Painkiller Already - PKN #134

Episode Date: March 17, 2017

It's PKN time baby! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Oh, that was perfect. That was perfect. You're really good at this. I can feel it. It's all that playing of magic. You're very into auras and energies. And I've been watching all these YouTube videos about quantum mechanics, and I'm starting to wonder if they apply on a macro scale, and perhaps that I can influence the cards.
Starting point is 00:00:20 Like, is the card there and not there simultaneously? And through thinking hard enough, maybe I can change what it is that is the card there and not there simultaneously and through thinking hard enough maybe i can i can i can change what it is probably never probably never since probably not but maybe when you were a kid because i know i did this at least a couple times and i was like eight nine ten is like i'd watch a movie with someone with telekinesis and i would just kind of be like see like a little pokemon figurine across the room and be like, maybe, maybe. And then just. Oh, my gosh. No.
Starting point is 00:00:51 One of my great childhood disappointments was figuring out that I had no superpowers. And I went through the whole litany, you know, like, like, of course, I was too old for Harry Potter. But, you know, I do the equivalent, like, um, Lengardium Leviosa no okay just hoping you know just hoping you know try some Jedi shit is that is that Angela Answorth's spell from uh Bedknobs and Broomsticks I always hated that show I don't know but but why did you just come up with that magic spell Lengardium Leviosa harry potter okay yeah and uh but yeah you know like like uh bewitched i was young enough to watch bewitched and just be like yes okay okay just checking just checking thought maybe it'd work
Starting point is 00:01:36 so yeah my darren that could be my bitch and just do my darrens for me it was just a real disappointment i tried to fly there was a tv show called greatest american hero and uh you guys probably don't know it but he found this uh like suit that gave him magic powers and he tried to fly and basically he tried just by sort of jumping jumping and this little kid goes no you have to take two or three steps first you know you don't just jump up you sort of run and jump he does that and now he's flying but like out of control and and you know a terror so i was like all right two or three steps that was the key you know and it didn't fly so i like went way down the list of superpowers where like it would start with like telekinesis like sitting at home like okay well
Starting point is 00:02:25 you know what taylor even most of the x-men don't have that one so it's okay pull it back you know i can't control metal i've already tried and then you go through the list until eventually i'm standing on my my playground at my grade school and we didn't have mulch in the area it was wood chips and not the little wood chips they kept they were scimitars, goblin scimitars laying around, and I tried to throw them at people because I got all the way down the list to the bullseye ability of maybe I can throw these goddamn wood chips better than the other kids. And I couldn't even do that. Couldn't even do that.
Starting point is 00:02:57 But man, that was a huge oversight for grade school because everything looks like a knife or a sword to a young boy, and people would get poked and stabbed with these things in little battles all the time and the teachers never fixed it ever there's you know that's what's wrong with this next generation they got mulch not big wood chips they never had to fight and defend themselves yeah i definitely attempted uh telekinesis uh throughout childhood because don't know. I remember I watched this movie called Powder where this kid, it's about this
Starting point is 00:03:30 kid. He's like, he's got no skin. What is it? Melanin? At all. He's like completely white. He's bald too, right? He's bald too, yeah. And there's something special about him. I was a child when I watched it and so I don't really remember.
Starting point is 00:03:45 But I think he had telekinesis or something. And I remember thinking, like, oh, well, see, that was just a regular fucking guy who was just kind of a freak of nature. And he was just, you know, he just gained these powers through some natural shit. And so I just remember being in my bedroom looking at, like, the pull chain on like the fan or whatever and because you know that'd be easy you know just tink and it'll move and just looking at it just going just really concentrating hard and trying to just just trying to influence things the tiniest amount and like after like really concentrating and picturing it i yeah i was like no this shit doesn't work and you start going like like gritting and just trying to blow on it.
Starting point is 00:04:27 Yeah. I watched that scene in The Matrix like 80 times in a row where the kid's like, there is no spoon. And the spoon fucking melts like butter. Yeah, it doesn't work. I remember that. I tried to like, hmm. Mom's mad and I can tell.
Starting point is 00:04:41 Maybe I can read minds, right? Maybe it's like a low-grade kind of, like, you know, mind reading that I have going on here. But no, actually, it's just normal perception. Reading people's minds is really easy. They tend to forecast what they're feeling on their face. If you know
Starting point is 00:04:58 where to look, you know? I have the ability to read human emotion. Right? Then I'd dial it back to something less interesting like well maybe i'm uh really good at math right maybe i'm like extraordinarily good at math because as a young guy i seem to do better than most kids no no just kind of regular and then uh it's like well maybe i have the magic power of being able to do two things at one time
Starting point is 00:05:21 right like you know tv and radio on listen to both uh stuff like that right no writing with each i just just like everyone else i text and drive and i'm shittier at both when i see that i'm fascinated by that level of like by texting and driving you mean yeah i don't mean for it when i see someone who can literally write two different things simultaneously with each hand like like, really well. Like, there was the guy on the Discovery Channel that they show those idiot savants who are, like, incredibly talented in one little area of learning. But then they, like, have, they're crippled socially or something like that. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:58 This guy is, like, he's, like, writing two completely different things. He's, like, quoting Shakespeare in Latin with his right hand, and he's writing like a French poem with his left hand. It's outrageous. I'll dial it back from there. I'm impressed when Al Franken draws that map of the country. Right? I'm blown away. That's how you govern right there.
Starting point is 00:06:20 He should just go out there next to Trump like Trump's like this going all blowhard mode and in the background He's drawing a real big picture the United States Dude, our next president is gonna- Everybody else in the government knows when Al Franken goes up there and they're like Don't you pick up that dry erase don't you pick up that dry erase and then they see him pick up the dry erase and start Like drawing mane and they're like Jesus fucking Christ We've seen this so many times Al Oh my god just pull the string
Starting point is 00:06:44 Stop now I know where you're going with this Jesus fucking I've seen this so many times Al Oh my god just pull the string Stop now I know where you're going with this If the United States just pull the string We have a map we put a map in So that we can shut you down when you try and do this little drawing thing Our next president is going to be that PKA fan Blaze who does the magic Alright
Starting point is 00:06:57 Jack of hearts It's not even a card Woody Jack of spades Five of spades Jack of spades is a card Jack of spades even a card, Woody! Jack of spades! Which is just as fucked up! Five of spades. Jack of spades is a card. Jack of spades is a card. Yeah, Jack of hearts is a card. Three for three by my count.
Starting point is 00:07:11 For some reason I had Jack as a suit in my head. And I ruined it. That's a double messed up. Anyway, dude, so Trump! I watched that show you were talking about with the Savant thing. I wanted to talk about that for a sec. That's better. Try better. There is a... I don't know if it's the same one you're talking about, Kyle the savant thing i wanted to talk about that for a sec because that's better it's probably better there is a i don't know if it's the same one
Starting point is 00:07:27 you're talking about kyle but this is from years ago there was one where it was this guy who could just like literally a photographic memory of like it was like he could take snapshots of things he was debilitatingly anti-social he couldn't function in society icelandic in a day it wasn't him he he was a guy who was he could draw anything from memory they took him in a day? It wasn't him. He was a guy who was – he could draw anything from memory. They took him in a helicopter, flew him, like, over an area of London or something ridiculous. And they showed the site from the helicopter where they told him, like, all right, this is where you're going to be drawing from. And they just had him stay up there for a second. They took a picture for posterity so they could compare his drawing.
Starting point is 00:08:02 Then they went back and he drew it. a picture for posterity so they could compare his drawing then they went back and he drew it and it was to the point where like when you'd zoom in on this and this is like multiple city blocks multiple fucking city blocks and you could zoom in and be like oh he got the right see this is the only window here that didn't have dressing because the person must have moved out he remembered that he remembered that these two people had different kinds of flowers and how many of each they had and watching it it was so baffling i was like this is bullshit no way no way like this is that's literally a superpower like you could sneak that guy into the pentagon and be like hey jerry just like click your temple or whatever and just get out of here like yeah i uh i like the guy there was the guy you might have seen that that went and learned icelandic
Starting point is 00:08:42 in like a day um apparently icelandic is the most difficult language to learn. And when you listen to it, it doesn't seem to flow like most languages do. I can pick most languages out if I hear them. I can definitely recognize Spanish and German and French and Russian. And I'm certainly not going to pick out Mandarin versus Vietnamese necessarily, but I'll know there's something up there. But in this instance, I just couldn't. Oh, I lost my train of thought.
Starting point is 00:09:12 They don't even use the same alphabet, do they? The Icelandic people? Yes, exactly. They had like extra letters and extra vowel sounds or something like that. So they flew this guy over there. Again, he was completely socially crippled. And he goes over there and learns the fucking language in like a day and and to the point where like the next night after he's arrived there he has to go on national
Starting point is 00:09:35 icelandic television to be interviewed as a genius so they interview him in icelandic you know like tell us how smart you are and he goes and then he just starts speaking in fluent Icelandic and explaining to them all the things. Pardon my Icelandic. I started 18 hours ago. Yeah, that's what it was. It seems like a scam. It seems like you just wouldn't be exposed to that many words in a day.
Starting point is 00:09:58 I don't recall how he was doing it, but I don't remember if this was the guy who was doing it this way, but I've definitely seen a guy who was doing two books simultaneously, and he's doing some sort of quad-page reading thing. I feel like that's not a thing. Yeah, these guys' brains don't work like ours. I even know it when I was taking Italian in college.
Starting point is 00:10:21 I'm no language genius, but if my teacher, whatever the fuck her name was, said something real slow, like suitipiano, whatever the fuck, what is your name? God, I didn't learn much. If she said it really slow, teus, yamo?
Starting point is 00:10:39 Como sedice, whatever. I don't know. And if she said it real slow, I could be like, okay, so I need to say this first and then this and then that and then I'm gonna wrap the whole thing up right there but when she would like do our test our speaking tests she would start talking like she was an upset Italian mother and I'd be like oh my god like no no no no no no no we practiced this and that sentence takes 10 times as long to say you say it again you know don't say it 10 times more that fast like I just don't think you could do it like i there's no way that a super genius who only knew mandarin
Starting point is 00:11:09 could learn english in a day and then hold a cogent conversation with me or either of you because he just wouldn't have the same exposure to the words like you were saying buddy like he it wouldn't matter like he would just know the basics like he could say like ah where does the clown go to the bathroom and ah i love red balloons and things like that but if you asked him like so how do you feel about iceland's current policy restricting immigration he's gonna be like ah give me three days i will get back to you like that that's almost that's unbelievable like it's literally unbelievable there's no way you can learn a language in one day let me find the video i know there's a clip but there's i just don't believe it it's got to be a scam or maybe he was like
Starting point is 00:11:48 secretly learning it ahead of time yeah yeah i could easily find a guy who pretends not to know icelandic and then hold a conversation tomorrow like ah ah here's the i was wrong he learned in a week a week then it Okay, I don't... Maybe. Now it's just really impressive, perhaps. I don't know. I really don't know. It went from obvious bullshit to...
Starting point is 00:12:12 I don't know, a week. I guess if you're really good at it, I don't know. Only a fool would believe Icelandic in a day, but a week. Yeah, exactly. I don't know. Maybe they pulled something off.
Starting point is 00:12:24 Dude, I want to talk Trump. I read about it every day. I'll open it this way. I voted for W the first time, but I wasn't really on the W train. I was just like, I think I like him more than Gore. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:12:39 He had this thing about private schools I thought was really cool. Then he lost me and never got me back within like i don't know four or six weeks i keep wondering like if you guys are gonna have that with trump at some point like we have been in like nearly 50 days of perpetual self-induced crisis right every fucking day he ruins it he like we haven't even had a thing yet. We haven't had any budgets pass. We haven't had any foreign like problems. We just have unforced errors about five times a week. It's just him splashing around and shit and splattering it all over all
Starting point is 00:13:20 the white suited people who are there to watch the show it's he's just in a big mud pen just slapping mud pies around and watching the everybody's like everybody's missing everything because it's like trump like what he does is he'll say something that is wrong but there's some like there's a tendril of truth in there and then what people will say like the whole uh obama wire tapped me thing where it's like well not no there's not evidence of that you know what you should have said is that he you know uh requisitioned visa fafsa whatever the fuck to try and get uh surveillance on the trump you know i don't think he did that campaign it was uh it was his administration uh or the c the doj under him and so basically it's basically like Trump saying something that's wrong,
Starting point is 00:14:06 but there is a tendril of truth in there. And then the other side says, not only is all of that wrong, but it's 100% based in falsehood. There's no tendril of truth. And so then the people on the right more so look at it and say, and of course you have a confirmation bias, so you fixate like, ah, of course he said the wrong thing there but you have to look into what he's implying and then the
Starting point is 00:14:28 people on the left will go well no it's totally bunk and there's no truth to it whatsoever and people are just out of a lock because more than one thing can be true he literally said like this guy is sick you know he was talking about Obama right
Starting point is 00:14:44 and apparently it came from a Breitbart report. And people on the left, I guess like me, look at Breitbart and say, you know, if you see something on Breitbart, you need another source. You need some sort of confirmation on it. He disagrees with you so
Starting point is 00:14:59 strongly that he made Bannon his chief strategist over there. Right? Because Breitbart literally publishes bullshit all the time, right? It has certainly published a lot of bullshit. Milo was a senior editor there. Well, I don't know
Starting point is 00:15:16 what that means, though. I see Breitbart the same way as Alex Jones, where it's like even a broken clock is right twice a day. I agree. And then they will take something Alex Jones will go somewhere where he thinks he's got something right, and then he takes it so much further than he needed to go. Alex Jones with the reptile people and the chemtrails behind the planes and all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:15:36 Those reptilians might. It's important that we stay vigilant, okay? I'm not saying we start testing people's blood spot checks for reptilians i'm just saying stay vigilant right so every time every time trump goes bonkers again i did watch that i didn't even like it hilarious dude and i i watched that and i was like my big takeaway from it was like all right woody this demonstrates the importance of letting people finish their thoughts and not interrupting all the time. And there's a balance between never interrupting and never getting your chance to talk.
Starting point is 00:16:09 Yeah, never getting anything out. Right. But anyway, that podcast was just ruined by everybody talking on top of each other all night long. But I keep waiting. I'm like, oh, I wonder if this is the week where either Kyle, Merker, or both will say, ah, yeah, he lost me on that one. I don't like oil companies taking bribes or giving bribes i don't like i heard that they weren't gonna make the keystone pipeline out of american steel i read that too and i was what kind of horseshit is that the first time i read it i was like well that's bullshit if there's one thing i know for sure
Starting point is 00:16:40 right he flat out said it in his he said it whatever state of the union what i'm pissed at them most about right now hang on did you look into it are they actually not going to use the american steel true they're not going to use american steel apparently it qualifies as some sort of pre-existing project and therefore it doesn't have to use american steel i have hope look trump's trump's not my guy he's not but it wouldn't be uncharacteristic of Trump to be like, oh, this thing was meant to be included. We'll get it worked out. An executive order it or whatever the fuck he has to do. Like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:17:14 Yeah. Now, the way you're describing it, it's not as if Trump said, all right, guys, use whatever kind of steel you want. It seems like the people making the pipeline were like, actually, the way this paperwork is laid out, we don't have to use American steel. More like the people that made the rule either fucked up or were corrupt. One of those two. Okay, well then I don't feel like Trump went back on something. I feel like he put something
Starting point is 00:17:36 together and fell apart. He was incompetent. Or his administration was incompetent. Call it as you will. But yeah, I think it was more of a screw-up than a Trump deception. i try to be well i don't like the russian connections though and that's what we should be looking at and not the stuff that trump tweets because that's subterfuge that's just that's him fucking with us and distracting us that's that's just this yeah look what i got over here yeah but i don't like
Starting point is 00:18:00 more than anything about and it's not even selectively trump this is the whole republican party right now is i don't like how they've handled the Obamacare rollback. They've constantly been saying, oh, we're going to repeal it. And they're like, all right, good. Yeah, get in there and repeal. Actually, we're going to repeal slash replace. And it's like, okay, well, what's that mean? Oh, we're actually just going to use kid gloves and shave off the edges of it and basically leave it intact. And it's like, that's not what you were voted in there to do i that's upsetting me more than anything is how they have this lot blase whatever you know people will be appeased by just the appearance of us doing a big change and it's i don't know i that's what's pissing me off more than anything is it feels like
Starting point is 00:18:40 the republicans finally have their whole it's like either party when they every time they're always like man i they're like like drunk people at a bar both parties like man we were you know i can't step outside man step outside i think that's not fair you want to know why because republicans i'm sorry democrats made obamacare it happened it's actually the fucking law and it's been that way for like well mit romney made six years okay fair enough but you know it's been that way for six years mit romney made it years okay fair enough but you know it's been that way for six years and then the republicans are like now we're gonna undo obamacare and they don't get that done i'm just saying that i don't like the fact that there's so much big talk and then the second they get that power they're like oh and actually uh no no that whole thing
Starting point is 00:19:23 that's a huge deal we're not gonna do to do that. That's Republicans but not Democrats, right? I mean, now you're getting bogged down in ridiculousness of one detail saying that, oh, Democrats get lots of shit done, Republicans don't. Like, if that were the case, then why are people afraid of a Republican dynasty here? I was going to quote Joe Biden and say, you know, you know what? This is a big fucking deal, right? Like, they did a thing. Of course, it wasn't good for them politically. And two years later
Starting point is 00:19:45 the republicans uh took over the house i think and then a few years after that they took over the senate the senate yeah yeah politic well in my world i think it's a little more mixed none of this is relevant the russian stuff is what matters the whole obama administration was bad for the democrats like people were so not happy with that eight-year period that Donald Trump is the president. The way I look at it on the big sweeping things like Obamacare and immigration is these are Trump's positions when he goes to the negotiation table with whoever, with the Democrats, with Congress, with a foreign power. These are his positions when he goes to a negotiating table. It's not necessarily what we're going to end up with. It's just foreign power. These are his positions when he goes to a negotiating table. It's not necessarily what we're going to end up with. It's just our goal. It's the direction that he claims that he and we are going to head in. So if it doesn't quite end up the way he wants it to,
Starting point is 00:20:37 but something happens, then I imagine that some sort of compromise has taken place, and that's about as good as it was going to get what i don't like is when it is when i keep hearing that everyone in his administration has a russian fucking buddy like every one of them has a russian friend trump has met with the russians april 27th or something of last year met with a russian ambassador and he lied about it and and everyone who fucking works for him has a russian like pin pal and and and it's not it's it's it's it doesn't look good i don't care for that at all i i'm with you on the trump thing so i just read about that today and i'm still waiting for more sources like i think i read about it and think progress or something like that it could be fake news yeah i'm like all right
Starting point is 00:21:21 what do you take a breath and well there is well, there is a picture. And apparently, Trump did a speech that was invitation only, and the Russian ambassador got a front row seat there. And they've got pictures of it all, you know, so let's assume that it's not shopped, that this is a thing that happened. But I don't know. Somehow, a Russian ambassador and an invitation-only speech isn't quite the same as personal phone calls. No, it's not a smoking gun or anything like that.
Starting point is 00:21:55 I just don't like it. I'm tired of hearing it. I'm not saying drag him out of there. I'm saying that we need to keep looking and we need to stop looking at his silliness that he tweets because it's just silly buddy vibe you get from a lot of people on the right now about russia as a whole where it's like because they're trying to defend trump approval rating they're trying to also extend that to putin and to russia where it's like no no no like they're like they're not good like we don't we don't want to be like man man, Russia, like, buddies again. Like, no. Like, Russia's, they just fucking annexed part of whatever the fuck, Ukraine. Crimea, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:29 Crimea, yeah. And, like, they're starting shit. They're amping up their military. Like, it's not, they're not our friend. And I don't like this desperate attempt for people to be like, well, because my enemy dislikes the prospect of this so much, it must mean they're on my side. Like, no. Like, just because you think they're wrong about a lot much, it must mean they're on my side. Like, no, like, just because you think, just because you think they're wrong about a lot of stuff doesn't mean they're wrong about everything.
Starting point is 00:22:50 Like, Russia's not our friend. I've been on this path a hundred times, right? And I'll just say it real quick. You've heard me say, like, oh, I know where you stand in the Second Amendment. You probably think this way about abortion. If you like abortion, you probably feel this way about whatever. Here's one where it's like, well, I'm Team Red,
Starting point is 00:23:04 so now I love Russia. Really? You think you should get rid of the First Amendment? That you kill reporters, you kill political adversaries? Oh, no, no, fuck all that. But I'm just pro-Russia because I'm Team Red. You know, like whatever. There is something to be said about it. I think that what those Republicans or those people, whoever,
Starting point is 00:23:24 have that favorable opinion of Putin are looking at is the things that they do like about Russia and how they conduct themselves. They like their immigration policies. You know, Vladimir's widely quoted as saying something like, you know, this isn't a country for immigrants. If they want to go to a country where this is there or that is there, then go to a country where it exists. This is Russia. And it's a very, it makes sense. It's a very nationalistic sort of thing. So when you look at a guy who's a nationalistic guy who seems to be no nonsense and a strong
Starting point is 00:23:54 leader, there are things about him and the way he runs things that are admirable. But it's all wrapped in a coating of evil. You know, he's a real despot robbing his own country of billions of dollars and murdering people. He's ex-KGB, for whatever that means. We've all seen the Americans, right? People saying, oh, he's a strong leader. It's like, yeah, Stalin was a very strong leader, too. Stalin was amongst the strongest of leaders.
Starting point is 00:24:22 That doesn't mean that it was good. Yeah, Hitler, a very, very strong leader. One of his leaders was actually the strongest of leaders. That doesn't mean that it was good. Yeah, Hitler, very, very strong leader. I wonder which leader was actually the strongest, though. What modern leader do you think could, in like a three-weight competition, let's say they're doing bench press, squats, and like the power clean. First things first, you've got to take all the countries with female leaders, throw them out. All the countries with a male leader over 50 – or over – we'll say 55.
Starting point is 00:24:48 Over 55 male leaders out. So who are the youngest male heads of state in the world? I can only think of Canada. He seems pretty young. Yeah, that guy's got a world-class handshake. Yeah, he is young, so he'd be up there. Trump, way too old. I wasn't going to limit ourselves to necessarily modern leaders.
Starting point is 00:25:07 You know, maybe within... Oh, Lincoln. Then Lincoln. Lincoln was a champion wrestler. Yeah, but by... We're talking about the movie. This is going to hurt him in the bunch press, being 6'12", or whatever the fuck that is.
Starting point is 00:25:20 6'12"? Yeah. And even 7'. No, not a 6'12", 6'12". Don't exaggerate. 6'12"? Yeah, I think Lincoln would be very good in a mixed martial arts competition.
Starting point is 00:25:36 I think if you take leaders from the last... Are we doing three weights or MMA? In MMA, I like Lincoln too. I was just commenting on Taylor's pick of Lincoln, that Lincoln would do fine in a mixed martial arts competition. If I could change it a little bit, how does Lincoln versus Putin do in an MMA competition?
Starting point is 00:25:55 It destroys him. Lincoln beats the ever-living shit out of him because Lincoln is easily a foot and a half taller than Putin. And he was a guy who part of his stance was like, hey, this guy honest abe we started calling him that and it really stuck well he's just fighting random people with lincoln nebraska right now like just you want to do it like it's not called lincoln nebraska yet but it will be and like he just would fight people out there and he got a lot of respect for
Starting point is 00:26:20 trump would never have the balls to fight people in the square. Well, he is 70. Not on his best day, though. It wouldn't end well. Trump is always tough in the hypothetical sense, not in the actual sense. We want Genghis Khan tough. And who knows how tough he was, actually. When you think about it, was he the one
Starting point is 00:26:40 doing most of the slaying? He had to be. I imagine him like the Khal Drogo of his day. Like, he doesn't... You don't rise to the level of Genghis Khan without, like, getting into some fucking sword fights in front of everybody, right? Really? Because he's not...
Starting point is 00:26:52 You don't stay alive very long if you get in lots of sword fights. Unless you're... Well, you've got to be the most badass motherfucker of all time to... You know, what was that army he had? Dude, I can hardly name an MMA fighter outside of Khabib that's undefeated.
Starting point is 00:27:05 And the trouble with sword fights is one loss cuts it off. Here's the difference, though. It's easy to find someone who can beat it. Let's say everybody is from where they're from, and Khabib lives in Dagestan, and Conor McGregor is in Ireland. Now it's really fucking hard to find somebody who's such a badass. You've literally got – if we're here in Texas, and Tony Ferguson is down here like like like just he he's undefeated 100 and oh you've literally got to
Starting point is 00:27:30 go to ireland to get somebody who can beat him up or you got to go to the mountains of dagestan or something world class is really just like being all county way back in the day back in the day it would have meant so much more if you heard that one person if you were a one percent athlete back in the day when when you couldn't just bust in some competition from out of state you were serious business right because they there was never anyone who could compete at your level athletes sucked back in the day think about it the first guy to run a marathon literally died literally died now people do it for fun like house moms are like you know what i've been training well i still have a job and two kids at home,
Starting point is 00:28:05 but I've been working on it. During my swimming career, as things got better, I used to look at the Guinness Book of World Records and see what year I could have been a gold medalist. You know, like, 1896, fuck, I'm the best on the planet. You know? Did you go back to times where it was like, ah, 1900?
Starting point is 00:28:21 They skipped it that year because of water humors. You know, there's too much poison. To be fair to the Athenian runner, though, the reason he died is because he ran flat out the 23 miles or whatever. What was his time? Nike!
Starting point is 00:28:36 Yeah, he gets there and he brings Nike, which is Greek for victory, to let them know. Yeah, it has nothing to do with the name of the company. That's a man named Nike. But he's letting them know that they had won that battle. The naval battle.
Starting point is 00:28:53 Yeah. I think of old time. If Woody goes back in time as a Greek Olympian, they'd be like, that's Matt Sunspear, Lord of the Sea. They say that he's spawned from Poseidon himself.
Starting point is 00:29:13 Look at the way he moves. He knows more than one stroke through the water. We've only discerned freestyle. And you'd go in there and start doing butterfly, and they'd be like, oh, my God, this is crazy. But the same way that Babe Ruth, he's always the example to go back to and people who are baseball fans are always like oh he would actually what you didn't know is that he'd be better than no no he wouldn't no he fucking wouldn't look at a picture of babe ruth and then put him next to a picture of uh sammy sosa or mark mcguire or derrick cheater or anyone and you'll be like oh that's a portly man who probably would be scrubbing urinals in a Derek Jeter.
Starting point is 00:29:50 Unfair comparison. All right, first of all, all three of those guys are huge juicers, users of HGH. You look at them now, they still don't look human. They look like Chris Cyborg. They're not natural human specimens. Who's a very good, clean player? natural human specimens. And baseball, somebody like David Ortiz, in the modern era, a big, chunky guy who's got
Starting point is 00:30:09 an incredible eye, amazing hand-eye coordination, and that's all you need. So I was saying at the barbershop that Tom Brady was the best quarterback ever, right? And he seems to have the most Super Bowls, and the fact that he's doing it now he seems to have the most Super Bowls.
Starting point is 00:30:26 And the fact that he's doing it now, you know, the athletes are so much greater and such. And is it Bart Starr? I guess there was a guy who won more Super Bowls than Brady. Yeah, probably in a time where Super Bowls meant nothing, though. Brady is the greatest quarterback of all time just because of the statistics. He just is. The thing is is he was like
Starting point is 00:30:45 70 years old and i felt like i didn't know enough football to argue like and uh it's tough to compare between eras because obviously like i could grab the third string wide receiver off the philadelphia eagles drop them in even like the 70s and I think he's a dominant player. Yeah. There's a big difference though in football and baseball as far as how much better you are for errors. Because it's such a contact sport
Starting point is 00:31:15 and tiny fractions of speed or reaction time means so much difference. In baseball, you could make the case that you'll just strike that guy out 80 times out of 100 now. In football, you might just end that guy's fucking career and he doesn't get to catch any more footballs. They move
Starting point is 00:31:32 so fast now and those guys are so enormous. The difference is those guys now are 240, 250 pounds but they're moving so quickly. They're moving like a 180 pound guy. Sports that are moving
Starting point is 00:31:45 along in in mma you get a guy from even like six years ago and you're like well he could never compete with today's athletes dimensional yeah yeah i actually i watched the most recent ufc fight and as an outsider looking in uh i was i was glad my buddy bought it and the last fight was really really boring and shitty the one the penultimate fight i guess you'd call it the one right before that was pretty good with uh the over it must have been yeah that was a pretty good one but uh the whole like it's funny watching it and not knowing enough to like know the big rivalries if they are because i assume it's all like the nhl where they're like wednesday night rivalry carolina hurricanes buffalo sabers it's like what the fuck
Starting point is 00:32:31 like do they of course not like no and then like all it is in the ufc it was like every minute and a half it'd be like remember three minutes ago when i told you this would be the most intense fight of the century and then some like star wipe graphic bang Actually, you were a fucking fool for believing it even for a second because this one coming up next is actually the greatest fight of all time Pay for the whole see but you'll only need the edge because this you see all these fights. They're all epic They're also good. At some point I'm like which one like I need one to settle down a bit Because I need to be brought back up I need to be brought back up i need to be the cool down fight you need a carolina versus buffalo game so that pittsburgh
Starting point is 00:33:10 and philly matter you know like i like this idea you've come up with a great idea i if i were dana white at institute immediately so baseball does this like like around the seventh inning uh stretch and plate times like that when there's like a cool dime cool down time in the game they have like a bunch of like they have a bunch of mascots come out dressed as like hot dogs and like they literally race the perimeter of the entire field and the whole time they're tripping and falling and oftentimes you have this really impressive comeback victory because because people when you fall in a mascot suit sometimes there's like a turtle on its back and like the leader falls and everybody catches him they should do that in mixed martial arts like like like let's say conor mcgregor just has fucking lost and and the crowd is just really low right now let's have some midgets come out for a
Starting point is 00:33:54 little little rough and tumble let's get them out there right over the pace a bit you let people kind of simmer down and then you build back with a real big... Imagine this right now, and I'm not even kidding right now. Imagine five midgets with headgear and MMA gloves versus one grown man with one of those batons with the big poofy ends on the inside. Like American Gladiator. He goes... I would watch that, right?
Starting point is 00:34:24 You know, I feel like if you want to – that sounds like – that's cool. I can't get over that. But the thing is, how cool would it be just to grab two people from the fight? Like Bruce Buffer is out there. Seats numbers E14 and F92. Come on down. And those two guys like nervously nervously like, oh, what? I was hoping I wouldn't get called.
Starting point is 00:34:49 You know? See, E47 is actually little Susie Q's 11th birthday. And she was given that seat by her own father. A big hand for Mr. Q. You know? They did something where they got in trouble with mascots in the NHL recently where, so basically
Starting point is 00:35:04 everybody in the Central Division hates the Chicago Blackhawks because they're the most successful team in recent years. So you hate – success breeds animosity. And the Minnesota Wild, I think it was, got in trouble for having a version of every single mascot from the Central Division. So the St. Louis Blues mascot, which is something like Polar Bear thing, Chicago Blackhawks won, the Minnesota Wild won, the Colorado Avalanche won, the Nashville Predators won. thing chicago blackhawks won the minnesota wild one the colorado avalanche won the nashville predators won and almost like the way they destroyed that printer in uh office space
Starting point is 00:35:30 they all like assaulted the blackhawks mascot in between periods and just like like the nhl got pissed at him like he can't be like assaulting one of the other mascots out there like it was a joke he was on our team he knew about it like yeah but it doesn't breed a lot it's not good for fan bases when they're like oh well let's flip over to this game i like to the black it is great though they played the music too like yeah yeah it'd be good if they played them if like if just the blackhawk guy comes out skating by himself and it looks like he's just out there like and he's like really getting the crowd pumped up and behind him slowly the other guys are all like lining up with like different implements most of them would have hockey sticks of course but a couple guys just have like like traffic cones or something you know somebody but and then like i
Starting point is 00:36:15 think the nashville predators uh mascot started like they all walked away and then the predators mascot turned around like ran back to like hit it again and they had to grab him and like oh yeah i thought that was funny. And I don't think you should get rid of stuff like that. Like you want people like if you saw the Pittsburgh or the Philly mascot getting assaulted at the Pittsburgh game, you'd be like, ah, that's a good rivalry. You know, they wouldn't do that to whoever the hurricanes mascot is.
Starting point is 00:36:37 You know how they have people come out and clean up the ice every so often. They'll either have to get like hats or, or maybe they just pile up of like ice shavings or something carolina was one of the first teams to use really hot girls and bikinis at that task and uh there was like a big thing i forget what they were called but it's like oh no they're gonna melt the ice they're so hot like i was a big concern they do that now at all the games and it's funny because they'll send out like guys and girls yeah with like those shovels to like clear up the ice real quick during commercial breaks and the guys are all in like windbreaker jackets long sweatpants because you're on a giant
Starting point is 00:37:16 you know 20 ton slab of ice it's very cold and the girls are out there like dressed like they're about to go swimming and clearly clearly, clearly so cold. Is there anyone who, like, goes full basketball mode and has their eye scrapers in, like, thongs or anything? It wasn't thongs, but Carolina had to dial back their uniforms because of the complaints. Were they, like, gyrating on the shovels? Dude, the girls, like, I don't know. Maybe it was the tops, but it was small. Like, the girls. I don't know. Maybe it was the tops, but it was small. The girls were
Starting point is 00:37:47 so hot and so... I was like, I don't know. I didn't send any complaints, I assure you, but I did feel like... If I ran an organization, it'd be like, alright, let's bring out the Puck Girls!
Starting point is 00:38:04 And the music would go crazy and the lights would flash. It'd out the puck girls and then like the music would go crazy and like the lights would flash it'd be just like a strip club when the signature that's how it felt it felt like i brought my family to the strip club with me oh and uh there was just a little bit of like huh no tops no tops in my rate again it was just band-aids band-aids it was one of those i guess're all going to sit here and pretend that this is normal. It's like moments. Like, yeah, we just won't say anything. Dude, I have a... I have a...
Starting point is 00:38:30 Shit. I don't know if I can tell this story. I really want to tell it off air, though. I'll do that. I'm sorry. I have a story. It's about people that are in my life, so I can't... Ah, those people.
Starting point is 00:38:41 I can't share it. Coloreds. No. I can't share it coloreds but I got pranked Mark and Susie colored I don't know why Mark and Susie colored
Starting point is 00:38:55 if I could be sure it wouldn't get to them on PKN I would tell the story I'm not sure and it would ruin everything what was the name of that Dave Chappelle bit? The niggers. No, no, no, but how did he spell it? I'm trying to remember the way he spelled nigger in that one.
Starting point is 00:39:11 N-I-G-G-A-R-S. Oh my god, that was one of the funnest. He didn't even dance around it and get cute with it. He didn't make them Swedish. Oh, it's Mr. Nigger. No, he didn't even play it up. They were just like white American, middle America family named the niggers.
Starting point is 00:39:29 He just hit it right on the head. Didn't care. That was hilarious. That was a really good one. So you got pranked? That's the story I can't tell. Oh, that's the story. Shit. Okay.
Starting point is 00:39:42 I wish I could tell everyone, but I won't. Let's move on to something else i've been playing a bunch of magic duels you need to get on taylor so that i can test my metal against you i've been playing a lot uh i i win much more than i lose now it's really hard to climb the skill level level uh on on on magic duels on the xbox because you start out at level zero you win a match you go up to level one but if you lose a match you go back down to zero and i routinely face these people who are level 39 or 40 meaning that they've they've they're winning a lot yeah they're winning almost every single time and i beat those people on a semi-regular basis but but i'll get up to like a seven and then i'll get whittled on down again i
Starting point is 00:40:22 have a really hard time rising much higher in the ranks. You said you get to one and then if you lose you go to zero. What happens if you get to seven and you lose? Do you go to zero or six? You go to six. So someone who's at a 40 has played a ton and they've won much more than they've lost. That's not necessarily true, right? They could be
Starting point is 00:40:41 like 800 and 760. Yeah, that would take a long time. They'd have to lose it in the right order, though. Yeah. I mean, have you thought about going to Friday Night Magics at all? Like going and testing your mettle against actual people with like a draft tournament where you get to make a deck or something? They're not nearly as weird as you're thinking. No, I don't think they're weird at all.
Starting point is 00:41:00 I just have no – look, because of where I am – You used to be a fan. I did too, and then I went and I'm like, am I weird? Maybe. I'll just let away. There's definitely people there, okay? But I'm thinking about getting into the online game, man.
Starting point is 00:41:15 Because here's what I want. I want ready, instantaneous access to my magic fix, right? That's why I really like those dual decks, because I don't have to sit around for hours combing through cards and, oh, this one's one mana cheaper. Oh, yeah, two and two R's. Yeah, yeah, it's good stuff.
Starting point is 00:41:34 No, that's no fun. I like that I can just pull out Nisa versus Ob Nixilis, they're reignited and you play Nisa and I'll play Ob and we'll just go and we'll have fun and we'll play eight games and then we're all spent and we're done. And in the'll have fun, and we'll play eight games, and then we're all spent, and we're done. And in the same regard, when I want to play Magic, I don't want to be like,
Starting point is 00:41:49 alright, let me box up my Magic gear, let me get all my deck boxes, and my special D20, and all my checks, and my pieces, and let me show up somewhere with a goddamn suitcase full of horse shit, and play with other people who are somewhere along the same level
Starting point is 00:42:06 of obsessedness with this. And I'd have to drive like 20 minutes each way. Whereas what I could do is just spend like $150 on these online magic cards and have an online collection and I could play with anyone in the world anytime.
Starting point is 00:42:21 If that's what you want, then it makes sense for the reason of that. There's something about playing with physical cards that I like a lot, and I also know myself too well. I will never get into online magic because I will start building decks for no reason. You explained it, that you just like the dual decks because you can just grab
Starting point is 00:42:38 one, hand the other one to someone else, and then you play right there. I like spending lots of time making decks. I love spending lots of time making decks. I love spending the time tinkering with the decks and working on the engines and mechanics and the triggers and the synergies that you can make flow with one another.
Starting point is 00:42:54 I'm getting much better at that. I feel like my current decks are really good. But I just don't have... But I can do that online. I can still do that online. And the physical card doesn't mean anything to me. I do prefer it if I could... I guess I prefer the physical card, but just not enough to go through the trouble of making it happen.
Starting point is 00:43:12 I know that I will go to magic events in the future. Again, when I get back into it and I find more people to go to Friday Night Magic's with, whoever wants to, I know I'll do that. And so I'm not getting into the online one, because I will end up being like, well, this deck cost me $800 to build in physically,
Starting point is 00:43:32 but my goodness, if I build it online, that's a $550 deck right there. Think of the savings. Think of the savings I would get if I just replicate this deck online. I would fool not to do it. It's too good. I don't want to have it just for my one thing. I need to have it for online too. Who's going to know I have this deck?
Starting point is 00:43:47 And then I'll end up duplicating all my decks online and spend lots of money. See, here's the thing though. I just feel like I want to be able to play with you guys instantaneously. And I feel like we're going to play. If the three of us went to an event,
Starting point is 00:44:04 we're going to play together once or twice a year or something like that. Maybe three or four times a year if we get crazy with our magic. But if you get online, you can play together every night. And you can build decks, and you can play in tournaments,
Starting point is 00:44:17 and do draft events. I like the Xbox magic because that has a built-in cap. It puts a cap on me. Where it it's like even if you go fucking bananas on this Xbox Magic, you can't spend more than like $300 or whatever because you'll just have bought every card or however much there is. So I like that a lot. It's just – yeah, I don't know. Have you gotten into MTG Go or Magic the Gathering Online at all?
Starting point is 00:44:43 I downloaded it. into mtg go or magic the gathering online at all i downloaded it i got a sense of how it worked and then i just deleted it um because i i do because i don't have anybody on there to play with yeah because nobody wants to fucking get on there and uh and it does cost money and i will need to it doesn't have to cost money you can just play with the free cards but i will want to buy lots of cards so that i because all the mechanics that i like to do and all the things that i like the ways i like to play require a good bit of you know rare and how are you matching up verse kitty you went in most of those battles uh we haven't played in a couple days but but yeah for the most part like i i usually play like a a red burn deck or something and they but but she gets kind of
Starting point is 00:45:20 shitty her deck's really old i don't know how i don't know what i feel like my deck is probably legal for like modern or something like that and her deck is just outrageous with all these old timey cards that that probably they're like one mana and everything dies or something it's it's just frustrating okay oh she was talking to me about magic the other day and she was saying like coil keeps wanting to play standard and modern and i'm almost positive he has no idea what modern means and i was like i'll need to ask him because i i feel like you should know because it's just yeah you know what it is just slightly more expanded yeah yeah well it's it's just the last few sets well the modern one is the modern one's the one with with more than this is standard the one that's only like the last three standard is the last three and then you got modern and modern is like
Starting point is 00:46:08 eight or nine and they add another one vintage yeah i feel like she's playing a lot of of stuff that that we just shouldn't be playing oh if she has old cards then i bet she has a lot of stuff where she's like i don't play this to destroy all red creatures and it's like that card says it was printed in 1996 if you tried to play that at a friday night magic they'd be like fuck you this is totally unfair nobody else has this like she has cards that are color specific and and make playing against them a nightmare you know because she'll play white and and i'll be like red red blue or something like that but but, but, but anyway, I think that you, you should just sell all your,
Starting point is 00:46:46 your real life cards, those expensive decks. And then, you know, go to the magic online where you can play with them anytime you want at the, at the click of a button. You know, there's no more like getting all,
Starting point is 00:46:58 I'm telling you this ease of access to your hobby will improve it exponentially. It just will. Like, like, like Woody's, Woody being able to launch out of his backyard makes paramoting so much better This ease of access to your hobby will improve it exponentially. It just will. Woody being able to launch out of his backyard makes paramoting so much better than when he's got to get up at darkness and drive to Virginia to take off. I mean, it's a whole different thing, but he's much more likely to pull the trigger on a,
Starting point is 00:47:20 huh, weather looks good, and take off. In the same right, you're much more likely to be like, yeah, I got 20 minutes for a Magic game, and you just pop, pop, pop, and you hop online and do it. Oh, God. I was about to say, I'll think about it, but if I say I'll think about it, then it's only a matter of time.
Starting point is 00:47:37 It is only a matter of time. I'm about to do it myself, because I was looking today, because my girlfriend likes playing Magic, and she's been playing duels with me, and we push the controller back and forth, and I said, would you like me to buy you an Xbox? I was looking today because my girlfriend likes playing Magic and she's been playing duels with me and we like push the controller back and forth and I said would you like me to buy you an Xbox? I was like because this is a free game. I don't even think you need gold. You want me to just get you a $200 Xbox
Starting point is 00:47:53 and you could play against each other in the same bedroom and then I was thinking like why don't we just get Magic Online accounts and I don't have to buy an Xbox that's only to be used for like one game for magic it's literally a magic box you know it seems like we could just use our laptops or one of the many computers that are here that's definitely a smarter move than buying a magic
Starting point is 00:48:15 specific xbox but right i'll think about it because i'm sure it would be fun and i i'm sure if i really really try i could exercise the self-control to maybe build one really good deck. If history tells us anything, it's that you have magic control. I think we should establish a level that we each spend on it. And that way it's an appropriate level, and that way we're on the same playing field. Because if I go and spend $200 and you're spending $80, it's very unfair for me to stack my deck against yours. So we should both spend $100. And then that way we have comparable decks.
Starting point is 00:48:51 And then it would be a group decision whether we spent more money. And we would keep each other in check. Okay. Well, as long as we do that and I don't show up one evening and then you play a brand new card and you go, Oh, I didn't Skype you and let you know. I upped it to 300. And I'll be like, goddammit, you son of a bitch, because now
Starting point is 00:49:10 I gotta up it to 300. You need a quorum of two, at least, to decide to raise the budget. There'd have to be a budget vote. Well, if we could get Chiz to join us, we'd have a council.
Starting point is 00:49:24 Absolutely join us. council of magic. We'd have quarterly budget meetings. If there's a wizard hat in it for him, he'll lead this thing and keep it organized. Oh, yeah. Just tell him there's any hat. He's clearly not that picky about it.
Starting point is 00:49:44 Any hat will it Anything but Maga and he'll wear it What's Maga? Make America great again Have you guys seen This men going their own way thing That MGTOW I've heard of that
Starting point is 00:49:59 Or I feel like I've read it on Twitter and stuff I don't know 100% What's going on There's this movement, and it's basically guys deciding that they don't need to be married. And it's interesting, because I guess at the
Starting point is 00:50:14 core of it is this. In the dating scene, it's women who are the gatekeepers, right? To sex. And therefore, that gives them a lot of value without having to earn very much. But in the like marriage relationship scene yeah yeah it's usually the guys who are the gatekeepers to like a marriage contract they're the ones who are you know taking their time on deciding this stuff and there's a lot of them that are just like you know what never's good
Starting point is 00:50:42 that's actually a really good move on the guy's side. This is a terrible contract that all these people are signing. I don't agree, but I hear what they're saying. And maybe you do. And I feel like there's a partnership there that can be a win-win if you're lucky. Oh, it absolutely can. But that can be true of any poorly written contract. You can have a bad contract that works out well because your partner doesn't take advantage of you. You're like, hey, this contract has been fine the whole time. My partner has never done anything I don't like. And I'm like, well, that's not a good basis to decide
Starting point is 00:51:16 whether a contract is good or not. That's a good counter argument, actually. We need to get a lawyer to take a look at this, and I don't think he'll be on your side. Yeah, I hear what you're saying. Let's reword this whole thing. I don't think he'll be on your side. Yeah, I hear what you're saying. Let's reword this whole thing. I don't know. I might be a little men's rights-ish sometimes in my heart. What I don't like about, I'm going to call them MGTO because I don't know how you pronounce MGTOW, but they seem mean about it. Instead of saying, you know what?
Starting point is 00:51:42 It just doesn't seem like a smart idea for me because if this doesn't work out, I lose rights to my kids. I lose my money. I'm ruined financially and emotionally. It's just devastating. And like this thing's really all about you. Why would I sign it? Instead, they're like, ah, no, you were a total cum dumpster for the last seven years you have no value whatsoever and you know now you're just trying to get someone to you know take you the used wreckage of your puss and pay for it for the rest of their lives and it's like oh that seems mean-spirited that's a really aggressive way to say 20 joint they immediately raised him to silver member.
Starting point is 00:52:26 No, I'm not making this up. Dude, I could show you videos and you'd say, oh yeah, Woody just slightly misquoted that guy. You know? What's the big forum? What's the big website? It's like saying, what's the big forum for feminism? If you search for MGTOW
Starting point is 00:52:42 on YouTube, you'll find a community growing over there. The Red Pill, I think. mig tal on youtube you'll find a like a a community growing over there um the red pill i think but oh on reddit there's a you know mgtow subreddit and that makes it i got not subbed to anything but it makes it to the front page sometimes and uh i don't know like the movement's caught my in the same way that i don't like people who you know they, they're girls, but they feel like they should have been boys. Like, I feel like that's a mental illness, but I don't want to be mean about it. You know, they're suffering, right? That's how I feel about this MGTOW thing.
Starting point is 00:53:17 Like, yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, there's definitely a space for guys who say, you know what? Never doing that. Like, I just don't see how this is a win win for me. I just don't like that. They're so mean about it. I feel like the rest of my team is dicks.
Starting point is 00:53:33 Like if you, if you, the way you described it makes them sound very unpleasant. If there, it's not enough to just say like, Oh no, no thanks. I got other stuff to worry about.
Starting point is 00:53:42 It's like, no. And here's a litany of reasons Why even if I were interested you wouldn't be up to snuff or like whatever the fuck it is. So yeah, like yeah Oh, I don't want to sound like a dick but it's like this it almost These are always oversimplified But that kind of behavior seems like what a group of people Guys do when they're not getting laid and so they're so desperate to take the pussy off the pedestal
Starting point is 00:54:07 Then they've repet a stylized it in a different way where they're like, oh, I'm not gonna be your bitch anymore Give me that It's almost Alex Jones-y. You know, Joe, I respect you more than anything, but you're completely blind to the chemtrails. So I have a better example. Just put the pedestal to the pedestal and they kind of just fuck themselves. There's a YouTuber named Emily Hart, right? Emily Hart.
Starting point is 00:54:33 She's like 32, but she's aged super well. She's really pretty and she's funny. I like her. I watch her videos. And, you know, I wouldn't be shocked if she did like a Jenna Marbles-like career in there and exploded at some point. But she made a video called Why I'm Single and I watched it. And I guess because of that, I got all these response videos to it. Like, oh, Woody likes videos about why Emily Hart's single. Here's all these responses. And at one point she was like, you know, like I dated this guy for two
Starting point is 00:55:00 years. It was wonderful. I was so in love he was so fantastic but you know he just wasn't looking for a long-term commitment or more accurately not a long-term commitment with me and uh and then she goes on to say that because she's felt something so great she doesn't want to settle for less well the migtow guy responds and he's like oh it sounds like you were dating way above your own level and this guy was willing to abuse you as a cum toy but not make any commitment to you so he tossed you on the side when he asked for uh commitment wait is this a guy is this like a group group think leader in this movement or is this just some dude on the internet? It was a YouTube channel and the thing got over, it got six digits in views.
Starting point is 00:55:48 You know, that's as much as I know. And I'm just like, man, like these things in my mind hurt so much. Because he's, he might be mean-spiritedly right-ish. You know what i'm saying like like i i love emily hart she seems great not that i've ever met her or talked to her but um when he says like this guy was willing to date you but not marry you and he was maybe maybe you were like fighting above your weight class there it's like oh yeah so that is the meanest possible way to say that like that's a totally wrong way to respond to it. I haven't seen the video, but it's like, why would he just jump to the, you're just a slut kind of thing, where it's like, well, from what you're relaying to me that she said, it seems like she wanted this to evolve into the next step, and it was just a barricade.
Starting point is 00:56:39 And so it wasn't like it was her ditching out. It was like, all right, well, I guess I got to find a new avenue because my needs are not going to be met here. You know? Right, right. Yeah. But then, you know. People seem angry. Oh, they're so.
Starting point is 00:56:53 That's the problem with the whole MGTO thing, in my opinion. It's okay to decide you don't want kids, right? There are some couples who decide they never want children because they feel like, let's just focus on our own happiness all life and that seems better to me. Now you're missing out on some of the joys of raising kids or whatever, but if that's not your cup of tea, knock yourself out. And then a level further than that, there are guys
Starting point is 00:57:21 who say, you know what, I don't even want a partner. I would just go solo on this thing and pick up new partners as it as it's very like interesting belief set or you're calling it like a movement but like is it a movement is it a set of beliefs is it like we all like we're a migtao people but we also are very pro israel or whatever the fuck i don't know i'm just trying to really focus on the not marriage thing or i'm very anti-israel. Or whatever the fuck. I think it really focuses on the not-marriage thing. Or I'm very anti-Israel. They need to go their own way. Or shit they would say.
Starting point is 00:57:51 Is that what it is? It always seems weird if it is just about hey, we're a group of people who just want to go our own way. And it's like, alright, well that's such a banal, stupid thing to rally around a stupid hill to gather your troops on that like what else could just then just go do it like it's like if you had a woodworking group in addition to that like they
Starting point is 00:58:12 all required you to be catholic like it's like no we just design wood stuff here like we don't need to go any deeper like we all just agree that we're not you know going down that route commitment and that's it you know now i'm off to the hockey forum and you're all working and you're like i decided to see like what the top uh posts on the the micto okay subreddit were for like the last month and these are a couple of them well this one you linked is is it actually a good argument if women get paid less than men for comparable work why don't corporations hire only women? Because they would if they could. Exactly. Dude, I've
Starting point is 00:58:47 made that argument too. As a guy who's hired people, I would have an all-girl staff if they were actually 30% cheaper. All businesses would, because businesses are just about making money, not about being some nefarious as if Pepsi's ever sitting there like, what can we do today?
Starting point is 00:59:03 Rubbing their hands together. No. They just want to make soda as cheap as possible. This is funny. But yeah, men going their own way. Good point. Terrible culture around it. It's just brutal to me. I don't know. I hate it when
Starting point is 00:59:27 the rest of my team is people I never associate with. These guys are just nasty and horrible and they agree with me. Darn it! It's got to be like going to a Flyers game. If you're like,
Starting point is 00:59:44 yeah, go Flyers! And then someone's in a fight three a flyers game if you're like woohoo yeah go flyers and then someone's in a fight three seats next to you and you're like no no no this reflects badly on me i'm in this group yeah with regards to the flyers i i'm totally on that what i saw recently there was some crowd problem i think it was a hockey game but i'm not sure but like they beat up the opposing team or didn't like didn't, so they were really just unpleasant to people who didn't share their pro home team philosophy. And I was like, yeah,
Starting point is 01:00:11 it was a Flyers fan. Fist pump, baby. Yeah. I don't know. I don't know if that was hockey. I feel like I'd know if that was recent. Shucks.
Starting point is 01:00:20 I should have found it. I should have saved it. Anyway, this, this MIG tap thing, like even reading these posts, it's kind of making me sad because it's a very
Starting point is 01:00:31 clearly frustrated and aggressive kind of feeling you're getting here like the you know what do women want with fucking Don Draper who cares drinking his scotch I don't know you did enough to fucking join a forum about it it's like me thinks dot that i'll protest too much if that makes sense i don't know like and like that's the thing like there's a good point there about like
Starting point is 01:00:57 the wage gap but you don't need to like like you can just explain the wage gap in like two sentences you don't need to like join a whole movement around it. I don't know. I bet I'm just judging this too harshly. I'll show you the video and see if it keeps your attention or if it loses you. Yeah, I don't know. The MGTO thing, it's been on my mind a little bit lately, and they're terrible people with maybe a good point. Yeah. Yeah, I'm'm not gonna join this no it was already decided i'm going me going my own way
Starting point is 01:01:35 it's a private subreddit and i'm the only one me and posts and comments to myself like some insane person you can make it public and be the mod, and if anyone says anything, delete it. Yes, if anybody tries to join, blocked. No, this is me going my own way. You go your own way. Make your own forum. This is me going my own way.
Starting point is 01:01:57 Woody, did you see the Saturday Night Live bit where they did Jeff Sessions as Forrest Gump? Yes, it was very good was so good i love that what movie was the black lady at the end from she's like you don't know me i'm from a different movie yeah yeah i hadn't seen that movie but apparently in that movie she shits in a pie and bakes it for someone that they don't like in the movie like the bad guy so that was a shit pie that was the gag. Because I had to ask somebody. I was like, so who is she
Starting point is 01:02:27 and what's with the pies? Oh, that's a shit pie. I thought that was fucking excellent. You would be found out immediately. Here, take this pie. Maybe if she added enough sugar to the shit pie it would be okay. You'd need some Febreze in there too or something.
Starting point is 01:02:43 No, there's not. Try a bite. Try a bite. No or something like no no no no i'm on a diet you know that bad but but yeah i thought that was one of the best bits they've done in a long time and what's her name who who also does um kellyanne conway is really fucking good she's it was really funny she's sitting there as jeff session she She's like, this is my friend Kelly. She ain't got no legs. And they show the picture of Kelly on her knees on the couch. I hated that outrage over her sitting comfortably. Like, dude, oh my god, blue team. Like, stick to things that matter.
Starting point is 01:03:22 Would you? You know, like, don't fucking complain about a mother of four who sat uh comfortably on a couch oh and by the way if you see the pictures around it she was taking a picture of a bunch of people and that's why she was in kind of a yeah a weird non-traditional position yeah she's like i gotta like i gotta get on the couch. I got to get down low or whatever. And even if she was just sitting knees on the couch, dude. She won that couch. She won that couch fair and square. She can shit on that couch if she wants to.
Starting point is 01:03:54 I was going to say she probably works 12, 14 hours a day, right? I'm sure. That's her couch. I sat on the table at Cisco sometimes. You know what? Fucking everyone else left for the day. I get to do whatever I want. Like since like 1880 when Queen Victoria or whatever gave that presidential desk to the United States.
Starting point is 01:04:13 Like you can see Obama with his foot up there on the phone. You can see Eisenhower with his foot up there on the phone. They all put their foot on the desk because it's just. Yeah. The point is you're disrespecting it. Then it's like that's silly because every president puts their foot on a desk because it's just a fucking desk it's just it's just furniture settle down yeah obama like in his first day of on that's on of his election or like the day after that this
Starting point is 01:04:35 is of his presidency i mean um he took his jacket off like his suit jacket off and the republicans went bonkers over like how informally was and how he disrespected the Oval Office by not wearing his jacket. It was on Fox News and all over the internet, and it was a big deal. And it was stupid. Totally stupid. Obviously, every president works without their suit jacket. And it's equally stupid for Conway on her knees. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:00 It's just people getting mad at nonsense. Yeah. yeah it's just people getting mad at not at nonsense yeah like and all that does like nobody ever sees like no no conservative or liberal ever looked at the other side of that argument and been like wow you know what they've got a lot of other things right too all they do is go no and then what about this because it happens everywhere and then they go well that is certainly a thing but what about this and then they go down some other thing and like i don't know it's just silly i'm not perfect but i try to like put myself on the other team and be like how would you respond to this if it was michelle obama on her knees i think it was pretty fucking crass when senators made like
Starting point is 01:05:36 on their knees jokes about her and stuff like blowjob references and uh you know so when it's my guys doing it it's like guys fucking guys, fucking straighten up, dicks. Well, I saw them going after Sleepy Black Doctor last night because apparently he said something about, maybe he described slaves coming into the United States as a form of immigration. Hardworking immigrants with a dream. I watched that clip, and, like, there's, God, there's nothing more annoying than people intentionally misunderstanding things so that they can do some faux outrage. Because I watched the clip, and I don't think he should be in politics, you know, really as much. Like, I think he should stick to neurosurgeoning, because he seems to have really fucking excelled in that area of life. Better than anyone in human history borderline like i would but i did watch the clip and it's like that's like this isn't if anything he was
Starting point is 01:06:30 saying like you know oh even these people like forcibly immigrated here obviously forcibly they are fucking slaves but even they had hopes and dreams for their kids and i watched like the whole clip and it's like all right this is clearly a guy just trying to you know give a an uplifting kind of message in his sleepy black doctor kind of way. I don't know. It really rubs me the wrong way when people pick on poor old Dr. Ben Carson that much. Because it's like, dude, this guy has done stuff that it's not like other presidents could do it. Like, you know, we've had presidents who were excellent businessmen before, you know, not for a long, long time.
Starting point is 01:07:02 But we've had that. So Trump isn't the first, like, super good businessman in office office really like um reagan wasn't the first really good orator like none nobody in politics ever could just walk into ben carson's job and be like all right what are we doing today what are we doing today oh fuck that's a lot of blood oh oh oh that's a that's a great like i don't know it's just and of course that's totally uh non-sequitur because it's like you shouldn't be able to critique this guy because he's a brain surgeon like that's obviously silly but at the same time it's like dude this guy's clearly he's well-meaning he's a very bright guy in his own right and it just feels shitty to pick on him
Starting point is 01:07:40 by intentionally misunderstanding what he said my frustration is this there are a lot of things about the current administration where it's appropriate to dial it up to 11. You know that this Russian influence thing seems like there's going to be something there. This, and I don't like the way Trump lies constantly, right? I,
Starting point is 01:07:57 you should be able to trust your president at least a little, but for him to watch Breitbart and act as if it's truth or something, it really tells me that he could be making a lot of decisions on some really shitty information because his bullshit filter is ineffective. But don't dial it up to 11 every time Ben Carson misspeaks
Starting point is 01:08:16 or Kellyanne Conway missits. Focus on it. Keep your eye on the ball, Blue Team. All it does is take people who are not already dyed in the wool on that side, because stories like that are ripping on ben carson for example or that are ripping on some obscure democrat like no democrat or republican is looking at that and being like oh man like they really nailed ben carson to the wall i'm gonna have to reevaluate everything i believe all it does is be like oh this just demonstrates more media bias and people
Starting point is 01:08:42 on the left do the same thing you know if some random Democrat is like hey that guy isn't a fucking picture with Putin They're like ah pish posh who fucking cares like that's that doesn't matter what we're talking about this like like no Everybody's on their own Everybody's talking past each other. Do you guys have another we won't stop any times, but you already called it Rap that's about good very good No, I've got my thing all right PK and 134

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