Painkiller Already - PKN #114

Episode Date: October 28, 2016

It's PKN time baby!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Here it is, we're live. Alright, I need to adjust my camera, cause it's like slacker cam from, uh, the drunk episode. It's adjusted for this. Yeah, it was adjusted for some very relaxed sitting poses. I loved the gifs that people were posting of you, of both of you. There were great gifs on the PKA Reddit of both of you. One of Woody looking back at what you blew, and you must have been thinking in your head, like, these numbers can't be the correct ones.
Starting point is 00:00:30 And then Kyle has one where you're very clearly not drunk enough that you're delusional. You're just not drunk enough that you get pissed off with the numbers that you see, where you're like, this is bullshit. I'm drunker than this. Definitely drunker than this. Those breathalyzers. I feel like I'm going to ruin this for PKA
Starting point is 00:00:45 because I want to talk about it there too. I found my breathalyzer was not at all indicative of how drunk I was. I got very drunk. I was drunk. I was vomiting the next morning. I was... After the show, I went to the bathroom.
Starting point is 00:01:02 I didn't throw up right away, but I laid down on the tile because it was so cool. And I had to keep my eyes open to stop the world from spinning. He was talking about that cool tile before the show. Yeah. Yeah. But as I was saying into the show, if I'm fully honest with you, it wasn't my expectation. And then right after the show, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:01:21 I just laid down in the bathroom. It seemed like a great idea. And the tile was so cool. It was so great. And I closed my eyes, and it was just like, nope, nope, nope. That's a no-go. We are not at eye-closing stage right now. You were probably so tired, and all you wanted to do was sleep, right?
Starting point is 00:01:40 You know, I don't even know the difference between sleeping and passing out. They seem very similar to me. But to me, in my opinion, I laid down on the cool tile floor. I stayed there with my eyes open. And then several hours later, I realized that I had taken a nap there. And I slept on the bathroom floor for a while. And most people would say that's passing out. But I'm like, I don't know. The rule we used in high school and college, not that I drank a passing out but i'm like i don't know the rule we used in high school in college not that i drank a lot but it's if you took your shoes off you were safe not to be fucked with i don't know if that's widely known but yeah don't pass out with your shoes on that's a common rule yeah if you pass out with your shoes on then then you've passed out if you
Starting point is 00:02:18 took your shoes off it was a planned sleepage so i guess i planned it about six hours ahead of time there's nothing worse like the worst feeling with drinking is like going out getting drunk and you realize that you're pretty drunk but you think you're fine and then you lay down in bed and everything's all good and then you close your eyes and then it's like some
Starting point is 00:02:38 cyclone wizard comes up behind you and is like shaking you around and moving you and you're just so tired and you just have to open your eyes and be like well fuck i guess i'm just gonna sit awake exhausted for like three hours while my body metabolizes the rest of this poison until i can close my eyes without wildly spinning or sometimes i have a i had a friend in college who had no problem sleeping through the spins or dealing with it and said he actually liked the spins which is probably indicative of some level of alcoholism at the very least but i just couldn't imagine that that's the worst feeling ever it's just so discombobulated especially closing your eye they say the way to
Starting point is 00:03:14 fix that is to lie in bed on your back and then put one foot on the ground um i've never put that yeah uh they say that that fixes it drunk to remember those. Exactly. Exactly. I felt pretty good after the show. I would say by like, I don't know. I stayed up and talked to Taylor for a while. And then it was maybe like 2 in the morning before I like went upstairs and like got in bed and started watching TV up there. And I was pretty good by then. I had some nachos. I was suffering in the post-show.
Starting point is 00:03:44 And I try not to go to the subreddit anymore i'm not perfect but i definitely go there less and i and i definitely reply less but anyway someone was like hey you know thank you woody for doing all the like tech work and rendering and stuff and uh one dick was like he does nothing he just uploads it's whatever i'm like you fucknard. How do you think the MP3 happens? There's no rendering there? Do you think that there's no connecting to an FTP site and doing separate uploads? Did you know that if my computer does two uploads at once, both files get fucked, so I have to fully upload the audio version before I
Starting point is 00:04:19 even kick off the video? I'm up for a while doing you know doing this shit and i was it it was power for me like i i was just like i had to power through it i guess it was just willpower actually it's probably for the best that you had to do that because keeping you awake and active and metabolizing the alcohol a little longer maybe that helped instead of being able to immediately fall down i don't know you might be right maybe a little mission where I was on to something. I think we need to do another drinking episode next week. What?
Starting point is 00:04:50 And really top ourselves. Really go hard. And we'll record the whole thing this time. That's another thing. So I want your opinion on this. I don't know if I'm just revising history. Okay. Maybe you know what I'm... Maybe you saw what I wrote, but I think
Starting point is 00:05:06 the first 90 minutes was not very good. I think that the first 90 minutes, one, we weren't drunk. It included exciting things like removing the breathalyzer from the packaging and taking off the seal of Kyle's best efforts.
Starting point is 00:05:21 It included the first two shots. So there was some not drunk at all parts of it. Maybe the first 30 or 40 minutes of it was just not even drunk episode. It was the warm up to it. You guys seem to like my story, but I think I told it
Starting point is 00:05:38 before. And I'll tell it again. You'll tell it again. I thought the first 90 minutes was the best part. Do you really? I legit thought it again. You'll tell it again. I thought the first 90 minutes was the best part. Do you really? I legit thought it was not good. I thought there were like three funny stories in there. I loved everybody.
Starting point is 00:05:54 I loved your face as you grimaced more and more drinking the stuff. Your reaction to smelling it. That was the part where we went through the whole introduction of where it came from to let the filthy You know we caught up with filthy and got the initial stuff going there We talked about politics and Trump just killing himself and and we did it in a different way
Starting point is 00:06:16 We just kind of each gave her thoughts on where the race was and we really got through politics I like that format although. I will say that I Don't think there's a lot of people clamoring for our politics talk i like that format although i will say that i i don't think there's a lot of people clamoring for our politics talk i could be wrong and they might have liked that format we should do it again but uh but yeah i thought it was a really good first hour and a half of something and i remember there were quite a few moments i was laughing and i don't remember but i told a couple stories about school that i thought were good. Or maybe they're church stories or something. I found both of you to be an easier audience while you were drinking.
Starting point is 00:06:49 Sometimes I'd comment like, honey, they just didn't really hit it back for me. You were hitting it back. You guys were like, everything I said was funny in the drinking episode. I liked Kyle mentioning in the first hour and a half,
Starting point is 00:07:07 your grimaces and drinking versus the last hour. And that would be a funny distinction, because the first 90 minutes was like, I'm doing a really big grimace face for those of you listening. Like, eyes winced. You know, the whole face looks in pain. By the end, you had a full bottle of wine, leaning back like some vagabond, hanging out of a train just kind of a little a little wince at the end but mostly just
Starting point is 00:07:30 just more like a harder exhale like i gotta keep going drink these feelings away dude my wife came like maybe 15 minutes before the show ended, 20, and she took my alcohol away. And as I was vomiting, I'm like, I think that was a really good move. Because I had just hit the edge. She took it away. I was like, yeah, take it away. In the moment, I was like, oh, that's bullshit. He has to keep going. And then I think it was when me and Kyle were talking after the show ended that Kyle was like, you know, when she came and took his alcohol at first I was like oh come on
Starting point is 00:08:06 but then about five minutes later I was like that was a good move Jackie she's a professional wife she really didn't know the perfect time to come in and go alright enough enough is enough I probably heard him say something
Starting point is 00:08:21 and like undiscernible through the hallways and she's like oh he's drunk this slurring needs to stop and and the worst part about it i didn't mention it on the show because i was a little drunk and just not all there but you drank three quarters of a bottle of white wine warm and i i can't i came recently to understand that you were unaware that warm that white wine was not meant to be drank warm i know this is not the kind of thing i know and don't don't misunderstand this is not like iced coffee you didn't do it like some trendy way like oh yeah
Starting point is 00:08:57 some people drink it warm like you chill that stuff like it should be cool chill yeah i i had no idea like if you were to list all the alcohols like whiskey scotch uh schnapps like i you got you probably in your head or that's all the ones that beer i know beer is supposed to be cold right beer is supposed to be cold outside of that i couldn't tell you warm cold on any of them gin i know margaritas are supposed to be cold. And I know that margaritas and martinis are different. I figured out why. I would always see the red wine out on the counter and the white wine in the fridge or in like a cooler somewhere. But like white wine warm sounds horrific.
Starting point is 00:09:43 Horrific. It's all horrific to me you don't know what it tastes like old or you may have hated it a lot more i don't know yeah i don't really know alcohol like i swear i i don't drink i don't know these aren't things i know like i don't when when someone gets a drink, what would you get on the rocks? Like scotch. Okay. Or whiskey. So is it... You get a bread. Liquor.
Starting point is 00:10:11 And when you get it straight up, that means no ice, right? Or does that mean no vermouth? If you order it straight, or neat, as the word is, like I'll have the Jim Beam neat, or Jack Daniels neat. That means they just give you a cup of liquor. and if you say rocks then i never order stuff neat or on the rocks unless
Starting point is 00:10:31 somebody i'm with preempts that and shows that that's what we're doing because i've noticed that you always seem like a douche if you just like it's just you you come off way less pompous if you're just like yeah corona then like oh yes i'll have the lagavulin neat uh 16 year tried the 12 year one no thank you and like that kind of stuff i never and it's like five times the price if you want like a little glass of liquor at a restaurant they rake you over the coals for it which i guess is normal but yeah i think i think we all did a good job i really thought that that moonshine i saw someone commenting like oh man taylor i thought he'd have more liquor or more beer or something on hand he wasn't prepared except for that bottle of champagne and that four month old wine but i really thought like i was driving home that day
Starting point is 00:11:21 and i was like should i stop and get like a six pack or something like just in case and i was like no no fucking way that's a bottle of moonshine like i'm gonna have trouble finishing that whole thing in four hours and that's why i was woefully unprepared i did not anticipate us crushing that thing in the first hour and a half all of us pretty much we all pretty much finished that thing in the first hour and a half two hours when i talked about the moonshine where i can't taste the alcohol but it's especially potent um and it's apple moonshine it's different i've seen it twice before it's completely clear with the exception of like uh i think it was a cinnamon stick in it and then there's a peach one where there's a peach in it and uh and i think it was much stronger so kyle's recipe was just very different than the one that I had been referring to.
Starting point is 00:12:05 I just can't imagine what yours could be though because you have alcohol. You have a high content of alcohol. We know that's present and then you have enough like sugar or flavoring to like mask it. We know that's present. I don't know what yours could possibly be because there's no way to like
Starting point is 00:12:21 include the apple in the like liquor making process. You don't get any advantage there. It's not like include the apple in the like liquor making process you don't get any advantage there you know it's not like by minting apples you could create some apple liquor and then use that and and and somehow get there i feel like if we were talking about like nuclear fusion i would have a better chance of bullshitting through it than this topic right here like the making of alcohol I don't know anything about I know I know this if apples fall off
Starting point is 00:12:52 of trees and start to ferment then sometimes monkeys get drunk I saw it on Discovery I watched a whole documentary about drunk monkeys on islands in like Jamaica and areas of the Caribbean because they just go around and eat fermented fruit
Starting point is 00:13:07 and are just hammered. It was huge swaths of footage of just monkeys stumbling around on picnic benches and park benches. It was pretty entertaining. Your knowledge of making alcohol is at least equal to mine. I just leave assorted fruit laying around
Starting point is 00:13:23 and then if I want to buzz, I just take a bite. It's terrible. Terrible. In the zombie apocalypse, that would be my best idea. I'm like, I don't know. You leave it around. It worked on Discovery Channel. Yeah, that was fun.
Starting point is 00:13:38 I enjoyed that. Melissa tried a sip of your moonshine, Kyle. She really liked it. She thought it was very good. And so, there's one very happy customer. I feel like I'm not showing my appreciation. I appreciate
Starting point is 00:13:52 that you made it and shipped it. I found it to be quite foul. I think that... I've seen a lot of recipes. I've done a bit of research. And they differ only in small ways. The one thing that I did different about mine that nobody else did, I think, was that i used the dark brown sugar instead of the light brown sugar and that's probably why it's quite so molasses like um that's probably it but it was gonna be
Starting point is 00:14:16 brown either way is yours technically moonshine well no no it's just i don't know no no so i guess like you have a distillery like in the Appalachian Mountains and, you know, Cousin Joe comes over with 16 that really makes booze. Like, they make the clear alcohol. If you've ever watched that show Moonshiners, I'm pretty sure one of the main characters in that show
Starting point is 00:14:37 died of cirrhosis of the liver like middle of season two. And his character was always like he'd take the big mason jar of the clear liquid and then he would like undo it and he had maybe six teeth on the underside of his jaw and he'd take like a couple little swigs and he'd go that's that's about 80 that's 97 i would put it my life that that's 97 alcohol and then they'd run it and they'd be like well shit jimbo's right again 97.1 alcohol jimbo how do you do it well
Starting point is 00:15:06 you've been drinking as long as i have and you learned to figure it out and it was like that's just rubbing alcohol that guy's drinking he didn't make a face he didn't do anything that is a real drinker that guy's been hammered since the first take of the first season of the show and he's never gone back all right so but here's the thing about moonshine so you're not at no point when making moonshine are you getting anything special like the whole thing about moonshine is that it's made illegally to get around either prohibition back in the day or i guess you know guys got a if they just want a cheap liquor they'd make their own which is also illegal um or it was at that time uh you know they're getting around some some local laws in some cases.
Starting point is 00:15:45 But it's not like it's stronger than anything you could buy. That Everclear is 95% alcohol by volume. So you can get the alcohol. So there's really no point in making moonshine, like making your own liquor to start with because you can buy Everclear, which is just grain alcohol. It seemed to be a hobby of my friend's. We're not that close. This is a guy that I am trained on. He's got a whole like distillery. He's got like the
Starting point is 00:16:11 still is what they call it with the copper tubing and... I think he might. I don't know. I only know the final product. He said that like he learned how to make it and he really likes doing it like it's a hobby and then uh i i thought it was neat i like i i was thinking of buying it from him but someone else asked and he's like no you can't sell it he's like it's actually legal to make it but it is not legal to sell it and he doesn't yeah you know even he doesn't not even do a friend you know moonshine beer making like all that stuff is just hobby now because you can make it as just a fun thing to do like cooking but you can't sell it to anyone my dad makes beer
Starting point is 00:16:50 every so often just because he thinks it's fun to go to the like beer making store and like buy a bunch of new shit and then go home and make a mixture and concoct it and then a few weeks later it's like hey i've made this like that's neat like it's cool so i like that i my grandma bought me a beer making kit and i i never made it i just thought you know i'll go to the store instead of waiting six weeks but i think i could see how it'd be a fun hobby you know that that's what you know chiz is doing that a lot right now, right? He makes mead because just like his hat would imply, he lives in an era gone by. I've never had mead, but I know that it's a honey-based alcohol, and it sounds good to me. It does sound pretty good the way Chiz has described it.
Starting point is 00:17:37 A couple of them have. He said he made like a mint mead, and that sounds hideous, revolting, awful. I'm glad you said that because i otherwise i couldn't get on board yeah the mint one no if chiz ever ships us his his chiz's choice blend keep that better be the honey kind not right not yeah extra honey i have two things i'm dying to talk about uh two hours ago right it's 7 30 p.m as we're speaking two hours ago i right? It's 7.30 p.m. as we're speaking. Two hours ago, I launched out of my front yard. I have now successfully flown my paramotor out of the yard. This was like the point.
Starting point is 00:18:16 This was like the thing that I've been trying to do. This is the thing I've wanted to do for a long, long time. But since the spring, like I can't tell you how many false attempts I've had. And before I get into it, I want to – in paramotor culture or even aviation culture in general, there is – like if someone says like, you know, I just didn't have a good feeling. I decided not to. That's like cool and it's accepted. No one says you're a bitch, right? It's like, dude,
Starting point is 00:18:45 if you felt like it was a bad idea to fly, then it was. So probably I've laid out to fly from my yard in the past 10 days, like three times. And every single day for the past 10 days, I've gone out there to like stare at a windsock and just determine that it wasn't a good idea. Sometimes I determined it was and I lay the wing out and decide that it wasn't. A couple times I tried to launch and the wind would like change direction or something, deflate the wing. And I'm just like, you know what? It's not the day.
Starting point is 00:19:16 You know, if the wind's changing direction 90 degrees on me, then I know this is a mistake. You know, they're not going to like landing any more than taking off. You know, it's fucking with me. It's a fair weather sport. I didn't know how fair, like, as a guy that surfed for ages, I kind of get the idea of a weather-dependent sport. You know, not every day is an okay day. You can play hockey, indoor hockey, anytime you want.
Starting point is 00:19:37 Like, you never really, unless, like, the roads are flooded or something, you can play. But surfing, paramotoring, it's very weather-dependent. You can't always do it. I'm there at 5. and i'm like dude everything has lined up typically my wife is out there with the video camera and stuff capturing my failure and today she's like i'm cooking and she's got her the insurance report she's got her hands in like uh chicken i don't know if other people feel this way about like chicken but for her, it's like toxic hands. I can't touch anything. I can't do anything.
Starting point is 00:20:07 I don't want to... So anyway, she's just out of commission. So I give her a ham radio in her pocket, and I'm like, all right, I'm going to go do this. I go and I launch first time. It was a bad launch. it was a bad launch. It was a successful launch. I think that, I don't wanna go on too long, but here's the deal, if you pull your brakes, you slow down and you gain altitude.
Starting point is 00:20:34 Like that's what happens. The wing kinda goes tail down a little bit, and it makes you slow down, and that energy goes towards gaining altitude. So when you launch, you typically launch with some brake on, so you don't have to run so damn fast. And in hindsight, I think what I may have done is launched, got up like two feet, everything was great,
Starting point is 00:20:53 and gave my brake back. Normally you do that when you're up. Like, all right, I'm 28 feet up, 30 feet now. I can drop two. Instead, I got up two feet and dropped two. And I'm like leaning on the throttle, which makes you gain altitude bending my knees practically dragging them in the grass and like please get out of here please get out of here this this contraption to take off he's washing dishes looking through the window like
Starting point is 00:21:17 i am as you like i'm like seeing the grass kick up behind you as that fan goes very closely over the ground there's something called a cage drag that very advanced pilots do where they drag their paramotor on the grass through the air and i think i did that but i didn't mean to do that i i was near crashing they're showing off it's a huge difference and uh as i start to gain altitude well the ground starts to go up because my ground's not per... And I'm just like, oh my god, I hope my climb rate is faster than the ground is coming up. And then I launched. And then once I got airborne, I knew what I was doing. So what you want to do in my yard is circle inside the perimeter of the
Starting point is 00:22:00 yard. If your launch requires you like go over high wires, the electrical wires that surround me, then that means that if your motor went out or something, you were fucked. You were really depending on success not to die and hit these high wires. On the other hand, if you turn and you like gain altitude spiraling up in the yard, that means that you were like in control. Like that's what you want to do. And the motor went out in any of this any point you just land in your yard right so i did that i successfully spiraled to altitude in my yard and then and this was neat to me there were things to do like i have flown from two place three places four all right i'm getting overboard but mostly where i launch there's nothing but trees and fields that's it trees and Trees and fields, trees and fields.
Starting point is 00:22:45 I launch from my house and it's like, hey, look, there's a rock quarry over here. There's a church with a steeple. I flew over a baseball game. People were playing and they were looking at me. I think I was really high. But I'm like, I think they're watching me and I'm watching them play baseball like on the ground. It wasn't like the Durham Bulls or anything.
Starting point is 00:23:02 It was like, whatever. They were probably 12. I can't tell. I'm way up in the air. there was a baseball game there was a real thing they all the same color on and uh yeah as opposed to like a bunch of people fucking about so uh i i know rock quarry farms baseball games churches scary i can see you that's where you crash and they don't find i feel like if you crash at the baseball field you're all good like there's a medic right there already he's just he's bored he's like ah something to do he gets to break out all this gear you crash in the quarry and your ass is done so when you fly a paramotor and this is so drilled into my head you always have a landing place in
Starting point is 00:23:40 mind right so what i do is i get up high enough and I've been planning this out on Google Earth for like months now, months. And as I learn new things, like the plan changes, I'm like, all right, first I go to my yard and then I have a neighbor with a big, with a pretty big yard. Like he's landing spot number two. Then I go to this housing development that's not really developed yet. So there's like lots of like bulldozer work, but no houses. I'm like, all right, if the thing's emergency there, I go there. Then I get high enough, and I have a lot of choices. But the baseball field is part of the route to get to other shit,
Starting point is 00:24:12 because if things go wrong, scooch over, players. I'm coming in. That would be embarrassing. Do you have something when you're flying? Is there a way that you could mount your phone up your phone up so there's, like, a tracking GPS or even just, like, a map that shows exactly where you are? Yes.
Starting point is 00:24:30 And you could, like, preload safe zones and then, like, ah, definitely avoid this park. There was a bear alert or whatever the fuck, like, reason. I don't know about that, but you can have a GPS, just like you would in your car,
Starting point is 00:24:41 like, track where you are and it'll tell you your altitude and stuff like that. As a matter of fact, today I keep my reserve chute on my lap and I got a new reserve chute container where the top of it, they call it a flight deck, but it's really just like
Starting point is 00:24:53 the fuzzy part of Velcro. And then you can put your other shit. Like, alright, here's a little GPS. Velcro, it goes right there. You can pick your phone up, take pictures or tweet from the sky or something and then put it back. I think so. It's pretty sad. You're doing other shit um but yeah i flew from my yard today and i hardly have words to explain but this is something i had been very excited about like i achieved a thing that i had been going for for a long time and uh and when i achieved it it kind of lived up to the hype
Starting point is 00:25:26 because like doing circles over the airfield for months like look i like it but i could see how it's repetitive and stuff and i'm building skills and i know that it's important but launching from my yard and checking out like things that that's neat like there's a youtuber that i like watching his stuff and it's like, oh, every time he freaking flies, it's like, hey, check out the hot air balloons. Oh, I'm going to do a close flyby of this church's steeple and here's a water crossing
Starting point is 00:25:54 thing and he's always like... He's doing steeple close flybys. People are only watching, waiting for the truly entertaining video where he's unintentionally crucified at the top of some baptist church when he just careens into it a little too quickly there's an abandoned factory and he'll like go by and you see like the top of it and the root i don't know
Starting point is 00:26:15 if the roof's caving or just like filled with deitris and stuff but or detritus i don't know the word anyway uh so he just always i'm, this guy got like cheat codes. Like where he launches is great. And then there's so many interesting things to see right around him. Meanwhile, I launch like in the middle of nowhere and there's nothing but trees. So today was really neat. I got a new place to launch and it's my house. That's a cool thing. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:26:41 Did any of your neighbors – Yes. Yes. My neighbor's daughter started texting my wife saying i can't believe he did that uh congratulations uh my neighbor on the other side he's out and they're they all like they came out to see the madness that was me flying around yeah i like that's great you're you're totally like the the mad professor of that neighborhood already you're
Starting point is 00:27:05 the guy who literally flies around in his backyard like they're all they were already like watching you guys out there with the banat they're already like yeah they've all got a lawnmower and there's some sort of a hovercraft flying around above them yeah they do it every week look at this jim now you're taking off out of your yard and flying away like you're Hawkeye or something. You are the biggest Mr. Jones in the Keep Up With The Joneses ever to all your neighbors.
Starting point is 00:27:34 Where they're just like, Jim, why don't we have our own lawnmowers? Well, honey, because we don't have a seven acre mansion that we fly our feet around on. You know? a seven acre mansion that we fly our van around on. He also bought his daughter a new car. Did you hear that?
Starting point is 00:27:51 It was used! I don't believe that's the neighborhood propaganda. My neighbors are well to do. I don't know that they're thinking like that. To me, it's not about that i just dude dude i i went to my yard i ran into the sky and then started like looking at baseball games and shit from up there that's a really cool thing it's uh also a way to make baseball a little more fun if you know needs who could be a big outfield play,
Starting point is 00:28:25 kind of like that guy for the Cubs, who had to change his name and had his whole life ruined. Just for clarity, I was probably about 1,500 feet, 2,000 feet, so I don't even know if they could hear me. But they could definitely see me. I'm very visible. That's great. Are you worried somebody's going to try to shoot you down?
Starting point is 00:28:42 No, I'm not worried about that. That's a ridiculous thing to be worried about. Really? I am a little worried that one day the police are going to ask me about the legality of it. It's legal. The only challenge for the legality is there's this barely defined term where they say you can't fly over populated areas, right? So, like, is a golf course a populated area? I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:29:09 I don't think so either. If you cross a road, is that a populated area? Typically, no. Like, that one's been defined. But really, the way it comes down is if you hit someone, it was a populated area. That's the way that they teach it. So, and I was like, all right, so I'm asking you to get this covered. But the thing is this.
Starting point is 00:29:28 So I'm flying back to my house. And, I mean, not that this actually happened, but it felt like I was over a lot of other houses. Like the path that I was – the path I took out was the one I mapped. The path I took back – well, of course, in reality, that's the one I mapped too, but there was a visual effect that made it seem like, oh, yeah, I have to be more careful about this.
Starting point is 00:29:52 It might be that I wanted to be up wind or something. And they're like, alright, so this house is there. You gotta manage that carefully. But it's mostly legal. You're not supposed to fly over subdivisions. If a cop actually got a megaphone out and was like oh hey you up there you come down would you just like would you actually come down or would you kind of be like
Starting point is 00:30:16 let the trippers out get to 30 miles an hour do a slow speed chase I imagine the cop getting up in there in his own paramotor
Starting point is 00:30:32 alongside you're like what pulling you over pull over no you you would not that's a stupid
Starting point is 00:30:41 idea I've heard about that before. People shooting at people with small aircraft. I think sometimes it is deer hunting season. I'll give you a scenario how it could happen. It's not deer hunting season quite yet.
Starting point is 00:30:56 You fly over somebody's deer hunting spot. You chase off their deer. They're like, fucking sky pirate. What are you? And they just fucking blast at you out of anger. It could happen. What if you accidentally fly into
Starting point is 00:31:10 a falconry competition? Born to ribbons up in the skies. You know, as Igor and Samson fly in and take bits out of your fingers and arms. Apparently hawks flying with paramotors is a super common thing. So is geese, just like getting into formation. None of this has ever happened to me,
Starting point is 00:31:32 not even close. Brad says he's flown with hawks or falcons. I don't really know my birds, but Brad's flown with like birds of prey before, but not geese. I hope that happens, because my house is so loaded with interesting wildlife. I think we saw a wolf. We were eating dinner, and Jackie looks at the kitchen, and she's like, what is that? Is that a dog? And its coating
Starting point is 00:31:58 was like a wild animal. It could have been a husky type thing. And I say wolf. I don't really know wolf, coyote, whatever. Maybe it was more likely to be a coyote. It's interesting, though. There's this new blend of the three called the coy wolf now that's starting to take over in lots of just outside of urban areas all around North America. It's a blend of dogs, coyotes, and wolves.
Starting point is 00:32:19 And instead of being some sort of, ah, look at that worthless thing. It's got all these worthless traits combined. It sort of took the best from each of them. It's like an urban jackal. And they're big. Do they happen naturally or are they bred? Well, natural interbreeding. No humans made it happen.
Starting point is 00:32:36 You count what we've done here already. It was really probably like wolves really getting a lot of rapes in the coyote community. But it zoomed by and I ran out front to see it. Jackie, more clever, ran to the side of the house, but we weren't able to see it again and really figure out what it was. I would be shocked if it was a wolf. I hate to even say anything
Starting point is 00:32:57 from a quasi-expert position because people get so stuck up about it. It wasn't a wolf. It was a coyote. For a second, I thought we weren't recording, but we are. You fucking left! I left on a protest! I heard a fucking Taylor and Woody show today!
Starting point is 00:33:14 I walked to the Woody monologue hour. Unfortunately, the co-hosts have left. They were very aggravated. I think it's a wolf just because I know when we were in Idaho, Melissa had some family who would try and hunt wolves because the way she describes it is when she was a little girl, they had the reintroduction of wolves where they were like,
Starting point is 00:33:39 we need to get more wolves out there. There aren't enough wolves for us to gawk at. And so they threw wolves into idaho and montana and very quickly they realized like ah given even a little bit of human help these things are going to dominate this region like nothing's going to come close and they're great they're clever they're smart good at hiding and so the only way you can really hunt them reliably is from a helicopter and even then her uncle went on those trips all the time and was like yeah i've seen one wolf ever not shot seen one ever i like to cover myself
Starting point is 00:34:12 and he should get a paramotor she could i'll tell you what would happen you'd end up getting taken down and those wolves would take you out like in the gray that liam neeson would be like bullets dude i'm still on a high like i i flew out of my yard that's a very neat thing for me it's the culmination of that whole hobby because the whole reason you want to do it is so you can take off from your yard you've been saying that the whole time and now now you can just be like all right i'll fly this weekend i don't have to drive seven hours to meet up with this guy and then hope it's not windy. I can just walk outside and go, oh, it's windy. I'm not going to fly.
Starting point is 00:34:50 What I think would be interesting for you is right now, it seems like today's trip, you went up just to go up, and so far that's all you have done. What if you used it as a mode of transportation? What if you got up very nothing think about this listen early you get a very early you take off and you fly to wherever some other you know airmen are and you land and hang out with them and then at the end of the day you take off and fly on home that's totally a conceivable thing um one risk especially at my i'm like i'm just entering maybe intermediate now, like leaving my Nubius phase.
Starting point is 00:35:26 And when you have a mission like that, like, all right, I'm going to go. I'm going to go to this place, and I'm going to come back. I'm going to meet other people. There's a real temptation to carry out that mission as opposed to err towards the side of safety. Like I was saying before. Time window, you have to bum a ride home.
Starting point is 00:35:49 That could be a thing, yeah. Or you might be like like ah you know what i'm not bumming a ride home i'm gonna give it a go and you can make bad decisions like that now it's dark yeah like this thing doesn't have any light future me maybe is more comfortable with that like yeah i can do lots of things there's an there's a race it just finished called the icarus trophy and uh it goes from montana to vegas like that's all that's a very long distance yeah it's like the top of the country to the bottom of the country and it goes through mountains and stuff like that so these guys are uh i don't know they're they're actually really going places and they're going and they're going in paramotors yeah yeah that said how long do they do like one continuous shot or is this a thing where they land and refuel and there's a hustle about that they land and refuel you can only fly during daytime but they do like 200 kilometer legs you know and then they'll just refuel and they'll take right off there they actually bring um
Starting point is 00:36:39 like two-stroke oil with them land at a gas station on like on the side of the road fill up add the oil and then fly from there, right, which is just so different than my world. Yeah. That's interesting, races like that. I got to meet that guy who did the cannonball run. He's got the world record for that that time. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:59 That was cool to hear them talk about how they pulled that off. They did it like one of those four-door BMWs, like the Sport Edition. And they would rotate who's driving and stuff. And they had aircraft in the air radioing down, looking for police in front of them so they could just drive balls to the wall like crazy, crazy fast the whole time. They had done scouting reports for years about where the speed traps were and how to just outright avoid many of them, but then how to schedule around the ones they couldn't outright avoid.
Starting point is 00:37:33 And so when he pulled it off, I don't remember his time, but it's like New York to LA nonstop driving in like a day and a half, two days or something crazy. And after he did it, he got invited to all of these law enforcement speaking engagements. They want to know after he did it he got invited to all of these law enforcement uh speaking engagements they want to know how he did it so now he's just got this whole career made up of that where they love him to death and they're like we want to talk to you about how to improve you know traffic safety grids and and we we need to know how you circumvented our entire system you know nationwide let's talk about that and so uh that was a cool fucking guy there's one more little tidbit i didn't mention about the paramotor the
Starting point is 00:38:10 the ham radios work the entire time so i flew miles from the house and i was probably half a mile in the air and uh jackie and i were able to hold a conversation the whole way through i bet it's because your altitude huh i bet if you're on the ground, they wouldn't work. Yeah, I think on the ground, I heard something about 25 miles. So even if it's half that on the ground, that's pretty far. Yeah, I think, usually they mean line of sight,
Starting point is 00:38:36 I think. I think that's like their limiting factor, right? I forget. I used to know. If there's a mountain in between you, but I'm just thinking, like, you being up there, like, you're getting the max. Yeah, you're getting a real straight shot so uh i think it's neat that i can have like ground station at home on the radio the whole time it's built into my helmet i just press a button here and talk to her and uh and that's that the other new thing that i wanted to talk about was um i got a call from at t So you have to understand, they've called me without exaggeration like 13 times
Starting point is 00:39:07 and they keep offering me this like 45 megabit line, which is maybe a lot of people would think that's good, but I have 300 now. And I'm like, don't insult me with this. If you guys seriously rolled into my neighborhood, installed all this fiber, and are trying to sell 45 megabits, you're not
Starting point is 00:39:25 going to get any customer's time. It's like if an RC helicopter salesman showed up at your front door. You'd be like, no, no, thank you. Look what I have. I know this is exciting for the poors, but you know what? Actually, wait here. I'll be right back. In 30 seconds.
Starting point is 00:39:41 People act like paramotors are this rich man thing. I think what you should actually do is, like, recalibrate your head and think of it as just a Sky motorcycle, right? You know, the whole thing costs, like, 10 grand. That's, like, what a motorcycle costs. And, you know, then the continued operating expenses are still in line with that. It's like I probably spent $1.50 on today's flight. I think it's the peripherals that surround the paramotor
Starting point is 00:40:04 that sort of put it in that niche of rich man sports. You need quite a bit of free time to be a paramotorist. I feel like maybe if you're working a 9-5, it's hard to come up with, eh, man, you know, you can do it on weekends, I guess. I guess you're right. You know, to me, it's really
Starting point is 00:40:19 analogous to like your rock buggy or like a dune buggy or any kind of pleasure machine that's right around that price price range which is pretty much all of them if you're gonna have a good one if you got a good motorcycle it's ten thousand dollars you got a good uh racing four-wheeler those things are they're not 10 but they're getting up there they're expensive any kind of boat i mean you know those are outrageous you could have a jet you know jet skis that much i feel like there's some guy out there with a UTV like a...
Starting point is 00:40:46 What's the fun ones? Like a RAV? Is that what they're called? I don't know what we're talking about. Like a golf cart, but with good suspension and a great motor. Oh, like a gator? Yeah, I was going to say gator, but often those are like... Those are like utility. Yeah, they're for utility. There are some that are
Starting point is 00:41:04 for fun a raptor or something and you got like a three-point harness two seats a big roll cage and it's it's so safe looking that that like when i drove it i was like i don't care if we wreck and i don't care if we go off the the cliff like this is gonna be fun as hell and it's very overpowered for what it is very fun it's like it's a doom buggy really now this is uh a hockey topic but it's a little interesting maybe so tonight the blues are playing the vancouver canucks hopefully the blues win go make their record four and oh that'd be nice and vancouver is having a goalie problem they had two of their goalies get injured, and so they have one of their backups playing,
Starting point is 00:41:51 and they're having to do the NHL emergency goaltender rule. And so the goalie for, I guess, the University of British Columbia will be playing backup goaltender for the Vancouver Canucks tonight. Wait, they don't have a minor league team? They've gone through all of them. Or sometimes the way it happens is the minor league team will be playing in, say, like Albany or something this same night, and there's just not enough time between the injury and to get them. And so they conscripted this guy, Matt Hewitt, who plays for the UBC Thunderbirds, and he will be going up against the St. Louis Blues tonight if the main goalie is injured.
Starting point is 00:42:30 This has happened a few times in the NHL because the NHL has lists of competent to semi-competent goalies in every city that there are NHL teams so that if they completely run out of goalies, they can start basically calling people and be like, hey, you played Junior B in 1997. How about playing for the Calgary Flames tonight?
Starting point is 00:42:52 You know, we'll pay you league minimum for a game. It's like 30 grand. How many would you like that? Who are they playing tonight? The Vancouver Canucks. I don't know if this has ever happened to you. I've had several games where we're like, the other team has no goalie. Their goalie didn't show, right?
Starting point is 00:43:09 And unlike, there are no NHL, like, lists for beer league hockey teams. What you do is you get an extra defender, and he tends to stand near the net a lot. And they're more competent than you might guess, you know? You might think, no goalie, oh my you know you can score from mid-ice you can't no they're actually pretty good at stopping shit they block shots all the time because they're defensemen and they just do that and their stick is maybe they're better with a stick than a goalie is and uh and they just block shit all night long but you don't usually lose usually it is easier to score in a defenseman than a goalie. Yes.
Starting point is 00:43:47 But we fuck about. We don't take full advantage of it. I have had several games where, like, the goalie shows up at the start of the second period. The score is 2-1, and we're like, no! No! We should have cashed in. Yeah, I think we could have made it 7-1, and we really focused on it. We had it in the bag yeah something like that happened when i played uh i must have been like 16 or so and the team that showed up to play against us they only had one goalie and the goalie
Starting point is 00:44:17 ended up getting injured and so basically it was like you know first period and it's like okay well i guess we have to forfeit the other, I guess we have to forfeit. The other team was like, we have to forfeit. We don't have a goalie. And if you don't know anything about ice time, it's not like going to play basketball or soccer. It's fucking expensive to buy time to play ice hockey. And so their coach and our coach were like, hey,
Starting point is 00:44:37 like we have all this time to spend. We do forfeit the game to you because we don't have a goalie. But how about you just let us use one of your goalies and we finish the game out and i was like oh i definitely volunteer because i was playing and so basically my backup played for our team and i got to play for their team for the remainder of the game and that was more fun than anything because it's like you're spitefully saving things like throughout the game because they're just trying to rack up their stats so that they can look back and be like oh yeah like 40 goals this year and of course you could be like well it's bullshit they didn't have a goalie for seven of them like but so i just played as best as i could trying to like a lot of
Starting point is 00:45:12 people looks like a lot of people are betting on the blues they're tied for second on the top in nhl public bets for today but it doesn't look like the odds are that crazy the odds don't look that crazy no they're in line with all the other games. Like, I feel like I should be betting on the Blues right now. Well, the Blues have... Well, the Canucks are one of the not-as-good teams right now. The Blues are still one of the good teams. It's just we just had... Yeah, but look at these betting odds.
Starting point is 00:45:38 Did you look at the betting odds, Kyle, Link? Oh, I need to look at that. I feel like it doesn't reflect uh the the situation yeah where is it it's third from the bottom and this is updated to the minute too this is at 2205 hours are you saying it seems like the blues should be higher more favored or less favored more favored if i'm reading this correctly to win 100 $100, you have to bet $138. Yes, they should be more favored, and they would be usually, but the Blues just lost three people in one game to injury,
Starting point is 00:46:13 and so they had to bring up a bunch of people. Oh, well, shit. This is a minor league hockey game. What? Why are your shitty, shitty, crappy, shitty Blues not more favored against a college team? Can you explain that? If this was the Flyers, you'd have to bet $1,000 to win $100.
Starting point is 00:46:31 They're like tipping extra $38. I'll overestimate the Flyers again. I don't mind the Flyers, though. I want to see Wayne Simmons and Claude Giroux do well. And they're in the Eastern Conference, so it's easier to look. But if the Blues, they just lost Lutera, who is one of our best centers. We lost Brodziak, who's one of our best
Starting point is 00:46:49 pain killers, penalty killers. And then two more, Gunnarsson and someone else. Gunnarsson's a defenseman. So, I'm happy that we're going into a game against Vancouver with all these injuries, because it would suck. It feels like, well, goddammit, playing the Pittsburgh Penguins tonight,
Starting point is 00:47:06 probably not going to win this. But, yeah, I mean, we can pull this out against Vancouver, hopefully. I kind of want to put some money on this. I know. I mean, it sounds to me like get up to $100 when you open a checking account. This is BB&T. Well, and keep in mind, this college goalie will only play if the NHL goalie is injured.
Starting point is 00:47:30 Because even if that NHL goalie lets up like seven goals, I seriously doubt they're going to be like, Hey, guy from the University of Columbia. Wait a minute. They called the University of whatever guy as the backup. Yes, they have to have a backup. I misunderstood. Me too. No, I have to have a backup. I misunderstood. I thought he was starting tonight
Starting point is 00:47:47 and that you were still barely favored. No, the odds would be enormous. You probably would have to bet $1,000 on the Blues to win $100 if they were like, yeah, we're just going to start this 19-year-old who's pretty good
Starting point is 00:48:04 in his college league. He's tearing up the roller hockey leagues. He's like, I think I'm better than that guy. I mean, the adrenaline alone will get me through a period, right? At the least, I can let Tarasenko score a lot, make sure my fantasy team's good, you know? I didn't realize. That I would let the best goal scorer in the NHL at the moment score on me.
Starting point is 00:48:25 That I'd be one of the best goal scorers. I was about to say, best goal scorer. Let's see. I mean, right now it's too early to tell, but he's already got three in three games, which is pretty good. Austin Matthews, four in his first game. That was really neat. I mean, to be fair, he hasn't played against a solid NHL squad yet,
Starting point is 00:48:45 but we'll see how that goes. Or no, maybe he has. Maybe he has. Sorry. That's enough hockey talk. There are three players with four goals, so he's not really keeping pace. Yes, there is Pasternak, some fucking dude. Who?
Starting point is 00:49:02 Austin Matthews, the guy who got four in his first game. He's one of them. And then Richard Panik, I guess. Panik. That was the guy who it's funny to watch these stats in the beginning of the season because it's like, this dude isn't even going to be in the top 30 of this list. Two weeks. Like, his four goals, he's at home like, all right.
Starting point is 00:49:21 You know, mid-single digits. 5% of this season has gone by by and he's the best so far. So here, I'll try and keep the story rolling. AT&T, they call me like 13 times. I'm getting at the risk of ruining my reputation or making it worse. A little rude with the customer service people. I'm like, look, don't even try to sell me 45 megabit. This is like your 11th call. I don't want it. And she's like, I'm authorized to sell you gigabit. I was like, really? Keep talking. So it comes down to it, 70 bucks a month, no installation charge, gigabit internet. And I just happen to have 70 bucks a month for 300 megabits now. It's three times faster. And I think it's gigabit upload, but I'm not sure. I didn't
Starting point is 00:50:00 ask that. So she's like, you know, what's going on? And she's like, we'll get him out there tomorrow afternoon at one. And I'm like, do you know what you're getting into? Like, do you realize you have to run like a thousand feet of fiber up my front yard and install it into my house?
Starting point is 00:50:16 Do you know that you'll need a machine that burrows under a road, right? There's a road between the, like you need to burrow 14 feet. Do you have the burrow machine, man? They do! Do you have one? I don't even know how it works. I talked to the guy when they were installing it. I was like,
Starting point is 00:50:33 how do they get across this road? And he's like, we can do it. Yeah, they drill a hole down, then sideways, and then back up again or something. I don't really know how it works. But they have a machine for getting underneath roads. An articulating, boring machine. I don't really know how it works. But they have a machine for getting underneath roads. I like to think that it's a mole-based superhero.
Starting point is 00:50:51 So yeah, they have to go under a road. They have to lay fiber all the way under my house, into the crawlspace and into the server room. How much would you estimate something like that to cost? For them? I'm just saying because you already know you've you've paid to do it once like like i'm sure it's going through your head you're like i know what
Starting point is 00:51:09 this shit costs you don't want to get into this business it should be like 7500 for the install i'm guessing i'm guessing about seven dollars how long do they have to pump you to turn a profit like a hundred years here or something like a hundred months 100 months, yeah. No, a profit. A profit. How much is it costing them to... See, you're not the normal customer. You're going to be uploading and downloading an enormous amount. You're going to be taking up a lot of their bandwidth. More than average, right? I hear you and I think you're right.
Starting point is 00:51:37 But I feel like the additional cost of a customer is almost free. The load that I'll put on AT&T's network is nothing and they just want to get me signed up but i think it's not going to happen i think they're going to like they're like come on to like turn a switch or something and the guy will be holy fuck like you know we're not prepared for this we didn't bring the borrower we don't have a cherry picker you know we're the dwarves yeah i don't think it's going to happen tomorrow,
Starting point is 00:52:06 but they're supposed to come out tomorrow at 1 p.m. and give me gigabit internet. I think the smart money is against it. I'd sooner bet on the blues, but they say it'll happen. I'm imagining the whole cable install team as the Lord of the Rings cast. I just see Orlando Bloom wearing a hat and some overalls and his boss man nudges him. What do your elf eyes see here?
Starting point is 00:52:28 Very nice cable modems, sir. This will be a fast speed. Very fast lightning. Very fast. Aragon in charge of everything. Unfortunately, all of our burrowers were busy, so we had to use an emergency backup. Lots of good burrowers in the area brought one in.
Starting point is 00:52:41 Ed. Digging Ed. Well, hopefully that works out. And also hopefully this goalie doesn't get injured and then put on some crazy ESPN highlight reel performance of college goalie embarrasses NHL team, you know, makes 60 saves in biggest performance in NHL history. He's just like stopping anything and everything,
Starting point is 00:53:05 making your team look foolish. Yeah, that would be upsetting. Very upsetting. It's happened before where they've had to take goalie coaches, so like a 44-year-old former NHLer, and they're like, hey, both of our goalies are hurt. You played, I mean, late 90s when you think about it, not even 20 years ago. So, how about
Starting point is 00:53:29 you slap those pads on and you do your best and they've had to do that before. It never goes well. No? How bad does it go? I imagine a goalie coach is still competent and if they're not playing a whole game, then the fitness matters a little less. Does it matter what kind of saves they're making because because like the only thing
Starting point is 00:53:49 that i can go to and i did it the other day when we were talking about um uh goalies was a catcher a baseball catcher and because it's it's the kind of position that sometimes baseball teams will have two catchers you know they'll switch them in and out it's really tough on your lower body and it's the sort of position that you could bring an old fogey in, somebody who's just got blown out knees, and he could play the position perfectly well most of the time until you start getting people on face, and he's got to pop up, and he's got to throw people down, and he's got to run to get balls.
Starting point is 00:54:17 You know, if anything gets behind him and there's somebody on face, it matters, right? So I'm wondering, is there a – I agree with what Kyle's saying. I feel like a 45 year old goalie can be 80 as good as a great goalie because so much of it is about positioning great goalies and i've talked and told the story many times where i shot on a goal he was way above my skill level looked like he didn't have to do anything you know he was already in position
Starting point is 00:54:41 it seemed like i was never more than an inch off from where he already was and yeah i mean that's the way goalies are is like there are goalies like dominic hasek who's one of the best of all time but he played a really weird style of like throwing his body around doing crazy acrobatic stuff so even like a reasonable save was like that's really impressive but then you have goalies like brian elliott who the Blues just traded to Calgary. He's a solid goalie, but he never makes saves where you're like, holy shit, because he does all of it through being technical.
Starting point is 00:55:12 Like his bread and butter is being square to the puck, always being exactly where he needs to be. Granted, if he were 45, you wouldn't have the leg strength or speed to keep up. And if you're a goalie who was 45, who played in the late 90s, and Vladimir Tarasenko comes at you with his flex, you know, high-tech stick, he's going to take one little boop shot, and you're going to be like, well, when I played, they had wooden sticks, and they didn't bend much,
Starting point is 00:55:37 and the puck didn't come as fast. Like, if you take the best goalie from right now and put him in 1995, he is better than Martin Brodeur. He's better than Patrick Waugh. He's better than any of those scrubs. Not as good as Hextall. He's better than Hextall. No, Hextall would kick his ass.
Starting point is 00:55:55 Okay, Hextall might kick his ass in a fight, but that's because Hextall was a very belligerent and angry. That is how I grade my goalies. Yes, if you're looking for a good YouTube video, type in 14 minutes of pissed my goalies yes if you're looking for a good youtube video type in 14 minutes of pissed off goalies and it's just 14 minutes of goalies in the nhl losing their shit getting furious and ron hextall is probably a full three minutes of that because ron hextall was a flyers goalie in the 70s and 80s or maybe 70s and 80s i think and he every once in a while you would watch a big
Starting point is 00:56:23 line brawl which were more common in the 70s and 80s and the goalies would skate and go fight but that was more rare because generally the team you don't want your goalie getting into a fight because that's your most valuable guy you don't want your fucking goalie getting hurt in a stupid fight after the game but ron hextall would never wait for other goalies to initiate like one fight starts and he's already like chugging it to the other side of the arena like throwing his equipment down like running into goalies and just beating the shit out of them like in a way that you couldn't get away with now in a way that like if you looked at it you're like that's assault and if a cop had shot him it would have been excusable because the other
Starting point is 00:56:58 guy is sitting is standing there clear across the fucking arena and all of a sudden this madman went you and ran him down and initiated a beating that is assault with the exception of a few like gifted players who were there to score and like do special things all hockey players kind of double as fighters like they practice it they know it they've done it growing up they can grab your jersey and throw people all the skaters know how to fight, mostly. Not all of them. There's, like, Gretzky's and stuff. But mostly they know how to fight.
Starting point is 00:57:31 Hextall would challenge people who knew how to fight. And that was what was so neat about him. Oftentimes, like, when there's these bench-clearing brawls or something, the two goalies will fight each other. And that's the special ed fight on the side. You know, like, Hextall would be like, Scott Stevens, I want you. He's like, are you sure you want that? You're like, no, you probably don't want Scott Stevens.
Starting point is 00:57:52 Maybe, I don't know, someone a little smaller. But, yeah, Hextall was always enthusiastic about fighting anyone. So it's a common thing, the defensemen typically, but any of the skaters, they protect their goalie, you know. If you so much as hit that goalie on the shin pads, which does not hurt at all, then the other players are like, why are you intimidating my goalie? Let's fight about it. But Hextall would be like, hey, you can't hit my pads.
Starting point is 00:58:18 Let's fight about it. It's like, wait, isn't someone else supposed to do this on your half? But not Hexy. He was awesome. He was great. Yeah, Hextall was very entertaining. I had a VHS tape of NHL goalie film and stuff that I watched constantly as a kid. And Hexstall was one of the big guys in there.
Starting point is 00:58:35 And I liked him a lot. Well, he was like a stand-up goalie because that's what you played in the 70s and 80s stand-up style, which was objectively worse, which is why goalies are better now. But I don't know. I liked it. I liked that era of the Flyers probably because I wasn't around for it. And because I know that the Blues are responsible for the formation of the Broad Street Bullies.
Starting point is 00:58:55 If you didn't know that. I know you've said it before, but I like to deny it. The Flyers were like, because St. Louis was a newly added team, well, I guess the Flyers are actually what, seven years younger than the Blues as far as team? Because I think the Flyers came around in 74. Way more prestigious. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:59:13 The prestige knows no bounds. You can learn a lot in those seven years. Really, that's... The Flyers, I mean, just a perennial powerhouse. They're pretty much original six. Pretty much. They're not even original six. Pretty much. They're not even original 12.
Starting point is 00:59:28 Pretty much. Pretty much. I think they were like the 14th. No, they came in the same time as the Washington Capitals, 1974, I think. But yeah, that video is really fucking entertaining to watch. I'll have to check it out. Anyway. Dude, I don't know. You get me a little excited with the hockey talk.
Starting point is 00:59:43 I should go to more games this year. I think we'll have a good time. You should. The. Dude, I don't know. You get me a little excited with the hockey talk. I should go to more games this year. I think we'll have a good time. You should. The Hurricanes are on the way up. And they're inexpensive. Like, I think I can go to a Hurricanes game in the cheap seats, which I've mentioned before is like mountain climbing way up there. But it's like $9 a ticket. Like, that's really cheap.
Starting point is 01:00:00 Like, $9. It's just slightly more than free. I've done the math. Well, that's an hour. Tomorrow I'll know if I'm getting gigabit internet. I don't think I am, but they say I am. We will be waiting with bated breath. What will you do? I would suggest you add it into addition to what you have, right?
Starting point is 01:00:20 It just seems so, to me it seems wasteful to be like, oh, yeah, I got that $7,500 connection, but something better came along, so screw that. I feel like you should hold on to it because it was so much effort to get. And here's the thing. As long as you hang on to it, you can always be... If AT&T ever
Starting point is 01:00:37 gives you any shit, you can be like, you know what? Just cancel it right now. I'll just flip this switch and use my 300 gig connection. I disagree on that it was wasted you know like like i don't think it's wasted i ran woody craft for years it was a i think it was 3400 but it might have been four grand but like something like that so and that 3400 that was a business expense that's paid for itself since then i suppose so and uh i just like the idea of keeping i like the idea of multiple lines for one thing.
Starting point is 01:01:06 And I like the idea of having two different companies. Like, like most people don't have the opportunity to even choose between two companies. And it seems very easy for you to have two different companies so that you can just at the, there is a thing like, so I think it was the president of time Warner.
Starting point is 01:01:23 He's like, or maybe it was Comcast. It doesn't matter. They said, there's no market for gigabit internet. People don't want it. And at the time I had 50 megabit and I'm like, what? I totally want gigabit. Like 50 was somewhat of a constraint. Not often. The five up in particular was a constraint. When Twitch takes three and a half up and then you want to like live stream. So like the three and a half is going to was a constraint. When Twitch takes 3.5 up and then you want to live stream, so the 3.5 is going to them
Starting point is 01:01:49 and the other 1.5 is somehow working the game, you notice a difference. In that situation, it was like 5 up isn't enough, this guy's crazy, I totally need a gigabit. Now that I have 300 by 30, it's really not holding me back.
Starting point is 01:02:05 Gigabit's better, but it's mostly just cool, I think. Yeah, I guess so. So, wow. Like, I don't know, it's kind of like, wow, if I don't have gigabit in the whole network through the house, that'll slow me down I've got wireless things that only go like 700 megabits that's a bottleneck now
Starting point is 01:02:29 wow that's nuts yeah anyway well I guess that's a show I flew I'm getting gigabit and the blues might win if they can just get one more injury on the other team.
Starting point is 01:02:46 Yes. We are hoping for a natural disaster in Vancouver, of course. All right. It's BKN114. See you.

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