Painkiller Already - Painkiller Already #398

Episode Date: August 10, 2018

On this week's PKA, our good friend Filthy Robot is back and he shares with us his near death story AND some stories about geting pierced, hooked and pulled on. It's crazy, you gotta listen up. Then ...everyone shares a conspiracy theory they believe to be true and convince the other hosts that it is most likely accurate over what's the "accepted reality" and lastly some prediction on the upcoming UFC match up.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Painkiller Already, episode 398 with our guest, Filthy Robot. Kyle? A few sponsors tonight. Postmates, GetQuip, Squarespace, SmartMouth, and Monster Energy Espresso. We'll be talking about all of those things later on in the show, of course. But yeah, we got Filthy
Starting point is 00:00:16 back with us. He is clearly in a new location. He's in the land of green. That's right. He's in a green screen. He's got fancy wine or something. You live living large. Is it a secret where you moved to? I'm out of the loop. No, no, no. I'm in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Wait, you're in Oshkosh, Wisconsin?
Starting point is 00:00:32 You guys just finished the world's largest air show. Yeah, yeah. We were moving in. We drove past all that as I was coming in. There were the flybys as we were moving in pretty much hour by hour. 80% of my parap of friends were just there oshkosh wisconsin for you guys that don't know is like mecca for plane nerds and like like they all
Starting point is 00:00:52 go there there's dozens make their pilgrimage it's a real happening place dude you don't understand like there's um there's an aviation nerd culture it's a little different than aviation professionals or like military but aviation nerds guys who just freak out and look at every kind of plane and helicopter and what have you. Oshkosh is, I think, like this little podunk airport that for one week a year becomes the busiest airport in the planet. In the planet? And like bigger than London Heathrow, LaGuardia, like busier than any of those other airports the advertisement they're like there are a few cities that are known for a thing and they're like
Starting point is 00:01:29 Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Oshkosh, Wisconsin and you know like yeah so yeah that little place amongst aviation nerds is so it goes Jerusalem Bethlehem, Oshkosh and then Mecca.
Starting point is 00:01:45 Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. What pulled you to Oshkosh? So my wife just finished her PhD. So she graduated. Her first job is she's teaching at a college not too far from here. We're here for a year. The place she's just doing a visiting assistant professorship somewhere.
Starting point is 00:02:03 So I'm here just because it doesn't matter where I work from because I stream. And we're here for her job. We're here for a year. Can you explain professor levels? Like what is it? Adjunct, then assistant professor, then professor? How does that work? So when you're in a tenure track, you're looking at adjunct as you're coming in on this, right?
Starting point is 00:02:21 Like you're starting. Actually, I'm not even sure that's 100% true. I'm not sure I know is the answer to that this is for her for this position this position is they're looking for someone for a year for this and she is wanting to do this for a year but unlikely to want to stay for this so what she wants is this is her first job out of out of college this is the one the teaching job this is this this university is a liberal arts small liberal arts school and it doesn't have enough of the research side for her in likelihood so it's probably not where she wants to be for doing something like a tenure track position but for this is close to her family still or for this
Starting point is 00:02:57 year etc so it's kind of convenient for that um so what she will do this year she goes back on the job market in september is she'll look for a tenure track position that will start her as a as as a position where they're potentially going to give her tenure if she's there long enough style thing so sometimes they convert so sometimes you might go to do a visiting assistant professorship for a year and then they'll offer you a tenure track position uh based on that but that's not what she's trying to do here to the best of my knowledge roger that did she study god did she study human sexuality? Am I wrong about that? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:28 Yeah, okay. Just because I want to poke you just a little bit on this one. This is lucky number 13, the 13th time I've been on PKA with you guys. Is that right? Yeah, yeah. Wow. One of these days I'll learn, you know, pronounce your name, what your wife does. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:43 That's where I was going. Instead of every time like, all right, let's relearn who this guy is it's our guest filthy robot uh so you're still playing video games but yes of course yeah that's really cool how are you liking oshkosh so far or have you not been there long enough to get a feel so So I've been streaming nonstop. So I love my new place. My new apartment's amazing. It's a room with no windows at all.
Starting point is 00:04:09 So it's absolutely fucking perfect. There's no light mess-ups. There's no sound issues. It's just quiet and constant lighting. Got the studio lighting up and it's just great. So Oshkosh as a whole, 450 beers. Can't beat that on fucking draft, which is nuts. And Wisconsin's a big drinking and food culture, which is nuts and wisconsin's a big uh drinking and food
Starting point is 00:04:25 culture which is great for both myself and my wife so um i've people have been incredible the management's been great at this place everyone's been like i thought like the midwesterners i sometimes get annoyed with it like in the midwest people they're too nice they want to talk to you for fucking ever you can't get in or out of a store without having a conversation with a clerk or something like this the one that drives me the most everyone's sitting at the stop signs you know it's a four-way stop you go in order that's how it works i don't want you waving me ahead that just cost me like 30 seconds of my life as i registered that you weren't just going to slam into me because i'm going out of turn like i don't want these types of things and the midwest people are
Starting point is 00:05:01 generally like that and that's that's what is. The people up here are like three... You just ramp that up. Just keep going with that. They're so insanely nice up here. It's been wonderful. They've been great. Everyone's been really fucking cool. Were you Chicago area before?
Starting point is 00:05:14 Yeah. Yeah. Just outside Chicago. See, if you leave the main cities, the Midwest is a very nice place for the most part. I grew up in the Northeast. That's where all the people that are weird to me
Starting point is 00:05:25 really people are just a little too polite i think they're after something when they start a conversation like they want something like what i don't tell you my personal details of my life fuck off like you know what's rough in the midwest fucking uber drivers every one of them like just starts a monologue as soon as you get in like they just start telling you like like in your head you're like god i hope that this 75 year old is doing this for fun because his wife died or something because god it would just kill me to think if he was you know oh social security not quite as much as i thought you know and then he has to do this ever interact with them at like four in the morning for a red eye flight or like you know you come back it's like two in the you
Starting point is 00:06:02 know two in the morning you've landed again on the other side. You don't want to talk to human beings at that moment. Like this is all you really want to do is be shuttled to the airport while you're mostly unconscious and then get back on a plane and go back to fully unconscious. That's your goal. And like they want to engage you in like they want to compare life histories. And you're just like, I don't I don't know if I can do this right now. You know what you don't want to do in an Uber ride by yourself, drunk on the way home late one night, is when the guy goes just off something else. I barely remember because obviously I was taking an Uber because I was drunk.
Starting point is 00:06:32 And the guy mentioned fighting in Korea to give you an idea of how old he was. And I made the mistake of going on a 25-minute Uber drive with 23 and a half minutes remaining. What was that like? And then you get to hear the whole history of this guy's experience in the war. Well, son, you're going to have to understand. Yeah, that was...
Starting point is 00:06:58 I didn't learn anything. Nothing from that guy. I learned he does not care for Koreans. Still. 70 years later. Yeah yeah you wouldn't think so 65 years later maybe it was vietnam i was tanked i don't know it was vietnamese the koreans one of them he didn't care no no so yeah super nice people up here i can't complain about a thing up here yet so actually i can i can definitely complain with some no climbing there's no fucking climbing around here and i've been doing that as like one of my favorite ways to work out for the last seven or eight years no indoor facilities nope so uh we were checking out like the y because they build
Starting point is 00:07:38 it the y has they have a climbing gym and i'm like great fantastic i'm happy to go to the ymca and climb there you go in and look it's this little tiny room it's like 20 foot tall it's like super close like super small and then on the on the side of it is the hours right and the hours are in there and they're like it's just like an hour and a half per day for like five out of seven days and then the worst part the part that threw me for the loop the most was um that's labeled uh open climb and then there's adult climb which means it's that those three five hours or those five three hour segments or whatever they are that they're open it's just going to be children it's not going to be like real climbing at all it's just going to be little children getting belayed on it for the first time imagine you in there you've got like
Starting point is 00:08:18 your chalk you've got your climbing gear and then there's little kids just swinging around on the ropes and stuff getting in your way yep so that was a bit of a bummer we'll have to see but i watched a youtube video about like grip strength on one of those like uh power wrestlers not power wrestlers power lifting channels uh on youtube and he went to a climbing gym and this guy's like six two and built like a brick shithouse like was it buff dudes no it was some other guy i saw it in the recommended for you section so i checked it out and uh oh you saw this he was like uh okay i'm gonna you know go to this climbing gym and bring this strength not strength uh grip training things where you basically attach weights i'm sure
Starting point is 00:09:01 filthy knows exactly what i'm talking about you attach attach, like, a straight metal dowel, you know, a rod, to these weights that you put on it, and then it's just a little circle at the top that you can't grab with your whole hand. You have to almost pick it up. We've been doing a lot. Like, if you were, like, a Gatorade cap-sized thing. Like, if you were just picking up the Gatorade cap by the cap.
Starting point is 00:09:19 It's a pinch move. And you have to see how much you can lift. And this dude was the size of the three climbers combined and two of the three climbers or maybe it was just one of the three i think it was two of the three climbers were able to do the same amount he could with grip and this dude said he was like 230 shredded enormous and one of the guys was like 59'9", 140. Just teeny. I thought one of them was 110 or something. Yeah, it was something ridiculous. They were literally half his size.
Starting point is 00:09:48 But that muscle in particular was strong as fuck. Yeah, he even showed their hands next to each other. He was like, having a big hand is going to help you with this grip thing. And his hand itself was 50% bigger than the guy who was 110 pounds. And still the 110-pound guy was picking up the same amount. It was really an eye-opening thing of like, fuck, rock climbing actually really makes your grip strong. Hand jobs must be terrible for you off the table.
Starting point is 00:10:16 Yeah, you always have to be a little careful. You don't want to ever squeeze too tight. And just the calluses. You're like, how about just your mouth again, honey? You know? Have you ever tested yourself with something like that, Filthy? Just to see what you could do. Just squeeze it until it pops, you're saying?
Starting point is 00:10:32 Not the cock. Just really get those veins popping. No, I've never done anything. I've never tested it for something like that. But I mean, it's definitely one of the things that you're thinking. I'm not thinking about it like that. I mean, I climb to stay fit. I don't train to climb better, if that makes sense.
Starting point is 00:10:50 Like you see the people who are like super gung-ho into it are training to get better at climbing. And for me, the fun of it is this is a workout that I like. But definitely you're aware of the weight to strength is a big thing there. So like some of the best climbers are not necessarily the biggest guys. They're often smaller guys and they're guys who are very lean for their their muscle and because they're just they have super good like surprising children are really
Starting point is 00:11:13 good climbers a lot of times because their strength to weight is like out of control compared to to like an adult with that a lot of times the very very elite on the women's side are kids. Yeah. What's the highest you've climbed, like, on a rock face? So, for me, what I've found is if you're going three times a week, you're improving. You're going twice a week, you're about maintaining. And if you're going once a week, you're getting worse, for me, for working out there. Just this last song, I got pretty big into it i go in phases like i'm always climbing but i i get phases about how psyched i am about it and how like regularly
Starting point is 00:11:49 i'm going like if i'm going three times a week or two times a week style thing the last that i just came back from i was doing 511 c's were about what i was comfortable climbing if i'm doing like a d 11 d's that are starting to be a bit of a challenge that kind of range is what i'm climbing at you're speaking chinese yeah Yeah, so they rate them. They're all five something. The higher the number after the five, the more difficult they are. I'm by no means a great climber, but that was what I was climbing at. Those are a challenge for me.
Starting point is 00:12:16 What kind of height is that? Because as an amateur, what I look at... It's not a height thing. What do the rocks look like when they do that? Are they little pebbles that don't have flat tops? they're a little tiny i mean it depends so there's different types it's interesting because i haven't even thought about how do i explain difficulties to someone who isn't climbing very much for this um so there's a lot of things a lot of it is going to be repeated fingers so so the way they rate these things is you'll rate them on the hardest move generally
Starting point is 00:12:42 but a lot of the types especially when you're in the gyms it's about sustain right so it's about each set of each of these moves all the way up especially if it's on a shorter wall because they'll cram it into that it's about a series of difficult moves to do so a lot of times you can do a set of moves if you're taking a break in between for example if you're doing it out of seat like if you're if you're doing a couple of them breaking or hanging for a minute or doing a couple more something like that that might be because the route is essentially too hard for you because it's rated too hard consistently across that you can do any individual move but you can't do like three or four of them breaking or hanging for a minute or doing a couple more something like that that might be because the route is essentially too hard for you because it's rated too hard consistently across that you can do any individual move but you can't and do like three or four of them in a row um when you're getting like that level for me i mean always as that's the whole point of having
Starting point is 00:13:15 these different ratings is as you're climbing they're going to be hard for you so how do i answer how hard they are i don't know they're going to be hard like this little tiny this little tiny holds but oftentimes it's positioning and movement as body balance it's um you know it's stuff like that how realistic is the movie cliffhanger the trick is to get hulka taylor down there belaying you and just hoist you to the top of the wall climb after climb i could do any he's not going to get any better next time you guys in chicago look me up we'll go climbing there's some really cool gyms in chicago we'll bring it it's such a fucking amazing sport so if you're ever interested just let me know i mean that youtube video uh really made me want to try it because it's one of those things that
Starting point is 00:13:53 like like the the little guys were so much better than the huge guy and it makes sense the huge guy is stronger than all three of them combined but he's also pulling up an extra hundred pounds of muscle on every little thing whereas you watch like like the lithe skinny guy, like I always pictured like good climbers is like just basically running up the wall, like those goats. Like I'm sure some can do that, but it was more impressive to see like the meticulousness and decisions they were making of like smoothly moving their feet around the side. how do i grab this let me think for a sec oh i'll have to angle my weight backwards to make sure that i can walk up this way because if i were to try to attack it head on there's nothing to grip and it was like it sounds so novel but
Starting point is 00:14:34 that like the weightlifting guy was baffled like trying to do one of those uh lines where you was climbing he's like what am i supposed to grab on to what what there's nothing to grab on to and the guy goes here do this you have to lean back on it as you're going to use your own weight to give you some grip. And it was like, oh, that makes sense. And that also looks impossible. And then you just jettison yourself to the other side. It was like, OK, that's where you lose me. Yeah, and you're going to do some of them are going to be some of the routes are hard because the moves are physically taxing.
Starting point is 00:15:03 A lot of times they're real overhung and you're doing a lot of those in succession and they're hard moves with weak grips so you're you're spending a lot of effort on each of them that's one way that they can make a route hard another way you can make a route hard is the balance and the positioning so it sounds like you know like the guys who are super like strong guys are not going to be sweat i mean if they just have jugs all the way up like big deep grips that are you know potentially overhung that's not going to be such a big deal for them. But if you're looking at some of the skill and finesse of the sport, where it's going to be body positioning, it's going to be weight distribution, it's going to be where they're
Starting point is 00:15:32 pulled from, it's going to be grip strength, then those routes are going to be particularly hard for people who aren't doing that a lot. And yeah, and I don't know, I don't, you're saying the short guys, I get some advantages out of having, I'm 6'2", and I have a fairly decent reach. Oh, no no not short guys i was meaning like live like yeah oh yeah power to weight again yeah yeah you know who's curious better at this than you'd expect my son colin is fairly good at it he's been bouldering for like seven years now and uh you know like so my son has special needs and it's easy to think that he
Starting point is 00:16:03 like it's easy to underestimate him. But then he goes on the wall, and you see his forearm, and his belly's right up against it, and everything is perfect. And you're like, huh, he's actually good. And that's Colin. Yeah. That's cool. What other muscle groups are you getting benefit to other than, like, I guess forearms for grip strength? Yeah, so.
Starting point is 00:16:28 Other than that, I thinking i guess i don't do weight lifting like you guys are doing it so i'm not thinking of like training groups of that i can think of talk about where i get sore and where i'm thinking about it that you see it in the back and shoulders and neck a lot you see it core core is real solid uh for climbing it's a lot of core work for that i mean a lot of when you're talking about them going slowly for example like that is a lot of that is because you don't want to swing your weight rapidly on these things so a lot of the stuff is a balance as you slowly shift your weight to that while you're hanging on to some ridiculous thing that you shouldn't humanly be able to possibly hang on to and that that those are going to be a lot of core stuff a lot of um fine-tuned stuff like that yeah do you
Starting point is 00:17:01 ever watch monkey videos on youtube and be like god we're not even good at this yeah not often but i can't say that yeah i've had that thought like you watch some of these other animals climb you're like huh yeah but it changes the way you look at things like when i first started getting into it it'd be these things like you go outside and like you're like i could climb that you're like looking at a building you know like you're like parking garages it's always that way any like apartment building where it's you know like there's just the layers of stuff i i have since i've been climbing multiple times climbed into an apartment of mine that i've locked myself out of like climbed up a balcony and climbed into i'm like yep i did it once with uh we were visiting we were up vacationing somewhere with my wife's parents and her grandfather was an oxygen and they had the key to the room the hotel room
Starting point is 00:17:44 wasn't working and he like locked himself out of that and i need your oxygen gramps i'm going climbing i climbed up to the side it was the second story like and i climbed up and went in through our balcony and unlocked it on the inside felt like a badass for that i'm like yeah climbing see that is pretty badass i would have had to be like god God, all right, call a locksmith. Well, Taylor, can't you scale the facade? No. Tess, you just don't have a ladder? No, there's no way.
Starting point is 00:18:10 I'll climb on that guy's car hood, I'll dent it, and then I'll have to apologize after the locksmith arrives. So I'll just wait. Those guys who do free climbing, and more specifically the ones who do free climbing for speed records, nothing gives me sweaty palms like watching those guys go up a rock face where there aren't any holes it's just like there's a crack there's just like a like one sheet of rock is overlaid onto another kind of
Starting point is 00:18:36 thing and there's a crack between them and he's sort of like reaching in and pulling back and then just running up the thing it's it's terrifying when i see that i don't recall a where the guy was climbing or what his name was i remember that he was scandinavian or european or something like that and a lot of people do that yeah the inside of the guy's house was a rock wall like he had like these big vaulted ceilings and the entire ceiling was covered with holes with holds and he just spent his time up there like batman upside down practicing and and he had like practiced this speed run like batman upside down practicing and and he had like practiced this speed run i don't remember how many times but it was at least a dozen or more
Starting point is 00:19:10 before he like broke the record and still like the the this massive speed record that he set like three or four hours whereas normally they would do it in like a day and a half it was one of those things where like they get like three quarters of the way up and they put one of those hammocks that hangs off the rock face and sleep. And then, yeah, we'll finish tomorrow when we're not so tired. And then this guy is just running up it like Batman. That's terrifying. Do you follow it enough, Filthy?
Starting point is 00:19:33 Do they die a lot? Yeah. Yeah? So I don't follow it a ton. But I am like on, I think, R Climbing and some other like Reddit things like that. And you see the posts, a lot of posts. A lot of times it's not that. I mean mean you do see people die from free soloing but a lot of times it's just gear related stuff a lot of people do like they repelling off stuff they haven't they
Starting point is 00:19:53 they forget that the end of the rope where the end of the rope is the rappel off shit or gear that's what I would it's almost always human era no it's it's surprisingly easy to do shit like that like you like is there not on it I guess. Is there a knot on it? I guess not. You can do that. I guess not. So one of the things you're trying to do when you climb outdoors... Make a post. So one of the things you're trying to do when you climb outdoors is you're trying to do a little wear and tear on the rock and the gear that's fixed to the rock.
Starting point is 00:20:19 I do a lot of sport climbing, so that's outdoor stuff where there's fixed bolts in there. And then the top, there'll be protection of some sort. So you climb up, clipping to your bolts, and then you're basically running rope through that. What you're not supposed to do is you're not supposed to run weighted rope through gear fixtures like that. Because if enough people run weighted rope through that, they'll damage the gear. And you can see it. You'll find these places with these metal bolts. And there'll be little indents in them where the rope has worn away the steel.
Starting point is 00:20:42 A weighted rope? Is that a heavy rope or a rope that's been tested? It's a rope with someone on it which is oh it's a rope with weight on it so one of the things you do with that is as you climb up you basically you transfer gear over and then drop the rope with no weight on it then you repel down it so there's no movement of the rope over that it protects the gear but to do that you come off of belay entirely so you're up there you're switching from the rope which is belayed you to get up there which is your safety to a fixed thing generally um what am i looking for i can't even think the word of right now basically a cordage that you're using to attach to that gear
Starting point is 00:21:13 and then you drop your rope then you get back on the rope and then you go down it that requires you make two switches and the switches you go from your rope to the protection you just set up and then you go back from the protection to the rope. And that's two chances to fuck up and die. And people do that. Did you learn more knots from climbing or from bondage? Bondage, definitely. Yeah, right? Yeah, there's not a lot of knots in climbing that I need to use.
Starting point is 00:21:35 I don't do a lot of setting up my own gear. So mostly you just need to know your basic, you know, double figure eight to tie into that. And yeah, so bondage, you're going to need a lot more knots. You got to tie people to people, people to things things things to people truckers knots half hitches yeah yeah it's gonna be a lot more for bondage for sure yeah so anyways i can see somebody new to bondage with a bunch of ratchet straps like i can't figure this shit out no one seems to like it when I do it. Yeah, I don't do it, but I follow wingsuiting,
Starting point is 00:22:11 and those guys die a ton. People think wingsuiting... That's so cool and so scary. People think wingsuiting is dangerous. It's really not. It's proximity wingsuiting that brings you all the danger. There's a whole group of people, Richard Ryan's one of them, who only does it high in the air.
Starting point is 00:22:23 And that stuff's, you know, it's okay. People don't die too much. But, man, when you talk about skimming across the surface, it's really easy to just get it wrong. Those guys you mean? There's that video we watched on a PKA at some point. The guy who's like weaving in and out of a forest. Like there's like a forest path. And it's really cool looking.
Starting point is 00:22:43 But I also just want to like be like what does your mom know you're doing this like does your family do you use your wife do your kids like what are you this isn't diddy kong racing motherfucker like that's a real oak tree or a real pine tree right there you're gonna crash it it's like it would be it would be almost as much fun for him to just do it the way woody just described but that's not good enough for this adrenaline junkie. But at least their kids will have a cool story to tell their classmates about how their dad died.
Starting point is 00:23:09 Dude, it's so fucking cool. They look like they look like Iron Man or a superhero or something. And they have so much maneuverability and they're going so fast when you consider they're just a person with nothing strapped to them, right? You know, I think it's 150 miles per hour or something crazy like that it's it's it's terrifying don't they have like
Starting point is 00:23:29 absolutely terrible like like what is it called a glide ratio how far you can get on that is it like you're it's basically controlled falling more than i feel like it is yeah but they pick really ideal spots to do it where the sort of the the decline sort of matches their glide ratio so they they can seemingly go for 10 minutes or something like that while being 30 meters above trees and rock faces and such what one thing that is in my world is speed flying i have a video it's queued nine seconds in because one of those channels go pro so many intros but let's watch this for 40 seconds or so i think it is as crazy as speed flying are you guys ready three two one play so i have my muted because i'm betting there's like music on there yeah i'm eating it oh my god oh oh this balls those yeah you gotta got a parasail
Starting point is 00:24:21 that that's yeah it's a paraglider like I fly with, except it's smaller. And, of course, he's doing proximity stuff. So he's just a little bit away from death all the time. Oh, this is so stupid and not nearly as fun as the paragliding. Like his legs would be shattered into a dozen pieces each if he were to make. He'd never walk again. You know, i want all the danger of flying without the fun well this is a great hobby for you yeah i can like i do there's
Starting point is 00:24:54 nothing in here that i don't do regularly i just do it at 3 000 feet yeah where there's no danger of of dying well i mean yeah the danger is a a tiny percentage like like any when he did that barrel roll i'm assuming it was yep that's exactly it for for one thing it was the reason he did it was to look cool and that's a stun or whatever but also he lost altitude when he did that you know because the the shoot was upside down for a moment he had to know that like i'll lose just enough altitude that i won't die but it'll still look cool. Like, I don't get it. This looks very fun.
Starting point is 00:25:31 This looks exhilarating, but... Really? Yeah. Oh, come on. I've almost died climbing. This to me, like the wingsuit stuff looks fucking amazing. That looks to me like you're so close to flying, right? Like this just feels unnecessarily risky to me for something that probably isn't that much more fun it's almost like you're doing it for
Starting point is 00:25:50 this feels like you're doing it for the camera this to me well he if i want this amount of fun and risk i'll buy an alligator off the deep web this is retarded these are the kind of people like this proximity flying where're like when they die i don't have a modicum of empathy you knew exactly what you were doing oh it's like if someone was like yeah i have a hobby you know i play magic the gathering i play video games i juggle rattlesnakes um i do quite a few it's like what what do you do it's just an exhilarating thing you know you see the bike coming down it's really experience. They're always coming at you. I tested the gag reflex of snakes with my penis.
Starting point is 00:26:27 Yeah, that kind of thing. You're just really living on the edge. But only the constrictors. I'm not stupid. I see how it grows, though. To use your analogy, it's like first you stick your dick down like a boa or something. And it's not that big a deal because they don't have the kind of teeth. And then you stick your dick down something else that eats rats,
Starting point is 00:26:47 and eventually you're fucking venomous snakes because my skill level is now appropriate for cobras and rattlesnakes. Snakes have just like a PSA to everyone. Snakes absolutely have teeth. They do. Do not stick your penis in a snake, people. No. I made this up, perhaps, but I feel like there's different kinds of teeth.
Starting point is 00:27:08 Do you give out PSAs now? Constrictors have more teeth. Constrictors have a gripping set of teeth to hold them in place as they're getting crushed. They don't have the giant poisonous fangs. And they're curved backwards to help draw the prey down their throat. It's the venomous snakes that don't have a lot of teeth, except for the two fangs that inject all the poison.
Starting point is 00:27:25 Those are the ones that I worry about. I feel like they're incompatible with my penis, whereas there's probably some herbivore snake that would be kind of nice. There are no herbivore snakes. I'm choking the shit out of this bush. Wait, is it a snake out of this bush? Are you telling me I've been fucking salamanders all this time with my tiny penis?
Starting point is 00:27:42 It's just a little... It's just a snake with a with a path of ruined berries that's a shrub snake look at it crushing that shrub you know god why would you no no all snakes eat animals No, all snakes eat animals. I didn't know that. I'm not sure. I'm a thousand percent sure there are no herbivore snakes.
Starting point is 00:28:12 That's that lion that eats leaves. They call it the gardener snake because it eats radishes. Sure it's not garter snake? No, no, no, no. Garter, are you crazy? Yeah, so Kyle's right.
Starting point is 00:28:35 And based on my quick Google search, I don't think there's even any omnivore snakes. Every one of them is pure carnivore. I didn't know that. Yep. Yes, most reptiles are like that. Well, I'm going to keep my dick out of them is pure carnivore i didn't know that yep yes most uh most reptiles are like that well i'm going to keep my dick out of them then or no most reptiles aren't like that just most snakes are like that he liked me i don't know it just feels like that's this is and i think it's
Starting point is 00:28:58 gonna be different for different people but this is one level that's too close to death for my exhilaration right i know this shit i know that as you do these things you get better at them like that that that moves away almost as quickly as you approach it as your skill level improves with this but when you get to a point where there's just so much shit that can go wrong outside of your control all the time i think that's when i'm rock climbing there's i have had rocks break out break on me as i'm climbing them i've had you know water like water on the side of the rock and my foot slips off and pops off. I have, you know, fallen numerous times when I am well within my comfort zone and not expecting a fall and had that happen. Any of those will kill you if you're
Starting point is 00:29:36 doing that without. Yeah. Yeah. You only get one strike. It's like, oh, you'll get better and better at it the more you do it. It's like, well, if on time four, you get a little overconfident, there's not going to be a time five. In that moment where your foot slips or your grip slips or whatever, do you have that massive rush of adrenaline? Do you just pull your chest? So it depends. Different types of climbing like that for different things. Lead climbing is, so I do a lot of top roping in the gym. So the ropes will already be up or, you know, someone else or outdoors you you do
Starting point is 00:30:05 lead climbing where you're climbing above your rope and the falls are different when you fall when you're when your rope is above you and you fall the falls are fairly short when you're climbing above your rope you fall the distance you are above your last point plus you do that twice basically because you have the extension above the point and then you have to fall to the bottom of that those falls are longer and and deeper falls and they feel different when you're doing that and there's definitely for me a different fear response based on that type of fall when you fall in the harness how painful is that not for me not painful at all really yeah okay yeah so that's a lot of people aren't worried about that a lot of people find no difference
Starting point is 00:30:38 a lot of people find difference between lead climbing not lead climbing but some people do it enough that it really isn't a big deal for them like leading is for them similar for me i don't do it i do it when i'm outdoors and i do it sometimes in the gym i do lead climbing so a lot of time i'm just top roping for me it's a different experience i'm a worse climber on lead climbing than i am on top roping because it's enough in my head as i'm doing it that it impacts me negatively to me like the free climbing would be the terrifying thing because i've been in one of those climbing harnesses before uh and i've i've used like really good climbing rope before and i just have supreme confidence in both like like i i hung upside down in a climbing harness and it's like i'm not gonna fall out of this i would have to i would have to try to like slip out of this thing like i would
Starting point is 00:31:19 have to want it to happen how does it fit on so obviously goes around your two legs and then what else is there there's a waist strap the harness is around your waist and then it has basically stuff around the legs but the legs isn't particularly tight so it's the waist that's doing all the holding you in for that basically yeah so but you're not sitting like on your inner thighs like if you sit in the harness not really it's you you get a little pain on the thighs but not not much well it doesn't have to be painful like like okay on a paramotor there's two straps that come, like, sort of on either side of your nuts and click to the sides of your hips. And it's not painful at all to sit in those. You could sit in them for 15 minutes, I think, you know.
Starting point is 00:31:56 Yeah. I told you about the time I almost died climbing, right? I've told this story before here? I don't think so. Yeah, I wouldn't know. I'd have forgotten by now. Yeah, right? I'm filthy.
Starting point is 00:32:04 Hey, nice to meet you. So, all right. So, I was doing a climb, right? And it was morning climb, first climb of the day. We were down in Southern Illinois climbing at Jackson Falls. And I had a guidebook for this. And so I'm looking for a climb that's within my skill level that, you know, a warm-up climb, not too big a deal. We find what we think is that climb, but they've added climbs to this area since the guidebook was written. i'm actually climbing something that i'm not familiar with uh hadn't climbed before and uh wasn't the route i thought i was climbing it was much harder than the route i was climbing and again the bolts are on the wall so your first bolts may be 20 foot up 15 foot up that's your first piece of protection um and then as you keep climbing you know there
Starting point is 00:32:40 may be another one every 10 15 foot maybe a little bit further depending on how good the protection is So I get to the first bolt and I click Up in and I'm like this is harder. I was expecting but whatever I'm gonna go for it I clip into that and I'm going for the next one and I'm at the max extension now So I'm at the second bolt I've climbed up there and it's an overhang and it's fucking hard and I am Like at the edge of my strength like if I'm gonna make this clip or not and clippings a little bit strenuous because you're you're reaching the rope up to clip into something above and beyond just the move and i'm hanging doing this and in my mind i'm sitting there like you know it's just
Starting point is 00:33:12 a lead fall i've already i've already clipped in i'll fall it'll be fine it's not that big a deal i'm not sure if we're going to make this and i almost let go once or twice and i'm like you know this whatever it'll be fine and i i decide just for whatever fucking reason i'm like i'll just try one more time and i'm clipping it and i get it and i sink it and i just sit back on the harness and say take and i'm fine and i look down and i i had somehow fucked up my first piece of protection clip shit so the one beneath me so the one at 20 foot isn't clipped when i think i have protection i'm now at 30 or 40 foot right yeah on rock over rock with no knowledge that I made a decision based on information that was wrong yeah to to to and I almost I in my head I can go back to that moment I was within I don't know how you describe that
Starting point is 00:33:59 milliseconds moments whatever whatever that decision is how how close I was. It was like a 50.0001 versus a 49.99999 to decide to tough it out and hit that clip versus not do that. Because I was in my mind totally protected and it would just have been a lead fall and a lead fall is not a big deal. And there were people watching who were part of my party who didn't warn me. And they told me after they didn't warn me because they told me after they didn't warn me because they were worried that it would freak me out if i knew i wasn't protected that it would cost me that i don't know i'm actually not sure about that it would have freaked me the fuck out because i was on the yeah but then you would have been dedicated to getting that hook in
Starting point is 00:34:37 but is that a better thing i know i climb worse when i'm on lead than i do when i'm on top rope because it's in my head would that have been the difference between not making it because I was in my fucking head because I didn't know I was on protection? Or maybe climbing down. Isn't that always an option? Possibly. Maybe I could have down climbed a little bit or something. Or they could have climbed up and secured you or something. I don't know. Just being like,
Starting point is 00:34:58 well, he'll either die or he won't. I would have wanted to know. I processed it because I definitely understand your viewpoint, right? I call it in paramotor being like in the yellow or in the red. You know, you might be half the pilot you are. Otherwise, if you're a little freaked out, you know, if they've iced the kicker and I could see how that would happen to you. But I think I'd want to know because you might take risk.
Starting point is 00:35:24 Like you were like, hey, it's no big deal i can fall it's good that you know you can't i think yeah maybe what if you made the decision of just dropping it i don't know i don't know in retrospect i still don't know if you were in that moment asked me like if you asked me now what i what do i want from that i'm pretty happy that i didn't fall and that i clipped it and i don't know if i would want anything to change that because of how fucking close it was in my head whether or not i made that clip yeah they would have felt terrible if you had internally made the opposite decision and they had to watch you shatter on the rocks 40 feet below yeah we got you we got you no he's dead
Starting point is 00:36:00 i haven't been back to that route i don't know. I don't remember exactly how high up it was. I know it was two clips up and two clips up on an outdoor route. Any of these places tend to be pretty big fall. I don't know. Do people survive those heights for falls? Yeah, people survive heights for those types of falls all the time. But I don't know if I would have survived there, and I don't know how much damage would have happened. No, I don't generally rock that comment.
Starting point is 00:36:23 You'd have died. You'd have died. Yeah. Cheats. how much damage would have happened no i don't i don't oh my god you died you died yeah so yeah so anyways for me that that one always comes back when i think about like one of like a near death experience for me and also when i think of like climbing safety when i'm looking so i feel when i watch climbers climb when i watch like extreme climbing videos or something anytime i watch anyone climb and generally actually with height stuff i my feet tingle like i get uh like a tingle up the the sole of my foot uh and that's it's like this it's it's sympathetic uh firing right because when you're climbing you do a lot of gripping with your feet and you're in the climbing shoes of that i basically my body like responds to the visual stimuli of that with the kind of like response
Starting point is 00:37:00 it's not a fear response that one but it but it's physically noticeable when I'm watching climbing. People that don't climb, like me, think that doesn't happen to climbers. I might get that looking over a balcony in a fairly safe environment, like that sense of... Oh, no, not the fear response. Don't get me wrong. I get fear responses with climbing. I get the identical fear response with leading when I'm above my rope as I do. I got I got pierced one time, like to a pole style pierces piercing like big fucking. We're talking decadent piercing.
Starting point is 00:37:33 No, I'm talking you put weight on it. You hang off them. So I got pierced for those and that the fear of getting pierced like that was the same fear for me. I get the same fear sweat of that when I lead climb. But no, I'm not talking a fear response with the feet tingling that's just like a pure body like physical response of when i'm climbing my feet would be doing xyz style kind of i can't be the only one that doesn't understand this piercing thing i think i know what he's what he's saying it like those videos on youtube or they used to have it on like fucking discovery channel or whatever the
Starting point is 00:38:02 hell is it one of those things where like they hook you through your flesh and they suspend you? Like a Native American Sundance style stuff, like a hook pole. Yeah, it's time to go on a vision quest. You did that? Yeah. On purpose? They hooked through your flesh. On purpose. No, I fell.
Starting point is 00:38:18 I wasn't sure. It's in the context. I woke up and someone was like. It's in the context of a climbing accident He's like, you know, I got pierced one time And I'm afraid that'll happen And I'm like, the fuck? Filthy's waking up in Jigsaw's compound
Starting point is 00:38:32 Help me! Help me! So what was that like? Were you just hooked twice through the chest? Where were all the hooks and what was the suspension like? I didn't do a suspension So I put weight on it and pulled on him And pulled against other people and pulled against an animal in that intimate objects and had i've done that a couple times i've done a suspension say what hang a can of paint maybe no i don't tend to there's lots of people do that i know you're talking about they put like
Starting point is 00:38:57 fruits through it or hang stuff off of it but no i haven't done that in of itself but no tried that i found it to be um i don't want to sell it short for people who enjoy that a lot of people around me found that very relaxing and very like therapeutic but for me um i found it a very hard way to get the same buzz i'd get off of half a six pack so i found that to be i have a very hard time right you gotta be hanging from a mesquite tree for no it took fucking it took fucking forever to get there like you pull it you're like this fucking hurts this fucking hurts and you do. You're like, this fucking hurts. This fucking hurts. And you do that until
Starting point is 00:39:27 you still fucking hurt, but you're also kind of riding that endorphin so it's a different style shit. It takes a long-ass time to get that way. Is there any fear doing it? When I watch those videos, I haven't seen the kinds you're talking about, like the leaning and tug-of-war, which is what it sounds like.
Starting point is 00:39:43 But I've watched the ones where it's the guy laying back and he's just got hooks all through him and he's hanging there what is there no fear of like your skin just tearing through or like they do i never understood the appeal yeah they do occasionally tear through um generally not if they're pierced well generally the depth uh and the skill of the piercer will make that less of a thing but sometimes um depends on how you do it if you do it with supervision people are going to be like okay you need to stop because you're going to tear that if you do it um you want to get pierced by a carny or something like all right keep your feet inside hey come here let me hook you where are you going i just feel like the i feel like the guide quote unquote for this kind of event would be the kind of dude who has like
Starting point is 00:40:19 two ball bearings implanted on his temples yep or like on the top of his head or something and he's got his tongue is bifurcated and it's like I don't trust you to do anything look what you've done with your life sir chest full of scars yeah so yes there tends to be a lot of overlap
Starting point is 00:40:38 with the body mod community for sure I've seen suspensions of like tattoo parlors style stuff and I've also seen them for like more of the ritualist stuff I've seen it with like the more spiritual stuff I've seen suspensions of like tattoo parlors style stuff. And I've also seen them for like more of the ritualist stuff. I've seen it with like the more spiritual stuff. I've seen it a couple of different ways for that. But yeah, a lot of times the guy who's doing the piercing is, I actually think that would be, for me, that's comforting. The guy, he's done a lot of piercing.
Starting point is 00:40:57 That's a good thing. You want the guy who's familiar with it. You don't want some squeamish guy like, all right. Yeah. Because for a lot of reasons, you know, I don't want to rip chunks out of my chest particularly. Like I prefer to that be. And yes, it is. For me, that's the scary part is getting the piercing.
Starting point is 00:41:13 It's much the getting the piercing is the scariest part of that because for me, it's the most pain of it. Do you leave a scar? Yeah, a little. It's like two white dots. And I have a couple on there. They look like little just like a white dot on a couple of my chest for the entrance and exit of the the needle wow that's
Starting point is 00:41:29 pretty fucking hardcore now that you're explaining it I do think I would rather have the bifurcated tongue guy doing it because I was picturing who else would be guiding it and you don't want a guy to come out in a tie who's like I'm head of accounting at Deloitte on the weekends I do this and so what if his other job is
Starting point is 00:41:45 plastic surgeon? It's funny because one of the guys who does this, there's an organization called Edgewalkers. They do a lot of this. They do it all over the country. One of the guys who leads the organization is Elwood. He's a lawyer. He has a
Starting point is 00:42:01 forked tongue. He has piercings all over him. It's hilarious. You're like, what's his other job? He's a lawyer and he has a forked tongue and he has piercings all over him. And it's hilarious. You're like, what's his other job? He's a fucking lawyer. Your Honor, they asked me to put the hooks in them. Did he sound normal with the, I don't know the word, bifurcated tongue? There you go.
Starting point is 00:42:19 Did he pronounce all the words properly or did he have a list? Even better. He can pronounce words you wouldn't even know. Can you sell it back? I don't want to say it's okay. He's a great guy. Just by listening, would you know that his tongue was abnormal?
Starting point is 00:42:37 I don't know. Maybe a little bit, maybe sometimes. But most of the time, no. What's the rationale for doing that, cutting your tongue in half? I would imagine, and this is just my mind, that you would be much better at oral sex if you had that going on. I'm sure that a lot of them just want to be unique, though. Yeah, he's a big body mod guy.
Starting point is 00:43:03 They do, like, he's um you know american primitive movement like uh what's his last name i just know his first name because he's a friend of a friend i'm not familiar with american primitive oh my god i'm i don't want to say his name wrong on a publication so let me just ah it's it's cool no he he would just join the rest yeah uh it'd be a whole montage of me and you make a guest entry. There it is. Akira Musafari. Right.
Starting point is 00:43:29 I just wanted to make sure I was saying that right. So this is the American primitive movement. It kind of brought back a lot of this. This has been, I don't know, 30, 40 years, 40, 50 years of this. A lot of body mod stuff with this. A lot of extreme piercing ritual related stuff for this. And this is kind of the descendants of that teaching is where I encountered it like that. I don't know. It's fairly interesting stuff. It doesn't do a stuff for this. And this is kind of the descendants of that teaching is where I encountered it like that.
Starting point is 00:43:46 I don't know. It's fairly interesting stuff. It doesn't do a lot for me. I find it a lot of work and a lot of effort for the altered state that you're looking for. Yeah, getting a sweat lodge if you're going to go hardcore. That's what I'm talking about. I'm not a spiritual guy.
Starting point is 00:43:59 I haven't done a sweat lodge. No, I'm not a spiritual guy. So for me, it's like I understand. If we're chasing a body experience, sure. I like alcohol. I understand about chasing a body experience i like sex sex is a body experience right like this just doesn't surprise me that there's another way to do other extreme body experiences and i know people who are thrilled on these who like love their suspensions and love their hook suspensions and it's just is any part of you think like this is a little
Starting point is 00:44:22 bit like self-harm or self-destructive or do you think it's more like what they're looking to get out of it i feel like this to me this is why we segued from extreme sports i mean this is some of the research that i did in graduate school my wife still does this is looking at um extreme ritual as another type of extreme experience that people seek out and go towards in a similar vein to things like extreme sports so to me the segue was very similar it's a way of doing those extreme body experiences but without the risk and without the harm which is crazy because you think you get needles chopped to himself no i don't i don't i don't i don't generally think any of that is related to self-harm like you might find people
Starting point is 00:44:56 cut themselves and like that's a totally different thing the people doing these at these events aren't generally there for those reasons okay i. I don't have an opinion either way. I don't know shit about these communities. I know it's not for me. I can say when I've seen those specials on Nat Geo, and it shows a bunch of people in a backyard. Really, Kyle? Kyle, are you unsure if it's for you or not?
Starting point is 00:45:20 I had this conversation, right? I could definitely see the appeal in it. I would want to do the old Native American style thing where you suspend yourself fully and go on a spirit journey. You actually sort of hallucinate, I suppose. But you have an out-of-body
Starting point is 00:45:40 almost experience from the whole thing. I feel like... There's this great guy I know. Go ahead, Woody. I was going to say body almost experience from the whole thing i feel like i'm there's this great guy i know what's going on what he saw i was gonna say like if there is if there is some opportunity to do like a drug-based out-of-body experience i'd be way more down for that than a piercing-based one but you're presumably you you're enjoying the flying right you've been doing that type of stuff and presumably there's some like body like phys physiological response you're doing the flying, right? You've been doing that type of stuff. And presumably there's some like body, like physiological response.
Starting point is 00:46:07 You're doing some sort of probably adrenaline stuff and probably some enjoyment of that. There's like, you're chasing a body high of a type there anyways. And maybe it clearly isn't as one-to-one as that. There's going to be other things you enjoy about that. But it seems weird that you're like, this one, totally not.
Starting point is 00:46:19 But these other ones, maybe. Well, one thing, like if I was like Woody, like my thought would be, all right, I can go up and do my paramotor and get that adrenaline rush and most likely return with zero injuries, nothing to soothe or take care of. Whereas if I do this other thing,
Starting point is 00:46:34 I have a guarantee that I'll have some puncture wounds. That's probably my favorite experience of that was actually post that. I did it, I think, three years, four years in a row and did it once you kept going back well yeah because i'm like okay so i want to do a couple things i can't believe you've never brought this up one of the first times i did this right like before that we were sitting in a hot tub the night before i hadn't done it before uh and i was sitting there with my wife
Starting point is 00:46:59 and one of her friends and we're sitting out there it's an apartment complex hot tub right and like this this this two guys came over and joined they sat in the hot tub and they're kind of one of them was like a canadian cop and one of them was his son-in-law and they were down there right and we're just chatting they're kind of like why are you in town and we're talking about like this conference and i'm like one of the things i want to know is does this cure a fucking hangover so we're drinking heavily in the hot tub and i'm like i'm gonna let you guys know tomorrow we'll look you up when we get back for this i'll let you know if this cures a hangover um but i gotta say but to no joking aside like one of what you're like the the after effects of that it comes out pretty easy
Starting point is 00:47:35 they heal they've healed fairly fast little tiny scars and the actual couple hours after that were actually the most peaceful and euphoric element of that for me for that experience physically like i found the action nobody was coming to hook you again till next year i know it was like a real like chill like relaxed body i have a hobby of banging my head against a brick wall and when i stop i really like that i didn't it was not the absence of pain my favorite part about my hobby is when i stopped doing it do you think you would have had uh the spiritual aspect of it if you were a spiritual person going into it kind of looking for that do you think kind of not believing in that this disqualifies you one of the complaints that um we occasionally got from the community when i was back in graduate
Starting point is 00:48:20 school doing research with this was that by explaining some of the physical things that were happening in the body from like BDSM or other extreme ritual stuff, that it would detract from that experience for people or take away the magic or, you know, by trying to explain the woo or the spirituality of it, you're detracting from it. And that's just never resonated with me as an explanation. Perhaps it's because I'm a fairly logical, rational guy. Perhaps it's because I have the the training for logic and science and education like this but for me it's like because i understand it doesn't make it worse it doesn't remove that ability to happen in fact generally for me i would assume it would facilitate that if i understand why it's happening is and what's causing that and what sets it up and how to make that happen easier and presumably i can
Starting point is 00:49:06 get around a lot of the shitty elements of that by doing it better so like you need to add like peyote and dehydration to this and really go on a fucking trip right like and you're like you went back a couple years yeah i'm like the first couple times i did it i'm like this is this can't be what what's all the fucking hype about this this kind of sucks so let's keep doing it till i figure out what the fuck is why these people are enjoying it because i bet it did cure your hangover because nothing would cure a hangover for me faster than a guy approaching with a sharp steel hook going all right we're gonna get you i'm the worst that comes out i'm no longer hung over i'm on edge i'm like a fucking navy seal you know laying in the vietnam jungle like i i know i'm noticing
Starting point is 00:49:45 you know people's blinks because because when you get the piercings done right like they they warm the flesh up a little bit a lot of pinching and fucking hurts a little bit style stuff and the first one goes in it sucks ass because it's like you know you can feel the hook they're almost like hollowed hooks hollowed out it's like a it's a steel rod it looks like it's hollowed it's like an angled thing. You can feel that going through your fucking skin. Of course. You can feel that digging through.
Starting point is 00:50:09 And you're like, that sensation is damage to my body. And I don't like that fucking sensation. And I pay for this. But the worst part is right before the second one. Because they do it in pairs, right? Like if you're doing, I mean, I suppose you don't have to always do them in pairs. But if you're doing suspensions or pulling off, they tend to do them in pairs. And it's like, you felt the first one
Starting point is 00:50:26 the first one sucked you're like yeah that really fucking blows and then the guy's like I remember the first one where I had it done right he's like alright breathe with me and I'm like fuck no I don't want to breathe with you just get it through there right the fucking hell because that first one sucked ass and I don't want to sit here anticipating it because the anticipation
Starting point is 00:50:42 the anticipation was at least twice as bad as the fucking sensation the sensation sucked but the anticipation was way worse so fuck ah that sounds like something that i'm gonna leave to you that just sounds really not fun did you uh did you watch the more extreme people do it like was this just everybody was doing what you did or did you see like the real deal hanging from six hooks swinging around like i've done data collection at a couple of these now um with the extreme um suspension stuff yeah and some of them play on there like a lot of blood again no actually not a lot of blood i remember this one girl who went up on these right she got pierced and she went up there and she was playing on it she was like swinging from it and giggling and laughing and like acting like i mean like for her that was clearly she either was much more
Starting point is 00:51:30 experienced with that was very likely the way she's doing it she's very experienced with that and clearly she was better about getting in the headspace to take those body sensations and go somewhere with them for me for me it takes me fucking forever well yeah no way that's feeling what you're feeling as you know like i don't know 180 pound man versus 110 pound i haven't done suspension i think that would i don't i don't like the loss of control and i don't really like that that pain stuff really hasn't done a lot for me physiologically like i told you the most relaxed i got from that was post those out like mildly euphoric just felt super chill super relaxed for a couple hours after
Starting point is 00:52:05 and i felt like you know i can have a half a six pack and do that for four bucks and a half hour you know like yeah it's a different but that's clearly not the experience that a lot of these people are getting out of it or other guys do you guys know about natty light well come with me but it's a skill set right like anything else it's a cheap party too so yeah that's cool have you ever seen that i was trying to find it here like that old internet picture of that dude like laying backwards and he's like hanging by his nutsack and his nutsack is like a foot long it's so stretched and like his balls look like they're just concord grapes.
Starting point is 00:52:45 They're so purple. Do you know the image I'm talking about? Chiz, pull up. Hey, Jamie, get that image of nutsack suspension. Keep searching until you find it. Concord grapes. C-O-N-C-O-R-D grapes. If it takes the next three hours, Chiz.
Starting point is 00:53:03 When you search testicle suspension, you really get some good results. Yeah, I don't know that I'd want to do that. Well, but I mean, that would really put you over the top. Oh, that's not suspension. That's just ruination. Yeah. Yeah. He can't sit anymore.
Starting point is 00:53:19 Oh, if you put in testicle suspension, these are just underwear that help your balls stay where they're supposed to be. That is some of the search results do bring that, yes. That's probably for like the elderly. I don't like this Google search. I'm stopping. I'm tapping out already.
Starting point is 00:53:34 Yeah, that's very hardcore. That's very extreme. I'm surprised we haven't spoken about that before because that is one of the – like rock climbing is interesting, but – Is what you did the entry level point for that or was there like yeah well no you could go there's easier you can do um a lot of people do them they'll weave they'll do like they'll do a small pierce on like the arm or chest where it's basically fishing line and they'll and there's like a bell on it or like a lime is that the traditional like indian one is like blind stuff right like fruit of some
Starting point is 00:54:05 sort i don't know quite why that is wouldn't lime burn um i don't know maybe that's part of the thing i don't know but there's a lot of wood burn i've cut myself with a lime knife it burns like crazy it's not fun it's acidic yeah so i think there are does it clean the wound or does it just hurt because i never understood that i'm like is this like helping right now is it better that i cut myself with a lime knife because i've done that too making drinks i mean but this shit happens lime is not a disinfectant chis says chis i don't believe you yeah like some of this is ritual right like and the ritual is like for me has no appeal whatsoever i don't give a fuck about the ritual i don't care what religious practice has come up for it and what the relevance of that is that's not
Starting point is 00:54:43 relevant to me but the the physical elements of it were interesting to me and i wanted to try it i wanted to experience it like have you seen those guys that smoke or i think vape is uh is closer uh the toad it wouldn't be venom the toxin off the hallucinogenic toes they they put it in um it looks a bit like a crack pipe or something like that, but it's made for this seemingly. And they vaporize the toxin from the hallucinogenic toads. And the effect is many, many fold what licking one would be. And it is absolutely instantaneous. And hilarious if you're not the one who did it.
Starting point is 00:55:21 They take a big hit and they hold it in their lungs like it's marijuana or something and when they exhale they have transcended they it is it they're in another planet where things are very different the guy don't say transcended because that sounds like they went to a better place they have descended into the ninth circle of a demon universe where they writhe around on the ground like a fish out of water while moaning, vomiting, but at the same time saying, I love you all so much. Well, that's one of some of the research
Starting point is 00:55:56 that I did in graduate school was transient hyperfrontality. This is literally like some of the things you can do. Some of these are drugs. Some of these are physical states where that one, because that one you just said is one of the ones that i always found the most amusing so transient hyperfrontality is short-term blood flow reduction basically right the part of
Starting point is 00:56:12 your brain that differentiates you from others loses blood flow to it as the brain diverts it elsewhere and you literally can't you that's the feeling of oneness feeling of togetherness is you your brain doesn't separate it out anymore. And it wouldn't just be with people. It would be with everything. Which is fucking hilarious to me. People are like, I feel one with the universe. I'm like, yeah, you know what's going on with that physically?
Starting point is 00:56:35 It's because you turned yourself a little retarded. It'd be like smoking something else, and you're like, I can't even read anymore. To me, like, sure. I'm just like an animal. I can understand. I'm like an animal. The state is pleasant you enjoy that state sure but stop attaching the bullshit to it you didn't go anywhere there's no like you didn't punch through the barrier between this world and the next world you fucking mess with your brain chemistry yeah like maybe you try telling those people that i've had friends who did stuff like dmt
Starting point is 00:57:02 like swear to god like they saw like real shit and it's like no you haven't because i've had friends who did stuff like dmt like swear to god like they saw like real shit and it's like no you haven't because i've talked to ted and he was there and he said you peed yourself on his couch right by the way you owe ted a couch yeah but we're all one man it's just as much my couch as his uh no no no that's not the way. You're not hiding. He's still making those payments to Rooms to Go, just so we're all clear. You're going to want to talk to Ted. Oh, I don't associate with people who use Rent-A-Center, Kyle. Oh, it's Rooms to Go, not Rent-A-Center. It's completely different.
Starting point is 00:57:37 It's just a furniture store that delivers. Oh, I thought you were meaning like, I got five more payments on my couch, man. He is. They finance the furniture. Not rent it, on my couch, man. He is. They finance the furniture. Not rent it, but finance it. They will. Or you can just pay for it.
Starting point is 00:57:52 Oh, I didn't know they rented. To me, the nice thing about Rooms to Go is they've got an entire room set up like any other furniture store, but they deliver well. And it's cheap to get it delivered. I feel like all furniture stores deliver. You have to pay extra. I feel like all furniture stores deliver. You have to pay extra. I feel like
Starting point is 00:58:07 the house shops at Rooms to Go are pawn shops and chooses Rooms to Go because it delivers. If you go to a furniture store and you're like, I want this couch. Do you deliver? And they go, not usually. You go, alright, then I'm going to go get my couch somewhere that does. And then they will deliver your couch.
Starting point is 00:58:23 I read this long reddit thread years ago about a guy who worked for like a rent-a-center type place and his job was to do the repossessions and he talked about the disgusting uh condition that like mattresses and things like that would be in when he went after him like covered in roaches and stuff like that and it's like at that point do you even want it back you know but but he has to show it's got to be punitive at that point right it is paid for it we're taking it from you exactly he's he's like we're taking but we're gonna burn it you know like we're just taking it back to burn it so that you know to punish him for not paying us this eight dollars a month for
Starting point is 00:59:01 his twin mattress that's now caked in semen and and Roach shit Sleeping on other people's mattresses who you know is a little skeevy Sometimes but to buy a used mattress. Oh Yeah, but there's still there's still The germs are there the history is there there in there deep Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah you never want to take the sheet off and examine the mattress because you never know what those stains are i've heard people talk about like you know the the uh the black light over like uh you know a hotel room
Starting point is 00:59:34 i've never wanted to know like i'm if i rented the hotel room i'm probably here because i plan on staying there and i don't actually want to know i've done it i went off of amazon and i just don't care like i literally don't care if there's a se've done it. I went off of Amazon, and I just don't care. I literally don't care if there's a semen stain on the bed, as long as it's not wet. We're okay here. Because I'm not going to lick it or anything, and I'm going to take a shower in the morning.
Starting point is 00:59:55 How are you going to make sure it's semen? Well, if I'm not sure, I do taste it a little. Oh, it's salty. This could be semen or period blood. Let's see if it's salty or like pennies. But yeah, I've definitely done it. And I never saw anything catastrophic. Like nothing terrifying.
Starting point is 01:00:21 That's good. Yeah, it's probably good. That's what you hope. That's what you hope to hear. Yeah, what you don't want to see is like everything's blue like there was just a murder there and now everything just everything is covered with it everything by luminesces i'm still i'm still picturing the the people hanging from their balls and and hooks and such i'm not gonna be able to stop picturing it. Well, but Filthy,
Starting point is 01:00:47 think about the spiritual awakening they're having, realizing children are longer in their future. It's a cheaper but slightly more drawn-out vasectomy. Vasectomy. How much is a vasectomy? I don't know, but I might be finding out soon. I'm considering doing that in the near future. You you don't want any kids no i don't i don't think
Starting point is 01:01:10 children and i would get along very well oh i'm sure that would change once you had one i just like i don't want that to change in the last like two years my opinion on the whole thing because i used to be like no kids no you know wife ever and then just knowing more people and seeing like couples who are single in like their late 30s or even like mid 30s late 30s early 40s where they don't have any kids oh couples who are single is no kids for you oh i'm sorry i said that poorly uh couples who don't have children and they're like in that frankly beyond childbearing like very late 30s early 40s and there's something that ticks especially in women at that age where it's like you can almost feel regret and like a kind of sadness of like you know and of course
Starting point is 01:01:59 some women just don't want kids i don't really care but they've been fed this whole life of like you don't need kids you don't need kids you know they'll just weigh you down that's extra money you can spend on you and it's like i feel like once you get older it's like fuck like the whole reason i'm here as a human being to propagate the species i didn't do it like i don't have it i don't have a legacy i don't have anybody who's going to care for me when i'm old i didn't have anybody to raise to try and make better than me and provide for like i do think that's an integral part of the human experience for a lot of people and if you and if you don't have that you get women like chelsea handler who take that innate maternal instinct of
Starting point is 01:02:32 controlling don't touch that don't don't do that you'll burn yourself you'll hurt yourself and they go on fucking twitter and try and direct that you do what i want instinct towards the masses where it's like no we're adults you should have had a kid you dried up old shrew so is this one of the conspiracies you're selling or no that's an observation uh adding with a little humor and hyperbole some eggs right like like in that way if you're even if you're 45 and and you're like ah i i kind of want a kid now let's just do it so i'll tell her in about probably a couple years i I'm 34 now. My wife's the same age as me. And we're going to be hitting that late 30s before too much longer.
Starting point is 01:03:12 We can do a blow-by-blow. I will try to maybe capture this on camera as the light of hope dwindles in her eyes and slowly fades. And then, like, regret begins. That happened when she saw the hopes. You don't even have to go that long. Women go rotten at 35. I've said that many times. 19 or so.
Starting point is 01:03:33 You should set up a live cam when she's 34 having her birthday. As soon as they can buy alcohol legally. Now what do they need me for? Yeah. Kyle's just hanging out in front of a 7-eleven like doing his own hey mister thing did you guys ever do you guys know what hey mister is yeah yeah yeah it's where you find adult to buy you liquor or beer like you wait for a homeless guy or something you go hey mister and hope that it's a skeevy enough guy to buy you alcohol yeah we were joking about that in the hangout the other day how it's kind of of bizarre that an 18-year-old girl can
Starting point is 01:04:05 drink my semen, but not my alcohol. Yeah. I don't have a problem with it. You do the military equivalent too, right? You can go die for your country, but you can't have a beer? Really? If they're dying for their country, I believe they can drink if they can buy beer at the commissary
Starting point is 01:04:22 and if they're in the military. So an 18-year-old who's in the military can buy alcohol. Is that restricted to the base or something, though? Like, they can't go to a bar downtown and have a beer? No, definitely not. But I think they can buy it at the commissary
Starting point is 01:04:36 where it's duty-free anyway, which is where you would buy your beer, right? And I'm pretty sure about that. I'm not positive, but I think that's the deal. But yeah, that's fucked as well, that you could go and literally die for your country and so many have, but they can't buy. I think a good drinking age
Starting point is 01:04:52 would be lowering it to 19. The reason being not 18 is that that would turn every high school just bananas overnight. Suddenly every senior can buy liquor for everyone there. Whereas at 19 it would be a little more controlled.
Starting point is 01:05:05 Wouldn't that make a couple underperforming seniors very powerful? Oh, yeah. Suddenly everyone's on Loser Steve's team. He's got the ID for it. 19 seems like a good number. No. Honestly, I think they should raise it to 25. 25? I thought it was a good number. Honestly, I think they should raise it to 25. Alcohol is a training thing.
Starting point is 01:05:30 Again, it's you getting used to your body and how you react to stimuli. In this case, alcohol and the drug of alcohol. Training for that is kind of important. If you want to do fucking stupid shit and get... How do I say this? You don't want to end up doing really stupid shit. A lot of people end up doing really stupid shit because they go from nothing to having access to it and with no experience along the way. Like no training, no having had a couple beers at home or no having had a couple glasses of wine or something like that.
Starting point is 01:05:54 It's a totally different body experience. You could go the other way, right? Isn't it like 15 in Europe? Am I making this up? Yeah, it's like 14 in Italy or some shit. I think Germany is 15. I'm not positive. It's like 14 in Italy or some shit. I think Germany's 15.
Starting point is 01:06:03 I'm not positive. And there, they just don't place the same taboo and sense of like, there's no aura around alcohol because they always had it. See, and like, I totally agree with what Filthy said, that it is a learning experience. But at the same time, like our culture isn't going to get reversed on that. Like you go to Italy or something and it's like yeah I have been having glasses of wine with dinner with my family you know drinking reasonably maybe a glass or two with dinner since I was 15 and then they turn 21 or whatever and they continue doing that and whatever like they're fine whereas in the U.S. even if you change it to 18 right now people wouldn't start going oh I'll
Starting point is 01:06:39 have a beer with dinner I'll have a couple beers they would immediately go balls to the wall because that's what US culture is it's like alcohol has been seen as this last little bastion of adulthood so that when people get there they don't build up the way filthy was talking about they go bananas and get shitty you know I just don't think we could reverse that cultural trend especially given like like you can even see on like internet forums people like people in europe apparently are like oh you really have rager parties with those red solo cups where everybody gets shithoused at like the age of you know 21 it's like yeah that happens all the time because that's the culture of it culture would change in 10 years though right you know like 10 year olds knowing
Starting point is 01:07:19 that eight years from now they'd be able to drink it would just resolve itself right that's how i feel i suspect that it might i just don't think that pop to drink it would just resolve itself right that's how i feel i suspect that it might i just don't think that pop culture would revolve it resolve itself like it's not like movies and tv shows would suddenly stop depicting alcohol use that way and normalizing it yeah maybe i mean but it does sound like a a fairly surmountable problem right like like you're like yeah it wouldn't change overnight agreed but it does feel like that that would give you something that could be tackled right so yeah i don't know i mean it's the same with like like 18 16 h i i don't know i i think and i don't know what the laws are like for this now like what are
Starting point is 01:07:53 the laws about consumption at home like are you allowed to consume as a minor if you're like in the care of your parents or is that like in some states yeah like in louisiana you can drink i think at most ages as long as your parents are with you and approving yeah so like something like that seems like a fairly surprisingly i can't it feels like a louis louisiana joke in there somewhere but i you got like a lush of a mom who's just getting wasted fucking your friends like yeah that's a good way to where's the line between child abuse like you you know your two-year-old daughter like you get her drunk every night so she shuts up versus like you're starting i'm starting the starting the training process you know is that like three like well i mean you gotta build up her uh dependence right like you know you want
Starting point is 01:08:34 to be able to have some control over this kid that way if it gets in trouble you take the liquor away she starts getting the shakes yeah i was like 12 in uh in mexico on a family vacation like a table next to us like we left the resort area and went into fucking real mexico one of the nights and went to one of the restaurants where it was very difficult to order uh and there's a table next to us and even at the age of like 11 or 12 i was like that girl is noticeably younger than me and the beer in front of her is the size of my head. And that was like, man, this is not... This is maybe a little ridiculous.
Starting point is 01:09:09 Like a 10-year-old getting sloshed. She's got a straw. They used to give TV babies whiskey on their gums and stuff to help with the pain. I guess I'm okay with that to some degree. I think it was bad for them. Oh, then you get evidence-based stuff,
Starting point is 01:09:27 and then you go, well, evidence-based stuff, yeah. Old fucker. I don't know. Think of how dope medicine was way back in the day when they were just like, ah, try old-time reds. Heroin drops. You can't just leave no time.
Starting point is 01:09:42 That would be great. Did Coca-Cola really have cocaine in it is that a wives tale or a real thing no that's real that's my conspiracy for the night what was the question did coca cola actually have cocaine in it oh yeah absolutely
Starting point is 01:09:56 all of the sodas the big sodas began as these health tonics and many of them had bizarre ingredients that that's and they supposedly cured like a vaster coke what's healthier yeah well dr pepper's name makes way more sense now yeah exactly yeah yeah no but like i mean it becomes a relevant conversation again in part because of like legalization of marijuana right like how do you how did how and when should that be allowed and
Starting point is 01:10:25 how should that be i mean if this is again a legal way that for now a portion of the country a legal way for people to experience another type of high this is another type of body high different one from needles in the chest or yeah suspensions or alcohol or whatever it happens to be how do you how do you go about setting that up in a way that is sane like that allows people to adjust to it and not abuse it but also to experience it i'm not as worried about kids getting way too into pot and causing a nuisance or hurting themselves as i am with alcohol you know like it's just two different substances that lend themselves to different behavior like yeah an 18 year old who smokes way too much pot probably isn't going to be going out on the town causing you know problems or endangering someone's life look at the problems that alcohol causes and marijuana does none of those like whether you're talking about a girl losing her inhibitions and
Starting point is 01:11:13 and getting taken advantage of that won't happen are you talking about a kid getting in a car and and hurting someone with that vehicle that won't happen or you're talking about someone getting violent because different people reacted so many different ways to alcohol some people are you know become a big teddy bear and some people become a literal monster that they didn't even know existed inside of themselves also doesn't happen but i want to offer like is not a marijuana like this i'm out of my depth here but no no so one thing i've heard about it is that's the opposite like alcohol makes you think that you can i don't remember where i heard it but alcohol makes you think that you can do things that you can't and weed makes you think that you can't do things that you totally can so like a high person will be like should i walk
Starting point is 01:11:54 across the street to cvs and get a arizona iced tea no they're gonna know they're gonna know for sure and a drunk person will be like can i drive across town to get a burger well i'm not gonna not do that you know i think and then they'll they'll do it my wife nobody's getting fucked because they they smoke too much weed like there aren't any girls like yeah i just smoked too much weed last night i blew everyone that's not happening that's not happening well my my my wife's not not in response to that non-sequitur here right like keep going my wife's body chemistry is so fucking weird with like substances like she gets it like her mother's side from this her mother can't have more than about two glasses of wine and then she'll be physically sick and
Starting point is 01:12:32 throwing up and my wife responds very strangely to alcohol and very strangely to marijuana like that for that just fucking the and it's the thc in that because you know what does marijuana do to her it makes her extremely extremely socially paranoid for even a very small amount and like she's suddenly like in tears because she's not sure if it's okay to like open a cabinet style stuff like it just like it's a response that is so terrible yeah not even remotely fun hates no no exactly it's like for her like that was like a tried it when she was young style stuff doesn't want to do it again because that's the type of response she's had except that then her her sister's out in colorado
Starting point is 01:13:07 so she's been out to visit her and then she went into a store her sister's a big fucking pothead as far as i can tell and uh they basically were like would you like you know that sounds like a response to the thc would you like to try a low thc and a high what is it cbc what's the other one cbd cbd right and a high cbd one which she tried and for her that was super mellow super just body high of like a like a light experience totally different so like but again to for me this comes back to how would she like imagine she just tried that for the first time out socially somewhere right as like a kid is like 17 or 18 has access to it tried it and like for her it was so fucking debilitating and so like it reduces her to like a child almost
Starting point is 01:13:46 so she's in tears like scared of everything like super like you know that to be a horrible fucking experience so like having some physical training for that ahead of time having experienced that to understand how your body's responding these things becomes relevant so i don't know let me uh let me do an advertisement here tell everyone about postmates this episode of pk is brought to you by a company that we have a lot of personal experience with, Postmates. You know what's great about eating your favorite thing? It's your favorite thing, and you're eating it. You know what's not great?
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Starting point is 01:16:53 I use it every day, twice a day. It's fantastic. In conjunction with my smart mouth, which we'll talk about later on. Yes. We all have excellent oral health. You guys would not believe how perfect. We have no gingivitis, no tartar. We have beautiful teeth.
Starting point is 01:17:09 The entire cast here. Filthy included. When it's smart mouth time. I'll wait. Solid. Good planning. Can they incorporate that? I love that shit. Filthy, our sex expert. I have a question I've been saving
Starting point is 01:17:25 Which one here Which one here what It's an easy decision Yeah we've done this so many times Yeah that's Not with Filthy I don't know if we've done it there before What's he gonna do fuck that elbow roll I have to choose one
Starting point is 01:17:44 This is like you can't just be like you know i'm just gonna go masturbate today no can i go like play with sharp hooks in someone's backyard i don't know why everybody's so squeamish about this thai man he is clearly about as feminine as it gets i've seen more manly looking actual women. I'm definitely going to fuck that Thai man. If you look at the body, that's a much more feminine body than that ogre, that butter golem seated above.
Starting point is 01:18:14 But at the same time, that body on the bottom has a penis and does not have a vagina. The penis is practically gone and there's a vagina substitute if you position it right. That's absolutely right absolutely right and what is the clitoris but a tiny penis anyway dude that's some other way around isn't it isn't the way it develops isn't the the penis absolutely is yeah it absolutely is it's not the clitoris is a tiny penis is the penis is an overgrown
Starting point is 01:18:41 clitoris right absolutely and if you've watched as much pornography as i have you have seen some of those enormous clitorises and you're like that's a little baby dick that is a baby dick clitorati that would take a minute to get i think that took a minute to get used to if you're a partner did you answer a large clitoris uh do i have to that one there's rules yeah i wish i made them up but i'm just not responsible for them yeah you have to answer yeah yeah that's um that's a tough one i can't god i'm mad he's gonna be time man i think i think i'm unanimous on the dude yeah we're all fucking the dude yeah we're all fucking the dude i mean but again like we've had this conversation about this is sexuality on a spectrum right uh and like maybe there's you know like i don't know like where is if i place these two on a spectrum of attractiveness the one
Starting point is 01:19:31 one the one band looks like a girl to me like she looks quite attractive from here like i wouldn't know it was a dude unless you guys had told me i know it's it might not be a dude i know it might be it's just a picture on the internet i could find you a dude that you'd fuck. We could do that. This is a theme, but we could totally find him. Lay it out. The person at the bottom does not have a vagina. The person at the top does.
Starting point is 01:19:55 Let me turn that around. Instead of just being a picture of an attractive woman saying Thai man above it, what if it was just a picture of a dude there? Like a regular man? Which dude? If you're going to be that... Which dude? I don't know. Just a reasonably filthy... That's exactly what I want to experience.
Starting point is 01:20:14 Whether or not... Let's talk about it. Would you take your shirt off? I think your beard looks spectacular. I'm not concerned with your chest. Yeah. I'm very curious now. Right.
Starting point is 01:20:30 Does your regular normally fit American dude or this? Because I think what you're actually talking about is not sexual arousal. You're actually talking about – I feel like we're doing the negative here. This isn't how I attracted you. It's like what are you more repulsed by? Yeah, I'm more repulsed by the butter golem um because first of all disgusting second of all you know that like all right so the fatter you get the more difficult personal hygiene becomes it's just a fact there are folds okay there's sweat there's it's more difficult to clean yourself when you do shower and fat people get overexerted with
Starting point is 01:21:01 minor day-to-day things so they're gonna be more sweaty more often if you could take this fat girl right out of a hot shit you ever get out about you ever work out take a hot shower and get out and realize you're still sweating and be like I don't get fucked back in there and turn the temperature down she's like that every moment of her fucking life she's like that all the time she is always leaking out of every pore in her body and based on her size that is not a good diet that she's intaking unless she's eating a whole lot of fucking salad. And I don't think that's the case. That sweat is going to stink.
Starting point is 01:21:33 She has body odor that is gross. And her pussy looks like an abomination. I fucking guarantee it. All right? There's no way. She could be on labia's gone. Not gone wild, but labia's Gone fucking bananas. It's going to be disgusting down there and it's going to
Starting point is 01:21:48 stink and I bet there's some shmegma in the folds of that crevice she calls a pussy. If you can even make it to the pussy through that fleshy cave of disgusting B.O. You're going to be living through it like it's a book. Hoist it up.
Starting point is 01:22:04 You'll be swiping on tinder and there's another one see like my thought here because we're doing it like filthy was correct we're doing it from the disgust standpoint if you were able to complete like so it's either anal with the the thai man or vaginal with the american woman the fat one is that your like yeah right yeah like i feel like in the moment you're gonna be struggling hard to finish in that american woman that that's a disgusting the the the tank top or whatever halter top you can't tell what article of clothing that is it looks like it could be like a protective tire cover for a monster truck to get around her she's a disgusting revolting waste of space i bet she hasn't stood up
Starting point is 01:22:46 in that in forever. Can you imagine the sound it makes when you lift up that big fat flapjack titty and drop it back down on her resonating belly? It's going to sound like someone in a town over is going to think someone's big game hunting. That's what's going to happen. I want to know. I'm sort of taking inventory as I
Starting point is 01:23:02 look at her of the slime places, right? Clearly under each boob, behind each elbow, right in the crotch area. Would it be faster if you listed the non-slime areas? Right, right? Like, she's probably not slimy on her face. It's easy to clean, and it's, you know, she's fat, but it's a regular face, right? Yeah, but she's going to have sauce on her face. Like, my face sweats sometimes.
Starting point is 01:23:26 Like, I'm not immune to it, and I'm not her weight. This fat bar is making this Thai man look pretty great. At the risk of not being able to get to bed tonight, because my wife hates it when we're trashing fat people on this show. Absolutely. It's very angry at me for
Starting point is 01:23:41 things like this, but you can't help but think about self-discipline here, right? You can't help but bring that to mind too and granted there can be body reasons like physical reasons that people have weight conditions yeah they eat too much but a lot of times it's not yeah yeah so yeah yeah i hear you so again i think you're triggering a disgust response here is what you're doing for me Since it's very likely that the Thai man picture is fake, just substitute this man. This is a man? It absolutely is a man, yes.
Starting point is 01:24:15 That's confusing. Bigots hard to share. Here we go. Yeah, and I picked one that's safe for work. I was trying to find the right balance between an attractive man and safe for work. Cal had to go into a couple of subfolders. Oh, not. It was quick, though.
Starting point is 01:24:33 They're well categorized. This dude is huge. He's not even a focused dick. It's hilarious. That's a good looking dude, I'd say. Yeah. What did... Like, y'all came down on the side of the I'd say. What did... What did Jordan Peterson say
Starting point is 01:24:48 when you asked him that same question? Which question? Between the Thai man and the American woman. We did not. I think that's what he's getting at. I think he says, I want you to treat me like I'm Jordan Peterson. No, I was just curious.
Starting point is 01:25:01 If you said all your guests were doing this, I was just curious how that one went down. You know, we got Milo's answer, if that helps at all. I think that Milo prefers a different sort of gentleman based on everything that he told us. Yeah, apparently he likes strong black dudes and Kyle. There was a meme going around about the way Jordan Peterson would handle the tranny thing. He's like, and so you take your cock out, and she takes her cock out, and this is unexpected.
Starting point is 01:25:36 This is chaos. This is... You need to return to the natural order. His silly little meme phrases and shit. I'd like to have i love the jordan fienderson shit posting like people some people are so good at writing and his voice style is it's hilarious yeah i'd like to have him on again too he's i i really don't keep up with him that much like every once in a while i'll like check his twitter but i went through sam harris fan so i i kind of came across him that way so i went through he's just he's a he's just such a not controversial guy that people pretend is it's like settle down
Starting point is 01:26:13 no that's i don't think that's true really what like what does he say that's controversial so a lot of it's almost like he avoids controversy because everything he says, it feels like you already knew it. Like that's his superpower. He's able to describe that like women prefer a strong man that can be their protector. It's a biological need built into them. And you're like, yeah, yeah, I guess I already knew that. And that's actually a position that a lot of women would find insulting. I mean, but he's not saying any – I feel like what he's really doing, we've, we've, I won't
Starting point is 01:26:47 spend too long because we've, we've dusted over this before. Like, he's really just giving a lot of men who grew up without a strong father figure in the home, basic advice that a good father would have given, you know, like get your shit in order. So, you know, you're 25 years old or whatever. Stop putting off things that you know you should be doing. That feeling you have of anxiety, of depression, it's not something you need a pill for all the time.
Starting point is 01:27:08 Sometimes it's that you know there are things that you need to be achieving in your life that you're not taking the initiative to get done, and this anxiety you're feeling is an outbirth of that. Like, really, he seems more like a self-help guy than a political guy based on the stuff I've seen from him. Yeah, he can err on the side of being a bit freudian sometimes with the way that he sort of finds union right he makes
Starting point is 01:27:31 these connections between so many things and brings them back to i don't know a starting point that maybe isn't he big on the archetype stuff as well like the union psychology yeah right okay so yeah he i i agree with most of it a lot of it makes sense but you could also see how someone who thinks differently than than you do could find it to be insulting but look if you're not getting insulted you're not fucking living stop being a pussy yeah something something offends me daily i don't you know i don't make a blog about it you should start. I would love to follow your blog.
Starting point is 01:28:08 All the little umbrages you take. My third trip back to Zaxby's. You know? They had still forgotten the curly fries when I returned home. I need to learn to check the bag as I leave. They were onion rings. Oh, I checked the bag before I leave. Fuck those
Starting point is 01:28:24 fucking Zaxby's never mind we don't need to go into whole zaxby's rant here like there's no reason to get angry it was two years ago why am i getting angry now the things that are like the funniest to me as far as like youtube rants and whatnot aren't anything serious it's like seeing people get genuinely upset over laughably small things or things that only matter to them you know like i think i even mentioned in one of my youtube videos from years ago how much it upset me when people like put their hand over the fucking counter and they point at the burrito ingredient that they want like little things like that i get a hoot out of jim norton on the opie and anthony show is the best at that him and uh his rants
Starting point is 01:29:08 about animals telling them that they're they're uh after the valdez oil spill he had like whole rants of like you know these are they're thieves they're oil thieves we have to pay for that oil they just walk up to the beach and get it for free you know staying all warm and on oil someone doesn't have to fly south this winter you know little angry things look at him a picture of a dead bird covered in oil look at him look at him spreading more oil on his thieving goose feathers
Starting point is 01:29:36 thief thief it's so nuts I love shit like that silly nonsense I've been watching a lot more ONA as like my background stuff recently like it's always on my. I've been watching a lot more ONA as my background stuff recently. It's always on my cycle, but sometimes I'll get way more into it. God, what a classic show. All right, so we all agreed that we'd fuck the transsexual,
Starting point is 01:29:56 but would you fuck an animal before you fuck that big fatty? I'm supposed to do filia either way. Ah! She's a big fat fatty all right because that's why it's while it's euphelia either way she's a big fat whale at some point you can you can reach you could be like would you fuck that woman or would you fuck that woman who's one pound lighter and at some point you're just to the point where you're you it's all these all you're never doing that in real life either way you're never but like i would fuck that woman before i fuck you're forced to do that. I don't know how you fuck a pinecone. Really? I don't know how you fuck a pinecone.
Starting point is 01:30:28 It sounds painful and scratchy. I'm not going to be the bottom for some random pinecone. I'm telling you that right now. I guess I'm more comfortable with a little physical pain than I am with the emotional disgust that comes out of that. I am not coniferous sexual. Would you rather fuck that dude in India who's been growing his fingernails for 65
Starting point is 01:30:47 years, or have someone pull out your pinky nail with, like, pliers? Right. Only one nail, though. Only one pinky nail. Right. Sometimes they don't grow back. No, we'll assume it's gonna grow back. Yeah, take my nail.
Starting point is 01:31:04 I'm probably not pinking it. Yeah, exactly on the pinky now So I think I'm gonna pinky that I prefer to do it myself if I could pull my own out No, I don't want to do that my sorry. I'm a stickler. It's someone else that you don't know I feel like that's getting a shot like you just don't look it hurts like a fucking bitch and it's over. It's okay Kyle He has all bearings in his forehead. He's totally qualified I've dec you, man. I've declawed many a human. All right.
Starting point is 01:31:32 He's got special pliers. Yeah, I don't want to fuck. Like when you talk about fucking a gross dude, then it's like a double kind of negative thing we're going through. Like the gross woman, I think, has got to be your starting point. I'd rather fuck a goat than that woman but it's funny because like you look at when so i've done disgust reasons again like this is my thesis you ever seen goat pussy no i've never seen goat pussy but i i imagine that's pretty bad but it's pretty popular in some parts of the world i feel like you're being culturist so disgust has domains right so like one of these domains is a
Starting point is 01:32:04 sexual disgust domain and one of them is like a physical it's it's like there's other ones isn't sexual is not the only domain right so at some point like you're you're talking about this stuff and you're saying fuck but probably you're not internalizing that actually it's a sexual thing you're looking at like how disgusting is that like her as a woman is almost worse to me in some degree because it's triggering sexual disgust right where you're like well how disgusting is it have your fingernail pulled out there's a body horror there there's a body disgust there but it's not a sexual disgust and it's a different kind of for me feel
Starting point is 01:32:34 of that so like i don't know man like there's a there's a like a the fact that you're like your sexuality and this person is somehow that's an added disgust element because of that sexual domain for me anyway so yeah definitely i would definitely fuck the animal though i'm sorry go ahead buddy does a woman that size require like is there like a your dick must be this long to ride this ride absolutely yes i mean it's just a matter of angles like how are you gonna do that i'm just processing it now for the first time you've got to get like like i feel like the the easy is if she goes like spread eagle like like i feel like maybe that doesn't come into play as much but like doggy style i don't think i have enough dick to fuck kim kardashian for
Starting point is 01:33:14 example like if it's one of those girls with those gigantic fake asses it was like jesus that the amount of flesh between your pussy entrance and the end of the flesh is like nine inches. I'm going to have to really hit it hard to stay in there. I can't stop thinking about your thought of like that big fat beluga whale having to have like a couple of winches attached to her legs and a couple of four by fours in the background to open it. And no matter how much you spread those legs, you're not going to see pussy. It's going to be family friendly and safe to show on mainstream television. It's going to be family-friendly and safe to show on mainstream television. There's going to be no visible vagina.
Starting point is 01:33:48 Yeah, that's not true. It's hyperbole. Look how fat this woman is. There's going to be belly fat hanging down over where the vagina went. No, because her upper body is much heavier. You would be able to see pussy. Now, if she's standing, then she definitely has a fat roll over her pussy. You probably could look at her
Starting point is 01:34:06 head on and not see vagina. That I would go with. Right. There's the really fat guys that joke about seeing their dicks, right? Because there's a huge fucking gut hanging over that. Yeah. They're crying on the inside, though. Well, I'm on Bing. A quick search
Starting point is 01:34:22 of morbidly obese vagina solves this question, Taylor. And yes, you can get to the pussy. But don't put morbidly obese. What's worse than morbidly? Like deathly? Deathly obese?
Starting point is 01:34:36 Dead? Marine mammal. You need to look up fattest woman ever. I'm definitely yeah I like that he's using Bing for this I'm no rookie
Starting point is 01:34:54 I know where to find your naked people pics it's all about Bing Wings would know where to find the best obese pussy oh this is a funny one instead of plenty of fish he's on plenty of whales oh jesus that's i looked up uh fattest naked woman and there's just a picture of this guy in a pig mask and he's the fat one so i enjoyed that that. Aw, he's not even that fat. All right, let me think. What? But he's not.
Starting point is 01:35:27 I feel like I see someone that fat every day. Yeah, but that. Oh, my God. I don't know, though. He's laying down, and that's giving him the benefit of the doubt, like spreading that, letting it flow to the sides. His crotch is so disgusting. Look at those bumps on his inner thighs.
Starting point is 01:35:46 Look at how sad that penis is. That is a very small penis. I recognize that fat makes it look smaller, but... Oh, it's tiny. It's the diameter of her thumb. I could get back down to his birth weight and he's still going to have a little dick. That's disgusting.
Starting point is 01:36:01 His original size. I'm not a big fan of all the inner thigh pimples either. Yeah, that's disgusting his original size i'm not a big fan of all the uh inner thigh pimples either yeah that's the worst part of of this picture like that that's super gross you gotta exfoliate you fat fuck it took a second for me to realize he was wearing a mask he's wearing like a halloween pig mask yeah i couldn't show that picture thank god you never know when you're just gonna like you know go into it and be like, oh, yeah, guys, look at this. Because we're all looking at the guy's dick. And it'd be easy to share it with the audience, I'm sure, just to get into that motion of doing it.
Starting point is 01:36:35 It's possible to lose track of which layout I'm using, too, and just be sharing something you didn't want to. Oh, Woody, that second picture is terrible. But visible. something you didn't want to oh woody that second picture is terrible but visible i mean i really feel like i've debunked it can't get to the pussy thing i'm not looking at that this is like you got to click on it i'm not clicking it this is just like this is like fucking freshman year of like of college where people are like super big on like you know like you know the two girls the cups the two girls one cup shit there are the like you know the gross pictures of like you know there's one it was like zoomed in of like some like advanced venereal 13 episodes in and you're catching on yeah yeah first year of college we're
Starting point is 01:37:16 getting credit for a lot of maturity here it might be underserved i think that's just that like dark What causes that dark, shitty discoloration on the entire... Just asshole region? Yeah. No, what causes it? What is that? Like friction? Like is a fire almost starting with every step? No, I'm familiar with that discoloration before I even click. And I don't know what causes it, but it's like their ass crack is permanently stained a bit brown. Is that what you're saying?
Starting point is 01:37:46 Is that what it is? Because I'm not clicking. No, no, you've got to click the second one down. It's not as bad as he's acting. Yeah, you're lying, and I'm going to click it anyway. Oh, yeah. So it's sort of a bluish hue around the edges, and you know what I really don't like?
Starting point is 01:38:01 You see this not only in enormous people who are going to die any moment she could be dead this could be she could literally be dead um but you see that line that goes from the would that make you feel better or worse talking about her by the way i for me it's better i would like it if she were dead but that's not gonna make me feel either way about talking about her it's just that i wish that she were dead. But that little line that goes from the bottom of her vagina to her asshole, that little seam, is so pronounced.
Starting point is 01:38:30 I don't like that at all. I don't like that at all. Is that just a morbidly obese thing? No, I see that. I see a lot of assholes on Reddit. I'm like you. I don't skip a not safe for work post. They're the musk clicks. When I see a butthole that's got stuff hanging out of it
Starting point is 01:38:46 or something, I'm not talking about hemorrhoids. I'm just talking about extra skin down there. That's a big turn off for me. I want everything to be clean down there. It needs a precision little balloon knot thing going on there. I don't have anything hanging off me that shouldn't be. Everything's where it should be.
Starting point is 01:39:02 I'm looking for the same out of you. If it's a very cute girl, nice vagina, nice ass, nice little body, but she's got a pronounced anal, a taint seam, as they call it in the medical community. You're done. Done here.
Starting point is 01:39:18 How much is too much? Just a little seam? Would you just fuck her in the dark instead? What angle are you looking at that you're going to be paying that much attention to? What if I'm eating her pussy? I'm going to be looking at that vagina from all kinds of angles all the fucking time. All right? I can't be, like, I don't want to be, like, have this look of chagrin on my face every time I go down on you.
Starting point is 01:39:41 But think, riddle me this. As your filthy nose kyle does not like uh flip floppy vaginas or roast uh he doesn't like the rv style yeah he doesn't like large labia he likes the little you know folded in innies innies what if this girl has just got your ideal vagina just you're you see it and you're like, ah, magnifique. I love this. This is the best vagina. Ah, a slightly pronounced anal seam. It's just as much of a problem to me. Can we get a picture of this?
Starting point is 01:40:11 Is it on this enormously large woman that's nauseous? No, no, no. He's talking about normal size. I understand. I'm kind of curious. Maybe, I don't know, is this what you test Chiz with? Can we find a shot of a relatively attractive girl with this scene that you're talking about? I'm not sure I can visualize. Can you give us a couple anal scenes of hot girls?
Starting point is 01:40:28 I don't even know what the Google search term would be. Maybe you just do that. I don't know. Gross buttholes? I don't know. Yeah, I'm looking right now. Yeah, I don't know. Again, a lot of good ones
Starting point is 01:40:45 i'm not nearly as picky about that region as kyle is like for me to be turned off by it it's got to be out of control like it would have and even then like if she's got a bitty pussy who really cares have you ever thought like objectively how ridiculous the penis looks? Just aesthetically, how ridiculous penis is. It looks very silly. Yeah. At some level, I'm there. This is... I appreciate an attractive woman who takes care of herself.
Starting point is 01:41:18 That's important to me. I guess this minutia of needs to look kind of just a little ridiculous to me like i'm a dude i have a penis the penis is a ridiculous organ like it is but like imagine like flip turn the tables a bit imagine your filthy robot the female version and you meet a guy and he's you know things are going well you're gonna let him in so to speak and you realize he's got like a gnarled up shitty little dick that's got like a lump on it or something and when it gets hard it looks like a one of those trees that have like in the mangroves it's just like a root just like twists in different directions it's not it's not a good looking dick like you're not gonna
Starting point is 01:41:59 give him the benefit of the doubt if this is a penis penises are odd you're gonna go no thank you do you remember the first time you saw like a libya yeah i didn't like it i i was uh i was at my how old were you were you like prepubescent you know um no i was probably i was probably like 12 13 or something like that i saw in a porno uh like a magazine uh my cousin had stolen his dad's magazine and he had like a stash of them and i remember being like what is that what's going on there why does it look like there's a there's like butterfly wings in this lady's pussy is that what they all look like i i because i that's not what i pictured i pictured just a a slit that i stuck my dick in and this is not this is not what i like i didn't like it then
Starting point is 01:42:42 i don't like it now i won't stand stand for it. And look, ladies, if I had this, if I had some, I joke around about non-circumcised penises. Some of them look fine or whatever, but we all have to agree that some of those uncircumcised penises, when there's like a, when it's like an anteater and there's this like
Starting point is 01:42:59 shriveled up, like. I'm uncircumcised. Okay, I bet yours is beautiful. I bet you were one of the good ones. I was a fan. Okay. Yeah. Lovely penis. Probably tastes good too.
Starting point is 01:43:10 Woody took it like a champ. Like cotton candy. No complaints whatsoever. A little resistance at first. Yeah, yeah. I'm not going to say it was easy. But, you know, after a while. But by the end, he was the one pushing back.
Starting point is 01:43:22 And my baby. I made him feel easy. Power bottom. He was the one pushing back. Am I right? It made it feel easy. Power bottom. If I had an unattractive penis due to, you know, sometimes the foreskin doesn't go back.
Starting point is 01:43:34 Sometimes it's weird and like really long. Sometimes it looks like, as Borat said, a wizard's sleeve. Right? Right? You know? I would get an adult circumcision. I would go in and get it fucking circumcised. I'd get surgery on my dick to make it more attractive.
Starting point is 01:43:52 And I hold women to that same standard. If you have an ugly labia, you should be getting it surgically fixed. No, what the fuck is an ugly labia? The labia is as ridiculous as the fucking penis. These are human sex organs. But there are ugly penises the same way there are ugly labia how much time you take i feel like you're defending the ugly out of kindness and that you do secretly in the bottom of your heart know that some vaginas and penises are better looking than others i'm certainly attracted to some vaginas more than other vaginas but like to say that that is like an objectively good looking or not good looking seems ludicrous in this scenario like it's not like the same as like you know that girl's got great abs because she's been working her ass off
Starting point is 01:44:40 it's not like a human health thing like a lot of times like attractiveness is like that that that step for the evolutionary like um what's the word i'm looking for like uh replacement for health right like the symmetric faces like the the uh the hair with the sheen in it this type of stuff these are these are markers of health and this is part of how the attractiveness is done like so you see you gauge this differently you see this as oh you're this isn't an indicator of health so it's being silly whereas if it was like a female dwarf with spina bifida or something you'd be like well yeah clearly that that those are indicators of no but okay so when i get to like why is this hardwired attractive or not like part of the like the indicators of health make a lot of sense to me when i'm like you know but when we're talking
Starting point is 01:45:23 about something that is so there's so much um variability between people in this and these are all healthy variability and it looks weird or different or not attractive to me doesn't mean that like this is like the girl needs to go get surgery i know kyle is clearly hyperbole but like on some level i'll pay for it that just seems like such a ridiculous statement to me. No. I sent you two pictures here. Now, obviously, I was doing this quickly, but the top picture— Already hedging.
Starting point is 01:45:52 The top picture, I'm not down with that. That is a turnoff. That's a turnoff. I'm not saying that I wouldn't have sex with this individual, but I couldn't date this individual. I couldn't have that be— Because of the labia. Because of the labia. Really? that one?
Starting point is 01:46:05 I cannot disagree more. There's nothing at all wrong with that top vagina you linked. Nothing at all. Look, we're talking about me right now. You keep your opinions to yourself. This bottom vagina, that's a top-tier pussy right there. That is perfect. That is perfect. That's what I'm looking for.
Starting point is 01:46:22 That's what I want. I suspect I'm the norm in this in that i do prefer the bottom to the top but in terms of like what matters about a woman to me this is the hundredth most important this is like top three i care more about her cooking than her labia yeah it doesn't like i said it's got to be out of control for it to matter and this that top one is fine. I wouldn't even notice. I wouldn't notice at all.
Starting point is 01:46:51 This was one of the top posts on Labia Gone Wild, by the way. The one that Taylor wouldn't even notice was a little out of hand. You would notice, oh, there's a slightly large labia. But it wouldn't be like, ugh. It would be like, oh, just different flavor of the week. It's all brown on the bottom. Brown on the bottom. I need to re-click. Me too.
Starting point is 01:47:12 It is. Oh, who cares? Oh, now it's who cares. That's what it's been the whole time. It's a little brown. She has a big lady. I even suspect it might be Photoshop. But what I noticed really is that the rest of her seems very fit.
Starting point is 01:47:28 She looks like an attractive girl. Yeah. That seems terrible. Now here is an unacceptable pussy and asshole. Either one would just sign you right out. No. The pussy looks like it's mad at me.
Starting point is 01:47:46 It's yelling at me right out. No. Okay, so... The pussy looks like it's mad at me. It's yelling at me right now. And the asshole looks like the gate of Helm's Deep before the last blast through of that battering ram. It's weakened and they're standing there afraid with spears, but they know it's not gonna hold. It looks like a big rock hits your windshield it looks like the corner of an old like vietnam vets elbow
Starting point is 01:48:12 or someone who does yard work it looks like uh you guys don't watch preacher but there's a guy who there's in preacher there's a guy who committed suicide by putting a shotgun in his mouth and now he's in hell but in hell he resides as an asshole mouthed individual actually before he ended up in hell he his mouth looks like a gaping asshole all the time like puckered inward to me because he preacher hard to watch and he's bit the lot yeah and he's got a butt face is he called butt face maybe um he's like asshole face or something like that i don't remember that show gets better as you watch it if you give more of a chance like i'm in i'm in season three now and i'll make this quick we're not gonna talk about this show but i'm in season three now and
Starting point is 01:48:52 so far jesus christ god almighty and satan are all characters and i i like how each one of them is portrayed it's it's hilarious satan is a scary motherfucker. Have you watched Breaking Bad more than once? Yeah. I'm only on my second watching. I'm finding Skyler to be more tolerable on the next iteration. No, fuck that chunky whore.
Starting point is 01:49:17 You support your man, god damn it. She does eventually. Eventually she goes the other way. Waltalt jr is a shit tier piece of shit faggot kid all right that's a oh i i hate walt jr so much i'm glad he has that disability in real life just because of how annoying that character is i hate walt jr so he turns his back on his father his father he finds out i don't know oh dad you're a bad guy i can't be your son anymore get the fuck out of here you crippled bitch let me just pitch an
Starting point is 01:49:50 alternative explanation right uh walt jr raised with what does he have cystic uh it's not cystic fibrosis cerebral palsy is that what he has, he has cerebral palsy So he has cerebral palsy And he's not a tough guy But he's had to be tough To deal with this People make fun of him his entire life He doesn't have a rich friend structure Because of this cerebral palsy
Starting point is 01:50:19 They make fun of him at the retail stores Etc. His father gets cancer And he's not sure if he's going to treat it. And Walt says, Dad, you're such a pussy. You're a pussy, Dad. Like I have dealt with harder shit my whole life. You know, the physical therapy I've been through so that I could learn to walk. You need to get chemo for 12 weeks and you're a pussy.
Starting point is 01:50:38 You won't do it. You're just going to quit. Right? So that's who Walt is. That's who Walt Jr. is. And then he talks his father Into having this life-extending Chemotherapy, and then he finds out
Starting point is 01:50:50 His father's a bad guy And now Walt Jr. is faced with the decision Of either lining up on Team bad guy, and he is bad He kills people Might have killed children Walt Sr. Is bad He's morally corrupt Might have killed children. Walt Sr. is bad.
Starting point is 01:51:06 He's morally corrupt. He didn't kill any good people. Who killed the kid? No one killed the kid. He poisoned the kid, but the kid was cured right after. He was never going to let the kid die. He made a kid sick. Who wasn't shaking a kid a little too hard? He made a kid sick.
Starting point is 01:51:22 I liked him. I liked the bad guys. Yeah, I liked Walt. I liked Jesse. Walt's my fucking hero. But they're bad people. He's a sc sick. I liked him. I liked the bad guys. Yeah, I liked Walt. I liked Jesse. Walt's my fucking hero. But they're bad people. Jesse's a scumbag bitch. I didn't like Walt or Jesse. Let's circle back to that. It was really hard to watch because there was no one there who resonated
Starting point is 01:51:33 with me as someone who I enjoyed watching. Walt Jr. was tough and he was principled. Doesn't make him... He's a pretty honorable guy. He's a stupid kid that doesn't know shit and you support your father because he's bending over backwards to make sure that you have a future, you crippled little fruitcake, you and your
Starting point is 01:51:50 fat ass annoying mom. He kept going and got worse in his crimes just because he liked being a big shot. Yeah. The thing I don't like about Walt He stopped doing that a long time ago. Is that the whole time...
Starting point is 01:52:05 I'm in the empire building business. Walt could have at any time went back to his Steve Jobs friends and been like, hey, I need help. And they would have been like, all right, 100% taken care of. Take an easy job. We'll take care of everything. Your family's good. Have you no shame? What I'm saying is that it would show some character if he put aside his personal shame for the sake of his family.
Starting point is 01:52:25 That's not shame, that's ego. The people who stole from him, who took his company from him, his brainchild, and then became incredibly wealthy from it. They didn't steal it. They bought him out. He didn't want to do it anymore. Like, he was... Did they buy him out?
Starting point is 01:52:41 They bought him out for pennies on the dollar. Yeah, pennies on the dollar. And then pennies. Oh, pennies on the dollar. And then they built a multi-billion dollar corporation. Is that the part that we forget? With his contributions. If that dude who was in Microsoft's garage and got bought off for like 20 grand, whatever that story is,
Starting point is 01:52:58 if he shows up at Bill Gates' house today and goes, hey, hey, hey, where's my cut? Gates is going to be like, I built this company and me and all the people I'm affiliated with, we did it. Like, you left. I don't owe you anything. That's why Walt doesn't go to them and ask. He tries to build his own thing, because fuck them.
Starting point is 01:53:12 I'm not begging them for money when I'm sick. He doesn't want pity. Sure, he's got ego. How is selling meth principled in that circumstance? How is it not principled? What's so wrong with meth when it comes to morality? It's not even just the meth. It's the rest of the bad stuff he had to do when he was in that business.
Starting point is 01:53:30 What was the worst thing he did, though, right? Well, maybe the kid sick wasn't so good. The worst thing he ever did was he didn't save that woman. Oh, he had Gail killed. Gabe? Gail? Gail, I think. He had Gail killed.
Starting point is 01:53:41 That's probably the worst thing he did. He also saw Jesse sleeping next to his girlfriend and he could have saved her life and he just let her die on her own. He killed her. Ruined Jesse's life by, by letting her die. He saved Jesse's life and can, and,
Starting point is 01:53:55 and, and takes care of himself at the same time. Just in an alternate reality where she goes on living, she milks Jesse for all he's worth. And then they turn Walt in. Yeah. So, um,
Starting point is 01:54:06 cause I've seen it really recently. he didn't just observe her od he actually rolled her onto his back he was responsible for her choking on her own her own vomit she was laying on her side like a responsible od and uh but she only choked on her vomit because walt senior put her on her back she starts vomiting and he allows her to die he didn't mean to put her on her back she starts vomiting and he allows her to die he didn't mean to put her on her back like he like leaned over the bed or something and she like like rolled over but then you see her like start to and then he like goes in like he's gonna help just instinctively and then he like oh oh maybe not maybe i'll let her choke to death on her own vomit and then he just slinks back out the door like he did a ton of shitty stuff but the biggest thing i dislike him for because all the shitty stuff is entertaining
Starting point is 01:54:47 his fuck i dislike him for like having such an ego that he put his own ego ahead of the well-being of his family that he was apparently sacrificing so much to to provide for you know it's like you think you're gonna make as much money with meth like oh we're making hundreds of thousands it's like your friend is gonna take care of your family, put aside your ego, like he's worth billions. Like, it's going to be okay. It's not about you right now. It is about you, but it's not about me.
Starting point is 01:55:12 He might have made more money on meth in the end. Like, he seemed to be making $22 million and stuff. I don't think his friend was going to hand him eight digits. Walt's my hero. I'm a big fan of everything Walt did. He did what he had to do to take care of his family. And look, I'm not saying it was all right. Much of it was incredibly immoral and evil, you could even say.
Starting point is 01:55:32 This show is called Breaking Bad, right? It's about a man breaking bad. What I have a problem with is Walt Jr., the man's son, immediately turning on him i'm telling you if my dad was like kyle i never told you but uh i'm the biggest cocaine distributor in the world okay and we gotta get out of here right now but oh shit well let's go let's go you got a plane or what we gotta hurry you got you got any coke how much did you support though like you're in your life you have your life and you're you know set up as you are and like what if he's pulling your life down around like how much did you support though like you're in your life you have your life and you're you know set up as you are and like what if he's pulling your life down around like how much when the support is passive like you're like yeah okay you're doing that i'm not going to turn you
Starting point is 01:56:13 in that's one thing when the support becomes active it interferes with your life where's where's your cutoff on that are you like i give up my entire life for my dad's drug stuff and what if he's doing it for fucking ego it's not looking after you or looking after the family it's for his own fucking thing you're still going gonna give up your entire life for that yeah i think family is it is paramount family is like the most important thing so so nothing else matters that that's the number one thing and like i would rather like live my life on the run with my father even if that life is another two years then rat my dad out and be and like call the cops did walt do that because i'm still re-watching it no not they didn't rat him out but like the mom calls the
Starting point is 01:56:50 police and he's and he's like get out of here dad you get away from us we're called we're ratting you out now and taking immunity or whatever you know i i poor shit no i don't know families do shitty things to each other all the time again shitty is families i'm not down with but but there's a term that i like it's called chosen family and it's a term that again it was in the bdsm community when i was you know doing the research with that and that this is basically like it's people putting together the people they want to associate with you put together the life you want to have you put together the people who are important to you and yet blood blood comes in as a kind of starting point to make that easier you grew up with these people that care about you they've invested in you you've done the same although you hear these families
Starting point is 01:57:28 that are fucking horrible you hear these things of like parents doing so shitty to people and these estranged relationships that grow up at that point i don't think if you're at that point just because it's biologically this person bore you or this person's your you know the semen donator for your for your existence i don't think that's a bond. I think it might facilitate making a bond, but I don't think it's a bond in and of itself. I agree. But I feel like Walt had done so much for his family and his son.
Starting point is 01:57:55 Setting the drug empire aside, just like the way he interacted with his kid on a daily basis, the love that he clearly had, the support that he was clearly giving and everything. Remember when he bought him that car? He didn't buy that car out of ego or making himself feel good. He was like, no, my kid's not going to drive a piece of shit car.
Starting point is 01:58:12 I'm going to get it. I'm going to do something for him. That's ego. My son's not going to drive a piece of shit car? That's definitely ego. Maybe phrase it exactly like that and and make it like i don't want people seeing my son on a piece of shit car but that wasn't it it was like i want to give him
Starting point is 01:58:29 something good everything he's got is shit well but part of that was the ego of him being like i'm gonna i i'm now not the teacher guy everybody's gotta know like this is like a billboard for me wow the whites must be killing it now like that's kind of how i saw that scene like of course there's like the yeah me and my son having fun but he also knew in his kind of heart of hearts we can't keep these cars like skylar is going to come down and then walt jr is going to hate skylar because she'll be making the rational smart decision of are you high walt you sell drugs and we are like getting assistance from neighbors they're bringing us casserole so we can have two brand new cars sitting here
Starting point is 01:59:08 like that was the sillier thing there i hadn't considered philly's ego point as much but yeah it was that i saw as a little despicable because it was a clear tactical attempt to align his son against his mother fuck skyler that chunky whore by By the way, I've been watching NYPD Blue. It starts in 1993 or 94 or something. Skylar is in there as a 19-year-old version of herself. So hot. 19 or 20-year-old Skylar is smoking hot. Very thin, very athletic looking.
Starting point is 01:59:40 I think she was a crack whore. It's a good look on people, yeah. Oh, yeah, just thin and calm. a crack whore which and she yeah it's a good look on people yeah oh yeah just just thin early crack horn yeah yeah the first few weeks um she looks smoking hot um but but yeah fuck skylar that chunky whore like get in shape for your husband he's got an empire he's running out there like like he's at least well wait who's more fit maybe walt looks more fit in clothes but when you see him in his tighty-whities... He's in fine shape.
Starting point is 02:00:08 Much better than average, I think. I definitely think. Bryan Cranston, even in the whitey-tighties, he's got the tiniest of a belly. Maybe he could lose... He's like skinny fat. He could lose... If he lost 10 pounds, it might be too much.
Starting point is 02:00:22 He could get a little bit more muscular, obviously. But he's not exactly... He doesn't exactly have time to be too much. And he could get a little bit more muscular, obviously, but he's not exactly like, he doesn't exactly have time to be working out. I don't know if he works the kettlebell routine into his day with Gustavo and his other requirements, right? Skyler is bad. I liked Gustavo.
Starting point is 02:00:38 Yeah, I liked how meticulous he was. He seemed like the only, him and Mike were my two of my favorite characters. They had their shit together at all like every time something unexpected happened like it was like yeah better call saul is good i like how mike has a bigger part but i liked how gustavo and mike anytime shit goes awry it was never like running around like a chicken with his head cut off like walt and jesse did it was like all right we're gonna do this and that mike i need you to go here and do this i'm on it and then he goes there and he does it quickly and then like i like mike they were
Starting point is 02:01:11 like the efficient business like mike is the baddest guy in the show because he makes the best decisions you know he's an expert he comes off as competent yeah yeah yeah i just i had a very hard time with that show. I watched all of it. My wife got quite into it. I watched all of it. But I didn't like... The characters who were the main characters are not characters I liked and I had a hard time watching. It's like the hard time reading
Starting point is 02:01:34 Naked Lunch or something like that. Or it's just like, you know, you're like, I fucking hate everyone in this. They're all making terrible decisions. They're all disgusting to me. I have a hard time watching that like i got a problem with villains i i got or or like um i tend to empathize with the villains a lot yeah i i don't i don't like people who are incompetent and and emotionally motivated and and that's sort of like like the people who will like flip out and then do something that's clearly going to mess everything up just because of some emotional
Starting point is 02:02:05 problem they have. Jesse is super annoying. I hated Jesse. If I'm Walt, I rub Jesse out around the third episode. But Walt, on the other hand, just obviously breaking bad, right? And toward the end, he becomes pretty bad, more bad
Starting point is 02:02:21 than good. But early on, he's just literally trying to provide for his family the best way he knows how it seems um i i liked walt for like 99 of the show a lot but but i hate most of the other characters hank's a cool character hank's a guy who's like got his shit figured out you know uncle uncle hank uh i like how hank does things i like how he operates i like that he took walt i found him a bit of a moral prick to me like he was so like he was like the like i i i've had some bad experiences with cops in my life from time to time and one of them that he reminds me i was like growing up like i was at i was at a white i was at a girlfriend's like parents anniversary right and they had at i was
Starting point is 02:02:59 in college i was under 21 i was like 19 or 20 and they asked me for help to um to uh set up the keg and i did that set it up for them and uh you know it was a house party we were spending the night there and i asked the you know asked the mother i'm like you know would you mind if i had some beers no no problem at all that'd be fine you know you're welcome you're like you know you're with family style thing right and then like a couple like maybe an hour later i'm in the kitchen having a beer out of you know sipping out a cup and like i an hour later, I'm in the kitchen having a beer out of, you know, sipping out a cup. And like I'm left alone with like the two sisters come in and one of the sisters' husband is a cop. He's like, you're being so disrespectful.
Starting point is 02:03:33 You need to pour this beer out or I'm going to call my friends at the station and have them come down here. You're underage. Like, holy shit. Like, the morality of the adherence to law outside of a rationality for that was like something I can't, I just can't stomach that. Yeah, that's bizarre. Following rules for rules sake is the fucking stupidest thing ever. And it triggers the shit out of me. And I get that vibe pretty hard off Hank. It's like rules for rules sake as opposed to necessity or for morality. That's why I loved it so much when Walt made that blackmail tape.
Starting point is 02:04:11 I love that moment so much. When Hank and his wife – he records that whole video of himself basically blackmailing Hank. And he gives it to Hank at the Mexican restaurant. Hank goes home and he watches it with his wife and they realize they've been played. They've been outmaneuvered by Walt. There's no way they can turn him in now. What was this blackmail material? Do you recall?
Starting point is 02:04:36 It's Walt basically lying on camera and I think he's saying that Hank is the drug kingpin and that he's been forced into doing all this work for Hank or something like that. That's what he says in the video. And Hank is just stuck.
Starting point is 02:04:50 There's no way that he can now turn Walt in without incriminating him. Because he's got enough puzzle pieces to make that seem viable. Yeah, they're completely outmaneuvered. Let's watch a... Oh, I think there's music on that. I'll do an ad read and then I'll try to find the funny video that's kind of related to that.
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Starting point is 02:07:35 slash pka to save slash pka. We switched over, my wife in particular, switched over to the Smart mouth toothpaste and uh that happened a couple months ago and she went to the dentist and got like a glowing report and it was one of her easiest cleanings ever and it was like ah that's just honestly goodness good luck with that so yeah yeah there's nothing better to pair with the smart mouth uh mouthwash than the smart mouth toothpaste i've used that for years as well it is fantastic it's got a really like like i went back to a different brand like at someone's house when i stayed the night and you don't realize how mild the smart mouth one is like it doesn't stick in your mouth it doesn't taste bad until you go back to one of like the mainstream ones you're like oh it tastes
Starting point is 02:08:18 like just you know peppermint patty shit on my tongue like 20 minutes afterward like it's a very unpleasant thing so yeah the toothpaste is excellent you should definitely check that out as well switch i learned a long time ago that people are most loyal in their life to toothpaste and cigarettes that that's the hardest thing to wrestle people away from and uh yep smart mouth did it based on her experience there we go glad she's liking it her experience. There we go. Glad she's liking it. Should we do some of our conspiracy theories?
Starting point is 02:08:49 Last week, of course, it was suggested that we each pick a conspiracy theory, and then we come and try to convince the others that perhaps there is some validity to that conspiracy theory. And there will be no second guessing in your presentation
Starting point is 02:09:05 of the conspiracy. You will present it as though it is fact. Because that's the point. Yes, you have to. Mine are both facts too. All of them are facts. Before I start mine, I just want to say, I'm gonna present it as if it's fact. It's not a fact. You don't have to hedge
Starting point is 02:09:23 these things. And Kyle, you're giving away your conspiracy. What is it? Would you want to lead or what do you want to do? Who would like to go first? I'll go first. Okay. There are no pictures, plans, or wartime documents dealing with gas chambers or any plan
Starting point is 02:09:40 to exterminate the Jews during the supposed Holocaust. And we can't use the excuse that the Nazis destroyed all of that evidence because after we broke the German codes, we were able to intercept their secret transmissions, including those from Auschwitz. There were no plans ever discussed, no numbers discussed, no techniques, no orders given. Zyklon B was in widespread use throughout Europe at the time for pest control,
Starting point is 02:10:05 and it's found in all of the concentration camps, including those that are not said to have had gas chambers in them. Aerial photos taken of Auschwitz during the war show no signs of people being gassed, bodies being burned, or the stores of fuel that would be required to power the crematoriums. World War II lasted a total of six years. Assuming that Hitler started gassing Jews since day one, that makes for 3,153,600 minutes. Six million Jews killed during 3,153,600 minutes comes out to 1.9 Jews per minute. That means Hitler killed roughly one Jew every 30 seconds. In Auschwitz, the most famous and biggest concentration camp, there are 15 crematoriums. According to Auschwitz survivors, Jews would go into the chamber, gas for 15 into 20 minutes, then put into the oven. It takes one
Starting point is 02:10:58 hour to cremate a body using modern furnaces, which operate at much higher temperatures than the traditional ovens at the camp. However, let us say that the ovens were operating at a level that we see today. That means it would take one hour, 20 minutes, to gas and burn 15 Jews, assuming they were all burned simultaneously. This is of course disregarding the time it would take for the gas to empty the chamber, for the bodies to be transported from the chamber to the oven. The elevators used to transport bodies were very slow and could only take up seven bodies at a time with their weight capacity.
Starting point is 02:11:32 However, for our greatest ally, we're going to assume that the bodies were magically teleported instantly from chamber to oven as soon as they were deceased. That means 15 Jews were gassed and burned every one and a half hours. That comes out to exactly 300 Jews every 24 hours. Assuming the gassing and burning of the Jews was happening every hour straight without stopping for six years on an uninterrupted basis, the total number of killed Jews would be 657,000 for those six years. The official tally is that four million Jews were killed at Auschwitz alone. Even at the other official story of 2.5 million, only then it adds
Starting point is 02:12:17 up, but assuming for 3.1 million minutes of 24-7 gassing. That's way more than existed, of course. We'd need some time travel. Supposed gas chambers do not have gasketed doors. They do not have fireproof switches, bulbs, or wiring. The gas is flammable. And the inlets in the roof that are said to have been the point of introduction for Zyklon crystals were, according to senior officials, added after the war. Dr. Francis Piper, the senior curator and director of archives at the Auschwitz State Museum, admitted on camera to David Cole that KREMA-1, the alleged gas chamber at Auschwitz main camp, was in fact a reconstruction built by the Soviets after the war under direct orders from Stalin. This includes the fake chimney that is
Starting point is 02:13:03 not even connected to the KREMA-torium. There's pictures of that. In 1988, an execution equipment expert, a gentleman named Luptor, who created the famous or infamous, perhaps, Luptor Report, conducted forensic examinations of the gas chambers. He took samples from four chambers at Birkenau, the one at the main camp at Auschwitz, and a control sample from one of the disinfectant chamber, excuse me, it's not disinfectant, it's the disinfection chambers that we know used Zyklon B. It was used to deal with the louse problem, the lice problem. The gas chamber showed almost no traces, whereas the disinfection, the disinfestation sample went literally off the scale. In 1990, the Institute for Forensic Research in Krakow attempted to refute these results,
Starting point is 02:13:53 and their own tests came back with identical results. Denying the Holocaust, by the way, is a criminal offense, and it carries a prison sentence in several European countries. The Holocaust is the only event in history to be enforced by law, and it's the only conspiracy theory we'll talk about tonight that simply suggesting is literally against the law in 15 countries in Europe. 15 countries? So there's really interesting points about that, like can I just pick that for a second? don't want to know you're not allowed i don't want to pick it one way or the other about like arguing against it because i i just want to pick at some of the principles of that because
Starting point is 02:14:33 there's a really cool part of that so there's reciprocity at play there right there's the reciprocity element of this is it's a psychological persuasion technique and part of this is you give up something small and the the kind of site the impact of that is other people feel kind of obligated, but they, let's assume this scenario and this scenario is too big. So we'll be, for example, the elevator stuff was a reciprocity thing. It's like a, it's like a, okay, well, this would be super hard in this, but we'll assume that this element's not a problem
Starting point is 02:15:13 and it still has problems. And there's like three or four of those throughout that, that the reciprocity stuff that jumped out at me. Another one is the facts thing. It's really interesting, right? Because we've had this conversation before here, I think it's really hard to refute facts on camera without any especially in the in in real time without some
Starting point is 02:15:29 citation and the ability to actually examine that citation you could you said a number of facts in that that who knows if they're fucking facts one way or the other on that right and especially when you're doing things like the report from such and such an institution again like there's like an authority exchange there you're being like yeah i was gonna bring a citations page and a lot of links but i thought that dragged the show down i most of it checked out unfortunately it's just really it's really cool to like because you hear that and you're like this is fairly persuasive and i'm like why is it persuasive just to me like going into that the like rhetorical devices used is interesting definitely but like what about the
Starting point is 02:16:06 actual content of what kyle said like i'm trying to think of i think one thing i didn't know that they said that four million jews died just at auschwitz is that right yeah just one of the interesting things and i was going to expound upon that was the was number of Jews that supposedly died over the years at various camps. They began with the number six million, and that number six million goes back to like 1917, a publication in the New York Sun, where they were discussing the six million imperiled Jews in Europe. And then throughout the years, that number was repeatedly used to describe how, and it's basically a number of how many Jews there were in Europe.
Starting point is 02:16:50 There were about 12 million in existence at the time. And there just weren't enough Jews there to get the number that they're suggesting from most of the stuff I've read. But the numbers for Auschwitz fluctuated rapidly between the years of like 1946 and the years like 1988. They kept fluctuating from anywhere from 350,000 to 4 million. Meanwhile, the total number killed was never changed. That was another point that I was going to make, but it was just a little weird to get around okay what was that
Starting point is 02:17:26 what was the number you ended up saying for that presentation four million is is it right so like 2.5 to 4 million is the number that supposedly died at auschwitz that's uh that's not like jews though that's of everyone right kyle jews so even like an immediate like for just like checking the facts like i understand this conspiracy theory like i don't think you believe that blah blah blah right but like just even interesting for that right because it's like presented as facts in that right but like a one second google search for literally how many jews died of auschwitz like the first thing that fucking comes up is one million like between oh you can't trust that filthy. That's part of the conspiracy. Right. The weaving of numbers and sources in there
Starting point is 02:18:08 combined with non-factual information. What was the number that you got to that was feasible? I guess there wasn't a feasible number because so many had filthy talk. And that was assuming that teleportation clause or whatever the fuck? Yes.
Starting point is 02:18:22 And always having enough fuel to run they they kept referring to a fuel um that's it's coke c-o-k-e and it stands it's some sort of a a crematorium fuel that was that was used and there would have to there would have had to been enormous stockpiles of that on site at all times to like keep them running and of course there would have been plumes of smoke in the aerial photographs taken by the Allies. And at the museum, they have those photographs blown up at the
Starting point is 02:18:49 Auschwitz Museum, and there aren't any clouds of smoke. So I guess that day in particular, they weren't running the crematoriums. That's interesting. That is interesting. I'm going to have to Google more about this. Really? You're tempted to Google more after that? Well well i'm like looking to
Starting point is 02:19:06 like what you did questions answered like confirming and denying and shit uh but it's it's so much more work to refute something than it is to to accept the claim like this is this is something that there are also no eyewitness testimonies of them that that didn't come from uh you know either tortured nazis or people who were really in no state to know what they saw right because how could you see the gas chambers and live did people say that they saw the gas chamber and lived i'm sure there were some that did i mean i did i did six hours of research here. I'm not a historian. It just seems to me that there's a lot. I think the
Starting point is 02:19:49 Holocaust happened, but I think the number six million may be inflated. Gas chamber survivor Holocaust. Let's see. Jesus. Let's hope this is not in the title of this BK and hope that the robot does not get associated with this. This one on nbc says survivor uh gina turgle walked out of gas chamber alive you wouldn't think they'd let her
Starting point is 02:20:13 ah she made it damn i think they didn't gas them all too didn't they originally it seems like i think the shooting came came later it would be maybe i'm getting it off a movie i remember them saying that this i hadn't thought about that kyle like if you did escape the gas chamber wouldn't they just go oh look shoot that person yeah they i read a whole thing about how um supposedly they use diesel but they explained that diesel would take so, diesel fumes would take so long to kill someone. And they basically said, look, these people were in coal-burning locomotives, right?
Starting point is 02:20:53 On a train, being transported there. Why didn't they just pull the train into a tunnel and wait? And wait, what do you mean? Oh, like with the fumes. We've seen choo-choo trains right you know all that black smoke rolling out the top if you just pulled that train into a tunnel and waited 30 minutes now you got a train of dead people you don't even you don't have to worry with the camp with the apparatus with all of the guards with with crematoriums with with gases with gas chambers
Starting point is 02:21:22 now i gotta fucking Google a diesel tunnel and try to keep up with all this stuff. But that's mine. You know, my job was to put forward... Nobody's accusing you of anything. No, but they will. And my job was to put forward a conspiracy theory and support it as best I could.
Starting point is 02:21:42 And I thought of that one uh early this morning that that one popped up to me and i started doing my a little bit of research online and watching some youtube videos and uh and took a few notes and i'm not across any like clearly crackpot people there is a website that will pay you um they've got like a bounty for anyone who can like explain how it could have happened to get to those numbers feasibly, and they'll pay $700 if you can, if you can write a paper explaining how the Holocaust as it's presented could be factual. I found that interesting.
Starting point is 02:22:16 They also sell SS hats. SS hats. So they have a merch shop. I'm saying that's probably the sort of people we're describing here. The kind of people you'd probably notice in public. Or maybe not. I have no idea. We blend in well.
Starting point is 02:22:36 Well, that's interesting. Kyle, I think you did a very good job looking for a conspiracy theory and then presenting it very competently the way we are supposed to present conspiracy theories woody did you have any umbrage you took other than what you said go to germany now uh no no i it filthy nailed all of it all the same points that i would have thought like you hear him you hear him do citations and numbers and like i ran the math the claims aren't even true and then one second of googling it's like those aren't even the claims you know like well there's different claims that's the thing that they bounce that number around so much that the number of jews that died in auschwitz
Starting point is 02:23:13 changed so many times like i watched this video of how many times it changed and it's it's it's like well shit they said 350 000 and then they said 1 million and they said 1.1 million and then it was 2.5 and then it was 4 million and it's so which number do we, they said 350,000. And then they said 1 million. And then they said 1.1 million. And then it was 2.5. And then it was 4 million. And it's, well, which number do we go off on? And how are they getting to these numbers? There was a six-year period recently when they started allowing this online thing
Starting point is 02:23:36 where people can literally go online and look for mistakes in the number of Holocaust victims there were were if it's a family member of something and a million names were at it even though there aren't any records that people just added a million names to the list and and like the at the bottom of everything i read that one of the persons made the argument like is it any worse that it was six million and not one million is it any better that it was one million and not one million is it any better that it was one million and not six million it's like five million better no it's it's an atrocity both ways of course it's a it's
Starting point is 02:24:11 better because the numbers are smaller or larger but it's it doesn't make it still a genocide yeah or any worse it's still a horrible disgusting evil thing whether it was one million that died or six million now uh kyle uh so it looks looks like Kyle might have been reading from an older source because up until 1988, it looks like 4.1 million at Auschwitz was the claim. And then in 1988, they said 1.1 million. This reminds me of my first encounter on this show with a straw man argument of some sort. Right. Or if you're putting up if you're putting up a figure that like you'd be like oh we can claim we can prove that this wasn't the figure and everyone's like well we stopped claiming that was the figure 20
Starting point is 02:24:51 years ago like that's 30 years ago yeah sure right 31 yeah that's that's clever it's clever it's interesting it's i mean it's like if you just like take take that with no other historical place to put that. Yeah, that sounds kind of legit. Like, these numbers don't add up. Yeah, that's funny. Well, it's one of those things, like, that's kind of the fun of the conspiracy. Well, the numbers still don't add up, even with modern estimates as to how many died. And they are estimates, of course, because where are they getting those numbers from, right?
Starting point is 02:25:23 Where does the 1.1 million number come from? It's an estimate. They're guessing. Even that number is 40% too high for what could have possibly been done with the apparatus in place. Trying to find, like... It seems like an easy thing to do would be to find a census like before and after the war right but then you also remember like a ton of jewish people left for israel in that around that
Starting point is 02:25:54 same time right yeah like they left to other countries so you wouldn't know that was one of the explanations um the number of jews that fled maybe I'm getting my history wrong wasn't Israel founded as a result around there it absolutely was now in 1948 I think yeah so how are they leaving for Israel well I mean it's not like they said and it's founded come on and then they open the gate it's like you start with a population and then it became a state sure but like this is how Israel works first you move in and then you claim it as your settlement and then it became a state. Sure, but like... This is how Israel works. First you move in, and then you claim it as your settlement, and then it becomes official. That's exactly what happened. And the two reasons, and the two explanations for why the Holocaust was dreamt up, if you will, were given as Soviet propaganda, obviously, to demonize the Germans. There's plenty of evidence of that that's
Starting point is 02:26:43 irrefutable. Not dealing with the Holocaust, but dealing with Soviet propaganda against Germans, right? There's the classic photograph of the two German soldiers smiling, each with a goose under each arm, and there's a Jewish woman hanging from a lamppost behind them. Of course, that's a Photoshop, an old-timey Photoshop. They show the original, and they're just two happy nazis with with geese you know like out on the street corner um and then the other one of course is to to gain
Starting point is 02:27:10 sympathy for israel and amongst the international community uh to take the palestinians palestinians land from them again every time like with any conspiracy theory like i always feel like there's too many well not with any conspiracy theory because there are some that like like to deny that conspiracies happen is silly like people conspire to do things in secret all the time and they get away with it but like for really really enormous ones it's like it seems like there would have to be so many people playing along and like they'd have to have so many records protected and like or maybe destroyed or shit like that you know like that's always the
Starting point is 02:27:45 limiting factor for me for any conspiracy that seems like there'd just be a critical mass of people that couldn't you know keep their mouth shut about it if if it actually you know i found it interesting that there weren't any records of anyone giving an order to exterminate the jews and their explanation for that was that well we had cracked their code and so if they had been sending it we would have figured it out well that and there just weren't any there weren't any records secret or otherwise you know no records were found that i mean i'm sure there were plenty of war plans that we found like oh yeah here's where he ordered rommel to go to north africa instead of the instead of the western front all right that's page three oh well
Starting point is 02:28:24 here's the whole thing about operation barbarossa this is where he gave the order right here and decided to to break his non-aggression pact with stalin now he wanted that oil huh but there's not a page that says anything about the holocaust as we know it and even though we broke their you know secret code we were we were intercepting all of their secret communications. Everything from their little weapons shipments to Japan, their defense strategies around Normandy. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:28:59 It was an interesting read and it was an interesting bit of research to do. I definitely think the Holocaust happened though. I'm glad you got that out. I want to visit Germany someday. Yeah. I watched this one documentary. Could you not? If people thought you were being serious?
Starting point is 02:29:14 Dude, there's this one part where they're interviewing this Catholic bishop or priest or something like that. He's an older white guy, maybe 60 years old, and they ask him about it, and he's like, Oh, I don't believe it happened in the numbers that are suggested. I clearly believe that this, this, and that happened, but six million is just far too much. And then he pauses, and he goes, I hope you're not trying to bait me, because here in Germany, I could be arrested for this. And then at the bottom, text pops up, he was arrested. Sentenced to, it was either a fine or something like that and then later commuted
Starting point is 02:29:46 but then one of the videos there's a whole list of scrolling text of all of the people who have been arrested and the years that they've spent in prison for denying the holocaust how many years was it? some of them was 12 months was that the intro for Taylor's
Starting point is 02:30:03 conspiracy theory right there? how many years have been spent behind bars denying Holocaust? It's hundreds, I would say. Some of them spent six, seven years in prison because of it. That is a long time in prison. Yeah, the Swiss seemed pretty aggressive with their sentences in particular. That's interesting. in particular that's interesting it is odd that you can be imprisoned for like talking about any kind of historical you know event no there's there's plenty of free speech in europe unless
Starting point is 02:30:33 you talk about that subject i've heard this before though like from because i have a fair number of german viewers and uh i've heard this broached up broached before and i actually thought it was kind of an interesting way of doing this. This is like their country's way of being like, we're not going to try to sweep this under the rug or deny this. We're going to teach and educate about this, and this is a requirement of our education to talk about this, and we're not going to allow stuff like this to happen again, so these things are banned,
Starting point is 02:30:58 and you're not allowed to deny this should happen. You can't do this, and it's deliberate on a policy level to make that a thing. Well, it's definitely deliberate. But it's deliberate as a as a poll on a policy level to to make that definitely deliberate but it's in many other countries right you know switzerland it doesn't really you know is it really 15 that's another one of those facts let's look that up that's it used to be 15 at least because i saw the number 15 three different times how many countries in holocaust denial illegal wait did you say i saw the number 15 three times? Therefore, it's a fact. I don't mean that I just saw it randomly displaced in an article.
Starting point is 02:31:28 I mean, it was going to happen. As of 2013, there were 17 countries, and Italy was thinking about joining, according to So yeah, that one's mine. That's the one i came up with i looked at a bunch of conspiracy theories and none of them really grabbed nothing really grabbed me and none were really as controversial as that one right that one that one really breaks people down a line there are people the people who who who think that that that the holocaust did not happen
Starting point is 02:32:03 or over there and the people who know it did are over here and there is no mixing the streams right um but so i liked that one a lot i thought it would be a a good one to do what'd you do taylor well mine has something to do with gas as well, Like it's rare that a story will break and that everyone will be on the same page without fail. Every single time Syria comes up, people on the left, people on the, or rather news sources on the left, news sources on the right, they all are like hinting at the idea that we need to get more involved in Syria. We need to have more troops over there. It's not so much a yes versus no, it's a to what extent conversation of do we need this many or this many? Who knows? But we definitely need a
Starting point is 02:33:10 lot of people over there. And the reason it seems odd is you have to look at the timing and know the context of what's going on over there. So basically in Syria, there's a civil war going on between Assad's forces, the forces of Syria, and the quote-unquote moderate rebels that the U.S. and Israel and Western powers pump up with those brand new Toyotas and guns and pallets of money to allow them the ability to fight back semi-effectively against Assad's pro-army forces. And so this has been going on for a while and these uh quote-unquote moderate rebels which are not moderate at all we call them moderate rebels because it sounds more palatable in the media these are wahhabi uh muslims and those are the actual like wahhabi muslims are the ones that
Starting point is 02:33:55 regular muslims are like no no thank you like they're the extremist you know cut your fingers off shoot you in a line like like basically just an angry dog that can be wielded by a stronger power and turned against the mormons the the mormons sure and every time the civil so the civil war now and for years has been going back and forth but it's always been on this side side for the most part he's winning against these moderate rebels and every time the war starts to turn down uh it happened under Obama, happened under Trump, they're like, oh, there's a gas attack, there's a gas attack. And they go, well, the line has been crossed. We got to send more troops there. We got to lay the hammer down.
Starting point is 02:34:33 And my contention is that the reason that these gas attacks happen at these specific times is because they know that the moderate rebels are losing to Assad. They want to destroy Assad and have a power replacement there. And so they need any excuse at all to get the U.S. or Israeli or any real military's air force, because Al-Qaeda, ISIS, they don't have air forces. They're going to get trounced by real air forces. And so the U.S., these Western powers want to be able to go in, do some real fucking damage to Assad's army, and then back off and let these moderate rebels go in and create havoc and destroy this place. And what people don't know is, you know, Assad is popular with his people. And he's even among, you know, they paint him as this like crazy madman, which Woody and I, on the show, we talked
Starting point is 02:35:16 about it before, you know, oh, this previously rational actor who did things in their self interest. Oh, they're doing this now. He's gassing his own people when he's winning the Civil War. It's just madman. Don't look any further into it, madman. Don't think about it. We got to do this. But every time the tide starts to turn, a gas attack or something like that happens in a totally non-strategic way. And they use that as rationale to funnel more money, more arms, more trucks to these moderate rebels to fight against Assad. In addition to that, you have to think about the context of the war and what Assad would have to gain from these gas attacks. So Assad is winning. What does a guy who's winning, who is popular with his people,
Starting point is 02:35:56 and this most recent gas attack was during an EU inspection. The EU was there to confirm that he didn't have any more gas. And as they were there, they go, gas attack, gas attack. You know, 70 people died over here. Was it a strategic area that he needed to hold? Was it something that there was any incentive whatsoever to do? Was Assad going, man, this civil war is going so well, I'm going to take on the U.S.? Yeah, I'm going to take on the U.S. and Israel, you know, two of the most powerful militaries in the world. I'm going to take them on.
Starting point is 02:36:24 Like, no, there's no incentive for him to do that at all. Even the way that they cover it, you can tell that it's partially BS. You have the white helmets that you hear about, which are really just the PR front-facing arm of Al-Qaeda. They're not the good guys. Those white helmets, there are footage of them cleaning up the wreckage of this gas attack. And you see all these bodies laying out that were apparently just in the process of being killed by gas. Some people are dead. Some people are still twitching.
Starting point is 02:36:51 And they're walking around in their white helmets with T-shirts and shorts on, touching these people, moving them, picking them up. You know what you don't do when there's a gas attack is you don't gallivant in there with your shorts on and start touching things. You don't do that You're gonna die like it's gas isn't like movies where it's like. Oh is that last wisp of smoke out of the air? Okay, I'm fine. No, that's lingering. That's there you walk into that area way later You're gonna be in some serious shit and so these these I think it's false flag of
Starting point is 02:37:23 Western powers namely the US and, who think that it is greatly advantageous to them to destabilize the Middle East and make themselves a stronger presence. And over and over and over and over, you see that it just doesn't add up. It does not make any sense at all for Assad to be doing what he does over there. He is not this, and even then, it's not even pumping up Assad like he's some great dude, but he's way better than those moderate rebels who the people who live in Syria are fucking terrified of. The people in those cities are normal. They're not Wahhabi Muslims. Those Wahhabi Muslims hate those Muslims just as much as they want to kill the Christians. Assad protects the minorities in these cities for the most part. He uses his army to make sure that they can't go in and start slaughtering the minority Christians or the normal Muslims.
Starting point is 02:38:13 So that one really jumped out to me. And the more I read about it, unlike Kyle, I actually do think this makes a lot of sense. I looked at, like, a lot of different news sites, and I started to notice the pattern of no critical analysis. It's a foregone conclusion that it is Assad. A gas attack, it's Assad. How do you know? Because there's footage right here of ISIS soldiers with gas cans that have Turkish lettering on it that they somehow came across. It's clearly fucking these moderate rebels realizing, oh man, we're
Starting point is 02:38:47 losing. And if we give that, quote, red line excuse to the Western powers of US and Israel, then we're going to get more supplies. We're going to have a much better shot at winning this thing. And so it just does not add up one bit, the way that the media covers it and the rationale of Assad to do these atrocities. It's also interesting that Iran is, of course, bordered with Russia, and Assad is allied with Putin. So it just gives us even more reason to knock him out and put our own puppet in, eh? Yeah. Well, from that point of view yes yeah i buy into that i i so so i wouldn't think that the u.s would would have dirty hands in in that but i do i could definitely see us being complicit in it allowing it that's why we fuel the moderate rebels that's's not a conspiracy theory. That's known. Oh, no, we do. Yes, of course. I've seen this graph that shows all of the
Starting point is 02:39:49 groups that are fighting in Syria and how each of them are allied amongst one another. And it's a literal spider web diagram where there are curved lines connecting all of the groups. And this group is opposed to this group and this group is allied with that group and like it's absurd it's so complicated it's almost impossible because the saudis are there as well the saudis are the the saudis have people there there are mercenaries from all around the fucking globe there that are representing a dozen different countries and and groups of countries right it's it's very complicated remember these are the same people who told us there were wmds in iraq confirmed these are the same people who told you oh yeah anthrax that's all coming from iraq that's where it's coming
Starting point is 02:40:36 from they've got like factories and shit there so it's not like there's not a precedent to lay this on you know it's there is a pattern of lying to the people lying and implying and seizing that foregone conclusion thing because if every mainstream media outlet is agreeing that it's assad most people are going to go must be they're not going to look into it and see wait what he's winning this war handily and he gasses his own people but he's still popular with them for the most part like it it doesn't add up like in this most recent one it happened so soon after trump had his like you know speech or whatever where he's like we're getting it out of syria as soon as we can we're getting out of there and then lo and behold you know a little a little gas attack
Starting point is 02:41:18 that doesn't make any tactical sense happens to try and you know make sure that that's not a possibility it just it does not add up it doesn't yeah i'll go sign with that there it is aha i won everybody was afraid to agree with mine that's not fair yeah i don't want to i don't want to Lefty's been sending me swastika emojis this whole time. Well, the difference is I actually do believe mine. I think that it makes a lot of sense. Do you have anything to weigh in on it, Filthy? No. No knowledge of any of the facts of that. That didn't stop me.
Starting point is 02:42:04 Alright. I'm excited for Woody's's woody has a powerpoint for us yeah um by the way this is it's fucking hilarious to me that you did this i love it i love it i kind of cheated because mine's not so much a conspiracy theory as much as a simple observative observable fact um it's a piece of cake to prove. So United flight 93, that's the plane that was shot down in Pennsylvania on 9-11. I'm going to go through that and explain how I know that it was shot down. First, we're going to go through the timeline. What's important to note on slide two here is the times. The World Trade Center went down an hour and 15 minutes before this flight did. There was lots of actionable time.
Starting point is 02:42:47 The second one went down an hour or half an hour before this plane was shot down. There were 30 minutes, 31 minutes before this thing was known to be a problem plane and the time that it was finally shot down. On slide three, George Bush in his memoirs included that he gave the order to shoot down this plane he actually thought that no in his book did he really i've never heard this yeah and it's in his memoirs he says i gave the order to shoot down this plane and i was under the impression for quite some time that it was us who shot down this plane which to me is the cover for changing his story, right? You know, like, ah, it turns out it just crashed on its own. Bullshit. Next slide. The F-16s were there. As I mentioned, 31 minutes had passed. Well, the F-16s were only 10 minutes away from this flight.
Starting point is 02:43:40 At supersonic speeds, it was less than 10 minutes. There was enough time to go there, to try radio contact, to give it a go. There were 21 minutes after the planes arrived to deal with this, to make a decision on whether they shoot it or not. Cleveland air traffic controllers were on the record saying that the F-16s and Flight 93 were there together in the same spot. And then they became forbidden to talk about what was on their radar screens. That's it. They just don't talk about that anymore. It's done. And there are eyewitnesses that see the F-16s right by Flight 93. Next slide. The engines on Flight 93 landed over 2,000 feet
Starting point is 02:44:20 from the crash site of the rest of the plane. That's half a mile. Now, when planes come drilling into the ground, the debris tends to be very localized. It's in one spot. The engines don't go another half a mile away if they hit the ground first. And wait till you see this engine wreckage. Next slide, wreckage. There is a giant hole that this engine created
Starting point is 02:44:42 as it came pummeling into the earth. Next slide. Here's a close-up of the engine buried into the dirt like what is that four feet deep look at this clearly fell from a distance it's it the entire engine is underground it it like burrowed a hole this is not a motor that slid across the ground half a mile and then somehow dug a half foot, a four foot deep hole. That's not how this works. Next slide. They found mail. So flight 93, like a lot of flights had us postage on it. They found this mail 10 miles from the flat, from the crash site, just scattered throughout the
Starting point is 02:45:19 woods everywhere. The official explanation for this mail is that the wind blew it. The wind was going 8 miles an hour that day, which means that these letters would have had to have been airborne for over an hour across the ground through the woods. What kind of horseshit is that, right? That's not what mail does. If you dropped a letter in your front yard with 8 mile an hour wind, it wouldn't stay airborne for the next hour and 15 minutes and find itself 10 miles away. It would drop at your feet. Unless there was a hole blown in the plane from 5,000, 8,000 feet in the sky. And then the mail scattered across a 10-mile crash site. Because that's what letters would do.
Starting point is 02:45:59 Last slide. In summary, the order to shoot this plane down was given by W. The F-16s were in the area with more than enough time to get it done, and the crash site debris is consistent with an air-to-air missile strike. The only other possibility is that the plane broke up in the air due to the passengers attempting to take control, grabbing controls, and then making it do some sort of maneuver. Because the plane definitely has to break up in the air to accomplish all of these things.
Starting point is 02:46:31 So you think the passengers flew the plane in such a way that the engine flew off? I don't know much about planes. But it sounds like the plane broke up in the air due to something. It definitely did. I choose to believe Woody. It's hard to go with any other conclusion on this. You know, the crash site is consistent with an air-to-air missile strike. Did they know if the Flight 93 passengers ever made it into the cockpit or did anything like that?
Starting point is 02:47:04 That's just totally unknown now. Because I know they had some, they recovered some calls. Well, not in the film. Yeah, there was more stuff I didn't include in here. The passengers did make a run, but they don't know that the passengers actually got in the cockpit. They also have a guy who was on the phone in the bathroom when the missile struck the plane. And he's describing the bang he heard. And, you know, they just, they don't really lay that out there. Wait, what was that? when the missile struck the plane. And he's describing the bang he heard.
Starting point is 02:47:27 And, you know, they don't really lay that out there. Wait, what was that? So there was a guy hiding in a bathroom because terrorists had taken over the plane. And while he's there talking to somebody on the phone, the missile strikes the plane, and you can hear the bang. And he's like, I don't know what that was. And then it goes down. Do you think there's a possibility that the terrorists had a bomb with them which it does seem kind of redundant because they were using the plane as the
Starting point is 02:47:50 bomb yeah why would okay so maybe the maybe when the passengers maybe the passengers were imminently taking control of the plane it was it was happening and then they set off an explosive device that could also be an explanation, I suppose. Yeah, although it just... What is it, Occam's Razor, where the most reasonable solution is the one that... The simplest, yes. I don't see why terrorists would bring a bomb when they're trying to use the plane as a missile.
Starting point is 02:48:18 Last resort, potentially, but I agree with you. Your explanation is the most likely. And that alternative explanation is much trickier to slip past TSA than just some box cutters. Sure, yeah. I think that it was shot down. I agree with you. I've always thought that, honestly, but based solely on the debris field, it was so scattered. You don't have to be an expert to like
Starting point is 02:48:45 understand that if a plane hits the ground then it's all right there where it hits the ground not the engine doesn't burrow itself in the ground a half mile from the site unless that engine came apart in the air yeah it has to break up midair and and i don't recall what kind of planes that they were but have you ever seen the footage of that pilot flying maybe i think it was a 747 and he does a fucking um what do you call it like like a loop a bear not a barrel roll he goes like he does like a a loop de loop like like yeah let me find it but but like now that i i picture that i'm like no it doesn't matter what the fucking they did up there you can't make that plane break you can't fly it bad enough to break it.
Starting point is 02:49:26 Yeah, don't take this right too hard. We might just come apart. I don't think that... That's maybe how Ryanair works, but not United 93. Spirit Airlines. Yeah. Yeah, that's really interesting.
Starting point is 02:49:40 I can't believe I'd never looked into Flight 93 at all. I've never even seen the film. It would be funny in the film if somebody edited in like a fighter jet, like in the corner that nobody saw. And that just like then sunk back. Like, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:49:53 Stuff about like air traffic, air traffic control, not being allowed to talk about what they saw on their radar. What's that about? That always inches me a bit towards the conspiratorial side is when people are instructed that they can't talk about it you know where it's like hey you can't talk about uh what happened there and what you saw on your screen we're not trying to hide anything but you can't talk about it and the explanation would probably be like oh there was probably some like you know classified high-tech
Starting point is 02:50:21 shit it's like no do you think every other day they were like yeah fellow you know air traffic controllers of cleveland remember to zip it up before you hit the bars tonight like no they there's nothing they're just organizing traffic in the air it's not a conspiracy you know heavy job i wouldn't think filthy you look like you might have something to say yeah um i'm just kind of curious for each of you like having done this even with the intent of coming into this as research in a conspiracy theory have have any of your views shifted at all from this like not necessarily i agree with this or is it more likely now having done this for you guys are you like a little bit swayed have you moved a little bit from the far one side to like a little bit more neutral like i guess i cheated a little bit because the asad thing like i was
Starting point is 02:51:06 already questioning and like not sold on at all and then just spending some time looking into it i'm like holy shit this is beyond the pale ridiculous the holocaust thing i feel like there are a lot of things in there that are going to turn out incorrect if you do a little deeper delve into it but you know i don't don't know. I can't even remember all the factoids, which is probably a very good rhetorical tactic to just gallop past people with a lot of I can copy-paste that shit.
Starting point is 02:51:33 Confirmed by the Duttenheimen School of 1952 and all that shit. Woody's, I'd never considered before in my life. I've never considered this, never looked into it. Woody's points seem pretty salient to me. I,
Starting point is 02:51:48 same thing happened to me. Like, so like Taylor, I went into mine thinking that this could have been, I've always had suspicions about that one. And, uh, and then when I just look into it deeper and deeper,
Starting point is 02:51:58 the explanations don't pass Occam's razor. Like the conspiracy does, um, Taylor's, I buy into that completely, and I'm kind of inclined to buy into this idea that, you know, this world, that they lie to us when they tell us, this world leader who's been running a country,
Starting point is 02:52:14 which is a pretty complicated task, is a complete madman who just occasionally goes off the rocker. You mean like they did Hitler? Oh, like Saddam Husseinsein just the same kind of guy another thing what you probably didn't know about assad he's been leader there for a long time and it was either 2002 or 2004 that he put forward to the rest of the middle eastern nations hey let's all get rid of any kind of nuclear weapons or any kind of nuclear uh weapon development any kind of enriched uranium let's all get rid of any chemical weapons and move on from here and most of the nations agreed except for a couple and i think it was
Starting point is 02:52:50 like iran and uh or maybe it was saudi arabia winning the race it was saudi arabia and israel i think who were like no we're not doing that and so by saying no like all the other nations like all right well i guess we got to keep enriching this shit like we can't be the ones without it yeah i feel like syria though was it not that this this doesn't debunk the idea that he's a lot more sane than than people give him credit for but it's like me aaron foster and usain bolt in a foot race and i say you know what let's stop racing yeah oh no i i totally agree with you like it's much easier to go hey everybody let's just call it off from the back. And also, that wasn't the point of that example.
Starting point is 02:53:29 It was just to show this wasn't some guy in 2004 who was like, ooh, I'm going to throw a little gas over there today. And all the people are like, oh, my God, he's terrible. Are you going to vote for him? Well, yeah. And even Kyle's, which you're not supposed to believe. It did make me question the numbers. Heck, we did some Google searching, and we learned that the numbers have changed here and there.
Starting point is 02:53:54 And I just wonder, like, huh, has it been? Yeah, they find a few million here and there. It's not, yeah, a few million bodies. You lose them in the mix. Yeah, it's like, it comes, it just illustrates two things so like clearly to me like the you know like what's the harm of fake news and then also like uh and then the second one of just how difficult it is to prove something yeah like
Starting point is 02:54:15 it's so easy to like just pull apart like the ways in which well that doesn't quite make sense or it doesn't pass like oakum's razor here arkham's laser here or or uh you know whatever else like it's so easy to like pick those apart even when it's so clearly something that happens that's true but there's also the reverse side of that coin where it's so easy for like this asad thing as an example to be intellectually complacent and just yeah be spoon-fed and be like ha abc and c CNN and Fox tell me that it's true what are you some idiot some idiot
Starting point is 02:54:49 there's a term for it it's definitely a middle ground there it's like the bullshit asymmetry something the bullshit asymmetry theorem that's cool I've never heard that it goes like this the amount of energy needed to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than it is to produce it.
Starting point is 02:55:06 Yeah. And Filthy's been making reference to that. I'm counting on it. Yeah, you know, it takes so much research. That would actually help explain both sides of the conspiratorial coin, in a way, where, you know, a conspiracy they put forward, and they're like, oh, that's so obvious,
Starting point is 02:55:23 just a bunch of, you know, Flight 93 went down because there was an angry Muslim on it. You know, why would you question that? Well, well, I can't disprove that. Yeah. Oh, it went down because these planes shot it because they thought it as a domestic threat. You know, it's something that nobody's happy about, but it was done to save more lives potentially. You know, like that, like both sides of those, you could apply that. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:55:43 Oh, by the way whatever you would call it just to toss it out i've always kind of believed this but i've never thought that our government was bad for making that choice of course not no they may have saved lives probably saved lives with it if that's what they did something i want to get out there before i forget i want i hopefully you guys like the conspiracy theory shit because this was fun i liked hearing you guys i really enjoyed that i brought a couple um but uh they're definitely way sillier than the other ones um which one was the most convincing to you oh which one of these was oh do you have one filthy i didn't no no no i wanted filthy to answer the question i was sure um i guess the one the less i know about it the more easy it is to be
Starting point is 02:56:23 convinced by arguments that i don't have the time, resources or interest in actually going to look up. So like the one that was least convincing was Kyle's and I actually thought he did an excellent job presenting it. But it was the least convincing to me because it's like so clear that it's bullshit. Right. From so many other sources I have to be to be like, this is bullshit. The ones I know less about, which are both of those, especially Woody's's because woody's like for me like i know very little about taylor's but like the rationale i could see for woody's argument is a without any other reference points of facts is a convincing rationale to some degree so like yeah so i feel like i just won something and he had a powerpoint presentation i'm honestly disappointed, Phil.
Starting point is 02:57:05 I thought you were going to pick me. I thought he might, yeah. I want the fans' opinion. Who do you think did the best at presenting? I think Woody did an excellent job, but he had materials there. That goes a long way with me when you've got visuals, right? And which one perhaps swayed you off of your original starting point on said issue. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:57:29 And if you guys have more info on any of these, post them in the subreddit. I don't know why I had to say that. Well, no. If they've got debunking info, we're like, hey, Taylor, your Assad take is half-assed, retarded, and here's why. And I think it would just be fair if your moderators fact-checked everything that came through there, right? They should. It's just a state of practice on the show they should have checked all this stuff for a couple minutes of their free time all right so the the other two that i brought
Starting point is 02:57:53 i brought uh the denver international airport which many people believe is a uh not yeah a conspiracy where it's uh not actually just an airport there are large structures underneath it there's a lot of stuff going on in illuminati hub um and then i brought that uh getting women the right to vote was a long uh a long con by elites in order to disrupt the nuclear family i could do either one of those i told you they were lighter i prefer the uh i prefer the denver airport because i've watched like some 20 minute youtube videos about that it is fascinating uh and um every time i've ever been in the denver airport i like uh i tried to be observant and see
Starting point is 02:58:38 some of the things i had learned in the videos and uh they you know i'm sure you're going to cover this but it's it's way overbuilt um yeah it's it's it's it i find that one very interesting yeah yeah it's super interesting did you have a vote on that one i've never heard either of these so i've never heard either of these as conspiracy theories so no either would be great okay so i'll do the denver airport one then so uh have i know kyle has because i you picked me up there once. Have you flown through the Denver airport, Philby? I don't remember. Probably. Denver, Colorado.
Starting point is 02:59:08 Yeah, yeah. So the Denver airport was made in 1995. And Denver already had a functional airport. It worked just fine. But they spent billions and billions. I'm doing the Denver airport conspiracy now, Woody. Thank you. I'm doing the Denver Airport conspiracy now, Woody.
Starting point is 02:59:23 Thank you. So the airport itself is insane, insanely big. It is 33,531 acres, 52.4 square miles, and its longest runway is 16,000 feet. It puts other airports to fucking shame with how big it is and how much space it takes up before it was constructed there were a lot of fully finished buildings five of them that they had on that area and they they buried them all underground and they they just left them there they left them all under there they said that they weren't built correctly, and so they put them underneath the structure, is what their explanation was.
Starting point is 03:00:10 And these were five fully formed, like a network, that was underneath where the airport is. Keep in mind, this is an enormous airport. It's literally the biggest space under an airport in the country by a lot. This is one thing that, you know, I'm just setting the stage for what made people kind of conspicuous of this whole thing. This was featured on 2010's version of Jesse Ventura's hit show, Conspiracy, and he confirms everything I'm about to say.
Starting point is 03:00:38 Do you guys know what Freemasons are? Yes. I could use an explanation. freemasons are yes i could use an explanation it's basically like an elite group that a lot of people contend uh kind of like the illuminati where they have yeah i mean it's kind of lumped into that same mythology or you know founding fathers were these people yeah founding fathers they have a disproportionate amount of power they can exert their influence not necessarily directly they're like a deep state quote unquote where they can manipulate powers that be in order to get their way but they are staying in the shadows is what people would assume and so the freemasonry has a huge part at that airport the capstone of the airport has the uh compass and uh sextant or whatever the fuck that thing is a compass and
Starting point is 03:01:26 uh something else sorry uh did i write it down i did not well it's got the freemason insignia on the capstone there and it was sealed the capstone was sealed uh on march 19th 1994 before it was opened and on it it says to the people of colorado in 2094 oh a square and compass freemason symbol that's what it was and underneath that are two grandmasters listed of the freemasons it also says uh a list and it has new world airport commission and people don't know what that is but it says has the freemason symbol it's the capstone of the building, it's got two of the Grandmasters listed, and it's got New World Airport Commission.
Starting point is 03:02:10 If you don't know, New World Order is the thing that they always say those people are building. They're building a New World Order where they're going to sit behind the shadows and conduct us like puppets. That kind of turned people off. The next thing were the statues. So if you've ever been inside the Denver airport, you'll know that the aesthetics of it are fucking weird yep this is something that i noticed before i knew this was
Starting point is 03:02:28 a conspiracy where i'm like i've never been in an airport getting my bags where there are gargoyles staring down at me all over the place it is it's a fucking strange aesthetic there and so there are gargoyles all over the place on the uh in the airport which is a masonic symbol i guess uh they have a 30 foot horse out front that's blue has glowing red eyes and they call it blucifer because they think it's a demon horse they use that you know the the um i saw it the freemasons do the whole four horsemen of the Apocalypse thing. And so they're like a poem or some shit under there. They think that that was a hint at that. People say it's cursed.
Starting point is 03:03:10 And there have been reports of people having panic attacks and like passing out nearby the horse. And the horse itself was commissioned by an artist. Filthy, I'm presenting this. How dare you snicker? This is serious shit, man. I'll zip it up. Do you think I would joke about a magic horse out front of the Denver airport?
Starting point is 03:03:31 If you do, you don't even know me. But shut up. So this 32-foot horse, as it was being commissioned and sculpted, it actually killed its creator. The head slipped off, gashed opened his femoral artery and he bled out all over the head of this horse that is now sitting out front of the denver international or was he sacrificed you're reading my mind there's also the problem of the murals in uh so a lot of airports will have that aesthetic you know hey come look at uh atlanta we've got a you know neat stuff and like pictures of that this is just
Starting point is 03:04:14 a big mural you know multiple murals telling like a story and the story is not very normal for what you would consider in an airport where you normally see like birds or like you know a nature scene it's showing like predictions where you know you got uh they say it's about the germans taking over again because the first one is a guy who looks very nazi-esque in a gas mask and there are people struggling and everything. He's clearly being assertive. He's going to take shit down.
Starting point is 03:04:50 There's another one where there is a Boy Scout who is clearly representing the US, handing his weapon to a Bavarian child, clearly symbolizing Germany. Not a peace agreement, but handing the weapon to the German. People do not like that. There's another one of a devil jumping out of a suitcase. There's one, it's either a statue or a mural. There's a mural of Anubis, the Egyptian god of death. There's one of children gathered around a knife. there's kids in front of a burning building there's yeah those are all and then america submitting to germany by giving weapons to the bavarian kid and another thing
Starting point is 03:05:37 they mention flipping my page there is that uh the runways look like a swastika if you zoom out and look at it. You know, you got a nice looking swastika shape there. And at first I thought, well, of course there wouldn't be curbs in a runway. You're setting planes off. And I thought, no, no, no, that makes too much sense. And so they're all straight. They look like swastikas. The other thing I mentioned early on, if you recall, are the underground bunkers that people assert are under this thing. And it's not even an assertion. It's known that there are bunkers under there.
Starting point is 03:06:09 When there was some missile threat from North Korea during Obama's administration, he was mysteriously flown to Denver, oddly enough. It's odd that he would go to Denver. People speculate or postulate that this might be a place to house undesirables in some sort of apocalyptic scenario where no one would know. Or they say that part of it might be to keep the elite safe in the event that something were to happen that was calamitous. Full spectrum, really, for these. Full spectrum. They're multipurpose rooms down there.
Starting point is 03:06:42 The five buildings were completed and buried intact, totally functional down there. There's also the 2007 incident that people believe that there is something electromagnetic happening underneath that building in one of those finished buildings. Because 14 windshields on planes spontaneously broke on the same date at the same time in 2007, and it set the whole airport back, and there was no explanation for it given. There's also the 2012 Aztec apocalyptic insignia above a couple of the murals. On one of the little statues they have there. They have AUAG on it, which are chemical symbols, and they believe that that could be kind of a hint.
Starting point is 03:07:33 You know, it's gold and silver, but they say that it could be a hint towards Australia antigen toxin, which is a weapon of choice for the Illuminati. So it could be a hint. Yes. Yes, you act like I went to one site and read all this. And then the Queen of England is also buying up properties
Starting point is 03:07:53 surrounding this very airport. So I put you this, gentlemen. Is it more likely that an architect or a team of architects made a building too big and an artist with a bad sense of style was conscripted to decorate it? Or is it more likely that covert Germans working out of Argentina built the Denver airport to make sure that there would be a place to hide when it all goes tits up. Option number two, I guess.
Starting point is 03:08:29 I'm stunned. Compared to these other presentations, I mean, I thought a lot of these other presentations, I thought they were very well done. But this one, this one I think takes the cake for me. There's almost no way to refute this. Like nothing is even able to be challenged. It's so clearly laid out step by step taylor you don't know this but while you were talking i put on the big screen all the different
Starting point is 03:08:49 murals that you're describing yeah they're seriously fucked they're not good murals for an airport that much is fair but like there are car girls looking at your airport right like i've been to jfk and la guardia i've been to lax i've been vegas. I've been to LAX. I've been to Vegas and Denver and Atlanta. No Nazis. They often have motifs, right? If you're in the Southwest, they often have a lot of Native American stuff and fucking Adobe-looking shit. You go up north and there's all kinds of aviation stuff. That's bizarre.
Starting point is 03:09:23 No other airport has that like here in atlanta we've got you know sometimes it's a bit like it's like a local museum a little bit of local history and flavor sometimes it's it's aeronautic history specifically you know that makes sense and i could just well i mean the illuminati or the freemasons whoever it is who are behind this i mean clearly had the same thought they wanted a little bit of their local culture portrayed in the airport i mean they were that was what they weren't willing to compromise on sure i mean the shadow government the hidden secret like puppet strings they're pulling but not here not giving up the tradition of the airport reflecting the local culture that was not something they were willing to hide not something that's an american
Starting point is 03:10:01 value so deep that they're going to compromise it'd be a bunch of john denver shit in there or something right like like what the fuck is that uh this one that i don't think john denver's from denver no but he sings the song that's all i care about this this uh the one that i linked here which ignore the info wars uh banner in the bottom left that's clearly like an evil stormtrooper with a machine gun and a sword stabbing a white dove the symbol of peace and killing a symbol around perpetual in the background there are perpetual women holding dead babies and rubble yeah it. It's like the god of death, or the god of war, is what it looks like,
Starting point is 03:10:48 perpetuated. That guy looks like a Nazi to me. Yeah, a bit. Yeah, yeah. A soldier for sure. Like he's war, if anything. Kyle, do you know that gun? Is that a gun that you can identify?
Starting point is 03:11:02 It's made to look like an AK-47. Okay. Yeah, it was... I've never given it any thought, and I looked into it, and it was very weird. But it's just... I mean, first of all, this is stone-cold retarded. If you actually...
Starting point is 03:11:18 You've got to be stone-cold retarded to believe in a conspiracy like this. But also, and guess what? When I was reading about it, all it took was like five seconds to to undo everything that i just claimed i just didn't want to start with any of that it was like well they were trying a new baggage system to expedite people's travel and it didn't end up working so now it's abandoned they have a traditional baggage system it's like oh no no i don't think so lady i think that there are electromagnetic
Starting point is 03:11:46 pulses you know and then those uh 14 aircraft uh they were inspected by engineers or whoever you know aeronautical engineers whoever would do it i don't know and they were like yeah this is clearly caused by you know uh rubble or something smashing into it you know there were very high winds on that show me the pig man what's undeniable though is someone has a bad sense of art yeah all this like the gargoyles the murals that big scary blue horse with the with the the fiery eyes these are arguably the worst aesthetic choices for an airport like you're are you trying to put people on edge but anything like that brings tourism right like doesn't this type of shit like is this something that people are going to come and view like this
Starting point is 03:12:28 is hype for this it's an airport for tourism yeah agreed agreed but here we are i'm going to denver where are you staying nah not this guy not this guy i'm gonna take a quick peek, a couple of pics with me and the Nazi, and then I'm back home. Staying. Next week, I'm visiting LaGuardia. I've flown through this airport, but only as a kid. I don't remember any of this, but now I want to go back. I'm going to buy a $9 beer in every airport across the state. I looked at the swastika and showed it to everyone, too. I went to Google Maps and showed them.
Starting point is 03:13:02 And it does kind of look like a swastika. I see it. But as someone like who, whatever, the little flying I do, you want to take off and land into the wind. And that's why they have like crosses kind of, you know, so that regardless of the wind direction, you can probably go pretty much into it.
Starting point is 03:13:21 Yeah, the swastika thing was the silliest part arguably because it was like what would you think a runway would look like like a bunch of straight lines going outward like the sun like a curve here or there like it's gonna be if there is a shape that shows up at an airport arguably the swastika is the most logical one right nobody's making like a yin yang peace sign airport it's just hilarious to me that like part of this is so presumably this is they're so either secure in this or so necessary that the the conspirators are are flagging this they put our money man that's how they work right like the idea of like keeping something secret but you're being as blatant as you can is such a bizarre juxtaposition of like how you think about
Starting point is 03:14:08 that like you're trying to hide something well i'm going to put symbols that reveal this all over the fucking place seems really you know it's so funny that you fix them yeah it seems like you'd be like teasing it you know like you would have to be the most ballsy motherfucker to be like yeah we're building it we're building it in denver where they already have an airport that's fine and guess what it's going to be the biggest one out there and guess what we're putting fucked up murals and gargoyles in it why because they'll never suspect a creepy airport of actually being creepy right yeah yeah that it is that was an interesting one like a lot like clearly it's retarded but it's interesting the stuff people read into this and the fervor that some people
Starting point is 03:14:53 will express on something as minute as whether or not the denver airport has buildings underneath it like who could possibly well i ask who could possibly care we're talking about it right now yeah yeah that horse does not make me want to fly that horse is amazing it's cool outside of like a rock climbing or a paintball course but it shouldn't be at the airport it should be inside my first flight what's that it belongs in a laser tag arena yeah it really that's the kind of thing or on like uh double dare 2000 something like that is where that belongs do they like dress up like any of the flights that fly out of there like sometimes like you know the stewardesses or whatever and they're they're like running around in like the fucking horse costume like that's like they do it all like kids you need to buckle
Starting point is 03:15:40 your seatbelts or the horse from hell takes you down you know like i want to see like i would love to see like they should have art from that. And probably local artists will probably be inspired by this, of like the horse pulling down planes or something. Like just like, this is such a great, I just love that image. Like the image is incredible. It is a very cool, aesthetically pleasing statue in the context of the statue itself, not of like outside an airport.
Starting point is 03:16:01 Yeah, it's both totally bizarre. Like this is clearly what some of the hype of this is about is how bizarre this is to have at this type of thing. Airports are dull and uneventful and safe and comforting. Why is there a fucking glowing red devil horse in front of this one? Why is there a picture of kids holding weapons, standing by a burning building,
Starting point is 03:16:23 holding a knife or whatever? I don't know. That doesn't seem to go very well with wetzels pretzels i was curious you said it was the biggest airport um it is by land that's the yeah that's the conspiracy part is that they bought way more land than was needed for it yeah it's the sixth busiest by people yeah like atlanta's the busiest i think i think atlanta is number one but it's not nearly as big as denver as far as area uh yeah you're right about atlanta being the busiest in terms of people it my site doesn't have land on it oh okay well i'm gonna need a source on that all right yeah tell us if you guys want this conspiracy shit to be a recurring bit, because I think it's entertaining and engaging and interesting to hear the things people believe, especially
Starting point is 03:17:11 the sillier ones like this. Kind of like the opposite of like a Mythbusters or something. It's really like, really embrace the conspiracy. Yeah, right? Embrace the conspiracy. When you're talking about it, you have to believe it. I fucked up there in the middle when when you jumped in but but i tried yeah that what are what are some other really silly conspiracy theories or flat earth yeah flat earth that's almost like oh i'm too overdone
Starting point is 03:17:39 q i'm finding to be a little now i don't fully know it but that ties in with the comet pizza and the raping and the Hillary having an ankle bracelet or something. Are you familiar with the Q? Uh-uh. I don't hear it a lot. You guys broke up for me. Can you say that again, Felpy? I said no. I don't really. Oh, it's a fairly
Starting point is 03:17:59 new one. So I think it started on 9chan. I might have that wrong. I can't keep my chan straight. I mean, I could have it wrong. It could be 8chan, but I thought that's... I don't know if there even is a 9chan. Anyway, something to do with Q believes that the Democrats are running this conspiracy. I think the Comet Pizza thing comes in. I think they have an ankle bracelet on the Clintons and someone else so they can lock them up or track them. 17 is a key word for them. And Q, I guess, is the 17th letter
Starting point is 03:18:33 of the alphabet. I didn't even fact check that, but it seems about right. And Trump changed his 14 angry Democrats thing that he's been saying for a couple weeks. He upped it to 17 angry Democrats. And some people think that's a nod to the Qs. If you look at the Trump rally, people are holding up papers and stuff that just say Q on it. They have t-shirts that just say Q on it. It might be getting more attention than the size of it. But it's a conspiracy theory that's definitely on the rise.
Starting point is 03:19:04 I haven't even heard about that like all like the the pedophile ring conspiracy theories i've heard which you shouldn't even call pedophile rings a conspiracy because there have been busted and confirmed enormous pedophile rings all around the globe all over the place so when people use like the the fact that there wasn't one running out of a pizza place as like a carte blanche wiping away of that it bothers me like no these conspiracies do happen folks like the pedophile rings do but every time i've heard about it it's not like a democrat or republican thing it's like an elite tippity top kind of people like a mix of all the powerful were involved in this kind of shit you know is this a different like this is now this one is a little different yeah it's partisan they're scarily popular pro-Trump conspiracy theory.
Starting point is 03:19:47 And they refer to themselves as the storm. They say we are Q. You can see them wearing their Q stuff at the rallies. And they believe that Donald Trump is in complete control of everything. I'm just looking at it here. I'm coming up to speed. They think he... Wait, it's a pro-Trump thing, but they think he's kind of in charge of this?
Starting point is 03:20:13 Yeah, they believe they have total faith in Trump. Oh, okay. I misunderstood. Let's see. I'm just scanning through this for some of the better ones. They say that the Hillary Rodham Clinton extradition is already in motion. Effective yesterday with several countries in case of a border run. Passports approved to be flagged.
Starting point is 03:20:39 Effective October 30th. Expect massive riots organized in defiance. U.S. military. they've got Some real anti this one Didn't come true because it was October Um anyway yeah I think you'll hear more about Q I suspect Like a lot of 4chan stuff like
Starting point is 03:20:58 It started as a spoof or A goof and then some people Jumped on because they're dumb yeah Like the Hitler did nothing wrong Uh flavor of Mountain Dew spoof or a goof and then some people jumped on because they're dumb yeah like the hitler did nothing wrong uh flavor of mountain dew which is which is undoubtedly the funniest internet prank that i've ever seen like i'm sure there's more i'm just not like are you familiar with that filthy uh-uh so uh years ago mountain dew was like name your do come on our site and vote for the name of the do you want next and
Starting point is 03:21:26 we'll make your do your do idea could be the next mountain do you know nationwide and so 4chan was like bombed the shit out of it and made it so that by a factor of like a hundred the top voted flavor choice was hitler did nothing wrong mountain do and so they had to kibosh the entire promotion because a bunch of assholes went in and ruined it and i i loved that it was funny seeing their little thing backfire where they're like somebody's gonna come up with something crazy like you know mango madness it's like nope nope they they came up with Hitler did nothing wrong and now you have to remove it from your site and cancel the promotion this is funny so a bit of a topic change
Starting point is 03:22:12 I wanted to see if you want we were on different sides of this woody perhaps we could lay a small wager big fight this weekend, big UFC real quick before this we've got to get one final ah yes, let me do an advertisement. Got a new
Starting point is 03:22:28 advertisement here. This episode of PK is brought to you by Monster Energy's delicious new espresso drink. When you need an extra burst of energy, but don't have time to wait in line, grab Espresso Monster. Espresso Monster is a premium blend of smooth espresso and cream.
Starting point is 03:22:44 Packaged in an 8.4 ounce can, it's just the right size and perfect for when you're on the go. Each can has three shots of espresso blended with European milk, just the way the Italians do it. And at 150 to 160 milligrams of caffeine per can, it's sure to give you the energy you need to conquer the day. Espresso Monster has two delicious flavors to choose from, espresso and cream, and vanilla espresso. Produced in Denmark and in the Netherlands, Espresso Monster is made with freshly brewed espresso coffee, hormone-free milk, and a unique energy blend that's complete with taurine and B vitamins.
Starting point is 03:23:22 Close your eyes and take a sip, and enjoy Espresso Monster today. That sounds like a good way to start your day. Smooth! Or when I drink stuff like that when I'm driving and need to stay awake, which I'll be doing tomorrow. Yeah, I prefer those to other energy drinks that, I don't know, are different.
Starting point is 03:23:45 I like the ones that have coffee as their energy supplier. So definitely into that. Sounds delicious. Really big UFC event coming up this weekend. To me, for my money, it's a bigger event than the... I'm sorry. I thought you were going to say who was going to win.
Starting point is 03:24:00 I would like to hear before you tell us who you think will win, who you want to win. Sometimes they're not the same. It is the same for me. I think that if Cody Garbrandt and TJ Dillashaw fight 10 times, they each win 4-5 or 4-6. It gets split pretty evenly if they fight. TJ won the last one. I felt like Cody almost won the last one in that first round.
Starting point is 03:24:26 It was so, so close. And these guys trained together when they were on the same team or worked out of the same gym or whatever you want to call it. And they just know each other so very well. It's such a personal thing for both of them. If the coin's being flipped, last time it was Dillashaw. This time I think it's Garbrandt I'm a big Garbrandt fan I like him I like his look I like his attitude uh I love his
Starting point is 03:24:53 hand speed it's very entertaining uh to watch and if I have to pick out a negative on TJ Dillashaw um he doesn't look natural to me he doesn't pass the eye test for me. He's just so ripped and muscular. And not just ripped and muscular, but his core seems like it comes out more than it should. All of that comes together for me to say. The nipples get me. I didn't notice the nipples, but I know that that's a thing. Woody and I know someone who's on steroids,
Starting point is 03:25:22 and they have a pointy nipple situation going on themselves so yeah my money is on Cody Garbrandt I want Cody Garbrandt to win and that's where I am now the other fight of course and I'd love to hear your opinions on all this Demetrius Johnson of course
Starting point is 03:25:40 is going to defend his title once again against what's his name Ray Sahuda thanks yeah the gold medalist course uh he's going to defend his title once again against uh what's his name ray sahuda henry i think thanks yeah the gold medalist shorter stockier guy and that's saying something when you're comparing them demetrius johnson who's like fucking five three or some shit uh i'm gonna go with i'm gonna go with the upset on this one i know right like i i was giving? I'm sorry. Did I jump in too soon? All ears.
Starting point is 03:26:07 That's where I am. So I'm going to say TJ wins. And like you, they seem super close. If people don't know the TJ Dillashaw versus Cody Garbrandt, TJ got saved by the bell in the first round. Cody had him knocked out. He was ready to pounce. It's called
Starting point is 03:26:23 shark in the water when you just go and you see the blood and and and finish the fight had that round been 15 seconds longer Cody would have won that fight and I see it and somehow in my head that registers as Cody should have won or Cody did win but the rules saved TJ like that's how I view it but that's not what really happened they both knew the rules sometimes fighters take chances in the last 15 seconds knowing there's a bell there right that that's a it maybe if that round was a minute longer TJ wouldn't have done whatever you know led to it I don't know but the thing is most rematches the same person wins and for that reason alone I'm gonna pick TJ as far as want to win ah there's a narrative
Starting point is 03:27:06 that's hard so tj is the bad guy right tj is the obvious steroid user for some reason tj changing camps was this huge betrayal everyone else in the ufc is allowed to change camps but not tj he's an asshole for doing what everyone else does um but it's the narrative it's out there and tj is the bad guy. The thing is, when they went on The Ultimate Fighter, Cody Garbrandt was the biggest fucking asshole to have ever farted. He was such a dick to this guy.
Starting point is 03:27:35 He bullied him. He bullied... I think I'm saying it wrong. Cody bullied TJ. Constantly. Cody was bullied. He always had numbers. He only had a couple guys who had his back
Starting point is 03:27:45 and he's pushing TJ around grabbing him by the neck and you know just like choking him and just like like seeming to want to fight every day when they're there to coach you know the the prospects and suddenly the bad guy came off like the victim and the one that you want to win it was beautiful to see this bully finally get his comeuppance and now we're left with the who do you root for like the steroid user camp switcher or the bully the guy with a cancer kid i haven't seen you bring that cancer kid out i don't think he brought him out last time and he lost so he better bring that cancer kid out this time for those who don't know cardi cody Garbrandt has this close personal relationship
Starting point is 03:28:26 with this Make-A-Wish kid who, look, if you're a Make-A-Wish kid and you make it out to eight UFC events, I'm going to start questioning what the fuck's going on. First of all, the fact that you have the energy to make it out to this thing, a little odd, but then when eight years have passed and you're still showing up, putting Cody's belt on, why are you still alive? What's the theory called?
Starting point is 03:28:53 It's called That Kid Ain't Sick. I'm looking him up because I'm seeing if he's still around. Maybe steroids on him too? What if he's dead? How bad would we feel? That's what I'm checking. Well, he was alive in may so yeah fuck off cancer kid you're not sick at all are you it says he's a cancer survivor in
Starting point is 03:29:15 these articles which is the thing people do sometimes but uh i do hear you it seems like cody there's a lot of arguments you can make that has him as being the good guy. But, man, he was a bully to TJ for months while they did this The Ultimate Fighter thing. Maybe promotion, though, right? You know, trying to get some ticket sales, right? Did you see it, too? Or are you going off of what I said? I've seen clips of it. I've definitely seen the altercations.
Starting point is 03:29:38 Conor McGregor was there in one of them. I've seen a lot of the altercations. And I agree. He came off as a bad guy in some of them. But, you know, the thing is thing is, it's a show. So to some extent, I know there actually is bad blood, but I'm sure there's some playing that up at the same time. So I don't hold it against him. Right now, he's getting a lot of flack because of some old tweets that he had. Cody Garbrandt, this is. He had some old tweets from when he was literally
Starting point is 03:30:06 a teenager, it seems, where he used the word nigga. N-I-G-G-A. Saying to people, oh yeah, you're my nigga. That nigga this, or this nigga that. Stuff like that. None of it was
Starting point is 03:30:21 aggressive. Those are not bullets I'll be using to dislike Cody. I just said dislike Cody because he bullied TJ, I thought. Certainly. I thought he wasn't a very good sportsman. So I'm going to root for TJ, and I'm going to predict TJ. I see how close the first fight was, but Thug Rose had a close fight too,
Starting point is 03:30:38 and she had a close second fight. Yeah. Well, the first fight wasn't nearly as close as the second one oh you're right she knocked her out i'm crazy yeah beat the shit out of her joanna isn't i'm i'm done with joanna she she still won't like she she's like no i'm still the best i'm still the best it's like you realize you've gotten your ass beaten twice by her now once in like devastating fashion and the other in like a five round grind match where she just where she like she's bested you in both ways that someone gets bested in this sport
Starting point is 03:31:10 like she knocked you the fuck out in round one may have been round two i watched it but i don't recall she she beat you down in like spectacular fashion and she ground grant grinded you out for the long haul like you couldn't beat her and it there's no scenario in which you beat her she's just better than you stop acting like you're still the champ you know like and i like the way you said it too because like um conor mcgregor beat jose aldo in 13 seconds right there's two ways to look at that one oh my gosh such complete utter dominance 13 seconds anyone the, oh, they barely did it. We didn't get a chance to see it play out.
Starting point is 03:31:50 Someone just had a great hit early on. But then the thing, and we could go on Connor forever. I'm sure you probably saw Chael talking about, he's made a couple of videos now where he where the title of them is how just how good is connor mcgregor and he really breaks it down for like 15 or 20 minutes about all of connor's opponents and uh and it's it i really enjoy it does great yeah he he laid out connor's easy road to the title people like max holloway dustin poirier uh chad mendez like yeah this is easy oh yeah they spoon fed max holloway it was it was really easy huh no that
Starting point is 03:32:34 went the distance and he won the decision against him you know like like yeah you know i the man's incredible i i like connor in the habib fight because I think that he, you know, based both on my own observations and, of course, when you get the reinforcement of someone like Chael being like, look, look at how Habib comes forward with his chin up and his hands down, you know? Look how he got tuned. He's going to do that against the guy who's perhaps the best in the world at, like, walking backwards and finding your chin. against the guy who's perhaps the best in the world at like walking backwards and finding your chin and hitting a fucking target that's as big as an orange so god damn hard i know so god damn hard he hits so god damn hard it's funny you picked henry sahuda to beat dj but demetrius johnson um because i was thinking a similar thing i was like man you like Demetrius Johnson is going to lose someday right someday he's going to lose and it's not going to be expected could it be this
Starting point is 03:33:31 fight why not you know this who knows a dangerous dude he's what are the I think he's a gold medal wrestler does that sound right yes yeah um I wasn't I thought I could have been boxing but yeah anyway uh he's an Olympic gold medalist. He's a badass. Someone's going to beat DJ someday. It could be this weekend. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 03:33:53 Can I put something in real quick? I actually kind of – talk to me as a novice for this. I've watched some MMA stuff, but I really like MMA, but I haven't really watched a lot of it what's the best way to get into it where do i find this where's a reliable way to watch this where where would i start to get because like this is clearly like you guys are pretty deep into the enjoyment of this and it's something that i like watching but i don't really know how to get so deeply involved with it i have the esp i have the uh ufc um app on my Amazon device, and when you pay – I don't know what I'm paying.
Starting point is 03:34:29 It's somewhere between $10 and $20 a month that I pay for access to this thing, but it gives me the entire fucking library of so many fights. And the thing about Dana White, he is – he's like – who's the guy who owns the WWE, the Vince McMahon? He is like, who's the guy who owns the WWE? The Vince McMahon? He is the Vince McMahon in many ways of mixed martial arts in that he buys as many of his competitors as he possibly can. And so on that app, you've got all these no-name promotions you've never heard of, and all the fights that they've ever had on tape are there. So there are thousands and thousands of fights on there.
Starting point is 03:35:02 And so you can kind of go back and get the history of a fighter. So oftentimes if I see an event there's like a a fighter on there that i'm not familiar with i'll be like well shit let me go watch his last eight fights or something right here on the on this app and you know with the commentators and full hd and everything i like that uh the the mma subreddit is an excellent source of uh of material the thing is mdit is an excellent source of material. The thing is, MMA is an expensive sport to watch that I find. Because right now I'm paying for several sources to get mine. I have FS1, which I wouldn't have that package on my TV if it weren't for the Fox fights that they do. Because I have it on Sling. Chiz just reminded me.
Starting point is 03:35:46 So I have FS1 there. And they often have Friday night fights there where they have basically a free card, but I don't have any other way to access it for free, so I have to pay for FS1. And so there are cards that are there that are often
Starting point is 03:36:02 very good cards. And every time there's a pay-per-view event the undercard for that will also be on there and that's usually three to five or six fights uh over on there i watch a lot of fights on fs1 i of course buy the pay-per-views if i really like it i'll buy the pay-per-view this weekend although there are subreddits that will link you to where you can get them for free. Like streams that are usually very good quality and maybe one second delayed. A lot of people watch the pay-per-views for free. If I'm not really invested in the fighters that are fighting, because it's a personality sport for me personally.
Starting point is 03:36:38 Not so much, you know, I wouldn't just watch white guy A versus white guy B fight. You know, wrestler versus boxer, let's watch. That doesn't really appeal to me as much. You know, sometimes. That doesn't appeal to me so much as, you know, Conor McGregor versus Habib Nurmagomedov with all this backstory and all of this hate between them and the illegal case involved.
Starting point is 03:37:03 There's the theatrics. There's the theatrics. And the WWE's kind of side of the wrestling hype of it, the shit-talking and all of this hate between them and the illegal case involved. There's the theatrics. There's the theatrics. And the WWE's kind of side of the wrestling hype of it, the shit-talking and all that. And the personalities are interesting to me, and they drive me to like a card more than others. The one that's coming Saturday, I haven't bought a card in a while. I probably haven't bought a fight since Joanna vs. Rose.
Starting point is 03:37:22 I think that was the last one i purchased but which was months ago but i'm buying this one because tj dillashaw is fighting cody garbrandt i mean they hate each other legitimately not this sort of like wrestling thing where they're going to go have a beer later they fucking hate each other um and a lot and the belt is on the line and the last fight this tj guy took the belt away from Cody, who was on like an 11-fight win streak or something and holding the belt, and now Cody's going to try to take it back. Cody just happens to be this tatted-up, skinny white guy whose hands move so fast it looks like a video game.
Starting point is 03:37:56 It's fun to watch. He's really strong. So TJ Dillashaw is obviously very strong. He's fit, but he's like proportional in such a way that he doesn't look all muscled out. Cody looks to me like he's beefy, like maybe his weight's in his deltoids and his biceps in a way that I just look at him,
Starting point is 03:38:13 I'm like, oh man, that looks like a hitter. He hits so hard and he's so goddamn fast. So yeah. Five dollars? I'll take TJ. Yeah, yeah, five bucks on that. So yeah, the way to like get into it would probably be, you know, you can get on YouTube and many, yeah, five bucks on that. So yeah, the way to get into it would probably be,
Starting point is 03:38:25 you can get on YouTube, and many, many of the fights are free. I would pick a, you know, you pick teams if you're going to get into basketball or football. Got a fighter to recommend? Conor McGregor is the easy one to say, man. Like, Conor, he's the only one with a fucking movie, right? You know, like, the guy had the number one movie
Starting point is 03:38:47 in Ireland for a couple weeks there who else has a movie? Mark something well there's some of them that might be in movies but this guy's got a movie about him called Notorious it's on Netflix that might be the way to start if I were going to start with someone who wasn't into it at all
Starting point is 03:39:02 go on Netflix and watch Notorious it's the movie of Conor McGregor's life up until If I were going to start with someone who wasn't into it at all, go on Netflix and watch Notorious. It's the movie of Conor McGregor's life up until a couple years ago. And it follows him from being on welfare with acne and no beard in Ireland to being the double champion of the world and riding high and buying his girlfriend a Land Rover. Mark Kerr has a movie. Okay. It's a while ago. It's 2002.
Starting point is 03:39:29 It's called The Smashing Machine. And it's good. The guy was a wrestler. He was the best at one point. And I think he got on some sort of painkiller. I don't know my drugs that well. And it ruined him. But, dude, it's neat. You hear him and he's like, you want to be the best?
Starting point is 03:39:46 You got to be mean. Are you a guy who's willing to stick your thumb in that open laceration on his forehead and crank that, crank it, crank it? And I'm like, oh, I don't know. I don't know. I'm pretty sure I don't want to fight you, though. I don't want to be that guy. Yeah, it's pretty cool. And then, you know know you'd recognize a lot
Starting point is 03:40:06 of people he fights against mark coleman comes to mind so uh yeah good stuff yeah so and also another uh guy who it might be interesting to like get behind and follow their story is um uh daniel cormier who uh he's a black guy he's really nice guy. You can tell, genuinely a good human being. Good sense of humor, too. He fights at 205. He's currently the champion at 205 and 235. And over 250 heavyweight. Yes, that's what I meant.
Starting point is 03:40:39 He's double champion in two weight classes. The biggest weight class and the second biggest and uh he he he doesn't look like one of these like action figure like perfect athlete bodies he's got he's carrying a little extra weight and like he's got such a good sense of humor about it there's a while back where he made this video where it's like he's like eating chicken and cupcakes and he's like all about that cake about that cake and the chicken and he's like shirtless rubbing his fat belly like eating the fried chicken from popeyes and eating whole cupcakes and just like but his nemesis you always need a bad guy right you need a foil
Starting point is 03:41:15 to really have a hero his is this guy named john bones jones who is legitimately the greatest that has ever fought in mixed martial arts, but he's also the baddest. Cheater! Steroids, cocaine, he hit and ran a pregnant woman, he's been suspended multiple times, but he's like 6'4", a bad
Starting point is 03:41:39 motherfucker. His arms, his limbs, I should say, are so long that he can throw elbow strikes like punches like his his elbow strikes like like this sort of like flash the elbow right in front of them into their face or like like like an upper uppercut type elbow strikes like a normal man's fist it's so goddamn long like the distance between his shoulder and his elbow is like 12 inches more than yours it's absurd yeah like he's and connor is similar he's sort of disproportioned in a way and he's shorter than i am but his wingspan span is more than mine and john jones even going back further he got caught
Starting point is 03:42:17 drunk driving and he had a bunch of women in the car that he was fucking at the time with him as he plowed his like bugatti into a telephone pole or something i'm getting these pretty close lambo or something yeah and uh and he's married by the way so these are all women that he's out partying with cheating on his wife with as he drink drunk drives his sports car and then early on he's like he's just always like thanking god being disingenuous talking about how wonderful he is. How back in the day, he would never do drugs. He'd be that guy that snitches on you. And he's just so easy to hate.
Starting point is 03:42:52 And that guy has defeated Daniel Cormier. He's Daniel Cormier's only losses. And in their last fight, there's just so much shit talking between these guys. Leading up to the fight, he's telling Daniel Cormier cormier he's like i'm gonna fucking knock you out he's like in cormier's like i know what you think you're gonna do to me you think you're gonna kick me in the head we've been working on that they get in the fight bone john bones jones kicks him in the fucking head so hard he would have killed a normal man and of course daniel's a professional he's an olympic level wrestler so he's trying to recover he's back stepping jones throws this crazy leg sweep
Starting point is 03:43:33 like something out of mortal combat and and trips daniel up and gets on top of him and pummels his ass so bad that he makes this badass motherfucker two current two-weight champ of the world, cry like a baby in the ring. He cried, yeah. Now, did Jones win that officially, or is that a no contest because of the steroids? I need to look it up. I think it's a no contest. See, that's the drama of it, right?
Starting point is 03:44:00 We're all just shocked, blown away that the bad guy beats the good guy. The fucking Joker just blew Batman away. And then like the drug tests come back and he was positive for this minuscule amount of steroids. And there's this whole conspiracy about how they even get in his system. That's not even the kind of steroid that he would be taking in the correct amounts. And he wouldn't take them. It has like this, uh, this life, um, this half life in your body of so many days.
Starting point is 03:44:22 And it's all this weird stuff we're like oh well we think it might be because um he was snorting cocaine that had been um or no what was it that oh he was snorting cocaine that had steroid that had been in the same machine as steroids or he was using creatine that had been in the same machine as steroids cocaine got creatine in it and the creatine had steroids in it. So he was like, this vat has just been used for everything. He also... Yeah, he just had a bucket of powder.
Starting point is 03:44:52 He's like, all purpose. And then there was another thing, steroids. Oh, the first time it was the dick pills. Did he say the dick pills were... That's where he got his steroids, right? He said the dick pills had a steroid in them that they weren't supposed to have. Oh, and then on the second one – I didn't know he said the creatine thing.
Starting point is 03:45:12 He came up with – so when you're a professional athlete being tested on a USADA, you tell them which supplements you're taking, right? These are my vitamins. This is my whey protein, whatever. And then if you're busted for steroids and there are steroids in the things on the list you gave them by the way they buy it off the shelf and stuff you don't just provide it then you get a much lighter penalty you're responsible for what goes into your body but they look at it much differently when there was shit that wasn't supposed to be in there yeah yeah well anyway he gives him a list of stuff after he gets caught for steroids that was not on his list of stuff he told him he took.
Starting point is 03:45:46 He just went looking for shit that had steroids in it and said, oh, I've been taking that. When I think he'd been taking steroids. Probably so. No way to know for sure, but seems quite likely. Not as likely as Flight 93 getting shot down by the F-16s, but likely. You could definitely believe it. So those are my two favorite fighters, I think. Daniel Cormier and Conor McGregor. There are entire montages on YouTube of Conor McGregor with pump-up music and showing you,
Starting point is 03:46:18 they start early in the beginning and lead you through his career. And what he does is this bit of psychological warfare where he tears the other person apart in the press conferences and in the pre-fight interviews. And he literally does get inside their head in a way that makes them not fight as well. Whether they come out too aggressively or they come out too timidly or there's just too much pressure, they go into it without their A game.
Starting point is 03:46:44 There was this guy jose aldo who was he'd been the champion for 11 years he hadn't been beaten for 11 years i had no idea he'd been beating motherfuckers down he was they were calling him the greatest of all time like all right connor you're gonna fight fucking jose aldo the brazilian badass motherfucker who's got a scar on his face like he's a gangster or something, but he's kind of a sweet guy. He's like the dog from Game of Thrones. Connor begins this
Starting point is 03:47:12 psychological warfare campaign over the next six to nine weeks that literally tears Jose apart. He's touching him. He's slapping him in the back of the head. He's pinching his shoulders in interviews.
Starting point is 03:47:28 He's telling him, he's like, you're my bitch. Stole his belt. You're my pussy. When he goes into a radio interview, Conor's grabbing the belt and posing for pictures with it. He's like, this is mine now. This is mine now. And Jose's like, this guy's crazy.
Starting point is 03:47:42 Conor's in his car and he sees Jose walking in the building. He's like, hey, pussy. Hey, pussy. Hey, pussy. He's calling him this guy's crazy. Conor's in his car, and he sees Jose walking in the building. He's like, hey, pussy. Hey, pussy. Hey, pussy. He's calling him a pussy in Brazilian. They're in an interview with a translator. He's like, tell him I'm his daddy. Tell him I'm his daddy.
Starting point is 03:47:57 Tell him to sit on daddy's lap. I'll bounce him up and down, you little bitch. And by the end, they're like, you've said a lot of bad things about jose he's like oh i'm not gonna say any more bad things i'm gonna hold him and caress him he's my bitch now i'm gonna love him because it's i'm gonna tell him whispering his ear little sweet nothings and i'm gonna tell him it'll all be over soon and this is just like all this mean crazy bonkers shit like he's tearing jose aldo posters apart and like eating them like like just it got to jose so when the fight we could watch the fight now i think we could just tell jose aldo was champion for 11 years and he made he lasted 13 seconds with
Starting point is 03:48:39 connor jesus you gotta watch it we to watch the 13 seconds. Oh, yeah. I love it. This link is called Connor versus Jose Aldo full fight. It's 21 seconds long. I'm ready. I'm at zero. I can't even click on it. Skype moves. There, I got it.
Starting point is 03:49:03 I'm working on it. Okay. Ready, set, play. Here we go. Green trunks for the southpaw. The notorious Conor Greger. Black trunks for the champion, Jose Aldo Jr. Conor relaxed and smiling.
Starting point is 03:49:19 Good night. That's so fast. I didn't even see it. Right? That's so fast. I didn't even see it. Right? That was real quick. One thing that's cool about that, they show Conor working out before he goes out to do this fight. Like, not working out before.
Starting point is 03:49:36 Like, that night. He's backstage. He's practicing that exact thing. This sort of walk backwards, fade, and fucking hook. And you can see him doing it. And they show that side-by- sort of walk backwards fade and fucking hook. And you can see him doing it. And they show that side by side of what he did. It's the exact same shit. He's just setting him up.
Starting point is 03:49:52 And then there's a clip of him talking about it. He's like, you know, he'll overextend. He'll do this and that and I'll put him to sleep. And he does it. He does it. And that's what makes a lot of us love Conor McGregor is he talks so much shit so much shit and then he backs it up about 95 of the time he's lost one fight really you know or in
Starting point is 03:50:13 modern history let's call it and then he avenged that fight and the fight that he lost was this whole weird situation where the fight that he was supposed the fighter he was supposed to fight got injured didn't make wait whatever couldn't make it. I can't recall. His bruised ankle or something. A broken ankle. And so this guy who is bigger and lankier, though, also fights in that weight class to be fair. Nate Diaz fights him.
Starting point is 03:50:36 Nate Diaz is like a triathlete who is used to being pounded on. He can take a ton of damage. Conor puts his foot down, beats the shit out of Nate, but then runs out of gas. He can take a ton of damage. Connor puts his foot down, beats the shit out of Nate, but then runs out of gas. And Nate's a triathlete. So he just keeps coming
Starting point is 03:50:51 until he chokes Connor until Connor has to tap out. And it's a big deal for Connor to lose like that. And Connor says, I want the same fight. The same weight. Because they fought at 170 pounds because this Nate guy had to just step in last minute. He's like, no same weight, because they fought at 170 pounds because this Nate guy had to just step in last minute. He's like, no, no, we're fighting at 170 pounds again.
Starting point is 03:51:10 We're doing it the same exact thing. Set him up again. Let's go again. And he beats him. He beats him. And that's kind of how the notorious movie ends, if I remember he's he's a real easy guy to get behind you know like it's he he's very entertaining he's he's a guy you want on your tv he's kind of an asshole and he's often the bad guy in these storylines i don't know that i want him at my barbecue but i want him on my television oh god yeah yeah and he's the guy who you may have heard threw that dolly into a bus full of fighters a while back to sort of pick a fight with this guy named Habib Nurmagomedov, the fucking Dagestani eagle who had slapped around Conor's boy. And Conor's in all kind of legal hot water in New York City. They're talking about could be up to six years in prison if he gets like all guilty sentences. Of course, Conor's a rich, famous guy. So lawyers fix everything.
Starting point is 03:52:09 He gets not even a slap on the wrist. It's like two days of anger management. And like and like that's it. Like I don't think there was a serious fine. So now the fight is all but set for for this October. And those two are going to fight. And the the Russian guy, the Dagestani Eagle, is now the champion
Starting point is 03:52:28 because Conor's been out of the game fighting Floyd Mayweather and waiting for more money so long that they just gave his belt to this other guy. Now they're going to fight. And the problem is the Dagestani Eagle, it seems like Conor's kryptonite. He's this wrestler who takes people down to the ground and really pounds the shit out
Starting point is 03:52:44 of them. And despite the fact that he fights at 155 pounds Seemingly is heavier than that. He seems like a guy who's 255 pounds when he's got when he's on top of you, which is Connors kryptonite But they've always said that this or that is gonna be Connors kryptonite and every time he's prevailed so I'm more excited about that than anything anything i've ever been excited about that's the fight to see i would i bet the ticket's going to be outrageous but i would love to be there and see it although to be honest like i've been to one of those fights and we had decent seats like
Starting point is 03:53:16 250 seats or something like that the most expensive ones we could buy yeah and tv's just better not only do you get joe rogan who i love you know commentating and daniel cormier i'm sure commentating that's the cool thing about cormier he's a bright guy as well he does commentating when he's not fighting he's their ringside giving you his opinion on the fights um i i don't know i i'm very excited about that fight i i would pay to go see it because i care that much about it but honestly i think you you get a better view of the fight and better entertainment value at home on television. I have a neighbor update. Do you guys remember my neighbor with the dog?
Starting point is 03:53:52 Yes. Yeah. So my wife was like, look, they're moving. They're moving because there's like a big U-Haul in front and they are moving. Sorry, don't know about the dog. Dog is paying the ass in your yard. They have a German Shepherd who's been real aggressive like uh you might not know i've got like a really big yard so to come all the way to our like kitchen
Starting point is 03:54:11 door in the house means he's come like a thousand feet into our yard yeah i don't know how many but that's a good estimate and uh uh and you know like my wife has been like unable to leave the house because their aggressive german shepherd is in our backyard barking at her and uh i usually do i take the trash to the curb so let me like put it on a golf cart and drive it and the dog comes over to like my area and is like attacking me like barking it aggressively and and you know back fur going and an aggressive lunging at me and stuff and they didn't seem to take it as seriously as we did but for me it was a real like violation of like my sense of home you know that the dog was there so uh i didn't know like what to do like i had talked to her kind of
Starting point is 03:54:56 kindly like the first time like oh yeah you know it's a little scary. Um, I eventually went to their house and I'm like, man, like, I don't mean to be a jerk, but your dog is up by my house, scaring my wife. You know, we have kids, your dog, like is, you got to leash your dog. And I was like, I don't know what else to do. Then start bringing a shotgun. And the next time, you know your dog it's like on my property attacking my family what would you do right and uh kyle had a much better idea which was they make they make like a pepper spray for bears so then we keep that on the golf cart now but anyway i was telling my wife like hey they actually have not really been a problem. And she's like, since you went over there and threatened to shoot their dog. It was crazy how that fixed it.
Starting point is 03:55:50 When you phrase it like that, I come off like a jerk. They're lucky they got a warning. Ida probably just killed the dog. Yeah, and you have to see it. Like, I don't know if I'm accurately describing how aggressive this German Shepherd seemed to be. And I just felt really violated that, like, it's one thing if I'm at their house or something.
Starting point is 03:56:11 It's another if that... Yeah, it's on your property. It's roaming the neighborhood, coming onto my property. And the fact that I have, like, a big property makes it feel more invasive. Like, I thought I bought a buffer, and this dog doesn't respect that. But, yeah, so they moved and i guess the problem's gone now that's my neighbor update i never had to shoot it yeah that's good that's good that you didn't but yeah you know like if if it if it's if it's that close to me barking aggressively fur up on its back i figure like you know what if if Colin were out here by himself?
Starting point is 03:56:47 Right. And, like, you know, how long would it be before I heard his screams for help? Would this dog kill Colin? Would this guy, would it maim him? I'd just kill the dog. That'd be it. Because I'd start picturing worst case scenarios. Are you in North Carolina?
Starting point is 03:57:04 Yes. Okay. Are you allowed to Carolina? Yes. Okay. Are you allowed to just shoot that dog? It's on your property. Yeah. If it's threatening you and it's on your property. Well, if it's threatening you, you can shoot it no matter what. It's a dog.
Starting point is 03:57:15 Yeah, yeah. You were against the dogs and the dog's dead. I do know this happened. And I couldn't talk anyway. There was a guy who- Certainly not after you shoot it. Cats were- Same work for like minors.
Starting point is 03:57:30 Cats were pooping on his property so he just sort of set up on his bipod and started killing the cats when they came into his yard jesus apparently that's illegal and uh and i don't know how the court case i know they were found guilty but i don't know what his punishment was civil or criminal criminal i think yeah i see how did they know see here how did they know he shot the cats uh well the cat had a bullet in it well that's a problem if you allow the animal to get back home that's that's rule number one oh i see the kind of guy who's just sitting out there shooting cats disappeared the guy the kind of guy who's gonna sit out out there Shooting cats is the kind of guy who'd probably brag about it Yeah I wouldn't shoot a cat Like shooting a cat is absurd
Starting point is 03:58:10 Like the cat poses no harm to anything Whatsoever Except for fun and your house not smelling like ammonia So this I found the story A Wake County man is facing cruelty to animal charges After authorities say he shot and killed his neighbor's cats. Two of the cats survived the shootings,
Starting point is 03:58:30 but the other two died. He killed, he shot four cats. The two that survived are recovering from gunshot wounds to the leg. Does it say if the cats continue to poop in his yard? Dalton's 11-year-old daughter loved the cats continue to poop in his yard.
Starting point is 03:58:47 Dalton's 11-year-old daughter loved the cats. He doesn't care about his daughter. Of course she'd love the cats. She loves everything. No, yeah, that's rule number one. You don't let them leave the property. If you're going to shoot, then you kill. You're not shooting a mame.
Starting point is 03:59:02 The fact that he shot a cat in the leg is retarded. He shouldn't be shooting at all if he can't. What if it was a moving target? Then you don't shoot, right? You don't shoot moving cats unless you've got a shotgun, a little turkey shot. That'd do the trick. 46-year-old Kevin Douglas was tired of his neighbor's cats coming in his yard.
Starting point is 03:59:17 What are they doing? I think the poop... It doesn't say pooping in this article. They bury their shit. He might have started with, like, I'm going to just put landmines up. He's like, that's probably dangerous. I'll go back. I'll just shoot it.
Starting point is 03:59:30 That's probably the humane solution here. I like that he never talked to the neighbor. Rebecca Tolkien said, the neighbor never told us the cats were bothering him. Step one was to set up a sniper nest. Hey, and you know what? Like that popcorn mission. Fucking crawling through the underbrush with Sergeant McTavish. So it's a felony.
Starting point is 03:59:54 I just see ambition and stick-to-it-ness. At first, they were going to charge him with a misdemeanor, but when he shot three more cats, they charged him with a felony. I can't stop i can't he's like fucking patrick bateman i can't stop killing these cats i'm losing the numbers here the neighbor had four cats yeah he shot two of them he shot four of them two survived and then he shot three more cats you just just said? No, no, no. His neighbor had to replenish the troops. I think the policeman... It doesn't lay it out really clearly, the sequence of events,
Starting point is 04:00:30 but my understanding is he shot all four cats, but at first the police knew of one and they were going to charge him with a misdemeanor. And then when they discovered that the other three cats were shot too, it went to a felony. And like you said, two died and two were just shot in the leg and they're recovering.
Starting point is 04:00:48 It seems to me like one of the issues, this guy needs a bigger gun. I don't know a lot about shooting but that just seemed the first thing to me. What the fuck is he shooting cats with that they're okay with afterwards? I believe if I hit a cat in the leg with my.50 cal, that cat still dies.
Starting point is 04:01:05 Yeah, well the leg comes off. I believe two other cats a cat in the leg with my.50 cal, that cat still dies. Yeah. The leg comes off. I believe two other cats in the general vicinity die, right? Yeah, the leg comes off, but it doesn't just come off. We've watched the videos of this. It splatters into a mist. It'll be half a cat.
Starting point is 04:01:19 Have you ever seen those videos of the people shooting groundhogs with high-powered rifles? I love it. I want to do it so much. Huh. Aren't you in Georgia? Can't you do that? Not with groundhogs. No, groundhogs. So they had these groundhog hunts out west that are set up. So first of all, groundhogs burrow in the ground on these cattlemen's ranchers. Cattle step in it, they break their legs. It's an infestation issue. They're rodents. But they have this peculiar thing where, first of all, they have a language. They communicate with're rodents but they have this peculiar thing where first of all they have a language uh they communicate with each other and they have a word for hunter with a gun
Starting point is 04:01:49 they literally do these these prairie dogs yeah do a little google search yeah just this is this is much truer than the fucking uh holocaust thing and uh but when they sit up they sort of sit on their hind legs with their front legs like this and they basically pose as a very nice target and when people shoot them with a rifle they explode into a mist and each quarter of their body plus head goes in a different direction one shoulder and arm goes this way one goes that way legs shoot across head pops off and goes flying, and what hunters do, or marksmen, is that they drive out in the field
Starting point is 04:02:30 in their truck, they set up a table, like a shooting bench, they get their nice rifles out, their ammunition that they hand-loaded, they've usually got a canopy over them to keep the sun off, maybe a case of beer, and they sit there for an afternoon and sort of spot their sniper, like, oh yeah, this one's at 400 meters, and they sit there for for you know an afternoon and sort of spotter sniper
Starting point is 04:02:46 like oh yeah this one's at 400 meters and they dial their rifle in carefully and it's it's it's a fun day out it seems their their entire montage is of like it's like let the bodies hit the floor let the bodies and it's like boom what's wrong with me boom nothing's wrong with me something's evil boom it's just like prairie dogs exploding it's hilarious you feel a little bad for him i'll be honest i was gonna ask you that because like like chris pat says you know i'm not a monster i shoot this deer and i i feel some empathy for the deer yeah they did i feel so sorry for deer i refuse to hunt them anymore really oh i don't feel bad for deer at all i killed one last year i've killed dozens and dozens of them and i won't kill anymore i feel bad for them no why do you feel a deer smarter than prey dogs is that what you're saying they just um uh
Starting point is 04:03:35 no for one thing for one thing like if i if i have a gun then the animal doesn't have any kind of a chance at all frankly um it would have to be like a thousand meters away for me to start having an issue with hitting it and presumably cats which just lose a limb well that guy's a bad shot i'd blow that cat the fuck up kyle was saying if kyle had a gun yeah yeah oh i see i see yeah okay um but yeah deer you know i i've sat and observed deer you know you're only allowed to shoot does on specific days of the hunting season so i've many times been in a hunting deer stand, um, up 25, 30 feet, but only eight feet away from the deer, you know, as far as how far he was from
Starting point is 04:04:13 the tree I was in. So getting a real close up view of, of these, of these deer and I don't know, they kind of a social life, you know, they, they, they communicate with each other. They, they look at each other and kind of have a family dynamic going on oftentimes i i don't want to kill them i i don't i don't i don't want them as a trophy i i'll eat them like sometimes a um a friend will bring some butchered deer over and i'll eat that you know if he's got processed deer but i don't i have no interest in doing the killing yeah it's pretty tasty um i'd rather have lamb or beef probably, but it's good. But yeah, I don't want to kill them because they're smart, they're cute, and they just don't have a sporting chance at all unless I use a bow.
Starting point is 04:04:54 I looked up the prairie dog language thing, and the New York Times confirms it. They have different alarm calls, I think they called them, for different predators. Yeah, they have a specific one for a human, and then they found that they had another one for a human with a gun, which was fascinating to me. They made that distinction. Yeah, I found that article too. I haven't had a chance to skim it yet, but I was going to
Starting point is 04:05:15 look it up after. It's a read-after anyway. Cool. Yeah. But prairie dogs, they're literally rodents. Horses and cattle break their legs, and it's pretty entertaining when they explode so that's one of the few like that's one of the few things that i'm down with hunting at this point in my life like i that's not a survival trait for species if you're an entertaining explosion yeah i feel like i read that out of them
Starting point is 04:05:38 they can't survive evolution if they're entertaining explosions. So entertaining. That's really a good judgment. High velocity.22 caliber rifles. Wait, that's what they use? They use all kinds of things, but that's what I would use. I'd use like a.22-250. It's a.22 caliber bullet, but a lot more powder behind it. It's not a.22 rimfire. Does it arc when you shoot it?
Starting point is 04:06:02 Well, all bullets do, right? Everything drops at a constant rate. But because the velocity is so high, it drops less, of course. 22-250, the ones that I hand load, often have a velocity above 3,500 feet per second. I've loaded them to 4,000 feet per second, at which point the bullet will start disintegrating in midair, which is pretty cool. Because you can see it on paper. It'll hit the paper and sort of be like a splatter. So I've always found that fascinating
Starting point is 04:06:29 to load them until they blow apart in the air. Safe. I would just pick a gun that has a particularly flat trajectory. Yeah, but the thing is you're sitting there kind of casually shooting, and often lots and lots of shots all day. So a.30 caliber rifle can kind of weigh on you after a while and it's a bit obnoxious whereas like a 22 250 literally has no recoil not
Starting point is 04:06:51 the ones uh my dad has these 22 250s in a remington 40 xb which is back ordered you got to get on a list to get one now and they weigh i think 25 pounds is what the rifle weighs somewhere in there so if you were to sit the rifle there and not shoulder it, just sit the rifle on a table and put your finger in the trigger guard and fire the trigger, the rifle would move a quarter inch or something. It just doesn't move because it's a small bullet, very heavy rifle. All right. You guys want to call it a show?
Starting point is 04:07:20 Yeah, it's probably a wrap. Go check out Mr. Filthy Robot over there. He's been playing some Magic the Gathering. I think that we're probably going to join him at some point with that. Yeah, I do have a post roll. I'll get to that in a moment. Anything else that you want to plug
Starting point is 04:07:32 or pimp, Mr. Filthy? Oh, my goodness. Yeah, come check me out on Twitch and YouTube. Doing a lot of things right now, but one of the ones I'm really interested in is MTG Arena. And if you guys do get into it, give me a shout.
Starting point is 04:07:44 We'll do some drafts together. It'll be fun. I definitely will yeah same cool guys all right thanks for having the show thanks for coming anytime man and we just want to remind you that when you need energy on the go and you don't have time to wait in line grab espresso monster espresso monster is a premium blend of espresso and cream made with freshly brewed espresso beans hormone free milk and a unique energy blend, complete with taurine and B vitamins. Each can has three shots of espresso and comes in vanilla espresso or espresso and cream flavors. Close your eyes, take a sip, and enjoy Espresso Monster today.
Starting point is 04:08:21 All right. PKA 398.

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