Painkiller Already - PKA 647 W/ Harley: Wings Vs Boogie, Eat The Onion, Bud Light Ban

Episode Date: May 13, 2023


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Starting point is 00:00:00 pka 647 with our guest harley taylor this episode of pka brought to you by lock and load blue chew and of course real bunch of wonderful sponsors you probably already know them harley joining us from the top of big ben thank you so much for taking the classy up there it is bro i'm out here in england i just got my dick sucked by the brand new king I was like Harley your sound quality is terrible That's just a bell It happens every hour
Starting point is 00:00:31 That's the brand new king Sucking me off Careful They have strict rules there I don't think you can say Can you say fuck the king It's the same as in Germany When the thing
Starting point is 00:00:45 with uh displaying swastikas they'll lock you up and remember we're going there fast this time our boy had his dog so throw in the new record so did the royal family have sex outside of just family members i think there's a incest only rule but we got to nazis i can't believe we got to nazis in 10 seconds it's gonna lose that that's crazy well you know that was the whole controversy with uh what was that um the the the lady that uh the prince married that brown girl megan markle is that her name yeah i think yeah yeah that was the whole thing right you didn't realize that she was not white right yeah and i've known for a while because i read it but i she identifies as italian to me my radar went off immediately i i could yeah i could sense my said hey you know i don't want to be i don't want to be that guy
Starting point is 00:01:39 but i i feel like when you say not white it's like one thing but when you say not quite it sounds it just hits in a particular way not quite it's also like anyone anyone who's been out in the sun at all in the last 30 days standing next to the royal family is going to look very ethnic. Like, even in England, they're the pastiest people. They hate sun. The small amount they get in England, they despise it. Let me ask you an honest question.
Starting point is 00:02:18 Has your opinion of England diminished, would you say, in the last five to ten years? Do you think less of them as a nation? Like, honestly, because I saw recently a poll of Englishmen, and they were like, yeah, we feel like our country is diminished in the last five years. We are worse off than, not just worse off, but, like, we're less powerful, less prestigious. We're diminished.
Starting point is 00:02:40 I feel like they're kind of just our little like orderly we they do whatever we tell them to do they don't do anything without our approval like like the us kind of oh you're you're your country too if you ask people they're gonna be like oh hell yeah this country's in the shit or not we got boys being born they don't know if they're boys this country's fucked up and you go to if you go to Canada, they're like, country's run by Fidel Castro's illegitimate son and they're taking our freedom. This fucking place is fucked up.
Starting point is 00:03:12 People will tell you if America is strong or weak based on their political affiliation. Three years ago, the Democrats would have said this whole thing's in the shitter. It's going terribly. Wage gap or some complaint they'd whip up. Unemployment's the lowest it's been since like 18
Starting point is 00:03:30 years or something insane like that. But Republicans are still going to be like, the economy's in the crapper. Everything's terrible. And the inverse is true. They would just find a thing to complain about Trump. The economy is bad. The one that bothers me is crime.
Starting point is 00:03:45 Well, the economy is bad. The one that bothers me is crime. Well, the economy is bad. Why is it bad? The corporate profits being at records, the enormous, the very low unemployment, the real wages rising. No, real wages are not rising. The consumer price index is going up. Food, fuel,
Starting point is 00:04:01 all these things are more expensive than they were. Excel spreadsheet would be the answer to gate, the let's see, unemployment rate, average 5.72, reaching an all-time high, and it's fucking, oh, this May of 1953. That didn't really answer the question. At least catch up to Reagan's time.
Starting point is 00:04:24 I'm sorry, Zach posted it here, and I didn't really scan it. Let's just all admit that most people would agree that things aren't going great right now. I know the unemployment numbers are what they are, but I think a lot of people say that's a lot of people working multiple jobs to try to keep things together. Most people's principal concern right now is economic. working multiple jobs to try to keep things together. I don't know. Most people's principal concern right now is economic. You're talking about downgrading the dollar and maybe moving to another...
Starting point is 00:04:53 As far as what people's stated concern is in the voter base, it's economic. And I'm not blaming Biden. I don't want this to slide over into like... Who are you blaming, Kyle? Who are you blaming about the financial situation You know who I'm fucking blaming You know who I'm blaming
Starting point is 00:05:11 I know Just say it Now I know who he's blaming But all that aside Do we want to talk about Trump At that town hall Because that was ridiculous I didn't
Starting point is 00:05:25 watch any that was fill me in not a lot of lick okay so trump was found civilly liable for the sexual assault and uh the defamation against that uh that that journalist gene carroll maybe yeah and he's found innocent of penetrating her raping her or whatever and they made him pay a sum of something like five million dollars combined he's appealing yes yeah um and who knows where that goes but the next day and trump trump was like i'm going on cnn tonight on his truth fucking mobile whatever the fuck he's i'm going on cnn tonight might go terribly for me might go terribly for them we'll see but hey they made it they made me an offer i couldn't refuse so here we go i would love to know what they paid trump to go out there and in front of a crowd that was registered they paid him i know they paid him they go out there in front of a crowd of registered
Starting point is 00:06:18 moderates and registered republicans and put on a show. He bulldozed that moderator. She did the best she could. She'd be like, no, no, no, you're lying. That's a mis... There were no moderates, by the way. They were all Trump-leaning. Trump-leaning moderates. The lady interviewing him.
Starting point is 00:06:36 The moderator. I was talking about the crowd. Oh, yeah, yeah. Oh, no, no. The crowd was packed full of Trump sycophants. Again, registered New Hampshire Republicans and moderates made up the crowd. They made sure not to have any independents. They were Trump-leaning independents and Trump voters.
Starting point is 00:06:53 It's important because I know this. I'd love to see that because I wanted to see the makeup of the crowd more thoroughly. It doesn't matter, though, because of how it plays on TV and the planet. Because they played it and Trump was getting laughs, cheers. And at one point she was trying to give him some shit. And he was like, you're a very nasty person. You're just a nasty person. And they're like, yeah, it's like it's she's she thought that she was going to be there putting the fucking bright lights on Trump.
Starting point is 00:07:23 And suddenly she was in hostile territory somehow the first question of the night was about january uh sixth so i saw this really cool clip where again this was definitely um registered um independents and and republicans that made up the uh the post debate like interview people you're like you just watched the debate what did you take from this group okay yeah yeah they asked the guy they're like how did you feel that he stuck to his lies about um you know the last election how do you how do you feel that he's you know still talking about that and he's like well y'all asked him the question that was the first question of the night and and he's like yeah well we wanted to know about it
Starting point is 00:08:06 that was his reply it was it it came off really well for trump it was i think it felt like it was a huge win for trump um of course everyone on the left and the far left is screaming foul and they're not just turning on trump now they hate cnn now cnn's the bad guy hate cnn oh yeah yeah cnn cnn fell off that's that's the word cnn notoriously that's what my that's what all my homies are saying now cnn cnn has a new management like it's off nah cnn cnn again it's great so cnn's been saying for a while they wanted to be more straight news just the facts right because they were kind of drifting into msnbc territory during the trump presidency yep and they have a new billionaire maga owner now and they're fired that's what they call him um he said cnn has a new billionaire maga owner yeah that's what i keep reading yeah i forget who it is but it's a new guy libertarian he's
Starting point is 00:09:06 yeah he's like really like shifted what's going on there and like so they fired i mean they fired brian stelter they fired a bunch of the most left-leaning people at cnn and the lowest rated brian stelter and don lemon had terrible ratings okay they weren't and uh the new ceo chris like i'm not sure that's his name or not and uh so they're trying to be a little more straight news. And they held pretty much a rally for Trump on the air. They packed the audience full of Trump sycophants. They laughed at every line he made. They supported him all the way.
Starting point is 00:09:36 They didn't like the moderator. And now people feel like CNN did a bad thing to air his lies. I'd be interested to see cnn's rating change in shows over the past year or so because this just this seems like a ratings grab to try and like entice people like hey hurry up watch cnn we need more people to watch our pharmaceutical ads look we're gonna show trump looking good like granted i didn't watch it i didn't i did not watch one second of this but i would say it all has ratings dude it's great um it's there's montages of it with air horns okay like like they they asked him the audience asked questions too and this chubby white chick
Starting point is 00:10:15 was like asked him something about gas prices and i don't know minivan minivan mom or some shit and he's like drill baby drill you know what i mean by that don't you in the car so the audience starts whooping like like like trump was sexy or something and then uh later on um i wish i knew that lady's name she wasn't that the the the one who was interrogating him i'll say um she she was they were arguing how long after the riots or something on January 6th that he asked them to stop or something. She's like, you waited five hours or something. He's like, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:10:51 I'm going to have to whip it out. And he reaches in his jacket and he pulls out transcripts of his tweets to show, I guess, the timeline of when he tweeted. I don't give a shit about any of that. But just the double entendre kind of silly showmanship of, I'm going to have to whip it out on her. Right after. Wait, it was a piece of paper?
Starting point is 00:11:09 It was a whole roll of transcripts of tweets, like printed out. Bro, he kills that. He's had documents before. I've seen him pull out folders, and it's actually the funniest bit. It's actually something I think he took from WWE. People used to take out documents and be like, what I got right here? And no one ever gets to look through those but he's conference he had all those papers in front of him and like binders and folders and you're like people are like he's got the information I love about him
Starting point is 00:11:38 you're on mushrooms once okay do you know your camera went out, Harley? Are you still here? Nope. Okay. We'll hear from him. I got a FaceTime randomly. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:11:51 Oh, okay. Oh. You got FaceTime? Who randomly FaceTimes? This guy I paid a jerk off on FaceTime. But anyways, continue. That makes sense. I get that.
Starting point is 00:12:04 Yeah. So Trump held a rally on CNN. He did. If you're a Republican, I gotta say it went really well for him. And if you're a Democrat, you're mad at CNN because it's like they betrayed them.
Starting point is 00:12:18 They should have watched more. That's like being mad at a YouTuber because he changes formats. You should have watched more Minecraft, dude. You wanted Minecraft. You should have watched more. Oh, you don't like the format shifting over? Oh, you don't like me more?
Starting point is 00:12:31 I'm sorry. He doesn't say the N-word anymore? And he does charity boxing? I'm sorry. Hal's right. Hal's right. The reason they're making that change is not because, like, ratings were high and things were successful cnn was kind of failing
Starting point is 00:12:46 yeah i mean like cable news is not gonna be around forever like they're already getting blown the fuck out by the internet like if i i know tucker was talking about like doing something on twitter doing on twitter yeah that's what i've been hearing and if if that like does what people think it will do which is blow out the total numbers on like traditional media shows if it does it's gonna do crazy it's gonna do crazy consistency that's one of the biggest tweets i've ever seen really show value but it's totally different because his million his market is what he has to hope is that twitter's big enough now that his core market of boomers actually switches over to it because a lot of the people who watch fox news are old and they're not going to know how to switch over to a new medium they're just going to go to a different
Starting point is 00:13:38 guy on the same dude this is true this is 100 true can i pause grandparents don't i just don't like the phrasing like they don't know how to change the channel. No. What I actually see it as is brand loyalty gets deeply ingrained in old people. Use head and shoulders for 35 years. You're going to have a tough sell getting them on lever. Sell some blue. Sure.
Starting point is 00:13:57 Sell some blue. Get at that. Thanks. So they just get set in their ways and it's very hard to get them to change. I don't know that CNN is going to pry anyone off of Fox, even if they get fucking Tucker. Oh, no, I don't think anyone who watches Fox is going to switch to CNN or vice versa. I was meaning the medium itself. Like, I don't I don't think a traditional TV viewer is especially one in their 70s is going to pivot to online as their premium choice of media.
Starting point is 00:14:22 They might watch fucking Gregreg gutfeld and go well tucker's not on tv no more like and that's like the end for them but if he manages to retain a huge amount of his audience that's the only other guy at fox i know i'm sorry i didn't follow i thought you said they don't know how to change the channel to cnn and i'm like oh no no they just don't know how they're really good at changing channels they probably do it all the time but no they don't know how to go to Twitter and find Tucker's show. Yeah, they legit might not. The same way, like, even us now.
Starting point is 00:14:47 Like, I know Harley's all over TikTok. None of the three of us have TikTok. It's like the first social media that's come out that's been like, you know, not for me. Like, think about someone who's 78 years old. Why are you doxing me as the gayest guy here right now? Can't believe you just doxed me as the gayest guy on the show. I don't think that you do.
Starting point is 00:15:07 You can't see that. You turned your head. It's just me all up on TikTok. How did you know I was doing dances on TikTok? Did I talk about that last time I was here? You showed us your chub dance where you gave your... Where you fluffed yourself.
Starting point is 00:15:18 I slapped it around a little bit. I said I was going to tell you I had Woody's dick. Dude, I got to say, I have never had such a spike of respect toward Harley than when he just seamlessly went yeah I fluffed myself for that
Starting point is 00:15:30 it looked terrible before I did it so I had to fluff it it was pathetic Conor McGregor does that it's pro move you went a little too hard though you don't want it standing straight out like that you know what else I think of this? I think Conor McGregor is also taking a lot of Cialis for vascularity
Starting point is 00:15:49 because you pop so well. That makes sense. And so he gets out there in those tight-ass shorts. I think stage fright would make my dick shrink up just from being out there, but he thrives on that shit. So he's up there. He's like, oh, maybe he's able to get turned on by those sexy ladies over there. But sometimes,
Starting point is 00:16:08 unfortunately, you get the visual of him just staring at another shirtless man, and he's at three-quarters masked, and he's wearing some European-style undies or something, and that dude's dong. I mean, congrats, but I don't need to see all that.
Starting point is 00:16:23 It takes an enormous amount of energy. You know what I did today? What'd you do? I don't need to see all that it takes an enormous amount of energy you know what I did today you know what I did today I hope it has to do with Underwood you see Wings of Redemption I went to the press conference and I saw
Starting point is 00:16:39 Jordy in person never met him in real life you know if I had known that you were going to be there today, I'd have sent you $500 to have you dress up as an old-timey whaler and to be out in the crowd with a harpoon and go, Yersey, blow! You're driving me so excited for a second. I was like, if I knew you were going to be there,
Starting point is 00:17:00 I was going to be right there with you. But instead, you're like, I was going to pay it. I'm a, I'm a felon. But I always forget about that. Yeah. It's, it's,
Starting point is 00:17:10 it's sad. It's sad. I cry at night. Tell me more. Well, it's so crazy. One of the most crazy is like, I go and I get up to the press conference and like,
Starting point is 00:17:19 this is where I realized that like, like I'm a fan and I have a parasocial relationship yeah it's like my girlfriend fucking look bitch oh shit his wife right there oh look at it you saw the whole pod and then jordy came in bro must have been 11 feet tall, 780 pounds, fucking came in. I was like. And also Boogie. But Boogie, I've met Boogie before.
Starting point is 00:17:56 So I'm like, what's up, Boogie? How you doing, man? He was like, yeah, I'm good. I'm really bad at this. Both of them have to be under six foot. They have to be under six foot because I only know when someone's under. Oh, don't worry, Woody. You're taller than Wing for sure.
Starting point is 00:18:12 I've been with him a couple times. Yeah. Yeah, you're taller, bro. I saw it different when they had their shirts off. Wings looked like he could put his chin on top of Boogie's head. And in this picture, they look a little closer in height, although the wings are still taller bro boogie drank prime boogie boogie took a big mouthful of prime energy drink and that is what jordy said and i was like i was like i don't give a fuck bro like i'm fighting
Starting point is 00:18:37 there but it was like you're spit you gotta smack him you've gotta smack him right there you gotta actually you know and then you back up into like a karate stance that's comical so you can then walk away because you can't fight you believe can you believe i met this motherfucker one time and i'm like jordy this jordy that let me correct myself wings wings was like he was like i was ready for him to slap me in the face because i was like bro you fucking spat that shit on your head like when i would have fought he was like he could slap me in the face. I would have done anything there.
Starting point is 00:19:07 Okay. He's a professional. Well, low-key, I was like, maybe he's mad. Maybe he's mad lazy. He looked a little mad. He's mad lazy. He did. Actually, he had one killer line because Boogie came out, and Boogie was dropping all the common bangers that we know.
Starting point is 00:19:24 He was like, damn, Wings know he was like damn wings he was like you left the mobile home and he was like everyone here is here to laugh at you and he was like and when i'm fucking when we get in the ring he's like i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna drop you and wings like we talking about man i thought you go up those stairs over there and they almost dropped you. It's true. Boogie was low-key struggling just doing his thing. Moving. And Jordy seemed much more comfortable existing as a big man. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:19:57 Not just that. There was a moment where – let's show the clip. Let's just show it. It's like a minute, right? Jordy hitting a heavy bag outside. Is that what you're looking for? No, let's show them belly bumping and everything at the point.
Starting point is 00:20:07 I have that on my phone. Don't pull it up! You can see in that moment that Wings is the one with the power. They bump at each other like three times, and Wings wins that every time, and Boogie has to go to this arm pushy thing to try to not look like a
Starting point is 00:20:24 punk. Not only that, you're right and um by the way thank you woody for all the beautiful things you said about me uh in regards to my fight oh god punched out of the ring and all that you see that i love that yeah you took that well um you did you took that well yeah uh like i was thinking about that i was like when you pull up my god, there's even more belly down there. You should have kicked it. I'd have kicked that little pooper. You show me your pooper, I'll kick it.
Starting point is 00:20:53 I'll put on this karate kick. You should have kicked it. The hacky sack kicked it. Kept hacky sacking it. Twins has to because of his hips and all. But yeah, a little sideways hacky sack. Man, fuck that. I told them both.
Starting point is 00:21:09 Yeah, where they were pushing, they were like bumping. And Wings, and this is what I was saying, why I brought up my fight, is that like there's an element of wanting it. And my first fight, I boxed Aaron. And like we were both like boxing. But when I was boxing John, I was like, oh you fucking wants this needs this and means it I Saw them on stage. I was like
Starting point is 00:21:32 Wings fucking wants this needs this and means this boogie's like I'm so happy that I'm not in a wheelchair What and yeah, I mean boogie's like i'm so happy i'm not in a wheelchair and wings is like i'm fucking ready to put you back in and he literally said i'm gonna put you back in there um and i i think that is an element that is an element that wings has look i'm gonna have to watch it's saturday afternoon at like 11 a.m for the east coast america people obviously the fight's taking place in london or whatever um man i i was completely wrong uh i didn't think wings would would actually go through with uh
Starting point is 00:22:14 any of this there's like five steps along the way where he could have backed up uh backed off and quit didn't he have a hiccup that was like an excuse he said that too boogie was like contract stuff but i don't think that was on his end. I thought there was like a sickness. Boogie was like you got – Maybe I'm crazy. Boogie was like you got fired from your own show because you couldn't go camping. And after this fight, you're going to have no money.
Starting point is 00:22:36 You're going to be living in a tent. And I'm like sitting there next to my girlfriend. I'm like, he's saying that because what happened. There was this thing. And I'm like trying to break down all the dumb shit. And she's like, uh-huh. But after I went up to wings i was like yo man i'm here i literally like don't tell ksi but wings versus boogie is why i bought a flight from country but i was like i really want you guys and he was like how are you and i was like yeah i'm gonna be on i'm gonna go on pka today it's like tell kyle that i want to have the pka reunion
Starting point is 00:23:11 okay no i i wanted to i wanted to i want it i want it more than wings i was like really he's like yeah he's like tell kyle i was like okay i was like all right I was like okay I was like alright so that's it and I have to tell you no I don't know what it is and I'm going to save it for later because I have no idea what it means
Starting point is 00:23:33 I was going to say I was wrong I want to be clear about that because I really did not think he was going to go through with it I really didn't me neither I agree with you neither did I still got to get in the ring did not think he was going to go through with it. I really didn't. Me neither. I agree with you. Neither did I.
Starting point is 00:23:48 He's still got to get in the ring, but he's 95% of the way there, so we can almost call this good. Bro, if he backs out now... I'd be very surprised if Wings does anything but win this fight. If either of them back out right now...
Starting point is 00:24:04 I'm right here here and i'm like funny i brought my gloves just in case this happened turns out i have you ate too i'm not redemption i think i can one of you guys up have to get mad did you go in there and actually kill boogie like that's what would happen he'd punch his head off his shoulders you know i actually have any possibility of this fight being anything other than total wings victory or boogie being kind of you know injured badly like hopefully that doesn't happen but just looking at boogie standing there you know he really struggled to stand next to wings even in the
Starting point is 00:24:47 belly bump i don't think boogie could get injured i i feel like the thing is he'll go down too easily to get hurt to get injured takes a lot of stick-to-itiveness bravery you have to you have to weather a storm or two to really get rocked in boxing. Boogie would drop too quickly for any lasting damage. Oh, no, not a punch. I'm meaning he puts too much torque and his leg shatters. His ankle breaks. His knee gives out. After that much time of doing nothing,
Starting point is 00:25:20 trying to throw a hip into a punch, I bet you could really easily overexert. I'd be pretty scared if I was Boogie way more than Wings. He knows the limitations of the fight. I just think the fall could be bad. I know it's a canvas and it's spring. No, you're right. You're right. I thought that too, Kyle.
Starting point is 00:25:35 I thought the same thing. I was like, falling is not something you do when you're a big boy. Is a boxing ring the same as an octagon? No, I've been in boxing rings. They're bouncy. They are bouncy. They are bouncy. I recognize that. Not as much as you would think.
Starting point is 00:25:52 I don't know. I worry that a fall could break a hip or dislocate something. If you're bouncier than the ring, the ring isn't that bouncy. The ring's hard. You know what? It's funny. For my match, when i was going
Starting point is 00:26:06 down there like i'm sure they'll they'll have this too um i did my um walking to the ring and as i'm walking even though if you guys watch like i was very stoic and i was so like i'm gonna fucking do this i was conscious and i'm walking down that i'm like bro i can't believe john hennigan's gonna be punching me in the face and like i'm like this guy's gonna punch that i'm like bro i can't believe john hennigan's gonna be punching me in the face and like i'm like this guy's gonna punch me i have to punch him in the face this is fucked and like i don't know wings i feel like almost has it but i don't know if boogie has that i'll make a boogie graph like you're gonna have to fucking punch him in the face and I like I feel like wings means it more I'm surprised neither of them got a trainer or
Starting point is 00:26:49 anything like that I did that right away a lot of creators on creator clash the first time didn't get a trainer or boxing coach the second one everyone did but the first one I was like very fucking crazy someone's gonna be trying to punch you in the head you don't want to learn how to and I see them both they're punching their things they're punching their things but you know I don't know talk to me you're a boxing aficionado a boxer a professional
Starting point is 00:27:14 boxer what am I saying you've looked at the form of wings you've looked at the form of boogie tell me your analysis both very well I think I think wings his punches just watching like the keemstar thing that he's on there i think wings looks like he he punches harder and more accurate it looks like he punches harder and more accurate and like i said like bro like boogies been a little cushy
Starting point is 00:27:39 if you can think of a person who's got the pent-up anger on YouTube. It's these two. Yeah, but Wings especially, right? Like, when you walk out there, Wings isn't even going to see Boogie. If he's smart, if he's smart, Wings will see Sean Ranklin in front of him. He's not going to see Boogie. He's going to see every person that's ever made a thing or a video or what if he'd beaten up keemstar right here like how crazy is that if he'd taken that's not even keemstar that's overt flow he looks a lot like him well except i think i'm pretty sure overt
Starting point is 00:28:19 flow is like normal height i mean they look so much You see, right? Yeah, you're totally right. I didn't know that was overt flow because I don't know him by sight, but I made a joke the other day when I saw those two together also wearing sunglasses at the same time that Keemstar was like Hitler, that he had a body double at all times.
Starting point is 00:28:39 Ready to take that bullet for him so he can disappear down to Argentina with all his money. Like one day he's going to push it too far and he's just going to – that overt flow button is going to get pressed. I'm living my nightmare timeline and I can't believe it that I'm happy with it. Because like my nightmare timeline, I was like, what if I like lose in spectacular fashion after like beefing with Keemstar a whole bunch?
Starting point is 00:29:07 And thank you, my brother. And beefing with Keemstar so much. And like what if like that happens? And I'm like, then what if Keemstar makes my dream match happen, actually gets wings out to the UK? Then I'm going to have to be like Keemstar is the best YouTuber that ever existed. He doesn't even have a YouTube channel anymore. I don't even think he's allowed to. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:29:29 He's like, you know what I'm saying? I'm like, well, I lost and fucking Wings is in London. I'm here to watch him. I'm like, it's actually kind of chill this whole thing, you know? I want to get my two cents on watching those two throw punches because the thing that we noticed way back when, when we first saw that first footage of Boogie was that, like, he doesn't rotate his hips.
Starting point is 00:29:53 It's all arm punches, and that's not poor technique. You don't fix that with a trainer. That's someone who's immobile. That's someone who has a handicap because of their weight and hip issues. So that's why I say these guys don't need trainers. All you're going to do is get hurt. Like all they could do is over train. They're both handicapped men.
Starting point is 00:30:12 You're not going to teach them this new physical skill that requires coordination and endurance and power and all those things. You know what? But you know what? I think like what a trainer can do is finding what's good for you and i've gone to a trainer like when i was in bad shape and he was like yeah he's like let's go on our on our let's do crab walking he made me crab walk and i never saw him again i was like fuck that too hard like i don't want to i don't mean to be rude but like if i'm like a trainer for boogie or wings and i've been there too i was like you know for over 310 pounds. If you train it for me, I just want someone to come with a fucking leash,
Starting point is 00:30:47 put it on my neck and take me for a walk. If that's the level that I need, then I, I, I like that. I have the accountability and I paid for a person to come take me for a walk. So they should literally should have hired a dog Walker and had them walk
Starting point is 00:31:00 around the block three times a day. And you know what? That would be a big deal. Look, there's this with your knees. Oh, my God. All right, this is silly and for YouTube. I think you should have hired a trainer. And I'm surprised I'm the only one who thinks that.
Starting point is 00:31:16 Someone teach this guy to keep his hands up. Someone teach this guy what defense looks like, to blade his upper body. These are all things that are quick. Yeah, look, he almost hurt himself. He almost hurt himself right there. Someone teach him to set up his right with his left, right? Jab, jab, hook.
Starting point is 00:31:30 Like just some combos. What for? Because he doesn't know that. There is some low-hanging fruit of improvement that they didn't grasp. They're just going to show up with emulating people they've seen on TV and never having learned really? I mean, they've seen the best and never having learned really. I mean, they've seen the best in the world.
Starting point is 00:31:47 They've been watching. Do you think, let me think, let me be, let me be like crazy for a second. There's no shot that these two guys are like posted up with fucking mountain dudes and hot fetus in the same hotel right now. And they're like doing rock paper scissors to see who takes the fall in the
Starting point is 00:32:03 first round, a minute and 30 seconds in, and they're both like, fuck Keemstar. There's no way Wings would do that. Wings knows he has the W. Wings would do that. Wings has tried to do things like that before. I know, I actually know this!
Starting point is 00:32:17 He's literally tried to pay people to take the fall before. Don't say Wings wouldn't do this. I didn't know that. I know so much about him yeah when people try to fuck people be like wings wouldn't do that i'm like actually he did that here's the recording can you film me what was the the fight quickly what happened was after he lost that 1v1 on bog infamously to uh to um help syndicate. Oh my god, Zach. Amazing work.
Starting point is 00:32:46 This is literally his communications with Syndicate, maybe a few days to a week afterwards after there was a big stink. He's wanting to redo the match, and he's wanting Syndicate to take the fall, and they're going to split the prize money that's going to be put up by Alki
Starting point is 00:33:02 David to stream the whole thing. In this deal, if you look carefully, Wings gets the money, I think, right? No, no. He's spending it $3,000, $2,000 syndicates away. So he's going to give us 60%. You happened to accidentally
Starting point is 00:33:17 mention the one person more fascinating than either of them. Have any of you met Alki David? Yeah. You met him in person i spent a weekend with him he tried to hire me he tried to hire me to run one of his companies really what this guy by the way guys this guy is uh he's like a multi-billionaire or something his his family is like european or something yeah coca-cola in europe or something like that um and uh he got obsessed with like youtube gaming and stuff we took a couple meetings with him
Starting point is 00:33:51 and he was getting sued at the time by like discovery or something because uh they didn't have the rights he didn't have the rights to uh do some shit i'm not sure and uh he he happened to be one of the most interesting guys ever because he's just like he was just so crazy rich and somehow was like balls deep in the youtube gaming community no oh wait did he well actually fake live stream suicide might be pretty accurate. Yeah. So here's what he did. He told everyone he announced that he was going to live stream. What does it call an assisted suicide? It's my favorite rock band, the youth in Asia. All right.
Starting point is 00:34:36 So he said he was going to announce this guy who was I'm sorry, live stream this guy who was terminally ill and they would live stream him dying. And I'm not even against that like well the live streaming seems a little not cool but uh the idea of someone like just living a few more weeks or months in pain and ending early like you get my thumbs up if that's what you want to do but the internet whoa thumbs down he was gonna like murder this person is how they viewed him and it turns out that this was all kind of a scam. It was sort of a prank they're playing on the viewers.
Starting point is 00:35:10 They ended up doing the live stream and after they killed the guy, they got up and danced and they played Monster Mash. Zach, if you can, while we're talking about can you pull up Alki David farting into the microphone at his wife's fashion show? If you want, what we were talking about, can you pull up Alki David farting into the microphone at his wife's fashion show?
Starting point is 00:35:27 If you want. I just found this like such an excellent demonstration of power. This guy, like he put on this fashion, like whatever his wife was doing here. I don't know what her thing was, but she had dreams and ambitions and he helped her do it. It looks like he kind of made it all happen, put it all together. And it's this show and they're like on the red carpet for her launch. Of course, the owners of 9021 Go and of course Have Faith and Film On and many, many other companies. Good to have you here. Thank you so much.
Starting point is 00:36:04 You look beautiful, Anushka. Well, I'm a little bit chilly, Jan. That's okay. What the fuck? Then he gives it back to her to talk into it. She's like, Alki, I don't want this in my face right now. Then he laughs. He's like, haha.
Starting point is 00:36:23 When I get the sound out, you heard it really loud. And I was like, this guy. And I think he owned Film On. I think Alki owned Film On at the time. I think he did. Yeah, I was like, low-key, very respectful behavior. For those of you who didn't watch the video,
Starting point is 00:36:40 he just grabbed the mic from the interview and farted in it. That was awful is he still going on it is a demonstration of power it is like all of these people are subservient to me i can fart in this mic with no consequences because yeah david yeah and no one knows anything about what happened there or what they were doing or what any of it was but we remembered the fart into the microphone.
Starting point is 00:37:07 There's not like this fart police out there. Any of us can do it. It's just uncouth. You have to have a fart at the time, and you have to have the timing to grab it before it's done. It's an in-the-moment thing. You don't walk around locked and loaded with farts. You think he came there that day?
Starting point is 00:37:23 He made a decision real time, real quick, boom, improv. Real time? No, he planned that. He had some cauliflower 30 minutes in. He was eating steamed broccoli in the limo. Peppers. We had a meeting with him and we went and it was my partner
Starting point is 00:37:39 and I and we were kind of waiting. We were like, oh yeah, we were meeting with Alkia and we were like, oh okay. He's busy and we kind of saw that he was over there and he was like, we were like, oh yeah, we were meeting with Alkia. They were like, oh, okay. He was just like, he's busy. And we kind of saw that he was like over there and he wasn't really, he was like eating a sandwich. We were just like kind of waiting and we kind of hung around for like 35 minutes. We had other meetings.
Starting point is 00:37:57 We're like, oh, okay. We're like, okay, we're going. And they're like, okay. And like he saw us and, you know, he just like looked and didn't think much. And then we were leaving. And then the girl was just like, oh, she's like, oh, they're leaving. Epic Mealtime is leaving now. And he was like, that's – by the way, context is like 2012 or 2013. So he was like, that's Epic Mealtime?
Starting point is 00:38:15 And like he stood up and like ran out after us. And he had like a mustard stain on his shirt and like mustard on his face. And he was like, do you need to do a hologram epic meal time i can get the hologram set up and he's talking and there's mustard all over and i didn't know who he was really at the time and i was just like but later i said i was like that was the richest guy i ever met in my life he'll turn me into a hologram with mustard all over his shirt i was like it's crazy i was like i better go look him up i look him up he's farting in the microphone i was like damn we should have fucking stuck around waiting for him when he was ready i like this guy he knows he likes mustard i didn't even think of him as the
Starting point is 00:38:52 richest guy i've ever met i've ever met but he's gotta be i don't yeah yeah i've never i think he's up there billionaire i've never met a billionaire either no one of kyle has a friend who's very wealthy he um you know what he invented this is cool you know um when you take a picture of a check to deposit it instead of like mailing it or something like old school this guy somehow created that system and sold it to banks and oh i love that guy yeah what a great guy he that has made life so great. What a good invention. That's great. I don't know the details of fraud prevention in that, but it must be pretty
Starting point is 00:39:31 hard to do. They prevent fraud by making sure it's on a dark background and then you take your phone and go up and down until it eventually takes the photo. That's all it takes. Sometimes I'm going down on the check and it cuts off some of it
Starting point is 00:39:47 and I'm like, I guess. You're the one taking the photo. I guess that's okay. You don't need to know exactly what it's for. This is tangentially related to the boxing and I guess Sam Hyde and all that.
Starting point is 00:40:04 I know you're familiar with Fish Tank. Bro the fuck don't say that name what the hell bro i'm still friends with idub oh fuck i don't know much about his drama and everything other than what i've heard from i'm goofing around i it's so crazy. I like iDubbbz. Friends at the end. I think he's great. I actually do think he's awesome. I do think he's had an ascension and evolution of his career. And I also owe Sam quite a bit. He put me, you know, he kick-started a lot of
Starting point is 00:40:35 change in my life, positively. And I think he's a fucking hilarious guy most of the time. He is. Sometimes I'm like, damn, he really said he wants to kill her? Yeah, but he did. I think he's really bad on. Did I say he was – did I bring up his husband a bit here on the podcast? No, I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:40:55 He did this fucking – I actually – it's the only time I've ever called him up. And I was like, can I ask why you did this? It's the only time. Like, I don't do what you want, do your thing. It doesn't matter. But, uh, I like, I hang out with people and they're like, man, what's the deal with him? And I'm like, Oh, he's really hilarious. And he was actually really nice. And, uh, I doubt a Nazi would be that nice to someone like me. I doubt a Nazi would be that nice to someone like me. But so I don't, you know, I never get involved with his thing, what he's doing. But it was the only time where I hit him up and I was like, oh, you said you would kill someone or you wanted to do physical harm to them. I'm like, was that a bit? Or was it like, were you like excited and you made a mistake?
Starting point is 00:41:50 I'm like, I do think he's a very smart guy. And I didn't see the long play of that. So I was like, what is it? He was like, hey, man, you got a boxing match coming up. You worry about that. And after the match, you can ask me whatever you want. Okay? And I was like, okay.
Starting point is 00:42:10 I'll get back to you about that. Yes, coach. I had said that, and then I saw actually he got a couple of mainstream coverage, and they don't want to talk about like, oh, he's doing this crazy reality show that's so fucked up, which I want to talk about in a second. But instead they were like, he said he wanted to do physical harm to this person or kill this person so i was just watching him and jet the next day or so and uh this i thought like i i had a friend with me and i was like i think of myself as good at this type of shit and he what he does here i thought was
Starting point is 00:42:42 like like on the spot like a master class of that type of thing he was like uh someone was like hey man that chat was like what do you think about uh like uh his bola uh beating up the cat he was like a fucking hate that little mutant or whatever and he was like honestly like oh fucking kill him and jet was like and he was like oh can't say that i mean i hope someone kills him and he's like you can't say that he's like no he's like i if if someone killed hezbollah about happened i would be happy oh Oh no. And then he was like, Hey, if someone took garden shears and stab it into the back of his fucking skull and stomped on his fucking groin until he was dead, I would be the status person on earth.
Starting point is 00:43:37 Jesus Christ. I was like, he just, he hates the thought of that poor little fella getting injured. Clearly. Sincerely. Yeah. He cares. He did it. He, he, he hates the thought of that poor little fella getting injured clearly sincerely yeah he cares he did it he he he worked through it but he found it and he did it there the the clips of him saying stuff that's over the line and jet being uncomfortable are hilarious there's like a whole compilation of like sam hyde tos compilation and it is hysterical. It's him just like doing his you know, going
Starting point is 00:44:08 over the line in his style. Very funny. But regarding the fish tank thing, so if you're not aware, Sam Hyde has this reality show where a bunch of fish contestants are in a house. All of the windows and doors, everything you cannot
Starting point is 00:44:24 see out. the rules are stay inside no weed and no phones and so it's six weeks of these eight people all put together and the setup it's on is you get to click and switch between 10 different cameras so you can go to bedroom one and see what people are doing there you can go to bedroom three living room kitchen all that kind of shit and it is a master class example of like why reality
Starting point is 00:44:54 shows always hire actors and are always scripted because he genuinely picked like eight of the most genuinely strange autistic people he could find and put them in a house and the challenges are often brutal and clearly made up in the moment counting and counting grains of rice he comes and throws rice all over the room and he's like count the rice yeah he came in and like did like
Starting point is 00:45:17 the rice thing he'll do stuff just to upset them and then he'll do things to try and create problems or he'll be like he'll barge in his enormous self wearing like a seersucker suit, like just like dominating people physically in an uncomfortable way and be like, tonight's challenge is the drunk dickhead off. Whoever is the meanest, most ruthless person to your fellow contestants wins a fish buck. A fish buck is a piece of paper he prints out with a fish on it that is purportedly redeemable for $500 each at the end of the show. And as he
Starting point is 00:45:50 introduced those, he was like, you guys are going to want to take care of these fish bucks. These are definitely worth $500 each. Listen to me, folks. If I'm lying, sue me. And so he's making enough fish bucks to people. And people get kicked out of the house, but no one i don't think has actually
Starting point is 00:46:08 really gotten kicked out it's just people are so psychic psychologically tortured by text to speech from sam hyde's audience but there is someone john oh yeah simmons yes because they discovered one of the contestants this asian guy had written a book my understanding was about his years as a camp counselor but what he wrote the book about was how to hook up with the people at camp and kids that can't apparently it was too weird it was a bit it was uh it was weird enough that the excerpts from the book caused people to be uncomfortable. What was the title?
Starting point is 00:46:50 The Most Dangerous Game? The Most Dangerous Game. Dude, it was so, like, apparently it was so reprehensible that, like, Sam went into the house and was like, you have three minutes to get your... On his day off. Yeah. You have three minutes to get your stuff in the attic.
Starting point is 00:47:01 Jason Goldstriker went in on his day off. Oh, not his day off he's like you know norm he he was just in there with a weed eater attacking the kitchen and you're telling me he's got to go right back in on his day off the uh yeah he was just in there attacking the kitchen with a weed eater you saw that uh it a lot of it's a 24-hour livestream, and so usually just every night, like after this, I'll pop in and see what they're doing. It's either sitting around doing nothing boring,
Starting point is 00:47:32 or it is the most beyond interesting, entertaining, surreal thing. What happened recently, just I guess yesterday, is Frank Hassell. This ties in with Boogie. Everything's getting connected. Frank Hassell is the gentleman who uh said to boogie i'm gonna come in your house and fuck you in the ass that's hassle doctrine you know and forced you know you know obviously forced boogie to do that
Starting point is 00:47:57 that warning shot there was a goal that as soon as they hit their like subscriber limit or whatever frank hassell would be unleashed on the contestants. And so they let Frank Hassel into the house last night, and he immediately proceeds to start tearing people's stuff up, breaking things, being very uncomfortable around people. But, and that was all expected. This was all 100% expected. Harley, that bag's so loud!
Starting point is 00:48:20 Harley, stop fucking playing with the bag! I want to note that that wasn't me. I was like, all right, he's done. And then he's like, let me close it. I don't want these to get stale. If you know, so yesterday they brought Frank Castle into the mix. And if you're familiar with another character kind of in the Idubbs universe, his name is Airsoft Fatty. So Airsoft Fatty was this big, morbidly obese guy, is this guy.
Starting point is 00:48:53 There's an Idubbs documentary about him with like 30 million views, hugely popular. It's called Full Force. And it was tracking this big fat guy's like Airsoft journey and like his interesting life in Battle Creek, Michigan. fat guys like airsoft journey and and like his interesting life in battle creek michigan and this big fat guy who's arguably the most likable like earnest genuine seeming guy in the world airsoft fatty his name's chris at one point last night like he went up to a room by himself and like started crying and this guy's like morbidly obese. He clearly lost his mother, doesn't have a father in the picture in his mid-20s. He's had a rough go of it by anyone's estimation. And apparently, a lot of people on Reddit and whatnot harass him and make his life very difficult. And he
Starting point is 00:49:38 marched himself up to bedroom four by himself and like started crying and saying like i you know pull it together i can't take this anymore it was very sad and frank fucking hassle walks in and sees this guy like crying and starts to be like can i pause you know what i'll get yeah yeah go ahead help me understand frank hassle is thank you character that sam hyde plays i'm right right no no no frank castle the guy on the left there is Frank Castle. He makes content where he hassles people. He messes with them in public. Oh, he's the guy that messed with Boogie. Correct.
Starting point is 00:50:13 Yes, he's the guy that messed with Boogie. And this gentleman here, Chris, Airsoft Fatty, he was in this room crying. And Frank Castle came in and saw him crying and started going like you know you know kind of broke his character and was like oh you need anything man you you let me know what's up and he started to leave and chris started to like open up and like cried a little more like this is i'm having such a hard time frank castle like broke character entirely went over there like patted him on the back, comforted this guy.
Starting point is 00:50:47 You know, the guy's saying, I feel like I'm worthless and everyone hates me and says I'm useless. He's like, no, you're not, man. Like, stop saying that about yourself. It was genuinely fucking endearing watching in real time as, like, this dude who has a really tough life is actively comforted in a way that's genuine and human by someone whose entire job was to come in and fuck with them. The realness overtook the act. He also pretended to die of a heart attack
Starting point is 00:51:13 mid-stand-up show, which was actually funny. Are we completely sure that that sort of consolation and friendship that he was showing there wasn't just the first stages of sissy hypno that maybe maybe maybe i'm a fool and i i fell for it but it was man airsoft that he was manipulating him he is he needs money it was a game it was a move
Starting point is 00:51:39 it was a tricky listen bro i know fucking money. I know manipulative money moves when I see them. My people fucking made the, they wrote the book, bro. It's called Talmud. No, I'm joking. I don't buy it. I don't buy it. I do think it was interesting and it was great, but I see Airsoft Fatty. I'm like, I don't know, bro. That's your performer.
Starting point is 00:52:01 Crazy to say, right? I know. I know it's crazy to say but i always default so i'm like but at the end of the day that's a youtuber and i don't know if i could fully trust the youtuber really i met airsoft he was a nice guy he was cool but something about these youtubers brother fucking weird me out i only care about me out. I only care about the parts where he attacks the kitchen with a weed eater, mostly.
Starting point is 00:52:29 I actually messaged him like, bro, beating the shit out of the kitchen with boxing gloves was way funnier than it should have been. Because he punched the shit out of that cabinet and he goes, oh, whoa, fuck, sorry. Like apologizing to the people around as though he didn't just intentionally break it.
Starting point is 00:52:47 I thought he was going to destroy that fridge. What is that house? What is like? All right, so I've got some basic questions. Who owns that? Is that a house like in the country somewhere? Tommy will hide on his house. Yeah, whoever owns that house made a huge mistake.
Starting point is 00:53:02 Like there's an enormous amount of damage but it's like like does he own it is he renting it or is this an airbnb rented there's if it were rented i feel like he came in and bought that shit out right yeah i don't have a vibe for how much money he's making off this fish tank thing well the hosting's 10 a day right j? Jesus. I don't know if it's bringing in crazy bank. Okay. But it's definitely brought in enough attention to do it again. Yeah. I think it's very successful.
Starting point is 00:53:36 You go in there at any time, and you just see people spending money. Yeah. And I know these expenses. I'm sorry. Go ahead. yeah and i know that he is i'm sorry go ahead you know i mean like he's like he's just like he's just a very funny person yeah he's very funny and i always but i'm like listen i see shit like that and i find him so funny and i know the appeal of some of the other things that he does and says um and i'm just like, I can't help but be like,
Starting point is 00:54:07 I don't know. I have too much empathy to enjoy his humor. Like I always put myself. Yes. Some of the things. I agree with you. That's what I'm saying. It's the things that I too have too much empathy where I'm like,
Starting point is 00:54:20 Ooh, I don't know. He asked a guy to hold pads for him, right? And Sam Hyde had 150 pounds on this person who's holding his pads, and he doesn't seem to be holding anything back. So even though he's holding the pads, they're hitting him in the face. He's getting crunched. He is beating up a person under the guise of hitting the pads. We just found the line, Woody, you and I.
Starting point is 00:54:50 I know our exact line. I found that thing hilarious. Really? I found him holding the bag. Very funny. That guy, he works out. He's a fighter. He's an alpha.
Starting point is 00:55:01 If you're like, I'm a fucking top G. I love Andrew Tate. If you're that kind of guy, then it's okay for you to hold the bag and get kicked. You're a top G. You love Andrew Tate. So, you can get kicked. Do you know this lore, Kyle? So, this gentleman that was holding the pads for Sam Hyde
Starting point is 00:55:19 has a pretty severe speech impediment, and he's Andrew Tate's top j and twist and take cope with twate i love what the tape what is could you tweet this out yeah and you know what nothing wrong with this guy i actually if i were in the house i would fully converse with this person interact with him if i were another fish i would be like bro can we do some fucking push-ups please what are you doing like you know you're pretty focused on this shit. So I do think if you're that type of person, yeah, you can get fucking
Starting point is 00:55:48 kicked by Jason Goldstreicher. On John's name of the guy with the speech impediment, and every character, every fish has their own little contestant page that clearly Sam wrote. And before I had heard this guy talk, it was like, you know, John's a jack-of-all-trades.
Starting point is 00:56:03 He may have a speech impediment but it's often mistaken for a european accent and like i was like what and then i like started listening to him talk and i was like oh god no it's never mistaken for european i didn't i didn't know his backstory all i saw was the clip of him holding pads and he looked like a guy getting bullied he was he was a guy getting he was and I put myself in his position and I think like what would I do it's not like I could drop the fucking
Starting point is 00:56:34 pads and put the fuck is it is Sam in his place like it well you're on the show also you're trying to get money he has your phone yes it is wild it's wild this is the only time where i by the way i was like this show's crazy i watched like i was on the third day and i was like this is the one time
Starting point is 00:56:54 where sam could actually get in trouble for something yeah this is the one time where i'm like this is like this is like producer nightmare city because so much. Because not only is he doing silly things, but he's got those silly people there who are dollars to donuts. He's got people there who have attempted suicide or self-harm before in the house with him under extreme stress with all sorts of crazy shit around and cameras filming all of it. I don't know. I wouldn't want to be responsible for any of that.
Starting point is 00:57:25 I don't know how you get insurance for that. You can't. What is it, six weeks for $10,000? It's six weeks. Now it's $30,000. He'll randomly go in and increase the amount of money. I think it's like $30,000 now, right? Sam is a very generous person.
Starting point is 00:57:39 Regardless of everything, at the end of the day, when someone has been through it and they do it, I don't doubt that he will be very generous. And I don think he's gonna swerve on them or anything what about the five hundred dollars i think he's gonna pay the money for that okay okay yeah i really do i i can't imagine him not doing that um he's he's it's he needs money to do his vision and he has extravagant visions. I'm only talking to the person that's met him before. What I gather is he needs money to do his extravagant visions, but money is not the main motivator for why he does things. So I don't think he would hold out money or anything like that.
Starting point is 00:58:20 And even some of the crazy stuff he said, like you said, Woody, do you like me too i feel like i have too much empathy i get worried like you know maybe my body's shifting like i shouldn't be a dad now and i'm like oh i don't know about this why it could make me cry you know like i maybe that's what it is well like some of those kids are like you could be their dad almost right you're starting to look at it like that it's guys like what is it like 19 in there i could be but i am also legally allowed to have sex with them true like i'm old enough to be their dad and that's just my age now i don't know if other people look at this venture this way i'm impressed by the business aspect of it like this is a pretty big investment that he's starting off i've never started a business where the risk was woody craft do you guys know how much
Starting point is 00:59:12 that's that cost to get going seven hundred dollars seven hundred dollars i made i don't know how much i made on that it was seven digits though and. But that thing started for $700. This thing, he's spending $10,000 a day. But he made up more than that rolling in. Go ahead. We're a YouTuber again. He's not just a regular YouTuber. But once again, I'm like, it could be a game.
Starting point is 00:59:40 It could be a game. Listen, his audience, they love to pay money to him. They pay so much on the text to speech. I mean, it makes way too much – I'm not saying he's doing this. I'm not saying that. But it makes way too much sense to consider being like these are the costs. Is it really the cost? Are you trying to let people know like if this shit's not worth it, it's not happening anymore? And you don't really get to speak English like that.
Starting point is 01:00:08 You don't get to be like, yo, if this shit isn't worth it, it's not going to keep happening. But if you're like 10K a day is where we're at, then people know there's a milestone to hit because you want it to keep happening. Yeah, yeah. And I mean, the text-to-speech is, for people who don't know, like it's not like five dollar text to speech. It's like a couple hundred bucks. And it's like one fifty and double at night. Oh, one fifty double at night. And also like there are sound effects you can play that are boomingly loud at people. And I think those are even more expensive than text to speech. And for like the clips are maybe 30 seconds long.
Starting point is 01:00:45 And for 20, 30 straight minutes the other night, I watched that Asian, the new Asian guy totally not be able to sleep because they played the shooting one, the mariachi band, the hysterical breakup, like all of these clips,
Starting point is 01:01:02 the clips, Woody, it's not like, like, or like something happy. There's one called like hysterical breakup like all of these and like the the clips woody it's not like like or like something happy there's one called like hysterical breakup and it's like two minutes of like shrill screaming there's one called mariachi band that is like only gets played at night and it's so hilariously booming loud like the second you play it there's one there's one that's just called uh like mayhem or something and it's people screaming and gunshots going off that's like
Starting point is 01:01:30 help and bang bang bang there's all right now i think this is funny this hasn't crossed my empathy line yet but it's flirting with it it's like yeah it is flirting with it and he is good at that is flirting with that that line where I'm like, oh, this is bad. I shouldn't laugh, but I am. Yeah, yeah. It's like, hey, how much is it to play one of these things? Like $30 maybe? $15?
Starting point is 01:01:52 No, like $150. I don't know if it's secret or not. I don't know if it's secret or not, but I spoke to him briefly. I spoke to Julian, and they were like, we want to get an epic meal in the fish tank if we could do that. And I was like, fuck, dude. I've been watching. I have all these trips planned.
Starting point is 01:02:09 It was last minute. I was like, wait, that's why? I don't know if. You would suggest yourself? Oh, you would just visit. You wouldn't be a contestant. I would go be epic meal time like they're there one day and I come in. I'm like, we're making.
Starting point is 01:02:21 I don't know what we would have done, but we're making a fucking epic meal now, fish. Let's start fucking burning pizza. Like, hey, Harley, if you work for me for six weeks, you may or may not get 10 grand. I won't lie. Listen, once, ever since I did box thing, nothing concerns
Starting point is 01:02:37 me now. Like, I boxed John Hennigan, like, one of the most athletic WWE superstars ever, and he was on the most athletic WWE superstars ever. And he was on the most juice of life. So much juice. It was the ultimate. And now I'm like, I said to my mom, should I be a cop?
Starting point is 01:02:58 My mom was like, why? I'm like, I don't know. We're fucking good. Well, mine is old times. I spoke about being on mushrooms or drugs on these podcasts i was like but i could do it i was like or i'll be a fucking postman i could do whatever should i be a fish in season two yeah i'll go fucking to the mouse i'll hold the bag for jason goldstreich while he kicks me in the face doesn't matter nothing matters now i'm doing all side quests all extra missions it's
Starting point is 01:03:22 all the it's all the nonsense part i'm doing the cleanup now bravery now that's what happened that you you the the cowardice part of your brain got injured in your last fight no you know what it was i always thought i was like man i'm gonna get my ass kicked one day and then i'm gonna be humbled i i saw my ass get kicked. And I'm like, bro, I never got hurt. And I kept getting up. And I'm not even retarded right now. That's my secret, Woody. I'm always retarded.
Starting point is 01:03:57 I was just like, I walked out of that. And I was like, oh, that's so weird. And I was like, wow, I'm just like losing and being more confident i was like oh that played out but i do i'm kind of like i look at every other youtuber like with this youtube boxing event and i'm like well fuck any of you up you're youtubers bro i'm undefeated in youtube boxing i'm just i never had a win in boxing wwe superstars sorry and also even when i saw john i said no i was like bro look how juiced up you are bro you're fighting a jew relax you're fighting a jewish youtuber
Starting point is 01:04:34 busted out all the roids i'm honored but like i think there's a little overkill, buddy. You're not fucking boxing George Foreman. Great. He's actually a very cool guy, great guy. I love him. No. When the challenge came through, I texted him right away. He's awesome.
Starting point is 01:04:57 He even let me go the next week, and it was in Chicago. He was going to be putting over the local guy, the local champ, which means like, you know, that guy is going to win. And that guy is a heel. Like he's a bad guy. And so John was in there and John is wrestling him. And in the middle of John being about to beat that guy, I stormed the ring. And I come in and I'm like – I got like my bacon strips t-shirt. I'm like, people, like my bacon strips t-shirt. I'm like people.
Starting point is 01:05:25 I hope they know the shirt. But I come in and I stormed the ring and I like I turned John around and I choke slam them. The full choke slam in the ring. And the crowd was kind of like, what the fuck? They're like epic mealtime. But because I'm like, John's the good guy. They were like, oh, they're like, youaltime but because i'm the like john's the good guy they were like oh they're
Starting point is 01:05:45 like your channel your views are down and fucking you fucking got beat up sauce boss you like what up and i was like this is this is your job like i just got to play into it and in wrestling having heat like like is just good like to go in the ring and have people already know who you are and like where you're coming from is something that wrestlers hope to obtain even yeah sure if they like you that's the best if they hate you like it's still heat it's still like excitement and i got in there and like i was like damn the people in here like in in illinois like fucking knew who i was and they knew why i was here to meet up john and i was like oh that was cool and uh john set that up for me he's fucking awesome for that um and he is a very
Starting point is 01:06:32 cool very hilarious guy uh you guys should check out boone the bounty hunter if you ever have time he like plays like a bounty hunter who's like a parkour jack specialist that like you know just bounty hunts uh you know older movie but it's i think twice i think he might have been on yeah survivor he was on survivor too he's a great dude he's really fun he was on real survivor yeah yeah yeah a couple times uh but yeah you said can i be honest harley i sounds to me like uh you're still taking a few punches at this guy. Hey, did you really need that much sauce? Did you really need to hit me with those illegal blows?
Starting point is 01:07:12 Hey, hey, hey. Being the athlete that you are, did you really need to barnstorm me in the first round? We couldn't have pitter-pattered around a little bit, made a show of it. I did work out for six weeks. I did promote this. I think I made for six weeks. I did promote this. I did come out well here. I think I made it very clear we actually couldn't pitter-patter because if you go to, like, the three brief moments in the ring
Starting point is 01:07:32 where we pitter-patter, I do have better technique there. I'll be honest, guys. I actually boxed much better than I did that night. It's so weird to have boxed two matches and be like, I boxed bad that night. No, I literally did. I boxed very badly. I think if you had a rematch, having that experience under your belt, I think things might go differently.
Starting point is 01:07:55 Yeah, I'll hit up the fucking Ghost of Kiev. I'll be like, bro, can you fucking run into me like 15 times in the fucking parking lot? Throw me up against this dumpster and beat this shit up. I need to be of me. I need to be hard again. I need to be Rhode Island hard, you know?
Starting point is 01:08:10 I had like one I had like, it's funny, I had like one, I was like, well, I beat up that Gamer, Gamer so I'll box that guy now. But in reality, every single boxer, like every single one, even the YouTube boxers
Starting point is 01:08:25 you box easy people bro when I boxed Aaron no one said to me bro you beat up a gaming youtuber who you're 60 pounds no one said that everyone's like buddy fuck him up dude hell yeah like did fucking even even John people are like well you fucking fuck that guy out but I'm like yeah okay beat up a Jewish youtuber let's put it on paper but no one says that instead people are just like they like the wind so i'm saying if any of you guys ever glove up just choose an easy opponent oh you get no credit for for taking on well i mean what he gave me credit i love that hell yeah but like, bud. Beyond that, it's not like you really get credit for it.
Starting point is 01:09:07 People are just happy when you win, so just go win against anyone you can win against. How young could they be? Do they have to be over... Box a woman. No. What about a trans man? I want a trans man. I'm going to make it fair.
Starting point is 01:09:23 Wait, a trans man means that they are now a man? Correct. Yes. They identify as a man, and I accept that. It's your funeral, sir. All you people out there with problems with me beating that gentleman.
Starting point is 01:09:42 Well, you're just bigots. That's all I've got to say. I wish I took that egg away better than the children. I'll come out with the trans flag and waving it. Stop crying, mister! You hit like a girl. I think you'll take that one
Starting point is 01:10:03 handily Kyle you'll win I've been watching I blame the algorithm for like just force feeding me shit sometimes because I'll try to skip it as fast as possible that's my way of saying no but it keeps it coming
Starting point is 01:10:19 there's this chick I didn't even know that CrossFit was a competition I didn't know you could compete in CrossFit, but apparently it is. And basically, it's just like working out in front of dudes in your underwear and it keeps promoting this giant blonde bitch. She's so enormous. She has like
Starting point is 01:10:35 eight-pack abs and like kind of man face. I can't remember. I wish I knew what her name was. I wrote it down. And you enjoy watching these? No, it won't stop. It doesn't make any sense. Kyle, I'm't remember. I wish I knew what her name was. I wrote it down. And you enjoy watching these? No, it won't stop. It doesn't make any sense. Kyle, I'm with you. All my ads, when I just go to news sites
Starting point is 01:10:52 and stuff, it's fucking pegging and fish tanks and more pegging. I'm tired of all these goddamn gay conversion camps advertising all over my Google. But you like fish tanks. You said that you were buying an aquarium.
Starting point is 01:11:12 I am. Another one, yeah. So do you want to talk to us about the pegging now? Why? Do you like it too? I saw a guy who, he said, I will. What are you offering?
Starting point is 01:11:23 I just want to clarify. The guy's wife was asking to look at some link on Facebook. He's like, all the ads are for divorce attorneys. Fuck. Just pegging in Cialis. I thought everyone was getting this. Sometimes you get a wake-up call when you're just getting hammered with
Starting point is 01:11:43 Domino's, Pizza Hut, Papa John's. I've been making a lot of bad decisions. sometimes you get a wake-up call when you're just getting hammered with like dominoes pizza hut i've been making a lot of bad decisions yeah i i think that was probably uh the funniest thing that older boomers did for that brief window was complain about targeted embarrassing ads that doesn't happen anymore most of them have figured it out i think there was that one guy who was like an actual congressman who was like why are the ads always so gay or like something something exactly but it's like that damn it's too bad they figured that out and google was like you know you know why you know exactly why is there so much gay porn on my Google device? And it's like, that's a laptop, sir. And it's playing right now loudly.
Starting point is 01:12:36 Those are my favorite, like, creep photos, I'll call them. When you catch some old geezer in the library, like the public library, with porn on one of those computers over there. What are the... Those guys are just real rapscallions. What balls to be in a public library and... They're not scared of prison. They're not scared of anything.
Starting point is 01:13:01 No. They have no shame. They go in there and they alpha everyone at the library. Probably an easy place to alpha. I've seen so many pictures of the dudes over there and clearly just up on a monitor. He's got just porn. Just porn. Did you see what kind?
Starting point is 01:13:19 You guys watch porn? Yeah. Sure. I can't believe how many people are so so anti-porn do you know people who are anti-porn you realize like 80 percent of canadians sam sam doesn't consume porn i think sam is like a absurdist answers to to much everything. If you asked him his favorite source of protein, he'd probably say camel tongue or something, you know? He'd claim to be 5'1".
Starting point is 01:13:52 That is true, and he's tall. Yeah, just to be like, Harley, I heard you were tall. I mean, I'm 6'2", so what are you? Did I tell you guys? When I met him, he said he was 6'4". When I met him, he was taller than me. And I was like, whoa, that's so crazy. What a crazy move to be like, you know, not that tall.
Starting point is 01:14:14 But then later in the office, like on like the fifth day I was there, he was like, dude, he was like, you got to get these. It's so funny. So you got to get these lifts. You put them in your shoes. What? Yeah, he was like, you got to get these so funny. So you got to get these lifts. You put them in your shoes. What? Yeah. He was like, yeah, we were walking around.
Starting point is 01:14:29 Like, you know, Joey was like six one. It was so funny. And I was like, oh, that's a joke. And I didn't think about it. And then I was editing the footage later. And I was like, oh shit. I rolled up the first day and he had lifts on. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:41 That's hilarious. Wearing lifts when you're six five. So I bought lifts. yeah it's hilarious wearing lifts when you're so i bought lift and when i did the wrestling thing with john i showed up at that wrestling event and i was like six eight i was like i was like thank you thank you sam for this little tip i like that you can't you like you can't be too tall. He was like 6'4". I was like, dude, I think you're like 6'7". And he was like, hmm.
Starting point is 01:15:11 He probably had lips on. I went to the wrestling thing. I'm like, I'm going to do the lips thing. And I'm like sliding them into my boot. I'm like 6'5". It was like nauseating. Why would I go in there and be like 6'8". But I was.
Starting point is 01:15:24 What do lips look like? They're like a little heel of your shoe. nauseating why would i go in there and be like six eight and a half but i was what it looked like they're like a little like the heel of your shoe you put them yeah you put them on yeah you're like standing on your tippy toe in your shoes what do you just do it just get them order them on amazon you're gonna see three and a half inches or whatever like just get them so you're just walking around like you with like your heels slipping out of your shoe all day? No, no, no. You'd be shocked at how seamless it is. Put them in your shoe and it's like literally nothing.
Starting point is 01:15:52 Yeah, I get the biggest one. It's like heels for a man. Yeah, you're just on your tippy toes in your shoes. I have some. What are you talking about? Let's get some. It's like next week on PK, everyone's like this. I love that, Kyle. What do you mean, get some? I have lifts.
Starting point is 01:16:08 I have backup lifts. I have the same fucking kit. No, I remember when I had to do that shit with Richard Ryan, and Richard Ryan is legitimately like, Richard Ryan. He won't fit in a shoe. Are those centimeters? Yeah, centimeters. Yeah, I've got those.
Starting point is 01:16:23 I don't want fucking Richard Ryan towering over me On the internet, I gotta get some lifts I wore my big boy boots too 4.4 inches is crazy I didn't go crazy with it though I just tried to match him, tried to be in the same zone Next time I see any of you guys in person I'm gonna be bananas
Starting point is 01:16:38 Take your shoes off No I can't, I have a medical condition I'm gonna be a stilt like a circus clown. Like what? That's why you guys are tall. See, they don't know. I'm some fucking horrors. I'm going to be hard.
Starting point is 01:16:53 I'm going to take boner pills. I'm just going to be like, what's up, dudes? I'm like penis pointing straight out. I'm like 6'9". I'm like everything's normal. You're always turning away to fluff and turning back. Yo, Wingstone, let me tell you that he wanted a reunion.
Starting point is 01:17:11 Let's fucking roll up at his house. We'll get to the address from Keemstar. We won't even tell him. He'll be like, you wanted that reunion? We're all here. I'm here too. I came too. The ultimate prank would be to hook a truck up to his house and he would just wake up and he's on the road. Well, the ultimate prank would be to hook a truck up to his house, and he would just wake
Starting point is 01:17:26 up, and he's on the road. Yes, the ultimate prank. Stealing his home, kind of. With him in it. I had never seen that footage earlier of him with his wife in a wheelbarrow, but that was
Starting point is 01:17:42 good stuff. I'm going to have to go back and watch some more of that. Do you guys remember? Yeah, watch that Keemstar video of them. It's going to chill. Do you remember that prior to the survival trip, the first one that Kyle and I did, Wings was excited,
Starting point is 01:17:55 and he was talking about his opportunity to prove his manlyhood. He really had a lot of machismo invested in this thing. He wanted to prove all his naysayers wrong. It didn't work out that way, but he talked about that a lot. He called Lefty a pussy 50 times. Lefty's straight up said, no, camping's not for me. He's like, I'm actually a lot heavier than I look on camera,
Starting point is 01:18:18 and I don't want my big ass to be on this survival trip. He said, and he's from Chicago. He was like, I'm from Chicago. I don't belong in the woods. Right, right. So those were the things that he said out loud on air, and he says, not for me. And Wings comes back with, you're a pussy.
Starting point is 01:18:33 You're not a man if you don't do this. Anyway, fast forward 10-ish years. Wings has an opportunity to prove his courage again. And I think he's about to grand slam this thing. I'm excited for him.'s gonna do it is this it's like redemption of wings of it is he beats up you know what the real redemption would not even beating up boogie just doing it i think just literally he's 90 they're just going early you know i agree taking your shirt off and i think his shirt shirt off. He already did at the presser thing.
Starting point is 01:19:05 I couldn't believe it. Doesn't the syndicate live right there in town? Isn't that where syndicate lives? The whole country is like 60 miles wide. He can come over. Seems like he's already there. Maybe he could challenge syndicate. If he beats Boogie, that's what he should do.
Starting point is 01:19:20 He should challenge syndicate in the post fight. He should have that in his head. If you see him again, tell him. Oh my god god that's fucking brilliant i saw boogie i was like bro do you have a firearm on you if you do we fucking take over this whole country right now but it's ready bro he only fired those guns with fucking swords at the end and those guys have the silly eye there's no bullets in that thing no i just silly you could be the king bro you could be the king yeah he's like been the king for five days you can go be the king yeah we're seeing the birth of the king of redemption with this bloodbath of boogie because it's going to be a bloodbath he's gonna the fight
Starting point is 01:19:56 will end whenever wings decides it's been enough that's my prediction i you know what's gonna be so crazy is if he were a God forbid I either because I agree with you Kyle falling is a big deal is it like that's not I don't have that 400 pounds I would never have a fat friend obviously never been fat Woody you don't know what it's like I've been fat before you don't get it I get it. If you've not seen our subreddit, I think I have. He's not fat fat. Now, Harley, you're doing a little Stolen Valor here pretending your fat was ever like wings or anything. Let's get real. You never had to get inertia to get out of bed,
Starting point is 01:20:40 like building up momentum. And however my back putting on socks doesn't count hasn't boogie had health problems like serious health problems right yeah that is a fused spine or something oh gastric bypass some sort of i i don't look i don't know what i'm talking about but i had this idea that because boogie is essentially round, that if he falls over, it's not going to be a slam. He'll just kind of like, I don't know, like pushing over a barrel. It doesn't land that hard.
Starting point is 01:21:12 It's going to be like a garbage bag that's full of garbage and like two 10-pound barbells. Everything's going to be rattling around in there. The eggs are getting smushed. That old bacon, that rotten stuff is just putrefiedied we need to do that thing where one person gets on his hands and knees and the other pushes him over and conduct a science experiment i i worry for his
Starting point is 01:21:34 safety because i worry for the guy on his hands and knees that's about it wings looks like how many going hard like when he was hitting that thing uh that's hard enough to hurt somebody that's hard enough to hurt somebody that's hard enough to hurt yeah you guys like you know what's funny about boxing i got punched mad so many times all that like the only thing that would have really taken me out like with john and i would be like come out of here take me home is a good bop on my nose i was i was thinking that's where this was gonna go it hurts man i've been punched right on the nose sparring and that's the only time where like my eyes tear up my hands fall and i'm like this guy punched me in the face
Starting point is 01:22:11 so yeah wings his punches if he got me in the fucking nose i'd be fucking crying i got in a street fight once and the guy broke my nose in two places and just blood so much blood yeah did that hurt like crazy no it was disoriented and i immediately was just looking to get out of the fight uh i and also exact same thing as woody coffee paste really yeah fuck yeah i always worried me i i know i talk about bravery and cowardness i i don't typically just cower like that. I rise. I swear it's true. But in that day, I was out.
Starting point is 01:22:51 I leaned over, and I just marveled at the tremendous blood puddle I was making as it poured out of my face. And thankfully, the guy just took his W instead. Now, in fairness to me, one of my arms was paralyzed and in a sling, and I didn't want to get into a fight. Wait, what happened? What happened that someone's beating you up when you're in a sling? Was this the doctor? I'll tell this quickly. What happened was I had a tumor on my nerve here, and there was a surgery.
Starting point is 01:23:22 I can't really see the scar, but there was a surgery there's this i can't really see the scar but there's a surgery there and uh um it was like my first day out maybe three days post surgery you know i went home and but i was still on like painkillers and shit like that and because the surgery was on my nerve i couldn't move most of my hand i couldn't feel most of my hand stuff like that and it was in a sling and my buddies came over and they took me to the boardwalk. I lived in Ocean City. There's a boardwalk and we would walk on it. And on the walk to the boardwalk, we passed these drunks. Now I'm in the back of my group of like five or six guys, four guys, four or five guys. And my buddy made a smart ass comment to the drunk people and they like challenged us or something like didn't just let it slide.
Starting point is 01:24:09 So we all turn around. Now there's me in the front of the group previously, like limping along, barely keeping up. We all turn around and now I'm in the front. That guy and my friend are doing like the pre dance pre fight dance, you know, step off,
Starting point is 01:24:24 step off, get on my face, whatever. And, and uh just as arm and sling i reach across like this to like sort of hold my friend back or imply like let's not get into a fight and i even said those words like when we were still 30 feet apart i was like guys i can't get into a fight right now like i i'm not one-armed and uh they're like yeah i'll be fine anyway as i reach across the block my friend he hits me in the nose it was a one-punch fight and uh this isn't a fight you got ambushed it's sucker punch that's ugly your friend should have sucker punched that guy my friend got him too and his lip was split in the middle like a canine and they flapped back and forth
Starting point is 01:25:05 and we didn't get any W's that night like a dog man I have another friend jump in and try to like 1v whatever 3 or 4 the remaining of them and then my fourth friend
Starting point is 01:25:20 fucking skedaddled he was the lack of bravery guy yeah that i don't aspire to be yeah you have no i kind of i'm like really mad at the guy that punched the dude in the sling he became a professional boxer i looked him up yeah really you gave him his confidence i honestly think that's how it played out his name was like bjorki or something i mentioned him on the show he's from philadelphia when did this happen 1992 93 something like that and uh let's fucking sue him our fan base found him and sure enough he became a boxer i don't know if he kind of makes a story about me but uh but yeah
Starting point is 01:26:07 i may have really done that guy a favor he didn't knock you out yeah he knocked you out though the next day we went to like court over like the police did the thing right and i'm showing up i've got a uh the sling like i'm in court yeah and the guy's like this is all fake he didn't have that on last night and uh i'm flabbergasted at this claim and i'm like what there's blood all over it and the judge was having none of this guy's bullshit no he may have not known that i was it was it was nighttime like i don't know how he could have not known but may not remembered it correctly or whatever he was drunk but um his claim that like i was faking an arm and he thought it was a fighting stance so uh uh the the guy was trying to say he wasn't the one that hit me and
Starting point is 01:27:03 the judge was having none of that too. And they found him on simple assault. But he was like, you keep talking, and we're going to make this aggravated assault. And he got called for simple assault. He was supposed to pay all my medical expenses, and I never got anything. Wow.
Starting point is 01:27:21 Bro, you got to challenge him, Creator Class 3. Yeah, is he lying? What if he's way better than me? Then challenge him, Creator Class 3. What if he's way better than me? It's fine. It's fine. You just told me to pick a weak gamer. I heard you
Starting point is 01:27:34 30 minutes ago. If he's still healthy and he's still like a bruiser, you're above it. You're above it. If he got in a car accident 15 years ago if he has one arm now I'm taking him now it's time but if he's still boxing
Starting point is 01:27:49 you can't even be bothered with that I don't know if I want to take on a professional fighter even if he's one handed you should challenge him in something you're good at Kyle if anything his punches are even more deadly imagine a professional fighter with one arm.
Starting point is 01:28:05 How lethal those punches must be. How accurate, how dexterous. I'm just going to circle his weak side all night long. What is that Bruce Lee quote? He's not scared of the guy that does a thousand kicks, the guy that does one kick a thousand times or something? It's not one arm. Yeah, it's the thousand punches with one arm.
Starting point is 01:28:23 The classic quote, don't fear being kicked once, fear being kicked ten thousand fear being kicked 10,000 times. That's true. You don't want to be kicked 10,000 times. I would hate to get kicked. Yeah. I wish I had plastic surgery. I feel like I...
Starting point is 01:28:38 Taylor, your nose is broken. I don't know if it was a fight or not. No, I broke it in playing tag once when i was like seven my brother and i like ran around the corner at the same time and his forehead oh i had that and it like uh it shocked me like but it was the same thing woody and kyle said were like it wasn't the pain that scared me it was the enormous amount of blood because we were in the unfinished like hockey concrete area we had like a little net. We were playing tag. And I remember like the blood started pouring so bad that like I went to go through the hall, the basement hallway that had carpet on it.
Starting point is 01:29:13 And I like stutter stepped because I'm like, I'm going to get in so much trouble if I bleed all over it. But then I was bleeding so much that I freaked out. I did bleed everywhere and then went to the hospital. The second time was basketball. And they had to like move everyone to the other side of the gymnasium in eighth grade because there was like and it was it was this dude on my own team and i've said this before it was the same dude who was it his head finger no he was on my team we were both like dog shit at basketball and so like they put me like they they had colored teams.
Starting point is 01:29:45 And so it was like blue, gray, black, green. I was on gray. Dog shit. Terrible. I don't know if it was actually ranked by color, but I felt that. And this other guy, he came down for a good balance. Even our colors sucked. Yeah, even our colors sucked.
Starting point is 01:29:59 Our shitty little pennies. And I remember this dude jumped up phil grabbed the ball and came down and it was like a total practice everybody else is already jogging back to the other side and he came down and started swinging his elbows so aggressively as though he was protecting it and i was the only person even close to him and he you know broke my nose on the same same line yeah he was on my team there i have this this ring finger doesn't bend right because this knuckle got broken. And so it doesn't bend all the way down anymore. That was from the same guy, senior year of high school now, also on the same team again.
Starting point is 01:30:39 We were both on the same flag football team. And I grabbed Matthew's flag. and that's the end of it. Phil grabbed my hand to pull the flag out to like wave at the gym coach. And he like grabbed onto the tip of my right ring finger and like broke it to the side. Let's fuck this guy up. Like the, like the nail doesn't grow right.
Starting point is 01:31:04 The nails all short and shitty. And I remember thinking like Taylor and what you do. Yeah. What you do is you pull it and it pops short and shitty. What do you mean? It didn't the, you don't have the tip of your finger. No,
Starting point is 01:31:17 it's just, I'll show it to you next time in person. It's like, it's a little fucked up, but yeah, it was all to the side and it hurt a lot, but I didn't want to like go to the doctor or nurse or anything. And I had seen on TV or something that if you break a finger, you kind of just pop it back.
Starting point is 01:31:33 And I did, and it did not heal correctly. So, yeah. You know what another idea would be to go to a doctor? That's true. I wanted to avoid doctors all the time when i can you're jewish how can you avoid them they're at your family there's like two extra like bone nubs up here now that aren't on my other fingers like it's like wider and thicker and doesn't bend right i don't know but not cool
Starting point is 01:32:05 two two lifelong injuries from from a gut well not lifelong you know the broken nose was fine the only other lifelong injury i've gotten in the past few years has been my my ass dent which is it's starting to you know i'm i'm buffing it out i've been doing i've been doing a lot of uh a lot of hip thrusts a a lot of glute bridges, trying to earn my way back. It actually is, yeah, but it's not – I'll never have my lovely ass again. I have such a wonderful ass.
Starting point is 01:32:35 The calf on my broken leg is like 90%, 95% back, but not 100%. Yeah, if I stand with my ass, like in the mirror, the right way, like I can see like the big dent, not a big, I'm exaggerating the size of the tent, but it's, it's enough that if you saw me naked,
Starting point is 01:32:54 you'd be like, what's wrong with the top of his ass? Why is the, why is the, why is the like lower part of his back? That's a damn shame. That's a damn shame. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:02 Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I don't know if I'd want to go on. That's just me. That's a damn shame. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I don't know if I'd want to go on. That's just me. That's a suicide entry for Kyle. I don't know, man. I mean, the finger.
Starting point is 01:33:12 If it was just the finger or just the butt, I'd be like, ah. But the combo, that's what I'd do. The eyes. You would have ended it all by now. Oh, the eyes. You poor man. Yeah. I can't imagine waking up and not being able to see.
Starting point is 01:33:28 That's the worst. You just have to... I wake up like everyone else. You wake up, and then you wait 15 to 20 minutes until everything comes into focus, and then you like everyone else. Like everybody else starts their day. I don't understand how to live life where you can't see well enough to find your glasses. Oh, no.
Starting point is 01:33:45 If I'm wearing glasses, they're always right on my bedside. And there have been times, though, where I have, in my sleep, knocked my glasses off the end table. And then I wake up, and I'm squinting at it. And I'm like, I know I did. I know I did. And I'm going around to surfaces around my house squinting. And then I'll think, oh, I probably knocked it off. Do you just get the wife to find them ever? no no i'm an independent boy take care of it myself
Starting point is 01:34:09 yeah i'm not independent at all i ask you to get my glasses because i don't want to get up nope no i'm all over at some point i will need some glasses i almost look forward to it i've it's it's a cool accessory you know like like i i like your frames i like i like all of your your frames that i've seen you you guys have i'm all i'm often envious i'm like ah i wish i wish i needed some glasses maybe if i just struggled to read like sometimes i keep make i have the print on my phone on like the smallest and i and sometimes i do have to bring it close and I'm like, ah, am I,
Starting point is 01:34:46 am I losing it? Is it time for glasses? Cause I want them. It's like a, it's like a fashion. That's indicative of really good eyesight. That small font. My daughter,
Starting point is 01:34:54 when she sees my phone, she thinks it's hilarious. She just like, this is such an old person font. You're rocking here. You gotta, I don't throw stones at that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:04 Yeah. You know, the old person telephones they used to sell like oh yeah the jitterbug are you too much of a senile retard to call your grandchildren the jitterbug automatically turns off if you try and read a credit card into it the jitterbug is so fucking simple it looks like a child's telephone that you teach kids their numbers with it it's it's like eight but it's like nine buttons and it's just a big ass phone each button's huge uh i remember those commercials
Starting point is 01:35:37 i bet they don't make them anymore i don't know that's it but gosh holy shit that's a classic that is the old school version of what my iphone looks like god damn you call someone angrily on there oh i don't know that see they need to show that like that thing is 14 inches tall yeah it's a big clamshell phone like that takes up your whole hip pocket when it's folded oh is that what you guys are talking about yeah yeah they had a tv commercial i'm not familiar with that thing this is the more modern version of the jitterbug though the one i remember is even more simplistic the ones that were like you know advertised on tv and i mean that's just straight up like modern you know android phone or whatever normal phone or iphone i guess whatever though they do have it turned up pretty
Starting point is 01:36:25 big i guess i mean the jitterbug is do you guys know anybody who like opted to go back to flip phones and was like i would smartphones you would i would for fun on the internet no it's silly stupid thing for me to say uh what i meant to say is, like, I still want my iPhone. I just wouldn't mind doing all my phone calls talking on, like, a Motorola Razr. I just want to take it out. I want to have, like, the fucking, I don't know if you remember the
Starting point is 01:36:55 ringtone you used to do. Hello, Moto. Like, I wanted to do that, and I want to pull it out and be like, hello? And then I'm like... You're right. When i switched to the iphone it felt like it was a hundred steps forward and four steps back because this the the clamshell opening up and fitting by your mouth and by your ear at the same time it's a better form factor for phone calls it is only one I've ever been envious of, the phone that I saw and I wanted,
Starting point is 01:37:27 it was back when I think the second Matrix movie came out and it was full of product placement. They had the new Cadillac truck, they had the new Cadillac four-door, and they had these phones. When you went to answer the phone, you pressed the button and it went and it was like spring-loaded on both
Starting point is 01:37:43 sides. Yeah, it came out like morpheus used it it was yeah it was all the fucking gotta get me the fuck out of here and it was just like oh shit i wanted that phone and i remember having just the tiniest amount of money to my name at the time i was a child and and that phone was three or four hundred dollars you had to order it and it was like that was way out of my price range and it was shit that ain't it that is not it by the way that's a wild ass fucking device remember the side the end gauge that's the taco that played games i've never seen that yeah this is a video game phone it was supposed to be a phone and video game it's called the end gauge and you literally bought games for it like it had splinter cell on it holy shit i better run skyrim now yeah i would you might do them and you held it like a taco
Starting point is 01:38:31 like you hold it sideways oh i hate that do you remember like when the coolest thing was to have like the littlest phone briefly in like the 2000s. I remember a friend of mine went two in on that, and it was a little flip phone that could fit in the palm of your hand that you would go like that. And I remember even then, in eighth grade,
Starting point is 01:38:58 thinking like, damn, that's cool. And it wasn't cool at all. It was stupid. See, I liked remember because the thing was my dad's phone he had this thing that was in like a satchel that you had like um velcro he'd open it up and there was a phone with a curly cord that went down to a receiver yeah like he's calling command yes he had an antenna he had the it was like a it was like a little leather satchel with a phone built into it.
Starting point is 01:39:28 It was so old school. And he was just like, why would I get a new phone? This one works. That was literally like a car phone. Yeah, yeah. And it was like a car phone you could take with you. Yeah. Plug it in somewhere else.
Starting point is 01:39:42 Yeah, yeah, yeah. But you had to have it plugged in, I think. Yeah, you did you had to have a power for it i think it plugged into your ashtray even yeah god knows it was like a briefcase it was like blasting into your your head the whole time but but so i wanted the opposite of that that's what was cool and yeah i remember at the nokia store or whatever they had those little microphones. And I was like, oh, I wish, Dad, can I have the $500 microphone? He's like, you'll fucking lose it. No,
Starting point is 01:40:12 we're all getting the indestructible Nokia ones. And we did. It was like, Derek Kyle was the gayest phone I've ever seen in my life. He hit you. He hit you. It was a bit of a feminine phone, I suppose, to be so tiny. Yeah, you need a masculine phone.
Starting point is 01:40:28 But the phone I got and I loved was a Motorola flip phone that was blue. And it had some weird claim to fame. The Razr. Wasn't the Razr? I had the blue one, too. No, not a Razr. This was like the earliest video phone or something like that. I think it had a color screen and it had video capabilities let me see razor yep it was not a razor are you sure the razor had video
Starting point is 01:40:52 capabilities though i know this was before the razor happened though like by a couple years uh it's also the phone that jim halpert has on the office um if that helps i noticed that one time not really i don't know that i believe you now yeah it has this really distinctive look to it yeah i don't know back in the day your phone was distinctive though right everybody had a different one it was hard to pick somebody you're right you're like oh that's dad's phone there oh that's my back in the day like people had uh first of all, we bought ringtones. Yeah. So my phone would be sitting there, literally.
Starting point is 01:41:32 And it would sit there. And it was the ugliest one. But I don't know why I liked it. But it would be like, Pimp, pick up your phone. Pimp, pick up your phone. You got a house calling. House calling. Pimp, pick up your phone. I swear it did calling. House calling. Pick up your phone.
Starting point is 01:41:46 I swear it did that. And I would always be like, that's me. House calling. Hi, mommy. I swear it was like fucking pimp. Shout out to Wings. Dude, there was a half decade span where no phone ringing sounded like anything other than like tinny, no bass music. Dude, I was, there was a friend of mine who had a ring back tone until 2020.
Starting point is 01:42:13 And I called him on the phone and like fucking blink 182 started playing. And I like had to text him after and be like, dude, like Carter, what the fuck? Does everyone listening know? Does everyone listening know? Does everyone listening know? Explain ringbacks. So ringbacks is when you would call someone on your phone and while you're waiting for them to pick up, music plays to you. And it's
Starting point is 01:42:35 annoying as fuck and it's the same thing every time. There's no variation. Yeah, you'd call someone and be like, and then they'd be like, He told me. He was like,'d be like, now if you want to go, he told me. He was like, I'm like, why do you still have this, dude? How do you still have a ring back? I was like, dude, I have no idea.
Starting point is 01:42:53 I've had the same phone number for so many years. I got a ring back in the mid 2000s and I still have it. And I'm like, you got to change your phone number or something. No, let's call him. Call him on the podcast. Call him on the podcast. I haven't called him in a while. I wonder if it's still there.
Starting point is 01:43:11 That'd be funny. I don't call a lot of people though. You know, so I wouldn't even know, but that would be ridiculous. I live, I live in Quebec. I live in Quebec.
Starting point is 01:43:21 I want to tell you something about my culture, the Quebec walk culture, not even my culture. French Quebecers never stopped. French Quebecers all have ringtones. And when they ring, other French Quebecers still admire other people's ringtones. Oh, what?
Starting point is 01:43:45 What's happening? So, like, they'll be chilling, and, like, the phone will be like, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, and I'll be like, ow, hey, ha, ha. Like, this happens. This happens. Yeah. Literally, you're out, and you'll hear weird ringtones,
Starting point is 01:44:00 and you won't even have to think twice. You'll be like, definitely, Quebecois person, 100%. Quebecois people, love him. Happy to be Quebecois. Happy to be from Quebec. When you go to the water slides or the pool, any Looney Tunes tattoo, French Quebecer. 100%.
Starting point is 01:44:18 You can go around. French Quebecois people love Tasmanian Devil. Why? They fucking love Tasmanian devil when i go to like the water slides i play a game how many looney tunes tattoos can i count every fucking every every french dude has like a tasmanian or they know a guy named pat they're like he's crazy this guy we'll call him taz you know looney tunes and. And all the women that were hot or sexy at one point in their life, Tweety Bird tattoos.
Starting point is 01:44:51 So that's what I've been seeing at public pools is French Canadians. What, you see the Tweety Bird tattoos? I've seen a Tweety Bird tattoo. It was many years ago, probably at like fucking Disney World. You should hit him with a motherfucking bonjour. Could was many years ago, probably at like fucking Disney World. You know what? Could you gauge if she was formerly hot? No, I was probably
Starting point is 01:45:11 12. You had been in puberty for three years at that point. That's true. At that point, I didn't have the register of a woman who used to be attractive. Gay! We're's gay now
Starting point is 01:45:25 That is true Welcome now you're gay Taylor with all of us Speaking of gay I thought Wings would have a kid by now You thought so He doesn't want children No he's a boxer He's focused on his career
Starting point is 01:45:42 That makes sense Oh his wife had cancer. I didn't know that. How sad. I hate what I was seeing at the exact same time. Didn't his dog die this week, too? Oh, my God. No.
Starting point is 01:45:56 Didn't you say a cat or something? I had a cat in my head also. I wasn't sure. Oh. Zach's not sure. It's a dog or a cat. Either way, a pet dying is pretty fucking awful. I gave him my phone number. It number. What about a reptilian?
Starting point is 01:46:07 At what point do you stop caring? Hamster? Hedgehog? How expensive was the fish? He's known it for years. You're right. A fish dying is not sad. At what point do you not give a shit? I'm going to mourn if Woody loses one of his flock. I thought we lost a fish.
Starting point is 01:46:24 I'd mourn more if his aquarium broke and the water all came out. Oh, that's a risk too. Yeah, we have a fish. He doesn't eat every time we feed, so you don't know if he's alive. I think he eats like bugs from the sand and shit like that. So it's like – Gay fish. He sometimes misses a feeding.
Starting point is 01:46:43 No big deal. Misses two. He missed six in a row. We're like testing for ammonia to see if he's rotting in there somewhere. And then today, poof, swimming around. Oh, that's good. Well, good for him. You need to give him a nickname.
Starting point is 01:46:57 I was just sleeping. He's named after Zeke is the name of the cowardly lion because he hides all the fucking time. So we named him Zeke. Good. I'm glad there's themes to the names. He looks like a Thomas. The lion's name is Zeke in Wizard of Oz. Wizard of Oz?
Starting point is 01:47:17 Wait, what? What do you mean Wizard of Oz? He's the cowardly lion, though. He has a name? The character that he is in kansas is zeke oh well that's see that's wait what a different character oh when she has the dream of the people yeah it's he forgot about that whole element i think he's a coward in kansas too yeah you forget about that because it's right at the end right where you get that yeah yeah and i remember like at the end of that if i were zeke and and i i'm this little girl like uh she's not a little girl
Starting point is 01:47:49 she's a full adult yeah she wasn't you guys know i'm straight right yeah you've been clear about so if i were zeke and i'm at this house and this like full adult woman wakes up she's got a dream you were in it you were in it you were in it i'd be like boys i think there's a girl i want to fuck her it's like we just the first thing she does when she wakes up is tell her she's dreaming about us guys all three of us she's like you were a lion and you were made of metal and metal you were fucking so flexible i'd be like bro let's fucking turn this bitch's ass up right now boy there's a hole for each of us
Starting point is 01:48:28 I'm like right everyone smells bad because they're in a dust storm it's crusty yeah that I remember even at the end of Wizard of Oz thinking like I get she wanted to go back home because she missed everyone
Starting point is 01:48:44 but it was a it was a very brief window of like i'm back and then it's like yeah you are like like you kind of like you're always getting blown away i think those books go on and on with like lots more crazy shit you know the movie just kind of that makes sense because she spent her time terribly in the movie i'm like you want to start like just like you want to leave this whole area right now yeah they just had one war or whatever like they could yeah like no so take mushrooms here that makeup that they had on the wicked witch that green shit stained her skin for a long time afterwards yeah her uh she did a guest spot on sesame street because she loved children they deemed it too frightening she wasn't in makeup they deemed her
Starting point is 01:49:32 real face too frightening to the children and they didn't air her sesame street episode it's really i thought that was one and then they had judy julie Garland on methamphetamine to keep her thin. And they were taping her breasts down. And that snow in the poppy field is not snow. It's asbestos. Yeah. And those dwarves were once tall men that they crippled for the sake of the film. I heard they weren't even alive at the time.
Starting point is 01:50:04 They had exhumed corpses and were puppeteering them about. Pretty grim. The flying monkeys were mostly Japanese corpses from the war. It's true. I don't doubt it. Times are different. Times were strange back then. They just went down to the internment camp.
Starting point is 01:50:19 This makes me question the things about the skin in Sesame Street now. No, that's true. No, that's legit. Did you know there was this – I listened to like three podcasts, so I don't know which one it was, but they spoke about – maybe one of you guys listened to this, but they spoke about like this napalm, the first time that napalm was invented at Harvard,
Starting point is 01:50:42 which Harvard acts like they didn't invent napalm. Even though they fully did and they were trying to come up, they were like, well, what can we do to Japan to get them real good? And the only one's like, the houses are made of paper. Why don't we burn it?
Starting point is 01:50:57 And like one bombing mission when they invented napalm, they like dropped napalm all over uh cities that killed like 500 000 just people because all their houses just burnt everything burnt the whole fucking thing was just raised and we don't talk about it because like a month later they got double nuked yeah so no one thinks about that but i feel like i'd rather get nuke than be napalmed in my paper home you see am i wrong say that well the thing is where are you uh in relation to the ground it's on my i get crushed by the bomb it falls and that kills me the metal falls on my head before it even
Starting point is 01:51:41 explodes for that there's time for my family to be like, fuck! And then it explodes. Have you ever seen that Japanese animation of everyone in slow motion being melted by the bomb and their eyes are exploding and stuff and the children are screaming? It's pretty heavy metal. But you're absolutely right about the firebombing. And not only what they did in Japan,
Starting point is 01:52:00 but in Europe. And I think Dresden, they have a day every year in germany where they fucking have like a dresden remembrance day and and shit on the allies they firebombed all those cities i'm not sure how deadly nukes really are this sounds crazy to say right like they're the most deadly thing mankind's ever created which might be true but they kind of act like, okay, when I was a teenager or even a younger kid than that,
Starting point is 01:52:28 like in the 80s, there were these shows on, like the day after tomorrow, that just showed all of America, everything living was gone. All the trees, everything, the entire country leveled to the ground. No, it was a nuclear attack.
Starting point is 01:52:45 Really? Yeah, from the Russians. And people would stay underground. People who had, like, bunkers and could hide for a while would not be sure if they could come above ground or not. And they just made these things sound so horrific. And the bomb's so powerful. And the aftermath.
Starting point is 01:53:04 You know how many people died at Chernobyl? What does Chernobyl have to do with anything? It's a nuclear power plant that blew up. The blowing up part didn't matter about anything though. The explosion like a pressure pop. I feel like it kind of like...
Starting point is 01:53:20 They had to put out more than it blew up. 31 people died from that. How many people died from Hiroshima? 31 people. I think it's a really low number. Zach says it's much bigger. Oh, that's the napalm that killed them.
Starting point is 01:53:36 That's also what the Soviet Union was reporting as far as deaths. All those towns and shit that got fucked up. I think the hiroshima nagasaki the death toll is like a couple hundred but you've also got to take into effect with chernobyl in particular the increased cancer rates across all of europe there that that's a whole different than a nuclear detonation right that was a nuclear fire just spewing radiation how those cancer rates compare to new jersey i I would say they... I bet they win
Starting point is 01:54:07 over there downwind from Chernobyl. There are no lightweights in Jersey. My whole family's had cancer. It's someone that's like, I don't even have cancer and I live in Chernobyl. They have three arms. And they're a stump. And especially when those films were made depicting nuclear war. Right now, I think the U.S. and the Russians have like 4,500 nukes each, roughly. Like 4,500 warheads each. But they've cut way down.
Starting point is 01:54:37 Back in the 70s or whatever. I don't remember when they hit their peak. 70s or 80s, probably. It was more than that. A lot more. Maybe 10,000 each. Maybe 15,000 each. It's 000 each maybe 15 000 the number is giant it was absurd and and so if they did that and they all have trajectories mapped it's not like there'd be a part where they're like where should we send this one isaac like like there there's a big button and they all just launch they've done that then i think that the
Starting point is 01:55:01 we go into like a nuclear winter where it changes the the weather of the planet and then there's so much dust kicked up that's irradiated that all the dust is just making this big rotation around the planet with the kicked up irradiated heavy think that happens if we launch these missiles that doesn't well there's a there's a there's a website there's a website that you can select the nukes and Drop it where you live or whatever and then see what would happen and you could choose all these nukes and Everyone likes to use like the fat boy or whatever like the big one But apparently there's like like none of those There's like very you know those and and the nukes that are actually a lot that we talk about
Starting point is 01:55:45 are, I don't want to be like, tactical nukes, but they are not meant to pulverize the entire USA. There are thousands of city killing size nuclear weapons. We can lose a couple cities.
Starting point is 01:56:00 We still could. You live in the USA. There's a couple cities lost right now. Already. You can Google simulations of what would happen if, especially during the Soviet era, if both sides had launched their missiles. It's a global catastrophe. It's not like.
Starting point is 01:56:15 People in Flint, Michigan wouldn't even be able to drink water after these nukes. I don't think they'd be able to see the sun. You know, I think about nukes, I think about the craziest with nukes and I feel like the I'll get shit
Starting point is 01:56:35 at the dinner table for this one, but I feel like Israel with nukes is wild. Israel's had nukes for a long time. That's what's wild, though. That's like, if you think about a person who's been
Starting point is 01:56:51 through it before, and that's the person that'll use a nuke. That's the person that's like, you know, shows up the next day with the gun, and it's like, whoa, bro, we were just joking. And it's like, no know, shows up the next day with the gun and it's like, whoa, bro, we were just joking.
Starting point is 01:57:07 And it's like, no, you weren't. I know how this shit goes. Dude, I see nukes the exact same way as guns. I love seeing every country with nukes. I think that the world will be safer if we encourage nuke ownership. If everyone has a nuke, nobody has a nuke. If everyone has a nuke, nobody has a nuke.
Starting point is 01:57:26 If everyone has a nuke, no one has it. 100%. You don't think Trinidad and Tobago deserve a few dozen? Both? You know what?
Starting point is 01:57:35 Both of them? Trinidad and Tobago? It's the same country. It's a trailer for Emperor. Exactly, yeah. Everyone should get a nuke for a nuke. I just feel like
Starting point is 01:57:44 if they're just like Yeah nah we just We had a meeting and We decided to bring the Holocaust Back I know you guys probably aren't down but they would Take it out the fuck turn the two Keys let's fucking blow ourselves up
Starting point is 01:58:00 Let's take out the whole fucking The whole Middle East is just gonna be The whole country will be fucking is just gonna be the whole country will be they're gonna bring it all down like samson yeah whole sewers they would do that they'd be like no we're doing it don't you can't you can't yeah and i was just thinking about like the extreme measure pretty extreme of usa to drop two nukes back to back it's really cocky i'm a huge fan of metal gear metal gear solid and um i just like being in japan like i just saw that like kadeo gets a lot of hate there in some ways because people are like why would you love the usa and a lot of his art is like
Starting point is 01:58:39 american military based like special tactics and they're like how could you be so obsessed with something that literally nuke does twice? And I'm always like oh that is an interesting dynamic even though his whole angle is about war how like what war is and I'm like kind of make sense that he would be Obsessed with it to an extent I can understand it, you know, but some people react differently They're like bro if I got nuked by that country i would never that they're doing art about it or telling stories or making characters that are like american and even though the whole thing is about disarming nukes it's still you know it is like a fascinating thing to think about that it's like you know your
Starting point is 01:59:20 recent history your recent country history is we like wouldn't let them have a military for awhile. Like do shit. And what's crazy is that they, they thrive. Japan's like Japan thrives. Japan is like, like if, if, if it was a game of sieve, Japan is doing pretty well on their way to a cultural victory. You got like fucking every American kid in high school. Like there's like 40% of them are dressed like fucking every american kid in high school like there's like 40 of them are dressed like fucking japanese cats or like they're like like like weebs are very common yeah they're very very common i like that about the the cultural victory of japan they like you can't keep them
Starting point is 02:00:01 down you nuke them twice they're're fucking making perverted vending machines. You tell them they can't have a military, they don't give a fuck. They're going to draw stuff that will upset you more than any gun pointed in your face ever could. Japan cannot be stopped. I think we should all take a lesson from Japan. And their food's great. I like everything that's clean. It's great.
Starting point is 02:00:21 I like, uh, I think everything. Also, listen, I think like, uh, I think about like Koreans, like I,
Starting point is 02:00:27 I grew up, uh, you know, went to like high school, the end of the nineties, you know, mostly like, like early two thousands.
Starting point is 02:00:35 And it was, uh, not an easy place for an Asian guy to pick up a girl. Um, and you know, I had a friend actually Freddie, Freddie Wong. He was like when Tinder first started, he was like, he told me that he had created an account with because he was just not having luck on the on the site on the app. And he created an account with like,
Starting point is 02:00:59 a beautiful Asian dude who was like a model and who was like very well renowned there, you know, was loved there. It was like a classically a very good looking guy still did not do well on Tinder with that, with, with, with a believable profile in the spread. So, you know, he made a fucking believable, you know, he didn't look like you're running the mill catfish bullshit. Um, and he was he was like yeah it wasn't good and i asked him actually like we were playing call of duty like uh like a month ago or something and he had said that and i was like so i gotta ask it feels like the asian male stock has risen in my lifetime i couldn't imagine like uh it would be easy for an asian guy to pick up a girl with every single movie
Starting point is 02:01:46 portrays the asian guy is like the horny comic relief or something like that or it's like a white guy playing it with fake teeth and fucking thick glasses or some shit but now it's like k-pop popping off a lot of like american teenager style are taken from like you know that like even the hairstyles the clothing a lot of it looks like it comes like right from like k-pop j-pop and there is like a a love girls got love for like feminine looking guys these days way more like back in the day it was like you want that big stupid jock you know that big fucking dumb jack dude you know but like people like aren't people's tastes are so broad these days and i feel like the stock of asian men has risen in my lifetime uh and i i god i do see
Starting point is 02:02:40 like you know door online whatever i see like you know asian dudes doing well fucking smoking babes and i can't say i've ever noticed that about asian guys but i'm glad to see they're they're on the rise according to tinder they're the it's the they're playing the game on hard mode to the asian men are getting the fewest amount of matches. That is a fact. Do they get the fewest of everyone? Yeah. Asian women do fine, but Asian men is bottom round.
Starting point is 02:03:14 Ah, so their response rate's the lowest. Yeah. Well, then that sucks. That's a tough place to be. Hopefully it's... Well, but I can't think of, like, you know, like when I was in high school, there wasn't... You know, like I had a couple of cool Asian friends. None of them like had a girlfriend in high school or anything like that.
Starting point is 02:03:30 And I never stopped and thought about it until Freddie said it to me, like literally like seven years ago when he was like, when Tinder first started, he was like, oh, you don't get it, bro. Cause I was like, what's he up to now? I didn't ask him specifically. I should. But we, I know he does a podcast. And I mean, what's he doing? He's getting fucking stacking fucking W's and whores on with the boy and me. That's what he's doing.
Starting point is 02:03:54 I do. I do. Like I'll play like Call of Duty with him. And because I'm also three hours ahead, you know, I'll play like at 80 at times, I'm up at like 2 30 and uh i'll be playing with him and you know nico from quarter digital and i'm just like man this whole youtube thing was crazy but if there's one positive that i got from all this is that like i have other late night idiot gamer friends right now yeah like you know it's weird when you're like a way bigger idiot like i i played um tarkov a lot i played to like 3 and 4 a.m because my friend larry's from california and he's playing to like 1 a.m yeah uh it's that's yeah we're we're all irresponsible fools here and then they say some shit to you they say shit they shit. They're like, fuck, bro, it's 1.30. You're like, ah, crazy.
Starting point is 02:04:46 I think I've told you before. It's like almost five for you. I think I've told you before, Harley. If you ever want to dip your toes into Rust, it's a real fucking no-brainer. Oh, you told me that. I do. I want to. You got to set aside a week.
Starting point is 02:05:00 And we got to like, it doesn't need to be like, hey, you want to play Rust this week? You got to be like hey you're gonna play rust this week you gotta be like how about july july 24th through the 31st we play rust it's gotta be like that because okay like i gotta get my boys in order like we gotta practice up and like should i should i get a bunch of hash or should i get a bunch of coke both i don't know what mood you're gonna be in coke you're gonna actually make me sweaty and anxious and no the funny thing is you just balance it i did too much coke i need more action we're all so stoned when we're playing usually and like hours will go by and nobody has said a word sometimes and it's like yo i've got enough cloth now and somatoscope cool let's make let's
Starting point is 02:05:44 make let's make the bows and like everybody's this this like gear in a machine that we all know what each other is doing and we're just grinding away these monotonous video game tasks hitting rocks and trees and shit it's uh the fun part of that is when you when all that work pays off and you get to be mean to people and like talk a little bit of shit too and soundboards are fun so we'll be outside people's bases like not letting them leave their base playing like mean soundboards and shit that's usually fun oh yeah like two hours ago almost i said i was on mushrooms i hadn't finished my thought so i was interrupting someone i didn't want to um but i was i was on mushrooms and i was like kind of bad tripping with like my buddy we were not bad
Starting point is 02:06:26 but we just couldn't get onto it we were like yeah like uncomfortable we were inside it was ugly out we couldn't go outside so we're inside like your tv's bad and weird everyone like looks strange it's all fucking weird and then like I like just like let YouTube kind of like roll onto the next video. And it went to like Trump. And man, did the fucking buzz smooth over. We had the best laugh just watching Trump be Trump. Nonstop, always being Trump. And it was like, and before this like it went from
Starting point is 02:07:06 trump and then it would go to like old school wrestling promos and then it would go back to trump and it was recommended and we were just like trump is like a fucking 90s wrestler with this shit like he was fucking killing it and i'm not listening he wouldn't have had my vote but fuck if he was not the most entertaining man alive just you know i guess this wasn't affecting my life so i could sit and laugh about it anyways but like fuck man he i i like i saw the appeal of people with him because like i'm like bro this guy's hilarious everyone here is taking it seriously and he's doing his thing yeah he's doing his thing he's always doing his thing
Starting point is 02:07:45 non-stop like shit like like you said pulling out the like why whip it out like pulling out the paper we were cracking the fucking binders everywhere and all the documents and like remember when he remember when he he had the fast food for all the athletes that time it was like some championship team it was a um the funniest government shutdown and there was no budget there was no budget. There was no catering. So he just bought fast food for him. No, but he loved McDonald's. He loved McDonald's.
Starting point is 02:08:11 He always bought McDonald's. He loved McDonald's, but he made a point to be like, not everyone likes McDonald's. Some people like Chick-fil-A. Some like Domino's. We've got something here for everyone. Something here for everyone, folks. And then pull up the picture of him standing there
Starting point is 02:08:24 arms wide proudly with Taco bell in front of him it's it's the best photo of a president this is literally why like this is literally why epic this is why epic mealtime can't exist anymore and get the views you used to. How am I going to compete with that? How can I compete with the fucking president? So that room that he's in, the president chooses how that room is decorated. The reason it is all gold and gaudy, he chose all of that. Or somebody
Starting point is 02:08:56 working for him. Look at those gold-ass candelabras or whatever. Candelabras? I mean, he made it work. You gotta give him credit. Oh, of course. I mean, the football players are having a fun time anyway.
Starting point is 02:09:13 I think they were the college national champions. Does that sound right? They had the nugget sauce and silver bowls. I like that. I never noticed that. Jesus Christ. You know, Trump is a real Real showman I'm looking forward to To his you know
Starting point is 02:09:31 Do you think he'll skip the debates He's talking about Skipping the debates which isn't typical for a When there's no incumbent the incumbent Skips the debate all the time But not usually the primary I could see him doing A thing where during the debate, he does his own thing and,
Starting point is 02:09:50 uh, his competing show, you know, on some other network or something. And that'll still be entertaining. I think we'll still get our dose of Trump being Trump. Uh, I do like having his opponents there,
Starting point is 02:10:02 but, uh, but if he doesn't want to do that, that's probably calculated, you thing it it does make them look bigger to be in the room with him you know him sort of having the point of please there are challengers i'm not i'm not not only am i the incumbent i'm the sitting president technically speaking and i'll have that sorted out legally once i get back into the White House. I struggle to put my bias aside sometimes.
Starting point is 02:10:31 And in this situation, I'm like, you're skipping the debate. You weak, pussy, pansy, coward. Harley wouldn't skip the debates. Harley would go in there, get lose a hunched out of the ring, get back in like a man. Trump, on the other hand, running like a coward. However, I can't completely deny the tactical logic of it. He's up by, what, 40 points? Something crazy like that.
Starting point is 02:10:57 The debates are going to help him. It's not like he needs to stretch that to 50. It's only lose. Yeah, I don't hear about DeSantis. I've watched a couple clips of him. That guy's boring. He's getting his ass kicked by a cartoon mouse right now. Who cares? So there was a moment during the town hall
Starting point is 02:11:13 when, oh, what did she ask him? Who's in the boat? That's Trump. Is this an AI image? Oh my god. Oh, that's Sarah Huckabee in the boat. It is Sarah Huckabee. There's Bolton in the...
Starting point is 02:11:28 Wait, who else can we find? That's his wife. That's the easy one. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Mustache guy. Mustache guy is John Bolton. Man, they always fucking draw him like he's not a fat ass. It's so funny. Yes, they always draw him.
Starting point is 02:11:43 He's like 40 pounds off his chest. He looks great there. Is Mike Pence maybe holding the flag? That's a lot of thigh gap for a man of his size. That boat would be rocking. He's still fat as fuck, but he's lost weight since he stopped being
Starting point is 02:11:59 president, and if he became president again, all that weight will come back instantly. I think that's Jeff Sessions sitting down in front of Trump-ish oh there's his daughter Jeff Sessions has blue poncho on dude this shit sucks
Starting point is 02:12:16 who did this? who made these? that's his daughter fan of her, she's great she should be president wait his daughter painted that no she was in it i said no better than that no i'm looking for the trump show man he puts on a good show um uh there was that moment during the debate i remember now where she said uh
Starting point is 02:12:38 yesterday you were found guilty and he was like and my pulse went out like that like immediately before she could finish her question it's like yesterday you were found guilt civilly liable for sexually blah blah blah and my poll numbers went out like and the crowd's like yeah that's just he has no chance that was like 10 minutes in we'll see there was a time there was a time. I think so too. No way. No way. No way. I've been wrong about this many times. Don't you? I've seen it, man.
Starting point is 02:13:15 People do not care. It's so crazy. People used to cover up their weird shit, even online. People used to say weird shit behind anonymous name tags. You're right. No one cares anymore. People are wild now. However, when he goes
Starting point is 02:13:33 to the general, being a convicted rapist is a problem. The Republicans put that pedophile up in Alabama, and he lost in Alabama in the general. That guy's not funny at all. True. It is different.
Starting point is 02:13:48 It is different, right? Pull that six shooter out. This is touchy touch time. I exaggerated. He's for sexual assault. He was convicted of a minor probably, though. They like him young. I'll say this about the Republicans.
Starting point is 02:14:02 They like him young. You can't deny it. You rarely see them in a sex scandal with a 19 or 20 year old. Something that you could kind of get behind. Oh, all of that. Hollywood too. I can't believe I figured out everyone's a piece of shit and everyone's a pedophile.
Starting point is 02:14:18 Pandemic's changed my shit, bro. Young's too young, Harley. I think I've asked you this before. Never mind. We don't need to rehash that. I saw one of the funniest i want to make a new quote wait i want to make a new quote here wait he's got me he's got a higher than average number i think you you only wanted to date someone who was like 27 or 28 or something or above or that's right revise that yeah you wanted all those young ladies out there to know, hey, if you're 26 or below, get away from me.
Starting point is 02:14:46 Get away and stay away. I'm with someone younger than that. You're saying wait your turn. I lied. I tell you I lied on the podcast. I don't remember what you said, honestly. I just remember it was a little bit higher than because I'm always like. No, we have to.
Starting point is 02:15:04 Oh, we did the math, right? We got to divide our age by three and add two. I don't need algebra to keep writing. Dude, I love... A mathematician whose entire
Starting point is 02:15:21 reason is finding a new equation that lets him be a pedophile. Taylor's going for like 12-year-olds in this scenario. That's the math. Yes, it is. I just love math. It is no other reason I do these equations. It's like, yeah, but you're obsessed with consent math.
Starting point is 02:15:39 Yes. I change the algorithm every year so that it ends up with 19. I'm like, those are the rules. It's the unwritten rule. What do you want? You're supposed to divide by three and add two. I don't know what to tell you. You said something about the conspiracy, the pedophile thing.
Starting point is 02:15:54 I saw, because most conspiracies eventually get to pedo stuff. And I saw one thread on Twitter. This was last week that like very entertaining it was going through this guy a bunch of posts about how dinosaurs totally fucking made up a ridiculous lie not real blah blah blah all that
Starting point is 02:16:16 he's like the fucking bones are radioactive but the bones aren't there and like just a bunch of shit and like you get to like the bottom bit of it. And would you believe it? The dinosaur fakers also pedophiles. Shit.
Starting point is 02:16:34 It's all. Did you see that? Did you see that coming? No. These guys can't even focus enough on faking dinosaurs. They look at so much like that's everyone. I do like that conspiracy theory that dinosaurs are fake because the word dinosaur didn't exist until like 150 years ago
Starting point is 02:16:50 or something like that. No one had ever... Obviously, the story is that for all of time, we've been finding big bones and not knowing what they were. But the other side says, we never saw a dinosaur bone before
Starting point is 02:17:04 and then suddenly they're everywhere. And oh, they look like this. And here's how they sounded. They think it's a big conspiracy. Yeah, but they take shit that's true and extrapolate it to a million. Where they're like, did you know that these skeletons, they're extrapolated from tooth bones? And it's like, okay, that's true sometimes.
Starting point is 02:17:24 But that doesn't mean this shit's a whole cloth and throw it away. There's a lot of incentives involved for them to make it. Do you ever speak... Go ahead. No, I don't want to. That their discovery was more significant than it really was.
Starting point is 02:17:40 That's how they get grants. That's how they keep going. That's how they keep their jobs. That applies to everything. That's interesting. get grants. That's how they keep going. That's how they keep their jobs. Yeah, that applies to every part of research. I always thought it was crazy. Like if you've ever been in a debate with a flat earther or someone like that, it's a fake moon landing. They know so much more about the subject than you do. I have a whole new research for flat earthers.
Starting point is 02:18:02 I want to squeeze it in before the end. Really? Let's do it. Yes. Here's the thing that I have recipe for flat earthers I want to squeeze it in before the end yes here's the thing that I have learned about flat earthers you think that what they're telling you is they think the earth is flat nay nay nay that's not the point of flat earthing
Starting point is 02:18:16 for a tiny percentage maybe but overwhelmingly what flat earthers are telling you is that they don't believe fuck all unless you really prove it to them right so if you tell them there's a hole in the ozone they're like fuck you i don't believe you scientists unless you can somehow demonstrate to me how there's a hole i don't buy it they don't buy anything you're telling them without a lot of proof involved and and i think about what I believe, what I know, so much of what I know is just blind faith,
Starting point is 02:18:47 blind faith. I'm learning about how carbon dioxide lowers the pH in a fish tank or the ocean, same thing. And basically what happened, you think pH is a measure of acidity and it is, but it's actually a measure of the free hydrogen ions sitting in the water, right? So when carbon dioxide introduces itself into the water, it becomes like hydroxide acid or something. It's like H2O3. And then that loose hydrogen goes in the water, and it lowers the pH level, right? I've learned how this works and the covalent bonds and shit.
Starting point is 02:19:22 I'm coming up to speed on it. It's all making sense. Cool. I don't have any proof of any of this. I don't know. It is all blind faith. works and the covalent bonds and shit i'm coming up to speed on it it's all making sense cool i don't have any proof of any of this i don't know it is all blind faith i i can't tell you what's happening on the that hydrogen atoms are separating from like calcium carbonate or whatever the fuck is happening but it can be proven that's something you could look at under an electron microscope and watch happen you know and then the proof is in the pudding right when the chemistry comes out
Starting point is 02:19:42 like math but yeah but he's operating on... I don't believe it until you prove it to me, right? Until you show me. And I'm just trusting that the people who can prove it have proven it and that the peer-reviewed research... But none of it is being proven to me. And that's what flat earthers are saying. They're like, I can prove the Earth is round
Starting point is 02:20:02 with photos and pictures and curves. And we could take two 15-foot poles and put them long enough that they're not level anymore or whatever right um they're like on a beach or something like that yeah but there's not saying the earth is flat they're saying prove everything to me yeah they're mentally ill but you can't live your life that way, though. Every step of the way, your boss, you're at the construction site, you're like, hey, I need three meters of concrete over here. Concrete's not even
Starting point is 02:20:32 real, man. You tell me the Romans invented that shit thousands of years ago and we're still using the same stuff? Why don't they... Try the Jews. That's not a real one though right they know concrete's real but a better one is from my own experience for the for until i was like 19
Starting point is 02:20:49 i didn't really know that medicine worked not really not for sure did motrin cure my headache like or did time pass like 90 minutes later your head kind of went away i was gonna do that anyway i don't fucking know taylor nailed it on the head, right? It wasn't until I had strep throat that got worse and worse and worse and worse and worse. And so bad I couldn't swallow. I couldn't eat. I was getting really, really ill and weak. And I went to the doctor and he was shocked by how bad I had let my strep throat become. But I was a dumb 19-year-old. Didn't think to go to the doctor soon enough. My mom always handled that decision-making. think to go to the doctor soon enough. My mom always handled that decision making. And then they gave me something selling and in like an hour, I'm better. This had gotten worse for like
Starting point is 02:21:31 16 days in a row or something insane like that. And it caused an effect, right? That's when I learned medicine worked. I was a flat earther with regards to prescription medicine or Motrin or whatever. I can just, not that I'm a flat earther, but I can imagine how somebody would be. That's all. Did you know there's actually another layer of it that I found? Like, not all of them think, well, I don't know if this is divisive within that community or not,
Starting point is 02:21:57 but some of them think that it's like there's an ice wall. Most of them think the ice wall thing, and that Antarctica isn't a little continent at the bottom of the planet. It's actually a ring around everything. Get this. Some of them say that's not even the truth. There's the ice wall,
Starting point is 02:22:14 but beyond the ice wall is not the end. There are additional oceans, additional continents. And these things, they do not need evidence for.'re they're all in on this part and it's fascinating it's really interesting and it's interesting the same way like warhammer lore is fun where it's like i want to know what you think about the flat earth the problem is some of it i can't tell if i'm being trolled like i can't tell if i can't tell this person who's
Starting point is 02:22:45 saying these things sincerely believes them or if they're doing it so convincingly that i am sitting there making fun of someone while they're at home going look at these retards believing me like what's interesting about what you said with the oceans is it invalidates what i talked about right i was like hey they're saying prove it to me yet they accept on blind faith that there's additional oceans out there. Yeah, there could be more oceans or just an ice wall. Like that part, the science is meh. You don't know.
Starting point is 02:23:11 Prove to me there's no ice wall. You're like, oh. Yeah. And see, that's all the proof I need. You can't prove against it. Let's do the ads because I want to tell you about the show. Because it kind of comes into the flat earth thing a little bit, or at least like an oddly.
Starting point is 02:23:26 The show we talked about pre-show. Yeah. Roger that. Yeah. I want to talk from this episode of PKA is brought to you by blue shoe, blue shoe folks. Let's talk about sex guys. Shouldn't you always be at your best?
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Starting point is 02:24:41 So code PKA, check that out. Yes, this episode also brought to you by We're going to need some parental advisory warnings for this one. has got the goods. And I'm not talking about candy. We're talking about 100 milligrams
Starting point is 02:24:58 of Delta-8 infused gummies, 50 milligrams of HHC infused gummies, 1 gram HHC and Delta-8 carts, and a 650 milligram bottle of syrup. That'll knock your socks off. I always forget. I don't like reading that line and forgot. Forget about spring has finally come.
Starting point is 02:25:15 They put a joke in there. I don't like that joke. I don't fucking read it and forgot. Forget about spring has finally come. Do you like that? I just make decisions. We'll lead it. You're the ad.
Starting point is 02:25:24 I'm reading it from a Twitter DM and I can't. I'm sorry. I have to scroll up in the conversation. And forget about spring is finally come. has all seasons covered from the dead of winter to the heat of late August and everything in between. These gummies will have you melting like the polar ice caps, the cartridges. They're like a supercar, the way they outclass the competition. So come on down to and get as stoned as the statue in your local park.
Starting point is 02:25:53 Just remember to start slow, and before you know it, you'll be soaring higher than Woody and his paramotor. Get ready to have a night you won't forget, or maybe you will, depending on how hard you hit the syrup. Use code PKA23 for 23% off your whole order. That's a hell of a deal, folks. That's right, people. 23% off your order so you can indulge in our premium
Starting point is 02:26:12 THC products without burning a hole in your pocket. Just remember, always consume responsibly. So check out Code PKA23 for 23% off. Same disclaimer as every week. Start slow. If you do not have a high tolerance,
Starting point is 02:26:26 use cartridges. Don't start out with the edibles. They're a little stronger unless you really commit to just taking a little nibble. But yeah, if you're new, I really recommend the carts. It's an easier way to get into it.
Starting point is 02:26:39 It's a real good time. So there you go. Oh, and of course, Lock and Load. Lock and Load, the premium, premium ejaculation, increasing supplement. The genius intellect of Derek. It's absurd.
Starting point is 02:26:52 It's absurd. Yeah, the genius intellect of Derek, myself, Kyle, came together measuring sperm, measuring cum. There's definitive anecdotal evidence we can say that this works if it didn't work we would have sold sold you a bottle that was cheaper for us to make and it would be one pill and it would cost less money and we'd net more out of it that's what we if it didn't work we would have done that. We wouldn't have done it. This one works, so check it out. Code PKA.
Starting point is 02:27:27 Code PKA. 10% off. Lock and load. Do you want a bottle, Harley? We can send it to Harley. Give him the link so he can get this special bottle. Put your address in the chat. It'll stay private and I'll take care of you.
Starting point is 02:27:44 We'll get you sent some. Also, You promise? It's for real. Yeah, they told us we could do that. Yeah, we can send them out to people. You're going to send me? You're going to send me some, Taylor?
Starting point is 02:27:54 Hold on a fucking second. I have to mention the goddamn energy drinks. Fuck, dude. You're right, but I just want to know I'm getting my pills. Code PKA, code jizz. Try the fucking energy drinks if you want some energy they're really good what you promise yes we promise now you don't get them now you don't get them
Starting point is 02:28:17 you know what send this bottle to dirty dirty begged for a bottle for months i said no no we're gonna we're gonna make sure you get some Lock and Load, and I want to send some Orange Crush flavored Gorilla Mind energy drinks. You're going to love them. You can post about it when you're drinking them, getting energized for fighting people. So there you go. Yes, sir.
Starting point is 02:28:37 You know what? I'm going to do you a solid. Just for that, I'm going to do you a solid. What up? Wait, keep going going you still have more ads no no it's all done what was the energy drink
Starting point is 02:28:51 it's a gorilla mind energy drink it's the same company as you get me those pills you get me those pills and just tell me you'll get me a PK Christmas letter. Alright? You do that, guys. Hear me out.
Starting point is 02:29:11 I'll eat that. I'll take a bite of that fucking raw onion that everyone keeps fucking bitching about. Keep bitching about this fucking onion. It's not even a big deal. Bro, I get messaged night after night. Can you hear my last chance?
Starting point is 02:29:25 That's the thing about the onion. It's the last chance to be here. I'm not even a big deal. Bro, I get messaged. I'm on the other end. I'm on the other end. I'm on the other end. I'm on the other end. I'm on the other end. I'm on the other end. I'm on the other end. And then people are like, oh, this podcast is so lazy. You know, I know the podcast. They do so much. This podcast is telling me to bite my fucking onion.
Starting point is 02:29:38 And I look at him. I'm like, bro, you say fucking bite an onion. OK, I'll bite the fucking onion. Just get me my compils and i'll fucking do it okay wind me up with those compils i'll bite the onion for you and then everyone could shut the fuck up above the onion you know how many messages i got about the onion bro you do because you probably got a lot of messages yeah people tweet me pictures of onions all the time still the onion bitch and then i'll be like, at this point,
Starting point is 02:30:06 I'm kind of enjoying not eating the onion and seeing people. You're like, I'll get the Jew to eat the onion. Yeah, I'll get him. Fair trade. You got me those comtills, I'll bite the fucking onion. I genuinely didn't know there was an onion kerfuffle, but can I eat the onion and take the bullet?
Starting point is 02:30:22 Yeah, you eat the onion, bro. I'll be honest with you. I've built raw onions before. I'll eat a significant amount of an onion next show. I've eaten a significant amount of an onion on my own. I found a new TV show I like a lot, and I want to talk about that. And if we can do that instead, I will take a big old onion bite. Let's go. Let's go.
Starting point is 02:30:40 I will find a dirty, tired onion. I get compels. He's not eating an onion, and you get to talk about the show. Everyone wins. I will find a conflict region onion, a blood onion, if you will. A acidic onion
Starting point is 02:30:56 that money can buy. I'll have to use crypto to buy it. Elon's onion mines. Yes. That's what they feed the emerald miners in South Africa. Nothing but those awful onion mines. Like that movie Holes.
Starting point is 02:31:13 No, I found a new TV show. It's on Prime, like the first season is. And it's basically Lost. It's like Lost, but better if you ask me. So here's the premise, okay? And it's got the black guy from Lost. I don't know that actor's name. This is all I the premise, okay? And it's got the black guy from Lost. I don't know that actor's name.
Starting point is 02:31:26 This is all I've ever seen him in, but black guy from Lost. That dude, if you've seen one. Michael? Sure, if you say so. Basically, these people are in a town that you can't leave. If you try to drive out of town, the road just kind of makes a loop and brings you back. Everybody got there because they were driving along.
Starting point is 02:31:48 There was a tree in the road. They turned around, headed back the other way, and now they're kind of in like a pocket universe or something. They're in this Twilight Zone sort of episode that is this town,
Starting point is 02:32:00 and they can't get out of it no matter what they do. And at night, monsters come and eat people. Do new people get added to the cast? Constantly. Okay. This is Damon Lindelof.
Starting point is 02:32:13 I don't know what that, what? What's the name of the show? From. F-R-O-M. Oh, no, he has the other loft creator guy has another show, I guess. Okay, continue. Where is it streamed? So you can watch the first season on Prime. That's the place to do it.
Starting point is 02:32:28 Amazon Prime's stream. The second season, because it's produced by them, is on MGM+. Yeah, I'd never heard of it either, but I'll tell you what, I'm a new subscriber over there because I had to see season two, and there's three episodes of season two out right
Starting point is 02:32:46 now and I had to keep it rolling. I powered through this whole goddamn show last night all through the fucking night. How long are the episodes? They're like 50 minutes each. But what are you watching on MGM Plus now? Now they're like, you want to watch Wizard of Oz
Starting point is 02:33:02 again? When I bought it, it was like, alright, bye watch Wizard of Oz again? I haven't even... Dude, I... When I bought it, it was like, alright, buy. Now, episode one, go. Because the end of season one... I'm not going to spoil anything, obviously. But the end of season one is a cliffhanger. And it's like, oh, shit!
Starting point is 02:33:16 I've got to find out what happened. Because a lot of shit goes down at the end of season one. So basically, you've got these monsters that come at night. And there's townsfolk at this point who are... Who've over the years and it's this real mixed bag and there's two groups one group is kind of a hippie group that lives up on the hill in an old like mansion house like a farmhouse really lots of rooms and they're in there doing smoking weed and drinking and fucking and then there's the townsfolk and that's the more like the couples and the families. And they're in more of a, like there's a diner.
Starting point is 02:33:51 And the thing, there were a few things that bothered me about the show at first. I needed some answers, but there's so many questions at first, they can't get to them quickly enough. I'm like, all right, where's the food coming from? They explain that. They explain where the food comes from. And then I was like, all right, where's the fucking electricity coming from they not only explain it they make it a whole centerpiece of the show about why the electricity here is weird um and then i was like well all
Starting point is 02:34:15 right the road is some weird magical loop what happens if we start walking into the woods and then they answer that they're like all right well let's go in the woods and find out the only thing that's a little hokey and they eventually explain it um a child gets injured in the first episode severely and i'm thinking damn that kid's probably not gonna make it and at the end of the episode he's on some crutches and i was like but then later on they kind of explain that away enough that um i'm digging the. And it reminds me of Lost a lot. A more low-budget Lost. And it reminds me a lot of the Twilight Zone. Like a good Twilight Zone episode.
Starting point is 02:34:52 Love that. I powered through that first season really quick. And I'm digging the second season. I'll look that up after the show. Yeah, I like the way that sounds, too. And I really love Lost. And I even like the way Lost ended. I was content with the whole experience.
Starting point is 02:35:06 Here's the thing that fucking hooked me in the first episode. No, it's too much of a spoiler. I'll say this. They show a dead body, and it's so gory and shocking that I was like, oh. You don't usually see that on TV. They show a thing that you don't usually see on TV. You're like, as a felon,
Starting point is 02:35:25 I am intrigued. Oh, they wouldn't... They'd imprison you. Those cartel photos? Yeah, it's a cartel photo. But it happens in a room. You see it. And, you know, women and children aren't safe.
Starting point is 02:35:40 Nobody's safe. If you're outside at night, they get you, and they skin you alive while your friends listen to you scream and eat you and tear you apart, really eviscerate you. It seems like an animalistic... Going outside after night, after dark. The only hokey thing is
Starting point is 02:35:55 they've got some magical talismans that you have to put on the inside of your door to keep the bad guys out. That's not hokey in the context of Judaism. Ridiculous world. I'll call it a yeah a mizuza they've all got mizuza don't laugh at our words so really taylor's anti-semitic my mom's old condo like she lived there for years and they're the old owners were jewish and so there was just a mizuza on her entranceway for like four straight years and they're the old owners were jewish and so there was just a mezuzah on her
Starting point is 02:36:25 entranceway for like four straight years and she was like i just kind of think it's fun and then like just left it there you know you gotta do next time you go across mezuzah just for jokes like it's with like really jewish people i would never do this before you walk you kiss your hand and touch it so you can just fuck with someone if you're ever walking into a home with the mezuzah kiss your hand and touch it and just like well just fuck with someone. If you're ever walking into a home with a mezuzah, kiss your hand and touch it. And just be like, what, you never show love to the mezuzah like that? Is that what you're supposed to do? Is that like the traditional thing?
Starting point is 02:36:51 I'm not going to let some person in the sky tell me what I'm supposed to do. But yeah, if you want to go to heaven, you best be kissing the mezuzah on your way to the party. You're wearing an American flag. There's no way I'm kissing a mezuzah somebody's you fucking better kiss that mezuzah to my brain I'm thinking of the right thing
Starting point is 02:37:11 the mezuzah like that little scroll in the tiny box thing yeah it's like a little thing on the wall yeah yeah yeah what's the nail what's that about the nail so it stays there that's just Home Depot that's not us you can use a sticky tack if you wanted I think it just stays there. Oh, it has to be a nail. That's just Home Depot.
Starting point is 02:37:26 Yeah, that's not us. I mean, you can use a sticky tack if you wanted, but I think a nail. I just remember watching Larry David try to pretend like he was actually like a practicing Jew because he's got other Jews coming over and he's like trying to nail up the mezuzel or whatever. And then he's trying to speak it. The other guy speaks Yiddish. And Larry's just making noises. I've seen this. Yeah, yeah. That show's so fucking funny.
Starting point is 02:37:53 When they're on the ski lift and the chick's like, I can't be with you after dark. I'm an unmarried woman. I can't be with a man after dark. Don't you know? Oh, yeah. She's like, yeah, of course I know. Yeah, you should know the law. Yeah, I know the law.
Starting point is 02:38:08 She's like, all right, well, you got to jump. gotta jump sun's going down he's like are you fucking crazy and she ends up having to fucking jump uh yeah that's great that that's that's hit the show it's it's so much like seinfeld i thought that show ruined seinfeld for me because really like i i didn't like the laugh track after watching Curb. Because, like, Seinfeld is never, like, the way the formula of sitcoms works is it's like the beat, joke, punchline. That's the laugh. Beat, joke, punchline. That's the laugh. But, like, the beat or the premise off the bat is funny. So to not laugh at the premise and wait for the punchline when it's like the whole you should have started laughing and been laughing
Starting point is 02:38:48 This whole time and then your your cadence of laughing is like matched to the fake laugh. I just don't like it I like I like her better now because of it But I do have a really good show for you guys that I'm comfortable recommending. I really like this on Amazon Freebie that is but it's called jury Duty. Have you guys heard of this show? No, I have not. Is it new? Yes, fake trial, fake jury. Everything is fake except for one juror is not.
Starting point is 02:39:15 And so the whole thing is fake and he goes to jury duty to get selected and he thinks that they're filming the whole process, but there's way more fake cameras that he doesn't know about that are hidden and everything so he's like calling out of work to be on a reality show that he doesn't know and what's really he thinks he's obligated by law and what's really funny is james marsden if you guys know that the guy in sonic the hedgehog that's with sonic he's got
Starting point is 02:39:41 like cheekbones and blue eyes yeah he's also, he's Cyclops in X-Men. Yep. He's in the movie and in the show, it's eight episodes, 25 minutes each. And he's in it playing like what you think he would be like in person. And it's just so hilarious. Cause he's like such a Hollywood piece of shit.
Starting point is 02:40:02 He's like trying to be too famous to be selected for jury duty. And it fails. He like tries to get a role. He beefs with the director. And just at one point he's like, fuck. He's like fucking director. He's getting canceled on Twitter right now. And the guy's like, what?
Starting point is 02:40:18 And he's like, yeah, probably called some bitch sweetheart, you know? And everyone's like awkward.'s like oh you can't do that anymore yeah and he uh he's just like he's he's really funny there's lots of funny parts of it but i just thought james marsden like he fucking nails it because he's like yeah you know all right he sits he sits with the mark at one point at the very first episode of the mark like someone asks james marsden for a picture also fake just that he's like oh i thought you look familiar you're cyclops from x-men he's like yeah i've been a lot of movies actually i'm in the notebook he's like you're in the notebook he's like yeah he's like who are you he's like i'm the other guy he's like ah okay he's like i'm in westworld he's like dad
Starting point is 02:41:03 you're in westworld he's like oh yeah he's in west world yeah and he's like you're uh you know and he's like i'm in sonic the hedgehog he's like sonic and the mark the guy's like sonic yeah he's giving him his whole fucking like rap yeah but then the mark guy goes like ah i heard that fucking suck that movie and he's like sitting there and he's like he's like so what were you and he's like well me and sonic could go on a road trip he's like oh you're like the main character he's like yeah and he's like sitting there and he's like he's like so what were you and he's like well me and sonic could go on a road trip he's like oh you're like the main character he's like yeah and he's like oh and you see he really feels like an asshole because he just said that the movie was shit and the next day he comes and he's like hey man i saw sonic last night it's really good actually i didn't i didn't know you know what are you doing sonic and he's like me and sonic
Starting point is 02:41:43 the hedgehog going on a fucking adventure because we're boys. It's a funny show. I thought it was really funny. I think you guys enjoyed the hidden camera show. And they just happened to get a really good guy to fuck with. Do they put him in ridiculous things in court? Like, is court kind of silly and he's making faces? Like, is this real?
Starting point is 02:42:01 He like, like they have one time like where he's sitting there sitting there is like it's all the twelve jurors and the two alternates and he said there's one guy that like he never talked he never talks to him and at one point that guy gets up walks by it goes one of the bathroom room one out and he's like okay it's just weird like something like that the guy leaves but then later that guy injured, like in a fake thing. And he has to leave. And all the jurors are sitting there. And the main character guy only had that one interaction.
Starting point is 02:42:35 He's like, I'm going to go jerk it off. And he's like, okay. And he's sitting there. And then everyone's like, yeah, Tim just left. And this guy was like, oh, Tim was great. He told me about how he used to volunteer a place. And the other guy was like, I spoke to Tim and we used to laugh so much. He said, and each juror is like sharing these extensive stories with Tim.
Starting point is 02:42:53 And they're like, yeah, he's really great. And then the director, the producers like to mark, they're like, the mark, the main dude. They're like, did you have an interaction with Tim? He's like, not much. We exchanged a couple of words. And they're like did you have interaction with tim he's like uh not much we should we should exchange a couple words and they're like oh what did you say he's like and they showed the clip backwards i'm gonna go rub one out he's like okay and then everyone in the jury pulls up they're like yeah i had a great interaction with tim he made this for me and they pull he pulls out like an origami bird and then someone else is like me too and they all
Starting point is 02:43:24 pull out origami birds except for our else is like me too and they all pull out origami birds except for our main dude and they're like well where's yours he's like i guess i'm not on the origami but they're the crane crew and everyone has one except so it's stuff like that's believable there's nothing like someone comes in and they're like i with their dick out it's like really weird everything's likeline, and they really push it. That's a fun premise. There was this British show where they made these people believe they had won a trip to space.
Starting point is 02:43:52 Like one of those, like Elon Musk style. And they sent him to fake space camp. They're doing zero G training. And at the end, they do a full-on bit where these people think they've been rocketed into fucking space and that they there's a part where a general comes in like no a scientist with a lab coat actor and he's like we've mastered uh the control of gravity once you
Starting point is 02:44:16 understand it you can control it and he convinces them that they have like fake gravity and they're that is so funny. There's a part where they're in space, but they're in a dorm. One girl is like, is this fucking for real? When they first launch, one guy starts crying. Oh, we lost him.
Starting point is 02:44:40 That's a shame. One guy starts crying because he's in space. He's like, oh, I'm in space. He's like, yeah, I ain't go to space. I'm watching Picard. They totally go to space. They definitely go to space. They're almost in space the whole time, I think, pretty much.
Starting point is 02:44:57 Yeah, just about. I'm loving that show. I think I'm on episode four or five, something like that. Are there 10? I hope there's 10. I hope there's 10. I believe there's 10. Picard is living up to the hype. You said also, I am a stats and stories Yellowstone fan at this point.
Starting point is 02:45:14 I read like Yellowstone news at this point. People don't know. Season five of Yellowstone was meant to be broken into sort of a front and back, you know, like, like the walking dead used to do. And the second half of season five is taking so long to even get started. They haven't started filming that. It's basically season six.
Starting point is 02:45:34 It's going to be over a year between the first and second half of five. Oh, you're right. And I forgot about that. Kevin Costner is refusing to film now because he's quitting the show because he and Taylor Sheridan are fuming and arguing and they can't get along
Starting point is 02:45:52 Kevin Costner has been accused of some sort of on-set sexual assault which ties in he's getting divorced now too which needs a little like credence to maybe I don't know how can I know? prove it to me i
Starting point is 02:46:05 say anyway uh so kevin costner won't film the second half of season five unless he gets to choose how his character gets dies or gets written off of the show he wants to have some sort of glorious hero's death and taylor sheridan who doesn't like him presumably hard to maybe the colon cancer gets him an embarrassing ass bleed out i don't know what taylor sheridan would do to him maybe his character is just not as good at fucking horse spinny circles as taylor is himself and uh he dies in a horse race i hope he dies in a failing to spin a horse i don't know but kevin costner is being a bit of a prima donna. But I think he has an argument, too, that the show is being run poorly organized.
Starting point is 02:46:51 And they didn't film on time. And that's why he was unavailable. He's a big star. When your big star says, I'm available from July 1st to 30th, you don't get to say, it's August now. And expect it to work out. Yeah, I'm not current on the show uh i kind of like just having it out there let it finish its own thing it's a that's how i'm gonna have to be with video games i feel like now you've got to just wait until uh they work
Starting point is 02:47:15 all the kinks out yeah they absolutely do um uh even that we haven't been playing as much warhammer but that that game's got plenty of bugs in its own right. Every game's just so buggy and shitty. Now. The way it feels like games get into games like it's one thing people will play like that's good. He's a buggy piece of shit. And it's like, why? Because you think your shots didn't hit properly? Like that's hard. And it's minor and it's tough. You guys can't start a game. That's a big deal that's different um that that's um that that's a matter of um just it being a smaller game and and we're
Starting point is 02:47:55 playing a very we're playing a certain game mode at a certain time of the day we're playing like the least popular version of the game and we just keep cutting the player base in halves until there's just not a lot of people but most of the people who play that game your friends try to play together you can't get the game started it seems it might be oh well that's simple that's look i don't i had a whole blow up with them because it's annoying but the problem is if if you don't have the game installed on a fucking um solid state drive we're gonna have issues and if you have a cheap-ish computer, we're going to have issues because it's a AAA title
Starting point is 02:48:28 and it's not optimized well. And also, if you don't have a good connection, if you don't live on the same continent, those are the real issues. But I think we'd have similar issues if I tried to play, I don't know, Age of Empires or StarCraft, another RTS that, you know,
Starting point is 02:48:44 the bandwidth thing that we had with the one guy, that was the whole thing. If you go into a group of people who play that game, you don't run into those issues. I'm in a couple of different Discord servers that are devoted to that game. You can go in there and play. When people play, they play amongst Discords
Starting point is 02:49:00 and private groups for the most part because everybody likes to run a mod that gives you a ton of extra maps because the most part because everybody likes to run a mod that gives you a ton of extra maps because the game only ships with a dozen and only about half of those are decent. It still seems that games are finishing more buggy and less finished than ever before.
Starting point is 02:49:15 Oh, yeah. That's awesome. I agree completely. No, and they're making more money because of it. With that Darktide game, you know, it was delay after delay. And then after release, even though we were missing so much content, you know, there were stations in the game.
Starting point is 02:49:32 It's like there's a guy there, a vendor that you can't use. There's a bald guy like standing there polishing some armor. And it's like, come back when we install this. And it's like, what the fuck? You really didn't even get to that? And then when it did drop some stuff, it was the it was the DLC. It was all the paste. It was all the cosmetics.
Starting point is 02:49:49 And that worked flawlessly. It was polished and well made. And they made sure to make the credits not round off to round numbers. So you had to buy, you know, you could buy your credits $10 in like five or $10 increments. But you're going to need like $22.50. increments, but you're going to need $22.50. You're always going to have leftover money in their made-up currency bank. They fixed a lot of that stuff. They went back and they're like, all right, we'll sell you 100 credits at a time.
Starting point is 02:50:18 They made them do that. They're like, no, it's still not good enough. We have to be able to buy 100 credits at a time. I don't want extra credits. I want one helmet because all we're doing is buying cosmetics. It's yeah, it's real frustrating. I've heard that stuff about the Jedi game. The thing about the DLC working flawlessly back in the day, YouTube used to buffer all the time and it wasn't your fault. You'd have a good connection and YouTube would buffer and it would suck. Maybe even downgrade the, you know,
Starting point is 02:50:45 from 10 ADP to seven 20 or something like that. I've never seen an ad buffer in my entire life on YouTube. The YouTube ad experience is flawless, but the video porn ads, that's the, that's the real, that's the real thing. You'll be on a,
Starting point is 02:51:02 a, a porn streaming site and all their porn is like they claim it's 360p woody that's 40 240 tops 240 tops i can't tell what hole that is sometimes no i have no idea what's going on but the ad before it it's like oh my god is that 100 frames per second like it's this crisp 4k high frame rate like like streamer girl like with her titties out like why don't you come stop jerking off come and see me tonight and it's like fuck just hurry up so i can jerk off i wonder how much of that footage is like legally acquired right because it's all of it i may be but i i swear i've seen porn where
Starting point is 02:51:47 it's like this video was uploaded to x videos oh but i'm on porn hub did porn hub like they're probably the same owner maybe but like i swear i see like downloads from one site uploaded on the next site and their watermarks are still there sometimes maybe so i think so they've really cut down on that a ton because i think a lot of the major porn sites had cp issues and so now almost all of the amateur porn um you watch is certified paid not paid members but members who have shown id essentially and verified verified uh users they still claim they're still amateur porn stars because it's just like bill and i don't know i can't think of a lady's name i'm sorry i'm high yeah and uh just carol and eric um it's just two it's just a couple but i don't know it takes all the fun out of it honestly i
Starting point is 02:52:41 feel like if if they've all like shown their id and like they're they're they're like this is taxable income now it's like it's their side hustle or whatever yeah yeah i'm watching people at work whereas it felt like uh amateur porn used to be like oh this is just like some couple's dirty videos that they wanted us to see that's kind of cool um so i feel like that takes a lot out of it but all the same that seems to be the case i know uh the issue with porn hub recently it's pretty hilarious utah has that law i believe where you have to about this you have to like age verify every time you log in to a porn site there i think they made that a law or something in utah and so porn hub was like you know what that doesn't seem like something that we want to be a part of. No Pornhub for Utah. And say like
Starting point is 02:53:27 VPN searches in Utah skyrocketing. Yeah. They're attacking their freedom of speech. I hate it. Not I hate it. I think it's hilarious when every so often someone goes against porn and they find out that's a wildly unpopular position.
Starting point is 02:53:43 A politician will be like you know what we should take down porn sites why do they even marjorie taylor green said that recently she wants to take down really i don't even understand why it exists that's the quote that's the quote it's like well it's because people jack off to it dumb ass like yeah i'll send her a video the only jack ass is here and here's you sir you that's what she'd say that's when i start masturbating in protest oh my goodness right there like uh like an american hero that's a that's a hell of a politician how does she still in there like when does her term come up when can they get every two. She's won twice or three times already.
Starting point is 02:54:27 And it's not close. She's not a year ago. She's like Lauren Bobert, for example, won by the skin of her teeth. Colorado. The Florida guy, Matt Gates, he won easily. And Marjorie Taylor Greene wins easily. Lauren Bobert is much more attractive than uh yeah i agree right there with the hottest name is magic politics like yeah she's got a lot of
Starting point is 02:54:51 the alarm going on aoc's hot even though taylor doesn't like her eyeballs she's i love them i want to look like a lizard her eyes don't always look like that it's just sometimes she when she gets mad she goes wide-eyed yeah too much uh but aoc is good looking if you can't see that then you're being biased um lauren bovert's good looking the list is short the thing with gathering is like yeah tulsa gabbard's good looking out of politics but like a lot like mtg is not attractive i don't think but because of the class of like people like when you're hanging out with who's the uh who's the gay guy in south carolina lindsey graham like when you're hanging around like those guys you look like you do you know how how much i would love to be photographed next to
Starting point is 02:55:36 lindsey graham oh oh that's a good look i'd put that i'd blow that photo up and make me look so masculine. Chris Christie and Lindsey Graham. We're going on a tour together. Yep. And the wheelchair guy. All of them. The wheelchair guy. He's out of politics too. Well, then not him. I'm only taking winners.
Starting point is 02:56:00 I want the eyepatch guy with me too. No, you know who I want? I want Diane Feinstein exhumed i think she's going to work again now dude have you seen that yeah man it's great she's like a hundred years old goodbye oh hello my phone died there and i mean is that what happened yeah i'm charging it right now i have enough power just to say i love you guys and thanks for having me. Love you too, man. Always a pleasure.
Starting point is 02:56:27 You love me, but I'm just using you for sex. I hope that doesn't hurt you. It's totally fine. I love you truly. Take care. Okay, goodnight guys. Bye. Later, Harley. Harley's the best. I love that dude. Yes.
Starting point is 02:56:43 I have never met him in person. He seems like such a fun guy to hang out with. He's the best. I love that dude. Yes. I have never met him in person. He seems like such a fun guy to hang out with. He's very tall. He's very tall. But he's an ally of mine. He has stilts. I watched this video and it's shot from an old school camera
Starting point is 02:57:00 but it's GoPro style. And it's these skydivers. And's like a one of those like 1990s tv um voiceovers is like jason was jumping that day with two new students and an instructor i know he felt and he's filming the other people as they spin do stuff as instructor and student is it was at this point when Jason realized he himself did not have a parachute. And he was far
Starting point is 02:57:32 too far away from anyone to rescue him. And so you just watch him flail a little bit for a while and then they cut it off before he hits the ground. Yeah. He just forgot? He just forgot. How comfortable do you have to be jumping out of a plane to neglect your entire parachute i don't get it all right checklist parachute
Starting point is 02:57:52 because no no so i would argue that maybe motoring and skydiving and like a similar kind of risk profile right and uh i've done both that's what i took away from i agree dude you check your buckles your clips you do it the same way every single time you like if there's any deviations i'll like fucking to start from the scratch you know if i go like i buckle up in like a from bottom up you know it's like leg straps the the chin the waist strap the chest strap and then your helmet strap and uh if something happens along the way that like distracts me or whatever, I don't pick up from where I left off. I do the thing from the start.
Starting point is 02:58:33 How this guy just kind of like, oh, totally forgot the chute. Like, were you not checking every buckle like four times before the jump? It's the most important thing of skydiving. It's the only thing that makes it not suicide. Like, it's the parachute. I can't argue. Like, that bombing run. What a horrible minute.
Starting point is 02:58:55 Oh, it was so long. It's longer than that event. He was up there when he realized, you know, but everybody else is above him. He went through all five stages. By the time he was like hitting the ground he's welcoming him like i'd be aiming for a soft spot yeah that i that was a really scary video to watch because the narrator kind of late
Starting point is 02:59:16 he doesn't immediately tell you what the problem is he's like today would be dave's last day because he didn't know he didn't have a parachute watch Watch him jump now. He's like, Dave was recording his friends with a 16mm Kodak color camera. Rare at the time. It's like, I was interested in the camera. And then all of a sudden, he's like, by the way, this guy doesn't have a parachute. Oh, that should be, he buried the lead here. This should be about a guy falling to his death. Well, that sounds like an awful video.
Starting point is 02:59:44 I don't want to watch that. Yeah, you well that sounds like an awful video i don't want to watch that yeah you don't see that yeah you don't see that yeah that well if he was the instructor i guess no one needed to get fired it kind of solved itself yeah yeah takes care of itself he probably he won't be doing that again i have never i never in my whole hockey, like, career accidentally went on the ice without a cup. Do you know what happened? Like, the one time I, like, put all my stuff on and realized I didn't have a cup on, I just went, oh! And then I had to take, and when you play goalie, Kyle,
Starting point is 03:00:17 you can't put your cup on after you have all your pads on, and so you have to be like, everybody give me just fucking 20 minutes to take all my pads off and put them have to be like everybody give me just fucking 20 minutes to take all my pants off and put them all back on particularly i've played without a cup before it it made me play worse right in the same way like i wore cage and whenever i played without a cage i was like real defensive about my face i all everything seems like it's about to hit you every stick is right by your face two-thirds of my energy is on not getting a fucking scar across my cheek when i play without a cup same thing yeah you oh it's if you're like you're naked out there i remember i was playing
Starting point is 03:00:56 we were probably 12 on this hockey team and the coach's kid was like a forward and he lost equipment all the time and his dad was always like if you lose another fucking stick or cup or glove i swear to god like he was getting mad about it wooden sticks or carbon fiber uh they were this was back when like there was that one there were the two-piece sticks where you would melt the hot uh the hot glue and plug it in like if you wanted a different blade and he lost his cup and he was so terrified to tell his dad that he had lost his cup that he played multiple games with a hockey sock rolled up into a ball and then he taped it like kind of around his genital area until his dad like saw him after a game was like why are you why you have a sock tape to your dick and he's like i lost my cup and so that so the next game he was like dad i still don't have a cup and so he went to the hockey store like the the little
Starting point is 03:01:58 club store that's there to buy the equipment in the cup and he comes back like five minutes later like throws it at his son's like there you go and he like starts taking it out and putting it together and he's like like dad dad this isn't a cup he's like yes it is i just went in there and bought it he's like dad you got me a fucking pussy protector this is a pussy protector he was like i don't even think they make those and he's like yes they do because this is like i guess a clamshell or whatever you would call it nice i didn't know they existed i always wondered what girls do i guess do they need like i don't need a bicep protector i don't need a does your bicep have a vulva yeah if your puck hits you i don't like to talk about it any part of your body that's
Starting point is 03:02:42 vulnerable if a puck hits it can you like like anything you get hit with a puck is gonna hurt like a but it's cold it's still just i guess i would want a mouth protector yeah oh dude there was a guy in the nhl just the other into a mouth guard are you talking about it's the only lips I can think of that I do have? I was trying to compare. How much would it hurt to get hit in the pussy with a hockey puck?
Starting point is 03:03:13 I think if your lips were to get pinched between each other, I think the folds of skin might be a big part of it. The problem with my lips is that they get smashed into my teeth. If my lips were say in the middle of my belly, they could
Starting point is 03:03:29 take a hit. I mean your pussy lips. What are your hypothetical pussy lips? I'm taking a slap shot. Oh, okay. I was just making sure we're all still on the same page. I don't have pussy lips, so I'm just going with the lips I do have. No. The real problem is that they're backed by the
Starting point is 03:03:45 teeth making them vulnerable to cutting and cut you know like getting busted up okay no it would but even if you had gums you wouldn't want to get you know slapped around on the lips no like you when guys get hit with like the puck in the mouth what is the question here if vaginas are sensitive i don't even know what we're talking about. I don't know. We were talking about the pussy protector thing, and they're definitely necessary. What's the least sensitive part of your body? The least sensitive. The part that if you're gonna
Starting point is 03:04:13 bang, you wanna bang that. Man, I feel like it's my forearm. Forearm. If you take a hockey puck from a slap shot in the forearm, you're gonna have a bit where you're like, oh my god, my arm's broken. Ass cheeks are not you're sensitive that's what they say you're gonna have a bit where you're like oh my god my arms broken cheeks are not that sensitive that's why they spank there as a matter of fact while spanking
Starting point is 03:04:30 and I'm not telling this to Kyle I'm telling this to you guys who might not know as much as Kyle try to hit the part that they sit on if you're spanking and you're hitting her thigh or her back that's not spanking and she won't like it, probably.
Starting point is 03:04:45 Actually, the spot right below the ass cheek is what we like to call the seat spot. That's actually where you do want to hit to deliver pain. That's a very sensitive area. With a cane. With a cane. Or a flog.
Starting point is 03:05:02 A flog, a cane, a crop. Crop's a little bitch made. One of those violet bulbs. You ever seen one of those? That you electrocute people with? It's like a little science experiment. Where's this? Is it below the crease on the butt cheek?
Starting point is 03:05:18 Yeah, top of the thigh. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. So we're actually in alignment there. Yeah, uppermost part of the thigh. That's a really sensitive area you don't get hit there and fucking hurt um but no i've seen i've never used one but i've seen those i think they're called violet something and it's like this thing to zap people with and bdsm bdsm and i think it gives off little purple bolts of electricity you plug this it's either batteries you plug you plug it in. It's pretty wild. How strong is it? I don't fucking know. That's not my bag.
Starting point is 03:05:49 I don't like shocking bitches and I don't want nobody shocking me so I don't have one. It does seem like a negative. It's like, oh, fuck you, but I'm really into shocks. Fucking how into shocks? I'm into shock play. Yeah. It just turns me on so much when your heart stops ever so briefly uh it's not like that it's like a little like i like i've seen videos where
Starting point is 03:06:13 they break that thing out and it's like pops it's like it's like little slaps of electricity looks like i saw a guy get fucked up by a stun gun in the back cleaning bay of an enterprise rent-a-car because one of the car guys said to the car prep, like, I bet you can't get shocked by this. I bet you'll fall down. And he was like, no. And then he shocked. He thought he could take it. Someone left a stun gun in a car. And so we took it.
Starting point is 03:06:44 And then my coworker, I was very new at the time. This was like my fucking first week or something. And he walked over there, and he's like, hey, I'm going to shock Zach. And I'm like, I barely know Zach. And so he walked back there and was like, Zach, you think you could get shocked by this and not fall over? And he couldn't. He did fall over.
Starting point is 03:06:59 Was it, he just like stuck it to his body? Not a taste. Yeah, just he basically like had him stand there and then he went to his belly and yikes um the i've me and woody have played around with one of those before but it was a very cheap one it was a very cheap one we had i know there are better ones my thoughts on those is it'd be those don't drop people i think that's like a bullshit movie thing i i mean i bet it hurts a lot he dropped out of surprise he wasn't exactly incapacitated he basically movies they basically jumped back and like did that thing like if you were jumping back like to do a whatever that thing is off a diving board where
Starting point is 03:07:34 you jump backwards and then you dive he did almost that and kind of like face planted a bit but it was not like oh my god are you okay it just shocking. The surprises can make you react. Kyle shocked me and I was like, and then I shocked Kyle and he was like, so I was like, oh, I guess I should do that when he shocked me. So then I became immune to it. Yeah, we've been playing with that thing
Starting point is 03:07:59 for a month before you got there. I've been doing car rides where we were just sticking it to the back of each other's neck while we're driving like like so we had calluses by then i picked that up in like an army navy store but like i think the big boy ones are maybe like the end of a taser like a police taser i think it's x26 yeah the end of that is a stun gun um as you know in addition to it it's taser abilities and I've never been hit by one of those but it looks like it would hurt you in a significant kind of way where you'd want to jump
Starting point is 03:08:31 and get away with it but I don't think I think as far as incapacitation the way I've seen it used is when someone won't give a limb they'll target the muscle that controls that limb with that rapid fire stun gun. And so whatever muscle is being used to resist, they'll target it. And it's like you lose control of it enough that they're able to really manipulate you. I've seen that done a lot. And then I've also seen it done,
Starting point is 03:08:55 you know, torture people, unfortunately. And there's been plenty of people that died from them. And then there was that one guy that got set on fire by it. That shit was wild. Jesus. I can't remember what the, what was on him that made him so flammable,
Starting point is 03:09:08 but he was. Could have been. Anyway, they hit him with that stun gun, and he lit up. What are you going to do? You can't put him out. It was a roll. He just burned alive. I have not seen that clip.
Starting point is 03:09:21 Was it like a fun lead up? I really don't recall. It's a PKA topic that I never used. Yeah. It's pretty terrible. I've fucked around with the police one before, obviously. I've talked about it before. We got Jeremy with it and did the whole thing.
Starting point is 03:09:38 But I've never been hit by one of those. I've always been rather afraid of them. Yeah, they don't seem fun. It seems painful. That's what they're made. They sound scary when you hold them down. When you're in person, it's a much more scary noise. It's a loud, crackly pop.
Starting point is 03:09:55 And the louder it is, I think the stronger it is. That's what I'm going on, because I know that thing we stuck to Jeremy's ass was loud. Yeah. And he did not like it. It seems like you guys did it for a while. He hated it. That's one of my favorite moments that involved my dad and making videos, though. There was the one time
Starting point is 03:10:11 when I did the pepper spray thing and the video that's on YouTube is me going, ugh! And the video cuts and 30 minutes go by and me pouring milk in my eyes. But in the real world, my dad walks over and he's like hey there friends fps his dad here he's a little incapacitated so i thought i'd show y'all how this and he like
Starting point is 03:10:33 goes through and like shoots all the targets or whatever with that sub 2000 um but uh i don't i wish i had that footage or knew where it was it was hilarious it's hilarious ah that'd be cool yeah people would love to see it yeah but that uh but i found pepper spray to be way better as like a defense tool or whatever than than fucking a stun gun or a taser ever you've got one shot with that taser you better be annie oakley if you randomly uploaded that to the fps russia channel you know 10 years later it would'd get $15,000 out of ad revenue. If only I had the password, Woody. I know.
Starting point is 03:11:09 Marty, we're fucked. He had sanitizer on him? Maybe I was wrong about the gallon. How would he have that much on him? Shit, he has a gallon jug of it in this picture. I'm not sure this is the same incident
Starting point is 03:11:25 i'm talking about oh is this done on purpose he burned he thought he could put himself out and he couldn't i he there's pictures where he takes the gallon jug puts it over his head and he's just like draining the hand sanitizer on himself that sounds like a fucking tiktok challenge or something he was doing the old... Oh, he's in the police station. They're trying to detain him or something. He's not being cooperative is what I think I saw. I just looked at stills real quick.
Starting point is 03:11:54 He just grabbed it off the counter, the community hand sanitizer, unplugged it, and dumped it on himself? He lit himself on purpose, and it was suicide by cop, Zach says. Jesus Christ. You see those... Is it like Indiaia or china or wherever where they do like the suicide by immolation where they sit there in style and
Starting point is 03:12:12 like burn themselves alive it's monks yeah monks do that why do they do that like that i don't know protest it's protest does it is it effective have or people Are politicians like, okay, let me take a step back. If I'm a politician, right, and I'm doing something unpopular, trying to ban porn or something, and this guy, suicide by emulation, I'm like, that's one less guy that disagrees with my policy. Quite frankly, you're solving my problem. If the rest of you would do this, I would have no problem at all. So I don't know a bunch about this, but I think one of the instances was maybe Buddhist monks protesting against the way China was treating them. And I think they were burning themselves to get Western attention so that Western citizens will put pressure on
Starting point is 03:13:00 Western politicians who will then put pressure on Chinese politicians because they were getting ignored western politicians who will then put pressure on um chinese politicians because the op you know the they were getting ignored ignored already and i'm and i'm sure they're ignoring them burning themselves because why wouldn't you one less i don't know we know about it i guess it feels like it did a little bit i'm sure someone said something to china about you know them being awful have you been following the ukraine war oh of course every day it. You know, it's it's I saw. All right. So Taylor was at the end of the show.
Starting point is 03:13:27 Yeah. Taylor's mad because because they didn't let that guy surrender that time. I found I saw one where they let him surrender. You know, they they they used the drone to lead him back to surrender land and took him prisoner. That was pretty. They dropped them instructions on how to surrender something with the drone over. Oh, I wonder how detailed they are you know uh not very i can't read cyrillic is that what it is i'm not sure um but there weren't a lot of words it was like great big scribble you can almost read it
Starting point is 03:13:59 from a distance it's not like the the vegas guy stand up touch your toes jump up and down what you're gonna say i surrender hands up crawl hands up crawl crawl with your hands up and i'm like what i didn't say simon says dead that guy yeah it's uh i uh i think that trump was uh is gonna be a big part of how things are handled there because i there is a ticking time clock. If Trump is elected, who knows what he'll do there? I'm convinced
Starting point is 03:14:31 Trump has no shot, but who knows? I don't think he does either. He's leading Biden right now, right? I saw that. I think, though, the more airtime Trump gets, the worse he does. The plan for now is that
Starting point is 03:14:46 Trump will shoot himself in the foot for Joe to come back. I don't know. The airtime thing seems like, based on what you guys said about the last night thing, that it went good. Based on what Trump said. Trump said he was up in the polls the very next day, which is bullshit. Polls take a week. No, I was like his CNN thing. You said that went well for him? We'll see. The crowd was stacked
Starting point is 03:15:14 with people that loved him, so it looked like it went well. But online, everyone is like, this is fucking ridiculous. He's telling lies. They're all outraged. So you really need a better basis than that. Reddit seems really left they said that he's an idiot he's just lying yeah reddit the crowd was really right and they seem like trump was amazing like he's got his magic back etc so i just can't know you know i i don't want to do it during
Starting point is 03:15:37 the show but i'll show you like a two-minute montage with the air horns and stuff it's a body mate i don't know i think it comes off. Like I don't think that the left has more clips to show to attack Trump than the opposite is true. I think the Trump side side got a bunch of gotchas and a bunch of funny punch lines. And if you ask me, at least from where I sit, the reason he won last time was the meme war.
Starting point is 03:16:03 I think he won the meme war he took over the internet read it in particular this is 2016 yeah when he won i think the meme war was the the the the main battle of the winning the presidency i truly believe that and he is uh my thoughts going into this time was man he better not be talking about fucking the last election being stolen we need means we need we need bits we need him to like be silly and come up with nicknames for people and i don't know he had like two minutes of of gotcha shit and like an hour of of content on there and i think it's enough i think if he just keeps going on there and being funny like that there was some i don't even know what they were talking about but she was like
Starting point is 03:16:42 you said before that it's inappropriate to use the debt ceiling as a wedge, as a negotiating tool. And he's like, that's right. I was president. Well, why don't you think it's, why do you think it's okay now? Because I'm not president now. And it was just like, so matter of fact about there's president Trump and there's businessman Trump. And obviously we don't do things. Oh, maybe you didn't see it that way, but he's just being matter of fact about being dishonest if you want to see it that way but he just he just basically said hey that's president trump this is businessman trump that's how i read it so it's to trump's benefit for the world to blow up and the economy to crash because the debt ceiling isn't raised and america doesn't pay his bills so So candidate Trump is like, I think we should not raise
Starting point is 03:17:26 the debt ceiling and just fuck up the planet. But President Trump, back when it would make him look bad, was like, raise the debt ceiling, obviously. It's the right thing to do. Otherwise, the world catches on fire, I'm told. So here he is running and he's like, yeah, set the world on fire. I don't give a fuck. I just want to be president.
Starting point is 03:17:42 Now, I saw that and I was like, oh my God. He's like telling us he's's a liar he's telling us he's a hypocrite politician he's admitting he's admitting to what a what every politician does but he's the only one liar that he is to be honest about it and say it to america's face on cnn in front of everyone for what it's worth only republic Republicans do that. The Democrats raised the debt ceiling without a fuss for Trump like five times. They didn't make a big deal out of it. It's the Republicans who are like, you know what?
Starting point is 03:18:13 Let's fuck people over because we've got this leverage. I don't care about the policy and who did what and voting records. Nobody cares about that. Again, it goes back to the fucking sound bites, I think. It's the meme war. It's when you put Trump on an eagle in a tank, it's again, it goes back to the fucking soundbites. I think it's the main war. It's that he looks, it's when you put Trump on an Eagle in a tank, it gets clicks.
Starting point is 03:18:29 You can do that to their candidates. They don't care. Cause they don't, they don't, they don't have a political cult. We agree about that. I think though that when it goes to the, of course,
Starting point is 03:18:37 there's going to be people who would vote for Biden, no matter what. And there's going to be people who will vote for Trump or anyone read, no matter what. But the middle is going to look at this guy who's convicted sexual assault, $5 million. They're going to go to the appeals court. It's going to stay in the news. It's going to hurt him a lot. I think what they'll say, at least it's not kids like Joe. At least he's not sniffing
Starting point is 03:18:59 around little girls. Well, except for that one time. Those little girls were asking for it, Kyle. Well, I mean, Joe says that. Of course, he can't hear very well these days. Yeah, we'll see. We'll see. I think that when you get to the independent... You got a turd sandwich and a douche here. Look, and no woman is going to vote for a rapist. He is going to get smashed amongst women. Well, that's good because he wasn't found liable of rape. Well, that's good because he wasn't found liable of rape. Well, that's because she couldn't feel his tiny little penis and she wasn't sure it was inside.
Starting point is 03:19:31 That's a good line for her to use, isn't it? Hmm. Except strictly he wasn't because it was a civil thing, right? He finger banged her, but she wasn't sure if his little penis was inside or not. His little mushroom. You think so? Interesting. I do. I think she said something that i made it worse you think trump has something like that micro penis micro penis is a stretch but she did say she wasn't sure his penis was inside her and that's why she didn't get the rape thing i think interesting you know when when they say
Starting point is 03:20:00 things like this about biden i'm like come on on, that's obvious. I bet Biden has a man-sized penis. I'm not saying. Like, you'd never convince me that Biden had a micro-digma because some lady who hates him said it. Yeah, exactly. She had 11 witnesses. Now they weren't there, but this is like the people that, no. She had 11 people she called to the stand that all said, yeah, she's told me about it. She talked about it over the years. This is like a known thing. Everyone in her circle knows this has happened. And then
Starting point is 03:20:30 there's Trump who didn't even show. That's why he lost. It's not even a he said, she said. It's 11 people said and Trump remained silent. And so he's going to what? Fight it somewhere else? He's going to appeal it. Well, to be fair, 11 people said that she told them this. I'm one of those people now Because I listened
Starting point is 03:20:45 Now when I All they have is the benefit of time We'll see Trump is like, I've never met this woman They're photographed together Of course he met her He's not what he says Yeah, he's lying, Woody
Starting point is 03:21:00 I know That's what you do He lost in court He was found simply liable woody come on don't no not according to woody five million dollars convicted rapist again that's not what no no you say tomato i say tomato i'm gonna keep saying it i'm liable for that he is litigious man he he is litigious he loves he loves lawyers now i just excuse us that'd be so so low ball i don't care how big trump's dick is but i think whenever they start lowering them when they're like oh look at his little you don't remember the cnn clips of like
Starting point is 03:21:38 bringing people on to be like tonight we're going to talk about trump's penis shape because we're the news like i don't remember that. You don't remember that? They literally had Stormy Daniels on. That's hilarious. You would love it if it was on the blue guy. You're being biased now. You guys are like, I just want somebody funny.
Starting point is 03:21:55 And they're on CNN talking about this guy's tiny dick and his tiny hands. And now we've got multiple women saying his tiny dick. You would be running with this thinking it's the greatest thing. Instead, you're like, ah, they're kind of like not giving respect to the office. Because I know what they do. And I see that it's orchestrated. You can see strings being pulled in multiple media outlets like parroting things. Thank you.
Starting point is 03:22:17 Yes. I admit my bias when I have a hard time seeing through it. You guys are like, I just want a funny person to get elected because Trump is hilarious. But when they talk about his tiny dick, it's not funny. I don't think tiny dicks can be funny. It can absolutely be funny. But I just think...
Starting point is 03:22:35 You're like, that lady said he had a little dick, Kyle. Can you believe it? I'm like, yeah. She seems like she really despises him. But you know he doesn't have small hands. He does have small hands. But you know he doesn't have small hands. He does have small hands. Okay, well, I'm glad you're taking the high road
Starting point is 03:22:51 on this one. No, I am not. I can't stand for it. He triggers you so hard. You cannot help yourself. But you can't see it either. You will defend almost anything he does. You'll say his tiny dick isn't funny, it totally is we make fun of trump we make fun of trump fucking constantly we mock him we make fun of him i'd say we make fun of trump a lot more
Starting point is 03:23:16 than you make fun of the blue team if we're if we're doing a little that's fair i i like i'll laugh at biden when he gets it wrong Yeah I agree Biden does have less to joke about Than Trump does And not because he's bad I've seen Hunter's penis So I know how big it is No of course not I'm making a point
Starting point is 03:23:39 That we don't talk about penises Because we don't care We have pictures of your guys dick We don't care We don't care. We have pictures of your guy's dick. We don't care. We don't care if it's big or small or cut or not. I hope it is big. Good for him. Well, let's do that. I didn't sit there
Starting point is 03:23:55 and defend Hunter's dick. I asked about it. I was rolling with it. What I'm saying is, like, I think especially, like, I don't care how big Trump's dick is, but i bet it's a normal like human-sized penis if i had no i care deeply odds are it's average sure like i think that um i think that that's her way of not perjuring herself um when she says that and at the same time taking a swipe because the maybe I don't understand sex. Maybe
Starting point is 03:24:26 I've never done it, but I think we all know when it's in like like we all know when it's in, right? Like, yeah, you can tell I can tell well, it hurts. First of all, there's a lot of there's a burning feeling and it all circles
Starting point is 03:24:44 back. Yeah, I wake up right away i come to um you know like i think i think she probably i believe that that lady was sexually assaulted by trump i i think he's a bad guy um but i don't think he raped her i don't think he stuck his dick in her he might have tried to but i don't think he failed her. I don't think he stuck his dick in her. He might have tried to but I don't think he failed because of tiny penis. Do you see how close to the edge I'm willing to walk with you? I think that the idea of her saying it's a tiny penis is a silly jab
Starting point is 03:25:14 and not funny. I'll admit to you he sexually assaulted her. I bet he did it a lot. I bet he sexually assaulted dozens of women. It's going to hurt him in the election. Women's? Women's up and down the coast. You're talking about him like money's... He was reported to a couple of his chiefs of staff,
Starting point is 03:25:34 but I'm trying to remember which one, repeatedly for sexual harassment while he was president. Interesting. I buy that. Maybe he sexually president. Interesting. I buy that. Doing that, I guess maybe, maybe there was a, you know, um, you know,
Starting point is 03:25:48 he sexually harassed them. I don't know. I don't know, but I believe this kind of stuff will kill him in the general and he'll have voters who just toss all of it aside and say, I like him no matter what. Yeah. He's got that.
Starting point is 03:26:02 He's got that charm, but, uh, he's not going to win in the general. i think it's impossible to know right now i think that if i i think i would lean a little bit more toward the left toward biden like maybe 55 45 uh if i had to do it all over today but man you know how the political landscape changes in in three to six months a year from now which is what we're talking about, right? Roughly.
Starting point is 03:26:27 I'm not even sure they'll both be alive. There you go. I don't know. They're both already over. I don't know how with it Biden is still going to be. And I don't mean that I'm not even poking fun at the crazy old man stuff. It's like every day when you're in your 70s matters, you're always creeping toward possible dementia or some sort of aphasia or whatever the fuck so who knows um that and also who knows where the political landscape is what if gasoline is
Starting point is 03:26:50 eight dollars a gallon going into like like this time next year like heading into like the summer vacation months it's it's 599 and they're like it's gonna hit ten dollars it's gonna hit ten dollars in july and trump's over there like drill drill drill baby and uh biden's over there talking about owls that we don't even know what they look like you know that's a good one um there's a lot of time another one oh banks failing the like i feel like the banks failing hasn't gotten the press that i would have expected it to i I mean, we're adjacent to 2008. And I don't know, a few more drop and we got a really big thing going on. Here's one. What if Biden wheels Fauci out around September, October, and it's time to go back inside?
Starting point is 03:27:36 Mask up. Imagine that. Time to go back inside. I think he's more politically clever than that. And Trump's smart enough to be out there. I have the vax. You don't have to get the vax to be an American, though, and to live.
Starting point is 03:27:48 And he starts quoting the Declaration of Independence or some shit, the Constitution. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That's what I read here. I don't see anything but a mask. And he's flipping through that shit. If Biden dies, I don't even know who the Democrats run. You'd think Kamala would.
Starting point is 03:28:02 Oh, I'd love that. Run, Hunter. Hunter. I don't know hunter might get the molotov cocktail boat right like there are a handful of people who just want to blow up washington hunter they would file those criminal charges on him and then he couldn't get in because he'd be a fellow because they could file charges they wanted to that's kind of scary that's the problem with fucking with Trump in the courts now. You've let him get in there, and his Justice Department wants to file charges on Hunter Biden, and now it becomes, I don't know much about legalese,
Starting point is 03:28:35 but now that his laptop is now subject to a criminal matter, I bet that opens up other avenues, and now you can subpoena lots of other people, and now those people havepoena lots of other people and then now those people have to come in under oath and they can be questioned about all sorts of tangential uh issues so yeah we're talking about the laptop today but also sir do you know ambassador grevich he's like uh nah i don't know uh alexi nah i don't know him like well let's bring up exhibit a like things can get nasty you they don't want that that's why they should be leaving them alone they should
Starting point is 03:29:11 leave them alone you shouldn't prosecute presidents because we we change every four fucking years we change every four fucking years it's not like we got a monarchy here and you can just shit on somebody and lop heads off usually the idea still stands they uh yeah we'll see if trump gets if trump does win i bet he he's kind of known for his retaliation petty petty petty small small small-minded and petty the whole presidency is about that that dinner with obama i choose to believe that that was right publicly humiliate me all right now now you full effort trump like i was just gonna eat kfc and be a eat kfc to death in my gold bathroom but instead now i'm gonna become president i don't know don't motivate your enemies that's what you could learn about trump like piece of shit that he is
Starting point is 03:30:02 you don't want him to be your enemy motivated, right? Doesn't go well. Yeah. I don't know who's going to win. I, like I said, I would,
Starting point is 03:30:09 I would, I would go with Biden right now, but a lot can change in a year and Trump's in the lead right now. Trump has to go down and Biden has to go up for, for, for this all to come to fruition. So we'll see. We'll see.
Starting point is 03:30:19 Last time Biden won by sitting in a basement on zoom calls, raising money and Trump going out there and embarrassing himself it felt like that replays do you i remember as we were getting toward election day last time it really felt like everything fizzled out it was almost like biden and i'm not saying this happened but it felt like all of the media was like let's not let's just not talk about the election at all let's just let it happen let's not talk about the election at all. Let's just let it happen. Let's not let anybody be passionate about this. It just felt like there was no real coverage. Maybe I was busy at the time
Starting point is 03:30:50 with a lot of stuff and I didn't notice it, but it felt like the coverage was way down. It wasn't this big crazy thing like the previous cycle had been when Trump did win and beat Hillary. It just seemed like nobody cared that much. Trump wasn't out there waving the flag as much as it seemed like he should. Like you said biden just bunkered up and won yeah we'll see we'll see i uh i don't
Starting point is 03:31:12 know how it's gonna be fun to watch biden again he's so fucking old he's killed it at the white house correspondence dinner and my question is how often question is, how often can you deliver that version of Biden? How many fucking uppers do they have? All of them? They're not good for your heart, though. It's much straight on your heart. I've thought about the uppers. I hope
Starting point is 03:31:36 they're not. They're legitimately very bad for your heart. With Trump, it's not a... They have the pictures of them in the drawer. Yeah, those are weak amphetamines or whatever those cold medicine shit things like it's not good for him it can't be but especially as overweight as he is but but uh yeah they might not they may not survive into this thing who's not as fat as he was but he's fat because you know it won't be pence he'll have somebody else i bet he picks a lady oh god please not Marjorie Taylor Green that would be so awful
Starting point is 03:32:08 he's gonna pick like a neocon like establishment person to try and win over like Nikki Haley to try and win over those people I'd love Nikki Haley why I don't know I think she looks good in pants I think that's a great way to
Starting point is 03:32:24 have a take it's just about female politicians not give a fuck at all about what the vice president is. AOC, huge fan. No idea what she's all about. My favorite big booty Latina. Yeah. For those tits. Like MTG was like one of the leading candidates to be his vice president until recently. And I forget what happened. But he wanted her he's being advised against it as it was the news on the
Starting point is 03:32:49 internet idiot she did or said something that ruined it i forget what it was oh you've been following the bud light shit or the budweiser shit i guess we should say i think so yeah apparently it actually has like had a tremendous effect and they're just not selling a lot of it although i heard 17 which matters yeah diminishing that effect. I heard 17%, which matters. Yeah, diminishing that effect forces the people who don't know how many beers Anheuser-Busch owns. Yeah, they own a whole lot. Their sales are struggling from it now. But, I mean, it's the largest brewery on the planet.
Starting point is 03:33:20 And so it's like, yeah, their American market share is taking a hit right now but like globally they're fine like they're the biggest premier brand their own yeah bud light and budweiser are their premier brands but it's also like imagine a really bad marketing call for coca-cola and if and it runs in the united states okay now that doesn't impact coke sales in japan zimbabwe everywhere else similar with this like the kardashians they might have i'm not familiar with that oh yeah pepsi or when they had that lottery and those people died the pepsi one wasn't like nearly as unpopular as this budweiser but uh dude like being in st louis like we are we are budweiser's home court. Like nobody has market share here like Bud.
Starting point is 03:34:06 And like in gas stations and stores, like Bud Light is marked down significantly. I noticed like this was maybe a month or so ago that I was having some buddies over. So I was going to pick up some beer. And I usually like Bud Select, Bud Light, just like basic shit like that i i enjoy it's fine and i went there and apparent like i kind of took this as an indicator of how bad their sales were before the data came out or how bad other competitors took it to be because yingling which is a florida brewery which is you know it's a better quality than a budweiser they were selling yingling light next to the Bud Light undercutting it.
Starting point is 03:34:47 And so other brands were taking a little loss off the top to insert in areas where Bud has heavy market share to try and get some. And so literally, I went to go get... I don't give a fuck. I was going to grab Bud Light. It's fine. And right next to the Bud Light is Yingling Light for a dollar less. And I'm like, okay, I'm going to say 15 calories of beer and a dollar. Give me the fucking Yingling. And guess what I found out? Yingling Light is genuinely way better than Bud Light. But as soon as they move that price up, back to Bud Light.
Starting point is 03:35:18 I think that you're an example of a person with a fully functional brain. you're an example of a person with a fully functional brain, but I bet you went to school with some bros who call Bud Light the gay beer now, and that will be in their consciousness forever. Ten years from now, Budweiser is still going to be the gay beer. So do you know what year to get pierced, Woody? Because it was made abundantly clear to me in elementary school which one was gay and which one wasn't. We took it to heart.
Starting point is 03:35:47 Here's the thing. I don't know how long... I expected it not to be long-lasting because Nike did... I guess the Colin Kaepernick thing with Nike. That's totally in the rearview mirror. No one gives a fuck about that. That's racism. I remember they were throwing Keurigs off their balconies and shit.
Starting point is 03:36:04 I don't remember what they did wrong but the right hated them that's totally in the room that's convenient coffee we're under the bridge um i had another one i forgot i can't even remember all the like they never came back they had to change their fucking name it's counter they're just the chicks but it seems like the right cancels a brand every four or six months yeah and then it gets uncanceled it's fucking embarrassing how they'll be like actually bud light's gay so buy my 65 12 pack of patriot winter brew and it's like good god you're just a a grifter embarrassing loser like yeah i it will hit like a difference between the nike thing and the bud light thing is their core market um a bud light an average bud light drinker is like
Starting point is 03:36:54 not a lib for the color like blue blue collar more conservative right wing leading um yeah it was a terrible marketing decision you know i don't know why on earth they would do that so i'll tell you but unfortunately there's a new president they have a lady for the first time ever and she wanted the brand to be quote unquote more inclusive so she's their flagship brand you know something i i was insulting i phrased it so stupid i'm so sorry it sounds like you know something i didn't know i learned that from you all right yeah they did they did bring in like a new like advertising lady hyper progressive very common for uh progressives and advertising to like shoehorn shit in and that is very jarring to a lot of people and but what
Starting point is 03:37:37 you're saying woody i don't think that this will have like it will fade into the rear view and the people who have already made their purchasing decision now to pivot i don't think they're likely to come back because they're like rah rah about it but everyone else will forget everyone else will be like one summer from now oh bud light just basic fucking beer like like all of these boycotts it's not going to amount to much more after a couple years they own fucking 500 banners of beer. They're the biggest brewery on Earth. Yeah, the problem is that I don't feel
Starting point is 03:38:09 like they can't back off. They almost have to double down. They almost have to go even. They should not. They almost have to go gayer with it and have like, they need like, dude, I hope they do. They have to have like two trans men with like a Puerto R they do they have to have like two trans men with like a puerto rican
Starting point is 03:38:26 baby they've they've neutered like a dog better yet reshape the beer can to be peep drink from the tip i love that and, you can sit on it. Give me a Bud Light. Do you want cut or uncut? Give me the fucking cut. Give me the cut. But you know what? That's the last straw. This is America. Last straw. The cock can is where I draw the line. I'm the other way. I only drink gay beer.
Starting point is 03:39:00 I want people to know I'm on the right side of history. You're an ex-porter. I'm progressive. Weak and all the dicks are brown man look i i promise you they're gonna double down on that shit because they won't learn their lesson they'll be like oh we're we're standing proud and it'll go down on it they'll do something i'm looking forward to it i can't wait to see the commercial by the way anybody who drinks bud light you just have awful taste i mean don't like beer, but I can tell you that's bad beer. It's not that bad.
Starting point is 03:39:26 It's bad beer. It's fine. It's bad beer. If you're at a hockey game, if you're at a bar... It's McDonald's of beer. Yeah, it is. Literally, yes. McDonald's is bad food. It is bad food, but sometimes it's what you need. Sometimes it's what you need, man. If I'm sitting watching
Starting point is 03:39:41 a Blues game at the Enterprise Center, I'm watching a whole sports game. I'm watching a whole sports game at the enterprise center rolling rock i'm watching i'm watching a whole i'm watching a whole sports game i'm watching a whole sports game do you think that i want to sit there and drink some like heavy eight percent quadruple ipa bullshit or do i want a nice light low alcohol like it's genus or bud no get a yingling get a rolling rock get in to get a doseki get a corona get in get a miller light i drink i will drink a pitcher of miller light fucking warm before i drink a cold bud light okay the thing about even the thing about miller light is it's actually better than bud light it has a it has a worse
Starting point is 03:40:15 aftertaste but it's it's less calories it's 15 less calories it's less alcohol though so you gotta drink more of it oh i thought it was the same i think it's like five even or something maybe four eight that's one of those i assumed all of the the big lights were the same like bud if you put any of these beers in front of me i'd have no idea which is which oh i pick regular versus light like i don't i don't drink beer at all light just means less calories so you can be like oh i'm not making as bad of a decision what else does it have less of alcohol feel it's it's a it's a super light lower alcohol beer that's like meant to be drank like over the course of the day like outside or at a sporting event like while driving just an anytime beer man just something to take the edge off you know you might think that that that drinking and driving is is really frowned upon everywhere,
Starting point is 03:41:07 but I swear, I know a guy. He'd come around and be like, Oh, it's such a nice rainy day. I saw him at the gas station. He's one of my dad's kind of friends, but I was going into a gas station. He was coming out, and he had a whole case of beer. I was like, Where are you going, Ronnie?
Starting point is 03:41:22 He's like, Oh, on a rainy day like this that it's like to ride and drink. He was going to get in his truck on this nice, calm, rainy day because nobody would be on the roads, he thought, I suppose, and just drink that 12-pack of beer while he just caroused the county. That is just an incompetent murderer.
Starting point is 03:41:43 It's just, yeah, basically manslaughter after hockey so i came from new jersey and in new jersey and pennsylvania at least in my circle no one would drink or drive it was like a hard fast thing you wouldn't drink and drive having an open container while drive driving was jaw-dropping but even if you did like drink you made like damn sure to do that like less than a drink an hour thing so that you'd be legal that was my world in jersey wow i um would play hockey guys would have like three beers after the game in a hurry and then just drive home and yeah you're buzzed it was shocking to me um so i just sort of took it in the heart early on that it was a bad idea to drink and drive and i just took it so seriously that i never even attempted it i don't think i know i've driven
Starting point is 03:42:32 buzzed for sure like a time or two uh that i shouldn't have but i've certainly never got been like drunk driving like like many many drinks or anything uh and i always didn't think too much of that i thought that it was just like what you're a little bit inconvenienced here like get a ride home or sleep it off or whatever it's a very like to me it was always like dude chill right here in this parking lot for three hours let's smoke cigarettes and listen to the radio and not kill somebody right like because i didn't nugget smoke i didn't like drinking very much and i was also like an athlete when i was young and uh um because because that i always like i wanted to be designated driver and everyone else was thrilled that somebody wanted to be designated driver so
Starting point is 03:43:10 it was a win all over the place oh that's good yeah i had i had two friends that drunk it like they were drunk and driving and uh they were like goofing about driving in separate cars and they crashed into each other and like kept going and they were like dented up and they fucked up their cars damn and it was just impactful for me it was like wow like it's incredibly dangerous and this is a guy like has a high risk profile and they didn't ruin their cars i wouldn't say this um so that you know children could hear me because you want to set a good example but just between us, some people who drink every day, they can handle that shit.
Starting point is 03:43:47 They can drink and drive. They can drink and shoot. They can drink and operate heavy machinery, all sorts of shit. The people who actually every day are having six beers at lunchtime or 12 or whatever, people who heavily drink, they can do it. I just believe they can. I've seen them do it. I think the problem is when people don't know how to handle their alcohol their alcohol like a man like a man you're not serial you think i'd
Starting point is 03:44:09 like object to that but one i've seen it too with alcohol i was off-roading there are people who drink 24 by the campfire at night i was like that's outrageous to me uh also i would say there's a parallel but i could never take an edible and drive. If I take an edible, if I take half a death by gummies, I can barely put my pants on. I have to hold something to steady myself. Yeah. Even shorts. I almost need a spotter.
Starting point is 03:44:41 So I shouldn't be driving, but I have friends who will like get high and fly their paragliders and shit like that. And they feel like they're better at it while high. Yeah. I don't think I'm a better driver high, but I used to just smoke and drive all the time. You know, whether that's a good thing or not.
Starting point is 03:45:00 Chiz would, would have my back. I promise you y'all can message Chiz right now. And just obviously he can't hear this. No, you won't respond. You can message Chiz right now and just, obviously he can't hear this. You can message Chiz and you can say Hey Chiz, you can say, Chiz, Chiz, who's the best high driver
Starting point is 03:45:13 you've ever experienced? You can just say that or you can just say, Chiz, you ever seen anyone who's really good at driving while they're high? You can phrase it like that and he'll tell you tales of my fucking driving skills while stoned out of my fucking uh uh driving skills while stoned out of my out of my mind but i don't think you're racing how did you do it like how did i just all sorts of feats of prowess like i wouldn't speak in a loud lesbians bought a fool
Starting point is 03:45:38 you'll have to have to ask a chiz about the things that i've done behind the wheel of a motor vehicle. Okay. Feats, Woody. Feats. I don't doubt it. You put off the good driver vibe. I... There are people, especially with smoking, and maybe drinking too, who are just elite at it. And they can get away with more than I can.
Starting point is 03:46:03 Yeah, but nobody should fucking try. Because the downside is you kill a family of four who didn't deserve that shit and all because also you get home a little bit early so nobody should do that shit it's awful very true yeah leave your bad decision to be personal decisions like i do yeah yeah fucking ride a bicycle home that should be legal if i if i was president i would make it only legal to ride your bicycle in the bicycle lane if you were drunk. Really?
Starting point is 03:46:31 That's kind of a joker mayhem for the sake of mayhem policy, isn't it? Why do you want bicycles in the... I think they'll eventually weed themselves out that way. They're going to be getting clipped left and right. I've talked about it on the show. I think cycling is more dangerous themselves out that way. If that they're just always doing. Yeah, they're going to be getting clipped left and right.
Starting point is 03:46:45 I've talked about on the show. I think cycling is more dangerous than it gets credit for. Everyone rips on motorcycles, but. Cyclists get hit by cars, too, all the time. Yeah, and it's driving in the streets and they're often asking for it. Yeah, and they're not going with the flow of traffic like a motorcycle is. Beyond rude. Can you imagine me wandering onto a field with the Ravens and the Lions playing, and I demand that their offense moves around me? They're doing what that field is made for,
Starting point is 03:47:19 and here I come arrogantly traipsing about demanding access to something not made for me or my vehicle, and all responsibility is onto the Ravens and the lions to not hit me but if you do it i think you should dress in rainbow colored skin tight spandex at the very least taylor absolutely drinking bud light that's what i'm gonna do that's what cyclists do i i never see them in casual wear next time we we don't do a drinking episode ever, because none of us want to do one ever again, we'll do Bud Light. We should do a high episode, and I'll just nap. It'll be a lot of Kyle ruminating on things
Starting point is 03:47:59 and me trying to like, uh-huh, uh-huh. And it'll do that thing where it's like, yeah, I had a joke like three minutes ago and i'm still mulling over like regret for not having said it what's he talking about now all pretense and bring my bpap for this oh my god it's like you're in a hospital bed zach will you show us a picture of gorlock the destroyer show us a picture of gore lock the destroyer now i was watching anything about this is i like to watch your thing yeah i like to watch um those those silly podcasts where women say silly things
Starting point is 03:48:33 and uh this is gore lock the destroyer she they asked her to describe herself i think she said she was a bad bitch and and she just kind of goes on about um just just really full of herself i really hope you have a picture because you got to see it. It's, it's not funny. What podcast is it? Like what? I don't know.
Starting point is 03:48:50 It's just the women sitting around talking about Gorlock. The, the decimator. It's the destroyer, the destroyer decimated better. Oh, there's too many people on a pot. Whoa.
Starting point is 03:49:00 There she is. You found her. Oh, I've seen her before man this episode was so fucking i don't i like she's gonna grind your bones to make bread she's like talking about like you know in high school when you just throw on any little cute little dress and just go to go to school and the the's making side eyes at her and shit the whenever she says something that's like an obvious i don't know troll um no one intended podcast i assume we're
Starting point is 03:49:33 looking at is it called whatever the whatever show zach can you zoom out i think the previous picture okay so um there's what happens is this every show is about the same you have this guy who's a podcast host and he is a professional communicator right like this is what he does and he makes his point and he often has these stats and studies and stuff at his disposal and then he brings on these girls they're from only fans typically and he tells them they're making life mistakes that like yeah you're kind of rocking with it right now when you're 22 when you're 30 you're going to be alone you're going to die get a cat you suck and uh all the girls just get smashed with their long-term negative life decisions in this and i don't know how he finds more guests i don't they agree they're happy to come on for the exposure but if you had like a podcast where you just verbally and
Starting point is 03:50:28 physically beat up on 50 year old ex-gamers and i watched this week after week and then i was invited i would say no thank you right like you're tired so what they i bet i don't know but i bet they say something like we get 10 million impressions per podcast when it's chopped up, and I bet it's more than that. They give them impression numbers, and they're like, these girls are all social media whores of one kind or another. Most of them, maybe the majority, have OnlyFans, but all of them have Instagrams that they're making money off of.
Starting point is 03:51:03 So it's a huge deal for them to come on his show and maybe come off well you know gorlock ain't picking up no only fans i don't think i'm not i'm not only fans but i bet i don't fucking know man that was rough she does but uh you know they might look like fools but potential customers out there might see them as fantastic like yeah what you've sucked over 400 dicks and slept with 100 guys? Do you realize how hard it's going to be for you to find a good man with that
Starting point is 03:51:31 track record? What men are looking for, he would say, is a subservient woman with low mileage. But if you're like a sugar daddy or something and you're like, oh, I could get that, then maybe this is effective advertising and they're smarter than I'm giving them credit for. I can't stop thinking about that woman's body shape.
Starting point is 03:51:53 Yeah. Small tits. Did you notice that? I did notice that. That's tragic. That Grease's gold tooth looking bitch. Yeah. That's a good reference.
Starting point is 03:52:03 If Zach could show us grease this gold tooth that'll get a real laugh out of everybody i promise um but it's uh oh my goodness look how big see like look at her body shape there she's like oh my god oh my god i just found it that's danny devito she's shaped like danny devito she is no i'm gonna go back to an argument i made three hours ago i think if you push that woman over, she doesn't get hurt. She just rolls. Yeah, she rolls. She's young and spry.
Starting point is 03:52:28 Yeah, I don't think she could. And I hate to be a hater. Like, never mind. I'm not going to give her a hard time. Oh. If it gave you pause. There's Grease's gold tooth. He rides around in a wagon because he's immobile.
Starting point is 03:52:43 And in his left hand, you'll notice that's a big hunk of meat. It's a big leg of something. Probably a lamb. He often says he's too rich to walk. Because he has everybody else carry him. Very cool. Too rich to walk. You have to be like a Saudi to be that rich
Starting point is 03:53:00 in the real world. Remember that one guy who was he got to about 800 pounds in saudi arabia this was about 20 years ago he's not alive and they had to i'm sure they had to they had to cut the side of his house out and get it and then he was kind of like waving on the back of a flat bed like he was you know the sole member of a parade yeah Yeah. They're throwing candy. They're throwing candy at him, though. What gets lost in that is
Starting point is 03:53:29 the pooping. How does that happen? It gets lost, all right. If you're immobile like that, are you just pooping in place? You have to be. He couldn't move. I think Boogie maybe told us,
Starting point is 03:53:44 somebody obese that we talked to us told us or i've heard it at least they talk about like having a long swiffer like squeegee attachment like like like a like a big stick with a whole bunch of sponges duct taped to the other end yeah and a bucket now zach can you pull up a fat person ass wiping device so we can take a look because you're right we have talked about this i don't remember if it was boogie bonus points if you show us a korean woman i have a motorcycle remember that that air uh there was the story of like the the guy who forced the airline lady to wipe his ass and he was oh yeah yeah he was like coming it looks like it's uh um what is the wet toilet paper called just wet wipes wet wipes thank you i lost it for a second it looks like wet wipes i don't see how that would work i need a sponge i
Starting point is 03:54:31 need something with a little i think it's go it's like a belt loop i bet in there i bet it's like going in and then coming out like a fish hook that like how do you get the shit off no you know what it is i bet that little i bet that plunger on the end is holding the TP in there with some pinch. And so you're supposed to wipe your ass and then hit the plunger. And it's supposed to drop it. Don't hit it twice, though. It'll pinch your asshole. I was starting to say, I have a motorcycle friend.
Starting point is 03:54:57 Dangerous. This happened in the spring or something. He broke both his arms. So he was in casts that held them like this. I was too polite to ask him how he handled pooping. I shit in the hot tub. It was me. Make somebody else clean that up. Yeah, I shit in the hot tub now.
Starting point is 03:55:13 You're just getting out. You're shitting into the hot tub and you're like, oh, it's all all over you. I'm just using the I shit in the hot tub and i'm covered in it you're still drying off and you're like this is disgusting who did this but you're clearly the only one that was in there and it's a hotel oh god damn you're not slipping dude if you need to shit in a hot tub
Starting point is 03:55:48 that's got to be one of the most awful things i jizzed in one one time and ruined the filter or something i caused some problems with it or something um but uh but but to shit in one that is truly repugnant it is but like you wouldn't even be shitting. You'd be leaning your ass over the side of it. No, no, no, no, no, no. I'd shit right. I'd get my ass over like so that the jet is sort of shooting perpendicular to my asshole, like sort of clipping it. And and then I just let her fly.
Starting point is 03:56:16 And I figure it, you know, I'd hop out immediately. Right. Because the pressure is going to keep me clean, though. Of course. Yeah. And then, you know, you have the lady that cleans the rest of the house come out with one of those skimmers.
Starting point is 03:56:30 She just skims it all out. She just skims it like it's a stir fry. She skims it all out. Oh, the dog got in there again, huh? Son of a bitch. Gross. I'm excited to watch that show from I really do
Starting point is 03:56:47 I really want something interesting season 2 on Plex just you know dropping hints oh god I gotta send that guy my fucking email sometime dude it kills me because Kyle will talk about like five cool movies from
Starting point is 03:57:03 1997 and then I look at like what been added, and it's all five. In order that we talked about them on the show, he's on everything. I'm sure Frum will show. Yeah. Well, I do recommend this show. I like it a bunch. I don't think it's like a fucking AAA title or anything, but it's better than just a background noise show
Starting point is 03:57:24 because they've paid a lot of attention to detail to i'm nitpicky i'll believe in wizards and aliens and ghouls and shit as long as you establish some rules and you stick to them and as long as you don't leave glaring plot holes like i said there's a part where a child gets hurt and he heals too quickly and nothing is said of it for a while and i was like the fuck dude that was a serious injury that kid took and then somebody's like man you're you're healing kind of fast huh buddy he's like i think people heal different here and then it's like all right that's all i fucking need it that's all i need it tell me people heal differently here and i can buy that his legs cool now and that he didn't die
Starting point is 03:58:01 just now holy shit because he should have if there's an aspect of magic it's easy to you know we'll see um part of the fun of the show and i still don't know so there's nothing for me to spoil but it's like man are they dead is this like a sci-fi type thing is this another universe that they fell into is this a religious type thing are those demons after them is god on their side is there an overseer like like watching through a glass like hologram like you don't know like what the fucking deal is how long is how many episodes are in the first season like 10 episodes like 45 50 minutes each you tore through nine hours of this show yesterday i started watching yesterday at like i don't know 8 p.m or something and i
Starting point is 03:58:45 stayed up like all night watching the show and then i got up today and polished off another four or five episodes or something wow all right well if it was that engaging i i'm so tired of only finding stuff that like i watched for 20 minutes and i'm like oh yeah this is like this should be squarely in background noise like this isn't even worth paying they haven't annoyed me yet they haven't annoyed me and it They haven't annoyed me. And it's, it's, it's easy to annoy me and lose my business as a viewer for whatever value
Starting point is 03:59:09 that has. I, there's a Star Trek YouTuber I loved. He referred to America as a death cult the other day. I was like, fuck you. Did he call us the great Satan? Yeah.
Starting point is 03:59:21 He called us a fucking death cult. It's a gun thing, right? Yeah. Yeah. And then he said something else that I also didn't like. I can't remember what it was, but it was also like... Anti-gun people are calling
Starting point is 03:59:32 the Second Amendment a death cult or suicide cult or something. Well, they better hope I don't start thinking about their freedom of speech as a speech cult or anything. I'm with you. I'm pro-gun. Guns are great.
Starting point is 03:59:47 I recognize that probably lots of guns lead to more gun shootings. It's why. I'm not going to deny that. I'm not going to be some crazy guy who's like, you know what? It's really not about guns at all. No, no, no. Lots of guns around. All about guns. Lots of guns around
Starting point is 04:00:03 make shootings more common but lots of cars do like lots of car crashes too like nobody nobody's talking about stricter vehicle registration after that dude plowed into all those people last week with yeah one of them's a hot button political issue the other one's not nobody's fucking with the nstca or fucking ford motor company what's the nstca the national highway traffic safety association did i get that right i think i'll go with it something like that i used to quote that real real fast to people to trick them into buying cars oh yeah she actually says this and then this traffic they do the traffic ratings the like 35 mile per hour impacts and shit from the side and stuff like
Starting point is 04:00:39 that's where the ratings come from the trick what kind of fucking rubes falling off an apple cart were you selling cars to that you could quickly say the National Highway Safety and Traffic Administration? Well, I could tell. Hell, this gentleman knows all of my bears. I know acronyms, and I know all sorts of lies that I could tell. And you wouldn't be able to call me on them, or I'd make you look like a fool in front of your wife.
Starting point is 04:01:01 I know just as many lies. Yeah, those fan belts were made out of fucking Kevlar. Kevlar, like a fool in front of you. I know just as many lies. Yeah, those fan belts were made out of Kevlar. Like a bulletproof vest. Yeah, they're like, no, they're not. Actually, I installed that belt last week, sir. I know for a fact it is. What are you going to do? Test it? You'll see.
Starting point is 04:01:20 You want to test this Volvo fan belt? You're going to get a car today, sir. What's it going to be? I don't know if it's still the case, but those highway safety ratings were bad. They were poorly done. Maybe I had the suspicion Taylor knows about this too, but what they do is they'd crash the car into a wall and see how the car fares.
Starting point is 04:01:37 The problem is that really only matters if you're crashing into a wall. If you do something like a smart car and crash into the wall, it might be okay. But if a smart car and an F-150 hit each other, a smart car does far worse than it would with a wall. It gets pushed backwards. And the collision-like things, they don't take account for that, the safety ratings.
Starting point is 04:01:59 You know what I love? They don't test for women's bodies, only for men. I'm fine with that. I love that. As it should be. Because what the fuck is she doing behind the wheel of a motor vehicle? Ha ha ha.
Starting point is 04:02:12 I hope your brother gave permit. A woman's ovaries were never meant to travel over 30 miles an hour in the extended period of time. A woman's ovaries. They used to think your cervix would just fall right out of you if you got above 30 feet.
Starting point is 04:02:29 Get out from behind the wheel of that automobile and get to your doctor for fingering. You're losing your mind and you must come. Go to your doctor. Vibrating seats for when women first start driving. To be in a doctor in like 1878, it's like, ma'am, you're terminally horny. I've got to take care of this for you. You know, they're coal powered little steam vibrators.
Starting point is 04:02:55 I saw this thing about how women weren't getting good medical care, that they basically treated them like men with a hormonal deficiency. And I thought, and I don't know know i still don't know if i'm wrong i'm like isn't that like mostly right i mean unless we're talking about reproductive organs or something like that but if you're operating on a woman's trachea isn't she basically a man with a different hormonal balance if you're operating on a woman's broken ankle like do we need to treat them so differently than men what's the big difference yeah like i think they were talking more about like female care specifically being neglected right i agree with you i think ankles are ankles but now the thing i was talking about really what
Starting point is 04:03:36 they hyper focused on was that like women will say they're in pain and they're like not treating their pain as seriously because women might be more apt to say, owie owie, this hurts. That's actually not true in my family. Like Jackie, for example, is very good with needles and pain in general. So she's learned. I feel like I don't know. Actually, I heard redheads feel more pain. It's true.
Starting point is 04:04:04 Yeah, I don't know about that i've always been interested by that because it's like other than just other than anesthesia being different what else is because like that is a thing that redheads need more anesthesia i've heard that yeah and apparently that's semi-combatant is it because anesthesia is less effective on them or because their pain tolerance is. See, that's, that's what, thank you for articulating what I failed to like. That's my question as well.
Starting point is 04:04:30 Yeah. And, um, potheads need more anesthesia. Absolutely. We do load me up. I probably need a fuck ton at this point. Just all this legal weed.
Starting point is 04:04:41 Give me milk. Is pothead an insult? Yeah, it's a derogatory, but I don't mind. You can call me a ninja if you want. It doesn't bother me a bit. It's kind of like that. We're friends, so you can call me a pothead, but you
Starting point is 04:04:57 won't be like, yo, potheads! They beat you up. They're a violent group. Potheads are not a violent group at all. If you're on their turf, especially, I've heard. They say, get out of here. That's all they say.
Starting point is 04:05:14 That's all they say. I was looking for a counter thing. That's it. That's all I got. Get out of here, clean urinator. Get out of here. Hey, piss off. I'm sorry. I'm a marijuana enthusiast. Although I haven't had actual marijuana and I don't even know how long.
Starting point is 04:05:32 Cause I'm just enjoying these death by gummy vape cartridges. That just gets you all, just gets you zooted. I'm sure. Send you to a scary lands, but it cracks me up that this is true on Reddit. There is a subreddit called trees for reasons i don't understand marijuana enthusiasts call their plant a tree maybe maybe it is i don't know um but that
Starting point is 04:05:53 left tree enthusiasts without a subreddit so like woodworkers and stuff have a subreddit called marijuana enthusiasts and if you have like a two by four that's been cross-cut you can post it on there and be like is this a douglas fir or pine and the marijuana enthusiasts are actually tree experts and they'll do that and the tree experts are actually marijuana enthusiasts and they'll send each other the correct subreddit because it's the opposite of what you'd expect that's funny a couple examples of that i think there's something one of the political ones is like um anime titties i think is the is is the really good political subreddit where they don't allow any biased bullshit.
Starting point is 04:06:28 If they try to keep it a secret, go to AnimeTitties. It's a great political subreddit. Not even kidding. Not sure how to spell anime. A-N-I-M-E T-I-T-T-I-E-S I think it's just AnimeTitties. I could be wrong about that. I don't go there. I go to ARC
Starting point is 04:06:43 and serve before they mean business. That's where the memery takes place because the other subreddits all got banned. All the Donald subreddits it seems like. There's a couple of them but they don't con you. Okay, I totally fell for Kyle's thing, hook, line, and sinker. These are all anime titties.
Starting point is 04:07:00 Oh, you know what? Girl after girl with the T-T-I-N-E. You know what I'm remembering now what i'm remembering now and if i'm wrong about this i'm sorry but i think what happened was anime titties for the longest time was exactly what is described and then recently they're like it's not gonna work anymore we're going to anime titties and they just actually started doing anime titties i think i read something about that uh zach showed that it was banned, but I spelled it T-I-T-T-I-E-S. I think that's the correct
Starting point is 04:07:28 way. You want the I-E-S. Yep. You want the I-E-S if you want to see anime. I wonder if you spell it with a D. This one's having sex, and she's a cheerleader. How old does she look? Aren't they cartoons? Don't answer that. Jesus Christ. She's not a child. 50 at least. She's not a child 50 at least she's not a child i've been fairy years none of these are underage looking girls that i'm skiing
Starting point is 04:07:54 yeah yeah i gotta stay away from that every now and then youtube shorts will be like here's two 12 year old girls lip sync into a fucking song. And I'm like, no, no, no, no. Why won't you send me people singing annoying songs in my list? I need to find people fighting.
Starting point is 04:08:13 That's not how 12 year old girls sing songs though. They don't sit there. They fucking put on like sexy clothes and dance. That's what girls do on, on, on the internet. Taylor, all of them.
Starting point is 04:08:23 That's what they all do. Well, then they, then their parents should probably be aware of this. You've never been on Tik TOK and seen the girls. We. All of them. Then their parents should probably be aware of this. You've never been on TikTok and seen the girls be like, well, every human being on TikTok who sings along to lip syncs to a song and then shakes their ass
Starting point is 04:08:33 and makes a career out of doing that somehow? I don't know how you could do that on TikTok based on what people said about the money. I think that they show you most of the ass and then they send you over to their OnlyFans where you get to see the rest. I think that's how you monetize that. That's how you grab them.
Starting point is 04:08:48 That's how you entice them. Business 101. There's that famous photo of the OnlyFans model and this ogre-like human being that's with her. And she's like, my best OnlyFans fan paid $10,000 to have a special hangout together. TT.
Starting point is 04:09:04 And they're like, but then the commenters are like, wait a minute, dude. have a special hangout together. TT. And they're like, but then the commenters are like, wait a minute, dude. They're in a hotel room. She doesn't have her shoes on and the bed is messy. Dude paid 10 grand. A fucker. And then like months later, I guess he saved up another 10 grand. And it's them again on another vacation.
Starting point is 04:09:26 Dude has lost significant amount of weight and like got a haircut and a shave he's like slowly but i want to see that third date $30,000 date yeah right like like you could tell like he's made his life's mission to to get with this and you know she's the only fan smile she's super hot whatever not like they all are or anything but that one must be rich or i think i think he's saving up you know 10k at a time and kind of living on rice and beans until he can get his hands back on that that internet model damn that's pretty pretty rough good for her though man i bet that's the life right yeah 10 grand well based on what you just said, having sex with a big, fat dude. Alright, let's
Starting point is 04:10:09 switch places, right? Big, sweaty, dirty girl wants to take you for a ride, cowboy, and she's gonna put you away wet one way or another. And it's $10,000 a night and she's gonna get her time, right? You gotta sleep in that bed with her and it's gonna stink. And she did not pull the correct move and get two queens.
Starting point is 04:10:26 One fucking twin there and there it is. Air conditioning's not working. She's just grinding, grinding into you and her pubic hair is just a little bit too long, so it's like sandpaper. And you shaved your dicks and her acidic vaginal juices are like burning the root of your
Starting point is 04:10:42 dick root where you shaved and you just want it to end, but it won't. It won't because because she's just she's got that desensitized are you having a ptsd moment right now he's just riffing this isn't a memory at all no i mean she doesn't even pay you and then you find out that it was 10 000 doll hairs those were fish bucks apparently because they're not real yeah yeah that'd be a little different you'd be okay with that though like like i don't know if you're bringing 10 000 home a night like you could suffer through a big old nasty sexual experience oh ten thousand dollars absolutely i mean i've been with some women and like halfway through
Starting point is 04:11:24 it been like god God, I want this to be over with. You just go to your happy place. And you didn't even get $10,000. You were out $200. I didn't get anything. Well, you guys want to call it a show? Yeah. Real quick, Hurricanes won. Next round.
Starting point is 04:11:40 Go Canes! Hurricanes in five. Told you. PKA 647.

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