Painkiller Already - PKN #164

Episode Date: October 20, 2017

It's PKN time baby! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right, BKN, episode 164. You guys were excited about Rob Weinstein? Is that his name? Harvey Weinstein. Harvey Weinstein. It seems like Kyle knows a good bit about the guy. All I know is that he, you know, I see Weinstein Company or whatever on a lot of movies. Yeah, he's a super liberal guy, you know, and I've heard his interviews on Stern and
Starting point is 00:00:19 stuff, really anti-gun, and, you know, really close to all of the powerful liberals. So he was really close to the clintons and and uh i saw hillary clinton come out against him today and i just imagined like in in private of course like bill clinton just coming in it's like up until now you've been an amateur in the woman raping business we all wanted to see if you wanted to step up to the pros. From what I can tell, this guy's already in the pros. Gwyneth Paltrow, Angelina Jolie, he's assaulted them all, and they're all coming forward. It's good stuff.
Starting point is 00:00:54 And he's weird with his assaults, right? Because I feel like if I was in power and I was a dirty old man, I'd maybe, I don't know, you do this this for me and i could hook this up for you that sort of thing but he's more like the kind who like just stand there and watch just stand there and watch while i ejaculate in this potted plant no no don't look at me in the eye like like he's that was a real thing right like pissing in a potted plant or jacking off into it or something like that restaurant or something like in a public place, he blocks the lady's path and pulls his dick
Starting point is 00:01:28 out. She's like, ah! And he's like, just stand there. And he jerks off into the plant. If you ever want to be in another Hunger Games movie, you'll watch! God damn it! So you're saying if you were a rapist, you'd be more of a vanilla rapist, right? Just stick to the basics.
Starting point is 00:01:45 Well, I think I would. It seemed like he was really settling for small beans. It seems like you get the same hate and the same punishment either way. They're calling it sexual assault, and I've heard rape thrown out there a few times. Although I haven't heard about any penetration. It just sounds like he's just really dirty and creepy. Everybody's saying that he pulls it out and makes them look at it. I heard some voicemail kind of thing
Starting point is 00:02:17 where he was talking to this Mexican or Hispanic lady and kept saying, like, oh, you've got to come up. You've got to come up to my room. And she's like, I'm really not comfortable with this i'd rather not and he's like oh you gotta i promise i won't do anything this time just come on because i guess he had touched her boob in a previous encounter and she admitted it on the voicemail yeah i didn't really like that when you grabbed my breast and he's like i won't do it again probably you know no not probably. Yeah. Really a creep. But now everyone's disassociating themselves from him,
Starting point is 00:02:49 and I guess he's done with it. I mixed him up with Roman Polanski when I first heard about it because he was like the other Hollywood rapist type dude. He's a pedophile, though, right? And Woody Allen. There's another one. It seems like you just can't use your position of power to get laid like you used to. All right, so the big difference, though, Roman Polanski, if I remember correctly. It seems like you just can't use your position of power to get laid like you used to.
Starting point is 00:03:08 All right, so the big difference, though, Roman Polanski, if I remember correctly. It's a damn shame. Roman Polanski was a pedophile. I'm pretty sure about that. That's just kind of burnt into my head. Woody Allen, on the other hand, the only impropriety that I ever heard about him was that he married his adopted daughter who was like 35, 40 years younger than him or something, roughly. That's not that bad because we could all envision that going down. We could see how that would happen.
Starting point is 00:03:34 You're a much, much older man. This girl's been living in your house. You never saw her as a daughter regardless of what the law said. And you were attracted to her for many years, but you waited. You waited until she ripened on the vine. And then you had yourself a little fruit cocktail, a little Asian fruit cocktail.
Starting point is 00:03:55 Strong point, Kyle. You know, really, that's how this should be done, right? I mean, you should pick your underage prey, wait for them to ripen, and then get in there. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. Like, I don't think there's anything wrong with that. Like, if this was a Romeo and Juliet play,
Starting point is 00:04:14 or a Shakespearean play, we'd be like, yeah, well, that's just how it was done. I'm not saying you go to the elementary school and you pick yourself out a good one and put it on layaway. But he's not saying you don't. I'm just saying that if you're already in that situation where she's around and these feelings are just there i think i get it you don't go to the elementary schools and pick out a kid that you want to fuck there's
Starting point is 00:04:38 some right in your own house you know if that just wait until they get older you're all definitely wait or you'll you'll be a harvey weinstein roman polanski type character and you'll be infamous rather than famous woody allen's a funny guy too it is infamous for that like everybody knows thinks of him as a creep because dude if you're as famous as him you could easily find a young attractive woman who's not like an adopted stepdaughter kind of thing. You know? I think you're really overestimating the power and charisma of a Woody Allen.
Starting point is 00:05:14 I don't know. He's rich. He's famous. Yeah, but he's not... Have you looked at that guy? Not closely. He's better looking than that Sterling dude. Yeah, but Donald Sterling was so old. And he didn't get accused of harassment or anything.
Starting point is 00:05:30 He just got accused of tactless Instagram use. I like Bill Burr's take on that. He's like, you can fuck him. Just don't take pictures with him. I feel like he's being awfully fair here. You can fuck him. Just don't be on pictures with him. I feel like he's being awfully fair here. Like, you can fuck him. Just don't be on Instagram with him. It really wasn't...
Starting point is 00:05:51 I didn't think the Donald Sterling thing was that bad at all. Did he even say the N-word? I don't know. I don't think Donald Sterling even dropped an N-bomb, you know? This Weinstein thing, like, some people are coming out against it now, but a lot of people are not. They're not distancing themselves from him yet because they're still Hollywood actors. Apparently Ben Affleck and Matt Damon reached out to a bunch of people earlier today to be like, hey, what are you saying about this? It's kind of come out that this is an open secret in hollywood you know so you guys have all known about this
Starting point is 00:06:28 purportedly and people didn't uh none of them said had any comment yeah of course not yeah yeah you always hear about that like um what's the guy who played frodo elijah wood yeah elijah wood like came out and was talking about all the the pedilia that goes on in Hollywood and how he was a victim and how Corey Feldman and Corey Haynes they were both talking about how they were victims of it as well. I feel like I like
Starting point is 00:06:56 to see that because that group is maybe not him. I don't know about him. Nobody wanted to fuck him. Look, if somebody fucked him while he was cute, he lucked out. If he could have gotten his fucking
Starting point is 00:07:11 in during that five-year period where he was good-looking, like eight to thirteen or whatever. He gets all his fucking in between eight and thirteen. That motherfucker hit puberty and soured. He soured. Maybe so.
Starting point is 00:07:28 But I think, didn't he fuck, who's the really hot shit? Yes. Mia. Yes, he did. Mia Kunis. Yeah, I'm terrible with her name. But yeah, they went out for a while. It's like, dude, that is quite the trophy for your
Starting point is 00:07:43 that notch on the bud post should be double width that makes me think that like there's something wrong with me a cunis though like like like what the fuck was she thinking who is she married loves home alone who's she with now i don't know ashton kutcher right is that what it is i had her at timberlake but he but he married Jessica Biel, I think. I'm not good with celebrity relationships. I put very little time into keeping up with them. I've exhausted my knowledge. Hollywood's a lot like high school.
Starting point is 00:08:15 There's a lot of incestuous relationships. Oh, yeah, we all fucked that one. I feel like if you get one good STD into that group, you take them all down. The same is true with the cat with the catholic priests it just one std away from taking the whole thing down all of a sudden the pope i got a little itch i uh i read something that said that or i mean it's a new york times reporter and who knows if it's like a gossipy kind of one but who said that uh matt damon and russell crowe helped to hide uh a you know burgeoning story about weinstein's harassment all the way back in 2004 i can believe so that would be probably not great for their careers
Starting point is 00:09:00 the two of them if it is solidified as a fact that they did what they could to make sure that story didn't come out you send russell crowe in as the muscle he goes in there beats up whoever's whoever's talking i was just watching master and commander with him or uh no yeah yeah master and commander where he's during the napoleonic it's during the napoleonic uh period and to vote battles yeah yeah excellent movie and just by like the way they talk, I'm sitting there like Googling the words sometimes because like they're using the correct vocabulary and they're doing all the ship talk and stuff. And I'm like, I don't know what that part really is. They use some word for for something that makes pus like the guy got the doctor gets shot and the ball takes a chunk of his shirt inside of him.
Starting point is 00:09:47 And, you know. You got the pus belly. You know, he used like a scientific word that's just not used. The pus production factory. Yeah. And that's a really good fucking movie. If you've never seen Master and Commander,
Starting point is 00:10:00 that's Rob Reiner, that's Harvey Weinstein's muscle right there. He keeps those rape accusations knocked down. Is there no Harvey Weinstein's muscle right there. He keeps those rape accusations knocked down. Is there no Harvey Weinstein movie? What are some of his movies? I need to look and see. Master and Commander is fun. It's very good.
Starting point is 00:10:15 It's an older movie. I remember when it came out on video or something, we had just gotten a good surround sound system in our house in Apex. My wife went to go visit family so i had no limits on how loud i could watch this movie and there's like cannonballs going from speaker to speaker like zinging behind me and i was really excited it was cool it's a really loud movie i was watching it earlier i kept having the it's one of those movies where you keep have to you turn it up when there's dialogue.
Starting point is 00:10:46 There's quiet dialogue. And then you're like, oh, shit, the battle's coming. Like, go from 30 to 15 because this is about to get nuts. You're right. Yeah. I know sound engineers really like that dynamic. You know, the loud parts, the quiet parts. It should puncture. It should blast.
Starting point is 00:11:02 As a listener, though, it's like oh you know god like your movie might not even be the center of my attention while i watch it can you just go a little more even toned you remember interstellar how how poor the sound mixing is and that how how uh it's really bad there's so many scenes like uh there's that scene at the end when his daughter's on the death her deathbed in the way in the future and you can't really understand what the fuck she's saying and it's crucial right like like it's like this is all built up this and she's like he's like i i was always there in the bookcase and she's like what the fuck yeah i do two and a half hours of this shit do you know what she says?
Starting point is 00:11:46 I always knew you were there. I don't remember. It wasn't like rosebud or anything. It's not like a, oh, my God, blow you out of the water kind of thing. But I turned the subtitles on and everything at this point in my life. So I really like that, the subtitles being on. I don't get that at all. I do it on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:12:03 It's gotten good. Yeah, YouTube subtitles work. They changed the font, and it's much smaller now, and it's a little more subtle. So it's just there for you to peek at, as opposed to before where it kind of took away from the video. Yeah. That's how I feel about doing subtitles on any English movie, like on Netflix or Hulu or whatever. Like I can't keep myself from fixating on the text. Like, it distracts me from what's going on in the movie.
Starting point is 00:12:30 Like, I don't like it. Here's the thing. Just put it out there, discard it like we did if you want. But apparently, households with the subtitles on, the children are better readers. I mean, that does make sense. I don't have any children. And I'm already a pretty solid reader. You know, you're just boasting at this point.
Starting point is 00:12:50 I've been reading for years. I've got it down pat. He's 25, but he reads on a 27-year-old level. I loved those times in school when – I remember specifically it was Oedipus. We were reading Oedipus and each kid would read like a paragraph of this shit and then like it just went down the rows like you knew when it was coming to you and you know down the paragraph see if you have yeah yeah you know oh shit I got a whole hat I got a whole page here all right let me skim this really quick. This is Oedipus Rex. It's not exactly, you know, like
Starting point is 00:13:25 simple reading. You'd always know when that smelly kid, when it got to him, you'd go oh, here we go. And then Oedipus Oedipus? Oedipus?
Starting point is 00:13:42 Really? You just heard 18 people say Oedipus correctly and we get to you? Come on. Come on. What are you doing over there Stinky? There's like a vicious cycle with those kids with reading like you can notice it where like that same kid in like
Starting point is 00:13:57 second grade or whatever wasn't confident in their reading and they sucked at it and so then in third grade and fourth grade and fifth grade they just dread being called on to read and it's like a self-fulfilling prophecy you know like so much of being able to read well like i hated reading when i was in first grade i hated it like i used to just uh memorize the little story books that they would give us and then just recite them from memory because i wanted to be able to go play with blocks and you could i couldn't go play with blocks until i'd read the book until eventually one day i i accidentally recited a book
Starting point is 00:14:28 about like a guy on a bike or whatever and it was the wrong book and she's like taylor you're not reading you just you're just saying what you know the book says and i'm like oh fuck well i you know i am only seven and i should have seen that this strategy would not pan out in the long run but uh then they sent me to a class to make me focus on my reading. And within two months, I was reading just fine because I was alongside a bunch of people with genuine problems reading. And I was like, if I'm fucking killing it in here, I was getting Jolly Ranchers left and right. What's this sound, Taylor? It's a long O.
Starting point is 00:14:59 How do you know? There's an E, the letter after the letter after it. Fucking candy me. And then they kicked me out of that class because they said, you just are here for candy now. Poor little stinky kid over there with just stormy clouds all over his board. I know, right? Stormy clouds.
Starting point is 00:15:16 That was back when they gave you demerit stickers. Taylor Stone represented. Yeah, it's like a goddamn monsoon over there, Octavius. What happened? Oh, I can't finish all my Starbursts from today. You want one? No, it's a strawberry. Who wants the strawberry?
Starting point is 00:15:30 Did you guys ever do this thing called Relay for Life? No, I don't think so. All right, so we did this reading program in elementary school where if you – we had a big track at the school, not an actual cool one. They just measured off how far you had to run up and down the driveway of the school to make a mile. And like one mile
Starting point is 00:15:52 was like maybe four points. I don't remember the exact scoring system but there was a length of distance that you would run and they'd give you a fucking straw and then when you got done with the running outside they'd count your straws up and they'd put lines next to your name on this massive board or you could read a fucking book and each book had a scoring a number of straws
Starting point is 00:16:16 that corresponded to it and the way they would tell if you actually read the book is we had this really we had this whole computerized system where you'd go read the book and then you take a test on the book really quick, like on the computer. And as long as you got like an 80 on the test, boom, you get eight points. And so I hated running. I hated it. So I would get the thickest books every time I would look, I would, I wouldn't care what the book was about. I'd find the biggest books, the ones that were worth 12 or 14 points because that's like three days worth of running. I'd read through
Starting point is 00:16:52 that fucking thing and I feel like that's definitely why I was able to read better than most people in elementary school. That was a wonderful program because the alternative was running. The alternative was running. And nobody likes that.
Starting point is 00:17:07 Nobody likes that at all. It's a great idea to get kids better at reading because I know I would have – if they were like, hey, you don't have to run the mile today if you read two books by next week. Like, fuck yeah. Yeah, I'll read two short little books. I don't want to run. And I don't remember what we got in exchange for like points but it was something good i oh there was parties that's what it was when you had enough parties cool parties where they would like i remember this might sound lame but they made homemade applesauce and i still
Starting point is 00:17:37 think about how tasty that homemade applesauce was it had like a brown sugar crust on top she made it like a crock pot and and she was scooping it out in these little dixie cups and i was like can i get get an no one dixie cup for 18 miles are you fucking shitting me so like you couldn't get into any of the parties if you if you didn't have the points and you know if you're even if you're in a wheelchair because one of the girls was you know read read through the books you'd have plenty of points or you could be like chad and just fucking running all the time just just running up a you know a couple miles a day every day like a maniac out there never that guy probably still can't fucking read but he's got great cardio probably a heart healthy
Starting point is 00:18:22 yeah that's a good program. And I think it was for charity of some kind. Like it seemed like kids with cancer got something based on how many fucking laps and books we read, which I don't know who's financing that shit. I've always thought that method of charitable giving was kind of bullshit. Like, hey, I'm going to walk around the block six times today. Will you donate a dollar for every lap I do? Or like, hey, hey, can you donate 50 cents
Starting point is 00:18:48 for every bowling pin I knock down this afternoon? And at some point, it's just like, the fuck? Like, here's $5. Don't come back. I'll donate a dollar for every bag of leaves you bag up in my backyard. How about that? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:03 We'll cure cancer in a week over here it's fall uh i it's just i don't know like yeah i'm out here raising money for charity i know you're begging and performing stunts and it's just an odd combination to me it doesn't make any sense at all especially the ones where it's like per lap or per mile and you're basically like inviting people to come watch you at an event under the guise of genuine charitable giving where it's like even if you run 10 miles and you've got 10 donors you know what did you raise $500 like woo wow but really what you got was $500 worth of attention running around you know putting on your Instagram and your Tinder oh I need to go do that for my Tinder go pretend to care about some charity and just actually just sign up for it.
Starting point is 00:19:47 Pour some water on myself and stand somewhere where you can't see. And then I'll just go home. Or people who do stunts under the guise that it's a noble thing. I've got one in my head. There's a paramotorist. And she was, I guess, flying her paramotor across Russia, which east to west is really far. It's a big, big, big trip. And she claims she's doing this to monitor swans and figure out why they aren't flying or whatever.
Starting point is 00:20:18 And it's like, motherfucker, you're getting people to give you money as if you can watch the better from your paramotor? It's a terrible craft to do this job you know you can follow the car up there like no just have a drone up there if you really give a shit but then a drone or a car or a regular plane or like a little radio id tag on their on their leg like there's a lot better ways to do this than to put around your fucking paramotor i love paramot, but let's not pretend they're useful. I'm going to go research orcas, so I'm going to go ice skate across
Starting point is 00:20:51 glaciers and hope I find one. It's like, no, you're just looking for money and attention. You mentioned Tinder and beefing up your Tinder pictures. You need some pictures of some sick kids, man. You need to get some fucked up kids, man. You need to get some fucked up kids. Go to the
Starting point is 00:21:07 cancer ward or something. A bunch of bald kids preferably, like leukemia and shit. Yeah, you want to be like... Get them together in a group. Get them together in a group. And I feel like you want to be like... You want to be like the mentor. You want to add mentoring
Starting point is 00:21:23 to your bio. Taylor, hear me out. I think you should go to a graveyard, right? Just to show that you've been doing this for a while. Sure, yeah. Just show up at a kid's funeral. I'll be on the other side of the telephoto. Get you with the grieving parents and stuff.
Starting point is 00:21:45 Maybe like throwing a rose down on a child casket. Not me. I'll be there up close as one of those stabilizers pivoting around you. You could shed a tear. Could you bounce a little more light off of Taylor's? Yeah, on the left side. Oh, you're looking good. Looking good.
Starting point is 00:22:01 Mom, dad, right here. Right here. Not in the lens. You backed off the Tinder thing for real though taylor like it it seemed like you took less of an interest in tinder when it came up last pka like you're like yeah you know i like oh i mean it's going like about the same like i i kind of slowed down for a couple weeks with it just because i was busy with other stuff but that's kind of the nice thing about it is I hopped on the other day and it was like, oh, a new crop of girls. Let's sift through some of these. And of course, as with most of them, it's like, ah, no.
Starting point is 00:22:37 Ooh, no. Oh, yeah. This ties into my question. I don't understand why guys swipe right on everybody it doesn't make sense i because i think you did at first what i would have done which is like you know yes yes no no yes yes no no and why don't you say no to people like see that's i i do say no to like i started out just doing all swiping right and now the only time that i do a bunch of swiping right is if, like, I just get aggravated. And I'm just like, oh, fuck this.
Starting point is 00:23:11 Like, there's chicks out there for right now. I don't want to have to put in time getting to know them or anything. Like, there's, you know, people who are down to fool around. And then you just, and then, you know, see what you get back and then just shoot a message and play the field. Yeah, it saves time. It's a shotgun effect. and see what you get back and then just shoot a message and play the field. It's a shotgun effect. And it's like once they message you, it's not like you're swiping right and now we're engaged.
Starting point is 00:23:32 It's like I'm going to swipe right on a whole crop of bitches and then I'll sit back and watch TV and after my phone's been going for a few minutes, I'll see what I've got. Oh, okay, Seinfeld's over. Oh, nope, you're gone. You're gone. So you see what I've got. Oh, okay. Seinfeld's over. Now let me see.
Starting point is 00:23:45 Oh, nope. You're gone. You're gone. So you're swiping left after the match, essentially. Yeah, you get rid of, yeah. I mean, find, test the waters. Don't reach out. You don't know what kind of night it's going to be.
Starting point is 00:23:56 You know, tonight might be a fat chick night. Tonight might be a chick with a cleft palate. But you, if I understand the sequence of events here, you swipe right. She gets notified you swipe right she swipes right and now there's a match and then you say oh i should have never swiped right on fatty and you just get rid of exactly because you're swiping right so fast that you're not even registering the faces you're just flipped it because normally it's the guy who puts himself out there and deals with all the rejection, right?
Starting point is 00:24:26 Now it's the girl that does because guys just reject them after you know something. It's a little different because the best-looking man on Tinder doesn't have as many matches as the ugliest woman on Tinder. That's a law of the internet. And it's true like and so when you swipe right on say a hot chick and then she swipes right on you and it shows up oh they saw you matched and they matched with you that means that you're already over the hump she's looking through hundreds if not thousands of guys that have matched her and she's very selectively picking the ones she wants so just getting that swipe from a good looking girl already shows she's interested enough in you which is why to harley's point there's no point at all and making the small
Starting point is 00:25:19 talk and everything on there like just try and meet in person as soon as possible and get it over to your cell phone instead of messaging on tinder because that makes it way more kind of official in a way not as not as odd and also the fact that she's messaging you if you're messaging a girl on tinder every eight seconds she's getting a notification from another guy who matched her so you don't want the girl sitting there messaging on Tinder. You want her on text. Makes, you know. Yeah. A lot of moving pieces.
Starting point is 00:25:50 There are. And it just occurred to me, like, see, in the real life dating that we did back in the day, the woman wasn't constantly getting other offers, right? I mean, she was. If she's a pretty girl, there's always guys out there seeing what's up. But not quite Tinder to the point where, like,
Starting point is 00:26:10 during your conversation, there's 15 other opportunities, you know? Yep. If she's not looking for opportunities in real life, the amount she gets is pretty limited. Yeah. Yeah, it makes every girl think that they can get a Brad Pitt pitt looking guy because a brad
Starting point is 00:26:27 pitt looking guy will swipe right on every kind of looking chick doing the the tactic that kyle and i said i'm just swiping right as many as possible and and seeing what happens but yeah yeah yeah i'm starting to turn up my tinder game again and And so we'll see if we have anything new in the next couple of weeks. You're in a new place there looking real nice. Yeah, it does look good. Thank you. I like your new place. You're in a great area there for pussy.
Starting point is 00:26:55 There's just lots of young ladies there by the junior high. I think it's going to go bananas. By the daycare and all that. But you'd have to wait five years. Yeah, yeah. It's not Tinder. It's Nuggets.
Starting point is 00:27:10 Nuggets. That's the name of your horrible pedophilia app. Child dating app. That's so disgusting. There is one for that. All right, look. No. It's not a Tinder, but there's like a social.
Starting point is 00:27:22 And look, I'm not aware of what it's called. I don't even know, but I know it exists because I've heard about older guys who like get caught on it. There's like a teen social app, but the teens use it to hook up as well. And it's like 14 to like 16 or 17 or something like that.
Starting point is 00:27:42 And so yeah, that would be Nuggets. You know, you go in there, swipe right on all those little kids. They don't have cars. Holy shit, you got a car? Yeah, yeah. All myself over here. Taylor, you're moving? Is all your stuff in boxes right now?
Starting point is 00:27:59 I'm mostly unpacked. I'm kind of just going through the long laundry and all that and then a couple just decoration things that I need to do. But for the most part, it's... I'm not too concerned with the feng shui. You're undecorated behind you though. I was expecting you to priority one, put up some blue stuff. I don't know why.
Starting point is 00:28:18 Maybe because that's all I see. It's higher on my perceived list of priorities for you. It's really critical that taylor has blue stuff plastered on every flat surface you know because the ones i see have it i just assume that all the ones i don't are similarly filled with blues wallpaper or something like that because i don't have all my blue stuff up yet i still need to get my shadow box up and then like i want to buy nicer blues stuff because a couple of my banners
Starting point is 00:28:46 were just old and not good looking anymore and so and also i got rid of 100 of my posters because it got to be like about jersey you want to frame jersey i'm old enough now that i shouldn't have posters you should be getting into oil paintings at this point oil paintings um maybe like a house of blues players yes ah duh yeah but uh oh the move so i i had the worst possible experience with a moving company where i uh on i guess saturday i was moving and so fr, after having booked like a week prior, these fuckers called me and were like, hey, just confirming that appointment for your move tomorrow. We'll be there between 8 a.m. and 9.30. And I'm like, okay, yeah, earlier the better. I want to get this done as soon as possible because I've got people showing up later in the day at the new place to deliver my new bed or get the internet set up or power or whatever.
Starting point is 00:29:44 So, yeah, let's get this done early morning. And they're like, okay, yeah, we'll see you tomorrow morning. So I'm ready to go at 7.30 Saturday morning, like pacing around, just ready. Everything is unplugged. And so I have no entertainment other than my phone or a book. Who's boxing it up? Is that part of their job? No, everything is boxed up. Everything's
Starting point is 00:30:06 ready to go. It's just a matter of moving the big furniture. I hate inconveniencing people with moving, and so I prefer just to hire people and get it done. And also, then, there's no awkward situation if they drop and mess up your furniture, like a friend of yours, because then it's like, well, fuck, okay.
Starting point is 00:30:21 Well, I was gonna buy you pizza or whatever after this but you just broke my couch so welcome to fritosville yeah you can downgrade it you can eat some flavored pringles you fuck and enjoy and so nine comes around and i and i'm get a call from them they're like hey we going to be late. I'll call you in 45 minutes and give you an update. I'm like, okay. So 9.45 comes and goes. 10.30 rolls around, haven't heard from them. And so I call again and I'm like, hey, can you give me an ETA? I really need to get figured out because I have a lot of moving pieces. You're in the moving business. You
Starting point is 00:31:02 know what it's like to move. You have a lot of moving pieces. You're in the moving business. You know what it's like to move. Like you have a lot of moving pieces on the same day. And the most important aspect are the movers. And if you guys don't get it done, like I'm up shit creek. And he's like, okay, you know, I'm really sorry about that. Sorry. He didn't say I'm sorry. I'm injecting politeness in there. He said, well, I'll let you know as soon as it's available.
Starting point is 00:31:22 Probably in the next 20 minutes, our crew will get back from their current job. And then I'll reach out to you and have them call and confirm. I'm like, all right, just let me know. Noon comes around. I call again. Very upset at this point. I'm like, hey, three hours late at best. When are you guys going to be here?
Starting point is 00:31:41 Because I've already missed an appointment. I've had to call a family member to go to my new place to meet up with the uh the furniture people who were on time and the internet guy who was on time you know so there's a family member being inconvenienced over there right now please don't don't you know lead me on just tell me when will you be here like i need to make a plan he's like honestly it's going to be another hour i'm like fine fine i so so i guess you know one o'clock i'll see you here he's like all right yeah i'll let you i'll have him call you as soon as that happens two o'clock two o'clock shows up i've i'm on the phone with my mom who's over at my new place going like oh yeah the furniture people they got your bed all set up they got everything
Starting point is 00:32:24 like your internet's all good you got you know you know, great place for your TV. Are the movers over at your old place yet? And I'm like, no, no, they're not. And the movers who brought my bed here overheard my mom talking to me on the phone and they go, oh, is he using XYZ company? And my mom's like, uh, yeah, yeah, I think he is. And they go, they're not going to show up. They're not going to show up. They basically do this thing where they get way too much business over the weekend and their company's too small. So then they have to hire moving teams from other companies that aren't working over the weekend to try and fill that workload. And my mom relayed this to me. I livid obviously and so i just was like all right
Starting point is 00:33:07 if if they haven't met up with me by the time those guys are done at my new place just send them over here you know i'll pay them a premium just we got to get this done and so they finished up i ordered the new movers they come over. Couple of just all-star gentlemen. Wonderful. I was so happy to have them start. What? White guys? Black guys?
Starting point is 00:33:30 One white guy, one black guy. Perfect. Perfect. Now I know. That's a free team right there. They showed up. White guy will make sure the black guy doesn't steal anything. Black guy, he'll lift the heavy stuff.
Starting point is 00:33:42 You got to fuck it. I got some flooring put in today. White guy and and a black guy i knew they'd keep each other straight the white guy was actually the bigger one he had like these like those mover hands were like watching him pick stuff up it was like oh jesus christ like that's a brock lesnar sized hand on a guy like two inches shorter than me this guy clearly has been picking things up for a while and then i just called the the old mover place through a bit of a tiff uh and was just like i paid a hundred dollar deposit for you guys to be here at this point by the time the new movers got to my place and we started moving it was 345 and now you're ready to talk trash because you have a backup plan right i could tell
Starting point is 00:34:21 you were sort of holding back the true feelings through the most of this story like i hey you know what i can work with you just tell me when you can be here because they had you over a barrel now they don't because you can't rip on them too much before they come move yourself they'll fire you as a customer yeah they'll fire you as a customer or they'll just you know do whatever they fucking do and i was just so upset at this guy, like on the phone being like, hey, you guys are six and a half hours late, at best seven and a half hours late if you came at the time early when you said you'd be able to get there because I booked it a week early. So I'm canceling this and I want my deposit back immediately. They're like, sir, we'll be there in just like 45 minutes. Like, no, that ship has that ship has sailed sir like I know you're probably not the guy the
Starting point is 00:35:07 dispatcher are doing this but this is unacceptable unacceptable to make a paying customer you were gonna charge $100 an hour wait for six hours like no absolutely not you know and and I wanted to do a thing where I was like you know what I'm on a pretty successful podcast wouldn't that be a fucking shame if i gave the name of your company out and your google reviews were ruined wouldn't that be horrible well you're a small-time company you'd have to get a google agent on the phone wouldn't you a google rep you know how long that's going to take you a couple weeks because they don't care you know what's going to happen then after you get a google rep and you say you want to purge reviews that are clearly false they're going to say we're
Starting point is 00:35:42 not able to selectively purge reviews sir we'll have to purge reviews that are clearly false. They're going to say we're not able to selectively purge reviews, sir. We'll have to purge them all. And then your ranking will sink even lower. Oh, no. That'd be a disaster, wouldn't it? That would crush you. Suddenly, college hunks moving junk will skyrocket in their popular. No, no. That's the name of a company that I should have chosen because all their reviews were killer.
Starting point is 00:36:00 I'm going to pick them next time. Yep. But God, that pissed me off like it would be like me ordering brunch and then somebody bringing me a scrambled egg at 7 30 at night like it's just i threatened my internet company with that same sort of threat once before like i i went and i just said it i i i i was like i was like we get about 10 million listeners a week. I just lied. They're not going to check.
Starting point is 00:36:27 They're not going to check. She's in the back. She's like, this guy's out here, and he says he's going to talk bad about us on the radio. Yes. Well, we got to do something. He ain't had internet for three days. They're tethering their phones over there, Mike. People care.
Starting point is 00:36:48 I got my daughter's car inspected today. The business owner, the mechanics, I go to a small mechanic because there's this implication like, you pass the car and I'll bring the next one. That's how we work here. I bring it there. The two front tires are bald. I'm like,
Starting point is 00:37:04 yeah, I think these tires are bad. You'll still pass. We're going to pass it. I got a new tire. Anyway, he was telling me about the reviews. Yeah, 2% of people, they just complain. They write, I had to talk to some kid's dad to get the review fixed. And I was like, damn, I didn't know they cared, but they seemed to.
Starting point is 00:37:22 Yeah, especially the restaurant business. Because especially when I'm traveling, if you live in an area, then didn't know they cared, but they seem to. Yeah, especially the restaurant business. Because, especially when I'm traveling, if you live in an area, then you just know. I know the shit places around me. The Wendy's near me is fucking dog shit. It's not a full-time Wendy's. They're built onto a gas station. It's like a big truck stop gas station.
Starting point is 00:37:43 It's one of those type restaurants. And it's a full service thing. It's not like they got half the menu or something, but they're just terrible at their jobs. Just really, really bad. They leave stuff out. It takes three times longer than a regular Wendy's. And I just know their shit.
Starting point is 00:37:57 But when you're traveling, you don't know. So if I see one or two poor Yelp reviews, if there are three, I'm not wasting my time with this. I'm just going to keep on going. Look for somebody who's four or five stars. Those reviews matter a lot. Especially for a company like a moving company
Starting point is 00:38:13 that's pretty much getting all of their acquisition digitally. I'm changing topics. I feel bad we didn't do the hockey pool. Is it too late? Do you have to do it at the start of the season? No, we can do it any time. No, it's week to week. Yeah, it's week to week, so you can do it any time you want.
Starting point is 00:38:30 Let's see. Okay. Yeah, we can do something like that. That would be fun. Ovechkin scored seven goals in his first two games. Best player in hockey, clearly. Clearly right now, he definitely is. Better than that whiny cry baby sydney crosby i need to check and see what the uh what the reception is because the penguins went to
Starting point is 00:38:51 the white house today and you know of course some people will be upset by that but like i can't imagine most of those players giving a fuck like a lot of them are just like sven whatever the hell from finland and they're like it's honestly just a lot of fun to be here, you know? I didn't ever think I'd even make it to play hockey in the USA, much less show up at the White House. I mean, come on. You got game, mid-accent. I'd want to see like Trump shake hands with with Evgeny Malkin, one of the big Russians,
Starting point is 00:39:28 and be like, oh, we've met a few times before. I remember this one. You tell your uncle. You tell your uncle. I'm coming through with those deals. I have you. Yeah. Dude, he already...
Starting point is 00:39:39 I don't know. I try not to bring up politics all the time, but when I'm not watching PKA, I follow it super close. And I guess he's 10 days late now at implementing the sanctions that like by law he has to because Congress and the House of Representatives signed it. Remember that? It passed 98 to 2 or something. Yeah, there's sanctions against Russia.
Starting point is 00:39:57 But apparently there's something to be figured out in the sanctions. It's not straight up like you can't sell whatever wheat to Russia. It's more like you need to figure out which of these players should be sanctioned. And, uh, the white house just fucking hasn't done anything. It's on him.
Starting point is 00:40:15 Yeah. It, it's not his hands full though, right? He's with Puerto Rico. It's, it's on the white. It's on the executive branch to do something, to figure something out.
Starting point is 00:40:26 And it seems like they have no horsepower in that engine over there. They can't really do anything. They just sort of fuck about and comment on shit. But they don't come up with – like their tax plan is something that you just whip up off the top of your head. Their immigration plan, their health care plan is all like, you know what, I think everyone else should figure out what it is and then we'll sign it after you figure it out. And somehow in the sanctions,
Starting point is 00:40:53 the executive branch has to figure something out and they haven't. It seems like they're just late on their homework. They didn't rape anybody. Never hear about Trump pulling it out. Yes, you do. Trump has been accused of sexual assault seven times. Yeah, but his is always a cool sexual assault.
Starting point is 00:41:07 I don't believe it. I don't believe any of that, any of his lies about Donald. Now, why would you? Donald is a great guy. Well, no, he gets himself a prostitute, right? Like, he doesn't need to assault these women. He's more than willing and capable to go. Trump said regarding Mario Lemieux.
Starting point is 00:41:23 You may have heard of him, Woody. During this thing today, he apparently said, Mario Lemieux hits that ball so far. Get out. My favorite thing about Mario Lemieux, Mario Lemieux was a great player. He retired. He had like Hobbskin's lymphoma or something. He retired, got inducted into the Hall of Fame.
Starting point is 00:41:44 They changed the rules. You can't get in the Hall of Fame. They changed the rules. Like, you can't get in the Hall of Fame, like, the year after you retired. But with him, they decided to. I don't know if it was cancer-related or what, but they were so good. They're, like, immediate Hall of Fame. Then he unretired. So he was the only Hall of Famer in the NHL, right? Like, normally they're, whatever, 40 or something when they get in there,
Starting point is 00:42:03 but not Lemieux. And it's like, yeah, you know, but not lemieux like and then it's like yeah you know he got a hat trick and it's like well he should he's a hall of famer like there's no other hall of famers in the nhl they have rules like that they're like no no no not till 10 years afterward can we induct you just to make sure that your legacy holds up but like for gretzky and lemieux they're like, yeah, but not really. But these guys get in. Taylor, are you going to watch the football game this weekend when Missouri's playing UGA?
Starting point is 00:42:33 We get butt-fucked. Butt-fucked. We are going to be. A buddy of mine is going to Athens to see the game. And, of course, he's like, oh, yeah, we're going to get crushed. But it should be fun. It should be a fun time. Obviously, the the Georgia fans are gonna be happy and in good spirits you know because they will win the only way that Mizzou has any chance
Starting point is 00:42:53 whatsoever is if it is a horrible delay or a horrible rain out or the field is so shit that it somehow takes all talent and skill out of the match and replaces it with luck like if nobody can hold on to the ball if it starts hailing it's just mud and fog and hail all at once you can't see downfield the passing game's gone so fucking funny though is if the bulldog season got ruined by an upset to mizzou like the worst team in the SEC East, or one of the worst teams in the SEC this year. It's unfathomable. I can't imagine that even happening. The UJs ranked fourth in the country now.
Starting point is 00:43:35 Next year is going to be even better. They have two five-star QBs right now. They just signed the number one prospect in the entire country just signed to Georgia. So next year they'll have three five-star quarterbacks. Just outrageous depth at that position. The bandwagon is in full-on mode. As I said last week, I'm driving the bandwagon now.
Starting point is 00:43:58 Just whipping the horses. Got the reins in my hands. Have you got any brand spanking new UGA gear? No. I thought it would be funny if i if i did i i was looking i was on ebay the other night and i was just like what if i just got a full-on like suit like it like it's just uga like like head to toe just just cut and i couldn't find all of their merch like it's not it's not obvious that it's uga like they don't stick their brand big they've just got like a little g on it and i didn't obvious that it's UGA. They don't stick their brand big.
Starting point is 00:44:25 They've just got a little G on it, and I didn't want that. It wasn't over the top enough to be funny, and that's the only reason I didn't pull the trigger. I wanted to be covered in gaudy. Boo dogs! Yeah. Speaking of bandwidth, and I normally don't get too excited, but NC State is having a year, right?
Starting point is 00:44:43 So NC State is at a level where if they get ranked, it's kind of exciting. Like, oh, look, we're in the rankings. We're top 25, you know? Quick, recruit someone until we lose a game. You know, like that's usually how it goes. And there we were. We were ranked 24th, and we were up against the number 17 team, Louisville. We have one loss already.
Starting point is 00:45:01 So it's not like we're in, like, Georgia or something, where you don't know how good this could be If you never lose You don't know what you're capable of Because no one's tested you yet But we already have a loss And it was against some shitty team I've never even heard of them
Starting point is 00:45:17 You look at them and you're like You lost to William and Mary? William and Harry? Who even is that? I don't even know them And we lost one of those teams That is supposed to be like an easy win In the first game or two But we beat Louisville And we went from 24 to like 20th or 19th or something
Starting point is 00:45:38 And like normally I've seen it so many times We get ranked We go against a fellow ranked team And then we get exposed But it worked the times. We get ranked. We go against a fellow ranked team, and then we get exposed. But it worked the other way. We raised our ranking. And I'm like, how could this?
Starting point is 00:45:51 I'm looking at it, and I'm like, we don't have any more ranked teams this year. I'm like, is it possible we go like 11-1 this year or something wild like that? What conference are they in? ACC. Yeah. Okay. You're there, Clemson. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:06 Not looking good, my friend. Number two team in the country is Clemson. Yeah, Clemson's solid. Let me look at this. All of the people from Clemson say Clemp-son, but it's Clemson. Do they? Or I guess my buddy who went to Clemson isn't from that area. There's no P.
Starting point is 00:46:28 There's not. It's C-L-E-M-S-O-N, Clemson. Is Louisville actually good this year? They were 17th when we faced them. And I am wrong. So we have Pitt coming up. I don't know if they're good this year, but they usually have a real team. Then we have Notre Dame, which is not their best year.
Starting point is 00:46:45 Then we have Clemson, Boston College. They're probably bad. But, no, we've got a couple teams. We could very well lose three in a row coming up. UGA has a pretty easy season so far. The opponents we have faced that have been decent, like Tennessee, they beat Tennessee 41 to nothing. They've outscored the rest of the SEC by 100 points in total.
Starting point is 00:47:10 Yeah, but Mizzou is 0-3 in the SEC, so we're due for a win this. 3-3 over their record. They managed to beat up the teams they paid to come play them, so that's good. But it's going to— No, Mizzou. No have we only we're one in four oh shit i thought you're through okay no mizzou has been this is our worst year in a long time yeah yeah i was like oh georgia and mizzou are playing let's see how everyone is oh well yes mizzou is having an uncharacterized... We beat Missouri State 72-43 the first game of the season.
Starting point is 00:47:46 And everybody was like, oh, we gave up 43 points to Missouri State? Well, we won. Maybe this will be one of those years where we just score a lot. And then they score a lot. And we just... It's a battle. And then the next game, we get borderline shut out by South Carolina. And then we lost to purdue 35 to 3 you know that powerhouse purdue
Starting point is 00:48:09 the boilermakers no no and then of course auburn uh bent us over a barrel um kentucky did like there's we we've got georgia next georgia is going to be a thrashing. We've got Florida, Tennessee, and Vanderbilt, and Arkansas. And I don't know if we're better than any of those teams this year. If the over-under is 40, you know, Georgia beating Mizzou by 40, I think I'd take the over. That's the spread you mean. Well, you could do it that way. But I was saying if the over-under was Georgia scoring 40 on them,
Starting point is 00:48:48 I would go with over. I don't know any... Yeah, 50 may be a good call. I think Georgia scores 50 on Mizzou. The only bad thing about being Georgia is, no matter how good you are, Alabama's there. Just to win your conference, you still got to play against the fucking Crimson Tide. Those guys are no fucking joke. how good you are. Alabama's there. Just to win your conference,
Starting point is 00:49:07 you still got to play against the fucking Crimson Tide. Those guys are no fucking joke. Like, UGA runs the score up on people. They have been all year just having a great time. Everybody except for Notre Dame, maybe, which they beat. But Alabama, teams disband after Alabama.
Starting point is 00:49:28 They're like, maybe let's try field hockey's let's go in a different direction with this can you guys swim Alabama has been so good for so long it's aggravating like my entire uh or most of my college career at least the second half it was Alabama rank one rank one rank one rank one every single year like it's it's exhausting and i and it totally makes sense you could take alabama's second team and have a competitive sec team the weird that's how good college football or college sports in general like the better you are the sooner you draft right like imagine if like whoever wins the super bowl this year gets first choice at next players. That's how college football works. It's better than that. We have even more of the Patriots every year.
Starting point is 00:50:09 Because everybody's free agents, and they don't get paid. Bullshit. I like that Georgia's having a good year this year and that that guy signed with them because that bodes well for the future. You know, it's the rich get richer in college football. There's a big disparity between the best and the worst, a massive one. The worst college football teams are high school. I don't think that Alabama could beat the worst NFL team, but I bet there's some high school teams out there in Texas
Starting point is 00:50:37 that could whoop up on some of these college teams that are just shit. Like D3? Yeah. It'd have to be D3. I think all the d1 teams beat Texas high school oh yeah no way a d1 any d1 schools lose into a high school team like they're just too big too fast too strong yeah there's just just in the same way that if Alabama played who's the worst team in the NFL Jacksonville or are they not bad this year I don't know I always just point to Cleveland.
Starting point is 00:51:06 Okay. Well then usually you can do well there. Let's I'll have to look it up. Give something to Cleveland, give them a little bit of fun getting to beat up on Alabama and let's give Alabama a little dose of reality, you know, as they, cause there are Alabama fans out there and Auburn fans in particular that I've met who are like, Oh yeah, like this year, Alabama would have made a real game versus Jacksonville. This was like two years ago when Jacksonville was like one and, you know, one win on the entire season. And it's like, no, like not only would it not be a good game, half of the Alabama line would be injured two plays in.
Starting point is 00:51:43 You know why? The biggest guy on that line is smaller than the smallest guy on the Jacksonville line. And that Jacksonville guy, you think he's just eating a lot of baked chicken every night? No, there's some more stuff going down. Like that guy could lift a Prius and throw it at the Alabama line if he wanted to. I would love to see an exhibition match of Alabamaabama or auburn or clemson or georgia one of the top five ranked teams just getting blown out yeah you don't ever hear about performance enhancing drugs in the nfl because they oh yeah those guys are on horse testosterone because they're so clean they just can't catch anyone right that's it that's not it like oh we
Starting point is 00:52:21 tested uh and and everyone's dirty um so it's dirty. So it's either we shut down the whole league, or we just let it fly. Oh, we'll let it fly? Let it fly? Cool. Jerry Jones told the Cowboys, he owns them, that you either stand up for the anthem, or you sit for the game. The only people who should be allowed to do that are the employers. And that's Jerry Jones.
Starting point is 00:52:43 Yep. I don't know. I'm stuck. Of course, we don't want Black Lives Matter, for example, marching through the streets breaking windows and shit like that. That's not fair. But to silently kneel and get some attention, it seems like you just don't want to hear
Starting point is 00:53:00 him at all at some point. Because that's kind of low-key, non-violent. It's definitely non-violent of course but it's like a matter of like business for a lot of these owners where like a lot of their viewers are dropping out they had i saw something today about the nfl having yet another of the worst monday night ratings they've had in years where they just sucked and like you shouldn't be able the the employers are the only ones whose business it is like if you go to your place of business as a
Starting point is 00:53:31 player for the patriots or the cowboys or whatever and the owner of that team your your boss says no we're not allowing this you're at work you can't do it then yeah you have to obey that you're at work but like yeah guaranteed the ratings don't go up when they stop kneeling that's not the issue in my opinion i suspect the issue is cord cutting is commercials people just don't want to watch that style of show anymore it's the game getting worse at uh it's it's a lot of things the game it's a lot of things bill burr talks about the breast cancer thing where like one percent of the money went to breast cancer And then they're they're you know they're sort of
Starting point is 00:54:08 Feminizing the game and they're focusing on a bunch of bullshit that doesn't fucking matter and what you really want to see is like a bunch Of gargantuan going to war with each other and fucking hurting each other I want to see brain damage when I heard that there was permanent brain damage I was like wow that's the sport for me you think dana white that shit to watch oh yeah i mean you know it's like the military like like i mean i'll watch that shit on tv but you're not getting me no fucking way no fucking way maybe if i get a pick and choose like who we're fighting like if we're gonna do some like if i get to be in one of those like big 50 million dollar tanks or whatever and we're going to do some, if I get to be in one of those big $50 million tanks or whatever, and we're going to go fight against
Starting point is 00:54:48 some Russian tanks from the 70s, sign me up. I would love to do that. If I get to be in an Apache and we're like 2,000 meters away, hovering silently and we're looking at those guys on Ford looking in for red and just going, fuck yes, I've played
Starting point is 00:55:04 this game before chopper gunner engaged but there's no fucking way i want to go get on the ground and like shoot it out with some people yeah as you get off of the apache you don't want you know a 240 pound linebacker to blindside you and give you whiplash did you guys get upset with pence and his political stunt yeah i don't really care just like i don't really care that they do the kneeling at games either like i just i feel like 90 of people on this just want sports to be sports like that like most people turn it on and they're like oh my god like whether they're liberal conservative or not they're like just please just this is where i come to not think
Starting point is 00:55:43 about those things. This is the little escapism we have, and you gotta inject it into this too. I saw some meme or online conversation or something where they were like, I never expected in our nation's national divorce for the liberals to get football. And the guy's like, well they've got all the best lawyers.
Starting point is 00:56:00 That's how that went down. Like yeah, that makes sense. Yeah, I think it'll... Eventually, it'll just go back to normal. Everybody will stop kneeling, and it'll move on, I would think. Or people will stop carrying those. If they just didn't televise the kneeling,
Starting point is 00:56:14 that might be a thing. They could show the fucking fireworks and the flag instead, and take their eyes off it. Fake news. No, they're... Fake news. They're going to keep it up and uh then the the i hope
Starting point is 00:56:27 i want the nfl to die i want it to die i hate it so much i hate it so much for so many reasons it's dying it's not it's gonna shrink as well i remember like five years ago they were just talking they were talking about how i think nascar is the the biggest like spectator sport meaning people attending the things but they were talking about just how massive nfl was on television how it just crushed baseball and anything else there was and i'm glad to see it slipping i'd love to see i know baseball is kind of a boring game i'd love to see a return to baseball i'd like to see baseball slide in and be like the american sport like they should they should have a big baseball promo where like everybody's whole you know saluting the flag and fucking fighter jets flying overhead and they find that one like puerto rican guy who's kneeling
Starting point is 00:57:15 and they just beat the dog shit out of him go play go play some football you piece of shit you're not a real american football is more american baseball am i crazy am i the only one who thinks that because they don't even play football elsewhere. I think they're both pretty American. They are. I'll give you that. But there are other Dominican Republic has tons of players coming from there. Cuba. Cuba has a bunch of baseball
Starting point is 00:57:36 players. Japan has a bunch of baseball players. I know, but it's still becoming an international game. American football, on the other hand, no one even plays that. You couldn't get football pads at Dick's in France. They won't stock that shit. Yeah, probably not.
Starting point is 00:57:52 What's a European sports store like? Where's the soccer section? Oh, it's the entire store? Over there, we have the boss and then the shoes. They seem to kick our ass at golf too. Every Ryder Cup the Europeans win. I'm like, what's up? Like, I don't get, like, look, I don't pay any attention to golf.
Starting point is 00:58:15 But when it becomes America versus someone else, I'm like, obviously, let's go, Team USA. And we lose the Ryder Cup, like, again and again. I haven't looked for all I know. We're on a winning streak now. But every time I've seen it, we lose the Ryder Cup again and again? I haven't looked for all. I know we're on a winning streak now. But every time I've seen it, we lose the Ryder Cup. How the fuck is America not the best at golf? Because the black guy lost his goddamn mind. That's how.
Starting point is 00:58:34 It wouldn't be baseball that became the next most popular if the NFL died. I bet it would be college football. I bet that would be the next biggest sport. College football is so massive. College football is wonderful. It's so much more effort to more effort the money's not there yet the guys are still young you don't have to like there's no sad stories really about oh yeah that's old johnny always morphing and changing because it's only you know a few years with each player dynamic so like like here's the thing with college football in my opinion opinion. Your team can't win, right? I know Kyle's team is winning right now,
Starting point is 00:59:06 but most people are from a place where your football team isn't going to have their turn. You know, like the Hurricanes and the Flyers both win Stanley Cups every now and then. My apologies to Blues fans. But your team can win. Your team can contest. Blues fans get President's Cups. You know, that's a thing uh but when you go to nc state like i'll die and they'll never win the championship
Starting point is 00:59:32 like it yeah it probably so i don't have enough years in me for that change they won't even win the acc championship because clemson is is cemented in there as a powerhouse now like like that it it's the rich get richer. And to be fair, Clemson clawed their way up that ladder. Clemson was good in the 80s and then dropped in the early 2000s or something. I remember I listened to a ton
Starting point is 00:59:56 of Clemson sports radio. I don't know, starting about six years ago, I listened to it for about three years, something like that. I remember when they hired Dabo Sweeney. They were doing really poorly. And Walt Deptula, the local sports guy, is like, this guy's got it figured out.
Starting point is 01:00:15 You just watch. A few years from now, we're going to have it all figured out. And, like, Jesus Christ, they didn't win the – I think they won the national championship. Yeah. I'm almost positive they won last year. Yeah. Outrageous. But that won't happen at NC State. No, no, it won the national championship. Yeah, I'm almost positive they won last year. Yeah, outrageous.
Starting point is 01:00:28 But that won't happen at NC State. No, no, it won't happen there. That is a good point about college football, though, where, like, if you're a fan of... Purdue. God, what was the name of that team from, like, two years ago? Northwest Illinois or Northwest Illinois University or something where they were, like, 11-0 or whatever because they're in the illinois university or something where they were like 11 and 0 or whatever because they're in a the mac 12 or something and even then you know they get put
Starting point is 01:00:52 in a bowl game and they get you know shithoused because they're just not playing against yeah maybe play hawaii yeah that might be right and so even then it's like you can have your hopes up all year where you're like oh 10 and 0 110, 11-0, 12-0, and then you show up against a real team, and it's like, oh, man, like, we had the game set to very easy the whole time. You can't play the bowl game when everything is the standard. They had, like, a perfect season,
Starting point is 01:01:21 but they were still only ranked, fourth or fifth or something like that and there was all their fans were just losing their shit and they're like well let's see how you do against hawaii and hawaii beats them of course you know it's a good thing for georgia that there's playoffs now because georgia might be having to hope someone in front of them loses if it was just the top two teams they might not be ranked top two if they win out yeah i I don't know very much about how the playoff system works. I'd like to win the SEC championship. Let's start there. It'd be nice to win the SEC.
Starting point is 01:01:53 Because if you can't win to your division, it seems weird if you're the national champion to me. And you can't win the division without beating Alabama. Mizzou made it to the SEC championship in 2013 and 2014. And we got beat only a little bit the SEC championship in 2013 and 2014. And we got beat only a little bit by Auburn in 2013. And then the dream was shattered in 2014 when we played Alabama. And we were like, hey, maybe people got a topple eventually.
Starting point is 01:02:19 And then halfway through the game, it's like, ah, this is not the time. They are going to regain this championship. They're annoyingly good. Not to compare me to these great teams, but in swimming, right? We were good. My high school, I just didn't start swimming until my senior year. And we were very excited. I think we were undefeated late in the season.
Starting point is 01:02:42 We went up against this team, Vineland, and they had a 17-year winning streak. Not against us, against everybody. They hadn't lost a one meet in 17 years. And it was like, maybe? You know, look, we're good this year. And we were good. You know, we had some guys finish top six in the state and stuff. And we didn't beat Vineland. No.
Starting point is 01:02:57 Was there any? By halfway through the meet, it was like, yeah. And now it's mathematically impossible. way through the meat it was like yeah and now it's mathematically impossible we played one of the best female teams in the midwest 18 and under uh when we were 14 and under because you obviously play girls that are much older and i remember going into it like it's gonna be so embarrassing if a girl scores on me and then that like fear disappeared the second i faced the first shot and i'm like oh that was probably just a bad shot. She probably didn't get that much on it.
Starting point is 01:03:28 And then pass it back out. And then the next one, oh, she's coming in for a breakaway. She's got it in a deep. No, my defenseman caught her. Guess not. OK. And then at the end of the game, it was like 9 to nothing or something ridiculous like that.
Starting point is 01:03:41 How disheartening is that as an 18-year-old girl to go out there against a bunch of 14-year-olds? All the guys who are skating over to hit you, and then the coach will be like, Steve, no hitting! He's like, oh, fuck, shit. And yeah, that was eye-opening. When you're facing that swim team,
Starting point is 01:04:01 the undefeated swim team, is there any inclination to somehow cheat or to more importantly to sabotage them is there ever any like thought to like man if we could get like some some x-lax brownies into these guys or if we could dose them with lsd before the game or something like they'd be fucking ruined and we'll and we'll be the champions of the world what What did happen was this. So in swimming, you shave down and you cut a little time off, right, just by not being hairy and, like, full of drag. And our coach gave us, like, a speech.
Starting point is 01:04:35 He's like, you know what? This is always our last meet of the season. And typically at this point in the year, we roll over and be like, hey, let's look forward to state, see if we can make some noise there, because we can't beat these guys. But this year, this year, we don't roll over. I want everyone shaving down for this meet. We're going to surprise them and, you know, show up, because in swimming, it's weird in that, really, it's the last meet of the season that counts. Like, in football, all the other games, every game counts. In swimming, they will just break you down. It doesn't matter
Starting point is 01:05:04 if you're tired or exhausted. It doesn't even really matter if you lose mid-season it's all about that one best race at the end your whole season is geared for that last race and uh we we were like we're gonna treat violin like the lab we're gonna have two last races this year and uh and we all shaved down we all show up and they like a special fabric swimsuit these paper suits they're a little smaller and uh we still got our asses kicked but you know they showed up after all that shaving they fucking look like like some of the guys that they're like italians with like gorilla hair like their leg hairs weren't weren't just hairy they were hairy and curly you know and i'm like oh maybe maybe no no monsters thing where like you pull your arm out of the pool and there's just like a sheet of hair that like hangs off this is i think i've told the
Starting point is 01:05:55 story before swimming stories but it was it was the uh our female team in college we had this one girl connie wasserberg she was amazing incredible as a swimmer she went all American all four years Puerto Rican I think I forget Wasserberg is Puerto Rican I don't know I could have fucked up her name oh she was Brazilian or something anyway
Starting point is 01:06:20 she was incredibly good and we were up against this team they were huge rivals on the girl side and uh it came down to the last race which was a relay race and like Connie was injured so she didn't swim all season long you know she was just there her arm was like in a sling and everything but she could swim she was a monster and And she didn't do any races and it's tied. And she's like, put me in coach. And he's like, what? Like, how, how can we do that? And she's like, I can do this. I know I can do it. And anyway, she swims the anchor leg. It's like
Starting point is 01:06:58 400 free or something. So everyone goes four laps and every lap, she swam with one arm. So she swam two arms out there blazing it, and then she'd rest it and swim back with one arm. And she fucking narrowed the distance and won the whole meet for everyone. Just like a magic trick. She could beat these women with one arm. That's impressive. Good for Wasserberg. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:21 Definitely wasn't her name. I forget. Yeah. And then she ended up like – Definitely wasn't her name. I forget. Yeah. She was dark-skinned and she grew no hair. So she never shaved down for meats or anything. She was afraid that if she shaved her legs that she'd have a lifetime of having to shave her legs because it was such – it was like almost like you're – like I can't think. Like probably like your back, Kyle, right? On your back, you don't really have hair, but if you were to look under
Starting point is 01:07:46 a magnifying glass, there might be some tiny little fuzz of a hair. That's all she grew on her legs. Yeah, I still don't like that. No hair at all on women. Did you see that model who, I guess she posed with the hairy legs, and she started
Starting point is 01:08:02 getting rape threats? Really? Like people were offended by the hairy legs and she started getting rape threats. Really? Like people were offended by her hairy legs in the modeling picture. That doesn't make sense to me. Do you know her name? I want to see these pictures. They're disgusting.
Starting point is 01:08:17 They're that bad? About the whole rape threat thing all the time on the internet. I've never, like, what does that mean? Like, does that mean people are tweeting at them like i'm gonna rape you yeah yeah i guess i haven't seen that no i've never seen that like like i i've someone i've received rape threats but usually in a video game you know it's hair than i thought yeah that's yeah no i somehow like i actually don't think i've seen many like women with
Starting point is 01:08:47 leg hair on natural yeah and i i expected it to be really kind of mild like not there no yeah she looks like she's a high school boy or something yeah yeah i i think that you know she and i have a very small i i gotta... It's a pretty similar level of hair. I'm hairier. But if I were to see a guy with that leg hair, I wouldn't think that she was off the pace or anything. That's disgusting.
Starting point is 01:09:16 I wouldn't threaten to rape her, though. Quite the opposite. You know what? I'm going to pass you over. Take that! My insult would be if i were cruel and trying to like for some reason attack a model online would be like i wouldn't fuck you in a million years you chewbacca fucking bitch what's your problem like like come on apply some social norms you think i enjoy slapping on deodorant every morning i just do because it's it's what makes me acceptable to the rest of the world.
Starting point is 01:09:46 Yeah, brushing your teeth isn't fun, but you do it. Yeah, absolutely. I don't enjoy wiping my ass. I'd like to just poop and go. But, you know, yeah. All right, all right. Maybe some of these hygiene things are actually pleasurable too because you don't want to walk around with shit ass.
Starting point is 01:10:03 Yeah. I'm with Kyler Taylor. But, like, these rape threats,'t want to walk around with shit ass um yeah i'm with the i was kyler taylor but like these rape threats i want to see them i want to know how viable they are like did someone make a threatening youtube video directed at her like while driving his car saying he's gonna rape her because that's like a level of intensity sticking his cock through the mouth yeah but like that is like oh my god she is getting raped that this is crazy that person's crazy but if it's like dude i get rape threats for winning at call of duty you know like like that level of rape threat then it's like that's just the internet would you
Starting point is 01:10:36 settle down yeah i i you know it's a woman too so it's a it's a very different threat because like it takes quite a man to actually rape you. Like Brock Lesnar, like Joe Rogan's joke, he'd throw a raping right on you. Rogan's joke is, he would use me as a condom to rape somebody else.
Starting point is 01:10:57 That's good. All right, we'll probably call it a show there. That's pretty fun. Go check out Nuggets. There's a new dating uh and uh read your read your books kids you don't want to you don't want a bunch of monsoons on you don't want cardio all right pkn episode 164

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