have sex with him
Starting point is 02:47:04 because she still needs to get off like everyone else and only feels comfortable doing that with him. She complains about how he fails to make her wet slash turn her on and overall how she does not enjoy sex with him. She's even gone into detail about sexual stuff she's into. Is that a sign she's into me? I don't expect her to want to date me or anyone else, but I can't help but think about how potentially amazing a relationship would be between us.
Starting point is 02:47:24 For me, it's not about a hookup or a quick fuck. Ideally, it's about eventually dating her. I'm really just glad to be your friend again, and I don't want to make her feel uncomfortable. Some advice on how to handle this from you guys would be really great. I don't want to get my hopes up just to get friend-zoned. Should I chill with her and just be her friend and see where it goes,
Starting point is 02:47:39 or should I try to make some actual moves? Do you have a mask? Is this a Revenge of the Nerds plan here? Yes. Yes. Do you have a Darth Vader mask? This is a weird one. She's still fucking the other guy, you know?
Starting point is 02:47:58 So that's interesting. That's an interesting little kerfuffle you have here. I think my advice is what my advice always is be honest with her and ask the questions that you would like answers to and maybe if you wrote those out like the things that you want to know from her and if it were me it'd be like look are you done with this guy or not would you like to date me or not? If so, you know, like I would like to try this on, but I don't want to be dating you
Starting point is 02:48:31 if you're still fucking him. That's a no-go. I'm guessing that's the case for you. You know, write all the things that you want to say to her out and show it with a fucking list. If you need to, if you can't memorize it,
Starting point is 02:48:44 be like, look, I got some thoughts here. I wrote them down. I'd love to have a serious talk if you need to if you can't memorize it be like look i i got some thoughts here i wrote them down i'd like to have a serious one unfurl the big marker board it's like a quran you pull it out yeah like when she says stuff like i would be dating you if i wasn't with my current boyfriend and oh it would be so great to to date you and talking about shit like that women will sometimes do this thing where they won't leave a relationship until they feel they have something else set up as an alternative so they don't want to swing just from him to no one they want to know someone else and unfortunately that can kind of manifest itself and them keeping kind of a secondary interested party into into
Starting point is 02:49:26 them so that if something were to happen with their main squeeze she's already got a backup that you know a shoulder to cry on an emotional tampon of sorts like that that's what she seems to be doing she doesn't seem to be respecting you by knowing that you're into her and then going into sexual details about her current boyfriend you have no desire to hear that stuff, I guarantee, because it's just kind of a knife to the heart. She's using you for her own emotional stability, and you deserve better than her, my dude. You should not be with this girl. She doesn't seem like that great of a person. Continue to be her friend by all means.
Starting point is 02:50:00 You can be friends with someone and not want to have sex or not have sex with them all the time or be in a relationship but her saying kind of that shit that you included in there and i think the way you phrased it you already kind of know the answer you're just looking for a little bit of validation this is not the woman for you you know as soon as you start you know and the fact that she's oh she needs to get off you know she keeps fucking this guy she needs to get off and then she'll come to you and bitch about sex as though she's, you know, you're one of her girlfriends. Like, hell no, dude. You need to, you know what will make her more interested in you?
Starting point is 02:50:31 Is if you pull back and show less interest. That'll make her feel self-conscious about what have I done to lose the interest of this guy. I have my own way of this. Maybe some threatening phone calls at night slash retire. You're gonna die. I like what Kyle and Taylor said, but i want to go too so here's my thought you were in the friend zone and people talk about how there is no friend zone they they
Starting point is 02:50:51 warp it into this fucking bullshit on how like girls aren't obligated to go out with you i know i know that's not what the fucking friend zone is the friend zone is when a girl gives you enough encouragement to keep you interested but not ever being your girlfriend. That's what the friend zone is. And it's an unfair act of cruelty. And girls do it all the time, either just to have a fallback guy or to boost their own self-esteem. So here are my thoughts on this. This relationship needs movement.
Starting point is 02:51:20 Any direction. Any fucking where, but where you are right now. You can ask her, like Kyle said, what the deal is. This is where I'd like to be. I'd like to be your girlfriend, boyfriend, my mistake. I'd like to be your boyfriend. This is the, this is the direction I'd like to move. And what will happen if you sack up is you will either become her boyfriend or you will not, but you won't be in the friend zone anymore you will have the movement that you need in this thing where you are being teased along being told about her having sex with
Starting point is 02:51:52 her ex that's the worst spot to be anywhere else is better you just need 30 seconds of bravery to initiate this conversation and then you'll either get a girlfriend or you'll get out of this fucking hole because where you are is terrible Yeah, it's clearly causing you some distress being in this situation Like she's she's giving you even in the way that she's including you and her sex life with that other guy She's giving you just enough whiff of pussy the possibility of pussy that you'll stay interested right now just enough I'm a very sexual person I have to get off a lot but he's not quite
Starting point is 02:52:25 good at it and and you think to yourself well maybe i'd be better dude you either get that chance or you don't but where you are is the wrong spot yeah any mixture of these three things is a is the way to go uh i always say like like, it's honesty. Like, it's honesty. People talk about, like, how did you make this happen or that happen? And it's like, well, you just ask. You just ask, you know? And she's either going to say yes or no, right? And you keep asking.
Starting point is 02:52:59 And eventually, she'll bend to your will. No, don't do that. Don't do that. You just ask a different girl another you just ask a different girl you just ask a different girl and there's like a limitless fucking supply of them there's there are literally seemingly infinite yeah there's literally there's more of them than there are of us and there's way too many of us already just just just there's there's so many just keep asking just find more i would recommend dude is back off from her keep her as a friend and then
Starting point is 02:53:24 i know you said you're a virgin so i don't know if you're wanting to save that for something special but if which is totally fine totally your your prerogative if you don't want to do that though then start hooking up with other girls and tell her about you fucking those girls when she tells you about her fucking her ex oh that's great or just make up some girls. Or just make them up, you know? Because that's going to really demonstrate to her. Do you have a sister?
Starting point is 02:53:52 Well, don't take that route. Well, he's going to need some panties, right? What if she came over and there was a lady's panties just kind of laid somewhere where they might be seen, right? Like, then she's going to think he's a crossdresser what you want to do is leave you know a condom wrapper somewhere right so then it's like more of a confirmation that you had sex i would think oh i like that too i like that too or again that he's doing read her reaction when you're telling her about the sex you had with this other girl
Starting point is 02:54:24 you know she'll lead into it oh i hate this i hate that about my boyfriend x or whatever and you go oh yeah i was doing this with this girl or whatever xyz if she says oh you should you should really you should look into that are you going to try and date her or is she the kind of girl for you if she goes that route she has no interest in you as a partner whatsoever she just wants to keep you set up as someone she can kind of you know keep on the Outer boundary if she gets a little defensive And starts maybe to ask In like accusatory questions about the girl then who knows
Starting point is 02:54:52 Maybe she kind of wants you a little bit But regardless she hasn't behaved in a way that I think Deserves you you seem like a good guy so Fuck her find a better chick And you gave us five to ten dollars I'm not sure exactly how much So you're definitely a good guy i'm not 100 on board with taylor's like because i feel like if he just cuts bait and runs
Starting point is 02:55:11 then he may have wondered if this was an opportunity he could have turned real he really does like her he values her a lot to me i i wouldn't just toss her for her past behavior i would give her a chance and then toss her or not toss her get it articulated it poorly not not uh cut and run kind of thing just it's clearly causing you anxiety to hear her relationship struggles and shit because you're always thinking god that could be me that could be me just tamp it back continue to be friends with her but you know like kyle said keep it honest maybe next time she brings up the sex stuff with her ex-boyfriend you make it clear that you're uncomfortable with that or that you don't want to talk about that with her like you know what i would say i mean like
Starting point is 02:55:51 what makes you think i want to hear that you know i like you i don't hear about that shit and that's perfect and that's actually assertive enough that it'll get her you know that's exactly what i would say like why why do you think i i want to be part of this conversation i don't want to hear this i it's kind of like what she's doing playing hard to get but wanting to be seen desirable he values her way too much and the reason it's too much is that there's a value imbalance right he thinks she hung the moon she on the other hand has him as some sort of backup guy on the side, right? And dick in a box. The reason that he is listening to her fucking other guys is because any attention she gives him is a positive to him.
Starting point is 02:56:33 He needs to have higher standards in this thing, right? You know, you either fucking value me back or we're done. You know, there's going to be a whole other way that this relationship dynamic is going to change dramatically. We're either together or we're done. There's going to be a whole other way that this relationship dynamic is going to change dramatically. We're either together or we're not. This thing about me wishing I was with you, that's over. Yeah, I like it. Take
Starting point is 02:56:55 something from each of us, if you like. Definitely consider Taylor's idea that fuck this chick, but not literally. Figuratively, fuck her. Keep her as a friend, but that's it. Maybe not. Maybe don't keep her as a friend. Try to hurt her. Take that away from her. Wait until she really needs you, then vanish.
Starting point is 02:57:13 Separate entirely. You need to skip straight to S. I've got another one. This one's for Taylor and I. I just want to answer it quickly. Woody, what weightlifting program are you on? He says, it sounds like starting strength. It's a YouTube channel he likes.
Starting point is 02:57:28 And he says, Taylor, when are you going to start lifting barbells like a real man? So I'll go first. Gatekeeper. Yeah, gatekeeping. Oh, a nice little bit of gatekeeping. We got a photo of this badass? That is a good question, but we don't. Mine's Frax Grayskull lp variant i don't know
Starting point is 02:57:47 uh a youtuber i'm sorry a fan of the show uh helped me get started with it and i started with this frax it's spelled ph and then i added exercises to it like you know what i'm not doing as much with my tries as i wish or i really like um calisthenics i feel good about myself as i increase the amount of like pull-ups and push-ups can do. So, uh, I started with that and then I added some exercises to it. That's it. For, uh, for mine, I, it's, it's just a space thing right now. Uh, I plan on buying a house in the next year, maybe even less than a year. And as soon as I have a spare room that, you know, or a basement or something where I feel comfortable like all right I can set up like a dope entire gym down here I'm gonna do it as soon as I'm able
Starting point is 02:58:31 to like I'm excited about it it's gonna be neat that's like I already have it planned that's gonna be my first semi-big investment into the place other than you know redoing whatever shit needs to be redone but uh yeah I can't wait to get something not nearly as nice as Woody's setup. I'll probably go something cheaper than that. But I have watched Woody's video of his setup and that's a really, really nice... I don't even know what the term is. Rack?
Starting point is 02:58:54 The whole stand and everything? I really want something like that. Especially with the pull-up bar there. I know I can always do the kind in the door frame, but I don't like how that fucks up the molding or whatever the hell it is on the side. And so that would be really, really cool to get that. When you do it, tap into me.
Starting point is 02:59:10 I've watched 5,000 garage gym reviews, and I would have made a few changes if I knew then what I know now. You can get a... Garage gym, that might be even better than the basement. Yeah, because then you can do it outside in the summer. You can get a freestanding pull-up bar for like $150. It's got like a U base and a column, and it's got like a bit pull-up bar,
Starting point is 02:59:35 and then it's got a thing so that you can do like leg raises where your back's against it and you're like raising your knees or whatever. Yeah, that's kind of a power station. The whole reason I went to dumbbells and kettlebells wasn't like that. Yeah, $150. Like the whole reason I started The whole reason I went to dumbbells and kettlebells wasn't like the whole reason I started with the kettlebells and dumbbells and shit, or I guess just kettlebells for the most part, wasn't like, oh man, these are the dopest things
Starting point is 02:59:53 and the best of the best. It was like, all right, what's the most shit I can get done that takes up the absolute least amount of space? And everyone on the internet was like, oh, get kettlebells. It takes up no space and you can get a lot of shit done. And so I'm like, perfect. For as long as I'm renting an apartment, that's going to be my bread and butter.
Starting point is 03:00:09 And it's great training for the future hammer battle that may ensue in the alleyway. I'm telling you, Rufus comes at you with a ball-peened hammer in one hand. He will rue the day. And his dick in the other as he would. And you've got a 25-pound kettlebell that now you can just wave around like it's nothing? Please. Rufus is going to be eating teeth soup. He's also malnourished because he's a homeless man.
Starting point is 03:00:35 That's true. Taylor's in a spot in his life where he moves, too. So you don't want to have a whole rack when you move around and stuff. Yeah, exactly. You made the right call. Plus, it worked. It did. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:00:49 Who knew? I didn't expect it to work this well. Yeah, let me. I've got another advice relationship one if you want to do that. Woody, it sounded like you had something you wanted to jump to. I think I like yours more than mine. Okay, I'm just trying to. Chiz every so often gets on our ass in the in the chat like do more patreon do more patreon so i'm i'm tearing through these guys hi guys love the show been around since the start i've got a
Starting point is 03:01:14 question for all three i'm currently an it professional who shares an office with some back office staff one of these staff members is a beautiful girl that i've very much come to adore since day one she literally likes pretty much everything do. I'm an expert at making her laugh, but the problem is I want to go further. However, she's currently got a boyfriend. Now she sends me cute snaps on Snapchat, including side boobs, sexy nightwear, et cetera. However, to date my, however, to date my send nudes request. Oh, however, to date my send nudes requests have been blanked i'm not too sure what to do i don't really want to be a dick and try something uh when she has a man but at the same time i feel it's there for the taking and i have some serious feelings for this girl already
Starting point is 03:01:54 any advice would be sweet much love to all of you from scotland oh he's scottish i don't know what are your thoughts you gotta put your big boy kilt on. You got to go William Wallace on that pussy. All right. You got to get in there and get it done. All right. This other guy, you got to picture him as the English. All right.
Starting point is 03:02:18 They're coming in there. They're taking your money. They're taking your lands, trying to deflower your brides. I can't be having that., you gotta get serious with her You gotta move to the coup de grace Move right off the bat I've always loved ya I love ya
Starting point is 03:02:38 Always have The accidental dick pic The accidental dick pic The accidental dick pic That's what you said a nickel for every time that happened to me It's very many chicks have ever ever been like yeah, that's a great dick pic. That's strong Mmm, or I believe that was an accident, but it's my lucky day I've had a boy me. I've had a chick send me accidental titties before and I was like
Starting point is 03:03:02 Nobody sends accidental titties. I know this game. I know this game all too. Well. It's impossible to send accidental titties before and i was like nobody sends accidental titties i know this game i know this game all too well it's impossible to send accidental titties oh that was meant for someone else someone else named kyle you're fucking kidding me sorry i'm shy t he like no you just sent your asshole i've said this so many times but nothing gives me a kick like when you see on reddit where it's like gone wild or whatever it's like hi I'm 21 I've always been shy and I'm quiet
Starting point is 03:03:30 first time poster here's my asshole and pussy in a Burger King bathroom what is wrong with you you're not shy you blew the guy to get some extra chicken fries you whore dude those chicken fries are good. Anyway, let's not get into chicken fries too quick.
Starting point is 03:03:47 I don't think we should answer this guy. Yeah, well, look, he's not married to the dude, right? He's dating him. And I mean, even if she was, who cares? If you're on the same page with little Kyle here. Just slide on in there, right? Just tell her how you feel.
Starting point is 03:04:02 Just tell her. Be straight. Again, honesty. Be like, look how you feel. Just tell her. Be straight. Again, honesty. Be like, look, you're wasting your time with this other dude. I don't think you like him very much. You're sending me these pictures. I love those pictures. I want to see more of that.
Starting point is 03:04:14 I want to see that in real life. He's got to get out of here. What do we need to do here to get him out of this little picture and get me into it? Why don't you and i start taking some group snaps i don't know i need time to think shut up bitch another tit pic all right well i would like it if you would stop cock teasing me then because it's kind of a turn off now that i know that that's the situation if i'm being honest it's It's a little unattractive, if I'm being honest, that you're sending me these pictures.
Starting point is 03:04:49 Now I'm kind of imagining, even if I ever did date you, would you be sending these sort of pictures to some other asshole? And the answer is yes. If this girl is doing this to you right now, then you know how your relationship will end. This isn't the first time she's done it probably like what makes you think you're gonna be the guy who throws down the wall and she's gonna suddenly oh now i'm not gonna be sending dirty texts to people like it's really very uncool if like i'm
Starting point is 03:05:17 a little more not on the ruin the relationship side as kyle but i do agree with parts of what kyle's saying mr eye roll the relationship's already ruined yeah okay actually that that's a very compelling point you're right i like kyle's theory that perhaps mr information technology backroom employee is lance a lot yes that's that's likely i honestly thought the question was going to be about an Indian's B.O. as it opened. Kyle, with that one little phrase, you totally changed my mind. You're right. You're right on this one.
Starting point is 03:05:58 Do what Kyle said. If fucking King Arthur over there knew that she was fucking sending side boob to Lancelot over here, he'd fucking clean his hands of this whole—wash his hands of this whole mess and be on the road. Or he'd kick your ass. That's a possibility, too. Always beware of the violent ones. Yeah, what does her boyfriend do? I guess he doesn't work in IT.
Starting point is 03:06:23 What if they're in an open relationship or polyamory relationships already over now that oh get out of here you close-minded bigot yeah now that is the the best case scenario possible then you can really slide on in there and then slide on out anytime you want you know commitment required, right? That would be ideal for you, Sir Lancelot. I don't buy that the open relationship shit works for most people long term. It works for Lancelot.
Starting point is 03:06:53 We don't care about King Arthur and his terrible relationship mistakes. Lancelot's the patron here, okay? Now he won't be over with that one. He is the one that's teaching you. He's the patron.. Okay. Now he won't be over with that one. He is the one that's.
Starting point is 03:07:07 The Patriot. King Arthur starts doling out cashola to PKA. We might look into this and I'll tell you what, King Arthur, we would give you Lancelot's personal information for you. Right now. We tell you where he was, what his name was,
Starting point is 03:07:24 the whole, the whole nine. We would have to make it into the hangout for that i'll come if he's local i'll come with you whoever the higher level patreon is the one with our allegiance yeah that fair enough you should take that into account because you're putting brackets how much they donate to the side business so that we do it. That's pretty funny. Kyle's totally right in this. And I think I couldn't tell what direction Kyle was going, but it seems that Kyle's more like get in and fuck this girl, not have a relationship with this girl.
Starting point is 03:07:57 Because I would not recommend having the relationship. She doesn't seem faithful by virtue of the fact that she's sending you side boob pay. This is what you don't understand it's not it's not a binary decision it's not get in and fuck or have a relationship it's get in and have a fucking relationship right right like both particles and waves simultaneously taylor that's what you've got to understand here you can keep fucking her forever, regardless of King Arthur and his round table. No, fuck all that. You don't care about that.
Starting point is 03:08:31 You don't care about Edwin, any of the knights. They don't matter. So you're just recommending a straight up friends with benefits kind of fuck buddies situation. Yes. I mean, then, okay. All right. Well, maybe give that a go and report back. Richard, do you have any excellent advice for this young man?
Starting point is 03:08:51 Negative. Negative. Come on. Come on. Step up. Step up. I feel like age is definitely a determining factor, right? Did he say how old he was?
Starting point is 03:09:03 How old he is? Over 18. What more do you have to know? i feel like when you're young he's an it professional so he's probably at least in his early 20s okay yeah because like when you're like you're just getting out of high school or in high school and things along those lines you tend to you tend to be a little bit more uh you know like mission focused in that and those those types of relationships but then like you do like like i don't think it ever worked for me, but like bringing that up, like the polyamorous stuff, like I had no idea there were that many people in like open relationships and
Starting point is 03:09:36 stuff like that. So if she's down with it and like, you're not going to get, you're not going to get killed, you know, like Kyle said,yle says i mean honesty is really it's clutch like you just ask someone be like hey like what do you want from this where is this going like you know like are you in an open relationship do you just want friends with benefits and see if it works for you yeah and girls really respond to that because they're not used to it because most guys are pussies when it comes to that like when it comes to like being like straightforward and speaking their mind and telling someone what they want in a relationship most guys are like beat around the bush like one foot in one foot out pussies about that sort of thing if you're if you jump right in and you're
Starting point is 03:10:20 like look this these are the things i would like. These are the different ways I can see our puzzle pieces fitting together to make a beautiful mosaic of fuck. Let me know which one of these appeals to you and I can make that happen. But what I don't like is this sort of
Starting point is 03:10:39 murky water, I don't know what you're thinking, you don't know what I'm thinking kind of game i don't like playing games i don't play any fucking bullshit teenage dating dance around each other like mating ritual bullshit games i said bullshit like three times in that but it's it's i mean it i hate and i'm speaking from the heart right now i'm not even talking about like what you should hypothetically tell her i hate those silly games that people play. Just be honest about what you want.
Starting point is 03:11:09 I want this. But I would settle for that, that, or that. You let me know if any of these appeal to you or I'm going to go. And I say that to the last guy too. The last guy you dated? No, the last guy. The last patron. Close? No, the last guy. The last patron. Closed-minded bigot.
Starting point is 03:11:29 The last patron who had the girl tell him about fucking her boyfriend or whatever. Let me knock this out. Not a closed-minded bigot. I'm clearly the gayest guy on the show. No one's arguing that. It is known. Let me tell everyone about Get Quip. When it comes to your health, brushing your teeth is one of the most important parts of your day.
Starting point is 03:11:49 Quip knows that. They've combined dentistry and design to make a better electric toothbrush. Quip is the new electric toothbrush that packs just the right amount of vibrations into a slimmer design at a fraction of the cost of those bulkier traditional electric brushes. And guiding pulses alert you when to switch sides sides making brushing the right amount effortless. Quip also comes with a mount that suctions right to your mirror. I got some other things to do that. It unsticks to use as a cover for hygienic travel anywhere whether it's going your gym bag or your carry-on and because the thing that cleans your mouth should also be cleaned. Quip subscription plan refreshes your brush on a dentist's
Starting point is 03:12:24 recommended schedule delivering new brush heads every three months for just $5, including free shipping worldwide. Quip is backed by a network of over 10,000 dental professionals, including dentists, hygienists, and dental students. Most toothbrushes don't get named one of Time Magazine's best inventions of the year, but Quip did. Find out for yourself why. Quip starts at just $25, and if you go to right now you'll get your first refill pack for free with a Quip electric toothbrush.
Starting point is 03:12:52 That's your first refill pack free at It's spelled G-E-T-Q-U-I-P dot com slash P-K-A It is the only toothbrush that I use now. Not that I have like a plethora of them or anything but I've completely switched over. I really like my GetQuip brush.
Starting point is 03:13:08 Big fan of it. It vibrates really nicely. I wish Chiz would get some clarification on this, but it has other uses too if you've got a young lady in your life. It's a vibrating toothbrush. It's an awesome toothbrush. I use it every single day, twice a day, as you should all be doing. And I love it. It's the best toothbrush I've ever used.
Starting point is 03:13:31 I can't recommend it high enough. You guys should check it out. There it is. Yep. All right. She just sent me a little clip here. I got to watch this. Okay.
Starting point is 03:13:42 That's a good clip. That's a good clip. Good clip. Yeah, that's funny. How that's good clip good quip yeah that's funny how can this how am i able to see this uh it's a he clipped it for you but i thought these were hidden and like not able to be seen uh we've got top men working yeah as we talk men top men can we share this or is it not to be shared I think it's kind of cruel and unusual punishment but you do as you like oh well I haven't seen it so I didn't know I was doing cruel and unusual punishment if I were to watch it description someone had trouble getting
Starting point is 03:14:18 out of their chair a minute ago laugh my ass off where do you even see this description ah it does seem mean-spirited and then under that not for the show i still don't see this but uh it's in the skype chat yeah it's not a hidden like scroll or anything it's there she is all right in there it's the under the thing gotcha well Well, we can hop to... Oh, go ahead. I was going to ask Richard if he knew who Ice Poseidon was and what he does. Negative.
Starting point is 03:14:53 Ice Poseidon is probably the biggest IRL streamer on YouTube. It's hard to tell because I used to think that one guy was this big in gaming and then I found out there's Spanish language guys who are gargantuan and stuff they just don't show up on our english feeds and stuff like that but in any case the biggest irl english speaking stream that i'm aware of on youtube and it's on youtube because he's banned from twitch uh he should add that to his tagline
Starting point is 03:15:20 like too hardcore for twitch tv this guy is like a i think he's 22 something like that he's an absolute wild man he uh he he does ridiculous things little stunts he sets up uh he's got like a real community that's kind of popped up around him um and he spawned other irl streamers who his fan base refers to as leeches because they kind of come in and leech off his audience and then start their own little shows. But he is the leader of the pack, for sure. They do bizarre fucking things. Recently, their most recent thing is they rented an RV and they made a road trip from LA to Seattle and back. And that might sound pretty innocuous, pretty simple, right? But it's being streamed 24 hours a day seven days a
Starting point is 03:16:05 week from a a camera on the on the rv and everyone on board is streaming from their cell phone cameras and i i mean just chis has a google doc here that that lists all the things that happened i'm just going to kind of browse through just will you link me to it again for some reason i've lost it i think i've got it. She's created this Google Doc, right? She's created this. Here we go. There's two Google Docs.
Starting point is 03:16:34 I'm just going to read some of the highlights here. Oh my god, I had to scroll up so much. Brandon and Daquan road raging while in LA traffic. daquan plays retarded trolling ice and walmart employees uh that that's this guy pretended like he was retarded in a walmart they stopped in and i mean he went full retard uh cassandra being a bitch at walmart for
Starting point is 03:16:57 no reason she's an obnoxious human being uh daquan and ice trying to steal shopping carts is cassandra the hot one that nearly got handcuffed to the crazy one? Yeah. There's a... No, that's... The police came. You know the incident. I don't think that's the same one.
Starting point is 03:17:19 There's a couple girls. Ice gets detained at Walmart by police. Ice gets banned from Walmart for life in Los Angeles. Cassandra, smoking by gas pumps, gets told off. Hampton Brandon scams the Bay Bridge toll. Another guy asking for gun murder. I don't know what that even means. EBZ crashes the RV.
Starting point is 03:17:40 This happens on day one. Jesus. Brandon crashes the RV too the second driver crashed as well they did this game where they brake check I think that's a good one to watch actually
Starting point is 03:17:55 in an RV yeah they play this game where the audience donates money for brake checks. Jesus Christ. If you click that little link and watch it, a little booty in that shot, that's pretty...
Starting point is 03:18:14 That was not the good one, honestly. There was one break check where she full-on hits her head on that guy's knee. Okay, I think I... This is all the first day. is friday this streamable link is the one we should be watching together um yeah yeah are they smoking on the rv oh stoned as a motherfucker the whole way they're hot boxing this rv which it can't be legal ice runs into black israelites and they don't like that he's a jew they start freaking out um a toothless stream sniper
Starting point is 03:18:46 shows up um they instigate a fight uh and there's a whole transcript of the exchange that chis added in here as an addendum complete fight yeah there's a fist fight on the bus basically between jesus um fight we here's one where i guess there's a fight over someone stealing weed from each other. You know, they're not fighting outside parties. Then Brandon and Daquan get arrested. This is day two when the arrest happens. Brandon and Daquan's public records are linked here. Daquan got bailed out for $11,000, and Brandon doesn't get bailed out for his $33,000 bail.
Starting point is 03:19:28 Brandon mysteriously freed from jail. Another link here. And it goes on and on and on. This is the first day. Do you know why during the break check that woman had no pants on? Because she's a whore? Explains it. She was in bed. I mean, to be fair. The bedroom is back. Oh, she just completely fell out of in bed. I mean, to be fair. The bedroom is back. Oh, she just completely fell out of the bed. Yeah. But again, like if you're.
Starting point is 03:19:51 I think it's because she has no pants on. Because all I know is I've seen her fall out of bed with no pants on. And Kyle doesn't like her at all. She's a whore. She's annoying, et cetera. And I'm like, I don't know. She seems quite likable to me. I saw a little ass cheek there.
Starting point is 03:20:06 She's okay by me. Yeah, I give her a thumbs up. I get Woody's point. Many, many nights, I sleep naked. I like to sleep naked a lot of the time. But if I know I'm on a stream, and that you could get thrown from the bed, and then your naked body being shown
Starting point is 03:20:24 is the reason your stream gets banned or whatever the hell in the whole... Why would that not happen? Wouldn't they shut it down? It just doesn't happen. Trust me. The parents have left the room a long time ago. No one seems to care what happens on these streams. She's in her panties.
Starting point is 03:20:40 Yeah, she's in her panties. But at one point a homeless woman came up up just walks right on the rv and starts talking crazy leaves her backpack and they're like maybe your backpack your bag where are you going oh and then they run back on the rv and the and ice is like she's she's fucking pissing and shitting right outside the rv right there on the asphalt the girls won't even approach the rv because there's a homeless lady shitting right out there on the asphalt. The girls won't even approach the RV because there's a homeless lady shitting right out there on the floor.
Starting point is 03:21:07 We're at Walmart parking lot. She's pissing right there. She's touching her pussy while she pisses. It's just ridiculous shit. Kyle's Ice Poseidon accent is his best accent of all of them. There's the Irish one, the Indian one, all sorts of Russian.
Starting point is 03:21:24 No, no, no, no, no no the ice one is the best kyle's russian and his sling blade are objectively i think the two best impressions is there alcohol in that glass you've been hitting look at the furrowed brow and the hand movements and and the lower lip oh the ice Poseidon hand movements are at least as good. Because it'll be like, I didn't understand it. When we had Ice as a guest, I didn't understand why every few minutes he was going like,
Starting point is 03:21:59 and whipping his hands around. I guess that's what he does when he gets a donation, right? Some folks call it weaponized autism. Call it Aspergillus. I called him the inflatable man in front of an auto dealership. I don't know why. I just assumed he had been called that many times before. He looks ghoulish right now because his eyebrows
Starting point is 03:22:26 he's missing a fucking eyebrow it's not a good look for him like and he and this is a man who frequently has to explain himself to police officers like on a regular basis the police are being called he's getting swatted or they're rightfully being called, he's getting swatted, or they're rightfully being called, and he's got to be like, what you don't understand is I'm kind of a big deal on the interweb. I'm a big time streamer, and these whores and these drugs, they're all mine, but it's only up and up, all right? Just back off. That Deng Kuan guy, yeah, he's got warrants, but not in this state, so it's not even a concern for you officer your state right yeah no no big deal you know the feds right roman de cuan the the life he lives kills me and i like the business that he runs it's interesting to me because there are other streamers who might pull in like two grand a night or something and they make like 1950 like
Starting point is 03:23:25 there's very few expenses in this he's renting rvs giant balls what is it what was the ebola thing like he what is that ball called a zoomable he got one of those gigantic balls that you can get inside of like like he's he's a bubble boy essentially and he's an orbit stone and he's trapped he's going through the streets of la yelling at the people in the sidewalk get away from me i have ebola make way i have ebola as if the bubble wall was for their protection right and and of course he needs to rent like a rider truck to bring the thing around the police get called obviously because he's blocking traffic and like mowing people down on the sidewalks. And he's like, all right, officer, I'll move it. And then he sets up the bubble ball a block over as if the police are going to think like, oh, it's probably a different bubble boy.
Starting point is 03:24:14 He has zero respect for what he's doing. He knows he can just bullshit his way out of it most of the time. He's like, yes, officer, we'll just go home. Don't worry about it. Sorry about the misunderstanding. The officers take three steps away. He's like, all right, let's'll just go home. Don't worry about it. Sorry about the misunderstanding. The officers take three steps away. He's like, all right, let's go down a block down the boulevard. We'll set up there.
Starting point is 03:24:30 No big deal. They film in malls and stuff a lot. Oh, this is fucking hilarious. They're in the mall. They're streaming. And he's got a posse with him, like all these hanger-ons. And they've all got nicknames, right? There's Mexican Andy.
Starting point is 03:24:44 There's Scuff Steve Jobs. They've all got nicknames and personas of their own, and some of them are small-time streamers, and some of them work for him in some way or another. And so they really, yeah, let's watch. Let's watch this, because this is actually high-quality entertainment right here. I'm cute at zero. This is actually high quality entertainment right here. I'm queued at zero.
Starting point is 03:25:06 This is basically what's happening here is mall security is approaching Ice Poseidon saying you can't film in the mall. And this is something that happens to him a lot. Ready, set, play. Hi. How are you? Can I help you with something? Is this pedophile?
Starting point is 03:25:29 Looks like he's got someone in his basement. You don't have to have a written consent from all management. I'm not filming. I saw a little kid going down there. Look at the size of that belt. There's no SD card. I'm not filming. Do we have a policy against voting in the mall?
Starting point is 03:25:43 I got this. I actually have consent from the management. Do you? I do. The ladies tell me I look like Robert Patrick. Yeah, I do this. I actually have consent from the management. I do. The ladies tell me I look like Robert Patrick. Yeah, I do actually. Here, let me pull it up real quick for you. That's the evil Terminator from Terminator 2, which you haven't fucking seen. Look at this.
Starting point is 03:25:59 That was a great reference. He needs to find a consent. He Googles consent from mall management. I think he added form maybe. Yes. He's on his phone Googling consent from mall management form. Look at those dirty fingernails. This is a man who bays once a week.
Starting point is 03:26:28 It's part of his charm. I'm not making fun. So, it's not signed or anything. No. This is just a PDF. Wait, wait. Is this one... Okay, so here's the consent release. Look at this guy.
Starting point is 03:26:44 Sherlock Holmes over here is going to verify. Yeah, straighten up those glasses. Come on in, homeless. I like that there was literally a homeless guy at first, becoming the representative of this party, and Ice is like, I got this. Fuck. You do have it.
Starting point is 03:27:21 He's radioing in. He's like, he's got it. He got it. He's got it. I know, I've never seen one before either. I didn't know these really existed. Thank you very much! Ha ha! Check one, you gotta check them all, he says. Yeah, have a good day, man.
Starting point is 03:27:47 And he shakes his hand. Oh, ladies, you're back. What's up? Yeah, let's do it, man. And I shake your hand. I started watching Man of Fear. This is just the most random thing I got from Google. So, yeah, what's up, man?
Starting point is 03:28:03 Tell me about yourself. That's great. So, yeah. So, what's up, man? Tell me about yourself. That's great. I love it. Man. I like how the real time, his different little changes in the Googling of it to really get a form. Yeah. And then the form eventually has nothing
Starting point is 03:28:18 to do with it. He did it again ten minutes later. Another security guard came and did the same shit, and he was like, they were like, let's just keep going. He's like, I want to see if it'll work again. We can do it same shit. And he was like, let's just keep going. He's like, I want to see if it'll work again. We can do it again. And that guy was like, you got it. This is a consent form.
Starting point is 03:28:34 No one signed it. From either side. It doesn't have the name or dislocation, your name, or really anyone else's on it. But okie dokie. They've never seen one before. They don't know what they're doing he's a con man it's a confidence game it it's pretty cool yeah yeah he's confident so they they buy into it you know he's like oh no here it is yeah yeah yeah he does a good job of i'm not just being confident but acting as though they're causing him a problem in the middle of his planned day shoot like and i was like when i would poke in and look at the streams i i mostly just kind
Starting point is 03:29:17 of looked at the the links that chis was providing but there'd be like at one point i saw 25 000 25 000 concurrent viewers on a live stream. Like if you go and see a live stream on YouTube that has like 5,000, that's pretty significant. That's a lot to hold. 25,000? Like he has to be the biggest streamer on YouTube as far as IRL, right? As far as IRL, that's probably true. Now if you go over to Twitch and into gaming,
Starting point is 03:29:45 the numbers are just bonkers. Like five, six, seven times that. It's crazy stuff. Does ProSyndicate still stream? He used to get giant numbers. Ninja got 30,000 subscribers yesterday. You know what I mean? I know Syndicate, I think, pulled 100 grand concurrent once.
Starting point is 03:30:02 Yeah, he did. Which is a lot. Yeah. Even by today's standards, that's really big. Sure. I haven't seen Syndicate do anything lately. Probably because he's so goddamn rich he doesn't need to. Yeah, he can just fade away and do nothing ever again, and he's solid.
Starting point is 03:30:18 He'd come back and he'd be huge. He could be his own ice beside him if he wanted to. There's another clip of the chick, like, falling in a brake check and hitting her head on the guy's knee. And she hits his knee so hard with her forehead. Like, she collapses and, like, headbutts into his fucking knee. And it's audible. And here, yeah, let's watch it. It's this.
Starting point is 03:30:43 Is it the second one? Ice Poseidon RV break check fail. That's it. Okay, I'm ready. I'm at zero. Ready, set, play. Brandon, for the last time, this is an RV experiment.
Starting point is 03:30:58 Farting there in an earth Cassandra space right now. TBD. TBD. I can't fart. He's rubbing his knee. I'm a little behind you guys, I think. That's so fun. That's over the pot of hot milk butter.
Starting point is 03:31:19 I think I'm on the wrong one. I'm listening to a fart one. Is it not the most... It's ice beside an RV break. I was on the wrong one. I'm listening to a fart one. Is it not the most- It's ice beside an RV break. Ah, I was on the second most recent. Well, shucks. You could still play that one. Man.
Starting point is 03:31:34 It's only 35 seconds. They shouldn't do this when they're cooking. You can see the flame going. They're all like stoned. There's gotta be some carbon dioxide poisoning too from that stone. And they're just not stable individuals. The one girl is extremely bipolar. She's on lithium. I believe it's Cassandra, right?
Starting point is 03:32:00 Is Cassandra the one who's bipolar? The dark hair or the light hair? Yeah, dark hair. She's bipolar, and she's dangerous. And she's on lithium, which keeps her... More mellow. Yeah. The RV gets a little messy around day three, let's call it. And Ice is like...
Starting point is 03:32:19 You don't get your lithium back until you clean this pigsty up. She's like, I fucking need that lithium. I need, we need the lithium. And he's just like, no. No, you can't have it. You can't have it until you clean the place up. And like all day goes by, he still hasn't given it to her.
Starting point is 03:32:40 I was getting worried. Like she's going to slit her throat in the night. I guess eventually he gave it to her because nobody died. Oh, we haven't even talked about the whole place filling up with sewage at one point. Because, like, they did they overfilled the toilets with piss and shit and then they brake checked
Starting point is 03:32:55 and it sloshed sewage out and it covered the floors of the entire RV. Ice is stepping in it barefoot. He's sitting on one of those couches and just wipes his feet on the couch like he's fucking Rick James or something. Jesus. I mean,
Starting point is 03:33:17 this seems like a lively stream they've been doing for, what, five days? It's like Jerryerry springer all of these characters you might think oh i bet this is like six college buddies right they all know each other they're all friends they all fucking hate each other they all hate each other the only thing that bonds them is their need to leech off of ice poseidon's fan base. And the fan base knows it. So they're not having any of it. Their job as a fan
Starting point is 03:33:50 base is to not give them anything. To mock them. To expose them. The one chick, they dug up they went on the internet way back machine and found pictures of her advertised as an escort. Which one? The blonde. The Cassandra chick?
Starting point is 03:34:06 The one who fell into the knee? He says not the blonde. I'm sorry. I get them mixed up sometimes. It's fun because I'm not really into wrestling, but I watch it from afar almost. There are people who
Starting point is 03:34:22 like watching the show. They're the marks. the people who just enjoy it look this guy's mad at that guy and then there's the smart marks the one who know the meta game behind the game you know why this guy's in charge the contracts the negotiations and such and those smart marks watch wrestling on a different level ice poseidon's fans are smart marks like they get it they know why everyone's there what the money is what the situation is who's streaming who's having success who's funny outside of ice who's only funny because of ice and i i think watching the purple army is as much fun as watching ice i wish chiz were on the call so that he could adequately explain Mexican Andy.
Starting point is 03:35:07 I'm going to give a shot. Mexican Andy is an incel. He's an involuntary celibate man. I wouldn't make fun of him, except it seems that he's a bit of a rapey scary kind of guy who manipulates women and sort of uh tries to get stuff out of them by like taking advantage of situations and stuff he's real i'm gonna say is mexican andy a big streamer he actually is is it is it asian andy that got big i don't think mexican andy's that big i'm not sure but but he spawned off of ice the way he got into the game as it were is literally by showing up at ice's house unannounced uninvited to the point where he had
Starting point is 03:35:51 to be told like dude what the fuck you doing here stop coming stop showing up to like jump into my stream or whatever he's got terrible acne he has i counted them 26 facial hairs they're all on his chin and they look like the patchy part of my chest hair. They're disgusting. He's got that cystic acne all over that's really gross. And I'm going to say he's like 5'6", 200 pounds or something like that. So he uses his friendship,
Starting point is 03:36:23 if you can call it that with ice to like lure women in and to because with the promise of them like getting exposure via ice like hey i'm the gatekeeper here you know you come through me and you can get in with him that sort of thing there was this gorgeous fucking chick on um on uh that that's a twitch streamer that he got on the other day i don't know how he convinced her to come i i don't know i don't chis would you link me to that really hot twitch streamer that they had on the rv maybe even the awkward moment that that they had where sam asked sam is this british guy who split the rv cost with ice they're as close as friends as maybe exist on this little journey. And Sam really awkwardly puts Mexican Andy on the spot
Starting point is 03:37:14 by basically saying, hey, are you going to take her out on a date? And she's standing right there. And he's like, ah, maybe. And she laughs in his face and this whole thing. This is the chick, I think. And she's describing him creeping on her. Actually, let's watch that because I haven't seen this before.
Starting point is 03:37:37 Is this worth watching, Chiz? This Mexican Weinstein clip? Mexican Weinstein. Is this her basically explaining how he was manipulative and tried to get her to do stuff? She explains how weird he was?
Starting point is 03:37:52 Maybe so then. And you can also see this chick's very pretty. She looks like a different species than the human beings that are currently existing on that RV. And this isn't even a very flattering video of her in real life she seemed much hotter um you guys ready yeah ready set play
Starting point is 03:38:11 he didn't literally act me like how to fuck but like ask me how to like he didn't literally ask me to fuck he just said like yeah let's go somewhere come on let's go somewhere like just me and you come on let's go and every time on, let's go somewhere. Like, just me and you. Come on, let's go. And every time I would walk to my car to get something, he would literally, like, about to jump in the passenger seat. Yeah, she's talking about Mexican Andy who lured her to the Ice Poseidon RV streaming extravaganza. She was removed from the trip not long afterwards. Yeah, this is
Starting point is 03:38:45 this is what mexican andy looks like that most recent clip yeah this is i i pitied him at first and actually found him kind of interesting but after seeing how weird he is uh there was this one scenario where he was like i guess this girl couldn't afford her hospital bills and he was like well maybe i could pay him if you did something for me. Like real scummy kind of shenanigans that he's getting into. This is a man who's in dire need of a prostitute, which was what we talked about on the last episode. He needs a washcloth, a very warm one.
Starting point is 03:39:23 Yeah, right? Yeah. Maybe he could, I'd love to see him on popping. He needs to exfoliate. needs a washcloth, a very warm one. Yeah, right? I'd love to see him on popping. He needs to exfoliate. Yeah, give him some advice, Kyle. Some of those are bad ones. He could fix that so easily.
Starting point is 03:39:40 He needs to wash three times a day. He needs an entire regimen. He needs an astringent he needs like like some uh something without alcohol in it because that's going to dry his skin out make it crack but uh he needs to clean he needs something with benzoyl peroxide because he's clearly a very oily guy you can tell he's got oily skin you need benzoyl peroxide like 10 percent and uh three times a day and uh i mean that would do it he's clearly someone who doesn't you know that's it's people say greasy foods people say chocolate people say sugar is that a real thing yeah i was really just calling him 100 pounds overweight oh i see what you're saying well you're not wrong in that regard. Yeah. Well, I mean, we could, you know, he does need to do something different with himself.
Starting point is 03:40:34 Man. Well, I'm glad they're having fun. Yeah. Making a fuck ton of money in the process. Good for ICE. We'll see. I mean, there's some damages to that RV. That's what I was getting.
Starting point is 03:40:48 I'm sorry I cut you off. He has real expenses associated with the kind of streaming he does. That's what I was headed into with the big ball and the rider and the RV. And I admire the business that he's putting on because it's not cheap and easy. Fear Factor 2 is coming this Saturday. All right. That's going to be big. You've seen Fear Factor? I've seen Fear Factor, but what is Fear Factor 2 is coming this Saturday. All right? What's that? That's going to be big. You've seen Fear Factor?
Starting point is 03:41:05 I've seen Fear Factor, but what is Fear Factor 2? Now imagine that a 22-year-old Jewish autistic man set it up in Los Angeles with a group of miscreants who want nothing more than to please him. It's going to get wild. It's going to be fun. I've seen the last one I saw. I believe it was Fear Factor. I believe that's what it was I was watching. They had this.
Starting point is 03:41:25 They're on the street corner, by the way. This is not happening in a backyard. I believe that's what it was I was watching. They had this... They're on the street corner, by the way. This is not happening in a backyard. This is on the street corner in Los Angeles, like a very public, populated area. One of the challenges, there was a tub that looked like maybe it would hold five, eight gallons, like a squared storage tub,
Starting point is 03:41:44 and it was filled with water, a product called liquid shit. I had someone spray that at my high school once. Yeah, it's awful. It is obnoxious. It is a disgusting product. So it's water, green food coloring, liquid shit, and enormous blue crabs. They're in there, alive, in the crabs they're in there alive in the water down in the liquid shit also 20 or so golf balls your job if you choose to accept it is to bob for those golf balls whoever gets the most wins and proceeds to the next round And so these guys are plunging their heads into this putrid shit water.
Starting point is 03:42:27 Braving the crabs that are pinching at them continuously. And getting these golf balls out and spitting them into another tub. After that, they progressed to round three, I believe it was. Because I missed round one. I'm guessing round one involved a paintball gun, though. Because they were all covered in welts and shirtless on the streets of LA. Round three,
Starting point is 03:42:50 they're eating those ghost peppers that are just incredibly hot, you know, that you see people challenge. They eat one. No water, of course. No water. They each eat one, and like two minutes goes by, then they eat another. And then like two minutes goes by, and they eat another. And then two minutes goes by, and they eat another.
Starting point is 03:43:05 And they're running low on them now. So Ice is like, we're going to step the game up a little bit, boys. Now I'm going to mace you each in the face. And they're like, okay. It's a fair progression. Open your eyes good and wide. I want to get it in there. Jesus.
Starting point is 03:43:19 He pepper sprays the shit out of them, right? And now they're sitting there crying. Snot is flowing everywhere. They're drooling. They're still coughing and choking because of the ghost peppers and the pepper spray probably. He's like, all right, now another ghost pepper. Just keep going until neither one of them would give up and they'd split the money. It was several grand.
Starting point is 03:43:40 See, that's the thing to keep in mind. These little prizes aren't little at all. See, that's the thing to keep in mind. These little prizes aren't little at all. These game shows he sets up end up being pretty fucking legit with prizes of like $5,000, $8,000 that's all contributed by the stream live. I wonder what he's netting from these. Here's a little image. It's hard to tell.
Starting point is 03:43:58 I think what's important right now is to invest in himself, I think, and invest in the show. And it's very possible, I think, that maybe it gets picked up and becomes like a TV show, right? Like, he's absurd. He could be an interesting personality somewhere, or at least from the outside looking in, it seems like he could be. And I'm sure he's making some money,
Starting point is 03:44:17 but as the audience grows, it'll become more and more profitable. Even if he's barely breaking even right now, it's still worth it to keep putting all the money back into this thing and make his challenges bigger and bigger. He's an IRL streamer loss leader. Perhaps. But nothing
Starting point is 03:44:35 gained, right? Cornering that market. He absolutely is cornering the market. It's fucking fascinating. So Richard, you're meaning to tell me you're too busy trying to run a coffee company to watch this guy force people to pull golf balls out of a shitty toilet you mean to say that's more important than oh yeah maybe maybe i don't know i don't know it's subjective right no i just just no it's not i gotta move i gotta move again i gotta move again you know look again. How long until your next move?
Starting point is 03:45:05 Look at the second image of, I believe that's Asian Andy. I could be wrong. He's holding his crotch and covered in welts. I don't think his hair was green when this all started. And he's in an enormous amount of pain from being pepper sprayed and having eaten a minimum of three ghost peppers just now. And you'll notice the background. He's in the middle of Los Angeles.
Starting point is 03:45:30 There are random people watching this. They're like, what the fuck's happening here? He's wearing a g-string. That wasn't part of the show. That was his idea. Well, he's willing to go hard. So good for Asian Andy. I started watching that stream.
Starting point is 03:45:46 I was watching that one live, and I came in kind of in the middle of it during the second phase when they were bobbing for golf balls, and I couldn't understand what was wrong with their skin. I was like, what are those black welts? Are those, is that acne? Because that looks like the worst acne I've ever seen. They're like nickel-sized welts that are red and swollen. It was golf.
Starting point is 03:46:08 It was paintball welts. I guess they stripped them naked and opened up on them at close range with paintball guns and just didn't stop. I'd rather be shot by paintballs over and over than have to burrow for golf balls in liquid shit. Wouldn't you? Like, it's a little bit of pain that'll pass after a while. I need to know the quantity of both.
Starting point is 03:46:27 That second image is not safe for work. But it's from today. That's Ice Poseidon and Sam I guess on the side of the road. Ice is also very comfortable with his sexuality. So much so that he
Starting point is 03:46:43 he's a little weird. He's looking pretty fit in this picture. sexuality so much so that he he he he he's a little weird looking at it in this picture one on our show he told us that he likes to say hi to new people by having them pull their penis out and I do a penis shake so I don't think anything you can say would would be more surprising than that
Starting point is 03:47:01 dicks I wasn't I wasn't down with that. I was like, I don't think I'll be visiting. Kyle, what the hell? That's not very progressive of you. Next you'll be telling me you should change your children without asking for consent. Well. Well.
Starting point is 03:47:18 Perhaps. I don't know. Well, good for Ice. He seems to be doing a lot of good things, a lot of helpful things for humanity. Oh, yeah. He's the leader of the world. I saw him somewhere else, like on a whole different thing.
Starting point is 03:47:30 He was riding around. He was in Seattle, which is a very liberal city. And he was, first of all, he was looking for the kind of people that this question would offend. He was asking them how many genders there are. offend he was asking them how many genders there are and uh and when they got really angry he started yelling at them and telling them there are only two genders and that you are a woman and this one chick pulled out her big hairy pussy and showed him just that like right there in the middle of a restaurant so she confirmed his assertion that seems like a weird way to handle it right look i i'm not gonna get to try
Starting point is 03:48:06 to get in the side of the head call me a woman again when you look at this meaty clam yeah you're a woman yeah man seattle must be an interesting place i like been there my car got broken into when i was in seattle oh yeah i lived in st louis my whole life spent three nights in seattle get my fucking car broken into it's like what the hell what are we doing there pax no this is years ago i was going on uh uh to a concert i uh i saw some weird shit in seattle uh there was a uh some homeless people that had had eaten a pigeon and uh and it was completely deboned and defeathered,
Starting point is 03:48:47 just laying there, just a skeleton amongst them on the ground as I walked past. That was shocking. And then, of course, down by the pier or the wharf, whatever the fuck they call it, down by that big carousel that's... Is it called a carousel? No, no, no. What's Ferris Wheel?
Starting point is 03:49:03 Ain't that like Fish Market area? Yeah, down by the fish market where that amazing uh fish restaurant is that i eat at every time i go to seattle um like just like a block north of that i'm gonna guess 80 homeless people are under one like covered roof type thing there's like a roof like overhangs a building and they're they're all fucking just hanging out there at night it was like stumbling upon a horde of zombies it was it was scary honestly i remember the homeless people in seattle and maybe i had a different experience because it was during the day but i've never seen
Starting point is 03:49:35 a gaggle of homeless people that i was less intimidated by than the ones i saw in seattle because st louis homeless are no joke. They they're mean as fuck. I've told before Kyle and Woody thought I was joking when I'm like, we've had a series of hammer related murders by homeless people. And the next week I linked one of a homeless maniac who tried to murder four people in an abandoned school. Like if you had a little seemed more like, Hey man,
Starting point is 03:50:01 kind of, kind of homeless. If you talk, if you Google St. Louis and then the word hammer, it'll autofill to murder. I'm going to test that. Really?
Starting point is 03:50:10 Which year would you like to search? Yeah. Yeah, it... Yeah, it autofills to attack, death, beating, killing, and Bosnian. Bosnian being referenced because they beat a Bosnian man to death with hammers. We're not talking about one event. This wouldn't be your search history, would it? Things you've typed before?
Starting point is 03:50:37 No, that's exactly what I got. I got exactly what Kyle said. Attack, death, killing, beating, Bosnian. Yeah, those are the top five what i mine's so boring mine's weather cardinal schedule arch arch arch blue zoo cardinal did you cite did you type st louis hammer oh no yeah you gotta put hammer in there because otherwise people are gonna want to go to the Cardinals game. That was my mistake. Attack, death, killing, beating, Bosnian, attack, race, victim, homicide, and assault.
Starting point is 03:51:14 If you're going to go to a Cardinals game, be sure to go on Bat Night. You'll be able to defend yourself outside the card. Yeah, if you type in St. Louis Hammer, there is nothing construction related in here. No, no. It's a scary fucking place uh one of the attacks was like five um five guys beat a bosnian man to death with each of them had a hammer i guess they were not a part-time construction crew they were just crazy people and then the other was a homeless man beating other homeless man men with a hammer he like they were in like an abandoned school or something like that abandoned
Starting point is 03:51:45 mental something like that and like he like sneaks up on a group of homeless men who are asleep and starts hammering the fuck out of them and it's yeah i think that was an east stl which i really don't go there too often but i have stl i have that's like the really terrible area that east st louis that's uh the area i have some friends who are always like the really terrible area that East St. Louis, that's the area. I have some friends who are always like, you want to go to the strip clubs and all of the like really known strip clubs. Like you remember the movie Bad Grandpa where he goes to those strip clubs and it's just out of control, raucous.
Starting point is 03:52:16 That's all East St. Louis. And they're all like, my friends will be like, let's go there. Let's go there. And I feel like I'm the only one who's like why why would we willingly go to the only part in this nation that's comparable to honduras with murder like no let's not do this let's not go we can go to a strip club you know in the main city but yeah anyway seattle's a nice town i i like it very good seafood you call it home i i mean it's a nice town i liked i mean i was only there for a few days but but i like oh seattle i'm you're saying i'm thinking st louis my mistake yeah
Starting point is 03:52:52 st louis is my home but more just because i was born here you know i lived in like tampa or miami or something wouldn't be like man st louis is probably nice this time of year like you know rickety cricket from um It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia? Ice Poseidon found the real-life version of him in Portland, Oregon. If you click this link here, it says an important message to Portland, and then it trails off. It's the neat clip link. This is a minute long.
Starting point is 03:53:19 I found this guy interesting. This is a random man that Ice came upon I guess he is a magnet for insanity I'm ready yeah three two one play so what is that wait no no you're not dude what the fuck is that wait hold, hold on. What is that? What? How did you get that? Hands inside out? Yes, cleaner that way. Nope. Smoking weed right there. Probably love a night in prison. And also, Portland residents, please stop throwing your garbage in the fucking puddles. Because it gives us syphilis and leprosy.
Starting point is 03:54:08 And, Mercer, I'm fucking dead serious. Dude, don't throw the trash in the water. Please do not. Put it in the receptacle or else I will stab you with a fucking... It all floats down the river. It all floats down the river, doesn't it? I will beat you when you throw your garbage in the river. It makes me have syphilis. Foggy dude, are you syphilis?
Starting point is 03:54:28 Okay, well. You put gonorrhea in the water. Hey, hey, hey. You know what you remind me of? So what is that? I'm dying to know what he reminded him of. I hope he said rickety cricket from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia because he so did. If that guy had half his face melted off.
Starting point is 03:54:46 If he had a dog pussy shaped scar on his neck. At least someone's fucking my pussy, am I right? Now I've got canine syphilis. I'm looking forward to the return of that show. I haven't been
Starting point is 03:55:05 I haven't stayed up to date on The Terror I haven't watched the most recent episode of that Me neither You know what I watched though? Cobra Kai I saw all 10 episodes If people don't know, Cobra Kai is a YouTube Red special
Starting point is 03:55:21 No mercy Did all three of you guys watch that? I watched an episode of it. I haven't gotten more into it. They flip the script, right? So they sort of tell it from Johnny's perspective. You know, what was the guy's name who wasn't Johnny? Daniel.
Starting point is 03:55:36 Daniel LaRusso comes in. He hits on his girl. He sucker punches him at the fire, by the bonfire. And, you know johnny's really been wronged by this guy and uh also you know johnny this you know rich kid who had it made they actually came from kind of a bad family his stepfather who had money but it was terrible in every other way and um now fast forward into adulthood daniel larusso was a successful car dealer and repair guy and you know on tv doing
Starting point is 03:56:06 commercials and johnny lawrence the cobra kai sort of blonde haired dude he's living a terrible life and he sort of gets his act back together again and fires up cobra kai and gets some students and the students you know have conflict with each other. And it's kind of neat. You can't tell who's good and who's bad and things flip around and it turns the whole story on its head. And I enjoyed watching it. So Cobra Kai on YouTube Red. It's the first YouTube Red special I've ever really cared about.
Starting point is 03:56:39 You know, prior to that, like PewDiePie did something and I like PewDiePie's new videos, but I don't catch every one catch everyone and just not as demo. Um, but this one, the Cobra Kai stuff, I was glad I was a YouTube red guy. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:56:54 Yeah. I've watched, uh, I watched the first episode. Uh, I'm probably going to watch more of it. I need to watch it on my, on my TV though.
Starting point is 03:57:00 I watched the first episode on my laptop, which I don't, I don't like doing. Okay. Why? Cause it's a shitty viewing experience. I don't want a big fucking TV. Yeah, if I
Starting point is 03:57:11 had a TV like Kyle's, I would... And if I had a theater room like yours, I'd want to do it there, too. I like it on the laptop sometimes. It's right there. It's my personal little viewing experience. That's what Stern does. They'll send him screeners of movies so that he can watch them early and then review them on his show and stuff. And he'll watch them on his fucking iPad.
Starting point is 03:57:31 And so the director or an actor will come in and he's like, oh, yeah, did you see it? You see any Star Wars? He's like, yeah, yeah. You watch it on a big screen now. You've got to watch it on a big screen. And Robin's like, he watched it on his iPad. What the fuck? You watch it on your ipad it's fucking 70 millimeter mate what you doing you know it's just absurd he's watching this shit on his goddamn ipad you're doing i don't know russell brand a little bit i
Starting point is 03:57:56 guess oh it's uh he watches that shit on his ipad what you doing, mate? See, but if he did his Ice Poseidon, no one would be asking who he's doing because we know who Ice Poseidon is. Those little fucking waves. Yeah. But yeah, I may check that out. I want to see what it's about. Ash vs. Evil Dead,
Starting point is 03:58:20 which is a show that I like to like, got canceled. I had a bet with Chiz that it would get canceled. The next day, Chiz texted me, it got canceled. The next fucking day. And I wasn't like prophetic or anything. There was a lot of talk that it may get canceled.
Starting point is 03:58:36 It dropped to 175,000 viewers per episode or something like that. And I was like, I think it's going to get canceled. This sucks. I've got a last topic. So there's a UFC fight coming up. I forget which weekend it is. But there are three former champions on the card at the same time. There's Joanna Champion, there's Jose Aldo, and another one, Luke Rockhold, I think.
Starting point is 03:58:57 They're all on the same card. And apparently what happened is this. It's Dana White's birthday. So he decided he wanted to kick back on his birthday and watch the fights. And it is the coolest, like, fuck you money rich guy thing that I have ever heard of. Like, you know what I want to do for my birthday? Let's get some of the baddest motherfuckers who ever walked this planet, put them in a cage, and have them fight each other so that I can have a good night. And he did it. He's doing it. It's coming up. It's going to be one of the baddest motherfuckers who ever walked this planet. Put them in a cage and have them fight each other so that I can have a good night. And he did it.
Starting point is 03:59:26 He's doing it. It's coming up. It's going to be one of the good UFC events because it's Dana's birthday. Yeah, Gustafson and Rockhold. Gustafson, Rockhold, Aldo, and Stevens, and then Joanna Champion and Torres. Torres. Yeah. Joanna's fighting this soon.
Starting point is 03:59:47 I forget what the date is. But, yeah, I guess it's not too far. How do you pronounce her name? Is it Yon Jacek? You're asking me. How do you pronounce this Russian, this Eastern European woman's name? She's Polish. Yeah, that sounds right.
Starting point is 04:00:04 A-M-D-B-B-W-O-N. right yeah her name is so difficult they joanna champion is a nickname that just works with i guess she's not even the champ anymore but it works for me the way i was just told it was this thing joan j check check you're on it joan j check check joan jay check seems simple enough for now i had a bosnian man come into my apartment yesterday my ac broke and uh i called them was like hey my my ac broke and they were like all right we'll send someone out and so i left for the day as i am one want to do and came back got a little note for what they did and it was like hey your coil or whatever the fuck was frozen solid so we had to let it thaw we'll be back early tomorrow morning
Starting point is 04:00:52 to get all this fixed and i was like all right whatever and so it was like 82 degrees in my in my place hot as fuck i was working out dripping sweat and i get a loud rap on the door a very loud one and so i go down i open it and it's a large about my my height you know maybe a little shorter but a broad large bosnian man in this area tons of bosnia no no hammer he was one of the bad bosnian and and he comes in and he was like uh i didn't know they sounded like almost exactly like Russians, at least to my ear. They do like that Eastern European accent. He's like, we're getting complained for downstairs leak. You know what might be?
Starting point is 04:01:36 You know what might be leak? I'm like, I don't know, man. I had someone show up this morning and mess with my AC. You want to take a look at that? He's like, yes, I look. He comes up, looks in there, and he goes, and immediately I'm watching him do his thing, that uncomfortable thing where I'm standing there like,
Starting point is 04:01:51 uh-huh, yeah, if I were a real man, I'd be able to fix this myself, but I have to watch you do it. And he was down there. He's like, oh, no. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. You see, what the problem is, who come this morning?
Starting point is 04:02:04 Who come to your house this morning? I'm like, I don't know no, no, no. You see what the problem is? Who come this morning? Who come to your house this morning? I'm like, I don't know. I wasn't here. He's like, they ruin it. They ruin it. Look here. Look here.
Starting point is 04:02:14 The rust. The rust right there. What you're supposed to do, you're supposed to remove bottom plate, put a bucket. Bucket under there, catch all the melted ice. No bucket. He put no bucket here. It all drained already. Nothing I can do. Nothinget under there. Catch all the melted ice. No bucket. He put no bucket here. It's all drained already. Nothing I can do. Nothing I can do. And I'm like, I'm sorry, man.
Starting point is 04:02:33 I'm not meaning to put you in a tizzy. I'm not mad at you at all. But he's mad at you for some reason. I'm like, it's all right, man. I don't mind being really, really uncomfortably hot and sweaty. I sleep naked anyway. It's okay. And he's like, no, he, who the hell showed up this morning, did this, did not know to put bucket on their ice to milk.
Starting point is 04:02:56 Now bottom stair going to leak. Nothing I can, look at your floorboard here. Look at this. And he's like pointing out these little things. I'm like, yeah, I guess, you know, if I own this place,'m pretty pissed he's like oh so sorry you must stay it's very hot in here right now and then i was i was drenched in my tank top working out and he goes you it is drenched in here but you look good and i was like oh well thank you and i'm like what's your name and he goes i'm like you're gonna have to say that three or four more times
Starting point is 04:03:30 my name i'm like all right all right uh you know b and then he started like talking to me for like 15 minutes and i was in the middle of the workout here he's like i'm so sorry I won't be able to do it. I make sure they send the right person tomorrow. The right person tomorrow, take care, you get cold air again. I leave Fianon so you feel more comfortable. Man, you look very good. You know, my body used to look like you.
Starting point is 04:03:58 I used to look, this guy is my height and a hundred plus pounds heavier than me. That's the hands of andre the giant the kind of guy his whole life and and he was ah i used to look like you my daughter tell me oh don't eat meat don't eat meat i say fuck you i'm going to eat meat you know i just cut down on on the beer you know uh snacks that kind of thing you know And I was like, all right, all right, buddy. And I had to like slowly usher like, man, really, really great to meet you. You know, let's start working this way.
Starting point is 04:04:33 Get my fucking engine out of here. But he was – You could have had a workout partner. See, you should have been like, hey, man, why don't you pick up those 15s over there and let's – you know, hey, you come here every day. You know what? One year ago, I used to look like you. Not quite.
Starting point is 04:04:52 I used to look like you. I like that. I'm pretty sure there's some Photoshop pictures in the subreddit somewhere of you super fat. It would be hilarious to show. Yeah. Our subreddit somewhere of like of like you like super fat like it would be hilarious to show yeah our subreddit made these uh these like photoshops of like taylor like you know that picture of
Starting point is 04:05:11 vladimir putin riding the horse shirtless they put taylor's face on that and they put taylor's face on like all kinds of crazy shit and he put them on his tinder shut up that's awesome yeah here it's here's my instagram the the putin picture is is up there that was quick fucking oh there it is all right hilarious oh that's legit yeah Yeah. 6,100 followers. STL underscore Taylor, if you want to follow me on Instagram to see my never posts. Not a lot of content here. I see there's two different pictures of scrambled eggs.
Starting point is 04:06:06 I tore off the egg carton, the top, and I said made some free-range eggs as a late-night snack, eating them out of a gluten-free recycled grazing trough. But it was really just an egg carton top. Yeah. That was the giggle I got out of that. Apparently you were in The Martian. See that image here.
Starting point is 04:06:22 Yes. Very concerned about Watney. Oh, no, there he is. He's next to you. That's okay. Yep, everything panned out. Or, no, I'm a character who died, so... Oh. Oh, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 04:06:32 Well, that's okay. Anyway, that's not important. Well, that's probably a show, eh? Yeah. Yeah. So check out Black Rifle Coffee. Definitely. It's the highest quality coffee on the planet.
Starting point is 04:06:47 And I can say that because I'm not affiliated. Well, okay. Coffee taste is subjective. So it's to each their own, right? The way we like to tell people is being small batch, roast to order. And as much as I hate throwing sales pitches like when you get like really big companies what they do is they'll take and they'll um they're they're pulling in so much coffee that they just have to like some bigger companies will burn it a little
Starting point is 04:07:19 bit so that you get the consistency in that flavor profile so people know what to expect. For us, being a small batch roast order, we kind of get to have a little bit more fun with it and not have to worry about our quality changing up on people so much. So having a roasting facility in Nashville and in Salt Lake is just going to help us get coffee to people a little bit quicker. So it arrives at like the peak flavor profiles because most of the stuff you buy at the coffee or at the grocery store is just it's garbage. It's like it's past its peak flavor profile and whatnot. So if you're a coffee nut, we can chat about that. I'm not the world's leading expert on it
Starting point is 04:08:05 or anything along those lines, but I will say that most people who do become snobs about it and everything, it's all subjective. I mean, it's just about getting that consistency in the cup of coffee that you get and whatnot. So whatever you like, you like. Very cool.
Starting point is 04:08:23 True enough. And check out Taylor's Instagram. Get me to 20,000 followers with the same number of posts I have now. Yeah. Every 10,000 followers, another picture of eggs. I'll do another post. All right. PKA 386.

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