Painkiller Already - PKA 546 - Dick Masterson & Destiny - Drinking Episode Regrets, Taylor's Wedding Present

Episode Date: June 7, 2021


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Starting point is 00:00:00 they're all laughing at me pka 546 are we going yeah that was the beginning pka 547 546 with our wonderful sponsors lucy and smart mouth we'll hear from them later we've got the dynamic duo back the dynamic tech support duo dick and destiny thank you guys so much for coming and for being patient with the tech. Hey, thank you. I need a condensed version of PKA. I need Kyle to tell me about a TV show I've never seen in like five minutes.
Starting point is 00:00:32 Woody, I need you to... Taylor, I need you to give me as many racist accents as you can and Woody, I need you to fundamentally not understand something about the human condition. Go. Alright, so you definitely want to check out Mr. Inbetween. Mr. Inbetween FX. Okay, Mr. Inbetween, got it.
Starting point is 00:00:54 Woody, go. Why would anyone watch that? There you go. Taylor, go. I don't know which race. No money option. Man, you've really boiled it down. You really destroyed the four hours here. I don't know which race so many options man you've really boiled it down you really destroyed the four hours here that is I know shows
Starting point is 00:01:10 and Destiny if you want if you have anything if you have anything you need to indoctrinate children with for the globo homo agenda I need you to get that out right away at the beginning so we can shout about it yes get your guys it'll come over the first time again well thank you guys so much for coming on i appreciate you guys probably the most requested duo and i like i like the story arc of it because the first time we had both of you guys on i remember like the first time we had dick on i remember like what he brought up like yeah he
Starting point is 00:01:43 had the argument with destiny and dick was like yeah didn't go well you know you know it didn't go great and then like over time you guys come on the show you get closer then you're laughing i saw a show online where you guys i think you were physically at dick's house sitting recording and then like some people started calling in and both of you were arguing at them it's just a wonderful you guys have seen each other in real life now yeah yeah oh neat we're in each other's polycule i am i've also debated destiny a few times i'm over however many times we did it that's there's there's this really weird thing i like um i'll blame the my half of my cuban family i don't know if people know his family people they scream at each other
Starting point is 00:02:24 when they talk to each other um I used to spend summers down where my grandma lived in Hialeah in Florida, Miami. And just that side of my family is always screaming at each other. Whenever I argue with my mom or my aunt, we're always screaming at each other. We usually chill after. And I noticed that online, there's like two people I know that we can have like a big argument. And then afterwards, it's like whatever. I don't care. I'm not holding it. It's not personal personal like we're not like going crazy like half times they're like dumb political shit like it doesn't personally affect um any of us but like for a lot of people online i notice like i'll see a clip of somebody like wow that was such a dumb opinion
Starting point is 00:02:56 and then the person will fucking hate me forever and people will say shit like oh my god like you burned so many bridges i was like i criticized like one opinion this guy had and then now they took it personally and they were like that it's like the end of our relationship was like i don't know um but yeah it's not it seems like i don't think dick takes it too personally um and i've got like a couple there's like two people i know um that like don't take it super personally you can have an argument with them and then afterwards like it's whatever but yeah people just go crazy over that shit they do i'm uh i'm old man i'm in constant pain i don't care what people on the internet say i don't care i mean you're it's uh it's yeah i i like getting pissed off online and shouting but
Starting point is 00:03:33 um if you don't if you don't build the bridge back up you you get less shouting right or if you end of the day if you actually like and i say this people all the time man if you get into if you do like the online politics fighting arguing and shit if you log off and you still carry that shit with you if you're like super angry and upset and depressed and mad and all sorts of other mental illnesses that people are collecting like pokemon now on twitter if you have that shit going on like unplug like seriously just delete your account why would you will like why would you really engage in something that's like destroying your mind uh i don't know that shit is crazy to me people get themselves worked up into a tizzy on twitter in particular like it was like i would i used to open twitter and this was a few months ago i just
Starting point is 00:04:12 i unfollowed everything but crypto accounts and like people who followed me because i was like this is the time i'm gonna figure out how cryptocurrency works and i still haven't figured it out really but i'm trying but like like i remember just a few months ago like chris pratt was trending on twitter and i'm like oh chris pratt he's the one he's the guy that everybody likes well i guess something changed because everybody on twitter is like this fucking fundamentalist borderline westboro baptist gay hater race and it's like why and it's like well because he posed he's he's going to church he did like like the smallest Christian thing and then they extrapolated that and found a reason to dislike him. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:04:48 I still like him. When he's going wearing camouflage like he was hunting, there was a whole backlash because he shoots animals. People are so crazy how they characterize each other on languages. I had a guy come on recently and he's like, I'm getting into online
Starting point is 00:05:04 politics and I've gotten into a bit of a tiff and i'm like well what's going on man he's like so i got into arguing with a conservative and i um you know i heard he was conservative so um he got mad at me uh because i thought it was a nazi because he said he was conservative like jesus christ he's like so i have to call him a nazi for some reason he got super upset and it's like oh my god yeah i don't know man everything online is just wait so you immediately alienated him and now you're wondering why yeah it's like yeah well no fucking shit the guy's upset it's you like you fucking call him a nazi jesus christ and for people today it's like yeah you see like one like blue light like my i love him to death
Starting point is 00:05:37 my parents are ride or die trump conservatives whatever but they're like not they're not nazis or fascists people will see like uh like oh i like police officers. I'm like, I know you're a fucking Hitler worshiper. Like, oh my God, chill out. Yeah. Well, I kind of side with him on that. Who likes police officers? I would love to see data if like actually having that flag with the blue line, if that reduces your likelihood of getting a ticket.
Starting point is 00:06:03 Because if that were true, I would just throw one on I would take it off before I after I parked yeah I truck vinyl wrapped and blue lights matter flag yeah do that no they don't just get vandalized but I want I bet there is it's just it's just cops like they're people a lot
Starting point is 00:06:20 of them are you know shitty unfortunately but like I bet they would give you a free pass sometimes well no one was implying that they were actual demons or non-human entities or anything like that just bad people well some people do say that i i was on that side for a while i didn't i didn't think that people thought that but i now i don't know man people have gotten insane online like i think a lot of people i think there are an unhealthy amount of people out there that legitimately believe That like the vast majority of cops are like white nationalist racist fascist like evil people too far with that Not the vast majority
Starting point is 00:06:54 But I do legitimately believe that the vast majority of policemen are way too fucking alpha They're just too far with that every interaction they have to dominate they have to yell you they have to be Discourteous and they have to put you in your place all the time and and if you don't like it is hard to not be completely emasculated in a police interaction and i don't like it that is true but that's still different than being like a racist evil for like three months let's re-equip them with like the nonsense equipment that cops in the UK get. Just to like, you know, reaffirm. Like, you know, you've had enough alpha mentality for a while.
Starting point is 00:07:31 Here's a soft baton and some dentine. I don't know what else they have. A silly hat. That would shape them up right quick. Actually, that would be terrible because people in the country have guns. That would be awful. I'm strongly in favor of the silly hat, though. Oh, they might have to negotiate their way out of something or be polite. Actually, that would be terrible because people in the country have guns. That would be awful. I'm strongly in favor of the silly hat, though. Oh, they might have to negotiate their way out of something
Starting point is 00:07:48 or be polite. Ooh, ooh, no. Do you actually want to enforce that law today, officer? Is it that important that I'm smoking and selling some weed over here now that you don't have your precious gun today? You're dangerously selling loosey cigarettes and you need to to put down on the street corner.
Starting point is 00:08:07 Yeah. By a guy who's, you know, got bullied in gym class. That's the vast majority of them. They were the guys who got bullied in gym class. And now they get to wear their Batman utility belt and enforce the law. And I'll say I do know one cop personally. And he had like he he's not like that. Like he he goes out of his way because he's like, it fucking sucks, man.
Starting point is 00:08:29 Everybody assumes you're like the biggest piece of shit in the world. And so like every like and he figured out that like he won't get fired if he doesn't hit his like ticket quota. And he lets people off all the time for bullshit nonsense. And he says it's like he can tell like the attitude in his little areas. And he's the same guy who was like I spoke to him a couple of years ago. He was out in a more rural area. He kept telling me like, I want to get into like the city, into like East St. Louis. I want to do something, man.
Starting point is 00:08:53 And then like they called him in for riots down there. And it was like months after that that I saw him at a party randomly of another friend of ours. And I was like, dude, how's that going? Last time I spoke to you, good God, almost a year ago, you're talking about getting into East St. Louis. And he's like, I got brought in as a spare guy for some of those riots. And I almost got hit with bricks and bottles. And I was like, really? So when do you transfer?
Starting point is 00:09:14 He's like, fuck that, dude. I'm never going back. Never. I'm staying in a rural area where there's nine people in the county. And once a year, I give a ticket for loitering. That seems like the way to do it. If you're going to be a cop. Yeah. A rural cop.
Starting point is 00:09:30 Being a city cop would be so hard. Destiny, have you noticed that everyone's gone insane? I heard you mention that before. It just seems like everyone in my political sphere is either finding, is either everything is a pedophile or all they want to talk about is the age of consent on the other side.
Starting point is 00:09:49 That's what political debate has come down to being locked inside. It's fried everyone's brain. Who wants to talk about the age of consent? The left people, probably libertarians. It got really weird with the whole with the whole um, with the whole kink at pride conversation. I noticed there were a lot of very strange takes coming out there where a lot of left-leaning people seemed very eager to defend like children interacting with people in like kink costumes and shit at pride parade. Yeah. What?
Starting point is 00:10:18 Yeah, I don't know, man. Just shit is fucking insane. So the left wants the age of consent lower? No, it's not about the age of consent. You get into these people that... Here's what happens, okay? Nobody actually knows why they believe in fucking anything. You're so ideologically dug in to whatever position you're in
Starting point is 00:10:36 that whenever you see something that looks like it's remotely against your ideology, you are forced to immediately stake out the most contrary position you can possibly find. And so what this turned into was like, well, conservatives are attacking or some people have been attacking the concept of having like these kinky people in like the daytime pride parades. So obviously, you must stake out the complete and total other opposite position. And it's led to people just saying these like insane arguments. So a few of these that I've heard recently. so one was wearing like a giant bdsm outfit or whatever with all the dildos and all that shit is basically the
Starting point is 00:11:10 same thing as having a wedding ring because a wedding ring is kind of kinky because it shows that you're like you're fucking another person ever like or people saying things yeah or people saying things like well sure they might have like the whole dog myself but like is kinky gear necessarily sexual like maybe they're not using it in a sexual way and it's like the fuck that guy's that guy's on a leash like I was walking around live dog seat on a leash in like in a kid is walking over and about to pet him there's no yes I saw a photo of that and I'm like where's that kid's parents get him out of there this is way too much for a kid to be absorbing and the funny thing is
Starting point is 00:11:45 is that like there are so many people that came out to defend that and then obviously like i i'll fight with a lot of these people and then later it came out well that wasn't actually a pride parade that was like a fulsome street parade right and then it was like oh see look so we win and it's like well no because you were just defending that at the pride parade just because it turns out that it wasn't at the pride parade doesn't mean you win you would have defended it anyway like why do you think this changes anything like it's easy to just say like hey you know if you want to do kinky shit that's fine do it at night do it in a separate parade like you don't have to own every single argument that you think is contrary and and it'll happen too when i'm arguing with people and to be
Starting point is 00:12:14 fair now well now i argue mainly with left-leaning people but like you can tell as soon as you say something that somebody is trying so fucking hard in their head to just disagree even though like you're you're setting up an argument and it's very non-controversial. You might start with, it's probably a good idea that children aren't around adults that are doing sexual things, right? And then people will be like, hmm, well, hold on.
Starting point is 00:12:36 I know he's setting up an argument. You're setting it up for something, so no. And then people say to you, well, you think that sexual gear is bad? Well, what about the fact that children go to beaches and women wear swimsuits? It's like, what the fuck is wrong with you? What about the fact that children go to beaches and women wear swimsuits? It's like, what the fuck is wrong with you? Both children and women should be banned from beaches.
Starting point is 00:12:50 That's my policy. Oh my God. Just for men. Just for adult men. Yes. I wanted to know what you thought about the left too because I know the right to me seems, it's just like they're fucking losing it. It sounds like you're experiencing kind of the same thing on the left here's the issue is
Starting point is 00:13:09 that four years ago okay i stood in this area where people on the right are saying things like oh well on the left they're gonna call you transphobic if you won't have sex with trans people they're gonna call you and it's like no dude nobody is saying this like calm down and most people weren't but now now they're saying it i have this guy that was arguing okay he's like let's say so here's a take that i gave on twitter that i got a ton of hate for okay and i'll be very clear when i say this okay so i said that if you were in a sexual encounter with somebody and you found out like halfway through that they had a set of genitals that you weren't expecting i think that's basically rape i think my tweet was that's tantamount to rape because like holy fuck that is not something that somebody might have signed up for transphobia and yeah and i got all these people tweeting me all these people saying like oh you're trying to
Starting point is 00:13:55 say you should murder trans people for him he's like no i didn't say anything about murdering anybody or whatever you can stop this not you shouldn't murder anybody but like that's like really fucked up and then i'm getting people coming out it's like well if you were gonna go down in a woman what if you found out that she had a genital piercing because that's basically the same thing as if she had a dick and it's like jesus fuck no and then people saying saying that you wouldn't fuck somebody just because they have a dick and you're expecting a vagina it's basically something just like a nazi saying they wouldn't fuck a jew what rape was and i'm curious as to it you were like if this is if you hook up with uh someone who looks like a woman vibes woman
Starting point is 00:14:29 etc you get back you get her pants off and suddenly she has a dick that's rape i think that it's close yeah my issue is that like if you're if you're getting because right now because trans people aren't the norm or they aren't like as widespread like it is if she takes her dick out and rapes you with it most people probably aren't signing up for that sort of sexual encounter now if you go to like a kinky like lgbt like orgy hookup or whatever and then you find somebody bring out and they've got like a dick or a vagina you explain that's different okay but like let's say for instance because the counter example like it was let's say that you go to like a lesbian bar and there are women there and they find somebody they start hooking up they go back to their place or whatever and then they find that they have a dick i think the person has a right to feel like
Starting point is 00:15:13 really upset it's like holy shit like this is like a non-consensual sexual act like i didn't sign up for this you know i think that's a totally fair opinion you're misleading someone sexually how is someone against like i don't know i don't even think it's two guys right kids in a suit what if i'm a what if i'm a dick but i vibe girl right like i vibe girl and in my heart of hearts i know i fool people 20 at the time but that fucking room was one of the 20 and i get back and it's like i didn't know you were dumb like you lied by omission you lied by omission right there did i here's here's my problem is that when left-leaning people i'm me included and i still feel this way when we talk about consent before we like we moved past consent and we even moved past something called informed
Starting point is 00:15:55 consent where it's not just enough to give consent you have to consent and know like what you're actually saying through but then we moved all the way to the concept of like enthusiastic consent it's not enough to just like bully a woman into saying yes you're fuck you she should be like excited and enjoyed him and like excited about it like this is something that actually wants to fuck you okay but now all of that is completely thrown away where it's like well is it really that bad if you're fucking somebody you find out halfway through that they have a different set of genitals you weren't expecting it's like wait what the fuck happened to everything about informed consent or everything about enthusiastic consent like this is like really fucked up like the move here is you bring this
Starting point is 00:16:23 woman back right you find out she has a dick and it's like ah that's not what i'm into you're gonna have to blow me right no you know what you know what might unite people is like we get matt gates in like a gimp suit and then he's at the pride parade and kids are coming up to him everyone's gonna suddenly it's gonna come he's wearing a maga hat it's gonna get a get a little more real. And those people will be like, oh, well, that's clearly wrong. It's like, eh, but just because it's Matt Gaetz, what about the puppy play? If he can make it through the parade without getting
Starting point is 00:16:54 pet by a kid, then we'll forget about everything he's done, right? I love the idea of enthusiastic consent, because I immediately think of like, well, North Koreans are like the most enthusiastically consenting people on the planet. Like they are absolutely thrilled when they see, oh, they're crying when they see any of the Jong-uns. Oh my God, I love you so much. That's the most enthusiastic consent.
Starting point is 00:17:24 So that's a relationship goal for me. I's not the most enthusiastic consent so that's a relationship goal for me i'm over there like enthusiastic i've been married 25 years athusia is this not every time bro sometimes it's like all right yeah I could bust. That's rape, I guess. As opposed to... Taylor, I like that you have that picture of those foam tiles behind you that you made way bigger than Kyle's to make your head look smaller.
Starting point is 00:18:02 It's working. It's like an optical illusion. Like, look, Kyle's head's your head look smaller it's working. It's like an optical illusion. Thank you so much. Look, Kyle's head's bigger than a tile and my head is only the third of the size of this fake tile that I have behind me. It's a normal size head. I'm an idiot. I didn't even realize.
Starting point is 00:18:17 I was like, oh, Taylor has tiles. No, Taylor has a green screen of audio. I've had it for months. Dick's been a guest three times while I've had the green screen of audio. I've had it for months. Dick's been a guest three times while I've had the green screen. That one fooled me because I'm not that smart. That's what's up.
Starting point is 00:18:35 I mean, I also, I've got, Kyle, I've got your background from many years ago. There you go. There it is. So natural. That's a flamethrower. Now I look like a truly tiny person.
Starting point is 00:18:48 Like a small child sitting on that casting couch. Normal ass size head. That microphone's bigger than your head. I agree with both of you. The internet is getting wild. But what was, so the age of consent thing, I didn't, like that's pretty, pretty out there. Dick, what was the other thing you said? Everyone's a pedophile. A pedophile. Did you did you date is that girl can she rent a car is she old enough to rent a car pedophile it's like i can't take it anymore i'm just uh bouncing back
Starting point is 00:19:16 and forth between those two extremes like oh what are you guys talking about here oh pedophiles okay what are you guys talking about oh age of consent all right uh i don't know maybe i'm just gonna have to get into sports this year i can't what is that called horseshoe theory man i used to make fun of that shit so much but holy shit do you know what was really bad guy a guy was guy got canceled online really big youtuber guy got canceled online because he was sexting like a 17 year old girl this guy was 19 years old the call me carson dude and he got like yeah i was like what the fuck is happening 19 and 17 yeah i know what because she's underage and it's like you could literally be in high school together my parents are two years apart and they met when they were
Starting point is 00:19:56 14 and 16 10 years apart your parents your dad is a fucking And they met when his dad was 18. Yeah. So what happened to this guy CallMeCarson? He's gone. He's like off the internet now. They toasted him. He's got like millions of YouTube subs or something. He's like a big YouTuber guy. It kind of seems like you can only get cancelled if you agree to be cancelled. Is that not the strategy for being cancelled now?
Starting point is 00:20:21 No, you can definitely be deplatformed. You're talking to somebody that's departed on Twitch partnered on twitch so look at what happened to dick i'm trying to take destiny that's a good point it used to be that like yeah canceling somebody meant that you lose sponsors or whatever which is whatever but now the problem is canceling is like you get d platform for everything i think it's going to get to the point i hope it doesn't but it feels well actually it could go two ways one is because i kind of wonder i feel like if people could find out like apartments where people lived out that they would like start to pressure like leasing agencies like are you really going to rent an apartment to a nazi didn't you know that he posted a blue lives matter thing
Starting point is 00:20:54 on facebook 16 years ago in a group blah blah blah like the people are going to start getting you canceled because i know like some banks for instance were refusing to work with trump which there's like i don't know yeah stuff like that is like kind of spooky to me but i wonder if some of the canceling stuff recently maybe i'm hoping praying has just gotten so ridiculous that maybe we're finally starting to turn back a little did you guys hear about the jeopardy shit i did not what's going on yeah the guy caught so much flack because he counted one two um three or whatever or this and it was the the white lot yeah and he actually got yeah i think there were like prior contestants and shit that had written that like they were like abhorrent i was like i can't believe he did this white nationalist blah blah blah i was like
Starting point is 00:21:36 are you fucking sad was he american i think yeah i think it was but he was like counting it was just counting yeah it's just counting so that's absurd i asked because don't know where, but I think other cultures do three differently. Like Americans kind of do three different things. Germans do. Germans do this thing. Okay. Who does this one? French, maybe?
Starting point is 00:21:52 French, American, German. Does anyone do this? Is that a three? Just you. That guy did. Yeah. That one guy did. Fingers busted.
Starting point is 00:22:00 It's not very easy to do that one because these two fingers are attached. That's why you just give the finger. He was actually an alien. That's a good point. Taylor, we should have taken a second look at him. He's probably wearing a suit. They even said in the statement, all of the Brainiacs, the former Jeopardy people who signed a petition
Starting point is 00:22:17 against him said, we don't even care if he actually meant it, but looking like he meant it is bad enough. How much ground are you going to cede to extremists? Like, we can't do the number three.
Starting point is 00:22:29 Like, we already lost the frog. Okay, we already lost Pepe. All right, how much more are you going to take from us? Pepe was funny. I mean, it got played out like every meme does, but they stole it
Starting point is 00:22:37 while it was still funny. Which was years ago. It's insane to me. Oh, my God. Yeah, it's fucking outrageous. But I hope you're right. I hope it starts to trend backwards, but hearing someone on Jeopardy got in trouble for
Starting point is 00:22:50 holding three up the wrong way, which is if all of us remember five years ago when it was the OK sign, right? And do you remember 10 years ago when it was the OK sign? And 15 and 20 and 25? And I assume before I was born, it always meant A-OK. It's just bizarre. It is possible for symbols to get co-opted.
Starting point is 00:23:06 I'm not saying it happened with OK. That's a pretty, like, big-time thing. But if, for example, the Ku Klux Klan started using the Betsy Ross version of the flag everywhere, they can, like, what is it called when they, like, take it and make it their own? Like, co-opt it, maybe? It's a thing that can happen.
Starting point is 00:23:24 I think you gotta be careful giving up like really normal shit like a fucking frog or like like so if somebody's posting like the like the confederate flag or something like you've got more symbolism more ideas that are built behind it but like just like the okay or when people people do this shit in high school do you remember or did they do that yeah yeah and now when people do this shit in high school, do you remember? Yeah. Did they do that? Yeah. Yeah. And now when people do that, it's like an instantaneous, like, that's a Nazi sign. It's like, what the fuck? I don't think that's the case.
Starting point is 00:23:53 I just think people are jumping that Nazi gun on, like, everybody that they don't like. Everybody you don't like is a Nazi. And it's like, gee, I don't know the fuck that works. I'm a Nazi. I've been with people like this for years. I'm not going to stop. You've been with people like that? Or you have. I'm a side of my fucking neighbor, okay?
Starting point is 00:24:04 There's nothing ne get like various there you'll get like the really cringy like videos of some republican at some convention like saying like doing like this or whatever and people like oh my god they're doing the nazi salute it was like really on camera you really think that's what they were going for the nazi salute there like come on dude how like you're clear so crazy it's because it's a good little silver bullet like i mean there's plenty of pictures of every democrat also waving at people like what but they're nazis too kyle they're all yeah i mean depending how far left you go on twitter everybody's people don't know what a fucking nazi is because they didn't grow up with a history channel or the history channel they grew
Starting point is 00:24:41 up with was fucking was the was the ancient aliens nazi one where they just abandoned any channel any pretext of history it was the history channel that went to storage units and shit like i don't know what fucking nazis do you remember the one on discovery channel this was probably like 2005 where they're like could there be like the intro like could there be evidence that the nazis used alien technology to make their rockets so much superior to the Americans in UK. And like the end of the episode is like, probably not. Like,
Starting point is 00:25:09 it's like, this was a waste of 40 minutes. So yeah, that shit sucked. Do you remember like before that though, all the awesome documentaries on war? That's all that the History Channel was, was like World War I,
Starting point is 00:25:21 World War II. I used to watch that. To be fair, it was called the History Channel, but it was exclusively the world war ii with an intermingling of world war one stuff and like that was like the all that was apparently the only historical event that ever happened little vietnam little korea it was there was the world war ii channel there should be like a like a rule in hollywood like in the next 10 years you gotta explore new wars civil war vietnam korea i've never seen a movie about the Korean War
Starting point is 00:25:47 have you guys? Not once I've seen 10 million about World War 2 yeah we've got new wars we've got the Afghanistan war, we've got stuff on Iraq yeah you gotta stop with that, too many I only want to watch movies about wars we won though
Starting point is 00:26:02 so we can pretend oh let's rewrite it and have some like, that's what Rambo is I only want to watch movies about wars we won, though. So we can pretend. Oh, let's rewrite it and have some... That's what Rambo is. That's us going back and being like, Oh, yeah, we kind of won Vietnam. Sort of. You know what? Even better than American wars,
Starting point is 00:26:16 I want more ancient history war stuff. Show me something about the ancient Greeks, some more Spartan stuff, some more ancient Rome, some Persians. I don't fucking know. That would be really cool. A nice genre change. I don't think it's popular enough that it would take off or really, it'd probably lose a tremendous amount of money. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:34 But then again, remember that movie Alexander with Brad or Troy? No, no, Troy. Troy lost money. That can't be true. I don't know. I don't know about Troy, but Alexander lost a ton of money, even with a what's her Vagina in it. Oh, then forget I used that example. The one with Brad Pitt, where he looks actually really good, not like skinny fight club. Super ripped up, yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:56 Yeah. Yeah, that's a good one. That's a good one. Some good titties in that movie. I'm just tired of the same genres. It's World War II or a superhero. What's that, Woody? Which movie did you say had good titties? They both do. he's in that movie. I'm just tired of the same genres. It's World War II or a superhero. What's that, Woody? Which movie did you say had good titties?
Starting point is 00:27:08 They both do. That's not helping. Alexander and Troy. Okay. Troy's got a good bit of pity. Can you raise your mic in interest, Hoka? It's too much. It's too much. You're too loud. You're booming. Still can't hear myself.ody did something to my microphone so i can't hear myself oh god don't even joke about it i'm gonna get canceled for that god
Starting point is 00:27:35 damn it woody kyle can't hear himself yeah you know who else limited uh people's microphones from talking to the world give you one guess the nazis nazis that's what they did probably confirmed the shutdown podcasts all over all of the gay podcasts they shut down then burned so so taylor's getting married in a couple weeks but i sent him his uh his gift a little early i didn't know when it would get there um but but but i but i ordered it a couple days ago and i guess it got there much more uh quickly than i thought it would yes uh i i offered to like sign up for his registry and get him you know whatever he's got on there but uh i was like hey if you don't give me that registry in time i'm just gonna send you a whole shitload of meats and he was like meats you say yeah and i was like i i have so many cups
Starting point is 00:28:21 and plates now from the registry that like i can't even fit in my cupboards. And so I was like, dude, send me the fucking meat. And Kyle was like, I'll do it. I'll send you meat. And I was like, send me the meat. And so he sent me what has to be 25 of 25 pound leg. Oh, my God. Of prosciutto?
Starting point is 00:28:44 We can't see it. It's all fucking fucked up. I get the idea. How many nights is that going to last with you? That would last a week at my house. Slicing off prosciutto all night. When I ordered it, it said it was 18 pounds and I did the math. That's roughly 17,000 calories he's holding.
Starting point is 00:29:00 Oh my god. Two days. One ounce is 60 calories and this is a lot of fucking calories and the amount of cholesterol my god the sodium the sodium taylor i think there's a there's a body hack here though like if you eat that all in one night you can't absorb 17 000 calories i might actually have a heart attack and die yeah if i tried to eat and it came with a with a prosciutto stand that you lean it into and it came with the highest quality prosciutto knife wow that i can how do you register for
Starting point is 00:29:35 something like this i might go propose right now i didn't i didn't even register for it it was just kyle saying send me your registry or i'm just gonna end up sending you meat. And I'm like, oh, fucking send me meat, man. I don't want anything on my registry. Don't throw me in the briar patch. Reference. I get that reference. I don't. You really don't get that reference?
Starting point is 00:29:55 In the briar patch? No. Yeah. Someone has to tell me. I don't get it. I think it's funnier if we don't. What is the story? It's Briar Rabbit. It's Briar Rabbit. I don't get it. It's funnier if we don't. What is the story? It's Briar Rabbit.
Starting point is 00:30:07 Yeah, Briar Rabbit. I should remember that. But yeah, thank you very much. That's a ton of fucking prosciutto italiano. My fiance, I sent her a picture of it this afternoon. She's like, oh my god, please tell him thank you so much. I can't wait to build a charcuterie board with a bunch of cheeses and meats and have company
Starting point is 00:30:23 over. It's like this is you can have a little bit i guess there's any left over once you're completely done with it you should see it like your little tiny fake dog can get the whole bone in its mouth it'll be so funny yeah just take this giant ham bone and give it to my 12 and 15 pound dogs. My tiny little puppies. Yeah, I'm excited. I'm excited to go to town on that meet.
Starting point is 00:30:49 I was thinking like when I got it today, it was like when you get something at Toys R Us when you're a little kid. I remember getting like Legos at Toys R Us when I was like seven. I get in the back of my grandma's car and she's like driving us back to her house. She's like, now don't you open that until we get home. And I'm back like, you can't stop me now. I wanted to play. That's what i wanted to do with this when i brought it in at you know 1 p.m in the afternoon it's like well i haven't eaten lunch yet i could just eat prosciutto i could just eat you know sandwich here but no i don't want to perform well then i and then i
Starting point is 00:31:17 thought like i don't want to just start eating it right now i want to have a whole to-do i want to go out and get the cheeses that pair with it right i want to get uh crackers i'm over wine i'm not going to try and find wine for it that's just that's just going to fill up my belly where prosciutto could go some beer that thing's going to be so salty maybe that might be that might be a fucking water meal it's so salty yeah trying to not get too dehydrated but and i like how i'm already picturing it as multiple meals in a row how many days do you think i could just eat that as my primary source of protein before i just mean ill i don't think you'll get ill as long as you eat it drink enough water the sodium is the problem we talked about cholesterol and calories that you can deal with
Starting point is 00:31:57 that it's the sodium i'll have to drink like 10 of these 40 ounce bottles a day just to get hydrated you eat that motherfucker but anyway i'm very excited to eat that yeah getting ready to get married it's a little stressful you know pushing a couple months no big no one wants to get married in summer. Hey, a couple of years. A couple of years. Next year, you may feel completely differently about this whole fucking thing. I mean, if you wait for me to get the audio fixed, that could be a couple of years. We'll go to Colorado.
Starting point is 00:32:38 We'll do some mind-expanding drugs. And you'll just be like, what was I thinking, Kyle? You were right all along. Honey, the second we start a PKA recording at 6 p.m central we'll get married don't you want enthusiastic consent from me right now you have begrudging consent yeah and like the way i set it up like i i hate being invited to people's weddings uh to the actual wedding itself i like going to the party and the reception because it's free food and drinks and that's a good time you usually see a bunch of people you know but the wedding itself is boring as shit and so like just my immediate family is coming to that and my fiance
Starting point is 00:33:20 was like what kind of uh what kind of, I guess, ceremony do you want? She sent me these different scripts. And I was like, by time, absolute shortest. Boom. Pick the absolute shortest one. It's like a nine minute ceremony. I just bing, bang, boom. She wanted a couple of God things in there.
Starting point is 00:33:38 I'm like, go to fucking town. I don't give a shit. Like throw some God stuff in there. Throw a Corinthians verse. That seems to be a glass. Stop on a glass. Wait, isn't that Jewish? I don't care. I don't care. Throw stuff in there throw a Corinthians verse that seems to be a glass Stop on a glass wait isn't that Jewish I don't care I don't care throw it in there You're gonna have to be flexible if you want a good marriage
Starting point is 00:33:50 That is is that Jewish the glass thing I think so What does that mean like if you this marriage will last as long as it would take to put this back together That's exactly what it means I'm not even memeing I'm pretty sure it's something like that Yeah that's exactly what it means. I'm not even memeing. I'm pretty sure it's something like that. Yeah, that's exactly what it means. Wait, I'm buying this. I'm stupid. It holds multiple
Starting point is 00:34:12 meanings. Jesus. Does it? I mean, I know the meaning. Others say marriage holds sorrow as well as joy. Well, that's... Well, there's no reason to use an expensive glass like that's what I'm saying. Dixie cup.
Starting point is 00:34:30 It's just a plastic crunch. It's a crystal. Some say it represents the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem. Why would you bring that up in a happy day? I stomp a glass every day. Every day, just remembering. In celebration of the temple in Jerusalem. Brings a smile
Starting point is 00:34:52 to my face. You guys don't know this, Kyle's very, very... Very anti-Semitic. He's a stringent Muslim. Just hardcore. Oh man, it's been so fun with Fish and the Discord because he is obviously Muslim. And every now and then somebody will come in and start trolling him and posting some Stan with Israel shit.
Starting point is 00:35:13 They'll have like a fucking holy war in the Discord over there. And I'm just sitting back watching. It's good stuff. Hey, did you say there was something interesting in the Discord recently that was like saved for the show? You didn't talk about it. All right. So is this guy still in the Discord by the way oh yeah man oh yeah cool guy cool guy so i'll start from the very beginning so obviously we have a patreon it's linked down below for 50 bucks a month you get everything below that but most importantly the fun part is you get into our
Starting point is 00:35:40 private discord you get to hang out with us for two hours a month, the three of us in a little call. They usually stretch on a little bit longer than that. Anyway, we do a lot of them now. We do like multiple sessions because we don't want more than 25 of you in there at a time because it's just too many people talking. So Sunday we did like three of them. And then the following Tuesday, which is two days ago, we did like – we did two more or something like that. I don't know. So afterwards, I was like,
Starting point is 00:36:05 holy shit, it's time to quit. But you know, I want to hang out with you guys some more. So I just stayed in there for a while. Yeah, we played magic with the guys. Me and Taylor kept streaming for a couple more hours and played magic with everybody.
Starting point is 00:36:15 And then it got pretty late and I was actually sleepy. I'd been up all day. So I was like, you know, I'm going to bed early. It was nine to 10 PM, something like that. I'm in bed and my phone vibrates. I had forgotten to silence it at like midnight, something like that. I'm in bed, and my phone vibrates.
Starting point is 00:36:25 I had forgotten to silence it at midnight, something like that, 1 a.m. maybe, and it's dirty. Dirty is like, dude, you've got to come back. Even if you just pop in to listen audio only, you've got to experience this. I'm thinking maybe they've got a poker game going because we have big poker games, or maybe they've got some sort of petty argument that i don't want any part of because i i always end up having to moderate and being like all right don't call that guy that word don't not that word that's no good and you let's not dox anybody okay calm down everybody like i have to i have to play fucking referee i have to be the adult in the room
Starting point is 00:37:02 which i hate. But no. The next day, I showed up and I was like, so what was that all about last night? What happened? Well, I guess one gentleman who's been in the Discord for a couple months, I won't say his name or anything, but I've read five books. Apparently, that's the joke. I've read five books. For some reason,
Starting point is 00:37:26 decided to just hop in the bubble bath and live stream it. At first, I guess it was kind of innocent. Grown-ass man in a bubble bath. Kind of silly. Whatever. But then he started flashing his asshole at everybody. Then the bubbles
Starting point is 00:37:41 popped. Is he a heavy fella? Is he a fit fella? That's what I was about to say, a flexible fella at that Because somehow He got his own foot in his mouth So he's sucking on his toes So there he is sucking on his toes and stuff Hang on, Woody, you need a picture of this
Starting point is 00:37:57 He's an adult man? Oh yeah, grown ass man Don't get us back into the age of consent talk Oh, these are grown ass men there's no children in the second on v um so he's sucking his toes you know while everybody watches and keep in mind there's an audience for this all right there's at least a dozen people watching this grown-ass man flashing his ass hole sucking his toes and shit and then he starts getting up and like doing the helicopter dick helicopter dick nice nice he's helicopter dicking it um sorry i got so many dms i'm working on it um send us the whole storied let me just let me just at the whole this i'll get all the
Starting point is 00:38:36 pictures and i guess that's what you want i'm sure so he uh he started spreading his asshole like Goatsy style, bending over, spreading his asshole. Is that what he did? And then – I wasn't there. And then he was fucking on his toes. And then Kyle said he started beating – no. So I just added the entire Discord. So that will get to the bottom of this. So then he's helicopter dicking it up.
Starting point is 00:39:03 And then he decides to show everybody his balls. And you might think, all right, I've seen balls before. But this guy's got four of them. So kind of interesting, right? He's got, yeah, four. Did he count them for you? Does he show a picture where, like, you can see four distinct balls? I have the only picture I've seen because I didn't want to see any male nudity, frankly, at like eight in the
Starting point is 00:39:25 morning when this shit happened. Oh, here they come. Oh, well, there he is. Okay, I'm working on the picture. Now we've seen male nudity. We did before when that guy fucked. Let's see. Copy. I think that's the best way to do this. Yeah, let's see. Don't share this.
Starting point is 00:39:42 Did I fuck that up? Yeah. Does he have a pretty nice penis? I'm going to have to screenshot them. I'll use ShareX. Just right-click copy and then... He has four balls? Did you guys hold your fingers up in a white supremacist way?
Starting point is 00:39:58 Four balls, yeah? So he's got like two regular man balls. Okay. So he's got He's got like Two regular man balls And then he's got these two little Two little lady balls Like two little lady balls He's got two little lady balls
Starting point is 00:40:14 I need a picture Do they hang in front of his man balls Are they behind are they in between Do his man balls Just have like an outrigger Is that what it really is training wheels balls training balls they're little baby balls um that uh that i guess like never matured but you know that they may have been part of donnie like his his twin that he
Starting point is 00:40:38 absorbed in the in the womb and and donnie's balls are formed onto his... Consumed Donnie and became more powerful. Consumed Donnie, yeah. Donnie would have been the good one. But yeah. Where's the pictures? I want to see... There you go. The last image or link is him sucking his toes there.
Starting point is 00:40:54 I don't see it. There's no image or link here. Where are you pasting? I think he's putting them in your guys' like... Do you have like a group or like a Discord channel? No. BKA546room. Is that where you're putting it, Kyle?
Starting point is 00:41:05 Are you putting them on Twitter? Hang on. Like I put them in the separate room now, but this is the room we're in. I'm putting them in the room we're in. No one sees any of these right now. I don't think you're posting them in this room. Ever see the boomers who like...
Starting point is 00:41:19 I'm putting them in the room we're in! They Google like, how do you change your oil? And it's a Facebook post. I just found one linked in the recording chat. I have a pride filter on my computer that blocks all balls this month. Our videos are here. And then, like, six inches below, there's fucking, you know, a text box. I don't see anybody's balls.
Starting point is 00:41:40 Wait, do you see the word I just typed in there? No. Oh, interesting. Oh, actually, it's lagging right now. I just tested it. Oh, okay. I did actually, it's lagging right now. I just tested. I did too. What a day full of tech issue. You guys didn't even get to see the hour of audio troubleshooting before the episode.
Starting point is 00:41:54 I'll DM them if I can. You know what my favorite part of the troubleshooting was? Was Dig is supposed to be here for an hour or whatever. He's on a limited time frame and um so woody is about four hours into his audio troubleshooting and um and all of a sudden you know woody's like dick do you have a hard out in like an hour like 30 minutes you have to leave and dick is like i could probably stay for another 30 minutes and
Starting point is 00:42:18 woody's like great just give me 15 more minutes messing with it he goes back to his audio that's not exactly right no no dick said he had another 50 minutes five zero and i was like cool i'm gonna switch to my other computer it'll take me like 11 minutes to get that set up and that's what happened i i hate it dude i had all my hopes and dreams wrapped around it never works right fuck fuck fuck fuck suck it so i i so badly wanted this to work so much i i the idea was that i would have like microsoft remote desktop and i would record using all the stuff i'm used to i would dial in just like taylor and kyle do it'd be easy peasy and i just remotely control this home machine it would be on gigabit ethernet with an uninterruptible power supply and all the
Starting point is 00:43:05 shit you want for something that's important and and it would be great and i tested it for days like leading up to this because i tried a different thing on tuesday and it was shit it looked like a slideshow it was not good so i spent this time i worked on it yesterday i worked on it today and i thought i was going to roll into this thing like, hey, Kyle, show up 20 minutes early, please. Kyle kindly volunteered. I was here an hour early. I've been here. I've been sitting in this chair for almost three hours now. I literally spent like an hour and 20 minutes troubleshooting it without getting it working properly.
Starting point is 00:43:35 And this is just me recording like I always do pretty much. And I feel all it was the key to my fucking freedom. I was like, if this works, not only can I go on this motorcycle ride around the country and back to the other side of the continent and return, I can go paragliding in Colombia. You're going to see me on location in Italy and Spain. I'm going to go to fucking Africa and do the show. The connection doesn't have to be that great because it's just a remote destination. Maybe not Africa. But anyway.
Starting point is 00:44:02 Don't go to Africa. I don't know what the fuck I'm going to do. I feel so much stress and pressure to get this right. Why don't we find somebody who's willing to be our engineer for like $100? That would change my life. You've got the tech depression. Hang on. I bet I can find us an engineer in 35.
Starting point is 00:44:29 There's a guy in the 50 discord who could do it there's always a guy in the 50 discord who's like a fucking expert in something what if it's a four balls guy there's what even better maybe he's four twice as effective as a normal engineer i can't move past that until i see his four balls i'm telling him to send me the junk i was like i want helicopter cock i want ball i want quad balls i want i want the full monty let's go and and all i'm getting is him sucking his toes this guy this guy was like i left when he spread his legs open and was about to stick something up his ass he left like yeah i guess that's when you turn on screen recording you don't leave yeah Yeah, man. It gets wild in there.
Starting point is 00:45:07 Yeah. There's an expert for everything in the PK discord. There's literally a guy in there with a world series of poker bracelet. Now playing poker. That is crazy. Yeah. There could be a lot of people pretending in there too. That guy with the Wharton sweatshirt,
Starting point is 00:45:20 the guy that plays like eight hands at a time or something. Yeah. Very smart guy. I thought he was good. Now we got the World Series of Poker guy in there who I presume is better. I don't know. Some high level poker going on. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:35 Wait, wait. Are you saying the World Series of Poker guy is not good? I'm not going to say that. Look, the guy's a fan of the show. I'm not going to dispute his poker abilities. He has a bracelet. Can you buy it? You can just probably buy a bracelet. Yeah, anybody could get a bracelet, Woody.
Starting point is 00:45:51 He won a massive tournament, and he's a poker YouTuber. Hello, him. Yeah, yeah, he's legit. I'm sure the man knows how to play poker. Do you have an off night? I haven't played poker, Will. I don't know. You haven't been pokering it up.
Starting point is 00:46:05 You know, Dick, there you go. I misunderstood something about the human condition. I do not get what Kyle's trying to tell me right now. I don't know. Subtlety isn't just lost on you. I don't know what's happening here. He's like, oh, this guy.
Starting point is 00:46:21 Kyle's saying he's better at poker than that guy. He's saying he could beat his ass with one poker tied behind his back. That's what he's saying. He's never, oh, this guy. Kyle's saying he's better at poker than that guy. He's saying he could beat his ass with one poker tied behind his back. That's what he's saying. He's never played him. Kyle's like, I'm not going to say the guy sucks dick at poker, you know? We'll just leave that there. And I'm like, wait a minute. You know, I haven't played with the guy.
Starting point is 00:46:39 I haven't played with the guy. Maybe he's the best poker player in the world. He's not saying he sucks at poker even. He's saying I am a poker king i think if i understand subtlety and we know i'm good at this i think what he's saying is i will accept this guy as a poker master when he proves it maybe sure sure that sounds right sure sure um but but yeah i'll uh i'll ask him here if there's anybody's but i can find us a fucking engineer hang on i going to ask right now. At here.
Starting point is 00:47:06 What do you want to pay him, $100? Sure. I don't know. You guys don't want to overpay for the service of audio for your enormous podcast. You don't want to blow your whole fucking wad of $100 on something as meaningless as audio. How am I going to get paid now? Oh, I'm sorry. I mean, surely Chiz could do it.
Starting point is 00:47:39 Let them offer. They might lowball themselves because they're such big fans. That's a good point. Hey, what would anybody take to do audio engineering? Maybe they'll come to Lois Bitter, or it could go wrong. We'll sign those animation spills that we put up a couple months ago. We'll print them out
Starting point is 00:47:58 on some loose side and send you a signed animation. How many animations are complete now? Is it four? Four? Yeah, I got four. Those guys. We're churning them out. Yeah, another one will be done in three days. Three days is the next one's coming out. Progress,
Starting point is 00:48:14 baby. I got them on my hard drive. They're hilarious. I like them. What is it with guys showing their balls on Discord? I feel like every Discord, every show on Discord has one guy that's popping some weird balls. Only this show has a four-balled man.
Starting point is 00:48:29 What kind of ball guy is in your Discord? What do you do? We had a little dick big ball guy. Cantillions. I don't want to say he has a little dick. I mean, his balls are big. Like, weirdly big. Oh, no! Is there going to be news to him that he's got a little dick? Well, it was
Starting point is 00:48:45 I mean I don't know It was flaccid he's got it kind of pulled out of the way It could be like a Camera angle pointed down It could be like three belt loops over And he's doing Like pulling his Shirt is dangling down which somehow
Starting point is 00:49:01 Makes it grosser like I'd rather look At a naked man than a man whose shirt is on but his dick is and balls are hanging out do you know what i mean like that's like i don't know why it's weird socks just socks yeah uh so now anytime anytime a girl's on he's a handsome guy otherwise or he was before quarantine then he got all fat handsome other than his small dick is that what you just said he's handsome but he has a he has a big ball small dick thing okay okay yeah big balls cantilians i apologize for the small dick thing i don't really know how big your dick is um but anytime a girl calls in they just spam the chat with his balls um which i guess is good
Starting point is 00:49:43 were his balls like were they all natural or did he do that thing that you did where you injected saline into your scrotum? No, he's got natural balls. They're natural. Are his balls just like 10% bigger than you expect or are they really a sight to behold?
Starting point is 00:49:59 They're like 50% bigger than I would expect. They're way bigger than I would expect. You might need to go to a doctor. Well, yeah. Incredibly fertile. If your Discord doesn't have a balls guy, though, that's how you know your Discord's made it. We have to be pretty strict on nudity in Discord
Starting point is 00:50:21 because of fucking minors and shit, and it's just not anything I ever want to fuck with.'s just too scary adults only in my discord we just don't allow minors in all adults yeah there are no minors i don't think no yeah i always ban them i put them in my private discord you do you yeah the minors here we have a willing participant who we have power over The miners? Yeah, you gotta slide into those DMs when you get the opportunity. Here we have a willing participant who we have power over. This is the dream come true. Yeah, Romeo and Juliet laws.
Starting point is 00:50:53 You got a separate Discord? You gotta go into my Woody's Wonderland Discord for all the cool miners, Joe. Are you in there with us? Talk about our identities are you the candy cane king it's all with case that would be like
Starting point is 00:51:16 so you yeah if you have minors in your discord you have to be super super adamant about all that stuff so you probably have a ton of mods and shit yeah yeah what a pain that shit happens what are you gonna do that kids ruin everything right i was looking at p-porn when i was in middle school i mean the internet's out there god knows what people are watching now i'm not how well adjusted you are i know right that was my favorite site i would i would always like like uh you know the school had that like a porn site blocker like but but it only applied to like i think they had to manually type in just like you know um twitch has that thing where the banned word list but if
Starting point is 00:51:58 you can think of something so nasty that nobody's ever considered it before. You can just slide right in. They call me Mr. 7 G's. It's kike with 37k. I didn't know the automated tip. That's what I did in my band list. In my band list, I just have all the bad words with tons of different variations of consonants. Maybe there's a faster way to do it. Yeah, there's a top list you can get off just google and you get you get like
Starting point is 00:52:27 a massive fucking list um but but but like you know i had been exposed to the internet with like no one to guide me so i was just like all over the dark parts of the internet not the actual dark web but just weird parts of the internet don't nothing illegal or anything but like i had stumbled upon this site called love to and it was all chicks piss in their pants it was nothing but hot chicks peeing in their panties or or and like but they didn't want to they weren't just like yeah i'm pissing look at it they were like oh i've got to pee but there's nothing i can do about it it was like that which was super hot how old were you at this time fucking 13. Was this one of the first fetishes that
Starting point is 00:53:06 you were like, I love watching women piss themselves? Like, oh my god, I can't find a bathroom to pee. It wasn't even that. I wasn't into the fetish. It was just so hard to find pictures of vagina without anything weird going on on the internet. I was trying to avoid fetishes and this was the least offensive fetish I could find. The internet was dark.
Starting point is 00:53:22 So I found out that at the school that no one had even considered blocking love to they had blocked like or i don't know if you remember was a porn oh yeah yeah they caught on that pretty quick when we were on the day we were trying to like research the fucking presidents but like so i would just go all the fucking um they weren't imax they were uh what were those what were those macintosh computers all in one the big they were the big brightly colored thing yeah they were there it was like see-through and they were like the all-in-one like computers or whatever blue or orange or green yeah
Starting point is 00:54:00 yeah that's what we had and i'd go to every one i found that was unattended love to minimize the window and like walk like run away giggling because i knew that some poor fucking middle-aged teacher was gonna all right let's see where let's go to attendance and oh because it's just like hot chicks pissing themselves and it was it was great middle school i love that i was never ballsy enough to to do like put up actual porn in the computer lab but i do remember taking a pen and i really disliked this librarian she was curt and mean and cunty and i remember like regularly going in there and like i would use my pen and i would pop off all the keys on the keyboard and put them in the wrong
Starting point is 00:54:40 place and it makes it really difficult for like people who are learning how to type to actually type and so i would like walk into the library sometimes the next day and see her like trying to get trying to get the keys off because she didn't know how to do it that was mean-spirited now i'm thinking back but she didn't know the early days of porn i remember before they had really figured out pop-up windows you know you'd go to a porn site it would pop up like seven more windows and uh i always took kind of a optimistic it was like jokes on you i like this jokes my mom's computer was slow as molasses after a late night journey through the internet she she's like i don't know how we get
Starting point is 00:55:26 so many viruses and i'm just like yeah i don't know let's get the internet i don't know it's a mystery to me your computer's filled with viruses your kleenex is empty must be you going to all those educational websites and uh and doing your classwork online must be a lot of viruses on those sites it couldn't be all those horrific porn sites I was going to last night and the 3,000 pop-ups I had to close. That was the worst part. Well, just going to Google Images
Starting point is 00:55:53 and turning off Safe Search is being like tits. Oh, no. That wasn't going to cut it. Taylor tells these childhood porn stories from 2016. It's like 2016. 2016? No, this is way before that.
Starting point is 00:56:09 I'm talking about 1999. Okay? I'm talking about 1999, 2000 on the internet when it was Kazaa and LimeWire. And you download some nefarious fucking shit onto your mother's computer. And then have to... I could probably cut probably
Starting point is 00:56:25 have gotten a degree in programming with all of the shit that i had to remove from my mother's computer before she woke up i mean they're sweating trying to like fix all of the damage that i had done the night before at least you never printed it off like destiny i printed it off before there was no ink left in that fucking printer my mom would be like where did all the ink go all the flesh tone ink is gone I remember when I was like 12 I was really into
Starting point is 00:56:55 paintball and we only had obviously the family computer and it was like in an open den area and it was way too risky to beat off there unless you knew you were home alone and I remember like getting at the store these paintball magazines and one of them was called 88 paintball and i was looking through at pictures of like tipmans and everything and then there's like a whole eight page section in the middle of just girls in like see-through negligee on this and like holding a paintball gun and that's it and so like you know it's a nazi 88 paintball 88 hell hitler that's true it's it's the eighth uh h is the eighth letter in the
Starting point is 00:57:32 i think i think they meant hh as in like double h tits for this did you notice whenever they that's why they have no mustaches and we're sick goose whenever they do the scenario games it's always world war ii and the germans always win and i was beating off to nazi propaganda the moderator there was jew crusher 69 you didn't pick any of them i didn't i mean i only had the well i guess i did go to the website sometimes, but man, I'm sorry. Anybody at 88 paintball. I know you guys are nice people. I'm just kidding. There's no way that's still a company. I, but I, I know too many people in the paintball industry for that not to be someone that I know that owned that and now own something else. But anyway, that was like a diamond in the rough
Starting point is 00:58:21 to find that and be like, Oh, I can have like a whole stack of these open in my room. my room like just sitting there and my my mom has no idea that i'm beating off to all these paintball magazines of just big titted women it was like a third of the content was women's like showing their asses and tits and clearly a little workaround for for horny young guys into paintball didn't make the hitler connection i don't think there was one i don't think so either did you guys see this egregious hockey hit oh yes let me find let me find it yeah taylor was that intentional yes i can i can break it down for you so this guy shyifley who does the heavy link as if people don't have video yeah yeah I will so so basically uh it's four to three Montreal is beating Winnipeg there's only a minute left in the third and the pucks dump down and you can see that the Canadian player the guy in white and
Starting point is 00:59:19 red is going to try and make a wraparound and make it five to three and that'll be the end of the game and then this guy Shifley sees him trying to do the wraparound and if you if you're not familiar with hockey you may need to go back a couple times you can see Shifley who's the guy's approach who's the guy who hits him he could have kept skating at him and got his stick out there and knocked the puck away that could have easily been no goal that's a rookie fourth liner on the habs and it was his birthday yesterday too happy 25th bud and uh and shifley is like an nhl all-star almost a point per game player six three big guy got hit is the all-star no the guy who hit is the all-star okay and so the guy who hit you can see if he was skating very quickly and he hadn't slowed down in the
Starting point is 01:00:04 slot and angled his body to set up for the hit, he could have easily prevented that goal, knocked it in the corner, and gotten a chance rushing back. But he was like wild-eyed and just was like, I'm going to let him score and I'm going to fuck him up. And that's what he did. This guy, he's in the hospital under observation, apparently. He's out indefinitely. Only a year past yeah only a year past in between his most recent concussions it is fucking it looks like he might have died
Starting point is 01:00:31 like and you can see principal point of contact there is right to his jaw and he's out cold before his head even hits and you know ice is pretty hard too that oh that he is his head hit the ice and i don't know about this hit because the principal point of contact was a really big hit but oftentimes the ice is the worst hit true um but this was totally intentional dirty as shit and what's so weird about it is like this guy shifley has never done this before like two days ago if anybody would have said dude that piece of shit mark shifley they'd like, what are you talking about? Link me one thing he's ever done. You don't think it's conceivable that the guy's head was just lower than he expected?
Starting point is 01:01:11 I'm mixed. I don't know. Somehow I didn't see intent to hit his head in that. I didn't think that was the case. Watch his feet stop moving at the slot. Watch his feet stop moving at the slot. And that's when he decides I'm going to aim for a hit instead of continuing to skate at him, reach out my stick, because he could have stopped that.
Starting point is 01:01:27 I'm not saying the hit was an accident. I'm saying the hit's placement. I'm watching it again. What I'm saying is that it's clearly intent to do some damage because there's a one-goal game in the playoffs. This is his last chance in the game to knock the puck free and hope his team can tie it up. His team ties it up. it's back to overtime it's a one it's woody the slow-mo at the end he drives
Starting point is 01:01:50 his shoulder right up into his head yeah you can see oh he's not looking and where he's hitting yeah he is yeah well he has to look away oh he is the hit. So the blood doesn't get in his eyes, but that's just there at the end. I was wrong. This looks intentional. Yeah, he absolutely dummied him. And so, shyfully, he has no history of being dirty. And so at most, they'll give him a five-game suspension. I bet they only give him like two because he's a star player and they get to play by their own set of rules.
Starting point is 01:02:21 But, like, dude, this postseason for the NHL has been so much more brutal than other ones that's one of the hardest hits i've ever seen oh that that guy's and i and this poor guy evans who got hit it's his 25th birthday he's playing well for the habs and he's not a roster player this is the first this is like his first year of being like i'm like a member i'm like pretty much a full member of the montreal canadians like i'm a professional hockey player now he was drafted in the seventh round like 280th overall no one you know where he's from is he french canadian by any chance uh he's probably from like ontario or something so most of them are from somewhere around there um most players are but yeah it's just the poor guy just like this could be the end of his career like he this is
Starting point is 01:03:01 like the kind of thing that gives you double vision the rest of your life and you just can't landed poorly i have that yeah well he was totally unconscious you didn't mention how uh who who the hell's playing who's the blue team tampa bay oh it's winnipeg uh winnipeg jets yeah dude there were like two jets players that protected the wounded guy yeah that was nikolaiolai Ehlers. Everybody likes Ehlers. He's like a nice Swedish guy, I think. Yeah, that was nice of him, but it was the least he could have done.
Starting point is 01:03:32 Well, he wouldn't be hitting. Because you've seen stuff like this happen before where the guy gets dummied and he's unconscious on the ice and then everybody skates over to start a fight and then you just see teammate and foe alike kicking the person in the head as they're unconscious for their skates by accident.
Starting point is 01:03:48 That can get nasty. What happened was foe protected the downed player. It was kind of neat to see. That was very nice of him. And the ref too. But you know what, Evans? You've got to keep that head up, man.
Starting point is 01:04:02 This is the NHL, bud. Welcome. The poor guy. The poor fucking guy. It's even more brutal in some ways than the Taveras kicked in the head one from last week. Yeah, and he's still out. What a shitty fucking sport. No, it's cool.
Starting point is 01:04:22 They just pretend like it's a sport. They're out there fucking assaulting each other. Yeah, that was genuine assault. Yeah. I wish that there was like a fighting league where it was just guys in hockey gear who just had it out. I mean. Drop all the pretense and all the goals and all that other nonsense. Should there be ice or should they wear skates in the octagon?
Starting point is 01:04:42 Oh, there should be ice. There should be ice and skates. What if they just wore skates in the octagon there should be ice there should be ice and skates what if they just wore skates in the octagon i'm kind of like i want to see him throwing kicks with skates on like uh like from that guy what's the movie where he's like i'm the only person to ever try and stab take my state off and try and stab somebody happy gilmore that's it yeah i mean like do other sports have incidents where like something on the field or ice or court is so brutal that like they get attorneys involved in criminal charges? They must sign like releases and shit or whatever. There's got to be so many. Otherwise, those sports would get like fucked by baseball.
Starting point is 01:05:18 Because when people in the NFL like sue people all the time for like tackling them too much or whatever. Yeah, they must like have a way better contract with the NFL because it's, remember Todd Bertuzzi, Woody, you know, like when he ruined Moore's career, Moore sued him for like millions of dollars. Like,
Starting point is 01:05:34 yeah, you just stole my career from me. You owe me all of that. And it was the right thing to do. That one in particular, I was not pro Bertuzzi, but when McSorley hit Brasheashir i saw mcsorley's point well brashir was a dirty piece of shit also so fair enough but anyway uh that's i don't want
Starting point is 01:05:54 to bore people with any more everybody's eyes you want to talk about west virginia say what's going on west virginia so in west virginia i guess they've had some issues getting people to sign up for the Corona vaccine. I can't imagine why. And so they came up with this sort of giveaway lottery program where if you get vaccinated, they're giving away pickup trucks and hunting rifles. In Ohio, you get a million dollars. I think there might be cash on the line, too. There's a bunch of prizes. It's like a fucking potluck or something.
Starting point is 01:06:28 There's custom hunting rifles, pickup trucks, and I think cash prizes, too. We're doing that in LA, too. I think we got like $15 million and a bunch of Dodgers gear. In Ohio, they give a million dollars. There's been a couple of winners.
Starting point is 01:06:47 There's been two winners so far. They get a million dollars for getting their COVID vaccine. On one hand, I get it. I get why it makes public sense. If you get that many more people to sign up, it's probably worth the million dollars a week in economic activity
Starting point is 01:07:04 to have the vaccine that much more widely distributed and cool cool i get it on the other hand it just seems like the a free vaccine should be incentive enough right i'm about to get a third shot just because i've never had free health care before this is. These fucks need a million dollars to go. I think even if you got vaccinated, you're automatically retroactively enrolled. I'm pretty sure I read that. Oh, in California, I'm almost positive
Starting point is 01:07:35 that I read that. I don't think North Carolina has a program like this. It would be neat if my kids won. I wish I had gotten into some sort of a lottery i was their first day why don't i why don't i get anything other than protected from a deadly disease i claim seasonal effect disorder as my like serious ailment so i should get it early that's my level of enthusiasm i told some kind of a small lie that couldn't be verified i don't remember what it was like high blood pressure or something like that.
Starting point is 01:08:06 What are they going to do, put a cuff on me? Give me the fucking shot. Give me the fucking shot. I don't care. They had plenty. They had plenty. It's not like we were running out of stories. In North Carolina, all you had to do was go to a Republican area,
Starting point is 01:08:17 and there were plenty of extra shots. Give them something that can't be verified. Name's the easiest thing to verify. I know. Say you have insomnia. They can't disprove that. I'm so... I told them I was running a fever. Oh,
Starting point is 01:08:35 I can't be verified. Like a smooth criminal. I would have pulled that syringe out of the arm of a sick old woman if it meant I got the vaccine a day earlier. I can just imagine them being like, alright, stick out your arm and you're just like... I forgot something in my car and you're out there running around your car. So are you flexing? Dick, you're avoiding the vaccine? Me?
Starting point is 01:09:08 Yeah, I'm not getting that shit. It'll make you gay. It's full of Bill Gates' robots. I don't think you can flex that. Oh, my God. Not only are you experiencing this, but you're homophobic. I keep explaining to people
Starting point is 01:09:21 that not getting the vaccine increases death. Why would I get the vaccine to stop this beautiful virus that God gave us to remove the fat in the old? It does seem like God's plan. Yeah. I mean, nothing could be more perfectly created to get rid of the fat in the old, and we're just wasting it. So, no, I will not still and Incense we can sense we've strayed far God's plan Kyle. What was your question? Do you know any people who are still anti-vax who are just like you people have really fucked yourselves over don't you know that?
Starting point is 01:09:57 4800 people died became gay What are some guys like waiting to come out of the closet and he's like, this is my chance. Finally, they'll have to accept me. You were a million percent right. Alex Jones is right. It made me gay.
Starting point is 01:10:18 There's no reversing it. I just want to see how hard it will be. Cause I think, I think I'm immune naturally. Like that's a thing. My girlfriend had it. We didn't take any COVID. We wouldn think I'm immune, naturally. Like, that's a thing. My girlfriend had it. We didn't take any COVID. We wouldn't take any precautions at all, and I didn't get it.
Starting point is 01:10:29 So I figure I must be immune. But I want to see what it's like getting around in life without having one of those stupid cards. Like, what am I going to be allowed to do? What lengths am I going to have to go through? How many lies will I have to tell to exist in this world? california still like totally shut down yeah we get out they open it up on juneteenth uh for us i think a lot of stuff bars around california has been opening though like you can go down to right at least i've done a honeybee you can go into restaurants and stuff and like indoor seating and whatnot fucking everything is open in missouri and has been for months yeah i would have to go outside to find that out
Starting point is 01:11:09 i'd have to go around to my favorite bar well known yeah you should go get a beer woody just to be like what have i been missing nothing that i want to do and then just leave i only brought it up because one of my friends and I'll use your real name because people don't know Kyle this is the actual name Kyle
Starting point is 01:11:32 I like you a lot but the fact that you don't believe in the vaccine I like Kyle also that you haven't gotten the vaccine is troubling to many of your friends and we're not trying to throw it in your face or make you feel foolish we just care about you and when you quote those statistics that you find from the internet we all just shake our heads because we like you we care about you because we like you
Starting point is 01:11:56 oh is this well i just say i know kyle by his other name more it took me a second to figure out that we who we were talking to yeah i guess uh there was that report from the cdc that like 4 800 people um out of the 200 million who were vaccinated died like a week after the vaccination it's just like i wonder why i mean they vaccinated the old the sick and the old first you know like like they like like i i'm shocked the fact that there was only 4800 leads me to believe there's something in the covid vaccine that keeping you alive that keeps people alive it slips of adrenaline like too low of a total that many i was like wait wait wait that can't be possible they've actually only 4800 died i thought 20 000 just from like rant like they just would have had strokes on their own in that window of time.
Starting point is 01:12:48 I mean, yeah, it doesn't even make sense. But, but he was just like, aha, vindicated. And I'm like,
Starting point is 01:12:53 no man. No. And he's like, you are never. And he was like, you're all ganging up on me in here. And somebody was like, man,
Starting point is 01:13:00 we all just kind of see things the same way. We're not, we didn't sign a blood oath or anything against you. It's just that you're saying that the sky has fallen and we we all just kind of see things the same way. We're not, we didn't sign a blood oath or anything against you. It's just that you're saying that the sky is falling and we're all just letting you know that it's just a little drizzle and we're not all going to die and you should really get vaccinated. Yeah, in a few seconds, man's driving on the highway. He hears a report over the radio.
Starting point is 01:13:20 Be careful out there driving because there's a person going the wrong way. And he looks around and says, you know what? Everyone's going the wrong way. That's you, Kyle. Yep. That's you. Kyle, stay strong. Don't let these bullies take control of your medical decisions.
Starting point is 01:13:38 It's your body. It's your choice. Oh, that's a good one. If they believed in the vaccine, they wouldn't be trying to make you get it. That's the real, it's that little sliver of doubt in them that they know it's all bullshit, that that's why they want you to get it and be on board. Everybody's got to believe in it. You know what?
Starting point is 01:13:56 I just decided the kind of guy I'm going to be, just from Dick. I'm going to be the kind of guy who waves a pencil or pen around while I make a point. I like that guy. You're the conductor of your own symphony over there. I tried to explain that guy to my wife, and she wasn't getting it. I'm like, you know, like toothpick guy, straw guy. I was like, you know. Zippo guy.
Starting point is 01:14:16 It's a thing for the guys. Women don't get it. No. They won't get it. I was like, honey, I need to be a guy. What kind of guy can I be? And none of them were types of guys. Yeah. No, I'm I need to be a guy. What kind of guy can I be? And none of them were types of guys. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:27 No, I'm going back to my original guy. I wish I could remember, but they were types of guys. How about a guy who takes out the garbage? How about that? You're going to be a guy who always takes out the garbage. How about a guy? I've said this one before, but this is a good one. A guy who leans on a wall and flips a coin over and over.
Starting point is 01:14:47 That's a really cool guy, too. That takes a lot of props. Pocket watch guy. Pocket watch guy is cool. We looked up pocket watches and wildly impractical. You know, if you want a nice one, they're as expensive as, well, I guess it makes sense. They're as expensive as a wristwatch. It's just in your pocket.
Starting point is 01:15:02 What do you mean impractical? Isn't that a phone? Isn't a phone a pocket watch? That's what everybody's got. Then you have a pocket watch getting scratched next to your phone in there. Your nice ass pocket watch. What if I'm Flavor Flav clock on a necklace guy?
Starting point is 01:15:15 You can hide cocaine in a pocket watch? Oh yeah. That's why people carry pocket watches. That can't be true. Yeah. You're making this up. Everybody I know that's got a pocket watch puts cocaine in this up everybody i know that's got a pocket watch puts cocaine in it do you know one guy with a pocket watch no yep right here i was really hoping you'd ask oh this is a oh this is nice cocaine nice. Cocaine Anonymous Gold Personalized Pocket Watch.
Starting point is 01:15:45 It says, hope, faith, courage, Cocaine Anonymous. So if you are at Cocaine Anonymous for a year, you can get a British gold. I mean, doesn't everybody who does coke have to be anonymous? Isn't that the whole, do they have a special group for it or what now? Oh, I'm loud and proud about my coke. Can you imagine how unpleasant and annoying a cocaine
Starting point is 01:16:07 recovery meeting is? Everybody's got business ideas. No one's waiting their turn to talk. It's just taking fucking forever. No, I started first. You're not right now. You are not. I was like...
Starting point is 01:16:22 What if I become nose card tricks guy, you know, but I have two bad hands now doing magic tricks with playing cards. So now if you pick all those cards up, I dropped, you'll find that several of them are missing. I remember my grandpa fooling me into playing 52 card pickup when I was like
Starting point is 01:16:45 five. He was like, Taylor, get over here. You want to play a game? And I'm like, yeah, grandpa. He's like 52 car pickup. You ever played before? And I was like, I actually, I was probably like four. He's like, I was like, no. He goes, okay, you ready? He just goes in and he just like all at me. And then they're all on the ground. He goes, there you go. And then he's like uproariously laughing like and he's like i remember just crying because i felt he's still laughing i felt so fooled i appeared i felt such a fool that i just cried my grandma
Starting point is 01:17:20 was like man you shouldn't be treating him like that you already smashed that duck in front of him and scared the sheet out of him smash a duck in front of you well that's when i it's the i've told before he he was good with his hands farmer and i was trying to use play to use play-doh to make a duck i saw it upon i couldn't do it so he did it and then he was like quack quack you see that right there get close to it right at the table and i got like this close from it and then he just brings his giant fist and quack right in front of my head and smashes it and i cried then too scared the shit out of me he was uh he cracked himself up now that i'm an adult the moral of the story here is taylor was a bit of a pussy as a child a bit of a pussy
Starting point is 01:17:59 yeah he was being funny and i was being a bitch. Did you ever pay him back for this shit? Okay. Real nice house you got here, Grandpa. Blah! Why don't you get a fucking job and get another one? Oh, you don't have enough time. Oh! You don't have enough time. Coming to the end of life.
Starting point is 01:18:18 Yeah, no, he's good now. He was good then. No, it was funny. He just should have waited a year on both of those trolls. Because I was a little too young. What is this you're posting, Kyle? Oh. There was like this one or two month phase on Reddit where everything was
Starting point is 01:18:38 a cake. Did you guys see this? People were making life-like cakes out of literally every possible conceivable thing. Yeah, you'd like to see a PlayStation. oh it's the playstation 5 they'd be like nope they cut a slice out of it everything was a cake i bet those cakes do not taste good no they don't that that frosting you're using is is barely edible it's called fondant right yeah it's like made of sugar technically but it's not it barely food grade. It's closer to plaster than it is to sugar. You don't want that.
Starting point is 01:19:07 I'm not a big cake fan anyway. I don't like cake very much. How do you not like cake? I like cookies more. Cake, cookies, or pie? Cookies. Sure. Cake, cookies, or pie.
Starting point is 01:19:21 It's hard to go wrong. You know what? I'm going to pick one of the less common pies. I'm going to go wrong. You know what? I'm going to pick one of the less common pies. I'm going to go like a key lime. It's been a long time since I've had one. That's a good pie. That's my favorite pie. I feel like there's a floor to how shitty a pie can be.
Starting point is 01:19:37 So pies are always like safe. Yeah. Like you're never going to get a completely fucked apple pie. Right. On the other hand there are cookies that aren't even good oh god yeah i don't know who eats hard cookies is anyone in here a hard cookie eater no i can be a hard cookie purpose no yeah i think chewy cookies are disgusting i think oh there it is there he is okay cookies chewy cookies are made for old people who
Starting point is 01:20:03 don't have teeth anymore it's good for people who like hard-tasting cookies. You're all wrong on this. All of you are insane. Hard cookies are, yeah, you don't get it. They're for dipping in milk. Hard cookies, they absorb milk and they become outstanding cookies. Soft cookies are for when there isn't milk available. Or you're in front of people you don't want to dip in front of.
Starting point is 01:20:26 Kyle, haven't you said that you like original Chips Ahoy? The crunchy ones. If you offered me a chewy Chips Ahoy, I would spit it in your face. Then I won't do that. You belong in prison, Kyle.
Starting point is 01:20:42 You belong in prison. They're so nasty. They're like, whatever they're doing to that cookie to make it chewy is unnatural. Yeah. There are cookies that are like fresh and chewy, and then there are like chemically chewy cookies. There is a difference. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:00 That's true. But I mean, we're picking the worst example of a soft and hard cookie. I can't think of any. You brought up Chips Ahoy. Because you brought up, like, I was thinking of store-bought ones. I'd still prefer Chewy Chips Ahoy to regular Chips Ahoy. Regular Chips Ahoy, you're just making a shattered mess. I like regular fucking Oreos, and I'm going to take a fork,
Starting point is 01:21:17 and I'm going to jam it into the frosted side, so now I've got it, and I'm going to fucking dunk that bitch. That's how you eat cookies. Dude, I'm so much fatter than you. You are outmatched. They're good fucking cookies. I can't believe you like the chewy cookies no a bit like think about like when someone makes you homemade fresh delicious cookies they're nice and oh that that chocolate's so gooey the it's just perfect it's you can pull it apart it's great i was like how ryan tolman shoves it in the fridge so that it gets... You don't want that.
Starting point is 01:21:46 If it's a good fresh-baked cookie, it's not going to be crispy. It's going to be nice and soft. You leave them on the counter until they get crispy. You eat them... No matter how many days it takes, they'll get crispy. The worst deal in the history of deals.
Starting point is 01:22:03 You get these delicious cookies and this retard needs them out to get hard can you believe it you belong in prison i'll never pardon him will they get hard i feel like these cookies could last for years on the counter are those chemically chewy cookies probably yeah yeah they're not chewy because they're fresh out of the oven they're chewy because one of the ingredients is tar yeah it's they've put some... Instead of like... I don't know what they do to that shit. They've put something gooey in there. It's not a real cookie. That's not technically even a
Starting point is 01:22:29 cookie. That's some sort of weird thing. Watch it be molasses. Chewy chips are what they do taste funky and not good. That would not be my choice. But compared to the crispy ones, it's no contest. I like those white chocolate macadamia nut cookies from Subway.
Starting point is 01:22:46 Aren't those soft? They're sort of crunchy. They're not soft. I don't know. I like homemade white chocolate macadamia nut. Such an underrated cookie. It doesn't get what it deserves. The macadamia nut is the most expensive of all nuts.
Starting point is 01:22:59 It is. For the longest time, I confidently said Cashew, only to appear foolish once. I think you might have pointed it out, that macadamia nut is way more expensive. I would pay more for that guy's four nuts. I know my nuts. Did we ever get a picture of his four nuts? Oh, yeah, we can see the Discord's working again.
Starting point is 01:23:16 Where are the balls at? Yeah, I've had them in there. Apparently no one screenshotted the balls. I think everyone was disgusted and looked away or something. Ava did offer to, she said she's having a hookup with some guy tomorrow night. She said she'd mash her balls together with his balls and take a picture of that for us. And so that would technically be four balls. Who said that?
Starting point is 01:23:36 Ava. Oh, well then Ava will hook us up. But, you know, I don't want to see two scrotums with two testicles each. I was kind of set on the one scrotum. If they mash them hard enough, though, But, you know, I don't want to see two scrotums with two testicles each. I was kind of set on the one scrotum before. If they mash them hard enough, though, I think we might be able to squint and get what we're looking for. No, they probably have different color sacks.
Starting point is 01:23:53 It's going to be unbelievable. You're so hard to please. You better not bring that attitude into your marriage. Like a little red tint. It's about two ball sacks coming together as one. Yeah, that's my custom vows. Are you writing custom vows? You have to.
Starting point is 01:24:15 And then, yeah, no. If you really loved your fiance, you would write some custom vows to read in front of everybody, I think. There should be a Patreon level. There should be a $500 Patreon level where you get to write Taylor's vows and he has to read in front of everybody i think there should be a level there should be a 500 patreon level where you get to write taylor's vows and he has yes and just be like uh yeah you know what that would be that would be awful it'd just be like i'm gay and i'm calling this off
Starting point is 01:24:36 that's what they're gonna have me read or something it would sound like landmarks twitch streams not not quite yeah text to I have people ask me that. They're like, dude, you should live stream your wedding ceremony. And it's like, yeah. Some things are not meant to be online. Taylor, there's upwards of $200 in it for you.
Starting point is 01:24:58 Yeah, too. Text to speech. My wedding. I would watch that. Text a speech at my wedding. No fucking chance. I would watch that. And if anyone can think of any reasons who should not be wed, let them speak now or forever hold their peace.
Starting point is 01:25:16 Taylor, would you last dream your wedding? L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-LL, LL, LL. W gang for life. W gang for life. Taylor's a fag. Fag, fag, fag, fag, fag. And then I have to like run back and be like, no, no. Turn it off. Don't ban me during my wedding. Do you remember when Pestily or Pestily had that like a couple days where his streams, this guy was a 3,000 person streamer. He was a notable major streamer.
Starting point is 01:25:43 But then he was a 60,000, 80,000, 90,000 person streamer for a bit notable major streamer but then he was a 60 000 80 000 90 000 person streamer for a bit and then his new norm settled back to 10 would you stream your wedding for that like transition if it was that extreme yeah because then i would be able to afford quitting any offline work and just being a shithead twitch streamer and podcaster but i mean if we get a hundred thousand there's a chance we could get a hundred thousand people to watch this way i mean i mean yeah i'll get married to taylor for that like what are the bigamy laws like in missouri damn it ah before any of this we should have gotten gay married and gay divorced i would happily get gay married with you absolutely i've told a few of the people who are from other countries like like if you want to
Starting point is 01:26:22 get gay married and become a u.s citizen like i'm not gonna marry a woman but we can probably work something out that'd be nice you'd have like a powerful two two income no kids wait what's it called dink dual income no kids you're just rolling in dough imagine what life would be like then you could play video games all day with nothing on your agenda for years on end. That'd be so crazy to be like that. I don't know. I can't even fathom it. What would that even be like? To have the time to play Magic 10 hours a night and get obsessed with it.
Starting point is 01:26:56 Whatever I do all day. Oh, god damn. I wanted to ask Destiny about it. The last time you came on, we asked about the you got fucked with the partnership thing. And then even more recently than that, someone like literally tried to intentionally sabotage you in order. Is that right? She wasn't trying to intentionally sabotage me. She was just showing me like censored pictures of like the Hunter Biden stuff.
Starting point is 01:27:28 And Twitch got mad and I don't have like a partner manager anymore so if you get enough reports on your channel you get auto banned so it took him like four days to unban me yeah oh that's what happened so just enough people just didn't like you basically wanted to fuck with you over something that isn't even yeah i think yeah well hopefully i don't know i appealed it and i got unbanned i don't know i got a bank because i served my band timer because twitch never tells you how long you get banned for it just says indefinite or if they like actually appealed it but um really if you get banned they don't tell you how long they told i sometimes they do sometimes you know all of my bands every time i've gotten it just as you've been indefinitely banned and then somebody like manually unbanned me after a while but yeah
Starting point is 01:27:59 jesus christ that's so as you've been pushing more onto the youtube side of it because i'll i follow you on twitch so i'll pop in on your twitch you're getting tons of viewership and then over on your youtube you're doing great too is it is it working out kind of positive yeah i think so i think i think it worked out really well yeah the dual streaming stuff for sure that was good thank god you had that fucking giant platform over there on youtube to not miss a beat yeah the getting banned and shit is a pretty scary uh it's a lot different now than it used to be right obviously everybody complains about it but like five years ago it was pretty hard to get like banned off of like even like youtube i don't think was as strict like sometimes
Starting point is 01:28:32 you could get like delisted for ads and stuff but yeah stuff on the internet has gotten like really crazy in terms of what's allowed and what's not allowed it's got to slow down it's getting outrageous are you gonna get into hot tub streaming at all destiny yeah maybe my fiance will make her do it but um yeah no that's not my uh my cup of tea i it's really funny to watch twitch like skirt the line on that though but it'll it'll come down to eventually advertisers will get mad and then they'll change their whole stance on it i don't know why they pull the fucking advertise right you need a fucking there you go advertise none of them are in good hot tubs they're're all in bullshit blow-up hot tubs. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:07 I was just showing somebody the other day what Twitch was. I think we were talking about you. And I was like, yeah, let me show you what this thing is. There's people that play video games, but then there's also all these filthy, stupid old whores that just stand there with their titties out, and they make like $10,000 a month doing it. They're they're like what you mean like strippers i'm like more than that i'm like no you're i just want you to know that you are so far off on that ten thousand a month
Starting point is 01:29:32 number you are probably an order of magnitude off on that number but no no no no not low i'm too high you're way too low you're way too low oh goodness well i was i was showing them some of the the the less accomplished oh the smaller ones okay i don't know i know there's a couple of them i won't say their names but like it's like oh my god like i know them like and i don't even like i'm not even in those circles like i'm not looking for them but i know of them because they're like they're so popular now there's like two in particular yep but like uh these chicks that are like painting their tits or doing whatever the fuck.
Starting point is 01:30:07 It's like the amount of money they're making and we're just sitting there. She's like, that chick's not even that hot. I'm like, yeah, they don't have to be. Like these guys are fucking lonely and pathetic. So like they'll just sit and watch this chick who's like a six out of ten, seven out of ten, sit in a hot tub and pretend like they're interested in their fucking gamer talk for four hours a night and they make more money than a stripper it's great it's great so you just linked the number one guy in pools hot tubs and beaches and his name is toad phd and he's an incredibly fat man with a bikini on he's got pepe uh face my face paint on i just checked the uh section right now I don't know where you
Starting point is 01:30:46 got that one right this is actually the number one more it's somehow even more sad really he's not the number one he was first oh that must have been suggested to you yeah that wait a minute this is recommended for you you're right who is sort highest to look wow wait this is this isn't even a real person I know they've got 9 000 viewers wait does precious family right there mean that she has 13 658 subscribers oh my god um it looks like it yeah i'm a loser the second biggest one is literally a marine animal so is it a joke was that a clever insult or no no i it's um what is a sea cow called what is the other name manatee yeah manatee is that what the are they otters i think they might be otters i
Starting point is 01:31:32 don't know that's small on my screen marine man like a cow okay i'm sorry i like to i like to think i have a firm grasp of the internet and like the memes and why people do things and why are there 9 000 people watching this not even real person in a hot tub right now i don't know what do okay it looks like their channel they never show their face and it's always this anime person oh there's a name for that i'm sure you someone on the call knows maybe destiny what is a vtuber a vtuber a virtual yeah isn't that what it is yep i didn't know that yeah there are vtubers who never show their face and they just show up as like anime characters jesus christ you fucking losers what is wrong with you people it's so bizarre it's worth 13 000 people are subbed
Starting point is 01:32:22 it's working christ friend is a fat italian guy uh vito giswaldi and he does this but he doesn't change his name at all he just has this hot avatar and talks like a fat italian guys he's playing video games good for him good little it's great very soothing it's very uh it's. Guys, I got a split. Thank you for having me. Destiny, it's great to talk to you again. Consider upping it to maybe 120 bucks
Starting point is 01:32:52 to get your audio. Don't go crazy, dude. When are we doing another drinking show? Mr. Moneybags! When is the next drinking show and please invite me yes we'll get you got i forgot how embarrassed i was the last time when i pissed all over my bathroom the next uh drinking episode is also the next smoking episode and it is 120 days away exactly 120 days two hours 19 minutes and zero seconds we just rolled over yeah so we get to the
Starting point is 01:33:26 old freedom it just says freedom and it's always counting down i love smoking pot oh it's half that's right and and i swear to god i'm painting my face like william wallace and i'm gonna find a movie quality wig to wear for that event. That's going to be fun. I'm just going to dress up as William Wallace, I think. Get drunk also, though. I mean, the plan was Colorado, but maybe we just go to Oregon
Starting point is 01:33:56 and we just do all the drugs, right? Oh, hell yeah. The shrooms show? Mm-hmm. Welcome to PKA 602. Kyle did a lot of shrooms And died earlier Of course you can't overdose But we've
Starting point is 01:34:11 Jumped out the window though Because he said he could fly See I don't think that's that realistic I think those are Dare to your stories Alright see you guys Pocket watch gang gang take care
Starting point is 01:34:26 alright finally he's gone god man I can't believe he's a piece of shit anti-vaxxer huh guys you know how much he pays us he was joking about money you know how much he pays us to come on this show every time
Starting point is 01:34:42 $120 $120 we are cheap and petty are you gonna do ads now that's what yes yes i am going to do the ads sorry this episode of pka is brought to you by lucy lucy nicotine is a company founded by caltech scientists and former smokers looking for a better and cleaner nicotine alternative. Finally, tobacco alternatives that don't suck. Researched and developed for three years to be made for people, not patients. Lucy has created a nicotine gum with four milligrams.
Starting point is 01:35:17 Here's the, what's this? That's a cinnamon one. This is the best flavor one, I think. Lucy has created a nicotine gum with four milligrams of nicotine that comes in three flavors, wintergreen cinnamon and pomegranate. Lucy also has a lozenge with four milligrams of nicotine and cherry ice flavor. Each and every flavor actually tastes great, and it's convenient and discreet. Their products can be enjoyed anywhere, on flights, at work, on the go, or even in the gym. It's 2021.
Starting point is 01:35:40 Get rid of your cigarettes, unplug the vape, throw out your dip, and get some Lucy nicotine gum or lozenges. This is the real deal. A subscription to Lucy comes direct to your door each month. It's so simple that you don't have to leave your house because Lucy has delivery down. Painkiller already listeners, go to That's And use promo code PKA to get 20% off all products in your first order, including gum or lozenges. That's
Starting point is 01:36:03 And use promo code PKA at checkout. Also, we have to give this disclaimer. Warning, this product contains nicotine derived from tobacco. Nicotine is an addictive chemical. So head on over to and be sure to use promo code PKA if you are interested. So check that out. And like I said, the cinnamon gum tastes the best of the three flavors,
Starting point is 01:36:24 I believe. And my grandpa uses this now instead of regular dip. This episode of PKA is also brought to you by Smart Mouth. Everyone hates talking to someone with bad breath. That humid, awful smell keeps you from focusing on anything other than finding an excuse to leave. Now just think of all the times you were the gross, smelly one and the other person was thinking about trying to get away. You probably can't think of any examples. That's because we rarely have an accurate read in our own breath. In other words, you could be walking around with trash mouth, not even realize you're Thank you. Just two uses a day and you'll never, ever have bad breath guaranteed. Whether the boardroom or the bedroom, having confidence in your breath spells success. Go to slash pka now for a free coupon.
Starting point is 01:37:09 You can find Smart Mouth products in the oral health aisle at Walgreens, CVS, Target, Rite Aid, Amazon, Walmart, or wherever you shop. Once again, that is slash pka for your coupon. So check those links out below. Click through. Makes us look good. And enjoy those products click like and leave a manipulating an algorithm manipulating comment too what should they say just this is for the algorithm this is for the algorithm okay i'm sure we'll get lots of those
Starting point is 01:37:37 that would be cool i would appreciate you know what i'm wagering to guess there will actually be mean comments here's what happened i was watching a YouTube video and it was like, it was a motorcycle thing and he's like, hey everyone, I rode my motorcycle this weekend for Memorial Day. Tell me what you did with your weekend. I'm genuinely curious how you spent your Memorial Day. And it's like, you fuck. You dishonest
Starting point is 01:37:58 fuck. You want algorithm manipulating comments, but you're not willing to admit that you want algorithm manipulating comments. So instead, you're feigning an interest in my Memorial Day weekend. I don't like it. I don't like it. I like what More Plates, More Dates does. He says, click like and leave a comment.
Starting point is 01:38:14 I don't care what it says. Just do it because it promotes my video and helps my channel. The openness and honesty of that means so much more to me than this asshole pretending he cares about my weekend. He doesn't care. Oh,
Starting point is 01:38:29 go ahead. Who leaves the thousandth comment on anything? I've always wondered this about human behavior. Cause I must be so far from the norm. Like I don't watch streams or anything. Like when you're like commenting on an Instagram post or YouTube video and there's like 999 comments, what drives you to leave a comment like no one's gonna read it no one's gonna see it the person you're commenting about is gonna read it or see like doesn't it
Starting point is 01:38:53 show the recent ones first who where does it on youtube no it usually shows like the top yeah like whatever one's got the most votes and so like if it's uploaded on thursday the 7th one from like thursday the 7th will be at the top. See, I don't comment on popular videos very much. It's more like paramotor videos and stuff. I'll leave comments or sometimes what I think is useful information. And it gets upvoted. And I thought it was because it got it like a lot of comments don't have votes at all.
Starting point is 01:39:22 So it's not hard to be most recent unvoted. I understand what you're saying about the begging questions where it's like, tell me about your weekend. It's like, and then you'll see like well-meaning kind of people who don't know. It's just for the algorithm being like, well, on Friday evening, I hung out with my girlfriend and we had brats. And then we actually had a Memorial Day get together with my grandparents and cousins. And it's like, to Destiny's's point no one's reading that no no one no one's going to respond to be like what kind of brats did you have like no that's not how conversations go if you said like you know i had brats and uh you know this is mega country then you might get some responses or something if
Starting point is 01:40:02 you bait someone into it but otherwise yeah i never comment on youtube videos yeah it's so weird when you see some like 100,000 comments or whatever it's like there's so many people commenting i just i just don't know what i don't know why i just don't know what drives people to do it i don't know maybe they go back through their comment like list in their account and see who responds to them if that's even a thing if they're if you can see all your comments because i've never checked man i i prefer this i would rather someone be sincere about their impure motivations than defame pure motivations i i hate it it rolls me the wrong way maybe other people don't care i guarantee i did shit like that trying to get more comments when i was making videos back in the day i probably did guarantee i did that like that trying to get more comments when I was making videos back in the day. I probably did too.
Starting point is 01:40:45 I guarantee I did that. Just like, leave a comment about what gun you like the most in Call of Duty. Yeah, of course. Maybe, but for a long time on my channel, I read every comment and every message you sent me. Like far longer than, like my channel had outgrown that behavior, but I kept it up for a long time. So maybe it wasn't that bad. Maybe I was pretty good about, you know, if I asked something, I kept it up for a long time. So maybe it wasn't that bad. Maybe I was pretty good about, you know,
Starting point is 01:41:06 if I asked something, I read it, but yeah, now I don't know. Just be honest. I like it. There are, there's a guy named Yammy tube who makes motorcycle videos. He's running a business.
Starting point is 01:41:16 He has employees there and he never pretends that like he's doing all this out of like passion and fun. You know, he's giving motorcycles away. He does motorcycle giveaways he does it to make money they're raffles you know you pay him whatever I'm gonna get the number wrong
Starting point is 01:41:32 50 bucks a month to be eligible for his motorcycle giveaway it's a business and he doesn't pretend that he's trying to spread love of motorcycling he's lining his pocket and the fact that he doesn't pretend it's something else, I like it. I dig it.
Starting point is 01:41:48 Pretty soon, YouTube's going to get to the point to where if you're saying, for the algorithm, they'll flag your video or something or they'll mark it so that it's less preferred. The ML shit that crawls through all those videos and analyzes the text, that shit is getting so, so, so sophisticated. It's pretty crazy.
Starting point is 01:42:04 It only gets better. I was going to say gonna say something was really funny is um we're trying to figure out why some of my videos were getting kind of like flagged for um different like ad things or whatever and uh my guy was going there because we we censor i think you guys do you censor swear words on me i don't know if you run ads against these videos on youtube probably not right you probably just do your ad reads in here you do oh okay yeah well censoring swear words apparently is really important now for the youtube stuff we're trying to figure out for the longest time like how how it was still showing up with swear words in my videos and we found out it was because my on-screen chat has swear words that go by sometimes and it like scans the video for that shit too so now i have to have like a censored version of my chat
Starting point is 01:42:39 up as well so those don't show up oh shit printed yeah dude we danny mullen helped us with our title last week and i'm scratching my head like i know what we put in there like wank nation or wankathon or something oh wank battles wank battles and i'm like what wank battles can't be good and danny mullen like mr push the limits is like no w battles, they have no idea. It'll be fine. I got demonetized for curse words in the title or something like that. I was like, damn it, Danny. I mean, hey, if someone searches wank battles, there we are.
Starting point is 01:43:13 Number one result. Are we? Did you do it in Cogito window? Yeah. Man, those clip channels are quick. They've already got a PKI racks of us to wank battles. We are the top result in wank battles. If you don't know Destiny, wank battles is where you and another presumably straight man text each other pornography with like subtext to it.
Starting point is 01:43:36 Like, oh, you like that, don't you, daddy? Come on my tits. And then they like try and come last. And people on Twitter, if you go into the search bar on Twitter and type in wank battles, you will see accounts where it's like wank battle enthusiast or like cuck boy. And it'll be like wins 400 losses, two 70 tie. And then some of them will be like,
Starting point is 01:43:52 when 17 losses, 200. And it's like, I'm a little baby bitch. And I always come for like, bizarre. The internet has got, we've strayed so far from God's light.
Starting point is 01:44:04 Indeed. We really need uh i was hoping there was a christianity was the key i was legitimately hoping there was a bluetooth read tonight because i love the new copy so much oh the bluetooth read yeah it used to be like you know hey don't you want to be the best you on a date and they changed the copy to like like i can't perform i've gained weight covid's been hard on me i need a hand yeah yeah i don't i don't like literally the beginning here's the first line of that ad read destiny tell me if you think this is this is fun like this is being insulted by an ad read says personally i feel like i've aged 12 years over the last 12 months. And if you're like me, you're feeling your age more than you used to, especially in the bedroom.
Starting point is 01:44:48 The fuck? I love it. Come on, man. People that do the writing for that, they know the influence or the talent or whatever that they're actually writing the ad for. How much they could push the line on that. If you've got an agency, it's like, do you want to do an ad read for Logitech? And you're like, oh, yeah, of course. And you sign the contract and everything. And you've got an agency it was like do you want to do do you want to do an ad read for a logitech and you're like oh yeah of course and you like sign the contract and everything you get your like your first ad read and it's like do you guys ever watch me play day in and day out
Starting point is 01:45:12 and wonder why i used to suck so much fucking shit at every single game i played well it's because i didn't use a logitech mouse you know what's your characters like you can just like go off just insulting you before i used this neuroplasticity app, I was an absolute retard. But now I can remember my friend's phone numbers and I can go to the bathroom on my own. Do you remember when that was a thing? When all those ad reads were everywhere,
Starting point is 01:45:36 it'd be like neuro... Neurotropics? Yeah, nootropics. And then also apps where they'd be like, use this app and complete simple puzzles so that your your brain ages better and like over like a couple years they did some clinicals on that and they're like it turns out in order to keep the puzzles easy enough so that it's an e like a very easily adopted strategy they're not actually hard enough to encourage your thinking to you know
Starting point is 01:45:59 increase the capacity in any sort of evidentiary way so that was interesting seems like a good idea though they just need to get harder puzzles like i bet sudoku like hard sudokus that's probably really good that's not called sudoku sudoku is that it sudoku destiny tiebreaker how do you pronounce sudoku sudoku fuck i mean i say i say sudoku so in, I think it's customary that like the accent, there's like an accented part of a word, right? Like Sudoku or whatever. But I think in Japanese, is that the root of the word? Usually everything is said like Sudoku or whatever you would say, or Sudoku.
Starting point is 01:46:36 Like there's not like an accented part of the word. So it's probably more proper to say it that way. But I mean, being English, I just say Sudoku. Such a Japanese game to come up with. It's just numbers and patterns oh these are the most fun game you will really enjoy it no i tried it before didn't suck me in yeah didn't suck me in you can't play games like that i'm surprised i can still read books and really really enjoy it because like and even then my attention span i know all of you guys are probably the exact same fucking way.
Starting point is 01:47:06 My attention span is destroyed. Absolutely. I've been reading this book series for the past couple months and I'm reading it. And I was like, after a few days of reading it, like I was just sitting in my living room with the TV off. And I was like, I can't, I can't sit in the silence. I can't do this. And then I turned on music and it's like, that's not even enough.
Starting point is 01:47:23 That's not even enough like ancillary activity. And so I'd to like put on seinfeld quietly or put on futurama or just something in the background to have like voices going otherwise i i don't know what it is i think i think you should drive while reading a book actually um my son got a really severe adhd diagnosis because he holy shit um but i was doing a lot of like reading and research around the time 11 okay I was doing a lot of reading around the time to figure out like what um just about ADHD because I you know I'd heard memes on the internet but I wanted to actually see like okay well what the fuck is what does it do with us I don't know I said he's 11 he's 10 so I'm reading through and listening to these YouTube videos whatever and I and as I'm
Starting point is 01:48:03 going through things I start to become way more aware of my own behavior because I'm starting to stumble into some things that are surprising me that I didn't know about ADHD. So like, for instance, like the idea behind like hyper-focus, I didn't know that was a thing. And that was one of the reasons I was like, I don't think Nathan has ADHD. Cause like, he can sit and play. Like if you ever, I give him like Minecraft, he'll play the shirt for like 12 hours. Like how can you have ADHD? Right. And I, and I start to go through all of these stories and these accounts from these like um therapists and psychiatrists that will talk about their
Starting point is 01:48:31 patients i was like what the fuck wait a second and then i started to self-audit like my behavior and what you just said so i noticed that like if i'm working on like if i'm scripting on like a video or something i'll have like a word doc okay i can't just have a word doc it's not enough so i'll probably play like music in the background but like just music going in the word doc isn't enough so like maybe i'll like open like a stream as well and so i'll have the stream going and then the the word i'm working on and then the music the person's not like doing enough on the stream so maybe i'll open another one up and i and when i started to automate i started to notice i'll be like three like i'll be like an hour like into started to notice i'll be like three like i'll be like an
Starting point is 01:49:05 hour like into work or something and i'll be like what the fuck is going on what do i have i'm like playing fucking songs and there's like two different conversations i don't know the fuck i'm even looking at right now like yeah and i started to notice that that like you're like amping up on like the type of exaggeration that you need multiple audio sources was do you really do that i i i well what would happen is it's not like multiple audio sources of like constant conversation it'll be like one stream where the person's not talking that much so then i'd open like a talk show or like a podcast stream or something and i'd like listen to them and like yeah but yeah it was just just way too much shit sometimes on my computer like sometimes
Starting point is 01:49:36 i've got to like work on like just sitting here and like being quiet and working and focusing on something without having like 50 different things playing at the same time yeah oh yeah i talk to myself i talk to myself constantly way to do it too yeah like like like i found that the best way to i'm into making time pass as quickly as possible sometimes like on a drive or something like a boring drive and the best way to do that is for me to talk to myself like like have a full-blown conversation or pretend like i'm doing like a show and like people are watching it like i mean like and i'm just like talking to my steering wheel about nonsense that's a smooth segue from our adhd topic to your schizophrenia but yeah yeah well i know they're not really there i mean they
Starting point is 01:50:15 might be there i mean who's to say but do you ever do impressions in your car what do you do oh yeah oh i've always done impressions like like in like look in the shower in the shower mostly because the acoustics are good in there yeah the acoustic but then you can get yourself high on your own supply in the shower like man i'm great and then you get out of the shower it's like oh this sounds nothing like obama yeah it's not even close it's not chinese that's japanese damn it yeah i mean i even games. Like if I'm playing a game with a story, like even like Skyrim, it's too slow. I don't care what Wolfgar or whatever is saying. I need like a podcast or like a TV show on the other monitor.
Starting point is 01:50:55 I need something else going on. Is it going even if you're high? Always. No matter what. Sober, not sober, doesn't matter. So if I'm sober, yeah, it's hard to like get my brain to do just one thing at all. But if I'm stoned, I can really hyper focus and just do the one thing and become completely engrossed in one thing and really enjoy it. Like right now, like for the last couple of years, like I can't watch movies anymore.
Starting point is 01:51:20 I really don't enjoy movies. That's sad. Or like RPG video games games i can't do that anymore um and uh and like all my favorite tv shows can't really get into them it's really got to be like a like a quick like like story like i need like an action sort of um like tv show to keep to like hold my interest i can't like get into stuff that's kind of slow at times and not always that funny and that's nuanced like i used to really be into trailer park boys and i'd watch it over and over and over i tried to
Starting point is 01:51:49 watch it sober and i'm just like what the fuck is this i can't watch this sober dude if you watch sober it's just really sad like it's just watching a hopeless group of low-income canadians with no way out living in a dismal little trailer park but if you're like like in college i'd watch it i was always be stoned off my gourd and so it's like oh julian's always gonna drink in his hand you're not thinking like julian's like a like you always need to drink in the sand yeah you know yeah i need i gotta be stoned i gotta be stoned to enjoy things just really live though
Starting point is 01:52:28 do you pace around when you're talking to yourself at home sometimes pace around it makes my wife crazy I tell her I have to get my steps in but it doesn't make her any less crazy I love pacing around how do you think about things when you're moving around I like it
Starting point is 01:52:43 I don't know I'm just a little more happy. I feel almost imprisoned if I have to sit in one spot while I talk to someone. I like to be moving. For her, I guess I pass windows and stuff. It's a hard thing to watch as the lights come on and off effectively.
Starting point is 01:53:00 You know what I figured out? I used to not drink that much caffeine and then in the last few months I've gotten on drinking like those bang energies so like zero to fucking a hundred and I've been wondering like recently like why are you just like standing up at like
Starting point is 01:53:16 10am and like pacing around in your own house and I realized it like today when I'd like finished off my bang and 10 minutes later I'm like well I have to stand up and I've talked to myself about something I'm like it's the energy it's it's drinking five cups of coffee worth of caffeine
Starting point is 01:53:32 and you just have to pace around and talk to yourself so I think I'm gonna switch back to like it just maybe two cups of coffee or something because I can't I can't handle it it's so much caffeine I work on your drink even more than that well I think both of you drink more than that, right? I do.
Starting point is 01:53:46 So I'm not sure that my cinnamon bun coffee or sugar cookie coffee that I drink, it has as much caffeine as normal coffee. But I do have a bunch. You think it does? I didn't understand what you mean. Yeah, I think it does. It absolutely does. Yeah, I've had long periods of time where i was doing like 200 400 800 close to a thousand milligrams a day almost a gram of caffeine a day
Starting point is 01:54:12 fucking christ like for months at a time i can easily drink a coffee and take a nap which implies to me my tolerance is up there i couldn't do more so like like honestly and i don't know what it's about like um I can wake up at like 9 10 a.m and be like okay I'm awake I'm awake and I'll like I'll have breakfast and I'll drink two cups of coffee and I'm like oh this coffee is really making me drowsy and I'll fall back to sleep like the coffee literally makes me tired like I hear people talk about decaf at night I'm just like I can drink a cup of coffee any time of the night like like and fall right to sleep just fine it doesn't I've had the same yeah with everything like the five hour energy red bull none of it really affects
Starting point is 01:54:49 me that much i don't know why like sometimes i'll take a red bull at night and then i'll just go to sleep or whatever it just doesn't have that type of impact so i've never really gotten i've never understood people to talk about like that needing caffeine to wake up or the caffeine has a five hour energy or do you pour the five hour energy in another step they're separate things oh you're just sort of lumping them together. Okay, okay. I've got caffeine pills. And for me to really be like, woo-hoo, we got something going now,
Starting point is 01:55:11 I need like 400 to 500 milligrams of caffeine. Mm-hmm. Do you drink much caffeine regularly, Destiny? Maybe like 150 to 250 a day, maybe. I think a Red Bull has around 110 110 and then maybe a coke has like what like 30 or 40 or something i'll drink like a cup of coffee yeah i'll drink like a red bull and a coke maybe right there or something if that so like i like it like i like these bangs now because like you'd always hear people being like oh that nice caffeine buzz in the morning it's like what
Starting point is 01:55:39 are you fucking talking about there's no buzz from caffeine it's not booze or weed or a drug. And then after drinking those bangs, I'm like, oh, I get it. Whoa, I'm ready for the day. I want to jump around. It feels really good, but this is probably an amount that I'll get ahead of. The band has a good bit in it, but I still don't. It's got 300. Oh, yeah. I don't always finish it, but I'll always get through three quarters of it at least.
Starting point is 01:56:04 Yeah, I like their flavors too, and it's sugar-free, I think. I think it is. Pina Colada, I liked that one, but I like Pina Colada everything. Hey, that's what you can have. You can have a real-ass Pina Colada once you're off probation. That'll be a nice little thing. No, I don't want alcohol ever again. I don't like alcohol.
Starting point is 01:56:22 I'm just trying to think of some things for you to do. Pina Colada's not bad. It tastes fun. But the only... If I want fucking ice and sugar and like coconut and pineapple, then I'll make a fancy little drink out of those ingredients.
Starting point is 01:56:38 I won't ruin it by pouring rum or tequila or whatever the fuck is in a Pina Colada. Probably rum. Tequila. If I want to get drunk, though, I'll just pour a tall glass of rum and I probably rum tequila if i want to get drunk though i'll just pour a tall glass of rum and i'll drink that down because i want to get drunk i understand i hate how you drink alcohol it is disgust so like destiny tell this is weird right kyle will be like i think what he just said it sounds exactly like how i drink alcohol but sorry go ahead wait so back up on how weird this is destiny
Starting point is 01:57:05 it is weird i'll be like i got a device bus so i just put five shots of vodka in a cup and i just went maybe not quite like that but like if i'm drinking like i i'm i'm a little hung up now i'm not hung over it i'm just a little tired today but i don't know if you can see but like i've got like uh captain morgan back there if i want to get drunk i'm just i'm drinking rum and then i'm drunk i don't know why the fuck i don't do like i don't know why people mix alcohol into other things or any of that shit i just if i want to get drunk i'm just gonna drink like liquor yeah so like i'll chase it with something because alcohol doesn't taste good but but but you don't need like a big like if you're gonna if you're gonna drink four six four to six ounces of alcohol you don't need
Starting point is 01:57:42 12 to 16 ounces of sugar water to like make it palatable no no no no no you need like three ounces of orange juice to chase it down so it doesn't burn your throat alcohol's a drug okay so treat it like a fucking drug when you go to take advil you don't you don't like break the pills open into all that bitter powder and then like mix it with like five spoonfuls of sugar and like you don't do that you know i really need this headache fix so i'm gonna swallow these these capsules and they're gonna like give me the medicine that i'm looking for the effect i want alcohol is the same fucking way we need to stop pretending that it's not well if i'm drinking alcohol it's because i want to get
Starting point is 01:58:19 drunk oh i mean it feels like there are people that genuinely like the taste of alcohol which is that's just the thing that i never connected with and it's always been hard to figure out because like i i can't i don't drink any beer or anything god it's just disgusting for me or like people will get these mixed drinks and they're like oh my god try this it's so good you can barely taste the alcohol like well why the fuck do you put alcohol in it then what the fuck is the point like i don't even know what you're what you're trying to communicate with me right now like what yeah yeah i don't know i'm the opposite i prefer like light bullshit beer the most like i like light beer like it's more you're around a bunch of people like i don't want to be pounding hard alcohol you just you're
Starting point is 01:58:54 just drinking light beer you know that's why i try to bud light like two years ago for the first time in my life and i just i couldn't believe it i just had no idea like all the jokes all the jokes made sense instantly i felt there was like a this my mind was illuminated with the 20 years of pissed like bud light jokes and it was like oh my god i understand everything i got all mixed i don't know okay hold on actually i needed i just don't know piss beer why wait i like uh i like doseki in the green bottle like if it's very cold and there's some lime in there, I could drink a pitcher of that. Like especially with some Mexican food, it feels like it goes well with it. And I get the like – but see, you said the thing like, oh, you don't want to pound hard alcohol around people.
Starting point is 01:59:35 It's like, well, just pound a little hard alcohol if you're getting sloppy drunk around people. That's what I was going to say. Like why sip on a drink for a while? Why not just do like one shot? You could do – I don't know. It's something about the ritual. Everybody's at the barbecue together and you're drinking your Bud Lights or you're drinking your beer or whatever.
Starting point is 01:59:50 It's like... I don't know. Just the thought of grilling and being like, oh, time to drink and guzzling a bunch of vodka and taking a shot of orange juice. I go and do it in private. I don't let anyone see. I'm not saying that anybody would even judge.
Starting point is 02:00:05 Oh, he prefers vodka. They'd be like, whatever. But like. You just take like a shot and then drink like something that tastes good. Not a fucking light beer. I would literally go like do that with a vodka and orange juice. And then I'd get like one of these Dr. Pepper zeros or something. Exactly.
Starting point is 02:00:18 I would drink that with my barbecue. See, we've talked about that. Even like vodka. I've said like if I am going to drink vodka, I'll put some in there. But then i'll put like an entire can of this of this zero like bubbly lime like and i like that like it now it's a decent tasting drink and that's how um yeah i don't understand these people who are like enjoying things that aren't enjoyable i don't i get that with cigars i just pretend okay well
Starting point is 02:00:42 that's a little different that's a little different to me. But with alcohol, it's like, okay, this is a drug. Use it like a fucking drug. And with smoking weed, like we were talking about the distillate, that like super, super pure stuff that concentrate. And the one guy in the hangout was like, oh, you don't want that. It doesn't taste like anything. It just gets you really high and i'm like tell me more like that sounds perfect to me these guys are like oh no you want this uh this live resin it's got all these notes okay that's i'm totally on your page on the pot thing just
Starting point is 02:01:19 use whatever's getting you high yeah i don't need like i don't want to smoke a joint and like and like and like stink the room up i want i want to hit a dab that's so fucking big that like the guy in the next room gets high and i want to be stoned as fuck right fucking now like i don't i don't want to like puff on a joint or i mean i like smoking flour i guess but like even when i smoke flour i don't fuck around about it like like i'm gonna get a big-ass water bong, and we're going to do a gram at a time. That's too much. No, it's not.
Starting point is 02:01:52 It's not enough. It is. It was scary in Colorado with you because you'd always want to smoke those things, and you'd be like, hey, you want to take a couple hits off a joint? And you're like, yeah, it's like a preview to getting high hey would you like to smell my beer before we go drink some alcohol yeah sure sure smells awful i don't know why uh whatever you want any part all right now
Starting point is 02:02:16 can we go get drunk like that that's what smoking a joint before we actually get high is like like a joint is just like a joint doesn't get you fucking high not if you not if you smoke weed they have the ones that uh like dispensaries that are coated and stuff oh those are different i've never tried one but they're like 30 you've never tried one we should have bought some when we were in colorado no those are my favorite honestly um i like those a lot because they they are they do get you high for one thing and they're very expensive and they're fancy it's like these pre-rolled usually it's one gram of marijuana um in this really nice joint there's some gold uh there's some that are wrapped in gold leaf but that's just throwing money away there's no reason to get a gold one
Starting point is 02:02:54 yeah just use regular rolling papers but they they usually uh put keef in there or um they'll take concentrate and like wrap it around the outside in a spirally pattern or something like that so you're getting a lot of concentrate while you're smoking a joint and they always use like top shelf really strong weed as well yeah and you're 120 days away 120 something like that yeah four months four months four months happy town by halloween you'll be home free. Oh, long before Halloween. It's October 2nd. I was just thinking whatever the first fun holiday was. October 2nd.
Starting point is 02:03:31 Oh, that's when you got out. August must have been when you got in. Yeah. I can't believe it's been so long since you went in and got out of prison. Those eight weeks, those eight shows, I mean, that just flew by for what do you know? It seems like eight years or something like that. It's what it feels like, eight, ten years ago.
Starting point is 02:03:49 What killed me was how long it took to go to prison. Oh, it took so long to go to prison. So long. When was the arrest? Whether you were going to be locked up for 30 years or not at all was a question that existed for like four years or something outrageous like that and then after we knew there was still how long between your sentencing date and your first day in prison months yeah yeah kyle think of the pressure that is as your sentence was hanging over me like how rough that must have been on me there was months and i
Starting point is 02:04:26 remember like like when i got when um right after i got arrested and i was i was speaking to my legal team and they were like oh yeah this oh no it wasn't them it was um it was uh one of the investigators one of the sheriff's department investigators and i was like i know his name but i asked him i was like hey uh bill um how long before we're gonna have all this wrapped up he's like oh cow i know some folks with chases like this and two three years before they even get to court you know and then another year after that for everything's wrapped up and who even knows and i'm just like bullshit there's no way this thing is gonna last for two or three years like like we'll we'll have this figured
Starting point is 02:05:10 out by the spring sure by the spring can i jump in line and and by the spring we had beaten the state case but then the federal case began and then it was the fall before that it went anywhere and then it it's lasted so long it's lasted so long that was the boss mode the federal case yeah years and years this thing has stretched on it was better to go federal though because Georgia treats concentrate like it's crack cocaine oh I didn't know that I always thought it was work so if you had gone to jail it would have been worse it's a little this little of that right because first of all like the state case wasn't going to go anywhere because they had written that bad search warrant um but you did have shorts on
Starting point is 02:05:55 i did have shorts on um but um but at the same time if if i did have to like if I if it was found guilty of the state charges and it was state it was a real problem like they they treat concentrate so seriously in the state of Georgia it's like very similar to how powdered cocaine and crack cocaine are prosecuted so differently marijuana concentrate and marijuana are prosecuted very differently in Georgia. My lawyer told me, I told him, I was like, I thought having half an ounce was like, I was skirting under some sort of legal guideline. He's like, oh no, not with concentrate. You might as well have had 10, 20 pounds of weed. That would have been better. If you'd had 10, 20 pounds of weed, we'd have a good shot here. But you 14 grams of concentrate they look at that like uh you might as well have killed somebody or like kidnap some children or or anything really i was like are you kidding
Starting point is 02:06:55 he's like well i'm exaggerating a little i'm like well you gotta get me out of this well we're gonna try yeah it was bad it was bad they treated the concentrate very seriously in georgia um but when it went federal they're like marijuana is marijuana is marijuana um they don't care if it's a big pie you bake a big cake you bake what did they call the guns it was a defaced it was word destructed serial numbers yeah there was there was phrasing was terrible yeah the phrasing was terrible it It always is defaced, maybe. So there's this there's this federal law about defacing or altering serial numbers on firearms. And one of my guns had been Cerakoted, which is a fancy word for like professionally painted by a third party company.
Starting point is 02:07:41 And when they did it, like two of the serial numbers now were hard to read. But if you scratched them hard enough with your fingernail, you could read them again. Nothing was being hidden. But they were using that as this modifier. It was like when you're playing
Starting point is 02:07:57 Magic the Gathering and you slap down an enchantment, like, add 10 years. They were adding the 10-year enchantment onto my sentence because of that. That was 10 years if they were adding the 10-year command um enchantment onto my onto my sentence because of that that was 10 years um potentially if we if we lose and then there was another there was a couple other little things like that each gun was an enhancement of like two years or three years up to 10 guns very much like a magic the gathering car um hand actually now i think it makes sense just not in the context of you.
Starting point is 02:08:27 Of course. You know, if a guy is distributing marijuana and he has a bunch of guns around, then we might assume he's a kind of violent marijuana distributor and that, you know, each of these guns kind of implies more of an armory arsenal ready to go to war, protecting. This is the wire, you know know scene where the cops come in and it's practically waco in there when there's shots going back like that's what the law is for but it just happens that they hit a youtube gun channel who enjoys pot on the side yeah and yeah yeah like you said it's it's for it's for like
Starting point is 02:09:07 gangsters who are using those guns um to enforce their territory uh where they're selling narcotics whereas i never i've never sold weed in my life nobody there's nobody nobody would ever pay me as much as i thought weed was worth that makes sense you know what i mean it's it's like you can't buy weed from me i buy the weed like you set the price and i'll pay it like there was never a point where anybody was ever i was like hey how much how much for an eighth of an ounce and they were like it's pretty expensive man i'm down to my life this is good stuff and i only have a little bit left and this is my supply i'm like just give me your fucking number dude don't dance don't dance around this i got places to be 200 for an eighth all right fucking let's go like there's no there's no that never happened
Starting point is 02:09:54 where somebody told me a price that was too high so there would be no circumstance where i would ever like sell weed because no one would ever pay me as much as i thought weed is worth because it's worth so much to me was the serial number thing never a real threat so it was like a mild threat right because like um my lawyer's atf guy was like you would probably win this and i would strongly recommend you fight this you know no matter what because this is nonsense but it's still like you know it's like when two fighters go into the ring right you know, no matter what, because this is nonsense, but it's still like, you know, it's like when two fighters go into the ring, right? You know, like, like, Oh, anything could happen. Yeah. Tyson's going to fight this guy from the crowd. Well, would you bet your life that Tyson's going to win? Like, like maybe this guy,
Starting point is 02:10:43 maybe it's a tough guy in the crowd. Maybe the judges really hate Tyson tonight. You know, maybe Tyson's so sure he wins. We don't get his a game like who the hell knows you know how it goes down yeah you're you're you don't know who the judge is going to be what his thoughts on the matter are going to be if he's going to understand all the moving parts i think most people know that but sarah coding is like a very nice paint it's not paint but work with me and kyle had a gun painted and i guess it made it difficult to read the serial number. And they treated him as if he had filed it off. That's like a felony thing,
Starting point is 02:11:10 is filing off serial numbers for firearms. It's like a big deal. Yeah. And plus, it made even less sense in my case because I had a license that allowed me to re-serialize firearms so like let's say i did have a firearm whose serial number i wanted to like get rid of i could absolutely do that i could literally file that serial number off carve my new serial number serial number on there in a very haphazard fashion mind you i could take like a dremel and write like kyle one two
Starting point is 02:11:45 three and then i could open my book up and write smith and wesson ar-15 serial number kyle one two three and it's and that's all it takes that's legal that that that's legally changing the serial number of a firearm and i had that license and that ability and and all that stuff so the idea that i would deface the serial number was doubly stupid yeah yeah and uh and just to be clear what he did do he bought a brand new gun from a gun store like a normal person and then had it professionally like painted we'll say yeah it like it wasn't shady at all and so hey new topic yeah i wonder real real quick on that i wonder if you would have gotten convicted of that i wonder if you could have sued the people civilly that did the paint on the gun interesting yeah interesting thought i considered it at the time yeah uh destiny did kovid come from a chinese lab maybe hard to say isn't it there's two there's two big parts of that though that people like to
Starting point is 02:12:49 conflate a lot um so one is the idea that it's possible that there was like gain of function research being done so the idea that you kind of like my understanding is you like kind of meddle around with the virus to see how could it become more contagious you know what could go wrong etc and that maybe some people got sick while studying this in a lab, and then it got out that way. By the way, the evidence for this is still incredibly scant. This hasn't been like proven, it's not 100% or anything. But then the second one that everybody was originally running with, they like pretend they weren't, was that China, like intentionally artificially engineered like a bioweapon virus in a lab and then released it to the world. So people like to use evidence for number one to say that number two happened but even though this first thing is still
Starting point is 02:13:28 it's something that should be looked into although i don't know at this point if we'll ever truly know but like the evidence right now was literally like three people were sick with flu-like symptoms that also worked in this lab um for a while before it got like out and big or whatever but but even the sources on that are debated like even in the intelligence community they weren't 100 sure if this was like viable or valid information i think so yeah what's more i don't know are more people who's saying it's coming from the lab saying that it was released intentionally or that it was like it escaped at this point it's hard because nobody's really honest about what they think but it feels like people people feel like it's intentional but i think they try to say yeah i don't know people dance around with what their actual opinions are
Starting point is 02:14:07 all the time but they shouldn't let it go in their own country yeah that seems like a huge oversight if you were going to release it to hit your own country really hard yeah you think so right people's belief systems line up along their political belief systems right like if you voted for trump you would most likely believe that this was an engineered thing that came from a lab and uh they had nefarious intent when they did it and if you voted for biden you probably believe that it came from a bat and it was just an accident and nature just fucked up shit sometimes and i'm over here like shit bro the reason we didn't take you seriously is you were also saying that like there's pedophile lizards running the government
Starting point is 02:14:52 and you were saying obama was from kenya and you were saying that like all these other wacky conspiracies that you were buying into and then you said the kung fu flu was from a wuhan lab bundled in with all the other like lumps of bullshit you try to peddle and of course no one took you seriously and that's that's irritating too because some of these guys are acting like they're vindicated when initially their evidence was like somebody's picture was deleted off of a website or like shoddily translated articles that weren't saying what people said they were saying and now that there's like been something a new piece of information they're like oh look we were right the whole time it's like no
Starting point is 02:15:26 you weren't right the whole time motherfucker first of all we still don't even know if it actually came from the lab we have no idea and secondly this is when new evidence is presented yeah of course this should be taken seriously you change your mind on it but that doesn't mean all the crazy insane shit you were saying before you're suddenly vindicated for that was the bat thing a bit of a meme i remember it being a meme in the beginning. No, I think bats are... I think that's the prevailing theory still. Yeah, I don't want to like... I get this incorrect, so I'm trying to do it.
Starting point is 02:15:52 I'm pretty sure that bats have like some kind of structure with the way that they work, that they can carry a lot of diseases that easily transfer to humans that don't have negative impacts on them. So I think bats are seen as a pretty common vector for viruses, for humans, viruses that can infect humans. Something that's kind of funny or strange is that, have you guys ever seen the movie Contagion?
Starting point is 02:16:13 Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think so. If you remember, yeah, if you remember in that movie, if I'm getting the right one, yeah. If you remember in that movie, that's how their virus started, right? It was a bat pooping somewhere and then it going to a market or whatever and that was exactly what their theory was in that movie for how which and i think some of the past i think have been theorized to come from bats too but yeah yeah don't they or no it's armadillos that have the plague isn't it
Starting point is 02:16:38 like a huge amount of armadillos have the black plague like they say not to touch dead ones yeah rabies yeah there's a they carry but armadillos are disgusting disgusting little have the black plague. Like they say not to touch dead ones. The bad type. Rabies. They carry a butt. Armadillos are disgusting. Disgusting little animals. No, they have the black plague. They're cool though. Some of them have the black plague. We need to purge them. Some people have the black plague.
Starting point is 02:16:59 Yeah, are people disgusting? Yeah, but not in America. Right? Probably. Is the black plague still around? Yeah, a little bit yeah black plague still around yes the bubonic plague is still around why you don't need to worry oh yeah believe that what if this came out like march 2nd 2020. 1545. 1545. Or like 1310. Why ye need not worry of the black plague? Why thine conspiracy fools ought be reprimanded.
Starting point is 02:17:39 The well water is clean to pay no heed to the taste. Does well water with lead in it taste better? Right? Isn't lead sweet sweet and that's what makes battery acid so delicious is battery acid delicious yes apparently you would need to consume a lot the only one um what he's the only person i know who's not retarded or dead who's tasted battery acid and um heath says not dead yeah i was gonna say the retard argument is a lot harder after the hour and a half we start troubleshooting the audio at the beginning that's why it's funny because it's true it's a rough one
Starting point is 02:18:20 i didn't care for that joke. Man. Apparently, I think this is clickbait. They don't even have pictures of, wait, seven cases a year in the United States. Oh. Yeah. I mean, I told you not to be worried about it. I'm not worried about it. I was just curious. You seem pretty worried.
Starting point is 02:18:42 No. More people die from drinking battery ass in the United States every year than the bubonic plague. More people die in the NHL playoffs than the bubonic plague. That guy suspended for four games. Four games.
Starting point is 02:18:58 That should have been more. If he plays four. Honestly, it's safer for him that he's suspended now because otherwise everyone would have been headhunting him and trying to take him out come and get it like he did hockey players never say that they always like fake an injury and leave like it as tough as hockey players are when the whole other team's hunting you it seems rare that they go out there with their chin up high and just take it for three periods.
Starting point is 02:19:32 It's much more common that they, like, find a way to get a misconduct immediately or whatever. Hold their shoulder and find their way to the locker room. Like, that happens. Really? Yeah. It just happened to the last guy, too. It was, um, they played for the Rangers or something and then he just found out. Oh, the guy that got kicked? Didn't he, like, not get a penalty at at all or like they went way too easy on him and he was in the next game.
Starting point is 02:19:51 They were all going to get him and he was out right away. Am I crazy? You could be right. I'm just trying to remember the taste of the Rangers because they're on the playoffs. But it was before the playoffs, though. It was this year for the playoffs that I'm probably mistaken. You're upset. It depends on the guy, too.
Starting point is 02:20:06 Like, if it's a bruiser, he's not going to leave because that's his job. And I remember the Rangers got fined, I think, for their Twitter account. Oh, yeah. The Rangers, they had their best player get injured on an egregious hit. And basically, they hurt Artemi Panarin, who's like a hundred million dollar asset for the Rangers. And the NHL was like, we're going to punish the guy who did it with a $5,000 fine. And he's welcome back next game.
Starting point is 02:20:31 And the Rangers like released a statement and we're like, this is egregious. This is out of control. There is no, like they, like straight, like they went after him. We're like,
Starting point is 02:20:40 this is like, they, they called for the department of player safety's head, like to have him resign. And like the NHL, like, it's like, he called for the Department of Player Safety's head to have him resign. The NHL, he just pissed off the most valuable, it's a $2 billion franchise or something ridiculous. It's more valuable than the Toronto Maple Leafs. But the NHL won.
Starting point is 02:20:53 The NHL gave them a huge fine for the Twitter. And then the guy came out and I think he played in the next game for like a few seconds and then found a way to get off the ice. That might be possible. I didn't watch the follow-up game. Anyway. he played in the next game for like a few seconds and then found a way to get off the ice yeah that that might be possible i didn't watch the follow-up game but anyway anyway i know you're such a huge fan of hockey destiny it's good it's all good from omaha just you were surrounded by it your
Starting point is 02:21:18 whole upbringing i'm sure yeah so much probably way bigger there when you guys talk about injuries and high i actually thought for a while for a long time because i didn't growing up in the midwest we have football that's like college football more specifically i thought that fighting was actually an official part of hockey um i'm gonna date myself hardy i don't know oh no there's a couple older people here okay um there used to be what was the name of this fucking hockey game on sega um i don't remember what it was called but when you could get into fights and they had like a whole separate like fighting mini game it was part of like the hockey game once yeah i thought fighting was actually like an official part of the sport i thought it was just a thing people did but i mean it's funny because they use it the same way as the
Starting point is 02:21:56 games because like in like nhl 97 hits or whatever i was playing on n64 like it would go down to like the a to punch b and then. If you won the fight, your team would get an emotional boost shortly where they would skate a little faster and their attitude would be better. They use it the same way in the NHL where if your team's getting butt-fucked and you just have your bruiser go out there
Starting point is 02:22:18 and dummy some guy, everybody's like, okay, all right, we're kind of feeling it, I guess. We're way worse than them at hockey, but they let us fight. Kyle. Thank God they don't allow fighting sports tyrone woodley jake paul tyron woodley wait is tyron woodley a wrestler or so tyron woodley was a ufc fighter he was ufc champion so this isn't Ben Askren, who was really well known for not being a striker at all. And it's not like the other guy, forget his name,
Starting point is 02:22:50 who was really well known for playing basketball, right? This guy is a UFC champion and he had a good striking game, right? But I struggled to name someone who's fallen off harder than Tyrone Woodley. He's lost his last 16 rounds. You struggled to name Tyrone's fallen off harder than tyrone woodley he's lost his last 16 rounds tyron woodley touche tyron maybe uh is it ty run tyron woodley not tyrone tyron woodley that's
Starting point is 02:23:19 funny though that's i i like it good burn I'll get the ointment. It's a rough night for you. I'm sorry. Anyway. I do like it, though. It's funny. Yeah, yeah. So anyway, this guy has fallen off, lost 16 rounds in a row over four fights.
Starting point is 02:23:40 There is no one who has gone from one of the greatest welterweights ever literally you know probably third best welterweight ever maybe second down to out of the ufc and uh it's like shit oh and he's 39 does that sound right yep um like can jake paul beat this guy nope okay um you know i think what tyron is very good at is being evasive and it is what has caused him to lose so many rounds is that he plays that sort of sit back maintain his distance avoid damage but in the ufc people just kind of like point fight him and and beat him um i i think anyone who could who could fight wonder boy to a fucking draw and then beat him the second time is incredibly evasive because wonder boy is just so long and so accurate um i don't think jake paul is nearly as long or nearly as accurate granted that was like four or five years ago i get that
Starting point is 02:24:43 a lot a lot of things changed between 35 and 39. But still, I think he's still the same athlete as far as Jake Paul is concerned. He looks good. I don't think Jake is going to be able to touch him. He's going to look good forever. Black don't crack. Dude. I don't think Jake can touch him.
Starting point is 02:24:59 I think that Jake is going to get tired out trying to touch him. And I don't think Tyron does get tired out in situations like that um i if he takes it seriously and he actually does a fight camp i i i would absolutely bet on tyron to to win or whatever you want to call it in boxing i never trust the judges so if it comes down to a judge's decision it's fucking monkey and monkey paws in the air or whatever the fuck it's just nonsense like like who knows who's gonna win like flip a coin uh i would bet on jake paul if it goes to decision not even having seen the fight because i think it's just corrupt as fuck um that all makes a lot of sense everything i i like your fight analysis i didn't think of it on my own but i now i adopted his mind and uh
Starting point is 02:25:46 and that's on target also the part about the judges seems smart i like that um i don't think i'm putting money on this one i it's still hard for me i it's hard it's hard and i look look i think there's this thing about the aging thing than most do. There's this thing about Jake Paul where like, um, he does want to be the villain and he's accomplished that. And, and, and the stupid people on the internet,
Starting point is 02:26:12 the same ones who like subscribe to an, not even a real hot chick in a fucking hot tub. Apparently like you don't even have to have titties to, that's probably a dude. It's probably a dude controlling that fucking anime character in a fucking fake hot tub. If that many people are that stupid to like actually hate jake paul because he wants you to hate him that's his game yeah so there's a chance that maybe jake paul on top of being like a social media star and the brother of a social media star and a professional douchebag and i chose my words perfectly they're a professional douchebag he's not a douchebag he's a professional at pretending
Starting point is 02:26:52 to be a douchebag i can relate to that in some ways um there's a chance that shockingly he's also an incredible fucking athlete like he just happens to be one like he's not one of the guys who like in this age of so many social media stars be like hey so there's this boxing thing i guess like they'll pay to see a tiktoker fight a youtuber these days so like i mean i i couldn't make the the the fucking high school varsity team at anything but they'll pay me to fight another man now that I'm 22 years old and I've got 500,000 followers or whatever it is. But I think there's a chance that maybe he doesn't quite fit that mold
Starting point is 02:27:32 that we're actually seeing that one in a million chance where like, this guy is actually kind of legit, and he has the means and the clout to be trained by world champions and people who know what the fuck they're doing, which cannot be undervalued.
Starting point is 02:27:50 I saw him training with a lot of UFC guys, but a lot of pro boxing guys as well, which is really smart to get both looks, right? To work on his fundamentals in boxing, but at the same time, seeing what it's like to fight an mma guy at the sport of boxing uh especially an mma mma guy who is sort of a dual sport kind of athlete because i don't i don't know tyron's exact background but i don't think he like came from like golden gloves and then he came from
Starting point is 02:28:18 wrestling wrestling yeah like he's a wrestling guy so interesting it's a really interesting fight i will not pay for it. I will watch it. And I do expect Tyron to win. That makes sense to me. I like where your head is. Jake Paul, to me, is obviously a great athlete. Period.
Starting point is 02:28:39 I'm out of questions there. I mean, how many professional athletes does he have to beat in a fight before we admit the guy's a great athlete? I've always said, even before he beat Ben Affleck, that this calling him a YouTuber thing, fuck you. I feel like it's done in the same way that they call President Obama a community organizer. You know what? He was a senator at the time. And you're saying, why are you making a community organizer president? He was two-term president now.
Starting point is 02:29:05 People still refer to him as a community organizer. Let it fucking go. When you call AOC a bartender, or I can't think of a bad example, but I'm sure it's happened there too. Dude, at this point, he is an undefeated professional boxer. To discredit him by calling him a YouTuber is ignoring the fact that, you know, he just beat Ben F. I call him Ben Affleck.
Starting point is 02:29:27 I just realized why Kyle's smiling. I've been trying so hard not to laugh. It's why he beat Batman in a fight. I'm over here. I'm over here fighting myself. Yeah. Cause every time I'd look up, I felt like Ted was looking at me and it was cracking me up.
Starting point is 02:29:42 I heard Ben Affleck and I just. Same as Ben Askren. I've bit my fingertips indigents in it if you can beat batman in a fight then you're clearly a good athlete that's my point yeah yeah yeah i agree with all that yeah i i look forward to seeing it um but but don't pay for that shit look if you don't like somebody don't pay for their shit you know he won me over did you see his interview with chael sunnen by chance uh jake pauls you know i skipped it okay because i thought because i know what it was gonna be was was he personable did he come off well yeah yeah yeah he uh i would say he dropped the act um he said that he watched every one of chael's videos leading up to the fight and he was like chail you're he's like i knew you were wrong he's like but you kept going at it and going at it he's like you didn't like i knew what i could
Starting point is 02:30:29 do and it was like why are you so mean bro was like he didn't use those words but that's the the tone i was getting and um chail's like you win you won the fight you proved me wrong i'm on board now something look everybody thinks that something went on there that was weird. I don't know about that fight. Look, this whole fucking thing. Oh, I think that was real. Boxing is so fucking shady. Boxing is a criminal enterprise.
Starting point is 02:30:58 Yes, it is. It literally is. I'm choosing those words very carefully. Boxing is a scam. It is a criminal enterprise put on by very, very wealthy people to rip you off. I guarantee that most of boxing is fake. Not fake as in the athletes aren't really fighting, but fake as far as the outcomes go whenever it goes to to a decision i mean we're not boxing fans we're not great at judging boxing matches but not even good when two guys go in there and like fight we can watch it and be like come on come on that guy won they're set like the
Starting point is 02:31:40 conor mcgregor fight was perfect with a perfect perfect example. Those rounds that they said that Conor lost, Conor could have won every round of that fight, and then he would have come out with a loss. If he had duplicated rounds one and two throughout that whole fight, they would have tagged him with a loss. That's what was coming. Don't they in boxing, and I don't know that much about the sport, but isn't the grading on boxing like pretty strict in terms of like for a block or a dodge or a failed hit or a completed hit or whatever like isn't this what they grade on so like you might
Starting point is 02:32:15 watch something and think like man that dude beat the shit out of him but if the guy like blocked a ton of shots and you know landed every shot then you get like a scoring where the winner of the match or the winner of that round at least wasn't the one that looks like they connected the best guy the best it was the guy that like scored the most points what isn't that how it's supposed to be graded or even if that were true and i don't know i don't know the answer sounds right i think that's how olympic boxing works but not professionals yeah okay maybe not i don't know and i just don't know at all um but but in that particular instance of the Conor McGregor fight, um, in rounds one or maybe two Floyd Mayweather through maybe one or two punches
Starting point is 02:32:50 and neither of them connected and Connor hit him eight, 10 times. And like, there's no circumstance where like you can judge that for the other guy. So Connor won the first three rounds. I can't make a three, but Connor won the first three rounds and he won the first round. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 02:33:11 There we go. And he won the first round, obviously. And the next two rounds, like he won them and he didn't get any on the judges scorecards. And the fact that he didn't get the first really implies that there was some kind of fix because there it wasn't up to interpretation and it's it's even more so uh it the what's really shitty about the whole thing what's so shady about it when conor mcgregor fights let's when he fought
Starting point is 02:33:42 eddie alvarez they weren't fighting in a stadium that Conor McGregor had rented out. The judges that night weren't being paid by Conor McGregor. Conor McGregor Productions wasn't the one renting out the stadium, the arena, I should say. They weren't the ones selling ads. But that's exactly what was happening when Conor McGregor fought Floyd Mayweather. Floyd Mayweather, those judges worked for him. How can that be a thing? If I were going to go fight somebody and Taylor and Woody and my daddy were the fucking judges. I like your odds.
Starting point is 02:34:20 How could anybody bet money on that? I'd come out of round one looking like Rocky Balboa at the end of the movie, and they're both like tens. You see that one part where Kyle crawled real well? Oh, man, man. He bleeds good. He bleeds good. You couldn't bet on an event like that.
Starting point is 02:34:40 I don't understand the people who bet on that event. The person who bet on that event who made a ton of money was floyd mayweather because you know he bet super heavily on himself are you allowed to do that can you bet on yourself i think that's gotta be a little while like not not out of his pocket but yeah but but there's no with the middleman there's nothing to stop him from like giving money to a middleman who goes and then puts the money down who then brings the money back to know michael jordan did no michael jordan was just betting uh he didn't bet on basketball but but he gambled on golf with with like buddies and stuff and stuff that's what he got before yeah oh they were they were just they were just trying to go
Starting point is 02:35:18 after michael jordan's character because he was like he wanted everything and and like they were trying to find some whenever someone one is like you know beloved by everyone after a while you know they want to turn and be like and like tear that person down that's what they did to michael jordan he did have a gambling problem but it sounded like his problem was he was winning so much goddamn money betting on stuff like the guy was making millions and millions of dollars on the court, tens and hundreds of millions of dollars with like, I don't know, I mean, name an advertiser from McDonald's to Hanes to Nike. Gatorade.
Starting point is 02:35:52 I read about the Mayweather bet and it's interesting. So Mayweather attempted to bet on himself. He was trying to place a $400,000 bet that he would win the fight before nine and a half rounds and he was betting on a knockout which I guess pays better odds than just betting to win. And it says who the booking agency was.
Starting point is 02:36:16 It doesn't matter. They were taking a while to figure out if it was okay for a fighter to bet on himself, which it is, but they didn't know. And Mayweather got impatient and didn't wait, so he didn't get to place that bet. But his friend made that bet, and he bet $87,000, and he won.
Starting point is 02:36:36 How much did he win, does it say? No, on the $400,000, he would have won $200,000, so on the $87,000, let's assume he won about $42,000. Jesus Christ, why didn't we bet on that shit? Because you don't know going in. You know, hindsight is 20-20 with gambling. You know what I should have bet on? AMC. The movie theater.
Starting point is 02:36:57 I have a buddy of mine who is like making me... I hate coulda, woulda, shouldas. God, I hate coulda, woulda, shouldas. There's so many. There's so many. Yeah, of course. Like this year alone right with amc dogecoin game stop fucking game stop and shit stop like we all could have made hundreds of millions of dollars this year damn it all right so let me let me go on for with game stop i never did and still don't believe in
Starting point is 02:37:20 the company right i don't think game stop has a bright future. I think GameStop is the next blockbuster. I think all their customers hate GameStop. I know it's kind of a meme now and people pretend to like it and they like the company. No, no. GameStop was shit to us when they could be. Now that they can't and there are digital downloads, fuck GameStop. That is the prevailing attitude of most GameStop customers and we're just waiting for them to die but the stock is having a short-term pump because of all the short positions not being able to cover in the internet fucked them it's hilarious I love it but it's a dangerous bet because this is a fundamentally shit company the movie theater bet that to me this is AMC I'm talking about, is a little more like betting on oil when it was down because of the pandemic
Starting point is 02:38:06 or betting on the cruise industry or hotels because they were getting crushed because of the pandemic. If you look at this place and say, you know what? They're going to bounce back. Movies are going to be like they were before. If you think that, and it's not an insane thought, then AMC was a good bet.
Starting point is 02:38:23 You could also believe that, is it HBO Show showtime with max that's doing like real first run movies now and maybe changing the game the game might change and amc might never come back i don't think they're ever i don't think any theaters are going to come back the way they were i really hope they do um i i almost went to a movie last night but i so i i hadn't seen any ads for it, but I guess The Quiet Place 2 came out yesterday, or maybe a little earlier, but I found out about it yesterday.
Starting point is 02:38:50 And I was going to go watch it, but anybody who's interested in it, I'm going to give a small spoiler, but it might be the spoiler that saves you from watching this thing. Uh-oh. What was it, Ben? So think about that. I'm not going to ruin the movie, but I'm just going to let you know who's starring in the movie
Starting point is 02:39:06 so you don't get confused about who's actually starring in the movie. In like three, two, one. Yeah, so they advertise that John Krasinski is in the movie. And at the end of the first movie, it seemed like he died, but they didn't exactly show it, right?
Starting point is 02:39:22 You could have easily had him hiding under the truck or maybe somehow escaping escaping death it was a random scenario you know he seemed like he died carry on it seemed like he died but if you wanted to bring him back in the second one it's been done before and in movies where it's it was like oh come on he blew up in a helicopter yeah he's coming back but he's burned no he blew up the helicopter crashed for the sky there was there were no pieces larger than a quarter really badly burned uh you know but but in this but so they advertise you know john john krasinski's coming back quiet place too it is his baby he i think he might have produced it or written it he had
Starting point is 02:40:00 something to do with the creation of the thing um And his wife, obviously, is his co-star. I think Emily Blunt, right? Is that her name? In any case. Sounds right. Yeah, in any case, he's in the first few minutes in a flashback scene or something like that. And the movie is about her and the kids surviving in this post-apocalyptic world. And that did not interest me.
Starting point is 02:40:27 Wait, so are you just giving us a plot synopsis you heard or did you watch the movie uh that's what i heard that's what i was talking because uh we were in a discord call yesterday and i was i was like oh shit the movie's out i'm gonna go watch the movie tonight i'm gonna see if i can find somebody to go watch it with me and uh and i was like but wait a minute you say drunk john krasinski is back could somebody who doesn't mind spoilers go like run down and look real quick and see if he's in the whole movie or if he's in a flashback or what the deal is? And somebody did that for me. And they were like, yeah, it's totally a flashback. It's what you know.
Starting point is 02:40:59 That's yeah. Well, you saved me because I'm not watching that. Oh, really? I wanted him dead. No, I like John Krasinski as the main character. It's not that I don't like him as a main character. It's that I like consequences. I'm rewatching The Walking Dead right now.
Starting point is 02:41:14 Nobody's safe in that show. Nobody. More so than Game of Thrones. In Game of Thrones, after three seasons, we all kind of figured out that um the dwarf was safe that john snow had the thickest plot armor in the history of cinema and uh and a couple more uh in walking dead rick dies who like he's the guy at the center of that show every all the main characters if you think about the opening scene on the roof with T-Dog, Merle, um, Glenn,
Starting point is 02:41:47 Rick, Andrea, and whatever the black woman's name was. I've forgotten it. Um, sword. No, she's less.
Starting point is 02:41:56 Jackie is her name. Jacqueline, Jackie, something like that. She dies in the, um, CDC center with the explosion. In any case, literally every opening character dies in that.
Starting point is 02:42:04 No one is safe in this show glenn dies he was an opening character it so i like watching it so if i see a main character and someone's pointing a crossbow at him he might die he really might die it like it adds to the show and if john krasinski came back in quiet place after clearly dying then it would be like oh i see this is a show with plot armor fuck this show i'm not interested it has all the like yeah but every show has plot armor in different ways because otherwise you couldn't tell like like if uh if rick had lost that fight to that much stronger tougher man who was his co-worker cop who would have beat the shit out of him in a real fight,
Starting point is 02:42:46 he would be dead in the first episode. Like that. Like who has plot armor. It's more just like, are there at least like realistic consequences for the actions of the characters? Not like, are they being unbelievably bailed out?
Starting point is 02:42:59 You know? Yeah. Rick's fight with Shane. Rick didn't really beat him. Beat him. Shane held a gun on him. Wouldn't pull the trigger and Rick stabbed him in the belly. Yeah, he would have pulled that trigger before he got in the belly.
Starting point is 02:43:09 Okay, he would have pulled the trigger. Now there is bad gunplay and fights in that sometimes. They will sit there and hit 18 headshots in a row, and then if it's against walkers, then against people, they miss literally like 600 shots in a row. It is so's against walkers then against people they miss literally like 600 shots in a row it is so frustrating because you learn that like man this guy with his wildly inefficient revolver is just on a whim and then you see them like in a defensive posture with like ars or like legit assault rifles that they got from a military base and suddenly it's and you think in your head
Starting point is 02:43:42 like oh wow a fucking 40 sweep is coming up here like they only get a chance and then of course they i think one of the worst like fighting tropes that you ever see in movies and when you notice this this will ruin almost every movie fight scene for you um i don't watch combat sports i don't watch any of that shit i don't know much what real fighting looks like but i've seen a few mma a few of you see matches you know what i've never seen in my entire life is i've never seen somebody beat up another guy so that he's like pretty fucked and then take the guy and just throw him away from him like i've never ever ever seen that before you'd think that like okay well you know now he's gonna be he's gonna either choke him out or he's gonna break his neck or he's going to do something to him. But instead, they pick them up and they toss them away
Starting point is 02:44:27 as far away from them as possible. And almost every single fight scene in a movie will have where they're like, they're tired and the guy picks them and he just like throws them over the room. And it's like, man, I don't know. If there's like a full body, 220 pound fucking shredded fucking guy or whatever, honest to God, him picking me up and throwing me across the room that sounds like the nicest thing that he could do like of all the possible things of all the pains
Starting point is 02:44:50 he could inflict on your body it's hard now he's thrown you out of range so now another thing I'll do is I'll like I watch this in like big fight scenes where like you're supposed to be fixated on like a couple main people is I like to watch for blows that are not at all like death
Starting point is 02:45:06 blows or knockout blows and watch for the extras that just trip and then are out of commission and so like you see all the people like big fight like batman even will like grab somebody like pull him close to his face trip him and push him down it's like that guy has been removed permanently from the fighting pool you know he can no longer stand up and hit you from behind. He has tripped. He has to go back to base. And so like... Tripping people, just giving half-ass shoves like a bar bouncer would
Starting point is 02:45:34 and there's just a wake behind them and there's no fear of someone standing up and being like, is he real? I mean, I fell on my ass. I'm not even all the way down. I'm not even hurt, really. I've had to take bigger hits from a coffee table. Movies are getting better at portraying fights appropriately because two reasons.
Starting point is 02:45:52 Obviously, the prevalence of the UFC and the average fan being like, bullshit, saying what we're all saying here. But also, they've gotten smart and they've actually started hiring guys who do fight to do the choreography instead of some like fake ninjutsu loser who's like, you know,
Starting point is 02:46:09 like, Oh yeah. I mean, some movies have certain styles, right? So like, yeah, like old boy,
Starting point is 02:46:15 if you're in like an alternate reality where people move faster than, than humans, it's like, okay, we're going to have a different kind of combat rules here. Like in the matrix, for example, it's like okay we're gonna have a different kind of combat rules here like in the matrix for example it's like all right this is gonna be a different kind of fighting because like this guy is you know superhuman and he's fighting superhumans beyond superhumans but uh you know if there's just a straight fight and it looks ridiculous when people are like blocking
Starting point is 02:46:42 yeah that's when I'm immediately like, okay, I've never seen a human being block a punch before in real life who wasn't wearing boxing gloves and parrying. That's different. Have you seen that movie Oldboy, right? Where there's that scene that people rave about. And it's a cool scene. It's like where he's going through the hallway and he's beating the shit out of people.
Starting point is 02:47:03 But there are so many examples of that tripping shit in that scene, where one of the 60 people he's fighting in that horde, he'll just grab them by the wrist and kind of pull them behind him. It's like, all right, you're done, son. Now there's one fewer person in front of me. I like when he fights all those guys with a hammer in that movie. In the hallway? Yeah, that was a really cool scene,
Starting point is 02:47:22 because it was like a Scorsese kind of shot. Because I'll say this, fist fight's one thing. You give a guy a hammer, all bets are off. Then when he hits somebody and they go down, you're like, alright, he's out of the fighting pool. He is definitely... Because you hit me with a fucking hammer and I am out
Starting point is 02:47:38 of the fighting pool. You show me a hammer and I'm out of the fighting pool. He has a knife in his back. Why is he... Because he's just so fucking determined he's fighting like 18 people with the knife in his back. Have you ever seen that movie? He's going to pull that out later and use it. I think I've seen this
Starting point is 02:47:54 scene before. Yeah, the movie itself is really good. It's in subtitles. Oh, you've never seen it? Can't be good. You've never seen it? Oh, it has a famous ending. it is wild yeah you won't spoil it you guys haven't seen old boy i won't i won't anyone who hasn't seen old boy and don't watch the remake watch the original yeah the remake is pretty shit that is a dark ending i led with the remake when
Starting point is 02:48:20 i first watched that movie because i was like i don't want to watch the subtitle one and i watched it and i was like this must have been an abortion because i gotta go back and watch the original one because there's no way i'm getting anything reminiscent of what people are impressed by with this super wild it's wild stuff destiny what have you been watching anything anything new and good i'm always looking for i really want to go and watch movies again um i'm trying to watch more anime stuff now i used to when i was a kid and i haven't much recently just don't have time but it's hard to find time to like watch shows there's so many shows that i need to see that i just haven't had the opportunity to but like i've heard good things about like the first
Starting point is 02:48:52 two seasons i think of suits i really want to watch like oz and the sopranos and skip on it no don't skip oz oz is let me give you like a synopsopsis of Oz without a single plot point being ruined. These guys are in a federal penitentiary. I think it's federal. They will give you glimmers of hope. Like, oh, things are going to work out for this
Starting point is 02:49:17 guy or that guy. Oh, okay, this episode is about redemption. It's not about that. It's about loss. The whole show is about loss. Inexplicable, unavoidable misery and loss it's sometimes surprised sometimes surprise loss like just when you think maybe a character is gonna like have a good day someone will shit in their mouths literally just when you think a character is gonna have a good day like they're like oh yeah by the way we're gonna rape your wife on the outside what can i do to stop you nothing we'll send you this is like like everyone suffers for no reason it's all unavoidable
Starting point is 02:49:54 none of it is justifiable there are no redeeming redeemed characters none of the characters have redeeming qualities they're all just it's all about suffering and dick yeah even more dick than you've ever seen in your life oh yeah you're gonna see a huge i watched this right before i uh got arrested by the way oh no it is it is such a it is like a scared straight program like i mean this is this is only one little scene in the first episode but it's such an old show. It's like usually when the character is introduced, like the main character, like, okay, this is going to be the guy that we're following through prison. And then he gets into the prison and Schillinger, the head of the Aryan Brotherhood, is like, hey, you're a white fellow in here. We need to take care of you.
Starting point is 02:50:39 We need to stick together. I've requested that you come to my cell. Watch out. And then this new guy is like, thanks so much, man man like i gotta be careful in here it's like no problem we whites we gotta stick together right and the guy's like hi okay okay okay i guess we're i guess i'm in prison now first evening first evening in prison he has this guy bent over with his asshole spread and he goes i'm tattooing a swastika here so everyone knows your aryan property like right a swastika right near his asshole with a pen and this guy's just like i'm nine hours into my 15 year stint and it's going poorly and you think like all right
Starting point is 02:51:16 that might be his his bottom no no it's it continues to go it is oh that was high times for him getting that was before it got bad that was that was one of his best nights in prison yeah no check out oz just know that it's all bad news it's intense it's it's terrible it's terrible it's a terrible show no it's not a show it's a show i've been watching i've been watching mr in between on fx i think fx makes some of the best shows out there um i loved nip tuck back in the day i like the shield a lot um i know i mean do you know why the sopranos was booked as a show it's because of oz's success oz was their first like one redeeming quality of oz that there was no honest you would have
Starting point is 02:52:03 no soprano so I say, Kyle thinks it's depressing as shit, and it is depressing sometimes, but it's just like it is a level of intensity in a show that is unmatched. If it was World War II, we wouldn't have a lot of the technology we've got now, but I don't go talking about how great World War II was.
Starting point is 02:52:21 I mean, I do, but it's private. In our meetings where we wave at each other. What was that, Destiny? Have any of you guys seen The Wire? I love The Wire. It's one of the best shows ever made. It's top three ever made.
Starting point is 02:52:35 I got bored. I got similar feelings from The Wire that everything was hopeless. Because even when they make progress like you basically in all five seasons every system of fucked upness is always self-perpetuating and any individual actor that would try to buck the system to do something better would get destroyed by the system
Starting point is 02:52:55 and then yeah and then even by the end of season five like everything was the same nothing really like the wire he likes Walking Dead so much like what's another show where like walking dead is his first grown-up show a first show where like shit happens you know scrubs grown-ups like it but it's kid friendly walking dead is the first show he's 18 but he's special needs so he's a little bit eight a little bit 18 it's tricky and uh i don't know what else he would like
Starting point is 02:53:22 i feel like the wire is a really hard sell to people like usually when people ask me about The Wire the first thing I say is like it's really slow and really boring especially because like if people are coming in to The Wire you've got to keep in mind when they think police show it's thinking like Law and Order SVU or like these like really
Starting point is 02:53:38 like every episode is like solved crime it's like a drama thing and The Wire is very much like a slow burn that is a very different type of show I think than anything else I fucking love it like solve crime it's like a like a drama thing and the wire is very much like a slow burn that is a very different type of show i think than anything else i fucking love it i think it's the i mean too i i do i do too for sure three for me you know what i um the the the episode at the at the port um is the word or the season is the worst season um with sabaca i thought that season was okay i appreciated it i know a lot of people hated it.
Starting point is 02:54:05 I like it. I don't hate it. I just think it's the worst of the seasons. It was such a deceleration from season one that I was like, oh, come on. I was getting used to the intensity of season one, and then it just took its back. You never know what was going on at that time.
Starting point is 02:54:19 And I have nothing to prove this, and I have done zero research, but that's not going to stop me. Maybe there were people saying like, ah, this is, it's really not a lot of white people in the show. Or maybe someone was saying,
Starting point is 02:54:31 you're really making it seem like all criminals are black. Maybe something like that happened. And so they made that season and went in that direction. Or maybe it was planned from the very beginning. In any case, this whole season was just like a bit of a diversion. Cause what, what I really wanted to find out more about was the main, like, um, beginning in any case this whole season was just like a bit of a diversion because what what i
Starting point is 02:54:45 really wanted to find out more about was the main like um crime thing that was going on with uh i'm spacing on the character's name is it baker no you know the the two the two main black guys who are like running shit stringer bell and um stringer barksdale right barks yeah avon barksdale avon barksdale and stringer bell yeah they're they're the fucking stars of the show and uh whenever i see them now and things idris elba plays um stringer but i can't i can't remember the name of the other actor but whenever i see them wood harris i i really like both of them they're great actors uh i like that show so much it's it's it's incredible but oz just skip oz i promise you you won't like it's not a good okay i can stick to my stomach
Starting point is 02:55:30 watching it and like i like all sorts of stuff but i i get literally nauseous like like like grossed out like upset but it's an intense show it's a very you said you'd seen uh sopranos right i have not i haven't seen that one either oh a lot of really good you got a lead with that one it's one of the better performances um ever in television what uh what james gandolfini did for uh for tony soprano it's very nuanced at first glance it can kind of seem that he's just playing the standard sociopath um but but there's a lot more nuance there. He has all the hallmarks of a sociopath, this sort of over-connection with children and animals, this love for them, while at the same time having a very difficult time forming meaningful relationships with most people.
Starting point is 02:56:19 He's really out for himself. He justifies his crimes and his other, his crimes and his, his other violent actions away time and time again. But then, then there's this little bit of a, of a different side of him that comes out occasionally that that's really fascinating. There's an episode where there's, um, uh, I won't spoil anything, but, but like there's a pedophile, there's a pedophile and he's fat, that pedophile has been found out, and there's this question as to what to do about it. And
Starting point is 02:56:49 Tony's friends are all like, oh, this guy's got to go. This guy's got to die. We're going to have this pedophile killed. And Tony actually has it arranged. He's like, yeah, you go take care of this. And then the last minute he calls him, he's like, you know what? No. Don't do it. Call it off. Call it off. He's like, are you sure? Yeah. Don't do it. And Tony gets really drunk and he's already on some medication. So it mixes with the medication. He stumbles into the house singing and his wife like comes out. What are you, what's going on? He's like dancing with her and he like falls on the floor, like laughing, just happier than you've ever seen it. And, and like he kind of holds her and looks at her and like i didn't hurt nobody i didn't hurt nobody like like he's he's just overjoyed that that he was able to like for once
Starting point is 02:57:31 not be the sociopathic piece of shit and it sort of shows you that like he's kind of become that he wasn't made that he wasn't born that he's almost posing as a sociopath to get by in a world of sociopaths um i find his his performance to be one of the best performances ever on television for sure it's really good and you know it's great as a character i love him as a man like like you're rooting for the bad guy every step of the way and you know you are you know who um who's the guy with the like the haircut with the wings and big biceps? Pauly. Pauly Goltieri.
Starting point is 02:58:06 I didn't appreciate Pauly as much in the first viewing, but over time, like, yeah, like his his laugh, his he's bad. He's worse than Tony, but he's not more powerful than Tony. So it kind of slips under the radar like he doesn't have agency kind of. And so he's like a legit sociopath. Paulie. He enjoys being sent out to fuck people up. Just like, and he doesn't even have to, he doesn't know.
Starting point is 02:58:31 He doesn't ask when Tony tells him to go kill someone. He doesn't care. He's just like excited about it. Yeah, I like that character. Sil, the one who's got like the weird fucking voice that's all retracted. Tony, I don't know if we should be going and doing this right now. Whatever the fuck it would be. He's the one who also seems like he's faking being harder than he is because he's in that world.
Starting point is 02:58:52 Syl and Tony, I got that vibe a bit. I don't know. Syl seems like a real scummy guy with all the usury. He didn't like murdering people like Pauly did. No, but he really had a thing with i didn't like how he treated that uh that 19 year old uh uh stripper that time that that ralphie beat to death i did like that line ralphie was the meanest character in the show ralphie's the worst character in the show and they make you like him somehow which is great uh there there's
Starting point is 02:59:24 that one scene where um tony asks sill he's like do you think uh ralphie's a little weird about women and he's like i don't know tony he did beat one to death once for uh what was it again like nobody could remember why he had beaten her to death they couldn't remember and because because there was no reason like ralphie just came in and he's like ah tracy she fell they go outside and her head is caved in and she's been beaten to death like this man has wet has just beaten this beautiful 19 year old ralph old what the hell are you doing like he's just
Starting point is 03:00:05 screaming get a rug uh it's a great show great show that one's highly recommended ever and you know the soprano is like the best show ever because i've never heard anyone be like sopranos didn't quite get me yeah me in everyone loves it there's so many characters that you get everyone finds a character that they can like root for or relate with to some degree. Like I think a lot of women like really relate to Carmela, the wife, because she's like she is a bit of like she's a real guiding force behind Tony. Like she's the one kind of like trying to deal with the fact that her husband is a mob boss and justify that and deal with the fact that that's what's paid for her entire lifestyle while sort of reconciling that with her religious beliefs. But then after a while, she kind of comes into like, I remember the exact episode when it
Starting point is 03:00:58 happens. It's the episode where they have that sort of like that speaker that shows up to talk about italian women and she's bad mouthing the mob and like like right and all the other girls are like sitting at carmela's top table and they're like can you believe those things she said with you sitting right there and carmela's like what are you gonna do and that's a common thing that these italians say and that they say in the show what are you gonna do but but the way she says it is very different than it's ever been said before in the show, what are you going to do? But the way she says it is very different than it's ever been said before in the show. She says, what are you going to do?
Starting point is 03:01:30 What are you going to do? And she just kind of maintains eye contact because she's saying, what are you going to do about it, Gabby? That's what she means, but it's very under the radar and very understated. And she says it twice in a row. and gabby gets up and goes and like like screams at the fucking uh priest who had arranged for that that lady to come and be their guest speaker and everything it's uh it's a great show
Starting point is 03:01:56 it's a great show if you're not looking for something this is newer and kyle and i like it a lot i don't think what he's watching it uh it's only got two seasons up it's snowpiercer uh the tv show, really entertaining. I'm liking it a lot more than I thought I would. Obviously, that's a pretty good steer. Have you seen the movie Snowpiercer? Are you aware of the premise? I think it's a time travel one, isn't it?
Starting point is 03:02:15 No, so it's post-apocalyptic. Oh, never mind. The governments of the world decided that to deal with global warming, they would spray this chemical into the atmosphere, and it worked way too well, and so the earth has frozen over and it's like negative 200 degrees outside and so the solution is to get on this this guy had a train that he had built to be like a luxury uh train ride around the entire world but he he's he was an eccentric like trillionaire so he had like overbuilt it to the
Starting point is 03:02:45 point where it was like um capable of sustaining him and like all of his it was like it was like a never-ending pleasure cruise for him where like it was self-sustaining and so it's like the world's last life raft it has everything that they need and it's been running for like 10 or 15 years or something like that when the story picks up well whenever everyone was boarding the train all these people rushed on board who didn't have tickets because the only people who have tickets are billionaires who pay who could pay to help finance this incredibly expensive venture well all these like blue collar white collar just regular folk end up on the train and they put them in the back of the train in horrible living conditions
Starting point is 03:03:26 and and like they're back there just grimy and greasy they've resorted to cannibalism at times they're they're almost tribal and everyone else is ahead and various other cars it's first class living there's lobster and like filet mignon and like there's a cart where it's nothing it's a night they're nightclubs and like swimming pool cars and stuff like that and that's what the movie's like but um but they made a tv show somehow i was surprised that they can make a tv show based on a premise like that but it works uh it's pretty good basically there's a murder on the train and they go back to the tail to these white collar blue collar people who are like almost prisoners and uh amongst them is the is the world's last detective because he had stormed on the train
Starting point is 03:04:14 because everybody else is like i don't know an oil magnate or something like that but back there there's a fucking real deal police detective so they they pull him out, wash him up, and they tell him there's been a murder, and they want him to investigate. And in exchange, they'll give him grilled cheeses and a bath and stuff like that. And so he's kind of overjoyed with having a grilled cheese again because he's been eating these gelatin bars made of cockroaches for the last eight years or something like that.
Starting point is 03:04:42 It's an interesting show. I certainly wouldn't put it up there with the other shows we've mentioned. It's an interesting show. I certainly wouldn't put it up there with the other shows we've mentioned. It's a fun little diversion. Yeah, that's what you need sometimes, just fun little diversion shows. I'm such a creature of habit and I'm only half paying attention.
Starting point is 03:04:56 It's the same rigmarole of shows for me over and over. It's King of the Hill, Futurama, Simpsons, Family Guy, fucking Seinfeld, whatever. Yeah, I can follow the same sort of patterns. and over it's king of the hill futurama simpsons family guy fucking seinfeld whatever yeah yeah i can follow the same sort of patterns i like i uh this mr in between show i really hope you give it a shot because i will i just i every night i'm saying like i'm gonna watch that in between and then i'm like nah i'm gonna read this stormlight archive series up more i've only got one more the first couple seasons the episodes are only like 22
Starting point is 03:05:26 minutes long i think they expand them a little bit by the third season uh it's really good crazy violent everything fx makes is good in my opinion like like nip tuck you ever see nip tuck i heard of it it's wild nip tuck is wild it's two plastic surgeons in florida um and i believe they moved to hollywood by season two to like go to the big time where plastic surgery is the real deal but like the deal is that one of them is literally like the best
Starting point is 03:05:54 plastic surgeon in the world and that comes in handy because occasionally someone gets terribly disfigured in the show because the show is very violent very weird at times it's borderline incestuous with the way that like all the characters are fucking each other
Starting point is 03:06:10 because there's a lot of sex there's a lot of violence and there's a lot of like close ups of actual plastic facial surgery and stuff like that so it's it's very bloody there's a whole plot arc where like this criminal has dirt on them
Starting point is 03:06:25 and he, he makes them give him a new face to escape the authorities. Cause he's like a federal fugitive or something like that. Um, there's a lot of just wild stuff going on. It's free on Hulu right now. Yeah. Yeah. That's why I mentioned, I noticed that it was free on Hulu. Uh, Nip Tuck's very good.
Starting point is 03:06:41 The Shield is one of my favorite shows other ever another uh fx uh show um i think it was super popular back in the day chickless is another one of those bad guys you know he's just a bad guy you know jupiter's legacy the show you liked got canceled yeah it's the number one show and it's canceled Now it's not number one by like a lot. And it was expensive. You know how much it cost? $200 million? Does that sound right? $200 million for one season of that show.
Starting point is 03:07:12 It didn't look it. It didn't look like $200 million. You think there was some fever behind the scenes? I mean, I could make a show for $200 million. I'd just make about $200 million profit. Yeah, yeah, yeah. This is it. This is the show. You've seen it. You're a show for $200 million. I'd just make about $200 million profit. Yeah, yeah, yeah. This is it. This is the show.
Starting point is 03:07:27 You've seen it. You're looking at our $200 million. $100 for an audio guy? What am I, made of money? I have expenses too. I mean, did you put a ride for whatever it was like? Yeah, it got canceled. It's a shame because they did end it on a cliffhanger.
Starting point is 03:07:40 But I didn't expect much else from Netflix. I figured it was 50 50 uh there's a lot of netflix show it that's going to be the failure of netflix i think that they keep making these shows and people get attached to them and then they they never really follow through and i know the pandemic has been part of it but like what happened to kingdom of heaven remember the show where like uh utrid of bebenberg the the guy who was like uh his family was betrayed and he ended up being raised by vikings and then his viking family was all killed so he has enemies in the viking world and english world it was a good show and i like i've seen like two
Starting point is 03:08:19 or three seasons of it maybe three i think and he's on this like revenge arc where he's trying to take back his uh you know his family uh home his castle his lands and i don't remember the last time they made an episode of that shit and then just recently with love death robots right the first season of that is incredible yeah love death robots is incredible and it's these little bite-sized chunks 13 to 15 minutes long youtube videos minutes long yeah one's eight minutes long the one about yogurt taking over the planet okay um which is the most ridiculous premise you've ever heard until you watch the episode and you're like all right i get it yeah the yogurt took over yeah and it's funny like like how it begins with the voiceover he's like no one really everyone made jokes when the yogurt first took over
Starting point is 03:09:06 like like our leadership is curdled or like lots of like fucking yogurt jokes a lot of puns but then things all change lots of puns and you're like how would the yogurt take over and then they explain it they explain how yogurt took over the planet and you're like oh this is really cool and the animation is different from episode to episode. You get some Pixar stuff, some sort of like Wallace and Gromit style stuff, some hyper-realistic animation that's like so cutting edge that you're just like, fuck, the sweat droplets on Michael B. Jordan's face. Dude, something about that like Wallace and Gromit chicken little claymation.
Starting point is 03:09:44 I hate it. I don't like that one bit. There's somethingomit, Chicken Little claymation. I hate it. I don't like that one bit. There's something off-putting about claymation. What were you going to say about this second season of Love, Death, Robot? Short. It's too short. Too short. I thought it wasn't good enough.
Starting point is 03:09:58 I thought it wasn't good enough. There were like eight episodes and maybe four were good. That is a symptom of being too short, though. See, in the first season, there were a couple episodes that weren't very good. But there were like eight episodes and maybe four were good. That is a symptom of being too short though. See, in the first season, there were a couple episodes that weren't very good. But there were like 18 of them. So you're like, who cares? We even said that when it came out. It's like every now and then there's one that you're like, I don't really like this.
Starting point is 03:10:16 Doesn't matter. It's over in five minutes and a new one you're going to love is beginning. But this season, there's eight episodes. So the bad ones really stand out. The good ones don't have don't have enough staying power to like stick with you because yeah that one was really good but it was 12 minutes long and then we went into a bad one did you watch the drowned man one what do you think of that shit uh is that the one with the giant the giant yeah yeah the drowned
Starting point is 03:10:40 hated it hated it like i kept waiting for something to happen like like there's supposed to be like an intro a story and a climax at the end that's kind of like how stories are told every story falls into that roughly uh no i and i will just tell you what it's about everyone listening a giant washes up on the beach and this guy narrates how it decomposes that's literally it and look i watched it twice because i was like did i miss it that was part of it but it was like i was like there's got to be a deeper meaning that that dumb old me wasn't getting and i think i would love to talk to the writer of it or the producer or whatever and be like, was this about loss and accepting the meaningless of life?
Starting point is 03:11:33 Or are there some nihilistic undertones here that I'm supposed to be getting? Is there something here about how we're all just here one minute and then gone the next and forgotten? Is that what you're trying to say? Because fuck you. I wanted to find out where the giant came from. I wanted to see his big dick a little bit more. And I wanted his giant friends to come and see that the little people were defacing his body with spray paint and stomp on some fucking cottages. I want him to come back to life.
Starting point is 03:12:04 I want him to come back to life. I want him to come back to life. Halfway through that, I'm like, all right, well, I get that he's decomposing, but he could still come back to life, I guess. I thought his giant bodies were going to show up and be like, what have you done to Pete? Yeah. You spray painted Pete?
Starting point is 03:12:18 You cut him into chunks? It looked like 1980s subway graffiti on a human body. And he's a giant, and you might be thinking that a giant has like different proportions. No, he just looked like a big person. He could look like a pretty healthy youngish man, call him 20. And he was just washed up on the beach and 250 times bigger than the rest of the population. It was awful.
Starting point is 03:12:42 But all his like, he didn't look like andre the giant he was just a handsome sort of guy and yeah it was something about that like aside from his size he wasn't a different species and and to see him like disrespected and they took his bones and hung it over the butcher shop and stuff like parts of him were showing up all over the place and um and then like nothing ever that's it i've ruined everything there's nothing more to know there's no turn there's no you can't twist there's no usually i'm the one to be like hey let's let's let's not tell me what happened you're you're i even told you i was like just skip it nothing happens skip it nothing happens it's so awful like maybe watch
Starting point is 03:13:21 the first 30 seconds so you like can appreciate how good the animation is because it's 8 out of 10 as far as photorealistic animation goes. They're not going for photorealism I should say. It's its own thing. I like that about animation. I like that about the series. But it sucked. There was no episodes that were as good
Starting point is 03:13:40 as... There was this one episode in the first season where the spaceship goes off um course and um and the guy wakes up out of his pod and that gorgeous fucking perfect specimen of a human woman like greets him and she's like tom tom are you okay and he like hangs out with her all night fucks her like you see her perfect like animated titties he's like pouring champagne on what's this one called it off it's like beyond the something something rift or something like that uh it's the one that has the twist ending that's so
Starting point is 03:14:17 fucked up it's uh It's, uh... Uh... Yeah, the Aqua Rift or something. Beyond the Aquila Rift. Beyond the Aquila Rift or something like that. That's the best episode of the whole season, I think. I watched it last night. I showed it to somebody last night, and they were blown the fuck away. Because the last two minutes of that
Starting point is 03:14:42 are fucking wild. And it's, like... That woman he's fucking is like a perfect human being uh it makes sense because she's not real but but it's like oh my god there's just a just a perfect human being um that one and i also really like the one where with the farmers who are in like the mech suits protecting their farm from uh from the invading like uh aliens and they all have different mech suits that do different things that one was my favorite that's a really good one that's my second it was the um there was some bravery in the interaction between the main characters yeah i got a lot out of that a lot
Starting point is 03:15:20 of sacrifice self-sacrifice and and uh community and pulling together and like we're all in this together kind of thing. Yeah, I didn't realize that they were taking great risks. It seemed like, oh, I see a thousand to one. Well, no problem. I'll sign up. Can you help? Eh, I'll take care of it until you can. And it was like, oh, this must not be a difficult task.
Starting point is 03:15:40 And then they start dying and it's rough. Things are going, yeah. It's kind of sad. It's an incredible series i'm real bummed out that there was only eight episodes and i'm hopeful that that they're gonna do that like oh that was the first half of season two second half of season two comes out in the walking dead action yeah the walking dead action which is a terrible fucking thing that walking dead does fuck you walking dead for all the things that you do the problem with walking dead so i'm watching it now and i'm paying very close attention i'm a walking down i'm gonna call myself the show's walking dead expert at this point and uh um their
Starting point is 03:16:14 plot premises are actually pretty good but they just put too many episodes to tell their story so it's like all right this is kind of cool you know the governor goes away comes back with a tank but that was not a 12 hour storyline you know that should have been faster at the end of season 3 I think it's like they're about to fight the governor no no no that happens
Starting point is 03:16:38 later it takes too long to tell a story and it doesn't get better the further seasons but we just finished season four. They're in Terminus. You guys are tearing through it. We are, yeah. We wanted to hit season four before I left for my big trip.
Starting point is 03:16:53 And I finished season four, I should say. Season five. I have a quick video, but never mind. We can't watch it. I'm sorry. What is it? It is a baseball player getting hit in the head. He's a pitcher, and the ball gets hit right back,
Starting point is 03:17:07 and it hits him in the fucking head. If you skip to 30 seconds, it's like nothing I've ever seen before. Oh, you can see in the thumbnail that one guy holding his head going, oh, no. Yeah, yeah, it's awful. If you guys want to look it up, it's graphic video warning, Bulls pitcher injured after being struck. Bulls from Durham?
Starting point is 03:17:33 Yeah, it is, yeah minor yeah oh he drops like he's out i don't know what like he's here but if he were dead i wouldn't be surprised it's 104 miles per hour he's knocked out unload oh did you see him on the ground? Yeah, he's, yeah. Yeah. I've watched a lot of MMA fights. Wow. And I've never seen a guy react to a knockout like that. He's like seizing. Yeah. Yep.
Starting point is 03:17:56 Oh, that's awful. Do they have an update? Well, Middy posted the gif from Rocky IV that says if he dies, he dies. So a little heartless in the 50 Discord, boys. Just letting you know before you join up. Now's the time, though. It's the beginning of the month. Yeah, it would be a good time.
Starting point is 03:18:16 Carted off. Okay, so he's not dead. He's in stable condition at Duke University Hospital. I think we just Kyle's audio Kyle you unplugged your mic that's my fault somehow
Starting point is 03:18:33 what is the thought man did you bump his counter or his fucking desk maybe he'll get his audio back something that I noticed in The Wire and I get really irritated when I watch a lot of other shows and I appreciate a lot of The Wire is that they don't do cliffhangers ever. I never noticed that about The Wire.
Starting point is 03:18:54 They don't. There are no, there might be like one just because that's how the story goes but otherwise, there are no scenes where he's holding the gun about to shoot him and then like cut to the credits or something. Like everything is usually resolved more or less within an episode or there's like ongoing plot arcs but it's never a cliffhanger i notice now when i watch shows i pay attention to that um and i don't know if does anybody here watch anime stuff at all uh no i'm never okay i'm trying to think um because it's been something i'm watching real shots game of thrones was really bad with
Starting point is 03:19:21 this um for remembering that and then sometimes breaking bad wood as well but um anytime i watch a show and i'm getting like three or four episodes in a row with the big cliffhangers it actually just makes me so fucking irritated i lose so much because it feels like you're not really like trying to write like a good show with like good plots and everything you're just like trying to like leave like a big cliffhanger so you got to watch the next episode to figure out what happens or whatever and then you know it'll take i'm not watching this show real time and they try that shit on me but i have the next episode to figure out what happens or whatever and then you know i like it when i'm not watching the show real time and they try that shit on me but i have the next episode yeah or they'll even do it like there's an obvious commercial break right here like all right and then it cuts and then they just flashback from another scene wait i can't do it
Starting point is 03:19:59 and it's like ah fuck you i didn't have to wait you wanted me to but i didn't have to worse is when like is if there's like a popular show and i've done this with a few well i did this with breaking bad and game of thrones if it's getting really popular and you haven't watched it like okay fuck it we'll start watching it and then you do the big catch-up and you you know in a week you watch like two seasons of the show but then you're caught up and you go from like 100 miles an hour to five miles an hour now you've got to wait every week for the episodes to come out. That actually happened to me on game of Thrones. I discovered game of Thrones.
Starting point is 03:20:31 I think it may be the beginning of the second season or end of the second season. So I got to watch like a whole year of it. And then I watched the next one and I was like, wait, what? That's it. I have to wait a year for more this sucks
Starting point is 03:20:45 that's the last show in the last well over a decade that I've actually watched along real time like nothing else was engaging and even then like once it got to the later seasons there were at least an episode or two once it got shitty where it was like oh is Game of Thrones on tonight well there's a blues game too
Starting point is 03:21:02 it'll be on in three hours also the Marvel ones did that to me so i watched every fucking episode religiously i watched the uh marvel stuff i bought their merchandise did you what'd you buy i've got shirts and i got cups and i got posters i have a john stark shield in the game of thrones room I've got banners. I've got the house flags. What's wrong with you? Why didn't you buy all the shit? You setting up your own little court? Why don't you invest in magic shit?
Starting point is 03:21:37 Because you can play games with it. You can play games with your magic cards. That's a high tool. I don't think anything in our lifetimes will ever climb so high and fall so far i can't think of anything that no that's just an unbelievable yeah fall from grace go from like that you're at a point you gotta you have to consider you're at a point where you can be in stores like walmart listening to people in their 50s talking about yeah game of thrones like everybody in society knew of their show and on a on bumble
Starting point is 03:22:05 like on the dating site like there's a there's a question or a little prompt that you can like fill in it's it's like i'll never get over and then you write in like what you will never get over and that that's sort of a little tidbit about people on their profiles so many people have i'll never get over the way game of thrones ended i mean like to go to from that much to now no it's done no one ever mentions it nobody talks about it we went through a whole pandemic nobody was talking about re-watching game of thrones nobody was talking about like people watch harry potter movies the lord of the rings whatever but man game of thrones there is just what an unbelievable legacy. It was ruined.
Starting point is 03:22:47 You're right. I've never heard anyone talk about this. I wish someone... I can't say that. How can I phrase it so that I can't... In Minecraft. You're going where I think you're going. If someone in Minecraft pissed people off this much, they would be murdered.
Starting point is 03:23:03 Some fan out there would just in Minecraft, they'd go get them. No, don't. It doesn't mean that, people. It doesn't mean that. Hey, you know what? Speaking of evil people, of evil people, have you ever heard of Jennifer Woodley? Maybe not.
Starting point is 03:23:20 She's in the news recently. She ran... She was the CEO of the Make- of the make a wish foundation you're familiar with this dying you donate money and dying children get to meet john cena or go to disney world or whatever she pled guilty to embezzling money at the make a wish foundation three felony counts five or four in my hand that was her dream she stole money from children with cancer and she's gonna go to jail she's guilty three felonies i don't know how much was how much did she take forty thousand oh come on it's not even worth it why would you do that oh this is you guys what a concept of money 40 000 is a lot to steal and not stealing anything that's like an american car not even like but you gotta this is the c former ceo of
Starting point is 03:24:13 make-a-wish iowa maybe not as big like it's 41 000 so much that you would it's just 40 don't exaggerate no it was 41 000 i'm reading i'm reading the article. Oh, you know what? It says more than $40,000 on my screen. It's that extra grand. You can't even get a good Camaro for that. But you can probably meet John Cena. A good used one. A good... No, not even a good used one. Really? Not if you want
Starting point is 03:24:38 the supercharged one. Has anybody ever faked to make a wish and succeeded? I've tried several times. Oh, already? Donnybrook woman charged in a fake make-a-wish campaign.
Starting point is 03:24:57 We've strayed so far from God. Say it, Taylor. We've strayed so far from God's light. I don't know. I just thought, I know 41 grand isn't like millions, but I don't know. It's something about embezzling money from the make a wish foundation seemed
Starting point is 03:25:13 pretty bad. So this lady said that she wanted to collect money to build a local big playground equipment, you know, thing for this kid to play on who was dying. And then she took all the money and didn't build the jungle gym and they were like what kid's sick oh you know it's someone little tommy sickerson over there let me say look it out and cough for me come on please
Starting point is 03:25:39 play on the jungle gym what a piece of shit yes to lie about i was to tell you if you're gonna steal money kids you don't steal forty thousand dollars okay you you ain't in the same amount of trouble for 40 as you do for 400 okay is that true i don't know i don't know they're never cut off for the felony limits or whatever but i feel like 400 million though it changes to a different thing you know they still have enough money to get a lot of it their children get rich like yeah yeah and then you get out of trouble like Taylor said do what white people do don't steal 4,000 steal
Starting point is 03:26:11 400,000 steal 4 million are Bernie Madoff's kids are they loaded do they get to keep some of the jewels I think they made off pretty well oh oh alright let's call it 30 minutes early yeah let's see bernie madoff's
Starting point is 03:26:32 kids yeah i was thinking of the blazarian kids didn't their dad do something and now they're all rich yeah but i don't think his something had to do with the money i think maybe maybe he did something else that oh i i don't remember exactly what it was yeah uh bernie madoff's son is leaving 15 million dollars in property to his children so they got to keep a good bit of money dirty has no concept that i used to make YouTube videos. He just kind of knows me because he started watching PKA one day. Really? Yeah. But he's into poker a lot.
Starting point is 03:27:10 So he was watching something about Dan Bilzerian the other day. He's like, yeah, I was watching something about Dan Bilzerian. And you were in it. You were in this little documentary about Dan Bilzerian. He's like, how the fuck do you know Dan Bilzerian? I was like, have you never seen any of my videos? I don't watch that shit. It's weird.
Starting point is 03:27:30 You like it, don't you? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's refreshing. It's an, it's an, I don't like the, um, information disadvantage I am at sometimes with like people who've seen, we're in episode 546, right?
Starting point is 03:27:44 They're four hours long there are people who know a lot about me and uh and then i meet them or talk to them and it's just like there's nothing i can tell them about me they don't know already and i don't like i i've forgotten their name this information disadvantage makes conversations hard destiny are you recognized in public pretty often not it really depends on like what's going on like if i'm walking around some random place somewhere not that likely if i'm like a college area or whatever sometimes yeah or if i'm like in la or certain areas it can happen um it really just depends on where i'm at or whether you have what's going on is it
Starting point is 03:28:19 bizarre a little bit or has it happened enough that you're just like oh what's up man how are you i hope you're doing i'm actually i'm super flattered and it makes me feel super famous we went to like six flags the other day with a group of people and like someone's like oh my god is that destiny it's like oh dude i'm such hot shit yeah i'm like i'm flattered like you feel like kind of famous whatever but hey i'm not streaming right now but if you want a donut i could use a turkey leg you must be more proud of your content i got recognized at my um orthopedic surgeon's office and the guy's like are you woody from painkiller already and it's like oh what has he heard what has he heard like what does he know about me what like yeah it's always weird because you don't know why they know you so they can have
Starting point is 03:28:55 like vastly different opinions of you or like you for different reasons depending on what they know because especially for if you've been on the internet for a long time right there's a lot of stuff out there you know i'm worried that he's heard things i've said that's my concern yeah well we've said it before like when people ask me like in my professional life like you do that podcast right it's like yeah fucking way too hard to find though i gotta go i mean if you knew the name of it that probably worked but there's no telling i was talking to someone who uh i worked with closely and i never sent him to the youtube one because like it just feels more brutal there so i was like oh let's go to itunes and let's search
Starting point is 03:29:38 up pka and i was just like please like what did we talk about last week like what was on this episode he's gonna listen he's like i beg you not to you enjoy it man and then he was like you guys got a lot of reviews and i'm like yeah i didn't and he's like why what does this review mean it is so kind of woody and kyle to allow tay Taylor on the show despite his developmental disorder. It's a bit of a joke that I'm retarded and that I'm allowed on the show anyway, even though I'm retarded. And he just, I was like, he's going to hate this so much. And he was like laughing his ass off in the middle of this like post-meeting conference room. They're like, so they think you're retarded.
Starting point is 03:30:20 And I'm like, well, in a jokey way, you know, in a jokey way. No, that's why it's funny because he knows i'm not retarded yeah well actually i don't know he might think i'm retarded and i guarantee he did not listen to that episode or if he did he didn't bring it up to me again so yeah kyle you get recognized all the time I'm sure Occasionally If I'm in a mall or something Maybe one out of five times Or something like that But whenever people ask about the show
Starting point is 03:30:53 I'm just like you're going to figure it out eventually Yeah this and that Yeah Watch this one where I get real drunk and insult a crippled man Yeah that's the one Let's start with that one I don't get why you guys would care Watch this one where I get real drunk and insult a crippled man. Yeah, that's the one. Let's start with that one. I don't get why you guys would care.
Starting point is 03:31:10 You just say, fuck off. You got your own gig. You got your own thing. You don't have to go work in the workaday world. If I didn't, if I was full-time, I would not care at all. Well, it depends. It depends. You need some context for some of the things that I've said. There's no good context for so much of it.
Starting point is 03:31:28 There's no good context for much of it. There's no good context. After every drinking episode, it's like, oh, no. What happened in the last two hours? That's why I don't like doing the drinking episodes as much. It's fun during the show, but the next morning you wake up so hungover and you're like, oh, no, I definitely got to that point of drunk where I couldn't construct anything the drinking episodes as much. It's fun during the show, but the next morning you wake up so hungover and you're like, oh no, I definitely got to that point of drunk
Starting point is 03:31:47 where I couldn't construct anything witty or clever and so I just got mean. You just got mean. And just said mean spirited things. I can be mean with like one fifth of my IQ. I can be mean as fuck. Actually, I get meaner then. So Destiny, we had a drinking episode.
Starting point is 03:32:01 This has been about four years ago, I guess. And I got drunker than I had ever been as an adult. I don't think I threw up because I was eating an appropriate amount as I drank. When I would go to take piss breaks, I would eat a piece of bread or something because I knew that would help keep me alive. And I was drinking tons of water. So I didn't get sick. But I forgot who I was. I became a different person. And at some point – and I had memory loss, water. So I didn't get sick, but I forgot who I was. I became a different person.
Starting point is 03:32:26 And at some point, and I had memory loss, which I've never had before. I blacked out a good portion of the show, maybe the last 30 minutes. And it was in that 30 minutes that Woody was, at least then, and I'm sure he still cares for them a good deal now, a fan of this YouTube channel, Sailing La Vagab about this uh this couple of
Starting point is 03:32:45 australians a man and a woman a cute couple who like tour the world on their yacht and and sort of like make that their like life's ambition to just sail around be vagabonds and uh they make youtube videos well the gentleman the man in the couple, had had an injury, a back injury. I think he'd fallen maybe on the yacht or something like that and had some vertebrae crushed or fractured. Re-injured, so it was extra dicey. Very severe. And there was a chance that he'd never walk again
Starting point is 03:33:17 or at least maybe not have full mobility. And the woman in the picture is a very attractive lady. And so Drunk me said something like. And I use an Australian accent as best I could in my in that state, but I said something like maybe she would like to be with a man who could still fucking walk. And yeah, that's where I started. That was my opening line. and uh yeah that's where i started that was my opening line but like the next day someone was someone like because you kept going just like in a like anilina you know i can fuck you even better than fucking your crippled loser of a husband
Starting point is 03:33:57 and of course we're all wasted so it's like ah there's yeah we're out of content i don't know if i started talking about her gross pepperoni nipples at that point, but at some point she's a lovely whooping. Yeah. And he did get those nipples fixed though. I'm just unfamiliar with the temporary change that pregnant women's nipples go through.
Starting point is 03:34:17 Yeah. I hope it's temporary. I'd, I'd cut them off before I'd live with that. Oh, that would be a terrible look. That'd be a bad idea. Cause they come back.
Starting point is 03:34:24 Fine. Um, you like a mannequin, their channels. I still watch their channel and Oh, that would be a terrible look. That'd be a bad idea because they come back fine. I still watch their channel and it's interesting. She has run into some unhappiness sometimes. The kid has added a little stress along the way. In the beginning,
Starting point is 03:34:42 it was just everyone wishes they were them. Now, they add a little more real to it where they're like, we're good at sailing, but you do kind of battle for your life every day. And it can be a little stressful. And when these times come along, there's just never any rest. There's always work to be done. There's always the sea. There's always, always, always. Man, they were were so nice we shouldn't have been so mean to them they are nice yeah
Starting point is 03:35:10 they still are nice they're not dead yet um but but keep living that life who's it we'll see um but yeah like the next day um you know someone told me like you went real hard on whatever that fucking guy's name is and uh i was like, what are you talking about? Last night on the show? He's like, yeah, yeah, I just finished watching it. I started watching as soon as you guys uploaded. And I was like, what did I say? I don't remember saying anything like that.
Starting point is 03:35:35 And he started telling me the things I had said. And I had no memory of them. I'm like, link me the show. Link me the show. And I'm like watching the last 30 minutes. And it's so weird to watch yourself but but have no, you don't remember. Yeah. To have no memory before.
Starting point is 03:35:52 Right. Like, it's not like I'm watching some, you know, maybe you watch some video from years ago and you're like, I don't even remember that day. This was the night before I like, I'm still wearing that, those pants, like, like this just happened and I have no memory of it. And I was being so, such a piece of shit. And like, usually 99% of the time, I like have no regrets about anything I say on here.
Starting point is 03:36:14 Cause I think that the people who have a sense of humor or aren't socially retarded get that. I'm saying it because I want them to laugh that I'm, I'm, I'm not really a mean person at all. And I really do care about like not hurting people's feelings in real life. It's, it's a want them to laugh. I'm not really a mean person at all. And I really do care about not hurting people's feelings in real life. It's a big deal to me. But I regretted saying those things so much. And I still do.
Starting point is 03:36:34 That was awful. I should not have said that. And I would never say that when I was sober. I know. That's why it happened on a drinking episode. His name is Riley Riley by the way Riley? he's got his legs back
Starting point is 03:36:47 I'm glad Riley can walk you know he can he can run swim does all the things all the things all the leg things it's good for you Riley what if you broke your back and then he made like a response video?
Starting point is 03:37:07 Oh, man. Heard you had a bit of a fall the other day. Ah, you took a little tumble, did you? Oh, that sucks. Heard you went to prison, yeah? You're the cripple. Yeah, he... No, he's too...
Starting point is 03:37:20 He's been working on his fucking Comedy Central roast for four fucking years. Just waiting on me to get crippled. I wouldn't blame him at all. Bringing up old times. It wasn't a drinking episode, but if Taylor's here, at least old Taylor, there's a chance it might have been. College Taylor. College Taylor.
Starting point is 03:37:42 We're all drinking episodes. Anyway, you roasted lefty and yeah maybe i'm socially retarded but it seemed like there was a bit of sincerity there was a like did you you you kept saying he wasn't funny uh stuff along those lines taylor and see how how close i am yeah sure look i think lefty was on the show because I was traveling so much. Is that right? Yeah, I think there's a lot. There's a relation there.
Starting point is 03:38:12 Yeah, I was traveling a bunch filming and stuff, and I just wasn't a reliable host. And so we needed somebody to fill in. They needed somebody to fill in. So Lefty became kind of a mainstay on the show. I was smoking a lot of weed back then, but I still have no memory of Lefty as a human being. He was so milquetoast and boring and terrible at his job. And I feel like Taylor recognized that. And everything he said, while it was mean and he wouldn't normally say those things,
Starting point is 03:38:44 not only was it genuine coming from Taylor, it was mean and he wouldn't normally say those things not only was it genuine coming from taylor it was all the fucking truth because like i got nothing against lefty as a person okay okay but we're talking about professionally right like like pretend we're coal miners right and he's just not fucking good at mining coal he's always breaking picks he's always taking piss breaks like we're not getting enough anthracite out of this fucking hole right he's a bad fucking coal miner but he's been promoted to like head of coal mining and taylor's over here fucking king of the king of the coal mine pickaxe in each hand you know on his own freelancing at the coal mine he's a freelance coal miner making people laugh at his apartment and at bars and stuff,
Starting point is 03:39:25 and they're yucking it up every night. And he knows he's a better coal miner than this lefty guy who's head of coal mining over at PKA Anthracite Company. And so, yeah, when he was on a guest and he got a few drinks in him, he let him know, dude, you're a shitty fucking coal miner. You're lucky. You're lucky I got better things to do with my life right now than mine fucking coal. lucky you're lucky i got better things to do with my life right now than mine fucking coal all right come in there and mine so much fucking coal that i have enough to shove up your not so funny fat ass and so that's what he was thinking and that's more or less what he said yeah yeah
Starting point is 03:39:56 you hit it pretty close i uh i had no part in my mind i do i recall like thinking like i'd be better as a permanent host on the show like not at all because i uh i just remember because i was a listener to the show at the time and i remember not liking him as a host i would be like god damn it like there's not going to be any jokes like someone would say some something off the cuff or silly and it'd be like well hold on back up what's the actual policy there and it's like it doesn't matter that's not what we're talking about and so like but i had way more than a few drinks the way it went is i was like day drinking with friends on like i guess it was friday at the time because you guys used to record on friday and it was like friday evening and i'd been out with buddies all day drinking yucking it up and i like got a message
Starting point is 03:40:38 on skype like when i got back like you want to hop on the show tonight and i'm already fucking borderline blackout drunk i'm like yeah and yeah. And I just turn on my webcam. My eyes not even looking in the same direction. Just blackout drunk. And the thing I remember encouraging me the most is I'd be like, dude, lefty, you're a fat retard. You're not even a funny man. Or like just whatever it was.
Starting point is 03:40:59 And then like I was getting so many laughs from that. I'm like, I'm drunk. I'm going back to the well. I'm going back to the well i'm going back to the well for oh lefty you suck at this you're a fat retard you're a dumb bitch your stories aren't fun whatever i called him a cunt a hundred times that night yeah i'm like shut the fuck up cunt nobody cares nobody cares about the funny thing was like and then the next i didn't remember hardly any of that show and i did feel really bad uh because i was like lefty never did anything to you at all like and he handled it
Starting point is 03:41:30 so professionally that night and the following days that's true he handled it with a plum he handled it like professionally laughed along with it uh yeah so i i never harbored any ill will towards him uh i just i was, I was getting a laugh. I don't dislike lefty in person. I just hated working with him and I have no memory of it. Yeah. Well, how long was he?
Starting point is 03:41:53 I mean, two or something like that. And I, like, I don't even know his real fucking name. I don't even know. It's real. What he knows it.
Starting point is 03:42:02 Cause he wrote him checks. Yeah. The only reason, you know what? So lefty really valued his privacy. So I knows it because he wrote him checks. Yeah, I do know. The only reason. You know what? So Lefty really valued his privacy. So I'm not about to say his name, even though I bet a lot of people listening are like, it's because it's known. But when I know Kyle guessed it, he didn't get. I'll happily tell you.
Starting point is 03:42:22 But anyway, where I'm headed on this is I needed his address. I needed his address so I could send him checks. And he was like trying to come up with alternatives to telling me his address. And it's like, I am not a random person from the internet. I'm not going to show up. I've never shared it. It's been a decade or so. Like, you can trust me.
Starting point is 03:42:44 But I thought it was like, it was a next level of privacy to not tell your co-host your address. And he just used a P.O. box? He could have. He gave me his address. Or he gave you a address. An address. He cashed the check, so I guess it worked.
Starting point is 03:42:59 He got it. But yeah, anyway, I thought that was interesting that he didn't tell me. The Hurricanes have smashed the Lightning in hockey. That's nice. How are the Avalanche doing? I didn't watch game two. Avalanche are up two to nothing in the series right now.
Starting point is 03:43:15 Good for them. It was a close game. It was only three to two in OT, but you know. You say tomato, I say tomato. That's a smash. They're not gonna sweep vegas i if they did that would be fucking awesome if they only played eight games to get to the conference final you said they weren't gonna sweep uh yesterday when they were
Starting point is 03:43:33 up 1-0 now they're up 2-0 sounds to me like we're two games away from a sweep it does they're halfway there and they don't get that uh jabroni back until game four. Oh, yeah. Damn. Well, everything is coming up Kyle here. You should have put money on it. God damn it. How are you so much better at guessing hockey series than me? You don't watch. It's the only sport I know a shit ton. Last year, Kyle was like,
Starting point is 03:43:59 you make a bracket. I'll pick the opposite of everyone. I'm like, there's no way I'll get all of them wrong Kyle's bracket I think got six out of eight series right if I had been in some sort of a March Madness style tournament I'd have won like a Toyota or
Starting point is 03:44:16 something was that the one with the wild upsets it was like a ton oh there were so many upsets it might have been Tampa Bay that lost early no one called it it's fucking great it was fucking great and like every week we do an update it's like well uh kyle has swept the board again literally the only one i won that year was the blues winning the stanley cup that was it every other series if you hadn't picked that then it would have truly been like you got nothing
Starting point is 03:44:46 right the team you pick for the finals does port loses the first round then there's so many downstream mistakes that you've made yeah like that's your team you pick to win the finals wins it then like oh there's a whole corner of the bracket that's just your way yeah yeah um i don't know like million tens of millions of people submit brackets for like NBA, NFL, NHL, NCAA. Anyone ever get it a hundred percent right.
Starting point is 03:45:09 Ever. Yeah. Yeah. March is such a huge deal. Like, like every year I think like one or two people get it. It's just like the lottery, you know,
Starting point is 03:45:16 like my father, my father-in-law news stories where it'll be like, it's four, it's one round. Round one's over and everyone's bracket's out because of something. My father-in-law, they did a betting pool at the firehouse. He was a fireman. And it got kind of big.
Starting point is 03:45:32 Like it wasn't just the firemen in it. They brought it home to their families. Anyone who wanted to submit a pool would drop a fiver on there and return it, et cetera. And he noticed that like it was always like the women winning it. People who knew nothing about college football with all the pluses and minuses were winning it week after week. So he started having his wife fill his out for him, and it went better.
Starting point is 03:45:53 Yeah, it makes sense, though, because if everyone is going one way, then you're never going to beat the crowd. You can only win the thing if you're not the guy who thinks Gonzaga is going to make it. I've heard the lotteries. I'm sorry, I cut you off. But yeah, I follow your point. The lottery, everyone, you know it's random, right? They make a very big deal out of being random, etc. But the best numbers to pick are not random.
Starting point is 03:46:19 It's smart to pick some numbers over 31 if possible because a a lot of guys choose dates and you know, you skip all those birthdays. You're less likely to share your winnings if you pick the high numbers. That's right. Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. It just makes sense.
Starting point is 03:46:35 Like, like you're either going to share a $10,000 with 10,000 people, or you're going to win $10,000. Don't bet on Gonzaga. Go the way nobody else is going and you'll actually you stand a better chance of making more money that way. Maybe not a better chance of winning.
Starting point is 03:46:54 But there's a difference. Who cares about being right? It's about getting paid. It's about winning. Which is a form of being. That's my life's philosophy. That reminds me of like if you do like investing stuff i think it's something like 97 of retail investors lose money like it's some absurdly high number like you'd think even statistically speaking would be impossible you know yeah there's some huge amount of money on mutual funds don't do as well as the s&p 500 as a rule of thumb something like 85 of them underperform the s&p 500 edge funds generally
Starting point is 03:47:26 yeah well there was that famous bet that warren buffett made um was it like five or ten years ago it was a lot it was a long time ago but he had bet that like um that every he bet any hedge fund or whatever i think that nobody could outperform the market in general and not a single person was able to do it so yeah wow that's crazy that yeah and and that just goes to show you like the best in the world the people who study it who study it who it's their bread and butter so like what chance does any like retail consumer have like what chance do you and i have when we're just like this is our like popcorn thing this is some sort of hobby that we spend our like even apes together strong i guess well well that ain't investing that's uh well there's a word for that i mean a lot of people a lot of people you know made out like bandits from the gamestop thing
Starting point is 03:48:17 they made out like literal bandits from well no i don't even think that's way over most people lost their ass on that and are still losing their ass on that. The idea that like all of these are made a ton of it. That's not true. Most people got completely fucked and are still actively getting fucked. I'm sure there are a couple of men out well, but I mean, that's true. Like every major movement on any stock, right? Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 03:48:35 Most people get fucked. And like, it's interesting, like following crypto Twitter and like crypto accounts and things like I don't trust any of them because it's like okay this person is pumping uh some bullshit meme stock right now to a quarter million followers so they own a good bit of this they bought it at an even lower price point and they're gonna dump as soon as it gets anything like and of course they're like diamond hands diamond hands sell sell sell like and so it's like i don't trust any of you destiny i can't agree that most people lost money on gamestop they absolutely did of course they did yeah
Starting point is 03:49:09 oh of course they did yes you take a stock that goes from 18 to 258 and you'll find tons of losers in there no yeah but you have to keep in mind in order for the stock to get up there people bought it all the way up it's at 258 like they're yeah but like first of all it's yeah but like in order to eat right now sure but like people are people are buying and selling the whole way there right like in general like retail investors are not this like coordinated group of people that are doing well one of the real nincompoops who like bought at 320 or whatever the fuck or are we sorry what were you saying right you'd have to like buy at 10 and then and then and then sell at 8 and then rebuy at 9 and then you'd have to be
Starting point is 03:49:52 like but that's what people do right it peaked and then selling every time it dipped like a complete idiot people do it with crypto and shit all the time too right like people will buy um people people will buy something at 200 they'll see it go to like 210, 220. Then it'll drop to 180 and they'll sell. And then they see it go up to like 250, 260 and they'll buy it and it'll get to like 300. And then it'll drop like 220. Like, fuck. And then they sell. Yeah, people do that.
Starting point is 03:50:13 Crypto basically goes from one penny to 65 pennies. Yes, it is possible to mistime that along the way. But the idea that most people lost their shirts on it. I mean, it seems like the shorts lost their shirts on it sure um i mean there are some shorts that did i mean the main winners in all of that were other hedge funds that were betting the entire time you can see that there are like so many funds and everything that made that were managing like for like multiple trillions of dollars that had like huge positions open in gmail and everything and these are the people that made like all the money there um retail investors don't have enough capital and they're
Starting point is 03:50:44 not coordinated enough to make as much money as they like to believe sometimes. I mean, there are sites that publish like all the positions that the big hedges have. And you can see like the people and you can even read stories of like the massive pensions and shit that made, you know, hundreds of millions or tens of millions sometimes on their positions for the GME stuff. Yeah, I don't know. Everyone I know made money on it. And everyone I know is like, ah ah if i had sold at this superfic peak i would have made more but uh just a stock that how much did it fucking go up from 18 to 258 someone math yeah i think it's hovering around 250 right now i'm looking at it um you know it
Starting point is 03:51:20 went up 20 sometimes again but that makes people money same thing. Now, if they hold it and wait, they might lose. But it's hard to lose money on a stock going up unless you're betting that it goes down. I mean, people do options. People try to short it again. People do a lot of dumb shit when it goes to trade. To be honest, I thought shorting it again was the move. And instead of... Yeah, go ahead. I thought shorting it was the move. I still think shorting it's the move and instead problems oh yeah go ahead i thought shorting it was the move i still think
Starting point is 03:51:48 shorting it's the move but i'm the exact kind of thought process they're trying to squeeze you know people who think this company's gonna die people who think this company sucks and that someday it will return to its fundamental like justified price i'll call it and um i don't know i'm staying away from gamestop i'm not shorting it even though i think there's money to be made there's money to be lost too clearly i would have lost yeah shorting it is like correct in that it will go down but the question is when right because if you start shorting it if too many people are shorting it and people think that it can go up or that right because you're not really like because in our current society everything is
Starting point is 03:52:24 valued based on what somebody's willing to pay for it and stocks aren't an exception right there's going to be some floor to a company where it's like if you liquidate all the assets how much money is left over but other than that like basically the ceiling is limit right and game stock has been game stop has been trading over its fundamental value for a while now right like that company is not worth 250 a share early in the in the day, Taylor was like, I'm going to learn about crypto. And OK, first of all, don't take my advice on crypto. There are some people who value my advice on investing with regards to crypto. Don't. You've been warned.
Starting point is 03:52:55 But in my head, I'm like, there's nothing to learn. It's all trendy. People talk about which blockchain technologies are somehow better than the other dude it cares yeah it's all about it's all prices it's people speculating yeah people speculating trying to over other people that are speculating that's all that any of these are right now cryptocurrencies like the more i'm like i feel like people are just trying to fool me into getting me to buy a ton of something and being like, oh, we get 50 cents right now. Buy a ton.
Starting point is 03:53:28 And then like you'll see other people being like, well, the plan is to get it to 53 cents and then sell every. And it's like, OK, so I'm at the top of this potential. I'm not saying you can't make money in crypto. People are making money in crypto. They're also losing it. I'm just saying that the idea that like this is a better blockchain or these things go quicker what do they it's just tulips it's just tulips there's no value in these things there's and i get someone out there's like what value is there in cash i hear you i hear you
Starting point is 03:53:59 bro but while cash is the it's backed by the united states government you can pay taxes on it that's i mean cash is very valuable i hate it government, you can pay taxes on it. I mean, cash is very valuable. I hate it when people compare crypto to fucking cash. When there's a government that starts tending crypto... I don't see why it's not a fit. What? It's not a fit because USD is the only thing that you can pay taxes to the U.S. government in. And it's backed by the full strength and security of the U.S. economy.
Starting point is 03:54:19 Cryptocurrencies are... It's just a speculation vehicle, right? I didn't hear anything that makes cash actually worth something. Cash is worth it. Because the U.S. government says it's worth something. Burning it. Like, it doesn't have any utility. It's worth something because people say it's worth something,
Starting point is 03:54:33 just like crypto. Well, but that's so incredibly arbitrary. Cash is too, though. But it's, well, no, but like, what about water? I've never heard the argument, because you can pay taxes with it, cash more if more why that's why cash is worth something it's got it's backed by the u.s economy pay taxes with it yeah it's it's valuable that's what you it's yeah crypto is valuable because you can buy all kinds of things with it you can buy drugs on the internet with crypto huh i'm just saying crypto yeah and crypto has its value because that's what other
Starting point is 03:55:03 people are willing to to buy and sell stuff with it but i'm just saying it's weird because people will say something like uh like cash has no inherent value not like gold or silver it's like well what the fuck are you gonna do with gold and silver that's valueless as well and then someone's like well you can do you can make circuit boards with like gold i think no come on you're not right like all technically at the end of the day if you're really technical everything is only worth value because people say it is right even water you know people buy and sell for certain price points but i mean yeah i mean i don't know i think that the i think that currencies that are backed by federal governments and central banks are like some value because they are backed by said governments and okay boomer uh-huh
Starting point is 03:55:36 yeah uh yeah no i i think taylor kind of nailed it when he's like, it's just all trying to find someone else who thinks it's worth more than you do. Basically, yeah. And to me, there is a parallel. You could make that cash argument. The argument I don't like is, oh, Eretheum transacts faster than Bitcoin. That's why it's going to be the big one down the road. Fuck you.
Starting point is 03:56:02 No. If it wins some arbitrary popularity contest i don't think it's based on tech maybe yeah the real argument against like all of the kids and they always get mad when you bring this up but like for people that truly want these things to be adopted as actual currencies which i thought cryptocurrencies were supposed to be you shouldn't be championing them every single time the price surges in value over and over and over again what you really want are long periods of stability because like nobody is going to adopt or use like widespread like any currency that is so unbelievably volatile because why because why would you do that right like oh i'm salarying
Starting point is 03:56:37 you at 10 000 bitcoin a month now it's 4 000. now it's 25 like right you can't you can't price things you can't pay things you can't hold the currency in reserve like yeah but nobody nobody would actually want that if you talk to these crypto guys they don't nobody wants their currency to remain stable for years and years and years which is what you should want for currency they wanted to go up and up and up and up and up so that they can make money off of it a speculation vehicle it's not as actual like currencies you used to buy stuff that's a really good thought i haven't heard it before so um but yeah nobody wants stable they love it when it goes up they love it when it spikes no i'm putting all my money well i've said before i've put a ton of money into cole's cash but i'm also going to put i'm gonna i'm gonna buy a lot hold
Starting point is 03:57:17 hold your colds cash and uh hold on it fucking expires in four months hold but like yeah I'm gonna buy I'm gonna buy into GME at 250 like what Destiny was saying like
Starting point is 03:57:35 like knowing that there are so many people out there who do exactly what you said of like oh I bought it at 110 now it's at 120 I'm gonna hold
Starting point is 03:57:42 100 sell oh wait now it's back to $130. Buy. $120. And it's like, what are you doing? You want something stable. You want something stable. I put $800,000 into Dave and Buster power cards.
Starting point is 03:57:57 Power cards. And not only, anytime I want, I can go have a hell of a time, right? All the games I want. Yeah. Get one of those frozen drinks that's like a little rainbow inside. Anytime I want. Platinum member there, of course. Of course.
Starting point is 03:58:16 Get a load of this moron. Very stable currency, right? I mean, that skee-ball machine same same price today as it will be tomorrow okay stable okay until i'm like and every time i go i'm the only one there so i know that there's no fluctuation there david busters must have been smashed during covid are they in business well yeah you know there's one there's a couple in st louis they're fun i love david busters this is the kind of place that got closed i i have been rethinking some of my investments during during the pandemic yes
Starting point is 03:58:55 but we're hoping that uh you know things turn around things turn around is david busters the next like apes hold thing? What's the most bullshit African currency that's worth like 0.00001? I'm going to say, was it Zimbabwe? I'm betting on Zimbabwe. The hundred billion dollar bills or something. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:59:18 Oh yeah. Where it's like $14 trillion. You don't even have to go to Africa. Fucking, uh, was it Venezuela that had that hyperinflation hyperinflation uh last year the iranian real is the cheapest currency oh well but we i don't think the u.s is going to stop imposing sanctions on them anytime soon so i don't know if that's and oh come on biden is just trying to i mean he's a peace loving okay okay for a u.s dollar is worth 42 000 iranian reels or rials but in vietnamese in vietnam a u.s dollar is worth 23 000 vietnamese dongs which really
Starting point is 04:00:01 for the memes is the one you want yeah now i'm i'm betting on venezuela coming back i think we should short the dong they've got oil they'll be fine probably i don't know i'm too afraid to invest in investing is so scary i feel like people take advantage of you unless you just do like watch Have you not watched my videos? You got a dollar cost average, silly head. That's what I'm saying is like you, like anytime I look into it and I'm always trying to see like, there's gotta be a way to make money faster. And it's like, no, no, it all seems to be these like conservative, like consistent yield things.
Starting point is 04:00:41 I think that's where a lot of this stock craze for the GME AMC and everything blew up over the pandemic is that like you have this unprecedented amount of people that are staying home and making a lot of money for what for which thing for i i told him left his team and kyle's not impressed with the man oh i see you you have all these people staying home they made people made a lot of money over the pandemic. A lot of, I think people are finally starting to realize that like nobody went out to eat. Nobody spent any money on anything. A lot of people were able to work from home.
Starting point is 04:01:12 They didn't have the wear and tear on their vehicle. They didn't have to pay for gas. A lot of people got bonuses for working through COVID. Like, so you have all these people staying home, making more money than they had before. And then now you have like this unprecedented access to the stock market because there's these like gamified apps so like robin hood and now you've got like these payment schemes they have where you can trade for no fees so there's no friction um and then you've got like the promise of all these riches because really anybody's like five trades away if you're doing options from like going from like a thousand dollars to like a million dollars
Starting point is 04:01:45 depending on how lucky you get right um and i think yeah the promise of that has definitely driven a lot of people more into that world of like how can i get rich really fast like and then you you guys were joking about like the hindsight earlier but like for some people like it must feel really bad because like you really are like if you could just see like like five minutes ahead of the graph like you would know exactly the trades to make. There is some combination of buttons that you can push right now at your computer. There is a combination of buttons and trades you can push and trade and make and in like three days
Starting point is 04:02:12 you're like a billionaire. Maybe even legitimately a billionaire. You absolutely could. The thing that was sort of different about the GameStop thing though is it doesn't have to be like that sort of Hillary Clinton thing where you're like hitting the curve like perfectly on the ups and downs for like eight trades in a row.
Starting point is 04:02:30 She did that. It was just like, hey, buy this today. Sell it six months from now. That's it. That's it. That's it. This is going to multiply by 200 times its current value between now and March. So buy today, sell in March.
Starting point is 04:02:47 And that's it. And that's so much simpler to look at. And I remember when it happened, I was on this show and I was just like, why did no one tell us about this? It went back up. It went higher than then. Even when we were sitting here, we were like, why did no one tell us about this? We could have bought right then. Yeah, it went back down to like 10 bucks
Starting point is 04:03:09 and we were just like, well, that was neat. We could have bought right, and then here it is at 250. I didn't think apes were actually strong. I was wrong. You never think of all the horrible trades, though. And this is like the most important thing, is you never think of all of those fucking horrible trades that you didn't make
Starting point is 04:03:28 though you only remember the ones that you fucked up on because for every one where it's like why didn't i fucking buy there were probably 150 other that you heard about that you didn't buy that crashed immediately right every for every like four thousand dollars that we had invested on that day we'd have made a hundred thousand dollars or something like that. I went the other way because I'm with Destiny. I was like, time to short. The institutions are right. This is a worthless company. This is a bullshit.
Starting point is 04:03:55 This is a future blockbuster. The move to make right now is shorting. Gentlemen, the move to make was not shorting. It's a 250-day right now. Don't do that. yeah i don't know maybe one day we'll actually get a stock tip from somebody that whisper in the ear that hey i work for uh computech and uh we're about to come out with a new processor it's just this and that it's going to be so much better and we've already got a contract with the government and we'll get that
Starting point is 04:04:22 little tap on the shoulder whisper in the ear kind of foreknowledge insider trading would make this shit so much easier so much easier that is what dan blazarian's dad actually did i looked it up and look at how successful those yeah now they just do fucking hotties all the time i still think the the saddest people on the planet that fucked up are the people that would go dumpster diving for their old hard drives that had like 500 bitcoins. Just special. And I feel so I don't know. The only consolation I would ever give to people like that is if you actually had those bitcoins the whole time, you would have sold when they hit like $2 or $10. You're not holding towards $50,000, right?
Starting point is 04:05:03 You know, there's that guy. And I'm not saying hypothetically, there is literally a guy who has, it doesn't matter how much, just it's $100 million or something like that. He can't remember his fucking password. Oh, yeah. He's got three guesses left. Oh, no.
Starting point is 04:05:23 And so he just spends every day being like, Monkey Banana 301 banana was it potassium did i use monkey banana 301 as one of my previous guesses it had something to do with bananas or monkeys i don't know coco coco coco like banana it's like it was my ex-girlfriend's name but i replaced some of the letters with numbers i know that much unfortunately her name was liliana so god fucking knows which ones were l's and which ones were i's and which ones were ones brutal oh you guys want to follow the show getting late that's a wrap I am genuinely thankful for you staying late
Starting point is 04:06:09 you started late because of me you stayed late because of you thank you oh well so go check destiny out on twitch that's the smoothest woody's ever been there it is I just peaked alright destiny do you want to tell us where we can find you
Starting point is 04:06:27 um yeah you can find me on youtube instagram twitch and tiktok at destiny on all of those so find me there follow me there all those links are below check them out pka 546

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