Painkiller Already - PKA 615 W/ Destiny: Woodys Bathroom Tour, Kyles New Dog, Woody Vs The Disabled

Episode Date: October 1, 2022


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Starting point is 00:00:00 pka 615 with our guest destiny taylor this episode of pka brought to you by lock and load wonky weeds death by gummy bears and fume you'll hear more about all of them later destiny thank you for joining us i know you're busy streaming 10 hours every day i was going over to your your channel just before this because i wanted to get a feel of what what you were doing so i could ask questions and your channel's been popping off the past few days with a bunch of Twitch drama. And as I was reading all the titles, I realized I don't know who any of these people are,
Starting point is 00:00:32 but it seems Mizkiff is at the center of it. Is he a bad guy, and should I hate him? I already do. I'm a step ahead of you. I'm not hating that way. Could you describe all seasons of game of thrones in like three sentences trash because of the kind of what you're asking me to do basically a long time ago somebody probably got sexually harassed or assaulted at a party
Starting point is 00:00:56 some people saw this some people might have tried to cover this up some people might have alerted other people that there was potentially a cover-up and a year or two later while some people were attacking another group of people other people brought up that somebody might have covered up something that happened a long time ago and people are trying to figure out if that happened or not and then people got mad about it it's there's at least like nine different yeah there's at least like nine different players involved here but pretty well done destiny destiny's a good i feel like i get what's going on now yeah i get excited but we have a professional communicator on the show. Basically, the whole thing comes down to whether or not people think Mizkif, who is or was a member of a big gaming team,
Starting point is 00:01:41 sent over some friends to have another girl kind of rewrite a twit longer about a sexual assault to cover for a friend. And that's kind of like where everybody's not really sure. It seems like maybe something might have happened maybe something wouldn't have but um there's not like conclusive evidence when it comes to these types of things because nobody was in the room at the time except for the people that were and so you know who do you trust sex yeah that's what the uh the whole twitch community was embroiled in yeah i was really shocked to find out that a twitch streamer might like i don't know. Have acted inappropriately. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:06 It's really weird because in this world, like for entertainment, for YouTube, for Twitch, like any weird shit like that is almost just never happening. Right? Like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:14 Yeah. It could be a really good person. Yeah. I feel like I'm just going to place all my trust in the Catholic church because I don't trust Twitch streamers like I used to. True. At least the Catholic Church is like, yeah, some of us do that to kids.
Starting point is 00:02:27 Get over it. That's what we do, and we're going to do it when you're gone. They embrace it, and you have to respect that. Do you remember Basher? Keemstar used to make like... Bashir?
Starting point is 00:02:43 No. I like that name better. i think i have the name right destiny oh bashir al-assad the leader of syria yeah that guy yeah notoriously good yeah yeah that was his full thing no idea yep okay well i'm gonna foul this up he he was a minecraft streamer and my first red flag yeah and a minecraft youtuber and he got really popular he had a really hot girlfriend which helped his appeal because she was kind of um exhibitionist to that to some extent you know like you wouldn't wait what is that how does can you connect the dots for me so he streams and he's on youtube and his girlfriend is an exhibitionist like like
Starting point is 00:03:24 fucks people in public or what do you mean by that i we need so at the time she was just really cute her name was claire baby baby legs and when they did videos together a really cute girl in the thumbnail and in your stuff helped and then it got a little bit naughtier yeah eye candy at first okay and then it was like eye candy but her in a towel or her in a shower but blurred out and almost pg rated right um later she's got her game and became a chatterbait star okay and um but aside from her he was somewhere on the sexual predator spectrum i think on the very mild end of it like don't rename that spectrum jesus christ hear me out on this so he was i think in high school like so he was hecking wholesome mostly no he's like a level three like a level three groomer
Starting point is 00:04:21 okay and on a one to ten he's not too far off okay he's like 18 i think she was 15 oh okay zach says 19 but i think that i might be right i can all be in high school i always sign and uh so they were it would have been legal had they been three years apart and this is like 80 right so just going back to school myself but because they were three years and some number of months apart high school not ged a different thing sorry i'm getting interrupted a lot you are because they were three years and some months apart it was illegal so the police got involved and they had like state psychologists interview both of them and they came away with this notion that like all right so this is against the letter of the law, but they were developmental peers.
Starting point is 00:05:07 That was the term that they used. But meanwhile, Keemstar is reporting on this story constantly. And he's saying misleading stuff like he is 27 years old and she was 15 years old, which are both true, but not at the same time. Do you see how he's misrepresenting what's going on like yeah he's 27 because this happened nine years ago and uh his whole audience is like buying everything he says keemstar seems to genuinely believe deep in his heart that he has a sixth sense for these things and i don't know if he had his facts wrong innocently or intentionally because i i've been on
Starting point is 00:05:46 the receiving end of enough keemstar reports that i know that oftentimes there's bad intent that he's making shit up i love my favorite thing about anything related to childhood is the verbs that are like the way that people describe things so for instance if it's it's never an 18 year old and a 15 year old it's always like an almost 19 year old with a 15 year old. Like they always round up the other one and they'll round down the age of the other one. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:11 I thought that he is 27 and she was 15 was especially agreed. Crazy. Like that's yeah. Yeah. He's 27 because it happened nine years ago. Like, like that's the work in reverse. Like I was like,
Starting point is 00:06:24 I was 15 and she's 15 the biggest thing i got from that was nine it's like you were 15 before around 40 years ago 9 11 true you use a term in that psyche valve developmental peers does this mean if you're retarded enough you could fuck somebody at any age or what can you break that down a little bit more that is a slippery slope that was an interesting phrase oh this guy's 61 but he's got the mind of a five-year-old it's like i'm not okay with this guy's like get out of here they can't go on t-dates together wait all right well that's an example he died of covid in 2021 who died zach reverse die i did say that funny bash died in 2021 i had no idea anyway another thing that was interesting so damn bash would be
Starting point is 00:07:15 like in tears as keemstar exposed him you know with with a bunch of false facts and misleading dialogue but then there were some secret recordings that came out that implied they were both in on it like they were like yeah that was a good one and they were both like bash was somehow complicit in his being painted as a pedophile and used it for popularity i don't know i think bash was in a really fucked up spot mentally and nice or things could be taken out of context too you know it could it could be one of those things where like uh you know maybe maybe person a is bullying him and he's just kind of like going along with like yeah that was a good one yeah it's always hard there do you guys know the kill stream out of context ethan ralph or whatever have you ever heard of this guy or any of these things i've heard of him no later like
Starting point is 00:08:02 i i said before that like so people submit false tips to the fbi that i get you swatted or whatever um somebody tried to do this to me where fbi came they asked me they're like people tell me you got child porn it's like i don't have child porn and i mentioned on stream i'm like yeah it's like my third visit from the fbi nice job guys and when i mentioned what they came for he had written an article on me said destiny currently under investigation for child pornography and i'm like well that's not really right but like i've talked to him like that was a nice article dude like good one you really got me there so like if somebody clipped that they could like i wonder if that's like the type of conversation he was in it the whole time like no i don't think so yeah he said he wrote in an article you were being
Starting point is 00:08:37 investigated for child if you search for yeah steven bunnell investigated fbh up on i'm pretty sure and then when you go to click the evidence like to back it up it's a video of you talking about what happened pretty like wait very cyclical yeah yeah well that's absurd jesus there was this one guy i you know all those channels on youtube that have like they're like documentaries like the wings documentaries it'll be like the downfall of wings of redemption i was on one of those channels recently and i saw like a side suggestion for a guy named call me carson who was like i knew him because like he was a big like YouTube guy who actually I think he was a big fan of Woody's. And I watched a little bit of it and I didn't want to watch the whole thing because I didn't watch his content before. And I like scrolled down just to get a gist of what the comments were saying.
Starting point is 00:09:18 And it was like, this is all over a 19 year old texting a 17 year old. And it's like, cause I remember seeing him like trending on Twitter like a year or two ago. And just a spite, my assumption, not looking into it. I'm like something fucked up must've happened for his being many people to be this upset.
Starting point is 00:09:35 Literally 19, 17. That that's insane. I will say there were people keep whispering about there being more stuff in the background. I don't know if that's true or not. But yeah, what initially came out was that 17, 19 year old. I think I've gotten to the point in my life where this is not to enable pedophiles or
Starting point is 00:09:53 anything like that. But at this point, when the ages are like 2021 and younger, I need to see some behavior because like there are ways that like a 19 year old could definitely like take advantage of a 15, 16 year old. And there are also ways where it's like they met definitely like take advantage of a 15 16 year old and there are also ways where it's like they met when like one was a senior one was a sophomore one went to college they were like the birthdays lined up so there's a develop mental peers yeah or just even like it's like it's a thing that like i don't give a fuck like if a sophomore in high school is dating like a fucking freshman in college is it a little creepy sometimes yeah but i don't
Starting point is 00:10:24 really give a fuck that much is it enough to destroy somebody's life over almost never but it could be there could be like logs leaked there could be conversations like that was really fucked up where the guy's like trying to encourage the younger person to like run away from their parents or like crazy like that that would be fucked up but there needs to be more than just like this guy was 20 years old and he flirted with like a 17 or 16 i don't give a fuck who the fuck cares they're the like the response of people i just i could not believe like apparently he got like chased off the internet for a while and all that came out that like like you said that was certified was a 19 him at 19 talking to a 17 year old which is like they genuinely like were probably in high school at the same time yeah like if they went to the same high school they were guaranteed were in high school at the same time. Yeah. Like if they went to the same high school, they were guaranteed were in high school at the same time.
Starting point is 00:11:06 Like because they're that close in age, they could have been one grade apart. Like that's just that's retarded. Yeah. It throws it throws water on like real stuff. Like I know that's a trite saying, but it's true. Like when when people like treating 19 to 17 year old the same way as a if it were a 27 year old and a 12 year old. Like that, that's a pedophile molesting a child.
Starting point is 00:11:28 That shouldn't be in the same conversation as a 19-year-old and a 17-year-old flirting. You said it was a pedophile. Technically not, right? Does anyone here know the different definitions? I don't know them off the top of my head, but I know pedophile tends at like 8.
Starting point is 00:11:43 I make a point not to know the definition i know the definitions uh really well i was a huge run paul's quarter in 2008 so i get the age of consent in every state and uh the difference between a pedophile and ebibophile and all the other if if files or whatever they're up yeah yeah yeah hard caring you can't even be like that's not pedo without being coming off as if you're defending the pedo yeah no i'm not defending pedo i'm defending rich vocabularies defending the pedo. No, I'm not defending pedo. I'm defending rich vocabularies. I argue about it quite a lot, actually, because I get
Starting point is 00:12:10 annoyed at the virtue signaling when you get these people out here that act like they could never, ever... I almost made a really itchy joke. I'm sorry. But when people out here are acting like... I was going to say, never, ever fucking 11-year-old. Really? No, no. When these people are out here and they're like, a 17-year-old woman woman i could never find that attractive absolutely fucking disgusting
Starting point is 00:12:27 and it's gotten to the point where on my old twitter before i got spam reported in a van dude i'll pull these conversations off reddit where these dumb motherfuckers are typing shit like oh i'm 20 years old i can't even imagine looking at a 19 year old it's like bro you don't look at anybody shut the fuck up what are you talking about people type shit like this and it's like i'm a soft i'm a sophomore in high school and freshmen are like gross to me like no they're not dude you're so full of shit people have virtues it'll so hard over it's so disgusting that is that's hard for that's i haven't seen that extreme meanwhile their mom and dad are like oh yeah my dad was my mom's professor in like fucking college like okay they're like a 15 year age
Starting point is 00:12:59 difference well they met when she was like 20 so it's okay like get the fuck out of here it's like it's like when you say i i saw something go viral on twitter like a month or two ago and it was like 20. So it's like, get the fuck out of here. It's like, it's like when you say, I saw something go viral on Twitter like a month or two ago. And it was like someone with like a big, like communist flag avatar. And they posted photos that they got roasted for. It was like Fox hunt on the family farm today. And it's like an enormous palatial estate. Do you know how rich you have to be to go on fucking Fox hunts on
Starting point is 00:13:23 horses? Like, and so to post that is hilarious. It's like Diamond appraising today with the family. Diamond family at the beer family mine. Yeah, fucking ridiculous. Or you see the same thing. Like sometimes people will be like, what would you be in a communist utopia? And it'd be like, I'd teach art.
Starting point is 00:13:46 I'd paint. It's like, no, you'd mine until you start. I don't think you'd get selected for like, comrade, you will be number one Minecraft streamer for the new republic. There was a, my favorite meme for that was there was a big website. It was a 20 question quiz to figure out what you would be doing on the commune.
Starting point is 00:14:07 And you would go through and you'd answer, do you have an affinity for art? You know, what kind of skills do you have? What do you blah, blah, blah. And when you would reach the final page, you'd answer the last question. The job that it would feed you at the end was always subsistence farming. No matter what you were, subsistence farming. no matter what you were farming yeah all that stuff about like what you have an infinity for and and what your potential is and stuff i sucked so bad as a teenager my my gpa coming out of high school was a 1.98 to put it in perspective i was a terrible terrible student who completely
Starting point is 00:14:41 lacked work ethic and just hadn't found his direction or motivation yet. All these other systems where like, you know, schools, you know, you have to take a test to get into the next grade to be selected for college to be there. I would have failed all of them. I would have been nowhere in life under any other system, but this one, and I'm thankful I'm here because this is better. Yeah. well, this system allows you to do that, but it might not be the best thing for our society as a whole, right? Maybe Woody would have been better trained as a lifeguard.
Starting point is 00:15:12 That was your gig. You had it figured out. You should still be on that tower. You'd be so dark by now. I'd be so leathery. Woody, have you had one blotch of cancer those are rookie numbers we gotta pump up those numbers woody i am the cancer no i get cancer you think that of me in a system like that like the people that you would actually pull out of and like oh you're not gonna be farming buddy it'd be like
Starting point is 00:15:39 one in ten thousand or something that's gonna go be an engineer or some fucking wouldn't have been me astronaut or some shit. Like your best and brightest, right? It's going to be better for society, right? Like in this system, we allow water to find its level and they don't have to figure it out by 14 years old. Yeah. The only
Starting point is 00:15:57 way it works, you know, Gene Roddenberry was a commie. They don't like to talk about that over at CBS. He was a fucking commie and that's the idea of Star Trek what's it called when you're post god damn it post scarcity society
Starting point is 00:16:12 so all the people who don't want to do shit or can't do shit they don't have to farm they can just chill so that's the part of Star Trek they never show you the billions who must be chilling somewhere not flying starships and saving space uh space anomalies are you ever post scarcity if like if you're like if everything's covered like then power would be the thing that you seems like we always want more you know i was
Starting point is 00:16:36 about to say if human wants are insatiable then post scarcity isn't possible they're pretty good star trek though because they can create food from energy. And the energy seems pretty easily to come by there. Right, but at some point it becomes a storage problem. It's Star Trek. They have transporter beams and fucking faster than light. In Holodex, they seem to be able to store more. It's like, help me, what is the telephone booth in Doctor Who called?
Starting point is 00:17:03 TARDIS. TARDIS, yeah. They seem to have TARDIS-like technology. We're getting some reverb, I think, maybe from Destiny, because I can hear myself coming back at me ever so faintly. Does it glow when I light up, or how can I tell if it's me or not? I don't know. I'm not hearing it, so I don't know.
Starting point is 00:17:21 Oh, wait. You heard it, right? I don't know. I can't tell who it is, but I heard it mildly. Here, mute yourself. It's Destiny. Okay, I turned my headphone down. I don't know what I would have done. You want to clap again? Make sure.
Starting point is 00:17:41 I'm afraid people hate it. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. We got it. Everyone's going to hate the clamping. Someone's driving in their car just bang! I'm sorry. If there's anything I've learned from reading your subreddit, as long as there's anything but hockey talk,
Starting point is 00:17:58 apparently people are happy. I'll win them over eventually. Yeah, you're mad at me, but someone nearly fell asleep and I saved their lives. It's true. You know, just for that reason, I could have started playing a police siren randomly on the show. Jesus Christ. Oh, I saw a crazy police video
Starting point is 00:18:14 last night. They sick the canine on the guy, and the guy is on his back now, canine on his leg, and he takes out a pistol and goes to put the pistol to the dog's head but the cop has an ar-15 and i mean when i say he's standing over him i mean he's standing over him looking straight down and they just light this guy up when he points the gun at
Starting point is 00:18:36 the dog and the dog is fine i saw this video too they he's probably gonna shoot the dog i mean he i mean he was waving a gun around and there was there was three cops on top of a man and a dog. So somebody was getting shot, no matter what. I saw another one where this crazy guy had kidnapped his kid, I think, like a toddler. And he's holding it in the line at McDonald's, maybe? Keep in mind, there's cars there trying to get their food, okay? They're having to deal with this. And you won't put the kid down, so they t him grab the kid real quick pretty smoothly kid doesn't fall
Starting point is 00:19:09 or anything and then the guy still won't give up so they've got like two guys on top of him and he won't put he won't give him his hands he's like got him like locked or something he won't put him on his back so they let the dog start chomping on him and i think they quickly realized oh my god no get the dog off because like the dog bites the guy in the calf and like blood just starts pouring after like two little bites from that belgian mow it just shredded this motherfucker i'm sure police dogs are scary yeah a police activity channel is just you love that channel so i've never seen it it's so good curious about it it's so good hours of entertainment hours of entertainment you'll i'll say this you'll you'll you'll it'll it makes it harder to judge um cops
Starting point is 00:19:52 who you see being assholes and at the same time a lot of the times the videos on there are cops being assholes it's like oh they got him and at the end they'll be like officer morris is on permanent suspension and charges are pending and it's's like, oh, okay, okay, good, good, good. But then some of them, it's like, that cop just saved, like, everybody. That guy was going to kill them all. And then there'll be a cop who, like, he pulls a speeder over and she's got the baby. And she's like, the baby's dying! And the cop saves the baby on the hood of the car, like, right there in front of you.
Starting point is 00:20:22 Good stuff. The cop saves the baby? Yeah. He, like, CPRs the baby back the hood of the car like right there in front of you good stuff the dog the cop saves the baby yeah he like cprs the baby back to life or maybe it had something in his throat like it like saves the baby good for him they should they should they're trying to change perception they need more of those videos i would i think they need better uniforms i think that we've got that so that's such a good point i think what would their uniforms look like all right so right now here's the thing like shorts like a little less threatening oh i saw reno 911 lieutenant dangle yeah yeah exactly like woody in his halloween costume
Starting point is 00:21:01 it it like woody's fit enough that he shows he's serious, but he also wears wearing short shorts so you know he likes to hang out and play. The duality of man all in one outfit. Oh, you shut the fuck up. I can't find it. Google images and coming up with it. Zach may have found it.
Starting point is 00:21:21 Yeah, there we go. That's exactly what we're looking for. Now, Woody's thighs filled those out much more impressively than this loser's. I will add. I'm so confused why you've neither found a picture of Woody in the costume nor the character who wore it himself for many years. Honestly, though. You found a third party wearing a costume.
Starting point is 00:21:39 Look at the boots. I love that. The boots are pretty great. The boots are pretty nice. I mean, what would your idea for new cop uniforms be? I think shorts would make things seem a little lighter. The boots. I love that. The boots are pretty great. The boots are pretty nice. I mean, what would your idea for new cop uniforms be? I think shorts would make things seem a little lighter. No way.
Starting point is 00:21:51 See, I was going more hardcore. I was going like Judge Dredd with it. I want helmets. Oh, I was thinking making them friendlier. No, you got to go the other way. You got to go the other way. Oh, you know, I don't think people are going to like that. I feel like cops are power tripping enough. Like if they're showing up in helmets and shit, I can't even imagine.
Starting point is 00:22:06 How about all cops have to wear assless chaps? That'll weed out a lot of people who don't want to be laughed at as silly. And it'll make sure they're fit. I think this will strike terror into the hearts of would-be criminals when they see a bunch of Judge Dredd's walking around. Give them some of those cool motorcycles, too. Why not? The whole thing.
Starting point is 00:22:27 Make them frown. True. Maybe we should... If they brought back public executions just for serial killers, just to put the fear of God in people, do you think that would help? I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:22:42 I think that... I don't think so. Because everybody knows that you die if you do that stuff like most of the time anyway like if you there's a lot of those like school shooters and stuff they're going in there to die right i don't think public executions are going to solve anything although i do want them i've talked how many years have i been wanting that running man scenario where we just throw them into like a you know some sort of a game show that we all watch no no we crucify them from boston to new york that's warning like the roman empire
Starting point is 00:23:09 remember when they used not well you obviously don't remember nor do i but they used to do that yeah i remember that yeah back in the day we used to get a little wild no i bet i bet that i bet criminals had a lot to think about and smell like on that road. So you do that with serial killers? I don't think we have enough serial killers for that. I don't think it's that big of a game. Are you talking about the movie Spartacus?
Starting point is 00:23:33 That did happen, though, I think. I think that's historically accurate. It is. There were three slave revolts, and the second slave revolt was the Spartacus one. Did they do the bit with the... I'm doubtful about. They did crucify him. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:47 They crucified them all. Yeah. They did crucify them up and down the road as like a warning to other like slaves who wanted to get out and try their luck. Yeah. Yeah. None of the slave revolts did too well in the end. But you wouldn't know that by the shows. Like in the shows, it's like it's like oh man like they're kind
Starting point is 00:24:06 of valiantly losing but no they were they were tortured severely why did they lose like you would think that a bunch of gladiators would be pretty effective uh they're they just like well the rome was so vast and so enormous and rome like part of rome's power was the permanent standing army that also meant that they were very well trained and and very segmented and so enormous and rome like part of rome's power was the permanent standing army that also meant that they were very well trained and and very segmented and so when they they could go into towns and ransack them for resources and that's what they did they kind of were acted as raiders and then like once the roman legions got there they they crushed them they they they met in battle a few times and they didn't do well. And then in the end, I think they lost everything.
Starting point is 00:24:47 But hey, in the end, who's remembered? Spartacus. The gladiators. Yeah, for losing. Russell Crowe. Russell Crowe. Russell Crowe. Oh, I was doing the TV series.
Starting point is 00:24:58 What is the TV series? Spartacus. Spartacus. That was a wonderful series until the main guy died of cancer. What was that disease he had? I thought he had cancer. I thought he had cancer too. It's like one of those three-name cancers.
Starting point is 00:25:15 Was it like pancreatic? Because pancreatic is the one where it's like you're done. It might have been like non-Hodgkin's lymphoma or something like that. Is that the good Hodgkin's? That's the good one. Clearly not. Well, the the good hodgkins that's the good one clearly not well the non-hodgkins is the good one that's my kid's mom had that and it was like really progressed but the survival rate was pretty good so that's the thing i think
Starting point is 00:25:34 we're hoping taylor joins us soon yeah i've heard you guys are all getting cancer here i read that on the subreddit made me a little hesitant to cancel my chairs a few times because i wasn't going on here but yeah it's a little contagious to cancel my chairs a few times because I wasn't sure there was some weird shit going on here. It's a little contagious over video. It's only facial cancer though. Yeah, who cares? Do you guys want to see an update? Yeah, let's see your nose.
Starting point is 00:25:56 It's mostly healing. Okay. There's a little scar. You can kind of see it. It should smooth out and look good. But if you look up close there's a there's currently a lump where this scar is but did you have to get like reconstructive surgery or that's not his original nose that pops off it was something called mo surgery and the audience has heard this too many times but they test the cancer right there in house yeah i heard that part yeah
Starting point is 00:26:22 so that um they can take the smallest margins possible but it was still a pretty big hole in my face like it was it was not nothing nice i mean not nice i'm glad so i have i have a little story so i'm out riding motorcycles right i'm teaching jackie to ride a bike and what she's a she only rides in the neighborhoods like in a subdivision so every so often she'll say hey she only rides in the neighborhoods, like in a subdivision. So every so often she'll say, Hey, why don't you go off? Because I feel a little stifled, like barely exceeding 15 miles an hour. And, uh, and then come back in five minutes or so. And she gets to be as slow as she wants to without me feeling like, no, come on, let's go. All right.
Starting point is 00:27:01 So I zipped like five miles down the road, this canoe launch near my house. And there's a guy there. He's a black guy. He has no shirt on. And he is like the perfect specimen. You know, if aliens were to come down and get the perfect human being based on physique alone, they would select this guy. Okay. But he doesn't.
Starting point is 00:27:21 He's not doing well. But he doesn't, he's not doing well. Like he's walking along his car, like holding the car, supporting himself. Like it was a big crutch or something. And I see him struggling in the parking lot. And I'm like, do I just ignore this man and leave him alone? Which, good call, Kyle. Or do I do what I do and offer to lend him a hand because i've been in that situation so many times right it's an outdoor area with like a walking park and a canoe launch
Starting point is 00:27:53 and stuff as as a frequent injury i uh as opposed to an injurer a person who receives injuries all the fucking time injure rawr yeah okay there have been like heck the fucking time. And you're raw. Yeah. Okay. There've been like, heck the last time I was in Colorado, I needed to carry like a little 20 pound bag with, you know, toiletries and clothes to my room, but I have a broken leg and someone is like,
Starting point is 00:28:15 can I carry that? It's just 30 feet. It's nothing for them. But for me, I'm hopping around on one foot painfully off balance, et cetera. It was a huge act of kindness for someone to carry my bag just you know from the bike to the room yeah and um so i'm offering crippled black man looking i'm
Starting point is 00:28:33 offering it looking fucking fit i can't overstate that this guy looked like he was an nfl wide receiver so you're at least semi-hard like heading toward him you're like i'm gonna have a black friend and a workout buddy and he's like into outdoorsy stuff like this might be my black soulmate so you're bricked up all of flutter all right i'm a little insulted by the semi-hard thing i'm a blue chew customer okay very vascular okay and uh so anyway i turn off the bike and i'm like you know hey you all right you know do you need a hand or anything and uh he looks at me he's like yeah i'm all right are you all right like aggressively and i was like oh my bad like i i thought i saw you limping and he goes yeah i, I'm disabled. And then I realized, then I look a little closer and his car is in the handicap spot
Starting point is 00:29:29 that he's using as a crutch to get around. And I'm like, the fuck? I gotta get my ass kicked by this fucking person with no legs. And we're not no legs, just not. Now we know why his upper body is so powerful. Maybe he gets around by wheelchair all the time or i wouldn't be surprised if he had stilts for his arm it's not a hobby just fucking
Starting point is 00:29:50 you know he got around like that it's like that but anyway yeah and i i like double down on the apology i'm like i've disturbed your peace i'm sorry for interrupting you yeah come on you're in the right here you were trying to be you were trying to be helpful uppity crippled fella in a parking lot who doesn't know how to accept a little he should have been like yes friend i'm doing great having a hard time getting around since the war you know how it is like fucking hit it back dude he could have you're in the right here woody yeah my heart was in the right place it turned out maybe i should have left this guy alone do you think you could have taken him i think so yeah i don't know i don't know so here's the thing i have a bad leg too i'm still
Starting point is 00:30:39 not 100 on the broken leg so the advantage i'd normally have like being able to wrestle him and push him to where I wanted to go, might be somewhat... Yeah, but he can barely stand. Let's just say we're even now. If we're going to be even on the legs, he's kicking my ass in the upper body. I need a leg advantage. You can't let him bring you to the ground.
Starting point is 00:31:00 That's his domain. You've seen enough hockey fights to know that a lot of it... I'm have no have you guys seen the video of this guy like wrestling yes it's not fair he wrestles like skinny little white guys because they're in his weight class he's he beats the shit out of people it's it's so great because he's got no weight in his lower body and so he gets a hold of him and it's like me grabbing a small dog's paw i can do whatever i want with it like it's incredible it's wild it looks you know it's a shame but when you see people dealt that hand it's it's good to see him like play it the best i can so whenever i see someone built
Starting point is 00:31:43 like that i really wonder what that undercarriage looks like you know is it just like is it like on rick and morty when he was going to donate his penis and they were like yeah we'll just have a loose tube of urethra just hanging here or does he have like a dick and balls down there that he has to like put in some sort of supportive thing so that he can hop around and like like he's bouncing on his balls all the time i wonder how he it looks like he's cut off like right at the bottom of his nipples like right here like like he's so little can you bring him back zach yeah i i think if you see another video of him like he looks shorter in that picture like i think maybe i'm like he's cut off before the cum gutters right the adonis. Like, where is his dick?
Starting point is 00:32:26 I want to end the butthole. I need to see his butthole, too. I need to see that man nude. I need to know what's going on under there. Because it looks like, okay. Well, it's all draping in the picture on the right. I can't tell what's up. Yeah. It looks like he could do a one-arm pull-up.
Starting point is 00:32:39 He's like a magician trying to pull a lady out of there or something. He's not fooling me. Anything could be in there. Well, look at the pants. See, they're kind of around his waist. And it looks like there's more underneath that. It looks like there's something left of the picture. What is that filling space under the skirt?
Starting point is 00:33:00 That's his dick, Woody. Jesus. Oh. Now I need to see it. That's a fucking hog. Now I really want to see it. No, I see Jesus. Oh. Alright, now I need to see it. That's a fucking hog. Now I really want to see it. I see what you're talking about, and I'm curious. I'm so curious about... He was born this way, huh?
Starting point is 00:33:12 Oh, and his belly button exists. His belly button does exist. On the right, I see it. Doesn't it have to? Don't you kind of need one of those? He was born. Yeah. He's got a belly button in every way. He's not Kyle XY. Remember that show? i do remember that show vaguely um so i i this guy wrestles at 106 pounds so he's okay that's
Starting point is 00:33:33 crashing people dude i wonder what he benches how good is he because legs are useful too and certainly leverage is useful like yeah but imagine all the muscle you could build on your like what are the other hundred pound kids look like that this dude exactly destroying you can see also how many of your wrestling moves no longer work now because how much of your grappling relies on being able to like use their legs and shit you're right because i was looking at it on from the other direction which is how many of his wrestling moves don't work because there's just a lot you can all of his wrestling moves don't work because there's just a lot you can do. All of his wrestling moves work because he probably doesn't learn to do very many with his legs. I would imagine.
Starting point is 00:34:08 How many options are closed off to him? I'm trying to say. You're never going to double like that guy. No. His workout is pee, pee, pee, pee, pee. That's true. Would you want to be alive if you
Starting point is 00:34:24 were in that situation? There goes my light, you fucking dog. You fucking dog. would you want to be like push would would you want to be alive if you you know we're we're in that situation there goes my light you fucking dog you fucking dog what did the dog do he knocked the light over he's been over playing this whole time the little one his brand new dog that he got oh uh toby no if i were born like this i would hope that i would like do something like this and be like all right this is the hand I was dealt. What's the best possible thing I can do? Like wrestling. Small people.
Starting point is 00:34:50 Beat the shit out of people in my weight class. Wait, hold on. Is your background a green screen? Mine? Yeah. Yeah. Why the fuck do you green screen? Sound foam padding.
Starting point is 00:35:03 Because Kyle took a bunch of time like a year ago to make a white or a red and black foam pad behind him and then i just put one up as a joke oh okay and i and i haven't anyway okay yeah sorry if you were the wrestler guy you would hope yeah okay yeah wouldn't you like i like you wouldn't just want to like kill yourself like you'd want to see what you could do right like no one your expectations people's expectations for you are so low like when you excel and like actually get to be like dominant and something like this guy wow humans get used to stuff like surprisingly fast like even if you lose like senses or if you lose like a leg or whatever um i think like pretty quickly people acclimate um i think it's like healthy people you see somebody crippled and you
Starting point is 00:35:43 might think like oh my god like every single day you must hate your life for using a wheelchair but I think people get used to it pretty quickly like even I think there's even high quality of life reported with people with shut-in syndrome which are the people that literally can only move their eyes so I imagine if those people report doing decently then I mean everybody else is doing okay as well except for people with like really big
Starting point is 00:36:00 chronic pain that'll be the thing that'll fuck you up do you know what happens if that person doesn't blink five times hey billy it's time they want to know how you're enjoying your care five blinks is five stars go ahead into the ipad go ahead billy yeah what are you gonna blink once he's not gonna be alive when they get there and be like all right are you hungry blink once for yes or twice for no and they blink and you just wait i'm still not hungry somebody's peckish that would be a horrible reality yeah they need oh i i could totally understand like having a good quality of life without the use of your legs but i didn't know about shut-in syndrome that's what it was called just being able
Starting point is 00:36:50 to use your eyes that's like that's such a horrifying prison like to imagine that you have no ability to communicate like you you you're just like a piece of furniture like that would fucking suck and you couldn't even do anything. You like, you couldn't even like roll into a pool if you wanted to end it. Horrible. How did, how did these people report that they have good lives?
Starting point is 00:37:14 I genuinely may communicate with eye trackers and stuff. Generally, Kyle, I think you're muted. I'm not sure though, unless you just mouth the word. Oh really? No,
Starting point is 00:37:22 I hear you. Okay. No, I'm mouthing words to the little dog. I'm like, no, don't chew my cords. No, don't bite my feet. Your teeth are sharp.
Starting point is 00:37:30 Which dog is it? Is it the new one, Toby? We haven't, the audience hasn't seen Toby. Oh, he's latched on to my toe right now. I'm dealing with that. I'll show him when he comes out from under there. Pull your toe up towards you like you caught him like you're hooking a fish. He's got those puppies. He's sharp as fuck.
Starting point is 00:37:47 You need to pull him up later. Kyle went out and he bought a neurotypical dog. We're developmental peers. His previous dog was a little neurotarded. It is. Just for Destiny's benefit, Zach, go ahead and pull up that down syndrome my dog does not have down syndrome it has down syndrome we're so far past this
Starting point is 00:38:11 we're so far past this everyone understands everyone like pull up a malamute like that's what they look like they have that derpy face no pull up the dog destiny Destiny will see immediately. Woody and I caught it instantly when he sent that picture the first time. My wife caught it instantly. I showed her the photo and she's like, oh, what's wrong with him?
Starting point is 00:38:38 She was like, why are his eyes that far apart? They're not far apart. He's a happy boy. He is. He's a happy boy he is he's a happy oh man he's he looks his head looks a little weird because he's like so underfed there he's gained like 15 pounds he's looking good i showed him to my wife um zach are you able to open that picture this is who she thought kyle's dog was related to i guess oh my god she thought that's oh that's me tell me you don't see the right like no my dog's got all its teeth first of all it doesn't have like weird little kid from stranger things syndrome yeah no see the resemblance yeah that kid's fully tarted like he's all there
Starting point is 00:39:26 I think that's he's all there I can't believe that show's still going I totally lost interest in that shit after the first one I heard it gets better after season two it was fine in season one my wife and I are watching it we just finished we're in the first episode of season four
Starting point is 00:39:42 which is the current one and I was pretty invested. Like it, I was out, Jackie and I went out on the town last night and I was so excited to get home and watch the season finale of strangers. It was a blast. We went ax throwing.
Starting point is 00:39:56 I'd never been ax throwing before. Like she was all gussied up in this nice dress and like, you know, sexy shoes and everything. So she had to wear the ax throwings Crocs, like, cause you couldn't wear open toed shoes to ax throw. And,
Starting point is 00:40:11 uh, I was half decent at it. Like I would say that I stuck the ax for points three times out of four. Nice. It was easier than I thought it was. And, uh, even Jackie,
Starting point is 00:40:22 by the end of it was like half the time, you know? So it's, it's pretty fun. end of it, was like half the time. It's pretty fun. I've only done that a couple times. It's something I've only done when I've seen it at a bar where it's like, we're a bar and we have axe throwing. It's like, when did this become a thing?
Starting point is 00:40:35 Okay, I'll try it. You see people there just hucking it. It's about one rotation. You just want to do one full rotation. That's what it is with everything. It'll i mean like i've never thrown knives but i assume it's the same thing right just one full rotation i didn't really do any training or anything i just i i i found a hand motion that worked and then i put myself the position from the target in which that worked because i'm making a video i'm not learning to throw knives this place had it was like the regulation distance there was lines on the
Starting point is 00:41:10 ground you know like bowling almost like you're not allowed to cross this line and you are allowed to cross it by the way you just have to have one foot on it the other foot goes like steps in front of it that might be how baseball works i'm not sure and uh yeah so you just keep one foot on the line for the other i did better with the double overhand throw i think i was watching on tv the competitions that they had like i guess inspirational axe throwing competitions on like all these tvs around the place and those guys are doing weird things like one arm behind their back single hand throws like they're making it harder i suspect if somebody good was doing what i did they just
Starting point is 00:41:46 hit all bullseyes yeah what would actually make it difficult like if you're going to have challenging competitive axe throwing you would need targets of unknown distance um and um like they do with archery because they have these 3d archery tournaments and you you go to a station just like golf and down there's like a a turkey target you don't know how far away it is you've never even seen that target before you might know not know how big it is you've just gotta be like it's like 33 yards and you've got like a 30 yard pin and you hold it a little bit high and you shoot and adjust and you know they score you that seems like a ton of fun like i wouldn't want to go to be scored harshly the same way.
Starting point is 00:42:26 I don't want to go play golf and be scored harshly. But to go and just play for fun, I would enjoy that. Golf is so goddamn hard. You want to play golf without keeping score? No. Have you ever done a scramble in golf? Do you know what that is? I've never golfed.
Starting point is 00:42:39 So a scramble in golf is like you have, let's say, 12 people are going. There's three foursomes and you just play from wherever the best person's shot is and so it's not every person playing through everybody hits but then you just then you'll play from oh kyle got the best hit on the fairway so we're all gonna play from kyle's oh taylor got the best chip from kyle's position onto the green we're all gonna play from tay's like, and you do it that way. So it feels more like team oriented and that's much more comfortable for someone like me.
Starting point is 00:43:10 Who's an absolute anchor. Yeah. Any golf situation. It is, it is like for people who haven't golfed, like it is. So the difference between how hard you think it is watching it and how hard it is to actually do is an immense chasm.
Starting point is 00:43:24 It is so fucking hard to make the ball go where you want it to i never i've never played golf but i've hit a lot of balls with a lot of different clubs not knowing what i was doing and i think i think the the thing that we we figured out was to stop trying to hit it hard like the clubs are so good and the balls are so good that just making good contact and kind of driving it where you want is so much more important than hitting it hard. For sure. But at the same time, I don't really have a much fun plan.
Starting point is 00:43:50 Yeah, I haven't. We used to drive a lot of balls for sure. That was fun because we could just go down to the state park. And I don't remember what a bucket of balls was, but it was $5 or something like that. And it's a lot of fun. Go to the pawn shop and buy some big goofy ass driver that we could barely use it's fun break it doing your happy gilmore swings yeah yeah yeah absolutely well we didn't whenever we'd get into something like that we wouldn't just buy one dad was dad's always been smart with that stuff it's like it's like i don't buy one we're gonna break that one right away we'll need five
Starting point is 00:44:19 we'll need five drivers dude my my dad was very into golf, still is. And I remember when I was like 10 or something, he was like all about like, you're going to go to this golf like training day or something and you're going to learn how to play like the basics and everything. And it was like a summer long thing where I had to go like every week and do it. And I fucking hated it, hated golf. But I remember the only highlight of the whole summer
Starting point is 00:44:45 of doing that once a week was we went out and i got paired in this foursome with this really annoying kid a few years younger than me maybe like seven eight years old and he was talking up his new driver that his grandma bought him for christmas or something like last year the entire time like he was all about it he got a couple good hits on it and there was one final like hole that had was pretty long and he was like seven or eight. And so he didn't, couldn't actually drive it very far.
Starting point is 00:45:08 And so he was like, watch this. And he like went back as though he was going to do the happy Gilmore thing with his club. And he ran towards it and did it, except he hit the ground like a foot before where the ball was. And the club had shattered off and went and just went down there and he like had a mini shit fit panic attack like my dad you can't tell my dad you can't tell my dad that i broke it
Starting point is 00:45:32 just say oh just say and it's like first like why do you think i'm gonna talk to your dad i'm another say say that it broke just normally just say i hit it normally and it's like what's the most you're gonna be the one to lie to your dad, man. What's the most expensive thing you ever broke in your parents' household growing up? And damage being done counts. Like if you burnt down a garden shed, same shit. Never burned anything down. I sent my brother to the hospital a couple times on accident, and I'm sure that wasn't cheap.
Starting point is 00:46:03 I sent my brother to the hospital a couple times on accident, and I'm sure that wasn't cheap. So I guess whatever it costs to get a kid checked out for a concussion twice. I wrecked an ATV right into the rear fender of my dad's new truck when I was like 14 or 15 or something like that, and ruined the quarter panel like crumpled it up hit it so goddamn hard um i also totaled my mother's car by backing into it with another car because i didn't know that it was in the parked behind me i was in an suv backing up and her car was parked behind me it was this low to the ground ch Chrysler thing. I hit the front, popped the airbags.
Starting point is 00:46:46 That totals it. Luckily, they were on the trip to buy her new car. When they came back, she's got a brand new car. I'm like, that's great that you've got that because whoop, your old one. I ruined it. That happened. I don't think I ever...
Starting point is 00:47:03 That's probably it. Those are probably the two more expensive things I ever did. I flipped an ATV a couple times, but never did any more damage than shattering the windscreen. And messing with the alignment, but never actually broke one. So I guess I was pretty cheap. Pretty well-behaved.
Starting point is 00:47:20 Yeah, I think I was pretty cheap, too. I can't think of anything I did that cost them a ton. I played video games all day. I don't think I ever broke anything or would have been the kind of person to break anything. I broke some windows. I shot the window out of my dad's truck. Shot it?
Starting point is 00:47:39 Yeah. I was like four. That makes it way better. I was a BB gun. BB gun. Oh, okay. So you just fired a BB gun, shattered it. Yeah, the side window. He was under the hood working on it and I shut the side window out.
Starting point is 00:47:56 Was he upset with you? Ah, he chased me and I hit under the bed. He couldn't get me under there. He had this big water bed and like under the headboard was a little crawl space type area. And four year old me was like in there. And he's on the other side, like something out of Lord of the Rings. Come out of there.
Starting point is 00:48:14 It's like, nope, nope. Overall, not too expensive. I don't think I bet I'm missing something like huge. I'm forgetting about. What about your, you didn't have any like big medical stuff happened to you growing up? Cause I had a bunch of stitches. I broke my nose a couple of times,
Starting point is 00:48:32 maybe on a bunch, but that's the only bone I've ever broken. I broke my nose twice and that's, that's all I've ever, I didn't really have to go to the hospital much. I didn't need stitches till I stabbed myself on accident a few months ago. So I've been, I mean,
Starting point is 00:48:44 that was on me. My, my dad didn't pay for that i was on that ups driver that was on the ups driver that it was 100 on the ups driver you know what those guys get paid guess what a ups driver makes a year 90 it's over six figures i'm told like like they're saying those guys make like 40 an hour or something like that and then like that's where start. And then there's all sorts of overtime and double time and nonsense. It's rough conditions the way I saw it, but it seemed like they were starting out at 40. That says 57, but I don't know.
Starting point is 00:49:14 That's not the experience that I'm hearing from actual UPS drivers. This guy was not making 100 because he didn't know how to use a pallet jack. Or maybe he's... those things aren't related i mean maybe he's anything like he doesn't know how to operate a pallet i feel like i i heard more than 100 and i can't operate a pallet jack so oh that's true oh we we can all operate a pallet jack you put it under the slots and then you then you go like this and i could pick it up but no that's uh that might be on my new
Starting point is 00:49:47 list of like uh uh jobs for you for young people to do i think if you're starting out that one's ups yeah maybe cool thing if what if what those people on tiktok are saying is true unless i was just like those guys are making are starting on making six figures i don't believe it no i don't believe they're starting at six figures but here's the thing about talk to me they ups like famously promotes from within so like with all the top brass at ups all the management staff it's quite likely that most or all of them either drove a truck or loaded a truck or started in a shipping bay somewhere like it's different if you're in accounting or you're pretty badass or if you're in IT or something like that.
Starting point is 00:50:28 But if you're in the management of running the business, then you started by putting boxes on a truck at UPS. It's a neat job if you... Whatever. Maybe get a good head on your shoulders, but you didn't go to college.
Starting point is 00:50:43 You're getting a lot of exercise. Even the drivers i've seen that are fat they're like uh like a powerful fat like a farmer like they're moving around a lot player yeah like a football player like an o-line fat where it's like not the kind of guy you'd see at buffalo wild wings and go what a lard you'd go good god like oh i also saw another lift slot on the anti-work subreddit i saw a picture of it was one of those delivery drivers like i don't know which one but he was showing like what he had to deliver in a a load or whatever and it's mostly fucking amazon plasma tvs or whatever in there like you know how cheap they are now and it's like okay you get like a 55 inch tv for i don't know 300 so everything bigger than that is only a little more expensive so everybody's like, okay, you get like a 55-inch TV for, I don't know, $300. So everything bigger than that is only a little more expensive.
Starting point is 00:51:27 So everybody's like, I want a 75-inch TV. But these guys are having to deliver 75-inch TVs left and right. He just had so many gigantic oversized boxes, basically, whether it was TVs or not. But I think that's a big part of it. TVs are, it's like 55-inch TV more than free 65 inch tv barely more than that and then somewhere like 75 is cool 78 the fuck we're tripling the price like 82 it's around 82 or 84 is when they go to go crazy on you yeah you stay right below the crazy zone i don't know like 8k
Starting point is 00:52:02 is right around the corner like i thought 8k was gonna be bullshit i was like the fact that you are talking about 8k is just a publicity stunt for maybe like i don't know nvidia or whoever makes gpus to be like yeah we we can do it but then i keep seeing like i don't know game demos and uh and uh people like with 8k content are people watching this you're uploading it wouldn't surprise me if like over 50 of gamers were still using like 60 frames per second 1080p monitor yeah yeah that's what taylor here does because he likes you interrogating me taylor i don't know i don't think no this one i'm on is this one's right there that's the first one's 14 i don't even know my resolution or frame rate i i don't care i don't know i don't know i all my all my monitors say
Starting point is 00:52:46 asus that's what i looked for i don't think my eyes can see in 4k i have very bad eyes i think i can get up to like 1440 i don't know so i actually made a comparable argument for like 1080p to 4k there is an improvement it does look a little better um of course really good 1080p might look better than netflix 4k like we all know it's bit rate to a large extent but 8k like am i an old man shouting at clouds being like that's more k's than you need yeah i think that i think the 8k would uh might come into play with really big displays. Yeah, it's going to help you with the size of your displays and the distance from you and everything.
Starting point is 00:53:30 That's going to be the big factor in there. Yeah, if you have one of those, I would want an 8K projector 100%. Like these 100 plus inch screens. Yeah, an 8K might work. I mean, it would work. You would have a noticeable difference with ak we definitely need an ak projector for my wife to watch star trek from the 90s on she and i probably have the same fucking viewing list i i think there's a lot in common yeah
Starting point is 00:53:59 we were having fun with the seinfeld trivia i think star trek would be my my wheelhouse though i think i could do TNG trivia and go to a bar night and fucking clean up. I've seen that so many times. I've lost count. I keep it playing in the background, and I pay some attention. I'll be like,
Starting point is 00:54:17 Dr. Pulaski. You could do The Office really well. You should find... And I guarantee that's a bigger like seller to getting like the opposite way more for a bar night trivia star trek yeah yeah star trek i'm sure is still big it's just always it's a thing yeah my wife likes to watch shows she's seen before because she doesn't she's not sitting there watching the show she's whatever milling around the house doing something passing in and out of the room and with that if you've seen it before
Starting point is 00:54:43 it's no big deal i like i like twitch for that a lot um uh twitch is really good about that because you know it's kind of happening now and it's not all that important depending on who you're watching no offense yeah i think for a lot of streams i think people have you i mean i'll sit down and get my fucking cup of coffee if i'm watching you i think for a lot of people that stream a lot a lot of of the viewers are like, they have you on in the back. They're either at work or they're working on something else in the house or whatever. It's pretty normal. That's how I use TV. That's why I have
Starting point is 00:55:12 King of the Hill running all the time. Are you really streaming 10 hours a day, Destiny? I've been working on another project recently, but yeah, my goal is usually from noon to 10. It's the goal every day. And you're still getting in the gym and everything with those? As long as I don't have anything else in the background going on yeah um because i usually go to the gym after so 10 30 to 12 30 at night at night damn good for you man i have an apartment
Starting point is 00:55:32 gym so i don't like to go the number one hold on whoa sorry i almost got sucked into gym talk one quick comment i'll say and this is probably true of everything i if i have to go somewhere and there's actually you know what i don't know if the whole internet has poisoned my mind for anything it's true of the gym it's true of other things if i have to go to the gym and i have to wait for anything i just lose my fucking mind if i go to the gym and there's like two or three people like in because the apartment gym has one rack um i like and i have to stand there or like do something else like it just it fucks with me and i get irritated and then i'm wasting time like just standing around doing things but i feel that for everything nowadays like there's even sometimes like i
Starting point is 00:56:11 could drive to best buy and get something but like if there's like a line all i'm thinking is like why didn't i just amazon next day this like or if i've got to go to the bank i'm like i should just use my fucking mobile app on this why the fuck am i like i feel like going out anywhere now like my mind is fucked because i feel like if I drive, if I leave the house in my car to go run an errand, I'm going to be gone for four fucking hours. No matter what it is. It drives me insane.
Starting point is 00:56:31 You hate working out with me. I'm thinking about it. Like, like Woody, come on, go like, no, I feel like shit today,
Starting point is 00:56:38 but I don't want to admit that I'm weaker than last time. So we're doing five minutes between sets. Fuck off. I don't mind resting between sets, especially if you're doing, if you're doing like minutes between sets fuck off yeah well i don't mind resting between sets especially if you're doing if you're doing like a lot of like big things like like if you're doing big squats big deadlifts big sets and you're waiting like five minutes that's fine i just don't if resting is a thing you're doing sitting there waiting for a thing to open up is you're not even resting you're just wasting time yeah okay that's the thing
Starting point is 00:57:00 that drives me crazy yeah i was watching israel out of sonya's, and it was weird. It was a lot of isometric stuff, a lot of hopping around on one foot, literally. But then, um, he was doing these, um, his weightlifting.
Starting point is 00:57:11 He was putting, I don't know, with, with lightweight, he was putting tension on his muscles and then holding like, like positions for long periods of time, like, like loading his muscles up before he began his workout.
Starting point is 00:57:23 They had him hugging this, uh, this, this bag as hard as he could, like counting down a timer. And he's just like burning out his abs and arms and everything. And then they had him doing bench press with maybe just the bar, just like holding at like that midpoint where it's at its hardest, just holding for a long time. And then they had him do like a deadlift type thing. I think they called it a rack lift though because he hooked the bar underneath the rack so that there's no he can't pull anything he's lifting a million pounds you know he's just he's just loading
Starting point is 00:57:55 up and putting everything under like as much tension as feel as feels good i don't know exercise depends on me trying hard like where there's a possibility to cheat i don't like it as much you know like i want to talk about cheating for example okay for example like uh heavy bag hugs if that was a thing like who's to make sure i'm really hugging as hard as i can you know i i need to be doing like dumbbell overhead presses or bench press or pull-ups or something where there's no getting around the effort i was talking to a youtuber who's um he's gonna do one of those youtube fights and the guy that he's got a fight he knows who it is now this is like public or anything yet but the guys he's got a fight is i'll call him a professional athlete who's middle-aged and
Starting point is 00:58:42 clearly on juice and like and it's like dude you're fighting i don't like his this doesn't seem safe his sport of choice doesn't really lean toward boxing necessarily though it is this is your guy my guy's a youtuber the pro is a professional athlete who's not really uh yeah he's over the hill but but like basketball ripped a ripped up dude like like abs and pecs and like could be on like the cover of a fitness magazine looking motherfucker like scary gosh was he disabled i might know him no no um and i was but i was telling my guy i was like dude that guy you're fighting is on so many steroids why don't you get on steroids?
Starting point is 00:59:28 You are the model for performance enhancing drugs. There's no laws against it or rules against it in what you're doing. You're doing this YouTube boxing and your opponent is clearly juiced to the gills. There's no like feeling bad. I was at the very least get on something that's going to give you more cardio, right? If you could have 20% better cardio than you're already going to have from a syringe like why not like that guy is juiced like i'm telling you if you looked at this guy you'd be like oh no which one of the 300 was he it's it doesn't look good but can you write in the chat who the person you know is i will write you on whatsapp and tell you okay okay keeping it tight yeah tight to the chest i'm
Starting point is 01:00:06 gonna say it okay no second it comes through firing this one destiny huh good luck bro oh martin scurri challenged me to a boxing match after i made fun of him for his uh bitcoin thing getting stolen or his like crypto shit falling through did he really challenge you well no he just said if he saw me in real life he i think he said he'd beat the shit out of me or something so i've been told that by martin screlly this guy's making a lot of enemies yeah he's out of jail now so i guess he can fight people in public i don't think he'd want to do that but no what was he he got like he marked up a drug real expensive and then like they said he was in embezzling money from i don't even remember i think basically the charge was that he ran a hedge fund for people and i think
Starting point is 01:00:58 he was taking money out of other businesses to guarantee good returns for people that were investing his hedge fund which is type of securities fraud i think so i think that sounds like he's just trying to do the right thing sounds like a smart guy making money i mean if you're in the hedge fund maybe yeah i mean if you posi schemes are really good for the first people to get involved yeah that's how it works yeah it's a posi scheme get it on the ground floor that is true yeah i've always wondered actually if you could advertise like a scam coin where you're like very blatant like this is a scam coin and there will be a rug pull but i'm not going to say when and like if you're an early adopter like you
Starting point is 01:01:33 could be one of the people to cash out early you get a lot of people in or whatever and then everybody's kind of like chasing the high until it collapses like it'd be pretty funny in my head that's like what people is that not what cx coins were from the start yeah but they weren't explicit about it they didn't say they were going to do a rug did anyone think it was going to be a valuable coin you could stick in for the long haul dude if you if you read if you like search out crypto people and like read some of them they'll be like uh doge dogeX is the currency of the future and here's why and it's like you're a liar like this is obviously
Starting point is 01:02:10 not true Monero or whatever the fuck or like some random crypto like that's not like it's just pump and dump people it seems like like CX ran streams or this is Ice Poseidon he would run streams and he would do like pump and dumps on stream and be like be like, alright, we're going to get
Starting point is 01:02:28 on this and we need to get out and we're going to see how much money we can make. It would be entertaining. It's good content. Again, Woody telling a story is about 80% accurate. After like nine months of doing pump and dumps of like, alright guys,
Starting point is 01:02:43 let's all invest in this thing and get out. He decided to make his own coin and then did it and everyone's like, what? How could you? How are you shocked? Have you not been watching? It's insane.
Starting point is 01:02:59 And his defense was like, these were all sophisticated investors. They knew the risks. That's a hilarious defense. There's no way I could fool these geniuses. These high IQ individuals bought this full well knowing the risks. I feel like that's between the lines. If you're reading it between lines, he's not saying they're all sophisticated investors. He's like, we all pump and dump and scam that's what we do around here these guys knew the
Starting point is 01:03:30 score how can they be surprised are nfts still a thing i haven't seen shit about those in a while did they fall away did everybody who got scammed was it doug polk who we had on the show who's like he's like yeah have you guys heard of nfts and we're like uh what's an nft and like, he's like, yeah, have you guys heard of NFTs? And we're like, what's an NFT? And he's like, oh, my God, they are dominating my like, you know, we're all the middle of our own universe. Like they're dominating his universe. And, you know, he's like, you got you guys got to get in on NFT. He's like, I want to come back on this show in a year. And you're going to see how you should have gotten into Bitcoin and you should have gotten into NFTs.
Starting point is 01:04:04 We have to quick get him on the show before that shit bounces back he is waiting on that the stuff to swing back the other way we're gonna talk to us again maybe um and look look i think bitcoin's gonna we're gonna rebound just fine oh wow it's it's down to 19 000 i had no idea bitcoin was so low um i get email i i get an email every day and it's like bitcoin's up or down like percentage and uh and every day it seems like down six percent down six percent like fuck like yeah they have more down days than up days it feels like or maybe i don't know i get that email every day it's it's apparently part of bitcoin culture that you don't tell people how many coins you have you know and and i have friends who are fags right and i'm with you i'm with you it's just fucking cocksuckers i want to know how much money you have
Starting point is 01:04:55 it's because all these guys are fucking dude i get so irritated that like there are so many self-made millionaires on the internet that are like giving business advice and they think they're hot shit because they got lucky i was some dog shit fucking random coin that they happen to fucking buy and sell and now they make all their money just like selling self-help shit or selling business advice even though these motherfuckers don't know anything and they all give dog shit advice when it comes to running businesses or getting rich too like they're all talking about like you know find the right coin to invest in or like do like the weird like i hear like drop shipping is brought up a lot and all this shit.
Starting point is 01:05:25 It's like, this is how you get rich, guys. I was like, bro, shut the fuck up. You don't know anything. You got lucky. Shut the fuck up. Take your money and get the fuck out of here. Nobody needs to listen to anything you have to say about literally anything. I want to hear someone give advice on how they got rich.
Starting point is 01:05:37 Like, all right, all right, all right. Listen to me. Hear me out. Choose your parents very carefully. You want to find a doctor an attorney an accountant something like that yeah or like if they were honest they'd be like you need to identify something i used my intellect to identify pp poopoo caca coin as as the ultimate ride and it's like no you got lucky that pp poopoo caca coin like went off on like you know poopoo coin like there's how many of
Starting point is 01:06:04 those were there there wasn't there literally a poo coin or a shit? Probably. Speaking of good investments and people actually doing that Warren Buffett thing or whatever where he's just like, this is a thing I like. I'll invest in it. Do you know that Shaq was trying to get security around
Starting point is 01:06:19 one of his houses because it's Shaq and Shaq was like, I told him to put some cameras in there. And he's like, $85,000. And I was like, what? So I go to Best Buy, right? And I see this little camera, this ring doorbell camera. And just go in, just put it there, and it worked.
Starting point is 01:06:41 Now, I was in China. And somebody rung my doorbell. And I looked at my phone. And I could see that motherfucker at my house. Now I was in China and somebody rang my doorbell and I looked at my phone and I could see that motherfucker in my house. And I was in China and I told him what was what and handle that business. And I said, I'm going to invest in this company. How much did you buy? I don't like talking about that. What happened right after you bought it? Last one, Jeff Bozos, he also found it and he bought it for $2 billion. found it and he bought it for two billion dollars so it turned out real good for me it's so good i don't know how much he bought in for read this here i'll read it let me interrupt
Starting point is 01:07:12 please shaquille o'neal invested roughly 200 million in ring doorbell in 2016 he became the main person in the marketing department of ring doorbell but in 2018 it was purchased by google but shaq had invested a while ago. So he put $200 million into this before Google bought it. Shaq's doing well. He saw the potential. He's a businessman. And God knows
Starting point is 01:07:35 what that $200 million has turned into, right? Because it's so popular. I play a lot. Everybody likes Shaq. The interview was so funny. I think he said something like, I told him, you gonna pay me money You gonna put me in your commercials And I'm gonna invest in your company It was something like that
Starting point is 01:07:54 If it wasn't Ring, it was some other thing he did You're getting a little more Green Miley As this goes on Well, so is Shaq, he's getting old Dude I got a lucky investment once once this is a long time ago call it like 22 years ago something like that and uh we had our first kid and jackie's shopping at children's place i don't know if you guys have ever heard of this retail store and malls pretty
Starting point is 01:08:19 good idea what they do there yeah yeah they sell clothes and uh she's like you know children's place is by far the best the clothes prices are nice like they compete with baby gap for example whose stock um was like so much bigger it was like 12 times larger or something but children's place was a way better thing she liked their clothes she liked their customer experience etc she's like we should check that out as an investment so i look it over and i i apply i have a little bit of finance background for the listeners and um i'm like well all their financials are really good like they didn't have a lot of debt they had more cash on hand and then i'm like this is just a solidly run company i like it so we
Starting point is 01:08:52 we invested in it not a ton of time but i'll break the fucking bitcoin faggot code and say i put seventeen thousand dollars in it and uh anyway hey doesn't always sound so much worse when he says those things? It's like, oh, I think he said that to a man in the streets with. So. So anyway, 17 grand. I'm investing in this because I think it's like a really good clothing company where my wife is having a good shopping experience. And I'm like, man, I like the product.
Starting point is 01:09:27 I like the financials I'm in. Anyway, the stock goes bonkers. I don't know what it goes up like eight times or something like that. Apparently, they start selling Razor scooters, and Razor scooters become the rage. Everyone's buying fucking Razor scooters in 2002. And I don't know if Children's Place is the exclusive distributor or just their biggest distributor,
Starting point is 01:09:50 but everyone's going to this place and buying their damn scooters. And then I got out and we made, I don't know, 60 grand or something like that off of a lucky investment because it wasn't the freaking skirts that I thought I was making money off of. It was the Razor Scoot, which 2002, that sounds about right because I was bananas for them. There was like a whole 12-month
Starting point is 01:10:11 period, it feels like, where those things were the hottest fucking thing. You had to have the Razor Scoot. Come on! Yeah, right? I wonder if I still have it. I should check it out. I've got some. They made a rule with Razor Scooters and Achilles. You couldn't bring them to school. They're back down. I should check it out. I want to double check on that. I've got some. They made a rule with Razor scooters and Heelys.
Starting point is 01:10:26 You couldn't bring them to school. They're back down. I'm sorry, Taylor. Razor scooters. They were so big in late grade school that they had to ban them from school. Same with Heelys. Just because a couple fat kids just biffed it and took a header off of the concrete. No one else can
Starting point is 01:10:45 whip around helis were underrated like like dude i've got a pair you see some i've got a pair i got size 11 and a half helis the uh like someone's walking around in seemingly normal shoes and then they glide like they have a superpower and it's like the fuck that person thought ahead and wore heelys here like that's the coolest person in this whole way dude i saw a guy in heelys i saw i saw an adult in heelys at the airport once and i was like yes that's that guy like throw a fanny pack on that guy and like he's oh you know he needs heelys and a suitcase with wheels on it all right so those electric suitcases i saw a drunk black woman in the airport on the internet the other day and she she she's like making a stink and they're and they're like ma'am you got to get out of the
Starting point is 01:11:34 terminal and she's like ah and then she sat on her suitcase and zipped away and it was the funniest thing i'd ever seen in my life like she drunk drove her fucking and they're chasing her and i think eventually they have to like take her off her her luggage throw put her in handcuffs and like throw her out of the airport because she's like man this is a secured area and then things escalate you know how it goes dude electric i love everybody starts riding electric suitcases around the airport we're one step closer to that that fucking Disney movie where they go to space. WALL-E. Skip that one. We're also one step forward to that other Disney
Starting point is 01:12:10 movie where everyone's in fat chairs. That's WALL-E, right? Am I wrong about that? That's also WALL-E. Yeah. Oh, okay. I guess I did not know. Well, you're right. That's not a great deal. I didn't even know they had electric suitcases that you could ride. Yeah, you could sit on that thing and zip away.
Starting point is 01:12:26 Are they meant to be ridden? Yeah, they have to be. They have so much power. No, you sit on it and you're like you can control it. They're gone. I don't know what they cost. They can't be more than what? 300, 400 bucks? Good luck it costs that anyway.
Starting point is 01:12:43 Like a big bag. I don't know how, but I feel like that's going to make lines of security. I don't have good luggage because it gets so beaten up. Why would you... If you're going to invest in something, it should be something that you have control over and you can
Starting point is 01:13:00 take care of and make it last. Your luggage is the opposite of that. I like luggage with plastic sides. For for that reason yeah yeah i've got amazon luggage it's ugly it's enormous and it's plastic oh it is like a scooter there oh damn i like it she sat on hers though whatever whatever she had she could sat on she she sat down on whatever she had. Is that even electric, though? That's just a scooter. See, that's not even electric.
Starting point is 01:13:30 Okay. I mean, that does look fun, though. You're able to zip around. Can you go to the picture with the person? Is it a little girl riding it? It was a little girl. I'm a little insulted. I'm looking for another man.
Starting point is 01:13:41 We need an adult man. I want to see a grown-ass man, and I want to see him doing Shaka Bra. He needs to be cool when he rides the... I'm going to put a hydraulic kit on my luggage. Lower it. Lower it and bounce around.
Starting point is 01:13:57 Nice LEDs on it. Nice LEDs. It's going to look like a real asshole. You know what the next level is that you never see anybody do? Everybody's got those lights under their trucks here in Atlanta. Why does nobody have a fog machine? When you pull up to a red light and stop, fog starts coming out of the bottom of your...
Starting point is 01:14:13 That's the next level. Why doesn't nobody do that? That would be so cool. This is probably what she had. This is wild. Look at this shit. I mean, there's no way I fit on that. She was at the gate, right? no way I fit on that. Like, how did... She was at the gate, right? Like, right before you step on the plane.
Starting point is 01:14:29 So, presumably, that's her, like, mobility device, and they're going to, like, fold it up and put it away with the wheelchairs? If this was, like, a common thing, I could totally see fat Americans falling off this and hurting themselves in airports. Like, it would be, like, a common enough occurrence that there would be, like, special squads at airports
Starting point is 01:14:43 or people falling off their suitcases and the name of your man probably one week they'd have like sharp turn warnings in the terminal for people not flipping out do you ever i don't want to do airports too much oh god i hate airports do you ever get people you know the walkways that move automatically yeah why do people walk on those and then they stop i'm not i'm with you and they stand in the middle of it it's like they all they crowd the whole thing they crowd the whole thing and so you're walking walk and then you stop because now everybody's stopped and these floors don't move that fast and now you've got the motherfuckers that decided not to get on they're just walking past you now you standing there like an asshole you could ask the people in front of
Starting point is 01:15:23 you to move but the whole fucking thing is crowded. Oh, I ask them to move. The one exception is if I'm injured. If I'm injured, I'll stand on that thing. Sure. Which is like half the time I'm in an airport, it seems. I get a little bit of like a feeling of superiority being the walker on those next to the lazy standers.
Starting point is 01:15:40 Anybody else where you're like, I've got a gate to get to, miss. I'm not about... I'll do that with uh with escalators for especially down ones yeah if you fly down the stairs you can get down like yeah 20 times faster people won't even be halfway down by the time you hit the end yeah i sometimes like i'll just like see someone who was taking forever on the little path thing and then they go to get on the escalator to to go even slower down that because obviously not going to
Starting point is 01:16:02 step down i'll go on the stairs next to him and hustle to make sure I beat him down there. The real passive-aggressive. When you're coming out of those walkways and somebody was standing there the whole time and you walk past them, that's like when you're doing your Olympic power walking as quickly as you can to let them know how much they fucked up and held you back. Step up your game. Run backwards
Starting point is 01:16:20 while they're on the fucking thing. You think you're... That's the move. Oh, yeah. So what are our topics for tonight? No, no. I wanted to eat that. Dude, my bathroom remodel is nearly finished.
Starting point is 01:16:38 And it's fucking dope. Oh, you guys are back. Okay. Oh, did we lose you for a second? Yes. We've been remodeling my bathroom since July, and it's the master bath. I don't deserve it.
Starting point is 01:16:52 It's so stupid. The shower has 12 fixtures in it. Jesus Christ. 12 shower fixtures. Yeah. Wait, what state do you live in again? North Carolina. It's cheaper here.
Starting point is 01:17:03 The toilet. Dude. So when you sit on it, it automatically starts the suction fan so that no odors escape the toilet. You wouldn't want to smell your own poo. The seat is heated. You don't lift the seat, by the way. You press the button depending on what you want to do. And the seat lifts on its own.
Starting point is 01:17:23 If you approach it at night, the water glows blue. You approach it at night? Does it turn on? It detects you approaching? I think when the lid is up, it shines the blue light or something. I don't know. But the lid is typically down because it's all automated
Starting point is 01:17:39 and everything. It's not like a regular thing where you leave the seat in someone's usually the woman's preferred position. No, fuck that. The whole thing goes down when you leave the seat in someone's – usually the woman's preferred position. No, fuck that. The whole thing goes down when you leave the room. It has an anus massaging bidet. Like that's a thing. And by the way, I'm not like pretending it's a massage.
Starting point is 01:17:56 You hit the massage button. It has a fucking clit stimulator. There's a picture of a woman sitting on it. What the fuck? Yeah. And you're like – you press the girl button. And yeah, I tried it. And it'll get you off.
Starting point is 01:18:09 I wasn't. I'm a fan. It has a, you don't, first of all, you don't need toilet paper. And I'm a guy, you've heard me on the show before, just about my anus hygiene if i say it doesn't need toilet paper it doesn't and and afterwards it blows warm air on your tush to dry it off it takes a minute but if you bring your laptop it's fine your laptop this is how you get pink hot yeah i'm on now this is hands-free well that's true and the suction fan is keeping all that okay um how much was this toilet this is a fancy it was eleven hundred dollars the
Starting point is 01:18:52 toilet you've been describing the features of this toilet for 90 seconds that's an incredible so for eleven hundred dollars that's way more affordable than i thought you were going to say it has a remote control. For like pranks? Like what else are you going to use that for? You're already sitting there. Why would you need to be remote? I'm with you. I feel that way about sex toys too.
Starting point is 01:19:13 Remote controlled sex toys. It's like, are you not with this person? But okay. There are some, though, that's the point. I have the, it's so funny you said that. One of my home apps, there's only eight of them. One of them is the Love Sense app. You know, it's literally that, right?
Starting point is 01:19:24 You can connect to a vibrator around the world. Listen, if your partner's remote, I'm on board with the remote thing. But that's just not my life. So sex toys that come with a remote seem needlessly complicated to me. You'd be flying while operating the toy. I'm just saying. What do I get out of it? Layer of failure, potentially.
Starting point is 01:19:43 Fair enough. Anyway, my new bathroom is pretty dope I don't know can you imagine Taylor a toilet that had like a hole to fuck and like your wife just telling her friends like yeah it's even got like a little hole that the guys
Starting point is 01:20:02 can fuck to get off it's really cool and it's even got like a little hole that the guys can fuck to get off it's really it's really cool we should have uh like have you ever seen them like milking things that happen in japanese hospitals like you guys have probably seen the videos why didn't we have one of them installed it's even appropriate the the thing i don't like about when i see those japanese jack-off machines is that it's never like one it's like a row of them and so and so like a bunch and so like am i am i like coming in with the evening shift here like putting my dick in here and then like i pulled the train horn
Starting point is 01:20:37 on the way like what the fuck is going on here oh i i've one cool thing about the matter i just want to throw it the mirrors mirrors have built into frosters, you know, so you press a button and there's like a heating grid behind it that defrosts. The mirror is pretty, the, you know, the exhaust fan that's above the shower.
Starting point is 01:20:53 Yeah. They're automatic. When they sense that it's starting to steam, they just turn on and work. And that's, that's fancy. Have you sat down on the toilet? Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:02 Not having to poop. Just wanting the anal massage? The seat is heated, and I like it more than you'd expect. So I've been like, this is the best seat in the house. None of my other seats are heated. The best seat in the house? None of my other – like why would I get up and go to some other seat? I've got my laptop here.
Starting point is 01:21:22 I've got my butt-warming toilet here. Is there something to put your laptop on? No, got my butt-warming toilet here. Is there something to put your laptop on? No, but we should do that for sure. That's happening, huh? You need an arm that attaches over here and then you can just swing the whole thing into your lap and it just floats right there and you just got a little
Starting point is 01:21:37 desk. You just need a mic set up and you could never leave. Next PK I'm doing from my kitchen. You're there. You could green screen your toilet. I have a video, but it's five next PK. I'm doing from my, you're there. You could green screen your toilet. I have a video, but it's five minutes long and I'm afraid it's a little too boring for the show. What's it about?
Starting point is 01:21:54 And we can talk about what it's about. It's my bathroom tour. Oh, it's your bathroom tour. Well, then perfect. Let's watch that. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:22:02 I, like I said, it's five minutes wrong. We might want to end up flipping around it. I made it just a vertical video to show my mom, then perfect. Let's watch that. Oh, my God. Like I said, it's five minutes long. We might want to end up flipping around it. I made it just a vertical video to show my mom the bathroom. Yeah, I mean, you could just play it in the background while I memorize the layout of your home. You could.
Starting point is 01:22:17 But I guess no audio, so we can just talk over the show. It's going to be too dull. But... There it is so some of it's still getting done you can see that cabinet still getting done and i don't have there's mood lighting for the bathtub that's what you're looking at the tub so the tub with legs that's some rich guy shit legs taylor that tub was the only... So the whole bathroom is... Are those speakers? The things above the shower, those are the shower head fixtures.
Starting point is 01:22:53 We're going to put a couch there. That room next to the tub is the shower, so there's no door or anything. You just walk behind the wall. Okay. I thought those were speakers that were like speakers sounds cool i don't know why we don't have any speakers that tub is the only thing that went under budget it was two thousand dollars and it had like the smallest little dent
Starting point is 01:23:14 right where my thumb is i'm explaining it and uh um we couldn't see it until it was time to install it it was covered with like all this padding and stuff so we call wayfair and we're like hey this tub is damaged can you swap it out with another and they're like ah we can give you a credit for fixing the damage and we're like ah no thank you please swap it with a new tub and they're like ah we can't do that apparently they don't have them um instead we can give you a full refund so we're like cool cool. Do that. They're like, turns out that you just dispose of the tub on your own. We fixed the tub for like $200. It was the only thing that went under budget.
Starting point is 01:23:52 There you go. I like the tub with the spigot in the middle, the faucet in the middle. That looks very fancy. That high up, you probably get a nice splash. Probably. I want to see the shower. This is an awesome bathroom.
Starting point is 01:24:07 I like the purple heart at the bottom of the vanity. It's like a special wood that I like. We'll see about the turn. That's the defroster thing I was talking about. And then the mirror lights up like that. I look fat. Don't look fat.
Starting point is 01:24:28 You cut that out. You do not look fat don't look you you cut that out you do not kyle tell your friend what he does not look fat he doesn't look fat i tell him every night yeah this is but fucking i'm trying to show this i'm waiting to get to the shower those are the the vents that turn on automatically that I mentioned. So here's the shower. There's like a car wash on the right and fixtures on the left. It looks like the Temple of Doom. I got to go past some dark shoes. It does. It does. That like thing. All right. So these are all the shower fixtures. We had the house's plumbing upgraded we put
Starting point is 01:25:05 this like pressurizer and you know maybe if you're maybe your shower your house is always perfect but some days the jets are like it's your shower's best day and the other days maybe your shower has like an enlarged prostate and it's a little drippy um because we put this house pressurizer thing in every day is the shower's best day. Like, every plumbing fixture in the house is just, like, kick-ass mode all the time. This looks great. This thing, I don't even know what this is. I think it's, like, a female masturbator.
Starting point is 01:25:34 Where do you see the jet that comes from the side? What is the purpose of that one? Oh. Come on. Well, you know. Fast-acting doucheche i don't know but uh i do like that little bench there though i remember i stayed in an airbnb that had a thing like that in there and just sitting there with all the like shower heads blasting down on you is so nice it feels kind of like put your head
Starting point is 01:26:01 in your hands and just relax let it my i get a lot of tension in my upper back, so when I wake up, it'd be great. There's the mega toilet! There's the mega toilet. You've got to get an entertainment center in that mega toilet little alcove. This thing here is like How many towels do you need?
Starting point is 01:26:20 My god, man! We're having that thing redone and restained to match the other wood in the room which is why it's unfinished right now but uh it's an old-timey refrigerator you put the ice at the top and it would drip to the bottom and keep things cool but there's the remote for the toilet that i talked about i shouldn't have opened it by hand like a peasant what the fuck is wrong with that is pretty embarrassing is Is that the ass detection mechanism? I guess so.
Starting point is 01:26:49 Is that a camera? I don't know. The bidet is so accurate. I suspect some sort of photography is happening. I think that's a Logitech webcam that I just saw. I was like, how does it know exactly where to shoot that stream? Joke's on you. They're selling your asshole.
Starting point is 01:27:08 Yeah. Yeah. So anyway, that's the master bedroom. I think the bed needs to be made, but yeah. Anyway, so that's our bathroom. That is awesome. You can see there's still some work to be done, but it's, it's you, bedroom. I think the bed needs to be made. But yeah, anyway, so that's our bathroom. That is awesome. You can see there's still some work to be done, but now we can use it. It was kind of rough to use the upstairs guest rooms for a couple months.
Starting point is 01:27:34 Very nice. Well, that's it. I'm glad it's done. How was the contractor situation? Did it go smoothly getting this done? I know you've had issues in the past. So we love these contractors. I get along with them really well he's a base jumper and so like on a personal level everything
Starting point is 01:27:49 went super well this particular project went like um what's the what's the bad side of on time and under budget it's over time and over budget so it so there is there is some of that involved but um uh we like him so much i didn't foster it wasn't a donald trump uh situation not nothing like that but you got a great bathroom out of it so that's all we got a great bathroom out of it we're happy with the workmanship and and we would hire him again we've hired him i don't even know how many times yeah sort of he's almost he lives here the thing that i would really like in a bathroom is is um those heated floors i just remember i stayed at a resort um one time a few years ago and it was in the winter so and and the tile floors were just so cold getting up to go piss
Starting point is 01:28:37 and that warm floor was awesome i really like that and then i think one of those houses i think we rented a place in color Colorado that had the heating where it's like the tubing in the floor. That shit exploded the first night we were there in the garage. In the garage, there was all these like, I think it was copper even, all this tubing. And it looked like, I don't know what it was. I didn't give a shit.
Starting point is 01:28:59 It's not my house. But there was a lot of infrastructure there. And one of those pipes burst and was just spraying high pressure hot water into the garage and i'm thinking like not only is my name not on like the rental of this place it's a rental i get it's rare usually when i'm somewhere i i'm the guy who's gonna have to end up paying if things go poorly and this was that one time when i was just like look at that shit that looks expensive oh it's gonna get in the dry and the drywall oh wow yeah you guys are fuck emergency plumbing and winter good luck and they did though they had an emergency plumber come there the next day god knows what it cost and he fixed all of that shit and it was just i don't know i had that kind of
Starting point is 01:29:45 plumbing growing up and i didn't love it um it's kind of neat that like your floors are warm and your feet are warm and stuff but we eventually went from carpets to hardwood because it blocked the heat from coming up if you didn't keep your room clean enough my father who his room was undermined would just get like melted out because my room's cold. The heat can't rise past my dirty clothes on the floor. And the thermostat is like, well, keep it coming. And he would just get, you know, blasted, saunid in his room. So I had to keep my room clean or he would suffer and I'd get in trouble.
Starting point is 01:30:19 Oh, that makes sense. That kind of stuff. It made me wish I had a regular vent. No, on that trip, I think chis was on that yeah chis was on that trip and i was gonna pull a prank on him and it was one of those times where i wasn't sure if the prank was too extreme or not i don't think i knew chis like you know you're fucking with his rainfly what'd you do like he i think what happened is he'd gone upstairs to his room in the cabin with his big lodge and he goes upstairs middle of winter colorado and like throws his suitcase in the room and everything i think that's what happened and then i go up behind him when he's not there
Starting point is 01:30:57 and i open these big swinging windows that are that are in his room to the outside world. And then I go back downstairs for the next six or eight hours while we like smoke weed and party and drink and watch movies and just eat food and just, you know, enjoy the evening. And so when he went to go to bed that night, the whole time it's in my head, his room was sub zero and snow had blown in and it was so cold in the room the snow was just wasn't melting that's how cold it was so cold in his room that snow wouldn't melt in his bedroom when like when he goes to bed i know that temperature it's great it's great but i was a little worried i was like is this one of those where he's either going to get mad or sad? Because that's never what I'm going for with a prank.
Starting point is 01:31:46 I want you to be like, you got me. I don't want you to be actually mad or sad, but he was pretty chill about it. I think he thought it was funny. Cool. You don't want someone to feel bullied when you prank them. No, let's never let go. Well, it depends on the person. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:01 I mean, ideally, a prank is like for a laugh that you can show the impractical jokers do pranks the right way they make themselves into the butt of the joke and they make a funny scenario whereas the old youtubers were pranks where it's like i'm gonna dress up like a 9-11 terrorist and then like throw a bomb at them and it's like we're like this isn't a prank like you're assaulting someone in public some of the um some of the early uh live streaming days with the irl streamers or whatever um damn did you ever see the one where i think it was like a brown kid in a school and he was streaming or he wants to be in a library or some building or something but he was streaming and then somebody did one of those text-to-speech donations and i think it
Starting point is 01:32:40 was something along the lines of like the bomb will now detonate in 10 9 and everybody starts screaming and like running out of the building and he's like walking obviously like fucking nervous because i think the cops got called on him or anything but yeah i'm sure yeah they got is that ice poseidon doesn't he have a no that wasn't i said it was somebody else okay i feel like i've seen that video the cops showed up for that when i saw that one i think i think that was uh yeah i saw that one i don. I don't have a, I have a UFC topic. We can all participate in. Oh,
Starting point is 01:33:07 I love UFC topics. Wait, hear it out. I saw it on the internet. If Joe Rogan main evented a card, it'd be the most watched card in UFC history. I believe that bigger than Conor McGregor. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:22 Who would be his ideal opponent? Danny DeVito. How tall is he? Joe Rog joe he's like five eight maybe yeah but i think that's pushing it he's built like a okay then five seven built like a brick shithouse though i i think i think joe rogan is about five five uh and real thick man i've seen him next to every time i see him next to people he looks itty bitty not itty bitty he looks short He looks very short because he's such a thick, stocky guy. He's the same height as Conor McGregor. How tall is Joe Rogan, really? That's what all that stuff raises.
Starting point is 01:33:54 Zach says 5'8". I also got that by Googling. I don't know if he's really tall. He's the same height as Conor McGregor wearing shoes while Conor's barefooted. I think you're right. Yeah. Because he's in that octagon in his you know shirt and tie microphone connor obviously just kicked some fool in the head or
Starting point is 01:34:10 whatever right the pic i saw was a way in but i think he was still barefoot oh it's good yeah they're barefoot there well not anymore man that that that that deal they're shoving down everybody's throat with the shoes the rock has a brand with under armor with the shoes and they're making them all wear the shoes and like i don't know suck the dick of the shoes. The Rock has a brand with Under Armour with the shoes and they're making them all wear the shoes and suck the dick of the shoes. Pretend like they like them or whatever. Nate Diaz. Nate Diaz on his Instagram. He's just like, look at these fucking shoes
Starting point is 01:34:33 they made us wear. Look at these ugly ass shoes. They fucking suck. They made us wear them. They fucking suck. I like Nate Diaz more than I ever did. How about this? Just going by similar ages and weights. Joe Rogan, he's 55.
Starting point is 01:34:50 I'm going to say 5'8". That's a little high. But his opponent could be Jason Statham, also 55. And it says 5'10 here, but keep in mind, they're both Hollywood heights. So it's probably a 5'7 guy and a 5'9 guy. So it's not like a big difference. I think Joe Rogan does whatever he wants with Jason Statham
Starting point is 01:35:10 until he decides to stop. First of all, it'd be a catch weight. So he can fight anybody he wants, right? They could do it that way. Could it be one of the Paul brothers or are they both too big weight-wise? Why don't you just do the fight that everybody always wanted and do Wesley Snipes?
Starting point is 01:35:26 That was what I had in my head. Apparently Joe Rogan was scheduled to fight Wesley Snipes at one point. Confirmed by Joe Rogan, though. It's a real thing. They were trying to put it together. They were trying to put it together. I don't know if it's because Wesley needed money or what was happening, but
Starting point is 01:35:41 it was real enough that Joe entered the training camp. He said yes to it, and then they tried to change the terms, and he said yes to those two. He didn't care. He just kind of wanted to do a fight, and apparently Wesley Snipes has some sort of striking training, but so does Joe, and Joe, of course, is a
Starting point is 01:35:57 master on the ground. I don't think it matters who Joe Rogan fights. I think that it would be tremendously popular. I think everybody would want to see it. It would be a freak fight. i think that it would be uh it would be tremendous it would be tremendously popular uh i think everybody i think everybody'd want to see it'd be a freak fight i feel like it would have to be and i could be wrong or maybe is is wesley snipes popular somewhere now or no it just yeah that's just like a thing that was gonna because i'm gonna say like if it's joe rogan i feel like you should find somebody that's like relevantly like you jack to like blow it up or whatever who would be who would be good good? Is Hugh Jackman about his size?
Starting point is 01:36:26 No. Maybe he's too tall. I think if Hugh Jackman is way smaller... Also, he's gonna... I remember him being too tall for the Wolverine role, and some people fussed in that regard. That's only because Wolverine's supposed to be 5' flat
Starting point is 01:36:40 or something. Wolverine's supposed to be like a midget. Okay. That's why they're mad about that. That's fucking stupid stupid of them to complain about I don't think he's that tall but I don't really know I love a celebrity match but um Dr. Mike right didn't he beat Hugh Jackman like your mic yeah I think so yeah uh would you say that they did the big youtube event I think Dr. Mike ended up beating iDubbbz on that funnel thing that'd be an interesting to see him get beat up but I don't think he'd be big enough. You need somebody way more.
Starting point is 01:37:08 Someone like a mainstream TV guy. If you're going to find someone even close to Joe's age, how many 55-year-olds out there do you think could take Joe Rogan? He's actually a pretty fucking tough guy and he looks like when you grabbed him, he would be dense.
Starting point is 01:37:26 Yeah. It seems like there'd be a lot of density i bear hug joe rogan and tried to make him tilt sideways i don't think i could do it no he's he's a very fit guy all he's fucking hopped up on shroom tech or whatever the fuck they're taking all that on his on it on his on it grind so i think there aren't many people you know who might be like competitive uh eddie bravo eddie bravo he was a fighter right he's some sort of jiu-jitsu savant oh i thought he was in the ufc i don't know about his fighting resume i don't i think he just does brazilian jiu-jitsu but i'm not sure. Because Joe probably couldn't take a real UFC guy. No. You don't think? No, not a real UFC guy.
Starting point is 01:38:07 I mean like a real, like a 55-year-old real, former real UFC guy. He moved a lot away from the... If you take a 55-year-old UFC guy, he could be broken down by now. Like, can Joe beat Chuck Liddell? Maybe. Yeah. Maybe. Chuck Liddell, he doesn't need to be hit anymore for his sake right i yeah his wife
Starting point is 01:38:28 came out or ex-wife wife something like that and said that he's got cte and that he's violent and you know what he what she said that really rubbed me the wrong way that he'd go to bars and he wouldn't let people get out of fights and something about that verbiage like a guy trying to cool it down say chuck this isn't what i'm looking for just like i'm sorry i hurt your feelings i'm sorry i said what i said is like whatever it is that's making chuck want to fight and chuck still is physically violent angry bro if someone's trying not to fight he should be able to not fight but that's how this goes and yet if he's trying to save face and come out the winner in some way then i can see how that escalates and why that goes out like look we can't both save face but if someone's just trying to get out of a fight let him out
Starting point is 01:39:17 yeah yeah that's shitty and that i feel like that's happened multiple times even with like some ufc guys who aren't cte'd out they'll like get in a fight at a bar and it'll be like oh there's like there's an out in the video where they could have left there's another out where they could have left oh and they decided to pulverize them instead like i guess when that's like everything looks like a nail when you're you're a fighter yeah and it's not brave right like it's oh did you win a fight yeah that's the thing you're good at i'm not impressed you know like it's not embarrassing it's like who's that chess guy that like swedish dude or norwegian or something magnus like if yeah magnus he comes into the room
Starting point is 01:39:59 and he like if he bullies me if he overpowers me into a game of chess and then just wipes the floor with me like like he looks like the douchebag it's like this guy didn't know what he's doing he was like asking you like what a good opening was and you were smashing him like similarly uh i was in the chess club in middle school and i enjoyed it but i didn't really play much after that so i know how i just i don't know strategies or anything i'm maybe at the same level you might be better than me but i taught my wife to play chess just recently right so she's never played chess before and she picked up all the moves pretty well like i thought chess was kind of complicated to learn every piece moves differently and some move one way and attack
Starting point is 01:40:39 another and like that's kind of tricky and anyway she picked up all the rules quickly and obviously i kicked her ass she had never played a game of chess before cool i like it this way this is my dominance training and uh so then we play again dude she's gotten into chess she hasn't eaten me yet but she's found an app on her phone and now she's running like named offenses and shit. Yeah. She's modest about it. Like she sets up her boards and it's like symmetrical and her fucking nights are out and her bishops are in like attack position. And she's like, all right,
Starting point is 01:41:13 that's as much as I remember. I'm like, the fuck you're remembering shit. I'm making up all this as I go along. That's how I play. I'm like, you can outthink me if I'm not thinking. If I'm playing move to move, you can't outthink me if i'm not thinking if i'm playing move to move you can't possibly anticipate right and then i just get hemmed up she still makes silly mistakes like thinking that if her bishop's right next to someone she can take
Starting point is 01:41:35 it it's like no they only move diagonal even if they're adjacent you know like that's the thing but but anyway she is going to be kicking my ass soon unless I start learning actual chess strategies. Then you can introduce her to Magic the Gathering and she can become a truly cool person. Someone who's awesome. Everyone plays Magic. They're not fucking weirdos. It's going to be more expensive than my bathroom remodel.
Starting point is 01:42:00 It will. Those guys over at Wizards of the Coast have struck gold. It's a cheap-ass ink, cheap-ass cardboard, and they're like, this one? It will. Those guys over at Wizards of the Coast have struck gold. It's a cheap-ass ink, cheap-ass cardboard, and they're like, this one? $70, idiot. And it's like, that's $70 a pop. You're going to need four in your deck, aren't you, retard?
Starting point is 01:42:17 Oh, no. It's like, oh, God. I've got to do another job. We've discovered that the cardboard costs too much. We're going virtual. And all the cards you have, you don't have anymore. I'll never jump back into the cardboard costs too much we're going virtual and all the cards you have you don't have anymore i'll never jump back into the cardboard collection just really just buying those boxes every so often and those boxes like with all the packs in them so we can do sealed like open six and build a deck out of that and my wife and i'll play but like one of those boxes
Starting point is 01:42:40 will last forever because we only do that like every few months it's it's so much fun magic is such a fun hobby i just love it it's so stupid and nerdy but i have so much fun playing it do you think the market for physical cards is going to dry up because the world's moving online i there are some people who are like all about paper and they don't want to play arena so there will always be those people but the majority everyone who's getting into it now is jumping in on the video game. And if you learn on a video game and then try and go back to paper, now that person has to remember all the manual triggers themselves, which it's much harder to go from a video game to the real paper. Whereas if you, like me, learned on paper, you can jump back to it real quick because you remember all the phases and triggers and things you have to recall.
Starting point is 01:43:24 But yeah, like Kyle. Kyle would probably not want to jump back into paper magic again unless we went on like a vacation then we could like play a little bit or something but i use the mat i use the mat um and it's got all the stages like written on there yeah why i'm not focusing focus focus on them yeah little rules matt that's handy is that a game you ever played Destiny or not interested in magic I used to play the Pokemon trading card game physically a long long time ago but I did Hearthstone for a little bit but otherwise no
Starting point is 01:43:54 other types of games I play I will say based on the thing you said about like a chess pro Magnus coming in and beating up people I will forever be salty on when i was a professional gamer so long ago 10 years ago i played starcraft and you know you we're gonna venture into the heated topic of skill-based matchmaking because i know a lot of you fps
Starting point is 01:44:17 guys get really ass mad that you might have to actually not kill noobs for once and i know how mad that it makes you guys yeah that's hated i'm not good against good players i like it at this point in my life because i'm the noob i know i got so mad when battle royales like the pub g's and everything started to become popular because from my perspective like the natural extension of like playing starcraft like rts if you were good at rts kind of the next evolution of games for you were games like league of legends or dota which are pretty different and pretty hard but if you were a good fps player now all of a sudden you've got a whole new game mode where you are a literal fucking god among noobs and you get to roll through games you know 10 15 20 kills and it is the most unimpressive fucking thing in the world i mean i hated it and every
Starting point is 01:45:02 time i see like that argument pop up again for like because i don't know where you guys are at on it now but i see that argument pop up for skill-based matchmaking and everybody's so sold he's like i hate it i hate it i just hate it why because you just want to like shit on noobs all day i hate it that triggers nobody i think i know what it triggers me people that are your skill level it's dumb to watch these fucking streamers that are like a middling fps loser failure pros environment go through these games and destroy like 30 people and it's like you're not impressive bro it is like you're actually like at the end of the stepbrothers movie i think is that what it's called where they beat up all the fifth graders yeah that's what you are except you found a way
Starting point is 01:45:36 to monetize it to stream it is bullshit and that was one of the funniest scenes in the film suffer like everybody else through the game i got so salty how those battle royales look like any decent fps player come in and just be a fucking god in some arena do most games uh like none of us actually really care about that like do most games have like a skill-based matchmaking queue and then a non-skill-based queue or do what types of games for like an fps like cod because that's what i see people complaining about um no for cod and all of that i'm pretty sure it's they don't do skill-based matchmaking right and not if they want to oh i thought cod did do skill because every time they suggest it all the people get really fucking mad about it it really is awful but you know if you're good at the game like you
Starting point is 01:46:17 don't want to have to be sweaty all the time i think that they like to be able to to cruise playing against the average person. I'm above average, but I'm not elite. I don't want to have to play against people like me. That's why I like it. I would never want to play against – I don't like it either. I don't like skill-based matchmaking because I don't want to get sweaty. If I'm a little bit better than everybody, then I want to be able to see that.
Starting point is 01:46:46 Zach said that a problem is in COD, that it does have skill-based matchmaking. It's hidden. But he says that it's weighted more than connection. So if that's true and it's weighted more than your connection, you should always weigh connection. No, that sounds like some cope shit that the COD fucking losers made up. We're like, oh, well, when they do skill-based matchmaking, sometimes they match with bilingual people
Starting point is 01:47:05 and I can't communicate with my team. That sounds like some coke shit that they make up to why they shouldn't have it. There's a really good reason why I need to be in a game where all of my opponents
Starting point is 01:47:14 look like they have Parkinson's disease. OK, like it absolutely has to work. Because they're trying to get a gameplay. That's all they're trying to do to get a nuke to drop
Starting point is 01:47:21 and make a commentary on it. Or that's not even what people do anymore, really. Did you play the new beta? No. Well, after you said that it wasn't that fun, I stopped downloading it on Xbox. I downloaded it and I played it for a day.
Starting point is 01:47:33 And then I heard that they unlocked some new game modes and I was coming back for the second day. And I was like, wait, why though? Why would I play more? It's awful. I don't have any enjoyment from killing somebody in that game. I don't care. I don't like getting the kill streaks even and if i die i really don't care like that's the problem i don't care about if i die in that game i could die 30 fucking times
Starting point is 01:47:53 in a row i don't give a shit i don't care yeah i guess it wasn't very like you've been playing higher stakes games for so long where it matters if you die it matters more to me dying in like fallout like if i'm playing fallout four and I'm not, I haven't saved in the last 10 minutes, it's a much bigger deal to die in fallout than it is to die a few times in cod. Like it's just rinse and repeat. You're just instantly back in the game.
Starting point is 01:48:16 Um, I don't know. I just didn't, I didn't care if I shot people, if I got three, I've got a triple kill or something. I just didn't care. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:48:23 It's not the game I care about anymore at all. You just have to wait. Wait until Vermin's done. But it's really slick. It might be the slickest COD I'd ever played. It was so nice. I liked all the guns, how they looked and how they worked, and I liked the game mechanics.
Starting point is 01:48:37 Nothing seemed all that broken to me. Is everyone still sliding around everywhere? Yeah, they kind of nerfed the sliding. I think the slide canceling in particular maybe because when i tried to slide cancel my guy just kind of like stalls and awkwardly slide slowly to a stop i don't know it's like when you catch a dog taking a shit it didn't seem to be the sort of bouncy sort of slipper slip and slide thing you used to be able to do but uh but maybe i just don't know how to fucking play but i do like that it's a bit more like battlefield where in the one game mode you could spawn into a helicopter that somebody happens to be flying over the battlefield and parachute out of it and sort of
Starting point is 01:49:15 like wing soup down to get exactly where you want to help save objectives so the the mode where they're trying to copy Battlefield is actually pretty fun. Damn, what happened to Battlefield? I canceled my pre-order, though, when I realized I didn't need to pay for the game to get the Tarkov mode or the Battle Royale mode. Is Battlefield a popular game at all anymore? Is that dead? That last Battlefield, man, they really fucked that one up.
Starting point is 01:49:44 Did they? I didn't even know why. I never liked Battlefield. I think there was a lot of lack of attention to detail. I just remember seeing the video where they're really upset about some reload animation stuff, but I'm sure there's core game mechanics that people feel like. I've never been in a Battlefield, though.
Starting point is 01:50:01 You feel so inconsequential in a Battlefield game. I kind of want to be a big deal like if we're playing if we're playing search and destroy and i'm the last guy left and he's the last guy left like it's just it's all on my shoulders you're all that's left playing battlefield that's it'd be so hyper rare that the whole game is on your shoulders in this one moment like that just doesn't happen you're just like killing meaningless hordes of people who instantly either respawn right where you killed them or even better their buddy just goes and like wakes them back up and they just pop back up like i don't know i just i feel inconsequential in those games yeah i like games where it's where
Starting point is 01:50:41 it's easy to to kill people that's why I was bad at Halo. Like, Halo was just, you had to hit in the head, and everybody else was doing really good at it, and I wasn't. And then COD, like, you could luck into a lot of deaths in COD. Halo was a little more skill-based, I thought, for that reason. For sure. Yeah. I forget what it, maybe four shots of the body finish with the head,
Starting point is 01:51:01 something like that. And people who were used to doing that, instead of just center mass. Old school COD, there was a multiplier for finish with the head something like that and people who were used to doing that instead of just center mass old school cod there was a multiplier for hitting in the head but the strategy was kind of center mass so your bullets all hit yeah um new cod the bullet multiplier for the head has gone up i don't know about the very newest but the one i played a little bit ago so you want head shots it rewards that um but when i my meat and potatoes cod days just shoot in the middle of the body so when a halo would drop and it would become the popular game for a month i'd get my ass kicked because those guys all had more talent the guys who played counter-strike as their it's like it's like mma right the guys who have a wrestling base it's like you seem to do
Starting point is 01:51:41 well so lucky now you just gotta now you just gotta learn how to punch people in the face and you're gonna be a badass right and everyone's gonna keep their hands down by their knees because they don't want you to take them down yeah meanwhile we're over here like and we play i play cod is like the first like real shooter that i devoted hundreds and hundreds of hours so yeah you just spray them right in the middle it doesn't even matter uh the guys who play counter-strike is their thing now Now they just can click on your head. And I still have to, when I'm playing Tarkov, I'll be like, before a match, I'll be like, the head, the head, the head.
Starting point is 01:52:12 You have to shoot them in the head. Stop shooting them in the body. They have armor on their chest and faces are one-shot kills. I'll be streaming to like a half dozen guys in the Discord and be like, why'd you die? I'm like, because I'm fucking stupid. That's that's why i shot him see that thing he's wearing i can't shoot through that that's why i shot it 12 times superman that game but but again i want to play a game that makes me angry if i'm not angry at the game then i'm not gonna be able to have fun play me in magic
Starting point is 01:52:39 i will make it unbearable for you that's how i am with movies like i'm impressed like do i want a movie to make me feel good yeah sure but really i just want a movie to make me feel all right then you've got to take my advice and watch the goddamn caveman show primal on hbo it's from cartoon network watch one episode it made me me cry. That caveman show. It's really good. It's called Primal. There's a couple of seasons of it. It's animated and there's no dialogue.
Starting point is 01:53:13 It's about a caveman and a dinosaur and their buddies. Bit of a documentary. It's a documentary. It's animated. Again, no dialogue. It's really good. I like it's a, it's a documentary. It's animated. Uh, again, no dialogue documentary. It's really good. I like it a lot. I started watching it when it came out.
Starting point is 01:53:29 Um, but then I never went back to it. And then recently I started watching it again. It's, it's really, really good. I don't want to watch something that makes me cry. Well,
Starting point is 01:53:41 you might be more of a man than me because I cry at all sorts of things. Like half the movies I watched me. I cry at all sorts of things like half the movies i watched me i cried at a thing last night i watched um i'm watching the outsiders again it's that hbo mini series based on the stephen king novel and and jason bateman um directs and stars in at least the first two episodes so and and there's this part where jason bateman who's been accused of this child murder is explaining to the cop that when the cop's son was on his team and he was coaching him they had this like little he's like you know what they called your son they call him whiff because he couldn't hit the ball he just kept swinging it and he couldn't he couldn't hit it and i told him to
Starting point is 01:54:18 stop they're 11 12 years old what are you gonna do i taught him to bunt those kids don't like to bunt but he could do it remember what they called himunt. Those kids don't like to bunt, but he could do it. Remember what they called him, what they said when he'd come to the plate? They'd say, push it. And the cop starts getting all teary eyed. They're sharing this moment.
Starting point is 01:54:34 And I'm sitting there like, he's like, so when you asked me if I ever touched your son, I touched your son on his tender, sexy heart that's what he does but he wasn't a pedo because he was 12. i touched my son at home i touched him in the bathroom i touched him on the field he said i hope so and and uh and i cried it was a real son in a way that's a amount of therapy can take away i cry at the fucking lamish stranger things season one there's this one character his name is steve harrington he's got badass hair steve the hair harrington and they teach you to hate this fucking guy he bullies the kids to some extent not really him his friend but he's involved he's a bully too and uh the the really pretty girl who is the the star's sister he fucks her and you kind of don't root for it the next morning she's like wants love and attention and he's ignoring her and
Starting point is 01:55:36 then he's whatever but he has a redemption arc and uh there's a scene where the same girl I talked about and her current boyfriend are fighting the big bad monster. And Steve's there. And they're like, get out of here. The monster's coming back. And he runs to the car kind of cowardly. And so her and her boyfriend are there. They have a baseball bat with giant nails hammered through it. Way more badass than Lucille from Walking Dead.
Starting point is 01:56:04 And this baseball bat with spikes anyway the school jock bully type guy is at his car more than ample time to escape the big bad monster he is home free they told him to leave they said get out of here the monster's coming you run they didn't want his help but he sees the lights flickering inside he decides to come back anyway boyfriend's got this baseball bat i described but he's not the high school jock he doesn't know what the fuck he's doing and the monster immediately like smacks him around and the bat is on the ground anyway out of nowhere steve the hairdo harrington grabs this bat and this motherfucker knows how to work a baseball bat you can just like i'm not even a baseball guy but by the way he holds it he knows
Starting point is 01:56:52 what the fuck he's doing and he starts beating the goddamn daylights out of this monster and at one point one hand and he like flips the bat around and does this move and uppercuts him so i was about to say you know if i were writing that scene he'd do the bat around and does this move and uppercuts him so i was about to say you know if i were writing that scene he'd do some bat tricks in the middle you ever you ever see somebody do that back trick where they like pretend to swing but they're really just flicking it twice and then catching it cool like you pull that and i'm blown away he did he was able to do like a one-handed twirl and then grab the thing again and swing an uppercut on this monster. And it's like,
Starting point is 01:57:26 right. Who do you want dealing with this baseball bat than the freaking jock of high school? What season is this? One. Oh, this is season one. Oh man.
Starting point is 01:57:38 It's been so long ago. Huh? Yeah. I watched it when it came out. I don't remember that at all. I'm current on this show. I'm right about this. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:57:44 And anyway, so I'm like, I was all. I'm current on this show. I'm right about this. Oh, I believe you. Anyway, I was talking to my wife about this. I found it on YouTube and replayed that scene in tears because I cry at victory shit like that. I always do. You know what I saw? If you want to test
Starting point is 01:58:02 just how much of a pussy you are for victory i saw a thing the other day they were like you think you guys think marvel was the first to do it and they're talking about the scene where uh captain america is like being tough and you know everybody shows up to help him apparently there was some power rangers movie where like we're like the current power rangers i don't know if you're aware of this, but there's been like so many. The current Power Rangers like down on their luck and they're like, what are we going to do? And then they
Starting point is 01:58:30 see like figures like standing on the canyon and then more and more figures and it's always pairs of five and you look and it's like every Power Ranger who's ever been a Power Ranger and it might be 200 people. And then the OG Power Rangers
Starting point is 01:58:45 come out. Really the porn star? The OG one like the Green Ranger fucking takes his mask off and it's the actor he's like 45 or 50. Wait I thought some of these guys like didn't was it the the red guy the Red Ranger didn't that guy wasn't he like a child molester
Starting point is 01:59:01 guy or did he? Let's not talk about that. He paid his he paid for his crimes wasn't he like a child molester guy or did he talk about that all right and i'll tell you what when when the power ranger thunder force needed him he showed back up and he went right back he's okay in our state i guess it's like the dave chappelle skit right sometimes he rapes sometimes he saves or whatever i i love the uh the original power rangers where i just i like the idea well the racial coloring yeah yeah i was i don't like the idea but i it's interesting that they were like yellow ranger asian girl it was black ranger black guy like that pink ranger girl uh the red ranger was native american was he native was he was he i remember that i don't know if i'm remembering a meme or not he He's like half Native American, and I think
Starting point is 01:59:46 they literally find that out in an episode. I'm sorry, I watched this show as it debuted, but I was like seven. I watched the original first season of the Power Rangers, which isn't even a real show, by the way. You know, it's like they took all the fighting
Starting point is 02:00:01 from that Japanese show, and then they had some American kids do all the talky parts, and then they just edit everything i thought you're gonna be like it wasn't even a real show you know power rangers is scripted right yeah those putties are just guys in this fucking they're gaslighting you motherfucker those putties are hobos okay they're killing them there is a world god where's this going where they're real no no no well have you seen that uh it's like a 10 minute mini movie that they made of like the power rangers rated r in the future some shit on youtube no oh fuck you guys oh it's it's interesting. I'll watch it later. There is a world where rated R remakes of some, like, older shit would be so fucking cool.
Starting point is 02:00:50 I want to see, like, an HBO, like, 10-episode miniseries set in, like, the Harry Potter world, but it's, like, rated R shit. Yeah. Like, I just, I feel like the amount of stuff you could explore. I want an Auror. I want an Auror. And, like, it's a new Auror coming in to the job, and he's meeting an old grizzled one who's all scarred up and shit. For the non-mega nerds, an Auror is like law enforcement in the magic world.
Starting point is 02:01:14 And he would see the seedy side, the side where people have potions to turn. So if you want a Polyjuice potion that makes you into a specific person for a specific amount of time you need a little bit of their hair so there'd be this whole underground market of hot people's hair so you could turn into like a celebrity and do weird shit with them or whatever oh that dude that already exists and there'd be dragon fighting and then like all sorts of crazy shit what else would they i imagine there'd be a lot of violence because a lot of violence a lot of crazy sex a lot of penis enlargement oh yeah absolutely yeah yeah sex a lot of like what's it like to be a girl drinking the potion how many
Starting point is 02:01:51 they are they called polyjuice potions where they all turn hairy polyjuice potion is like temporary but yeah kind of oh my god i'm so sorry i just i thought of the twin brothers do in real life do twins have the same dicks yeah exactly they're genetic duplicates we we've talked about this before how like so they do we have you confirmed it in real life twin brothers they have like the exact same dicks i bet they're very close but because sometimes there's an identical twin who's a tiny bit taller than the other one yeah well you say very close but like imagine how much it would suck if you were identical twins and you had like your dick is like five and a half inches and your brother has like the six and a half inch.
Starting point is 02:02:27 That final inch. That's a big deal. That would be. Imagine if you're like that guy. Do you think they ever compare? Like you're ever curious? Like I want to see who got fucked on the that part of the genetic lottery. We should have asked.
Starting point is 02:02:36 I don't know what. All you do is you get your brother to send you the dick pics. You use his pics. No chick's ever going to notice it when they come to inspect. And if she ever does call you on it, you're like, alright, show up tomorrow. We'll do a measure off. And you have Steven come over with his six-inch dick for the measure off. This is a good idea.
Starting point is 02:02:51 You are not going to pin me down on this. Dude, if we were twins, Kyle, and I were the big dick twin, I would hook you up. And I hope you'd do the same. For sure. Well, yeah. If one of us was the athletic twin and one of us was the smart twin or something, you'd have to have each other's backs. I don't think that happens, though.
Starting point is 02:03:06 I think they're fucking identical. The most fascinating stories that I've read are twins separated at birth and how parallel their lives can be. Down to the really weird shit where their wives will have the same career and the same haircut. Oh, yeah, yeah. they'll make like really yeah
Starting point is 02:03:26 they'll find like both of these guys like split up and never talk to each other but they're both dating they're in education or like yeah yeah it's weird to be firemen they're both in pediatrics like they're in the same fields with women who are in the same fields doing things that are similar in places that are similar like i mean they're genetic copies of each other it makes sense yeah but nature and nurture right like they went off to different families like like you'll see sometimes they're in different income brackets and how like sometimes the one who was in the lower income bracket outperforms the one when there is that disparity like you see really interesting stuff it would be barbaric to do it would be some nazi stuff but like separating
Starting point is 02:04:06 twins at birth and doing weird stuff to see what happens is very interesting so when it accidentally happens it's important we take advantage and take notes it's like i thought i had triplets nope nope no no did you see the reddit post uh i think a month ago with the wife who thought her husband her husband thought she was cheating on her she thought he was cheating on her um no he thought she was cheating on him i'm sorry jesus and they um they because they've done a paternity test because something was happening with her kid and the husband found out the kid wasn't theirs i did see this yeah and then she found out that the kid wasn't hers either and yes by the hospital what they do the hospital switched babies at birth yeah so when she had the paternity test he demanded one he had of course which is the way the kid looked this kid doesn't look like me i mean he got really suspicious had a paternity
Starting point is 02:04:57 test and it wasn't his and she's like i never cheated i never cheated i would know if i cheated and i didn't so they had another paternity test and it came back that he wasn't the father again and she's like i don't like i don't know what to do there was a reddit like man that's one of those where they do updates over time and uh so then they had a maternity test and it wasn't her kid either and they were switched at birth and they they think they got money out of the hospital and can you imagine roller coaster the roller coaster ride that you and your spouse would have where one of you feels so like it no it can't no he's like oh he's like that's not my son you cheated on me like there was a time where he believed that right yeah and then and then she must have been like no i didn't cheat
Starting point is 02:05:46 on you what the fuck and like where is she at during that and then like going taking that full uh full circle and both of them at the end being like we both got fucked by the final so here let me let me ask the real question to be her finding out that um or or before it's revealed at the end she comes clean and she's like i actually did cheat on you right before the hospital break is like actually we switched your baby she's like oh no if you're her do you at any point in this thing have bad vibes towards your husband for him not believing you for him being suspicious of you no because you were trying to tell tell him something that you were telling a lie you just didn't know it was a lie well i think everybody and he could see through it everybody mad at him for his lie detecting skills yeah i think that this is something i run into a lot for um like casual sex stuff right is there are some people if i hook up
Starting point is 02:06:41 with somebody usually i'll like just ask like when was the last time you were tested? Because if I want to fuck you and you want to fuck me and you're willing, probably fuck other people too. Some people, just by the virtue of asking that question, will immediately get upset. You're either of the mindset where you're like, okay, well, it's reasonable for you to ask these things, or there are a lot of
Starting point is 02:06:59 people I think in life that are geared towards just the fact that you don't trust me, regardless of what evidence you're presented, is enough to make you upset isn't enough to make that person upset so there are just some people that are like that i guess yeah yeah most people are like i can't believe you wouldn't trust me and it's like okay well yeah that's a real shitty attitude to take i've never experienced like well i mean i'd be better safe than sorry and like or it's like you know you're lying you would say the exact same thing wouldn't you you can't say i found out a lot you can't say that in an argument with your significant other
Starting point is 02:07:24 because you come off as hyper-schizoid artistic, but yeah. That's a horrible situation. Those poor people. Jesus Christ. I wonder how often that actually happens. Here's the question. What do you do with that baby? How old is the baby? It was just like a year or so,
Starting point is 02:07:40 right? You can take that back. You can swap that right out. No, no. I want cash credit. I want cash credit for right you can take that back you can swap that right you can swap that right out no no i know cash i want cash credit i want cash credit for medical stuff well that other couple's because you might actually be ahead on that if that other baby's a sick baby if you had a sick baby and they raised another one and they took care of all the medical bills you might that might have been a good investment for you then then in that case it just falls under finders
Starting point is 02:08:02 keepers law they kind of shorted your baby They borrowed it they returned it when it was worth more And they got fucked on the trade I guess It's a bad investment You hear about those like fertility doctors Who will slip their own sperm in And father like hundreds and hundreds of babies Yeah those sigma males
Starting point is 02:08:17 Heroes yes Jesus Christ Hey you guys say I mean he is a doctor Yeah right is he a good-looking doctor? It's like very science-y rape. It's what it is. It's really horrific. I wouldn't like that.
Starting point is 02:08:37 No one would like that. He's the only guy in that corner. No one else is like, I get it, yay. Yeah, I think there was an X-Files episode where something like that was happening. Somebody was slipping their sperm into the fertility clinic because the kids all had the same genetic mutation where they had tails. And it's like, all right,
Starting point is 02:08:56 let's find the one guy who has a tail. Dr. Ratzman. But wait. Yes. It wasn't me I read a book about the baby that was switched at birth they don't know what happened to their biological baby and she's terrified about
Starting point is 02:09:12 that reality I thought there was an update where they said that they had found them and they were reaching out I thought that too but I just read it oh shit did we get Mandela affected or did it actually could have got updated thought we found him but we didn't or her well they made probably don't even know well i'm sure they knew they had the baby have y'all done 23 and me like a like an ancestral thing
Starting point is 02:09:35 my brother did but i never have i'm so goddamn white i i i pulled up my results here that i had looked at him in a while i think it's 98.9% like Northern European, like English and Irish specifically. My brother, I don't, he didn't like show me the page or anything. He was like, Oh,
Starting point is 02:09:53 I did it. And like, or no, he did it like a couple of years ago and they sent him an update. And he's like, yeah, like there's a big mix of European, but the only like two big ones were like British and Italian.
Starting point is 02:10:02 Yeah. Mine is, I thought I was, I was pretty french maybe i have a tiny amount of scandinavian and then that fucking two percent neanderthal which is hilarious well yeah if you're if you're of european descent you got a little neanderthal in you damn my usually so i i haven't done one my mother did one and if i have my facts right and and i don't know her percentage of neanderthal it's hard to compare it to yours i it was like she was more neanderthal than 98 of people or something like that it was
Starting point is 02:10:30 like the it was stayed in a different way than yours i don't know if two percent is like slightly above average or like way way and you're 99.9 like you see how they're not the same i wonder if they were still around like if they need their own sports leagues because they were like stronger i thought they had bigger brains i thought they had bigger brains. I thought they had bigger heads, but they were dumber. I don't remember. I think they had bigger brains. Maybe were they a little shorter and broad? They were stronger.
Starting point is 02:10:52 They were more muscled than us. They were dumber. Kind of like Kyle's dog. A little bit. Aw. There's a reason that we persevered and they couldn't. He watches this. He watches the show.
Starting point is 02:11:03 It's all right. He won't understand. Sorry, Rocky. If he could read, he'd be upset. As a Neanderthal, I've done a bit of research on this. They were just as intelligent as you homo sapiens. They had art.
Starting point is 02:11:19 They had jewelry, tattoos, and stuff. And advanced flint weaponry and all that stuff. It was like that cave art, though. There's got be like a cool racial slur you can use or something being two percent neanderthal there's got to be something there right we gotta we gotta figure this you gotta figure it yeah and we have to like make sure that everyone with neanderthal ancestry is on board that we get pissed if people use it that's our word oh wait we're extinct like is it that's our word oh wait we're extinct like that's how hard we were oppressed instantly start fighting as soon as someone calls you a i don't know this reminds me of a really old set of
Starting point is 02:11:52 commercials was it progressive who had the caveman the caveman i could do it oh geico yeah something that was really interesting along the twins thing there's got to be like some fucking murder movie that gets made out of this plot but um two twins two sets of twins married each other and they both had kids technically i think those kids are all genetic siblings they are like brother sister like that close because of the twin shit there's got to be some movie where somebody kills somebody and they have the same dna and then they later find out that like their other fucking um uncle had like a yeah child or something the outsiders is actually a little bit like that right? Before we jump into
Starting point is 02:12:29 The Outsiders Kyle I did not realize we're overdue on the two hour mark I was having so much fun we're going to hear from a couple of wonderful sponsors This episode of PKA is brought to you by FUM F-U-M FUM is the natural inhaler designed for a better safer and natural way to quit cigarettes.
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Starting point is 02:15:26 These Delta 8 bars, these 1 gram Delta 8 vapes, you can use the code PKA free for buy one, get one free for these. They are more gentle, not as intense as the THCO or HHC. So if you're looking to kind of try it for the first time, that's a good way to do it for relatively cheap. The PKA free is only for these, though. So if you want to get other stuff, you're going to have to do two checkouts with PKA-20 for the 20% off. Check them out. And if Kyle will agree,
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Starting point is 02:16:40 we should send some we should send some to destiny if he doesn't already have a preferred pre-workout um we were talking about the cum pills okay we should send destiny some cum pills too yeah i was gonna make a joke and plug my own gorilla mind link but i think that might actually be crossing the line so yeah the cum pills are hilariously effective it takes about two weeks to notice a difference and about six weeks to get the full load but uh you'll see about 12 weeks you uh get a 12 weeks she drowns yeah all right what are we talking about kyle was talking about something i want to talk about a tv show now
Starting point is 02:17:18 he's gone oblivion oh he said you know there's kind of a plot like that in the outsiders dot dot dot about twins or something i I don't know what. Now we'll never know about his twins point that I'm sure was salient and good. I want him to bring his new puppy on screen. He popped it up right in the middle of PKN, didn't he? Or maybe that was, no, during the hangout, he showed everyone in the hangout his new puppy. Yeah, suddenly it seemed like he had a puppy hooked on his toe
Starting point is 02:17:41 like he was fishing and he wasn't down to show it. It blows the, I wouldn't, actually I wouldn't, I would say this like he was fishing and he wasn't down to show it? It blows the... Actually, I would say this while he was here. The new dog blows the pants off his old dog in terms of cuteness. It's not a contest. They're not playing the same sport. I don't think you're allowed to have two children. This fucking loser
Starting point is 02:18:01 can't even walk. Look at this. I don't want to say I love one kid more than the other, but this one was body trained at 11 months. And the other fucking retard. And the other one idiot. Leave him in his room. He's just bitching again. That's how I'll handle my son and daughter.
Starting point is 02:18:19 Are you going to have kids soon? I thought you would be a dad by now. Did you let Jesus take the wheel on birth control? Are you going to have kids soon? I thought you would be a dad by now. You were like, let Jesus take the wheel on birth control like years ago. It has. I've been on a long Jesus take the wheel birth control streak. In regard to condoms, I'm Catholic. I'm not touching those.
Starting point is 02:18:50 They ruin everything. But for the kids thing, like it really because right after we got married, she had her back issue with her spinal cord. And so we've had to do quite a bit of stuff, you know, only like once a year, really. Or I guess once we did it twice a year. We go up to Mayo Clinic and then she gets scanned and everything. And the next time we're going is January. So we have an appointment, I believe, in January to take her and get her scanned up. Her pain level, like nerve level, like pain and everything, it's much, much way infinitely lower than it was
Starting point is 02:19:12 back, you know, a year and a half ago or whatever, like literally right after our honeymoon when she started getting that pain. So once the doctor and I say the doctor will clear us, the doctor can't clear us because it's such a rare thing. Pain level, like can she stand all day, for example? Yes.
Starting point is 02:19:26 She couldn't before. At first, she could barely move at times because there was so much intense nerve pain. Now, she can be on her feet all day. She can do this and that. She lifts weights with me. And so it's doing good. But if she overexerts herself sometimes, she'll get a band of pain around there because i guess it aggravates the the area of the bleed in her spinal cord um but once we go in january they're going to take another look and all they can really tell you is like it either looks like it's increasing in the amount
Starting point is 02:19:55 of fluid or blood in there or decreasing or it's like stagnating and the last couple times we've gone it's all been less and less which is tremendous news because what is the condition called again and say it slowly it's called a oh my god i'm i'm fucking spacing it's like a malignant it's no not malignant it's um metathesis i'll remember it in a minute when it's malicious one of the words no it's not kyle you're muted no it's not malicious it's a a deadly horrific i remember the first word i'm like the first word in it is a mean one it's it's a it's not a good one i i'm i apologize i know it's not what is that what wait what is the condition we can find this it is 20 questions it's a it's a bleed in her spinal cord in the action not near the spinal cord within the spinal cord and it's
Starting point is 02:20:46 usually in the brain what the is it an intramedullary medullary hemorrhage or no it is not hematoma what's that she's oh okay well there that's probably hey baby what's wrong with you are you texting her oh he's asking away i was googling it so i didn't see what he was doing wow i guess we're getting an update on him i i can't wait to hear what the first word is again because it's it's like i i went to go ask her she went to bed and as i was walking out i'm like oh it's called the cavernous malformation so that is it's it's a cavernous malformation in the spine and what that is caused by is within the spinal cord, a bleed can happen. And that causes to put,
Starting point is 02:21:27 it puts a lot of pressure on the cord itself. And that pretty much can impact anything in your body. That's in alignment with that area or anything below that. And so like we had fears for a long time, like, like if this bleeds badly, could, could paralyze her or something like it doesn't look like that's going to
Starting point is 02:21:42 happen. Thank God. But yeah, as of January, when we get checked out again, I like that's going to happen thank god um but yeah as of january when we get checked out again um i think we're gonna maybe as long as everything looks good we're gonna maybe go on another big vacation and then start trying so oh okay so because it's kind of improved on its own or improved with lifestyle changes or whatever made it improve you're thinking it's not surgical.
Starting point is 02:22:06 Definitely not. Yeah. Like, like it was, it was fucked up when we like first started investigating it. Cause we went to a doc, like a surgeon near us here in St. Louis and like went to a good hospital.
Starting point is 02:22:15 And the guy immediately like saw it X-rayed and was like, this is a tumor. I'm, I'm willing to operate on it. And we, I was like, this guy's fucking 72 like no and like i remember i remember literally leaving and like me and my wife were like in so much distress like because it but it was enormous amount of stress for both of us
Starting point is 02:22:34 still you know and i was literally telling her she's like i don't want to have spinal cord surgery and i'm scared and i'm like that fucking quack is not touching you we are finding i look we said this on the way to the car. I'm like, we are finding the guy for cavernous malformations of the spine, wherever it is. And we are going there. And it just so happened that that guy is at the Mayo Clinic up in Minnesota. And so that's where we've been bouncing back and forth to. And when that guy, this Italian guy who knows his shit, wrote the book on it, literally,
Starting point is 02:23:03 he told me immediately he was probably 50 55 maybe yeah a great age 49 he was 49 and his hands barely shit yeah no his his hands did not shake at all and he immediately was like this is not a tumor i know that for a fact just by looking at this i can tell it looks like a rare bleed um there's no reason to like go into a surgery right now because it's such a risky thing like i'm he said like i'm comfortable with this i've done it before but it's never the right move to opt for the surgery before it's like necessary because in the spinal cord just a little fuck up and you're paralyzed or your your life is over and so it was pretty it was really bad at the time like a year and a half ago and then we went back like a year ago and now it'll be january that the final one is so i remember what happened i read it as a carnivorous malformation oh my god well i don't always have my glasses on
Starting point is 02:23:59 you guys think she's got a little piranha on her back Are you sure that it's not a carnivorous mouth? Man, that's a lot scarier. I'm going to have to get an animal control guy. I'm going to find the best animal control guy in the business. You needed a zookeeper. Maybe.
Starting point is 02:24:20 Your dumbass went to a surgeon. Here I am pissing money away at Mayo. No, it's definitely not a carnivorous. Your dumb ass went to a surgeon. You're lucky it's still alive. Here I am pissing money away at Mayo. I could have just went to Oric. Like a crocodile hunter type situation. So it's way better than it was. Great. Like chicken lift and everything.
Starting point is 02:24:42 We don't think about it the way we did before. Because there was quite a bit of time there where it was like, I was personally just obsessing over it. So fucking worried 24 seven. And like, she's worried about it and I'm trying to like be the strong face, but inside I'm like, Oh my God, like please be okay.
Starting point is 02:24:55 Like it was, it's been rough, but she's doing much better now. Yes. Now. And you'll try for a baby this winter. We'll see. I mean,
Starting point is 02:25:04 I really, i want to i want to get through that doctor's appointment and see what they say and if he has any like advice for us about that things to be on the lookout for but it's so rare yes it's for you doesn't like if this starts happening you know from behind it gets closer to the cervix. It's a better delivery. That's what he's doing, telling me how to inseminate her. I'm like, no, I understand that part. He just carries on anyway. And not to brag, but I can do it a lot faster than you. Look at this guy, taking forever.
Starting point is 02:25:39 Taylor, you should really wait until we know how the election goes. If Trump doesn't become president, do you really want to bring a child into this world? Do you want to bring a child into Biden's America? That's so true. I often make life-changing decisions based on who won the election. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:25:58 I'm not going to have a kid if Biden wins again. Kyle, we need to see your dog. Yes, get the dog. Get him in the mix. His legs from here. I took him away. What is happening? He was all tuckered out and he flipped this fucking water bowl over and then he rolled in it.
Starting point is 02:26:14 Oh God, I bet he looks like the last one or even worse. And now Kyle's worried about how judgmental you guys are. That's what it is. That's what it is. Kyle's afraid we'll find a defect in his new dog. He's downstairs getting dried off. He's got a sloth from Ice Age in the basement. Not good. No, sloth from the Goonies in the basement.
Starting point is 02:26:35 I mean, you've got a picture of him. There's a picture of him somewhere, right? You can show a photo of the dog. I just don't have him handy. He's in the house. He was handy previously. He was biting on your toe and not over the camera. You're so much faster than him.
Starting point is 02:26:55 Someone needs to take that dog to the dentist. He's got a little underbite. I don't think a dentist can fix that. With enough money, you can fix anything. I think you just want to put that one down. That's a lost cause. I wonder how hard it is to recover from that leg lengthening surgery.
Starting point is 02:27:12 It's supposed to be pretty agonizing now. Isn't it like months and months? It would make sense that it is. It's three months. So I broke my leg recently. To get taller or just incidentally? I did it leg recently. And just for that. To get taller or just like incidentally? I did it for fun. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:27:27 And just for those bones, which were already like touching to reconnect, it's like a good 12 weeks. Now with the leg lengthening surgery, they take the bones and separate them by a few inches. And the bones have to grow back and find each other along like the length of this metal rod. That must take years let me see do you think do these people look normal like wouldn't your body be not proportional if you just lengthened like what is it just like your femurs or whatever i feel like you've got to look weird as fuck your arms look short they do it in their shins a lot and if they want to add a little more to it they'll do the shins and the thighs based on what I'm reading. And I do see them as a little leggy, but it seems like you can add on a good like four inches, maybe five and still be like, yeah. All right.
Starting point is 02:28:18 So look at that guy. Is he's a he doesn't look disproportional to me. Actually, that one looks like better than normal. I don't know. That's a slender man looking motherfucker to me. He's got a black shirt on. It makes one looks better than normal. I don't know. That's a slender man looking motherfucker to me. He's got a black shirt on. It makes him look a little fat. I don't know if I trust that. He's wearing shoes in the second one. Wait, are you talking
Starting point is 02:28:31 about the doctor? Wait, who's the guy in shorts? The guy in shorts is the guy who got taller. He's the patient. Yeah, he looks like he's looking a little lanky there. But he's also, he's not wearing shoes in the first photo. Why did the doctor get shorter can we find another one i just i just linked a whole forum that has a bunch of examples of people.
Starting point is 02:29:07 All right. So on the left, he posts. That thing still bisects at the same spot on his ears. He got taller on the right, I guess. His ears went up a cube. It looks like his feet, his knees are closer to the doorknob in the left one. This isn't enough height to spend a bunch of months
Starting point is 02:29:27 agonizing in pain. I want to see a really short guy who got to... I want to see a guy who got six trucking inches on him. That's a lot of... Let's check out this chick. Her shoulders went from well below to on top.
Starting point is 02:29:44 No, she didn't get taller look at her left her before they were lengthening one leg to get it the same length as the other oh wait but she got taller am i not crazy look at where her shoulders are compared to that thing in the back look at where her hips are compared to the doorknob i guess they just knocked them both out while they were there yeah but she's also wearing a totally different outfit i've seen enough before and after gym pictures to know that this is some sketchy shit right now we got different outfits we got different the lighting is a lot brighter hair is different look at where they're smiling i don't know if that makes a little
Starting point is 02:30:10 taller one might have been taken in the morning one at night i don't know if i'm trusting like one up here better biceps in the black picture like she's let's see another one zach a lot of these oh a huge amount of these are like one person with a too long or not long enough leg. Okay, well that actually seems like a reasonable reason to need this surgery. Like one leg isn't long enough to walk comfortably. But a dude who... Oh, Kyle's dog is here.
Starting point is 02:30:36 We didn't even notice. We got so distracted by the people. Oh, cute. Kyle, you muted. Yeah, we've never been talking about this dog. His name is Toby. Unless you change his name, you're still in the window where you can change it, but I think Toby's a cute little puppy
Starting point is 02:30:52 name. Yes. What other ideas do you have, Kyle? Toby or Bernie, but I think Toby. I think your name is Toby. Your name is Toby. And he's already used to Toby. His long eight weeks is Toby. Your name is Toby. And he's already used to Toby. His long eight weeks of life, he's already there.
Starting point is 02:31:10 That dog is so much cuter. He's a chill dog. Good gosh. Is he always that chill? No, he likes to run around and be silly and chew his toys and bark. He's done now. He's done.
Starting point is 02:31:24 Do you have a little bow tie on him? I got a little bow tie. I have bow ties and bark. He's done now. He's done. Do you have a little bow tie on him? I got a little bow tie. I have bow ties on my dogs too. He's got a bell. My wife puts it there, but I like it. They're the bow tie boys. They run around.
Starting point is 02:31:39 That's all that our group chat was today. It was just sending clips of dogs. Where's the bow tie? Oh, on the side. He bernie's mountain dog and half poodle speaking of that i talked to someone or my wife was like oh that's gonna be much bigger than 50 pounds because like my my friend has one that's like 75 80 so unless he's a real little guy i think he's gonna get pretty large 70 to 90 i keep showing you guys that, and you're like, 50. I'm like, 70 to 90. Oh, yeah, 50.
Starting point is 02:32:08 That's a good size. 70 to 90. Is this muted? I keep telling you. You just have to stop feeding him around six months. Plateau that size. Yeah, he's going to be about 50, 55, I'd say. I think you may have
Starting point is 02:32:26 bought a pot-bellied pig there. You're going to do a heckin' big jump? Do you have any pets, Destiny? Fuck no. No, you're not a dog guy, a cat guy? No, they're cute. I like playing with them. I don't want to take care of the animals or anything. Does your wife have any that you got conscripted into uh nope actually you have a kid i do yeah
Starting point is 02:32:50 he lives in nebraska oh yeah so you don't you're past the the dog thing or no lots of people like or at least like friends of my parents i knew when they got like empty nest syndrome a bunch of them bought dogs oh well i mean i moved so my nest is pretty empty but yeah fair enough i couldn't even take care of my kid why would i want an animal too no i'm just kidding but um no the uh it's nice but like when you travel a ton and you got to find people to babysit them and like sometimes your house smells like pets and i just i don't want to deal with any of it but they're really fun to play with if i go to other people's houses it's fun to play with their pets i guess i'm like a pet um what is it like an uncle or aunt where they talk about how like it's fun to play with like your nephews and
Starting point is 02:33:28 nieces and cousins or whatever but you don't want one of your own yeah i think i nailed it you think aunt a slut is what i went with like he just sort of goes around and plays with anyone that'll let him that's there's a name for that sometimes like you you know when you pet a dog out in public and then you come know when you pet a dog out in public and then you come home and you let your dog like smell your hands and they're kind of like and they're jealous yeah then you have to do that reclaiming pet yeah like i'm still here for you and he's like you're playing around yeah laying around as though it's we don't have a contract here of an assumed contract of exclusivity. I've been watching a bunch of those hurricane clips.
Starting point is 02:34:12 This shit is wild. The Fort Myers is gone. How gone? Dude, Florida's so flat. I want... Okay, normally when I see a flooded out area, I'm like,'m like oh sure but they have set the camera up to make that particular area look as flooded as possible but florida is so
Starting point is 02:34:33 flat i wonder how widespread the flooding is does it go on as far as the eye can see like when the mississippi overflows yeah i don't know i've just like watched the clips i've seen where it's like boats being thrown into buildings, like being thrown into the second floor of the building or third floor or like a clip where it's like, you know, this is Fort Myers, a camera out the third story window of an apartment building. And it's like the water's only like a foot below where they are. And I'm also like, I guess lots of people just stay every year and just're just like i'm gonna risk it i'm gonna roll the dice but i mean i don't blame people like i feel like it's it's i guess it's gonna kind of
Starting point is 02:35:11 happen with the coronavirus not like do you remember before the before covid remember how many times like the killer flu like the bird flu h1n1 we always thought that civilization was gonna end ebola yeah it happens a lot with hurricanes in florida too where and i think it was was it last year or two years ago it was sometime in the past three or four years where there was going to be what was supposed to be like the killer murder hurricane coming through florida that was supposed to cause like terror and kill thousands of people and blah blah and they hyped i think there are news of that um is his name shepherd smith or is it mark shep who's the guy on fox shepherd smith shepherd smith where he's talking about how like yeah if you're here you're gonna die you're gonna
Starting point is 02:35:49 die if you stay for this hurricane and it came oh i can hear him saying it yeah yeah he actually was he was super dry and he was like trying to like hype it up basically but yeah and then nothing happened the people who were here are no longer yeah actually have you seen it or you're just like ad-libbing oh how is this ad-libbing no i'm pretty sure he actually says this yeah like oh yeah there's like there were two people in there and that woman's husband he's dead yeah and um at the end doesn't he go and your kids they're dead too like it's a really funny clip but um yeah and it ended up not happening and then even here like everybody called me dumb because and i'm not trying to be an uh an anti-alarmist or whatever i'm not trying to say i know anything about Florida because it's my first year living in Miami.
Starting point is 02:36:25 But a lot of people were making fun of me like, oh, you got to leave, you got to leave, you're going to get fucked or whatever. And I think we had like rain yesterday. And I'm like, okay. It came in a little north of you, I think. I guess, yeah. But it's basically like nothing.
Starting point is 02:36:35 I'm disappointed in Biden, really. Like I read it on the internet. Disappointed. Is this the Republican in you? I'm disappointed in Biden because he didn't stop the hurricane. He didn't even attempt to fix the hurricane's path with a black sharpie like Trump would have given it a go. The weaponry that that man
Starting point is 02:36:50 has at hand. If you don't put a strike on the next hurricane, then you are literally committing treason. On the side of the hurricane. Trump at least considered nuclear weapons for the black hurricane.
Starting point is 02:37:03 Think about that for a second. When Trump saw a threat coming to the United States, you know what he thought? I got to stop this. No matter what. Have you guys thought outside of the box ever about ways to stop these things? Going to be a series of fans, the biggest fans you've ever seen.
Starting point is 02:37:21 Even harder than They just blow in the opposite direction of the hurricane. I don't see why that would fail. That's short-sighted. It's feeding off the ocean. So what if we move the ocean? We just push that back a little bit. Now what's the hurricane going to do?
Starting point is 02:37:35 Let's push the ocean back 50 miles. We'll be good. Just drain it. Where the water is, pull it out and put it to the side. You don't actually want to destroy the hurricane. That's short-sighted. You want to utilize and harness control. Look at the damage a hurricane can do.
Starting point is 02:37:52 That's way cooler and more powerful than anything we've got other than nukes. And there's no fallout. So if we can control hurricanes, we control fucking... I think out west... I keep seeing how low the lake levels are and stuff. Why don't they just take the
Starting point is 02:38:08 hurricane and make it go to Utah? They should. Do they have low lake levels over there? Are they going through a dry spell? Massively low. Yeah, it's a huge thing. I remember, I'll make this up, like 8, 12 years ago, the lakes and river and the
Starting point is 02:38:24 water levels in California and that area, you know, Colorado, et cetera, were so low. It was this tragic, never going to recover thing. And then it recovered. And now it's back. It's so low, never going to recover again. And I don't know, maybe I'm. I always say that.
Starting point is 02:38:39 Have you guys ever, have any of you run at that, that issue that seem seemingly is very common where you you can't get water like you just can't get any today that's just never wait where at the store i don't know in your lives at any moment ever like they always have these water shortages but and they're like turn the fucking faucet off while you're brushing your teeth i turn them both on the whole time my shower's running right now i got 12 we know that woody's running right now because it was gonna be like a public announcement like
Starting point is 02:39:09 it's part of my tradition i run a piping hot shower during every pka there's something to be said for like the scariest things you mentioned that without water thing i think anytime like things change that are really familiar i think things get really scary so if you've ever gone through like school when there are no students there it's very fucking eerie yeah i think the scariest moment of my entire life that just i say scary like just very eerie feeling was driving up and down the 405 at rush hour hours and having there be no traffic in 2021 where the coronavirus when it first hit and every city went dark or not dark but like quiet and nobody was anywhere and you drive and
Starting point is 02:39:51 every place is empty nobody's driving on the interstate for the only time of your life in la there's no traffic but when you go to the grocery stores there's like a line of carts outside the store i don't like oh that's some pretty fucking spooky shit i feel like i'm in a post-apocalyptic movie or some shit dude this has happened here like yeah so i being a fucking pussy liberal or something and staying inside obeying all the covid restrictions etc and you know we're like quarantining to the point where i barely left the house in three months or something like that and then i venture outside because i have to you know into this freaking post-apocalyptic neverland and the traffic is down by like a third and i'm like wait a minute you guys have been outside all this time like
Starting point is 02:40:37 the traffic is down by a third it's better no i haven't had i haven't had covet either i'm one of the few people that i know that haven't gotten it. And I, you know, I did that. I was going to the gym every night and still managed to avoid it. And I had no traffic hours. Like you were, you were, you had your, like, it was like a playpen for you. Yeah. See, at the time, you know, I'm still going on how I was feeling at the time. At the time, we thought you could get it from some... You could touch some sweat
Starting point is 02:41:06 and then maybe lick your hand or something and get COVID. I know you wouldn't do that, but if you think about it, you'd operate some machinery and you'd touch your headphones to adjust the volume and somehow or another, you'd bump your lip or something. You know what I mean? You thought that could give you COVID.
Starting point is 02:41:21 I was like a surgeon sanitizing my i would sanitize my hands as i went out the door and my notebook and my water bottle like alcohol on everything just using their alcohol to reckless abandon just didn't give a shit how much i wasted and then i'd kick the door open and start stumble out of there just kind of you to clean up after you were done that's a that's a gym epidemic it's like people not returning carts just sweating all over shit and expecting everyone else to just lay in it very rude that's the equivalent to that in the gym is i don't mind the i don't mind the people that don't wipe stuff
Starting point is 02:41:53 down because like i think if you go to use something sometimes you'll wipe it down first anyway so it's whatever but it's people that don't put shit back that's very rude too just leaving or there will be like sometimes there'll be the oddest combination of weights on the rack. I'll come and I'll be like, there are no 2.5s here. Where are they? But for some reason, there's like eight five-pound plates. Like, what were you doing? Two sets, bro.
Starting point is 02:42:18 Yeah, I'm so confused. Or like people that will put the 45s back way up where the 2.5s. Some guy is going out of his way to hoist these 45s up like to block off. You know, there's like some girl that wants to like do her 85, 90 pound squat and she can't even pull the fucking plan off without killing herself. I do that. Jesus Christ. I always every time I go down, I rearrange everything just because of what you're resting between sets or whatever. And it just drives me crazy every time I go on the next day. And it's just like if you're big enough to use the 45s you're big enough to put them back where you found it what the fuck is wrong with you jesus christ
Starting point is 02:42:49 it's like i take it all i take them off in my home gym like not me i leave my shit right where it was and jackie gets mad she's like you know there's 200 pounds on the bench press i'm like yeah that way it'll be there the next time i need to bench press yeah it's a good work i've done that before for my wife. She's like, I need you to take this off. Like, cause I'll leave them on the machine sometimes in my basement. And I'll be like, no, just like work up to it. And she's like, I can't overhead press 180 pounds.
Starting point is 02:43:14 I'm like, not until you buckle down and get serious about this. Like you start low enough with an overhead press you can always do at least half the movement yeah you see that like i i went to a lifetime fitness a few months ago with a friend just like because i have a home gym so like every once in a while it's like fun if i get invited to one i'm like oh i'll see how the peons are lifting and they're much nicer equipment than what's in my fucking rat's nest of a basement. But like, it is, I could never go back. I'm too spoiled by my home gym.
Starting point is 02:43:51 Like, Destiny's right. If I see a guy that I have to wait even two seconds to get out of the squat rack, I'm like, I'm just pissing time away. What am I doing? May as well be at the bank. It's infuriating. I don't think I ever had to wait the whole time.
Starting point is 02:44:03 Well, you went at two in the morning. Yes, that is when you go to the gym that is the that is the time to go because then you're now you're a home gym master race member it's better it's mostly better but there's something to be said about having like i don't know two hundred thousand dollars worth of equipment to like goof around with if you want to uh it's kind of nice and you know if anything ever breaks or whatever it's on them um there's some there's definitely still some positives about like a big nice well-equipped gym and if you have that kind of like sleep schedule where you work nights or work from home or you can you can be flexible it was so nice strolling in there at 2 30 in the morning and being like i might see two people and like they'll have the
Starting point is 02:44:45 same grind set that i've got and they'll be cool people like what are you doing here i'm training it was the fireman i was he was training to be a better fireman he was just full gear the fucking gas mask respirator thing the helmet the pants and he's on the stair master fucking going and i was like that's the most hardcore thing i've ever seen that's pretty sick what there's nobody there to watch him did it have buildings more than two stories was it heartwell we're in locust grove but but uh you know i i don't think he's actually training for stairs as much as just to be fit you don't need a stair master just to go upstairs, bro.
Starting point is 02:45:26 You just need to go back. I could be the stair apprentice and still get up there. I feel you. He was working hard, though. There's 30 cats stuck on the second floor of this house. But they're angry. You can only bring them one at a time. Back up, everyone.
Starting point is 02:45:43 I've been training for this. That's cool sometimes i would like my if i work out went long or if i started it closer to 4 um a.m then i would end up seeing some of the early morning crowd because you know it's all this like it all melds together there's the late night crowd the midnight crowd and then the morning crowd and at some point they each become one another and the morning crowd could be super fucking lame there was that one guy in the wheelchair that had the headphones on and he was always singing and doing like i won't say it it wasn't kata okay because there he wasn't like actually doing kata but his hands are always busy he's like hand you know he's in a wheelchair so
Starting point is 02:46:25 that's you know he's he's being very expressive with his upper body he's like twisting the chair snapping the fingers finger guns fucking getting pumped up and he's doing like him you didn't like the finger guns i didn't like hearing him like under his breath and you could hear his like fucking beats fucking you know what i prefer that to i don't know if it's just miami people here you play it out loud i'm gonna complain yeah people here will have their phones or they'll have the shitty bluetooth speakers and they'll just be like playing it for everybody to enjoy and i've thought about like i have you can kind of see it in the background i have like one of those big marshall speakers that i thought about bringing down to the gym and just setting the huge thing there cranking it if that's what we're gonna do i mean it's in my
Starting point is 02:47:09 apartment so i just take it down the elevator which would be fun to donate the real would dedicate the resources of the destiny enterprise to winning the gym battles people do that outside too though like listen if you want to blast your music for everybody at the very least you should have to blow at least a thousand dollars on some shitty sub and amp on your car to do it but now these motherfuckers can walk up and down the street with these bluetooth speakers like blowing this music out while they're just walking around god it's so oh have you seen uh they they have they have their speakers on bikes on fucking oh yeah i've seen those too yeah bro listen get some headphones there are really nice bluetooth systems for your helmet that sound good and they integrate every
Starting point is 02:47:47 app and you're because you know your phone's the whole there's no excuse for being that asshole if you're in a parade like that's the time parade that's the time when you blare your fucking music that is the only fucking time they do it on like a sunday afternoon like in like some little small town here in georgia when everybody's cruising and having a good time. It doesn't even matter what your taste in music is. I don't care what you're playing. It could be the Star Spangled Banner. It's too fucking loud and it's coming out of a Harley, you asshole.
Starting point is 02:48:14 My Goldwing has those speakers. I've never used them outside my garage. In the garage, if I'm like installing a new trunk rack or something, I might turn the radio on. Your motorcycle's neat. We just went on a big trip overnight last night and uh the exception to my speaker thing on the motorcycle i wonder it like if you're like on the interstate highway if you could hear it like
Starting point is 02:48:37 no no over the sound of the bike like next to you i don't think so i guess you guys are communicating back and forth huh helmet. Yeah, yeah. Our helmets are connected to each other. What's the quality like on that? We're listening to the same playlist. It's good. It's really good. That bike in particular that has good wind protection helps a lot.
Starting point is 02:48:54 And when we do it on my other bikes, kind of like fighting the wind. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. And, yeah. I didn't upgrade my helmet with the stuff partially because i got that that little spiff with the dealership y'all wrecked their google reviews by the way man uh you know when the owner of the company calls me that like
Starting point is 02:49:17 y'all wrecked them y'all wrecked them um so thanks for that but but so i was gonna upgrade there but then after riding the bike for a while i I was like, I want to be able to hear things. I need to be able to hear things. It would be like, sometimes I can get paranoid if I'm home alone. And like, I don't know, if I can't hear everything. Like, what if somebody's breaking into the house, not even trying to be sneaky right now? Like, what if they're kicking the door in right now while screaming, I'm going, what if somebody's breaking into the house not even trying to be sneaky right now? What if they're kicking the door in right now while
Starting point is 02:49:47 screaming, I'm gonna get ya! And I can't hear them because I'm blasting Justin Bieber or some gay shit upstairs. Or chatting with my friends or whatever. Sometimes I'll be like, Taylor, late at night, I'll be like, let's make sure we're not getting snuck up on.
Starting point is 02:50:04 You are. So I got an xbox series x and i can't find any games for it that i feel like i both enjoy and are like new games that take advantage of it being the most powerful gaming console supposedly any recommendations destiny i don't know i i couldn't recommend you anything but i know that back when i used to have console then the last thing i bought was a ps4 yeah um they're obsessed with making all these fucking games backwards compatible for the next five fucking xboxes too yeah yeah and it's like yo i bought the ps4 okay i don't want these poor shitters using the earlier ps whatever playing my games make games for my system because you know they're gimping the fuck out of whatever new shit that's not a racial slur now is it the gimp no no we can get you know that they're gimping the fuck out of any new game they're making
Starting point is 02:50:52 because they're trying to make it like backwards compatible too and the um yeah i don't know that triggers a fuck i mean and you have to wait till the that system hits like the end of its fucking life cycle for them to be developing exclusively for the ps5 or the xbox infinity or whatever the fuck they're at now um yeah i don't know that always triggered the fuck out yeah i watched it i think it was jack frags i watched a video of his where he's breaking down the the new modern warfare and how it's backwards compatible and he shows whoever it was shows you the the visuals quickly switching from like i don't know pc to the the two leading consoles and then the old ones. He may have went back to Xbox One.
Starting point is 02:51:28 I think it's Xbox One compatible. Jesus. Wait, Xbox One, the one from like 20 years ago? No, no, no, no, no, no. That was Xbox and there was Xbox 360 and then I think there was Xbox One. I think he's going back to like two or three gens back. I hope not.
Starting point is 02:51:46 But I can't find any games that I even want to play i tried to play the alien isolation game and i fucking despise it like i thought i wanted a horror game vr well the new xbox oh i don't have a vr headset for it i didn't consider such a thing if i was gonna do that then like i'm probably gonna get one of those 40 series cards um when they when they when the ti comes out then i'll just fork over the 15 or 16 or 1800 hours or whatever the fuck jesus yeah it'll be a while from now yeah six months right eight months something like that right destiny back me up say the 4080 drops how long before the 40 80 ti i don't care about graphics cards well i have no fucking idea i don't follow this shit i thought you'd well anyway like i think i think i'm gonna wait and
Starting point is 02:52:31 like get the good one but they're they're fucking crazy expensive it may be amd time soon i don't know aren't all the prices coming down on gpus because the was it the ethereum fork or splitter some shit i thought a whole bunch of cards were coming back on the market now at lower than they were before so nvidia's uh maybe the ceo was like for those of you there was a time maybe when cards got more get cheaper and cheaper that time is over forget about it and like the new car the new cards are starting at like 16.99 or 15.99 for like for the for the 4080 i think and just. And just, I mean, the power consumption on it alone means that you've got to get a much more expensive power
Starting point is 02:53:10 supply unit. So this thing is getting you... This thing is incredibly expensive when you consider that you've got to support it with other stuff. I think the new CPUs are also consuming more power. I've read that the heat... Forgive me. I think 95 is like the new normal,
Starting point is 02:53:25 whereas it used to be like 75 or 65. Like they're just, they run hot, which I assume means they take a lot of power. And I'm going to put a 1200, I'm going to put at least a 1200 watt power supply unit in. I'll have to 12 or 1250, somewhere in there, roughly. I mean, if I'm going to run a 4090 Ti, potentially, I think you're going to have to. So gonna run a 4090 ti potentially i think you're gonna have to what so i have a 3090 i don't feel like i've ever played a game on a 1440p monitor at 120 fps that i felt like my gpu was underperforming on is there are there games right now that exist so tarkov's real cpu dependent that's part of it but it's just
Starting point is 02:53:59 so poorly optimized it runs like shit on the most premiere of setups like you're still only getting like 120 frames in 1440p or something like that so like there's room for for improvement there by beefing up and getting a three or four thousand dollar pc it is time for me i've got a 2080 ti it's time for for an upgrade okay yeah i mean it runs everything i play fine but but but but i i wanted to fuck around on the console um because that just seemed more casual and i can do it on a tv i've got a good 4k tv that does i think 120 frames that has one millisecond um input lag so you can use it as a as a monitor it's real nice and i will say as somebody that's been computer gaming for 10 years and we've always kind of shit on console kids uh consoles look really really really good these days the graphics are like hard like i
Starting point is 02:54:49 always have a really good system like i said i've got a 3090 right now and in playing through like some of the ps4 ps4 games i think the final fantasy 7 remake was that ps4 or ps5 whatever it was it looked really good and it's really surprising how good some of the console games look these days like this i'm not like disappointed at all the only thing that sucks sometimes is sometimes a 30 frame rate which sucks and 60 is preferred 120 or at least 90 plus to be good but like yeah the games on consoles look really good today the thing that sucks about consoles to me is some of the games i like to play there's too many options like tarkov i swear i use most of the keys on the keyboard to like lean to change weapons to fast key shit to like you couldn't manage that inventory easily with uh no tarkov
Starting point is 02:55:36 wouldn't work on console you need to drag things from one spot to another i don't know how they accomplish that it's you'd have to reach over the thumb stick and grab it with a trigger and then drag it back it would be awful or you'd like hold a hold a trigger and then scroll a list and then press a button it would be bad either way like you yeah just selling something on the flea market for whatever 15 999 rubles do that on a controller like that keyboard i mean a console can't run tarkov anyway that that's a good example of like the limitations of those things but they will the xbox that i've got does 4k and 120 frames like that's cool like games look cool in 4k i've been messing around with bioshock and um dead space because they're but those are old fucking games i know they're remastering um
Starting point is 02:56:21 dead space in february i think they're doing like a full remaster i think it'll be 4k and so i'm gonna replay it then i'll play that a remaster of all of all three of them i just want to play the first one and maybe the second one the third one's garbage there's a there's an awful story about how they just bastardized the third game and made it a piece of shit it's it's such an awful game i'm all in on dark tide callisto protocol is the single player experience for like that i'm looking forward to but dark tide is the multiplayer experience for sure um we should we should we could stream it together some if y'all wanted to i will definitely be no pressure anything what is dark tide i have no idea dark tide is a four-player co-op sort of slashy shooter.
Starting point is 02:57:08 It's based in the Warhammer universe, the Warhammer 40K universe. There's a previous title called Vermintide 2 that we played that's based in the Warhammer fantasy universe. So it's like magic and swords and bows and stuff. And the four of you hack your way through like hordes and hordes of enemies and get to the end of these like dungeons. It's real fun. You have to work together or you will lose and like it's there's enough skill involved that it kind of separates friend groups into different tiers of skill you know it'd be like oh you're on all right we can play for fun i guess let's let's let's use silly classes
Starting point is 02:57:41 you know that happens. Oh, dude. So we're really pumped for how much grinding and time you have to put in to get the good weapons and the good amulets and shit in this game. I'll stream a bunch of it. I'm excited for it. It'll be filmed sometime. It reminds me of when Apex came out.
Starting point is 02:57:57 There must have been a lot of awkward friend groups when you found out that you were the fourth friend in the group. It was like the only game that had three player teams. Yeah. So everyone discovered they were the fourth favorite in the group. It was like the only game that had three player teams. Yeah. So everyone discovered they were the fourth favorite friend. Yeah. It was mean. I didn't like it.
Starting point is 02:58:11 So we'd often break into two teams of three or something like that. We didn't play Apex long. Not that we were good enough to matter. Apex is one that, I don't know, that was cool when it came out, but I lost interest quickly. I don't remember what I went back to. Maybe PUBG or was interesting about apex was how big it was like i i want to say like only pokemon go had a release that hit as hard as apex did and that was huge yeah pokemon go came and went almost as dramatically as game of thrones did it's back game of thrones is back oh yeah the new game of thrones people like the house of the dragons right so i i resisted it
Starting point is 02:58:49 first um because it's fine you'll there are a few people on the planet that are as upset about the last season of game of thrones than i am i oh i'm up there i had gotten i had gotten i had become such a super fan that like so so I moved recently and I was going through some bags. I have so much Game of Thrones stuff that I left in the packaging and discussed like banners. I have like the big Targaryen banners that you would drape on either side of a fireplace, but good ones.
Starting point is 02:59:19 Fuck that shit. The good ones. Fuck that shit. Like I was so genuinely upset. We were all pissed. I bitch about it on this show at least twice an episode. I'm real upset about it. And so I swore this new show off,
Starting point is 02:59:37 but I kept hearing good things, and I like Matt Smith, so I gave it a chance. And while it is not Game of Thrones, it's not like, oh, my God god i can't wait for the next episode that hasn't happened yet although give them time i'm four or five episodes in it's a fun show and it's based in the same universe and i take the character seriously matt smith they're gonna have to kill off because he's just way too likable and cool he's like a a mixture of Jamie Lannister and Tyrion Lannister. Yeah, you said I would start liking him,
Starting point is 03:00:08 and I watched episode three last night where he gets a little more violent. I'm like, all right, this guy's coming around. I'm liking him more. He's the guy who cracks jokes and is the smartest guy in the room, but he's also like the best fighter and diabolical motherfucker in the room. He's a little OP. They're going to have to nix him. They're going to kill him.
Starting point is 03:00:23 They're going to kill him, and that'll be their ned stark i guarantee that's my guess that's my guess no guarantee well ned stark was never cool that guy was a fucking clown okay let's be we love the way you describe me okay he sounds like the uh oberon character maybe this guy from that oberon character yeah no oberyn was tight everybody liked it it was awesome yeah I mean that Kyle's right it's not a bad it it's a fine show like but it is not I'm not getting the Game of Thrones vibes I'm not that invested in it I'm it's just kind of
Starting point is 03:00:55 have you gotten episode four well that's what I'm on I'll probably watch that tomorrow have you gotten to the incest underage sex party Jesus Christ you know I haven't I would remember and I have not gotten to the incest underage sex party jesus christ you know i haven't i would remember and i have not gotten to that yet so i'm it'll leave your knickers around your knee they all blend together kyle which incest underage sex party is the question i ask the second one all right it's uh yeah that happens and i felt a little uncomfortable because the actress is sort of
Starting point is 03:01:25 happens and i felt a little uncomfortable because the actress is sort of i thought of her as like 13 to 15 the actress is 22 but the character i think of is like 13 to 15 and while it's dark and it's one of those implied kind of things i don't think anything actually happened but it was like i think she was getting like finger banged or something like that's the idea or like definitely felt up in a real sexual way by a relative who's like 50 it was awkward but and the dragons are just kind of there you know we've all got dragons and I'm a little I'm they're
Starting point is 03:01:57 getting too ham handed with the dragons in the three episodes even like I mean they're spamming dragons there is not a problem like dragon dragon dragon dragon like it gets it makes it almost less interesting because it's like we haven't yet encountered an issue that can't be solved at least transitively with dragons yeah there's a lot of girl empowerment which i'm fine with just don't get it the dragon that kind of makes sense i think right because in the it it in my opinion i think a
Starting point is 03:02:27 prequel should make you view the original material in a slightly different light this is why i hate the star wars prequels um because i feel like the the goal of the star wars prequels to make you feel sympathetic towards darth vader but instead it just made me hate him even more because yeah because his problems were so small he's a piece yeah you're like what the fuck dude yeah like but the uh in in this um in the house of dragons i mean in game of thrones they always talked about how fearful you know the age of dragon they've got all the dragon skulls and how the trigarians would ride the skies and blah blah blah nobody took it seriously except when people started to take it seriously so having like an earlier world where you're like oh this is why
Starting point is 03:03:00 everybody hated dragons is because they could spam them at any problem and win i guess kind of makes sense but i haven't watched it it makes sense like from up because if i were in their position like i'd be doing the same thing it's like when you play a fighting game and you realize like a is all you need like they're like oh uh the crab lord is upset with us and he's like oh my god oh send a dragon okay uh this this guy he doesn't want to come to the table with with negotiations oh i like the daughter to the table with negotiations let's send him a dragon and then he's going to be like oh fuck I forgot they had dragons
Starting point is 03:03:31 oh I didn't though this was for exposition the name of the show by the way is House of Dragons I know I get it it is the House of Dragons so far it is not surprising that there's not a lot of critical thinking skills in the targaryens because they're they're spamming a have you got so there's an episode where the daughter is being i'm these are not there are no spoilers here i promise
Starting point is 03:03:53 there's not the the daughter's being um she's looking for a husband and like men are coming to her like i'm lord wentworth of of shithole manor and i manner and I'm hardcore or whatever and like one dude comes up and some guy in the crowd starts like mocking him and I think he even calls him a coward and the kid's like 12 everybody's been laughing at him and the 12 year old like pulls
Starting point is 03:04:18 his fucking sword out and he's like let's fucking go and like the girl's like we're out of here and like so they get up and they're leaving and just as she gets to the door of the wave you hear somebody go oh and she turns around to see this child has gutted this grown man over him calling him a coward in front of her and she's like all right like that moment alone made me be like i kind of like her all right i like that she saw him that child disemboweled another
Starting point is 03:04:45 man and she was like all right cool guy cool guy i remember you your name lord wentworth of shithole manor whatever whatever i think there's i bet it those uh those youtubers who do the like easter egg shows are just jerking off with both hands somehow because there's i can tell just by the way they're doing things that there must be so many easter eggs where he's like oh that character who just introduced himself is is his great great grandson is gonna kill that guy's great great grandson it's like who fucking cares you're making it up as you go you can like you're just writing this you're just making it up as you go um it's good though. It's not a bad show. It's not a great show though.
Starting point is 03:05:27 And that's what I wanted. I want another great show. Well, it's in line with the lore too, which is really important. Like it's based on, I said they're making it up, but it's absolutely based on,
Starting point is 03:05:35 yeah, you're right. Yeah. Like it's based on his, his prequel book. And that's what the, and that's what the Lord of the Rings thing can't say for the most part. I think a lot.
Starting point is 03:05:43 So I haven't watched it. So I won't shit on it too hard i would say that the the people that are shitting on it i noticed that they seem upset about like galadriel being like a bad bitch or something and just kind of riding around i think she might kill a stone troll like single-handedly or some shit i don't know you know how nerds on the internet are they're very specific about the things they don't like. They're not like us cool people. Not like us. You're fucking cool over here.
Starting point is 03:06:08 You see Woody's bathroom? No, look at me. Look at how aloof I am. You're bad. You totally doesn't have an anus. Totally cool. Peasant. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:06:20 No, you're right. People are more inclined. If I'm going to watch it, I want to see George R.R. Martin's vision as close as I can to it because he's clearly a guy who slow rider, but he developed an incredible world that is
Starting point is 03:06:35 fascinating and great to be in. I saw that Hugh Jackman is signing back on to do the Deadpool 3 and reprise his role as Wolverine, which he said he would never do. Woody and I were talking about this a little bit and we're really hoping
Starting point is 03:06:51 that he gets back on the steroids and gets jacked. Because anything less will upset us. You better look big. If he comes back... By the way, the way they teased it was really funny. Did you see the little video? Ryan Reynolds is sitting there on his couch, and he's just like,
Starting point is 03:07:08 so we had this one idea, and Hugh Jackman is like, way in the background, moving camera left to right, like eating an apple maybe, and he's like, hey, Hugh, you want to be Wolverine again in my next movie? He's like, yeah, sure. And that's all he says, and keeps moving off camera, and Ryan Reynolds is like, yes. And that's kind of says and like like keeps moving off camera and rhinos was like yes and then that's kind of it it's kind of it uh but but but i know everybody wants that i think
Starting point is 03:07:30 those two characters in the comics have a silly relationship and it'll be a it'll be the good kind of comedy superhero movie that's usually what those are that last thor movie was such fucking garbage it was such fucking garbage that taiki wa tt guy or i hope i i'm pretty close yeah man he just he just made a shit an awful one of the worst movies i've ever sat that long in i actually thought it was fine like that's my dispute the thing is it missed expectations by a ton the previous store one of my favorite Marvel movies. And I can see what happened. First, they come out with Iron Man and like, oh, you know what?
Starting point is 03:08:11 It's the quips that make it so good. And then they come out with this and that. And they're like, yeah, the reason this is better than the brooding, freaking depressing Justice League is how it doesn't take itself so seriously. How it has fun. It has little quips. And I love you 3000 or whatever. And they just keep going and going until the recent Thor becomes the Three Stooges.
Starting point is 03:08:32 And it, dude, it's fucking stupid. They went all in on those goats. Somebody thought that those screaming goats were the funniest thing they'd ever seen. I guarantee they saw one. We've all seen that Reddit gif of that goat going, ah! Like, yeah, it's funny when you see it the first time and you send it to three friends and then that's it you don't make a whole fucking movie about it like they have a magic school bus
Starting point is 03:08:56 type spaceship that's pulled by magical fucking goats and they're screaming the whole goddamn time every time and look it was they say comedy comes in threes but the eighth time they showed those goats i was just so fucking sick of it and look like there's a worked out so hard for that movie that that even popped in my mind i was like dude you got big for this who's um j Foster, right? That's the character that Natalie Portman played. Yeah. She's trying to come up with a tagline, right? Like it's Thor in time or whatever.
Starting point is 03:09:33 And they worked that fucking joke all movie long where she's trying to, she's doing these lame taglines and Thor's always like, no, that's not it. We forgot the best part. Go on. This slapstick Three Stooges comedy movie that they've turned this thing into, the core of the story is that Natalie Portman is at death's door with cancer
Starting point is 03:09:56 that is taking her looks and life away. She's about to die and the only thing that's propping her up visually is the magic of the goddamn hammer this is this is based on a comic book i can't remember the exact name on it might just be lady thor but it's this exact thing happens the natalie portman character thor's girlfriend gets cancer she's dying and mjolnir like props her up long enough but i think she might even
Starting point is 03:10:21 die in that but it's a sad reflective story about cancer and taiki ratiti was like yeah give me that i'm like a bit a laugh of it and and and this is what you get like like if you watch jojo rabbit you can see that he's got like one note jojo rabbit yeah yeah wait did you not like that movie i've never seen that movie but i bet but i but i think all i think you can just kind of tell like his style and like it was a comedy about hitler wasn't it it's a comedy where he played it's about a little boy dealing it's it's about the holocaust not the holocaust but world war ii and the nazis through the eyes of this little boy so it's a bit fantastical and he has an imaginary hitler that he talks to all the time
Starting point is 03:11:05 who's played by taiki watiti i think i've done really well um he does a good job playing a silly funny hitler it's a good movie but it's like i can tell what your sense of humor is and you like you don't go outside that little box it's the same thing over and over and it's i don't know i hated that thor movie i felt did i pay for that shit i think maybe i think it was free on disney's i i guess i guess well i pay for disney so i gotta get me coming and going over there i don't know but no i didn't love it and i'm not too hyped for any of the new marvel stuff that i've heard about i guess daredevil could be good because they're bringing that oh to Disney with the Marvel.
Starting point is 03:11:45 They're bringing the people from Netflix over to do their thing now on Disney, right? You know, the whole Daredevil cast. Oh, you're saying Daredevil. I can't get my head out of Deadpool. The blonde lawyer guy. Yeah. But the blind lawyer.
Starting point is 03:12:00 Oh, okay. Okay. Thanks. He doesn't know what color his hair is. But he doesn't know what color his own is. But he doesn't know what color his own hair is, he's saying. The only other thing I'm watching right now is Rick and Morty's pretty good
Starting point is 03:12:12 this season. The last episode was actually kind of a horror episode. It was pretty fucking creepy. It's been a good season of Rick and Morty. Other than that, I'm out of shows. I don't know what to watch. You said you don't know what to watch, but you didn't watch the Lord of the Rings one at all. I don't know what to watch. You said you don't know what to watch, but you didn't watch the Lord of the Rings one at all. I refuse. I refuse to watch that.
Starting point is 03:12:30 That's out of principle. That's a principle thing. Let me pitch Survivor for you. As you know, it's a bunch of people going to the island and they need to survive this thing. It is all
Starting point is 03:12:44 about social manipulation. You'd think if you don't watch the show that it's about the ability to win these challenges or whatever. No. You're trying to appear useful but not too useful. Threatening but not too threatening. You don't want to be a total moron that they vote off. But you also don't want to be a threat that they're like, well, we can't have this the final five it'll be really hard to get rid of him then we need to get rid of him now i watched that show jackie and i watched the show and unlike so many other reality stupid shows
Starting point is 03:13:16 i'm like fuck these people are all better than me they're all clever there aren't any stupid fucks in this show this guy is a better athlete than me he's a better narcissist than me he's a better every like this whoa that's a smart move like this guy saw that coming this guy worked hard to find this immunity idol like this guy threw this match so that he could he's i a checker survivor player, and these guys are checker survivor players. They're duplicitous. I haven't watched a reality show like that style other than MasterChef. So the last, I'll make it up, I think maybe 12 survivors. I'm not sure about these numbers, 80% close.
Starting point is 03:14:01 There's dozens at this point. There's like 24 people on the show, but the final 12 become the jury that decide amongst the final three which win so once there's only 12 left you have to vote them off you have to defeat them in a way that makes them like you because you're trying to win they're going to decide if you win in the end or not so people are like i need to make big moves right i need to fucking shit can this guy in a fabulous triple cross way so that when they vote who the best survivor was they're impressed by what a duplicitous dickwad i can be yeah or i need to
Starting point is 03:14:40 be honest the whole way one thing that doesn't work is you can't be goody two shoes but a little dishonest about the like god he was pretty good but he wasn't really when it came down to it he wasn't that good now i got nothing going for me i'm neither goody two shoes nor the biggest dick on the island and no one's impressed by that halfway thing that you got there that oftentimes there'll be two great challenges at the end and then the third one that only made it there because he or she was so non-threatening they wanted a fuckwad next to them that they could out that the jury would be more impressed and when you watch this i think that you're really i think you'd be good on that show but i i i watch it and i'm like i think i get my
Starting point is 03:15:24 ass kicked on this show i i would not be able to maintain all those relationships tell all those lies guys get caught in a lie and he's like listen i told you the truth like 80 of the time and that's not bad for survivor and they're all like yeah strong point this is a good defense g minus yeah yeah i just don't like reality shows or maybe i'm just not in i want something that's hard sci-fi like i want something that's a bit like for all mankind um but but with some sort of actually i think apple tv has an alien invasion show maybe i'll try that i think they spent a lot of money on it and then like nobody watched it maybe it was one of their like launch titles you could watch the domer show that
Starting point is 03:16:05 came out i think i might about that but the way you described it made it so seem so gruesome that it's pretty watch tv late at night and i don't i don't need to be like walking my dog at 3 a.m thinking about domer with a power drill i mean the the guy who's like you could take the actor who plays domer is very good and I mean it's a well made show but it is fucking ruthless Dahmer drugged his victims step one of Dahmer's technique was to get you to go back to his place hoping to get ass fucked
Starting point is 03:16:33 if you avoid that step it was to offer you drugs and I would absolutely say yes if I was walking my dog and some white dude with glass was like yo bro you want some good stuff you would have been so raped and murdered. I'd be like, can I do it right?
Starting point is 03:16:48 Yeah, yeah. What do I do with it? And he's just like, really? Yeah, yeah. Have I snorted or like rubbing my eyes? Like my wife gets like more spooked than me. And she gets more upset by like gory shows and stuff. And we were sitting
Starting point is 03:17:05 watching like maybe the end of episode two or three one of them last night and it was like the point near the end of the episode like if you know about jeffrey dahmer is not a spoiler where like he had lured the young male prostitute like with promises to pay him for pictures and he'd already drugged the guy and he walked into the other room and like the guy's like barely with it like can't move paralyzed and it just shows like him seeing through the crack into Dahmer like playing with a drill and he comes back in and he sits down and he's like I'm just you know I'm just it's just a little drill and then it's just a little boiling water and acid I've got in here and then I like paused it and I'm like do you really want to keep watching this
Starting point is 03:17:44 because like we'd already paused it and she was like I know I shouldn't but I'm interested and I was like no I literally just backed out I'm like you're not watching this anymore you will have nightmares from this and yeah I went back and watched the episode that's what he fucking does and it is
Starting point is 03:17:59 it's ruthless and it's not even really the gore as much but every episode has a huge amount of time devoted to like the sexual violence lead up where it's just like him, like tricking him. And the guy, once again, going through the,
Starting point is 03:18:16 like, this isn't a normal guy who wants to fuck, which, you know, shame on them, but not realizing that before. And then he just drugs them. And then while they're like losing control he's
Starting point is 03:18:26 like almost taunting them and like explaining i can't tell if he's taunting them or not because he like would keep body parts because he just wanted them to be close to him and stuff apparently like yeah there was a scene like he's like kissing a fucking decapitated head like he talked about in his interviews like in real life it's just it's gory and gruesome and it's it's i know it's a jeffrey dahmer documentary but the the the the rape is ham-handed it's it's too much it's too it's not like a scene of someone getting raped but the lead-up to it is very like upsetting that energy of like seeing someone totally helpless totally outside of their control at the whim of a maniac who like wants to save pictures of not say pictures of them save say pieces of them like
Starting point is 03:19:10 just cutting off people's dicks to save or cutting off their hands to save and then that guy was fucked it it's wild to even even in the field of serial killers to be such an overachiever that people were like oh what the fuck man Like you decapitated them and then raped them like dead. Like, Oh, that's gross, man. Well,
Starting point is 03:19:31 like, um, um, the, the, the, the, the,
Starting point is 03:19:33 the, the, the, the, the, the, who, who was the Ed Kemper?
Starting point is 03:19:35 You know, Ed Kemper was the one that cut all those women's heads off. And I think he was having sex with him too. Yeah. He's like such a nice guy. Ed Kemper. He was the one. He didn't, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, ed kemper he was the one he didn't he behead killer he bet he did he behead his own mother and then fuck her decapitated head okay you're right he's in the
Starting point is 03:19:53 mix yeah with yeah with dommer yeah i i think did you say he made a good case for himself and then fucked her decapitated head no No. Beheaded her. Beheaded. And then had sex with her decapitated head as much as one can have sex with a decapitated head. The neck or the mouth? The mouth hole. Well, don't be gross. Maybe the eye hole.
Starting point is 03:20:17 Maybe the eye hole. If there's a rare opportunity. I'm fucking your eye hole. I feel like it's a little vanilla for a guy who I thought was kinky. Pretty gruesome. So I don't even think I'm going to finish that show. It was a little too negative. Dude, have you ever watched The Outsiders on HBO?
Starting point is 03:20:35 Yeah. Yeah, the one with. All right. Yeah, I've watched that. It's good. I was going to suggest you get on that because I'm like the first two episodes. What is the name of that old movie with all the big stars? Emilio Estevez, Tom Cruise.
Starting point is 03:20:49 What are they doing? Are you talking about Young Guns where they're all cowboys? Older. And I thought it was The Outsiders. Why am I fucking this up? Oh, oh, oh, oh. It's The Outlaws, right? Or something like that? Or are they all like gangsters with like... Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 03:21:04 Ponyboy is a main character in it. Ralph Macchio's in it. Yeah, I can't bring up the name of it. I've never seen the movie. Zach says it's called The Outsiders. I'm right. Does this other thing have the same name? It's based on a Stephen King
Starting point is 03:21:20 novel and it's a spooky dark drama that the first episode, a child is raped and murdered to death and it's a spooky dark drama that the first episode a child is raped and murdered to death and it looks like the man that killed him has carved his back up
Starting point is 03:21:35 and eaten him some and so that's the first episode and the second and Jason Bateman's character is accused of this and there is so much evidence against him that it's staggering. And then Jason Bateman, so, so without even interviewing Jason Bateman, who's like the local little league coach, they arrest him on the field front of players and family announced what he's being arrested for. He gets there with his lawyer, his lawyer finally gets there. And he's like,
Starting point is 03:22:03 I was at a conference a hundred miles away away when you say this boy was killed. And they look into it, and there's a video of him at the conference. And they're like, what? And then they kind of take the mystery from there, and it's really, really good. The last episode's a bit of a letdown, but it's like a 9 out of 10 from beginning. I think I saw this, actually. You might have. I always sing its praises. episode's a bit of a letdown, but it's like a 9 out of 10 from beginning till almost the end.
Starting point is 03:22:25 I think I saw this, actually. I always sing its praises. It's one of the things I always direct people to. I just linked something in the chat, Woody, that you're going to love. We got, from the horse's mouth, truthful and honest update.
Starting point is 03:22:41 Fair and balanced. Please show this, Zach. zach cyber truck will be waterproof enough to serve briefly as a boat so it can cross rivers lakes and even seas that aren't too choppy needs to be able to get from star base to south padre island which requires crossing a channel where does he get off promising more features for a truck that is five years overdue? Now it's fully aquatic?
Starting point is 03:23:12 Now it can handle calm seas! That's insane! Who believes this? Did the other Cybertruck even come out for mass production? There's never been a Cybertruck out. It's never coming. It can handle calm seas.
Starting point is 03:23:31 There's no way it can handle calm seas. The Atlantic can't stand up to the Cybertruck. What propulsion is it going to have in water? He doesn't know. The tires do a wiggly wheel. It needs to be able to get from starbase to south padre island which channel you are a hundred billionaire if you think for a second he's taking a romp across a channel in a non-existent truck good god no that's your time i believe that i
Starting point is 03:24:01 believe that what 49 miles he thinks it'll go 49 miles across the water? He's fucking with us. He's getting us to talk about it. It's a joke. You know what just occurred to me? It's probably a joke. I'm stoned, so it only just occurred to me that it's an electric vehicle, so this is even more crazy.
Starting point is 03:24:18 But I don't know. He's lost his... It's 49 minutes, and by the way... Are you retarded he it's you go straight he's gonna cross that little thing by the white block i think is where he's going so he's saying he wants to go straight across that bay straight to south padre island or that that one hunt i don't know which build a road man maybe he's taking the road at the top right and just crossing that last bit. I don't know. The important thing is
Starting point is 03:24:48 that there's no fucking way this is a boat also. I mean, it's not even a car yet. It's not even a car yet. 0 for 2 on the promises, car and boat. Do you remember, I think it was a Cybertruck where they were on stage and they were doing the demo
Starting point is 03:25:03 of how unbreakable the glass was and I think they got it twice. You know, to his credit, he joked about that on the Joe Rogan show and it was endearing. He talked about how it just broke. It was like, oh no! Because I think they practiced it a ton
Starting point is 03:25:22 and it didn't break. Cops can never break the glass on cars, and it makes me wonder why there's not a better product to make that happen. They often have pointy ends. A spark plug. Well, they say that, but one of the cops don't care. Why not take whatever that hard shit that the end of a spark plug is made out of and put it at the base of a baton, the pummel maybe it's called.
Starting point is 03:25:43 They have those things for your car that have seatbelt cutters, and then it's got a little bit of sharp tungsten or something that... Yeah, I've seen those. Why don't the cops have... I watch a lot of those videos, and I see the cops struggle
Starting point is 03:25:56 with breaking a glass window time and time again. I saw one last night. It seems like you're right. Cops carry things, right? A utility belt. They have a flashlight. They have some mace. last night it seems like you're right the cops cops carry things right they're like they have they have a flashlight they have some mace it seems like they should have a flashlight with the pointy end or something like just know that that's part of your routine yeah or maybe maybe the base of their baton or something they just they're always struggling do they all carry batons
Starting point is 03:26:20 is that a thing every i see so many batons like like i would say 50 of the time they have one it's probably a decision or a departmental decision whether they they can or will i know my my cop buddy told me that when you deploy one of those like gadgets it's more paperwork if you rough a guy up with your hands it's like yeah i physically restrained him and put him in the vehicle but if you deploy a taser it's like and here's the cartridge and the video that was used and here and it's a whole thing that has to be submitted and there's brandishing deploying does it deploy what mean you activate brandish just means you're threatening to use a yeah well yeah that's what i mean you used it yeah it. If I take a baton out and extend
Starting point is 03:27:06 it, is there any paperwork for that? Nah, if you whoop his ass with one, there might be, though. Roger that, okay. I bet people calm down mostly when that cool... No, they don't. The problem is so many people are crazed, and their higher brain function has
Starting point is 03:27:21 seemingly just shut down. It reminds me if you've ever had a dog get real skittish and like act out of character. And it's like, he is just on fear. Like he is just trying to get out of here. Like, like,
Starting point is 03:27:32 like maybe like a picture falls and breaks the way they run through, run you over trying to get away. Like people start acting like that. Sometimes I don't understand it because I've been in those scenarios multiple times where police are shouting commands at you and they have guns and you just do it you know and you think yourself fuck can i send a text message to my wife no no yep both hands yep here they are did you see the like what do you want do you see the video recently with the probably crazy dude that crashed his car and called the cops and they end up like standing on this dude's car and
Starting point is 03:28:09 they shoot him inside the car and kill him he called for the cop's help and they came and killed like it's so insane suicidal oh was it actually a suicide by cop there was an amber alert yesterday where the child got shot and i got conflicting reports all right so man kills his wife kidnaps the child child's a teenager i think they're like they're on their chase cops get them stopped however and the daughter comes running out of the car toward the cops and they kill her now there's conflicting reports whether she had a gun and was shooting at them or not the cops say she had a gun and she was coming at them, blasting like Jesse James or something.
Starting point is 03:28:48 Is there no camera? No nothing? Well, you know how that footage is. You know, been flushed down the toilet. I don't know. I haven't seen any footage. I don't know the answer to that question. If it made the police look good,
Starting point is 03:28:59 we'd have seen it already. Went the way of the servers on Epstein's Island. Never to be seen again that's what they were looking for at mar-a-lago perhaps no no no no kyle i have it on good authority they were looking for hillary's emails dude i've heard that i've heard that from important people no they have you heard this what was what trump said in an interview with hannity that the way the fbi came in there just so aggressively such a raid so overwhelming that a lot of people think they might have been
Starting point is 03:29:33 looking for hillary's emails at mar-a-lago i mean yeah because they hit it with such big force a lot of people and hannity was immediately like do you have hillary's email are you saying he's like no no no no but maybe they think i do yeah why is he in my head why am i like because i worry that other people think he thinks he's that he's making a point i worry that other people are like, oh, Hillary's emails. All right. All right. Message came from Trump himself. And that fuck. You got to stop letting him live in your head. Got to distance. Well, intellectually, I know you're right.
Starting point is 03:30:15 But here he is, rent free. The problem isn't how much time he spends. There's got to be a joke there about Trump and rent free. That's the thing. How many people uncritically just hear Trump say things and think he never lied? There's a guy in my life who thinks Trump has never said anything untrue. Never said anything untrue. Just point me out if you're going to do it like this.
Starting point is 03:30:38 You're going to do it right in front of me. I'm not sitting here. I came up with the example. I was like, how about this? in front of me i'm not sitting here i came up with the example i was like how about this when trump uh when they were concerned about trump's health he had personally written a letter that he got his doctor to sign saying that if he was elected president he would be the healthiest person to have ever won like the the presidential election in the history of the united states true donald trump at like 72 years old and
Starting point is 03:31:06 45 pounds overweight is that when they was that the document pound for pound maybe maybe the largest ask but like was that the time when was it was that when he claimed like 230 or he weighed like 225 and it was like dude get get real pick a reasonable number if you're gonna fib like don't i that's like me saying i weigh 150. uh let me read the doctor's note that that trump had signed i've been to my i have been the personal physician of mr donald trump since 1980 his previous physician was whatever. I am pleased to report that Trump has no significant medical problems. Trump has had a recent medical exam and shows only positive results.
Starting point is 03:31:55 That's such a funny way to say that. Yeah. Damn, that's the most positive thing I've ever heard. HIV, chlamydia. Actually, his blood pressure, 110 over 65, and lab tests are astonishingly excellent. Over the past 12 months, he's lost 15 pounds at least. Trump has 81 milligrams of aspirin daily and a low dose of statin. His PSA test score is 0.15, very low. His physical strength and stamina are extraordinary.
Starting point is 03:32:21 Trump has suffered no form of cancer, had a hip knee or shoulder replacement or any other orthopedic surgery his only surgery was an epic epic death fuck i can't say this word appendectomy thank you at age 10 and his cardiovascular status is excellent he has no history of ever using alcohol or tobacco if elected mr trump i can state unequivocally will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency and this guy is like that's not a lie yeah that's not a lie it's not a lie that he's extraordinarily healthiest and the healthiest ever elected to the presidency how old was jfk 40 something right yeah well in fairness jfk was in rough shape though he'd hurt his back real bad in
Starting point is 03:33:08 that plane crash yeah and he was he was taking a lot of later he you can't pick out him as an example of health true clearly not that healthy yeah if he was healthy i think it was lead poisoning i like what you did there yeah it led to the... Isn't that like a really good blood pressure? 110 over 65. Now, I thought 120 over 80 was what you're shooting for. And lower than that's too low.
Starting point is 03:33:35 Yeah, but this guy's 110 and he's like fucking obese. Yeah, like if that's his real blood pressure, he needs to be like, you know, going to the Mayo Clinic getting tests. Obviously, it's not. Well, I don't know. They did say that when he got COVID that his body was, what did he say?
Starting point is 03:33:50 Like the healthiest body, the strongest body to defeat COVID or whatever. Okay. Say what you want about Donald Trump. Donald Trump, a 70-something-year-old overweight man who you just spent the last 10 minutes laughing about how unhealthy he is, got COVID, and then he stood there on that balcony doing his best not to pant all right that was they all pull out that footage of putin standing in the rain saluting a goddamn wreath show donald trump up there like it's like that scene in gattaca when he's sprinting on the goddamn treadmill with his normal human cardio system pretending it's enhanced and then when they look away he's sprinting on the goddamn treadmill with his normal human cardio system pretending
Starting point is 03:34:25 it's enhanced and then when they look away he's like like same thing trump's a hero god damn it this is this is on a different thing for trump but like it is like it may be the funniest thing he ever did it makes me actually laugh every time i think about it do you remember when he was standing out on the balcony during the eclipse that's what i'm talking about oh no you're talking about and he and there's the picture of melania looking up with the thing and he's just kind of squinting at it it is bar none the funniest trunk picture it is it even edges out the one where he's like proudly displaying fast food. And that one is a fucking S tier as well. But him squinting at the eclipse is... That should have been his presidential portrait.
Starting point is 03:35:14 That would be funny as shit. I love that. Just rules for me, for you, not for me. And then just takes a peek. He has the best eyes, the strongest eyes. Lots of people are talking about his eyes. How powerful they are has the best eyes, the strongest eyes. Lots of people are talking about his eyes. How powerful they are. Presidential season is going to heat up soon.
Starting point is 03:35:32 It starts in two months. You know he's going to win. It's already done. The fact that he's that powerful. He's that powerful. No normal human being can do that. They warned you about it. And there he is doing it.
Starting point is 03:35:46 You watched him do a superhero-like feat right there on TV, and all anybody could do is laugh at him. You know? You know what he did after he stared at the sun for five minutes that day? He led the most powerful country on the world. He laser-beamed the crowd. Yeah. And then he had a little KFC.
Starting point is 03:36:01 He could have if he didn't have self-restraint. He's a good man. If he was trying to make those health things pass he shouldn't have posted a picture every other day of him eating the kfc mcdonald's whoppers or i don't think actually i don't think he was a burger king guy yeah pepsi's and cokes what was that like he used to have the funniest never saw a thin person drink diet coke that's a great line then he drank coke oh wait yeah what was that tweet oh he said the coca-cola company is not happy with me that's okay i'll still keep drinking that garbage it's unbelievable to know that like there are children who are today probably having like
Starting point is 03:36:46 donald trump tweets printed in their history books it's just like unbelievable oh yeah there should be a whole chapter just called bangers and it's just is an expert at triggering me like like every fucking thing would get under my skin he he'd like goya beans were suddenly endorsing Trump. So Trump is endorsing them back, telling everyone to buy them. And then he'd tell people not to buy some other product. And he'd pimp his daughter's. Remember when Oreos were bad?
Starting point is 03:37:17 No. I don't remember what Oreo did. It doesn't matter. But Oreo turned against the conservatives at some point. And we were supposed to eat these knockoff chocolate cookies and and everybody was like those are knockoff cookies and then it turned out they were actually the og chocolate with cream in the middle cookie and oreo like stole their thunder hydrox that's what you were supposed to drink if you're a good boy that's like a that's like a lesson in like every business and marketing course
Starting point is 03:37:41 you take is hydrox and oreo and how hydrox had the same product pretty much got there first and then oreo just butt fucked them in in marketing advertising and i remember when keurigs were bad suddenly republicans are filming themselves throwing their coffee makers off the balconies i remember that yep do you remember when the dixie chick chicks were bad and we had to stomp on a long time That was a long time ago. Oh, I remember. Wait, with Bush? He's too young. I remember him with Bush. I was like, there's no way they were relevant. I thought we had found one of those generational lines.
Starting point is 03:38:13 Just perfect. They're now the Chicks. They're not the Dixie Chicks. That's interesting. I didn't know that. Nobody knows that. Of course, they had to get rid of that. There was a time when everything they did went diamond. And then they... I didn't even... That was when I learned the rule
Starting point is 03:38:30 that you can't say bad things about America unless you're in America. I guess it's perfectly fine to criticize America from here, but they were in Europe. And they're like, I'm embarrassed that we're going into Iraq. It was after 9-11. Actually, that is worse. Yeah. You're just off making fun of us. You're not even here trying to be constructive about it, right? embarrassed that we're going into iraq it was after 9-11 actually that is worse yeah like like
Starting point is 03:38:45 like you're just off like making fun of us like you're not even here trying to be constructive about it right like if you were here in front of an american crowd like you guys need to wake up this look what's happening but instead she's like i don't know in in london where people are much smarter even though they're also invading right alongside us. And like, oh, you don't even understand how ignorant my people are. Come on. I don't like that either. I hear you. I don't like hearing people with an accent criticize us.
Starting point is 03:39:13 No one does. Look at Piers Morgan. That's what he did. Imagine if some French guy was on TV talking shit about America. That would make my blood boil. God, the French. I don't like to hear a French mouth say anything. He's all mealy-mouthed, better than you, smarmy.
Starting point is 03:39:30 I don't actually know really any French people. I like GSP because he's charming, and he's French-Canadian. So it's not exactly French. But you really need to watch the animated stuff about him where he's talking about his alien experiences and like he really has like this time lost thing where he thinks he's been taken by aliens and he'll take you know those foam rollers he'll like prop one up you know they're really easy to tip over if you put them on him he'll prop one up to his door so that and
Starting point is 03:40:02 before he goes to bed so he'll know that he's been abducted. If it's knocked over in the morning, he'll know they came in and got him. And in the animated thing, of course they make fun of this like missing time thing. And they make it seem that he just doesn't understand how sleep and unconsciousness works. So he'll,
Starting point is 03:40:20 he has sex with a woman. It's 10 PM. He's like, okay, good night. And like, looks at the, you know, the clock by the bed, digital thing, 10 p.m.
Starting point is 03:40:27 Closes his eyes, sleeps all night, wakes up at 6 a.m. And he's like, oh, my God. Oh, my God. This happens every night. Eight hours was stolen from me. That's the whole thing. Why wouldn't he use a... When they do it, though.
Starting point is 03:40:42 Why not just use a camera? Well, you know, he's... I don't know. You have to ask GSP. That's a more useful system than a foam roller. Woody, do you think GSP could come back now and be relevant?
Starting point is 03:40:58 I'm always that guy who dogs on old people. I'm the opposite of my fellow oldies. I'm like, dude, i i i don't work with fires does it explain to you why athleticism disappears or how it disappears like i can lift more now not exactly more but like i'm about as strong as i've ever been i i had to take two weeks off because of the nose and everything but i'm about as strong as i've ever been but i'm not more athletic than young me was young me if you had to run hurdles or something like that tires that sort of thing
Starting point is 03:41:29 i mean i bet i was better at pinball or like random shit like the picture some new skill like i'm trying to think of athletic game i don't know now if i tried to learn to like dribble a soccer ball you know that thing where you keep it in the air i think i would have picked that up better at 21 than i do today and i think i think there's advantages right there there's like you see it in some sports right you see kickers who go on into their uh their 40s and i think that there's this one football player who i think he went four decades i think he played in four separate decades and he has a really interesting story that i can't remember all the details of but that was there was one game like toward the end of his career when he's like 48 or something where he kicked like a 52 yarder to go to ot and then like a 60 yarder or something crazy to win the fucking game at late 40s and they show a picture of him and it's like oh yeah you've
Starting point is 03:42:24 definitely started in the leather league like he looks like a picture of him and it's like oh yeah you've definitely started in the leather league like he looks like a monster of a man just a cool character so i think you can do something like that obviously in your 40s but if you gotta run and jump and sprint we don't see we don't see 45 year old running backs and wide receivers we don't see in baseball you know the pitcher's arms are ruined by but into their late 40s you rarely and occasionally will see like a guy who comes back after they rebuild his elbow by the way now he can do two or three innings of closing into his 40s but in fighting the only time i can think of and it's before i was really even a fan but who what was the guy who has the real bad male pattern baldness
Starting point is 03:43:04 that was a heavyweight who came back and like took the title up it like sounds like randy couture randy couture like he's the only example and that's back when it was a bit more brawler and a bit less technique like randy couture could not jump in today and be relevant the competition level was is higher much is much higher now than it was when he beat Tim Selya. Yeah. Oh, I heard this about Dana White. They asked him at the press conference.
Starting point is 03:43:28 They're like, we heard something. We heard you bought this guy a house. And he's like, yeah, yeah. He's a good kid. He's on the contender show. And he's doing well. And he told me the other day he's about to be homeless you know we're not gonna let that happen and that was it it was like oh that's
Starting point is 03:43:54 really cool he just bought him a fucking house and he did he just bought him a fucking house that's such a nice guy thing i i i i don't know what to think about daniel white but but based on like everything i have seen i think he i think he's a real nice guy might be hard to work for him though if you're not uh uh uh bringing really bringing in a ton of money for him it it's always funny i watch those deep dives like youtuber made documentaries about mma subjects and they'll they'll remind you of stuff that happened and it puts things in better context some of the the little stories and there was a time when like dana had beef with like nate diaz and like like like like they were having a real issue and then like that night him and conor mcgregor are in like a lambo convertible like
Starting point is 03:44:45 riding around town like having fun together it's like it's like it's really oh i know what it was it was about tony never getting that khabib fight and and tony and conor being having the same representation and them always putting conor first and making sure he got the big fights and uh and they think that it's sidel Tony from getting finally the Khabib fight. Maybe. They did schedule that fight five times. They did, and it failed. It's one of the most bizarre situations in sports
Starting point is 03:45:17 that you could schedule something five times and for one reason or another, it just didn't happen. Like one or more of the two men couldn't show up five times in a row it was upsetting uh yeah it seems like if you're on dana's good side you might get a house like and interesting thing is this a big part of the ufc compensation program is based on bonuses seemingly at at Dana White's whim. And it's hard to underestimate that. A guy will get like a $200,000 payday and an extra million because Dana liked it. Dana liked your fight.
Starting point is 03:45:55 He gives you a million dollars. It's a semi-life-changing amount of money. Cormier kind of cheese. Cormier, I think these numbers are pretty accurate. That's what I mean. He's the house mouse. He's the only one who's getting those $2 million bonuses. I bet Connor's gotten bonuses like that.
Starting point is 03:46:13 I can't prove it. Yeah. But I bet Connor's. I mean, currently he's negotiating that kind of cash, but I bet early Connor was getting, you know, seven digits just dropped on him.
Starting point is 03:46:22 I'm done with Connor. I'm not interested anymore. Come back and fight and do a thing. I don't give a fuck about his social media. He's such a weird dude sometimes. I remember Chael Sonnen called him a weird little dude, and he got offended. He is, though.
Starting point is 03:46:36 Connor is a weird little dude. He needs to stop flexing because he's not a big man. You keep dogging his muscles. Can we get a recent picture of Connor? He doesn't look little to me. He's not a big man. You keep dogging his muscles. Can we get a recent picture of Connor? He doesn't look little to me. He's not tall. Here's the thing. He's flexing like he's...
Starting point is 03:46:52 He's not big enough to flex, is the thing. I just don't think he is. Also, his flexing is weird, too. It'd be one thing if he was showing us trying out, but he's actually flexing muscles like a bodybuilder or something and then the other the other thing i saw him do was when he was like being really weird and like making those faces and making all those weird groaning noises he was just like like he's small to you yeah he's looking i mean this is a great angle when you're doing the derrick thing More Plates, More Dates,
Starting point is 03:47:25 where he's like, look at Superman in this film. He's just fucking fat. What's disgusting about this physique? He barely has abs. This is the best angle I've seen him. I saw him today. He looks very big now. I saw him today on the UFC subreddit, and he looked, his arms did not look.
Starting point is 03:47:43 Yeah, this, this. See, like this to me is completely different look he's flexing so hard and and accomplishing nothing like like his look at his arms what do i think your arms look better than this man's when you're all pumped up and flexing like this i don't know my i see his dick on the right picture all the way to the right i don't know that i've got that 16 well look it's not a cock off okay is that wrap around to the back of him what the fuck is that god damn right it does i mean compared to what he's ever looked like this is much bigger isn't it yes he has gotten bigger but yeah everybody's like oh my god he's roided out no no i don't think he's on roy his traps are disproportionately large but that's because he's rolling them up and yeah that's good exactly
Starting point is 03:48:30 here's how you can tell look at his chin look at his chin in relation to where his traps are he's he's he's you know he's posing to look as big as he possibly can and when you do that and this is what you get to that means he is a very small man comparatively speaking like like like look he's a professional athlete he's big he's strong he's not trying to get like big and bulky or anything but he's flexing like he's showing off how big and bulky he is and he ain't is what i'm talking about and he just doesn't look big like i especially in the picture on the left those now is dealt and that vein coming across is madness like that looks great that's that is a whole separate thing but the rest of his arm is i think woody's arms are
Starting point is 03:49:11 better i don't know i think woody's um um i think woody's arms are better i think i think they're i bet woody like bench press afraid to show well no yeah because it's not fair go fucking like get hydrated and get some of derrick's shit and like your pre-workout and do it do a whole workout thing look at what he's done do that i mean look at what he's dealt like what he doesn't have a professional photographer there like like getting the lighting just right with down lighting and uh you know and he's probably not looking a crazy full pump there and he's not tan as fuck. There's many reasons why Connor looks the way he does. And I just think Woody's bigger.
Starting point is 03:49:49 I bet you can take him, Woody. You can take him. You know. Not in a cock-off. Yeah, Woody could beat up Conor McGregor. That much is a fair conclusion. Speaking of sports, did you see that nfl clip i just sent you yeah i'll send it again juice a thing dude that guy if we could get away oh we can't show it
Starting point is 03:50:13 because it's nfl but like he apparently he got concussed five days ago in his last game to the point he was like stumbling trying to walk and i guess they still cleared him to play and he's like hardcore like fencing response out they had to take him to the hospital like i i don't watch much football but like this is very bad by football standards like he's he's he's a quarterback and he's just fucking out yeah he's oh the video of this was like really fucked up yeah yeah on the ground yeah he's like just totally like just what do you think that hand signal means do you think they're decoding that somewhere to see that like maybe he went to another realm and they're sending a message back like that time data was
Starting point is 03:50:54 stuck in the uh the time loop on star trek or something i think he's he's uh oh that's west side west side okay You're in Miami. You can't be repping that. This guy's going to be dead tomorrow, and you guys are going to feel horrible. He's doing this. That's what it is. I'm not making fun of this poor guy. This is a step too far from a tumble.
Starting point is 03:51:18 Taylor wants a pin that won't expose about Helen Keller, and you won't make fun of that knocked out qb he's a professional athlete oh it was it was funny to make to draw a comparison that man's bathroom stoically not being willing to participate in this this is a bridge too far helen keller that dumb cunt like and i mean but like helen keller God. And no, no, she's still alive. So I want to read this. Second impact syndrome occurs when the brain swells rapidly and catastrophically after a person has a second concussion before symptoms from an earlier one have subsided. The second blow may occur minutes, days or weeks after an initial concussion. So I didn't realize second impact syndrome, SIS,
Starting point is 03:52:06 was what it was. I don't know if Zach is implying this is SIS or he's at risk of SIS. I don't know which one he's saying. It says he's awake and responsive at the hospital now. And he has movement in all his extremities.
Starting point is 03:52:21 So hopefully he will be fine. As long as it's not the bulldogs, we're all good, right? Is the one we saw his second concussion? That was the second one. That's the one that just happened tonight, like as we were doing the show. The previous one wasn't as brutal. He's playing in a Thursday night game. I didn't put that together.
Starting point is 03:52:38 Oh, shit. Oh, that's the worst case scenario. So he got hurt five days ago, and now he's getting concussed again. Like, that could be life-ruining. Hopefully, it's not. Well. Oof. Dude, these injury replays are brutal.
Starting point is 03:52:53 I've never heard of anything like this. Do you think that maybe head injuries in football could be tied together somehow? I think you're worried about nothing. Well, he'll probably be fine. I really don't care. Yeah. The good news is he has
Starting point is 03:53:07 nine days to rest before his next game. What a bitch. I'm going to get some tickets, I think, for one of these playoff games the Braves are about to be in. We're in the wildcard game. Aren't the Phillies in it? Are you about to play my Phillies? You know, I didn't check
Starting point is 03:53:26 I didn't care How do you know who plays who in baseball? It's kind of like when they told Conor McGregor That he was going to have to fight Eddie Alvarez They're all the same That was Nate Diaz I was it And he lost
Starting point is 03:53:41 I'm rewriting this This is the kind of thing I know. He's like, one man is as good as another. They're all the same. Or something close to that. Fair enough. Well, in any case, I might go to one of these games. I haven't been to a Braves game in a bit. I wonder who they're playing.
Starting point is 03:53:58 It'll be easy. Search NL wildcard game. NL East wildcard game and you'll find it. It might not even be determined if the other... Oh, actually, the Phillies are playing St. Louis. Really? Yeah, they've been both in the wildcard play. Taylor, we are now
Starting point is 03:54:14 mortal enemies. I care very much about the Phillies. Oh, is that it? Wait, it says we're playing the Mets on screen. Can you put it back? Jesus. We got that one for three seconds and we got the guy in shorts earlier for like five minutes.
Starting point is 03:54:30 I'm on and it says a different playoff picture in bracket. It says, well, the P is Phillies, right? Yeah, that's what I'm looking at. So St. Louis taking on Philadelphia. Sorry. Atlanta taking on San Diegogo i like how in baseball
Starting point is 03:54:47 there's no logos just you just know i see they have assumed that philly's gonna beat st louis and put us up against the mets i don't know based on those numbers three better number than six well i just saw a photo from the future of the phillies up against the second round team. Let's claim that. Come on, Cards. Let's win it just to... Wait, where are the Braves? This means that if the Braves are going to win, they have to fight through a shitstorm. So dealing with the Padres
Starting point is 03:55:17 is whatever, but having to deal with the Dodgers and then having to beat the Mets is going to be a nightmare. By the way, the Mets are going to fucking beat the shit out of whichever one of you coming. I don't know. Yeah, the Mets are very good this year.
Starting point is 03:55:32 What about Pujols? We're playing the Mets tomorrow, I think. How about Pujols, though? I mean, I'm seeing. I mean, how many homers is he going to hit? They're going to let him bat three times an inning? I don't know. Dude, Albert Pujols, yadier melina do i
Starting point is 03:55:46 need to go on with other players i hope not only those are the only two guys i literally know on the cardinals melina's been on the cards for 20 years all right well the p has a higher number next to him than any of you fuck the braids are not gonna repeat because this is fucking rough don't be down on yourself you're on a good run now that i look at it it's uh it's a real shit storm i i don't know i hadn't seen the uh the playoff picture yeah you think they'll roll through san diego uh i don't know i don't know um but it doesn't matter because because the dodgers and the mets i'm asking you guys who knows much about sports as me but in football if you get a buy it really really really helps it's rare that the team with a buy loses to the team who is in the wild card maybe because they're better but i think the buy in itself helps a lot they get a chance to heal and and plan in baseball does the team with the buy have that level of
Starting point is 03:56:42 advantage or not so much like Are your pitchers worn out? Are you fucked? Yeah, it's a bit of an advantage. The pitching is the main thing. Starting pitching is the main thing or the bullpen in general, right? Just being as rested as possible is a big advantage. And getting everybody healed up is, of course, a thing too because you're going to have to run that rotation
Starting point is 03:57:02 and a playoff rotation, and not every team has four good starters. Yeah, they might have to burn three of them just to get to the next round. A lot of teams don't have three good starters. There'll be these two guys. Oh, yeah, you've got one stud, one guy that can get it done most of the time, and then the rest is kind of like these guys who are always coming up and trying or just guys moving in and out every week that you're hearing about um starting pitching gets rough in the in the postseason that's it that's when i like baseball i can't stand regular season baseball but
Starting point is 03:57:35 postseason baseball is fun it's it's fun to see the decisions managers make it's fun to see small ball and uh i don't know i like seeing those night games and and they're cold and chilly i i remember watching boston win that series in like 2003 4 whenever that was and it i watched them do that comeback i watched every inning of that every at bat chilling uh before kurt schilling when they came back against the yankees to to win their division. That was when it was crazy. Then going on to the series and winning that was even more impressive. But when they were playing the Yankees. That wasn't the bloody sock thing?
Starting point is 03:58:13 I think it led to the bloody sock maybe in the series, but I don't remember exactly. I just remember them rallying to come back and even have a chance to tie the series up. And that was crazy. And what was it? It was fucking Big Poppy was just constantly hitting these clutch home runs where it was just like the season was over, and then he said no.
Starting point is 03:58:38 And we go a little bit more, and they just kept doing that. The Red Sox just kept saying no. One more at bat, one more inning. And they kept winning. It was crazy. Didn't their star pitcher beat up a coach for the Yankees? So I think you're thinking about when Pedro Martinez drew that chubby white coach who was 60 or 70. This is the highlight of the series.
Starting point is 03:59:05 I don't remember when that specifically happened. that chubby white coach who was 60 or 70. His name is Avery right now. I don't remember when that specifically happened. I didn't remember it being part of the playoff picture, but maybe it was. I do remember seeing it many times. I don't know if I watched it live. I've just seen it so many times on YouTube. He grabs the guy's head and
Starting point is 03:59:21 olays him and throws him out on the ground. I think the coach was challenging this 250-pound professional athlete. And the pro is just like, you're going to go here. Pulling on my cable. Oh my God.
Starting point is 03:59:36 Look at that. He's giving him that ole. Just tossing it. And dude ate shit. That old guy who ate shit and like keep in mind that old guy who ate shit and challenged him is just like personifying what i'm talking about with that like sort of hidden loss of athleticism there's a reason he got dog like he did he's there was a time when this would have worked out in his favor he'd have went out there and whooped that dude's ass and then the other guy would have been 11 yeah you back up and make him 11 versus 30 i like his
Starting point is 04:00:10 odds yeah i'm talking about his day or whatever but look this didn't this would have been embarrassing if it happened in a parking lot at denny's look in the background and and and this happened a decade ago at least maybe two decades now we're laughing about it now pointing at it was that guy's got to be dead it's dead for sure 100 dead he was old back then destiny have you been watching bill maher lately do you pay attention to him at all um not usually except for when clips fly by nah he's he's i don't want to say he's left the left because he's he's always been like an edgy left leaning kind of guy right like he's left leaning but he's always been like pretty edgy like he's been against like kind of the woke stuff you know yeah i feel like that's
Starting point is 04:00:55 become a bigger part of his identity than it used to be i think since the woke stuff's become a bigger part of the left than it used to be i agree like wokeness for the left five years ago even or even 10 years ago was awesome wokeness for the left 10 years it was like gay people should be able to get married we got to continue to fight for abortion rights and you know like maybe we shouldn't force kids to all be fucking religious or something or like men should be able to wear earrings like that was like wokeness on the left like 10 years ago now wokeness on the left is like my two-year year old daughter just said she was trans.
Starting point is 04:01:27 Men are pregnant. Fucking men are pregnant. That's one. Yeah. Using any of these words is transphobic. Yeah. It's gotten way, way,
Starting point is 04:01:35 way fucking insane. So I can understand why somebody like Bill Maher, who's already, he's always been like, not a very woke guy is probably like super triggered all the time about it. Maybe it's just the trans people that I know and interact with but none of them care about any of this shit like i feel like like the whole thing is like the woke thing is a magic spell for white people to throw at each other yeah like it has nothing to do with the the people that they're talking about because
Starting point is 04:02:00 it every every trans person that we've met has a fucking sense of humor and the last thing they are is trying to like pin you down to make you call them a certain thing or like get you on board with their their ideology or like make you call them anything remember when i what i asked that one person like hey what are your pronouns or whatever they're like i'm a faggot because you have eye shadow and you're you're kind of like pretty like a girl but they're like i'm a faggot because you have eye shadow and you're you're kind of like pretty like a girl but you're like kind of coming off dude as well and what's going on here it's like oh yeah i'm a faggot nice to see you ah okay okay you're also you know your screen name's a woman's name i had to ask
Starting point is 04:02:41 you gotta know gotta be sure yeah but I've never had anybody like get upset by any of that stuff it's always the opposite it's always people with senses of humors I feel like Latinx is one that that fits that thing too like like there's white people saying Latinx who feel like it's very important to
Starting point is 04:02:59 get right and then actual brown people are like dude where'd this come from that's got to be an online thing people in real life don't say that and i've seen a lot of corporate thing also that bipoc shit too yeah you see it show up in a lot of corporate environments apparently i see emails getting thrown around with this stuff a lot and um this one's new to me bipoc is not it's that's pretty standard uh stands for black and indigenous and People of Color. It's like separating out Black and Indigenous and other
Starting point is 04:03:27 people of color. I think because I don't like kids getting looped in with them all the time. I wonder if the, when are they going to, my African friends don't like Black people who are African Americans. My Africans, my African friends don't like African Americans.
Starting point is 04:03:43 So is there any way that they can differentiate themselves so that they feel properly represented in your acronym choice they need to use two african african americans he's double african like i think for a lot of those guys i don't think the i don't think people from africa consider themselves africans they'd be like n Nigerians or Kenyans. Somalians and Nigerians, specifically in my experience. People that come to the United States don't be like, where are you from? Oh, I'm European. That's funny because only white Americans say that.
Starting point is 04:04:13 Oh, I have a European background. When you go to Europe, they're like... Although we do say we're American. We do say we're American. But everybody knows what we mean. Nobody goes to like Brazil. Nah, bitch. bitch good one that is a pretty big w in our column we take the whole continent take the whole two continents no one ever asks like which one they they mean they just know you tell somebody you're from dakota and they're all they're like which
Starting point is 04:04:41 no america no i like if you could go further be like i'm from north carolina yes i expected you to learn all my states yeah you don't know where they are idiot like the capital of canada uh toronto do you want me to tell you it's ottawa oh yeah people never know i mean i would have got there. It's the Ottawa Senators. The team is the Ottawa Senators. I never received any education that even mentioned the capital of that country, nor has our nightly news ever mentioned the
Starting point is 04:05:14 capital of that country. Why waste time? I don't know how your government works. I don't know how your government works. Is it like one of those trinary things? I don't know. Dude, if Canada phased out during is it like one of those trinary things like i don't know dude if canada if canada don't know if canada phased out yeah during during non-hockey season okay for like for like a week i bet we'd get
Starting point is 04:05:34 to like day five before we were like something's up anybody knows like something's wrong the internet's gotten meaner that's the whole premise of a south park episode right when canada goes on strike and nobody gives a fuck so they're just like they all got beards and they're starving and they're like they're like could you please make the smallest concession so we can call this a win we'll come back yeah yeah in canada i remember having that argument with that canadian guy and uh about technocracy i suppose in general and uh and i was like he's like oh yeah we the canadians designed and built the arm on the space shuttle and i was like i was like dude we designed and built the space shuttle what the fuck are you talking about let Let's be fair. That was busy work we gave Canada to feel part of the team.
Starting point is 04:06:28 We absolutely could have handled the arms too, Canada. We wanted you to feel like you're part of the gang, so we put a little spinny hat on you and let you pretend. You got a pity invite to the space party. Get out of here with that bragging about your space arm. God, I'm ruining my
Starting point is 04:06:44 only allies in hockey talk right now. That's probably a wrap, right? I got to go feed my puppy for the eighth time today. And I'm sure he shat somewhere. I'm sure he did. All right. Well, check out Destiny's channel on YouTube and any other channels you want to send them to. Any other places?
Starting point is 04:07:01 Yeah, YouTube and Instagram. Destiny, yeah. Check them out. Check it out. PKA 615. Buy our cum pills.

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