Painkiller Already - PKN #172

Episode Date: December 15, 2017

It's PKN time baby! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right, PKN episode 172. We were just getting all worked up before the show started. Yeah, so much that Woody just had to get it going. I interrupted what you guys were talking about, so you can just jump right back into it. Well, apparently a black man moved into Taylor's building and he is livid. Oh man, not that. That was just for the pre-show. And he's Filipino. Doesn't make any better though. No, no. he well he'll still understand the burning cross like we talked about hey taylor i think your math is off though like
Starting point is 00:00:30 if he ruins the property value wouldn't he just lower your rent that's true yeah yeah because i don't own yeah yeah four filipinos in here i'm gonna get jorge and the rest of the gang. All of them. Oh, that's terrible. Oh, no. So is Wings on the subreddit? I just saw a copy paste in the Skype. Can you tell me which post it is? Because I don't know. It's the one that says something about Wings losing $100,000 because...
Starting point is 00:01:01 Oh, that one? Yeah, there's like 190 comments or something okay well is he talking about like on his trucks no because he got fired from the show i'm about 120 comments behind then you know because oh my god like like and he what did he reply to me he said something like he said that he said quote i guess if i'm gonna say quote basically he said that i said to his face that we never intended to bring him back because i posted a comment on there that said you know we didn't kick you off we we suspended him you know and then in the but but but he he proved us quickly um he quickly proved to us, afterwards that we'd made a good decision.
Starting point is 00:01:45 That is what I percent true. Can I jump in? Yeah, there's a hundred percent true. I did. Um, there was a moment of weakness I had, like one time he made a video and I remember he was like, yeah, you know, all the things they said I did, I did. He's like, and I don't know why, like, I don't wake up and think I'm going to be an asshole today. It just kind of happens. And, you know, like, I'm going to grow from this. And I was like, wow, like, you know, maybe this guy comes back.
Starting point is 00:02:14 That was my thinking at the time. He was like, I don't wake up saying I'm going to be an asshole. I just do it. And, like, you know, I don't know. Like, in my case, my biggest, I think Kyle's, I hate to put words in his mouth, his biggest frustration was the survival trip. For me, it had been growing for a long time. Like all sorts of, like little betrayals and comments about me and stuff that struck deep and people considered him a reliable source, even though things he would say were wildly untrue. source even though things he would say were wildly untrue and i think for lefty putting words in his mouth his biggest thing was like while we were doing the trip wing streamed and talked mad shit
Starting point is 00:02:51 about us like while we were you know in the woods and uh so we all like we all agreed with each other but the the core of our reasons weren't exactly lined up and uh yeah he just i forgot how i got there i just started ranting but but he says like here's the thing this happens in business a lot right like you know three people start up twitter or facebook or whatever one of them gets fired and then after he leaves the place starts succeeding and suddenly he's like, you know what? Really, I deserve all of that success. Like Breaking Bad. Yeah. Breaking Bad, did that happen?
Starting point is 00:03:31 Yeah, with Gray Matter or whatever his company was when he left. And then they got super successful. Right? Am I totally making that up? No, you're right. You're right. Yeah. But I think that in that case, didn't Walter White invent the whole thing?
Starting point is 00:03:44 Maybe there are parallels there. Maybe he actually did. I don't know. Okay, then never mind. Sorry for derailing. Go ahead. Oh, he deleted his comment. Oh, did he?
Starting point is 00:03:53 After Wings left, really I think what happened was it wasn't so much Wings leaving that made the show successful, although that could be part of it. It was replacing Heather with Chiz. I feel like that is what started turning things around. And he deleted most of his comments. Okay. It's hard to quote him correctly now. But what he said was that, so I replied to someone and, and I was like, just to be clear, we didn't kick him off. We suspended him and, you know, and we were going to reevaluate his situation within,
Starting point is 00:04:24 you know, a few months. And I said something like, but he quickly showed us that we'd made the right decision. And then he replies, he's like, no, you told me to my face like two months later that you've never intended to bring me back. And I'm like, in my head, I'm like, the cholesterol has infected your brain.
Starting point is 00:04:47 You're either lying or you're just playing. Did you even see him in person two months later? No, no. But I politely said, I don't remember things that way. No, you're right and he's wrong. Of course. That was always the plan, to sort of suspend him and see how things worked out, you know? Yeah. But i don't know
Starting point is 00:05:08 i you know here we are like keeping it going a part of me wishes it would just die and end up uh but a part i don't just silly way soon if he goes to tijuana i i you tell me about that that that has to be i got all the nitty-gritty details on that so he uploaded a video i don't know like the big details about weight loss surgery but i saw somebody saying like it was like a three-day thing which is like i know that no surgeon no reputable surgeons would be like yeah go ahead and fly your 500 pound body down here we'll get you cut up real quick get it going give you a nice 18 to 26 hours of rest, and then you're back on that plane to the States.
Starting point is 00:05:48 That's not true. No, right? So I don't know about his surgery. There's no way. And my understanding is these belly surgeries, whatever it is, are some of the worst to come back from. But stuff goes more and more outpatient all the time. C-sections get out of the hospital the next day.
Starting point is 00:06:12 When I had my um yeah but not on to six i went home that night you know and well the next day or two days later i took a six-hour flight you know with that yeah but you know you don't want yeah you got your crutches you know house weight they're gonna cut his stomach in half i hear you i hear you and you know i did lead did lead in with gastrointestinal surgeries, one of the tougher to come back from. Boogie's recovery seemed like it was very difficult, right? Three months later, he still wasn't in some ways as good as he was before. Now he's losing weight, but there were ways in which he was still suffering from the surgery. So three days, that might be really hard i don't know so he weighs about 540 especially because real quick like you already know it's a bad idea because
Starting point is 00:06:52 boogie talked about how when he was like 500 and whatever pounds he would go to expensive american surgeons and be like i'll fucking pay you to do this and they're like i can't i literally can't you're too fat you have to get down to like 470 or whatever before we can do it. So they're going to ship him to Tijuana at a weight that no American surgery would do this. And then surgery and then back on the fucking Southwest flight? No. I don't hate this as much as you guys do. I want to hear Kyle's details that we don't have, but I won't be more than 10 seconds. But I am saying we're talking
Starting point is 00:07:26 about life or death and even if the life is a bit of a long shot or not so great like there is a huge risk of not doing it as well kyle please tell us what you know so he made a video and uh he's talking about this thing and it was you know he cries at the end of it and and of course there's no donation link in there like like like absurd like you should totally have a donation link at the end but basically what he said was he had like i don't know 8 10 grand of money saved up uh the surgery cost 24 25 grand to get done in his homeland of south carolina but it sounds to me like like what i like took I took from listening
Starting point is 00:08:05 between the lines. His mother had this surgery done in Tijuana. She's pushing him to do this thing. He pulls up the website for this thing, and at the top of the website it says... I'll get it.
Starting point is 00:08:22 It's like surgery tours. Yeah, man. I'll get it for you. like surgery tours. I'd love to poke around. Yeah, man. I'll get it for you. I'm going to pick a surgery that I want. Oh, let's all go. Wow, yeah. I've lost weight and still got a little. So he says.
Starting point is 00:08:36 Mexican laser hair removal. Oh, God. There you go. We have skinned you well. What? So he's. He wants to... He's going to get two plane tickets because of his size and fly to San Diego.
Starting point is 00:08:54 And then he gets picked up at the airport in San Diego by a car. Speedy gone Uber. Yeah. I think the car is provided by the the clinic and uh and they'll drive him to tijuana the the home place of fine surgical treatment and and he'll spend one night in a marriott as he said and um hang on the The website, I'm trying to read it off his video.
Starting point is 00:09:31 My big question is, will he notify them that he's backing out or just not show? Maybe not show and claim that he notified them. I don't know. In this situation, not showing is probably the better move. Because you were saying, it's life and death. But it's like, yeah, this could be the death. Like, the decision. Kyle's still going. I don't mean to step all over him.
Starting point is 00:09:52 Yeah, go ahead, Kyle. Sorry about that. Don't worry about the website if you can't get it. No worries. I have it. I think this doesn't look like the homepage, but it is the URL. Maybe you just have to dig around on this website to find the exact page he was on. But in any case, what a big URL. So, he spends one night in that marriott and then the next morning they pick him up take him to the hospital do some
Starting point is 00:10:12 blood tests and then right into the or do the surgery that day then back to the marriott for two nights then back to san diego and on a flight to south carolina and it's all said and done he did say however i'm probably gonna lose my belly button you know gonna because you lose your belly button it because you you lose your belly button with surgeries like this and i was like wait wait what what what what wait no that's whoa no that doesn't make any sense so what i gleaned from this was his mother doesn't have a belly button now and and uh i can just see them with the belly button like what are we doing it that's a valid inference we cut off too much just putting that in there you never know yeah this uh so i'm thinking that you you generally shouldn't lose your belly button in this surgery, though, right?
Starting point is 00:11:07 Probably not. I think that. If you've got that much stomach skin to work with, why go, why lop off the belly button? Yeah, I think they go, I think he's, maybe he's confused, maybe not. But, like, I would imagine they do this surgery through the belly button. Like, they go in through the belly button so they're not cutting you open. And they do it that way. I can't
Starting point is 00:11:25 remember the surgical term but um it's uh yeah i was baffled by that part of the thing and then he pulls up this chart of like possible weight loss but it's in percentages for like i don't know a medium fat person and he's like you see look at this chart i could not be a fat dude by the summer and i'm just like you're talking about losing like 200 he thinks he can lose 270 pounds in like six months or something like that like like 270 pounds in six months you know how you should you should watch his video in your free time it's entertaining june 6 is six months away right get your beach body now. You've got six months. You'll be able to have a six-pack by D-Day.
Starting point is 00:12:09 He's got a beached body. That's fucking mean-spirited. I was preparing to make way more fun of this website and these doctors they do look reputable i'll be fair like i'm looking at their like bio pages and they seem like they're totally fine surgeons like i know that a lot of people go to tijuana for dental but it seems like there's a chasm between a dental thing and rearranging your insides and perhaps losing a belly button when you weigh so much that they would not even consider this in the u.s that's the american premium you get to keep your belly button yeah it's 20 grand but you do look like a
Starting point is 00:12:58 human afterwards yeah i have a friend who goes to costa rica for his dental work and he's been very happy with it although he did say this he said that in Costa Rica they like it's just um standard procedure there to do things without painkillers that you would use a lot of painkillers for here and you just sort of tolerate it and you know it doesn't kill you and you just wait and it stops hurting after some time and it was like oh man i don't know i'll just pay the extra here yeah yeah i can't imagine like i once i can't imagine getting like my little thing done like my tooth pulled without painkillers because he was rooting around in there violently like it was like when you're trying to get a nail out that the head has kind of bent up on
Starting point is 00:13:46 and you're just like, like he was in there like going to town. It took him maybe 30 seconds. They'd have to give you painkillers for pulling it. Like if I were in Kyle's mouth trying to pull a tooth out and he doesn't have painkillers, he'd have to be strapped down
Starting point is 00:13:58 like I was torturing him. And I would be torturing him. He'd be, I might be misunderstanding. I think, though, he might have been talking about the painkillers that you use to treat pain over the next few days. Oh.
Starting point is 00:14:13 Oh, that's a different case. That would suck, too, though. I've never really gotten prescribed those painkillers, so I guess I don't... They were so helpful, because, like, whenever they would, like, wear off, like, you know, six or eight hours after taking a couple,
Starting point is 00:14:26 it was like, ooh, ooh, okay. I waited too long to take more. All right, we need to take more now. It was definitely noticeable. About the wings thing, so as far as PKA doing better after him leaving or getting fired or whatever you want to call it and voted off the island maybe. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:14:48 Cisco stock has gone up a lot since I left. I don't feel entitled to their success after I quit. That's not how it works, right? Yeah. That's just not how it works. I feel you. So that's a thing. As far as the surgery, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:15:05 I don't think it's as crazy as you guys think it is. One of us is right. I'm not sure who. But to me, if I weigh 540 pounds and my choice is working on 575 by next Christmas or working on 2755 I would roll the dice yeah if that's the choice but I don't think that is the choice I think that he's going to like blow his new stomach out anyway
Starting point is 00:15:32 well that's possible yeah I think that's what will happen and he'll be lucky if he survives and he's going to I really and I replied to him I was like good luck in Tijuana I hope you vlog it because those would be such. Oh, did you talk to him?
Starting point is 00:15:48 Well, in that Reddit reply, I replied to him. And somebody was like, you're so two-faced. You're so mean to him on the show, but you're polite here. And I was like, well, come on. It's a little common courtesy. I'm not going to be like, hey, chubby-dubby, hope you die in Tijuana. On Reddit, I'm actually corresponding with him right here. Like, you know, when I make fun of him
Starting point is 00:16:08 here, when I talk about his beached body, which is fucking hilarious. That is fucking hilarious. Well done. Thank you. It's to make people laugh, you know? You told me that I had a professional comedian's joke at the Hangout, and I can't recall what it was
Starting point is 00:16:23 in the slightest. Oh, you know. It'll come to us after this ends yeah yeah it was really well like phrased or worded or set up yeah it was it was very funny what you said i can't recall what it is um but but but yeah you know like like i i don't want the guy to die. I want him to prosper, I suppose, or at least subsist. I don't like the thing... Like, I know...
Starting point is 00:16:53 I mean, I'm not as up on it as you guys, obviously, but it's my understanding that he is kind of feeling like, well, it's either life or death. I'm going to die from overeating, or I'm going to live by fixing it. And there's no way I can fix it in any way. That's not invasive surgery. Top comment on that video.
Starting point is 00:17:09 But you've already made that assumption. And so of course, like if you've already got that baseline thought in your head of like, I've tried willpower before. I could never do it. I can't, I need surgery. Like then of course,
Starting point is 00:17:18 willpower is going to fail you. I'm on team wings. I know it sounds crazy, right? But I, but at this weight, he will die if he tries to get the surgery. Or he'll likely die. There's a reason they don't do
Starting point is 00:17:28 that shit when you're that heavy. It's too dangerous. Okay. You make a lot of sense, right? And Boogie, I do know some of the numbers. Boogie weighed like 540 or something. It might be right where Wings is now. And they made him crack 500. They might have weighed at 507 or something. But really, he had to lose like 50 pounds to get
Starting point is 00:17:44 the surgery. So Wings would be coming in at 540, I guess. Is that what you said he weighed? 540? Yeah, I think so. So that's high. I'll grant you that. But I feel like Wings has wanted to lose weight since I met him like seven years ago, something like that.
Starting point is 00:18:04 And he's done nothing but grow. Oh, yeah, fat people always want to lose weight. There's no fat person who doesn't want to lose weight. I met him seven years ago, something like that. And he's done nothing but grow. There's no fat person who doesn't want to lose weight. I agree. I didn't even mean to make that noise. It's the noise it makes when wings get off the toilet seat. I agree. They all want to lose weight.
Starting point is 00:18:29 But I just – I don't know. He has some kind of addiction. And I know people deny that there's an eating addiction or food addiction at all. But call it a psychological addiction. Like people are addicted to games or the internet or it's definitely an addiction yeah yeah he has shown no signs of being able to crack it with just mental fortitude and and his time with what is the furthest he ever got down since you guys have known him like 405 that's that's where he was like he left my house at like i mean uh i should have clarified that better like what is the biggest
Starting point is 00:19:06 Amount you've seen him lose of course. He's regained it all but like what back in like 2011 2012 Maybe maybe yeah, he he got prescribed Amphetamines or like some sort of diet pills from a doctor and he dropped like 50 pounds or so in pretty rapid succession And then at my house he lost lost about 30, 35 pounds in a month. I do want to toss out, though, that the 50 pounds was Wings telling us, and the 30, 35 pounds was Kyle measuring. So they might not be the same thing. Very true.
Starting point is 00:19:41 That's fair. Yeah, I just wanted to get a feel for if there ever was a big success or not. And I'm not sure if he's weighing himself. He's probably guessing his weight right now. I don't think his scale goes above 500 pounds. Do most scales, how high do scales go? When you start asking that question, you know you're on the wrong side of the scale. How high do standard scales go?
Starting point is 00:20:03 I think the answer is 300 because every so often I'll want to you know what, I don't know you gotta go to a livestock barn oh you can get a 450 pound scale expensive oh this isn't at all
Starting point is 00:20:19 $29.95 for a 500 pound digital bath scale we got him one of those when he did the boot camp. We used some of those monies that were raised to get him a new scale that would get him to where he wanted to go. I thought it would be more expensive than that.
Starting point is 00:20:38 Yeah, you would. I think standard ones cap at 300. There's a stupid paramotor thing, but people like to measure the thrust, and it's hard to measure how hard something's pushing so you can stand on a bit stand on a scale point the paramotor down and rev it up but usually like if you're my size anyway yeah 198 i think right now um you'll crack 300 with the weight of the motor and the thrust and it won't work you need a special scale that makes sense yeah but um maybe if you hooked i was i don't know i was thinking about those scales that you do for fish
Starting point is 00:21:13 and stuff that like pull um maybe one of those could be used i've got a very heavy duty one of those that we used to measure our bow uh or like archery uh bow um pull you know you can adjust that pull with some allen keys and so you'd hook the string onto the thing and pull down and watch the scale till it peaked out to like figure out where you had your bow set it's hard to connect to the back though like i think you need to measure how you push it maybe maybe me on rollerblades with the scale on the wall pushing it i like the idea of you on the roller blades without the wing and the oh trust you i thought of that or like i'll be longboarding i do that for crappy cardio and uh i'm like you know am i getting good enough at this to break
Starting point is 00:21:58 out the paramotor yet that would be like like get in a big parking lot and oh and like i just imagine you kind of crouching a little with that wingsuit that walter that um uh from from malcolm in the middle that he when he was speed walking i don't know if you remember the low drag yeah yeah yeah walking suit to your drop shape helmet and everything yeah that has bad decision written all over it but good video good video and bad decision Sometimes they're the same thing. Anyway, I don't know how to put a period on the end of the Wings topic.
Starting point is 00:22:31 I looked at his channel and it looks like he's actually looking for advice from people on it. If he ever listens to this and seriously wants advice, do not go to Tijuana for surgery at this point. I just i just typed in on google tijuana surgery and the and i've never googled that before and i've never googled anything even
Starting point is 00:22:52 remotely similar to that so i know it's not google directing me in a direction and the first thing was horror stories surgery horror stories and then i entered that and it was all and it was a bunch of bariatric things. And it's like, dude, and also because if you get that surgery there, like, Boogie had enough trouble and he was going back for outpatient and like, you know, going back in and visiting and they're like, alright, are you eating right? Okay, well you're not, let me take your fluids. Okay, well you're not eating nearly enough of this or that and the other thing.
Starting point is 00:23:19 You need to do more of this, less of that. Like he's not gonna have that. He's gonna get back here and be left to his own devices. And within two weeks, without any instruction from a medical professional, he's probably going to accidentally rupture his stomach on liquid or food. Even if he's great with his food, he might just drink too much tea or something. First of all, I'm totally on Team Taylor with regards to he needs to set up someone locally that can help him in an emergency or answer some questions. He'll need some guidance.
Starting point is 00:23:44 He can't just get a surgery in Mexico some questions. He'll need some guidance. He can't just get a surgery in Mexico and then handle the rest on his own. That's a recipe for disaster. But I'm not on Team Taylor with the idea that Tijuana is a bad idea entirely because I'm pretty convinced that his path isn't going to change without it, and his path is awful. Yeah, I'm with you there. Now, I agree on that point um i hope he goes and i hope he vlogs at all because he's going to be in first of all the
Starting point is 00:24:11 flying thing will just be a nightmare for him it's going to be crazy like like he i i know how his mind works and he hasn't he doesn't have any forethought so like he's not thinking about the lines at the airport that you have to stand in like we've all been in the rat maze at the airport before secure like at security at the metal detectors and stuff he's not thinking about having to take his shoes off and then walking through a you know a detection device like like he won't be able to do these things and then of course there's you know the boarding like when he's got to go between those aisles all sweaty and finally sit down excuse me those those seats are mine there you know and like like make the person moved
Starting point is 00:24:51 i i bet he'll struggle at booking the flights and knowing how to get two seats together and and might not have the forethought to think maybe i should take the window and the middle so that some poor son of a bitch isn't against the window with me in the middle in the aisle. And then I'm partially in the aisle and suffocating someone. Like, he may not have the forethought for these things. Like, I'm super considerate with things like this. So, like, if I'm him, these are the things on the top of my mind. Not on his though no no oh i thought there was a break the pain the pain that he's going to be in is going to be crippling
Starting point is 00:25:34 and and there will probably won't be prescription like painkillers for the after effects and everything but just rooting around in there causes such like tissue bruising and damage. It's going to be excruciating. It's going to be like he got hit, beaten the stomach with a baseball bat, except there's going to be some sort of weird incision and stitches perhaps where his belly button used to be. It's,
Starting point is 00:25:59 it's going to be a goddamn nightmare. And just, just two days in a Marriott, he won't be able to feed himself there'll be no one to bring him food while he's in that hotel is that the problem can i jump in that's sure so the short side topic i interrupted kyle too much in the hangout list this weekend and i'm trying to improve because i i recognize i did it way too much this many anyway um i have two things one i was in that same position where I couldn't feed myself because of the broken leg.
Starting point is 00:26:29 It just made it hard to get around. And it was really fragile, which was another – like I had to – it was like a crystal thing. So all I could do is have Pizza Hut delivered to me. Wings cannot eat Pizza Hut right after gastric bypass surgery. That cheesy, bready thing is the worst. I bet some Tijuana Mexican food will sit nice and gentle in there. Oh, no. I didn't even process that. That would be terrible.
Starting point is 00:26:53 Well, maybe he'll just go to his Tijuana sink and get a big glass of water. Oh, God. I didn't think of that. Oh, my God. There's so much to process here. You know, you were fussing at Wings about not really thinking ahead on this whole thing. I would have to sit down with a notebook because there are some things to plan for in this. Tea on water is a good way to lose weight. I went to California with Wings of Redemption. It was for the Billionaire's Challenge a couple years ago.
Starting point is 00:27:19 Now, he was 26 then. I don't know. I think he's more or less the same guy now. He was very uncomfortable being away from home. It was like a level of anxiety and dread that most people don't exist in. You know? Yeah. It was always there in his mind, nonstop.
Starting point is 00:27:39 Like, I wish I was home. I wish I could get home. Well, I've never left Philly before. He didn't like the flight so much. He was like, maybe I could – you know what? I think I could just go get a rental car and start driving home right now. We hadn't even done the event yet. He was going to bail on the event, get a rental car, and drive from Beverly Hills to Conway, South Carolina because he just wanted to start getting home.
Starting point is 00:28:02 I should have done that thing. It would have been worth it to have – I should that thing. It would have been worth it to have... I should have went. It would have been worth it just to have seen wings go through all this. That is really sad to hear. I didn't know that that's how that trip went. That does make me feel bad for him. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:17 If you're willing to be like, okay, I'm going to drive... How far is a drive from there to Conway, South Carolina? It's about 3,000 miles. Is it 37 hours, would you say? Two days of driving? It's about 3,000 miles. I think it's three days of driving. Los Angeles.
Starting point is 00:28:34 I mean, it's coast to coast, literally. Because, like, L.A., the beach is right there, right? Because everybody should be having fun at this event. Conway is Myrtle Beach. It's from the east shore to the west shore to the east shore. It's literally about as far as it gets. I'm going to guess
Starting point is 00:28:52 2,900, 3,100 miles. Oh, wow. It is literally 37 hours. I nailed it this whole time. Jesus Christ. At the end of the day, 37 hours that he was willing to go through just because he was so oh he by the way you gotta break that into like four 10 hour days right yeah
Starting point is 00:29:12 and he would have no concept of of the distance anyway like what was it that was upsetting him at the uh at the whatever it was was that the billionaire that was the billionaire thing yeah there's a billionaire challenge alky david did a thing i think it was. Was that the billionaire? That was the billionaire thing? Yeah, there's a billionaire challenge. Alki David did a thing. I think it was twofold. I think part of it was he just the airplane trip itself. Like he was big and the person next to him was like protesting almost like, oh, my God, I had to sit next to him. And it hurt his feelings a lot. I think the other part of it was just sort of a I've spent very little time more than like six miles from my house and now i'm 30 no 2500 miles from my house and that like he did he can't just exist comfortably thousands of miles
Starting point is 00:29:54 from home yeah he had a hard time existing 300 miles from home like that was something that you know he was he was like that here that might tie into why he missed the survival trip. I didn't even think of that until just now. Like, oh my god, a state away. Wait, the survival trip was where? North Carolina. The Uari National Wilderness Area. In North Carolina. He lives in South Carolina,
Starting point is 00:30:18 so I don't buy that. It was like four or five hours. There is no state more similar to South Carolina than North Carolina. It's like, well, it's not that far it has the same second part you know he had this comment he said kyle left ahead of woody i told woody two days before the trip was going to happen that i wasn't going i object to that yeah can i tell my side of it it is true that not just two days also like five days in one week.
Starting point is 00:30:45 And on the show, he said he didn't want to go. And then I would give him pep talks and never did a talk finish without him promising to go. Right. He'd be like, I'm not going to be like wings. You got to do this.
Starting point is 00:30:56 It's going to be great. You want to experience new things. You want to rise to new heights. You want to, you'll have content for your channel. We're all going to be posting this stuff collectively. They'll be crossing it. Like this is going to be a really great thing for everybody involved and everybody
Starting point is 00:31:09 watching. And I would sell him on the idea and he'd be like, okay, okay, I'm back in, I'm back in. So for him to be like, I told Woody I wasn't going. Yes. Yeah. He told me two days before and a week before and he told me on the show. And someone took my speech to him and put like motivational music to the back of it. I don't know if you guys have seen that um you know it was one of those and then at the end of it he's back in and you know for a guy who's always complaining about money like that first survival trip cemented in the ability for us to do the second survival trip we got paid enough in the second survival trip to do your fucking surgery bro how much is the surgery in America 25 grand that much in Mexico I think is oh four grand yeah you
Starting point is 00:31:55 get what you pay for that's like telling me that you can't tell the difference between a Morton's to use Kyle's favorite example steak which is probably like $60 or target you know an Outback Steakhouse flank sturt steak that they generally would slice up into to use for the fajita meat, but they just kept together for your eating pleasure. Like, no. Man, I would not get a surgery like that in Mexico.
Starting point is 00:32:17 I posted that... We should probably even watch it. Let me find the clip. There's probably way less accountability for the surgeons, too. Oh, there's none the clip. There's probably way less accountability for the surgeons too. Oh, there's none. Every time there's a dust up about it,
Starting point is 00:32:28 like all my wishes are like, let's just make everything truthful. I feel like if everyone knows all the facts, then I come out smelling like a rose. It's not until wings is saying like all these untruths, you know, and what do you say? The show cost him a hundred grand.
Starting point is 00:32:44 And then people are like reverse justifying it like opportunity costed him or something yeah but then they made him like like at first he was kind of making it sound like he quit and then people were like no you got fucking kicked off and he's like yeah i got kicked off and you know there was a whole back and forth with the way he reinvents history for him to say PKA cost him 100 grand is like me saying Bitcoin cost me millions. Millions. Millions. Let's watch this clip.
Starting point is 00:33:12 I promise it's super relevant. I'm loading it. I know exactly this clip. I do not. I posted this on the subreddit after. Yeah, that's where I saw it. Yeah. I'm not. I posted this on the subreddit after... Yeah, that's where I saw it. Yeah. I'm ready.
Starting point is 00:33:29 I'm not. Oh, there we go. Ready, set, play. Hi, everybody! Hi, Dr. Nick! Now, there are many options available for dangerously underweight individuals like yourself. This is Wink's Mexican Doctor.
Starting point is 00:33:51 I recommend a slow, steady gorging process combined with asshole horizontology. Asshole horizontology? You'll want to focus on the neglected food groups, such as the ripped group, the congealed group, and the chocotastic. What can I do to speed the whole thing groups, such as the ripped group, the congealed group, and the chocotastic. What can I do to speed the whole thing up, Doctor? Be creative. Instead of making sandwiches with bread, use Pop-Tarts.
Starting point is 00:34:16 Instead of chewing gum, chew bacon. You could brush your teeth with milkshakes. Hey, did you go to Hollywood Upstairs Medical College, too? And remember, if you're not sure about something, rub it against a piece of paper. If the paper turns clear, it's your window to weight gain. Bye-bye, everybody. That's Dr. Nick. And then, of course, Troy McClure comes up,
Starting point is 00:34:42 and then you just start thinking everything in his voice. It's like, hi, I'm Troy McClure. Oh, yeah. That's Phil Hartman's voice. You may remember him from such educational films. He was murdered. He was, by his wife. Yeah, by his wife.
Starting point is 00:34:55 I don't know his full name, but Fry from Futurama was named after Philip Hartman. His name is, like, Philip J. Fry or something like that. Oh. I didn't know that. I saw it on Reddit a couple weeks ago. Hartman was very funny. It was a shame. Yes. So I guess
Starting point is 00:35:12 that's the Wings topic. I think you should roll the dice and make a change because I'm pretty certain where our current trajectory takes us and it's death at around 40. Is that kind of what Wings is thinking? I think he's thinking death at around 40. Is that kind of what Wings is thinking? I think he's thinking death at 45.
Starting point is 00:35:30 Oh, Jesus Christ. Yeah, we got it. We got it, Mr. Ham-handed. Oh, I don't know. I don't even know how to talk about this. And I probably shouldn't, but it's PKN where we say anything. My mother-in-law is not doing well. And I don't feel like I can.
Starting point is 00:35:58 Imagine you're in the military on the front lines, right? Oh, no. on the front lines, right? You might adopt a sense of humor or some jokes or just thoughts of yours that people back home would just never understand, right? You know, inappropriate behaviors or something. Sometimes, we're caregivers, and I think she's not gonna live and the way this has gone is it's kind of like she takes two steps back, one step forward, two steps back, one step forward.
Starting point is 00:36:32 And for a while, you hope, like, she's pulling through. Like, you know, all right. You know, a step forward, you get excited about it. Until it gets so bad that it's almost like last night, for example, she had so much pain. She didn't get any sleep and she's not feeling well today. How old is she again? 77.
Starting point is 00:36:51 Okay. And I don't know. It just, it's on my mind a lot. The fact that she's about to drop. And it's, you know what the worst part of it is? There's a transition from when you stop hoping she'll get better and you start hoping that her suffering is over. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:18 And that transition has happened. And I don't know. It's just heavy. In Jackie's mind, too. Yeah. Yeah. But, of course, she's conflicted. If you gave her the option for her mom to just be 40 again and live with us for the rest of her life as peers in age, she would take that.
Starting point is 00:37:45 But that's not on the menu. What's on the menu is either passing now or suffering a lot and passing a few months from now. And pick one of those. Maybe some aqua-robics and then we go inside for a little while. I heard they have surgeries in Tijuana. Hey, if you really want to speed a process along, how about sending her for gastric bypass surgery in Tijuana?
Starting point is 00:38:14 I guarantee she doesn't live through the week. I have a friend. So you probably don't watch my paramotor videos, but for people that do, he was just in one. He's the guy that broke his prop. Good looking guy with gray hair. Anyway, he's like one year ahead of us in this process. His mom died a year ago and he also like cared for her in her final months and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:38:36 And the hospice people come. He's like, did you get the red box yet? We have, but ours is white. And it's filled with lots of drugs lots of drugs the ones you might like i don't know morphine and i don't really know my drugs that well but the good shit is in there and his hospice workers i think i've said this before here there they're like you know this stuff isn't really tracked you know if she's having a really hard time and you give her the rest of the morphine,
Starting point is 00:39:09 that happens. You're not trained. It's like, oh my God. You're not trained. You wouldn't want to do it one time, two time, three time, four time, five time. They gave him assisted suicide instructions
Starting point is 00:39:24 almost. Just like my mother-in-law like this isn't a you know 12 year old battling for this is a 77 year old and uh um but we didn't get that speech what we did get was the disposal they're like yeah so like you can i forget what our choices were. I just remember the most attractive one was to go to the police and be like... Put her out by the curb. No, these are the drugs. You take the white box and you give it to the
Starting point is 00:39:53 police and you're like, you know, we don't need morphine anymore. But... The garbage man would be like... Woohoo! Win! Yeah, but apparently,
Starting point is 00:40:06 I meant the body. Oh, you were putting the body there. Yeah. You were doing my disposal. I thought you meant the body. and I had all these terrible thoughts. You definitely don't want to give those drugs back.
Starting point is 00:40:17 There has to be a positive from this. She's on a, the hospice came in and gave her a hospital bed. So that bed is next to the queen-size bed. Do you replace a mattress because someone died in the same room? No. Not in the same room.
Starting point is 00:40:35 No, you just flip it. See, you're on the same page. I don't know. Somehow that seems inappropriate, but I have thoughts like that too I don't think there's a reason to throw it away Just like totally cleanse that one side Flip it and Don't mention it to anybody who sleeps there
Starting point is 00:40:55 She's just on the bed next to it We had the same discussion about the mattress Wing slept on while I was here Oh Jesus What did you do you just flipped it That's the guest room it is the guest house yeah yeah same line of thinking um is uh you're saying how like you and jackie are kind of in the mode of like all right this should probably just end soon she's
Starting point is 00:41:18 doing more suffering and there's no chance of recovery uh your mother-in-law herself is she kind of expressing that in a way like no i'm getting real tired of this like this sucks she doesn't have a steady um opinion on that you know some days yes you know some days she'd be like you know what it's time uh other times no like even Other times, no. Like even now, she hasn't signed a DNR yet, right? I'm going to try. I'm going to miss some. She has cancer in her stomach, her kidney, her liver, her lymph nodes, her colon, her vagina.
Starting point is 00:41:58 What else is in your belly? Your uterus? I don't know that one for sure. Stomach. The colon. Stomach I mentioned. Pancreas. Liver? belly uh you heard uterus i'm not even i don't know that one for sure stomach well the colon stomach i mentioned um pancreas i'm not sure about pancreas i think liver oh it's in her bones i don't know which ones but she has not bone cancer yeah literally she has her back is broken in like four places um because it's it's weak from having cancer in cancer in it and uh so i went to cvs and bought her like a 30 brace because what do you do in a situation like this um and uh uh soon what's
Starting point is 00:42:37 going to happen is she needs someone to be with her at night. And I think what happens is Jackie just starts sleeping next to her. Oh, that's so sad. Isn't it? Yeah, that's really, really sad. I think, you know... You know what the hospice says? Again, I feel like people are going to judge us, but they say this.
Starting point is 00:43:01 They say, if she dies, don't call anyone right away because if she's still warm and stuff they'll try to resuscitate her and they might yeah so let her get cold and then call and it's just like like the reality of that yeah how long does it take a body to get cold after you die i don't know it couldn't be more than an hour. Yeah, Google's gonna know. My turkey stayed hot for a while. At least on the inside, right Kyle?
Starting point is 00:43:33 I don't know. If it were myself in this situation, it would be morphine time for me. I'd be like, go ahead and take all... Two to six hours is when rigor mortis sets in. Two to six hours. It's faster than I would have thought.
Starting point is 00:43:55 Yeah, I wonder... I bet if it's an hour, though, they can tell it's beyond resuscitation. Oh, yeah. Like if she's cool with a and also and i'm just making this up but i have a feeling that if you see her she's like she's 77 she's lost all this weight she's in the 90s now like uh weight wise um they probably would just each body uh yeah right i've been teasing her about her bikini body for ages she's all thin and uh
Starting point is 00:44:26 but if it was like an 11 year old they would just pull out all the stops even if it was dead for an hour you know start cpr yeah there were i was there we were talking about dnr and taylor asked um if you know where she is on she hasn't signed a dnr yet which i haven't contributed my opinion but i'm like i would i would sign that dnr and the reason why is what she's effectively doing is making jackie do it you know she's like i don't know i'm just not ready to sign a dnr and it's like oh so you're passing that responsibility on to your daughter. That's cool. You know? Well, how hard
Starting point is 00:45:09 could her signature be, Woody? At this point, I think I could just put the pen in my mouth and forge it. It's kind of a mess. Dark. I'm thinking about death a lot. i've been on the front lines for a year now yes like uh i've i've uh i've been pretty sick the last few days like ever uh but um after our hangout uh on sunday when i was gonna have that girl over at like four like all
Starting point is 00:45:46 day i'd been feeling like a little shitty but i was like i had a bunch of people over and i drank last night it's probably just a hangover like it'll go away by like four she'd text me and be like hey i got caught up at a family thing i'll be there like at six instead i'm like all right that's fine between like four and five and like 5 30 like i started getting like you know the hot sweats and the shakes like when you start getting the flu you know like when you or like i'm sneezing my ass off a cough and my throat hurts my head is killing me and i had to eventually text her and be like hey you know if we end up hooking up tonight you're gonna get really really sick and she's like thanks for letting me know let's do it another time i was like all right and so i
Starting point is 00:46:23 continue to get sicker and sicker. Woke up on Monday and was incapacitated, or on Sunday rather, and was incapacitated all day. Like I just laid in my bed sweating my ass off feeling like I was going to vomit or, you know, like coughing so hard. Have you ever coughed so hard you feel like you're going to throw up just from the force of the cough? Oh, yeah. Where it's like it's just such one itchy spot. The sweats, the hot, the cough where it's like it like it's just such one itchy spot the sweat you can't the hot the cold like you almost forget how terrible being sick is if you haven't been sick
Starting point is 00:46:50 lately it's awful i you i totally empathize because like i'd i'd had just minor colds for so long that's like that's what being sick is like when you get like the flu or a bad head cold where like you're sweating your ass off but you're also like you feel freezing like that's the worst feeling in the world because i have to sleep with blankets on and so i i woke up for the last three nights like just soaked yeah it's the worst but uh and then yesterday the creme de la creme on this sick thing which i'm feeling better now thankfully but yesterday i was still a little bit sick i had to wake up up at 4.45, fly to Tampa all day for work, and then didn't get home until like 10 last night,
Starting point is 00:47:27 so that was a fun woo-hoo. Anyway, all this to say, I've had a lot of free time other than that the past few days because I've been sick, and so I've been watching Hannibal at Kyle's recommendation, and it is really, really good. I'm enjoying it a lot so far. Honestly, it's a little too fucked up
Starting point is 00:47:43 to be believable in some circumstances because it's like, what murderer has the time for all these games? He's like, I'm going to kill him and then set his watch differently so that someone will be like, hey, I think he's leaving us a clue. And then, of course,
Starting point is 00:47:59 Hannibal's standing right there like, do you think so? That would be very interesting if it was. Or even if they're all missing Hannibal's little thing, Hannibal will be like, oh, do you think so? Oh, that would be very interesting if it was. Or even like, if they're like all missing Hannibal's little thing, Hannibal will be like, oh, what is that? Oh, no, nothing. Probably nothing. Just like four rose petals
Starting point is 00:48:11 like arranged very specifically over there. But who knows? I'm just a psychiatrist. Like that kind of shit. But the other thing that you have to admit about the show, Kyle, is that it's just a show about a psychic without calling him a psychic yeah because like whatever the guy's name is will like his entire thing is like he can empathize
Starting point is 00:48:33 with anyone even if he's never met him and it's like hey that doesn't make any sense that that's just being psychic like counselor troy he'll just go into a place where a killing was and close his eyes and feel around and be like, yes, yes, he was mad. Will, why did he peel the skin off his fingers? Probably because he hated him and he knew that this was a professional sewer and he wanted to insult her. No, it was because it was his design to do it. And he wanted to know that he could so bad just just ridiculous nonsense has that part irritated you a bit that it's just a psychic show where they won't admit it a little bit a little bit um i i do like that like because he's like he's on like
Starting point is 00:49:17 the spectrum and he's like super empathic so like he'll the more ever as time goes on from especially into the second season like it really starts to fuck with him because he's been in the heads of so many sick people that i'm in season three now which is first two seasons very good season three things change up quite a bit and i'm i'm not liking it very much but the first two seasons are solid i'm season two episode seven okay yeah what are you should watch it actually you know what probably not the best show for you right now maybe oh actually no it probably is a great show for you right now yeah you'll learn some tips
Starting point is 00:49:54 because the whole time you'll be watching you'll be like you know this really isn't too terrible a way to go i guess you know some of these ways that they're killing people in this show. At least the mushrooms didn't eat her. Jeez. That was like one of the grossest things I've seen in a show. Like genuinely gross. The guy, like he buried bodies in a you explain it, Kyle. Sorry, I feel like I'm going to cough. He found these diabetic people.
Starting point is 00:50:18 He would induce a diabetic coma. Then he buried them in the ground with an IV of sugar water and an air hose and they would be unconscious but there would be mushrooms growing off of them he turned them into living mushroom gardens for the last like couple days of their life and like when they exhumed the bodies they have these mushrooms growing off of them everywhere and it's really disgusting that is disgusting yeah yeah it was it was really fucked up and most of the murders are like that level of fucked up like these people he's
Starting point is 00:50:53 investigating dexter was good that way at first like i really like the way he picked his victims as bad guys and planned it out to get away with it and And, like, I just had some forethought. Hannibal's whole thing is whenever possible, he elects to eat the rude. He calls them free-range rude. R-U-D-E? Yes. He doesn't like rude people. And so he's not just picking, like,
Starting point is 00:51:18 some gentle mother of four to, like, eat up. He's picking rude people who have sort of slighted him in the most slight way. The slightest of slights. But he's like a maniac, so they're not actually rude. I was thinking about me and the rudeness. The whole thing about waiters and waitresses
Starting point is 00:51:37 is actually not true. I'm very nice to waiters and waitresses, and I think I tip well. But telemarketers i am genuinely rude to uh of course a lot of them are robots now so it doesn't matter but i had a guy call me from um toyota recently and he's just like he wasn't getting to the point and the call was like 90 seconds in. He's like, you know, like he's trying to get me to say yes a lot.
Starting point is 00:52:10 Like, are you Matt Woodworth? Yes. Do you have a forerunner? Yes. Like, are you going somewhere with this? Have you taken that forerunner in for service at Leaf Toyota? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:23 Where are you going with this? What are you doing? And he just kept following the script. And he would pause because I think people don't normally give him shit during this section of the call, but I am rude to telemarketers.
Starting point is 00:52:38 And eventually I was like, Jesus Christ, dude, what are you getting at? And he's like, I'm trying to schedule a service for your car. And I hung up. Dick. And I looked at the call. I called to Quick Lou because you're a cunt. It was almost two minutes long. He's questioning. Like, two minutes of
Starting point is 00:52:55 trying to get me to say yes repeatedly. As if I'm some sort of fucking idiot who doesn't see through the sales technique. You know? Get him to say yeah. Hey, are you Matt Woodworth? I already know what you're up to, you dick shit. Oh my God. What are you trying to get from me?
Starting point is 00:53:12 Yeah, so I'm rude to telemarketers. Yeah, that's okay. It doesn't happen any... I have... They used to call during dinner. That was like a standard telemarketer thing because people would pick up. People were home at six back in the 90s.
Starting point is 00:53:25 And you know, I like get up from the table that I'm having with my wife and the phone's there. And I was like, oh, this sounds great. Can you hold on a minute? And he says, yeah. And I put the phone in the drawer and I close it and I go back to dinner. And Jackie is like, what are you doing?
Starting point is 00:53:42 You know, like seriously. And she felt bad for the telemarketer. She said, she's like, that's a person on the other end of the line just trying to make a living. I'm like, yeah, by harassing people at dinner. You think this isn't a plan? This is their plan. So we disagreed on that. It is a plan. Telemarketing was a real motherfucker in the 90s and early 2000s.
Starting point is 00:54:02 Like, it was awful. They called all the time. It happened every single dinner yeah for all number of things i think i get more spam calls than most people i get quite a few too um it's i get a lot of uh sorry go ahead i you know it's when you sign up for something and it requires your phone number i'm pretty sure they're selling your phone number to some bullshit. I just don't answer it if I don't know it. My last 30 calls, 10 were flagged.
Starting point is 00:54:32 That's a big percentage to me. Yeah. Probably around. Probably not that bad, but around there. I'm getting more and more of those people will call me and be like, Hello, I am with your internet account. Internet provider account. It's like, hello, I am with your internet account, internet provider account. It's like, all right, what's my internet provider?
Starting point is 00:54:50 I am with your internet provider account to address a problem you are having with your account. It's like, who's my internet provider? Hello? And it's like, yes, I'm still here. Who's my internet provider? And then, of course, they can't do it. Or they do the same thing with cell phones,
Starting point is 00:55:05 where they'll say, we have received an issue with your PC. Do you have a PC that you need? And I always say, I use Mac products, but is the problem there? Just to see, because I don't have any Mac products. And they'll be like, yes, yes, I apologize. It is a Mac product.
Starting point is 00:55:19 And I'm like, you piece of shit. No, no, it's not. Get out of here, Pajit. Like, no, it's not. Get out of here, Pajeet. Mine, almost exclusively, they're talking about my student loans. Now, fun fact about me, never had a student loan. I paid as I went because I worked a lot and I just did like two or three classes at night. But yeah, and usually it's an automated call, and it says it's something tied into politics.
Starting point is 00:55:49 Like it used to have somehow Obamacare was tied into student loan forgiveness. And now they're saying Trump's tax plan has a student loan forgiveness thing that I need to take advantage of before it passes the House. And I'm just like, it's not true. Before it passes the House. Yeah, because my chances, my time is running out. They're like, you know, one branch of government has already passed it before the president the House. Yeah, because my chances, my time is running out. They're like, you know, one branch of government has already passed it before the president signs it. You need to take advantage of student loan forgiveness.
Starting point is 00:56:12 Yeah. I get the calls. They say, hello, I'm calling from Carnival Cruises. And we're just, you have won a $1,500 credit. Go on any one of this year's eight cruises would you like to go and I'm like are you
Starting point is 00:56:28 a real fucking person he's like yes what the fuck I had a stroke when I was nine I have to emphasize or it comes out all gurgly usually I just hang I should play with it more but I've had them, like
Starting point is 00:56:45 Kyle says, where I'll be like, is this a real person? It's programmed to respond. Yes, I am a real person. I'm like, knock, knock. Then I'll say, who's there?
Starting point is 00:57:03 Yeah, that's my what is it called? The touring test, that's my, what is it called? The Turing test, I think, to see if it can fool the person on the other end into thinking it's a human. Yeah, yeah. Anyway. It'd be good to ask to figure out if it was a human or not. What's your favorite food, maybe? Yeah, I kick off with a knock-knock joke.
Starting point is 00:57:23 I think that's as good as any. Humor's probably good, too. Siri can beat that one right what'd you say but siri can beat that one she can yeah i'm not i'm not claiming to be a genius here kitty uh kitty got alexa and uh it's it's kind of fun i guess um she had it downstairs in her like work room the other day and she had this lady hired to come and like bottle a bunch of shit she was doing some busy other day and she had this lady hired to come and bottle a bunch of shit. She was doing some busy work and she showed this lady how Alexa works. She was like, if you want Alexa to play
Starting point is 00:57:52 a song, just ask her. And she's like, Alexa, play me this, blah, blah, blah. She was blown away by it. She was referring to Alexa as her and she and I love it. I love it. She's great. Like by the end of the day, like her and Alexa were best friends. They've been having long
Starting point is 00:58:12 conversations. That's awesome. I don't want an Alexa for that reason because it's just too much information. It's always listening to you. Like your phone's always listening to you too, but I don't need another device like that. I'm with Taylor on that one. That's my reason. Now I'll probably change my mind as I stop being a troglodyte. What do they call people who hate new tech? But anyway, I think, yeah. Troglodyte, yeah. But I'm really, like the FBI will neither confirm nor deny that they tap into Alexa to eavesdrop on people. I feel like put an alex in here and a nest and it happens all the time i've seen people have facebook conversations even audio ones about cat food
Starting point is 00:58:52 it was now they don't have a cat so this was like a brand new line of conversation for them and he and his wife were doing it on purpose and then it started showing them cat food ads on facebook to prove that facebook was eavesdropping on their verbal conversations. Yeah, I saw that. Oh, you saw that too. So yeah, it's creepy. I worry a lot. Like, I just don't want, like, I don't believe even if Alexa doesn't listen to all your stuff right now and log it and track it and such, I don't believe Google never will. I'm not sure I want to have those things listening. Alex Jones was going off on Alexa. He had an Alexa sitting
Starting point is 00:59:30 there and he's talking to it. He's like, Alexa, who do you work for? I work for you, Alex, or something like that. He's like, you work for the CIA, don't you? She's like, no, I do not work. He goes, what is the CIA? The Central Intelligence Agency is the United States Civilian International Surveillance Service.
Starting point is 00:59:49 You work for them, don't you? No, no. Who created you? Who created you? Jeff Bezos. He's like, who is Jeff Bezos? Who does he work for? He's interrogating an Alexa while it sits on his desk.
Starting point is 01:00:01 It's ridiculous. That's pretty funny. I used to talk to Siri every now and then on PKA and everyone hated it. But I thought it was genius. We could fact check right online. What's that Austin Powers quote where he's like, who do you work for?
Starting point is 01:00:17 You know what I'm talking about, don't you? Yeah, he's in the bathroom shitting. Austin is interrogating a guy in the bathroom. Who does this work for? And they're watching. And Tom Arnold's in the other one. Yeah, you give him hell. You tell him which one.
Starting point is 01:00:35 You tell him, buddy. And his feet are like kicking and doing all kinds of crazy stuff because he's being strangled to death. And Tom Arnold's like, Jesus Christ, buddy. Hang in there, buddy. Stay strong. Who does number two sorry i totally just popped in my head i haven't seen that shit in a long time that's good i love those movies especially when they came out i like i just i love those fucking movies the the gold member one wasn't good but i really liked liked Fat Bastard. Like, the whole
Starting point is 01:01:05 Fat Bastard thing. He's like, Ah, it's a baby! Ah, baby! The other white meat! Baby! It's what's for dinner! And there's, like, drool coming out of his mouth. It's fucking great. Oh, Mr.
Starting point is 01:01:21 English Colonel telling me to lose weight. I'm a little bummed out that uh hannibal's gonna get shitty after this season apparently yeah i you know it follows the storyline of the books loosely so if you've seen hannibal the movie um it's the part where he's in Florence, sort of working in Florence. Oh, okay. The Verger guy is trying to get him so that he can torture him to death. And so there's like a $3 million bounty on Hannibal's head. So, eh, it's okay.
Starting point is 01:02:04 Hannibal finally catches an ass whooping it's okay. Hannibal finally catches an ass whooping in season three. You might want to stick in there for that, because the whole length of the show, Hannibal's not a big, bulking guy. He's just always slitting someone's jugular or something and being quick and nimble.
Starting point is 01:02:20 But there's that scene where he's... You probably haven't gotten there yet. He gets in a few physical altercations, and he always comes out on top, but there's a that scene where he's you may not have you probably haven't gotten there yet he gets he gets in a few physical altercations and he always comes out on top but there's a point oh yeah they preview that in the beginning of season two yes there's a there's a part in season three however where he gets his ass whooped it's great and the person doing the ass whooping is like smarter than him like he takes his shoes off so he can like sneak around in his socks and like comes up behind hannibal and just beats the dog shit out of him.
Starting point is 01:02:48 There's music playing during the Asswhooping. Well, I'm looking forward to that because it's about time he got a little comeuppance. Tell me this, though. I can't be the only person watching this show who, even if I had met Hannibal through a friend and I showed up at his dinner party, I would be too uncomfortable to eat because he puts down these ridiculous meals and you're like, what is it? And he's like, it is a lamb put in a sheep intestine and a bunch of other things and
Starting point is 01:03:15 petals of oregano or whatever. And then all he does is make puns about eating people. Yes. The entire meal. He'll be like, oh yes, I always love having friends for dinner. I would love to have you over again sometime, perhaps for,
Starting point is 01:03:28 for you to be dinner? Yes. And it's like, that wasn't even a pun, cannibal. You're just implying you're going to eat these folks. They're eating tongue
Starting point is 01:03:36 at dinner at one point and he's like, perhaps one day I shall eat your tongue. And the guy's like, what the fuck? And the guy's like, are you shitting me?
Starting point is 01:03:43 What's wrong with you? Jesus. You don't say things like that? Also, nobody ever has once gone to Hannibal's house and been like, hey, have you noticed that 100% of the shit this guy serves is organ meat? What's this? Oh, it is cow kidney. What's that? Oh, it is a tongue of a goat.
Starting point is 01:04:01 What's that? Oh, this is a shrew's asshole. Like, no, it's all organ meat. goat. What's that? Oh, this is a shrew's asshole. It's all organ meat. That's not normal. There's a lot of organ meat. They work 24-7 trying to find these criminals who are like, God, what are they doing with all the organs? Well, they're clearly
Starting point is 01:04:18 taking them as trophies. That's very normal for them to do. You want to come to dinner later? I'm having kidney and brain and heart. It's like, God's like one dinner alone he serves like five hearts yeah it's like where the fuck you one of the scenes i was watching today like blown away by how this the female psychiatrist wasn't getting it he was standing at the cutting board cutting a human heart into pieces handing her the pieces and her just mindlessly putting it on a skewer with like bell pepper yep it's like did you not do you think
Starting point is 01:04:52 that's what a cow's heart looks like how many hearts do you think a cow has that's not what a pig's heart looks like either i think maybe they do because they you know sometimes they give people pig's hearts no but they don't look the same well let's look the same. I want to see what a pig's heart looks like. If I saw a heart that looked enough like that, I'd be like, where's your receipt from the butcher? Dude, look at this pig's heart. Did pig's heart used to be used in humans?
Starting point is 01:05:16 Yes, that's what I said. Look at this picture of a pig's heart. I mean, shit. Wow. I expected it to look human-like it's coming up if anyone's watching but that is more human-like than i was calling for that just yeah those are in reality he has actual those were pig hearts that he was cutting up because you know they're certainly not human hearts right like but yeah but also that other psychiatrist lady would not have known what a pig heart looked like probably not and and look and i don't know why everyone's so open to eating all this organ meat like i don't eat chicken livers meanwhile she's like oh yeah give me the pieces of heart to put on this cure i'd be like can we go to Taco Bell one night, Hannibal? This is ridiculous.
Starting point is 01:06:05 You'll know this, though. What do you normally eat? Is it muscle? Yeah. So heart would be kind of like quad, right? It's organ meat, though, so it's going to taste way different. It's straight up just cardiac muscle, right? As opposed to fast twitch
Starting point is 01:06:21 or I don't know what other... skeletal muscle? It's not like liver or something. It's just a different muscle. It's true, I suppose. I've eaten chicken heart before. Yeah, with the heart in particular, yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:32 I've eaten chicken liver. I like chicken liver. I don't want it. There's enough meat to go around. Like this isn't the ancient times where it's like, we get the organs, that's all that's left over because the clergy and the nobility has gotten all the good cuts.
Starting point is 01:06:51 I got a ribeye in the steak. I'm going to fuck it in the fridge. I'm going to eat that. Kyle, I don't think you'll make much of a Dothraki then, just saying. No. Certainly not. When she ate that horse's heart. Animal would have. He would have been leading that fucking Dothraki horde
Starting point is 01:07:07 I want to say in the book they were very impressed she didn't gag or throw up or something does that sound familiar to anyone else yeah yeah it's a struggle to get it all down yeah yeah but she did she she excelled no no gag reflex in the Targaryen house no silverware either apparently
Starting point is 01:07:24 I really wanted to be able to cut that into some pieces and get some mustard or something going on. Is that coming out in 2018? Do we know? I doubt it. I would think 2019 spring. It's weird to me that it takes
Starting point is 01:07:39 I don't know. Oh, excuse me. Yes, it is. Game of Thrones will be out next year. For some reason, I skipped all the way ahead to Lord of the Rings. Oh, right, right. That'd be the Amazon thing that's coming up. Yes. Game of Thrones 2018, you say? I hope so. Are they filming now?
Starting point is 01:07:56 Yeah. Okay. Yeah, because I want to see the end of that. I want to know how it works out, as if we don't know. I guess I don't know. I do know the good guys win and i'm pretty that wasn't always a certainty now i think it is yeah maybe they do maybe they don't yeah maybe it was all a maybe like at the the finale is like um martin waking up from a fevered ham dream and just be like, Oh shit. Oh, that was crazy. Oh,
Starting point is 01:08:26 Ger Martin, the author. Yeah. Yeah. He just wakes up in his mansion with like ham drool all over him. And he's like, Oh Jesus Christ. He fell asleep while browsing the web for Mexican gastric bypass. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:38 He's got like two or three of the female leads in bed with him. They're like, what's wrong girl. You know, it's something like that. Like that, that was influencing his dream. Like the actor who plays john stowe comes in as like a butler or something like like he's just dreaming about people he knows it's a wizard of oz thing i like
Starting point is 01:08:52 it yeah yeah that might be better than what they do we'll see we will call it a wrap yeah yeah all right uh pkn episode 172

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