Painkiller Already - PKA 595 W/ Wendigoon: Woody Squared Up, Sigma Male Grindset, KSI Lost Millions

Episode Date: May 14, 2022


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Starting point is 00:00:00 P.K.A. 595 with our guest, Wendigoon Taylor. This episode of P.K.A. brought to you by ExpressVPN and And of course, Lock and Load, the finest cum pills on either side of the Mississippi. Damn right. Code P.K.A. Wendigoon, thank you so much. Finest cum pills in the Milky Way should be our tag. You'll be virile, vigorous, and potent.
Starting point is 00:00:27 Damn it. We needed a third V word. Voracious. Yeah. Oh, no. Yeah. No, you're too far. Go back.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Vicious. I'm like, that's not a good sex word. Vicious. Voluminous. You'll be voluminous. Voluminous is good. Yeah, that works. Anyway. Discus. Yeah. voluminous voluminous is good yeah that works anyway
Starting point is 00:00:45 discus I liked venerable venereal actually venereal I think you become more likely to transmit diseases on our supplement
Starting point is 00:01:02 how could you not be your paws loads are twice as voluminous. I think you've got odds of infecting two people at once. Kyle, I would never go so far as to say that during the show. Oh, are we recording? My new haircut is terrible.
Starting point is 00:01:22 It's terrible. I hate it so much. Oh, come on, Simple Jack. It's not so bad. I really like my barbers. Give me third grade graduation. They moved to an appointment system. And I don't know. I just didn't get it done.
Starting point is 00:01:43 I didn't have it planned. I found myself next to a sports clips and i walk in there and i think the lady there's something wrong with her like like she didn't talk when she did talk it was really a whisper and she had ipods in no i earpods earbuds in and um so she's having a conversation with someone that's not me and alternately with me. So every so often I'm like, was that sentence for me or not for me? I really don't know how to talk to you. She had the mask on for COVID and she whispered so quietly that I already can't hear her words. And she squared me up on the sides a little bit i hate i'm like you don't do that to white people jesus she was black um like you keep just dipping your toe in that pool
Starting point is 00:02:32 like like this wasn't a black barbershop it was like everybody barbershop it's a black woman lining people up at sports everybody was oh there were three black women working there there was no like anyway so that was your first sign to turn around and leave yes it was there are white people at the at the chicken restaurant i'm not going in there all right yes so she cut it and she's like is this you know do you like the length here and it is like really long here really short here really long over here and i'm like can we just like maybe make these parts the same length because they're in the front she she trims those up and like can you see my you can see my scalp a little it's so thin the thing that jumps out at me is the part like that part in your hair
Starting point is 00:03:26 yeah that's like weirdly yeah it's too close to the middle it's not in the right i know it might always be there i'm not maybe i'm just fucked up but i just can i it's not always there if if you imagine woody's haircut on a black man though all right all right not. Not bad. Not bad. Yeah. I'm liking this. I'm liking this new Woody. He's going to spice up our show. I'm liking this new Woody. He's a jive turkey. He's also from the 70s.
Starting point is 00:03:55 I would not have noticed your haircut had you not pointed it out. But now that you have, I do not. There have been moments today where I'm like, I'm really glad I did this. My hair is looking better. It was getting too long. And more than that, like you guys see my hair too long and it's presentable because I present it for the show. But the life I live, which is like helmet head or BPAP head in the morning or the handphone head or something like you see the best version of me and don't get an accurate like helmet head, more normal version of me. I was like, all right, this is definitely
Starting point is 00:04:28 an improvement. Right now I'm looking and I'm like, I have no self-confidence. This is shit. The reason the haircut that you get is a risky haircut because you get it quite short. I get a three on the sides and then I get the top
Starting point is 00:04:43 to two inches long and then I blend it all in. It's so hard to fuck that up. And even if they do, there's enough left over that I can find another professional to take over here. Now we'll have a short haircut, but it'll work. You're having her take you right to the edge. Right. I'm too low to throw a reserve parachute. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:02 A professional can't go back to that and do much. There's nothing to be done but wait. Tomorrow I'm going to a paramotor event. I'm going to see hundreds of people I don't see very often. How much longer do you think I should grow it overnight? I think it's hat season, buddy.
Starting point is 00:05:24 You don't want me to even see around your ears you're wearing a fishing hat. No, Woody's got the physique for like... I think Woody has the physique for that Keith Urban cowboy hat now, though. Like the... Not the working man's cowboy hat, the silly one
Starting point is 00:05:39 that's made to look nice and fishy. Right, yeah. I'm going to Georgia. I'm going to Macon-ish. South of Macon? Oh yeah, they got a nice burn clinic down there. Let it come in handy. Yeah, they really do.
Starting point is 00:05:54 I'd like to go to burn clinics and just be grateful. Dude. Sometimes I like to barge into burn clinics and peruse around and just be thankful for my life. That's the most evil thing ever. You get nothing from that other than...
Starting point is 00:06:11 They'll let you right in, too. They don't even charge. I go to the Nicky Woo with photos of my friends' healthy kids. All sorts of... That's so fucked up. You walk into every room and scream at the person you see and just go to the next room and keep doing that i i bring a gun and a mask to remind them it could always be worse all burn clinics are free if you show up with a gun right oh yeah movies all sorts of things it is springtime in the paramotor world so
Starting point is 00:06:47 everybody's flying again wait what'd you say i said and in the real world but everyone's fighting in the springtime everybody's rusty no one has any skill and it's just like injury report after injury report like i know a guy broke his leg he was doing low acro something went wrong he had no time to to throw his reserve he landed in the trees and his legs broken that sucks it sucks and it sounds bad it looks like the ufc injuries but you know they're like walking on it the next day with a rod in the middle and you get a full recovery if it's just a broken bone was it like bone out like like what's that called compound fracture it is called a compound fracture and i'm not 100 sure i saw the photos but not of the body just of the crash site that's one of my biggest fears
Starting point is 00:07:34 of the compound fracture i thought i had one once when i i broke my ankle playing baseball and it made an audible pop like i heard it like and you feel it too you know it's like a it's it's a bone snapping it's that's what it feels like i don't know how to describe it something happens in your leg and you feel it and uh and i was so afraid to look down i couldn't look down because i was in my head it was this it was like two jagged pieces of like shin bone shattered bone yeah but no no it was just broken ankle um i i think um you're coming into this pretty injury-free, and I bet that's because of your workout routine, your stretching, all the stuff you do.
Starting point is 00:08:13 And being good at flying, probably. I've been watching a YouTube channel. Oh, and being better at flying. There's like a risk profile. Here's how the other guy hurt himself. He chopped off the front of his finger. So this is what he likes to do. While flying around, he throws toys and stuff to kids on the ground.
Starting point is 00:08:35 Like little parachute on the end and things like that. What the fuck? It's phenomenal. I think he literally, like he's known for doing it, and they asked him to come here. Yeah, he's wanted for it. Yeah, they got his picture on the post office. So,
Starting point is 00:08:55 he goes there, and I'm told they're, like, good quality guys. He's like, these aren't the cheap ones with the flags. I don't know. I'm not familiar with my parachute toys, uh he's throwing quality parachute toys and maybe candy like out of his paramotor above a crowd okay already i'm like i don't love this right like there aren't many rules that govern paramotors but the few that exist are different variations of dude the way you do this only you get hurt
Starting point is 00:09:20 like don't fly over people don't fly around people don't like don't fly into airport like controlled airspace like there's no rules because the only guy that gets fucked up during this is you so the few rules we have are like don't fly over children maybe so so anyway but that's his thing he throws toys down to the kids and uh let's assume he doesn't fly directly over them out of charity. And one of the toys gets stuck in the netting behind you. There's like this big net that separates you from the prop. So in flight, he's trying to fish out the toy from the netting. He gets the parachute out, but the little dude stuck in the netting and he's working it. And he chops off the tip of his finger.
Starting point is 00:10:06 And he's like, it didn't hurt at first, but it just felt like it was struck with a hammer. And then it's profusely bleeding. Maybe an index. It's profusely. Index or middle. One of those. And it's bleeding a lot. He kind of forgot about flying for a moment.
Starting point is 00:10:23 Like he had other things on his mind. Although flying should be his top priority and uh um he manages to let he then he put some thought notice i'm gonna land right here in this football field where there's lots of people around who can kind of take care of me and organize a bit of a rescue which i think was a good move i'm glad he didn't like fly all the way back to wherever he came from and uh he puts it down and they do just what he said and i assume he landed well but it's bleeding profusely on the ground and they call an ambulance perhaps and and he gets medically it's all sewn up i think he i think he basically lost
Starting point is 00:10:55 his fingernail like it's shorter by a fingernail that's not that bad it's not if he just lost that much i mean aesthetically it's not the most pleasing thing, but it's funny because I'm sure that fingertip made it to the crowd below as well. And there are these toys that you see at Halloween, and it's the end of a finger. Your finger goes in it, so you can do that little trick.
Starting point is 00:11:19 I'm sure that happened. I doubt a child grabbed it. I hope a child was like i got it sorry we joke bro but uh if he sees this but um uh yeah i don't know it's just like it's like here we are season started up here come the injuries soon some fool is gonna start this thing on the ground and chop his head off there's a a guy. I forgot about that guy. The most irritable guy in the entire paramotor community has had two major accidents.
Starting point is 00:11:55 One, he was flying low with no outs in case his motor broke. Every time you land, you turn your engine off. So it's not this big catastrophe unless you have no place to land, which is what happened to him. And he landed in the trees and he slammed down and he got really hurt recovers comes back starts his motor on the ground chops a big like like he's got like a lump in his head now on a bald spot from like skull damage and now every time he gives me shit online and he gives me shit for like no reason like i'll be like make a helpful you're like hey here's you know this wing is a little more aggressive and that wing inflates well and he'll be like you
Starting point is 00:12:29 know here it is mr no at all telling people how to fuck dude i was being so nice and you're an asshole out of the blue for no reason this guy is a dick you'll just have to trust me and i'm like do you have like some sort of brain injury that causes you to come at me aggressively like this do you have a cti perhaps uh no all you all you do just send him a listing for a local to him toupee shop that's it telling you like his telling you like his flat top haircut for those who don't understand what that guy did, that guy started his fucking mini plane on the ground off his back and then stuck his head in it head first.
Starting point is 00:13:11 This is the guy who doesn't like people giving advice in a certain way. This is the guy who calls people Mr. Know-It-All. He learns through experience. That's the equivalent of falling and the baseball bat ends up your asshole. Okay? After that, you don't shit on the guy teaching t-ball. You can't even go to the hospital. They don't let you in the park after you've ended up with a bat up your ass.
Starting point is 00:13:35 Okay? You can't be trusted around children anymore. So, Wendigoon, we're talking about all these grievous injuries. What is the worst injury you've ever sustained? I do need to comment on that skull thing because I do have a related story. I was in Nashville one night with a group of friends, and we were just on the strip. And this guy comes by, and he's in a wheelchair,
Starting point is 00:13:58 and he's asking people for handouts. And he's like, you got any money? You got any money? Blah, blah, blah. So he comes by us, and we're just like, I don't have any money blah blah so uh he comes by us and we're just like i don't have any cash sorry and he turns and when he turns in the wheelchair we were facing the right side of his head he turns and the left side is completely scalped like it's just bone his whole skull up there so of course me and all my friends are like like pointing at it and
Starting point is 00:14:21 everything so now he's going down the row of people in the other direction where they can see his skull sure enough he gets a couple groups down and some girl sees him and screams because as you can imagine uh and he just stops and then like blank face stares at it says if you give me five dollars you can touch it that's a guy playing the hand he was dealt he was like he tried like the civil way first and he's like all right second pass and then turns around uh poor guy what kind of blast of the mohican scenario did he end up in i have absolutely no idea it was funny because another guy came out of a bar. Is this guy in Nashville? Is that him? That's him. Get him.
Starting point is 00:15:09 Someone stumbled out of a bar, this really drunk guy, and he goes, Yo, what's that? The guy in the chair mumbled something to him and the guy who's drunk did not process what he said and just stared and goes, Is that like your skull? Yeah, so it was an event.
Starting point is 00:15:26 Well, was it? Do they not put some skin back on there? Normally they do, but this guy, obviously he was in a not great situation, whatever his healthcare situation was. It sounds like his, what it sounds like to me is that he had a much more minor injury and because he's homeless,
Starting point is 00:15:43 it has gotten necrotic and like wasted away rather than some scalping incident where like a monkey or a metal lathe or a native savage you know scalped him or none of those things he wasn't starting up his plane on the ground head infection a homeless man with like a head infection is the most likely thing because i've seen that i bet you guys have seen it too the homeless people who like when they take their boot off that's been on for three years their foot is mostly skeletonized and there are maggots actively feeding on the inside i've only seen that online i've never seen a homeless person oh all the time of course i've not seen it in real life. I don't know. I don't know what kind of life you lead. I like playing stupid because that way when I'm actually stupid,
Starting point is 00:16:32 like people can't tell. So I was having this conversation. I was having this conversation with somebody the other day and like blank, serious conversations. We had gone from like economics to like, I don't know, save investments. And then i was like we're talking about lifestyles now and i was like you know i i've been thinking about doing some outdoorsy stuff um you know some some some camping i've seen this real up kick of um of urban camping there's these guys over under the bridge near my house they've been they've just little tents
Starting point is 00:17:03 popped up and they those guys just live out there. And I think it's a cool lifestyle. I'm going to try to get into it. It saves a lot of money. I'm going to try to be homeless. I feel like if you could live in a tent for just a year, you'd save like, what, $20,000 in rent? They're like,
Starting point is 00:17:17 All that money for hepatitis treatment? They're like, those people don't have homes and a lot of them are mentally ill. Like they're trying to be kind to me. And I'm like, no, no, no, no, no. no i see them out there they've got like lawn chairs they're relaxing they're definitely not trying to like get a job or anything look if they were homeless they'd be out working to get a job or something they wouldn't be just relax one was asleep out there in the middle of the day i had stuff to do and he was napping no way no hold on these guys are billionaires
Starting point is 00:17:42 was this when you visited wings because? Because that's just South Carolina. Hear me out on this. This will take a minute. I went to the Harley Davidson dealership. And the lead salesman there and I were talking about being rich versus being wealthy. Stuff like that. And he asked, is LeBron James rich? And the answer was no. I'm sorry. Yes. He's not wealthy, stuff like that. And he asked, is LeBron James rich? And the answer was no.
Starting point is 00:18:06 I'm sorry. Yes, he's not wealthy though, because LeBron James has to show up tomorrow morning and do what someone tells him to. He's still under contract, right? There's still some man with his foot on the back of LeBron James's neck, even though he's probably threatening a billion dollars. He's just rich. The guy that pays LeBron James, he's wealthy because that guy sets his own lifestyle. By that measure, the people that Kyle doesn't want to give money to are also wealthy. There's no one telling them what to do. They wake up every day and decide what they want to do, not what they have to do. At what point did I say I didn't want to give money to them? I drive by every day and throw a fistful of pennies at them.
Starting point is 00:18:47 Is it still in the roll? I shoot silver dollars out of a t-shirt can at those ungrateful cunts. Well, I have head trauma. On the overpass. Yeah, well, pay for it with the $7 I gave you, dumbass. Do you ever think of that Sonny episode? He's like, it's like when you drive by a homeless guy with a mouthful of champagne and you spit it on him
Starting point is 00:19:10 and he doesn't even get a full mouthful. He just gets a little taste. It's just like in his turn of life. He had a taste of the good life. Wendigo, you were talking about... No, you're fine. You started to go into your worst injury. I was interested in that.
Starting point is 00:19:27 Yeah, so I've actually, knock on wood right now, never had a broken bone somehow. I've managed to live, I guess, just pampered enough to where that hadn't happened. Some of the most painful injuries I ever had, one was during baseball. I remember I took a fastball to the funny bone. That was not fun. I thought I broke it. I ever had. One was during baseball. I remember I took a fastball to the funny bone. That was not fun. I thought I broke it. I did. And I just like was in misery for a bit. Got on base though. There was that. The single most painful event in my life was when I was 11, 10 or 11 years old. I had a couple baby teeth that stuck around way too long, they would come out. And it's because the root never eroded away, and they never fell out. So I had to get them removed by a dentist. And the dentist was like, Oh, well, you know, we'll just give them a shot
Starting point is 00:20:16 of lidocaine, the roots probably, you know, already done in a middle be fine. So he gives me the shot, like back behind where the infection and the build-up is from everything and then goes in front of the infection where the teeth are and starts to pull them out uh and i hear i was in the most pain ever i was screaming there had to be like uh the assistants hold me down to the chair and my mom was like is he okay and the i'll never forget that it's going oh he's just overreacting a little bit i I want to just train him to death right there. What a terrible dentist. I was so furious. That clinic shut down, by the way.
Starting point is 00:20:51 You get what you pay for. That guy, I hear him rip out the first one. He goes, oh, this has still got a root. Oh, well, and then just immediately goes for the second one. Gerbils, DMD, oh my God. Yeah, he's got a lunch he's got to make. So you've got to deal with it. That fucking sucks.
Starting point is 00:21:10 Tooth stuff is notoriously the worst, everyone says, because it's so close to your head. Well, you've got to apply the anesthetic. Yeah, like to this day, I refuse to go get my teeth cleaned at any place twice because once they think I'm comfortable there, it's like, now they're going to get me. I'm going somewhere else. Yeah, teeth cleanings are a scam.
Starting point is 00:21:29 Just drink water. That's right. Big dentist trying to pull the scam. Oh, what? You can't gargle on your own? You mean you're thirsty to be part of the scenario? Get out of here. You just eat something gritty.
Starting point is 00:21:41 I eat two tablespoons of sand a day. And my oral health is horrible. You don't something gritty. I eat two tablespoons of sand a day. And my oral health is horrible. You don't swallow the sand. You rinse it around and spit it out. That's why I'm having so many GI issues. I can't imagine. That's got to be the hardest shit ever. I shit once a month and it's absolutely grueling.
Starting point is 00:22:06 I'm not sure, but I think maybe if you eat a little bit of limestone in your diet, you'll create concrete turds. Maybe throw a little limestone away. Taylor's like a cat. His whole gut's just compacted.
Starting point is 00:22:29 Wendigoon. Your channel is fascinating. for those who don't know windigoon um does all sorts of conspiracy theories and creepy creep shit he does icebergs about creepy stuff and and some more mundane stuff as well very interesting stuff i recently uh and recently a month and a half ago watched one of your videos And it was about a mystery that I had heard of before, but the time I'd heard of it before was probably from one of those Fox specials where they leave it up in the air. Was it aliens or the devil? It's one of the two. It's definitely one of them.
Starting point is 00:23:01 And I think it might be one that I have mocked on here before because of one of the facts in the case. So you'll know right away. I know the pieces. This is the one where that lady survivalist led her group of student survivalists, and only one ended up surviving their retreat. surviving their uh their retreat um and that person that was a young lady and she reported um the rest of the group like falling ill going into seizures clawing at their skin their faces and stuff and dying subsequently and um and and she couldn't understand or make what was happening and so she just fled and uh like two or three more days later they they found her but then they didn't go back for the bodies
Starting point is 00:23:45 for like a couple of weeks or something like that. By then the evidence was so-so and no one's ever really figured out. But could you help me out with like what actually- Absolutely, yeah, yeah. So that's the Khmer Duban Pass. That's the region where it happened. It happened in, I think it was the 80s,
Starting point is 00:24:02 if I remember correctly, 80s, 90s, on the border of Russia and Kazakhstan in a region known as like the Khmer Divan mountain region. I gave most of the details in the video, but the short run through is that this lady was known for taking these groups of hikers on these like week-long hiking trips up into the mountains around Kazakhstan, which are pretty considerable mountains. You've got to be like a decent survivalist to begin with to get up there. And this specific group that she went with was a group of her students, so to speak, who she'd been doing it with for a couple of years. So they were like very experienced. And this pass that they were going on wasn't particularly hard by any means. It was comparatively easy. They had taken all the food that they needed for the amount of time given. There was other groups who were hiking the mountain at the same
Starting point is 00:24:49 time that they had planned to have rally points where they would meet up and then continue. And then one day, I believe it was about five days into the trip, the other group she was supposed to meet with did not see her at one of these rally points or her group. And it had rained the day before. So yes, yeah, there's a good idea for what the region's like. It had rained the day before, so they just figured, oh, well, they probably just got slowed down because of the rain. And we'll see them whenever we get there. But sure enough, they get to the bottom of the mountain, and that group isn't there. So eventually, they launch an investigation. People start looking. And that group isn't there.
Starting point is 00:25:23 So eventually they launched an investigation. People start looking. And then about three days later, one of the students who was in that group shows up at a local city. And she goes to the police and tells them the whole story. The exact details of what she said isn't known. And then two weeks after that, and that's like one of the real suspicious details of the case. They didn't launch an investigation for two weeks. Weather was pretty clear at the time. Two weeks later, they go look for them up on top of the mountain. And then there is video footage of the entire search for them and their eventual
Starting point is 00:25:55 finding of the body. And then I believe it was six people. The survivor made seven. Six people all within a couple hundred feet of each other, are just lying dead in a clearing on top of the mountain. They're like, a couple of them are lying next to each other. One of them's like more towards the woods as if they're running away. Two more together at the front of the woods. And it starts to paint a really weird picture. The initial idea at the time was that the survivor had murdered the others. Because logically, if six people die, only one comes back, that would be the solution. However, there was no evidence on the bodies that there was any kind of fight or any kind of strangulation marks or whatever. But then even
Starting point is 00:26:36 more suspiciously, after doing a full autopsy, there was no evidence of anything that happened to these bodies. They just kind of dropped over. There wasn't signs that you would see in hypothermia, like late stage, like, what is it? Like the lung or the lung fluid starts to contract or recede or whatever. And the skin of, yeah, the skin of the bodies were too decomposed at this point to see if they were like, you know, frozen up or anything. So it remained a total mystery of what had happened for about 20 years. Eventually, a reporter, actually, it's like more like 30 years, it's like 28. A reporter eventually tracked down the one survivor and asked for testimony because what had happened is she gave the police a testimony and then never mentioned it to anyone else. So she finally sat down with the reporter after 30 years and gave her side of the story and said that what had happened is they were just walking down the mountain. Everything was normal.
Starting point is 00:27:35 It had rained the day before, although they were okay. They had ate breakfast. And then one of them starts screaming and coughing up blood. And then it was the teacher runs over to help him out. She kneels down next to him and immediately starts coughing up blood too. She looks up at the group and blood is running out of her eyes. And she's telling them to get away. So, of course, the five remaining begin to freak out and run. And as they're running, one of the guys drop. Exact same thing happens to him.
Starting point is 00:28:04 One of the girls, I think it was maybe his girlfriend or something, comes back to drop exact same thing happens to him uh one of the girls i think it was maybe uh his girlfriend or something comes back to help same thing later carry on yeah it's like it's like such a weird bizarre story yeah um eventually the rest of them run and the only one who keeps running and does not succumb to whatever's happening is the one girl who ended up being a survivor uh she had enough temporary um uh shelter her back. She was able to set up camp for the night, although all of the food was with the people who had died. So the next day she did the math and was like, I can't walk for four days without food or water. I'm going to have to go back to the body. So the next morning she gets up, she goes back to the bodies and they're all still laying there.
Starting point is 00:28:43 That's they're in the exact same position that they had dropped down at so she took her food and managed to make the hike the four days went to the police station and the reason she said that she had never told that story is because she assumed no one would believe her and would think that she's covering up for some reason because you know if one girl survives a hiking trip and there's like oh no they all started bleeding from the face that's going to cause some suspicion which is the reason she told when they found the bodies and you were saying they like they didn't see anything about them like having you know died in a curious condition what about all the vomiting and the blood and the so it had been two weeks uh outside so like the top layer of skin was just like darkened sunken in across the face
Starting point is 00:29:27 all the blood at that point had either whenever someone dies outside in the woods there's a lot of bloating and like pustules and other gross stuff not to mention the crows had picked these people's eyeballs out yeah foxes ate their lips off like god knows what was left of them yeah it looks pretty bad there uh you can't see like the full body on the video but he comes up to someone who's laying face down and you can see his hands and they're just like black and emaciated so they're in a pretty rough condition they weren't able to tell anything like if they're like one of those everest bodies you see yeah yeah where it's like they look like a really like really old piece of dog shit so
Starting point is 00:30:05 so before so i think you've one of your explanations um and probably the one that you think is the best is what i agree with and it makes a lot of sense to me but before we like i feel like it's almost a spoiler let's see what the woody and taylor do you guys have any theories about like what could have gone wrong here? So she didn't murder them. You know where this happened, the time of year, and roughly the events. I like this game, Kyle. This is good.
Starting point is 00:30:38 The murder thing doesn't make sense because you said it was a woman who survived and it was a group of people who would have fought back if someone was just sort of willy-nilly murdering. What about poison? Could you poison? Are there any berries that cause symptoms, what they experienced or any food like that in the region?
Starting point is 00:30:57 Go ahead. Well, they're all survivalists, right? They know the poison. I painted something today. It's terrible. But these are... Let me lay this out so when to go when to go and get gave you like the fast forward version but these are the best this lady like i think i've made fun of her before in the past like some lady led a bunch of kids up into the wilderness and then they all ran out of their
Starting point is 00:31:22 tents naked at night and froze to death like i think that was that's what i had heard but no like like she was a legit like fucking sarah connor style uh survivalist lady who knew her shit and knew how many calories each person would need to be eating each day down to 100 calories and like she was an expert here's my theory they were looking she looked at her food supplies determined that there wasn't enough for everyone to live, found some way to kill the people around her so that she could, and made it out. Okay. So murder is... Murder is the way I'm going on this.
Starting point is 00:31:57 Okay. Did she report that they were short on food during their expedition? I guess if you murdered someone for food, you wouldn't... They could have made it out without food as long as they had water. Because they're survivalists. Four days. To continue giving the facts, whenever they found the bodies, most of them had their food supplies still on them
Starting point is 00:32:17 that hadn't been ate through. Indicating that they didn't starve. Oh, I'm going to change my answer. There was a romance thing. There was a romance thing. She didn't like. There was some sort of interpersonal thing going on. And she wanted
Starting point is 00:32:32 a good old-fashioned traditional four-way. Like this guy. This guy liked a girl, but she wanted to be liked instead. So she murdered three or four of them so they wouldn't know she was targeting that girl, but he wanted to be liked, she wanted to be liked instead, so she murdered like three or four of them, so they wouldn't know she was targeting that girl in particular. Or maybe... But it all happened so quickly
Starting point is 00:32:50 apparently, because they're all in that little area. Well, if I thought it was that, I would probably imagine a scenario where she killed one girl, but then she got caught, and like maybe they were like, you killed Amber, we're telling on you when
Starting point is 00:33:05 we get back and then she poisons everybody that night like just became a brawl oh you're saying she killed them after one murder i see what yeah yeah because what are they gonna do arrest her they're four days out they're like i can't believe what that's what would happen they'd be like i can't believe you killed amber and you know maybe they got into a fight you don't tie them up or something if if someone murders someone on a camping trip you don't go hey strike one buster that's looking absurd no you would tie them up and leave them if anything like um if it was a cute girl and there were there were other girls there to be like mark you're not gonna tie up becky are you her hands are turning blue she said she can't breathe what do you mean she can't breathe her hands are tight she can't breathe i don't i don't
Starting point is 00:33:51 imagine you cut those ropes to avoid the screaming just this is funny because no that's what happened and then one guy got so tired of it he tied them all up he just left them Just a random woodsman. All six of them were tied up in one circle. Crazy how bears do that randomly. It's interesting. There must be an answer to this that you guys know. I don't want you... I keep going back to poison.
Starting point is 00:34:20 I don't understand what can make everyone do the same thing. According to my theory, the one that I subscribe to, you're not far off with the poison. I was about to say that, yeah. What do they suspect? Spill the beans, Wendigo. Spill the beans, all right. So this is kind of like a bit of a cheat
Starting point is 00:34:37 because you didn't know this information going in. However, this region of the Camar de Bon region, which is, again again on the border of it's full of ghosts very often notoriously full of ghosts it's the home of the ghoul king
Starting point is 00:34:56 oh yeah it's a bad area we got bad with ghosts lousy with ghosts right right with ghosts yeah right right with the ghosts i'm sorry yeah it's ghost season up there you jess but this is how most of the theories i read about this is where they come from i like it they are anyway so that region uh that's on the russian border was used uh during the Cold War as a weapons testing facility.
Starting point is 00:35:26 That is an openly documented fact that they would use the mountains to test mortar fire or artillery barrages. And most importantly for the story, gas attacks. There are specific strains of nerve gas that were tested in the region at that time that can last in the air for, I think some of them are up to like a year and a half. Like once they're detonated, they just have to disperse and then hopefully no one breathes it in. And a lot of them were detonated like in these completely obscure like canyons and mountains for that reason. Most importantly to the story, most of them are pliable to water. So if you were to physically flush a region or wash it, it would cause the gas to not be destroyed, but to move somewhere else. So the theory that a lot of people subscribe to, and the one that makes the most
Starting point is 00:36:16 sense to me, is that they're hiking down the mountainside, and then it had rained the day before, which again matters for this story. So it rains rains and this rain causes a washout of a mountain, a canyon, a valley or something and causes the gas to move along the mountainside. This group of hikers are then walking. And it's also important for this story. This was like in the final years of the Cold War, whenever stuff like nerve gas was being developed a lot. So it makes sense that if they did test it, it would still exist around there. So they're walking down the mountainside and then all it takes, I forget what the name of the one I showed in the video was
Starting point is 00:36:53 that was tested in that region, but it is so effective that like half of one of Kyle's vape hits would kill you instantly. It just takes a very minute amount. So as it's flooding through the region one of them just breathes in a little bit and that would immediately cause the lining of their lungs to begin to fall apart it would cause the bleeding of the eyes and other soft tissues oh another detail i didn't mention according to the survivor
Starting point is 00:37:19 see like that the nerve gas there it goes what i saw that scratching your eyes what i didn't mention is um one of the girls who was affected according to the survivor uh she started bashing her head onto a rock and like scratching at her throat indicating that it was painful or she could feel something in there so that would explain what what about the what about the rock because of the pain oh well she she would have been feeling like the inside of her eyes and like nasal cavity bleeding and flaring out and according to this girl she just started hitting her head against a rock as she was dying. That is so fucked up.
Starting point is 00:38:06 Yeah, it's pretty brutal. That would also explain why one of them got affected. And then the person who came to stand in the same spot they were also got infected. There's also the very important mention from the survivor that it was foggy on the mountain that day, which could have not entirely been fog. So yeah, the theory that a lot of people go with, and I'm not the only harebrained one. This is kind of like the consensus online.
Starting point is 00:38:31 So this is that they were victims of old Soviet weapon testing. So yeah, that makes a, when you said that in your video, I was like, yes, that checks too many boxes with the, it's in the right region,
Starting point is 00:38:44 the right timeframe and the right effects And and I don't know anything. I'm sure there's some poisons that would cause that but None that should be there other than the ones that were being tested there in the region Now whether it was a cloud of it that like moved in a special unique way That I'm not so sure I could easily see one of them found the shell and had in his had in his bag and then maybe the cops found it and were like oh call the military and military was like you never saw this like something like that could have happened but that's also the cloud seems like funky to me that's also part of the reason so her original
Starting point is 00:39:20 police statement was never published uh she said later that's the story she told the police and they kept it confidential for some reason and that's the story she told the police and they kept it confidential for some reason. And that's also why people think the police didn't investigate for two weeks. Because the police are like, oh, well, that's the old weapons testing. We want to make sure that stuff clears out of the area before we go up there and go looking.
Starting point is 00:39:38 Because the military is like, hey, police, give us two weeks. Trust me, you can walk on as much grass and turn over as many leaves as you like. During the Cold War, anything like that would have been suppressed. The United States was suppressing tons of stuff and the Soviets were even worse.
Starting point is 00:39:56 You needed to hide every failure because it was life or death. If it looked like they might win that launch sequence battle, then they might actually do that launch sequence battle then they might actually do it that's why you had to stay a step ahead or at least so so we were told i'm watching a tv show right now called um is it um oh project blue book i think it was on history or a and it's got the guy who played little finger in um game of thrones in it and. It's kind of like a throwback X-Files.
Starting point is 00:40:26 It's got an Army captain or an Air Force captain and then Littlefinger, who's like a scientist. They're being sent by the government to debunk alien sightings. It's pretty good. It's based off of older
Starting point is 00:40:41 official reports. Yeah, it's all based off of some actual stuff that happened. It's based off of older official reports. Yeah, it's all based off of some actual stuff that happened. It's totally been changed to be entertaining as a show because I don't know, maybe four episodes in and they found an alien in a tank.
Starting point is 00:40:58 Whoa, okay. And Werner Von Braun comes out and he's like, oh, you found my rhesus monkey. You wouldn't believe the things space would do to a rhesus monkey. And it was like, trust me, it was a fucking alien in the tank. Okay, there's no doubt. It wasn't even a foggy tank.
Starting point is 00:41:18 And they're like, that was not a fucking monkey. And they're like, that was not a fucking monkey. Get out of here, goddamn mind. So it's kind of funny at times, but it's also got that sort of Cold War Russian spy sort of, and then all that, you know, the government's like, either wanting to suppress or hide or cover up or do it and killing U.S. citizens if they need to, to like keep their secrets.
Starting point is 00:41:41 It's fun. Have you been asked if jet fuel can melt steel beams when the goon oh oh boy go to the comments of any of my conspiracy series yeah i was told to ask you ah interesting okay um that that's a complicated question i'm kidding um yes it can uh anything can uh destroy anything of a given temperature of given enough pressure and specifically tension. Like, yeah, if you hold up a jet fuel lighter to like a perfectly fine still beam, it won't. But when you put the weight of the top of a skyscraper and it's about to break and then you apply heat. Yeah. So I think I think what's often it's often discounted that that that like when you
Starting point is 00:42:25 have a skyscraper like that with windows blown out on either side full of jet fuel you've sort of created a bit of a furnace like like you can create a furnace in your backyard where you get the winds moving correctly over the flames and you can melt steel in your backyard with wood and some bricks yeah yeah so yeah i guess so yeah that's what our ancestors did yeah wood will burn hotter in a furnace than it would otherwise because um the it's set up for the airflow to to create this um like siphoning effect i don't know what it's called with with uh with chimney gases yeah like a chimney effect so it's uh and if you've got some some some form of bellows to like add air and uh the way to do that now is to take a hair dryer and uh run aluminum foil
Starting point is 00:43:10 like at the end of it so you don't melt the end of your hair dryer but if you stick that in you can make a crazy bellows that you know the ancients would have been pumping something some poor slave man but uh but yeah you can get a you can melt steel real quick in your backyard would they'd be so proud of you oh they're so proud of you wiring a funnel to a hair dryer. And what is steel? But yes, yeah, correct, it does not melt steel beams if you normally hold it up, but in the conditions given, yeah, absolutely. Just like the rest of the building.
Starting point is 00:43:43 It melts it, and then it makes it fall at free fall speed we all know i like i like knowing one or two things about every conspiracy and being and and that's about like and like yeah that's true and then someone's like but what about this and you're like well i didn't know that like obviously i was having fun yeah now you made it not fun yeah i know there oh yeah i know i can google skinwalkers and see that some scientist did a study that they're not real but that's not fun um nobody's proven that the skinwalkers aren't real because they they can't be disproved. Yeah, the skin walker says so. It's an unfalsifiable hypothesis. Yeah, Dr. Walker.
Starting point is 00:44:29 What are you doing? Dr. Skin Walker. It's always funny to one-up people who legitimately believe in conspiracy theories. If someone's like, oh, you really think jet fuel can melt steel beams? You're just like, you think New york is real like yeah there's people you think any
Starting point is 00:44:49 of that happened oh you you go you go into your fridge you grab a cold meal you open your magic microwave put it in there for 20 seconds and it comes out hot and you buy this come on come on i know the elves in your microwave switch it out when you're not looking. Then why do you think you have to put the cover back over it? Duh. Yeah. I don't understand. We were just talking last week about how, like, we don't know,
Starting point is 00:45:17 like we personally don't know how, like, most of our technology works. Not any of it, man. Let's be real. Like 99% of it. If I couldn't duplicate it with like a hammer and nails or pipe and glue, like I don't get it. Like I can explain to you how a generator works, but I don't know how to build it. Yeah. No, no, no. I don't know how that electricity comes out. I don't quite understand that part and and that's like the most simple of things and i get the general idea that you rotate a magnet or something inside an electrical field and that makes electricity
Starting point is 00:45:53 but there's something in there missing where do i put the wires on the out and how do i get the light bulb we're stripping some electrons away from the air i don't fuck like sounds right where are we compiling all these electrons and what is like if all these atoms are losing electrons what's happening to them now what are they being turned into what kind of atoms are they now go away they just they become they become energy right oh well okay that's a lot simpler than we thought then we just solved that one. I was asking. I don't know. No, no, no. That was a statement you made.
Starting point is 00:46:31 Not a question. Well, we just figured out how electricity works. How long did it take those ancients to do that? Idiots. I don't know how they got all those big rocks. Yeah, they didn't know how generators work. They seemed to do some pretty cool things with levers to make the pyramids.
Starting point is 00:46:48 Oh, what? You got some cool triangles? Whatever. It's like, what's the secret behind this? Levers? No, it's slaves. Every time I see one of those scientists being like, we don't know what's at the bottom of it or inside of it,
Starting point is 00:47:06 I'm like, tear the motherfucker down. Why don't they tear that fucking thing down and see what's in there? Yeah. I want to know. Make something up until you know the answer. Satiate me. I want them to tear it down. I wish they would tear those pyramids down.
Starting point is 00:47:18 I'm sure. They're fucking nice, weren't they? I don't think that's a popular position. I like them. They've been resting on their laurels for too long. They need to make something new, like a roller coaster. I give them two thumbs up. Or integrate the roller coaster into the pyramid.
Starting point is 00:47:35 What if there's one in there and they've been hiding it? Thank you. That's half my channel. I appreciate it. You could do your hair like him and you wouldn't be like... You know what's funny about your suggestion, Kyle? I was like, no, keep the pyramids. The roller coaster idea has me titillated.
Starting point is 00:47:55 I like that. You go up one side, you go down the other, and then it wouldn't be a roller coaster per pyramid. It'd be one continuous metal coaster that you're going through all over. get to see fucking king and the rides named themselves it's like yes yeah king king king did they ever end up exhuming king tut after everyone died or did they just leave it as an exhibit i can't i bet they got in there saw what was up like they were probably well like they broke it open they're like this thing says that anyone who opens this door will die and then all seven of them die really yeah yeah they all died everyone who opened up uh king thug's tomb like wait was
Starting point is 00:48:36 they died 45 years later yeah yeah they just like randomly fell over well maybe the soviets were testing weapons at the pyramids have you ever seen uh well they did is that i think that thing with mercury um wasn't i think that was with in uh in china with those um what's the the the where they've got the soldiers buried the terracotta army weren't there, were there like pools of mercury there or something like that? Yeah, there was a bunch of weird elements
Starting point is 00:49:15 I think I've heard the pools of mercury before being there, I know there was a ton of what's that super stuff that comes off meteors, it's like a cobalt metal that's only that comes off meteors? It's like a cobalt metal that's only found through meteors in that region. Shockworts?
Starting point is 00:49:31 There's all these weird metals gathered up among them and stuff. The pools of mercury thing sounds right. When you say pools of mercury, as an ancient movie trap, are there amounts of mercury that they had access to As an ancient movie trap. How do you... Are there amounts of mercury that they had access to back in those days
Starting point is 00:49:48 to make pools of it? If you're... I don't know. They built a terracotta army for shits and giggles. They could probably get together a few hundred gallons of mercury. Yeah, but they had clay to build the terracotta army and shit. If this is dumb, I'm joking.
Starting point is 00:50:04 Where does mercury come from if you just keep digging it's a metal yeah yeah, that is naturally in its liquid state at normal temperatures to us. Its freezing state is much higher. Technically, most things have a melting point of some kind. It just so happens to be a metal that's liquid. That melting point is above our normal temperatures, which is why it's a liquid. For some reason, I thought mercury was difficult to come by as far as elements. Oh, it's really fun
Starting point is 00:50:47 to play with. You can order it off of Amazon and you just pour it in your hands and play with it and stuff. Put it in your mouth and it stays liquid. Oh, yeah. I brush my teeth with it. It'll stick to your teeth and turn
Starting point is 00:51:04 solid because your teeth are a little cooler. Now you've got metal teeth and you're like Jaws from that movie. I idolize the ancient Romans, so I want to go insane at 60. And then you die. Yeah, from heavy metal poisoning.
Starting point is 00:51:20 Incredibly toxic metal poisoning. That's how Ivan the Terrible died. He should have died in a worse way. He did some rough things. Oh, yeah, he did. He was awful. But he used to take mercury baths, apparently. He would take a bath and then pour mercury in there.
Starting point is 00:51:35 And he thought it would help his back pain and stuff, which it made it much worse. But apparently, at the end of his life, he was all decrepit and broken up because just sustained metal poisoning. I can see. I can totally see. You're in ancient times. You don't know what's up. You see a liquid metal and your thought has to be this. This is so cool.
Starting point is 00:51:56 This can only be beneficial. Yeah. Yeah. Well, there are liquid metals that are fun. Gallium? Gallium. You can order gallium off of Amazon in small quantities. It's not that expensive.
Starting point is 00:52:11 I think you can use it to destroy – is it aluminum? It's aluminum. I've seen those where they take the aluminum bat and they rub gallium on it, and then over the next day, the aluminum just – Corrodes. Becomes like a brittle cookie crust and just falls apart. But I've used gallium to like – I don't know. It's funny to have on your cookie crust and just falls apart but i've used gallium to like i don't know it's funny to like have on your coffee table and just like pick it
Starting point is 00:52:29 up and be like oh look at this and drip it everywhere and then like put it back in its puck and it turns into a solid little puck so if it's just sitting on your desk it's totally solid it's only when your hand heat touches it that yeah it's like chocolate that's pretty neat melts in your mouth not in your hand yeah except it. It melts in your mouth, not in your hand. Except it melts both. Chocolate melts in your hand. Yeah, that's a lie. M&M's don't, though. They do.
Starting point is 00:52:50 They turn your hands red, yellow, and blue. Well, that's because you have moist hands. That's because we're double fisting. You're like licking your fingers as you're eating M&M's. I'm going to sweat as I open the package. I remember a real discussion when I was a young child, like seven, eight, with my friends about like, my position was that the M&M's do not have different flavors. And they insisted the M&M's had different flavors.
Starting point is 00:53:24 Why didn't you get a taste test? I will eat all the M&M's during your flavors. Why didn't you get a taste test? I will eat all the M&M's during your taste test in an effort to prove that I'm right. I would eat some M&M's right now. I haven't had some in a while. I would have set up an M&M taste test and you would blindfold the kid who was most vehement about this bullshit
Starting point is 00:53:41 and then you'd be like, all right, I'm going to give you four M&Ms here. And you tell me which colors you think they are. But you just give him four blues, right? And he's going to pick four different fucking colors and hopefully he doesn't even say blue. And then you just beat... And now he's blindfolded and wrong.
Starting point is 00:53:57 You don't need him to know he's wrong because everyone has seen he's wrong. You can just begin to beat him now and they'll allow it to go down because he's just fallen to the bottom. He just killed a child. Now he knows. he's wrong, you could just begin to beat him now and they'll allow it to go down because he's just falling to the level. Now he knows. I'm not sure
Starting point is 00:54:12 I follow. He's got a blindfold on. He can't see. And he's like, he's doing M&M's and he won't see it coming. Dude, one Skittles in there. The worst taste test of all time it's like that would have been such a funny marketing campaign in the 90s it's like a spoof or like 80s and everything doing like coke versus pepsi battles like if eminem and skittles had done the same thing like try and tell the
Starting point is 00:54:37 different they're wildly different like that would have been funny marketing they could have capitalized on that although i guess they didn't do that so so it happened again uh it happens uh i would say every three or four years is a big story where some suave prisoner is able to uh honey dick one of his guards and uh get her to release him or even uh run off with him and that happened i guess with, with that guy from Alabama where he's 6'9", by the way. Big boy. I saw that picture. He's enormous. Yeah, he's enormous. I could have probably worked something like that out. There were some cute... Well, not really.
Starting point is 00:55:16 There were some rough... See, that's the thing. The kind of lady who is a prison guard is a rough-ass bitch. You saw this blonde lady's picture. Her top lip, he's like, hey! She's got this no top lip thing.
Starting point is 00:55:31 She looks special anyway. She doesn't smile like people who have ever looked at her. Like, oh, this isn't my best smile. Let's work on this a little bit in the mirror. Make sure we don't look ridiculous every time we take a picture. Like, no one ever told her she looks absurd in a picture. You can tell that she'd be easy to honeydick and so that's what happened he honeydicked her and she ran off with him and they've been on like i don't know it's been two
Starting point is 00:55:54 weeks now i've been on the lam see i mean she what is dumbo doing over there? Look at those flappers. That's not his best picture. Can we see him with the beard? Because that's a better look for him. I was looking at her sundial nose. I forget his name. Something like that. Lockdown in 23. He was talking about how to seduce female prison guards.
Starting point is 00:56:21 And it was hilarious. It does look better there. He's like, you have all the time in the world every time you see him just you know you drop that praise on him baby you look so good man i appreciate you you're so wonderful always every time they go by you can snicker when they're not there these are twos but they're tens in prison and they just sit there and they love them up every time they pass give them the attention give them the words of affirmation their husbands don't he's like it happens all the time before long they're breaking them out they're they're uh they're um sneaking them stuff he
Starting point is 00:56:54 talked about how to like seduces the wrong words because it sounds intimate but like how to get guys on your side it's like half of the male prison guards they want to be cool some are sticklers they want to be badasses and above you. But most of them just want to be like, hey, this is just my job. I'm not an asshole. I'm like a prisoner, but I work here. And treat them cool. He's like, I like those guys.
Starting point is 00:57:14 They're good. Just, you know, you're nice to them for a little while. Yeah, yeah, bro. You're like, you're one of us. Yeah, you're like not an asshole like those other prison guards. Hey, man, I got $500 for you. You can bring in a cell phone. Hey, man, got a thousand dollars for you if you can get this done bring in some black and gold i don't know what that is is that a cigarette black and miles but okay um
Starting point is 00:57:34 you know and he was just talking about how to dig over time just be cool to these guards be nice to them get on the inside and you have years to win them over. And I'm looking at this guy and that woman. I suspect when she goes grocery shopping, she's not the center of attention. Right? But in prison, she is. She is because she's the only one with two carts. That's great.
Starting point is 00:58:01 I like that. She's the only adult sitting backwards in that little seat. In prison, you know, she's the only adult sitting backwards in that little seat in prison you know she's the cat's meow all those guys are like cat calling her like she's the hottest thing there because she is and uh yeah so so that guy is the alpha male he he's the one who landed that babe um well he landed her in a world of trouble because their uh their their flee from the police ended a couple days ago in Indiana when they ended up in a high-speed chase. They had several guns, but the police must have pit maneuvered them or something because the car crashed out. And she shot herself in the head immediately because she knows better than to go to prison. And they drug his ass out and sent him back to Alabama.
Starting point is 00:58:44 Well, that took a turn. My word. You think that's funny? Do you guys see the thing I said to you on WhatsApp of them songifying? They take that mugshot of both of them and they do that new thing where they can do a deep fake songify
Starting point is 00:59:00 thing where the heads sing a song and it's like, even when I'm with my boo, all I think about is you. It's pretty dark. You had a pretty good voice in that fake song. Yeah, thank you. Taylor was like, wait, is that
Starting point is 00:59:18 the prison guard who shot herself in the head? I was like, yeah. I'm evil. I didn't make it. Yeah, I'm evil. I mean, I didn't make it. I'm a distributor, okay? I'm a business man. I do business. Business man, do a business over here.
Starting point is 00:59:36 I send half a dozen meme videos a day. That was just the darker one today, okay? There was some better stuff. There was that one guy who let the woman hit him at least 15 times in the face. He's taken it. He's like, all right,
Starting point is 00:59:49 you're hitting me in the face. Now this is you hitting me in the face. And, and then he hits her so fucking hard with a right hook that she, she gets turned off. And the best part is there's a car between her him and the camera woman so it looks like she just sent her to the shadow realm like she fell through the floor there's a woman in the driver's seat filming over the car there's a woman in the passenger seat hitting him he isn't even like
Starting point is 01:00:19 like he's talking to the driver while being hit and he's like this look i'm being punched right now for the record and she's just repeatedly like punching and punching him and it's not having much of an effect and like kyle said at one point he hits her back taylor described it as the kind of punch you can only get away with on a woman like you ever see the guy load up a punch for six and a half seconds dude throw it throw in a right a right a right punch where it started at his left ankle and it's just and the woman did not know what was coming and it was the after effect was hilarious because he deleted her from existence you couldn't see her anymore and then the woman's like what are you you doing? He's like, well, she was hitting me and I just knocked her out.
Starting point is 01:01:09 And she's like, yeah, you did just knock her out. And he's like, I don't even. He's like starting to realize what he did. He's like, I don't even care. It's like, no, you realize like no one's going to take your side. It doesn't matter. Oh, that's not true. I'm on that guy's side.
Starting point is 01:01:23 I mean, people that are going to be making decisions on his life behalf. I don't know. He put up with more than enough, I think. She hit him, I'm going to estimate, like 25, 35 times. How many times was he supposed to get hit before he defended himself?
Starting point is 01:01:42 I agree with that. I'm just saying in the court of public opinion, people aren't going to care for that. I think they will. You think so? I think it was very funny. I'm also on board. It was bullshit because when Woody was saying 25 to 35,
Starting point is 01:01:57 no one who hasn't seen it don't think he's exaggerating. Those are literal numbers. She probably hit him 25, 27 times before he unloaded. It's just the fact that he he brought a nuke to a sidearm battle that was that was you could like only sound louder than his like arm hitting her head was like her hitting the ground it's like if you if you dropped a wet bag of potatoes have you seen the video where there's there's a guy he's not a tough guy he looks like he's short and a little overweight but he's being bullied by a child
Starting point is 01:02:30 the kid is like pushing him against it the kid thinks he can beat up this grown man but this is like this is a man with man strength he's not the guy, but he is a full-grown adult male. I remember him being rather short. A little short, I thought. Like 5'6". He looked really short, and that's why the kid was targeting him. He was like, look at you, a really short grown-ass man.
Starting point is 01:02:59 The kid was shorter than him. He still had four inches on the kid, but he might have been 5'4". Costanza body type. Stout. But everyone here knows, our listeners are 99.9% men, there's something about testosterone strength that's just different than prepubescent kids or girls or whatever.
Starting point is 01:03:21 Yeah, that T hit different. Yeah. I only brought up that video where the guy eventually has enough and just... What does he slam the kid or something? Does he pick him up and pushes him down? And the kid maybe starts to cry? If it's what I'm thinking of, he picks him up, right?
Starting point is 01:03:38 And then brings him down. Yeah. Anyway, I'm with grown-ass man side. It's like, we're in public opinion says maybe you're not supposed to beat up children nay nay you're not supposed to beat up children unless they're asking for it i've got a i got a video i'll send you after the show tonight of um these these it's in england somewhere britain somewhere whatever the fuck um and uh like this guy's being bullied in an alleyway he's probably 40 and this other guy's also like 40 but the other
Starting point is 01:04:04 guy's like twice his size and he's the aggressor. This guy was painting his fence, and this guy didn't like this man was painting his own fence, and he had taken the blue paint with his finger and put it on the man's face. Now he's continuing to bully him down the alleyway, and the guy's wife is filming from the second floor looking down at the alley.
Starting point is 01:04:22 This guy is like he's clearly like i need you to hit me now for the camera so that we can do this um like that's what he's doing he's just like he's got his hands down but but that his fists are clenched and and he's and he's standing up straight and he's like well what are you gonna do about it then well what are you gonna do about it there that's all he'll say and the big guy is just full of like insults and all sorts of stuff finally big guy throws this really awkward punch that makes him kind of fall forward and little man starts piecing him up with like like first it slaps he hits him with like a fucking compton slap right off the bat and the guy's like stunned by that it's like he would have probably ran away if you'd said get out of here but no he's coming
Starting point is 01:05:04 with hooks. They get in close at one time, at one point, because the big man pushes him into the corner. He immediately goes to short headbutts. He's like, bam, bam, bam, bam. Like headbutt. Nice. Get the fuck off me. That is a plane for
Starting point is 01:05:21 keep smooth. And then it's just little accurate hooks, and he knocks him out two, maybe three times. And the big man keeps getting up. And he'll knock him down again. And the wife is on the phone with the cops. And she's like, well, I think it's okay now. My husband's really beating him badly. I think he won.
Starting point is 01:05:41 It's okay. Actually, don't send the police the other man's dead. We're going home. It is wild watching those videos compared to videos where guys are armed or someone's carrying a gun. Because when that happens, it's just two guys screaming at each other.
Starting point is 01:06:01 And then someone will gently lift their hand and be like, What? Was that a hand? Was that a fist? I saw that like just like itching both on the trigger ready to go one of my favorite one of those like in public gun self-defense it's an older video i'm sure you've all seen it at the bingo hall where some no literally literally a some guy was like this is this is gonna this is what's gonna get me on top i'm gonna i'm gonna and like some 79 year old man stands up and executes him like like from from fifth from like 15 20 feet away this guy comes in with his gun like put your fucking hands and this guy
Starting point is 01:06:40 shoots him in the skull 15 feet and drops him deader than dead. It barely became a scene. If the gun would have been silent, the game wouldn't have missed a guess. How quickly this guy turned around and executed this guy. Do you think there's any chance that right after he blew the guy's head off, he went, bingo.
Starting point is 01:07:01 And then everyone... That would be great give him the lawnmower everyone he's keeping live today meanwhile there's one like 95 year old woman in there who's like i thought this was finally the ticket she's still over there stamping not even noticing the fucking gunfight she's dead to the world finally the ticket. Won't die. She's still over there stamping, not even noticing the fucking gunfight. She's dead to the world.
Starting point is 01:07:31 Talk about going to the burn clinic to feel better about yourself. What are some other places that would do the trick? Magic convention. Do you think the dating would be good there? Do you think that a normie walks in and they're all just snailing around?
Starting point is 01:07:48 I imagine that you wouldn't be allowed in. You like that one. I like snailing around. That was evil. Evil Kyle Speaks. Because they say from the one video I've watched on YouTube many years ago
Starting point is 01:08:03 I remember bits of, that these midget conventions, as they're preferred to be called, are where they all have crazy tantric sex with each other a lot. They have a bunch of fun. They have a bunch of sex. And it's just little people who are allowed there. And so I would imagine if you tried to show up and be a dick and be like, I identify as a little person, they'd be like, get the hell out of here can you ride roller coasters then gone go enjoy a theme park tally that's hilarious you've seen that bit right the the
Starting point is 01:08:51 where the midget police officer pulls the guy over and then he walks up the little ladder to the to pull him over and he's like he's like we don't take kindly to biggers around here boy if i saw it i was so high i don't remember oh it's it from what i understand the guy who made that is from like the small town next to my little small town in georgia like maybe madison county georgia um but somehow he had he's the same guy i think who does that shit where they're fake videos but they're all they're old school like early aughts comedy posts, like shit posts, where like a police officer is pulling over a guy driving a scissor lift and he refuses. He's drunk driving a scissor lift and the cop tries to arrest him,
Starting point is 01:09:34 but he just scissors himself up too high. That's hilarious. Yeah, I think he clearly has access to a police car you know because a lot of his videos incorporate that and a scissor lift that sounds like a hilarious skit i'm gonna look up the scissor lift oh they're good i'll find it later and the front page of reddit today the um guy who was found not built not guilty of aggravated property damage. Did you see this? Here's the backstory.
Starting point is 01:10:10 These people, from the city I presume, went to this guy's farm and they started drinking. I'm making this up. They probably dropped their beer cans or whatever. He told them to leave and the city slickers punched him. Not cool. So he comes back with a forklift but not the
Starting point is 01:10:27 american kind you're thinking it's like on a telescoping arm and like it can go forward and lift things and it's really agile and he just starts fucking with their car with the forklift gets it on its side and rolls it off his property and the the guy's trying to attack the driver at the door, but the vehicle is moving too much, and it's just dangerous. And it doesn't move like a car like you think. It's articulating in the middle, and it's
Starting point is 01:10:56 not dangerous to stand... I'm sorry, it's not safe to stand next to it like it is a car. It almost goes sideways. And he just rolled the car off his property anyway they went to wait you're missing the best part uh it's it's much more agile than that the best part was he hit the guy with the forks too and knocked him on his ass he's like imagine imagine you turned your wheel all the way to the left put it in reverse and
Starting point is 01:11:21 floored it what the car would do he He's just whipping it around. He's whipping it around and hits this asshole with the forks and knocks him on his ass. What are you saying? It went to court. Was he given the key to the city? They decided that it was not an over-the-top response to the dude punching him after being evicted from his property. Totally on board with that. That is revolutionary knowledge
Starting point is 01:11:47 because the way they do it in court is always like you cannot exceed a fight's level of violence. It's like if it's a fist fight, if you're not in fear for your life, can't pull a gun. If someone slaps you, it's not reasonable to pull out a gun
Starting point is 01:12:01 and shoot him in the chest. But if someone comes at you with a knife, then it is. You can't supersede it. So that is great to know that forklifts are legally on the level of fisticuffs. Well, that's in the UK. Oh, in the UK. Okay.
Starting point is 01:12:15 It's metric district. So in the US, where are forklifts? When does a fight go from fist to forklift? Immediately. As soon as the natural progression. It's like, you know, the fight goes like, shove, shove, fuck you, no fuck you, punch, forklift.
Starting point is 01:12:38 Now, hey, bitch, you stand here and wait 50 minutes for me to go to the warehouse I work at and steal a forklift and drive it here. You know what? This actually, this will be better on Monday. Give me your contact information. Imagine you're in a bar and you hit a guy and then out of the corner of your eye, his wife comes around the corner on a forklift. It's just like bringing the reinforcements.
Starting point is 01:13:06 Cheryl, bring the bobcat around. You're taking everyone with me. How much do you think a bobcat costs, Taylor? Throw a number out there. Oh, man. What kind are you picturing? A white one. A junior.
Starting point is 01:13:22 A white one. I'm going for like a six-year. ones that have the like the behind crane and the front shovel that's a um back uh backhoe i'm talking about the skid steer it's like a small front end loader yeah about 60 grand no idea they're about 60 grand yeah they're really heavy like my tractor like that's more expensive my tractor weighs i think like 4,000 60s or maybe 3,500 pounds these things weigh like 8,000 pounds like there's a lot of something in there somewhere but how much does a car weigh for the listeners 5,000 pounds that's like what a truck would weigh right um i think my car weighs 5,000 pounds
Starting point is 01:14:03 a camaro let me double check. What's in my head? It's one of those numbers that's in my head. You'll hear like a ton trucks a lot. Like a ton on a truck is normal. This says 3,300 to 4,100.
Starting point is 01:14:18 So I am incorrect. That's pretty good. That's a 2006 Bobcat for $32,000. I don't know what 22 minus 6 is. No one really does, but I know that it's old. 47. I was picturing something bigger than that.
Starting point is 01:14:41 So let me ask you this, Woody. What's your use case? What do you want to do with the skid steer well there's all sorts of fun things i would do i mean aside from the obvious of beating up neighbors um yeah i could make a motocross track with it i could make a go-kart track with it you're gonna end that dog problem i could pull they move I could pull fence posts out with it. Take the garbage cans to the curb with the skid steer. Okay, counterpoint. I love your zeal. It's one of your best qualities.
Starting point is 01:15:19 Buddy has a lot of zeal. Life with zeal. I like that. I'm kind of zealy. Zealous. No, no. zeal i like i'm kind of zealy it's not over as well there should be a word for when someone has too much zeal i can't imagine what it would be i can't even imagine it over zealy i would just like yeah i i would get a quote on what that bmx track or whatever it is you'd want to build would be to have some professionals come in and do it.
Starting point is 01:15:48 Like, hey, what would this cost to do this, this, and the other? And I bet if you saw how low that number is, you'd be like, oh, well, I won't be buying any equipment. Of course, you could rent equipment to do this. Why don't you do that? Why don't you rent one to play with first? That makes sense. I have done that before. When I put the swing set in Apex,
Starting point is 01:16:06 I had to level the ground, so I rented a Bobcat. And it was like, you know I don't know how to use this, right? And they gave me like a six-minute lesson on how to operate a Bobcat, and then I just did my best. I mean, you can go into U-Haul and get a 28-foot truck
Starting point is 01:16:21 with your license. That's a form of domestic terrorism. You're right. Quite literally. They're often used that way, unfortunately. I was meaning just the average person, though. And it's so cheap. They give that shit to you for $20 and $1 a mile, roughly.
Starting point is 01:16:45 It's something like that. Dude, it feels like you're being had at the U-Haul place because you're like, I'll have a 30 foot truck and they're like, that'll be $19 and a promise. And you're like, what? Really? It's like, do you want my license? You know, just a cursory look. Do you have one? Oh,
Starting point is 01:17:02 that guy on your license is white and you're white. Like, look at all the progress Timothy McVeigh made with half a day's paycheck. All it took. Look what you can do with a little determination. 40 bucks there. Don't need to come back, but there, 40 bucks. That's all it took. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:18 He didn't buy the insurance because he, you know. He did buy the insurance. He goes back to the end. He goes back to the end. He goes back to the next day. The U-Haul I rented exploded and killed dozens of people. I would like my money back. That's how they caught him insurance fraud. They had to Al Capone him.
Starting point is 01:17:42 No, I hadn't even gotten to load up my one bedroom yet frankly i was i was stopping back up the next thing he's like what are you guys putting in those trucks i just parked in front of this daycare facility there must be something in the air in your government buildings that sets off this truck. Those poor children. Soviet. I was real sad because they had pictures of all the children and they played them one after the other. And it took a long...
Starting point is 01:18:16 They got through a whole Celine Dion song and there were still kids to show. That was sad times. I think I was about the right age to have been in one of those daycare facilities. Wouldn't that happen in like 93, 94? No, no, no, no, no, no. Oklahoma City. Yeah, Oklahoma. Oh, the 95 Oklahoma City modding. He died in
Starting point is 01:18:36 95, 95, yeah. It was a response to Waco. So Waco was in 93 or 94, was it? Yeah. Yeah, so it was right 93 or 94. Was it? Yeah. Yeah. So it was right up 95. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:48 What a fucking mess. All that shit was. Yeah. I was only four. Yeah. But I've seen the videos. I was talking to my dad about Waco the other day. Like,
Starting point is 01:18:56 like I don't think that those people were doing anything wrong in there. You know, the government story, we believed it back then. Cause everybody believed it when the government said somebody was a pedophile. But they were like, yeah, there's this compound full of pedophiles that don't
Starting point is 01:19:11 want to pay their taxes, and we're going to go get them. And I was like, wait, what? Well, they've got to do it. That was a weird, I never really cared that much, but I looked into it, and it looked ridiculous. They called it a cult, but I don't know. It was
Starting point is 01:19:27 the Branch Davidians, or the church. Oh yeah, that's a cult. Oh, come on! What was the name of your church, Taylor? The Branch Davidians. That's how I know I'm an inside man. They did have an inside man that ratted him out
Starting point is 01:19:45 who actually went back later and said he regretted doing it in the court case that followed. I've considered doing a Waco video for a long time now. I have to get my language right because it's real easy for me to get fired up about stuff like that. So I've just got to tame myself as I go into it. Easy for you to fly too close to the sun very easy yeah way too close i might get a little too real
Starting point is 01:20:10 if you don't if you want one that's more cut and dry though you could just do ruby ridge um that that's yeah oh boy will i are you working on a ruby ridge video um i'm not gonna do a waco video without bringing up ruby ridge um because it Ridge because it was the same negotiation team at both. So great job, guys. I didn't even know that. They got to keep their job? Yeah, they got promoted. As a matter of fact, the guy who was not the lead negotiator, the lead of the fire team at Waco, was given a promotion to captain, I believe, after the events of Waco. He was viewed in the media as taking down a dangerous group of
Starting point is 01:20:50 radicals, even though everyone who was on the ground said that he had actually killed, what was it, 82 children? Something along those lines. He got a star pinned on his chest, and everyone said that they didn't know that years since and regretted it however there are pictures of them posing with their rifles next to the bodies of children uh so don't think they exactly cared that much um yeah like i said see it's easy for me to do that children could have been enemy combatants they could they could have they had little guns. Little grenades. Look at this skeleton. He's clearly armed. Zap.
Starting point is 01:21:30 Nerfs of mass destruction. One of the wildest things from that footage from the Waco thing is there's an FBI agent, maybe two, on a landing. They've gone up one floor up a ladder and they're on this landing and now there's a wall that's the second floor with windows and they've gone up one floor up a ladder and they're on this landing and now there's like a wall with that's the second floor with windows and they've got guns and i think he's got an mp5 i think i
Starting point is 01:21:50 remember in his hand and all of a sudden machine gun fire comes from inside through the wall and you can see the bullet holes coming out and you know and in the movie in the movies they'll like kind of circle in a door but like you can't really do that most of the time. And I know I did it. But, like, you can't normally do that. But you weren't about to commit an atrocity. But this guy from the inside is like, brr, and you see the bullets, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop. And the FBI guy is, like, down and rolling.
Starting point is 01:22:21 And he does not care that he's a floor up. And you can imagine if you're getting shot at and you're 12 feet off the ground you're like the ground is not i would love to eat some ground right now so you just ride off the roof of that building but i'd never that's some shit that i've only ever seen in movies you know that that it's a trope where the bullet holes come through the wall in sequence in this perfect line but they did it it was wild it had to be an ak or something like that in there yeah interesting um i i know a guy who runs a merch store who a merch store and one of the pictures he has on the merch store is the atf agent falling off the roof holding his
Starting point is 01:22:57 chest and it says have a nice day across it um but yeah that like i get five dollars everyone wow I get $5 every one Wow That's so insensitive to members of the ATF Who we all love Oh speaking of Ruby Ridge The only person The only ATF agent who was convicted Or any investigation who was done During that time was the sniper Who took the shot that killed Vicky Weaver
Starting point is 01:23:21 He was being charged by the state of Idaho And the fed said This is our case we'll deal with it took the shot that killed Vicki Weaver. He was being charged by the state of Idaho. And the fed said, this is our case. We'll deal with it. So they picked it up. And then as soon as Idaho dropped their case, the feds dropped their case and he was never charged or given anything.
Starting point is 01:23:36 So funny how that works. Yeah. It's pretty gross. Yeah. Pretty gross. Pretty sad. Yeah. I do a video about it. I'll watch it.
Starting point is 01:23:43 I'll say this when I, I often don't finish your videos, and that's a compliment, because I start your videos at 2 or 3 a.m., and I often get the shivers. I get creeped out. I get
Starting point is 01:23:59 spooked, because sometimes you will pose these scenarios or put forward these scenarios will pose these like scenarios or put forward these scenarios or pose these questions that don't have normal answers. You're like, wait, what? What do you mean they never saw him again? They found his wallet in San Diego. OK, like you can't even like with the other one the the people that got poisoned
Starting point is 01:24:26 or whatever we were pretty close where you guys were you know with the poison yeah it probably was a poison you just didn't know that if you knew more about the region you might have even made the leap to like the weapons if that was like on the list of like things like like oh also they tested uh chemical weapons there um once you know that, it makes sense. You can connect the pieces. But some of the stuff that you've given, it's like there was one where a guy had disappeared in Texas and ended up in Washington State or something,
Starting point is 01:24:57 and the facts were so weird. Was this the guy who was found with his wallet that had a map drawn out on it? I think so maybe he was ex-military or something he was an older man the drawn map that's so fun this is someone find it like oh boy so that that case as well i'm gonna mess up the facts um don't worry but like the short facts if it's the guy i'm thinking of he. He had told his wife that he was an FBI agent who was in a lot of hot water. And then he disappeared for a short while, like three days. And then his wife received a phone
Starting point is 01:25:35 call from a random woman who said, your husband's okay. And then like quote Leviticus or some book of the Bible, and then hung up. Three days later, his body's found in the middle of the desert. He was shot in the back of the head, his hands handcuffed. What was the verse he quoted? Sorry to interrupt. It was some Old Testament verse. And I remember in the video, I talked about what the verse was. It had something to do with seven years. It was something something about and the king returned to his dominion after seven years something like that okay so like people hyper focused on the letter on the number seven um so anyway then he was found handcuffed executed in the middle of the desert like three states away
Starting point is 01:26:16 uh on his body they found a dollar bill that had certain letters circled across the top and then on the other side it was a grid map of like a street with an X marks the spot. I don't think anyone ever figured out what street that was. What were the letters circled? What did it spell? Oh my gosh. I guess it depends. Like what is,
Starting point is 01:26:37 what are you assembled? $20, $20. What the fuck does it say? The top of money. Eploribus Unum, in God we trust? Yeah. Something like that, yeah. Yeah, then it's got the weird Illuminati all-seeing eye
Starting point is 01:26:52 triangle. How do you not know what's on money? I didn't remember what was at the top. I knew E Pluribus Unum was on there somewhere, but I didn't know if it said $20 or what was on the top. Anyway, he did that. He circled a bunch of other details. I don't think you've ever seen money. You're right.
Starting point is 01:27:10 I'm a crypto bro. I just invested all my money in Luna four days ago. And now I'm having suicidal ideas. Dude, buy now, right? Have you guys seen that story?
Starting point is 01:27:29 I only know from Mr. Medeker on Twitter. But so Luna is the name of a cryptocurrency that like one week ago was apparently like the fourth most popular crypto or fifth most popular on Coinbase. And over the course of four days, they went from like $ dollars to fraction of a penny oh no and so like and so like it's sad but like medicare was posting pictures what was the total amount in existence like like how much of it existed out there like a huge amount or whatever what do you i don't know what the market cap was but it was an enormous enormous amount like this is what this is one of the bigger cryptos out there 2.8 million dollars to interrupt you my friend bought this today and he said he bought 110 dollars worth of it and last week it would have been 678 thousand dollars worth of it yeah it's wild so if it rebounds he'll do okay but like it it's like i
Starting point is 01:28:23 went to the the luna subreddit expecting like, Kyle, you're muted, bud. The market caps three quarters of a billion dollars. Three quarters of a billion. So a decent amount of coin. And I went to like the subreddit for it, just like getting a vibe. And it's like straight up sad. Like people are like posting like I'm going to kill myself because i lost all my money in this and it's like i feel i feel really i can't help but feel bad for someone that like yeah that you
Starting point is 01:28:53 can't help but feel bad for people like that but like even so it's like with this crypto stuff or any investment like don't invest more than you're willing to take a bath on like but see like this is a different scenario right like like i think if you're on that subreddit you're looking at some early adopters who might only be in the game for fifty thousand dollars which forgive me but but like they can recover from that sure but but that fifty thousand dollars was worth like 18 million yesterday and like they were living an 18 millionaire lifestyle up until yesterday. And now it's not that they just, they really took a bath and they're only worth $1 million now.
Starting point is 01:29:31 They are now poor. They need to sell everything they have and like liquidate. They're liquidating. Like in the movies, when they catch the, the, the bad guy at the end and they're, they're,
Starting point is 01:29:43 they're, they're like liquidating his shit. That's happening next month or 90 days from now it's not just the like multi-millionaires some of the stories i saw were like middle class people who really misappropriated their funds who were like you know i i had 350 000 that i put into this i owe a mortgage i owe payments i have bills i have a family and it's like i understand i feel really i genuinely have empathy for you i feel really bad because i can imagine how horrible the situation is but my goodness like yeah you weren't you weren't nervous prior to putting everything you own borderline into this like how if you guys did everything you
Starting point is 01:30:21 own in a crypto that you thought was super secure, you'd still be anxious as shit. Yeah. We've been saying it for years. Look, look, if this isn't waking you guys up, it should be. Okay. This is why you don't want your money in cryptocurrency. You want to put your money in something safe, sound, and secure, like the new RSK NFT. Okay.
Starting point is 01:30:40 Yes. If you look in the description below. Bear with me here. Why is everybody getting mad? We're totally not pump and dumping, rugging this. That's what's really wild. That whole NFT thing has just
Starting point is 01:30:56 seemingly crashed. That I don't feel so bad for people because I remember when Doug Polk was on here and he was just like, I wish you guys were smart as me so you knew how great nfts were and like like i want to have doug on just to talk about nfts because maybe his answer is oh i got out at the last second or or he's like oh my nfts or or but i'd love to hear like where where he is on nfts today taylor maybe you know his name who's the the Warren Buffett's right-hand man?
Starting point is 01:31:27 Is his name Ingram or something like that? I believe you. I'm sorry. I don't know. Okay. Anyway, so Warren Buffett is a right-hand man. Both of them, I think, are 75 or 85. That's roughly the range.
Starting point is 01:31:38 And they're regarded as investing geniuses. And they have a track record that goes back, like, I'm going to make it up, 60 years. That kind of proves that that's true. Cool. Oh, Zach did get it. Charles Thomas Munger. I think that's his name. Can you pull up their pictures, Warren Buffett and Munger, just so people get an idea of how decrepit these investments are?
Starting point is 01:31:58 Not a couple of lookers. Right, right. So anyway, they're talking about it. And they are absolutely not on board with crypto. Historically, they've been a little tech averse. If they don't understand the stock, they stay away from it. That's why they buy insurance and sugar water and banks and shit like that. But now they're a little more tech, they're pro tech than they used to be.
Starting point is 01:32:18 They feel like they get it better. Cool. They still hate crypto. They're like, crypto doesn't do anything. When I buy a company that makes sugar do anything when i buy a company that makes sugar water when i buy a company that sells insurance yeah there they are hide your wives they're coming they look like you like two exhumed corpses
Starting point is 01:32:40 these guys hate crypto and on one hand look at them right i did that on purpose look at what are they they hate email too well done but on the other hand they're like this doesn't do anything this isn't a company that's going to earn you money it's literally just a string of numbers and letters that doesn't do things it doesn't earn you money they're like if there was some way to long-term short crypto if i could buy this and then 10 years later you know give it back he's like i would absolutely do that as far as the ambitious thing about that is 10 years it is easy to pretend that like you know crypto is stupid on the down days and we do that right you didn't see us talking about crypto when it was 65 grand or maybe we did but uh it so here it is on a down day you know kicking it while it's
Starting point is 01:33:30 down but i i get it it's it's currency i'm gonna buy some non do i'm gonna buy a little bit later tonight i i probably are you you're just gonna try and buy low? Which one are you going to get? Who cares? It probably matters. Litecoin or Ethereum, right? I'll flip a coin and I'll pick one of them. I'm going to flip a coin and pick one of those three. It sounds like Luna was on that recently. I think Ethereum is like $1,800 right now.
Starting point is 01:34:01 We can get a whole chunk of Ethereum for more or less $1,800. Okay, so can get a whole chunk of Ethereum for more or less $1,800. So you can buy one coin of Ethereum. No, I'm just saying that would be the going rate for one, maybe by two or three or four. If I get into crypto, I know
Starting point is 01:34:17 I'm going to be the dumbass left holding the bag. I fear that, but I bet that's unrealistic. Someone's going to hold the bag like i just i feel like i fear that but i don't i bet that's unrealistic and someone's gonna hold the bag right hold the bag is the term for like you know like you know like you buy it at one you sell it at two that guy buys it at two he sells it at four someone bought it at four and it never went higher that guy's holding the bag and you just wanted to did that happen with crypto already or is crypto on its way from 25 grand to 100 grand we'll see no um tarly says 100 um so and and hey he's he knows a thing or two he's about to fight who is ego raptor from yeah what is that
Starting point is 01:35:01 is it tomorrow or the day yeah it's tomorrow. It's tomorrow, yeah. And I mean, Egoraptor, I saw some images of him online today. I've been poking around. Egoraptor, I don't think he understands the extent to which he is fucked. Like Harley, did you guys watch the video of, there are multiple videos now of Sam teaching Harley
Starting point is 01:35:24 in parking lots how to box yeah and harley at one point like yeah sam sam hyde is out there teaching harley sam hyde ultimate champion of boxing as we all know him to kill yeah teaching him to fucking kill and that's literally what sam hyde said at the beginning of the thing he was like harley people can't deal with you you're too big. So it's going to be an ugly fight. It's going to not be as technical as you want, but you're going to dominate him.
Starting point is 01:35:51 You're going to be on top of him. He's going to be scared. You have to be ready to make him feel fear. And like you're watching this and it's like, damn, this is great. Like Harley is getting way better training because apparently if you ever want to Woody mentioned this about sam that like he's a comedian he doesn't reveal his true self you know because that's part of the that's part of his comedy act
Starting point is 01:36:14 obviously you wouldn't want to but the most real i've ever seen sam hyde in his public you know persona is him teaching harley how to box Like, it's not jokes. It's not memes. He'll be silly every once in a while, but he's like, sincerely, like, that's great, Harley. Like, try that again. Like, go with this. Keep your feet moving. Like, he really, I can't wait to see how Sam inevitably bombs this event and shows up somehow. That'll be funny. But more than anything, Harley is going to murder this guy he's going to fuck up ego raptor so hard he's going to be doing his videos in fucking stephen hawking voice for the rest of his online career he's going to dominate him so hard if you got money and you're
Starting point is 01:36:57 a gambler on stupid youtube stuff put it all on harley he's going to thrash this fool. And I don't know anything about Egoraptor, I will say. Because I'm a fan of Sam Hyde and Harley. I'm a fan of Sam Hyde and Harley too, and my money's on Harley, and my heart is with Harley, and I want to be clear on that. Having said that, Harley's a big guy, so he's a V8.
Starting point is 01:37:22 And the only question I have is can this, I'll make it up, inline six, drag him into deep water and exhaust his cardio? See, this guy, Egoraptor, he doesn't look good. Let's watch this. Yeah, because I thought it was crazy how big you are. You're actually super intimidating. Let me see.
Starting point is 01:37:44 Look at me. Look at me. Look at me. Jet, will you take a picture for social media? Why is Tom speaking out? Why does he have air spray? So then Tom was a video effect, right? He wasn't doing that? No, he was doing that.
Starting point is 01:38:01 No, he wasn't. It was a video effect. You know how a snake tastes the air? Yeah. That's what Sam Hyde does. I stand corrected. It's a Jewish thing, okay? Let's not talk about it.
Starting point is 01:38:14 I'm being racist. My bad. Oh, no. No, it's great. You can see that Harley has made some steps forward in his boxing ability. I'm going to find a way to watch it tomorrow night and i hope hope harley really destroys him i'm gonna find a way to watch it by paying whatever the price is to watch it legally yep is what i'm saying yeah yeah just um we'll we'll click that button together yeah but I would love
Starting point is 01:38:47 it's going to be great I really hope Sam does something funny I imagine the footage will mostly be him getting stopped by security on the way in the problem with Sam sneaking in is he's like 7 foot tall or something stupid like that if he was a regular
Starting point is 01:39:03 sized person he could do a costume that's hilarious. You've got to put him inside of something. Like on the office with a cheese cart. He's got to be in a cheese cart. That would be great. Or like in a box that was marked training gear or something.
Starting point is 01:39:21 Like under some medicine balls. Not even something light medicine balls. You don't want to dig through, right? And you got to look at, you got to explain why that crate weighs 300 fucking pounds. I'll make it something disgusting, right? Like old cabbage. That's hardly a pre-workout.
Starting point is 01:39:38 It's all pig assholes and alfalfa. This is kimchi for the fighters. It rubs itself down with the pig assholes and alfalfa. This is kimchi for the fighters. It's like that scene in Lord of War. He rubs himself down with the pig assholes. It's like that scene in Lord of War where he's like, oh yeah, you can
Starting point is 01:39:53 put guns over country borders if you cover them in old potatoes because everyone thinks they stink too much so they're not going to dig through raw potatoes. iDubbbz isn't going to dig through a barrel of potatoes to find sam hyde he might be paranoid enough to think he's in there but i doubt he'll do it did you hear about uh did you hear about uh sam hyde and boogie uh that they're apparently going to fight i i did i did see that boogie
Starting point is 01:40:21 says he's gonna do it it was sam hyde get to it. He says, Sam Hyde get to bring his, I'm sorry, does Boogie get to bring his gun? No. He'll need that. No, it was a joke. And like, I don't even think it was instigated by Sam Hyde or anything. It just came up. And then Boogie was like, I'll fight Sam Hyde.
Starting point is 01:40:37 I'll get my ass kicked and punched and this and that. And like a guy who's never been hit by someone who's six foot seven and like talking. And he was like, but I'm going to, I'm going to see what my doctor has to say. And like what doctor on the planet is going to say that Boogie is good to go for a boxing match? No, he's a tough motherfucker. He was on the show telling us how he stared down. Oh, he goes into a rage sometime.
Starting point is 01:41:00 Yeah. Yes. Associates. He was James McAvoy. time. He disassociates like James McAvoy. When you just gave those two guys the look, they knew
Starting point is 01:41:12 not to fuck with Boogie Toon. They knew. Dude, I remember. Do you remember that episode where he said the look thing, Kyle? What? Do you remember that episode he was on where he said, like, and I just gave those guys a look and they knew if they got any closer
Starting point is 01:41:27 they'd get transitive type 2 diabetes. As I approach him, I'm caught in a cloud of blood sugar. They knew the closer they got, the worse it was going to stay. They didn't want any of this. Transitive. No. You approach into Boogie's wake and your toes and extremities start falling off. It's such a powerful wave
Starting point is 01:41:57 of blood sugar. The lymphedema, no! Oh, I forgot about the lymphedema. I wonder if that got better. Your gums just start bleeding. It's like radiation sickness. How is Boogie?
Starting point is 01:42:14 Is he thin now? He's just toxic. How's he doing? He's not thin. He's not. If we're going to use him, he's about the same level he was. If we're throwing Webster's Dictionary completely out, then yeah, he's thin. If we're going to use. I think he's about the same level he was. If we're throwing Webster's dictionary completely out, then yeah, he's thin. But like, come on.
Starting point is 01:42:28 You know he's not thin. He's thinner than he was like years ago. All right. So thin to me is six feet tall, 170. Damn, that hurts, man. Kyle, we're no longer friends. You ever seen that meme of the girl with the knives coming out of her mouth? You're not thin.
Starting point is 01:42:46 You're like some sort of like yolk jacked, like daddy strong kind of thing. It's not even light ranch. I looked at his most recent video and the first couple seconds, and it's basically on par with what Zach found here. Why is there lettuce on that table? He's eating a salad. I think he's making a mockery of the idea of just eat a salad. So he's having a gigantic ranch cupboard.
Starting point is 01:43:12 That's my guess. That would be my guess as well. He's joking. That's a fucking Mountain Dew if I've ever seen one. He ruined that polo. Ruined that polo. Also, top button button not the choice side I like the powder blue though
Starting point is 01:43:28 I do I know he won't get approved to fight Sam But I would be just as happy if they like Settled their differences in a Denny's parking lot At 2am What is it an eat off If it's an eat off Sam Hyde is fucked.
Starting point is 01:43:47 I just agree. Sam Hyde has forced himself to eat that fifth meal in a day before. Boogie just snacks all day. That could be true. I mean, Sam, with his mindset, his stigma grind set, he could just force himself to eat all of that. Don't say that. No?
Starting point is 01:44:07 No? You don't like when I use cringe shit from the workout community? Yeah. Alpha wasn't getting as many clicks. Now Sigma's a thing. And it's like, okay. What other Greek letters have been out? So Sigma male is a thing now?
Starting point is 01:44:21 That's like what you aspire to be? It's like the beyond alpha. I don't actually understand what's like the beyond alpha. I don't actually understand what it means compared to alpha. It seems like a more autistic alpha person. Like someone who doesn't understand what they're doing isn't socially koof. But I don't know. Kyle, do you know what a Sigma grind set is? I refuse.
Starting point is 01:44:43 What? I just think it's silly i've i've read it twice and uh it was so stupid both times i read it that i couldn't like i refused to like put in my memory warehouse i was just like not that no we don't keep that one yeah so i purposely forgot it it's something it's something about like not even like caring about the system that the alpha wants to be the best at. It's something like that. I don't even understand what that means. So it's like someone who's really good at magic the game?
Starting point is 01:45:15 He just doesn't care about the score anymore. He's gone beyond the game. Okay. If someone were to care about working out out and making money that would be an alpha if someone were to leave society and build a cabin in the middle of the mountains and become self-sufficient that would be sigma or or if someone were to just like have a lot of money and be jacked because that's who they are yeah yeah that'd be sigma now like that's how it is someone who takes three days to pack and naps a lot? What letter would they be?
Starting point is 01:45:47 Same letter as people who are stuck in an overeating cycle. I guess it depends what you're packing to do. Well, he's probably going on a paramotor trip, but it could be anything. trip but it could be anything oh no there is nothing if that's the definition of sigma straying from normal pursuits and being the best at some some other shit then paramotoring is very i think i think zach dropped a paragraph of nonsense that some people made made up let me read it the sigma male grind set refers to this superior mindset possessed by the male at the top of the social hierarchy. What am I getting wrong? Why is people laughing?
Starting point is 01:46:28 No, the way he said grind set. Also known as the Sigma. The grind set is often mentioned when the Sigma does something that is considered base and red-pilled. Society, run by betas, views the Sigma as a threat. He is thus often a victim of society ostracism for his intrinsically based nature. He is the victim of a systemic societal hate crime. I knew all of those words, and I feel like I should know. It sounds like they're pretty cool.
Starting point is 01:47:01 Where the terms are funny is whenever you use them ironically, right? So if I was to say like, hey, my Sigma grind set is giving Adderall to homeless people and telling them there's gold in all the abandoned houses so they bring me copper. That's my Sigma grind set. Like that's where the meme finds its threshold. That would be a grind set. Being a sort of quasi slumlord with a large access to drugs. Quasi-slumlord. Yeah, that would be what you'd want to be.
Starting point is 01:47:30 It's like those stories where you hear where someone feeds crows a lot, and then the crow brings them marbles and coins and protects them from other birds, or whatever the fucking crow would protect them from. You get those homeless people on your side. No one can stop you. That's the setup. That's the Sigma grind set. See, you've already put it together.
Starting point is 01:47:49 We're already there. Sigma grind set is foregoing traditional income revenues and inventing and selling cum pills. That's true. Sigma grind. It kind of is. It's got a little red pill in there it's got a little off the grid think it on your own we're off the grid we're red red pill there's one that's another dude i learned what the pills meant recently really i feel like that shit is ancient well but i never really dug into what red, blue, and black pills were.
Starting point is 01:48:26 Oh, yeah. I got you. Okay. You can also be white-pilled. That's optional, too. They say blue pill is like the bad option in the Matrix. Like, you believe everything. Red pill is like...
Starting point is 01:48:37 You stay in the system. Yeah, you question whatever. And then black pill is like, I am so depressed. I'm so sad. I don't think anything's going to go good again. Which is like, I am so depressed. I'm so sad. I don't think anything's going to go good again, which is like, don't be that pill. Pick a better color. I've got my own technique, my own take on these. To me, Blue Pill is the one you aspire to be, right?
Starting point is 01:48:55 A Blue Pill romantic guy just tries to get the best partner he can and loves them for who they are, find a compatible match, etc. A Red Pill, romantically, assigns a score to people. get the best partner he can and loves them for who they are find a compatible match etc a red pill romantically assigns a score to people based on what they bring to the table right guys of course attractive is a thing but also like their provider status their age their whatnot these are all part of their scorecard girls it's mostly how hot they are. Being like having a good career, for example, doesn't boost a woman's status very much. You don't think so?
Starting point is 01:49:30 Not really. Not as much as for men. Yeah, not as much as for men. So if she's making six figures, you don't care. Versus a cashier. His point is it's not as big a deal on the other side.
Starting point is 01:49:44 It depends on the guy. I talk to, not talk to, I listen listened to more plates more dates talk about it and it's literally a negative to him if this woman isn't focused on being derrick's support system that's kind of a drawback where he won he would rather have an unemployed chick who's there to whatever order suntan lotion for his runs i mean i made that up but whatever right some chick who just gets that shit taken care of in the background versus someone who's making six digits and you know living her own independent life in the silo there okay okay if you're going to employ her yourself, then that makes sense. Because he has a multi-tiered infrastructure-wide business going on.
Starting point is 01:50:32 He has an entertainment wing and a podcasting wing and a fucking pharmaceutical wing. And I'm sure soon there will be workout equipment or something. There's a medical wing, and that's a good part, too. Oh, my God. Don't forget the clinic. Yeah, yeah. uh he's got over there the whole point digits doesn't change his income no probably i made that up but i'm guessing right so he would rather have someone who's just like hey i noticed your shirts were ready i got you new workout shirts in the background just supporting him or someone who could like run one of the wings of his empire probably wouldn't mind either someone you don't have to pay to be the
Starting point is 01:51:09 manager and that you can really trust yeah that you can trust to count the money over there at the fucking make sure that they're not just like oh yeah we needed two buckets of paint leah just charge them for two i just don't understand like the aspire to be blue pilled because i don't see the blue pill thing as much as like right left wing as like blue pill meaning like you just accept what you're told red pill meaning like you kind of you search i just thought it was kinder like like to me the blue pill romantic person right and again it's red and blue sounds political but in this in this context it's not yeah um the blue-brilled guy isn't like i don't know knocking a woman for uh shit earning too much or evaluating her purely on looks or like just having a dedicated way of keeping score that's unkind i feel like the
Starting point is 01:52:01 red pill guys are a little bit one of the issues I have with red pill is how much they love the woman's downfall. So in the red pill mindset, a woman's value might peak at like 22, 23. She's at her... She's super beautiful. Wait, what do you mean red pill mindset? It's just like a term. It's the mean part of it. And I'm laying it out. This is the part of it that I don't like. So in the red pill mindset, she peaks at like 22 or 23, right? But she doesn't want you, listener, when she's 22, 23. She's only going for these super chats. So she runs up her body count. She hits the wall, and they fucking celebrate it. They're like, now we're both 30.
Starting point is 01:52:44 Now I've hit my peak because my income has gone up. I'm still this. I'm still that. You, on the other hand, now you want me? No, F you. You don't have the same value you used to. This is the red pill mindset. And that's why I think you don't aspire to be that guy.
Starting point is 01:52:59 I think maybe like they call it hitting the wall when they realize that they don't have the same position that they used to and they revel in it. They revel in this idea that, aha, you should have locked me in when you were 22. Now the tables have turned. Sure. I don't,
Starting point is 01:53:15 I don't know much about that. Um, I, I never thought about the, the red pill, blue pill thing in like terms of of the sexual identity. I always just thought of the meme of knowing and not knowing.
Starting point is 01:53:30 Trusting and not trusting. We haven't talked about that at all, but black people, not black people, black pill people feel like who gets the girls was genetically determined at birth. Some people are just born chads and there's nothing we
Starting point is 01:53:45 can do about it to change our status well that's really embarrassing but like even black pill people like i don't say it wrong maybe i haven't seen it in the correct way with like just because i don't see it just surrounding the sex like the people i see who are like black pilled or whatever on twitter or 4chan or whatever it's like i'm never going to have a job that pays me enough to buy a house I'm always going to be in debt I'm a slave to my bank I did everything right what do I do like that's the black pill I think
Starting point is 01:54:14 of not so much like I'm not going to get pussy yeah incels is what I would say now there are people who have been black pilled by life though like there just are sure yeah like the crippled the short the the burn what's your problem with the burn dude burnt flesh is really gross like i would much rather
Starting point is 01:54:35 the crippled the short and the burned the ultimate political the false dichotomy of crippled and short. We forgot. Yeah, we're done with red and blue pill. We're the many pills all times a day at a medical necessity. All sorts of pills. Take the burn pill all over. Yeah, take the burn pill. That's great. In addition to red pill language, in cells discussed the black pill,
Starting point is 01:55:05 which means accepting that it's over and have no chance ever establishing a sexual relationship with women. As such, the community is defined by the relationship between heterosexual sex and masculine status. I kind of didn't understand the last sentence, but who's writing that? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:55:22 Zach did. So anyway, yeah, yeah. Black people just... Black people. Black pill people just feel like they have no ability to change their station in life. Yeah. Some people don't. It would just be someone who's really fucking depressed, it seems like.
Starting point is 01:55:38 No, no. Come on. Come on. There are people who are just fucked. You know there are. You know. I know. But they are depressed as a result of are, they are depressed. All right. Let me say this.
Starting point is 01:55:45 All right. I heard this guy on Rogan the other day and he was talking about like, like how, like the, each, each of the races in prison. But the leader is a car, you know,
Starting point is 01:55:53 or the race is a car and the, the guy in charge, he has the keys. Right. So now rewind me. Like, like what were we talking about? I,
Starting point is 01:56:02 I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I,
Starting point is 01:56:03 I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I,
Starting point is 01:56:03 I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I,
Starting point is 01:56:04 I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I,
Starting point is 01:56:04 I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I,
Starting point is 01:56:04 I, I, I, I, I, I, on the Rogan thing. Pill people. Okay, there are people. All right, all right. This body suit that each of us gets, right? That's our car, okay? We've got to drive this meat suit around. There are some inferior models.
Starting point is 01:56:17 Oh, of course. There are some models that you're like, oh, if I had to drive that around every day, I wouldn't get anywhere. I'm fat. I want to drive that around every day, I wouldn't get anywhere. I'm fat. I want to counter that. I feel like the best version of almost everybody is really, really good. Practically anybody can be an eight, right?
Starting point is 01:56:37 Get some Invisalign braces, eat right and exercise, and you're an eight, bro. You've got it. That's all there is to it. Kyle says seven you get them you could definitely get way above average by just like doing all of that shit that that you think is basic bitch shit like just like good hygiene stuff getting a haircut every two weeks or whatever like keep staying not sports clips so much you can't go anywhere that that part in your hair is killing me. It is so far towards the crest of your skull.
Starting point is 01:57:12 I can't look at it. I can't look at it. I've been looking at Taylor the whole show. Zach, put me on the big screen. We're going to be doing it this way going forward. Oh, I can't take it anymore. We're going to be doing it this way going forward. I can't take it anymore. You simultaneously look younger and older.
Starting point is 01:57:36 There were times today where I thought it looked good. I took selfies and shit. I was like, you know what? This is a good thing. That haircut. I think it's something I get from you. Yes, please send those selfies over because like your hair it's like have you seen that photo of whether you don't know if it's a bunny or a duck it's like that it's like i don't know if it's bad or terrible
Starting point is 01:57:56 it looks like you've had a head injury I don't know. That's a girl, right? I don't know. Go to the burn clinic. Yeah, right. Thankfully, there's a burn clinic right by Megan. For all the insults I'm getting tomorrow. It is a hat day tomorrow, Woody.
Starting point is 01:58:22 You know what? It might be a hat day. I literally have a hat in the truck. I might be wearing it all weekend. You can distract with other accessories, other accoutrements. If you become a guy who wears a ring on every finger, very quickly, no one's going to notice that. If you get a magnetic earring, no one's going to know. Face tattoo.
Starting point is 01:58:43 Bye tomorrow. If you wear unbelievably tight pants, it won't be a topic. Everyone will say, man, Woody's ass looks tremendous. Did you notice his fucking Moe Howard haircut? I didn't. Moe Howard.
Starting point is 01:58:59 He's one of the three stooges. Oh, no. I'll get a dot. Zach, pull up Mo. I'm convinced. If you get some Invis Align braces hit the gym And eat right and the version Of you that will emerge is really good
Starting point is 01:59:31 You know like you'll be fit You'll have some definition everybody can Have abs You know you can be good You're not born bad Alright well that's Not what Well guess what?
Starting point is 01:59:47 It was only one of the three Stooges whose name I remembered at the time. Curly was bald. Very curly, and then there was Shemp. And I remember Larry, didn't he have curly hair? I don't look like that. He did. I think he might have very curly hair.
Starting point is 02:00:04 I feel like Wendoon and i probably have similar hair to get super curly when it gets it's uh it's it's pretty wavy whenever i let yeah yeah well that's yeah i guess wavy is a better way to say yeah it's way yeah like it doesn't curl so much it kind of like gets hard to calm down especially when it grows out to any degree um but but what like what he's talking about that would be considered the white pill like oh i can fix my problems i can be better like so it's the idea is you take the black pill you feel misery despair then the white pill is i can fix it and like rise oh what i want to be i said i'm changing teams i want to be white pill now i believe you can maximize what you're born
Starting point is 02:00:43 with and that maximization is actually pretty good. I agree with you there. But you have to admit that there are people who are so black-pilled that no amount of fistfuls of white pills would help. You're saying they were born with it, right? I'm saying there are some people who are fucked. Like the guy in Nashville with his skull showing. Yeah. You could fix that. No, no.
Starting point is 02:01:10 What is unfixable in your eyes? I don't know. Oh, no. Here he goes. Well, they've been burned. I wasn't a joke. Once you're burned, it's over. Burned is bad. Burned is bad.
Starting point is 02:01:25 Burned is bad. Your earlobes melt into your neck, and then you can't look normal. Did a burned guy steal your money earlier this week? I was raped by a burned victim. As far as you know yes he was all sticky i can still remember the smell of the salve right after he was burned immediately fire still burning this is not all not... Let me just be clear. This even
Starting point is 02:02:06 is not full-on... This is not Blackfield. One of them got married, and the other came along for the ride. These two get laid. They're making that up. Let me just say, I would let this thing suck my dick, and you all know you would too.
Starting point is 02:02:22 This thing. I would let them suck my dicks. I only have one one but these creatures could could go down anytime they wanted um i i i wonder which one do they i guess they're both see it'd be it'd be super hand jobs too because you don't have a girl with a righty and a lefty you've got you've got the the one on the left is left dominant though and the one on the right is right dominant though. And the one on the right is right. Dominant. They're experts with that.
Starting point is 02:02:46 You're only guessing. What if, what if the one with the left is right handed? That's not how, come on, come on. Does it have a, well then,
Starting point is 02:02:57 it doesn't have a right fucking hand. You don't, I hope there's a little hand coming out the back. I would, have you seen the old Kyle, I know you have, because I've linked it to you years ago, the old Opie and Anthony clip making fun of them. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 02:03:12 The old ONA making fun of the two-headed girl. Two-person and O. Yeah, this two-person. Jim Norton has some of the funniest lines. It shows them going up to play t-ball, and Jim's line was like, everybody in, two outs at once is up. It was just mean-spirited, horrible humor.
Starting point is 02:03:38 The old Opie and Anthony, two-headed girl. Look that up on YouTube. I still go back once a year and re-listen and just cry laughing how funny that was. It's so good. Yeah, yeah, yeah um no like i would absolutely let that thing suck my dick um that would be like a hell of a story i could come and tell you guys it happened um i don't know if you believe it or not i'd tell you all about it and do you think uh do you think they try and like use their disability for things like roller coasters, theme parks, lines.
Starting point is 02:04:05 I don't think that that torso... I think it's like an extra large torso. Yeah, she's got a wide back. Yeah, I think there's maybe extra ribs in there or something. It's a mutant sort of scenario when she gets the clothes off. I can't imagine how that bra hooks up. It's got to be all wonky.
Starting point is 02:04:21 It's a teacher, though. It teaches elementary school. I can't imagine. They teach elementary school. Oh, yeah. The one on the left does math and the one on the right does social studies. Get the fuck out of here. And I hope they have, like, wildly different political views. She'd be like, no, you pass the papers out.
Starting point is 02:04:41 No, you. How many votes? Well, Susie's gotten really into fascism lately. Two votes. Why do you assume? Because there are two people there. I could argue otherwise. How?
Starting point is 02:04:56 There's one person clearly sharing a body. There's an extra fucking head. How many pussies are there kyle i asked that question and no how do you measure a woman exactly there's only one vagina i i call all i could find was the the church wouldn't it be funny if they married different guys not for them not for the guys anyone not for anyone first of all imagine you're like imagine they're like virgins till marriage and then like the one guy marries and gets in the door. And then what's the deal?
Starting point is 02:05:30 What do they say? What do you mean? If they're trying to be virgins until they're married, and then one of them gets married, and they're fucking, how's the other one going to – because it's one – they're sharing a vagina. They have to agree. When they have orgas orgasm do they both get one well well here's here's a little you know taylor i'm not sure but i would imagine just imagine these two girls were kind of close yeah they probably chat a lot being as one of them as heads is a little twisted weird so her mouth is pointed right at the other one's fucking ear 24 7 i'm sure
Starting point is 02:06:05 that does suck you know can you imagine not only being the siamese twin but being the one with the bad head placement the third conversation that they had together once they knew how to talk right after who has to wipe and uh and who gets to be on the the window side which side of the car we're going to end up sitting on and how we're going to work that out was how are we going to handle dudes? Do you think a dude will want us? Do you like – what kind of boys do you like? What kind of boys do you like?
Starting point is 02:06:34 Would we share the boy or would we take turns? Would we have two different – they've been talking about that shit since they were nine. They've got it figured out. Yeah, I'm sure they've got a system. And there's so many dudes who'd be like i i'd be down to yeah i'm down i'm down about you winda goon i don't know if you're a single guy or not would you fuck that uh i was afraid you know what it looks like it looks like something out of Hercules Legendary Adventures.
Starting point is 02:07:05 It looks like at any moment, Aeolus is going to come doing a backflip out of a tree and fucking kick that monstrosity back to where it came from. If you cut a head off, it grows two more. Damn it. She's a Hydra.
Starting point is 02:07:20 The five of you who watched Hercules Legendary Adventures and got all those references are going to love that part. It wasn't a popular show. Not a popular show. Kevin Sorbo also turned out to be a real right-wing extremist, too. So I think it hasn't aged well. No, but we do like to have some journalistic integrity. Wendigan, would you fuck her?
Starting point is 02:07:42 Jesus is sad. Jesus made that! Yes, yes. He made that! However we react to it. Look, I am made of him. However I react to that, he made the world that made me, okay?
Starting point is 02:07:59 There is no wrong way for me to react to that in God's eyes. Preach. This is literally just Socrates. Only one of them is great. there is no wrong way for me to react to that in God's eyes. Whether I laugh or cry. This is literally just Socrates. Only one of them is married, right? Technically, there would have to be a scenario in which they were like, alright, which one of you is going to be
Starting point is 02:08:16 on the marriage license? And one of them would be on it. Let me pause here. I was thinking ahead, right? And I'm all torn up. Thinking, um... Sorry, coffee time. Thinking like I couldn't be happy sharing that
Starting point is 02:08:32 pair of girls with another guy. There's only one vagina, right? I have to lay there I guess in the guest bed knowing that they're with other guys. Well, that or a three-way. You're going to do both of them? A three and a half way.
Starting point is 02:08:46 Right, right. That would tear me up inside. Highway. That would tear me up. On the other hand, if both of the women marry the same guy, then this is better than a normal girl. But that would probably be illegal because if they quantified it as
Starting point is 02:09:04 one person, as she being two people, you can't mix and match marriages. Look, this is keep it simple, stupid. Polygamy is obviously illegal. So what they would do is the girls would be like, alright, do you want to be on the marriage license or do you? I don't know. Let's flip a coin. And they flip the coin and one
Starting point is 02:09:19 went on the marriage license. And of course, the other one is along for the literal ride because they have no choice. There's no way that they could be with a man that they both weren't into that would just be a like that's how it is with like roommates and stuff like you can't bring a crazy chick into our home like like if i if if this person is a danger to me you can't come here you know what I was just thinking about? I can't imagine sharing a vagina with somebody. How horrifying it's going to be in late life for them because one of them is going to die first. So that's what happened with those Japanese twins.
Starting point is 02:09:55 One of them died. That's what made me think of it. The other one died like two days later or something like that. Two days. Of agony and sorrow. What? Look. Why did he not kill himself like like you know you're going to die in the most horrific way possible what was what had to have been your
Starting point is 02:10:12 greatest friend like closer than a brother would ever the closest kind of brother you're the same no pun intended but like they're so close yeah for that to lose guy? You can't go on. Even if you could. That's sad. They masturbate together. Yeah. Oh, all about it. Do you think they jack each other off? Yes.
Starting point is 02:10:37 One of them controls the right arm. One of them controls the left arm. It'd be like, hey, it's Tuesday. Beat me off. I can't remember. Wendigan, what do you beat me off, bro. Wait, I can't remember if this... Wendigan, what do you think? Do you think that they took turns? Do you think they had different... I think there's two cocks. I think
Starting point is 02:10:53 that these were the twins that had like, they were like attached at like the hip to the shoulder and were like two people who got melted together. Oh, I know who you're talking about. That's a really sad one. It looks like a good sword chop and you'd think they'd have had that in their culture yeah you know what if they like all i'm saying is if your problem if only he was born a hundred years earlier than only he was born his medicine would have been appropriate one person you need like a fucking usually you
Starting point is 02:11:21 absorb that that second twin like into your body and then you feed off his strength that's what i would have split them i mean it takes me a good 40 chops to get this divided that's canrietta but oh wow that's not even bad yeah if you're if your homie dies if that dude right there dies you are you can't go? You know how those are the best of friends. Yeah, I feel like you could. That's not bad. This is bizarre. Are they fused at the shoulder?
Starting point is 02:11:52 Because the one on the left, on the left. He has a right arm. He has a right arm. Yeah, so they're like attached at the shoulder, like the titty. From like titty to shoulder. It's so inconvenient. Can you imagine the back pain they both have? No, you're so wrong about this.
Starting point is 02:12:07 These dudes were like double reaming bitches, right? They were getting them in, and each of them gets an arm around her, and they pull her in like a Venus fly trap. And one of them gets the ass, and one gets the pussy. Yeah, the most dangerous rapist in Thailand. Oh my God.
Starting point is 02:12:23 That's what everyone said. You know, you take a look at those fellows. People are talking about it. Lots of people talking. You'd take a look at those fellows, and you'd think, they're not too spry. Quick. So much quicker than you think. Well, but I mean, look at this.
Starting point is 02:12:35 This is like a- It's a fucking quadruped. Of course it is. They're going to see a matinee or something. They're not looking spry here. They're old. Why don't we have- You know why we don't have more of these?
Starting point is 02:12:45 You know why like the only pictures we can pull are those. There you go. Abortion. Abortion fixes things like this. So they're on the comeback. Nips them in the butt. Thanks to Trump. Thanks to Trump, we're going to have more Siamese twins.
Starting point is 02:12:58 You're welcome, America. Promises kept. Promises made. Let's go. Donald Trump knows how to make reality TV. That poor guy on the left. That's kept. Promises made. Let's go. Donald Trump knows how to make reality TV. That poor guy on the left. That's fucked. I feel like the guy on the right
Starting point is 02:13:11 alpha'd him into being like, this is how we're standing. The other guy could have been dominant, but he's like, fuck you, bitch. That's the Sigma grind set right there. If I could caption this, I would make the guy on the right be like, this is the end, Mikey, and put his head in the sink.
Starting point is 02:13:33 I've warned you time and time again. It's either me or you. The belly button is your domain. You keep it clean. Oh, that poor guy. Yeah, there's a cock right in the middle.
Starting point is 02:13:47 Yeah, there's at least one cock in there somewhere dangling. They're kind of facing each other. Somehow having more bodies apart from the head makes me feel like it's more of two people. You know for sure that the one on the bottom has to do some weird dangly hand job that's awkward. It's like taking the oil filter off like an old Hyundai or something. You're in a weird angle.
Starting point is 02:14:07 Those guys have the most robust toilet in existence. Strong, ready to hold the weight. I know this is riveting to everyone. We can get back to it, but I just realized we're 15 minutes over.
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Starting point is 02:17:07 There's the math. And also, as always, tired of busting like a bitch? It's time to drop some money on some cum pills. Use code PKA for 10% off of our proprietary blend of cum pills. The greatest scientists from
Starting point is 02:17:23 here to yon have come together to make this product got an idea what got an idea no no got a great idea don't say it now write it down in your little journal so you don't forget it let me write it i want your honest reaction you're fucking too stoned to remember basic no no no i'm writing i'm here i'm gonna write in the chat and I want you both to react to it non-verbally on how great an idea this is. I want you to rank it from 1 to 10.
Starting point is 02:17:52 Okay. The three of us will do. Yes. I can't wait to see Wendigoon's reaction. So far, nothing. I'm so afraid. That is... Oh my god. Give it to me.
Starting point is 02:18:08 I do like it. That's a funny ass idea. We would need to think of the correct image on it in order for it to hit the funny potential to make it worthwhile. There needs to be something. That's better.
Starting point is 02:18:32 That's better than the first one. That's funnier than the first one. Yes, it is. Were you beaming on the second suggestion? I thought that was funny. No, that was a suggestion. That's Zach's suggestion. That's terrible suggestion i hate that one i like both of them we can do both shutting it down shutting it down okay i i do like your idea though good i like i like for your heads doesn't appeal to me because like that i never did that because
Starting point is 02:19:03 that seems weird i never did either i think a lot of people do maybe right but what if you saw a guy wearing socks and you read like oh what brand uh like these are lock and load brands i like my idea better my i i love that i think your your idea has more legs because what do you need to clean up after the you know you know you make a joke out of that part. My idea is excellent. There's a lot of potential. I think your idea is tremendous. We're going to sell more of those than we do the fucking pills.
Starting point is 02:19:33 You'll see. You'll see. Anyway, remember to load up and come like a man. 10% off anything on Derek's website. Check that out. Yeah. Is it 25% off? What is it?
Starting point is 02:19:49 What percent off is it? It's 10% off. 10% off at the moment. It changes. Yeah. Lock and load and everything else. Works on everything else. You can buy your pre-workout, your fucking protein powder, et cetera.
Starting point is 02:19:58 But the cum pills in particular, they make you cum in a way that makes form stars blush. Yeah. And if you are, if you're still doing like walmart brand like pre-workout and stuff that c4 like take take a break like use the code see if you like derrick's if you don't go back to something else but you're gonna like it more it is just a better product because i've used it more i've used everything i i and look for a while i would i was buying like anything that had a silly name. I bought that one that had military print, and it almost killed me it had so much caffeine in it.
Starting point is 02:20:33 It was called, like, I'm a veteran or something. But it was too much. Do you need to stay up all night so the nightmares don't come to you? It's Fallujah coming back at you at 4 a.m. U.S. military nightmare prevention fuel. This is true. I have Derek's pre-workout
Starting point is 02:20:56 in my kitchen. I needed to get shit done. I had to attach my trailer, load it, power wash it, all that shit because I got this trip coming up. I took the pre-workout. It didn't even work out. I just wanted to be the best me. Just wanted to be fucking loaded. It's excellent.
Starting point is 02:21:11 I personally recommend the versatility of having your caffeine and a separate product separate from the powder itself because I want two scoops of the powder and then a scoop of the glycerol and I'm going to either do 200 milligrams or 400 milligrams of caffeine, depending on how I'm feeling.
Starting point is 02:21:30 400 is extreme. I took 200 before we started tonight. The two scoops of the pre-workout, if I'm right from memory, and we all know, trust my memory, is 325. So you're in that ballpark. And that's what I like. But, you know, I can, I can see the argument for versatility too, to control your own caffeine.
Starting point is 02:21:48 Yeah. Cause sometimes I work up so late at night and I do want to like, I think that like getting a more superior pump is allowing you to, to get that, uh, those nutrient micronutrients and those, um, uh, building blocks of muscles, amino acids into the muscle fiber and get the job done maybe more efficiently, more quickly, or maybe more abundantly. Maybe you actually will get bigger over time because you got better pumps. However it works. Um, I know that I get crazy, crazy pumps from that stuff and I want that, but I don't want caffeine at 4am and sometimes I work out at 4am.
Starting point is 02:22:19 See, I don't, I get a better pump. Like you said, mostly I'm just not a lazy drag ass when I take the pre-workout. That's what it's for. Oh, yeah. Yeah, it gets you going. You want to do some stuff. I don't have a sound system currently because I don't have an insulated garage door, and I'm not going to insulate this garage door before I leave. The place I'm from. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:22:41 Yeah, but I think I'm going to put a sound system in the next place rather than, you know, I've been using like a noise canceling headset. That's really nice. Cause I'm running a fan in there. I don't hear that drone of it all the time, but as long as I got some tunes going, I can stay pretty motivated.
Starting point is 02:22:57 I mixed in a bunch of legit. You might be surprised how good the like Bluetooth speakers are now. I could link you the same one. Mine is. And not only does it fill my gym which isn't that hard but it also works next to the pool which is hard i was filling space that makes sense i was looking at i want a marker board on the wall at somewhere and i was looking at ways to achieve that marker boards are a little bit expensive we're talking about a dry erase board is that what i am okay okay uh but the way i want to do it instead is um have but just put plexiglass on a white wall with black marker and whiteboard achieved right um is whiteboard expensive
Starting point is 02:23:37 no i don't know really uh like i've i assumed a lot. They're like $10, $15. Well, fuck it then. I'll get a big one. These are like tiny ones. I imagine the big ones couldn't be $100. What are you using it for, Kyle? I want like a three foot by five. I want a giant ass marker board like you'd have in a school so I can keep track of lifts and everything.
Starting point is 02:24:02 I just want to put that on the wall so it's at a glance without flipping through my little book anymore you know i only ask because they make them forklifts they make them with the grid there so you can like write your own calendar every month which you might find useful for all sorts of you know like the week or you might put like the grid to just lay out your shit if you want graph paper i've been uh i've been spending a lot of time figuring out what i'm gonna put in there it's gonna be really fun once i get uh moved out i should be out by the end of the month uh fingers crossed the market's been crazy uh i ended up like at first i was like okay i'll put in a um you know a thing on this house or that house or the other house and then after like three or four of them they're like oh there's eight people in front of you when the house
Starting point is 02:24:42 came onto the market like a day prior so i think i'm currently applied into like 15 um i'm like 500 of uh application fees in uh it's uh it's it's wild how the market is but i'm pretty sure that sort of spaghetti against the wall effect is going to yield a home before i hope so i was looking at real estate recently and it is my nature every time uh these young complain to say, all right, I don't want to completely invalidate your complaints, but suck it up, bitch, and succeed anyway. Oh, these jobs don't exist anymore. I'll admit that it's hard. Suck it up, bitch. Get it done anyway. Nowadays, these opportunities don't exist. Nowadays, this sucks. Whatever. And it's it's like, housing, they are right. They are right. Housing is insane.
Starting point is 02:25:28 It's not fun. Like, you know, how do you get a, you know, when I was young, I used to feel like that guy over there makes a little more than me. We had the same job. But his lifestyle is much more affordable because he hasn't bought a house recently. You know, my house was $190,000. His house was like $50,000 20 years ago, and he doesn't have the same overhead that I do. It's more extreme now.
Starting point is 02:25:54 This old guy bought a house for $180,000. Now it's $600,000. And the salaries haven't tripled. Housing is so expensive. I feel for you guys who don't have houses already. It is really hard to get one. I imagine the housing market is going to crash. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:26:14 We'll see. I've got a buddy who he had like it was just a little two-bedroom house near a city that he paid, if I want to remember right, it was $78,400 in 2014, 2015, somewhere around there. He sold it three months ago. He put it on the market for $120,000 and the next day someone offered him 30% above asking immediately, just sold within 24 hours. And that's pretty much been the kind of story I've heard everywhere,
Starting point is 02:26:50 especially around the South and especially in like kind of suburban, not super populated areas. I have not heard of a house lasting a week. It doesn't. No, that's exactly what I'm looking for houses in Atlanta. They're gone in a day or two. When you go to the ones and view the ones
Starting point is 02:27:12 that have stuck around for 10-15 days, it's like they're selling it with that hole in the ceiling? They're going to get to that. It's actively falling in. I don't think it's safe to be here. Now pay me an extra $20,000 over listing and thank me.
Starting point is 02:27:31 So a big part of it is those massive groups like Progress Residential. I think they're the biggest in the world maybe. They're projected to hit like a million homes owned this year. They'll pay 30%. Zillow is doing a bunch. Isn't BlackRock doing a bunch? There's a ton of companies buying up a ton of shit. Well, that's what they do.
Starting point is 02:27:52 Progress is a housing company. All they do is buy houses and rent them. And they're getting to a point where they have so much of the market that they're starting to be able to really control the rent at this point. Yeah. And they're just, that's. And they overpay for the house,
Starting point is 02:28:10 the homes, obviously like it's difficult to outbid them. Because they know in the short term, yeah, they lose a little money, but now they own the housing market and can, you know, get rent out of people for years.
Starting point is 02:28:21 Yeah. Pretty fucked up. Bigger game at play that needs to be cracked down upon. Yeah. Yeah. That's beyond people for years. Yeah. Pretty fucked up. Bigger game at play. That needs to be cracked down upon. Yeah. Yeah. That's beyond fucked for corporations. Just be buying up like family homes and then just forcing rent. It doesn't sound very free market.
Starting point is 02:28:34 It sounds like a monopoly. It's not. Yeah. That's crazy. You're right, Woody. It doesn't. Does it? Not everything has to be free market.
Starting point is 02:28:41 Whoa. Yeah. I don't think everything has to be like necessarily a free market. Like the government should absolutely lock down and be like, sorry, company, you can't go into Cincinnati and buy up all the homes and then
Starting point is 02:28:54 offer exorbitant renting prices to the locals there. Fuck you. That's literally what they did in RoboCop. I'm not saying you guys are wrong. I might even think you're right. But I am surprised you're thinking it. Because I thought you were more free market a few years ago. It's not even necessarily free market per se.
Starting point is 02:29:13 It's the fact that these massive corporations are giving... We're fickle, Woody. Now it's affecting us. That's not touche. All right. I stand corrected. No, it's like... Wendigan, I want you to get back to it.
Starting point is 02:29:22 Go ahead. Oh, no. You're good. I was saying they're giving so many leeways and bailouts and breaks and extensions here and able to merge here. And like it's not free market. It's corporatism that is state funded. So therefore, the state has access. For one, several of the people in the state are also shareholders in these companies.
Starting point is 02:29:40 But even besides that, they're given all these breaks to where they can become these super multi industry conglomerates. And then they can just start buying houses. Oh, well, we're just landlording. That's all it is. We're not going to be blackpilling here today. We're white pilling, which means the Blues
Starting point is 02:29:59 are going to win game six. Which is the most thing I'm invested in right now please blues ended against the wild taylor what's what's the series at right now between the blues and the wild so the blues are leading three to two so the blues can end the series tonight or if minnesota wins obviously game seven so my my thought are they currently playing no they don't play until 8 30 uh my time so 9 30 9 30 your time i'm gonna i'm gonna curse the blues now um um they're gonna they're gonna quickly go up two to nothing two to nothing and then they will end up losing three to two i i i i cast that upon you I cast that upon you I cast that upon you if that happens
Starting point is 02:30:48 I don't know if we can be friends anymore I cast that upon you with hate I cast that upon you what about the fuck you're taking Middy's side in this battle you're taking Minnesota oh I didn't know Middy was on Middy loves Minnesota
Starting point is 02:31:02 and Kyle you realize if the Blues win No, Middy was on. Middy loves Minnesota. Keep the crowd in the gaps. And Kyle, you realize if the Blues win, they play your team in the next round. So that would make for some good content, the Blues and Colorado. And what's interesting is the way that – By stomping on teams like you. You would leave a stink upon us, okay, if we had to skate your eyes. It's interesting you say that, moron, because all of the Gretzky, all of them,
Starting point is 02:31:28 they're saying Colorado is this powerhouse team, but the style they play, they think the only team that has a chance against them is the Blues, because the Blues are the largest, heaviest team, and they force other teams to try and slow down and play their game. So if the Blues can succeed,
Starting point is 02:31:43 basically what I'll say, the Blues have the best shot against Colorado of anyone in the Western three to two, three to two, three to two. Your team's already through the team. You pretend to care about who's your favorite player on the avalanche. Give me the top one. Big boy,
Starting point is 02:31:58 Steve. No, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 02:32:02 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 02:32:03 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 02:32:04 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 02:32:04 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, No. He plays Wing. Three years ago, they had a winger named Steve. I'm out of date.
Starting point is 02:32:10 You're out of date. I've got his jersey. That's why I said it. I know you guys are those jerseys. And if you do, get Nathan McKinnon. He's the guy. It's like $175. And I was like, God, it's just for a joke.
Starting point is 02:32:27 And also, it's summer. The thing looks hot. You bought that nice Chicago Blackhawks hoodie years ago, and that did actually look nice. I don't ever look good in hoodies. They end up making me look like a big barrel of a person, like I've got no waist anymore. So I really don't even like
Starting point is 02:32:45 wearing it. I just think they're comfortable. I need to fuss because both my teams lost. The Sixers had to win to stay alive. They're dead out of the playoffs. The Hurricanes are about to lose in two minutes, and they'll go to Game 7.
Starting point is 02:33:01 I mean, Hurricanes in Game 7, I'm still taking the canes in the series yes i think you guys they are the better team i feel like if i can take wins from your teams then i can give them to my teams because you know i've got two world champions right now look i got two world champs right now and that doesn't even count my UFC stuff. It's a great year and if we can just slide this on in
Starting point is 02:33:34 to next year, if I can God, if the Falcons can do something then this could be the best year of my life. Dude, I know you're only memeing to care about the Colorado Avalanche, but if you're ever to pick a hockey team, make that your team. I did. I did three years ago.
Starting point is 02:33:53 They have. I've probably been doing it. Three years ago. Yeah, they have this defenseman, Cale McCarr, this 22-year-old, and he played so well during the series, during one game that Wayne Gretzky, which like if Wayne Gretzky says something in the hockey world, like he supersedes every single other person.
Starting point is 02:34:11 Like if everyone in the hall of fame says something and then Wayne Gretzky counteracts it, it's like, ah, you lost by the rule of Wayne. Like he's better than all of you. And he said, he's like, Kale McCarr, that's the greatest performance by a defenseman in a playoff game I've ever seen in my life. Going back to my career. The best one ever. Colorado is a titan. He was talking him up, and he said the only team that can beat him maybe is the Blues. And so hopefully, Blues, Colorado in round two. That would be so much fun. Does he get paid to speak? Is he a commentator somewhere? Yeah, he commentates on TNT and he's if i'm being honest he's not great
Starting point is 02:34:45 because he's that he's like a guy who's autistic for hockey like he could the reason he was good like we've said before he wasn't the fastest he didn't have the strongest shot but he could see the play like three or four moves ahead of everyone for some reason he just knew what was going to happen and he would anticipate passes and everything but like this these guys now are so much more athletic and a lot of them have like the same hockey iq that not the same that's ridiculous but a high hockey iq uh i i if it weren't for colorado playing st louis in the next round if the blues win i would be all on colorado if the blues don't win i would love to see colorado win that would be cool or toronto
Starting point is 02:35:22 i talked to woody about this prior to the show that I either want Toronto to get knocked out in the first round because the memes will be so funny from all the Toronto fans and all the Canadian fans from every other city ripping on them. Or I want Toronto to win the cup because then it will be Toronto fans ripping on all the other Canadian fans all throughout the league. And so for me, Toronto, I want everything or nothing, either win the cup or lose in the first round. I know you're talking.
Starting point is 02:35:52 I'm distracted by just how shiny my forehead is. Is it normally this? It is oily. I can't look right at it. Is it the hair? I normally just have less forehead show. I can't look right at you. Is it the hair? I only just have less forehead show. I can't look. I want to talk about hockey for another hour real quick.
Starting point is 02:36:12 We cannot do that. I'm sorry. You know how it is. You know how it is on the show. Something you're super into you want to talk about, but nobody else gives a fuck. I can't relate. They all want to hear about Parrot Motors. If I i talk about magic the gathering for more than 15 seconds i get death threats
Starting point is 02:36:30 people are like keep your gay ass game out of the show three to two three to two okay well we'll see we'll see i mean it's game six and so my prediction either the blues absolutely get blown out like six to one or the blues win a close game and like otf32 are even better like like somebody on your team's getting hurt really badly you think so i think the blues have gotten a lot of their injuries out of the way minnesota's losing and we've got four defensemen out still no that's it that's my best team this one goes out specifically to midi smitty we're talking to about it best wild team in history and they're down three two against the blues when the
Starting point is 02:37:16 blues haven't had four of their top six defensemen for three of the five games that's the best minnesota wild team ever they're losing to a blues team that had to bring up fucking no name ahl guys for three games mini i have a question taylor what words should i say and what sequence should i say them to make you stop talking about this there's no way like enough hockey talk let me have a conversation with someone who will watch this in a couple of days from now see that that's distracted me what are we looking at here we're looking at black hill guy which one's the best oh well wait that left one's not a real is it a combination is this the same person but mutated three times uh these are these different people yeah they gotta be because the guy on the right that doesn't look like his face originally Is this the same person but mutated three times? Nah. Are these different people?
Starting point is 02:38:07 Yeah, they got to be because the guy on the left. Well, the one on the right, that doesn't look like his face originally. That's a face transplant. Like probably someone who had it ripped off by like an ape seems to be. Oh, wow. That is wild. Okay, that's before, during, and after. Okay. He should have stopped in the middle.
Starting point is 02:38:22 He should have stopped in the middle, huh? Why does eye color change? Why did the one on the right get all weird? Was the guy on the left in an axe? He looks like a James Bond villain. If I had to guess, on the right
Starting point is 02:38:38 they reconstructed the face and they didn't get the setting of the eyes with the skin around it correct I don't know why we're why are we mocking a man with birth defects now Zach Zach that makes me sad
Starting point is 02:38:53 I thought for sure it was going to be 15 minutes of whatever the twin conversation was now that we're past that disgusting nonsense the blues are going to... No more, no more. Let's talk about abortion.
Starting point is 02:39:16 That's top. Yeah, that's fun. See, that's what I was trying to do originally. Is abortion in game seven right now i try to segue as best i can the whole reason i wanted to talk about the two the two-headed girl was to flow into abortion it just didn't happen oh let's talk about abortion then what are your favorite parts of it the after the afterglow?
Starting point is 02:39:51 I don't know. I would have gone with conception, but okay. The afterglow. There is a clip of Kyle saying that if Trump wins, abortion won't change. That he's like, it's settled law. They say that. But it's not going to happen. It's totally going to happen.
Starting point is 02:40:12 What does settled law mean? It seems like a media term. Are you telling me? Because the Supreme Court can overrule anything. I was wrong. Here's the thing. Settled law. Settled law. here's the thing uh settled law settled law so i guess there was a time when judges if i understand
Starting point is 02:40:28 how they started with judges getting their decisions from god and god never being wrong and therefore every judge's decision like was a final thing the correct way and then that just became precedent right where the judge makes a decision and they don't override that last judge. Now, precedent is still a thing, but it's rare that they override a precedent. Sometimes they do. Yeah. I mean, no, I think that everyone was shocked that this happened. They lied straight.
Starting point is 02:41:00 These people lied straight to the Congress. You say that. That's literally what everyone's doing. No, they didn't just lie. They straight up lied about the specific instance that we're talking about here. Are you surprised by these people lying? I'm surprised that every one of them lied. That's surprising then because you should know these people are liars.
Starting point is 02:41:23 They are pieces of shit. I didn't. But but I didn't think of these judges as politicians. I thought of them as a mistake. They're just a part of a very small, unelected legislature that can decree from the top. Well, in any case, I definitely was surprised that they overturned it. But but I don't know. I don't I I didn't think they'd overturn it um but but i i don't know i don't i i i i didn't think they'd overturn it from a political standpoint not from any sort of understanding that i might have of the law uh it was it was moreover that like well that's just not a popular move they won't do that
Starting point is 02:41:56 that it's it's abortion is much better to like fire up the the base than anything it's it's it's best as a a a perennial enemy that you always have to be like because i remember when i was at the trump rally in um north carolina and trump was three fucking hours late his plane circling the airport or they told us he's probably just late actually actually that's not him he's punctual um so but but they brought out some like um it was a black guy who had like a southern preacher kind of charm and i think he was a reverend of some kind and he was like we gonna go into that white house and we gonna tear rovers his way down to the ground and the
Starting point is 02:42:37 baby killers is gonna be crying and we gonna be cheering like there was literally a speech just like that and i remember thinking like nah i mean he means it but that's not trump's guy like that's the guy trump trump personally probably loves abortion because i guarantee i guarantee he's funded well here's the other thing here's the other thing it's important to note that it's not even I'm not saying that they might not take that next step and make abortion federally illegal, but all they're doing is turning it over to the state. So your
Starting point is 02:43:15 state is going to figure out what they're going to do and if you don't like it it sounds awful, but you might have to move to a different state or access one of the dozens and dozens of newly founded organizations who will bus you to New Jersey to have your abortion. Let's not act like you don't have access anymore because there's so many people who are coming in and filling the need. And finally, it's getting tougher. It's getting tougher and it shouldn't be, but I'm just saying.
Starting point is 02:43:44 If you're 16 or 17, it's even more difficult to duck out to North Carolina for two days or whatever it would take to get your abortion. Without your parents' consent. It gets trickier if you're poor, if you're young. They made it harder. I do want to concede
Starting point is 02:44:00 on the you're right part. I do the same thing with Democrats sometimes, but it's guns. I say, oh, they just saber rattle about taking your guns, but they don't. They're not gonna. They never do. They never do because the Republicans stop them. Yeah, but they want to.
Starting point is 02:44:15 Yeah. And the same is true in the inverse is true, but it's abortion. You know, the Republicans want. I didn't know they don't get it done. I didn't know they meant it because I think of that they meant it. Because I think of that part of the base as the most ignorant part of the base. The ones who are fiery about it. The screaming
Starting point is 02:44:32 of baby killer and stuff. It's like, why do you care what they're doing with their babies? I don't care what you do with your babies. I don't care if you're drowning your toddlers over there. It ain't my problem. I will say this. I'm pro-choice, obviously. Don't fuck with dogs. The people I know who are vehemently pro-choice obviously. Don't fuck with dogs. The people I know who are vehemently pro-life are not
Starting point is 02:44:48 woman haters. Most of them actually, I'm thinking, are women. They see it as a murder is how they internalize it. And that's why they're so up in arms. It's not this like, we hate women that they try and frame. It's like they're probably misguided.
Starting point is 02:45:04 They're misguided about what they're doing well look i think that i think that most of the laws are at like 16 weeks and and the reason it's 16 weeks is because what they actually say is when the heartbeat can be heard so i think you as long as you go in there and they don't hear a heartbeat i think they'll give you an abortion i think that's what's actually happening. Well, no, it depends on the state, right? Because they're just pushing it to the states. I think that almost all of... Look, I think...
Starting point is 02:45:30 I'm pretty positive. Most of the states have. Most of the southern states have. But California will have up to age two. Yeah. They'll balance it out. The police just come over and shoot your child i'll do that anyway he was being aggressive he was like that chihuahua i had to put i watched
Starting point is 02:45:55 a video last night where they the police were shooting this unarmed black man at his own house and they already shot him i don't know eight times or so and he's on the ground like please stop shooting and they go put your hands up and he puts his hands up and they shoot him 11 more times was he was he resisting he was well as best as you can resist a nine millimeter like they're gunning this guy down that was the marksmanship they're killing him in his yard and then they handcuff him of course like as he's growing in pain so he can't staunch his own bleeding and i looked at the i like paused it went to the description i'm like this is fuck they just murdered this guy and i google his name and it's like officers found guilty of manslaughter in the fucking shooting of blah blah blah and i'm
Starting point is 02:46:38 like manslaughter that guy's dead and he's not a murderer yeah this guy's a. He died a painful... Manslaughter also means you're dead. He died a painful, scary death. A horrible death being murdered by the way. A painful death usually of passion. Am I right? Manslaughter is you were doing a reckless act
Starting point is 02:46:59 that resulted in someone's death. Like drunk driving. That's often manslaughter. However, there is a stipulation with manslaughter that if you were also incorrectly performing your responsible duty or whatever, like for example, if a lifeguard lets someone drown and doesn't do anything about it, that's often considered manslaughter. So I guess the way they're considering that is it's the police's job to police and walk around with guns. And they were bad at that, which resulted in a death.
Starting point is 02:47:30 So manslaughter. If I had to guess, that's the way I agree with Kyle. I think that's just it's hard to get more murderous than shooting a guy on the ground. Based on Kyle's story, it seems like they should have gone for murder. Yeah, but if I had to guess, the reason it's manslaughter is because they work for their occupational. It's because they're cops. Yeah, because they're cops. And cops can do whatever the fuck they want.
Starting point is 02:47:51 That's the real answer. Correct. But yeah. The murder is a charge. It just has degrees. That's what I'm thinking of. Third degree, second, first. I don't know them.
Starting point is 02:47:58 I don't want to take a bunch of hate for this, but I don't like police officers. We've went through them before. I think it varies on jurisdictions as well like it does this might have different verbiage on what can what constitutes second third first and and i'm sure there's federal and uh it doesn't matter if that guy's if that guy's in the end they got off light based on what they did because this guy's they tell they say hands up and he's already shot i don't know how many times if that guy's pinky tip would have choked a child, manslaughter.
Starting point is 02:48:30 If that guy's pinky tip had fallen from the sky and choked a child, manslaughter. Because he was bad at paramotoring. That would be manslaughter. I think it would be. I can't believe he's circled back to that. That shouldn't be murder.
Starting point is 02:48:45 Can you imagine what would happen if that's how the paramotoring crowd got swooped up by the FAA? And like, okay, now you need a real pilot's license, bucko. I don't know that I hate it. It sounds like it's going to be that guy with the no skull that's going to fuck you guys over, if anything. Based on what you said that guy has not learned an inkling of a lesson based on that yeah what do you think his next injury will be he's gonna die you don't accelerate from the top of your head getting cut off to a finger issue or an arm break like you you go from there to a cataclysmic death. Maybe he crashes into a preschool.
Starting point is 02:49:27 It takes out one child. It's not like 9-11. It's like 9-11. Timothy McVeigh of the skies. Ages 9 to 11. This aircraft weighs 42 pounds and he just injures a teacher. She's like, theures a teacher she's like
Starting point is 02:49:45 the response is she's like what the hell rude what is that thing 42 pounds those things are death traps you know what I was joking about not in a gun to one one of what?
Starting point is 02:50:06 Paramotor. There's a guy who videotaped himself shooting a gun out of his paramotor. Really? Did anybody give him shit? The community did, but I'm not sure it's illegal. If I was making videos, I would do that. I would learn how to paramotor well enough
Starting point is 02:50:22 to make a quick... Would recoil make any difference in your flight or no? No. It's so small, right? This was a Glock, right? And you could hold a Glock against your nose and shoot it, I think. See, we were going the next
Starting point is 02:50:38 level up. We were like, what if you mounted a belt head to the side of one? You got to go all out, right? I'm trying to think if you had a cool mount where like your feet maybe in some stirrups so you could like yeah like the but like the uh gunner mount like the bar mount with the i'm sure what he's gonna pilot to like you can hover that thing huh like if you've got like a wind to deal with yeah i didn't definitely you could get into a hover and then you'd have the the pushing back of the machine gun yeah if you had like a 30 caliber like a like a yeah
Starting point is 02:51:09 we were talking about like yeah like a 308 like an mg or whatever or something comparable to a 308 or whatever and we were like wouldn't that like push the sustain recoil like push the paramotor back yeah i bet that would yeah well it wouldn't stop no the slot. If he's moving forward actively. It would just cause some resistance you'd have to deal with, correct? Yeah. I guess I'm just imagining anything impacting you a lot.
Starting point is 02:51:35 I guess that's wrong. I just actually purchased my first, Cal will be proud, I purchased my first 50 Cal the other day. Nice, what kind did you get? An M82, the big Barrett First, Cal will be proud. I purchased my first.50 Cal the other day. Nice. What kind did you get? An M82, the big Barrett semi-auto boys.
Starting point is 02:51:51 Big trip to the exact. Yeah. I'm going to blow up something with it to be productive at some point. I was thinking about making a Tennessee. You ever go up to Kentucky to Knob Creek? I know guys who go to Knob Creek. I've never been myself, but I know the area. If you want fancy ammo for that thing, go up there. Is Knob Creek a shooting range?
Starting point is 02:52:14 It's sort of an outdoor arms sale mixed with the biggest machine gun shoot you've ever seen. Okay. I want to get some API rounds. What's that one? The slap rounds or whatever form. They're the whatever. They're supposed to be the big fancy boys.
Starting point is 02:52:30 Yeah. That would be interesting. What is a slap round? Saboted. Do you remember, Kyle? It's a sabot, a.30 caliber tungsten, I believe. It's about as sharp as you would get a pencil if you were getting after it in elementary school.
Starting point is 02:52:49 And it's sabot by these three red... I got slapped. What does sabot mean? Okay, that's when you've got a... So the barrel's 50 caliber, half an inch. Sure. The projectile's 30 caliber, three-tenths of an inch. So it's sandwiched in this sabot of like plasticky material to form that solid projectile.
Starting point is 02:53:12 When it exits the barrel, that sabot is separated. And you've got the actual projectile continuing onward. Why do you want the projectile to be smaller? For penetration. Okay. I thought maybe, but i was asking for everybody and i would imagine i don't know what the velocity of that stuff is i didn't really care at the time i was shooting at 50 yards at armor it didn't matter it didn't matter but i just assumed that i bet this is going really really fucking fast huh oh so the middle thing comes out of the wide thing i get it i see it and it's
Starting point is 02:53:46 really sharp and it pokes holes find slap t because because that's what i always used um when we did armor testing out of 50 cows uh i don't know what it costs probably 40 bucks a round imagine shooting like 50 bills out of your gun like this i wouldn't be able to enjoy it you wouldn't shoot a slap around for fun you shoot a slap around to like penetrate heavy armor the concept behind the round is that it's for fun of course yeah this is purely recreational as a joke on the internet yes so not only is it like it look at it it's fucking beautiful like like that that cherry red like plasticky shit is semi-translucent and it lights up it's a tracing compound that's what it does so this is a tracing penetrate armor penetrating round
Starting point is 02:54:40 i don't know how fast it goes but i always imagined i don't know 3800 feet per second maybe something hotter than that i don't know but really hot i would guess and it i don't know how fast it goes but i always imagined i don't know 3 800 feet per second maybe something hotter than that i don't know but really hot i would guess and it i don't know how much shit we you'd have to go back to the videos but what is shot through a lot of stuff difference between the slap and the slap t there because it looks like it's a different level of plastic around it it's a tracer but the slap slap T goes faster or just a different tracer? They're the same. It's because you have to have burning chemicals behind the bullet of an actual tracer
Starting point is 02:55:12 round. So the slap T is just low to different so that you can have a tracer. They added a tracing compound rather than just a traditional sabot. They just have to build them out differently. But yeah, there's like armor piercing incendiary, which that'll go through any vehicle. Uh,
Starting point is 02:55:26 the idea behind a slap round is that you can pierce heavy armor theoretically from the right distance. I would, I shot a lot of blue tip, which is just incendiary. But, um, when we did the dragon 50 video,
Starting point is 02:55:37 which is a, uh, it's a, it's like an M two, but souped up to go 1100 rounds per minute rather than whatever they shoot, 700 roughly. So it was like double the rate of fire. It's an aircraft 50 caliber machine gun that we mounted on my buggy. But the guy had driven down from, I don't know where the fuck,
Starting point is 02:55:56 the guy who invented the thing, and he brought case after case of armor piercing incendiary rounds. And when we were done filming, know we i shot a few hundred rounds of them at like i cut a tree down and like you know shot a bunch of other shit but when we're done he was like i don't even want to haul this shit back home do you want all this ammo and i was like yep yep just unload it right over there right over there and like like i don't know what it costs per round he gave me like i don't, 300 rounds of API. Oh my gosh, bro. API right now because I've been looking at buying it is like
Starting point is 02:56:28 $10 to $15 a round. Yeah, it's only going up. It's only going up too, yeah. What does API stand for? Armor piercing. We're going to shoot through you and then set you on fire. Yeah, this is
Starting point is 02:56:44 called the insult to injury round. You're like all fucked up and also like, get this, you're on fire. It's an act of compassion. You cauterize the wound. You're welcome. They were really good for shooting pressurized cylinders of flammable gases, anything like that.
Starting point is 02:57:08 As we all have to do like three times a week. Of course. It was a big part of my life. It was a big part of my life. My wife's always saying, Taylor, it's time to shoot pressurized gas cylinders. I'm saying, give me a minute. You know how married life is. The M82 specifically was designed so that fire teams or, you know realistically like you know man-sized elements
Starting point is 02:57:45 on the ground more than a fire team were capable of stopping vehicles anti-material so most of the special ties rounds you'll see for it are for that purpose so like kyle was yes it is funny like haha shoot flammable materials but a flammable material like that would be a tank or an engine block in a vehicle so that did mean you can just put one round of the truck. You know, those, uh, those trucks have Jerry cans,
Starting point is 02:58:10 uh, usually on the side of them. Like if you look at that, this footage in Ukraine, you'll see tanks and trucks and Jeeps of all kinds with Jerry cans on the side full of diesel or gasoline and around into that isn't necessarily going to destroy the tank. But if it sets five liters of petrol on fire
Starting point is 02:58:26 on top of this thing and it's dripping down into it like we're having a bad day yeah it's not a bad day it won't help their morale i don't know why i call it petrol i'm imagining i'm there and i'm trying to fit in with the ukrainians like a part of top gear man should we have gone should we have gone taylor and like let me ask you this no think about where we have gone to an active war zone yes bear with me here for a question like look look we only get one life right yeah that's my argument. Okay. Like, I feel like I was reading that thing, or not reading, but watching that YouTube video about the same thing. Reading, I was reading.
Starting point is 02:59:19 When the conquistadors came and they were conquering South America, and the guy had this, I can't remember exactly what he said, but it was the guy who was writing. He was like, can you imagine a more incredible feat? We are truly the heroes of mankind. We burned the ships we came here on, giving ourselves no way of retreat. And we have walked amongst millions, 400 strong, and conquered them. That is one of the biggest W's of all time. And it was like,
Starting point is 02:59:46 man, I had a good KD one time. Man, one time I had a nuke. It's like, maybe we should have geared up and went, Taylor, so that we could live our best life, our warrior life like like like like our and like 500 years ago i think our like irish chubby ancestors would have would have taken up arms and and and traveled across the the stormy seas to battle with these with
Starting point is 03:00:18 these what were they called back then the russ huns The Rus. That was the ancient name for the Russians. It is. It's the Rus. Yeah, yeah, the Rus. Fucking fact check me then! No, you're right. You're right. I was joking about the Huns. And Wendy even gave me a pity laugh. And that was it. That's all we needed. It was the Rus.
Starting point is 03:00:39 Kyle, what actually happened is we... It's the moops! The moops, Cherry. We would have been fucked because we would have gone over there and they would have been like, throw these two American retards on the front and tell them to walk forward. That's where I want to go.
Starting point is 03:00:55 First of all, they're not going to think I'm American. I'm going to wear my FPS Russia gear and I'm doing the accent the whole fucking time. They're going to know. They're not going to know. They're not gonna know. They'll be like, oh, comrade, you Russian? Буду сейчас узнать. Oh,
Starting point is 03:01:12 my name is FPS Russian. Yes, you've told us this. Now, будешь They won't know. They won't know. Remember to like and subscribe. They would be so mad. That's what would happen.
Starting point is 03:01:37 I remember I was at... You came here for, you say, memes? I remember I was at E3 or VidCon. I don't remember which which but i was outside the convention center and like i always did the accent when i was at those things of course 100 of the time because i need some little cocksucker to like record me and be like and just like make a big deal you know i've ruined the fun for the children um i i view myself like santa claus right like this isn't This isn't a conspiracy against you guys, right?
Starting point is 03:02:05 This is about making it fun for kids. Anyway. It was me. I was the children. You were the one. Yeah. But I saw Philip DeFranco, and he walked up to me. He was like, hey, hey, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 03:02:19 And I think he'd been a little bit rude about me in a video or two. So there was no way he was going to get to meet Kyle that day. I was like, you're not going to get to meet Kyle today. I was like, oh, Philip DeFranco. Very nice to meet you. Went through the whole fucking thing. Acted like I was blown away by LA and the tall buildings and shit
Starting point is 03:02:45 running water everywhere the whole fucking thing wow where is where is open sewer where you piss and i could see i could see him being actively annoyed that i wouldn't drop the shtick and uh and like we had like a two, three minute conversation, maybe. I don't really remember, but like, I remember him walking away and being like, I could tell he was even less impressed by me than he was when the conversation had begun. And I did not give a fuck. Um, and then though, like, because I'd been standing there talking to Philip DeFranco so long, three minutes is long enough in that crowd that like if the two of us are standing there um you noticed we a crowd had gathered a bit and this russian lady with a child immediately
Starting point is 03:03:32 approached me and started speaking fucking russian and gesturing toward her child and he's nodding up at me now i can put the the body language together here she's saying this is little alexi he's a big fucking fan of yours it's great to see a Russian role model who isn't like a villain. I guarantee she said something like that. And I say, he's very offended by your offensive
Starting point is 03:03:55 character. But she's speaking fucking Russian, and like there isn't an English word in there. And Russian doesn't, Russian's not, doesn't sound a lot like English. This isn't Spanish english word in there and russian doesn't russian's not doesn't sound a lot like english this isn't spanish where i can work shit out so i just sneezes in the car i like leaned in and i was like ma'am i it's a character that i do i'm kind of an actor i wouldn't call
Starting point is 03:04:15 myself that but it's a character thing i'm not i'm not russian and she got red-faced and angry and stormed away with her child i mean the conversation did not go any further i don't even remember if she spoke another word after i said that i think she may have just so sad did you feel guilty for being such a shameless trickster yeah i was like daddy Another bitch in my web. Whenever somebody's like, I knew you weren't Russian, it's like, well, maybe if you watched from the very beginning of the channel and you watched the accent evolve over the course of three years,
Starting point is 03:04:55 you might know that. But to the average Russian who watched, like, name a video that got a lot of views, they couldn't tell. Oh, man. I knew the whole time. And it wasn't just because we were friends at the time that boy grew up to be vladmir pudin believe it or not that's a bit of time travel involved but yeah it lines up don't count yeah vidcon 1957 1957. You want to talk about conspiracy theories, Wendigoon?
Starting point is 03:05:26 A guy named Vladimir, his arch rival, is a guy whose name is also Vladimir, basically, but with Y's. We're supposed to believe Volodymyr versus Vladimir? Yeah, okay, elites. Yeah. Yeah, okay. Definitely not. It's all fake. Ukraine's definitely real and not a psyop i don't even know if ukraine is real russia exists sure whatever you say government yeah okay yes
Starting point is 03:05:57 you're just being like questioning about everything if you think vladimir versus Volodomir, it doesn't make any sense. I hate the name Volodomir. It doesn't flow. I don't like it either. It doesn't roll off the English tongue. You've got to be a filthy slob for that to make sense. It's horrible, man. You've got to have that gunk on your tongue because you never brush your teeth to pronounce words with that
Starting point is 03:06:19 V-O-L-O-D-O-M-I-R. No, Vladimir. Just do Vladimir. This one's really going to blow your mind then. American Revolution. Who was that fought between? Well, us and the British
Starting point is 03:06:33 and the French joined in. George Washington. George George. George George. That's true. Our George was better in the end. Ours who lost every battle he was ever in except two. You know, if you're going to put everything under a microscope, then yeah, it doesn't look right.
Starting point is 03:06:57 Yeah. If you count who won, sure. Whatever. I don't know if you've ever heard the old lose the battle but win the war. Uh-huh. Yeah, exactly. That's like when people are like, the Nazi regiments actually did the best. They had the best KD.
Starting point is 03:07:11 And it's like, yeah, they all did have the best KD. And how did the game wrap up? Ah, okay. Pretty well for them. They got jobs in Texas and Alabama and Florida. Well, the average Nazi didn't. They just that we came in and we we took the we took the cream off the top. Well, as you always tell me, as you always say, the average Nazi was not our enemy.
Starting point is 03:07:40 As I as I. Yeah, you lay it out really well. Something about how all leadership is fascist. Yes. Yes. That all makes sense. And the birds. It gets into something about banks.
Starting point is 03:07:57 The virus bomb. The virus bomb. No, go back to that. Yes. This is sad again. I miss... What's the stadium the Blues play in? You're always ranting about this stuff.
Starting point is 03:08:12 Nazi Trade Center. What are they playing? Scott Trade Center. Don't you hate that? That our teams have to play in corporate fucking billboards? What is Scott Trade Center? Is it about the grass company or the tape?
Starting point is 03:08:29 No, it's a big investment firm. Yeah. That's bullshit. I would never choose an investment firm based on the name of a stadium. Oh, no, shit. It was Scott Trade before. This was two years ago.
Starting point is 03:08:39 Now it's the Enterprise Center. So it's got green lights around. Enterprise. Yeah, because that company is based out of here, and they're very big, it's the enterprise center. So it's got like green lights around enterprise. Yeah. Because like, uh, that company is based out of here and they're very big. And like all the, the Taylor family who owns enterprise is like, they have a hard on for like giving lots of money to the St.
Starting point is 03:08:55 Louis area. Didn't you work for enterprise and the Taylor family owns it? Yeah. They come together. If you're like, imagine if I was a billionaire, you're still letting us pay you then i'm so done being your friends imagine i'm worth the cool 1.3 bill and i'm and i never told meals and shit that would that would that would be my personality about it
Starting point is 03:09:29 he's not a billionaire but he's like a quarter billionaire maybe and uh he doesn't pay for anything like he like he doesn't buy your meat when you go out to dinner and stuff rarely like he's the guy that rented that beach house. He invited this over and we were going to do a vacation in California together. It was a flying thing. And we were talking about like camping and little houses. And he's like, it's not where he wanted to stay.
Starting point is 03:09:53 So he's like, I got the rent, you know, I'll do that. But mostly he doesn't buy all your shit. So, you know, he's actually your friend.
Starting point is 03:10:02 Yeah. Otherwise you don't know why you're hanging with him. Yeah, for sure. But I mean, in some cases that's like like brent out in texas like you have a runway and a private jet over there and like a private chef like there's not going to be a part where i chip in for anything like i we're on your dime like when you show up over there but i guess that's kind of its own thing because that's the deal with the Ox Ranch is that it's all that wild game and adventure stuff. It's so cool there.
Starting point is 03:10:30 It is really cool. But if you guys hung out together all the time and every time he went to lunch, he picked it up. He might start to wonder why you invite him. Like it might make him second guess. I don't know. I don't know. You're inviting him as a pay pig, basically guess i don't know him i don't know him as a pay pig basically i don't know him i don't know him well enough to like know how he would feel about it but i would
Starting point is 03:10:51 be really surprised if i had to pay for a meal if we went out to dinner together i would be shocked like i would be a little offended if i had to pay for my meal if we went out to dinner kyle forgot dinner 300 million dollars and he's my age just to be clear like like right right i get that if we are somewhere then we arrived on his jet yeah and we're gonna go and he's gonna pick the restaurant and then he's gonna expect me to like pay for like that that would actually be pretty funny and i bet he owns the rest and we're like hey you've got the tab, right? Yeah. And he's like trashed off of bottles of Dom Perignon. Like drinking 3,000 bottles of champagne just to get drunk.
Starting point is 03:11:35 You got this, right? I haven't spoken to him or anything in several years, but last time I was out there, I think he's got a friend who just seemed like he really enjoyed being brent's friend because i bet it's awesome being brent's friend and and he was like we're going to like new orleans if you want to go and like we hop on his jet and go and i'm like can you just invite me onto his jet like i don't know if how comfortable i feel about that now i wanted to get back home to my girlfriend that that to me was better than riding in a private jet to New Orleans because I despise New Orleans. Why do you hate New Orleans?
Starting point is 03:12:08 I haven't been. I don't think I'm allowed to talk about why I hate New Orleans on YouTube. Yeah. All those sexy kids. You know it. Oh, God. I've never been to New Orleans. I've always heard it's a blast.
Starting point is 03:12:29 I just think it's not my scene. I remember, like, it smells like pee. You know? I have heard that. That is a downside. I don't like that smell. You know, the smell of urine.
Starting point is 03:12:43 And I don't like seeing... Look, everybody likes titties. Don't get me wrong. I don't like them so much that I want to go stand in a filthy street with a bunch of sweaty smelly people while a horse randomly walks by with a cop on it. It's a madhouse, man.
Starting point is 03:12:59 The food's a huge thing, right? Like the good seafood. New Orleans is supposed to have that really good Cajun food. The spoils. I mean, Louisiana in general has some of the most... I was down by the Gulf Coast not long after the big spill
Starting point is 03:13:16 and it was the first time I'd seen black people on a beach because I'd only been... Were they originally black or was it related to the oil spill? That's what I said. That's what I said. speech um because like i'd only been originally black or was it related to the oil spill that's what i said and uh but we got we got that guy off with some dawn i was out there like you know like but you've seen you've seen the people saving the ducks right right you were doing that i was out there and and the third guy i tried to wipe down and I was like, this is a racial aberration.
Starting point is 03:13:48 Black folks in Louisiana like the beach and like playing volleyball and shit. And like I'd never seen a black man play volleyball. I don't know. Is it a is it a stereotype that black people don't like the beach? I feel like I've seen plenty of black people. Yeah, because a lot of African-, and I use that word in particular because I do mean black people in America, for a lot of reasons, don't know how to swim.
Starting point is 03:14:13 For one thing, they weren't allowed in the fucking pools until about a generation ago. And then for another, a pool is kind of an expensive thing for your community area to possess if you're in an inner city or something like that. So a lot of black people can't swim. So they don't go to the beach much. And also, they don't tan so well.
Starting point is 03:14:31 They don't have to. They don't need to tan. That's not a lot of money they're saving. I grew up by the beach, and I can tell you it's definitely a white dude thing. Yeah, and I think it... But down on the Gulf Coast, full of black folks enjoying themselves out there on the beach playing volleyball and stuff. So it seems more like it's a population density issue more than a black people not liking the beach thing.
Starting point is 03:14:50 I think that definitely maybe southern black people are different. There are lots of black people in New Jersey and Philadelphia and the places that populated our beach. They don't go to the beach. It might be a water thing. It might be an economic thing because it's expensive to get beach houses and shit but mostly black people don't hang out on the beach in new jersey that's so bizarre if i live near the beach i'd be there all the time but i'm not black i'm definitely not a beach expert but i've been um whatever one of the beaches in la i don't know
Starting point is 03:15:20 down by a pier i walked to maybe that muscle thing i walked down because it was some sort of Venice, I think. I went there and I didn't see any black folks. I've been to Myrtle Beach, Jekyll Island, and like three beaches in Florida. You just don't see it much. I don't think they care for it. It's not their bag, baby. But down on the Gulf Coast, we were in this really, really good restaurant that had amazing Cajun food.
Starting point is 03:15:43 The food's great. I just hate that filthy city what'd you get from the restaurant yeah it's been years ago but like the traditional stuff like the uh like jambalaya and uh like i like i just like rice and beans and all that stuff i like i'm so hungry fried green tomatoes with some remoulade oh fried fried green tomatoes are just tremendous. Yeah. And I don't think people that didn't grow up in the South even know what fried green tomatoes are. If you're ever down by Savannah, Georgia, there's a really good restaurant there called the Old Pink House.
Starting point is 03:16:18 And they have the best fried green tomatoes I've ever had. I googled why black people don't like the beach. Apparently, in the old days it was really racist they segregated the beaches and white people got like all the good ones and pretty much all of them and then there was like a little bit of black beach that they gave up like one shitty block it's 2022 though that shit hasn't existed generational five decades touche i mean i made that same argument against Destiny unsuccessfully because he's better at debating.
Starting point is 03:16:49 That's six generations ago. Why is that still a thing? That doesn't make sense to me. It seems like it has to be a culture. Culture can extend generations like that? Maybe, maybe not. Maybe. I think that did you have a favorite surfer growing up,
Starting point is 03:17:04 Woody? Yes. He was a white guy, huh? I bet he had a favorite surfer when he was a kid. And that guy probably looked a lot like him. And you know what I mean? I doubt there was ever like a cool-ass black dude hanging 10 on a magazine ever. And maybe if there had been, there'd be some guy I can't think of one.
Starting point is 03:17:28 Although black people are... We need a black man here to talk. Last week we talked about abortion a bit and we had a woman on. We really should get a black person on when we talk about race issues. But not a real one, like a fake one, the same way we had a fake woman last time. That way we could just run wild.
Starting point is 03:17:44 I'll pretend to be black. I just know weird conspiracy religious stuff, but yeah, it's all I got. No, you're solid, man. If you can moonlight as a black man, I'll have you back on me. Vaguely Latino.
Starting point is 03:18:02 No. Drop homes every now and then. I wonder if we literally have any black people. White guy, white guy, white guy, white guy. White guy, white guy. Wolf. I'm looking in the future. White guy. Woody, don't count. This isn't a competition
Starting point is 03:18:21 we're going to win. Let's formally invite KSI on the show. There was one story I wanted to mention only because you brought up both Nazis and money, and I thought it was funny. So at church, a bunch of the little kids, I'm a Sunday school teacher older groups so but like the little kids like to ask me questions about you know whatever because i'm just nice and a few sundays ago there hasn't been a place to tell anyone else's story but it's been bothering me a kid comes up to me before the service and he tugs on my pant leg and he was like i'm like oh hey what are you doing but this kid's like six maybe seven uh and i'm like how's it going i said i had a question i want to talk to
Starting point is 03:19:04 him like yeah sure whatever whatever it is man what. What is it? And he was like, what does the Bible say about evil people? That's like a big question. That's a lot. Lots of things. A whole lot as a matter of fact. So then I give him, I give him, you know, whatever Sunday school teacher answer. And then he goes so where was hitler in the bible and i just kind of freeze for a second i'm like hitler um he he wasn't in it per se and then before i could say anything else the kid goes but wasn't he rich i just like froze i'm like who has told you anything that you know about anything? Hitler is rich.
Starting point is 03:19:48 No, just tell him Hitler's at the end. That would have been my last day as a Sunday school kid. The ultimate reality that I would have woven for him in that moment would have gotten me fired. Yes, he was rich. Listen, listen. He had all the moon diamonds. Was Hitler rich? I didn't even stop to consider that. He had all the moon diamonds. Was Hitler rich? I didn't even stop to consider that.
Starting point is 03:20:08 He was. He was after he took power. He was using the party's money, but yeah, it's the same thing. I don't think he grew up rich, right? No, he didn't. Yeah, he was really poor. He was originally assigned to go investigate this little splinter political group called the National Socialist Party. And he got there and became enamored with them.
Starting point is 03:20:34 He was like, actually, I kind of want to be a part of this. And that's how he got into the whole thing. That would be a hilarious guy like on blue check twitter now who's like i'm nothing like anyone else i'm a hardcore nationalist but i'm a socialist and he like tries to get himself like in like lauded from both sides and then they're like ah bitch isn't that the thing y'all know better than i do but isn't that the thing wing said everyone memed on him for he was was like, I believe National Socialism not understanding what he was saying
Starting point is 03:21:07 or whatever. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'd like to give it another try, he said. That's what it was. He also could have added the addendum or whatever of like, yeah, that seems like a good idea. Minus all that Jews stuff.
Starting point is 03:21:32 That's a little... That seems trist. I jews stuff laugh at him and mean me man but the the chat has gotten me to say some stupid shit too so oh he didn't know what he was i've said stuff that's so terrible socialism and stupid yeah he meant socialism and national socialism i don't know did he think that was like he he literally just meant a form of socialism. I, I think what he meant, you know, I can't say, but it seems like he's like,
Starting point is 03:21:48 yeah, a form of socialism that prioritizes the members of America first or whatever. And then it's like, Oh, so national socialism. Yeah. And then he's like,
Starting point is 03:21:58 yeah, that sounds right. He was talking about healthcare and said he would prefer that things go to like healthcare within a country rather than foreign aid. And so I was like, Oh yeah, that's called national socialism. So he just looks over at Chad and he's like,
Starting point is 03:22:12 yeah, that let's, let's give that a try again. That's a good one. He's like, yeah, that sounds good. National socialist.
Starting point is 03:22:22 That's what he does. He like phrases it out. He goes, he like reads the question out loud he's like what do i think of national socialism hmm and then he like then he like gives it praise he's like i think it could work we just need to give it another try something like that god that could have came out of your mouth and i'm that poor that poor guy oh i mean he's not like... They could have run that system
Starting point is 03:22:46 without being fucking murderous monsters. They could have done that. Without being like... I had no idea what you were talking about. Yeah, there it is. I was meaning his idea. National socialism in America. I would like to try it.
Starting point is 03:23:05 The problem is society as a whole moves slowly. Did you see the last frame? It was Hitler and Hitler. Okay, that's super fucking funny. But we all know what he meant. No one can say he's a Nazi. No, of course he's not although he does have a shaved head ah that seems genetic that's another black pill there you go
Starting point is 03:23:35 the ultimate black pill going bald that'd be tough. Where is the line? I'm curious. This is great for all your listeners. Where is the line on your head that you would allow it to get back to before you go whole cloth, you're cleaning house, Vin Diesel? How far would you go?
Starting point is 03:23:59 No, no, no. You're missing the wrong question. How far does it go before we have surgical intervention? How far are you saying? Because Kyle, you already have a low hairline for a 36-year-old. And so what are you thinking? How far back? I take my finasteride and I soak in my DHT preventing shampoo for an hour every day. So I think I'll be chill. But if it got like deteriorated or any and sort of like a way that like my hair couldn't be wet like if my hair gets wet and you can see
Starting point is 03:24:30 my scalp like that'd be too much yeah yeah that was some patrick bateman shit woody when would you how high would it go before i shaved it i don don't know. Pretty high. I can see my scalp. I have less confidence with this haircut than I've ever had. But just the one. You look cool, man. You look cool. You say there? I don't know.
Starting point is 03:24:54 It depends. One thing I would shave for, if I had the unicorn spike coming out the front and the baldness at the bottom. Oh, yeah. Get rid of that. Get rid of that little island. I call that the island of shame. Down here, you call it a flavor saver, but up there it's just a... No, down here it's a soul patch, right?
Starting point is 03:25:12 Oh, that's a widow's peak, right? I have a widow's peak. It's a widow's peak if it's connected. When it becomes an island, it's just a unicorn horn in my mind. I see what you're saying. That's time to shave. Yeah, widow's peak is more about how your hairline is genetically.
Starting point is 03:25:27 I actually have more of a Widow's Peak than you can tell. I can't do it in a camera, but this goes up. People think my hairline is really super straight, but it just kind of looks that way. It actually comes up. Widow's Peak is here. She went in.
Starting point is 03:25:44 She widowed me up. Widow's peak is here. She went in. She went in. She widowed me up. No, this is not what a widow's peak is. A widow's peak is a small point here at the center of your... Are you sure it doesn't refer to the greater hairline, like the way you can bald back? No. No, it's a widow's peak because I have one. If I let my hair get short, it goes a little triangle down.
Starting point is 03:26:07 Yeah, I like when you do that little doo-wop. He came on the show 10 years ago, and he was straight-up cosplaying as Clark Kent. He had this big cover. If my hair gets long, that's just the way it goes. My hair is so fucking curly. I look like a true Mediterranean when my hair gets long as shit, other than my Accutane bleach skin.
Starting point is 03:26:28 On your Tinder or whatever, did you have a picture of you with the doo-wop thing going on? Maybe. It wasn't intentional if I did. Why? Should I? Is that a good look? Should I style it so that the curl comes? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 03:26:40 Because the curl's always coming down. It's always trying to find ways down. You have the most straight hair ever, Kyle. Put the curl back. I'm almost there. I can't. I'm going to tease you. It's organic. I don't
Starting point is 03:27:01 cause the curl to come down. It just comes down. No, I bet fucking Wendigoons got the same curly hair. He looks like he does. I'm pretty good. That is a lot of hair. Well, your hair is not curly at all. That's incredibly straight. Doesn't it keep you warm in the summer?
Starting point is 03:27:21 It does pretty bad, but whenever I'm out shooting or whatever, I always wear a bandana. Most of the men in my family, especially the older ones, they died with a full head of jet black hair. Jet black, too.
Starting point is 03:27:36 How did they die? How did they die? I realize I need to clarify. All of them died in a tragic house fire. Great heads of hair, though. That side of my family is like Italian. So all the men have long black hair into their later years and stuff.
Starting point is 03:28:02 So hopefully that's not a problem I have to worry about. They all either died in shootouts or of lung cancer from smoking. So that's the true American way to go out. Yeah, the two threats. The two threats. The southern man. A shootout or lung cancer. A shootout or lung cancer.
Starting point is 03:28:19 That's the most Appalachian testament of death. What's the other thing that gets... Oh, COPD. Doesn't drinking moonshine make you go blind and die? Not only if you're like... If you're bad at it, it will.
Starting point is 03:28:40 What is it called? Methanol. It's methanol gets in there and then that makes you go blind because like that's why they run the still first and let the methanol out you're supposed to siphon the uh concentrated i watched three episodes of moonshiners 10 years ago high off my ass i think i know what i'm fucking talking about a big so a big part of it i saw an episode of moonshiner's blackout drunk in 2012 so i think i know what's going on um anyway no you're pretty much right um like the reason that you siphon some of it off
Starting point is 03:29:24 or you like you get the straight chemicals or whatever out is because it can, for one, kill you or just make you go blind if you're not careful. Normally, like I said, it's if you're bad at it, that's when it's a problem because you're not doing it correctly. A bunch of my family. Yeah. Yeah. A bunch of my family did like bootlegging and all that um so it was like an insult if someone went blind they were considered stupid because like they had no clue what they were doing because they they didn't do it correctly correct yeah yeah it's like haha you hear about all
Starting point is 03:29:58 hear about all jim crow jim bob or whatever up on the mountainside. Jim Crow? You hear about old Jim Crow? You won't believe the words he has to say about this certain group. You know, I'm no political genius, but I don't care for this Jim Crow. I think he's kind of a jerk. You know, I give him one and a half thumbs down. The second half was because he thought he was helping. Yes. Just like that.
Starting point is 03:30:33 A little drink. Yeah. He tried to help very racistly. Just couldn't get the pieces together. I'm not getting behind this one. Very racistly. but yeah so like a bunch a bunch of the old family did like moonshining there was which is where nascar comes from a true american tradition how does how does that connection? Moonshine funded NASCAR in the beginning? Bootleggin' did.
Starting point is 03:31:09 So the way that it worked is whenever Prohibition started in the 20s or the 30s, what year did Prohibition start and end? It was like 20... It was like... Wasn't it late 20s or early 30s? I think. I think it ended in 32 or something like
Starting point is 03:31:26 that 33 anyway um before then you know vehicles were just starting to become widely produced and you know if there was a vehicle they would just drive it standard until they began to need to outrun the police so whenever they started need to outrun police, they started, yeah, 20 to 33, according to Zach, they started needing to soup up the engines of vehicles, which was the first time anyone tried to tune their cars to go faster. So after prohibition ended in 33, there was now this entire market in the South of people who had souped up vehicles and done engines to make cars go fast. So they figure they figure well we've got all this we might as well do something with it let's just race each other and that's where nascar began um which is why which is why it has its roots as like a southern american sport early nascar
Starting point is 03:32:17 races involved a lot of fights and drinking uh during racism whatnot they should have kept it the same then they should have it is funny like I never got into NASCAR but I do respect the culture and the idea of it because again I live in Tennessee it is interesting the majority of the complaints that people have who used to enjoy NASCAR is the idea
Starting point is 03:32:40 that it's become too safe like there was a near soldier or like it's become too safe like there was a near soldier or like it's like they it saw it as a merit of valor right it's kind of you know this sounds weird but if you're from the south if you know what i'm talking about you may get it it's almost like the way people view military service now and sure yeah you were taking a risk. You put yourself out there. There's something respectable about the level of risk you took. Yeah, exactly. There's something about a man stepping out there
Starting point is 03:33:10 doing something dangerous, something wild and putting their life on the line. And now it's seen as a step down from what it used to be for one reason or the other. And with NASCAR, they feel like, oh, so they've got all this, these rules. One of the big rules that is like reasonable is what they call restrictor
Starting point is 03:33:28 plate racing to where all the cars have to be in like specific lineup or whatever, where it used to be just a drag out. Like however you can get it. Restrictor plate prevents how much air goes in the car. Am I wrong? Is that not how that works? There's something about restrictor plate racing to where it prevents you it's something i again i don't know nascar it's something about either the way you move the vehicle or the way you can move yeah they use drafting to speed up there's something about the way you move it's a plate
Starting point is 03:33:59 placed over the engine intake to control the amount of air available to the engine by controlling the flow of air to the power the car is limited and thus drives down the amount of air available to the engine. By controlling the flow of air to the power, the car is limited and thus drives down the speed of the car. So an engine is just a pump, right? It's an air pump. Basically air goes in one side and exhaust goes out the other. And by choking the amount of air that can go in it, it slows down the car. It slows down the car because there's a ratio of air to fuel that you put in
Starting point is 03:34:24 there. So when you lower that air, you have to lower the fuel and you can only create so much power out of this restricted thing and it changes if i understand it right it changes the strategy in that lower horsepower cars can't just like rip around without you it bunches them all up and makes them draft more yeah yeah one of the problems i've heard with that um that people legitimately have is that that makes like you said said, everyone's bunched up more. So that causes, like, instead of just two cars wrecking, it's now 20 cars wrecking because everyone's combined next to each other. Which I think it's Dale Earnhardt who said restrictor plate racing is going to be the death of NASCAR. And then he died on the track.
Starting point is 03:35:06 Sounds like Dale. Yeah, yeah. that's a very dale thing to do uh the intimidator himself but um like a lot of the prop stuff that would be considered more yeah like that like if someone wrecks there everyone behind them is going to wreck too there's no way out of that um wait is that that wasn't the start to the race though that was like that pre-lap where they're all right uh they do get like a lot i've only been to a couple nascar races but they do get pretty much either one or two wide but they do get bunched up it's the key to good racing it seems i'm like a new formula one fan um just a couple years now is making them pass. They need the ability to pass. NASCAR is mostly circles or ovals, but in Formula One,
Starting point is 03:35:53 a lot of the rule changes have to do with making passing more common. People like to see that exchange in places. At the moment, I could be wrong, it seems like the car behind has so many advantages. You almost want to be in second place until the end. It used to be, you'd rather be in first than second. Now with the way DRS works and where the way some of the tracks are,
Starting point is 03:36:15 it almost seems like it's better to be in second than first. So yeah. And Zach says as much parody as possible, dude, formula one, I'm sorry. I'm changing the topic almost, but formula one, the cars are not the same.
Starting point is 03:36:28 And parts of me love that. I kind of love that, like, you know, I kicked your ass. Well, your car is better. Well, if you were better, you'd be in a car as good as mine. Fuck you. Join a better team, idiot. Yeah, you know, like Mercedes, Ferrari, and Red Bull are always hiring, but they're not hiring you, fuck shit, because I'm better than you.
Starting point is 03:36:48 That's kind of fun. I'm based in Redfield. That's a stigma. I like it in that regard. It's unfair. And when a guy in the worst car gets eighth place, that's a huge win. On the other hand, sometimes it seems like nobody loses. The guy in the best car gets third, and he's on the other hand sometimes it seems like nobody loses right the buy the guy in the best car gets third and like you know he's on the podium he's up there fucking shaking the champagne
Starting point is 03:37:10 doing his thing the guy in 12th place is like you know i think i had the 20th best car and finishing 12th was really a win for me the guy who goes from 16th to 8th gets that the guy who goes from 8th to 16th is like well that's the best my car could manage today. Because the cars are uneven, nobody loses. And everyone finds a way to define their performance as a win. I can't tell which drivers are better. It's not the guy that got first. It might be. I mean, it's literally unfair.
Starting point is 03:37:38 That would bother me if I started watching the sport. I'd be like, oh, Max Verstappen uh whatever the other guy's name is uh lewis hamilton maybe lewis hamilton they're they're both so good oh but their cars are actually 30 better or 20 better whatever like okay well that that's not very exciting for me i was at this bachelor party i was at they were like they put on at one point we were chilling like f1 they're explaining all of it to me and like just being like so this guy who's really famous and very good gets the best car on earth and that guy at 24 has what fucking mercedes could scrap together from spare parts like that it's not impressive to beat that guy like it like i'm sure it's impressive to beat that guy. Like it, like I'm sure it's impressive to beat the top five where they all have the
Starting point is 03:38:27 incredible cars and everything, but like saying first out of 24 or whatever, like really get real. Did you really, if, if like, if, if some team,
Starting point is 03:38:38 if, if the wild we're playing with cardboard skates tonight, like we'd be like, yeah, this is because the Blues team, they're geniuses, they're skate masterminds. They know how to make the blade. They know how to make...
Starting point is 03:38:50 It's like, no, Minnesota ran out of money, and so now they're skating on box tops from a local elementary school. That was a big thing, too. Dude, you want to talk about unfair? Some of the teams get money from the... They all pay into a pool, and then it gets redistributed based on how good they are.
Starting point is 03:39:06 So the top teams get more money. But some teams, like Williams and Ferrari and maybe Red Bull. After Williams and Ferrari, I'm not positive anymore. They get money for no fucking reason. They just get, like, a legacy $60 million. Yeah, a little stipend. Yeah, yeah. Like, oh, yeah, Ferrari, it doesn't matter how good you are.
Starting point is 03:39:23 You get $60 million no matter what. Williams, you were literally the worst team for like every year, for maybe five years in a row now. But, you know, because we go back a ways. You get $30 million. Is there like a championship at the end of the year? There's points. Yeah, so all season long they add up their points. All season long, they add up their points.
Starting point is 03:39:47 Last year was really interesting because it came down to the last lap of the last thing. I guess I have more than one. If I were to pick my favorite drivers, I was really pulling for Max Verstappen last year just because Lewis Hamilton had won seven times already and I wanted a new winner. Lando Norris is a really likable guy uh it sounds like a racer lando norris lando nor is super cool guy you know if he hadn't been an f1 driver if he like worked the counter at a wendy's that'd be the lamest fucking name he's worth it's a good thing that guy made it he's worth 280 million dollars another girlfriend and he's a good thing that guy made it. He's worth $280 million.
Starting point is 03:40:26 He doesn't have a girlfriend, and he's a Twitch streamer. Supersize that for me, Lando. It doesn't roll off the tongue the same way. Can you imagine if he was fat? They'd call him Lardo. He's really good looking, and he's so nice.
Starting point is 03:40:42 I wonder if he's a he has like a killer inch young guy zach says we could get lando norris on the show no way come on the show lando norris i can't i'm gonna ask you so many racing related questions zach i want to know how you go i will give you a 50 lando what's your what's your favorite part about going so fast? I bet. Follow-up question. Follow-up question, Mr. Landau. What's your second favorite part about going so fast? Every time he talks about one of his racing accomplishments,
Starting point is 03:41:20 like try to one-up him with one of your own driving stories from like the highway. Oh, yeah? But that was pretty edgy in your $8 million race car. Let me tell you about some shit I did in a Hyundai one night. What was that race? Two hours? I drove eight hours once. Yeah, that's
Starting point is 03:41:39 pretty cool. I did donuts with a Hyundai Elantra in a public parking lot when I worked at Enterprise. What do you think about that? Oh, the payout? Oh, the payout? $12.50 an hour.
Starting point is 03:41:56 Which one of us is really here for the love of the game? That's what I want to know. Yeah. I think you could do it. I went to actually destiny's debate uh a couple weeks ago he was at ut who did he debate uh he debate uh i i honestly know nothing to politics i went there because i was meeting some other youtubers his name was ethan uh what's that blaze tv is that right is that a thing on youtube i've heard of blaze tv but i don't know they were debating uh
Starting point is 03:42:26 trans inclusion and uh destiny was like the left like progressive voice and the other guy was like the more conservative right ethan ralph maybe no it was it wasn't it was was it he got beat up recently he got was it h3 h3 that guy's name is no it wasn't ethan uh that's ethan klein um it was man i forget what his name was uh anyway i'm not good on this okay uh anyways somebody schaefer okay that's yeah elijah that's it elijah schaefer yeah yeah yeah okay not ethan elijah anyway so um i went to that debate and whenever I was there at the debate, the guy who was doing the tech for it was wearing a PKA hoodie. Hell yeah. Yeah, and he was walking around.
Starting point is 03:43:10 We got our fingers in every pie. We decided the winner of that debate. My friend leaned over to me, and he was like, I bet you that guy will recognize you because I came on the show earlier. And I'm like, there's no way. So anyway, the show's like an hour and a half it ends we're getting up it's in an auditorium like a classroom um at ut what is this uh there yeah there he is yeah i don't know him but i know that he comes like a fucking monster you um so my friend i'm like there's no other guy so the debate ends we're walking out of
Starting point is 03:43:45 the classroom like up and as I'm leaving over the PA system I hear Wendigoon please stay after the show and I froze I thought it was God I was freaking out and I was like all right I'll stick around and sure enough it's the guy in the PKA hoodie uh and he comes up and he's like I saw you on the show I started watching your channel you're uh it's great to see you blah blah i was like yeah i noticed your hoodie and i liked it he said something to the effect of like yeah i wear this so if there's anyone cool in the audience dude shout out to that guy that guy rocks rocks. Two thumbs up from the show. Next time, sabotage the debate and make it funny.
Starting point is 03:44:32 Just make it hard on them. That's great. Who won the match? But I've had this thing in this room since Christmas. Who won the debate match it really like it wasn't a traditional debate like a lincoln douglas style debate where it's like here's a topic go go or whatever it was kind of just like they meandered around like sports um teaching it to children that it was like like i said i'm not really like a political guy i was there to meet other youtubers sure um but i will say what was funny um the one takeaway i had is that they were both incredibly civil the whole time which was annoying i wanted to see a fight uh that's the
Starting point is 03:45:16 only reason that's the only thing i was hoping for but yeah but every time one that would speak they'd be like no i see your point there blah blah, blah, blah. Uh, they end, they get to the end and they're doing their closing statements and destiny's just kind of like, oh, well, you know, I, uh,
Starting point is 03:45:30 I think, you know, there's within reason there's a middle ground or whatever. Elijah just like, yeah. Uh, so I think, uh,
Starting point is 03:45:38 don't let them talk to children. Uh, sports, not at all. I think it is a mental illness. As soon as he knew destiny couldn't reply, mask off. Just full bore all the way. Now I'm not a professional.
Starting point is 03:45:54 That does seem like the move. Be like, it's been great getting along with you. Closing statements? Well, anyway! Just own it there. It was pretty. And if you disagree, you're gay. And also. Did a childish attempt. Did you see Dave Chappelle get tackled on stage?
Starting point is 03:46:22 I saw his assaulter get what's coming. Oh, my God. Dave Chappelle's security team isn't very good at their job, but they are really good at beating people. They excel at that. They finish their checks. That guy had a compound fracture.
Starting point is 03:46:38 His arm was like... Really? They busted his arm? Damaged him? I saw the picture. My girlfriend, who is a vet, I would believe her, said that it was compound. I just saw a picture of a guy's arm and then it went like that way. What kind of vet is she?
Starting point is 03:46:54 Does she help animals or kill people? She helps animals. The former before the latter. That was his gun? Knife? Huh. What am I looking at? That seems like the worst of two worlds. Is that what it is?
Starting point is 03:47:11 Is that what you're saying? First of all, time out. Just so everyone... I think that thing is super tiny. Just so we're clear. That's not a weapon. That's a keychain. They zoomed all the way in. And he glued a knife to it? just so we're clear. That's not like a full size that's not a weapon. That's a keychain. They zoomed all the way in. And he glued
Starting point is 03:47:28 a knife to it? No, I think it's one of those novelty ones. Like you know those Hang on, hang on though. Was he wielding that at the time or was it in his pocket? That's what I think. You know what?
Starting point is 03:47:43 If he was going to murder Dave Chappelle on the stand, I think you know what if he was going to murder Dave Chappelle on the stand I think it would be much different put a banana next to it put someone's finger in there I can't see what's going on put his broken arm next to it see what happens so yeah that was fucking wild it was about the
Starting point is 03:48:00 trans stuff and they beat the shit out of Jamie Foxx jumped on stage too he was in the front row did he get some shots in on chapelle you know what i have trans friends are you sure it was about the trans stuff because no the person posted that it was about the trans stuff because they found their social media afterward and it was stuff like you're coming after trans people i'm gonna kill you like oh did you hear that chapelle talked to him and had a different uh takeaway no i just saw a screenshot
Starting point is 03:48:37 of what the the person who did the assaulting uh said i'm not saying it's not about the trans stuff maybe it was dave chapelle said that he talked to him afterwards and he wanted to know why he attacked him like he just sort of like he was open-minded like what was that all about and the guy said that he was trying to draw attention to a sick family member so i stopped investigating after that and thought that was the end of the story bullshit i believe you but But I'm just now hearing for the first time that if you look into his social media, it was probably about the trans stuff. After I got caught, my incentive changed.
Starting point is 03:49:13 Well, I don't think he thought he was going to get away with it. I don't think he thought very much at all. He might be trying to avoid Dave pressing charges by coming up with that. I hope Dave sends him to prison. I feel like an example needs to be set. You can't just fucking assault someone on stage. Fuck you. Go to jail.
Starting point is 03:49:31 What did Kevin Hart say? Did I misunderstand and say that and read that Kevin Hart was pro attacker? That seems like, I can't imagine that. I like Kevin Hart and I don't like that take. So I can't, I can't reread it. And it was like, he said something like, you can't imagine that. I like Kevin Hart and I don't like that take. I kept rereading it and it was like he said something like
Starting point is 03:49:48 you can't just say anything. I was like, I'm shocked a comedian would take that stance. Maybe I'm an idiot. Maybe he was saying nowadays you can't say anything without X, Y, and Z because Kevin lost the Oscars because of something he said.
Starting point is 03:50:03 Can I read this? Yeah. I need to talk to him, Chappelle said. He asked Lee what could have possibly prompted his attack, to which Lee, who Chappelle said appeared to him to be mentally ill, offered a story about his grandmother from Brooklyn who had been forced out of her neighborhood by gentrification. The attack was meant to draw attention to her plight. neighborhood by gentrification the attack was meant to draw attention to her plight so that's what i thought it was about until i learned here that maybe it was trans stuff i okay well it sounds like a crazy person so i think that anyone's guess goes at this point okay of course i guess we should have known that when he attacked dave chappelle on stage
Starting point is 03:50:41 that should have been i wish dave chappelle would have been the one to deliver the blows. Now, Chris Rock coming up afterwards was very funny. What if David had a gun? Then this would have been handled. Like a sawed-off 12-gauge like Terminator style under the jacket. Sawed-off 12-gauge? I'm on his side.
Starting point is 03:51:00 I don't care what he does with it. That's such a cool gun. It's like the Teddy Roosevelt thing. it's like the teddy roosevelt thing teddy roosevelt was shot uh during a speech and pulled a gun and just started pointing it into the crowd ready to shoot whoever just shot him you know it's like a politician waving a gun at the crowd and all the papers at the time were like strength incarnate we all love our president who waves guns at people you say that let me ask you this like the president has a look like people got their feathers ruffled when obama put on a gray suit like like the president has a look what would you contribute to the president's
Starting point is 03:51:40 look or like like maybe like like his maybe air force one or like how the secret's look or like, like maybe like, like his, maybe air force one or like how the secret service look or operate or like brass knuckles. I would wear brass knuckles all the time. As the president. And that people, that people, and it would say us. Well,
Starting point is 03:51:55 okay. I didn't think of another one. It would say us. Wait, us. Pres. Pres. Pres.
Starting point is 03:52:02 Yeah. I'd say pres. All my speeches like that. And when I went to foreign nations, I'd make them kiss my knuckle duster like that, like a ring. And I would say, like, I won't destroy your nation for you. Donald Trump was one conversation away from doing that. I guarantee you. He was one conversation from a man like me.
Starting point is 03:52:22 What if that was your signature? What if you had a ring that you dipped into ink? Or like hot wax, like Game of Thrones style. And that was how law got in place. And they call me the Punisher. Well, I don't know about that. The Punisher President. Is that because you would yourself elect to carry out capital punishments at the Lincoln Memorial?
Starting point is 03:52:41 Yes! By beating people to death. It's because I would solely, as president of this new dictatorship, I would take control of that. There's a pedophile on the public square. We're taking him right to Washington, D.C., right in the middle.
Starting point is 03:52:56 And I demand that every single news station show it, even Nickelodeon. And they all show me, pummel this pedophile to death. And everyone wants it. You're going to beat him to death with the I'm going to beat him to death except it's not going to you know we got to sell ad space
Starting point is 03:53:10 and so it's going to take a bit it's going to be probably a 12 minute beating keeping him alive well there even be any auspice of like this is a fight to the death or will he just be restrained no it'll just be President Taylor is delivering justice that'll be texted to everyone's
Starting point is 03:53:26 phone. Oh, we're getting push alert. I like push alert. And it will have a force open link sent to you. Oh, it's an Amber alert. It's an Amber alert. And if you try to close, and if you close
Starting point is 03:53:41 your eyes, terrorist watch list. Because you are a terrorist sympathizer. This is some eye-tracking technology. I like that. No, I like the knuckle duster idea, though. It's so tight. Imagine how cool they would look.
Starting point is 03:53:57 I like on the shoulder pads, if they have those ruffles, those little things that hang down. I'd love a little ruffage. A little bit of differentiation in the block that they are. You know, the gold tassels. Yeah, that's exactly it. I want the gold tassels on the shoulder pads. I think it adds a bit of gravitas.
Starting point is 03:54:16 Right? You know what I want to have? I want to have a mustache of gold tassels. A mustache? But tassels? But to mention it is a death sentence. See, that's a leader. That man's wearing pantaloons.
Starting point is 03:54:32 That's how you know he's a real man. Yeah, and look at the sword. That's awesome. That guy's a NASCAR. I do like his sword. I love his sword. Do you think he knows how to use it? Do they teach soldiers how to use the sword
Starting point is 03:54:45 if they get it ceremonially? I wonder how dull it is. The last cavalry charge officially issued was in Afghanistan. I want to say in like 05. It was a British officer who was there with people and they didn't kill anyone.
Starting point is 03:55:02 But he is the last known person to give the command of fix bayonets charge. Fuck you! It was like, you know, two people just taking pot shots from a building. He's like, oh, now's my chance. Fix bayonets! I'm not fixing bayonets ever.
Starting point is 03:55:21 That guy is hilarious. I like to imagine him being like, fix bayonets. I hope everyone's laughing while they did it. I hope it was a big joke. I hope it was a joyous death. I hope it was a joyous death. That's all you can hope for, right?
Starting point is 03:55:45 A joyous death. That's all you can hope for, right? A joyous death. You could also live. Do you think that if... Sure. They were more about honor. I think the president would look good if he had a helm of some kind. You know what the president would look good with? You know those contacts that can change your eye color?
Starting point is 03:56:03 Two jet black shark eye. And now every other world leader is like, I can't get a read on this guy. He's got his shark eye contacts in. Imagine how retarded Joe Biden would look with... He would look shark eyes. Imagine Biden sitting down with world leaders. I'm going to
Starting point is 03:56:27 bomb your country. I don't know how to read them. Look at those shark eyes. Or we could do now it wouldn't have to be out of necessity, but eyepatch. An eyepatch on the president. It fronts us as a tough country
Starting point is 03:56:44 that knows how to deal with a little loss but bounce back from it i think i uh i read a statistic that we have now given ukraine uh more than their uh military budget yeah well that's fucking ridiculous and now with the lend lease act um there there is no need for congressional approval for anything. Biden can send them however much of whatever he deems. I think there's a cap on it. So we're in the looting portion of the fall of Rome. Interesting.
Starting point is 03:57:17 I read there wasn't one, but I read Reddit comments. So Reddit comments can be a very... A wasteland of sorts yeah you know it's one of the wildest things you mentioned eyepatch and it made me think whenever i was learning to use night vision goggles um i started out with a monocle or like the monocular one so it's just one eye before i got two uh and that there's this thing you'll hear, like, it's kind of like a FUD opinion, but you'll hear online like,
Starting point is 03:57:48 Oh, well one is actually better than two because it's the whole eye patch thing. Because if you have one eye that is always adjusted to night vision and you have the other eye that's using night vision, uh, you can just flip that up or you can switch or whatever. And your other eye can still see well at night. All right. From experience, that can still see well at night.
Starting point is 03:58:05 All right. From experience, that is the opposite of what happens. You have no depth perception. For one, you have absolutely zero. But what happens is your brain is staring at green for so long. Like if you wear them for an hour straight. I was walking around like, yeah, I'm done. I flip it up and I thought I was dying. All of a sudden, my entire vision went completely red
Starting point is 03:58:25 i couldn't see anything just like uh like everything was normal and then it got redder and redder and i eventually couldn't see and i grabbed my friend it was like what what was going on and he stares me he's like oh yeah the red thing what do you what do you mean the red thing oh that classic red thing. We all know. Your cones and rods are all messed up. Look at this idiot. He's having a real laugh. My rods, Sherry. They're all fucked up.
Starting point is 03:58:54 How long? How long does the red thing last? It was like 20 seconds. Like it wasn't long at all. But like, so the reason people say that is because there's an old rumor or like legend that the reason pirates would wear an eye patch over one eye is so that whenever they walked below deck and it was now dark they could flip the eye up and they'd be able to see automatically downstairs uh maybe that worked a bit better because it went from
Starting point is 03:59:21 black and it's just sunlight but i can tell you it does not work with night vision. That's a lie. If anyone tells you that, they're trying to sell you on something. You don't want the red thing to happen. It was very scary. Wow. I kind of want the red thing to happen. No. It's kind of cool.
Starting point is 03:59:39 I've never thought of that, Woody. I bet flying at night would be awesome with night vision. I didn't let you finish. I've never thought of that, Woody. Woody, I bet flying at night would be awesome with night vision. So, oh. That'd be safe, too. Yeah. So you're not allowed to fly at night. But hypothetically, had that been done.
Starting point is 03:59:54 Who are they going to send after you? It's super scary. Like, you probably think you know your way around your town. Maybe you do. From the sky, it's a whole new perspective. It's easy to get lost it's easy to be like man i even know this major road but which way is which i'm not 100 sure um you end up navigating by like iphone which by the way is a lot to do at one time you know like to fly and look at the phone and to check it and maybe you've got gloves on and your control sucks and to make sure you don't accidentally fall out of the lawn chair right yeah this is all this is just kind of task
Starting point is 04:00:28 saturated trying to navigate by a phone and not know where the hell you are and maintain altitude and all that bullshit and uh landing in the dark is really difficult to tell your height and you really want to get that super right you know if you're off by even a two feet or so it's kind of crashy um so so look get get like the good night vision i don't know what they are now like the good quad nod stuff but but like you could have a laser mounted on the side of your helmet a lazing range finder that would give you a heads-up display of your fucking range to the ground so like you can't even mess it up you'd be like okay 10 feet 8 feet 6 4 3 and all right let's pedal or whatever whatever you do right right um but but like the good like the stuff that i used five six years ago that was top of the line then i felt like a like some sort
Starting point is 04:01:21 of a super you know like a superhero or something like you can see as well as you normally can. It's not all green. It was more of a... I mean, there was color, and there was a blue tinge to things, but oh my God, the resolution was so high. So it's not as instantaneous as you're talking about, but every so often I take an iPhone picture
Starting point is 04:01:40 in the very dark, like I'm camping or something, and it's like, it does not look like that here. It has turned darkened today. It's pretty impressive. So I can imagine night vision is that, but better. You can get a thermal case for your iPhone, you know, that'll give you a thermal camera on there. It's like $250 or something.
Starting point is 04:01:59 I saw them at SHOT Show years ago. I'm sure they're probably still- I can see all the leaks in my house. I mean, it's pretty. I mean, it works in pitch black darkness. You know, you can see. This window cost me money. This door cost me money. This hole cost me. These cabinets have
Starting point is 04:02:14 air coming in behind them. I don't like knowing this. Do you guys want to call the show? I would love to watch the last half of the Blues game. It's the elimination game. Blues are up 2-0. This will go down on the timeline. Wait, wait. The Blues are up 2-0?
Starting point is 04:02:33 And now we await the three goal comeback. Here comes the hat trick. Alright. You're going to be right and I'm going to fucking hate it. Do you have anything you want to pimp or sell? Oh, no. I just had a a great time you guys are fantastic thank you for having me back on i really appreciate it i can't believe we got a sunday school teacher on this show

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