Painkiller Already - PKA 551 w Filthy Robot - Kyle's New Bike, Detroit Mayhem, Woody is Back Home

Episode Date: July 10, 2021


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Starting point is 00:00:00 pka 551 this episode of pka is brought to you by blue chew and postmates with our good friend filthy thank you so much for coming back are you you're you're in a home right at this point you're not you're not still in the in the committed involuntarily it's not a home so much teller as it is the place i'm now at a san. Yeah. Are you asking about the house situation? Yeah, yeah. Your house situation because I, please don't.
Starting point is 00:00:28 I close on that Friday morning. So, this is, we're recording this Wednesday. So, Friday morning is when I'll be closing on that
Starting point is 00:00:35 and that's coming up real fast. And that's the final. You'll be fucking done. You'll have your own place in the house. Thank God. You've been dealing with this forever. We get the keys.
Starting point is 00:00:43 Tell me everything. I want to know like um i i'm trying not to dox you so that's in my that's in the my like the front of my head okay where in the country are you going to buy a house is it your first home first number of your address you want the last four of my social my okay um yeah i've been doing that though i didn't realize quite how invasive the process of of taking out a loan is for this like like i mean i've never been so financially violated in my life for like by privacy elements of that right the number of
Starting point is 00:01:16 times they've asked for everything and it's even worse as a as a streamer since i'm self-employed and i'm not an llc which means that they just don't, they want like six levels of verification of things. I got an email from the underwriter of the loan like two days ago. And she was like, can I speak to your HR department? And I'm like, I was like, mind blown. I'm like, I've been giving you guys.
Starting point is 00:01:40 Yeah. One second. Carl is Sven of HR. Oh, my God. You would have been a great person to have around for that, Taylor. It was an email, unfortunately, not a phone call. You just put a lot of umlauts over the vowels. Like, ah, a different guy.
Starting point is 00:01:57 But at this point, like, I mean, they know more about me most probably than, like, my physician, right? Like, the fact that they're now asking for something that's so clearly not going to be part of it. I'm just like, what did that give you all this information for? Why did you demand every minute detail of my life if you weren't going to do anything with it and then ask me stupid questions? Where's your HR department? They asked you like five times for all the info.
Starting point is 00:02:21 And it's like, I bought my first house a couple of years ago and it was also my first experience. And so like, you know, when you're new to something, you assume everything is your fault. Like, I'm so sorry. Everything, it's all on me. Like at the end of the process, it was like, this is the fourth time I've sent these bills and this bank statement to this guy. I'm pretty sure he's just like not checking his past emails from me and just writing to me. Can you send all this again? Can you send all this again? But it took me till the end of the process to be like, I'm not the jerk.
Starting point is 00:02:50 Day one, I sent my shit to him. Yeah. And the departments don't seem to talk like the people. So I'm working with a couple of different departments and it feels like I'm doing everything in duplicate. So I don't know. This is my first time with this. I have nothing to prepare to. What did you find financially violating?
Starting point is 00:03:03 Were you sending like bank statements, tax returns yeah both those so like i mean to me that's normal apply for a loan kind of stuff but to you it's like hey you're invading my privacy why would you ask about my income i understand why they would ask about income for loans like i understand that that's going to be the process it's just not a process i've ever done like that right so i've never done something of this degree of you know for my finances this much of my finances and i think so i've never had to do this like step of where they you know they stick a fucking finger up my ass and tell me to cough and i'm supposed to smile and be like you want it again next week you know like i'm a bit tired of that feeling you've combined procedures with that i think
Starting point is 00:03:40 your doctor just likes to put his finger in your ass. You should be grabbing your scrotum for this. That's like something that would happen in like a sketch. And then you'd do that and he'd be like, all right, the doctor will be in shortly. That's how it feels. That's a lot how it feels. Well, you got approved. T-minus two days. And then you'll be in a place with good internet.
Starting point is 00:04:00 You won't have to be in that shitty office situation. Yeah. Hopefully not in the office. what have you told the world what town are you going to live in yeah i bought a house in cedar rapids iowa okay i was just in iowa yeah yeah well i think we're going to probably get to your trip at some point it sounds really interesting it's not something i think i would do personally but it sounds interesting but anyways yeah c yeah. Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Very nice. You ran a ton of internet tests, so you're going to be solid forever, I'm sure. Actually, it's funny. That was actually something that we, this was the second place we put an offer on, the first place we didn't get. But in the first place that we put a bid in for,
Starting point is 00:04:41 that was, we added that to the contract that we would have to do internet testing or that we could back out of it and this one has i called ahead of time found out which places service it and i can get fiber there so yes it's like not joking like that was actually a consideration if i can't work from the place it's useless right what an annoying bunch of nonsense to have to jump through as a twitch streamer where it should be so easy. Like, oh, I just go in my room and I turn on the thing and that's it. But no, you had to... I still remember, I don't know if it was the end of an episode
Starting point is 00:05:11 or after we recorded when you turned around and showed that so sad, narrow, vertical window. And I was like, oh, your soul, Filthy. Your eternal soul is being pulled away piece by piece. As if Twitch streaming doesn't do that in the first place. He has to do it from hell. I guess every job does it, just different rates. Yeah, I'm kind of excited.
Starting point is 00:05:32 I've got a big room down in the basement set up for this. I'm going to set up a VR, like half the room for VR, get another multi-camera, paint the walls, put some green VR surface down, and then I'll have the stream room on the other side of that so I can do both. I'm looking forward to a bunch of things of having my own space. But did you tell us what your bandwidth was already? Bandwidth for what?
Starting point is 00:05:54 The new home like I do have 100 gigabit 50. This is fiber I'm paying. I'm paying business fiber at a so no, it's gonna be like 25 up 25 down woody like it's not gonna be like which isn't luxurious but it's totally enough it's enough for streaming exactly yeah yeah but not yes it's not nice rates it's slower it's slower than um the cable for sure is it expensive yeah about 150 a month for that i think yeah i pay like150 and I get $500 down and like $200, $250 up, something like that. Which is able though. Yeah, it's Atlanta.
Starting point is 00:06:30 The quality makes a big difference. The lag, the latency, the consistency of the latency between the packets makes a big difference. Like there's a lot to look for in a good – I have just spent a month doing hotel internet and you know, I'd get them to run a good speed test, right? Like, Oh, this thing's got like whatever, 17 megabit symmetrical internet. It's going to be great. And then I show up and it's like, I'm multiplexing the internet or something like, like whose turn is it to get the megabits? Cause I'll be getting none for the next seven seconds as, as I try to tell a joke. It's rough.
Starting point is 00:07:07 Yeah, quality internet is a huge deal. And then what region you're in is important too. And I guess it's game dependent. Being near one of the big five cities in the country might determine whether the game that you play has servers in that city. Atlanta is great. It seems like they just put servers in Atlanta because it's the biggest city in the Southeast. It seems like I'm always good with games, like very, very low latency. I'm sure
Starting point is 00:07:32 obviously New York, LA, places like that are great. New York and Miami have transatlantic internet cables going to them, so they're usually well served. It makes a lot of sense. I haven't looked into it at all, but a friend of mine is super excited about the future of this Starlink internet connection where it's all satellite-driven, I guess.
Starting point is 00:07:52 Have you guys looked into that very much? That's so good. Or is it like it's so far from being – That's going to be great for people who don't have and can't get the stuff that we just talked about. There's no way that that's going to be an improvement over fiber or cable. But it'll be a huge improvement if you live rurally. If you're one of those, like that guy in the Hangout the other day
Starting point is 00:08:13 who's like middle of nowhere, Texas, talking about the guy just loaned him his $70,000 pickup truck. Like, yeah, take this. Go for a ride. Yeah, that was awesome. That guy's going to get Starlink. That is pretty sick that it's going to sick. Do you remember just a few years ago it was like, ah, GPS on my phone is hardly working
Starting point is 00:08:30 right because you're in the middle of nowhere and I can't text and I can't call. Now it's going to be like you can be in the middle of bumfuck Egypt and it's like, ah, this YouTube video had to buffer once. Can you believe that? I don't like it. It's going to make horror movies even harder to explain their situation.
Starting point is 00:08:46 Right? Starlink. So they say Starlink is going to be amazing. Zach just wrote 100 megabits up, 100 megabits down. That's a great number. I have gigabit. My life changed zero when I went from like, I forget, I was like at a 70 or 100 to 1,000. No difference.
Starting point is 00:09:03 No difference. Maybe the audio version of the podcast was faster, but basically no problem. Latency. Now, Zach said latency is a probably huge. He's guessing. Yeah, I've heard to update is going to be able to keep pace with terrestrial stuff. Not only are you having to like span that gap, but you're also having to deal with atmospheric conditions, right? It's going through the atmosphere and you've got to be losing some, there's got to be some signal degradation there. Got to be. Yeah. got to be losing some there's got to be some signal degradation there gotta be yeah yeah if
Starting point is 00:09:45 there's cloud cover if there's a thunderstorm right above your house and you're trying to like beam some sort of laser satellite signal down with internet and you're playing cod where like two ticks matter like i think i just it just can't be as good i was it towards the beginning of my trip um like the hotel offered wi-fi and it was this really historic amazing hotel and i'm so excited and i'm like ah the the wi-fi seems down and she's like yeah did you see the dark clouds like like of course the wi-fi's down those clouds are so dark outside you know oh silly me i'm sorry i should have noticed the dark clouds. Yeah, dummy.
Starting point is 00:10:26 Those aren't the easily pass-through-able clouds. Exactly. Yeah, that's exactly what she was saying. The rain takes the internet and refracts it all around. Sometimes things run back up to space. Sounds science-y. But anyway. Did you have fiber?
Starting point is 00:10:42 Go ahead. No, no. I was going to say, did you have the satellites in your backyards growing up that you could point to like a million, not a million, but like dozens of different satellites and get like all the Japanese channels and stuff? No, my grandparents had one of those, but I didn't know that was an option. I just really got like a ton of shit tier channels. Infinite channels. Maybe one further back in that, Kyle. We had one on my dad installed on the roof.
Starting point is 00:11:04 It was an antenna that would rotate. It wasn't a satellite antenna. It was just a regular antenna. So you'd rotate it to get different TV stations. Okay. I mean, we had that too at one point. I grew up in the South, like really rural areas. Cable wasn't an option growing up, and it still isn't an option for where my dad lives.
Starting point is 00:11:21 There is no cable. That's not a thing. You've got satellite. You've got direct TV, something like that for TV stuff. But no, we had that big fucking satellite dish. I mean, it must have been bigger than
Starting point is 00:11:35 eight feet, maybe ten feet across. The pole that held it in the ground was like six inches in diameter, metal pole, concreted into the ground. It's part satellite dish and kind of part skate park. It looks like a radar dish. It looks like,
Starting point is 00:11:50 it looks like we could be detecting MIGs with it. I remember getting in trouble because we would play paintball with these shitty pumps in the backyard at my grandparents' house. And they'd be like, Taylor, don't hide behind the satellite dish. Because it'd just be pumps of paintball.
Starting point is 00:12:03 It's like, it's great cover. It's huge and I'm six. Grandpa's wrong. That was a great place to hide. Awesome place to hide. My grandpa didn't care. My grandma did. He just didn't keep it pointed at professional bull riding. Woody, how many weeks were you away from home
Starting point is 00:12:18 exactly? I came home yesterday, which was the June 4th to July 6th. Let's just call that a solid month. You were gone. What was the first thing Jackie said to you when you walked in the door? She didn't tell Colin I was coming home.
Starting point is 00:12:41 So as I was coming into the garage, she asked him to get something for her, and he saw me. So that was my initial impression. And then I think Jackie kissed me and said she was glad I was home or something like that. Oh, to take the trash out? Just the trash. The trash. 33 days worth of boxes have built up in the garage.
Starting point is 00:13:00 33 days. We buy everything from Amazon. And it's worth noting that while I was gone, a 17-foot trampoline arrived for Colin's birthday. The garage was so filled with boxes. I had a fire cooking on those fucking things this morning. First morning home, I had a fire. It was a bonfire pretty much.
Starting point is 00:13:22 We have swings that sort of surround the pit. And they were, I was trying to keep them from burning up, pulling them back and everything. Nice. I was thinking it'd be funny if like, as soon as you got home, Colin was just like,
Starting point is 00:13:37 it's been, you know, walking dead. The fuck. It's been a month. We're going to have to rewatch. I don't know. You said you were just getting cigarettes.
Starting point is 00:13:48 And then I realized you don't smoke. No, we watched three episodes of Walking Dead last night. Into the night. Good to be home. It is good to be home. A bunch of little projects to catch up on. I'm eating right again. That feels good.
Starting point is 00:14:06 It was hard to eat right on the road. I was about to say I mostly did well. I'd order chicken and stuff, but once you can't eat well, there was a Sunday or two over the last month. I never eat ice cream.
Starting point is 00:14:22 Not lately, anyway. Once discipline broke, it broke a lot. Fortunately, they're all activity days. I didn't really gain much. Jackie said I didn't gain a pound. I probably did. I didn't realize that Kyle's church had confession.
Starting point is 00:14:37 Is he absolved you now? I probably should get absolved. Thank you, Kyle. It's more of a knighthood. Actually, but, but yeah, so I'm eating right.
Starting point is 00:14:48 It's good to be home. Talk to hope. Talk to Colin, hung out with Jackie, cleaned up the garage, clean both motorcycles. That's all I did. So was this a one time trip you think,
Starting point is 00:14:58 or could you see yourself doing a full month of this again? Yeah. And I'm tuning into kind of like the end of this. So I don't know. I don't want to, if you've killed this on like a million other shows before this, talking about it um i don't want to go too deep into that again but i'm curious why what was the what was the thought or what were you planning oh all right so both of those taylor is the one time everything i think a month was probably too long um i think maybe next time around like two weeks or even two and a half weeks would be a better.
Starting point is 00:15:25 Or a day. No, no, no. You can't do it in a day. Maybe next time I loop around Mexico City or something, but it shouldn't take 33 days to do that. Maybe next time the Horn of Gibraltar. A little trip. There's a beautiful trail in Mogadishu. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:46 But I had two motorcycle friends that did a similar trip at about the same time. But instead of taking dirt roads all the way out to Colorado and twisty roads all the way back in my case, they just ripped out two days, like 800 miles a day got there played around then ripped back and so they did a 10-day trip instead of you know 30 something yeah maybe that next time but and then that's what please continue oh i'm sorry filthy asked the why and um i think i just had to get out like i was a little locked down for covid for a year and a half. Every winter, I get this seasonal effect disorder and I come rocketing out for spring, wanting to fly my paramotor, rip around on the boat, do the acro thing and just recharge my solar batteries that happiness seems to run on for me. And this time around, I just, I needed more.
Starting point is 00:16:46 I saw a meme the other day and it's this guy sitting on a park bench and it's like nice spring or summer day. And he's just like looking around and he says to himself, the depression wasn't seasonal. I love that. That made me think of you. I love that. That made me think of you. Yeah. Every winter, I'm counting the days. It's an annual thing where I talk to my online friends. I'm like, it's January 29th. This is technically the coldest day on average in Raleigh every year. From here on out, we should be warming up. It is December 22nd. There will be no point in which my side of the hemisphere is further from the sun
Starting point is 00:17:25 than it is today. It has to get better. It just has to. We're going to start tilting back. These are the things that I say to get myself through the winter. This year, it was 12 months of winter and I was just shot out of a cannon. Have you guys ever done a river float?
Starting point is 00:17:41 Yeah. The real relaxing ones where you sit on floats and you slowly get ever done a river float yeah like the all right yeah water rafting or tubing i've done both uh the the real relaxing ones where you you know you sit on floats and you kind of slowly get carried by the carry by the current and you have a bag wean a ziploc bag and then your fucking beers on one of the floats that comes with you i imagine woody's next trip is going to be that but it's going to be on paramotors so it's going to be his main major like his personal paramotor that he uses for transport and he's going to be towing his cooler and his weed bag on two other floating
Starting point is 00:18:07 ones that come with him. That's how I was imagining your next trip. We actually got Woody to smoke a little weed while he was in Colorado. And only in Colorado. Only in Colorado. I definitely did not bring it home with the intention to share it
Starting point is 00:18:23 with Jackie. That is not a thing. I just can't wait to like three weeks from now, when he shows up on the show with like a Rasta man hat. I thought when he came on with the headphones at the red, I thought it was a necklace. One of like the surfer necklaces, the like choker ones that the guys wear sometimes.
Starting point is 00:18:41 I'm like, he's changed a lot. Hasn't he? This is my jamaican accent yeah i've been so fucking sick this week i i would i was gonna go buy that motorcycle yesterday like that was my intention to like go get it and uh and i felt so fucking shitty that like when i got home from like doing my stuff and like took a shower and like Sat in bed and like the cold sheets. I was just like this is where I need to be
Starting point is 00:19:10 This is where I need to be and then I had to do PK in with Taylor We got that knocked out. So there's wasn't any time yesterday and then I was looking I was like, okay do it today I slept until 11. I slept I went to bed last night at like midnight and slept until 11 p.m That's good when you sleep a bunch, it means you're hopefully getting better. I'm sleeping so much because I'm so fucking sick. I'm really doped right now. I'm super doped up on Dayquil. I drink way too much, and I've got cloudy brain right now.
Starting point is 00:19:36 It's hard to do anything. I was having such a hard time sharing that file with Zach before the show. I'm an idiot right now. But, yeah, I think tomorrow i'm gonna i'm gonna go by and at the very least like figure out what the price would be and negotiate a bit and also try to like bundle like all my gear with the bike and then get like an out the door price on everything and uh if like that number is pretty good i think i might just buy it. I'm sure they'll deliver it to my house. What you might ask for on all the gear
Starting point is 00:20:10 is just employee pricing. I don't know what that is, but it's one way to ask. I don't know what percentage off to ask or anything, but that might be one way to phrase it. Yeah, I agree. I would be happy to pay sticker for the bike if they would give me the
Starting point is 00:20:27 gear at cost or something like that, I might say that or something like that and then just continue haggling at each step of the way. I think the interest rates are super low, like 2% or something like that. Have I told you what my insurance costs? It's super cheap. When you take the class, you save like $200 more or something like that. You can't save $200 more. I pay $11 a month. Oh my God. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. If you save $200, they start paying me. They start paying me. You pay $11 a month for bike insurance. I don't have collision, right? So I just, whatever.
Starting point is 00:21:08 If I crash it, I'll buy another one. And I just have, I have a lot of liability though. I think I have a million dollars I carry or something so that I don't get ruined if I fuck things up. And yeah, it just doesn't cost very much. My wife rides and as of probably two years ago, she got her license for that and carries motorcycle insurance throughout the year as well. And I know she's paying more than 11 bucks a month now.
Starting point is 00:21:29 I know I have. So I mean, it's like $11 and 65 cents. Like it's more than 11. Yeah. It's like a little less than Netflix. It is. Yeah. I think I'm gonna, I wanna get the bike.
Starting point is 00:21:43 And then I think having the bike will make me like go get like the course done and everything. And I kind of want to do the course on my bike and with my gear. And part of it is like, I have this thing where like, I don't want to buy two helmets because for some reason it seems dumb to like buy a cheap helmet to take the course and then start the process of like all right well i want this nice helmet that matches my suit that matches my bike and like i don't know it just it's it's easier for my like add mind to be like get it all done in one shot everything all right we got all the gear got a guy got the bike got the insurance now we'll do the course now we'll get the permit
Starting point is 00:22:22 now we can ride and i can knock that out in a week i think oh for sure i mean the course. Now we'll get the permit. Now we can ride. And I can knock that out in a week, I think. Oh, for sure. I mean, the course is two days. Yeah, I think it'll take you a while to schedule the course. But you can get your permit, which is, it's different. We talked about this before. So in fast forward for Phil, these men of it, a permit for a motorcyclist only has two restrictions on it in North Carolina. And I'm pretty sure that's similar
Starting point is 00:22:46 one is that you can't have a passenger and the other is that it lasts a year outside of that like you pretty much have a license you can go to every state you can ride at night you can ride you know it's pretty much a license it's all i need i don't care about the license like i just like when you put it like that i never want a passenger. Not only do I not... First of all, that bike seems too small to put a fucking chick on, plus me. Second of all, I wouldn't put a chick on the back unless she's got
Starting point is 00:23:14 gear anyway. I don't know any women who are dumb enough to get on the back of that motherfucker. The one chick I do know... You need to hang out with dumber women you gotta be a dumb bitch to get on the back of a motorcycle with me like i i'm worried to ride the motorcycle to begin with my own safety i'll do it you'll get
Starting point is 00:23:37 on the back of my motorcycle i totally would be funny on your tinder date you're like dress sexy for me and like you pull up wearing plate mail. No, no, I don't care what you wear. That'd be a great fucking picture. Like you riding on the back of my motorcycle. Just like giving the wave. With the lights. Yeah, but I've got like 85 days left on my probation.
Starting point is 00:24:01 So if I do pull the trigger on this, um, if, uh, if like, and I think I will, like, like I'm, I'm pretty determined to go tomorrow and do this thing. Um, I'm really strongly considering riding it all the way to Colorado and really, yeah, I'm going to, as soon as I get it, like if I'm going to ask my probation officer in advance, like, Hey, I, I want to like ride out West out west uh at the end of my probation could i could i leave on like the last day of um september and just you know start my motorcycle ride across the country and if he says yes then i'm just going to cancel my plane ticket i got like that i don't know 25 extra and you can cancel yeah at any point insurance or whatever insurance yeah i looked up the top speed on that bike it's high it's 124 if i recall yeah it's too fast i use it as a proxy
Starting point is 00:24:51 for like is this speed comfortable right if the top speed's 124 then it can probably go 90 all the way from here to colorado or 95 or you know whatever you does you want yeah i think i could knock that trip out in two and a half days comfortably. Do you think you'd want to, though? Yes. I feel like you're going to get right up to that, like, freedom, and you're like, I want to be in Colorado in two and a half hours, three hours. It's not how I would do it. No, no, but I leave early.
Starting point is 00:25:16 That's what I'm saying. And see, that's how I know. Like, I think that if I were just going somewhere, like going to Colorado for, like, funsies, three and a half, four days maybe. But because I'm like, all right, I'll be free to smoke weed and in Colorado in like two days. Can I get there in two days? Yes, I can. Can you leave four days before you're a free man?
Starting point is 00:25:42 Or is that like asking more? That's how I would do it. leave four days before you're a free man or is that like asking more you know like i mean that's how i would do it i would take four days take more enjoyable roads cool arrive the same day i might do that yeah it's like mental edging for the weed oh fuck yeah dude he's been edging for years i've been edging it's gonna be a goddamn explosion it's gonna be extra watery it's gonna be great i'm very excited for it. It's going to be extra watery. Extra watery, yeah. It's going to pump to you, that prostate, that fluid right into your load.
Starting point is 00:26:12 It's going to be creamy. You know, you age for like three or four hours. It's that extra watery load. It's potent. Yeah, the extra watery. It's funny. Everybody knows what you mean. The degenerates in the audience got that reference for sure. Not even degenerates. Everybody's ever fucking edged.
Starting point is 00:26:29 Some people don't even know. Some people don't know things. Wow, a bunch of people don't even fucking know, man. Well, next time you're fucking, hold back your load a few times and it's going to come out waterier and more. There you go. You don't have to do that if you take the load stack. You have to get that going. Derek says it's in manufacturing process now. They're pumping
Starting point is 00:26:52 bottles out. So he'll be ready for February? Probably. Look, man. I did my part. If I got any complaints, you direct them toward Derek. If you have the balls to fucking complain to Derek.
Starting point is 00:27:06 Yeah, say it in a comment on his videos. Say it to his face. He'll hate that. Say it to his face. Say it to his face. Put it in the algorithm. He'll appreciate it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:14 Go say it to Derek's face and say it loud and proud. Stick your chest out. Say it right into his fucking delt. Yeah, right into his fucking dealt. Yeah. Size of a fucking gorilla shoulder. Yeah. Um, but, but like I did my part of that thing,
Starting point is 00:27:31 you know, like almost a year ago now, like it's maybe not that long, like eight, eight months ago or whatever. It's just the process of like making a product is more, uh, involved than I think most people imagine.
Starting point is 00:27:43 We're not, we're not like branding some water bottles or t-shirts here. We're making a supplement. I was going to say drug, but FDA approval is not required, so it's not technically a drug. We're making a supplement, and it's not one of those make-believe supplements that I'm not going to name the Twitch streamers who have their own pre-workouts and stuff that are just fucking nonsense. But we're not doing that. We're making a real thing.yle and i spent a lot of time even before we brought it up on the show texting back and forth like wait you do this load stack too me too what do you use oh i'm gonna
Starting point is 00:28:14 try adding this oh i think my shirtless pictures are rough you should see the load pics standing back and forth oh and just because i haven't been on in a couple months here taylor is your girlfriend wife pregnant yet i forgot my wife is not pregnant yet no not okay so are these load stacks also contraceptives no well definitely no reverse contracept it's making this the not safe having even scarier but you know we do want kids before too long so that wouldn't be too much of a problem if it was hopefully my kids would just come a lot you know you know, we do want kids before too long, so that wouldn't be too much of a problem if it was. Hopefully my kids would just come a lot. You know, you know how like a kid can be born addicted to heroin. My kids are going to be born coming a lot.
Starting point is 00:28:53 They're going to be. Your children are going to be addicted to extra toasty cheeses. I've been eating a lot of those and prosciutto oh i've like started putting out feelers to set up the big uh charcuterie party you know and so hopefully in like a month or so i can set that up and we can carve into that prosciutto leg have a big fatty feast it's going to be great looking forward to that yeah i want to see what it looks like when you cut into it yeah i'll buy me a prosciutto leg for my wedding i got him a whole leg of prosciutto that's like 25 pounds or something stupid like like a big fucking you're talking the wheels i've never heard
Starting point is 00:29:33 the whole leg that came with the knife i was thinking cheese the cheese comment about anyways okay oh yeah i got you now i'm on top i got it now i'm tracking i'm tracking yeah i'm like a leg of cheese i've never heard it called that so yeah i talked to derek like once a week or something like that uh about a bunch of stuff and uh he always gives me it's always like you know sorry for the delay he's i know he's like really grinding on youtube like making two videos a day plus he's got like uh his uh his clinic he runs and uh he's he's obviously doing this thing for us and uh i'm sure he's got other projects that i'm not even aware of so like he's he's kind of run threadbare and uh he's putting as much time into it as he can but at this point it's in the
Starting point is 00:30:15 hands of manufacturers so yeah um and the product does work it makes it's like kyle sent me photos and i'm like man that that's a lot of bird shit. Oh, wait. Yeah. I just sent him a picture of a girl wearing an eye patch. I just came over all over this guy's Camry. These are the double farts. You just took back to him. She parked under my balcony.
Starting point is 00:30:44 Yeah, I'm looking forward to that. So Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Yeah. This is where the wife works, I guess. Yeah. Or in that area. I want to know without doxing you yet. Does she work in a university?
Starting point is 00:30:57 Yes. Yeah. Okay. She's a psychology professor. She finished her doctorate, and this is her second job out of high school out of um her phd program she's a very good high school student yeah that's right i gave her a phd yeah uh yeah so she's on a 10-year track probably she's young yeah yeah likes it here likes her colleagues so i guess she told me which didn't she told me at some point recently, cause we're
Starting point is 00:31:25 going to do, we're going to do this about a year later. We're going to buy about a year later. We're going to spend this about a year looking was the plan, right? We're rather, we were coming up to like renewing our lease and we were going to look before then if we found something. So be it, if we didn't, so be it. We'd kind of look through it and the market's ridiculous right now. So everything goes like instantly.
Starting point is 00:31:39 So you know, like a house is on there. They're saying it was like 40% of houses sell like the day they're listed or something stupid like that. It's so dumb. I knew it was crazy to buy that's so crazy but carry on yeah but she informed me some night we came back from a walk or something and she informed me she's like i'm ready for a house and i was just like looking around like i was like it kind of struck me in that moment of like how differently we think about things right like what was the impetus for me like i was looking around for something external that might have thought and put that into her head like we like our apartment it's a really bad time to buy it's a lot of fucking money and it's a big ass commitment to
Starting point is 00:32:13 an area you know and it's like but she was like yep we're ready to get one i'm like what are you talking about we're ready to get one where did that come from like it just it just struck me really did she tell you like i just want more space like more of my own space could you go on some trips she asked but no no no i think for her it's a little bit you know she does a lot of the house make the homemaking stuff so like you know she's the one putting up pictures on the walls and painting this and rearranging that and wants plants here kind of shit and it you don't want kids is that right no i don't want kids i think so yeah it's how i can afford a mortgage. You know how I knew that? The mortgage? No, because you're intelligent.
Starting point is 00:32:50 Oh, you bitch. I'm just a little trailer. This tracks. You have kids. I know. The guy with the 130 plus IQ down there knows what's up. When he's texting me. Don't do it.
Starting point is 00:33:09 No, actually, that's how I was about marriage. I sort of waited, waited, waited, waited, and then I was like, okay. I'm ready now. You waited, waited, waited. You were 22, right? Four years, though. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:29 We started dating. I was 18. I don don't know it was just kind of known but you're actually i think i was i think it was 22 when i got engaged in 23 when i got married that's fair that's fair and you went to that like class as well we did yeah he's talking about something called engagement encounter and it was something the church did maybe catholic church fencing or religion i don't know which and uh so i'm not a big church person at all but in order to get married in a church which we wanted to do we had to attend this engagement encounter class and it was a weekend thing where priests counsel you on being married and i'm like is there anyone fucking less qualified on earth than this than a priest to tell me outside perspective maybe jesus christ and i went into that thing with the worst attitude you know like i try to keep it inside but that's not
Starting point is 00:34:19 really my specialty and uh i'm an open book and uh you know but it was like hey jackie wants to get married in the church uh this is just one of the steps you have to go through cool and it was fantastic it was fantastic even the priest was like he would humbly give advice and talk about you know things that he did know and then there were uh long-term marriages, I'm trying to say, couples who came in and talked about some of their experiences, arguments and debates they would have over finance and sex and more. And some of the stuff was a little church-tainted bullshit. They advised the pull-out method.
Starting point is 00:35:05 I'm not doing that because of God I'm doing that because God himself but like oh and another thing is they advised like financially they're like give to the church and then you know like money can kind of take care of itself but like so there was a little bit of church
Starting point is 00:35:22 tainting but by and large it was a really good thing. And Jackie and I had talked about how many kids we want, where we want to live, priorities, children, career, et cetera, et cetera. But there were other couples who didn't. And I could see how much value they were getting. Like, how are you entering marriage? And during this engagement encounter, kind of hammering out the kids thing. People are so stupid wait so people
Starting point is 00:35:45 they showed up without even like the talking about kids or like they were engaged without even talking about kids like like yeah there were people who were like breaking new ground on some of these conversations and while we weren't breaking new ground it was kind of nice to have almost like a formally led conversation about kids and stuff, you know, and it also had to feel nice to see like how far ahead of the other couples you were like,
Starting point is 00:36:11 like, Hey, I think we've got our shit together here. Yeah. There were, there were some couples who were our peers and other couples who really didn't have their shit together. Um,
Starting point is 00:36:20 but altogether it was a really good thing. And even I forget the context of it, but the priest was talking about how he didn't have his shit together for a while. He was like the partying priest. He was an alcoholic. That's really not uncommon. I know a girl who's a lover. If you have a bunch of Catholic family, you know that my dad's side of the family is very Catholic. And so they'll have their parties with their wine and everything.
Starting point is 00:36:46 And priests will just show up sometimes because they're part of the community and they will get tanked. Like they'll get straight up just wine drunk. That's what he would do. But he was young. And from the time he was like, I'm going to make up numbers, but like 24 to say 30, the perception of him shifted at 24. He's young and he's carefree and he's kind of fun. He's the partying priest. We all like him at 30.
Starting point is 00:37:12 It was like, dude, the fuck, like, yeah. Why are you getting drunk on my wine? You know, like you should be past that. And, and he did get past it. He did get his act together. And, but it was neat to hear like him talk about his maturation process and uh you know how people age and stuff anyway i got a lot of engagement encounter if they make you go to it you know maybe uh you will too we didn't get married
Starting point is 00:37:37 in the church so we didn't do that no i was sort of talking to the audience but yeah yeah my brother's wife is catholic and he flat out refused to do that i was proud of him for that actually because yeah took a stand on that one he just said i'm not doing that it's ridiculous i refuse to have a priest come into like my relationship with my wife and it sounded like yours was actually really positive what he would you hear a lot of the opposite from those those encounters as well yeah how the encounter actually is like there's something to be said about like and this is kind of nonsense you know like this is this is kind of nonsensical like not only is it kind of weird to have a third person kind of come into the relationship and like you like
Starting point is 00:38:09 bless the whole thing but that person in particular like yeah that's the thing that gets me like i definitely think an outside perspective can be useful so can like a neutral party who's looking to like you know it's essentially a psychology right a counselor like if you've got a psychologist or a counselor of some kinds a marriage counselor would be like the ideal person like like someone who did couples therapy even like to preemptively nip things in the bud and if you heard someone who had a relationship with a woman before but a half-assed pedophile who like who like makes his living off of like people's donations like sounds like a twitch streamer he instantly won me over.
Starting point is 00:38:46 That's a great joke. I think he described himself as the least qualified person to talk about relationships ever. And that's why I have. And then there's this panel of impossibly old people, probably over 40, just talking about their marriages and their relationships and the shit they've been through. And it was like, I see. Yeah. So there were probably like five leaders, two couples and a priest,
Starting point is 00:39:10 and then maybe eight engaged couples. So 16 like young people. And yeah, it was a really great experience. And I didn't expect to be that at all. So like, I'm trying to say that when they change, when they turn me around and made me appreciate it,
Starting point is 00:39:27 that's a bigger accomplishment than me going into it looking good. Did you – is my screen messing up for anyone? The tiniest bit. Sometimes I see like a wave. I'm messing with it right now. All right. Yeah, I'll mess around with it. But, yeah, we took that part so not seriously.
Starting point is 00:39:44 Because we had talked for a long time leading up to it like you know what do you think about the kids thing what do you think about you know we were both on board like you know when we do have kids i want you staying at home with the kids for the first how many years uh we want at least two probably three uh two for sure just because like all of my friends who i've talked to who were only kids were like i was bored out of my mind i would have loved having a sibling there someone to hang out with and chat with and i'm like that makes a lot of sense i'd love to have been an only sibling like like like i'm the one that had like a sister and was like man if it just been me
Starting point is 00:40:18 oh the love i would have gotten all the extra attention you're the exception then because I guess there's you would be four like four people I've talked to who are only you want to be only kids they all were only kids and then like for the person who did Filthy doesn't know this but we didn't really care my wife wanted
Starting point is 00:40:39 like some God stuff in the ceremony like I don't care read the verse from Corinthians whatever andians whatever and uh but the person who was going to officiate it like that night we proposed like we both got drunk afterward and we just have a funny friend of ours who we were like hey matt do you mind uh signing up online to be a minister and performing a ceremony for us and he was like dude that sounds so funny and i was like awesome and then it wasn't till the next morning they were like we should we do that and she was like no it is pretty funny so i was like all right i agreed it's a good thing we're getting married
Starting point is 00:41:13 that you don't have a decision did you discuss what the what we're gonna do if for whatever reason you're unable to have children like what because there's there's multiple options like you did discuss that we did yeah either not have kids or the supplement well obviously there's options i did you pick enough what other choices are there like either one either either no child theft okay we nailed that down well we didn't we didn't clarify that you know i bet i bet that if i really dedicate myself to some boxing classes, I could take every single person in the maternity ward, have my pick of the litter. You're making a lot of sense. Okay, that's how that works. Adoption by combat.
Starting point is 00:41:58 You've heard it. I challenge the father of another child for rights to his offspring and his wife. Pre-Minocta. That's how that and his wife. Pre-Minocta. That's how that works. Let's post-Minocta. We post-Minocta. I get to fuck the child. You talked to your wife about that as well.
Starting point is 00:42:18 That's pre-Minocta. That's pre-Minocta. That's a good one. I go to those like light lamp. Oh, that's fucked up. uh yeah uh we basically were like if we can't have kids it'll either we'll either adopt or not have kids um hopefully that's not the case or over invest in pets well we already have two dogs and two is more than enough
Starting point is 00:42:39 now if you um if you adopt would you have a racial preference uh i mean i'd probably try and find someone like close in proximity to like where i live you know like i don't think there's any reason to do a geographical press preference oh i mean not really probably a white kid probably a white kid yeah well it depends like if they're like what's on the menu i saw 4chan thread on reddit where the guy um they got um uh a sperm donor because uh because because he wasn't fertile and uh apparently they they there was a mix-up and uh they they used a black man's sperm and so now he has a biracial baby and he's like losing his shit. He's losing his shit. Okay.
Starting point is 00:43:26 That's pretty funny. What do you do in that scenario? You got to re-adopt. You know, there's a return policy. I'm sure. We can't imagine some adaptation on his part from that. Like he's losing his shit, but it's his kid. Like, isn't he going to get over that?
Starting point is 00:43:43 No, no. I know what I would do and I can't even say it. Like he's losing his shit, but it's his kid. Like, isn't he going to get over that? No, no. I'm missing. I know what I would do and I can't even say it. He would. Oh, did you hear about this? Pulling the ripcord. This might be in like Denmark or something, but it was this like very well-known sperm bank. And hundreds of women found out like years and years later that all of their kids were the doctor's sperm so the doctor
Starting point is 00:44:06 was like he was he was lying and it's a real thing i don't know how many maybe hundreds is exaggeration dozens but like this dude was just pumping his own sperm into women unknowingly so they were like looking in the little catalog being like oh this guy's uh six five blonde hair blue eyes oh from denmark apparently denmark you know sperm very creme de la creme a lot of people want that and it was just this for fucking fat doctors well wait i see you said i need to know more about the doctor right he's a doctor yeah i'm already leaning towards this dude right which is a quality that i like okay you're selling me yeah he's fertile yeah but he's really fertile he's like he's like a subversive gangas con i like it i like it there was an x-files episode just like that except the
Starting point is 00:44:53 guy who was sneaking his sperm in had this genetic mutation where he had a tail and so like all these babies were cropping up with tails and like the agents are trying to figure out like like i don't know how all these babies are have tails but and they get to the bottom of it and this is one guy's like they needed the fbi to figure that out ah there was more to it than that there was okay well there's there's one doctor on the world who runs a sperm bank with a tail it's like i wasn't a doctor together there's a puzzle here that's the worst part that's the worst part. That's the worst part. It wasn't the doctor.
Starting point is 00:45:27 I want to say it was the janitor at the fertility clinic. I don't want the janitor's sperm. You're getting a janitor with a tail's sperm. Can you think of any worse sperm? Yeah. I'm thinking that I want to start having all sorts of kids all over the place. We need more autistic Tourette's kids with no sense of self-preservation in this world. Right? And a love of high testosterone women.
Starting point is 00:45:54 It's probably genetic, right? That's what we need. Yeah. Man, that's such an evil thing to do. It's like it's just rape by proxy. No, no, no it's uh not if you did it you'd have a good reason this doctor didn't yeah come on we're all catches we're all catches we're getting with these bitches a favor taylor if it turns out you're not fertile do you think kyle could be the father of your child
Starting point is 00:46:21 that's okay man we're good there that, man. You know what's funny? This was like two and a half years ago now, over two years ago, that my now wife, we were going to hang out and she has a couple of friends and they're a lesbian couple. And they were wanting to have kids
Starting point is 00:46:38 and they had only met me twice and we had not talked. I didn't remember their names at the time, but my wife, we were going to say hi at one of their birthday parties and uh she was like hey i meant to bring this up with you uh so trixie and dana they were they want to have kids soon i was like oh cool that'll be they're adopting or they're getting in vitro like what's gonna happen sperm donor and they're like well they were wondering if if uh they could use your sperm and i was like so how does this work does one lick my balls while i
Starting point is 00:47:09 fuck the other yeah that'd be a true punishment for them having to lick my balls i can only come in your lesbian wife if you suck my balls no it was just a spatula method like i immediately just had like a turkey baster i had like a spatula would be very uncomfortable you went in it up first you guys aren't using an egg beater yeah that's how you get it in deep yeah like i immediately in my head like i fast forwarded like i did like the play it forward method of like decision making even though I know I would never do it. And I was like, I know I've like seen stories of like sperm donors get fucked later where it's like, oh, this sperm donor. Well, yeah, you all signed a document.
Starting point is 00:47:57 But then this other judge decided that, no, none of that counts like a like a nullified prenup. And now you have to pay for a kid that you never wanted or you did for someone else as a favorite. It's like I also I don't want a kid of mine running around out there like if I have no control over it and no contact with them, you know? Really? No, that's the only way I disagree. Now, yeah, I I think it would have been pimp as fuck if I donated to a sperm bank for like 10 years or something and there are like 33 little woodies running around there somewhere.
Starting point is 00:48:30 I would like that. How discouraging would it be if you go in to donate again and they're like is someone going to tell them we're full sir. No one's bought your sperm. We got a whole cooler full of woodies. Honestly we've got a blue we got a yeti back there with 60 gallons of woody and you can take it home if you want 60 gallons was one load let me tell you about
Starting point is 00:48:56 lock and load i think that's good that's gonna be a good industry it's gonna revolutionize the sperm donation game lock and load it's they're gonna change their storage facilities they're gonna give you a magazine and like a stack of those take your pills before you donate yeah it takes a couple weeks to kick in it does we tested that do they do any i don't i don't know this process do they pre-screen maybe that's the pre-screen meeting you know it's like all right do you have any genetic defects we're gonna take some blood work you going to have you on this regimen of these pills and we'll see you in a couple of weeks. They definitely do stuff like that. And they put it on there like a menu.
Starting point is 00:49:32 And like the women can go in there and like pick and like read the stats of some guy and be like, oh, tall. Oh, I want a kid with blonde hair. Oh, he's a doctor. Oh, he's an engineer. Oh, that's great. Like, so that's kind of funny. How much does it pay? I have no clue. I'm not anything desirable.
Starting point is 00:49:51 For men, almost nothing. But for women, it's a lot. I was talking to a girl not too long ago and she's like, yeah, I'm going to donate eggs again soon. I'm like, how much does that pay? I don't remember exactly what she said, but it was thousands and thousands of dollars every time. It was over five and it might have been over 10 every time
Starting point is 00:50:10 is it a surgery procedure how does they like go in the vagina and like suck the eggs out of like her uterus let's get painful i think it's a little uncomfortable she's like yeah it's a little uncomfortable but ten thousand dollars is ten000. And you can do it. Holy shit. Yeah. Between $5,000 and $10,000 per cycle. Yeah. And so she does it like multiple times per year. Every time I look at her fucking Snapchat, they're on fucking vacation.
Starting point is 00:50:37 Good for her. That is $5,000 to $10,000. Wait. So Zach just typed in here. How much will I earn for my sperm? Sam sperm samples. Donors earn $70 for each donation. 50 at the time of donation,
Starting point is 00:50:53 20 when the sample is released, healthy men are able to earn up to a thousand dollars a month. What is a thousand divided by 70? That's incalculable, but it's, it seems like a lot of donations for money so it means you get to beat off 14 and a half times i'm surprised it pays that well i mean like this is like the basis basis of like gender differences right is the fact that like male
Starting point is 00:51:17 like the male contribution to this is easily replenishable low cost and like spent everywhere kind of deal i'm surprised that we pay anything for that quite honestly well it's because they don't want random sperm they're going and that's like saying yeah that's the price that's the price of the creme de la creme sperm like that's the best one meanwhile like a shit tear egg apparently is getting you a couple grand yeah like i i used to think about this when i was in college a lot and i was like my sperm must have some value right like i'm a college student i'm on the swim team i'm you know good looking enough like people pay for this shit right and uh at the time it was like imagine imagine 50 dollars the things i could do with that. My money problems would be solved.
Starting point is 00:52:05 I like how even in your past, this voice almost comes up in, $50. Oh, yes. I'll take care of the beer bill today. Oh, $10. $20. Well, I'll save $20. Because I don't want to kick it.
Starting point is 00:52:19 Start contributing to my set by rate. That's hilarious. But yeah, I've never won in this program. $50, like, I don't know. When you just need spending need spending money like that's a lot to kick around get that twice a week or something what are all the ways that you can earn money like that so you can give blood you can donate sperm like is there a third plasma like a more invasive blood donation so i think it is um so only fans that's just draining your soul um so so twitch yeah don't they pay for i don't know if this is a real thing anymore if this is
Starting point is 00:52:52 just something that was a real thing at some point don't they pay you for um medical trials so can't you sign up yes although that the medical trials might fuck up the other donations though yeah they won't let you donate sperm i bet if you're on a megadad like it's like you have like the creme de la creme they have like the average guys you have the mystery guys they may or may not have some genetic enhancement from the meds they're on that's what women love when they're picking sperm that's right nice could be i looked into medical uh trials before and like how much they pay you for the medical trial has a lot to do with what they do to you in the medical trial right so like maybe you're just taking some fucking glaucoma like prevention thing and and you know that doesn't pay much it doesn't do much to you it's nothing
Starting point is 00:53:38 on the other hand i was listening to a guy and they took like a football shaped cut out of the back of his arm. Just there was a machine that like chopped it out and they needed that like donation from him to test or something. And that paid a lot, like a couple hundred. A couple hundred? Two and a half inches wide and maybe like an inch tall. But because it's football shaped shaped it sews up nicely i always wondered like like um whenever you read like like um i see derek do videos on like those medical studies like the and and one of the ways that they determine like muscle growth is they
Starting point is 00:54:14 take like like a biopsy of like uh like like your leg muscle before and after um a biopsy it's like a core sample of like of like leg leg muscle, because they're like measuring like actual like protein synthesis, they're determining how much how much muscle was actually grown, you know, per like, cubic centimeter or what is the DEXA scan? I thought they do like a DEXA scan or an MRI. They want to get it down to like these decimal points of like grams per per month or whatever of like muscle mass put on. So like when they're looking at like there was one where like they always say like 20 to 25 year old untrained men in healthy condition, you know, six weeks of doing and six and like one group is doing this. One group is doing a second thing and one group is doing a third thing but one of the one of the ones I saw was one group only did I
Starting point is 00:55:10 Can't remember that basically they only did the push exercise of a squat And then like racked and then the other group did full squats Like down and up and the other group only did negatives They only went down and then racked and and so they measured like which one was more effective. And like going down was almost as effective as like the full range of motion and way more effective than the push. Really? The negative was like the biggest part. So the negative of like balancing it and going down.
Starting point is 00:55:40 That's really interesting. I would have. I would not. And they use a leg press machine to do that, obviously, because i'm not surprised i feel like i've heard that with the like um tricep extensions the negative is the big part um when i do them sometimes i'll cheat on the push just so i can do another two or three good negatives same thing with curls if you can just cheat it up so that you can yeah not again yeah yeah i mean curls are fun where it's like you get to the end of the workout and you're just doing so many like drop sets that by the end it's like you got your
Starting point is 00:56:11 easy curl bar with your like fat grips and it's got a five on each side and you're like i can't like it's you're just blown out from just do you ever do that woody we're like you know i do it like just remove remove remove i i do it with um del. What the fuck is this called? A lateral raise. Thank you. I do it with lateral raises. I surf the rack. At the end, I'm doing fives and I can't lift them. More than once,
Starting point is 00:56:37 I'm like, all right, I'm going to try nothings. Okay, actually, I'm just recovering. I do need something in my hand. Yeah, you do. You do. But usually with – I felt like now I'm fine. But prior to the motorcycle trip, I had a – is it a brachii? What's the bicep muscle that's not a bicep?
Starting point is 00:56:58 Brachii? No? No one knows this? No, none of me. Brachialis? Is that what it is? I thought the brachialis was here. Yeah. There's like a third
Starting point is 00:57:08 head of the tricep. I'm sorry, the bicep. And I think it's called brachii. I want to Google it. The one that's like on the outside, like there? It's inside and it adds like bulk to your bicep, but it's underneath it. It just kind of lifts the other. So anyway, here's
Starting point is 00:57:24 the deal for people. Let's not use that. So your bicep is like sort of palm up like this. And if you do it backwards, that's your brachii works a lot. So when you do a pull up, one of my favorites, you hit your brachii and I've overused mine. So that sucks. So to answer Taylor's question, no, I never go to like super failure because i'm always like battling an injury although not right now fair enough well then this is probably good a little break from your workouts if anything where you're going to be recovered and maybe hit it fresh yeah yeah there's definitely that i um i'd be getting sore i didn't
Starting point is 00:57:58 work out for shit i like so 33 days i did like five push days and two actual gym days in that whole time. Because usually I was wiped out at the end of the day. I'd ride my motorcycle between like eight and 12 hours. And then you have to eat and it's nighttime and I just didn't want to work out. I'm so bad at maintaining routine when I break the routine when I do things like travel. It's always shit for me. And hotels are the worst for working out. You're always inevitably hungover.
Starting point is 00:58:26 You always are like spending, not getting enough sleep. You're inevitably hungover, shaking as you try and bench press. It's working my stabilizer muscles. You know how hard it is to hit the gym when you got the shakes? I mean, you guys know, right?
Starting point is 00:58:47 That's funny. It is horrible to work out in hotels, especially if you're so used to a home gym. You walk in there and you're just like, well, this sucks. I won't. I won't. I'm not doing this. I'll just fuck around on like a couple machines.
Starting point is 00:58:59 There's never a free weight section. And if there are, there's dumbbells that go up to 25 pounds. There were dumbbells that went up to 50 on a few occasions and an incline bench. And I'm like, I can get a workout out of this. This will work for me. It's not exactly perfect, whatever, but you can get a workout out of it. Half the time it's like, all right, here's the broken treadmill, a horrible elliptical, and inexplicably a leg raise machine. It's like someone just figured out the cheapest stuff. And a medicine ball that no one's ever used.
Starting point is 00:59:30 And a dirty medicine ball. I want a pull-up bar. I'm like, oh, with a pull-up bar. I can do pull-ups and chin-ups and get a whole lot of back and bi. That makes me happy. But they're uncommon. I didn't see one the whole trip. And they're cheap.
Starting point is 00:59:43 I found that I'll do little workouts when i travel if i bring like resistance bands with me because then i'll be like did you really take up space in your bag for something you're not going to use at least once like come on do do something here so uh yeah i i had the idea that i would bring resistance bands and i couldn't find room for them. It's a motorcycle. You don't have much room to pack. And I ended up now knowing what I know now,
Starting point is 01:00:11 the things that I brought that I didn't need, I could make room. Yeah. Number one, a useless thing you brought Woody. I brought more than one set of riding clothes, one for like sort of rainy weather and one for fair weather. And the rainy weather thing, I shouldn't have brought it.
Starting point is 01:00:30 It's super big. It's bulky. It's hot. I could have worn a rain shell over my fair weather stuff and it packs so small. I couldn't believe you didn't bring a gun. I was surprised that you were really insistent on the necessity of that. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:47 Like the cross country kind of thing. Like, I don't know. I'd want a gun. It's heavy. And it's like something to manage all the time. You know, like I don't,
Starting point is 01:00:59 my guns stay locked. Right. So like it's on the bike, it's out there in the parking lot. I have to bring it in every night. I have to... It's a responsibility to doing it well on an unlocked
Starting point is 01:01:12 motorcycle that I didn't want to deal with. Fair enough. I would... I don't know. I don't know. Something about cross country... Don't fuck with Kyle when he goes to Colorado. I'll have a crossbow. I'll have a crossbow. I might look into that.
Starting point is 01:01:28 Yeah. Like, can you get a crossbow onto a motorcycle? Is that, is that, I can do that, right? A knife gets you pretty far. Can you have,
Starting point is 01:01:35 you can probably have that post. A katana. You're right. You're right. A katana. I am a student of the blade. Okay, Michonne.
Starting point is 01:01:42 A student of the blade. You know, you're on a, you're on a motorcycle. Get a lance. Oh! That's a good thinking. A knife?
Starting point is 01:01:54 Even like a multi-tool, which you'll find other uses for with a blade that locks, I feel like is a pretty good defensive weapon. I don't know. I want something that shoots stuff. I think a crossbow is my my go-to or a longbow i could be the longbow guy you're gonna be like standing on it yeah yeah absolutely i'll stand on the motorcycle seat and and fire my longbow off i the guy that owned the the gun shop
Starting point is 01:02:19 uh from my from my town he rode a bike i don't know what kind, some kind of street bike. And I'd see him riding around town and he would have his vector on his back. So he's like fully automatic. Chris vector, like they fold into like this tiny little compact thing when you fold the stock up and he'd just have it like on his back, like on a sling and like, like really tightly on his back. Can we see a picture of a vector? I'm curious. Chris vector. That was in a model more for two wasn't it yeah yeah yeah i had two of those yeah they're cool it sucks yes i know it's not cool it's sad it's like oh man yeah i i my my friends in real life ask me about that shit all the time they're like that guy you do the show with is he doing what is he is he gonna get his guns back and i was like it doesn't look like it man and they're like oh no but how many was it and i'm like probably like
Starting point is 01:03:17 half a million dollars and he goes oh it's like it's like i'm i'm it's like i'm striking them they're so upset by it oh How does it fold, Kyle? So there's a couple of them there. There's two different kinds. So you see the tan one in the top? That's the newer thing. They offered me those, and I turned them down. I did not want the ones with the buffer tube because that's basically like a buffer tube attached to the back that doesn't have a spring in it.
Starting point is 01:03:43 It's not actually doing any buffer tubing. And then it's got an AR stock so that telescopes right that's as compact as that is going to get it does not fold in that configuration there's probably a foldable one with the now but but uh with with the ar stock but at the time there wasn't um and then like this is the one that's kind of top center right now that's something i've never seen before that's some new shit that's a weird fucking thing i've never seen before but um like the one that he's got like that thing that's like dangling down i don't even know what that is it looks like some sort of a newfangled i don't know what that is now i don't feel quite as bad as having no fucking idea what that is it might just
Starting point is 01:04:19 be it might just be a strap but remove that strap from the equation just take that out with your mind and that's what i had like exactly like that. And, uh, and that, that stock completely folds, um, around against the weapon. So you end up with, um, if you look on the left side of the screen center, um, the way that one is displayed with no stock at all, it ends up being about that big. with no stock at all, it ends up being about that big. So is that technically like a pistol? Yeah. Yeah. That's a pistol.
Starting point is 01:04:48 And in that configuration, he's got like a, probably a 17 round Glock magazine stuck in it. So you can see the magazine kind of angled right where your left hand would grip. That's the mag, that's the mag there. But obviously like there are, you can put a bigger mag that's like 30, 32 rounds or something like that in there. And can put a bigger mag that's like 30 32 rounds or something
Starting point is 01:05:05 like that in there and it sticks way out like that yeah but it looks at white yep yep uh my i like the is it called a scope the red dot is that is that in the scope what would what do you call it makes it looks like you're enforcing the laws of the imperium i mean like uh i don't know just call it an optic and you cover all your bases usually can't be wrong then i like the optic on it i think it i think it fits the gun yeah that one that one's got all that's a tarkov gun right there very quiet um because that you know it's um oh it is literally a tarkov gun i'm sorry Yeah, they come in nine millimeter, but I had 45 ACP ones, which I think is the original caliber they were designed in. And with a suppressor, which I had,
Starting point is 01:05:53 I think I had a Silencer Co. suppressor stuck on it. Very quiet, like paintball gun quiet. Oh, that's neat. Like literally, poom, poom, poom. You could hear the bullets impact. You could hear that crack when they hit trees and stuff. Sure. It looks cool.
Starting point is 01:06:10 I like that about it. It's a piece of shit. Is it expensive? I have no idea. Those are like $1,400. I guarantee they are. On that page we were just looking at. Yeah, I don't know what they charge for them.
Starting point is 01:06:21 They just gave them to me. But it's probably not crazy. Probably less than $2,000. I would imagine less than they charge for them. They just gave them to me. It's probably not crazy. Probably less than two grand. I would imagine less than two grand, like $1,500 to $1,700 if you wanted some more accessories. Probably if you wanted a buffer tube one, you're probably adding a couple hundred or something, which I think most people do prefer that.
Starting point is 01:06:40 Filthy, how long have you lived in the Cedar Rapids, Iowa area? About a year now. how's the weather um typical midwest summer stuff kind of like um very similar to chicago weather so it's hot muggy summers and then long winters it's like the best of both worlds okay it's still good because you found yourself a climbing gym you'd announced yeah you're on so you're solid you're good yeah that was a big that's a big part for me actually so yeah it's kind of that's not far we uh university of iowa so uh i guess have you ever heard of the iowa university i've never remember anyway sorry have you ever heard of cordon cat cordon iowa c-o-r-y-d-o-n oh that's where i was it's a tiny town three hours from you so you might not have heard of it. And it was the coolest thing.
Starting point is 01:07:26 I rolled it. I was basically driving my motorcycle until I got too tired. So it was maybe 1030 at night. And I find this tiny, tiny town with this very old hotel. And I call them off Google Maps. And I'm like, do you guys have a room? And the woman's like, yeah, I got a room. I'll come down there
Starting point is 01:07:45 and let you in. It was a boutique hotel that she renovated. It was disabled. It was run down with holes in the roof and open to bugs and weather and shit for 40 years, 4-0. And she had just finished renovations
Starting point is 01:08:01 on it and I got to stay there and it was the coolest thing. And she gave me a renovations on it. And I got to stay there. And it was the coolest thing. And she gave me like a history of the town. Corridon, Iowa was named by a dude who won the naming rights in a poker game. And he was from like Corridon, South Dakota. And he's like, Corridon 2. That's how it got its name. And the whole town gave her like a hard time for renovating this hotel she's like a boutique hotel will never succeed in a tiny town like this one and i'm
Starting point is 01:08:34 like well i'm here to prove them wrong one night please and uh she was just cool as fuck and i love the town and i love the place and it was one of the better places we stayed too many like I'd see like a super eight or a best western and kind of know what I was gonna get you know and but the places that I really enjoyed staying were the like Beaufort hotel or the you know little cafes I agree yeah I stayed in a really cool place in Savannah I went to my girlfriend and I went to Savannah once, um, to do like, I think around Halloween to do like some sort of haunted,
Starting point is 01:09:10 they do some sort of like haunted tour down in Savannah. And, we stayed in one of those historical hotels and it was great. There were no smoke detectors. So we could like go in the bathroom and just smoke a ton of weed. It was great. And, uh,
Starting point is 01:09:22 and, had a great time in fucking Savannah. It was awesome. I've only been there once, but it's a cool little historical town. And New Orleans also has a bunch of places like that. And then the Peabody over the Peabody Hotel.
Starting point is 01:09:35 I've heard of that. Is it famous? I think so. They do that thing with the ducks where every night they have these trained... It's either ducks or geese. They come down in an elevator and they walk, they're trained ducks or geese, whatever, and they do this single file thing and get in the fountain. And then, I don't know, people show up, they're like, oh, it's duck time. Everybody gather around.
Starting point is 01:09:58 And they do it every day. I like it. I stayed there when we were on our Arkansas trip to the explosives thing. It's in Memphis. That reminded me. It's in Memphis, Tennessee, which is like right the way Tennessee meets Arkansas. It's like really close. You just drive across the bridge.
Starting point is 01:10:18 Yeah, I like those places. I rarely stay in like real hotels anymore. Obviously, I haven't traveled in like fucking three years unless you count prison. But when I would travel, I had almost exclusively switched to Airbnbs and VRBO. VRBO was the predecessor to Airbnb. It's vacation rentals by owner. And I think since then, it's all been bought up and it's all under one conglomerate, along with another service, maybe like travel fare or some shit. But anyway, that's the way I like to travel most of the time.
Starting point is 01:10:51 And if you've got more than one person, it's cheaper than a hotel. I like that way better. I'm sorry. It's definitely better. It's definitely better. But of course, a little more planning. Like Super 8 is just all set up for you to figure out. We might not know until that morning where we want to be that night. It's today's target. little more planning like super eight is just all set up for you to figure out where like we might
Starting point is 01:11:05 not know till that morning where we want to be that night you know it's today's target and an airbnb like they're usually not really equipped for some guy to roll in have a single night they don't want to clean every day they'd rather people stay for a few days i love like i this uh this airbnb that i'm staying at in uh in denver it's i don't want to fuck myself up so uh i can't i can't like get this joke to fulfillment until no until until late october but the owner of this house looks like the female version of only use me blade um it's i i can show you guys but i obviously i don't want to share this lady's picture because I want to stay at her home for two weeks. But it's a travesty.
Starting point is 01:11:50 Jesus. Did you guys see that video? I saw that it existed, but I couldn't watch it at the time. How is Only Use Me Blade doing based on the video? doing based on the video. So he could only open one eye because he was so drunk, and he was calling what I assumed to be his girlfriend a N-word bitch or something
Starting point is 01:12:10 like that. He's like, N-word bitch, give me some fucking Kit Kats. I'm paraphrasing. And she's like, don't call me that. You N-word whore. You go give me some fucking Kit Kats because they're scrumdiddlyumptious.
Starting point is 01:12:27 Yeah, that's something he can say. Give me some scrumdiddlyumptious Kit Kats N-word. He's like, alright, I'm going. He's like, don't you check my fucking Cadillac. But there was only like a 90 second clip or something, so you couldn't tell in what
Starting point is 01:12:44 context that was being said. I see you guys on WhatsApp. Tell me that ain't female. Please replay. Oh, it's going to this poor lady. I feel bad before I'm even going to look at her. That's her girlfriend with her. She's doing all right.
Starting point is 01:12:59 Okay. Pretty close. Pretty close. Pretty close. Yeah. And she's a real estate baron. I wouldn't have guessed that. Baron close. Pretty close. Yeah. And she's a real estate baron. I wouldn't have guessed that. Baroness.
Starting point is 01:13:09 Ooh, a real estate baroness. Blade isn't even a real estate baron. No. Let alone baroness. Let alone baroness. Yeah. He hasn't come up in the... Wait, wait, wait. You don't want to play that.'t play that don't play that don't play that don't play
Starting point is 01:13:29 he's gonna say the end don't play oh he's gonna say yeah that's that's why i didn't like play it for you guys like right right right he says the n-word like a lot real one not the way kyle and i were saying no no he's dropping them ours. So, you know, I have this, this like rule. Everyone gets to choose what they're called. If you like your nickname, if you like this,
Starting point is 01:13:52 if you like that, that's why I don't know. Like, like you get to choose what you're called. You get to pick your own name, period. That's, that's the rules.
Starting point is 01:14:03 What if you remember that like 30 of the time yeah me i'm not good that way but but what if you prefer an offensive name what if you're like you know what i go by filthy edward they call me kyle the kike nice to meet you right i'm not entirely comfortable calling you that you'll call me that and you'll like it. You bully them for not saying a word that's offensive to them. It's what I identify as. This is my buddy Nate. Guess what we call him.
Starting point is 01:14:36 Nate, get out of here. Tell him. Says like Tony on his name tag, clearly fucking around. I don't think that's your real name nate i'm gonna have to go to a different jamba juice if you insist on me ordering with your name on the tag you're gonna write it on that cup or i'm leaving like before you order you're like looking around at the line you gotta be loud and proud if you're gonna be that offensive uh speaking of i don't know you said and you said tony and that made me think. Speaking of, I don't know, you said Tony,
Starting point is 01:15:07 and that made me think Anthony and Anthony Soprano. Have you seen the preview for the prequel movie with his son playing Tony Soprano? I have not. The Many Saints of Newark. Oh, you mentioned this. His real biological son who looks a lot like him. His real biological son who looks just like him. They even gave him some dental work
Starting point is 01:15:25 so his teeth are kind of crooked like Tony's. And he's like... His teeth are fucked up in Visalines to ruin his teeth. I think they did something. I like my way better. I do too. That's real method acting. We're going to knock a couple of your teeth that way.
Starting point is 01:15:42 You can't just black them out with CGI. I mean, we could, but... You're going to be into couple of your teeth that way. You can't just black them out with CGI. I mean, we could, but... You're going to be into the character if we do that. Be honest. It looks good. It's got a really good cast and it focuses on that time in Newark when they had the race riots.
Starting point is 01:15:59 And, you know, Newark kind of got burnt down. But also the surrounding time period. Tony's growing up. He's like he looks like he's like 15, 16. And, you know, he's he's like hanging out with his mentor, Dickie Moltisanti, who was Christopher Moltisanti's father. And he's played by John Bernthal, who is the Punisher, a.k.a. your man from Walking Dead, Shane. Shane. And and also it's got Ray Liotta in there.
Starting point is 01:16:26 I'm not quite sure who he's playing. It's a good cast. I would imagine that they've got basically his crew is there as children. And it's kind of hard to tell who's playing who. I saw one guy that looked a lot like Silvio
Starting point is 01:16:42 with the black hair, kind of slick black back and stuff he's the strip club owner um but it looks good the lady they've got playing tony's mother looks pretty fucking good they've definitely put like a fake nose on her but she's got that like annoying new jersey thing down and like like but already like condescending they like bring her into the principal's office and she's like ma'am your your son scored off the charts he's high iq he's a leader could have fooled me she is such a bitch in that show god dude who's the guy who i think the hairstyle is called wings paul he has big biceps paulie it was he in is he gonna be tell me he should be he'll almost certainly be in there yeah
Starting point is 01:17:24 like in in some uh form there's uh uncle junior be in there. Yeah. Like in some form. Uncle Junior is in there. Oh, you know, I think I'm wrong. I don't think John Bernthal, I think, is playing Tony's father. I think that was the deal. I may be a little mixed up on that. Tony Soprano's dad. John Bernthal.
Starting point is 01:17:38 Johnny Boy Soprano. And then, like, I did see the actor who was clearly Uncle Junior. You know, he had the glasses and everything. So, yeah, I'm looking forward to it., you know, he had the glasses and everything. Um, so yeah, I'm, I'm looking forward to it. Uh, it's,
Starting point is 01:17:47 it's been a long wait with COVID and everything. Dude, there is no way uncle junior can be in this. He's 90 years old. No, no, no. That guy's dead.
Starting point is 01:17:54 This is a prequel. He like, like in this, he's going to be in his prime. Yeah. I thought you were saying that they were going to do like that stupid Irishman, like age thing, which is so distracting.
Starting point is 01:18:06 No, he's looking like prime Pablo Picasso picasso at this point he's old as a let me let me ask you this is part of you like would you have preferred this be an hbo series to the movie because it seems like there's a lot of stuff they could have parsed out there's a lot of interpersonal you know yeah development like it seems like it might be rushed through in a movie format so sometimes prequels like fuck it all up right like they just like butcher it and it's like awful to see it that's fair too yeah it really looks like so i know that they're going to like stay true to like the original vision because it's david chase making the thing he's the creator of the sopranos he wrote it i believe he's directing it as well he only directed a handful of episodes in the show, but he was the guy who was like,
Starting point is 01:18:46 yeah, do it this way, do it that way. This is what's going on. Producer. And so knowing that he's there and seeing what little I did see, it's like, oh yeah. There's little tidbits that just from watching a trailer, I'm like, that was referenced in the show.
Starting point is 01:19:01 That was referenced in the show. That was referenced in the show. There are clearly lots of callbacks and lots of references to things that were talked referenced in the show that was referenced in the show that was referenced in the show like they're clearly like lots of callbacks and lots of references to things that were talked about in the show but absolutely I would prefer to series um like like sure even if it's just like a one season off like the way Marvel is doing with Loki and stuff like that like give me 10 episodes of this thing yeah give it like a band of brothers miniseries I'll give you 10 hours instead of two I thought it was a limited series I could be instead of two. I thought it was a limited series. I could be wrong about that. I thought it was a limited series.
Starting point is 01:19:30 I thought that was the deal. I'm hoping it is. I hope they get this thing wrapped up. Have you seen the newest episode of Loki? A second season is already in development for Loki. Well, then good. I'm happy to hear that. I watched the new episode today.
Starting point is 01:19:45 I won't spoil anything. No spoilers. But man, I'm really, really liking the show. Is it episode four you saw? I think it's four or five. There's only six. Oh, shit. Well, by the end of this episode, they were getting somewhere. I'll say that. Okay. I'm trying not to spoil anything to anyone, regardless of how far they are in the show, whether that's zero episodes or where I am.
Starting point is 01:20:16 It's good, because it's on Disney, so none of us have seen it. What are you watching it with me? He's only held out. Yeah, I didn't realize one was up today. um i haven't seen it yeah it's very good and um i really really like sylvie i love her character i love the dynamic between her and loki um it's it's it's heartwarming um and um the thing i told you about the other day with the alternate loki's they had so much fun with that in the most recent episode. Very cool. So, yeah, if you guys give a shit about Marvel at all, watch the Loki series.
Starting point is 01:20:52 It's definitely worth a watch. That's all. Yeah, it's the best one. I think they're showing them in almost reverse order. Like, Loki is the best. Second best was Falcon. Third best was Wanda. Agreed.
Starting point is 01:21:07 Not everyone agrees with us, but some people think Wanda was very good. You guys hated that for a bit. For the first three episodes, it was absolute garbage. Now, when they like pulled the like camera back a little bit and showed you what was going on,
Starting point is 01:21:23 it became more interesting for sure and improved dramatically. But those first two or three episodes where we were just watching Marvel's take on I Love Lucy, Marvel's take on Leave it to Beaver, Marvel's take on Bewitched, that was disgusting to me. I'll go watch Nick at Night. Get the fuck out of here. I don't care. There's YouTube channels like hey i watched the whole episode at 25 speed and this is what i found and they're steeped in the history of all this and you know they were able to make it more interesting because while like as a regular person
Starting point is 01:21:57 i too am seeing like an i love lucy remake when they're like i don't know this character is probably this crazy witch and this character's this. That's fair. It helped me appreciate stuff I would have otherwise missed. It still wasn't as good as Loki. It still wasn't that good. I like Elizabeth Olsen. I like her more when she's wearing less.
Starting point is 01:22:18 I even like, is it Cumberbatch? The guy whose name I'm terrible at? I get him mixed up with the guy who plays Vision. I'm terrible no it's I get him mixed up with the the guy who plays a doctor vision yeah I'm getting vision and dr. strange mixed up I don't know that actors name off the top of my head but the guy who plays vision I like him as an actor I like vision as a character to some extent but he their accessories their accessories Annie okay but to me they're accessories they go with Iron Man. They go with
Starting point is 01:22:45 Captain America. All these TV show characters are accessories. The Winter Soldier is. I agree. Yeah, it's true. Falcon is. No, Hawkeye doesn't have his own show. He should have. I'd have watched the Hawkeye show. Hawkeye is an accessory character too.
Starting point is 01:23:02 He should be a TV show. I would like to see a Hawkeye show where it's just him living in a small town with his wife and he's like fighting like some bootleggers or something like it's like undersea it's like a fucking steven seagal movie there's no sci-fi it's just him like with his it doesn't even have his cool bow like like he's he's retired that he's just like pulling down a hunting bow and like like doing and he's just taking l after l to west virginian moonshiners because he's like they don't understand the honor of bow fighting they bring guns every time no no here's what i want i want a color of money remake with hawkeye where he just goes from bar to bar hustling people in pool and darts just fucking failing it you know pretending he doesn't people in pool and darts. I'm just fucking failing it.
Starting point is 01:23:46 You know, pretending he doesn't know how to throw darts very well. Work in the hustle. Is that great? Is that, so he, he's accurate with everything. Yes.
Starting point is 01:23:56 Oh, he, he golfed at 18. I remember like the only thing I remember, like, I remember the super accurate guy from daredevil. That's that stupid movie. Yeah. Bullseye super creative. We're like, he's right like i remember the super accurate guy from daredevil that stupid movie yeah bullseye super creative we're like he's just like like throws two little like unbent paper clips at this guy in a bar he's just it was it was so fucking stupid yeah the actor that's
Starting point is 01:24:19 playing him was a good actor too it's the it's it's the guy from in, in Bruges and the guy who played the cop, that wonderful scene from the HBO show. No, no, no, no, no. It's a good actor. It's remember the, the, the show true, true crime or whatever. It's the one where they're picking on his kid and he's a cop so he goes detective true detectives yeah yeah i i re-watched that scene like once a month or something like that just to see him go beat he's sliving the brass knuckles on i'm like he is not gonna fight fair at all here huh am i am i making up this to make the movie seem even dumber or does the bullseye character have a bullseye branded on his on his head okay so it's as dumb as i remember how are we gonna catch this
Starting point is 01:25:11 there he is he could be any there he is he's the guy throwing cards at pigeons with a bullseye where we got to understand his mind there's nothing to gain by these crimes yeah that's the daredevil movie too that's the one that had um ben affleck playing daredevil and it's awful and uh jennifer garner uh is electra and then i think they even made an electra movie somehow somehow that got greenlit that had to be a weinstein thing i bet if you google that that's a Weinstein Ben Affleck fucked him to get that job I bet Jennifer Garner fucked him to get to be Elektra in a terrible movie yeah
Starting point is 01:25:51 I don't know how else to explain it because I think Weinstein's good at making movies I mean Lord of the Rings just drop the mic there I mean Lord of the Rings yeah yeah I mean you can't take Lord of the Rings away from his production company from Harry Potter yeah was harry potter a uh a movie that the weinstein corporation i just i
Starting point is 01:26:11 just always see that photograph of her um and he's like got her like you know how you like grab a woman when you're like a 50 she's a 50s housewife and you need to get her out of that restaurant right the way bobby kelly called that was the goon hand goon hand right on her bicep and a woman's bicep is like a man's forearm so you can just like really encompass it with your whole and and they can't do anything you can just i've shown women that before just for shits and get like you know like this is a you can't do anything if i grab you right here so what are you talking about? If I do this, they're just like, whoa. I know exactly the picture you're talking about because it's not even one goon hand. It's like dueling two goon hands, like pulling her arms behind her.
Starting point is 01:26:55 And she's like, and he's standing behind her. And she's just looking around like just flabbergasted. Like, what is what is happening? Why is this ghoul grabbing me? Yeah, it's also the image that they photoshop her like she's looking down at something and she's looking uncomfortable. So they photoshop in someone offering her
Starting point is 01:27:12 the photograph of her pussy to be autographed. I am reading the list of actresses Harvey Weinstein is rumored to have sex with. Check out this list. Olivia Wilde, Rose McGowan,
Starting point is 01:27:27 Emma Watson, Scarlett Johansson, Jessica Alba, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Jennifer Lawrence. That's quite a few. Yeah, that is a top tier list. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:43 And they say that a hero... I wouldn but yeah there's the there's the goon hand of him like just strong arm even the woman behind fucking weinstein is like what's that what's going on you're coming with me you're coming with me gal weinstein is too ugly to be in her presence. He's disgusting. He is a genuinely disgusting man. He is a troll of a human being. Yeah. It's
Starting point is 01:28:14 this photo. Who knows? Maybe a car was passing by quickly and he saved her. He literally just saved her fucking life. And that woman is like, what a fucking hero. I'm dripping. He saved her. He literally just saved her fucking life. And that woman is like, what a fucking hero. I'm dripping. I'm fucking dripping, Harvey. Kyle, maybe
Starting point is 01:28:29 they're like, maybe you pulled her back from the brink, but she was diving. She was just like, I can't take it anymore. Oh, you just saved Hermione. Fucking sploosh. Fucking sploosh. Yeah, I bet he was groping her.
Starting point is 01:28:47 Zach, would you look like Harvey Weinstein to fuck that list of women do you get away with it in this alternate reality for a while what was like what are we bargaining with how many years was this rolling like decades yeah decades i'd assume right because with paltrow is not a spring chicken like she's been in this industry for a long time i don't think heneth paltrow is not a spring chicken like she's been in this industry for a long time i don't think he fucked winneth paltrow because the story i always hear there is that she was like he was like trying to put the moves on her and brad pitt literally threatened his life because they were dating at the time oh cool brad pitt yeah very nice yeah
Starting point is 01:29:18 um he's got such good but he are not cool enough for PR. Not cool enough to let anybody know, like the authorities, just cool enough to save his girlfriend from getting raped, but to leave a systematic raper in place atop Miramax. Yeah, but that's all of them. All of them are like, we've known about this serial rape problem for decades, and now that it's safe, I'm willing to come forward. They said that about, I don't know if it was serial rape, but like what a fucking womanizer.
Starting point is 01:29:47 Who was the guy? He was a news anchor maybe. He had a button that locked his door. Oh, Matt Lauer, right? Yeah, I think you're right, Matt Lauer. They said that everyone in the industry knew that he was just like fucking everyone, all his coworkers that he could.
Starting point is 01:30:02 Yeah, but I think that was mostly consensual, right? Yeah. And Matt Lauer, like famous guy, but like, guy but like what's gonna do get you a spot on good morning america or something like that it's not exactly career changing like harvey weinstein makes you a fucking if he decides to he makes you a movie star like like like he i mean you think of that power the ability to like make someone a movie star as like a 50s thing like like there was some guy who was just like, yeah, Marilyn Monroe, she's going to be a star. I'm going
Starting point is 01:30:28 to make it happen. Yeah, you do this and you do that. Damn, we're going to make you a star. Yeah. That's literally what happened. Everybody fucked Marilyn Monroe. But Harvey Weinstein held on to that old school 50s Hollywood type power right into the
Starting point is 01:30:43 21st fucking century and just fucked every A-list woman and none of them want to talk about it. I guarantee there's tons of them who don't because it's in a way it sort of takes away from their achievements don't you think? Yes. And also it's like fucking steroids. You know who
Starting point is 01:30:59 loses in this deal? The woman who didn't get that part. There's some chick hotter than The woman who didn't get that part. There's some chick hotter than Jennifer Lawrence who didn't get a Hunger Games role because she didn't fuck Harvey Weinstein. For every Jennifer Lawrence, there's some other chick who
Starting point is 01:31:15 was more talented but had higher morals. Higher moral standards. Or a lower gag reflex. I'm glad we caught the one evil producer in Hollywood. We got him, boys! I mean, I don't hear a lot of celebrities coming out about the rampant of other producers,
Starting point is 01:31:34 so, I mean, I'm sure that's not happening. I'm sure this guy's a bad apple in an otherwise wholesome bunch. Speaking of bad apples, our boy Bill Cosby got released a couple weeks ago. Big ups to him. Keep it up. Oh, you can't stop me now. Keep your head up, man.
Starting point is 01:31:48 Sexual predators get a break. Look, he deserved that break, and I'll die on that beach. Look, they made a deal with... At first, I didn't know the details, but they made a deal with him, and then they reneged on the deal. You can't do that.
Starting point is 01:32:03 Don't make... Re-end words this is a legal term Kyle is an astute observer of the law bird law mostly which would make them what it'd be like an Indian what do you call a person who
Starting point is 01:32:18 reneges someone who reneges over and over I don't know why you're all laughing turn my camera off try to get rid of that name as soon as over. I don't know why you're all laughing. Turn my camera off. Try to get rid of that name as soon as I can. No, don't look at that. Where is it? That's going in the goddamn title.
Starting point is 01:32:31 You're not getting away from this. I want his face in the thumbnail. The title just says PKA 551. Yeah, Kyle. Kyle, you're reverse Weinstein-ing me right now, right? I refuse to blow you you and you're ending my career right now you're not even getting anything out of this yeah oh i said it he filthy doesn't say it filthy disavows all the things that i've said he he's clearly all things pka in fact he's
Starting point is 01:32:57 clearly upset with the awful thing i just said and then he and no judgment should be placed upon him only upon me and and obviously i i, I think it's a real word. I know renege is, and someone who reneges repeatedly has to be a reneger. And that's the last time I'll say it. So- Thank God. Still caught on.
Starting point is 01:33:15 It is a real word. I've looked it up, but it's not spelled like I expected it to be. No. No, it's not spelled like the slur. We've had some great conversations over the years here. I don't know what you're talking about, Kyle. Great conversations.
Starting point is 01:33:28 It's spelled like this, R-E-N-E-D-G-E-R. That's how I pronounced it. Renegger. Now you're adding like an accent. All right. Anyway. Between this and the ad read. I don't even know if i want to suggest this but
Starting point is 01:33:47 we should get the google girl to read it you know like i said whenever i'm unsure about how these are actually said i'm now curious is it kyle's first take or his second take there is no way it's his first take there is no way you're gonna turn the google lady on and she's gonna say dude that would be like, I would, I would just have to be like, all right, I'm a million percent wrong.
Starting point is 01:34:08 You're right. If the Google lady just fired that up and said that way, but there's no fucking way. Yeah. No. What do you call someone who reneges? No, you can't back out on me.
Starting point is 01:34:29 Don't you find it on the web? She found on the web and she literally put the word in front of me though i'll say that you think someone went in there and was like no no no no no no no voice gen for this one he's trying to sneak it in so oh hey i got i got it i got it oh no no i want the the the past tense here past it yeah person who does it yeah it's definitely the neg sound it's neg like you know like in the like 2008 when they're like that's how you get pitches bro you gotta like call him a stupid cunt you gotta neg him down and that way like that's the way it seems like it said do you remember that blade's just stuck in the past, you're saying? Yeah. Well, this is thrilling.
Starting point is 01:35:11 I'm sorry. I'm looking for it. I'm trying to get the internet to pronounce Renegar. I think it's Renegar. I got it. I got it. Renegar. Renegar, yeah. Reneges. Reneges? That's not even... I want to go back to the beginning and get her to say it again.
Starting point is 01:35:28 It sounded like my first take. No, that's a different word. Here we go. Renegers. Renegers. Renegers. Renegers. Let's stop this.
Starting point is 01:35:44 Renegers. Oh, yeah. Reniger Reniger Let's stop this Reniger Oh yeah The cows are vindicated It's time to shut things down Alright Okay frankly Based on those pronunciations
Starting point is 01:35:58 You weren't as far off as I was thinking I was right on the god damn note Now the reason I brought this up was to talk about the fact that Bill Cosby is out, as he should be, because they made a deal with him, and they made a bad deal. Obviously, the rapist should still be in fucking prison, but they made a deal with the rapist, and they had to uphold their deal,
Starting point is 01:36:15 and what's right is right. Fair is fair. He's going on a goddamn comedy tour, and I'm getting tickets as soon as I fucking get them. No, he's not. Yes, he is, and yes, I am. Bill Cosby, comedy to all. I think his humor will be any darker now.
Starting point is 01:36:32 You know when you just finish raping somebody. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know what I'll do. You gotta hanker in for some pudding pops. It's been a while since anybody's seen me. I was not too good of a boy if you know what i'm saying no he's going on a tour his agent said there is a um there's a lot of demand for bill and his brand
Starting point is 01:36:54 of comedy out there and he's taking his act on the road and we've had lots of positive feedback from club owners and comedy circuits they want bill and the people want bill and we're going to give them what they want i'm paranoid it'll be totally sold out like bill cosby is enormously famous i want to go i want to go well i now want to know is he going to change is he going to just ignore it is it going to be the fucking elephant in the room the entire time or is it going to be like that's going to be the basis of the act i'm really because it doesn't it doesn't square at all with this type of humor right so it's it's totally pv i reallywee i swear it's relevant yeah yeah yeah yeah well pv where many did this he had this character he played like an overgrown child i remember that as
Starting point is 01:37:31 a kid and then uh sometime when i was maybe in high school he got caught masturbating in an adult theater i've never been to like an adult theater with like audience seats and stuff but i guess people masturbate and fucking, I don't know. It's where you go to masturbate. If we're being fair, it feels like a pre-internet thing. Stingling him out. They had like Dodge eight loads to get to the freeway. He would have gotten away with it too if he didn't go
Starting point is 01:37:55 ha ha when he came. I thought you were going to say it was pesky kids. Yeah, I did too. I think it's like a regular movie theater, but with fewer seats seats but still a lot like you know two three dozen seats and um social distance so he goes to this he goes to this adult theater and he jerks off but he's famous and he gets caught and everyone knows that now now this man is apparently a masturbator and his career is like over he can't get booked in this stuff well
Starting point is 01:38:22 in fairness he did do children's stuff. And so he's canceled for about a year. And then he comes back on a comedy tour. And everyone is just like talking about Pee Wee Herman and stuff. He gets up on stage and his opening line is like, Hey, kids, heard any good jokes lately? And they're like, he completely owned it. And then he killed it. And everyone kind of welcomed him back.
Starting point is 01:38:50 Well, good for him. That's not nearly as bad. Yeah, right? Cosby, I don't know. He should just fucking pop on stage, drop two Alka-Seltzer in a drink and down it as his opening move. Feeling a little
Starting point is 01:39:05 drowsy. Anyone in the audience feeling sleepy? Not enough for all of us. It's funny that immediately it was like, Bill Cosby's blind as a bat. He's been spending all of his prison days
Starting point is 01:39:21 just barely shaking and getting by and then he's flipping off or giving a peace sign to a drone flying above him as soon as he gets out. He's planning a comedy tour. This bitch isn't blind. He's been sucking the souls of the young through rape. And it's happening live. Bernie Madoff. Bernie Madoff did the same thing.
Starting point is 01:39:41 The guy, like, he's using a walker. He can barely get to his court proceedings. They're getting him, like, special facilities where maybe he's not near other dangerous people. And it's like, oh, yeah, right. You were fine three weeks ago. Suddenly you're going to jail and you have medical issues. I wonder if that, like, plays. Like, does that even fucking work?
Starting point is 01:40:01 You know, because I don't know if you're referencing it because I was pissing. But, like, it was Harvey Weinstein that I saw in The Walker. Like he had that walker and he was all hunched over. And obviously Cosby played up the blindness. It's probably what you're referencing. For sure. I wonder if that plays in court. Oh, I bet.
Starting point is 01:40:17 Because I would have fucking crawled in there if I thought I had gotten a little leeway, you know. I'm going to go in there. Explain. Your Honor, are you familiar with seasonal effect disorder my happiness is kind of solar powered I don't know that I'll do well in prison you know what a good thing would be is that if Harvey Weinstein came out and he said you know I've been in the industry a long time but not as long as many I was raped by Bill Cosby to get into the industry. I just did what I was taught by Bill. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:50 It's a vicious cycle. He'd come out and be like, I'm here to end it. I'm here to stop molesting people and holding carrots over people's heads to give them fame as long as they do horrible things. Go ahead. Do you want to do your ads,
Starting point is 01:41:08 or can we watch the most ridiculous video I've seen in memory? We'll do the ads first, and people will... Stay tuned! Stay tuned! All right. This episode of PKA is brought to you by Blue Chew. It's summer, camping season. Let's talk about pitching tents.
Starting point is 01:41:25 That's right. This episode is sponsored by Blue Chew. It's summer, camping season. Let's talk about pitching tents. That's right. This episode is sponsored by Blue Chew. Guys, confidence can take you far in life. It can also help in the bedroom, especially when it comes time to step up to the plate. That's where Blue Chew comes in. Blue Chew is a unique online service that delivers the same active ingredients
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Starting point is 01:42:35 You're going to love your hard dick. Everybody will. Everybody's going to love it. Your wife, your girlfriend, your boyfriend. We don't discriminate whoever. As long as it's consensual. Bill Cosby. I was about to say it. I mean, not everyone will love us. Da-da-da-da-da-da.
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Starting point is 01:44:02 and it was pretty cool. And it's easy to see why people order big meals. It's like, you know, for a penny and for a pound, it does this. Oh, here,
Starting point is 01:44:12 here's the video. Oh, okay. Okay. All right. All right. We're doing it. Just some people doing like a
Starting point is 01:44:25 wheelie. Take a step backwards. He's hit some people. That guy didn't look like he got hit bad though. What is happening now? They're attacking the car because he's trying to flee after hitting and running individuals. He's backing up over them! Oh no!
Starting point is 01:44:46 He's pushing them. Oh! And he hits the other car. Almost got squeezed. Don't attack a moving car, run away! Wouldn't the car always win? That dude in the blue pants is gonna win. Yeah, the guy in the blue pants, very kind. This other guy's just enjoying doing donuts. Oh, that guy in the blue pants. It's the other guys just enjoying doing donuts.
Starting point is 01:45:07 What happened? What the fuck is happening now? And the street's on fire. Why is the street on fire? Oh, fireworks. Someone popped the gas tank on that car. Oh, well, it looked like there was a firework. It was a little laggy there.
Starting point is 01:45:23 I don't, you know, not sure what happened there. Jesus Christ. Essentially, they're, firework it was a little laggy there i don't i don't you know not sure what happened there jesus christ essentially they're you know doing a little street drifting uh what was meant to happen well it wasn't meant to run those people over but once he did um they started hitting his car he tried to flee the scene and when he did that they started really attacking the car so he just started trying to escape, backing over even more people. And he backed into the second car, popping his gas tank. And so now he's trailing gasoline in a circle. And then someone starts throwing big fucking fireworks lit into the street. That's what those explosions were.
Starting point is 01:46:02 And that ignites the gasoline. And that is Detroit on a Saturday night. That doesn't those explosions were. And that ignites the gasoline. And that is Detroit on a Saturday night. That didn't even look fun. It looked scary. Even in the beginning when it was going off and fun. That was like a dozen felonies. Committed by multiple people.
Starting point is 01:46:19 Each. The driver of that car. Mostly the driver of the car because he made that mistake of trying to flee into what looked to be a parking lot. Do you guys feel any empathy for the driver of the car because he made that mistake of trying to flee into what looked to be a parking lot. Do you guys feel any empathy for the driver of the car? Okay, so he made one mistake. That was at the beginning. At the beginning.
Starting point is 01:46:36 Well, hang in there and we'll see where we go. At the beginning, he decided to try to drift in an area that was too dangerous and small. So he hit people. There was the mistake after that well now he's trying to run away and they're beating on the car so he hits more people and then they surround him so he backs up over more people all of these things i can kind of understand like the first mistake but with the two he did his fuck up and that's the mistake that's the natural one that he needs to fix that but he
Starting point is 01:47:05 then immediately compounds it by trying to flee instead of instead of giving the people a respect of like fuck i just messed up i might have heard someone checking like getting out apologizing he just immediately tries to get away that's the i'm not sure that number two was a mistake i'm not sure that he leaves the car and says okay guys whoopsie Whoopsie. My bad. Let's talk this over. Maybe I have a first aid kit in the trunk here. I can help this person I just ran over. Does she need a bandage or a splint? I don't think it's
Starting point is 01:47:34 going to go like that. I think the mob is going to Reginald Denny this guy. I'm glad you used the M word there because that's what I was thinking too. The mob already had explosives ready. Okay. Keep that in mind. In their hand, lighter lit. I dare him to The mob already had explosives ready. Okay. Like, like just keep that in mind. Like, like in their hand,
Starting point is 01:47:47 lighter lit. It's like, I dare him to fuck up. Think about that. Think about what they're doing. There's no way that that doesn't occasionally result in people getting hurt. There's just no way. Oh,
Starting point is 01:47:57 filthy. If I am doing that in my truck and then I hit someone and the mob starts to surround me, my next thought is this is why I bought four-wheel drive. I'm glad I'm going to WRX.
Starting point is 01:48:17 There's no chance of de-escalation with just running through more people. This is no chance. I'm not sure the chances of de-escalation are as high as you think they are with your charisma. Listen here, pale face. I guarantee you hop out of your Subaru
Starting point is 01:48:34 and try to apologize to that group of people. There's a hate crime about to occur. I guess I don't know. Number one thing, don't do donuts competitively in a small circle of people without an escape, you know, a staff without four wheel drive. Number two, after that guy like clipped some people, it was like immediately like bombs and things like fireworks are being thrown. People are like jumping on the car, getting in front of it. And it's like, yeah, there is no de-escalation anymore like if they
Starting point is 01:49:05 if someone pulls you out of that car you're probably going to get beat to death or at least severely severely maimed like do you think they would have pulled him out of that car and been like you okay we we saw you hit those clearly not thinking though what are you driving about like the densest group of people with a bunch of parked cars that's not thinking right like even if it was even if the the process should be you know if i get i just hit some people there's no fucking mistakes allowed here if i fuck this up they're gonna kill me even then it's still a mistake the direction he chooses where there's no way that that was the correct course of action right like you're judging him because we had a bird's eye view
Starting point is 01:49:38 right he did he just saw a crowd of people and didn't realize it would be maybe he thought the seas would part and he'd get his escape. To be fair, that crowd was there to watch them do that. They chose their standing position and knowing that the cars were doing it. I'm surprised a car made a pass and missed everyone by what I'll call 18 inches. And they all thought, well, this is okay. I guess this spot's safe. He's going to do that exact way every time.
Starting point is 01:50:05 Doesn't that add to my point, though? He put a lot of faith in DeAndre's driving skills. Doesn't that add to my point? This is this thing where these are people who clearly fuck up, clearly aren't experts at this, right, who are doing this, and they're doing this for fucking fun in this environment. Surely people get hurt fairly regularly. You think the end result is any person who does that gets killed?
Starting point is 01:50:23 I don't think so. I mean, let's play forward your situation. let's say you're involved in this you just let's not use me let's use one of these drivers who are there let's just someone who might be involved in this scene someone someone uh who who would you know alter ego who would talk who would talk their way out into cars early guys we need to look at all the angles yeah like if you did i don't think i'm getting out of that anyway but let's let's fine we'll use we use these examples so go yeah yeah so like you you whip it you you clip a couple people what is the move then because before you can even step out you're there are people on your car banging on there, jumping on top. What do you do?
Starting point is 01:51:05 It's a terrible situation, but there's not really a good out for anyone involved. But that's never a justification for making the worst possible move. If all your moves suck, you choose the least bad one. And clearly he didn't. He drove deeper into a crowd, into then parked vehicles behind that crowd and stopped. What do you think the better move would be? Any other move. So it's like getting the other side.
Starting point is 01:51:29 You know, like eventually he comes back and pulls back and pulls right and tries to go forward that way. You know, he might have got out with one of the lesser, the less dense portions of that crowd. Again, Woody might be right. Maybe it's the bird's eye view. But like what we saw, that's a shit position to try to get out from. It's true, but I think you can't get out. Imagine all that's parked parked imagine it's just like a parking lot around them and
Starting point is 01:51:47 they've done that with the cars and cleared that space then maybe you are throwing yourself on the mercy of that and maybe they're not very merciful but it's still fucking better than doubling down on fucking it up i mean i think that it's easy to stand back and look at it from like the bird's eye view but you know literally and figuratively with this distance and like underestimate the innate and like spike of fight or flight that someone gets when some like a mob of people is banging at your car and you're not going to have a rational thought process you're going to have oodles of adrenaline immediately pumping in your body and it's going to be like i either have to get out and fight or i have to find a way out of this scenario so i don't die like i imagine that
Starting point is 01:52:22 would be the mindset you just made that you made my case again though right sorry what do you have just two seconds i'll let go um you made my case again though which is that you're saying that he's made a stupid decision and you're saying it's fueled by adrenaline and sure but it's still it's still objectively a worse decision than he could have made there with the other again from our perspective seeing it any other direction would have been better even with that course of action so what what happened after all this? Do we know? Because he wasn't able to escape. It didn't really play out. They killed him.
Starting point is 01:52:52 Did they really? Because that would be the perfect little capstone. I know it would really cap off the conversation. Yeah, I don't know. I got this 60 seconds there. That's all I got. I get why it's hard to make a decision in the middle of the adrenaline. But's all I got. I get why it's hard to make a decision in the middle of the adrenaline, but
Starting point is 01:53:07 also you have to. I don't know. Don't give me your bullshit excuse. Work the problem. Shit's going down. I get it. Work the problem. That's what you got to do. He should have looked for a better exit. He should have been like, all right, I'm in a problem. I got a mob surrounding my car.
Starting point is 01:53:25 What's the best thing I can do from here? I don't think it's getting out and talking to him, but it is probably finding a better exit than he did. Yeah, and then that, because of the way it was filmed, there's no way to tell what was like... We only saw the very cusp of that circle in the front, so we don't know if there are cars back there. If there were a bunch of cars, like what Filthy said, parked around to keep it in a bit of an oval. There was an exit at the top of the screen, right?
Starting point is 01:53:51 I thought there was, but there might not be. It doesn't even matter. I thought it was pretty thick with people everywhere. I'm not sure. Just don't do this. Don't go to the donut party hangouts. There's no way that's going to turn out well. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:54:07 It didn't even look very fun to watch, honestly. Oh, if you're there. Yeah, if you're there. If you're in the audience. I bet it was fun. I bet it was. Right up until everything went tits up.
Starting point is 01:54:24 Exactly. Right until everything went poorly. up exactly exactly right until everything went poorly or if you're if you didn't get hit maybe you were in the lower right corner of the screen and you're like dude this is crazy first 19 people got hit by cars now we have a ring of fire this guy's running through the crowd and i got a front seat view for all of it that would be incredible see that person that comes to mind you you hit that guy, you jump out, you're like, he's got to get to the hospital right now. Get these cars out of the way.
Starting point is 01:54:48 I got to get him to the hospital. Yeah, but how do you get- Kick him out like a block down the road. What do you say when you get caught in the face with a bottle, your first word in? Owie, owie.
Starting point is 01:54:58 Ow. No, this isn't, you know, this isn't a movie. It's a bottle. Like, you're on the ground going, are you me to the hospital no don't put that yeah don't do that and also if you're gonna risk it make sure it's something more fun to watch
Starting point is 01:55:16 than that and what i want to know is was this half an hour into the fun was this three minutes into the fun had it been going hunky dory up till then and also like if if like a car hits you you don't like you know grab your spear and go marching off to war with the car you run away clearly this person doesn't have as many qualms as the average person with smacking someone while doing a donut in a four-way intersection wherever this was like run away don't don't jump on top of a car that blows my mind when i see those clips and someone jumps on top of a moving car and it's like what do you you've watched too many marvel movies man yeah you've watched way too many marvel movies there was one part about midway through where the car has hit a bunch of people a couple guys are trying to surround it and bang on it and such
Starting point is 01:56:02 and then mr blue pants like strolls the intersection, ready to take care of business. I'm like, what the fuck are you going to do by yourself? But I choose to believe he busted open the gas tank and ended it. Yeah, I mean, it was the fire part at the end really put a capstone on it. Dude, so did you hear about the shootings on the 4th of July weekend? Uh-uh. No, okay. I saw the story everywhere.
Starting point is 01:56:28 It was like 180 shootings on 4th of July, 230 shootings on the 4th of July, 560. No, I'm sorry. 618 shootings on the 4th of July alone. 233 people killed, 233 deaths, 618 shootings. And I see this number reported and I'm like, that is a lot of shooting for just one day. I bet it's easier to cover up the sound of guns and shooting with all the fireworks. What's a normal day? That's the question. Well, normal day, I don't know, but I keep seeing this number reported like it's huge. And then I looked up the story because I wanted to talk it here.
Starting point is 01:57:17 Apparently, 618 injuries and 233 deaths is a 26% drop compared to a regular American Fourth of July weekend. Look at us on the right now. Oh, but car vehicular manslaughter is off the charts. It really isolated in one area. It's Biden and his gun grabbing. Now it's the fucking infinity sedans going at it. Yeah, the super WRX is wiping people out. Yeah, I was saying that the other night. We were all playing poker in the Discord,
Starting point is 01:57:38 and it was just a fucking war zone outside my window with the fireworks. And I was like, man, if someone started shooting the place up, no one would show up. If you called the cops and like, my neighbor's shooting everybody. Are you sure, ma'am? It's not just... I mean, I can hear the fireworks in the background. It's clearly fireworks. There's fireworks here too. No, no, no. I think
Starting point is 01:57:57 a lot of it would go unreported or unresponded to if someone said they heard gunshots or... I don't know. I'm going to add that to my long-term revenge plan yeah i don't think i could either kyle could you could have what tell there's definitely tell gunshots from fireworks and then the subsequent question what if i used a different gunshot like maybe you're like oh 22 is very distinctive to me but or shotgun but maybe there's one that sounds more fireworky it depends how far away it is at a certain distance you
Starting point is 01:58:28 absolutely cannot tell i don't think um but like pretty close um i think i could tell um especially if it's like something distinctive if it's machine gun fire a hundred percent like if it's like an m4 like an ak like like i just know what an AK sounds like, but, um, or maybe the pacing, like, like the other thing, if you make, if you say, if there was like, like outside my house, like all my neighbors were shooting off fireworks, like a varying sizes. If you just mixed in a few pistol shots, I'd never know. Like, like that's what I was getting at. Like if it's a situation where like one guy is shooting like
Starting point is 01:59:06 telling whether that's fireworks or a gun yeah I can do that but on 4th of July I'm not going to be able to determine that like oh I think there's a 38 revolver going off amongst the like 13 firework shows in my neighborhood right now like I'd never know I can't tell and it's so north of my house there's like I don't call it 240 acres. What to me is a lot of acreage, and there are people that hunt in it. And every so often I'll hear a bang. And it's like, I assume it was a gun because of context. It's September 3rd.
Starting point is 01:59:41 Why would someone be shooting off fireworks at 11 a.m.? If it was fireworks, I wouldn't know any better. Yeah. Especially if it's just one. If it's one pop, you always figure that's a hunter. Especially that time of year, that time of day, that's guaranteed to be a hunter. Three shots means you're lost, right? Or there were three of them attacking you. There were three dubs.
Starting point is 02:00:10 I've heard that, but it's like never in my life have I heard three shots and been like, oh, someone's in trouble. So it wouldn't work. It wouldn't work. If you're getting help from me, it's not going to work. I've seen it in multiple movies, so I thought it was a thing. Like shot, shot, shot. If you're lost and there's, it's not going to work. I've seen multiple movies. So I thought it was a thing like shot, shot.
Starting point is 02:00:25 If you're like lost and there's a coordinated effort to find you like, Oh yeah, that's going to get the job done. But like, there's, I can't imagine like, like the, the most like outdoorsy busy body,
Starting point is 02:00:36 like Ranger Rick motherfucker in the world. Isn't going to hear three shots and be like danger. And like, like, like get his shit together and start going to help someone. He's going to be like, ah, like get his shit together and start going to help someone. He's going to be like, ah, someone's shooting their gun.
Starting point is 02:00:47 Also mountains and trees are so echoey. Like it, I was told that you can't tell direction in, in an environment like that. And I thought my whole life, I've always been able to tell where sounds come from. You're probably just not good at it. And then I was in you know
Starting point is 02:01:05 i've been in the woods in the mountains and it's like yeah i'd legit have no idea it came from everywhere it yeah sometimes um i've definitely heard echoes like like uh you know i i've done so much shooting in like hot like uh hollow areas and like uh you you hear the echo come back just as loud as the gunshot you know you would never know like which was which if yeah and it just it bounced off every tree when it got to me like i don't i don't know it just i was it was foreign i couldn't tell yeah yeah it's hard to tell i i don't think firing a gun in the air is going to get you any help unless there's already a coordinated effort to like find you and you like maybe hear that here a
Starting point is 02:01:45 helicopter in the distance or they're not here at a fucking helicopter i don't know if you've heard dogs barking like way in the search dogs or something like saw them a mile away or something you're trying to signal them i don't know like it might work in those scenarios but yeah just start firing in the direction of the rescuers probably get you saved yeah i'll give them a good warning shot you know give them give them the old boogie and uh they'll they'll come get you saved. Give him a good warning shot. Give him the old boogie and they'll come get you. I wonder how boogie's doing. I wonder if that legal thing is still in the air or wrapping up or what his situation is. I am curious about that.
Starting point is 02:02:17 Give him a hard time every now and then, but I do like boogie as a human being. I am. What he did may have been incorrect, but I think he's morally justified, morally in the right in that whole scenario. I know where he was coming from. He certainly didn't mean it to
Starting point is 02:02:37 be a bad thing. If anything, it seemed like the best thing he could do, I'm sure, is what he thought at the time. Whenever a YouTuber gets, like, they turn and start hating on them, I'm sympathetic to what they're going through. Right. Like every YouTuber, every Twitch streamer is just a broken vase who's rotated his pretty side towards the audience and his crack side towards the wall. Every single one of them. So when they finally saw the flaw on the other side of Boogie's vase, they started hating on
Starting point is 02:03:12 him. You told me you were Mr. Rogers. You told me that you were this super extra nice guy where if I rob your house, you offer me food and drink and shelter and compassion. And then they saw the other part of that and it wasn't true. But like, of course it wasn't true, right? Like, of course he has another side where he's just a flawed person like the rest of us. And the whole internet turned on him and it's like, that sucks. But you were silly to think that he was Mr. Rogers in the first place. That's my take on it. A lot of work.
Starting point is 02:03:50 A lot of work to maintain that. And like work in the wrong way. Not like you're putting in a productive day at the office doing that. But at least for me, it's really taxing faking. Like faking good. I don't want to do that. I don't want to set up my life where I'm forced to do that repeatedly. Yeah. He pushed it too far.
Starting point is 02:04:10 I don't know. Sometimes it's like that faking good. It's just him aspiring to be good. Maybe he's portraying himself as the person he really wants to be and just can't stay there. Yeah don't know i uh i knew he was a different kind of guy when he told us about like his ideal woman uh being like that that tiny little japanese girl who's like popping pimples for him or whatever and she was like a boogie um didn't he say she had like it was a porn star or something like that? She does sex work or something. Yeah, he wants a 19-year-old tiny Japanese girl who's submissive and will pop his pimples.
Starting point is 02:04:54 I don't remember the pimple part, but I know you either. Maybe that was a separate thing. He definitely had a whole thing about liking girls popping his pimples or something like that. I mean, who doesn't? But he seemed to have a fetish for it. I mean, who doesn't? But you seem to have a fetish for it. If you got one right in the middle of your back, you're like,
Starting point is 02:05:10 honey, can you get that thing back there? If you've got a girlfriend who likes to pop pimples, it's a wonderful thing. It's a wonderful thing. You can't get that thing in the middle of your back, right on your spine, and it's looking like an egg back there. Jesus Christ. You seem to be arresting a whole lot of your case on that one example sure i'll give you center of the back what about the rest of the body i can reach those like like like just
Starting point is 02:05:33 yeah do you want her popping those as well yeah honestly like the ones that i can't really get to like like effectively like she'll do less damage like on your ass it's the same it's the same tired horse we've given you that we've given you a center of your back what about the ones you can reach the ones you can get to effectively like i'll take care of that like like you know i got one on my chin or something like that i got this taken care of but like anything on my back really like i need some help i've never dealt with back acne ever even when i was in like high school just never yeah then it sucked because you would see people like in gym like changing or whatever into their gym stuff and it's like oh oh no like that's it's like a you know far out rocky mountains view like very just kind of gross and cystic sad i felt bad for
Starting point is 02:06:17 and then even worse was the poor kids who had that like on their cheeks on their face yeah and like they get older and they look like edward james almost or like you can tell anthony cumia definitely had a bunch of acne like that because you can see it in the the pockmarked uh cheeks edward james almost famous uh pockmarked man yes he is uh what he will know this he is adama from battle star galactica oh i totally know that guy. Yeah. Do you think he made it in acting because of his weird look? He popped his own pimples. He was overzealous with his pimple popping, it would appear, for decades.
Starting point is 02:06:52 This guy hates pimples. He dated a girl, loved it. He just gave into it. I like that theory. Rubbing lard on his cheeks every night before bed. I'm going to be a character actor. It seems like the market for like good looking 28 year old male actors is pretty saturated if you're a not so good looking like you know 57 year old overweight die like it i don't know.
Starting point is 02:07:27 It seems like there's a spot for him. They exist in the world. They exist in Hollywood. Oh, speaking of movies, I watched The Tomorrow War with Chris Pratt. Me too. How was it? Was it good? I hated it.
Starting point is 02:07:39 I thought it was bad. Oh, no. They spent $200 million on this movie. And look, I get that the premise is that people come from the future to recruit humans from modern times to help them fight aliens in the future. I get that that's fantastical. But they just like there's so many plot holes and things that just made no goddamn sense. Like Edge of Tomorrow is a kind of a similar plot somewhat. Right. Time travel and aliens, similar enough.
Starting point is 02:08:07 It's amazing. It's so fucking good. It's so slick. There's no real big plot holes. It just makes sense. The premise is cool and fun. Obviously, Tom Cruise is a wonderful actor and he makes
Starting point is 02:08:22 good fucking movies despite being a nutjob. But as much as I like Chris Pratt, like, like he just, he did his thing fine. Like he did the Chris Pratt thing, like, like likable and,
Starting point is 02:08:32 and, uh, jokey and, uh, with it, with, with a little emotion here, scattered in here and there.
Starting point is 02:08:37 And it worked. And, uh, I did like the generational thing that they were playing up where he had the father figure and he also had his daughter and uh and and you know that that family was a big part of the the movie that's what that's the stuff they got right but then like just the idea that those aliens were able to conquer a future world was nonsense oh really yeah yeah they seemed almost immune to the kinds of weapons that we like to use
Starting point is 02:09:05 no they they seemed like super vulnerable to like everything above small arms fire which is like what we like to use in actual war right like like like why wouldn't like helicopters just be completely invulnerable to these things and drone strikes and and every seven days they all go into one place and sleep for a day like that seems tailor-made for some special ops missions where we're just wiping them off wiping them out in huge swaths like all right air force sunday guns out boys it's sunday let's go kill them all like every sunday you get they all go sleep for a day it's like it's napalm day it's like how easy would it be to actually fight real vampires it's like so wait a minute wait a Every Sunday, they all go sleep for a day. It's napalm day.
Starting point is 02:09:48 It's like how easy would it be to actually fight real vampires? It's like, so wait a minute, wait a minute. During the time when we're all awake, they're in a box somewhere completely vulnerable to plutonium or something, right? No, wooden stakes. We can just hit up Home Depot. We're good. That's kind of how these aliens were. Sunshine kills them.
Starting point is 02:10:09 There's lots of sunshine. Pull the drapes back and we're good, right? Couldn't you just Waco them? They don't like fire either. They don't like fire either. That's what they did in True Blood. They Waco'd some vampires in the first episode of the whole series. Yeah, vampires would be super vulnerable. You find one of them to flip yeah vampires would be like all you find one of
Starting point is 02:10:26 one of them to flip yeah and that's it but but yeah the movie didn't make any sense and you can't have two huge parts of it were just nonsensical like the way things got done first of all like the guns they were using in the future like the way these like they were just like they came back and asked for help to fight the future war and it and it went poorly for a long time like a year or two and like the world's militaries have already been exhausted like we've already sent all the soldiers of the world and they've died and now we're like drafting civilians and they're taking like suzy homemaker putting this m4 in her hands and and like well they're not even putting many uniforms. The one guy was like,
Starting point is 02:11:06 this is from Aeropostale. It's camouflage, but it was just to keep warm on the way over. This doesn't make any sense. He's like, look at that guy. This was the funniest part of the movie. He's like, that guy's wearing a chef's hat. It was just a guy wearing a chef's hat. It doesn't make any sense what clothes we keep and what clothes
Starting point is 02:11:22 we don't. That guy was hilarious. I like that part of the movie. I like his one line. Yeah, I think the reason I enjoyed the movie more than Kyle was I had lower expectations. I was expecting. Very important with bad movies. I was expecting a popcorn movie, and I kind of got it. The issue I had with it was not that there were plot holes and such, because in my head there's almost supposed to be is that there was too much
Starting point is 02:11:46 action. When a movie gets described as a nonstop rollercoaster and it's just like, it's a two hour movie comprised of three 40 minute fights and some other glue. It's like, I counted, I counted. There are like,
Starting point is 02:12:03 I thought about this myself. It's two hours and 18 minutes. Obviously, you get credits and stuff. There were five major battles, at least, in the movie. And each one of them is a good 10, 15 minutes long. So all of a sudden, the majority of the movie is gunfighting with aliens and bombing aliens. And that sounds good on the surface, but it didn't.
Starting point is 02:12:27 After a while, you're just exhausted because they can't make up their minds, for one thing, on how tough the aliens are. I hate that. If Chris Pratt really needs to kill one right now, oh, he's fucking dead, bro. I fucking bullseye-ed him right in the sweet spot.
Starting point is 02:12:42 But then there'll be one that's just charging at eight redshirt characters, and they're all just laying down that continuous machine gun fire from movies where they don't know how to reload so the gun just shoots infinitely and it's like they have literally shot that thing no less than 150 200 times and that's if they're only hitting a third of their shots like they so it's not a spoiler to say to kill this thing you have to shoot it in the abdomen or the head and is it the neck neck or the abdomen yeah the abdomen yeah and but the thing is that's not that like a bullseye of a spot you know so if if six people each shoot their what seemingly 600 round guns at this uh bad guy which is like a
Starting point is 02:13:27 giant insect like there's neck and abdomen shots all over the place it should have died so he's right they were inconsistently powerful but then they showed that like they showed that like the 50 cow would just like insta kill them so it's like why aren't we all carrying 50 cows like give everybody a Barrett. Was that a 50 cow, that mounted gun? Yeah, that's an M2. But the thing is, they were interesting in that, and they stole this from Alien, by the way.
Starting point is 02:13:56 All right, spoilers now. So at the end, they figure out that these things are, they couldn't figure out where they came from in the future. And it turned out that they had a ship had crashed in Russia a long time ago. And it was frozen under the ice. And because of global warming, eventually by the 2030s, the ice melted enough. You love the global warming part? Basically, it thawed out enough that they emerged from their ship they thought out and uh hasn't been done 500 times no no no problem with global warning
Starting point is 02:14:31 do we need to okay they literally are ripping off alien so and i get alien movies are all have aliens in them it's not that though the premise behind these aliens is that they are weapons that are meant to like be dropped from a ship it's the premise of alien one that's where the aliens come from the aliens are weapons used by like those world world building aliens and uh no no that's that's no um it's the uh the big tall 10 foot pale aliens i don't, the ones that like created aliens. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Those guys,
Starting point is 02:15:07 um, they were the pilots of the ship that had the alien eggs in them. That was a bomber on its way to earth to drop those, uh, aliens and, and wipe out all life on earth. They weren't necessarily on in their way to crash on earth. So we don't know that it was the target.
Starting point is 02:15:24 Oh, Oh yeah. I'm talking about Alien. Oh, I'm sorry. So the ship that's on Earth, they even reference it. They're like, either it was just passing by or they were here to kill us. Who fucking knows? Who cares?
Starting point is 02:15:38 But they came to the conclusion that the guy that was flying this thing, because they found his body, is not what we've been fighting. Like the, this is a bomber or the it's either cargo or a weapon and, uh, and,
Starting point is 02:15:52 or essentially both. So like it turned out that the aliens were a weapon, uh, part on the ship that had crashed in Russia. And like at the end when they have to go like defeat them finally in the past and like modern day times, cause the, the future war is lost.
Starting point is 02:16:08 All of a sudden it becomes very easy for the most ragtag group of people ever to get on a C-130 and fly into modern day Russia. If I had a C-130. I don't think we'd make it to Russia. And I knew how to fly. And I had that magical C-130 that can fly from the West Coast into Siberia without refueling. You know, that one that doesn't exist.
Starting point is 02:16:36 Don't you think the Russian Air Force would stop us at some point? We need a flight plan just to take off. It's just like that Detroit video. Once you landed and got out and explained you'll be fine you'll be fine Kyle just talk him down and the best part is like
Starting point is 02:16:52 I'm trying to kill aliens about your country they needed an expert there was just like a small bit of minutia where they needed an expert to like help them with some volcano knowledge because like I don't know the alien had some dust from China under its claw, but it came
Starting point is 02:17:08 from Russia and they're like, how could this possibly happen? And they literally go to this black high school kid and ask him, because he loves volcanoes, and he's like, well, get me a fucking laptop. Yeah, but that kid just was Googling around.
Starting point is 02:17:24 That kid just Googled it up he could have saved time and just like on the plane use the the onboard wi-fi wikipedia that boom and and immediately he found but with with someone else's laptop he like created like a 3d render of what had happened somehow like he went to like he went to like 3d render um like chinese volcano from 15 000000 years And it played a little video for everyone, the real retards in the audience who couldn't figure out what they were saying. It was so nonsensical.
Starting point is 02:17:55 And then when they got there. They had to make a video to explain it to everyone. It was about as dumb as when that little kid knew how to operate the Jurassic Park system. Like, this is Linux. I know this. It's like a visual labyrinth that she's navigating. It was like little pods. It wasn't Linux.
Starting point is 02:18:14 Anyway, I don't know what Linux looks like, but it can't be that. It's like you click on a dinosaur and drag it back in the cave. It looked like Mario. I think it's Mario 2 or Mario 3 where each level was this little pod that you could navigate.
Starting point is 02:18:29 So you didn't have to go from 1 to 2 to 3. You could choose your level at some point. So we're like branches. It was like that. It was nonsense. So yeah. Woody, why are you okay with... You said you were almost expecting these huge plot holes
Starting point is 02:18:40 and the inconsistent movies kill me because I don't care. You want me to believe any fantasy you spin for your movie if you keep it internally consistent i'll play along and it's fun you know the second you like break your own rules like it gets really shitty really fast so why are you okay with like the it so what was the will smith independence day right remember will smith independence day that's a good movie i agree but also had a lot of plot holes right like. I think the way that they defeated it in the end...
Starting point is 02:19:07 It's like every alien ever. It's so fucking boring. And they wrote a virus on DOS and then uploaded it to some foreign operating system that's supposed to be compatible with what they... For those of us who don't know anything about programming, though, we're like, makes sense.
Starting point is 02:19:24 I remember watching that as a kid and being like, but would the aliens have the same kind of plugs? They use alien plugs, though. See, that's the thing. Exactly the problem. That's why they needed the little ship to dock with the mothership. That's why it kind of made sense to me, because they had an interface for the two. I'm pretty sure. I don't know how they coded in the alien operating system,
Starting point is 02:19:47 like the language that ran on it. Like, it was completely impossible. It was all Linux. Well, they had that... Never mind, I stand corrected. They had the little ship since Roswell. So, like, me just, like, making it make sense for me is that, like, somewhere along the way,
Starting point is 02:20:02 they, like, oh, no, that doesn't work because they said the thing had only powered up like that week. So they've had no power this whole time. There's no way to even build an interface or figure out the code language or anything. The first time we meet an alien, Will Smith punches it in the face as a way to defeat
Starting point is 02:20:17 it. Welcome to Earth! And I think it was wearing armor or something at the time he punched it. That one wasn't because he was a pilot. He was in his jammies. Maybe I'm wrong about that. No, you're absolutely right. He was in the armor because they split open the suit when they get him back to Area 51. You're absolutely right.
Starting point is 02:20:33 So he punched him on his helmet and the dude was knocked out. And by the way, it outweighed Will Smith by like 600 pounds or something. It looked big. Yeah. But on the other hand, I really enjoyed that movie. I almost tear up when the president tells the speech.
Starting point is 02:20:51 I've watched it. It's an amazing movie. And I just... You know what? Sometimes it's like, okay, look, look, look. This is not a sophisticated movie. This is just a silly action movie. But I will say the Chris Pratt movie was too close to Jurassic Park
Starting point is 02:21:08 3. It just went from one crisis to the next to the next to the next where they're constantly running in action and not telling much of the story. The good parts to me were the and I never say this because I do just enjoy a good action movie. Die Hard is one of my favorite movies.
Starting point is 02:21:29 Predator might be top three or something like that for me i like action but the best parts of this movie were his interactions with his dad um his interactions with his wife and daughter and his interactions with his future daughter the like like all of those moments were fucking great like like Honestly, really good. And that kid was a good child actor. His interactions with her were some of the few actual funny moments. When he shows her how to use the shovel and cuts their cable in half in their backyard. And he's like, oh, that should have been buried a lot deeper. I'll give you $10 if you tell mom you did this.
Starting point is 02:22:05 I like that a lot too. Chris Pratt did it well. Yeah. But is there such a high cost in making it internally consistent? Like, okay, so I buy it. All right. It's not necessarily super important
Starting point is 02:22:16 in some of these things to get enjoyment out of them, even if they aren't. But what is the cost of making it slightly better by doing that? I think you're asking for a more talented writer, Kyle. Exactly. I looked up the writer's name. He hasn't done shit.
Starting point is 02:22:30 All the other stuff he's done, I had never heard of. And I've heard of a lot of stuff. I watch a lot of minutia. I had never heard of this nonsense he had written before. The other thing, when you're writing something like that, you have to call in experts and that's expensive. Unless you just know a guy, he's like, oh, I got a buddy who's a firearms expert. Let's draw upon him because he'll just help us. But if you're doing like a Hollywood production like this is, Amazon bought this. They didn't produce this. They purchased it after the fact due to COVID,
Starting point is 02:22:58 200 mil. In that situation, you have to hire the guy who does the firearms consultation or whatever to get your gun shit right, like John Wick does. John Wick movies, they talk to somebody who knows something about guns. There's not just some guy going, hey, show me a big list of guns that look cool. Oh, yeah, this one, that one, and that one. They're not doing that just based on the final product because it often looks 90 legit like what they're doing and like the stuff they're using is the good stuff they're not using a lot of frivolous stuff like it's it's pretty fucking legit i like the reloading i love the reload so it if people know nothing about guns you would think shooting is where all the talent is. But it actually turns out that reloading really quickly and that aspect of it is just as important, maybe, as getting on target quickly.
Starting point is 02:23:54 In the scenarios he's in, it's crucial, right? Because John Wick is all about fighting dozens of men in close quarters. So he has to do this gun fu where there's like not just regular reloads either he's doing single-handed reloads he's doing all sorts of like specialty shotgun stuff that i've never even like attempted you know the way he's the way he's loading the shotgun you know pulling the the shell over dumping it in and then closing the breach and then firing um i recognize those maneuvers, but they're not anything I've ever trained or practiced. I can pick it up, but I've never done it.
Starting point is 02:24:29 I never needed to do it. I never thought to do it. He's been trained to do it. And there's those videos of him like shooting three gun, and it's rather impressive. He's not a- Three gun is a kind of competition where you shoot, I'll call it an AR-15, a shotgun and a pistol.
Starting point is 02:24:45 Yeah, and you're going between the three and shooting various targets. It's timed and it's accuracy based. And there's multiple different kinds of courses, just like golf or anything else. And he's very talented at it. He's not going to be like a fucking Olympic shooter or anything, but he's the best shooter in fucking Hollywood.
Starting point is 02:25:02 It's really fun to watch him do his thing. But yeah, they do a good job with this. This movie didn't give a fuck about firearm accuracy. It was walking dead like. They didn't give a fuck about military accuracy. There were parts where it was just like, all right, who's in charge? Who's in charge right now? Is the president?
Starting point is 02:25:23 We never saw the president. The highest ranking guy we ever saw was that white-headed general who like refused to like oh what you got like the cure to the aliens and you want me to do something about it i don't think so he would be of course he would like that literally happened he was like general sir we know where the aliens are and look i've got a cure from the future it just kills them i've got bigger fish to fry like what are you doing that's pretty accurate that's literally what happened and then he took credit for it after they solved the problem and that degree of stupidity in the writing will kill me kill a film for me because i'll lose my ability to
Starting point is 02:26:02 immerse myself in it and enjoy it when it's like that are there any off the top of your head filthy that just when you know it just drives you crazy you can't go back to I'd have to think a sec it's just I'm looking on just like I can let you think don't mean to put you on the spot I was just looking at the like a list of interesting movie plot holes and Kyle I think you brought this one up, 1998 Armageddon. And apparently Ben Affleck went to Michael Bay and said, hey, it would be way easier to train astronauts how to drill than train these drillers to become astronauts. And apparently Michael Bay said, shut up. Yeah. A lot of people said that too. I mean, that one's so obvious.
Starting point is 02:26:40 It's like, are astronauts really going to be able to pick up making holes yeah these astronauts aren't used to cleaning up after themselves so we're going to train janitors have you ever listened to any of the astronaut interviews either like i've seen a couple on joe rogan come through they're like the most fucking like badass people ever they know how to do like everything they're like everything they're like jack-of-all-trades and super smart and pick up everything it's like and military background usually like yeah like like they're all wearing a lot of hats like whenever there's some like picture of a dude on reddit and they have like a list of his accomplishments that's a paragraph long it's he's an astronaut that's why he's that he it's like there's this asian guy and he was like
Starting point is 02:27:22 i have his i was to say the same guy. Let me read his Wikipedia. Yeah. Thank you. I guarantee you've got the right one. Born or I haven't pre-read this, but born and raised California. Kim enlisted in the United States Navy before earning a silver star and his
Starting point is 02:27:36 commission. While he was a sailor, he received his bachelor of arts, summa cum laude in mathematics, his doctor of medicine and acceptance to the nasa astronaut group 22 in 2017 he completed his astronaut training in 2020 and is awaiting his first flight assignment so this guy is a navy seal i think i read that but i don't see it here has a silver star uh summa cum laude and he's a doctor he's a medical doctor and he's an astronaut and a bit of a
Starting point is 02:28:05 philosopher as well like this guy can do almost anything he's probably like that's what astronauts are they are the best of the best like people like you know navy seals are the best of the best oh this guy was the smartest at navy seal ever probably. Right? It didn't mention that his doctorate, like his doctor of medicine was from Harvard. Oh my fucking God. He didn't go to the American Samoa and get his degree. He's like a dentist who got his degree. He was on fucking SEAL Team 3. You listen to these people talk and you're just like, oh my God.
Starting point is 02:28:50 It's so humbling to see like what people can do and then like where what i've done with my life for example like sometimes reading these so like the idea that you're one hell of a magic player the idea that we have a silver star and a bronze star he got the silver star for rescuing multiple wounded iraqi soldiers in the face of enemy fire. This is bad writing at this point. No one would believe this character. This is over the top. Tone it down a bit. Honestly, if that were the character, I'd be like, this is trash. Bullshit. No one's like that.
Starting point is 02:29:17 He takes a shower scene and it's just enormous. He's ripped. He's an astronaut. He was one of 12 candidates chosen from a pool of 18,300. And those were 18,000 highly qualified people.
Starting point is 02:29:35 18,000 doctors who thought they had it. Yeah. That's not 18,000 members of the population. That's 18,000 people who made it through the preliminary shit to to be a nasa candidate you know it's like yeah you want in yeah we'll take a look at you yeah what you got there all right denny's yeah yeah all right you ran you ran the buffet nice nice that's not happening no they're making fun of applications like oh you were in
Starting point is 02:30:00 the marines and you're a renowned cardiologist that's so sweet but we're looking for someone you know with a little something on their resume i have one more sentence on december 9th 2020 nasa formally announced that kim would join 17 other astronauts in training for the moon landing there you go yeah that's good he's going to the moon the moon again yeah send him to mars he should be able to it's like skipping a grade. You're going to kill our best dude. This is our best guy. He's our fucking Matt Damon. Put him on Mars. We're sending him to train the rest of NASA to figure out what we need to do.
Starting point is 02:30:35 It's good. This is a good mission for that. How about we clone that guy? That's the sperm you want. That's the sperm you want. I'd be hanging out outside his dorm room looking for used condoms. You end up with one of his fucking friend Daryl's loads.
Starting point is 02:30:51 Yeah, but you'd just do it for the taste. Yeah, I'm just bug chasing. That's all. That dude is such a winner. Who's the other one? The other astronaut? Yeah well don't you just hope that like his home life is a wreck like like like he's got like interpersonal like no interpersonal skills like like like every night he's just screaming at his wife and like like they have a terrible sex life
Starting point is 02:31:22 like like no no he has eight equally smart and healthy children living in a giant palatial estate and they're all attractive his wife is gorgeous yeah that's probably the actual case like the guy's just a fucking winner yeah their age is like 5 to 13 every single one is it at johns hopkins already judith love cohen She can't compare to poor Kim over there, but she's a fun one too. She was an American aerospace engineer. She worked on the minute man missile. She was on the ground station for the Hubble space telescope tracking and
Starting point is 02:31:58 data relay in the Apollo space program. She brought those people back alive and she's the mom for Jack black. Oh, well that's her best. That's her best contribution. program. She brought those people back alive and she's the mom for Jack Black. Oh! Well, that's her best contribution. Nacho Libre. Nacho Libre feels like a real piece of shit. Right? I don't care if he's
Starting point is 02:32:16 worth $25 million. Mom's not impressed. Like, oh, you're good at guitar? Good enough to pretend to play in your movies, you mean. Yeah, I remember the time I brought all those people back from the Apollo you're good at guitar good enough to like pretend to play in your movies you mean yeah i remember the the time i brought all those people back from the apollo whatever space when i was saving the apollo mission i would always get out my loot and play for the guys she's probably an amazing musician don't invite either of those people to the party it's just no no they don't get people
Starting point is 02:32:43 like this are so good for putting things in perspective to agree right because you're looking at this and you're like you know you maybe you have some like for at least for me like there's a part of my brain that always thinks like i'm gonna accomplish something eventually you know and then it's just like you look up you're like wait i'm almost 40 now and look at these people's contributions to like the the world what they've accomplished at the ages they've accomplished at it you're just like there's no way oh yeah you like your brain starts to pick it up you're like realizing that the only way to make your mark that's getting lighter so you ever like uh don't stop till they catch you well that is a way to make your mark if you want to be a serial killer but like the same thing happens historically
Starting point is 02:33:18 where like i remember reading a lot about alexander the great and like in your head you're picturing like uh an older gray-haired yeah wizened old man who's giving battle tactics and it's like and then he led them over the house and he was 20 oh no no i suck like this guy was like conquering the known world that dude conquered macedonia at 19 or something like that like it happened to me way earlier. At 18, I wanted to make the U.S. Olympic team. And then at 21, it's like, yeah, no, no. When you stack rank against the other 21-year-olds, you're not trending towards Olympic at 23.
Starting point is 02:33:59 That's when you start realizing, you're like, if I was going to make the Olympic team, I would have known it at 16. Yeah. But I didn't because not only am I not a good swimmer, I'm not that bright. It happened too long ago for me to just identify as a woman. But if I had done that, I would have fucking ruled the world. I know we've talked about this before.
Starting point is 02:34:24 Can you come close to women's Olympic levels right now? I don't think so. Not now. With the student on too? I don't think so. I just don't think so. If you're a practice, I'll be even older, Kyle. I'm just really thinking
Starting point is 02:34:42 women are terrible at fencing. The best ones are pretty good. It's not like I'm bigger really thinking women are terrible at fizzle. The best ones are pretty good. And it's not like a bigger – You missed the joke. The best ones are men. That's true. How about if you have to go against the El Salvadorian swim team? Yeah, I could probably make a swim team somewhere maybe.
Starting point is 02:34:59 But young me, like college me, could have literally broken world records as a female if I just identified. Oh, I don't doubt. Oh, 100%. That would have not flown back then. They would have been like, get your ass back in the men's lane. You're not slipping past the goalie. Take the fucking wig off.
Starting point is 02:35:17 History would have remembered him as a head of his times. These suits are quite revealing. revealing. There was that photo on Reddit of the USA under-16s women's team standing next to the El Salvadorian under-16 women's basketball team. They're in the tunnel about to head to the court, probably playing national anthems or something out there. They tower over them. This little El Salvadorian girl is looking up at this six-footer of a woman she's about to have to play against.
Starting point is 02:35:47 And it's just like, I'm the writings on the wall. Like, like, can we just not go out there? Like, there's no point to compete. Oh,
Starting point is 02:35:54 this is so funny. I found the picture. Oh, share it, share it. I'm about to, can we look up the score of that game? Zach,
Starting point is 02:36:04 can you share that picture? The score of that game? Zach, can you share that picture? The score of the game. Oh, come on. This isn't fair. They should... Well, I guess El Salvador should have taller people if they want to win. Yeah. And it's not just the...
Starting point is 02:36:22 He might... Ah, there he is. Yeah, the girls on the right look like they're there he is there it is yeah the girls on the right look like they're 16 year old girls the girls on the left don't yeah the girls on the right look like they just got to fantasy camp like that girl has no breasts like just saying like like they look prepubescent um and and like those women on the left look like some nappy-headed hoes, as Don Imus would say. They're about to run train on the road. Look at the shoe situation.
Starting point is 02:36:52 Team USA all has the same shoes. Nobody on their team has a shoe brand. One girl's got dirty sneakers. They brought those from home. Do the El Salvadorians even have the same shorts on? One has pants. One's wearing pants. Look at the background of the El Salvador girls. The the same shorts on? One has pants. One's wearing pants. Look at the background of the El Salvador girls.
Starting point is 02:37:07 The score was 114 to 19. 114 to 19. That was really nice of them to give them 19. Holy shit. If I'm on El Salvador's team, I would be like, no, you're not going to do this to me. I'll play against Columbia. I'll play against Columbia. I'll play against Columbia.
Starting point is 02:37:27 I saw their team in the back. They're shorter. Bring Honduras on. We got their number. But you make me play against those girls from America one more time, and I'm going to fucking hang myself. That happened to my high school team. Our women's JV team lost.
Starting point is 02:37:42 I don't know the score exactly, but it was something like 108 to 12. Oh shit. Yeah. And my math teacher was the women's basketball team, JV girls team coach. And he was like, that was just bad sportsmanship. He's like,
Starting point is 02:37:57 they brought their VAR. They, I think their school didn't have a varsity team or something, or they played their varsity against RJV somehow and they just beat the shit out of RJV girls. Women should learn early that this sort of thing
Starting point is 02:38:14 is just going to repeat itself throughout life. You're going to be taking L's left and right. It's good to start these young girls on that road. Team USA was not taking L's. They were probably taking W after W after W. Wait till they get to the WNba and look at their fucking paycheck yeah that would be sad yeah how much do they make like 60 grand like less than like the manager at a mcdonald's yeah oh well well the mcdonald's are'm making that up. I would guess they make like complete guess.
Starting point is 02:38:48 I bet the highest paid woman in the WNBA makes half a million dollars a year. Average salary in the WNBA is $75,000. I have overcompensated that lady who is the best. The highest paid player makes $221,000. And what's the comparison for the men's stats? Average salary of an NBA player is $7.7 million. What's LeBron make? LeBron makes oodles of cash.
Starting point is 02:39:17 I don't know. Does he make $30 million a year? What does he make? What's that ratio, Zach? $39.22 million. There you go. Well, that's wild. Good for him.22 million Well that's wild Good for him man
Starting point is 02:39:26 But here's the thing I bet if you did a little math And you were like alright Total ratings of the NBA Versus total ratings of the WNBA And then like take that ratio And do it with the salaries They're still overpaid in the WNBA
Starting point is 02:39:41 I think that's true Don't just do revenue, do profits Because the WNBA literally loses think that's true. Don't just do revenue, do profits. The WNBA literally loses money. The NBA makes money. You did eyeballs on games. I don't know how to quantify profits. They shift profits from the NBA
Starting point is 02:39:56 to play the WNBA players. If I say play, I meant pay. I don't know. Women's basketball is not that fun to watch. Some people disagree, but it just looks sloppy. Yeah, I think they're the same height.
Starting point is 02:40:15 There's a couple girls that can dunk, but they just look unathletic and lanky and I don't know. They're not... The men are fucking superheroes with the shit they do the shots they make the jumps they they perform like it it's at a level that i can't even relate to the way i was um they don't look good and uh i was looking at like um at the gym they've got like this scoreboard right like matt the the highest bench from a man is 375 pounds,
Starting point is 02:40:47 which isn't that high, actually. Highest from a woman is 120. 120? Wait, for what exercise? Sorry, I was looking up salaries. Bench press. Incline bench? 120?
Starting point is 02:40:58 Bench press. Flat bench. 120 for a woman. 375 for a man. Those are the records. I would think it would be higher than that uh last time i tried i hit 300 on a flat bench but i did it i only did it twice this was a while ago and i haven't hit 300 twice yeah yeah on a five inch but uh there's really not that much
Starting point is 02:41:19 like i've switched entirely to incline bench like getting a lot more like chest activation and stuff i feel more sore when i do that on like lighter weights. I don't know. Just everybody, like all the PPL routines I look at, like a lot of them even entirely forego normal flat bench for like variable bench, like incline decline.
Starting point is 02:41:37 I like flat bench more because the safeties on my rack works so well for flat bench. If I fail, which I sometimes do like there's a safe spot above my neck where I can not be hurt. Whereas if it's inclined, what do you do? Does it just roll down your chest and just drop it above your dick on the rack? Yeah, you're supposed to almost push it forward onto the safeties. And just slam it by your lap?
Starting point is 02:42:03 Slam it down if you want to. I mean, you're probably not using that much anyway. You've probably got like 180 lap? Slam it down if you want to. You're probably not using that much anyway. You've probably got 180 pounds on there at the most for reps, if you're not maxing out your incline bench. You can just dump it off. Just don't put safeties on there. A lot of these exercises, if I get outside the right form,
Starting point is 02:42:19 I have no strength. Dumbbells especially. I do these incline dumbbells, especially like if I do these like inclined. Oh yeah. You get anywhere. Yeah. Like I, I can barely get them into position and it's a struggle. And then when I do,
Starting point is 02:42:33 I can do 12 and it's like, yeah, it's weird. Yeah. The incline bench is a lot better for like upper chest, but like, I still think flat bench is like the most chest. I think it's the,
Starting point is 02:42:44 the exercise that activates the uh the chest best out of all exercises and it's only second to like um maybe cable flies for like center chest like i go i go through phases where i'll like drop an exercise for a long time and then start doing it again a bunch i just i need variety and grip changes a lot too like if you're if you're going wider and getting more of your chest. I want to get one of those multi-grip bars. You can grab this and that and get close grip. I think that might be fun.
Starting point is 02:43:12 And they're only like $120, $130. Agreed. Yeah, yeah. I've seen those. Those look really cool. I've been watching lead climbing competitions recently as a prep for the olympics because climbing made the olympics as a sport that's going into that and i was trying to think uh i don't actually don't know what does that look like it looks like there's a wall it's
Starting point is 02:43:35 an over it's an overhung wall with a set series of puzzles essentially on that wall you're climbing up with the rope beneath you and you're clipping as you go it's lead climbing uh generally what they do at the time limit and actually i was trying to think because you know you're climbing up with the rope beneath you and you're clipping as you go it's lead climbing uh generally what they do at the time limit and actually i was trying to think because you know you're talking woody about like the unimpressiveness of female athletes in a game where the men do it much better and i'm not totally sure how that works for climbing i think the men tend to do still better than the women but i found the women's climbing actually really interesting it's still like i'm impressed i'm impressed by what they're fucking doing out there and like looking at that and going like there's no way even at my you know i'm a couple years out of my prime for this and moving back into it because i'm getting into it again
Starting point is 02:44:11 there's like no way i don't i don't even feel like remotely in the league of these climbers i've really been enjoying watching that again so i'm kind of curious if you guys have seen that at all i've watched a little women's climbing one of the things that's fascinating about it and it happens in swimming is sometimes the best women climbing and women climbers in the world are like 14 years old and you know when they become more womanly like i don't know bigger tits a little more fat on them whatever some hips they're just not as good as they were when they were like little boys it's that it's strength to weight ratio. Like kids in general,
Starting point is 02:44:46 like climbing is, you know, if you're 85 fucking pounds, you're only dragging 85 pounds up that wall, right? Like 160 pound man is literally doing twice the work, but he might not be twice as strong in every single like movement. It's a different selection,
Starting point is 02:45:04 right? It's the different evolutionary pressure, essentially, for for these for what we're seeing from this and it comes out worse than some sports and others and it is boring it's it's much less interesting to watch the peak performers from a bracket that's at a lower level of performance ultimately objectively for that game than it is to watch baseball like you just wouldn't do it like it's right the peak performers in the minor league baseball just aren't as exciting yeah unless your cousin is in the game like who fucking cares right um we were talking about like i think it's when we each have these individual areas of quasi expertise right like like woody obviously
Starting point is 02:45:41 you've got like the programming background so when they say they're using oh this is linux and you're like no it's not and even if it were like who cares that's you're you're just just wiggling things around the screen like like you're like blown out and for me it can be like guns or uh or maybe a few other little things and uh i'm what i was gonna ask filthy have you ever seen the movie the descent with the uh the five oh you should watch that's a that's a good movie it's a great movie sounds like it's a horror is it like yeah it is horror and the premise i've heard of it but i don't think i've seen it it is one of the few like all it's one of the few girl power movies that i'm just like fuck yeah these are these are some badass bitches i love this shit i didn't even get a girl power vibe it was just like they don't
Starting point is 02:46:23 play to be women and they're in a horrible like they're descending into a cave which is climbing and yeah they go spelunking and there is a bunch of ghouls and demons I won't give away what it is but like it's and it's not all jump scares there's there's a peppering there's a smattering
Starting point is 02:46:40 of jump scares in there but it's mostly like building up the vibe of like the the off-putting light kind of refracting off of the cave and everything feels unsettling when like when like people are talking like it's a way where you know there's like 100 yards of space in the cavern behind them but you can't see more than like you know three you know yeah they really play up the darkness so like um right and but but i wonder if like someone like you who knows a bit about climbing because there is a good bit of climbing technique why couldn't they back out
Starting point is 02:47:08 why didn't they just even yeah even okay even so like um i don't know if you ever done it have you ever done any like cave like explore or anything okay so so like i watched um there's this youtube channel that you know that's like how to beat Hellraiser, how to beat the descent. And they like really like do what we kind of do to movies sometimes. Like, Hey, why don't you just do this? Or why don't you do that?
Starting point is 02:47:31 Why are you even in this scenario? And he does that. He's like, well, first of all, why are you going into an unexplored cave? Why aren't you leaving the map behind? Why is there only one map?
Starting point is 02:47:39 They should all have a map. You didn't bring extra batteries. You have one set of batteries. Oh, good thing you brought that enormous glow stick that allows you to see absolutely nothing. Yeah. should all have a map you didn't bring extra batteries you have one set of batteries oh good thing you brought that enormous glow stick that allows you to see absolutely nothing yeah and like he's just like tearing them apart every step of the way and there's a link to that youtube i think i'd enjoy that it's it's it's called like how if you type in like how to beat and then insert like what name a monster uh like you'll probably find it. But there's this one part where there's a precipice.
Starting point is 02:48:08 The cave opens up into sort of an open room and across the way, like maybe 15 feet, there's more tunnel and they need to like get across. And so one chick does kind of like, she's, I don't know what you call it when you're like forging a path and you're like putting the hooks in, but she's i don't know what you call it when you're like forging a path and you're like putting the hooks in but she's got those hooks where you like you do a thing like this and it manipulates the end and you're able to stick it between two cracks
Starting point is 02:48:34 and then when you release it like expands to like lock into those cracks and then you can hook on to that whatever that climbing gear is called but she's like going across like like showing some real upper body strength that you wouldn't even think she had and like leading the way and like forging this path and hooking as she goes. And like, she's putting the line across for, uh, for everybody else to follow in. And he's just, I guess he knows something about climbing or maybe he just does his research before he tears the movie apart. He's like, you'd never do that. Those are some, look, look at these holes. She's using the wrong holes.
Starting point is 02:49:05 Like you, that she's not even tugging on those before she puts her full weight on them. Like every step of the way, she's, he's just ripping them apart. And then like, is it called a cam? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:49:16 And I don't know what it's called when, like when you're the last person, if you like remove all of the clips, it's called like cleaning the route or something like that. But like the last chick decided she's going to clean the route because we might need this gear later. And she's kind of the badass of the group, but might have the least amount of upper body strength, apparently,
Starting point is 02:49:35 because she's just like, oh, she can't hold herself up because she needs to do one-handed pull-ups, basically. And you got to be a man to do those, I think. I don't know. I don't know too many women who can do one-handed pull-ups all right i don't want to see you just grab your other hand like this no i want to see the scene because why aren't they using their feet oh they're dangling they're doing right back there you take it you take it almost uh when you do a lot of the like
Starting point is 02:50:01 arch stuff right like a lot of it is, but you can only do that so long. Your muscles would just literally burn out. So you're looking to do things like heel hooks and like lock off and like regain like some of the, the endurance of your arms. I want to see it now. So it's the scent. Yeah. There's a second one too.
Starting point is 02:50:15 That's not as good. Don't watch that. Yeah. The descent is genuinely a really good movie that explores PTSD and, and, and, and, and friendship.
Starting point is 02:50:24 And it's very, very good. I'm the only one who didn't like the descent. PTSD and friendship. And it's very, very good. I'm the only one who didn't like The Descent. I watched the whole thing waiting for their clothes to get ripped off. And it never happens. No, there's no titties. None. There's some gross stuff. Like she falls into like.
Starting point is 02:50:38 There's some titties that you'd probably want to see. They're all rather attractive young ladies. And the movie starts off with a cool scene. It's a cool movie. It's like these four or five friends who are like adventure chicks. And this is their newest adventure. And it goes awry. And there's moments of claustrophobia.
Starting point is 02:51:00 And it's cool how they handle the darkness, like I was saying. Because right away all of our batteries die. So like our high power flashlights and helmet lamps are kind of no good or they lose them or drop them or whatever so it's like glow sticks torches or um the best and and it was this was kind of the first time i'd ever seen it the night vision camcorder like using that to like navigate like it's really played out now especially like paranormal activity like always has those sweeping things we kind of onboard the cam and that was kind of cool when they first did it but now it's played out but there's a scene where she's just like using that night vision camcorder to see in the dark and then suddenly like a monster is revealed and it's a real
Starting point is 02:51:37 fucking oh shit oh yeah the little the little tiny like it limits your field of vision so badly so it's gonna be yeah and it's like blue green kind of old timey cheap night vision cam quarter thing you would get um it's a good movie uh i remember i watched it when it came out i i was working uh selling cars in atlanta and we saw the preview for it and i was like we gotta go see that and my buddy was like you're gonna go tonight i'm like it's a tuesday let's just go right fucking now we like went in the middle of the day like like just left work and went and watched it he's like you could nobody would nobody care it was a great movie good movie gentlemen i'm sorry i have uh that hard cut off for this time so uh appreciate you having me on again had fun uh as well i'm sorry i'm sorry we didn't get to talk magic um me and taylor been
Starting point is 02:52:27 playing a ton of magic um and uh we've been enjoying your streams uh go check out filthy's uh twitch uh especially if you got i know i got a lot of the guys in the discord are into uh magic filthy i'm gonna spend two seconds on that just for a go one new set tomorrow so i'm super excited about that and two tailored there's so many pk viewers who come to my channel and are like you should play taylor and i'm always like i'm trying to explain to them they're clearly not magic players i'm like taylor doesn't play the things that i play in magic i would love to play with taylor sometimes if you ever get into drafting but just like reach out i'm happy to do something with that so anyways guys yeah cheers later hey taylor yeah can you explain why your magic is incompatible with his magic i don't get it so uh
Starting point is 02:53:07 it just depends what you're playing so uh constructed means that you build a deck and then you take that deck into the ranked and then you play your constructed deck that you picked every card and organized and then you play someone else's constructed deck, and that's how you do that. And you go up the ranks of the normal traditional style. He is more doing drafts, which means that – and drafts are a ton of fun too. I just haven't done one in a long time. That's basically where you and a group of other people are all in a digital room, and you open a pack of cards,
Starting point is 02:53:42 and you pick one card out of that and put it face down. And then the, then you hand that deck to the person to your left and that, or that pack minus that card. And the other person does it to you. And you use these packs being passed around to build yourself a deck. And so it's like more off the cuff where you're going to be like, okay,
Starting point is 02:53:59 well I know that white is pretty strong right now. All right. I just got a pretty good white card. Maybe I'll build around that. And then you might have to call an audible and be like, we're in the second pack in the middle of it. And I just haven't gotten the white stuff I need. I can do like a white red fusion.
Starting point is 02:54:11 I've picked some. And so that's usually how it goes is I'll, you know, when I'm drafting, I'll try and pick one color. And usually by the end, I'll have enough focus on that color and I'll pick a secondary one. So it's like, okay, I'm going to pick any good white card that I think I can mix into this strategy. And then anytime there's a pack without any white cards in there,
Starting point is 02:54:30 I'm going to pull whatever red is available. And so if need be, I can create a fusion white, red deck at the end because, and then once all the packs are gone, you have like 50 cards total and you build a 40 card deck. So the decks in a sealed, so draft is only 40 cards per deck
Starting point is 02:54:46 whereas constructed is at least 60 cards per deck uh so it's more of just an off the cut and then you play other people with the decks you just constructed and depending on how many wins to losses ratio you get different rewards more questions yeah if you play constructed can you mix colors yes yeah you can do whatever you want, constructed, whatever you want on. People don't tend to, I guess. No, lots of people do. Yeah, it depends on it. You just need more rare land.
Starting point is 02:55:11 The deck I've been having the most luck with recently when I play constructed in the ranked area is it's a blue, black. What is it? Yeah, it's blue, it's black, and it's green. And so it's three colors together. And because I have enough land to make that strategy work, and sometimes you need those multiple colors. The whole crux of this strategy is revolving around black and blue, basically, with the smattering of green.
Starting point is 02:55:36 So the deal is, Woody, that to play a black card, you have to have enough fuel to play it. And the fuel is land, a.k.a. mana. And so the mana comes in. Remember that Taylor had those colors behind him? Those are the symbols for the land cards. So there's a white
Starting point is 02:55:54 land that just does white, but there are these specialty land cards. They're rare cards. It's like, oh, this is a white and black land. It can do either at any time. Or there are some of them that are like, one side is white, one side is black. So if you need white right now, you can play white.
Starting point is 02:56:10 If you need black right now, you can play black and you sort of make that decision. So there's various rare lands that can do multiple things. They're just more expensive. And you have to come up with a formula, right? Yeah. To figure out, oh, I've got 15 red cards and 12 blue cards. So I need to figure out the oh i've got 15 red cards and 12 blue cards so i need to figure out
Starting point is 02:56:27 the ratio of red to blue good but it's not exactly 15 to 12 because a lot of my blue cards require like two blue you know there's a bit of mixing it's like it's like a breakdown like the more advanced you get with using multiple colors the more you have to use special dual lands and so like if you're like a beginner that's why i tell people just play mono all white all green all red whatever because that way you just need like you know 38 37 or 38 non-land cards and then just boom 22 mountains just all basic whereas you you start mixing colors and now it's going to be a breakdown like well well i need four of this rare dual land i need four of this one i need let's say seven mountains six islands four forests and like you really and then you have to play test a lot more because you might
Starting point is 02:57:09 look good on paper and then you play you know usually i'll do three to five games to see how it goes and then it might be like well on paper everything seemed to work okay but this has been a total travesty i have to go back to the drawing board when you play magic can you play the debt the cards in any order no you're at 30 yeah you're just drawing them and so like did you shuffle it in a constructed deck yes yeah yeah so it's oh that's why it's so you can't like set up a like all right i'm gonna do a fucking unicorn unicorn unicorn and then one bitch and she's gonna fly all the unicorns in like you can't make no so it's all percentage based and so that's why like you can only have up to four of a given card in your deck other than land and so like if my if kyle's strategy has to get winota that card
Starting point is 02:57:57 out it means he's gonna run a play set of those so four of those and he's just maximizing like okay if i if i draw seven cards how can I make it the highest percentage likelihood that I'm going to get at least four cards that can help me begin my combo? And if he plays six, seven games, and he's not getting his combo off until like turn seven or eight, or he's losing, it's like, okay, well, this is not the right mix. You know, clearly I've been trying. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:58:21 You know, you begin with what, seven cards, right? Like in your hand. Yeah. And like, if you don't like those seven, you can muck or you mulligan. begin yeah you know you begin with what seven cards right like in your hand yeah and and like if you don't like those seven you can muck or you mulligan and uh now you only get six cards and then you do it again you only got five so like if you don't like your draw because sometimes it gives you seven cards and there won't be a land in there and you're like oh my god like well it's just not work like i can't there's a lot of luck involved with that part of the game
Starting point is 02:58:41 but the the the skillful thing when you're constructing a deck is like making the deck so well constructed that luck doesn't matter that like you kind of that most of the time you draw seven cards you're gonna have three lands and you're gonna have like a card that requires one mana like there's this mana curve right so like you play one mana per turn unless you're doing some specialty shit so it's like you play one mana it's good if you got a card that only costs one that you can play immediately and then and but it's good if you got a two mana card that you can play the next turn or enough one mana cards that you've got multiple so you can be like what a lot of people a lot of people do like when they just get into it is they try and make a deck and they're like this guy looks awesome throw one of
Starting point is 02:59:22 him in there and they've got a deck with like a bunch of six cost creatures and cards because those are the best cards but then it's like okay so you're going to survive six turns potentially before you play your first card no no any opponent's going to have you wiped out by then you have to build your curve it's basically like exactly what kyle said there is a random aspect of the game but you're trying to minimize the randomness so if you have a deck where every opening hand is pretty similar, like this red-blue-black deck I'm doing, I've tinkered with it enough that I get pretty consistent hands.
Starting point is 02:59:52 It's only maybe one out of five times that it's horrific. And there's nothing to do about that. It's like, okay, well, there was no land in this hand. There's 23 land in the deck, so obvious over a third of the deck is in there. I don't need to go back and tinker. That's why Dirty wins every sixth time.
Starting point is 03:00:08 If your deck is good enough to win 60-62% of the time, it's a great deck. It's a great deck because you're playing against this wide field of various decks. You're never going to have one deck that's good against everything. When that happens,
Starting point is 03:00:24 they nerf it. When they're like, alright have one deck that's good against everything when that happens they nerf it when they're like all right this this deck is just good against burn decks it's good against control decks it's good against ramp decks it's like like nothing beats this all right well that card's illegal now like they try to make it so that you can have like you know the idea is that you've got like if you're using your imagination, there's different kinds of wizards who are all having a wizard battle. And so you wouldn't want fire magic to just be the best because nobody's going to want to be a water mage or a forest mage. They try to make it almost like rock, paper, scissors, where it's like, okay, well, this white, red deck that kyle was using for a while it's
Starting point is 03:01:06 a world beater it's so good but it goes up against you know uh the the fucking control the blue control deck and he's going to get screwed because everything's going to be getting countered meanwhile he'll roll over the mono greens and the in the black uh you know life sacrificing or the mono white life game like so yeah it's like you you and you know once you figure out the meta like when i play that blue green black deck and i see someone like across the table playing mill which means trying to get all my cards in the discard pile i'm like all right well this is not that bad for me because i play cards from my discard pile anyway oh they just put someone that i use in my discard pile all right well he's coming back a lot sooner than you thought and so or unless i'm playing like kyle's
Starting point is 03:01:48 mono red it's like well fuck if he gets a good draw he's gonna decimate me with his quick moving deck before i can get all the pieces in my yeah it'll kill you in three or four turns if you get a good draw if you've got like multiple fervent champions or something like that it's it's it's all over yeah It's fun. I've been playing a lot on my tablet. I've been playing on my PC as much. We both bought tablets just for Magic. Why are tablets better?
Starting point is 03:02:14 Because I can play in bed or on the go. I can get my stylus and just goof around. I don't have to be here in my chair with my headset and my keyboard and mouse. I can be like watching tv or something and like play uh play in bed is what i do um like especially at night when i'm about to go to sleep or whatever and i'm just watching some youtube i'll or you know i'll be watching
Starting point is 03:02:36 like are you a much worse player when you multitask exactly um i'm not good enough that it matters i'm sure if i were like... There's some guys... If it were chess and you're watching a movie and playing chess at the same time, that would hurt your chess game. I would go from a 1 to a .5. A lot of decisions are straightforward.
Starting point is 03:02:58 Not always. When I watch the best players play, they're so analytical. That's how I know I'm not good at the game. Someone in the Discord the other day was like, hey, would you guys like to do some sort of magic tournament for money? And I'm like, absolutely not. No, no. I'm down.
Starting point is 03:03:15 Because when I watch Covert go blue play, he's immediately recognizing their deck, and he knows what cards are in it, and he's guessing what card they they're gonna play before they play it He's like, all right, go ahead and play this guy clay. Yep. Yep, and there and countered like he knows what's coming and what to Do about it and he knows like all right I I can't play this card because he's just gonna counter it So we're gonna bait out his counter card with this card and like when he once he does that
Starting point is 03:03:41 The next turn we can play our like Whatever sky noodle or whatever that's yeah that's a lot of the like when you get higher level like anticipating and trying to guide your opponent into a particular move where it's like if you're playing someone and you know they have a counter like if you're playing a blue player and they have six cards in their hand you don't want to play your big heavy hitter you're relying on because they're going to spend two and counter it. So what you want to do is play a card that's mid-range
Starting point is 03:04:08 that would be enough to give them some problems and hopefully bait them into countering it. Or what you can do sometimes that I've done is you let them, because they often look at your hand, and they'll know you have a really good card in there. And so you front load the good card by spending a couple turns playing mid-range stuff. And in their head, they good card by spending a couple turns playing mid range stuff. And in their head,
Starting point is 03:04:27 they're thinking, you know, well, I'm, I'm saving up to counter the big guy. And it's like, okay, while you were saving up and revolving your strategy on getting rid of
Starting point is 03:04:32 Kogla, the Titan ape. Now there's four other guys who are, you know, pretty good on the field. Yeah. There are decks. Well,
Starting point is 03:04:39 the Titan ape is as ridiculous as the name of any marijuana strain. No, the most ridiculous one was like what was that one card you have? Palucanark or something? Palucanos Unchained? Yeah, Palucanos the Unchained. When I see that, I'm just like, I'm not even going to read the
Starting point is 03:04:55 text that describes what a badass this guy is because there's text in the card and he describes what a fucking world beater he is and I'm just like, I just quit. I just quit. You just play something called Pelucranos the Unchained. I think I've lost. That's been going well. We've got to play some more.
Starting point is 03:05:11 Yeah, I'm down. I'll be right back. Yeah. You've been poker-ing a lot instead of magic recently. A little bit. I've lost like $200 this week, I think. It has just gone just so poorly. Just so poorly.
Starting point is 03:05:23 Just some good players in there now and uh and i've had i've had a a good string of bad luck um i know you don't know a lot about poker but like i had aces and he had kings pre-flop and like before any cards were on the board like like our starting hands were that and uh we got all of our money in like i raised and he re-raised and i went all in and he called and i was like oh good and we have this option with the app we play in where you can run it twice which means you play you know five cards get dealt their community cards um you can put it'll put 10 cards out there though and if he wins one and i win one we split that's a way of like making sure
Starting point is 03:06:02 that like some of the bullshit gets negated right like like it's kind of like playing like best of seven instead of best of one kind of the the cream kind of rises to the top in the end it gets rid of some of the nonsense and i was just like i want all the money i want i'm running at once i've got aces he's Kings. I'm either winning or losing. And sure enough, like a King comes out and he has three Kings now to my two aces. And it wasn't a couple hundred bucks. Well, that was over the course of like three nights. So like that night I lost late.
Starting point is 03:06:34 Like, I think I was into that game for like 25 or $50, but I was, I had like 80. I had one, I had been winning a little bit all night. I've been playing for like three hours or something. So that was like $80 where like if I'd won that hand,
Starting point is 03:06:47 I'd have had his $80 plus like 20 more that was from other players in the pot. So I should have been sitting there with almost $200, but now I've got $3 or something like that. So I'm just like, all right, I'm done for the night. And then like either last night or two nights ago, I don't even remember anymore. I've been so sick. But like similar similar stuff just i playing i've been playing really well like if i
Starting point is 03:07:11 could go back and like like critique myself i do the same shit most of the time like i'm making the correct decisions it's just like not playing out well um so i lost i think 90 i lost 90 last night i think um over the course of like several hours that was fun are you taking a break from poker are you jumping back in reclaim those losses uh you know i'll keep playing um 90 was it was a pretty big loss for a night that's the most i've lost in one night because i usually just like cut myself off at like 25 or 50 um i didn't realize i was into the game to for 90 until it was time for me to pay up I was like, alright, how much do I owe? I'm done. 90. I was like, fuck I'm in for 90 because I started with like 25 and then at some point I was like
Starting point is 03:07:52 give me like 30 more and then another point I guess I was like, give me 40 more because if you get down to $16 or something like that, you really can't compete people will call you. If you have $16 and you raise $5 preflop, people will call you if you if you if you have 16 and you raise five dollars pre-flop they might call you no thinking like hey the worst that could happen is i could lose 16 dollars like even if he's got the even but if you've got 150 and they've got 150 to lose they won't call you quite so light because they're a little they don't want to lose as much you know it's the money is a weapon in that game so the competition has gotten markedly
Starting point is 03:08:25 better yeah like like um a couple people have joined who are just good players but then like a lot of people have kind of learned along the way to play better when we first started playing like so many people just had no idea what they were doing um but uh but like um alexander and dirty like occasionally have have poker classes in there where they pull up overlays and charts, and they literally put on a class for some of the newer players or some of the players who just want to learn to get better. And they talk about preflop ranges and three betting.
Starting point is 03:08:59 And they teach them how to play the game because Dirty plays for a living. And Alexander is very analytical, and he might be the best player there. Dirty wouldn't like me saying that. He gives me fits. Whether he's the best or not. Alexander does. Alexander does. Alexander is fucking autistic over there.
Starting point is 03:09:19 He has the channel about poker, right? No, that's a different guy. That's a different guy. Alexander's just fucking like, he's the one had the kings that that beat my aces like even when i've got the better hand it seems like he finds a way to like like like luck out and beat me or uh if it's 50 50 he's gonna win um or if it's like 55 to 45 he's gonna win it's and and the hands that i do win like i'll get like three dollars off of him or something like that like he's just like neo in the mid like dodging bullets like like when i've got a great hand and i'm just like raise him five dollars or something he's like nah
Starting point is 03:09:56 like he knows you know he's like i fold fold fold but then like if i'm trying to bluff him it's like he just seems to know or if i'm raising him and like not really wanting a call but like he'll still call with the best hand but still it there was a chance that i had the best hand so like some some of the times he folds there like he's like i don't know if i should call or not i don't know if it's going on and i'm thinking like yeah you should call i hope you don't though because this There's like a 55% chance you win, and he wins. Alexander's a good player. Is he someone that joined just to play poker?
Starting point is 03:10:30 I don't think so. He's been in there for months. I don't remember exactly why he joined. I might ask him. He's very good at it, nonetheless. He plays a lot online. Plays multiple tables and stuff at a time. Is that his living, too too no um i won't say
Starting point is 03:10:47 what he does but he works for a big uh tech company um so he's got a real real world good job and uh but uh he plays a lot of poker for for money online and like i said with poker you can play like as many tables as you're able to concentrate on um so he'll have like a bank of tables that he's playing on simultaneously and he's just controlling them all simultaneously it's pretty impressive damn well maybe he'll be full-time someday uh all right probably not if he's got a great big tech job i think he's happy where he is but i i think anybody who plays poker would love to play for a living and play for huge amounts of money. Because those guys seem to really always want to play higher stakes.
Starting point is 03:11:31 The guys in the Discord? Guys like Dirty. I know Dirty's dream is to play in the World Series of Poker and win a bracelet and play the highest stakes of cash games and stuff like that. That's stressful as fuck to me. I like, I like sort of playing like medium stakes. Like I don't want to lose more than a thousand dollars. And yeah,
Starting point is 03:11:50 that seems like it would destroy. A thousand seems like a lot. A thousand is a lot, but you know, you know, we're talking about, remember the hangout that we're talking about the guy who, who had lost like 50,000 in a weekend to that Indonesian kid.
Starting point is 03:12:03 Oh yeah. Yeah. Did you, did you lay that out for everyone i didn't uh oh dude so there's there's a guy i guess he won a lot he won the world series of poker right but he got lucky and that sounds crazy but i guess it's possible to get lucky repeatedly and win a lot and is that how he got the money that is right it was crypto it was crypto oh it's crypto you're right you're right i'm wrong i'm conflating two people yeah so this guy made a bunch of money in crypto and he thinks he's better at poker than he is and he's losing but he thinks he's just catching some bad luck and if he keeps playing his luck will turn around and the indonesian kid is like the fucking bobby fisher of poker he's a super genius and everyone's really impressed but keep
Starting point is 03:12:52 in mind this isn't people in our discord this is a much higher stakes game than what we play this is just this is alexander is telling us this i think yes but alexander is uh i don't know who's a not quite bobby fisher but he's a really competent player who seems to live in these circles and follow it. Anyway, so he's laying it out there and there's this guy, just a fool, being separated from his money by
Starting point is 03:13:15 this Indonesian kid. What did he lose? 50 grand in a weekend or something? It was like 40 in one weekend and then more the next weekend or something. Over the course of two weeks, it was like 60 or 80 grand, like something crazy. And he made like 230. And by the way, this isn't a guy that makes 230 grand all the time. This was his once-in-a-lifetime crypto multi-hundred-thousand-air visit.
Starting point is 03:13:38 And he's going to lose it all gambling to some kid. Yeah. He described the kid as failing failing like failing in like high school and like never kissed a girl and like like just a real fucking autistic like little kid who's like this is all he does he's just really fucking good at poker and that's he's not that that lee guy who's like gonna be on the moon with a doctorate. Okay. He's like a jack of all trades.
Starting point is 03:14:08 Not even a jack of all trades. A king of all trades. This guy's good at one thing, and it's poker. Yeah. The guy has no girlfriend. He's failing out of school. And it sounds like he's got to be smart, he's got to have um cognitive horsepower yeah but he only has one interest and it's all focused into poker people like that are interesting to me yeah
Starting point is 03:14:33 there's varying levels of poker math adeptness like like the level i'm at is like most time i know what the odds are i'm gonna win like if i can see all the cards i certainly know the odds i can calculate that real quick but and you know the odds of you getting the card you hope for yes the implied odds like i don't i don't know what cards may or may not be in there but but yeah yeah it's real easy to calculate it roughly speak like you won't be down to the desk if you pretend there's only 50 cards in a deck the math simplifies a lot and you It does. You get it about right. It's 2% a card and how many more cards are to come and then you multiply and do a little math. It's pretty simple.
Starting point is 03:15:11 You have to know Pokéball enough to know which cards will guarantee you a win and which cards will maybe guarantee you a win because you have to put them on a hand or have some idea of what they may or may not have. It's a simple math, but what's doing is is a lot more complicated um it's a lot more complicated and it's not something i even want to embark upon but yeah poker's been fun uh even
Starting point is 03:15:37 though i've lost a little bit of money um it's all it's fun anyway it's fun hanging out with those guys the drama is always crazy like those guys are so goddamn mean like you got to jump into the next poker game and just like listen like they don't play just listen to the crowd like they get so fucking mean they're calling each other the worst names imaginable attacking each other's like personal lives like like dn is back in there so they're just poor dn is always the butt of the joke. And he usually handles it with silence, but that doesn't end it. They don't stop. They don't stop.
Starting point is 03:16:11 Your mom's like, just ignore them. They'll stop. No, they won't. No, they'll double down. No, they won't. They smell blood in the water. You better fight back, Deion. Deion was playing poker the other night.
Starting point is 03:16:23 And look, Deion, I like you. Just to be clear, I was real happy when I saw you came back to Deion. Deion was playing poker the other night. And look, Deion, I like you. Just to be clear, I was real happy when I saw you came back to the Discord. I genuinely like you, man. I liked him, too. He's got a good personality. He seems friendly. He seems like a nice guy. He seems like a smart guy. Has an extra mattress? He's got... Man's got
Starting point is 03:16:40 an extra mattress if you want to come hang out. He's always ready for you to come crash. You're not going to sleep on a couch at dian's house no you ain't rolling like that got a mattress right here for you buddy pull it off the wall um we were joking that it felt like behind that mattress was like a hole and a tunnel that led to like a layer like in that x-files episode but um but yeah dian was'm going to get the numbers a little wrong here. People don't like that. People like D-In might be like, hey, I didn't lose that much, but
Starting point is 03:17:09 basically what happened was... When I lost $63, I lost $61. Why are you lying? You know, it's hard to keep up with somebody else's money sometimes. I don't get that nitty-gritty into the ledger. There is a ledger that keeps up with all-time wins and losses, and I was like, I don't need to see that that like i'm gonna start feeling bad for some people like like
Starting point is 03:17:28 i might be down on the on the on the long run if i am it's a little like like 80 it's no more than 100 i don't think all time i'm probably ahead all time but um dn like i don't know bought him for fifty dollars and he was winning and he's talking a lot you know he's like he's like a whole this and that and then loses it all and he's like ah and then i see him like he doesn't ask for more money he just like types it in and it like happens and like like boom now he's got a hundred or whatever. And, like, that hand, like, all in again and loses it all again. And I'm just like, I don't know if Dean can afford to be playing at this level. And he ended up losing, like, what I would guesstimate to be, like, $250, $350 or something like that that night. And then he didn't play the next night.
Starting point is 03:18:22 He's like, I can't afford to play it tonight. I will come back at a later date. It's yeah man that was a rough fucking night and then like our boy that owned the planes right his you know stepdad has that fleet of planes he doesn't really play with us anymore um because he had like a 1400 loss one night and uh and and that put an end to that he's like i, I've got money, but I don't want to lose $1,400 again. That hurt. That was that night when I texted you. I was up like $600.
Starting point is 03:18:50 I texted Woody and I was like, Ponage just lost like $500. And Woody was like, hey, the only way to – can't win it back if you stop playing. Tell them to double down. And I was like – what i literally did i was like woody says you can't win it back if you if you're not playing the game he says to double down and i think he bought him for like a grand or something like that i sent another picture he's got a thousand dollars in front of him and he was like oh no i was kidding what he would like to relay that he was joking yes he's like oh it's too late he's all in yeah it gets out of hand
Starting point is 03:19:27 uh and but but the meanness of that group is what's really fun sometimes because there's they're just like and it's fun it's fun to see like someone new to the group will try to make like a joke that would have been fine if i had made it or if like scum had made it or like dn even if dn had made it or fish or anybody but like we it or like DN, even if DN had made it or fish or anybody, but like, we don't know you that well, we're not having that. Fuck you,
Starting point is 03:19:50 bro. What'd you fucking say? You piece of shit. I'll start calling them all sorts of slurs. Like, like the worst shit imaginable. And then really personal stuff, like digging into people's like personal lives and going after their lives.
Starting point is 03:20:02 It's being me. Cause I'm picturing dirty saying, I don't want to say like some of it's so goddamn mean no not like what they said but the who oh to everybody like everybody it goes back and forth like they're all getting it they're all getting it some get it more than others but you're fucking ugly you you got crooked teeth and like your eyes droopy and like i bet you get no pussy and like you don't have enough money to even play in here like the cut does kyle let you play for free like how do you even get in here who's giving you 50 a month to sneak in here and then they'll start dude every every so often i'm flabbergasted by by how like needlessly mean some people are in there
Starting point is 03:20:44 we're like i'll join and i'll just be like hey does anybody want to play magic or something and it'll be like no we're not doing that we're making fun of this person for being poor it's like yeah all right i guess like yeah yeah and uh and you know i i'm nice to everybody in there um i i i just are they mean you ever no i mean they're not meeting me either give me a hard time yeah they'll give me a hard time um dirty especially me and dirty go back and forth a lot um because like um what did i say i had i got him like three times good in a row with some knee slappers i said something about like when we were we're gonna go to the roller coasters
Starting point is 03:21:20 in in colorado and i said something about um're going to be asking me if I'm your guardian to get on the fucking ride or something like that. I saw Dirty burn you and it was the best line I ever heard. They're playing Magic the Gathering and people need to know Dirty's cum apparently burns his girlfriend. Something
Starting point is 03:21:39 about the diet Pepsi he drinks perhaps makes it acidic and it... Gen genetic abnormality so so so yeah yeah but anyway she has like burning from this and uh kyle had beat dirty a couple times in a row in magic and he was laying it down and then dirty had the he staged a comeback and uh after he wins he's like kyle is my cum really acidic or is that just for the memes he just blew a load of it i think you i think you told them to bring some platform shoes so we could all enjoy the roller coasters together i i i was going after his height for a while and then there was something with his i I wish I could remember the thing.
Starting point is 03:22:29 There was a couple things about his sex life where I just roasted him twice in a row, and it was fucking awesome. Something about... Fish will stream Tinder. He'll stream his Tinder and swiping on girls and they'll just roast these girls
Starting point is 03:22:47 mercilessly. Then occasionally we'll come up with mean things. Just bullying people on the app. Does Tinder have a way of matching good people with good people or do you just match with everyone and you choose? Matching is when you both swipe right on each other, like you kind of
Starting point is 03:23:05 get like the crowd and you you whittle your way through it so like if you're a let's just say you're a dime you get the same people that a nickel does it's just who's my matches back on you there is this feature called um like standouts or something like that where you can like swipe over this thing and it's like the hottest chicks within like 30 miles or whatever your range is set to and what it is i'm sure is like everyone swipes right on these bitches like like and like every girl in there will look like a swimsuit model they're almost all always in bikinis and it's just like yeah i think i see why these are all standouts like like i guarantee every dude who's's on Tinder is swiping right on all of these women.
Starting point is 03:23:46 for sure. So there is that, I don't know if that exists. That probably exists for women as well. We're like, you go to standouts and there's like a bunch of like 10 out of 10 dudes over there. So that's probably a thing.
Starting point is 03:23:57 Okay. But, but like fish will be streaming his Tinder and like, we'll be having, or, or pwnage will sometimes too. And we'll, we'll be looking at that. Do they rip on the
Starting point is 03:24:06 girls, or do they rip on the girls that make the cut? Like, you know, you swiped right on her, that implies that you're low standard. To message someone. Fishes standards are way too high. Fishes standards are shockingly high.
Starting point is 03:24:22 Like, class will be like, class will be like, I just cutie class will be like i just watched you swipe right on like five hot women in a row fish and he's like ah i didn't like her nose like like what do you do like his standards are way too funny wait swiping right is the good one right that's the good one yes yeah that's i meant left like he'll swipe left on like a lot of really good looking women and we're all just befuddled. I think Klaas was like, do you even have any matches?
Starting point is 03:24:49 What are you doing? He has some high standards. I'm not sure what he's doing over there. He's shooting a shot, man. He's doing his best. Yeah, but he's not shooting enough shots. He's shooting at some real distant targets. You shoot for the moon, the worst you can do is burn up on re-entry
Starting point is 03:25:07 okay yeah maybe i'd rather burn up on re-entry than just die in the vacuum of space which i think is what's more likely when you swipe right on only like sports illustrated models yeah i was killing this metaphor i like like it. There's so many, like, at least I remember there being so many obviously fake profiles. Oh yeah. Well, you can dodge those,
Starting point is 03:25:30 you know, you just, I mean, I don't know if it's changed cause I know you still use it, but like it, it seems like a wildly high percentage or be like, Oh no. Well you're advertising an Etsy store.
Starting point is 03:25:41 Like, like you're, you know, you're trying to get people to sign up for LinkedIn or whatever? You'll, sometimes it's just like, these are professional photographs. And like, the only thing your bio has is like your Snapchat or your Instagram. So it's either A, a prostitute or, or more likely B, it's, they're going to want you to click a link or like do a thing that's like.
Starting point is 03:26:02 A phishing attempt. Phishing attempt of some kind or um and then there's some of them who are actually running like legitimate scams where there's like oh yeah they'll like try to have a conversation with you and be like yeah i'm 15 miles away could you uber me to your house and it's like yeah where do i send the car oh no just cash at me the money and i'll pay for it you're like oh yeah how much does it cost ah it's 80 and it's like oh well how about how about you pay for it and then when you get here i'll give you 80 cash no i don't think so i don't have 80 in my bank account it's like you don't have 80 in your bank account ah well then how are you gonna how many rupees do you have ish
Starting point is 03:26:43 you're not that hot blonde woman i've been fucking talking to for 20 minutes so you figure that out quick that like a lot of the profiles are fake you can kind of tell if it's like there are a lot of them to be true are a lot of them prostitutes on there i don't know because because like if i see one that looks like that i'm just like not having it like like i can just kind of tell like based on like what the quality of the photograph is if it's like something someone did with their iphone or if it's something someone stole off the internet to pretend like they're and you can you can reverse image search by using a a website called tiny eye it's spelled just like it sounds and uh you just like upload the image there and it searches like
Starting point is 03:27:21 billions of images throughout the internet and if it finds a match it like shows you so like i've been talking to a girl before and like continuing the conversation but tiny eyeing every one of her pictures till one pops up and i find that it's some porn star and i named like rosalie or something whatever the fuck and i'm like your name's not rosalie is it and they're, of course not. I didn't think so. And you just start sending them screenshots of the results. They're not like, why would that make this more believable for you? I wonder if tiny eye is better than Google. Are you familiar with Google image search?
Starting point is 03:28:00 Yeah. I think tiny eye is better. Okay. Do you think that most of those prostitutes on there are real or if they're like police stings? I don't know because I want nothing to do with a prostitute.
Starting point is 03:28:14 You know, so like I don't get involved with that. Fish told me, because I was talking to Fish about how like how X-Jaws would get weed in Vegas, but before it was legal, he would just use Instagram hashtags and 420,
Starting point is 03:28:29 and he would find people who were showing off big piles of weed, and then he'd hit them up. Like, hey, man, seems like you got a lot of weed. I have a lot of cash. Perhaps we could do something here. And he would just buy a lot of weed from them.
Starting point is 03:28:41 And I mentioned that to Fish, and he's like, oh, yeah, there's a lot of cops on there now doing undercover stings and that sort of thing. But we do see some people who are just overtly drug dealers. Instead of pictures of them in a bikini, it's pictures of weed or pictures of edibles or pictures of name a drug. And they're just like straight up with it. Like, like prices listed and stuff like that. It's like, they're just running a drug store right off of their tender. That seems like really sketchy. Like it'd be like, like clearly entrapment or something. I don't know the rules of entrapment. How does that work? I don't think that's entrapment. I think that it's, you're just a dumb dumb.
Starting point is 03:29:25 If you, I mean, I'm sure some of them are just drug dealers, right? Some of them are legitimate drug dealers. And I suppose some of them are just cops being super lazy, sitting at a desk somewhere on tenders for fake selling drugs. What a bunch of assholes.
Starting point is 03:29:38 And like, I can just imagine them setting up like that sting through Tinder and like presenting someone's Tinder bio as like evidence in court. That'd be so ridiculous. So yeah, don't buy drugs off Tinder kids or have them delivered through the mail. Buy it at the drug store legally. Or yeah,
Starting point is 03:29:54 go to Chevron, get your Delta eight. Yep. Get yourself, whatever. Dirty's on a Delta eight now. He's a one. Is he?
Starting point is 03:30:03 Is he? Yeah. Yeah. They all are. They all are. Every one of them that's not an illegal state is on Delta 8 now. Is he? Yeah. They all are. They all are. Every one of them that's not in a legal state is on Delta 8 now. Yeah, it's exploded in popularity everywhere. I wonder if they're going to legislate against it.
Starting point is 03:30:13 I think they're not. Because it used to be they would play whack-a-mole with every new drug that came along. And now it's like the trend is towards making regular pot, which I think you could call Delta nine. Yeah. I think legal. And it's not like finding new ones to fuck with. So I would imagine the same. Hopefully I think what I think that they won't mess with it because they
Starting point is 03:30:36 don't know about it. I don't think that anyone who legislates knows about it and it's not an issue for them to get to garner votes from. And that's what, that's when politicians do things when they can earn a vote i think what would trigger that is if there's some news story some high school kid gets high on delta aid and like wrecks his car into the cheerleading squad like that's gonna be it if that happened like literally what i just described some fucking high school student high on delta 8 crashes into the cheerleading squad and there's a fucking tmz video or whatever and uh and all and there's dead cheerleaders on
Starting point is 03:31:09 the field all of a sudden it's uh it makes a lot of sense to start legislating it's delta 8 crusading like my my head went to a different place like some maker of melatonin is contributing campaign dollars to his politicians saying people are using Delta 8 to go to sleep instead. Not melatonin. Legal weed. The legal weed lobby hates Delta 8. They can't be having that. That's slowing down
Starting point is 03:31:36 what they're trying to do. They want to sell their product in all of the states. I feel like Delta 8 is a problem for them. It's holding things back. It's an even more a problem for them it's it's it's holding things even more direct competitor for delta 9 but they also delta 8 is not legal in colorado for example like the states where like weed is straight up legal you can't get delta 8 my my impression of what i've been told that delta 8 actually is it's it's hemp that has been sprayed
Starting point is 03:32:02 with a chemical right they've like created delta eight i guess chemical like with chemistry i don't know they're like spraying it on to like i've heard that said like oh it's literally just pot with like special sauce sprayed on it it's like is it really yeah i mean it's like like chemically it, it's like one – the molecule is very, very similar. It's like one or two chemicals off of – what do you say? Quantity of stride? Yeah, exactly. It's very similar.
Starting point is 03:32:38 But how they derive it, I don't know exactly. I know it comes from hemp, but I assumed that they are doing something in a laboratory to create Delta-8. I've also heard of people selling Delta-9, which is marijuana, which is THC, as Delta-8.
Starting point is 03:32:57 How would you know? Unless you were just like, damn, this is hitting good. This is way better than the last one i thought yeah that's what my bank store guy told me i can see them like uh like if the pot lobby was like the pro legalize it i can see them like fighting more for just getting it like delta 9 legal in the states where delta 8 is currently legal because everyone's going to switch to the regular stuff immediately it's not like they'd have to go through the rigmarole of like okay we got a lobby to get this illegalized and then the next step
Starting point is 03:33:28 we'll be fighting for the stuff we've been fighting to get legalized forever like i imagine they just take the same route that like you know colorado did where it's like oh dolphin eyes is legal okay well then that's the only form that's legal here boom yeah yeah i don't know i i think that like i think it might slow down the activism for legal weed. People are like, I've got Delta 8. Right? Why do I need Delta 9 if I have Delta 8? It's a way to get votes now, is to legalize it. It's popular enough that even in areas we would assume like, oh, Kentucky, they just want to fuck up. No of them want it like the the that scale has been tipped and it's not going back i would think yeah i don't think so either i look forward to the day when it's just legal everywhere for especially federally legal um let's see what that does to my situation and all that yeah but more
Starting point is 03:34:21 over i just want to smoke some weed i'm so excited to get fucking high. I've been looking forward to it for so long. I've told that story before, but I just remember getting home from jail. Not prison, but jail. Three, four years ago or whenever the hell it was. And just being in the bathroom and thinking to myself, super stressed out obviously, and just thinking, this is going to be over eventually. This is going to be over eventually. This is going to be over eventually. And you know what? I'm going to have a water bong in front of me. I'm going to be sitting on a couch somewhere
Starting point is 03:34:50 and I'm going to be smoking some weed. That's coming. I thought it would be coming a lot sooner. But I was like, eventually, no matter what, if it's fucking two years, five years, or ten years, we'll get back there. And now I'm like, whatever it is.
Starting point is 03:35:05 Let's see how many days. 89, I'm going to guess. It's less than that. It's 86 days now. And four hours. Getting close. Getting fucking close. Very excited.
Starting point is 03:35:17 Zach asked me if I'm smoking Delta-8 now that I'm home. No, no. I definitely don't still have that bait pen to share with Jackie, but if I did, that's what it would be. The question though, I guess I thought of the pen is like a thing that would just run out and end. You guys have acted like it will last for a really long time for someone who just like takes three puffs and stops or sometimes four, three puffs and stops. Or sometimes four. But I don't know, in my head, I was like, this is the thing is going to stop working shortly. And then there'll just be no more. I don't have another source. It's ended. And it's like, oh, right, Delta 8 exists. And it's legal in this state.
Starting point is 03:36:02 And I looked it up on the internet. There's a smoke shop, I guess, or vape shot or something in Raleigh, in my town that sells it. But to hear you say like, shit, does the BP station down on the corner sell it? Like, like minute, like less than five minutes away. Like, like there have been PKA's where like, I was like, oh shit, I shit i need something from the gas station like like in the time that it takes that you would think i was in the bathroom i've driven to that gas station and back like it's like two and a half minutes away it's just like zip zip and maybe i have that situation and don't even know it like like you'll write you know you can ask them but like you can i i recognize it immediately they have a bunch of nefarious shit at my gas station anyway.
Starting point is 03:36:46 There's lots of switchblades and mall ninja shit. My gas station's pretty trashy. They've got it. They've got it. They've got those drinks to clear marijuana
Starting point is 03:37:02 out of your system. It says pee clean. It looks like a Gatorade or something like that. But then I noticed the other day, a couple weeks ago, it was like, holy shit. They've got three different kinds of Delta-8 vapes here. They've got the Sativa, the Hybrid, and the
Starting point is 03:37:18 Indica right there. And then I was talking to Kitty the other day and she had Delta eight gummies and she's got a fucking bag of them at her house. And I'm just like, well, shit. Oh, fuck. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 03:37:34 All right. Yeah. I bet those are fun. I should go home. This is no longer a safe environment for me. Yeah. Yeah. I didn't think it was that awesome i
Starting point is 03:37:45 don't know on the show i guess i got hired because i didn't care like there were like dead pauses in the show which i would previously like never you know i would always feel that and i would just slinked back in my chair not giving a fuck so i guess it did something but i also yes it wasn't like being drunk where you really are in a different place so next time you you have an opportunity to use one of those vapes um you know make sure you get it into your lungs because like that you want to you want to like take the puff like like draw upon it and then really get it in your like and then hold it for you know i've heard people say that like it doesn't matter how long you hold stuff in your lungs but like right how could it not come on it's like your lung tissue's absorbing something it just seems like longer is better i'd hold it in there for
Starting point is 03:38:34 like a good solid three seconds at least and uh and then i'd if it were me i'd do that 10 fucking times having only seen me smoke it the one time, like two or three shows ago, I can see why you'd give that advice, but I've done that. And, uh, it's funny. Like it'll be like, I'll be like, I don't think it did anything. And then I like move or like fill up a glass of water. I'm like, Oh wait, actually. Yeah. Yeah. No, I'm yeah. I'm altered. I've, um, I've only used those, uh, once. Um, and it was on that Colorado trip with Taylor. And it was definitely a less potent high for me. I found it to be more of a kind of a giggly, like, oh, yeah, I'm pretty high kind of thing.
Starting point is 03:39:16 It's what we used when we were playing miniature golf and we wanted to get high because you can't just light up a joint or a bowl out there but like smoking like a water bong or a pipe like burning weed like like flour or especially doing like concentrate is just night and day stronger to me anyway my experience okay like like doing concentrate it's just like a fucking all right we're fucking high oh shit we're high oh fuck um i whoo that can i do another one is that even safe like like you're you're real real fucking high when you when you smoke uh and then edibles i'm like every expert has told me the same thing edibles are not a beginner's high you can't tell and you can't get out of it because it lasts so long. Whereas regular high, like 45 minutes later, you're, you know, you're on the downside.
Starting point is 03:40:08 Like it's going, it's wearing off. Edibles can be hours and hours and you might not want to be there, but it still seems like the nicest way to get high. Like you telling me a gummy bear, like that's, that's just, you just can't measure it in real time. I enjoy the smoking, but also it's a different high. It's a different drug. Because your liver processes it, and it turns it into something else.
Starting point is 03:40:31 It turns into a different drug, and it's a different kind of high for sure. It feels different, and not only, like you said, does it last way longer and take way longer to kick in and all only, like you said, does it last way longer and take way longer to kick in and all that, but it's hard to, like you said, it's hard to gauge how much to take unless you're just a real fucking stoner, and every day you're like, all right, I did 10 yesterday, so let's do 20 today, and you keep ramping that up to find your perfect dose.
Starting point is 03:41:00 It seems like you should take a gummy, take a hit, and as the hit wears off, the gummy kicks in. That's what you do. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. You got the tactics down pat. I felt like a genius for a second there. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 03:41:13 As if some pot firm is going to be like, guys, this 50-year-old North Carolinian man has cracked the code. Oh, yeah. Like, when I have access to all the goodies, like, when we're out in Colorado, I'm not just, like, popping a gummy and be like, well, I'll be high eventually. Like, you guys enjoy your smokes, but I'm going to get high on these gummies in an hour or two. If only there was some way to get high while I waited. Right now. Right now. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:41:46 I'm really looking forward to smoking some cool stuff. I want to smoke all the different things. Hotloads said New York banned Delta 8. That sucks. Yeah, because they have legal weed. Anywhere there's legal weed, they're not allowing it. Yep. Which is fair.
Starting point is 03:42:01 Totally fair. It's not going to be the cheerleader my it's not going to be the cheerleader disaster. It's going to be the lobbyists. They haven't rolled out the legal weed, but it's legalized. They haven't rolled out the stores
Starting point is 03:42:18 and everything, but my understanding is they're no longer prosecuting marijuana crimes, I believe. Okay. Like getting that infrastructure down is, uh, is what takes a long time. Like, I think there's several States, like maybe Massachusetts even is one of them.
Starting point is 03:42:32 I think there's a couple on the East coast that are like that. We need an actual pro pot president. Obama was kind of, he just didn't have any, uh, like public backing. Like he stopped prosecuting marijuana crimes and you know he was a like he was the first president that really admitted that he inhaled yeah and he had this great line of people don't know they're like you know did you smoke pot and
Starting point is 03:42:57 he's like yeah i did and they said did you inhale because clinton said he hadn't and he goes yes that that that was the whole point. That is such a funny thing. It feels so like Clinton saying, but I did not inhale. Like that as if that would. And everyone's like, oh, we thought we had something to worry about. It's like, really? That's funny because Bill Clinton was probably like talking to his PR guy.
Starting point is 03:43:24 Like, well, I mean, everybody thinks I'm pretty cool. I say I didn't inhale. Everybody's going to think I'm a fucking loser, man. I feel like he's like, yeah, yeah, she sucked my dick. Did you cum? No, I did not. Oh. I would never cum in that bitch's pussy. Did you see a birthmark on the left ass cheek?
Starting point is 03:43:41 Yeah, you couldn't. Oh, shit, you got me. Yeah, we really't. Oh, shit. You got me. Yeah. Yeah, we really do need just more. Well, I guess. Who is it? Is it Washington or Oregon? That's just like clean sweep. Like, oh, yeah, the mushrooms are good.
Starting point is 03:43:56 Or maybe it was. I'm not sure. Yeah, it was one of those, I think, though. And I want to say they allowed acid, too. Really? Maybe. Yeah, we're pioneering drug criminalization experiment yeah decriminalizes possession of small amounts of pretty much all drugs so yeah including like meth and cocaine and heroin you know it would suck because like everybody said for the longest time like yeah, you could legalize fucking meth, and I'm not going to do meth.
Starting point is 03:44:28 What if they legalized it, and it's like, uh-oh, everybody started doing it. So I don't think everyone is going to do it. That, of course, is an exaggeration. But will more people do it? If pot was illegal, I wouldn't have smoked it. I wouldn't have found a dealer in Colorado or whatever. Totally because it was legal,
Starting point is 03:44:48 it made it seem okay. I don't always take my morality from the law. I think that's dumb. That's crazy. Only because it was legal did I do that. You just tell me that there won't be some
Starting point is 03:45:04 dumb high school kid who does meth who otherwise wouldn't, who does acid who otherwise wouldn't, who just, you know. There will be. There will be because, like, the same way that, like, do you think nearly as many people would drink if they had to brew their own beer or open a still? Most people would be like, that is such a ridiculous, like, hurdle. No, no, I'm not doing that. So, you know like i nobody could with half a brain would think like oh yeah you legalize that drug and the same exact number of people are going to do it like no you will see an influx of it uh just to what extent who knows
Starting point is 03:45:35 that'll be interesting to see this has never been tried yeah and the prosecution of drug crimes can be worse than the drug crimes themselves. Yeah. Often. So that's, that to me is what the experiment is. You know, are we going to have more or less meth trouble when we stop bringing the police in about meth? Yeah.
Starting point is 03:45:56 Well, we'll still have to bring in the police about meth when it gets rowdy, you know? Oh, right. Meth is a rowdy one. That's one thing about weed. Like,
Starting point is 03:46:04 I don't know. People who are under the influence of weed tend to watch Netflix and eat Fritos. Those are not public nuisances. Woody, do you know anything about the Kawasaki V-Strom
Starting point is 03:46:20 650? Yeah. As a matter of fact, Chris brought the 1050 version of it. Are you calling it audible on your motorcycle pick? Yeah. Yeah. As a matter of fact, Chris brought the 1050 version of it. Are you calling it audible on your motorcycle pick? No, I was just like I was looking at accessories earlier today for the SV 650 and I caught
Starting point is 03:46:36 on to the... V-Strom's a nice bike. It's an adventure bike. It's roughly the same as my last bike. It's a little less suspension travel than, say, the real hardcore dirt version. There are a ton of accessories available for the V-Strom. Like, it's super popular in that regard. So people deck it out.
Starting point is 03:46:55 And I like it. It's a good bike. I like the Versys, too. They're both good bikes. Yeah. Yeah. I was looking at that and obviously. But I think the SV6, it's about a grand more.
Starting point is 03:47:06 I think it's a, I think it's like, um, is it heavier? I, that I don't know. Yeah. But so the thing about like the weight and height of a bike is they kind of
Starting point is 03:47:17 work. The thing is this, it gets tipped over a little and you're a tall guy. So it's, it's going to hurt you less, but it gets tipped over a little and it's a small problem it gets tipped over a little more and it's that much to save by putting your foot down if you were short like if you were a girl shit these things are at like 45 degrees before you're
Starting point is 03:47:35 wrestling it back yeah but as a guy you can reach so far it's practically vertical and you can ride any bike but the v-strom 650 be perfectly fine good bike. I said that weird. It would be a perfectly good bike. First bike. I think I like the SV more, honestly. I just like the looks of it more. It looks like the FTR. It does. I like that exposed painted chassis.
Starting point is 03:47:58 I'm not crazy about the color. It's like white or silver on the gas tank and then the bars are red. You don't love that? If you were to use one use one you could change the color but i want to say that they only have one color in the new yeah as you go back like i noticed that like the colors change as you go back through the years there's a maybe last year's was black and then the year before that might have been blue um yeah there was like a blue and gray combo or something yeah so what i
Starting point is 03:48:24 was i was looking into what's it cost to wrap a tank? I think you want to keep the original colors for resale value, but a wrap on that tank would prevent scratches and I could have it black, which I think is what I prefer.
Starting point is 03:48:39 People do that. What happens if you get gas all over wrap? Is it okay? I don't know, but my guess is because it's for automotive and motorcycle use that they're resistant to that. I don't know. I guess I could be extra careful. I have one of those racing fuel
Starting point is 03:48:55 tanks. The ones that's like a big baby bottle with the hose that comes out. Those are perfect for pouring gas and not spilling. You probably fill up the gas station most of the time. You fill up the gas station. It'd be a bit to do that every time.
Starting point is 03:49:11 That's what would happen. I spill gas on my motorcycles all the time. It's usually because I'm trying to fill it up to the tippy, tippy top. I'm going across the country and you know, every drop of fuel I get in here lowers my risk of being running out of gas.
Starting point is 03:49:32 And I just don't give a fuck. I fill it until it spills over. I let it settle. Then I let it spill over again. Fuck you. It's my motor. I'll do what I want with it. And yeah. So I just saying like, if I had a wrapped tank,
Starting point is 03:49:49 it would definitely happen sometimes, even if I tried to prevent it. Yeah, yeah, for sure. Yeah, that would be a question I would have. But I don't know. I think I might like it better if the tank were black. Okay. Black and red kind of goes together. Yeah, you showed us that one.
Starting point is 03:50:02 That's a good look. It goes with your whole aura. Yeah, just showed us that one. That's a good look. It goes with your whole aura. Yeah, just park it right here. I probably would do that. If I buy that bike, I'm going to try to find a way to get it into this room. I like that idea. What a pain in the ass. I'm just like, here's the bike.
Starting point is 03:50:18 It was hard getting it. I dropped it four times. I wish my studio wasn't upstairs. This is the floor below the basement. It's negative two. It's really difficult to get this bike in here. It smells
Starting point is 03:50:33 like I'm leaking gas after that. So that's exciting. You might actually go to the store and buy it tomorrow. Yeah, I'm definitely going. I'm definitely going back. I think I'm going to talk to someone about... I'm hoping it's still there because there was only one there when I was there
Starting point is 03:50:50 the other day. I'm going to talk to them about what the whole kit and caboodle will cost and see if I can get some kind of... because I need to do the shopping for the boots and everything. All the goddamned accessories. Anything I might want to add on to the
Starting point is 03:51:06 bike. I'm not crazy about the way that exhaust looks, but that's probably something down the road. I think I might want a windscreen. Probably something I still wait down the road. I don't know if there's anything I want to touch on immediately. Probably just leave it stocked for a while until I'm comfortable riding it. There is a
Starting point is 03:51:21 black version that has a small windscreen. The cafe version. It's a little more that has a small wind screen, the cafe version. It's a little more money, but you might like it. Show me that. Okay. SV650 cafe. I'm going to do that.
Starting point is 03:51:39 Ooh. Ooh. You found it faster than me. I doubt this is like what we're talking about. Cause God, Oh, this looks so cool. It looks like we're dangerous for some reason though.
Starting point is 03:51:54 I don't know what you see. I just searched SV six 50 cafe racer. And I'm seeing a lot of different looking bikes. I'm sure these are like multiple years that have been... Some of them look real cool, though. I don't know. I like the way motorcycles look. I don't like this one as much as the one
Starting point is 03:52:13 you had picked out. You have to scroll down a little bit, Kyle, in that link I just gave you. You'll see it. It's black. It has a brown seat. It has a little bit of a windscreen. Oh, that's a tiny little windscreen.
Starting point is 03:52:32 Yeah. So I don't, I haven't had good luck with windscreens. Mine's bigger than that. And what I find is that if my helmet is in clean air, it's pretty quiet and the air just flows by. If my helmet's in turbulent air, it's not more comfortable and it's just louder. I want this bike.
Starting point is 03:52:51 Maybe you're not ready to make the decision. No, no, no. It's the same bike. It's the same bike. It's just like a different color. I like this infinitely more. It costs more. It's $700? Yeah, like $500 more. You gotta go go red black.
Starting point is 03:53:07 Okay. I actually thought you would like the other one because it looks so much like the FTR, at least to me. But maybe you like this one. I'm really liking that brown seat. I don't know. I'll figure it out. I like brown seats too. I'm a sucker for them.
Starting point is 03:53:18 I like the brown seats a lot, man, especially on a black bike. I don't know. I'll figure it out tomorrow i'm just i think the thing with motorcycles it's not like buying a house or a car or something like that they're seven thousand dollars and they have great resale value yep i can ride this thing for the next six months trade it in and buy a new one and yeah you can do that every six months there's so many people who are like 28 years old and they're on their like 25th motorcycle or something outrageous like that like taylor you're 30 ish i don't know you're not sure if you're 30 yet and uh how many cars have you owned this is my fourth car four right yeah they're 18 year olds with that many motorcycles so it's a different thing people they switch in and out they do their thing
Starting point is 03:54:09 yeah it holds its value so well it's more of an accessory and i mean in the grand scheme of things they're rather fucking cheap unless you're getting it like i don't know some of the nicer bikes are 25 you know like if you've got a 25 000 motorcycle you've got a pretty fucking sick bike you might have like a like 25 grand in the race world is outrageous you bought a formula one car it goes 200 miles an hour it literally goes 200 miles an hour if you're spending 25 grand on a race bike um i was looking at like um i don't know like new i can't remember what class i was looking at some youtube videos looking at today and uh harley has a new bike that looks badass let me see if i can find it is it called a pan
Starting point is 03:54:55 american i don't know okay he seems like he's too big to ride a motorcycle who harley oh i think he was saying harley davidson has a new bike oh okay i was like i'm trying to picture harley on a motorcycle i'm not sure which one of us was wrong as you said that i'm like wait a minute did i not follow or did no i clearly missed it yeah harley davidson's newest bike i think is called the pan-american i just test drove it but i could be wrong i don't know everything i think it might be this um fxdr this might be it xdr one of them i looked at was a three-cylinder yeah triples are neat. Oh, wow. VR looks alright. I like it.
Starting point is 03:55:50 Yeah. Harley gets this knock for never doing anything new. This looks new to me. I see that it's an air-cooled V-twin, which is kind of their thing. It's like they're combining the old and new. I'm going to link it for Zach. 19 grand?
Starting point is 03:56:08 That's not so bad. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it's not cheap. It's a long way from 7. It's a brand new Harley. And it's not a baby Harley either. That's about right. Dude, me and the fucking girl stuff.
Starting point is 03:56:24 I'll look at a Harley and be like, this one looks cool. It's light. It's flexible. It's whatever. Then I find out that women love that bike. I'm like, first the cowgirl hat and the raincoats. Now the motorcycle. What am I doing?
Starting point is 03:56:41 Can you click on the red one in the top left, Zach? It appeals to me. Yeah, that bike. I like the look of it. What am I doing? Can you click on the red one in the top left, Zach? It's my, it appeals to me. Yeah, that bike. I like the look of it. And they're kind of doing this fusion of the air-cooled V-twin that Harley's known for. And to me, it looks like an updated look. Ah, here we go.
Starting point is 03:57:00 I found the, I went through my YouTube history. Like, yeah, that's what it was. It was the FXDR. This has different colors. It's got like a racing pack on it or something like that. It looks much more colorful. It's like orange white and it fades into the black on the seat. It's got a brown seat with a different exhaust and 117
Starting point is 03:57:25 racing decals and stuff. I like it. I like it. I don't know. It looks fucking sick. It reminds me a bit of the Indian, but even more sportier. I don't know. It's going to fucking rocket ship. I don't know. If you like motorcycles, this might be a second bike.
Starting point is 03:57:41 I look at this and think dropping it would suck. Oh, for sure. It's going to hit the handlebar and that exhaust and maybe the plastics of the seat too. That irks me so much. Little imperfections with things. I've kept really good care of my cars
Starting point is 03:58:03 but I have no dents on my car like no scratches on my car like nice it irks me if i get if something like that happens so i'm always really careful i don't park near people still like i park way in the side of the park and if i see like a shitty car i'm never parking next to it like if i am gonna park i'll park next to the guy in like the s550 fucking Mercedes or the guy in a fucking like brand new like shiny car like somebody who's not going to just swing their door open with reckless abandon
Starting point is 03:58:31 I don't know that's a cool looking bike but I do think that this SV650 is like what I should do because it's nice and cheap it's nice and light it's a little on the smaller side it reminds me of all the things I liked about the the Honda Rebel 500 while at the same little on the smaller side um it reminds me of all the things i liked about the uh the honda uh rebel 500 while at the same time like being a little cooler um so yeah i think it's the way to
Starting point is 03:58:53 go and like i said i like that it's i like how cheap it is it's like crazy cheap monthly payments are like 130 dollars like yeah uh yeah there are a lot of bikes in that seven grand range that you could choose from like if you were to say less than $8,500 it's like oh we got 30 bikes to choose from yeah but different styles like I do like those cafe racer bikes look so
Starting point is 03:59:18 uncomfortable to ride but so fucking cool to look at dude I agree completely every time I see cafe racers I go totally want that what would you do with it you know all those times i like go to the coffee store like yeah you know cafe with the boys yeah yeah everyone's ringing my doorbell saying woody what are we going to starbucks today like that is not my life you have those long flat seats and like they just have like really nice lines and i'm looking at like that would i'm never gonna like i would love to like have one of those sitting in like my living room and like yeah look at that yeah they tend to have low power
Starting point is 03:59:57 which is cool like if your mission is in the in the city or something like that but where i live like it seems like the interstate is at least a part of every drive you know even if i'm going to the city i live in raleigh but if i were to go to the middle of raleigh i'd hit 70 along the way yeah that's one thing i'm a little intimidated about um like specifically like on like i-285 and uh like like the parts of interstate 85 that are like in atlanta when you're six lanes wide on that bike when everybody's just shifting lanes like i have no fear of that in my car like i'm going real fast and i'm you are the one who knocks yes in my car i am because i know if i knock into somebody i'm surrounded with airbags but that's what you think of me you think i get
Starting point is 04:00:43 hit i am the one who hits anyway carry on yeah i like and i've got that sort of philosophy that like as long as i'm faster than everybody else i don't need to like like like really pay attention to a whole lot like like when you're scraping that side it's a known thing we know what it is the faster you go the less you have to pay attention it really i mean honestly you're the case you pay more attention to what's in front of you. So this is the way to look at it. Like this stuff's important. Like, I mean, I'm looking in the rear view mirror occasionally to make sure some real psycho isn't coming up behind me at 120 or something. It'd be a 0.1% to be more psycho than us.
Starting point is 04:01:15 Almost never happens. I just drove 8,000 miles. I got past once. Oh, shit. Yeah. I remember one night driving back from my parents' house, like out to my apartment out here when I was like 20, 20 years old, I guess. And I was so drowsy and it must've been like 3am. And I think I had work in the morning, but I, but I didn't want to like wake up early and drive out. I wanted to like get out here and
Starting point is 04:01:42 get in my bed and like wake up and drive 30 minutes to work rather than get up early and drive out. I wanted to like get out here and get in my bed and like wake up and drive 30 minutes to work rather than get up early and drive three hours to work. It just made more sense to me, but I was just driving along and all of a sudden these fucking motorcycle passed me. He had to have been going well over 150. There's no way to estimate how fast he was going because like i never saw him coming from behind me it made a scary noise as he passed me and then he was gone he was the fucking night rider i wouldn't be surprised if he was going 175 plus like he had he had some kind of sport bike wide the fuck open because it's six lanes wide and nobody's on the road so like why not like this i guess that is the time to like see what your bike can do and it scared the piss out of me because i was like half asleep when he passed me the the amount of time that he was near
Starting point is 04:02:36 me was an instant it was like he was he was here and then he was gone it was yeah so fucking cool i remember thinking like what balls you must have to go that fucking fast. The interstate doesn't scare me, especially with a bike that goes interstate speeds like yours. Statistically, that's not where the accidents happen. The biggest accident is
Starting point is 04:02:59 no other cars involved. Motorcycle took the turn too fast. The same thing happens all the time like the rider misjudges the turn and doesn't ask the bike to make the turn in a car people always do they just turn the wheel more but on a motorcycle they'll just go straight into the trees off the cliff and to whatever it is because they're like i'm afraid the bike won't turn so i won't tell it to and that is that is a thing as a complete and utter novice i have it in my head that that bike will turn a lot more than i think it will yeah i've just seen those and i know i'm looking at race bikes most of the time when i've seen this done but like i see those things laid over like they just seem like especially if you got the right tires like they just seem to stick like fucking glue to real asphalt so like i don't think
Starting point is 04:03:51 i will make that mistake i think i will especially wearing gear because like the the idea of going into trees is terrifying the idea of laying it over too far ending up on my back and like sliding down the road i'm not afraid of that at all like i would almost a good day but it is preferred to the alternative when i was doing if i were making youtube videos and some motorcycle company who make gear wanted to pay me to do that i absolutely would i'd do that for sixty thousand dollars i would i would I would lay the bike over going 50 plus and fucking ride it out in their fancy gear with airbag suit and everything
Starting point is 04:04:30 with no fear. I've seen it done. I've seen those like, what's that Reddit squid something? Yeah, what is that? Yeah, I know. I think it's what they call asshole race bike riders
Starting point is 04:04:45 on streets. They call them squids or something. Yeah, people who don't wear gear and, like you said, drive like a hooligan. I can't think of it as squid something. I've seen those dudes popping wheelies next to each other on the
Starting point is 04:05:01 interstate and one of them comes down weird and gets all wobbly and then comes off the bike at 60, 70 miles per hour. Calamari race team. Calamari race team. Yeah. Great name. They're not hurt. They're upset about the damage to their motorcycle.
Starting point is 04:05:16 When they get up, they're stomping their feet. This is not a man who's concerned with his body. Sometimes they're hurt. You see them in the hospital with staples down their arm. They're like, oh, I got these stains. Yeah, sometimes they're hurt. But the guys who are really well geared up, when they've got the gloves that come up to here
Starting point is 04:05:35 and then the jacket, everything's overlapping and armored up. They seem like they're fucking invincible to asphalt at normal speeds. Guardrails, on the other hand, stuff like that. So the most common accident, not turning in a turn where you're required to. The second most common accident is you're hit by a car because the car didn't see you. Yeah. And that's just like you need to drive as if you are invisible. You can't expect a car not to make a left. And like in a car, you can just barrel through green lights your entire
Starting point is 04:06:12 life and expect it to work out okay. In a motorcycle, even if you have the green light, you know, slow down. Where's your exit path? What are you going to do if that guy who's thinking about making a left makes that left? Where are you going to do? If that guy who's thinking about making a left makes that left, where are you going to go behind them in front of them? You know, are you slow enough that you can react to it? That's how you drive a motorcycle all the time. Think about your exit.
Starting point is 04:06:33 So yeah, I'm going into this with a lot of, I don't know if fear is the right word, but a lot of respect for, for the dangers involved. I talked to my dad about this the other day. He was a little concerned about it at first, but I think I reassured him by having this kind of same conversation
Starting point is 04:06:49 and talking about the vehicles I intended to buy. I read the post-analysis reports of accidents, and oftentimes the motorcycle is saying, it wasn't my fault. It's like, okay, I accept that it wasn't your fault. Was there anything you could have done differently? Sure, you got cut off by a car Was there anything you could have done differently? You know, sure. You got cut off by a car,
Starting point is 04:07:06 but were you too close to him? Did you hover in his blind spot for a long time? You know, like it was anything you could have done differently because your fault or not in a car, if it's not your fault, you kind of win that accident. That guy has to pay for it and you're okay.
Starting point is 04:07:21 And a motorcycle, it was not your fault. You still lost. So yeah, my. In a motorcycle, if it's not your fault, you still lost. Yeah. My dad had a motorcycle. I guess it was maybe like 10 years ago now. My uncle bought it and then decided
Starting point is 04:07:34 that I don't think he could afford it anymore. I think he bought more motorcycle than he could afford or something like that. He bought a very expensive Harley. I don't remember what it cost. I don't know. it cost. It must have, I don't know. But in any case, it was
Starting point is 04:07:49 a big $20,000 to $30,000 Harley Davidson motorcycle. And dad would ride it occasionally, but his thing was always like, I don't know, people are always pulling out in front of me and not giving me enough room. Just doesn't feel safe. And I just don't think he
Starting point is 04:08:05 felt safe on the bike because of the other drivers and uh and that's always been like the conversation he and i would have my cousin um when he was like shit 17 18 maybe he always rode bikes like so it kind of made sense like growing up he was always like a dirt bike kid and uh and like before that he had a scooter like he went from a scooter to like a 250 cc dirt bike to like maybe a 450 and then right into a ninja and like he's like riding a ninja back and forth to work um i don't remember how big it was it was it was not a 600 cc bike i don't know what ninjas come in but but it was 7, 800, 900cc, whatever. And he went off-road one night. Like kind of what you said, I think he was avoiding an animal and went out into a
Starting point is 04:08:51 field. In Georgia, there's plenty of that. And just riding a sport bike through a dirt-clod field is just... until it decelerates down. And he was just like... I was just sitting there in the middle of Marshall's wheat field. I'd been going 80 a minute ago through curves and now I was like bogged down in the mud. Thankful that I wasn't a pine forest here instead. I had that experience. I was 17. It was young and it was fall. And I hadn't had experience with like, I stayed over my friend's house. So I was going home in the morning and it was cold, like 40. And I had no idea that if you just blast around at high speeds with no gloves on and it's 40,
Starting point is 04:09:32 that you literally can't operate your fingers. So I'm driving around unbeknownst to me, my fingers don't work anymore. And there comes up a stop sign. I only have the rear brake, which does like 25% of your braking on the street. And I just sort of skid right through it, skid across a big road, which fortunately there was no one else on, skid into some guy's front yard, skid across his front yard. I stopped in his flowers, like six inches from his front porch and realize i dodged a bullet duck walk it backwards and uh and drive away i'm looking at the windchill uh index um if it's 40 out and you're
Starting point is 04:10:14 going 40 miles per hour it's 10 degrees so yeah what is it at like 75 like it let's what I was thinking. Let's say it was 18 degrees out and you were going 40, it's negative 30. So like, yeah, that makes sense for your hands to stop working at 70, at 40. I didn't know that was going to happen. Yeah. Now I always wear gloves. I didn't wear gear when I was 17, but kind of like your friend, like I had a moped before I had a motorcycle.
Starting point is 04:10:43 I was on two wheels. My parents, my father in particular, liked us to have some sort of independence when he got his car his world opened up you know suddenly he could go anywhere and do anything and it was like sort of the start of manhood and freedom and in new jersey at 15 you can get a motor moped license yeah so my brother did that and I did that. And I think just the years on the mopeds kind of paved the way for motorcycles. Yeah. With parental approval, I should say.
Starting point is 04:11:15 I was always on four wheelers. You know, I was never interested in that stuff. But I have slowly been getting more and more interested in it. And then your passion for it has really gotten me more and more into it. It just seems like fun. So, you know, it seems like it should be against the law.
Starting point is 04:11:30 I like it so much. Yeah. I mean, it seems like the sort of thing those dirty liberals will make against the law someday. Yeah. Grr. It was anti-motorcyclists.
Starting point is 04:11:39 Law. No, I just hate real on earth. We probably wrap it up there. We're well over four hours right yep yeah I'm gonna get some dinner all right early no outros I guess PKA 555

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