Painkiller Already - PKN #163

Episode Date: October 13, 2017

It's PKN time baby! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right, PKN, episode 163. We were just starting to talk, and it was rolling. I'll recap for what you missed. Taylor said, hey, Slow These Week, what could we possibly talk about? And it's like, ah, I try not to talk about politics, but you can't have a bad weather system without it being political now. And that's not new-new, really. Katrina was really political, too, for W.
Starting point is 00:00:23 Yeah, but his failure was what was politicized. If he'd gotten down there taking care of it, it'd just kind of blown over, if you will. But it seems like anything that happens, they all look at Trump and they say, all right, what's he going to do? If he does this, it's wrong, and if he does that, it's wrong. If he goes there, he's distracting,
Starting point is 00:00:42 and he's taken away from the rescue efforts. If he golfs, oh my god, let's bring up a tweet he made four years ago of him mocking Obama's golfing. If the aide doesn't get there instantly, if he doesn't teleport that shit down there, it's his fault. If someone shoots someone,
Starting point is 00:01:00 shrump. Everything goes back to him and it's a negative. I'm not saying he's doing a good job because he's not. But it just seems we should really focus in on the things that he's doing a poor job at and stop making it seem like every time a frog goes extinct. Like literally, I guarantee you, like a frog could go extinct in California and they would circumnavigate back around. In Japan.
Starting point is 00:01:23 It could happen. It's lame for the global warming that caused this frog that we all have loved. Kyle nailed it. Now, I try to be the special snowflake that doesn't see things through the blue or red lens. And I don't always succeed. But in this one, he came out today and he said that Puerto Rico was not a disaster on the level of Katrina 16 people died thousands of people died in Katrina and I when I first heard it I was like he must have his fact wrong did thousands of people really die yes yes
Starting point is 00:01:58 and then I thought well maybe they weren't Americans right because a lot of times when you get the really high body counts, like it happened in Haiti or something. No! There were like 1,500 in Louisiana. And when he says only 16 died in Puerto Rico, you're not on the same level. It's like, well, at least by that measuring stick,
Starting point is 00:02:18 you can't argue with him. Is it really 16? Because given how big of a story that's been in the news, it's pretty shocking. I have not seen from any tweet of any news source saying the death count. I can tell you. You saying 16 right here is the first time I've heard of it. I assumed it must be in the hundreds or something.
Starting point is 00:02:36 This is from today. He's talking to some sort of representative from Puerto Rico, and he's like, is it 17? And they're like, no, 16. He threw one on there. It wasn't a bad guess. You know, I might have. Did you find one maybe under some rubble or something? Like everyone's been saying it's going to grow.
Starting point is 00:02:53 They just haven't been able to explore it in such a way. And those people don't even pay all their taxes. It's like when someone is like, hey, guess how much I got this brand new car for? And you say, I don't know 58,000 and they go no no it was less than that but still like it's like you overshoot or undershoot it in a way I know I said I took a little heat on this on paying Taylor already um but I liked Taylor's solution the heat I took was like, hey, how much aid should we give people who haven't been paying taxes?
Starting point is 00:03:30 Because that's part of what your taxes buy, things like FEMA, and then when shit hits the fan, maybe the government bails you out. But they don't pay taxes, and shit hit the fan, and they still want to bail out, and that out and so where do we fall on that? And then Taylor had a neat idea of saying well maybe they become a state and start paying in afterwards and so they go, I don't know, that's something to explore.
Starting point is 00:03:54 I disagree. I like the new flag just fine. Bail them out, take care of it for now because you have to and then change whatever the tax policy is that makes it even so that they're paying into FEMA. Give them one of the stripes. I want to know what the positives are.
Starting point is 00:04:07 I want to know what the benefits are. The bottom red stripe is Puerto Rico. Before we add Puerto Rico, I want to know what the benefits are for the rest of us, for the union, if you will. And I don't know all of them, but I'm sure there's a lot of them, not just that one, you know, not just income tax made outside of Puerto Rico or inside Puerto Rico suddenly being taxed. I bet there are others, right?
Starting point is 00:04:28 This is coming from a place of ignorance. Now do Puerto Ricans serve more in the military or something? They serve more now. Actually, so Puerto Ricans in terms of like, I don't know how to describe it, per capita military participation is very high. They serve in the military a lot. Is that because they're poor? I was trying to tell how to describe it. Per capita military participation is very high. They serve in the military a lot. Is that because they're poor?
Starting point is 00:04:47 I was trying to tell that to my daughter. I was like, that has a lot to do with economic opportunities, right? Some people who join the military do it because they're looking for adventure. Some people do it because they're patriotic. A lot of people do it because it's just the best career opportunity they've got going on. And that's especially true in the aviation world, something I'm kind of close to lately. But it's a great way to get started there. Then I think that has a huge – I think that's a big, big, big part of why Puerto Ricans are in the military so much
Starting point is 00:05:18 because the economic opportunity is better there. They don't get paid less because they're in Puerto Rico. They get paid like everyone else does. But if you want to be a grocery store clerk or something, then you would get paid less. I wonder what cost of living is like in Puerto Rico compared to here. I mean, it's not here because it's so different across the U.S., but I wonder what state it's comparable to. Yeah, I couldn't answer with authority. Alabama. Well, I know that a lot of the things that get shipped in
Starting point is 00:05:45 are more expensive um you know so that's a thing uh but like i don't know how like real estate compares and stuff like that that might be less expensive so i don't know yeah i think cars are significantly more expensive there because of being shipped in yeah maybe i made it up i don't know i don't know yeah i'm not sure i don't want to go out on a limb but uh but yeah so so trump has taken all this heat on reddit like right now as we speak for being so dumb and look i will grant the blue side that the way he said it wasn't appropriate for a politician you know like hey all you people suffering this is really minor league suffering you don't know shit about hurricanes puerto rico like like i'm misquoting of course but that's the vibe that he kind of
Starting point is 00:06:29 gave off it was the wrong vibe but uh like kyle said focus on the actual bad things you know it's like yeah you're right in that it's total everybody is or not everybody so a lot of people like especially those that are on the far right or the far left, now make 100 percent of their decisions based on what Trump says. It's like Trump will come out and say something that is not at all conservative as a policy. And Republicans, so-called Republicans, are like, yeah, yeah, you say it, Trump. And Democrats will be like, you're killing people. And it's like, you guys wanted this, and the Republicans hated this two years ago. And it's like, no, people, you just, so many people just look at what Trump does and then just decide based on that.
Starting point is 00:07:16 The border wall. How outraged. The border wall, like, eight years ago was a democratically sponsored thing. Obamacare was a Republican thing. Yeah. In Massachusetts. It was a Republican thing. Yeah. In Massachusetts. More than that, it was their response to Hillary trying to have universal health care. They came up with Obamacare.
Starting point is 00:07:33 And it grew from Romneycare and all that. Everyone just wants to oppose the other side at all costs is what it seems like. And I was watching this thing the other night, and I saw that 4chan has figured this out, right? Like, instead of protesting and, like, going after the NFL players who take a knee, they came up with the most intelligent way to do this. They said, ah, let's push the NFL even farther to the left
Starting point is 00:08:01 so that all of their fans drop them. So they are starting this thing up. Why are there no trans cheerleaders on the field? Why are there no trans cheerleaders? The NFL is bigoted. We have to get some trans cheerleaders. Now, there are a few Americans. There's plenty, obviously.
Starting point is 00:08:21 The stands still have people in them who will sit by and they'll watch the New York Giants take the field Even if you know a dozen players take a knee when the anthems play I bet that pie graph gets a lot more skewed if you start getting a few dudes out there cheerleading and I'm not and I'm there are male cheerleaders and and there should be because like it's required to do some of the shit They do but that's what I'm talking about. I'm talking about transsexual cheerleaders who are obviously men in skirts doing the splits and stuff. I want to know why there are no female football players. Because they can't make the cut.
Starting point is 00:08:54 No. No, Kyle. Jesus, Kyle. What's wrong with you? What a horrible thing to say. I've got a video that proves it. No, no. I don't have to prove it.
Starting point is 00:09:03 We all know the truth. The truth is that women just haven't been encouraged to get into football and that they haven't been supported and people are holding them back. You can look at the numbers. There's zero women in football. Therefore, obviously, they're being held back in some way. Yeah, why don't they make the Olympics gender neutral? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:09:21 Because then there would be one event that women could compete in. It would be gymnastics. And it would just be a sausage fest. Like, that would be it. Would they be able to compete in gymnastics? Well, I mean, the kind of gymnastics that women do is different. So, like, they could not hold the rings or whatever. There's no chance. But
Starting point is 00:09:39 they could do the flips and the... I'm just convinced that if you put guys on the uneven bars which is a girly sport the guys would fuck shit up they'd be so much better yeah uh so kyle has a video to watch yeah this chick is so so as far as i know again coming from place of ignorance because football is fucking dumb uh and this uh apparently. Apparently, there isn't a gender rule in the NFL. It's come one, come all. So this chick's trying
Starting point is 00:10:09 out to be a kicker. So they're going by the old there's no rule that says a dog can't play Little League. Can we queue up at zero? It's a one minute video, people. Ready, set, play. Alright. Is this a one-minute video, people. Ready, set, play. All right.
Starting point is 00:10:28 Is this a no-volume video? Is it just getting music so far? Yeah, I don't have... This is depressing. Oh, that's nice. Oh, she hurt herself. She hurt herself? I can kick it that far, and I'm a doofus.
Starting point is 00:10:44 She held her leg in the same way that like when you can't pick something up and you don't want to look emasculated you go, Oh my back! Oh! It wasn't that I'm not capable of lifting 150 pounds, it's my back today! Oh I'm sorry! Yeah, I've gotta come- maybe we'll get some help or do we have a tool? No. She held her leg and faked an injury because she is shit at kicking a football. Why is she even there? She's getting worked out by a trainer. That's it. She's done.
Starting point is 00:11:11 There are women in Division I football, kickers, who are okay at it. Like, apparently, kicker is a position where women, like the best of women, can do something. They can earn a way on their team. Yeah. Still, though, that's bullshit. She's bullshit she's not i don't believe that because here's the thing about kicking like like like i if if kicking were only a precision thing i'd be like yeah a woman can do that a woman can do a precision thing as well as a man probably maybe not on average but there are women who can do precision things as well as just about any man and if you've got a giant you're trying to get a football player like like yeah
Starting point is 00:11:47 This one can kick a precision thing, but there's different yardages at play like I saw I don't remember who won the game the other night, but they had to kick a 63 yard field goal But you don't win the game. Yeah, yeah, and I think the Eagles QB or maybe is over He's like if he makes this I'm gonna give him my fucking game check he makes this I'm giving him my fucking game check and the dude was like damn and he fucking makes it. He's like, if he makes this, I'm going to give him my fucking game check. He makes this, I'm giving him my fucking game check. And the dude was like, damn. And he fucking makes it. And he's like, yeah, yeah. Like, everybody's pumped. No woman
Starting point is 00:12:11 can kick a 63-yard field goal. There's no fucking way. And another thing, sometimes, like, what if that kick gets blocked and they start trying to bring it the other way? You've got to be coverage. And, like, the best kickers, when I see a kicker, like, step out of the way, like a Nancy boy, I'm disappointed in that kicker. I want my kicker to try to
Starting point is 00:12:27 throw a leg tackle in. Yeah, at least get ran over. Slow him down so the other guy can actually tackle him. Yeah, just be a meat shield. That's your job. You think this lady could do that? No. It would be a real, oh my god, is she okay kind of scenario if a 6'3
Starting point is 00:12:43 muscle mountain monster just runs right through her. And also the thing of like, I bet my foot is three times the weight of hers. And my legs are longer. And I'm faster. And my bones are harder. And I'm just stronger. And I suck at kicking. I did field goal kicks for my middle school football team.
Starting point is 00:13:04 And I made most of them. You know why? Because it's not fucking hard. Because I was a large 8th grader or whatever and you just kind of get it down. Good God! Rub it in! Taylor, you said that Kyle was like, I think women can do precision things
Starting point is 00:13:20 as well. And I don't know why, but I think they can't. Like, I think if there was a mixed gender pool right pool being like billiards that the men would dominate and i don't know why well that's not precision as much that the men are actually like they're they're larger frame being able to like go over the table and get better angles it's not that the women can't men dominate chess uh now that's a different story you're not 100 right here very on pc but uh men have better trajectory mapping in their brains uh because men and women's brains work differently and so
Starting point is 00:13:54 it's easier for men to predict the trajectory of a ball or know where to be to catch something your reaction time men have a significantly faster reaction time than women by like a tenth of a second or something like that. That doesn't sound like a lot, but that's a lot when you're doing something quick. I wonder, Taylor, but kicking doesn't really require that. What I was thinking more like is like shooting. Putting that ball down and you have to quickly know, okay, that wasn't the perfect placement. How differently do I kick it now to get that trajectory right?
Starting point is 00:14:24 That could come into play, I suppose, in some odd situation. But I have a friend who only had daughters, and he's Mormon, so he's got three daughters. They stopped short of the full Mormon posse, but he got them all into competitive shooting, and it's air rifle shooting at a young age. He shows me their fucking targets, these like, I think it's 10 meters or 20 meters or something
Starting point is 00:14:46 not a great distance but you're standing and shooting you're not on a bench or anything they are shockingly accurate they are frighteningly accurate it's not like oh yeah they're all in a circle as big as an orange it's not oh yeah they're in the size of a golf ball it's like no they're all fucking touching they're all fucking touching and you're right like as far as those three girls are concerned about shooting or whatever like and that's that's fair anecdotally but when you're talking about things on a population level you have to use generalizations otherwise you can't come to any meaningful conclusion and so there's a there's a book there's a book called the sports gene uh and if if if i if you pick a random average woman off the street and tell her to throw a baseball and you pick a thousand men and tell them to throw a baseball
Starting point is 00:15:33 and these are men like me who haven't played baseball since sixth grade and would suck at it or you know just regular joes like uh people who work at subway and accountants these aren't like athletes how many of those men those thousand men do you think that one woman throws faster than if you guys had to guess? Almost zero. There's something about throwing. What number do you think? Just me. She'd throw faster than me.
Starting point is 00:15:56 It would be like I would say 3% of women can throw – are going to beat like 3% of men or something like that. Way too high. It's of those 1,000 men, that woman will throw faster than two. Ah. So it's.02. Like it's that level of difference. And that's just because of physicality. Like it's easier for men to rotate their shoulders.
Starting point is 00:16:22 Like you have a different kind of build. Like that's why you don't want women and in the same sports because it's it's not fair it's lots of stuff really but all right so throwing a baseball is isn't something that you can just do like if you haven't thrown rocks as like a little kid if you weren't always just throwing stuff or if you didn't have some coaching at one point like you got to learn to throw there's a really fluid motion you my dad was like and coaches one point like you got to learn to throw there's a really fluid motion you my dad was like and coaches were always like you got to envision your arm as this whip and you've got it and it cracks at the end and like every part of your body has to add to it you're
Starting point is 00:16:55 you know your your your foot placement's important your hips rotate and your upper body rotates and your shoulder rotates and then your your bicep rotates and your forearm rotates and then at the end your wrist flicks and just at the very end your fingers have to do and it's like oh shit this is this is a complete muscle chain reaction that has to happen perfectly to throw this thing optimally and girls don't do that a lot that's the thing that that's part of the difference that i found so i swam right and it seemed like five percent of the girls cared as much as an average guy right you know they even at the collegiate level they were like half in it for the lulls it's seen testosterone they that's yeah yeah competitiveness like dominate killing themselves we had a couple all americans on our team and
Starting point is 00:17:45 those girls were like guys in their mentality but uh the bulk of them you know they just kind of hoped that the other girls would win it for them they liked winning they preferred it but you know it wasn't like they they would rather die than lose and that just wasn't yeah it's it there's and there's so many reasons for that like i'm sure there's genetic reasons there's chemical reasons there's societal reasons i mean when a man fails hopefully he's he's shamed he's shamed when he fails there's no second place only first loser right when a girl fails she's off to consoled oh no big deal honey oh it wasn't even a big deal that thing you were doing anyway just nothing matters for you don't worry about it sort of sort of mentality
Starting point is 00:18:29 can come into play with some parents i'm just saying but like i remember like and well yeah i think that men's sense of self-worth is a lot more closely tied to winning and that kind of success in a lot of ways than I cried when I would lose. It was a real thing. It was like, Oh, we have lost. This is shame upon us.
Starting point is 00:18:50 Especially if it's like my fuck up that, that makes us lose. If I strike out, if, if, if my arm blow, you know, gets tired and I can't hit the strike zone.
Starting point is 00:18:59 Now, if, if like whatever we're doing, like, it doesn't have to be like a team sport. Even we can be playing Frisbee in the backyard. And if I just get dominated, like we used to have shooting competitions all the time. If I lost, it doesn't have to be a team sport. We can be playing frisbee in the backyard, and if I just get dominated. We used to have shooting competitions all the time.
Starting point is 00:19:08 If I lost, it was like, God damn it. What the fuck is this? Now they think less of me. It's not fun to be that guy who lets in the easy goal in overtime, and then you lose the game. And, of course, as the goalie, you skate over to the bench where everybody is and have to be like, I'm sorry. That one was all me, guys.
Starting point is 00:19:29 You guys are really busting your ass that game. For me, it was never tears or anything. It was like immediate plating towards redemption. How do I plot my way? How do I get a rematch on this thing? Or if that's not a possibility, like we won't face them till next year it's like oh next time we go out there that other team is gonna face the wrath that this team brought upon them you know like i i that it was always like how can i get back to where i belong
Starting point is 00:19:58 that yeah i'm thinking when i cried it was it was literally like the championship little league game like it was like we were at league game. It was a big tournament and at the end, there's just us and the other team and I'm pitching and we're ahead and I let the run in. It was over. It was all on me. There's no one else. And I remember looking toward the coach and being like,
Starting point is 00:20:17 I don't have it. My arm is numb. After you throw 80, 90 pitches, your arm just kind of gets numb and you just don't have any control and i knew i just didn't have any control i didn't have any control i didn't have any i had like 60 of my 70 of my strength and i was but but it wasn't a regular thing for for the player to be like hey take me the fuck out like it's not like the majors where you can be like hey coach oh no no take me out take me out like like that that wasn't a thing
Starting point is 00:20:42 that wasn't a repertoire and like it's kind of embarrassing you know but the entire field looks at you as the pitcher like both stands are full of parents they're looking right at you you're the one who cues the game up if you stay if you sit there an extra 30 seconds the game waits for an extra 30 seconds so this is really a shameful awful thing are you allowed to throw fits when you're angry in baseball is that like yeah i know you can like kick dirt on the on home plate but i haven't seen much worse than that like i'm just remembering back when i there was one time when i guess i was like 17 and we were in the playoffs and we'd gotten pretty far and we were in overtime and i'd been having the most one of the most
Starting point is 00:21:22 stellar games ever played it was like tied 1-1 going into ot and i think i'd stopped like 39 shots or something nice 39 or 40 and we got through the first ot second ot started and i only had you know maybe five or six shots in the first ot and then like two minutes into the the second ot a guy comes down and dangles my defenseman who looked like a fucking idiot, and he just comes in like he was gonna shoot, and then took like a, well, just a, the kind of shot that you wouldn't see in the NHL at a high level, because it's not smart, but the guy just got like nine feet from me, and just slapped it as hard as he could, and like your human reaction time isn't fast enough, and it just got right past my arm and went in and i kind of sat there for a second frozen like it didn't score did it
Starting point is 00:22:09 fuck and i turned around and i smashed my stick and it shattered and it flew back and broke knocked my net over i was so fucking pissed and i didn't realize till later like oh that probably wasn't appropriate like as a way to act but you're right you get like so emotional you either want to cry or just scream or freak out at people because you feel it's like a feeling of guilt even though it doesn't actually matter morally at all yeah yeah you're definitely allowed to to throw those kind of fits in baseball and smash equipment and stuff like i always brought my own equipment like i had my own helmet i had my own bat that was a very nice bat like like and and i i didn't like it when other people would like put my fucking helmet on because because like don't fucking put my helmet or take my bat did jordan fucking take my helmet and my bat like like he's not careful with his shit like i knew when he like got a hit
Starting point is 00:23:00 he was gonna drop the bat in such a way it was gonna get up you get all fucked up it was gonna because i kept it really nice when i got a hit i lobbed it into the grass i made sure that it didn't hit the dirt and get skint up because you know it's got designs on it and shit and he don't he slammed my helmet it's like what the fuck that's my fancy custom helmet that fits my dome just right jordan's big jordan was an asshole he sweated so profusely for a child that we thought something might be wrong with him it was jordan ever stand on your rain fly no not did he not take care of other people's things is that what we're saying we're not talking about rain fly okay we're talking about my like my like
Starting point is 00:23:37 400 bat and like my 200 helmet it was it was custom for me it fit my head for what it's worth i would be way more abusive towards a bat or a helmet. Like, I wouldn't give a fuck. I would have proud scratches on them. I would just treat them differently than a rainfly. No, no. My shit is shiny. I take care of my shit. Like, that was my... And, like, not many people had their own shit, you know? Like, everybody else is gonna use team bat. I agree with Woody. I like my stuff getting messed up. Yeah, I like it to be a little used. A little battle scarred, right? Not fake battle scarred.
Starting point is 00:24:08 You can't just bang it against your doorway at home. These are earned scratches. You can. The first few games after you get new pads and a new stick, as a goalie, you look like a rube, like an idiot. Because there are no black marks all over your stuff. There are no chips on your stick, no little breaks. Every time I'd see a goalie with like brand new stuff on i'd be like oh this could go any way he might be horrible with rich parents which is usually what it is or he might be the kind of guy
Starting point is 00:24:35 who plays so much that he has to get new pads every year so it was and that was fucking expensive i imagine bats are in the hundreds of dollars as well right yeah yeah hey um three four hundred bucks you probably haven't heard there was a shooting recently where did here it was in vegas uh what happened do we more seriously do we know yet what do we know about this shooter like i here's what i know i think there were 59 killed 58 killed something like that and i'm pretty sure the shooter was a saudi immigrant um he was connected with isis they're saying a young man um uh poverty stricken so we're on poverty stricken so we're not quite sure where you got the funds to purchase the weapons no he was a 64 year old white millionaire um was he a millionaire, owned a couple planes.
Starting point is 00:25:26 He's got like three or four houses. Every day they raid a new house, and they're shocked when they find more guns in his third house. They're like, can you believe he had eight in his third house? Like, yeah. Yeah, that sounds completely normal to me. Yeah. But, yeah, you're right.
Starting point is 00:25:41 He's a 64-year-old white guy who millions of dollars from real estate, a professional gambler I read somewhere that – maybe not professional. I don't know. But apparently he'd won a lot through gambling. no manifesto, no group of like, or no, no, no thing coming out of like, oh, it turns out that he hates, you know, the kind of people who are at country music, you know, show or that he hates, you know, like rednecks or whatever he would have perceived or any Williams fan. He didn't like that Jason Aldean stuff. Yeah, I have no idea. It's going to be interesting to see what comes out about him, if anything, because it's so bizarre right now. Like, usually it seems like some kind of motive comes out. It'll have to come out eventually, right? Like, because it would shock me if someone got that radicalized without, like, finding people online with the same views.
Starting point is 00:26:40 Because I feel like that boils it and helps it grow you know you can have your own wackadoo views but it's not until you find a forum of like-minded people that you can really you know percolate it to the next level i agree so i i think when they check out his computers or phone or something they'll find something yeah it's uh it's crazy the way he did this thing it looked it's so well planned it's so well executed um like like he had cameras i guess in the hallway and like a display in the room so he could he knew when the SWAT team was coming i you keep getting conflicting reports and you got fake news over at cnn and that's all i get these days but they said that that that when they blew the door or whatever that this guy jumped out in the hallway and like engaged them physically and ended up shooting one of the SWAT team guys in the leg like but then I hear reports
Starting point is 00:27:29 that he shot himself like before they could get to him like like that's the one I heard and those two are nothing like one another it's it's not like you can't get those two confused um but but you know he had to have a special hammer I would imagine to knock those windows out maybe one of those escape hammers that's very, very hard. Can I ask you, because you might know something about this, can you not shoot a window out? Because in my head, I'm like, you shoot it, it's damaged, and now it's easy to break. Yeah, he totally could have shot the window out. My guess is he wanted to, he knocked both windows out, got everything staged up.
Starting point is 00:28:01 He had cameras set up filming him i believe too he got his bipods he got his rifles laid out he had this thing planned and he's going from right the reason he's got so many guns he's not wait he's not reloading he's going from rifle to rifle he's got i saw an ar with a 60 round surefire mag in it and i do you know if it was i've heard it was fully auto but i also know that even a regular untrained person can pull a trigger fast enough to sound pretty auto. Yeah, but the thing about when a regular person is shooting that fast is it's not continuous
Starting point is 00:28:33 and it's not this staccato kind of thing, this even pace thing. It sounded about 700 rounds per minute to me, which is about 8K, but the thing is, since he's switching rifles, and I know that he had.308s and.223s, they said that the calibers ranged from that. And I never heard a different pattern.
Starting point is 00:28:54 So I'm not exactly sure. If I had to take a guess, I would say he had a crank fire, which is this little thing. It goes on the side of the receiver. And it's like, you like you know there's a little jack-in-the-box toys you know how you don't it's like one of those on the side of your gun and as you crank it it's firing the weapon at a really even pace like that that's that's slower
Starting point is 00:29:17 than full auto because an m4 carbine is very fast it's like 950 rounds per minute something somewhere around there it's's more like that. And he was going, which is more like AK-47 speed. But he's switching rifles. So maybe bump fire, maybe crank fire. I would hope not because then you'll see those things targeted and looked at more severely. They'll get to the bottom of it eventually. Like maybe he could have altered them.
Starting point is 00:29:47 You know, you can convert an M4 anyway that's got the right carrier you can convert one of those to full auto in a very very short amount of time with just a power drill and you can get full auto legally it's just hard I think Chiz was debating someone on Twitter the other night
Starting point is 00:30:03 about gun control and I was like well the way you debate someone on gun control is you ask them what their plan is, and then you shoot it full of holes, if you will. Because it's easy to do that. Because nobody has a plan to solve it. I could come up with a plan to solve it. But there just isn't one. There's too many guns. And the thing is that gun manufacturers are very smart people.
Starting point is 00:30:23 I have a plan. And lawmakers aren't very smart people, at least in the realm of gun manufacturers. So they come up with this legal language, and then the gunmaker hires a lawyer, and they find a way around the legal language. Look at the SIG arm brace, right? Are you familiar with this? Yeah. The SIG arm brace. It's different arm braces. The whole pistol rifle thing yeah exactly so if you
Starting point is 00:30:47 want a short barreled rifle you need to get a tax stamp it's an nfa item but if you want a ar-15 style pistol which which can have any length of barrel a very short barrel you know five six seven eight inches and it just has the buffer tube sticking out the back which is not shoulderable um then that's all good because it's a pistol, and pistol barrels can be short. So Sig made this thing called an arm brace that attaches to that buffer tube, and it sort of straps onto your forearm, and you're able to fire the gun like a pistol more easily. And that passed the NFA guidelines. It got around the legalese language.
Starting point is 00:31:25 But if you look at the thing, it bears a striking resemblance to a fucking stock. And all you gotta do is shoulder the thing. However, if you shoulder the thing in front of the wrong people, you've committed a crime. Do you want to hear the Woody plan? Yeah. Alright. So, look, I'm not claiming it solves all gun violence. It's not the goal. The goal
Starting point is 00:31:41 is to be better than today. So here it is. What it is, private sellers no longer sell person to person. So that way, everyone goes through the background check that you would get if you went to a gun store. Because a private seller is something I saw today like 40% of gun sales. It's a pretty big amount. So now if I want to sell to Kyle, we both go to the gun store. We pay that guy $15 to facilitate it. And he does a background check, I guess, on Kyle in that situation.
Starting point is 00:32:07 So that's part of it. And to make this more palatable to gun owners, we wrap in silencers becoming available like, I don't know, cans of soup. You know, I don't care. Right. So in one bill, we call it the Hearing Protection Act if you want it. I think that's one that's cooking now, right? The Hearing Protection Act. Right?
Starting point is 00:32:31 Against child pornography. And we make silencers legal, and we make private sales, bring in a gun store into the loop so that people don't ignore background checks anymore. And what we get is a step forward towards both safety and coolness. I like that a lot. But here's the thing. Right now, you have an enormous pool of weapons out there that are... See, to enforce that, then you also have to force everyone to register their weapons. Because otherwise, how do you know if you sold me a gun? How do you know? How does anyone know that you sold me the gun? And how do you know if if you sold me a gun how do you know how does anyone know that you sold me the gun and how can you prove when it was sold because what's
Starting point is 00:33:09 going to come into place here is they're going to be like okay it's june 3rd any gun sales from person to person after june 3rd you have to go to a gun store and make it right that way and i'll just be like oh well let's just say we did it June 2nd. And how would anyone know? Unless you force everyone to come forward and register their weapons, and then you make it a serious crime to possess a non-registered weapon. This might, I hear you, and I don't like the register, because it feels a little unwell.
Starting point is 00:33:42 Yeah, now there's a list. Yeah, yeah, the list, yeah, exactly. I have an issue with that. But even though north carolina there's totally a list already um but it might be the kind of thing where it takes 10 years or 15 years to really be worthwhile and then that whole backdating thing becomes silly like you know it's like dude you're 25 years old. Are you telling me you did this 15 years ago? You didn't. But anyway, I still like that idea as a step forward. Is it perfect? No, no.
Starting point is 00:34:13 But what is it? Perfect is the enemy of good. The idea that you can't do something good because it's not perfect, I don't like that. not perfect you know i don't like that the idea i dislike more than any is this like loose language of people who who don't who clearly don't know much about firearms where they'll be like oh we need we need an ar ban because people think that ar stands for assault rifle they don't know that it's just armolite is the company that makes that one like like that's what i really dislike and all these disingenuous stats that people throw out there where they that you know they include suicide and gun violence because
Starting point is 00:34:50 that fits their agenda uh like it it's it's there's so much shit to wade through with all this but that's got to be the argument that i dislike the most of just to get rid of all assault rifles it's like just like what k Kyle was saying like I bet Kyle's question Well, what would your question be to that Kyle if someone's like just get rid of assault rifles define an assault rifle Okay, now that you've defined one. I'm gonna go around that no matter what you do to define assault rifle If you say semi-automatic fire, I'll link you to the Troy pump fire ar-15s, right? I'll show you a lever action I'll show you a I'll show you a lever action i'll show you a uh i'll show you an 870 full of full of one ounce slugs with a 20 round box magazine on it like like no matter what you do remember when
Starting point is 00:35:32 joe biden told you to go get yourself a shotgun leave that old ar at home oh my god a shotgun is fucking lethal now it wouldn't have been great for what this guy was doing at 400 yards he wouldn't have been able to deliver nearly the firepower, but you can't go anecdotally. You can't be like, oh, let's solve this thing that happened last week. Let's solve that. The one in a lifetime apparent... When's the last time someone did something this
Starting point is 00:35:55 crazy? That Texas clock tower shooter back in the 60s? Heck, I've got something crazier. I mean, Pulse was just... How about we go back just two or three months to that guy in nice who got an even higher kill count with a van and a crowd you know absolutely to focus on like all right we need to make sure that fucking hotel windows are bulletproof and not knockoutable like that won't get you very far there's plenty of tactics
Starting point is 00:36:20 you can take yeah let's burn alive the The fire department will be out there using a diamond saw blade to cut a hole in your fucking... Timothy McVeigh didn't even use the gun. Chiz was having that debate, and I was kind of going through this list. I was linking him to multiple firearms, and of course, this guy
Starting point is 00:36:39 was a millionaire, so I linked him to an NFA page, a page full of pre-1986 fully automatic machine guns, which includes light machine guns, belt-fed 1919s, M2s, a.50 caliber machine gun, all of these things, like, the guy could have gotten, and I'm sure, you know, if he wanted to, then I was like, here, here's, here's, like, do I have to explain how this works like like you can't stop the madman what you've got to do is get rid of madmen you've got to work on mental
Starting point is 00:37:11 health background checks are a good thing because that makes sure that the people you've already identified as either psychopaths or felons or violent people whatever whatever you're using to determine if someone should or shouldn't have a gun if this guy had survived and let's say he the future's coming, CRISPR and all that it'll be in the prison systems, right? he makes it to 280 years old or whatever and they let him out, we wouldn't want to arm him again
Starting point is 00:37:36 like he's had his shot I hear you I look forward to when the details about the guy come out yeah and and i'm also interested in the in the first responders you know in so many of these things i swear the first assigned responders can totally suck an egg and they'll be praised as heroes this did look like a tough one uh like the i gave the french policemen a hard time when they went into that. Oh, the concert hall. They were very slow about entering the concert hall.
Starting point is 00:38:09 And these guys, they killed like, what, 90 people, 118 people, something really high. And it's like, dude, it went on for like 15 minutes. And you're like coming up with the plan on how to take out two guys. Yeah. You're just in there executing people. Yeah, yeah. You know, oh, my God. But those first responders were so brave and so wonderful and so fucked up. yeah you know they're just in there executing people yeah yeah you know oh my god and but
Starting point is 00:38:26 those first responders were so brave and so wonderful and so fucked up so but this one people it looked like it was pretty tough you know that with him up in the hotel room even identifying which room number it was could take and i heard the whole thing had been in eight minutes that's that's what i heard so that's fast enough that's as fast as ever gonna get they got a team in that guy's hotel room with an explosive charge within 10 minutes that that's shockingly fast i like yeah once i i saw a video of it and i saw like aerial layout of the area it was like yeah it's hard to be a lot faster they weren't like outside his hotel room door for 15 minutes coming up with the plan like the fucking franchise yeah yeah i mean it would take me that long just to get dressed
Starting point is 00:39:07 right like to get all my gear on and like it's loaded all right get a helmet and my butt and goggles on where's Larry at he's got the Ram right yeah it seemed like they were pretty quick and that the guy had a strategy that would make first responding naturally slower yeah so yeah absolutely that guy was uh that that's the scary thing about it is like this guy was not a maniac what he did was pretty maniacal i suppose you could say it's outrageous it wasn't horrible anyway we don't really know if he's a maniac yet. A manifesto could still come out. Who knows? He could have been talking to those cameras he set up, apparently.
Starting point is 00:39:52 There might be something on there. What I'm getting at is this wasn't the guy who, like so many terrorist attacks, you're like, it's easy to see how this person was swayed to believe that if they did this there would be virgins and like olives waiting on them in the afterlife because just what they
Starting point is 00:40:10 did there was fucking stupid like he jumped out and stabbed a cop and tried to take his gun in the cut and then ram some people like that what a terribly thought out plan his weapon was a kitchen knife he couldn't even go get a tactical knife like a big bowie knife like this is a shitty plan from a stupid person but that's not what we saw here this is a guy who set up his own security system to like watch his back they they kept saying tripods so in my head i'm wondering if they mean that there were tripods set up in his room filming what was going down because he wanted to like record this or if they're it's just them being dumb with their nomenclature and they mean bipods on rifles, or if he had a tripod
Starting point is 00:40:48 set up that you could set a weapon system on. I don't know. I mean, we really can't know anything yet. I'm so glad I asked Kyle about if they were automatics in the gun, because he had some insight that I haven't heard anywhere else that I wouldn't have had myself.
Starting point is 00:41:03 Yeah, it was just the way it sounded. That's not an M4 sound to me. It's not. It's too slow. I also thought it sounded like I might be able to shoot that fast, but not that consistently. Some would pop off quickly, some would be a little delayed and uh but it also you hear very little about fully auto used nefariously like it's not very common yeah um he could have converted them easily you know it's you can you know i kind of don't like to say this on a youtube video but you can figure out how very easily you can order the parts to do it very easily and the tools uh cost 30 and you could do it legally because you have the licenses for it i don't have that license anymore i've let that one go but well yeah but
Starting point is 00:41:50 yeah have you ever done it when you oh yeah oh yeah like i've legally done it before um i ordered one of the new i'm gonna explain how to make how to do it even easier but don't do this it's a it's a it's a federal crime so so don't do this if you're listening. But we got the new Frontier lowers, which are plastic. It's a plastic AR-15 lower. So you can drill through plastic like plastic. You don't need a press to line up an aluminum lower and carefully drill your holes so they're straight. No, you can...
Starting point is 00:42:22 You drill two holes. I believe they're two different sizes and you put a new parts kit in there, you put an auto sear in there and the fucking thing's a machine gun and that's very illegal. Don't fucking do that. If you want that kind of experience get a bump fire stock
Starting point is 00:42:38 which is 100% legal I think everywhere, at least it is in Georgia and you know, it's a slide fire type thing. The rifle vibrates in your you know it's it's a slide fire type thing the rifle vibrates in your hand it's sort of a masturbatory motion you just apply steady forward pressure i got it the first time what do you got it the first fucking time and turned like a you know a cheap 900 ar-15 into yeah and you can't be highly accurate with it because the rifle's sliding back and forth in your hand but a lot of people, including me, I'm sorry to cut you off, not that accurate with full auto.
Starting point is 00:43:08 I don't think this case with the crowd down there, full auto might work. But most of the situations where I hear about people going on a rampage, like going through the mall shooting anyone they don't like, full auto would be a bad tool. You get way further with semi-auto. Yeah, absolutely. auto would be a bad tool you get way further with semi-auto yeah absolutely yeah this is the the spring indiscriminately into a crowd uh is is unfortunately where full auto kind of shines and 11 different weapons you know yeah i've heard 11 i've heard other numbers too yeah i've heard at least that many yeah the thing i'm seeing a lot of online is people being like oh is this terrorism or is it
Starting point is 00:43:45 not terrorism and all that and it's like like i like obviously everybody knows for something to be terrorism it has to has like a political or religious motivation like an agenda you're trying to push through violence and fear there i i don't know how people are looking at this right now and saying oh yeah it's probably not going to end up that he had an agenda. It's like, no, this guy definitely did, which would make it terrorism the whole way.
Starting point is 00:44:10 Like regardless of what agenda he had, we don't know that yet, but it just seems unbelievable, like literally unbelievable to think he just went mad. And then, and that was it. Like, I think that I had to look up terrorism because Taylor said it was obvious, but Taylor has a good vocabulary.
Starting point is 00:44:28 I was like, let me see. Here's what it means. The unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. So Taylor was right on. Yeah, I guess what's the only thing left is, did he have political aims? We'll find out. Wouldn't you be shocked if he just had a brain tumor? If he ended up that he literally was just a brain tumor guy, like Kylo said.
Starting point is 00:44:50 That just seems kind of far- that seems ridiculously far-fetched. What if he, uh, what if this guy got a brain tumor and he was like, alright, we'll let fate decide. I'm gonna put my $8 million net worth on the roulette wheel. If I win, eh, we'll go out peacefully. If I lose, well, hell, there's no reason to wake up tomorrow anyway. They said he had some big gambling transactions
Starting point is 00:45:12 recently. I heard that on CNN. Actually, if he did that, that would not be terrorism. It would not. That would be an insane person. I don't think that's true. We keep mentioning how he's a multi-millionaire and has access to a lot of funds. I might be an idiot, but I feel like a lot of people, a big chunk of the population, have access to a lot of funds if there's no tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:45:38 Or at least enough funds. He's got two planes. He could have done worse you put a second mortgage on your house and you can buy 11 guns easy you know and all the on all the rounds you can do and then you know if you're dying tomorrow a lot of people have access to funds it's max your credit cards out yeah decent if you got a decent credit score you just ah i think i'd like an amex a discover and an american express and and we're done. You know, like you just need, guns aren't expensive.
Starting point is 00:46:08 Guns aren't expensive, especially right now. I mean, stocks soared as of this week for some reason. I can't imagine why, but guns are really fucking cheap. I'm not saying his arsenal was cheap. He probably had nice shit, but guns are cheap. I haven't bought a gun in a while. probably had nice shit but beef guns are cheap i haven't bought a gun in a while um maybe if i own one i changed my mind but i think guns with kyle help me is it called an integral suppressor or an internal suppressor integral integral suppressor they are the neatest thing to me i think they're
Starting point is 00:46:40 really cool uh the ones that screw on the front I get how they're more practical and how they can cover a bunch of... But integral suppressors, to me, are just... Are those illegal? Yes. Well, they're tricky. You get a $200 tax stamp and a lawyer and six months or more, but you can get them legally. It's time-consuming and it's a pain in the ass and I don't have a trust set up and all that fun stuff. So I was like, man, if this silencer thing goes through, you guys probably knew there's a bill
Starting point is 00:47:10 called the Hearing Protection Act that we're gonna make silencer legals. They were gonna vote on it either this week or next week. I bet they don't now. And I was like, if that, I'm getting something with integral suppressor. I'm getting it. I don't know, a honey badger,
Starting point is 00:47:23 something that looks like a honey badger and shoots like getting it. I don't know. A honey badger? Something that looks like a honey badger and shoots like a Glock? I don't know. But I really, really, really wanted one. That was going to take gun stocks and make them go up again. I would suggest a 10-22. The Ruger 10-22 rifle.
Starting point is 00:47:39 They look very cool integrally suppressed and they're incredibly quiet. I've touched one. I haven't fired it but like they had one they're they look cool they're awesome yeah yeah i think those look nice as well um it's three months waiting period you should like if you go to your gun store like they'll have a card there for their nfa lawyer and like um that setting up the trust is the ideal thing to do but you don't have to you know you can just get it in your name or whatever the trust is the ideal thing to do, but you don't have to. You know, you can just get it in your name or whatever. The trust protects you from some stuff.
Starting point is 00:48:07 And it makes further purchases a little more easy. The main thing is, you know, when you pass away, then you could have someone else in that trust who the guns would just kind of shift over through. And you wouldn't leave the burden of paperwork and transferring to a loved one of some of some sort um yeah i don't know somehow that all seemed like oh they're gonna vote next week i'll just yeah yeah wait on that but you know if you still want to do i mean you can fucking do it with a phone call you can just
Starting point is 00:48:37 order that you could do it all over the phone um but the uh but i like the integrally suppressed ones too and there are some guns there are multiple tack stamps. So you get a short barrel rifle with a suppressor and integrally suppressed. So it's a two stamp gun. And those guys that have those, yeah, it's my two stamp C. There's a lot of karma to be had posting that on Reddit.
Starting point is 00:48:57 Yeah, people go nuts. We'll see where this goes. I want to make this deal with everyone now which obviously is impossible whatever he believes right if he's a member of antifa or if he's some right-wing lunatic or whatever he is can we agree that he's not representative of me or you you know like if he's a trump voter i will not hold the two of you responsible and if he's a Trump voter, I will not hold the two of you responsible. And if he's a Hillary voter, I will ask the same. You know, like I think, yeah, the fringes on both sides are doing that right now where they're like holding back, just waiting for that first drip of info.
Starting point is 00:49:36 That's like he voted for Hillary. It's a terrorist. He's a Trump supporter. Whatever that is. But I think I think the middle 80% of people get it. I saw Hillary immediately tweeted about silencers as soon as it happened. Just imagine
Starting point is 00:49:51 if he had a silencer, all the damage he could have done. He'd still be up there whispering down mayhem. It's like, you've clearly never shot a gun with a suppressor on it. There's an argument to be made that you fire less powerful rounds with a silencer, right? Because you typically... You guys both know this,
Starting point is 00:50:06 but usually if you shoot something that's supersonic through a silencer, you lose a lot of the benefit, right? Because it still cracks. It's very loud. Only if you shoot lightly loaded things that don't go as fast. If you shoot subsonic, then it's virtually silent. It fits the bill. It fits the name.
Starting point is 00:50:24 If you shoot supersonic, you're still going to have the crack of the bullet breaking the sound barrier. So it makes an AR-15 sound like a.22, which at 400 yards at a concert, you probably wouldn't fucking hear. But the thing that those guys were hearing, I think, at least I'm listening to cell phone audio, I feel like I'm hearing the cracks anyway. That's what I'm hearing. Because he's 400 yards away and they're at a concert. I feel like you're hearing the bullets cracking as much as anything and hitting the pavement as well. Like, I didn't see any impacts, but that makes a loud noise when a bullet hits something near you. I've went downrange and gotten behind barriers and had people shoot at a target that was very close to me
Starting point is 00:51:05 so they could just pop at me like, yeah, you got it. Or, no, you didn't. We don't use spotting scopes at all, ever. They're expensive, and it's a little jog back and forth. So I've been down range and had shit shot at me, and it's a different kind of noise when bullets, they whiz and they crack and and when they hit something especially something hard like concrete or asphalt it's a it's a whole
Starting point is 00:51:31 new noise of its own um it was that's the terrifying thing to me is that these people were all laying down thinking that there was a gunman in the crowd and meanwhile they were just really just making themselves if maybe an easier target by lying down. They're like ricochets. Well, but you're lying down. He's in an elevated position. More surface area. More surface area.
Starting point is 00:51:52 A couple of alpha rednecks like, get down, get down, get down. And I want to be like, fuck you. I didn't vote for you. You're not my boss. Who made you? vote for this guy. Who made you? Who's this guy thinking? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:08 Maybe I'm the only one. I really don't like being told what to do by random redneck assholes. And, you know, like, get down, get down. I want to be like, fuck you. You in particular. I am almost equally upset with the two of you. What are you going to be out there like, no, make yourselves thin no what my actual thought was now look i was watching it with the you know like i knew what was going on get off the x
Starting point is 00:52:35 get off the x is a reasonable approach you know like don't just get down and lay there get off the x that the you know the tart like you are the that's what they call it. Kyle, I'm sure you both heard it. They didn't know where he was, though. Yeah, I knew all of that. They're like, get down, get down. You want to lay here? Fuck you. I've got to get off the X. That is a totally reasonable way to handle this. One cool thing is, the place
Starting point is 00:52:57 looked easy to evacuate. Before I saw any video, not the easiest, but for example, if it was... I forget the name of the place where the Hurricanes play, but it's an indoor arena. They play basketball and hockey there. PNC Arena. What is it? PNC Arena, I think.
Starting point is 00:53:14 Thank you. Anyway, it would be very hard to evacuate that. A lot of people would be funneled towards the same exits and stuff like that. But this place, it seemed like they knocked over a fence, which if I saw right, was just on legs on asphalt, and they just pushed the fence over. And then suddenly there was a 500-foot-wide door they could all leave through together.
Starting point is 00:53:35 I don't know. You're right. That could have been way worse. You guys heard me talking about looking up the crushing thing. No, I'm saying that if it hadn't been uh easy to evacuate that easy easily facilitated the exit of all those people like the trampling the stampeding effect could have been dev like uh like even now 59 people died hundreds were injured like obviously those 600 people weren't all shot but like anytime that many people are
Starting point is 00:54:03 running around like it's it's mayhem it's out of control if it had been a small door like it would not be out of the realm of possibility to think that hundreds would have died or the uh you can go you see did you see bulzarian no dan bulzarian so i don't i think dan was there uh like in the crowd um not positive about that but he was wearing his cowboy hat um so he comes on his uh i think maybe instagram and he's running with the camera facing back at him he's like i just saw a woman get shot in the fucking head i saw a woman get shot in the fucking head this is crazy and so he runs home and gets his gun and goes back into the into the hotel and starts getting people out of the hotel and move them around and so they were reporting they were coming over the police scanners like
Starting point is 00:54:47 um you know there's there's a white guy he's got his ar he's helping people don't don't shoot him and and then i saw bill zarian on cnn like not on the mic or anything but in the background kind of his hands on his hips talking to the cops like it was uh it was interesting to see he was like right in the middle i don't know if he was there but the thing that makes me think he was is because hey he said he saw a woman get shot right in the head and he's wearing a cowboy hat so it doesn't happen everywhere he was there yeah yeah and it was a country concert so cowboy hat checks out yeah yeah i've read the math yeah it's uh they did a good job getting that guy i was asleep. I went to sleep at like midnight, and I think I woke up at like 3, 4 in the morning,
Starting point is 00:55:32 and I just tapped my phone to make sure nothing had come in. It would be really rare if something had, and I had a message, and I was like, oh, shit, this needs to be checked. A message happened between midnight and 4 a.m., and I check in. It's Chiz. He's like, you shouldn't have went to sleep. Vegas is a war zone.
Starting point is 00:55:44 There's people dying. And I was like, all right, let's get up. He's like, you shouldn't have went to sleep. Vegas is a war zone. There's people dying. And I was like, alright, let's get up. I turn on CNN and everything. And sure enough, I kind of watched he'd been watching it from the get-go. He's internet savvy enough to get the police scanners on. And so he'd been watching from the start.
Starting point is 00:56:00 Yeah, I remember when the Boston bombing thing was going on and they were looking for those brothers. He and I and maybe another person, I remember when the Boston bombing thing was going on and they were looking for the those brothers He and I and maybe another person I don't remember or we're listening to police scanners And it was really telling like you could that there'd be coffee runs made that you know people like yeah Yeah, no doughnuts just coffee And you know they're just going back and forth the shit like that and then they see something and they like swarm an area like No, no, no, it's nothing nothing they were taking his fucking garbage out we try to stay inside he said it smelled
Starting point is 00:56:30 real thing or just like to deal with in the middle of a crisis you know because of course one guy would be like well you can't tell me not to take my stinky trash out just cuz a couple of terrorists. I saw an accident scene. It was icy. There's cars sliding across a highway and the police is like, get out! Get out of the road!
Starting point is 00:56:58 Get out of the road! And my inclination is to be like, I'll stand in the road if I want to. I just really don't like being pushed around. I like those clips on snowy roads where six people have slid down and run into each other in that super two mile an hour kind of accident
Starting point is 00:57:19 where it's like, no! And then they hit each other. And then you look over across the hill, and you see another guy come over, and he stops for a second, and he goes, well, clearly that, you know, you know, dually diesel didn't have what it took, but my Honda Civic is going to power through.
Starting point is 00:57:39 It'll be like Legolas on top of the snow. And then they start sliding down, and two seconds later, they're like, whoa, whoa, whoa. That's all it is. Every winter, there's a clip like that in Florida or Louisiana or somewhere where they don't get snow,
Starting point is 00:57:55 and it's just a travesty. And it attracts spectators. That's what I like about those. The reason you're able to see this is people are waiting. They're like, all right, let's see somebody else do it. There's a whole crowd down there waiting on the next dummy to come over the hill. What were you thinking?
Starting point is 00:58:09 Another one? Deep water. Deep water. Yeah, there's three cars stuck in the road from this flood zone that now is covering the paved road. There's a Civic stuck and a Tacoma stuck. Somebody else in their Lotus Is like well maybe if I go super fast
Starting point is 00:58:28 You know Skim across the top Good luck with that I love that stuff But yeah I don't know News is crazy I think Trump will get a little bit of a pass now I feel like at least the shooting thing
Starting point is 00:58:43 Is not his fault he didn't do it. Oh, wait. Yeah, you guys are probably – yeah, you're right. Trump's a big NRA guy. Remember? He's always, oh, Wayne Lafayette, he's my buddy. Yeah, we're tight. They're going after the NRA now and they're coming –
Starting point is 00:58:59 I feel like it's not going anywhere. Yeah, I'm with you, Kyle, on that. Yeah, yeah. Look, the Republicans have the House, the Senate, the presidency, and the judicial branch. In what world are guns going to be taken away? I'm sorry?
Starting point is 00:59:14 Judicial split? It's 5-4 at the Supreme. But even below that, Trump just put 37 new federal judges in. It's, by and large, Republican now. I think Obama had 17 and Trump has 37. Governor ships.
Starting point is 00:59:32 Yeah, the Republicans have it all wrapped up. And as much as I have a huge disdain for lobbying, PKA lobbying firm need to make that shit happen. The NRA has got plenty of money uh i'm a member you know i pumped some of that money into those guys so powerful because they have so many members not even because of their donations like there's fucking millions of people are members of the nra yeah and membership costs money the gun culture involves that lobbying right like if i go to a range and i buy bullets they're reminding me
Starting point is 01:00:07 to donate to the nra like it i if you play hockey there's no huge lobbying force like oh do you need your skate score i just don't forget to donate to the h nhl ra or something like that that's not a thing but something about like almost every gun owner is either a part of the NRA or guilty about not being part of the NRA. But, like, it's in their mind. The lobbying and the guns go hand in hand. Yeah. Yeah, that's because there's nobody coming in trying to take the fucking puck away, right? That's true.
Starting point is 01:00:37 Like, these pucks are too hard. We're going to institute softer pucks. They only go a third the speed. So it's going to slow things down a bit. Taylor, seriously, what do you need skates for? Like, why do you need skates? Prove to me that you need them. Why do you need it?
Starting point is 01:00:54 That's the argument I hate more than anything, because it's just an emotional appeal of, but I don't get it. But I don't get why you want that thing. It's like, I don't understand why you eat vegan fake butter toast, you queer. Like, I don't get mad at you for that. You know, I don't say that we need to ban all gluten-free aisles. Because you got an upset tummy.
Starting point is 01:01:18 Oh, here's a new thing. I wanted to whip it out on PKN, even though we're at an hour. There's a bill working its way into Congress voting, et cetera. It's an anti-abortion bill. And I think all three of us are pro-choice. It's a bit of an echo chamber. But if I understand this one right, it doesn't sound too wacky to me. And I just load it up like this.
Starting point is 01:01:40 Yeah, that's the big – well, then there's more to it so i think i think we're all on the same page that like look if it's nine months in and this is like literally a baby ready to come out right then this is not a good the abortion it's not a good idea it's wrong yeah right this is this is literally a person at this point yeah it's just a matter of moving and then on the other side we're all on the same page with like the day after pill. Is that what they call it? Morning after. Morning after.
Starting point is 01:02:10 Thank you. Plan B, morning after. We're all on the same page. Like that's not even that hard a decision. This thing is not a living, breathing person, et cetera. Somewhere in that day after pill to nine months, the thing becomes a person. I don't know when that is. So they're putting a bill forth that says,
Starting point is 01:02:27 unless it's a danger to the mother, and I think in cases of rape and incest, which maybe you could call rape, but whatever, rape, incest, and danger to the mother, you can still get an abortion after five months. But otherwise, if you carry this thing five months, you have to carry it to term. And I'm like, all right. That's a lot of time.
Starting point is 01:02:47 Five months. You had plenty of time. And look, you don't miss five fucking periods. This is what a five-month-old baby looks like. Not the bananas. You have to click the link. It's literally a bunch of bananas. It was showing that it's the size of a bundle of bananas at that time.
Starting point is 01:03:02 So it's got fingers and eyes and a nose and ears. Does it look like that? That looks like a... Oh, here. There's the ultrasound. At five months, it's pretty developed. I agree with that one.
Starting point is 01:03:19 Look, if you haven't made your mind up after five months, you're a procrastinator and you deserve a child. By the way, there is another choice. If I were to rephrase it as this, Look, if you haven't made your mind up after five months, you're a procrastinator and you deserve a child. All right. By the way, there is another choice. Right. If I were to rephrase it as this, hey, if you let this thing go five months without taking care of it, then adoption is your only choice. We send it to Puerto Rico.
Starting point is 01:03:38 Yeah. Then, you know, because it's like you don't have to be a mom forever. This doesn't have to change your life if it's going to be bad for the two of you. You can put it up for adoption and then just go about where you were. It seems like there's a lot of people wanting to adopt children. My experience with that comes from sitcoms, of course. But there's always some like – remember when George had the friends wanting to adopt the kid and everything
Starting point is 01:04:03 and they messed it up for him or whatever? Maybe Elaine did. It seems like there's always people really trying really hard, but they can't get a baby. Or they're really expensive. Because I feel if you could sell babies, I'd start a baby mill, right? That's what they need to get on is baby mills. Yeah, I wasn't sure.
Starting point is 01:04:20 Because I know you guys were pro-choice, and I was like, yeah. And by the way, it gets easier and easier to be pro-life when you're not in that situation anymore. When hope hits like 25, I've got nothing to lose. Like, yeah, whatever. I'm totally pro-life now. Since I'm off the firing line, and I see a lot of people go in that direction. I'm not saying I am. I'm not.
Starting point is 01:04:44 It's the same thing with guns. it's the same thing with guns when if you don't have a dog in that fight if you're not interested in a gun you never want a gun you're one of those people then of course it's easy for you to say oh yeah take it away take their rights away take their guns away take all the guns away not even a musket like take it all away it's easy but if you're if you're fucking 25 years old 30 years old and you're you're having sex regularly and a condom breaks your mind will change insta fucking loot instantly instantly instantly you're on board you're like i don't care if that baby is crawling
Starting point is 01:05:16 out and asking for help fucking blast it with your gun like like like like i you would support some sort of i mean or or adoption whatever you know i'm just if the baby's crawling out adoption is right there you've already you've already made it through but yeah this 20 week thing i saw it and i'm like i don't think i hate it now there is one other caveat that i might put in there that i don't think is in there what if after 20 weeks you learn that the baby has something very wrong with it right what if it's only going to live two years or what if it has uh uh his brains on the outside yeah or cp what does stephen hawking have um als oh is that what it is? But I'm going for cerebral palsy is the one I had in my head. Yeah. Like, yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:09 I don't... I might throw that in there. There's a list of things that I would be okay with you aborting your kid if he had that. You know? Like if he's left-handed. If he has a predisposition to being a liberal. Any of these things. He could be Jewish. Yeah, if he's unattractive is there a child have a large nose like what's right? What's going on here?
Starting point is 01:06:34 Actually, I wouldn't be fuck my nose has to do with being broken If I over sounded my baby, and he was always just staring right at the ultrasound thing. I'd be like that's that's Satan he was always just staring right at the ultrasound thing. I'd be like, that's Satan. That is the fucking Antichrist. Like, look what he's holding up. He's holding up six fingers. He's flashing 666, 666.
Starting point is 01:06:52 No, kill it. Kill it with fire. Use the baby harpoon. Get it in here. But there's certain birth defects. I don't kill the mother as well. There's no time. I think they should add a few birth defects to that list. Okay.
Starting point is 01:07:05 Shoot it in through the vagina. Like that thing on Jaws when he had to click himself into the chair. Yeah, exactly. It's exactly like that. I was curious as to where you guys fell on that thing. It sounds like we're all on the same page, basically. Guns and this stuff, I think we're always pretty much on the same page. Because it's common sense stuff.
Starting point is 01:07:22 We're actually on the same page on most issues, I think. Oh, yeah. Not healthcare, though. But we just disagree which party's better at it. That's where we typically disagree. And nobody's good at it. Yeah, we agree on that. If they were good at things, they'd be in the private sector.
Starting point is 01:07:42 PKN, episode one. If they had skills that were marketable and weren't afraid of getting fired you know they'd be in the private sector doing something running a business we need some sort of a massive technological leap you know like where where health care is virtually free and just you know some star trek shit you know like like i've been watching these videos star trek is socialism you know that's what's going on in the Star Trek universe, but it's fine because technology has eliminated the need for money.
Starting point is 01:08:10 You have a replicator. A replicator that can just make any material you want. It can make gold. Gold is no longer of any value because you can just be like, ah, 10 pounds of gold, and it'll just make it out of energy. But we'll never be post-scarcity. Oh, unless we make it. Unless we figure out of energy but we'll never be post scarcity oh unless we make it
Starting point is 01:08:25 unless we figure out how to uh how to rearrange atoms i mean i discovered a hypocrisy in my own healthcare argument so i've often said you know in fast forward the state line thing you know if you let them compete across state lines they all go to the state with the weakest laws and etc however i would really like them to be able to sell drugs across country lines right it's crazy that we pay i'll make it up you know two to five times more for a drug than canadians do that would just end if suddenly we could have drugs shipped in from certain countries what's your legal recourse when those when that canadian viagra makes your cock explode i it won't it's the same drug it's just a generic or some other
Starting point is 01:09:06 you know or exactly the same company yeah or exactly drugs in particular are like slightly over free in africa and incredibly expensive here that's why i dislike trump on the free trade you know it's like no the more free trade you have the more people have access to cheap and quality goods and competition that drives the price of those down. Like, you're totally right about that. Like, if we could allow across country lines, that would be really impactful. It would be huge, I think. Yeah, if suddenly American stuff, because that's a big part of the issue, right?
Starting point is 01:09:41 $100 for a bandaid in a hospital or when we pay $1,000 for a drug at the store, if that got, if we took care of that, then that would be a huge step forward towards lowering healthcare costs. Because it's basically, like, the way it is now, you have to pay that because there are
Starting point is 01:09:57 regulations in place that allow them to basically have a monopoly on that drug. It doesn't matter that people in Canada are taking the same dick pill, you know, for a millionth of the cost. You know, you can't get it. You don't get that because you don't matter that people in Canada are taking the same dick pill for a millionth the cost. You can't get it. You don't get that because you don't live in Canada. The challenge with it is, and now we're getting off time,
Starting point is 01:10:11 all this is set up with other people's money. When you pay insurance, somehow you're paying your healthcare bill, like your doctor, with other people's money, so you don't care about the price of it. And the insurance people are like, ah, well this is the price, so we'll just charge them this much for it.
Starting point is 01:10:27 It's like everyone's getting paid somehow with other people's money, and then the prices run outrageous until you're paying $100 for ibuprofen. And if, I don't know, like if there were labels on the prices at the hospital, people might make different decisions. We brought our own Tylenol. Yeah, they're not going to do that.
Starting point is 01:10:44 I remember when i like the the only time i've uh paid for any real health care was when scott's leg got all gashed up with that minor explosion and uh you know i took credit for that it's i fucking did the thing so so i'm responsible i felt like at least responsible for the medical bills not legally responsible by any means uh but but but you know we got him into the ER. Well, first of all, I didn't want to take him to the ER. I was like, man, we can sew this thing up. We can sew this thing up.
Starting point is 01:11:13 Let's just be a man about this and get some fishing line. And I've got a suture kit. We'll pull up a YouTube video. And he's like, fuck no. Fuck no, take me to the hospital. Fuck no, take me to the hospital. I almost got two videos on it today. Yeah, gonna pull up a youtube video i also would say eat shit i could have stitched him up like nothing like like no problem i could have made that she cleaned
Starting point is 01:11:35 the needle kyle uh yeah i want to spit on it no painkiller i guess lighter on it for two seconds that does it the lighter does it you know the guess. And I held my big lighter on it for two seconds. That does it. The lighter does it. You know, the lighter would have done it. So, like, I took it into the ER and, like, you know, they're getting ready to do the thing. And he's going to give him some lidocaine or whatever the fuck the injection would be to numb it. He's like, do you want that? And I was like, ah, you don't need that. He's like, yeah, I do.
Starting point is 01:11:59 Yeah, I do. I was like, how much is it? And he told me, I don't remember, but it was hundreds of dollars. Like, it was hundreds of dollars just for the injection. I want to say the full hospital bill was like, well, it was over $1,000. I don't know if it was $2,000 yet. Somewhere between $1,400 and $1,900. I remember paying $1,400, like, right away. And then I think another bill came for, like, a little more, a few more hundred perhaps.
Starting point is 01:12:22 Did you say no? Vitacaine? No. He got it. I would have been like, you know what? little more a couple a few more hundred perhaps did you say it was like lidocaine or no i i he got it i would have been like you know what you fucking wait here and deal with it i'm running to the corner gas station i'm gonna bring you back a pint of the cheapest vodka they have and you're gonna and if you're in that much pain you'll deal with it like he was not up for that and you know i i felt like it was deal it was it was dealer's choice and because you know i i don't get to decide what level of health care is provided to you just because i'm because i am responsible
Starting point is 01:12:51 for the thing happening to you so so he asked for what he wanted and he got it it was only five stitches you know it was five stitches it's not a it's not a gash it's just a little little uh puncture wound with collins foot foot? So we're there. And once everything was kind of like the tension was a little lower because he was pale and in terrible shape. But like an hour after being at the hospital, he was just a little more chilled. And I go to handle like the bill of it and stuff.
Starting point is 01:13:20 And they're like, well, it looks like your per incident deductible is like $2,000. And we need $1,200 right now. We can do that in payments. In my head, I'm like, look, this thing's going to hit the two grand. We both know it. We haven't done any follow-up. Can I just pay that here now?
Starting point is 01:13:36 You know? You owe $5,000. Yeah, yeah. Here's two grand and then just don't bill me anymore for anything else and you know we'll be square because we know we know where this is headed but that on a side note i will forever until the day i die be grateful of the doctors that fixed him one he's perfect now he has a scar on the top of his foot that's it otherwise it's good it's perfect yeah and uh
Starting point is 01:14:01 so that's a big thing the other thing is so colin has special needs and um he couldn't move i think it was it was either two or three of his toes i think it was three the middle ones and uh there was no like talking to him about it there was no like even now like it's wednesday right if you ask him like like hey when's saturday he doesn't fucking know like that's not a thing that he's good at he has no idea to keep track yeah yeah if you ask him like hey when's Saturday he doesn't fucking know like that's not a thing that he's good at he has no idea have to keep track yeah yeah if you ask him what's after Wednesday he doesn't know what's after Wednesday so so we're in the hospital and we're trying to explain to him that it's the weekend and that there's less staff available and that they'll fix it on Monday and this is not sitting well and uh stuff he would normally get like day after tomorrow isn't working at the
Starting point is 01:14:45 moment and uh the doctor moved heaven and earth the the surgical team was like 12 people or nine people and he had to call like 18 to get them to come in on a sunday morning and do that operation and uh not only did he kill it and make everything better again, but he did it the next morning because he understood that Colin has more mental stress than other kids. And that was pretty special. What a good guy. What a fucking gory injury. Like every time I think about that, I get a little, like I'm,
Starting point is 01:15:17 I would not want to suffer that injury. He's got PTSD about it. We were at Behind the Stable today and he's like, I don't like axes axes chop feet like i do not want to play with axes anymore yeah yeah and it's like colin we're putting the dust collection in the wood shop right now and he's like god i really don't want to chop wood i don't like axes axes are bad um he's totally okay with a hydraulic splitter he loves that thing but fucking paul bunyan cartoon comes on he's running for the hill yeah yeah he is even to this day
Starting point is 01:15:51 he's not a fan of axes at all they chop feet i wouldn't be either like i can't i i completely understand that like uh my dad had that injury forever ago, maybe 15 years now. You know on a grinder, like a table grinder, one side has the wheel, like the hard stone, and the other side has the bristles, the wire brush. He was bristling something
Starting point is 01:16:15 without glasses on, and one of the bristles flew into his eyeball and embedded itself such that there was just enough sticking out that every blink cut the inside of his eyelid. A grues injury and you could see it this little black speck and like he goes to one doctor and that doctor's like got the eye you know the the clockwork orange uh set up on him
Starting point is 01:16:38 holding his eye open and puts the numbing drops in and he's trying to pluck it out trying to pull it out with tweezers can't do it can fucking do it. They ended up having to do this procedure where they took a small drill bit and drilled a hole into his eyeball right next to it so that they could extract this thing. It was in so deeply. And we put our glasses on around here, like forevermore, as Jerry Clower would say. It was it was you got your safety glasses on you got your glasses on you got them on put two on put two fucking pair on like like there's goggles like you go into his shop and there's a plethora of fucking safety glasses everywhere they're everywhere multiples like every time he goes to the the parts store or wherever he's like
Starting point is 01:17:21 hey give me give me a three pack of those safety glasses while I'm here. I had a, your father's experience was better than mine, but, um, I was, I'm really good about glasses. Right. But somehow I didn't think the drill press was as dangerous as the other machines at throwing shrapnel. And, uh, I used it without glasses like one time and sure enough, I got shrapnel in my eye and it hurt for a while. The doctor plucked it out and you could see the rust. It was rusting in my eyeball. And now, not only do I buy glasses, I'm kind of picky about them. I like ones that sit closer to the eye. They're not like sealed or anything but they're kinda aerodynamic looking. And like you,
Starting point is 01:18:03 if you go to my stable right now you'll find like 22 unopened pairs of glasses like i'll get you a brand new i don't give a fuck they're not low i buy them in like bulk at amazon and uh there's no reason not to wear glasses i get you like a sterile pair if you want it yeah i i i've always like like like i remember being in shop you know and there would be kids over there working without their glasses, and I'd be like, y'all fucking up. Y'all fucking up. Like, you don't even know the kind of injury that you're up for here.
Starting point is 01:18:31 We had so many injuries in class. Like, I take that back. We didn't have a ton of them, but the ones we had were semi-serious. Like, a couple kids lost fingers. Like, one kid, it was the chops. A was a year or like through the school's history through this while i was there uh like guys in my class or like the period before me in one case he chopped one of his fingers off with like uh one of those it was it's a wood saw that like has a base and you know you slide a two by six under it and it's the kind that it's a compound
Starting point is 01:19:03 saw yeah it's a sliding compound it comes down and it yeah he chopped his finger off with that cut it right the fuck off and blood was everywhere all over that thing and i remember being like i really don't want to use that saw anymore like not because the blood but because like i i now see the dangers of that saw and like before i had no fear of this saw but now that i've seen it in action i there's something about humans that we need to see some bad shit go down to fully respect something like that when i uh i remember mr erzberger would always tell us there was a guy harley uh in our class he had long hair like a girl and uh it you know it was his thing he was unique and harley had a rough time his mom was a stripper and everybody knew it.
Starting point is 01:19:45 He had this long fucking hair down to his shoulders and he was the guy who enjoyed machine work. He would be on the metal lathe. Erzberg was always telling him, get that hair back. Get it in a ponytail. Put it under. I never fully respected what he was saying until I watched videos as an adult on the internet
Starting point is 01:20:02 of people getting sucked into lathes. It didn't happen to him. He got away with it he was he's fine as far as i know like but erzberger told us the story of someone it had happened to and the gruesome injury that you get and then we had another kid um i think he was chopping i think he was on a grinder like a grinder like i described but a real big one where the wheel is five, six inches. And he got his finger into that. You know, it spins downward and there's a stop gap at the bottom and it pulled him in. And it like, it ruined his finger. It ruined his finger in a gruesome kind of way.
Starting point is 01:20:35 And there was blood all over the place. And like those two little things that I saw in, one was in shop class and the other was in metals class. And they were right next to each other with just a door that stayed open between them and big sliding doors on the outside. We were intermixing constantly. Those two things really impressed upon me, like the need for safety when working with power tools and machinery. I like my fingers. I need them all.
Starting point is 01:21:04 I don't want to be a freak. You know what else I like? I like my fingers. I need them all. And, you know, I don't want to be a freak. You know what else I like? I like my hearing. I'm pretty good about hearing protection. A lot of people aren't. They're paramotor. I double up. Not only do I like protecting my hearing, but I find it more pleasant.
Starting point is 01:21:18 You know, if I'm on a, like when I plane wood, it's often a loud machine for like an hour at a time. Double up. Not only is it safer, but it's nicer. You grow up with a woman screaming at you enough, you won't mind a little hearing loss after a while. Good thing. She's the only part of the game. Your tinnitus.
Starting point is 01:21:35 Bang, bang, bang. I keep this up, you'll shut the fuck up. Bang, bang, bang. I don't get to hear shit in a year or two. So your parents are fully divorced? That's over and wrapped and done? Yeah, they're fully divorced. Oh, congrats!
Starting point is 01:21:48 I don't know how long it's been that the divorce has been full. Two Christmases, Kyle! I haven't gotten shit for Christmas. Twice as many presents. In a coon's age. In a coon's age? In a coon's age. In the lifespan of a raccoon.
Starting point is 01:22:04 Many years. We don't do that. They're fully divorced. Dad's dating and stuff. Mom, I never want to see another man again. She's got that kind of attitude about it. I've been
Starting point is 01:22:20 talking to my mom more. She'll bring dinner over every now and then. I'm getting along with her better. My mother-in-law once laid out what old age dating is about. She's like, yeah, this is like post-65. All they're looking for is a nurse or a purse. One of those two. Okay.
Starting point is 01:22:40 My dad's 63, 64, something like that, and that is not what's going on with him. I think he lies on his thing and says he's like 61 or something like that, or maybe even 59 or somewhere in there. But he shows me the pictures of these women, and I'm like, that's not bad. All right, yeah. That's a shapely woman. That's not – she's got – no gray. That's some blonde, woman. That's not, she's got, you know, she's not, no gray. That's a blonde, some blonde, good looking lady.
Starting point is 01:23:06 And, uh, and he's got so many of them that like, he was over here the other night and I was cooking steaks and then the girl he was seeing, not really a girlfriend, whatever you want to call it, was like, uh, she sends him this text message that says, I've got men knocking at my door. You need to make a decision here. Meaning, you know, you need to commit to me in some way he was like he typed back answer it and then blocked her answer it and blocked her oh that's cold as ice let's end the show on that one all right pkn163 i like this one

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