Painkiller Already - PKN #147

Episode Date: June 16, 2017

It's PKN time baby! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Alright, Kyle was being so funny I was like, I want to press record! But he was talking about how everyone else on the internet is down like a hundred pounds. Yeah, I was just talking, well, you know, mostly in relation to Wings, because I feel like our fan group has kind of like lapped him two or three times. You know in video games, like racing games, this was especially true back in the day before modern racing games. You'd like lap the field three or four times so it wasn't fun anymore. I remember on Super Nintendo, one of my dads, I was four or five, and my parents wouldn't buy more Nintendo cartridges, but my dad had a guy who worked for him who was a grown-ass man
Starting point is 00:00:37 who was super into Nintendo. So four-year-old me and 28-year-old Dwayne Fricks would have these conversations when my dad drove him home from painting or whatever. Like, yeah, man, I got that. He had Zelda or the racing game or whatever, and he'd loan me his cartridges. And I just remember in the racing game, it was just like I'm eight laps ahead of the whole field. It doesn't even – it's not even fun anymore. And I just feel like that's how the weight loss thing has gone gone for for wings because like every time i like
Starting point is 00:01:05 like i got a lot i play a lot with fans now on on steam and it seems like just from my sample group which is relatively small maybe a hundred individuals that i've had contact me or i brush shoulders with they're all like yeah i used to be a fat slob but you guys got me in the in the groove now now i'm now i'm feeling good i'm drinking a gallon of water i've lost and it's always like it's never i've lost eight pounds no offense to anyone who like eight pounds we let me just qualify that we didn't need to lose 50 pounds none of us did not even fucking close to it i didn't mean that'd be a slight in any way what i'm saying is these aren't small time goals that these guys had. These guys are dropping 50 pounds and they're like, yeah, 30 more to go.
Starting point is 00:01:48 And then I'm there and I'm like, wow, okay. That's incredible. Yeah, yeah, for sure. It's impressive. I am struggling right now and it's not through bad behavior, really. I am. I've been fully honest all this thing. I have been tempted in the past to take like if I lose two pounds in a week, put one in my pocket and just whip it out next week in case I don't lose one.
Starting point is 00:02:09 Oh, I like that. But I haven't done that. The last two weeks in a row, I lost two pounds. Don't cheat yourself like that. You know what we need? You know what we need? And maybe this is a show expense. I'm sorry to interrupt, but I was just thinking of that Office episode when they're trying to do the weight loss challenge on the office.
Starting point is 00:02:25 Each office, each branch is competing with one another to lose the most collective weight. And so they all weigh each other like repeatedly. And they have this scale they stand on like a warehouse scale and a big digital readout. It would almost be funny if we did that every week. I don't know if that's an expense or what that would take. But it would be really funny if we all had a like – You want a big warehouse? I don't know if that's an expense or what that would take, but it'd be really funny if we all had a like...
Starting point is 00:02:43 If we bought a big warehouse. Not a big warehouse one, but a scale with like a digital readout that I could be like, instead of like putting a camera at the floor and like looking at my hairy ass feet and everything, I could be like, I could put like a digital monitor right here. They're not that bad. Chiz saw them and he was like, what is Woody talking about?
Starting point is 00:03:00 And he like pulls his out and I'm like, whoa! This is ethnic. He doesn't count. You descended from the Yeti men of the north. You beat me in it might be the only body part, but in the foot hair game
Starting point is 00:03:16 you have more foot hair than me. Get that in the shot there. And also, just the way that you move your toes, if that makes sense, is unsettling and I don't like it The way that you like You'll just be sitting there relaxing And like throw a leg up
Starting point is 00:03:30 And all of a sudden you're doing like a monkey's paw Like movement with it Far too much Back on the weight loss thing I lost a pound on Friday So Friday and Saturday I weighed in And I was 12 pounds down And I will say Saturday I had two and I was 12 pounds down.
Starting point is 00:03:45 I will say Saturday I had two cheat meals, which sucks. I only wanted one, but I was not exactly camping. I slept in my truck that night. I was at this airfield and I didn't have any food, so I ate a restaurant food twice. Every other week someone had brought food and I guess I depended on that and got fucked. So anyway, yeah, I had two cheat meals on Saturday, and I've got that pound back, and that sucks. And now it's Tuesday, and I'm still only down 11 pounds when I was once 12. But I've been pretty disciplined.
Starting point is 00:04:22 I've never missed a kettlebell workout. I got that going for me i'm increasing reps and weight now like i've got some beginner gains i'm only in my third week but uh i'm not as sore as i used to be after a workout and i'm increasing my the amount of work i do i don't like that like like like when i like there's that period of a ways in where it's like ah man i can't get sore anymore it's hard to get sore i gotta really hurt myself to get sore now and because like the soreness is like my body's way of telling me i think when i feel sore i'm like that's an accomplishment like that is the
Starting point is 00:04:56 reward and it's not like my body is telling me i did good when i when everything hurts and it's just oh i definitely did something the day before. I wake up every single morning for the most part, except for Sundays. By Sundays, I'm pretty recovered because I get, like, a weekend break for the most part. But, like, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, I wake up. Or I guess Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, I wake up. And, like, it's just so much achiness in my upper body where I'll just be like, ah! Ah! You have to, like, get up real quick or be like, ah, ah, you have to like get up real quick or like stretch really hard and make like, so I haven't hit that yet.
Starting point is 00:05:30 Like I'm still feeling real fucking sore most of the time, but it's mostly in the morning. Your workout is much bigger than mine. I started way slower, which I thought was fair because I'm like twice your age. It's definitely fair. There's new rules when you're 44. But now it's time to ramp it up, and I have. So that's a thing. That's good. Yeah, I've been keeping on with the workout good.
Starting point is 00:05:50 Diet, I've been, you know, over the weekend I obviously do some cheating when I'm hanging out with friends. But for the most part I've been, you know, pretty on point. Like I can tell when like a cheat day used to be like oh yeah i'll just go out with friends and then like who knows over the course of 10 hours i'll eat three cheeseburgers and drink 10 beers or whatever and that's like oh my god that's like two days worth of calories right there and so now my cheat days are much much smaller um i'm not losing weight as quickly i'm only down to 206 as of two days ago sunday which is only one pound down from i guess three weeks to go now but i can i'm getting more comments from people that i'm meeting being like why are you
Starting point is 00:06:32 have you been lifting for a while like you're looking pretty big and it's like oh so maybe it's just that i'm not losing weight as quick but i can still see the the body the the mass shifting from this disaster up to like here, the shoulders, the arms, like the chest more, all that. And so, you know, as long as that kind of progress, I keep saying I'm feeling good. My poor friends have to deal with this. Hey, I lost 12 pounds. So they don't get to say like, hey, you look better. They're like, oh, yeah, I can see it. I can see it. no lie. Like, yeah, you definitely look thinner. And I believe them,
Starting point is 00:07:06 because even though it's 11 now, because this is fucked up. But I believe, I think that at, you know, 11, 12 pounds, I do look thinner. I feel it, you know, if I brush myself or whatever. But I feel like Thursday's the check-in. That's the bigger show. So I'm hoping that I've lost that pound again by Thursday.
Starting point is 00:07:23 We'll see what weighs in. How about you, Kyle? Are you on the crash now? Or not quite a crash. You're like slimming? Yeah. Yeah. I weighed yesterday.
Starting point is 00:07:33 I was 184.3 pounds or some shit. I'm not really focused on that, though. I'm going shopping probably tomorrow. And I think I'm going to buy a lot of grilled chicken and rice and try to make like enough, try to do a little bit of meal prep. I'm not going to do like 30 fucking meals, but I am going to make like five pounds of grilled chicken and a pound or two of rice with sriracha and salsa and just put it in a bunch of dishes so that I can just not think as much and just go to that. think as much and uh just go to that yeah so how much you cook anyway and how much you enjoy making shit taste good i bet you'll have fun trying to make it healthy and taste as good as possible yeah i watched uh yeah i watched some video i don't even remember where i found it or the context now but uh i was watching the guy make uh grilled chicken and rice with sriracha and oh it was that diabetic guy there's a diabetic like a like like lifter on
Starting point is 00:08:27 uh youtube and he shows this montage of him like like fueling i guess and and like and like you see him like like lift and eat and then all of a sudden he's got a syringe out and he's shooting insulin you're like whoa what is this what am i watching and then i realized like i'm watching like the only diabetic power lifter or bodybuilder or something like that on on the internet and and he's always talking about like monitoring his insulin levels and he seems to be really in tune with it because of the diabetes that sucks for him though because usually when i think of diabetic i think of someone who let themselves go too far right he's the he's the guy who got type he's type one diabetes you can get pretty fucked up and still not get diabetes right like no one in my family has diabetes and like you
Starting point is 00:09:12 know all of us have slipped at one point or another we didn't get diabetes out of it but this poor guy has diabetes and he's really fit nah yeah it sucks because like like type one diabetes you're just born with if i if maybe i'm wrong maybe there's someone with the betas out there who can correct me not about the correct type one i'm pretty sure you're born with and that's the one where like you're pin pricking like uh because i know someone who has to do that and they're they're thin like they they'd run and do that kind of shit they just have to always be keeping track of it type 2 is when you gain it because you overate
Starting point is 00:09:48 so much or I guess is that it? I always thought the type was the severity but I'm not confident enough to say you're wrong I thought the type was the severity and I'm not an expert or anything but I always just in my head it was that type 1 required insulin maintenance to even fucking live
Starting point is 00:10:03 or they were gonna like you know their insulin levels are just bottoming out or they're gonna fucking die I guess or the opposite sometimes and they're they're monitoring their their their levels and shooting up with insulin pretty regularly and this guy even talks about his different shots I guess he's got one shot that's like short-term fix and one time that's like a one shot it's like a like a all-day kind of mellowing out the insulin levels kind of thing. So it was interesting, not because he was a diabetic so much, but because of his diabetes, he was in tune with
Starting point is 00:10:29 a lot of stuff in his body, and that seemed to be helping him with his gains and stuff. He was a big scary guy. Are you right? Yeah, so type 1 diabetes accounts for 5 to 10 out of 100 who have diabetes.
Starting point is 00:10:48 In type 1 diabetes, the body's immune system destroys the cells that release insulin, eventually eliminating insulin production from the body. Without insulin, cells cannot absorb sugar, glucose, which they need to produce energy. So that's the one Kyle was talking about where you say that you'll die if you don't get it. Type 2 diabetes can develop at any age. It most commonly becomes apparent during adulthood. Type 2 diabetes is develop at any age. It most commonly becomes apparent during adulthood. Type 2 diabetes is rising in children. Type 2 diabetes accounts for the vast majority of people who have diabetes, 90 to 95 out of 100. In type 2 diabetes, the body isn't able to use insulin the right way.
Starting point is 00:11:15 This is called insulin resistance. They didn't even mention obesity yet? Come on, bro. They didn't mention the fact that you earned type 2 diabetes. Like type 1 is like a fucking meteorite hitting you or something you couldn't do shit about that type two is like you signed up to be an astronaut you saw the meteorite coming and you're like i bet it tastes good see that's like you fucking earned that yeah you basically turn your cells into global warming like uh deniers to where like you pump so much food in there
Starting point is 00:11:45 that eventually the prophets are out there like, do not believe this false food coming into our realm. We all know there could not possibly be more. There cannot be more. That much sugar does not... You have your eighth milkshake for the day, and your body's like, that much sugar doesn't even exist. It can't be real. Our senses are wrong. Turn it off and then you die and that's that's what those people do to
Starting point is 00:12:09 their bodies but you can turn it around again that's the great thing about our bodies my grandmother um when she was maybe i don't know 60 she was like ah i have diabetes and if i want to carry on like loving my grandchildren no more coca-cola because i remember like when i was five years old that fridge was stocked with cans of coca-cola i was gonna make a joke that type 2 diabetes was linked to the size of soft drinks in america but i couldn't get the timing right it absolutely is yeah yeah yeah totally well not just the soft drinks but everything sugary that we put into our bodies from the from the time we're one there's you ever see a mom put a bottle of juice in her
Starting point is 00:12:45 baby's mouth like like i look down on that almost as harshly as i do a mother a pregnant woman smoking when you stick that bottle of apple juice in your kid's mouth that bottle of sugar water to shut the kid up because you can't nurture it you don't have enough fucking time to be like oh let me let me cajole you little little one, the most precious thing in the world. No, you're like, sugar! You mean nurture like you don't have the time to breastfeed? Kyle is the best kind of person. Someone with no kids and never will have kids
Starting point is 00:13:13 complaining about people's parenting skills. Because my standards are so high for childcare, I know I could never reach them. I know better than to have the children because I could not live up to my own lofty goals for childcare. I couldn't do it have the children because I could not live up to my own lofty goals for child care. I couldn't do it and so I don't even try. If a
Starting point is 00:13:30 few million more people had the same kind of self-control that old Kyle has here, we'd have a lot less childhood diabetes. They're all in Japan. Yeah, they're all in Japan. 40% of... I'm not talking about being a virgin for the rest of your life. I'm talking about not having a fucking kid
Starting point is 00:13:45 if you're not really, really down to have a kid. People are like, it's just what you do. I've heard so many guys my age, they'll be like, yeah, so she's pregnant. I'll be like, what now?
Starting point is 00:13:56 What's going through your mind, man? Because I feel like it's like a cancer diagnosis to me. If they were like, yeah, you have cancer. You have maybe three years. I'm like, god damn. That's the same way i'd feel if they were like you have a son he's three you know i feel the exact same way and so i'm i asked these guys i'm like what what are you feeling what do you think he's like well you know i guess that's just what you do you know bound to happen sometime i guess i like being a daddy. And it's like, no, no, no. You don't just
Starting point is 00:14:25 go into this lightly. This is the biggest responsibility you can fucking take on. I mean, I don't know. It's going to be the CEO of a multi global corporation, maybe. You're going to be the President of the United States. Then it's father. You chose to be responsible for the upbringing of another human being. There's nothing more precious
Starting point is 00:14:41 or important to the globe and to your family. There's a mine has four kids four kids right and the youngest one is like nine years younger than the other three and i'm like motherfucker you couldn't pull out of a driveway took him three days to get that joke he's like i get it pull out yeah yeah as as a non-parent i've always wondered like because you know that like parents do stuff for their kids that they then realize later like oh man i was really fucking him up right there wasn't i damn i've always wondered what those are in the minds of parents and what the thing is no i'm not saying in real time i'm saying i think a lot of
Starting point is 00:15:23 parents have retrospect where they're like oh explaining uh sex to them that way or something like that wasn't good rose colored glasses i guarantee that's not true because whenever you go back to like a parent like i've done this like like there it's not like there were big things that i was like why did you do this but like you like mentioned something they're like oh i never even thought about that i i guarantee they don't they don't consider it. And hindsight's 20-20 and rose-colored glasses and all of that mess. You're not going to get these people to admit fault.
Starting point is 00:15:51 I wonder, I almost want to. We all have parents here. Have any of us gone to our parent and brought up a past thing they did when clearly they were in the wrong and the parent was like, oh man, I was in the wrong the whole time. I wish I'd listened to 17 year old you no that shit don't happen i got an example
Starting point is 00:16:10 let me joke so my grades were terrible i made a video about this just recently bombarding my subs with the same fucking story but my grades are terrible and my father's motivation technique was basically saying you have no future. Like nothing. You guys didn't watch my last video, right? The Woody story. No. Okay, good. I haven't seen it. Fine.
Starting point is 00:16:28 So my father's motivation to get me to do it well was basically saying you have no future. He broke out like a yellow legal pad and started like telling me how much I'd make without any education or doing poorly in high school. And then he would like detail all my expenses. And he's like television. much I'd make without uh without any education or you're doing poorly in high school and then um he would like detail all my expenses and he's like television you can't afford television and no woman will want you and he just like laid out the most horrific future that a teenage boy can imagine right just broke in a ghetto with no television and no girl and uh and just working all the time and were you gonna become black so i uh was that the mark of cain was gonna be thrown down upon you i took that piece of information like in the bible stuff and decided
Starting point is 00:17:17 fuck this i'll kill myself like that was my reaction to this and uh I tried well it's kind of just unspoken in my family like I know they've watched the videos I know they you know they they know the score but they never come back and say like you know what perhaps that wasn't the best motivation technique maybe we should have sat next to you while you did your homework and pulled your grades up like we did with my daughter no no no they don't even do that no no, no. They don't even think about it. There's no introspective there. Like I'm constantly thinking like back 10, 15, 20 years ago to childhood,
Starting point is 00:17:52 the way I handled things. And I'll introspectively examine these things from my point of view and his point of view and her point of view and like an omniscient cloud person's point of view and try to get to the bottom of it like why did this happen why did i do that was that selfishness was what was inside of me driving me to say those things then that was cruel why but i'm not a cruel person why did i say that cruel thing to that person and i get to the bottom of it usually it's some kind of weakness inside of
Starting point is 00:18:19 myself some sort of uh selfishness or or uh or whatever, one of the seven deadly sins, you know, like coming into play. And I'm like, ah, got to work on that in the future. I should not act like that in the future. That's not the me I want to be. That's not the me I want to portray. There are people who interacted with me when I did that, and they have a viewpoint of me now that is in cement. And I can't fix that, but what I can do is going forward, not do that to anyone else and be a better person. Most people don't do that, and parents especially don't do that. Taylor, did your parents have to sit next to you to get you to do homework ever? No.
Starting point is 00:18:55 I was always pretty good with getting school shit done because I'm naturally – I have so much stress and guilt. I'm very high strung with that kind of stuff naturally that like if I ever like even in college and shit or high school where I'd have friends over for like study parties or whatever. And in their head, it's like, oh, we're just going to go over there and eventually, you know, end up drinking or something fun, you know?
Starting point is 00:19:20 And I, in my head be like, well, no, no, we got to get this done. Like, if we don't do this, we're going to have to lay in bed later and feel guilty about it. Right. No, nobody else. No, I guess not. All right, let's drink.
Starting point is 00:19:29 You know, my daughter was a perfectionist and I had to like actively work with her and coach her to be a little more of a fuck up. Right. Cause she would spend like, like, okay. 80 vocabulary words. Right. So you have to like write the word, then write what it means and do that. And it's like, oh my God, you're getting done like three minutes a word?
Starting point is 00:19:51 This is ridiculous. You should be doing five words a minute on this stuff, right? Just freaking whip it out. It's a different kind of, it's a different thing in your brain when you're flashcards and vocabulary words. You're a teacher, I decided to type this one out for you. That's a copy-paste move right there.
Starting point is 00:20:04 Get your shit done and move the fuck on. You know, like, you can do this with way less... Her driving hours, right? Like, oh, I can't possibly take my test I have, you know, to get all this practice in, etc. None of your friends are doing that. None of them. Like, dude, just fill it out.
Starting point is 00:20:20 Her hours for National Honor Society. I know this one came naturally to Taylor because he had a story, right? I'm just like, call Uncle Greg. He's, you know, morally suspect. He'll fill out whatever the fuck we need. And then when his kids get in the National Honor Society, I'll be there for them.
Starting point is 00:20:36 Woodworth Enterprises, LLC, baby. That's where they volunteer. This is important, and this is an important part of upbringing, I think, with children, is teaching them that, look, the world out there isn't fair. And if you ever get a little bit of a shortcut, and it's not going to send you to prison, just fucking take the shortcut.
Starting point is 00:20:55 If there's an easy way, a right way, and a wrong way, sometimes the easy way is the way to go. I remember my dad got some change back once, I don't remember where, from some purchase, and he was like, ah, they gave me $40 too much. And I was like, what are you going to do? He's like, well, that's their job. I'm going to leave with my $40. He's like, I have $40 now. He's like, that's on them. You don't correct their mistake. That's on them. And I was like, oh, okay. And that's sort of a little tougher for me. But I want to say, that's how I operate. So even if you take away the shortcut thing, right? Like putting first things first is essential. You know, you've got to do the most important things before the little numbskull dumbass things.
Starting point is 00:21:36 And when you have a task like whatever, National Honor Society volunteer. And I should note, her school was stupid about it. They wanted National Honor Society to be more prestigious than it is otherwise so they made them do like a hundred volunteer hours when 20 was normal at other schools and i'm just like oh fuck that not not in this family like you did i think it's because they know that none of these kids are doing this job and so it's like well if all the other schools are having them fake 20 why don't we have them fake 100 you know dude the first year she did it the first year well, if all the other schools are having them fake 20, why don't we have them fake 100? You know? Dude, the first year she did it.
Starting point is 00:22:07 The first year she volunteered. Oh, my God. It's like a summer job for no pay. That's not how we work. And anyway. There you go again. Very capitalist at my household. It was like, ah.
Starting point is 00:22:18 This one, too. I mean, you know, these are the important. These are the foundations of life, right? Like, take. But that one that I was talking about a minute ago, like, take what you're given. These are the important foundations of life. But that one that I was talking about a minute ago, take what you're given. If you're given an edge anywhere in life, that's... I've returned money
Starting point is 00:22:34 before because I'll tell you what, I'll fuss in the other direction. If they short me, if I'm due 60 and they give me 20, I'll say, hey, this isn't right. So if I'm due 60 and they give me 100, I'll say, hey, this isn't right too. I I'm due 60 and they give me 100, I'll say, hey, this isn't right too. I've definitely done that. I've done that at...
Starting point is 00:22:50 I don't know. Yeah, it must have been a blues game where I bought a beer and I was due like $5 back and change and they gave me a 10 instead and just was like, hey, actually you should give me a 5 because I just gave you 10. And then you gave me 10 back, which is like you gave me a free beer.
Starting point is 00:23:09 Afterward, you get a feeling of like... it's only five dollars that you sacrifice it doesn't fucking matter in the scale of things but you get the feeling of being like christ standing on the mount being like handing out loaves and fishes being very like look at this guy look at how how you know compassionate he is like he's not keeping an extra five i do have another example like i went to home depot and i bought a bunch of nuts and bolts and for my own tracking purposes i put them together like all right every bolt's gonna need like two flat washers one lock washer and a nut so i you know as i did i assembled them and then it wasn't until i got home that i realized like they totally charged me incorrectly they built they billed me for all the bolts as if it came with nuts and washers came with nuts and washers.
Starting point is 00:23:45 Came with nuts and washers. And I was like, yeah, I'm not going back. No. I've had dozens. There's a level of effort where it's like, you wouldn't drive back. But in the moment, had you noticed, you would have went, hey, I'll pay the extra $16
Starting point is 00:23:58 for the rest of these little bits of metal. Yeah, yeah. This level of retail voluntary honesty is just something that I'm not into at all. I feel like it's on that guy operating that cash machine. That is his profession. And I will, of course, count my change and make sure that I have been duly paid. But he, in the same regard, has to do the same for himself. It's like when I pay someone cash for something, I always say, count it. And they'll be like, oh, no, no, I trust you.
Starting point is 00:24:29 And I'm like, that's not why I asked you to count it. I don't care if you fucking trust me. Count it in front of me. And then tomorrow, there can be no dispute. There's no way you can come back tomorrow and be like, ah, I think it was $195. Like, no, let's count it right fucking now. Get this over with 100,000%. It'll be over.
Starting point is 00:24:47 Count it. That's always the way to do it. And so when I'm at the cash register at Home Depot, and I mention Home Depot because I ripped them off for a hot water heater not so long ago, or wherever, you know, like $180 or something. They, you know, it's your fucking job to count that money, to, like, check everything, to make sure this transaction is going right, because I'm not you know, it's, it's your fucking job to count that money, to like check everything, to make sure this transaction is going right, because I'm not going to lie to you, but I'm
Starting point is 00:25:08 going to come here and I'm going to put my things that I want on the counter and you'll tell me how much money you'd like in return for them. And I'll give you that money. And if anything goes wrong, that's on you. Yep. I'm leaving with my stuff. I'm leaving with that. I'm going to give you as much money as you ask.
Starting point is 00:25:22 And I'm going to take as much stuff as I put on the counter. And at the end, if you get shorted, then that's on you. That was your job. Oh, I was going to change that. Taylor, this will surprise you. You're going to be knocked off your feet. My pool running behind schedule. Oh, no, that doesn't sound right.
Starting point is 00:25:39 See, that goes with what? How many pools did my parents put in through the years? Like seven? That goes with what? How many pools did my parents put in through the years? Like seven? So this is eight-eighths of the pools I've been tangentially related to have been behind schedule. Have there been unforeseen excuses?
Starting point is 00:26:01 Well, I mean, it's not like you can ask them to predict that some days it might rain, right? They're like, yeah, yeah. I don't know what their planning is. They're just like there's never a rain day. So especially with concrete, it's a non-starter. You don't put concrete down in the mud. And apparently you don't put concrete down while it's raining. I'm not a concrete guy, but that's what they say.
Starting point is 00:26:21 So, you know, they'll just like, that's the next thing that we're doing. And yeah, they're just like, oh, you know, two weeks out. But man, you wouldn't believe it. It rained last week. And now we're doing and yeah they're just like oh you know they're two weeks out but man you wouldn't believe it it rained uh last week and now we're a day behind and it's again it's gonna rain this week so we'll probably be you know two days behind after that and it's like really like are you new to earth like it rains now and then can we not feel like they the way that they do that sometimes like contractors in particular whether or not it's for a pool. They see like a rain day, like they'll like look at the schedule and be like Wednesday it's got like 30% chance of
Starting point is 00:26:50 rain. Well, just to be safe for the quality of my worksmanship, I'm gonna not do anything that day. I'm not gonna roll the dice. It's like almost like they really enjoy the thought of rain and elements as a way to extend, get a little weekend in the middle of the week i i don't
Starting point is 00:27:05 know i noticed that because it seemed well with concrete like it's fucking missouri it rains all the time you should have known this like you take a two-day uh window and get it done yeah there's lots of two-day windows where it doesn't rain all over the country i i like yeah this was not this project but another thing i don't know if it was my stable or something. But they're like, oh, my God, it's rained so much this month. And I'm like, yeah, April showers. Who would have known? Is there a saying about it? You don't know how many yards of concrete it is, do you?
Starting point is 00:27:38 I don't know, but I know it's a lot. How big is the pool itself, the dimensions of it? I know that it's about 24,000 gallons. Ah, of course. I can picture that clearly. Clearly. Boom. That's all I need to hear.
Starting point is 00:27:54 It's a lagoon shape, which is like a cock and balls kind of shape. I want to say it's 37 feet from the scrotum to the tip of the dick and the width is maybe 22-ish but these are going off the top of my head that's a good size pool and so you've got it set up so you're going to have like the long deep end part and then you'll have the bigger shallow end part where you can like put up exactly the nut sack is the shallow part and which apparently is where the fun is had and it's why we changed the shape of the pool, right? We wanted a deep end, but we didn't want the deep end to really overtake
Starting point is 00:28:30 the pool. All the deep end is good for, if you ask me, is obviously diving. That's the main thing. I like to throw a handful of pennies in there. Yeah, and we're going to have a waterfall that pours into the deep end, so you can jump on that. It's made out of
Starting point is 00:28:45 big rocks and stuff. Dude, it's so much fun. Greased watermelon! What is that? We would take... That's where you throw a greased watermelon in the pool and nobody can grab it. Everybody's trying to grab it, nobody can grab it. Oh, your kids will love that. We would always... My dad
Starting point is 00:29:02 always had... Let me see if that's a real thing. I don't trust you people. Oh, it totally is. After every transaction... It's always sunny. For every transaction, Dad would always throw his change in the same jar. He'd cash the change in like every couple years,
Starting point is 00:29:13 and it'd be a fucking ordeal, I can remember. But anyway, like before we went in the pool, we'd always go in there and just... Get a big fucking handful of change and just cast it out over the deep end. And, you know, like, you know, three of us would dive down at the same time, and whoever cast it out over the deep end and you know like you know three of us would dive down at the same time and whoever come up with the most money wins and then you throw the money back out yeah yeah i had um my my grandfather who preferred to be
Starting point is 00:29:35 called uncle he was and uh so my uncle shirley used to bring like he'd know we were coming over and you have a roll of quarters so like every quarter was brand new and shiny, and every coin was an actual quarter, which were like the mother load on most diving expeditions. This is like all mother load, double XP weekend, coins in the pool, and it was a real joy for us. Oh, yeah, that sounds nice. Because like I said, we just reached into that coffee can of coins.
Starting point is 00:30:04 Sometimes there'd be lint or a Canadian nickel or something. There'd always be bullet cartridges mixed in there. One of those horseshit Mexican coins with a hole in it. Dude, it's so funny. I can remember we did it about three times in my entire childhood. It was like, hey, we got like 18 coffee cans full of quarters let's get rid of these and there would be a rolling of the change i just remember being as a kid being in there like like doing this me and my mom and my sister like rolling up daddy's change and and i just remember
Starting point is 00:30:37 how my hands would stink of pennies after like two hours of doing this shit. I had a, like, call it three, four months ago. My father never got along with his mother-in-law. And I always wondered why, like what the scoop was around that. And my father, you know, he said things that didn't seem to be true. Like, oh, I didn't like the way she treated the kids. I was a kid. She treated us great. We went to her pool.
Starting point is 00:31:01 She always had snacks and drinks and stuff. And she wasn't naturally loving. Like, she wasn't the sort that would, like, get down on the carpet and do kid shit. But, you know, she had toys to hand out, and it was her pool. And she just seemed to like having us around, even if it was more as, like, lawn ornaments that she enjoyed watching. So I found out recently, recently like what the scoop was and apparently she she used to like make little negs at my father on on like his lack of success my father's very successful but her son was always like gonna pass him you know like like oh yeah this guy's studying
Starting point is 00:31:41 engineering and you're just an accountant. Just saying. He's going to be this and you're one of these. Who are these toxic people? I've never met them. I've never met one of these toxic people like this who say these incredibly rude things. Because I would not tolerate. I'm going to tell you one thing. I don't care. There is not a family member I have who could talk to me that way without getting a fuck.
Starting point is 00:32:05 I would come unglued. I'd be like, you cunt. I'll whip your old ass. I'm a grown man. I'll beat you up. I'll beat you up. No one will believe it. The future is here, and it's me.
Starting point is 00:32:17 All of a sudden, granny took a fall. I'll fuck you up, bitch. I'll fuck you up like that. Yeah, and I guess my mother had a lot of examples but like just little things that she would say to kind of put him down in comparison to her own son uh throughout my like my first 20 years i thought that only existed in sitcoms like like like like you know you um everybody loves raymond right? Raymond's mother is always undercutting his wife about her cooking or
Starting point is 00:32:48 her status as a wife. She's a bad wife. She's a bad mother. Oh, you did it that way. Whoa. Do you know I have a friend who went through this? His mom is the bad one, so my friend's mom. My friend's a guy. Just to be clear i don't
Starting point is 00:33:05 know and and but he really aspires to move like back home like he did i i don't want to i want what's that it's italian no he's not uh he's i'm trying not to like you know ever out him but uh what's that you should have said yes he's Italian. Yes, he's as Italian as it gets. Ah, mamma mia. Oh, my good friend Luigi. So anyway, his parents came to visit. And they just undercut his wife the whole time. And for whatever reason, the way that his relationship with his parents goes,
Starting point is 00:33:44 he didn't feel like he could just put his foot foot down and say mom this horse shit's got to stop and uh it pretty much canceled his plans of moving back home like he just feels like his family dynamic wouldn't be successful if they had more exposure to his mom i'm a bit curious and it's your friend and everything why did he see that as a good thing? Why did he want to go home, I guess is my question. He inherited 80 acres of beautiful land. And I think part of the dream is to build a home on that acreage and have his sort of homestead. When I heard move home,'m picturing like move back
Starting point is 00:34:25 into like a subdivision with his 68 year old mother and father move into the town that he was raised in ah that's totally different okay i understand you know his family and and maybe something similar exists where you're from because it doesn't really hear of it his family is like something's beeping at me like a royalty almost like like you know like i think in farming communities this happens like you know oh yeah the johnsons they've got that giant acreage over here uh well you become a pillar of the community not just in stat social status but financially like like there are farmers here there's a family uh it's two brothers who are maybe 65 and 70 and one of their sons and they own tens of thousands of
Starting point is 00:35:08 acres of and it's not just like i know i know that guy in texas who owns 20 000 acres right but it's just desert for the most part i mean there's water and there's animals but it's he's not growing corn out there these guys have tens of thousands of acres of corn and wheat and soybeans and yeah like their tax contributions just to the county is probably what's like making the high school get its new walls and shit like that. You know, they're propping the whole community up. So that's probably a more extreme example. But he's that to a lesser extent. And that 80 acres he got was an inheritance split amongst like a bunch of kids and such.
Starting point is 00:35:39 So, you know, I think that's his home. But yeah. And I was like, so how old's mom? And he's like, she's going to live till 95. He's spry. Yeah. He's spry. He knew where I was going.
Starting point is 00:35:54 Well, there's a lot of longevity in the family. It's so sad. Bad news. I wonder if that's an interesting thing. Like if you're in a family where you're like uh here's a perfect example the royal family of england right you got the you got prince charles over there right he has now i'm not an expert in this i think he's been in line to be the king for his entire fucking life virtually and his mother the queen who drove a truck in world
Starting point is 00:36:28 war 2. She's 191 now. Is still hanging around. They just had her 70th year of being the queen. Is she 90? Yeah, yeah, something like that. 90 something. Because she's been the queen for over 70 years now.
Starting point is 00:36:41 She's Walter Fraying this shit. Like her kids are gonna be senior citizens when they get their kids. Charles is a senior citizen. Charles is the oldest years now. She's Walter Fraying this shit. Like, her kids are gonna be senior citizens when they get their kids. Charles is a senior citizen. Charles is the oldest shit now. I'll Google it. Elizabeth is 91. Charles is 68. He is literally
Starting point is 00:36:58 a senior citizen. A pensioner. Yeah. That's what they call him there. And I find that a bit, like, insulting, right? To call someone a pensioner. Yeah. Pensioner. That's what they call them there. And I find that a bit, like, insulting, right, to call someone a pensioner. It seems like you're reducing them down to the fact that they collect what I'm assuming is, like, their social security check there. That'd be, like, if you called old people social security-ers or social security leeches. There's an implied, like, incapable of being productive in pensioner, right? That, too. Like like you could be like
Starting point is 00:37:26 here there and i don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing there's plenty of people collecting social security but still like working jobs and and you know earning a living one way or another and being productive but the when you call someone a pensioner i really picture a really and i hear it often in crimes they'll be like yeah, a pensioner was beaten mercilessly with canes by hooligans in the alley, and he's forgiven them. Shouldn't the caned by hooligans? Yeah, it seems like the pensioners should have beaten the hooligans with canes.
Starting point is 00:37:55 Was his clockwork orange? Who has the canes here? They took his cane away and whooped him with it. Insult to injury. Oh man, that's one of the darkest scenes of any movie. It's hard to think of a scene that's more macabre and dark than that scene
Starting point is 00:38:13 where he's singing in the rain. They beat that elderly man with his cane. They're wearing the white jumpsuits that are so disparate from what's happening there. And it was pre-planned. And that, to me, adds part of it. They're like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:38:28 Let's go out tonight for some extreme violence. That's my British accent. A bit of ultra-violence. Ultra-violence. A bit of ultra-violence. Yeah, yeah. And they'll all dress up. I heard that.
Starting point is 00:38:38 I was like, what's ultra-violence? Yeah. I'm familiar with violence, but ultra-violence, the fuck? And sure enough like wow yeah it's hard to to watch they're so brutal but that's not i don't enjoy that one and i've watched like two or three things that like dissect that and talk about the hidden meanings and stuff and and i and i absorbed all that at the time but still hey I don't care for it. I don't care for watching all the violence, the ultra-violence, and I don't really care for his character either, even when he's off time.
Starting point is 00:39:11 That one didn't do it for me. I like almost everything Stanley Kubrick's done, but not that one. That's one of my favorite Stanley Kubrick movies because it's so fucking weird. Off-putting. I admire a movie's ability to move me i was killing it doesn't have to be positive you know the one i brought out a bunch of times and i mean is uh demi moore woody harrelson robert redford the cheating movie indecent proposal yeah indecent proposal i'm going to spoil it because it's like a 30-year-old movie. But at the very end, basically, Demi and Woody married.
Starting point is 00:39:48 They agree as a couple that she can sleep with Robert Redford for a million dollars. And then she falls for Robert Redford and decides to stay with him. I think she genuinely loves the guy, but also loves his money. Robert Redford, in some way way decides that he doesn't want this gives her back to woody and there they are holding hands with their unique wedding rings at the very end of the film anyway i'm like no no this thing's still scarred there is this isn't like a happily ever after ending that thing that happened during the movie didn't get undone, you know, like it, he couldn't live with it, I remember Woody Harrelson couldn't live with it, he agreed to it,
Starting point is 00:40:30 it wasn't like she cheated, because she had permission, but he was like, you know, I think he's like, did you like it, did you like it, I gotta know, did you like it, he wanted to know what positions, I think, and he wanted to know if she orgasmed. And it was just burning in his head. He started treating her meanly. He couldn't deal with it. Is this a movie you recommend? I've never seen it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:54 I mean, because I'm impressed with the movie's ability to move me. At the end, I was upset. At the end, it was like, that's not okay, but I care. And for that, I give you kudos. You know something great that I just started watching? I know you guys are ahead of me on it. I'm only on episode four, I think, but Fargo. I'm now watching it.
Starting point is 00:41:19 Are you guys all on set? How many are out? I think I'm current on Fargo. Yeah, I'm current on yeah i i'm i'm current the they had a bye week last week and uh and all the shows did i i guess and and so this whole time i keep refreshing like all of my shows like what the fuck is the next better call saul god damn it it's been it's been nine days or something like that it seems like memorial weekend was their bye week so there there might be out and you don't know it well Well, I think they come out on Monday or Tuesday or something,
Starting point is 00:41:46 so tonight or maybe it's available now because I watch it on the app. But in any case, I'm fairly up to date. Really love Fargo, of course. Ewan McGregor is killing it. Love the dual roles for as long as that lasts. He's killing it. I have never watched Ewan McGregor in a movie and been really like,
Starting point is 00:42:08 he was one of my favorite actors. Yeah, like that. I was like, okay, he looks incredible in that movie next to fucking Hayden Christensen, that roadwork pylon. I hate it there. Train Spotting was good. Train Spotting was very good too.
Starting point is 00:42:22 Yeah, that's a really good point. That movie's sad. Just because... There's a train spotting, too, right? I don't think I saw it. I haven't seen the second one. But with Fargo, anyway... I think it was last episode
Starting point is 00:42:36 that the bulimia scene happened. And you even informed me, Kyle, like, there's a guy in the show with nasty-ass baked bean teeth that you wonder why he's fucked up. And you just assume that it's because he's British the whole time. And then you see him gorge himself and then just go right into the bathroom and start vomiting it up. And it was I don't know, that almost that like caught me off guard, even though you told me it was going to happen, because it's just not something you ever see, especially a man. You never see men with an eating disorder is fargo moving a little slowly for you because and i do occasionally appreciate a slow burn i like tomahawk bone tomahawk but
Starting point is 00:43:15 i sometimes i just feel like gosh you know you guys take forever to tell your story i don't think uh i've watched quite enough yet to know how slow it is. I think I'm either finishing episode four or in the middle of episode four. Then you sat through the animated one. The one where it has animated clips every here and there.
Starting point is 00:43:38 I kind of liked that because I was trying to understand because it was obviously the book that she was reading about the robot and everything. I think it's robot. I don't know. It is the robot that she was working with, but I don't know. I liked
Starting point is 00:43:54 it a lot so far. Ewan McGregor's keeping me in it. The guy, Mac. Mac was in it. I saw his episode. I was hoping more and more that he was going to start saying more and being a bigger character, but all of his lines were just, he was such a douche.
Starting point is 00:44:10 Such an insufferable fucking douche to that lady. And I don't like this lady cop nearly as much as the previous season's lady cop. Previous season, both previous season's cops were way funnier. Especially season two uh or wait no season one season two was kirsten dunst who was very funny with uh poor man ben
Starting point is 00:44:33 affleck not ben affleck poor man uh matt damon with the red hair yes ah yeah i got it the lady cop's boss completely Completely hateable. Oh my gosh. Every time he says anything, he's just a bigger knuckle-dragging meathead. You know what you get with your mashed potatoes? Mashed potatoes! Yeah, he's just a real dummy. He's got that Iraq War veteran or something like that.
Starting point is 00:44:59 Do you recognize the actor? Nucky Thompson's brother. Yeah, there you go. Yeah, yeah. But he's... If you've ever managed staff before Like oh my god support your people At least a little like give them a chance Don't just disregard every idea
Starting point is 00:45:13 As stupid cause it's not yours Fucking jackass I think he doesn't want her subverting his power right He's coming in and there's literally a power Struggle between the two of them and he cannot Be seen as like even taking any shit from her. I guess they gave him a good motivating factor for being such a one dimensional dick, I think, at least.
Starting point is 00:45:34 I don't think so. I think he could show her some respect and still maintain authority. I think I could do that. He doesn't think she's done anything. He's an Iraq war veteran. He's been and done shit. They're in this small sleepy town, which he thinks is below him, clearly. He's got this up-jumped female cop
Starting point is 00:45:52 who's never done anything, telling him what's going on, and he's clearly creating a huge mountain of work for him to do when he sees none. It's like, hey, this happened, that happened, these bleed me to think that they're related. And he's just like dismissing
Starting point is 00:46:08 everything she said. It's easy to believe her evidence when we sat there and watched it actually happen. But from the outside looking in, it's like, you believe that there is a conspiracy involving the Billboard King of Minnesota. And his brother tried to kill him, but the assassin went to the wrong house and killed an old man.
Starting point is 00:46:23 And it's Parkin lot, by the way. That old man just happens to be your father-in-law. So this seems like a huge coincidence, a real scoop for you, just in the nick of time when you need this to hang on to power, eh? He totally thinks she's trying to take his job. I understand. I liked...
Starting point is 00:46:39 The chief should have taken the complaints a little more seriously. Like, yeah, we should go ahead and investigate that. But I did like how he called her on shit in their first meeting where they were having their little power struggle. And he's like, where are your computers? Where are the computers and everything? He goes, oh, former chief didn't care much for computers, so we just telefax people things.
Starting point is 00:46:59 He's like, telefax? Do you know what year it is? Like, nobody uses telefax. She's like, well, I suppose that's why nobody writes me back much. Huh? So I understood him getting her bitching out there because he was like, I'm going to pretend like you didn't just talk to me like an emotional teenage girl, and you must have just forgotten for a moment that I'm your new superior.
Starting point is 00:47:20 And I was like, okay, so maybe the professionalism is going to get ramped up a bit they're going to get a couple pcs in the mix you know and then there was that whole episode where it was like she was like doing the whole gumshoe routine of like you know looking around for clues like a 1946 uh detective and then at the end of it she gets back and someone's like yeah we just decided to run the prince right through one of those fancy majiggers and then out popped this right there. It was like, oh, wouldn't you see? Well, maybe he is onto something, the new chief. And it's like, yeah, maybe he is.
Starting point is 00:47:51 Maybe he is. And we could have not gone through that whole episode. Yeah, we could have moved the storyline along. I don't think you'll think it moves slow. Have you gotten to the episode where some piss is involved yet? Not yet. All right. Some piss is involved.'t you'd know you'd know if you had so just just leave that alone i feel like i'm past it this uh no you didn't i think i'm current well damn if you don't remember that then you didn't watch the show
Starting point is 00:48:19 because like it's a massive it's that it's a massive, it's that, it's a massive, huge scene. It's incredibly scary. And then they talk about it three times after it. Oh, the scene mechanic where they were, like, showing, like, the different instruments for, like, this is, you know, the duck sound. And then, like, as they were, like, playing, like, the duck clarinet. Are you talking about the coffee cup scene? No, I'm not talking about that. Oh, did he pee in the coffee cup scene? I'm not talking about that.
Starting point is 00:48:47 Oh, did he pee in the coffee cup scene? Yeah. He made him drink his piss. He put his junk in the cup. How did you not catch that? I didn't get that. You're not watching the show. I'm just going to make him some cock flavored cocoa. It would be like if we watched Game of Thrones and you thought Robb Stark was still alive.
Starting point is 00:49:04 We were all like, no, Jon Snow or Khaleesi. I mean, it's just passion. You're like, look guys, Robb Stark is the firstborn. I don't know where you're getting off with this. Hey, can't you assert Robb? And we're like, the Red Wedding happened. Remember he died and his whole family? What about the baby? The baby died too?
Starting point is 00:49:19 I'm telling you, he stuck his dick in that coffee and filled her up. Shook it off and then provided the piss and made him drink the piss. And then he's like, don't make me drink the piss. And he drinks the piss. I really thought he was reacting just to the fact that his dick was in the cup recently. Well, then later he was like, he pissed in my coffee.
Starting point is 00:49:38 He put his squacong in my coffee cup, and then he made me drink it. And I had to throw it away. It was the coffee cup my wife gave me and you get his piss like running down his face like when he's drinking it not coffee oh jesus christ it was rough well now i know what that scene's gonna be but regardless i'm really really liking the show so much i expected it to drop off you're re-watching it no i meant to say i'm watching house of cards uh oh oh speaking of people from nucky thompson's neck of the woods i was going to say this earlier so the cop that was nucky's
Starting point is 00:50:10 brother i have no problem seeing him as this asshole officer i know the guy with red hair who is the writer for claire and frank i cannot see him as anyone except for the guy who's like it who runs the dock in Boardwalk Empire and always has that little hat and they're like come on Nucky and then he does his maybe I
Starting point is 00:50:34 I'm trying to sell you out but I'm a good guy hehehe you know Nucky we're just doing our best there's three characters that I can think of because the other guy the Jewish partner who has the coffee cup provided to him, the partner of Ewan McGregor, he was the guy in New York. And he was the rich, rich guy in New York that dealt with Nucky Thompson in Boardwalk Empire. I can't remember the character's name, but he's gained a lot of weight since then. Like I would say 30, 40 pounds of belly since those good old Boardwalk Empire days. And one more guy that I noticed constantly in everything HBO does is the black
Starting point is 00:51:15 guy who played Omar. I wish I knew his name. I'm going to come up with it after this because I'm tired of saying the black guy who plays Omar. I don't think that's not very nice. But he's been in every single thing. Every single HBO show I go back and watch, I see Omar in there. He's even in Sopranos. Omar? There's an episode of Soprano. I haven't seen The Wire.
Starting point is 00:51:35 Oh, shit. The Wire is top five all-time shows, brother. That's the shit. That's the Baltimore Cop drug show? Yes, that's it. Sh's the Baltimore cop drug show or yeah that's it it's that's it and um shucks I don't even I so I guess the basic premise is these detectives are trying to catch these Baltimore drug dealers but I swear the story is told from both sides you're not you're not just
Starting point is 00:51:59 following the detectives you also become one of the gangsters and sometimes it's even hard to know who to root for. Yeah, equally. You're riding that rail between the two. You're right in the middle, and you get just as much law enforcement as you do gang work. And they have similar hierarchies in both organizations and similar issues sometimes. Power struggles. Maybe the boss won't listen to an underling who really knows what he's saying because he's on the ground.
Starting point is 00:52:27 And people die on both sides. The show's not still going, right? No. No, it's all wrapped. It's actually a little outdated. Like, I want to say the way they use pagers and cell phones. Like, there's some tech that's important that, you know, maybe things would be different now. It's like season
Starting point is 00:52:45 three when sms even becomes a thing and they're like they're like they're like what do you mean a text message and they're like yeah it's like words but it comes through a phone and you can read it and they're like my blown and then they've like they've got like a the gangsters are using uh sms messaging and like a map of the city to coordinate their meets. And it's really complicated. The wire is incredibly well written and every single character grows throughout the story. There'll be some middling bullshit gangster that you don't even care about. And like three seasons in, you're like, God damn, I hope Tommy makes it.
Starting point is 00:53:18 And then Tommy, and then they'll fucking rub Tommy out. You'd be like, God damn, they rub Tommy out. And then, and it'll, it'll mean something because three seasons later they'll be like you killed tommy i found out and they'll go down it's there's a pair of assassins in the wire that are just so compelling to watch like it that um one of them's like a little girl uh And it's just like, oh my god. Like, they're so ruthless. They're psychopaths, sociopaths. They kill without caring.
Starting point is 00:53:54 Oh, I just figured out who you're talking about. She's not little. She's an adult. She's not tall. She's like a four-foot adult. Yeah, there is a very dykey black chick who's who's in her 20s or something and she talks like this yo and she hangs out with a another black me a couple episodes to be a hundred percent sure that's a girl i i you know i was i was 80 i would have i
Starting point is 00:54:23 would have bet the right way but I haven't locked in until later. She's pretty masculine. She's got a rough and tough voice, and she's a drug gang enforcer. You know, she's the one who – her and her partner are the ones who go out and kill people for the gang. There's a great scene where, like, the episode opens up, and she's in, like, a Home Depot looking at nail guns, and she doesn't know what she's doing. And the guy comes up and and he's like he gives her the the spiel right he's like ah well this is this and this is that but this this thing uses like nine millimeter blank cartridges to fire nails and it'll do concrete or wood or whatever and and she's like oh hell yeah she's
Starting point is 00:55:00 like roll peels off like 400 and gives it to him she's like i'll take this one he's like no you gotta take it to the counter he's like she's like no no and you keep that you earned that money like a motherfucker and like she walks out and the guy's like is that the one she's like yeah uses nine millimeter cartridges and shit this is the cadillac of nail guns right here and they're using the nail gun for some nefarious shit they're killing people and burying them in these abandoned homes and then just patap, patap, patap, nailing the houses up because they're like these old abandoned Baltimore row houses. That's the other thing.
Starting point is 00:55:33 Baltimore is your background. I don't know shit about Baltimore. I've driven through there one time. A little Detroit-y. Fucking scary. Fucking scary. It's like right in the shadow of Washington D.C. Yeah, such a shit hole city. But it's just fucking scary. This scary. It's like right in the shadow of Washington DC. But it's just fucking scary. This crack is an incredible
Starting point is 00:55:49 problem. And there's one more character who's incredible named Bubbles. He's a crack head and he looks so much like a crack head. Oh Jesus Ricky, I don't know what I'm going to do if I can't get some crack. This is a much more fucked up Bubbles. He's a black dude teeth missing, hair all crazy,
Starting point is 00:56:06 and he's just all skinny and always getting his ass kicked over trying to steal his act. Yeah. But people saw the actor in his wardrobe on set or something, or outside set, maybe smoking a cigarette, and they're trying to give him money, and he's like, no, no, I'm fucking HBO. I'm good.
Starting point is 00:56:22 I'm all right. Have you guys seen 12 O'Clock Boys? Nope. No. I think it's a documentary. And it's about this Baltimore culture of riding motorcycles. But they're usually dirt bikes on the street. And 12 O'Clock Boys are the people it's hard to do.
Starting point is 00:56:41 But they do a wheelie all the way up to 12 O'Clock. Most wheelies are at like 45 degrees and uh it follows this kid who like has hopes and dreams of being one of the 12 o'clock boys and he's like 12 and and but the 17 year olds are like killing it and he can do wheelies on like an atv and he eventually gets a motorcycle and i mean i don't want to ruin it all but it's really good and it's all true like they just followed a kid around with cameras and interviewed him and they interviewed his mom and the kid's like fuck
Starting point is 00:57:11 all his priorities are screwed up and he sucks at school if he even goes he's obviously going to grow up to be a future thief and drug dealer and the mom is like I don't know what I did wrong like I got him good shoes I got him good shoes i got good shoes yeah he had like okay well all right one sneakers that impressed his friends
Starting point is 00:57:32 right not even like i i kept him fed and clothed like she's just saying i got this kid impressive sneakers and he's still not coming straight in life it's like you're the worst mother ever my god you can't win in life with a fair air, Jordan. You're not my son. Right. All right? You're never going to be a 12 o'clock boy with that kind of attitude. Look at your brother.
Starting point is 00:57:54 Dude, that and... Like a picture on the wall of his brother, like, smoking a cigarette, like, at 12 o'clock. Yeah, do it, Willie. Look at your brother. God rest his soul. He knew how to use his Jordans. Yeah, dude, it was good. Yeah, I don't want to ruin some of the highlights of it,
Starting point is 00:58:13 but 12 O'Clock Boys is legit, and it opens your eyes to a real fucked up community. People who prioritize all the wrong things in life have no positive role models. And positive role models sounds like, you know, who doesn't have whatever it is? No. They're all aspiring to be the cool
Starting point is 00:58:33 fuck up in the neighborhood. And you see how that goes down. It's pretty good. 12 o'clock boys. I'll check that out. Looking for another documentary to watch. Planet Earth 2 is coming. Maybe it already came out. I don't for another documentary to watch. Planet Earth 2 is coming. Or maybe it already came out. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:58:46 Yeah, it's been coming out in episodes on BBC. I need to watch that. Is that just like video porn about Earth? It's the greatest animal documentary series ever made. It's the one that David Attenborough narrating. It's in 4K. It's the one with the incredibly huge budget. They don't just go out in some wildlife preserve and get close to a bird like they send guys out to mongolia where they they
Starting point is 00:59:09 camp for like six months so they can get these shots of this rare reindeer and stuff yeah they don't just get shots uh chasing the lizard remember we watched that clip and the lizards like making that crazy escape that that was from planet earth 2 yeah um but i want to watch it in 4k so i'm waiting until i can get it all and uh binge watch that's right you have 4k tv i might i think i'm going to prioritize it right after fargo because it's like it's not just that it's cool animal footage like to what kyle was saying like they spend so much time getting the animal footage that it's like it's a guarantee that you're not just going to get to see all the cool animals all the hits but you're going to get to see them doing things that we've never caught on film before so it's a guarantee that you're not just going to get to see all the cool animals, all the hits, but you're going to get to see them doing things that we've never caught on film before.
Starting point is 00:59:47 So it's like this is what a great white shark does right after it gives birth. We've never seen this before. We have no idea. This is what this snake does when it's underground. Some sort of whale, like a sperm whale sleeping vertically or something. Is this the one that followed the whale? That sounds familiar. Yeah, it is great.
Starting point is 01:00:09 I don't know, whatever reason, I'm in a mood right now to poo-poo it as all video and lousy audio. Oh, the audio is the best part. If I had a choice between watching the video without the audio of the animals doing the amazing things or listening to just the audio and no video. I would pick the latter because I would just listen to David Attenborough.
Starting point is 01:00:31 Tell me wonderful things about animals. No, I would rather watch and just assume things. This is what I bet he's doing. I watch a lot of paramotor videos and they mostly suck. They suck. They suck. Paramotor videos, and they mostly suck. They suck. They suck. Paramotor videos are absolutely terrible. People get up there, and they think that just because there's an interesting experience that they live through,
Starting point is 01:00:52 that it makes for an interesting thing to watch, and it doesn't. And I tell people, like, dude, if you want people to watch your videos, the bad news is you have to talk to them or you have to crash. The good news is you get to pick which one and and that's like my advice to paramotor people and somehow that ties back to this where it's like you know what just interesting visuals of like you know the sun setting on a lake from the sky or whatever this like privileged perspective not enough you've got i would crash land here i would crash every single time i would create like a crash landing zone where I just at full speed could
Starting point is 01:01:28 Like eight feet off the ground and just right into a giant mattress or something Maybe they ask them get it all have a foam pit in your yard. That's just always there Five and every video is like crash landing number eight And just and just just a clip of you as you come in and out. Yeah, great. There's something called SIV training. SIV is not important. It's French.
Starting point is 01:01:53 I don't think it means anything. But basically they like collapse their wing and do acrobatics and things that are very dangerous while a guy is talking you through it. And I'm told that at the end of it, it's done over water. it. And I'm told that at the end of it, it's done over water. You can throw your reserve to go for a reserve ride just to see what it's all about so that your first time ever isn't in an emergency, but it's optional. I totally want to give that a go. Yeah, I would. I would want that experience big time. Like, cause I'd always be wondering, like, you know, it's your backup, it's your safety, but it's, it's completely untested. Um, as far as, you know, you're, you, you operating it, you know, you've never used your safety before. And that's untested as far as you're operating it. You've never used your safety before, and I don't know how many other things are quite like that,
Starting point is 01:02:30 that you never get to use your safety. I'm sure that guys who are on watercraft routinely inflate, especially if you do it professionally, maybe you know how to do the raft, inflate the raft, and maybe you know how to inflate your life preserver and get the beacon going or the beacon going or whatever the hell but you've never done that in your in your sport i'd like that i was doing like mental rehearsals of grabbing my reserve and there's a handle and i went to grab it and it surprised me because it was vertically oriented instead of horizontal and i'm like you're clearly not practicing enough that shouldn't be a surprise to you like and then the thing in my head would be would be how much force to apply to it because um one thing that's always i've noticed that people
Starting point is 01:03:10 get wrong is like cocking there's a the 50 caliber machine guns you've got to grab the charging handles up here and it's horizontal and you've got to pull it back to you and release and it's it's hard it's not easy at all and like i've never seen anyone who's never done it before do it the first time. They're always like, and I'd be thinking the same thing with that handle. Is it the sort of thing that you grab and then apply pressure and extend
Starting point is 01:03:34 like this, or is it like that 50 cal handle where you grab it and you fucking snatch it with everything you have? I've done it in practice in a simulator, which is basically some ratchet straps that suspend you and you grab it and you it's velcroed in so you sort of break the seal and now your handle is attached to this chute and you throw it into clear air and you know people they're like you cannot do it in one step you can't do it in one and people would be like well
Starting point is 01:04:02 i'm gonna see what doing one works one works out. It doesn't work. Like, if you just try to do that, you get a really shitty throw. So, yeah, you basically break the seal, throw it into clear air, and then it should start expanding and stuff. Cool. Well, that would be interesting to practice. Yeah. And I'll get it on video. I bought a new camera, a secondary camera, so I can have one on my foot.
Starting point is 01:04:23 And then I can talk to it and then, like, also have my point of view on, you know, sort of two cameras going. And that's cool, except I have an issue. I wear these big dopey looking goggles, and when the camera didn't show me, I allow you to just imagine someone cooler. Now that I'm actually on camera it's like do i have to switch to sunglasses or something that looks better i don't know maybe i haven't seen the goggles i don't think um i it's is it the rainbow tint thing that i saw because i thought that was your helmet visor oh okay i thought that was the visor of the helmet. You might be a little out of date. I didn't look hard at it. I saw a thumbnail, and I saw the rainbow reflect-y visor thing.
Starting point is 01:05:11 I have one. Here, I know how I'll get you. I'll get you a picture, and then I'll show it to everyone, and anyone who's not on iTunes will see. I'm waiting on push. Come on, push. I know, right? It's taking so long.
Starting point is 01:05:41 Push kind of sucks. It seems like it fails half the time um i'm waiting for it it should beep the uploading is it says it's 100 done uploading i know this is so compelling everyone's on the edge of their seat like is it gonna upload is it gonna succeed is it gonna fail Is it going to succeed? Is it going to fail? We're all invested in this. Tune in next time to find out. Tune in to next PKA to see what happens with the push. The audience has already seen.
Starting point is 01:06:14 It's you guys who have not seen. Oh, no, Scoops. Hope they get out of this one. Will our lovable heroes be back next week? Find out next Saturday. same bad time same bad channel we should wrap with that i'll send you the image if push ever works uh it is what it is it's in my latest thumbnail i could send you that too i saw it yeah i just at first i thought it was the visor. I didn't realize it was goggles. Roger that. Yeah, no, it's their goggles.
Starting point is 01:06:46 You know Casey Kasem that did the voice for the Scooby-Doo show and everything? I didn't know that. He also did the weekly top 40 or whatever, the countdown. There was a dispute over his remains when he died a couple years ago abroad. And I don't remember who the interested parties were, but an ex-wife and his children were fighting over his body. Maybe one of them wanted him buried over there,
Starting point is 01:07:09 one wanted him buried back in the States. And they basically let him liquefy in a coffin over the course of a few months. They let him liquefy. And so the Stern Show would have their Casey Kasem impressionist call in and be like, Casey Kasem calling in! I'm liquid, Howard! I'm liquid! Or he'd be like, where are you, call in, in. I'm liquid, Howard. I'm liquid.
Starting point is 01:07:25 Or he'd be like, where are you this week? Well, my head is here and my leg's been taken by a straight Cameroonian dog. It's been stolen. It was always something really shitty, really mean. Poor Casey. Liquify. Still, Push hasn't uploaded yet. It's sitting there at 100%.
Starting point is 01:07:44 Fucking Push. All right. That was hasn't uploaded yet. Sitting there at a hundred percent fucking push. All right. That was PKA one 47.

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