Painkiller Already - PKA 702: The First Felon President, Human Zoos Were Real, George Washington Carver Exposed

Episode Date: June 1, 2024


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Starting point is 00:00:00 P.K.A. 702. We've had two guests. Quickly, last minute, unable to make it. Well, to be fair, one of them's a drug addict, and we didn't expect him to be, you know, awake. Well, awake. He's always awake, but, you know, functional. Our second guest was going to be a meth head, but he has a colonoscopy tomorrow,
Starting point is 00:00:21 so he'll be on the toilet cleaning out his system. And I just didn't see, like, preventative medical care being the reason that a meth head would miss the show. I would love it. We can't let that one slip past the goal. We have to get the meth head on. The audience demands it. I demand it. It's his fourth colonoscopy this year.
Starting point is 00:00:41 This episode is brought to you by Lock and Load and Blue Chew. A couple of wonderful, wonderful sponsors. That would be a funny guy who is addicted to meth, alcoholic, eats pizza every day, and he only keeps up with his colonoscopies. That's it. Never goes to the dentist. Never gets his hair cut.
Starting point is 00:01:00 He's got a punch card. Eighth one's free. Eighth one's free. Free fentanyl. What do they give you? Propofol? I can never remember the free. I don't know why you think we know those drugs. Because you always tell me what it is.
Starting point is 00:01:12 We've done this before. We just want you to stop talking. Actually, Kyle. I don't know any of those drugs. Have you scheduled your first one yet? That's like years from now. No, I haven't scheduled. Like 40, 45, 50? Yeah, so years from now. No, I haven't scheduled. Like 40, 45, 50?
Starting point is 00:01:26 Yeah, so years from now. Years from now, two years from now. I mean, I'm only five years younger than you, and so I can already put myself in the 38, 39-year-old shoes where I'm going to procrastinate the hell out of my colonoscopy. It seems really unpleasant. I don't know. I've never had one before.
Starting point is 00:01:49 It sounds unpleasant, but it also sounds like a necessary evil, as they say. You know the dread in the dentist chair, knowing you're going to have to keep your mouth open to get your teeth fucked with? The whole night before the colonoscopy, you can't even distract yourself with food. Yeah, you've had one. You're not even supposed to. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:06 What do you've had when you don't even drink water, right? So they give you something to drink. It's more fluid than you want to drink. I don't know if it's an entire two liters or something, but you have to kind of muscle it down. It doesn't taste good. Then it makes you poop. And my dumb ass was like, well, how effectively can it make you poop? I mean, I know they want
Starting point is 00:02:26 me to poop, but we'll see how this goes. Oh my gosh. They have you Vaseline your anus because what's coming is going to be rough. I'm like, all right. Friction burns. It's not
Starting point is 00:02:41 gay. I can touch my own anus. It's cool, right? That's totally straight you gotta take care of your first time dude do not skimp on the vaseline that's an important part of this procedure you're going to poop like you've never pooped before it starts off just as you know like a hershey's quartz type thing with the volume and a and a pressure that you didn't know you had and uh then you just start like shooting blanks like oh my god i gotta go well i mean it was like an eyedropper what am I doing here
Starting point is 00:03:08 it's just like the liquid itself coming out yeah it is awful it's the pre-night prep that is the challenge some people say it's the taste of it but not me to me it was being tethered to the toilet rushing over there like you're gonna puke but poop and like you're gonna puke
Starting point is 00:03:24 coming up with just shooting blanks like you're gonna puke but poop and like you're gonna puke coming up with just shooting blanks like you are empty empty and i'm like you're you do colonoscopies for a living do i have to be this empty can we have a gentleman's agreement that there'll be something left in there but i guess yeah damn so it's like you probably feel like really good afterward though right not after the colonoscopy itself after all the pooping no i didn't no i i you know at this point i'm like up later than i want to be with kind of the knowledge that i have to get up early in the morning i hate being up at like 2 a.m knowing that my alarm is set for 6 a.m like so i'm dreading it even before the the bad part happens and um the colonoscopy itself is nothing you You go in there. They're all professionals.
Starting point is 00:04:05 They're not like, they make you comfortable being bottomless. And then they give me a drug to put me under. I guess not everyone goes completely under. Wings said he got his colonoscopy without being under, but I don't know. Why would he get one? Yeah, he's your age. I haven't verified the story or anything, but he did say he did it and that he wasn't put under, so I don't know.
Starting point is 00:04:28 And I Googled that because I thought it was insane, but apparently some people do it that way. But you go under, which is a glorious thing. I love the pre-surgery drugs, if you call it a surgery. And then I woke up not even knowing there had been a camera in my butt for an hour. But one thing I didn't like, I'm not a farter everybody is right every mammal is but you could know me for a decade and just think i don't do that right like like i don't i don't let them rip i don't i don't i don't fart
Starting point is 00:04:57 in front of my wife um like not that it's not that i've never made it i let one slip but that there's a little boundary a little border border there, a little mystery still left. But then you're on the recovery team. I agree, by the way. Different bathrooms, no farting. Yeah. You people who fart and piss in front of you. Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:16 All that shit. You people are gross. You're disgusting. I think we're in the minority. You don't have real interpersonal skills. Do we all agree on something? That's wonderful. Of course.
Starting point is 00:05:23 Taylor, you're that guy also? It's just, regardless of how long you've known someone, it's rude to fart and make other people smell your farts. It's rude. Just hold it or go to bed. I don't want you to hear it. I don't want you to know I did it. When I piss, I turn the sink on. I tell her to do the same.
Starting point is 00:05:40 I'm like, I don't want to hear piss. You don't need to hear the thing. That doesn't happen to me. I don't care. That's my objective. I'm like, I don't want to hear piss. That doesn't happen to me. I don't care. But post-colonoscopy, you're on a table laying on your side. My wife is there along with like three nurses all telling me to pass gas audibly
Starting point is 00:05:56 so that they know what happened before they release me. This is like, to me, that is one of the worst parts. Can everybody sing or something? They want to be like alright that was pretty good I think you can rip a better one before we let you go. And I'm like for real? What if you did
Starting point is 00:06:14 a little squeaker like and you hear the nurses laughing at you in the hallway? You had one of those little fart machines and you just kept this session going for hours you're just in there like i don't know it just keeps i don't know it's like he doesn't think we can see the tamagotchi in his hand
Starting point is 00:06:34 bright individual i know yeah i didn't like farting in front of everyone to prove my health that's fair that should be an honor system by the, it's not stinky farts. They've loaded you with air. It doesn't go through your digestion. It came in the bottom and out the same hole. Dude, if I had to take that water thing and I was shitting out years worth of shit, you'd be able to look at it like a sedimentary, like a paleontologist
Starting point is 00:06:58 and be like, oh yes, the great charcuterie war of 18. I don't think a morsel of fiber passed his lips for six eight months how the legend goes and that's why he's in here at 33 yeah well i don't i can't wait to not to not do that and to lie to loved ones that i did get it done oh yeah there's i i see um uh what's the opposite of compliment contradicting i'm going for studies on whether or not colonoscopies are actually useful so i cherry pick my studies and present to jackie that i don't need to do it and uh i guess there's another way to do it like a
Starting point is 00:07:38 blood test that i'm more happy to go with oh blood test it is that's way better yeah yeah yeah um but i can look in your ear here we can crack your skull open what do you want just look at my ear crack it open doc leave nothing you're not going to be able to drive yourself home or ever again i'm gonna need you to look at my duck but my butt doc because this is masturbation material for later yeah the Trump trial finally ended today guilty on all accounts although I'm sure there will be an appeal and then another
Starting point is 00:08:16 appeal and then we'll go to the Supreme Court and we'll overturn it and then he'll be president by then and he'll just expunge all of it anyway right when you heard about Trump being a 34-time felon, did it make you feel like a beta? Like a less of a felon? Was it only 34? Yeah, I think so.
Starting point is 00:08:36 I thought there were like 70 counts. To get to that, it's like 89 or 91. You have to add all his trials together. This one was only 34 of them. You know, if you're trying to make it look like you're not weaponizing the criminal justice system, or at the very least, if you're trying to make it look like we're all not conspiring to pile on at once right before an election, they have failed. They have failed.
Starting point is 00:09:03 The other thing that's working against Trump is he's guilty. We have his signature, along with Cohen's and Weisenberg's, on the payment schedules. We have his audio recording where he's like, yeah, we're going to pay off this whore I slept with. I'm paraphrasing.
Starting point is 00:09:19 Can we push it till after the election where it won't matter anymore? No, I'm not trying to influence the election. This is all about Melania's feelings. But can we stiffer? And then if she comes free, we don't give a fuck. He's guilty on all 34 counts. And that's working against him in these things.
Starting point is 00:09:37 Did the other trials. He was guilty too. Think about lying about the size of the properties, space, the comps. Again, the timing.'s uh after 70 years of this man probably doing the same shit oh it's real important that we have five three four five trials this year while he's campaigning and leading in the presidential election the timing argument doesn't hold up to me anymore because he's been delayed, delayed, delayed. We tried to do this shit years ago.
Starting point is 00:10:05 Like I've been hearing, oh, the timing is pretty suspicious for like 27 months now or something wild like that. You know, he picked the timing. That's all. He chose to push it off to the year of the election. He chose to be in court and all that. And like now by delay, he could have had these trials a long time ago, but he files frivolous motions. He tries to ask things to get delayed. He's the one pushing all this.
Starting point is 00:10:29 His objective was to make it after the election, but this one didn't get that far. All of this has happened in the lead up after him announcing I'm running again. That's what Kyle means by... That's actually incorrect. They were doing this before he let up he
Starting point is 00:10:46 announced extra early hoping that this would get the trials to not happen but they ought to already started yeah it still looks suspicious if you look at it through a lens like that then you'll find suspicion but it's been happening for years now this shit moves slowly and it moves double slowly when you try to delay it, which Trump has indisputably tried to delay it as much as he can. To me and seemingly Kyle, I won't speak for him. It seems like weaponizing the judicial system to punish a presidential political opponent leading up to an election and throwing everything in the kitchen sink at him to try and get something. Who knows if this is going to change, increase or decrease his popularity?
Starting point is 00:11:28 No one who was going to vote for him before isn't now not going to vote for him. I also don't know if this is going to influence people who weren't going to vote for him before to vote for him. Well, I know one person who can't vote for him anymore. You're wrong. He can still vote. Can he? How does that work? wrong he can still vote can he how does that work because in florida where he's from they defer to the place where um they defer to the place where the felony happened and in new york they let felons vote so he'll be able to vote in florida because new york lets felons of course they do yeah well i i didn't know that let you you need to move to new york
Starting point is 00:12:03 fucking neopal and cocksuckers. Bunch of fucking bigwig intellectuals up there. Yeah. Poor Donald. Poor Donald. I hope he's okay tonight. I hope he's with his loved ones and his family. I bet he's having a bad night.
Starting point is 00:12:18 I bet it looks like a Coca-Cola commercial from the 1930s. They're all gathered around the fire. He's sitting in his big armchair. Little children gathered around on fire. He's sitting in his big armchair. Little children gathered around on the floor by his feet. Little Donald Jr. and Eric and Tiffany and
Starting point is 00:12:33 what's the hot one called? Ivana? Ivanka. Ivana. Ivanka? Ivanka. Probably with a K. Jared Kushner's over there on the phone with Israel. Perfect opportunity. When you said the hot one, I should have said Eric.
Starting point is 00:12:51 The actual hot one's barren. I can imagine Trump being like, this is a terrible time. I need my family around. Eric, just the other room. It's fine. It's a daughter that we can't even name. Unless one of you can name who's the ugly daughter tiffany oh kyle kate yeah you're right it is tiffany she's the one who i think
Starting point is 00:13:10 she's just not ivanka you know what she might even be pretty i'm looking at her from her awkward stage eight years ago yeah it's fun i saw trump talking about her looks and he's like she's got great legs we don't know if she's gonna have have these or not, but she's a good looking little girl. She's like eight or some shit. Is this Ivanka we're talking about? No, it's Tiffany. This is like a, you know, he loves
Starting point is 00:13:36 doing media. So it was probably like Inside Edition, one of those rag TV shows from like however long that would have been 15 years ago or some shit. remember i saw that one of the apprentice producers whose nda is apparently up claims that they've got trump on tape saying the n-word they always say that i'm waiting to hear it so i need to see the numbers because we heard that eight years ago and a little bit four years ago and now it's coming right after
Starting point is 00:14:01 the golden oldie is coming back again so what he said was this. They were talking about who was going to win The Apprentice. It's something very close to, but do you really think America is going to buy it? Do you think they think that a ninja can win? How close did I come? Pretty close. He was like, you think
Starting point is 00:14:21 anybody's going to buy that? A ninja winning? Get back. It was something on those lines. I bet when you hear it, black people are like, ah, that's cool. He meant it the other way. You think that? Black people know. When black people
Starting point is 00:14:37 hear you say the N-word, they can tell if there's hate in your heart. No, no. Black people do not like Donald Trump. They give you pats on the back i assume that's what they were yeah i spend all my time on facebook now and i get to see all the real photos of donald trump i saw him at a barbecue with a bunch of black guys everyone's so happy so happy they grew extra fingers and stuff like everyone's having a great fucking time they got squiggly eyes they're eating
Starting point is 00:15:01 they're eating square meats uh dude it's so funny seeing the ai pictures that that like so many boomers and like politicians fall for like it'll be like a real like congress person from new jersey and they'll be like look it's hunter biden partying in ukraine and it's like and it's like you don't even have to look at the hands like there's like women with multiple arms like that don't make sense coming out other people when i was in college actual boomers not me who's called a boomer but like actual boomers were like you could not use the internet as a source on your papers you know the internet is unreliable none of that stuff is good etc now those same fucking boomers believe people with nine fingers are supporting their favorite political candidates.
Starting point is 00:15:48 Yeah. Dude, do you remember, like, maybe, Kyle, you're at the same age-ish. Do you remember being told, like, don't even buy stuff on the internet? Don't even use a credit card online to purchase things because it'll get stolen by like a chinese hacker and then within like a decade all those same like literal boomers are like yeah well a guy with an indian accent named scott stevenson called me and told me my amazon account had a problem i gave him the title to my home and so frustrating to deal with that i i've so i know boomers who've struggled with it i um um like girlfriends grandparents and shit
Starting point is 00:16:33 like i knew this one lady um i think the scam was this they called her on the phone pretending to be her like her grandson um and then like pretending to be her grandson's lawyer. Because he's in jail. Yeah, he's on drugs. $10,000 to get him out or something. And they literally drove to her house and told her to put the money in the mailbox for the lawyer. And she put $10,000 of cash in her mailbox. And a dude drove by and took it and left.
Starting point is 00:17:03 And she's like, do you think you could track them down? And it's like, no, no. Not if we sicked the dog, got the dogs out, the hounds, fucking Sherlock Holmes, the A-team. And Captain America could not find that man who drove by your house earlier and took your money. Like, it was just gone, gone. You've got to feel bad for him a bit
Starting point is 00:17:26 it's a different world but then i also think about other boomers and it's like no one like my grandparents would never get got by that scam you know like so then i'll be like well i guess maybe it's just like really dumb boomers we're falling well i guess you going to have to stay in jail. Sorry. Sorry, Taylor. No, no. Every man's got to pull his own weight in this world. What's that, Taylor? You're in a Honduran prison? Well, you got to serve your time.
Starting point is 00:18:00 Do you remember your Spanish? No. When we cared for my mother-in-law on her last day, she stayed with us when she had cancer, like her last year or two. She wanted to give to every charity that asked for money from her like it was a bill.
Starting point is 00:18:18 Like, oh, it says here that I don't know, American Health Fund needs $300. All right, Neil, where's my checkbook? And it's like, no, no, no, that's not a bill. But I felt like, am I operating with a pure motive? Would she have done this three years ago back when she was, you know, more peak mental fitness? Or am I just like protecting the inheritance by making her less charitable?
Starting point is 00:18:44 No, you were doing the right thing protecting her from predatory male 100 so i think i think making her less charitable is fine as well because like she's dying um and and like like just look if the goal is for her to feel good about doing a charitable thing and sort of score some points for the man upstairs maybe even a little like i'm being good like just let her think you're being good and pocket the money, right? You know, there's a lot of charities out there that only take cash.
Starting point is 00:19:14 But I'm running over to them. That's what I should have done. St. Peter would be up there looking at her motives. I don't think he would get up there and be like, we looked at the financial data, ma'am, and you're going to be spending a little more time in purgatory. Yeah, you're saving her a lot of money.
Starting point is 00:19:30 You'll never get your wings because that's how heaven works. No one does. No one does as we've gone through before. I feel like you haven't seen It's a Wonderful Life. I have seen it. It's a documentary on how angels get their wings. Is that the... Oh, boy, I've got this awful voice, apparently.
Starting point is 00:19:50 Like, it's that guy. Is that where that old-timey voice comes from? Where he just kind of sounds like this and it warbles a little bit, doesn't it? That's it. Is that a variation of the transatlantic accent? No, that was just how Jimmy Stewart sounded. Isn't that his name oh people don't realize that i'm always having a series of strokes
Starting point is 00:20:08 all these damn actors and they smell like toast well anyway on the trump thing just to put a period on the end of that sentence there's two dates in june one is when he has to appeal and one is when the prosecutor replies to his appeal request or something like that and then in july is sentencing which i'm seeing people predict probation so that that's how i think yes until they do a new like round of polls how often is that like every month they do oh there's new polls every day but like a better question would be how long until the current polls adequately incorporate this news and i would say you know 10 days 14 days okay that'll be interesting to see yeah
Starting point is 00:20:53 i don't think it'll matter you think it'll matter i think that shit going on overseas is going to be more impactful than trump being found guilty for something that the average person doesn't even understand uh i don't think anybody cares. I think that most of the people are going to just see it and go, ah, still going after him, huh? Or, good, get him. What's it for again? Who cares?
Starting point is 00:21:16 Get him. I think you're onto something for a slightly different reason. America's so divided and set in their position. When Ross Perot ran and got 24%, something like that, slightly different reason like america's so divided and set in their position you know when ross perot ran and got 24 something like that people were more open like the swing vote was a big was a third of the voting base now it feels like the people who are deciding which direction they go every election i'm gonna make it up but it's like 5%, not 35%. So how much of that five switches? Heck if I know.
Starting point is 00:21:47 Yeah. I don't know. I think Trump is such a polarizing candidate. It's a little bit different. I think he had a more moderate conservative. I'm struggling to name one right now. Maybe Paul Ryan. I don't know Paul Ryan's politics, but maybe just good looking white man.
Starting point is 00:22:02 And he's more soft spoken and he isn't so hard edged and he doesn't have any negatives. That guy's can probably pull a lot more from the left or the center, but he certainly wouldn't have that die hard flag waving hardcore fan base. No one would be turning out for huge rallies for Paul Ryan or turning out to vote. Like, I feel like trump has inspired what was traditionally an unreliable voter base like you know that you can picture the overweight guy with the goatee the red hat and the mirrored oil stained sunglasses and the anger uh that guy didn't go to the polls very frequently prior to Trump. Now that guy is passionate about voting. He was fishing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:48 He can't afford his new bass boat because Biden's giving all of his money to Russia. It's true. It's true. He's just always giving Russia money. He is. Those Eastern Europeans, they're all
Starting point is 00:23:03 Greek to me. They're all Russians to me. You know what Slav, where that word comes from, right? Slav? No. Slave. Slave. They were one. You got the cart before the horse, right?
Starting point is 00:23:15 Doesn't slave come from Slav? Ooh. Probably. I don't really question Taylor's's word stuff yeah for the next time which which came first the the the the chicken or the egg yeah let's have a long discussion slavic people um i saw that that you can't say that now we with our awesome polish guy in our in our he didn't look Slavic, though. He's Slavic.
Starting point is 00:23:47 That dude was clearly Germanic ancestry. Did you see his proud brow? Come on. Did you see his proud brow, I guess? Yeah. And he looked fit, the way I imagined a Polish. I renamed him. He had a ridiculous name.
Starting point is 00:24:00 I picture Polish people, French people, and Italian people not being fat. Whereas I picture the United Kingdom probably being the fat of Europe, which still makes them marathon runners compared to us. Yeah, I don't know about that. I wouldn't be surprised if the UK is fatter than us. There's no way. There's no way. We're not as fat as we used to be.
Starting point is 00:24:21 We're getting all these spry brown people flooding in. From Mexico? Yeah. Mexico's the fittest country. You have to understand, Taylor. That's the Biden take on it, Woody, from Mexico. Yeah, Taylor, the Mexicans we're getting have just walked a thousand miles. They're thin and they're fit. They're not sending their thinnest.
Starting point is 00:24:38 They're sending big fat retards. They're sending fucking black people from coastal regions who are fucking spry that whenever they go to the border and they start interviewing the actual migrants and seeing where they're from it's so rarely mexico the mexicans are already here all the mexicans that wanted to come like came already it's it's places way further south or just europe africa or the middle east actually that's a good point i'm looking at this graph here that would make obesity observatory and africa is thin can you make it bigger zach please actually as with all these graphs africa just has nobody collecting
Starting point is 00:25:18 the data so that's probably what it actually i love that we don't even i wouldn't believe anything you told me if you said they were all like giant fat people built like Buddha sitting on thrones, I'd be like, yes, that ties in with my expectation. If you told me they were rail thin starving with bugs on their eyeballs, I'd be like,
Starting point is 00:25:37 yeah, I've seen that too. I've seen that. I've seen the sad videos that somehow just inexplicably make it in between two weird shows and adult swim it's like what is this doing going what's going on here okay so we're not actually number one but there's a caveat here it's it's because like the top nine are all tiny little samoan nations like all they're it's all the samoas so if we if we put them out pull them out of the out of the
Starting point is 00:26:07 the count the united states is 10 and then qatar but what are we ranking this is the obese by country and it is the global obesity observatory and they're very easy to observe let's see there yeah there's see. The observatory. The observatory. Just one weirdo. It's just assholes with a megaphone yelling at people. And whale watchers rolls off the tongue so much better. You know, I don't know if this is reliable
Starting point is 00:26:35 because it goes against some of my preconceived notions. And so, Croatia? Croatia's fat? Say it ain't so. I figured they'd be fit. Poland, they're fatter than Canada. Libya is fatter than the United Kingdom. Yeah, they need to, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:26:54 Who's funding this, hmm? Let's see, who's at the bottom? George Soros, no doubt. This is funded undoubtedly by big Ethiopia because they're down there at 200 with purportedly 1.1% of their country being fat. That makes sense.
Starting point is 00:27:10 They're very hungry there. Vietnam, very thin country. I buy that. India, only 5% of them are big fat people. Ethiopia, holding it down as the skinniest country. Who saw that coming? I didn't. I figured it was somewhere in that that corner you would think mogadishu honestly because they have like famines there yeah well that's just uh mogadishu is just the capital of somalia right
Starting point is 00:27:36 oh it's got to be the palestinians they're the skinniest people in the world i saw a kid today that had starved to death in pal, and he was so thin, Taylor. Dude, Twitter is just like, hey, we noticed that you've been liking hockey highlights. Here's a dead child. It's like, oh, this is a lot of dead kids. That kid shouldn't have voted for Hamas. You get what you're doing?
Starting point is 00:28:04 It's what he had coming for him. Well, I mean, yeah, a little bit, you know, like it's not about getting him. It's about winning the war though. I'm full on board with just winning the war. I don't want to, that's, the United States has done this pussyfooting around for my entire lifetime with these little wars we got in and we didn't win any of them really.
Starting point is 00:28:22 And Israel's like going to win a war. By the time this is over. The question will be, do you think Israel won the war? Oh yeah. Like no one questions that. Usually in a war, there's two armies.
Starting point is 00:28:36 Sometimes. I mean, they're still killing the army, man. They, and when they blew up that tent the other day, there was two leaders of Hamas. Sometimes two,
Starting point is 00:28:44 even upwards of 5 percent of the deaths are military people on the most charitable that's high i mean it depends how you calculate military people when we when we bombed tokyo it was like oh there's workshops sort of mixed in with all the people you know they didn't have that centralized shining example of america being assholes it's not the benchmark to hold people to. Being assholes? You don't think so? I was really going for Hiroshima when I said that. Why do you say that?
Starting point is 00:29:12 There were more people killed in the Tokyo bombing raids than in Hiroshima or Nagasaki. They burned them alive. You talk about indiscriminately killing anyone who's in the wrong place at the wrong time. Hiroshima is a good example. Yeah, but what they did in Tokyo is worse than indiscriminately.
Starting point is 00:29:29 They planned for weeks waiting on the weather patterns to be just right to create a firestorm, and they dropped the incendiaries in such a way to create a giant firestorm and burn a huge percentage of Tokyo. What did they do? They either took something out of the bombers so they could add more bombs. We could add 800 more pounds of napalm if you do this. I'm aware of your argument
Starting point is 00:29:51 and I acknowledge the strength of it. Intellectually, I'll even concede, but something emotionally about dropping a nuclear bomb on a city feels just an extra layer of indiscriminate for me, again, again emotionally the calculations were we were going to lose a million uh u.s servicemen uh on the the invasion of uh the main japanese island
Starting point is 00:30:13 and the russians were coming from the north as well eventually so if we didn't end that war then you were going to end up with south japan and north japan and north japan was going to end up with South Japan and North Japan, and North Japan was going to be communist. That's what really happened, and you'd lost a million Americans. So I always celebrate when I see that. There's this cartoon where they show the kids eyeballs turning into liquid in slow motion and stuff, and I'm like, yeah. We all celebrate that, yeah. You should have surrendered weeks ago. What cartoon is he watching?
Starting point is 00:30:43 It's this Japanese cartoon about the nuclear bombings. Oh, okay. It's more of an anime. You know our normal cartoons, Taylor. America was going hard in the paint with their propaganda, if that's the cartoons they were making at the time. Look what we're doing to the Japs. And also, their military industrial base was intermixed with...
Starting point is 00:31:04 It's not like they had this big factory over here and like, Oh yeah, that's the fucking Mitsubishi factory. That's where all the bombers come from. And it's all in the outskirts of the city and it's big square building. They had all these workshops like mixed into the every, there weren't districts as much as everything was just sort of mixed together.
Starting point is 00:31:20 So there was be a house here and next to it, there'd be a shop that was making wheels for airplanes. And then next to that, there'd be another house here and next to it there would be a shop that was making wheels for airplanes. And then next to that there would be another house. And then checker patterned everywhere. So they just burned it all. To your point, some stuff has a lot of purposes. I watched the airplane show. I can't remember the name
Starting point is 00:31:36 of ever. The way we were? I don't know. Did he put it out shortly ago? Anyway, they were doing bombs and they're going after ball bearing factories. And they said, you know what? The war runs on ball bearings. Yeah, so do bicycles and strollers, but I can still
Starting point is 00:31:51 acknowledge how you'd call it a military target. In the Japanese, we're going to fight. The scariest thing to live next to if it's getting blown up, a ball bearing factory? It's just a whole factory claymore. Yes. I didn't think of that is that is a problem and the japanese were going to fight man well just another horrible day at the ball bearing factory
Starting point is 00:32:16 oh no make that whistle sound? Is that a real thing? Yeah, we talked about this. They put whistles on the bombs to scare people. Probably not like a nuclear bomb. I can't remember that. I imagine that is...
Starting point is 00:32:33 I imagine the whistle was being for small bombs. That one blew up at altitude anyway, so they wouldn't have heard it coming in. Did Japan hold a grudge for that long at all? I bet they did, but I feel like they got Tokyo firebombed and they took three days off and they took like three days off and they're like well that's a rebuild yeah yeah they got right to rebuilding it it's crazy
Starting point is 00:32:54 um then america came in with the plan on how to rebuild their economy and they're like yeah we trust you you're pretty good at economics they're like oh yeah you guys are the ones with the bombs you just well they kind of followed it they tried to they almost went communist i think in the 60s there was a there was a big movement and that's when you've got that you've probably seen the video but maybe not known the whole context of when there's a japanese man speaking on stage and some dude runs at him with a i don't know what the word it's called like a waza kishi or something it's the short sword that they carry, you know, the samurai carry two swords. The little one. He runs
Starting point is 00:33:27 on stage with the little one and kills the fucking communist speaker on stage live on Japanese television. Everybody was watching and that kind of put an end to the Japanese communist party. It's like an iconic picture. The commie politician is like,
Starting point is 00:33:43 oh, don't stab me. and then the other guy's like i'm gonna stab you well i came here for one purpose it was to stab your pinko ass pretty much yeah um so no i i'm okay with what whatever is there's got to do to win the job um and and win the war but you know it's what they need to do tense with whatever Israel's got to do to win the job and win the war. It's what they need to do. That's where the bad guys are. We bomb tents. We bomb caves. We bomb goat herders.
Starting point is 00:34:16 We send trillion dollar battle groups. This is worse than the wedding we bombed. I've heard you guys both disapprove of that. This isn't worse than that. This is different than that. Big time. The wedding, it was like, we think there's a terrorist. They like tripled up the number of innocent deaths compared to that wedding.
Starting point is 00:34:31 I don't see how you can dislike the wedding part and not see. It's pretty similar. Oh, I don't see it parallel. There's a war zone over there. We were like, hey, there's a wedding tomorrow. This was the place where the resettled people had to put up camps
Starting point is 00:34:48 because they're homeless now. Why would their military generals be there in that camp? They shouldn't be putting people in that kind of danger. Don't they know we're going to blow them up? Is that how you parse? Are there military generals in that camp?
Starting point is 00:35:03 Yeah. They called them senior Hamas members. Senior Hamas members. Yeah. I mean, sure. Yeah. All right. Well, heck, if Israel said there were some senior Hamas leaders mixed into the refugee camp, then I'm sure it's true.
Starting point is 00:35:22 That's what they said last time they blew it up, too. They never say, say ah we missed they're like they're like wow we were hoping there wouldn't be so many people in them yeah a lot of war is pr and especially on a global stage and so like any sort of bomb you drop you have to you know if there's that's counterproductive though it shouldn't be that way that's not what war is i think we've forgotten what war is i mean i don't know what war is but i've watched enough tv and read enough books to know what war was. The wars that got fought for all of human history, as long as we've been a thing. And you don't Nancy pants around and civilians die and women die and children get blown up and eaten.
Starting point is 00:35:58 Like it's war. That's why you try to avoid war at all costs. Cause when war happens, children get eaten. Like we're going to burn you alive. We're coming for you with a machine that burns you alive. You really want to do it? Are you sure? You do. We're coming. And now you're burning alive. You're like, oh, they're burning alive. We've got to stop. Why? They'll just regroup. We'll have to burn more of them alive. Burn them alive. Get it over with. Just get it over with. It's a Band-Aid situation. We shouldn't be building a $400 million dock that broke apart in three weeks or something like that. It was a temporary dock.
Starting point is 00:36:30 Three weeks is what the plan was. An unbelievably temporary dock. It's so temporary before it was even finished. Did you see our estimates on how much of our aid was stolen? No. For an aid being pilfered and stolen?
Starting point is 00:36:44 That can't be true. Our estimate was 90% of it was stolen no it's a huge foreign aid being pilfered and stolen that can't be true our estimate was 90 of it was stolen of of the stuff they chipped along this is three hundred palestine i assume israel yeah okay and and i'm wondering who stole it because when i picture when i when i imagine palestine the news just shows me it's just rubble and starving kids yeah but there's got to be some dudes in there with guns and shit like holding it down there's hostages still there there's there's an apparatus there they they shot rockets at israel last week nobody cares like you know they shot a bunch of rockets into central israel last week i i just think they should win the war i'm tired of
Starting point is 00:37:20 us funding the war but i don't want to drag it on for eight years nancy footing around or whatever you want to call it just do it do it i mean they are doing i don't have a better answer that's my problem you know what i want i want peace i want a two-state solution where they all chillax and stop hurting each other yeah okay we've been talking about that since long before i was born and that was a long time ago so so my vision hill dog was talking about this the other day and made more sense than i've ever heard her making her whole fucking life because trust me she's on my side on this issue she was like i believe she was talking about when clinton her clinton had like yasser arafat and everybody at the table and she listed what they
Starting point is 00:38:02 she was like they got this much of their land back israel was going to give up this much of their land it was going to be like ran by this overlooked by that security guaranteed money from here and she like lays out this incredible plan where it's like oh the palestinians won in the 90s and i never heard about it she's like and they said no they refused they refused and that was was one of the crowning like efforts of Bill Clinton. And I've talked many times before about how some leaders, president, corporation, whatever, are like the smartest guys in the room. They come with all the answers and sort of are detail oriented. And they make the organization doesn't function well without them, but it functions well with them. And then other people who can be equally effective just delegate delegate put you all right you're
Starting point is 00:38:49 my guy for this you're in charge of middle administrators bill clinton was a doer and dude he would roll out the maps on the table and street by street decide which one should go to who and how it should be managed bill clinton was like a wonk involved in the details of that plan. And it just never got put into action. Can you imagine if we had nothing to do with this Middle Eastern ethnic conflict? Can you just imagine? Oh,
Starting point is 00:39:16 but Taylor, those poor Israelis could never defend themselves. They're helpless. They haven't had the most devastating army in the area for 50 or more years? Certainly not. They haven't been the only people with nukes for two generations. They've been under the thumb of those rock throwers for 80 years now, trying to stop the oppression. What was it called? Is it the Six Days War or whatever, when five Arab nations invaded them with tanks by land and the Israelis defended themselves? I think the Six Day War was
Starting point is 00:39:45 Egypt and Israel, right? In addition to Egypt, though, there were multiple Arab nations. The something heights is where they had that great tank. The Golan Heights. There you go. The Israeli tanks were on...
Starting point is 00:40:00 They had the high ground. To Kyle's point, primarily egypt syria and jordan okay three powerhouses i mean again i've heard of egypt no i've heard of egypt you know what i've heard egypt is in their heyday right now that would suck to be born in a country and be like, I mean, we can look back and be like, you know, America's like, we were at our peak, like right after World War II. Nobody could fucking touch us in anything. Like, imagine being Egyptian right now,
Starting point is 00:40:34 and it'd be like, oh, you know, don't come at me 7,000 years ago. You don't even know. You know, before the Romans, with their newfangled technologies bullied us and all that? We were a big deal. Library of Alexandria? I heard the whole idea of
Starting point is 00:40:53 so much knowledge being lost at the Library of Alexandria is nonsense. It'd be really sad for it to be true. So it's easier. They're always finding that various pieces of geometry and stuff were discovered way before. It was always find interesting that they'll find some uniform tab, tablet or something that,
Starting point is 00:41:12 that indicates they, they had some knowledge of geometry or, or, or astronomy too. When, when you look at the, those really old civilizations and they've got all that stuff built for astronomical or astronomy purposes
Starting point is 00:41:25 to predict the eclipses and stuff. I still don't know how they're doing that. I don't know how you look at the stars and predict when the next eclipse is going to be. Oh, I have no idea. I'm completely reliant on smarter people for this task. But those dirty fucking proto-Mexicans
Starting point is 00:41:41 with their flat pyramids figured it out. Proto-Mexicans. their flat pyramids figured it out. Proto-Mexicans. Do you think the Aztecs would have been embarrassed if they saw the Egyptian pyramid at the same time concurrently?
Starting point is 00:41:56 You know they were high on their own supply for how cool their pyramid was. When the sun sets, you can see a snake. You cannot see the sun behind my pyramid. Yes. My pyramid blocks out the sun. It is made to the sun. Were there many Aztec pyramids?
Starting point is 00:42:14 I know there were some, probably multiple. I don't remember if it was Aztec or Inca or Maya or what, but it was like those step pyramids. Ziggurats? Yeah, kind of like a ziggurat, except not nearly as big as the G step pyramids. Ziggurats? Yeah, kind of like a ziggurat, yep, except not nearly as big as like the Giza pyramids. I always say, what I said is a thing that like,
Starting point is 00:42:31 one of the unique things about them, when the wind blows, they make a certain noise. Like when the wind blows past the thing, it makes a noise. There's the other one where you clap, and it like reverts the clap back. And then when the sun sets on one of the equinoxes you see like an animal shadow like walk up the building or something on one of them so they did a lot of stuff like that but i think that pales in comparison when you look at the the giza yeah uh
Starting point is 00:42:58 pyramid that gigantic fairness they're both i don't think cool you know like they always say those are burial tombs or whatever i I don't even know what the fuck they are. I don't think they found people in the Great Pyramid. I don't think there was a mummy in there. Didn't they find Tut in a pyramid? I don't know. It was in a tomb, Taylor.
Starting point is 00:43:18 It was in a tomb underground, I thought. I don't think there was a mummy or a king buried in the Great Pyramid at Giza. I don't think that there was a mummy or like a king buried in the great pyramid at giza i don't i don't think they know isn't that theorized though that like they were but i mean thousands of years of bandits and thievery like everything's been looted out of it i don't think there's a tomb chamber though like like they don't i don't think so um is that just like hokum nonsense where they were like oh and, and the Egyptians, when the pharaoh died, his servants would be thrown in with him, locked in the tomb so they could serve him in the afterlife.
Starting point is 00:43:52 So that happening, they would do that. They would do that with they would like put your dog in there, your pets, like your favorite, your favorite fucking knife, like your favorite foods. They would set the place up like there was going to be a finger snap and everything in this room was going to be transported the afterlife like that black guy with the xbox yeah yeah yeah exactly um but that'd be a total asshole if i was like ah my favorite thing is my wife bury her with me yeah they do that honestly honestly she might be alive at this point she might be volunteering she might be like yes yeah like let's go oh dude i'd be like and bury me with the entire chicago blackhawks and then i'd you know i'd do a little bit for st louis and beyond the grave
Starting point is 00:44:42 some of these people are retired. I haven't forgotten. Patrick Kane being dragged screaming into my catacomb. Did you see that interview where they asked the, I think it was the GM of the Chicago Blackhawks just hockey questions? I didn't see that, no. Oh, they had no
Starting point is 00:44:59 idea who this guy was and they're like, do you like hockey at all? He's like, yeah, a little bit. And they're like, name your 10 like hockey at all he's a little bit and they're like you know name your 10 favorite players and he's like nine of them were black hawks like going back a bit and he obviously knew what he was doing it's pretty cool i think you'd you'd like it even though you hate the team oh yeah i would enjoy content like that off to try when gingus uh when gingus khan died they did that thing where they they killed all the guys who buried him and then then they killed all the guys that killed them. But how did we get this story?
Starting point is 00:45:30 Because I think someone was like, yeah, I killed the guys that killed the guys that buried him. I don't know shit. And then after he said that, they killed that guy. But the guys who heard it in the other side of the room, they told us. They told me. Yeah, it seems...
Starting point is 00:45:45 I don't know about this one. You always ask those questions, and it's like, because historians say so. Because historians... He's a skepticism. He's a bit of a flat earther. He doesn't believe it unless you saw it. It's all... I feel like...
Starting point is 00:45:58 No, I'm a hollow earther. You immediately become Mac being like, have you looked at the files? Have you combed through the documents? I think it's a real common sense question to ask to tell a story that's like, do you know that Genghis Khan's burial party was murdered by a secondary group? And then this secondary group
Starting point is 00:46:19 was killed by a tertiary group. And then this group themselves were executed to ensure the secrecy was upheld and it's like okay so who talked about it who wrote it down would they not immediately be like oh mr historian we noticed you wrote some stuff down can we take a peek and he's like no not for at least three thousand years they were burying it like like like medical studies. No, you can't look at this until, you know, the year 2000.
Starting point is 00:46:48 Well, they never found it. Nonetheless. Ah, well, is anyone looking? I mean, probably not.
Starting point is 00:46:58 He's somewhere over there in Mongolia. I would imagine, right? Mongolia is a pretty country. That would be, if I, if I wanted to travel to asia japan would be neat because of how many people there are and all their cool vending machines and technology
Starting point is 00:47:11 and then mongolia seems almost like untouched right to you you don't have to go to japan find a vending machine no i do okay i have to go it to go. It's probably like seafood on the coast. It's just better. That's what you get. You get fresh Japanese panties right out of the vending machine. And then afterward, you get yourself a Sprite Zero Chill. I struggled with the exchange rate in Japan. I should have just put a minute into it so that I knew how much I was spending all along.
Starting point is 00:47:43 But the exchange rate is like $33,000 to $1,000 or $16,000 to 000 to 1 or 16 000 i don't know it's something you don't bump into all the time so you get your bill for like hotel omelet and it's 66 000 yen and you're like i don't know i haven't paid 66 000 anything for a while is this even a lot i'm not sure yeah it was it was it was that's a funny like realization in the lobby where they're like oh no sir yeah exchange rate is uh eight thousand yen to uh one dollar and you're like oh these are some expensive eggs like it was like 37 dollars for the buffet is that two two eggs? This is two, right? Oh, my. I remember the last time I was in a casino, I was so assaulted by the prices that when I finally got out of there and got to the gas station down the street and bought coffee for the morning, I was shocked that I got changed from my 20.
Starting point is 00:48:40 I was like, really? You told me that coffee was $2. You're crazy. I just paid $18 for oatmeal. You don't even know what they do to you up the street. Can you tell me, does Vegas do the opposite? Because I told they are.
Starting point is 00:48:57 Lobster and steak dinners are $7. No. I don't know anything about that. If you were on some sort of fucking like being taken care of the casino thing maybe but but the um the buffet is like and this is like years ago like eight years ago the buffet was like 70 to 100 and it would but it's like the best buffet ever it's like all you can eat filet mignon and lobster and And then, you know, everything that goes with that, you know, I love the buffets.
Starting point is 00:49:30 Like you can go online and look up reviews for the best buffets in Vegas or the best. And there'll be a top 10 list of heavy hitters. And every one of them is amazing. And some of them are cheaper than like unlimited food good food and you're like what kind of vacation focuses on the meals and then you do it and you're like ah now i get it yeah yeah that cruise ship food is top notch yeah i i watch one of those travel channels where he will go to like thailand and and he'll find the maybe the cheapest oh he did the cheapest buffet in town and then the most expensive buffet in town and the cheapest buffet was awesome he's like you
Starting point is 00:50:12 give these people 78 cents and you get this bowl and you do whatever you want it was like outside on a street corner but it was just so much food for 79 cents or whatever it was and then the other one that was like a couple hundred dollars was five-star dining really fancy schmancy and cool too shit like that if you don't speak the language or know the culture is dangerous like i i was getting smoothies in mexico and i'm like oh that fucking red one looks dope we all know what red icy things taste like it's delicious and filled with sugar right no it's made with beets and it's like good for you it's awful and i'm just getting surprised at mexican food some being great some being terrible left and right
Starting point is 00:50:56 yeah dude i'm i i was surprised that you wanted to go down to mexico out into the wilderness there like mexico to me is one of those countries where you stay on the beaten path. Like when Taylor went to Jamaica or when I, when people go to Costa Rica or somewhere like that, it's like, yeah, we stay at the resort that we don't go outside of it. It's a,
Starting point is 00:51:16 you know, it's an impoverished nation, right? I collect life experiences like that. One of my highlights from that whole trip, like it wasn't the flying. I enjoy my time with friends and stuff, but was i was tired i was hiking it was about 8 000 feet altitude in this part of mexico and i had just gone like two and a half three and a half hours
Starting point is 00:51:36 through the woods with my wing and all this like shit on me and i didn't have enough water i was out of water at this point and this dude pulls up with three passengers on his motorcycle it was his wife his son and then his infant child what the fuck and he's like you need a ride and i'm like i feel bad like with your wife son and infant just like standing and yeah drag me he's like they can wait so they all get off the bike and wait in the woods in a dirt road while he takes me to a place where I'll bump into like taxis and stuff. I'm more populated. That guy never went back. No.
Starting point is 00:52:14 He was kidnapping those people. Yeah. I tipped him. It wasn't like a tremendous. It was like $25 or something. That's fair. Damn, that's a year's salary. Dude, 25.
Starting point is 00:52:23 Like, I bet it fed his whole family that night. That's what they were hoping for. I can get a rotisserie chicken here for like $9 now. Do you guys ever get those? Do you ever go into a store and buy nothing
Starting point is 00:52:40 but a rotisserie chicken? I'll order it. I feel like you're outsmarting the system because i've said before that's a lost leader product no one makes money on those i get them delivered oh well you're already paying through the nose probably no it's it's still a good deal like like some every now and then i'll it'll work out where they're giving some sort of like spend 20 and get 10 off and it's wait, are you just giving me free food?
Starting point is 00:53:05 It just, but the chickens are always the way to go. I'll take those and make soups and stuff like that. I love those rotisserie chickens. They're $6 at the grocery store right next to me though. Oh damn, yours are even cheaper. That's how you avoid that like shrinkflation of fast food places is go and get lunch at like a Publix deli.
Starting point is 00:53:23 And it'll be, you can get like 20 hot wings and a big gigantic fry for eight dollars or something like that it's still cheap at the grocery store that is interesting that like that's what so like you see so many people concerned with that of all things like they're not even talking like their first example of inflation isn't like hey look at the stuff at the store. The stuff at the store is getting pretty fucking wild, especially in the meat section, which it is. They'll be like, this meal was $4.99 in 2017 at Taco Bell. Now it's $11.29.
Starting point is 00:53:58 And it's like, okay, like I got a real good first tip. Don't eat at Taco Bell as like a regular occurrence. Like that's already like fast food is like not cheaper than just buying stuff at the store. It used to be. It used to be like, oh, one of the reasons poor people are fat is that poor people food is cheap, but fattening. Now McDonald's is expensive. Yeah. Now it's like McDonald's is so pricey.
Starting point is 00:54:23 How about you just go buy some overpriced meat at the store? It's going to get you more meals than just the one at McDonald's. The way milk is priced at my local store is so infuriating. So I think
Starting point is 00:54:38 you get like a pint of milk for like $1.60. And I was like, okay, that seems reasonable. But then you could get a half a gallon of milk for like a dollar and 60 cents and i was like okay that seems reasonable but then you could get a half a gallon of milk for three dollars and 20 cents and i was like oh so much more more more milk that's it's four that's four pints but then you get a whole gallon for three dollars and 80 cents it's like i don't want a whole gallon i want it's gonna go bad but i i'm not leaving half a gallon for 60 more cents on the table so yeah i guess i'll take a gallon but then if you want the fancy schmancy milk if you want the grass felled fed milk then the half gallon that's got
Starting point is 00:55:16 like the pretty cow on it that looks like glass bottle yeah they fourteen dollars a gallon it's fourteen dollars a gallon oh yeah dude the14 a gallon. Oh, yeah. Dude, the Fancy Man milk is so expensive. That's a little much. The Fancy Man eggs, they are getting bulled with the Fancy Man egg prices. If you want the regular white jumbo eggs, it's like two or three bucks
Starting point is 00:55:39 for a dozen of them, probably like three or so. If you want the brown, hey, our selling point is that we don't actively poison chickens right beforehand like it's slightly healthier it's like seven dollars i'm scared to ask what my milk costs i'm gonna yeah i get the uh the the nelly's i think the eggs are called nelly's i think it's the brand there's a brown cage free eggs but yeah they're like seven or eight bucks for a dozen. But when I saw that a half a gallon of milk was $7 or $7.50 or something,
Starting point is 00:56:12 I was like, that's just... This is scaring me. We buy the fanciest of fancy milk that comes in half-gallon glass jars and is delivered by a milkman to a cooler that they provided for us. She read it. I don't know. She typed back, it costs what it costs.
Starting point is 00:56:34 If you told me it was $18 per half gallon. I love it. She replied back, honey, we can afford milk. Don't worry about the milk. You let me worry about milk. She's not writing back. She left you on read. She left you on read. milk don't worry about the milk she's not writing back she's not writing back what if you're like see like a series of ellipses for like five minutes and then just disappear
Starting point is 00:56:52 there's no ellipses though nothing she's like let's get well i called our accountant how much do you think woody's fancy milk costs per gallon? I'm going to guess it's $10 a gallon. I'll say... No, it's got to be... No, I'm saying $15. I'm saying $15. I bet it's $7.50 per half gallon
Starting point is 00:57:18 glass jar or whatever. I want to say... I just heard her let the dogs out. She's moved on to other things. She ran for it. She's looking at it like this fucking guy with his got a question lately.
Starting point is 00:57:33 She's going to be like, how much is a Honda Goldwing? She said $4.58. It's probably a half gallon. That's less than I expected. Is that by the ounce? Because yeah, Oberweiss, which is like the glass one we have here, the half gallons are probably $9.
Starting point is 00:57:54 Like $8.99, $9. Which is a lot. You better love milk if you're paying that. Does it come in the multiple flavors too? Because the Sprouts near me has like, it's either Sprouts or Whole Foods has the glass half gallons of strawberry chocolate,
Starting point is 00:58:09 vanilla milk, custard, and then milk. I bet they do have it. I rarely buy milk. Every time I remember and I do get milk like twice a year, I'm always like, oh man, I love milk. This is great. and then i forget
Starting point is 00:58:25 about it again and i go back to sparkling fancy man water this is what we pay two dollars and 58 cents for a half gallon it's 458 but two dollars of that is the glass bottle that we get refunded when that's crazy that's cheaper than the cheapest milk at the store. I won't fuss. All right. Yeah. Maybe you got grandfathered in. That's possible. The old milk. You having a milkman makes me imagine one guy in his little outfit coming.
Starting point is 00:58:56 White outfit. Got the hat. He might be that guy. I know his truck is all milkman out. It's not some random box truck. It's got cows on it and shit. Every single day, he's sitting down in his little house with his wife, his little life, all milk manned out like it's not some random box truck it's got cows on it and shit every single day he's sitting down in his little house with his wife his little life and he's like and and lord i pray that you help my my children off at school and that you once again bless the woodworth
Starting point is 00:59:17 household podcast or whatever he does going strong lord i can't lose my last client we like that guy he they have um fancy pants soft pretzels soft pretzels are not a major part of my diet but after this show every single week i have a standing order for soft pretzels to be ready for me when i come downstairs and uh now we're on like gourmet soft pretzels that the milkman brings us how are we 10 years into this and we just it'll be like guys can we wrap the show up i got pretzels waiting my pretzels are getting hard on the counter down there spicy mustard you know that she puts upside down for me so it's ready to go.
Starting point is 01:00:07 Nobody wants a fucking stale pretzel, boys. I got to go. That's so funny. That's a standing order for pretzels. And that's a great treat. I love a nice soft pretzel. It beats the shit out of hard pretzels. I want you to come over.
Starting point is 01:00:21 When you're like, I like soft pretzels, then you like I like soft pretzels then you try my fucking soft pretzels you'll be an addict you'll be like charcuterie boards scooch aside baby well you know you can fuse both a lot of meats a lot of bread just fuel you up for the next day's workout man I haven't had a soft
Starting point is 01:00:40 pretzel and I can't I genuinely can't remember the last time it had to be like a theme park or a not even a movie i don't think i get those at movies i don't like them yes you do you liar they're all bread and salt bread and salt and they're hot and they're like crispy good too yeah i like the mustard i don't have any post uh post show rituals or anything i just try usually try to make my my brain stop hurting and uh and and lie in a dark room with a towel on my head that would be so funny if you're like
Starting point is 01:01:16 you get the vapors after just because you're so tired from sitting here talking it's not even tired it's just kind of like's just kind of like wired up too because I feel like I've just been kind of focusing for four hours to some extent or another and I just want to not do that anymore. I feel you. That's why I wind down after the show with the most stressful video game imaginable.
Starting point is 01:01:41 What game do you play? Don't worry about it. You haven't heard of it. Oh, cool. i figured probably not yeah man i want to who do you even call about getting a hard pretzel or a soft pretzel delivered to you i've been on doordash many a time and i've never seen a pretzel place i've seen cookie places that's what do. I'll have to ask my milkman. I'm going to have to stop the ice cream man and
Starting point is 01:02:08 inquire about his Rolodex of antiquated professions. I'll just ask my travel agent. You're a milkman and a pretzel boy and you treat women for hysteria with your magic fingers. I make wagon wheels yeah yeah i'd love a nice antiquated snack what a great job do you think that milk man no i
Starting point is 01:02:35 mean back in the day like when you could afford to like raise a family on like those jobs where it's like you were just a regular postman or you delivered milk like can you still do that on a post office salary you can on like a uh amazon driver fedex delivery like i think they you saw that you saw that thing the other day it was like how much money you needed in each state to raise a family and it was like 200 000 a year minimum or something it kind of priced out the vast majority of single income households. Those don't exist anymore. There's three companies that own those.
Starting point is 01:03:11 Three companies own like 70% of the households in America or something. Yeah, I don't like it. Oh, I've read about it. Like the BlackRock stuff. Well, I don't know what the bigger bigger, you know, when you go high enough, there's only like 12 companies on the planet or some shit. He's not too far off yeah it's something like that it's it's crazy um how if you just look in the um the um defense contractors because i watch a lot of um stuff about the production of old
Starting point is 01:03:40 fighter planes you know in the 70s 80s 90s and stuff like that and it's like ah oh yeah that company why don't they make planes anymore and it's like because they're all three companies now all of those companies became three or four companies all those plane manufacturers um just gobbled each other up and that can't be better yeah i can't name them but a lot of the consumer goods are like that too i know tay. It's stuck in his head in there. Taylor, who owns Kellogg's at the top? Do you know? Procter & Gamble?
Starting point is 01:04:10 Procter & Gamble, yeah. Yeah, and then one company makes so many paper goods, and you think, oh, paper. I don't even use paper anymore. Yeah, you do. All your stuff comes wrapped in it, your toilet paper, your paper towels. Everything's made of oil, too. I hate people who are anti-oil. I hate those fuckers who glue themselves to highways.
Starting point is 01:04:33 Have you seen that thing where they take a piece of six-inch PVC pipe and they stick their arm in one side and they handcuff it. Then the cuff goes through the other side to another man and he handcuffs it. So now the chain is in a pipe so you can't just walk up and clip it. And then they all do it. They make a chain of these fuckers. Oh, I wish someone would hit the one in the middle with a truck and drag them all to their dune. Everything is made of oil.
Starting point is 01:05:00 Everything in front of you is made of oil. Plastic is oil. That's what we make plastic out of. It's a petroleum product. I mean, I'm looking in front of me is made of oil plastic is oil that's what we make plastic out of it's a petroleum product i mean i'm looking in front of me and this is all or paint paint is oil all those electronics oil is in them it's a it's a part of everything wouldn't the party you like if like we still had that old the time where like everything came in glass now it's to the point where like when something comes in glass i I'm like, oh, this is I'm glad you brought up glass.
Starting point is 01:05:28 Because recycling is fake too. We don't recycle. That fucking recycle symbol isn't even the recycle symbol. They made a new symbol that looks like the real one and they stuck it on everything. We recycle like 5-10% of things at best. I thought glass was better. I think you're right with plastic.
Starting point is 01:05:44 Are you wrong about glass though? i think glass they well they reuse a lot of glass i know that i don't know um how much glass gets recycled i think aluminum is the thing that where it's cost effective to recycle it um but i think that like everything else they just throw in a fucking landfill i throw food and stuff in my recycling bin all the time because i noticed one day when like it was like probably a year ago that a new company took over our waste management in my neighborhood and like i'd roll out my trash and i'd roll out my recycling the guy drove by and calmly dumped both into the same area of the truck. And it's like, Oh,
Starting point is 01:06:25 okay. So we're all, this is just extra trash space for me. And so now I do that. It's pretend we pretend we recycle. Yeah. I Googled it and it looks like I'm wrong. And Kyle's right.
Starting point is 01:06:36 The top result says it costs 70 to $90 to process a ton of glass. And then it sells for about $10 a ton. So we're, We're really not recycling anything then. I think aluminum but most of the time it all goes in the garbage. Most of it's just getting thrown in a landfill. One nice thing about glass
Starting point is 01:06:57 is I'm not a scientist but I think it's pretty inert. It doesn't get into your water stream. Sure. It's sand's it's it's sand it's just it's just melted sand with some additives do you see that little study that has been floating around on social media where it was like they tested like it was only like 23 25 guys or something and all of them had yeah microplastics in their testicles think what all of them who cares yeah well we don't know how it impacts us fully yet
Starting point is 01:07:26 but it's just another like hadn't bothered me a bit asbestos or or lead poisoning or is it bothering you what are your balls fine i really like my balls i'm pretty all good all good hanging low baby swing low sweet chariots let's go your balls please please my balls can handle plastic let me know what is lead in every um it makes this more durable sure i i mean i mean great things are made of plastic i i like i said i'm a big fan of the petroleum industry there's a little plastic in me i appreciate that i don't care it makes me last longer microplastics to me are the new fucking like... Lead or asbestos or all those other hokum made up nonsense. No. No.
Starting point is 01:08:10 Okay. Like lead and asbestos are a problem. Lead to a lesser extent. I'm not convinced. Oh, is this like your actual belief? Yeah. Yeah. You don't think it's a problem having microplastics in your...
Starting point is 01:08:19 Anyone who says not to eat lead just doesn't know how sweet it is. I think a little lead is no big fucking deal, but I think you need to be... I really don't think it's a big deal to get a little lead, but like spending your whole life, especially childhood, eating lead fucking paint chips or being exposed to lead contaminated water because of your pipes.
Starting point is 01:08:39 Yeah. I mean, that'll definitely retard you. Well, what about those generations of kids who grew up eating food almost entirely from packaging made of lead have you considered our way that's plastic right yeah that's us we're fine yeah you think it's all good you think we're all you think we're you think we're banging on all cylinders you know what you know the best part about plastic it's inert it doesn't do anything i saw this fucking floozy on oh that podcast is not inert there's it reacts with all kinds of things
Starting point is 01:09:05 and there's like a million kinds of plastic i feel like taylor's desire to bang on all cylinders is greedy right you you can have a misfire now and then knock it off but there is a way to fix it blue chew and we'll come back to this yeah castration your microplastic get rid of that testicular plastic get that out of your body yeah yeah so you don't you don't think plastic in people's nuts or in their hearts or veins or skin or whatever is a big deal i mean when you say it like that it's like oh no but i don't know what it what that causes to happen like like what's the i don't know what the downside is. I'm not a doctor. I would say I wouldn't want anything in my body, but then you got those little mites
Starting point is 01:09:50 right on your eyelid and your eyelashes living right there, those little arachnids moving around right next to your eyeball. They're not bothering anybody. Because you can't see them, just like the microplastics. Not Kyle. Taylor, what would you want your water bottle to be made of? Probably glass.
Starting point is 01:10:06 Yeah. Glass or... It has durability problems. Yeah, that's true. I have a metal one. You wrap it in leather. That I like. But then wrapped, like have a skin.
Starting point is 01:10:17 They make those. You can get those. You have glass wrapped in leather to protect it. I think that metal is... The only big water bottle I have is made of metal. It's the same one you have, Kyle. I don't remember the brand. It was the off-brand of...
Starting point is 01:10:34 The tumbler? There's some brand. It's like spending $60 on a Stanley or $12 on this thing. Who am I trying to impress? I'm not an ice mover. I'll hold water. Microplastics in water bottles create estrogen,
Starting point is 01:10:50 which I think is the scientific term for cooties. It'll make you gay. I think there's lots of things caused by this. I'm just not worried about any of that. I just don't care. If I get cancer, I get cancer. What are you going to do? Not live your life?
Starting point is 01:11:05 I've had cancer before. It's a bitch. Multiple times. I mean, I'm just not afraid of... Dude, you guys can't bully basal cell carcinoma because fucking pancreatic's going to hear about it, and he's going to be like, these guys think I'm a bitch? Knuckle crack.
Starting point is 01:11:21 Pancreatic can suck my dick. It's just going to be in the tomb with all the other cancers I've beaten. When you read about me evil-cuneveling my bike off a ramp here in Atlanta, you'll know the pancreatic cancer was coming. I'm going to do something
Starting point is 01:11:37 cool. I really don't care about the microplastics, though. That's the new, I don't know, call-to-arms they that's the new like i don't know call to arms buzzword it feels like for the health conscious i i saw some college educated floozy who should be at home with her family on a podcast the other day she's like and she was making the argument that birth rates were down because of testicular microplastics and the guy was like you don't think it's like, you don't think it's birth control. You don't think it's birth control and abortions. Well,
Starting point is 01:12:06 economics is my thing that I would have picked. Yeah. We're talking about since the seventies. A mixture of those. Yeah. Probably birth control. That ties into my personal theory. Taylor,
Starting point is 01:12:16 why do you think birth, birth rates are going down? I think you're both right, but I think, you know, you can't under cut birth control being a huge part of it. Like it's the number one factor. And having doctors recommend that young girls get and stay on it.
Starting point is 01:12:30 I feel like birth control is tied into my economics. People deciding when to have kids, birth control is part of that. Oh, well then... I think people are like, hey, I don't want to have kids until i can afford a house that's what i'm trying to say but i haven't put it that eloquently i don't want kids until i'm not living paycheck to paycheck and that just delays people into their 30s nowadays if you take birth control and abortion away like it was in whatever 71 then the then the birth rate skyrockets it's and then we get the crime rates of the 80s, which is dope.
Starting point is 01:13:06 You literally do. You're exactly right. Then you get new Reagan, Donald Trump in there to pump the crack into the neighborhoods and we lock them all up and we're all good again. It's cyclical.
Starting point is 01:13:16 That's the cycle of life. That's nature. Elton John could do that more eloquently. It's a circle of life. The circle of crime. a circle of life. It's a circle of crime. Circle of crime. Elton John, I think he's my favorite gay. I love Elton John.
Starting point is 01:13:33 All right. For now, he is my favorite gay. Every time I'm playing Adrian Myers, I listen to... Ian McKellen. Okay, I don't know if Ian beats out Elton John. Gandalf? Not only is he Gandalf, he's also Magneto, which I know maybe you don't care about. He's second top G.
Starting point is 01:13:52 He was a great Magneto. Okay, I don't really care about Magneto. I don't think either of these people can hold a candle to MyGay, because MyGay has an OnlyFans, Finster. Is he gay? Well, it depends. It's complicated. complicated it's complicated i don't know i will have to ask finster next time well then he has to be in a different category out because i
Starting point is 01:14:13 because obviously i know him and then i like him he's my favorite i mean he sucks dick well sweet is that gay switch is cool. Yes. Ah, shit. Is that gay? Sucking dick isn't always gay. I mean, sometimes girls do it. Oh, is that what he meant when he said girlfriend? Yeah. Oh, well. Nah.
Starting point is 01:14:38 Well, that is gay. His girlfriend does have a penis. His girlfriend has a penis, and so does he. So does he. And I don't know what his pronouns are, because all the ones I used all night long were wrong. He literally doesn't either. I don't think he gives a shit. He literally doesn't know either, and he doesn't really care.
Starting point is 01:14:54 And I love that, because he is like a figurehead in the trans, fucking egg, femme boy boy whatever the fuck community like he's the poster girl boy um online for that group of people i know it's a bit but i loved it he would he refused to tell me his pronouns on the show and then just got offended at whichever ones i used this is a bit of what i said yeah he doesn't fucking care he didn't care what you call but but if we're talking about the full-on gays like elton john and ian mckellen honestly i george michael you threw you threw a wrench in my in my inner workings here bringing up ian mckellen gandalf is so flagrantly straight that i sometimes forget. You know Aragorn today is the same age
Starting point is 01:15:46 Ian McKellen was during the trilogy? Don't say things like that. How's that feel? I got an old picture of Aragorn. That's so straight about Gandalf. Pay any attention to women in that whole show. He was really about Frodo. Pay attention to.
Starting point is 01:16:00 Gandalf is a pedo. He was like, oh, Frodo, destroy the ring so I can get back to fucking elf bitches. He was into male hobbits. I love a good dwarf moth. You think Gimli? Gimli was definitely straight.
Starting point is 01:16:15 You have to delve deep to find the slit. If your girlfriend has a beard, how straight are you? Like a vein of mithril. Yeah, Gimli was straight. legolas was so gay that he was he wasn't covering for anything he was obviously straight he had a big case of the not gays so yeah that's what i'm saying so the not gays is when you have your uh your your movie star your character and your thing immediately be like ah it's your good use some pussy right now big old woman pussy
Starting point is 01:16:42 you know because i like those it's's like out of nowhere they have some Legolas to that? Well, not that. It was implied. But I remember in the second movie I felt like he was too close with that made up, not the second movie, the Hobbit. In the Hobbit movie with that girl they made up so that she could have a love thing with one of those
Starting point is 01:17:00 ugly dwarves. By the way, the Hobbit she picked, or the dwarf she picked, was the hottest dwarf in all of dwarfdom. Everyone else has these big bulbous noses and like a forehead like a Cro-Magnum. They got ears eight times
Starting point is 01:17:16 bigger than they should be and foreheads that don't make sense, weird goofy chins. And then here's like the hottest dwarf ever. I'd fuck it. Yeah, he looked good. All the other dwarves had like facial psoriasis, like problems. And that's probably why he kept him in his troop.
Starting point is 01:17:33 He was like, no one's even going to notice, I'm sure, next to these. Did you know that Tolkien was working on a sequel, like a legitimate sequel to the, it's called like A New Shadow or A New Shadow or something like that is that the one is like sun tried to finish i don't know if his son ever tried to finish it um i know there were three different drafts of it where you know each one was a little bit more
Starting point is 01:17:55 expanded on the other but it was 105 years after the death of aragorn aragorn's son is doing some stuff i think he's the king now. I think the peasantry has fallen into these orc cults and all sorts of stuff like that. I fell asleep. I didn't hear the rest of what it was about. There's a really good
Starting point is 01:18:18 YouTube channel that you should be subscribed to called Nerd of the Rings. You've recommended them to me before and I haven't got on it yet. That dude is a bigger Lord of the Rings fan than you, because he'll go... He's like... Yeah, he's got a YouTube channel. He has these long-form videos of like, what would happen if
Starting point is 01:18:33 Galadriel took the ring? What would happen if Frodo or Gandalf took the ring? And he's basing it on letters from Tolkien, because Tolkien got asked these questions. I think of Tolkien and the trilogy as this thing from the 18th century or something. But Tolkien died in 71, I think.
Starting point is 01:18:50 Something like that. I thought it was before that. 70s. He was writing Lord of the Rings in the 1900s. It's not as old as... It was based on his experiences in World War I and he wanted to create a uniquely English mythology because there really wasn't one outside of Arthurian legend.
Starting point is 01:19:10 And so that's why it's doubly insulting when you see the sort of miscegenation that Amazon's throwing into the mix with how they're making it. Don't use that word. I love that word. Tom Bombadil's in the new season. Did you hear? I did hear that word. I love that word. Tom Bombadil's in the new season. Did you hear? I did hear that, and I don't care. I'm not watching. Not watching.
Starting point is 01:19:31 Not giving them any more eyeballs on their dog shit product. No. And all the people that were, you know, LARPing trying to pretend it was better than it was are probably not going to return to the show, and Amazon will take a bath. Get fucked, Amazon. Well, what they're not taking a bath on is Fallout was it turned out to be um it broke all sorts of
Starting point is 01:19:49 records one of the most streamed shows they've ever had maybe the most streamed show they've ever had super successful uh and i think it's it what's going to happen now is people are going to seeing that success they're going to start looking for all any video game property to to make a series or a movie out of so in three years from now you can bet there's going to start looking for all any video game property to to make a series or a movie out of so in three years from now you can bet there's going to be a slew of more video game adaptations trying to take advantage of that i'll watch the next season of fall it was like it kept my attention it was like i don't think i'll re-watch it. I didn't like it that much. But I want more of Walton Goggins. A similar fine amount of the girl.
Starting point is 01:20:28 I liked her. I didn't love her character. I didn't dislike her character. She was just kind of the vehicle through which the show moved. I want that lunatic doctor who was like... Chicken fucker.
Starting point is 01:20:44 The chicken fucker. I want a lot more of him. There cannot be too much of that guy. He was good. I like the show a lot. I'm looking forward to its return in two years, by the way. Why do they do that shit now? Well, they spend a bunch of money,
Starting point is 01:21:00 and they invest all that money in making season one, and then they market it, and they release it, and then they have to wait until we all all like it and they see that it's profitable to make more and then they pull the trigger on the more and the wheels only then start turning that's the like that they need to you know have some balls start season two right after season one is done have some confidence in your product. Usually season three is quick to follow, though, because they'll often green light season two and three when they get going again.
Starting point is 01:21:34 The Boys is coming back soon, which I'm excited for. I heard the creator of that say that he was going to go back on his word and not only do five seasons. He had said before that it was just five seasons, and that's it. Would this have been four? I think we're going into four and it's and he's like you know maybe the story goes on a little longer than five yeah i'm getting used to these checks i think there's a generation v spoiler in the boys but i didn't read on to see what it was oh i don't know. But I'm psyched for it.
Starting point is 01:22:07 The Boys has been one of my favorite things on TV for a while now. I have a feeling we're on the second half of the bell curve in terms of how good I think it is. But we'll see. I'm still looking forward to it. I think we're going to get Homelander's trial for nuking that guy. And that's going to be fun as it mirrors Donald Trump's
Starting point is 01:22:23 trials perhaps a little bit uh i i'm looking forward to that homelander is still the scariest uh villain on in in tv right now like like when i watch that fallout show it's fun i'm not afraid of any of the villains or the bad guys or the monsters it's just a fun little romp but whenever homelander's on screen i'm like oh i hope he doesn't like tear my favorite character's nose off or something awful like that. Like, I hope he doesn't just rip it. A chimpanzee in every scene.
Starting point is 01:22:52 Yeah. There's always an angry chimpanzee in every scene. Homelander said that he would beat Superman in a fight. Yeah, he's a dumbass. He said that he doesn't have a weakness of kryptonite. There is no kryptonite for homelander and uh that like superman would be fighting fair while homelander was throwing sand in his eyes yeah that doesn't hurt superman's got pretty legit playing homelander said in the show that
Starting point is 01:23:19 he would beat up that he could be actor in real life said it because he wanted us to talk about it because he knows how to promote his show but if you even look at how his show his characters represented in his strength levels are represented in the show like he's he's not that strong you saw last season where is his name stewie uh like stewie and uh and uh butcher took the fucking super formula huey it's huey you got it um like they were beating the shit out of homelander and none of them is that strong they're like throw a car strong or like fly through a building strong it's like three on one right soldier boy huey and butcher sure but like the way they interact with their environment like walls when they slam each other into a wall
Starting point is 01:24:00 it dents the wall so everybody goes through the wall right and like the building can fall on him it's not a problem yeah his strength seems to be infinite and that's you know say what you want about superman being an interesting character or not he wouldn't be interesting in a fight against somebody like homelander because he would just like blink him out of existence if he wanted to homelander is more evil than most of the villains that superman has to deal with though because he's just from a nasty, dirty universe that's written by a mean man. Who's the mean man?
Starting point is 01:24:29 Same guy who made Walking Dead. Oh, okay. Well, the Walking Dead universe didn't seem that like... like there were good guys. Yeah, but it's also very dark with, you know, rape, lots of sexual violence, cannibalism, horror, you know, mutilation.
Starting point is 01:24:50 It was an interesting take to me in that the most dangerous people in the Walking Dead universe were not the zombies. I don't know. Maybe it exists, but I don't know of any other zombie universes where the zombies are a secondary problem. You know, like 28 days later, as scary as the zombies were, when they finally get to the military camp, they've been trying to get to this whole time for safety, and it turns out in the military camp, a bunch of sadistic rapers
Starting point is 01:25:15 who want to steal their women and put them in sexual slavery and kill them and put them in a ditch. It's like, dang, the zombies didn't discriminate. Like, you guys suck you're right the people were bad i think you'd still argue the zombies are the biggest problem in that universe yeah i guess so i i'm more afraid of a person than i am any kind of zombie though like people are conniving and tricky and and and just brutal and sadistic like at least the zombie
Starting point is 01:25:43 eats you and gets it over with. People are awful. People stay problematic. Most zombies, like you said, are dumb enough that you can build up your environment, and then they're just wild animals. People survive amongst tigers and bears and shit like that all the time. They just build up their environment
Starting point is 01:26:00 until they're protected from it. You stay inside the house or what have you. People, it's hard to protect yourself from them. They're clever. Yeah. We really dominate the animal kingdom so hard. None of them are even
Starting point is 01:26:16 who's even second place. I feel like if you really want to dominate the animal kingdom, you have to start breeding them out of existence right we need to bang so many donkeys that purebred donkeys aren't there anymore we we've on accident done that to whole species we're like oh i'm sorry was there some kind of anteater that used to fuck around here not anymore i needed i needed cheaper paper
Starting point is 01:26:40 i don't know what you're referring to it's still funny youtube and it's like all of the animals that the romans would have seen that are now extinct all the animals the egyptians would have seen that are now extinct and there's a lot of them it's kind of sad there's always there was some sort of pigeon that was super numerous. There was a hunting competition. What a loss. They killed like 3 billion of them or something. They said the winner of a hunt would kill 50,000 birds.
Starting point is 01:27:16 They just killed them all. Who did he kill them with? Shaka. Wait, when was this? I don't know, 1900s? Early 1900s? I thought you were talking... You seamlessly went from Rome to this. I'm like,
Starting point is 01:27:32 how are they getting so many? Yeah. Yeah. Lots of spears. There's a YouTube series for animals that the Romans would have seen that have gone extinct. For the Egyptians and so on and so forth. for animals that the Romans would have seen that have gone extinct. Yeah, okay. I see what happened.
Starting point is 01:27:45 For the Egyptians and so on and so forth. And just as an example of another animal that used to be around not that long ago that we drove to extinction were these pigeons that we killed off 120 years ago or something like that. We need to do what
Starting point is 01:28:01 we did to Cro-Magnons and just breed them out of existence. I some panda people right like bang the find something that makes a baby with people i think we became crow i think we came from crow magnins or something like that crow magnin yeah i think that's a prerequisite to they're not prerequisite preempted homo sapiens right or maybe they probably lived side by side for a while and we were like get a load of these fucking idiots and then we figured out like some things and and that's you you touched on it that's what i would want to go back and see that went extinct the other people like the other people like the other hominids is what they're called the other uh things that were a lot like us that had their own little communities of intelligent beings.
Starting point is 01:28:46 In Indonesia, they had these hobbit people that were like three and a half feet tall or something that were people. And then obviously the Neanderthals. And there's more. There's several other little groups of people they found that are distinctly not human, but intelligent two-leg walking hominids that fucking make clothes and spears and hunted and talk to each other and shit. Maybe not talk to each other. They were close enough for us to mate with?
Starting point is 01:29:12 Like and create a wild offspring? Not that I know. The Neanderthals, yes. I don't know. The Hobbit people they found in a cave in Indonesia. So like, I don't think they know very much about. I see some shit on motherless.
Starting point is 01:29:26 You can mate with more than you'd guess. There's still a race of short people living in Indonesia. They're called Indonesians. Yeah. Maybe not three feet tall, but they're, they're little fellas. I think there are little fellas.
Starting point is 01:29:42 Yeah. You have to be, you're living on a, there's a lot of islands there. You're too big. Like, you think some... There are those... ...junkie weed is going to thrive there?
Starting point is 01:29:49 No, it takes too many calories. There's that one group of people who live on the coast or something. They have extra large pancreases or something like that. They can hold their breath for really long because of some genetic difference they have. Like more robust lungs or something?
Starting point is 01:30:08 Yeah, we should all have that. I think they can scrub CO2 from their blood more efficiently than we can or something. The Nepalese have something like that with oxygen saturation, don't they? They can just survive way better than other people at those ridiculous altitudes. You would imagine. So I know that, um, I read that one guy who's a Sherpa has done Mount Everest twice this month already.
Starting point is 01:30:32 And it's like a sixth or eighth time this year. Yeah. That's he's at work. Like again, not impressive. It's not impressive. Not impressive. You tell me climb Mount Everest.
Starting point is 01:30:42 Oh, cool. I ran a four. I run a five K a five. Yeah. Yeah. It really really is so we're like you gotta commit you know you gotta commit you gotta train you gotta you gotta really focus mount everest not expensive though yeah not for me no not for me either i don't it's more of a i can't be bothered not okay okay what like feats like that would impress you?
Starting point is 01:31:06 Swim the English Channel. I'd be blown the fuck away. Go find the Titanic in a homemade submarine. Swim the English Channel. Or you swim Cuba to Miami. You do one of those crazy swims like that. I think that's 90 miles, right? It's 90 miles. A lady did it. No, that was the English Channel
Starting point is 01:31:23 and she was a big fat woman, right? That's a different story. That's probably a different story. I don't know about the fat lady who swam the English Channel, which guessing off the top of my head is 30 miles, right? I have 22 in my head, but I'm not sure. Yeah, I'm literally guessing just based on maps, so I have no number I've ever read or remembered.
Starting point is 01:31:43 21, and it its narrowest. Nailed it. I bet you've got to start swimming way at an angle from where you want to be because you're being over the course of swimming 20 miles. The current's got to pull you dozens of miles.
Starting point is 01:32:00 You've got to swim diagonally or start on... That's what I'm saying. Your path will be diagonal. That's how I once did You got to swim diagonally or start on like, I think that's great, but allow just your, your path will be diagonal. That's how I, I once did really well in a swimming competition. What I said,
Starting point is 01:32:12 just following that exact lifeguard tryouts. It wasn't an interview. It was an athletic competition. And there were 70 people doing this like mile swim. You swim half mile straight out and then back. And you can see the buoy and like 68 people lined up right in front of it. But I could see the current and I was a surfer. So I read currents like every day and I know I'm right.
Starting point is 01:32:35 But 68 people disagree with me. And I'm like, but I, I know I'm right. I can see it with my own eyes. So I walked two blocks over all by myself and I had a friend who was also competing and he's like, what are you doing? And I'm like, I can see it. The current's going this way.
Starting point is 01:32:51 All these people are going to be swimming against the current. And, uh, you know, except me, I'm going to swim straight out and let it carry me to the buoy. And that's what I did. And I did well,
Starting point is 01:33:00 I was just a kid and there, everyone else is like collegiate swimmers and shit. I was out of high school and I got a fourth. That's better than I expected. Yeah, for sure. Something like that would impress me. That Mount Everest thing I think is a rich guy hike. I know people die but they don't die because it was so hard they couldn't continue. They die because a storm came and it killed them. That doesn't make it hard. That makes it dangerous.
Starting point is 01:33:27 Hmm. I just don't think it's hard. It still seems pretty... It's not easy. I think it's easy. I think it's easy on the grand scheme of... Like climbing K2, I would be so much more impressed.
Starting point is 01:33:41 I don't want to spend too much time on Everest again because I explicitly remember not that long ago sitting here talking about it and like pulling up the Wikipedia to talk about how people died from and like many of them were in like early retirement age
Starting point is 01:33:57 yeah it's nonsense I could easily climb Mount Everest I could easily beat Brock Lesnar. I wouldn't even brag about it. I wouldn't tell people. There's a non-zero chance Kyle's already climbed Everest. I'm just saying, I might have went up last
Starting point is 01:34:16 week. You don't know. This is a green screen. I'm in Nepal right now. Great internet. I'm in base camp right now. He's tethering to his phone. I have a base camp right now. He's tethering to his phone. Next show, you should have a tent in your green screen background.
Starting point is 01:34:32 I'm wearing my parka. I put some makeup on, so my nose is blue and black from frostbite. Do you have any other info? What's wrong? What's so wrong? About non-pigeon animals, a good animal the or the romans had oh you know like the egyptians either one either one there was some uh there were smaller elephants
Starting point is 01:34:53 with bigger ears there was a something called an oryx which was like a buffalo bison type thing uh i don't none of them were like oh there was maned, there's some sort of a maned wolf. And then the one in Australia, there's that old video of, that might be the maned wolf. Oh, the Tasmanian devil? That still lives. There's plenty of those, I think. I don't think those died out.
Starting point is 01:35:20 I thought, because you know that old picture, it's like from the 1896 World Fair. He's spinning around real fast. Yeah. They show the old Tasmanian devil, and it has stripes on the back. Tasmanian tiger. Tasmanian tiger. That's what it is.
Starting point is 01:35:34 Yeah, yeah. Yeah, that's the last. They have the last living one, and they're like, here it is, the last living Tasmanian tiger. And over there, a boy from Nigeria. It loves when you put coins at it. I saw that graphic today, and it was countries who at one time or another... And in the next exhibit, we have an African child. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:35:54 Yeah, that's what it was. He also loves it when you throw coins at him. They all love coins. It was a graph of all the countries who have had people zoos, or people in their zoos. And it's us, the English, the Indian. We had people in zoos? Oh yeah, we had people in zoos. Anyone that came up with zoos before they figured out that was pretty gauche, they were throwing people
Starting point is 01:36:14 in there. They'd be like, up this next exhibit from darkest Africa. Again. They would have... Don't throw peanuts, throw coins. They would have black... What would they do? They just would put them in a cage and be like, look. Animals do.
Starting point is 01:36:28 They just chill. They'd read books and stuff. They can't fucking read. They didn't let them read. They didn't go get some scholar from Nigeria. They got some boy with a bone through his nose and threw him in a cage. Unhand me. What is the charge?
Starting point is 01:36:45 Madam. Demoracing. What is the charge? Madam! The democracy! The life and joy of sunny day in the canyon fields! Yeah, no. I didn't know how to fucking read. They just were like... Zach, find us a picture of one of them kids in a zoo.
Starting point is 01:36:58 That little fellow. Some British guy literally probably showed up and was like, Hey, this shiny new gun, all yours, as long as you let me fill up this cage and I get to have an exhibit. And they're like, all right, deal. Dealio. Take him to the zoo.
Starting point is 01:37:15 You can just go scoop up a few of those little fellows and nobody would really know. Probably not. No, I'm glad he brought up the little elephants. I really like this. I don't know i'm glad he brought up the little elephant i really i really like this that well i don't know what this is find me find me don't don't show me there well there you go now that's what i wanted huh that is what i wanted wait is this it looks like they're people are just swimming here there's there's black i think african people just like oh oh, so this isn't a zoo.
Starting point is 01:37:46 This is just a swimming pool. There's only one black guy on the edge, and I bet he's ready to get out of there before he joins the exhibit. There's two. I see two. You see this guy in the bowler cap? My God, who taught those black men to swim? My first day of high school, i was in the locker room and they were taking all the smallest freshmen and jamming them into lockers and the way these lockers worked is if you could get the
Starting point is 01:38:12 doors shut then you couldn't open it from the inside and i'm watching these poor kids i don't know them because we combined a couple schools to make my high school but i don't know these strangers i just know that small people are getting stuffed into lockers and i was like backing away as a fellow smallie trying not to get noticed and uh some guy was like look at woody and jimmy walking backwards away from the commotion hoping they don't go in lockers it's like look at you calling me out for it you're just like anyway i think it was the same vibe as that african guy watching his other africans in the pool at the exhibit like i should back away i don't want to go into so this is the sad story of an african boy who was showcased in a zoo cage in 1904
Starting point is 01:38:58 otabingo was kidnapped from the congo and taken to america and exhibited at the bronx zoo in the monkey house he suffered inhumane treatment and ended up committing suicide. 12 years later. I believe that entire story, but what is going on with his head in that left image? Like, does that look shopped? Look at,
Starting point is 01:39:20 I mean, the man has a tall head. Look in the right image. They probably wrap it probably from some sort of society that wraps their heads and fucking rubber bands until they get tall head. Look in the right image. Probably from some sort of society that wraps their heads in fucking rubber bands until they get all long and weird. Is that a man on the right? Yeah, that must be the same guy.
Starting point is 01:39:32 Oh, that's the same person. Yeah, yeah. He spent his whole life in the zoo. Yeah. Woody, this is from Dr. Panking on Twitter. And it was posted at 1.28 a.m., which is prime fact hours.
Starting point is 01:39:48 He's a writer, a novelist, and a medical doctor, Taylor. What problem, what issue do you take with doctors? He's an MBBS and an MPHI, whatever. That's nothing compared to my Twitter bio. DM for ads and promo. A master's in bullshit.
Starting point is 01:40:05 Noted historian on race relations. Jesus, Taylor. Trying to take Dr. Pin King down a notch. Have some respect for Otto Buntunk. We should. I'm glad I didn't have to live in a zoo. That would have sucked. I wouldn't want to live in a zoo either.
Starting point is 01:40:21 If I did, I'd hope it was a way nicer zoo than that. Yeah, it was more of a... It was a little bit of a zoo I guess it smelled nice in there it was so clean that the zoo that that kid was in looked filthy now that you say that I remember you were telling me that the other inmates kind of self-policed and kept it tidy it's the cleanest place you'll ever go to
Starting point is 01:40:40 is a prison not only I'm sure do the staff make sure the place is clean but the prisoners don't want to... It's where you live, and you have very limited living space, so you keep what you have clean. What about people's personal hygiene? Did they police that as much as they did the infrastructure?
Starting point is 01:40:55 Yeah, you'd get beat up if you were stinky. At some point, they would correct you. No one was stinky, but... Your cube mate had hair with an odor i think no no no he had he had this fucking black man hair treatment shit there's some sort of goo he put in his hair that smelled like uh like a big fat magic marker like a permanent marker like the big hit the biggest one you've ever seen you can barely get the cap off the way that thing smells really strong
Starting point is 01:41:24 of like chemicals or something that's what the stuff he put in his hair would smell like but I would only smell it when he was applying it because I was on the top bunk and he's like six four and his head's basically like right next to me as he's like looking in his mirror of his locker putting the shit in his hair
Starting point is 01:41:39 but yeah that's dumb but no BO just a chemically black man smell. When I first do my hair, it smells slightly of coconut. Yeah. I smell nice too. I like coconut. Taylor, what kind of cologne
Starting point is 01:41:55 do you wear, Taylor? Dolce and Gabbana light blue. It's very good. I've gotten many compliments. I've had the same bottle of ck1 for a decade at least and i just ran out get yourself some dng light blue your girlfriend will like it i don't have cologne but i have gillette aftershave it's a gel and if i smell that way you know i expect a
Starting point is 01:42:21 so if i bring it on the next get together be my you are you're firmly in the cologne money camp of people you should you should invest in that treat yourself in an $80 but that dentine and aftershave that's my scent don't steal it dentine the last stuff dentine manufactured in 2004 it's actually I've updated it but a bottle of polo a bottle of polo at my house and I had that bottle of polo for years too
Starting point is 01:42:54 and I used it I was like this is part of my part of my group now yeah cologne is like a like a bottle that's like five ounces or something like four ounces is like 80 bucks at Nordstrom of the Dolce and Gabbana stuff I have. And like that, that's, that's years and years. Like it's cologne. You need one spray if you're putting it on. And how often are you wearing cologne?
Starting point is 01:43:16 Speak for yourself. Every day. I get two dates out of a bottle like that. I didn't even know that I had $80. You wear cologne every day? Just even if you're just out and like about the house if i could take a shower at like 7 p.m after working out and then go to bed three hours later but i'm going to put cologne on but after that it's just part of my routine i don't i sort of i turn my brain off for large parts of my day and so i have these pre-programmed when i'm making coffee or when i'm making coffee
Starting point is 01:43:45 or when i'm like doing a thing that i do every day like one of those routine things my brain is off it's in it's in it's in like that tesla mode where like i might hit a curb but i'm gonna get there all the same like it's kind of self-driving and and so like yeah cologne's going on like i know all my all my shit's in a certain order but yeah yeah, cologne every day. That's why I'm out. But like you said, it lasts a decade. I think it's an eight ounce bottle that I had. And then I went through wings bottle.
Starting point is 01:44:13 I went through wings bottle in like two years. It wasn't full when he left it. Yeah. Well, I probably wear cologne once a week. Like if I'm going out to dinner or whatever. Out on the town.
Starting point is 01:44:28 Out on the town. Yeah. I want to be able to go to the blues game. What does it smell like? Is it spicy? I'm so bad at describing smells. It smells good. It's not too sharp. it's not an aggressive scent and i've had
Starting point is 01:44:50 a lot of i mean what i want you can't sell with women because they're going to compliment whatever cologne you're wearing like when they're interested in you like that just as one of their little signals and so maybe it's not the cologne itself but i want some i want some black market cologne you know what i want i want some of that shit it's got ambergris in it rhino horn oh ambergris yeah i want that's i don't think you can get that in the united states but i bet in japan you can get it so i'm hoping that like if anybody out there can get me well actually just mail me mel woody a bottle of the finest ambergris cologne from Asia, and then he's
Starting point is 01:45:29 going to send it my way as long as... Test its flammability. Yes. It'll be very flammable. It'll be very flammable. Gotta test it, then over, sure. I just had to mull it over for a second, Kyle. If I were just, like, you know, off the top of the dome to describe Dolce & Gabbana light blue.
Starting point is 01:45:45 Yeah. Yeah. I'd say that it's kind of a, kind of a sensation of sun drenched skin, the bracing breeze of the Mediterranean sea, the fruity and floral sense of the vegetation. That's just like, that sounds kind of ethnic to me.
Starting point is 01:45:59 I'm not down. I don't know about all that. Mediterranean, the North Mediterranean sea. No No that sounds like some olive eating More mothered Some olive eaters You don't fuck with the olive part of Europe You're a butter
Starting point is 01:46:15 You're ancestors We're ninjas That's a fact You can look it up it's been written It's been written it's been written your ancestors you're an eggplant you're an eggplant
Starting point is 01:46:30 I love that fucking scene that's a good movie I recommend that's true romance it's just like the cast of that's outrageous Gary Oldman is unrecognizable Gary Oldman plays a Rastafarian drug dealer pimp with one of his eyes gone and he speaks in a Rastafarian drug dealer pimp with one of his eyes gone. And he speaks in that Rastafarian mom.
Starting point is 01:46:49 I've seen parts of this movie on TV before. And that's one of the scenes I remember. Everybody's seen the interrogation scene with Christopher Walken and what's his name. But it's a good fucking movie. Give me a Walken. Give me your best Walken. Foo Fighters that's my favorite he was on SNL
Starting point is 01:47:09 and he asked the Foo Fighters do I put the accent on the Foo or Fighters and they're like on Fighters ladies and gentlemen Foo Fighters can you imagine how often he's just trying to go about
Starting point is 01:47:24 his business and someone's like hey did you hide something in your ass today like do you know why he speaks that way he had a stroke long ago long ago i don't remember exactly what he sounds like his parents were immigrants his parents were immigrants who did not speak english where a country where it's just them like no one else sounds like that they they had this bro he learned english from someone who barely spoke english and and they had that pause and like deliver sort of effect um to their wherever they were from i don't know where i don't remember one of the stupid countries i'm sure and so that's why he speaks that way.
Starting point is 01:48:07 And it's awesome. We can all use a little work on our walk-ins. I think you don't break out impressions that much, but I liked your Jamaican. I think you did a good job. The Ross Safari and Gary Oldman. Ross Safari Kyle should make more appearances. I do have some dreads in the other room I could throw on.
Starting point is 01:48:24 Yes. I got the hat. I got some shoe polish you're going way too dark shoe polish shoe polish no spray tan when they're trying to i was just watching that i was just watching that yeah yeah days ago yeah i hadn't i hadn't dipped my toe back in sunny in so long because i did that stupid thing over the years where i drilled them all into my head so much that now like i can go years without watching a one second of sunny and then i put season four back on and it's like like a brain blast of like all of it's remembered right away like oh yeah i remember every line of every episode what a good show i was watching a montage today of all of the uncle jack moments you know and junk uncle jack it was in an early early season like maybe first four and charlie is like showing on a doll where
Starting point is 01:49:19 he was touched or something like that and uncle jack Jack is getting off watching. He's like, slowly, slow, slow, slow. When they find that kid and they're talking to him about it and he's like, where's the child? Have you touched the child yet? And then they're like, she's like, ah, I messed up big time. I kidnapped Bill Ponderosa's kids.
Starting point is 01:49:41 I got him out in the car. And he's like, have you got them confined in a crawl space or a closet? Have you touched them yet? No. What? No. Jesus. Fuck. Yeah, his unabashed
Starting point is 01:49:56 pedophilia is one of the best parts of the show. Him just clearly being a pedophile. What did I come back to? Talking about Uncle Jack and Always Sunny sunny how he's just the most clear of clear pedophiles but the only thing he's insecure about is like he's like my hands don't show my hands i'm gonna put them under the table now take the phone can you lay your hands over mine so we're lawyers we're lawyers yeah it's like what a ridiculous ridiculous thing to be self-conscious about when you're an actual pedophile.
Starting point is 01:50:27 Actual pedophile. And he actually really does have tiny hands. I noticed in that scene that they genuinely look like child hands. I was like, is that CGI? See, I watched it and I couldn't tell if he actually had small hands or if I had it implanted in my head from the episode. Because I never noticed on my own. Yeah, it's the episode where she's kidnapped Bill Ponderosa's kids
Starting point is 01:50:47 and they're sitting in the bar. Like you said, he puts them under the table for the picture. They really are tiny. Do they play it up and give them big cuffs and such? He wears giant fake hands over his hands in one scene when he's in court and he's got these big fake... and everyone
Starting point is 01:51:03 knows they're fake. And he goes to gesture and point's got these big fake... Everyone knows they're fake. He goes to gesture and point it like the defendant. It was him! My hand flies off and he starts screaming, Oh God! Oh God! Don't look! He's trying to put his hand back on. He's trying to have the hand remark
Starting point is 01:51:19 stricken from the record. He's talking to the stenographer. It's fucking great. I told you a few times, but the newer seasons or the last season was good. It was a throwback to previous years. It was cool to see. Because a lot of the shows that
Starting point is 01:51:35 we've been watching for 15 or 20 seasons now have kind of lost most of their zest. They're not quite the show they used to be. So it was nice to see them have a bit of a resurgence. Yeah, South Park. Family Guy.
Starting point is 01:51:51 I've watched New Family Guy and thought it was okay. I thought it was okay. The Simpsons, obviously, you can look at the IMDb draft. You can see where the decline is. And it's obvious. They lose writers and they run out of ideas. I don't want to see modern Simpsons though. That's so off-putting to me.
Starting point is 01:52:11 To have them make commentary on current things or be doing modern things. It's really off-putting because I want the Simpsons to be nostalgic and forever. I almost want them to forever exist in the 90s like they should still be in the 90s as far as i'm concerned with like what's going on bush should be president you know what i mean like our clinton that would be fine with me if that was the the
Starting point is 01:52:36 avenue they took i know you're a little miffed that king of the hill is coming back um and bobby is going to be 21 or 22 years old something like that and he's uh he's a chef um and uh and i'm sure you'll have old hank uh and and i hope that a big focus of the show is old hank dealing with 2024 like like i i appreciate how much taylor doesn't like it but i like it i didn't want them to come back and try to do more King of the Hill as if nothing had changed. Grow up the character. Show me where we are now. I don't want more of the same.
Starting point is 01:53:11 We've done. Dale died. Yeah. The actor who did Dale's voice died. And so after I heard that last year, I was like, oh, so any hope of it being good just went out the window. Dale's such an important character. I hope they get AI. That's what I would do.
Starting point is 01:53:31 I'd like that 70s show to come back and have the kids be adults now. They did that. I think they called it that. They straight up did that. They did that, and they brought everybody back except for Danny McBride, who's a rapist and in prison. No, not Danny McBride. Danny Masterson. Danny McBride is the guy from
Starting point is 01:53:45 sorry danny mcbride i love you shout out to danny mcbride fan of the show watches yep you don't know yeah whatever i like i like it when you see president lisa simpson every so often like a little glimpse into the future i don't i like i like it on one-off episodes when it's part of the plot, but the bread and butter of the show is like Peggy and Hank and Bobby and their surrounding little cast and the slice of life problems they encounter as a
Starting point is 01:54:16 couple of parents with a single child. They kind of want more kids. You gotta change it, though. If you were still making videos about how parents don't truly understand what kids are going through, that would suck. I'm okay with the change, too, because I don't want more of the same. I do want something different if they're going to come back because Brittany Murphy's gone. They probably call it Spring of the Hill or something, but Brittany Murphy's dead.
Starting point is 01:54:43 Dale's dead. Chuck Mangione, I think he's dead um dale's dead uh chuck mangione uh i think i think he's dead britney murphy peggy or the hot one she was the hot one he was yeah yeah she was not i mean all of those episodes that centered around luann were terrible and so it didn't hurt the show to not have luann i didn't like Luann as a character. I really liked... I liked Bobby and his silliness. I liked Hank and Dale. I liked the boys, I guess.
Starting point is 01:55:12 I liked... If it was an episode with just the four men off in the woods, that was a good episode to me. Dale's probably my favorite character out of all of them. Bill has the coolest episodes. The Bill Dozer episode, I stand by.
Starting point is 01:55:28 The Bill Dozer. That's the best episode for me when basically Bill was this incredible high school standout. Now he's a complete loser. So this is one feather in his cap. I was the Bill Dozer. I was the running back who could not be stopped by an entire team. And this new high school kid's about to break his record, and he welcomes it. He loves that he's being interviewed on the local radio to talk about when he was the bulldozer
Starting point is 01:55:52 and how he's proud that little Bobby or Billy or whatever his name is is going to break the record now. Well, the kid who was going to break the record breaks his leg instead. And so now he's out, and they're like, oh, he fell short. Or there's one more game in the season. They have the kid with the broken leg go out on the field late in the game, and the defense lets him walk in and score.
Starting point is 01:56:14 He's on crutches. He drops the football, and a defense member picks the ball up and hands it to him. Here you go. And he walks in and breaks Bill's record. And Bill's like, you know, I'm a high school dropout. I'm still eligible. I think the billdozer needs to come back
Starting point is 01:56:29 and break that record. He starts training and it's great. That's my favorite episode. I love that shit. It could get cringy for me with Bobby and his girlfriend and stuff like that. Khan was always good. I welcome a new thing on King of the Hill.
Starting point is 01:56:47 I'm glad they've changed it. It feels right for Bobby to still basically be a kid at 21. I like that they stuck with the series finale with him sort of discovering cooking as the way he and Hank could bond. I hope that Hank is going to his restaurant. That's still the only thing they can come together on is cuisine or Bobby's cooking.
Starting point is 01:57:11 I hope that Bobby is a wild left-wing liberal and Hank is conservative and they're having talks about that. I'm looking forward to it. I hope they AI Dale too. I need Dale with his conspiracies. In 2024, Dale is great.
Starting point is 01:57:26 All the conspiracies, con trails, and whatever. I don't have high hopes. Will Dale be in the show? I don't know. He's dead, so I don't think so. You could do him. No.
Starting point is 01:57:42 No. They could find someone who could do him. You AI and you pay his widow. That's what I do 100%. That's soulless. I'm cautious about that. I don't know. I feel like
Starting point is 01:57:57 it's so good. That's what AI is good at. Maybe you can't go and write me a symphony orchestra, but copying somebody's voice and maybe not on the spot. You're basing it on the ones where you just click a button and make it happen, but they've got a studio.
Starting point is 01:58:14 They've got plenty of time to be like, you know, that didn't come off right. Let's change the way they roll that R. Let's change the way he leads from this word to that word, Hank. They could go in there and they could tinker with it and make one. Hank, I'm burning in hell and they're using a computer to get my soul's trapped in that machine hey joseph i'm scared yeah i think it's better to get a person i feel like this conversation kind of made that true i what computers are good at are emulating almost anything but a human we're just too
Starting point is 01:58:47 sensitive to voices and faces and stuff yeah i don't think it's i agree 100 it wouldn't turn out well either way it's not going to be a good show i don't know i can't tell sometimes if i'm watching a youtube channel that's run by a man or a machine dude yes i like sometimes i'm a i feel like i do tell by before it's over but the fact that i get four or five minutes in sometimes on the long end yeah and then i'm like this is ai that it's accenting the wrong things and it's not following its own train of thought like you'd expect and that's the british applicable you piece of shit yeah i i uh i i don't notice sometimes. What I want to see an example of, I keep hearing that there are
Starting point is 01:59:27 AI OnlyFans girls who are just killing it. I need to see one of these fake women. You need to be one of them. I bet we can find an example of an AI OnlyFans just on Twitter. You just get that service that replies to your messages
Starting point is 01:59:44 and then just do they look real you see you see some real ladies there but yeah these are not this is not ai we've been hoodwinked you guys have been active on tinder in your life do you ever get ai chat bots trying to scam you on tinder because i thought that was a thing uh i've definitely gotten messages that were like clearly from uh just a random like they just some some body out there just grabbed a photo from like an actress's website threw it up and then it's just like disjointed sentence with too many spaces in between words where it'd be like hey space space space space okay what's new with like an exclamation point or something like
Starting point is 02:00:33 it was a person with a bad translate app or an ai you can't really tell what it is yeah you can't tell 100 but like if you look at the pictures and it's clear that it's like these are just headshots from like a woman who was you know probably you know an extra you reverse image search the you reverse image search the the photos and then you ask questions and usually I just I could tell right away that
Starting point is 02:00:55 something's up so I just in the like I'm not interested in finding out what scam you're running like as soon as I have a scent of a scam I'm gone like oh you know I'm doing i'm doing okay having a hard time with my rent this month you know get the fuck out of here you whore yeah yeah keep i hope you get kicked out and then other other times it's like you're so fat you're real
Starting point is 02:01:17 sometimes it's like i know you're real. I know all of you is real. Yeah. It's like the balls to get on a website for dating and like have a bio that's like, I'm really picky. And it's like, no, you're not. You eat everything inside. Like not even. Here's my question. In middle school school the ugliest
Starting point is 02:01:46 girl in school liked my friend he was actually a good looking guy but he was insulted by it and i was like like i get why like it's not like her vision is bad right just because she's ugly doesn't mean you are lisa burger if the ugliest girl in school thinks she has a shot with you she thinks you're the ugliest guy in school that she has a shot with you she thinks you're the ugliest guy in school that was his take so do you apply that at all like if some fucking Hamburglar goes in there and tries to
Starting point is 02:02:12 I was going to ask I was almost going to ask him the exact same question I was going to ask him has he ever been hit on by a woman so ugly that it hurt his feelings yeah yeah no no I take it all as a compliment me too yeah yeah i i it's been a long time but i was once hit on by a guy and uh i'm like he didn't bite if i was getting hit on by like fit gay guys i'd be like yeah yeah i got it yeah yeah
Starting point is 02:02:42 i'm not getting hit on by fake. Go to the public gym. Should I? Ew, public gym, wait in line at machines? No. I never waited in a line, but I was there. Watch some other guy finish his last two sets of squats. I'd sooner buy my own milk than go to a public gym. Yeah, you can't work out in a home gym for six, seven years and then go back to the peon nonsense that
Starting point is 02:03:08 i bet if you went to a nice one though like i've got almost i've got all the machines i want i think but still like there's some stuff at the at the big gym that i don't have there's cool shit there there's gigantic machines and i don't know i i never minded i'm like hey i'm about to jump rope we all agree on 63 degrees in here oh that's the problem okay that's the problem yeah i would go in there and it would be a lit it would be like 70 and 7 which is pretty good but come on i want it to be freezing in here it's 62 degrees in my house right now like i like it cold why would you do that you'd like because electricity is almost free in atlanta apparently i look i i every every month i get the power bill and i'm like what can we do like three or four of these at a time or something like it's so little it'll be dozens
Starting point is 02:03:56 of dollars you've gotten like free water you've mr magooed your way into like free utilities in different ways and in your head you're like it just free. It comes out of the wall. Meanwhile, your neighbor's losing hair. $800? Turn that computer off, Johnny! Sarah, do I hear a microwave ding?
Starting point is 02:04:18 I better not hear it. Put that water in the sunlight outside. Let it get warm. Household now. You're over there, not even using your in-home outside. Let it get warm. We're in a household now. You're over there not even using your in-home sauna. It's just on. I wouldn't be ready. Red hot rocks.
Starting point is 02:04:37 Oh, that's the bathroom where I always leave hot, hot water coming out. Just in case. Hot water is always ready. Yeah, it's really cheap i don't know if it's because we've got nuclear um right by here i don't know where atlanta gets its electricity specifically like what what power source we've got hydroelectric and nuclear in the state um so so probably a nuclear is like the most expensive um we looked this up and and it was difficult to argue with you but i would imagine So probably a mixture is like the most expensive. Um, we looked this up and,
Starting point is 02:05:07 and, and it was difficult to argue with you, but I would imagine over time without subsidies. Well, we looked at this, but it was, it was multifaceted because isn't it, isn't also about the volume of energy that can be created and, and the reliability,
Starting point is 02:05:19 you know, you've got that nuclear, you've got energy on tap 24 hours a day, um, regardless of wind, sun, weather, time of day and all that stuff. So the thing that we looked at when we discussed it like probably a year ago now, the site that we were at was like a literal anti-nuclear site. And their entire presupposition was that, well, if you assume that solar is always in use and has 100 percent hundred percent efficiency, and then you assume nuclear is, you know,
Starting point is 02:05:47 in use and has efficiency, then actually solar is cheaper. And it's like, okay, well, what are their actual efficiency numbers? And that's the problem with wind and solar is that they're not that efficient.
Starting point is 02:05:57 They can't always gather power. Whereas if you have a nuclear plant, that's creating power. Always. It's always creating power, barring some fucking, you know,'s creating power always it's always creating power barring some fucking you know horrible thing like it's it's making power all the time it seems like the way to go it's the future that's what we i can't believe we agree that there's probably a combo
Starting point is 02:06:14 that is the way to go like solar for example produces the most power at times when air conditioners run might be a nice way to add a little extra capacity on top of nuclear sure especially if you're I feel like we need those batteries that Elon Musk has to charge stuff full of energy the oil should be powering our fucking vehicles and our aeroplanes and making all of our wonderful like plasticky
Starting point is 02:06:40 magical devices that we create but but I don't I don't I hope we're not burning oil to fuel cities. We're not turning electrical turbines with gasoline or diesel or something. We do that
Starting point is 02:06:56 with natural gas, right? I don't know. Do what? That's how we power a lot of electricity with natural gas and oil. And I think Pennsylvania even uses a lot of coal. Does that sound right? I don't know how those...
Starting point is 02:07:13 China's all about coal. I've seen those graphs. I guess they're all just boiling water though, right? As far as I know, yeah. Why not use the magic system that we figured out when brilliant minds were like, hey, look at this. Magic stick boils water for basically ever. What do you do? You just keep water around it for it to boil.
Starting point is 02:07:33 Pretty much. But other than that, what do you do? Well, we keep people from bombing it. And there's some other ones that I like too, that aren't always dug into. I'm stuck on this title stuff.
Starting point is 02:07:42 So I, I'm influenced by the fact that I grew up on an island and when the seawater raises the water rushes around the island through the inlets fast i'll make it up like 12 miles an hour something like that and then it goes the other way it does this all day every day with the predictability that the sunrise and sunset hold you know it's moon based and i'm like why don't we harness this traveling water the way we do rivers and dams and stuff you know you need you need some buoys where you connect the cable to the seafloor and you got your buoy and then as it's lifted and dropped over and over it can just be cranking out energy for us but yeah just a huge field of paddles
Starting point is 02:08:22 that move back and forth you would imagine would just be making it flows one direction for six hours and then the other direction for six hours yeah let's turn it yeah i don't know why there isn't like that would take a lot of space in the water and someone could probably be like oh yeah that fucks with all the dolphins or fucks with all the crabs or something like that i don't know like there though. It looks like there's somewhere, though, that we could... Yeah. Like, cut an inlet into the land and keep the fish out and still use the power of the forces. Yeah, or build a nuclear power plant.
Starting point is 02:08:52 The inlet's 16 miles wide. We can't... And not all of it's navigable. Some of it's kind of shallow. I mean, I don't... You can't devote one of these miles to... Let's just put, like, 10 nuclear power plants in North Dakota, like, right next to Canada, Let's just put like 10 nuclear power plants in North Dakota Like right
Starting point is 02:09:05 Next to Canada And pipe it all Right back hot piping nuclear power They're going to be handing it out on street corners Get your nuclear power here The transmission Distances is the problem with that That's why you can't build them all out
Starting point is 02:09:21 In Wyoming or something Where he wouldn't mind so much if they melted down a little bit. Maybe one in the middle of New York. Just one. Just one. The bad one. No, a really good one. It's the safest.
Starting point is 02:09:31 Everyone's talking about it. The Trump brand one. The Trump brand one. Yeah, the Trump brand nuclear power plant. It's the hottest reactor in the world. Hottest reactor. I would like that. It's the hottest reactor in the world. I mean, nuclear power is just so much cooler than all the other powers that like the kid in me is like, do that one. Like, do the one that's magic. It seems like it's the one.
Starting point is 02:09:56 It's the one where they talk about nuclear waste. It's so little. It's so little that you haven't considered how much less physical space it takes up than a giant field in the water or land. I think the wind... A nuclear power plant? Yeah, they don't take up nearly as much space as a wind farm or a solar field. The capacity wind farm you would need. I think the wind farms are ugly i really do um and and they put
Starting point is 02:10:28 those in like populated areas so i've driven through them before and it's like wind farms yeah kansas has a bunch of them and they are an eyesore i drove past them coming back from chicago there's some in maybe southern illinois or somewhere like somewhere on the way back from chicago we drove through a wind farm i've driven through a bunch of wind farms and I usually think of them as in very unpopulated areas, you know, farms. Well,
Starting point is 02:10:50 it depends on what populated is right. If you got one farmer on a thousand acres, is that populated? Like to me, it's not. No. And every time I drive past those, like,
Starting point is 02:10:59 like half of them are like, all right, so there's enough wind to move that one, but not you or you or you or you. I don't know why that happens, but I agree it happens. It's like all these half are spinning. Have you seen the video where
Starting point is 02:11:13 there's two people on top of one of those, and it's spinning completely out of control and on fire, and they're hugging because they're about to die? I saw a tornado hit one recently no i did not see what the one you're talking about that sounds awful yeah it is awful no they died they were every bit as good as those israel refugees for palestinian refugees there
Starting point is 02:11:37 was a hamas soldier in that in that yes there was one of them was a Hamas soldier. Well, we can't confirm he's not. True. I don't know if there are any good people over there, Taylor. I'll tell you what, I remember a guy a while back was saying there was good people on both sides and he got shouted down. Now all of a sudden, good people on both sides over there? I don't know.
Starting point is 02:11:59 I saw Nikki Haley signing a bomb. She did, yeah. What did she say? Do you remember what she wrote? She's like, finish the job, you dirty ragheads or something. She wrote something awful. She's the fucking worst.
Starting point is 02:12:14 You hate everybody. What's your favorite politician? Trump. He's the guy who came up and finished the job before Nikki Haley did. Yeah, but Trump's had a history of funny like funny comments entertaining he's got good hair he's losing weight maybe or he's gaining weight you see that quote from him where he's like people say I'm a man of Elvis people say all the time I look like Elvis
Starting point is 02:12:38 see Nikki Haley's never even tangentially approached something that funny her life people say i look like share uh you know and you know when i look in the mirror i see share she kind of doesn't like share just a little bit like ugly share she could be share's ugly sister share was fucking hot like shares i think micky haley might have a prettier face than share you think it's crazy i I think Cher's really old. I'm picturing. Neck down, Cher.
Starting point is 02:13:07 Fuck you. Bullshit, old now. Cher's 100. No, I was thinking she's older than Nikki Haley, right? She's ancient. It's shocking she's still alive. I'm talking about Cher from Sonny and Cher when she would wear those titty shirts,
Starting point is 02:13:20 when she would be barely dressed on nightly television, dancing and singing and looking hot as fuck. I think she's be like barely dressed on like on nightly television dancing and singing and looking hot as fuck i think she's half native america or something like that i also like when she's got her flat ass and that g-string on that one uh video where she's on the aircraft carrier the battleship i think if i'm back to home i mean share was share was a cutie back then exactly yeah yeah see what i'm talking about like like this is her aging over time obviously yes that's how aging tends to happen yeah but she didn't age though there's got just got tighter and tighter like that simpsons bottom left is her oldest
Starting point is 02:14:02 picture somehow. Yeah. The top row is what she really looks like and the bottom row is what she was able to have crafted. Look at that. She's got much better pictures. She wore lots of sexy stuff when she was on Sonny and Cher.
Starting point is 02:14:21 Wasn't she groomed by Sonny Bono? I don't know their ages. I know they divorced at some point. I was a kid at the time when he died. She was 16 when they met. How old was he? 27.
Starting point is 02:14:42 He's dead. RIP to Sonny Bono. For the 60s though it was probably the 60s when they met that doesn't seem all that bad but that is pretty rough 27 and 16 I knew 16 year old girls in high school that were dating 27 year old men
Starting point is 02:14:56 in 2000 fucking zero 2000 and zero I was going to add a number, but I was like, no, that was like, yeah,
Starting point is 02:15:08 right around there. He'll wipe to the, uh, yes. We'll hear from a couple of wonderful, wonderful sponsors. This episode of PK is brought to you by blue chew. Let's talk about sex guys.
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Starting point is 02:17:04 You want to know that if I want to fuck right now, have a really hard dick, boom. Oh, I want to do it tomorrow again too? Boom. You're in the mix. You're in the mix, partner. That's what you need. Yeah. You'll be the best you.
Starting point is 02:17:17 Go twice. The absolute best you. You're good to go. Refractory period, it's like down to nothing. Yeah. it's like down to nothing yeah and what's the point of having the hardest dick in the land if at the end of your sexual escapades there's just a little tootski of cum coming out of your penis there's no point there's no laughing at you behind your back the women are laughing at you behind your back they're saying his dick was hard sure but his bust left something to be desired and
Starting point is 02:17:43 if you don't think women are paying huge amounts of attention to that, then you don't know women. Not like we know women, right? Yeah, they're like, fill me, fill me, fill me. And then she left half full. Classic. I thought a woman was in the room for a second. The way you were saying exactly what I've heard many times.
Starting point is 02:18:05 Lock and load is the premium, premium ejaculation, increasing supplement. It's taking the world by storm folks, and you can get it. You can try it for 10% off over at gorilla with code PKA or code jizz. And it doesn't stop there.
Starting point is 02:18:18 Folks, of course, start with lock and load. That's the number one product over there in my humble opinion, but it doesn't, it doesn't end there. Get yourself energy drinks, weight loss supplements, dream supplements, anything and everything you could possibly need efficaciously dosed by Derek and his geniuses. You can get for 10% off over at with code PKA or code Jizz.
Starting point is 02:18:39 But come on, get real. Start with the Lock and Load. What's the point of being jacked if again you're fucking with your hard dick and then there's there's not a big uh explosion at the end it's just a trickle you went out with a whimper you know you don't want that you want to go out with the bang you want to go out with an explosion you want everyone in the neighborhood talking about it all the all of her friends you want her to open up her conversation with her girlfriends next time my goodness i can't believe how much alan came all over me the other night and they're gonna go my goodness that's crazy because my husband butch is a bitch i just call him bitch now hey bitch hey, bitch. I was going to curl the room. What is that?
Starting point is 02:19:26 Yeah, I know. I hear the girls talking, the Lock and Load customers, like, is it normal to sound like a 7-Eleven slushie machine afterwards? And yeah, I mean, for Lock and Load partners, yes, it is.
Starting point is 02:19:36 Yeah, if he loves you, it is. And that's something for the female listeners out there, both of you, if he's not coming very much, it's because he doesn't love you. It's because he's revolted by your presence. He's tired of your stories.
Starting point is 02:19:51 I don't know how much you come is based on how much he loves you and whether or not he wants to get you a ring. That's true. That's true. So rest assured, ladies, if you're blowing him and then you're going to swallow his cum and it feels like the same amount when you got a slightly runny nose and you sniff too hard and it goes in the back of your throat.
Starting point is 02:20:10 He doesn't love you. He doesn't care about you. And that's that's all there is to it. So get lock and load. Start coming like a man. Make sure your woman knows you love her. And unless and woman, you know, get this for your man. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:20:23 I love you more. And woman, get this for your man. Yeah. Buy it for your man. Buy it for all your loved ones that are male. Because if you're a woman, you don't have sperms. And so we can't help you there. Yet. Yet. I don't think we need to help them. They're fine.
Starting point is 02:20:40 They have enough help as it is. You can do a BKA lube. I mean, we kind of have done a lube. Just after you need it. Is that what people want? My face on a lube container? Yes, yes, it is. Taylor's old-timey, sexual, fantabulous lubrication device.
Starting point is 02:20:59 You fought for the cum splatters on the bottle of the Lock and Load. What would you fight for on the lube? I would fight to make sure that unlike this bottle that our presence was almost entirely minimized. The official
Starting point is 02:21:17 lube of... We'd have to just partner with Wet Platinum or someone like that. No, I want something like Crisco-based. We can do better than Wet Platinum. Crisco? Yeah, I want like a pomades-type substance that you get for like a fisting cream. No, the internet keeps telling me seed oils are poison now.
Starting point is 02:21:39 Seed oils are poison. That's what they're saying online. Who's saying it? So where do your oils come from? Weird people. Do you use motor oil? My oils, I guess if I'm cooking, I usually use like olive oil. That's kind of, seems like that works for most everything.
Starting point is 02:21:55 That's a low smoke point. You can't use that. Okay, well, oh, I have beef tallow too. My grandma got me beef tallow. Now that'll do the trick and get that smoking. And you know what? I think it was you. Whatever yeast infection.
Starting point is 02:22:12 They used to do the McDonald's fries in beef tallow. Yep. And they were better that way. I haven't seen much of the store because I'm still using the one that my grandma got me, the beef tallow cooking oil or spread, whatever. I'm going to stick with it it is better it tastes nice it depends what you're cooking obviously making a steak and beef tallow makes a ton of sense uh i've done french fries and duck fat before that really good i made eggs it was better with making eggs i liked that yeah yeah they used to use beef tallow at uh mcdonald's and the
Starting point is 02:22:42 cholesterol was outrageous in the french fries and so now they use like a beef tallow flavoring agent they add god knows what it's made of it was because of their concern with the public's cholesterol not it wasn't some overhead thing i think it was there was like it was the 90s whenever everybody was trying to like be super thin and salads were becoming a thing on menus or trying to be and it was a bad look that their french fries had. It was a shocking amount of cholesterol, I think. And again, it's fries. It's not meat. I don't think cholesterol,
Starting point is 02:23:13 that's not what makes you fat, though. No, but it's bad for your heart. It's unhealthy. I think that's up for debate. I don't think it is. I think they got some strong science on the debate. I don't think it is. I think they got some strong science on the matter. I don't know. The clinical data.
Starting point is 02:23:30 Have you read the data? The studies? Pull up that doctor with the monkey boy. Let's ask him about this. Let's ask Dr. Petey Penguin or whatever the fuck his name was. That was the saddest part of that photo, right? That he had a friend. They were like, give him a friend.
Starting point is 02:23:44 He looks sad. And they gave him a chimpanzee. He had that little monkey in his arms. They were like... That's like... Do you know who you're talking to? This is like Taylor's dream. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:23:53 It's like telling me, isn't it sad? Oh, to live as the monkey boy. All I did is feed him trail mix. I'm like, yeah, what a fucking tragedy. Oh, was his best friend a chimpanzee? Taylor's like, fuck. Yeah. Okay, so he was Mowgli.
Starting point is 02:24:05 Great. Shout out to Kimmy and Kirby, the chimps from my second birthday party. They are long dead, undoubtedly. No, they were a long time. Well, they were older. Michael Jackson's chimp is still alive. They were older than me at the time.
Starting point is 02:24:18 So those chimps are probably in their late 30s now. They live in 40s, right? Incidentally, I think. Okay. All right. Well, then, Kimmy and Kirby, I hope you're doing all right. in their late 30s now. They lived in 40s, right? Alright, well then, Kimmy and Kirby, I hope you're doing alright. Actually, I hope Kirby's doing alright. I hope Kimmy was killed in some sort of accident soon after the party. Kimmy was a cunt.
Starting point is 02:24:37 She pushed me off of my Kawasaki. I've told this story before. I had just gotten a brand new Kawasaki, and I was wanting to ride it around, and she shoved me right off of it. It was a tiny little four-wheeler thing that a little child would sit on, and you press the button, and it had a little battery,
Starting point is 02:24:53 and he goes, It was the little battery-powered RC cars that everybody had. Girls would get the Barbie car. I had the Jeep. The Jeep was big in the early 90s. Kirby was astute. He was smart. Now that's a chimp.
Starting point is 02:25:07 If you told me he knew how to read, I might buy it. Kimmy, there's no way you could teach that bitch to read anything. I was mad at her because she made you the bitch. Yeah, you cracked the case on that one.
Starting point is 02:25:30 She hopped on my Kawasaki and drove away and the chimp handler was like ha ha ha and i was like this is my party that didn't happen she she got on it yeah i don't remember if she actually like moved it away but she got left yeah she took your spot on the car your little electric car yes she pushed me off of it my mom used to tell me the story like oh yeah and then kimmy came over and pushed you off and you got on and i was and so i've always been a kirby man myself my brother set me free i don't know the details of the storm too young to remember it but i was like two outside in a bassinet and somehow the bassinet was locked i've never seen a bassinet with a child lock or whatever. Maybe it had a mosquito net or something, but my brother knew how to undo the lock. So he
Starting point is 02:26:12 set me free and I ran away from home at like two years old. No one knew where I was. A neighbor was like, did you lose your child? And my mom's like, yeah, I've been looking for him. That's kind of where the story wraps but it's part of the woodworth lore that my brother tried to get rid of me at two years old damn and he would have gotten away with it too it wasn't his meddling neighbors yeah my my youngest brother must have been like four or five so i was like 12 my other brother was 11 and we were at my grandparents house and like for the first time ever my, like both had to go do something at work. And so they were like, now you guys just stay here and stay around the house.
Starting point is 02:26:49 You can, you know, go play in the field, ride the four wheelers, whatever you want to do. But, you know, stick around here. And like for some reason, my youngest brother was like, I'm going to run away. Like I'm running away. And I don't know. I believe it was literally because he wanted to watch something something gay like jj the jet plane and me and my other brother were like we're watching street sharks that's what's gonna happen and he threw a tantrum over it and he left and me and my you know i'm 12 my
Starting point is 02:27:17 other brother's 11 we like watch him leave with his his little backpack full of slim jims which is like all he packed and we like watched him walk like somberly out and then like every 10 feet he'd like turn around and look like like look at us looking at him through the mirror like he was about to cry and then turn walk a little further and then after like maybe 10 minutes he never even left our eyesight he turns around to come back defeated and we had locked him out of the house to be like, all right. And then he's like begging us to come back in. And we're like, you said you could handle the world.
Starting point is 02:27:54 We hope it goes well. Tell us how it goes. And he's like, Taylor, let me in. We did let him back in, obviously, because he was probably five because i was oh my god well yeah i did that too i was on the losing side of it though i wasn't on taylor's side and my parents were the people mocking me like i i we were coming home from something it might have been a phillies game on the weekend or something and i'm cranky and the whole car ride home I just wanted like attention or what but all they would do is laugh at me like I was just really ostracized from the other three people in
Starting point is 02:28:31 my family and when I got home I was like I'm gonna run away my parents are like knock yourself out we're all in favor of this so I uh I packed a quick bag or something and at this point it's like 8 30 at night or something but i'm young i don't know how young six something like that and uh they're like off you go let's make our job easier so i run away from home and i start knocking on friends families i'm getting way further than your brother did i'm uh walking around the neighborhood asking friends if they like want to come out and play and their parents are like no they're going to bed like it's 8 30 why are you even outside right now and uh i ran away from home they're like good luck with that and i had to like crawl back home and just be
Starting point is 02:29:15 like yeah i couldn't make it no one else can play it's real tough out there you guys it's rough out there you have no idea you wouldn't believe it i've got no money i'm five years old yeah i run away like uh oh i'm sorry you ran away i was gonna say i didn't run away but when i was like 12 or 13 i moved into the backyard for a little while i put a tent out there and uh and then slowly but surely i I made my tent, like my bedroom basically. Like a TV was in. I run an extension cord out there. I've got multiple electronics.
Starting point is 02:29:51 You're like Bobby in the doghouse in King of the Hill. Yeah, yeah. I don't think I had air conditioning of any kind. I think I had a fan. And eventually it was like, this is no good. This is no good. How long did you last? I don't know.
Starting point is 02:30:02 I was like in and out of there for like a whole solid week for sure like i was sleeping out there every night for a week and i was like spending most of the daytime out there is but it would get hot and then and that would drive me back in i had this same story but it was it lasted way longer like for two summers i stayed in a tent in the backyard my tent was really big like you could stand in it It might have been like an eight or a 10 person tent. And I had an electrical cord out there. So we had like a small television. And I had a big box fan. I don't know what else.
Starting point is 02:30:35 A sleeping bag, maybe an air mattress. And I stayed out there so much. I didn't even have to ask anymore. And I had a friend who slept over in my tent so often. He didn't need to ask permission from his parents anymore. It was like a given like it was his other room that he could holy shit sleep in my backyard have we not heard about this before how old are you uh well we're 25 but i must have been i must have been like 11 and 12 or 10 and 11 like that's pretty young that's pretty crazy young to be doing that yeah it's a fun age to do that though because it's it's kind of like this is my little house this is my space i have my chair here i have my air mattress my little tv like your own little castle i loved it
Starting point is 02:31:13 when it rained even today like if i'm napping in my truck and i'm protected from the rainfall or nap or if i'm sleeping in a tent i like it when I'm like outside yet protected from rain. That's just a neat vibe. Yeah, for sure. I think, uh, it may have been the year that maybe it was Haley's comment came.
Starting point is 02:31:32 It was one of those comments it does every like 70 or 90 years. Um, so it was whenever that happened, probably 90 late nineties. Cause I remember being out there and watching, it was one of those that just like, it's there every night, you know,
Starting point is 02:31:43 sort of just like barely moving. It was really bright. That was cool. It is cool. I didn't catch Aurora. Bully Alice. I'm messing it up, but it was recently seen,
Starting point is 02:31:55 right? Yeah. Yeah. We had that big electrical storm the other day. Did you see it at all? Taylor, you would have been in the best spot. No,
Starting point is 02:32:02 I, I forgot about it. I had a bunch of friends over and we were hanging out. Everybody on you. I know, but I did in the other spot no i i forgot about it i had a bunch of friends over and we were hanging out everybody on you i know but i did in the other room and then it was like it got we were hanging out in my house me and like probably like six buddies were all there and then someone at like midnight was like oh yeah there's some kind of celestial event tonight and i'm like oh the thing god likes it about and then we went outside and there was nothing yeah the first night i totally missed it i like came to these messages like woody go outside right now like kyle sent messages and some of my paramotor friends sent that message
Starting point is 02:32:33 and i'm like i was too late the next night it happened again i'm told jackie goes outside she's like you can't see anything you can only see it through a camera, I guess. I did see that where like I saw people posting pictures of it and it looks like majestic and magnificent. And then some other, I guess, fact finding fun ruiner would be in the comments and be like, yeah, but that's not what it actually looked like because your camera picks up light that's refracted in a way that your eyes can't. And I'm like, oh, so it actually didn't look that cool. I have to believe it didn't look that cool because I missed it me too it looked cool in alabama uh atlanta was too bright um it was uh it was a big solar flare and all that energy being uh refracted through our atmosphere and there was so much of it that it while it's normal normally you know the northern lights lights way up there,
Starting point is 02:33:27 it was enough energy to extend down to Alabama. So that was cool. I know there was a solar flare event and it was telegraph times, like maybe 1891, and it was so powerful that it set the telegraph machines on fire. That was kind of the electronics of the day. But you can imagine
Starting point is 02:33:43 like, if it happened today, it would fry the whole system. Like, all of our shit would fry. Well, fingers crossed on that. Hopefully that doesn't happen again. I don't know how that works. I mean, it sounds right, but is there more protection in the lines than there used to be? No. Okay. No, there's not enough.
Starting point is 02:34:00 Can't protect against something that powerful. Can't protect against something that powerful. Everything would fry. It would be like a real setback for humanity. We wouldn't be worried about Israel, I don't think. We'd probably be pulling the money back home.
Starting point is 02:34:16 You don't think America would do... The American president would be like, in this trying... Biden would get up there, or Trump, he'd be like, in this trying time, we must remember to support our strongest ally oh did we talk about civil war i think maybe we talked about it in the hangout about the the movie i think it was pkn right oh okay never mind then yeah i just for this audience like it don't waste your time watching the civil war movie the alex garland civil war movie
Starting point is 02:34:51 there is no civil war you follow kirsten dunst and some reporters around for the whole movie and then you get a good firefight in the last 10 minutes and the rest of it is just people getting ptsd seeing war crimes that are just kind of sad it is not what it's described like in all the promo images woody and the trailers they show cityscapes full of american military like new york's burning with uh apaches flying past um or or like atlanta's getting bombed and f-22s are flying over the top of it. None of that happened. Nothing even approaching that happens. Those scenes aren't even in the movie?
Starting point is 02:35:31 Not even close. Well, it's, again, they're like, I don't remember them being, yeah, there was video, I think, of the helicopters flying. Yeah, none of those scenes are even in the movie. Not even close. There's definitely images.
Starting point is 02:35:44 There's definitely lots of images. Yeah, they're riding around are even in the movie. Not even close. There's definitely images. There's definitely lots of images. Yeah, they're riding around in a Ford Excursion, and they have to drive from New York to Washington, D.C., but they can't go straight because the interstate's been bombed, so they have to go out around West Virginia and do this loop. And it's just the drive there and then a firefight, and it was so disappointing. It wasn't bad. It just firefight. And it was so disappointing. It wasn't bad.
Starting point is 02:36:05 It just wasn't what it was advertised as. It's like when I watch that. I'm not excited about any movies right now. I don't see a lot of advertising. And the first advertising I missed was movies. It was the only thing I really got value out of. If you advertise toothbrushes or cars and trucks to me it's kind of wasted i just wish you weren't bothering me food but movies i always want to know what's coming what do you
Starting point is 02:36:32 got yeah i like i used to watch all the movie trailers but and they've always given a lot away but at some point they got to the point where they're giving the whole plot away if you watch the whole trailer toward the end of the trailer you're seeing the bad guy die it's like all right well i guess they i guess none of that other shit mattered they seem to have surrounded his evil castle okay well oh and he killed him is he dead that's the end it's like you see the whole movie in three minutes i don't know what they're doing uh so i don't watch as many what i will do is watch like a couple seconds just sort of get a vibe for um you know like what what what the movie looks like or or what the or just some semblance of what the movie's about and then i'm gonna watch this and i'll turn it off some
Starting point is 02:37:17 trailers are really good at avoiding the phenomenon that you talked about the The thing is, you don't know which until you're afterwards. You can't unsee it. Deadpool did a good job of like, shit, I watched that trailer and all I knew was the existence of Deadpool and Wolverine. I didn't know anything else about the movie really. I actually haven't watched it. I haven't watched the Deadpool trailer. I fully intend to watch the movie, so I don't see any need to watch it. I don't want to get any sort of spoilers. I know you didn't like Mad Max Fury Road all that much when it came out. We watched it in theaters together.
Starting point is 02:37:51 Oh, it was fine. Yeah, you just thought it was kind of mediocre, average at best. And they just made the sequel to it. No, the prequel to it, the Furiosa movie. It's that Anna Taylor Joy girl or something like that. The redhead from Queen's Gambit. Who's got the triangular face. She plays Furiosa,
Starting point is 02:38:11 who was Charlize Theron's female warrior character from the Mad Max movie. And it's doing real poorly. It's the worst Memorial Day opening since Garfield. Does it suck? Oh, I'm sure it's great. It's just not general audience. Yeah? Oh, I'm sure it's great. It's just not.
Starting point is 02:38:27 Are you really general audience? Yeah. Yeah. I'm sure it's great. I just, I bet it's just not, it's just not general audience is great. So you got to remember what it is.
Starting point is 02:38:34 So the original Mad Max wasn't a gigantic blockbuster. It was sort of a, a niche cult film that launched Mel Gibson's career. I've seen all three of them and they're just okay. They're not that good. Fury Road was great, I thought. I really liked the visuals in that. I liked that it was one nonstop chase scene.
Starting point is 02:38:56 I liked the fantastic nature of it. All those characters looked so ridiculous. And I liked the Max character. I liked how understated he was. And I liked everything about character. I liked how understated he was. And I liked everything about him. I liked the devotion. I liked the culture. You know, the warriors, the witness me, the spray paint. That stuff got me
Starting point is 02:39:13 psyched. Like, I'm about to do something crazy. Witness me. Hold my beers, is basically what he's saying. And that was really cool. It wasn't practical. When that guy's playing the fucking guitar that shoots fire. And the other guy's hitting the fucking drums and he's playing the shit out of them. Like he's so amped up playing those drums.
Starting point is 02:39:35 I should watch it again. And that rock band is on top of like a monster truck. And it's like gushing fire out every time he hits it out of the and he's got like some sort of crazy human skin mask he's wearing he's like scary as fuck and he's on a bunch of like without cgi uh because some of it's practical i think there is a car there is a guitar he was really bungeed up there like he's bungeed up there yeah he's bouncing around he's the thing about that movie was was it's all practical effects. Then you learn later, oh,
Starting point is 02:40:08 practical effects was like 15% of the effect and they really cranked it up to 11% with CGI. Are you guys talking about the new one? Yes, this new one is in the prequel with Anna Taylor-Joy or something like that. She's playing Furiosa. I don't know why they thought it was going to do well
Starting point is 02:40:24 because Mad Max Fury Road didn't let nobody go to gonna see it it's the worst memorial day opening since garfield it's it made like 30 million dollars or something like that and it needed to make a lot more than that uh i'm sure i'll enjoy it i like it a lot but i i don't think most the average moviegoer will i don't think it's that movie and i I think a lot of them are like, who, who? And they're like, ah,
Starting point is 02:40:47 it's a Charlize Theron's character from that movie from 2016. What? Who? Oh, okay. I don't know that or care about it. Like, yeah,
Starting point is 02:40:57 90% of rotten tomatoes. The people that are going will love it, but I just don't think a lot of people are going. That's the thing. Yeah. We were talking about like childhood stuff earlier did you guys ever have a time i feel like this happened to everyone at least once where you were like in a public place as a young child and you were like wandering about and you like grabbed what you thought was your mom's hand in a crowd and then
Starting point is 02:41:24 you and then it just wasn't it was just some other lady you never did that no i don't think it was that's pretty gay yeah i was a pretty i was a pretty fucking you like skip while you swing along holding their hand yes yeah i was a very gay four year old and i remember i was at like the fucking science center i was at the science center and i was four tail carly just going through puberty i had just finished puberty my voice was cracking yeah and i was i was walking around the science center i don't know how i escaped my parents i guess i escaped my parents a lot and i like was just holding this woman's hand for like not a brief amount of time and i
Starting point is 02:42:01 like said mom and this woman was like i'm not your mom and i look up and it's a black lady i don't know shit even close i i well it was just like a second nature like i just was like walking with this and so like looking back she was probably like some woman in her like early 30s who was just like what the fuck is this little kid holding my hand for? And it was maybe the first time in my life that my stomach dropped in fear of black people.
Starting point is 02:42:33 Like, yeah, it was like, they start beating her to the ground because like my immediate thought wasn't like, beating her to the ground because like my my immediate that white boy my immediate thought wasn't like wasn't like oh i've i've lost my mom where she must be around here somewhere like my
Starting point is 02:42:54 thought was like you've been left you'll never see her again ever like because in a group that large it was like oh my like i could never find like maybe 30 seconds later my mom found me but stomach dropped i was like they've they've probably already gone home they probably forgot about it yes they probably grabbed a different tailor and started over my mom's probably somewhere with a little black kid yeah well no changing places yeah no idea uh i did that too taylor but it i was a little different because i was at the grocery store and i was sitting on this like tile floor and i don't know how my mom and this woman pulled a switcheroo on me but suddenly it's not my mom standing next to me and i i like threaded my arm
Starting point is 02:43:46 between her legs and put my knee on i'm talking about my head on her knee and uh i was like hey mom and she's like i'm not your mom sweetie and it wasn't my mom then you were like all right well i'm your problem until we solve now. Now we have to solve this together, ma'am. I wasn't a touchy-feely child. So I definitely, I don't think I ever lost them either. I would wander around when we go to stores. I don't know. I would just go off.
Starting point is 02:44:20 I would run around Home Depot hitting that button asking for assistance. Really? That was easy. And I would go to the grocery store. I remember Publix had... I haven't seen this since I was a kid, but they had these coupon machines next to the product. So you'd go to the cereal aisle
Starting point is 02:44:37 and there'd be this little machine attached to the shelf and it would dispense coupons for cereal. You would pull one out and it would dispense coupons for cereal you would pull one out and it would stick another one out and you you'd like tear it off and so i'd go around just getting them all all over the store like grabbing them um i can't believe you mentioned this because that's like a memory i haven't had in decades and i remember really feeling like i was helping on the grocery expedition.
Starting point is 02:45:05 Yeah. I like going up and down every aisle and I'm being like, Oh, uh, you know, Quaker oats. I better get seven of these. And like just taking huge amounts of them. I thought,
Starting point is 02:45:15 I thought, I thought of them as like a kind of currency and it was all you had to do. Looking back, it was just my mom trying to burn some energy of mine. Yeah. Go get all the fucking coupons. Yeah. Go get the coupons.
Starting point is 02:45:24 I go get the, uh, the cheese samples. They'd be giving away some cheese cubes in the, in the deli. Yeah, go get all the fucking coupons. Yeah, go get the coupons. Go get the cheese samples. They'd be giving away some cheese cubes in the deli. And if we were at Home Depot, I was hitting all those customer assistance buttons. And I would run. I would run as soon as I hit them. And I remember this black lady caught me and she's like...
Starting point is 02:45:38 And I ran for it. Because she laughed about it. I appreciated that. She wasn't mad. She kind of knew it was a game too. She was down. She's working mad. She, she kind of thought it was new. It was a game too. She was down, you know, she's working at home Depot. It's probably high as fuck. My mom used to like to get me to behave better in the grocery store as a very young kid.
Starting point is 02:45:54 Like the first stop when we went to the grocery store was the deli and fried chicken area. And she'd like get me a few chicken wings to eat throughout the trip and so i'd just be like walking alongside her like eating chicken wings and that i guess placated me a little bit chicken wings yeah you're you're just a little bit of a like a barbarian child i told i've said before this many years ago, I was a leash kid. Uh, Oh my God.
Starting point is 02:46:27 I forgot about that. That means you're so outrageous. I closed down a Macy's because I was so fucking good at hiding. I would hear my mom and my grandma. I'd hear my mom being like, Taylor, I could hear the, I could hear the warbling of fear in her voice, Taylor.
Starting point is 02:46:42 And then I'd hear my grandma like, Taylor, Taylor, you around here. We got to get going. They're closed. And then i'd hear my grandma like taylor taylor you around here we gotta get going they're closed and then i'd wait for like like both of them and the assistant you know gay guy who worked in nordstrom or maces or whatever to come over there and they'd come to look at the the circular display of clothes i had my hands on the top and not lift my feet when they peek under there I lift my feet so I hid I hid so much one time that like they had to keep Macy's open longer for me until
Starting point is 02:47:12 eventually I came out and uh and then uh after that uh my mom like put me on a leash briefly and she was she put me on a wrist leash i escaped that immediately she was trying to look at clothes in white house black market i was gone i was gone i was at kb toys and then uh after that she upgraded to like a full harness one and like similar to a dog i realized i couldn't escape that one and i didn't want to spend time in the leash and so i stopped running away that's outrageous yeah i don't know it's a normal part of growing up every teen every teenager goes through that phase kyle i remember i would i was probably like three like like three or four very i remember getting in the clothes racks like that
Starting point is 02:47:57 was fun you know those circular clothes racks like hiding in there yeah that's what it's a good time but i definitely never hid until people screamed for me and put out a search party or anything like that well it was a difficult situation for me because there did come a time where i realized no one was going to be chill about it when i came out and so then i was hiding a little harder until where were your oh because you get in trouble when you were found yeah i'm happy to find you. They were, I was probably at this point I was probably like three.
Starting point is 02:48:29 And so my younger brother wouldn't have even been like, he probably wasn't even there. And my youngest brother wasn't born yet. So yeah. Yeah. Just a, just having a fun time. I was just,
Starting point is 02:48:40 just exploring the world learning. They call that the scientific method. We talked about it briefly but what life kyle's not impressed with everest is there anything that's cool you want to do like big like i'll never do it but i think sailing across one of the oceans would be pretty dope or around the world like a physical feat well just a life experience that you're not complete without? Lifelong dream of to do something to add on? Nothing nearly as impressive as like sailing across an ocean or climbing a mountain.
Starting point is 02:49:15 I guess the only like really intense physical stuff I'd want to do is like stuff I look forward to. Like I have no desire to, yeah, just jacking off all the time. Jacking off on top of Everest. You better be on lock and load. You need to be on your best day.
Starting point is 02:49:34 I gotta be quick. I got frostbite. You'll never get. Well, it's probably on the dick still frozen to your hand. Come out like an icicle. Yeah, I don't know. Water-based lube.
Starting point is 02:49:50 Even like, like I like hiking. I like outdoorsy stuff. I just don't, I don't do any of it with like a sense of accomplishment afterward. It's like, it's like, oh, that was fun. Like skiing. Like, oh, I do that because it's a ton of fun and I love it. But afterward, I'm not like, yeah, you conquered the mountain. Because I didn't.
Starting point is 02:50:11 No, I want to visit the Titanic. There's this billionaire who's got a vessel he's taken down and he's selling seats for $100,000. I'm thinking about... He wants to prove it's safe. He wants to prove it's safe. So he's going to use a real xbox controller yeah yeah it the fucking the new one the xbox x series x control mad cats no
Starting point is 02:50:32 control freaks all right adjustable triggers you'll be fine no mistakes all right we're gonna be good on this he's got those those extenders so he can more accurately yeah oh is that what those were yeah yeah i use control freaks are Oh, is that what those were? Yeah, yeah. I use control freaks. They're good. Things get tight. Be like, dude, hand that over. My KD used to be over too sometimes.
Starting point is 02:50:51 Actually, seeing if I had to pick something, and this doesn't even really fit because it's not an accomplishment I did. I'd want to see big giant elephants in Africa, like big animals. I'd want to be close enough to a hippo that I was kind of spooked or an elephant or something like that. like seeing those animals doing their own thing it would just be you want to go on safari yeah safari would be tight i bet it's like i bet you do safari for less than 10 i bet you go on like a crazy safari for for eight grand i think that would be well worth it like In one of those buses?
Starting point is 02:51:28 In one of those Land Rovers that doesn't have a top on it? That's just got the cage? I'd want my own guide for me. Me and whoever I'm bringing. My brothers, my friends, girlfriend, whatever. You want to be able to kill things too? Or you just want to look? No, we're not doing that. What if he's for 50 extra?
Starting point is 02:51:43 You can RPG a fucking hippo 50 american 50 american as if there were a backstory on how like this hippo were causing problems for the larger group of him no no no it's a sweet hippo it's 50 bucks i'm still gonna do it they call her Bertha, the most gentle hippo that can be found. She is the only one here who has never
Starting point is 02:52:12 murdered. You should hand feed her iceberg lettuce before you RPG her. So if I shoot this thing, it'll feed a village? Oh, no. It's terrible to eat. eat oh it is against our religion everywhere yeah that would be okay i'd rid the world of an evil i do that shit i always heard
Starting point is 02:52:35 about those places in vietnam you can go and you can shoot a water buffalo with an rpg for x amount of money and shit or maybe it's cambodia yeah i think it was cambodia but no i actually like yours i like the safari thing and seeing some animals uh i think that's i can't think of anything much better than that that i actually would enjoy doing i would like to see the uh like wild african game up close maybe see um like some icebergs like do one of those Alaskan or Antarctic cruises and just see like, I don't know, icebergs and shit. Great ice wall.
Starting point is 02:53:10 Yeah. The great ice wall that separates us from the spider people are overlords and protectors. I saw a graph that was like someone's theorizing of like, you know, the, the earth and then the ice wall. And then they even like added other continents outside of it.
Starting point is 02:53:28 And all I shit up. They just made it up. And like I was like, I was looking at it and all I could think about was like, if this were like a if this were the playable map in like Skyrim, that would be sweet. Because, you know, how usually you play a game like GTA five, you swim out too far and like a shark eats you or something. Like you can't actually go. But if you're playing Skyrim and you could just keep swimming through that sea and then you arrive at a brand new DLC area,
Starting point is 02:53:53 but it's not DLC, it's free, and you show up, that would be sick. Minecraft does that. I just can't. I was born at the wrong time to get really into Minecraft. If I were 10 years younger, I probably would have been all about it.
Starting point is 02:54:09 Yeah, I despise it. I don't have a strong opinion. I can see where you're coming from, but it was a good game too. Oh, I mean, it must be. I think it's the best-selling PC game ever. I would guess that, yeah.
Starting point is 02:54:24 Yeah, probably so. I'm looking forward to this arena breakout game eating tarkov's lunch i i i'm really psyched for it when they've released their full game it's still in this little limited data where the only way you can get in is if you've got a key and there's probably i think it's 150 000 of us playing it or something like that maybe they gave away that many keys roughly this game's gonna have half a million us playing it or something like that. Maybe they gave away that many keys roughly. This game's going to have half a million people playing it easily. It's going to be a really, really big game. And I can't wait for Tarkov to just lose. I think it's because you don't like Nikita.
Starting point is 02:54:57 No, I've always liked Nikita. I didn't like the Unheard Edition thing because I felt like it wasn't like the relationship between the customer and the Tarkov developer ownership
Starting point is 02:55:17 or whatever had always been on even footing anyway. It always felt like they owed us. It's like, yeah, you owe me, but it's like someone who owes you money, like a buddy owes you money, and then they're shitty to you. It's like, dude, did you forget? You owe me money. You owe me content.
Starting point is 02:55:33 I gave you $150 years ago, and I've been waiting on that content. You're late on it, but I don't say anything because I like you, and now you're saying you want $100 more, and then that quote about we're going to see who the true believers are now. It's like, motherfucker, do you know how long I've been playing this? And I'm not even an old school player. There's people who've been playing three, four years longer than me that feel the same way. And then Landmark on his stream is going through and reading and how the phraseology about how this this is dlc now but you know it
Starting point is 02:56:08 what we said before doesn't count he's on their website showing what the old package we all bought what said the verbiage on it and it says all future dlc will be free and then the next day they delete that line they delete they they watchedmark stream and critique the unheard edition and took one of his talking points away by going back retroactively and deleting it off the description of the package that they had already sold. And then when they were called out on it, they said, no, we didn't. It's like, motherfucker, here's the video. Here it is yesterday.
Starting point is 02:56:40 Here it is today. If not you, then you've got a security problem. There are hackers attacking you. Are you going to fix it? Because clearly someone has... Oh, it was all... That's my issue. The unheard of addition.
Starting point is 02:56:53 It's so dishonest. I don't like what they did, but if it was the only thing they had done and I'd always loved them, I probably could have gotten over it. Maybe even give them another $100. Maybe. But my issue is like,
Starting point is 02:57:04 we waited years and years and years for the new content to drop for what they said the game was going to be to be that it still isn't and i'm like oh you just i don't know i just felt like they never worked very hard the whole time and then when they wanted more money to do their jobs it was that i like you i'm mad what they did is they took our money and they gambled it on a proposed esports game, the arena version of Tarkov, and it flopped.
Starting point is 02:57:34 It failed and nobody is playing it. I bet there's nobody on there playing in those servers. And they spent all that money developing it, promoting it, putting it on cons, and they wanted it to be an esports game. They had this idea for a future where they're doing these huge events and stuff, and
Starting point is 02:57:51 all their money just went poof. And now they're sitting there with their dick in their hand and not enough funding to keep the company going, probably. Or at least maybe not. They could see the end of the road if they don't earn more, and they start see the the end of the road if they don't earn more and they start milking the fan base for like they like they did so yeah i hope this chinese copycat game
Starting point is 02:58:11 eats their fucking lunch i love that it's free to play as long as they don't do their monetization in a shitty or dishonest kind of way over there as long as they're like hey it's a knife skin if you want it it's five dollars get. Get it or not. Or if they just sell coin at a decent price with okay monetary leveling in the game, those things will be great. It'll be a huge game. It'll have half a million players on it.
Starting point is 02:58:35 And the programmers are bad at Battlestate games. That's Escape from Tarkov. We probably should change topics soon. But the programmers are bad. That's why they have huge hacker issues. They think it's the flea market or the real life training no dude it's because your game is easy to hack there's too much on the client side your audio is awful why well your programmers are actually not that good at this job russians like name all the other great russian gaming studios there's whoever fucking made tetris in the 1910s and escaped from tarkov
Starting point is 02:59:06 russians made tetris it's that post-apocalyptic russian game but that's the only one i can think of and um but but i i get in america and you're doing a game studio you're hiring the guys from call of duty from gears of war from uh grand theft auto you know like there is talent in america who walks into it and says no no you can't do that the hackers will have a fucking field day with this concept you need to do it this way instead but you do that same thing in russia and they don't know yeah it gives me old school vibes of pub g and how much fun that was to play with your friends and and and run around and it kind of looks and plays like pub g but with all that tarkov shit and without any of the pain you just click but with all that Tarkov shit and without any
Starting point is 02:59:46 of the pain you just click a couple buttons and you're playing you get into a game in 30 seconds Taylor what was the biggest mistake you made as a teenager as a teenager the reversing of the circumcision right the reverse stealing that other
Starting point is 03:00:04 guy's foreskin and trying to jerry-rig it onto my penis. I had to spend a little bit of time in an asylum. It just looked like a hoodie. It just didn't look good. Joey did that in an episode of Friends. He was going out for a role for a guy that was not circumcised.
Starting point is 03:00:20 There's not a Friends where he steals someone's foreskin. There's no way. He creates his own actually out of lunch meats. And he gets the role. I do remember that now. Yeah. Yeah. He gets the role and then his foreskin falls off in the middle of the audition or at the end of the audition after he's gotten the role.
Starting point is 03:00:38 Well, that's good. You know what? It's fine. Like follows his foreskin, look forward with their heads. It's great. I don't know. As far as big mistakes as a teenager, I'd probably say not pursuing hockey in college.
Starting point is 03:00:59 I should have done that. But then I know if I transported back into my 18-year-old self, I would still be like, yeah, I'm not having fun being goalie. I don't want to go to an even more stressful place and have more people watching me and potentially making mistakes. And so it probably would have been better. And it would be cool memories now. Like being an athlete in college would have been neat. Swimming wasn't fun either. I enjoyed being on a team. I enjoyed a built-in friend group that had a lot in common with me, but swimming is brutal. I mean, dude, take out the swimming. Just spend a
Starting point is 03:01:36 few hours a day with your face in the water, looking at the black line on the bottom of the pool and tell me how much you enjoyed that. Yeah, it doesn't sound fun. It's worse than prison you know but add the exercise on top of it and now you're doing a sport where your face is in the water like this is torture the cia could get people to answer questions by putting them on a swim team but but i really have questions and it's like oh yeah we'll just see how many people are calling you gay. You'll get the answer. Do I have to wear this fucking tiny swimsuit? Shave too, Ahmed.
Starting point is 03:02:11 That's going to take a long time. But I really like to have it a built-in friend group. And the college even put swimmers together in the same room. So my roommates were strangers to me, but they're on the swim team now. So we all have this going. And yeah, so the built-in click, I really like that a lot. But the sport is torture. All the mistakes I can think of aren't even like big ones.
Starting point is 03:02:35 It's just like mindset changes I would have differently now with the perspective I now have of being older. It'd be like, man, I would have been so much cooler in high school. If I actually had more like the, who gives a shit attitude, everyone tried to act, to pretend to have, but like actually have it as like a,
Starting point is 03:02:56 yeah, you guys realize none of this really matters, right? Like just pass your class. Don't be a retard. But like, you know, who cares?
Starting point is 03:03:03 Like I, I could have been, I could have been so much who care like i that i could have been i could have been so much cooler in high school is what i'm saying i could have been cooler in high school uh probably i'm not that cool now but i could have been cooler than i was that's for sure um i was even worse at 16 uh what i could have been is a much better student i like it i would i probably worked harder doing poorly in classes just all the like scurrying and last night studying than a more disciplined student with better grades would have to work like i yeah i could have done even better with less effort but then again like kind of being a fuck up and making me work so hard through my twenties,
Starting point is 03:03:45 going to night school and stuff turned out to be a good experience for me. Yeah. I remember like judging people in high, cause I was always a pretty good student and not that like I spent a ton of time on it, but like it just, it was high school. It wasn't that hard.
Starting point is 03:03:59 And I remember like seeing the, like the quote unquote cool kids sometimes like being obstinate in how bad they were at school where they'd like brag and be like oh i totally flunked you know miss stevenson's history exam and like them i'd hear like them and they're they're the cool kid buddies laughing and like i even even at that age at like 15 or whatever i, I'm like, do you not realize how embarrassing this is? Like, this isn't hard. Like, you have to try to do poorly in this English grammar class. Like, the fact you got something wrong on a spelling test that's an easy word.
Starting point is 03:04:38 There are lots of people getting things wrong in spelling tests. Come on, it's reliquary. Figure it out. It's phonetic. wrong in spelling test come on it's reliquary figure it out it's fanatic and so it's like i remember thinking that even at the time like what like what's wrong with you like nate like you're uh you're sucking i'm trying to think of one of the kids in my class when you said you're gonna be stupid proud of doing badly it's cool smart nate i'm like oh no no nathan that guy that guy vibes rookie bad grader to me like if you're a serial bad grader you hide that shit like you don't tell everybody like i remember i forget my exact class rank but these numbers are going to be close. Like if there were 323 kids, I was like 319 or something like that.
Starting point is 03:05:28 Oh, wow. Yeah. People were dropping out of high school. And I'm like, so this helps me, right? That guy was like 310. He sees no future here. You're hanging on. Right?
Starting point is 03:05:48 I remember my guidance counselor was like, no this doesn't help you maybe something in the trade son uh yeah so people didn't know i got the kind of grades i got like i i kept it on the down low and if you had heard me speak even in high school i didn't sound all like uneducated or ghetto or anything so uh so people didn't know but i knew yeah that makes sense i know there were people who like kept their bad grades under wraps but of course i didn't know because they kept it under wraps i only would see the kids who were like oh i totally going to flunk this history class. And it's like, it's American history. It's the same thing we learned years ago in the previous American history class. Like, what year? Like, 1776 level questions.
Starting point is 03:06:37 Like, this is not tough. It should be an automatic C, and then you just work from there. Right? see and then you just work from there right like if you totally do badly in history and don't pay any attention to the new material you should have walked in with 70 of that knowledge yeah there were like i don't think there are any classes in high school i did bad at like just none of them were that challenging in college there were a couple but that was a hundred percent due to my own laziness and not wanting to put time in it's like i could have just fucking learned italian i spent more effort cheating in italian
Starting point is 03:07:10 than if i had just learned to speak italian and then now and then i'd be able to speak italian do you know how many times i would come up that'd be necessary in this job you could do it yeah i could do it in this job and there's just talk Italian gibberish here. Nobody will know. Oh my God. You're proving them right. Mario and Luigi. Oh, I'm in Naples. Close your eyes, Woody. I'm there. All those Italians.
Starting point is 03:07:39 Mamma mia. You know that classic Italian saying? Wahoo! you know that classic italian saying wahoo I can't think of any specific missteps or mistakes you know like other than the ones that you would make every single day as a stupid fucking 15 year old but definitely trying harder at school just for the you know just why not
Starting point is 03:08:06 that like um because i definitely dicked around way too much but i don't know i mean there are there are things i would do different because i know the future right like you know you know there's tons of that shit some investments i'd make sure you know you want to be like making as much money as you can until bitcoin becomes a thing yeah there's something called bitcoin that's coming down the pike. Don't go to college. I go a little farther back. I'm like, you want to hold IBM and then you get into Microsoft and then you get into
Starting point is 03:08:32 Cisco and then get the fuck out while dot com happens. Just take a breath there. Get into Apple and Bitcoin. Then into NVIDIA. Here's a window for Tesla. Also, follow Hillary Clinton during the early 2000s. Just whatever. yeah and then here's a window for tesla and yeah and also following follow hillary clinton during during the early 2000s just whatever she does or whatever she does cattle is there a thing to be
Starting point is 03:08:54 done here to copy these politicians trades like i know that you can mirror pelosi's yeah um portfolio but do you just get the information six months late and it's not good? I don't know. I've heard people talk about that online, but I never read into it. Is there a fund that is mirroring Pelosi? Because I'd want to be on board. She did
Starting point is 03:09:18 lose money, I know, not that long ago. There was a bad one a year ago. Her and Marjorie Taylor Greene is another one that's doing really well in the stock market. Oh, well, she's so smart. I mean, you'd figure. Me too.
Starting point is 03:09:32 I mean, it could be that she's dumb and she has one area where she's like... Or someone could be advising her. And actually, I'm told she's not as dumb as she sounds on camera. That behind it,'t believe you like a fox and this is all calculated i don't believe it i can look in that woman's face and i can see that that she's a she's a moop um did you did you see that that interaction she had taylor the other day with the black lady she says something to the black lady like i think you misread that maybe your big fake
Starting point is 03:10:05 eyelashes are getting in the way of your vision and this is like on the floor and the black there are rules against insulting each other yeah and so there's this big kerfuffle where like you know like the chair is trying to decide whether these remarks are blah blah blah and he's reminding people you got the blah blah blah and the black lady comes back with okay so i understand that chair but would it be out of order if someone were to mention someone's bleach blonde bad built butch body and this guy goes what now clap clap clap of a gavel somewhere and people are going oh shit and everybody's one they shouldn't There should not be anti-bullying legislation.
Starting point is 03:10:48 They should have to, you know, get in the fucking dirt. Do it the British way. Yeah, the British will be like, I say, that's an interesting financial policy from an avowed pedophile. They'll be like, I say, it wasn't your grandfather
Starting point is 03:11:02 or Nazi collaborator. I'm just speaking openly here. That is what we're doing, isn't it? Take off your wig. She sells t-shirts that say Bleach Blonde, Bad Butch Body. I messed it up. Bleach Blonde,
Starting point is 03:11:18 Bad Built Butch Body. Yeah, there's t-shirts you can buy. She trademarked that shit right away. I like the little bit of alliteration. Or assonance. It's a tongue twister. I was shocked she got it out so smoothly. And she did have some big old fake eyelashes.
Starting point is 03:11:34 She's a pretty good speaker. Yeah, that's kind of what she does for a living. But it was funny to see the old white guys be like, What? What? What? What? What now? They're like the white guys in the beginning of late 90s rap videos.
Starting point is 03:11:50 They're like, hold on, what's going on here? Literally. Literally that. Because you know you'd have to sit there for two or three minutes explaining what just happened to one of these old men who run our country. And Marjorie Taylor Greene acted like it didn't get to her.
Starting point is 03:12:05 Then on Instagram, she's posting touched-up bikini pics like two days later. Nice. All that tends to be good-looking in that room is like, don't be old or fat. And you're like, could you imagine the physical confidence you'd have hanging out with our federal elected officials?
Starting point is 03:12:23 As long as Obama doesn't show up. You would be the bell of the ball. Everyone would be like, look at this guy. He's got visible abs. He's got nice shoulders. I don't try to pump up my own tires, but amongst the other congressmen, I like me. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 03:12:39 Paul Ryan was an aberration. He's a pretty ripped dude. I wonder if that guy that doesn't have any fucking legs is strong. He kind of looks like he works out. He has big arms, if I recall. Madison Cawthorn? Cawthon?
Starting point is 03:12:55 I don't think that's who Kyle's talking about. You're talking about the iPad guy? No. Madison Cawthorn is a wheelchair guy from North Carolina and he's got voted out. What a loser. Was he jacked? He was handsome
Starting point is 03:13:11 but not jacked. Okay, who are you talking about then, Kyle? The other day he had blades. We talked about the Blade Runner the other day. Yeah. I don't know what party he's in or anything about him, but I like staying next to
Starting point is 03:13:26 John Fetterman as much as I could. No, that dude's a fucking ogre. He's like seven feet tall. You don't want to stand next to him. I want to stand. I want to be right next to Chris Christie. Right next to him. In front of him. I hang out with him. That's the only way I would join the
Starting point is 03:13:41 Senate. He's so sweaty. Right next to Christie. That's a man who never leaves the house without a the Senate. He's so sweaty. That's a man who never leaves the house without a sweat towel. He's always got that towel boxers have around their neck. Somehow he hoodwinked New Jersey multiple times. They're like, Governor Christie, what are we going to do
Starting point is 03:14:00 about the salted meat shortage? And he's like, I don't know. But it's a problem. I think it's all. And he's saying that all the crabs in the bay are being eaten. America's raising it this time.
Starting point is 03:14:29 Jersey's got a lot of Republican governors. more than you'd guess for such a blue state i think chris christie whitman and there's others i'm lost he's been using campaign funds to buy blue shell crap yeah we look at chris christie's uh investment portfolios and it's like red lobster little debbie's he's got his retirement in entomans because he's fat he's a big boy um and he hasn't gotten any skinnier i thought they were going to lock him up for a while he had that whole bridge gate thing um and he seems like a corrupt he seems pretty corrupt if they lock trump up i want him to be like i've been doing this a long time i've been thinking a long time and i'm actually a lady i'm a woman put me in there with the ladies me and stormy we can share a cell it won't be our first time folks and then he can he can get in is the gag order on him uh over now like like can he
Starting point is 03:15:23 say what he wants i don't know for sure. Okay. You would hope so since the trial is over. Well, the gag order was to stop him from intimidating jurors. It wasn't like he was that restricted. He can still talk about the case, the judge, the attorneys.
Starting point is 03:15:39 It was just the juror stuff. He really wanted to attack the jurors. No, the jurors and the witnesses. I'm sorry. Okay. Yeah. And he really wanted to attack the witnesses and sort of like, you know, put his version of the truth out there in the public air to smash everyone who was testifying against him. But I guess you can't talk about jurors or witnesses.
Starting point is 03:15:59 Is that allowed? Like, aren't you allowed to call into question witnesses who are. Not on Twitter. Well, you're I mean, his attorneys were allowed to call into question witnesses who are on Twitter? Well, you're I mean, his attorneys were allowed to cross examine them, but he wanted to go in front of the cameras and say nasty things about the jury or the witnesses. But that puts them in danger when you're Trump doing it. But they told him if he said those things, they put him in prison. Ah, yes. those things they put him in prison ah yes well he did do it like 20 times and he got found guilty of 11 counts of uh contempt and he got 11 one thousand dollar fines that's so funny i read that
Starting point is 03:16:35 um so the nba had some kind of fine for you they have a specification for the color on the sneakers it's got to be like i don't know 60 70 white and the rest can only be this color or that color there's a couple things that and if you if you broke that rule it was like five thousand dollar fine a game and what are there 84 games or something two like 82 okay so so when jordan came out with his first sneaker they're like red and black and white maybe but mostly red and black and so they just paid mostly red and black. They just paid $5,000 a game and made $50 million selling sneakers.
Starting point is 03:17:10 I love that idea. Just prepay. Yeah, like $450,000 or something like that of $5,000 fines. Well worth it. Of course, yeah. He's a billionaire, I'm pretty sure. He might be a multi-billionaire. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:17:25 Is he the only one? LeBron James is a billionaire, I'm pretty sure. He might be a multi-billionaire. Yeah. Yeah. Is he the only one? LeBron James is a billionaire. Oh, LeBron James. Okay. What about Shaq? Shaq's got to be killing it, right? Dude, he's never seen a product you won't advocate for. No, come on. You've heard him talk about it. He only advertises for products that he uses, he says.
Starting point is 03:17:45 No, he's only he says. The internet says upwards of half a billion, which is pretty good. Call the general now. Call the general. The only person I trust with my $30 million worth of cars is this little cartoon man who gives
Starting point is 03:18:01 cut-rate insurance to lower- I saw an argument between charles barkley and shaquille o'neal that was pretty funny and i forget what the details were about but charles says one thing and shack responds and charles is like hey hey you get the bass out of your voice when you're talking to me and shack is like my voice comes with bass yeah all right that tracks you know now that i'm thinking about the general kyle wasn't the tagline you know come to the general and save some time 1-800 general now yeah but i wouldn't pick an insurance company based on how much time I save.
Starting point is 03:18:45 It's literally setting it up. I think their whole thing is like bare minimum coverage. Cheap, bare minimum coverage. I think that's their thing. Insurance is a fool's errand. That's why you should get the general. That's what I do on my motorcycle. You just need to get legal, you know?
Starting point is 03:19:01 Yeah, same. I cover myself getting sued by a lot but damage to my bike the whole thing's worth like five grand yeah it's gone there's no reason to get anything but liability that's what i do yeah i haven't played in a while i saw that video i saw a video of a guy getting getting twisted in half at the torso a few months ago. That was, yeah, that's pretty rough. Wow. A motorcycle guy got killed horrifically. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:19:29 I couldn't believe it. I thought, I thought you were safe on those things. You know, I thought, you know, Hey, you're faster than everyone. You're so safe.
Starting point is 03:19:36 Yeah. You're one, you're one 16 year old TikToker away from breathing your last on the pavement. You're a 700 pounds moving 150. I'm good. Ow last on the pavement. You're 700 pounds moving 150. I'm good. Owl in the air. Like, everything kills you on a bike.
Starting point is 03:19:50 Yeah, you lose to birds. Well, the bird loses as well, but, you know. Yeah, it's a tie. It's a tie. Oh, did we talk about poor fucking Mike Tyson in the wheelchair? We did. We talked about it during PKN. He's going to lose that fight, isn't he?
Starting point is 03:20:07 I've known he... Yes. Kyle's been consistent. Dude, you're going to make $100 on Tyson getting beat up. You're going to make $100 on Trump becoming king. You're going to make $100 on some UFC thing you have. You're on a hot streak. I'm always on a hot streak. You're my Nancy Pelosi.
Starting point is 03:20:24 I'm going to put my money where your whims go ago you should follow his hockey picks because he does better so now yeah yeah i can i'm i'm kind of a aficionado when it comes to betting you know not for myself so much but if you follow my trends you'll do well speculative betting that's it that's it i'm a theoretical speculative better the safest kind of gambler to be like imagining uh considering betting that's that's my bag uh i i really want to bet on dustin poirier to be islam makachev isn't he the heavy one nah so these are 155 pounders the thing is islam makachev. Isn't he the heavy one? Nah. So these are 155 pounders. The thing is,
Starting point is 03:21:06 Islam Makachev is like the second coming of Khabib Nurmagomedov. He's just a bad motherfucker who doesn't lose. And he's only looked human maybe once or twice for a few seconds at a time.
Starting point is 03:21:17 And he's fighting Dustin Poirier, who's like fucking purebred American white dude champion from the South and just an all-around really good man. And this is his last time at the bat. He's top five in the world. If he loses this, he'd still be top five in the world,
Starting point is 03:21:34 but he's not going to climb the ladder to the top again. That's kind of all he cares about now because I think he's got decent money stuck away. He's turning down McGregor fights. McGregor desperately wants to fight. He beat McGregor two times out of three. Conor's like, try me again. I want more. He's like, no.
Starting point is 03:21:50 I've already proved my point with you. Yeah. I really hope he wins that fight. It would make up for some of the rough stuff that's happened to my UFC fighters over the last year or so. Most of my favorite fighters have had... I'll put $10 on the other guy who's obviously going to win if you want that bet. No, I don't think I want to. See, I'll do the opposite, if anything.
Starting point is 03:22:15 I'll bet on Islam to win. That way, if Poirier wins, I'm happy. You win financially or emotionally? Yeah, yeah. I win either way. I'm either going to get $10 or I'm going to be happy with the outcome. One of those will happen. So I usually bet against my guy.
Starting point is 03:22:28 That's just hedging my bet, I suppose, emotionally. But I'm looking forward to the McGregor fight, too. I don't know how to call that one. I think they've been out for so long, it's hard to say. I don't know. McGregor's getting drunk at the clubs. Sure is. And I bet Chandler's training. Yeah. like i don't know mcgregor's getting drunk at the clubs sure is and i've been training yeah i
Starting point is 03:22:47 we've never seen this version of mcgregor at all right he suddenly built like an action hero from roadhouse titanium leg titanium leg um but i think he's not who he used to be right speed kills right precision beats power isn't that mcgregor's line now he's not who he used to be, right? Speed kills, right? Precision beats power. Isn't that McGregor's line? Now he's going to the other side. Yeah, I don't know if he's the guy anymore. I don't know if he has been for a long time.
Starting point is 03:23:16 His last good win was eight years ago. You know how long ago that is in fighter terms? It's so long ago. Yeah. I think there's money to be made in betting against McGregor now. Taylor, in a recent women's mixed martial arts fight in the UFC, there was a TKO by titty punch. You only get one of those and they ended it?
Starting point is 03:23:36 No, no, no. The other way around. This chick got punched in the titty so hard she quit. Oh, well, that seems like part of the the sport is she okay like i don't know what her titty punch is dangerous like nah it's just a big old ball of fat on there but it hurt apparently real bad it's fun she gets punched in her left my right titty and uh and she meets goes and like curls up and holds her titty and the other chick is such a terrible athlete that she's keep in mind this person is holding their titty. And the other chick is such a terrible athlete that she's... Keep in mind, this person
Starting point is 03:24:05 is holding their titty, turned to the side away from their opponent and the opponent is like, miss, miss, miss, miss. And the ref is like, oh, this is over. And it's like, why? She can't even hit her. It's a stationary target who's unaware.
Starting point is 03:24:21 But yeah, her holding her titty and being like, oh, no, was... That's a new one for me. So the one who was punched, like forfeited and lost? Yeah. She was in so much pain, she was stopped. She curled up and held her titty. That's not good.
Starting point is 03:24:38 That's not a good face for the toughness of female fighters. Getting popped in the titty once and they give up? I don't like that. I don't even know if titty strikes are legal. I genuinely don't. They should be. You can punch a dude in his titty.
Starting point is 03:24:54 You sure can. And they're not hitting as hard as the dudes. Not by a long shot. But they are women. They are more susceptible to getting beat up are they i guess so they're they're weaker and smaller you ever beat up a woman no well you know you can yeah all the time because i'm a man the same way i don't have
Starting point is 03:25:18 to practice math to know i could walk into any woman's college and then be the professor. It's like this is all theoretical. Until you really roughhouse a lady, I don't want to hear it. Do you know the fighter's name, Kyle? I'm trying to find this boob punch. I don't know the name. It was either the last event or the one before.
Starting point is 03:25:39 It's been this month. It was this month. I saw the gif of it today, probably on one of the major subreddits. I haven't watched the whole thing yet, but this has to be it. MMA casuals on Twitter. Yeah, this is it.
Starting point is 03:25:58 It's Vidal versus Gato. Yeah, she's like holding her... See what I mean? She turns to turns aside and the chick comes in and misses three punches. She almost waited a second after she got popped in the titty to turn away and go, ooh.
Starting point is 03:26:13 You know how pain is, though. It doesn't immediately hurt. It just sort of... Oh, you got a great screenshot. I didn't realize it. I bet her camp was not happy about it. It didn't look like much of a punch. Oh, yeah. You see in the left frame.
Starting point is 03:26:28 That's it. That's it. That's her. The right frame is after the fact, which is already turned away. Yeah. That's when she's missing the other punches. She's missing. Look where that right landed.
Starting point is 03:26:41 She went for the titty again, I guess. Yeah. Why stop? Why stop? she went for the titty again i guess yeah why stop why stop yeah it sort of skims off the titty like down and to uh my god you know what this might be like that mcdonald's coffee incident where you laugh and you're like how much and then you see your titty and the nipples ripped off or something right i hope not i hope her titty's okay like there ripped off or something. I hope not. I hope her titties. Okay. Like, like there's like a, there's like exposed flesh, like her,
Starting point is 03:27:08 her titty ruptured or something. It just pops. Yeah. Yeah. Just pop any, like a, like a blown out tires popped it. I don't,
Starting point is 03:27:18 I've been watching. Is it thought fights? What is this subreddit? Oh yeah. Um, it's, um, what? Thunder thoughts. Thunder thoughts. I's um what thunder thoughts thunder thoughts i'm
Starting point is 03:27:27 addicted to thunder thoughts i've i just go to all time but it is just fight after fight and you you can't call a winner sometimes these scrappy smaller girls are beating the big thunder girls and then sometimes it goes the other way thunder Thunder Thoughts is a two thumbs up. I'd be a great girl fighter. I know all the moves. I know all the moves. You get that hair and you slam their head into the ground and they're done. So many of these
Starting point is 03:27:56 girls, they can't hit hard. I'm like, switch to elbows, right? You've got the full position. You're in full mount and you're raining down ineffective hammer punches. Dude, drop elbows on a nose. You'll damage her. I'm telling you, every time I see a chick slam another chick's head into the ground over and over, they go out like a light.
Starting point is 03:28:12 That's a good move. I bet they got thinner skulls than us. Yeah, that makes sense. They have to, right? Yeah. Well, it needs to protect a smaller brain. Yeah. That Kazakhstani scientist proved it. The doctor Yamona.
Starting point is 03:28:29 Remember when Borat went before that women's group and said that? It hasn't been proven. The woman have a smaller brain. That is not true. Dr. Kamosovich at the government institute, he approved it.
Starting point is 03:28:44 He approved it. He approve it. It is not true. It has to be true, though. It is true. Because bigger people have bigger brains, right? I'm not saying they're smarter. They might be. I don't know. In adulthood,
Starting point is 03:29:00 male brains are on average 10-15% larger than female brains. I think what it was, he may have said that women have the same size brain as a cat or something. He said something wild. I like that. I don't see what you're taking umbrage with so far. They should be birds. They should be bird brains.
Starting point is 03:29:18 It's interesting. And male brains remain larger even after body height is adjusted for. I would like to see. I want to see if a genius if there's any is there any correlation between brain size and and brain power like if you if you looked at a genius's brain and a dotard's brain is there any is there any like visible difference definitely a correlation across the animal kingdom right like there's no doubt that if i grab something with a rat-sized brain it's not going to be smart as something with a dolphin-sized brain
Starting point is 03:29:50 that's not necessarily true though you know because you've got perfect you it's not but there is a correlation like like some birds are so smart and then like like birds feel smarter than cows that have that big giant brain i don't know cows have big giant brains i mean as big as ours right fucking i've seen a cow's head explode before there's a lot of stuff in there i believe you i believe you yeah i mean clearly there's a connection between the size of the brain and how intelligent the animal is like maybe not the hardest and fastest you know how the bell curve works with women's intelligence though that the smartest individuals are women despite having the smallest of brains
Starting point is 03:30:30 the men are the smartest and the dumbest it's a it's a it's a less peaked bell curve for male intelligence women tend to cluster more but the most smart person is a woman oh maybe i thought it was that dude uh who like bartender i don't mean literally i just mean like statistically it would be most likely right because the woman's bell curve goes taller than the man's bell curve despite not being as no because the narrow height is not the the it is a narrow peak in the middle of the bell curve which means that there are more women clustered at average whereas men are flat so we have more men we're not as clustered we have a more equal not, but more equal representation of low, middle, and high. I thought that the female peak was... I thought that in addition to all that, the
Starting point is 03:31:31 female peak was higher, as in while there are fewer females that are smarter than men, the ones that are are smarter than men. No, it's the opposite of that. If you meet an actual No, it's the opposite of that. If you meet an actual genius,
Starting point is 03:31:47 it's weird. Those dirty, lying fucking women, then. They're not smart. They're trying to lie to you. They can't even interpret data correctly. If you meet someone who's a genuine dullard, like an actual idiot, they're more
Starting point is 03:32:03 likely to be a man than a woman. Similarly, if you meet an actual bona fide genius idiot they're likely they're more likely to be a man than a woman similarly if you meet like an actual bona fide genius they're much more likely to be a man than a woman speaking of lady geniuses this is going to be boring to you but i was watching this thing about they were trying to send a probe to mercury because they'd only ever sent two and both of them just did these quick flybys and what you want is to get the thing to go around and around Mercury so you can test and photo and map and stuff. But it has to be going so goddamn fast when it gets there that decelerating is a problem because they're traveling in toward the sun,
Starting point is 03:32:35 and it's so far away. So they didn't know what to do, and this Chinese lady, or her name was Chinese at NASA, came up with this. Her name's like Pung Ting Tao, came up with this. It certainly was like a Punting towel came up with this idea that where you wouldn't just go straight for Mercury. You would go around the sun and back to earth and like this huge pattern or that,
Starting point is 03:32:58 that took seven years from 2004 to 2011 where it went around multiple planets and using each of them to slow itself a little bit so that when it finally got to Mercury it would be slow enough to go into an orbit and I was fascinated by her coming up with that idea and how complex it is. You should have just shot it a little
Starting point is 03:33:18 slower. My dumbass idea is to approach it while it's going away from you right because it's the relative velocity of the whatever the missile to the to the planet that matters right so we just catch the planet when it's coming away from us and you know it would suck as if like they launch that and three days later you know xi jin pao comes up and he's like, I come up with even better idea. Not take seven years. It take two months. And they're like, this is the chart we were talking about.
Starting point is 03:33:53 I don't know if Zach is able to pull it up on the screen, but it shows how if it's accurate, who knows? I mean, it's a picture, so it's accurate. It's on the Internet. But it women are clustered in the center of the IQ range. So they're highly represented in average, but poorly represented on the extremes of dumb and smart. Whereas men are less represented in the average and more represented on the extremes. That's what we were talking about. Makes sense.
Starting point is 03:34:20 You got all the male inventors and all the male ditch diggers. You got the the male inventors and all the male ditch diggers. You got the circle of life as they call it. I don't think that's what the circle of life is. And all those great mothers. And all the wonderful mothers. All the very average mothers. It's good to moderate mothers.
Starting point is 03:34:42 Yeah. I don't know. What's your favorite lady invention? What do you think, Sue? You'd have to give me a Google search amount of time to think about that. Probably nagging. I don't know. What's a good...
Starting point is 03:35:03 Do women invent? I don't know any lady inventions, I'm going to be honest. I bet there's some good ones, but I don't know. What's a good, do women invent? I don't know any lady inventions. I'm going to be honest. I bet there's some good ones, but I don't know of any of them. Oh, wait, wait.
Starting point is 03:35:11 Didn't a woman invent or discover penicillin? Isn't that a real? No, no, that's a man. Mary, Mary Curie. That's who I'm.
Starting point is 03:35:19 Did the radiation stuff. She was, she was fucking, she was fucking around with uranium and plutonium or cesium or something and gave herself cancer. I don't think she was an inventor. I think she was a scientist, right? She was, yeah. But I'm sure she
Starting point is 03:35:34 made some discoveries that were important for nuclear science. You know who's always in the inventor conversation? Even though I don't even know how impressive it is, is Eli Whitney with his cotton gin. It's neat, but someone else would have
Starting point is 03:35:49 come up with it. Dude, the cotton gin gets so much mileage in elementary schools. It's like revolutionizing. It really does. What was that about? Is that why we spent six months learning about copy machines? What the hell? Cotton gin. Big Eli is out there propagating to us all of these what else you know what you know what else got way too much attention fucking peanut butter
Starting point is 03:36:12 tax right it made slavery obsolete that was the point you know what uh peanut butter damn you eli yeah they eli whitney he got too much attention. And then George Washington and Harvard, they didn't tell us in school that he didn't invent peanut butter. They kept it a secret. They told us he did. He invented a bunch of other peanut-related stuff, but not butter.
Starting point is 03:36:38 He didn't think to mash it up and put sugar in it. He was making wall insulation and shit over there when some white dude was like, you know, it's pretty good if you mix it with oil. What the fuck? You made socks? What the fuck? You know, something tells me, Mr. Carver,
Starting point is 03:36:55 no one's going to be using your peanut husk tampons. Have one of these Ritz, dude. Dude, I'm putting shit on burgers now. It's fantastic. He's using his earplugs? What's wrong with you? You're just making shit up.
Starting point is 03:37:10 I want to see what else. They made that cotton gin seem like it was very important, and I didn't remember why, but I guess it did make slavery obsolete. Dude. If you went back and you killed him, I wonder how that would change U.S. history. That'd be a fun little what-if novel
Starting point is 03:37:24 where slavery has to continue. The North never has an issue or takes issue with slavery because you need the manpower. Dude, I am upset about his list of things that he invented. I don't see peanut butter on here, like you said. The number one invention
Starting point is 03:37:40 that this guy came up with is salted peanuts. What? That's more of a discovery. Okay, so he's the one that ever... He was just totally made up. The guy, like all his stuff was nonsense. Dude, I've invented shit drunk late at night
Starting point is 03:37:55 in my sparsely stocked kitchen if this is the kind of shit we're counting. They are not giving him credit for the salted peanut. Apparently. No one gets credit for that. No one gets that. Woody just said someone him credit for the salted peanut. No one gets credit for that. No one gets that. Someone got credit for it. And he wouldn't lie to us.
Starting point is 03:38:10 Quick, what's the number one item on this list? Let's see. Salted peanuts. Well, the number two, it says peanut butter. I don't know how you missed that. It was all the way down to number two. God damn it. I don't know how you missed that. It was all the way down to number two. God damn it. I don't know why it says that.
Starting point is 03:38:28 Miso? Chocolate coated peanuts? Chili? Dude, he just pulled a Bubba Gump on this. Salted peanuts. Mock duck. Mock duck. Some of the other ones are.
Starting point is 03:38:44 He invented breakfast food. Breakfast food number two. Breakfast food number three. Breakfast food number four and five. Yeah, but who can forget the all-American staple, cheese tutti frutti. I don't know what that is. That's down there.
Starting point is 03:39:00 Oh, now look at this. This guy invented cocoa, which is a milk as well, which is a product that you can purchase raw. He did not admit Worcestershire sauce. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:39:16 He did not invent. What the fuck website is this? This is nonsense. He invented vinegar. Wait, look at the bottom bottom it says he invented plain pickles no he did not he did not invent cheese sandwiches plain pickles cocoa bar candy what is this this is just lies about eli whitney this is the least reputable site I've ever been linked to. What are they doing over at Tuskegee University?
Starting point is 03:39:49 That explains a lot. Okay. He invented everything. He invented vinegar. The car, the television, the light bulb. Some people will tell you that they've been using vinegar for thousands of years. This dude invented fucking punch.
Starting point is 03:40:06 He invented gasoline? No, no, this is all lies. It says it on here. Pineapple punch. Hand lotion. He was just mixing shit up all day, huh? How did he invent gasoline and gas? He didn't invent any of that shit. Yeah, the concept of...
Starting point is 03:40:22 Roll up, Zach. This guy's getting credit for paint. Pr up, Zach. This guy's getting credit for paint. There's diesel. Now I don't believe he invented a goddamn thing. So were we fibbed to the same way we were fibbed to about Helen Keller? And Harriet Tubman.
Starting point is 03:40:38 And Harriet Tubman? Who was the one who wouldn't sit in the back of the bus? Fucking, I don't know. Mary Tyler Moore, right? It was Mary Tyler Moore. Rosa Parks. That's who it was.
Starting point is 03:40:52 Fib too about Rosa Parks. Fib too about fucking Helen Keller. Fib too about George Washington Carver. Fib too about. I've been doing a little research. I have my favorite women's invention. Mint chocolate chip. You know what?
Starting point is 03:41:07 What respect, the deep respect I had for Dr. Carver is now gone. I don't have it anymore, but I'm having fun making fun of his list. That website's full of shit. It is.
Starting point is 03:41:23 What do you do? This can't be a real university. There's no fucking way. Isn't it a... He's taking credit for five different kinds of paper in the bottom section. Gas and gasoline separately. I don't believe any of that. Gas and gasoline.
Starting point is 03:41:39 Oh, he invented rubber. Man, this guy was busy. When you lie about all that, now i don't believe you invented peanut butter now now i i don't think you would have come up with salted peanuts on your own at this point the gall of the claiming salted peanuts the dude should just put the cotton gin on his list I'm looking at Eli Whitney's list of inventions and I don't think he worked that
Starting point is 03:42:13 hard after the cotton gin. It pretty much took care of him for life. Cotton gin was a big one. Interchangeable parts which is like something that there's no possible way that people have been using interchangeable parts since for thousands of years.
Starting point is 03:42:29 I was told Henry Ford kind of made that a thing. I think he did the assembly line. But that mass production is part of it. Yeah, it used to be you sort of built all your parts to fit together. I have made a lot of woodworking projects and when you put the drawers in,
Starting point is 03:42:45 they go right in their right spot. You can't just change them around. That's their number one, two and three. They're not the same size, but when they started adding more like precision and manufacturing, then all the parts are the same size. The idea of building,
Starting point is 03:43:02 the idea of building a truck in Detroit and then another one in Atlanta and being able to take them both completely apart, mix the parts together and build two more trucks again was a new fucking thing. It was like that level of precision and with your machinery is necessary. And then the coordination and everything. That's one of the things that made the United States so good when they went full total war mode after Pearl Harbor. When they were able to weaponize the auto industry that we already had and all that infrastructure for manufacturing. The numbers of airplanes are staggering that we created. I think we benefited from some new infrastructure. Like, take right now, for example, we're building artillery shells, and I
Starting point is 03:43:46 think the machines we make them from are 80 years old. We can't ramp up our artillery shell production like we wish we could. But back in the 1940s, all that shit was brand new and state-of-the-art. Probably so, yeah. Ammunition. Every time there's
Starting point is 03:44:02 a freaking bullet shortage of some caliber, then you find out like, Oh yeah. The machines that make that bullet are 80 years old. And I never understand that one. That one doesn't make any sense at all to me. I don't, I don't understand what the,
Starting point is 03:44:16 what the shortage even is. Like, like, can you not get powder? Can you not get primers or can you not get, that's it. Cause you can make the rest. Like you make your own brass,
Starting point is 03:44:24 you make your own lead. I don't know how to make primers and i don't know how to make gunpowder but those companies do so when i hear there's a shortage i don't fucking get it because you just the gigantic machines like the ones that you would see on how it's made yeah i don't know how you get one of those but there's reloading machines like i don't know it baffles me like like this machine turns nickels into quarters, right? It takes five cents of material and turns them into 45 cent bullets or 25 cent bullets. Why aren't more
Starting point is 03:44:51 people jumping into this business if there's a shortage? Yeah, I don't get it. I never know. I don't know what's necessary if there's a licensing thing. I found licensing easy to get with ATF. I don't know if it is an ATF license. I don't know anything about it.
Starting point is 03:45:08 I mean, you can make your own ammo. And I know people make their own ammo and sell it at gun shows. So I don't know if there's any law saying that Woody couldn't just buy 50 machines, put them in his barn and start Woody's ammo company. I don't think there's a law against that.
Starting point is 03:45:24 But I don't know. I don't know either. I want to check before you get those machines. I bet there's some laws on how some of this stuff is stored, like the gunpowder. That, for sure. If you're going to have a certain amount of powder on the premises, you probably need a magazine.
Starting point is 03:45:38 There's probably a point at which just smokeless powder alone, you've got too much. Actually, well, unless the guy that I knew was doing the wrong thing, he had kegs and kegs of powder. Like when I would buy powder to reload, you'd buy a pound and a pound of powder. It's like the little jug of it.
Starting point is 03:45:58 And it goes a long way. A pound of powder makes lots and lots of shotgun shells. But he had kegs like from the video games, like round wooden kegs full of powder. You know, like round wooden kegs. Donkey Kong throws. Donkey Kong kegs. Yeah. I mean, like that, though.
Starting point is 03:46:10 Full of gunpowder. He just had them on shelves. It was a flex, though, wasn't it? No, it was his reloading room. Okay. Okay. I mean, it's reloading. Oh, he needs kegs of it.
Starting point is 03:46:22 Like for what he's big shells. Big shells. Oh, big shells. Yeah. I never understood that either. How there could be a shortage on ammo. I wondered what component. Does all the gunpowder
Starting point is 03:46:37 come from China and there just isn't any at the docks right now? Does it come down to that? Can you just not lay hands on one of these components? Because a machine should just be turning these out, you said i don't get it have you seen ukraine's taking the initiative again and they're taking back territory yeah i saw they pushed them out of kharkiv and um i heard they pulled their abrams back and started putting coke cages on the uh the abrams because the russians are using are using kamikaze unmanned drones to take out the tanks.
Starting point is 03:47:08 I saw basically everyone except for the United States gave Ukraine permission to use their weapons in Russia proper. So the Brits were like, yeah, you can fly the storm shadows anywhere they'll go.
Starting point is 03:47:23 The French are like, you can use the fucking stuff we gave you anywhere. Shoot it wherever you want. And everybody kind of fell in. And the F-16s are there, are getting there. I was going to say, are we comparing apples to apples? Because I don't think UK gave them F-16s. Storm shadow missiles, that's the thing. It's not even about the aircraft.
Starting point is 03:47:44 They're not going to fly their F-16s. Storm shadow missiles, that's the thing. It's not even about the aircraft. They're not going to fly F-16s to Russia. It's about launching those missiles deep into Russia, those storm shadow missiles. And with the U.S., they're going to want to use those attack them and stuff like that. But I think the thing they've got that goes the furthest is
Starting point is 03:48:00 when they take that Cessna and load it up with C-4 and fly it into Russia. That thing goes like 600 kilometers up with C4 and fly it into Russia. That thing goes like 600 kilometers or something like that. And it's insane. I love that they've been... I guess if you're on the receiving end of it, you would think it was despicable. But there's something ridiculous and kind of funny about them just loading up a Cessna
Starting point is 03:48:20 that probably cost them $65,000, $75,000 and filling it up with bomb materials and just autopiloting it to a refinery or a factory. Russia must feel like we do when we attack Al-Qaeda, for example. Like, oh man, we can win, but it's really expensive. You know, we're firing $5 million hypersonic missiles and they're loading up $32,000 1963 Cessnas for $30,000. Yeah. How long can we fight this war when we spend $5 million a bullet
Starting point is 03:48:54 and they spend $30,000? I saw some photos of black fighters who were fighting for Russia from Africa and the Middle East and stuff like that, and it's so weird to me some mercenaries yeah yeah it's professional army men or whatever but to see black people fighting in russia for ukraine is is or in ukraine for russia that's so weird why it's like a real mistake too because here's my just a mercenary group they'll probably fight for anyone right yeah but this isn't your uh your fucking ecosystem i feel like if i'm a ukrainian and and then there's some ruskies over there and we wipe them out and we see one of them's like
Starting point is 03:49:37 please please my name's peter mine please no i'm like your language is so close to mine i know what you just fucking said. Alright, fucking crawl over here. Don't you move. But if a black dude pops up, no, I'm not taking him. He's getting it. Let me tell you why. Because he's black? Yeah.
Starting point is 03:49:57 No, not because he's black. Because he came here from somewhere that's got nothing. Because he's statistically less likely to graduate high school. I see where you're coming from. It had nothing to do with this shit. The Russian guy, alright, you got pressed into service. Your country is attacking my
Starting point is 03:50:12 country. Your president ordered you. Your people are counting on you, etc. This black dude who came here from Nigeria or fucking Somalia or somewhere like that. You're here for a check. Dude, a or fucking Somalia or somewhere like that. Kill me for a paycheck. You're here for a check. Dude, a guy from
Starting point is 03:50:27 Somalia who showed up to fight there would like be in the war zone and he'd be like, you know, this place is pretty nice. Look at that. There is a building standing right there. Idiot's country. Take my picture. Take my picture. Take my picture.
Starting point is 03:50:48 Oh my goodness. Get a picture of me next to the building. I'm serious. If you came there for a check, you're not even... The Ukrainians and the Russians are so close. It'd be like us fighting the Canadians. A lot like that, I think.
Starting point is 03:51:06 You know, you'd take a Canadian prisoner. But if we had a war against the Canadians and all of a sudden you looked up and a fucking... A Chinese battalion is marching in. You'd be like, what the fuck? It's like a North Korean pops up over there next to flying a maple leaf flag. That dude's getting it. He can't surrender.
Starting point is 03:51:23 You came here from Korea to kill me? Fuck you. We're not putting you in the camp and giving you our delicious prison food. No. Yeah. I see your point. I'm going to pull your gold teeth. There's no way they can afford that North Korea. Give me that fucking tooth.
Starting point is 03:51:40 I'm glad Ukraine's taking land back because the last time we gave Ukraine a ton of ammo, they're like, oh, we're going to do a big counteroffensive as soon as the weather gets nice. Eventually it does. And what do they do? Yeah, they sit back and they just fucking lob artillery
Starting point is 03:51:57 from the safety of their rear positions. They don't do fucking anything. They spend a trillion US dollars, rounded up from like 50 million and uh and they just don't do anything and they don't take any land and then they're like oh we're out of bullets what can we do it's what you should have done bro you should have charged you should have like taken your land back you're so right i can't believe i know you've been faxing the general and and i i he hasn't been reading the faxes, clearly, because I've
Starting point is 03:52:26 been watching the troop movements. If Woody had his... had a hold of the reins of this war, he'd have been in Moscow. We've been in Moscow last winter. And I'm a pretty good technician, strategist. I've been watching YouTube videos since it started. Strategist.
Starting point is 03:52:42 Strategist, yeah. I'm pretty sure George Bush used the word strategery. I'm like 85% sure he said that out loud. Strategist. I think he said strategist. I'm not denying it.
Starting point is 03:52:58 I don't know what I said. Certainly not a war criminal. The one that mistakes common words like me. Hell no. No way. I like baseball and bombing people. I mean, baseball. He made so much. He got a lot of traction and goodwill
Starting point is 03:53:16 based on the idea he'd be nice at a barbecue. Yeah. He still does. That's a lot of what electing people is. Did you see him cozying up with Michelle Obama and they're all cutesy and hugging each other? It's like, aw, look at George. He just killed a million Iraqis.
Starting point is 03:53:31 I mean, that's just a million Iraqis. That's another thing. We killed a million Iraqis about a decade ago. Let Israel get their war done. Leave them the fuck alone. Who are we? Who are we to be the... What are you doing over there?
Starting point is 03:53:47 Someone's funding it. Yeah, if we're funding it, we get a say. That's who we are. No, that's not how it works. What do you call that kind of parenting? That's micromanagement. We don't need that. No, we do.
Starting point is 03:54:00 Let them go out and make their mistakes. That's the only way you'll learn. No, you're trying to be a parent that's like, all right, don't go out and make their mistakes. That's the only way you learn. No, you want to you're you're trying to be a parent. That's like, all right, don't you do whatever you want forever. And they're like, I'm going to do whatever I want forever. And you're like, oh, you. Well, daddy has to see his mistress. So here's a billion dollars more.
Starting point is 03:54:19 And if your kid has a drug problem, you don't give them cash and trust them. They've got a they've got an enemy problem, and so we give them bombs. I wouldn't be signing the bomb. That's a little gauche. But I know why they're shooting the bombs. I know why they're shooting the rockets. Look, the stuff I don't like is when you're just killing civilians on purpose, and I see that sometimes.
Starting point is 03:54:43 They'll sniper fire, literally just snipe a civilian. It's like, whoa, what the fuck? He was doing his laundry. Dude, that happens all the time. I think there's a rare isolated incidence by outsiders who are later punished. And I don't know why you would think or say anything different, sir.
Starting point is 03:55:01 Yeah, all these damn AI videos that are being released all the time you joke but like mate i could be fooled by like you know some of the footage i see is so grainy and shit that it's like this could be anything i could be every weather event i'm fooled i'm trusting there's a giant hurricane they show me some picture from 16 years ago and say look what hurricane diddly do just looks that did and meanwhile that's like in hong kong yes i don't know they seem to be you know going uh going a bit over the line over there i don't know but like what do you i i disagree
Starting point is 03:55:37 stay out stay out they get all of it it's not our business go need to go in there and get all them bad people um round them up that's both sides all of them yeah it's not our business. You need to go in there and get all them bad people. Round them up. That's both sides. All of them. It's not a Marvel movie. It's not like there's a bunch of guys with scary hats on over there where it's like, we're just getting the scary hat, guys. They're literally that. It's Iron Man 3.
Starting point is 03:55:58 This is Iron Man 3. No, you cannot let Iron Man 3 inform your opinion on geopolitics. Please, I beg of you. This is 100% Iron Man 3 inform your opinion on geopolitics. Please, I beg of you. This is 100% Iron Man 3. It's scenario year, and you've got to go in there and you've got to clean those. Iron Man 3, this summer,
Starting point is 03:56:13 Tony gets kicked. It's not Iron Man 3. You know, you've got both sides who think they're right, who have an argument to be made. It's a confusing situation. One side's defending itself from all sorts of evil, and the other side is to be made. It's a confusing situation. One side's defending itself from all sorts of evil.
Starting point is 03:56:27 And the other side is... Which one is that one? Israel's defending itself and the Palestinians just... I mean, put your hands up, dude. What are you doing over there? Get your hands up. What are you doing, dude? You're getting walloped. Get your hands up.
Starting point is 03:56:45 Or, here's option B for anyone who would say anything different. Surrender! I don't think they're taking prisoners over there. What are you talking about? They offered a ceasefire. There's a peace agreement. They say no.
Starting point is 03:57:00 How do non-combatants surrender? Hamas. The leadership of Hamas who they're negotiating with. No one's worried about Hamas dying. It's all the innocent people. How do they surrender? Well, they're going to keep fighting the terrorist organization that's over there until
Starting point is 03:57:15 they surrender. And whatever happens, happens. I blame the terrorists who are using the civilians. Whatever happens is going to happen and it would continue to happen if we were entirely disconnected from these world away conflicts that don't serve our interests. Now who's got a problem with geopolitics, all right? Do you really want the Ruskies to slide in there and be Israel's friend and arm them and move their missiles into that area? Yes.
Starting point is 03:57:43 Giving Russian a white elephant to take care of for the rest of their time. They've got a drain on Russia. You want to cause a problem for Russia financially? Make them fund Israel. Exactly. Wait, wait, wait. This gets better. We can have them fund both sides.
Starting point is 03:57:59 Putin, we have been doing pretty good with the numbers accounting-wise on this war, but we are six hours into supporting Israel and we're running low. Dude, that doc is the worst. No, it's the weirdest thing. I gave him the money and then he's like, thanks, fuck you, I'm doing what I want. It is the wildest
Starting point is 03:58:18 negotiation. I tell you, these people really are good. I left there thanking him. My God. I don't want anything to do with the Middle East. It's for the birds. Nobody wants you to go, luckily. I'd reset to pay for it. I'd go.
Starting point is 03:58:42 Wouldn't you? You wouldn't. They want you to go. Aren't you ready? You wouldn't. They want you to go? Aren't you ready? No. You wouldn't answer the call? Go die for the Middle East? Nah. Die for them, fight for them.
Starting point is 03:58:52 If Uncle Sam comes and he says, Look, B.B. Netanyahu needs you. He wants you. B.B. Netanyahu needs me? Yeah. B.B. Netanyahu? They need an ex-goalie. I'll do it.
Starting point is 03:59:09 He says you can be his guy i can be his top guy i'm bb's top guy i disagree so much with what they're doing over there but bb needs me they're gonna call you the golem that's gonna be your code name all right you're selling me yeah do Yeah. Do I get a harem of big titty Israeli fighter bitches? No, they make you play goalie. You get three IDF hoes who are TikTok hoes. How many?
Starting point is 03:59:37 Three. How many? How many do you need, Taylor? How many? Four IDF TikTok hoes. That's all we got, alright? How many? Four. Four IDF TikTokos. That's all we got. All right? You can't go to five.
Starting point is 03:59:47 All right. Maybe I strapped some boots on. Maybe I caused some problems. All right. All right. Four TikTokos and a Palestinian boy we caught last week. No. You're giving me a financial burden now?
Starting point is 03:59:58 No. No. You can do anything you want with him. Like, I don't know. What's he good at? Taylor, be creative. I don't think you're on the same page here with this young you know what actually what would alexander the great do give me the best soccer playing boy that the palestinians have and then i will i'll give him all the right training and i'll have my own fucking uh messy and i'll be worth a, jillion dollars when he's an adult.
Starting point is 04:00:27 Somebody has to shoot him in the kneecap right away. He was coming at me with a scary ball. There's been anything in there. That's how our cops are too. I saw LAPD. If you go to Police Activity, wonderful channel. I saw a dude went at these two cops with a
Starting point is 04:00:43 paint roller and they shot him. It's a paint roller. I saw a dude went at these two cops with a paint roller and they shot him. It's a paint roller. I saw a woman. This is great. This woman comes out of her house. She's like, I got a gun! And she does this thing where she holds up a coat and pokes her finger through the coat and she's strafing, you know, running sideways in her yard.
Starting point is 04:01:00 Coat in one hand and finger guns stuck through the fabric. And this one cop who's hiding behind his car with his gun out gets so scared he goes bang bang bang six times doesn't hit shit one of the other cops is like it's not a gun it's not a gun and he's a they're fucking shaking. The other thing you saw, the golfer had that snafu with the cops the other day.
Starting point is 04:01:37 It's like one of the top golfers in the world was late to his tea time at the Masters or Augusta or wherever the fuck they were. And this cop, like, it's hard to say what happened. There were a lot of charges against him at one point, but basically the cop like sort of jumps in his window as he's pulling into the golf course and hits him with a flashlight. And he doesn't know who he's being attacked by. So he gasses it. And,
Starting point is 04:01:54 and like the cop falls over and skins his knee. And so they arrested the, uh, the golfer and charged him with a bunch of shit, like five or six charges. But it turns out the cop's body camera wasn't on and they didn't follow procedure and and like when you see the interview they're being the detectives a piece of shit he's like i didn't know who was attacking me he's like
Starting point is 04:02:14 we're dressed like cops sir we're all dressed like cops and it's like he's wearing an orange vest it's it's night i thought it was a security guard i don't he's like you don't have to do a security guard to tell you and i'm'm going to be like, no. No, I don't. He's here for me. He's here for my security. I'm the guy. Anyway, they dropped all the charges and the officer who
Starting point is 04:02:36 hit him with the light gave one of those non-apology apologies where he was like, not only do I have visible skin knee, but I ruined my $80 pants. Good. Poor guy. God, I hate those people.
Starting point is 04:02:52 Golfers. I know we're about to wrap, but I saw one where a guy charged a cop with a steak knife. The cop put him down twice. Dude, he shot him. He got crumpled to the ground, but then he got up and went for another run at it with the steak knife, and the cop put him down twice dude he shot him he got crumpled to the ground but then he got up and went for another run at it with the steak knife and the cop put him down for good prior to that
Starting point is 04:03:10 he called 9-1-1 said voices were telling them to kill people so it sounded like suicide by cop to me yeah or schizophrenia yeah a little bit of both maybe sure sure i like that too a lot of them do that suicide by cop thing that I've seen where they'll be talking to the guy. They're like, Gary, just put it down and come outside. He hasn't picked up a weapon yet.
Starting point is 04:03:31 He's like, just, just come with us. You just have to leave. Look, you don't have to go to jail, but you can't stay here. It's one of those.
Starting point is 04:03:37 And he's just like, I'm not going to jail. I'm not going to jail. And they're like, you're, you're right. You're not Gary. As long as you just leave. You walk out of here.
Starting point is 04:03:48 You head down the sidewalk, and you don't come back. It's easy. I'm going to die here tonight. And it's like, fuck, man. Why don't we have a big net like in the cartoons to throw over this guy real quick? But eventually, he picks up some scissors or some shit and just comes at him like a crazy man you know screaming and stabbing and they all gun him the fuck down uh that that's near happens so much where they you call the cops because you've got a friend a loved one whatever who's having some sort of a like the
Starting point is 04:04:16 worst day of their life or something and they're falling apart or maybe they got mental illness drug issues whatever but man if we just had a net like he'd be good tomorrow you know like he just needs to sleep off whatever is going on tonight but instead they don't seem to have they have those tasers but i always say those things are bullshit like i see them miss so much they don't know how to use them or they can't really reload them fast enough to do anything and then they got a gun so and the beanbag shit doesn't work and i remember that history channel or discovery channel thing we watched 20 years ago where they had that goo cannon they like sprayed the the guy with all the it was like that uh foam sealant you put in your uh your attic or
Starting point is 04:04:56 whatever but it was like a giant ghostbusters size one why don't we why don't we have some of those gadgets from future weapons because we we still haven't come up with anything i don't we have some of those gadgets from future weapons? Because we, we still haven't come up with anything. I don't know. They got a thing now, um, for high speed chases that grabs the car. They like reach under it with a claw and grab it. You sent me a video of it. It ties up the rear tires.
Starting point is 04:05:15 I, with a net maybe. Yeah. And then they got another thing that has an arm and it pokes a dart onto the back of the car with a GPS and they just go, and then they just slow down and let the car go I like that too I love that one
Starting point is 04:05:29 seems like if it's not your car there's still an escape route yeah they'll get away probably Kia boys well I've had about all I can take check out our sponsors in the description PKA 702
Starting point is 04:05:45 Trump's guilty

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