Painkiller Already - PKA 587 - Brandon Buckingham - Thai Girls, Getting Louis CK’d, Danny Mullen Beef

Episode Date: March 19, 2022


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Starting point is 00:00:00 P.K.A. 587 with our guest Brandon Buckingham. Taylor, this episode of P.K.A. brought to you by Blue Chew, Lucy and Lock and Load, the finest cum enhancing sex boosting libido hammering pills on the market. Go ahead and check that out below. Code P.K.A. 20 percent off. Mr. Brandon Buckingham. Thank you so much for coming. I'm happy to have you on the show brad yeah nice to meet you guys now i i people might not be familiar first of all his channel is linked below i watch a lot of youtube videos and it's rare i'll think some are funny but it's rare that i laugh out loud at them and your trip to thailand is one of the funniest videos i've ever seen on youtube so give brandon a sub i want to go through that whole thing like in the first couple minutes of the video you kick off with like and so of course i have to stay in my room for 10 days in thailand i could never escape through the window the quarantine tales of an american
Starting point is 00:00:55 did idea happen how did it come to your mind like how did that all it's a 10-day covid quarantine just so everybody knows that they put him in when he lands in Thailand. Yeah, well, it's all speculative that I broke out. But I get there, and I don't know what to expect. But as soon as I get to Thailand, I'm looking at like – I hear so much about the sex tourism thing. So I'm looking at how do I get an escort, do-do-do-do-do. So you can just order them right to your house, masseuses, escorts, whatever you want. escort, do-do-do-do-do. So you can just order them right to your house. Masooses, escorts,
Starting point is 00:01:24 whatever you want. So as soon as I got to my hotel, I kind of ordered a woman of the night to rub my feet and whatnot, and it evolved from there. How many escorts dumped you before you got to the deed? It seemed like that was a recurring issue. Oh, what? Us ordering
Starting point is 00:01:40 escorts and freaking them out, and then they left? Yeah. That only happened once. Hold on, hold on hold on there was the one that walked in and found three guys and left maybe that's the one you're thinking of yeah there was the one on the street who said there was too much buffoonery and she peaced out oh yeah the big breasted one yeah she was great yeah yeah and it's a shame because you had taken if i understand this right penis enlarging pills you got from a random vendor on the streets of thailand yeah big penis that's a great problem wait wait was that his name or was that the name of the pills that's the name of the pills i wish the guy's name was big penis but no it was a pill called big penis and it caught my attention uh
Starting point is 00:02:19 obviously but i saw you guys were sponsored by a pill that apparently makes you cum more. We invented it. We came up with it, and we're now selling it. It's the apple of our eyes. We love Lock and Load. Kyle and I came up with the proprietary formula by busting over time, and it's
Starting point is 00:02:40 great. So if you want to cum more, we'll hook you up. You can click the link below and purchase it there. I think I'm going to have to try this. That sounds immaculate. Are you guys totally telling the truth when you say you've never ejaculated so much? That's a fact. A hundred percent. That's actually true.
Starting point is 00:02:52 Yeah. If we were lying, we wouldn't tell you to take nine of these pills a day. We'd say to take one. You're going to have to muscle this shit down if you want to be a champion. No pain, no gain. Same applies to supplements. It's like alpha brain for your balls yeah that's exactly what it is it says that on the bottle oh yeah so i got i
Starting point is 00:03:10 got to thailand and you know the whole the whole quarantine thing whatever whatever uh i didn't know how long i could go to jail but i heard if you broke out of quarantine you could go to jail but i just figured you know they were never going to catch me i blend right in in thailand but no there's this place called Nana Plaza, and it's advertised as the biggest adult playground on earth. It's pretty much this street that has a bunch of massage parlors. Nana Plaza itself is like this four-story brothel, apparently. And yeah, you walk down the street, girls are grabbing your arm,
Starting point is 00:03:39 grabbing your dick, being like, oh, sexy. You're so handsome. And it's just a place where you can fuck as many girls as you want, pretty much. Nice. For cheap. Yeah. Let's talk about cheap, though, because I think's just a place where you can fuck uh as many girls as you want pretty much safe cheap so yeah let's talk about cheap though because i i think you saw a thing where uh like 35 000 american dollars is a million uh thai monies whatever the fuck they use bought and uh so you quickly realized that you were a thai millionaire yeah the bot millionaire baby those stacks no i mean well you go you go to
Starting point is 00:04:05 thailand you realize that the expectation for a big dick is not there because the average penis of thai guys is you know smaller than other guys and you realize that your money goes a really long way so your dick is big you're richer than you've ever been you're probably tall everybody's probably shorter over there you feel like a mountain that'd be great just a nice confidence boost in in thailand no i'm not here to fuck i'm just here to mog small people small mountain shops it's the best of all of the worlds if you're if you're a tourist right because like i've got a friend who's in japan he's stationed there in the with the military and he's like dude i'm gonna i'm a good looking american guy who's taller than 5'8 with tattoos and muscles.
Starting point is 00:04:47 These Japanese girls think I'm fucking Yakuza mixed with George Clooney or something like that. I can imagine when you take that and multiply it by poor, by poverty, then the pussy really rolls in if you can find some poverty pussy. I think in Thailand the average income
Starting point is 00:05:02 for the citizens there is like $300- $500 a month or something like that. Something they really love. Yeah. They need that money. Yeah. Well, you could get $100 to have sex with a guy or you could work selling little chicken wings and stuff for $15 a day. Yeah, that's true. How many chicken wings?
Starting point is 00:05:21 I don't know. What's the chicken wing to cock ratio? I don't know. At some point, KFC, let's go. I don't know, but it gets cheap. So the website I was using was called People thought I was sponsored, but no. I just give props where it's due.
Starting point is 00:05:36 And for like under $100, you could order a girl to your house to have sex with. Is it like a – I'm sure it's like a hundred percent understood prostitute thing it's not like anyone would show up at your house and be like but i'm a sports masseuse what are you talking about like it's i i tried to get like massages to come to masseuses to come to my house just to give me a plain massage and they're trying to jerk your dick and stuff were they good at massages or were they they put all their eggs in the fucking handjob basket no they were very good you can tell when you're one of those like shitty ones in america where they like gently rub your back and like are caressing your fucking ass and waiting to flip you over
Starting point is 00:06:10 no though in thailand they're they're you know they're really doing a good job professionals they're ready to flip you like a pancake get onto the next guy professional masseuses that uh so there's a street called soy 7-1 i think it's called it's like blowjob street i'm gonna shout out my favorite bar wood bar wood bar on blow job street check it out you go there it's like 17 and you get like the most immaculate blow job of your life and they love it you know they love it how many of those did you take advantage of on blow bar blow job boulevard uh you know it's all speculative it's neither here nor there one two zero i don't know what is that that guy that's not you that you went with how many did did he
Starting point is 00:06:44 oh zilla zilla commie no i was looking up a guy that guy that's not you that you went with? How many did he? Zilla? Zilla Kami? No, I was looking up a guy. No, he's giving you away. Coming out? Oh, yeah. Steve. It's all CGI.
Starting point is 00:06:55 Hypothetically, the girls on Blowjob Alley, are they way more talented than the girls you find on Tinder? Yeah, they're very experienced. They want to get you out of there so they can suck the next dick. So they're really giving their best effort. There's like a sink where you can like drape your balls over and they'll clean your dick and your balls and your ass. Yeah, this is an amateur.
Starting point is 00:07:14 This is the NBA. Well, it's just amazing, you know. You could get on Tinder, try to whine and dine a girl, convince her you like her, this and that. Or you could go to Blowjob Bar, get it done with, and $17 just like that one of my favorite things that you did was was when you would pretend to head kick the prostitute and then pull your foot back and you can see them being like what the fuck is going on why is he
Starting point is 00:07:41 like going like into my face like no it's a part of the culture so you know it's like i'm breaking the language barrier because some of them couldn't speak english so you throw a few strikes you pull at the last guy and you're like oh he's he's an ally right when your guy's dad used to do that when you're younger come and just like actually he's gonna beat the fuck out of you and then he doesn't so you're really thankful yeah yeah everybody's dad they didn't pull they just laid you out but my one of my favorite parts of that video was you and your buddy or he might have just been freestyling in the back of a car overtly making fun of the the thai driver being like i bet this guy fucks men i bet he sucks dick i bet he's gay it's just ultimate trolling it's great i love your videos it's a fun adventure video yeah no i've actually been mia from the internet for over a month now because i got a terrible eye infection
Starting point is 00:08:36 when i was out in thailand thought i was going blind and actually uh is that why you were i noticed it was from february yeah well i posted every week for like 81 weeks in a row without missing a week and then went to Thailand, missed two weeks and then posted that last video and I've been MIA for a month. I literally couldn't see for like three weeks. I was like, thought I was going blind. What was the STD fear? The STD fear? Yeah, because I would like I imagine that there's a lot of that floating around like that would be pretty scary, right? I mean, I guess. Yeah, it's scary. that there's a lot of that floating around like that would be pretty scary right i mean i guess
Starting point is 00:09:05 yeah it's scary i i was certain i had something uh curable but i thought for sure i had something and i got a full panel std test i'm clean boy i'm good but they tested for chlamydia in your eye well i didn't get my eyes tested for chlamydia i don't know how they do that but i got my blood tested and everything and i don't have a single std yeah you know the regular test would have caught the eye chlamydia if i mean i'm not saying that high chlamydia doesn't exist i just think it's the skeeziest thing i've ever heard of yeah well it's like a couple run into chlamydia it'd be like getting crabs in your mustache or something it's so nasty you just don't tell people well you're being very judgy kyle no i i didn't have this eye chlamydia. This show is pro-eye chlamydia, just to be clear. Don't pay attention to Kyle.
Starting point is 00:09:48 I got the clap in my peepers. I'm a good Christian boy. I've never had an STD. I'm very clean and sweet. But no, you have sex with a prostitute you met on the street in Patia, and you wake up and your eyes are all infected. It's like, did she give me this?
Starting point is 00:10:02 You know what I mean? Did you do anything in the proximity of your eyes you weren't like everyone's like oh you prostitute no you don't buy a girl to go down on them yeah of course unless that gets you know i don't know risky business no i got it from the muay thai gym because you know i didn't have any chlamydia or anything so yeah that was my thought as well like i don't know i i know that like i think of us as americans here in the first world it's very clean people for the most part especially people like i've done a little bit of jets like and like man they keep that place clean and everybody who like knows what they're doing and like rolls like
Starting point is 00:10:36 they know that you don't want to get a staph infection you don't want to be gross you don't be stinky everybody smells so good guys who roll like smell like they're going on a date. Like, like when you, when you first go to the gym. Yeah. First, you know,
Starting point is 00:10:51 but, but, but at first it's like, Oh yeah, I want to roll with you. That's what's that Stetson. Yeah. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:10:55 Let's go big boy. Come on, get in here. But like, I just imagine the ties is just filthy, filthy, dirty little people. And I just imagined them like,
Starting point is 00:11:03 you know, hitting you with it. Yeah. Right. All this, you know Oh, Kyle, preaching to the choir. I just imagine them giving you the poop glove. Taking that glove and like in one of those Jean-Claude Van Damme movies where they put the tar
Starting point is 00:11:19 and the glass on the knuckles. Instead, it's just a little poop. I'm going to give this asshole her pink eye. Infect me. You can fake punch me, retard. Send me back blind. I didn't want to take it away from the whore talk. We do have to circle back to that.
Starting point is 00:11:35 The fighting. You said in your video that you hadn't sparred before. Yeah, I'd never done any striking. I started wrestling in third grade and wrestled all through college and then have been doing jiu-jitsu since 2019 at this gym called Crazy 88. But I had no striking experience. Okay, I'm not very good at striking, but you look like you had some striking experience. Like you threw a flying knee, and I was like, that doesn't look like his first flying knee.
Starting point is 00:11:57 Yeah, you're coordinated. He was throwing a flying knee at a prostitute in the middle of a Thai street. No, it wasn't. And if he connected with that little bitch, he'd throw up the fucking balcony. Oh, I guess, I guess you're just
Starting point is 00:12:08 an athletic, athletic guy. Um, no, I mean, I probably have better striking than someone who's never done any martial arts,
Starting point is 00:12:13 but if I'm going to be like, you know, if I'm sparring against someone who knows what they're doing, I'm not very good. I've heard they kind of like hold you up and, you know,
Starting point is 00:12:21 like, like they don't unleash it until it's time to win. Is that your experience? Dude, the Thai guys are great because they're so much better than you where they don't have anything until it's time to win. Is that your experience? Dude, the Thai guys are great because they're so much better than you. They don't have anything to prove. They've been doing it their whole lives. They're just super technical and just better.
Starting point is 00:12:31 Yeah, it was a great experience. Shout out FA Group. Shout out Yoten. All those guys. The gym I was at, they have the featherweight world champion in Muay Thai over there. So I went to a boxing gym here in America and my coach would just beat the fuck out of me. It was like unkind. I've told this so many times, but he used to hit me.
Starting point is 00:12:48 The body shots were so goddamn hard. I'm like, is this what it's like when you're fighting? Fighting because he was a pro boxer. Like, how does it feel when you actually hit a pro boxer and he hits me? He's like, no, it's like this. It's the fucking same. I was holding nothing back. It was a piece of shit.
Starting point is 00:13:06 I love watching those videos of guys coming into boxing gyms and challenging them. Because it's like a Bruce Lee movie, but in real life. I watched one the other day. The guy comes into this guy's boxing gym. The white trash guy and the black instructor. Yes. That one? Yeah, the black dude.
Starting point is 00:13:22 The black guy should get a fucking nobel peace prize for the restraint he showed oh and the fuck i don't know what you get for being a good boxing teacher but one of those like as soon as they get in the ring he starts setting up the timer and the guy's like what are you putting on some tunes nah nah this ain't for tunes we're boxing we're boxing like this guy's pretending like he's a boxer like right away that's kind of weird that he thought it was like a i don't't know, a music player of some kind. But then like as soon as they start moving around a little, the guy goes, that ain't boxing. And starts beating the shit out of him.
Starting point is 00:13:52 Just however he wants, not in a mean way, in a cruel way. So he'll be like, no, no, I ain't going to hit you. I ain't going to hit you. And the guy's like, I know you can hit me. I know you can. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But I'm not going to until I do. But now you hit me. And it's like, wait, you just said you're not't gonna hit you and the guy's like i know you can hit me i know you can yeah yeah yeah but i'm not gonna until i do but now you hit me and it's like wait you just said you're not gonna until you do when are you gonna ah and then he hits him but he's just fucking him up and
Starting point is 00:14:13 teaching him a lesson at the end he it's just a beating and he's like don't you ever come into a boxing gym and disrespect this place you think that's just what this is about he's just beating this guy down well deserved deserved. It was a well deserved beating. It was not. The penalty didn't fit the crime. The guy just didn't understand gym culture, in my opinion. He seemed like a goofy ass. He drove a far way.
Starting point is 00:14:35 Everybody wants to try it. Hey, if I went in to learn hockey, and then they're like, you don't step on the ice. You spend six weeks doing like fucking i don't know stick holding skills before you step on the ice that's what happens in boxing no boxing the first thing you do is hit heavy bags forever until you're in good enough shape to hit heavy bags forever they put you on that goddamn airdyne getting in shape and you're like
Starting point is 00:15:01 i wanted to play boxing but that's not how it works you don't get to spar against people right away this guy wanted to try that and they handed his ass to him but he just didn't know he was violating the culture if that is the the reality of it it's different this is just like how much these fight things get editorialized online is i had it in my head that like the original story i saw of like this guy has been harassing the the gym coach for weeks about how he's a pussy and you can never fight him and posting all over his Facebook page or his Facebook work page. And I was like, oh, well, good for him.
Starting point is 00:15:31 But if that really was just a video of a guy like, I'd like to learn to box, please. I want to see how I stack up against a real boxer. And they beat the pick. Go ahead, Kyle. I took it the way Taylor did, that this guy was coming in there to be like, you're the big bad boxer guy. I can whip your ass. Let's do it right now. And be like, oh, that's what you want to do?
Starting point is 00:15:53 You want to come in here and challenge the guy who runs the gym to a fight? Okay. All right. Let's do that real quick then. And he just beat the shit out of him. It reminded me of, remember that crazy white guy who would go around and challenge people? Charlie Zolanoff. Yeah. He'd ask, hey, you want to spar?
Starting point is 00:16:06 They'd be like, yeah, sure. He would attack them as soon as they said that. He'd be like, put the gloves on. You'd be in a locker room. Is that the guy that takes one swing? Boom, boom, boom. Unloading on them, putting combos on them. They're like, I'm barefooted, bro.
Starting point is 00:16:23 That's a W for him. Yes. He'd be like, what like do a little dance a little ollie shuffle action and like walk away and they're not even like in a ring on the clips i saw it's like they're standing by the lat pull down machine and he just suckers a guy and then walks away arms and i i didn't know who that guy was until that video got suggested to me and then i found a whole litany of videos of this guy challenging real fighters and the real fighters brutalizing him. Although it's like it's like edging because this guy is despicable, but he never really gets the shit kicked out of him. He always manages to flee. Like there's this huge big black guy that really laid some hammers into him. But the guy like ran away like the black guy's on top and he
Starting point is 00:17:05 could have really let him have it and being sporting is like get the fuck out of here and then the guy like walks away like the black guy did follow him like he left the ring and the black guy beat the hell out of him all the way to like the door did trophy shelf fall on him or something it wasn't my point is it wasn't enough i had we talking about the 18-year-old? I had just watched an 18-minute compilation of him hitting 15-year-olds at Gold's Gym. To be fair, that guy's definitely mentally ill.
Starting point is 00:17:34 If we stop for a second. Everybody likes to see a bully get his ass kicked, but wait a minute. This guy's mentally ill. He's brave. He did that shit with Deontay Wilder. He did it with Mayweather, too. Mayweather's dad and he also did to deontay wilder although i gotta say mayweather senior like obviously i think mayweather senior senior beats the shit out of me box every time no you'd love him kyle but still it's bullshit fuck him no i'm just saying he's so
Starting point is 00:18:00 old it doesn't matter stack rank mayweather Mayweather Senior U and Diego Sanchez. I'm lost. Well, Diego's down here. I watched him just the other night. Pathetic, Diego. Fucking pathetic. Legend. Pussy.
Starting point is 00:18:14 Legend. Dana whispered in everybody's ear to call you a legend that night. I hope you know. He was just like, call him a legend over there, guys. Call him a legend. That's what he likes to hear. Fucking loser. I think Diego's doing good i mean i think he's having i think he's on a hot streak i think his trainers his coach is really
Starting point is 00:18:31 cool no i'm ex-coach i'm uh disagrees i'm mostly joking around because um this organization offered um the idea of me fighting diego um and was it boxing or mma something stupid i think it was like youtube box i think it was i stupid i think it was like youtube box i think it was i know i think it was mma or something it was mma but i'm not sure like right away i was just like that my my person came to me and she's like hey they're offering you this deal you would fight some person i don't know he's called diego sanchez i don't know if you ever heard of him i don't know they said he fights and uh you get paid, blah, blah, blah, and there'd be a pay-per-view. I was just like, his name is actually Diego the Nightmare Sanchez.
Starting point is 00:19:12 That's probably not a great idea for Diego. Zach said it's bare-knuckle boxing. Zach has little notes here on the side. That's what it was. It was bare-knuckle boxing. Even worse. He explained eye chlamydia. He helps us out during the show.
Starting point is 00:19:28 Zach's given us chlamydia definitions and whatnot. I would love from the outside, it would have been so funny to see you accept this fight. I know your personality. You would have thrown yourself 1 million percent into boxing training and then just to go in there and be
Starting point is 00:19:43 brutalized yeah yeah honestly like like if there if if i had done it um i would have done what you said and i'd have thrown myself into it with no illusions about winning but i would want to try to um see the problem is if you were if you if it was another boxer who was way way out of my league that i was going to box with bare knuckle maybe like i could crowd him and just literally cheat maybe i could just like like like grab him the whole time and just cheat my way to not getting my face ruined but diego can grapple he just like throw me off of him and they continue to beat me up um in his dreams but uh so it was just a it was just a nonsense fucking idea he fought the other night taylor like
Starting point is 00:20:27 another professional fight against a good opponent and like did he survived he made it through the thing somehow it he hurt the other guy why in the opening like seconds of the bout the other guy tore his acl fought the whole fight on one leg, and won all three rounds. Diego tore his ACL with a leg kick. That detail I didn't know. Okay. Well, then he gets credit for that. See, that's the other thing, Taylor. Last week, the old Diego
Starting point is 00:20:56 guy that everybody was like, fight him, Kyle, crippled another fighter. He crippled a professional fighter who's good. Yeah but kyle you're good look and think of how many subs you have zach can you pull up a picture of kevin holland for us real quick i maybe the recent one kevin holland in the last fight just to get an example of the perfect specimen diego sanchez is hanging with yeah um diego looks like shit though he looks
Starting point is 00:21:22 does he still look bad yeah he looks bad but he did just come off he looks like he works at Lowe's he just came off he has really bad CTE he has to for sure because they offered me that fight I decided to lean into it
Starting point is 00:21:40 and troll Diego and I got Diego to go back and forth with me a little bit on Instagram so yeah he definitely has cte because he said some some weird stuff they've all got cte probably like varying extents i was on here like like really laying on thick and bullshitting and i was like i was like i had a message for you diego the wet dream sanchez first of all we all know that you've been getting raped for years by that coach of yours, so I'm going to take it easy on you.
Starting point is 00:22:08 Josh. Wait, why did we just look at a picture of Kevin Holland for like 15 seconds? I asked Zach to give an idea of who he's competitive against. Yeah. It was a pretty good fight. I stayed up to watch it.
Starting point is 00:22:24 Khabib's got that new Eagle FC thing. It's free. You just go to their website. But yeah, it's a good thing I didn't fight Diego because he'd have fucked me up. He just came off of COVID. He was in the hospital in the fall. And still held up the way he did. Three rounds like that.
Starting point is 00:22:40 Very impressive. I wanted to talk to Brandon about a few more things with his videos. So I watched the thailand one i haven't i haven't seen his whole catalog obviously that one was great i also the next one after that that caught my attention was the juggalo one and like the amount of whippets at that place every person you talk to was on whippets at that place. Every person you talk to is on whippets and by an aggregate, that might be the ugliest people in America. Visually offensive.
Starting point is 00:23:13 A lot of fatties. They're attractive on the inside though. They're all family. Aren't they labeled a gang by the federal government? That's hearsay. But a gang like the Mickey Mouse Club. That's law.
Starting point is 00:23:30 They were all nice to me. There was a few guys that, as soon as I came up with the camera, were like, oh, bust your head in with a bat. And I'm like, okay. It's a weird dynamic because people are going around talking about, we're all family, it's all love and everything. And then there were some very highly aggressive people. But I get it. You're doing illicit things you don't want some dumb ass with a mustache
Starting point is 00:23:48 and a camera coming up trying to interview you so it's all good i like the juggalos they seem like much friendlier than i would have guessed but it was funny seeing guys strung out so hard and you're like what does it mean to be a juggalo and they're like it means family as they're like exhaling nitrous and like sharing it with a 19 year old it's like this is a dysfunctional family the juggalettes though are often uh well they run the gamut like all women tight little piece but but but you've got this bell curve that doesn't really make sense because on one end you've got like the five really hot chicks with that weird face paint on and then you've got 500 just hideous gigantic chicks with face paint on and nothing in the middle that's what i've
Starting point is 00:24:31 seen from on the internet there's there's nothing in the middle it's all ugly fat chicks with their faces painted and really hot half naked chicks with their faces painted they got molested by their fathers yeah no there's a lot of people that it's like it's like that shitty uncle you have that's always drunk and getting arrested but he's like if anyone fucks with you i got your back but he's like stealing change out of your piggy bank and shit oh shit it's a horrible uncle i like them you know i'm in the content business so i'll be going back to the gathering of juggalos this next year and yeah i have juggalo fans shout out to juggalos let me ask you this because like like i like um the guy that used to be all
Starting point is 00:25:05 gas no brakes he does channel five andrew callahan yeah yeah i i want to talk to him someday uh uh he probably come on here he seems to be a very friendly cool dude i think so too i think he's right up for alley but um he's going to ukraine soon and then and and that made me want to ask you about the same because you like to do this globe hopping nonsense where you go for the content right any any thought process any any does it tempt you a little to jump into like the biggest geopolitical hotbed moment of this of our lifetimes like to just go there and cover that or just be like yo like like like you know ask some funny goofy shit to you you could get those ukrainian guys to say the most out-of-pocket shit
Starting point is 00:25:46 about Russians that you could imagine. It could be real funny. It's the most trendy thing in the world. You could even go around to anywhere in America and ask people in your local area what they think about Russia and Ukraine. Obviously, going there would be crazy, but I'm not vaccinated. I don't think they're going to fucking let me do that.
Starting point is 00:26:02 I would like to. Once they start busting off too much, I'm going to get scared. I don't think there're gonna let me do that i i would like to once they start busting off too much i'm gonna get scared i don't think there's gonna be a lot of funny interviews in ukraine no you're wrong no no no you're wrong because because like i've seen the guys who were just like fuck it i got bombed in the 90s i got bombed in the 70s i got bombed last thursday bring it and they're just like walking through the streets with missiles landing around there's there's old hardcore ukrainian guys who just don't give a fuck and they're just like i'm not gonna fight i'm gonna go to work yeah i'm very curious like
Starting point is 00:26:36 the citizens perspective on the war i mean it'd be incredible to talk to the people of ukraine and see what they think about it i mean imagine this one was invading the fucking east coast and we're like you know yeah i speak a lot know, they don't speak a lot of English. They don't speak English? A lot of them don't. It seems like if you spoke, if you had a second language at all, like a European language,
Starting point is 00:26:55 I think you could figure something out because there's so many people going there. If you spoke French, I think that would work. But I just feel like there's a huge legion of... They said that there were so many Canadians or something. There were so many Canadians
Starting point is 00:27:12 going that they could make their own battalion of Canadians or something like that. What a useless group. A battalion of Canadians? No, no, no. They have gone there like they're going there right now to fight. Why are Canadians useless, Brady?
Starting point is 00:27:27 No, I was just kidding. It is St. Patrick's Day. Are you guys drinking at all? Wait, today's St. Patrick's Day? I don't drink. Not tonight. What are you sipping over there for your celebration of St. Patrick's Day? Well, I got some whiskey.
Starting point is 00:27:39 I was hoping someone would join me and do some shots. I've been sick for a month. I haven't been doing much, but laying around, I haven't gotten drunk in a while. I'm real fucking stoned if that makes you feel any better. That's a good consolation. Listen, I'll be a loser on my lonesome and I'll sip the whiskey alone for Patrick.
Starting point is 00:27:55 Out of the bottle. I don't think I ever want to drink again. I was on probation for a while and I technically couldn't drink. They don't test for alcohol. So, you know, I could have a drink every now and then. But I couldn't smoke weed because they do test for that. And so I was like, no, as soon as I can smoke weed again, I'm never drinking alcohol again.
Starting point is 00:28:14 I'm done with alcohol. I hate it so much. Why? I don't like the taste. I don't like being drunk and I don't like the after effects. The calories. The whole thing. Oh, calories too.
Starting point is 00:28:25 Calories too. Sure. Calories is actually my... I hate being hungover. It's awful. I think I get sick more easily than average people do. It's just something I suffer with. But the fat gain, I'm not a fan of that either. That's a bigger problem to live through. How old are you guys?
Starting point is 00:28:41 That's a very 49 thing to say. I'm 30. I'm just overweight. So we do a lot of – we're pretty fitness-oriented around here. We all lift and – Real man shit, right? Do diet stuff and supplement stuff, and we're pretty into it. And so adding an extra like 300 calories is like, fuck.
Starting point is 00:29:03 300? Dude, the real damage comes after you're tipsy or drunk and then there is no there's no part of my brain to say no to pizza and wings and treats all night and then the next morning you wake up and you're like you walk out into the kind of the devastation you left like i told you guys i got i wasn't even drunk this time this was like eight months ago my wife bought me a bunch of like cheese sticks from the store like those like colby jack cheese sticks there are 12 of them in a pack and i got so so baked that like i kept getting up like it was like a handful of like berries and i kept eating it and the next morning i was like
Starting point is 00:29:39 oh oh i was i had one of the most grueling shits of my life totally solid fully solid and i was like i was like i hope i'm not getting sick or something and i go out there and i see 11 peeled in half wrappers they're taking over my whole end table and i'm like oh i know why i feel so sick now and then i went and checked that was 900 or i'm sorry 1060 calories of cheese over the course of about three and a half hours. Cheese is damn good. It's so good. I could eat it all day. When you eat them, do you peel them slowly
Starting point is 00:30:13 or do you just bite right in? If it's string cheese, I'll peel it. These were Colby Jack this time. They were solid long rectangles of cheese. Oh my god, that's so much worse. That's not a snackable form of cheese. I know it's like long rectangles of cheese. Oh my God. That's so much worse. That's not a snackable form of cheese. I know it's not potent cheese.
Starting point is 00:30:31 Do you guys know the shitty restriction diet subreddit? Are you familiar with it? Dude, I, if I don't have the title, right, I have it close. Can I guess that it's a place that makes fun of every diet?
Starting point is 00:30:45 I, it close. Can I guess that it's a place that makes fun of every diet? I is shitty, shitty restricted food is the actual name of it. It is people who share their absolutely awful, terrible diets. And, um, in some ways, like I look at this shit and I'm like,
Starting point is 00:31:01 these are my people. They'll post like eight grapes as a snack. I'm like, all right, I'm feeling it post like eight grapes as a snack. I'm like, all right. I'm feeling it. You know what's probably true about most of these people? They're all fucking good looking. Yes, probably. These people don't have eight inch deep belly buttons.
Starting point is 00:31:19 If you just go to like, whatever, top of this month or something, you'll see the kind of foods that they restrict themselves to these exact. Can you do this? Go to, I'll get you a link. I wonder why they're being tight. Cracks me up. I don't know why they're being so restrictive though.
Starting point is 00:31:35 Like it seems like, like unless you've got like some autoimmune thing or like, like where you're like allergic to almost everything or inflammation is a thing. Restrictive refers to the calorie restrictions that they put. Oh yeah. What the hell is all this? Here's a person eating pizza.
Starting point is 00:31:50 They managed to keep their pizza in a calorie deficit. The next one down, monster energy drink and what, a pepper with some roses. You'll lose weight on that. There's oatmeal in that
Starting point is 00:32:05 fucking pepper this fiend can you zoom Zach for me and look you can tell they murdered grandma because they're using her fucking fork that's the best flavor of monster though they're right on that
Starting point is 00:32:20 what happens if you click the right arrow what is the rest of this meal god I hope it's not titties oh is that making it i don't know scroll down a little more because these kill me what i think this is a joke subreddit there's no this is an eating disorder subreddit and i somewhat relate to them i'm pretty sure it's a joke nobody's eating coffee beans and milk out of is eating disorder um i'm right look they even made a joke of the title it's it's a literal joke there's a there's a there's a there's a comedic pause written in text there i'm not wrong though this is an eating disorder website where people come and they share
Starting point is 00:33:03 it is all right well then we haven't seen any of those posts yet then because look this isn't a crazy person this is a person for the memes has put cereal in a pepper this person has a meal of sugar-free monster energy drink leaf water and aspartame water yeah the monster energy drink has to be some kind of a joke as well like some sort of inside joke. See, there's more monster down there. That doesn't mean joke. That means that this is what people go to who want energy
Starting point is 00:33:32 without calories. It all went to monster. It's a joke. There's a huge amount of monster on this subreddit. I know this is a joke. This says, y'all ever eat a sriracha sandwich? It just is two pieces of bread and written in sriracha.
Starting point is 00:33:47 It says, I'm gay. Yeah. So it's definitely. Did it say that? Yeah. You guys are all into nutrition. Who kicks whose ass of the round robin here? In what?
Starting point is 00:33:59 In jujitsu, let's say. Oh, it's Woody. No key. Woody's the only one who's trained, trained. Woody did years of jujitsu. On his Joe Lozon shit. We know Joe Lozon. Look at that. I'm a fan. I know. Woody's trained with Joe Lozon. I've been beaten by Joe Lozon
Starting point is 00:34:14 a bunch of times. You guys probably don't know this, but I used to be an elementary school art teacher. In 2019, I remember sitting in my closet during my lunch break and watching the episode where Kyle gets out of jail. I think winter of 2020 or my closets during my lunch break and watching the episode where Kyle gets out of jail. And like what? I think like winter of like 2020 or 2019.
Starting point is 00:34:31 I don't mean to flex my Jits talents on you guys, but Jolo's on once broke my hand. So I'm kind of a big deal. Yeah. You're not afraid of anything anymore. It would be Woody because he's trained far and away the most. And then Kyle's done a little bit of training. I've never done boxing, jiu-jitsu, anything. So if I actually have to.
Starting point is 00:34:49 I did wrestling in middle school, but other than that, I just played hockey. So the only way I beat up Taylor is if I use my cardio and I force him to chase me for, I'm going to say a mile and a half would do it. You're generous. If I get to just get into my pace that I run at, and Taylor has to chase me for a mile and a half, and then I get to turn around, I beat him to death. But if I have to just fight Taylor in a hallway, then Taylor just grabs me with those big monkey hands
Starting point is 00:35:23 and wrestles me down to the ground and probably kills me i i'll i'll use my my grip see i'll just be dead weight on you latch on and then hope to grind your your cardio out no i would have no chance i would i would be that fucking that's like my fear when i watch those fight videos is it reinforces in me like just because you lift weights all the time and you're a big guy, never, ever step up to anyone in public. First of all, you're an adult. And the best possible scenario is you knock someone out and then you go to jail is what's going to actually happen. But then you watch these things and you see these like drunk early
Starting point is 00:36:00 20s yoked, like really ripped guys. And there's some string bean who knows how to box and these big yoked guys like they're drunk after the bar and they think they're hot shit and they just get fucking laid out like they fold like a chair in front of the in front of the bar it's like i'm i'm a reminder i've watched enough of these street fight videos to declare myself an expert in street fighting and and uh i would say that the best way to win any street fight is to have is to know enough wrestling or judo to uh to do like a hip throw or or just a single leg or something and dump them on their head because every time somebody grabs somebody and fucking throws them to the ground they hit their head on the god it's not a mat there it's not a ring
Starting point is 00:36:43 it's the fucking asphalt and they go to sleep immediately every every high school fight I've seen where it happens every street fight in general where they pick the guy up and dump him He hits his head and he goes to sleep right there. The problem is he might be fucking dead I'm a fellow expert because I used to watch a lot of videos on prison fights And they would line up with what you're saying. he's like the slam is the big move he's like he saw the guy killed i'm sure it's 100 true where he took him out of the top bunk and slammed him on the way down and that was that turned out to be murder oh that would be dead yeah but it's high yeah you can really damage yourself off the top bunk it's a i got you it's a hateful move uh
Starting point is 00:37:22 but yeah it's i if i yeah, I don't know. If I had a single leg, usually the guy goes down kind of butt first and rolls. But maybe if I lifted him. But that's what I'm imagining. You're like getting like a high, going like a high crotch thing. And he's going up. Oh, and then picking him up. He's going up and over.
Starting point is 00:37:37 He's going for a big ride. I was never good at that. Maybe it was just run the pipe was always my move. We'll see. You were never good at it in your jujitsu class against a guy who didn't want you to do it yeah but like a drunk guy who's having a little bit of trouble staying upright yeah his seal hips he might hop in the middle of like you're doing it try to get to the other side safely and you're like all right that is true people who don't have any grappling experience tend to offer up
Starting point is 00:38:06 a lot of gifts. Like a child, they're falling around and slipping on their hips. Their elbows are out wide and giving you control. Are you a top or a bottom jiu-jitsu guy? Are you versatile? Are you submissive? Are you dominant? He's an otter.
Starting point is 00:38:22 Gay from day? You seem like an otter. he likes to be on the bottom you are a top you're a submissive top a gentle top he's a personal daddy and you'll address him as such he's a i mean i'm acting like i always do what i want to do but what i i oh okay i'm a mean top uh if things go my way that was the a sadist. He does what he wants. And when he does, when you do lean towards submissiveness, it's more of a bratty thing.
Starting point is 00:38:56 I intend to, you bitch. The culture of my gym was like, you rug burn them. You smush their jaw. You press. Everything's supposed to you rug burn them you're holding you smush their jaw you press in like everything's supposed to hurt and if you're like a gentle art type jits dude it's almost insulting like you're not giving me your a game that was what it was like where i trained i would probably a bitch at your gym i i wouldn't know but lozans gym is not only are they just as mean but they're
Starting point is 00:39:23 good athletes every single person there look like ripped with abs like the kind of person you're supposed to be scared of that Andy guy's a piece of shit I'll say it out loud Andy abused me here's what I it's just like Uncle Ben told us
Starting point is 00:39:38 with great power comes great responsibility and when you're capable of snapping someone's shin with yours anytime you want, you don't beat up a fucking senior software architect from North fucking Carolina who's up there on some kind of Make-A-Wish Foundation. Adult midlife crisis man. He's literally there like a kid at like a kid at disney world with it staying at his hero's house learning the sport he's a fan of at a professional level it's like
Starting point is 00:40:12 a kid being on the field with brett farve like like running out for passes and you're brett farve's like fucking like i don't know defensive end or something and you're nailing woody hitting him high to hit him hard it was like fantasy camp i was there for one of joe lozon's training camps he was a friend of mine and and i just sort of help him whatever way i came without getting in his way like i'm not co-training or anything and uh there was another professional fighter there a lot smaller than me so much more talented and once he figured out that I didn't really see his kicks coming, Brandon, maybe this happened to you in Thailand. You've got your hands up and you've
Starting point is 00:40:51 got some boxing and the kicks are just coming out of nowhere. And it's hard to look at everything at the same time. So he's just kicking me at will and I'm not enjoying it. So then I start looking at his kicks and now I'm not paying enough attention to his hands and he's just piecing me up. And I lost every second of that. And afterwards the other guys in the gym were like, that wasn't cool. And for the completely uninitiated,
Starting point is 00:41:15 the problem is he shouldn't have been kicking Woody. Kicks had no place in what you were doing unless they were like little tap point kicks. It was MMA. I just felt like, I don't know. Kyle, let's say that I'm like a little bit better at you in this and then a lot better at that.
Starting point is 00:41:33 Woody, we see professional spar all the time. When I watch pro spar, they are not doing leg kicks without shin guards. Did he have shin guards? I don't recall. But in any case he he found a weakness and then that was like all he wanted to work on whereas if i was like light years better than someone i wouldn't focus on that part see this guy sounds like a true piece of shit he sounds like an insecure piece of shit he's not beat up on you he's not i don't i think i like him
Starting point is 00:42:01 yeah i think he's a nice guy um He may have just, like, not – See, one thing that I notice is that, like, everybody will give you the benefit of the doubt at one of those gyms. They don't – they're not going to be, like – It's so rare that somebody's like, oh, I know I'm really good. I'm probably just better than that new guy who walked in. They'll just assume that you're – maybe you're great. Maybe you're average.
Starting point is 00:42:24 Maybe you're bad. We don't know. So when I went with Woody and Joe to some gym one time, we all pair off and start rolling, and I have never been in a jiu-jitsu gym. I just started watching the UFC like three months before, and this guy's on top of me, and we're working, and he's just like, so how long have you been doing and you know i'm gnawing at his belt and i'm
Starting point is 00:42:48 my first time you're trying to appease him with sexual favors i'm almost through this thing you're in big trouble when you can't keep your pants up he's just like oh so this is literally the first time i was like yeah i have no idea why are you on top of me by the way is that a is that an option that i have or yeah who was this guy that was just like beating your ass and his name was andy he's the raging korean and i don't remember his last name a korean dude just sunning you sunning me sunning you i don't know that term does that mean dominating in jiu-jitsu yeah well i don't even i don't know that term does that mean dominating in like yeah yeah well i don't even i don't think that's jujitsu talk that might be a cool guy job talk
Starting point is 00:43:31 cool guy talk probably on fight finder for sure dog the raging korean andy something wait what a dick though i mean if you're inexperienced and he's experienced why is he fucking you up this seems kind of crazy crazy. Yeah, I wasn't sure. Like I was getting my ass kicked and that was kind of occupied all my cognitive horsepower. Well, imagine doing jujitsu with like someone and just like neck cranking them and fucking wrist locking them. You don't, right? My instructor would use, this is his term, don't break your toys.
Starting point is 00:43:58 All right, we've got some new guys in here. Don't break your toys. You know, make sure like you're allowed to win, but you don't break your toys. Andy Aiello. Dude, Zach is on it. This this guy hot load zach he is really coming in yeah his name is hot load because he had like three kids by 20 or something like that really yeah let's let's get some zach how old is zach how many kids does he have where's that how old were you when you had your third kid, Zach? 27. 27.
Starting point is 00:44:28 No, that's not the legend. It's back to 21. So he's married? Zach's married. He's got a sweetie at home. Well, we don't want to go too much into Zach's personal life. I mean, you know, it's a whole rocky road there that he probably doesn't want to go into right at the moment. Okay. He had two kids by 18.
Starting point is 00:44:44 That tells the story a little bit. This dude's really busting. How old by three was the wrong question to ask? How old by two? When did you give up? Was the question to ask. He should have gone for the whores, man. It's hard to get a whore pregnant because they're prepared.
Starting point is 00:44:59 I've been preaching that for so goddamn long. It's true. It's been one of his core tenets. Woody has been married his whole life. And he nailed it. He found one of the good ones, as racists like to say. One of the good white ones. Yeah, he found one of the good ones.
Starting point is 00:45:23 And she is white. That's always a plus. But i think that's a rare thing i think for the most part like man should enjoy his the his uh his youth and uh and you know what what does the good lord say taylor isn't there something about spreading your seed wide and far and being yes in the context of fucking thai prostitutes that's what he said that's exactly what the lord yeah the bible says get as much as you can as fast as you can something like that and uh and then taylor goes and he got married um last year or maybe it last july yeah last year yeah almost a year now yeah and uh and you're single still car you have a wife oh never no no i don't want to do that. I want to die alone.
Starting point is 00:46:05 Like we all do. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Kyle wants to go out like he came in alone. Yeah. Just solo. Taking on the afterlife solo. Is that true?
Starting point is 00:46:14 Man, that's going to be so cool if there really is an afterlife. Think about that. Yeah. I was born unconscious. I wasn't breathing. I was deprived of oxygen. That is how you get out. Yeah. That's why you're retarded. So wasn't breathing. I was deprived of oxygen. Yeah, Brandon. It's literally... Honestly,
Starting point is 00:46:30 we have discussed that before because I do have a unique way of looking at things. That three minutes that I was deprived of oxygen at birth that they didn't think... I was blue, I guess. I was born with a surplus of oxygen. Yeah, I didn't have nearly enough. People talk about that all the time. Taylor's got the surplus. Kyleyle something's just not clicking there no no i stole his oxygen the
Starting point is 00:46:49 deprivation when he was five and i was born so you are a bachelor kyle are you do you have a wife a girlfriend i have um um a lady friend yes and uh and uh but i don't have any interest in uh like marrying and i don't think i don't think i need any like legal contract to like set anything up i really don't like that idea don't want to get the government involved no i hate getting the government involved it's it's never gone well for me and uh and i just don't want to do it and i really think the idea of like paying for a wedding like that i don't know i think i think maybe i'm just sort of anti traditionalist in some ways like because i don't really like holidays either and it's not that i
Starting point is 00:47:29 don't like getting together with my family it's that i don't like that we've got like a day where we do that it's it's like oh oh today's mother's day make sure you tell your mom you love her it's like i tell my mother i love her on a one c you fucking talk about my mother the frequency that i tell my mother i love her it's not gonna you fucking talk about my mother the frequency that i tell my mother i love her is not gonna the government isn't gonna come into play with that they're not gonna tell me how often i do that hallmark isn't either i also don't believe the fucking diamonds for engagement rings or any of that bullshit that like corporations or governments tricked us into taylor i'm glad was on board with no diamonds no blood diamonds is the way you
Starting point is 00:48:03 really we saw it. Oh yeah. Save me money. And I get to pretend to be a good guy. Exactly. Exactly. Oh, fuck all these social norms, Carl. I'm saying $17 blow job.
Starting point is 00:48:13 It's done. You know what I mean? Yeah. Where do you get 70? No mother's day. Is that the Thailand? It's Thailand. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:18 It's wood bar in Thailand. You know, this is free press for them. Shout out gang shit. Those girls. Um, a couple of the girls i saw you with were were pretty attractive i think the one that the one that you made so like you guys really need to watch this tie video like there's a part where him and his boy are like playing pokemon on on their consoles and like this prostitute is behind them and like the camera is like facing
Starting point is 00:48:46 back at them like because who gives a fuck what they're doing on the consoles so you see like both him and his boy's face and this prostitute behind him who is like clearly in her head she's like i gotta start charging by the hour because i'm charging by the dick right now and these guys are playing fucking video games and i guess you guys won or something. And you both went, yeah. She went, yeah. Fun fact about that girl, her and her sister, who was also a prostitute,
Starting point is 00:49:12 uh, they smoke meth. So that's, that was crazy. That was a crazy revelation. Did you get down with that? Hell no. Meth.
Starting point is 00:49:20 Really? I'm scared of meth. If I'm in Thailand, I'm absolutely doing the meth. Dude, I saw right away that you hypothetically, maybe some other person, I don't know who it was, went and got some Xanax and some codeine from the nearest drugstore in Thailand. Bro, they sell it at, there's pharmacies everywhere. I know! Is that why your buddy was barred out the entire video?
Starting point is 00:49:43 No. One drug that I did for the first time in Thailand is ketamine. I don't know if that makes me a scumbag or whatever. No, no, no. I'm honest. Yeah, I did ketamine for the first time in Thailand. I liked it so much I did it every day for like a week, and then I haven't done it since.
Starting point is 00:49:58 Am I wrong about this? Isn't it cat tranquilizer? I think it's horse tranquilizer. It's a tranquilizer. I think it's horse. I think it's like animal tranquil. It's a tranquilizer. I bet it'd work on anything. You can steal it from the zoo zoo i doubt dogs are immune let's just put it that way the video i'm working on now it's called
Starting point is 00:50:11 like a night in nana plaza where i go to nana plaza and i'm like just being a a reject acting like i have a british accent and then i buy ketamine in the episode and then i do ketamine and it's this weird i'm trying to figure out how to piece it together but uh ketamine is crazy it's like i don't even it's indescri is crazy. It's indescribable. All drugs are indescribable, yet I desire descriptions so badly. Because it's a barbiturate. So it makes you feel like you're tripping, but you're not tripping. And it lasts like 45 minutes to an hour.
Starting point is 00:50:36 So let me help. Are there any visual hallucinations? Do you see any shit? It's like you're fucking mad. It feels like I'm a Pokemon and I'm about to hurt myself in confusion is what it's like. I don't know what the fuck is going on. That's the worst description ever. But it's like you're fucking mad it's like it feels like i'm a pokemon i'm about to hurt myself in confusion is what it's like like i don't know what the fuck is going on that's the worst description but it's so fun it's like it feels good i don't know how do i is it like a dissociative where you don't really feel like you're you like yeah like it kind of takes you out of your element and uh but supposedly it can be like used to cure depression and like neil brennan and theo von
Starting point is 00:51:02 have had ketamine therapy that's why i did it i'm just trying to get the sadness out of me about a lot of psychedelics right like like um people talked about ego death and stuff like that from lsd and um i did have this moment where i had like a i don't know like like sort of a moment where i kind of like thought about my whole life and like condensed it for like a second or two and. But then that went away and we watched Fantasia some more. But for the most part, it was just like you could be extremely introspective
Starting point is 00:51:34 if you wanted to, but that can quickly turn into a black hole that sucks you in. It can get nasty. So you kind of need to stay on the outside and just enjoy the stuff that's out here rather than getting sucked in there because we've been pushing that down with brown for generations yeah we don't go in there exactly now my boy keegan weagle he darkness is my boy keegan uh keegan weagle did mushrooms and he got attacked by gay demons and he's been fighting oh let's get
Starting point is 00:51:57 you bro he's been fighting these gay demons off for like two years now maybe three boy did he still see him what did the gay demons try to do they try to get him to suck dick and stuff bro they're on his back all the time i gotta get your boy together with this guy i know name we need to get your guy together with drifter because we got this guy named drifter drifter has straight demons yeah he's yeah so we can get those demons to fight maybe because this guy literally has hallucinations and he's had them his whole life sporadically it's not like every thursday or something like like maybe 10 times in his whole life roughly i'm hoping god i think in his childhood it was more often but he's like he sees a man when he'll like look
Starting point is 00:52:37 down a hallway he'll see a man peering like like around the corner at him who is composed of the static from an untuned television that is what the man the static man he's made of static he's just staring at him around the corner yeah he'll just he was like you know maybe get up take a piss like like be pissing like look up down the hallway and there's a static man looking at him and you know maybe like close his eyes blink twice and static man's gone and now he has to finish pissing and try to go back to sleep it's terrifying i am so uninterested in fake stories i didn't even know that like i can't pay attention to his story i i you know i'm curious like what why why are you more interested in like someone hallucinating as a result of lsd
Starting point is 00:53:25 than someone hallucinating as a result of like an inherent uh neural imbalance like they don't i totally believe drifter that he saw that stuff doesn't mean it's there saying it's untrue i guess it's just i i i don't care about his hallucinations i just don't care about dreams now the effects of drugs are interesting to me but like that sure so the reason i care about dreams. Now, the effects of drugs are interesting to me, but like that. Sure. So the reason I care about his particular hallucination is it's very terrifying to me. And because I'm putting myself in his shoes, right? He cannot be 100% sure that the static man isn't real.
Starting point is 00:54:03 He cannot be 100% sure that he's not. I think he's real. Because he's fucking seeing the thing. And look, he's not... Drifter obviously isn't insane, so he doesn't believe in the static man. But he's there. He knows he's mentally ill, but he's still seeing him.
Starting point is 00:54:19 That's what's scary to me. I would be scared if there was a static man in my house. Me too. I would have to go beat off or something to get it out. I would, I would have to live in this house again. Yeah, no. Zach said he had a kid at 16,
Starting point is 00:54:31 a kid at 18. And he said, ketamine induces a trance like state providing pain relief, sedation and amnesia. So do you not remember a lot of the time that you were on ketamine? It definitely starts to get blurry. You know what I mean? I'm like,
Starting point is 00:54:43 Oh, I went to the fucking mall. You know what I mean? I'm like, what the fuck spending money and shit. I'm all ketamine doubt. I went ghost were on ketamine it definitely starts to get blurry you know what i mean i'm like oh i went to the fucking mall you know what i mean i'm like what the fuck spending money and shit i'm all ketamine out i went ghost hunting on ketamine did a whole episode on ketamine where i went ghost hunting how was that did you catch any ghosts no uh dude we went to the ghost athorne tower in bangkok we couldn't get in this guy pulled a machete on us and fucking i felt like eight six to eight feet off of a gate right under my back i have it on camera it's really funny were you trying to climb over the gate at the time i had jumped over the gate and then the dudes told us to leave and whipped out like a fucking machete and i jumped
Starting point is 00:55:12 off the gate and fell really hard but uh ketamine's crazy you guys should try it that sounds i'm not told yeah it doesn't sound that great i'm nervous to put the video out because i feel like you know youtube with their tos and everything like can I have me explicitly doing ketamine on camera? I don't want to get age-restricted. I definitely don't want to get it taken down. Like the Thailand episode is age-restricted, demonetized, all that. I would imagine you definitely can't show yourself doing it. No, I'm not going to snort anything on camera.
Starting point is 00:55:39 Because I like to leave it all open. It's like, alcohol makes you fat. I have no interest. What's ketamine do? I might take some ketamine. Ketamine makes you smile. It makes you open. It's like, alcohol makes you fat. I have no interest. What's ketamine do? I might take some ketamine. Ketamine makes you smile and makes you confused. Makes you smile and confused. You can watch the same episode of your favorite show over and over and over and continue to like it.
Starting point is 00:55:58 I don't even know. We just did it. Played weird video games. Listened to music. Walked around outside. Went to doing it in the clubs. If you do it in a club where there's like bitches and stuff and you're oh man it's fun does it does it create like a clam up effect like pot does to some people or is it like an outgoing thing like like alcohol the first time i did it i i had drinking like a bunch of uh
Starting point is 00:56:21 alcohol and i snorted ketamine and started puking. And like, I think I was in a K hole. I was like freaking out. Yeah. I snorted. It's kind of gross. I know. Yeah. No, I don't give a shit about that.
Starting point is 00:56:29 I thought it was a pill. I just, I had to surprise me. Yeah. I thought maybe it was like a pill or something. No, it's a good, have you done acid?
Starting point is 00:56:37 I've done acid a bunch. So I'm not, I mean, I'm, I'm generally not Mr. Drug guy, but yeah, I've done acid.
Starting point is 00:56:44 But you, but you recommend ketamine and you've done acid. Yeah. Well, yeah. I've done acid a good amount. But you recommend ketamine and you've done acid a good amount. Yeah, well, I get a lot of kids watch me. I have a big elementary school fan base. Stay away from the K-hole, kids. No to ketamine. I want to get to your elementary school days.
Starting point is 00:57:01 How long were you in that position as a teacher? One full year. One when i did my master's degree where i had like an internship for a full year as well okay and did you want to do that for a long time like you saw yourself as a like teaching kids i thought that's what i was gonna do because you know you you graduate high school it's like what job do you want it's a hard decision my mom was a teacher my dad was an it guy so i was like maybe i'll do it then i was like fuck coding so i was like i'll be a teacher i get to do art and then i got my master's in education and then i was going to be a teacher really exciting stuff your boy mr buckingham i mean there it is how was it like
Starting point is 00:57:39 was there a time it sucked ass yeah how many i wanted to ask those my brother I don't care I'm not one of them they're elementary school kids PKA baby come on I know three other people in my like immediate life who did the same thing they wanted to be teachers and each of them within one calendar
Starting point is 00:58:00 year quit and jumped into something else because they all realized I make no money i get treated like dog shit and there's there's no upward mobility here i'm going to be making the same amount of money for the next 30 years and then maybe get a pension at that point like what's going to happen you my uh my mom that's why my mom kept getting degrees because like every time she got one it was like,800 more dollars a year or something like that. So she's like,
Starting point is 00:58:27 I'm going to be Dr. Myers by the time this is done in early childhood education, like a smartest second grade teacher in the world or whatever. It's like counts to 10 forwards and backwards. Yeah. What were the, what were the horrible things that kind of opened your eyes to you not wanting to do it? I mean, so yeah, I'm, I'm obviously being facetious and joking when I'm
Starting point is 00:58:48 like, fuck those kids or whatever. I wanted to become a teacher because you know, a teacher makes a big deal, like a big difference in the class. I remember being a, an art student and sometimes art was horrible. Sometimes it was great. And it was mostly dependent on the teacher presenting the subject matter, but it's a two way street, you know, uh, bad kids can make a bad time for a teacher, just like a bad teacher can make a bad time for the kids and i uh you know typically when you become a teacher unless you get lucky you have to teach in like shittier schools low income you know more trouble um so i was in a really bad school with a lot of trouble and i guess i just wasn't man enough to hang in the pocket with those kids spitting at me and cussing and throwing stuff
Starting point is 00:59:21 did we uh do you guys all have like a favorite teacher that you could think of that was like someone who like seemed like they were like like they tried hard they did a good job and like they they genuinely cared and or maybe they just inspired you somehow and before you answered like it was a man wasn't it yeah it was i i'm trying to remember a teacher i wanted to get you all i was gonna be so good you all yeah mine's dr mckew the other one number two uh miss bo love. God, I wanted to get you all. I was going to be so good at getting you all. Yeah, mine's Dr. McHugh. The other one, number two, Miss Bohan, seventh grade, health class. Wanted to fuck her super bad. See, that doesn't count. No, it doesn't count.
Starting point is 00:59:52 Mr. White, though, when he taught us about the fucking Hittites and the Spartans, and he was like, he wasn't reading it. He was standing in front of us like, and then, at the age of seven, you would be taken to the Agogi, ripped from the arms of your parents and taken to train, not as a man, but as a killer,
Starting point is 01:00:16 as a Spartan soldier, blood, iron, death, Sparta. And it was like, and you would be there in those barracks. You do not live at home as a spartan spartan you're having gay sex all day yeah don't like it but you have to let the fucking cannot stop coming and the way he went to the gay sex because someone asked about the gay sex he's like absolutely they were almost every single one of them was fighting side by side with
Starting point is 01:00:42 not just a brother but a a lover. Can you imagine the ferocity of a group of men that love each other that way? That's what P.K.'s missing, that real brotherhood. You guys need to plug it. Kyle and I haven't had sex in years. We're close.
Starting point is 01:01:01 Frankly, it's a little much. I've been really in tune with your community, and there's a lot of complaints you guys aren't fucking one another enough and it's to be honest it's a lot of rumblings for the grapevine they're disappointed if they had any idea they wouldn't they want to see Woody get bottomed out by Kyle
Starting point is 01:01:16 and it's a lot of that they want to see us like human centipede who gets to be me Patreon I told them all how funny would that be? We have to do human centipede. We're like, what has a gun to our head?
Starting point is 01:01:29 And I'm like, I told Metal! I want both sides. I want to be like a hydraulic machine in my ass. You could be the only one that moves. Taylor's the first guy in the human centipede who's complaining that there's not more shit to eat.
Starting point is 01:01:47 He's like slapping the guy on the ass. Come on! Eat the cuttlefish and asparagus. Is there a name for that orientation where like just a bunch of guys have doggy style in a train? She's being gay, I think. Right? There's just people being gay illegally in public.
Starting point is 01:02:08 That's what it would be. Yeah. A bunch of people having, for a bunch of people having straight sex, they'd be, they'd also be illegal. They'd end up on a list. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:17 No, but why did I, why did I be, why did I quit being a teacher? You know, I think it came down to that. There wasn't enough like punishments with the, I didn't feel like I had a good grasp of my class.
Starting point is 01:02:25 I taught 27 different classes a week, upwards of 35 kids per class. There's too many students to really develop a rapport with. You had 27 different classes? Is that what you said? Yeah. I had three days of the week I had a planning period. Yeah, 27 different classes because I was a teacher, so I was a specialist. Zach said that what we were talking about is called a man train. Yeah. 27 different classes. Cause I was a teacher. So I was a specialist. Zach said that we were,
Starting point is 01:02:45 what we were talking about is called a man train. A man train. I'm going to, I'm going to bring that and see if it, if what I'm looking for comes up. But yeah, so, so like,
Starting point is 01:02:54 you know, kids could, could cuss at me or not, you know, do the assignment that I planned or cause all kinds of disruptions. And there wasn't, you know, I couldn't give them lunch detention.
Starting point is 01:03:01 There wasn't suspensions. You couldn't take recess. That's in Montgomery County, Maryland. So it was all about positive reinforcement and it just wasn't suspensions. You couldn't take recess. That's in Montgomery County, Maryland. So it was all about positive reinforcement. And it just wasn't working out. And I'm thinking like, listen, I went to school since kindergarten up to my master's degree. I'm not happy.
Starting point is 01:03:13 I'm depressed. I would like to do something that's a little more enjoyable. I don't want to dedicate my passion and my life to these kids who don't understand that I'm trying to help them and doing my best to be a cool teacher, but they don't even see that. Cause they're, you know, they have shitty rough existences. Yeah. It's sad. Imagine being a kid. Your parents don't teach you how to fucking act.
Starting point is 01:03:32 You know what I mean? You're probably malnourished. You're not eating correctly. You know, you're not, your laundry's not getting done correctly cause your parents aren't helping you out. Yep.
Starting point is 01:03:39 That sucks. It's sad. Yeah. When elementary schoolers are fucking up, it's the parents fault. Obviously it's sad. And the worst part about the whole thing is me, who doesn't have any kids and doesn't
Starting point is 01:03:47 plan to have any, they're using my tax dollars for that. I'm still having to pay into that system that he's talking about that's so terrible. Why should I have to pay into that? We should get to opt out. I want to opt out. I don't want any of my taxes going to education. Fuck taxes.
Starting point is 01:04:03 I have long said i have long said that we should each get to choose from you know multiple choice where we want our tax dollars to go yeah i would i would pick roads and if the end of the year they'd be like hey nobody wanted to pay for the roads this year so we're not going to fix the roads next year the roads are shitty now everybody wants to pay for roads. Fuck itself out. State mandated sex therapy. You know what I'm saying? I need to be extracted.
Starting point is 01:04:30 My son, you need to be milked and I need it to be paid for on the tax of the taxpayers. Uh, and, and I need that state civil servant. He's going to milk my dick to come over with a smile on her face. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:40 Kyle. Okay. I'm going to be those tax dollars for you to be paying for me to get my nut off. I mean, I'm okay with that. I'll check that box. You too, Woody. Me and Taylor need... You guys are going to have to start paying up.
Starting point is 01:04:51 This shit is bullshit. The incel thing, I haven't heard that term in a long time. Migtow, baby. Come into Vogue and then leave quickly, but I think we could solve the incel problem with a state sponsored sex therapy free sex therapy that's a great way to market it so it's not prostitution
Starting point is 01:05:10 it's not horrible oh no no no it's a sexual surrogacy call it that no that sounds like we're gonna surrogate well first of all sexual surrogacy is already an accepted practiced thing robotics no no so they're so like let's. We have an instance, let's just say, hypothetically, that your wife is in a car accident and now she's paralyzed from the waist down. You get a sexual surrogate comes in,
Starting point is 01:05:36 you bang her. That's what it is. That's exactly what it is. My understanding is this. Imagine your wife bumming you out with a fucking car accident, bro. I'm a loser. I told you women can't drive. Side note, Jackie's surgery is tomorrow from her motorcycle accident.
Starting point is 01:05:56 What a buzzkill, man. I'm sorry to hear that. I hope she's okay. She should be okay. Sexual surrogate is a therapeutic practice designed to help a person become more comfortable with sex. That's what I was going to say. Their body and or emotional physical skills they need for intimacy. The client works together with a licensed sex therapist and sex surrogate or surrogate partner.
Starting point is 01:06:17 So this is guys who are like, maybe they come the second they touch a woman's elbow. Maybe they can't get it up. These are guys who aren't comfortable being near a woman. So here's a woman who is patient and ready to help him get better. She's not about herself. She's about helping a patient. So are you telling me that the woman that
Starting point is 01:06:35 I've been paying to have sex with for the last three years is not a licensed professional? Not at all. Because I've been writing this off. I could be in a lot of trouble she said this was tax deductible and it has gotten out of hand at this point um yeah this this sounds a lot like prostitution having a woman come over to your house in order artsy way of looking at it's adjacent to it right like there are guys who genuinely like
Starting point is 01:07:04 in a dating situation where the woman's expecting him to get her off, she wants him to be good at sex, something like that, that's not this. This is a woman who's there to train, there to help a guy get comfortable, there to help a guy get back on the horse. And if he doesn't get it right away, she
Starting point is 01:07:20 spanks him, puts him in his place. This is a dominatrix you're talking about. I've heard of these. I guess, how does it differ from prostitution? So again, I refuse to believe Zach or Woody's definitions, even if they Googled it. You know who came up with that definition? It's prostitutes.
Starting point is 01:07:41 Look, I definitely saw an episode of like fucking Law and Order or some shit where like there was a sexual surrogate who came in and they were like, wait, what are you? And she's like, I'm a sexual surrogate because like his wife's pussy doesn't work anymore. It was something like that. That's not what a surrogate does.
Starting point is 01:08:00 What do they do, Woody? It's literally the definition of it. They hold your hand. They move as slowly as you need to move. Shit is gay, bro. I'm trying to cum. You know what I mean? Holding hands? Are they going to talk to me about their day? Yeah, we want to hear that. That's the best part about prostitutes is you get to bypass
Starting point is 01:08:16 all that. You don't have to act like anything. The first thing they do is they come over and they pick a movie you don't want to watch. Fuck a movie. We're starting to feel like we're starting to play. You're rubbing my feet. That's just what's happening.
Starting point is 01:08:28 You know what I'm saying? Yeah. Like it's actually these sexual servants. They describe that. I love massages. So you can you can get like an hour long time massage for like nine dollars in Thailand. So when we're doing this prostitute stuff, you know, I don't get right to the fucking. I'm trying to get a little bit of rub down action.
Starting point is 01:08:43 You know what I mean? Yeah. I'm getting my feet rub rubbing my back and then i mean how intimate you want me to go no i'll say this there's this bar called lucky bar i'm not in thailand so i feel like i'm safe i can't get like thrown in jail because it's actually illegal still prostitution um but yeah lucky bar you can go in and you just pick from a lineup of girls and uh yeah the girls will do whatever you want uh and obviously you guys are good looking dudes but they're gonna to like you. Because there's like an epidemic of like fat, creepy,
Starting point is 01:09:09 middle-aged white men over there that are just like not taking care of themselves. That's Woody's music. Like weirdos. Like a dude who can't get his dick hard and just wants to like poke your boner for 15 minutes and then make you do push-ups or something. You know, I bet it gets bad for them.
Starting point is 01:09:22 So the way I view it is like they're excited that I'm having sex with them. You know what I mean? I'm tipping them well. I bet it gets bad for them. The way I view it is they're excited that I'm having sex with them. I'm tipping them well. I get to have a nice experience. She gets to your room and she's like, how many squids do you want to put in my asshole? You're like, no, no, no. Rub my feet. She's like, oh, thank God. I found the most charming man the other day.
Starting point is 01:09:42 He didn't even demand to put sea animal in my asshole. You guys all think what? I found the most charming man the other day. He didn't even demand to put sea animal in my asshole. Yeah. You guys all think, what, paying for sex should be legal, right? Yeah. I think it's because I think it's not only safer for the ladies who are making an adult decision to do this thing. As far as venereal diseases and also the psychopaths of the world,
Starting point is 01:10:04 it protects them from all that. And then you get like, once itereal diseases and also like the psychopaths of the world um it protects them from all that and then you get like if it's once it's accepted it's legal it's just like the marijuana thing or anything else all of a sudden there are like standards that apply to everything and health codes and stuff that have to be met so you know you're not like going to some shady massage parlor and sitting on some like aids needle or something i don't know i'm just making up like the worst thing i can imagine but like like, you know, get way more popular. And I think that pot is a parallel to that, like for sure. Wrongly illegal. I mean, there should be like a union for sex workers. So if a woman is like abused in some way, there should be some kind of retaliation other than
Starting point is 01:10:36 some pimp, like doing it on the back streets, you know? Yeah. The police. Yeah. Then they can, then you can report sexual assaults and like, a problem. So many women go missing, right? Because of truck stops and stuff. I'm a firm believer that we have a lot of serial killers going on. And that the new protocol for the FBI is to bury it. To not talk about it publicly. Because I just don't remember the last time. It seemed like in the 70s and 80s.
Starting point is 01:11:04 That they were like, oh, the Springwood Strangler coming this fall. It was a blockbuster movie when you got a new serial killer. And we just haven't heard about them for decades, but they haven't stopped killing. So I believe that there's lots of them everywhere and it freaks me out when I think about it.
Starting point is 01:11:20 But I think they're just not telling us anymore. At any time, it's believed that there are around 25 to 50 active serial killers lurking in the dark corners of the usa stalking the streets and highways for their next potential victim taylor yeah why would you stalk highways for victims it seems like they're moving too quickly i think i think it's truckers i think it's truckers right like getting hitchhikers and truck stop people and uh i think if you go to like a truck stop truck stop like you'll see a lot of people just kind of hanging out and it's like what are you doing it's like i'm just stuck here you know somebody like put them out down the road or like they're hitchhiking trying to get away
Starting point is 01:11:53 or they're just kind of quasi homeless and like some nights i find something to hang out with yeah yeah because they go to truck stop lot liz do you go to truck stops? Not like a nice Wilco or anything. That is what I'm talking about. When you take your family. I sleep in my truck sometimes. And when I travel, here's a long story. At 17, I fell asleep in my car and I got into a really bad traffic accident. I could have died.
Starting point is 01:12:20 Now, if I get sleepy and I feel like it's getting dangerous, I pull over and sleep. And truck spots are one of my favorites. We should write a little book of life tips. And I think that would be one of yours. If you're driving and you're sleepy, pull over. Yes. I'll have a whole page called the Reasonable Cheese Index. The RCI calculator. Prevent preventing overdoses yeah so i was just i'm sorry go
Starting point is 01:12:50 ahead brandon no did we wrap up the thailand segment properly i went to thailand i trained muay thai i wanted to ask um like how much were the drugs and were there other drugs you could buy legally so you could go to anywhere in non-applauses there's all these pharmacies it was very hit or miss some Some days they would sell you, uh, I'll pro exam or diazepam or, um, I only got them to sell me coding once,
Starting point is 01:13:11 but yeah, you would go into a place and sell you stuff one day. They wouldn't sell you the next day. And it was cheap. You know, I think for like trazodone or not trazodone, uh, tram it all for like 10,
Starting point is 01:13:20 a hundred milligram tablets. It was like 20 bucks or something. Oh my wife has tram it all downstairs. She's a drug addict. What'd you kick her out of the house? She's a separated shoulder. You're on seeking behavior. And I see why. Imagine you're 65
Starting point is 01:13:37 and the PKA thing has gone under the, you know, you guys are retired. Your wife leaves you. Your kids are out doing their thing. Couldn't you see yourself going to Thailand and retiring and beautiful Thai women for cheap and beautiful weather? I don't want to learn a whole new language.
Starting point is 01:13:54 You don't have to. It's easy. Sawadee kap. Kap kun kap. Sabai di mai. Sabai di. Oh, it is easy. Yeah. You could have just been like, what do we go to Beijing? How do you say,
Starting point is 01:14:09 yes, I'm sure I want more cheese. But the allure of going to Thailand as a middle-aged person is definitely, you know, it's apparent when you go there because everyone's middle-aged. Like there was not a lot of young people that I was around. I bet there were steroids there.
Starting point is 01:14:23 Whenever I see... You could buy steroids, yeah. Yeah, whenever I see like Mexican pharmacies and people are talking about, oh, you can buy this, that, and the other, and they always mention, oh, yeah, and steroids. Yeah, and you can buy PCT. You can get all the fucking estrogen blockers and all that shit. Yeah, it's wild.
Starting point is 01:14:36 Oh, and then whenever I see someone talk about Thailand, like ladyboys always inevitably pop. Everywhere. Some of them look damn good. Some of them look better good. Some of them look better than bitches. Tell the truth. Were you at all tempted? Hell yeah. Bro, everyone is tempted. If you go to
Starting point is 01:14:52 town and you're not tempted by these beautiful young men out here walking around with these titties, you're lying. Because they're there to do what you've already done? They're like artisans, bro. They're like trying to be a bitch. They're trying to be all pretty. A lot of them are hitting, hitting hard.
Starting point is 01:15:06 I actually, there's a video I have recorded. That's not edited. It's called, uh, uh, life is a lady boy in Thailand. And it's not even a funny video.
Starting point is 01:15:14 It's just me interviewing them. And yeah, it sounds good. Yeah, no, it is fun. They actually said the one set, the one set,
Starting point is 01:15:19 it's not gay to have a lady boy. Fuck you in your ass with their dick. That's what, well, of course she's what, well, of course she would say, yeah, he wants you to buy it. But the best days are the days when some dumb American pays $30 to fuck him in the ass.
Starting point is 01:15:36 She's like, Oh, no, I can push in my ass. Good gig. Wonderful. Obviously girls are winning in this sex thing because even the dudes are fucking trying to look like bitches just to get more clients so i mean i if you're about feminism you're about
Starting point is 01:15:49 women's empowerment legalize sex workers and let me get a blow job for fucking 20 bucks yes yes they legalize because some guys aren't interested like would you guys all pay for prostitutes i'm sure one of you certainly would be like nah yeah i would pay for yeah it's a great thing it should be an option because i just don for yeah it's a great thing it should be an option because i just don't see what's the argument against it people are still doing it it's like guns it's like you want to make guns illegal just people are still going to have guns now it's like you know fucking rodney on the street corner is getting his dick sucked for 12 bucks and i'm not i wish you could 3d print a prostitute right i would buy a robot on the way there oh my god he's got ghost pussy can you imagine like when
Starting point is 01:16:27 when when sex robots are cheap realistic and available how bizarre and stunted that group of young men is going to be it's on to me it's done i'm never talking about it again like an 11 year old who just like orders on his secret account off of amazon sex prime like a full-sized Asian ladies robot. I'm doing that. I did a sex robot. I'm going full-on MGTOW. I'm hitting the gym. I'm on my, what is it called? Sigma male grind set. I'm banging
Starting point is 01:16:54 this robo. Are you MGTOW? Lonely and sad? No. Lonely, sad, depressed? No, I'm not. I'm used to ketamine. I'm all now yeah i don't get bitches and it's my choice okay that is a funny angle to take like no no i'm not not getting any sex at all i'm a man going my own way and it's like your own way seems to be right in line with the path you're allowed
Starting point is 01:17:20 on here yeah like like you didn't step away from the path of pussy triumphantly. You didn't make it through the gates. On screen. That's why I'm talking about Zach, me, and you. Zach's already came enough girls to where he's in trouble for life. Zach is way too fertile.
Starting point is 01:17:40 How was it, though, Zach? Is it different when you can feel the ovaries suck it up and suck it in? Is it different? I always feel the ovaries suck it up and suck it in? Is it different? I always imagined there was some kind of pull. Some kind of pull on it? Yeah. Yeah, something had to have changed.
Starting point is 01:17:54 But yeah, Thailand was a great time. I left early because of an eye infection. I didn't do my Muay Thai fight I wanted to do, but that's that. Now I'm back in Maryland. Why didn't you get the Muay Thai fight you were looking for? Because my eyes got crazy infected and I'm like waiting. And after like 10 days of having increasingly blurry vision and red eyes, I was like, bro, I'm going home.
Starting point is 01:18:11 I would have just chosen then to fight you. You got to get to an American doctor. Yeah, I was starting to get really worried. You go in to get your eyes looked at there, you leave with breast implants. They don't know what you're talking about. My audience is like mad concerned. They think I've like had a tragic accident or died.
Starting point is 01:18:25 People are messaging my dad on Facebook like, is your son okay? I heard he died. It's like, what the fuck? Stop messaging me. It's really cool to be on the podcast with you guys because like I said, I've been a fan for three or four years. When I was just a teacher, I was looking at this shit, looking up to you guys.
Starting point is 01:18:42 It's cool to be here. It's awesome to have you, man. You have a very interesting perspective. You guys. It's cool to be here. It's awesome to have you, man. You have a very interesting perspective. You guys had so many legends on here. You had Wings was the host for a while. You've had Medica on here. You've had everyone in the community.
Starting point is 01:18:55 Shout out to Ethan Ralph breaking down recently. The Medica Ralph shit. The billionaire owner of Dollar Shave Club on the show. Chris Hansen. Have a seed to catch a predator guy. Shout out Chris Hansen. The have a seed to catch a predator guy. Yeah, shout out Chris Hansen. He was at the Juggalo thing. He was? Yeah. Was he in paint? I hope he was in face paint.
Starting point is 01:19:13 No, I think he was just there. No, the Juggalos apparently hate the child predators just as much as Chris Hansen. Oh, they're allies. Apparently. Well, that's an alliance with a lot of members. Here's show right chris hansen to catch a predator but instead of cops he's just got like a bunch of muscled up juggalettes he's got like what's the what's the guy violent jay or something yeah that's like violent jay's just there and him and like
Starting point is 01:19:38 eight more juggalos just beat the shit out of the the child molesters i would watch that all day every day that'd be great let me tell you what i've been watching all day today and it meant that i didn't sleep last night like i just it'll be i'll be up for like 24 hours when is night time for you nowadays fuck it who knows okay they got saving times really fuck things up i hope it stays permanent that one hour is the problem oh yeah that it's not am and pm were anyway um i've watched police activity on youtube this was this is one of the best youtube channels ever it's all the police body cam footage i watched some wild shit go down today this female police officer goes up to a house she's just kind
Starting point is 01:20:20 of not she's knocking on the door hey anybody there? This bitch comes running out with a big knife. I mean, we go from zero to light speed instantly. Bitch is coming out with the knife and stabs the cop immediately. Stabs her in the arm. The cop backs up down the stairs. The knife, I guess, was stuck in the cop, and then it fell out onto the ground. The cop screams into the fucking radio, She stabbed me! I've been stabbed!
Starting point is 01:20:53 The lady goes to pick up the knife to stab the cop again, and the lady cop opens up on her, like, guts her. And I do mean guts her. Her intestines are on the pavement pavement and she is sitting up she's sitting up on her knees doing that to the cop like with crazy eyes so and the and the and like when when I know that this is what happened when every every police officer who heard that female cop scream I've been stabbed and like
Starting point is 01:21:27 scream it was you could tell she was afraid they came running like so much backup showed up and they're all just looking at their i'm not exaggerating four guys in a circle around the female cop patching her up she's pretty hot like eventually you get to see somebody else's point of view and she's she's one of the like hotter female cops damn but she smoked this chick and the chick but the chick won't give up the knife she's still got the knife she won't give it up and so they they they they put the dog on her so the dog's fucking her up the hounds on the bitch and the lady's fighting the dog now and the cop's like stop hitting my dog stop hitting my dog and i'm like dude the dog's there to get hit put armor on him
Starting point is 01:22:11 or don't send him in like if he can't beat this gut shot lady up then then like it needs to be retired yeah so the dog but the dog's fucking her up and somebody else comes and shoots her with a taser and then somebody else comes and kicks the knife out of her hand and then they all just beat the shit out of her and drag her away and somebody goes be careful her guts are hanging out it was so hardcore what a job and then once it's all over they're like wait a minute did we clear that house let's clear that let's go in there they find three more in the house like they were hiding in there three more psychos three more knife wielders i think they were like yeah i think they were like um like like drug addicts who were like um like squatting and squatting there yeah they found three more
Starting point is 01:22:54 lurking in there they drug their asses out hooked them up and that wasn't even the craziest video like i just watched police activity like in a montage right i watched every one of them back to back from the at the last eight months. I saw three different cops who did that crazy shit where you shoot a perpetrator who's holding a fucking hostage. I thought that shit only happened in lethal weapon movies. Clint Eastwood shit.
Starting point is 01:23:16 That's some Clint Eastwood shit. When you're holding the guy and you're like, what are you going to do, cop? And you're just like, fucking make my day and shoot him in the face. I saw three different cops do that shit and they hit the shot and they hit the shot and drop the dude were any of them in america i feel like i see that all of them in america all over in america and and another thing i've noticed about cops and like the last year's videos they got red dots and compensators
Starting point is 01:23:40 on the glocks now like they're not fucking they're getting better at being shooters let me jump in i have a related story so um the guy that taught my concealed carry course was a sheriff like a retired sheriff's officer and he had seen a lot of shit and uh this guy and his wife came out of a bar anyway bad guy grabs the wife and does what you're talking about he's holding the wife and uh you know he's got a knife to the wife's does what you're talking about. He's holding the wife and, uh, you know, he's got a knife to the wife's neck or something and he wants their money. He wants to get their money, their phones, whatever.
Starting point is 01:24:10 And then he's going to let her go and head the other way. But dude, man, husband's a concealed carry. So he pulls out his little, uh, what's an eight. What's an,
Starting point is 01:24:19 uh, LCP Kyle. What is the caliber? 32. Oh, three 80 three. Thank you. It is.
Starting point is 01:24:23 Yeah. So he pulls out his little three 80 LCP and he's like, let go of the wife or I'll shoot you. And the wife is like, no. No. Don't do this. And he's like, I got this, baby. And he shoots his wife in the fucking shoulder. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:24:40 Can I just say, the Ruger LCP is such a piece of shit. I had to hit her in the face i have one too there's no telling what i did i i'll never forget like like i've told the story he's never gonna hear the end of it i bought that i bought that you got me you cunt i think it's still carry apparently she never let him hear the end of it I bet that he should have went you see that just imagine what I'm going to do to you if you don't let my wife go
Starting point is 01:25:15 I think in class he used this example he's like honey there's dirty dishes everywhere she's like well you shot me this is her go to trump card I'd be like want another one he's like twirl shot me this is her go-to trump card yeah i'd be like want another one you like just twirling a pistol in there just twirling a pistol safety off rounds oh here's another one i saw this is fucking wild so two cops pull uh pull over a truck there's two guys in the truck um one cop stays back in the car the other guys other cop is at the passenger
Starting point is 01:25:43 side interviewing these fellas with a flashlight. It's nighttime. And all of a sudden, the passenger starts getting kind of uncooperative. He rolls the window up. He's like, I don't want to answer any more questions. He's like, well, actually, I need you to step out of the vehicle. And if they tell you to do that, you got to get out of the vehicle. He's like, nope.
Starting point is 01:25:59 And the driver says, I'm removing myself from y'all's little argument here. He gets out of the truck, puts his hands up, and goes back to the other officer. At first, he's like, whoa, whoa, whoa. The guy is clearly, he sits down, looks at the ground, and he is not wanting to be part of anything. He removes himself. Meanwhile, the passenger of the truck is getting into the driver's seat now. The cop opens the door, and he's getting into the passenger seat.'s like don't you do this don't you do it dude takes off with the cop they're both together now in the truck and the cop is screaming stop stop i'll
Starting point is 01:26:40 shoot you i'll shoot you he goes shoot me motherfucker he fucking shifts gears he goes shoot me motherfucker and the cop goes stop stop he goes and then the cop starts saying stop stop reaching if a cop ever tells you out there anybody out there cop ever tells you to stop reaching you better go flat and be nice
Starting point is 01:27:00 because he's getting ready to murder you he's getting ready to kill you in cold blood and he'll get a paid vacation he's pretending he's getting ready to murder you. He's getting ready to kill you in cold blood and he'll get a paid vacation. She's pretending he's reaching for a gun. Look, he's making sure his ass is covered because a psychopath who clearly is suicidal is driving him into the night. It's like a stop resisting area.
Starting point is 01:27:17 This guy needs to die. And so the cop goes, kills the guy. The fucking truck rolls to a stop and he gets out like, what the fuck just happened? And his partner's like, the partner was on the radio at the beginning of it he was like he comes over the dispatcher whatever he's just like yeah like you know 743 truck heading eastbound on 270 my partner's in there with him you're like come on back come on
Starting point is 01:27:42 back again number two yeah that's right My partner's in the car with him. He's taking my partner. He's down on 270. Happy that he's down on 270. It's just like they can't believe what's happened. Then I saw, I won't do, I'll just do one more of these. I saw one where they. You love these brutal videos.
Starting point is 01:28:02 Because it's like the highest level of drama to me because people are dying at the ends of these videos. It's true. They try to serve a warrant on a guy, and he's got a fucking machine gun, and he starts shooting a machine gun from the inside of a Dallas or a Houston home, and he kills two cops before he's done, before they gun him down.
Starting point is 01:28:20 It was fucking wild. Where was he in the home? Better yet, was he in a bathtub by chance? No, he's just like, it's dark in there. They hadn't made entry yet. They were still at the front door. It was fucking wild. Kyle, this is something you might know, oddly. Do you think a bathtub is bulletproof?
Starting point is 01:28:37 What kind? That's a good question. Brennan, you're breathing into your mic just a wee bit. You don't like it? I was doing doing it for you i hate it so fucking much damn bro i watched a tv show euphoria i mentioned it earlier yeah and uh without spoiling too much there's a scene where there's a shootout and one of the characters gets in a bathtub and i was like i wonder if that works does that was it one of those old timey bathtubs that has legs? It wasn't.
Starting point is 01:29:09 I think it was the one that's kind of built into the wall and seems to connect to all three walls. Yeah. Might be fiberglass. If that shit's fiberglass, then that ain't stopping anything. Not even a ricochet? Obviously, if you shoot straight at something, it penetrates better than if you shoot at an angle. I mean, it's just fiberglass i think of that as like non-existent okay i mean 22s would just shoot all the way through it and and kill the person if the tile on the outside
Starting point is 01:29:36 is going to be the thing that really like two layers right like it kind of like the fiberglass is molded to sort of come up and down the other I'll say this. I have no faith in the bullet productivity of a fiberglass bathtub. Okay, but a cast iron you'd be on board with. Yeah, you're going to need something real to ding through that thing and hurt somebody. That would save you from explosions, gunshots, fucking twisters, anything.
Starting point is 01:30:01 That might be a smart appliance to have in the 21st century, believe it or not. One of those freestanding cast iron tubs with a leg on it. If you could get a hatch on that thing. Look at this. Woody is the man. Did you buy it because of the show?
Starting point is 01:30:17 No. We're redoing our master bath and in these COVID times, it's really difficult to arrange all the supplies to arrive in the old days you just be like yeah you know two or three weeks before the construction crew comes you get your bathtub your tiles you're this you're that now we have been collecting materials for months now and we won't be done until like summer and before anyone starts working yeah it is insane i uh i wanted to ask brandon something else You mentioned Medicare, how we've had people on and everything.
Starting point is 01:30:47 And that made me think. I was looking through your channel and everything. And another person we've had on our show a good bit who does silly go-around videos is Danny Mullen. The homie. Shout out to the homie. Apparently. You guys should collaborate. Did you guys have.
Starting point is 01:31:00 Killer collab. We would do a killer collab, don't you think? You would. I'm sorry, Taylor. Oh, no. I saw a video you made called danny mullen blacklisted me and i'm not familiar at all with with uh we haven't had him on in quite some time i can you give a background to that if it's interesting if not no i think people think it's interesting uh you know i'm gonna have people that
Starting point is 01:31:18 are gonna give me a hard time for talking about this people claim I bring this up all the time. Me and Danny had a beef back in the 2020-2021 times. Last year? Yeah. Four months ago. Explain your side of this beef.
Starting point is 01:31:39 He kept trying to kiss me and shit every time I was around. Sexually pressuring me making me uncomfortable so i added him as a predator and that's that shout out the homies oh Shout out to the homies. Oh, God. You had me for like a split second. I was like, oh, no.
Starting point is 01:32:15 Because I could see Danny doing that as a joke. And then maybe he just did the joke so much that it started to be kind of cool. And now all of a sudden it was like the only way he can get off is to pressure a man to show his dick. It started with let me see your dick for the camera and the next thing you know it was every Sunday night. Now that I do believe because he would be like I made my most recent video. I shot a
Starting point is 01:32:36 porn. And it's like yeah and in the middle we have dick measure offs and I lose and then like he's talking about all that. I'll give you a quick summation of that in all actuality uh i was a danny mullen fan i was starting my youtube channel i had quit being a teacher i paid him three thousand dollars to do a video with me he came out to maryland we're doing the video and then i kind of uh hit it off with like his
Starting point is 01:32:59 co-host leo dottavio i went out to la was living with leo he was like i want to make content with you you know just hang out, whatever. We're shooting the shit. And then Danny didn't fuck with it, so he essentially blacklisted me from the crew, told all his crew members they couldn't hang out with me, and whatever, whatever. And it came to a head when I was in Austin, Texas. And he denies this still, but I was told by Nerdballer TV that he told Nerdballer I was creepy on Original Stalker and he couldn't hang out with me kind of a thing. That's what I was told.
Starting point is 01:33:28 I know you guys are boys with Danny, so I'm not trying to ruffle any tail feathers. When we talk to Danny about this, is he going to be like, you know he raped my cousin, right? He's just going to be like, you know he literally raped my cousin, right? People are really eager to hear more about this because it kind of just ended ambiguously. It ended with him. The last time we talked, he apologized to me. He tried to make amends and make things cool, and I didn't answer, and that was the last of that. I squirted mayonnaise in his face, and the cops handcuffed me and took me away. And it was a big ordeal.
Starting point is 01:34:07 I did not know that. So that part's not true, right? No, that is true. And there's a video of it on the internet. I do not understand what happened here. Hold on. Danny perceived me as a threat and he thought I was like, you know, taking his crew members and stealing his thunder. You were trying to fuck him.
Starting point is 01:34:26 He thought I was cucking him. You met Danny's boyfriend, and then you and the boyfriend hit it off. You brought the boyfriend back to your place. No, the boyfriend brought me to his place. All right, so the boyfriend brought you to his place. You guys are hitting it off in a big way. Go watch Mad Men. Danny feels cucked in this situation.
Starting point is 01:34:42 I think Danny just took it the wrong way. You start to get viewers on the internet. You want to protect what you have. You're building this crew. And he perceived me as someone who was trying to fuck the crew up, do shit without him, whatever, whatever.
Starting point is 01:34:54 When it wasn't that way at all, I was, I, you know, I genuinely fucked with this content because I'm, I, you know, I'm an internet guy.
Starting point is 01:35:00 I love old Tom green. I love Jack as big brother, CKY old stuff, obviously like the Medicare shit. Um, so I'm just an internet fan i love sam hyde million dollar extreme whatever whatever yeah the the fake kicks when you were doing that as i was watching it i'm like shades of sam hyde from this guy i guarantee he's the same fan yeah i mean it's it's like a cardinal sin to say you're a fan of sam hyde nowadays he's a blacklisted desperado but no i'm obviously a big sam hyde fan a big mr medicare he's a very funny guy um longmont potion castle whatever so i think
Starting point is 01:35:27 daddy perceived me wrong he thought i was trying to be like a shitty you know one of these young up-and-coming shitty shysters that are trying to steal your thunder and uh yeah he told me that i couldn't hang out with people and i obviously i'm i wasn't the kind of person that was willing to handle that to deal with that and And I was just pissed off. And I pulled up on him on 6th Street in Austin. I squirted mayonnaise in his face and leg kicked Nico Villacresas. And then the cops handcuffed me. And Nico told Danny and them that he was going to press charges.
Starting point is 01:35:56 And they were all so excited that I was going to go to jail. And they were so, so excited. And then Nico told the cops, I have it all on camera because I had a secret guy recording. Nico told the cops he didn't want to press charges. So I really didn't get in trouble and they were all excited thinking i was in jail they put out this podcast painting me as a creepy unoriginal obsessive stalker and then uh yeah i just i was very confident because once he once he laid out the timeline of what happened i was like i have all these texts and all this evidence to show you how it
Starting point is 01:36:19 really happened because i know who i am i'm not like some creepy unoriginal weirdo i might be a fan i mean you can you fan. You can say that I'm a fan if that's a crime. It is what it is. You guys were curious. I'm not trying to paint Danny as someone shitty to you. You guys are obviously friends with him. Yeah, I like Danny a lot. In this day and age with the internet,
Starting point is 01:36:38 how is it? You have your Mr. Beards and your Nick Greens or whoever, the people that don't like Danny. Then you have the Danny Mullins and Nel whoever, the people that don't like Danny. And then you have the Danny Mullins and Nelks, these people that make entertaining content. It sucks because it seems like you guys in your sense of humor,
Starting point is 01:36:54 the way you make videos, you're natural allies. You could get... If you guys collabed, I would imagine you would get a video with a lot more views and you could do that shit that everybody does now where half the video is chopped up on your channel half is chopped up on his like it seems to be pretty popular i think there's this dynamic with with danny's channel i mean now that we're talking
Starting point is 01:37:13 about it it seems like everyone that's in his videos is a bit of his his puppet they're a bit of a bitch they kind of take a beta role you know he'll shit on them he won't they won't dish it back uh they don't do anything on their own time they don't actually make content so i don't don't think he appreciated the fact that I was trying to do my own thing while simultaneously be a part of his crew. Because, I mean, it's undeniable. In the beginning, I was trying to be a part of his crew. I can't sit here and say, fuck Danny Mullen. His content's whack because what was I doing in the beginning stages of my career? And I was trying to align myself with Danny because I was a fan.
Starting point is 01:37:45 But he didn't like it. It is what it is. Yeah, it's a shame it didn't turn out better. Maybe somewhere along the way you guys figured out how to be friends. We need to get Danny Mullen on the show again, get his perspective on all this. Have the debate. We can be healers. We can heal this divide and you guys can be harassing people together in no time.
Starting point is 01:38:01 Everybody doesn't need to like everybody. The Danny Mullen subreddit is going to have a field day with this because they love watching everything I do and then talking about it on there. You raped someone, didn't you? Me? No, bro. I'm not rapey.
Starting point is 01:38:16 It's not my vibe. I'm not a raper. I believe you. You know? Yeah. Brandon, what belt are you in Brazilian jiu-jitsu? I'm a white belt. I'm the world's best white belt, baby.
Starting point is 01:38:23 The world's best white belt? Danny might get you. I got $10,000 on it. $10,000 I'll tap him out in Jiu-Jitsu? I'm a white belt. I'm the world's best white belt, baby. The world's best white belt? Danny might get you. I got $10,000 on it. $10,000, I'll tap him out in Jiu-Jitsu. At this point, $30,000. $30,000, I'll tap him out in Jiu-Jitsu. $30,000, I'll beat his ass in MMA. Whatever you want to do. Whatever. Boxing. I'm not even
Starting point is 01:38:38 a good striker. I know he isn't either. Danny Mullen can beat a Clydesdale. Danny Mullen is like what? Like a very high-level belt, right? He's just a purple belt. I trained at Crazy 88 with Tim Spriggs, Black Belt World Champion, Chris Tran, multiple time Brown Belt World Champion. I'm not scared of some fucking purple belt. I've trained with really good
Starting point is 01:38:53 people too. It doesn't make me good. Yeah, well, if you feel like they're just wiping the floor with you and you're not competitive, then that's one thing. I'm great though. I'm not the best Jiu-Jitsu guy, but I'm confident I'll beat his ass. I've got my ass kicked by three UFC fighters so far.
Starting point is 01:39:08 Jiu-Jitsu kind of knocked me out, so I'm definitely good at striking. I get what you're saying, Woody, but my point is I'm a white belt and I'm also very confident that I would submit him and yeah, whatever. How tall are you? Are you a lot bigger than Danny? We're the same height and weight. 6'3",
Starting point is 01:39:24 170, 180. I didn3", 171.80. I didn't realize Danny was that big. That's a good little duel. Do you honestly think you could beat him in jits? Because I couldn't. Literally, there's not a single doubt in my mind. He can say what he wants. At this point, I don't even care.
Starting point is 01:39:37 I don't gain that much from doing something with Danny Mullen. Back when I had 10,000 subs, obviously, it was a bigger deal. I'm not scratching at the bit to get a Danny Mullen collab. Like at the end of the day, he can eat my dick if he still wants to be negative towards me. But I think he and his crew realizes I'm obviously just not some clout chasing unoriginal reject. Like, you know, I can make good content. I can make good comedy.
Starting point is 01:40:02 You can. Oh, hey, I want to talk about your content. So I love the Thailand video a lot. I think that's one of my best videos, yeah. Very, very. Fans, you need to watch it. You need to understand it. It's cool.
Starting point is 01:40:16 The only issue with it was, if it is an issue, is that it's hard to do. It's expensive. It took weeks to make, if not over a month. You couldn't whip that out every Thursday on a schedule. On a week schedule yeah so like do you have any ideas or plans to make something that epic again how are you going to pull it off it doesn't even make money because it's expensive to make so you guys are just finding out about me like i i started uh june 18th 2020 i released a video every single week up until the new year of 2022. And then, yeah, that crazy Thailand video came out and I've pretty much been on a hiatus.
Starting point is 01:40:47 No one knows where I am, what's going on. Last people heard about me was like three weeks ago when I did a live stream with my eyes all infected and swollen. So I'm supposed to put out a video today. It's not done. It's not edited. My health is just getting to the point where I can like see properly. I'm not having headaches.
Starting point is 01:41:03 So my next video is supposed to be like an epic video like that, where it starts off. I'm in non-applausal. I'm doing this British accent, whatever, whatever. I find a dude on the street that has ketamine. I buy ketamine and it kind of devolves into like a whole week of doing
Starting point is 01:41:14 ketamine and what that was like. So that should be coming out next Thursday. That should be epic. I have, I filmed a lot of stuff in Thailand. So, but as far as like how to reproduce that level of content, my last video,
Starting point is 01:41:24 it's not unless I had an editor or a team because I do everything alone. So doing it alone, I mean... It's super hard. Do you edit it all by yourself? Yeah. You did a good job. I told my wife you did a good job. It's sincere. Thank you. He really killed it. And it was great because the musicians
Starting point is 01:41:39 I worked with, they hooked it up all behind the scenes. They said they were going to clear the copyright. They didn't clear the copyright, so i didn't get any money and then put in a dispute and then youtube reviewed the video age restricted it so it was cool it was a clean process it was really good it was great there was never even a an opportunity to make a dime from yeah i'd like to apologize to my patrons i have a patreon where where I have around 900 people or something like that. I haven't been on there in six weeks, so I'm sorry to all my patrons.
Starting point is 01:42:09 I'm going to be active soon. How much did the Thai trip cost? All in all, how many bots? How many bots? Half a million bots. I'm squirting out bots left and right. I bought a new camera out there because I filmed everything on my channel with a GoPro. I bought a new camera out there.
Starting point is 01:42:25 I filmed everything on my channel with a GoPro. I bought a Blackmagic Pocket Cinema camera and a rig. It was like $4,000. I want to say upwards of $8,000-$10,000 the whole trip. That's with buying a new camera, buying audio equipment, buying a bunch of stuff, going to Patia, whatever.
Starting point is 01:42:40 I'll tell you what. The video I want to see, and it's the video I want to see from everyone who makes videos I want to see people go to Ukraine Because I don't think there's anything cooler right now Than going to Ukraine Because there's a fucking war going on right now But if you can't speak Ukrainian
Starting point is 01:42:54 I gotta get vaccinated The best TV show I've ever seen Is called Ukraine It's on 24 hours a day There's like Multiple subreddits for it Every channel's always talking about it It's called Ukraine. Okay? It's on 24 hours a day. There's like multiple subreddits for it. Every channel's always talking about it. It's amazing.
Starting point is 01:43:12 It's the best TV show there's ever been. Kyle, you're going to get over there. You're going to see a super interesting guy to interview. And you're not... You know how like... Well, that's what Brandon does. He interviews people. He gets content. You know how if someone's speaking to you in Spanish
Starting point is 01:43:24 and you've taken a foreign language, you a little bit know like words here and there yeah you're not picking out shit from some ukrainian dude i know the word for cheese i literally do i don't believe you you're in luck to drop it it's uh you have to roll the r but it's like oh well you're set book a flight yeah you're good like see if i'm right because that's what uh old sergey sergey was ukrainian so it's possible that's the russian word or it's the ukrainian word because he would have there it is kyle i looked it up you're close it's in relic is there is there like a c there is say it c reverse np i was being funny but syr is the it's i think you got it right yeah wow it's like one of the very very few words in russian
Starting point is 01:44:17 or ukrainian that i know cheese cheese just for you being a content creator is the best job in the world because like you know you guys did this podcast through your webcams and whatever but if you guys wanted to go take a trip to vegas and party and gamble you could just do like a pk in vegas walking around have a street element maybe you're not interested but the versatility of being a content creator it's like obviously doesn't need to you hate vegas that much kyle oh just the whole thing um yeah vegas is pretty awful though like i don't know what i was an evil place if you're trying to get devilish out there and get into some trouble do something like what kind of trouble lose some money fucking get drunk i can lose money a bit there's like there's prostitutes there right there's casino in north carolina it's bigger than any casino in vegas really
Starting point is 01:44:59 yeah i mean are we all east coast east coast boys where are you guys from? Throw up your East Sides. East Side? I don't know how to do St. Louis in hands. I'm from the mean streets of Woodbine. Show me how to do an and. Show that again. Show Kyle's finger. Look at that.
Starting point is 01:45:18 Kyle was kidnapped by someone when he was like three, and they fucked up his hands forever. They tried to make me talk. Yeah, that's gnarly. They just kept going. You know what? Kyle, hold your hand like that. No, no, the other way. It's NC. It's just lowercase.
Starting point is 01:45:32 You're about to get shot doing all them gang signs. Kyle, your right hand aiming the other way. Now, take your left hand. Yes, it looks like an improving economy. What? I see some Doctor Strange action. Like the grass. Like the whoop, whoop going up.
Starting point is 01:45:49 It doesn't... Oh, your fucking right ring finger is beyond fucked. You're gnarly. Oh, yeah. No, but I guess I should give closing statements on the Danny Mon thing because you brought that up. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Danny Mon. At this point, like, you know,
Starting point is 01:46:01 I would just benefit from, like, amping the beef up and saying, fuck him, whatever, whatever. I'm chilling. I'm trying to be a YouTuber and do my YouTube thing, obviously. People are going to pair us together for the rest of time because I got my start affiliated with him, and we make somewhat similar content.
Starting point is 01:46:15 Danny Mullen, if you're out there watching this, sweetie, suck my dick. I want to see that. It's all good. I don't know. You guys like him. You guys know him better than me at this point So I'm not trying to add fuel to the fire Shout out to his fans, shout out to him I like Danny Mullen
Starting point is 01:46:31 One, I like his content, that's good Two, I like how He's professionally tried at it He actually takes improv courses He actually works I already works 120 hours a week on his comedy I wouldn't know but i'd like he uh are you ripping on me is that what's just happened right there no but if you look i mean what do you want to go watch a fucking um it's a lot of hours for
Starting point is 01:46:57 a week do you want to go watch hassan on twitch or do you want to watch a danny mullen video like obviously i'm going to watch the danny mullen video like obviously i'm gonna watch the danny mullen video i'm not gonna watch his son yeah i would watch someone interviewing people in silly situations yeah i would watch a cop sicking his dog on a guy who's trying to crawl into a face yeah you can't watch too much of that stuff you know what i like about long into the abyss the abyss stares back into you you guys are you guys have been this for a decade yeah over a decade now for you guys are internet veterans you're legends you know uh the internet has changed a lot so someone who's been a fan of the internet for so long and not been on the content creating side for more than two years like it sucks this the way the internet is devolving and you know you can't say all the
Starting point is 01:47:41 naughty words and be being mr negative well and also like even away from like not being allowed to say stuff anymore. Like it's so corporatized now that like, it felt like it used to be on YouTube. Like some guy would get a huge amount of attention for making just really cool videos. Now they're having to compete with like all the mainstream media videos that get promoted to people. Like news,
Starting point is 01:48:02 the Jonas brothers, you didn't use to get like fox news segments about the jonas brothers or fucking uh a cnn clip about justin bieber on your suggested and like there is stuff that i guarantee that i have never clicked anything even in the vicinity of and they'll show me a fox be like you would like this from sean hannity and it's like i know that i wouldn't i don't like him why would you show me that's a different algorithm for that stuff i don't even believe there's a big as big of a fan base for like mainstream news i think it's like a different algorithm i think it's like pushed to us oh for sure it is in my in my case though like i i have no opinion because i i go out seeking it
Starting point is 01:48:40 like like i've got like three or four different news channels that i'm going back and forth to sometimes like like no i like well on my youtube account like recently i all of my suggested shit is like weightlifting and magic the gathering deck builder that sounds very much like the tailor right now and then and then a couple of things about a little bit about cheese a little bit about cheese but like stuff will show up that it's like okay yeah an archery thing i watched that oh a magic thing oh a weightlifting thing and then the other box is this stuff of channels i've never once clicked on i'd never accidentally click on cnn or fox because i know it'll be a a torrent of shit suggested to me and yet it's still there did you always there moist critical penguin zero
Starting point is 01:49:20 is always on my recommended i never watch his stuff stuff. No offense to him. Yeah, he gets right. He gets always to me. But I think maybe it's because his videos are hitting the algorithm so hard, too. Like, you know, there's the chicken for the egg stuff, I think, is happening a little bit there. Because when I get recommended one of his videos, it's often because it's about something I care about. It's, it's like, Hey, would you like one of this guy's videos? He's doing that. He's doing your thing now.
Starting point is 01:49:50 Like, like, like, so I've always had good experiences with the algorithm. It always steers me to, to the stuff I like. I just don't like that it exists at all. I liked when the homepage was, um, like a, like a, like a tryout, like a talent. It was a talent show. It was a daily talent show. And the winners were right there displayed for you. And you could show up and be like,
Starting point is 01:50:12 let's see what, you know, new content creator has either stepped on the scene or let's see which one of the like veterans has come up with a new knee slapper for me. You know, what's the most favorite video today? What's the most viewed video today? what's the most viewed video in entertainment today those three categories would each have a great video it'd be some freddy w shit that looks like
Starting point is 01:50:33 it cost a million dollars to make if he'd be like collabing with with like a mainstream like a hollywood like a lister with like the mythbusters yeah and everyone had the same youtube experience peel now it's personalized to me and you and taylor and yeah yeah i i don't like that um i i i don't know i i liked that youtube was a bit of a like i said a talent show you could you could try out and and you could anytime you wanted to like so if anybody was just like oh wish i could get into that it's like dude fucking do it like like like you know i made my cousin a youtube channel and right away because of the way the the um the thing worked back then his first video of him being an asshole and shooting pigs with camouflage on i think it's got quarter million views like like something like
Starting point is 01:51:17 that like it was zero subscribers like i was just like if you make good content and you put it in like pets and animals and it's, and it's already, it's him shooting pigs with a, like a suppressed machine gun at night with night vision goggles being a psycho. Like, like I'm like the pets and animals, people are going to hate this shit.
Starting point is 01:51:34 That's great. Cause dislikes are just as good as likes. We're going to, we're going to knock the fucking algorithm out of the park. And I'm like, and I will post it on my Facebook, but I'll say something like this is ridiculous what do you guys think question mark i'm not taking a side i'm just saying hey
Starting point is 01:51:52 look at this like was that did he show this to us in disgust or let's just assume he did we're good like so so i got away with that i guess and like the video was just awful though of course i'm behind the camera being like tell them the pigs ate children last week cut the pigs ear off where no no we're gonna we're gonna put them on a necklace like it's nom it's gonna be great do i found i found a perfect example of a youtube suggested video to me bbc news never clicked that channel once in my life no video dennis skill skinner kicked out of commons for calling david cameron dodgy dave okay stop all right stop i got the same one and and here's what i did i watched it because it's awesome and then i went down a rabbit hole of watching more in the next video that was related it's called mps acting badly or something like that and then i watched the whole
Starting point is 01:52:53 there's like part one two three four and five i watched all of those they're like they're like 10 minutes long each and it's just these british like i don't know what their titles are they call them right honorable gentlemen and rightorable ladies and shit like that. And then at some point, like one of them mouthed stupid woman and they like, and the, everybody lost their shit. They're like the right.
Starting point is 01:53:16 Honorable gentlemen, mouthed woman. And, and, and he's like, I don't know. They got like a fucking referee or something. I don't know what his position is, but he's wearing like a wackadoo tie up there. And he's and like i don't they got like a fucking referee or something i don't know what his position is but he's wearing like a wackadoo tie up there and he's just like
Starting point is 01:53:28 as eloquently as you can possibly imagine as if shakespeare's writing it he basically says i didn't see it so i can't judge on it i can't judge on something i didn't see and none of my like assistant assholes saw either and they argue about this point for 15 minutes, different people and everyone's screaming and shouting because the left side wants them to like punish this guy and fucking drag him back in and make him apologize to her face. Cause that's what they do. Like if you say like a,
Starting point is 01:54:01 if you call someone stupid or if you call someone a liar, Oh, someone called someone a liar and they lost their shit. The right honorable gentleman should know better than to call this man a liar where we all
Starting point is 01:54:16 know there are no liars amongst us. Right. Amongst our politicians. And the guy had the best answer ever. He basically said, I will take it back in deference to you, sir,
Starting point is 01:54:31 but not to the man I insulted. And the judge of assholery goes, I'll allow it. He goes, that'll do. And then they're not... They're supposed to be talking about Brexit. I mean, that's a more entertaining kind of politics than what we have.
Starting point is 01:54:52 It's the most entertaining shit I've ever seen. I don't want to get suggested that, though. I'm not clear. No, get into it, dude. You'll like it. Watch it. He calls him Dodgy Dave, and they lose their shit. They're like, that was enough to freak
Starting point is 01:55:05 people out dodgy day there's a the guy stands up he's like you take back the d word that you said which you know which i'm referring to you take it back and they're like he's like i will not take it back he is dodgy day he is dodgy Dave. He is Dodgy Dave. And then everybody really loses their shit. That's like the most mild Trump insult back in the day. The man's been embezzling government money. I think that's the deal. And the man's sitting there smugly smiling at the accusations.
Starting point is 01:55:40 And this old guy's just fucking losing it. Yeah, it's good. What content creators do you guys like nowadays? Like, you guys know, like, actual, like, individual you know, YouTubers. I like Derek from Warplates More Dates.
Starting point is 01:55:55 He's the wrongest. Eric Bugenhagen. Eric Bugenhagen, I love the boog. He is a great fitness guy. I'm not hip to Wendigoon.'s a great fitness guy. Yeah, Wendigoon makes great shit. I'm not hip to Wendigoon. Who's that? Wendigoon does all those like creepy pasta stuff, like
Starting point is 01:56:11 icebergs about serial killers. You remember like the iceberg shit where you like go down? Yeah. Like he does those for like various serial killers. He does these really cool videos about specific events that are mysterious. Okay. Like this instance where these hikers ended up stripping all their clothes off
Starting point is 01:56:27 and dying in the Russian wilderness. And the one said that they were clawing at their faces and foaming at the mouth. And they died one by one in front of her. And she had to survive for four days in the wilderness before they found her. It was like a wild story. And I think he solved it in the end.
Starting point is 01:56:49 His solution, it was like, yeah, that's all that could have happened seems super interesting you know like frederick newton or like lamino those guys make videos not by name no yeah uh newton he's the guy who made the wings down the rabbit hole video right yeah yeah i like yeah i like those commentary people like you know turkey, Turkey Tom fucking who else is there? There's a guy if you were into at all. I don't know if you're an O and A guy. Yeah, for sure. But there's two guys, one named Porcelain and one named Beige Frequency. They both used to make it all in there because I was I got.
Starting point is 01:57:20 Porcelain's going to be about Mersh right now. Mersh? I'm not familiar with him. Mersh from the Nightwave radio uh porcelain's doing a video about him medicare was just on there for like five hours talking about the marsh documentary i'm like a super fan you know like uh his wings of redemption video is his biggest ever yeah it's a good video i mean the lore yeah the lore of wings is fascinating the pka history is fascinating i mean you guys are like
Starting point is 01:57:45 yeah did you see all of that um that new wing stuff where i guess they found some old podcast type thing he did where there's some like chubby girl and then a guy and wings and they're and they're talking about stuff and wings is like um he's he's like he's telling a story you know it's a podcast it's what it looks like because i just saw a clip someone sent me yeah and he's he's telling a story. It's a podcast is what it looks like. I just saw a clip someone sent me. He's like, you want to see something fucked up? You want to see something fucked up? You want to see this bitch that turned me down last night? He's like,
Starting point is 01:58:15 let me show you. He goes, y'all ever been turned down by a bitch that ain't got no business turning you down because she's uglier than you? Let me show you this bitch that turned me down. I ain't going to say her name or anything. I'm just going to show her a picture. And so he throws up a picture of the woman he's married to now, his current wife.
Starting point is 01:58:32 And he says, she didn't want anything to do with me. Am I not better looking than this ugly bitch? I'm paraphrasing a bit. But then the girl and the guy he's like podcasting with goes, yeah, Jordy, she's a dog. She's a dog. They back him up, right? She's a dog or whatever you know and that is the woman that he is married to so he accidentally brought the wrong picture no no it was her let me complete the timeline because i don't want anybody to misunderstand this tomfoolery it was before they were together oh wait let's just i'm making up years but
Starting point is 01:59:04 it's just to complete a timeline timeline doesn't fucking matter in 2016 Wings was trying to date this girl and she like Rejected him or cut him off or like it didn't work out or something like that He came full circle and went back to one that he claimed he had thrown back into the pond but I guess it was somebody that had thrown him back into the pond and Got her to marry him so he says he's settling but it sounds like he had to go get her again somebody that had thrown him back into the pond and got her to marry him. So he says he's settling, but it sounds like he had to go get her again because she had rejected him initially.
Starting point is 01:59:30 So they've both, they've both settled low as possible. Poor guy. In their own opinions, in their own opinion. That is a brutal clip. He pulled up a picture of his now wife. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:59:44 Not a flattering one. It looks like... Call her ugly to the whole world. It looks like she's doing... Alright, I don't want to be that mean. It's not a flattering photo. That's fair to say. I'm sure she's a very kind-hearted, sweet girl.
Starting point is 02:00:01 I'm sure. That's just because of the diabetes, though. Her blood sugar. When her tears dry it's like little little crystals of sugar what is it what does it like to be like you know on the internet for 10 years you guys have your own respective channels you've been doing pk for this long you're a part of the lore the culture of the internet is it kind of cool and i'm two years into this thing so what do i have to look forward to? I'll tell you what I do like occasionally is I'll occasionally see a meme
Starting point is 02:00:27 where some old FBS Russia clip is turned into a meme where maybe I'm shooting a cannon or something. I make a little three-part meme out of it. I get a little chuckle out of that when I see it. Otherwise, I just don't give a fuck about the internet at all. The internet's a weird fucking place. It's gotten weirder lately. I can't i can't
Starting point is 02:00:45 tell if people are like i don't know people got more hardcore and and more sensitive at the same time somehow it's it's it's like one group of people got really sensitive and the other group of people got really desensitized simultaneously and so you've got like this one group that wants to be like so edgy like like they're literally pushing the boundaries of legality. Not even pushing it. They're just being criminals to be edgy in various ways on the internet. And then you've got another group that's like, oh my god, did you use the wrong
Starting point is 02:01:14 fucking pronoun? I'm a fucking werekin. You fucking recognize... It's a full moon. You have to call me Omega Wolf. Don't you know that? I'm a Zurnism. You better get to call me Omega Wolf. Don't you know that? I'm a Zurnism. Omega Wolf. Speaking of Omega Wolf, did you see Boogie did a
Starting point is 02:01:34 video about... He's a furry. Is he a furry? I guess I've missed that. He said he was a furry. It got some backlash. I was clearly just joking. Take that for of those joke depending on how it lands type thing yeah um but he but he told us on the show and look this is my memory and i smoke a lot of dope but he said uh i think he said that he was a blue wolf named like something silly i can't remember
Starting point is 02:02:03 exactly what it was but it's a silly name um oh yeah i think it's he said it was his reddit name like uber wolf it's uber wolf which if i'm the fact that his reddit name is uber wolf fucking plug those lego pieces hook up just a little bit too well for this guy not to actually be a furry i thought you know my reddit name is fps russia yeah i think mine's brandon buckingham i could have used a bit there you go you know when it's not fucking uber wolf because i'm not a wolf man okay anyway he told his story i don't care like like i mean obviously i hate furries but but because of their choices not because of who they are yes of course of course. Because of their choice. They're choosing to be fucking weird.
Starting point is 02:02:49 Switch, I love you to death, by the way. If I were like the Hitler of furries, you would be like the one I kept. You'd be Heinrich Himmler, you little freak. You'd be the one that I'd be like, you're the good one, Switch. You can stay. Put it on. I don't care.
Starting point is 02:03:04 You'd be your kind of soldier. Who's, Switch. You can stay. Put it on. I don't care. You'll be a fine soldier. Who's the Nazi general who escapes criticism and people – Rommel because he was in Northern Africa, and so people would be like, oh, he was a very good general. So he would be the Rommel to you. Yeah. You'd save him, and you'd say, I don't care for it, and your suit smells like ass, but I'm here for you.
Starting point is 02:03:22 Jordan Peterson said we'd all be Nazis if we were in Germany in the 40s, so I'll just embrace that. We all would have been Nazis in the 40s, just like, given the opportunity, we would all abuse painkillers. I got hooked on them pills, right, as Jordy got on them, too. I just figured it was good for my career.
Starting point is 02:03:39 I haven't heard about Jordan Peterson in forever. He did a comic? He got gay demons as well. Woody, did you hear that? I didn't hear that. He divorced his wife to focus on the gay demons. Really? I can't tell what's real anymore.
Starting point is 02:03:57 You have to challenge the demons and stay the dragon to not be gay. I'm sorry, is this Jordan Peterson or Kermit the Frog? I don't know. If I'm being, is this Jordan Peterson or Kermit the Frog? I don't know. Because if I'm being honest, I thought it was Kermit from the very beginning. And the joke wasn't landing for me. I was like, oh, it's the 40s. Kermit's there, and he's a Nazi.
Starting point is 02:04:17 Shouldn't that be a Disney character? Why is he doing Muppets? Well, it's because he sounds a little bit like a nasally Ray Romano, and I can't do that. So I try to do just kind of Kermit, dear. Yeah. No, I was addicted to heroin for seven years, but I started making my bed every morning because Jordan Peterson told me to, and I got clean overnight. I can't tell what's real. Well, definitely not the heroin thing.
Starting point is 02:04:41 I woke up shaking from vodka withdrawals, but I made my bed. Yeah. So I'm set. Sorry. Oh, I'm sorry. What I was going to say is, is like,
Starting point is 02:04:50 like Boogie did one of the, maybe I look, I don't give him the benefit of the doubt. I'm sure he wasn't trying to be clickbaity, but he made, I don't want to give him the benefit. He had a benefit. This video I thought was labeled like what prison was like.
Starting point is 02:05:03 And I was like, holy shit. I'd love to hear boogies prison story. Yeah. But it's just him saying it's, it's an entire like 12 minute video where he's talking about how awful jail was, you know,
Starting point is 02:05:15 like, like just getting checked into jail. And like, I've talked about bad jail is jail fucking sucks. But like, it was the whole video was just him talking about jail. And then I think he like maybe pimp the sponsor. And that was it.
Starting point is 02:05:24 I was so disappointed. I was so disappointed. I was so disappointed. I wanted to hear about prison stuff. Most people think prison and jail are just synonyms. They're not. Jail's awful. Prison is... Jail is what happens when they're locking you up for just a minute or they're holding you until you go to court.
Starting point is 02:05:40 It's what your local police officers have keys to. Prison is a facility that's that's a usually run often ran by private organizations and it's a whole other thing it's a whole other thing speaking of and also the state and federal shit too the uh he i i saw because uh dick masterson on Twitter responded to it. Another good friend of the show. Yeah. Shout out to the show.
Starting point is 02:06:07 Yeah. And so basically Boogie, I guess was selling t-shirts or maybe still is. And it had like, you know, the picture, one of the t-shirts was just that picture, that meme picture of him standing at his front door,
Starting point is 02:06:20 holding the gun. I'm going to buy one. And Dick, and I don't know the legality. This was funny dick like quote tweeted it and was like hey at frank hassle are you okay with boogie using your photo to make money on this t-shirt no of course right it was like well because this is your photo you own this photo frank and it was like oh dick just stirring the pot for the sake of it. Oh
Starting point is 02:06:46 My god the photo It's from for it's the bonus Frank's GoPro that he was wearing when he was hats when he's when he was applying that hassle doctrine Yeah boogie's point is I come in there like fuck you in the ass. Yeah How can you not be a fan of that? So so? So our boy was he must have something against boogie boogie has wronged him for something because because that is the most petty shit and look i like petty i love petty that is some petty shit yeah that's great uh quick story my friend nerdballer tv in austin texas had a girl uh that he was filming her and she got angry and like swung on him or something and then got the cops involved and uh he ended up like reversing
Starting point is 02:07:30 and pressing charges and he paid for seo to have her mugshot come up sooner and google search results it's a good petty story right there that's a baller that's very petty pro thing no but i think i love fucking frank hassell dick masterson mr, Mr. Medeker. That area of the internet. What is Medeker up to? I haven't seen anything about him in quite a while. He just did a stream with some 18-year-old kid. Three weeks ago, he had that whole shit with Ethan Ralph, where
Starting point is 02:07:57 he was giving Ralph a hard time for getting jumped in Portugal. Then they had a whole debate on Monday Matt's channel, actually. Do you remember that? I was in the position of a Frank Castle victim when I watch his content and you hate yeah yeah I don't like it I like yeah we were bothering someone for entertainment Frank is I mean he pushes it really far but he's good at it and I think it's really funny he's an ass i don't know it's like the guys who did just a prank and we're like absolute assholes trying to get provoke reactions from usually like hood people he's just doing a variety of that and
Starting point is 02:08:35 it's yeah like we we all came down as that happened on the side of like it's like i get it like i understand trolling and being funny and everything. Showing up to someone's house is fucked up. Don't do shit like that. It's not appropriate. It would have been so easy to negate, though. I don't care. I dare Frank to come to my house. It's not going to turn into me pulling a gun in a school zone. I'm having a meltdown.
Starting point is 02:08:57 You shouldn't dare people to come to your house, but also don't go to people's house. I remember the interview. Not all you viewers yeah brandon's asking for frank specifically but i wasn't in front of my house you would fucking we'd probably chop it up and watch fucking you know youtuber get on you know whatever chop it up i'm not gonna start freaking out and pointing a gun at him telling him i'm gonna shoot him and playing into his game frank wants to get you upset i mean if you're not
Starting point is 02:09:21 getting upset it's not content prepared for need to be prepared for it, yeah. I totally, I get it. Like, I get, like, trying to egg people on and everything, but, like, we all, like, yeah, showing up at someone's house is fucked up. Like, that's not appropriate. Yeah, I think we like that brand of humor where the joke is kind of being played on yourself.
Starting point is 02:09:40 The self-deprecating stuff more than stuff where you're, like, I don't know, literally attacking somebody with your presence. Like, you're like i don't know literally attacking somebody with your presence like you're going to bother them you know like now it's i don't know in some situations it's kind of funny like certain things can be like if you're just like pretending like you don't understand directions over and over with a stranger that's funny but showing up at night like covered in gopros to someone's home like you know it's there between those two things right do you remember the talk they had i think it was on
Starting point is 02:10:11 this was like prior to all this but a draw alert on on like the keemstar show or whatever where like i think what boogie say like if you come to my house i'll kill you or like something like that. He was like, and that's the worst part. The dare is technically an invite. Yeah, he was like, I want you to come. That was a catalyst to Boogie having a meltdown. It worked out really well for Frank.
Starting point is 02:10:43 I think it's hilarious. Tom Green's my favorite content creator ever. He's always the butt of the joke. Do you know the story of that movie he made? Freddy Got Fingered? Yeah. What about it? Tom Green was a really big celebrity.
Starting point is 02:11:00 Huge. Bigger than most people would like to admit. A golden boy of the golden era of MTV. And so they came to him and they're like, we want you to make a movie. And they wouldn't leave him alone about it. And finally he was like, alright, I'll make your movie. I can do whatever I want. I want 100% creative control and you have to pay me
Starting point is 02:11:17 this much money. And I get to film here, here and there. Yeah, whatever you want, Tom. We want the movie. And so he made a movie he made an anti-movie that's why there's literally a scene where like the horses are fucking and he's just like sloppily like i don't know what he's doing i'm a farmer daddy he's like he's saying i'm a farmer daddy and i think he's like he's beating him up yeah yeah oh that's right he masturbates the horse like and that scene That scene comes out of nowhere
Starting point is 02:11:46 and it has no context, purpose. Nothing leads into it or out of it. It's just stuck in there. It is one of many bizarre scenes. He made an anti-movie to say, fuck you, don't ask me to make movies. I don't want to make movies. The movie's a fucking joke that he got a studio to
Starting point is 02:12:02 fund for $25 million or something. It's so funny. I love Tom Green. I think, what, we got to do ads? I'm looking at this chat thing. Oh, yeah. I'll take it off. PK is sponsored by the Holocaust Denial Club.
Starting point is 02:12:16 The G funders, yeah. Yeah. Shout out to G Fuel. They hooked it up. I got G Fuel right there. They're great. Huh, look at that. They're a good sponsor.
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Starting point is 02:16:26 So check this out. If it didn't work, we wouldn't tell you to take nine fucking pills a day. We'd make more money. That's the blue-chip truth. We'd sell you a month's supply in a little bottle and we'd make
Starting point is 02:16:40 nine times as much money, I think. We'd make more money. That's true. It's impossible to determine. But you wouldn't come more. You'd be like Kyle sold me some bullshit for $49.99. Him and his giant delted
Starting point is 02:16:57 fucking Canuck friend are in cahoots and they've separated me from my hard-earned dollars. But that's not what you're going to say. That's not what you're gonna say that's not what you're gonna get you idiot no you're gonna be going to an optometrist because you're gonna be blinding every woman you meet you're gonna be you'll be paying for fucking reconstructive surgery on corneas and shit all right we're talking about detached retinas people all right the bot i wanted the bottle to say boom headshot on it and have
Starting point is 02:17:23 like a woman with like just a massive wad of just they didn't credit card processing companies can you imagine if we had kept the packaging with as much cum splatters as I wanted on there I mean I agree I did I stood
Starting point is 02:17:38 that was my fucking you know proudest moment Bunker Hill that was my Bunker derrick says i don't know if we'll get credit card approval because there's too many cum splatters on it and then i think woody and kyle said whatever and i said no the cum splatters are part and parcel of the product there was a negotiation because like there was before there was a huge amount of cum shots on there like the bottle was mostly white.
Starting point is 02:18:06 It wasn't tasty. It wasn't tasty. And Derek was like, the credit card processors are not going to want, they're going to look at this. And I was like, I do not give a fuck about the cum stains. I just want, I was like, I want the tank. The tank is what's important to me. And Woody's like, yep, couldn't care less.
Starting point is 02:18:21 And Taylor's like, hey, let's not completely give up on cumstains though like cumstains is an idea it's still a good idea right boys yeah i mean some cumstains and everybody kind of rallied back and yeah see i stood up for what was right and i was rewarded for it because i mean i originally wanted it just to be called jism and everybody hated that idea jism jism it does sound originally wanted it to be called Jism. And everybody hated that idea. Jism? It does sound gross. It was going to have a black man with an afro.
Starting point is 02:18:51 It was going to be mostly marketed to black men. It says PKA on the bottle. Is there cum on the PKA logo? No. Make it dripping. I specifically asked for there not to be cum on her logo. It seemed like bad taste. You guys really make this product?
Starting point is 02:19:07 You really are. You guys are. He's holding a fucking bottle of it. Yeah, this is a real product. You can go to right now, lock and load. It's sold, you know, more plates, more dates. I'll buy some right now. We work with Derek at More Plates, More Dates to make this product.
Starting point is 02:19:20 Use code PKA at checkout, 20% off. And you can add any other products. I meant to mention this for the ad read. Any other products you want,KA at checkout, 20% off. And you can add any other products. I meant to mention this for the ad read. Any other products you want, code PKA, 20% off. His pre-workouts are tremendous. I just used, he sent me some glycerol, which is supposed to improve your pump. And I took that today
Starting point is 02:19:38 and being 100% honest, it does not taste good. Nope. And as I was drinking it, I was like... Don't get it on your hands either. Yeah, I was like... How many bottles do I buy here of Lock and Load? It's $50. I mean, I...
Starting point is 02:19:50 Each one is a month's supply, and you will start seeing big results after about two weeks. Let me read some reviews here. I want to do this. Dependently gargantuan loads needed to grab a mop. Impressive result. Do this because I want you to be happy, though. Buy one bottle, and if the end of the bottle, you're
Starting point is 02:20:06 not like, wow, things changed. Because, by the way, it's going to be six weeks before you have fully maximized your potential. But four weeks in, you're going to be shooting wads. Volume enhancing formula? That's very exciting. I hooked up with a girl after taking nine pills.
Starting point is 02:20:22 I covered her stomach, her face, and her hair with with cum she didn't call back 10 out of 10 five star review what it's just covered with these reviews yeah more cum so much jizz we um like all jokes aside all jokes aside like we combed the internet taylor and i for because people have done this before for their load stacks and you know the idea because because i take a stack of vitamins and minerals and other supplements every day anyway. I'm already taking 12 pills a day. The idea of adding five or six more just didn't seem like a big deal to me
Starting point is 02:20:54 to maximize calm potential. It also seemed fun. We were combing the internet looking for anything anyone had ever used and then doing a little bit of amateur biology, I guess, and being like, well, this gland, this is for prostate health. It's got to be good. Let's see if it helps.
Starting point is 02:21:12 And every now and then, we'd find something, and it'd be like, whoa. That Pygeum really hits the spot, huh? That's different. Oh, that Pygeum, your dick is just leaking. Leaking. When you take a high dose of PygeGM, it's one of the key ingredients. I don't use lube anymore.
Starting point is 02:21:28 Of this product? Yeah. Yeah, of this product. Kyle and I think both fought hard for the Py-GM to be in there. I think that was one of the, or no, it was the sunflower lecithin that was difficult to get in the powdered form at first. But we stuck hard because that's such a heavy weight carrier. But before anything else, I was saying the glycerol thing and it ended on a negative note and I don't want people to think it was bad. I drank the thing. Does not taste like his pre-workout. It does not taste good. It doesn't dissolve that well. He warned all this in the
Starting point is 02:21:55 video. He's like, it's glycerol. Do not put this in with your pre-workout shake. It'll ruin the flavor. Just add it to water, guzzle it down. And as i was drinking it i was like okay i can totally see myself never doing this again i really doubt i'm gonna go in the basement and feel any because that might have a basement gym i'm gonna go in the basement start lifting and feel anything genuinely 20 25 minutes into my workout i'm doing push day like my triceps are fucking tight my chest is tight as shit like like a significantly different feeling i really was taken aback by that i didn't expect it yeah i don't i don't remember the exact like reasons for how it works but i think it's it's about putting more water and yeah it's like hyper hydration for yeah and i take two
Starting point is 02:22:36 scoops of the pre-workout and i take one scoop of the glycerol um i don't do the glycerol all the time because it does taste bad and it doesn't uh dissolve well either so i end up doing this thing where i've got i've got my cup and i'm like shaking the cup to like make it like turn liquid at the bottom and then shooting it down and like look it's gross it's not good yeah but but but like i'm still pitching it to you and telling you you should buy it because it's not a fucking sports drink it's not about flavor it's medicine all right and like like when i was what was it we all grew up with that saying like what was it about like taking your medicine or something don't mouth it suck it boy yes from our parents and that's medicine go down is that what you're looking for
Starting point is 02:23:22 medicine's not supposed to taste good um this stuff doesn't taste good but it fucking works makes the medicine go down? Is that what you're looking for? I don't know. Medicine's not supposed to taste good. This stuff doesn't taste good, but it fucking works. And you get crazy, crazy pumps. We're talking about coupon code PKA. I thought we were talking about coming, what he's talking about going into the basement. Or Taylor is. Coupon code PKA. It gets you
Starting point is 02:23:40 20% off everything on the site. So you got your lock and load. If you want to try glycerol, pre-workout, whatever, uh, get, get, save some money. Well surmised.
Starting point is 02:23:49 Woody. Hmm. Tired of squirting in your girl. Start coming in her locked and loaded, brought to you by PK. Pre-cum becomes a pregame snack. Oh, Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 02:24:00 Yeah. I'm going to buy some though. PK is the discount code. I'll buy some right now. Yeah. I highly recommend it. Um, it's cool stuff. Actually works. It's fucking hilarious. I think it to buy some, though. PKA is the discount code. I'll buy some right now. Yeah, I highly recommend it. It's cool stuff. It actually works.
Starting point is 02:24:06 It's fucking hilarious. It's comedically effective. Yeah, I think so, too. I was trying to have you as an affiliate. I'll start pushing this shit. Listen, I don't know how you peg me, but I'm a guy that likes to cum. I peg you every time you let me. That's how I peg you.
Starting point is 02:24:20 Woody, did you watch Volodymyr Zensky's montage that he showed to Congress? No, I watched, I didn't see the montage. I guess I listened to the speech, though. Oh, Brandon, every time you click, it picks up on your mic, so you might want to mute yourself if you're going to be clicking too much. It's real loud.
Starting point is 02:24:38 Calm stuff, I'm sorry. He had a whole montage for Congress. It's about two minutes long and it it starts off with like it's got mute it's got really good music and it starts off with like all of the major cities of ukraine before this all started and like happy people in them like in parks and shit and then it's just like fucking schindler's list music comes on and fucking death and destruction and there's babies covered in blood and there's dead pregnant women and there's just
Starting point is 02:25:13 building is exploding and rockets being clearly directed at like like all of the like no doubt like you just shot at a civilian like clearly like, type stuff is in there. And all of Congress is sitting there like, fuck. And at the end of it, he comes back on in English. He's like, please close the skies. That's it. They're not closing the skies, thank God. Fuck him. He can die. We're not closing the skies. Look, I hope he wins. He is my hero right now. He is the coolest guy in the world right now. Maybe the most popular guy in the world.
Starting point is 02:25:47 But I don't want us all to have our faces melt off to close the skies down above his city. And that's what might happen. It might have been Biden. But it was an American politician who was like, there's no such thing as a no-fly zone light. There isn't a way to no-fly zone light right there isn't a way to like no-fly zone a little and then just dip your toe into helping them it's an on or off thing so he asked for a lot i do like the idea of drones i just have in my head i'm not a military planner i'm not even a you know even watch that much military tv but if they're gonna put 40 kilometers
Starting point is 02:26:22 of tanks in a straight line on a road it it seems like drones would fuck some shit up. Yeah, I think that they are fucking a lot of shit. One of the reports I saw said that every night the Ukrainian special forces are going out with night vision and just wiping people out in the darkness and then leaving and just doing that every night. darkness and then leaving and just doing that every night and that the enemy is talking about them and is afraid at night because the special forces guys just go in and kill a bunch of people and then sneak away every night and they've been doing it every night and i'm sure it's not like an isolated thing there was that one town like like mary maybe vera slapov or something i don't know all those silly slavic uh cities sound alike to me but um apparently they routed like 50 russian tanks like not the army like the people of the town like killed 100 russians and destroyed 30 tanks and ran the
Starting point is 02:27:16 russians out of the town um when you hear reports like that it's like man are these the people we've always been so scared of like like like man, we had global reaching policies built around defending ourselves against the 10-foot-tall Russians. And every time I see one, they look real pitiful, and I kind of want to send them a sandwich. I don't know. So some of the news is going nuts with kind of that angle. Like, we've been scared of these 10-foot super soldiers since i was a child and then they actually get into a fight and they're getting their asses kicked all the time and then on the other hand they've been ripping the american military lately for being woke for like we did it ourselves we ripped an american recruiting ad for
Starting point is 02:28:02 a girl who had like two moms or something something. The Russians being bad at war does not make our commercials any less pathetic. Okay, but there's sort of this... I guess I'll just say it. Fox News has been running with this. Our woke military cannot stand up to the Russians sort of thing. We should be more
Starting point is 02:28:20 like the Russians for years now. And then you watch what the Russians actually do. And it's like, ah, they've got their own issues, corruption, stealing supplies.
Starting point is 02:28:29 Like these, these guys who were at the top of the Russian military have been directing money into their own pockets. It would appear instead of spending it on the military. It seems. And again, I'm just parroting what I've heard, but it seems that their very way of doing war doesn't work in long, drawn-out campaigns like this.
Starting point is 02:28:48 I've heard the opposite, but I'm listening. Without forward operating bases because they're just out there on their own. There's not logistics and support vehicles for them. They've got enough gas and stuff that they're bringing along for the first three or four days. And once things stalled, everybody's bogged down. They can't go anywhere. So what I heard, and I'm only as good as my sources is that the period they're in now is where
Starting point is 02:29:11 they're weak. So they come, they're strong and they storm. And then they build like pipelines. They create these supply lines that go, and it takes a while to build that infrastructure to supply their troops. And right now they're existing without it. I don't know when they've like done that. like like like it's the main thing that that like
Starting point is 02:29:29 i keep seeing them bring up about the way the russians do war is that they uh they don't have nearly as much infantry with their vehicles as we do um they're not they're not supported by infantry and like part of the idea of combined arms i play civ and one of the techs that you unlock is combined arms and what that means is like all the pieces of the pie are like working together everything is working in unison your your infantry and special forces are radioing in targets for the air for the air force to take out and when those targets are gone now your vehicles can move and your vehicle can dominate their vehicles because of maybe your helicopters or your drones everything's working together even that you know
Starting point is 02:30:10 there's naval gun support there's cruise missiles and when the united states does a war like i like you know any of the stuff that we did in iraq like the shock and awe stuff it's this symphony of destruction that's being played out beautifully where like if you look at like the uh desert storm like the first one almost all of the accidents are friendly fire and it's as soon as it happened they're like ah stop and it stopped and like one person died or two people died like the the ground war is almost all friendly fire deaths like the it wasn't even close what the russians are doing is sending their tanks out first they're the tip of the spear but the problem is the tip of the ukrainian spear is an asshole in
Starting point is 02:30:51 a bush with a rocket launcher and um the russians have sent a lot of lightly armored stuff like if you're like me maybe you're doing this intentionally because i know you know more everything's a tank right you You see this seemingly armored vehicle on rubber tires. That's a tank. I've gotten better. This thing recently has gotten me better. Better at tanks?
Starting point is 02:31:14 Yeah, and better at knowing something about Russian tanks. So I guess the Russians haven't really made a new tank in a really, really long time. It seems like the best tanks they're using are like their T-72s and T-90s and I think the T-90 is just a modified T-72
Starting point is 02:31:29 and the armor on those things they have that reactive armor that like senses a projectile coming in and then it explodes to like defeat it what's happening right now? I don't know Brandon's like challenging our deck to the fight I don't understand why
Starting point is 02:31:44 get him bro it's anonymous it's supposed to be anonymous oh sorry I just got distracted I'm sorry you're better at tanks than you
Starting point is 02:31:56 oh yeah and then and then the it's like the Russians have those those BMPs or something like that and that's
Starting point is 02:32:04 it's another armored vehicle but it's got that semi-automatic 25 or 30 millimeter cannon on it. What's it sound like? Bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum. It's fucking awesome. I haven't been following it like you guys have. Kiev? Still like a lock?
Starting point is 02:32:21 It's holding up. There was a long column of vehicles like 15 kilometers out and it appears that it stood still for too long and it's getting pretty beat up the russians have only taken one city which one i don't know the name of it is that the one where they took the mayor and they got the mayor back they got the mayor back how'd they get the mayor back i heard now i heard conflicting reports. So what we're getting here is propaganda-like. Russia is definitely
Starting point is 02:32:51 invading a fucking country and killing civilians. That's happening. I heard two versions of how the mayor got back today. One was they traded nine Russian prisoners for the mayor, got him back. That seems like a good deal for everybody. Because the Russians they've got, I doubt they gave them
Starting point is 02:33:07 fucking General Vladimir. Probably win-win. Probably win-win. They're probably just kids that wanted to go home and we want our mayor back. But then I heard someone be like make it sound like a rescue mission or something. Like they had gone and beaten up some Russians and taken
Starting point is 02:33:24 their mayor back. Just to add to it it i heard he's self-extracted i heard vladimir klitschko beat all the beat up 18 russians who were armed i really did hear he's self-extracted i'm not saying it's true what's his fitness looking like when i picture no no when i picture mayor, I picture old, fat. So Vladimir Klitschko is the mayor of Kiev. We are talking about a different mayor, but just to prove your point wrong, Vladimir Klitschko is the former heavyweight champion of the world. He's not like some of those champs who get that big beer belly in retirement.
Starting point is 02:33:58 He looks like he's ready to go. Yeah, he can still beat up most of the world. Like 99.99. The nines just keep going for a while. But that's not the guy you're talking about. No. But the guy we're talking about is also fit too. I'll just say this, Taylor. I think he can outrun you.
Starting point is 02:34:16 Yeah. Well, that's... I bet most of the Russians there can outrun me. Most of the Ukrainians and the Russians. I saw a Russian pilot. I saw an obese Russian pilot i tried to run from the russians i saw an obese russian pilot get shot down and he was all fucked up they keep saying something about the russian fighters helmets are faulty or rigged poorly because it keeps fucking them up like i can't see exactly what the injury
Starting point is 02:34:37 is but they're bleeding profusely from their heads and a lot of them just fucking die i don't know what's going on but this this guy's like obese this big pot belly and uh someone in the comments on reddit was like that's hailed fucking bomber pilot sergey munapov he's he was in the syrian campaign and they pull up a picture and sure enough there this beer-bellied fighter pilot is in Syria, like, standing with a bunch of other pilots, and he's the only obese fighter pilot. Like, say what you will about the, like, Russian military, but, like, there's only one obese fighter pilot, and he was him. Oh, there's the mayor.
Starting point is 02:35:14 That's the mayor you asked about, Taylor. He should be on that subreddit that's, like, 14 or 40. You know that air product in Ukraine? 14 or 40, bro. You know what he looks like? He looks like Forrest Gump's stunt double He's handsome That guy looks pretty tough
Starting point is 02:35:31 It looks like a Chinese photoshopper put his hairline in That doesn't look real Have you seen that meme of the guy with the horrible on the bench with the terrible plugs? No You guys are all ripping To me, he's a no-nonsense dude with the horrible, like, on the bench with the terrible plugs? No. I haven't. You guys are all ripping.
Starting point is 02:35:49 To me, he's a no-nonsense dude. That's what I see. It's the hair that's doing it. It's very funny hair. Shout out the most reputable news source on the internet, the Times of Israel, my personal favorite site. Is it your homepage? It's my homepage. You guys use Google? I use the Times of Israel because no one has my back more than the Israelis.
Starting point is 02:36:08 You got to know exactly what's going on in Palestine every day. We've seen them. I'm tapped in. I'm super tapped in. Listen, it's our greatest ally. I am fucking waning on Israel these days. They've been a little cagey about this whole situation. You want to donate?
Starting point is 02:36:26 Out of the three of us here, I'm usually the most pro-Israel because I trust. I got you beat, buddy. I got you beat. Are you a Jew? I fucking love them. Am I a Jew? No.
Starting point is 02:36:38 Are you kidding? Are you kidding? I just love Israel. Oh, why do you love Israel so much? Wait, I've noticed there's been a bit of a downtrend of people talking out negatively about Israel. I just feel like Israel takes more than that. I'm positive. Someone needs to explain to me what Israel gives back to us.
Starting point is 02:36:57 I know they take billions, if not trillions from us. Six billion, seven billion, whatever you got to tell them to let him know, Woody. It's a problem. I'm on the case. I'm very confused. I'm not anti-Semitic. I just want to make sure we're getting some value for our money. Why are we giving all this to Israel? How are they such good allies to us?
Starting point is 02:37:18 It seems like... Can I answer the question? I'm looking at Kyle. Kyle's starting to make me upset. It seems like we're the ones taking him out to dinner over and over and over and over, and we keep getting the bill. The Holocaust, okay, Taylor? What's your deal? That is an argument.
Starting point is 02:37:34 Listen, that happens. It's almost like a badge of immunity in a way. I think they're a good strategic ally, and I think at the very least, you'd have to admit that it's nice to have nuclear missiles right smack dab in the middle of the east next to all of our enemies i don't have to admit any such thing no you have to woody i don't it's a good idea to antagonize iran whoa they're not antagonized at all because there is a very serious you know how
Starting point is 02:38:04 they have like the the one china like policy or whatever like it's sort of like an unspoken kind of thing for a while that is the same thing as with israel's nuclear weapons nobody talks about israel's nuclear weapons we just know they have to do in iran well they do in hushed tones because they don't get fucking nuked yeah and that keeps them quiet over there so we don't have to deal with it. I don't think they're... Let me ask you this, Taylor. I mean, they've got it bottled up over there, right?
Starting point is 02:38:31 They're keeping everything under... They're the ones with the Iron Dome. They're the one fucking fending off rockets left and right. Do you want to be the one eating the rockets? How'd they get the Iron Dome? Yeah, Taylor, do you? That's definitely not ours, is it? I thought the Iron Dome was like some Israeli defense corporation shit. I was getting some Iron Dome in Thailand.
Starting point is 02:38:49 We, as in me, working over the numbers of the Iron Dome. Yeah, that was my taxes that gave them the Iron Dome. Are you sure? Well, I mean, regardless of who funded it, I'm wondering who, like, came up with, like. Like Lockheed Martin,in probably i'll look it up probably rate the unlockied martin you know you you always give them shit about that but if you think about it it's like it's just the best companies in the world at making weapons always get the contract right there's an open bid contract and there's like no incentive for those
Starting point is 02:39:20 like companies to control politicians and incentivize conflicts that they make money. They could absolutely do that, but you're not going to... You can absolutely do that, but that's not the point I was making. I was just saying that the fact that they're made by Raytheon, sometimes it feels like you're suggesting that that's not the best rocket we could get. Why is Raytheon
Starting point is 02:39:40 making everything? I know. They're the best at making rockets that kill civilians. Number one. At killing people. Yeah. A lot of civilians killed by those rockets. I understand what you're saying.
Starting point is 02:39:56 Which civilians are you upset about? Let's make this right. I don't know if you can make it right. You can't outfire a rocket. The old saying well i think kyle i looked it up i found the answer very confusing the top line in the wikipedia article says that it was developed by some israeli companies and then when you go into it i guess the deployment they're american interception missiles provided by the united
Starting point is 02:40:21 states and we fund the whole fucking thing. I can't tell anymore who did it. What did we buy from Israel? I think computer chips? That's a good question. Probably a lot of intelligence. I would imagine there's a lot of intelligence to be had. Those guys are
Starting point is 02:40:39 sneaky, as we all know. But what I don't like is they were a little slow to act on this uh ukraine thing and i think they were quick we need everybody on board did you guys hear nestle's not on board there's chocolate oh you know who's nestle's fucking slipping y'all they're not gonna pull their shit out of russia isn't nestle the company that said water isn't a human right yeah they did that's beyond evil yeah look yeah that problematic and for years i i i use their product despite despite the african-american um
Starting point is 02:41:14 uh mascot on the you know the the nesty quick they've got that black rabbit oh how could they despite that yeah i mean they've got a black rabbit on the bottle not all rabbits are black, Kyle. That's what I kept saying. That's what I kept saying. I was like, where's Bugs Bunny at? Where's the Jewish rabbit? Where's the trans-Jewish rabbit?
Starting point is 02:41:34 Bugs is definitely Jewish. All right, I'm in then. Bugs? Yeah, Bugs Bunny. Why? You said that in a weird tone, Taylor. What, do you have some kind of prejudice against the Jewish rabbit?
Starting point is 02:41:43 Is Bugs, is that an old-timey Jewish name? I don't fucking know. Rabbi Bugs. You could have lied to me there. I would have bought it. Hook, line, and sinker. I would have absolutely bought it. I was going to say he was written by a Jew,
Starting point is 02:41:56 but I don't know who wrote Bugs Bunny or who invented him. I don't know. Invented is generous. What was your favorite original OG cartoon, like Warner Brothers, like Looney Tunes. Oh. I don't know. He didn't show up much, and he was always a side character.
Starting point is 02:42:12 But as a young kid, I loved the Tasmanian Devil. Oh, yeah. That's a great one. Every time he would pop in, I really enjoyed that. But he was a rare cameo. I liked Speedy Gonzalez. He was good. Did you like Sleepy Gonzalez, his cousin? No, that's not his name. His name is
Starting point is 02:42:28 Slowpoke McGraw. Speedy Gonzalez would be like, and he'd fucking use his little Mexican mouse, and he'd just fucking fast as lightning, right? And then he's going, Slowpoke McGraw. The antithesis of Sweden Salas. So he's a slow as fuck. And they played
Starting point is 02:42:47 that up. And I think his main adversary was Yosemite Sam. I think he often had like a, you know, because he's a Western character too. Yeah. Border agent Yosemite Sam. Yeah. It was something like that. Trying to run my side of the bar or some shit. I like that one because
Starting point is 02:43:03 my grandmother married a Honduran man. So that was the only grandfather I ever had. And so he like that uh trying to run the my side of the bar or some shit i like that one because my uh my uh my grandmother married a honduran man so that was the only grandfather i ever ever had and so he you know he liked the spanish character he's like oh yeah fucking speedy gonzalez and you know there's a little bit of spanish in there and he translated so yeah i like that one did you like uh i remember like as long as i can remember like rooting for the coyote or wolf or whatever it was against the road runner, because the road runners, like he wasn't like,
Starting point is 02:43:29 he was mean spirited. He's a pompous little prick, wasn't he? They're making a movie on his comeuppance. They're making a movie. And I think it's like one of those like half live action, half animated things. Those are terrible.
Starting point is 02:43:41 No, I disagree. That's like road runner. And what's the what's the classic with uh who framed roger rabbit that's an that's an amazing movie that it still looks good like i've never seen that movie i know there's a character with big tits in it yeah yeah yeah i'm not dirty i'm just drawn this way was she dirty she might have been no she just wanted to play patty cake i didn't get that reference i don't know patty cake patty cake baker's man you know patty cake that's all she wanted to do there's no double entendre in there there wasn't
Starting point is 02:44:16 there wasn't one of the play they play that up though see it was a triple entendre because she'd say come on baby let's go play patty cake that's all i want to do is play a little patty cake and then you like see them like they're literally playing patty cake and like that's it they're just it's just wholesome fun she's like i i can't remember what the exact quote is but it's something like i'm not dirty i'm just drawn this way and she is yeah ridiculously i want to see this movie less than ever i don't want to watch her it's an adult fucking movie because you've got um like christopher lloyd is the bad guy, and he's liquidating toons. It's a genocide.
Starting point is 02:44:49 And when he catches them, they're cute little toons, and he slowly lowers them into paint thinner as they scream as they die. And he's just like, Jesus. I don't know. I've seen adult movies before. They're nothing like this. What are they like? You've seen the scene where Foghorn Leghorn's blowing Betty Boop's
Starting point is 02:45:05 back out? I say, I say, this is the tattest damn pussy. Come on now, boy. Come on now. That's an adult movie. Shout out Elmer Fudd, though, at Foghorn Leghorn, right? Elmer Fudd.
Starting point is 02:45:22 He was alright. Didn't think he was great he hated wabbits dude you didn't hate wabbits uh foghorn light horn is an excellent poll i would i probably would have said him if i hadn't thought of taz 70 sam is a good one uh somebody sam is good i liked wiley coyote i feel like he didn't get enough credit because he was nearly as fast as the roadrunner and he was wily. Yeah. If that bird wasn't such a good fucking painter... Talented little fucker.
Starting point is 02:45:52 Or does he learn arts and crafts? Southwestern desert. It's a bird. Painting tunnels on walls. And then he's making them work. And then a train would come through it sometimes. It'd be like a double fake, right? He'd paint the thing up, he would come through it sometimes it'd be like a double fake right like he'd paint he'd paint the thing up he'd run through it then the coyote would run it run up and he'd hit a fucking brick wall because it was paint okay we just broke the laws of reality here it doesn't even seem realistic i don't know how the bird did that the next time when he'd run up and he'd stop
Starting point is 02:46:18 short he'd be like ah not today and then a fucking locomotive would come out of the painted hole and run him down. I liked when the Wile E. Coyote would get shot up in the air with an Acme slingshot and then Bugs would pull a hole across the earth to find where to put it so that he falls in the hole.
Starting point is 02:46:37 Very, very top-notch comedy. Good stuff there. No, it's not. You know what was actually good? Tiny Toons was fun. I don't remember? Tiny Toons was fun. I don't remember watching Tiny Toons. Tiny Toons is good. I saw Kyle's face, but they had jokes in there that adults would get and enjoy.
Starting point is 02:46:53 Little sex jokes or economy jokes or whatever. It was fun. Kyle's got those faces on fleek, though, doesn't he? Kyle's got the faces down pat. I was going to say he was kind of fleeky. No, people love watching Kyle make his faces. He's emotive. I'm in that camp.
Starting point is 02:47:08 I'm in the Kyle face watching camp. Oh, yeah? I like these people right here where they're supposed to be. PKA used to be animated. Did you guys waste your time over there? We have a couple that we haven't released because they're not good. Because the animator sucks. And next time we pay you, you better do a better job, you fucking moron.
Starting point is 02:47:27 I feel like PKA animation was like a 10-year-ago concept. And it's my suspicion that people just enjoy the outside-the-show show. So I watch the NBA a lot. And the truth is I probably spend more time watching about the trades and what players tweet and talk about each other they go on the shows and they they clap back at each other and you know like this guy's not playing with russell westbrook's not playing well in the lakers right now they're barely making the playoffs so the play-in games but every other team russell westbrook has been on, he brought scabs to the playoffs.
Starting point is 02:48:06 Single-handedly, he could do it by himself. And they're like, why are you blaming this guy? Every year, he takes terrible teams to the playoffs. Now he's on a team with LeBron, and he's not able to flourish. Why is it all his fault? Good questions. I like the drama around NBA as much as I like the games. Did you say what they're calling him?
Starting point is 02:48:25 Russell Westbrook. Westbrook. It has upset him and his family to the point where his wife went on this Twitter tirade because Stephen A. Smith calls him that. Stephen A. Smith calls him Westbrook. That guy's funny.
Starting point is 02:48:40 I hate him. I love to hate him. I don't love to hate him. I want bad things for him oh yeah yeah i'm with you like i don't want him to work anymore um i want that too okay so he's a horrific human being uh just a horrific human and he's not entertaining oh he gets paid like 15 million a year to be like just a complete scumbag piece of shit hey i'm not exaggerating it's around that number it's something crazy no i just put a scumbag piece of
Starting point is 02:49:09 shit he's a scumbag piece of shit um anyway he rips on russell westbrook all the time he calls him russell west brick to the it's causing like trauma emotional trauma in in his family and his wife goes on twitter and defends him which is a risky move bad move and then he every good man needs their wife to do that right no no no no her tweets even said she's like my man doesn't need anybody to defend yes he does i'm here standing up for myself that is my name that is my children's name you're disrespecting me and my legacy you don't talk about our name. And it was like, she made it that way. She's like, you're a, you're an adult. You're a professional. You're
Starting point is 02:49:50 calling names. There are children involved here. This is our family name. And she met, she, she made it about that. And it like took away from the, like, and then they, they asked him at the press conference, you know, what he thought about it. He's like, excuse me, excuse me, pussy. Uh, nobody feels that way about this. I don like, excuse me, excuse me, pussy. Nobody feels that way about this, I don't think, except for the people who are trolls and don't like him anyway. I don't watch basketball, so I don't give a fuck. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:50:13 I don't know who he is. So he defended. He was MVP, is like the best player in the league. Okay. Kind of. And he was the MVP. He averaged double-double, which is a really big deal, or triple-double, I think, for double double, which is a really big deal or triple double, I think for a season, which is incredibly hard to do.
Starting point is 02:50:27 And anyway, he stuck up for her. It's this big piece of drama. I enjoyed the drama as much. And we were talking about something that I was making a, an analogy to the, the fuck, how did I get here?
Starting point is 02:50:41 I watched it. Oh, fuck. West Brick. His before that, before that before that yeah no before that we were talking about the show around the show oh pka and animations i feel like there's a culture around painkiller already that likes to talk about the drama around it about the patreon about the animations and stuff like that like that's how they enjoy the show. Oh yeah. And I don't think they even want animation so much as they just like enjoying about,
Starting point is 02:51:10 they enjoy talking about the animations. Yeah. If we were to deliver the animations and we do have a, I don't know, maybe five. Two and a half maybe. Oh, am I wrong?
Starting point is 02:51:19 Okay. Yeah. Like I want to say on the third one, I was like, no, this isn't acceptable. And, and he was like, it's all good. And I was like, no, this isn't acceptable and and he was like it's all good
Starting point is 02:51:26 and i was like no this isn't acceptable and he's like okay and he didn't message me back until like about two weeks ago so like a year goes by and two weeks ago he goes like yo bro you got any work for me and i was just like are you out of your fucking mind and by the way i don't go into the whole thing i look so hard to find this one guy and people be like oh i know a guy who'll do it for 15 and i'm like fucking send him my way hey how about this send him 150 and tell him to get fucking working get cracking get cracking 150 from me buddy like everybody wants thousands of dollars it was it was hundreds of thousands yeah it was a hundred thousand it was hundreds of thousands to do like the amount of them that that there were supposed to do or wanted them to do it was hundreds of thousands of dollars and i've heard
Starting point is 02:52:11 i've had people go bullshit that's made up no that's a lot of the quotes we got like go go and find someone who will animate 20 minute videos with any sort of animation that you actually want to see and and every one of them is going to be like where's your script that's the first thing they ask you where's your script you're like oh i don't have a script i have a podcast i want you to like take down everything we said and like wait i don't do that what am i stenographer now they don't do that who does that so you got to find the one guy who's willing to do that and then you got to hope that his ear is good enough because his sense of humor won't be good enough to put context clues together
Starting point is 02:52:50 so i'm having to walk this fucking bangladeshi tribesman through taylor's sense of humor and why it's funny that noah would like i don't know like like leave a donkey behind or split split the red sea the wrong way or something like like he's because he doesn't even know who noah is because he's fucking hindu or whatever the fuck or he worships the sun who even knows because because that's what that's where you got to go to find someone who will work for 20 an hour some dude you found on fiverr or something yeah yeah does anyone really want animated videos or do those what they really like doing complaining about the animated videos?
Starting point is 02:53:25 I think that latter part is right, but who knows? Well, what do you expect? I mean, you're asking someone to do an animation that's, what, 12 frames per second or 24 frames per second. What quality are you going to bring if you're doing 20 minutes? You want to do fucking 720? You know, I mean, the amount of drawings you have to make. It's not even about resolution, right? It's about what type of animation and animation style.
Starting point is 02:53:43 There's all sorts of 3D programs that that have plug and play stuff and like i mean this guy was like hundreds and hundreds of dollars for like a five minute video and it doesn't look great it's probably shitty yeah no i majored animation that was my major in uh college and oh really i'll give you like $70. Oh, fuck no. I would never agree to do that. Hey, guys, anytime Brandon has been contracted to do our animations, it's on him now. Yes, yes. Send all your attention to Brandon. He's not delivering on the offer. That's binding. Listen, I'll do six hours of animation work for free.
Starting point is 02:54:23 Just plug me on LinkedIn, okay? Did you see that? I'm trying to get back into the workforce, man. This YouTube shit's not panning out. Not with copyrighted music getting uploaded. Did we see what, Kyle? I want to find it. It's the meme of the guy who's a contracted worker
Starting point is 02:54:38 explaining to his employer that he's a contracted worker, not an employee. No, but yeah yeah animation is rigorous i can't imagine doing a 20 minute project like i only made 30 second projects but i was doing like hand-drawn shit but it took forever i mean the big thing is like what what kyle said right like someone who doesn't get the humor of the bit we're doing having animated it's not going to work like it would really have to be someone who's like a fan of the kind of content we do and the kind of stories we tell yeah and then they would obviously like get the humor drops and then the other thing
Starting point is 02:55:08 like because i'm you know when you look at somebody like what it says they offer on their profile when you actually get them sat down and you're like negotiating with them they're like oh no well that rate is for if you wanted a black and white stick figure that my little sister did. That's her stuff. My stuff is $37 an hour, and it turns into this much more expensive thing that you have to walk them through. Everything suddenly gets more expensive. I remember he said he could turn around a video every four days or five days,
Starting point is 02:55:39 and I was like, let's line them up. It would take every time the deadline would come it there's like a deadline feature on like the the website it where he's like hey can you make it give me more time and i'm just like dude i keep putting quarters in this fucking machine for you and you haven't got even to the final boss once but yeah i'm gonna keep fucking chugging them in there and like weeks would go by with me tapping him on the shoulder every three or four days. I don't know what to say. It was nonsense.
Starting point is 02:56:10 So off of this, I wanted to ask Brandon. So there was the machete guy, obviously. But what was the like the most real world scary or risky situation through your videos you've experienced so far we're talking fear we're talking real deal fear real deal fear like my third day at nana plaza when i was in thailand and i was broken out of quarantine i was broken i was afraid they were going to get me you know what i mean because i didn't i didn't want to go to jail for violating my quarantine i was getting a foot massage just a regular foot massage you know by white collar no typical just trying to get the job done and uh this this
Starting point is 02:56:52 beautiful woman was like do you want me to you're telling me you're in quarantine stuck in a hotel room thinking man my feet are killing me yeah i was doing vr i was hallucinating whatever i'm in my room i'm not breaking the law, but this girl's rubbing my feet. Right. And she, she makes the hand motion. Like you want me to beat your dick,
Starting point is 02:57:09 but there's a language barrier. And I'm like, yeah, Kyle beat my dick, beat my little dick. And then, uh, you know what she does?
Starting point is 02:57:16 You know what she does? She pulls down his pants and starts beating his dick right there in front of me while I'm on the bed with my fucking feet out. And yeah, so a tranny started masturbating in the hotel room. Oh, I got very confused. Yeah, I thought a girl was asking if I wanted my dick beat, and there's a tranny being like, yo, can I whip out and start fucking Louis C.K. again? And that was like early into my thailand trip that was like not even day one that was like hour three and i was hooked and i was hooked
Starting point is 02:57:54 homie didn't get a tip i left out of there on the fucking 10 feet down the road where i got the next beautiful woman to beat my dick so uh looking where the where the prostitutes in thailand like could could were they all pretty much hot and bro so my i'm from maryland my version of like a prostitute is like some skanky baltimore hoe you have to spend four hundred dollars to bang you're definitely gonna get age she's probably gonna rob you it's gonna be a nightmare she dropped out of school in the ninth grade she smells like bugs and fucking dust uh these prostitutes are like great they're like great like she gets tutored after school by some fucking uh some smart dude and she's you know gonna get into princeton and you know gotta shoot it you know got a good head on her shoulders i
Starting point is 02:58:36 thought the girls were very attractive i thought it was a great experience and they have to be good at their jobs because the better they are the more turnover they get it's great and everyone wants to act like oh my god you know you're a bad guy you're taking advantage of these women in poverty it's like come on listen they're not trafficked i can tell you these we i had a great time with these girls like mission work if i picked up on the vibe from these girls like they were in danger or sad i'm not i don't want to fuck a sad girl it's not fun for me you know i like to bang a girl that's into it. I feel like you're king shaming, but carry on. You like to fuck sad girls and you like to
Starting point is 02:59:09 fucking... You're a sadist. That's you. But these prostitutes, they were into it. They liked my vibe. They liked me. These whores, they liked me. I had prostitutes on Godwood between me and you. Listen, I had girls
Starting point is 02:59:25 I paid to bang. They came over the next night for free. Nice. Wait, I don't believe you. Is that true? Really? They come back the next day for free? Yeah, they come back the next day for free. They want that bee ham sandwich. Roll them up. Dice them up. Pop them in the mouth.
Starting point is 02:59:41 They want to get pretended to get beaten. I'll also say this because we're hours into hours into this you know only the real fans watching at this point right shout out shout out my mom you know i'm saying gang shit shout out montgomery county uh uh i had sex unprotected with three prostitutes raw dog in them really and nothing nothing to fear were they were they all female no it was three dudes it was three brothers behind a dumpster taylor and i was off that ice Raw dogging them. Really? And nothing to fear? Were they all female? No, it was three dudes. It was three brothers behind a dumpster, Taylor.
Starting point is 03:00:09 Nice. And I was off that ice. No, it was three girls. Come on. Don't catch me. And you raw dogged three prostitutes, and all you got was a vision loss. That's what I'm saying, bro. I banged these girls no condom, and I don't have an STD. I got blood work.
Starting point is 03:00:22 So that just goes to show you STDs aren't real. Condoms aren't real. Taylor's a bigot and Woody wants to go to Thailand. Spock, baby. I'm totally on board with anti-condoms. It's against Catholicism. It's against God's will. God's will is a bunch of fucking kids running around.
Starting point is 03:00:40 I had a girlfriend of eight months when I got to Thailand. I was still dating. I was in that no you know, no prostitute vibe. Oh, you went in an open relationship? No, I broke up with her right when I got there. Once I confirmed they were good looking and $30, I had no girlfriend. There was a few days of like, I'm going to be loyal to her. I'm just going to get massages. And then I broke up with her and it was off to the races.
Starting point is 03:01:02 And I'm not, there's no, there's no via text maybe from thailand yeah all right the next thing i'm gonna ask you a question i'm looking for truth did you break with her before or after your first prostitute uh i broke up with her before because i'm a good guy woody listen i broke up with her and then and then i got to fucking these hoes you know and she hates me she thinks i'm an embarrassment but i don't blame her because what girl would date someone like me and then watch him go fuck these hoes and then and be happy about it you girls hate prostitutes because prostitutes are the way around this like feminism treat me like a queen bullshit it's like bitch you think you're so cool i just got done for 17 i really don't care like i really i have a theory we were talking about legalization uh prostitution right okay yeah already i feel like tinder has forced women to be more promiscuous right because if you don't
Starting point is 03:01:56 give it up the next one will right you have to do this right it'll be on the first date bitch i do what are you talking about there's less friction now that it's easier to find someone who's going to be who you want them to be. You don't have to just meet someone who's in your class or school or college or whatever. Now, the talent pool is so big, you have to compete with more people. Old bitches?
Starting point is 03:02:17 Right? So, if prostitution becomes legal, this makes the competition even more difficult for girls. I'm not whining and dying and nobody. You flowers yeah right flowers that's 12 bucks that's fucking damn that's two thirds of getting head and that's what i'm saying right like you know there's a lot of sweet guys out there that want to be sweethearts i could tell kyle he's a sweetie he's got his headphones on he's got his haircut all that he's muted but you know guys like me that want to get out there they just want to fucking smash and then dip.
Starting point is 03:02:46 They just want to bang and then play Call of Duty with their bros. You know what I mean? Yeah, or play Pokemon or whatever the fuck game you're playing. Arceus? Elden Ring? I've got to entertain you and watch fucking Euphoria, whatever gay shit you guys said you were watching. I've got to do that. Or I could just go get my nut off and I'm back with the Holy Shilling.
Starting point is 03:03:02 Don't you rip on my child porn. These teenagers are... I've seen some clips, Woody. That shit gets crazy. It seems like he's about to become a high priest of the church. He's hanging out in Israel showing them 16-year-old tranny boys getting banged from behind. I missed all of that. Not now.
Starting point is 03:03:18 That's just a lot of work. Sometimes I do wonder... Do you guys ever wonder how long am I going to be allowed to do this stuff on the internet and get paid before it's all over for me five you're getting paid another uh surprise surprisingly it's crazy you go to college for six years and then you quit and you make more money being a fucking reject on the internet i mean you just have that little all right so so the tie trip was that from the very beginning of a business venture or was it also a bit of a vacation i mean clearly it was a vacation but but like was it which good question
Starting point is 03:03:50 what was it primarily it devolved so coming up to that point i hadn't missed a single week of uploading since i started youtube so it was purely i'm gonna go there i'm gonna have a muay thai fight that was like my main thought like i was like maybe i'll miss a week or two of uploading because i'm going to be training really hard through this muay thai fight and as like as i got out there and i started like partying and there was just the all the bitches you know what i mean the prostitutes uh it just devolved into like am i really training or am i like having a good time and banging these girls and like getting drunk and then i got how many how many women did you fuck like like it just seems like you're just like like having a lot of prostitutes like well um well one or two maybe sweetie listen i didn't i you know it was all for show it was entertainment i didn't bang all of them like i really like you
Starting point is 03:04:39 though your vibe's cool you're different you're different okay like when you can pay for it and i meet you it's like it's it's different and you're and. You're different. Okay. Like when you can pay for it and then I meet you, it's like it's different. And you're so sweet. Kyle, it couldn't have been that many. Who has $30? Yeah. No, I don't. An exact number you want, Kyle?
Starting point is 03:04:54 No, I mean. A ballpark. Then it got weird. A ballpark. Ballpark? Sure. I don't know. 20?
Starting point is 03:05:01 25? There's no way you could get into 25. You should get tested again. Because sometimes it takes a while for that. Late onset? Yeah, late onset. No, but the thing about me is I'm always playing a character. It's always a joke.
Starting point is 03:05:15 So if there's any girls out there watching this, I actually like, you know, I never banged a prostitute. I'm actually kind of sad and looking for some companionship, if you guys know anybody. Now, look, you guys are a little bit older. You have grandchildren that are maybe 20, 21. They're looking for love. I'm lost. Yeah, I'm lost. I'm a sweetheart.
Starting point is 03:05:36 You'll be the number one call for my future potential daughter. You need to check out this dumbass on YouTube. No, you'll have to take my word for it he was banned in 2022 yeah no look what they did to medicare they i mean they shit on medicare i do wonder sometimes like uh you know you know it you get too loose and you're talking to your friends you might say something crazy and then it's all over for you you know what happened to medicare i'm not familiar with any trouble yeah's had. Was it down? Yeah, they gave him two strikes and they took him out of the creator's program to monetize.
Starting point is 03:06:11 Why did they say that? Whatever, hate speech, yada yada yada. Oh. He seemed always... I have a hard time seeing the hate speech thing from Medeker. My whole experience with his content is like, hey, everyone,
Starting point is 03:06:29 get a load of this lunatic I found out about and let's all look at the story. That's everybody I've seen from him is that. I just thought about it. Is there enough material for him to do a Wings of Redemption Part 2? So much has happened since the first one.
Starting point is 03:06:48 All of the accusations, all of the wife stuff, and then that nugget that I revealed to you gentlemen tonight. I saw that video. That is just a cherry on top of cringe. You can't make shit like that up. The stuff with the Reddit mods, not Reddit mods, the Discord mods, all that stuff is so
Starting point is 03:07:09 fucky. It's wild. He could totally do an episode, too. Who's better than Medikur, airing something out and explaining how degenerate and ridiculous it is, making it funny? I think he's incredibly talented. He's one of my favorites. There's another one. Is it Coffee in his name? Or Covfefe? cofefe coffee zilla yeah yeah yeah he does a really good job too yeah but
Starting point is 03:07:31 i just love medicare's like relentless like you know his whole thing i was like oh no bully anti bully because people give him a hard time he starts ripping him so hard that he's like you know people are saying stop bullying this person but he's just great at pointing out like funny uh ridiculousness yeah yeah dude that was like a long form story documentaries i don't remember which channel it was on but i must have spent like a few a couple months ago like or actually this was when the chris chan stuff came out i must have watched like seven hours of chris chan documentaries like boning up on my chris chan knowledge because you know the you know the story with chris chan documentaries like boning up on my chris chan knowledge because you know the you know the story with chris chan kyle woody i did a video yeah you did a video well
Starting point is 03:08:11 then you take it away man about what just chris chan and his just whole ridiculous thing and then now he's banging his mom and he's the the mom banging part that was the wait do you guys know who chris chan is uh kyle and woody you guys are like how are you internet legends and you don't know a fellow internet legend like because i i i don't give a fuck about anybody that makes youtube because you have a real life and you actually hang out with people in real life don't get carried away i mean that's part of it i just always kind of thought it was lame i don't like a lot of i don't like most youtubers most of the youtube shit i watch is like police videos and stuff. Like it's amateur stuff.
Starting point is 03:08:45 That's high quality content. Yeah. Basically this guy, Chris Chan, there's a lady now trans now, uh, there's decades of, of logging this guy's internet behavior and his like weird,
Starting point is 03:09:01 he's like autistic and strange. And he would like at like college, like he had like weird he's like autistic and strange and he would like at like college like he had like weird rules and stuff like he would draw comics with his uh with his his flagship character sonichu which is a fusion of sonic and pikachu and it looks exactly like that and he does a ton of drawings there's so many comics and the comics are about like him with his model play-doh medallion of sonichu's face going around and fictitiously starting relationships with the women in his life that he wants to get with. Because his big thing is like, I want a boyfriend-free girl. That is my sexuality.
Starting point is 03:09:37 He made up a sexuality, and it was for men who are attracted to boyfriend-free women, a.k.a. women who don't have a boyfriend at the time. Oftentimes his enemies would appear as villains in the comics and he would violently murder them and things like that. Things of that nature. He would do wild stuff and he was a lol cow of sorts. There's so many years of story that I don't
Starting point is 03:09:59 know. There's whole historians of Chris Chan, but basically he went trans and he's trans now and she uh had sex with her own mother over and over and over and was like texting it to someone bragging how like bragging and saying like how it was a beautiful thing and i touched her down here and meanwhile his mother is like 88 years old demented has dementia for one geriatric it's bad and the dad is dead it's like have we heard hang on have we heard from the mom she's fucking with it she's fucking with it like have we heard from her like yeah chris got that good day no i
Starting point is 03:10:39 think she's mentally ill like really mentally ill like that i'm okay with that nothing wrong with that here's yeah shout out gino samuel this guy gino samuel has like 60 40 minute like videos about chris chan's life it's really in-depth it is one of the most bizarre rabbit holes to get into it it's something that like you can't watch that much of it at once it's depressing arrested for incest for like abuse sexually abusing her what 80 year old mother or something weston chandler yeah and she might get put i don't know what ended up happening but when i did a video about it she was possibly getting put in jail with women or in prison with other women which would be like heaven for chris chan or christine weston chandler it's really fascinating
Starting point is 03:11:21 i know you guys watch tv either one of them would love it yeah i just watch youtube so like someone like chris chan that's like you know that's prime time it is such a bizarre story i'm surprised you two haven't heard of him i know what i i forgot earlier did did you watch arnold schwarzenegger's uh video today what did he do he did like it was like maybe it was at least 10 minutes long. It was amazing. Really? It was a video directed to Russian people. And the first half of it is him talking about his love for Russia and talking about how his first hero as a child was the Russian weightlifter.
Starting point is 03:12:01 Some guy. He talks about how he had his poster over the board over his uh bed as a boy and he's like and then when i was a man i got to meet him and he gave me this tea and he's got it he gave me this coffee cup i use it every day i've used it every day since he gave it to me and he talks about like proud russian people this and that and like and then he starts talking about the lie he's like i hope that you'll let me tell you about the lies that are being told to you. And he breaks it down with like video evidence and like very in a way that like you wouldn't be insulted to hear if you're a Russian who believes Putin. Like you definitely don't want somebody being like you're you're brainwashed.
Starting point is 03:12:41 Look at this. Instead, he's like, listen, I'm a friend and an ally. And I'm my father and an ally. My father fought as a Nazi. He was in Leningrad. He talks about how awful it was when his father came back. He's like, don't end up like my
Starting point is 03:12:58 father, broken mentally and physically. It was a really good video. It was excellent. I have a feeling this is going to be one of those times where Kyle's telling of the video is better than the video. That happens all the time.
Starting point is 03:13:14 I think you'll like it. He even, I don't know, he's behind his desk. He's got all of his shit behind him. He's got his hair and he's got the beard going on. He looks like himself. He doesn't look feeble, but he's old. He still looks like Arnold, though. And he's
Starting point is 03:13:29 so much more articulate than our president as English for a second language. He's so much more articulate than both of our last presidents. As bad as Trump was with his sort of never-ending sentences, run-on sentences, sort of like 50 words to say what three words could have done, Joe Biden struggles with the English language.
Starting point is 03:13:54 So I've been watching Biden's speeches lately. I've caught the last couple. And I share your frustration. I don't have big complaints about Biden's moves, right? The support he's given to Ukraine, the drones, the this, that. The swagger in his hips. Right? Like whether these be Biden's decisions or the team Biden assembled decisions.
Starting point is 03:14:16 I'm not hating what America is doing. I kind of like that we're not doing the no-fly zone. It's the right level of support. Yeah. the no-fly zone it's the right level of yeah but i am on your team with the i wish that we had a leader that was even averagely good at rallying the troops and speaking and the fucking french have one the germans have one i don't even know how many the brits have the canadians have a pussy boy like i'm what he said the canadians shout out trudeau man he's done i like him more than you do but i i don't know i'm a big fan he's the macho machoist man those car horns they need to be stopped yeah right i like that move too
Starting point is 03:14:56 but yeah yeah honestly if i had his a team of speech writers, I could deliver speeches with more vigor. Testosterone. And like you mean it. He looks like an old man reading words off of a teleprompter that he doesn't... I mean, he means them because they agreed on them before he came out there, but there's no conviction behind
Starting point is 03:15:20 those words. He never knows where to put the emphasis. I saw him freestyle a little bit at the end of a speech where you added, it was awful. It was awful. He didn't make his point. Listen here, folks. Listen here, folks. Folks, folks. Mr. President,
Starting point is 03:15:36 could you make your point, please? He needs metaphorically more size to his loads, you know what I mean? Metaphorically. Let's make a deal, Mr. President. If you can't explain to me what's happening in Europe in 500 words without calling a country by another country's name, we let your vice president take over for a week and let you get some rest. He calls Ukraine a different country every 10 minutes.
Starting point is 03:16:03 You know what I do too often? A lot of people do. I call it the Ukraine. I never call it the Mexico. I never foul that up. Because we've heard people say that, though. It's been said. Is it because it starts with a vowel?
Starting point is 03:16:15 I'm not sure why I'm doing it. My guess, as an ignorant man, is that when it was part of the Soviet Union, it was the Ukraine region or something. But that's just a dumb guess. But I've always heard the Ukraine when referring to it. That's why sometimes I say it. I make that mistake sometimes. Anybody's nitpicking that shit is a dumbass. We're talking about somebody who can't fucking talk anymore.
Starting point is 03:16:35 And look, we're goofing around here on YouTube. He is the leader of the free world talking to another nuclear superpower about some serious shit and he's fucking stuttering. He's fucking stuttering.uttering he has a stutter and my wife i i tell her this same i make the same argument that you've made to me which is you know this guy doesn't speak well this guy needs to be more motivating this guy the part of the job is to get other people on your side and he sucks at it and she's like well he does have a stutter like i don't care if he can't dunk because
Starting point is 03:17:03 he's fat or if he can't dunk because he's short the problem is i need a guy that can fucking dunk i don't care why oh does he have a stutter i get it stutter is not related to intelligence i get it i get it it doesn't matter i need a guy who can sell shit because he's the leader of the free world and no one's buying it so i have no idea what the british foreign minister ministers politics are she could be conservative or liberal um she could be like a wackadoo she's awesome her name is liz trust i wrote it down because i was so impressed by her she's badass she's she's the one i was talking about who's up there like standing next to that table with the scepter on it like talking about just how bad
Starting point is 03:17:42 they're gonna fuck up russia with the with up Russia with their sanctions. And the one guy from the left side is like, could we fuck the oligarchs in the ass? And she's like, not only that, we're going to do it dry. And then everybody claps. And then some guy from the right side is like, could we find the families too? And she's like, we've already found them! And then everybody just loses their
Starting point is 03:18:07 shit again. On the point of Russia, it seems like Brits in particular fucking despise them. I think maybe there's a little bit... I think the Cold War was even scarier for the Brits than it was for us. There is the ocean there, and
Starting point is 03:18:23 we were always peers with Russia, whereas not so much with the Brits. And they were so much closer. I feel like there's more Russ-phobia coming from that locality than any other. Isn't that silly? The Russ-phobia nonsense? I haven't heard that. You were talking about her leadership. I feel like the British Parliament system,
Starting point is 03:18:47 the way that it's kind of showmanship, breeds good leadership. In America, you can get to the top by what? Getting the right corporations to sponsor your campaign. Getting the right key holders to back you so that you get more fucking billboards and signs and whatever it is, right? Sure. In England, a huge
Starting point is 03:19:07 part of success is doing well while everyone heckles you. So the people that rise to the top thrive at that. I don't know how true that is, but I'm going to choose to believe it because it's fucking awesome. Taylor, I highly recommend that you go down that rabbit hole and
Starting point is 03:19:23 get into it. It's that dry British humor. The guy who calls him a dodgy twat or whatever. Yeah, you can see his part there. But it's this fun mixture of dry British humor from people who are genuinely quick-witted is the best way to put it.
Starting point is 03:19:40 Unlike our Congress, I don't think they hire too many dummies over there. These guys are fucking zinging each other in there. I never saw Strom Thurmond break out a tight five and have everybody
Starting point is 03:19:55 rolling. That old coot was just rolling in there and he placed his vote. Can you imagine if Biden had to do that? How's everyone doing tonight? We were just talking about how our president can't fucking put a sentence together and it's two in a row now that haven't been able to speak well um obama could speak very well george bush was folksy but not embarrassing that's how i felt about george bush because i he't, he wasn't incompetent.
Starting point is 03:20:25 Like, like, like I feel like Biden might is leaning towards dementia. Whereas Bush was just a little silly and goofy. And, uh, and I was okay with that. Part of the last two,
Starting point is 03:20:37 they were all good. I'm thinking about it right before W who you're talking about was Clinton. Clinton was a speaker, um, before Clinton was senior. and he did a good job that desert storm uh stuff all the all those red lines and ultimatums and fucking he was a stud till he raised before him was reagan who they literally called the great communicator right and even carter was pretty good so carter lives like 45 minutes from me i think he's a georgia boy and we are all just
Starting point is 03:21:08 disgusted by it like like everybody i like growing up even in school the teachers would tell us like it was it was taught that he was a bad president my father feels that way about him too but me like i feel like i'm more of a creature of the internet. Carter, to me, is a guy whose decisions got better with age, like renewable energy and stuff like that. He's also the Habitat for Humanity guy. That's who Carter is to me.
Starting point is 03:21:36 Maybe if I was more... I think his term ended... 76 to 80? It was the Iran stuff. Yeah, it was the Iran stuff. But 76 to 80, I was alive, but I was not paying attention to politics. Dude's 97.
Starting point is 03:21:49 When did the Munich Olympic bombing happen? Where they kidnapped the Israeli athletes and inevitably they all died. Was that the 60s? That's an incredible movie. 1972.
Starting point is 03:22:04 If anybody out there who wants a badass thriller that's based on a true story, like spy thriller, that's it. It's called Munich. And it's the true story of what the Israelis did after some terrorists came to the German
Starting point is 03:22:20 Olympics, kidnapped a bunch of their athletes and killed them. They had a little meeting and they were like well we're not going to put up with this are we and it's kind of like what i was describing in the british parliament everybody in jew land went fuck no we're not going to take it and they hired they got the masad together and they put a hit team together and they started making a fucking list of anybody and everybody oh did you drive the truck that delivered them did you fund the ammo did you mail the ammo did you hand him the they went and got
Starting point is 03:22:54 them all and it went on for years and it got to a point where they were just like what are we doing like we've killed so many uh it's really killing people's children at that point. Are we going to some children? I think I think it's over. Not that not like like we're going to get you on purpose. But, you know, collateral damage. You blow up a building with somebody in it. They shot a lot of people. They blew up a lot of people.
Starting point is 03:23:14 Car bombs, house bombs, maybe poison. Poison. You don't care much about poison anymore. I guess that's the design of poison, right? It wouldn't be good if it was like they got him with this poison that turns you blue and then you die they just quickly do that like kim test the cops have like yep poison poison it's like a good those things are remarkable right like i don't know how much you guys have seen them but like if you've got a substance on you like they can just put it in this thing and fucking shake it and it's just like one of those pool ph things they get they'll be like yep ah that's pcp
Starting point is 03:23:50 that's pcp yep yep yep yep like they immediately can like determine what you have pcp and maybe it's because my all my experience with pcp comes from internet videos i always thought you like that was one you didn't need help identifying like that's the kind of thing like that woman with her guts hanging out who's still like screaming like a feral oh i'm talking about if you've got identifying it if it's in your backpack yeah they're like killing yeah you've got like a baggie of it or something oh yeah i was meaning like if someone's on pcp they might be able to be like that person's on pcp dude i saw a scare i'm going back to the police videos but fuck me you just love these other police videos. Kyle loves police videos.
Starting point is 03:24:28 It looks like a well-to-do neighborhood, like real fancy. There's a gate and everything, nest camera. This black man walks up, and he's like very white, bug-eyed is how I would describe him. He is bug-eyed. His eyes are so big and white. And he picks up a paving stone out in the yard, and he looks at it and gets a little grass off of it. And he walks up to the door, and he's just like, dunk, dunk, dunk. And he's just waiting with the rock, waiting.
Starting point is 03:24:57 And then they do that thing from Paranormal Activity where they fast-forward the footage, and you get that really unnatural thing where the person yeah it's like swaying like sways and it goes on for like five minutes or something 10 minutes maybe and then you they edit these things so well the 911 call begins yeah um there's a guy over here on 38 maple out in my yard he knocked and then he sat there and he picked up a rock and then he jimmied my door a little and he couldn't get in so he left and well what does he look like he's black all right we're on the way immediately you see the cops are there like so fucking fast there must
Starting point is 03:25:37 have they probably added it together but it's it's almost convenient fucking super cop gets there and he hops out he's like hey you okay sir what's going on and the guy is like a zombie he comes at him with the same rock he still got it and like clobbers the cop with the rock and now they're on the ground fighting for the cop got into rock range he got yeah he got into rock range he's what an idiot now the cops like semi-stoned on the ground and there's tussling. But, you know, the cops got a gun. So he like that, that, that, that, that just killed the shit out of him.
Starting point is 03:26:11 But there's a moment they use it for the thumbnail in the video. So if anybody wants to find this video, I'm not going to tell you the name of it. Scroll until you see the eyes, those eyes. Like when you see it, it's the it's the thumbnails from his body cam. And it's just really dark. And then a very dark skininned black man, and then these saucer eyes with big pupils. I don't know what the fuck he's on, but when you mentioned PCP, that's what made me think of this because he's deranged. He's deranged. He's out looking to do violence.
Starting point is 03:26:38 Did he go down when he was shot, or was it like he took— The amount of bullets is like a pit bull. Dude, they usually open up what I've noticed and here's a disparity I have noticed they will shoot a white woman once okay you know what I mean you ever see like when cops have to shoot somebody they all go
Starting point is 03:26:58 and like dump their magazine like I think part of that is so it's like when Tony Soprano killed that kid in the park and he looked at his buddy like, now you do it. So we're both
Starting point is 03:27:12 in on this. It doesn't matter who shot the first bullet. We did this. And it's kind of like that. The whole gang's involved. They can't get rid of all of us. Yeah. I'm sorry. I just lost my train of thought. Where was I going? It was a cop story and they shoot white women once
Starting point is 03:27:30 and this bad guy was there very quickly. So when it's black guys, they all dump their magazines. But I've noticed that when it's a white person, sometimes they'll give them a little one tap and they'll be like, give them a chance to live. And if the white person drops, they're like, alright, let's get them some medical help let's patch him up but i've saw so many like
Starting point is 03:27:49 black guys just get the dump your magazine like treatment um and i'm sure it varies cop by cop as well and it depends if the person has a weapon and look most almost 99 of the scenarios i'm describing that i saw on that police activity thing i'd have dumped the magazine too those guys need killing as fast as you kill them because they're in the process of killing people one guy was literally stabbing his mother like this as fast as he could when the cops come in the room and they're just trying to they're trying to kill him as fast as they can without hitting her but she's already dead she's fine a little bloody he was a terrible stabber she's like fighting him off and he's like in a bad position but those christ a lot of those videos aren't edited like blurred or anything so like you see like all sorts of nonsense it's it's very bloody and very gory i saw a lot of people
Starting point is 03:28:35 die today i don't want to watch jesus that's a downer well then don't watch police activity videos because like i do not i watch a video by covert go blue teaching me how to make new magic decks that's all i got that guy needs to go to thailand i just started watching his like deck building content absolute best stuff of course the magic he's i think he i think he's actually married or something too so like my joke doesn't even work i don't know but yeah he just looks like the kind of person who couldn't form like uh you know human relationships i mean magic is you have to be a little odd to get into magic the gathering and i'm very into it so i i'm not throwing any stones i think it's an awesome hobby it's a bunch of fun but oh i i i was wanting to remind it i was i didn't write it down i forgot to tell you i saw this news story and it was about this um this kid that was getting
Starting point is 03:29:35 bullied at school because he was um he had come out as forgive me but i don't remember exactly what it was something complicated he was some iteration of gay yeah he he was he was he was did i say that he was pan binary genderqueer some shit and like too many words and they're they were like tracy's getting bullied at school for coming out as trans binary genderqueer where can and his mother had her mother had to take her out of school and uh which is it its mother had to take her out of school and and and so like then they like there's a quick part they do their best not to let this kid talk but then there's this real quick part where you can hear what the the interviewer is super hot like this reporter and this kid is like he's got like
Starting point is 03:30:23 a book out he's showing her and he's like i the audio cuts in for just a second so you can finally hear this little fucker talk he goes so that's an earth elemental i've been building a whole deck of them and i was like they're it's not because he's trans binary gender queer this is a yukio this guy's a yi-Oh queer or some shit. That's the real problem. They interview the bullies and they're like, you've been bullying a trans youth at school? And they're like, no, we're chill with that. We think it's really gay that he plays Yu-Gi-Oh though.
Starting point is 03:30:57 We're all trans. But that little freak. You keep her and him away from us with those weird little cards that that is a way to to ensure i liked magic the gathering in high school nobody knew about it nobody knew about it that was a it's not a way to make friends no it's not it's a it's unless you're you go to the friday night magics and stuff which is actually very fun i haven't done that in a long time because it's a game that that attracts people who aren't very social sometimes like they can be like extra drawn to it like i enjoy the game too i like the camaraderie that comes along with it and the mild
Starting point is 03:31:37 amount of like fun that you can have deck building before meta starts becoming an issue and now we're spending each other into oblivion and who's really winning is fucking card company and wizards of the coast they haven't lost a game of magic yet no no they're doing great i've been selling cardboard for fucking dollars for a generation and a half for sure like they're making boatloads of cash if only if only one of us could think something like that like like in a video game where you could just sell swords and fucking gemstones and shit. Imagine that. Have you seen that clip?
Starting point is 03:32:13 That's even cheaper than cardboard. Yeah, right. They had to buy cardboard? That's just a charge and a silicone chip somewhere. Is it called the antique roadshow where the people bring stuff and they say how much it's worth? Something like that? The appraisal thing. There's a
Starting point is 03:32:31 YouTube video of, it's not the big one, but it's this appraiser guy and it's this woman. She brings a binder of these like alpha series magic cards, like the first magic cards. And they're all overpowered as shit and super valuable because they just started making the game they didn't know what the fuck
Starting point is 03:32:49 they were doing and like this woman is so disinterested from this guy like breaking it down he she's like here's like the guy sets it up like all this and he's like do you know what you have here ma'am and she's no, my husband had some cards. And so I'm bringing them here. See what they're worth. You know, he's like, well, what a treat for you. Do you know what these are called on the front page? And she's like, no.
Starting point is 03:33:16 And he's like the power nine. These are the most powerful, valuable cards in the entire game of magic. Magic the Gathering is a trading card game started in 1992 and he's doing and this woman is like how like just just exasperated and he's like take a look at this one tropical island what do you notice she's like i don't i don't know what you can tap it to add green or blue mana this would set a foundation for the future of magic and mana base. And it's like... Taylor, the woman's right.
Starting point is 03:33:49 The woman is so right. So right. Really? No, it's like read the book. How much were the cards worth? I must know. Oh, I know. Everybody who's into magic enough to give a shit sees that page and goes, oh, it's a lot.
Starting point is 03:34:03 No, Taylor, you don't know i'm asking you how much were the fucking cards were about a hundred thousand dollars oh shit yeah the whole set was about a hundred what was her reaction how many tie whores is that it's a lot of shots you know what i bet 33 000 whores do you do you think that do you think that knowing that she's going to like go tell her husband hey your cards were worth $100,000 honey you should go cash them in so that you can have $100,000 can I have a small
Starting point is 03:34:32 finders fee of dinner tonight and not a slap in the face no she sold those cards and ran she ran she robbed him that night she's like she divorced him he's got like eight of these back home oh yeah she should have I I mean, my goodness, a hundred grand for some cardboard that you're not even going to play with anyway?
Starting point is 03:34:49 The Antique Roadshow is kind of cool. It's a bit like the lottery for non-white trash people. I've seen some skeevy people on there. Oh, well, yeah, that's true. But I wouldn't say white trash. White trash never has anything of value. It wouldn't have lasted long enough
Starting point is 03:35:04 to accrue any. I like the people that think that they have like gold, like gold is in like a porcelain statue from 1704. And it's like, no, this is a promotional Reese's tin. Yeah. Yeah. This is actually a copy of a Mona Lisa. Believe it or not, ma'am, that Coca Cola did in 1977. You thought this was... Okay, no. It says made in Taiwan. Yeah, right on the back.
Starting point is 03:35:34 She's also drinking a Coca Cola. How are you fooled? Is there anything super valuable like a physical item from a loved one? They die. They leave it to you. let's say it's some bauble some something some some trinket and you find out that it's worth 30 grand is any part of you thinking well you know the sentimental value or are you just it's gonna be for me it's gonna
Starting point is 03:36:00 matter exactly what we're talking about this ten thousand dollars and it's some it's a pin that your your grandfather wore to war i don't fucking know like a war medal sure i can't sell grandpa's war oh yeah war medals you shouldn't do that actually i don't know i can't actually you could you could wear them around i'm gonna yeah i'm gonna wear it wear them and and the savings add up see this is like taking the lump sum or the monthly payments. I take the monthly payments, sir. I'm a young man, relatively speaking. I want people to know that I might have served in World War II. That guy looks great.
Starting point is 03:36:39 I wore one of those Vietnam vet hats the other day. I got so many looks. Did you really? That would be so funny. Vietnam veteran hat. That would be a great one for Sam Hyde. To so clearly steal valor. To go to a Vietnam War veteran meet up and pretend like he was like,
Starting point is 03:37:01 yeah, I was there. I remember. You had a 10 offensive. That was rough, huh, boys? He would absolutely do that. U.S. Marine hide. Yeah, U.S. Marine hide. That's what he said. He was going to name his son U.S. Marine hide.
Starting point is 03:37:15 Sam is funny as fuck, bro. If I don't do a video with Sam before I stop making content, I'm going to be very disappointed. Have you guys not had him on here? Have you reached out? I don't know if we have or not. I don't think so.
Starting point is 03:37:28 No, he's really funny. I haven't known about him for very long. Taylor, I think, has been a fan of him for a while. He showed me a bunch of the stuff, and I kind of went down a little bit of a rabbit hole myself. I like the one where he's by a lake smoking a cigarette, and he's got his son next to him, like a young boy who's like
Starting point is 03:37:45 11 or 12 yeah you know like like and he's just like saying the most like awful inappropriate shit to this just bad advice to your mom's a bitch he's smoking right in front of him which i grew up my dad smoking but but like still like now it's a weird look i got the marlboro fucking windbreaker on g G. I saw it. You got the whole Dale Earnhardt thing going on. Fuck it, then. Yeah. I'm throwing it all away.
Starting point is 03:38:10 No, it's... Fucking rewind me again. I'm stoned. Sam Hyde. Sam Hyde by the Lake of the Sun. You're talking about the... Yeah. It's like, yeah, your mom's a fucking...
Starting point is 03:38:18 I hate to break it to you, son. I'll be honest. Your mom's a fucking bitch. Yeah. That shit is top tier. I like the one... He's's like whenever you meet a woman don't you ever ever tell her what your real name is that way you can just bust up in it and fucking peace out you know what i mean like the most and and the little kid actors pretty good pretty good
Starting point is 03:38:42 actors he's just so he's just smiling. He's going, yeah, yeah. And he's like, take that hat off. You look like a faggot. He's just saying the most awful things to this little kid. And there's like three parts of it. I'm rolling every time. And then the Officer Maggot thing. The Officer Maggot's great.
Starting point is 03:39:03 That's the one that's like, I feel a little uncomfortable watching it. When he starts spitting in the guy's face, that's a little much to me. That's 22 spits. Yeah, if anybody wants to pop your cherry on Sam Hyde content, I highly recommend Officer Maggot. It's what I told Woody to watch as well. Moms is a better lead-in. Oh, Moms is better. I take it back.
Starting point is 03:39:28 Watch Moms. You're going to love Moms. And then go right into Officer Maggot, which is going to be a detour. It's a very different bit. I like the one where Nick Roachfort trips Sam's wife over the table. Have you seen that one? What's up, big guy?
Starting point is 03:39:44 What you thinking? I'm going to invite you over to my house and trip your wife on my $1,900 rug. You're just as fucking crazy as she is. You owe me $1,900. Yeah, that shit is so funny. A 2070 paradigm shift is obviously a fucking classic. Yeah, I mean, there's years
Starting point is 03:39:59 of Sam Hyde content that's just fucking hysterical out there. He's very funny the iDubbbz documentary I think that gave him quite a bit more like big league attention like iDubbbz is a huge YouTuber and I know iDubbbz
Starting point is 03:40:16 upload I haven't watched iDubbbz version of their documentary or his Sam Hyde documentary but he did upload it and you know apparently it's getting good reviews I think so I think they it doesn't seem like a malicious at all like oh they're going at each other it was like they were like memeing and joking around items was just like didn't understand sam and was like why won't he tell it to me straight it's like because that's not his fucking brand and that's not how he operates you're trying to get like a raw real interview with sam and he wants to like
Starting point is 03:40:43 you know fuck with you give me the run around he wants to make comedy that last video he did where like like just inexplicably like his friend is doing weird shit in the background while he does that like letter to putin from the point of view of like he's like if you were my son i would love you and and cover you with kisses and it goes on for like way too like the bit is done like the bit has been done and i'm just like fast forwarding a little every now and then like hit the arrow key to give me 10 more seconds and he's still just hammering this joke and it's just like and then a guy in the background just does some weird shit like walking by doing the robot and i'm just i'm watching this like is this art or is this a retarded man i don't know never know maybe
Starting point is 03:41:28 it's either it's either art or absolute human feces smeared on a camera lens i can't tell why not both i love why not both shout out jet neptune and big flame and working ball those guys are all really cool. I don't know them. They're like part of Sam's crew. They're probably like white supremacists or something. We're just nodding along. Oh, no.
Starting point is 03:41:52 We just have no idea who these people are. He's like, shout out to Hitler, Stalin, Paul Feinberg. We're just like, yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm going to be honest. Heinrich Himmler wasn't as bad as they say he was. Shout out to him. You know what I mean? Shout out Joseph Stalin.
Starting point is 03:42:04 Shout out the fucking Russians, man. Let's take these fuckers down. Just joking, right? Just joking. Right? Yeah. Right? Right.
Starting point is 03:42:15 I'm your guest. Are we doing this right now, Kyle? I don't know what you're wanting to do. I'll pop the brakes. We can do whatever we want. I'm afraid it's going to involve your dick coming out, so I'm going to say no. You can censor that.
Starting point is 03:42:28 I spent $100 on your cum pills, though, so if they don't make me cum more, I am going to publicly shame you, okay? You can do it. I look forward to your review because it's going to make a difference. I will say this. Make sure you hydrate.
Starting point is 03:42:40 You can't, you know, make sure you drink at least eight or nine of these Coca-Cola Zero sugars. Yeah, he's drank almost that whole bottle of hydration fuel right there. Yeah. This is good stuff. This is a Cherry Vanilla Zero Sugar Coke. I'm probably going to go live on my second channel after this because I've been so out of tune with my audience and so just, you know, not on the internet.
Starting point is 03:43:01 Yeah, you got to reconnect. What is that you're wearing? I noticed it adds like – I saw the Dale Earnhardt kind of –. What is that you're wearing? I noticed Ed's like, I saw the Dale Earnhardt kind of thing. What is it, like a windbreaker? Two things. So I have the Marlboro Adventure Team windbreaker jumpsuit on.
Starting point is 03:43:15 How do you get one of those? Some dude, Thrifty's Vintage, I think it is, on Instagram was like, I had Marlboro socks, and he's like, let me send you a Marlboro windbreaker. Did that cost him like 80,000 packs of Marlboro cigarettes. I don't know,
Starting point is 03:43:28 but he sent it to me. I bet it's one of those. Do y'all know about that? That Marlboro has like their catalog that you can trade like the tops of packs of cigarettes. No, I didn't know about that. No.
Starting point is 03:43:37 So it's just like at the arcade, how it like takes a million tickets to get cool shit. But if you go to Marlboro is like reward program, you could see the stuff they give away. But like a jacket like that is probably like i would guesstimate like 750 or a thousand packs of cigarettes probably like it's the real deal jackson it's cool so yeah i have my jumpsuit on then i have a uh dale earnhardt jr retro uh bud light uh button up do you like nascar or no i just think fucking dale earnhardt's the
Starting point is 03:44:05 shit raise hail praise dale that whole vibe is really cool the sun or yeah the sun well the main you know the main guy the guy that died in crashing into a wall he's cool too but i like the sun the sun you know the one that's still with us yeah are you saying you're liking my swag or you're not liking it is the feel ahead oh i was bad? I'm loving it. I just didn't think anybody was really a fan of his. He wasn't a really good driver, was he? No, you take a look at me, you're like, is this guy, is he for real? Is this dude gay? What's up with this guy?
Starting point is 03:44:36 I just assumed the jacket was ironic. I did think you were gay. Yeah. Is he serious? Is he joking? How does he fucking live with himself? When's he going to die? when's he gonna die when's he gonna kill himself you think that's how you'll punch out that would be hardcore imagine i'd be like the first youtuber that seems like he's with it and then i just kill myself publicly
Starting point is 03:44:56 and i'm you know not the first there was that guy actually was that guy on justin tv like 12 roger shout out the homie elliot what's up supreme gentleman gang i'm almost positive elliot roger did not kill himself on twitch i'm pretty sure he's the guy who drove around shooting people he's so funny he's the funniest guy ever you're familiar with him taylor and kyle right i i know he's the shooter but elliot roger here is he the guy that posted like the video like bemoaning himself like oh women are bitches and i'll never get pussy so i just need to sign to you know these fucking asshole and he came from like an uber rich rich family he was like i'm so handsome
Starting point is 03:45:38 and intelligent i just don't understand how these pathetic women don't recognize the supreme gentleman yeah it's like elliot because you're recording yourself in an expensive car being a fucking creep. Because you're about to go shoot people, you lunatic. How about some good energy, Elliot? I'm sorry, did this gentleman shoot people with a firearm on his wrist? He murdered women and his roommates.
Starting point is 03:45:56 Elliot Rodgers was a mass shooter who made this video. Kyle, you can... This is true. This is great internet. You're watching the X-Factors or X-Files. You've got to watch theiot rogers saga yeah so so a youtuber went crazy and and no no he's not a youtuber he was just a guy who was like i deserve to get laid i'm rich i'm attractive i'm the how do you know he said those things though because he made a video videos and posted
Starting point is 03:46:21 it but he wasn't like a youtube content creator it was like he made like the one video it was it was like a lunatic they made like but he wasn't popping right like no one cared till he killed oh do you think that was the final straw that fucking algorithm shitting on his videos wasn't hitting no he was trying a lot he tried to uh uh to gamble and like uh play the the lottery like he was thought he's gonna get rich that way he was trying to figure out how he's gonna make it shake out i tell you already rich look i've got your quick but he was going to get rich that way he was trying to figure out how he's going to make it shake out i tell you already rich look i've got your quick but he was trying to get his own money taylor right because he was he was like oh you know more than i do he knew women valued money so he like spent a bunch of money to try to hit the lottery and yeah it all ended with him killing his roommates and then going to a sorority and trying to kill these uh stacy's you know chad's
Starting point is 03:47:01 stacy's tried to kill one sorority girls he He's a fucking moron, but it's hilarious. It's literally like a plot of a fucking scary movie. It's like... He killed his two roommates in their sleep while they were like staying at his place. You know... I don't know. Did he stab them? Stab them? Some weirdo shit. I just think it's hilarious.
Starting point is 03:47:19 If you're so stressed about getting pussy, you're going to have to kill your friends. Speaking of people getting killed in their sleep, did you see psychopath in maybe new york that was just going around killing homeless people in the night no no i didn't know how many he got maybe eight or ten or something like that but i saw on the video of it i watched him kill one he's just like standing there and there's a guy asleep on the sidewalk and like a on a cot type thing like it tucked away in a corner and he's just like kicks him a few times and the guy doesn't move. He pulls out a pistol and
Starting point is 03:47:47 executes him and then runs away into the night. I thought it was New York. I saw the news story, but I didn't look too much into it. Then I saw the video. Did they catch him or they just saw a video? They already got him. What a great way to fucking rack up your KD.
Starting point is 03:48:05 Shooting homeless people. I don't watch the news at all but because this ukraine thing oh yeah there you go because the ukraine thing sometimes i get like new york news or la news and it's always some rough shit god damn the news is horrible i mean i'm completely uh tuned out from that i literally just watch youtube shit uh but my you know my whole family my mom and dad they're 60 years old they love the news they're always talking about some upsetting new topic because i've been like i said the new story i saw today that was depressing was um they showed a picture like surveillance footage of this maybe white woman looked like she's maybe 35 or so and they were like this is the woman who pushed this
Starting point is 03:48:45 87 year old grandmother down the flight of stairs killing her and then i saw the video of this old woman being thrown down some stairs and it's like for no reason like randomly comes up and like yeets an old lady down like some like a lot like remember the joker Those stairs? Some shitty ass stairs like that. She dies. Do you know how much better things I have to do than kill an old woman? That being said though, I sent you that gift the other day. Did you watch it where the old lady tries to roll
Starting point is 03:49:17 a fucking shopping cart down an escalator? I did see that. That was deserved. This old granny tries to roll a fucking shopping cart down an escalator. So very quickly the nose
Starting point is 03:49:32 of it is in midair. And it gets, so it goes forward, right? What does she do? Well, don't want to lose my shopping cart. She hangs on. It takes her with it. End over end. Down an escalator with a
Starting point is 03:49:47 shopping cart. She does a front flip. Johnny Knoxville would never. Where's that clip? She's very dead. I want to say it had Mario music. It was like... Based on the video
Starting point is 03:50:04 she's almost certainly dead so dead why is she dead she just fell down steps and that's a little fewer steps escalators are metal stairs that are fighting against you so you're rotating i saw an old one was she going up the was she going up she was going down yeah she was going but she had a shopping cart so she went like real high up and over it wasn't just like fall straight down. She like did a jumping cart wheel over the shopping cart because it like pulled her as it like flipped over. And she just like rolled real poorly down the stairs. I sent you that other clip of the old granny trying to go up an escalator.
Starting point is 03:50:39 And it was like her first time ever. Clearly. first time ever. Clearly. So she did that thing where the middle of her foot was on the edge of the escalator stair. And instead of stepping forward or backwards, she stayed
Starting point is 03:50:54 on the edge and just held on to that thing on the side, the two rubber grips. So very quickly as it goes up, she's almost laying down, holding herself. I just linked it for you, Woody. Please tell me how to watch.
Starting point is 03:51:09 I linked it. I take it back. I don't think she's dead. I think she's probably very, very fucked up. Unless she conked her head on the sharp corner of an escalator. Stare. Ain't no way. She's got this turquoise shirt on with the purple shorts.
Starting point is 03:51:24 This is much funnier with the mario music oh she is never walking again that's cartoonish that was cartoonish and just let go of the cart she didn't have much in there what is this video player the commitment this is youtube shorts, I guess. This is great. I was upset that you could pause and fast forward and rewind in YouTube videos. I'm glad they took all the controls off it. I want to have to watch the whole thing again.
Starting point is 03:51:54 I've got another one that's... This is awful. So... The events are the seeking function. Imagine if it was your grandma and you had to be sad over that clip. I want to pause it. I want to go back. There it there's like 30 not 30 but there's like 15 seconds of video that's absolute boring bullshit i have to watch that on every loop yeah so so my video you can just let that roll in the background because this grandma falls up an escalator for a solid
Starting point is 03:52:22 minute and a half yo the first fall she's done she's cooked the first fall would have crippled a standard granny she's cooked she's she's rolled around like a baby reaching for shit this lady she doesn't know where she is this is really dark she might not live i don't know if a granny can survive that oh man is it is it this gonna be this woman in red oh yeah no no no it'll you get why is she this is horrible it's her first escalator her first escalator oh this is a terrible experience okay but like how is she how has she not figured out the gist of it yet the concussion probably made it a little hard to figure things out oh jesus this is she was already in a situation that confused her so much that she escalated
Starting point is 03:53:11 have you ever seen those family guy bits where it goes on way way too long that's what this is it's comedic it goes on for so long dude a minute in a guy with a red hat comes fucking stumbling down the escalator and they just shut the whole thing off holy shit she's fell she's falling so hard her shoes are off that's the worst part there was an emergency button right by her the whole time the viewers have got to watch that video that's one of the best videos i've ever seen it's gonna ruin it We shouldn't really do videos we can't share. Oh, man, that's funny. You can find this. It's called I've Fallen and I Can't Get Up.
Starting point is 03:53:50 Nobody Will Help Her, Chinese Woman vs. Escalator. Oh, shit. It looks like slapstick. It's so absurd. I found it the other day on, I don't know. It's like Charlie Chaplin comedy. Or crazy fucking video, something like that on Reddit. don't know it's like charlie chaplin comedy or crazy fucking video something like that on reddit and i sent it to like everybody i went michael scott and like forward
Starting point is 03:54:10 it to like everybody like my dad's like damn i like taylor's description of the whole like you know the family right where the bit is that the bit goes on too long yeah it just keeps falling and falling just fall into sharp metal blocks for a minute with that old paper thin skin and those rickety bones you're happy that's not my grandma like like if they they should have just let her go like like she'd have been done in another 10-15 seconds. Yeah, it was about over. Imagine having to be upset about that. Like, oh, that's my mom. Did she look Asian to you? Let's just say Chinese woman versus escalators.
Starting point is 03:54:52 Imagine how old she is if she's an elderly Chinese woman. Because you know the badass chick in Boba Fett? They're like turtles. They live forever. She's like 50. The baddest action hero lady who's hot in boba fett is like 50 i think or something so like that granny's 117 117 something's wrong with her when she gets on the escalator because she grabs the railing i thought she was on drugs but you said it was
Starting point is 03:55:19 i guess i didn't read the description that's first it's not in the description that's that's how i'm that's that's what i'm looking at it and that's what i'm taking from what i'm seeing is that this is a person who's never stood on a fucking escalator before they don't know to get on top of the steps because they're gonna do that like escalating thing but you didn't know the edge and like hanging on you noticed her even before she falls like that like as soon as she hops on she's like leaning back in a big way old as's old as fuck. Usually the elderly hunch forward. Some do. This one looked like
Starting point is 03:55:49 she was spry up until maybe she fell last week. She was spry up until the second bomb dropped. It took the wind out of her sails. She definitely wasn't spry when it came to this go-around on the escalator. I would imagine she's probably dead.
Starting point is 03:56:10 Certainly by now, that's an old video. At least wounded. Definitely wounded. Maimed, I would say. Maimed. Yeah, that was bad. So, wait, do you guys have any – let me just pick your brains really quick. I think we're like four hours into this, so who knows how long this is going to go on for,
Starting point is 03:56:25 but do you guys have any advice for a young 26 year old stud out here? Two years into his YouTube career, just trying to, uh, trying to make a buck. Should try to fight somebody. That seems to be the way to get some money and attention. You go,
Starting point is 03:56:39 I have one candidate and he's not willing. So I have to find new beef. Taylor, four eyes, dork ass. You wear glasses also. Fuck you. See, I don't think any of us who aren't fucking trained fighters are going to want to fuck with you, though, because that's a bit of a pickle.
Starting point is 03:56:58 You know what I mean? He's the greatest white belt ever. It's like I don't want to play against Taylor in Magic the Gathering, and he doesn't want to race me to the gash. He shouldn't. I inspire fear. What he said, I'm a white belt. I'm a bitch. I'm a novice. How long have you been training?
Starting point is 03:57:13 Jiu-jitsu? Yeah. Just since December 2019. How long have you been training in a combat sport? Since like 2002. Okay, there you go. He spent the last two decades training to hurt people no just wrestling yeah the most effective of all i'll pull guard jackson listen i'll pull guard
Starting point is 03:57:35 you can you can mount me you can start mounting me taylor oh okay i'm in yeah i'm a great sport when i lose you can get that tap and we'll have a good laugh about it Are you a good sport when the other person's losing? I'm a dick When I start winning I'm like you fucking nerd When I'm losing I'm the good sport You're like those guys at Woody's Gym I'm a sorry ass winner Maybe you'll find someone to fight
Starting point is 03:57:58 Because Kyle's right That is in vogue right now Although you wouldn't be able to utilize your talents It all seems to be boxing Which I'm going to get smoked see everybody no dude you're tall you're lanky hear me out here i'll tell you what the fans want the fans don't care about fair anymore okay they don't care about what's about like fair play or any of that shit but i watched the ufc to fight the other night and the dude cheated the whole time i wrote his name down he cheated the whole fucking fight i mean every cheat you can think of. He was poking
Starting point is 03:58:25 eyes. He was grabbing the guy's gloves and controlling them. Tim Elliott? I think it is Tim Elliott. Yeah, it is. We're tapped in, Kyle. We're tapped in. He didn't give a fuck. They were like, dude, you were cheating. He was like, yeah, I was. I was cheating as hard as I could. It's my job
Starting point is 03:58:41 to win, and it's the ref's job to find stuff like that. I'm there to win. I'm not a martial artist. I'm a fighter. And I loved it. I loved that shit. That was... I like that. And now I do like guys who are martial artists, though, that consider
Starting point is 03:58:57 themselves like warrior monks or whatever. I like that we've got a little bit of everything just like a Mortal Kombat video game. You've got big, fat, slobbish guys who somehow have enough punching power to be top three or four. I mean, even Black Beast. That is not a healthy man.
Starting point is 03:59:18 He needs to lose a lot of weight. He's got no cardio. Shout out, Derek. I mean, you know? I think as far as YouTubers and content creators goes, I'm like a badass martial artist i think as far as like youtubers and content creators goes i'm like a badass martial artist but as far as like badass martial artist goes i'm like a pussy you know yeah but but like you don't want to challenge martial artists because nobody's fighting youtubers ideally oh fuck youtubers up son but if i if i gotta fucking fight dj jackson
Starting point is 03:59:39 or one of these fucking people it's done challenge Challenge that guy from 18th century cooking. Who's the UFC fighter who stopped that shooting the other night? The black guy. Kevin Holland. Kevin Holland, yeah. Did you see how chill he was about it? The one that was admiring his physique. Did you see how chill he was about what he did? I don't judge.
Starting point is 03:59:55 He's a good-looking guy. I saw his Instagram story or something like that, and he's just like, he does it this calmly. He's like, yeah, so you know. Dude came in there and started popping off, pulled out the piece, started blasting. Then he started reloading. So I grabbed him. I snatched him up, threw him down. You know, got
Starting point is 04:00:12 control. Choked him a little. Got the gun away from him, threw that away. Called the po-po. They locked him up and that's a wrap. He just said it so matter-of-factly. He's just like, yeah, so, you know, a guy started shooting the bar up tonight,
Starting point is 04:00:27 whipped his ass, though. So it's all good. I know you guys had some questions. He's not trying to make it out to be anything more than it was. It's just so matter-of-fact that it seemed extra badass. I liked it a lot. He's a bad man. Definitely is badass.
Starting point is 04:00:41 I love that. He was trying to cap somebody's ass, so I had to pull up on him and give him the work. It was funny, yeah. I love that. Just like he was trying to cap somebody's ass. So I had to pull up on him and give him the word. It was funny. Yeah. I like that guy. What I've learned from interviewing people in public and talking to strangers is I think black people are some of the most entertaining content that there are.
Starting point is 04:00:56 They have a good spirit. You know, like you'll talk to some of these yuppie white women in fucking upper middle class area and they're like, I'm going to call the cops. You talk to some ghetto. You stand outside their house with a brick and they'm going to call the cops. You talk to some ghetto... You stand outside their house with a brick and they want to call the cops. Crazy, right? You talk to some ghetto black dude in the ghetto and he's like,
Starting point is 04:01:13 yo, man, it was me and little Tracy and we was out there. They have stories. They have energy. They want to talk to you. It's good. I think they've got more free time. Yeah. Well, maybe. No, it's the spirit. I think they've got more free time. Yeah. Well, maybe. No, it's the spirit. I think maintaining your schedule is a really, really big deal.
Starting point is 04:01:30 From now on, when we mean racist things, can we call it spirit? Yeah. He's got a lot of spirit. Listen, George Floyd, he has. You know how much spirit those Mexicans have. Yeah, that's good. That's a good way. Who was the guy that kneeled on
Starting point is 04:01:45 George Floyd? It doesn't really mean anything. There's no puzzle to piece together. We're just inserting whatever word we want to apply to the Mexicans. Who was the dude that kneeled on George Floyd, though? What was his name? We don't know because he doesn't have
Starting point is 04:02:01 any spirit. Fuck that guy. He's got a lot of spirit he's a spiritless fuck and he's been in a spiritless life maybe i don't understand how we're doing this i don't know i will say this white supremacist black supremacist will you watch that video that dude kneeling on george floyd's neck at a certain point like maybe minute five or six you're like let's move on yeah derrick chauvin yeah he's done a lot of kneeling on that dude's neck. He did.
Starting point is 04:02:27 It was like 10 minutes or something. Before we wrap, the funniest thing I've seen all week is people trolling the Portland City Council. They did it Zoom style, so you could jump in and talk to the Portland City Council. The first guy comes on. He's literally in the Middle East. He is Middle Eastern, and he has a script. And he says, thank you, Portland, for being the most accepting city. We, the Taliban, have had much problem with law enforcement in other cities. But there in Portland, we can take our poppies and we will send you the most
Starting point is 04:03:07 powerful, pure heroin that we can produce. We vow this to you, Portland. For you, you are the greatest American city. On and on like this. And the guy finally cuts it off when he realizes he's being he's like, we will not stand a white guy. We will not stand for this racist, racist
Starting point is 04:03:24 racism. This racist racism bit. This racist racism. And like everybody else is like a member of a thousand different nation peoples. And then the next guy comes up. Oh my God, what did the next guy do? He was
Starting point is 04:03:40 worse. Oh my God. Which race was he pretending to be? Oh God. That race was he pretending to be? That's what I want to know. He's just being ridiculous. He was just screaming stuff about coronavirus and Nancy Pelosi.
Starting point is 04:03:56 He was being insane. But they sit there and listen to it for so long because he's saying all the things they believe in, but he's just pumping it up to a thousand and they're not sure if they're on his team or not oh and at the end he said oh and and congratulations to george floyd for two years sober oh jesus that's when they realized that they needed to cut this guy that's when they realized that was it if that's when you realize that it it, it is too late to shut it down.
Starting point is 04:04:26 He had been going on a tirade up until then about, I don't know, black people getting shot or something. I can't remember now. But yeah, they trolled the fuck out of the Portland City Council with those Zoom meetings. Have you been to Portland? I drove past it once. I did a video in Portland. Yeah, I did a video interviewing the people in Portland. It's called A Night in Portland. It was cool. How was it? I went to video in Portland. I did a video interview on the people in Portland. It's called A Night in Portland.
Starting point is 04:04:45 It was cool. How was it? I went to a strip club. They were sticking a bunch of foreign objects in their vaginas. I saw a crazy car accident that I got on camera. Then I talked to a bunch of yuppie white people and ghetto black people and caught the vibe of Portland. Did they have Alba Portland in the strip clubs? I don't know.
Starting point is 04:05:01 They had $2 bills. I know that. Yeah. That's fine. Which was weird. No, it's not. No, it's not. $2 bills. I know that. Yeah. Oh, that's fine. Which was weird. No, it's not. No, it's not. $2 bills is a huge scam.
Starting point is 04:05:09 It's a huge scam. I remember- You're trying to toss dollars at these bitches. Because you don't treat a two like it's double a one. You start treating them like ones. I use Monopoly money. Fuck these hoes. I'm just trying to get some excitement.
Starting point is 04:05:22 I do use counterfeit money for strippers. That's okay. Why not? There's no law against that. Because I'm not paying for anything. I'm just trying to get some excitement. I do use counterfeit money for strippers. That's okay. Why not? There's no law against that because I'm not paying for anything. I'm tipping. You can tip with counterfeit money. I tip with raw goods, rice, beans. That's a barter
Starting point is 04:05:37 situation. I roll in with 35 pounds of kidney beans. I roll in with my apple cart. You should pull up with a little sandwich bag Give you a cum with the exact like ounces It is and be like listen I'm above Average I bring in marbles and throw them on
Starting point is 04:05:55 Stage It's a part of tax I want to buy a bunch of rubles And I don't mean like Value of in them I would like paper monies I wish I could a bunch of rubles. And I don't mean like value in them. I would like paper monies. I wish I could buy like 500 rubles
Starting point is 04:06:09 right now because it's like 150 rubles per dollar. I want like $5. I saw somebody just throwing wads of money in the mall at Russia because it's like worthless now. Shit. I don't know how you would get one.
Starting point is 04:06:25 They've found it back quite a bit. Actually, right now, it would be real hard to get a ruble because we're not allowed to do business with Russians. Now seems like a good time to strike. Isn't it crazy that there's such horrible atrocities in the world and we're sitting in our comfy homes with our nice computers and our internet? That's crazy. Yeah, we won.
Starting point is 04:06:48 So far. I mean, so far, yeah. Look, when war comes to our doorstep, it'll be the final war. We can all rest easy knowing that. It won't be some long drawn-out sad conflict. It'll be a flash, and it'll be over. Yeah, I don't know if the americans are as
Starting point is 04:07:06 brave as the ukraine ukrainian people but we're as armed at least i wonder how that will go we're so much better armed well i don't know we don't have javelins all everywhere oh what do you know about being armed kyle oh you've hired guns before oh i didn't mean defending like like this country like like i i the the prospect of invading mainland america is i don't think that's possible it's not gonna happen it's too big i don't think the i don't know if the world can do that i'd love to see russia pull up to the port of baltimore trying to fucking take over the territory of west baltimore there's a there's a youtuber it's called like dirt bikes defending it you're You got to midnight, the 12 o'clock boy's on your ass.
Starting point is 04:07:48 You ever seen that YouTuber? It's like Binkoff's Battlegrounds or something like that. Is he like a frog or something? Yeah, yeah. He's a little Muppet frog when you actually do see him. He does excellent videos. Binkoff's Battlegrounds.
Starting point is 04:08:03 You can't fathom having that much expertise. Yeah. He's a real expert, it would seem. And he's done these scenarios like America against the whole world. It goes better than you'd think. Really?
Starting point is 04:08:19 It's a lot closer than you'd think. Huh. Okay. You guys want to call it a show? Yeah, I think so. I haven't eaten today. I am tired. My schedule's so bad. This is morning. I haven't been up long. So check out our... I'm smoking that stuff, Kyle. Our wonderful...
Starting point is 04:08:37 Link in the description. Yes. Check out Brandon Buckingham's Thailand video first. He says it's one of his best. It's very, very funny. Also, check out our wonderful sponsors. And of course, Lock and Load. Start coming like a man. Yeah.
Starting point is 04:08:52 I spent $100 on this product, and I'm not lying about that. I want to come more. And right now, my semen's resting on your shoulder. So good. That's how I want it. I need to take a shower. Thanks for coming on, man. Thanks for having me. It's great to meet you guys. Like meet you guys I've been a fan for years of each of you individually
Starting point is 04:09:08 it's a pleasant experience thanks for having me on you're a funny dude 587

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