Painkiller Already - PKN #121

Episode Date: December 16, 2016

It's PKN time baby! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Oh yeah, we all nailed it! PKN episode 121. I'm here on behalf of the hottest team in the NHL, the Philadelphia Flyers, on a five-game win streak. Flyers are doing well right now. Oh, look at Kyle's eyes right there. If you have the video of this, go back and look at the intro, because as soon as Woody said, the hottest team in the NHL, I perked up. Like, oh, we're talking about this now. And Kyle looked like someone told him, oh, you're waiting at this dentist's office.
Starting point is 00:00:30 It's going to be another 40 minutes. People gave me shit, but they shouldn't have given me credit because when Pokemon Go was the thing that we were talking about, I'm asking what Bait does, what Sense has done. How do you get more Pokeballs? I'm like, you know, why do you want to own a, what do you get more pokey balls i'm like you know why do you want to own a um what are the landmark a pokey stop right as as soon as every kid in america is is running down the sidewalk with ice skates on with a hockey stick thrown over the back
Starting point is 00:00:56 then we can compare it that way all right like everybody's not running around with flyers jerseys it's it's just a a smaller more niche And more importantly, it's just something I'm not, I'm very ignorant in and perhaps not interested enough in. I'll provide more effort. I'll try. The problem is you guys speak hockey specifics instead of hockey generalities, instead of like, hey, what would make the game faster?
Starting point is 00:01:20 What if they put a camera in the puck? I want to go on board um especially like think about when the puck goes out of disorienting sometimes it would but you got high enough frame rates maybe they can put it together and get rid of the uh the revolutions and you can see it like hit a fan in the head imagine that because that happens like trying to learn more about hockey and you download the puck simulator on your vive puts you in the middle of a game and you just have it on for 30 seconds and just from all the spinning but well kyle what do you what is like a question about hockey that you just
Starting point is 00:01:55 don't get or something that would help you understand it a little more like if you don't have something now that's fine but i'm always i'm always a a resource. I'm always trying to help. I don't know. I guess there's just... I guess it's just not that interesting. For one thing, it seems like... For one thing, I definitely cannot recognize at a glance the difference between a good hit and a bad hit
Starting point is 00:02:19 because there's very specific rules, it seems, depending on where they are on the ice, which direction people are facing, if you're engaged with a puck, maybe, I don't know. And certain things can seem like cheap shots, but then they're like, oh, yeah, good hit, good hit. Like, that's... I can't see the difference. That's a fair point.
Starting point is 00:02:35 There are, like, a half a dozen little filters. Yeah, a little rule of thumb, like, this is not the most... This is a simple way to do it for those gigantic hits if the primary point of contact is the head so if you see a guy come in on a big hit and he kind of lowers his shoulder and he gets down and when he goes to hit that shoulder hits the guy on the side of the head that's illegal you're not allowed to have the primary point of contact be the head because people would literally be they'd be dying and so it has to be primary point of contact chest shoulder somewhere that's not the head that's one
Starting point is 00:03:09 that's really easy to pick up on but even then hockey's so fast sometimes you'll watch a hit and be like oh because with hockey like sometimes there will be a really clean like a dust so I saw the video the day and the guy was complaining because the other player was pinching him. I guess they were in like a shuffle against the wall. I don't think that's allowed, but it's not typically done. That's more – so they have stuff that's demoralizing too. Is there a rule against pinching is what I'm asking. No, there's not an actual rule.
Starting point is 00:03:35 You can get some titty twisters if you want to do it. If you can get the chest protector to their titty, you can. But usually what they're doing – so here's another thing that's called face washing. Barrett Jackman of the St. Louis Blues just retired. He was one of our defensemen known for giving the dirty mitt, and it's just where trying to rile people up. You know how after the play in hockey, they all skate towards the puck,
Starting point is 00:03:58 and they kind of grab each other and fuck with each other and whatnot. What he would do is always just go right up to someone with his hand out with his disgusting, sweaty, wet palm on that fabric, and he would just rub it on their mouth and in their nose and on their eyes and in their face, and it's called a face wash, and that's a way that you really piss people off in hockey.
Starting point is 00:04:16 You go up to them during those fights, and you rub your disgusting mitt on their hand, and they get all sweaty and they start smelling like your hands, and then they get upset, and they take a dumb penalty. Or they get in a fight with you, which is kind of what you want. That's fucking shitty. I don't like that at all. That's really shitty.
Starting point is 00:04:30 I feel like Taylor didn't cover the hit rules. So like he said, you have to leave it in your shoulder. Oh, yeah, there's a lot of them. That's it. Another one, you only hit the puck carrier or a guy who just passed it. Okay, well, then there's varying levels of hitting because I see a lot of grabbing jerseys and just messing with their movement that goes on. In football, I guess it's similar to football, right?
Starting point is 00:04:54 You can't mess with the receiver if he's in the act of catching the ball. That's pass interference, whereas there's certain ways to block a guy so that it's not holding and it's all legal. Can you grab the guy's jersey and slow him down to keep him getting equal aid? No, because that rule is called interference. Yeah, that'd be an interference if you're putting your body between him and the puck to try and just box him out where you have nothing to do with the play and the puck. You're just basically boxing him out, interference. It's holding if he's just basically like a child grabbing onto the back like no don't go to the puck there's but uh three rules that can handle most of hitting no you can't
Starting point is 00:05:31 kick there's no kicking there's three rules that handle most of hitting we've talked about lead with your shoulder or hip or something that's that's one um we've talked about uh it has to be a guy who has the puck or maybe just past it you know and you're kind of just following through yeah you could take a beat and the last one is boarding and i'm going to demonstrate that has the puck or maybe just passed it, you know, and you're kind of just following through. Yeah, you can take a beat. And the last one is boarding, and I'm going to demonstrate that. But basically you can hit a guy against the boards, but if he's too far from the boards, you can't.
Starting point is 00:05:55 So I'll yell so you can hear this. I see. Okay. Yeah. So basically what he's doing. Yeah, that's legal, but if he were stepped away, then his head would fucking hit the floor at a sharp angle. He'd die. If I'm here and you hit me, there's a risk that I do this.
Starting point is 00:06:09 Yeah. And that's bad. So boarding is when you hit a guy more than like two or three feet away. A solid check is when you stand him up. Just think about it. If someone wants to push you into a wall, you'd rather be standing one foot away from that wall that they're pushing you into than seven feet to where you do like a little backward stumble and then million dollar baby your way into the retirement. Yep. So that is another thing is look up.
Starting point is 00:06:36 Don't leave your feet is something that used to be a bigger deal than it is now. There's a guy. What the fuck is Rafi Torres? Look up Rafi Torres on YouTube. um there's a guy oh what the fuck is raffy torres look up raffy torres on youtube a guy who was suspended so many times that they basically he had like if he hadn't been suspended his like 620 game career would have been like 700 plus he was the only person ever to be suspended for half a season 41 games he was suspended what did did he do? Kill a man? It was just like his 100th time of... He would hit people
Starting point is 00:07:09 and he would, by the time you freeze framed it, it was him in mid-air leading towards their head with an elbow. He ruined people's careers. The only person who was suspended for longer than him was a guy in 1927 who apparently, I guess he was on the Bruins, the Bruins coach was not a fan of the ref guy in 1927 who apparently i guess he was on the bruins the bruins coach was
Starting point is 00:07:26 not a fan of the ref in the 1927 stanley cup and so he told this player to assault the ref on the ice and after he assaulted the ref on the ice they gave him a lifetime nhl ban and said that you're not allowed to come back to the sport because you can't he's a butt man he's a butt man in the nhl he's fucking he's fucking taking people out. This is ridiculous. Four years later in 1930, four years later in 1931, the commissioner of the NHL was like, ah, that's long enough.
Starting point is 00:07:53 You can come back. Well, that sounds terrible. I don't like that in sport. That's one of the things about that sport in particular. It seems like, no, hitting the ref, I guess, is generally a bad thing. I like it in football when it happens accidentally. Don't take it very seriously.
Starting point is 00:08:08 I don't like it when people do things that are illegal in the sport that could potentially kill the guy or cripple him or ruin his career, that they're all just fortunate enough to be in this one percentile of the one percentile so we can earn money playing this wonderful game that I'm sure they all grew up playing as boys and love so much and you're gonna do something that could take all that away from him? That seems like the ultimate sin. You know? I don't like
Starting point is 00:08:32 that stuff. I don't really like it either. But this guy, Rafi Torres, there's literally a YouTube video, let me try and find it, just called Rafi Torres needs to go. Yeah, Rafi Torres needs to go because he was so fucking dangerous oh I have a new thing as of today I have gigabit gigabit oh nice yeah they installed it
Starting point is 00:08:57 today they ran it took like well took about five trips before they did anything they kept coming out and being like, whew, yeah, they didn't tell us. We'll have to get more fiber. Or like, you know, this thing wasn't installed right, or we got to get the ditch digger big one, or whatever. But it was three trips of them actually doing something. First, they laid most of the cable, then they attached it to the wall,
Starting point is 00:09:19 and today they wired inside the house. And I don't know. I have a gigabit internet. I'm kind of excited about it. That's awesome. It is. What can you do to fully exercise your internet muscle now? Like nothing.
Starting point is 00:09:33 Right? The truth is that I'm interested in seeing the other thing. Okay, well, right now I'm on my backup router, and it only does like 150 megabits per second or something. But I have my other router, I'll just switch it. I didn't want to mess with it because we finished about an hour before the show. And I'm like, alright, everything works.
Starting point is 00:09:54 Let's not fuck with it right before the show and then I'll mess with it tomorrow. So, but really, I don't know, upload videos or something. Maybe I should try that. I'm sure there's people who might like that. But yeah, the truth is I feel like all I've really done is move the bottleneck from my house to the rest of the internet.
Starting point is 00:10:14 You could run a server off that, a little one. Like if you wanted to get into one of the Overpock or DayZ or something, you could start a small community right off the ground with Gigabit. You could could and the challenge is you really have to like hide the IP you know if that gets somebody can take it right out they'll start D dozzing and then I can't just get a new IP very easily a m-ah okay
Starting point is 00:10:39 hate that do we need to watch this hit at 311 I see you time stamp the link Taylor oh I didn't even mean to time stamp it oh i guess i just it was at that point it's just so every single hit in this is just raffy torres headhunting the definition of a headhunter let me send you a picture of this guy because kyle tell me at first glance if this man looks like like a professional hockey player or if he looks like Schillinger's best friend in Oz. This footage is horrible. Yeah. Oh, he retired in like a while ago, so a lot of this is older.
Starting point is 00:11:17 Yeah, but I was this old. Life didn't look like that when I was a kid. It did for this guy. Maybe he was recording this on like a boob tube with a dazzle. Yeah, like dazzle videos look better than the start of this guy. Maybe he was recording this on a boob tube with a dazzle. Yeah, like, I swear, dazzle videos look better than the Stardivist thing. Oh yeah, the Stardivist really matters. Oh my god, look at this white supremacist motherfucker. Look at this skinhead fuck. What a nightmare. I know. He was a nightmare. Such a piece of shit.
Starting point is 00:11:42 I've watched like five of these hits. They're just terrible. You know, guys go in the opposite direction and the guy's caught off guard. His head is just snapping back. And a thing to remember, like a lot of the bad parts of the hits isn't, and I know Woody knows this, isn't necessarily the getting hit, although that's bad in these.
Starting point is 00:11:59 It's when you see them fall back and then the head bounces off the ice. Ugh. It's horrible. I'm surprised the NHL hasn't gotten in trouble for concussion stuff. No, I'm not, actually, because they do a good job kind of ruining their own chances of success by, oh, let's not sign contracts with ESPN. Let's do it with NBC and make it really hard for anyone to get into the sport,
Starting point is 00:12:22 which is good, kind of, because the Blues won't be going around with pink breast cancer socks anytime soon. Because no one will care. They'd make the puck pink. The puck would be pink. That's what they'd do. Every game would be suddenly like 10 to 9 as goalies are like, I just can't fucking see it, man.
Starting point is 00:12:38 See, they never mix it up either. What if they did black ice? That'd be cool, right? What if one night they had black ice and all the all the lines and everything were like that um that luminescent stuff that reacts to a black light you know they should try that in vegas like i don't like i'm bet it's probably disorienting to be down there but with a white puck on black guys that'd be neat at least it'd probably make it easier to it might be a huge home ice advantage right? Because no one else would be used to it.
Starting point is 00:13:05 No one else would be down. Only, you know, the... What are they called? The gold? Golden Knights. Yeah, the Golden Knights have white tape for their sticks. Everyone else is doing black. And the gold tend to see the puck come off because, you know, they...
Starting point is 00:13:19 Whatever. So, anyway. This one dude on our team, Neil Yakupov from Russia, uses so many times when he's out there... first of all he skates like that when he got traded from edmonton to the blue when we yeah when he got traded from edmonton to the blues this year i always go to their subreddits and be like what are they thinking about this guy and their first thing i said was like he skates like he's being chased by bees and i was like that doesn't make any sense. And then now, every time I watch him skate, I know exactly who Yakupov is
Starting point is 00:13:47 because he's just fucking so much movement and frantic. It's like he looks like he's trying to swat off some hornets. But every time I see him out there, I'm like, Yakupov, where the fuck is your stick? Where's your fucking stick? Where did you put your stick? And it's always because he's the only player I see in the whole NHL that uses 100% white stick.
Starting point is 00:14:06 It is all white. The tape is white. And so it looks like he's just going out there miming playing hockey, which is kind of true because he hasn't fucking scored in two months. But it's just funny to watch him do that. The Flyers have a five-game win streak. It's the longest win streak in the NHL right now Making them the hottest team in the NHL And I just feel like we have so much
Starting point is 00:14:29 Advanced technology now but our sports Haven't taken advantage of any of it We're still playing sports Like a 1905 guy would play sports We need rocket skates Maybe not rocket skates but alright What about those like Semiconductor materials that under like
Starting point is 00:14:44 When they're really cold, they levitate? Maybe we could use that in a sport somehow. See, they already added some technology though. Like, basically compare it to if MLB allowed aluminum bats.
Starting point is 00:15:00 No! In hockey, they do. That's what hockey was like everybody was using a wooden stick and then suddenly they were like hey we came out with this thing that's a tenth as light as that and it gets so much whip you're gonna be able to shoot it twice as hard with half the effort and everybody's like wow and then they started watching everybody shots like like the best slap shot in history with a wood stick is Al McInnes, 102 miles an hour, I think. Is that it?
Starting point is 00:15:26 Now Shea Weber goes out there, seems like every other year, and just cranks another one at like 111. Like you can't put much more technology or goalies are going to start dying. And by the way, everyone in the NHL can do 102. That's impressive. So here's what I would like to take advantage of that because I see somebody hit the puck. I don't fucking know if it was 102 or 85. What if
Starting point is 00:15:46 the puck has an accelerometer in it? When it gets to a certain speed, it starts glowing like red hot. The faster it's going, the brighter it glows. Fill that thing up with LEDs facing out. If they hit 110, it looks like a
Starting point is 00:16:02 meteorite fucking coming at you. I want to have some fun with this. And you want to have the sound effects for when you level up in Call of Duty where it goes like, Yeah! Dump, dump, dump, dump, dump. So even though in the
Starting point is 00:16:20 Slapshot competition they hit 110, in game, I think people routinely hit harder than that, right? Because in the same way that a baseball player would have a hard time hitting a home run if they just tossed it up to themselves, you know, in a game, people pass it to you and you get to double that, you know? You get to hit it off of a pass. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:38 So it's almost too much power and they're having a problem with scoring every year to where every offseason in and they're having a problem with scoring every year to where every off season in hockey, they're like, all right, we got to up scoring to keep people interested because they don't understand that scoring isn't what actual hockey fans cared that much about. Like most, like we don't, I don't care if it's three to two or four to three as much. Like it doesn't fucking matter to me as long as it's a good game. But every year they shrink the goalies pads and every year they find a bigger dude to
Starting point is 00:17:04 wear these pads who's just as quick and good. Like Darren Pang, the Blues announcer, was a goalie for the Chicago Blackhawks in the early 80s. He's 5'4". Ben Bishop is a goalie for the Tampa Bay Lightning in 2016. He's 6'8". The whole sumo player and goal is coming true now. lightning in 2016 he's six foot eight and so even the whole thing goalie don't assume a player in
Starting point is 00:17:28 goal is coming true now yeah that's it taylor's still talking but the i am sick like so taylor's a goalie i fucking hate goalies because they cheat they fucking cheat you know that you'll take a player who clearly wears a medium and he'll be like, huh, you know what? I'm a quintuple X for purposes of buying pads. People literally put cardboard cutouts
Starting point is 00:17:56 that stick up above their shoulders so they come up to the temples of their head. I think Jager is known for doing that back when he played. Snow used to do it too i mean it's been at oh i'm just imagining like a wingsuit where they stretch out and there's a little netting dude i can see that coming i can totally see go and be like what no no i just have giant traps and and and that's why my jersey goes from my elbow to my hip i can fly in it and and
Starting point is 00:18:22 yeah people wear the most ridiculous, like goalies are constantly stretching shit and some of it doesn't even look like padding. Why do you have like bicep shit that sticks up? They did get rid of that. Like you can't pull a Garth Snow thing anymore
Starting point is 00:18:39 where you just basically stack pads up. Like that was like a late 90s thing where they're like, you know, our goalies aren't doing that great. If we just really just fucking load them up and shit though, we'll give it a shot. You've got the gears of War Armor on. It's just super oversized.
Starting point is 00:18:53 That's funny. Yeah, they are better at that now, but really it's just that goalies are getting so good and they're so quick. If you have a 6'8 guy who's fast and athletic, you're just not going to have an easy time scoring on him, but that's why you have a six foot eight guy who's fast and athletic like you're just gonna you're just not gonna have an easy time scoring on him but that's why you have that composite stick that can shoot it inappropriately fast because you have to glow that's something that like i
Starting point is 00:19:16 can't do but it blows my mind when i watch it like those all-star competitions i'm sure woody can do it better than me because he plays out is like if you're watching it as someone like kyle you probably see him take a slap shot and you're watching it as someone like kyle you probably see him take a slap shot and you're thinking like they don't really know where that's going to go they're just giving it a big wallop trying to put it on net then they do like their accuracy competitions with slap shots and they're hitting like teeny little like softball sized things i've seen 30 yards out just impressive 30 feet it's just crazy but yeah look at that guy on the left. That's ridiculous. He looks like
Starting point is 00:19:46 the mountain. I'll show it to everybody. This guy's padding, especially on the left, has nothing to do with how big a human he is. He's just stacked up with pads. And as a guy that plays
Starting point is 00:20:02 out, it's frustrating to me. It's like, come on. Somehow that's not hockey to me it's like come on that's somehow that's not hockey to me you know you're supposed to move in front of the puck when it comes that's your role you're not supposed to be so big that we just wedge you in net at the start of every period yeah there should be a way to fix that there should be like like maybe if you hit the goalie in the face that's a goal i think that should be a thing like you hit him in the head that's a goal who's the flyers goalie who liked being hit in the face? That's way too fucking dangerous.
Starting point is 00:20:27 Who's the Flyers goalie who enjoyed being hit in the face? He always talked about astronomy and shit. Do you know who I'm talking about? It was a crazy, like, maybe his name ended with ski. Ilya Brzgalov. Okay, yeah, yeah. That guy. Dude, if you were to shoot hard at him where he had some time to react, right?
Starting point is 00:20:46 Like maybe you just passed center ice and you dumped the puck on net. He would purposely take it with his face. He's got a glove. He's got a blocker. He's a professional athlete. He could catch it any way he wants to, and he'd choose his teeth. And he would just be like, k-kunk. And he would poorly redirect it to his own players or something.
Starting point is 00:21:08 That's the same guy I think who was like, when he was being interviewed, roasted in Philly, when he was like, it's his only game, why you have to be mad? Like when he was doing that. Yeah, I felt bad for him. The fans, Philly fans used to love their goalies. They loved Hextall. They loved Snow.
Starting point is 00:21:26 And I can't think of a goalie they loved since then. They kind of like Mason on and off. Mason's hot right now, so they probably do. Maybe he'll be the next goalie to develop a following. We're getting away from the point at hand. It should be a goal if you hit him in the face. See, they are. There's just no, like, just, that guy was, I was talking about Ben Bishop.
Starting point is 00:21:44 He got hit in the face with a puck just last week, and it knocked out both of his front teeth. Okay, well, why weren't his teeth protected by his face mask? They were. It's just the shock of it hitting you and biting down knocked his teeth. Well, he's a mouth guard then. Well, yeah, they have, no, I don't, there's really no way to avoid losing your teeth in hockey, Kyle. That's what I'm trying to say. Even if you had, like, in boxing, they keep their teeth, though.
Starting point is 00:22:08 It's a different amount of pressure in how quickly it's coming. They keep their teeth in MMA. I don't know how they do it, but Ben Bishop lost his front teeth. That's what I'm saying, mouth guard. Hey, look, if you're a goalie, now part of the equipment is the mouth guard because guess what? This is the tin ring right here. No, it's two points.
Starting point is 00:22:25 It's two points you hit him in the face. If you lose an eye. They would be having concussions literally hundreds of times more often than the most physical football players because I guarantee you, 10 times out of 10, if the hardest shooter on our team, Vladimir Tarasenko, is skating down the ice, the only way he's not going to hit you in the face as a goalie is if you move and let it go into the net.
Starting point is 00:22:49 Because he's just going to... See, now your style has to change. Instead of this big wide open stance and getting ready and everything, you got one hand out here. Like it's fighting. You got one hand out here feeling around and getting ready to block that head shot. So you just give the goalie more responsibilities to defend himself. That have the goalie more responsibilities exactly that's the point of it that's exactly the point that would increase scoring kyle's yeah they punch people for shit like this like 10 years ago or 12
Starting point is 00:23:14 years ago whenever they got rid of these ridiculous garth snow pads they punished them for doing something that was cheating for martin brodeur he was so good you know in hockey they dumped the puck down the ice and he was the best goalie of all time i think he went he would go behind the net get the puck and he was so good at handling the puck that he could just immediately fire it all the way down the ice like tape to tape pass to his offenseman he started so many good plays that way just from getting the puck in the corner and shooting it it was such a boon to the devils that he played for that eventually the entire league was like all right no more goalies handling the puck in the corner we're calling it the bro doer rule you're too good at that and it's not fair you can't just go to the corner and shoot it past all the defensemen
Starting point is 00:23:59 and offensemen on their team and then just score against bullshit you can't do that and so now they added a rule just because one guy was too good at it. So I don't like rules like that. Gretzky can't hang out behind the net for too long. It's ridiculous. What were you suggesting? That some guy, some goalie would have like a really tiny head from Zika virus and he'd be the real all
Starting point is 00:24:18 star because nobody could hit his tiny head? Like, I don't get where that's going because that's the focus here. They should be able to make the headshots. Two points would be very good. I think they could make a better helmet, right? To take the impact. I'm sure they could.
Starting point is 00:24:33 I don't see a lot of people volunteering. I mean, yeah, I'm sure they would. They could make a bulletproof one. I mean, they can make a... Yeah, right? They make these combat masks that look hardcore. Like, they look like something from a video game, but they're bulletproof. It's a bulletproof mask there's gotta be a way was the first guy to start those jason
Starting point is 00:24:50 style masks after in like the 50s if you see a picture of him without a mask on you would think that this idea would have come to him years ago he looks like a monster without all these gouges and cuts and he got so injured. Most people think he's an innovator. Taylor thinks he's a slow learner. Yeah, he's a slow learner because he laid back, they poured the plaster on him, they got his mask. And his coach at the time was like, okay, you can wear this only for this game. And then once you're back to top, you're not wearing your mask the next game. And the next game, I next game i guess he was like
Starting point is 00:25:25 i'm i'm not gonna go out there without this mask anymore like my eyes have been opened and i i really honestly dude i don't want to go fucking blind or lose my jaw because some dude gets angry and smacks me with a wooden stick it's 1951 they're not gonna get in trouble like i'm earning a bunch of a living here anyway like how much is he getting paid to go out on the ice in 1951? You keep your eight cents, mister. Yeah, they're not loaded. It's a better job than working in a coal mine, but it's, I mean, Jesus. He's probably working in a coal mine during the day.
Starting point is 00:25:57 If you wear a mask, you play better. At least I do. Like, I've told this before, so really quick. I started with no mask. I went to a rink that forced me to wear one. And then when I took it off, suddenly I realized I'm spending half of my effort not to get injured. I'm worried about stray sticks. If I'm on my knees or something, which happens more often in beer league than it does in the NHL,
Starting point is 00:26:16 then I'm protecting myself. Whereas when I have a mask on, all I'm doing is focused on getting the puck to a teammate. You wouldn't be much of a paintball player if you didn't have your mask yeah you just be closing your eyes not wanting to go blind yeah usually behind the tree like where are they I don't fucking know dude I ain't looking either exactly like anytime a slap shot whizzes by your head and you're not wearing a mask the thought has to be like thank god that was a goal and I can still see out of my right eye. I don't have some collapsed socket and some droopy stroke face. Every game something
Starting point is 00:26:50 would happen that made me happy I had a mask. Sometimes it'd be me and usually mine are just like a stick hit it or something. Or sometimes it'd be a teammate who didn't wear a mask and they'd be hurt. You know, like, oh, fucking Frankie lost a tooth. You know, is that guy's eye okay because
Starting point is 00:27:05 like shit like people don't wear a mask and they're usually our best players with no mask uh you know because they like well i didn't have to wear one in whatever junior a's or something why should i wear one here yeah well because you're playing with people who like absent-mindedly hold their stick too high yeah it's ridiculous it's like you don't i've played like pinch in like beer league games before where they're like hey we need goalie and i go and there's always like a couple of dudes without the the face mask that think they're hot shit like skating around with like not even the visor like the chris pronger kind of look and then the other ones who do that are clearly like 46 year old accountants who have played for like two years
Starting point is 00:27:46 their skates magnifique brand new no scuffs uh the tape on their stick it's like oh wow i see you don't tape your stick before every game is that because you very rarely play the puck like you're not ripping that tape too often but that's how it seems to be in beer league that and i don't understand it either there was one time when i was like 14, I guess, playing goalie, and we were just with my friends on the ice at a stick and puck, and I just took my helmet off and started taking shots without the helmet just because I thought it was kind of fun. And it was only a few shots into it, and they weren't taking them hard.
Starting point is 00:28:16 They were just like chipping it at me for the most part. I kind of caught one, and it went into my glove and got a little too close to my face. And I kind of realized, like is this is fucking retarded like i'm 14 and it took me four shots to realize this is fucking retarded that guy had been in the league for two decades before he thought god i don't who knows when my sight's coming back this time but if it does by golly i'm pouring plaster on my face and going in for reels like that yeah the catchers had been wearing masks for like 20 years before the nhl wised up which is ridiculous but um yeah if you ever have any
Starting point is 00:28:53 questions i'll let me know and as far as the philly's going i'm glad they're doing well i see wayne simmons having a good season good for him i don't think i need any tips i'm pretty sure i picked that divisional winner over there preseason. The Blackfeet are just stomping all over everybody, right? No, the Blues and the Blackfeet are pretty close. But who's ahead? The Blackfeet right now. Of course they are.
Starting point is 00:29:15 They've been leading all season. They're ahead by three points, but they also have played two more games than the Blues. Ah, I see. So still ahead by one, regardless of how you look at it. No, no. They'd be behind by a point if we won both of those games.
Starting point is 00:29:31 I see, I see. And they also just lost Corey Crawford, their goalie, and their captain, Jonathan Taves. So I'm much more invested in seeing the Blackhawks do badly than the Blues overtake first. I'm fine with fucking Minnesota. Serge ahead, take it. I don't care. We're still going to make the playoffs.
Starting point is 00:29:46 Or I hope we make the playoffs. But yeah, I just want to see Chicago have some trouble. So Taylor, does it bother you that the goal differential for the Blues is kind of shitty? No. Really? I look at the plus minus, like the team plus minus, and say
Starting point is 00:30:02 here's a team that's lucky to have the record they have. And it's not like the Blues plus minus, and say, like, here's a team that's lucky to have the record they have. And it's not like the Blues are crushing it. They're doing well. They're second in their division. But they've given up more goals than they've scored. Typically you see that in teams with losing records. Typically you do.
Starting point is 00:30:20 If you have a team like ours where we have a new backup goalie and in two games that backup goalie allows like 16 goals then it really throws that calculator off I mean you could also look at the fact that we don't have a single good center on our team and our best offenseman is like number three in the league
Starting point is 00:30:40 as far as points number three as far as goals I think as well so he's doing really well. Sweet tea, that is. But yeah, I'm happy seeing Philly do well. I want to see the Blues continue to do all right. They have a game tonight, but it's against Montreal,
Starting point is 00:30:53 so I wouldn't be surprised if we took an L on that one. But yeah, Chicago's doing much better than I thought they would this year, which I'm not that fucking surprised because what I want to happen in sports, as I said many times, has never happened. But I'll take that exasperated sigh as new topic I got a new topic all right politics thing so SNL made did a skit where they made fun of Trump's tweeting right yeah right these fan favorites so SNL did a skit
Starting point is 00:31:19 where they made fun of Trump's treating and it's always been hard to determine whether or not Trump is just a buffoon, thin-skinned, what have you, or a master at manipulating the media. And he won, so you got to give him some kudos, right? But when they made fun of Trump's tweeting, and then within 45 minutes, Trump is tweeting about how they were unfair to him, I'm like, this is not 3D chess shit. This is checkers level bullshit it's a laughing stock that and he's like snl is biased dude snl made fun of every president going back to like gerald ford they're pretty light on obama though right yeah of course they are everybody has
Starting point is 00:31:58 been i i can't remember one i i'm just i'm trying to reach it i can like i can so clearly remember them mocking george bush constantly because will ferrell did it so well and they did it every night making fun of how stupid he was and then i remember george bush i mean uh bill clinton getting made fun of just relentlessly you know especially with the monica lewinsky thing and george bush uh uh herbert walker bush you know the hw bush bush number one i remember dana carvey mocking him constantly and they had some guy who did gerald r ford back in the day was it jace might have been but i just can't recall them really giving obama a hard time i remember that that's how soft they were on that's soft's soft? Yeah, you know, and I try to be hard on myself
Starting point is 00:32:45 in that like, all right, Woody, are you just being... So I like Obama, right? He's my guy. Yeah. So that's the lens I view this through.
Starting point is 00:32:54 But my answer is, well, Obama doesn't feed him material in the same way that Clinton, Bush, and Trump do. And I like Obama, so I'm asking myself, is that the truth or is that just the way you see
Starting point is 00:33:05 it? But as far as I can tell, that's the truth. I don't think Obama is nearly as like funny to poke at as those other guys. I think he gets a different lens for everybody because I look back to like common things that happened to both, right? So didn't his daughters get caught with, like, underage drinking or smoking pot or something like that? Something like that, yeah. I remember the reaction was pretty tame compared to what happened when the Bush girls were drunk and getting into hijinks and all that stuff. Eight years later, and the Bush girls got caught, like, 15 times,
Starting point is 00:33:40 and the Obama girls got caught once. They liked their alcohol. Yeah. Yeah, and there were, like, indecent pictures of the Bush... Like, I don't know. How indecent? They're kind of hot.
Starting point is 00:33:52 Like, upskirts and shit like that. Like, yeah. If I remember right, yeah. There were pictures of them, like, laying down. I don't remember that at all. It might have even been fake pictures. I don't know. But I remember...
Starting point is 00:34:04 Well, no, because I just... I didn't fact-check back, you know, eight years ago like I do now. that at all it might have even been fake pictures i don't know but uh i remember pig well no because i just i didn't fact check back you know eight years ago like i do now but i'm not giving you shit this is the point where i thought i was going to get to see the bush twins you know you know i just felt like well maybe they're real married or not yeah whatever uh maybe i shouldn't put it like that but i remember lots of photos about the Bush girls being wicked drunk. And now I'm like, I wonder how many. Like, am I sure they were all Bush girls? Fair enough, fair enough.
Starting point is 00:34:30 Or is it fake news? Back to Trump, though. Trump is going to get made fun of. He should just realize that. Because he's so much fun to make fun of. And he's so polarizing. He's going to get it. The only thing, and I've watched every skit that they've done on him.
Starting point is 00:34:44 And they do one every Saturday night night and each one is very good and the last one about twitter was was a little bit too it bit a little bit too hard because you know they would stop and be like he actually did this he actually did this thing and then in last week's you had kelly the kelly on kelly ann conway uh impersonator she Conway impersonator. She kind of breaks the fourth wall for a second. She's like, yeah, this is for real. Yeah, he did that. It becomes more of a political message when they stop the funny and go, just so you know, he really did that. You know, I misinterpreted that.
Starting point is 00:35:19 I thought she was like, oh my gosh, I can't believe he did that. I didn't recognize he was saying, oh by the way, this is based on true events. Based on true events. Yeah, that's what they're trying to do. I would think. It didn't sink in. Those tweets are real tweets. He really retweeted those individuals. When they described that guy's Twitter emblem as a skull with two rifles through it
Starting point is 00:35:37 with Infidel on top, he retweeted that guy. He retweeted some 16-year-old kid at one point. I didn't know that. I don't even know. He did at some point. You got the little 16 year old kid, he's in his high school classroom, his phone goes da da da da da, his teacher goes, whoa what is that? He's like, I just got retweeted.
Starting point is 00:35:53 She's like, who would retweet you? You're just some 16 year old sitting in a math class. And then it flashes back to Alec Baldwin as Donald Trump's in there, I just retweeted the best treat. This guy Gary, he loves the Anaheim Ducks and he wants to make America great again. I love him. Coming back to the point
Starting point is 00:36:12 before, easy on Obama. The reason they don't make fun of Obama's tweets is because he's not being an idiot. That's true. It's true. Like I said, I got no problem with what they're doing except for those tiny parts where they break the fourth wall and they kind of make it more of a political piece than it already is. It goes from being the comedy show where we mock this guy and show how funny he is to like, just so you know, these are accurate statistics that we're giving you right now, America.
Starting point is 00:36:39 We're educating you and trying to further an agenda. Let's just keep mocking him and enjoy how funny it is without trying to further some agenda. On some of his other stuff? He's changing our relationship with China, it seems. He's poking at him with the Taiwan thing. I had to learn about Taiwan. I don't think he poked at him with the Taiwan thing.
Starting point is 00:36:58 He orchestrated the call. It's a whole thing. I don't think he poked at China with it. I was reading something that said that just last year Obama gave like a billion, 1.8 billion dollars in arms sales to Taiwan. Well, that's part of the relationship for a long time. It's not... I don't know. I was just asking. Yeah, yeah. So China knows about that. Everybody knows about that. It's not a secret at all. It's more about
Starting point is 00:37:19 recognizing them as a separate entity, as a separate political entity through that public contact. that's the no-no. Is it hypocrisy? Of course it is. But a lot of our foreign affairs are built around hypocrisy. And whether or not it's a good thing to mess with something that goes back to Nixon is probably not where Donald Trump should start. You know? I don't know. So here, let me lay it out there.
Starting point is 00:37:41 You know, like maybe he doesn't. So let me lay it out there. Start with the history lesson, which I didn't know any of this like seven days ago. So don't let me come off like a smarty pants. But apparently the deal is this. These people who are in Taiwan used to rule China. And then the communists took over, pushed all what we'll call the mainland China guys out, and now they're in Taiwan. Is this a long time ago, like a time frame on this?
Starting point is 00:38:13 I'm going to get this wrong, but call it 50s. Okay. So anyway, the communists take over China, and China starts buddying up with Russia. Now, America was friends with, I guess, the more democratic leadership that's now in Taiwan. America says, you know what? Maybe we should be smarter about this. I get that we're trying to stay loyal to these guys, but they're in Taiwan, and the commies are on China now. And either you just don't be friends with them, and they'll be friends with the Russians,
Starting point is 00:38:42 or we be friends with them, and then they don't have to buddy buddy up with the Russians. So as a way to stop the Russian influence or the Soviet influence from getting even bigger, Kyle, if you have this different, you know, correct me. Oh, the only, the only cap, the only difference is that like Nick, you know, there was no contact and there wasn't any trade between us before. Like Nixon opened up China, right? Like, like part of that big trade agreement and like the opening of diplomatic ties between us and the trade and everything
Starting point is 00:39:09 was dependent upon this one China policy that would forevermore like ignore Taiwan as this separately governed entity. So that's the timeframe in which we realize like, look, these communists run China. They're gonna be friends with Russia or us, so let's be us. And we recognize, we sort of told these commies that they run China
Starting point is 00:39:28 and we don't recognize Taiwan as the leader of China anymore. I think I have my history right. If not, I'm pretty sure I have it close. And that's been where we've been since Nixon, right? All this time, we don't conduct diplomatic relationships out in the open with Taiwan and stuff like that. Taiwan still considers themselves the leader of China and the people who are actually leading China just to be like temporary rebels. And I'm sure Taiwan will take over China any day now. So Trump came in office and started interfacing with Taiwan in a way that sort of made them legitimate. And Trump is much more willing to like poke at China. He has these
Starting point is 00:40:14 tweets saying like they're devaluing their currency. Did they ask us permission to do that? And it just mentioned the South China Sea incursions. Yeah, yeah. He mentioned that in Twitter too. So Trump is poking at China, is how I described it earlier. And as to whether he's smart to do it or not, what the fuck do I know? I don't know. I kind of like it.
Starting point is 00:40:36 I'll be honest. I do kind of like it because I feel like every time I hear about something having to do with our relationship with China, it's us getting the worst end of the stick. It always feels that way. And it's certainly never, it feels like they're oftentimes kind of,
Starting point is 00:40:50 you know, putting their thumb in our face. They're giving us the car wash. What do they call it? That thing with the face wash, the face wash. It seems like they're face washing us all the time. You know,
Starting point is 00:40:58 they'll take, take over some Island. They'll, they'll, they'll face wash Japan. They'll, they'll, you know,
Starting point is 00:41:04 our allies at large, they're, they're always doing it it somewhere and it kind of feels nice that trump's like you know fuck you what are you gonna do i feel like i kind of feel like i'm in like la la land with a lot of with this trump stuff because a lot of the stuff he's doing like with the carrier thing is like he he's leveraging government power in order like a threatening with with grants to basically say you do what i want or or you're fucked or i'll give this to a competitor i'll give these grants to a competitor i'm going to use my my my power to impact you in the free market it's what obama did with the the bailout with the auto bailout he's doing something similar to that and suddenly not even similar pretty much exact on a smaller scale suddenly it seems like all these conservatives are like
Starting point is 00:41:48 actually this is really great this is a good thing and liberals who were all about the auto bailout are now like no now you know 15 reasons on that this is a bad thing and it's almost like wait is what does he even do the situations were different they are different but it's the same principle of leveraging government power and contracts in order to manipulate what companies can do in the free market and it's like you only see the half of it that is hey carrier we'll give you this uh federal contract we'll give you these tax cuts you don't see the part of oh well i guess fuck all of carriers competitors fuck the real free market fuck all these things you know oh you just like what Obama did with Caterpillar when he took office.
Starting point is 00:42:28 You know, they just both wanted their headline. You know, Obama saves Caterpillar jobs with this. Trump saves Carrier jobs with that. It's the same bullshit. You're just leveraging us as the taxpayer to manipulate companies to do what you want. Like, it's not good. If Carrier said, hey, we want to stay because taxes are lower for everyone and the business
Starting point is 00:42:48 climate is great, then yeah, that's great. But that's not what it is. He did something that's not conservative at all, and now a lot of conservatives are backing him up, and a lot of liberals are hating him. It's just weird. That's interesting. I give him a free pass on that one because I feel like he's not the president yet. And it kind of
Starting point is 00:43:04 seems to me that he's not the president yet, right? We've got seven weeks to go here. But it seems like he's working hard to do presidential shit, like to do things that you would think are seemingly beyond the power of someone who's not yet in office. And, of course, there's so much fake news out there that I never know quite what to believe. What did I read today about him doing some deal with
Starting point is 00:43:25 a Japanese company that's worth $50 billion and thousands of jobs? Oh, SoftBank or something? Sure, yeah. I saw something about it. They want something to do with an AT&T Sprint merger or something like that. I don't actually know. I just saw a tweet from
Starting point is 00:43:42 fucking CNN or whatever. I don't even know here's one I struggle with so you his conflicts of interest are getting a lot of attention right because Trump unlike most of our presidents was a businessman with interests all over the place and how he can conduct business in another country while at the same time trying to keep that removed from the power he has and the influence it's impossible right it's impossible you know if he's going to work with scotland and he's got some zoning law he needs worked for his golf course like how do you really assure yourself that there was no like problem there having said that i don't
Starting point is 00:44:21 have any solutions because oh my gosh go ahead and ask Trump to sell his assets and see how corrupted that process becomes. When the president of the United States sells a $1 bill, people will pay $100 for it, right? So I don't have any solutions. That's what he should do. He should announce tomorrow, you know what? I'm selling – remember we always made – Trump bucks. We always gave him shit because he's like,
Starting point is 00:44:46 I'm worth $10 billion, and he's counting the Trump brand. That brand might be worth $10 billion now. I take it all back. I take it all back. I'm selling the whole Trump name brand kitten caboodle. Actually, valuing it at $10 million at this point is actually wildly low. He's the president.
Starting point is 00:45:06 If you buy his whole name. Oh, what Kyle was saying with the fake news thing. So I don't know what to believe because you remember that thing about, you know, fake news got more traction than real news at the end of the election cycle? I heard that was fake. That was fake news. There was fake news saying that fake news. There was fake news saying that fake news told us that fake news beat real news at the end of the election cycle. And it's ridiculous. I am on Facebook now because that's where the people are.
Starting point is 00:45:37 And people love fake news. What they said in that fake news article about how people pass on their fake news and like it and spread it, it backs up my personal experience. So I was inclined to believe the fake news, which everyone is when they read fake news, which is – I don't have an answer for this. I'll just tell you. Yeah, because you read it and you go – and you can either go, oh, that's not true. not true This is fake news or you go that's true. There's a lot of fake news out there You know it's a way into the either way they force you to buy into the premise that there is fake news Which is some Orwellian 1984 weird shit. You know where Donald Trump is right now? Fayetteville probably the golf course hour and 11 minutes away from you right now
Starting point is 00:46:22 He's he's he's talking it up for the good people of Fayetteville and the good people of North Carolina. I tried to watch the beginning of the last— That's where Boogie's from, I think. Because it's on right now. Arkansas. He's from Fayetteville, Arkansas. Oh. Yeah. I tried to watch the beginning of it. They had like eight or nine different speakers that lead up to him, and I never got to him.
Starting point is 00:46:40 I never got to Trump. They said the pledge. Somebody else came out and said a prayer. Somebody else came out and the the state uh congressman then like then there was some local politician like it was terrible oh have you been watching the the the uh the fire uh coverage out in um oakland barely i know 33 people 36 i think okay yeah so it seems like this place, it's a warehouse, so it has warehouse coating, which means no sprinklers, not adequate stairwells, not adequate
Starting point is 00:47:12 escape exits, and it's two floors. The party is going on upstairs, and both the stairwells suck. One of them is made out of plywood stacked up, the other one is too narrow and full of cords, and the fire starts somewhere and immediately engulfs the building and yeah so far they're they're saying at least 30 something dead yeah
Starting point is 00:47:30 i had no idea that it was an actual i thought it was like an a warehouse where you ship out orange juice and tricks and stuff i had no idea it was a party until yesterday like a warehouse party yeah yeah i heard it was the whole thing was like a tinderbox and then it was a labyrinth and then like if you didn't go there all the time you you couldn't easily find your way out at night with smoke with no lights yeah yeah yeah yeah so they're finding bodies everywhere uh in there but there was some trampling too that happens oh definitely definitely some good trampling uh i saw their mayor is not a very good actress. She kept doing these fake sighs every time she'd make a... And at this point,
Starting point is 00:48:10 we just want to humanely and compassionately and with the utmost care remove those who... She can't even say dead. Did you hear the guy was on Facebook? Talking about money?
Starting point is 00:48:24 We don't know why this fire burned down the warehouse. We don't know the fire's motives or where it wanted to burn. Well, there's a pending criminal investigation. All right, so here's the deal. That place had received a number of complaints, and I think that the city had went to inspect, but they, quote, couldn't gain access to the interior of the structure, whatever the fuck
Starting point is 00:48:45 that means so it looks like there were people doing stuff that the owners were doing stuff they shouldn't have been doing there were complaints about it to the city and the city didn't act in a timely fashion to make the place right or to you know punish the guy who's doing the wrong thing in his building to prevent the tragedy so when it comes down i think that some of the local politicians are going to be in trouble and the owner definitely is the owner went on facebook and said something to the effect of like man i used to have so much opulence and wealth and now you know we're we have you know we hardly have two nickels to rub together i'm sure i misquoted them but it was something close to that and everyone's like oh my god 30 people died in your tinderbox that didn't
Starting point is 00:49:22 meet fire codes and you're talking about your money? It wasn't well-received. They're like, yes, our money was in there, too. It burned. We didn't trust banks, so all of our cash mattresses went up. That's actually what caused it. We strategically placed cash mattresses around our car. That was the Tinder box, 20s and 50s. They said there were people living in there,
Starting point is 00:49:43 in pop-up camper things. It's like a little camper tent that you pull behind the car, but it's no bigger than like... Like a slum. Yeah, absolutely. I noticed that a lot of the artists were transsexual and looked like real trendy
Starting point is 00:49:59 types. It wasn't like a country music festival or anything going on in there. If it was a country music thing, then it'd bust out the side of the building, right? New exits. A number of fire-related conspiracies.
Starting point is 00:50:14 What we need to focus on is this... the fact of this pedophile ring being run out of a Chuck E. Cheese or whatever in Washington, D.C. There are many facts, and I know these facts may seem like oddly
Starting point is 00:50:30 straws that I'm grasping for wildly, and please fit what I want, become something else, but it's not. You know why? Because you can just tell. The shooter that tried to... You guys know a guy came and tried to shoot up that wasn't he from
Starting point is 00:50:45 north carolina maybe he was he was from real local people or did he just show up and they arrested him he showed up to save those children he was from raleigh or dern one of those two he was right from around here and the and and so if people don't know the story there was a fake news article something having to do with clinton running a pedophile ring out of a pizza parlor something close to this and it got real big on reddit there was a popular p of the Donald guys were all loving it may form pizza gate and and turned out to be fake
Starting point is 00:51:19 well not everyone has the memo so this guy from my neck of the woods around here went out to was it in california where is the north i thought it was in dc dc is it we're all okay my mistake um so this north carolinian uh went up to dc to go i don't know save children and shoot people that's exactly what he said like i don't know if you've heard like his quote but he was like he thought that there were children being held inside of that pizza restaurant in D.C. Like they had them in the back by the ovens, like in cages or something.
Starting point is 00:51:51 I guess they're like cooking a bunch of pizzas up and then fucking the kids or something. And John Podesta is in the back just jerking off in the Alfredo sauce in their minds. I don't know. In the Alfredo sauce? That's the worst part of it all. I would have never noticed. I read through this.
Starting point is 00:52:07 You know how sometimes you'll find people who have WordPress sites where it's all devoted to the feverish exploration of some conspiracy? I read through almost a whole site of this because it is just fucking fascinating.
Starting point is 00:52:22 Those are the ratings of Mad Men. It's interesting but like when you actually read the wiki leaks things like obviously they read way too far into it but good god what the fuck are they actually talking about because nobody spends and sends an email actually like hey you know i thought i did a pretty good job on all that pizza last night. Wish we had a few more hot dogs. Next time I'll wrap my handkerchief around the littlest hot dog. Or like whatever thing they're saying.
Starting point is 00:52:51 What the fuck are you talking about? Wait a minute. Hang on a goddamn minute. That does sound like a pedophile code to me. Is that what they were saying? If you read the actual Because wrapping the handkerchief around the little hot dog is pedophile code. Trust me, I know. See, that's what I thought. What he's always talking about. around the little hot dog is pedophile code. Trust me, I know. See, that's what I thought. What he's always talking about is the handkerchief around the hot dog.
Starting point is 00:53:08 If it's not a – they should have just written it out. He should have said, hey, order a lot of pepperoni for the party and then one cheese because Sharon's a vegan bitch or whatever he was actually trying to say. Or maybe it's something more nefarious. I don't know. I just know that nobody writes like that to each other unless it's like some weird roleplay thing
Starting point is 00:53:29 or you're trying to talk in code. Because it really was weird how they were saying pizza and, you know, give me a slice of Susan or whatever the fuck nonsense they were saying. It was weird, but also it's total bullshit that there's actually some grand cabal of dark wizards running a pedophile ring out of a place where a bunch of – it just doesn't make – if you were going to do it, there would be better ways to do it. If you're going to be an evil fucking run this ring, this isn't how people are going to do it. They're not going to do it on a government server asking if you want to have a slice of you know young james cheese pizza this evening and maybe you can wipe off the sauce when you're
Starting point is 00:54:08 wrong taylor that was a private server that's right that's that's the problem with all of it that the real crime is that it wasn't a government server you're like god damn it he's right they thought they were in the shadows oh you're right. I thought they were in the shadows. Oh You're right. They did think they're in the shadows. Well, then why were they talking about pizza? I get some code What were they little kids? Maybe they're all into like doing cocaine and that and then and cocaine is pizza Maybe they maybe maybe that's all that's keeping Hillary propped up through this whole thing cocaine is pizza maybe they maybe maybe that's all that's keeping hillary propped up through this whole thing like she's got she's got to be on amphetamines right like she's 70 something
Starting point is 00:54:49 years old trump's on something if he's only sleeping four hours a night because it was creepy in those emails there's some from i don't know if it was john pitt or something but someone said like um josh 11 like a parentheses 11 samantha 9 and Rachel 6 will be there or will be further entertainment. I'm sure they'll go swimming and whatnot. And it was just weird. There was definitely some weird shit in there.
Starting point is 00:55:14 But there's also like no fucking way that it is what they think it is. Oh really? There's just no way. There's some fucking way though, right? There's like a tiny minute. Alright, you've admitted it then.
Starting point is 00:55:27 So it's possible. It's possible, but it's completely out of... There's just no... I don't believe that there's a realistic way they could do it. But if they wanted to, they could. I don't know, man. Here's my opinion. If you run our government, you think they're going to be able to run a good child pedophile?
Starting point is 00:55:46 They're over 70. They're not fucking anything. They're not fucking each other. They're not fucking children. Even Bill Clinton's done fucking by now. The only person who fucks over 70 is my dad. And everybody in every old folks home. That's why there's a huge outbreak of
Starting point is 00:56:04 STDs in old folks homes. That's a serious's a huge outbreak of STDs in old folks homes. That's a serious problem they have. Lots of people who grew up in second grade and got headaches. Who did? Kennedy. He fucked three times a day or he would get headaches. That's impressive. But he was a premature ejaculator, according to Marilyn Monroe.
Starting point is 00:56:18 So, you know, it wasn't a lot of the day spent fucking. It wasn't some marathon session. That's how he remained productive. That's the kind of president I want. I want a president who gets shit done. Even ejaculation. You know, Trump said he was going to take zero vacation days, right?
Starting point is 00:56:34 He said, no vacation, no pay. I don't believe him. That's what he said, though! I believe him about the no pay thing, because he doesn't need that. Well, he'll get paid some other way. There's a dozen different ways he's able to bilk the government. All he has to do is use Trump properties as they travel the globe, right?
Starting point is 00:56:55 Where is he going to stay when he's in Paris? Fucking Trump Hotel, of course. You know right now they're doing major upgrades. This isn't unique to Trump, but they secure and upgrade where protected people are living. So right now he's getting like bulletproof drywall or whatever throughout the Trump Tower. That shit's – if he's really getting that bulletproof drywall, because that's a thing. I don't know if you're aware. Yeah, I know about it.
Starting point is 00:57:19 That shit's crazy expensive to do. It's outrageous. Like it's prohibitively expensive. It's the sort of thing that you'd never do for yourself that only would be done to a head of state or something like that. But he's getting all that shit for free. And it's not like after his term is up that they're going to come in
Starting point is 00:57:34 and rip all that shit out. He's just getting tens of millions of dollars of free toys at his house right now. I learned about it from contractors who were working on my house. They had also worked on these military like in Fort Bragg is not too far from here. And the president – not president. The general would arrive by helicopter for the house they're building him.
Starting point is 00:57:54 And he'd be like, you know, nah. Like I want the closet like slightly bigger or the light switch on the other side of the wall or whatever. And they would have to take out that fucking drywall that that was you know bulletproof drywall and the thing about bulletproof drywall is it doesn't go in as easily as regular drywall there's like special machines that drill the holes and put the screws in and it's super heavy so you don't just have some guy like holding it up with a palm and there's machines propping it. Anyway, to make the small changes he wanted, like little light switch type things in a place he didn't even own
Starting point is 00:58:30 that he was going to live in, it would cost like $15,000 in change orders. It's government money. Yep, it's our money. Do you have your phone? Show the camera the picture of that poor fucking dog I found.
Starting point is 00:58:45 My screen's cracked. Yeah, Oh, do you have your phone? Show the camera the picture of that poor fucking dog I found. Hmm. My screen's cracked. Yeah, my dad and I found this little yipper on the side of the road in the rain, and he just looked like, I don't know if it's a boy or a girl, it looked like it was going to fucking die. How was the update on it from the vet? I didn't go today. I think Dad went.
Starting point is 00:59:06 I don't know if he went or not. I tried coordinate with him but he never texted me back so i'm gonna go tomorrow whether i get a hold of him or not um but we took it to the vet because it looked like it was gonna fucking die uh i don't know a little mangy mutt like all those rubbed raw patches on his yeah most of his fur has fallen out from mange and fleas. He's just covered in these nasty flea bites. It really sucks. His face was just so sad. But his teeth look young. The vet was saying, if you look at his teeth,
Starting point is 00:59:37 he has young dog teeth, so I think he's going to be okay. That's good. And then just another recruit for the farm. Yeah, he'll live on the farm. He'll be a farm dog. I like that in Kyle's world, it's not a euphemism. Is that the word, euphemism? A euphemism would be like if you made a sexual innuendo about that dog. I think a euphemism, like if you say, oh, we're sending that dog to the farm,
Starting point is 01:00:01 but you're really putting it down at the vet. Oh, yeah, that's a euphemism. If you're going to kill it. But it's not taking a euphemistic ride to Lamar's farm. It's taking a literal ride. It's a happy farm until you run through the fan. You've got to be a clever dog. Stay away from the fan!
Starting point is 01:00:18 You've got to have your wits about you because there are other dogs there that will fucking kill you and there's all sorts of dangerous farm equipment and fans and stuff like that. This dog's not too much bigger than a chicken and he's outnumbered 100,000 to 1, but if you're clever, you will be happy
Starting point is 01:00:34 on the farm. Oh, and by the way, Lamar's on your side and he's the guy you want on your team when you're on that farm. Kyle, I don't think they'd call it a fan, the dogs. They'd probably think it was something else, right? Yeah. A whirlybird. They call it a
Starting point is 01:00:50 spin-spin-hut-hut. They can't see it, and it chops them up. It's like the invisible chopper or something. The invisible chopper. The ghost chopper! It blows in all your own types of holes. The world of pain
Starting point is 01:01:05 oh yeah because they wouldn't have any concept of the fact that it's a blade spinning quickly they just see it as a blur of anguish I don't know because they see I know that they I think they see a higher frame rate or something like that I know that they can only see videos of high frame
Starting point is 01:01:24 rates so if they look at an old tube TV or on or something like that. I know that they can only see videos of high frame rates. So if they look at an old tube TV, it's like black and white. It's like flashes. They're seeing a black flash alternating with the images. It's like blinking to them. But on 60 FPS, they can see it. I don't want to talk TV shows shows Have you guys been watching Walking Dead?
Starting point is 01:01:46 No I'm way behind I guess I've been letting them pile up So I can finish them all It's good but End of last season early this season I'm like this is One of the best shows that's existed As the season's gone on
Starting point is 01:02:02 I'm like alright I'm ready for some Plot advancement Let's do the things that happen existed as the season's gone on i'm like all right i'm time ready for some plot advancement you know let's let's do the things that happen i didn't realize that next week is the last one before mid-season break and it'll be a cliffhanger yeah probably yeah um so that's a thing and i'm also watching that's kind of oh you're in Westworld okay if you I just finished the season of Westworld last night I won't spoil anything but the the
Starting point is 01:02:32 are you going to talk about the economics of it no no not that because that's patently stupid and you will see in like episode 7 or whatever where they just get bananas it gets ridiculous with that very quickly but the last episode of them trying to tie everything back in
Starting point is 01:02:47 and bring it together somehow logically first of all it's not a series it's season 1 so there will be a season 2 I guess I didn't know if there was going to be a mini series or not it seemed like it was more cut out for a mini series in my opinion but the last episode is not good I saw people
Starting point is 01:03:04 tweeting about how, you know, it was a crazy wrap-up. No, it wasn't. It wasn't things like I was nitpicky in Inception where it's like, oh, but that's not how time travel actually works. The paradox. But no, I'm not even fucking doing that. I'm just common sense.
Starting point is 01:03:19 Hey, that thing that they gave to the robots didn't do that before. Hey, that's not how computers work hey no one would no one would say that these aren't things hey did you forget that's a robot you're speaking to jackass like just all these like simple little things that no humans would ever behave this way it it makes it unbelievable which it's very hard to make someone watch your show and go that's unbelievable after they've accepted a premise that you can live in 1860 with a bunch of robots. But they managed it. So check it out, see if you like it.
Starting point is 01:03:51 But I thought it's way too – I never shared your economic complaint. You were like, hey, I have easier time suspending disbelief that there are walking trees knocking down dams to flood Mordor? I don't know. Thank you. But alright, I get it. People talk about that this is an expensive vacation
Starting point is 01:04:16 but obviously it would be a wildly crazy expensive vacation because they do so much damage all the time. But I was able to suspend my disbelief on the economics of it without much trouble i am i'm enjoying it how many episodes in are you a good amount maybe six okay yeah yeah then you know maybe you'll like it it's still entertaining it's just it does that thing where they try and get so complicated that they have plausible deniability of no it, it's not stupid.
Starting point is 01:04:46 You just didn't get it. In one of my recent episodes, I watched a major character died. Does that tell you where I am? No. Not specifically. I don't want to say anything that would spoil it. Yeah, I was trying to be vague like that. You should check it out and watch it.
Starting point is 01:05:03 It's just... There's so much should check it out and watch it. There's so much stuff in it that's just unbelievable. It seems like because I know the basic premise of the show that nothing that happens in the show ever really matters. It's like if I were watching a show... It's like if I were watching Star Trek, but they never... It's like if I were watching Star Trek, but they only focused on the amusement park in the Star Trek universe where they had... It's like if I were watching Star Trek, but they only focused on the amusement
Starting point is 01:05:25 park in the Star Trek universe where they had a holodeck program. It'd be like, wait a minute, you're telling me I live in a world where this is all possible just for fun and shit? Take me out! Show me your world! Show me your hospital! Show me, like, how you try... Show me the fucking world. I don't care about Westworld
Starting point is 01:05:42 because that's just what these advanced people are doing to amuse themselves with, right's just their bullshit it's the first three or so episodes is like my maybe even more than that is like the big thing i didn't like about it is at no point did i feel like anything was at stake or that anyone was in danger like i knew that the worst thing that could happen is oh no that robot that someone is getting along with died. I guess they have to wait until they reset it in the morning. Or, oh, no, the engines, they're going to capture the – oh, wait, they're robots, and they won't do anything. Actually, if he wants, he can just – and then when they have little battle scenes where the character is with a robot and they're plotting something, like, how are we going to take down this camp?
Starting point is 01:06:24 I don't know. I'll have to surprise him by nightfall. Oh, wait. No. Silly me. I'm a super soldier who can't die. So I will walk down there and summarily execute everyone. That is a thing. I feel it. So people do know that the real people, they call them newcomers, right? Oh, so Kyle's a newcomer. You know, now I know something about Kyle. They never seem to put together like, oh, I need a newcomer on my team. Because his six shooter seems to have like, I don't know, 90, 100 bullets in it.
Starting point is 01:06:57 And he never misses. And when you shoot him, it kind of like, it hurts, but less than paintball. You know? Ow! There's like Balgrif from Skyrim. You remember Balgrif from White Castle or whatever? It's like when you would go on quests with him, and he'd be like,
Starting point is 01:07:17 ah, battling's much easier with Pussyboy69 at your side. It's like, yeah, because I'm an actual player who can just summon demons to go fight for me. Like, of course this is easier. That's what it is. It's like you talk to some robot character and it's like, I'm fast-tooting Tex, you know, the fastest in this side of Mississippi or whatever.
Starting point is 01:07:36 And then you get in a fight with him and it's like the player will be like, not so fast anymore, Tex. And he'll be like, oh, you got me. It's like, well, nothing was at stake. But the guy is fast, right? So if I'm drawing on him, the guy's like, pow, pow, pow, pow, pow. And I'm like, ch-ch-ch-ch.
Starting point is 01:07:52 Oh, bam. And then I win. So I'll grant you, you did get four shots on me. That was good. But they don't count because I'm a newcomer. And no one seems to figure out that you want newcomers on your team. But actually, you know what? I think you should watch it. I think you'd enjoy it because I'm a newcomer. And no one seems to figure out that you want newcomers on your team. But actually, you know what? I think you should watch it.
Starting point is 01:08:07 I think you'd enjoy it because I'm enjoying it. If for no other reason, it's a fun show because it's got a really, really good premise, and it makes you think about possibilities in that world and in that premise a lot. Did you know that Vex World was a Western from the 60s or something? Yeah. Yeah, it was a movie. I thought everyone – Yeah yeah i didn't realize that everyone else knew this but me
Starting point is 01:08:28 but did you know kyle no i don't know very much about westworld the tv show apparently the um did you guys see magnificent seven yeah the character that denzel washington plays oh not the new one oh the new i don't think I saw the new one. Well, the new one. Denzel Washington plays the main guy who leads the Magnificent Seven. I'm told that in the 60s or whatever it was, 70s, 50s, he played the main guy in
Starting point is 01:08:55 Westworld and wore the same clothes. And there's this sort of, well, was he a robot in Magnificent Seven? Is that why he was so effective? It's fun. Makes sense. Yeah. But they were dressed the same and everything.
Starting point is 01:09:11 All right. All the show? Yeah. I think so. I think that works. Blue's game about to start. Simmons just scored. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:09:18 Let me see. Watch some hockey. Flyers are tied 1-1. The Simmons had to tie it up. Anyway, so PKN episode 121. Bye, guys. All right. See you later.

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