Painkiller Already - PKA 516 w Filthy Robot Woody's Nightmare, All Drugs Legal in Oregon, Presidential Elections

Episode Date: November 11, 2020


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Starting point is 00:00:00 pka 516 with our guest the trump train is running wild it is untethered all right i saw woody crying his lib lib tears the other night the only way donald trump gets to 270 is if he loses 50 pounds charlie day and it's always sunny trying to figure out where pepe Silvia was. Connecting dots and fucking yarn. I got a system of Pepe. Yeah. Before we get into anything this episode, we have Filthy on, wonderful guest Filthy, and it's brought to you by Boochoo and Squarespace. Yes.
Starting point is 00:00:35 High energy start, Kyle. That caffeine pill you took definitely kicked it. Oh, it's kicking in right about now. How many milligrams? There are 200 milligrams each. I only took the one, but I have taken four before and that's crazy town.
Starting point is 00:00:52 That's awful, man. Everyone said Trump was going to get trounced. We all here, to be fair, thought Trump was going to get trounced. Look, at this point, we have to all agree, regardless of our political standings or who we think should win. Don't even say it was funny.
Starting point is 00:01:10 Is that where you're headed? Well, first of all, yes, it is funny, but that's not where I'm going. It wasn't funny. First of all, it's funny, but that's not where I'm going. It wasn't funny. That's not the topic of discussion.
Starting point is 00:01:19 The topic of discussion is that polls, again, seem to have been wrong. Like, way off. In the the same direction in the same exact direction and the i'm left with only one logical explanation and that is there are a lot of people who like donald trump clearly but they are embarrassed ashamed or afraid to admit to a pollster that yes i do like donald trump and i'm going to vote for him if that were not the case we would not be where we are right now where they're still counting votes the entire premise is pretty wrong in the first place uh assuming that pennsylvania and georgia do go
Starting point is 00:01:54 biden which is a bit of a leap i hear you but they are predicted to go that way then they got 49 of the 51 states right in their in their final prediction and the reason that they chose biden was that he could suffer a hillary clinton like i don't know mistake in the polls and still win which he has you are the only one on the planet who has this opinion even like the people on cnn are like smart though the people on cnn are like we were wrong. It's disturbing how close this is. Van Jones is like, it's hurtful. It's over. Van Jones is always hurt.
Starting point is 00:02:32 He and Don Lemon are just fucking crying. Can you imagine being personally upset by polls? It is a little disturbing. Don't they know I look at these? Yeah. Nate Silver, No, it is a little disturbing. Don't they know I look at these? Yeah. So like Nate Silver, I guess maybe it was the two Obama races where I think he literally got 100 out of 100 states right.
Starting point is 00:02:53 Or 102. He's an idiot at the blues down and out. If you count D.C., like he got 102 states right in a row presidentially. And everyone was like, well, shucksucks this guy knows the outcome before it happens and um they did a podcast today which i didn't watch actually read about and the they have a leader of the podcast that's not nate silver and he's like twitter's gonna beat me up if i don't ask you why were the polls so wrong and he's like oh well i have a message for twitter twitter fuck you we did a great job we got 49 out of 51 states right the polls out of bias but we interpreted the data perfectly we don't collect the data
Starting point is 00:03:29 that was his message i don't know i don't have no issue with the people who read polls i'm talking about polls right i'm a person who reads and interprets polls we all are i'm talking about polls i don't care about nate silva or silver or whatever his name is probably the problem is the shy it's too early in the show to go if only the trump voters had a few more flags on their truck then they would have tipped it over they advertised a little better i don't buy the the explanation you were giving kyle i would say it's probably that this methodology for polling they're using it's just it's probably bad. It's probably bad data and they're not getting the right people filling it out. It is.
Starting point is 00:04:08 Here's my theory. Let me wonder about that though, because this seems to be like, this has got to be one of the most, like the highest tiers of polling, like people, right? Like this has got to be one of the biggest things that people use this for. It's got a huge impact, a huge outcome associated with it. So this is probably the best of the best for the polling industry going on here. It has to be in the polling interpretation. And here's what I mean by that. Like, let's say that I do a poll of 500 people and the people I get are 300 women, 200 men. You might think that I just report, you know, this is the results I got, but it's not. Instead,
Starting point is 00:04:43 I take the women I talk to and I devalue them to make it it's not. Instead, I take the women I talk to and I devalue them to make it more 50-50. And I take the men I talk to and I extra value them to make it more 50-50 because we know on election day, that's what we expect, roughly the same amount of men and women voting, which is truish. So if you follow me, we interview the people and then our sample wasn't perfect. We adjust the sample to make it more perfect. I think that adjusting the sample to make it more perfect is where the mistake is. They underestimate that, say, working class white men are actually going to get to the polls in a very reliable way that wasn't true in previous elections.
Starting point is 00:05:19 Or in the case of Obama, they underestimated how well he would do. And I think that maybe that happened with the black vote. What? Do you know when in the process that's applied? Because if you said, you know, like this guy you're talking about was saying, like, hey, it's not our fault. It's the data that's bad. So is the prior to the happening prior to reporting to pollsters? To reporting to the people who are essentially doing these polls are not the people doing the data happening prior to reporting to pollsters? Prior to reporting to...
Starting point is 00:05:46 The people who are essentially doing these polls are not the people doing the data collection. And they're the instead people like, hey, we're making these predictions based on bad data. The people who collect the data will then massage the data and say, this is the results of our poll, right? So if I was to go extreme and said, hey, everyone we interviewed was black except one guy,
Starting point is 00:06:04 but we expect the turnout to be 80-20 white, then that one guy's opinion holds a ton of weight. That's obviously a bad sample, but work with me. So I think what happened is they underestimated who was actually going to show up on voting day when they took the raw poll data and converted it. And then you have Nate Silver, who didn't do any of that. He just takes the polls and averages them and such. I'm sorry. I'm having a problem. You're like, ah, see, the polls were wrong.
Starting point is 00:06:31 What they did was they didn't guess who was going to come and vote and how they were going to vote. They fucked that up. Yeah, so they fucked it up in the other direction when it was Obama. They underestimated how many black people were actually going to get to the polls because they had enthusiasm. I think in the trump situation the opposite happened they were like every they didn't realize every single gosh darn like white working male would actually make it to the thing so i'm not saying the polls are wrong the polls
Starting point is 00:06:57 underestimated trump this time they underestimated obama in previous elections they were more or less right in 2018 they were wrong i don't know but uh your job is to collect out and give the best representation as as wide an audience as possible from that data and you got to make sure the methodology you're doing actually does that it's no good to say well we probably messed up part of it along the way no shit we can see the the results it was clearly not predicted what's happening and what i don't know about getting 49 out of 50 states right because like they're still counting votes and like it's it's like within 3 000 4 000 votes in places like that's so close it's well it's it's i mean we're talking about like margin of error almost at this my big upset pick if we remember was georgia you might be right i might win yeah you might it's
Starting point is 00:07:44 very close it's like it's three i don't have anything riding on it so it's not very exciting oh we should have gotten midi on here to eat his asparagus while we watched and laughed yeah i had a bet with one of my friends that uh if trump was with if trump was even within a hundred electoral votes he had to eat a can of asparagus and drink all the juice and that's coming i'm gonna get to watch it one way or another i'm gonna he sent me a text like earlier today he's like i got it fucking he was in my stream last night when he went out he's like what do i gotta they're gonna hop off right now i gotta go buy the asparagus but but yeah anyway so before the
Starting point is 00:08:21 made silver uh interprets all these collections of polls. That's his deal. And he feels like my math was right, but his data was wrong, which is a bit of a cop-out, I'll admit. Yeah. I feel like the math is easy. That's his profession. What does he do? I don't know this guy.
Starting point is 00:08:34 You don't know Nate Silver? He runs 538. And basically, it used to be you'd look at a poll and you'd say, all right, these are the results. What he does is he assembles all the polls and takes it. He basically does a poll of polls and it gives you like a simple way to see what, I don't know, all the pollsters combined are saying or all the pollsters averaged are saying. It's still not over yet. Everybody's like, oh, well, Biden's going to have all these votes and so he'll win.
Starting point is 00:09:02 It's not over yet. Trump is still in the white house and and in the chair until january it's looking like he's gonna lose that lady's saying baby it's looking like he might have technically lost but trump doesn't really take losing well yeah that explains his weight it's not true i'm the best loser Thursday night. Any of you guys were watching the presidential address right before this? Yes, of course. Oh, not right before this, no.
Starting point is 00:09:32 What did he say? What happened right before this? He just came on and started talking and what we expect from him to say, said he was winning. They were winning in all these states by large margins and the more of the mail-in ballots keep showing up and they keep going entirely the other direction he doesn't understand why this would be real and he doesn't understand why he's not allowed to watch
Starting point is 00:09:53 all the individual voting processes happen and thinks the whole thing is a bunch of bullshit essentially oh well he should call me because i'll explain it to his dumb fucking ass the reason that his voters didn't use mail-in voting is because he told them not to use mail-in voting for the last three to six months also they uh uh the democrat voters are more likely to take this whole covid thing more seriously and they voted by mail instead of in person yeah they did they did a poll we all know those are right and it seemed like the most important voting issue for
Starting point is 00:10:30 democratic voters was racial inequality by far I would have guessed it was healthcare but okay I only participate in twitter polls but I have never not picked the option that I know the author wants to win if it's like some
Starting point is 00:10:45 conservative being like what do you hate more capitalism or communism it's like i always capitalism whatever is the one they don't want to be answered i love you just try to ruin the poll just make them you just try and ruin the poll yeah yeah uh like brager you with yeah so the polls this time were wrong in all reality and they were shifted against trump right trump outperformed the polls that's true but but even within the margin of error we'll see how wrong it was because it may i think it's very clear that without covid trump not only wins but crushes i think so too i think his handling of covid was really bad. I'll say another
Starting point is 00:11:26 thing. I think in the second debate, Biden fouled up by saying he was against fracking and he would have done better in Pennsylvania. Trump got him to say that. And then he like put an exclamation point on it by going, that's huge. Did you hear that? That's huge. You just lost Pennsylvania or something close to that. And it's like, it was an effective moment in the, in the debate. Yeah. Fuck up this year. What?
Starting point is 00:11:50 Pardon? You don't think Trump could have found something besides COVID to fuck up this year? No, it's not like this. I mean, COVID is the biggest thing to have ever happened in a lot of people's life.
Starting point is 00:12:00 Like everybody's been living at home 80 80 more than usual for the last i mean he went the first three years year and everybody was fine with i mean i'm sure that many of us consider some of the things he did in the first three years before covid to be big fuck-ups but anyone can remember any not everyone did but yeah yeah not everyone like it was pre-covid nobody it was all regular down low stuff right like pretending you ended the north korea nuclear nuclear program when you really didn't no he didn't uh they're not long they haven't launched a missile in a while that's not even true i don't know the last missile nine months what happened was they had their um facility like they blew it up by accident and there was a gap of launching missiles for like
Starting point is 00:12:43 nine or ten months or something like that and everyone's like they haven't launched a missile in a long time and then they got right back at it um june june was the last one june okay so it's what five months um yeah victory uh yeah but like so pretending that he ended north korea's nuclear program when he really didn't that kind of shit i don't think loses him an election that's just like standard grade trumpy or trumperism type shit i think a lot of americans dying millions and millions of americans getting sick that's you know what it was kids going to homeschool i don't think it's any of that okay i think that i think the problem is that he killed 200,000 people and a lot of them were his voters.
Starting point is 00:13:30 That's true. Those retirement homes would have been clutch. I think he accidentally killed 200,000 Americans and like 30,000 of them were Trump votes. And that's all it would take to swing this election right now is 30,000 well-placed votes. Or less. Yeah. We don't know how. It's something like that yeah he's only winning by math 12 000 in nevada right now if panc and ga all go like you know don't swing to biden then it's 12 000 votes that's what it
Starting point is 00:14:01 would have taken to switch it yeah i all i know is uh super close he made he's made it much closer than uh you know anyone seemingly thought it would be other than like right-wing conservative talk show hosts like rush limbaugh i was like i told you i told you this is what it was gonna be america well rush limbaugh is not gonna get it right next time rush limbaugh will have no guarantee on it. I guarantee his next election pick won't be made. He'll make no mistakes. He will probably be... Oh, wait, doesn't he have cancer or something?
Starting point is 00:14:29 He's dying of lung cancer. Yeah, he's dying. That's the joke. His goose is cooked. For a second, I thought it was an old fat guy joke, and I was like, but he's not that... Oh, the cancer. Yes.
Starting point is 00:14:39 The terminal lung cancer that he has. Can't they just scoop the bad one out? The bad lung? Yeah. They did that for my brother. My brother has one lung. Well, maybe both of his lungs are bad.
Starting point is 00:14:55 Yeah, I don't know. If I know anything about cancer and I don't, then it's like, you have lung cancer, where? Well, shit, now it's in my bones, my brain, my liver. It always goes that way. If it's metastasized, then that's a real problem. So he really is like last leg?
Starting point is 00:15:13 He'll die in the next couple? I mean, he's doing a radio show every day. He was on yesterday. I was driving and just scanning through the channels. I was like, oh, that's Rush. Let's see what he thinks about the election. And he's doing a show. Don't quote me on the time,
Starting point is 00:15:26 but about four weeks ago, he came on and said that his doctors gave him bad news. He's not responding well to his cancer treatment and he's not expected to beat it. Right. So I, I don't really know much about timelines, but I do know that,
Starting point is 00:15:42 you know, when you, when things are like, so, so you get better and worse, and worse better worse if you're just getting worse in a straight line like he is yeah an american hero it's sad to see he does have the medal of uh freedom freedom thank you i was gonna mess it up presidential medal of freedom or some some other made-up medal like what the fuck does that even what's the age that like i first of all i know i think that that's just a metal that the president gives to people they like yeah that just seems to be what it is but like a pod coin what's the age that you would get cancer that you would say
Starting point is 00:16:14 fuck it don't treat me like like is it like if you're let's say you're 80 years old and it's like all right aggressive cancer you can either live the rest of your life or live it miserably and probably not live any longer but just be more feeble than you've ever been sick nauseous like i feel like if i'm 80 at that eight zero just cash out you know just let it happen you mean to tell me i can have any painkiller any painkiller that would be my response no you just go to oregon you can have any painkiller anyway they decriminalize this is one of the coolest things from the election oregon decriminalized all drugs no way really every drug name one the answer is yes they decriminalized all of them is that true i i yes the the headline i read said acid and. Yeah, they just named the scary ones.
Starting point is 00:17:06 Heroin, methamphetamine, acid. Yeah, all drugs are decriminalized in fucking Oregon. Damn. That's awesome. Hey, you know what? This Biden winning, you know, I mean, I don't think any of them are going to follow through with the marijuana promises, but that could be a win in your column. DC legalized shrooms, so there's that. Isn't it so funny that a lot of states and areas are already moving on to shrooms?
Starting point is 00:17:33 Yes. While some haven't even hit the marijuana. They haven't even hit the medical marijuana yet. Yeah. Even we have medical marijuana. Legal? Where it doesn't anymore have. Like dozens of states like mine.
Starting point is 00:17:46 Yeah, a lot of them don't. Missouri just got medical marijuana two years ago. I believe they have like if you're like already dead, they'll give you like a weed cookie. But there's no way to buy the weed cookie for the dead people yet. So I think it's decriminalized in Atlanta, though. It's decriminalized in Atlanta by the Atlanta city police. But if you're caught by any other group of law enforcement, then it is not decriminalized. Like a state trooper or something?
Starting point is 00:18:12 Sure. Fuck you up? Okay. Huh. Well, those are the guys that always give you tickets. I've never gotten a ticket in Atlanta. They don't stop speeders. They don't give a fuck.
Starting point is 00:18:24 Another thing decriminalized in atlanta speeding dude put that on the ballot next time that's the new libertarian guy no more i don't know how fast you have to go for them to be for them to even care because i've been going like 90 trying to get to work like like back when i lived out here and uh when i was like 19 or 20 going like 90 95 trying to get to work on time and a cop passes me and i'm just like the fuck do i slow down or yeah right i mean he's gone now i guess not i got 95 is the limit all right cool so you don't care i looked up the organ uh drug thing and kyle's pretty much right like i it they mentioned meth in the list of things that can be legal the one little twist on it like it being different than most marijuana legalization is what they legalized or decriminalized was possessing small amounts of these drugs so if
Starting point is 00:19:18 you're a coke head a crack head a meth head any kind of head I guess. And they find it in your pocket. Sneaker heads, everybody. Sure, sure. Then they don't, now I guess that's legal, right? To be caught with a small amount of it. But that doesn't mean you can deal it. It's not like, if you can't deal it, you can't stand on the street corner. Like they're still going to try and end meth distribution.
Starting point is 00:19:42 They're just not going after users anymore. Yeah. Yeah. Which is the issue anyway, because I'm not looking to sell any meth, but I mean, if you got some. Right? You can lose some weight. Goes without saying. I hear you, right? Focus on my...
Starting point is 00:19:57 Just a magic little smoke. No downside. None. I mean, do you know how well I do at Vermintide? I've had a little meth. I don't know how well. I don't either. There's only one way to find out. Oregon, here we come.
Starting point is 00:20:10 We're on the way back to like a hundred years ago advertising where it's like, new NyQuil with heroin. It's like wonderful for your throat. People are going to be making those. Why did they use that old radio voice was there a problem with mics or transmission i think there was recording i think that's just one way to talk on the radio i don't believe anyone in the 20s talk like this they did the same thing like they did that silly voice they didn't figure out acting until deep into like the 60s like they it was just not good
Starting point is 00:20:44 50s yeah somewhere in the 50s you know like like like even some of those elvis movies aren't that bad but you know it's weird it's like they stopped it's like for a while they weren't trying to like act they were trying to just like be like moving stick figures or something like that like they weren't trying to pretend like this was natural and real. Like they weren't even going for that almost. I agree with what you're saying. I wonder if we're immune to or numb to the things that aren't perfect now.
Starting point is 00:21:12 And they're just the standard. Like, do you know what a superhero landing is? Right. They kind of land and then they get the fist. Okay. You know, yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:20 Well, they look at that kind of entrance 40 years from now and consider it corny and unreal and like unnatural to jump into frame that way maybe i don't know i mean that's already superman's been landing like that since the 40s he was landing like this and then beating up nazis okay yeah i but yeah i oftentimes when people talk about the best movies ever i'm like man i don't know like movies have been getting better all this time according to me it's like talking about the fastest athlete ever you know like oh you know i don't think it's linear like that i think there's a lot of shit i think it's linear like that like i'm trying to think what's the name of that um
Starting point is 00:22:02 jack nicholson movie. Jack Nicholson. There's a super old one. It's where the guy sticks the switchblade in his nose and goes like that. Cuts his nose at one part. Let me try to find it. It's great. It's old as fuck. I watched Taxi Driver the other day and I didn't think it was very good.
Starting point is 00:22:19 Really? I like that one a lot. You like that one a lot? I love that one. Chinatown with Jack Nicholson. That's the one i was thinking of and fade to and fade down away that's a real one that's great it's very good no tax driver's excellent fucking travis bickle slowly melting down losing his goddamn mind cleaning the jizz out of his fucking out of the seats in the back all the time just slowly fucking losing his goddamn mind every fucking day. I've gotten holding his arm over that gas burner. I've gotten soft.
Starting point is 00:22:49 I've got too many days of sitting and doing nothing. My muscles have gotten weak. And he's like hardening his mind, hardening his body, getting ready for God knows what. And you're just watching like, what is she getting ready for? What's he planning? What is he going to go? I didn't realize how much it, cause I saw taxi driver after I saw the new Joker movie,
Starting point is 00:23:09 the newest Joker movie and Joker definitely not like, like paid homage. It borrows a lot. Like, yeah, borrows a lot from it. So that was interesting to see. Cause I'd heard that take before.
Starting point is 00:23:20 Jodie Foster kills it as a 14 year old fucking whore. You know, that that's fucking great. And then what's his name that plays the wolf in Pulp Fiction? Harvey Keitel. Fucking Harvey Keitel is the pimp. I need to give it another chance. I didn't give it my full attention.
Starting point is 00:23:37 Sometimes when Kyle tells you how good a piece of media is, his telling of it is better than the media itself. I have heard kyle explain star wars it's like i gotta see that and then you watch it and it's fucking corny and it was better let me talk about the mandalorian then because i'm it's been great already there's one episode out 10 seconds deniro film that is great cape fear i love that it is very good deniro scary as fuck deniro bulked the fuck up. He was on some roids or something because De Niro adds like 25
Starting point is 00:24:07 pounds of muscle, maybe 10 more fat and he looks scary as hell. Dude, he's so scary when he's fucking with them on that boat. He's just like a demon floating to different super speed. That's great. That's great. Also, to add on to that,
Starting point is 00:24:23 one of the best Simpsons of all time that's so good i won't spoil cape fear but uh deniro plays a bad guy and there's a stealth aspect to the way that he is the bad guy and it is so effective like i i i put myself in like the there's a dad who's just like a regular dad he's not like a fighter or anything like he's just a person and i put myself in his shoes and it's like you're in a tough spot you know the girl yeah he's whoa so anyway what did you want ah so all right so mandalorian i was a big fan of season one i was a little upset i think i think all of our major complaint was it meanders a little bit it's like hey stay on story i want to i want you to but then i started thinking about it and it's like well maybe they can't
Starting point is 00:25:24 just zip to the end where, where Yoda starts fucking talking and talking backwards. Now I am like, you can't just go right to like the, the good shit. Like if they're going to have five seasons of this shit, then maybe they do have to take their time. So I'm okay with that.
Starting point is 00:25:38 And I do like the, the, the Mandalorian is essentially a space Western episode one, season two literally is a space Western. It is, it's, they even bring in Timothy Oliphant to play. I'm going to know like real spoilers for those of you who haven't seen it yet, but like Timothy Oliphant is the guest star. He's like the guest star of the episode. Um, and there's a lot of callbacks to previous star Wars that I won't get into cause they're spoilery um but then
Starting point is 00:26:05 timothy oliphant's one of my favorite actors i loved him in deadwood you know he's the he's the marshall and then i loved him in justified on fx where he played uh u.s deputy marshal raylon givings uh you know in harlan kentucky just being a badass motherfucker he kills like eight people in the first 12 episodes of that show or something like that. And like, and a lot of show, there are a lot of shows that are like that. You're just,
Starting point is 00:26:29 you start thinking to yourself like, Oh, this cop kills a lot of people, huh? You would think somebody would say something, but in justified, they're like, have you killed another one?
Starting point is 00:26:38 Right? Lynn, you've killed another man. We're going to have to have another review and I'm going to need your weapon. How many is that? They're always like pointing it out out like you've killed so many people raylan you've got to stop killing people and like he starts making an effort not to kill people in the very first episode like and keep in mind this is a modern day show like like it's set in the early 2000s that's when it's filmed and he's sitting across across from this criminal. And he's like, I told you, you had 24 hours to get out of town or I was going to kill you.
Starting point is 00:27:10 And you're like, this is the Deputy U.S. Marshal? Like, this isn't Deadwood. You can't do that. He's like, you're not going to kill me, Marshal. You're not going to fucking kill me. It's the Wild West. You're not going to fucking kill me. He's like, well, would you bet your life on it?
Starting point is 00:27:23 Because I'm going to kill you. And sure enough, like five minutes later, like the bad guy pulls out a gun and he fucking kills him right there. And like every episode for like the first five or six or eight episodes, he kills at least one people. Sometimes he kills multiple people in an episode. And it's fun to see like his superiors, his partners, like the criminals that he can't quite catch yet all being like god you killed another one how many how many is that now because they take his gun every time he kills someone because that's like it sounds like you like the mandalorian more than me i really like the mandalorian um this did you have you seen the new episode i've seen one this year
Starting point is 00:28:03 is there more than one yeah that's the one with Timothy Oliphant, and they've got to kill the big worm monster and everything. I liked it. I liked it a lot. I mean, I didn't dislike it. See, this is, I think I'm doing to Star Wars what frustrates me that everyone else does to Star Wars. A new movie comes out, the thing's like a 6 out of 10, 7 out of 10,
Starting point is 00:28:23 and they're like, I was expecting a 6 out of 10 7 out of 10 and they're like i was expecting a 12 out of 10 cultural icon amazing movie and uh and it fell short of those expectations right so here comes the mandalorian and i'm like i want this to be good i want this to be one of the better properties on television right now you know it should be great and i watch it and i'm like well i mean like it didn't suck suck but it was just if it didn't have star wars attached to it i wouldn't even be interested in this for me it is one of the best properties on television right now i think the fight choreography has improved dramatically into this season we already there's a fight at the very beginning where uh i don't know first he shoots like four, and then he has to fight two or three more hand to hand.
Starting point is 00:29:08 And him utilizing his armor and helmet in a fist fight the way that, if you were smart enough, you would. The guy goes to hit him, and he's like, wait a minute. I'm wearing an impervious helmet. Go for it. He just headbutts the guy's fist, and the guy's just like, ah, what was I thinking? And I'm just like, yeah, what were you thinking?
Starting point is 00:29:24 You should have gone and grabbed a sword or something. Like a chair, even. Why would you punch the guy wearing the impervious helmet in the head? You never saw anybody punch Magneto. They're not stupid enough to do that. I'm loving it, man. I really do like it. I like the fucking Baby Yoda.
Starting point is 00:29:41 I know I'm supposed to like the Baby Yoda. It's their fucking... Disney's like, yeah, you want to disney's like yeah you want to play a role last time he sat there and he went oh and there was a scene where they're on the motorbikes and his ears flopped and now that's all i need that's all i need i need his cute little ears to flop i need him to go oh and there was another scene where like they might like like the mandalorian and uh timothy oliphant's character in a bit of a standoff the mandalorian's like hey you give me that armor and timothy oliphant's like i can't do that and he's like all right we're gonna have to draw and uh you look and baby yoda's hiding in the spittoon like he's there to be cute that's all i need from him i don't need him to do any four shit necessarily every episode just be cute that's your job there was an episode i i guess i will spoil it from last year where baby yoda
Starting point is 00:30:30 actually assists right he has the if you know star wars he could just interrupt just have a sec did you feel bad about spoiling cape fear but you are now going to spoil i was recommending people watch it so i didn't that's um okay just the time mandalorian i don't recommend you watch it. So I did. That's okay. Just the time Mandalorian. I don't recommend you watch. It's a fucking C tier show. But so last year, the baby Yoda uses his powers. You know, he can, like, push things. You know how he lifted the spaceship, the TIE fighter in Return of the Jedi.
Starting point is 00:30:59 He has that power, but to, like, maybe a smaller extent because he's a baby. Yeah. But this year so far, all he's done is sniffle a little bit. And if Mandalorian gets in a fight, he shuts the lid over his little space stroller. Oh, that was cute as shit. Like the Mandalorian is about to get in a fight. And the baby Yoda is in his fucking trammel or whatever. And it's like an eggshell.
Starting point is 00:31:24 And he's like, ooh. And then he goes, zoop. Like he closes it because you know it's it's like an eggshell and and and he's like oh and then he goes like he closes it because he knows it's about to get rough dude i love it so you like sitting down and just like going into it like it's gonna be a bunch of fan service and i'm and that's what i'm looking for kind of i like the fan service but i also like um the mixing of genres you know i i like that this is a fucking Western at its heart. It's full of Western tropes. It's full of – I mean it was co-starring a Western character in the last episode. That's what Timothy Oliphant does.
Starting point is 00:31:53 He plays the cowboy in like everything. He was in that episode of The Office, I guess. He wasn't a cowboy there, but he's always a cowboy. And I don't know. I liked it a lot. I liked the whole episode. I liked them fighting the giant monster. I liked how they got to it.
Starting point is 00:32:09 I liked the heroic ending. I like Pedro Pascal. I'm glad he escaped out of Game of Thrones and was able to get himself a whole new gig where it seems like he's one of the most popular guys on TV right now. He doesn't even have to do anything. It seems like he's just doing voiceover when you really think about it. I highly doubt he's the one in the armor i didn't consider that i always assumed he's
Starting point is 00:32:30 in there but you're right there's no need that for him to be that guy unless yeah pay somebody else to do those fights probably he's clearly capable because because like one of the most if there if you took if i had to pick the top three fights of all time from television the the fight between the the red viper of dawn and the mountain who rides in uh in that in that episode of game of thrones is in there that fucking crazy twirling fucking spear fight against the this giant oaf who you can't let touch you was incredible that's one of the agility it was cool yeah that's one of the few pieces of game of thrones i've ever shown my father and he was just it was so fun to watch his reaction because he was really digging it you know
Starting point is 00:33:17 like he's like this guy all right i like this guy this guy's oh, oh, he's, oh, he raped his, oh, all right. Get him, get him little man. And then, you know, fuck spoilers. It's Game of Thrones. Yeah. You know, he crushes his skull and his eyes and just pops his head. And my dad's just like, oh, oh, all right. Well, there's no coming back from that.
Starting point is 00:33:41 Oh, definitely not coming back now. His head exploded. That's I remember it too. Like, I think at first maybe he lost his eyes and you're like was it his teeth okay yeah there was the punch that knocked him down and the teeth just rattle across the ground and i'm like wow that that's kind of permanent like this sucks he's he's hurt dental work is like in this medieval world right and then he smashes his skull like it's a like i can do to an apple kind of and uh yeah if you really focus on the apple but i have to dig my thumbs in there it's a bit of a cheat yeah exactly uh but i have done it on stream before
Starting point is 00:34:18 you can do it to a beach give me a tomato and i'll fuck it's like oh bring it i mean as long as it's right hey i don't go too bring me a green tomato but yeah i i get you not being like did you notice like i haven't watched any of those videos that are like 500 secrets that you missed in the new episode of the mandalorian i don't watch those i probably should i've 100 yeah but was that jango's um is it um boba fett was that boba fett's armor that uh i'm not sure wasn't it red instead of green well i i want to say that that his was like reddish and greenish and like i think he mentioned that he'd gotten it out of a snarlak pit which is where he fell but i thought in some of the in some of the novels that they had like uh boba fett like
Starting point is 00:35:12 climbing back out of that rancor pit like i need to watch and see if that's confirmed by the super star wars nerds because it's also got a hole like in the above like the the camera right you know over here ear uh like above the eyebrows got like a dent in the helmet and i'm wondering if that that's part of uh boba fett's helmet like i haven't watched the original star wars in years you i'm now i'm curious too and that would be neat that would be a cool thing to add to it uh i'm acting like i hate the mandalorian i'm really just providing a counter but i am i do think it's like a six or seven out of ten show and i'm doing that thing where i wanted to be a 10 out of 10 to me boys is the best thing on tv lately i agree i know i agree with that i'm big into that and if better calls whenever better call saul comes on i'm really into that i know you're
Starting point is 00:35:59 not crazy we need to give it another chance themselves to the camera work um you know they're making like disney this is that disney's making like two or maybe even three other star wars series like they're in production i didn't know that i'm happy to hear it i'm happy to hear that the boys has a spinoff coming me too yeah so they're making a obi-wan kenobi tv show with ewan mcgregor um that like the fans are gonna melt get fucking cream their pants over this thing you better not even be taking lock and load you're gonna ruin your dockers i'm loving this shit and then they're also doing do you remember ahsoka from the clone
Starting point is 00:36:36 wars um she had animated shit things yeah the little girl who was like anakin's uh student i can't remember the the the term they use protege she called him her master padawan slave padawan yeah padawan i think um i think they're talking about having rosario dawson play her which i think is like perfect casting maybe we'll get another one of those full frontal nudity scenes of Rosario Dawson. Get to see that vagina she's got. That sounds great. Yeah, I'm down. I'm down.
Starting point is 00:37:10 Whenever I think about something, hey, guys, I'm thinking about sailing to Africa on a boat and vlogging it. They're all like, do it, Woody. Of course they say yes, right? It's not much to them, and they'll just stop watching if it's not good content. That's how I feel about these. Like, oh, you got four Star Wars coming out? Do it. I'll decide if
Starting point is 00:37:29 it's worth my time later. Of course. I'm paying $80 a year or some shit for Disney+. Add some content, because I watched all the National Geographic shit. I don't care about cartoons anymore. I'm an adult. Then I got The Mandalorian. I'm paying $80 a for the mandalorian so give me some content let's go
Starting point is 00:37:49 there's a lot for mandalorian i signed back up for hulu recently just so i could watch um uh south park guess what south park's not on hulu anymore they got rid of it so but but luckily justify i was like i started searching and i'm like i'm either going to find a show or cancel hulu because i just spent 13 or 14 a month on this and i found justified so i've been watching that king of the hills on there yeah i'm not as big of a fan as you like i've seen it once and that's good for me we have some level of free hulu like i guess if you buy espn Plus, which I want because of UFC fights, and you buy Disney Plus, which I wanted because of The Mandalorian, you get the Hulu package in free. But I think there's still ads.
Starting point is 00:38:33 Yeah, I can't deal with ads. So I just ponied up for the $13 or $14 a month version. I can't deal with ads anymore. I never watch Hulu. Well, there's South Park on HBO Max on hbo max or hbo plus whatever they've made so many little sub things help me out here i'm gonna sound like a dummy but what's new how do i get hbo max you need to have your friend come over and log in on your tv that's how i have it are you literally telling all right so you want me to tell you how to put
Starting point is 00:39:04 netflix on your tv is you want to have tell you how to put Netflix on your TV? Is you want to have a friend come over and log in? Do you pay for any services? I'm joking. I do pay for that, but not, you know, the HBO plus has been on there for months now,
Starting point is 00:39:15 ever since you log plus HBO max, HBO max. That's what it's called. Yeah. So, so here's the thing. I, maybe I missed the boat somewhere.
Starting point is 00:39:23 I didn't catch a commercial. They've done a piss poor job of advertising HBO Max. I don't know how to get it. I want it. I'll give them the money. I have no idea how to get it. Right now I have HBO, I think, through Amazon. Amazon's like, hey, you want to add HBO?
Starting point is 00:39:38 And I'm like, yeah. And they're like, all right, $8, $12, $9, whatever it was. I just added it. So now I've got HBO. You don't get all the shows on there. You get like kind of the hbo lineup no everything i've got all the hbo movie channels so i can watch live i've got their movie library so that's what i'm saying you're only on that hbo app you only get all the hbo on hbo max you get a bunch of a bunch of shit that apparently they just have access to yeah in addition to that. And I want that because someone told me, and maybe they're just lying to me or they were misinformed,
Starting point is 00:40:09 that Rick and Morty was on there already. Like the newest season of Rick and Morty was like debuting on HBO Max. Yeah, I think it is. HBO has always had that problem. Like remember, what was it, 10 years ago almost now that they came out with Game of Thrones, and everyone was like, I would love for you to make it easy to get this online
Starting point is 00:40:24 and just here's my money let me get charged we all stole the first few seasons because we couldn't figure out how to get HBO because they wouldn't make it easy like a chain of someone's account I still remember their name from my high school I got it as like one of the 50th like the 50th person I think I was part of
Starting point is 00:40:40 that too you were part of that too like there was there was HBO go we're talking about this is hbo go back what do you i think what he gave me somebody's account what is what do you think it was me no because i didn't know my own here's how i got mine years ago we did a paintball event game of thrones came out joe lozon and i in a hotel bed watched it on my laptop and then i didn't realize he saved his hbo login on my laptop so i never knew the password i just had it in as a saved password for ages it's expired now so i'll talk about it but joe if you catch this thank you for about the six years of content you
Starting point is 00:41:19 bought me i appreciate it i was i i want to say that maybe Taylor gave me a code or somebody, but I just remember there were like 50 of us on one HBO account, and the new Game of Thrones episode would come out, would debut. I don't remember, maybe at 9 p.m., maybe even 10. But at 8.57, my girlfriend and i would be sitting on the couch and i would be doing that thing where like you know you go to the home page of a tv show and it says like oh season three two episodes available and so you press back and then go back in because you're wanting to say three episodes available you're trying to refresh it over and over and i'm just
Starting point is 00:42:02 click click click click click click click click click click click like oh bazonga nope too late there are too many viewers viewing this simultaneously there's too many viewing it and it got to the point there were so many people on this account because we all got it so easily we just texted it to people that wanted it that like from eight to nine the first shift shift of 50 people would watch it. And then you'd have to be quick at 9 to get in for the second shift too. There were so many people on this one account. And it's like you are letting hundreds of people use this account in staggered time frames because everybody here would pay like $5 a month on their own if they just would come up with an easy little interface,
Starting point is 00:42:40 sign up, log in. Do you remember how aggravating that was, wanting to watch Game of Thrones and it just not being available on so many streaming services like you had to stay on social media then there was like you know twitter was gonna like go wild with like the red wedding or whatever happened you had to stay off of reddit you had to stay off of twitter or facebook you had to just isolate yourself until 100 people were done watching a fucking tv show the best was if you could really fuck someone over by they would pause it to like go get a beer or take a piss and that would somehow like kick you out kick them out like like you would i would refresh
Starting point is 00:43:18 and it would be like oh 37 minutes into you know theminute episode, and it'd be like, start over. And it would. And I'd be like, all right, we're not pausing. So if you've got to pee, you do it now before the fucking – You do it right here. You've got the intro sequence to take a shit. Go get a bowl. Oh, in early HBO days, or HBO Go, that is,
Starting point is 00:43:44 they didn't have the bandwidth the capacity to meet their streaming needs so even if you were like a valid viewer like i joe didn't share his account with that many people i could get in like technically but i'd be streaming it at like 320p or maybe not at all or it would uh stutter a lot yeah it sucked It'd be like some big scene of the wall, but it's just a white pixel. And it's like, is that Jon Snow? I can tell that's Tarly because it's a lot of pixels. But HBO solved the problem by making Game of Thrones suck.
Starting point is 00:44:18 They sure fucking did. God, if there's anyone who deserves to go to hell. Yeah. You know what? Man, if you gave anyone who deserves to go to hell. Yeah. You know what? Man, if you gave me that monkey's paw and they were like, oh, this is a special monkey's paw, though. You get three wishes, but it's the three people you want to die a painful death. D&D go first, you know.
Starting point is 00:44:37 And, like, I don't know who's third. That should count as one person. If they'll count as one person. Like, maybe'll wait until they're like driving a car together and i just killed the driver that way you know he crashes the car and subsequently now you've got two more monkeys the devil the devil gives you a monkey's paw and you're like all right d and d that now those are freebies i'm on with it. I agree with that one. I've got my own plan for them. Fuck those guys.
Starting point is 00:45:07 Fuck them so hard that God damn it. The new Lord of the Rings show isn't good. What are we going to do? I hope that they're suffering a little bit from this, right? Because it seemed like they don't care. They had some sort of deal that I don't fully understand. Maybe with Netflix to make their next thing. Maybe it was Star Wars. and they just sort of like,
Starting point is 00:45:27 fuck Game of Thrones, I want to do my next thing. Yeah, happen up. We'll give you four years to finish it. They're like, nah, nah, six episodes is good. Bon voyage, right? I hope that that has had some real ramifications, right? I have to believe they're so rich that money isn't a sole motivator anymore, right?
Starting point is 00:45:47 Once you have $100 million, I don't think you're like, ooh, a million? Wow, what would that do for me, right? There's diminishing returns on this cash. I bet if they could have Game of Thrones as a legacy they're proud of, that they would do that, they would redo it if they could.
Starting point is 00:46:06 I agree with you. They really missed the boat by putting that much good effort and good work in the first five and a half years and then pissing it all down the drain. No one I mean, I think, I can't speak for Filthy, but I know the three of us have talked about this. I will never re-watch another episode of that show.
Starting point is 00:46:21 Because you can't re-watch it knowing that, oh, that plot line, that ends up being totally useless it doesn't tie into anything oh azor zai actually that's absolutely meaningless that doesn't remember when sam found that horn buried in the snow at the at like the foot like the fist of the first man or some shit it might as well have been used to be a gift shop in that area it might as well be a fucking didgeridoo it does nothing at all like he literally found something called the dragon yeah it was meant to control dragons right like it that's what we all thought and we were like, holy shit.
Starting point is 00:47:05 What if Samwell Tarly blows the fucking magic horn at some point in the future? And like a dragon that was about to wipe everybody out stops and fucking licks his hand. And he climbs on top and saves the day. Like the Night King with his million years to plan. And like you half expected to see like Samwell or some double agent in white face dressed up like a white walker behind him. We should attack with all the dragons at once! Lord Ice.
Starting point is 00:47:32 Have you guys read the green text? First of the Game of Thrones? No. You never sent that link, by the way. You owe me a link. When I read it, I get chills. And maybe I'm just a fucking nerd but like i'm gonna try to find oh is it someone's like this is what should have happened yes line
Starting point is 00:47:50 and it's really good uh i'm sure there's a lot of green text on game of thrones that might be hard to narrow down but yeah that that show enormously just probably kyle asks someone for it and it will happen quickly no i'm googling i'm gonna find it yeah it really i can't imagine watching that show again there were so many little little tie-ups and items and lore that nothing it just didn't man it ended up being like oh okay so 25 of the predictions in the show just didn't need to happen because they were never going to be addressed kyle has like 36 young jamies at his fingertips helping with the show just didn't need to happen because they were never going to be addressed. Kyle has like 36 young Jamie's at his fingertips, helping with the show in the background.
Starting point is 00:48:28 If he needs something, if you, if he needs some picture of a cross-dressing professional gamer guys, we got work to do. They spring into action and provide him with all the background needs. I like it. Well, Amber alert,
Starting point is 00:48:41 be on the lookout for a black 2010 journey in Missouri. I'm going to read this. Final battle of humanity versus the dead. Bran is warged into the past, being protected by Jaime and Brienne. A white walker stabs Brienne with her own sword, and she lays on the ground, dying. Love it. Cut to young Jaime kneeling with Ares Targaryen saying in the name of the warrior,
Starting point is 00:49:10 I charge you to be brave. Dot, dot, dot. Jamie cut. Jamie kills the white Walker. And after a brief moment of grief draws the sword from Brienne. Now a flame cut.
Starting point is 00:49:23 Do you swear to defend the innocent and the helpless in the name of the seven? I swear it. Cut to audio. Jamie and Brienne's parting plays as Jamie looks around. They say the best swords have names. Any ideas? Cut. Night King appears and stares at Bran, his ultimate target. Cut. Oathkeeper. Jaime steps in between them laughing somberly. Do you know what they call me? As Azor Ahai walks toward the Night King, all that can be heard is a cacophony of voices from
Starting point is 00:49:54 past seasons cursing Kingslayer. Kingslayer. Kingslayer. That would have been better. That's so good. That would have been so fucking we need a snyder cut for game of thrones just come back so fucking cool he pulls the sword out of brian's dead body and it's a flame yeah and jamie turns out to be a zora hot a sigh or whatever the fuck
Starting point is 00:50:18 there gets to be a real cool sword fight it's like a surprise attack from a faceless girl that it just didn't make a lot of sense. She should have been killing fucking Cersei. Like, that's where she should have been. That was her motivation. Yeah, she shouldn't have been up there. We can't do this. We can't do this. This is... I'd rather talk
Starting point is 00:50:37 about how my grandmother was, like, jaundiced as she died of cancer. Yeah, that is my side. Yeah, I'd literally rather talk about how she looked at me and went, Kyle, I love you. That's a true story. That happened, and that affects me less than what we did to Game of Thrones. I love that woman more than anything.
Starting point is 00:50:57 And as she died with her liver failing of the cancer that had eaten her body, and she was down to 85 pounds,undiced orange skin kyle i love you her final words to me she died eight hours later still not as bad as what they did to fucking game of thrones i just can't do it i'm gonna cry come closer don't order weed in the what are you talking about grandma i'm sorry nanny i know exactly what you're talking about. My grandpa died of pancreatic cancer. I remember going in there to see him. And it's like Simpsons character face complexion. She was orange like a carrot.
Starting point is 00:51:53 I was only like 13, so I didn't know all the issues with cancer. But I was like, holy shit. Yeah, this guy's giving off vibes that he's dying. That's not a good look, Grandpa. Yeah. No, it certainly wasn't. Sometimes newborns get that. Newborns get it?
Starting point is 00:52:09 It's pretty common, yeah. Be born jaundiced. Yikes. I didn't know that. What causes that? Liver failure. Oh, I don't know about the little guys. Not 100% sure, yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:20 But they usually fix pretty quickly. They give them a little UV light and jump right back. A flashlight. Yeah. The little guys. Whatever you call those little people. Annoying ones.
Starting point is 00:52:37 The new ones. Typically incontinent. They all do. Apparently. They all do what kyle come out rotten they all come out rotten oh yes i found yeah we can't do that we can't talk anymore about game of thrones but i that green text the first time i read it i was literally getting like chills and like like oh yes like kyle we're not doctors,
Starting point is 00:53:05 but do you think lock and load will have any impact on a man's fertility? Like does this, so some of the ingredients, by the way, quick update, we're working on labels right now with Derek. We're going to, we're, we'll probably need to have a little meeting with him, but like, that's all moving forward. You know, it's, it's really on the timetable of what it takes to get like the, the pharmacy and like manufacturing on board, but it's a hundred percent happening. It's, the ball is rolling. It's been rolling for weeks. It just takes a while to like get a supplement trademarked, produced, packaged, shipped, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. But anyway, yes,
Starting point is 00:53:39 I think it would probably help fertility to some extent, some small extent because of some of the ingredients that are pro or for prostate, uh, health. I don't see how it could not Aiden, even if it's not like adding more sperm or adding healthier sperm, if anything, it just, just the extra volume of liquid, right? We go from a creek to a river, right? We're swimming. That's it. That's it. It's, it's like, you know, comparing a, a super soaker to a fireman's hose. Which one's going to get you wetter? If your goal's getting wet. I'm getting a little wet right now. Woody, if you have to complete however long a standard swimming race is,
Starting point is 00:54:17 do you want to swim in six foot deep water or four inch deep water? You're going to be straight. You won't make the swim. You need as much volume as possible. I think I'd just run in the four inch and be quicker. I don't know that this works. Nope, you would only have a flagellum. Only your flagellum.
Starting point is 00:54:33 Have you had your significant others do testimonials about this yet? We have given our own testimonials. Of paying people on Cameo. Hold on. I blinded a Korean girl. I said it's great. I don't know if you could hear me. It had nothing to do with the cum.
Starting point is 00:54:49 She just got in the way. She saw too much. She misbehaved. Completely unrelated to the cum supplement. I'm excited to get that wrong there there's a lot of little things you have to take care of but it sort of take a bit but yeah we're working on uh the label design right now with derrick um so we're trying to figure
Starting point is 00:55:14 that out but uh but yeah i think it's going to be fun and uh derrick i think actually had some um some thoughts of things he could add because he's really into like biohacking, which is a nerdy way of saying, you know, like more amateur pharmacology. And so he knows guys who are also in that field. And he talked to a lot of them and apparently some of them were like, Oh, we've been working on this for quite some time,
Starting point is 00:55:39 Mr. Plates. And, and I think he has some, maybe even some additions to the the formula that taylor and i uh derived from our googling yes yeah we've put in the hours and the real world application yes real world application is important yeah that's why like like if anybody like is ever like is this healthy and it's like dude i've been taking this every day for months at this point.
Starting point is 00:56:06 I'm pretty sure that's how FDA testing works. They just get one guy to try it. We're doing human trials. Yeah, it's like I just ate a double meat burrito with queso. I don't care if it's – I don't care. What kind of meat did you get? A little barbacoa?
Starting point is 00:56:24 Steak and chicken. Steak and chicken. Oh, you went went all out that's the best they have did you have you ever done the thing where they wrap the burrito in a quesadilla i've never done that but i did do the thing where like you know when you're talking to yourself in line and you're like i'm gonna get a bowl i'll get a bowl and then like i get up there and the words just start coming out do you want queso yes like it's like i'm not even you just you just you black out and you have a delicious burrito it's it's like first of all i don't eat there anymore i haven't in a long time it where is this like we're talking about chipotle or moe's any of those burrito places that give you the big fucking honking burrito
Starting point is 00:57:01 i always have diarrhea if i eat those and and not the kind that's over quickly like i have like all day diarrhea where i have like liquid shits for all day like last time i ate a chipotle burrito i remember like sitting on the toilet and being like yeah this is my fifth shit it's my fifth shit today i'm like counting them in my head like like like this is the last one this is the last time it's like like it's like there's like liquid poop just dripping from my butthole and i'm just like on your burrito that because i've never gotten a five shit day out of the beans i i just it's i get so on my chipotle burrito, I don't go crazy with it or anything. I get the spicy salsa. I get rice and black beans, shredded cheese, and I get the fajita vegetables.
Starting point is 00:57:55 So it's like bell peppers and onions. And that's like it. I don't even get sour cream. That's weird because that doesn't seem like you should be getting five shits out of that. It's the black beans. I think it's got to be. because it's so many black beans. Have you ever thought about saying that you wanted queso? And as they start to pour it, go, oh, no, I didn't mean to ask.
Starting point is 00:58:13 Well, it's already there. What? Yeah, you're not going to charge me for that, are you? I changed my mind before you were done. They just scrape it off. All right. I'm sorry. I was trying to cheat you, sir.
Starting point is 00:58:30 There's like a game put it back on going on back there nobody who takes like and has you pay for it actually knows what you got it doesn't seem like it's half the time they don't write it on the foil and so it's honor system of like is this double meat and it's like no they look at it and it's literally bulging and it's torn already on the side no no that's uh that's a little mo's burrito that's the skinny mo sir are you lying to me the guy who made my burrito they had to get an extra piece of foil they're putting your burrito in a splint dude it's because the guy hooked me up what is this he gave me huge scoops of cheap chicken and steak he was when was this taylor uh this was earlier today today so you're eating at restaurants again uh yeah it was just a walk-in order and come back they don't have or no they
Starting point is 00:59:18 had sit-in but i'd rather eat at home anyway i can't think of a food that travels better than one of those chipotle burritos. The foil keeps it so hot. If I had to choose between eating it right after they made it or having a delivery man carry it to my house, if I had both of those burritos, one that was made in my kitchen, same specs, and one that had been driven to me,
Starting point is 00:59:38 I would pick the one that was driven. I agree, and I've never put this together, but you're right. It sets like concrete. Yes. All the ingredients sort of meld together. Those bean juices sort of soak in the stuff. The cheese melts driven i agree and i've never put this together but you're right it sets like concrete yes all the ingredients sort of meld together those bean juices sort of soak into stuff the cheese melts a little bit uh you know the meat juices soak into the the rice do you ever get aggravated or stressed out watching them you wrap your burrito and you can tell it's a guy who's like new on the wrapping station and he's like creating little micro tears that are gonna make the eating experience worse i
Starting point is 01:00:04 hate i'll look away while they're rolling my burrito so at least i won't know about and then like like he even he knows that he's fucked it up so he just sort of like gets that he's like oh i'm gonna go fast i gotta go fast or i'm just his hands are covered in burrito blood at this point there's sour cream everywhere yeah it's upsetting i love it when you get like a master burrito roller like this guy's retired from havana cuba where he was doing nothing but rolling fat cubans out on his thighs for like 30 fucking years and now he's working the front line of chipotle just rolling you up the tightest most perfect joint of a burrito you've ever seen yeah yeah but he's
Starting point is 01:00:41 gonna roll them too tight and sometimes that'll explode them explode you know they roll the crepes too tight what's that from what's that from seinfeld yeah it's from seinfeld it was burning the people because they were like popping on them right i was i was yeah he was popping on that's kramer's little business venture when he's like they're just as good as cupens they're hondurans jerry I was cracking up just last night watching this old ONA clip of when aunt used to do, cause Jim and Opie didn't really watch the Seinfeld. And so like, if something would come up,
Starting point is 01:01:13 he would go on and he'd be like, yeah. And I was going to this Chinese food place. Right. And with my friends and the guy sitting there, so he keeps saying five minutes, five minutes and he'll go. And everybody's like,
Starting point is 01:01:23 they're sitting there listening. Like that's ridiculous. And then you, you gave him the 20 and he still wouldn't see you and then i can just talk it i don't even know if he knew what it was for yeah he didn't even and he called me he called me cartwright all right but he would just do that until like they dawned on them that maybe he was telling them the premise of literally a fucking seinfeld episode it was great oh yeah when he'd be like the one where he told about the the doves where he's like well you know what happened to miss rhode island she was gonna do the dove show the doves get killed she has to sing it's not very good and jim's like what what they killed
Starting point is 01:01:56 the doves and it's like yeah these people thought it was birds poured their ice bucket drowned the boat the doves it's terrible yeah pieces of shit killing the doves like i just i love that it's it's so funny i was just gonna say like i don't i don't really have anything else to watch like like what is there that's about to debut like like is there anything like right on the horizon that's coming nothing i've seen that like fancy like don't get me wrong i really am loving the mandalorian but that's 40 minutes a week right for what eight weeks eight weeks i think yeah not a lot of content for 80 do we have any sense yet of how bad
Starting point is 01:02:39 covid's gonna fuck up the next round of releases how did that turn out how did the industry deal with that do we know it does so a problem so some stuff is better than others it really depends like i think the mandalorian and places and stuff like that that hbo produces like they film that stuff all over like they go to west africa and places like that so it seems like they're able to get shit done um but but some other stuff it's just ruined And what it's really ruined is the releases of some of the biggest movies that were supposed to come out like this fall, like James Bond. Because they've got so many hands in that cookie jar, the James Bond cookie jar. It was written by that broccoli guy who's dead now, but his daughter owns the estate. So if you're going to make a James Bond movie, you've got to pay the broccoli lady because she owns the rights to james bond she owns james bond
Starting point is 01:03:28 well she gets like a huge chunk and then daniel craig gets a big chunk now too and uh like the distributors and everything and they're they're like wait a goddamn minute we've we just spent 302 million dollars making this movie we have to have like a global opening and we have to we don't just have to do okay we have to kill it in china we have to kill it in russia we have to just do bonkers in america i hope the uk still loves james bond because if they don't show up in record numbers like they need to make a billion dollars here to be happy and so they're just putting it on the they're keeping in the can you know they're talking about next year sometime maybe summer yeah it's been one of the downsides you know what like look i'm all for safety and such and i don't want to downplay the the plague but
Starting point is 01:04:18 i also don't want to slow down my television consumption get to work yeah priorities yeah i'm trying to watch netflix here yeah yeah there's nothing good on fucking netflix netflix just raised their fucking prices on me can you believe that i didn't even notice did they i didn't notice either i read an article about it like i you know that shit gets auto debited out right but they raised the prices and i feel like they lowered the content like making their own content now which i guess in the long term might be good because you don't lose as much but i'm watching a silly netflix show the premise is there's this woman who does a comedy podcast that's kind of off color and she's like a mom with these kids and she'll show up to pta meetings and forget that these guys in the civilized world don't like her dick jokes or gay jokes or whatever and it's like this shit's hitting kind of close to home
Starting point is 01:05:21 right over here and i'm getting a kick out of it i don't think you guys would love it it's a little bit parent-oriented family no i hear you too naughty to be family but it's fun um yeah they just canceled my favorite show um mind hunters remember that show where that you had the fbi profiler going around interviewing serial killers i know that you liked it more than me. I'm not even picking up your words. Can you say that again? Yeah, I was wondering about that. I feel like I've been talking and kind of getting run over.
Starting point is 01:05:53 Sorry. Yeah, it's a Discord thing maybe. I apologize. It happens to Taylor sometimes too. I don't know what the freak is happening. We don't like it. Yeah, okay. Should I try like re-logging into discord or something see if it fixes it that won't totally it's a discord setting thing
Starting point is 01:06:09 which setting you fuck with that too do that real quick um go into your settings and then voice and video yep and uh the part that says automatically determine input sensitivity you want that off and then you want to slide the bar all the way to the left yep and i think and that should do it oh and also like i have attenuation which is a good bit further down that bar slid all the way to the left as well okay yeah i see now you're continuously broadcasting which is usually an indication that you're gonna be okay well we'll try that because um i was gonna say have you actually seen um i thought it was pretty decent was um queen's gambit do you watch that yes i watched it i watched queen games queen's gambit and i got inspired i was like oh i'm gonna start playing chess i bought a chess set i'm going to teach Colin how to play chess.
Starting point is 01:07:05 And then I went and I played chess online. Everybody's better than me. I must have played like, we'll call it seven games. I had one win, one win. And that guy accidentally misclicked and I took his queen. Hey, W's W. Queen's gambit that's the tv show about the female chess prodigy right yes yeah no i i don't like fantasy uh it's a fun i don't think i like chess enough but i'll give it a try it's a coming of age show of a the girl starts off as a little girl she's in an orphanage and um she gets adopted
Starting point is 01:07:47 by a less than perfect mom and you know she grows up and discovers the world it's pretty cool she looks cute in the cover i think always looking for shows and films that we could watch together because i just she consumes so much more tv than i do and i just can't i can't sit through most of it's just too boring. What does she like? That's probably why she picked out that we could watch. What was that? What does she like? What are her big shows?
Starting point is 01:08:10 She likes everything. I think she's probably seen every single fucking show on Netflix, as far as I can tell. Every single movie on Netflix, Hulu, and HBO Go. There's an enormous amount of trash on Netflix. She's sitting through all of it? So much. So much fucking trash.
Starting point is 01:08:24 Yeah. My wife watches the same shows again and again so she has to pay attention. She's always in and out of the room that the TV's on. She's like, I don't know, just ADD cleaning two different rooms at the same time or something
Starting point is 01:08:38 and that's why she likes to watch things she's already seen. Yeah, I get that and they're just some comfort shows. She watches Star Trek a lot, though, doesn't she? Yes, yes. She went through a huge Star Trek kick that she might be on the other side of. Yeah, probably.
Starting point is 01:08:54 She would like the same ones. Yeah, and I think she'd rank them just like you do. Yeah, I can watch them over and over. I like Star Trek so much. I'm such a fucking nerd with that shit that I watch. One of my favorite YouTube channels is red letter media um if anybody out there doesn't already know about red letter media and you're like really into movies and television shows like go check them out they do a lot of really fun stuff it's like these three three or four guys in milwaukee
Starting point is 01:09:19 who like just review movies like like sometimes they do this thing called best of the worst where they watch three absolutely horrendous movies and then they review them in kind of a funny jokey kind of way while getting just wasted and uh when i say bad movies i don't mean like oh yeah that new nicholas cage movie is pretty pretty shitty right i mean like the the advertising brochure for a nudist colony in video cassette format oh perfect or like a cpr guide or like a breast exam like um um like like a technique video like like the worst shit you've ever seen but they also do um like uh you know hey let's do our let's rank our top 10 star trek the next generation episode so i'm more interested in them reviewing mammogram videos and critiquing
Starting point is 01:10:11 it they have a good time with that they have a really good time ladies awful tits jackie's always watching red letter media as soon as you said that i was like is that who's on i i swear she's having like an emotional affair with these guys they're on my television non-stop she's laughing with them they're great hey uh you know jackie i do an internet show like i would love to go on their show sometime i i would love like whenever i'm allowed to travel i would go to milwaukee just to just to like join them for an episode um they have people come on occasionally um really the only person i've noticed that they had come on and join them was macaulay culkin which is just bizarre because macaulay culkin just joins them and he does all these like tongue-in-cheek jokes about himself
Starting point is 01:10:58 and like uh they just sit there and get drunk and watch movies together it's you might be a bigger star than macaulay Culkin. I don't know about that. Who has more views? Who has more views? Home Alone or the FPS Russia Library? That made a quarter billion dollars. It's absolutely Home Alone. Do you know what the rewatch would look like every single Christmas season on Home Alones across the country?
Starting point is 01:11:22 What's probably the most watched movie of the year on TV? Net, net. Probably A christmas story right like it could be with the viewership on there like which macaulay culkin was not in he was not in that and so well we can't put him up against the christmas story i'm not putting him in that league i'm just saying you know he's definitely in any case i would i would love to go on their show sometime in the future because i i'm a huge fan. They are hilarious. It's great that Jackie watches too. They do a really good job.
Starting point is 01:11:49 It's funny shit. It's funny shit. Yeah, I don't watch a lot of YouTube on television. I don't really watch any YouTube on television. I watch it on a laptop or a desktop. I watch tons. So does she. It might be my most used app is YouTube on my television in there.
Starting point is 01:12:05 I need to navigate with it. I just bought a new tv recently for my wife essentially and that was one of the things that i was like i'll watch twitch on it it'll be great and it's just the the navigation is so shit on a tv oh it's great for me like amazon fire okay how do you navigate like how would you enter a search i'm sorry filthy when we i didn't hear your words can you say it again um i was asking him what he uses as an input device so you've got one not clear like i'm really loud on my part you're literally not you're like on mute if two people talk at the same time and also your mic is terrible because it has like a clicking sound all the time thought you should know i'm not getting that on my end.
Starting point is 01:12:45 Oh, it's kind of subtle. I'm getting the muting. Look, someone's got to tell him. Don't your Twitch streams complain about your audio quality? Yeah, turn the clicks off, Phil. Oh, you got your clicks turned to maximum. Are your clicks to the right or left bar? It's all the way to the left.
Starting point is 01:13:03 So your clicker's right here. You see this? Really crank that down. Do you game on that all the time? I think it's a design flaw to have it. Look, some people like the clicks. You also want to turn off your siren notification. Your celebration poppers. i use the amazon covid i use the amazon fire and it's got uh like
Starting point is 01:13:31 voice control so you know you you press the button on top and just tell the television what you want to watch and it does it hyperact uh accurately even if you're on the home page and you're like red letter media it like intuitively knows that that's a youtube thing so it opens the youtube app and like goes to it whereas if i was just like hellraiser it'll be like let me show you some results i have and it's like all right you can rent the hellraiser movies here you can watch some hellraiser content on youtube or we have hellraiser for free if you you know over on amazon prime like hellraiser 2 israiser for free. If you, you know, over on Amazon prime, like Hellraiser two is on there for free. It like gives you this big list of things to choose from.
Starting point is 01:14:09 Do they ever give you options for those services where it's like rent it on voodoo? And it's like, you're not getting my credit card information. Voodoo. Fly by night, nonsense streaming company. What proprietary shows does voodoo have?
Starting point is 01:14:22 I want to know, how do you enter stuff that wouldn't be so easy? Like if you said PKA 517, right? What is 517? Is it the letters? Is it the number? Is it 517, 517? PKA is not a word. It would do the numbers.
Starting point is 01:14:36 It would immediately bring up PKA 517. Well, that'd be tough since it's next week, but okay. Well, yeah, it also goes into the future the amazon fire jeff bezos it does that well okay we use a roku um i've used that it used to be the champion of having like the most services you know do you have plex amazon uh netflix hbo like it had everything in one device i don't know how the fire compares in that regard. Yeah. I had an ex-girlfriend who had the, uh, the Apple TV and the coolest thing about that was the remote. It was so sleek. It was like, it was like, if you took, uh,
Starting point is 01:15:17 I want to show my credit card, but let's show my fucking credit card numbers. It was like, if you took a credit card and like split it in half like this way and it was like that it was like it was like all right here's your remote and you were like oh that's that's so cool it's like a potato chip yeah oh it works too and we would constantly lose it we would just be like we called it the little remote because you know the big ones for the volume and such it's like have you has anyone seen the little remote did the dog eat it did the pomeranian literally eat the fucking little remote? Like, it was so fucking tiny. Dude, I saw a video of it was on Reddit.
Starting point is 01:15:51 You probably saw it, too, because I know you go off there. But the lady can't find her eye ear pods. What are the Apple ear pods called? Ear pods. Ear pods. She can't find them. She's like, I don't know where they went etc she plays music and she goes over to this little like like uh white taylor style dog and the belly of the dog is like playing thunderstruck or something i did not see that
Starting point is 01:16:17 it's really funny damn it i wish it wasn't thunderstruck have you seen my ear pods it looks real guilty yeah it's great nobody doesn't know that's coming from me i uh i watched one guilty dog video the other day and now it's all my youtube feed is it's just was it a husky that ate uh was it and he's got the crazy eyes like the crazy like blue eyes yes guilty dogs yeah of course there is husky is huskies are so expressive right that they almost talk in human words sometimes and the way the way that they relate to people it's super cool they vocalize in this in this it's not it's a lot of dogs are just like yeah yep yep yep yep yep yep and huskies are like what did you fucking say Where are the balls? That's so true. Play
Starting point is 01:17:25 time. Have you gone to r slash guilty dogs? No. I'm at top all time of looking at guilty dogs. What a wonderful forum. It's great. We don't deserve dogs.
Starting point is 01:17:42 I've seen that written before. It's a bit cliche, but we really don't. They're too fucking good good for us i watched a video right before the show where like uh this this guy's like 40 years old and he's got like a dock in his backyard and little pond and he swings out on a rope swing and splash splashes down in his little pond he's having fun and his dog freaks the fuck out like crying like he thinks he thinks his owner is drowning and he's like and he's like swimming out to his owner to save him crying the whole way and the guy's like it's all right buddy i'm okay he's like oh good oh he's so happy when he gets out there and realizes his daddy's not fucking drowning it's great the best this is a good i've never thankfully my dogs
Starting point is 01:18:23 aren't big enough to make this kind of mess. It's so fucking cute. This is a good one. Which one? The one I just linked. How far is it from the top of my nude? Look at that pupper. It's number 12, top all time. Look at that little fella.
Starting point is 01:18:41 The top comment, purely circumstantial. Or he was praying. You have no evidence that I did this I love dogs oh man this is great yeah I'm gonna subscribe to this one I think I'm on to this one too
Starting point is 01:19:01 where the new reddit sucks so much i so my way is usually or election night where she was on reddit and uh part of that was on reddit and she would alternate between the news threads and then aww aww no the palette of like the bullshit that's coming out look at kitties and things yeah cute animals yeah for people watching the show this is the dog that refused to look at the camera that the husky that that got kyle doing husky impressions fucking great yeah whenever i see one of those huskies like that i'm i want one like that's or maybe it's malamutes or something like that i think huskies vocalized like that my
Starting point is 01:19:44 friend has one you can you should get one once you're out in colorado that's what i was thinking literally like like because i hate it when people have those cold weather dogs in the south and it's like the fuck are you doing with a husky in florida dude like like they're not for this or they have to have their hair cut so short that it's like now you just look weird you don't look like what a husky should look like what do you guys think of like uh the covet stuff with all the animal shelters like having all the animals going home i think that's a good thing or you think that's like the most selfish fucking thing you've ever heard in your life to get rid of i don't understand animals going home sounds great so uh part of the the thing that happened to these with COVID is that people want companions,
Starting point is 01:20:26 so the companionship, so they go and get animals out of these homes. And there's this, you know, part of, I think this was, I don't know how like widespread this is. I see this on Reddit. So God alone knows what amount of reporting this is. But I see these various ones pop up of like, oh, it's the first time in 10 years that we've had no animals at the shelter kind of deal. And one part of me like, that's great.
Starting point is 01:20:43 That's great. They're getting home. Another part of me is how much much how fucking selfish you have to be that like you're like i'm so bored right now i'm going to pick up an animal had no interest before that and what do you think the the likelihood is that they they kind of abide by that commitment you know what happens the minute covid goes away with all these animals they're going to get going to get returned you know like it's just no probably not most of them will get kept i mean when you get a dog you tend to form a bond with it.
Starting point is 01:21:06 You don't want to have a dog for like eight months and then be like, rivers with arrows in their head. Some people don't form a bond. Who's doing that? Wait, rivers with arrows in their head? I didn't follow.
Starting point is 01:21:21 People are not executing dogs with bow and arrows. What world do you live in? He's in the Game of Thrones universe. That's a better ending of Game of Thrones right there. Welcome to the filthy shelter. Do you have a bow and arrow? You failed the application. I know what you're thinking about.
Starting point is 01:21:38 You just take a couple of shots with the bow. If you hit the bullseye, you can have the dog. Well, it should be if they miss the bullseye, they can have the dog. So, it should be if they miss the bullseye, they can have the dog. So then the dogs will be safe. Yeah, I think people are going to keep the dogs. And a lot of people are going to be spending more time at home.
Starting point is 01:21:53 Some will. Some will abandon them on the highway. And by the way, what happens to the dogs in the shelter, people don't get them. Yeah, they eat them. No, they gas them or something. Oh, I thought they fed them to the other dogs. Yeah, I mean, they circle of life. Worst case scenario, these dogs get another year or two that they wouldn't have had.
Starting point is 01:22:13 Yeah, and they're not living in a prison anymore. That's pretty nice, I bet. There's no way they're fans of that. Kyle, better out of prison. Spend all day looking only into the eyes of another sad dog. There's no, it's so depressing in those yeah i i i don't understand your point of view how like it's selfish to adopt a dog because they weren't going to before they had no real interest in it before but what they've done is they've felt they've felt some emotional like oh i can't see my friends and i'm feeling a little bit down oh no i'll get a dog you know
Starting point is 01:22:48 without any of the thought process of well what is going to take care of it did i really want one can i it's just really a good decision for me it's just it just seems so reactive to an emotional state and i can't imagine it turning out well maybe i'm wrong maybe i'm just entirely wrong but i saw that and read that i was like this, this is so fucking depressing. I don't know. It's less depressing than them dying in a shelter because no one wants them. I'm willing to bet that statistically none of these dogs are killed with bow and arrows. Rounding up, it's going to be zero. It's going to be none. If you're going to kill a a dog you're not gonna take
Starting point is 01:23:25 it to the woods and shoot with a bow and arrow you just probably hit it with a shovel or something right buried alive they're trusting you can do anything you want do anything god you're right they are too good for you you could like i was just thinking about that i could dig a hole in my backyard and put fozzie in there and start shoveling the dirt on him and he would be looking up at me wagging like, ah, pretty soon there's going to be a tennis ball involved, I bet. He would help you dig the hole.
Starting point is 01:23:52 Oh man, we have so much fun, don't we? I think if you're going to kill your dog... I love you! How would I kill a dog? How would I kill a dog? How would I kill a dog? Right? You guys talked about the shovel, the bearing allowed, the murder.
Starting point is 01:24:10 Murder's got to be the way. Then you have to give it some respect in death. Don't murder a dog. He's trusting. Come on now. Abuse that trust. I don't like that. You know, the nicest way.
Starting point is 01:24:22 Too far. You know what? Here's how you kill a dog. You give it all of the chocolate and grapes that it wants. Like, because it'll poison itself with all the delicious food and then it'll die. So it'll get a really nice meal out of it. So I know grapes are toxic to dogs. Are raisins?
Starting point is 01:24:38 Because, you know, I'm aware that. I think so. Right? It's the same thing. So chocolate covered raisins are like cyanide coated bullets for a dog i remember this is so you said chocolate covered raisins and it had like one of those memories like almost like one of the scent memories in my head i remember i was maybe six years old watching the old live action davy crockett on like some summer day and i had a giant like one of those utz pretzels
Starting point is 01:25:04 bins but full of chocolate covered raisins and i had a giant like one of those utz pretzels bins but full of chocolate covered raisins and i remember eating them by the handful not even liking them that much but it was the only snack we had in the house and i was just shoveling it down the entire time and i just remember sitting there watching it was during the wrestling scene where they're he's about to fight and he's like no holds barred and they're about to fight right out front of the barn and i just go i threw up so many raisins and chocolate and just a thick paint all over this bed i was like six i was really hoping this was last week before my burrito i had to make room but i still it must be the scent and the feel of that vomit because immediately and i don't think i've had a chocolate covered raisin since oh man that was i
Starting point is 01:25:50 like them a lot they're actually like one of my favorite things i don't have them much sometimes at movies but i i love them kyle i looked up the raisin thing grapes and raisins are both poisonous to dogs oddly they don't know which substance in them is toxic which surprised me and then here's the bit that i thought was neat well new to me macadamia nuts can cause weakness depression vomiting tremors and hypothermia in dogs what that is this weakness depression vomiting tremors and hypothermia i okay no macadamia nuts no macadamia nuts yeah unless you want to no garlic your dog to death right yeah i've also i like huskies a lot but i've thought to myself that a husky in north carolina might be a form of animal
Starting point is 01:26:40 abuse exactly yeah yeah i agree you know like i like little dogs a lot though um i don't know i've thought about getting a dog but i really don't want the responsibility and uh you know i i kind of side with some of what filthy was saying it would be selfish for me to get a dog like like maybe like one of those lazy fucking dogs that just that never wants to go out they're just like can't i just shit in a box i'm little like those would a series of naps throughout the day and it's like they had like they they lay on the bed sleeping with us then you know morning come out start my day they come out sleep on the couch and it's like for the longest time they would badger us late at night like come on it's time to go back to the awesome place bed i've had a busy day of three naps and so like but they it's almost like
Starting point is 01:27:31 they had an epiphany like three days ago where one of them just like popped up on the couch in the middle of the day and then just ran into the bedroom it must have been like hey other one we can actually lay in here during the day like re just administering naps in bed throughout the day. They are the laziest fucking dogs. That's the kind of dog you need. One of the, yeah. Cause I love that.
Starting point is 01:27:51 I love napping with dogs and just, just like a little fellow and like cuddling up with them. Yeah. And they're so small. Like I can, he can get exhausted from a game of fetch when I throw the tennis ball down my hallway. Like it's so pooped from that.
Starting point is 01:28:04 Cause we had dachshunds and uh and those would not get those would those would go all day just just hyper super hyper like we had one of those machines that would throw the ball for it and she just fucking hit that button all fucking day and go go go like like just endless energy or she'd go outside and hunt lizards like she must have killed a thousand lizards it was like a lizard genocide great things are the opposite they're just lazy all day we watch that baby now and ender in particular like i don't know just keeps an eye on her constantly so when she goes home he is exhausted he's had a rough day of looking at a kid yeah they're protective yeah he knows it's a baby maybe i wish i had a girlfriend
Starting point is 01:28:46 with uh jack russell terriers and he said drive me fucking nuts we'd bring him up to the arboretum and like you walk them and then they would sleep in the car ride back and i remember like riding back in the car getting angry at them sleeping because i knew as soon as we got back they'd want to run and play again i'd be like you fuckers we just brought you somewhere and now it's like you're sleeping now as we can't be resting just driving not a very good conception of time for the dogs but yeah the the thing my dog is mixed so i got half poodle i've said that before because if you don't want to deal with shedding or allergies for anyone you have to mix a poodle in there and then the other it's mixed with called a king or cavalier King Charles. It's like known for like being a smaller, like really fluffy, bigger eared dog.
Starting point is 01:29:27 And it's just known for being chill as fuck. Like I remember looking at like the descriptions of the kinds of dogs and it was like, this is a great dog. If you want a dog who's very exercise averse, he'll run around, but he'll get pooped quick. And then they're great for coma patients. All they want to do is snuggle it's like a wheel like this one is for relaxation and this one is for like you know imagination do that as well yeah yeah it's like a stat wheel and so it'll be like like german shepherd like needs an insane amount of exercise so much attention and activity it's going to be go go go go go and this one it was like its favorite thing to do is to sleep
Starting point is 01:30:05 curl up next to your thigh it's actually it's called the goldfish dog you don't really just put it in a tank and leave it alone it sleeps all day and their memory's like three minutes they don't remember if you walked them or not solid cartoon and it was like whatever 12 dog owners at the dog park all of them with an identical thought bubble saying i'm so lucky that i got the best dog and that's how I feel right now. Like every one of us is like, yeah, the kind of dog I got is clearly the best one.
Starting point is 01:30:31 So that dogs are great. Yeah. There are very few shitty dogs. I mean, they exist. Yeah. But usually they were fucked with or something too. It's funny.
Starting point is 01:30:39 My neighbors always seem to have them. What kind of dog are they? Not for long. No, not specifically specifically just as always fucking yapping dogs wherever i've lived drives you nuts yes get yourself some chocolate covered raisins and solve that little issue um chocolate covered girl actually the same raise a damien rats who had their like their childhood dog killed by someone putting antifreeze out and then probably a shitty dog i've heard of that oh that's awful putting antifreeze out and then probably a shitty dog i've heard of that oh that's
Starting point is 01:31:07 awful putting antifreeze out to murder a dog who would do that sort of thing like an actual serial killer like that's the kind of person who would do that she was in high school when that happened yeah i've never done anything like that i I fucking hope not. Just randomly putting bowls around a dog. Never told that story on this show. I don't remember that story on this show. I don't remember you saying that. Good. Maybe.
Starting point is 01:31:36 Was it a shitty dog? It was a lot of shitty dogs. It was a whole pound of them. Was it a revenge killing? Is that what you're saying? Yeah, it was a revenge killing, yeah. It was a revenge killing. It wasn't back, was it? They killed one of ours.
Starting point is 01:31:51 They killed one of ours. It was like one of those monkey tribal battles you'll see. Exactly. There were some gangs in New York. Their dogs had to pay, Taylor. They had to pay. You know, when you're wrong, you're wrong, I suppose. That's right.
Starting point is 01:32:06 I didn't know that they fired the first shot. They did fire the first shot. Did you kill the dog that was the guilty? You couldn't be sure which one did it, so you just had to get them all. So wait, the other dogs were the killers. You weren't after the dog owners.
Starting point is 01:32:22 No, the dogs had killed our dog. They had crushed him. Little Hank, you were after the dogs. No, the dogs had killed our dog. They had like, they had crushed him. Little Hank, the Jack Russell Terrier. And it's also incredibly difficult to trick an adult into drinking a cup of antifreeze. No. It's really hard. I mean, it's sweet, but it's just sickly green.
Starting point is 01:32:38 No, it's like a new kind of live wire. And it's been battery acid. I mean, people lick that shit up, but antifreeze would do better. Bud Light Blue Raspberry. Go down like water. Oh, that makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about it. Blue Raspberry.
Starting point is 01:32:53 That's never been a flavor I've liked in candies or anything. Not a fan of Blue Raspberry. Woody and I looked this up. Maybe Woody was the one who knew it, but the raspberry flavoring comes from like beaver anuses or something like that like a gland in a in the beaver's anus it's what they use to get like a raspberry flavoring and i just remember us sitting in a uh in a cracker barrel old country store in chicago
Starting point is 01:33:18 and he and he's explaining this to us and i'm just like that can't be true woody wouldn't it just be easier to get that flavoring from you know raspberries like how how hard is it to get raspberry flavoring out of out of raspberries he's a chemistry guy he's gonna save us a lot of money i just imagine the first guy over the raspberry flavoring company being like actually guys uh, I just found a new way to get raspberry flavoring. What's that on your mouth?
Starting point is 01:33:52 I've been doing some testing back at home. God, your breath is terrible. You guys aren't into beaver cungling in this? Fuck, I can't say the words. It's okay. You never ate a beaver's asshole before? What do you do? Do you like core out the asshole like a pineapple?
Starting point is 01:34:07 Exactly like that. Yeah. Kyle, the same thing happened to me. That's how I learned. I ordered a raspberry iced tea or something. And someone was like, you know, that comes from beaver anus. And I'm like, that can't be. But it was recent enough that iPhones were a thing.
Starting point is 01:34:21 And you look it up and like, sure enough, that's where it comes from. That's how you learn a lot of things.'s saying something that you think is so retarded and then you like try to prove them wrong and you're like well I'll be George Washington Carver didn't do peanut butter he came up with a bunch of other peanut things and he didn't hit the big wait that's true yeah that was one recently that well he looked it up for me and they showed me a thing that it's like yeah he invented a fuck ton of things to do with peanuts, but apparently peanut butter wasn't one of them. But it was like fuels and all sorts of things for peanuts. A white guy invented peanut butter.
Starting point is 01:34:56 That's like a Berenstain bear kind of thing. I had in my head, if you would have asked me, hey, for a million dollars, who invented peanut butter? I would have been like, it's in the bag. I know it. you would have asked me hey for a million dollars who invented peanut butter i would have been like it's in the bag i know it and would have been wrong so like one of the most popular google searches is what black man invented peanut butter i would love to see all the like the people who the reactions right like daddy what what things have our people done well son we invented peanut butter oh cool let me what's that guy's name i can't remember why don't you just google it the black man who invented peanut butter and they're cool. What's that guy's name? I can't remember. Why don't you just Google it? The black man who invented peanut butter. And they're just like,
Starting point is 01:35:27 my life is a lie. I'm just going to turn to crime. What? His name was Willard Whiteman? Like, if you look at the picture. I'm talking about the new type of sandwich spread. Look at a picture of Marcellus Gilmore Edson. He's
Starting point is 01:35:42 the whitest white man of all time. Is that the guy who invented peanut butter? He looked like he owned a lot of marcellus gilmore eggs edson he's he's the whitest white man of all time is that the guy who invented peanut he looked like he owned a lot of slaves marcella really how long ago was i get a harry potter vibe about him like he could be a wizard professor of fucking slavery or something he's a canadian and he patented the peanut paste oh so i know taylor and i i know taylor and i have seen the previews for this movie. I don't know if maybe you or Filby have. Mel Gibson has a Christmas movie coming out with Walter Goggins. I don't know if you're familiar with that actor.
Starting point is 01:36:16 I'm a big fan of his. And it's called – let me get the title exactly right. It is Fat Man. oh let me get the title exactly right it's it is fat man that's what i thought it was but i thought maybe it was like get the fat man but no it's just fat man it's about santa claus mel gibson plays santa claus but not just any santa claus like a realistic like what if s if Santa Claus was fucking real Santa Claus? And there's this part, it's almost, it's like an action movie or something. He's like a couple of years ago, a couple of kids with rifles took a shot at the sled, hit me in the side.
Starting point is 01:36:55 And he's just like, he's like battle scarred, like bad-ass Santa Claus. It's great. And, uh, this rich kid who gets a coal in their uh like for for their gift for being bad hires walter gag goggins who's an assassin to kill santa claus and uh it looks and they're not like playing it for laughs that's i mean they are kind of but like it's not silly no person is like doing his standard action hero guy acting job as Santa Claus. I'll definitely see this. I like this.
Starting point is 01:37:28 Will it be out this year? It looks like 2020. It says November 13th, 2020. But who knows if that's updated. That's not long. I wonder if it's going to be released on a streaming service right away. I guess it has to, right?
Starting point is 01:37:44 What else would you do? Mel Gibson is a gun-toting Santa Claus in Fat Man. It's like, all right. I'm down. Yeah, and I'm glad it's only eight days away. Now I got something to watch. Yeah. That's cool.
Starting point is 01:37:57 Yeah, I bet it'll be on digital. Looks like he also refused to get fat for it. Yeah. No. Mike Tyson's fighting soon. Do you know the date of that fight the mike tyson fight it's the end of the month i believe yeah this month i think yes i gotta be honest i don't care really i'll be watching i want to see it the thing is like he's not i wish you were fighting someone i cared about. I'm just not a boxing fan. Maybe boxing fans are like, oh, yeah, Roy Jones Jr.?
Starting point is 01:38:30 Oh, he hasn't been retired very long at all. He's going to take Mike out. And their buddies are like, I don't know, man. That's Iron Mike Tyson. And they've got a cool discussion there. For me, if he were fighting Stipe, I'd be like, oh. Okay. Yeah, I'd like to see that too. Yeah, I like that idea, oh, okay. I mean, yeah, I'd like to see that too.
Starting point is 01:38:45 Yeah, I like that idea. Yeah, yeah. But Roy Jones Jr. is still interesting to me. He's got the song. He's got the record. I like that guy. And then you know who else is fighting on the same card? Jake Paul.
Starting point is 01:39:01 Logan Paul's brother. That's great. He's a professional boxer now now i think he's actually like the co-main like he's the second to last fight if i recall get paid jake yeah yeah i those um i think a lot of people look at them and say like well i've seen mike tyson fight and he's no mike tyson but i look at them and say i've've seen me fight, and my goodness, he's really good. You know, like compared to a regular person, he's a professional fighter now. Everybody likes to hate these people when they can't imagine.
Starting point is 01:39:34 It's like, put yourself in these people's shoes. Like, what they're doing is what's making them the most amount of money. Don't we all want to make the most amount of money? It seems to me they're not defrauding anybody. They're just kind of being obnoxious sometimes. But, other thing like they're good looking rich white guys like they're gonna do good looking rich white guy shit and no he like subverts your expectations and he decides to be a professional boxer for some reason to get punched in the face it's like that's pretty cool like get on board with it both of them so you know logan paul's the one that fought ksi yeah jake paul's been training too was he also on those cards i'm not 100 sure jake paul is kind of
Starting point is 01:40:10 the second most famous paul brother i think and uh and he's gonna be on the tyson card it's like go go do you man like i want to watch so i don't want to watch but but I wish him the best, you know? And, you know, I hope Mike Tyson wins, but I'm not paying. I'm just not like, like that doesn't get my money. Yeah. I'm not sure I'm paying. Don't, don't go wild, Kyle. Come on. What do you think?
Starting point is 01:40:38 I just throw money away. And I'm not even saying I'm going to like steal it. I'm just saying, you might not, I'm definitely not paying. You might just watch. And I don't know what it costs. I'm just saying I'm definitely not paying. You might just watch. And I don't know what it costs. I'm sorry I'm talking over you. But sometimes these boxing things are pricey. Like how much does UFC fight?
Starting point is 01:40:53 65, 69. Like it's almost always there. Sometimes these boxing pay-per-views come out and you're like 120? Really? Like I'll Google and see if we find it yeah growing up like if we were going to watch like first of all my dad's not a sports guy at all like in no way shape form or fashion does he watch any sort of sport on television he's not into it doesn't give a fuck but um like the only we would watch the tyson fights because um there was a guy who would like host big parties
Starting point is 01:41:23 at his house and that's the only way it really made sense is if it's like a whole like shindig where like he would have like prime rib and, and beers and stuff. And yeah, $130 he spent for the fight. Of course. Why not? But like,
Starting point is 01:41:38 I just couldn't imagine sitting in your home alone and being like, yeah, 130, let's go. This'll be worth it. Like I can't think of anything less worth it like some it's rare but sometimes i feel like ufc events aren't worth the 65 it's 50 bucks actually i stand corrected not bad not bad still not getting my 50 by the way it's tyson on
Starting point is 01:42:00 it looks like they're doing that is one thing i hate and love about the boxing like they're like you know we make more if we own the production company and we and it's our own this and it's our own like they these guys are businessmen too oftentimes or they partner with one whereas yeah ufc they're kind of they're just independent contractors working for ufc yeah so um on the california ballot do you remember there were some cases that went against uber and lyft and the companies like that you know postmates making those people employees well they put a ballot initiative on there that make them contractors but they have to it's like an in-between they're contractors but they get
Starting point is 01:42:51 some health benefits so i don't know how that works out but these companies were going to just flat out not be able to serve california which is a pretty big market yeah yeah so i i saw that obviously it doesn't affect us in any way but it was just like it seemed like a bad idea it seemed like you're just pushing massive industry out of your out of your state like replacing with what yellow cabs yeah i am i'm a little at first the gig economy i was was very excited about it, right? There's this concept in economics called friction, right? And, and there's some reason that you listener are not in the perfect job. There's an employer that would like to have you even more than your current one.
Starting point is 01:43:36 And there's a job that you would like to have even more than you have your current one. But there's this friction. This is something stopping you from finding your way into that perfect slot with the internet and with like it's become easier to change jobs it's become easier to find people there's less friction than there was back in the old days when you read the sunday classifieds in the newspaper you know to find the right job and these things seem to have even less friction like it was moving in this direction where everybody was finding their way into the right slots. But now that it's played out for a couple of years, I feel like it's benefited the employer more. Like they've been able to find really cheap people.
Starting point is 01:44:18 And if you don't like the deal, go bite me. You know, I'll find another one who will take your slot and he'll be my new driver and uh i guess it's good they have a little protection i don't know let's keep watching and see how it goes but yeah i don't know i i feel like a lot of times industry is just like well fuck you we're not going to do that we're not completely upending the way we do business we're not going to work without profits we'll just move out of california when stuff like like i know tesla it's like they're just leaving they're going to go to texas or whatever and just build a plant there it's like fuck you you're gonna tax us this way speaking of tesla uh musk says they're uh they're altering the truck a bit um he talked about making
Starting point is 01:44:58 it an inch and a half thinner and maybe six inches shorter because as the current design is gargantuan like it barely fits in parking spaces and garages it hasn't grown on me i still don't like the way i think it's 78 inches tall oh this is the um you said truck and my head went to semi they're making a semi truck and i didn't think okay yeah i'm talking about the uh you know the truck truck the passenger pickup truck yeah i'm almost certainly going to get that thing. Um, I'm, I'm almost certainly, yeah. Like, like, like if there, if, if it's like a year waiting list and I'm like, but I want one now, maybe I'll buy a Rivia or something like that. Or, uh, but, but I want an electric vehicle. I think the Tesla looks so fucking cool.
Starting point is 01:45:46 I want to put a wrap on it, like one of those vinyl wraps that goes on the outside and make it green, like the Warthog from Halo. I dig it. Yeah, you could make this look like a Warthog pretty easy. Yeah. It even has bad original Xbox graphics.
Starting point is 01:46:03 Exactly. It looks like Master Chief from uh from halo uh combat evolved i don't know if it's changed but it used to be you could order a tesla and not necessarily have everything in it that you might want you know like hey i don't want the self-driving whatever and then you can buy it later like that's that yeah and i I like that business model where you're like, yeah, I don't need the cruise control on steroids. It's a lot to swallow right now. And then a year later, maybe you do. You know what you need?
Starting point is 01:46:33 If you're going to get one, Kyle, you need to go for the tri-motor all-wheel drive. This truck will go 0 to 60 in less than three seconds. It's like 2.3 seconds, I think. So there's three models. There's the $40 40 000 base model um i think the trim is all the same like the seats the the accoutrement are all the same you just the the self-driving is like seven or eight thousand on top of whatever you do but the 40 000 version only has one motor in it and it's zero to 60 time is like it's like
Starting point is 01:47:06 six seven seconds yeah like like high sixes which is still like comparable how fast am i going to be towing something or yeah and it doesn't tow as much um and then the model tow six and a half by the way it's on my screen people who are going for towing practicality aren't purchasing this you know uh it'll help the the big one tows 10 000 pounds in any case um the the second model up has two motors and all-wheel drive and it'll do zero to 60 in like 4.5 okay 4.5 but then if you go to the tri motor i think it steps up to 70 000 all-wheel drive and it's zero to 60 time is like... 2.9. 2.9. Sometimes I don't have four and a half seconds to get to 60, Kyle.
Starting point is 01:47:50 Sometimes I need to hustle. 2.9 is so goddamn... Let me see what my car does. I need to get this lumber home now! It's definitely faster than that car, 100%. It's faster than your Camaro? Almost certainly. For a long time, a uh a pickup truck that
Starting point is 01:48:06 was more of a work truck not a work truck necessarily had more in it than that but it wasn't like it was better than a beater but also nothing you'd be afraid to throw firewood in and then you also had your camaro do you still carry two cars and will you still carry two cars yeah i've got a 2012 uh four-door silverado that's just sitting it's been sitting is that the one that had like the a pinhole leak in the transfer case or something yeah in the transfer case just just i've rebuilt the transmission i think i've i've lost count of how many times i've like replaced and or rebuilt the transmission or the like transfer housing or something like i've spent way so now it's just sitting i'm like fuck you you sit there and you wait till i need
Starting point is 01:48:52 you and then we'll see about getting you a new transmission i don't need it right now it doesn't currently work what's that it doesn't currently work i i thought you would i don't know okay i don't know it's at my dad's house like Like, maybe, maybe not. It's been very annoying. Yeah. The 0-60 on my car is five seconds. Oh, wait, wait. And that's when you're towing a boat? The standard 6.2 V8.
Starting point is 01:49:18 Obviously. 0-60, 5.1. The extra 100 horsepower and taller gear ratio likely drops this time to 4.5. Yeah. Yeah. 165.1 the extra 100 horsepower and taller gear ratio likely drops this time to 4.5 yeah yeah it's much faster than my car which it's pretty fast already like i'm always happy when i like stomp on my car and i'm trying to go fast it goes fast enough for me but yeah this the idea of having this cool fucking looking tesla truck because i love how like unique it looks i even like the wheels they're ridiculous looking the wheels do look cool that's my favorite part of it and look fifty thousand dollars is a good chunk of money but if you're buying a new car i mean shit i feel like things gonna last 10 15 years easy um it seems worth it my camera was 40 i paid 40 for it you gotta add 10 grand to all
Starting point is 01:50:00 those if you want to stop driving i don't want autopilot i might add i might add autopilot like in the future but right off the bat i don't care i don't want that is that number like do you have it on your screen is that right yeah i'm on their website so it says like single motor real re-roll drive 39 000 then 49 069 and then it says addition or add full self-driving and so that's 10 grand to any of them so for the tri-motor for the nice one that's going to run you about 80 grand with driving what's nice about that i don't know if i explained it very well but to do the self-driving it has to have cameras and things like that on board they install that on every car and then you get to decide whether you activate them on your own
Starting point is 01:50:40 so yeah it's software yeah yeah so it's pretty cool i don't think that's pretty clever they're like yeah we'll throw in the cameras and then roll the dice they paid 10 grand to turn them on next year can you jailbreak your cyber truck they're constantly like pinging your car dude they're gonna they're gonna brick your car you do that that's scary they're just also um i think you lose the ability to get it serviced at a lot of places and not every mechanic is experienced with tesla's tesla owners seem to think that's a bad idea yeah i would not do that i want elon musk on my side yeah especially if he can break your car yeah as he's dead yeah i i like the look of the thing. I like the performance
Starting point is 01:51:26 of it. I like that it's fucking electric. I don't remember what the range is on the mid-tier, but I think it's 300 miles. 300, yeah. That's plenty. I don't remember the last time. I'm not even allowed to drive 300 miles. In a circle, you could. In a circle, yeah, I could do laps.
Starting point is 01:51:42 Take a couple circles. This failure's been here twice before. He's casing the joint. I was meeting a girl the other day who was driving from a good distance away, and so I was like, well, we'll meet halfway. I look at the map, and I'm like, well, not quite half. We'll meet 35% closer to me. She's well yeah i want you to come to the next uh you know this next town that's like 15 more minutes for me i'm like i am literally not
Starting point is 01:52:12 allowed to go there like you're banned from i'm just gonna make up a town fayetteville and i'm just like something like that yeah yeah something like that i'm banned from fayetteville the whole town pretty much much, yeah. What's going to happen? I'm just like, nothing about me in federal prison. They're not tracking you. You don't want to roll the dice on it. If I got stopped,
Starting point is 01:52:36 if I went outside of the northern region of Georgia and I got pulled over for a taillight, because I do have one out right now. I need to get that fixed. Or speeding. or if i just had my even if the cop didn't arrest me if they just ran my plate then that goes into this database and my uh my probation officer sees that my plate was ran because i guess there were some cops who were like curious about me like like when i was first on probation they were like you know in texas some cop was just like wonder what that guy's up to and like ran my information and uh and uh my parole my parole officer calls me my probation officer i should
Starting point is 01:53:17 say i don't think there is even is a parole thing anymore he's like hey um did you get pulled over in dallas texas last night and you got to keep in mind that that's like him asking me hey did you rape a cheerleader last night is he accusatory in his in his questioning and he was polite but he was just like hey did did you get pulled over in dallas texas last night and i'm, absolutely not. I'm not allowed to leave, you know, this, this 20 county region of Georgia, what you had to do. Are you like, I'm absolutely not allowed to leave this, this zip code. And I would never do that with under the influence.
Starting point is 01:53:56 And, you know, I essentially said that I laid out my day. I was like, absolutely not. I think I just done this show. I was like, you know, I, I live, I recorded my show last night. I could just done this show i was like you know i i live i i recorded my show last night i could show you that i got witnesses you know like like uh you know you could look at my hulu account i watched 18 episodes of of how was it made um would you like to know how good tars are made because you know i'm just like laying out my whole case i was like absolutely fucking not did
Starting point is 01:54:27 i leave the state this was before my trial had even finished that would have been a great text to get for woody and i to get like hey uh would you mind confirming that we did do the show last night to my attorney it's like what's in it for us i don't know Woody I think we pre-recorded that one Hey this is Probation Officer Nimoy I just want to confirm that Kyle was with you guys doing the show
Starting point is 01:54:55 The other night and that he was you know at his normal residence I do not recall No I don't remember that I can't even confirm what we're looking at You mean he told you We knew each other? That's so bizarre. Is it time for me to lie to a probation officer?
Starting point is 01:55:11 Well, technically, no. All right, well, fuck you. All right. You're screwing me over. Just maliciously. Yeah, please don't do that. Oh, it seems like you should have an update on the end of your... Seems that way, but I don't.
Starting point is 01:55:27 Some questions got bounced back and forth between the lawyer to Kitty to me, back to Kitty, back to the lawyer the other day. But still in progress. My original attorney no longer works there, so that was a little bit of a time loss. We were trying to contact him, and he was no longer there. So we went to my secondary attorney who normally does like firearm law. But this seems like something that's within his purview as well that he thinks he can handle. And so, you know, he's working on it now. I haven't got an update since like three or four days or something like that.
Starting point is 01:56:02 There were a few questions bounced back and forth. since like three or four days or something like that. There were a few questions bounced back and forth. Okay. But even that wasn't a, the kind of the update we all want is either when is this over or when do we know when it'll be over? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:56:16 Most likely like the show will just come on one night and I'll just, there'll be snow behind me and you'll know. At Cisco, we call that a date for a date. Now, Woody, when will this be done? I'll be able to tell you that by Friday. I'll give you a date for a date. I don't have a date for a date yet, but I have a TBD for a TBD.
Starting point is 01:56:37 And we'll figure it out. I'll know when they know, I'll know, and you'll know. Because it's all I care about. Yeah, I don't doubt it. Well, then the load stack. I care so much less about the load stack. What? You're having your freedom back?
Starting point is 01:56:54 Yeah, and I care about the load stack a good bit, but very focused on freedom. The size of ejaculate. Why not both? You know, you'll have both. And a dog. You know what? Don't listen to filthy. You're not going you know you can you'll have both and a dog you know what don't listen to filthy you're not gonna murder it when you get bored i would murder a slew of dogs if it would just get me one day closer to freedom a dog would die in a single ginormous load that takes out 98 percent of its body fluids in one he would drown would drown. Dehydration. Like one of those water cutting
Starting point is 01:57:26 cannons that you see on YouTube. Cutting cell phones and tennis rackets and all sorts of nonsense. Yeah. Filthy, how have you been? Well, you may have noticed I came back in with a COVID mask because I'm in an office because I can't stream from
Starting point is 01:57:41 home still four months after moving to Iowa. So what's the deal with that you're you're coming into an office every single day streaming from there yep i am renting an office to stream from because i can't get stable enough internet at home i'm on the second company i don't know how many fucking the second of two companies that service my location we survived that storm which had a internet was out for seven weeks at my location and then uh currently now i just i can't get a stable enough connection for streaming it does everything else fine but it won't stream to twitch and i
Starting point is 01:58:13 have not yet managed to get connected to someone who can actually or will actually do something so this is company number two it's about maybe three weeks in now with them. And I am at the moment, my wife is, she's working from home. And at the moment she's spending each day, right? Well, just starting today.
Starting point is 01:58:32 Cause it's just happened. Cause I, you know what, you know what wire shark cap, you know what wire shark is. It's a program used to capture network traffic. And where I basically need to catch it in the act as it goes down. Cause it goes down randomly for like 10 minute intervals or five minute
Starting point is 01:58:44 intervals. Sometimes just like total shit with with twitch so i have to be test streaming having this program ready then capture it so i can actually send it to their network people to get something done who's that sucks what's what the isps network people twitch's network people no isps like the friend the first company like i did all this capture that shit uploaded it hosted it told them about it emailed them you know got a hold of everyone went through all their bullshit and then they just never opened it like i had it was it was hosted on my nas so i could see who accessed it and they just never accessed it again and just blew me off that storm came through and then after
Starting point is 01:59:17 the storm seven weeks later they just basically started at tier zero tech support again it was like oh we'll send a tech out i'm like there's been five texts in my fucking location we don't need a tech out there i just need you to actually connect me to someone who knows what the fuck is going on so it's been a nightmare that's the answer that sucks so you're have you thought about moving again i guess to a different area so um considering that considering breaking the lease you know because i mean i pay for i have a three-bedroom place i have a three-bedroom apartment because one of my bedrooms is for streaming and i'm now paying for a fucking office on top of that. And it's just like, so yeah. So considering breaking the lease. When you captured the traffic in Wireshark, what did you learn? Do you have the background to interpret it? We used to do that Woodycraft
Starting point is 01:59:54 all the time. Latency is super important. So we'd get this guy in like London saying he's having a bad experience and we'd analyze this network traffic. What have you done? Yeah. So I don't, I have you done yeah so i don't i didn't know enough i don't i learned that program to do this because essentially i'm like i don't know what the fuck next step is going to be and they're they're just they basically they basically started ghosting me at the company so like i got to a point where like you know i was talking to some like like area coordinator supervisor kind of guy and then like you know after a while i just stopped emailing me back you know and then they stopped and then they stopped returning my calls from this first company
Starting point is 02:00:27 and the and then no one ever fucking looked at so um so the answer that you can see it i can see so i don't know enough about it but what i can do is i can isolate the server the ingress server for twitch so i know what that that isp is right and basically the twitch the twitch isp is and i can look at the traffic between them and i can show the errors on that so i have that so i have like captures of the network when it's a good good period of time and everything's fine and i can look at the traffic between them and i can show the errors on that so i have that so i have like captures of the network when it's a good good period of time and everything's fine and i have captures of the network when it's a bad period of time and i can see the lost traffic between it what i can't do is tell you why that's happening i don't know enough about it to do that and honestly i need kind of need their network people to have a look at this so they can tell
Starting point is 02:01:00 me what the fuck is going on with this who owns the hop that's dragging dropping the packets they can tell me what the fuck is going on with this who owns the hop that's dropping the packets uh them i believe your isp owns the hop that's tracking the dropping the packets yeah yeah so i don't know we'll see like this is as i said this is the only other broadband company that provides here i can't get fiber at this location i don't really have any other options at this particular location and i'm to the point now where again my wife today i almost didn't go to work today because i was just like i need to sit home and just like test stream and wait for this shit to happen and she missed it happened twice today and she missed them both but hopefully tomorrow we'll nail it and then i can send this to their technicians it's it's been a fucking nightmare it's unbelievable i never
Starting point is 02:01:41 thought like i'm in cedar rapids iowa i mean it's not a major city in the u.s but it's 120 000 people or something they have internet some people how the fuck can this not be in 2020 in america how the fuck can i not get a stable enough internet to stream from like how is that the limiting factor on where i live so other than the the horrible internet problems how's the actual streaming going what games are you into now um i had a big uh battle brothers release and i think last time i was on the show actually around that time yeah which was a kind of a big one played that for a couple months so i'm kind of i'm doing the variety thing again right now i'm always a variety streamer so right now i'm kind of flicking through games looking for something interesting i did battle um balder's gate 3 a little bit of that the early access for that i'm playing some
Starting point is 02:02:18 celesta right now which is a similar kind of deal to that more um rpg kind of stuff i had a lot of fun with that um i'm looking for kind of the next thing that uh floats my catches my fancy and i'm hoping um cyberpunk's gonna be good i hope well we've been playing a lot of a game called vermentide which is in the total war fantasy uh universe yeah it's a section rpg or something like that it's uh yeah it's a co-op rpg i think is the best way to describe it Also hack and slash. There's a lot of math involved, which I know would be kind of like Borderlands, right? There's a lot of math involved. You'll be good at it. Taylor's like smash.
Starting point is 02:02:57 One, two, three, four. It's all dead. We're going to pick right on his head. There are like great points that you might be if you're trying to be really good that you might try to get to it's like oh okay it takes 130 damage to kill this specific type of enemy that i'm often having issues with turns out my weapon was doing 127 damage so by getting three more damage on this weapon, I'm actually, you know, getting a hundred percent more damage on this weapon. So it's a huge deal to just get 3% more or three points more.
Starting point is 02:03:31 It'd be less than 3%, you know? And that's where my transactions come in. No, that's the beauty. There's none. There's, there's like medics.
Starting point is 02:03:39 I bought a cosmetic. And then there's like a character that you could add for like $3. Like a whole character is $3 or $4, with a whole new branch of new cool things to do is $4. But there are no microtransactions for, oh, I really want a sword that'll work. That's not a thing. You have to earn everything.
Starting point is 02:03:59 Yeah, you just have to grind it out, get all your loot chests. So that's been fun. Yep. Cool. I've been having a good time with that. But I haven't. I've got some friends that have been playing the Baldur's Gate 3. It's the top-down stuff, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:04:14 Turn-based RPG. It's still really new early access, but it looks quite good. It's a pretty decent D&D port, basically, so the rule set. And it's done by Larian who did Divinity Original Sin. It looks really good, it just needs time. I want to play the new
Starting point is 02:04:29 Doom DLC. I know that's out. I haven't gone back to that. I love Doom. Not Dune, Doom. And I also want... I'm pretty curious about some of the co-op mods that are out for some of the Bethesda games now. I think there's a of the co-op mods that are out for some of the
Starting point is 02:04:45 Bethesda games now like I think there's a new Vegas co-op Fallout New Vegas co-op mode now and I think there's a I know there's a Skyrim together because I've been asked to actually some of your some of the PK fans of my channel are also fans of your guys channel talking to me about that and they're
Starting point is 02:05:01 like oh you should do such and such with the PK guys and I'm like I don't really like co-op generally because i generally find co-op to be i find some games are good for that because when they're designed to be multiplayer games is one thing but if you take a single player game and make it co-op it just like slows everything the fuck down it could be a real problem i'm like it would be a labor of love i think to play like skyrim together like like it would it would have to if if if like taylor was like come on I really just want to like kill the dragon and move along that wouldn't work like we'd have to be like yeah
Starting point is 02:05:29 let's go look at this pond look look at the crabs like we'd have to be like having fun with it that way you couldn't be like come on mission three it's time to go like it would be a problem but that's how I would want to play anyway yes Woody is a man on a mission. I've said it before.
Starting point is 02:05:46 He is role playing as a guy who's playing an RPG. That is his character. My character's name is Woody, and his mission is to finish this game as fast as fucking possible. Woody plays like there's an element to the game that you have to save your family at the end before they're killed or something it's just you know they're taking off a body why would i try to connect collect all the nern roots what the fuck does that have to do with i need dragon souls now yeah that's how i like it yeah for me rpgs it's like i'm i'm having fun while i'm here like everything about this is fun i like i want to do all the side quests i want to like you know max this character out i want to
Starting point is 02:06:30 like explore i want to read all the dialogue um i i love those older bethesda games we'd have to have grind sessions where it's like all right for eight hours we're gonna make leather bracers and iron daggers i'd be so down i'd be like yeah at least eight at least eight that's not gonna get it done not so much for streaming but i bought a quest to the vr headset and uh there's skyrim apparently has a fairly well supported like community modded uh vr experience which i i haven't done yet because the quest is the quest is kind of nice it's a standalone it doesn't have to plug into your computer at all which has been great but if you want to do some of the it also doubles as a rift so if you want to do some of the games that are supported for like higher processing power games
Starting point is 02:07:12 then you plug it into a computer as well if you want but like you know at the moment i'm doing like beat saber and um what's the doubles as a what it doubles as a rift which is the older so oh a lot of the content like the rift i had a rift originally too is the older. So a lot of the content, like the Rift, I had a Rift originally too, but I basically never used it. That's a VR headset, a Rift? Yeah, it's the Oculus Rift, one of the original ones, right? It just has a shit ton of setup. It's like 20, it's like, it's not 20, it's like four or five USBs from your computer.
Starting point is 02:07:35 There's cords everywhere. It was a huge pain in the ass. This one, it's no sensors at all, right? The sensors are built into the headset. So it's totally standalone. So it's just, you know, you have the hands, the controllers in the hands. And then I have like a 12 by 12 mat in my basement where i just set that up and
Starting point is 02:07:48 you virtually draw off like a basically a limiting area around it so you don't move out of that i've been really kind of impressed with it honestly so i was kind of hoping i don't know how much real gaming there is in it yet but i'm kind of hoping something like you know the skyrim port or something like that will give me like a really satisfying gameplay experience while also doing the vr stuff so i've been really impressed with that. It does. One day VR does a really good job with archery. So like that would definitely translate.
Starting point is 02:08:13 And I bet some of the magic as well, like just casting a spell would work. Swords never work well. Cause it's kind of weird. Cause until they fall as a sword fighting game or rather has axes, swords, daggers, the whole mix of them. And yeah, there weight so you move them but i do like like um
Starting point is 02:08:30 you know like some of the enemies are like they have a heavy swing and to dodge them you have to physically dodge right so like you do get that sense of like you're pairing and then you're fucking physically dodging and it's kind of i've been i've kind of liked it it's something different i've been something i was really pleased to see that next generation of headset be that much of an improvement over the older ones. I didn't really like the older VR very much. Yeah, I've got the original Vive, and I have not plugged it in in a long time.
Starting point is 02:08:53 Do you regret that purchase? I just don't want to set it up. Right, exactly. That's what I like about this one. In total setup time on this one, which was the Quest 2 again, which was about maybe 10 minutes, maybe less. And then once it's set up,
Starting point is 02:09:03 if I want to go back and play it now, I don't have to set it up at all it's already it keeps the drawn like boundary so i plug it in it's like confirm your boundary and i'm good to go and that's it and i'm off and going that's great you got those i got these eight foot tripods and sensors in opposite court corners of the room and getting all the cords laid out and everything plugged in and getting the fucking headset on like like by the time i'm ready to play i'm like do i even want to play anymore like the juice is worth the squeeze it's just too much effort do you do you wish you just didn't get that i don't know it was really fun it was really fun i don't know if it was 800 worth of fun but it was really fun and i really
Starting point is 02:09:38 liked demoing it for people the vibe the vibe was 800 so you said i think so uh this was pretty bad this was pretty reasonable this was 299 so like 300 bucks for this okay which was i thought was a pretty fucking great like get into it again and maybe i'll stream it one day if i can ever get home internet you know my entire office here is barely 12 by 12 so i don't think you could do it here how far is your office from your home it's not well okay it's not too bad right so i i had to rent this i came back from the storm and basically i spent a month at my in-laws that's where i did the last pk they were great they were they were fucking phenomenal except that it was a you know a month at my in-laws right like this is yeah like they were very hospitable like very hospitable
Starting point is 02:10:16 etc but anyways came back and uh rented this office because the internet wasn't back up here and uh been doing that for a while and i was biking to work because it's about a about a 15 minute bike ride it's kind of nice and then i had my bike stolen from the fucking job i'm like fuck off are you kidding me what did you do you did something wrong yeah it's i blame filthy life i like you know puppies for fun or something just like i was the archer with the kittens as it came down the stream in the bag you know that kind of. Yeah, and that's the only thing that makes sense. But anyways, it was on a bike rack, locked to the bike rack, directly outside of this office complex within plain view.
Starting point is 02:10:52 It was in this kind of domed corridor. And on either end of that domed corridor, there was a camera. So someone comes in, clips the fucking lock, takes the bike. In broad daylight, it was between 5 and 7. And I try to go and get the camera footage from the company the one camera directly where they walk past wasn't working supposedly and then there's three more that the guy would have gone by down the length of the building uh and all of those apparently had so much condensation in the bulbs that nothing could
Starting point is 02:11:19 be seen so but there was the real story is probably that none of them worked, right? Yeah. Yeah. Right. Or perhaps it was like a master bike thief and he went Ocean's Eleven on you. And he's like squirting condensation on the cameras. He had a disguise. Was it a good bike? Kyle. Was it a high-end bike? They can be expensive bikes. It wasn't.
Starting point is 02:11:41 It was a Surly Cross Check, I think is what it was. Was it a Huffy? 12. Maybe 11, 1200 when i bought it so it was more than a thousand dollars that's an expensive bike my friend yeah he's like i don't know like a 1200 bike it's not tour de france ready like you know i mean i used on some of the smaller tours you know the bikes honestly anyways what was it called again not for for me. It's certainly, I would be shocked if I didn't know bikes. I had no idea. Were you aware that the low end of bikes, bicycles was $1,200.
Starting point is 02:12:13 I did not know that. That's the low end of motorcycles. Yeah. You can get way better stuff for $1,200 than a bike. The autopilot's another like six grand, but I didn't pay for it. Like I'm looking at getting a motorcycle right now. Like I'm looking at getting a motorcycle right now. And I'm looking at getting a motorcycle right now.
Starting point is 02:12:29 And like some of my cheaper options are $4,700 for like a nice. And you don't even have to pedal. No pedaling, no pedaling. Nice kickstand. You can keep up with traffic. So you won't cause enormous problems on narrow roads that are windy. Selfishly. Goes 130. you can keep up with traffic so you won't cause enormous problems on narrow roads that are windy selfishly goes 130 those people drive me so crazy just riding on a road and like a two it's two lanes going through the woods or something it's all it's windy and it's like this guy's in his
Starting point is 02:12:57 tour de france outfit and it's like you are a fucking cunt dude he's got that helmet he's got that helmet that uh that uh he that-his-name had on that episode of Malcolm in the Middle for his speedwalking. It turns to a long tube behind him. He's got a friction-resistant tube. I would love to see that spiky helmet embedded in that oak.
Starting point is 02:13:19 Oh my god. Did I send you guys that video of that woman on the unicycle the other day? I don't think so. Hang on. I don't know how to show. Taylor, how can you hate cyclists? They're out exercising. Everyone hates cyclists who isn't a cyclist. When they are on the fucking road, it's actively irresponsible. They are what, taxpayers who also pay for it?
Starting point is 02:13:41 They're selfish. They're not using it for what it's made for. You shouldn't – if I were driving my car 30 miles under the speed limit, someone would say, what the hell are you doing? I don't go, hey, I pay taxes. I would be angry. Everyone around me, no. And the fact that they're on a bike and they are 100% outsourcing their safety onto the surrounding people, it's like i have to dodge around them like they're a child and they're just i'm just here i'm in the world playing hey make sure that
Starting point is 02:14:09 you don't make sure you cover all the glass corners and the coffee tables in the world because i'm just a guy on a bike you got you got to work out for me no this is all true yeah and it's like people in europe don't get it they'll be like all right i ride my bike all the time it's like you don't live in missouri these are not biking roads this is you come around like a wooded corner and it's like what are you thinking man like you could have killed both of us right there you could have made me panic it's fine no i'm saying it's a pretty good city for biking apparently got wiped out in some flood at like 2008 or something and when they rebuilt it they built a bunch of bike lanes into the city downtown
Starting point is 02:14:49 and then it's got really good bike trails out around it so it's a pretty good fucking city for biking more appropriate response our guy is you could have dented my honda right so i sent you guys that video i was driving uh home the other day it was like eight it was like 8 a.m pretty chilly morning and that lady was riding her unicycle down the fucking highway. Okay. I texted it. Oh, you texted it. I can't do as much with that.
Starting point is 02:15:17 Yeah, don't share anything. I probably showed all my credit cards in the floor or something like that. Okay. I thought it was show content. She is pretty good at unicycling. She was hauling ass. in the floor or something like that. Okay. I thought it was show content. She is pretty good at unicycling. She was hauling ass. Yeah, she's going quick.
Starting point is 02:15:32 Huh. One of your viewers reached out to me after our last PK episode and said, hey, I heard you're moving to Cedar Rapids or moved to Cedar Rapids. I've got a friend who teaches guns, gun safety and gun shooting courses. So I took a
Starting point is 02:15:47 class from him for like a day to go out to the range and shoot a rifle and shoot a pistol, which is kind of new for me. It's kind of interesting. What all did you shoot? I tried to actually, ahead of the show, try to find the fucking email for what he told me he had. I don't know. It was a small rifle
Starting point is 02:16:04 and a, I think a medium sized pistol that I i've shot and i was surprised i was i wanted to just i haven't i've just never shot like i think i've shot one gun once in my life prior to this right as like a kid so i just was kind of like well shit i at least ought to know what it feels like how easy it is like what to be looking for like what to be doing withholding etc etc and i was shocked at how fucking easy it is i mean to be fair not i don't mean like the how easy it would be to fight like fire far but like he was like oh yeah most home defense stuff is set up at like 10 foot away kind of deal and like it is not hard to hit a target 10 foot away with a rifle like that was like it's hard to miss. You ever miss your TV with your remote control?
Starting point is 02:16:47 It's backwards again. Fuck. Yeah, even with a pistol at 10 feet, like I'm not an exceptional shot. I'm safe to be around, but I'm like a normal person, I would say. And I think at 10 feet, I can hit a three by five index card all the time. Yeah, it was not hard.
Starting point is 02:17:04 And it was very surprising and it was very it was surprising i mean it was interesting it was it was an interesting experience the guy was real nice and like you know it was kind of cool to see it and do it but it was like i was kind of shocked how fucking easy it was do you feel like enjoy having the power of that man killer in your hands that's what he asked me like when i did it and i kind of looked at him like he asked you if you enjoyed holding a man killer yeah he kind of almost liked that he was like you know like he's like if you want you just go a little rambo on it and i'm kind of like no i'm good with what i'm doing here because you know kind of for me it was like i want to feel this out see what it's like to see
Starting point is 02:17:35 what it actually looks like i'm not really that interested in power i don't even want a gun i don't want a gun in my house because i don't actually think i'd have qualms with shooting someone who was invading my house for example i really don't i don't want to be in that situation where it escalates to that right i don't want to be in the position where i'm going to fucking shoot somebody and what's the alternative like i don't want to paint any i don't want to paint any nasty pictures here but but you know because the alternative is i hit him with a bat or something right what if he's got his own he goes home with some broken bones or something i i what if he's an excellent player He goes home with some broken bones or something.
Starting point is 02:18:04 What if he's an excellent player? What if he just brings a gun to a pillow fight? No, I agree. What if there are two of them? What if it's some fucking kid who's doing something stupid as opposed to someone who means me actual fucking harm kind of deal or means me minimal harm, and I end up killing the poor bastard? Because, again, I could actually see that happening. I don't really want a gun in my house see filthy i'm kind of this hypothetical guy
Starting point is 02:18:30 who's gonna come in with the best of intentions like no that's the thing yeah let me tell you if if it went like we hope it would right it's like all right all right here's the guys coming in promise only one fighter at a time also roughly high school fight rules right if you do get the advantage don't gouge my eyes out or hit me in the balls or anything right have some honor here because your reputation is at stake right i'm shocked that for such an intelligent analytical realistic night in the filthy robot health field right i come back come back, you know, I'm a couple of beers in and I've, I've started on the whiskey for the night. I hear a noise downstairs and I come downstairs and there's someone in my fucking house. Maybe it's dark.
Starting point is 02:19:12 Maybe it's a little blurry, my vision. And I've got the gun and I'm just like waving it around, popping shots off. I find out later my wife is maybe downstairs, hasn't said anything. Maybe the neighbor's kid like is around or something. I've shot through a wall and killed someone. I don't want that. Well, if you think that a typical night involves you drunkenly grabbing guns and
Starting point is 02:19:30 I'm on your side, here's my question. Cause I, um, I think I had a similar gun background to what you do. And I was about around your age when I got into guns. Did you feel guilty? Did you feel,
Starting point is 02:19:41 I had this feeling like, what if my mom finds out i'm handling firearms right i'm grown i have two children i have my own house but but it's like i don't know if my parents would let me have a gun i didn't feel guilty i went through and i like i was reading through like the you know there's some like course requirement for a course book that went with it was like you know the rights you have to defend your home the things you're gonna have to uh testify about if you do shoot someone how the situation's supposed to do when you're supposed to back down or de-escalate or move away and when you're etc and i'm just like
Starting point is 02:20:15 i don't know man i don't know if i want that shit so let's agree there is a violent individual coming into your home and you're what are you you don't want my bike like what are you going to do you're not going to be able to do anything you're going to get beat up and you're not going to give him a hollywood speech about how he doesn't need but he's going to get the heck out of the head with this right now how do i protect my bike taylor do i put i put a lock on it two more locks on it do i shoot the bike do i sit there with a gun watching what about what about your house like what do you guys if i could just one talker at a time the audio is so bad i think you don't know but it's so bad oh well let's then let's say
Starting point is 02:20:54 the real situation wouldn't be the bike let's talk about the house so someone comes into your house you don't assume they're they're looking for my laptop and they're going to take it and then make sure that they don't even mess up any wires or anything. And then they'll leave piece. Like you have to assume they're coming there with ill intent because they broke into your fucking house, you know, and you don't,
Starting point is 02:21:12 you would rather not have a gun than have a gun because of some blue or red tape or something like you might get involved in a, Oh, well he didn't retreat enough, but that's certainly better than being dead. Right? Yeah. If we, if you you put it if you put it between those but i don't think that really represents the full range of outcomes or the full range of situations that arise like you're absolutely right and i agree with you 100 if you say if the person is coming into my house with the intent to harm me and is armed in some way that you know like with a gun for example then if that is a scenario
Starting point is 02:21:42 i absolutely want a gun in that scenario no questions asked absolutely there is only one way to be prepared for the full range of potential outcomes and that is the gun yeah but the gun also removes a number of outcomes there's no outcome where i can hurt someone with or very few outcomes where i can hurt someone with the gun without killing them with the gun. Or without seriously running into people. You'd be surprised. You aim low with a pistol. I'll be all right. You don't want to aim low, though.
Starting point is 02:22:10 I also don't want a pistol. I really preferred the rifle. It just seemed much more newbie friendly. It's a real man killer. I'm going to defend your home with a rifle in your home. You're talking about punching through walls. Plus, what you really want to do is you want to do that thing where you both draw you want to
Starting point is 02:22:27 shoot him when he doesn't see me that's the coward's way out no you do like a high noon kind of like alright count it down and you both draw because that's it see that scenario I described is literally as likely as this like
Starting point is 02:22:43 docile polite intruder who's like please sir can i have some more only broken because of my poor upbringing like that's not gonna happen no certainly not and i don't know i'm just i'm i'm super pro gone and like like i because i am so programmed and i'm like exposed to so much like um like uh self-affirming sort of media like like i'm constantly reading these articles about like people breaking into people's houses and and uh their homes being saved like like guys like the woman's in the house barricaded in and the guy is just literally tearing through door after door to like he wants to rape her so bad that he's broken through the front door and he's all cut up with glass.
Starting point is 02:23:26 She's like, leave. I called police already. He's like, they won't get here in time. He's just tearing through the second interior door with his bare hands. She's just in a closet now with the gun. He's just still coming. He just really is in the mood for a raping. You know, he's, he's all about it.
Starting point is 02:23:48 It's way more likely than someone showing up at 1am to borrow sugar. And like you accidentally. That guy's going to get it too though. The range of things that actually happen. Like the range of things that happen at my house is, you know, there's people moving around on the outside of my house at night. Sometimes, you know, sometimes there's some fucking people making noise in the street or
Starting point is 02:24:04 something. Right. Like how many times have you gone out and had a confrontation with someone i'll take that zero i have had a couple of times where i was glad to have the gun i one time when we first moved here we first moved so i felt a little less secure you know new home and there were voices coming from the stable so i went to check it out i was glad i had a shotgun it turns out it just carried a little farther than i expected they weren coming from the stable. So I went to check it out. I was glad I had a shotgun. It turns out it just carried a little farther than I expected. They weren't in the stable. He's on course.
Starting point is 02:24:31 I was one time I was driving. I was going a long drive to see Jackie's parents. And I brought the gun with me. We went into like a shady quickie mart gas station type situation. And I didn't need the gun i never left my pocket but i was so glad i had it because i felt like i was being i don't know like i was getting the stink guy maybe someone gave me the shoulder or something and i was just like i don't feel safe here you know i was it was a fish out of water i'll say i was the only white guy there and i felt like i was
Starting point is 02:25:03 being targeted or pre-targeted and it just felt good to have a gun in my pocket, although it never left it. So there are a couple of times when I was glad I had it, but I've never pointed at anybody, let alone shot it. Yeah. No. And when I say, you know, how many times have you had a situation? I don't mean like how many times you pull the gun out for this. I mean, how many times in your life have you encountered some sort of hostile physical encounter with someone like you know like i'm thinking like in college you know i got fucking punched in the head a couple times or had my jaw broken in high school from being sucker punched i'm just thinking about
Starting point is 02:25:35 these things like you know do i want the tool to escalate this to a life or death situation on me for these types of things these things happen and they happen in my life and he goes i don't really want to fucking kill people because i had a gun for this and this shit's going to escalate because i have that i don't i don't know i think it's more of being prepared for they then arrive arriving with a gun you know like you have to assume they will show up fully escalated and your duty is to be able to respond to that in kind and so it's not that you know you're wanting to amp it up. It's that you need to be prepared for what you got to assume they're going to have. One of the changes, I feel like Filthy would rather lose a little when he's entitled to win.
Starting point is 02:26:16 Right. And maybe I'm stupid for this, but I think he's like, man, this guy hit me in the eye, broke my orbital bone. But in the long term, I'm OK. And I'm glad there was no gunshots fired. I'm kind of like, well, fuck that guy. I was just in my living room. He deserves a killing. Why should I lose?
Starting point is 02:26:34 Exactly. What was he doing in your house? Because as I started with him, I think a part of me would find that too easy in that situation to shoot him. You need a sword then. I get it now. I was confused. I thought to shoot him. You need a sword then. I get it now. I was confused. I thought you were insane. You just want a challenge. Alright, my friend, the katana
Starting point is 02:26:51 has got your name written all over and you can actually get it engraved so it literally can have your name all over. Oh, a tactical flail. That's what you need. Come at me, intruder! Can you imagine you come in to steal,
Starting point is 02:27:10 to rob from a house, and Filthy's there, and a full witch king get up and lift him up. He's like, like, flipping the fucking face. It was a lot heavier than I thought. I just can't imagine if I have the bat and the fucking gun in my house and I'm going for the bat first, right? I'm going to go for the gun first.
Starting point is 02:27:29 If someone's fucking invading my home, I wake up at night, there's some noise down fucking downstairs, and I've got a gun and a bat in the house, I'm going to pick up the gun. I said, Taylor, I meant to say filthy. Did I nail it? Would you rather lose a little than have somebody else lose a lot? I guess it depends what you mean by a little and a lot here. I mean, that's going to fluctuate. But like, all right, yeah, if there's some like he fucking steals my stereo or
Starting point is 02:27:48 something am i gonna be pretty pissed yeah am i glad i didn't shoot him for that and kill him probably i might line up with you there but even the slightest amount of bodily harm or like or even like scare you know like i don't know i'll tell you what. If you're in my house, my castle, I feel like you're not allowed to fuck with me even a little. You can't even come in without an invitation. I think I would shoot
Starting point is 02:28:16 him in my house if they had my fucking stereo in that moment kind of deal. And I don't know that I want that. I don't know that in that moment I want that power to do that. Have you been robbed uh no well not in my home that happened to me as a teenager and um i've heard other people talk about like the sense of safety that they've lost from it it was a big deal for me i don't know maybe adult me handles it a little differently,
Starting point is 02:28:46 but teenage me had night terrors for a decade, literally, right? From like 17 to nearly 30. I slept with a knife under my bed for a long time. I didn't feel safe without it. Like that sense of invasion that when I heard about on a tv show it was like really the fuck is wrong with you you're you're locked on now you know you're fine but when it happened to me my response was uncontrollable i should have got therapy it's violated as soon as i'm illegally allowed to i'm getting myself a tactical crossbow okay all right real quick before we jump on to
Starting point is 02:29:26 the next thing we do have to hear from a couple wonderful sponsors tonight this episode of pka is brought to you by blue chew let's talk about something we could all use more of right now sex great sex guys you can increase your performance and get that extra confidence in bed listen up that's blue like the color blue blue chew brings you the first chewable with the same fda approved ingredient active ingredients as Viagra and Cialis. You can take them anytime, day or night, even on a full stomach.
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Starting point is 02:32:07 I was reading that. I was like, who, who is, who is, who? Yeah. Who is, is a Unix command that tells you who owns like a domain. And I guess it's more than Unix now. And then it's become a website who And you can just look up who owns something. And if you don't have who is protection, people will see it. Ah, okay. So sometimes, you know, it's become a website who is that calm and you can just look up who owns something and if you don't have who is protection people will see it ah okay so sometimes you know it's fine i own this this is me i stand behind it sometimes you're like i don't want anyone to know my personal info
Starting point is 02:32:34 around the site i'm the load king that'd be a good one it's like no leave all that info there i want to i'm gonna make that my license plate yeah that stinks about the audio chat so like i wrote in this chat taylor's had this audio problem where when two people talk at once he gets muted for a while over a year you're the first guest i can recall that's had it too and we don't know exactly how to how to solve it i when kyle gets back we'll have him compare those settings you pasted to his if i were to look it would ruin the video it is because we've gone through a hundred times and my settings are exactly the same as you and kyle yeah i thought it had something to do with echo cancellation for
Starting point is 02:33:23 a while and now i don't think that but yeah we did some troubleshooting with that before the show last week and it's just i was trying to think like coming on like as you said this the only thing i've done since last time i've had on for discord since the last time i was on pk with you guys when we weren't having this issue was um i set it up for um playing um among us which uh has an overlay which is a discord um discord like fucking obs like browser source i can't imagine how that would actually impact the program so i have no idea sorry for that i'm with you yeah and it's certainly not your fault uh yeah i don't know maybe some listener will know a lot of times the listeners tell us it's a server setting but we're
Starting point is 02:34:01 not even using a server it's this is a call um sometimes they say they want me to buy discord nitro so the audio is sharper which is a pretty neat idea maybe we should try but it's actually everybody but me that needs to buy it it's sure because my audio is not part of discord i have a camera it's straight up that's why like if you're looking at this viewers i'm a little bit sharper than everyone it's not a screen cap of discord it's straight up that's why like if you're looking at this viewers i'm a little bit sharper than everyone it's not a screen cap of discord it's you know where's everybody else is i don't know i think filthy looks pretty sharp looking good i didn't contemplate no that's not to uh derail i'm just gonna leave that if that was a topic ending statement like we'd move on right you're fine yeah well uh to just to briefly touch back on the gun thing i was i've
Starting point is 02:34:46 kind of like on the border of that i finished with that you know the shooting and i was kind of like man and i think that i'm not 100 one way or the other yet but the thing that kind of like i was like i was surprised by how little upkeep there was for it like how little shooting you had to do like how little practice you were doing for this i kind of thought well shit maybe this would be an activity as well as you know home defense like from shooting for this and then the guy was like oh yeah just go like four times a year and i'm like wait that's it four times a year yeah kind of a casual well it is a fun hobby i haven't gone in forever to go shooting but yeah you must have had some fun shooting like if you're planning on going back, doing it again.
Starting point is 02:35:27 Well, I thought it might be an interesting thing to do, right? Like, you know, something to do in this area, COVID friendly, like maybe like, you know, scratch that itch of like, here's something I don't know a lot about to learn something about kind of like the idea of like the upkeep and like learning a skill was kind of interesting to me too. Where would you shoot? There's some ranges out here. Indoor, outdoor? Outdoor. Outdoor.
Starting point is 02:35:46 And you're in Iowa? Yeah. So in the snow? Maybe. Well, you do you. Not my cup of tea. Yeah, anyway, I thought it was an interesting tie-in just because it was one of your viewers
Starting point is 02:36:05 who reached out which i thought was yeah shooting's fun um i my my my favorite kind of shooting was always uh shotguns and shooting uh you know aerial targets shooting sporting clays it's a lot like golf so you go from sort of hole to hole uh on a big outdoor course and each one provides a different challenge. There's a, there's two different targets at each thing. And they give you like 10 different combinations of targets. First, it'll be like,
Starting point is 02:36:31 all right, the left bird is coming. And now the right bird is coming. All right. Now it's a left and a right. Now it's the right and the left. It's simultaneously. So you're shooting them out of the air and you keep score hits and misses,
Starting point is 02:36:42 obviously. And at the end, you know, you see who won. How good are you? I'll preface it. You're the you i'll preface it you're the best i know i think you're the best i've ever shot with especially at the shotgun you're good with all guns but the shotgun in particular is probably your best if you go there you probably the best guy that went that day or there are other people i did well in the state championships um i shot like a 89 out of 100 um i don't remember
Starting point is 02:37:08 what i placed uh like top teens or something like that in the state uh and whenever i would go just for the day i would often be the best of that day um but but you know there were definitely shooters who were better i shot with a guy who like shot in the Olympics, and he just trounced me. It just wasn't really that close. He just seemed to – of course, it was his course. It was the one he shot at all the time, and I'd never been there before. But still, he was much better. He was in the Olympics.
Starting point is 02:37:37 Yeah. He was an Olympic shooter. I wouldn't say that I was ever an Olympic shooter. Of course, I never had any Olympic training. It was just me and dad. Not officially. My dad teaching me to shoot. I don't know. I was ever an Olympic shooter. Of course, I never had any Olympic training. It was just me and dad. Not officially. My dad teaching me to shoot. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:37:48 Really fucking good. On a hunting field, I was always the best. People complain. With dove hunting in particular, they sort of come into the field a handful at a time, and all the hunters are spread out in the field. And so if you're like the point man if you happen to be positioned so the birds are always coming over you first and you never
Starting point is 02:38:11 miss then no one else gets a chance to shoot and people would complain let some through because i'm not gonna miss just not gonna miss them um really good i guess not like world class for sure um but the best i know and um you know i don't know it's what i was really good at was just shotgun shooting for sure i have a real knack for because there's a kind of a it's not exactly precision shooting there's more of a feel for it. There's an intuition. There's some intuition and there's some visualization. I, you know, I don't look down the barrel of the shotgun. I just hold the shotgun and I look at the bird.
Starting point is 02:38:53 I look at the target and I've got the hand-eye coordination to just, I know where the barrel is pointing. You know, I could, I could probably hit targets pretty well blindfolded if they were audit, if they were like auditory cues, you know, if I just heard a noise, I could, I could shoot that blind. So yeah, pretty good. One thing I was never good at was like trick shooting. Um, there were, there were guys like that Olympic shooter,
Starting point is 02:39:14 he could put his shotgun behind his back and he could shoot very well at flying targets. Um, he could shoot it, he could put it like behind his head and upside down, same thing. And I'd never even seen that before so i was blown away when i saw did you try it yeah i couldn't do it couldn't do it i had no feel for what that meant like like holding a gun in the natural position it's like i'm locked in like if i look there i can immediately point there if i look there i can immediately point there i just my hand eye coordination is like built for that but the opposite it'd be like
Starting point is 02:39:45 trying to hit a baseball left-handed you know getting in the left-handed batter's box everything's weird and funky and you don't have that mind muscle connection the hand-eye coordination you can't do it i can't do it that would be so embarrassing to have to like go into a batter's cage and swing the wrong hand you just in front of people i was just imagining doing the movement and i was like oh i would look like an asshole like yeah i'd be like wood chopping i can do the movement and it looks fluid but i have no like ability to like hit the ball that way but i can get in a batting cage right-handed and do okay uh so yeah i i don't know i don't know where i would rank in the like like youtube like gun guys i don't know anybody else would rank in the, like, like, uh, like YouTube, like gun guys.
Starting point is 02:40:25 I don't know anybody else who does shotgun shooting other than, um, that older guy who like had the world record that was like sponsored by Benelli. He has this trick shot. I think he has the world record for it. I don't remember how many sporting clays he takes in one hand and he throws like 10 or 10 or 12 in the air.
Starting point is 02:40:47 And then he shoots them before they can hit the ground. I've seen that. And I saw that and I was like, I wonder how many I can do. Cause for, and it's a, it's a real challenge because first of all, just throwing them in the air is part of the challenge. You can't get someone else to throw them for you or it's cheating. It's not, that's not what what that's not what we're doing here um so i started out doing it and it's like two oh yeah poof poof three poof poof poof four poof poof oh that was hard that last one's hard holy shit i think i got to either five or six what's the shotgun hold is eight you're right i just found the video this guy throws 12 his shot so it's a benelli and the tube is going the tube is as long as the barrel on his so his is holding obviously 12 um at least yeah i was probably using a benelli with the tube taken out so i don't think i could have
Starting point is 02:41:41 held more than six like i had a standard tube I didn't have like an extended tube or anything unless I had borrowed a gun. I think in the video I'm using a Benelli Montefeltro, which is just kind of a mid tier Benelli semi-auto like hunting, sporting clay type semi-auto shotgun, nothing tactical, but also nothing like too fancy. I was thinking I'd max out at one because I have a pump action shotgun. Do you think you could hit two? Oh, absolutely.
Starting point is 02:42:08 With a pump? Yeah. Oh, yeah. Okay. I pump it very quickly. I've hit two before with an over-under. I don't think I've ever tried to hit two with a pump. Yeah, over-under is instantaneous.
Starting point is 02:42:18 But two is kind of your limit with an over-under. It is. You've got to be a real fucking champion to break that bitch down, throw two in, lock her back. Or just being really good at the throwing. Oh, I wish I could do that. I haven't really wanted to shoot in a long
Starting point is 02:42:36 time. I don't miss it that much. It's not that big of a deal. It's a thing I like, but it's not my favorite thing. But now I wish I could shoot an over-under to try to shoot three targets, three hand thrown targets with an over and under shotgun. I think I can do it. That would be hard.
Starting point is 02:42:52 You'd have to throw it in a way almost like a couple of them lined up because you're not going to have time to break it and then reload. So you'd have to like, there's like a little eclipse happening. All right. No, no, no. That's cheating. No. See, that was what was,
Starting point is 02:43:04 that was the hardest part about hitting five was sometimes I would accidentally hit two at a time. They're so close to each other. That's the other thing. Normally when you're shooting sporting clay, skeet, whatever, skeet is a different game. With skeet, you change positions in a very small area, and there are only two throwers, one high and one low,
Starting point is 02:43:25 and they're crossing each other like this. Yeah. The guy didn't cover this when I took these. Taylor's like, you gotta hit two at once. I can hit 16, but they're taped together. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:43:37 Hitting two at once is easy. That's the problem. So like normally when you're shooting, so there are chokes on the end of the barrel of a shotgun, these insertable things you screw in and they are tighter or looser depending on how big you want the pattern of pellets to be at various ranges. So a full choke is a very tight pattern and a, a cylinder choke is the antithesis of a tight pattern. It's as wide as it can really be. And there's everything in between. There's improved cylinder, which is a
Starting point is 02:44:12 little bit tighter than the cylinder. And then there's skeet, which is somewhere in between. I think it's right about there too. And skeet is what I would usually use if I was just shooting sporting clays. It's a nice wide pattern, but you've still got some range before the pattern disintegrates to the point where a skeet could actually make it through the pattern. You know, the pellets are so spread apart that a 70 millimeter sporting clay could just escape through them. But I had to use a full choke for that trick shot because anything, any looser pattern would accidentally hit an extra skeet you have to hit them perfectly i didn't know the rules and if it was like oh lucked out there knocked hit them all 12 you just throw them very gently four feet in front of you trying to blast but throw is hard too because you have to throw them in such a way that they all go both high enough that you can
Starting point is 02:45:02 pull the shot off and spread out enough that again you can pull the shot off because by the end you're shooting them on the way down i was that guy who's a professional is his name nap is it tom nap i'm probably getting that wrong but he uh he hits them up with their apex like like they get up high and he's and fucking wasting them he's so good by the time the last one is getting shot it's like four feet off the ground because he's chasing them all down that's how i was like when i hit the fifth one it was eight feet off the ground or something do chokes wear out because you're shooting them it would take a lot of shooting yeah so the like the pellets hitting the choke don't would take a lot of shooting.
Starting point is 02:45:46 Yeah, so the pellets hitting the choke don't wear. They're lead. It's steel. Okay. And so the other thing is that the pellets don't actually hit the choke because they're still in the plastic wadding. So they're held by a plastic wadding that's shaped very much like my hand is right now. And when they hit the air, all the petals catch the air, and the shot continues on.
Starting point is 02:46:08 This is a misleading picture I'm showing everybody then. Yeah. When I was in Wisconsin, you'd see those all up on the Great Lakes. You'd see the shotgun. The waddings. Yeah, waddings. Yeah, I thought that too, Woody.
Starting point is 02:46:23 Okay. I thought I was retarded for a second everybody was forehead on palm yeah i mean me jumping in for you might not might not save the day like you could even see like you could look i could look at a wadding and tell you loosely like what kind of choke the guy's using. Because a full choke will squeeze the wadding onto the shot to the extent that there are dimples all in the wadding, like excessively, whereas a cylinder choke won't do that quite as much. Like you could look at two waddings, one from a cylinder
Starting point is 02:46:57 and one from a full choke, and be like, oh yeah, this is definitely the cylinder and this is definitely the full choke. Do all shotguns take a choke? No. Some of them are take a choke? No. Some of them are unable to be choked. Yeah. My dad's got an 870 that's just full choke. It's just a full choke.
Starting point is 02:47:14 I think a lot of tactical shotguns are probably that way, although a lot of them come with the ability to put compensators and stuff, and that's really the main reason there's a a screw on thing at the end of the barrel. Would you know what mine is? That Marine eight 70. I would almost guarantee that it, if it has, if it doesn't have insertable chokes,
Starting point is 02:47:34 then it's a full, which is, and it'll say on the one or the biggest, the smallest one, the smallest, the tightest, the small, it's the tightest standard one.
Starting point is 02:47:41 Like there are Turkey chokes that screw into the barrel but then extend out of the barrel so that they can go even tighter if that makes sense so a fool really want to fuck that turkey up it yeah you want to shoot the tightest possible pattern uh imaginable to get the most range before again the pattern starts to disintegrate into the part where a turkey's head would perhaps not get struck you're shooting those guys in the head is that where you i've never gone turkey hunting i don't think i go turkey hunting you'll get shot where he gets shot and he won't pitch a fit turkey hunting is what makes turkey hunting dumber than any other hunting so all right the the prize first
Starting point is 02:48:26 of all is a worthless bird like in my opinion this is my fry that up you can't they taste awful like the turkey that you we all eat for thanksgiving is nothing like a wild turkey it's like comparing a rat to a suckling pig like one of them is this stringy thing that was just barely surviving in the outside world and the other is this like thing bred to be juicy and fat and marbled and tasty broken legs before it can even stand because it's got turkeys don't do that but chickens do um and uh yeah so so it's terrible for eating first of all and then the other thing like the prize the part that you would mount or stuff is the um is really the wings sometimes the spurs i've seen people keep those like the claws they have yeah the feet and uh and when you ask somebody
Starting point is 02:49:22 somebody like yeah i got a turkey It had a four inch beard. And I'm just like, who fucking cares how long? They're talking about that goofy shit that hangs under their chins. I'm like, who fucking cares how long your turkey's beard was? I wouldn't. If you told me that if I just heard that information, the turkey beard is four inches long. I wouldn't know if that was like a really bad weak turkey or a really good turkey. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:49:47 As a non-hunter, that's how I feel about almost all the killer. My deer's horns have this many points on it. But the deer you get. Let me tell you why it's different. Okay. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. So the reason it's different is because for a a buck deer a male deer to have a large rack like a lot of antlers takes many years deer get smarter by like a like a by a factor of 10 every year they're
Starting point is 02:50:17 alive just not only because of the experience but just like this was just the reason this deer is five years old is because he was smart when he was one year old, if that makes sense. Like this has always been a wily deer and he had good genetics. That's why he is this big. The reason no one has shot him is because he's sneaky. See, deer can get lazy. And what they'll do is they'll stay out a little bit too long when the sun comes up,
Starting point is 02:50:45 or they'll leave a little too early before the sun goes down. And this increases their exposure to predators and most of all to hunters, because we hunt in the mornings and the evenings. These smart deer don't do that. They're more wily. They pay more attention to their sense of smell. They're looking around, always scanning there.
Starting point is 02:51:06 It's a smarter, harder to kill deer. And that's why it looks big and impressive and has all those points. And the points are extra wide and all that stuff. There's plenty of dumb fucking deer and I've killed them. I've killed. Are you allowed to night hunt? No,
Starting point is 02:51:22 absolutely not. You get a lot of trouble for doing that. Like more than you can imagine like they'll take night hunt i thought you're talking about it's like one step away from home invasion it's once dude all right so i thought throw a thermal on and it's kind of safe you'll if it's dark maybe you can't tell me from a deer but based on my video game experience if you have a thermal scope you can easily tell the difference between me absolutely you can um so if you were to like what people do is they use spotlights you know because the deer get
Starting point is 02:51:51 deer and headlights right you've heard that they freeze they're like hey what the fuck is that i can't see anything what's going on right now i don't understand bam uh if you get caught doing that they take your rifle they take your truck they take anything that was used in the commission of that crime of that of killing that deer then they hit you with this crazy you want us to believe you got here by this dumbass unicycle yeah yeah they take everything you had with you when you committed the crime and uh and they find the fuck out of you like five ten thousand dollars crazy shit like that that's not very sporting to kill deer i would never do that with a thermal oh i'm
Starting point is 02:52:31 talking about with a spotlight well yeah they're both but like we're already we're going into that conflict with levels of technology they literally can't comprehend and now we're we're stealing the darkness from them their only friend that's not's not fair. You already have a... They already brought a fucking horns to a gunfight. When you add the thermals to it, it gets pretty... What is out there with the thermals? Yeah, I got one! It's a
Starting point is 02:52:55 zero-point bipedal deer, I think. Very rare. You hear him vocalizing? It almost sounded like scream he's a wily one yeah so like i don't know i was really into deer hunting but i see i went the other way by the end like you're talking about thermals and stuff like that like i got rid of the gun by the end and used a bow that's i didn't know that wild turkeys apparently didn't taste good
Starting point is 02:53:26 because pheasant tastes good, dove tastes good, quail tastes good. Dove is really good. Yeah, very little meat on those fellas. You can just pop them. I literally, like, I've met me. You can pop the breast area out of them super easy. Cause it's a bird. And then you just grab the breast meat,
Starting point is 02:53:48 rip it out. It takes zero time. I don't think Taylor could beat a quail in a fight. I could take, I could take a dozen whales. Like, like a Ziploc bag is more resilient than the skin of a dove. Like,
Starting point is 02:54:02 like it's like cellophane. It literally is like cellophane it literally is like cellophane so like if you we had like a hundred of them that we killed one day and so a hundred doves in a pile and we're pulling the breasts out of all of them and throwing them into like a bucket of water to be washed and then trimmed a bit and then cooked and uh and after a while you're just grabbing the bird with its breast turned up and like reaching in, grabbing the breast through the skin and just tearing it out of the animal. Temple of doom shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:54:30 Yes. Yeah. You're going full temple of doom. Toss the rest of the bird away because there's nothing else. Kalima. That's required every time you do this. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 02:54:40 It got old after a while, but I wasn't going to stop. But we would cook those, but you would take a little bit of cream cheese. So the breast is like, you know, it's two breasts like this. And so we'd put cream cheese in the middle, fold them together, wrap a strip of bacon around it, and then take a toothpick that had already been driven through like a slice of jalapeno and put that through the whole thing to like secure it, you know, in its folded nature and the bacon on there, and then you throw those on a grill. They were so good. This is Dove.
Starting point is 02:55:10 They're small, so you could eat like a dozen. Oh, that's where I was headed. This is Dove we're talking about? Yeah. You're having lunch. It's a normal lunch, not how many can you eat. How many do you want? Eight.
Starting point is 02:55:22 Oh, okay. So it takes a bunch. Yeah. eight oh oh okay so it takes a bunch yeah yeah it's it's like two ounces of meat each or something yeah these are like mcnuggets yeah much tastier than mcnuggets so good it's like incredibly lean meat too there's like no fat i thought you're gonna say two i was way off oh no they're little bitty things like they're and when you cook them they're even smaller so how do you how do you not destroy the fucking meat then if it's such a like fragile small animal that you're shooting how are you not like just wrecking aims for the head oh you mean when you shoot them yeah so like you know you're shooting uh small pellets at them seven this will mean nothing to you but like seven and a half shot um they're very tiny and uh it's a pattern right through or something it doesn't they will pass
Starting point is 02:56:12 right through but sometimes you you know you get one in your mouth you're eating you just spit those out you know it's it's fine and bacon you swallow it yeah i mean you can eat them you know just don't eat too much you don't need a handful of lead, but if you eat a pellet here and there, you'll be okay. Just don't bite as hard on the first bite. Wait, you're eating lead and it's not a big deal? A little lead, Woody. If you swallow
Starting point is 02:56:36 a couple lead shots, that's fine. You're not going to go crazy like the Romans did. I'm going to fact check you with destiny. See what he has to say about this. About eating lead? Yeah. I mean going to fact check you with Destiny. See what he has to say about this. About eating lead? Yeah. I mean, I didn't eat the lead. I spat it out. I'm just saying like, but if you did swallow it, you know,
Starting point is 02:56:52 it wouldn't be the end of the world. It's a tiny little BB. Yeah, you're going to pass that. I mean, how much lead is in a BB compared to a paint chip? Well, see, the problem is the absorption, right, over time. Well, I mean, like... lead bb pass through you sounds probably the lead bb isn't going to dissolve inside of you and like you're not going to fully absorb that like your paint chips so more readily absorbable absorbable than pellets i think it's because because they have surface area
Starting point is 02:57:21 kids were eating paint chips every day not a little BB what dumb fucking kids you thought they were dumb after the lead poisoning you don't see them before we all know that was no fucking Einstein the first paint chip he ate off the wall it's like a chicken and egg situation it's like
Starting point is 02:57:40 ah he's retarded because he ate paint chips every day forever. And it's like, I don't know. They might cart before the horse here, perhaps. Yeah. It's not excusable like battery acid. No. I mean, you.
Starting point is 02:57:54 Turns out eating sand also makes kids retarded. Who knew? Look at that kid. Oh, no. I saw that kid eating handfuls of sand every day. Tested him. Sure enough. It was too late.
Starting point is 02:58:10 The sand had gotten to him. You know, the same is true of cat shit. Yep. Yep. I caught my boy eating cat shit and I tried to get it out of his mouth, but I, I guess it had already gotten to him. I mean would get 27 when i would get put in time out as a kid i would peel all the wallpaper
Starting point is 02:58:34 off in the corner so my parents would stop putting me in time out i figured if i like ruined the wall they wouldn't and it worked but i didn't eat any of it ever didn't come to mind i did that that did work i remember that is a certain kind of genius and i wonder like i'm young taylor was it that calculated that he was like i'm going to destroy this wall so that i get out of it or was it like there's nothing else to do here i'm being tortured i'll destroy the wall like it i think i probably destroyed it because i was mad for being put in time out but I remember I did other spiteful things once once she was making like this kind of she made she'll make a tuna casserole I think it was my fucking to this day I can't eat tuna casserole I hate it it's awful it's the worst delivery method for tuna and she was making that for dinner and I had like told her and like my five-year-old self like I don't
Starting point is 02:59:22 like tuna casserole I'm not eating tuna casserole she's like taylor you will eat what is served to you like that kind of thing like i was it's kind of shitty and i remember and like in i remember like walking out of the kitchen into the dining room area and that's where the dog's bowl of food was and it's just in my head i was like i'll show her i'll eat a whole bowl of dog food so that i don't eat dinner and i did i ate most of a bowl of dog food so that when she was like dinner time i went in and i wasn't touching it she's like you have to eat you haven't eaten since lunch and i was like that's not true go check uh go check max's bowl i ate his his meal i'm not i'm not eating tuna casserole turns out dog food makes you retarded i uh i remember i had to do i talked about this too there's a bar of soap thing where I said a bad word or something.
Starting point is 03:00:05 And I was like, I was very young. And it was like, all right, you have to put this bar of soap in your mouth because you said a no, no word. And I remember I was sitting there in the bath playing with my Legos or toys or whatever, had like some soap in my mouth. And I was like, this really isn't that bad. I ate the entire bar of soap. So when they came back in and she was like, did you? Where is that soap?
Starting point is 03:00:25 Where am I? I ate it. What? Yeah, you can check. There's no hidden soap. I consumed the entire one. There were some serious conversations in your house after you went to bed that night. Probably. We're worried about little Taylor's
Starting point is 03:00:41 future ambitions, where he's going to be in 10 years here soup it's gonna be a comedian oh man yeah i think uh filthy filthy like like i think you would have more fun shooting because like like look you're not gonna get in anything if it's not fun right like it's gotta be fun and i don't think it's like did you shoot paper targets i don't recall what you said yeah it's not fun like like really what you're getting is like the it's kind of cool that the guns go loud and like recoiling a little i'm sure that's interesting at first and the smell is kind of cool and you know a little smoke came out that's neat and and there's just excitement of the kind of score curiosity of i've never done this i want to know what it feels like what it
Starting point is 03:01:23 what it actually takes like what it like not i mean in terms of literally what does it take like pressure wise to pull a trigger like how quickly could you do this how hard is it to hit something far away etc yeah um shooting things that do stuff is a lot of fun and that doesn't have to mean watermelons but it should you're thinking watermelons inv? I mean, God willing. I don't know if you were joking, but he actually means reactive steel targets that move, that plink, that like... Yeah, they make these targets... They make these targets that are like...
Starting point is 03:01:56 They're like this, and when you shoot them, they fall down. And then you can quickly go back and reset them. They make this very satisfying plink when you shoot them. And you can sort of go through them quickly and get better at going through them quickly. and reset them and it's they make this very satisfying plink when you shoot them and you can sort of go through them quickly and like get better at going through them quickly and it's a really good training exercise but also like you know i shot soda bottles and videos not because
Starting point is 03:02:14 they were cheap not just because they were cheap and and uh and and like interesting like they're fun like like we had always shot soda bottles as targets like like growing up like we would set them up at long range because when you hit one it fucking explodes and it's cool soda bottles make good targets and um anything that makes a loud noise like steel targets in general just that that gong that you get when you hit them at long range is very satisfying and uh just being able to shoot outside like like one of the things i would always do to four people dude with people do to four people, do to people, do four people who were like Europeans who would come over and like, you know, they'd never touched a gun before.
Starting point is 03:02:51 I'd be like, look, first of all, here's gun safety. Just, I draw a line sometimes on the ground. Like the barrel stays on that side of the line. As long as you do that, nothing bad can happen. If you rotate, you rotate at the hip but your arms stay pointed that way see so that way you can turn around and look at me but the gun doesn't turn around and look at me too and like once we got that down it's like all right now fuck all that other shit and have some fun what do you want to do right now do you want to pull
Starting point is 03:03:18 the trigger as fast as you can because that's fun like i don't care what anybody says that's that's fucking fun don't you want to shoot a machine gun like like well i don't know i won't be able to get all the bullets to hit the target of course not it's a fucking machine gun just fucking spray them everywhere who cares just don't aim above the trees don't don't aim at my house and don't turn around who fucking cares what you hit all that shit's a target anything's a target if you don't care what happens. Anything's a nail, right? Yeah, yeah. Anything's a hammer if you're in need or whatever.
Starting point is 03:03:52 Anything's a target if you just don't give a fuck. You know, like trees, woods in general, the water, the rocks, the ground. It's fun just to shoot the ground sometimes and watch the dirt jump. My wife told me the other day, we came back the other day and she was like you know someone tagged our house today and i was like what and uh and i went out and i looked and uh it wasn't some kid had done like exos and a marker down the length of like
Starting point is 03:04:15 like one of the panels on the side of our house or something like this which in of itself kind of sucks but it's not a big deal right but i was joking to her i'm like you know uh kyle from pka i'm gonna ask him how he got a hold of that tank so i'm just gonna park it out there for a night and just the idea of that was kind of amusing too but tanks are easier to get use your hands on than you might think he tags your house so he used a marker permanent marker i assume and wrote on your house it was not tagging tagging implies like gang or like symbol was fucking x's and o's it was like 10 of them i was like a kid drawing with the mark so then not tagging he vandalized your house yeah i'm not a fan no shit right that really sucks
Starting point is 03:04:59 i i guess you live in a pretty populated area. Yeah, yeah. We're kind of downtown Cedar Rapids. Yeah. Now, you'd be kind of off the beaten path if you could tag my house. Like, you're vandalizing. Looks like Trump's going to win Georgia. Does it? Is there new information? Like 99.9% or something like that. And Trump's 1,900 votes ahead.
Starting point is 03:05:23 So, I don't know about this last batch, but the update before that, I calculated. There's 11,000 votes ahead. So I don't know about this last batch, but the update before that I calculated 11,000 votes remaining 75% of the new votes are blue. Yeah. So 11,000 75%, that'd be enough. It would go blue. That would be enough.
Starting point is 03:05:40 If it's 75, if that stays like it was before. Yeah. Yeah. Sure. Cause there's a lot of um atlanta mail-in ballots which is like the bluest kind of vote you know yeah so um so if georgia goes blue that's that one was the one the pollsters got right i guess
Starting point is 03:06:02 they called it barely blue and it turned out to be barely blue. I think we'll know tomorrow what's going to be what. And what Nevada called. Now, I guess if Georgia actually goes blue, I think it might trigger a recount. It's so close, so we won't know that for a little bit. But if Nevada actually goes, if they call it, call it, then it's done. Do you have to remember, did anything change in 2016 on the recount?
Starting point is 03:06:24 Not 2016. it rarely changes but never in my life has a recount changed anything now that's what i remember too the gore thing um they went from i think it's from 1200 w lead to a 550 w lead something if that's not right it's really close but still a w lead so what gore wanted to do was just keep recounting and recounting and recounting the gore counties because they tend to find more votes like when they recount it you just get more of the same so he's like let's just keep counting the gore shit until i'm ahead so neither one of them had this like pure as the driven snow sort of like let's just make sure it's as accurate as possible gore was like let's
Starting point is 03:07:13 keep counting my counties w was like let's stop counting at all and um there were no angels yep well not a profession that seems to attract a lot of angels of course not not survive just the one just bernie sanders actually he seems like like it seems i don't actually agree with a lot of his policies i hate the idea of paying for people's college like you're taking the nation's resources and then devoting them to just our most successful our people with the fewest workplace injuries the highest salaries and the lowest unemployment let's pay off their debt right i don't like the idea on it's on the premise but i believe that when bernie pitches it it's coming from a place of good. Even though I don't agree.
Starting point is 03:08:10 Like, God, that guy, all of his motivations seem to be from a good place. Yeah, I agree completely. I mean, exactly what you said. Seems like the nicest guy in the room all the time. Seems like he has the greatest of intentions for everyone. But I don't agree with him on a lot of things. But i agree with him on enough that i would prefer him as my candidate i think we're gonna see anything because i feel like congress would all right well hang on a minute right maybe not all that all right you can have all right we'll legalize the weed all right i guess we
Starting point is 03:08:39 won't kill any more black yes we will okay brown people too all right we can we need a color chart how about that how about wesley snipes and darker open open no no no they'll be like we'll give you red that's it nothing else poor fucking uh elizabeth warren's like what the fuck oh no uh i am in danger but yeah politics i like watching it i had a big politics stream and we've talked about pkn a little bit but uh i i live streamed sort of the elections and my chat loved it they fucking roasted me for hours and hours because out of the gate, Trump started strong. And then as the like absentee ballots got counted, Joe came on strong later. But there was a long period of the stream where I'm just like defeated and bummed out. And chat loved it.
Starting point is 03:09:41 They loved it. They just roasted me with the text toto-speech for hours and hours and hours but it's three bucks a text-to-speech and it's like oh man a couple more of these and you're really gonna hurt my feelings you're you're right there you're so close so yeah so i would recommend that like like shoot a little more you might like it and look you recommend what with so if i were to go shooting for something what would you recommend i shoot not it depends what you're done you mean uh what what kind of gun it depends what kind of range you're at
Starting point is 03:10:19 man if you were at like someone's house that's's the best. Like, cause then you don't have as many rules and regulations and, and you can actually have some fun with that. Cause like, even me, like when I was at like real ranges, I was, I kind of felt uptight about stuff. It's like, all right, I don't want anybody to give me any shit. I don't want to embarrass myself here. Certainly not with cameras on me. So I've got to really, I'm not going to have any fun today. Like, like today is absolutely not going to be fun like like this is business and uh and you know that's not a fun way to be whereas if you're at someone's house who's not going to freak out if you break some little rule or something not that these rules aren't important it's a deadly weapon but i'm just
Starting point is 03:10:58 saying you know nobody's going to grab a gun out of your hand and show up at their house at night not knock and go in don't do that or they will murder you. Excuse me, self-defend you to death. But, you know, if you could get out in somebody's field or something, that would be the most fun. But if you don't have that option and you're just asking, like, what gun would be fun to shoot at the range, if you could find a range that had, like, something with a silencer on it,
Starting point is 03:11:24 that's fucking coolencer on it that's fucking cool like that's the opposite of what the experience you had if you could find like a a 45 caliber pistol with a suppressor on it or a 22 caliber pistol with a suppressor on it they're like movie quiet like everybody's always like suppressors aren't like that like they are in the movies yeah some of them aren't like if you put a suppressor on a 308 caliber like rifle it's loud it's still loud as loud or louder than a 22 caliber that doesn't have a silencer on it's a loud gun still it's not as loud because a 308 going off is fucking loud as hell but like a 22 caliber pistol um it's like like i i could be shooting a 22 caliber suppressed pistol in one room of a
Starting point is 03:12:09 house and the person in the next room would have no idea really i had no idea have you not heard it the action is the loud part like the bullet impacting the target yeah yeah yeah the screaming the the bullet being advanced from the magazine into the chamber like the next one like it seems like that's the hammer going back you hear that yeah you're hearing that even more so than like the little explosion in the you know sound barrier whatever like i've never shot something with a suppressor it sounds cool it doesn't sound too different than a toy gun you know like what you hear like if you were to shoot uh nerf darts or something what you're hearing is all the mechanism advancing the next dart that's the noise like a no no it's it's very similar to that like
Starting point is 03:12:54 a chris vector like a semi-automatic i had a uh you know the chris vector from video games and shit the uh the 45 submachine gun uh with a suppressor on that thing it sounded almost exactly like a paintball gun just just real it sounded almost exactly like a paintball gun. Just real quiet, you know? Just like a paintball gun. In addition to the silencer, shooting a revolver would be cool. I always aesthetically really like shooting those. Yeah, you should buy one.
Starting point is 03:13:18 Just buy one. I've evolved over time on that. At first, I was all about military weapons. That was the kind of thing I wanted. and i also enjoyed guns that were loud i don't fantasize about killing people but i guess a gun that had some boom to it some recoil that wasn't a toy was more interesting to me now i think my favorite gun to shoot is a 22 lever action. Like it, it has no kick. I don't even, it would hurt some,
Starting point is 03:13:48 like they wouldn't like being shot, but they'd probably, by the way, a silencer on that is extremely quiet because of the nature of the lever action, because there's no gas escaping from the chamber. Super quiet. How expensive is like a license to throw a suppressor on?
Starting point is 03:14:01 You don't need a license. You pay a $200 tax stamp in addition to the cost of the suppressor itself and you wait about three months for it to clear with the gun store and then you pick it up. A.22 caliber suppressor is probably less than $400. I don't know. Most of my suppressors
Starting point is 03:14:18 were given to me by a firearms company. Sanxico gave me everything that they had. I never bought a suppressor as far as I can remember, but I a lot of them the whole but you suppress a revolver that would look funny it does i know there's a revolver that's meant to be suppressed see the issue is what you're doing is you that with the suppressor on the end is you're you're catching the gas and you're baffling that you're changing its direction and but the gas has already gone from the the cylinder right so like it wouldn't even catch that much because the gas is going to come back at you now because it's going to get
Starting point is 03:14:55 down there and run into the suppressor that's trying to decelerate it and a lot of gas is going to escape back here back around the cylinder because revolvers, most revolvers, there is a revolver I've seen that's made to be suppressed. And it closes off the gap between the cylinder and the barrel. But if you look closely on a revolver, there's nothing between those two things. You have this cylinder that's holding a bullet in it. And a hammer is hitting the back of that cartridge and firing the bullet. And that bullet travels through a very tiny gap between the cylinder and the barrel
Starting point is 03:15:30 and just goes into the barrel. It's not in the barrel. Otherwise, the revolver couldn't revolve, if you think about that. So that gap, a lot of gas is going to come back at you. So it just wouldn't work, really? It wouldn't work as well. And I'm just guessing, but there's going to be a lot of gas is going to come back at you um so it just wouldn't work really it wouldn't work as well and you know i'm just guessing but there's gonna be a lot of gas probably coming back in
Starting point is 03:15:50 your face it might even like sting your hand somehow with like the pressure that's coming back i i shot a mark 46 machine gun i think that was suppressed once it's a big big belt fed machine gun with like 200 a belt of 200 bullets it's like draped over my arm and you know i do that rambo shit where i wrap it around my arm and it's shooting there was so much gas coming back into my face that tears were just pouring down my face from all the gas that shooting into my eyes a revolver question kyle so you've probably seen this before. You shoot a revolver and they put a piece of paper next to it. And because the barrel is not next to the cylinder, more dangerous stuff shoots out the side than you would guess.
Starting point is 03:16:36 So the paper that's next to it gets rocked. What would happen if it was something more durable like a human? We're stronger than paper, but not revolver not they did that demonstration at the concealed carry course i went to uh the week before missouri made it you don't even need those but they used like a hot dog and they would hold it and they're like oh some people don't know about revolvers pretty much exactly what you said is they're like gas escapes but it's a lot riskier than you think and they like hold the hot dog up there and it blows the hot dog apart and so i think hot dog apart that's a little bit better than paper yeah yeah so it would it wouldn't blow your finger off but it would hurt you you'd probably be bleeding you'd be hurt
Starting point is 03:17:15 i don't know one one thing that can happen is what if the bullet doesn't hit the barrel just right you know and a little bit of that bullet gets shaved off and flung out to the side. So, you know, something like it again, wouldn't kill you. Wouldn't you bleed a little? I've been hit by,
Starting point is 03:17:34 I mean, I've been hit by that before. Like as a kid, I was getting hit by that shit coming out of like a 22 rifle that had been like Jerry rigged with a bunch of holes drilled through the barrel for some reason. And the bullets pieces, the bullets would shave off as they went down the barrel.
Starting point is 03:17:46 And they'd fly out and hit you in the arm. It's not the end of the world. It just stinks. Oh, so you weren't even getting cut? Or not like a little piece of metal stuck in your skin? I don't know. I was four. I might have given you lead poisoning. That's what happened. That's why I'm retarded. He grew up strong.
Starting point is 03:18:04 Yeah, little bits. It's like poison. That's why I'm retarded. He grew up strong. Yeah, little bits. It's like poison. He built up an immunity to lead. That's how it works. Iocane powder. Like Wesley from Princess Bride. I haven't given that movie a rewatch in 15 years. I'm a big fan of that movie.
Starting point is 03:18:20 It holds up. It's one of the greatest films ever made. Rob Reiner. It's like one of these super overplayed ones, though. Cary Ewells. Growing up on comedy, like growing up as a kid on Comedy Central, you just see some films just again and again and again. That one was one of them. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare
Starting point is 03:18:35 to die. I think the audience might like this. I have a time-stamped video. We'll just watch about 10 seconds of it. Yeah, yeah. Hickok, our good friend Hickok. Yes yes i'm pretty sure he won't copyright claim us i hope don't do it but um if we watch about seven seconds of this he's going to demonstrate how dangerous the side of a revolver is let me know when you're queued up you should be at 120 yep i'm ready ready set All right, we'll just take a shot into the dart
Starting point is 03:19:05 and see if it cuts the paper. Hmm. Right? So that had me wondering. I guess I had forgotten that that paper got really wrecked. I was like, people are more durable than paper. I wonder what happens. I guess it sucks.
Starting point is 03:19:29 That enormous revolver looks so tiny in his hand he's a big man that's a big man his i want to say his son's even bigger even taller um he's he's very tall i didn't want to stare i didn't like standing next to him i don't stand next to the tall people for pictures i just refuse to do it yeah but you're gonna need to sit i always wanted to tell filthy to take a fucking knee he's like six he's like six three and a half or something over there yeah there are a lot of pictures of me out there on my tippy toes but you can't tell oh yeah yeah that's one of my favorite stories to to retell so i'll just do it again like we were in texas doing some helicopter hog shooting
Starting point is 03:20:05 shooting and i was with uh my buddy dino who's like this ex-marine corps guy fucking six four like a legitimate six four and then he throws the boots on and he's almost six five or so big muscled up dude probably 235 245 pounds and uh we were all getting a group picture because we were all there doing this helicopter hog hunting shit. And everybody wanted a group picture. So we did it. And I'm behind Dino. And I was either standing on some wooden blocks or on top of a trailer, like a car trailer. But I got myself a good foot, maybe more, of extra height.
Starting point is 03:20:42 And I'm towering over Dino. And I make my shoulders good and wide. I'm standing behind Dino. Dino puts it on his Facebook, not noticing. Everybody's like, God damn how big's that Russian fella? Looks about
Starting point is 03:20:58 seven foot two. God damn, Dino. The legs of that fella must be outrageous. He makes you look like a bitch dino he's like no i'm bigger than him i'm bigger i'm bigger than i'm a lot bigger than him and i'm i jump in the comment like this is bullshit comrade he's lying to you he's little bitch man fucking with him in the comments you He's like, you goddamn asshole. You're not bigger than me. He was so proud of being like,
Starting point is 03:21:29 he's the biggest guy in almost every single room he ever walks into. I think he's got that Harley syndrome where he walks on the plane and he's like, yeah, I'm the biggest. I don't feel like that's Harley's mindset. That's what he said. My bad.
Starting point is 03:21:44 Harley literally walks into every room in every situation he's like all right we're good i'm the biggest i'm the biggest every once in a while like six foot ten guy walks in the same grocery aisle he's like fuck no i'll put produce off for battle he's old it's funny too my brother's a real big guy my brother's like six five or something like that and he did a lot of lifting in high school and whatnot so he was and played rugby this kind of thing right and he said uh he says he gets it kind of online a little bit because he gets the opposite he's like in person no one gives him any shit like in person everyone is always very respectful and very polite and then he says he gets the contrast when he games and he gets like the kids like fucking like you know
Starting point is 03:22:27 shouting in games or being like shits or this type of stuff and he's like i'd never say that in fucking person no one ever said it like that first it was interesting to hear that perspective from him you know i'm a tall guy but i'm not a big guy like i'm a kind of you know i'm a kind of slender guy or i'm six two and but like hearing from his perspective of what it was like walking around as a six foot five pretty ripped guy was kind of interesting. I almost wonder if he has that like hot chick syndrome where he doesn't need to like a hot chick. We've all figured out maybe doesn't need to develop a great personality or sense of comedy because, you know, people are going to like her anyway. She can be going to laugh at those jokes, whether they're funny or not.
Starting point is 03:23:04 She can be the dullest person in the room and everyone wants to hear what she has to say right maybe your brother is not equipped to deal with disrespect because he hasn't gotten it in person his whole life maybe possibly that's interesting take on that it's interesting too because you don't it's never acknowledged in life you know you know you're never told like yeah and even a day-to-day activity you will as a man particularly notice the size of the other men around you and they're you know like the interaction of that and how it actually impacts on a day-to-day basis kind of like humility and you know this basic conversation to some degree is kind of interesting like it's on everyone's mind all the time but you're aware as you guys said you're aware when a big guy walks in the fucking room and he's like six foot eight or something you're like that's a big fucking guy
Starting point is 03:23:47 you're also aware the opposite where like you'll be at a grocery store or something and you see a guy who's like not a midget but he's like five one or something like dude that guy is fighting an uphill battle every room he walks into like that he probably prefers the online you know he's a big shit talker online bullying them in person and it's not just like physical intimidation like it i think if you're six three and you're working at some big company you might just slide into management slots a little more easily people see you in leadership positions when you've got some extra height. Yeah, pretty much all the presidents are tall. Politicians, I think good salespeople tend to be taller.
Starting point is 03:24:31 There is something to that. Yes. Yeah. Yeah, I agree. And I can't think of a short president. But I can think of a lot of short actors. Yes, but that's... It's a trick, though if i bet if you're like
Starting point is 03:24:47 four foot six in the chair uh i think if you're a tall girl that you might have a hard time getting cast right because you get a tower compared to well tom cruise comes to mind yeah that girl in west wing remember the woman in west wing who's like actually six foot one she was like maybe the press secretary she was the one who went out and spoke about 10 foot in that fucking vet show i've seen her in the west wing and then the other time i saw her get cast was in harry potter as a giant that's it like oh she's that horrible ugly lady jay craig maybe yeah that's her character name goddamn um horrible and ugly i don't think of her like i don't think of that way either
Starting point is 03:25:31 my only exposure is i actually did see that that harry potter recently where it's that big horribly oh well she didn't age well let's let's we can be we can be fair there yeah who does yeah that's not her i mean you're kind of pretty hard on i don't know the actor's name you might hawkeye from marvel yeah the guy who plays hawkeye has aged very poorly i i think he looks like a catcher's mitt said something renner in my head he jeremy renner averagely if that's a word, but he aged Hollywood poorly, right? Like look at Iron Man, who's like 10 years older. Robert Downey Jr. is like 50 or something.
Starting point is 03:26:13 And Renner's like 40. Is that true? Maybe I'm wrong there. It's my perception of things. There might be three or four years of play. But my perception is that Robert Downey Jr. is like 51 and Jeremy Renner is like 42. 49. Renner's 49?
Starting point is 03:26:29 Yeah. Well, goddamn. He looks at least that, I guess. He just looks so wrinkly. I actually thought he was like 52, but not far from 49. Where are you seeing that he looks terrible? He looks not bad. In the Marvel movies.
Starting point is 03:26:44 Yeah. I haven't Marvel movies. Yeah. I haven't seen those. Oh. Especially the last couple of Avengers movies. Man, Hawkeye looks like shit. Hawkeye looks like shit. How does his character? He's just depressed because he's got bow skills.
Starting point is 03:27:01 His negative. Give the man a rifle. They translate. Those skills will translate to the rifle to you hawkeye but we're removing you from the team for an actual sniper my name's craig i'm not even that good my name's craig i actually didn't make it to the final marine school but i did a little test earlier i will triple your effectiveness immediately do you know his name when he gets the sword kyle he's not hawkeye he's like someone else oh no that's that's that's too in-depth for me i don't
Starting point is 03:27:35 recall that i don't even think they said it in the movie that may be some comic shit his hair looks awful yeah that's after his wife and children were turned into dust though so you can't blame him he got a haircut after that his wife and children turned it doesn't make much sense does it and he he's he uh he becomes another character's name who i can't recall and he's not just hawkeye hawkeye in his like ninja phase when he just starts like fucking up um the yakuza and people like that he's a little too ruthless and um ronin ronin uh yeah it's ronin so what do you i was i was told to ask or asked to ask what happened with the subreddit i was told to ask this was supposedly going to be an interesting topic is this interesting or is this just something we should give a miss i've addressed it on the um
Starting point is 03:28:28 on my twitch stream a bunch of times but in short it goes like this um on the last it was just last week is it that current we yeah so we had a question about whether or not girls liked, girls had a bias against guys with vasectomies, right? There was a thought that there was this sort of lizard brain that we all have where they just instinctively don't like vasectomy guys as much. So I put it on Ask Women. Ask Women didn't like the question, and we kind of pushed back. Like, what is ask women for? And, uh, the mods instantly like shut down the PKA subreddit. They, uh,
Starting point is 03:29:15 apologize to ask women and, uh, demodded me. And I don't know if there's more that I can think of, but like, you know, they just basically, I more that i can think of but like you know they just basically i thought they were kind of cocky you know and the subreddit does two things a lot it rips on the hosts and it predicts the end of our show and this has been going on for like five years and then the subreddit fussed at the mods for being cucky. And they have instantly shut down the subreddit so that they wouldn't take criticism anymore. And I thought that that was a weak sauce. And opinions seem divided. Some guys thought that was pretty cool of me.
Starting point is 03:29:56 And some guys thought that I'm fussing because I got demodded. I don't know. I don't really care about the subreddit that much. But that's what happened. They opened up the subreddit a day or two later and i guess it's kind of settled now ish so did you ever get any answers to the original question though no no we still have no idea i i and can is there any elaboration on why that's not a reasonable question to ask was it uh yeah there was it was something like women are not a hive mind that can be treated as a
Starting point is 03:30:24 collective group. They all have individual opinions. It's like, well, okay, ask women. Yeah, but this is a forum. Individual opinions of multiple women? Yeah, it made no sense. It made no sense. I don't know who, I don't know where to go now to like get the answer to that question. Because I was genuinely curious.
Starting point is 03:30:38 It wasn't some troll or some gag or anything. Like we were having a discussion about birth control. And I was, and I think Taylor asked me, why didn't i just get a uh a vasectomy and i was like you know maybe i will like and then um there and then i think maybe our guest who was the guest blame truth uh blame truth yeah god i'm bad at remembering shit uh i said uh i feel you you know i think maybe he was the one who was like maybe women wouldn't like that and then we started pondering that whole question he put it up as a like um sort of a thing that i know right you know oh if if you get a vasectomy keep it on the down low because women find that unattractive like that was yeah how it was pitched yeah and somehow none of our female listeners have stepped up to to tell us
Starting point is 03:31:19 the answer somehow i almost found the time to put a Twitter poll out. Then I'm like, there's no fucking female followers. That's not going to work. There is no way. We could get a real answer. Split 50-50. Or as we like to call it, one-to-one. Yeah, my wife's the other one. She didn't mind.
Starting point is 03:31:43 She thinks it's a good idea. Of course, she's been trying to pressure me into one for years. There are a few girlfriends that watch this with their boyfriends, and I had this suspicion they're having this conversation right now. But I don't know if she's being honest. She might be like, I wouldn't mind. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:32:01 My wife seems totally unconcerned by the idea of that. I'm like this close to pulling the trigger on that. So you also don't know my wife seems totally unconcerned by the idea of that i'm like i'm like this close to pulling the trigger on that so you also don't want kids you're not a you're not a future dad no okay yeah by the way taylor that is the silencer that i would get if i were going to get a 22 caliber silencer that is the one that i had and it does a few other things like if it silences all those calibers that you see in the white text uh the 22 long rifle 17 wsm 17 hmr the 22 wmr and the 5.7 by 28 millimeter which is like the 5.7 pistol and the p90 and it's full auto capable so if for some reason you had access to fully auto p90 you could screw that suppressor right on it looks cool yeah it's super quiet super quiet you know if you put that on like a ruger uh semi-automatic that's how you're gonna get your vasectomy done god no no i would get a trained shot collateral
Starting point is 03:32:56 except for your screams oh multi-caliber i want the one that looks like it belongs on it's a ruger it's is it a mark four you know it has a round barrel you don't know what i'm talking about i thought you would instantly know what i was talking about so are you talking about an integrally suppressed uh like like mark 20 mark 22 pistol uh well that's the dream mark three mark four talking about uh ruger silenced pistol there are i'm looking for a picture i think i can find it pretty quickly uh it's a it's a okay um and for the people watching okay you like that it fits like flush yeah it looks almost like they were built with each other in mind right it looks like it belongs there to me yeah i agree um
Starting point is 03:33:54 i don't remember how well the silencer coat would fit that's a gym gym tech yeah, I do like that look. Yeah. Yeah. I liked it a lot. That means that, um, ah, nevermind. Of course.
Starting point is 03:34:11 Yeah. Yeah. I like that for people watching and I'll send it to Kyle in a second. This is like an alternative look that is fine. Right. And I'm sure it works and sounds great, but that'll look like they were designed for each other in the same way that the other one did. Yeah, that's I think that's the well, I know it is that that first Ruger you link.
Starting point is 03:34:33 That's the 45 style Ruger 22. You know, it's the the angle of the grip. Oh, I see what you're saying. I thought you were saying it was a 45 caliber. That's not what you're saying i thought you were saying it was a 45 caliber that's not what you're saying no it's like the colt 45 uh angle uh on the grip rather than the standard i don't have any experience with those but uh i'm sure it's fine i do like 45 style grips obviously yeah that's cool but silencers are really cool uh because they're super fucking quiet um and they're super fucking quiet on 22s anything subsonic that's what i should say anything that where the bullet is
Starting point is 03:35:09 going slower in the speed of sound because the big a big part of the crack is the bullet breaching the sound barrier that it's a it's the sonic boom and uh not a lot of calibers are subsonic. Not a lot of them are, but 45 ACP and most 22s are right. No, you can get 22s that are subsonic much really easily. Like they just sell them, you know, it's not like you could buy, I think you can buy, I don't know if you can buy five, five, six subsonic. I've never seen it. Never looked for it either, but you um, you can buy 22 subsonics that will cycle the gun and be just incredibly quiet. So basically don't even waste money on a
Starting point is 03:35:52 suppressor unless you're going to get a subsonic gun and plan to put subsonic rounds through it. Well, I mean, no, that's not true because like if you were going to hunt, like in Georgia, it's legal to hunt with a suppressor, which some people think sounds crazy unless you've ever shot a hunting rifle and it hurts your ears. I don't like that. So if you put one on a 308, like I said earlier, it won't quieten it down to the point where it's like a movie and it's like, it'll quieten it down until it's like a 22. And it's just a good pop rather than this enormous fucking boom. It's better for noise pollution and it's safer for your ears. So subsonic 555 exists, but it's not popular.
Starting point is 03:36:31 I find people advertising like the world's only 556 subsonic. And so, yeah, the issue with it, I believe, is that it doesn't cycle 55 six rifles reliably and that's one of the main arguments for 300 blackout which is which which is an ar style caliber or there's plenty of ars that shoot 300 blackout it's subsonic 30 caliber bullet nice and fat and slow and uh it's very very very quiet uh suppressed i think aac developed it if you're not a gun person the power from the bullet moves the action inside the gun and advances the next bullet so if it's subsonic it doesn't have much power and it doesn't do that reliably this yeah yeah which is fine if you're shooting a bolt action gun doesn't matter you just you're doing all the work but if the gun's a semi-automatic it needs all those gases this is uh this is off guns but this guy paid for 150 for a full contact experience with a black leopard and it says in the article it mauled him immediately
Starting point is 03:37:38 presumably he left like a five of five yelp review for this yeah it says he paid 150 and here's the description the man was attacked as soon as he entered the leopard enclosure the injuries were so severe that his scalp was quote hanging from his head and his right ear was torn in half oh my god he expected to play with it rub its belly and take pictures oh i hope this wasn't like a make-a-wish. Nothing worked out for me. I scrolled down. By the way, this is on
Starting point is 03:38:17 I scrolled down. Demon sighting picture goes viral on Facebook. It does look like a demon. I have to see this now does look like a demon. I have to see this now. Looks like a demon. I mean, definitely more demon than tree. It's right there.
Starting point is 03:38:35 People are arguing whether it's a demon or a fallen angel. It's one or the other. It's a sign of the apocalypse because Joe Biden won. it's a sign of the apocalypse because joe biden won the image here to show a dark a large dark figure with wings and spikes on its head the quote demon stands taller than a nearby home it's a tree right in the fog no woody it's a demon it's a demon my bad i was being dumb brand new january 5th makes perfect sense so obviously obviously it's not a demon but it's also not a tree i don't know about obvious it could be could be a fallen angel how do you do it you don't see a like um a tree trunk at the base of it is the
Starting point is 03:39:19 legs see there's it looks like i think that is gap in between the legs. I think someone has manipulated a photograph in some way. But definitely not a tree either. I'm more confident that it's not a tree than I am that it's not a demon. Huh. Like one in a million that's a demon? One in ten billion that's a fucking tree.
Starting point is 03:39:41 What is the collection of limbs on a tree called? The bowel? Is that like the top of the tree, the whole green? It's the tree. I think there's a term for the canopy. Like to me, those wings are like the canopy of the tree. Like a weeping willow. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:39:57 You know, it just grew a little funny. I can't see this. This is on that site. I just scrolled down and I found the alleged demon. Thanks for the help. Fox 4 News. Some banger articles. Here's a bit of breaking news.
Starting point is 03:40:20 Vladimir Putin is set to resign as Russian president. Early next year, amid fears fears he has Parkinson's. Did you read that Russia just passed something that says that ex-presidents can't be prosecuted for anything? Yes, they have a lifetime immunity. Coincidentally, Vladimir Putin right about to retire. What a lucky guy. That guy's the second coolest person i can think of
Starting point is 03:40:46 yeah who's the first coolest obviously hunter biden did we not see him fucking feet and smoking crack or something in the same picture at the time like so messed or cracked out that he was like it's a good idea to save these like the next morning he wasn't doing it on twitch or something breaking news under biden was unpartnered on twitch today for well high on math yeah i don't yeah i thought that i didn't realize joe had had a couple of sons i when i first heard that i was like i thought his son was dead no i know that's the other one oh shit the living son is the one like doing crack on the internet you just know it was like the wrong one died because didn't hunter fucked his dead brother's wife i don't it says more about the wife than him
Starting point is 03:41:52 i might be i like joe rogan's take on this he's like humans are complicated they're messy uh you know after beau died i guess she connected with Hunter. And I don't know. Maybe this is my liberal bias making bad things okay. I'm open to that concept. Yeah, that's okay. He's dead. It's perfectly fine to slide right on in there. Thank you.
Starting point is 03:42:18 That is bizarre. That is bizarre. I agree with the bizarre element, but we don't have any more information about that like what the fuck we're just it would have been expected in olden times right thank you kyle i was thinking that too it would have been traditionalists it would have been a yeah he's a traditionalist but like it would have been an act of service, a kindness to make sure that his wife was taken care of and fucked, you know, hormonally. A little pillow on his couch.
Starting point is 03:42:52 In this house, we follow 5,000-year-old Jewish law. Dude, I don't know. My head went to this. My wife got me a present, right? She's like, hey, I got you a present. I'm like, what is it? I pick up the box. It's heavy, heavy.
Starting point is 03:43:08 Like as a grown man, I'm like, oh, it's got some heft to it. She got me a weighted blanket. Apparently weighted blankets are sized for the weight of the person, right? So I'm a full-sized American male, right? And so this weighted blanket is like i don't even know 30 35 pounds like it's not nothing and uh i tried it last night for the first time did she ask you to use it in the pool only at first i was like this is cool this is cool i don't know why like our heat's not on very high it's set to 62 at night
Starting point is 03:43:46 is that a sleeping temp is that what i chose last year okay i like it i like it i don't turn mine on it's 50 degrees in here right now so it's it's a little chilly and i put on this heated blanket and i'm loving it i'm like i my life has been upgraded. This is the coolest thing. And I'm thinking to myself, I get to keep this. I get to keep this. I get to sleep with the 35-pound blanket every night. I woke up with nightmares about being trapped in very small spaces. I had in my head that I was visiting someone's house,
Starting point is 03:44:24 and to get from room to room, there was a tunnel that I could barely squeeze into with my shoulders and my chest. It was like this claustrophobia nightmare. I don't know if I'll adjust to it or just not, but we'll see. Either way, you should vlog about it. It's way too hot. After a little bit, it gets really hot. At least the one I have.
Starting point is 03:44:45 You have a weighted heated blanket? I don think i want to heat it just waited okay i don't think i would like any of that because like i i don't like the idea of a big that big heavy thing on me i want to be able to leap out of bed in a hurry if i need to oh this is the opposite of that if i needed to catch you, I might use this blanket. That's why she bought it for you. This was a hunting gift, she thought. You're supposed to be throwing this thing out the back. I don't want that.
Starting point is 03:45:15 It was only for a couple times. I remember sitting there and it was annoying because I have to put the leg down, my foot rests on my couch, take the blanket off, and I get re- resituated if I get up to pee. And it's annoying as shit. I think mine weighs about the same, like 30, 35 pounds. I'm sitting there watching whatever, and I'm like,
Starting point is 03:45:32 I guess I don't have to pee yet. Are you sure it's supposed to be that heavy? It's based on the person. A kid would have a lighter one. A girl would have, oh, I don't know. That's what they say. Yeah, but could possibly you maybe have gone too far like this is a machismo thing you're like i got the heaviest weighted blanket it was
Starting point is 03:45:50 it was a surprise gift to me i had the i my dumb ass didn't even ask why yeah maybe like like a lighter one would have been nicer i'm imagining a 35 pound blanket on me and it's making me a little bit claustrophobic all right it's too heavy of a blanket and if you if you want to fold down the blanket like because you don't want to sit there with it up to here all day you want to have it like folded over your legs then now you've got a lot more pressure on there and it's gone from a weighted blanket to actively uncomfortable and hot but so far my grandma would be it weighs too much yes my grandma would i think it's crochet uh these really big blankets like like you know it's it's yarn but and you might think well yarn
Starting point is 03:46:38 doesn't weigh much crochet a king size blanket out of yarn and it it didn't weigh 35 this way 25 i had it wrong it's my probably waste i think it's a good like like when this blanket was folded not only was it massive but it was heavy like 15 20 pounds no exaggeration and i just remember thinking like this is too much like my legs feel trapped in under this like like i can't get away like i like to kick the covers around sometimes like if i get too hot i like to be able to like kick my leg out and like maybe be half covered and you know when you get an x-ray and they give you that like chest to nut sort of lead thing yeah it kind of feels like that that's roughly what my blanket is and when you lay it on top
Starting point is 03:47:22 of yourself like you know how usually you have your blanket over your legs look down you can see your toes and like a tent is created sticking up and it's a long run like it doesn't with a weighted blanket it immediately is suctioned to you because it weighs so much and so it's like it's like you're in like one of those food saving machines and you suck all the air out and it just sucks onto you. It's really not great. Oh, so I have the opposite. I loved it.
Starting point is 03:47:51 Until the nightmares, of course. But prior to the nightmares, I was just like, this is my new life. Like, this is so great. Maybe we can get a couch thing for you. We talked about this earlier, Woody. This was like when you had
Starting point is 03:48:05 the home invasion as a kid right you just need therapy you keep the blanket and you ask her to pitch in for some free therapy somewhere and then you just take care of that i need therapy for your gift i wonder if i'm like stab proof under my weighted blanket blanket like if you can you pierce it yeah yeah hopefully you never find out you would be that's the filthy defense be like you know what really put me at mind put my mind that's filthy mind if you like fucking jump up on the bed where i'm sleeping and try to stab me with it and then i'll wake up from my nightmare of tiny houses and passages to a woman stabbing me with the blanket and that will make it better i can't. I need a bulletproof blanket.
Starting point is 03:48:46 That's what I need. It would be heavy and safe. Wait, that exists? I guarantee. It's just such a good idea that there's no way that it doesn't. I guarantee that's a thing. They make bulletproof backpacks, bulletproof notebooks. They absolutely make bulletproof...
Starting point is 03:49:02 Oh, yeah. They do make bulletproof blankets. Oh, Demolition Ranch did a video. Does a bulletproof uh oh yeah they do make bulletproof blankets oh demolition ranch did a video does a bulletproof blanket actually work my guess is it's gonna stop like 45 acp and below and no way in hell it stops anything rifle related or pointy it's gonna i mean think about who it's who is this is it like does the pope sleep under these who is actually using these uh people gun guys who have too much terrible nightmares so i i think kyle's right ish i the blanket that maybe use a blanket is probably a pistol defense some of these blankets don't look like they're for sleeping. Like they're maybe for making this wall bulletproof. Like a
Starting point is 03:49:48 portable bulletproof area that makes it better. Okay. I shouldn't call this blanket. It looks like just a folding wall. My green screen is bulletproof. I doubt it. Nerf dartproof. Don't rely on that when some crazy guy
Starting point is 03:50:04 with a hammer... Quick, quick honey behind the green screen yeah behind the green screen they can't see us he's a burglar their vision is based on movement hiding in your kitchen looking at the glass of water start shaking coming through i got a green screen colored t-shirt for my streams we'll see if that's any fun that nice i saw someone his name's wubby on twitch he does it with like a green man suit but only this much is cut out and so it's just his like floating. I don't want to like go full love handles, green man suit and ring the gong.
Starting point is 03:50:56 We're taking all the effects off. No, I'm not secure enough for that. It was rough enough in the dangle costume. You should, I mean, well, I mean, you would disappear. Ah, nevermind. That wouldn't work with the gong i guess yeah you have to kind of pick between gong
Starting point is 03:51:10 or green screen right or do you turn it different my wife and i joked about that for uh one of the streams to have her like bring a drink and like in one of those fucking green screen costumes so like the drink would just float over and appear and then i'd grab it that's a great idea that'd be a lot of fun idea too thank you ghost oh speaking of green screens kyle you just flashed one yeah this is real camera thing yeah the camera thing yeah none of this is real i'm uh i'm actually already in colorado don't tell anyone arrested in texas you intentionally choose the most milk toast background just to make it easy. Yeah, I saw a Reddit little clip, like video the other day, and the guy was talking about like how you could fake things. And he's like, he had like a pen.
Starting point is 03:51:57 I think first he was like, first of all, this isn't even my face. And his face changed to a different face. And he's like, it's just face mapping. See, I take this marker and I put all these dots on my face and it tracks those. By the face and he's like what it's just face mapping see i take this marker and i put all these dots on my face and it tracks those by the way this marker also not real um that background behind me also not real and guess what this this still isn't my real face and that face goes away it's just like oh my god i've been a program the whole time yeah i saw that too kyle it's really really good and it opens my eyes to the possibilities
Starting point is 03:52:26 of fake news now now i don't know that we've seen a lot this cycle you know it used to be if it was a picture you couldn't trust it but if it was a video you kind of could because that's harder to fake that's definitely not true anymore or audio recordings specifically because then you don't even need like any context because then you'd be like all right well when did he say this and like no this is like a uh secret recording from this is a phone call trump made like if you heard an audio recording of trump saying something and and just sources leaked this uh audio recording of president trump talking to the premier of taiwan today you would believe it i would i would and you know if i but if i see a video of him i'm like where is this believe it i would i would and you know if i but if i see a video of him i'm like where is this when would when would this happen why is that why is this the only copy of this video that exists
Starting point is 03:53:10 why are there no other news networks there but if you've just got the audio i think that's even more like like trick trick like effective and it'd be easier to feel like i feel like it'd be easier to fuck with the audio than a whole video i think you often have low expectations for audio too. If I see a really shitty video, I'll be like, what's happening here? Why is this so much worse than my phone? If I hear shitty audio, it's like, well, I'm used to microphones in pockets or hidden or not near close enough to the source, stuff like that. Yeah. Sounds like my job here is done then, Woody.
Starting point is 03:53:44 Is it fixed that was so good right there your audio was so perfect in the last five seconds i don't know i don't know if it's any better i did change some settings midway through but who knows yeah this guy lost a bunch of weight is getting scrotum skin taken off for nipple reconstruction that's all right man I don't need a link for that. You can just keep that one to yourself. You don't want to see? I don't need to see scrotal nip, man. I don't know if you should do it in the video. Let me see.
Starting point is 03:54:12 You've seen one. You've seen them all, right, Kyle? No, I didn't. I don't need to see that. Well, for science, you should probably link it. That's a good question. So last year I wanted to. I don't mean to overstate it, and maybe you do because I talk about it a lot, but I get this seasonal effect disorder. I'm sure you know
Starting point is 03:54:30 what's up with that. But for listeners, some people just get a little sad in the winter, right? Not enough sunshine, not enough outdoor time. And depression is maybe overstated, but not too far off. Okay. So that's me every winter. And last year I was like, I'm going to get some vacations in, right? I'm going to go probably paragliding Mexico, Columbia, wherever it is, and recharge my solar batteries and just get some like relief from the winter. If I were to spend one or two weeks once or twice over the winter, then North Carolina is not that bad in the first place, right? Winter goes from December to February. Four weeks out of that and you'll be
Starting point is 03:55:12 okay. But then COVID came and I didn't do anything. And now I'm looking at it and it's like, well, I'm sort of done with COVID. We broke a new record in America yesterday in terms of cases. with COVID, we broke a new record in America yesterday in terms of cases. COVID's not done with us. So where am I on this spectrum? What's smart? Are you doing traveling? What do you think? So my parents are down in Florida. My mom, I haven't seen them since December of last year. My mom is pushing real hard for me to come down for that. And they're both in their 70s. And my dad's a smoker and, you know, underlying kind of risk for this shit. And my mom's a health nut, right? So, you know, degrees.
Starting point is 03:55:53 She was a midwife, but has cared about health and this type of thing all along. And she's advocating for me to drive down. Wants us to kind of like semi-quarantine ahead and then drive down, which is a fucking bitch of a drive. It's like 20-something hours or something. But she seems to think that's going to be reasonably safe. And when you look at the way this stuff is transmitted, I'm not so worried about contact surfaces quite as much anymore, right? This is much more like aerosol, like breathe the shit for any length of time stuff.
Starting point is 03:56:18 So it's not like we wouldn't be a risk factor for them. But I think her idea is if we're semi-quarantined ahead of time, driving down isn't that much of a risk. My brother's done some stuff. He's rented, him and his wife have rented some like beach things where they'll go in and they'll just like wipe down the like beach rental before as they go into that. And then they're fine. They found that to be comforted. That's comfortable enough for them. And then they get their beach trip. Like don't go near people, you know, just the two of them kind of deal, but they get to get out, some sunshine get some experience and that sounded
Starting point is 03:56:47 kind of really nice to me just the idea of getting away a little bit sounded kind of nice i like thinking about it i've got a couple trips planned for florida there's a little exposure in that you know i'll hang out with maybe five people i don't normally hang out with but that's five people you know it's a ton. And that I will do. It's the flights, probably multiple, to someplace like Columbia. I really doubt there's a direct from Raleigh to Columbia. So, I mean, that's hundreds of people in a little area, which is a plane. That seems like a recipe for trouble.
Starting point is 03:57:24 Yeah, I'm really not sold on air travel right now yet. Maybe that's too cautious. And know i've seen i've seen and i've seen studies both ways like i saw the one uh study published like i saw the one like linked by like the airline stuff we're like oh it's not not particularly contagious through here then i saw one talking about like the transmission of the virus actually on passengers through a plane i'm just like yeah that sounds like not where i want to be right now and some people look at it through a lens of like i'm scared of covid i'm just like yeah it sounds like not where i want to be right now and some people look at it through a lens of like i'm scared of covid i'm actually not like if i was a single guy i'd feel much differently i'm really like how would i feel if i got jackie sick what how would i feel if the
Starting point is 03:57:58 one percent chance jackie died or colin or hope or that baby we watch. Like that's the, that's the sense of responsibility I have. If it was just me coming back to an empty apartment after the travel, I would do it in a heartbeat. I think another part of me also wants this to end. And I feel like this has been prolonged by people being irresponsible. And part of me is kind of like, well, fuck, I would like to go back to a life with less of a COVID threat restricting so many of my fucking activities. So can I can I make do with what I need to do in my life while still restricting as much as possible?
Starting point is 03:58:33 Probably a lot of things are never going to go back to normal. Like a lot of places, masks are just a thing we're going to be doing now. We're never going to get physical menus back in restaurants, which I hate. I hate taking a picture of that QR code and looking it on my phone. I'm different on my opinion. In my head, Taylor, it's like, oh, hopefully sometime this year or very early next year, a vaccine
Starting point is 03:58:53 exists that we can get and then just be like, alright, I exist in a post-COVID world. I've been vaccinated. Maybe. That would be probably the best option. Yeah, that's the hope that's the hope i have as well but then you see like and like filthy was saying you never know what the fuck to believe with this stuff because it'll be like fucking vaccine on the way final touches
Starting point is 03:59:15 and then some other guy who seems to know his shit will be like that's beyond ridiculous we're just now sequencing xyz figuring this we're not gonna we can't release it until we actually test it run it make sure it works i'm outside my death but it's my impression that they've already figured it out they're just testing different dosages you know how little can they use and still be effective for different sized people and uh that's hard to do quickly because we're talking about human trials you know like i i can't tell you how this guy is going to respond over the next year in one month. Right. That's the treatment that they that they gave Trump like some some doctors talking about like, yeah, we're we're seeing really good luck with that. I don't think that's like a vaccine. Obviously, it's a treatment for once you have it.
Starting point is 04:00:01 Right now, I read that better. It's not as good. for once you have it right now i read that better it's not as good now work for trump right so let's not pretend it it's nothing but i read that like it's not the silver bullet and the yeah fda but he's a he's an obese 74 year old like if it helps him it helps most right it helped a lot of people instantly better each other right so like they made such a big deal out of him like breathing heavily you remember it was called no i don't remember off the top of my head it was some like drug cocktail yeah it was a few things there's the oh eight drugs i'll say this that caffeine wore off about an hour ago and i am draining you're falling off well we are right near the finish line my friend i'm going straight to bed after this we actually just crossed four hours if you're tuckered out yeah
Starting point is 04:00:52 it's filthy where can everybody go to find you forward slash filthy robot is where to find me otherwise youtube filthy robot will find me twitter filthy underscore robot all the normal places i hang out do a lot of games support filthy he's thank you he's in a fucking office like the best part about like like being a twitch streamer or a content creator or youtuber is like man but i make my own hours and i work from home i can roll out of bed take five steps and i'm in the office and they've taken that from you that sucks right now in the office is on a corridor the corridor is pitch black because it's all motion we see behind you which will enter into another room it's not behind me in front of me so i mean i can rotate the camera sure there's just a wall behind you oh i see
Starting point is 04:01:40 oh see the light in the back how it's pitch black out there because i'm the only one waiting room oh that's so fucking miserable sunday's like no one's here yeah we really appreciate you coming out being on the show oh it means that much more now like support to filthy on twitch filthy i have worked in offices like that you know and there's days where you're the last one there i feel you bro all right pka 516

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