Painkiller Already - Painkiller Already #453

Episode Date: August 30, 2019

On this week's PKA, we've got out good buddy and pal, Mr. OG himself, BlameTruth back to help fill the film consumption energy due to Kyle being MIA and also Founder of Screen Junkies and now his new, Popcorned Planet, Andy Signore. Who lays out the false accusation MeToo movement that led to his life being thrown in the toilet and being removed from the very company he founded and abandoned by people he thought were his friends. But then on the other end of the spectrum, everyone discusses the accusations and video footage coming out of ONLYUSEmeBLADE's camp and how bad that looks, and just a sprinkle of politics and workout talk. On this lovely episode of PKA.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 PKA episode 453 with our guests Blame Truth and Andy Signore. Taylor? Got a lot of wonderful sponsors tonight. Here is a word from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. If you think drunk driving is no big deal, you couldn't be more wrong. You could get in a crash, people could get hurt or killed. And if you get arrested, incur a huge legal expense or even lose your job. So next time you plan on drinking, make sure you plan ahead. Designate a sober driver or use a ride service to get home safely. Drive sober or get pulled over. This episode is also brought to you by Blizzard,
Starting point is 00:00:34 World of Warcraft, Blue Chew, The Ground Guys, and White Castle. So, thank you both for coming on. Very excited to have you. A return guest for Blame Truth, and a brand new friend with andy over here andy signor i thought it'd be better if you went with signore like like it sounds so much better i agree yeah my parents americanized it damn that sucks well i i really wasn't familiar
Starting point is 00:01:02 with a lot of your content like years ago i would watch uh an honest trailer here there and so when when shiz brought you up like hey we're having this guy on he's kind of a fucking big deal i was like oh no shit the guy who made me laugh with all those trailers that's good shit but then he linked me another video about something i didn't know that had been going on for the past couple of years. Yeah. That truly shitty. Yes. And I watched the whole understatement of the century. I give that situation two thumbs down.
Starting point is 00:01:35 And as I was watching that video, it like hammered home more and more because we know false things happen sometimes. Taylor, people don't know what we're talking about yet. So for people who don't know, Andy got MeToo'd hardcore. Second only to Weinstein. You were in early. But he was innocent. And he has all these Google verified text conversations and stuff to prove his innocence.
Starting point is 00:02:01 Anyway, I saw it and I was like holy smokes this is this is a rough situation drama alert right yeah oh and if it makes you feel any better both taylor and i didn't know about it so there are corners of the earth that don't know your story yeah i didn't know about it either i i watched that video wait what andy i didn't hear you everyone knew right yeah well it's because everyone in your world did know. That's kind of how that works. Dude. It seems really shitty, especially because with an ongoing case like that, you have to keep stuff under wraps.
Starting point is 00:02:33 So to just have to sit there for such a long period of time knowing I could totally swing public minds right now, but I fucking can't. People think I'm guilty of these heinous things like that had to be mentally taxing as fuck yeah yeah i had so i had so many i went on some podcasts i tried to get back out in the limelight at some point just to try and not feel worthless you know because i and i'm happy to talk whatever you want or whatever types you guys but yeah the cancel culture i'm firsthand witness of how rough that is and i think so many people are out there online just yeah fuck that guy he's an idiot or yeah screw that person and and cut it but guys there's so much stuff behind the scenes that happens that person then the day-to-day life is you know everyone in my world just went and
Starting point is 00:03:20 reviewed the last jedi but you know i couldn't go outside i had a family that was crushed you know the collateral damage across the board was just intense so yeah it's anyway short answer yes it's it's intense and uh it was not easy to sit with that information but i had to follow the lawyer because there were bigger things at stake than appeasing trolls you know oh yeah for sure it's a mix it's so when you're in the midst of drama we're all the center of our own universes it feels like your whole universe is talking about this everywhere you go like all the all the places you frequent whether they don't be subreddits devoted to you or or maybe you're big it's in the movie scene they're talking about you your world is filled with this drama whereas everyone else it's just a little sideshow.
Starting point is 00:04:07 Yeah, I think that's true. And I think we, yeah, I mean, I've learned that you're, I was definitely a bit of an egomaniac in my previous life and I didn't see it as much as it was. And I think that the events humbled me greatly to be knocked down a peg and then have to start over, which I've now done on YouTube. I'm finally cracked to 100,000 subs. So I know there's even people lesser than me that still are having trouble. But the YouTube algorithm of 100,000 subs, it's a beast. And you got to want it if you're going to play the game.
Starting point is 00:04:34 So I learned I do want it and I'm going to keep at it. But yeah, it's humbling to say the least. You got to know what you want in this industry if you want to do it. And you got to be good at it. And I think I am, but we'll see. But I'm doing it for me this time. And and that's that's the key i think for creators you got to do it for yourself otherwise it's you're not being genuous or you're being fake
Starting point is 00:04:52 and then the audience can tell so i mean taylor and i and maybe blaine truth have watched that 20 minute video you made on what's your channel name so my new channel is called it's it's a mouthful popcorn planet so like it's like scorched earth but for pop culture popcorn planet uh but yeah you can find me there on youtube and your video came out what was august 15th or something that the one that we're all talking about the 20 minute yeah it was like july it was july uh august 15th was my birthday so definitely i'd save i did it thank you uh i don't remember the day it It was July, though, where that came out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:25 So you guys check it out if you want to see the scoop. But it's 20 minutes of him stating his side of this. And the girl that me to him, she said rape. Right. She said you were rapist. She accused me of multiple sexual assaults. Yes. And, you know, the word rape.
Starting point is 00:05:43 That's what that means to me. Um, and that's how it was treated by everyone online. And you know, thousands of comments just constantly calling me rapist. I mean, news articles did, that was the most fucked up thing about it all was just like everyone. I mean, that's why when I say, Oh, I thought everyone knew it was everywhere this way. Cause I'm not famous. You guys didn't know who the hell I was. Like I didn't expect to be, uh, such over the news, but like, not only was it like you know the twitter moment of the whole day on friday it lasted through the weekend and then i was on cnn and then every outlet in the world was publishing it because it was just a slow news week and everyone was so
Starting point is 00:06:15 hungry for these me too stories that they're like who's that guy what doesn't matter that sounds salacious let's go jump on sexual abuse oh yeah and so all these headlines everybody just jumped on it without vouching anything just based off twitter dms that started coming out that made me you know look like i was flirting with my fan base and we can get into whether that's right or wrong that's a whole nother discussion but the point of what i'm trying to get is the media jumps uh takes it all and then when i come out with my evidence and complete a case that really shows that my accuser is their story's filled with holes they didn't want to touch it nobody touched it it's been that you know no major media outlet did it the biggest
Starting point is 00:06:49 outlet was phil defranco um and he you know and i i was personally trying to push him to say come on man you did it you hit me pretty hard when this happened let's let's be fair and to his credit he did um but yeah it was just a lot of big youtube channels and no one else did um and so that's where i was stuck defranco's a good dude dude so people watching this who probably don't know the background there was this girl i i don't quite understand the the panel she did where she wasn't a scorsese expert didn't do great but we'll call her bitch one and um but afterwards i guess you two kind of had some sort of connection you spent the night playing a game in a hotel room i'm i'm terrible with details nothing happened and the text
Starting point is 00:07:35 messages show like you had some regret that you didn't sort of make a move and she had some regret that she didn't make a move it was just kind of flirty and eye batting and such like that but not action and uh but the text messages afterwards were like hey you know i'd have been down if you were down vibe i'm not not getting a quote or anything well i remember one specific one where andy was complaining about oh i got work sorry i can't i can't it works fucking me is what you said and she's like oh i'm supposed to be the one that's fucking you i mean like you got that on the screen highlighted and i'm like this seems to yeah clearly in your favor this was not somebody trying to force themselves on this girl she all i remember a specific one where she offered to be your discreet groupie and yeah i
Starting point is 00:08:20 saw that too i thought that was very i'm like even a moron like me knows what that means that's not a tough code to crack and uh so the i guess you gave her your hotel room i think or maybe she gave you i forget whose hotel room it happened the first time her her public thing she literally yeah we met in chicago at a convention and she bombed on stage because she so he was up against better filmmakers scorsese or christopher nolan and she made some comment like yeah well nolan's made the bad movies like what kind of what kind of movies have scorsese made like clearly just not even knowing who named just two dozen moron um and so she just was torched in this conversation and i actually felt bad like she was a sweet girl and i was and she clearly liked me and we were just talking and i was just
Starting point is 00:09:13 you know look i i i was a my whole life i've just been a fat loser you know back in the not you know 90s when i'm growing up my nerd cred nerd cred meant nothing to the girls. That suddenly a girl's like, ooh, you're a nerd. Like, trust me, that was like the opposite. It was like poison to girls around me. And so I've just always been an awkward, weird guy around girls. And so fast forward, now suddenly I'm in this limelight, and I had some fans who were interested in me who you didn't hear about that didn't come forward because we didn't do anything wrong.
Starting point is 00:09:44 I mean, we did because I was married. I'm a scumbag in that regard. And I've come forward with that issue. I do take accountability for that. But I was having consensual relationships with these women. And so this one, I think, just figured that out and used that and knew, OK, well, I must not be the only one he's done this to over the years. So let me call him out for being a scumbag. And if she had just done it that way, it would have been one thing. But she went hard and said, no, he tried to force myself on her in Chicago and do and just kept taking it further and further and further to sort of I still don't know why.
Starting point is 00:10:17 It's fascinating to me as you do it. And then, you know, fast forward. Now she comes forward and is caught. And her statement about it is just like kind of admitting it, but then labeling it her truth. And it's just, it's just mind boggling. And I try not to, I'm trying to move forward and get over it, but I understand why people want to still discuss it. Cause it's just the process mentally of just someone who would accuse someone of rape, uh, you know, assault, even attempt. That's the other thing that was frustrating. Everyone, I have all these critics were like, well well she didn't accuse you of rape andy she just said attempted sexual assault
Starting point is 00:10:47 on multiple occasions it's like guys that's still fucking really bad it's the same fucking thing and that's that's what's you know shadowed me for the past two years and no one's trying to force yourself on her what does that mean if not rape at some level like forcing yourself on someone sexually well rape is a subset of sexual assault right it can mean groping it can mean you know i don't know unwanted kisses on the neck it could be flashing it could be rape like that that's my definition i hope i'm on target yeah so but when someone says sexual assault i think a lot of people their minds jump to rape so yes and so it was you know in multiples it was just you know i i didn't it's just i wasn't even calling myself that like commenters were calling it to me daily in my video i say rapist rate you know because that's just what
Starting point is 00:11:28 it translated to because you're right that's what people jump to that conclusion so to to do that to someone and go to such harsh degree and then be caught and then just sort of play on like well i don't want to deal with this anymore see ya it it really is kind of frustrating to see it watch and beyond whatever i moved on from her like she's she'll get hers and her own karma work is a bitch and it clearly affected me it affects everybody in certain ways but i'm just more i'm more just disturbed by the community that is just like playing along with her like yeah you didn't do anything wrong good for you uh and that that to me is where just as a culture it's scary because it's like look if you're gonna blacklist me you should be at least
Starting point is 00:12:05 blacklisting her as well like to me that's just common sense i i'm not trying to force everyone to like me again i get it but you're gonna common sense but in like the in the culture we live in in the current climate like if you work in media and you want to write an article on cnn or some video game website being like hey this jerk accused this guy and she was lying the whole time and now she's trying to play it off because it was, quote, her truth. That person is not going to have a job by the time they hit post
Starting point is 00:12:31 on their fucking WordPress website. It's over. Like, that's why so many people immediately when someone gets accused jump on the fucking scumbag piece of shit, you know, trashy person bandwagon because even saying something as benign as i don't know i don't know he doesn't seem like the kind of guy to do that let's wait a little bit even that is
Starting point is 00:12:50 like rape apologist what are you doing the reason i wanted are you the kind of person that would do this are you and so people take the the easier route and just anytime anybody's accused they jump on the he's guilty wagon because then in a way you kind of exonerate yourself in the public eye of oh he's so put off by this clearly this high ivory tower person would never engage in in terrible behavior so that's just kind of what my you know my high level two cents on my motivation for bringing up the sequence of events was that i feel like someone listening might not have any background and assume the truth is in the middle somewhere they would assume that like all right he's maybe just a little rapey or something no you need to understand that like they meet at a hotel room they do the deed and the next day she's scheduling
Starting point is 00:13:34 the next time hey can we go meet at comic-con can we do this that was great um that's not the behavior of someone who's been assaulted no and she And she wanted access. It's clear. I mean, it's all in there. And that was, that's the most telling thing to me of like, look, it's, it, that proves consensual. It's like whether that's right or wrong that I was giving her access is, is a fair question. That's a separate topic, but I, I proved her accusations were, didn't hold weight. Her, her credibility went out the window. Um, and that's, that was, yes. Thank you for saying that because I feel like that was what I was trying to achieve with my video of just really trying to make sure people didn't just believe everything she said, because believe women, I get why people say that we have to
Starting point is 00:14:16 believe people when they come forward and, but we can't jump to conclusions and then condemn people, uh, because people lie. And so it's's a it's a scary thing where people are so blind to like no believe women no matter what i think it was bill burr who's like yeah i don't know but 88 maybe 88 believe women yes that's the sad truth right because it's like come on it can't be 100 all the time and when we condemn these people right now you know it's we're destroying we are destroying lives um and even beyond mine, I just, the people around me and my family, people connected to me who relied on my, my, I was a breadwinner in a family like that's, it's just fucked what you do.
Starting point is 00:14:52 And people, I think you said it, you were, you were talking about it. It's just sort of an endorphin release. Like I like this movement. Oh, that seems that guy seems wrong. Yeah. I'm going to like this and support it. I did my, my duty on Twitter and I told him he was a shithead. I'm going to move on. But meanwhile, it just compounds. It's bullying in the digital space. So what was the fallout at home?
Starting point is 00:15:12 Did you and your wife separate? Are you working through it or where'd that land? Yeah, I mean, that's the one issue I always try to avoid in these conversations because I don't want to include her any further. I've done plenty to her and so I'm not going to go there. But yeah, I divorced. But I have a kid. The kid's doing great. I'm in a healthy relationship now um i'm doing i just feel better positively mentally everything i it it when you're canceled it's just it's there's a you're just alone you're just you
Starting point is 00:15:38 everything goes away ever you really learn who your friends are and they're they end up usually being less than you hope uh but they you know the good ones show up and they really help you pull it through. And then family or whatever support system you have around you, you know, they either step up or they don't. In my case, thank God people stepped up and I could use them to sort of, you know,
Starting point is 00:15:55 get me back up. Cause I needed help. Like if I didn't have my kid, I would have probably checked out because it was, it was a dark, dark time where I just realized everything I've ever mounted to is not only gone, but has been painted. Like I've, I'm not even involved the people aren't you know i'm really proud of honest trailers in a lot of my work and now they're like trying to you know erase my name
Starting point is 00:16:13 from that as if like i don't have a right to still be involved to know that not only did i not you know leave a legacy for my family's name and my children and everything and all the hard work i really did now i'm just it's all gone because I was a, you know, a flirt like that. That's frustrating to me. What happened, you know, my marriage and all that stuff is between, is none of anyone's fucking business is the reality. Just like, you know, as much as I want to get into politics, but I don't care what the fuck the, who the president sleeps with, if it's fucking consensual, it's between him and his fucking wife. And so that's the reality of just like that, like that, that's not what this should be about. But to know that that was sort of what happened and
Starting point is 00:16:48 was gone it was a dark period so um yeah i mean things are better now but that period right afterwards i mean and not being able to defend myself and share the truth the truth not my truth but the truth was uh it was difficult um but i as i was saying like anybody as we watch this now i'm always trying to share this with people. If you see a friend get knocked down, even if they're a close enough acquaintance, if you consider that person a friend at all, or you want to be friendly with that person ever, you have a service to reach out to that person and extend a hand. You don't have to condemn what they did. I mean, condone what they did. You don't have to support them publicly. But man,
Starting point is 00:17:23 reach out privately and be like, yo, are you okay? Is your family okay? Like you're not killing yourself. Like that's what I think people aren't realizing. Like you got to do it. That's just what being a human is. And if you don't, then lines are drawn and you understand where things are at, because that's why I'm in that right now with a lot of people. And I'm having that struggle of like, well, you know, why didn't you reach out? Like, I understand why you're mad at me. And I understand why you're ghosting me, or I understand why you're ignoring me publicly to an extent. But why didn't you call me that morning before you rushed judgment colleagues, it just, you know, it's, it's a struggle that I think people need to wise and if I can share sort of
Starting point is 00:17:57 to avoid that sort of drama with anybody in the future, because this is not going to be I'm not the only cancel, it's going to happen. It happens all the time now. But my advice to everybody is like, don't do someone's drowning. I don't care if, if my best friend murdered somebody, I'm going to at least going to call them and say, did you do it? Like,
Starting point is 00:18:13 is your, is your family okay? Like you, you just got to check if they're a friend. It doesn't mean you're there to say, yeah, I'll cover it up and let's go bury the body. But you know,
Starting point is 00:18:21 do you know what I'm saying? Like, and I think that's something that people just don't ignore because they don't realize how hard and how drastic the cancel gets um it's the whole world coming down on you i was watching uh i i didn't know the dynamic between like you and the the panel the gaggle of people who still work there but i after i watched your video i'm like all right i want to i want to see whatever the initial response was from because you you started all of that, right?
Starting point is 00:18:45 Like you got that ball rolling. You kicked it off. Everybody in that video was hired by me. Yeah. And so I think – I can never imagine being in this situation. Sorry to cut you off. I don't want to sound like a shithead. I built it with those people.
Starting point is 00:19:00 Of course, there were so many people involved in our crew that built it and created the voice with me. I'm not the sole person. It wouldn't, you know, but was I instrumental in the building of it? Was I the leader of it? Yes. Yeah. Just like just to set the stage like you did start it.
Starting point is 00:19:13 You hired all them. Sure, they did their work, but whatever. And I went back and I watched part of their video, which was like a response to you being accused of that. And there is not a modicum of let's give him the benefit of the doubt until more information comes forward there's not a tidbit of i don't think this doesn't seem like him does we've known him for years he hired us he's like the kind of guy who would you know force himself sexually on a woman in a hotel room you know does that seem like the kind of guy he is but no they they did exactly what i think i laid out earlier which is oh my god i'm terrified if i say anything less than crucify him
Starting point is 00:19:50 in the public square i might be called a co-conspirator in a rape and so they just have to do the whole and he's been and what he did was evil and reprehensible and this and that not what he allegedly did just full bore right out of the gate. These people that you probably thought of as close friends, just boom, steam right over you in an 18 wheeler. Don't even give you the benefit of the doubt. That probably had to be incredibly hurtful. And also, you know, like you said, there's a lot fewer friends than you think. It was probably very eyeopening about the relationship you'd had with those people. Yeah, I mean, it's hard because look, I still am hard on myself, right?
Starting point is 00:20:27 I have to be in order to move forward when you do these things. Like they knew my wife, like I can see why they weren't happy with me. Like I was married and flirting with my fans and there's a question of, is that an abuse of power and breaking the trust of you doing that with fans?
Starting point is 00:20:41 And I think it is to an extent, and I've had this conversation with a lot of people. A lot of people will say, Andy, doing that with fans. And I, I think it is to an extent, um, you know, and I've had this conversation with a lot of people. A lot of people will say, Andy, shut the fuck up. You're don't, don't, don't apologize for that. Rock stars fuck all the time. Like groupies are fine. Like what they, everyone, as long as it's consensual, like who cares? Um, and so, and then, but then I'm, but then I'm told on the other side, well, no, you, you shouldn't have, you know, done that to your fan base. And I can see that I shouldn't have used my fans, you know, in a quote, I was like, it was sort of like a dating app. I was trying to see who was interested in me to sort of engage with, you know, flirtations. And so you got to remember, though, they're using you too. Yeah, well, that's, that's what I'm saying. It's a complicated topic. And I think a lot of my colleagues just read all that and were so just hurt and felt like I betrayed them, which I did, um, that they were just, they were in a darker place that I'm trying to, trying to, as I call it, Dr. Strange myself, where I float
Starting point is 00:21:30 above and just try and look at it, you know, objectively. And I can see why they were betrayed by me and hurt by me. And so I see that part of it, but yes, I think, you know, if you're going to gather all that facts, if you're going to be disappointed in all these things and then not at least reach out to me as well to sort of get my side on things to see do i know i erred do i am i changing do i is is this all true like or is this some of this being blown out of context all of that's important to sort of gather a true narrative instead of just condemning someone on the channel i built to the audience that now is going to just torch me and just destroy me um you know and at the time, I think it was hard on them. I get it.
Starting point is 00:22:07 They were suddenly thrusted into, what do we do? Do we have jobs? Is the channels going away? I can see the confusion and the problem there, but I think they shouldn't have condemned me and made a statement such as that without either checking with me or they should have just been vaguer, especially my previous employer shouldn't have condemned me the way they did. That's one of the things with Farm. It's a question of, I can argue, like, should I have
Starting point is 00:22:26 been fired? Maybe. I think that's a fair argument of what we can have. Should I have stepped down? Should there's a million things that could have happened. It was how it went down that I think was really unfair. And I think people, even on that side, I'm assuming are still having trouble understanding because, you know, I'm not, I don't hear from them. They're not engaging whether they're allowed to or not. And I don't want to send people to hate on them, but I think these are important conversations to have because it's interesting, like dynamics of friendships and when things go wrong, how do you do it? I do want to explore those things. And I wish I could have more conversations with those people to sort of sort out what happened. Maybe someday we'll see. But,
Starting point is 00:22:58 and I don't want to publicly, you know, talk about that. What happens in my DMs stays in my DMs. So I don't want to, you know, try and do that. But yeah, my dms stays my dms uh so i don't want to you know try and do that but yeah i mean sorry i'm going in a circle there but i just think yes i don't i don't approve of the way they did it at the same time i do want to say i can see a little bit of why they were confused and frustrated uh and that's why it went the way it was but yes and looking back in hindsight the the video they made doesn't speak doesn't seem friendly to me it seems uh saving one's butt yeah it's totally of bailing yourself out of the fire like once you came forward and all the facts are out there and it's like hey here's literally google verified
Starting point is 00:23:37 texts showing that i was not forcing myself on this woman you know sure i admit i shouldn't have been flirting while i was married uh that's inappropriate you know at first i don't think you were you're wrong at all for flirting with fans who are trying to flirt with you i think that's two consensual adults doing their thing the thing i would say is you know shitty flirting while you're married like that's obviously something that you have a lot of regret for but if you went back to them like i feel like they should have reached out to you when that all all the facts came up above water and everybody saw. And it's like, oh, the response should have been like, oh, thank God. Oh, I was so worried that he actually did all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:24:12 Thank God. Let's get him back in the mix. You know, he's kind of the reason this is a thing anyway. Was there any outreach like that or were they just, you know? No, I've picked pieces through. I mean, I didn't want to get in the weeds, but you guys are going there and I'm happy to do it. But change the topic when you guys are bored of talking about this but i've done it but i'm happy to do it but you know there was another example like a fan
Starting point is 00:24:30 accused me of like rigging a contest and so i think that that lifted things up from just flirting with famous it was like oh he's abusing his power he's changing the rules to like sleep with fans and guarantee sex and what was really frustrating was like this fan came forward because the original accuser painted a picture that was, I was a rapist. And so all these fans came forward and the way things were read were read far more maliciously than there was. There was no malicious or angry or cheating of intent where I was trying to rig things or demand things. And that's what was so frustrating because I thought these people were my friends and they just bought everything. And so there was this instance of this this Finland fan who was a sort of, oh, you're talking about nudes and I can't go to this contest because it's international and you guys don't have it. And I said something like, well, I'm the boss. I can change the rules.
Starting point is 00:25:17 And I said that in a way that was like, well, yeah, I want good people to enter this contest. And we've been talking and I can tell you're a good personality. If I change the rules, I would have done it publicly to everybody and there was no engagement or mention of like hey if you fuck me i'm going to change the rules but again everyone read it like that and you know questionable should i said that maybe not but it people just assume oh he's just he was demanding sex to get to change rules and get into contests and so this woman was sharing out of context things where no one saw the earlier consensual flirting. And then me like being a fan of hers. And I thought she was talented saying like, yeah, great. Don't not submit to this contest
Starting point is 00:25:54 because you're in Finland. Like submit. I can change it if you're good, because I would have if she was good and I would have opened it up to international. The reason we couldn't open it up international is because they were being cheap and they didn't want to fly someone out internationally versus nationally. But, you know, I knew we needed good talent, especially female talent, not to sleep with me, but because I wanted to be diverse and have strong voices across the board. And she was one. And so it hurts my feelings when I know these these people like just assume the worst in me that just, you know, granted, I'm being a shithead cheating on my wife. Yes. Again, I like to say that a lot because I want people to know, like, I absolutely have remorse for that. I hate that I did that. But if I was single, I really don't believe a lot of the actions I did were wrong. And I know
Starting point is 00:26:33 there are people in that space. I'm not going to call out names or say specifics, but they were doing it too. And so it's just like frustrating for me, like, okay, so we can't do this. Noted. Let's, let's re let me take a sabbatical let me figure this out let me resign on my terms like let me figure out a way to do this and none of those were options it was just literally don't come into work uh don't say anything oh by the way you're fired and it was just like what like and then everyone just took that and my silence and everything else is this guilt and then we're reading these out of context things assume oh it wasn't just abusing people he was abusing power he was flying people out to screw them.
Starting point is 00:27:06 And all of that was inactive. That's just cool. There's a couple of things in here that have been glossed over that I wanted to talk about. So I've got a couple of friends in my universe who've been divorced. And two of them have been cheated on. And they both took it as sort of a growth opportunity,
Starting point is 00:27:24 which I thought was interesting. You know, they go to workshops. Like, even if you're cheated on, they realize that they had room for improvement to be a better husband and partner and such. You know, like, yeah, maybe she was the bad guy, but that could have been a downstream result of me valuing her for nothing but cleaning the house
Starting point is 00:27:42 or whatever, you know know the guy was doing wrong it sounds like you're going through that process too like when you're when you are your toughest critic saying i'm a shithead i did this wrong i bet you're not anymore no i thank you for saying that and not even talking about my own divorce because again i'm just i've talked to so many divorce people i connect on that subject a lot because divorce is hard it's tough but there is a little bit of like a of of the learning curve you said. And it's like you're the next relationship. You don't, you make sure you get into something that isn't going to be what you already did.
Starting point is 00:28:13 You make sure that your next partner has things or, you know, can relate to the problems you have. Like you said, there's an education in a way to make sure you do it better. If you actually are taking that, you know, seeing and taking education. So absolutely. I think, um, that, that did better myself. I still feel terrible about it because it didn't just affect my life. We all had to pick up and move to Florida. Um, and so my downfall, which I, again, I attribute to my actions, but I do also attribute to Twitter and everybody else just jumping to conclusions and making it so much worse than it needed to be. Really, that mob just made our lives so much worse. And granted, I made mistakes, but my family shouldn't have had to pay all those mistakes too. And people don't realize, oh,
Starting point is 00:28:56 we're doing a service because we're helping and we're ratting out this monster. No, you fucked us all. And that's what's so scary about cancel culture you're not you know who you know matt lauer's wife i mean granted he had billions of dollars so fuck them but so they have no problems i'm sure you know they had houses in the hill i wouldn't i didn't have any of that shit but my point is like when someone's canceled like that you got to think who's in their life this is going to affect their mom their dad like their kids like just be careful more like everything at words can can be worse than a gun like words can really fuck someone up for and they live forever um so it's like you got to be careful what you say online and people need to know that yeah on the growth thing
Starting point is 00:29:36 my friend discovered that like for example going to a workshop on learning from his divorce was hot to women so it became like part of his plenty of fish profile like you know all his attempts at being the best version of him were for how he got laid here's something i'm wondering how fucking cool it is i from now on anytime i'm caught lying i'm gonna say that's my truth that is that is such a good bit and it trips people up enough that you get a little more time to think of excuses and that's my truth sorry you ordered this you ordered mustard on your burger that's not my truth my truth sorry buddy the my truth thing i want to say this before I forget, but I watched your video, Andy, and I went down the rabbit hole, so to speak.
Starting point is 00:30:29 And I looked at old, you know, stuff on Twitter and all that stuff and Reddit and whatnot. Like I went hours into it and it was literally bullying. It was bullying from people straight up. It's not even like I mean, you can call it the cancel culture, but it was bullying from people straight up um it's not even like i mean you can call it the cancel culture but it was like just bullying it was a way to kick somebody without like while they're down without knowing the facts or whatever and it it was just it's kind of gross to me like it kind of turned my stomach bullies see themselves as the good guys right in their head it's virtuous bullying right exactly and the my truth thing i mean from your video alone it was like she it was like she changed her mind on what happened it wasn't like her saying my truth's basically
Starting point is 00:31:15 saying like my perception's wrong but here it is you know what i mean like i choose to believe this i say that sometimes but i'm fucking around yeah but yeah it was it was gross and basically knew that the current you know zeitgeist of culture isn't going to come after her for what she did is she as long as she says something like oh that's my truth yeah like that's just another way of saying i i lied and you caught me what are you gonna do oh what's that nothing there's another news story already taken off better go catch that go find that i was gonna say it bothers me more because i really i tried i try not to look but so many of my friends and now people just are go down those wormholes and they still follow her i don't she blocked me and i don't i can't see it but i hear about it but from what i'm told is like anybody
Starting point is 00:31:58 who engages with her in any sort of questionable way not even a mean way but just ask anything regarding it it's block and then so she's there publicly to sort of filtering out the the resistance if you will of just people who are like calling her out for something that she should be accountable for and she's blocks blocks blocks her boyfriend block block block block block and what's scary to me is like at a certain point it's gonna work at a certain point people will leave her alone and she'll be able to move on like she did nothing wrong uh and her you know her her screen name is just her middle name first name and i'm not trying to say this to dox her and i'm not so please don't take this as sort of an invite to go bother her
Starting point is 00:32:33 because i i want to move forward we all should move forward but it just it just bothers me in a way of just like that's what a person can do and not only from her but the community around her is just gonna let her they're just gonna be like yeah cool yeah he's a scumbag so it doesn't matter that he made he maybe brought up some good questions but he probably made it all up and he'd probably risk his career again to sort of make up doctor text i wouldn't i'd be sued to kingdom come if all that shit was fake i trust me i checked with 10 lawyers and that's why she's not pulling the video down because I can't lie about that stuff. But what's crazy to me is that they're just not even questioning her. They're hitting me still,
Starting point is 00:33:10 still saying I, you know, I'm, I'm still the shithead and all this stuff. And it's terrifying because it's like beyond that woman who I think, you know, is just in denial and delusional. Like,
Starting point is 00:33:20 so is the community that's just rallying around her and we believe you and good for you. And let's talk about a Tarantino movie.'s that oh shit no one fucking did that what happened to me like no one would engage with me they wouldn't even write me back and so now it's like let's act like nothing happened like that is fuck there's gotta be some kind of legal punishment for that right like for falsely accusing and ruining somebody's life and getting them fired like there's no recourse you can just do that. You can do it to public figures much more easily. And yeah,
Starting point is 00:33:47 Christ, if you could go back in time to the day she accused you, what lessons learned were there from handling the drama? Like, would you have come out with your truth, your truth a little faster? Would you have like, what would you do differently?
Starting point is 00:34:03 I think I, I really, I don't mean to seem hippie-ish but it's like i i firmly as all this went down everything happens for a reason everything happens for a reason and i i really have come to believe that because i don't think i would have been able to handle it without the growth because the growth really did change me so as as fucked it is to lose everything and all that i went through like i was able i'm able to handle this transition better and grow now because i i am i have moved on like i have i'm in a better place with people so i don't if i go back to that what if i'd done something then i would have probably released some texts or whatever but it was you know it was complicated because i was
Starting point is 00:34:38 cheating on my wife and she didn't know and so i had like i didn't even know i had those texts until a week later because i deleted everything because I was a scumbag hiding my relationships. And then I realized that Google chat or the Google number or whatever I set up to be sort of a person there, it archived them. And so there was a point where I went back and I was like, holy shit, it's all here. And I was like, thank God. And that's when I showed the lawyer and everyone's like, oh shit. And then I couldn't really do anything because they all said, no, reply don't say anything let's save this we're gonna go sue and
Starting point is 00:35:08 do what we got to do so um let me jump in there i was gonna say though if i'd come out with it right then they would have hit me with something else the movement was too hot people were too emotional i would have been torched still and then all of my evidence would have meant nothing and i would have still been canceled and then i wouldn't even be able to have this comeback because i think coming back with my growth and even just I think the country's growth, people are fed up. Right. But let me jump in. So maybe, maybe not.
Starting point is 00:35:32 Right. Because so I think your attorneys gave you good legal advice, but shitty PR advice. I think their PR advice sucked dick because if you had come out with your thing, there was a guy makeup person, right? James Charles. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So that guy released his evidence, I'll make it up, four days into his drama, and everyone reversed, right? He's clear. His subscribers came back.
Starting point is 00:35:58 If anything, his career is stronger for having been in the spotlight. I would have never heard of this person aside from that. That could have been what you went through, maybe. I mean, I wanted to. I was instructed not to. So yes. But I think friendly advice to anybody out there, lawyers are not press release people. They don't know how to handle PR. They know how to handle legalities and they, but anything I were to say during that period can be used against me in a court of law. So anything I said, uh, at that point, and that's why I couldn't say anything, anything I said would be used against me in the case against that I was doing. And so you got to keep that in mind, right? So if I come forward and say, oh yeah, well,
Starting point is 00:36:39 you know, this, this person's lying, you know, and not then address all the other shit that was potentially true or that I cheated all of that then out of my words can be used in depositions and stuff and so that's why it's complicated right um still i think there was a way to do it and to be honest i made i made fucking a dozen of these videos guys that you'll never see like i made so i made one a month out and i tried to i wanted to release it and everyone friends everyone's like holy shit you got to drop this immediately it was much more emotional and crazy in that regard. Cause it was, it was a little raw. I wasn't as much growth, but you know, they were therapeutic for me to constantly do it. And I would always get frustrated when I couldn't release it. And I was like, fuck. Um, but you
Starting point is 00:37:17 know, I think all of that grounded me and humbled me in a way to make me stronger now. And so, like I said, it all, I think all happened for a reason. And I think my voice is stronger because of it now. Like I found a new voice that's more genuine. That's more honest. I would love people to come find me over in popcorn planet. My, my numbers are starting to slowly get up. Um, and if I can, do you mind? Cause I don't want to plug it at the end. Cause maybe people won't even watch that far. There's a new show I'm trying to plug here that I'd love if anybody's liking what they're doing here. I've used this sort of idea of where I get the spotlight. Now I want to shine in on other people and I'm actually really deep in a promo. I'm going to release it tonight or tomorrow, but it's called hugging the cactus. And so it's a new show.
Starting point is 00:37:51 I have a Kickstarter. You can find it on Kickstarter. If you look up hugging the cactus, pretty much all my videos at the end link to it. Uh, but it's this idea of when I fell, I had hundreds of people reach out to me with these stories that didn't have the platform. I did that were heartbreaking stories of people who just wanted to speak the truth, you know, have a platform to say what happened to me. And I have two stories that I've already taped that are just fascinating.
Starting point is 00:38:13 One is this guy, Dale Wheatley. He made a film called Don's plum. Have any of you guys ever heard of this? It's stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Tobey Maguire back in the days of the pussy posse. And it's a black and white film that Leo and Tobey do not want anyone to see. They blocked the release in America and Canada and destroyed this guy's life.
Starting point is 00:38:32 This guy was like friends with them, was in that posse, even though they don't call themselves, I learned that wasn't actually, that was coined by some other reporter. But in that period, right before Titanic and Romeo and Juliet, he was friends. They made this sort of clerks-esque 90s movie. You can find it online, Free Don's Plum. And he made this movie, and Leo and Toby just fucked him. They railroaded him.
Starting point is 00:38:52 They blocked the film's release. Everything was supposed to happen. You're good. And then suddenly Leo and Toby were starting to get rise on their fame, and they wouldn't let him release the film, and they took him to court, and he just got fucked like so bad. And not only fucked back then and i just fuck to this day no one will hire this guy because leonardo no one wants to piss off leonardo dicaprio uh so it's just a it's a fucking crazy story and salacious and fun but
Starting point is 00:39:15 also just related to him connected because it's like what a shitty thing to like have this break you're making this movie with leonardo dicaprio he's then in titanic and holy shit my movie's going to be huge and the movie's not bad and then oh no one can ever see your movie and oh by the way you'll never work in hollywood ever again because leo doesn't want you to uh it's just fucked so the point is like this guy doesn't have a platform either um i met this politician her name's kaylin ford she's just it's a she's amazing story and um just got fucked for in a canada because she had a friend she was doing really well she's about to win and this friend of hers releases these anonymously releases these out of context texts
Starting point is 00:39:51 from ages ago uh that she had like academically challenging white supremacy and it was done in like a conversation to have with friends of just like and anyway it was painted completely unfairly making it seem like she was a you know okay with white nationalism and she was against immigration and all this terrible things that weren't true and overnight her career destroyed she can't ever work uh she's such a smart woman and it was just crazy having this this conversation with her when i recorded because i'm like how the hell would we have ever connected but to be canceled and to sort of share these relatable stories but i think they're relatable to so many people it's so inspiring to see all these people who have fallen and are just trying to move forward and just have deserved to be heard.
Starting point is 00:40:27 So anyway, this Kickstarter I'm doing, you can look it up. I'm like halfway there. If anybody's inspired or feels like, fuck, I got screwed. I will take your money. It's also funding my next few months to sort of keep making content. But I'm really proud of the show. I'm excited about it because I think, you know, not just my story. There's so many stories out there that if i can help tell some really cool
Starting point is 00:40:47 stories and get some people you know just closure you know have the opportunity to like here's my side of the story and be able to point to it uh that'll make me feel really great and i think make the viewers feel great too that they could you know help other people so a quick shout out to hold on a quick shout out to legitimate rage you in the timeline can you make sure the kickstarter for hugging the cactus is in the timeline applicable yeah thank you guys but i it's it's really fun and i and i and i'll also submit if anybody out there has a story like you know what you should think about this person uh you can go do it through the kickstarter the email's on there because i'm i'm currently in that pre-production phase of but i shot a couple
Starting point is 00:41:20 because i'm like halfway in the kickstarter goal and i realized fuck crowdfunding is hard so you're uncancelling people that's a neat idea that's a good tagline uncancelling people I might try and do that it's yours you can think of yourself as making a lot of that 80s shows
Starting point is 00:41:37 always as good as the original that is good that you're doing that like like I'd never heard of that politician you're talking about obviously because the way it always works now because media is just a click farm 24 hour we'll say whatever we have to and if we need to make a retraction we'll bury it in the 50th paragraph and do shitty things like all you have to do is say something outrageous to be the first one to say it and this used to be youtube tactics now it's like fox and cnn tactics and all it doesn't matter
Starting point is 00:42:08 they say something ridiculous like it's 50 000 retweets and a million likes and then five hours later even even even three hours later they could be like everything we said here's like totally fucking wrong oops hashtag lol but that'll get like 50 retweets and 100 likes and everybody's already buried into the story they've shared it everywhere and it's like really the truth is now just whatever gets traction first maybe that's the way it's always i think people are kind of inclined to believe the salacious truth too right the other more fun yeah even if there's like a generally accepted thing it's like you know i bet you guys didn't know mr roger just liked being around kids for bad reasons no it's like really i didn't know no it's just liked being around kids for bad reasons no it's like really i
Starting point is 00:42:45 didn't know no it's not true you know but but people are inclined to jump on that it's the it's the old it's the old expression if it bleeds it leads i mean you know if if people are attracted to uh bad shit for some reason maybe it makes them feel better like i don't know when people are you know getting drugged through the mud i don't know that would be i think that's the only guy in history that you could bring because they'll like bring up people now and be like hey you know this guy who died 10 years ago he uh he did all the kid and everybody's like piece of shit delete his movies off netflix and do this someone was like you know mr rogers he uh he was wearing his sweater but he always wanted the kids to take theirs off if you know what i'm
Starting point is 00:43:25 saying like people would i feel like real grassroots people would be like go fuck yourself he didn't do that you're a rapist there's no way he did like horrible man accuses innocent and something comes out of him just being like yeah you know I have barefoot day so often here I was going to say though I'm curious what do you guys think of Michael Jackson oh he did it he did it that's such a good question I didn't watch the documentary
Starting point is 00:43:57 his nose is unsettling to me you said he did it what makes you say that he did it I mean I just think he did it I don't know I think he did it what makes you say that he did it i mean i think he did it i don't know um i think he did it but with that said i i've always been like one to separate the art from the artist so i will still listen to michael jackson songs i think that he was very mentally disturbed and i think he did some things maybe not as bad as written about him but you know for the longest time i was like he's a kiddly ditter but i like his music so i'm gonna pirate it that's my that's a great
Starting point is 00:44:33 that was my morality play i pirate you all think he did it i don't know i think i think he did i think he was not right sleeping in beds with children. Right. Well, because that's the only thing that's been completely did do it. And I'll be honest. I, cause I don't think he did do it.
Starting point is 00:44:51 I think he, I think you're right though. He had serious, I mean, growing up that he had clear, serious issues and the boundaries, all those things are clearly fucked, but I don't know.
Starting point is 00:45:02 I don't, I think he was asexual. I don't know if he really was sleeping with those kids. Now, the problem I have is if some stranger, I don't know i don't i think he was asexual i don't know if he really was sleeping with those kids now the problem i have is if some stranger i don't care if you're a celebrity you're sleeping in bed with my son dude i'm punching you in the face that's not allowed so i think the parents are just as culpable as as jackson wasn't that guard but you know this fighting neverland thing it just fucking pisses me off because those two guys they're full of fucking shit uh if you and if you really go
Starting point is 00:45:26 deep down those wormholes it's more complicated it's easy just to say oh yeah he did it fuck him but no you guys should do more his his nephew taj uh who i'm trying to get on the show uh taj is just like defending it hard and he goes and he proved he's there's a lot of people there with crazy evidence but those two guys in that documentary they've they were at trial for years and always denied it like so they are they perjured themselves once he died and they were total opportunists who wanted money who sued the jackson family multiple times so it's really frustrating to me because how do you so that's imagine like we all you guys all think he did it what if he fucking didn't like how fucked is that like he can't like his simpsons episode is
Starting point is 00:46:04 canceled like weird al didn't do his fucking parodies on he can't like his simpsons episode is canceled like weird al didn't do his fucking parodies on his concert my kids and i were pissed like it's just it's so fucked that now like really so now the man's dead and now we're just all gonna just accuse him based off two guys who perjured themselves in a court of law like shit is fucking more complicated than people want to admit it to be you know remember i was a freshman in high school and some guy like i think i said something negative about michael jackson and they're like yeah but he gets way more pussy than you yeah but that's not impressive i'm not getting any at all like why is that a big deal well i'm 14 so i'm getting no pussy just the perfect exam and i always like to ask because it's like i don't know i'm getting no pussy yeah um just the perfect example i always like to ask
Starting point is 00:46:46 because it's like i don't know i think it's more complicated you think i think the guy issues i think he but i think he was asexual but the other thing was a story i read is like do you remember the time when the kid accused him of and they brought him in and made him show his genitalia because the kid apparently sketched it do you guys remember that story i do i know they made the kid draw his dick and he had to come in there and take his dick out i think there was like a police sketch artist the kid described his dick identified it and he came in and then i read like this i don't know someone involved in it all read gave a really damning thing where he's like you don't understand if if they brought michael into a police station they knew they were told what his genitalia looked like he pulled down and
Starting point is 00:47:23 showed his genitalia michael jackson left the police station if there was anything remotely connected by that accusation he would have been cancuffed and thrown into jail he left out the fun part the kid said there was a bend to it an odd bend like like it had a fucking business a curve in it yeah and it was weird because apparently like bill clinton had a bend in his that they talked about i'm like how common is this condition that people have these curveball dicks but bill clinton apparently has a has a little ass dick which is funny yeah like in that thing it's like his dick is five inches long bends like there's a knuckle in it and it's about as big around as a quarter dude that's like this side i want to say there's a knuckle in it and it's about as big around as a quarter. Dude, that's like the size.
Starting point is 00:48:06 I want to say there's a lot of sex toys designed just like that. So don't knock it, Taylor. Dude, a quarter? That's pretty hilarious. The most powerful man on earth has a dick as big around as a quarter. Is it Trump or Clinton?
Starting point is 00:48:20 Wait a minute. All you guys have penises bigger than the nickels? Definitely Trump. Yeah. Trump puts his names on a lot of buildings. That's got to be compensating for something. They said that Trump's dick's got a big mushroom head on it, right? Wasn't that one of the... Didn't he make a joke saying his dick was huge? Didn't Trump make a joke about his dick being huge, if I remember correctly? He did, yeah. Yeah, but lots of little dick guys make jokes about his dick being huge if i remember correctly like he did
Starting point is 00:48:46 yeah yeah but lots of little dick guys make jokes about the dick that's true but still he's got the little hands yeah he does it's more just fun like that's what we need to have truly to to finally move past all this stuff as a country is to have like fucking uh marco rubio believes this on immigration believes this on taxes here are the dimensions of his penis it's like and just be able to came we'll get like a nice like under vat shot of the female candidates like just give you a feeling where like if a guy had like a he's like he's strong on this and strong on that and he's hung like a horse. You're like, yeah, that's my guy. I'm voting for the big dick guy. This is a good idea. This is going in my
Starting point is 00:49:31 idea notebook. Don't you want some sort of video verification that the penis stories are true? And if so, Trump would be the first guy not to verify it. Still waiting on his tax returns. If Trump Clinton's on that fucking island
Starting point is 00:49:47 molesting a girl or whatever, and then they like, because you know how girls, like little kids, don't have any conception of numbers? If the like, now little girl, describe Bill Clinton's penis.
Starting point is 00:49:57 She's like, it's like a hundred inches long and really scary. And he's like, now that's what she said. You got to write that down. You got to put that in there. This is a real deal.
Starting point is 00:50:08 I want this going in the Library of Congress. Trump called himself the King of Israel recently. And this tweet had me laughing. Getting his ass spanked by a porn star with a magazine with his face on it, then fucking her raw and coming in 90 seconds, a few months after his third wife had their baby, isn't something I was expecting to be part of the origin story of the King of Israel. Great. That's pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:50:35 Coming in 90 seconds, you know why he's got money to make. He's got things to do. Right, turn it into a positive. I don't have time for that much pussy. I forgot those details. Getting spanked with a magazine with his face on it. I think that would be more fun to do the spank. Wait, wait. He got spanked by it or he was giving it to her?
Starting point is 00:50:49 He was getting spanked by it. By Stormy Daniels. This is part of her story. Oh, well, she's very reliable and trustworthy. But I totally do believe. I totally believe that they were slapping each other with a magazine. I don't judge. I judge a little on the 90 seconds part.
Starting point is 00:51:04 But the rest of it. If my face is on a magazine, if I'm on. I judge a little on the 90 seconds part. But the rest of it... If my face is on a magazine, if I'm on the cover of Guns and Ammo, I'm going to integrate that somehow into the bedroom. Yeah, that's what it's for, right? Exactly. Killing all the bugs in my house with that.
Starting point is 00:51:18 Yeah. Kill the occasional snake that makes it delay. No more snakes in the last week, Woody. So that's good. Yes. Good for you. Not good for story time. I want some more snakes.
Starting point is 00:51:33 Not good for stories. Before we... It seems like a natural break. Before we jump into the next thing, we got to hear from our friends over at World of Warcraft Classic. The legend is back. Get ready to return to a lost era of danger and glory. World of Warcraft Classics launches globally
Starting point is 00:51:48 on August 27th. Blizzard Entertainment has been hard at work restoring and recreating the original world of Azeroth as it was in its earliest days, just as you remember it right down to the last painstaking detail. Whether you're out to reclaim past glory or setting out on this journey for the very first time, you'll be able to relive
Starting point is 00:52:03 the stories and adventures that shaped 15 years of Azeroth history. Gather up a party and explore the depths of Blackrock. Gear up to face Firelord and Molten Core, and choose your side in the endless player-versus-player conflict between the Horde and the Lions in Hillsbrad. World of Warcraft Wow Classic is included with your regular World of Warcraft subscription at no additional charge. So you and your friends can raid
Starting point is 00:52:26 Blackwing Lair one night and then head back into the latest battle for Azeroth content the next. WoW subscribers can receive their character names now, so you're ready to go the moment the servers go live. Check out slash painkiller already for all details. That is
Starting point is 00:52:42 slash painkiller already. all details. That is slash painkiller already. Leroy Jenkins! My experience with World of Warcraft was fun, but brief way back in the day because I didn't have... It was like when the first one came out, and I played it at a friend's
Starting point is 00:53:00 house who had a PC that was good enough to run it, and I was like, man, this game rules! And then I went home and was like, Dad dad can i get a computer and he's like no that's where that ended so maybe i'll give it a go this time so if uh so if i stumbled on any of those azerothian black rock molten core actually no none of those words are that hard i'm just an idiot so it's been relevant for 15 years. It's been around a long time. Did you guys get into that? I got into Hearthstone,
Starting point is 00:53:30 which is the spinoff of WoW. It's like the WoW universe, but a CCG, collectible card game online. I didn't play the actual game. My gaming stopped around the n64 good way to go out good way to go out and i stopped around i mean i got i did halo a little
Starting point is 00:53:53 bit of stuff but yeah then i got into just work and movie stuff and movie i spend so much more time watching the movies and tv than i i just don't have time and as a dad i just don't i can't fit in games i mean i do i try but no especially like a world i just know if i do it it'll it'll consume me and i can't go andy i want to know movies i'm sure started as a passion have they become work do you ever watch a movie like fuck this thing's two hours i got i have to pay attention to this for two hours i'd rather not it's funny no movies have not that's why i do it but tv has oddly enough tv like i can't commit to like network tv shows that are like 26 episodes i'm just like fuck who has time for that
Starting point is 00:54:33 i like netflix and m is like the boys have you guys watched the boys and i like that a lot it's like sweet because it's like 10 episodes you just get in you get out i like that a lot i like that format because you can just binge it it feels like a couple long movies and then you're done the uh it doesn't feel as much but yeah tv and stuff i used to watch the flash i still try to but it's like 23 episodes a season and i i'm just a whole season behind now i'm just like do i care that much i don't know anymore you know so tv has started to feel like a job excuse me but uh no i love movies i watch them all the time. I see them even when it gets bad.
Starting point is 00:55:07 I still sit through it. I just, but I also, I just watched, um, angel has fallen, uh, which I have to review.
Starting point is 00:55:14 I guess I'm, I'm not supposed to, this isn't, is that the Tarantino movie? No, this is the third fallen movie starring Gerard Butler. You remember Olympus? Oh,
Starting point is 00:55:22 Olympus is falling. Yeah. Uh, but yeah, it's like the fugitive with uh more firepower is what i called it but yeah it's like the dumb stupid movie but i loved it i sat there what nick nolte is freaking hilarious in it i i say highly recommend it if you like uh that sort of terrorist 90s action style which was always one of my favorites the tarantino movie
Starting point is 00:55:38 what is it called i forgot the name of it once by the time in america i i was not a fan i uh i was not like the. I was not a fan. Yeah, you're like the only person I've heard that hasn't liked it. I've only heard two reviews and they were both negative, counting Andy's. Yeah, I mean, it's very all over the place. Overall, it wasn't as crazy as I wanted it to be. And it just sort of felt meandering and pointless to me. And Leo was great, but felt just miscast.
Starting point is 00:56:05 But yeah, it was not my favorite of all the movies. The I'm trying to think of, there was one I just saw that I really did like. End game. I mean, that was a while ago. I like that movie. I feel like it's not cool to like superhero movies,
Starting point is 00:56:16 but gosh, it's cool. It's cool. It's fun. That was good. That was a cool ending. And that finale, you know,
Starting point is 00:56:25 Avengers Assemble. I don't want to spoil anything but captain plant or not captain planet um captain america yeah captain captain planet makes a cameo captain america fire um captain america with the hammer was oh my god like i it was that my favorite was uh caps caps literally facing thanos and his army and he's ready to do it alone yes fuck and he's just like i can do this all day and then finally here on your left and i got goosebumps i was like yeah i'm through i got tears oh my god that's so beautiful and you're like, holy shit! It was awesome. It was like me as a kid on my carpet playing with the figures.
Starting point is 00:57:10 That was... It was really, really good. Was the movie Midsommar, Andy? I like that. Yeah, it's fucked up. It's a fucked up movie. I enjoyed that one. It's by the guy who made Hereditary. It's a fucking weird fucking movie it's it's
Starting point is 00:57:26 it was rough i watched it alone in the theater and that was a bad idea it's a great movie but well because i had a i had a bad edibles experience in my life and i never did it again but this movie sort of embraces that a lot it's like they go to this far like weird european city and then do an edible and then it becomes a whole adaptation of like bad relationships so it's fuck it's intense and fucked and i and i was like getting flashbacks to that moment like oh shit uh but it's really gritty and real but i also kind of a comedy like it's fucked up comedy and uh yeah i i enjoyed it it's just i like it's finally something more original it was uh it's nice to see not another fucking disney remake or it's a tv show but have you seen the heist no i haven't the heist is my current passion so it's on netflix and um you know ocean's 11
Starting point is 00:58:15 it basically the premise of that is they have a team of experts with an amazingly planned robbery and they try to pull it off well the heist is that but it's television so it's really long form right it's three seasons each season is like 10 episodes and wait are you talking money heist the spanish one yeah is that what it's called money heist i think it's money yeah so i saw the pilot it was good but it's really well done but yeah sorry keep going i'm sure it was the right one so thank you um the plan like Ocean's Eleven they dot every I they cross every T even when things go wrong you realize they had that
Starting point is 00:58:49 as a contingency and then without spoiling too much then things go wrong that they didn't expect or you know have a plan for and things go awry
Starting point is 00:58:59 and I just super invested to that I just started the third season which is starting to lose me a little it's the third and final season but the first two super compelling amazing to get back in i did i did enjoy it is money heist and you know i'll have to get back in i like that yeah yeah um i'm i'll check it out i actually wrote it down just then because i like i guess bank robbery stuff you know like uh any any kind of thing like that like So it was originally Spanish, and they just kind of like did an audio book over it almost,
Starting point is 00:59:27 like so the lips don't match up. But it's way better than like the Kung Fu movies I watched as a child. Like it actually works pretty well. So they did it. Oh, I'm sorry. Did you guys know that they made a Spanish version of Breaking Bad that's like shot for shot with different actors? No.
Starting point is 00:59:46 Yeah. I need to do a video on that. Do a video on that. It's shot for shot, word for word, just different actors, different language. I'm interested. It's skeptical. I guess the same guy, though. That would be amazing.
Starting point is 01:00:01 I need to definitely watch it. What's his name? Paco? Yeah, there's a couple of people. Yeah, Tuco? Tuco. You're driving me crazy, man. That was more Scarface. Man, he's either one.
Starting point is 01:00:12 I haven't seen either in a while. You guys know they already shot a Breaking Bad movie that no one knows about. Yeah, yeah. I've never seen it. I'm like, wow. They haven't even spoiled it. But yeah, interesting. I don't know if I want to see it.
Starting point is 01:00:25 It ended so well. But Better Call Saul, that was Better Call Saul I watched. I really liked that. Better Call Saul is amazing, yeah. The only reason people kind of will talk shit on Better Call Saul is because they already have
Starting point is 01:00:35 that anchor point of Breaking Bad. And it's like, this is known to a lot of people to be one of, if not the best show ever. Of course, the one that comes after isn't going to quite be up to snuff.
Starting point is 01:00:44 But it's still really good. My stock answer for better than Breaking Bad had been Game of Thrones until the end. Last two seasons ruined that, yeah. Nothing's better than Breaking Bad. Nothing. A lot of people piled on Game of Thrones in season six,
Starting point is 01:01:00 but I wasn't there. I just wanted to be positive. I didn't want to shit on it because that would make me like it less. But come season seven and season eight, especially eight, it got hard not to see what everyone was seeing. It sucks that we have such a huge movie buff on right now. And the third member of our show that's not here tonight
Starting point is 01:01:20 because he's in prison for the next seven weeks, he's the one who knows everything about movies. Woody and I are like, yeah, but what about the... You want to talk about Lord of the Rings? You know this movie? I know one of the names in the title, I think. Woody's like, there's one from 2004.
Starting point is 01:01:39 It's got Scarlett Johannesburg in it. This is so boring. Kyle has an encyclopedia. You guys are giving me a photographic memory almost. You're a big movie guy. I watch probably one a day. I'd say an average one a day.
Starting point is 01:01:56 In fact, I was going to ask Andy, what's your favorite movie of all time? What am I into right now? My favorite movie is right there. Shawshank Redemption? Good choice. Let's see. I just watched Spider-Man 2 for the first time actually the sam raimi one um very good best one of the live actions oh yeah and then i'm gonna watch john wick 3 again i think the best i think you like spider-verse oh yes i like spider-verse into the spider-verse i watched that with my family it's on net Netflix now. It's so beautiful.
Starting point is 01:02:25 Great movie. It's like a work of art, honestly. For animation, I think probably my favorite animated film. I've never seen a movie look like a comic book, but then take it to a movie level. And just for art, draw, and voice, it's fantastic. Very good movie. Is there a movie that, because you guys are both movie buffs, is there a movie that's cause you guys are both, you know, movie buffs. Like,
Starting point is 01:02:49 is there a movie that's well known to be terrible that you can't help that you just love and not in like an ironic way. And like, uh, it came out, you watched it and you were like, hell yeah, man. And then you look at the reviews and it's like,
Starting point is 01:02:57 what? Aquaman and, uh, mother. Oh, I fucking hated mother. Oh, I fucking hated Mother. I hated Mother. I love it.
Starting point is 01:03:08 I love it because I like to see people react to it more than I like the movie because it's so fucked up. Dude, I don't even watch superhero movies. I could guess that Aquaman must be the shittiest. It is. Aquaman, we got a guy robbing a 7-Eleven three miles off the coast he's like well then call Superman no spoilers
Starting point is 01:03:30 no spoilers but Aquaman there are like four different scenes where they're having a conversation and an explosion interrupts them four fucking times you can make it a drinking game like it's holding it never gets old like it's holding it never gets old like it's just so funny like is that all they can do to interrupt like this to shift gears but
Starting point is 01:03:50 i love that movie it's just ridiculous market research is showing from our panel that people are very bored by the dialogue scenes there are fish armies the end of the movie of aquaman is pretty fucking amazing though it's like a crazy like crab crab people versus mermaids on seahorses. It goes there. It's fucking crazy. But then the Japanese come in and murder all of them. The dolphin fleet absolutely yeeted out of existence. It's a beautiful movie, though.
Starting point is 01:04:19 Visually speaking. Oh, he thinks he is so small. He's really bringing all the fish. Our armies are helpless all the fish. Our armies are helpless against the net. That sounds like a Spongebob scene now. Yeah, that is funny. A whole fish army. Does he just bring the cool fish or does he bring like shitty ones? It's everything.
Starting point is 01:04:43 Finding Nemo is like like i'm trying to help hundreds of millions are starving as aquaman empties the oceans globally in order to fight a regional u.s problem people are calling it the most irresponsible thing ever done yeah that'd be the reality um can i recommend you guys a movie it's actually relevant to the thing we just discussed if you don't mind it's called uh the hunt with don't know how to say his name uh mads mickelson michelson the oh yeah yeah guy who did polar uh without spoiling it it's about it's foreign language i think it's whatever his native language is. I don't remember. He's a preschool teacher.
Starting point is 01:05:29 Basically, a little girl says something offhanded. Then it spirals out of control. It's of the sexual nature, but he didn't do it. The whole movie is about that.
Starting point is 01:05:43 It's one of the best movies. Is it definitely called The Hunt? It's called The Hunt. It's called The Hunt, but you have to look down a little bit, Woody. It's the one with the YouTube video there that says Mads Mikkelsen because there's another Hunt with Glenn Howerton,
Starting point is 01:05:54 the guy who plays Dennis and it's always sunny. It's one of the best movies I think I've ever seen, honestly, but it's pretty relevant to our discussion. There's a movie called The Hunt that just wasn't released, and it made a lot of news. Yeah, that's the Trump one. Yeah, some liberals hunt down MAGA supporters or something. Is it a superhero movie?
Starting point is 01:06:15 What is it? No. No, they're just like, that guy's got a red hat on, shoot him. No, it's not released, so I don't know it. But what was that movie from ages ago where they like hunted humans as their favorite trophy i know you're talking about the most dangerous surviving the game there's no escape there's i mean running man sort of does that i
Starting point is 01:06:36 mean hunger sort of does that there's a lot of those okay but i think some of the first ones that i was thinking of anyway um uh yeah i thought it was along that genre where they're just hunting people and they're low-value people. We're MAGA people. Yeah, it's Surviving the Game Ice Cube. I think it's Ice T. I saw that one. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:57 He's a surprisingly difficult prey because of his street smarts. Yeah, I think they're homeless people that are thrown on an island so the rich can murder them. It's a fun concept, and of course, the homeless people kick the elitist ass, so who doesn't want to see that? Well, I'm glad anything with Glenn
Starting point is 01:07:14 Howerton as a movie gets cancelled because he keeps leaving. No, I like him in It's Always Sunny, and when he leaves, it's not the same dynamic. Keep your ass on It's Always Sunny. I know, it's like 13 years or 12 years or something yeah and it's like probably my all-time favorite show i love the whole dynamic it makes me laugh out loud one of the best shows ever fucking funny but when he left like and to
Starting point is 01:07:36 try and pursue something i think it was to do that other that tv show where he was a biology teacher or something uh with um patten oswaldalt like I think it was do that not this yeah AP bio that's what it is that was kind of funny too I watched a couple episodes but god Sonny without that integral dentist dynamic doesn't work you need that narcissistic psychopath in there to drive the story forward it's like if they tried to like re-watch season one at the time when you watch season one before they had DeVito, hilarious show. But then the bar was raised when DeVito came on and now to try and imagine
Starting point is 01:08:10 that gang without DeVito, it just doesn't compute. Taylor, always sunny cast. Which one are you? Oh, uh... Matt, because I'm gay. Me too. Yeah, gay. Likes martial arts.
Starting point is 01:08:29 Dennis, because I can be very thoughtless sometimes. I've always cast Kyle as our Dennis. Kyle would be our Dennis. Yeah. That's a unanimous thing. Well, then I want to be Danny DeVito. He's funny. Okay. I'd be Frank. to be Danny DeVito. He's funny. Okay.
Starting point is 01:08:45 I'd be Frank. I'd be Frank. Definitely. I'm also like 5'8". I'm a fucking manlet. So, like, kind of the same thing. And you did some work over in Vietnam. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:56 Oh, yeah. You owned sweatshops in Vietnam. Yeah. A lot of good people died. A lot of good men died. A lot of good people died. A lot of good men died. So, has everyone seen the Ted Bundy movie?
Starting point is 01:09:14 I'm not going to say the name because it's a fucking stupid movie title, but the Zac Efron one? Yeah. The Ted Bundy. You haven't seen it, Woody? No, but I'm listening. Okay. Watch it for one. It's good. But I think fucking Glenn Howerton would have made a great
Starting point is 01:09:25 Ted Bundy, I think, over Zac Efron. I don't know if anybody else sees that. Zac wasn't bad, though. No, he was great. Yeah, he was great. But I just think after seeing him in It's Always Sunny, he's basically Ted Bundy in that. He kind of looks like him, too. Every time he opens his trunk,
Starting point is 01:09:41 he's like, I need my tools! He's got ties and duct tape and a stun gun. What did he say? I like to bind. I like to be bound. Something like that. I like to be bound! How did he play Ted Bundy? Was he absolutely gorgeous as Ted Bundy, too?
Starting point is 01:09:56 Ted Bundy? Yeah, Ted Bundy was a handsome guy. That's why... It wasn't Zac Efron, I don't think. Zac Efron's got him beat a little bit. They show a shot of Ted Bundy at the end to try and connect it. Zach Efron's way hotter, but still. Did Ted Bundy have that
Starting point is 01:10:11 dick root thing happening? The V and the... No, just me. Never mind. See, I'm Mac. Yeah, I guess you're Mac. Yeah, I guess you're Mac. I don't know. I was talking about Trump's dick size earlier oh that's not as it's not nearly as gay as we usually get pretty tamed and i've been well-behaved boys yeah i want to
Starting point is 01:10:37 fuck what was i gonna ask i'll have to look it up you need a topic oh wow way to kill i'm sorry yeah man my fucking bad maybe i'm maybe i'm the d actually just gonna ruin everything andy i have a question about the the screen junkies thing you hired all of them yet they fired you what was the corporate structure in that like how did that happen well i was their boss i had bosses though at defy so that was the corporate structure there i you know me oh i misunderstood then yeah defy owned several brands they owned they owned uh clever uh smosh uh screen junkies i did a channel called ami where i did a show called man at arms which i don't know if you guys ever watched that you might like that one it's uh we built real life versions
Starting point is 01:11:28 of swords from video games and weapons movies and stuff uh that was really fun uh those are still we made uh the scissor blade from uh kill a kill it's an anime series it's like this awesome huge red scissor half of a scissor and they um forged a bucket full of old scissors to like actually like hammer it out and do it it's it's a fucking badass video uh but anyway yeah so we had a lot of brands so yeah i worked as the sort of svp of content so i over i my i was focused most on screen i guess but i oversaw a lot of those brands and then i had bosses above me um but you know people you know below me on screen no yes, they were employees of mine. Roger that.
Starting point is 01:12:06 All right. So when you started that, I guess they didn't buy you. You got a job at the beginning of that. Correct. I didn't own it, sadly. That's why I'm starting again, not giving it up this time. One of the lessons learned. He's coming out of this a new man.
Starting point is 01:12:22 So go subscribe, everybody. Yes, please. Taylor, do you know that you're muted? I do. I was trying to find the movie I was thinking of, but I'm a fucking idiot and I can't remember. Taylor's going to check out for the rest of the show. I feel like Taylor's going to pout.
Starting point is 01:12:37 I feel like Taylor's every other sentence like, I'm either gay or I'm a fucking idiot. So I like the humility here. I don't like to lie do you guys want do you guys want to try a game i do in my show can i do it can you do have a minute can we try it love to let's do it only we had more time oh do we have to guess characters about something i'm gonna so i got you it's called it's a new show i'm calling it's like basically blu-ray battles is what i call it you have to snap one out of existence so i'm gonna say all of south park or all of always sunny south park really gone i'm snapping out sunny wow you both
Starting point is 01:13:19 because i would go sunny too i think south park is even more iconic just from a uh standpoint i think sunny's recently overrated. Wow, I thought it would be a little harder, but you guys all picked Sonny. I guess Woody and I are on South Park. We're tied. You're not even close, really? You're close, but that's because...
Starting point is 01:13:38 I like South Park, but I love Sonny. I love Sonny. It's more of a feel-good show for me. It's one of those shows where I'm in a funk. It of a feel-good show for me. It's one of those shows where I'm in a funk. It's a feel-good show for me. I like it. I'll watch it and it'll make me have a stupid laugh at Charlie's
Starting point is 01:13:54 antics. The cricket storyline in particular picks me up. It's not like South Park is an uplifting sermon. Also, my South park takes have been ever since they started that shit and i've said on the show so i'll keep it short when they started trying to do full series arcs throughout the season that turns me off that
Starting point is 01:14:16 shit's boring i want to watch the way they did whether it's like season five or whatever it's like all right this episode we're gonna like have the Earth get cancelled and they have to go and convince the Juzaniks on the island or the fucking space station or whatever to get them back in the next episode. Nobody remembers that. We're right to feeding Scott Tenorman his own parents in Chile and after that we get more ridiculous
Starting point is 01:14:38 and that's what I love about South Park. I admit. Scott Tenorman eating Chile is the best episode over any Sunny ever. That episode of South Park I would say eating chili is the best episode over any Sunny ever. That episode of South Park, I would say, is one of the best. You might be right. I don't know, man.
Starting point is 01:14:51 Dennis System is my personal favorite. They have that hierarchy of fucking... After he's done manipulating them, they go to Mac, and then they go to Frank after that. That's where he gets the Mantis name, too. I'm here for the scraps. Mantis toboggan. They did South Park bad seasons.
Starting point is 01:15:08 Like you said, when Dennis was gone, they have their pros and their cons. South Park all the way. It's a much harder decision than initially I made it look, but I'd have to give it to Sonny. I want to keep Sonny around. This is a fun game. I like this game. We do that. I'm starting a new show. You's literally and we can talk you can talk like five ten minutes
Starting point is 01:15:28 depending on it we did a bunch of them but it's it's i go to walmart and i'll just take a picture of the like the dvd bins and i did like goonies versus gremlins and i let them vote and people will just message me on my instagram like you fucker how come you're making me use one god damn it it really creates this like visceralceral anger when you put two best movies. I did Ace Ventura versus Dumb and Dumber, and it was literally, I think I had 1,000 people on my Instagram story, and it was 50-50.
Starting point is 01:15:54 People could not decide which one it was, Ace Ventura or Dumber. Which Ace Ventura was it? The original, of course. Oh, that makes it harder. Yeah. I'd snap Ace, though. Dumb and Dumber.
Starting point is 01:16:04 I can quote that movie in my sleep i was young when gremlins came out oh my god was the marketing for that movie misleading we thought it was about cute little puppets we thought it was a movie about ewoks but more adorable and then it's a horror movie and they're microwaving the fuckers and they explode. I'm like six watching this thing. It wasn't at all what my parents thought they were taking us to. I hadn't seen that movie until about two months ago ever. That movie rules.
Starting point is 01:16:36 I thought it was really entertaining. Gremlins? I haven't seen it as an adult. As far as Dumb and Dumber, I remember watching that when I was like eight years old and when I don't think I don't know if I've ever laughed as hard in my life as I did when I was like eight or nine watching dumb and dumber and they convinced a blind kid that the bird was just quiet I was it was like you know do you remember being that young and you'll laugh at something and like in your little head you're like oh my god I didn't know things could be this funny I didn't know I could have a response this uproarious where I'm struggling to breathe.
Starting point is 01:17:09 And I'm like, it's just in my little head like, ha ha, blind kid thinks it's a living bird. But it's not. He thinks it's just quiet. And then the newscaster comes and he's still betting. Oh, so fucking good. Dude, the best part, I had a similar experience, but it was when they think the head just fell off the bird before it. They think he cuts it off to send a message, and they think it falls off because of old age.
Starting point is 01:17:36 Oh, God. Kevin Hemsworth does have one of the best shit scenes of all time in cinema. You can't deny that one. We've watched that on the show before. Kyle gets like a like a school girl when he sees the shitting scene so funny yeah i uh dumb and dumber is good i guess humor is not my thing that's actually the main reason i don't like dumb and dumber like it that poop scene in my recollection is about a third of the movie and it's just like fucking move on
Starting point is 01:18:06 you're not but yeah they take it to that that level where you're like all right i guess i wasn't on board but now i am because okay that's my truth the other news recently was like if you guys haven't re-watched ace ventura it's it's uh the ending is not very uh current uh pc that the whole ending with with einhorn doing the crying game now people are labeling it transphobic and you can't watch you have to cancel the movie uh it was fascinating because i and i had that conversation with someone with someone who was trans and i was like when i was a kid like i didn't really take it as that i understand why people would be mad now but like i just thought it was a parody of the crying game which was sort of making that twist was sort of ridiculous in itself like it wasn't about
Starting point is 01:18:48 trans or anything but uh it's i think even joe rogan did a whole segment about like well now we can't watch ace ventura because it's against that but uh i still as a kid when i watched ace ventura man that made me laugh so fucking hard the whole movie uh he was just and that's really what i built jim carrey too like that put me – aside from Living Color obviously, but I just remember seeing that movie as a kid. I saw it like five times. I was like, holy fuck, I will see anything this man makes. He is the funniest person in the world.
Starting point is 01:19:13 My not aging well movie is Revenge of the Nerds, the first one. Oh my god, yes. No, it's really bad. For people that don't know this, I think it's a lot of people Taylor's age who watch the show. Basically, a bunch of nerds go to this school. They want to be in a frat. They're not cool enough for any of the frats, so they start their own.
Starting point is 01:19:31 And there's this frat versus frat competition to make there's like a ratified frat that gets to stick around. And at the very end, I think there's a fundraiser having to do with the carnival or something. very end i think there's a fundraiser having to do with the carnival or something at the carnival there is this moon bouncy floor type thing and the main character nerd dresses up as one of the jocks which is a darth vader thing complete with mask and then he fucks the jocks girlfriend and she loves it with the mask on he takes the mask off does this nerdy laugh like and he's and she's like that was great and he's like well jocks think about sports and
Starting point is 01:20:15 nerds think about sex that's why we're so good and that's rape that's rape he well you're forgetting you're that's just a little tom Foolery. It's not only that. You got to remember the scene also during that scene. They are selling pies. And underneath the pies are all the naked photos of all the sorority girls that they've illegally filmed from sorority. That's right. Yeah. The stripping pornography that they've hidden in their dorms and selling it.
Starting point is 01:20:42 It's really fucking bad. Voyeur pornography. Yeah. That's how they win that thing. These hot girls are doing a kissing booth, which can't compete with the naked hot girls that they just put in a pie with some whipped cream on it. So everyone just moves the whipped cream out of the way
Starting point is 01:20:56 and sees the porn of their classmates. And in the 80s, it was like a fun comeuppance. Like, woohoo, naked girls against their will and a little rape you know but that'll show her yeah yeah now it's weird it's like in movies you can people will get mad about like stuff that tries to be funny like that and be like that needs to be canceled that's done but then they won't mention like drama movies where someone is like brutally raped like realistically raped where it's like so it was was it like the jokey aspect of that you didn't like like because there's these
Starting point is 01:21:31 other movies where like it is the joke and nobody wants to delete it it's like but but they're like even oz doesn't make light of it they make horror of it what is that movie with maybe it happens in reverse and the really hot woman is anally raped in a tunnel? It's called Irreversible. Irreversible. I've never seen that. That's a rough one. They digitally added penis to it too. That was what I remember.
Starting point is 01:21:56 So it's a movie that takes place in reverse. And so in the opening scenes, not a spoiler, this guy gets beat up in a really nasty way. I think they smash his face with a fire extinguisher and it looks horrific. But then as you watch the movie kind of backwards, you see all the events that led up to it and it feels a little more justified. Anyway, that rape scene is the hardest one to watch that I've ever, like it, like I was emotionally scarred from it. Like this,
Starting point is 01:22:29 the, the guy that does it, does it with this awful intent and it's anal. So like he chooses anal because he wants it to hurt more. He's, he's, he's mean by rapist standards. It's,
Starting point is 01:22:43 it's not even that it's after he just starts beating her. That's the part that got me. Spoilers, sorry, but he fucking just wails on her. It's fucked up. Even among rapists, he's a bad guy. Right? So anyway,
Starting point is 01:23:00 that irreversible, if you want to be emotionally scarred, that'll do it for you. He wanted way that that irreversible if you want to be emotionally scarred that's that'll that'll do it for you um yeah well because he made it he wanted a really emotional scar so at the end of the rape scene he uh what is it i forget the director italian director but he digitally added a penis so because i guess the guy didn't had underwear on when they did the scene but he wanted it to feel even more raw so like had a penis come out of the shot and you're just like oh fuck and that was like back what was that two or late 90s they cgi'd penis into that scene it took an end game budget to make that happen in the 90s but but the thing about that being less that's the other bad but
Starting point is 01:23:40 we were talking about offensive let me let me just finish this thought okay on irreversible they're not making light of it they're making horror of it like you're supposed to be shocked you're supposed to be hurt in revenge of the nerds that rape is you're supposed to like it and be okay with it our hero's doing the raping and he's okay but yeah she was a little snooty but isn't it like it's it's a tongue-in-cheek. But isn't it like, it's a tongue in cheek ironic thing. Where it's like, he completely misleads her and has sex with her and rapes her.
Starting point is 01:24:11 I believe that he did that in the movie. I'm saying like part of the irony of it would be like, oh, these guys that we've been rooting for just did something that they are thinking is a joke and a prank, but it's literally rape. That's why it's offensive. He's capping off a joke and a prank but it's literally rape and that's why he's capping off a rape with a goofy gotcha it was just a social experiment kind of laugh like it was it
Starting point is 01:24:34 was like i thought you were kind of hot so i thought i'd show you by fucking you like that's how fucking crazy it is it's is that the revenge of the nerds i I guess it is. It's part of the piece of the puzzle. And that's why it hasn't aged well. That's why you look back at it and you're like, oh my god, that's terrible. But the one that was supposed to be terrible, it hit the bullseye. Maybe. I interrupted.
Starting point is 01:24:58 You were saying something. I was saying it's not just as bad as Requiem for a Dream. It's just bad. Is that the ass to ass scene yeah yeah that's a hard scene to watch that movie's just it makes me i've seen it once and i remember like at the end of it being like i don't feel good i just feel sad and i don't know why people i love watching horror movies that scare me but i don't i don't want to watch movies that make me sad the only exception to that that is The Green Mile. Andrew, I'm going to need some help with the ass-to-ass scene.
Starting point is 01:25:26 I don't think I've seen this. It's on YouTube. Butt-to-butt is not rough at all. It's like belly-to-belly or shoulder-to-shoulder. So the movie's about drug addiction, and everyone's on some sort of heroin or diet pill. So the scene, this is like the escalation spoiler of the movie and so like i think it's right back me up jared leto is getting his arm chopped off because it's
Starting point is 01:25:49 been severed because he's injected too much the mom is on crazy on diet pills so it's just like cut to cut of all these every all the everyone you've been watching is just being destroyed destroying themselves and then jennifer connelly the girl you've been watching this movie has resorted to is it for drug money or something it's for it's for uh i think heroin actually heroin she then goes to this club and basically fucks a hooker and they put a double-sided thing between the two of them while people are going us do us and it's just so degrading and disgusting and you're just like it's not there's nothing good about it and you're just watching the down and it's jennifer connelly i don't know actors that well but she's classy almost like it's weird that that this is like artistic you know indie darren arvnoski he's just like you know art house
Starting point is 01:26:34 director hero and so and the film is a great film technically but it's it's fucking intense but as yeah it's it's just funny when like um i don't know like if that was played by audrey plaza i i can't she's funny but it wouldn't be so weird to me but if it was played by what's that but if it's played by nicole kidman who i always see is like the neurosurgeon in her films i think like scar joe or something like scarlett johansson that would bother me because she's like relatively classy i mean you know yeah movies so that's kind of what i was going for with nicole kidman right like she yeah that would just be such a stretch for her you know whereas like anne hathaway i think did that on purpose for a while
Starting point is 01:27:21 right she was singing in children's movies for the longest time then all of a sudden she's like maybe i should fuck some drug dealers win the oscar and les mis yeah no she was like what do i gotta do she played that demon girl in uh the exorcism of emily rose i remember that that was the first movie i saw her in and so i never saw her as like attractive because in exorcist movies, the people who have demons in them tend to have not very good skin. They have a bad skin care regimen.
Starting point is 01:27:52 Exorcist isn't going to turn on for you? That's weird. No. Vomiting all over the place. I love when their head spins backwards like in the original Exorcist. It's a real turn on for me. I love it. Not going gonna judge your kinks guys it's it's both doggy style and missionary i want that on a shirt please
Starting point is 01:28:15 it's like all right hear me out i want to fuck you missionary so i can see your tits i don't want to see your face. I was going the opposite. It's funny you're right there. Yeah. But, you know, I'm not judging. Real quick before we jump to the next thing. Please be a sponsor off that topic.
Starting point is 01:28:40 It is. Ask to ask. Did I do that soundtrack while you go, ask to ask? who did we lose that one time because we were playing the the sex offender game my favorite one we lost was 100 food that was yeah we deserve that though i really made fun of them a lot but this one is... That's a good sign. Not in that case. It would have been better. Totally different story. These are wonderful guys. Good friends.
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Starting point is 01:31:05 good to go you'll be like i've noticed if i take one and me and my girlfriend are fucking like you know afterward usually you go down for your refractory period decently you know quick if it's like a one fuck night and it's like all right we finished and i'm on the tv or whatever we're gonna do like i'll be putting on my pajama pants, going to pee in the bathroom, and I can't because I'm still hard as a rock. You wouldn't believe how hard I am. How hard are you? slash PKA.
Starting point is 01:31:36 Get yourself a very hard dick. That leads into our... I think Kyle... Oh, man, I want to... To Dalafil, I think, is the one that kyle points everyone towards yeah they have two options for like uh so denafil is viagra to dalafil or tell denafil or one of the ones that start with starts with an s is viagra the one that starts with the t is cialis get cialis because cialis that'll last for like a long time, like a couple days sometimes,
Starting point is 01:32:06 whereas Viagra, much more, my understanding, I've never taken Viagra, but Kyle's taken both, is more of a one and done thing. So I recommend the Tildenafil, Tildalafil, whatever. Kyle's on a plan that gives him 28 pills a month. Kyle pays $100 a month for dick. It's $90, yeah. And he's in prison for two months.
Starting point is 01:32:27 So he's going to have to come out and go through his backlog. I can't wait for the stories. Yep, and he's going to do it. He's going to take it as directed. He's not using them in prison? I don't think so, no. Well, I think his friends might be.
Starting point is 01:32:42 I was just saying, if you use them as currency out there, I'm sure someone would want to buy one. Oh, I bet it is. I mean, these dickholes. This man's thinking out of the box. Magically. And what are you going to want
Starting point is 01:32:51 after you have some rip-roaring good hard-dicked sex? I have an idea. You're going to want something to eat, right? Mm-hmm. This episode of PKA is brought to you by White Castle. White Castle is America's first fast food hamburger chain, and they are the slider experts. And now you can get that same one-of-a-kind taste when you pick up White Castle sliders's first fast food hamburger chain, and they are the slider experts. And now you can get that same one-of-a-kind taste when you pick up White Castle sliders from the grocery store.
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Starting point is 01:33:42 white castle sliders that's slash pka one dollar off the purchase of any four or six pack White Castle sliders. That's slash pka, $1 off the purchase of any four or six pack White Castle sliders. This is like a Christly thing to have happened. This is our first time having White Castle join us, our good friends at White Castle. I was coming home. I was busy today. Didn't have food at home.
Starting point is 01:34:04 Didn't have enough time to go whip something up. And I love White Castle. I was coming home. I was busy today. Didn't have food at home. Didn't have enough time to go whip something up. And I love White Castle. But I don't have one close enough to me. So I pull off into a convenience store. I'm looking at the frozen options and what do I see but some cheesy sliders. I get those.
Starting point is 01:34:19 Ate all six of them before we started this and I'm feeling satiated. I'm feeling healthy. Get yourself some White Castles. The perfect snack for when you've just finished some good hard dick sex. We like to incorporate
Starting point is 01:34:36 sponsors into one of them. It's fun sometimes when our sponsors are like Blue Chew, Smart Mouth, and Casper Mattresses. We can do this we can make them all about getting laid all right all of these help you get laid so you could crumble up the blue chew in the white castle right there you go oh yeah this man's thinking iq maneuver that way you don't have to show her that you're doing the blue chew some guys don't want to do that in front of the label then you can share the white guy um yeah can you imagine what the country would do if they found out my dick didn't work my god it'd be all
Starting point is 01:35:08 over the place that's why i get blue chew delivered to squeak when it comes to your house it says custom medicine nobody knows what it is just that'd be so funny out there he was taking blue chews so we can get it up i feel like once you get to that age, everybody has to get a little assistance, right? He is 72? Is that right? He's 72, but he's also fat. That's true. That makes it much harder. It does make it much softer, actually.
Starting point is 01:35:39 It makes it much softer. The one thing that Mr. Trump and I can agree on is we like hard dicks. I will provide Bluetooth to every man, woman, actually just every man in the country. We will redistribute hard penises among the population. How much do you think Bluetooth would pay for one of them to do that out of debate? That'd be fucking amazing. Oh, God. I would buy it. I mean, I would buy whatever they were plugging,
Starting point is 01:36:10 honestly. First of all, I don't care for you. You suck, and you don't get my dick hard. The only thing that would get my dick hard around you, slash trump. Backslash trump. So fucking baller
Starting point is 01:36:25 oh god I would vote for anyone who got up on a debate stage and just made it an ad for anything that would be so funny so fucking funny but I've already said I'm voting for Vermin Supreme the guy who wears the boot
Starting point is 01:36:42 on his head he runs every single year yeah look up vermin supreme he's a crazy looking old man sounds like a wrestling character on his head and and he just says ridiculous shit i i trust him he does wear a boot on his head yeah but honestly who do you trust more some establishment guy who's been around and he's been taken in the back rooms and given all the secrets or do you trust more? Some establishment guy who's been around and he's been taken in the back rooms and given all the secrets? Or do you trust Vermin Supreme? He looks like he
Starting point is 01:37:09 looks like Gandalf's fucking stunt double or something. Jesus. I'd vote for Vermin Supreme. Or, you know what? If Ian McKellen ran, I know he's English, so that's not allowed, but I'd vote for Gandalf, but only if he was in full regalia the entire presidency if
Starting point is 01:37:26 anything that would make him probably like more amicable to when he went to go visit the saudis because they wear gandalf style clothes he'd be wearing gandalf style clothes he'd look natural touching the palantir of or thank i don't think we should vote for someone anymore because it'll be funny. No, that's... I've made my mind up. Okay. Wait, wait, wait. Not voting? For anybody? Me? I was saying that choosing someone based on who will be funny
Starting point is 01:37:53 perhaps lesson learned. That's me. Maybe other people disagree. But we don't know how funny Vermin Supreme will be. That's a fair point. He might be worth it.'s named like after a skyrim character so i mean i think he'll be pretty funny you know vermin supreme like king of the fucking uh goddamn skeevers or whatever i like it yeah the skaven
Starting point is 01:38:18 yeah vermin love supreme he has a book, Eye Pony, Blueprint for a New America. What does that mean, man? Zombie-powered energy, flying winged monkeys, free ponies for all. Yeah, this guy rules.
Starting point is 01:38:44 I'm looking at his picture. Oh, we were i know you're you're all over the twitch scene we talked about this on our pre uh podcast which is an hour long a couple days ago but we hadn't woody and i hadn't actually watched the video fully and gotten the woody had watched the video i hadn't yet i watched the compilation of it so there's a streamer called only use me blade on twitch and he's coming under a bunch of fire right now. It's like six degrees of PKA because Chris Hansen, a guest we had on four years ago, is now going to look into what OnlyUseMeBlade was doing
Starting point is 01:39:18 on the Ice Poseidon stream. Woody, you can lay it out a little bit. Maybe you might know even more, Blame Truth. Are you up to speed on the blade drama yeah i talked about it yesterday on my stream uh yeah he's not the way that i'm sure you know he's not on twitch he's on youtube but he got kicked off twitch for sticking his finger up his butt true story let who amongst us who hasn't stuck their finger up their butt cast the first stone? On camera. Like I said, we're all in glass houses. Changes nothing.
Starting point is 01:39:52 Yeah. But yeah, so I actually know Blade in real life. I've known him since, I mean, back in the day. Yeah, we're not like super tight or anything, but I've talked to him. I used to call him, and I've always had positive interactions with him. Yeah, yeah, I've known him way back in the day from MW2, COD4, when those games came out.
Starting point is 01:40:12 Yeah, so what had happened is, well, for one, if you don't know him, he's essentially, his stream is he gets drunk profusely. It wasn't always that way. No, it wasn't. But it's devolved into that and it's bad the blade i knew was chill chill and cool like that's who blade was six years ago roughly um and it just i don't know it worked for him he was one of the cooler he was always seemed to be above drama he always seemed to be uh just like a guy you'd like to sit on the couch with and watch tv like yeah blade was chill that that's who blade was and then like i maybe it was around the finger in the butt thing i talked to blade and i was like man it's not a good look uh
Starting point is 01:41:05 you know i think it's time to make a change in life and he said woody like this is working for me he's like i had a passion for video games and i managed to turn that into my job and now i'm really liking drinking and i managed to turn that into my job and you know people pay to see it that's where his headspace was five years ago or whatever that was yeah drinking heavily heavily heavily every single night is not a good job path that you want that's that doesn't have longevity you're gonna fall apart i get what i mean i get it because he was kind of struggling you know with uh viewership and and getting any kind of basically it's like he didn't have a niche anymore really they weren't tuning in for cod
Starting point is 01:41:51 knife only content right right and uh he started doing like irl drinking streams and stuff then he got with the ice poseidon crew and i think that's when it really got bad because he got the, the view boost from, you know, that, that group of people. And it's like, it's really bad. But the, the, the main topic here is,
Starting point is 01:42:12 uh, well, is there's one, I don't know the adult diaper thing. Um, I saw the video for that. Did you see, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:42:22 I didn't see the video. No, I didn't. I don't think there's a ton to the video? Yeah, I don't know. I didn't see the video, no. I don't know about that one. I don't think there's a ton to that story. Blade being very drunk, peed on a couch, maybe even pooped on a couch. I don't want to disparage the poor guy's name. But he definitely left some sort of Blade behind on the couch.
Starting point is 01:42:40 And then in prep for a stream, perhaps perhaps he switched over to an adult diaper not realizing that he was streaming at the time so you see him sort of walk 18 feet from the camera take his pants off you only see his butt throw the adult diaper on and then his pants on over that like like stream prep involves adult diapers now because that's the risk he runs. Jesus Christ. That's not ideal, especially when he's in his late 30s or something. That's not
Starting point is 01:43:14 when you want to start having those incontinence problems. That's really humiliating and everything, but I want to get your guys' take on the back of the RV video because when we spoke about it on the pre-podcast, I hadn't seen it yet. I'd only gone off what take on the, like the, the back of the RV video, because I, when we spoke about it on the pre podcast, I hadn't seen it yet. I'd only gone off what he said.
Starting point is 01:43:28 I watched the video and he's abs. I can't tell. I can't tell you. It was actually like what he's doing back there, but he's doing some shady shit. So he, he keeps like trying to be nonchalant in a, I'm wasted way,
Starting point is 01:43:41 which is not, which is like the, in his head. He's like, I'm, I'm just, we're just kind of traipsing around. I'm just oh, I'm just going to walk back to where the drunk girl is passed out again, even
Starting point is 01:43:50 though this Swedish dude or whoever is telling me not to go over and over, but I'm just going to oh, I'm going to go back there and I'm going to come out with a blanket wrapped around my waist and go. It's just cold back there, man. It's so cold and I'm definitely not hiding an erection or anything. And then there is like some air conditioner is off to he's like, it's so cold. The'm definitely not hiding an erection or anything and then there is like some the air conditioner is off too he's like it's so cold the one guy's like well the air condition is not on
Starting point is 01:44:10 and he's like and then he he goes back again and the like norwegian guy whatever goes tries to pull him out and then like the norwegian guy leaves the the trailer or the the rv and then you see like movement and stuff back there. It's like you're looking at a camera through the front of the RV into the very back room. So it's like a slit little window or a little doorway. The door is open by his foot. Yeah. You can see movement
Starting point is 01:44:36 of a mask. It's like there. It's like that. It's kind of like that. It's some kind of movement. I can't tell if he's on top of her, if he's to the side of her and moving this way. I don't know the dynamics of it. He i know next to her jerking off for all we know you know that also is not appropriate but it's certainly not the same as trying to penetrate her while she's sleeping but you can't tell what's going on but you do know that some shady's going on that he knows he shouldn't be doing even in his drunken state because when the nordic guy comes back in
Starting point is 01:45:01 he like sits up real quick from back there and like scoots to the edge of the bed and like makes it look like he's just kind of aimlessly sitting there yeah she's sleeping i'm just kind of sitting here and it was like okay something in his drunken mind going on he tried to convince it's it like he seemed to portray that the real attraction back here is just a bed and some covers i am wicked tired and i need to urgently go back here and and lay down and there's a passed out girl in that bed like look you don't even jump in bed with a passed out girl right even if you do want to sleep like it that needs to be considered off limits it's taken to you you don't even want to wake up she's gonna be fucking frightened yeah yeah that could be or you know i heck you could be falsely accused right you know to stay out of bed with passed
Starting point is 01:45:50 out girls bad idea there's a reason to risk it and and this goes back to kind of what uh andy was saying earlier it's it's easy to go it's easy to like for me to throw him under the bus you know but as a colleague i talked about it on stream yesterday i i wanted to reach out and like help him stage intervention or something people were telling me in my stream like he's had like five interventions you know but i'm like i gotta i feel like i have to do something because if he keeps doing this he's gonna end up in prison or dead you know like and for his like alcoholism like it's andy you don't know it's so extreme that like video clips emerged of his legs like in shorts and they're like a deep purple color there are scabs and like wounds on them that are
Starting point is 01:46:38 not healing it's like this is not oh i bumped my shin really hard it's like if i don't if you don't fix something and it may already be too late, you're going to lose your fucking leg or legs. He's got diabetes, I'm pretty sure. Yeah, he's got diabetes. He must have diabetes because he's been drinking like an animal for so long, and I'm sure that those drinks don't accompany kale salads. They probably accompany $5 hot and readies.
Starting point is 01:47:02 What's different than this situation than what happened with andy is that there's not a video of andy online that's you know like blade has a like blade groping compilation of him like just doing inappropriate things and groping women when he's drunk on street yeah it's unwanted groping like like this is not related to blade but i can imagine a universe where i don't know you're flirty with a girl for some time she's touched your knee you i don't know shared a blanket you grab her butt as sort of like a escalating sequence of back and forth flirts that's not what's happening here blade is is like copying feels from girls who don't want it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:47:47 And there's like compilations of it. And then, and then they take, I'm sorry to cut you off, but what I'll call edgy humor, being too positive on blade. Cause I have, I come at this with a bias because I've had good interactions with him for 10 years.
Starting point is 01:48:02 And he'll like, Hey, have you ever been raped? You should be, is what he said i see that as a not funny edgy humor thing not a threat but when you view it in this context it looks like a threat i saw him say you know like uh it's not rape if she has an orgasm i saw him say that something else really cruddy that i maybe it's my bias where i just keep putting it towards this like edgy humor i don't follow him he doesn't mean that that much but i don't see a lot of but yeah i don't see a lot of people upset about those like
Starting point is 01:48:40 clearly in bad taste jokes or edgy shit. I see people mad about the actual physical things he's doing, like the groping. I don't think that he raped her back there. The fact that he is apparently diabetic and he was wasted off of his ass, I doubt he could even get his dick hard. But what he was doing back there, regardless, there was something...
Starting point is 01:49:01 Bad time for a sponsor call-out? Yeah. I was thinking, please don't do that. Don't so i he was doing something seedy back there though like it really opened my eyes when when that norwegian guy came back in and he was doing a bunch of frantic movement and then suddenly just shuffle, shuffle, shuffle, get to the edge of the bed,
Starting point is 01:49:27 sit down, act nonchalant, act nonchalant. Like there is a scene where he walks back there. Camera's on, right? He walks into this RV has like a bed with a door, right?
Starting point is 01:49:37 It's hardly a room bed with a door. And, uh, he walks back there, camera rolling. And what I think is blades hand hand is moving out of the way. And then as the scene develops, it's like, oh, that hand wasn't on himself. It was somewhere in her undercarriage.
Starting point is 01:49:56 That's where I think that hand came from. In truth, you've seen this too. Yeah. And I don't know what he's doing exactly. Something inappropriate. yeah and i don't know what he's doing exactly but something inappropriate if you're back there because you're super tired and you just urgently need to lay down right now or lie down whichever um then why is your hand on the undercarriage what are you doing under under the blanket there like that and then plus there's groping compilations it's hard to cut on the benefit of the doubt it's it's different because the evidence is against him yeah there's no i mean it's not just somebody saying something like there's video evidence and even with that said it's like
Starting point is 01:50:36 i guess because i've known him again woody it's like i'm kind of biased like you like i want to reach out and try to help him, but I feel like nothing I can... At the same time, I feel like nothing I say or can do will help him. He's not going to fucking change. Because that's up to him. It doesn't matter if fucking Arnold Schwarzenegger comes up and gives him some big Austrian speech or something. It's not going to change unless he wants to do it.
Starting point is 01:51:04 And I don't think he wants to do it and i don't think he wants to do it we talked about this on pkn a little what does rock bottom have to look like right rock bottom is often this event someone goes through where they decide hey i've gone too far this isn't who i aspire to be anymore and i mean if it's not fingering your butt on stream or an adult diaper or pooping yourself on the couch, like the levels of embarrassment that he's in. I was going to say endured, inflicted on himself. None of those have been rock bottom. All right.
Starting point is 01:51:36 Now you've got what I'm going to assume is like two and a half million people talking about you being rapey. Yeah. Is this rock? If this isn't rock bottom. If he hasn't hit it yet. The only rock bottom that's going to be worse is prison time because that'll actually force him to sober up for a while and then he'll get some perspective on what he's been doing.
Starting point is 01:51:55 But think about it. Do you think internet shame, no matter how intense, holds a candle to knowing that your behavior is going to lead to you losing your ability to walk, losing your legs, and if that doesn't wake you up and get you to change,
Starting point is 01:52:10 nothing's going to. He's got to be forcibly removed from the substance that he's from drinking. That's what it might take. It's disturbing. I mean, have you guys actually seen pictures of his legs? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:52:27 They're like craters. It looks like the moon. Like blisters, kind of? Is that what you see? I see. I mean, when I saw it, I saw it like a year ago or whatever. Somebody put it on Reddit. It was like indentations, like where the muscle, almost like the muscle in the leg had withered away.
Starting point is 01:52:46 It was almost like rotting or something the leg was like his legs don't match in color yeah that's not mine match yeah i mean drag but yeah my match uh i'm trying to find a picture for andy i yeah post it again because i'm curious too yeah we could probably show it but um i want blade to be better right i want to be better physically i wanted to be better emotionally and i want to be better towards other people the man that he's become lately isn't anyone that he should aspire to be so yeah yeah and then keemstar has been called out because he's like yeah there's really been no uh nothing to cover on drama alert recently he covered blade today actually oh did he oh he mentioned it on twitter yeah which i was surprised to see because you know it might have
Starting point is 01:53:37 been in response to the attention he's gotten for probably not uh covering it earlier. Here's a stream of Beloved. I couldn't find a still picture. Okay. Yep. Yeah, it's pretty bad. It's like necrotic looking. Mm-hmm. You guys will see in a second. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:54:00 If I have a leg that starts doing that, I go to the doctor yesterday. Like you don't want to be trifling with a fucked up leg, be on crutches. Yeah. It's sad to watch somebody kind of piss it all away. But also it's like,
Starting point is 01:54:21 man, you're harming a lot of people. Also, here's the topic. Do we hold accountability to the people watching and donating to him and to his streams and encouraging him to do this? Do we hold them somewhat accountable? That's an interesting question. I would say no because he has his own autonomy.
Starting point is 01:54:40 That's true. But there are undoubtedly people who watch trainwreck streamers just because for them this is just a really super real jerry springer show yeah it's the i mean it goes back to if it bleeds it leads i mean blades bleeding on stream so yeah you don't want to talk about his ruined legs uh no no i do i do change topics but i don't want to forget it um yeah so the people donating to blade stream maybe kinda especially when he does like drinking goals and stuff like they're yeah they're paying for ruining a person for their own entertainment i get that now on game night, whoever's stream that was,
Starting point is 01:55:26 it might have been Ice's or Bjorn's or something, they actually encouraged them to stop the rape. Bjorn was sitting in the front of the RV. The way that it moved, I think it was driving, and he was kind of ignoring what was going on, and they're like, you've got to check on them. You need to go back there. The people watching on,
Starting point is 01:55:46 I don't want to call it rape night. Can we have some other name for it? Sexual assault night. The people watching on sexual assault night, encourage Bjorn to limit what went down back there. So they're not responsible. I guess. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:56:02 Yeah. It's just one of those things. I actually stopped going to his streams because this was like three years ago two or three years ago i would go into his streams be like hey what's up blade and he would be like hey bt i'm gonna you know take a shot just because you're here like he would drink just me appearing you know what i mean i kind of felt bad like he would do that without even me doing anything and i'm like ultimately we have our answer it's blame used to blame i came into a stream one too many times yeah well i think that's probably a thing for a lot of streamers out there who realize like hey i can get quite a bit more money pretty
Starting point is 01:56:35 fucking easily if i just set goals like drinking and then they drink more and more and more and more because it gets them more money like i can see that that. It's, it's, uh, I had a, I mean, a few years ago I was doing drinking streams probably twice a week. It wasn't as bad as blade. You know, I wasn't getting banned on Twitch or anything or doing anything like super bad,
Starting point is 01:56:55 but I was noticing this pattern where I was like, man, I'm making a lot of money doing this, you know, but at what cost? And that's where the difference is. It's like, yeah,
Starting point is 01:57:03 I'm making money, but at the cost of my health at the cost of my like your dignity in a way the dignity yeah i mean there was one stream where i was like drunk and headbanging i gave myself whiplash you know like couldn't fucking i was doing it that hard yeah i was listening to like metallica or something and just fucking headbanging i want to see a highlight i'll have to dig it up but um i definitely did it and but again the difference is like i noticed that it was bad and money's not worth my fucking health no amount of money is worth my health you know blade has an affinity for alcohol right and and like yeah you've known
Starting point is 01:57:38 him as long as i have so you know this too like even back in the days where he was chill and had everything under control, he still drank a ton. He drank a ton. I remember this. We were at PAX East or something. The Boston trip? The Boston trip. I've told the story before too.
Starting point is 01:58:00 We just had dinner. It was just dinner. And there were like minors there and stuff, but it was a place that served alcohol. And with his meal, Blade had $80 worth of drinks. And the waitress came up and she was like sheepish almost.
Starting point is 01:58:14 Like, you know, your tab is $80. She's like, huh, yeah? One more then. And it was just, it was baller as fuck. Like I was, at the time i was like he's masterful socially if you spend any time with him you would probably agree with me um but in hindsight like it through the the framing of all this like you know roping allegations and and trouble he's in now and the embarrassment he's brought to himself it's like oh that doesn't seem as cool as it did definitely not as cool no yeah well at the time i was 20 on that trip
Starting point is 01:58:50 sitting at the same table at pf chang's or wherever yeah yeah yeah i think we were at pf chang's and like in my 20 year old head i was watching him and i'm just like wow this guy's cool he just crushed drink after drink after drink after drink after drink and like if i were to sit there with someone doing that now especially the way everybody else was drinking at dinner like it wasn't like we're all like rah rah shish boom bah let's get fucked up and pfj it was just people were like i'll just have water or uh you know what i'll have i'll have a few beers i guess that sounds kind of fun but he of fun. But he was taking it next level. It was kind of like writing was on the wall
Starting point is 01:59:28 at the time. That's another thing, too. You know he's got younger viewers. You kind of have to... I made the reasoning myself. I've never really censored myself as far as what I'm going to say, like curse words and stuff like that, or topics
Starting point is 01:59:44 or whatever. But I was thinking, man do i want to be like just some drunk like 30 year old dude fucking streaming to you know 18 year old 17 year olds like influencing like that like that like to make them think like this is how you succeed you know that was another thing and no not really i haven't done a drinking stream in forever can you remember last time i did one so but if you're blade like you looked at the drinking streams and you're like man this seems like more negative than positive blades not wired like that right blade is like i love alcohol and when i have one that opens the door for five and ten and i can just see how he's the wrong guy to do drinking streams there's no universe where he doesn't go overboard yeah well and in his in his head i bet it's almost something like
Starting point is 02:00:33 oh well these drinks don't even count this is working this is my job like or this is win-win you know i get to drink that i get to drink and and these guys like to see it. And this is just going great. And I mean, I hope that now he's like, you know what? Maybe this isn't great. Maybe this sucks because it sucks. But I don't know if he sees it like that. I don't think he will. He's got all those people encouraging him.
Starting point is 02:01:02 And I mean, again, you can't really blame the viewers or the donors but that's the rule at least but i kind of hold them somewhat accountable because if i mean straight up if nobody showed up and nobody donated i don't think he would be half as bad but at the same time it's his it's his you know choice so yeah and it's hard to tell with someone like him because it seems like he's doing drinking streams when he's not streaming yeah just he'll show up to streams just absolutely obliterated yeah platforms help to avoid that like can someone complain that the streamer all twitch all of them let you just drink as much as you want well see he got banned off twitch because of breaking tos and that that does break TOS, like excessive drinking.
Starting point is 02:01:46 So he's on YouTube and YouTube doesn't give a shit. Basically, they'll allow whatever, you know. So I don't think they're going to do anything. I don't think they would shut him down and or, you know, intervene or whatever. YouTube's not in a position to be choosy, right? No one streams on it. So what are they going to do? Kick Ice Poseidon off?
Starting point is 02:02:04 He might be their biggest streamer yeah it's a few it's a few gamers and then a few big irl streamers so it's like they're not really going to do much and i don't know man it's just sad it sucks but i don't think he's going to stop as long as he has an audience so to speak or if he has people there because i view it as like i don't drink that often anymore if i go to a party and people are drinking around me or encouraging me yeah i'm gonna have a few you know well blade there's no few so if anybody's giving him any encouragement he's gonna just drink as long as he can and it's seven days a week i would imagine like there's no break
Starting point is 02:02:41 probably not he just probably feels shitty constantly he might be immune to it at this point like honestly um or maybe he just stays drunk maybe he just stays like jim lahey style yeah what's the what's the worst you guys have ever injured yourself drunk i uh injured myself uh stupid trip yeah one time i was drunk and me and my friends were on uh their their his porch for the fourth of july party and they were like firing off firecrackers and shit and uh i just i just felt really pumped up and stuff from the firecracker, American things, you know. And the porch is like maybe like 10 feet from the ground, you know. And under that porch is like this bush.
Starting point is 02:03:33 And I go, I'm going to Macho Man Randy Savage up and drop that bush. And my friend's like, you better not. And I'm like, I'm going to do it. And then I just went, oh, yeah. Jumped right into the bush, cut my arm all up. And that was a dumb idea. But that was the extent of it wasn't horrible or anything. Andy, do you have a story?
Starting point is 02:03:53 No, I'm trying to think about it. I mean, I've never gotten that bad drinking. Me too. Yeah, I've contained it. But I think Taylor has a story because he brought up the topic. Oh, I was just going to be a continuation of the one I brought up a few months ago where I was at a friend's bachelor party. And it's more embarrassing because the first night, it was like a weekend thing.
Starting point is 02:04:16 The first night I was there, I got wasted and I was sleeping on a top bunk and nothing happened. I like that Taylor's worst drinking story is from 2019 but carry on it just so happens there's like a perfect storm shit the next night because we'd gone pretty hard the night before we still were drinking because it was a bachelor party and stuff but i just got like like drunk not wasted or anything and then by the time bedtime came around it was like all right time for bed i got up on the top bunk and i was thinking you were obliterated last night and you didn't roll out of this thing you have to know i roll around a ton of my sleep last time i slept on the top bunk which was when i was 11 before this at a camp i also rolled off the top bunk in my sleep and i rolled off of this top bunk in the middle of the
Starting point is 02:05:01 night blew the fucking guardrail off of it and the guardrail which is made of wood fell down and i fell didn't wake up until i hit the ground about about seven feet like eight feet however tall it was slammed into this hardwood floor on top of that bar uh that wooden post and it it was the most startled i've ever been waking up but thankfully like the amount of the deepness of the sleep i was in it was more just like oh oh shit oh fuck and my friends were like i just remember being terrified because it sounded like somebody was breaking in with a gun i look over in our this big room with a bunch of bunk beds i just see you standing up going what the fuck what the fuck and so and then you just up going, what the fuck? What the fuck?
Starting point is 02:05:47 And then you just walked to the bathroom and peed and came back and got back in bed and the next morning I woke up and my whole right ass cheek, my head was sore, my left ribs were bruised, my right ass cheek was black as night. Did you show the world that?
Starting point is 02:06:03 I think I saw it, but i don't know if you showed it on no i didn't i didn't tweet it or anything but it was i shared it with i think i showed with you guys in our host chat on our text and then in my friends group chat that's right i shared it with them and it was just a big old patch of black dude on my ass not not deep purple black black is this fucking. It's not a human color. At least not for Taylor. It was a big black bruise.
Starting point is 02:06:32 Like a black hole black. It was black hole black. It looked like if you would have zoomed in and put a little bit of Carl Sagan VO, you would have believed that you were talking about the cosmos. No color escaped this bruise. No light bounced off and reflected from this bruise. It was so black, and it was big.
Starting point is 02:06:50 Big, like the size of a book or something. Like an ash-cheek-sized bruise, and it was giant, and it was black, and I've never had a bruise like that. No, it was the hardest I've ever fallen, and it was at the Lake of the Ozarks. And so the next day when I woke up was the day we they were leaving and i was sitting in the back because my friend was driving and every time he took a a left turn i'd be like too much too much weight was going on my right ass cheek and at the time like a big dent had formed in my ass cheek like it looked like almost had like two ass cracks like it took all of my right
Starting point is 02:07:25 ass muscle and pushed it up and so it was like a bigger lump of ass muscle and meat and then an indent and then the rest of my ass cheek like and over time i was like that'll go away i'm sure i'm sure this is sure i'll get back to one ass ruin my muscular structure and my right gluteus maximus or whatever it was. And it got a little better, but now my ass cheek is totally back to normal shade and everything. It has been for a month or two, and I still have two ass cracks. My left ass cheek, totally normal. My right ass cheek big like divide in it where like muscle got
Starting point is 02:08:08 pushed up like if I sit the wrong way or if I like pull my pants down too fast or something and I hit that like bulge area I'm touching it right now it hurts like and I was like so this is really shitty because my ass was one of my top features I was
Starting point is 02:08:24 gonna say juicy muscular shitty because my ass was one of my top features. I was going to say. Juicy, muscular ass. Loved my ass. One of the best asses. Everyone says it. I hit that thing so everybody's talking about it. And so now I've just got this awkward ass. Well, they say chicks dig scars. So, I mean, that's technically a scar, you know?
Starting point is 02:08:43 It's a special kind of tragedy. It's funny because if I turn, you know how you can turn in the mirror and see your ass cheek at different angles? I do it all the time. This is what I do every morning for 40 minutes before you start it. If I do that on my left side, totally normal, just an ass. Best angle, me holding both ankles i can go to a certain angle to where it's like straight on with the ridge and then i'll see like my side my upper ass indent and then my lower ass and like if i'm done it's the point like i'll be fucking my girlfriend and i'll like like we'll
Starting point is 02:09:18 finish and i'll get up to go to the bathroom and clean up and i'll be walking away and she'll be she'll be laying in bed she'll be like oh your poor ass it was a national treasure i'm sorry it's never and she's been like you know i you really should have gone to a doctor and it happened and i'm like yeah i think i think i've got permanent nerve damage she's like you probably do you probably do I don't know what they would have done though maybe fall the other way to stem cells regrow that ass yeah I know there's a lot of paralyzed folks out there looking for spines but I want my ass back to primo but it still works fine I can still like like squatting and doing leg workouts and stuff like I can't tell any difference in it so you know thank god for small but it but it hurts to press sometimes no presses in like if i take my hand that's what i mean like yeah yeah if i do that it's like a stinging like not not a nerve damage kind of pain not muscular pain definitely nerve damage pain so yeah i've definitely gotten like bumps and bruises
Starting point is 02:10:29 from being way drunker than that but as far as just you know i guess i'm kind of cheating because i was asleep but i was there was still alcohol in my system so i'm counting it and that's makes it way funnier and so yeah my ass is ruined be careful with bunk beds be careful yeah don't put adults in with child barriers like i'm picturing this like lame little thing you'd use in a crib to stop a child or an infant from rolling out yeah like a one inch thing or something two inch things like that big and like that thick just made of wood and thank god i didn't like fall awkwardly into it because when i looked at the thing the next morning, it was just a board laying on the ground with like three nails sticking out of either side. So I easily could have punctured myself on that.
Starting point is 02:11:14 I'm not sure that's way worse than the damage you have. Your puncture wound would be gone. It depends on where you land. You just want to land like on eyeball or heart or something. I didn't even consider it would hit anything but nice because it was like up near my upper body and so if i did it would have been like a final destination style death oh that would have been an embarrassing it would have been dumb ways to die style death like just you know nails in your in your lungs i would
Starting point is 02:11:39 hope my friends would be kind enough on that trip that if i died by falling off a bunk bed and puncturing my temple with a few nails they'd be like you taylor would want us to tuck rocks in his pants and throw him in the lake and we just say that he ran away let's let him go with a bit of dignity points let's delete woody's browser history bury him in the lake and you know what his calculator history is at least as embarrassing let's get rid of that shit too seven plus nine you can't divide 420 by 10 no one needs to know this they'd be like yeah they taylor told me to delete his internet history it's just a lot of videos of 18th century cooking what was he doing watching that do you know that channel i'm talking about i i do, yeah. Yeah, that guy, Townsend and Sons,
Starting point is 02:12:28 shout out to them. I want to have that guy on in his full bonnet regalia and shit. That guy rules. But, anywho, that's my ass story. I enjoyed it. Andy, are you a full-time YouTuber now? Do you have other gigs? No, I
Starting point is 02:12:43 am because I have time now, i'm i can't afford to be it's not you're on the comeback but yeah i'm working on it and yeah you guys said i gotta i gotta get some notes from what you're i gotta get on twitch i guess and do some of these other streaming platforms uh which is what i'm trying to slowly learn or is mixer gonna be a player what do you guys think no i don't think mixer is even though they just got ninja it's more like i've been streaming on twitch for five years and i would not go to mixer if they paid me personally just because you were new like what so andy has a following but let's say you had none right you're you're you're 16 years old you're aspiring to be famous you've got twitch which has a concentration install base, whatever.
Starting point is 02:13:28 It's filled out. It is hard to break out in Twitch now. You're in page four. Or you can go to Mixer and be the third most popular Fortnite streamer. Maybe. I mean, that's a good point. I didn't look at it like that. If you're brand new and you're just going to do something relatively kind
Starting point is 02:13:46 of basic, like Fortnite. Yeah, you can. But like, yeah, but what if I go in and I'm reviewing and doing fucking movie wars? I was going to say you could totally that's, there's a market for that. I'm sure because I watch a few podcasts on Twitch, like movie podcasts and stuff. You could start your own podcast there. You could do like an interactive kind of you know the movie war the snap snap game you're playing i think that would catch on i mean i'd watch personally pitch blame somebody's gotta tell me i need a twitch or somebody so anybody's watching
Starting point is 02:14:14 hit me up on uh and thing because i can't figure out the fuck how to do all that shit but somebody give me a quick tutorial i'm gonna get on there what if because you can put it on multiple things right but sorry go ahead, Woody. What if the target platform was Facebook, right? And the only reason I mentioned that, okay, you say no, but I want to see if I can change your mind. That was just a reaction, sorry. Facebook, look, I don't like Facebook, right? It's not my thing, but I find myself on there because that's where I'm in this hobby paramotoring and that's where they live.
Starting point is 02:14:42 Anyway, Facebook is shareable. Everything about Facebook is designed to bring eyes and attention to another thing. That's what – and it has a culture. Like if you want people to tweet out your Twitch stream, you're really asking for a favor there. People do it. If you want people to like and share your Facebook thing, well, that's what Facebook is. It's a liking, that's what Facebook is. It's a, it's a liking sharing place. So if you're trying to build fame,
Starting point is 02:15:09 I wonder if Facebook is a neat place to do it. Everyone will know your face. I, I just, it's more complicated than that because I've toyed with the idea of, I mean, I don't do YouTube much anymore. I thought about making a comeback with some vlogs or something in the future, but like, I don't do youtube much anymore i thought about making a like comeback with some
Starting point is 02:15:25 vlogs or something um in the future but like i don't really do it anymore and i had toyed with the fact like well why don't i just stream here you know because the audience is already here here being youtube yeah yeah and youtube shareable on it's shareable in the same way maybe not on the platform but everybody knows youtube everybody's gonna click a YouTube link if it looks interesting. But I did some YouTube streaming, and it's more complicated because you'd think like, oh, I'll get more viewers here. I'll get more money or whatever, but you really don't. I feel like YouTube's more casual, whereas Twitch is more hardcore for streaming. And something like Facebook kind of
Starting point is 02:16:05 falls into that casual thing. You know what I mean? Where you kind of want to appeal to both the casual and the hardcore audience. And I think Twitch does because you can find, I mean, Twitch has expanded. It's basically just in TV like it used to be in a way. Like you have games and stuff, but you have podcasts, you have anything you want to do. You have cooking, you know, um, you need to get that casual and hardcore audience both because the hardcore audience is going to really invest in the platform. Whereas the casual audience won't. And I think that's why Facebook, uh, Facebook streaming and Facebook live hasn't really taken off.
Starting point is 02:16:40 And I think that's where Mixer is kind of not taking off because i don't think mixer has invested a lot i mean they got ninja and that's going to help with the casual audience but i just don't think that they they're unique enough you know and it's just like kind of like a bad twitch when you say hardcore audience you're talking about donators right is that i'm talking about donators i'm talking about people that use the site and spend a lot of time on it people that watch twitch more than they watch movies or television. Because it's an entertainment medium. It's basically live Netflix with nerds.
Starting point is 02:17:14 The other problem with Facebook for me is the archive is terrible. So you really are relying on if they shared it or not. And then the problem is everything you've made is just disposable and chucked and never disappears whereas youtube you could knock it or whatever but it's a search engine so if you do it right and you're and you have a little bit of following they can you can get a lot of old views and old revenue is really where it comes from versus even current uh and i've i've had good luck on the super chats on my live streams on youtube but i realized i gotta figure out how to do twitch and try and be like a movie personality there because I don't think there are a ton of them, right? Not really.
Starting point is 02:17:48 No, I've seen a few podcasts and stuff and I'll check them out and that's really about it. Just podcasts. I've done a few live watches of these old B movies with no copyright and shit. Not a living dead or just some shitty B movie from
Starting point is 02:18:04 the past. Like, uh, you guys ever heard of Miami connection, Miami connection, Miami connection. Yeah. I haven't heard of it. No, it's hilarious and bad,
Starting point is 02:18:12 but anyway, um, I've done a few like movies, movie watches there with my, my subs and viewers and stuff. And, uh, I was surprised at how much like people were into it there.
Starting point is 02:18:23 It's not just gaming, you know? So I'd say definitely check it out. And then just kind of go with like either YouTube or Twitch, whichever one you like better. Cause YouTube's fine for streaming. It's not as, I guess,
Starting point is 02:18:35 fleshed out as Twitch. There's not enough revenue opportunities, but you do get that backlog, you know, ad revenue from the streams instantly posting. You don't really have to do anything. The main thing the main reason i don't like youtube especially is they're very strict copyright laws like you have you hum like a you know you hum like a lady gaga song you're demonetized you've heard that's changing there right you curse too they'll limit your ass yeah
Starting point is 02:19:01 like twitch that doesn't happen so and blame truth you know that's a current story right like it it used to be people would file these copyright claims if you just used a few seconds of a song and that i don't know if they've changed it yet but that's changing very soon and it's like a youtube official announcement on top of that they're suing a copyright troll someone who would inappropriately flag content i wish i knew the details like yeah you know if you legitimately used you know whatever 10 seconds of a song she owned she could maybe think that it was her right to flag it or was she flagging stuff where you were just 100 innocent i don't. But the fact that they're changing the rule on purpose
Starting point is 02:19:46 and they're suing someone who abused the old system is super encouraging for content creators. Because it feels like no one's on your side. If you make content, it's very difficult to get YouTube support. Maybe if you're 10 times bigger than me, you've got a contact. But there's no support for you.
Starting point is 02:20:04 You just get fucked all the time. People make copyright claims for a few seconds of song. And yeah, YouTube, YouTube last year actually deleted my channel just for posting. It was a video saying I was live on Twitch. Tons of people do that. They made a rule against that. saying I was live on Twitch. Tons of people do that. They made a rule against that. They did, but they said that it couldn't be a video simply directing people to, like, it couldn't be a video specifically just linking to another site. It had to be some kind of content. So I made sure to
Starting point is 02:20:36 follow that rule. Yeah. I made sure to follow that rule. I'd be like, I'd make a video of me saying, Hey, I'm live on Twitch. I'd make the video like a minute long or something, you know, they actually, somebody, somebody reported that video, like flagged it. And they just flat out deleted my channel. And I had to, if I didn't, if I wasn't, you know, known in the community and I hadn't been doing this for like, I think it was 11 years at that point, 10 or 11 years, there was no way I could have got it restored. I like sent appeals. YouTube's like, nah, you're still going to be banned. And then like,
Starting point is 02:21:05 I had to contact fwiz. If you know fwiz from YouTube. Yeah. I had to contact him. I'm like, dude, there's something you can do. He got it handled in like two hours,
Starting point is 02:21:14 you know, channels back. But if I didn't have that connection, it was gone. You know, like 10 years of backlog videos, like thousand videos just gone. So yeah,
Starting point is 02:21:23 it's scary. It sucks. Man. It is scary. Yeah. Like you just have unilateral power over the way you make your, your income. It's just some bot.
Starting point is 02:21:34 You can't rely on it on YouTube. It's true. Even I know guys who are making really good bank on it and they, they make it clear like, dude, I'm saving it all because it can all go like that the next day. Yeah. It's so unpredictable.
Starting point is 02:21:44 And it's because YouTube's algorithm can just fuck you, and you're out, and then suddenly your videos stop, get half the traffic. It's crazy. Or it can do the opposite, and suddenly you're, oh, shit, I'm in a windfall.
Starting point is 02:21:55 It's crazy how you can't predict that shit. Yeah. Is Twitch better like that, though, then? Is there ways, if you sort of ride the wave up, does Twitch sort of stay constant, too, or no? Twitch, the way they do it, I i mean it's just ranked on viewership so like usually if you're attracting more and more viewership and if you're doing something people like it's going to stay pretty consistent it's not really like a search engine so much there's not really as much recommended
Starting point is 02:22:18 stuff it's like you go in there that's why i'm saying it's like more hardcore you go on there you find the category then you see the the streamers listed by view count, like descending down. So if you stick with it and you find a niche there, you're pretty much going to succeed. Like I've stayed pretty constant with it in the past five years. So, I mean,
Starting point is 02:22:37 it wasn't like YouTube, YouTube definitely dwindled. That's why I switched. And it was like, I kind of like this better. It's more consistent. Twitch responds to me when I email them. Twitch has no long tail.
Starting point is 02:22:51 That's not a concept in Twitch. You make money while you're working, and if you take a week off, you can expect practically zero. You get ads on VODs, but yeah, the ads don't really pay that much. People don't watch old stuff much. Unless you put your finger in your butt, people will watch it for ages. It's a business opportunity for you, Andy. So there's no real long tail to speak of. And like you said, it's ranked on views.
Starting point is 02:23:16 But there is long tail for the simple fact that you can get subscribers and they'll pay monthly. So it's a little complicated. I would recommend spending like a day looking it up, Andy, and like, you know, really, really researching it. But it rewards grind and that in itself can be a lifestyle issue. You know, I guess you're reborning, rebirthing. So, you know, you have to expect to grind. But man, to do well on Twitch twitch it would be good to stream six
Starting point is 02:23:47 hours a day seven days a week where you're always there where someone pops on randomly in twitch and you're there waiting for them uh if not that the second best thing is a really reliable schedule where they tune into you thursday nights at 8 p.m. like they did a TV show. It's not a casual gig where you just upload videos like YouTube. It's not casual. Anytime I've slacked on it, I've noticed that there's a drop. I've got to be constantly making incentives, pushing the bar, trying to think of something new to do that's cool
Starting point is 02:24:26 just to get people interacting. But with Andy's thing, there's not a big market for it. Me personally, I'm biased because I like movies and shit. So I would watch it. I would watch it if it's free. Let's do a movie channel. Come on, man. Let's do a movie show.
Starting point is 02:24:40 Let's do it. I'm totally down. I'd love to. You can show me your Twitch magic too. Okay, yeah, for sure. Help each other out. I'd love to. You can show me your Twitch magic too. Okay, yeah, for sure. Help each other out. Yeah, get after me or get to me after the show. I'll be glad to help you out. I like this. I feel like we made a connection. This is like Tinder for
Starting point is 02:24:53 Twitch streamers. Hey, he was the only one who knew his movies too, so I was impressed. There's a good reason you didn't choose me. That was a good choice on your half. Yeah, man. It's a bit of a grind but it's fun it's rewarding i love it i wouldn't i wouldn't change anything i was i'm glad you said you loved it see if you change your mind how is it right because i find your job a job i've had right um To be rough on mental health a little bit, right? It's a dream job to many. You're playing games, et cetera.
Starting point is 02:25:28 It's a blast. But you're playing games while everyone's looking at you. You're trying to be the most entertaining version of you. Really, it's sitting in a dark room doing your thing. It's, to me, like my formula. Yeah. I'm in a room. You're just playing by yourself.
Starting point is 02:25:47 People are staring at you. This sounds like my love life. Yeah. So the recipe for like happiness or beating depression for me is like physical activity, time outdoors, sense of accomplishment. And video gaming doesn't give me much of that right yeah it's so but your your formula for beating depression might be different how is a decade of working as a gamer for you awesome worn out it's it's awesome now but you are absolutely right that you have to balance it.
Starting point is 02:26:27 I don't know where Taylor went, but when he comes back, we've been talking on Twitter about working out and stuff. For me, I would have these up and down periods throughout the year, constant up and down mentally. And I'm an introvert, and that's saying something. I get off on playing games alone in a room you know that's my thing but um it was like this I was like something's got to change and I looked into like physical fitness and stuff so I tried to work out like at least three days a week three to five
Starting point is 02:26:58 days a week before the stream and then I noticed on the stream, I'm like way more energized, way more peppy, happy. And also you can't, you can't be like, you can't be like, I hate to bring them up, but like wings. You can't be like wings in response to like trolls and naysayers. You know, you kind of got to go with the flow a bit. Whereas wings takes it personal and that just makes it worse. You know what I mean? So you got to kind of go with the flow a bit whereas wings takes it personal and that just makes it worse you know what i mean so you got to kind of go with the like if somebody comes in and they're like hey man um like hey bt i fucking hate you and i'm like hey thanks man you know you just got to do like that you can't let it get to you yeah that's another thing so i was going to chime in and i'm i'm
Starting point is 02:27:39 realizing i have daddy duty soon i didn't realize i'd lost track of time i have to check out soon but i want to chime in that because uh you're absolutely right it's full circle in my story too one of the things that helped me through it was fucking exercise like learn and i lost like i lost like 80 pounds i went out obviously a lot of that was stress uh and of course everything but i also got my ass and i went and i jogged a lot and i get that and i and i just stopped eating and i realized well shit i just shrank my stomach down. I'm not gonna be a fucking idiot and do what everybody else does and eat my depression away.
Starting point is 02:28:09 Like let me go work this out and actually do it better. And you're absolutely right. Like the, and I know I noticed now that I've gotten in YouTube, I've gained a little bit because I have to sit and I have to do it. And I notice he's, you're totally right. Like when you,
Starting point is 02:28:20 when you, if you actually get active that morning before I, every time I do that and I fit in a jog or something, my whole day is 10 times better. It is such a key, at least for me, as my activity and my vice of fitting in a healthy vice of doing it. It's fucking astronomical difference. So good on you for noticing that.
Starting point is 02:28:39 Are there Twitchers who do that as a morning? Can we start a channel where we just do morning exercise while we play our games? Yeah. There's a morning? Can we start a channel where we just do morning exercise while we play our games? There's a neat idea actually. Workout live stream. Everyone is going to talk shit about your form 100%.
Starting point is 02:28:54 I don't want to bench and squat in front of the internet. Armchair fucking exercise. Armchair Arnold's, I'm going to call them. You guys do it, yeah. There's exercise channels fucking exercise armchair Arnold's, I'm going to call him. Yeah. You guys do it, yeah. There's exercise channels. There was a guy I was watching for tips on form, this fucking rip dude.
Starting point is 02:29:14 He was just doing reps and stuff. He's like, the proper form is this. I'm like, oh, shit. Twitch has got a ton of shit now. You can do much more than games. I really like that. I really like that. You can do much more than games. I really like that. I really like that.
Starting point is 02:29:28 You can totally do an exercise stream. I would try that. I have one to get in on that. I've got a flexible schedule. You probably instantly felt, holy shit, Woody's been lifting. I actually thought that earlier. I was like, man, Woody's in good shape.
Starting point is 02:29:43 I don't remember posing for that. Woody looks very orange and rocky. That's the physique I'm going for. I've been in and out of working out. I usually get injured. Then I have to rest for three weeks. Then because I'm a fuckhead, I'll turn that into six before i like pop that cork out and actually lift and i've been doing better until this week where i hurt my back ah this is how i always ruin it but um i'm itching to get back in the gym and i'm gonna take a whole week off and not come back half healed so that's yeah but yeah very excited that's a smarter way to do it you guys should uh definitely stream it i mean even come back half healed. But yeah. Very excited.
Starting point is 02:30:26 That's a smarter way to do it. You guys should definitely stream it. Even if it's just jogging. You can do whatever. That would be more embarrassing than lifting. It still blows my mind. It's my age showing. I'd rather play the games than watch someone play the games.
Starting point is 02:30:43 That's where my... I'm still getting used to it but uh it's it's a fucking business oh yeah i sometimes i'd rather watch them i sometimes i watch them if it's a story game especially like if i'm just lazy i don't want to play it like yeah i'll watch this it's the lazy thing sometimes i'm like i don't feel like playing right now but i can just kick back and watch you do it and you know that i'm not gonna lose everything's gonna be fine over here no pressure to beat this fucking boss yeah yeah you can just like chirp from the stands like you should have used this move retard meanwhile he's doing like 10 times better than you would uh yeah i don't really watch
Starting point is 02:31:23 video game streamers either when i like probably the most i watched of a single youtuber playing a game was like in 2008 for grizz when he started making all those montages and even then i'd make i'd watch like two of his call of duty 4 montages and then it would just make me feel like i can do that i can i can do what he's doing i'm gonna go do that i'm gonna go play and then i try and go do it and just fucking suck and not be able to and then you get frustrated and then you play for a few days and you watch another grizz video and think you can do it back when uh remember the no scope thing where he made that tutorial where he's like you're thinking of the g-shot the g-shot straight back and forth and fire right where the reticle does this and
Starting point is 02:32:05 i remember watching that and thinking being like man this guy's really got something figured out okay literally luck yeah i was about to say i don't mean to call it grizz but that's bullshit because i watched that same thing and i'm like i'm gonna try and i'm like dude it's complete luck like oh yeah how many takes did he have to do with that before the second? You know what wasn't luck? The mojo jump. Like, Fear Mojo figured out a way to jump, like, 1% farther than normal people. And it was really complicated.
Starting point is 02:32:36 But now I know that, like, you can use that jump, that same jump in Left 4 Dead. It's a weird thing where you, like, sort of jump and land in a strafe and then jump again and uh speed runners use cheat tools because it can multiply no human could do it like six times in a row but with with mods you can start like increasing your velocity by a thousand or fifteen hundred percent and it's pretty neat but anyway yeah fear mojo figured that out on cod and he could jump places that were just out of the way for normal players. It was cool. Hmm. I never saw that.
Starting point is 02:33:08 I'll have to check that out. Really? Yeah, it was definitely a thing. It'll help your COD 4 game. I'm sure that's important right now. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Dude, I got huge into the COD 4 remake, remastered, or whatever it was.
Starting point is 02:33:19 I thought I would, but didn't. I must have put probably like 30 or 40 hours into that, which is a lot as an adult. Yeah. But we were talking about the fitness thing. You were on only like seven months ago, Blame Truth, and you are noticeably fitter. You've put on quite a bit of muscle. You've clearly stuck to it.
Starting point is 02:33:36 So I wanted to give you the hats off to that. Thanks, man. 30 pounds down. Yeah, 30 pounds down. Good for you. We need a Blame Truth versus Taylor ass competition. I can't be the only one thinking this. No, I'm at a for you we need a blame truth versus taylor ass competition i can't be the only one thinking no i'm at a if we do a left cheek competition i have set i have set on my ass like twice as much as taylor probably throughout my life so
Starting point is 02:33:57 he'll he'd probably still win like my ass is pretty flat like even with squats it's pretty bad so i think i'm gonna remove deadlifts here's what i did that was so wrong my back hurt a little i'm gonna call i was like an eight out of ten you know whatever and then i hit the weights hard and bump that down to like zero out of ten and i was like you're an asshole you could have just not done deadlifts for one day and you know not injured what was pretty much fine oh yeah i rarely deadlift at all now. Those strongman videos I was watching convinced me that I could do this in a safer way and hit that same posterior chain. Obviously, kettlebell swings are never going to equate to a deadlift.
Starting point is 02:34:39 There's nothing that you can do to equate to a deadlift. It's too useful a movement. But it's also high risk if you're not a million percent confident in your form and i know when i get into later reps of it i'm gonna i might round my back i might get a little lazy and all it takes is once or twice and you can really fuck yourself on high weights i must have i was convinced i don't lift much um what is 245s so that's that's 135 if it's a 45 pound bar. Oh, 245 per side. So four 3045s. Oh, 225.
Starting point is 02:35:10 Thank you. So I deadlift 225. I never even change it. I just leave it right there on the floor and then I roll it into place and deadlift it and then roll it out of the way. And I thought that if you only deadlifted 225, you wouldn't get hurt because it's not a lot like that's not considered a heavy deadlift. And I i'm like these strong men are getting hurt because they're deadlifting 900 pounds of course they are uh my sissy little weights aren't capable of hurting humans turns out
Starting point is 02:35:35 that's not true yeah it turns out you could probably you could fuck yourself up on 135 pounds if you put yourself in a terrible position and like wrench your back up or something like it doesn't take much to slip a disc, but we, we stomped on you, Blanchard. You were saying your deadlift routine. Oh, I was just going to say,
Starting point is 02:35:51 I'm sorry. I got a deadlift three weeks ago, about three weeks ago. I'm already up to, uh, I think I deadlifted one 68 last. Yeah. And,
Starting point is 02:36:04 I'm a smaller guy. I'm'm one i'm five eight like 160 right now uh height and weight wise so like if i'm dead lifting my weight like i'm pretty happy with that i might go up to 200 or so maybe 225 the magic number but like i'm not gonna get too much heavier either just because it is risky it is very risky if you hurt something you're out for like everything you know you can't do much of anything so i don't want to go too heavy too soon or too heavy at all i i don't want to make excuses i feel like lifting over 40 like the name of the game is avoiding injuries you know like that i just i should have cut out deadlift when everyone else did. Taylor did. That strong man came on the JRE show. He's like, you don't see real athletes doing deadlifts,
Starting point is 02:36:50 like pro basketball players and such. They're not out there doing deadlifts. They're doing something different. And I just thought, basically what I really want is more muscle mass for higher metabolism for a lower body weight. That's my end goal. And I was like, damn, deadlift's just a lot it's all the way from like traps to ankle muscles or something like it's half your body yeah yeah a lot yeah that just seems like a lot to give up yeah but
Starting point is 02:37:17 another one that like it's one of those exercises like deadlift that you don't realize how sore you're gonna be the next day until the next day because like like i usually i cap off all my workouts with farmer's carries because i have some farmer's carry handles that i put the plates on and then i just pick one up in each hand and i just walk as far as i can like throughout my basement my unfinished area and i was doing it the other day like i just a couple days ago i like up to the weight again because i had i was I was like, you know what? You you're walking way further than you were a couple of weeks ago with this up the way. Come on, push yourself.
Starting point is 02:37:50 I think I had like, I had like 95 or a hundred pounds in each hand walking as far as I could as you do. And as I'm doing it, I'm like, you are so fit. You are so good. Meanwhile, meanwhile, my stomach is jiggling because my diet's shit i've got like the the weight vest like the weight belt on i look like butter bean up here in my upper torso just embarrassing but i'm like trying to hype myself up not just ignoring the torso disaster below me and i finish it and i do a few rounds of that until failure and like the rest of
Starting point is 02:38:24 the night i was like high on myself. I was like, hell yeah. Like that's like actual strong people do way more weight than that. But that feels really good that I did that the next morning I woke up, I felt terrible, not terrible, like sharp back pain,
Starting point is 02:38:37 terrible as in, I had no idea how every muscle group in my body was working to try and maintain that. And especially my, my hands, like I swear the calluses on on the end digits of my fingers are moving around a lot when I do farmer's walks. And it feels like when I'm dropping them,
Starting point is 02:38:53 it's going to rip the skin off the pad of my finger. And then I looked up online. Turns out, that happens. So I need to be wary. Or get some Pokemon trainer gloves or something. Maybe farmer's walkers. Something I'll add. Oh, take this, I thought. to be i need to be wary or get some pokemon trainer gloves or something maybe something yeah oh take that's the thought um yeah because that seems like a deadlift replacement that maybe is less dangerous i don't know it's hard don't ever start out workouts with that because you
Starting point is 02:39:16 will burn yourself out like by the end of it doing it like two or three times until failure you feel like you're gonna die i did i did uh just it was four sets of deadlifts and i did squats the same fucking day that sucks and then for like a week i was out like if everything from the fucking like upper back down you know was hurting so i was like nope i can't so i couldn't work out you know most of that week just because of that a week and a half ago i had like a breakthrough in the amount of weight i used in some of my exercises and I was using dumbbells but I was like my dumbbells are all like on the shelf sort of in a row and I was like yeah for this one I grabbed these and for this one I grabbed those and I just made a mistake and grabbed heavier ones and did like you know just and it's like, fuck. So my breakthrough is on a math error on dumbbells.
Starting point is 02:40:06 You're a retard. Dude, you got to take victories where you can take them. Yeah. And I'll find myself trying to ego lift where I try and push myself too far. Like the previous weight I was doing with farmer's carries, I was trying to hit like guesstimate about like 45 seconds of walking like about that before until failure. And then when I bumped up the weight,
Starting point is 02:40:30 I was only doing like probably 25 to 30 seconds. But in my head I'm like, yeah, it's still about the same though. Like you totally didn't just up the weight and you're not going to get anything else because you're a vain narcissist. Like you definitely didn't do that. But like, that's the thing they need to all the lifters like the ripped
Starting point is 02:40:48 guys do that but uh anyway just got a little little notification from our good buddy dr chis reno down there andy thank you so much for coming on man and sharing that harrowing tale yeah i wish i could stay long i realized how long i i booked two hours and i just i was having fun i stayed longer but i have daddy stuff i have to do sadly tonight, but I had a blast. Thank you for guys having me. I'd love to come back anytime. Now that I know how long I'll, I'll, I'll stick it out. But yeah, thank you for spreading the word and for being so kind to me and support me. And yeah, I just followed you on Twitter. Blame truth. Let's do it.
Starting point is 02:41:20 Let's do a movie. I'm excited about that. Yeah. Really good to meet you guys. Let's follow me up on the socials. Andy signals where anybody can find me and yeah if i'm plugging shit popcorn planet is the youtube i'd be grateful i'm i'm doing a big stream on saturday i'm debating if i want to watch all the honest trailers i didn't write i've had a lot of people want to see me watch them in pain uh to raise money for this kickstarter i don't know i'm gonna do something crazy this weekend. What time?
Starting point is 02:41:46 Probably Saturday night after 9. Usually I do a couple hours, get drunk, and fans ask me the craziest questions about all the drama I let it unleash to try and raise money for the Kickstarter goal. If anybody was inspired or has any stories or can help,
Starting point is 02:42:01 the Kickstarter is the other link. Thank you guys for having me on. It was a really fun conversation. Yeah, for sure, man. Thank you so much for coming. Have a blast. Check out all his shit and I'll follow you on Twitter right now for the upcoming movie. Yeah, I'll follow you back. Same, same. I'm excited. At least come on. I'll do another movie battle
Starting point is 02:42:17 when Kyle's back. He's the movie guy, right? Yes, he is. Six weeks more and he'll be back. Yeah, he's... Phot photographic memory he quotes everything like we got it yeah connect me guys make sure you tell him i want to talk yeah yeah i always remember yeah we i was always a big fan of it and when i worked at break they were obsessed with him so yeah i've always wanted to catch up with him but yes thank you all fantastic great to meet you all and i look forward to talking further thank you sounds good buddy Have a good one.
Starting point is 02:42:45 See you, man. All right, dude. I could talk about working out all night now. It's I was going to say, yeah, it's it's been eye opening for me. I've just been doing it for three months and it's been crazy. Like I, you know, mental
Starting point is 02:43:01 health wise, way better. And what do you I would recommend watching AthleanX on YouTube. Woody talking about him all the time. He rules. If you want safety, he knows how to do it safely. First of all, I've watched a lot of his stuff and he's a great
Starting point is 02:43:18 recommendation. He's a workout genius. You wouldn't think such a thing existed but it does and it's him. On the other hand, do you not always feel a little in trouble when you watch his videos he feels like a teacher or like a dad that's like telling you you've been doing it wrong yeah he's like you're not as strong as you think you are you're not doing this as nicely as you like all the accomplishments that you thought you had are now invalid and it like if you ever do something like you'll be doing bent over rows your normal way and then this happened to me just a month or two ago or something like that and i was doing
Starting point is 02:43:56 bent over rows and then like something about it i'm like i feel like i like, um, like, I'm like trying to, like, I'm having to use my body to pull the weight up. Like, and I'm not staying totally static with my movements. And I was like, I pulled up athlete and I watched it. And I bet you guys know this feeling where as you're watching someone instruct you on the correct way,
Starting point is 02:44:17 you immediately find a compartment in your brain to take your previous behavior and put it and hide it away. And then by the end of the video you're like yeah i mean you'd have to be a real idiot to do it that other way like clearly i i'm on board now and then you go and you try and do it his way and i like try and do the bent over row and i'm like oh fuck yeah you just were putting weight on there for the sake of it you know you need to back off the weight and do the form right, you stupid ego lifter. His biggest... Oh, sorry. Go ahead. I up the amount of pull-ups I do to 21, but it's across three sets,
Starting point is 02:44:52 so it's not that impressive. I do 8, 7, 6. And I hurt my elbow right here, and I watch AthleanX, and he's like, yeah, you're probably doing pull-ups, and I'm going to misquote him, because you're a fucking retard. You cheated I'm going to misquote them because you're fucking retard. You cheated by bringing your wrists like this instead of keeping them straight.
Starting point is 02:45:10 And now your elbows hurt. And it's like, well, I, I just upped my reps though. What do you know? Guy who somehow found a 14th and 15th ab. Yeah. guy who somehow found a 14th and 15th ab yeah he's one of those guys that's like so jacked it's frustrating where it's like damn it this is just a mirror being held up to my own lack of discipline oh his biggest thing he taught me was
Starting point is 02:45:38 i noticed that like i would do like the bench press or whatever or i would do like uh you know chest exercises whatever and like one little tip he would do like uh you know chest exercises whatever and like one little tip he just is like when you do these exercises to really get it in your chest like archer or archer uh fucking shoulder blades back so your chest is out front that way it's taking you know the most like the brunt of the um the stress i was like oh my god like i literally just need to move two inches and instantly feel it way more in my chest and actually develop it better. That's a big... He always has you do great
Starting point is 02:46:10 for him and he's very proud of himself when he can kick your ass with seven and a half pound weights. It's like, all right, I'll admit you can do that, but I don't have to like it. He's not even winded. No, he recommended this one exercise it was like um
Starting point is 02:46:27 face pulls face face pulls but it was a side lateral raises and he was using like 10 pound weights you know nothing crazy but he would do this thing where he would he would bring his arm up and then like hold it and then lower it a little bit and then like bring it up again and then just drop it like that and it was like i tried it and it fucking killed me like it was just 10 pounds and he's just like just hold it there and like contract within the rep and i'm like jesus christ because he was trying to do it to where you could build good shoulder muscles without destroying your you know sockets and joints and shit so i haven't done it yet but he has a an exercise it helps you with a neck forward posture which i kind of have and you just use a broomstick there's not even any weights but
Starting point is 02:47:10 you're like doing shit and i'm like this guy's gonna kick my ass with a broomstick okay but yeah i really like him i i actually like it it when Jesse's in the videos a lot because he's fun. And did you see the shark ab workout thing? I didn't see that one, no. I really enjoyed it. The guy's doing an ab exercise to this baby video. You don't know this, but we're watching a baby now. It's my son's parkour coach's kid.
Starting point is 02:47:43 We watch him. It's fun. But anyway, so this baby shark attack song is a part of my life now i've heard it i've heard it baby shark oh yeah i you've heard it interject real quick because i uh my girlfriend one of her uh one of her sister's kids was like we were watching him one day he's a he's a little baby and like i was in the and i he loves me thinks i'm hilarious and so like i get along great with them i think it's because i just i'll just like grab how old is like the throat uh like just barely one okay like it was in that range i don't fucking know and uh i just like doing the thing where you throw them up and
Starting point is 02:48:22 catch them and i don't know if that's irresponsible to do with other people's kids or if it's just understood that that's what you do with babies. And so it's not like it's hard. You just do it and get them laughing. And then he was getting bored and stuff. And I was like, hey, babe, what should I put on for him? What does he like? She's like, put on baby shark. And like I put on this baby shark where it's like do do do do do do.
Starting point is 02:48:44 Like and like then there's a granny shark and the grandpa shark and the daddy shark and all that. And it was funny because I've never seen something like this. Watching a baby like as the intro to the channel was coming on. Like I put him I just put him on the couch next to me. I'm sitting there on the couch. He's sitting there like feet don't even reach the edge. And as soon as the intro comes on on he starts having a conniption and then it starts with the baby and he just loses it like a woman in the 50s at a fucking elvis concert he's like trying to get he's like trying to rock to get himself off the couch get
Starting point is 02:49:23 him off the couch he's dancing around in my living room, just fucking loving it. And it's like, this, it's just really funny. It's like, they love that kind of stuff so much. And then, guess what? If I watch a movie, and I'm loving it, and I hit replay the second it's over, I'm not going to love it. That kid watched Baby Shark a hundred times. If I put Lord of the Rings on Taylor's like, do,
Starting point is 02:49:47 do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do,
Starting point is 02:49:49 do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do,
Starting point is 02:49:49 do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do,
Starting point is 02:49:50 do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do,
Starting point is 02:49:51 do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do,
Starting point is 02:49:51 do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do,
Starting point is 02:49:52 do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do,
Starting point is 02:49:54 do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do,
Starting point is 02:49:54 do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do,
Starting point is 02:49:55 do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do,
Starting point is 02:50:00 do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do,
Starting point is 02:50:03 do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, And so you can just put that on repeat, and they love it. Oh, the Itsy Bitsy Spider. Apparently that is a fucking rocker.
Starting point is 02:50:08 Wheels on the Bus. Classic. Wheels on the Bus. Classics never change. Yeah. Redmond the Robot. Shit don't change. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:50:20 But anyway, there's an ab workout. And that song, it's two minutes long, and it changes from Grandma Shark, Papa Shark, etc. Every, I don't know, I'll call it 30 seconds. And the tempo gets faster, right? It might. I don't know. Maybe. But anyway, there's an ab workout that goes to it, and it's sweeping the nation.
Starting point is 02:50:40 And AthleanX recommended it. The Baby Shark? That's a good way to get your abs ripped and take care of your kid. Yeah, that's true. I thought it was going to be like it got progressively faster so you're doing like 50 sit-ups in like a minute or something by the end of it but
Starting point is 02:50:55 I'm not surprised he found a way to make somebody really sore with baby shark, honestly. Yeah. Have either of you guys found found and then we can move on from workout talks people probably don't care but are there like any niche workouts or exercises you found maybe from like smaller smaller people that you implement into your your routines dude yeah i'm glad you brought that up uh i actually made up one i mean i i'm sure i didn't make it
Starting point is 02:51:21 up but i found one um i don't have a cable machine i have my gyms in my fucking you know bedroom or whatever i don't have a cable machine and uh it's uh whenever you do dumbbell flies you you lose resistance at the top of the right right well i um i have two closets in that room for some reason and i've anchored i anchored two resistance bands to the doors so i was able to wrap those around my palms or whatever while i had the dumbbells up so towards the top of the rep that resistance you're losing with the dumbbells you gain in the resistance bands so i was doing that and man it kicked my ass yesterday like my chest is
Starting point is 02:52:03 fucking on fire today so you could do chest flies in the squat rack at home and just put them on the ground and get a similar effect maybe that's true yeah i just love fucking with the squat rack bicep curls in the squat rack when you're these are gym faux pas yeah do you have a squat rack? Yeah, I have a squat rack, but it's like it's kind of ghetto. It's like one of those it's a squat rack slash bench press rack slash dip
Starting point is 02:52:33 station. Like it's just It doesn't sound bad. It sounds pretty good. I have rings in my gym now. You know what a gymnast would do the iron cross on? I have those and of course you can adjust the height to them. rings in my gym now like uh you know what a gymnast would do the iron cross on yeah i have those and of course you can adjust the height to them and i just start like everything i can put on the rings i do because they work every muscle like it i was doing 55 push-ups in three sets
Starting point is 02:52:56 and then i switched them to the rings and i couldn't even do three sets of 10 like i i started doing these like bullshit push-ups where my body's at a 45 degree angle and i push up to almost standing because i couldn't do a goddamn push-up and uh from there i put the rings all the way on the ground now i have my feet on like a stool and i'm doing almost dip rings and i do 45 3 by 15 but um so now i'm doing like nice form and i go extra deep like deeper than you could possibly do on the floor because you can't get below the floor and uh and it works your chest so much because like on the ground you kind of just push up on the rings you have to hold them together and you can start that shaking stuff and that might be my favorite one the the rings push-ups
Starting point is 02:53:40 i don't need to look into that yeah i, I definitely need some rings. Are they just anchored to your ceiling? Are they on your power rack hanging from that? I found the rack wasn't high enough. So they're on the ceiling. Yeah, because the rack even goes up for pull-ups. So if I were to put rings under
Starting point is 02:53:59 the pull-up bar, I'd really be practically knees on the ground by the time you add the length of the ring. That's a good one to have i find that like of any muscle group or whatever that you add on to and you can notice it getting bigger like chest is the most satisfying i think because it feels way easier to grow your bi's tri's shoulders like even quads and shit than it is to get your chest bigger like because so many times i'll be doing like like when i first started like doing bench more seriously like when i bought my house and got my power rack in like it was like am i really hitting my chest that hard am i really getting it that good i feel like i'm relying too much on my
Starting point is 02:54:43 my triceps and then of course i watched an athleteleanX video where he's like, just place your hands farther apart. And a tip he gave that really helped me, and it sounds dumb, he's like, just actively try and bend the bar while you're doing it. Just try it. Feel like you're trying to bend it and get these ends closer together because that forces you. Even though your hands aren't moving, you're trying to contract. And so you're forcing your chest to engage in that movement as well as your your and also don't let yourself you know flare out too much and rely like try and keep it a 45 degree angle tight related that same thing happens push-ups on the rings because when you do a
Starting point is 02:55:17 push-up of rings all the rings want to do is fucking drop you on the ground so you're holding them in the whole time like it that's that's actually the chest is the reason i got the rings at first i when i did bench that was one of the things that derailed me more than once in like injury and like i said you know you have to rest for three weeks and then i rest nine because i'm a dick and you know and then i'm starting over from the beginning again um so i was like well no more bench for me i'm just too old for that or my form sucks and i can't fix it or so i'm done with bench and push-ups on the rings were what brought my chest in and yeah maybe you guys have all probably
Starting point is 02:55:55 noticed it's working great yeah no but more seriously like it it is so i you know it worked for me so i like them i can't see chest but I can tell from the Twitter picture you posted with your arms, definitely making gains. Absolutely. No doubt. I saw chest when you got up earlier a few times. Not going to lie, it sticks out. The progress is showing.
Starting point is 02:56:19 I've had some progress. What I haven't done is cut a lot of body fat. I wish I had abs, but I don't. I'm in the same boat. i've eaten so bad recently i feel like like i'm good at sticking to workouts it's just i'll then like want to eat like it's late night that gets me i'll like be with my fitness pal tracker up till 9 30 p.m and then be like you worked out you did all this you deserve pretzels then i'll just gorge myself and so then like i really need to work on the weight like you know it's 80 diet or something like that they
Starting point is 02:56:51 always say it's higher percent diet than working out but like now i'm getting dire i love those those pure protein bars i like the dire what do you mean by that like dire as in like i'm noticing my belly's like if i don't get under control control, it's going to move more forward than my chest. Does this look like a little to you from that Santa Claus movie? But it's so funny. Once you change your frame of how your body should look, like if me of five years ago or whatever year it was where I was my fattest before I lost a bunch of weight and just got weirdly skinny. I was at like 235 or something. I'm six foot.
Starting point is 02:57:27 I was at 235, and I was chubby. I looked shitty. And if my body that I don't – I'm not happy with right now with my torso and the fat. If me at the time saw that, he'd be like, oh, you're looking great, dude. You're looking awesome. Hell yeah, you got some muscle. You're not as fat as you are. Dude, you're looking awesome.
Starting point is 02:57:42 Hell yeah, you got some muscle. You're not this fat as you are. But now because getting into this hobby and seeing the things that are attainable, part of it almost gives you a form of dysmorphia where you're never going to get to the point that you want because there are just chiseled Greek gods with a million subscribers and there's 10 dozen of those guys. So overall, healthy hobby. And I like watching the numbers go up the body dysmorphia is the funniest thing for me because sometimes i'll see myself and
Starting point is 02:58:10 be like you are such a fat piece of shit you don't look anything like a fitness youtuber and then other times i'll be like you have traps for the first time since college. Nice work, Woody. Yeah, man, it's definitely a thing. It's a, and not only that,
Starting point is 02:58:30 but like, I don't know. It's just, I'll sometimes I'll take a picture in, in different lightings. Cause in some lightings, I'm like, man,
Starting point is 02:58:38 I'm a fat piece of shit. Like still. And then I'll take a picture in another lighting. I'm like, Holy shit. I have like definition. It's just the lighting was like, cause I'm white as shit.
Starting point is 02:58:46 So it's like, you can't see it all the time. So it's like just the right lighting abs poke through. Yeah. Oh, but it had to twist a little too. You gotta twist a little bit. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:58:56 Twist a little flex, perfect lighting. And I have something under the fat there. That's clearly going to be abs. If I eat better, dude, you would need to get out out like it need to be perfect lighting i just finished working out and did core and i'm like sucking in and flexing and then if you get out one of those diamond inspection monocles you might be able to discern part of the top left one
Starting point is 02:59:23 but i know like i've done enough work on my core like like if i were to lose the weight something would be visible like it's not just flab down there there is some muscle but god not eating pizza is so hard not eating chicken wings not wanting to gorge yourself on chips and salty snacks is so hard what sucks in my house is we have two levels of snacks right one level is like a tomato or a peach which we all know isn't food it's just a shot of sugar water or something it's bullshit yeah i never have like sometimes you eat a tomato like an apple i never finish and like well i'm not hungry anymore that that fucking tornado hit the spot no bullshit i'm exactly the same as i was pre-tomato thirsting for something to eat or i can have like trail mix
Starting point is 03:00:12 which is calorie dense nuts and candy and and there's no like like taylor mentioned pretzels i'm like maybe if i had pretzels in the house I'd eat better because at least I wouldn't have trail mix, which is the most calorie-dense thing. It's literally meant for like, do you want lots of calories in the smallest amount possible? Yes. When you're on the trail. That's the hardest thing, though. I don't even buy snacks anymore. Seriously.
Starting point is 03:00:41 If I don't have them, I don't eat them. I just get those pure protein bars or I have like a protein shake. And then I'm like, I just pray that I'm not hungry anymore. Pretty much. Dude, I went into a, I feel like I went into just a, a blackout state like in recent history where it was like, I was at home, I was eating good. It was like a Tuesday night. Like it was just me at home alone. And I was like,
Starting point is 03:01:03 you've been doing really good. You've been really doing really good. before i know it just snap and i've i've gone to the store and i've got 220 ounces of diet cream soda and i've got a full extra tall can of sour cream and onion pringles and i'm halfway through it's like he's like an alcoholic. Like, you know, nice job with your sobriety. You deserve a drink. Are you hiding Pringles in your bedroll? No, definitely not. Cheers. I can't open that.
Starting point is 03:01:36 I'm blocked by Mike Cernovich. Wait, who's Mike Cernovich? He's some political douche who he tweeted like a bunch of trite shit. And he said something really dumb once, like a year or so ago so ago and i said did you read that off a pillow at bed bath and beyond retard and then he blocked me this is so i don't know what he's a star are you sure you can't get to it or am i crazy it's a we're talking about a tweet and i guess i can click on game stars yeah game star doesn't have me blocked i guess i'm happy about that are you guys ready rogan's not gonna claim us uh one sec yeah i'm ready ready is there a background context for this or uh apparently far left guy says america deserve
Starting point is 03:02:19 9-11 14 seconds long i want to see what it is ready set play america deserve 9-11 dude fuck it i'm saying it we're there to partner with them we're not there doing our own thing we're there partnering and training a video game and enhancing their capabilities so that that's part of what we're doing and the other part is just knowledge we want to know what's happening america deserve 9-11 i need more context he did say it though i don't think there's a context that saves that he just said i agree i agree it's like those reality shows where they're like oh it's all the editing really you said all brothers must die because i don't drop the n word in any context now so it's like yeah there's no editing that that makes that okay well that's a shitty thing to say
Starting point is 03:03:06 maybe he was joking like it didn't it didn't come on to me it's not like it's not like he was a little angry honestly yeah it did sound more angry than jokey so yeah that's a shitty thing to say for sure uh this is a i i don't even know what the eyepatch man is talking about i do know that eyepatch guy. He seemed cool for like two seconds. And then it's like, oh, you're just eyepatch John McCain. You just love war, don't you? Oh, come on.
Starting point is 03:03:35 Do we not have enough people like that who just want more and more and more wars? For people that don't know him at all, he's a Republican congressman from Texas. And I think that's actually his first political job. And prior to that, he was a Navy SEAL. That's probably how he lost his eye. It's definitely how he lost his eye. It was an IED that took out his eye.
Starting point is 03:03:54 I watched Joe Rogan, but usually just the clips, which is why we should do that. He was talking about I think Bud School is the name of the Navy SEAL training and what it was like and what it went through. And it took him two tries because older guys sometimes break down. And he was 25, older guys.
Starting point is 03:04:14 And he broke a bone. He had a stress fracture, but he didn't quit. So he just kept working it until it was a real fracture. And then he had to heal for six months, which they considered an excessive amount of time. And second time through, he made it. And he had a really interesting thing about becoming a Navy SEAL. So Bud's school, if people don't know, is super duper hard.
Starting point is 03:04:38 He got his fresh fracture because they run like 200 miles in a week with carrying these boats over their head. They're like whitewater rafting boats. Anyway, like you're already a navy seal prior to it what bud's training is is just proving it the seals want you to prove it but you're already a guy who doesn't have quit in him you're already like this is just who you're how you're wired and i thought it was an interesting philosophy you know and then they extended that to all kinds of things. A lot of what you do in life isn't
Starting point is 03:05:09 that thing making you able to do it. It's just that thing testing that you're able to do it. Oh, I'm dumb. I get why Chiz linked that now. So apparently the guy in the top right is affiliated with the Young Turks. I should have known that. I'm pretty sure I follow
Starting point is 03:05:26 him on Twitter. What's the Young Turks? It's like a left YouTube news. Yeah, that's a good description. They're, I would call them unabashedly biased. You know, like they don't attempt
Starting point is 03:05:42 to be some unbiased source. So it's it's like the left version of like fox news or something like left version of fox and friends maybe you know where they kind of goof about how dumb the right is you know mostly right and i don't know i guess everyone loves their biased news but i never like the young turks i don't feel like having what like if i learn something from the Right Turks, I need to go somewhere else... I need to go somewhere else and confirm it,
Starting point is 03:06:09 because they're not trustworthy. Jon Stewart's more trustworthy. Isn't the name, the Young Turks, the group that committed the Armenian genocide? You'll have to ask someone who knows more about history. It's just interesting to name yourself that. Maybe they don't know either.
Starting point is 03:06:31 Welcome to the Pol Pot hour. So I have a topic in the form of an image. I just thought it was a good story here. I'll read it to everybody. Russia. I need to fix our images at story here. I'll read it to everybody. Okay. Russia. I need to fix our images at the bottom,
Starting point is 03:06:49 but here we are. Robber tied and used as sex slave. A Russian who tried to rob a hairdresser's at gunpoint was beaten senseless by the black belt shop owner and then who used him as a sex slave for three days. Victor Janosinky, 32, demanded the day's takings at the salon in Meshokovetsk, but was floored with a kick and tied up naked
Starting point is 03:07:13 by karate expert Olga Zajac, 28 years old. He later told police that he had been held hostage and fed nothing but Viagra. She said, yes, we had sex a couple times, but I bought them new jeans. They were both arrested. Dude, that chick's the best. All right.
Starting point is 03:07:31 Okay, I'm on her side. That's funny. Only in Russia. I don't think I could see that happening in any other place in the world. Just Russia. Russia's awesome. Her defense, she did by brand new wranglers.
Starting point is 03:07:48 Look at the video on VHS. That is American football star talking about said wranglers. Would you not trade sex with a karate expert for a new pair of breath-farve wranglers? I let Yuri here decide. Breath-farve wranglers? You only here decide. Bread farm wranglers? You know. I don't think I would have pressed charges if she got me regular food as well as the Viagra.
Starting point is 03:08:14 The Viagra is kind of pricey. As a guy who could cut a few pounds, Viagra and sex might be my favorite exercise. I can do this all day. I can do this all day. I can do this all day. I can do it on It is very affordable.
Starting point is 03:08:28 Yeah. Just leave with a calorie deficit and a sex surplus. It's not all bad, really. He lost a few pounds. Got to fuck. If she was able to head kick him, she's probably not fat. She's probably not fat she's probably
Starting point is 03:08:47 fit and she's russian counterpoint daniel cormier head kicked last week so well if he held me hostage and raped me i wouldn't care for it it really depends on the weight loss that's the hinging point of all this i'm hoping for exercise and fat loss. If I eat nothing but Viagra... I don't want to get Pulp Fiction'd in the basement. That was what it would be, too. No, man. I'm pretty fucking far from okay. So John Jones is Daniel Cormier's
Starting point is 03:09:18 rival, right? That'll always be a thing. I think Blame Truth follows the UFC, too. And John Jones tested positive for steroids one of the times and he's like, dude, it was just dick pills. I went to the gas station, I bought dick pills, etc. So Cormier's had a blast with
Starting point is 03:09:34 that. He's been saying, well, my dick works. Just saying. My dick has always worked fine. And I think that's a fun counter. But Jones' counter was, well, my dick is really big. So maybe that's a thing. Yeah, that's not how that works a fun counter. Yeah. But Jones' counter was, well, my dick is really big. So maybe that's a thing. Yeah, that's not how that works, Jonesy.
Starting point is 03:09:51 I have another topic. This is on unpopular opinion from Reddit. People that sexually starve their partners shouldn't be surprised when they cheat. So the most common time this happens is in long-term relationships. Let me just say now that this is both men and women that cheat, not exclusively for one sex. I see and hear about it all the time. A large complaint is that them and their partners are no longer physical and not often physical months without sex at a time. I understand that some people have different sex drives.
Starting point is 03:10:20 However, if your SO, significant other, has said that they feel this way and you acknowledge it and nothing changes, that person shouldn't be surprised when the other person goes outside the relationship to look for intimacy. I'm not saying cheating is great or reasonable, just stating that people shouldn't be surprised as they usually are. Unpopular opinion. I don't even think that's necessarily that unpopular if you're in a sexless relationship and a person who is trying to instigate it like ends up going out there and cheats on you like that would still be hurtful to the person that gets cheated on or maybe
Starting point is 03:10:53 not because maybe that person's just kind of over him anyway and doesn't want to pull the trigger but yeah I don't think it's obviously it's not that surprising 71% unpopular 71% of the people said I guess you should be surprised if they cheat and you're the user base of reddit is beyond retarded yeah stone cold that explains why i look at it every day yes this is making sense in there and i feel right at home these are my people
Starting point is 03:11:21 yeah no like but i think we're adding too much like at our core we're fucking scientifically advanced monkeys you know like we're over complicating it with social norms you know what i mean like i don't know if i was dating a girl and she wasn't putting out and you can call me like a dick or whatever i'd probably break it up break up with her for some girl that did you know that's not being a dick sex is an important part of a relationship yeah you might say yeah i i think people voted it as unpopular because they don't condone cheating but that's not what he said was you shouldn't be surprised yeah so you know i i believe you should maybe leave the relationship if you're not getting what you need from it instead of cheating. But if you're sexually starving someone where you go months without sex, then you shouldn't be shocked.
Starting point is 03:12:18 Yeah. Yeah. And that should be kind of an indicator that the relationship is over anyway. Right? Like, you shouldn't go a month without sex with your boyfriend or girlfriend and be like, yeah, I'm cool. Just go in another month. I'm chill. Whatever.
Starting point is 03:12:33 What it takes to be over should change based on the depth of it, right? Like, if you're married, if you're dating, then maybe that's a sign that you should cut it off. If you're married, then maybe that's, you know, a sign that, you know, you need to cut it off. If you're married, then maybe that's a sign that you need to work it out. If you're married with children, then it's still a sign you need to work it out.
Starting point is 03:12:52 But I guess I'm just trying to escalate the amount that it takes to divide you two. You're definitely right. You definitely should talk about it. I don't know. I feel like our generation or you know like not older people like old old people um yeah sure our generation you and i carry on that's all of us millennials yeah yeah awesome what are we gen z now not like 60 and up, we'll say. Okay.
Starting point is 03:13:28 This generation, in this particular podcast, I feel like we maybe sometimes don't talk as much. We don't really express ourselves as well. So that could be a problem when it comes to that. Yeah. That's interesting. We've grown up on electronics and things. Yeah, yeah. We're probably much more likely to just cut and run
Starting point is 03:13:44 if a real-life conflicting situation, or at least some people probably are you know why i thought that was the opposite just armchair psychology yeah i'm just making shit up that you'll you'll soon realize this i feel like the kids now are the generation of butt play right like am i crazy i it's all i'm going by reddit but like they're just all about the rimming and the the butt play and like butt sex is part of sex and right so the thing about butt play is it requires like a level of communication and devices and lube and and such like regular sex is had almost voicelessly or at least it it can be, where, you know, whatever, you just lay on top of her, she's all lubed up, and you go. But if there's butt play involved, this is
Starting point is 03:14:30 like a joint effort, like it raises the bar, right? Am I crazy about this? So they must be having communicative sex if they're doing butt stuff. Maybe. Or maybe their minds are so poisoned by a lifetime of pornography use that they have to escalate to the nth degree immediately and just hop to ass-eating and rimming and all know that you don't need well you still need foreplay obviously but
Starting point is 03:15:05 you don't need a huge you know like list of things you have to do before you're finally before play didn't begin 30 minutes before you hit the bedroom yeah you don't have to tell her like don't eat lunch or dinner the day before and here's a fleet enema and then let's go in there and do this and and you know it's just it's not as good you know it's still fun but it's you know the pussy's better it's just it's made to to have sex with i but because of that i feel like you can have uncommunicative pussy sex but if you're going to have any kind of up play whatsoever it requires a same team coordination type thing what made me think that this new generation must do that but i could be wrong i'm go basing on reddit and running wild yeah i know like
Starting point is 03:15:52 there's so many stories on reddit that like if you just open up the front page it'll be like today i fucked up or am i the asshole or blah blah blah one of those other like telling a story things and like every once in a while i'll pop in and read one and i'll get like halfway through and i'll be like this guy is sitting at home typing this with one hand masturbating because this is it's secretly his uh fetish that he's like today i fucked up by beating off in a bathroom at the funeral home in, but, but someone, the janitor came in and he opened the door and there I was hard.
Starting point is 03:16:30 And he said, what are you doing? And I said, and then I just creamed all over his janitorial cart as he was trying to clean the bathroom. And I had to go out there with cum on my leg and all my relatives knew what I did. And it's like,
Starting point is 03:16:43 this guy's sitting at home like, oh yeah i love the thought of this of me creaming myself at a funeral and like and then you'll i'll be like there's no way people are fucking buying this then you'll scroll down to the comments and people will be like dude that's crazy man i can't believe like that they reacted that way and it's like is everybody laring right now? This clearly didn't happen. I also don't have nearly as much Reddit experience as you going around. I have a couple select ones that I think are funny, and I like those. That's about it.
Starting point is 03:17:21 Today I fucked up by putting my mom's vibrator in my mouth, and then this six-paragraph story on how it happened. That it happened that's exactly what i'm is that really one right there that's exactly what i'm that is a guy sitting at home with cock in hand beating up fantasizing about putting his mom's vibrator in his mouth and then people will act like it's real it's like no you're just playing into this larping so there i was i don, a young male, four or five years old. Whenever I would go somewhere with no one else in the room, I would always search for one of my favorite toys. That toy was weird as I'd never seen anywhere on TV.
Starting point is 03:17:53 And it wasn't designed like a toy any child would have. The design was quite simple. A gray box with a long, thin cord going to a cylindrical, spherical, small piece that vibrated violently. I love to play with that toy. I would do everything from sit on it and put it in my mouth. And just so it would vibrate and make my skin tickle. I do vividly remember having what was almost, I'm sorry,
Starting point is 03:18:14 having to almost always enclose my whole hand or putting it in my mouth before it would start to really vibrate. This guy's beaten up right now. So there I was a few years ago, being your average 13 year old going through puberty. I now know what porn is and life is good. I still remembered the toy from time to
Starting point is 03:18:32 time, wondering what happened to it. I don't know about your age, but 13, mini me, 313, watched a lot of porn. That must be the guy's name. And, let's see. If you know anything about a 13 year old scrolling on porn hub, he's not making it that far past the front page on my,
Starting point is 03:18:50 one of my daily adventures. I see a familiar object in the video I'm watching. I go and I get mine and I whip it out and I'm ready. And I realized with joy, Hey, I used to love playing with a toy like that. Then I continue to think and not 10 seconds later, I realized,
Starting point is 03:19:03 Oh my God, I put my mom's vibrator in my mouth on a regular basis. Still, as an older guy, now I can get over that fact and probably continue to haunt me for the rest of my life. At least I don't remember what it tasted like. Right? Oh my god, Dale, you're
Starting point is 03:19:18 so right. I know! It's a bunch of people with fetishes writing today I fucked up by I was in gym and I'm not very athletic and all the girls bully me. Today, I accidentally stayed in gym too long after class was over and a gang of girls came out from behind the bleachers. They seized me, tied me up to the basketball net and tore my clothes off then they waited for the band practice to begin and i was there naked hard as the girls pointed and laughed at me it's like did i fuck up that bad today boys oh fuck yeah fuck yeah yeah tie me to the fucking basketball net oh i'm a dirty boy
Starting point is 03:20:00 god people buy that shit retards, absolute retards There's a subreddit and I have not Clicked it, I want to preface that I have not looked at it You wouldn't be judged, this is a safe place I really haven't, I don't even know what it's called I just heard about it It's a
Starting point is 03:20:17 It's a sexual Gratification off Dying By eating yourself to death like four is that what it is yep because i've read a passage on this show when i was into deviant art looking up deviant shit yeah it's called four it's where you get off on like eating someone eating someone yeah like you put like someone in your mouth and you like it's like cartoon shit oh no this is more like Self devouring Yeah no no no
Starting point is 03:20:46 You're a beast You eat yourself to death Like if I was 600 pounds And I was just eating And it's like sexual gratification From eating and then dying I was taking eating yourself way too literally That's my southern
Starting point is 03:21:01 That's my southern dialect and expressions Yeah that's Eating to death I should say that's my southern dialect and expressions yeah that's uh okay it's yeah like eating eating to death i should say like eating to death so it's so i i feel like because every once in a while i'll tweet out like hey tweet me the most fucked up reddit that's funny to look at and they'll send me stuff like that and it'll be uh there's one i wish i remember what it was called but it's pictures of these women who are not fat. They're not obese. They're not morbidly obese.
Starting point is 03:21:26 They are deathly, deathly ill with fat to the point that they can't stand up. Like their bodies have that like weird fruit been laying too long on its side shape where it gets permanently deformed. And in the comments, it'll be like, yeah, eat another pie and die.
Starting point is 03:21:43 You fat fuck. And it's like mean stuff like that. I'm going to make a burner and participate. It seems like a blast. Just know that somebody's probably masturbating to your comment when you do it because... I wouldn't do it otherwise. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:21:59 But yeah, it's pretty fucked up that that's like... That's not even a fetish at that point. That's just like getting off on someone dying. It kind of is, yeah. It's like a up that that's like, that's not even a fetish at that point. That's just like getting off on someone dying. It kind of is, yeah. It's like a mix between liking... What is that, fetish gatekeeping? Why wouldn't that... That could be a fetish. It's a fetish, but it's... Judging me, Taylor. This is r slash
Starting point is 03:22:15 heroin overdoses, not safe for you. Oh, man. Yeah, but there's some messed up stuff, and yet they ban like the red pill on reddit or quarantine it which is wild to me the red pill oh that's the the like pickup artist thing yeah it's not even that bad but they quarantine that but not fucking people maybe it might be quarantined i don't know but people eating themselves to death and the people jerking off to it's you know fair game. I talked about one. Maybe it was on PKN a couple weeks ago.
Starting point is 03:22:48 During one of those tweet storms, there's one called Age Play. It is literally people pretending to have sexy chat with children and writing their fantasies about wanting to do things to toddlers. It's like... chat with children and writing their fantasies about wanting to do things to toddlers and it's like are you i i i went there and like looked at it for a second and just being there i'm like this can't be okay i'm out i'm i got this it was the literally like harboring pedophiles
Starting point is 03:23:19 that are amping up oh getting their juices flowing really wanting to get at those kids it's like do you not see how this could potentially be a problem yeah people are that are amping up, getting their juices flowing, really wanting to get at those kids. It's like, do you not see how this could potentially be a problem? People are going to get their jollies on this until, oh, I guess this age play, writing back and forth with my Reddit pedo friends, isn't going to work for me. Man, I bet child porn, that's a step further.
Starting point is 03:23:43 I bet that would get me off. Oh, child porn is no longer doing it for me i god i need the real thing like maybe that's not the progression but it seems to be the progression for a lot of other vices and and you know degeneracies with people so can't be can't be good to be no in those communities out there it's probably just going to escalate to something worse at least you know some of the time yeah there was a mainstream article on like some uh like uh some british rag or some shit but it was like a real magazine and it was like oh no no it was a an lgbt kind of magazine i think it was american-based and it was like showing an age difference relationship. And one guy, it's like this old guy and this young guy. The young guy is 22.
Starting point is 03:24:28 The old guy is 55. And they're talking like on there like the young guy is in makeup and everything. And he's like, yeah, I mean usually people think that he's my dad because there's a 33-year age difference. But we don't let that keep us down. We're six years strong and we love each other more than ever. And I'm like, what? Six years strong and we love each other more than ever and i'm like what six years strong as he was he was he was a 49 year old man grooming a 16 year old boy and that's what they're fucking admitting to that's what they're fucking admitting to they're not saying what probably the reality
Starting point is 03:24:59 is 16 is like in a lot of states when you can consent to any age. That is definitely child grooming. Taking a minor at that age, giving them things, little presents, taking them on trips and things. You're talking about morality. I'm talking about legality. But legality in NC, at least how it is, is 16 is the age you consent. But it has to be within a four year uh age like anything under 18 between 16 and 18 they have to be within four years so it would be like i'm pretty sure that's how it is at least uh so 16 and 21 wouldn't be cool for instance it was like it was cool that
Starting point is 03:25:39 like everybody just dragged that account for that where, you know, I was like opening the tweet being like, I swear if people under that are like so brave, you know? Yeah. I would, I'm just going to go kill myself. But just being like, what the fuck,
Starting point is 03:25:56 what in the fuck is wrong with you? And just be like, you're a fucking pedophile. You should be in jail. And which it's like, yeah, you know, make Taylor King and people like that are in jail and which it's like yeah you know make taylor king and people like that
Starting point is 03:26:07 are in jail so vote for you don't vote for kings when i seize power when i am the pka loyalist oh yeah i looked it up real quick andrew's right. In North Carolina, if you're under 16, you straight up can't consent. I actually thought at 14 you could consent to within four years, but I was wrong. At 16, you can consent to within four years. If you're 16 and your boyfriend's 20, check your birthdays. Then at 18, you can consent to any age. and then at 18 you can consent to any age yeah I made sure to when I was younger I made sure to
Starting point is 03:26:49 note that because something seemed off about just 16's cool you know like I don't know yeah and it looks like if they're 13 to 15 it's a class B1 felony
Starting point is 03:27:04 whereas it's I don't know I guess they's a class B1 felony. Really? I don't know. I guess they're all class B1. It just looks like there's a different one. There's different laws for 13 to 15, and there are some younger ones for people under 12. Well, I don't care for it.
Starting point is 03:27:21 Pedo, very close to pedophilia, which is bad, but that's a bad thing. Let's move on to a good thing. The Ground Guys. This episode is brought to you by The Ground Guys, a neighborly company. The Grounds Guys is looking for new owners to join their growing company. Could this be the perfect opportunity for you? Are you driven? Do you have the heartbeat of an entrepreneur?
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Starting point is 03:29:08 PKA this week. So I'm looking at our various sponsors, the four of them. When it comes to helping you get laid, owning a successful franchise might actually be the best one. But then
Starting point is 03:29:24 what do you need in addition to that? Well, Plutu. Hard dick. Step by step here. One of these things opens the door and the other one closes the deal. Yeah, that's true. We're going to charge them for that.
Starting point is 03:29:40 Do you know who Eugenia Cooney is? I do not know who that is, no. So we mentioned her on the show a couple times before. She's a YouTuber, and she was anorexic. Oh, yeah, yeah. Super anorexic. And she was first brought into my attention by Anthony Cumia, and he's like, this is insane.
Starting point is 03:30:01 There are millions of people watching this woman slowly die. And I just check on her every so often she's doing great she went to rehab for her anorexia and like i know i haven't i've haven't fixed the bottom of the layout yet but like what she did look like was outrageous yeah i'm looking at her and she looks like... It was super unhealthy. Ugh. And that...
Starting point is 03:30:30 I'm looking at a video. Mine is from January of this year. And, like, kind of the internet kind of piled on her a little bit and said, you need to get help. And I'm looking at her recent videos. She got help. That's good. Good for her. I'm excited by her recent videos. She got help. That's good. Good for her.
Starting point is 03:30:46 I'm excited by this. Yeah. Because she looked spooky. Yeah. If you were going to get a glass of water in the middle of the night and she was in your hallway. Oh, dude. That'd be very scary. She'd get hit with a club or something.
Starting point is 03:31:02 Yeah, and you'd shatter every bone in her body with that. Oh, that's terrible. I want to see her shirtless in a recent video, but not shirtless. That's not what I was going for. You know, when I showed her her bad video,
Starting point is 03:31:20 for lack of a better term, she was sleeveless. That's what I want. And you could really see her arms and her shoulders and such. Now, she has a sweater on, and you can see she has better term. She was sleeveless. That's what I want. And you could really see her arms and her shoulders and such. Now, like, she has a sweater on and you can see she has collarbones. Like, she definitely didn't get fat. But I wonder, like, what does it look like?
Starting point is 03:31:33 But she looks way better. And I thought that was neat. We talked about her before and wondered, sort of did a follow-up. Yeah, she looked like she was knocking on death's door. Yes. Yeah. She looked like she was knocking on death's door. Yes.
Starting point is 03:31:46 Yeah. And still like, you know, very thin, but you know, and she's probably still underweight, but that's better than being, you know, almost dying in your twenties because you're so underweight that you're like
Starting point is 03:32:01 a malnourished, you know, African child. Yeah. She looks, she looks more naturally skinny now. I'm going through her Twitter right now. She's wearing white.
Starting point is 03:32:11 Don't tell me that this bitch has food the entire time and just chose not to eat it. I had to send it my way. I need to bribe my friend, Mugume, to let me have access to his bald father who has gold in his head. Dude,
Starting point is 03:32:33 we haven't talked about Trump trying to buy Greenland at all. One of the funniest things he's ever done. I didn't hear about this. Oh, no? Okay, okay. So it came out that Trump was trying to grow. I'm going to tell this oh no okay so it came out that Trump was trying to grow
Starting point is 03:32:47 I'm going to tell this through my lenses that Trump was trying to buy Greenland and I do this thing where I like try to rationalize dumb shit
Starting point is 03:32:54 and make it not dumb and I'm like well gosh one I don't know that I hate that idea Greenland
Starting point is 03:33:00 up and coming property global warming make it nice in a few decades this might be a really great investment Cool vacation spot I just want to know what it costs before I know if it's a dumb idea or not If they're telling me 19 trillion
Starting point is 03:33:12 Fuck off But if they're like, let's One billion dollars Buy that, buy that And by the way, it got leaked by like Trump's inner circle So I'm like Well for all I know, Obama had all kinds of dumb ideas Probably tried to buy Kenya And by the way, it got leaked by like Trump's inner circle. So I'm like, well, for all I know, Obama had all kinds of dumb ideas.
Starting point is 03:33:34 Probably tried to buy Kenya and his inner circle just never leaked it and made him look like an orange asshole. So I tried not to. But then Trump is like, yeah, yeah, I do want to buy it. I think it's a great idea. And he's like, you know, sell's like you know sell it to me sell it to me so it turns out that greenland i'm gonna get it wrong is a province of the dutch or something yeah like they own it or lease it i don't know what the heck they do but they somehow denmark owns it denmark thank you that they somehow like are in control ofland. This is news to me.
Starting point is 03:34:07 And Denmark is like, no, it's not for sale. So Trump was scheduled to see them. He throws a temper tantrum, cancels his meeting with Denmark, and refuses to talk to them until they want to talk about selling Greenland. It's like, stupid fuck. Like, I can't believe this is the leader of the free world really funny it is really funny yeah i'm in favor of it i want them to try and buy other places
Starting point is 03:34:31 right i hope we own some like all right all right you know how much for puerto rico huh how much like you're the president you're the president of puerto Rico already on the border and made it like a fifth the 51st state that'd be pretty cool what part of Canada we want I don't know it's all the same to me probably some little piece with like it doesn't make sense like a little a little island that's like closer to Michigan or something that you should own Let's buy the area surrounding Toronto so they're just landlocked. Toronto's been an island technically.
Starting point is 03:35:12 These Torontonians, they don't care for it. I tell them you can become an American citizen anytime. Just sell your city. Until then we're separating your children. Now own Toronto for three months and I know we agreed children. I've now owned Toronto for three months, and I know we agreed beforehand.
Starting point is 03:35:29 I agreed with Mr. Trudeau, no givesies-backsies. Honestly, I hate it. I absolutely hate it. I'm giving it back. I'm not taking care of it. That would be the funniest thing ever. He's like, the deal has been breached on the Greenland contract three days later.
Starting point is 03:35:40 He's like, this place sucks. There's a bunch of fucking freezing up here. No one told me Vancouver was the warm one. Who knew? I thought Iceland had the ice. Apparently not. I can see him actually saying that word for word, which is the scary thing.
Starting point is 03:36:01 I expected Greenland to be green. Who knew? It's got green in the name It's just false advertising Well that's why I'm suing the nation of Denmark For false advertising Get this people you won't believe this They've been calling it Greenland for 500 years 500 years
Starting point is 03:36:17 You show me one plant on that goddamn island I won't sell it back Oh that's good stuff dude i don't know i follow politics a lot just trying to buy another country that rules yeah i haven't i haven't followed a ton of stuff. Yeah, I've been keeping it. The Epstein thing. Out of my feed. Oh, yeah. That guy did not kill himself.
Starting point is 03:36:50 Definitely did not kill himself. Oh, wait. Really? I think he killed himself. I think he killed himself. No, I think he was killed. He was murdered. Somebody who has dirt on all the most powerful people on earth has a black book with all their names and the places they were and all the times that they have encounters with underage girls all the stories coming out the fact that they say he
Starting point is 03:37:07 hung himself with his clothes while under suicide watch he wasn't under suicide watch he wasn't under suicide watch at the time very convenient very convenient i think he was under suicide watch at the time they took him off and then he dies right after then in the uh they say he hung himself by leaning forward with his clothes tied to his neck those clothes are designed to break under more than five pounds of pressure not only did it not break it broke his uh whatever that bone is uh yeah there's a weird bone i guess that starts a lot of times when you're usually well it only that's what they didn't include like they had forensic pathologists and people saying, they said in the news that it breaks
Starting point is 03:37:45 when you're hanging yourself, but it breaks in instances where you jump off of something and hang yourself and your body is tugging down. It doesn't break if you're leaning and asphyxiating yourself forward, which you wouldn't be able to lean forward under clothes that rip under five pounds of pressure.
Starting point is 03:38:00 What clothes rip under? Was it paper clothing? They're specially made to have seams that tear if you try and do that with them like they're are you sure he was wearing that i'm positive yeah he was he was wearing his his anti-suicide clothes and shit even though he wasn't on suicide watch yeah they would still have him in clothes like that they had uh they heard shrieking from his cell usually people aren't shrieking as they're hanging themselves. I didn't hear about that. Especially if they're leaning forward. The guards that were supposed to be watching him that day
Starting point is 03:38:29 admitted already to giving false information about it, saying that they fell asleep and then saying like, oh, actually, no, no, this got changed. One of the guards was not qualified to be on that floor. You know how he got beat up a few weeks prior? The guy who beat him up was an ex-cop. Was he beat up? I remember that he had marks on his neck like he tried to commit
Starting point is 03:38:49 suicide earlier. It was reported that he was found crying in the fetal position and then he had a roommate at the time. The guy who was with him was a muscle-bound, giant cop who was in jail for killing four people.
Starting point is 03:39:07 That same cop had a cell phone found on him. Soon after Epstein went to that prison, the contraband cell phone from that cop was taken. And before the authorities got a chance to look at it, some other group came in and did something with cell phones and shady shit. And then he goes in, threatens him. This is my conspiracy take.
Starting point is 03:39:26 And honestly, at this point, the conspiracy is that he did kill himself. Like all of this shit adds up and points in a way that you have to be just following the, the marching orders of the mainstream media to think that he just killed himself. This guy,
Starting point is 03:39:40 he, the last meeting with his lawyer, his own lawyer said that Epstein said, I'll see you tomorrow., I'll see you tomorrow. Said, I'll see you tomorrow. Went in there. Apparently just killed himself. I saw it somewhere that someone was reporting that Epstein was delusionally positive, like thinking that he could get away with it.
Starting point is 03:39:59 And why wouldn't he think he can get away with it? He was told in 2007 when he was caught by alex acosta uh like acosta was told leave it alone he's an intelligence huh well he's not an american intelligence what nation is he an intelligence for we know he has connections to former israeli prime ministers so maybe massad we don't fucking know but we do know he had powerful incriminating information on people he got fucking the prince Andrew of the British royal family got caught up in that shit. Tons of people.
Starting point is 03:40:28 People like Trump. People like Clinton. People like big head honcho guys. And I swear what the media wants, the peons, people like us doing, are being dumb and being like, Trump did it. No, Clinton did it.
Starting point is 03:40:40 No, Trump. It's like, no, this is way bigger than these people. Way bigger than these people. The raid that they went into on his island there was drone footage of what it looked like after he'd been removed from his island and there were still computers there were still computers visible through a window in one of the compounds the drone footage that showed when the cia fbi all of them stormed in all that all those electronics gone they weren't there it's interesting so it's just there's too many there. It's interesting. So it's just, there's too many coincidences piling up and you,
Starting point is 03:41:08 it's just, it's blows my mind where people are like the most powerful people on earth colluding together to try and get the most damning information imaginable out of the mainstream zeitgeist. Nah, they wouldn't do that. What's your source? Cause I haven't heard a lot.
Starting point is 03:41:23 Oh, all over the place. I've been, I got like autistically into it for a little while. I'd like go over and I find this was over here and I go look over here and I want to check it over there. And it's like there's such a web of shit connecting this that it's like not on the mainstream. Like the mainstream news. Not the mainstream media before his corpse was cold.
Starting point is 03:41:42 It's coming out. He killed himself. And you're a conspiracy theorist. If you say anything else. Definitely. The same way with so much of that shit, where they'll be like, oh, this shooting happened. We already know there's no motive. That Vegas guy that we're never going to talk
Starting point is 03:41:54 about again? No motive. Don't think about it. Tuck that away. Has that been brought up? We still have no idea of the motives of the largest mass shooting ever. You didn't have a motive. You know, everyone needs a hobby, and sometimes you just like doing things. That was his hobby. It's just like,
Starting point is 03:42:09 there's way too much shit piling up around this guy. We know he did fucked up shit. Did you hear about the story of him having three 12-year-old French girls delivered to him as a birthday present? No. Act like it's weird, though. It is weird.
Starting point is 03:42:21 It's very two thumbs down-ish for me. But overwhelmingly, it's like, this guy is not the kind of guy to kill himself. He has gotten out of this before. He's literally gotten out of it scot-free where they're like, all right, you're going to go to jail. And he's like, really? You're going to send me to jail?
Starting point is 03:42:39 I'll tell you what I'll do. I'll go to jail if you don't make me stay in. If I get to leave six days a week, 18 hours a day. And then just gets to go hang out like and just kind of have the run of the place does his own thing and like so of course a guy gets caught in another thing and he's embroiled in it he knows he's safe because he i got all the most powerful people in the world beholden to me i'm fine i even have a a death switch or whatever you probably would have. But he changed his will to protect his money in the case that he died shortly before he killed himself. That would be evidence that he planned this out.
Starting point is 03:43:15 I don't think so. To protect his money and give it to who? I just read the headline. Let me see. I'll look it up even his his partner uh gillane gislaine whatever her name is who is the one like acquiring and getting so many of these of these people she's been involved in fucked up shit her dad was a known spy and massad agent like she's from a family of of like secret agents essentially like see like basically massad is just israel's cia they're all like the cia and massad work together so it's like there is shady shit going on and there's
Starting point is 03:43:50 a reason that it gets pushed under the rug and people don't the mainstream media at least don't want to delve too far into it um did you hear this is market watch which is a pretty reputable thing they're really about the stock market and such, but I guess they're covering Epstein. And he changed his will. The beneficiaries aren't released, but it was designed to make sure that the money would get to his beneficiaries. I mean, I don't... Maybe. I don't know. I don't think that is even close to...
Starting point is 03:44:17 He just put it all in a trust two days before he killed himself for privacy reasons and whatever. I don't think he killed himself. Did you hear the interview with, uh, with his bodyguard and some reporter and his bodyguard is being like, just like straight up telling the reporter,
Starting point is 03:44:35 like, don't ask me that. Leave that alone. This is very dangerous. You don't know what you're asking. Like, stop, stop.
Starting point is 03:44:42 I don't bring me back into this. My theory was somewhere down the middle of like conspiracy and mainstream which is like they allowed him to kill himself so so look everybody who paid any attention to ed steen knew that he was at suicide risk right he was the highest suicide risk in the country of all the prisoners. Yet they still took him off suicide watch a week before his death. Why is that? So that people can say, he wasn't even on suicide watch at the time.
Starting point is 03:45:15 That explains it. In my head, they did it so he'd solve the problem for them. In my head, he did kill himself. But they just let it happen. Like, all right, we're going to need a hook in here, put him back in the strong clothing, and a bunk to jump off of. All right? I mean, how would a six-foot-tall person kill themselves jumping off of a bunk to the point that it breaks your whatever that bone is?
Starting point is 03:45:39 I don't know how tall a cell room is, but to me, I... No, he would have to tie it to the top bunk. That's the only thing to attach it to. Oh so he would in my head there's a lighting fixture although in my story there's literally a hook that's why they say the only thing he could have done is jump off of his bunk bed with it tied to the top he's a six foot tall man you can't do that which is why a lot of people are leaning to believe oh well then he must have leaned forward on his knees and slowly asphyxiated himself on this. Cannonball like in a pool? No, that wouldn't do it.
Starting point is 03:46:10 None of this adds up whatsoever. A picture of putting the noose around his neck and just doing the Ron Burgundy like cannonball. Holds his nose and jumps off the bunk. He had so much dirt on so many people like an insane amount of dirt on people he's been running a fucking pedophile island with the most powerful people on earth flying in and out for decades like of course he's got shit and i just the thought that this guy would be this guy who seems to be a fucking narcissist would be suicidal after his only experience with the law enforcement in the past
Starting point is 03:46:46 has been getting off scot-free, basically walking out, giving middle fingers to law enforcement. Like, it doesn't add up. So, you know, anything could have happened, but it makes more sense to me that he was offed. And there's probably a...
Starting point is 03:46:59 This isn't just an Epstein thing. There's probably 10 Epsteins out there doing similar shady shit. Sometimes stuff like this... So I don't have confidence that he was killed, right? I still think the most likely thing is that he killed himself and that sort of allowed it to unfold. That's my personal theory. It's based on me making shit up. But there's that and the Panama Papers is the other one, right?
Starting point is 03:47:22 The Panama Papers came out and it was like, oh my God, the global elite is about to get their shit pushed in. One person died, a reporter covering the Panama Papers, and that's it. I don't know. And you know why the mainstream media doesn't talk about that shit? It's because they'll be like, oh, fucking, this politician was on the Panama Papers.
Starting point is 03:47:41 Oh, and this Republican and this Republican and this Democrat and this Democrat and Rachel Maddow and Sean Hannity and what? Brad Pitt and DiCaprio and fucking Brett Baer. Wait, what? Is there any mainstream person who's not on this? It's a big group of people
Starting point is 03:47:59 who are taking advantage of shit like the Panama Papers. The Panama Papers itself is a conspiracy theory. It's people conspiring together in order to take advantage of shit like the Panama Papers. Like the Panama Papers itself is a conspiracy theory. It's people conspiring together in order to take advantage of a situation. And then when they get caught, fuck us. Fuck the little people who are having to fill in their little tax gaps and shit. Like nothing comes of it because they like they're too powerful. And so like literally the word conspiracy theory is intentionally lumped in with retards like alex jones and you know uh fuck it which i think i can't even say that in this instance because alex jones
Starting point is 03:48:29 called epstein in like 2002 or something even a broken clock is right twice a day but like they'll they'll lump in stuff and be like these people who think that this perfectly engineered situation where a guy who had dirt on those powerful people on earth happened to kill himself at the most opportune time for us you know they're just like chemtrail people they're just like gay frog people like it's intentionally conflated to instantly make people be averse to it because to embrace a theory like that and say this actually seems more rational is to immediately take the lower ground that people can go aha you know you idiot you moron you you're a conspiracy theorist you know you don't toe the line that we're told by Fox, by CNN, by ABC.
Starting point is 03:49:07 You know what gets me suspicious? When some guy's the enemy of the state, and then suddenly he's a rapist or a pedo. Like that just gets- Or child porn. This person has a tendency to release classified papers and says here, rape children. Like, really?
Starting point is 03:49:24 Yeah, I guess we all hate him now you know he's awful one guy who invented like the 3d print single shot gun and was releasing that like free software and everything and like less than a year after he was releasing all that it was like out of nowhere i was just like uh actually he's like super into child porn like this guy loves it, really likes it. None of his friends or family ever like picked up on anything, but he's going to jail and sorry, no more software. Is that a thing?
Starting point is 03:49:55 Yeah. Yeah, the guy who invented that 3D print single shot gun went to jail for child porn. Who's the guy who... Which he might be a child pornographer. He's from like Finland or Denmark or something and he might be the guy who did WikiLeaks. What's his name?
Starting point is 03:50:10 Julian Assange. I think they're accusing him of rape. And it's just like, oh, yeah. That's what they do. They throw a little rape in because people go straight to believing the victim which probably is true nine times out of ten, but nine times out of ten.
Starting point is 03:50:27 But one time out of ten, it's not. The whole point of casting aspersions like, oh, he's a conspiracy theorist. Or, oh, we got some surprise sex crimes. There's no evidence, but we're sprinkling those on top is to just make it so that it's socially unpalatable to even question what's going on. So it's like, I don't want to look dumb. I don't want to look like a conspiracy theorist. I better just believe what fucking Hannityity and rachel maddow are saying one thing about the epstein conspiracy theory that tasks that passes the woody test is it wouldn't take a ton of conspirators to make it happen right sometimes i hear conspiracy
Starting point is 03:50:57 theories like the white hat things the white helmet thing in um syria right it's like oh yeah so after a bomb blows up a corner 600 guys with white helmets come in they're all in on the scam they go and change the evidence and plant dead babies and this and that and the other thing and i'm like man that is a lot of people keeping a secret that is a lot of people keeping a secret that That doesn't pass the Woody test. But the Epstein one, how many people would have to keep that secret? Five? That could happen. Yeah. Not many. I mean, there's plenty of examples of people like
Starting point is 03:51:33 huge projects going and staying undercover for a long time. The Manhattan Project had thousands of people working on it and it never came out until much, much, much, much, much later. How many times do we not know about these things occurring because it just, you know, enough time passed that it kind of fell out of favor?
Starting point is 03:51:49 Like, I don't think that the, like, I understand what you're saying. I wonder if that's true. What is the Manhattan Project? They developed nuclear weapons? Is that? Yeah, they did, like, nuke shit. You think that wasn't known, that we weren't working on nukes? That we were doing it that close to major metropolitan centers?
Starting point is 03:52:05 I don't know. Like, I just to major metropolitan centers. I don't know. Like I just suspect that like, I don't know. Some of those unmarked tractor trailers you see are moving weapons or something. And I think that's just known, right? Nuclear waste weapon,
Starting point is 03:52:17 things like that move. And it just happens on mark. I think that's like a, like a almost a almost like a it could be a biased thing where there's a tendency when conspiracy theories come out as true that immediately everyone
Starting point is 03:52:34 will act like it was a foregone conclusion. So if two days before the Panama Papers I were to say to someone, hey, pretty much every media elite, every fucking actor in Hollywood, all of these fucking people every politician they're hiding billions of dollars in assets and money in panama and they all know about it and their people are covering for them all of them are doing this shit and it's
Starting point is 03:52:56 illegal and it's fucked so many people would be like that's way too many people dude are you serious really and the accounting firms that are funneling that money there all of them are abiding by their ndas really and then it comes out and it's like oh well shit i guess totally not like am i doing that now because i feel like i've known since i was an account i'm asking myself you know since i was an accountant the tax shelters overseas now it's panama but before i forget where it was Cayman Islands maybe? These tax shelters have existed forever. It's been a normal thing. It's a gray area in accounting as to whether or not it's legal,
Starting point is 03:53:30 at least back when I was reading about it. And when I saw the Panama Papers, it was like, oh, it's happening again. These guys are hiding revenue overseas and it's gray. The tax code doesn't say you can or can't do it. But now I'm like am i doing what taylor said which is oh yeah i sort of suspected that all along it's normal you know
Starting point is 03:53:51 even if you are that this is like a known phenomenon like people do that like like if something is like if something comes out that i would have previously thought ridiculous like pretty soon just because the human mind works in a way that on confirmation bias you want to believe i knew that was happening the whole time yeah definitely in the same way that if something was happening and then you realize it didn't you'll kind of retroactively be like yeah i was always kind of doubting that i was always kind of on the fence you know so i wonder how many people do that for weapons of mass destruction right when we went into ira, it was a popular thing. Bush's approval ratings turned around.
Starting point is 03:54:31 There was a lot of people who were really enthusiastic about going into Iraq. They believed that 9-11 and Iraq were linked because the administration would mention the same sentence constantly. And then fast forward 10 years and maybe a lot of people are like yeah that was stupid i wasn't foolish i wasn't in favor i was the you know oddball who didn't like the idea even like more infuriating than those like that's unfurled if people are like yeah i was wrong you know yeah we should wrong is something yeah that's that's that's fine but the infuriating thing is that a lot of those same commentators literally the exact same people like bill crystal max boot uh fucking all of these like
Starting point is 03:55:12 neo-conservative and neoliberal commentators the same fucking guys who were like yeah we gotta go to war in iraq we gotta go to war in iraq they're they're bombing uh they got nukes they got nukes and they're gassing their own people and they're doing this terrible stuff these same exact people are the ones writing the op-eds saying the exact same shit about syria and it's oh i thought i thought this was going to end with iran i thought that's where you were iran and syria both of them you know syria is already pretty fucked we've done a great job of destabilizing that whole region but those same fucks those neocon mostly neoconservative warmongering cunts they want to go to war with syria now or i'm sorry with iran now which sorry iran is not syria iran is not iraq we're gonna get we're not gonna do well if we go
Starting point is 03:55:52 to a foot war and against iran we're gonna lose a lot of guys like it it's just uh and there's got to be some point where a war crops up where the american people finally say enough like stop stop this middle eastern shit all it's done is drain trillions from us i feel like that's happening but i've seen america go to war a bunch of times and oh my god it's like your favorite teammate the playoffs they're literally waving american flags on every television all the mainstream media get wildly on watch for it guys next time yeah it almost brings people together yeah 9-11 happened and they couldn't keep american flags in stock people are putting them on their cars hanging out the windows big fucking ones on flagpoles behind your
Starting point is 03:56:39 car waving super fast or stopping at the traffic lights. People will get on board for a war. Like I said, like your teammate. America is like St. Louis when they made the Stanley Cup. The whole city was just alive with electricity. We're going to war, boys. Buckle up. How can I join the army? I want some good war.
Starting point is 03:57:01 It goes wild. And I want to be like, yeah america's lost its appetite for the war we're not stupid fucks who just want to die and go deeper into debt all the time but shucks let fox nbc and cnn start waving a flag and i won't be at all surprised to learn that we should be invading hong kong or something to help them beat China. Of course. And they reveal their true colors. The left mainstream media and the right mainstream media, they'll bicker over their stupid shit and be like, I think we should have more gay flags in public. No, I don't think we should have more gay flags
Starting point is 03:57:40 in public. And then it'll come around to, I think we should bomb Iran. I think Iran is threatening and they are a danger to ourselves legs in public and then it'll come around to i think we should bomb iran i think iran is threatening and they are a danger to ourselves and to our ally israel and we need to bomb them that's a very astute point cnn we also agree you need to bomb iran here is a cia head uh here's a former head of the cia to tell us why we need to do that. And it's like, if you watched Russia today and they're like, and here is KGB agents to tell us why we need to go there. You would see right through it. Wouldn't you?
Starting point is 03:58:13 You'd be like, this is propaganda with us. We're like, well, John Brennan, CIA former, this is reputable. This guy's rep.
Starting point is 03:58:21 It's like, no, they're true. Colors are revealed when war comes up these fucking cunts i uh hate the media dude uh there's they love war they love they do yeah it's like it's like a sports team or something like you were saying like uh it's like uh i don't know a team everybody likes like you know maybe half the people are against them half the season but then all of a sudden there's a war and it's like oh
Starting point is 03:58:50 shit you know get on board oh and don't criticize it you unpatriotic fuck do you not think we should kill i don't know what a hong kong person is called hong konganins? Probably that. Maybe it's Chinese. You're so unpatriotic. Get on the team. Oh, yeah. You can't speak out about it at all. Jesus Christ. They're called a Kongaloid. That can't be true.
Starting point is 03:59:17 No, it'd be funny though. If they're not on our team, they're called Charlie, I bet. Yeah. But yeah, anyway, criticizing the military. I keep bringing up these same freaking $1,200 coffee cups, but that seems like something you're not allowed to fuss about. $1,200 coffee cups that break easily. The airport has $1,200 coffee cups,
Starting point is 03:59:42 and they're costing us tons because they break when they tip over. And I'm like, this is insane. I'll tell you what. I'll sell them coffee cups for $600. The deal. Yeah. No, I'm sorry. You can't, Woody.
Starting point is 03:59:56 They have an exclusive contract. And here's Bill C-73 voted on by Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan and fucking John McCain. Dude, Moscow Mitch is fucking hilarious as branding. Like that guy. Oh, that's such a, it's not a very funny nickname. He doesn't have any ties to Moscow. He's just an incompetent fuck. It's because he personally blocked two election security bills,
Starting point is 04:00:19 things that would have prevented foreign interference. So they're calling him Moscow Mitch because he's against election security, basically. Again, see, and I'm hesitant of that, too. When they say stuff like someone blocked a bill on election security, I hear that the same way as when they go, someone blocked a bill on the Against Child Pornography Act. When really the bill was about fucking one little thing that's good. And then it's a bunch of pork and shit to try and push their real agenda. Which is like, oh, don't read past line two, because that's about controlling your internet freedom. Look into it, Taylor.
Starting point is 04:00:52 But you don't like, you don't dislike Trump. I feel like this is a, no, here's my bias coming through, but I feel like this is a Republican thing where they'll be like, you know what? Like, Trump in particular will say, yeah, if China and Russia wanted to give me dirt on my opponent i would totally use that report to the fbi that's not the real world you know get real that's that's not a thing people don't really do that trump said that that these these aren't misquotes uh except for the raspberry he didn't do that and um no i'm not going to defend them if you're right gerrymandering is another thing in north carolina i i want to say our electorate is 50 50 right we've had lots of republic democrat and republican senators recently we have a democratic governor it's a statewide race
Starting point is 04:01:37 but um our representatives are something like 10 to 2 or maybe it was 10 to 3. And they said, you know, why is it when the electorate is 50-50, the representation is 11 Republicans and 3 Democrats? And the guy said, because we couldn't figure out how to make it 14 and 2. It's like, oh my God, the gerrymandering here is next level. Right now now one of the districts doesn't have a representative because the republican did fake absentee ballots and the election got invalidated so they just rather than like the democrat winning they're like well i guess nobody wins so okay yeah i don't doubt any of that i i fucking hate all of these people in both parties i i genuinely i'm so fucking over our political system these people are all fucking evil they're not all fucking evil but a huge percentage of them
Starting point is 04:02:31 fucking are they know the shit they're doing they're taking advantage of people they pass their stupid ass giant tax cuts for rich people and the middle class gets absolutely fucked nobody looks out for the middle class whatsoever it's all pandering to the upper class or pandering to the lower class like nobody cares about the average joe like it it's fucking outrageous and the extent they'll go to to get elected you know they'll oh i gotta i gotta gerrymander this oh we gotta change the demographics here and get and get this worked out we got to do we'll do this and that and this it's like i just i don't see how people how anyone can see a politician and be like yeah they've got my interests in mind. I hear you that none of them are really knocking it out of the ballpark,
Starting point is 04:03:10 but watching the last three or four in action, I'm like, man, you can't paint them all with the same brush. That just seems incorrect. You know, it was W who went to war. Trump, to his credit, doesn't seem to want to go to war. Not that I can see. Obama was supposed to be the no-war guy, and then he kept them all going.
Starting point is 04:03:29 He started the biggest destabilizing influence in Northern Africa and the Middle East in global history when he took out Gaddafi in Libya. He started that by bombing that. And now there are open-air slave markets in Libya because they were, as far as Africa goes, they were a very progressive country. And now it's just a shithole.
Starting point is 04:03:46 They're selling people in the streets. They're not holding back waves of migrants coming into Europe and the Middle East. And it's like, I really don't think any of these people have our best interest in mind. I think they just go to their PR people and put on a good face. And maybe I'm just jaded by it and I'll come back around. But I don't trust the media at all. I don't trust politicians at all. One side just feels a lot worse than the other to me. Maybe I'm just jaded by it and I'll come back around, but I don't trust the media at all. I don't trust politicians at all. I think this feels worse than the other to me.
Starting point is 04:04:09 Maybe I'm crazy. I don't know. Like the deficit was dropping under Obama and it reversed under Clinton under Trump. Whoa. Like it exploded under W it exploded partly because the economy crashed partly because he started two wars. Yeah. Um, and how, what are we going to do now? It exploded. Partly because the economy crashed. Partly because he started two wars.
Starting point is 04:04:25 Yeah. What are we going to do now? Start another war? And get even in a bigger hole? Like with Iran? Trying to fight a war with Iran is like it doesn't even compare. Two words. Go team. Get on board, baby. Get on board.
Starting point is 04:04:41 You're back in the Vietnam era. Come on. You just hate the troops. That's what it is. That must be what it is. get on board you're back in the vietnam era like come on you gotta support all this yeah you just hate the troops that's what it is that must be what it is you know i just i fucking hate the troops that's why i don't want them going to die in iran not liking any politician is just uh translation for i don't like the troops and that's right yeah please damn me yeah oh it's just so fun like you they're so transparent too like the you'll see like someone on the left some democrat talking about how much we need to intervene and then you'll
Starting point is 04:05:13 see fucking one-eyed mccain there talking about how much we need to intervene for a second crenshaw or something and it's like for For two seconds when that guy first got elected, I'm like, oh, this guy seems kind of neat. He's a Navy SEAL and everything. That's nice. And then, whoop! Someone got in his pocket, I would assume, and now he's all about those wars. Well, we wouldn't want to pull out because
Starting point is 04:05:37 we're doing so great. Anyway, I don't know what I'm talking about. I just fucking hate all of them. I think they're liars. I think they're all in the same bed, and they put on a little kabuki theater for the rest of us peons, and they go and laugh with their money in the Panama. Yeah, maybe I'm the dumb one.
Starting point is 04:05:57 I feel like one's a three out of ten, and one's a zero out of ten. Yeah. I don't know. Well, I guess that's four hours. Blame Truth, what's all your shit? I want to hear more about Blame Truth in general. I feel like we didn't ask him how his life's going.
Starting point is 04:06:13 What do you want to hear? I don't know. How's Twitch? Is it a better life than YouTube? What made you switch? Same reason as we talked about earlier. It's just no support on YouTube. I feel like I'm under the gun constantly you know I can't curse
Starting point is 04:06:28 why do you think your YouTube channel you know found its way to the second half of the bell curve I will be honest I don't think so I think people overrate me I don't think I was doing anything super special i mean i don't think any of the commentator dudes were like doing anything really crazy it was just something new you know and then once like pro players came along and stuff like that it's like you know what's the point of watching a standard guy so My thing is going to Twitch, I could get more of my personality out there
Starting point is 04:07:09 that I couldn't really do on YouTube because I'm just talking to a fucking screen to make the video, so it's not as personal. It's not as fun. I think that was it. It's actually funny. You guys don't know this, but i have several channels i've not even talked about like on youtube i have uh i don't want to plug anything really but feel free to play i mean it's it's it's weird it's like i'll put it you guys can check it out i'm not gonna plug it like
Starting point is 04:07:37 secret channels yeah i've got this like horror side project channel i've been doing for like seven years nobody really knows it's me, but I do it. Hold on a second. It actually got partnered some fucking way. I have no clue. So it's not huge or anything? No, it's got 30,000 subs, and it's on a bunch of
Starting point is 04:07:58 channels talking about how fucking weird it is. It's just like an abstract fucking horror channel and stuff. Some people listening to this may know what I'm talking about but i'm not gonna i'm not gonna like shout it out or anything plug it i kind of like the mystery okay but yeah like i'm just doing i'm always doing something different so it doesn't have to be strictly like games but yeah also uh oh go ahead sorry i was just gonna say i had my own own thoughts on how I think most channels have a bell curve, right? Like a sort of popular.
Starting point is 04:08:28 I think that's true of TV shows too. I'm watching The Heist right now. I don't know if the third season is worse or if I've just seen 20 episodes already. And you have to either keep getting better all the time or it's not good for me. I don't like it anymore. I think that is why my commentary videos went the way they did right like i either when i was doing well i was gaining like 1600 or 2000 subs a day and then there was a time when that number became like 300 subs a day or 500
Starting point is 04:08:59 subs a day and i'm like well that's a third of what i used to do you're lying to yourself if you don't think that you're on the second half of the bell curve. And that's when WoodyCraft came around. I don't think my videos got worse. Like when I watched them, I don't think they were worse. I think I was just 2,000 videos in. And, you know, like they've seen it already. I think that I could make a Mail Monday with three topics up there and half of my video viewer base could fill in what I was
Starting point is 04:09:26 going to say. Yeah. That that's what happens. So, um, um, that's what I assigned to a lot of them. And, but I disagree with the pro players thing. Like I, I don't know about today's pro players, but the pro players at the time that I was, uh, hitting YouTube hard didn't make great videos. I thought. They weren't interesting. They were a little combative. They didn't interact with their fan base in an appreciative way. They almost hated them.
Starting point is 04:09:56 That's probably all changed now. But I was like, these pro players are not even competition because the content sucks. Obviously better than me, but their content sucks. But on Twitch, it changed a bit. I think people like seeing gaming skill more than they used to. They like skill mixed with a showmanship thing. Some days I won't stream if I'm tired. The stream's not going to be, like, entertaining.
Starting point is 04:10:25 I just don't fucking do it, you know? Because I'd rather, I would rather give 100%, like, every time than do something 90%. Because I'll be too hard on myself, you know, after the stream. I'll be like, man, that stream sucked, you know? Even if I got, like, good donations or whatever. Like, I'm just a fucking perfectionist in that regard. So, it's,'s like there's that and then there's also like this uh how do i even word it i guess it's like this um you don't know what's
Starting point is 04:10:56 gonna happen live you know like i mean a robber could break in theoretically it's never happened but a fucking meteor could crash through my you know goddamn ceiling my dog could break in, theoretically. It's never happened, but a fucking meteor could crash through my goddamn ceiling. My dog could shit in the floor right behind me. The possibilities are endless. It's not as exciting when it's a scripted video because you know what's going to happen, unless you're specifically trying to clickbait
Starting point is 04:11:18 or do something eccentric for the sake of it. I didn't really like that on YouTube. I didn't like kind of being clickbaity and not like super genuine so i just i got out but i am thinking about starting uh like a vlog series specifically for men like male advice not like gay or anything but like like male advice proper asshole dilation yeah because having andy on it's like that's that's a big thing like i actually had an experience with um i dated a by definition a narcissist back in
Starting point is 04:11:54 i think it was april april may of this year recently yeah pretty recently and um i got out before it got bad but um i was terrified she was gonna do that to me like the whole you know false accusation thing because because she was just fucking nuts and um that's where i kind of got the idea because it's like these are problems that aren't really covered by the media you know we covered that earlier where nobody's really talking about it nobody's like people will point the fingers but they'll never i guess like talk about how you know somebody lied like some girl lied or whatever so like it's like it's a niche that's not really been covered on youtube so i might try it it's hard too like um yeah i felt like it's easy to get canceled just doing that.
Starting point is 04:12:47 I'm trying not to take it back to me, but I used to do Mail Monday. It was a popular series. And I was this fountain of wisdom. For 12-year-olds, dealing with the friend zone is a problem that most adults find not that hard. Being scared about an upcoming surgery, how to handle
Starting point is 04:13:06 your parents being mad at you. These are lightweight problems for an adult. So I don't think that what I did was all that amazing. Yeah. You're talking about adult problems, you know, like, should I change jobs? How do I pick a career? Um, you know, how do i pick a career um you know how do i deal with the you know someone maybe i've got a kid with this woman but we're not a match how do i deal with that these are toughies these are really like so uh i don't know you're just you're tackling much bigger problems than i ever did and i find that interesting yeah i want to get down into it because I think once a stream, somebody will ask my advice nine times out of ten. It's a male asking for advice on something male-related. And I almost feel weird talking about it because I feel like, I don't know, just saying it's like a male-only advice channel is going to get me hate.
Starting point is 04:14:02 It's just with the landscape, You can't really do it. I hear you. I don't see it, but I am wrong every day. Maybe I'm projecting there, and it's not going to be a big deal, but I'm a little worried about it. Would owning it be all the
Starting point is 04:14:20 armor you need? Be like, hey, that's my specialty. Why don't you do girl advice i think i wouldn't be as good at it bam yeah yeah i don't know what it's like in the life of a woman you know like i just don't yeah i don't have experience so it's like i need to give specific advice as somebody who has not like has had adversity but has not succumbed to it you know so you still hang out with any of the og guys xcal blame truth yeah i'm truth i meant to say beyond uh beyond uh i haven't heard from him in forever i don't know where he went i i i talked to i
Starting point is 04:15:00 actually played uh borderlands 2 with xcal we did a series on twitch a couple months ago yeah so yeah still talk to hutch hutch just recently um who else just sandy ravage you know guys like that i still i pop in his stream from time to time he uh i enjoy his what he's got going on he doesn't show his face in video i I don't think ever. No, his wife actually streamed, showed her face on his account. He's never shown his face? He's shown his face, just not
Starting point is 04:15:33 on stream. He just doesn't do a face cam. Yeah, and he does other foot... I saw him do a driving game, and he did a maybe hand cam and foot cam. Yeah, yeah, yeah. There's no face cam. No cam no he did like simulator or something yeah wasn't he the guy back in the day that like played on the super low sensitivity
Starting point is 04:15:55 compared to the rest of us he was known for the duke nukem voices and he played he did he would like take the spas 12 and just wreck. Metallica would be playing. He might have had lower sensitivity, but I did too. So it's like, I don't know if that was a common thing or what, but nowadays it's like put your sensitivity on max and just get good. That's what they do? Yeah. That's interesting because when I was playing,
Starting point is 04:16:21 I don't know, I maybe played on five or something, and they're like pros actually play on three and four it's like really because i've been trying to get better with five all this time the best people in the world disagree yeah noteworthy but yeah i'm just uh just doing my thing and it's going really well yeah good yeah that's good man the working out's been fucking like i said i mean i hate to keep going back to it but goddamn like there's a huge visible difference man so yeah i mean it's just this helped me so much up here more than anything like i don't care if i get any better
Starting point is 04:16:53 than i do i just don't want to get you know i don't want to stay good up here so i'm gonna keep doing it when i was um working a lot whether it be, I worked really hard on WoodyCraft. I would be like, I gained 15 pounds, but made a million dollars. I think that's a good trade. You know? And then it's like, well, it's been 10 more and a million more. Am I doing
Starting point is 04:17:17 the right thing here? I don't know. So, I don't know. You think about it, you you're like what is it worth yeah it's it's money's like a million yeah i'm gonna do it i'll do it for a million yeah for like i don't know it was there was one month where i was streaming on twitch for like nearly 60 hours a week i think it was like two months actually uh-huh i just got flat out fucking
Starting point is 04:17:45 depressed like i was making really good money you know like double the money i usually did right but i just i was just like what fucking good is it if i you know like i don't want to get out of bed in the morning yeah like i always viewed my window it's we had mr beast on last week and he's the opposite of me i always viewed my time in the limelight as finite. I always expected it to end. I was lucky, shocked, happy that I had two bumps in my bell curve with the Woody Craft one being the second half.
Starting point is 04:18:16 Mr. Beast just sees himself on an upward trajectory. Like a good stock market is always doing well. I hope he's right and And he might be, uh, he's, he's way smarter than I thought he was based on watching his videos. Like he talked to the man and, uh, that's not, he's anyway, he might, he might be right that things are going great, but I always thought it was going to end. And that's part of why I was willing to like, you know,
Starting point is 04:18:45 like work into a mental and physical black zone because I was like, now's your time. This is your window. You've got five year YouTube career. Make the most of it because it won't last forever. And yeah, I don't know if I was right or wrong, but it was my mindset.
Starting point is 04:19:06 It's weird because I thought the same thing. Like I got the most of it it's not gonna last forever and like i'm still able to do it 12 years later you know it's a full-time thing it's like for so long yeah and it's like um it's it's so surprising to me because i guess i don't have a high opinion of myself so i'm just like man i'm washed up as shit you know i'll on, I'll get on stream and get like fucking like a shit ton of donations one day or something, you know, or insane subscribers and same view numbers just out of nowhere. And it's like, I feel like if I just, uh, I guess go about it in a way of like, I'm going to do the best I fucking can every single time. I'm going to keep trying to get better and better and better whether, whether I do or not,
Starting point is 04:19:45 I feel like just that mindset is going to make my content better, you know, and, and bring people in and make people more, I guess like hardcore fans or whatever. Cause that's like all really I have left. It's just super hardcore fans, like,
Starting point is 04:20:00 you know, several thousand, but it's like, it's enough and it's fine. Like I'm doing great. So I don't know if it'll last forever and I might fall off the fucking wagon and get goddamn holes in my legs from drinking too much or something.
Starting point is 04:20:14 Right now, it's great and I'm just trying to keep on the upward trajectory because even if I start making half the money I am right now, it's up here. It's way better. That's the main thing. That is the main thing. It's like up here, it's way better, you know? And that's the main thing. That is the main thing.
Starting point is 04:20:28 So it's good. You got your head on straight about it. Yeah. Yeah. You're how old are you now? 30. Yeah. Cause you turned,
Starting point is 04:20:35 you sound like an adult, you know, there's a little wisdom in what you're saying. Oh yeah. I've been, I mean, um, yeah, I'm still a mature shit,
Starting point is 04:20:41 but yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But, um, what he never tells me, I sound like an adult. Dude, it's the impressions.
Starting point is 04:20:48 I think it's the impressions. Actually, what he's saying isn't true. Taylor would go to business trips, and I'm so impressed. He's like, yeah, I went out there and represented HMN Marketing to CVS and Walmart. I'm like, my God, Taylor. Do you realize what a grown-up you've become?
Starting point is 04:21:04 No, I'm a boring adult. Aren't you the guy that made videos about how mom sucks fuck parents kids rule yeah i went back and watched a video of mine and it was like the first lines like hey guys sorry i didn't post a video in a while i was i was going to i was going to college and i was like just don't go to college. Don't fucking bother. I said something like that. That was before my machinima contract even. Before I was making money off of it.
Starting point is 04:21:32 What the fuck am I saying? I clicked on a video. This is probably almost a year ago now. I was like, I wonder what an early video of mine sounds like. I clicked on a video I made in 2011. The intro was, hey, what what's up faggots so i was like oh all right well youtube's changed so yeah yeah i went back and watched one of mine
Starting point is 04:21:55 change but taylor's about the same yeah that's different actually yeah maybe kyle stole the f bomb from you but yeah you're right i'm stealing it back but yeah there's a lot of stuff uh we would do back in the day that wouldn't fly nowadays i made this one video it was completely in jest it was just like like only manly men use the olympia you know and i was like you know if you don't use the olympia you're like a fairy boy or like a tranny or something i'm like whoa i said that like holy shit it's like back in 2010 you know so i was like oh my god like but if i delete this video people will get pissed like nobody's complained about it in the comments i didn't realize how clickbaity some of my titles were like i think i had a mail monday about bloody ejaculate and i remember that one actually
Starting point is 04:22:38 a lot of people couldn't resist clickbait. Yeah, but my titles were really clickbaity, and the thumbnails weren't. I felt like I tried to do branding almost with the thumbnails. Yeah. But yeah, and now I resist the clickbait a little more than I used to. Maybe I shouldn't. Mr. Beast says I shouldn't. You shouldn't. Well, i shouldn't you shouldn't
Starting point is 04:23:05 well the thing with mr b's videos is he's it's it's sort of it's not even clickbaity like it's the content of the videos he has the means to do whatever he delivers on those titles he delivers on them he could like make a video titled uh me dumping my grandma on a big vat of pudding and he'll do it yeah yeah it's not clickbait. Tip waitress $85,000. You're like, oh yeah, turns out that's what he did. Yeah. Yeah. I want to see his future.
Starting point is 04:23:39 I'm very curious about it. He could pass PewDiePie. It wouldn't be insane. Or it could be or could flame out i don't know like but it uh i i like watching his stuff and i root for him so yeah yeah it's it's sort of the same with... I thought sort of the same thing with C-Nanners back in the day. Like when he was a Call of Duty commentator, primarily. I was like, I wish the best for him because he was like... Almost like the Bob Ross of commentary.
Starting point is 04:24:16 He was so friendly. Very, very down to earth and stuff. I had such a different view. Did you? Yeah, because he used to make a lot of videos. When he worked at machinima he attacked other content creators constantly and uh yeah he would attack them for daily uploads he was like these view whores are uploading every single day and uh some of his attacks
Starting point is 04:24:39 were like clearly about me like he wouldn't mention my name, but it was like, oh yeah, I have a video that fits that description. And they were just unfair attacks. Like, you know, like not unfair attacks, but attacks for things I didn't think you should be attacked about, like uploading daily or, you know,
Starting point is 04:24:57 having branded thumbnails or something. Like that's even bad? Why is that bad? Who is my victim in my daily uploads? But I think what the real motivation was, he was on salary at machinima fully aware of the kind of money that the top youtubers were making knowing that he took the wrong fork in the road there yeah now eventually he left and took you know did great probably better than i ever did but um when he left machinima daily uploads became fine and it's like it's hard for me did he verbally uh say this stuff in videos yeah he's like behind the scenes yeah okay i
Starting point is 04:25:33 actually talked to um aaron debuah or something you know like i talked to machinima people about i'd be like what the fuck like what why is cnanners attacking content creators constantly why does hutch attack content creators constantly on his twitter um like you know they they really didn't like it and i think it came from a place of envy yeah yeah they're on that salary and stuff for sure yeah yeah and they weren't good salaries i mean they made triple digits there but um uh that was a lot less than, you know, the contractors were making. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 04:26:09 I think I made like I should have made more videos back in the big boom period of like God for MW2 because I didn't make very many at all. And I still made fucking bank, you know, I made two videos a day. Did you? Yeah. I made two. I made like one every four days maybe one a week for years i did two a day what do you cranked out videos yeah it was a lot
Starting point is 04:26:33 of work too like you'd think a 10 minute video wasn't that big an effort oh it is it's like several hours per video yeah yeah yeah that's about right. I work all the time. Not on my channel. Yeah. Well, anyway. You guys want to call it a show? I was just thinking. Oh, there's a post roll, right?
Starting point is 04:26:56 There is. First, let's hear from our buddy BT. All your shit. All my shit. slash BlameTruthOC. Follow me on twitter uh i actually just trolled syndicate today actually like as a joke but um friendly joke uh real blame truth on twitter and it's really about it yeah you can finally watch your secret channel too i'm gonna watch the secret channel don't even mention it build intrigue
Starting point is 04:27:26 I'm not going to say the name you kind of can't say the name it looks like you fell asleep on the keyboard yeah it does exactly I like the mystery but yeah that's about it thank you guys for having me on it was a blast as always thanks for coming
Starting point is 04:27:40 and before we say our final goodbyes, this episode of PKA is brought to you by White Castle. Good news. White Castle sliders are available at the grocery store. Made of 100% beef patties steamed on a bed of grilled onions, they have the same one-of-a-kind taste White Castle's had been serving in their restaurants for years. Pick up some sliders from the grocery store and make it a slider night.
Starting point is 04:28:03 Go to slash pka to get a dollar off the purchase of any four or six pack White Castle sliders. slash pka. Now guys, go to their links. They see those analytics. You might send us crave cases.
Starting point is 04:28:21 Guys, hook a brother up. Click the link. It makes us look good. Help us out out get yourself a hard dick and a white castle sandwich dude i i've got bluetooth up in one of my tabs it could happen all right pka 453

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