Painkiller Already - PKN #187

Episode Date: March 30, 2018

It's PKN time baby! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Bam! We're recording. New computer is so fast I just press the button and it starts recording. It's actually the new software. Wonders of modern science. I know, right? I think in my head I built up making a new computer into a bigger deal than it really was. But it did take some time because I had like 80% of the parts I needed. I hit a stopping point, order. Now I have 90%. Hit a stopping point, order more. And then I was done.
Starting point is 00:00:21 Stopping point, order. Now I have 90%. Hit a stopping point, order more. And then I was done. Unless you guys had something you wanted to jump into, I saw an interesting news story today about this guy in Scotland, in the UK. He did a joke where he trained his girlfriend's pug to lift its little paw up.
Starting point is 00:00:43 I think he would go like, SIG HAL or something and little dog would stick his little pug hand up. And of course that's hilarious because you're watching a little innocent animal do something that doesn't understand that's reminiscent of something very evil. Quite literally the joke only works if you accept the premise that Nazis are evil. If you don't get that Nazis are evil, you'd see that that Nazis are evil, you'd see that and go, well, yeah, it's a nice, respectable pug. What's the joke? No, the joke is that you taught him to do something evil. And then he got criminally
Starting point is 00:01:14 prosecuted, and he's going to jail in the Democratic People's Republic of the United Kingdom. He's going to jail for that. Yep. To fucking jail. Well, he was recruiting Nazi pugs, okay? Stick with me here. What if things get out of hand? All of a sudden he's got a whole pack of dogs, right? They're all running around, SS cap
Starting point is 00:01:36 saluting, looking for the long nose dog. Goose stepping with no... Yeah. Once again, Kyle, hilarious. Because they have the power to do nothing that's what they said about the nazis they're the most powerless dogs yeah if anything if there is the opposite of a master race of dogs it would be pugs the pugs are the sad one.
Starting point is 00:02:05 But, like, it's good to see that the UK has their priorities straight. You know, they let a migrant off recently who raped a girl who said that he didn't know that rape was illegal. Who does? You know, apparently a lot of people from the Middle East and wherever he came from didn't. You know, they got, you know, dozens of female genital mutilation cases going on that aren't prosecuted. But, no, it's good that they got the pug guy for training him. That just blew my mind because you always think of the UK. Because it sounds like this is all Breitbart news to me.
Starting point is 00:02:34 Did they really let a rapist off because he didn't know that rape was bad? Because most places have it kind of built in that, like, ignorance is no excuse. He said he was, no, it's not a Breitbart source. I don't even go there because it's a joke. Like, it was a real, real source of a guy who's, you know, his picture there, like, hmm. What are you going to do? Who could have known? Because, like, you know, there's some fucked up shit going on over there, and they're doing Nazi pugs.
Starting point is 00:03:04 It's like a good good god that is ridiculous and yeah and it was in the uk yeah in the uk uh i can't find this story uk migrant got off for rape not the right cool search term i don't know there's some apparently there's some german stories on this but it was the uk i don't know no this absolutely happened here this happened in man cleared of raping student after court hears she wrote where the fuck is this oh this is old god damn it whatever regardless the whole the the raping thing wasn't the point that was just a little ancillary also adding on uh the thing is the pug like how fucking ridiculous is that don't you always think of the uk as like kind of our
Starting point is 00:04:00 i know they don't have free speech but you always think of them having almost as good of free speech right and then you go to prison for this? It's insane. Well, apparently not. Apparently not. I mean, I just don't like the idea of training dogs to be Nazis, right? I feel like you gotta lay the hammer down when someone does this. Or things can get out of hand. It's very tactless. They start with pugs. What if it's a tiger next? What are you going to do against a Nazi tiger, right? I mean, the guy who's trying to train the tiger to be a Nazi is going to be dead soon.
Starting point is 00:04:32 Like, because he's trying to train a tiger, right? Parrots can talk back. Is there like a hi Hitler and then they would say hi Hitler in return? Is that like a greeting and acknowledgement? I think they would do Sig Heil, right? And then the other one would say Heil Hitler? I don't know, my German. I think it was...
Starting point is 00:04:49 It doesn't matter. Shit, I know this is all World War II movies I've watched. And then my parents are going to be so embarrassed. Yes. Yeah, that just blew my mind that some dude is going to jail in the UK because he trained a pug to do something something that's really tactless you know it's not a trick that I would teach an animal of mine but like the whole crux of the joke is that Nazis are evil look at this little animal do something really evil that it doesn't even know
Starting point is 00:05:17 it doesn't know the history of evil that's behind this ideology well that's why the dog got off yeah yeah but the guy knew. No, they executed the dog. Yeah. Did they? And you know what the fucked up part is? They gassed it. It seemed a little distasteful.
Starting point is 00:05:35 It seemed a little distasteful. Well, that's how they put animals down. What do you think? They got somebody back there with a hammer just clubbing the pugs? They gassed them. No, a lethal injection. No, not in the UK.
Starting point is 00:05:45 They've got all that. I mean, we're just thankful they didn't use the pizza ovens. They just kill them with the ovens. No, no. They use the ovens not to kill to dispose of remains is what the ovens were. You know, that's actually much more gentle than. I don't think they ever explained to me. I just assumed the ovens did the killing too.
Starting point is 00:06:05 That they shrieked in horror. You know, Nazis were not painted out as good guys where I went to school. I didn't go to the South where we're like pro-slavery and stuff. We thought all these things were bad and it just seemed in character. Yeah, you were in the elite minority who goes, are in the elite minority who goes nazis not for me that's what i'm saying yeah yeah that's uh no the most of the jews and people in concentration camps they were killed in gas chambers where they put them in there and then they gas them all and then they would take bodies and they throw them like in mass into a delightful pink color so as not to damage the german morale are you being serious uh yeah i saw it on a video somewhere i trust it actually so if i understand it right they were killing them with with ammo and uh one ammo was short and two it was destroying german morale so when they switch to the ovens
Starting point is 00:07:00 they're like we don't really have to see it you're kind of like removed from the act and they come out a delightful pink color. Well, he tried a lot of gases at first. They tried carbon monoxide. Right. You just hook the back of a big diesel truck up to a pipe, run it in there. But then they just well, the stories are pretty dark. You know, they get a little loopy. They start laughing hysterically and then they start clawing all over each other. And then by the end, like after an hour or two of gas them with the stuff they end up having to come in and shoot them anyway and then they uh strict uh change to the um the zyklon b gasoline and ammo good point so then they switch to the zyklon b
Starting point is 00:07:35 which of course is uh a kind of zyklon a was a a rat poison but it smelled really strongly because you know you won't be able to identify poison. Same reason, like, I think that propane stinks, or maybe natural gas. I'm pretty sure they add like a smelly additive to them. But yeah, they switched to Zyklon B, which has no odor. I think they do something to normal gasoline like you put in your car so that people don't huff it.
Starting point is 00:08:03 Not in Australia. Oh, no. I had a big problem with that. It's fun playing with the Australian guys, the New Zealander guys. Around the globe, racism has been stomped out. Occasionally you'll hear like if there's a punchline to be inserted about a black guy or an Asian guy, it'll get slipped in, of course, but it's just for fun. But when the aboriginals in Australia come up, there is a deep seeded hatred for those, air quotes, people.
Starting point is 00:08:31 All right? I'm telling you, Australians hate the abos, as they call them. They're like, yeah, coming around, sniffing, getting the petrol out of my car, having it, getting all crazy in the petrol out of my car, huffing it, getting all crazy in the streets. It's like, really? Does that happen often? Oh, yeah, every day, mate, every day.
Starting point is 00:08:56 We got to put locking gas caps on their cars. He's like, then they come and cut the fuel lines. What? They cut the fuel lines? Yeah, and they only get like a cup of it out, and you'll see them walking down the street with like a rag stuffed in it huffing it Do you think a cup of gas would be like three days worth of huffing? You'd think so wouldn't you? Yeah Not with those noses. This is something that I don't know like I don't know the amount of liquid volume Huffing takes away. I assume eventually if you're really huffing a cup of gasoline, it'll be like oh this this is going bad
Starting point is 00:09:22 You throw it out There's no more huffs left in here. Do Aborigines have the same accent as the Australians that I know? No, they definitely don't, but I don't know what they sound like. I've never heard of them. Taylor imitates them.
Starting point is 00:09:37 Well, I'm saying... That's the one Australian accent fits all. That's the Steve Irwin of guys going, oh, we got a cup of gas right here. All the huffs out of it. Smell yourself. Yeah no huffs left in there. There's an abo close. There's an abo nearby. Yeah, that's seriously though. Quiet, quiet. The hearing's impeccable. You just hear a didgeridoo in the distance.
Starting point is 00:10:12 Is that a very like Australia selective thing, Aborigines or Aboriginals, whatever? Or is that like, are they in New Zealand too? Or like, I never hear about them anywhere but Australia. So I believe that Aboriginal peoples kind of refers broadly to an indigenous group of people that were there. So some people refer to the Indians here as North American Aboriginals, right? But the difference is that the ones there are still out there living in the goddamn Australian outback and being a nuisance. But yeah, in New Zealand they had, I believe, the Maori. There's people who do the hookah, whatever it is called, that, ah, like the war dance.
Starting point is 00:10:51 Oh, they're just really good at rugby, though. I don't think anybody minds that. The haka, or something like that. Ah. So, man, I don't understand. It seems like, Kyle, if you were addicted to huffing gasoline. Yeah, it's great. And would you go to a gas station and spend 40 cents on your daily cup of gasoline?
Starting point is 00:11:12 Or would you go through a huge amount of criminal effort to snip gas lines and break into someone's car? Like, it seems like there's a path of least resistance here. It's pretty easy. I think it's like when you try to walk through the drive-thru of a Taco Bell. They're like, absolutely not. For the rest of the patron's safety, we only serve tacos to individuals in fucking cars. It's called drive-thru for a reason. So if you pull up to the gas, you walk up to the gas pump with your boomerang slung over your back and everything and start trying to fill up your Dixie cup. They run you off. They broom you.
Starting point is 00:11:44 I don't think gentlemen are that concerned with breaking the law. If you had a locking gas cap, and you didn't want them to cut your gas line, you could just put 50 cents on the gas cap and have them go off and buy it. Yeah, you just tape like a silver dollar or whatever the fuck
Starting point is 00:12:00 they use there. This is for your gas. Don't steal. Get nice and hot. I wonder how much, I have no experience with huffing anything. I think the most I know about it is the jokes they make in Sunny about when Charlie spray paint into a sock and gets his nose all silver and whatnot. That's a real thing. I know it's a real thing, but how much do you have to huff of something to get high? Do you just take a big whiff and you're like, I'm there? Or is it? I think three or four good whiffs and you're there.
Starting point is 00:12:27 If you've really got it concentrated in a sock or a rag or something, they'll do glue. Airplane glue is a real big one that they use. And I don't know if you've ever smelled PVC glue or airplane glue. It smells delightful. Now, I've never huffed it. But whenever you're doing a project, you're like, oh,
Starting point is 00:12:42 I could get into this. All right. It's good. Picture it. Not gonna, I could get into this. Not gonna, because that's brain cells. If you picture a standard size birthday balloon that your dad might have blown up, it takes about two-thirds of that of nitrous oxide to give you a good high. That's not very much at all.
Starting point is 00:12:59 Yeah, but that's whippets. That's okay for you. Oh, yeah, that's practically health gas. I mean, the dentists give it out out so i don't think there's any yeah but i i know the dentist doesn't like take you to from zero to a hundred and a huff like like you do on your own oh apparently there's a problem with this in thailand as well because i found a nice uh petrol sniffing slash gasoline sniffing. Let's see. Hydrocarbons and petrol depress the central nervous system,
Starting point is 00:13:31 and this can create a similar state to alcohol intoxication. It's the same as alcohol? You can just go get that at the store. Right? They sell alcohol in Australia, right? He's got money for alcohol, mate. Yeah, but alcohol has to be so much more expensive than gasoline. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:13:50 But it's like being an alcoholic is not healthy at all. But there's no way it's worse than being a serial gasoline huffer, right? Look, it's what they do. Lower calorie. These people haven't come up with clothing yet. They don't have the loom or domestication or even pottery, right? They're out in the desert wearing thongs, throwing boomerangs and playing didgeridoos. Where are they exactly on the civilization tech tree? They're at a one. They're at one. Okay. Are you making up that they don't
Starting point is 00:14:21 have pottery? The Africans out there with spears look at the aborigines like, they are far behind. They have not yet discovered a sharp rock on the end of this dick is the way to go. They do not even have dirty water. They drink what a white man put in his car to make it look good. You know there's some racist Australians who think this is the best part ever done of ABK.
Starting point is 00:14:48 Fucking dirty Abos. After this, I'm going to go beat the shit out of an Abo. First one I see. We could be way more offensive than we even know because as three Americans, we have no fucking clue what it's like over there in Australia. I don't know if Abo is just a slang term that they say, Abo,
Starting point is 00:15:04 for Aborigines, or if that they say abo for aborigine Or if that's like a bad word for them if it's like but it seems like that's not very creative I just googled dirty abo Now nander on a list don't go to the UK Look at this. I just google image search dirty abo. Oh my god, right? Okay, this is on the big screen there we go these are not attractive people and you know what well but you put dirty in this descriptor it's gonna I just I just put in clean abo no results found it's not they're
Starting point is 00:15:44 not I haveinals, though. But these people look like Neanderthals or Neanderthals. I don't know how to say Neanderthals. You auto-complete it. I put an attractive there to try and get a nice little comparison one. And it auto-completed to attractive above-ground pools. These are pretty nice above-ground pools. Listen to what I said, though.
Starting point is 00:16:03 How Neanderthal do these people look? Like, their facial features, their wide nose, their, like. I don't think they would have any Neanderthal in them, right? Because Neanderthals were, like, more white, like, more European. Were they? Yeah. Yeah. That's why European people have the most Neanderthal ancestry.
Starting point is 00:16:21 Yeah, they shouldn't have any because, like, Australia's been out there on its own for millions and millions of years, whereas the Neanderthals were around 10,000 years ago. What was in Australia? Did people just come over more recently? Is that the idea? Not until sailing with their humans on it? I don't know. I'm guessing that... I honestly don't know, but it's one of two things, right? Either they island hopped with boats over time or at one point like there couldn't have been people before Australia broke away from the mainland there. So yeah, I guess.
Starting point is 00:16:55 I think the theory for North America is that it was frozen and they walked across like from Russia. Yeah, the Bering Strait or whatever up there. Could something similar have happened from China? But the thing about that is they keep finding older and older native peoples in America, like going back 10,000 years and stuff like that. They keep finding older and older remnants. It doesn't matter. These people are clearly unevolved, I believe is your point.
Starting point is 00:17:22 Well, the Earth is only 6, 6 000 years old so everything you're saying doesn't make sense ah it must be very confusing for a woodwork and mate does not calculate yeah so wait where i'm trying to find this where did you see or did you make it up that they haven't figured out pottery and stuff like that? Oh, yeah, I'm just making that up. You bought that? These are things that are on the- They build buildings, dude. They have little huts and shit. Hang on.
Starting point is 00:17:51 I got to look at an aboriginal hut. But my point was, my joke was because in civilization, the first technologies that you begin with is pottery, animal husbandry, and stuff like that. Archery is right after that. And when you said that, I'm like, man, then what did they get to? What's before pottery? Stone shaping? Oh, dude, they do not. Woody, I believe we're both wrong here. It does not look like they have pottery. I just looked at Australian Aboriginal houses. Google search that real quick.
Starting point is 00:18:24 I did hunt, but I'll do houses. Holy shit. I mean, I gave them some help there with house. Yeah, they are... Lean-to's. Lean-to. Yeah, this is the kind of thing you'd whip up in a day if you were on a survival trip.
Starting point is 00:18:38 We did. Ours had a floor. They're sleeping on the goddamn ground. I put Australian Aboriginal architecture in there ours had a floor they're sleeping on the goddamn ground that's i put australian aboriginal architecture in there to try and give it the best possible crop of results that could come up and most of these are like leaf huts and things i see one that's tall enough that you can stand inside here's one that looks like it's made from the is it the corrugated aluminum roof that perhaps they stole?
Starting point is 00:19:09 No way do they have aluminum manufacturing facilities with presses. I had all the aluminum I needed from the mini shack and half a tank of gas in there. All gone. I think it's the answer. They literally haven't evolved
Starting point is 00:19:24 for 50,000 years. The Aboriginal Australians have been genetically isolated from the rest of humanity for 50,000 years with no direct evidence that they had ever intermarried with Southeast Asians around 4,000 years ago, as some scholars had suggested. A DNA study has revealed.
Starting point is 00:19:40 Yeah, these fuckers are... Why didn't they get rid of them all? That's how the Americans would have done it. Get a little Andrew Jackson in there, but he has to be Australian, so he'd be like, Andrew Jackson? Not very good.
Starting point is 00:19:59 Andrew Jackson was a new member of the Peaky Blinders. And then he would just murder... He's one of the presidents that really kept his promise. He said he was going to kill dirty Indians, and then he killed dirty Indians. There was a dirty Indian who came to my school one time, and I don't know. They were talking about fucking. So that sounds racist when you say it. Oh, I thought that was a tribe, the dirty Indians. Ah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:22 He came to my school once, and I don't know. They were talking about basket weaving or some horse shit and he was like i will not even carry a 20 bill in my pocket and i was just like fuck you even in middle school i was like what what an asshole i won't carry a 20 bill like it's not like hitler's on there i guess it's his version of hitler though right opposite asshole i swear to god i only carry 20s if it's his version of Hitler, though, right? I'm the opposite asshole. I swear to God, I only carry 20s. If it's less than a 20, I just give it to my wife. If it's more than 20, I just don't get this.
Starting point is 00:20:51 The fuck is this shit? I have a very small wallet, so I just keep three or four folded up 20s. I touched a five. I touched a five. God knows what ape had his hands on that. What kind of person spends a $5 bill? What can you even purchase for that? If I pull out my wallet, this is my wallet, it'll have a stack of tightly folded up 20s,
Starting point is 00:21:16 and that's all I carry. There was an Ellen clip I watched recently of Bill Gates trying to guess the price of common items and I don't remember them all but I thought he'd be closer but like one of them was like a bag of like ready-made Uncle Ben rice or something like that which like anyone would know like Oh Walmart get that for if they're selling it for $2 they're super overcharging you like it's probably like a buck you know and he's like I don't know. That's enough rice for like a family meal, maybe $9.
Starting point is 00:21:48 And people in the audience are like, no, no. He's like, OK, lower than that, lower than that, clearly lower than that. And it's like he really pulled back the shades of like, oh, this guy hasn't even considered what day-to-day items cost in decades. Yeah, he has no clue. His father was worth like $ 25 million as he grew up
Starting point is 00:22:07 so i didn't even know yeah he's a lot is made out of him dropping out of harvard and like you know starting his own software business and there's some credit to be given there but he had a huge safety net he wasn't he didn't do shit no i not saying that. I'm just saying that the big risk was that he would only be a multi, multi, multi-millionaire off his father. I mean, it's not like when you drop out, you can never return. He was in his third year or something, right? He was a freshman, I think. And his father was like a huge philanthropist in the area, too. He had sort of ended his career and got into the giving stage
Starting point is 00:22:45 and now bill gates does that too but better if you were as rich as bill gates would you do the kind of charity work he does or would you do like more eccentric billionaire things i i i'd like to think i'd do a lot of charity work but it would a lot be delegated like like uh i think warren buffett does a lot of charity work but he just gives it to bill to handle that shit knowing that you know and that might be the route that i take yeah i i was meaning like uh pet projects like fun things where it'd be like all right all right yeah a billion goes for water so pr is good but also we're gonna pour a lot of money and in the next olympics the kenyan ice hockey team is gonna compete
Starting point is 00:23:26 like how is this gonna do this they'd be like doesn't matter i got enough money to do this there's got to be some athletes in kenya that are you know they got the endurance they're not going to slow down we could just televise the tryouts and make our money back gee this is why i'd hire you on as a consultant. Right? Half the entries are out there licking the ice. They would have to put like a bad smelling thing in where like American and Canadian hockey players like, hey, you know what smells funny over here? Yeah, we had to add something into the ice because of... But after this game, when they leave, we will chip it away. No, McCombay, you have a whole 30-pack of Nestle out there.
Starting point is 00:24:12 Stop chipping away the ice. Dude, St. Louis is winning. And they're going to hook Philadelphia up with a nice draft pick. Yep, it wouldn't be St. Louis if they could commit in any direction. They traded away some good players and then started winning. Tarasenko's injured. That might help you. That'll help us lose for sure.
Starting point is 00:24:35 Well, they're winning. They scored five goals without him, so. That's true. And we didn't want that. That was the one time where I was watching a Blues game where I'm like, are you shitting me? Like, we're so close to getting a top 10 pick. If you guys would just, you know, call it in for another couple weeks. Aren't there?
Starting point is 00:24:51 Are you close? There's like five teams ahead of us right now. We're like right smack dab in the middle of the league. Like 15th or something like that. So there's about as much chance as us making the playoffs as there is of us tanking and getting top 10 pick. Thank you. What is most likely going to happen, because it's St. Louis, is we won't quite make the playoffs,
Starting point is 00:25:12 but Philly will get an 11th overall pick. So I would support that. Yeah, and Philly will make the playoffs. They will. They're definitely going to make it. I still got my pick as either Nashville or Tampa. And day by day, it's looking more like Nashville to me. But yeah. All right, Kyle. Are we talking about something Kyle doesn't... Kyle, please tell us what you ate. I ate so many things. I don't know where to begin. I watched a couple of cool movies.
Starting point is 00:25:42 Chiz and I watched Baby Driver. Have you seen that? Yes, in the theaters. I really liked that a lot. It was almost like a musical. There was so much music going on. My one complaint is going into it, I thought it was gonna be like a Fast and the Furious type thing with a lot more driving or at least like Gone in 60 Seconds with Nick Cage when he's just going crazy with that car at the end. But there was less driving and more emotional love story. But that kid is an excellent actor. I want to see him in more shit.
Starting point is 00:26:13 The opening song, it had a lot of synchronization to the song and what was happening that I didn't catch the first time. The whole thing came out to me. Yeah, I dug that a lot. Was Nick driving a cartoon? No, no. It's sort of Fast and Furious, but new. Like a he dug that a lot. Is it a cartoon? No, no. It's sort of Fast and Furious, but new.
Starting point is 00:26:29 Like a heist kind of thing. It's got Frank under... Kevin Spacey runs... He does heists, and he hires different groups of criminals to rob banks and armored cars. And this, I don't know, 20-year-old kid named Baby is his getaway driver driver and he's just like hell on wheels he's incredible like the the first chase scene he's in a subaru wrx which is a badass fucking car by the way if no if you if you've never driven one or seen one it's all wheel drive they used to be 300 horsepower but this one looks souped up so god knows and he's
Starting point is 00:26:59 just doing like some crazy shit like like uh like sliding it backwards between cars and stuff like that. It was really fun. I liked it a lot. It's one of those movies where driving well is like a superpower. It's like, alright, we're in a heap of mess. The bank robbery went wrong and we all poured into the car.
Starting point is 00:27:20 There's sirens everywhere. 27 police with the cherries and berries cooking. But don't worry, baby's behindirens everywhere. 27 police with the cherries and berries cooking. But don't worry, baby's behind the wheel. And he'll outrun helicopters and police and motorcycles and whatever else have you. Because driving is a superhero movie, but with everyday powers. Ah, speaking of superhero movies, Chiz and I also watched Thor Ragnarok, which I thought that was really good. watched Thor Ragnarok which uh I thought that was really good I feel like they kind of went more to the Guardians of the Galaxy type feel for that movie than they had with the previous Thor movies
Starting point is 00:27:50 which had kind of been dark uh and uh and I really liked it there's a lot of laughs in that yeah I I'm with you in that on superhero movies I normally trend towards darker is better like the the darker Batmans that like make them sort of gritty and like the saving private ryan of superheroes i appreciate that but somehow thor came along and you know he's making goofs and he's joking and like you probably remember the line because you have a gift for that but you know he's talking to the incredible hawk and he's like hey big fella sun's coming down or whatever it is he does that like half a dozen times why do you keep saying that to me it works zero times sun's going down yeah it was good i liked when uh stan lee comes out to cut his hair and he's got like a crazy
Starting point is 00:28:39 like hair cutting it looks like a weed whacker but with blades on it and a pistol grip he's like sit still i'm not as steady as i used to be and the thing just yeah it was a good movie gets destroyed like he's got clips dangled it looked like edward scissorhands without talent cut oh that was a good look i thought that was i liked it accidental to me right it was supposed to be accidental right with all the like the touches a bunch of times yeah but what's fun is um the thor action hero like a bobblehead or whatever has all the matching bad haircut i thought that was clever that they remembered that detail yeah i i liked it a lot i uh i got any also we got a new game that we've been playing called um oh what's it fucking called movie i like what you got babysitter have you seen that not yet it's on Netflix I don't know if it's a Netflix original or if it's just on Netflix but it's basically a kid that's
Starting point is 00:29:36 kind of underperforming he's just entering puberty but he still has a babysitter and it's a sort of coming- coming of age type thing and it's really well done and i enjoyed it is it like a horror movie or um like a cheesy horror movie or i mean the movie knows what it is right so it like it's it's not trying to it cracks jokes about itself now and then and uh i guess you call it a horror movie because there's some murder and murder intent involved. But I don't know. It wasn't like it was trying to stop you from sleeping afterwards.
Starting point is 00:30:16 Ah, and I also got another movie I watched. It's on Netflix. It's called The Outsider. And it's got the guy that played the Joker in it, The Outsider. Pete Ledger? No, the other Joker. Jared Leto? Jared Leto.
Starting point is 00:30:30 All right. First of all, let me pull up an image of Jared Leto. Did you say Danny DeVito? Is that who you're going with? Oh, he's the penguin. What am I thinking? I wish he'd come back and do another. That'd be cool.
Starting point is 00:30:44 All right. So how old do you think Jared Leto is? Well, using psychology instead of guessing, I'm going to say curiously old, and he's 37. All right, let me... Here's a recent picture of him. This is him in The Outsider, which is the movie that just came out. All right, so he looks like i could have babysat him right he looks really young in that yeah and you know
Starting point is 00:31:12 46 wowzers i guessed high because he looks 26 and in this right he looks 23 46 killing it well he's aging very well. Killing it. He's got a very Jesus look about him. Well, he absolutely does. If you look at some more of his pictures. So the outsider has, I believe, 26% on Rotten Tomatoes. So when Chiz and I went into this thing, it was not expecting a whole lot.
Starting point is 00:31:42 And yet, I think a lot of the 26 the downvotes or whatever are from people who don't like that there's a white guy uh playing kind of like set in an asian role but it's not that it's what it is it's like 1952 japan so just post world war ii and it's about the yakuza which is the japanese Japanese mafia. And Jared Leto's character kind of falls ass backwards into a position with the Yakuza. He becomes one of them and slowly gains their respect. Because every step of the way, he's just a hard ass. Every time they try to test him or he's put in a position to be tested, he just goes to an 11 out of 10 just on violence
Starting point is 00:32:26 and just adhering to Yakuza code, which is very brutal. He's just... He's as violent and as hardcore as you can be, especially to be a little guy like he is because he's not big and muscular in the movie. I would recommend it. I thought it was good.
Starting point is 00:32:47 I liked it a lot. It starts out and he's in prison, in some scary Japanese prison, and he slowly gets into the Yakuza and works his way up the chain of command or whatever within the Yakuza. And I liked it a lot. And it being 1952 and sort of like you
Starting point is 00:33:07 know just post-World War II and seeing sort of the way they felt about white people and the way white people felt about them, specifically Americans, was kind of interesting because I'd never seen anything set in that time period in Japan. Having said that, I saw 1922 on your recommendation. I really didn't. It's obviously the worst movie I saw this year. I think easily the worst movie I've seen. I'm like, how far do I have to go back to find another movie as bad as that?
Starting point is 00:33:39 I'm blown away that you disliked it that much. I thought it was good. You liked 1922, Kyle, didn't you? Two thumbs up. I thought it was two thumbs up on that, too. It was creepy. It wasn't an over-the-top jump scare kind of thing. It was more just the mood itself, the unpredictability of the main male actor as you kind of watch him unravel a bit.
Starting point is 00:33:55 It was senseless as, like, nothing happened. Like, the action scenes, which you, I guess, appreciated for not being over-the-top. I was like, really? He has mice in the walls? Like, that's your thing? Yeah. It was reminiscent of his wife, you know, being, like, seeing the rats and whatnot.
Starting point is 00:34:14 I don't want to give anything away, but when he saw the rats in the same context as his wife, that stuck in his head. Those were symbolic. Yeah, those were symbolic rats. It was like the, fuck, I'm going to sound like an uncultured idiot. What's the name?
Starting point is 00:34:26 The Telltale Heart. Yeah. Ah. Like where Edgar Allan Poe, you know, he keeps hearing that heart. He can't stop. So it's torturing him. Like he knows on a certain level it's not there, but then he starts to wonder, is it there?
Starting point is 00:34:40 I couldn't be this wrong for so long. I liked it. I thought it was good. Yeah, I liked it a lot. It was a real tragedy, you know. Like he, It's kind of a classic tale. He sees this way to keep everything that means everything to him by doing this horrible thing. And then from there, it's just all downhill. Everything that he loves is taken away in the worst ways possible. And the mood of that movie is so dark you know when his
Starting point is 00:35:05 hand gets bitten by the the thing and ah it was a thing i did like uh was and i won't give it away but the uh the path that his son took was really interesting to me sure yeah but uh outside of dummy the sun well you win some you win some, you lose some. I thought it was a good one. I did a cool thing this weekend. It's a paramotor story, but quickly. Just Friday night, my buddy writes me, and the winds are going north on Saturday
Starting point is 00:35:39 and south on Sunday, which isn't that common. So he's like, let's go to Richmond, Virginia. And yeah, I just packed everything up and flew a paramotor to another state. He didn't plan it out very well. We had no place to sleep or anything. So we're on Google Maps, like finding hotels with grass around them. And 60 or fewer dollars a night. It was $55.
Starting point is 00:36:03 It was sleazy as hell. You guys would have loved this place to make fun of me. It was worse than the Vintage Inn or Vantage Inn, whatever that other place was called. It didn't have anything fancy like internet. It didn't have internet? Dude, the place was so... They called it a non-smoking room.
Starting point is 00:36:24 And it's like, by that, do you mean I won't be smoking? Because this is clearly a smoking as fuck room. And, but it had, like, a small, you guys won't care about the grass, but it was barely big enough to launch. And it was such that, like, I couldn't launch into the wind. I sort of inflated with a quartering headwind and launched with a tailwind which is not what you want to do but i i wouldn't really from now on take pictures of all of these shithole places that you go so we can talk about on the i would rather stay in the overlook hotel than where you stay on your trip was really upset because we were like like two doors down from a super eight which is not nice.
Starting point is 00:37:05 I don't really have high standards for hotels or anything. Oh, we know. He's like, you like flying machines, Doc? I'm like, does that matter to you? But yeah, he would have happily walked a few feet down to a better place, and it doesn't even register on my list of concerns. You want to see the ice machine, Doc?
Starting point is 00:37:29 God, I love that movie. On the way back? That's such a good movie. He had this great idea that we didn't stop for any fuel. Hey, Doc. Okay. So anyway, that was pretty cool. That's neat.
Starting point is 00:37:42 It's fortunate that it wasn't like, oh, a huge shift in the wind it's going even more powerful north until Thursday that would have been tricky we almost ran out of gas on the way back but we made it alright it was pretty sad and it rained on us an aboriginal had been pilfering it from one of those North Carolina aborigines speaking of North Carolina aborigines I've been. Speaking of North Carolina Aborigines, I've been watching a bunch of movies with Chiz. I watched The Descent 2.
Starting point is 00:38:10 Now, have you ever seen The Descent 1? Because that's kind of key. I have. The Descent 1 totally fails to deliver on its promise of hot women and boobs, right? It is like a horror movie filled with all these beautiful girls and everyone
Starting point is 00:38:27 knows about that kind of movie you're supposed to see at least some bras right in this and they're like yeah let's let's take all these fit women like hiking and spelunking in like i don't know clothes that look like they were coming off and never did. I saw The Descent. I know all about it. So The Descent is one of the best horror movies ever made. It's a wonderful movie if you like female empowerment. It's like Joss Whedon made the goddamn thing. There's no eye-rolling, cringy bullshit where you just stick a round woman into a square hole that she needs to go in to make her the protagonist.
Starting point is 00:39:07 No, these are badass women. There's only one man in the movie. He dies five minutes in. So don't be worrying about him. He's gone. He drowns right away. Spoiled. Doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:39:18 I had very different takeaways from this movie. I loved it. I still love it and they go spelunking in the in this unexplored cave in the appalachia and shit goes rough well we watched the sequel to that and for some reason they convinced the girl to go back in the the cave and you can probably imagine what happens from there it goes rough again same same shit happens did you did you think the second one was better or worse than the first? Worse, of course. Yeah, because you don't have the surprise of what's coming
Starting point is 00:39:48 and the slow reveal of exactly what they're dealing with. And you don't get as much of the... In the first one, there's two horrors to deal with, right? There's the things in the cave, but then there's the cave itself. The environment is so claustrophobic. It's a terror to just be in the cave normally, if you ask me.
Starting point is 00:40:08 Dude, a mouse would be horrifying in that environment, right? Like, if I'm there and the cave is so small that my helmet barely fits, I don't want a rat coming at me. I don't want a garter snake coming at me. Yeah. And I'm at, like, cave spiders or something. Like, you don't know what's down there. I'd rather fight a garter snake coming at me. Yeah. And I'm at like cave spiders or something. Like you don't know what's down there. I'd rather fight any of the monsters in
Starting point is 00:40:28 those caves than have to slither through those little cracks where you're panicking that like your air canister is gonna get knocked off or something. That scared me way more about any kind of caving movie than any of the monsters in there. Like if I had, I'd eat my own flare gun, just blow my head off or something if I was in there i would i can't imagine how panicky i would be like that movie uh where what's his face gets stuck in the the coffin oh yeah yeah like it's not like a horror movie but like it gets my heart beating just as much as any horror movie because i'm like imagining myself in there like and of course i'm thinking like, how are you going to, how are you going to take a shit? At the very least,
Starting point is 00:41:06 if you have to. I had Taco Bell last night. Why do they have to kidnap me now? Yes. Why do they force feed me Taco Bell? Now I know. And you like feel something between your legs. You reach down.
Starting point is 00:41:18 Double stuffed burritos. That's just Belgrande. This was their plan. This wasn't even on the menu. Did Kyle make this shit up? There's nothing to drink but Metamucil. Yeah, those claustrophobic type movies. I've never seen- Makes my hands sweaty. The movie's 27 hours or something like that. It's where he gets his hand caught behind the
Starting point is 00:41:40 boulder and has to cut it off with his multi with his multi-tool uh maybe 147 hours something like that some number of hours yeah yeah 127 hours yeah uh it's um it's uh it's a true story uh that's another one of those movies that it's kind of hard to to fucking watch uh it's um james franco took me a second to find it james franco he's the one that's uh stuck in there yeah that's that's fucking rough which is the one that you kind of like when the guy dies because he was a fool chris mccandless is that into the wild does that sound right to you it was a book we read into the wild is the true story where he eventually dies with poison potatoes.
Starting point is 00:42:25 Oh, yeah. Yeah. Fuck that guy. They wrote the book in a way to be like, wow, what a brave explorer going out looking. It's like, no, this is a guy who just like on a lark. It would be like me being like, I'm gonna go survive in Appalachia for a month. And then I just show up there with like, I don't know, a bottle of smart water and a pan and hope for hope for the best like no mushrooms you're gonna die yeah mushrooms yeah i'm not torn as to how i view that i don't know it's kind of neat that he took a risk and went off the beaten path and decided to go get an experience right instead of just seeing what experiences come his way but um you could have taken a book with him he could have been more he did take a book with like like north american
Starting point is 00:43:09 flora and fauna or something and just avoided that whole poisoning incident right uh i well what happened in the end i'm gonna ruin the movie please he crossed a body of water and then the water rose so he couldn't go back so he just sort of suffered with whatever he could find, which were these wild potatoes. And they were either poisonous off the get-go, or they had kind of rotted and became poisonous. One of those two. And then eating the potatoes made his judgment even worse,
Starting point is 00:43:40 and that led to death. You tater on the brain. That's no good. Have you seen the most recent walking dead are you caught up with that i'm not i forgot there was a new one don't fucking bother don't fucking bother god i wish i could stop i'm in too deep i can't stop can i don't worry last season i i i can i tell you about a scene it's a minor as much as you want i'm enjoying how much you guys are hating all right so so r. So Rick is in a 1v1 with Negan. I won't spoil exactly how it gets there, but he runs Negan off the road. His car gets Negan's car on its side. Rick's car has hit a phone pole. Negan's car with an AK-47,
Starting point is 00:44:46 firing from the hip fully automatically into the car. Misses 30 shots in a row. But that wasn't good enough. He click, click, unloads that bitch, loads a new mag in, rocket cock, misses another full mag as Negan sprints into a doorway. But don't worry, he's got his pistol, right? Rick is into that doorway right behind Negan. I mean like from me to that door behind me Bam-bam-bam-bam-bam misses all six rounds. So now we're at 66 misses by the way this guy
Starting point is 00:45:18 I've seen him get like 37 headshots in a row Like he's syndicate playing zombies just just popping heads left and right so now negan is at the top of the stairs and he's like well come on up sunshine and he's got his bat or whatever so rick unholsters his hatchet and you're like ah now we get a okay maybe it was worth it for him to disarm himself like a fucking idiot. He throws the hatchet like a tomahawk. Negan dodges it. Does he miss? Oh, he misses.
Starting point is 00:45:50 And now Negan's hanging from his fingers, and there's an abyss below him, and Rick's standing over him with the hatchet, and instead of, I don't know, trying to hit him in the head, he goes for a finger, and Negan just goes, you asshole, and just drops and goes into the abyss. And then Rick pursues him more. They end up, Rick ends up with the bat. Now Negan is just an old man in a silly leather
Starting point is 00:46:15 jacket, all beaten and bruised, limping around. And Rick's there, full of rage, with a barbed wire baseball bat, which he then decides isn't good enough, so he sets it on fire. So now he had some lighter fluid with him. I guess that was in a holster we didn't see. He lights the bitch on fire in the dark, and somehow gets disarmed by Negan, and Negan escapes. With the bat.
Starting point is 00:46:42 This sound... What? You can't be explaining this correctly. This show, man. So how did he fall into the abyss? I thought the abyss was going to be like the Balrog flying down.
Starting point is 00:46:58 No. From the highest mountain to the lowest dungeon, I fought him. Like, damn the battle. Smoked his ruin upon the mountainside. No. Exactly, but no, he just fell into, like, a shallow abyss. There was, like, a hole in the floorboards were rotted out, and the house
Starting point is 00:47:13 they were in, he's on, like, the first floor, like, like, landing, like, where the steps go, and then there's a landing. He's by that landing, falls down through the floorboards, down to the basement. Goes from second floor through the first floor into the basement. Hops up lickety split because, you know, he's a spry old as fuck man. But he's got post-apocalyptic nutrition to keep him going.
Starting point is 00:47:36 Nobody's afraid of Negan. Nobody is fucking afraid of Negan. I'm pretty sure I could beat up Negan. Give me three months to train. I could beat up Negan. Give me three months to train. I could beat up Negan. I would pick you. You know, I saw that actor in another show. I don't remember what it was.
Starting point is 00:47:51 It might have been one of the ones we talked about recently. Supernatural. He's the father in Supernatural. I think it was one of the movies we talked about in this show. But anyway, he played the exact same character in the other show I saw. The same old, like, ah lean back don't know about that kind of thing it was like son of a bitch like that it seemed like a pretty neat character in walking dead the first time i saw it but you don't see like the malcolm in the middle
Starting point is 00:48:20 dude come on some other show and talk to the camera about his dad. But that's what Negan did. Yeah, when Jim Halpert from The Office is in his war movies as a Marine, he doesn't get pinned down by the fucking terrorists and then give a little look into the camera. Or the terrorists are like, where are my bobbing supplies? They're all cooked into jello. Like,. RPG is useless. That's good. That's good. He was in Watchmen, of course. Jeffrey Dean Morgan was in Watchmen as a super uber badass. You know, he was the comedian, right?
Starting point is 00:49:02 The most hardcore character in that show. He lays a rape down like 30 minutes into that show, right? The Watchmen. Oh, I didn't even pick up that that was him. He was so hard to notice. He's the comedian. He's never been in a while. Yeah, he's barbecuing Vietnamese.
Starting point is 00:49:17 He looked old in that show. He played a washed up superhero in that show, and he's only older now. That was like eight years ago, wasn't it? Guess how old he is. Okay, I have his Wikipedia page in front of me, but I don't see his age. Based on Jared Leto being 46,
Starting point is 00:49:31 I'm guessing he's 102. I'm going to go with 53. 52. You know, 52 was my first guess, and I upped it. He'll be 52 in like 30. He's 51, actually. And a couple more, yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:44 I was about to say, he'll be 52 in like 30. And a couple more. Yeah, I was about to say he'll be 52 April 22nd. Yeah. What's coming up? Yeah. Fuck that guy. Fuck that show. Kill him.
Starting point is 00:49:52 Kill him. When did you guys both transition from thinking Negan was the most interesting character to now being like, fucking kill this guy. I'm done. Yeah, last season.
Starting point is 00:50:01 Like the thing that Negan was scary. When Negan would come on the screen, my heart would literally pick up pace. It would go from whatever, I don't know, from 80 to 100 or whatever. Or in my case, probably like 100 to 120. My resting heartbeat, God knows. But when he came on, it was scary. Because you had seen him take out two main characters like it was nothing.
Starting point is 00:50:24 And you were like, was nothing, you know? And you were like, oh, shit, maybe the rules have changed. Maybe the makers of this show have been watching a lot of Game of Thrones. Because Negan was introduced to us as just this sort of myth, right? So for like five, six episodes, you didn't meet Negan. And people are like, who's Negan? Where's Negan? And I don't understand why, but everyone in his gang says, I am Negan.
Starting point is 00:50:46 They just claim to be him. And then when you finally met the Negan, like Kyle said, it was so scary. It was as good as any movie. Like the last episode of season six, the finale was incredible. Season seven, the opening episode, that's where he killed the two people that Kyle referenced. That was amazing. seven the opening episode that's where he killed the two people that kyle referenced that was amazing and then somehow the next 15 episodes were just dragging on we should do something soon you know there were some good it wasn't immediately downhill because i remember the episode where
Starting point is 00:51:17 rick is getting supplies and negan has come to the sanctuary wherever they live or whatever and he's cooking spaghetti carl has away right and right, and went to Neganville. Negan's brought back. He's like, I made him spaghetti, you know, or whatever. And that other guy who was trying to get Negan to take Rick out and replace him with himself, Negan guts him right there. He's like, you know what your problem is? You don't have any guts. And he disembowels him right there and he goes ah i was wrong they were inside you the whole time yeah he had already lost me at that point i do
Starting point is 00:51:52 wow that was dark it was a good scene dark it sounds pretty dark yeah i i like the scene the guys like but all of the guts i mean that was like eight episodes into building up this conflict and it turned out they built up the conflict for 15 episodes and that was too much you know you need to actually do the fight so now they're doing 16 episodes of the fight and that's too much too it doesn't take 16 hours to tell this story it should should have been, like season 7 should have started, he kills the two main characters, and then for the next half season, you build and then the fight
Starting point is 00:52:32 begins, and then the rest of that half season On the mid-season finale. They should initiate. And wrap it up by the end of the next season. We're a season into just bullshit that shouldn't even be happening right now. It's so lame. So many it's always side characters getting sick and like going on stupid like ancillary journeys that dead end that's what i really hate is when a character goes on this
Starting point is 00:52:55 crazy journey and then it and then that storyline just dead ends and there's nothing there there's not even a cool payoff there's been a couple of those recently it's fucking trash characters are terrible like a side character in game of thrones is like aria stark right like like that is a story that we're all invested in maybe as much as the main one for sure yeah a side character like there's a priest who like whose faith sort of comes and goes and then there's another guy who's unkillable but a little killable perhaps who kills people with a stick like i swear his main weapon looks like a broomstick it is it is totally a broomstick literally a broom it's not literally a broomstick but it might there are broomsticks that are just as hardy okay like you get one of those heavy duty broomsticks one of those mop
Starting point is 00:53:43 handles sharpen that bad boy up. It's not even sharp. Yeah, I was going to say, you go too far with the sharpened stick, Kyle. Aborigines are like, ah, I should have thought of that. He didn't even fire harden it. It's just sort of – and he sticks that thing through people's skulls like it's a lance. Which character is this? Morgan.
Starting point is 00:54:03 His name is Morgan. He's a black wanderer the king no no the king is even less interesting fuck them all oh my god the king is even less interesting than the stick man i want i want a big cleanse there's a badass woman carol carol good character by comparison right if carol was on game of thrones she'd be i don't know uh that tully one with the weird kid like she's that level of interesting you know but on game of thrones she's a standout as one of the best she'd be lisa erin given you know her tit her seven-year-old son is that who i'm
Starting point is 00:54:46 going for that's yeah that's what i was trying to talk about yeah it's such a garbage fucking show i hope that their ratings continue to tank and they have to wrap it up next year or something like that because it is fucking garbage what if the like network says you know what? This show is trash, but the idea is sound. We're going to get in new writers, new actors. We're going to give this thing a reboot. That I'd be down for. And then the Black Helicopter?
Starting point is 00:55:17 Follow up on that storyline. Let's see where that goes. They did a little bit. Don't ruin it. I'll see you there. You've read the comics, right? Yeah, I'm a little behind. Don't ruin it. They did a little bit. You read the comics, right? Yeah, I'm a little behind, though. A few months behind. Okay.
Starting point is 00:55:30 I remember the helicopter. Yeah, the helicopter isn't in the comics, but I'll just stop. It's fucking garbage. It's fucking garbage. It's fucking awful. And I'm so invested, I can't stop. I can't stop. God damn, it sucks.
Starting point is 00:55:44 It sucks so hard. Well, I don't even want to watch the newest season. Taylor won't like this but the new Infinity War looks fun to me. Yeah, I saw, I saw, and this is coming from someone who doesn't know anything about that universe, but I saw the poster for it and the sheer number of characters on there. And it is exactly like when Matt Stone and Trey Parker are like, I'm the zookeeper. You don't like it?
Starting point is 00:56:14 Fuck you. You'll see it. You'll see it anyway. It's got all your favorite characters. You don't think it does? It's got new ones too. Fuck you. You'll see it.
Starting point is 00:56:21 Like that kind of shit. It's like how much more can these Marvel guys just stand in their office and be like, you know we come up with something original no we're gonna use a story from 1958 and we're gonna have 11 character scratch that how many characters we have 27 27 28 we're gonna add a new one to a marvel fan like unbelievable like how are you guys still eating this up i'm eating it up no i don't know the comics, so I'm not a real fan or purist or anything. But I see all the characters together. There's a trailer where Chris Pratt talks to, I think it's Iron Man.
Starting point is 00:56:52 He's like, you know what? I like your plan. I think your plan's really good. Except that it sucks. So what if I made a plan and then it could be a good one? And just to see Chris Pratt lay it out there and his style of doing it, I really liked it. I really liked him. I want to see it. I bet lay it out there and his style of doing it i really liked it i really liked him i want to see it i'm there and a quick thing taylor mentioned all the characters
Starting point is 00:57:10 i heard the movie is like three hours long or some whopper like that like there's room for characters in an all-day movie um part one is three hours right they're they're rapping you thought infinity war was gonna be a single film? I did. I didn't know. Oh, no. Oh, we're Lord of the Rings in this bitch. Someday there'll be a nine-hour viewing party. Look, the Marvel Universe is mostly win.
Starting point is 00:57:38 There's a lot more A's and B's than there are C's and D's. There's a whole lot more. Ant-Man is not great. Other than that, I'm struggling to think of the bad Marvel movies. I like them. I like almost all of them. They all have the second Thor. Iron Man 2 or 3 might have been weak. 3. I saw that in theaters and wanted my money back. That was garbage. That was just- But here's what you said. There's more A's and B's than C's and D's. That's for sure. Yes. Yeah, for sure. It's mostly A's and B's and a couple
Starting point is 00:58:10 of C's and a D in Iron Man 3. That was such garbage. When the Mandarin turns out to not be the Mandarin and the bad guy turns out to be like Guy Pearce. And then out of nowhere Pepper Potts gets superpowers. Fuck that fuck that shit then he blows up all of his goddamn suits and then they put a kid in the movie I hate kids in movies and they got a little rivalry between Tony Stark who's got PTSD from the second movie and he's going back and forth with that fucking shit-ass kid and and then and then when he when he finally goes down to Florida to like do a thing he doesn't even he doesn't have any suits cuz
Starting point is 00:58:44 because for some reason he can't like he doesn't have any suits because because for some reason he can't like call that go-go gadget suit thing they like bring him one so he goes to the hardware store this guy's a billionaire he's one of the richest men on the planet and he goes to a hardware store and makes a stun gun like you can buy those you can buy those why don't you buy a pistol why don't you buy a fucking ar-15? It's Florida! Anybody can get them! So he went to a hardware store and started, like, MacGyvering something. And then he goes to, like, take... Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:13 He goes to fucking Florida, and he MacGyvers up a bunch of gadgets, and then he goes into, like, a base of baddies and takes them all out with, like, stupid bullshit. Like, little rolling, rolling like stun grenades and and like a stun fist it was so fucking bad yeah i'm glad that they haven't lost character remember when uh captain america was going to retire like 10 years ago he still had it oh you don't yeah i know that he was going i don't know if it was a contract negotiation ploy or if he really wanted to get behind the camera but that was his that's
Starting point is 00:59:45 what he was saying there he is still making movies still doing his thing and i'm happy dance i'll give you 11 i'm running out of superpowers though no they're not making them up as they go along these are existing characters that are generations old and i will bet anyone here a large amount of money that captain america dies in this next movie. We can only hope. I think a lot of the superheroes die in this movie. I wish he hadn't said that. I hope he slips in the bath before the big battle. Cracks his head, and they're like, that's all it took for him, really. It's like, yeah, he didn't have his shield on. Turns out, yeah, he's not one of the more powerful ones. Iron Man has a brain aneurysm uh it turns out that thor has has ms oh man my marvel will be way better i forgot my hammer where did i leave it
Starting point is 01:00:32 god hawkeye you're so useless ever since you got i want to fucking park get into uh the marvel universe a little more and Deadpool. So here's the thing. Look, I'm out of my depth, so I might be wrong on some of this. But it seems like Wolverine and Deadpool are like the Marvel supermen, right? They're the ones who beat everybody else because they can't be hurt. You shoot them up, you hurt them hurt them you whatever and they instant heal if a single drop of blood remains which it does then they just regenerate from a drop of blood the hulk too i didn't know that so well he doesn't regenerate but but like they've had like the hulk
Starting point is 01:01:18 versus wolverine before and uh and it just gets crazy you know, they're all sort of immortal in their own right, right? Yeah, the Hulk just gets more powerful. It's kind of like regeneration, you know, with character level ups. But they haven't really worked the Wolverine, who probably never will because the actor doesn't want to do it, and Deadpool into it. Why didn't they ever make a cool suit of armor for the Hulk? never will because the actor doesn't want to do it. And, um, Deadpool into it. Fox? Why didn't they ever make a cool suit of armor for the Hulk?
Starting point is 01:01:50 They, uh... Why wouldn't they do that? That'd be a challenge. Although they solve other problems like that, but yeah. They could just make a big suit, and then as soon as he gets angry, they're like, boom, uh, Bruce, there's your suit. And then he'll hop in go to town but
Starting point is 01:02:06 i'm just saying you act like the hulk is a steady size it's my understanding that like he's 10 feet tall you shoot him with a gun now he's 14 feet tall yeah i don't know the rules okay yeah he keeps getting bigger yeah there's been a couple of fights between the hulk and wolverine i believe the hulk tore him in half at one point that didn't do the trick it wouldn't no yeah would that make two wolverines or no he couldn't regenerate no that doesn't make believe the Hulk tore him in half at one point. That didn't do the trick. It wouldn't, no. Would that make two Wolverines? Or no, he couldn't regenerate. No, that doesn't make two Wolverines. Oh, I don't know what happened. Oh, not so dumb anymore. He can't regenerate his adamantium. But no, he seems to. Yeah, he just... His bones never break. The way you do with like wood glue in a craft.
Starting point is 01:02:48 Just lick them and stick them. You're good to go. Well, I'm clearly on the wrong side of all these since everybody seems to like them. As long as they keep pumping them out. As long as everybody likes them. I just... They can't stay popular forever, right? See, Taylor, the thing is it's about to end.
Starting point is 01:03:08 Like, this is a 28-movie arc, and it ends with Infinity War. Like, that's what it's kind of all been about. Thanos is the big bad guy. He's two from what I understand. But this has all been building to fight Thanos. From the very first of these movies, Thanos was teased. And it's been building toward him, assembling the Infinity Gauntlet. The stones that go into each knuckle of the Infinity Gauntlet have been strewn throughout all of the movies in one way or another. And that's what it's been about this whole time.
Starting point is 01:03:43 That aspect I don't like. What's it called? A MacGuffin, I think it's been about this whole time that aspect i don't like like it what's it called a mcguffin i think it's called where they're like oh we need to find the declaration of independence special rocks this that that but whatever and uh we've oh shit i just watched um justice league with batman and superman and aquaman and Wonder Woman and such. And sure enough, what's the plot? Well, we took these rocks, I think. I forget what they were. Scrolls. Spread them out.
Starting point is 01:04:12 Hid them in different areas of the world so that no one would ever find them. And they have to find all of them and put them together to make a big bad guy. And it's just stupid. It's like that is the plot of too many movies. But they're interesting. If you know that is the plot of too many movies. Ah, but they're interesting. If you know, like each stone does a different thing. It's going to give Thanos control over a different aspect of reality. There's like a time stone and a reality stone
Starting point is 01:04:34 and maybe a mind stone or something like that. In the cartoons, the battle that they have is awesome because like Thanos is utilizing each one in a different way to sort of fight the Avengers as they like think they're on the moon fighting so it's pretty cool in that regard too it's uh I'm looking forward to the movie if the movie lives up to the cartoon it'll be epic I'm looking forward to the movie I don't know anything about the cartoon and I kind of like it that way yeah I it they're not exactly parallel they do different stuff and in with the cartoon
Starting point is 01:05:03 you get a lot of like because it's 30 minute cartoon you get the the uh the uh guardians of the galaxy like crash land into the avengers headquarters and rocket raccoons out like machine gunning at hawkman or something and there's a big disagreement and it's fun if in the infinity war and please don't spoil it for me if you know this already if it's an opportunity for actor changes right like like i've heard the thing about captain america too could we get like i don't know a female in i thought there was a black captain america at one point like an actor change green lantern i know changes all the time um you know just i wonder if coming out of the infinity war there'll be a way to keep the thing
Starting point is 01:05:40 going because at some point your characters age out like robert downey jr is looking less and less like iron man every year yeah yeah i guess he is um i i hope they end it honestly like i they can wrap it up like like each of it's 28 movies now right like yeah i didn't know it was i knew i made it seem like a guess i just didn't know that every one of them has at least one but many of them have three. Three Thors, three Iron Man. There's three Captain Americas. Three Captain Americas. That's nine right there.
Starting point is 01:06:13 Yeah. The Hulk has a movie or two. They switched from Ed Norton to Eric Bana, then to Mark Ruffalo. So I don't even know how many are canon at this point that they actually include. Yeah, it's getting a little long in the tooth. But fuck, Black Panther is going to be one of the most highest grossing movies of all time.
Starting point is 01:06:36 Forget superhero movies. So I don't think there's really an end in sight when it comes to that. So maybe you're right. Maybe they reboot. I think what's more likely is that they reboot the whole thing. No, author stories after this? This can't be the last thing.
Starting point is 01:06:50 These cartoons are still being written. Like the graphic novels they're based on. Well, I mean, if you start using the stuff they wrote in the... I mean, they haven't even gotten to the stuff they wrote in the 80s and 90s. Yeah, go there. See what... I don't really... Let's take a couple decades off guys
Starting point is 01:07:06 give it a break we'll get into something new and then we'll have a slow burn for another 20 years taylor you're king or lord emperor whatever what movie genre becomes popular sports westerns psychological thrillers uh i like horror movies that are so bad that they're good. I like those. None of these are very... Psychological, all right, I'm just saying what I like. Obviously, I'm not gonna... If I'm the king, I'm not gonna dictate what they have, what movies I have to make. But there will be a five superhero movie per year limit. And all of those different studios will have to discuss amongst themselves how to do it but yeah psychological thrillers like something with
Starting point is 01:07:49 like really good fucked up twists you don't get as many of those anymore or if you do they're just don't get the same kind of you know pull all right so here's your western here's your western yeah i like westerns too this is called hostiles it just came It just came out. It's got a good cast. It's Christian Bale. I thought that, yeah, Ben Foster is in it, who I really like. You probably don't know him by name, but you'll know him when you see him. And it's supposed to be quite good. My dad watched it in theaters, and I was like, did you like it? He's like, yeah, but it was kind of a tearjerker. A lot of bad things happen. A lot of bad things happen.
Starting point is 01:08:31 Westerns aren't what they used to be, right? I guess what I was thinking Western, I think of like gunslinger that's practically a superhero. That's what John Wayne was. That's what Marty McFcfly was the you know true western the that's uh like that's that's what i'm thinking of some guy who can shoot a fly from a thousand yards westerns now seem to be a little bit dances with wolves i guess that's true the spaghetti westerns uh you know the all with the clint eastwood all the sergio leone films you kind of had that it was the man with no name, right?
Starting point is 01:09:06 He rides into town and he's just remarkably skilled with a gun and to the point where he's just, everyone's afraid of him. What's the one with the three old guys? I think Gene Hackman might be in it. That's Lonesome Dove. I think it might be. They weren't completely innocent. What were they, Grazing their cattle
Starting point is 01:09:25 where they shouldn't have? That's open range. I think that's what I'm thinking of. Those guys were all kind of really good but retired. Basically, it's a Western. These people turn out to be Western superheroes. Yeah, you didn't want to fuck with...
Starting point is 01:09:41 Kevin Costner was the superhero. He's that character with the scary past. He's like, I ain't like that no more. Kind of an unforgiving type thing. He's like, stop pushing me. I'm going to have to go back to the old days on your ass. I love that scene where he's just, have you seen it, Taylor? Open range.
Starting point is 01:09:59 No, I haven't. I'll have to check that out. You're missing one. I won't spoil it, but I love that scene where Kevin Costner just walks up to the guy. He's like, you want killed my friend? That's right. I enjoyed it, too. It's fucking great.
Starting point is 01:10:11 Yeah, watch Open Range, man. Like, Kevin Costner and... Why don't you watch it? I'll put that on my list. Yeah, that's a good one. I'm trying to think of the other... Robert Duvall. That's the other guy.
Starting point is 01:10:20 It's Kevin Costner and Robert Duvall. They're, like, running cattle together, and they come across a town. They're free grazers, which means they just push their cattle across the prairie, and they eat where they may, which was legal at the time and called free grazing. And they come across a town where that's really looked down upon, and they run into some trouble in that town, and then they have to fix it. Yeah, they punish them for free grazing, and then it just becomes a one-upping thing
Starting point is 01:10:48 until eventually shit goes down. Yeah. Yeah, it's good stuff. Yeah, that's a good question. 310 to Yuma is very good. I've seen that. I liked that. Appaloosa is OK.
Starting point is 01:11:01 Ben Foster is in 310 to Yuma. He's the one who's trying to save Russell Crowe. Appaloosa is okay. Ben Foster is in 310 to Yuma. He's the one who's trying to save Russell Crowe. Appaloosa is okay. It's got Viggo Mortensen and Ed Harris in it. And Viggo's walking around with that 10-gauge shotgun blowing people away, which is pretty cool. Renee Zellweger is an absolute whore in that movie. My dad's always like, I don't like that movie.
Starting point is 01:11:23 I was like, why is this that whore? That whore. That whore in that movie. My dad's always like, I don't like that movie. I was like, why? It's that whore. That whore. That whore. I see his point. It turned me off to it, too. She is just such a whore. She's with one guy, and then as soon as things look a little rough, she's moving on with another guy, and then she's back to the original guy, and then Viggo Mortensen's like, how's it going, Miss Anne? And she's like, like starts making out with me. He's like, you would know it.
Starting point is 01:11:50 You would know it. Mm-mm. Mm-mm. Some old Western justice like gentleman shit going on. It's all right. Is that a wrap? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:04 All right. Painkiller Nearly Episode 187. Movie talk.

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