Painkiller Already - PKN #166

Episode Date: November 3, 2017

It's PKN time baby! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right, PKN166. Kyle was just telling us about his wisdom tooth coming out. So it's actually pretty... It was yesterday, you say? Yeah, yesterday afternoon. So like 20... Just over 24 hours ago now. You look good, by the way. Like I was expecting some swelling. I can hardly tell. No, no swelling. I iced it all night long. Like I put my head on an ice pack like it was expecting some swelling i can hardly tell no no swelling uh i iced it all night long like i i put my head on a ice pack like it was a pillow um so yeah it was it's my wisdom tooth on the bottom all the way in the back and uh it was really fucking hurting and the top of it had ruptured like a year ago or something and it was just gross and um good old georgia dental care
Starting point is 00:00:47 yeah at least you didn't just sit on it so the problem started in 2014 it really did yeah yeah going on i thought maybe it'll go away yeah i was hoping that it would just rot away yeah because that's what wisdom teeth do, right? As they do. I honestly wasn't aware that it was a wisdom tooth. Like, I didn't know that it was a wisdom tooth. I just thought it was my back molar. I was hoping it would just rot away. I don't wipe my ass.
Starting point is 00:01:16 I just wait for the skin to slough off. As it does. Why take care of something like that? I really dislike going to the dentist. And I knew that this was not like a get a filling, put in kind of thing. This was going to be a full tooth removal. So basically I was waiting until the point of no return until it started hurting. Oh, that's good because that makes it worse.
Starting point is 00:01:39 I don't know that it does. That's the thing. No, I did not make that up. It's worse. It's called impacted and it's not what you want. I didn't have that. Woody and I are going to be Captain Hindsight. Impacted actually is when it goes sideways. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Carry on. Yeah, it was still straight up and down. I looked at the x-ray, and it was like, oh, shit, the top of the tooth is just missing there. But what happened was it started hurting really fucking bad, missing there so but what happened was it started hurting really fucking bad uh and i was just living on uh like a benzo cane you know rubbing uh that painkiller on it like constantly to try to go to sleep at night and i'd wake up and it was just in a lot of pain and uh and that was friday and how long did the benzocanes do you for until it was like all right this is this is too long it honestly was just like it didn't even stop the pain it just made the pain a little bit more bearable
Starting point is 00:02:30 but it was still really hard to go to sleep i mean like how many weeks or like monster days or whatever for the benzocaine before you were like fuck this i can't like three days of like i don't know if you noticed in the last pka i was putting some on it um so like maybe maybe three days of doing that and i was like oh this is not gonna work i need a i need a dentist a professional needs to come in so uh i on friday i was like i made the call so of course i've got to wait through the entire weekend do you go to the dentist regularly is he not like getting you x-rays every year no i don't i don't go to the dentist no i don't do that so i uh i just i just try to brush well most of them are in good condition it was just that one back there had had really had really gone to to pot and so i went uh i went monday uh
Starting point is 00:03:20 yesterday man i'm fucked up those painkillers uh i went yesterday and uh he's like oh yeah oh okay yeah well let's pop that right out that's a surgical removal i was he's like you know i look at the thing it's like 300 bucks to get it out i'm like oh this is great i thought i was gonna have to have a root canal you know i thought this was gonna be a two thousand dollar trip three hundred dollar trip sounds like no big deal at all. So, you know, they put some Benzocaine of their own on there, numb it up, and then they give me a couple of shots and we wait 10 minutes.
Starting point is 00:03:51 And I can feel the injected Novocaine, I would imagine, start working. And the whole side of my head goes numb. It's wonderful. And he comes in, he's like, is that starting to work? I'm like, oh yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah, definitely so. He was pr's like, is that starting to work? I'm like, oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah, definitely so.
Starting point is 00:04:07 He was prying. You're going to feel a little push and pull now. Push and pull. And he gets in there, and it's just like, yank, yank, yank, yank, yank, pop. And it's out. It took less than a minute. I would guesstimate 40 seconds of him prying and pushing. Did he have his hand on your forehead or anything like to pull hard or was it like you couldn't even tell i've never had a tooth pulled so i don't
Starting point is 00:04:29 know how they do it no big deal how like were you just face numb for the like so you were kind of conscious during the thing oh 100 and then you walked to the car i assume someone drove you no no no he it was a hundred percent like local um local anesthetic. So he just numbed... He put a couple shots of numbing agent, Novocaine, I think it is, into the gum. And then he just pried the tooth out of my head. And I was like,
Starting point is 00:04:56 I want to keep that. I want to keep that. And so here it is. All fucked up and disgusting. Can you hold it a little further away? Can you hold it a little further can you hold it a little yeah it was kind of too close nice hold it like this
Starting point is 00:05:12 taylor you're breaking up nice well there it is in all its glory. You're probably working now, Taylor. Yeah, you're good. Yeah. I don't know. That is so much worse than I thought it would be. Most of that tooth is gone.
Starting point is 00:05:34 Yeah, the top is gone. Why is the top gone? It's just like rotting top down, I would think. Yeah. But why are your teeth rotting out of your head? Well, it got a cavity in it. This is the question. Oh, it got a cavity in it. This is the question. Oh, it got a cavity in it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:47 So is that a wisdom tooth or just a molar? A wisdom tooth. You must have been very fortunate with non-problem wisdom teeth or something. If it hadn't had a cavity, you might have just been wiser. I don't know. Oh, yeah. I have the rest of my wisdom teeth. They're all good.
Starting point is 00:06:03 They all fit. No issues or anything. But yeah, it got the rest of my wisdom teeth. They're all good. They all fit. No issues or anything. But yeah, it got a cavity in it and then it broke off. At some point. And more of it broke off. I drink nothing but soda. So were you just spitting out
Starting point is 00:06:20 bits of tooth intermittently? Or swallowing them, I guess? Occasionally, there'd be a bit of tooth you know here and there these are things that would freak me the fuck if I have a bit of tooth comes out of my mouth it's not a this is a problem for 2019 we go today do they have night time dentists urgent care dental that's right I'd be going excuse me ma'am don't close up my teeth are falling out of my head. I need assistance. So people, a lot of our audiences, maybe at the age where wisdom teeth are becoming a thing, get your cleaning.
Starting point is 00:06:53 They'll take x-rays, and they will tell you if your wisdom teeth are going to be a problem or not. Sometimes they're going sideways. Sometimes they're just in the wrong spot. They'll be like, yep, you got to have four out, three out. You might even only have three or two, and they'll tell you what's what. That's the right way to do it. Having said that, I don't know if I had my wisdom teeth out in like the stone ages and it's just better now because it was the 90s or if I had a bigger problem because I was like fully out. On the way to the car, you know those, you see like whatever the 20 some year old under heavy anesthetics, anesthesia, whatever.
Starting point is 00:07:30 And they, they're saying stupid stuff. They're talking to their mom about their desires for big black dildos or whatever. Um, like that was me. I was, I was walking to the car and I didn't say anything really embarrassing, but I was just in the grass, like negotiating for more time. Like, I don't want to go to the car. i didn't say anything really embarrassing but i was just in the grass like negotiating for more time like i don't want to go to the car i like the grass just give me 10 minutes just 10 10 10 minutes i want 10 you know and then you know jackie took me home she was like i sit here in the grass i guess you know like we i want to get you back into bed but so yeah kyle's experience was like shit i think i had my teeth whitened last
Starting point is 00:08:07 year and it sounds like the same level of trauma you know yeah yeah pretty much i mean there was really nothing to this you know i got an x-ray to make sure to see what was going on and in the x-ray you could say you could tell that like there's plenty of room for this tooth like like you know it wasn't weird or sideways it was indistinguishable to the non-dentite from a regular molar uh it just sort of seemed to be symmetrical and in line with the rest of them except the top of it was fucking missing like three quarters of the top of it and it's all black too it's super gross i wonder if there's something about it that made it susceptible to the problems you had like is it extra hard to brush maybe like um yeah yeah definitely so it's way back that that's that's honestly i think that's what it
Starting point is 00:08:51 was that's no excuse for an adult really but really what happened was you know it got a cavity in it and the cavity got worse and i drank nothing but soda and it just kept getting worse last time i went to the dentist was what like three years ago or something like that when I got my last root canal or something like that. The root canal was so painless that I was like, eh, why worry with cavities until they're all the way crazy?
Starting point is 00:09:16 Just drill them to the bone, you know? That's the way to deal with cavities. Man, this coating. Shitty life pro tips with your uh with the pain like was there a point where you were in severe pain afterward i i wouldn't say severe like i've had i've definitely been in worse pain before like with burns and stuff um and uh and that sort of thing but yesterday whenever the numbing agent wore off, actually, so I drove
Starting point is 00:09:46 home from the dentist and I was starving, and I knew that pretty soon my mouth was going to be really tender, so I went to McDonald's and got myself a 10-piece buttermilk tenders and a couple large order of fries and a sweet tea, and I got home and I ate that. I killed it. I chewed with the left side of my mouth, so it wouldn't be an issue, but whenever the numbing agent wore off... They do. They tell you to eat within an hour of the procedure. I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:10:12 There's going to be a lot of blood, and you're going to want to consume as much of that as possible as you sloppily eat your fries. There was a lot of blood. I kept gauze back there for the first 16 or 18 hours to soak up the blood. There was a ton of blood.
Starting point is 00:10:26 Like I had all these blood soaked clumps of gauze in my room that looked like I'd been shot or something. But yeah, they prescribe. Whenever the numbing agent wore off, I started taking my pain medicine, which isn't anything crazy. It's Tylenol 3, which is Tylenol and codeine. pain medicine which isn't anything crazy it's tylenol three which is tylenol and codeine um but um it's uh it's it's really got me good mood wow it's just real fucked up and uh last night especially because like i think i took two of them at like one in the morning because the pain started getting bad and then i woke up at like five in the morning and i took two more and then at like six in the morning i'm on skype texting uh
Starting point is 00:11:11 writing to chis because he knows a bit about narcotics i'm like oh i'm really itchy and i'm really high but my tooth does not hurt not even a little bit no no pain from the tooth but uh that's the only thing about um like like opiates is they make you itchy and i hate that um but it's just been weirdly enough just my left hand gets itchy like so itchy i i scratch it until it's sort of like inflamed almost i'm like ah i I got to ice my hand now. But all I ate yesterday was that McDonald's. And then, like, in the evening, it started hurting more. So I went to Wendy's, and I literally got three Frosties.
Starting point is 00:11:55 And I ate three large Frosties. Just back to back to back. That's actually probably the smart move, right? That's way smarter than fries and a buttermilk biscuit sandwich an hour after they pull the tooth out of your head. With that signature sauce McDonald's has. Oh, that's good stuff. Forget the Szechuan sauce.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Signature sauce. That's the way to go. But yeah, three of those Frosties, I feel like that helped with some of the inflammation as well. And yeah, I'm feeling great now. How long do they put you on medicine for pain? I've got, I'm feeling great now. So how long are you on, like, how long do they put you on medicine for pain? I've got, I think, 20 pills of the Tylenol 3 or something like that. And it says to take one at a time, but honestly, one just doesn't do anything.
Starting point is 00:12:37 That's for pussies, right? Yeah. One just really doesn't do anything. I don't even notice it, so I take two at a time. And so I've got enough of that for like... The pain's almost gone at this point. When I woke up this morning, it was like, eh, this is super manageable pain. But still, you know, I'm going to take all my medicine.
Starting point is 00:12:57 I'm not going to leave some in the bottle. Is codeine the addictive one? Oh, yeah. I don't think I like it. I think I like it. I think I've had what Kyle has, and it's not all pleasure for me. I don't like those things either. Just make me itchy.
Starting point is 00:13:20 But if I had a pain in my tooth, then I would rather deal with itchiness than a wound in my mouth. Codeine is the only painkiller I've ever really had any significant amount of. Like back when I had that, I had strep throat and pneumonia and like a bunch of respiratory stuff going on that time. And then I had to go to the desert to film. I told the doctor, I was like, look, we gotta get me in go mode. Like, we can't pussyfoot around here. I was like, I want a shot and I want strong stuff. I was like, I have to be working all week.
Starting point is 00:13:44 There's no recuperation here. Like, prop me up like I'm in the war here. And so he did. He gave me a shot in the ass, and he gave me a bottle of that codeine cough syrup. And I could see how, like, one could become addicted to that as a drug. Like, it's this bottle,
Starting point is 00:14:02 and it was like an old-timey World War II bottle, like a big fucking plastic bottle of cough syrup. And I think that's what Lil Wayne's always rapping about when he's talking about scissor. Like, it tastes like candy. It was so sweet and delicious and wonderful. And as it went down, you could feel it start numbing everything it touched. Like, just from the contact, it did that. And then when it got in your system, it was sort of a euphoric high. Kind of like what I'm feeling now from this codeine, which is pretty excellent.
Starting point is 00:14:35 Pretty good stuff. Sounds like. I just get a throbbing, low-grade, sort of sick, unhappy thing with codeine. Yeah, I don't think i like it but i did have it after my wisdom teeth i've talked this story 15 times and uh i did get kind of addicted to it if i had a source like a celebrity does i can see how they go down that road yeah if you had a candy man yeah yeah well i was just a regular person know i ran out and i ran out you know what you need the candy man can buying it in a paper bag on the street corner i have to go pick up my
Starting point is 00:15:12 daughter from dance recital have a couple spoonfuls of this tied me through yeah that uh but also pay attention to the celebrities who get addicted to that kyle or who sing about it or rap about it all the time, the rapists like Lil Wayne. You can see even in... I haven't watched a lot of Lil Wayne interviews, but he doesn't seem to be very lucid. Mm-mm. No. Not at all.
Starting point is 00:15:37 He's always having seizures. His throat sounds like he really genuinely needs some codeine. Well, they call him Wheezy, right? For a reason. He's always sad in that way. But he's always having seizures and having to be rushed to the emergency room with like low heart rates and stuff. And like
Starting point is 00:15:53 I was reading the warnings on my stuff and it's like death. Some of the side effects are like heart stopping. And I was like, what's the difference between death and my heart stopping? That sounds like the same fucking thing. There's just a different way of going about it.
Starting point is 00:16:09 Respiratory failure. That's the same thing as death. They're all bad. Legally, we have to put it all the ways you could die. Yeah, that's how it is. But yeah, I think this is going to be... I'm going to be all good by tomorrow. I've got a regimen of amoxicillin antibiotics
Starting point is 00:16:24 to make sure that nothing horrible happens and this doesn't get infected but that was a really uh easy i i like my dentist i i don't see him very often but when i do i know he's gonna take care of business and not not pussyfoot around because that that uh that that root canal you always hear about people talking about root canals like, oh, they make it sound like it's, I don't know, like getting a vasectomy or something, and it's going to be this torturous experience, but I didn't feel shit.
Starting point is 00:16:54 I've heard a vasectomy is not that bad. One of my friends from hockey had it. He only missed one game, and he said he actually kind of liked it because he was completely free of any like like he had it done on like a thursday or something he takes friday off work and all weekend he was just like a king who had taken one for the team and his wife is just bringing him food he's watching football on the couch he's like it really wasn't such a bad weekend
Starting point is 00:17:19 so and what seems like wow what what's his normal life like I'm telling the story I'm like that's not too far from my day to day he'd like me I was just thinking like he was willing to neuter himself
Starting point is 00:17:38 he was like it was really nice I got to on my weekend you know my days off after working all week i was allowed to sit and enjoy a game and my wife brought me a snack and i was like what the fuck is his normal life like like that's that it kind of isn't that what everybody's a little telling isn't it yeah yeah it's like your wife doesn't usually do those things you had to go get basically uh castrated yeah in order for her to bring you a sandwich and let you watch the ravens game or whatever the hell like jesus christ what a sad and you should have gotten
Starting point is 00:18:11 hurt you do you think you think that appreciation is gonna last you think next weekend when you go hey i permanently altered my body for the sake of this family can i get a sandwich you think she's gonna go back to it no you're gonna have to get a reverse vasectomy and then get another vasectomy like michael scott do you know the stress a reverse vasectomy and then get another vasectomy like Michael Scott. Do you know the stress that three vasectomies has on a man? That show is really good. I need to watch it again. That's one of the good ones.
Starting point is 00:18:36 Yeah, that does suck. It's a good thing you didn't say that, Woody. Being like, uh, that's my Tuesday, and that was today. And tomorrow, I think Jackie's going to bring me some snacks. Maybe go pick up a movie from Redbox if I want it. You know I'm... Ritz Bitz.
Starting point is 00:18:54 I'm a big fan of the Ritz Bitz. They're little miniature cheese sandwiches. Kyle, I'm a big fan of everything you get to eat. It's fucking ridiculous. And because of this minor surgery, I bet you lost another couple pounds, maybe. And so that means you're going to get to go into
Starting point is 00:19:11 super feast mode as soon as this ends. I haven't stopped. I've added breakfast in. Kitty, like British people, I think. I don't know. I'm so high. I can't make sense of anything she cannot pass judgment on their oral health problem no no she's had to get all her shit replaced yeah
Starting point is 00:19:30 so like but but like she eats like toast and jam for breakfast every morning late like that's something she really likes and uh and I was always like ah I can't even eat breakfast and then the other day I was like let me try some of that jam you've got and she's got this Wilkins and sons jam this strawberry jam and it's like heaven it's the most delicious shit I've ever put in my mouth it's so fucking good so now every morning I wake up and I and I go get like a big spoonful of that jam and put it on toast but what I do is I take a spoonful of the jam and I put it in a bowl and then I dollop of butter and I microwave it until it's one consistent
Starting point is 00:20:07 strawberry butter mixture. Do you add any sugar to the jelly? No, you don't need to. He adds only the finest jelly beans into it. Then you gently lay a fruit roll up on top and then you have a fine lasagna.
Starting point is 00:20:24 A couple of gushers on each corner. And then some frosting, and it's good. Go ahead, Kyle. Tell your story. It's so fucking good. I think it's $12 for a jar of this jam. It's this fancy British jam. And so I felt so guilty after eating a jar of her jam.
Starting point is 00:20:40 I had to replace it this week, and that's how I found out how goddamn expensive it was. So I got myself some more of her jam I had to replace it this week and that's how I found out how goddamn expensive it was. So I got myself some more of that jam. But yeah, just gaining no weight. Just fucking killing it. I got all those Doritos this week, which you made fun of. Those sweet chili lime Doritos. Oh, they're so good.
Starting point is 00:20:58 So, like, sometimes, you know, you think of your friends and whatnot. You compare lives. And Kyle's life comes with its own stresses. I don't know that I'd want to straight up trade. I'm really happy where I am. My life is good for me. But man, I'd trade metabolisms. That is just, that sounds lovely. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:16 I would do that. It probably wouldn't even be, I was going to say it wouldn't be metabolisms. It would be appetite maybe. But I don't know. It would need to be like a real case study of keeping all of us in a room monitoring our food requirement i don't know if you guys have ever watched the show super size versus super skinny it's a british show that pretends to be about caring for health but it's really about ogling and i think boogie was on an episode i've seen one oh yeah i haven't seen his episode but basically what it is is they'll take
Starting point is 00:21:44 a big fucking fat person and then a teeny little person who doesn't eat like anything, and then they pair them up like female, female, male, male, and they have a big cylindrical tube that they have, one next to each person, the very beginning. And the whole time, both individuals are in their underwear. So women are in their panties and bra, men are in their boxers or whatever. And so you get to see the whole thing and without fail you know for the men the skinny guys it's like oh that's that's not good too but that's still better than that big fat fat giant 500 pound guy right
Starting point is 00:22:13 but for the women like you look at the big fat ones you're like oh wow man that that's really sad and then you look at the skinny ones and it's like well she may be a little thin but i think i think that's fair fair play to her like looking looking pretty good and then they'll show uh they they'll dump a full week's required uh food in there to show what they eat so they'll be like here's your breakfast for the week and it'll be like two pieces of toast for the skinny person and then like a sandwich every other day and then like a little bit of milk or something and then they do the fat persons and this fucking cylindrical tube as big around as my noggin just starts getting, and here's your breakfast.
Starting point is 00:22:50 Six boxes of family size total. Just fucking filling this thing up. Four gallons of old milk. It's just fucking so much. Four British arms. One American one. And by the end, it it's like you can tell
Starting point is 00:23:08 that there's so much more shame on the fat side because the skinny bitches one is like up to her knee of all the food shaped for the week by the end the fat chicks like same on her tippy toes so the things not getting taller than her showing that she's in the tube besides like it's it's a very motivating show if you are that fat or that skinny I guess but mostly it's a very motivating show if you are that fat or that skinny, I guess. But mostly it's just another one of those shows where it's gawking at odd people, pretending that you're doing it out of empathy, but really you're doing it the same way people did in the World's Fair in 1904.
Starting point is 00:23:37 It almost sounds like science, though. There's a certain amount of testing and debunking going on there. The tube makes it seem like science, but it is a tube of junk food here are our beakers you know that's a science word you know we have chemistry written on a blackboard they're graduated cylinders but anyway but uh he graduated thank you uh but But the even less scientific than the graduated cylinder thing is the they make the people eat the meal that the other person would. So they make them sit across from the table from each other and they'll be like, all right. And Betsy, you're eating Aaron's meal today for breakfast. And it's just one half of a piece of toast with no butter. And then and they'll be like, you know, Aaron, you're eating Betsy's.
Starting point is 00:24:26 And it'll be four plates of beans and hash and sausage and mashed potatoes for breakfast and a bowl of cereal and orange juice and milk and soda or something like that. And it always ends with the interview afterward with the big
Starting point is 00:24:42 fat person being like, I don't see how they can eat like this. It can't be healthy for you to eat like with the big fat person and be like, I don't see how they can eat like this. It can't be healthy for you to eat like this. The fat person says that. Yeah, they always say that. You got no vitamins by like meal three. No vitamins. Vitamins. They're British.
Starting point is 00:24:55 Vitamins. Yeah. They're fucking surly by like the third meal. Like, this is just getting ridiculous. I've had a piece of toast and half a glass of milk today. Blood sugar. And like all that. Blood sugar. Oh, my God. getting ridiculous I've had a piece of toast and half a glass of milk today blood sugar oh my god people are always talking about how they need 4,000 6,000 calories a day because they're they're about to fall off a blood sugar cliff
Starting point is 00:25:15 and it's like no bitch you're fine you've got enough sugar in your veins to last for the rest of the month your piss smells good the serial killer would be there like I really underestimated how long this cleanupibal, that person would be diabetic. The knife won't come out. I'm sorry, Taylor. You were saying? It sucked in. But the skinny person usually is more polite about not making a scene in front of the fat person. Because I've seen it happen with a fat person as they're both eating. They'll be like, how do you eat this? It's just not fair.
Starting point is 00:25:59 Like, what are you thinking? You've got no vitamins, no minerals. And all that shit. Ben, the skinny person will usually be like, you know, that's just kind of the way i eat haha but in the interview afterward the skinny people will be like it's absolutely disgusting disgusting i can't imagine how anyone could eat like that ever it's that's more than i eat in a week in one meal and she eats that every meal like and so by meal and they have in the the the british good-looking guy who hosts it uh you know masquerade masquerading around with a clipboard as a scientist it's like susan susan we do need you to do is eat as much as you can of betsy's
Starting point is 00:26:35 meal he's like i just can't it's too much you signed up for this this study and I need to do this and so if I could buy meal three in the day It's it's pretty much a hundred percent It's like a hundred percent that by the third meal of the day the skinny person doesn't touch a thing on there because they can't And the fat person once again Cleans that plate and then they have to sit there and just look at the meal that they eat and Not be able to eat it, so it's it's a very funny show i recommend it super size super skinny on youtube they're all on youtube i'm gonna check that out now that sounds pretty good i think the thing that i do is like like every meal is not like gross and and huge like some days i won't eat
Starting point is 00:27:16 until like the end of the day like like a couple days ago sunday i pressure washed the outside of my house and it was i started at like 11 a.m. And I didn't stop until 6 p.m. Just just seven hours of just working and I know like it's a pressure washer It doesn't sound like a lot of work, but like when I was done I was just exhausted from from going and I hadn't eaten anything look at your arms because they're always pushing You're having to direct it right yeah, yeah, really sore. Yeah, yeah, really sore my forearms But it was it's really satisfying to use a pressure washer to clean bricks and stuff and concrete pathways.
Starting point is 00:27:50 There's even a subreddit, I think, called, like, Pressure Washer Porn or something where people slowly, like, clean stuff. And so I was enjoying myself big time. So, like, I just didn't stop all day. And my pressure washer has this siphon hose so you can add something into the mix, right? So you can just put that siphon hose into normally something like CLR or soap.
Starting point is 00:28:12 I use poison. I use poison in mine because there's lots of spiders on the dark side of my house. They had made cobwebs all over the windows, and there were these stink bugs living up in the like um like the vinyl that's under the the eaves or whatever 3200 psi of six month prevention poison just blasting them everything's falling down dead around me it was excellent and it didn't it didn't bother me at all like like no blisters or anything i put my hat on prior to that your tooth was fine but my tooth fell out today but other other than that, everything's cool. It all started coming out.
Starting point is 00:28:48 You know the whole... Oh, oh. It just came right out. Stop pulling your teeth out, Charlie. My doctor told me to not walk quite as much. That's bumming me out. We're talking about eating and sort of weight loss and stuff. I was bumping up my activity level, but to press on the bone hurt, like it was painful.
Starting point is 00:29:10 And I have some theories. I think that as all the muscles and tendons, that pain is going away. And like the last pain standing is the bone. Maybe I'm just more aware of it. But he was like, that means too much impact. And I was like, oh, you know, I've actually not done very much impact. I'm very careful about it. But he was like, that means too much impact. And I was like, oh, you know, I've actually not done very much impact. I'm very careful about it. He's like, nah, you got to rephrase it. You know, when we're talking about a leg, even just standing still on it is impact. Okay. So, so he
Starting point is 00:29:36 wants me to spend less time on my feet. I had been going out to the stable. I've been shooting some videos actually, like getting the shop up and running and such and that's on hold for a bit surgery on monday how long do they think oh nice i don't think it's taken out he didn't uh yes and he didn't say but the implication i got from it was like 10 days ish or something but oh it's not bad no it's not like this is like think about when did this happen two months ago eight weeks ago august 15th about 10 weeks and like even now, based on how you were describing it initially, you were expecting it to be 50 times worse than what it's been so far. Yeah. I don't want this all to be leg talk. Some people don't like it. But
Starting point is 00:30:18 it is going really well. I'm way ahead of schedule in terms of how quickly I'm healing and the trajectory for how well I heal. The end state is really, really good. It's just going to be okay. I've done a good job on this. That's good. It'd be cool to get those pins. Like I said, make sure you keep those as a souvenir.
Starting point is 00:30:44 I'm hoping that I lose another tooth and I can make earrings out of these. That's good thinking. You start losing teeth too quick, we'll know there's a codeine thing going on. Does codeine do that? I identify as someone with no wisdom teeth. My screws, I'm told, they're big. He's like, you've got to get them. Everyone's telling me you have to keep them.
Starting point is 00:31:05 And my physical therapist, of course, they deal with a lot of people, have stories of what people do. Like one person, they had a wooden door, and they just hammered them into the wood. So they were like impressioned in there. And now they're just like a reminder. Like, oh, yeah, those screws were once holding my leg together. I don't know what I'll do with mine. You can do something on your paramotor. Paramotor?
Starting point is 00:31:24 That's not a bad idea. I was actually thinking of a woodworking project. At some point, I'll use the screws that held me together to hold together an end table or something. I don't know. But I think I will do a thing with them at some point. They'll be used special. I don't know what. I've been watching those YouTube videos of guys forging knives in various ways.
Starting point is 00:31:43 And they're really smart you can click the link in the bottom and you can go purchase one of those knives and and i'm i i'm this close to i was gonna buy the knife but like he was sold out i was like wow he's really got a smart thing it was it was cable forging so he took a a large segment of cable like like inch and a half in diameter two inches in diameter cable and he hammered that out onto a knife and then when he etches the blade at the end you can see that pattern of the the cable and uh he he made a wonderful handle for it and everything and i go to his website i'm like yeah i want one of those fucking cable knives and they're 250 something
Starting point is 00:32:20 like that but they're all sold out like like he's killing it are you familiar with rainfall projects I probably am I just don't know him by name he's not big he has like 30,000 subs he has a farm but he just does projects you know he's like hey this is my barn I need to put you know the big sliding barn doors I'm sure you've seen them
Starting point is 00:32:38 but everything he does is so first class his videos are very good. He does a lot of voiceover work on them. And he seems to learn new skills. No, better yet, he seems to master new skills the first time. And everything he does is like the hard way. You know the handles that you would use to open and close the barn doors?
Starting point is 00:33:01 He's like, you know, so I'm going to give metal forging, blacksmithing a go. And sure enough, he takes the thing, he turns it into the square stock, and then he twists it, and they're both matching. Everything about it is perfect.
Starting point is 00:33:17 He's making a deck for his barn, right? Because what barn doesn't have a big deck for parties and stuff? And he wants to do a railing that's not so visually obstructing. So he runs cables back and forth. Anyway, he buys a CNC machine to build the brackets. And I'm watching this guy do 3D CAD design to create these brackets that route the cable. And it's like, I feel like this would take a semester in college
Starting point is 00:33:45 to learn why is it your first effort is so perfect you're like he's very impressive to me and he's a good he's a good video maker and cheating i don't think so and he's he's young to be so skilled like i want to call him like 27 or something so it's not like he's gathered a lifetime of cnc and blacksmithing and woodworking and metalworking. I feel like I'd like the dude. And something about him is he's unexcited about everything he does, which normally I wouldn't think is a positive, but it works for him. He's just like, yeah, so then I was kind of scratching my head on how to deal to do this. Here's me driving out four hours away, buying a $12,000 CNC machine,
Starting point is 00:34:29 because it seemed like the right... How does this happen? He blows me away. He's very impressive. Rainfall Projects, I think you might like him. Those CNC machines have been getting more and more affordable the last few years. I knew a guy, he had a million dollar CNC machine that he was making gun parts out of.
Starting point is 00:34:46 What does CNC mean? Computer something. It's a computer controlled three dimensional milling machine basically. So you program it and then it'll just turn a piece of metal into whatever shape you wanted it to be. This particular one
Starting point is 00:35:01 had a plasma cutter that pointed down. You familiar with a plasma cutter? and uh and then you would put a sheet of metal in there and it would cut out the parts but um there seemed to be more to it like he was extracting it into 3d and stuff but yeah there's lots of heads and attachment tools that you could put on those things the guy the guy that i was talking about it was a million dollar machine and it was big and impressive it made gun parts but it was that thing where about, it was a million dollar machine and it was big and impressive. It made gun parts but it was that thing where like, you know, the piece is here and it would go all
Starting point is 00:35:29 the way around it in three dimensions like cutting chunks of it out and by the end you had like a three dimensional hollow piece of a gun and he was like, yeah, I paid a million dollars last year. They're $800,000 now. Next year they'll be $650,000.
Starting point is 00:35:47 And it was just like he was bemoaning the fact that these things were getting cheaper and cheaper because the competition were getting them now. And he used to be the big dog who could afford the thing. That makes sense. Yeah, and they make them for wood too. But now they're getting really cheap. You can buy them for like $450, but they suck. really cheap you can buy them for like 450 but they suck so it's it's like many tools where you're like all right this one's so bad it doesn't even do the thing it's supposed to do so i have like those wrenches they give you in ikea sets yeah this doesn't even do it
Starting point is 00:36:18 yeah like the one wrench you gave me doesn't fit the piece yeah so you have to go a little higher up even if you're me doesn't fit the piece. Yeah, so you have to go a little higher up, even if you're a hobbyist from the cheapest level. But anyway, well, I'm glad your tooth is okay. Yeah, that was no big deal at all. Like I said, I almost want to get another one taken out just for the fun of it. That was so interesting.
Starting point is 00:36:39 I said, well, I mean, that's only a few years away if you continue this pattern, right? I've got that. So I said I have a surgery Monday. I'm going to have propofol on Monday. It is Tuesday as we do this, and I'm already like six days from my propofol. It's going to be good. I'm a big fan.
Starting point is 00:36:58 If I were to drop something on this foot, would that mean hypothetical? Would that mean more? Yeah. It would not. I just wanted to check. Like an addict or something. Like I just, yeah. And like I had, this is a long time ago.
Starting point is 00:37:10 I think it was my ACL surgery. I'm going in there and they give you a propofol before they give you all the other anesthesia. Just so the patient's not like nervous and jittery and scared and just like being a problem. And I'm like, nurse, nurse nerd i'm a little nervous already you know like i'm kind of waiting room reading a magazine hey you go ahead and top me off right here yeah i got i got the nerves already did you bring this rubber band from home? I'm ready to roll. Just shoot me up. I got my own alcohol pad.
Starting point is 00:37:50 Yeah, they give out these syringes at the methadone clinic. But yeah, I am already like, it's going to be some propofol involved in this thing. It's going to be a good day. I don't know. It's such a small thing. It's going to be a good day. And the surge, there might even,
Starting point is 00:38:05 I don't know. It's such a small thing. They're just unscrewing two screws. There'll be two small incisions. I don't know like how minimal it is. It's not too small for your propofol. Really? And I should say, is say, I'm very religious and it's devil's night, you know, because I just checked Tuesday's the night before Halloween like a lot of religious people will get freaked out like really religious people just like that purportedly and say that you're very stressed about it and that you think Satan is trying
Starting point is 00:38:34 to poison you a bit right now and so you need all the stress relief you can get and if she would also hold your hand and pray right before the procedure you'd appreciate that as well but hold that bullshit until after the propofol because it's annoying i want you to give me the propofol and then pray me to sleep yeah so you drove yourself home kyle after that yeah all right you only had a numb face right yeah i just had the numb face and it got number as i was driving home like it still hadn't taken
Starting point is 00:39:03 to the point where like i was numb from the top of my head to the to like my adam's apple on the on the right side of my head it was all numb and out to the point where it was just fucking numb um i really like my dentist because like you go into the room i was in was dark the shades were drawn and there was a tv like um not on the ceiling but up high and tilted down with, like, garbage fucking TV playing, like some sort of, like, I don't know, it was like a black love triangle where the guy was in the Navy and he'd gotten the girl pregnant.
Starting point is 00:39:33 It doesn't matter, but, you know, there's TV playing and everything. I dug it. And the dentist assistant was thick as fucking oatmeal. Like, I don't know what she... I really needed... She was so thick that I really needed to see her dentist assistant was thick as fucking oatmeal like i don't know what i i really need she she was so thick that i really needed to see her without that smock on to tell if she was obese or just incredibly shapely because it seemed like she had mass she was short but she had massive
Starting point is 00:39:58 tits a huge ass but i couldn't tell what the midsection was like i couldn't tell if she was really really if she was fat, or if she was just incredibly shapely like a goddamn cartoon character, but I was into it. I was pretty excited even in my medicated state. You might have asked her, and you don't remember.
Starting point is 00:40:18 I may have. I could have fucked her, and I don't remember. I was pretty out of it at that time. That was a good experience. Why do my dicks smell like bubblegum toothpaste? I've been going to the point of you driving home afterward by yourself. Obviously, I'm not supposed to do that
Starting point is 00:40:37 on pills and whatnot. I've gone to the eye doctor regularly since I was five or six, so I should know the dealio by now. I've gone to the eye doctor regularly since I was like five or six. So I should know the dealio by now. But, you know, and I usually I've gone by myself every time since I've been old enough to drive 16. And every time I'm always like surprised again when they dilate my eyes. And, you know, you guys have had that time where they dilate my eyes and I go get back in my car and I start the car. I'm just like, oh, let's see.
Starting point is 00:41:04 Let's see. Because every time they're always like, all right, and Taylor, you do have a ride. And I'm like, yeah, yeah, I drove here. Oh, yeah, it's sitting in the parking lot. And the worst is, because all it does is make your pupils enormous. And so if it's a cloudy day, it's not too bad. But this last time, it was over the summer and it was a bright bright summer day And so like as soon as I walked out like I had a fight I was walking through the Costco parking lot
Starting point is 00:41:32 Cuz I just went to the Costco I doctor just like looking like this just a hundred percent like closed cuz I was like God There's still so much to like getting in like where did I park? Like an apple basically and it's it's always just white knuckling it the whole way back like all right i i can see that it's a giant green orb with fuzzy areas in the sky that means i'm good to go oh yellow all right red stop like you kind of get it like that but if someone told me like hey there's a murderer in that car what's his license plate like i can't even tell tell you what model it is, bud.
Starting point is 00:42:06 I'm just seeing shapes. I envy Kyle's relationship with doctors. Every time I hear, hey, man, I need you to hook me up with the World War II bottle and a shot in my ass because I got to be go. My doctors don't do that. He goes to the dentist and he gets some low-key fix. Okay, I had a physical, right? And this is February, so it's two months before the weight loss started. And she's like, well, you know, your levels are much better, like cholesterol, triglycerides,
Starting point is 00:42:33 all that stuff has really improved since your previous physical. But, you know, and I was like, I'm trying to lose weight. Like, wouldn't Adderall help me lose weight, increase metabolism, lower appetite? And she's like, yeah, it would. I'm like, yeah, so let's get that cooking. No. She's like, Adderall is for something different. It's not a weight loss drug.
Starting point is 00:42:52 And I'm like, well, you know, sometimes I can't pay attention. And she's like, whatever. You know, like it would just shot down, shot down like I'm an ugly high school kid. I don't have cows but she's like what makes you think that you have ADD you should be like god my foot hurts I love Kyle 15 seconds too late on codeine you doctor man sir we're just talking, we were just talking about ADD. Were we? No, that doesn't sound right. That doesn't sound like me at all.
Starting point is 00:43:26 Do you think I have ADD? Anyway, back to the foot. Maybe I do. I don't know. Jackie really likes our family doctor. Well, she can keep going. Yeah, right? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:43:39 I just haven't found a new doctor. Maybe I should. Yeah. I don't put a lot of... I was going to go to a different doctor the other day. I needed to go and get some stuff. I got some new stuff.
Starting point is 00:43:51 When I asked him for it, he just gave it to me. I was going to go to a different doctor because mine is pretty far away. I have to drive across my county and into another county. It's not even a straight road. I have to go down the interstate and then on a highway. It's a 30-minute drive to my doctor
Starting point is 00:44:07 and I was like I bet I can find a doctor 20 minutes away or something and I called yeah yeah well you know 10 minutes each way you know it'd be a better area I could get some there's better food on the way back from that place which is my main concern in life all the time and and I call them and they're like, yeah, we've got a three month waiting period on new patients. And I was like, why didn't you just tell me that first? Why didn't you even ask me what I was calling for? Like, why didn't you immediately
Starting point is 00:44:34 say, we're not really actually open to patients? Like, what the fuck? So I'll just continue driving to my doctor, who's fucking awesome. And, you know, he's a cool, compassionate dude he'll give you whatever you need on the other hand my orthopedic surgeon pizza hut uh what do you want i'll have a large pepperoni and uh two liter diet pepsi all right do you want that in early february we could
Starting point is 00:44:57 do early february or maybe a mid-march which one works better my orthopedic surgeon is the man like that guy i love he did i came in with a bad knee i hurt my knee paramotoring um last winter or something and uh he just like cortisone shots me right in the office hooked me up it got better he predicted like oh yeah it's gonna get better for like four days and it's gonna get a little worse and it'll get completely better and it did and and you know he just he fixed my acl that knee is perfect now. He's been guiding me through the rehab on this ankle and that thing is doing great. Orthopedic surgeon is the man.
Starting point is 00:45:31 I asked for PRP, right? And PRP is like some sort of related stem cell thing where they like take your blood out and then take just the parts you need for healing and then put it back in your ankle. And I asked about it and the physician's assistant was there too and he's like yeah i love prp i did my master's thesis on that we could hook you up with that during the surgery and i'm like that's fucking awesome you know because lozon told
Starting point is 00:45:57 me to do it and he again he lives in a world of people who get injured and he did you write any papers on propofol? Yeah. Anyway, my orthopedic surgeon, and like Kyle's doctor, which is what brought it to my attention, there's a big waiting list. So I feel like I'm in a not that exclusive club where I can call and get on the list.
Starting point is 00:46:17 Are you an existing customer? Yeah. I'm a repeat customer to my orthopedic surgeon. So they hook me up. You know what I don't like? Three stamps away from a free knee. Exactly. Here's the only thing I don't like about doctors,
Starting point is 00:46:33 and it's really funny because there was an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm where this exact same thing happened. I don't like when you call the receptionist and she asks you what you're coming in for. What if you're coming in for something very embarrassing or you know you've got doctor patient confidentiality but i don't think i've got doctor receptionist confidentiality on curb your enthusiasm he's got he's like i have an itchy asshole i have an itchy asshole that's what i'm coming in for like and like like he even went like like he didn't want to tell him he's like i have a gerbil up my ass that's what it is i have a gerbil up my ass so the receptionist is going and telling people that he's got a gerbil up his ass because there's no confidentiality there so like you know
Starting point is 00:47:15 you call and like like what if i had an std for example i don't i'll i'll i'll spick and span down there but let's say that i that i had some sortD, and I call, and I want my doctor to look into this, like herpes or whatever. And what do I say when she asks? I want to – even when it's like a cough or strep throat, I want to be like, none of your fucking business. How about I talk to the doctor about this, like every single time? So the doctor's fucking busy. Yeah. He's got shit to do. I get there like as if he's gonna get prepared it's not and not once have i gone in and he's like oh i got
Starting point is 00:47:53 that thing for the thing you asked for like he's never like ready with whatever it is it's not he gets there and he's like so what you in for like what was she asking me what i was coming in for if he wasn't even going to tell you? I think she's like... She's just nosy. You know what I don't like? Yeah. When they ask me my medical history.
Starting point is 00:48:12 So at this point, like, my medical history, like, list all your prior operations. It's like, no, no, I don't like writing that much. And that's a fucking book at this stage. Actually, one of my operations was on this hand, so I really don't want to that much and that's a fucking book at this stage actually one of my operations was on this hand so I really don't want to write all that up I don't even remember which one it was if someone asked Stephen King
Starting point is 00:48:33 hey can you write a list real quick of every book you've ever written he's like no I don't remember I'm going to give you the hits and then you can make do sometimes I write nothing applicable or whatever I'm in here for strep throat don't fucking ask me about the the 19 operations i've had at one point or another
Starting point is 00:48:50 i uh i do cool shit that and i'm not good at it yeah like i do i never thought i had i never thought about it before but i do think you're right that those receptionists are just being nosy. Because like every responsible adult, you get semi-regularly tested for whatever, STDs and such. And so I remember calling the clinic in college at the hospital and being like, yeah, I want to set up an appointment. Come in. They're like, oh, what for? It's like, well, I don't see how that's anyone's business but mine. That's what you want to say, but no, you can't. You have to go, and what do you think you have?
Starting point is 00:49:30 It's like, I don't think I have anything, you insinuating bitch. I'm just checking. It's like that time when I had those blisters on my hands and feet, and we couldn't diagnose what it was. And I was like, I don't know what I'm coming in for. I still don't remember. I figured it out. Even the doctor didn't know.
Starting point is 00:49:53 That sounds serious. Yeah, it was serious. It was like all the skin fell off my hands and the soles of my feet. And I had my hands in like gloves with olive oil in them. And the cure ended up being like a month and a half of prednisone, which is a steroid, and this $250 hand cream they had to rub on three times a day. It was $250 a tube. It was absurd. I don't remember exactly what it was.
Starting point is 00:50:17 I get cold sores, which is like her type, whatever the low-grade herpes is. I get that. It was, that had like combined with something else, and it was presenting on my hands and feet in some awful, awful way, where like the skin was just peeling off, and it was horrible. And so I just remember calling in and then being like, what are you coming in for? And it's been like, I'm not really sure. I don't know what this is. Help me! Yeah, it was so embarrassing.
Starting point is 00:50:55 It was super embarrassing because I pay for things and I try to hand them the card. I didn't want anybody to see it. It looked like a leper. Like a fucking leper. I've got pictures somewhere on a hard drive that I figured I'd show people eventually. But at the time, it looked like there was something very wrong with me and I might never recover.
Starting point is 00:51:18 Because a month went by, two months went by, my doctor was stumped. My regular doctor who hooks me up with stuff like like and i normally use like now who needs a new doctor hot shot yeah yeah he had this he's mine went to medical school he went to medical school he said you got what's called commonly old hands now the rest of the body aging pretty good they're looking to be 62 63 already they were bad man but he had to sit he sent me to a dermatologist and then i remember like um i was
Starting point is 00:51:55 on like web md or something like that or using google i think i used google image search until i searching like blisters on hands and feet, and I scrolled through a thousand pages of disgusting images until I was like ah, that's it that's exactly what I have, and then I like backtracked, you know, went to that page and I figured out that way, and I was like I like called or emailed my
Starting point is 00:52:18 doctor, maybe both, and I was like God, no I was like, could it be this thing, and she's like, i was like could it be this thing and she's like oh yes perhaps it is this thing very good i will double your prednisone i will call it in and you and call in a cream for you a cream and and it all worked out but i i diagnosed my own thing like she was fucking stumped i uh i remember thinking like this is is bullshit. I think I've spent, like, five or six hundred dollars on this doctor and visits alone, and, like, she didn't
Starting point is 00:52:48 figure shit out. Yeah, yeah. Let me write my own prescription, you cunt. I was frustrated in the other direction with the shingles. The shingles thing recently, like, six months ago or whenever I had it, where, like, I went in, and it was, you know, a couple hundred dollars, whatever, and
Starting point is 00:53:04 within two seconds, she's like, oh, yeah, you got a rash there, and it's just know a couple hundred dollars whatever and within two seconds she's like oh yeah you got a rash there and it's just right here on your right side only on the upper body and she asked me she's like what do you think it is I'm like well google and everyone on the internet says it shingles she goes that's right all right get that see you later it was like all right that was not worth a few hundred dollars you know i had dermatitis i got a dermatitis from a hot tub and it's like uh this rash sort of under your uh armpit area and it's itchy and it burns a little bit and uh and i went and i was i was like hey i have dermatitis he's like you sure i'm like yep that's dermatitis well here you go and i was just like what do you people actually do because like it seems like WebMD and a decently average intelligence fellow can work all this out without the need of all those medical degrees and stuff.
Starting point is 00:53:53 If I need something cut off or injected, I'll come see you. But otherwise, just give me that prescription pad. You know what I don't like? When doctors get mad because you Googled too. You're like, all right, here I am. I looked into this. And this is where I hit Google. And all of a sudden, it's like, oh, you googled, did you?
Starting point is 00:54:11 Like, yeah. I don't know. That's how I handle every other problem in my life. I googled it. There's free information out there. I thought I'd take a look. I think that's the sign of an insecure doctor when they're not comfortable with you
Starting point is 00:54:25 doing a bit of Googling. If they were completely secure in their medical knowledge, because I bet what they're doing when they leave the room with their clipboard, they're going in there Googling. They're going in there fucking Googling, trying to figure out what's wrong with you. I had a doctor. Confident doctors are going to be like, take this.
Starting point is 00:54:41 You know, I don't know if that's right. I Googled it myself. They're like, alright, well then don't.'t then fucking don't take it I got shit to do like I had a doctor I know she googled it because she would come back with printouts on on like what I had and it's like all right it was it wasn't bad she's like all right you have you know whatever I don't know what it'd be strep throat or something and she'd have like printouts and stuff probably not strep throat but uh and it was like i'm 90 sure she went back there and googled my symptoms yeah yeah i like when the doctor has like opinions about things like like hey i want something for anxiety what about this and he says oh well that can do this this and this i usually prescribe people this thing over here because A, B, C, D, E.
Starting point is 00:55:27 They take you to lunch. The pharma hotties are better. Well, because the pharma sends a rep, and he provides us with – well, I can't really do that as much anymore. But, yeah, because they bring us Qdoba twice a month. So that dictates your antidepressant choice or your pain relief choice. That's possible. The dermatitis thing you were saying, Kyle, I forgot about this. So I guess we were all like 17 or so, and it was on my hockey team.
Starting point is 00:55:56 And we finished up a game, and it was like a Friday night, so nobody had school or anything. So I was like, oh, let's go back to my house because we had had a pool and a hot tub and it was a fun place to hang out. So the whole team came over. And the hot tub was pretty big. You could have like eight people in there or something. And so eight people got in and got out, of course. Night goes on. They're not still there.
Starting point is 00:56:20 Not still there. The next practice, like Monday or Tuesday, like seven people call out being like, I've got this horrible rash all over me. That's why I wasn't at school. Like I can't come in. I can't do practice. It's painful. Because like Kyle, you know, dermatitis, if you get it bad, like it's painful. It's uncomfortable.
Starting point is 00:56:39 It's like itchy, oily, very, very uncomfortable. And everybody's like, what the hell? How did this happen? How could everybody, like seven out of the ten people there, now have this disease where we're all missing practice and games? And one of our defensemen, fucking Matt, this asshole, was like, guys, like I have this stuff on my knees and my feet, and I didn't think it was that big a deal but i
Starting point is 00:57:06 did get in the hot tub with you and it was like dude are you fucking shitting me matt like you got in the hot tub with us with your fucking disease legs your leprosy and now everybody else on the team has your shit and so like we lost a game badly at one point because everyone had dermatitis because of this asshole this one ass always so disgusting that was the end of your pro careers I don't know poisoned I don't know who poisoned my hot tub I think it can't happen it's called like hot tub rash or something like that's like the generic word for it or whatever but I remember the folliculitis folliculitis that's what it is yeah yeah and and I remember it wasn't a big deal to get it
Starting point is 00:57:44 like treated I don't remember big deal to get it like treated i don't remember what the treatment was it may have been prednisone um or something but i remember it cleared right up like it was just one of those things where like the medicine disgusting mine was just a red rash it wasn't gross or anything but i bet it would have gotten to some you know maybe it maybe it gets gross yeah the two more days until the DLC for Warhammer drops I've been watching the guys who have early access playing the the the chaos warriors yeah guys they were my favorite faction in in the first one because basically the first one has a two really cool factions like that one
Starting point is 00:58:21 of them is called the Beastmen and the Beastmen are are also like warrior, like minotaur kind of creatures. But they have like no armor. They're just all about speed, getting up in there, attacking fast, huge attacks. And then there's the Warriors of Chaos, which are also beasts, but they're slow and they're armored to the fucking gills. And so I like those ones more. They're kind of cooler, I think. As much as the Vampire Lords with the Black Coach. Yeah, the Vampire Lords.
Starting point is 00:58:44 Those are kind of hard to play sometimes because they have like no range uh but yeah that black coach unit is fucking ridiculously good if you micro it a lot um yeah you're i'm glad you're enjoying it we should play some uh soon tonight even anytime yeah if you're uh if you're if your eye isn't you know closing of numbness or anything no i i'll uh I'll take one more of those pills, and that'll get me going. And I'm down to play for sure. I've really been enjoying that game. I like watching the videos of it a lot. The YouTubers who make the videos are very good chipper guys who are like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:59:20 I feel like maybe the COD guys can be kind of poisonous, right? It's not even about the game anymore. There's this whole... They're worried about each other and each other's girlfriends and there's so much drama. Over there, it's the opposite. I'm watching Air of Carthage.
Starting point is 00:59:38 I'm watching his videos and he's showing a video where he beats another YouTuber named Turin. And he's like, I think you all know that Turin's a much better player than I am. It's just this build, this build is very good for the Lizardmen. And I was like, you'd never get that. If Wings of Redemption is shitting on Optic Hex, you've got, and this is why my way is better. They are all shit.
Starting point is 01:00:03 Like, you get the complete opposite. They seem like nice, cool guys. And they're really smart because it's not the kind of game that you just dumb your way through just clicking buttons. It's not a button-mashing kind of game. There's a lot of math involved.
Starting point is 01:00:19 It's rock, paper, scissors like many of those games are, but it's rock, paper, scissors, swords, shields, hammers, and it's rock, paper, scissors, swords, shields, hammers, and it's like, oh yeah, this matches up well against this, especially when I cast this spell and I micro this in this way, and this
Starting point is 01:00:34 causes terror, and that terror, this is going to cause their armor to drop to this amount, and they're doing math on the fly, and it's really cool. I enjoy the game. And the cinematics are really nice. You send in a gigantic dinosaur and he doesn't just
Starting point is 01:00:49 thrash and make things fall over. He has unique attacks where he'll come in and bite a soldier on the head and flip him up in the air and then catch him and garble him down and just eat him alive. It's fun to zoom all the way in and watch the show sometimes but then
Starting point is 01:01:06 you know it's it's also imperative that you're constantly microing shit and sending this there and this over here and moving stuff around so i i didn't think i would like it when i was whenever we were in colorado and i was watching you play uh the first one i was i i didn't find it too interesting but now that i've played it, I really dig it. I like it a lot. Are you keeping up with Taylor better yet, or not yet? I think so. Kyle had a good win just last time we
Starting point is 01:01:34 played, where... Well, I guess we can't really describe the battle because it wouldn't make sense. It was dawn! It was dawn! My men were exhausted. We'd been marching all night, it was dawn. My men were exhausted. We'd been marching all night, the lizard men. And I wildly underestimated how Kyle and I's armies clashed,
Starting point is 01:01:52 and Kyle more intelligently kept his force more solid in one area on the lower part of the battlefield, and then there was an elevated part. And I thought, oh, I can run four units around, flank him, and this will be in the fucking bag like i'll tear right through his his catapults back there like he won't be ready for it i can hold out that line and i like three quarters of the way through their track to uh to do the flanking i'm like this is taking so much longer than i thought it would and he's already chiseling my guys down like there's no way and what ended happening is, like, my guys were breaking and weak
Starting point is 01:02:26 by the time they got there, and so he just went and slaughtered the weak units that were meant to come around the flank. But, yeah, I'm glad you're liking it. It is a really fun game. Like, every one of these games, Kyle's already very good. Yeah, I watched hours worth of videos, and, you know, I figured out how to play the game. It's certainly not me solving
Starting point is 01:02:46 the Rubik's Cube on my own or anything but once you know what the dealio is there's just so many units and you know there's multiple like you were at first you were like there's only four factions but I was like shit I'm so glad there's only four factions
Starting point is 01:03:01 because if there were a dozen I'd have so much more information to keep up with like it's hard enough to keep up with like each faction has 20 or 30 different units and you have like a budget for assembling your army and so you have to you have to be like oh i'd like three archers but i can't afford three archers so two archers and one cavalry guide like you're you have this each player has the same amount of money to spend on an army and and you have to sort of be thinking ahead of like what kind of army might he use because i need to counterbalance against that like if he's if he's the high elves he could bring lots of dragons you know taylor's playing the lizard man so he'll
Starting point is 01:03:40 probably have some large some dinosaurs some you know dinosaur cavalry or something so i gotta bring a lot of spears you know but then he has to think well but does he think that that i think that he's gonna bring a lot of large because that's happened in our battles too where i was like one of one of our first ones where you were playing against me and i was like last time i played lizard men against kyle i brought a lot of dope ass creatures that you know and so now i bet he's gonna think that i do that again he's gonna bring a bunch of spears and so i brought barely any creatures just brought a ton of uh shielded warriors because they can block arrows and slice right through spearman like it really is it's rock paper scissors magic and so many other uh facets of it it's a really fun game
Starting point is 01:04:19 yeah i'm loving it yeah yeah i'll get on and play a little bit if you want to. Uh, I'm just gonna grab a snack. He told me to start to rumble a little bit. Yeah. Guys, let me call it. Let's do it. PKN episode one 66.

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