Painkiller Already - PKA 517 w Harley Morenstein - Nate Burrell Ends, Cold War Zombies, Subreddit of the Week

Episode Date: November 18, 2020


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Starting point is 00:00:00 pka 517 our guest harley will be here in about an hour and hour and a half maybe something like that and taylor yes this episode of pka is brought to you by the national highway traffic safety administration express vpn and postmates so tune in for some exciting messages there we're looking forward to harley coming out and he's a big gamer so we can talk about this with him too but there's we were saying before you know we're having some talk about this with him too but there's we're saying before you know we're having some issues with kyle's audio but it's gaming season right now kyle got me excited just yesterday or maybe it was today you were like hey i just bought the new call of duty and i'm gonna grind on zombies tonight and i was like is tonight the night that
Starting point is 00:00:40 it comes out and so i actually went before watching any footage of the new zombies i bought it and then i started watching some new footage on youtube of it and it looks like a lot of fun and i watched like a full-on review and the guy even said like it's really hard like these are going to be some tough easter eggs that's kind of the rumor out there compared to the other ones but a lot of it's just grinding and getting enough points so apparently you can do really well just grinding it out and playing kind of more traditional and not having to do the the easter eggs is like a necessity to get past level 30 or whatever yeah i'm excited yeah the ones were am i i'm sounding okay now though you said okay okay i was afraid like a thing had broken like while you're doing the fucking intro no no yeah i'm in my i'm in my bedroom right now so what happened um funny story if you're not me
Starting point is 00:01:26 uh my my my air conditioning went out like four days ago and maybe five days ago and at first i didn't care because it's november and it was like 70 low 70s like at the high as a high and at night it would get really chilly so i didn't mind i could sleep fine and i figured like i'm not even gonna worry about it it's about to be winter but then it got hot it's been hot every day and uh i'm renting this place after uh after my little uh arrest i sold that house and moved out here and the plan was to rent a place until i was free and clear and then move to a uh a nicer region of the country and buy a house there. So that's what I'm doing. And so I can't just get it repaired myself.
Starting point is 00:02:11 I could, but I'm not even sure if I'm supposed to. But I did anyway. I called. I had a repairman come out today, and he looks at it. He's like, oh, yeah, you need a whole new unit. That's what you want to hear. All right, well, I'm not paying for a whole new unit and that's what you want to hear all right well i'm not paying for a whole new unit like like like for those of you in europe who maybe have like shitty window acs like the one that i have right now um that's not what we're talking we're talking
Starting point is 00:02:34 about like central air conditioning like eight twelve thousand dollar units so um i i'm still waiting on the rental people to send a repairman out who will inevitably inevitably be like oh yeah need a whole new unit and then god knows how long that'll take so i went to walmart and i bought a 120 150 like little bitty window unit and i stuck it in my bedroom because i figured at the time that it would be fixed by now but then like right before the show like maybe an hour before the show i i walked to the the rest of my house because i've been quarantined inside the quarantine in my bedroom here and it's so fucking hot in the rest of the house like the thermostat's on so i can see it's 80 degrees it's 90 humidity that's terrible they wouldn't stand
Starting point is 00:03:24 for that in like Guantanamo. That's horrific. And so basically, you just went out and bought a little survival kit in the form of a cheap AC unit to just get you through the next... Are you wishing you went higher end on the AC? Is it keeping up okay? Does it have a thermostat where you can choose the temp or just... No, it has just the knobs for high and low.
Starting point is 00:03:43 Honestly, I went tomart to buy a fan because again i thought this was gonna be really short term i'm like i'll just get a little fan and then i saw this sitting there in this little tiny box and it was the only one they even had and i was like 100 i think it's 125 that's not bad like that's a night that's a if i in the past i've gone to hotel rooms when it would get really shitty, like when the AC would go out. I'm like, that's the cost of a hotel room. So I just grabbed it. In retrospect, maybe I should have gotten like a $400 one or something, and maybe I could even cool the living room.
Starting point is 00:04:14 Of course, my living room is expansive. But you moved all your tech stuff into this room you're currently in, right? How did that take a while? It took exactly 42 minutes of like all the time go go go mode like i started at 5 55 p.m we record here at 7 p.m and i don't like being late i don't like people waiting on me so like i'm every time i pass my phone that's sitting on the couch i look at it like eight more minutes have gone by i'm I'm just like, oh, my God, dripping sweat. I'm just like sweat is pouring down my back.
Starting point is 00:04:50 I can feel the droplets dropping. Shirt's off now. I'm just drenched. It's dripping off of me everywhere. My hair's wet because I'm just trying to get all this shit in here because it's more than you might think. It's the PC. I've got a big desk. I don't remember the the exact model but it's one of those adjustable desks it's like really wide and it concaves in in the middle so you can get extra far into it it's all
Starting point is 00:05:13 hardwood and heavy steel it weighs about 130 pounds or something like that and i'm not going to take this i didn't have time to take it apart i've done that in the past i don't have time so i'm like walking through the house with this thing trying to like canty corner it through I didn't have time to take it apart. I've done that in the past. I don't have time. His drum is like, oh! So I'm walking through the house with this thing, trying to canty corner it through doors and passageways. And it's getting stuck and stuff. And the longer I have this door open, it's like in the movie Alien,
Starting point is 00:05:40 when they have to suck the alien into space. And we're losing oxygen. We're losing oxygen. We've got to get this thing in there, or we're all going to die. And finally, I got it in here, got it all set up. I literally just turned the shower on to cold. I just got into it on full blast cold
Starting point is 00:05:51 and it felt wonderful. I took the coldest shower I've ever taken in my life and loved every second of it and didn't even want to get out. I got out shivering and then stood in this room naked for five minutes as I finished setting up and it was wonderful.
Starting point is 00:06:04 Then I had to put clothes on. Now you have to wear clothes for the next four hours clothing optional podcast really i'm not wearing any pants or underwear so there's that i was hoping i believe you that sucks i empathize because i can picture how sweaty i would be in that situation it was so fucking sweaty so fucking sweaty yeah it's it's man ac is the most important thing ac and water are like the two most important things you can go without everything else i think it's not a big deal maybe not water just internet and ac maybe the two most very important but i can talk i can like a tether i can tether to my phone you know i internet went out the other night i was like all right cell phone plan you're about to take an ass fucking
Starting point is 00:06:44 yeah i got like eight more episodes of justified to watch and that's at least two gigs an episode i have uh unlimited data no i have no idea i have a lot of data and it if you don't use it all it rolls over the next month so like what tends to happen is a few months in we have an we have an excess and then every so often i'll go on a trip to a place with no like wi-fi and i use it all up and when that happens our data plan goes from whatever fast is i don't know to trickling slow like a tenth of a megabit and it's like all right family you're all getting fucked because i'm watching netflix until the family's out of data that's just our life until the next month yeah i've been on the same family plan with unlimited data since i got like my second cell phone in like 2006 or something and
Starting point is 00:07:37 that's when they were still offering the unlimited data and everything because they didn't know you'd be watching netflix on there at some point and And so I have to remind my grandma every so often, no matter what they say, do not change the plan, because they will come in with offers and, oh, whoa, this and that. And it's like, no, we've got them over a barrel. We do whatever we want. Just leave it. You're on your grandmother's plan?
Starting point is 00:08:02 I have been since I was 14. Yeah. Yeah, they've got one of those family plans with like eight phones connected to it. Yeah, back then, remember, it was like, the more people you add, the cheaper it becomes. And now at this point, it's just like four of us on there, I think, because a lot of people have dropped off.
Starting point is 00:08:16 But I'm not giving it up. Hell no. If she dies, I will take over that plan. Pay it in her stead. In her stead. I don't know if that's fraud, but it's worth it. That's how we won 2020. Yeah, let's just try it.
Starting point is 00:08:31 Everybody's frauding it out. That's where we should go. What better way? Three years now. Making sure that I can YouTube whenever I want on the road. Doesn't it get super slow? I know you want to speak. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:08:43 No, they don't throttle. Mine's great. He's grandfathered in on a plan that predates 3G. I can be on a highway in the middle of Nebraska and I can be streaming anything on YouTube and it's fine. AT&T. And apparently
Starting point is 00:08:59 I got in before AT&T went to absolute shit. I guess I was 14 in 2005, so this is an old plan. We're making them eat it. So we're taking our piece back. But anyway, I was watching, like I was saying, those zombie videos. Kyle, I assume you've been watching quite a few more. No.
Starting point is 00:09:19 Or not really. I just watched the zombie trailer, like the teaser or whatever. And I only did, like you, I bought the game before I even watched the trailer. Because I don't remember who messaged me earlier and said they were going to, oh, Mitty. Mitty messaged me early in the day. And he was like, hey, we're all preloading Nazi zombies. We're going to play zombies tonight, maybe even the campaign in a couple know, you should get it. And I was like, yeah, absolutely. So I went into the, the, the dungeon that's my office that was 82 degrees at that point of the
Starting point is 00:09:53 day. And, uh, and, and, you know, preloaded it. And then I texted you guys like, Hey, preload this thing, save 80 gigs worth of time. If you go ahead and click the button now. And yeah, I, uh uh i watched the trailer after that and it looks fucking cool it looks to me like um i saw a perk machine which i like like the perk colas and all that shit and i saw some pretty fucking cool special weapons some sort of giant like cannon that shot a big blue uh like orb of destruction and then i saw like some sort of thing where like they shot a ray gun on the floor and then the floor made
Starting point is 00:10:28 almost like in Ghostbusters, the trap they use to catch the ghosts. It did an effect like that. Then the coolest thing, I don't know if they had it in prior zombies, any of them that maybe I missed, but a guy calls in a kill streak. He gets out the laptop
Starting point is 00:10:44 and do-do-do-do-do-do and a chopper goes, kill streak. He like gets out the laptop and doodly doodly doop. And a fucking chop and a chopper gun goes like, we're coming, we're on the way. And you're like, Oh shit, the chopper gun is coming. And then you're in control of the chopper gun or like over the battlefield, like mowing zombies down, helping your buddies out who are all kind of backed into a corner. It was, it was a really good trailer. It got me pumped. And yeah, I'm down to play some fucking zombies, man, down to grind it out it out i've i've kind of mastered vermintide as it were and i'm i'm kind of ready for something new
Starting point is 00:11:10 well this will be a lot harder to master than vermintide oh i don't know about that well because you never really master it until you get to level like 100 oh fuck that fuck that you don't have 14 hours to play? I know you do. I do. The last iteration of Zombies, we got good enough so that it was one of those things where it'd be like 5, 6 in the morning, and we'd go like,
Starting point is 00:11:36 hey, I'm kind of tired. You guys just want to back into a corner and let them come at us and see how long we can hold out? and they're like yeah yeah i'm tired too so we would just like instead of training our zombies in our respective corners of the map we'd all go into one like hidey hole and like let them come at us full force and then just have a last stand and we'd and sometimes we'd win again we'd win that right and it'd be
Starting point is 00:12:01 like oh my god well good night like no now we're going to level 45 like like but somewhere in the in the 40s and 50s like i guess that's true there's a point where you can just decide all right like i'm quitting out of boredom not because it's too hard and something about this one that seems cool is like you know how every i think every other iteration of it was like those four weirdos land they're like we will kill all the zombies like and they're doing their little thing like rick toffin and the rest this one apparently it's like you're still connected to the military and it's like you're a member of a team and they drop you in and like you go like you still have communication with them so i guess that makes sense with the kill streaks and they give you information there's a heads up like there's a
Starting point is 00:12:43 little mini map that tells you when they're following you and everything i don't remember did they have that in the other ones like uh telling you that the zombies are following you mini map not this one it seemed that they were red all the time like indicating where you should run but it it looks like a lot of fun i'm i'm looking forward and it we can play it tonight at midnight right if i'm able as far as i understand yeah yeah yeah if i'm able to even keep my eyes open i'll play some tonight and i think i read somewhere maybe i misunderstood but there was going to be like a co-op mode where maybe it's just two players playing zombies or i didn't see that maybe and like you're going through multiplayer missions or something i didn't really understand what i was reading your guns rank up so like if you use
Starting point is 00:13:23 the m16 or whatever in zombies a lot then it ranks up in multiplayer too which well i don't really care about i think it's the attachments because like and that was in the last one in the last one that i played i think i remember that like if you use the m4 for example and you got like every few hundred kills you unlocked an attachment for it and and that way like as soon as you pick up an m4 in the game in the zombies game it would just automatically have your red dot on it so you could like pre-load the the gun up to have that must be what it is red dot and grip and whatever else you put on there different stocks different different camos
Starting point is 00:13:59 and stuff and the last one i played was the the gumball one where you'd like chew the gumballs and everything and it was like semi-random like i yes i did not like that didn't like that either i didn't like when they took a juggernaut away well the juggernaut or juggernaut whatever is back so that's good news yeah you need that like like it's it's it's fine like through round 25 without juggernaut but at some point you're just dealing with an ocean of zombies for 20 minutes at a time it's you're gonna get something i would say so it takes more than two hits to down you now apparently like you have a little health bar and it tells you how low you are and this is just from like two videos that i watch another thing all the zombies have health bars and apparently that's
Starting point is 00:14:43 the thing that you want to immediately turn off because it's just really immersion ruining and just you don't want to see just a horde of red bars running at you you know like i think even if you turn it off you still get a little update like one of those fading like pop-ups that show how low it currently is sure and there's a lot of special zombies i saw some special weapon that's like the souls or brain sucker or something that like it's all red and like you're sucking souls out of their heads and brains dying every zombie has a health bar could that be a boss zombie of some sort no it was every zombie the video i was watching the guy specifically said he's like yeah that seeing every zombie with a health bar was
Starting point is 00:15:18 kind of cool but after about like one minute i was like this is ridiculous so i'll just leave it on the boss and apparently there is a setting turn it off for everything but the boss zombies yeah i've been playing with a mod on vermintide that does that it puts a it puts a health bar on every single rat and at times it's like oh my god but it is really helpful to like know that like oh yeah i can just like tap this one and he'll die this one's full health so you can kind of decide who you want to fight and when. Like, oh, yeah, that big guy's at full health. We really need to focus him down.
Starting point is 00:15:48 Or this guy can just sort of karate chop and move along. I saw there was some sort of a special, I don't know if it was a boss or maybe just like a special zombie of some kind, but it was like a guy in like a radiation suit that was glowing green and like shot some sort of green shit out of his mouth. That looked cool. I like special zombies. I like the idea of special zombies left for dead really nails that with uh with you know all those all those awful fucking like like no you don't want to find any of them whether it's a witch or like the the smoker or or any of that shit you're just like
Starting point is 00:16:21 all right it's a different kind of annoyance here it is i like um i think you could argue in left for dead if you go down sometimes it's not your fault right the greatest player in the world will sometimes get smoked you know and uh and that just means you like it really means you have to play together as a team yeah vermitide's like that too you know like an assassin can just like come out of nowhere even the most aware aware player like it can leap from across the map and just like and like jump on you and you're just pinned you know it's not something you can you might be dealing with a horde of some sort when the freaking tornado comes at you in vermintide and yeah you weren't mobile at that time you had a horde on you yeah it's really fun when like all the little pink fucking rats get sucked into the storm and you just look and they're just in a tornado of
Starting point is 00:17:09 destruction is yeah i think i'll wait a while to kill this one this is kind of fun is your is their health lowering i thought maybe oh yeah it's killing they're dying yeah that's yeah which yeah it's great yeah i'm excited man like like i don't give a shit about the multiplayer i i don't think i'm alone in that i don't i don't really carry it i i really don't i bet vavity uh vavity is one of our 50 patrons he's one of the best fucking call of duty multiplayer players in the world i don't think that's an exaggeration i agree like he's outrageous like have you seen him play i've ever seen yeah i saw him 1v1 against larry the strong larry the strong is good at shooters he's very good at shooters that was bullying yeah how much vomiting is that good my i've been out of the game so long
Starting point is 00:17:54 i don't know he told us he was good he's like yeah i'm uh currently ranked top 10th of one percent in the world and kills or katie or whatever it is and it was like damn that seems really high and then i saw it in action like oh my gosh he did like yeah if you expose a pixel of yourself to him he'll snipe it and the uh i guess a lot of those guys play with him uh and they play what's the fucking like the new mode in the in the war Warzone. It shows how disconnected I am. And fishing those guys. They're average at best, I suppose. And they'd be like, yeah, we would all die. And then he would just clutch and kill everything and get us all back in the game. He'd do that two, three times a game. After a while, it's just like,
Starting point is 00:18:43 we can go we can just leave that's great i need him on my team it's like when you go to help someone like like do a project and you realize that they're an actual carpenter and what you can carry lumber you're just you're like what i got all the two by fours here and he's he's fucking miter sawing some fucking joint over there. And you're just like, that's a miter saw. I've heard that name before. I thought you needed someone to carry heavy buckets.
Starting point is 00:19:14 Exactly. We were, yeah, we had a miscommunication somewhere. I was, I was, I was Twitch streaming. Cool.
Starting point is 00:19:21 And then someone's, I was wrapping up and they're like, what do you should raid this guy? David something. He's a fan of yours. And thought yeah sure whatevs and um he's a bigger twitch streamer i think he maybe had 2500 people before i raided him so you know a successful bigger guy bigger than i am and he was so excited about getting raided and then you know he's like oh my god guys guys i just got raided by by woody's gamer tag and one of them was like oh my god for real you're joking for real and the other one was
Starting point is 00:19:51 like who the fuck is woody's gamer tag and they almost kicked him out of the game for not knowing and they're like i remember mail monday first time i'm having sex woody gave advice on how to last longer i'm counting i'm counting forwards back Woody gave advice on how to last longer. I'm counting. I'm counting forwards back. The actual advice was to give math, but he just counted, I guess, since math. Counting works, too. They're both boring.
Starting point is 00:20:15 Not everyone can do long division. And it's like, oh, this is my contribution to the next generation of gamers. They last longer in bed. Well, my work here is done. My contribution is bigger loads. I have added a new compound to the load stack, Taylor. Don't say anything. Don't blow your load. Proprietary.
Starting point is 00:20:35 About your rating story, Woody. Is it for size or taste? There was no one online for me to rate. I usually do you or someone else. People are like, hey, T-Pain is on. And I'm like, the rapper from 20 years like 15 years ago and i was like all right well nobody's online i guess we're hey guys we're rating t-pain t-pain i went over there and he did not go oh my goodness who's this like wow woody's gamer he was like what the this is fucking weird and then just like went back to making music dude they wanted me to
Starting point is 00:21:06 raid t-pain and i'm like no no t-pain's not gonna hit it back t-pain's not gonna raid me in reverse at some point like well yeah but you should still raid people at the end right let's just kind of like paint it forward i'm just picking who i want to raid right i would sooner raid uh i don't know someone in our ecosystem than T-Pain. I feel you. It's just like it gets to where I was like, do I want to raid Landmark? And I was like, based on, you know, the reception to that one, that might not be nice. Landmark raided me.
Starting point is 00:21:39 Landmark, people don't know he's a very big streamer. So when he takes his 8,000 people and raids me, well, welcome to my biggest dream of the month. Yeah, biggest dream ever. All right, well, that's good to know, Kyle. I'm glad you got your nose to the grindstone. What is the impact of that thing? More come. About two jewels. I've been measuring the impact.
Starting point is 00:22:01 It's quite a lot of energy displacement. I've been using steel targets. I like to hear the dream when i hit them that's a good line but i guess i was like does it make it does it make it taste better does it make it just more ejaculate you know i don't know what each component does. I know that one of them in particular increased pre-cum. Just lots of pre-cum. And I want to say that was...
Starting point is 00:22:31 This is dangerous for Taylor. I know which one it is, but I don't want to blow my mind. I think it's the ones that deal with prostate. I think PyGem is great for pre-cum. You were the one last week, like, listen to that, listen to that. I'm very confused. Is pre-c. You were the one last week like, listen to that. I'm very confused.
Starting point is 00:22:48 Is pre-com desirable or not? I just feel like the pre-com is adding to the total volume. We're really getting things flowing from the get-go. Start measuring early. Right, okay. It's a total volume thing we're going for.
Starting point is 00:22:57 It's a total volume thing is what I'm going for. And I don't know. I've only been on this new component for two days. I just added this after doing a little more research. Um, and for anybody who wants an update, like, like, um, the, the designers working on, uh, some label alterations that, uh, that, that Taylor had for him, uh, and, and we're waiting
Starting point is 00:23:20 on him to get back to us right now. Um, but, but, you know, there was, they sent us an initial design and i thought it was okay but um i think we can improve upon it you know we're gonna change the color layout and um a few other little things but yeah moving forward i'm excited about it it's gonna be really cool my girlfriend is gonna love it i mean she already she knows i told her what a great idea was and she was she was like, that is a good idea. Your fans will absolutely buy a cum supplement. And I was like, I know!
Starting point is 00:23:52 I feel like our fans would buy a fart supplement, though, right? I can't believe it makes the biggest farts ever! Alright, man, I'm sold! You got anything to make them stinkier? Yeah, more meat! Goddamn right we do! I got a bachelor party coming up.
Starting point is 00:24:08 Let us know if you'll buy the fart supplement. We'll get right on that after this. It's just protein powder. That's all it is. I mean, those protein powder. Bean curd. Oh, bean curd. That would get you good.
Starting point is 00:24:21 Refried beans. Any kind of beans really gets me going with gas. Refried beans are the worst. Yeah. I don't even like them. I love them. It's just a weird paste. And it's like this.
Starting point is 00:24:34 I don't know. I love it. Refried beans are one of my favorite things in the world. That little cheese on top. Good stuff. Some rice. Taco Bell bean burritos. Yeah. My grandma's burritos. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:45 My grandma's husband was Honduran. So, you know, on Sundays, instead of like traditional, like Southern, like fried chicken kind of thing, it would be like, you know, Mexican food. It'd be like refried beans that you'd make from scratch and Mexican rice and taco meat and stuff like that. So your grandmother's husband. My grandpa was a butcher. That's why I have high cholesterol. What was that, Woody? your grandmother's grandpa was a butcher that's why i have high cholesterol was that what he your grandmother's husband's not your grandfather uh no well she's dead um but but um my my grandfather had died many years before and she had remarried oh okay yeah he was this abusive alcoholic piece of shit kind of guy
Starting point is 00:25:21 and it could have been my grandfather too then this sounds like both of mine both of them two for two yeah we've talked about this before yeah yeah my mother's father uh abusive alcoholic slapped my grandmother in the ear and she was deaf in that ear for the rest of her life and uh he ran off to dallas texas where we found out in the very early days of the internet we were able to find out that he had died there i remember i remember my mom being like clickety click click like oh your grandpa's dead huh that was it none of us cared none of us cared and how long have you been out of your life at that point i'd never met him i never met him okay and then my father's father also an abusive alcoholic i remember my dad told me this story one time he was just like i think i had pointed a bb gun at someone and my dad like took the bb gun from me he was a little mad he's like
Starting point is 00:26:10 he's like i did this when i was a kid one time and you know what my daddy did he took that bb gun and he raised it up and he went don't ever do this and i could tell that was his way of saying he beat the shit out of me with the bb gun jesus christ like like just an abusive act he died of cirrhosis of the liver at 35 you're lucky though yeah so i'm 34 my grandfather same story right i beat him you know there's like this family tale we tell through giggles of how he took my aunt and threw her into the wall and she stuck there and sat there like made a chair out of it and um uh anyway he was a abusive alcoholic and he also moved to texas but he didn't die so there was a point where he was out of everybody's life
Starting point is 00:26:59 for 15 20 years and they looked up because they never got divorced so she may have been entitled to like social security benefits or something if he was dead but he wasn't and everyone was disappointed what if we had the same grandfather what if we what if the story kept getting more yeah and he moved to dallas yeah mine too and then he died in like 1993 yeah mine too what what what if we i don't know what that would make us that it would make one of you guys cousins would have been the secret family and the other one would like if we both have the same grandfather yeah we'd be like cousins yeah yeah i don't think that's that's what happened
Starting point is 00:27:35 i don't think it is the odds are low it is either yeah did your parents go the opposite direction kyle like both of them were like all right the that booze sucked. I'm not doing that. I'm not going to drink so much. No, just responsible drinkers. You know, just like very rarely. Like there'd be maybe like a six pack of beer in the refrigerator, but never a 12 pack. Like my dad would buy a bottle of Crown Royal around like the holiday season, like around Christmas. And he jokingly called it his Christmas liquor.
Starting point is 00:28:02 And he would literally like sip on a bottle of Crown Royal throughout the entire month of December, you know, like maybe a shot every evening or something like that. Just like sip on it and, and never buy a second bottle. You know, just responsible drinkers, you know, if it was a barbecue or something, have three beers, that sort of thing. He'd get, he'd get a little lit when we played poker. He liked to, he liked to he
Starting point is 00:28:25 liked to like like he was really it was really because that was like a a social drinking kind of thing you know like like we're and we're literally in a bar for one thing like we're in a bar and uh we would both drink you know eight or twelve beers while we sat there that'll get good and get good and frosty yeah but uh but yeah never really had like a problem from either one of them um and you know i've always kind of never had an issue with it either i never really liked it very much i'm in the same spot i think we didn't i think it's had generational like impact around thoughts on drinking that didn't maybe are over with hope i don't know but like so my father would never touch alcohol he was like a zero alcohol type guy and as a teenager
Starting point is 00:29:13 or college kid i thought he was crazy maybe just you know wrong but after that left i became about the same i would never have alcohol if it wasn't for this show i promise you the last drink i had was on the show and i believe you because you it's really obvious that you just hate it where everybody else like even on the upswing where me and kyle be like ah ah feels pretty good right you're like no the last three times i've drank her on this show yeah no it's not it's not for me and um now hope is 21 right so she occasionally has a drink and uh i was like jaggy we're not buying this we are like that's it how did this get on the grocery list our grocery list now contains zero alcohol this is a mandate and that she put she put alcohol on the grocery list it was like the i guess the thought process was like
Starting point is 00:30:06 hey this isn't the senior year i dreamed of right i'm here i'm quarantined i'm taking classes over zoom and she would occasionally have friends over and try and replicate you know the college experience and i'm like yeah you can fucking replicate it with Monopoly and Sweet Tea. You're not having it. That's not even the high school experience. Oh, man. I had way easier than that in high school. We're going to have the middle school experience tonight. Monopoly's a little adult.
Starting point is 00:30:36 How about some Chutes and Ladders, girls? Chutes and Ladders? I'll join in. We can bake brownies. Taylor, just don't get too loud tonight and be like no yeah what was her request yeah i was gonna ask i don't even know what it was uh there was wine sometimes and something clear i don't know so are you just basically being like if you want to have your girlfriends over you're footing the bill yes for for the wine and the seltzers and whatever but i don't know i
Starting point is 00:31:06 think i'd pitch in for the wine really that's no like that's your choice i found that my enjoyment of wine is directly tied to the person i'm drinking it with where if like they're drinking it and they're like this is really good wine i'm like yeah i guess i guess so i guess it is good but it like i don really good wine. I'm like, yeah, I guess so. I guess it is good, but I don't know enough. So it's like I'm being fooled a bit, just other people's perception. The same way that movie Sideways with Paul Giamatti that came out in 2000.
Starting point is 00:31:34 Great movie. I love that movie. It is a great movie. First time I saw that, I don't even think I'd ever even had wine. Fantastic acting. What was the movie again? Sideways.
Starting point is 00:31:44 Sideways with Paul Giamatti. It's a drama. It's like a romantic comedy drama type thing. But fantastic acting. It made me love Paul Giamatti and that Asian lady with the face flattered in the stable. And he's pretty good. But, like, well, he rips on Merlot, which is, you know, a very popular kind of wine, I guess. And apparently, like, that next season of wine purchasing,
Starting point is 00:32:05 Merlot tanked and his Pinot Noir or whatever, what he liked, went up really high. And I was like, this whole sommelier thing is bullshit. Everybody's pretending. This is the cigar racket all over again. I don't think anybody enjoys cigars that much. I didn't know what the cigar racket was. It's because every time, like maybe once a year,
Starting point is 00:32:28 I'll go golfing with my dad or do something with my dad, and he'll be like, oh, cigars, because he apparently likes them. And it's every time I'm like, this is going to be the time. It's like, I get it. Never. It's always you get a third of the way through, and you're like, this is going to be another 45 minutes. I got really into cigars several years back.
Starting point is 00:32:49 We were in Vegas, and I don't remember which hotel. I never do. But they had a cigar bar downstairs that had a walk-in humidor, like a really fancy cigar place. And I went in, and I was looking at it. It smells really nice when you walk into one of those walk-in humidors tobacco smells great and i bought these they're not like the big fat fucking cigars i don't like those i feel like i'm sucking a cock which nothing wrong with that i just don't i mean not all day you know right right yeah if it's gonna be too slow it's not good yeah no and uh and so i would get the ones that are like i don't know they're big much bigger
Starting point is 00:33:30 than a cigarette they're kind of they're about the size like a swisher or something like that like an inky size yeah i get the cigarillos um you know they're still brown and i would get the flavored ones i'd get because that's what i wanted like i don't care what anybody thinks about my cigar purchase i would get vanilla and cherry and stuff like chocolate and coffee. And those were my favorite ones. And I would get like a dozen of each. I had them in my humidor at home. And I really liked them.
Starting point is 00:33:57 I would get nice and stoned. And I'd whip out one of those. And I had my fancy cigar cutter my fancy cigar uh lighter and punch and everything i got you know all the all the paraphernalia and uh you know offer them to my guests like wonderful if you're sitting next to somebody smoking a cigar like they really do smell nice taylor i agree completely i i didn't want to interrupt so i but i've been waiting to say that same thing like i've tried cigars a couple times but i haven't really given them a chance to like acquire a taste but if someone else is smoking a cigar sometimes i find
Starting point is 00:34:31 that enjoyable yeah i can remember being at the poker table and this asshole is smoking a nasty fucking cigar uh at the end of the table nasty because it smelled bad to you it smelled bad and it looked atrocious it was first of all it was fat it looked like a dill pickle and uh he's he's pumping on this big fat meaty cock and it's coming unwound at the end and like like this like like falling apart in his mouth and he's just gnawing at it and it's all soggy and spitty and just soaked with spit. He's just... Just sucking his dick over there. There's just smoke everywhere. I remember my dad being like,
Starting point is 00:35:11 that's it. That's it. He's like, what? The cigar's got to go or you got to go. He was like, what? Really? Three other people went, yeah, really. Yeah. I didn't want to say anything
Starting point is 00:35:26 but lamar if lamar if lamar says it that yeah you gotta fucking go dude it's it's we've had enough of that and and like the old guy who never talks who's just kind of like a mean ornery fuck at the other end of the table he's just like i've had enough of it too even earl's freaking out i remember i was on a plane god i think it was maybe when i was little and i was going to disney world and i was on the plane and i was i think i was isle my mom and then this big fat guy who had a cigar in his mouth my mom hated smoke and the smell of it and everything because my grandparents smoked constantly and he was like he took out this huge cigar the same kind you're describing like a like a full pickle not a quarter not a slice not a segment full thing and he pops in his mouth and he could like tell my mom was like
Starting point is 00:36:14 what would this is southwest like like and he goes don't worry i never light the things disgusting habit and then puts in his mouth and he ate the entire cigar over the course of the way from St. Louis to Orlando or whatever. And it was just like he had shit in his teeth. It was disgusting. I didn't understand at the time because I would
Starting point is 00:36:38 be playing probably Pokemon on my Game Boy and then look over and see he had most of a cigar. Look back, fight another gym leader. Now it's that much. He's got cigar juice all over his mouth and he's like check this out so i went to a bachelor party this is like a hundred years ago i was probably 21 or something and uh the strippers at this bachelor party like you might if you're listening to this think of strippers that you've seen at like a strip club where they go topless maybe or whatever. No, these chicks were like fucking each other with double-ended dildos and like it was next level. Ass to ass.
Starting point is 00:37:13 Yeah, yeah. Ass to ass. It wasn't even hot. I don't know. Like no one really liked it. We were all like, they could have been hotter, but something about it, like they were just working. I don't know. No one dug it. We were all like, they could have been hotter, but something about it. Like, they were just working. I don't know. No one dug it.
Starting point is 00:37:28 Anyway, they put the cigar in this chick's pussy, and they're like, who wants it? Who wants it? And I'm like, I want it even less now. Who is this? Did someone want it, though? No. Nobody wanted it. That wanted hilarious if no one wanted there were two strippers and a bodyguard and the bodyguard was this fucking butch chick who
Starting point is 00:37:55 probably could have taken half of us and maybe i'm exaggerating but she was butch as fuck and uh somehow somehow two girls just fucking each other making out double-ended dildos everything flopped as an act everyone was like you want to go outside you know like like you wouldn't think strippers could flop but they did i'm not a fan of watching i i want to i want you know like like sex isn't really a spectator sport for me like i want to get involved like let's go like i don't i don't want to watch them like like and i really don't want to watch them with you there woody like right like like i enjoy doing a lot of things woody but i don't need him there for the sex show not the one time we tried it uh what was i gonna say oh so they did do stuff where like a guy was in a
Starting point is 00:38:46 chair and they would like tease him and stuff but he wasn't supposed to touch back but i like that even less right like all that that's worse than the lesbian show yeah and it just it wasn't working yet the whole act flopped you know i would would rather watch a really good magician. Or a really good animal handler. What if a guy came out and he had some sort of exotic cat? One of those with the lynx or something?
Starting point is 00:39:18 Maybe a little capuchin? I don't know. A couple critters? What if he brought nine animals in succession and they just got cooler and cooler? I'd like that. And you're like, we're't know, some couple critters. What if you brought nine animals in succession and they just got cooler and cooler? I'd like that. We're all like nudging each other. You think there's a monkey in there? You think the last thing is going to be a fucking monkey?
Starting point is 00:39:33 Dude, that's a dog kennel. You know he's not saving a dog for the end. I can just imagine how much everybody would be angry. He's putting the gloves on. He's putting the gloves on. I heard Joe Rogan talk about a chimp attack. It was like an eight-minute highlight that came out. And Rogan has a thing with chimps that rivals tailors, really.
Starting point is 00:39:52 But he was like, they're mean. They're mean. They don't hold grudges. It doesn't go long. But they have a sense of fairness to it. So I don't know if he was conflating the stories. It sounds like the dude gave cake to another champ but not that one and that one was like well there's an injustice here i feel bad is what
Starting point is 00:40:13 you and i might think the chimp apparent according to joe says you made me feel bad we have to even this up and uh he's like the chimp knows what you value. So he bit off his fingers. You need your hands to be human, right? He took away his humanity. And then he wrecked his face. And the monkey just tore his face off. And the guy's holding his hand into his chest. He's trying to protect it.
Starting point is 00:40:40 And the monkey's like, no, the chimp. And he pries the fingers open and he's like oh my god yeah it's brutal and it's a chip right yeah you shouldn't be fucking with these things much less giving them cake in front of the others but really i was looking at getting us a chip sometime but but that just. Oh, it sounded awful. Yeah. And there was another chimp.
Starting point is 00:41:08 I guess the guy had the chimp and the chimp started getting aggressive and such. So he gave it to someone who's able to deal with chimps. I don't know, a zoo or something. And he would come and visit it. And the chimp was like, always so happy. Oh, yeah, yeah. Do I get to come home with you? Are we back?
Starting point is 00:41:23 Are we getting the gang together? And every time the guy would leave the chimp behind because he can't take him home with him he didn't yeah but that does no that gruesome attack does not change the fact that if you were imagine you are at a bachelor party and the guy's about to announce the night's entertainment and he says that he's hired a world-class animal trainer with dozens of whoever. Jack Hanna. He's got a lynx.
Starting point is 00:41:50 He's got capuchins. He's got lizards. He's got snakes. He's got a big bat or something. Snow leopard. No bat. No bat. Okay.
Starting point is 00:41:58 No bat. Think about how much better that would be. That would be a lot more fun. Too soon. I would love it if they had like a, I don't know, some sort of hall divided down the middle with strippers on one side and an animal show on the other, and all the guys
Starting point is 00:42:12 went to see the chimp in the line. I'd be trying to combine the two, right? If we can get that chimp to fuck that stripper, now that is a show. Nah, I'll put 10 on the chimp. It's not a fight. Oh, it will be. You don't get the cheese if it's a fight. See, I just put 10 on the chip. It's not a fight. Oh, it will be. You don't get the cheese if it's a fight.
Starting point is 00:42:28 See, I just gave her some cake. And he can see it. He wants it. You know what's funny? Taylor's mic is not cutting out when we talk at the same time. I have no idea why this is working tonight. Your mic is actually cutting out for us, which is fine because you're the one recording.
Starting point is 00:42:44 Really? Yeah. I noticed one time it did not not really three times like it's when we all start talking fuck it i don't know man this is me testing it i'm talking at the same time okay okay but but if it's me yeah you're right. Because I record locally. I hope it stays me. Yeah, all good. I figured out how to get HBO Max on my Amazon Fire device. You have to do some jerry-rigging. You have to sideload the app. So you have to get this downloader thing and then download this other shit and do it in a very specific way.
Starting point is 00:43:22 There's a YouTube video, if anybody's curious out there who's like me. Why don't you just put it on your TV? Because HBO and Amazon don't have any agreements, so you cannot put it on your TV. Oh, on my TV. I didn't want to go input device. I don't want to use two remotes. You kind of want it in one spot, right?
Starting point is 00:43:38 That's a nicer user experience. I want it on one thing. I want it on the stick, and i can pop the stick into other tvs because that's what i'm doing right now i'm in my bedroom right now so i've got a separate television in here that you can't see right now and it's nice to be able to pop that stick in there and just go at it does plex work on um it probably would but i i can't steal shit for the time being i can't keep any crimes not even all steel like we have downloaded well okay it's a kyle now that i've already stolen it it's not stealing anymore right i
Starting point is 00:44:11 downloaded it so now it's on my own hard drive i'm playing it to me it's not yeah dealing yeah so i can't be a thief like woody um i have to purchase my content for the time being they set me free it's going to be fucking outlaw Josie Wells over here so yeah I got it to work and so I've been on HBO Max enjoying the HBO Max content
Starting point is 00:44:35 they're not paying me to say this unfortunately but it's really fucking good I watched the South Park pandemic special great it was really fucking funny. I thought it was one of the best things they'd done in a long time. Seeing a man fuck a pangolin was the highlight of my evening last night. And then, like, very early this morning, because I stayed up all night watching this shit,
Starting point is 00:44:58 I watched An American Pickle, the Seth Rogen movie. Either of you have seen or heard about this? Oh, wait, no. He's a time-traveling pickle salesman Jewish guy who – Close. Something like that. Essentially, it is – Wait, go on.
Starting point is 00:45:16 See, it was close. I thought he was making that up. Was he making that up? He's close. It's even more ridiculous than what he said. So Seth Rogen's character uh it begins in like 1909 or something i don't remember very early 1900s and he's this jewish immigrant who has come to america and uh you know times are so fucking hard but he's upbeat about everything
Starting point is 00:45:38 you know the cossacks come and kill everybody in his village but we are strong we make it we go to america and uh he gets a job in a pickle factory but they won't let him put the salt in the pickles and kill everybody in his village. But we are strong. We make it. We go to America. And he gets a job in a pickle factory, but they won't let him put the salt in the pickles and they won't let him sort the cucumbers. They give him a job whacking rats. He's like, you know, 10 rats for a nickel. It's not bad. It's not bad.
Starting point is 00:45:58 And his dream is like to drink seltzer water someday. He's sitting with his wife by the bog and like having a romantic little talk. And she's like, one day, I want to be rich. Rich enough to have my own gravestone. And he's like, ooh. And she's like, what about you? I would like to try seltzer water. And she's like, people would think we're crazy if they heard us talk.
Starting point is 00:46:27 They're so poor and so destitute, but so hardworking. It's really cute. He falls in the pickle tank and dies and gets pickled. And they bring him out of the pickle brine in modern times after 120 years and revive him. He was pickled. So, and revive him he was pickled so he you know he was preserved and there's this scene where like they just completely gloss over the science of it and he's like they like mute the audio and it's just um it's just uh seth rogan talking and he goes the science just explains to everyone and it makes sense and that's all there is to the
Starting point is 00:47:03 scientist's mouth is moving and he's pointing at a chart and then the reporters all go, oh, that makes sense. Okay. It's just a vehicle to get a man from 1900 into 2020 and for him to have that hard
Starting point is 00:47:18 immigrant go-get-em attitude and to love everything and to be completely out of his own time. And he meets his ancestor also played by seth rogan and it's really funny and like they get in this argument and where like seth rogan the modern day seth rogan is an app developer right and ancient seth rogan can't even fathom what the fuck that is he's like you're a doctor you're a lawyer no no but you
Starting point is 00:47:44 have a seltzer machine like he shows him his seltzer that is he's like you're a doctor you're a lawyer no no but you have a seltzer machine like he shows him his seltzer machine and he's just blown away he shows him alexa he's you know a guy from 1900 sees alexa and a seltzer machine they think this guy's bill gates so they get in this big argument and uh and he's like i will go and i will make pickle empire and i will show you what a hardworking man can do. And he's just like, you're going to die out there. You can't go out there. You're going to die.
Starting point is 00:48:12 You don't even know like any you don't know anything. But he goes out there and he gets pickles out of a dumpster and old jars and salt and rainwater and creates a pickle empire. And it's really good it's really funny to like watch him create his pickle empire because you know like people now especially in new york i guess they're like this gay couple comes up and they're like oh look at this retro pickle man like look at his clothes because he's still wearing the 1905 clothes like pickles yeah yeah those are authentic oh oh, these are authentic pickles, huh? They crack them open
Starting point is 00:48:48 and smell them. Ooh, that smell like the devil. How much? He's like, $4. $4 a jar? That's it? Yeah, yeah. But you bring jar back or I do violence to you. Oh, I love this guy. People start blogging about him.
Starting point is 00:49:03 Next thing you know, he's got a pickle empire literally a pickle empire it's it's great it's really funny and uh there's ups and downs and it's kind of this one of those situations where you're telling of the movie is better than the movie i loved it i love the american pickle just if you go into it expecting just a silly yeah that's what it's not going to make sense and the plot you're not going to be like this naturally fault like it's just silly like i said they gloss right over how pickling a man for 120 years works all right get over it get over it just it's a vehicle for time travel but he's here and he's it's really a fish out of water thing where like you see that this
Starting point is 00:49:42 guy is like his hard-working immigrant background like like his go-get-em attitude like still works even 120 years later because he just won't take no for an answer he doesn't mind living in the park like like the cossacks burned his village down and and like murdered all of his people he was already living and he was already destitute and working hard like now he's got Now he's got a nice warm blanket. Blankets were never this warm back then. Everything is nice to him. Everything is better than what he would expect.
Starting point is 00:50:11 He's so shocked when he just finds these old cucumbers in the dumpster. People wouldn't throw away that food 120 years ago. It's actually fun. Along the way, of course, a man from 1900 has some interesting views about race politics religion and that kind of gets him into hot water and uh it's it's really i thought it was really funny i thought it was heartfelt it was kind of sweet at the end especially and uh seth rogan i thought did an excellent job at playing both those characters. And the technology for having the same guy duplicated in the same scene with each other has gotten so good that you forget. You completely forget that it's just one guy.
Starting point is 00:50:55 It seems like two people are having a conversation. I've talked about my favorite audio book before, but at the start of the book, guy buys cryogenics. He's a successful software developer who retired and they bring him back some long amount of time later. We'll call it 200 years. And he comes back as a computer program, not as a human. And he finds that he has no rights. People are like, you do well at this. We'll just turn you off again and fuck it.
Starting point is 00:51:23 We could delete you. We don't care. To him, he's a human just trapped in a machine. To them, he's a program whose soul used to be a human, and he has no rights and he has to work for his freedom and such. It's pretty neat. Yikes. It's scary.
Starting point is 00:51:38 But I mean, if you are just a program, you're not really a person anymore. Well, you would be a member of the bad guys. Or the sense makers. That's what they would say. They're heavily religious. They call themselves the Faith and they line up with you. The Faith.
Starting point is 00:51:58 They even sound cool. Like Bernie Sanders in Game of Thrones. Yeah, I think that people have been asking me about the PS5 in my Twitch a lot. I bought the last, I think about both the PlayStation and the, um, Xbox never really used them.
Starting point is 00:52:13 I just linked a picture that blame truth posted. I guess he just got his, it is as big, if not longer than a nineties VCR. And on top of that nineties VCR is an Xbox one, that tiny little box that is nice and sleek doesn't take a bunch of space like that this is an eyesore that's a really ugly console i don't like that i hear you in my head i'm like well they almost always have cooling issues
Starting point is 00:52:37 so maybe not packing everything into an iphone is a good idea. Maybe. Maybe. I have no idea. I just was looking at the way it looks on the shelf. I don't know why it has to look like a building in the United Arab Emirates, but okay. Yeah. Some rich guy in Dubai wanted to design a console.
Starting point is 00:52:58 I like it. I like the design. I have no use for it. I've got a fucking PC and it does everything and there are exclusives even zombies there's uh oh that's what i was that i remember now that that mode i was describing to you that's like some sort of like like spec ops duo thing it sounds like yeah there's some sort of it's a ps5 exclusive or a sony exclusive i should say who fucking cares it'll be out for us in in three months six months whatever i don't. I'm not buying that fucking console. So I looked, uh, someone linked me this on wings, Twitter.
Starting point is 00:53:30 Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but it seems like someone was going to like sell him either a PlayStation five or something to do with a PS five. Uh, and he drove all the way to the airport and he's like, he's like a major the Marion, let's see if this guy's legit. And then like an hour later, homie was a troll. Then two hours
Starting point is 00:53:50 later, I got one. It's him with a PlayStation 5 from Walmart in his backseat. He's got his PlayStation 5. He's always done PlayStation, hasn't he? He doesn't do PC at all, I don't think. He's got a PC, but I think he never really got great at mouse i don't think uh he's got a pc but i think uh he
Starting point is 00:54:05 never really got great at mouse and keyboard or at least maybe he just prefers playstation but yeah he was always the playstation guy wings has a pretty good mask i think are you looking at his profile picture it's like a desperado i i think a mask can be too small you know if you don't have a small face you shouldn't have a small mask. It looks dumb. It's not fitting you right. I saw Chuck Schumer give some speech not long ago. Homie's mask does not fit.
Starting point is 00:54:33 It's constantly falling off his nose. It looked terrible. It's stupid. Wing's mask, I give it the thumbs up. Yeah. Yeah. I don't like those. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:54:43 I feel like you look like a criminal. What do you wear? You know what really makes you look like a criminal? A mugshot. What does your mask look like, Kyle? Do you go no sense of style like Taylor? I have one of Kitty's cloth masks that she made
Starting point is 00:55:03 from One Tree Lane over on Etsy. no sense of style like taylor i have one of kitty's cloth masks that she made uh from uh one tree lane over on etsy and it's got like a like a bendy nose thing on it so it's like all cloth but you know the nose bends and then it's like i don't know the fabric's kind of ruffled so that it can be this big but if you've got a bigger face it sort of stretches and like becomes as big as you need it to be and then you know double ear loops like nothing fancy there but uh you know i only wear i don't go out that much um usually when i'm putting it on i'm going to like pick up her meds uh from the pharmacy or something like that i have to go to like a kaiser permanente facility
Starting point is 00:55:35 to get her special medications and you have to wear one in there so i wear one in there and uh i went to walmart obviously to get the fucking AC a couple days ago. We're one there, but I try not to go out at all. I'm still essentially quarantined. I don't know how long it's been anymore. I've lost track of the fucking time. Now you're doubly quarantined. It's just this one room that you sleep in a game and do the podcast from, and everything outside of that is danger zone.
Starting point is 00:55:59 It's just sweat. It really is. It's so gross in the rest of my house. Going into the kitchen to like get water is i'm like oh let me hurry before i break a sweat are you skipping or any and all cooking like it is just too fucking hot to cook you're just gonna no i i've been cooking it's just it sucks you know like like i try to like cook like late at night and when it's when it's actually chilly and because it'll drop down to the mid-60s,
Starting point is 00:56:26 but the humidity is still crazy high. I'll just cook enough for two or three meals. All right. Hopefully you're out of that soon. I can't believe that it's November and it's 76. In that case, you might be out of it. Do you know if the heat works? Yeah, heat works.
Starting point is 00:56:44 That might be what you want any you know if the heat works yeah he works that might be what you want any day now um i like to get you know i like to look i like to get really cold in my house in the winter times like like in the summer i run the ac like crazy and bring it down to 68 or 69 but in the winter i'm like yeah let's just see how long we can take it it'll be it'll be 40 degrees in here and i'll be like it's not not so bad. I get to wear my sweaters. I get to wear sweaters. I found... Not real soon, though.
Starting point is 00:57:15 Eyes in the 70s through tomorrow. 60s, this is your area for the next few days. Yeah, I looked at... I've been looking at that, like praying that it was going to be like, oh yeah, 50s on Monday because but no, no
Starting point is 00:57:29 at night. So I found this so wet outside like it's literally been raining every night. So it's 100% humidity. This is this is Miss Stolen Valor of the Week. She and a woman in the Ozarks demanded free Chick-fil-A after claiming to be an FBI agent.
Starting point is 00:57:50 She did not get her chicken that most recent time, though, although apparently she had before and she got arrested. So pour one out. She did her best fighting the unjust in Georgia. She threatens to arrest employees when they don't provide the food this is cool yeah threatening that goes beyond stolen valor it goes to what an illegal use of fictitious power what would that be called impersonating a federal officer is going to get you about as far as you want to go impersonating a federal officer that sounds a lot more real than what I said. Impersonating a federal officer.
Starting point is 00:58:27 Yeah, she's in a lot of trouble if they want to make it a thing. When officers arrive, Ragsdale reportedly continued to claim she was a federal agent. She told officers she had no ID because his credentials were electric only. You know, she's not without good ideas. What does that even mean? It means I've been caught. No, I can't show you a badge. You have to check the system to find me.
Starting point is 00:58:48 I'm undercover. They should have just gone like, Nope. Now let me check. No. Oh, this is great. Hold on. Officers placed Ragsdale in handcuffs to arrest her.
Starting point is 00:59:02 She reportedly pretended to talk to a supposed radio in her shirt, reporting that she was being arrested and that the FBI needed to send someone to the Rock Mart police department. Can you see her? Guys, I'm getting it right. I'm going to need to ask for the checkbook. Well. I'm not getting those nuggets.
Starting point is 00:59:29 Nugget. Project Cluck Cluck is not a go Project Cluck Cluck is down She's literally an insane person Meet me in Polk's County Jail And bring some chicken nuggets I love Chick-fil-A You're going to have to commandeer that 3 gallon jug of sweet tea I haven't had Chick-fil-A in so long That chicken is just commandeer that three-gallon jug of sweet tea. I haven't had Chick-fil-A in so long.
Starting point is 00:59:47 That chicken is just delicious, though. It's so good. You need to pop by. It's a drive-thru. Just run right through. I mean, I can have it delivered to my house. Oh, do you not have one that close? No, I could have it delivered to my house. Not in his house.
Starting point is 00:59:58 He could do it without leaving his house. Come closer than that, Taylor. Taylor, are you a crazy person? What is this drive-thru you speak of? I can press this button right here and they'll send it to me. But it's like five extra dollars. No, I got the
Starting point is 01:00:13 delivery pass. I got the dash pass. It's a hundred extra dollars. You just can't pin it on any meal. I don't know how much I pay a month. It's a great deal. $20 a month. Really? That's a good deal. Is it Postmates?
Starting point is 01:00:28 Yes. Yes. Yes, it is. Postmates. Well, that's quite the deal. Anyway. Yeah. Man, you got your Postmates pass.
Starting point is 01:00:45 That's what it's called, probably. I also have whatever Postmates has you pay for that makes things better for them. If you're a hungry boy, you need all those services, premium packages. Well, see, you never know which restaurants are going to be unavailable on one. You might have to go to the other. And maybe there's not a driver nearby for both services. That's why you also need Uberber eats and grubhub you know a positive development with corona going up again is it's going to be work from home for a lot of folks for a long time still yeah and for
Starting point is 01:01:17 me very selfishly i'm enjoying it did you ever have to go back did they ever like drop their guard or i've been able to do fucking everything with whoever I needed to call over Zoom the whole time. Okay, so they never said, funds up, come back to the office. That's not your... Basically, yeah. And now it's reversing again where it's like, all right, well, we thought six weeks ago it was going to get better. Nope. Back on.
Starting point is 01:01:43 Everybody's shutting down again. Dude, it's so bad. The case case numbers are you watching them much at all there i looked at them this morning and like it's up in the six digits now every day of of in fact are the deaths going up i would imagine they are because it's getting to be that time of year when old people start kicking it they are going up the deaths are two to eight weeks delayed so we'll call that five since that's the middle and uh so if you look at the death numbers they kind of report or kind of reflect the way the case numbers were going up five weeks ago which is to say like missing on the most aggressive rise yeah 160 000 new today 1100 deaths i think that's down from recently but who knows it's not
Starting point is 01:02:29 the end of the day is this ever gonna i mean isn't it though i think it is the end of the day it's oh i don't know when they enter in their little oh i thought you meant like end of the world type yeah it's it's awful what's happening it's it's it's real awful like like yeah if we do a big as funny as it would all business it would have been if trump had won it would have been a real real laugh but might be best if for biden to win if he's gonna i'm all for this mandatory mask thing maybe put like a doctor or a scientist ahead in charge of the uh task force instead of a son-in-law just yes now what name a dozen other things kushner's done that's awful oh man that's but like yeah it's in all seriousness with like this huge up scoop or upswing rather like this is if if it goes into
Starting point is 01:03:21 hiding again like they're not hiding but shut that full-on shutdown like small businesses that barely scraped by last year are gonna be fucked like they're just gonna die unless there's a bailout package i agree they don't have to do some kind of bailout thing otherwise if they don't do a bailout thing it'll be fucking amazon monsanto walmart cvs walgreens and target and tgi fridays that'll be the world that we come out to at the end. How did Monsanto work in there? Don't they make seeds? They make everything. Oh, maybe I'm the dumb one. I'm like, Taylor, you silly. How did you
Starting point is 01:03:54 put those guys in there? But maybe I'm wrong. They're the worst. I just meant they'll survive because they sell seeds to everyone on Earth. It seems like they have a corner on everything. But as far as GMOs go. I also don't know enough about that i'm speaking out of school regardless for like all the retail stores though how much is that going to suck like there's no mom and pops left like it's all just big box do you ever go to mom and pops if there's like an opportunity
Starting point is 01:04:18 when i was out and about yeah i would like i'd go somewhere that's nice like i already shop like more local grocery stores here instead of going to Walmart for the most part. Not me, because I don't believe that one person can make a difference at anything. I don't recycle. I make sure I throw away those old NICAD batteries right into the garbage.
Starting point is 01:04:38 I've got a car battery that I changed for a girl a few months ago sitting out back. I'm going to throw that in a garbage bag in a few days. It's going to the landfill. I don't care. They say one person can't make a difference, but I feel like I've made quite a negative impact on the environment.
Starting point is 01:04:53 Yeah, I was going to say, you're creating your own argument. You're making an incredibly profound impact. What happens if you just throw a car battery away? It just like rots and all the acids and poisons get in the ground and yeah pretty much you know the lead the lead get you know is is in there and that acid can't be good for anything and you know every year i've got like five gallons of turkey oil oh that's next going right down the drain they'll figure it out down the line somehow and they say it won't go down the drain but that's just that's just big enviro trying to trick you into
Starting point is 01:05:26 into getting rid of all the oil you have motor oil transmission fluids really any fluids whatsoever dump the oil in the grass or something kills the grass though right i don't need that i mean i don't care about the environment but but I care about my environment. Exactly. Not in my backyard. Wherever those tubes go. Put that plant over in the poor neighborhood. If only. I don't know if you know that you poo, it turns into nitrites,
Starting point is 01:06:03 then nitrates, then nitrogen. And then the wastewater processing plant has a tremendous amount of nitrogen to get rid of in my area they grow sunflowers in like where this nitrogen runs off and that consumes it all it's pretty neat get acres and acres and acres of sunflowers i sometimes fly my paramotor over it in the fall it's good for dove hunting really that yeah if you uh for those of you out there who maybe have a little farmland of your I sometimes fly my paramotor over it in the fall. It's good for dove hunting. Really? Yeah. For those of you out there who maybe have a little farmland of your own, if you ever want to create a dove field the legal way.
Starting point is 01:06:33 So here's the thing. If you put bird seeds out in a field, you're baiting, right? But if you suddenly become the world's worst sunflower farmer. Our yield was zero again. It literally is. That's what you do. You plant sunflowers in May. I think that's when you got to plant them.
Starting point is 01:06:56 Like March, April, May, somewhere in there is when you have to plant these things. And you shoot the birds in like September. So you're planting this six months ahead of time at least and uh and then when they ripen when like you know they're big and beautiful you run them over with a big bush hog you just chop them all to shit and of course that sprays sunflower seeds everywhere you're like whoops jesus christ and and because it's it's like like in the course of agricultural made up blah blah blah now you haven't baited doves you're just a terrible sunflower
Starting point is 01:07:28 farmer. The worst. Literally the worst. If you remember the harvest before clearing the field I'm a fifth year in a goddamn row. We're going to remember to get some sunflower seeds off the goddamn plains. We forgot
Starting point is 01:07:44 to plant the sunflowers of course so we would just put out the bait so we've got all this bait put out everywhere it's super illegal um and uh and we're having a hell of a time like the birds have been coming every day for weeks now but and and it's opening day of dove season and now we're out there with our fucking camouflage and our 12 gauges and shit and we're just laying it to them they're dead everywhere we've got piles of them and
Starting point is 01:08:14 a neighbor comes up and he's like hey sounds like y'all having a good time and we're like oh we're having a blast but just so you know we've baited this place to hell and back you know you can come and shoot but enter at your own risk and they're like sure whatever let's go yeah we'd love to shoot with y'all and so they join us too and and then uh finally another guy shows up like
Starting point is 01:08:39 we're having so much fun that you can hear it from a mile away like i've killed 90 i have killed 90 at this point the limit's like 12 but i'm so i'm really good and they just keep coming what am i gonna go home like it's just i'm getting triples i'm getting triple i'm literally getting triple kills and uh and so another guy shows up that we don't know that well. And he's like, hey, sounds like y'all are having a hell of a time. Could I hunt with you? And dad's like, you know, a lot of bait out here, a lot of seed. If the game warden comes by, I don't know you. And you don't know me.
Starting point is 01:09:19 How about that? And he's like, sounds good. So he drives onto the other side of the property gets out of his truck puts his camo hat on gets his shotgun goes and the game warden goes excuse me sir guy doesn't even get the fire shot but he's already hunting over bait locks him up gets him and starts putting the screws to him and and so he he's he keeps he keeps quiet he doesn't rat us out and dad is able dad wasn't in the dad wasn't hunting he was just with that guy so he keeps quiet. He doesn't rat us out. And dad is able, dad wasn't hunting. He was just with that guy.
Starting point is 01:09:48 So he goes through the field, like the back way, and alerts us. Like, game warden's here. He already locked up that other fellow. Run! It's like that scene in fucking Breaking Bad where Walt runs over the gangbanger. And he just looks at Jesse and goes, run! Breaking Bad where Walt runs over the gangbanger and he just looks at Jesse and goes, Run!
Starting point is 01:10:05 And so all these men are running into our house hiding shotguns under beds. They're going to come looking for them or something like that. It's a gangbanger. What do they think is going to happen? He can't enter properties without a warrant. Without any warrant or anything. That's how he got there. He can just trespass right onto
Starting point is 01:10:22 your shit. And they put the screws to that guy pretty good, trying to get him to rat us out. And he ended up having to come back to us. And we're like, the fine was $600. And Dad's like, damn,
Starting point is 01:10:35 it'd be nice if somebody helped me with that fine so I don't remember anything. He goes, I told you, you weren't supposed to. I told you what you were getting into did he pay the whole like he probably paid the whole thing you know just to keep keep this fella quiet yeah yeah you gotta kill your 300 doves a day we massacred those motherfuckers that was the best dove shoot ever it was like we were in fucking i don't know it was incredible it was
Starting point is 01:11:05 great it was like duck hunt it's funny you're like i got 90 of them it's like even then like 90 doves what is that like four big meals of meat i don't know i i think you can make a decent meal out of 10 8 10 like if you're really hungry and you're drunk you could eat a dozen or more for sure yeah well they're like yeah they're like white castle hamburgers like the drunker you are the more you can power through them yep like if you're if you're wasted on and you can always tell how much white castle you ate the next day like because what's the math word where it's like something will approach but never quite reach asymptotically, asymptotically, something like that. So your shit will asymptotically approach the
Starting point is 01:11:48 smell of White Castle but never quite get there. But the more you eat, the closer it will be to the point that if you have I think the most I've ever had in one sitting. I think I was like 17 after a hockey game. I think I had like 24, 25 of them. And the next morning, you're taking your first of many
Starting point is 01:12:04 shits that day because you've you've borrowed happiness from tomorrow my friend when you eat it and like you just take a shit and you close your eyes and smell and it's like i smell like i'm like i'm waiting for chicken rings like it's it yeah it smells like that's how processed white castle shit is i uh one of the one of the most fun nights i've ever had i was in – what the fuck was I even doing up there? I don't know. I met this young lady in – maybe we were in Nashville. And she had a suite that her – she had some corporate gig.
Starting point is 01:12:39 And so they had hooked her up with this really nice suite. And so we had been having a good time all night. And we're super hungry. We go out for White Castle and bring back like the case of White Castle. And we go out on her balcony and get high as fuck. And then I ate that entire – she ate like two, and I ate like the other 23. You had 28 and two. And it was just like, oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:13:03 Like driving home, I had stomach cramps i could feel i could feel that train of burgers like like progressing through my digestive system like oh my god i made a mistake why did i just oh i should have gotten the the chicken sandwiches maybe oh you can get a lot of like internal farts from White Castle where you get that... But no, it's not your asshole. It's just toiling within your system. Yeah, your intestines sound like a sad dog. Why'd you do that?
Starting point is 01:13:39 Why'd you eat all that nonsense? Did you have to get the chili cheese puffs too? You know that's just onion- cabbage it is onion flavored cabbage what a disgusting way to cheap out on your customers onion flavored cabbage that's great for your digestive system did you there was like some report like it is funny how what they'll do to save a little bit of money but it was like apparently the founder of costco was on a call with the board and like the board was talking about like you know given corona and things we were gonna might have to up the price of the the hot dog and like that got i guess that got back to the founder he wasn't sitting on the call i got back to him and he's
Starting point is 01:14:16 like called them and he was like if any of you raise the price of the hot dog i will fucking kill you like i will kill you i will kill you like that's how much the the cost the hot dog i will fucking kill you like i will kill you i will kill you like that's how much the the costco hot dog and pizza cafeteria means to this man and you got to respect it you know it's never had tremendous amount of food for what you get it's like a what a dollar fifty for a giant ass soda a hot dog that's like almost almost a foot long hot dog it's like an eight nine inch hot dog and And then fries or something. You could eat there. There's no cheaper place to fill your belly
Starting point is 01:14:51 than the Costco cafeteria. I've never been. I've never been to a Costco. I've been to Sam's Clubs. It's like a shitty Costco. I think Sam's Clubs is nicer. Say that again, Taylor? Sam's and Costco are pretty similar,
Starting point is 01:15:05 just Costco's a nicer version of it. Yeah. I can get Postmates to deliver Costco, and they will go in there and get you those great deals. Yes, they will.
Starting point is 01:15:24 We have a person that delivers groceries. Does Postmates do groceries? Yes. Aha. Well, you can't. She doesn't compete with Postmates exactly because I think she uses. Because no one can. Because no one can.
Starting point is 01:15:40 Exactly. I'm also assuming they do groceries. Maybe the Whole foods software and uh jackie was really happy with her and she seemed great and you've heard kyle tell his experience before of like hey this person like they call me from the thing they said they're out of sweet peas you want bag sweet peas or like whatever it is and they and you know they just the customer service is great so she calls up jackie and she's like, you know, I'm thinking of starting my own business. If I did, would you like, you know, still work with me?
Starting point is 01:16:12 Jackie's like, yeah, you're actually the reason I think this whole operation is so great. How would I order through you? Oh, same way. Just use like the Whole Foods software and then cancel your order afterwards because now I know what you want. And Jackie's like, God damn. So that's,
Starting point is 01:16:34 I think that's how we get our stuff now. All right. Got some bootleg shit going on over there. Okay. I ordered some food the other day and the black lady, I peek out the window to see when they get here, because they have a hard time finding my house sometimes, for whatever reason, because maybe they can't read mailboxes or the sidewalk, which has the numbers painted.
Starting point is 01:16:57 It's really frustrating, but anyway. She pulls up, and she's calling me. I know it's her. I'm just like, hello? She's like, hey, can you hear me? i'm just like yeah yeah yeah i can hear you you don't have a dog do you no good i'm scared of dogs is this a prank like is it some sort of prank where I'm going to go out there and like, they're going to stick a dog on her and this is a hidden camera show I'm on
Starting point is 01:17:28 or something like that. But I go out and she's just like this super fat black lady comes waddling up my driveway. And she's just like, you sure you ain't got a dog, right? And I was like, what happened to you? She's just a big pork chop right in the middle of the lawn. I said, did something happen? She's like, yeah, I got bit by a dog. That would have been my first guess.
Starting point is 01:17:52 Exactly right. I hate dogs. I expect her to hold up a hand and the fingers are missing like that chimpanzee man. Oh, Christ. I love having fingers. They're so useful right i've said all the time how many fingers do you lose before it's you kill yourself one well without technology is going they're gonna have robot hands figured out pretty cool in the next 10 years that's how i feel about
Starting point is 01:18:16 hearing aids really like but you're not going deaf or no no my hearing is excellent uh but i remember hearing howard stern talk about this a few years ago. He was like, you know, his parents are like super hard of hearing at this point. And I want to say his dad was like reluctant to get the hearing aids. And he's so vain, Stern, that he's like, I don't want that hearing aid thing. I don't want that big thing on the back of my ear and the tube and everything. He's like, but I talked to my doctor. And I just imagine Stern's got a good doctor because he's such a hypochondriac uh and he's you know a billionaire he's like he's saying they're gonna have this bionic ear thing done five to ten years they're just gonna have a
Starting point is 01:18:56 fucking implant and you're just gonna be able to hear again i'll get one of those and then i don't have to have that that loop behind my ear and look like an old man and i'm thinking like you look like an old man you look worse than an old man you look like an old man that someone preserved my father has a hearing aid i didn't think about it until you said it and i didn't know like i i hung out with him for hours and didn't notice it and then he pointed it out and it's like, well, yeah. You know, it's subtle. Yeah, they're very tiny now. Yeah. But a bionic ear would be better.
Starting point is 01:19:32 What's the difference? Nothing on the outside? Oh, there's nothing on the outside. Yeah, we're just talking about a little push-in thing. Yeah, it was in his ear canal. I'm like, does he need a tool to remove it i don't know like it's a tiny little plunger yeah is there a magnet maybe you know
Starting point is 01:19:55 like put it in and pull it out but uh yeah no like you're picturing like something that has an external battery but no picture uh a p that he shoves in there or something i stole this kid's hearing aid one time it was sitting right next to his prosthetic leg. No, I was plucking right over here. Holds it up like a fish. That stupid war veteran, his rascal was too slow. He couldn't even keep up. I knocked two liters out of his cart to distract him. No, I mean, sir, I am commandeering this.
Starting point is 01:20:38 I'm an FBI federal agent. I need to tap into the comps. I have the device. Give me some chicken nuggets. I was five. I was five years old. But, you know, I want to say that, like, something had happened to it. So she had taken it out of her ear and put it on the teacher's desk for whatever reason. And this is 1990 or 1991.
Starting point is 01:21:01 So they were not the size of a pea. They were like the size of a fucking walkie-talkie that fit on your head. And it looked cool, right? It looked like some technology. So I snatched that thing up. A teacher caught me in the lunchroom using it like a Ray-Gon.
Starting point is 01:21:18 Going, pew, pew, pew. She's like, what is that? Meanwhile, you're just touching old woman earwax no it's a child's hearing aid oh it's even worse than you thought yeah why do you have it out of his ear did you explain that i don't know because like i'm just imagining that maybe the battery died or like it was hurting him or it fell out and like the teacher was hanging on to it for safekeeping for some reason. That's all I can imagine at this point in my life. Adam, did someone take your hearing aid?
Starting point is 01:21:48 What? What? I'm just sitting there at the fucking lunch table playing with something. I go, pew, pew, pew. I stole things. I stole things a lot as a five-year-old. I just remember one time you remember slap bracelets? Yes.
Starting point is 01:22:04 Oh, yeah. I stole somebody's slap bracelets. I'm at home going, slap! Putting that thing on my wrist. I just remember my mom being like, where did you get that? It's me like, found it.
Starting point is 01:22:20 She found it. Where did you find it? I don't know. In somebody else's backpack, I guess. You know, a little scrounging today and i came up with it yeah i was a real thief where you stole things i just stole things i just stole things you know if anything was laying out or uh nobody was looking you know i was gonna snatch it up i didn't know any better i was five i remember i was i had a friend over once when i was i was probably six or seven very young and this was yeah it would have been like i was seven or so because we had me and my
Starting point is 01:22:49 buddy were both playing pokemon red and or i had red and blue he only had red and he was jealous because i was able to like use my brothers to trade like the difference or proprietary you know pokemon that only existed in certain ones whatever oh. Oh. But you could trade from one little thing to the other? Yeah. Get the blues onto the red device? Yeah. So I had red version, and I was playing, and my brother had blue version.
Starting point is 01:23:13 So I'd be like, all right, well, I've got to make my Haunter evolve into Gengar, which means I've got to trade it to you, and then you trade it back, and then also I'll give you something, whatever. Haunter evolves into Gishu. You don't know your Pokemon. No. It's definitely genka but i was really hoping that was true i would have questions at that point for woody though
Starting point is 01:23:35 like back of my hand but uh i was basically we were playing and then as happens his parents show up time to go home and i'm a kid i'm not paying attention to like his body language or anything but the way my dad tells me is he's like yeah and then i watched you walk up the stairs to say goodbye to your friend and then i saw him come up with only the front part of his pants tucked in front part of his shirt tucked into his sweatpants and then like clearly like something under his shirt and like i didn't notice and before the kid left my dad was like hey hey chris you got something under your shirt there do you have something on your shirt chris can you like i just see what that is and the kid like and then cling cling cling what dropped out was my pokemon blue and i was like i was really mad
Starting point is 01:24:21 about that it was my first time at seven being like, Oh, I've heard about stealing. Like I knew this was a thing. Sometimes people take things that don't belong to them. And I almost got got, he was going to take that. And then he was going to trade my good Pokemon off of it. I bet. And then pretend he found it later.
Starting point is 01:24:38 Bastard. Bastard. Never traded again. My best friend stole from me. So we were call it 15 or 16 and uh i had a jet ski and something went wrong with my car oh i over tightened the airbox in the carburetor and caused it to crack so i took the opportunity to upgrade for a carburetor designed for a better jet ski and uh you know i he worked at the jet ski repair place. And I get it.
Starting point is 01:25:06 My jet ski runs again. Everything's cool. I'm even wondering if it runs better than before. Can't tell much of a difference, but whatever. It turns out he took my enhanced carburetor and put it on his own ski and gave me his used one, which was the same as mine. Bastard. used one which was the same as mine he calls me and he's like woody you know that uh 550 carburetor you had you put on the 440 turns out 440 doesn't run well if you put a 550 carb on it i gave you my old one and now i want it back and it was like so you stole the carburetor that we thought was better turns out not better now you're coming
Starting point is 01:25:48 clean and you want your old one back and i forget the details of how it worked out but i told him no to go fuck himself you know like if you get a deal for me i'm not gonna like now take the carb that nobody wants because it doesn't fit our skis and he had i forget how he convinced me to to make the deal but he did like he must have been sly i i got fucked in the thing and it sucked and i don't see you had to buy a new one after all that yeah i had to buy a second carburetor that did work for my jet ski you you guys in your ocean problems and i dumped him as a friend but he was a toxic friend who i took on and off multiple times i wasn't wasn as a friend but he was a toxic friend who i took on and off multiple times i wasn't wasn't smart about that it was a big learning experience for me
Starting point is 01:26:29 but what did he get you with prior to that he was so i was late to puberty and he was early and not only was he early he's just a big strong guy even in adulthood he's like he's way stronger than i am now and uh he'd be like super sweet to me and then kind of bully me sometimes and i'd be like fuck it i'm out and then two months later he managed to like apologize it's almost like these women in abusive relationships who were like oh you don't know the good side of him how fun it can be and uh i have like empathy for how someone could make these bad relationships decisions relationship decisions because i did as a teenager yeah yeah it is like a battered woman syndrome yeah it's like almost like a sunk cost thing too where it's like well i've put in i've
Starting point is 01:27:18 put up with so much shit from this person like i'm just gonna cut it all away but then it's like i went through all that shit for nothing like i i can see how that is too he'd come back like this enhanced version of himself like hey while we weren't hanging out i learned all this about computers or the internet or something and you know check it out and it's like holy shit this is so cool and you know like i get sucked back in or you know the jet ski was an example like hey while we weren't hanging out i spent the summer working at a jet ski place and now i have one and you know we should hang and it's like yeah you're right there aren't that many people to jet ski with and we both have one like let's let's go and it was always something where i'd get lord back into this new activity and and of course he'd be
Starting point is 01:28:02 so sweet and great and it's not unlike a battered woman thing so i as dumb as you may be for falling for it i see it i get it yeah i'm trying to think of the time i've like broken up with a friend which for a guy usually the way that goes for me at least is just you stop talking to them like oh i do remember there was this one guy who i didn't even know very well he wasn't a good buddy of mine this is only a few this is maybe three four years ago that this happened and it was a dude that i didn't know at all but one of my really good buddies that i trust a lot was like hey i met this guy this is when i lived in the city he's like and he needs help moving and you were going to come by my place anyway and he lives
Starting point is 01:28:43 in the same complex as me and and we were going to barbecue. Can you just help him move some stuff real quick? And I was like, I guess I can. And so this guy, I don't know what fucking all. It immediately becomes like the moving nightmare where I get conscripted into helping my buddy move. And I know my buddy's going to help because he's like a big MMA guy, pretty jacked.
Starting point is 01:28:59 And then his friend is just this pudgy dude who's kind of small, not very useful. And he's just like directing us rudely on how to maneuver things, how to carry things. And it's like the whole time I was thinking like this, I wanted to be like, you met me eight minutes ago and I'm carrying your couch. Go fuck yourself. Like, what is wrong with you? I wanted to just drop it, but I forged ahead for my buddy because I told him I would do it. And he was like, this fucking guy we're helping was a cunt an absolute cunt
Starting point is 01:29:25 the whole time rude afterward didn't even do anything like like i didn't expect to get paid but it usually it's like hey i'll grab i'll grab some hot dogs and brats for the the grill we're gonna have i'll grab some beer i'll grab whatever it is right just to be curious didn't do any of that shows we ended up sharing with him yeah it was just it's just showing appreciation just being genuine and that guy after that ended up being pretty nice for a while kind of similar to your story where it's like oh he's kind of nice he's kind of nice and then at one point i think it was halloween like three years ago and he kept telling me he's like hey we're gonna go to this bar i know everybody there i'm the only one that can get us in and i was like i don't really care if we go to that bar or not man like we can we're
Starting point is 01:30:04 bigger people not everybody wants to go. He, we gotta go there. They're going to give us special treatment, whatever. It's close. We walk, we go there and immediately he starts like joking around with the bouncer being like, no, everybody here is cool. You know, you don't have to kick those guys out. They're all with me, you know, but you know, they're not with me. You can kick them out. And with me you can kick them out and it was like all right this is this is bizarre and go up there immediately it's like the kind of bar i don't like at all which is loud can't talk can't have a conversation it was halloween which helps make it so you can't really have a conversation in any bar and so i go up there we we start chatting i'm talking totally away from him at this point i haven't talked to him for half an
Starting point is 01:30:43 hour and he must have got fucking hammered. And I was getting drunk too. But he came up to me and like did that. Like his head was about here on my nose and I'm a much larger man than him. And he just like came up to me and was like, you talking shit about me? Are you talking shit about me here? I got you in. And I was like, dude, Derek, I haven't talked to you in half an hour.
Starting point is 01:31:04 I'm talking to my girlfriend and in my buddy that you introduced us like no two what if i was yeah that's what it was more of like uh what are you what are you talking did someone tell you i was talking shit and he's like no you're fucking out of here man you're fucking out and i'm like i'm out of here what are you talking about like is this baseball bitch like i'm out of here and we're getting a little bit of an argument there in the middle. And this is on the outside area. It wasn't on the inside. So people would actually hear this a little bit.
Starting point is 01:31:30 And he's like, no, you're out of here. I'm going to get my bouncer friend. And I was like, let's go get your bouncer friend. Because I was going to call his bluff that he didn't know. He's not going to pull rank with these bouncers who just want to get through the Halloween shift. They just want to get through the Halloween shift without dealing with a fight or anything. You think they give a fuck about this goddamn loser.
Starting point is 01:31:47 And so we go over there and he's like, Hey, Eric, this guy's causing problems out there. You got to throw them out. And the guy like gave me eyes of like, what? What?
Starting point is 01:32:02 And he's like, I don't know, Derek. He clearly knew the guy's name. He's like, Derek, I haven't seen him do anything. Like it doesn't, it doesn't seem like he's doing anything. He's like i don't know derrick he clearly knew the guy's name he's like derrick i haven't seen him do anything like it doesn't doesn't seem like he's doing anything he's like no dude he's causing problems out there you got to throw him out and in the middle of the argument i was like i'm just gonna go dude i'm just gonna leave and grab my girlfriend we're gonna leave
Starting point is 01:32:16 i live real close everybody here likes me more than you we're gonna go party at my house you can't come and we all i go back i grab my friend power move i'm loving this so far likable in him i was funny and he wasn't and we i grabbed my girlfriend and she tells everybody's oh okay we'll meet you over there in like 20 minutes whatever we start going back and as i'm passing the same guy to leave the same bounce and everything that guy's uh derek is still there and he tries to do the like bro we got off on the wrong foot kind of thing, it didn't even seem like he at that point I was 100 percent positive. He did not like me at all. And it was some weird little thing for him to regain something in front of his bouncer friend.
Starting point is 01:32:53 I don't really I don't get what it was, but I didn't stop to talk to him. I just kind of left. But yeah, that guy's a fucking loser. I remember he would try to lie to me about finances. He was in medical school and he was like, yeah, I, uh, I got a residency out in, uh, Salt Lake city. Guess what they're paying me. I'm like, I don't know, man. He's like five 50. And I was like, an hour. Wow.
Starting point is 01:33:22 Can we go back? I want to redo. I need to rewind three and a half years i know how to cut someone down i'm also good at that we laughed it off like oh wow really that's good for you like knowing like you have no respect for my intelligence if you're gonna lie that brazenly like yeah yeah uh he was a piece of shit i hope life's going poorly for you dude for those of you who lie about things like that we anyone who knows anything just we immediately know you're lying we immediately know you're lying yes like as soon as you said that like no he's not no he's 550 000 i remember that's exactly if you are a fucking brain surgeon with
Starting point is 01:34:02 your own practice like your own practice like like, like your name's on the fucking sign outside, maybe. Maybe. No, specialists can make that much. Cardiac surgeons can make 550. But if you're the cardiac surgeon at the ER, you're not making 550. No. Yeah, I don't know. I did taxes for doctors.
Starting point is 01:34:25 You're making high twos or something. You're not making $5.50. $5.50 is an enormous amount of money for it. Look. Some of the people operating at the hospitals have their own firm, their own practice. But yeah, anyway, that's not what this guy's situation was. He was starting. No, he's a resident.
Starting point is 01:34:44 He's saying he's a resident. He doesn't even have, he's a resident. He's saying he's a resident. He doesn't even have to show up first day. And then like the real doctors are going to show him what's what. Like they're giving that guy. How much are the nurses making at this place? Three fifty. Fifty. Outrageous claim.
Starting point is 01:34:59 What a piece of shit. It would be like someone like, yeah, work at uh the first day going into long john silvers no i'm pulling down a cool 110 and it's like what no you're not no when you help somebody i i i came in halfway through the story i had to handle something in my it like just leaving the room i got hot like it was like like i need to follow in your footsteps and get a freestanding one fucking awful um so uh But I think you were talking about helping people move, maybe? The guy that was being a cunt to me, the first time I met him,
Starting point is 01:35:30 the first thing I did for him was I helped him move because a friend of mine who was mutual friends at the time requested it. And I just was like, fine, I'll help. I'll be nice. That's a big deal to help someone move. Eric, IraqVeteran8888, go check out his YouTube channel subscribe tell him i sent you
Starting point is 01:35:45 love eric wonderful man one of my favorite people in the world uh helps me move whenever i had been arrested and i was selling my house and i was moving out here and uh you know i i didn't have any help you know to help me move and he drove from he drove two and a half hours with a fucking Penske box truck, brought help with him, brought two other guys. I had to pay the two other guys like, you know, like 10 bucks an hour or something. Like happy to come out of pocket for the $120 to like get my entire house moved out, by the way. And Eric didn't want anything and came and helped me move for hours and hours, like six hours of moving. Then he drove the shit out to Atlanta.
Starting point is 01:36:32 Thank you so much, Eric, if this gets back to you. I'm super appreciative of that. Very cool thing. Eric's always been like that to me, been a wonderful person to me. But the story I was going to tell was when i helped somebody move when i was like 19 it was that sergey guy one of the guys that i based fps russia on that i worked drink that really like those big bottles of retardedly strong beer yeah um no that was my roommates they liked the the the polish and lithuanian beers that were like 10 and a half
Starting point is 01:37:00 percent and liter bottles but um sergey introduced me to nimroff vodka this honey pepper uh vodka sergey needed to move sergey was 40 you know and i'm i'm 19 or 20 and uh but but we were good friends you know we were selling cars together and i liked sergey a lot he was ukrainian and uh he always had some hot takes uh real fun guy. You know, the other Russian at the dealership was Russian, and he'd been Russian military. He had served in Afghanistan, and his stories were about sniping out Afghanis during the Afghan conflict that they had.
Starting point is 01:37:35 And then he would always sort of look at Sergei's like, where were you in the war, Sergei? Because he knew that Sergei's family was rich, and he'd gotten a medical deferment it was just his way of like rubbing his you know like putting one over on Sergei because he didn't serve mother Russia back in the day and uh but I go to help Sergei move me and my buddy Saulius Lithuanian guy and uh we moved for him like for hours you know multiple trips in a box truck and he was super cool like he bought
Starting point is 01:38:05 us pizzas and you know six several six packs of beer and we we had a good time we got nice and drunk ate all that free pizza and like i was more than happy to do it and he was great because everything was already boxed up right you didn't get there and it's like well i've still got to organize like no let's get the heavy stuff first and then we'll be done. That was it. We got everything done. I love Sergey. Sergey was a great guy. He's the one that invited me to rape that girl that time. That's how much Sergey liked me. That's how tight me and Sergey were. He invited me along for a rape.
Starting point is 01:38:42 That's how you know you're fucking blood brothers. Right? I bet I could call Sergei up right now and be like, Sergei, it's Kyle from 2006 at North Point. Remember me? Yes, comrade. You want to rape some bitches?
Starting point is 01:38:59 Keep me down, right? You have come around to offer. It's not too late. She's still here. Yeah, come on. It's not the lit. A few more weeks of not raping, please. You have to get off probation. I know.
Starting point is 01:39:14 No rape from me. It was like this hot ass secretary we have, Jeanette, who was from... Where's the place where Slobodan Milosevic was the dictator? Jesus Christ. Clinton bombed him in the 90s. Yugoslavia, Serbia? Serbia. Serbia, I think.
Starting point is 01:39:31 I'm going to check that. That's my bet, though. Serbia. Bosnia. Bosnia. That's the one. Bosnia. I'm almost positive.
Starting point is 01:39:38 She was this hot fucking blonde Bosnian chick with a huge ass. I don't know what the genetics are like in Bosnia, but she was a... It's Serbia, by the way. Okay. It's all that fallout. Then Serbia. She was a blonde haired, blue eyed Serb who was Jewish and
Starting point is 01:39:58 had like this massive dump truck of a fucking ass. And just... Pixar mom. Just aar mom booty and uh just fascinated with this chick and uh and and uh i was always hanging out with her at reception and uh side note like there was this turkish guy with cross eyes who had like long greasy hair and i'll never forget him like trying to like i don't, like alpha me or something one day. Cause he was like eight years older than me and being like,
Starting point is 01:40:27 Jeanette, Jeanette, who is more attractive? Borat. His name was Borat. Borat. His, I swear to God,
Starting point is 01:40:37 this is before the movie Borat came out. His name was Barack, but he said he pronounced it Borat. Who is more attractive? Borak! And he started like, did this. Borak. Or Kyle. And she's just like,
Starting point is 01:40:54 Kyle? And he's like, ha! You do not know what attractive men look like, clearly. First of all, my eyes wide to the side. I see everything coming. Kyle has eyes straight forward. He cannot see danger.
Starting point is 01:41:12 He cannot protect you when they come to cleanse you. And she's just like, oh, my God. But, yeah, she's the one that Sergey wanted me to help him tag team rape. You know, I'm over it. Like his family's out of town. Welcome aboard, Harley. Thank you. Okay, continue.
Starting point is 01:41:32 No face, no case. Sergei is my Ukrainian buddy, and his family was out of town. And so Sergei invites me over for a barbecue. It's 4th of July. And I'm like, oh, yeah, man, for sure, for sure. I'd love to see how Russians get down on 4th of July. Let's do it. And he's like, yeah, we're going to have barbecue.
Starting point is 01:41:52 We're going to have a few drinks, get some vodka. Great time, great time. All right, man, I can't wait. I get there. It's just me and him. It's just me and Sergei. I expected his close family, a little extended family, two or
Starting point is 01:42:08 three neighbors, two or three more co-workers. I expected 15 people to be at a fucking barbecue. That's what barbecues mean to me. No, it's me and Sergei at his kitchen table drinking Nemirov honey pepper vodka, eating
Starting point is 01:42:23 these little Russian pickles pickles and uh and eating like this barbecue meal that he's prepared for me which was good like i don't know it's potato salad and pork and stuff i like this guy wait did this woman get raped what happened in the end of this wait no wait i don't like this guy i forgot about that it's easy to forget about the rate even i do now i love everything getting up to it he seems did he so like i noticed that he's like jeanette is he's drinking his vodka and we're both drinking it we're like halfway through in a bottle of vodka and he's like jeanette is on the way once you get to it we have a good time and he like pours a little more vodka for both of us and we're just and i'm like yeah yeah it'll
Starting point is 01:43:05 it'll be good that there's more than two people here at your barbecue man it'll it'll be a little less awkward since i'm 19 and you're 42 uh you know but the 42 year old getting wasted with his 40 this man double my age and we're having a ball like like he's telling me stories about russia and like like like his family and I'm telling him stories about small town Georgia and I'm enjoying it. I don't feel awkward at all until he starts talking about you know,
Starting point is 01:43:33 Jeanette is on the way and we're going to have a pretty good time. And I'm just like, yeah, yeah, I guess we will. And he's like, don't worry. The neighbors won't see. Check it out. And he's duct taped garbage bags to the windows. That's on you to leave for your own safety at that point. You're looking for trouble.
Starting point is 01:43:56 I'm just like, I go to the bathroom. Hey, Jeanette. Hey, you coming over to Sergei's spot for the barbecue, right? She's like, yeah, yeah. I can't wait to see you. You know, I don't think it's such a good idea. It's just me and him here. It's kind of awkward. You know, I'm leaving soon, so maybe don't come, you know.
Starting point is 01:44:15 I'll see you tomorrow at work, though, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Maybe we should get, you know, I'll see you tomorrow. You know, no big deal. I'm like, yeah, I think some people canceled. I don't want to embarrass them or anything. I'm going to hang out with him tonight so it's not, you don't feel bad.
Starting point is 01:44:28 Who is not? Who is not? Okay, I'll, you know, are you going to tell him? Yeah, I'll tell him. Don't worry about it. Don't even call. Don't show up, for sure. That's a part of the movie where you would open the door to come out
Starting point is 01:44:43 and he'd be leaning and he'd be like, who are you talking to, Kyle? Are you talking to Janine? Because there is rape going down whether or not she show up. One way or another, there will be forced penetration tonight. Do I ever tell you a true story if I come to this country? I did jump in halfway through that story but so your friend was that girl jeanette yeah you're bringing so maybe he actually had family and he was like no everyone canceled this my buddy of mine's bringing a girl over she was a co-worker she was our mutual co-worker
Starting point is 01:45:18 maybe when she locked in plans he's like all right it's just Kyle. It's just me and you. By the way, I love the office background. My house is disgusting, right? My house is disgusting. So what is your really hiding garbage? Is it a projector that pulls up? Yeah, it's that badass Elgato one. You know which one that pull up one? It's just it folds away later.
Starting point is 01:45:39 You just push it down and it's like a box and you just like slide it away. Mine's like that. I don't know if it's the Elgato i need a bigger one i'm too why yeah that's the same shit yeah it must be the exact same thing no how much is that i got it years ago i think it's pretty expensive though i think it's like 160 i could look bad i always do it in canadian, so it always sounds like it's way more, and then I forget. $8,000 Canadian dollars. Yeah. I bought it. So I've been using the green screen for a little while now, and just today, my green screen colored T-shirts arrived.
Starting point is 01:46:17 I think that'll be fun. It was $150. That's a good one. Do people like when you use your green screen? Mostly. Yeah, every so often, they want to see when you use your green screen? Mostly. Yeah. Every so often, you know, they want to see the background. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:46:28 That interested me a lot. Cause I was just like, I got the green screen. Here we go. And there was a, quite a few people that were like, bro, I like seeing behind you. Yeah. There was some, I think it's a little insight into the light. Dude. I was watching Willers today.
Starting point is 01:46:42 I don't know if you know, Willers. He's one of the bigger, uh, escape from Tarkov streamov streamers he had about 4 000 people watching him on twitch for reference and he moved to texas recently and he put up soundproofing on his walls so picture like that nice soundproof foam red and black checkerboard but i guess he did it poorly because they're falling off. Yeah. I can't tell you how invested I am. I'm riveted trying to catch one of them falling off in action. Right. Right. Like I'm,
Starting point is 01:47:14 I'm sending him pictures. Like I, I take a picture of the background. I put it in MS paint. I circle it, put on an imager, upload it. So Willers,
Starting point is 01:47:24 I think this is the next one to go can you give me some insight if this foam on your wall is going to drop next and the whole chat's working with me right so like i don't pretend to be some sort of super big deal but oftentimes when i pop in a tarkov player's chat i'm hanging out with chat too you know we're all doing our thing and i'm leading the charge on this like foam watch falling off the wall the exact same thing on a level like you're just caught up waiting for that moment that might not even come yeah they're falling off dude the um in the corner of his room they fell off in a dick pattern you know like with two testicles then a straight line up the center how boss how is that right right and we're like oh there's a dick in the corner there's a there's two diagonally like
Starting point is 01:48:11 attached ones and i'm just sure the third one's about to go and you know and and like they're falling off but it's happening off camera and i'm like willers you gotta do your ceiling for next stream so they drop even better you know just like straight down hit your head maybe that'd be a highlight on live stream fails what did he what did he use to stick it to the wall like he's using double-sided tape because i i did this and i didn't want to make holes in the wall or anything and mine fell i i'm like i don't know right and i'm like willers i really like what you got going on how much bubble gum did you have to chew to put this shit on your wall I don't know what to use but it clearly is not a good idea because it didn't work did it improve the quality of his voice his audio his whole production value is top notch he's like
Starting point is 01:48:57 a major streamer um so I don't know that I picked up the difference that the foam brings but I did like sometimes it's just like I'm seeing a guy put effort into it you know if I picked up the difference that the phone brings, but I did like, sometimes it's just like, I'm seeing a guy put effort into it. You know, if I watch a streamer and I see he's got soundproof walls, even if the audio was good without it, it gives an air of professionalism like to me. Right.
Starting point is 01:49:17 Yeah. If I see people have a cool notification for getting bits or some shit, I'm like, all right, here comes some bits with a voice message or whatever. Do you got, do you got to come to mine? I changed those all the shit. I'm like, all right, here comes some bits with a voice message or whatever. You got to come to mind. I change those all the time. My current one, it's an Orthodox guy,
Starting point is 01:49:33 big pastor, very violently dunking a child over and over. I have loud splash sounds that play with that. I have one that I got that I'm going to upload and it's like an old King of the Hill clip and it's him walking to the bathroom having to go pee and he's going oh i'm about to bust i know exactly what that is yeah i put up well i just put up a tiktok like on epic mealtime with that literally with that notification that uh that uh that clip yeah i have i think i've said this every time but i never ended up watching one of your streams but i'm always like after the street whenever i get
Starting point is 01:50:11 off podcast i'm always like yeah that's one thing i gotta do i have a speech on which is really cool like because the donators can direct the conversation and we go back and forth and i don't know i dig that that's part of the whole vibe of my stream sometimes, just interacting with the donations. We watched last night on the stream. We watched this documentary from like the, it's a Canadian one actually. It's called Carts of Darkness.
Starting point is 01:50:36 And it's about this guy who follows around this subculture in like Vancouver in like 2005 of all these homeless guys who steal carts. You're fucking stealing my carts Rick. And then they will ride down very steep roadways like swooping
Starting point is 01:50:56 behind it and they are going so unbelievably fast. And they'll like someone be like yeah you got to put some stones in the front there. Make sure it don't tip back on you when you get going fast down the fine i'm already i'm i'm playing this on the queue this is the darkness and they like he'll scrounge for new shoes because he has to use the back shoe to like guide himself and like after three rides he'll show it and it's just wearing the heel off just right in the hole and it goes with a lot of documentaries like that where the first 45 minutes is just great there's like i'm loving it doing
Starting point is 01:51:28 this and that and then it like follows one guy who's like just a full-blown dying alcoholic and it's like well this guy doesn't even do carts he's just a homeless guy like this guy's just a guy you brought to be in the carts but the booze got the best of me. Did you get sad, depressed, and in your stream? No. Oh. Well, I've got bad reports then. That's it. Oh. The last part of it, dude, it goes from, like, fantastic to the last scene of it is literally
Starting point is 01:51:55 not even one of the cart goers, just this alcoholic guy who's, like, drinking himself to death, and he was homeless, and then he's like, yeah, now I'm on disability. And, you know, I got this little apartment here. There's no furniture, but it's better than living on the streets. And, you know, look, I just curl up right here and it's not that bad. And, you know, sometimes you just wonder if you're a total waste of life. And if he deserved it. And it's like, go back to the carts. The documentary has always got to have that turn. Like, you guys seen that one tickled? Is that what it was called? And it's like, go back to the carts.
Starting point is 01:52:27 Documentaries always got to have that turn. Like, you guys seen that one tickled? Is that what it was called? Or it starts off. It's about like tickling, like tickling competitions, like where people tickle each other. That's not a thing. Oh, it's amazing. It's like, it's all about tickling. Like, that's so weird.
Starting point is 01:52:39 It's tickling. And it's like beneath the surface lies something much darker. And you're like, where the fuck is this going? And it does go somewhere. It does. And it's really, it's a good one surface lies something much darker. And you're like, where the fuck is this going? And it does go somewhere. It does. And it's really it's a good one. That's tickled. I think, Julie, was it called tickle?
Starting point is 01:52:53 Okay. Yeah, tickled. I think that's a trip. This has to be copyrighted. Taylor, you want to watch a show on YouTube? This is just a clip of it. It's just them. I feel like the video watching era is almost gone.
Starting point is 01:53:10 I mean, we could try it. We don't have to. We could all just queue up on our own. It's called Insane Shopping Cart Racing on YouTube. Oh my god, they're going so goddamn fast. Yeah, you can play it on YouTube. Yeah, so they put their left foot on the little foot peg of a cart
Starting point is 01:53:25 and he's using his right foot to sort of guide and break a little bit. And he's got this shit-eating grin on his face like this is the coolest shit he's ever done. And he's going at least 20 miles an hour. No, 30 miles an hour. This is fucked. This is really fucked.
Starting point is 01:53:41 It's really dangerous. I would never. And the music is like As it should be as it should be yeah i don't know if youtube would get in trouble for us replaying it but i was able to watch it on twitch just fine youtube catches everything it's automated and i see it too like all the pka highlight channels they're like hey what do you someone uploaded your content do you want to claim it like i get notifications every day i get because i had a gaming channel on youtube for so long and streamed so much i just get infinite emails constantly just being like copyright claim on your video but and it's like the video is private it was just like a stream
Starting point is 01:54:16 and it's gone now but it's private they're like yeah but still it's copyright claim so when you want private it just no it's not yours and i get it it wasn't my content you know it was like noises or music or like you know even like five seconds of playing metroid without speaking nintendo sends a copyright thing over being like yeah that's our metroid song i'm like yeah but it is automated it is not i get like i sometimes i wake up and i have like 58 like emails and then the next 30 minutes i'll get like another like hundred of them just all about copyright claims. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:54:49 Yeah. By the way, speaking of documentaries, did I miss the NXIVM PKA? Did you guys talk about that? NXIVM? NXIVM? NXIVM? We got such, us like for some guys that are like ultimately very similar
Starting point is 01:55:07 to one another oftentimes we have like completely different circles of the things that like that we we end up reading about or watching but it was like this sex cult that like came out that girl from smallville was in it oh yeah yeah yeah they will they that this documentary came out allison mack yeah exactly this documentary came out called the vow um and it was just a good documentary but i thought the pacing was like really they stretched this shit out but on amazon prime on stars there's this thing called seduced and it's four episodes and it is a fucked up cult this guy this guy keith he made them call him vanguard and he had like sex slaves, six sex slaves,
Starting point is 01:55:45 but each slave had to also get six sex slaves. And like to make sure that they wouldn't like rat out the cult. Like he made them like take up close pictures of their vaginas and send it to him. So we had like all these closeup pictures of vaginas. And he like, he was just like, yeah,
Starting point is 01:56:01 the brand needs like a reinvigoration. So you, all of the slaves, he's like, you guys have to fly down to Mexico and give me a group blowjob. He was just like, I'm a genius and a savant and they found his exams and he just was not a savant and not a genius. But it's
Starting point is 01:56:17 really fucked up. He just got sentenced, actually. Smart enough. He just had to be smarter than women. He got a lot of money. He would agree with you, actually. Smart enough. He just had to be smarter than women. He got a lot of money. He would agree with you, probably. You are the next Vanguard. If you play your cards right, you could be the next Vanguard. No, they have to call me Ace.
Starting point is 01:56:36 And I dress like a clown the whole time and I lie about endeavors. I flew a desert storm. Don't add it up. Don't do the math. Don't do the math. Yeah, so basically, did they uncover anything new? Any bombshells about that NXIVM thing? Well, he just got sentenced.
Starting point is 01:56:54 But like, yeah, a lot of this stuff happened over quarantine. But it's called, you could watch The Vow. But I would just suggest Seduced, it's called. Seduced.'s called Seduced NXIVM if you look it up but it was wild I watched that you guys would eat that shit up 100% wasn't there branding involved
Starting point is 01:57:15 yeah they branded yeah they did he like had this symbol of the elements and it was going to be like he wasn't involved he said but he was fully involved but he wasn't involved so the girls would brand the girls but it was going to be like, he wasn't involved, he said, but he was fully involved, but he wasn't involved. So the girls would brand the girls, but it was the symbol of the elements. But when you turn it sideways, it was KR, which are his initials.
Starting point is 01:57:33 Hell yeah. So then they looked in the mirror and found out they branded themselves with like this dude's initials. And just, it was all, it's all fucked up. It's all messy. But it really was, Seduced was a really intense uh documentary about it uh yeah i get that he's twisted and wrong isn't he impressive in some ways too right like like oh god forbid me forever saying this and like for it coming here and it being a clip absolutely because i think it's disgusting and terrible um And I could just blanket statement and say humans can be quite impressive. And I could say, yes, what ultimately happened with Hitler
Starting point is 01:58:10 was an impressive feat for a person to take a country and literally go, no, you're enjoying it too much. I don't like that. He's like, yeah, I did. Finally, somebody else is on my wavelength. They're like, yeah, I did. Finally, somebody else is on my wavelength. They're like, yeah, yeah, he's definitely there. I never thought we'd get a Jewish guy on this train, but Jewish guys like trains.
Starting point is 01:58:36 I'm going to need one of those for PR purposes. This is great. I'll tell you, we've got our token. I'll tell you this. The more I thought about something like that it more so makes me think like less that humans are impressive and more that we're really disappointing like we get brainwashed like quite easily like we get like right out of the womb we come out like in such a way that you could just form a kid to do anything like you could like we're like an
Starting point is 01:59:02 unformatted we're like an unformatted hard hard drive we're ready for 100 exactly upload anything you want you can make us you could teach humans wrong and they'll grow up the whole life being like bro you fucking idiot wrong is right dude like it's like that's just how we are and i'm like that's how that's how cults happen you know i don't know if people are into conspiracy theories more or if i've just observed more people who are into them but i've taken an interest in how people get wrapped up in it i think there's a a little fun in knowing a little more than you do you know you're falling for it i know the earth is flat right you're suckered by big nasa and mainstream media and all that nonsense but i i know i'm one of the few who understands the truth the earth is flat gravity's fake it's all
Starting point is 01:59:54 magnets and and and you don't buy like you've been suckered by school and and it like there's it elevates me to this position that's better than your position because you think gravity and round earth, idiot. And I feel like there's a lot of that happening. And that's one way that people get manipulated into joining cults, into falling for fake news, into like just, hey, you know, those guys, they think they're elites. They think they're so smart. They've been to space. No, they haven't to space no they haven't no they haven't you're the smart one because you know the actual truth
Starting point is 02:00:29 now we have been to space but the moon is ludicrous and woody and i can't see you trying to edge that point in and expect i'm not going to come back at you which i will you know i don't know enough about moon denial i know i'm not even there i think people like feeling smart i think intelligence is like uh or having a voice in the conversation is like you know like if the first time i remember years ago someone spoke to me about flat earth when i realized it was like coming back and i was like on a stream and a guy was like i was playing with people and he was like yeah he's like yeah flat earth you know because like that's actually how it is and i was like with people and he was like, yeah, he's like, yeah, flat earth, you know? Cause like that's actually how it is. And I was like, wait, what?
Starting point is 02:01:07 And he was like, yeah, yeah, flat earth. And he started talking like seriously about flat earth. Now I remember this moment specifically because I was like listening. I was like, continue. Cause I couldn't believe that I was hearing it, that flat earth was a thing that people thought for real. So I was like, whoa. And then I realized like after when i
Starting point is 02:01:25 was just like okay anyways that's the dumbest thing ever i realized i gave that guy about like 12 minutes of undivided attention while he spoke about all the things that he knew about flat earth and i think that's the high he's searching like when else do people stop and listen to you now i was flabbergasted and i was like this is fucking dumb but the whole time i was like wait continue wait what else do you think i needed to know everything and i think in that moment there he was kind of like he was thriving like in that moment like yeah listen to me i will tell you how you are wrong i will be the one that will be right and i think he just he was chasing that moment of you know his takeaway from it might be i just convinced another one i just you know taught this
Starting point is 02:02:11 guy like yeah and i i was i was so like flabbergasted i was like this is a thing and then yeah more and more became a thing and more and more people have like you know their their thoughts and their things and i just think like when I look on Facebook a lot, I'm like, Oh, people just like being smart about a subject or just having that hot take. People love having a hot take. They love like, Oh, you thought that was good. That wasn't even good. It's the most milquetoast take as an example of a hot take. Hey, you know, your favor in there. It's not even, you know that's not getting your favor in there it's not even not sorry the carts of darkness thing is they're all just like hey bud you want to let me go there
Starting point is 02:02:53 first bud yeah just you can have the cans yeah just let me go first bud okay bud all right friend and it's just like the most friendly most people i I've ever seen. Harley. As soon as I heard you were the guest, I thought, do you have a new audio book? No, I don't have an audio book, but what you were just saying, I fucked up what you were just saying before. I don't know if you, uh,
Starting point is 02:03:14 I'd ever listened to it, but there's this podcast that specifically talks about the YouTube algorithm and how it unintentionally created people that got wrapped up in conspiracies. Did you hear that podcast? No, but I'm familiar with this theory that basically YouTube and Facebook, for that matter, give you things that you like, you know, so they say, aha, people like you enjoy flat earth and anti gravity theories and stuff. So I give you more and more, and you get wrapped into it. And it doesn't present you the kind of things you don't like. So if there's an alternative theory, well, my group hates that thing. So I just get deeper and deeper into whether it be news or conspiracy theories or whatever that confirm my worldview.
Starting point is 02:03:59 Yeah, this podcast, I think it might be called – it's something it's it's a i think it's a new york times podcast um and it was like just a limited series but they interviewed the guy that made the youtube algorithm that will show you the things that you like and he noticed from like 2015 to like 2017 it was making a lot of people like really extremists about uh extreme about their views on certain things because they would watch a video and then another video and then another video and now before they know it they're watching like some guy talk like for two hours about a particular subject but you're only getting that echo chamber over and over again and they have this guy on the podcast i forget the name
Starting point is 02:04:41 right now but if you can google it and see i'll let you know but or i'll just send it but it's uh it revolves around that i think you'd be quite interested in that in itself you make sense why they would do it q anon's having some sort of crisis right now it's interesting to me because i follow it a little bit and uh they had been predicting that trump would win that trump was going to take down these global panelists vampire pedos whatever and uh uh when he lost the race it's like oh now q anon explain this explain how your inside information was wrong and it's been total media blackout since the uh since the election which is a lot of elections not over yet well yeah it's not over yet they haven't sent electors or anything and there's gonna be suing and shit but like so is
Starting point is 02:05:24 q and i'm supposed to it's not it's not supposed to be one guy nancy pel or anything, and there's going to be suing and shit. But like, so is Q not supposed to be one guy? Nancy Pelosi might end up being president. There's one guy. His name is Q, and he's kind of in charge. There's maybe some secondary, I'll call them lieutenants, but it's a guy. I didn't know if it was like a, okay, so it's supposed to be one guy. He does drops, and there's a term for it. I forget what the term is, but he makes his pronouncements.
Starting point is 02:05:43 Hey, guys, I'm on the inside, and this is this new thing that I've learned, and this is how it all ties together and makes sense. But he's been silent since the election. The podcast is called Rabbit Hole, by the way, and there is a whole QAnon episode. That starts from, you remember that guy held up his hand in court and had the cue? He had killed some mobster.
Starting point is 02:06:05 It was a couple of years ago. And he held it. It was like the beginning of just the whole QAnon thing being public. And they speak to a girl who was like how she got into like being all about QAnon. And then they ended up putting something out that was like, well, like what you're talking about. But it was very like religion based at the beginning. Like, and it was talking about the bible and such and she was like she just was like that's what turned me off because she was like i knew that it became like a controlling mechanism when you're using that
Starting point is 02:06:35 as like the prior she was like i thought we knew someone that was like really in there but this is her opinion she was like i thought we knew someone that was like inside but no it's just a person who's doing the shtick again of trying to control people and it works on a lot of people because you know religion is just an access point and it's interesting yeah it's called it's called rabbit hole by the way there's not many episodes of it but it was great well it makes sense that's why they would set it up i mean like if i'm looking up a bunch of videos of 18th century cooking they want to keep me on the site as long as possible. They're going to keep serving me up with more of that gentleman's
Starting point is 02:07:08 I don't know why you like that 18th century cooking. It's just a great channel, man. Oh, no, it's not. I've never heard of it. Townsend and Sons. Townsend and Sons. And this guy is so autistic for the 1700s. And it's really good to see.
Starting point is 02:07:24 He gets all dressed up. He makes the hard tack and explains about what... They had some black people on. So everyone in the show wears period appropriate clothing. Oh, Jesus. And they had the black guys on. At least tell me you had no shirt on, but torn pants. They've got the chains from the Chappelle show.
Starting point is 02:07:44 You know what? Actually, I know exactly the episode you're talking about and what jumped out at me wasn't that what jumped out at me was people weren't that fat back then no certainly not a black man there were no black men that overweight back then nobody was that fat back then and he would have been that well fed or that underworked i see that picture of that guy you guys are talking about. But it's not about role playing, though. He's not like, is he like acting like it's the 18th? Or is he just like, here's what they did and talking to you?
Starting point is 02:08:12 The black guy is more like demonstrating. The other guy is more like, no, come into it with me. Come on. Be the guy in the 1700s. We're there. We're there. I don't see how much role playing is involved here by this guy with the show. Like,'re there. I'm trying to see how much role-playing is involved here by this guy with the show. How much does he
Starting point is 02:08:27 role-play it? The 80th century aspect. He's not going like, oh, tell me. It's more educational. It's educational and it's fun to learn. But he's dressed up. It adds to the fun. I'm going to check this.
Starting point is 02:08:41 I would like it if he did different time periods every episode and he if he dressed up. I would like it if he did different time periods every episode and he was always dressed up as something different. That might be cool to me, but he's always stuck in 1747 or some shit, wearing that goofy-ass hat and making beer
Starting point is 02:08:58 out of the toast. I wish he would branch out of bed. The 1780s. Whatever. He does all sorts of them. Lots of ruffles. Lots of silly hats. Those hats that are like a triangle on your head.
Starting point is 02:09:13 Ugliest hat. Never liked that hat. Worst hat. That Paul Revere special. I didn't vibe with that one. Guys, I feel like I'm the only one getting stressed over the fact that we haven't done a single ad yet. I was about to bring that up. So we are going to hear from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Starting point is 02:09:31 It can be a little frustrating, especially if you're in a hurry or running late, to find yourself at a railway crossing waiting for a train. And if the signals are going and the train's not even there, you may feel a bit tempted to try and sneak across the tracks. Well, don't. Ever. To the naked eye, trains often appear to be farther away and moving slower than they are, and they can't stop quickly. Even if the engineer hits the emergency brake right away, it can take a train over a mile to stop, over a mile to stop. By that time, it's too late and the result is a potentially deadly crash.
Starting point is 02:09:59 The point is, you can't know how quickly the train will arrive. The train can't stop quickly, even if it sees you, it ends in disaster. If the signals are on, the train is on its way. And you just need to remember one thing. Stop. Trains can't. I googled why do trains look slow? Turns out large things tend to look like they're going slower than they are, while small things tend to look like they're going faster. It's a side effect of the way our brains visually estimate speed. Well, there you go. Stop, trains can't. And another little wonderful message. This episode of PGA is brought to you by a company we have a lot of personal experience with. Postmates. You know what's great about eating your favorite thing? It's your favorite thing and you're eating it.
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Starting point is 02:11:31 I don't think they always did. Two, the default coupon is $5. That's a bitch coupon compared to ours. Get out of here. You got to be using code PKA. So save yourself some money. And while Kyle is gone, we'll hear from one more how about that all right express vp and admit it you think that cybercrime is something that happens to other people you may think that no one wants your data or that hackers
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Starting point is 02:12:58 for three months free with a one-year package. Visit slash pka to learn more check them out there you go a bunch of wonderful sponsors tonight wonderful spot the best sponsors lots of people talking about sponsors these are the best so i was actually gonna i was actually gonna ask you guys about that i wanted to know you know i don't know if you remember this but like back in 2016 way back i have a lot of friends um you know, they're American. And I remember I was talking to them and you guys ended up being my first friends that were just like, yeah, it was back like Bernie Sanders back then. And you were like, yeah, Donald Trump, far superior to Bernie Sanders.
Starting point is 02:13:39 And I don't know if you don't want to talk about it. It doesn't matter. I'm just I was just curious. Like what? How did you guys want? Did you want? Did you want Trump to be the president? What do you guys think about that?
Starting point is 02:13:48 What's going on? I would have preferred Trump over Biden. But, you know, it doesn't look like that's going to happen. It looks like Biden won it. Yeah, I think I think I could say that Kyle and Taylor would have preferred Trump and I preferred Biden. But you switched over. You were initially Trump. No, that doesn't sound right now i wasn't
Starting point is 02:14:06 super burned i didn't know i didn't know uh what you guys were it was just it was before things were set back in 2016 i just remembered everyone was in more enthused it was just it was for me i was like oh it was like my exposure to people that were more enthused about trump than not being enthused about trump back then yeah yeah, yeah. So I didn't love Bernie. I felt like he went a little too far with, I guess, some of the socialism idea. Free school is the one I had popped in my head, right? Like people who went to college make the most money.
Starting point is 02:14:37 They have the fewest workplace injuries. They have the lowest unemployment rates. And now we want to pay off their debt for them. How is this good, right? And how is this a winning platform? Right. How are you going to get all these working class voters that voted for Trump to want to pay off some college kids loans?
Starting point is 02:14:52 Like what is this program about? So that, it's, it's like, yeah. In an ideal world where we didn't just spend a trillion dollars on endless wars. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:15:04 Maybe we pay for everybody's education but we're we've got a deficit you know uh we need infrastructure there's a lot of other spending projects that need cash maybe we maybe those people you know agreed to pay for something and so they should have to pay for it right you know i gotta ask a question i might be i might be ignorant about this why i'm ignorant but I love coming on to this fucking podcast and talking about shit I don't know. When you say there's a deficit, you mean like they owe
Starting point is 02:15:31 money? Yeah, the United States owes money. We have a yearly deficit, but we have a total deficit of many trillions of dollars. This is the ignorant part. I always assumed that was nonsense. No, the ignorant part. I always assumed that was like nonsense. No,
Starting point is 02:15:46 no, no. I always assumed that like no one would ever like, you can never, if like you didn't get paid back, like, I don't know if America is ever going to pay you back. Well,
Starting point is 02:15:55 we, we make yearly, we make payments every year, uh, on that. But the thing is we, we owe like, I don't know what it is now.
Starting point is 02:16:02 13 trillion, 18 trillion, 19 trillion, 20 trillion, crazy number. It would be my guess for what it is now 13 trillion 18 trillion 19 trillion 20 trillion crazy number 22 trillion would be my guess for what it is right now um and yeah we owe that money to lots of different nations but you make a good point i don't know how global economies work i don't know how any economy works i'm talking about right now but like i i just i know for a fact there's no point in which someone's like
Starting point is 02:16:25 oh i think maybe we want it oh now and we're just like fuck you i don't think that's gonna happen but but still it's uh it's not a good way to run a business a country or anything for that matter and i just don't see i don't like the idea of paying for people's college who agreed to pay for it in the first place they They took out those loans and look, you can argue about whether or not an 18 year old is enough of an adult to take out a student loan. I'd be happy to have that argument. Maybe we need to change some things, but they did take out that loan. And when I was 19, I took out a few loans,
Starting point is 02:17:03 then went into a depression and then didn't pay them back and it ruined my credit for seven years and I paid for that and I've spent the subsequent period of time building my credit back up till it's really nice now. I learned a lesson out of that by not taking responsibility for something and being punished for it. If someone had swooped in, I'd be like, ah, forget that hawk alert from that apartment you destroyed. And forget that Bloomingdale's card that you never paid back. You know, maybe I wouldn't have learned my lesson. Maybe I wouldn't practice good, you know, fiscal responsibility now as an actual adult.
Starting point is 02:17:38 Yeah. So student loans, you can't default on. They just keep making you pay and pay. But there's a lot of good reasons for that. Quickly, Bloomingdale's card has a high interest rate. And they have to charge high interest rates so they make money because occasionally 19-year-olds flake and don't pay their bills. So there's a big interest rate on that. Houses have low interest rates. Why? Because if you don't pay it, they get the house.
Starting point is 02:18:02 It's backed by some collateral there. And you kind of have to pay it because it's your house. Otherwise, you lose it and they get their money back. So there's a low interest rate because there's low risk. Okay. Now we make it school. I can't repossess your education. I can't. I can't do it. That's not a real thing. And I don't want to charge a super high interest rate. So the way that we get school loans to have low interest rates is you can't default. We just keep chasing. You go bankrupt, fuck you.
Starting point is 02:18:28 We're still chasing you. We'll garnish your wages if it comes to it. And that's why... Which makes sense because those wages are being earned at least in part, almost certainly exclusively in part,
Starting point is 02:18:40 to the education we provided for you. If you could get out of your school debt that would be like the normal course right right you go to school for four years you spend the next seven with a bad credit record and then you get out of 90 grand in debt it's a fantastic idea that's what we that's what everyone would do the real problem in my opinion is that financial institutions charge far too much for an education. I don't get it. They're making so much goddamn money just from fucking collegiate football that it seems like, I don't know,
Starting point is 02:19:13 if you've got a national championship team at your college, the education should just be fucking free. You should be able to go to Alabama for free. You know how invested everyone would be in the football team? That sounds fun. You know how much more fun it is when you put $100 on the game? Imagine putting $100,000 on this year's Alabama game. We're champions, boys!
Starting point is 02:19:33 Free education for all! Clemson? Like, everybody would be going to Clemson. They're fucking, like, medical programs. It'd be Harvard of South Carolina. It'd be Harvard of South Carolina. I've been to Clemson it's the whorehouse of south carolina there i've never seen actually athens competes man college towns just
Starting point is 02:19:53 have so many hot chicks like just driving through athens saying that forever i've always said this like like people talk about this actress right whoever's the hot actress of this year and i'm like you bounce into clemson and there are 300 girls that hot it's it's hard to drive through uh the clemson campus without seeing 10 smoke shows just just just nine out of ten gorgeous women who are on their way to making some terrible mistakes you know and he gives up nothing to these mistakes if you play your cards right yeah yeah the unc's campus i visit most often not during the pandemic but yeah they're just like i'm like are we all gonna pretend that we don't see this right this girl's just at like we're at like a stoplight or something and she's
Starting point is 02:20:46 running so she's just running in place waiting for the cross-stangled turn walk again and it's like what i'm the only one who notices this who notices this absolute smoke show bouncing for us okay i'll pretend to that's why i brought my binoculars and my telephoto lens. I noticed. I fucking noticed. I have a new thing I want to introduce to the show. I often bring up my favorite subreddits that I found during the
Starting point is 02:21:14 week. I think maybe I'll start doing that every week. I like that a lot. I found a couple of good ones this week. One of them, I think I'm going to try to bring one a week, but I've got two this week and uh and one of them is uh like family friendly very uh very uh very child friendly i suppose and the other is x-rated so which one do you want first family save the best for last yeah we're in the same page yeah animals who love magic it's it's
Starting point is 02:21:46 the the subreddit is called animals that love magic yeah that's so i'll wait till taylor like gets his headphones on all right i heard animal yeah so uh i've got a new segment uh to bring the show it's uh animal it's my favorite subreddits of the week and uh animals that love magic is my favorite is one of my favorites this week i have two i was telling them one is x-rated and one of them is family friendly and this is the family friendly one we'll save the best for last as uh as they said animals that love magic are animals that love magic and this is just animals loving magic it's people doing magic for animals and the animals just being blown away by it. It's a lot of that trick where you have the towel or the blanket and the doorway and you drop it and you like duck out to the left or the right and freak a cat or a dog out.
Starting point is 02:22:38 But there are also clips of people doing actual sleight of hand for chimpanzees and the chimpanzees are just like what? They're just blown away. It's really funny. It's super cute. I went down the rabbit hole in the subreddit last night for like an hour. I was in the tub and I was just like fucking going
Starting point is 02:22:59 through top all for literally 30-45 minutes or something like that. I like the ones or something like that i like the ones with audio uh and i really like the ones with monkeys and uh you know the ones with the dogs and cats being blown away by the the doorway trick i'm watching that one right now the first one yeah yeah it's really good stuff i like it a lot so that is is my number two subreddit of the week. As far as XXX subreddits go, it's really hard to find new and interesting things that aren't redundant. There's like eight subreddits for big asses.
Starting point is 02:23:41 There's like a dozen subreddits for big tits. asses um there's like a dozen subreddits for big tits you know there's subreddits for like certain kinds of nipples whether it's ghosties or uh or mommy tits you know there's i don't even know what those are but okay those nipples are the are ones that uh no ghost i knows mommy's tits are the ones that I... Oh, yeah. I'll save mommy tits for next week. So this is side lips. Nice. This is side lips.
Starting point is 02:24:13 Deep dive. This is when the girl has a particularly wide vagina, which I like. I like a wide vagina. Yes. vagina, which I like. I like a wide vagina.
Starting point is 02:24:24 Amber. Amber. It's been years. I'm like, when are we going to get some pussy on PKA? This is front wedgies. In the clutch. This is when the vagina is too wide for the panties.
Starting point is 02:24:41 When the lips are the labia majora uh is is it's too much for the uh the undergarment lip leakage to hold that lip leakage yes thank you and i am a big fan of this uh i'm a big fan of the subreddit like a hot dog bun and the hot dog is like the underwear yes you know the bun is wrapping around this is lots of great content done here not to be cute uh uh confused with asshole behind thong which is similar because it's it's it's you know it's buttholes that can't quite be concealed by a thong that's a wide butthole that's a wide butthole and That's a wide butthole. And I'm not opposed to that most of the time. There are some
Starting point is 02:25:27 that look like they've seen I don't know, a fucking Eastern European conflict. But sometimes it's just, you know, that's quite a g-string. It can't conceal that butthole. But these are side lips. Very hot. Very good content. You go to Topol, you see some real
Starting point is 02:25:44 good stuff. Lots of g-strings, lots of thongs. This lady's pussy around her jean shorts has created a full seal around the bottom area. It's like you would have to part pussy to even touch the jeans. Was it posted by FLH88? Yes.
Starting point is 02:26:00 I am looking at that too. She's got dogs. This woman works out. Lots of good pussy. This woman works out. I like that first take. You got to have respect for the work ethic that it took to build that butt. The belly.
Starting point is 02:26:16 Flat tummy, man. Oh, yeah. Discipline. By the way, I just want to say I like the first rule. No clits or slits. Is the uh the first rule no clits or slits is that really the first rule of side lips no clits or slits no side lips no clits or i'm joking it says no extreme wedgies yeah yeah for the most part these are very intimate photos obviously taken in a bed this beach volleyball chick the i think she's doing it
Starting point is 02:26:45 on purpose this is a public display i like public displays as well big fan of that uh if you're into that sort of thing head on over to hold the moan all right hold the moan also a uh a perennial uh triple x subreddit favorite of mine lots of uh lots of in public uh orgasms masturbation and just general public nudity where uh you know you gotta be quiet gotta be a little sneaky don't get caught and become a sex offender women don't become sex offenders for that sort of thing you hear about a dude that like jerked it off in a park and you're like well he had it coming never happens to any of these uh these instagram thoughts though it's a good point it seems like a woman jerks off in public and she's just performing a public service of entertainment
Starting point is 02:27:29 like like someone who could play guitar this is exactly that i'm fine with absolutely absolutely i'm fine with it i don't even mind with it i support it with my wallet i like that they make these subreddits and they say k side pussy pussy lips. And then as soon as they make it, they're like, here are the rules. Yeah. Really? Like,
Starting point is 02:27:50 like a set amount of rules that must be followed. It's like, we're not animals out here. There's some real good ones. You savage. Oh, I can see the butler, but just barely.
Starting point is 02:28:02 Oh, that's a good one. Yeah, that's a good, I do. I have, I have a good one for you. I like how you can click on the mods of these subreddits and then immediately see, like, oh, yeah, this is their thing. Because this same guy is, like, also a mod of side lips, jeans half off, panty divots, intimate barrier,
Starting point is 02:28:17 inverted panties, nested panties, panty gloves. Oh, same species is great. Thank you. Same species is one of my favorites as well. When you were describing at the beginning, like beginning where it's hard to find something, the first thing that popped in my head was same species. Oh, yeah. Same species is when there's this huge size disparity between a couple of women
Starting point is 02:28:36 or even a man and a woman. It is not safe for work. No. Some of them are, but in general, no. no some of them are but in general no yeah there's one here of like a really tall chick and like
Starting point is 02:28:49 a horrifically tiny midget ooh and then there's like and there's some gross stuff the top one is one that Harley Link doesn't even look real there's one here where it's like oh she, she's only a little bit taller, really. And then I realized one's on her knees.
Starting point is 02:29:11 Oh, yeah, that one. Yeah. Jesus, go to number five. This isn't even sexual. It's just the Dutch giant at McDonald's in the Altainer recently. Give me all the quarter pounders. Much meat to do, you carry at this location? I don't need the tablet.
Starting point is 02:29:27 He's about to order a mixed spaghetti. That's the crazy part. Who's your inventory guy? The girls right below that are having a real good time. They've got some toys. One of them appears to be a boy, but has a vagina. Oh, they're going to town. The mountain is right there. You guys, there's a place called jolly b it's uh like a filipino fast food restaurant they have them here in toronto they opened up and it's so funny because it's like
Starting point is 02:29:53 the big thing in in the philippines like a fast food it's got like a b instead of ronald mcdonald and they kill it and i just noticed now looking at this that there's literally a mixed spaghetti it's interesting because the number one thing that they sell is like spaghetti so when i went in there and i was like oh it's like fast food like you know they're like yeah you get chicken or you can get spaghetti like everyone else that comes in here and so i got the spaghetti and it's like that sweet tasting like spaghetti from like a can have you ever had those like almost like spaghettios vibes um but now i'm looking at it, I'm like, and I would fuck with it. It wasn't bad, but this mixed spaghetti has got me
Starting point is 02:30:28 like, I want to order that. Who does to-go spaghetti? It's so inconvenient. Skeddy. Insane. Just insane. You can't eat it and drive. You can. Or it'd be challenging to eat and drive spaghetti. We'd need a whole trial to figure that one out.
Starting point is 02:30:45 Mm-hmm. I mean, it would depend on if they could look at a big spot before they started eating or not. We looked at a bunch of porn together, boys. Wow. We're bonding. That was amazing. I feel like out of all the things I've done,
Starting point is 02:30:57 I feel like this, I've been on here many times. This is one time where I'm like, yeah. You know, we're always talking about this and that. I'm like, yo, we're always talking about this and that i'm like yo forget it side lips red has uh reddit has so many eclectic like pornography uh subreddits it's it's outrageous like like just going i'm going through my my reddit right now filthy so i saw i don't know if you guys ever look at like youtube drama stuff. Not really. Sometimes. So I have this like, it's my guilty pleasure is like just watching like, you know, YouTubers or creators just in some nonsense or some weird shit or some whatever. And in this particular case, I saw a couple of days ago, this one commentary channel.
Starting point is 02:31:47 this one commentary channel i it looks like he someone like uh i from what i understand he's a straight guy he's got his girlfriend and years ago he did this like role-playing thing with a guy uh a 15 year old when he was 18 or 19 and he did this like role-playing thing and it was just so weird to me about it like aside from the drama and all was just what they're like what they were doing they were like my my Sona is gonna be so fat and he's gonna be he's gonna pick up
Starting point is 02:32:16 your Sona and burp in his mouth suck your I guess it was like first Sona is what I thought like a fur a furry persona. Because they had these anime drawings of animals, and he was getting fat, fat, fat ones drawn. And it was like, yeah, you're going to fart in my mouth,
Starting point is 02:32:38 and I'm going to burp in yours, and my fursona is going to sit on your sauna. I was just like i thought like what i just thought i knew kids were i knew things were going to be different but i didn't think i'd sit there and be like there's no there's no angle for me here i'm like i was like is this like if i had a kid, am I going to be like, yo, what the fuck is that furry anime pillow in the what is that? Like, I don't like, you know what I mean? I didn't think it was going to be like that.
Starting point is 02:33:11 But if you look at this drama, like what he's doing and I can't comment specifically on the drama itself. Just what I was just that one detail that I was like, what the fuck? Like, so people were mad at him for having commissioned that art or. Well, it was it gets crazy because he was like an adult and this was like a 15 year old and him for having commissioned that art or well it was it gets crazy because he was like an adult and this was like a 15 year old and they're having these weird conversations and there was art involved like getting art commissioned from what i understand that was like like sexual in nature but weirdly sexual in nature like a really overweight like uh anime drawings of sorts it was really uh it was really like, I don't want to knock it
Starting point is 02:33:46 because listen, everyone's got their thing. You can absolutely knock it. That's fucking retarded. That's absurd. Like this bit. I mean, I can't knock it. I'm like, well, that's retarded. And then I'm going to go around with fucking toys and take pictures.
Starting point is 02:34:04 This is the original Boba Fett. I like Harley's self-awareness with his hobbies. He's like, I gotta keep a wall up. Look at epic meal time. Bro, that's retarded. You just have to pretend you're dropping your dick and bacon and sucking yourself off. It is in itself
Starting point is 02:34:21 Harley, what would you have done if there was no epic meal time like that you were a substitute teacher right tried was the plan to be a full-time teacher it was it was plan b but they always or i always heard that like whatever your plan b is will be your plan a so just plan for plan a and don't plan for plan b that's always what i heard um but i ended up planning for plan B and I was just like, you know, there's times where I was like,
Starting point is 02:34:47 Oh, I could do this. I could be a teacher for a long time. I would have, I wouldn't have a problem with that. Um, but I still would have tried. And that's the thing.
Starting point is 02:34:54 Like if you took exactly what I did on Epic mealtime, but it wasn't popular, then the whole context of it is fucked up. Like if I'm there and I'm drunk in the kitchen, I'm like, Oh, what now? Well,
Starting point is 02:35:07 let's go to this meet and we're going to cook it up. Like, be like, man, he's sick in the head. No, but in all honesty, I'm re-imagining those videos,
Starting point is 02:35:16 but with like 90 views, it is, it is funnier. Now, but like, it is like an insane thing. Like sometimes the context of stuff, I look at things and I'm like, oh, I wonder what this would look like if it had a shit ton of views, you know? Like I look at some of the popular creators now and I'm like, oh yeah, this is popular.
Starting point is 02:35:36 And I'm even paying attention and trying to analyze it or scrutinize it or take something from it. And it's really strictly because it's popular. But I would never, some of these things that end up being popular or not are just so random and fucking weird to me so to this this i want to get to the first zone the bottom of this so he was commissioning fart art and burping inflation stuff from a 15 year old and that's why it was, he got the 15 year old, I believe to like, get it, to get it,
Starting point is 02:36:08 uh, uh, from him. Like he, he, for him, like he was hitting people up. I'll be honest.
Starting point is 02:36:15 I got caught up. Uh, I got caught up on the, uh, uh, on the, on the, their whole,
Starting point is 02:36:22 their whole RP. They were like role-playing the role-playing thing. Uh, this is just like, yeah, this were like, role-playing. The role-playing thing. This is just like, yeah, this is just, I Googled it, and there's just like a thing there if you did want to look at it later or whatnot, I don't know. But I did think it was just, for me, the one takeaway, what I was just like, damn, like what kind of activity is that that I never, like, you know know taking on the persona of a cartoon unless
Starting point is 02:36:47 i could be like really describing it poorly from what it actually was but being like taking on this persona and like like imagine i took off on a persona i guess where i was like this like cool sexy fox with like a fat booty and kyle you had one where you were like a like a dog like a savage dog and i'm like okay so it's not weird because it's just our sonas but like my my my fursona is gonna fucking lick your fucking balls you bitch you're gonna shit in my mouth because i'm a dirty dog that's what i gathered from it that's what i thought was happening um but my only takeaway was i was like damn shit's different shit's different the internet weird to me like like like look like here's a here's a picture i just found of the bottom you can see the
Starting point is 02:37:37 i saw that and it's awful like i don't know if this is illegal or not it's certainly it's certainly incredibly distasteful my thing is like about underage people in general and i say people and i mean because i mean it like like it's weird to me when people are like interacting with when you're like 25 35 and you're interacting with like children children on the internet you're like 25, 35, and you're interacting with like children, children on the internet, you know, like, like, like I've met like fans at like events and stuff that were like legitimate children and like, they're so happy to be there and stuff and it's cool to interact with them a little bit,
Starting point is 02:38:16 but I'm not going to hang out with that guy on like a Saturday night when I'm like drinking a beer or smoking a joint or something and like play video games with that guy. I don't know what I might say. A 15-year-old shouldn't hear, or a 14-year-old, or whatever the fuck. And I get that children are exposed to that. Even if you heard it at 14. Our fans are in their 20s mostly now.
Starting point is 02:38:40 People watching the show. You'd be surprised. Well, you're not wrong. But here's what happens. So when when i live stream it's more interactive and i get a lot of woody my gosh i've been watching you since i was 13 and it's like well that's just bad parenting yeah like you have huh one of our uh i'll have people say like yeah hey i've been watching you guys I started watching PK in 2011 when I was 13 and now I'm mid 20s
Starting point is 02:39:10 I'm kind of weird now yeah right I have a weird sense of humor dogs are afraid of me you should know rape is bad I don't know what you heard at an impressionable age but it's really bad that's okay I hang out with a $50 patron Tape is bad. I don't know what you heard at an impressionable age, but it's really bad.
Starting point is 02:39:26 That's okay. I hang out in the $50 patron Discord a lot, play games with those guys and stuff like that. Lately, there'll be like 20 or 30 of us in there at a time playing poker or playing something or another. Those that aren't playing are spectating. We're all chatting back and forth. There was one guy the other day that was, like, new to the group. And he was like, hey, how's it going? And we were like, how old are you, man?
Starting point is 02:39:54 He's like, 15. And we're like, all right, everybody sit to yourselves. We're going to have to tone things down, take about two steps back. We can't talk about normal. It's shocking that he's 15 and he's in here. I'm like, did you steal somebody's credit card, little man? How did you get in here? He's like, I saved my money. I was like, all right, man.
Starting point is 02:40:17 We're going to have to get you your money's worth. Let's play some games or whatever. But it's like, we've got to be careful what we say here. Because I don't want to say anything inappropriate in front of a goddamn child and like not to give wings shit but it was so weird to me when he was playing with those underage girls and like flirting with them and talking dirty to them because like i would never play games with an underage girl especially and i certainly wouldn't like talk dirty to him you know what i mean like like it's just like god this is not a good look you know even if you're kidding he's a
Starting point is 02:40:50 married man now but i think at the time maybe a little on the like involuntary celibate part of the spectrum what do they call those people there's like cells uh. Oh. And I just picture him as a guy who hadn't had much affection in a while, found someone hitting it back, flirt-wise. And, you know, like, you take it where you can get it when the getting's done. Do you? Not me. But I can see how it happened. I guess I just understand how it got there
Starting point is 02:41:27 right like not me never me but he's like explanation oh no no no no no no no no no no well maybe you can see like why a much much more foolish man. Like, you know, the guy's tween girlfriends for some extent period of time. And here's a girl online hitting it back. And, you know, it was a child. But it's I watch. I watch Dateline. I used to watch How to Catch a Predator all the time. Like, I used to always watch that show.
Starting point is 02:42:00 I found it like just what the fuck do these people do to get to this place? So I thought exactly what he's talking about many times. As soon as a guy shows up, I look at them and I'm like, how did you end up here? And a lot of times I come to that. You're just like a gigantic, you know, loser or you didn't have a child or whatever. Or maybe you had some sort of abuse abuse but you didn't get to do it normally so you want to take a shot at it now or or whatever it is it's just it is taking it ultimately no matter what it just comes out of taking advantage of a child you know we had him
Starting point is 02:42:36 on the show uh chris hansen it was uh it was interesting talking to him about you know some of those fucking weirdos that showed up at the house. That was one of my favorite shows. It's because, not necessarily because of the subject matter, but just because of what you're seeing. When you really boil it down, you're seeing someone's life end. It's almost like watching a public execution. It's like watching a bus crash, something like that, where it's like you really are.
Starting point is 02:43:02 You don't feel bad for them because they're pedophiles, but you can see in their eyes. No, I bad for them because they're pedophiles, but you can see in their eyes. No, I do, even though they're pedophiles. Because I think some of them aren't pedophiles. I think some of them – and I think that when you call someone a pedophile, you should mean it. They should be the literal definition of a pedophile. pedophile i think that some of those men um were sort of duped and manipulated into showing up there by a a picture of a girl who is literally not underaged right like they're showing them a picture of a girl who's not underage and they're he's talking on the phone with a girl who's not
Starting point is 02:43:38 underage she's much as much as she's pretending to be she's a woman she's a grown woman they just you the only thing that makes them a pedophile the thing that makes it illegal is fuck children no god damn it is that is that when he asks how old are you they write a certain number but the picture of the person they're coming to me is not underage and the voice of the person they're coming to me is also not underage but generally at least if i of the person they're coming to meet is also not underage. But generally, at least if I'm understanding the show kind of archetype, is none of the voice stuff happens at all until they've done the little chat.
Starting point is 02:44:13 So usually they'll show the chat logs and describe it and they don't get into all of it. So it'll be like, hey, have you ever seen a man get hard before? And they'll be like, no, ew, gross. There are pedophiles there. I don'tiles there are no pedophiles and then like so taylor's right and and kyle said he feels a little sympathy for him i do too but it's from
Starting point is 02:44:33 a different place i almost universally they're like this isn't me or this isn't who i wish i was anyway like like i regret this and and like they had a moment of weakness where they're literally pedophiles so you like lock them up I guess right but it was also just like one fuck up perhaps it would have never happened had there not been a bait girl out there like flirting with them at 15 years old sending them pictures like I want to know where they were though right like it's not like dude I was watching netflix and a bait girl came on and had me call her and was he on the uh you know a hot 14 year when he bumped into a girl probably to be fair i always think about that too in itself like when it gets to this point i look at it i'm like like what kind of adult person in in this year or is on a chat
Starting point is 02:45:28 room like on like a yahoo chat room like if you know that like half the people on this chat room are police yeah what are you doing like what's really rolling the dice out there but it's all heads three dozen feds i did hear that uh there was like certain aspects like when they first did the show they would uh have people that got off because they uh with no charges i mean they would yes they would come in and be like uh i said i was 35 i'm actually 37 that person i said my name is matt that's not really my name this was all role playing and i was never going to do a thing so even though i said i was going to come and i was going to have sex with them i wasn't because my name's not even matt and i'm not even 37 And so what they did was they started basing the show in states where they were more strict against the person caught. And they also started using tactics like bringing in a
Starting point is 02:46:38 specific order, like bringing in a box of condoms and bringing in like a six or a Mike's hard lemonade. Cause then it's like, you're right. Your name isn't Matt and you aren't 37, but you did say you would bring condoms to fuck with. And now you have condoms and you did say that you were going to drink. And so you brought alcohol.
Starting point is 02:46:58 So we're also going to get you with the alcohol charge with the kid. And they started getting more complex, like specific orders at more complex like specific orders at mcdonald's like specific orders and and options on the burger so that when they came they had to fight against everything and you sometimes realize like for like investigative work or police detective work or just police work like you're always like you always have that onus to prove it and it just was interesting you asked for for extra pickles, bitch! Clearly! I was not intending to fuck you.
Starting point is 02:47:27 No pickles on this burger at all. Imagine being saved by a minimum wage incompetent... You're on your way to... One of these guys is on their way to rape someone. And I see... Go ahead and open the bag for us. It's got a large fry and fish fillet. Is that what you have?
Starting point is 02:47:45 It's a McDouble! It's a McDouble! It's got a large fry and fish filet. Is that what you have? It's a McDouble! It's a McDouble! McDouble! Down the street, waving a flag. You'll see me! You'll never see me! Another thing with that was the first season, they didn't have any legal ground or help
Starting point is 02:47:59 from any authority. In the later seasons, it'll be like, no need to run. There's police posted outside every exit point in season one it was like we caught you you were about to rape someone the guy just be like oh yeah i bet he's pretty embarrassed isn't he you let him he's halfway down the lane he's look gone. One of the craziest episodes I saw of that, one of the craziest guests, guests, was a guy came in and they walked out and they were like, all right, have a seat.
Starting point is 02:48:35 And he was like, nah. He's like, I know what this is. I wasn't even coming to do what you think I was going to do. And they're like, yeah, sure, buddy. We got the chat logs. He was like, nah. He's like, check out my car on the front seat. And on the front seat of his car, he had put like a letter specifically being like, I am coming to this house to inform the parents that the child.
Starting point is 02:48:55 And it was like an alibi pre-written out to say his intent was not his intent. I don't know what happened with it, but there was the police. There's a police word for it, for what he did. But he came in and he had it being like coming and like so i think about that like you say smart like what i really think is like that's a nefarious person that's like a fucked up person to go like here's how i'm gonna do it and here's how i'm gonna pre-plan getting away with it and like i don't know if it makes it harder to charge that person but i'm like that's the type of human that you got to be scared of that's the one that's the one over it's like really smart and insidious i like that guy he's a trip he's a trip he's as impressive as hitler in some respects yes you know what don't
Starting point is 02:49:35 get carried away no one is quite as impressive yeah let's move like if if he walked in there with just a copy of, I'm sure, Chris Hansen has a book and immediately started acting like he wanted to sign it. He immediately pivoted from pedophiles to Chris Hansen. And basically admitting to be a Chris Hansen stalker, basically on his own,
Starting point is 02:49:59 ticking down the importance of the charge, that would probably be the thing. And then the police have to come in and try to pull you off of Chrisris hansen that would not work at all what if as soon as the girl greets him like hey i'm jessica welcome where's chris where's chris chris comes out and you just pull your trench coat off and you just have a tattoo. I'm here to fuck Chris Hadson. You know, we haven't talked about Nate Burrell at all. Taylor, you must have talked about him on stream.
Starting point is 02:50:33 I'm sure you get it all the time. So basically, Nate Burrell was a guy from 60 Days In who was... Did we talk about him? Am I wrong? I don't think we talked about him. We didn't talk about his death. We talked about him, obviously, on the show when he was a guest. Yeah, when he was a guest, we talked about him because he was here but now he uh is dead because he killed himself and apparently the story is that they were about to charge him with like four different kinds of assault and then and a type
Starting point is 02:51:00 of sexual assault and he killed himself and left a brutal suicide note like calling people out for like you're the reason this is happening like that kind of let me see if i can find it yeah it's a great suicide note what happened is this he was in the midst of a divorce and i guess during the divorce his wife was like you don't know who you're messing with and that's included in the suicide note he's like you are right even like i think i would beat these charges but i didn't know who i'm messing with and this is just he killed himself so he had i think taylor has it right there's like four kinds of four five felonies in total one of them being i think sexual assault in the first degree something close to that. And if you're a sexual
Starting point is 02:51:46 assaulter, jail's rough for you, right? They're not lenient on sexual assault charges, the other prisoners this is. So I think he's obviously an expert on this. He spent 120 days in and decided it wasn't worth it. I don't know what to make. you're like oh sexual assault good riddance right like you might have that mindset i also think in the context of a divorce lots of crazy things get said and charged and i don't know what to believe because i think it's white it's not like he was playing games with a 15 year old or something i don't know anything all i know is the name of the charge oh i follow you doing the thing on the youtuber but uh yeah yeah so um uh all i know is the name of the charge i think it's sexual assault in the first degree and i'm like i don't know just in the context of
Starting point is 02:52:37 a divorce i've seen false pedophile charges and stuff like that i told the story of pk a dan it wasn't a sex thing but she tried to remove his custody of the children saying that he didn't treat his girls right and then they go into court and uh the judge is like all right what's this all about and it turns out the girls wanted white bread on their sandwiches but he was giving them rye bread because he thought it was better for them faster the judge is like we have drug addicts in here, and I don't take their kids away. You want me to take his girls away, his daughters from him for rye bread? Rye bread?
Starting point is 02:53:16 Okay, that's not happening. Let's talk about your income. And at the end of the story, his child support went down because she was making a lot more than she claimed to make. I wish it was one of those YouTube judges that likes to do some silly shit. He's like, you know what? You have to eat five pounds of rye bread right now. Or we're taking them away from you. Bring in the rye bread.
Starting point is 02:53:42 She had started a side business they do that thing like a christmas story like where they bring like they're trying to disprove santa claus and they bring in all the santa letters but it's rye bread she had started a side business that had grown and grown over like the last 18 months or something and don't get too stuck on these numbers but her income went from like 40k to over 100k and when that happens dude's child support goes down so good but uh but yeah anyway the point behind all that was in the context of divorce stuff crazy things get said and i don't know if nate's a sexual assaulter or a victim of what was the sexual assault charge who is it why did what like this is the first I've heard anything about this.
Starting point is 02:54:25 Yeah, literally all we know is the name of the charge. Taylor, do you have it in front of you? Yeah, it wasn't his wife. Like what you were. I think his wife leveled the charges, but I just gathered that from the suicide note that she accused him of. I think I'll look it up real quick. New York Daily News says rape charged with rape. And I assume by his wife right um yeah i think so new york daily news says that i had seen it called
Starting point is 02:54:55 something else because i don't think rape is an actual charge by the way i can't believe how much woody comes up if you search this guy up by the way i'm searching this guy up and i'm getting woody in every single are you serious yeah the third hit is woody talking about nate burrell suicide on stream oh then the fourth the fourth one down is rip nate pka reddit the sixth one pka nate burrell of 60 days took his life your subreddit is killing this your subreddit has cornered the market of naper else it does say rape on this one too but i think sexual assault in the first degree might be the official name of it which i guess i didn't like to have a good time who could you know
Starting point is 02:55:38 that's all we know for sure all right now maybe some people would say that his girlfriends didn't always have the best time all right you know but but but he always left him well no he didn't leave him wanting more um the name of the charge is the name of the charge is criminal sexual conduct in the first degree that's what i've been hunting for what does mean I guess Rape because this article also calls it rape And criminal sexual conduct in the first degree At the man knew what he wanted Mm-hmm Did you guys watch his show the 60 days in did you
Starting point is 02:56:14 Oh yeah we had him as a guest that's why Oh shit okay We had him on here like three four months ago Yeah Harley and fast forward He was on 60 days in He was like amazing edit what taylor no and you know a couple years ago yeah wait what i was gonna joke about him oh yeah so he was on 60 days in a show where you go in prison for uh for two months obviously and he was a really
Starting point is 02:56:39 really great contestant they said do you want to do it again so now he's in for 120 days in taylor was watching the show on stream and this guy was such a 60 days in legend that we had him on the show that's his thing and he pretty much thrived in prison because he's super charismatic yeah he did great like every time we'd watch an episode he'd be like all right we got nate on screen it's gonna be good and it would just be a flood of high t nate alpha and then well that was he has a some would say he has a rapist wit yes too much tea drives your libido out of control he was really a victim of his high t that's certainly a take i'm not cosign um yeah i didn't know about this rape stuff until like just now um i thought that there was a custody issue with his wife and and maybe there was that as well but because of rape you know um that's
Starting point is 02:57:35 fucked the rape could be a custody tactic it could be but like the the way even the way it's like four or five charges yeah that's but that Yeah, that's... Is there even one incident? I don't know. I don't know. I feel like we don't have a lot of information. The gist of his note was he like, who's he blaming? His wife. He's blaming
Starting point is 02:57:59 the wife he's divorcing. He did it all on his wife and he killed just himself? Yeah. I can read the suicide note if you want. Oh, yeah, read that. That's a real knee slapper. I do want to say right off the bat that I feel – Oh, I want him to read it. I think this is really messed up, and it's for everyone involved as kids.
Starting point is 02:58:27 really messed up and it's you know poor poor who everyone involved is kids you know um but like i someone just uh doing themselves out of anger rather than going on a spree is just such a like it's such a swerve compared to the norm lately i mean the guy had the the weapon and the the anger obviously in the the drive to do something terrible and he didn't go that extra bit it's just i don't know it's a weird fucking comment that i'm even saying no no i like it remember those like so you did it did yourself you didn't go and shoot up that pizza hut that you did it in front of yeah remember those public service announcements where it have had the star with the rainbow that would swish across your screen?
Starting point is 02:59:07 Or, you know, PSA. Yeah. Maybe there used to be one of those. Just kill yourself. No need to involve the rest of the people at Papa John's. They're just trying to enjoy their hot and ready pizza. Alright, so I've got the note. I believe
Starting point is 02:59:23 this is it. I don't think... there might be more, but this is all that's coming up. This isn't an admission of guilt. I'm just tired. I've been through so much in my life. The pain of my situation now hurts more than I ever imagined. I can't keep going on. I'm sorry, Jordan. I let you down. I have dreamed of the day I get to raise my son, but that was taken away from me. I can only
Starting point is 02:59:40 imagine how bad this would turn, this all would turn out. All the legal crap that would ensue after this with custody and everything else. You win. You have promised for weeks. You will ruin my life. And I had no idea who I was messing with.
Starting point is 02:59:50 You are right. I didn't know who I was messing with. You told me you wished I still wanted to kill myself a few weeks ago. And that has sat in my heart since this isn't opposed to bash you, but instead to lift you up. Then you lift you up. There's a lot more. Did you not have the rest?
Starting point is 03:00:03 I didn't. I don't have the rest. Yeah. Keep reading. I want to apologize to my friends and family for failing you i know a lot of you will think i could have changed my mind and i assure you you wouldn't this isn't a spontaneous thing i had so much support through this and i'm beyond grateful for everyone and everything that i've done so thank you but we have our day our time to go most feel like we shouldn't decide but i'm sorry most feel like we shouldn't decide, but I'm sorry. Most
Starting point is 03:00:25 feel like we shouldn't decide that, but I'm here to tell you that I've made that decision. And as hard as it was, I'm happy with my decision. I'm done fighting demons of my past. I'm done fighting the demons of today and the demons of tomorrow. I hope my son gets to meet friends and family and they can be a part of raising him. I pray that my family doesn't resent anyone for my decisions. I know Jordan can be the best mom in the world and she will do an amazing job. Good God. though people try to show me something else i see the real you jordan i've literally had some of the best time in my life with you jordan you were truly my best friend good god yeah that is a downer yeah there were no jokes it goes on way more right yeah yeah tamera mom you have the most beautiful soul ever thank you for protecting me as a child thank you for guiding me as a young adult i am forever indebted for
Starting point is 03:01:26 many of your sacrifices you have made. Well, not forever. For all of your children and even the ones that have raised who aren't yours. I love you so much. I'm getting distracted. I love you so much. Please be as much a part of my son's life as you can. I know you and Jordan
Starting point is 03:01:41 haven't seen eye to eye on everything, but you both need to raise, rise above that and be there for him. He is a typo. This guy, it's just a spot check. No proof. Read your suicide.
Starting point is 03:01:53 And there's more actually. Do you guys want to keep hearing it? Yeah. Keep going. Oh yeah. This is great. Sorry. Can you slapping content?
Starting point is 03:02:01 I finally get sarcastic. No, I'm interested in it. I want to hear. I finally get to join some of the friends that I no longer walk this dark path that we have all fought for years. I'd like to mention this behavioral health side of our nation needs to be revamped and funded in ways it's never seen. Our military and their families need it. I checked myself into the hospital for wanting to commit suicide, and from the beginning, I felt like a criminal going to jail,
Starting point is 03:02:24 stripped of my dignity and identity and personal property. I needed my family and friends during this time and you took that away. Not being able to communicate put me in such a darker hole than I was in originally that was so hard on me mentally. I would have told you anything to get me out of that place even if it meant saying I was okay when I wasn't. You didn't help me. You held me prisoner so I couldn't help myself. You need a better system, America. This is the reason veterans in our military are killing themselves at a high rate.
Starting point is 03:02:52 They aren't getting the treatment they need when they reach out for help. They go to a place like I went. And I was told the doctors there, I would kill myself before coming back. I'm sorry. And as I told the doctors there, I would kill myself before coming back. You should be ashamed And as I told the doctors there, I would kill myself before coming
Starting point is 03:03:05 back. You should be ashamed of yourselves. All I wanted was help. I sought you and you treated me like an animal. For those who want to celebrate this day as a victory, enjoy it. I know a lot of people hate me and that's just what it's going to be. I won't change your minds. I hope you understand I'm sorry for hurting anyone in my life and I hope you find it in your hearts to forgive me. I wasn't a horrible person. I may have said or done a few things that make you feel that way, but I've tried living my life as good as I could. I slipped up and I created voids where voids didn't need to be. None of us are perfect and none of us should cast judgment onto another person without knowing the complete story. I hope you all know I love you, every last
Starting point is 03:03:45 one of you. I'm truly sorry from the bottom of my heart. For those in mourning, know that I'm a better place. I'm no longer fighting the battles that have been causing me so much pain in my mind and life, waking up feeling worthless, lost, confused, and tired and exhausted. I know you've all told me that's not who I am and I'm talented and I have a good head on my shoulders. I appreciate you, but it doesn't help how I feel. I'm so lost and I really can't see any light at the end of the tunnel. Since I've been out of the Marines, I struggle with a lot of aspects of reality. I struggle to sleep, feeling comfortable around people, going out and gatherings, focusing, memory issues. We have been told that we are weak if we
Starting point is 03:04:23 seek medical help in the military it becomes a pride thing that you are afraid to be viewed as weak i take my last breaths i hope you know i think about every single person that has come into my life i tried my best please if you guys have a celebration of life or service for me let everyone who wants to be there be there don't stop jordan or anyone else from being there if they want to. I ask from the bottom of my heart that you honor this. It isn't her fault or anyone else's fault that I made this decision. I pray that God puts peace on all of your hearts and mind.
Starting point is 03:04:54 This day should be a day of everyone coming together and comforting everyone. I love you all. There's not too much more. I'll read it. Jordan, you are going to be better raising our son without me than with me. I don't hate you. I'm not upset or mad.
Starting point is 03:05:10 I'm sad. Why did it have to turn out like this? You're such a beautiful person and it can be the most loving person ever. Please move forward with your life with respecting yourself, loving yourself. You aren't impossible to love. All things you and I have talked about are not you. You're such a fun person to be around. Just keep your head up.
Starting point is 03:05:27 I'm not there physically, but I always hope to be there in the back of your mind, giving you the advice you need when you are down. Ooh. I hope to motivate you in the way I would when you call and ask me and ask me to help you. I told you regardless of our marital status, I would love you and I hope you know I still help you. I told you regardless of our marital status, I would love you.
Starting point is 03:05:45 And I hope you know I still love you. My best day I've experienced so far was our wedding day. Our song is literally the perfect representation of that day. I just wonder if things would have went differently and how they would have ended up. Just so you know, you have been my favorite memory. If you don't get my letters that I wrote to our son and you, I'm sorry. I tried giving you closure. I feel like life would never have felt complete without meeting you.
Starting point is 03:06:08 I wish our relationship would have went a different way, went a different way, but it didn't. I'm a better person for knowing you, and I love you heartbeat. P.S. P.S. Let our lives not be defined by our mistakes instead of our hearts. Wait, there's a P.S.? A few Bible verses for you to remember. What do you think their song was?
Starting point is 03:06:33 Life will go on. Shot through the heart. I'm so too late. A few Bible verses for you to remember this time. Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I should die down to sleep. I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to keep.
Starting point is 03:06:49 If we live, we live to the Lord. If we die, we die to the Lord. So then whether we live, whether we die, we are the Lord's. Blessed are those who mourn, for those should be comforted. For God so loved the world, he gave his only son,
Starting point is 03:07:06 that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. This is more than he talked on our entire podcast. He's more of a writer. What do you guys take away from this? That's really depressing. It really is. It's really fucked up. Well, for one thing.
Starting point is 03:07:21 It's really heartbreaking. Just so you know, Nate, not that you can hear me, but everything just goes black. There's no, like, after. Well, for one thing, just so you know, Nate, not that you can hear me, but everything just goes black. There's no, like, after. Well, he would know better than you. Yeah, he does. I don't know why you're mansplaining death to Nate Burrell, Kyle. Well, it helps that he can't respond.
Starting point is 03:07:37 So I win the argument by default. Dude, I'm going to be furious if I die and it was Jesus the whole time. Can you imagine? We don't have any excuse. We grew up surrounded by it. You're going to be furious when you die and there's six million Jews. They're like, so you were laughing about us.
Starting point is 03:07:59 Well, we're not going to fight you. That's not how we play. Oh! It's our bodies. Cal, be like, I see four million at most. It was our bodies. There's no more than 300,000. They want to come to that Jewish heaven now
Starting point is 03:08:16 after the Holocaust jokes. You know, Harley, if Jesus is real, I don't think the Jews are going to make it up there. No, I don't think they are either. 100%. You guys got to calculate it this way. Jesus, you don't even need to be a part of that religion. He forgives. Good. So I'm not betting on him. He forgives if you ask for forgiveness.
Starting point is 03:08:42 Oh, what? He's going to get up there and be like, Nope, too late. Doesn't work after. It's expired. You know why? If he forgives, he forgives forever. If that's it, and then you know what? Then Jesus and I will have a talk.
Starting point is 03:08:53 We'll have a talk. But he's just, he's kind of put himself on that place where he's like, oh, I will. He's like, I will always be there for you. Harley will walk in the room, be like, I'm bigger than Jesus. You read that last book of the Bible and it shows how much fun he's gonna have
Starting point is 03:09:07 to people showing up there being like I was good right and he's just like no fucking hell with you bitch you didn't say the magic words yeah but you know what I feel like I feel like you get to hell and it's like they'll be like yo he's a Jew and they'll be like you're Jewish
Starting point is 03:09:23 and you're in hell you're actually actually a high-ranking official here. All the Jews make the bank. We do need an accountant. We control the media here, too. And the banks. And the banks. All the hell coins. Sometimes I wonder,
Starting point is 03:09:41 I'm like, what is it? You die and it's a simulation or something. I would just worry that I'm going to be like, damn. Like, damn, I should have been crazier. I should have been crazier. No, you're doing fine. I hung out with you in Vermont. You did great.
Starting point is 03:09:59 Yeah, but like, you know, if it's all good, like, and like, it was just a simulation. I would be like, why didn't I suck Woody's dick in in vermont actually you're right you could go better yeah like why didn't i suck off kyle and woody in vermont i should have just been crazy should have lived life to the fullest if i find out the simulation i'm gonna be mad that i didn't suck your dick taylor i appreciate it doesn't hold me back so much i could have you know what like i would just do crazy shit like i don't like i like how crazy shit means like i'll suck all your dicks yeah harley i appreciate the offer i appreciate the offer harley but you know with my refractory period kyle was enough yeah i don't think any of this matters i don't think there is an afterlife uh i don't
Starting point is 03:10:41 think it matters if you're good bad or indifferent uh i don't think it matters what happens nothing everything goes black everything is black the switch is turned off you're you're around as much as my pc is when i fucking turn it off it's kind of like the year like 1900 it's over like what was 1900 like it was just blackness and nothingness i think it's gonna kind of be like that again you know you don't think you don't think like something like i like i don't i'm not saying i think something i don't think of heaven or anything like that but like like i guess like you don't think there's some other aspect of of it all that's just like uh like like like not that you're reincarnated into something but like what's gonna happen to your your essence nothing i don't think that there is any essence i think there's we're just really smart monkeys i think we're
Starting point is 03:11:29 really smart on that and i don't think that like the monkeys are going anywhere i don't think the dogs are going anywhere i don't think the cats are going anywhere and i don't think we're going anywhere it's just fucking game over we got 70 to 90 years to like have as much fun as we can so what's up from sucking sucking Woody's dick then, if that's how you feel? I've sucked it like eight times. Taylor, do that. What's me?
Starting point is 03:11:51 Me. It's really about me. Why don't you suck my dick then? Why don't you? How come you don't do anything then? Because you go to jail. Not that. I've been to jail before.
Starting point is 03:12:02 I didn't like it. My fantasy, my breaking the law fantasy like it. Like, my fantasy, like, when I'm... Like, my, like, breaking the law fantasy is always going through in my head, like, going to bed. Like, how would I rob a bank? If I was going to rob a bank, what would be all the steps?
Starting point is 03:12:14 What's all the stuff I would do? If it was a simulation, like you were saying... I think it'd be fucking 25 years for that shit. That's why I'm saying I wouldn't do it now. But if it was a simulation, one of the first things I would do is go try my luck, plan a bank heist, and then if it doesn't work out, you just reset or try it again. Yeah, just because it was a simulation, one of the first things I would do is go try my luck, plan a bank heist, and then if it doesn't work out, you just reset or try it again.
Starting point is 03:12:27 Yeah, just because it's a simulation doesn't mean you don't have to deal with the consequences of a bank robbery. You just have to deal with simulated fucking prison for 25 fucking years. Then I guess it would be the same life as it is now. And the thing about crimes like that, if a guard shoots at you and hits a fucking like patron of the bank that's called felony murder and you're now guilty of it that doesn't seem fair i was just there for gold exactly that's a felony like it's so funny i was there for gold like one guy like okay i got some in my pockets i'm holding a bunch like i feel like robbing gold is so i'm like trying to do that same tactic to like work down again like, I wasn't coming here for...
Starting point is 03:13:06 I was meeting a 13-year-old. All right, well, you're only going away for 12 instead of the 25 for the bank. Yeah, I don't believe any of this fucking matters. I don't think there's anything to it. You know? And it's not even like being a good person really matters that much,
Starting point is 03:13:22 because like, oh, yeah, people will remember you. For how long? Yeah, but if anything matters that much. Cause like, Oh yeah, people will remember you for how long? Yeah. But if anything, that matters, that means it matters more. Right. Because all that you are and all that's going to be left of you is what you do here. And so you'd want to leave a positive feeling for all your friends and family. And like, for how long? I mean, if you're going to say that, then yeah.
Starting point is 03:13:38 I mean, everything is ultimately useless, I guess, but it wouldn't like it if someone came in and murdered you. Like, but in the end, at the end of the day, as long as I don't suffer, I guess, but you probably wouldn't like it if someone came in and murdered you. But at the end of the day... I mean, as long as I don't suffer, I'd rather not suffer, but even, like, it's not like you're gonna remember the suffering, so maybe I wouldn't care at all. I don't care. Kill me. I don't know.
Starting point is 03:13:55 Bring it on, faggot. Do it! I feel like ultimately here... You're gonna shoot me! Pussy? I want a better answer i want a better like like i just i i expect more i do expect something like bro if i die and it's just the end i'm gonna be like whoever did this whole thing like you fucking you're not gonna be like anything because you blew it need the dlc i'll blew it. I'll be mad about it, though.
Starting point is 03:14:26 No, you won't be. That's the point. I don't know. I feel like you're still going to have a millisecond in between that probably stretches to an infinity where I could be like, this is how it ends, and that's the ugliest.
Starting point is 03:14:43 I feel like time in itself, like in your last moment, might just be weird. I should have kicked that midget. I should have slept that day. That could be true, because they say your brain releases all that DMT or whatever the fuck as you're dying, so I imagine
Starting point is 03:14:59 it's pretty weird when you're dying, but also how do we know? We don't fucking know rogan i don't know about any dmt dump when i die in your brain that dumps oh come on you're more likely to dump in your pants when you die there's nothing there's fucking nothing everything else is a fairy tale it's a made-up shit we laugh at children that believe in the easter bunny and the fucking two fairy and all that shit santa claus and. I was just picturing you, Kyle. You said that we laugh at children going up to kids waiting in line.
Starting point is 03:15:29 It's fake! It's all fake, you fucking idiots! Just laughing. We think about that now, how silly it is that when we were children, we believed in the Easter Bunny or the fuck. I never believed in the Easter Bunny, by the way. That's one that wasn't a thing. But Santa Claus, I believed in when I was a child.
Starting point is 03:15:47 And that's all the afterlife is for adults. It's fucking Santa Claus. Like those same parents who are like, oh, we got the kids fooled with this Santa Claus thing. Now let's all get dressed and go to church in the morning. Oh, yeah, let's go. I loved watching that American Pickle movie. There's a part where they ask the ancient version of Seth Rogen
Starting point is 03:16:04 what he thinks about Christian prayer in schools, and he just matter-of-factly says, oh, Jesus? Well, it's clear that his mother, the Virgin Mary, was a prostitute. She was just telling a lie to cover that up with her husband so he wouldn't kill her. So no, I don't believe in Christian prayer in school. And they just have a goddamn meltdown, know they're chasing him through the streets that was a nice gift that movie came out of nowhere i was i was telling them it's good i watched it last night i i finally got each random i was like where what is this movie and i watched it all i didn't even have like i don't know i like i may have watched it like standing like
Starting point is 03:16:44 in like holding their remote being like how am i gonna finish it dude. I may have watched it standing, holding the remote, being like, how am I going to finish it? Dude, I loved it. I loved that hard-working immigrant shit. I loved him making his pickle cart and cooking the pickles. I love the part where he tells me, you bring the jar back to me
Starting point is 03:17:00 or I will do violence on you. It's great. I find religion, death, and all that, I find it fascinating because it's actually the answer to the success of humanity. We just don't have the religion yet. But if you look at religions, that's the only time that millions of people
Starting point is 03:17:21 follow the same plan. If you want the planet, like, imagine there was a dope-ass religion called, like, you know, the plan, and it was a good plan. And every aspect of the religion, because you will go to fucking hell if you're not about the good plan.
Starting point is 03:17:37 But we just don't have that religion. But I feel like if you really want humans to operate cohesively, like, it is a form of religion or a fiction or a made-up story that gets us to to abide by that like i mean we all agree we all know the bible and we're all we do our best work when when there's a scary made-up person to to make us do it yeah or if it's just based in tradition and that gets like you know you can go through all sorts of ancient cultures not even christian have to be a scary made-up person in my opinion it can be a societal pressure right like if you
Starting point is 03:18:09 don't do this hey the chinese um that social currency thing they're doing what is it called do you guys recall it like that like social like credit score thing yeah yeah like that kind of thing could get everybody on board in the same plan hey your social credit score impacts what job you get that'll make you do the mortgage oh that depends what they if you've got like you lose credit score for spitting on the sidewalk yeah so you know well they need that those people spit non-stop those filthy fucks true that's what's gonna happen by the way with uh um you know when i when about, like, my camera spying on me or my TV listening to me or my phone, like, you know, watching me and all that shit
Starting point is 03:18:51 and I'm collecting information and we're all like, oh, privacy, privacy. A part of me used to be like, I don't care if you see me shit or jerk off or jerk off while shitting. I don't care. Do it. I'm not scared of my privacy. I realize the real thing is, like, is like if like in 15 years from now like i go to like you know buy a car and they're like no because uh you know we we you watch you jerk off to car porn poor people fucking cars a lot
Starting point is 03:19:20 we have all of your we have video footage of you of you busting nuts in the bathroom to people fucking cars so you're a liability and so we won't lend you this car or a loan or something like affecting your life later because of shit you did now on the internet so spitting is like a thing that's like an active thing happening now but like what if they're like i my buddy has a samsung tv with a camera on it why does this tv have a camera it's so weird but there could be like a a log of fucking shit of things that you've done or said you could say some shit even us especially we could say things on this podcast right here and the world is a different place in 15 years and they pull this up and they said you laughed at this thing that is why at this thing apply for this it is no
Starting point is 03:20:08 but it is but it is a thing that i thought about like people like us that are on the grid so heavily they're like forget about being on the grid you could be on facebook and post a status or like someone else's status and that could affect your life later on if we go down that path of you know like so forget spitting on the sidewalk imagine some shit you tweeted 10 years ago harley you said you don't care about your privacy all right in norway everyone knows my point was that i do care but that was my initial thought oh all right but now i'm like wait don't charge me more money for some shit later because of something i said yeah in norway everyone knows your income.
Starting point is 03:20:48 You can look up other people's tax returns and find out their income. And also interesting when you do it, I can see who looked up my income. Oh, it's so dirty. Right? So like, imagine it being like,
Starting point is 03:21:00 Ooh, this person who works for me, look me up. This coworker looked me up this like, so it creates an interesting social dynamic where your income's not private and you know who cares about your income that's like when i used to work at the car rental place and i would look up celebrities and you could just find by name be like god damn that's that's brad pitt's house he's rented here someone on zillow pulled out that address yeah let's get it damn that's cool let's see if oh man all of the pacers rented like let's see what all their houses like a wild invasion of privacy how do you feel about that well it was a late shift and we had
Starting point is 03:21:34 nothing to do oh well that makes it right our bad how do you feel about that norway policy of being able to look up uh i don't think i like it i'm just like fuck you know keemstar is going to make videos about me you would that can only help actually yeah i just noticed the people that end up being in videos like that or like things that are going bad i almost always look at and i'm like okay you could leverage that into a good thing now yeah it could be it's like it doesn't it's it's like the way i see it now is like if you get canceled and it's obviously not for anything criminal but you canceled for like fuck ups or weird things or you sold a shitty thing to your fans or you said this per word to this person i just look at sometimes i'm like oh you got to come out on top because I look at Logan Paul and
Starting point is 03:22:26 this guy's flourishing and thriving and it's because of that type of drama. Then you look at Jake Paul and it's not quite the same level and you're like, oh, so there's just a way to balance this type of stuff out or leverage it or flip it on its head for the good.
Starting point is 03:22:42 I think Woody, if he fucking imagine Keemstar made a video with like like uh like he got your your your your your video of you sucking your own dick why is it always this um it's like oh my god ha woody look what you did you suck your own dick you're not even a cool dude because i have come out like yeah i did suck my own dick here's my shirt i saw my own dick sucking shirt's my shirt. I saw my own dick sucking shirt. Yeah. I'm 47. You envy my flexibility. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:23:10 Also, I found I was on Reddit like scrolling and I found a guy sucking his own dick and I was just like, holy shit. That's incredibly flexible. I ran across a woman who could her video title promised that she would lick her own clit. And then I saw the video title promised that she would lick her own clit and then I saw the video hypothetically and she came close but she didn't I was like this is if she had a dick she would have sucked
Starting point is 03:23:34 it but I think maybe it's self suck it's a next level to lick your own clit and she didn't get there are you saying there's a reddit forum called wait I think you've even told us about self suck before no because there are you saying there's a reddit forum called wait i think you've even told us about self-suck before no we've talked about because there are two i remember we yep it's called self-suck there are two dudes blowing themselves there are two different suck in your own dick subreddits we saw yeah autofillatio is the other one i just rolled off your tongue no
Starting point is 03:24:01 the about on self-suck says it's basically our auto fellatio but without the destructive auto mod. That's so funny. The title of this post is Going Deep. That's so funny. That's so funny. It's like, yo, Xbox or PS5?
Starting point is 03:24:19 It's like, nah, neither. Self-suck. Self-suck. Self-suck. Actually, I feel like these top top three are they the same dude maybe he's a local celebrity are you on this guy's got an overlay it says like it i like it he's he's really going to work wow and now there's some transsexual okay is she gonna oh yep she's getting there you go that's the name of the forum that's probably what she's gonna do well she was stroking it at first and then she's like usually the the video position yeah and we can all do that and then all of a sudden she's like ah and she's on it remember that story we read a long time ago about the guy who gave himself like partial paralysis because he sucked
Starting point is 03:25:09 his own dick too hard yes he got a vertebrae or something i'm watching a guy who clearly can't suck his own dick he has to stick his tongue out and lick it like he's just an inch and a half away what a bitch why is he even wasting our time take your ass over to r slash dick licker. Make a new Reddit just for him. It's just him. He's also the
Starting point is 03:25:38 moderator. I'm trying to exist. There's two members. Two members. r slash dick licker. The one in my moderator is dick licker loud. members members dick licker the one my moderator is I mean the only post is why do dick lickers act the way they do
Starting point is 03:25:53 the only post what a weird I love it what a crazy site picture a whole dynamic between like you know the PC guys are like we're the master race we're the best and console guys say hey why can't we just get along so the PC guys are like, we're the master race, we're the best, and console guys say, hey, why can't we just get along? So the console guys are never quite parallel because they don't attack.
Starting point is 03:26:11 They just say, can't be my friend. Console guys are dick lickers, right? Oh, we're in the same club, right? Nah, bro, you're weak sauce. You're not a self sucker. You're just a dick licker. Get your ass out of here. Yeah, they clearly need to up their
Starting point is 03:26:27 moderation because there were a number of dick licking masquerading. I mean, I know stolen valor has been a theme this evening. Stolen valor in that context. That's good. It should be a rule. It might be a rule on auto fellatio or self-stalk on one of
Starting point is 03:26:49 them if it's just like rule one no lick boys you're going full mouth all the way in the mouth past the knob or we don't want to see it if the entire head of your penis isn't in your mouth you're a licky boy and you need to get off our content i see you're a licky boy i did see one where it was like i was i was definitely expecting a lot less of people just coming on their own face that seems that seems to be the worst possible way to end that experience because like you, let's say you come on a girl's face that you're fucking, ah,
Starting point is 03:27:28 feels good. And there's no mess for you. This, like you're in an uncomfortable position. You are sucking your own dick, which is going to feel a lot more like having a dick in your mouth than having your dick in a mouth. I would imagine.
Starting point is 03:27:39 I'm told that you're going to do the tongue moves and everything. And then instead of just pulling out and beating off to finish, one of these guys at least took it out of his mouth and then just started beating it just this far away from his face, just thick, not that thick of a load, frankly. It was a little watery. He could have used our supplement. But actually, this is a –
Starting point is 03:28:00 Oh, Harley, you're not aware of what we have in the pipeline. PKA is getting into the pharmaceuticals industry. This is not a joke. Kyle and Taylor have been experimenting with different cocktails on how to get more ejaculate with each cum. Have you guys thought up a name yet? What's that? Have you thought up a name yet? Probably Lock and Load.
Starting point is 03:28:21 This is really fascinating. Oh, okay. Lock and Load. I was thinking Cumcoction but anyways continue we're trying to work it like nut stack i want to work that word how did this happen well i guess they kyle and taylor did like a little bit of research on how to get more ejaculate and uh they both got into it and before long they're landing on like the same compound like check out this bottle Like, check out this bottle of pills.
Starting point is 03:28:46 Check out this bottle of pills. You got your flagellum seeds. You got your this. You got your that. I wish I could show you right now me and Kyle's text conversation, just he and I, for a long time of just like, hey, I added in a little more sunflower lecithin. And he's like, oh, let me give that a go. This was way before the idea. They've become subject matter experts on this over the past 18 months or so.
Starting point is 03:29:09 And then I don't know how it turned into a product idea for the show, but we're like, oh, my God. With our viewer base and what we have, there's a real kernel of a business idea. It'll start, of course, with website sales. But we aspire to follow in your footsteps and get on Walmart shelves. That's what we want i'll pull every aspire to be in my football uh my footsteps and be on walmart shelves and then be off of them the next year it's so funny you guys were talking about this i was just thinking about it in the other room i was like i was like we should sponsor people on reddit who are on like our cum sluts like the chicks that are always getting loads blasted on their face and it's they're in the business of getting big loads blasted on them
Starting point is 03:29:50 that's uh that is sick because you're just like it's almost like handling them like uh like uh like like esports athletes you know i just picture them with like their arms crossed and turned what was it what was the what was the thing that you said? Lock and load. Lock and load? I just feel like my experience is with lock and load or, you know, I don't knock a guy off unless he's locked and loaded. I want to hear some, I want this girl to be like, my experience is with lock and
Starting point is 03:30:15 load and then turn the other way and she just gets blasted with outstanding. Eye patch. Eye patch. Well, it seemed like a great idea. We'll make sure, Harley, that you get some nice free shipment of that.
Starting point is 03:30:30 I need that thick cum. You're going to make my cum thicker or more pearlescent? We're going to add pre-cum and ejaculate. It's been very gray lately. It's like a matte finish.
Starting point is 03:30:49 It's not a nice... It is like matte. It's like a 92 Civic. Do we still have an ingredient to make it taste better? I haven't talked to him about that. Hop in the WhatsApp. What we would want to do is make a supplemental product to the LoadMax or the Lock and Load.
Starting point is 03:31:07 That's an additional product. You don't want to plug it all in there. Multiple flavors. They lose efficacy because they're placed next to each other too much. Vanilla, mango, lime. Kiwi. Margarita. Turn it into a superfood.
Starting point is 03:31:21 If you could turn it into a superfood. Oh, it is a superfood. It comes out like five times more nutritious with much more nutritional value for you. Maybe you can be like, babe, you got to swallow it. Superfood. Good for you. You're looking a little gaunt, babe. Swallow.
Starting point is 03:31:39 Did you guys know when you were back in high school, you'd be like, yeah, it's good for your face? Was that a rumor that went around in your high school? Oh, absolutely. I have heard that. It was just like, I was always like, man, some genius 15-year-old in 1988 was like, yeah, it helps your acne. You got to put it on your face. And people were like, that's just lasted.
Starting point is 03:32:02 Every eight hours. I like to think that guy's the same guy that drew that S that way. You know, that S that we all draw in high school, not like that. The angular one. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's the same guy.
Starting point is 03:32:17 He's the guy that said that, you know, the, the come will be good for your pimples. Come for pimples guy would also be the guy who ends up running that sex cult where six women have to find six other individual women. You talking about Vanguard right now? I'm talking about Vanguard. I'm talking about Vanguard. Wow, don't believe anything. Is that the S?
Starting point is 03:32:36 That's the S. That's the motherfucking S. Everybody knows how to do this. I do believe, is that how the S actually goes? Yeah, it does go like that. Okay. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:32:45 That's yes. I was I always wished I was better at drawing it. Yeah, I'm terrible at it. I was better at drawing it. I still remember exactly what you're talking about because you'd see somebody sitting in class and be like, damn, that's a really cool Superman S. I'm going to date myself. It was easier back in my day. And I'll tell you why.
Starting point is 03:33:04 The notebooks had like denim on it. So there was, like, almost a grid you could follow with your mechanical pencil to make it perfectly aligned as you followed the outline. I mostly saw these on bathroom stalls. I saw a lot of other things on bathroom stalls. Lots of other things on bathroom stalls. Yeah, a lot of shit. One time I did when I was teaching a
Starting point is 03:33:26 kid had a huge black swastika on his desk like the biggest and I walked up and I was like why would you do this he's like I didn't do that and I was like been in this class the whole time I would know a gigantic it was
Starting point is 03:33:42 like the biggest swastika I would know and he was it was like the biggest swastika. I would know. And it was Hitler is blushing. That's huge. And then I went and I opened his pencil case. It was a fat pencil case. And there was one thing in it, a big fat black Sharpie.
Starting point is 03:33:58 And just started cracking up. Cause I was like, you're dumb, bro. And you know, Sharpie, Eddie, like you have one thing. bro. And you know they get Sharpie and he's like, you have one thing. Why didn't you draw the S, man?
Starting point is 03:34:09 I would have came by and been like, damn. Nice. Was it a band? I thought it was Superman. That's not a Superman S. I know, but that's what I thought it was. Not that. I didn't watch superhero movies as a kid either.
Starting point is 03:34:27 Yikes. Not much. thought it was well not that i didn't watch superhero movies as a kid either yikes not much how do you i cannot like this christopher ray's superman movies come on he's he throws the s actually at one point in one of the movies he takes the s off and throws it it wraps it wraps the bad guy up and i was just like he he has that ability? He can do that? Does that? Why has he never broke this one out before? Why would you use an S ability like that if you're already Superman? Wouldn't it be easier to fly over and kill? Well, he doesn't kill if he doesn't have to.
Starting point is 03:34:56 He really doesn't kill at all. So that didn't kill. Batman will lay a murder game down every now and then if he needs to. I don't uh i don't particularly enjoy superman too much but i do if you guys uh have never read all-star superman i suggest reading it it's really good it's superman's dying in it and it's just like that's how it starts off the superman is sick and he's dying and he's the ultimate superman the one that's
Starting point is 03:35:21 done every single thing he's got like every trophy for everything. But like just how he handles his final moments is really – that's like a really good Superman story. A highlight being at one moment where he's like trying to talk like a girl from jumping off a building to kill herself. The interaction is just great. It's a good Superman. Does he age? I really like –
Starting point is 03:35:43 What? Does Superman age? So I read another one. a good superman does he i really like uh but does superman age it's both so i read another one yeah i read another one where he's aged like much less it's like an old it's uh uh kingdom come and batman and superman are both much older and batman like needs like this prosthetic thing to keep himself standing up straight because his body's all old and fucked up and Superman's just got a couple gray hairs. Yeah, Superman ages, but really slowly. My favorite
Starting point is 03:36:10 Superman story is the death of Superman when he fights Doomsday or whatever and he fucking dies. That's my favorite one for sure. And then while he's gone, they've got the fucking robo Superman. I can't remember what they call it. As a kid steel his name was
Starting point is 03:36:25 the man of steel and then there was the eradicator who was like him with like green on his hands like he could like green blast and there was like super boy with like the short hair it was like i remember because there was like a super nintendo game that released at the same time after death of superman and after death of superman there was like five or six like replacement superhero supermen kind of yeah video game where you could play as all of them when one was steel with like a big ass hammer and it was like so sick as a kid i loved like this that that whole thing uh yeah but then i grew up and i was like superman's fucking dumb bro he could just do anything he's always like, I could vibrate super fast so that I become molecules
Starting point is 03:37:08 and then I'll travel around the world as molecules and could go through the wall. Yeah, that annoyed me when the Flash would do that, when he'd just vibrate his molecules. I get that you move fast, but are you saying that anyone can vibrate their molecules just not as fast as you? Because I don't think so. Isn't that we're doing if we start vibrating we're vibrating our molecules yeah but he's vibrating individually
Starting point is 03:37:29 to the part where he can like just it seems like he has control of his body on a molecular level and yeah how makes a really good point uh i until you said that i was like what about the Hulk right the Hulk is get stronger and more like the angrier he gets the stronger he gets the more durable he gets the more he repairs and heals and recovers it seems like there's no limit to it but then when you get to the Superman and the molecules and the through the earth it's like well I guess he beats one of my favorite comics another one, is when Wolverine fights the Hulk. They're in Alaska or Canada. How did Wolverine win that?
Starting point is 03:38:09 Wolverine also heals, and he's got adamantium claws to tear the Hulk apart. Yeah, but the Hulk is the Hulk. He'll get madder and madder the more he gets cut, and then it's going to be like you can't beat him. That's the thing about the Hulk. He seems to have no limit to his power. If he starts to lose, then he just gathers more power it's so i this is like one of my favorite discussions by the way i love it because i'm always like you got
Starting point is 03:38:30 the different variations of power levels so like if we just did marvel cinematic universe uh to just be simple like hulk is definitely stronger than captain america black panther stronger than uh iron man like that's like iron man you saw what he had to go through to like try and stop the hulk and it was still you know extremely difficult and did he win that bit destroyed the whole city you know um and and the hulk could just do that iron man has to go repair that suit but like then you get to like the the levels beyond that and like doctor strange is fucking far superior to hulk it's cool that you can get angry and angry but if he drops you through infinite portal loop like that's just you yeah magic is something that's
Starting point is 03:39:15 always been it's just i'd say yeah that's just it you're done like you're just caught through that or even if you go and you you take thor like thor does trump hulk at the end of the day even though it's a great battle it does and actually like wolverine would get obliterated but you just don't finish wolverine so wolverine and hulk is kind of like that's like i feel like a perfect stalemate i feel like they've had a bunch of fights uh in the comics and uh the hulk usually wins but the but wolverine's won a few times too why would uh thor be stronger than the hulk it's a god he has that like that pool that pool like when you get there and you like start to compare them back to back and and what it is like thor is a demigod and hulk is a man hulk's best
Starting point is 03:39:58 thing going for him which we're not really talking about right now is if you bring bruce banner into the mix like bruce banner is smarter than thor but like thor strength is is strength so is hulks you know thor can fly thor has an army that can like you know he's got like a a people that follow him but harley you mentioned the marley marvel cinematic universe doesn't the hulk beat him in that like repeatedly no they had that moment they had a fight where i think uh uh thor ended up winning but then they they shocked him so hulk was able to win and it was like a big thing in ragnarok because thor beat him but they had to like he's about to use a lightning strike on him or whatever. But when you go to the comic universe, I think maybe Hulk is like way, way, like Hulk in the comics, depending on who writes it, will keep growing and getting heavier and stronger
Starting point is 03:40:54 the angrier he gets with no ending to that. And in Civil War, they're like, fuck Hulk, let's get him out of here. And they literally flew him away because they couldn't deal with him. And that's when he came back, like after conquering a planet, you know, he landed on a planet and like, it was like a planet, like only the strong survive.
Starting point is 03:41:11 And Hulk was the one Hulk in comics is like super powerful. But like another thing in power levels, like Spider-Man is way stronger than Captain America. Like, you don't think about that, but like Spider-Man is uh like he is he's smarter as smart as Iron Man as like you know as agile as as anyone else that that could be in the universe like Spider-Man is like very high tier Marvel does a pretty good job at least in the cinematic universe the thing I know better of handling the different power levels right because you have like the Hulk you have Thor you have Captain Marvel they're going, right? Because you have, like, the Hulk, you have Thor, you have Captain Marvel, they're going after Thanos,
Starting point is 03:41:47 but then you have, like, the Hawkeye and Scarlet Widow, is that her name? And, no, no, Black Widow, right? And I mixed her up with Scarlet Witch. Anyway, somehow Black Widow with her Glock is a useful, valued part of the team with her, like, I guess, super manipulation powers. I was so impressive that they kept
Starting point is 03:42:06 people in they think how do you keep hawkeye in right but yeah they need to get hawkeye a fucking ar-15 yeah imagine if he was deadeye deadeye from uh what the fuck dc i'm trying to say will smith's character um that'd be pretty interesting to watch him just like i don't know poke eyes out during that big uh first avengers battle scene yeah there's like different versions it depends on who's writing them and there's different versions from like you know various comic books of every character so in in any one iteration each character has been like super powerful like there's a uh world i think it's world beater Hulk, you know, where the Hulk is just like crazy overpowered.
Starting point is 03:42:49 There's like, there's one where it's the entire Marvel universe against the Hulk. There's something like that. And then there's like, there's, there's episodes like that for everyone. I think there's one where Wolverine kills everyone. Can Wolverine swim? There's one where the Punisher kills the entire Marvel universe. Can Wolverine swim? Yeah.
Starting point is 03:43:06 If you wanted to drown him, you'd probably have to use like, like I know Lady Deathstrike was killed, but she was drowned in adamantium, like liquid adamantium. Yeah. Like, yeah, that's a way to kill him. I saw him survive a nuke in a comic, though. The nuke went off and obliterated all the organs off of his metallic skeleton, and they reformed back
Starting point is 03:43:25 so i was like oh so that's the extent but it's always like arbo's different like dc's like batman doesn't kill superman would never do this they have rules marvel's just like hey man think it up we'll put it on the fucking yeah yeah Punisher kills everyone sure Dark Horse is even crazier yeah I like when the comics can get a little ridiculous I like when they split off and do like many many different universes where like a thing happens and everyone just
Starting point is 03:43:56 dies like there's one where the Punisher just kills every fucking body I like that's a good one that's a good one I don't know if you guys got Punisher kills Marvel. Is he even a superhero or is he just an assassin? He's a human. He's a vigilante.
Starting point is 03:44:11 He's a vigilante. He's really a training tailor. One interesting thing, if a character gets really OP, that's sort of a sign of a successful comic. Because what happens is they start out, for example, as your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. And they go and they take on burglars. And then some time passes and now Spider-Man's taking on this guy or another superhero or some bigger guy. Before long, Spider-Man's battling Galacticus or something like that.
Starting point is 03:44:40 It's because this thing's gone on for 50 years. If it's a brand new comic then they're still in their little stages i i agree with what you're saying i think i've looked at comic book characters as a list b list just like celebrities um and when i grew up like wolverine was an a plus leading character everyone loved him you know who wasn't iron man c list no one gave a shit about iron man i thought captain america was quite lame growing up he was cool and all but he wasn't like the x-men the x-men were cool and then a couple bad movies and all of that now all of a sudden like you'll see group walk in the red carpet and people going crazy and wolverine's like nowhere to be seen at all
Starting point is 03:45:19 it's just because like when i heard guardians of the galaxy was being made i was like it's a fucking tree and a raccoon this is gonna be so dumb but you make a good movie for the kids that grow up now i have this marvel poster that had wolverine and hulk in the front and spider-man now it's literally like groot and star-lord in the front wolverine and hulk are like in the back because you want the kids to buy it now and that whole power dynamic is shipped and then you look at someone like venom and you're like even though the movie comes out and people weren't hyped about it, it's still sold like crazy. Cause Venom is just for,
Starting point is 03:45:49 for everyone. I liked that movie. Yeah. I liked it too. It was pretty fun. And my friends rag on me all the time for liking it. I don't know why. I don't know why.
Starting point is 03:45:57 So Venom, Venom isn't even a villain or it's like a, some sort of fungus or something that sucks. He's an anti-hero at best. He's, he's a borderline villain, but doesn't he? It's like uh some sort of fungus or something that's an anti-hero at best he's he's borderline villain but doesn't he it's like some alien thing that turns yeah venom is that alien that is venom and like you know that that particular piece of the symbiote that particular entity is venom that's his name that's what he calls his powers what can he do well i thought like amplifies the powers of whoever he attaches himself to so but but uh he sort of uh provides armor and uh he's a little
Starting point is 03:46:33 bit like spawn actually he is very much like spawn because i want to say todd mcfarland wrote it he did uh venom so uh yeah so so he said he lost he lost so much money not lost but didn't get a lot of money based on how much marvel was making and i think that inspired him to start his own his own it did it absolutely did so he took like uh aspects of several of his other characters and and wrote them all into spawn and i was going to mention spawn because i'm i'm hyped that stop todd mcfarland's going to get to make a spawn movie that's rated R and have complete creative control over that thing because Spawn is a ridiculous character. We're talking about how these characters are overpowered. Spawn exists in a universe where heaven and hell are real.
Starting point is 03:47:14 God and Satan are real, and they are characters. Us too. Yeah. Yeah, not really, though. And in the comics, Spawn has defeated Satan and God. Yeah, it's great. Satan and God. I've always disliked he's a God as an argument for power.
Starting point is 03:47:36 Because it doesn't mean anything to me. I know what God's powers are. Well, it depends what kind of God you're talking about. He makes children get bicycles for Christmas, I guess. That's Santa. If it's a Jesus, it depends what level of God. If it's a Jesus-level God, it's like, yeah, you can do anything, whatever, whatever, anytime.
Starting point is 03:47:55 Wait, Jesus can't do anything? Jesus can't fend off a fucking nail gun. Well, he allowed himself to be crucified was the thing. He could have left. I mean, that's how I would tell the story if I got my ass kicked. I'm talking about God tears right now. Like, the Bible God does omniscient, omnipresent, everything. He can do whatever he wants anywhere.
Starting point is 03:48:18 And then you got, like, the Greek and Roman gods, where it's like, Zeus, he's really powerful, the most powerful, but he's like, you can still fucking trick him. Like you couldn't trick the Bible god. You can make him come. You can make Zeus come. You can't make God come. Whole galaxies came from Zeus coming all over the world. Yeah, exactly. That's a big deal.
Starting point is 03:48:36 The fact that you can make him come, like a human can make him come. Humans not making God come. Wasn't his wife Hera? Isn't that right? She stopped making him come enough and so then he started fucking like humans all sorts of things humans and animals and everything yeah that's how he got her kid he did they were pretty degenerate those gods but that's what like i was like man this is like a like gods but they seem more like a group of friends
Starting point is 03:48:59 and it's like i always felt like man if i were god i would prefer to have like other guys to talk to because like even if you're god like like imagine knowing at least zeus could go to poseidon and be like hey what's new with you you couldn't have that if that was the jesus god or like the bible god he couldn't ask you what was new with you because he'd already know you couldn't have conversation you couldn't have anything so yeah it would be a it would be a terrible existence to be an actual all-knowing all-seeing omniscient uh omnipotent god um on the topic of venom by the way venom also he uh he memory he has a a memory blueprint of anyone he attaches to and just by chance one of the first people he attached to was spider-man so he mimics spider-man's abilities like the web swinging and stuff just just because he has that blueprint.
Starting point is 03:49:45 And I read a Venom comic not too long ago where he ended up going on like this intense military vet who had been on secret missions and shit. And he was all like a fucked up PTSD crazy military guy. And Venom ended up being a good guy. At one point, he was in the Guardians of the Galaxy. He left. He came back to Earth. And he he was starving he attached to this guy and then he was like oh shit this guy's a psycho this guy kills people for money this guy's bad i want off and the guy grabbed venom and put him back on and he was like no he's like i've trained to protect
Starting point is 03:50:22 myself psychologically from torture like you've never been with someone with my mind and I like your power, so you're staying with me. And so this ex-military dude has Venom captive and uses his powers, whereas normally Venom is the parasite, this guy's the parasite. And it's a really interesting take on the story. The guy ends up knowing like spider-man's
Starting point is 03:50:46 identity and stuff because you end up becoming one with venom and venom knows all and all of what he's he's experienced and stuff um yeah that's cool that sounds cool i watch a lot of the animated stuff especially the dc animated movies uh there's a lot there's a lot of them and they're all on hbo it seems like. I think I've seen them all. All the good ones, anyway. I don't like the Teen Titans bullshit and stuff like that. I don't know. I don't like when there's child heroes or when it's like hundreds of years in the future.
Starting point is 03:51:16 Teen Titans, go to the movie. I promise it's a great movie. It's really good. I don't watch Teen Titans the show, and I know people love it. But I just watch the movie, which is, if you just know enough aboutman and robin and shit like just basic stuff it'll be entertaining it is it is a good one i like the batman shit i'm a big batman fan i like the i what lego batman have you seen that i don't like the lego you're lucky it's one of the best batman movies i promise i wouldn't like the lego shit man they're fucking lego and they make fun of Batman all the time. It is good. It's good. Like, he goes to his computer, he's like, Batputer, and they're like, password.
Starting point is 03:51:48 He's like, Iron Man sucks. It's funny. It's just, you guys don't watch The Bachelorette, eh? No. I got only hot take recommendations for you. Bachelor, Bachelorette, pure cringe city. Disgusting. I don't want, some people go to the zoo, and they're like,
Starting point is 03:52:03 I want to learn and experience and be entertained. And some people go to the zoo, and they're like, I want to learn and experience and be entertained. And some people go to the zoo and they're like, I want to see monkeys fuck each other and throw shit. I'm that person when I watch The Bachelor or The Bachelor and I'm like, I want to see these monkeys throw shit and eat shit and be embarrassed and humiliate themselves. And there's a lot of that on The Bachelor or The Bachelor. Trust me, guys. I wouldn't sit here.
Starting point is 03:52:20 Just watch it and know it sucks. You'll enjoy it more. Where do you see it? Netflix? I use my uh canadian bell tv show but like yeah you could find it on uh on any of those sites you guys don't use tiktok much do you just from reddit tiktok's main asset isn't actually uh tiktok their company their main asset is ai so when we were talking before about youtube like forcing video videos to you over and over again sometimes you're like i don't even want to see this and youtube's like i recommend and you're like fuck off i've been here all week i'll
Starting point is 03:52:55 never click that video is the best at knowing what you like so if you go on tiktok and you're like shit shit shit dumb retarded fuck this and you're swiped and you're like, shit, shit, shit, dumb, retarded, fuck this, and you're swiping and you're like, you don't like it or you say not interested, not interested, give it a little bit of time. The next time you go on, I've never opened an app where there is like a 95% chance I am going to like the next video. Now, I know you're thinking like TikToks, people making TikToks being like, you know, or some dumb shit. No, I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about like how people on tiktok are real people like if you go on youtube you get people like you know that are creators you go on instagram you get models trying to promote something or do some fitness bullshit uh you go on tiktok you're getting weird ass real people that you're
Starting point is 03:53:38 like i should not even be looking at this person their room is disgusting this is weird and they're doing something very hilarious and random it's a gold mine now you can go to curated sites and that's fine like if you go on reddit and tiktok cringe but if you go on there and you genuinely swipe through they will know what you like and i've never seen an app that is good at that that is of course if you're okay with the chinese communist party having your private information yeah whatever they already have it what i really want is to clone harley's recommendations can i just say i'm like this dude and tiktok will send me great videos too i i gotta be honest with you if you can go through you can go through my likes on tiktok and see the things that i've liked and
Starting point is 03:54:18 you might get those recommendations i personally look through my girlfriend's likes because she has the ugliest it's just it's ugly it's just i don't know what you have what she likes but she gets like the weirdest like poor like heroin tiktoks i don't know how to describe it they're just they're crazy they're messed up uh yeah and i realize i should come on to pka more than i already do no i just need to touch base with you guys often because you actually like extremely different things than i do but we do share a lot of similar interests so when i come here and i dump some shit i'm like yeah bachelorette tiktok it sounds like it's fucking dumb but i wouldn't i wouldn't say something dumb you wouldn't harley there was
Starting point is 03:55:02 a moment on this show when you were making fun of people who couldn't quite suck their own dick and that they were actually just dick lickers. And I'm like, dude, he fits in so well. He's perfect. Great guest. Hi, T. That's it.
Starting point is 03:55:16 Yeah, I think I need to touch base. Even if it's offline, I got to touch base. I'm like, yo, what the fuck are you guys doing these days? You guys are making your cum thicker? I want it. I want it. I want it. It's not just about thick cum. It's about more of it.
Starting point is 03:55:32 It's going to be voluminous. Just like you don't think about TikTok much, I don't think about how thin and pathetic my cum loads have been. Imagine you unscrewed the cap of an Elmer's glue and jumped on the side. That's what you're looking for. That's what I need.
Starting point is 03:55:47 I'll be locked and loaded. I love that quote from Ron Burgundy. He's like, now I know how those villages of Pompeii felt. That's a movie I need to rewatch. Yeah, me too. I haven't seen that in fucking forever. Imagine unscrewing
Starting point is 03:56:06 the cap on Elmer's glue and jumping on it that maybe that belongs on the bottle I don't know a picture of like one of those commercial a tick tock instead of we can have that like Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes it's usually pissing on the back of trucks
Starting point is 03:56:21 but he's like coming well I mean not anymore Calvin's been around Hobbs that's usually pissing on the back of trucks, but he's like coming. That's a child. Well, I mean, not anymore. Calvin's been around. Guy's like 40 years old. He's fine. How old are the Powerpuff Girls, though? They gotta be
Starting point is 03:56:40 over 30. Yeah, they're 9,000, so it's not weird to draw them in compromised situations. We've talked a hundred times about that dude who's like a writer on the Powderpuff Girls. Oh, I was on one. Yeah, he wrote himself into the book.
Starting point is 03:56:55 But is it? How old are they? They were six, and I was like... Yeah, but not to me. They're ageless wizards. Why don't they look older? Why doesn't all these ageless things look like children? Oh, Harley, I wanted to ask because you're a gamer. Are you ready for the new COD?
Starting point is 03:57:16 Are you going to jump on the new zombies and play that a bit? I have it installed. Are you talking about Cold War? Yeah. Yeah. I love Modern Warfare. Modern Warfare was great. One of the best Call of Duties I've played in so long. called i uh you're talking about cold war yeah yeah i'm looking i love modern warfare modern warfare was great one of the best call of duties i played in so long the single player was awesome multiplayer feels great i love it um this new call of duty definitely feels different i guess
Starting point is 03:57:36 it really does feel different from the modern warfare i played the beta uh but i've always liked black ops stories better and i've always enjoyed Black Ops and I played the beta and I'm a huge Battlefield fan I like Battlefield much more than Call of Duty and this one was like it had Battlefield vibes I was like on like like uh jet skis like around like gigantic naval ships and like you have like zip lines and it felt like Battlefield it felt like big and huge I'm like goddamn damn like call of duty finally got there like in in that sense like yeah i don't know like i just don't know if i like it better than modern warfare yet or not but i definitely played the shit out of it did you get to play any zombies in the beta or no no i didn't i didn't and i'm actually i've always been kind of bad at zombies
Starting point is 03:58:18 so i never i'm always just like i always buy the wrong shit and i i'm not patient enough in zombies so i never go far and then maybe i like i'm like i get tired after a shit and i i'm not patient enough in zombies so i never go far and then maybe i like i'm like i get tired after a bit and i make a bad decision or i like i think i'm stronger than i am i always end up fucking up in zombies why is that what you play a lot zombies you like that that's what that's what i'm excited for too yeah i haven't even looked at a video of multiplayer i probably won't play much but i'm totally down to get real into zombies i know kyle is too what are you to jump on zombies in this one? I'm torn on it.
Starting point is 03:58:47 So, like, all right, here's my zombies experience. I always get, like, the third or fourth best kiting spot, and it's like, this sucks. I would have so much more fun if I was over there in the easy to kite spot. But no, I'm over here in the fucking difficult to kite spot that's 120 seconds away from a gun refill this game fucking sucks over here right so i'm gonna stand next to you and it's like well you're not really welcome here and i was here first so could you go suck a dick and it's like ah fucking zombies who even likes this game and then uh like so much vitriol that's we'll let you have the good i relate to that so i like right like
Starting point is 03:59:28 i'm like oh i wish i was over there shooting and then i turn around and now there's like eight zombies a bit too much my gun only carries five bullets and i'm like i fucked up everyone here it's usually about my ability to escape right like this spot doesn't kite as well because it's a little trickier there's that one section that's too narrow and you can't dodge them or like you know that that's what bad cutting spot is to me um so there's that uh what else did i have in my head i don't know i i was kind of looking forward to this game coming out and then now i'm like oh that means i have to leave escape from tarkov every game is stupid after escape from tarkov escape talker is so much more complex than all
Starting point is 04:00:05 the cods put together when i play a lot of call of duty and i'm really enjoying myself i'm like oh this makes me this game's so sick it makes me want to play battlefield like i have that once i'm in there with guns like i can understand you might have that with tarkov like you're gonna go in there and mess with guns and be like if i'm gonna spend time shooting i should just do it on the thing that matters most to me or that gives me the most but the options on configure your gun and tarkov might be a hundred million times more complex than cod like that's more complex than like any other game i've played i i don't know how many combinations and permutations you can work
Starting point is 04:00:42 out in tarkov but is outrageous i told you about this last time i was on i had springs i think i'm not the right springs for the gun and i was like what is this it scared me away i was like what the fuck yeah it's great because sometimes you'll put a gun together in a specific way and it'll be like oh no you can't add that now that's incompatible We got the wrong gas tube. And you're like, which parts the gas tube. Like I've built guns before,
Starting point is 04:01:11 like in real life. And I'm just like, why won't this work? Yeah. You're injured. You're injured. And I'm like, Oh shit.
Starting point is 04:01:20 Bandit. It's like, not that bandaid bitch. That's true. Yeah. No, not that Band-Aid, bitch! Yeah, that's true. No, not that! Harley. Now it's infected. They added two more types of Band-Aids since you've last played Tarkov, because now there's light bleeds
Starting point is 04:01:33 and heavy bleeds. It's insane. The surgical supplies you need. Oh, the maps. Tarkov has maybe six maps, something close to that. And all but one of them are 14, 16 Call of Duty maps. Like, just to learn your way around takes a couple weeks. And now it's like, hey, what are you excited for, zombies?
Starting point is 04:01:57 I mean, I'll try it, I guess. I'm going to play the shit out of it. I'm going to perfect it. I'm going to beat it. I'm going to get all the things that can be done. I like the bad kiting spot. I always take the bad kiting spot because I don't want to deal with somebody. I like to take the bad kiting spot.
Starting point is 04:02:13 I never say anything, Kyle. I know you're right. I never played with you. I wasn't going to mock you. I just didn't want me mocking someone else to be compared to you, but you saw where I was headed. But I've never played zombies with you. That's not true. We played several
Starting point is 04:02:25 times. Really? Yeah, we played the one where you get all the bubble gums together. There's witches in it. There were like demons that you had to kite in a circle to do a thing. I think you need to get to the top of a building to even basically play the game.
Starting point is 04:02:42 That's like four years ago. Yeah. Yeah, that sounds right. Yeah. You guys are getting consoles, right? No one's getting an X. Nah, man. I got a PC. I'm going to be a grown man trying to figure out was D on this.
Starting point is 04:02:56 Oh, that's right. This will be your. You know what? Zombies. Nice place to start, though, because they play Vermintide. He did fine in Vermintide. True. True.
Starting point is 04:03:04 Vermintide's a nice little build up to zombies i would argue right because vermentide's a slash you don't really have to aim at the eyes or anything like that now zombie will come along and maybe you want to get headshots or something that'll be a step better and then eventually when you start shooting other players that'll be a step even more complicated yeah we'll see if i make it there um it's really crazy about the consoles which i didn't know uh until i had one of my possession that they do 4k 120 hertz and that fucked up that's crazy isn't that fucked up my computer doesn't do that i wouldn't even do i don't even do with my computer but like it's just crazy i don't know i was just kind of blown up about that bought a new pc on tuesday just ordered it i don't have it yet uh the upshot is i've got the new amd chip the 5950x it'll have a 3080 gpu
Starting point is 04:03:54 on it 32 gigs of ram i don't know what else you want to know a couple hard drives m2s cool so it's it should be really high end the game i play is demanding on computers and i like my computers to last about three years next yep well the outro yes yes we have one more message from the national highway traffic safety administration if you're ever stopped at a railway crossing and the signals are flashing and you don't see the train or it appears to be moving slow. And you think maybe you could get across the tracks before the train comes. Think about this. Even if the engineer sees you and applies the emergency brakes right away, it can take that train over a mile to stop over a mile to stop.
Starting point is 04:04:40 By that time, it's too late and the resulting crash will be deadly. Stop. Trains can't. Well read, Taylor. Thank you. Harleyley anything you want to tell the boys about nah man good hanging out harley plays on whatever uh uh we got to touch base guys outside of this we do i always say it hit me up when uh you're streaming if you guys play zombies i got it also message me let's do it definitely and uh yeah pka 517

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