Painkiller Already - PKN #129

Episode Date: February 10, 2017

It's PKN time baby! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I think we started around boy. PKN episode 129. Welcome to Trump's America. Dude, Trump's America. It's causing a lot of recording issues. It is. You know, the thing about Trump's America, I feel like what we've been getting
Starting point is 00:00:20 is what he told us we were going to get. And we talked about this a hundred times during the election cycle, right? I think Kyle even described him as water at one point and said, you know, he will fit into whatever bucket you want him to fit into. But now that he's elected, he's actually like, he wasn't water all that time. He was really a thing. Today he's going to announce his Supreme Court justice. Guaranteed he's pro-life, right? He's been saying pro-life during the whole election cycle.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Everyone he puts on the court is going to be pro-life. If that's not what you were looking for, dude, he told you that all along. He did that seven country ban and it is kind of a Muslim ban. I thought he wasn't going to be able to pull that off. Apparently, he handed it off to Giuliani, said, hey, find a way to make a Muslim ban legal. Giuliani came back, said, well, you know, we're really about security, and here's the thing. We're going to ban people from these seven Muslim countries,
Starting point is 00:01:19 and if they're a minority religion, Christian, then they're going to get special treatment and we'll let them in. Okay, then. He did a Muslim ban. The wall, people are saying he's building the wall. He's not. What he needs is Congress to approve the budget for the wall. Really what he did is like,
Starting point is 00:01:39 I heard a comedian describe it as a child making a wish list for Santa. You know, he signed an executive order but there's no money behind it so uh but he intends to and his heart is exactly where he said it was going to be throughout the whole election cycle um this is trump's america and to my surprise there are no surprises this is exactly what he said he'd do from the start pretty much um i i don't know if you can look at it as a Muslim ban, because there's so many, you know,
Starting point is 00:02:07 there's, like I said, 46 other countries that are predominantly Muslim that aren't banned. Like, look at Indonesia. I mean, there's more. I think they're a very populous country full of Muslims. What they were saying is that their recommendations were based on danger, but of course there's the hypocrisy of, hypocrisy of Saudi Arabia not being on the list.
Starting point is 00:02:27 But that goes twofold. That goes twofold when I hear those CNN commentators. They're like, ah, he didn't put Saudi Arabia or this country or that. And they're like, so would you like him to? He's like, no, no, no country should be on the list. And they're like, well, you can't have it both ways. It's either that Trump is banning all Muslims or that Trump is picking and choosing
Starting point is 00:02:48 which countries he wants to ban and not banning the ones that are actually dangerous. Like, make up your mind. He's done something wrong, sure. But I think it's honestly his implementation more than anything. And he should have anticipated that the media is just frothing at the mouth for anything and everything to make him look
Starting point is 00:03:04 like Hitler or Stalin or whatever despot you want to imagine, you know, kicking people out of the country, controlling the borders. But that momentary thing where there were people who had, you know, they were on mid-flight or they had, you know, the correct paperwork, but, you know, the order falls, you know, and like catches them as they're passing through the doorway in effect. They're all legal, but then this thing comes down and they're overnight or two days maybe in the airports. That was a bad thing that
Starting point is 00:03:34 shouldn't have happened, but it's not like the Japanese internment camps. It's not like there are people somewhere starving behind a fence. When are they going to let us out? They let them all go. That number goes from hundreds to thousands when you count the people who never got on a plane, right? Like I was scheduled to come back a week from now
Starting point is 00:03:51 and I'm just fucked overseas. Like it gets a little bigger. I don't know how to calculate the ones who didn't get on a plane, but yeah, sure. There are people I'm sure who were smart enough to be like, or they were turned away. You know, when you tried to get to board that flight or you tried to get your passport stamped or whatever to go to the u.s they were like uh no this is a yemenese passport that won't fly buckaroo on your way like yeah i'm just saying
Starting point is 00:04:13 they're people who are visiting their family for two weeks and then overnight you know now they're like oh well fuck they might even go to the airport is it 120 days or 90 days like the period i think it's 90 i'm not sure i think even then i don't know that it days or 90 days? Like the period. I think it's 90. I'm not sure. I don't know that it ends in 90 days. In 90 days, we just take a second look at it. Well, he can extend it indefinitely. They read the part of the Constitution that covers this, and it's very broad in the powers that it gives the president.
Starting point is 00:04:41 Syria, I think, is indefinite. Yeah, Syrian refugees are indefinite for sure. Syria, I think, is indefinite. Well, it's only Syria that is indefinite. Syrian refugees are indefinite, for sure. And, I mean, shit. They probably should be. Like, it was a Syrian refugee who did at least one of those terror attacks, wasn't it, in Europe? I'm not positive. I'm not saying Iran. But, so there's this plaque.
Starting point is 00:05:00 I think it's on Ellis Island or the Statue of Liberty or something. Give us your tired, your poor, your humbled masses yada yada yada and uh like so i'm asking myself like is it wrong to do a whole philosophy change on that thing right what if we changed it to like give us your highly educated you're especially strong here give us your strong yes you know here's the elite we are the Harvard of countries we will take your best of the best and that's who's allowed to come into the new America and give us your you know
Starting point is 00:05:34 advanced degrees give us your strong give us your brave give us this that highly skilled we'll take your actors and your artists and your engineers and I'm just like well like your actors and your artists and your engineers and uh you know i'm just like for man okay well like i i just asking like and they will be waiting 90 days you better believe it like people are like
Starting point is 00:05:53 oh my god you know what he's doing is contrary to what's on the plaque at ellis island and i think like who wrote that plaque is it wrong though like is it, probably. And are you entitled to get in? It was an undercover guy who snuck in off the boat and he chiseled that in so that when the rest of his family was coming over, like, well, you just said what was on that thing. I mean, picture huddled masses. Is that really who we want to be bringing in full force? No. Full force. And the more I learn about the current vetting process for refugees, it sounds like they're doing a very good job already. They're talking about a two-year period where they vet these people. That sounds pretty good.
Starting point is 00:06:34 You'd have to be a real undercover agent, like a real Manchurian candidate, to get through all that, it would seem. But then I heard a guy today bring up, I think it was a politician of some kind. I lost in the discussion who he was because what he was suggesting was so comical and ridiculous to me. He was like, let's just put an ankle bracelet, a GPS tracker on all these Syrians. Then we know where they are all the time. And I immediately leapt to Nazi Germany, putting the Star of David on the Jews. And I immediately leapt to Nazi Germany, putting the Star of David on the Jews.
Starting point is 00:07:06 And then they followed up. As soon as I had this picture in my head of those Jews walking around with those Stars of David on their coats and shirts and whatever in Germany back in the day, they said, because Angela Merkel just has implemented a similar policy that's working great in Germany. And I was like, oh my god, the Germans? That's the hypocrisy of the global media, right? Angela Merkel, the Chancellor of Germany, is rounding up Syrian refugees and tagging them, and putting GPS trackers on them that they can't
Starting point is 00:07:36 remove, like animals. But Hitler is right here, and he's got blonde hair. Kyle, Nate, just two other times that Germany got out of control and tried to use, like, a union in times that Germany got out of control and tried to use a union in Europe to impose their will just twice
Starting point is 00:07:49 that's right, you can't Kyle, I really think you're going overboard here catch and release is humane and there's nothing wrong with that if you can't do catch and release I don't see the point I like the catch and there's gonna be a lot of bad optics as they call them a lot of bad stories that term um yeah me too because because
Starting point is 00:08:13 it's not really oftentimes have you not heard it taylor optics is there is the new term they use for trying to look good you know like if a press secretary goes out there and puts a spin on something, he's working on optics. Yeah. So, for example, if a Mexican illegal were to be driving to the store to get his baby diapers, he gets pulled over for a taillight out. They grab him, nab him. He's back in Mexico before he can even contact his wife. She dies in labor. Her and the baby die, and she was a was a u.s citizen those are bad optics for
Starting point is 00:08:46 the trump uh immigration plan if that were to happen obviously you'd say oh my god look at what we've done all we wanted to do was you know be safer and and and help our economy by getting these non-taxpayers out or whatever you're just like find a list of really sad anecdotes like are you convinced yet no well? Well, we have more. Another one. I look back at the Obama administration, and I'm like, you know what? Like, I feel like not having the patience or aptitude for optics is one of the failings, right? Obamacare, people, all they don't like it.
Starting point is 00:09:20 No one really knows why they don't like it. Well, some people do. But, you know, by and large, it's blasted. People don't like it. It increased the rate of their premiums and so that's like true right like the rate of premiums increased at a slower rate than they did without it and it's really difficult to compare obamacare to like the alternate universe where there was never an obamacare because premiums were skyrocketing out of control before it and um there's now apparently people like obamacare more than they did when obama was in office they're having a hard time getting away with it there's all that trump gret stuff
Starting point is 00:09:53 going around the internet like i voted for you how dare you take away my obamacare how are you surprised motherfucker but anyway um if obama actually believe any of those fake troll accounts of people going, I voted for Trump and he's taking away my Obamacare. My mom's going to die. The only one I believe, there's one guy out there writing that, and he's that Syrian guy whose whole family is being deported from Jersey right now who voted for Trump. He's a little regretful.
Starting point is 00:10:20 He's like, oh, shit. But Obama didn't work on optics at all he never he never talked about the amount of people being covered he never talked about the amount of people help like they didn't focus on optics in the slightest whereas the trump administration they've got breitbart in charge they're working on optics every day go ahead they they really tried to make obamacare look good i think they like They peddled that BS statistic of like 20 million, 18 million more people have coverage. It's like, yeah, no shit. When you make a government mandated penalty that you have to buy this or it's going to charge you up the ass, people buy your bullshit coverage that they're not going to use in the first place.
Starting point is 00:10:58 You're just charging huge sums of money to middle class people, for the most part, lower middle class, especially young, healthy healthy people to pay large premiums on policies they're not going to use you have a higher deductible you have more copay than you did in your previous better at least me on my better plan before and then you're basically subsidizing health care for the lower class which is a good you want people in the lower class to have health care but mandating that huge swaths of the population have to buy this this coverage you have to buy this or you'll be taxed on your well the way you say it makes it sound like you had to buy obamacare you just had to have health insurance no if you didn't buy if you didn't have health insurance and you didn't get by obamacare you got fined well if you didn't buy obamacare you could buy some other health insurance i don't have obamacare yes that's true but i'm saying that the people that so like someone my age you know if i i want to be able to buy good health insurance you can and i can't but if i don't have that ability to and i'm not making
Starting point is 00:11:59 quite as much i have to get obamacare and if unless i have a catastrophic injury or something horrible i'm not going to ever get I'm never going to see anything of that. If you have an eye doctor or a dentist you can usually pay for that out of pocket on your own without it being inordinate. And it's not going to cover your dental anyway if you've got some bronze plan. Yeah it's not dental. You're not going to get dental.
Starting point is 00:12:17 If you're paying for the plan that has dental on it you probably don't have the money to come out of pocket for it. Dental insurance is bullshit. I don't even have dental insurance. Have you ever had a root canal? Yeah, dental insurance stops at like $1,500. Root canal is $1,200? Yeah, so I'll pay $1,200.
Starting point is 00:12:34 Like, it doesn't get me anywhere. Like, I hate paying hundreds of dollars a year for dental insurance. You know, I guess that's true. You know, unless you're playing sports and you might get your teeth knocked out once a year, you're absolutely right about that. If it's bad, like if you've got some real dental emergency, you drove your motorcycle into a guardrail and all your teeth are gone, well, that's major medical now.
Starting point is 00:12:54 It's not like everything is just dental because it's involving your teeth and jaw. Yeah, that's a good point about dental. Yeah. I guess so. Unless you had some sort of condition. I'm not an expert. Yeah, yeah. If you have a condition, like there are people with issues where they have to go to their dentist often.
Starting point is 00:13:09 They're born without enamel or something. And every dentist appointment is $600. Yeah, then it's a win for them. But for my family, like, I usually just pay out of pocket. It turns out my dentist offers a plan. They're like, you know, if you want to prepay a little little all your cleanings are free and everything else is 20 off and it's like oh well it's the cost of two cleanings so i'll just do it you know like yeah it makes sense but uh anyway i've talked about obamacare 100 times i love the idea of a mandated health care because if you don't mandate
Starting point is 00:13:40 that people buy it then they will irresponsibly just go to the emergency room and get their treatment and I'll pay for it. And that sucks. There has to be something there. I mean, you don't have to sell me on the idea that, well, the taxpayer's going to pick up the cost anyway when some uninsured fucker stumbles into the ER,
Starting point is 00:14:00 right? So there has to be something. I see that. Obamacare should have said obamacare is a plan of personal responsibility right we had all these uninsured fucks who would just waltz in or roll in i guess to the emergency room get their treatment and then say ah sorry don't have any money fuck off that was the previous plan that's what we had before obamacare people would just roll in and then say fuck off after they got their treatment.
Starting point is 00:14:27 You're absolutely right. If he sold it that way, there are a lot of Americans who aren't paying their fair share. They're stumbling into our ERs across this country. And you know who picks up the we always hear about the overpriced Q-tip, the overpriced bandage. It's overpriced because of those people.
Starting point is 00:14:44 With this new law, those people have to get insured. so each and every american will pay the same and they'll have the same responsibility the problem is those poor people don't have to pay into it anyway right well they pay a reduced amount i get that i know they're not paying their fair share it's just it's not even close you know it's it's like paying in a few hundred dollars into tens of thousands of cost in the end it's like one percent of the thing it just doesn't work and oftentimes there's somebody else who's putting way more in than they will ever get out of it and i hate to say it but as americans especially there is a a large number of obese people who have extreme medical expenses that they brought onto themselves and it just seems wrong at bill watch bill burr's
Starting point is 00:15:26 part of his special where he talks about the fat people to in personal responsibility and how fat people have no concept of the sacrifice and the effort that's put into not being like them right and he goes into that uh for a while but but that's national fans we're not having any fat bashing they like their biscuits and gravy and i was just thinking biscuits and but but that's national fans were not having any fat bashing they they like their biscuits and gravy and i was just thinking biscuits and gravy yeah they didn't like his michael jackson talk it was it was a rough crowd to film a special and i thought but it to me i was i just ignored the fucking crowd and just enjoyed him because i thought it was hilarious i liked it it's you know he's had like there are three of them i think that are like top tier that
Starting point is 00:16:02 he's done back when he had hair you know like you people are all the same uh that's one of them um i can't recall the name of the other two specials but you know his earlier specials i like all of those i feel like they're all just i like oftentimes when i meet a new person and we've got netflix there i'm like do you know who bill burr is and i'm always hoping they don't so i can just fucking roll out three hours of entertainment that they're gonna to love. And this fits right in there. There's four hours of Bill Burr Entertainment now that people are going to love, I feel like. Today on the podcast, he was talking about his wife. And he was talking about how amazing she is, how she takes an interest.
Starting point is 00:16:36 Like she has this energy and passion and drive about her. On the Joe Rogan one? Yes. This is the Joe Rogan podcast. And I was like, fuck. He really likes her. We would get some amazing content if they were divorced. It would be the show to end all shows.
Starting point is 00:16:53 Bill Bowen going through family court. They have a kid now. They have a kid now. They have a kid now, so it would be very sad. Oh, it would be sad but so funny. So he would knock it out of the park. He's like the men's rights kind of comedian. No one else really talks about it.
Starting point is 00:17:10 They're too nice almost to portray that. They don't want to piss off half their viewers. Louis C.K. went through a divorce that seemed pretty rough on him without ever saying a harsh word about his wife or the family courts or any of that. Listen to Opie and Anthony and you will realize that that is he really tore into his ex-wife on ona louis ck oh did he yeah there's a couple i don't quote me on that because i don't know if that's the same woman i'm thinking about that he was talking about but it was like did he get divorced like 10 years ago or something like it was a long time ago
Starting point is 00:17:42 right it was well i just yeah he's got he's got a i'm not spoiling the joke but but but he has this joke about having a dream and it's some real fucked up shit in the dream and he wakes up out of bed he bolts up oh my god and his wife's like what what he's like i just had the worst dream of my entire life she goes was it about me he's like no you self-centered fuck not everything is about. Not everything is about you. Not everything is about you. This is me. I love that. Yeah, he does the men's rights stuff.
Starting point is 00:18:13 I find it super funny. But I guess it's good that he loves his wife and kid. Boring. Yeah, for now. I don't even think of it as a rights thing as much as he he does a good job skewering lots of different groups of people that usually kind of slide under the radar because the comedian's too afraid like oh what if i don't say it right and people get upset and he just kind of goes the whatever fuck it it'll work out if it's funny it's funny and people appreciate it he's got this routine
Starting point is 00:18:41 about women arguing in particular he's like i figured out what they do i figured it out and we're turning this franchise around and oh he's so funny he kills it i've caught women doing that and i've been like wait wait wait that's not what we're talking about what we're talking about is this thing over here and in that regard i'm right don't be going over there to kyle's wrong town that's and i'm not going kyle's wrong town. That's a good part. And I'm not going. Kyle's wrong town. Population, you. Not me. I'm over here. You're coming over.
Starting point is 00:19:13 That's the good part of it. Let's put the subject up on you and go over to some other shit. Confuse you. You start trying to defend that other thing they threw out in the middle of your car instead of swerving around and staying right on fucking... It's the pocket sand
Starting point is 00:19:25 equivalent of argument. Ah! What were we talking about? Doesn't matter. On to something else. Yeah, I guess you're right. We're doing it hard. Yeah. I've caught Jackson doing that too. But I never steer her back into Woody's right town
Starting point is 00:19:41 in a way that really makes her say, you're right about this. I was wrong to change the topic. And on the previous topic, I was wrong there too. They never go down that way. No, probably not. I try to lock it down right there. Be like, whoa, whoa, whoa. That's not what we're talking about. We're talking about this thing. And in regards to that, this is how I want to do it. And, and, and, and explain to me why it should be any other way. And if you do it like that, they're fucked.
Starting point is 00:20:07 I'm a bad person. I just steamroller. I'll be like, oh, now you're talking about this. How are you talking about that? Because I thought we were talking about this other thing over here. Go on for like 40 seconds of that. No, I don't actually. Different thing.
Starting point is 00:20:19 I just steamroll the conversation to like obviously and painfully point out like the tactic and how clear it is that she's wrong and it's never like you know it's not good it's not it's not the way that debate should be handled in a marriage never go never explain how your trap works to your prey after they've fallen into it you want them to just keep wandering about you know next time you're in that discussion maybe you notice again oh oh, yep, another derivation. I've won. I already know I've won. And then you go in with confidence, you know.
Starting point is 00:20:51 But now she's going to be careful. But the win is like, you know, whatever, having sex afterwards. Like that's the win, right? The win isn't her admitting that she's wrong or the topic at hand, whatever it is. It's never anything important. The win is like us both being happy at the end of it. Yeah, the real win is just getting that cumulative mood back up. Yes, yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:14 And steamrolling her about her arguing tactics never guides us towards my actual... No, nobody's ever like, you know what? I recognize that as a fault and I'm going to continue to work on it. That's not it. That's not it. I hope you'll be there to give me strength during this time in my life where I try to make myself a better person. I'm counting on you. It's about time I bucked up.
Starting point is 00:21:37 You're right. Jackie does so much work now all the time. And her mother's here, who she refers to as the patient. And it's my new tactic has just been to do something every day I can point to. Like trim had fallen off like the porch in front of our house. So I nailed it back in place. Took me like two minutes. And it's like that's what I – don't act like I'm not carrying my weight too.
Starting point is 00:22:01 I imagine you being like Hank Hill when he was organizing his enormous workshop. When he was forced to take time off of the propane store because he's like, Hank, you've never taken any time off of work ever. Please, you need to take a vacation. He's like, I don't need a vacation. And they decide to send him off on one, and he starts organizing, and he gets everything perfect on day one. And so he just tips over a little can of nails for no reason.
Starting point is 00:22:30 Three fall out. Just to be like, oh, better pick that up again, because he's just manufacturing something to do because he's so fucking bored. And that's what I imagine, where you're like, you know, are these lawnmowers clean? Yeah, they're pretty spotless, actually. I mean, what if somebody spilled paint on them that'd be a shame you know there's always more i could do but i i like now
Starting point is 00:22:53 that like every day i've got some sort of forward progress usually on the house or property that i can point to and be like yeah you know she's not fussing she likes likes it. She's good. I saw that Khabib has a fight coming up. Is it with Ferguson? It is with Ferguson. Ferguson's on a nice win streak. Khabib is undefeated, I think, like 23-0 or some shit like that. I like watching his training videos because you really start to buy into Khabib as being some kind of Russian Superman.
Starting point is 00:23:27 He just seems so tough. He just seems so hard fucking core i i watched this video earlier and he's like in the dagestan mountains with like eight other guys who are all hard as fuck and they're in like shorts and tees like doing these workouts with rocks lifting the rocks over their heads and doing all these weird r Russian calisthenics that look awful and just pounding out chin-ups as fast as he can at altitude, of course. Rocky V shit.
Starting point is 00:23:52 Rocky V shit. They're running on mountains. They're just... And when they run, it's just... It's not a jog. They're not doing 5K. Like, no. They're sprinting with everything they have.
Starting point is 00:24:01 You know the camera turns off and they're like... Yeah, for sure. There was definitely some coordination Like, no, they're sprinting with everything they have. You know, the camera turns off and they're like. Yeah, for sure. There was definitely some coordination because, like, the whole crew is, like, working out. Like, they're all doing a different awful exercise independent from one another. They get the rock above their head, like, doing these. Like, just moving it around.
Starting point is 00:24:20 Have you seen BJ Pendu's underwater training? Yeah, yeah. I like that. I like that. For people that haven't, he'll grab a heavy rock. I don't even know. It'd be a rock so heavy that I'm not sure I could lift it, but it's underwater. So he'll like swim down eight feet, grab the rock and do wind sprints on the sand underwater. Come up again, take a breath, go down, grab the rock and do more underwater wind sprints.
Starting point is 00:24:45 And it's just like, that looks really tiring. I don't know. Of course, the videos are all 15 seconds long, so you don't know how long he's doing it. But the implication is that's how he spends his afternoons. Yeah, it's crazy. But the thing that they keep touting with Habib is that he's a Muslim guy, so he has no distractions that are vices um you know and his his whole regimen has been militaristic and uh
Starting point is 00:25:11 and and pointed toward combat like since childhood like he's a spartan warrior or something but to see an impressive win here's the thing that happens with these undefeated fighters you're like last michael johnson fight was a whooping yes. Okay, so the last Michael Johnson fight was really good. I wish he'd finish it. Did he finish it in the third? I felt like he was torturing Michael Johnson so he could get more face time with Dana White because he was close to the cage.
Starting point is 00:25:36 I hear you, and you might be right. I think that, though, is the most flattering way to look at it. Another way to look at it is when he's on top of these guys, kicking their ass and dominating them, it doesn't do a lot of damage. He was punching him in the head for 12 minutes or something before Michael
Starting point is 00:25:51 Johnson had enough. That's a lot. Who else has he beat? Khabib. I do not know. I need to look it up. I need to open my browser. He's going to have to wait a while to get it, Connor, but I think if he wins this next fight, especially if he wins it impressively,
Starting point is 00:26:07 it's going to be the fight that more and more people are calling for. Of course, you've got the Connor Mayweather stuff still just spinning in place. Mayweather wanting, like, I think Mayweather wants like a hundred million fucking dollars or something like that. I heard someone say something about...
Starting point is 00:26:23 At that point, how are you not just fighting entirely for your legacy? He has so much money. I want to get back to Khabib's record. So he beat Michael Johnson, who's awesome, and he beat him in the third round. It was halfway through the third. And then he beat Rafael Dos Anjos. That was right before RDA became super RDA.
Starting point is 00:26:42 He went on a run after that loss. And then everyone else like Pat Healy, Abel Trujillo, Tiago Tavares is good, but that guy was not on top of the... They have that record in MMA though. Yes, you're right.
Starting point is 00:26:58 I'm looking at this. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. 8 of these fights were in the UFC. Everyone in the UFC is good right i'll grab connor right and say you know here's the best fighter in the ufc at the moment whatever um he does have two belts he's pretty impressive let's just roll with it if i gave him eight guys to fight in a row he might drop one it happens like like all these fighters are good and but just the same like whenever these guys have, like, a 24-0 record,
Starting point is 00:27:26 it's like, it's never 24 Connors, Pettises, you know, et cetera. I want to see it, though. But I'm hoping that Mayweather fight happens. Who knows what to believe as far as that goes. It's hard to know how much rank, like, the record means in MMA a lot of the time because it seems like, like, as a casual viewer, like uh the record means in mma a lot of the time because it seems like like as a casual viewer like i will go in and i'll see like on every card it seems like i'll pick somebody and look him up and be like holy shit this guy's 12 and oh like he's gonna kick this guy's ass i check
Starting point is 00:27:58 the other guy and he's like oh 17 and one i don't know who are these people fighting? Where are all these? Where is Vladislav Ligievic, who's 1 in 130, and he's just that guy where they're like, Vlad, we need you in the ring. He's like, how much you pay? 200 at this point. Not a lot worth your win. And then there's your composite. They're like these absolute legends,
Starting point is 00:28:22 like BJ Penn and Randy Couture viewed as some of the best guys ever and their record is like 16 and 8 it's like that's a lot of like but but like that's what i was meaning monsters yeah you can see someone who's like 30 and 5 and maybe that record is actually more impressive than someone who's like 40 you know right if you actually go through and you look at the fights and you're like oh okay i don't know it's just it's because it's one-on-one it's so like you were talking about mma math you know where you try and be like oh well the capitals beat the penguins and the penguins beat the blue jackets so the blue jackets are gonna beat the cap or whatever right and that just if it doesn't work in other sports hardly but it kind of does
Starting point is 00:29:02 but in mma doesn't seem like it would at all. Not even a little bit. I agree. Such a small mistake can end the whole fucking game in MMA. You know, you can go out in the NFL and you could immediately get scored on. And they'd be like, oh, let's hope Brady and True can recover from that early sting and get things moving along. It's like, no, it's over. That early sting knocked Conor out. Like, now he has a concussion.
Starting point is 00:29:23 Like, you know, he's not wearing a helmet. Is it four ounce gloves or six ounce? It's four, right? It's the most poor sport by a big margin. What sport? Hardcore. Margins for error are non-existent.
Starting point is 00:29:39 You see all the different ways people get finished in the octagon. People get tapped to weird chokes. People get tapped to weird chokes. People get tapped to squeezes. I get sad for them when I watch because you know the guy who goes out there and they're jumping up and down. They're getting hyped or doing what you guys are saying where they're like skipping around, trying to jingle songs in their head to get their heart rate down. And then sometimes four seconds in, they're like, oh, he's coming in.
Starting point is 00:30:07 Oh, and he dodges right into a flying right Superman hook. And he's just nose broken on the ground. And then you see the guy kind of start to come to. And in his eyes, you can see the moment where he's like, my last year of life has been a waste of time. I've wasted my- You want to see a good one that's like that?
Starting point is 00:30:26 If you want to see that exact thing, it's on UFC, the app or whatever, the Fight Night thing. It's one of their, like, premiere fights. It's Joe Lozon versus Diego Sanchez. Diego comes out, and he's going, I'm a nightmare! And Joe whips his ass real quick. And Diego is crying. He's got tears in his eyes when they're about to raise his hand there.
Starting point is 00:30:49 I think it was Herb Dean at that fight. And Herb's holding both their hands. It's a TKO win for Joe. And there's tears in Diego's eyes. And the camera closes in on his face. And he just goes. Dude, I've got so much to say. No bueno.
Starting point is 00:31:04 First of all, UFC is the win-loss business. And there's no other fight. There's no other sport there. The loser is such a loser. And it's all over the place. Partly, there's no team to hide behind. No one has a good game and still lost like they can in hockey or football. And then it's embarrassing.
Starting point is 00:31:23 There's a certain amount of, like, this guy just kicked your ass. I don't know how many fights you guys have been in, but it's embarrassing to lose a fight. And there it is in front of everybody. Half the people that go into that thing lose, and that's a really big deal. You're going to see a lot more draws than new rules. That's like in other sports,
Starting point is 00:31:42 that's like the line that you take it to if you're mad that you lost. You'll be like, God, that sucks. Well line that you take it to if you're mad that you lost you'll be like god that sucks well but crosby's such a pussy i could beat his ass if i wanted to and like like you move that the goal post but in fighting it's like well shit like i'm probably but i could beat a bit chess maybe i don't know that's an interesting thing about the mcgregor mayweather. Rogan was saying this and it opened my eyes. I know what you're going to say. Conor McGregor can kick Mayweather's
Starting point is 00:32:08 ass without a doubt. Nobody questions this. In boxing? That's the thing. In fighting. So he's like, I'm not even going to fight this guy. We're going to do some really protected sort of dance where there's
Starting point is 00:32:24 no kicking, no takedowns, no this, no that. We're going to put pads on our hands and we're going to do some really protected sort of dance where there's no kicking, no takedowns, no this, no that. We're going to put pads on our hands and we're going to pretend to fight with arms only. He's like, fuck the UFC. Fuck MMA. Fuck boxing. Fuck everything. I meet this guy in a street corner. I kick his ass.
Starting point is 00:32:41 It's my easiest fight of the career. And you think about it and you're like, holy fuck. That's true. That's true. Conor McGregor can kick Mayweather's ass and it will be the easiest fight of his career. Mayweather doesn't go against anybody else who can kick his ass, right? Mayweather's used to going up against other boxers. If you were to put them in a street fight, they would do boxing, right? But Conor has decided to remove 80% of his weapons
Starting point is 00:33:09 and see how he can fare. And that's interesting to me. That's cool. But make no mistake, Conor can kick his ass. I would love it if, let's say they do a 10-round fight, like a real boxing thing, and eight rounds in, it becomes obvious that mcgregor's down by six rounds and he's kind of fucked if he says you know what fuck it i'm
Starting point is 00:33:31 gonna kick his ass and he just like takes him down like i'll fucking cabores him or fucking rear naked chokes and i don't give a fuck how he wins but he decides you know what i lost the fight i'll give you that but i kicked your ass because i don't like that would be on the cover i'll bet you any amount of money you've never been kicked in the head huh yeah yeah dude sports illustrator would be a little harder than a punch i don't know connor make connor makes mayweather pay you know in his life and it would be connor with with mayweather in a rear naked choke and he'd be going and may there would be like yeah mayweather doesn't know how to defend a rear naked choke. And he'd be going, ha, ha, ha, ha. And Mayweather would be just like. Yeah. Mayweather doesn't know how to defend a rear naked choke.
Starting point is 00:34:07 And I don't know if you've ever been kicked before. You can't with gloves. I think he can. Dude, you. No, with the big boxing gloves. He'd be like pawing at it. Oh, oh, defend it. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:34:17 I thought you meant place it. Oh, you still do. No, I'm with you. It would be very hard to defend with big boxing gloves on. What was I going to say? The fight, Mayweather, Connor. I'm losing it. But, be very hard to defend with big boxing gloves on. What was I going to say? The fight, Mayweather, Conor, I'm losing it. But, dude, that would be so interesting, and there's a mental advantage that's not there
Starting point is 00:34:32 because McGregor knows, and everybody knows, everyone in the audience, everyone in the fight game, everyone in the world knows, McGregor would kick Mayweather's ass. It would be an easy day at work. Oh, I was going to say those kicks, man. If you've never been kicked, it's a lot to look for. I swear, when you watch people fight, it seems really obvious.
Starting point is 00:34:53 I've talked about accuracy and how great I am at passing the salt and things like that. But it turned out it didn't translate. Kicking. It's like there's a blind spot. They have you put your hands up like this so you don't get punched in the head, you know, by stuff you didn't see coming. And I'm like, how do people see with this shit going on here? Like, you're really putting on the horse blinders.
Starting point is 00:35:12 They say that, and they hammer it into your head with, like, any kind of boxing or any kind of Muay Thai training. But I watch those fighters, and they got them down here. They're looking around. Yeah, yeah. They're wanting to see stuff happen. Mayweather, he puts one hand up and one shoulder up, and that how he does it boxing and uh and there's a couple i think that's they call it like a philadelphia style or something like that but a couple of these guys from the
Starting point is 00:35:33 northeast they use their shoulder to protect one side of their jaw on their hand for the other and and they can see but uh if you're you know if you're like a regular person they all tell you like you're not mayweather put your hands up stupid so answer the phone or ain't no one gonna be home yeah that's good yeah that's really funny answer the phone yeah that's what they tell me in an actual boxing match if they're boxing does mayweather beat him by a little bit or does he just manhandle mcgregor they say a lot They say Mayweather just demolishes Conor in boxing. Although recently, and it might just be me buying into the
Starting point is 00:36:10 hype machine, they're like, hey, we'll see. You know, they talked to Conor about it in his $5 pay-per-view and he's like, yeah, they're all laughing at me. They've been laughing at me my whole career. They all laughed at me when I said I'd be a two-belt champion in the UFC. They laughed at me when I said I'd be a champ in the UFC. They laughed at me when they said an Irishman could compete belt champion In the UFC they laughed at me when I said I'd be a champ In the UFC they laughed at me when they said an Irishman
Starting point is 00:36:26 Could compete in the UFC because there really Weren't any that I know of He's like now they're laughing at me that I Can't beat Mayweather He said it motivates him That's a little bit of contrived Hurdles to get over They said an Irishman could never fight in the UFC
Starting point is 00:36:41 No they didn't Some Irish guy came over and he's like Can I fight in the UFC. It's like, no, they didn't. They were just like, some Irish guy came over, and he's like, hey, can I fight in the UFC? And they're like, sorry, Seamus, you're just not that good at this. And then Conor came over, hey, can I fight in the UFC? And they go, oh, yeah. And they're also Irish.
Starting point is 00:36:55 And they go, yeah, you can, too. You can for sure fight in the UFC. There's a thing, though. Like, in America, there's like a big base of wrestling that happens here. So there are tons of people who've been wrestling since they were six years old. And then jujitsu is very popular here, even more popular in Brazil. So there's like a big, like people are going into the UFC with 12 years of jujitsu experience now. In Ireland, like that wasn't a thing. It was just boxing.
Starting point is 00:37:22 And, you know, so the idea an irishman would be well-rounded and i would have to take down defense to handle these american wrestlers was uh surprising you know like wrestling that was the thing where like some wrestlers would get made fun of in high school for like oh it's so gay you're wearing a leotard and rolling around with a bunch of men but like even like like they never got fucked with ever because for one like if you did like if there was a little like 115 wrestler that i could beat up i don't want mr 185 walking down the hall at me frustrated that i beat up his little buddy but those guys like they never get picked on like it's understood even with like football players hockey players
Starting point is 00:38:01 everyone's like yeah don't fuck with a wrestler because you have like the image in your head of what a fight looks like and then you realize real quick oh i'm on the ground i didn't even see this coming that guy gets in like a wrong like a wrestling stance you're like whoa what are you doing buddy like well what are you doing down there he starts coming at you hooking fucking legs and stuff angles right they're doing like toe picks and ankle picks and shit. You're like, what? No, no, no. Why are you so low? This isn't... You try to throw some arm punches down and the next thing you know, you're flying
Starting point is 00:38:32 head over heels through the air. Randy Couture was this... I think he was an Olympic wrestler. No, definitely World Championship. And he went up against James Toney who was like one of the... I'm going to make up a number. Top 25 heavyweights ever to exist. And he fought Randy Couture.
Starting point is 00:38:47 Randy Couture did this ankle pick. He did a takedown on him. Randy's nose was like six inches off the ground. He dove in, did some sort of, I don't know, snake wiggle across the ground, pulled his toe in the air, and now James is on his back and he doesn't know what he's doing. And if you're Randy, you're like, ah, good move. Good move.
Starting point is 00:39:06 I like that from Randy because if he had gone in like waist level or something, Tony might have an uppercut waiting for him. But he attacked that guy from ankle to knee. Those are some of the worst fucking – like when a guy is going for a takedown, when he's shooting, when he's going for a double leg or something and he's basically right off the mat and he catches a knee that's perfectly timed because the other guy's been waiting on him to shoot again. Those are concussive.
Starting point is 00:39:34 You can't even be mad at the guy for throwing the knee because you forced his hand. You were diving. You're both going in the same direction. I like that. When I see that in a fight or when I see a guy who's timing the other guy's kicks, like the guy's been fucking kicking him all match and then finally that high kick comes again and he fucking trips the guy
Starting point is 00:39:49 and is immediately on top of him dropping elbows I'm like oh he's loving this right now this is what he's been waiting on this is the shit you motherfuckers elite wrestlers do this is Yo Romero he's gonna be fighting Bisping soon at 185 look at him take this guy down that's great.
Starting point is 00:40:06 It's a very slick maneuver. He just reaches down, grabs his foot, and tosses him on his... If you watch it, he's not even using a bunch of effort to toss the guy. He's just pulling him the perfect amount of distance to force that dude
Starting point is 00:40:21 to hop-step, and then when the dude hop-steps, he just pulls. He probably watched that guy be on his rear foot throughout most of the fight and was like, oh, that guy's slightly leaning back already. He's totally vulnerable to this. And yeah, he just picks him up, drops him on the back
Starting point is 00:40:37 like a child. If I was wrestling Colin it would go like this. Whoops! What happened? Oh! I just, God i this just doesn't look like fun at all i don't know why people got into it yeah i think y'all's having a good time like to be to be in the driver's seat of that guy who just whoop like did that to another professional fighter a fucking killer and made him look like a fool.
Starting point is 00:41:06 And then I'm guessing dropped some bombs on him right after. I don't know if that won the fight or what happened right after that. But that's got to be a lot of fun. I would guess, man. So, dudes, remember when last time Conor won? I was on target with this. I was like the next big fight Connor has is with the UFC right that's what we're gonna see next the thing is I thought I would really enjoy it I thought it
Starting point is 00:41:30 like it was gonna be cool to watch the back and forth I enjoy business negotiations and and especially this super high stake stuff and Dana's great at it and Connor seems to have people that are very good at it I'm not liking it at all i it's that so this is different than most negotiations because connor is talking about going to do another sport so his contract doesn't fucking matter uh ufc can't you know that's in doubt but i hear you brennan schwab brought that schwab brought that up he's like hey i'm retired but if i try to go fight anywhere the ufc is gonna go oh you got three more fights right here. Your contract is frozen in perpetuity.
Starting point is 00:42:07 That's how this shit works. And so but this is Conor going to box. It's a whole other sport. You know, they're not going to mess with his tennis rivalry with, you know, Serena Williams next year either. You know, they just can't say anything. And so what Conor wants to do is what Floyd has done. And I don't like Floyd. There are two things that I do like about him, though.
Starting point is 00:42:26 I like when he gambles because that's cool to me because he gambles with huge amounts of money. He'll bet – he bet like $25,000 on Clemson the other day and ended up walking away with like almost $60,000 because they won. I like that about him. God, that must be awesome to have that much money that just on a lark. Like you don't tell people the all 10 times that you do that throughout the year. Like, yeah, 30,000 on that, 30,000 on that. You just like tweet the one where it's like 30 grand on Clemson walking home with 70. How you liking that?
Starting point is 00:42:55 Tweets the bets beforehand, man. And he loses sometimes. He doesn't give a fuck. His Instagram is entertaining because he'll do audacious shit. Like Dan Bilzerian will will do some stuff but floyd will like burn some money to make some stuff happen dan will like all right what's that gonna cost eight thousand all right well yeah that's that that's a good investment but floyd just like fuck it just like uh gifs and emojis and pictures because he can't read
Starting point is 00:43:21 a lot of smiley faces on that guy's account a lot of boxing glove emojis it's just it's like an irish flag and a punching and a punching thing going at it like that's his is that a real thing it's a real thing that he can't read and those are actually true though like for real yeah it's actually true fucking fucking they so here's what happened that he went into when you just learn to read when you go into radio interviews like you go to stern show or any big show they ask you to do um to record like uh like like call signs you're watching kh101 and they're the greatest hits this side of the dixie howard stern show with jerry delapate and and and he's trying to read this script and and he can't read and he's stuttering over and making
Starting point is 00:44:04 himself look like a goddamn fool. And they took that recording and they released it because he was a dick to them. And 50 Cent gets a hold of it. And 50 Cent's like reading the case. He's like, look here, player. I'll give you $100,000. All you got to do is read the cat in the hat. I'll start it out for you.
Starting point is 00:44:24 I do not like green eggs and ham i do not like them sam i am all right now you finish oh shit that's worse than like floyd could have been like i'll whoop your ass you know i'll beat you up i don't care how many times you've been shot you're about to get knocked out he's like you can't read bitch you can't read words you're charlie from fucking It's Always Sunny. You're like writing in like pentagrams and symbols and emojis. To not be able to read and have all that money, like it's – He reads really poorly. Go to the Sullivan Learning Center.
Starting point is 00:44:57 Get Rosetta Stone. The sky is the limit. You tried English and it didn't pan out. Try Spanish. You're right but you know he spends his whole life a king of his castle right all his friends are on the payroll they all kiss his ass constantly for him to put himself in that position where you know a lack of dignity where he's reading cat in the hat like a child it would like it just stepped down for him like i just mean like in his own head like i'm just
Starting point is 00:45:27 thinking from my perspective if i suddenly wasn't able to read my quality of life would would drop off so dramatically you yeah it would drop off a huge amount yeah bigly and i just like good god dude like don't you see just learn to read you've already got all the money in the world if you could read now sky's the limit by the way it's really hard for him too you know you're not asking him to like cut his mile time which you know maybe is something that he would like really latch on to you're asking him to face his worst demon yeah you know he should have lied instead he's dyslexic and just got right out all that be a little bit like man tar for me to even make out what's on i don't know if he should have lied and said he was dyslexic And just got right out of all that He would be like, man, it's hard for me to even make out what's on my hand
Starting point is 00:46:06 I don't know those, I don't know if you can't read And then he like donates 20 grand To the dyslexia center of America Or whatever the fuck, and makes 50 cent look like a jerk Yeah, and all of a sudden, if you're making fun of him You're making fun of someone with a disability That's what the Diaz brothers have Like, oh yeah
Starting point is 00:46:22 That fucked up speech pattern thing The Diaz's do, you know? Like, they're not... I don't see them as disabled people. I see them as people who kind of freeze up on the mic. And suddenly they've turned it into, like, well, I have a speaking disorder. You're really making fun of a handicapped person. And people will leap to their defense constantly.
Starting point is 00:46:46 And that's just how it goes. Yeah, but those are the things holding him back. So not only is it a different sport, so the UFC doesn't have a fire in the poker. Or a fire poker in the fire. That's under debate, by the way. The UFC would tell you that you're wrong. It is under debate, but I'm confident that Conor's lawyers will be able to get him right on through that.
Starting point is 00:47:08 It just seems like a different fucking sport. You know, I guess it depends on the wording of these UFC contract. I don't fully understand the Ali Act. Yeah, I don't know. Maybe if it just said combat sports, but I got a feeling it says mixed martial arts, not the sport of boxing, which is its own thing, as you know. So, like, I think he's going to be free and clear. And he doesn't want the UFC in this. He doesn't need them.
Starting point is 00:47:31 He doesn't want to split the pie with them. He's got Conor McGregor promotions now, right, his own promotion thing. And that's what the other thing I was going to say that I like about Floyd, besides his gambling, is that he immediately said, I'm not going to be a Tyson. I'm not going to be an Ali. There's not going to be some guy back there pulling my strings and making me dance for his show. I'm not going to go perform in someone else's circus. I'm the ringmaster. I collect the tickets. I collect the money. I dance with the elephant. I jump through the hoops. I'm the fucking fucking show so why should there be anybody else and he gets this massive cut of the the profits because he's promoting the thing and he's putting
Starting point is 00:48:08 on the show he's the one who rents out the building that they fight in you know it's it's amazing that he put that all together because i don't think mayweather actually has an illiterate man yeah i don't think he has any management skills there must be somebody i presume very trustworthy in his world who's running this business for him i don't, but that's a good point. Yeah. Yeah. Like, you know, like, like you said, oh, you know, he's got Mayweather Productions. Well, shit, I could fire up Woodworth Productions in six days. Yeah, but he's got employees. Yeah, but my business would be shit. It'd be empty. It'd be name only, right? He has something
Starting point is 00:48:40 that actually works. Conor fired up McGregor Productions. I think that's what it's called. that actually works. Connor fired up McGregor Productions, I think that's what it's called. you know, but what is it exactly? He's not prepared to run a pay-per-view event. Like, he just started an LLC or whatever it is he started. I think when you're as big as him, like, the show comes to you. I feel like
Starting point is 00:48:57 there's, like, people calling his representation, his agent being like, look, I'm Max Steinberg and, you know, I represent the Jimmy farelli brothers and and we rent out arenas all over the country and we promote shows and we have this many like social media plugs and we have this much like radio and this is how we put on a show like you hire and he's like oh i like how you do things i'm gonna copy you i don't want to hire you i'm gonna copy you though and i'm gonna hire that guy that works for you. Yeah, come on. You're part of McGregor Productions. Be smart.
Starting point is 00:49:29 Somehow Mayweather managed to not hire Don King. He walked through a land minefield. Land minefield. Minefield. Minefield. There we go. Thank you so much. A land field. He walked through kind of like a beachy area with things underground.
Starting point is 00:49:48 He walked through a minefield and managed not to step on any mines. And there's tons of people in this world ready to steal from illiterate athletes. And somehow it didn't happen to him. So maybe he was smart enough to hire, like, all right, you're my accountant. And you're the accountant who watches my accountant. And you set things up like that. I've often thought to myself, like, myself like i want to be that guy like that'd be a fun career for me like hey you know what tom brady listen like i don't know who's managing your money or anything but how about i be the guy that watches the people that manage your money i'll be honest
Starting point is 00:50:18 you know i'll let you know where stuff is going and you give me a bonus if i ever come to you with something yeah i get i get 5% of whatever malfeasance I catch. And then you work with the people handling his money to pull off a huge amount of fraud. Then you report it to the double agent. Oh, switcheroo.
Starting point is 00:50:37 We're both in league together the whole time. Yeah. Kansas City Shuffle. It'll be interesting to see where these guys land So Dana White is convinced That Mayweather's going to be broke And you'd think he can't be But we all thought that about Tyson too
Starting point is 00:50:52 Somehow he managed to You know, you get a divorce You have a few tigers and a mansion And you can spend out of your money It's hard to take a finance class if you can't read That's a strong point Mayweather Mayweather charters separate planes to carry all his
Starting point is 00:51:09 luggage like when you do shit like that you burn through cash but he doesn't own that's a whole new level of stupid no it's not because he doesn't own those planes like tyson i think tyson bought like some tens of million dollar like lear jets or some shit like like he's he's renting them which is you know he's blowing like a hundred thousand dollars you know uh every couple months or something on some kind of trip like that but he's not blowing eight million or something or the fuel costs alone get get him and then the maintenance and stuff like tyson really got fucked but you're right everybody anybody can go broke i just think he's got so goddamn much money he's got three four hundred million in the bank and he's got like i don't know he could it seems like he could go out anywhere and write a book or do a promotion
Starting point is 00:51:52 or do an exhibition or something and make himself a couple million here or there like it seems like a made man yeah it seems like it would be hard to go broke like you'd have to be like intentionally irresponsible it seems like you have to intentionally make bad purchases and be like hey do we want to bring one jet well you're only allowed two carry-ons on this one and you've got 600 bags all right just bring another jet you don't want to just like buy a new coat in atlanta when you arrive no whole other plane bring it my god yeah i i who was the guy who got caught with weed on the plane was it wesley snipes i'm mixing it up i forget snl did
Starting point is 00:52:33 this great thing they're like you are worth 19 million dollars when you're worth 19 million dollars buy weed when you get there don't bring it on the plane. Yeah. That seems like a sharp move right there. How much could this weed have been worth that it was worth putting on a plane? Do you guys have any insight on this? So if I needed to get a knife home, it wouldn't be so crazy to like. Just put it in your checked luggage and it's home. There's that. I've had a knife on, I don't know how many carry-ons in the teens.
Starting point is 00:53:04 And twice I've got caught, usually because i don't plan it um like i just have a knife in my backpack and i'm on the plane i'm like oh fuck it's still here or um anyway i could talk about nice but uh i get through most of the time if you have do people bring weed on planes? I remember. Yeah, they do. It's like a bad idea. They do. So the TSA doesn't look for it. They're not interested in it. And I remember when we went to PAX in Seattle, a YouTuber who shall not be known just rolled a bunch of blunts up,
Starting point is 00:53:39 stuck them in his front pocket, and walked on in there and flew across the country into another airport walked out of the airport went got took him out of his front pocket and he was smoking him the whole trip you'd see him smoking his blunts over there and you could even stink up the whole outside i'll type to you who it was yeah i'm really curious i have a guess. I have two guesses, actually. That was my second guess. He's the man. He gave no fucks. It was just right there.
Starting point is 00:54:13 They were great, but I think you could smell them. He had this great whole pack of Swisher blunts. Like cigarillos. They were weed. I have another story about him that I just love, but I feel like if I tell it, then people might put one and one together.
Starting point is 00:54:31 Yeah, he'd probably be proud of this story, and he'd be like, yeah, I don't give a fuck. He'd be like, I smuggled that shit right through. I don't care. It's his story to tell, though. Yeah, of course. I wouldn't tell his fucking story. I'm really excited for when
Starting point is 00:54:46 I feel like weed's not going to continue to get legalized at the rate that we've seen it so far where it's like, oh, a little smattering of a couple states here and then, oh, another one over here. At some point, there's going to be a cascade, I feel like, where the remaining however many
Starting point is 00:55:02 states or a big group is going to be like, alright, we are just being stupid at this point because, you know, Illinois has got it legalized and then Kentucky legalized it, and so all these Missourians are just driving out of state and spending their money somewhere else. We've got to make sure we're bringing people here. It just seems so logical. Maine just legalized recreational marijuana.
Starting point is 00:55:22 Maine. Good for Maine. And then Massachusetts has – I think Maine is a purple state. I think you'd accurately describe them as purple. I'm not sure, though. Well, Trump took that one rep that was from the district. And the others went blue. So, sure.
Starting point is 00:55:36 Purple to me. I think they got recreational there. And I think in Joe's state of Massachusetts, it's either medical or rec. I thought it was rec. Florida's getting medical you know that's that's the first southern state although of course it's florida it's not it's not southern yeah it's different all right um you know but but it's right there in the you know attached to us you know it's going to bleed over into georgia and alabama it will change if nothing else then then it'll create the situation that taylor just described where people from Georgia or politicians from Georgia are like, you know, everyone's just driving 30 miles south.
Starting point is 00:56:10 You know, like we should consider legalizing it. North Carolina, it hasn't even been on the radar. We're very Republican dominated, not in the voter base, but in the because of the gerrymandering and our politicians are like 70 percent. So it's just not even on our radar. We're still trying to get people in the right bathrooms like we're way we're not figure it out that's so funny that they like they even made a big deal about that like like if we if we just had never addressed this issue and just kept leaving it to be the honor system of bathroom codes of hey if you have to take a
Starting point is 00:56:43 shit go take a shit and hopefully it's the right one like it would have been fine but no it's like it so they call it the bathroom bill and i swear like like it's a bit of optics going on when they when they describe it as a bathroom problem because what they also did is they made it elite they made it legal to discriminate based on sexual orientation and and sex life and things like that. And that's really the bigger, no one talks about that. No one says, oh, if you're gay, you can get fired for being gay now. That's not a thing that they just say, oh, it's about bathroom usage.
Starting point is 00:57:16 It's not. That's a tiny little thing that has all the optics. The real issue is in North Carolina now, it's like it hurts your career to be gay. And, you know, I think everyone agrees that's crazy and wrong, right? How does it hurt?
Starting point is 00:57:35 Oh, you're allowed to fire people. You can get fired for being gay. That's ridiculous. In the bathroom bill, that's actually the core thing of it. That now, sexual orientation and all that fun stuff uh you employers are allowed to discriminate based on it that's the the core of that bill they act like it's about bathroom selection but that's optics and they've done a great job with their optics like when they make like a bill that's just about censoring the internet or getting you to look at more ads and they call it
Starting point is 00:58:05 like the anti-child abuse and no more poor not child porn bill and it's like you wouldn't be against that would you right monster it's like well really you're speaking some sketchy stuff about our internet on here that's the thing masquerading it around is protecting children the um what's it called when everyone has the same internet speed? I'm losing the term for it. Net neutrality. Network neutrality. That is expected to go.
Starting point is 00:58:34 The major network neutrality opponent, the person who said that internet companies should charge for different speeds, he's now head of the FCC. That's one of the Trump things i really don't like yeah yeah i don't think we like the fcc thing very much um i don't know we'll have to see what decisions he makes when when it's up to him and it seems like he's reasonable honestly so far it doesn't seem no surprises i'm sorry to cut you off. Like, he hasn't done anything that...
Starting point is 00:59:07 So when W took office, right, one of the first things he did was he changed his mind about whether it was okay to have anthrax in the water. He says, you know what? A little anthrax, it's cool. And we're like, dude, this was like one of the things you ran on. Like, this is a thing that you repeated at all your campaign stops. Step one in your campaign was to backtrack, or in your term was to backpack backtrack on it trump i i don't accuse him of backtracking on anything there's nothing he hasn't locked hillary
Starting point is 00:59:35 up yet fair point okay that actually i think is a fair example you know he might be working on it though i imagine him like having high level meetings where he's like, are you sure we can't do it? I promised. I really want to lock her up. And you're like, sir, we'd have to really burn a lot of bridges to take Mrs. Clinton alive. it and he hasn't but but by and large i'm finding most of the things he's doing the muslim ban um i haven't seen it yet but i'm expecting him to put in a pro-life supreme court justice um oh he announced it um it is it that gorge guy i'm bad with names i i don't know which one it is you know he had it narrowed down to two and he literally had them both come to fucking washington dc it's the apprentice version of choosing a Supreme Court judge. I think they're probably both federal district
Starting point is 01:00:30 court judges or something like that. These aren't... I read about Neil Gorsuch. Me and names. Because I just wanted to be educated, even before tonight's show. He's conservative. he's mostly
Starting point is 01:00:45 reasonable he's never talked about um being pro-life or pro-choice which helps him get in but there are a bunch of other things he talked about and he really doesn't do separation of church and state so um that would imply to me like someone who's so pro-religion would probably be pro-life. And then Trump promised he'd put a pro-life guy in there. So that's kind of a thing. So, yeah, apparently this guy is predicted to get right in. And he'll be everything that Trump said he was. You know, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:01:26 Sometimes Americans forget how powerful the Supreme Court is, and I'm no different. I think of it as like, oh, they're the one who decides about abortion. That's the thing. That's like their job. It's nine-tenths of it, really. Every day they meet, and they're like, legal or not? I'll vote it again. you know, every time this is Supreme Court justice, that's like the question.
Starting point is 01:01:44 What's going to happen to this? I was going to call it a right. I don't know what to call it. But, you know, freedom, medical procedure, you know, pick your... Murder. Murder. Yeah, whatever you want to call it. Yeah, pick your poison just like your abortionist.
Starting point is 01:01:59 Yeah. So, but yeah, so, but it won't change. It won't flip it. He needs another one. Because really he's replacing Scalia who was already pro-life yeah he might get a couple more like you know there's a Ruth uh Bader Ginsburg or whatever fucking name is like a thousand years old and then there's a second one who's also like 70s or 80s or some shit like it's possible he gets three total um
Starting point is 01:02:21 which would really reshape the court um because, you know, right now he's replacing a conservative. You know, that was the fear with Obama's appointment, even though Obama picked a guy who was kind of right up the middle and would have gotten bipartisan support. You know, that's got to be one of the biggest fucking gambles of all time that the Republicans made in not confirming Obama's pick with Trump coming down the barrel, if you think about it. Because Obama puts that guy up for consideration for the Supreme Court seat, and he's right down the middle. You know, he's someone that the GOP could get on board with. He's not ideal.
Starting point is 01:02:54 He's not a conservative, but he's not a flaming liberal either. They're like, no, we're going to roll the dice. We're going to see if we can hit like triple sixes here and get our own appointment, who's going to be a pro-life guy. Yeah, they're going for Yahtzee. Yeah, they're going for Yahtzee. It makes me sad, though. I don't like it.
Starting point is 01:03:13 Obama was supposed to be able to... To say that he only had, whatever it was, 250 days left, and therefore he shouldn't be able to appoint a justice, is just wrong. It broke a record of delay going back to the 1800s. It was really extreme. And then even that was a special case. I heard them saying that there was a rule that presidents,
Starting point is 01:03:37 not a real rule, but sort of an observed tradition, if you will, in politics that the president wouldn't select a Supreme Court justice in their last year or something like that. And they pointed out the president, it went back to, I guess the feeling is that he's making a hugely, he's really influencing the entire national political scene and it's his last, you know, he's trailing off, he's about to leave office. I don't feel like he should have that input I don't feel like he represents
Starting point is 01:04:07 the feelings of the American people at that moment or the most recent ones maybe Obama was elected four years ago maybe I mean I see how that makes sense but I also
Starting point is 01:04:22 well this is what we have regardless of any of that that's what I heard them saying I heard the opposite I see how that makes sense, but I also understand why he would be upset. Regardless of any of that, that's what I heard them saying. I heard the opposite. I read it and they went through all the things and there was one other lengthy one, but they actually, like it took
Starting point is 01:04:36 a second or third justice to get past. So it wasn't like they were denying hearing it. This was the longest ever that anyone just covered their ears and said, la la la, going back to like the 1800s. And then, then there was some special car, like it was something new. And I don't agree that like the last year of your term, we're not talking about like after you got voted out, cause that's a special thing. Like if you've already like lost your reelection bid, the people have spoken, then there might be some, um, you know, civility,
Starting point is 01:05:04 like, like, look, I got voted out. The people said their thing. I'm kind of not obeying my constituents by doing it after I lost. This was not the case. He had a year left on his presidential term. He's still our president. And to be like, ah, you know what? You might lose the reelection.
Starting point is 01:05:21 No, not even you might lose. You're lame duck. But your party might not win a year from now. Therefore are you, no, not even you might lose your lame duck, but your party might not win a year from now. Therefore you're done ruling. Like that's not how our system has ever worked or works. We have a president and he gets to choose the justice. And, and I think all of us probably, well, with the gun thing, we all agree. It's just where we are. I think we all want things to stay pro-choice and we all want things to stay pro-gun. It seems like you can't have both.
Starting point is 01:05:48 Yeah. One thing that I don't know about is using federal taxpayer money for the abortions. Whenever I get an abortion, I pay for it right out of my pocket. Sure, sure. And I expect the same from everyone else. It's like my grocery bill. You ever had to come up with $500?
Starting point is 01:06:03 Every fucking week I do. everyone else. Oh, it's like my grocery. You ever had to come up with $500 every fucking week. I do. Um, I was joking.
Starting point is 01:06:11 Scott, Scott, Scott said, you know, for, for instead of condoms, he would use plan B. And I was always like,
Starting point is 01:06:18 well, sometimes there's always plan C, you know, that's there too. Don't forget. Dude. Sometimes we book appointments just to stay on the calendar. Cause you know, sometimes it's hard to get into. It's easier to cancel. Don't forget. Dude, sometimes we book appointments just to stay on the calendar. Because, you know. Sometimes it's hard to get into.
Starting point is 01:06:27 It's easier to cancel. Yeah, exactly. There's a long waiting line down there. It's a good place to pick up chicks. Right. Right. Oftentimes they're. Vulnerable people.
Starting point is 01:06:36 They're oftentimes coming right. Just coming out of a rocky relationship. Yep. There you go. If you don't want anything long term. If you just want to be a rebound guy against. With a girl who's proven to put out, abortion clinics is the place to be.
Starting point is 01:06:48 They just came up with $500 in a pinch, so maybe they'd like a meal paid for at this juncture. Yeah, they weren't planning on that. And the most important thing to number one right here is they are pro-abortion, guarantee it. Exactly, yes. They put out and they're pro-choice. It's a real win.
Starting point is 01:07:08 I go to this abortion like the rallies and I try to just slide on in there with those ladies and make myself at home. That's a good place to mingle. I can't imagine a worse place. A more uncomfortable place.
Starting point is 01:07:28 Hey there, ladies. It's funny. We pretty squarely disagree on the candidates, but we pretty squarely agree on most of the issues, too. I guess it's just a matter of prioritization. Of course. It's what Bill Burr says at the beginning of that special. I don't know if we mentioned that the special is recorded pre-election determination. So he's like, oh, we have to choose between, you know, a dopey racist and the devil. And I like that comparison because I guess that's kind of what we have. It's pretty accurate.
Starting point is 01:08:04 I went to... I thought there was a break. I went to this airport, and the guy said that exactly. He was like, you know, Jesus isn't running this election. Can't vote for Jesus this time around. But the devil is. The devil's running. And it was like, damn.
Starting point is 01:08:21 I like that. That's a good one. Yeah. Trump should have used that. That would have worked great on him. Christ isn't here tonight, ladies and gentlemen. He's not in this race. But Satan is.
Starting point is 01:08:32 Satan is in this race and I feel him every time I'm on the stage with Hillary Clinton. I can feel it in my bones. I can feel the presence of evil. I smell the brimstone on her breath. They said that about Obama. If you look closely, she has a forked tongue.
Starting point is 01:08:50 You get the crowd rolling. Obama did a, like he was helping campaign for Hillary and he's like, you know, they say I'm the devil. They say I smell like sulfur.
Starting point is 01:09:01 I don't think so. Look, I like Obama. I think even the people who don't like his term who feel like he did nothing or the things he did were wrong mostly feel like nah but I wouldn't hate him at the barbecue you know he's not such a bad guy those wings
Starting point is 01:09:19 they're delicious I'll redistribute them to my mouth redistribute them to my mouth. Redistribute them to my mouth. Take them off. That's what Obama would be doing at his barbecue, is he would be worrying about how to divide up the one
Starting point is 01:09:35 tray of wings when anyone else would just order more wings. Make sure everyone has things immediately at your barbecue. You'd be trying to get rid of that guy. He'd take it off your plate, put them on some other fuckers. I have an issue with the way Trump's immediately your barbecue you'd be trying to get rid of that guy he's like he likes taking off your plate putting them on some other fuckers i have an issue with the way trump's handling like next gen energy i don't know why republicans hate solar and wind so much
Starting point is 01:09:53 like it other countries are moving to it like a hundred percent the efficiency is like skyrocketing there's something like 98 better than they were 10 years ago. All these countries are doing it. It's working for them. It's endless supply. It's so wonderful. I think it's more expensive than some of the other things. That's kind of romanticizing it a bit. I think it's more expensive currently,
Starting point is 01:10:16 but the trend is very clear. In my head, this is the next computer. America won computers in the 70s and 80s and we've been benefiting for the last 30 40 years right it's been great someone's going to win energy and they're gonna they're gonna benefit from it for the next 40 years or so and if with trump as our president i think there's a really good chance it's not us. China wins solar. They're going to be where all the solar cells come from. It's just going to be a known thing.
Starting point is 01:10:57 I think that's unfortunate. Unless Elon Musk gets his ear and explains. I hope you're right. I feel like Trump is open to reasonable information. We saw that with the torture thing, certainly. He's like, look, I believe that if you drown somebody, they'll tell you what the fuck you want to know. I just believe it. Because if you drown me, I'd tell you all kinds of shit. I would. I'd just tell you.
Starting point is 01:11:16 I'd tell you what I paid him, and then I didn't pay any taxes because it's true. If you start drowning Trump, he knows he'd give you some secrets. So he's like, look, I believe in it. But this guy's a fucking general. That's he does he's tortured people before and he tells me it doesn't work so i'm gonna lean on him for this i hope he does the same thing when elon musk says sir where you know we're falling behind the the chinks are catching up on us like he just throws everybody's like oh elon i can't believe you said he's like trust me I got him he's like we're on the same page now just just go with this why are you wearing that hood Elon just just go with it I know my audience yeah yeah no I hope you're right Elon Musk I'm really glad he's
Starting point is 01:12:00 working for America and Yeah. But anyway, it does scare me a little bit. Did I lose you guys? I feel like I lost Kyle. No, Kyle broke up for a sec. Anyway, it does worry me a little bit that we get the Exxon guy to be Secretary of State. We get the guy with like... I don't want to exaggerate, but I thought he already had like 600 concurrent
Starting point is 01:12:22 lawsuits with the EPA. We're running the EPA now. There's another example too. I guess Rick Perry in charge of energy. And it's like, all right, you know, I guess we're not doing the whole green thing anymore. But again, he never said he was the green guy. He said he was the coal guy.
Starting point is 01:12:42 He said he was the money guy. He's going to make America first again. And everybody likes hearing that. And the people who don't like it, green guy he said he was the coal guy said he was the money guy you're gonna get make america first again and and that's everybody likes hearing that and the people who don't like it i don't like those people you know anybody who's like oh america first you say well what about everyone else this is a planet we live on it's like all right maybe in 200 years in star trek times we can start thinking like like that but right now a lot of the rest of the planet is pretty fucking backward and evil and uh and and their version of how life works doesn't mesh with ours totally incompatible and by the way we have good trading partners who i'm happy to be friends
Starting point is 01:13:16 like i i don't know if everyone's impacted the same way but the whole uk great britain people when they were there for us in iraq when nobody else well everyone else was like what the fuck they didn't they didn't do 9-11 they don't have weapons of mass destruction britain was like ah fuck it i'm still in britain's on our team uh canada i feel like canada's on our team even though they weren't there uh they were in iraq i kind of remember them i thought they were i would need to check then. Maybe I'm thinking of Afghanistan. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:13:47 Yeah, maybe. They were definitely in one of them. But I still think, you know, there's a couple, right? You know, UK, Canada, a few more. Europeans probably. I do remember that coalition was pretty pitiful. When he was like, we have a proud coalition. That we are proud to lead into the nation of Iraq.
Starting point is 01:14:04 To fight these evildoers. And this axis of evil. And it was like, we have a proud coalition that we are proud to lead into the nation of Iraq to fight these evildoers and this axis of evil. And it was like, oh, really? Who do you have? And it was like, the Philippines. And it's like, wait, what are they sending? What is the Philippines? And like some of those countries weren't even sending like manpower or materiel. They were like sending water.
Starting point is 01:14:19 Yeah. Yeah. I remember the UK. So the UK sent a good amount of people. They actually did real fighting. Yeah. Of course, America sent a lot amount of people. They actually did real fighting. Of course, America sent a lot of people. We did most of the fighting. And then Australia sent like a dozen people.
Starting point is 01:14:32 Like, we got boots on the ground. We're on your team. Thanks. Thanks. That's in the case of boomerangs. Yeah. Now we have like special diets to deal with. You know, KBR, handle it.
Starting point is 01:14:44 And that's that. I don't know. They didn't do with. KBR, handle it. And that's that. I don't know. They didn't do much. They weren't really there. Yeah. I remember thinking, oh, man, this is a weak coalition. He couldn't beg, borrow, and steal a France up out of somewhere.
Starting point is 01:14:58 He couldn't get Belgium on board. Couldn't get Belgium on board. Yeah, like somebody. Get the Netherlands in on this. Let's get somebody we've heard of before. You think he tried to talk to Swaziland in Africa so that he could say it quickly, and people would be like, oh, Switzerland's on board.
Starting point is 01:15:12 They never know that. Swaziland. They say it funny in Texas. That's great. All right, we should probably call it a wrap. Yeah. All right, PKN, I mean to say, episode 129. That's great Alright we should probably call it a wrap Alright PKA PKN I mean to say Episode 129
Starting point is 01:15:29 It was a good show

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