Painkiller Already - PKN #190

Episode Date: April 19, 2018

It's PKN time baby! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right, PKN190. I think Kyle's not 100%. Kyle, you all right? Huh? You okay? Yeah, I'm good. He looks like just woke up Kyle. Yeah, just woke up Kyle here. Well, it is 6 p.m. I should have guessed. Sleep schedule is ruined. I've been playing Civilization with New Zealanders, okay? It doesn't get any worse than that.
Starting point is 00:00:23 We have so many people from America. I have to assert my dominance... No, I have to assert my dominance around the globe, Taylor. The unbeaten streak continues. All the way around the globe. The other side needs to know what's up, too. I've been playing a lot of Civilization.
Starting point is 00:00:39 There's a new mod. It adds 19 or 20 new Civilizations to Civ V. I've been playing a ton of it. Have you been dominating those Kiwis? Can you help me out? Is Civ 5... Which one did I play? 5? Yeah. Okay. And they're still enhancing that.
Starting point is 00:00:56 Oh, yeah. Yeah. It's not a good game. Nobody is liking Civ 6 for the most part, right? Exactly. It's terrible multiplayer. Did the mod come from the community or the developers? Always the community. Oh, okay. Well, that I guess makes more sense.
Starting point is 00:01:10 I am told you're the expert, but I'm told that Civ 5 was not awesome upon its release either, and the developers, through expansion packs, made it good. There was hope that would happen with 6 and still waiting? I don't know. Civ 6 is kind of bad from the ground up though. At least Civ 5 looked good when it started. Like Civ 6, it seems like they made it so that it would play on a tablet and it's just shit.
Starting point is 00:01:37 Wow. It's really bad for multiplayer. They didn't seem to care about multiplayer at all when they made the new game. But whatever, Civ 5 is perfect to begin with. Well, how 90s of them yeah cif i was perfect from the beginning so it really didn't need any improvement that but the as far as graphics or anything but um they did improve like they added more um yeah brave new world added uh yeah they added uh civilizations and religion and uh trade routes and lots of stuff. But yeah, the current iteration of it, it's called the Lek mod, L-E-K,
Starting point is 00:02:10 which I think it's named after some user. It's a lot of fun. I played as the Jews last night. It went very well. Oh, that's a civ now? Do they get like plus nine gold or something per turn? Many shekels were earned. Is that it?
Starting point is 00:02:24 Do they have economic victories? You start with banking unlocked. And jewelry. That's what it says, a minus five. I honestly don't remember what the bonuses were, but it was a good time. I played as the kingdom of Israel or Jerusalem or something like that.
Starting point is 00:02:44 It worked out pretty nicely. But yeah, we've been playing a bunch. So if anybody who's listening wants to play, we need fresh blood. Who are the coolest new civs? We accept New Zealanders and Australians. Yes. No, you could be in a normal time zone.
Starting point is 00:02:58 That would actually be helpful. It would probably be good for me. But not yet. If you're in New Zealand right now, you perfectly line up with Kyle. He wants normal time scheduled people around next Tuesday. We're going to need some Hawaiians in a couple of weeks before we can get
Starting point is 00:03:13 the Californians and then East Coast. We're going to get it back in shape. Full circle, baby. Full circle. I'm going to just wipe the floor of the entire planet before it's over. It's going really well. I fucking love that game. I'm playing with my friend Klaas, and I
Starting point is 00:03:29 literally beat him every night. Just really whooped his fucking ass. Have you lost yet to him? Has it been close? They thought it was close, maybe. But it wasn't. There has to be a couple of listeners out there who could who could beat you maybe it's possible um but but i don't know i've got like a legitimate 2 000 hours of experience
Starting point is 00:03:54 and um and you know another 500 of like watching filthy play he was filthy it got me it would be like like 15 of the way through becoming or or even more than that, like 20 or 30% through becoming like an Olympic javelin thrower or something. If you had reallocated that time. It could be Kyle the shot put guy right up there next to Phelps. Yeah, I could be well on my way to becoming an electrician or something. I'm an apprentice at pretty much any normal skill at this point. But instead, I have mastered a... 2,500 hours is more than an apprentice, I think.
Starting point is 00:04:30 You could be significantly on the way. I think you could be a licensed plumber at this point. Oh, yeah. This pays better. This pays better. It does. It does not. That's funny.
Starting point is 00:04:40 Sim does? No. I've been really enjoying myself. So, yeah, if anyone wants to play, it's the L-E-K mod, Lek mod, whatever, and get the Hellblazers maps. They're all free online. Just download, drag and drop, and you're good to go.
Starting point is 00:04:55 You said all the other Sibs are free, right? Everything's free, yeah. Like, Sib 5 plus Brave New World and all of its DLC is probably only like $15 or something like that at this point. So I have a fitness update of sorts that I think might be interesting. So I have been losing weight. I've been gaining muscle, like clear mirror gains, but I don't like mirror gains because I'm awesome at lying to myself. And I like actual metrics that you can see and like observe, you know, how much weight
Starting point is 00:05:21 is on the bar, how much weight is on the scale, et cetera. But the scale has been kind of frozen, even though I've been doing better. I was talking to my wife, and I was like, life's not fair. This person's on Adderall, and this person's on that. The whole world is on performance-enhancing drugs,
Starting point is 00:05:39 and I'm trying to get by with chicken and broccoli. This is bullshit. So she says, you can schedule an appointment with your doctor. Our network of doctors, one of them is like a sports medicine kind of, I don't know, flair to his thing. So I'm like, yes, I'm going to get some fucking TRT prescribed. So today I go and, well, over the last couple of days, I've been getting a physical, like blood work and meet him and stuff. Well, over the last couple of days, I've been getting a physical like blood work and meet him and stuff.
Starting point is 00:06:10 And oh, my God, this must be what it was like for Taylor to bring home his high school grades. There was nothing but praise. They're like, you lost 20 pounds. And I'm like, it's at least 25. You didn't catch me at my peak. And, you know, they're like, look at your cholesterol. It's lower than before. And it's been trending down for a while, but like, you know, now like they're showing me my, my physical,
Starting point is 00:06:29 like all this blood work and stuff. And there's all these red numbers that are now not red anymore. I am healthier in terms of like blood work and physical than I've ever been measured, really. I didn't get physicals back when I was healthy, I guess. And so they like triglycerides are normal. All these cholesterol levels are normal.
Starting point is 00:06:46 Like my vitamin D levels are normal. And he's like, you know, like maybe like 20% of the people that come in here have good vitamin D. And I'm like, I'm kind of cheat on that one. I take a pill. He's like, that's not cheating, that's good. So anyway, physical was really good, best physical I've ever had.
Starting point is 00:07:02 But I'm like, you know what? We can do better. Let's get some TRT up here. Are you familiar with SARMs? Do you know anything about TRT? And I didn't like, I thought to myself, what would Kyle do? But I didn't do that. I think Kyle would have said, look, I'm shooting up. You can get on the program or not.
Starting point is 00:07:21 But instead I- I'm trans, but I'm transitioning into a much bigger man yeah right right so um I I was like look you know like I've got a family history of like prostate enlarging and and there was like a scare in there I don't know what that you know like if that means that I'm prone to this if people don't know when you go on steroids it can make your prostate like get bigger and bigger which can lead to all sorts of like like i'm not even sure but i i think it can lead to like uh like sexual function problems and peeing all the time like you know like enough that all of a sudden like long car rides are an issue for you or something and like i don't want that added
Starting point is 00:07:58 to my life just so that from the time i'm like 45 and a half to 46, I could be more muscular. It's not a good trade off. And, uh, uh, so, but you know, so I laid out like, you know,
Starting point is 00:08:09 all my concerns and stuff. And tomorrow morning I get my T levels tested and some sort of prostrate like baseline tests. So you can see where we are in that. How did they do that? Do they like take your blood? It is a blood test. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:22 Have you come to cup? I genuinely didn't know. Okay. They both seem like reasonable guesses, but it's a blood test. Yeah. Have you come to cup? I genuinely didn't know. Okay. They both seem like reasonable guesses, but it's a blood test. So, uh, so tomorrow morning I get my T levels tested and he asked me a bunch of
Starting point is 00:08:33 questions like to like sort of see if I might have low T and I didn't get any of them right. Like I don't really have fatigue. I don't have any sexual issues. I don't have opinions on Bernie Sanders. Like, I don't really have fatigue. I don't have any sexual issues. I don't have... Opinions on Bernie Sanders. Very, very positive. He's kind of a feminist. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:51 So, none of the... I didn't have any, like, I don't know, the softer indicators that I might have low T. But we'll get a blood test. And basically, he says, look, if your blood test comes back and you've got like, you know, decent testosterone levels, then it's likely that adding to that may have more negative side effects than positive ones.
Starting point is 00:09:14 He's like, but if they're low at all, like, you know, he was on the program and then he was like, so if it's not tea, then he was talking about other like sort of fat burning chemicals that we could pump up in this bitch just to get more cut.
Starting point is 00:09:27 And so that's what I feel like I got. Suddenly I can live a performance enhanced life. Yeah. So that's where we are. I haven't beaten my wife in at least three years. We're trending down for sure. Yeah. Right.
Starting point is 00:09:40 It used to be annually. Now my fist is sore afterwards. It never used to be like that in my 20s like like you know what sucks almost is that you i bet your t comes back normal because and i bet maybe like five months ago whenever you started like especially the lifting portion of it uh however many months ago that was uh i bet your t's gone up quite a bit three because losing all that adipose tissue, all that fat, that's going to help your T a lot.
Starting point is 00:10:08 And you've been doing that. You've lost quite a bit of weight. That's definitely going to be impactful. And just lifting. Yeah. That's all it takes. That'll raise your T. Both of those things raise T.
Starting point is 00:10:16 So I think you may have gotten too healthy for T. Oh, I screwed myself. Oh, wait a minute. You should be looking at ways to lower your testosterone overnight now I'll just tell you a good one does it involve say oh I just what about sex alcohol seems like that both sex does you have anything for a hot face all the pussy in North Carolina couldn't get you as far as one
Starting point is 00:10:48 bottle of Grand Gala. So alcohol is supposed to lower your testosterone levels. Let's see. I bet there are guys who have tried to do this. Ways to lower T levels. Find a trans site or something.
Starting point is 00:11:04 No, no, no, no, no. Well, no, it's a decent guess as to what you might find. How to lower testosterone in men. Yeah, here's exactly what we're looking for. This guy is trying to lower his T levels for a blood test. Don't sleep a few nights before your test. Drink caffeine and alcohol. Welcome to the borderline club where doctors don't do shit
Starting point is 00:11:25 to help you because they think it's self-inflicted or you're afraid of the stigma attached to drugs like testosterone. You must live in Canada because that is how I am treated here. They also think you can get along just by slim pass of a blood test
Starting point is 00:11:41 where in reality, you're at the end of your rope and your interpersonal relationships suffer, you get depressed and fucked up, I think most doctors should be well trained in TRT, maybe by having their own test removed for a while and show them what it's like. Jesus Christ, this guy's angry. I want to see this site. His username is Dirtbag.
Starting point is 00:12:00 That's great. No, I really like my doctor. I want to see the site. His username is Dirtbag. That's great. No, I really like my doctor. I made him my new doctor. I kind of bounced around the different people in this practice. But after meeting him today, I'm like, you're my guy. Maybe I just like him because he was so impressed with my physical.
Starting point is 00:12:26 So you got to show up sleep deprived, just a little drunk, and lots of soy products, according to this website. God, I bet my teeth... Soy is your friend. My teeth got so low right now, I'm so sleep deprived and a little hungover. I should get tested right now. They pumped me full of tea. Oh, that's what you should do. I'd be a John Jones levels of excellence. I saw a really fucking hilarious. Well your transitions going well
Starting point is 00:12:46 Oh, you're a born male You're very passing But I see it's having trouble getting in To be just like an egg in a bird's nest, but now, oh my. I saw a really funny, like, I don't know, it was like an animated cartoon sketch. I think I just watched it. Was it in the PKA chat? It's the one where Connor comes in and John Jones is there to give him a bump of cocaine
Starting point is 00:13:23 before he goes on his rampage. I love that like here you go bro he's got he's got the coke on his hand and then he goes on his rampage with the dolly it's great I haven't completely forgiven Connor but I don't know I just saw him give a shit about something for the first time since 2016, and I'm happy about that. So I don't know. Yeah, he's good to go. I'm not worried about his money situation at all. All right, so Borg I don't think has a case because, like, all the video evidence that I've seen shows Borg just in there like, hey, what was that? He's kind of like chuckling.
Starting point is 00:14:00 He's wearing his glasses that he wears, of course. Kiesa's cut is super minor. I get that it's not all about like, from the angle of lost money from not being able to fight, maybe you could make a thing. But they paid him. They paid him his show money. But he's really going to have a hard time going into a civil court and being like, I was physically traumatized. Your Honor, Exhibit A, Michael Chiesa versus Joe Lozon. As you can see, Joe is really pounding the shit out of him right here.
Starting point is 00:14:34 And here's Exhibit B. Here's after the Conor McGregor incident for which he's seeking $500,000. And it's just like this tiny little cut right here. It looks like he popped a bad zit. He had three cuts on his face. And it wasn't his decision to pull out it was the commission's decision to pull him out and he didn't get his win money so there's perhaps an argument to be made there but i feel like michael chessia how close did i come on that last name i
Starting point is 00:15:02 think it's kiesa yeah i think you're right. Michael Chiesa. I think Michael Chiesa, his win money is chump change to Conor. He's not going to go broke by being like, oh, $35,000? And I don't know if you know about Conor's new business. Are you aware of it? Is it the whiskey one? Yeah. Yeah, that's going to be killer.
Starting point is 00:15:25 He's the biggest celebrity in fucking Ireland. I think they like alcohol a little bit. He's going to kill it with that. I read on the internet that he was killing it. I mean, it was right there on the internet. So, yeah, I think Conor's... They say on YouTube that you're doing well as a youtube star if you're like adsense revenue and your other revenue are about the same you should be equaling it in like t-shirts and branding integrations and what have you uh and i bet connor's doing that i bet you he makes as
Starting point is 00:15:59 much or more in that like whiskey burger king other bullshit as he does fighting Mayweather and such. Yeah. He's still with Burger King, right? Still. I haven't heard anything about them dropping him. It's pretty bad. Yeah, we would hear about that if it had happened. Yeah, he's fucking killing it. And I don't know.
Starting point is 00:16:20 I'm so fascinated by the whole thing. I've watched so many angles of him throwing that fucking dolly. The one where you've you've got the close of his face on the embedded which is like like coming with it's great he's so you can tell that like it wasn't like a oh yeah how about how about a bit of dolly he's just like dolly like he's so rage filled. There's a lot of insanity going on in there, right? Like somehow this guy saw a video while sitting in his house in Ireland, loaded up a bunch of goons onto a private jet, flew all the way to New York the whole time thinking, yes, indeed, this is a great idea. This is one of the better ideas we've come up with so far. Indeed, this is a great idea.
Starting point is 00:17:04 This is one of the better ideas we've come up with so far. And then they snuck their way into the thing. And when they didn't meet Khabib, when they couldn't see him, they decided to attack the vehicle he was on. And the whole way through, neither Connor nor anyone else thought, perhaps this is a mistake. Did you see Lobov's face? Like, it's right as Connor is smashing the bus. You can see Lobff in the background he's like oh no he's just like oh too far too far bro we we said we're gonna rock the bus a little loboff is leaving the ufc i think i don't think he's gonna have a choice he's gonna be in that
Starting point is 00:17:40 wyoming bare knuckle boxing uh federation by doing it going to get cut, is what I was trying to say. Yeah, this is going to... Connor, on the other hand, is going to go on the front of many posters because of this. So many posters. The Dolly, too. Just Connor, Khabib, and the Dolly. If I'm Khabib, I show up with the
Starting point is 00:18:02 suit made of pinstripe hand trucks and dollies. Just to fuck with him. We're fighting for the golden dolly. So, yeah, dude, it's pretty interesting. It's funny. Habib won every single round in his fight against Al Aliquinta. Keeb won every single round in his fight against Al Aliquinta.
Starting point is 00:18:31 He also tried to stand up with a pretty good striker and did better than the striker did at striking. And obviously did better than at grappling. He won every round and he won two or three rounds 10-8, which if people don't know means you really dominated that round and uh joe rogan the whole time like all al al al iaquinta had to do was like dodge a punch or stuff one takedown and they're like oh my god holes and khabib's game you know i i thought he was so good and now i changed my mind all the other guys at 155 are thanking Al for exposing these weaknesses. And Rogan took a lot of heat for what was supremely lopsided commentating. I think he expressed himself well in that Instagram post, though.
Starting point is 00:19:14 He said the expectations are just higher for this guy. He should be dominating this fight in every aspect. He should be smashing this guy. It went the distance. I think the fact that it went the distance is very telling. Is it, though? Oh, yeah. Anderson Silva didn't win every round.
Starting point is 00:19:32 You think he would have went the distance against Ferguson or Conor? I don't know. I think that he didn't give Al his full game. I do think that. Two, Anderson Silva, during his reign of terror was not nearly as dominant as Khabib is. It's like Khabib can just...
Starting point is 00:19:52 But Silver fought bigger names. Damian Maia? That was a shitty fight. I'd have to pull up a roster. He fought a lot of crappy names. Who was... James Irvin? Michael Bisping? He lost to Bisping.
Starting point is 00:20:09 It was close. It was close. Anyway, yes. I just feel like when I look at the dominant fighters, Matt Hughes, right? He's considered one of the greatest ever. He lost to BJ Penn. Of course, he lost to GSP.
Starting point is 00:20:25 This guy's reign was interrupted with losses all the time khabib doesn't even lose a round but he loses like a 10 second spot in a round and suddenly he's not good anymore like i think all it's going to take is someone who can stuff his takedowns right who his his stand-up did look look sloppy i i thought in my amateur analysis i it looked like, because I'm watching Aliquenta, and then I'm substituting him for Tony Ferguson, who's a much longer, craftier striker, or him for Conor, who pretty much the same thing. It just seems like, oh, shit, he'd be getting teed off on right here.
Starting point is 00:21:02 Now, he was definitely taking him down with complete ease the first round and the second round even when he was dry. But once they started getting sweaty, I posted on Reddit. I'm like, he's got no fucking shot against Baby Oil GSP. Baby Oil GSP fucking makes Habib look like a bitch. It goes down quickly. Habib is slipping around. He's trying to get up, but he keeps slipping in the puddle of baby oil. It's game over. He can't grab
Starting point is 00:21:28 onto that man. It's over. He definitely can't strike with GSP. I don't know. I thought his striking looked bad. He was just jabbing him. The jab looked good. I compared the two guys' faces. One guy looked like he had been
Starting point is 00:21:43 rocked. One guy's face was meat, and the other guy looked like he had been rocked like one guy's face was meat and the other guy looked like he hadn't been in a fight and we're talking about how khabib striking was bad but he completely won the striking by a long shot i thought he did but because you know it's just the curve is so unfair it absolutely is you know it's he just won the belt right and and like it you don't think of it as like, I don't know. If you look at, he was the 12th ranked guy, right? I thought he was top 10. I thought he had to be ranked.
Starting point is 00:22:13 It was Felder who wasn't ranked. I could be wrong. He just beat a guy that was way down in the rankings. And I remember the shit he talked when Ferguson won the interim belt by defeating kevin lee and i think kevin lee was i don't remember what his ranking was it might have been seven at the time i know he moved up since then because of that performance maybe to whatever but but i remember khabib himself being like you know in his broken fucking english you beat you beat numbers you beat number seven you beat number seven three guy i i
Starting point is 00:22:45 fight number ones number twos and well that's not that's not really true i i don't know i think that the bar is very high for habib and i think it should be i i think the fact that he went the distance was like it was like rocky or something right i felt like la quinta won just by not being taken out of that thing by Habib. I thought it was a great showing for LaQuinta. And maybe he had more time to prepare. Just to make the argument, Connor fought Chad Mendes, right? Chad Mendes took him down.
Starting point is 00:23:19 Chad Mendes beat him up. Connor's going to have that scar on his face for the rest of his life, right? And nobody said, and people don't know Connor got back on his feet in the second round Chad Mendes who didn't have a camp was exhausted although he might have been exhausted with or at a camp and Connor hit him with a left and knocked him out no one said Connor looked bad oh my god did you see all that time on the ground oh they were like Connor was on the ground Getting beat up but still Managed to talk trash during it
Starting point is 00:23:50 Isn't he awesome And it's like I guess He got up and knocked him out See that's I feel like that's where Alacuente wasn't Throwing a lot of strikes he was missing a lot And he wasn't throwing a lot It seemed like he was really I don't know if afraid is the right word, but concerned that he was going to get
Starting point is 00:24:09 taken down again. Cause man, once he gets, he gets you down, it's gotta be so discouraging. Like just watching it when he gets that single leg and they try to kick out of it. And because they've kicked out of before you see fighters always kick out of the single leg like that. But he's like, he's got some kind of crazy, vice things like i want to i want to stop zoom in on the grip that he's got and and like with one of those matrix cams where they turn it around and go to the other side and you look and he's like handcuffed himself to their ankle or something you know holy shit where'd the handcuff come from he gets their one leg up really high, Taylor, and then he keeps going higher and higher,
Starting point is 00:24:48 and then he hooks their remaining leg with his foot and sweeps it out from under them. That's the thing. Just tips them. It feels like if any other fighter gets your ankle, you can step out of it. But somehow all he needs to do is get your instep, and then just slowly but surely he'll have your calf
Starting point is 00:25:06 your thigh that seems like a really painful move that wouldn't look as bad as it felt if you like are tipped from like your head height just full force like even harder than just falling because he's like using your leg like a fulcrum like an old you know train station to leverage you into the ground he's horrific he's the only 155er I think the other guys are avoiding, right? Everyone wants a shot at Ferguson. Everyone wants a shot at McGregor. Well, I like Khabib the most now. Everyone is like, ah, fuck Khabib.
Starting point is 00:25:32 I'd rather not. No, thank you. But we'll see if that changes. He doesn't have the body of a lot of those other guys. He's got like a farm boy looking kind of strength about him, but not like the chiseled yeah like if you looked at him next to connor you'd be like oh that connor guy can probably keep going twice as long as he can the other guy'll probably get gassed and it's
Starting point is 00:25:54 apparently quite the opposite yeah i've got a picture of him here this is uh this is probably the best image maybe i haven't seen a good one i could be wrong that's just what i remember he's got that eastern european face he has a muslim beard which i didn't really classify as a muslim beard until i was like hey oh yeah he's got that amish thing cooking he's got the mose that is not a picture of him that's mose from the office is does he have that because he's a mus of him. That's Moe's from The Office. Does he have that because he's a Muslim or because he's one of those guys that doesn't grow a mustache and so they just work with the hand they're dealt? He has it because he's Muslim.
Starting point is 00:26:36 Okay. Well, he's Muslim. I assume that's why he has it. Yeah, so like I know Ramadan. He said Ramadan is coming up, so he's going to do that, and then he wants to fight again this year. Obviously, challenge George St. Pierre. But that's not happening. It's not like he's going to step up to 170.
Starting point is 00:26:50 He wanted GSP to step down to 155. GSP is out somewhere with some sort of fake colitis counting his dollar bills he got off of destroying Michael Bisping's whole career. He beat Michael Bisping. If it wasn't GSP, it would have been somebody else right? Like Jesus Christ. It was like Michael Bisping went from champion to oh maybe they'll find somebody I can beat up. Yeah!
Starting point is 00:27:15 In like six months it went from champion to like can we wheel a guy in here? I want to leave on a win. Yeah. We're fighting in England next month month guys is there anyone anyone that takes some like oh what is what is a 70 year old called a segetarian said you what's the genarian say i know septuagenarian septuagenarian yeah they'll wheel in some septuagenarian and michael bisping will beat his ass for his retirement fight hopefully Hopefully it's not one of those tough World War II septuagenarians. He'll need to get a conscientious objector.
Starting point is 00:27:50 That's great. I don't want to take anything away from what Habib did. It was very, very impressive. He's very, very impressive. I just think that he should have... The bar is much higher. You want to finish in that situation. If you're fighting for the belt against a guy who's barely in the top 10 if if that i thought he was 12
Starting point is 00:28:09 you want him to destroy that guy that is i'm sorry that is a thing when i see like if one versus two are going to go at it and then someone falls out and suddenly it's one versus 12 i do like to see a finish in that fight you know sometimes when that happens it's you know it's a real good competitive fight and it's like i wasn't supposed to be you know if you and 12 and it wasn't a good competitive fight he dominated every single round but you want to see a finish if there was supposed to be a mismatch yeah you exactly and i feel like if you substitute if you take it to any other division and take the number one versus the number 12 or whatever you're like oh he or she is about to get
Starting point is 00:28:51 fucked like like like we'll see if this one makes it a whole round you know there's a like like i i don't know the the the um yeah like demetrius johnson versus the 12th little fella. Oh, my God. Are there even 12? I don't know. Over here. They call me Little McGregor. Is that because you're like leprechaun size and Irish? Aye.
Starting point is 00:29:17 Even up there, I'm shocked. You got any other division, I feel like, like one versus 12 and you're like, holy shit. Like whoever the champ is there, like Rose versus the 12th ranked chick in her division, about to get fucked up. Really any of the way close as you would think. 155 is maybe the most talent-stacked division.
Starting point is 00:29:38 I would agree with that. I think most people do. That 155 and 145 are definitely the most dynamic, competitive divisions out there. It seems like it's the perfect... It seems like that's where most of the guys fall. Really athletic guys can cut to those weights. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:29:53 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Really, really athletic, dangerous guys. They've got just enough strength to be explosively... Knockout power. Knockout power. Yeah, that's what I was going for. Yeah. I'm looking forward to it.
Starting point is 00:30:06 Did you hear about the Wyoming Bare Knuckle Boxing Federation thing that's happening? No. Sounds promising. No, if I thought you had my attention. It's been 110 years since there was a legally sanctioned bare knuckle boxing organization in the United States. And they went from state to state, from athletic commission to athletic commission, telling them about the science of it, you know, explaining that gloves were meant to protect hands, not heads,
Starting point is 00:30:32 that you actually get less traumatic head injuries from bare-knuckle boxing than you do from gloves. So Wyoming said yes. You want to know the thing that I... God bless Wyoming. I was told this by... I don't remember where I got it, but it was somewhere I respected. It might have been Jack Slack.
Starting point is 00:30:50 If you're an MMA person, you know Jack Slack is an MMA columnist, and he breaks down usually striking at a really detailed level. He's a genius. You know that 1800s style where they kind of hold the back of their hands forward and such yeah i'm told that that was not just like a dumb way to fight because they hadn't figured out a better way yet that was what you do with bare knuckles or tiny gloves because people don't punch you in the face constantly they'll get hand damage and when you put your arms out like this it's a great way to protect your body.
Starting point is 00:31:26 You're just an elbow shift away. And their primary concern was protecting their ribs, their liver, their belly, et cetera, not their jaw or their cheekbones. I'd never considered that. That actually makes a lot of sense. It's funny you mentioned that, because on the Bare Knuckle Fighting Championships banner,
Starting point is 00:31:44 you got two guys with that exact same fighting stance. Well, you've got one guy with a mirrored image, unless everybody back then looked like that. No, no. It was called the Match of the Century. It was two twins.
Starting point is 00:31:58 Twins fought. There could be only one. That was the headline. It was a fight to the death because they were Irish and of course back then that was allowed I look forward to seeing that I wonder if we'll see a ton of knockouts a ton of broken hands I don't even know how this plays
Starting point is 00:32:18 are they going to wrap their hands? they're wrapping their hands it's going to be rough I watched some bare knuckle boxing uh recently they there's this short-lived maybe i didn't really look into it series of these two ufc fighters watching internet fight videos together and sort of giving their opinions on they watched the team fighting video that we've seen before they're just like why would anyone do this that's a four-on-one he just got soccer kicked in the face while two men held him down and then there's then they watched the other one where uh the medieval combat and after that
Starting point is 00:32:51 they were like i kind of want to do this now all right this this could be for me and then they watched like street bare knuckle boxing with these guys who had hand wraps like all the way down like like down to like almost mid forearm like wrapped all the way up wrist too and uh there was a lot of blood like one of the guy's face was covered like like a mask of blood he kept trying to blow his nose out and it was clearly broken and the other guy kept just hitting it with this real stiff jab and it doesn't have to be that stiff with bare knuckles anyway it's even less so wrapped it was just just a good two things one I would really like oh the first thing if you blow your nose like that cuz it's broken it swells up your eye like you wouldn't know it but like this area where a black eye would
Starting point is 00:33:39 be can inflate and and it's a real bad idea to blow a broken nose two i want to see some ufc fighters watch that felony fights where the guy threatens to bite his face and then does bite his face he's screaming for help and no one's helping that guy nobody has ever has gone from hard motherfucker to screaming faster than that guy getting his face bit yes you know it's not just the fear of like him but the actual biting wound like if one of you bit my face I'd be like at the very least I know neither of them has AIDS or hep C or something like it's a flesh wound like this like that's like a dirty syringe you find in a gas station bathroom Remember the pre fight interviews one guy like guy a is like I'm gonna fuck him up
Starting point is 00:34:29 He thinks I don't belong with him and the other guy is like He's biting every guy a is like wait what fate fate face biting is your face face biting? Is there a face biting in this league? No, you can't ask him. He hasn't spoken in four years voluntarily. So the guy enters, he's like, I'm going to bite your face. We will break this up if he starts to do that, right?
Starting point is 00:34:53 Go! You're forgetting the best part. They started with sticks. Are you watching it now? It was like a quarter staff fight where they gave him those things that whoever it was, Donatello had. It's long. Is it too long to watch?
Starting point is 00:35:12 Oh, Raphael. I don't remember who it was. You could just skip to when it's... I'm looking for when the fight starts. Oh, man. This one guy is kind of a pussy to begin with. It's a mismatch, which is part of the scary part to me. Like, 326, I think, is where the combat begins.
Starting point is 00:35:36 If you want to watch it along at home, this is called Felony Fight 6.6. White skinhead, as if there's any other kind versus Karate Kid eats his face and the username is attorney Berkowitz who I can only assume ended up defending white skinhead after after he infected the Karate Kid with what was undoubtedly hep C so and just to give you an image of the still shot we're at at 320 26 right now they both got their sticks the crazy guy has no shirt he has no need for it he's got enormous like gene co jeans but they're the shorts the giant ugly ones and the other guy wasn't even man enough to take his
Starting point is 00:36:17 shirt off he's wearing a big giant t-shirt with an undershirt yeah under there i think he wants the other guy to see how skinny he is compared to that just out of prison motherfucker I'm frankly shocked the commission approved this fight I feel I feel like they should have looked at the mismatch and said that guy's not ranked I agree well I mean the ref quick hands McGillicuddy you gotta be great at watching the fight better at stealing from you while you're down so So be careful. Are we ready? He's known to take the beer for himself and flee. I wanna watch it.
Starting point is 00:36:49 Alright, I'm ready. Ready, set, play. Be ready to get this shit, the only thing I saw represent that motherfucker, get it! Oh my god. Skinny guy did well for one second. Skinhead guy closed the distance immediately and like and I feel like we didn't notice it but maybe he scratched him a little. Like he did something weird.
Starting point is 00:37:09 Skinny guy is doing these overhand chops that are easy to block. Skinhead is trying to hurt his face. He's moving around like a monkey. Skinhead doesn't need this fight to be open. Skinhead is hitting the ground. It's an intimidation tactic like a gorilla.
Starting point is 00:37:25 Yeah, he's- A lot of foot movement from the skinhead guy. If you could be clear to everyone involved right now that they should stop. Because skinhead guy is swinging for the fences. Yeah, thank you Kyle. That's what I'm looking for. He is swinging so hard. Like regular dude is kind of defending and playfully swinging skin it's trying to kill him yeah if I said right now you get an
Starting point is 00:37:50 extra 40 of old english if you kill this guy he dropped that stick and just run at him I'm surprised you try to stab him with the thing yet oh it was clear in the beginning of the fight that skinhead guy wasn't totally sold on the stick fighting aspect he tried to just push him right away and just get it hand-to-hand oh Oh, it was clear in the beginning of the fight that skinhead guy wasn't totally sold on the stick fighting aspect
Starting point is 00:38:05 He tried to just push him right away and just get it to hand to hand Oh skinhead guy grabbed the other one stick And now he's uh-oh skinhead guy has both sticks It's about to get bad skinhead guy just won the takedown. Oh here comes the audio He's trying to negotiate You're gonna fight daddy ice? No, I didn't think so. I'll tap out of the way. I'm spiting. Hit him, dog. Hit him. Hit him. AHHHHH! He's spiting his face.
Starting point is 00:38:54 STOP! STOP! Get him out of the way. Get him out of the way. You're tapped out, fool. You're done. You're done. Get out of here. He said he tapped. Oh my god look at his face Oh, man. He has teeth like an old-timey sailor. Dude, that is every bit as terrifying as I remember. I think the growling might have been added in post. Now that I see it again, I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:39:31 I don't know. I'm going to say no, it wasn't because it's much more fun for me if that man was there. I'm going to say no, it wasn't because it's much more fun for me if that man was there. I'm going to say no, it wasn't because it's much more fun for me if that man was there. I'm going to say no, it wasn't because it's much more fun for me if that man was there again i'm not sure i don't know i i i'm gonna say no it wasn't because it's much more fun for me if that man was growling while attempting i don't know what you i wish there was a move for that because like when you when you bend somebody's arm behind their back you don't call it oh he's doing the bend the arm behind the back
Starting point is 00:40:01 they call it the camorra right there needs to be a move a name for the face bite maneuver the dirty sailor oh he's giving him the dirty sailor oh my yes that's right bob you can tell that the skinhead hasn't brushed his teeth in weeks the scurvy has started to kick in because of his diet of mostly old English and pork chops. That was awful. That was awful. I didn't remember this. He goes, ah, you tapped out, fool. Wait, you respect tapping out?
Starting point is 00:40:36 If he knew that, he would have tapped out the second he lost the takedown. Oh, yeah. Ain't no taps at Rikers. It was an interesting takedown he he had his right hand on the guy's throat oh dude like he you never i don't know why you don't see that in the ufc like like what you never see anyone go for the throat in any way really it's like they never grab break like you need to control the whole body to get okay well he in any case this this this gentleman did not have the proper training
Starting point is 00:41:05 to break the grip, as you say. He ended up getting really gnawed up good. And we saw the bite on his face, but I think he was biting him on the ribs and stuff, like the upper ribs and his arm, to get him to move around and stop defending the face.
Starting point is 00:41:22 The victim had the aggressor in a headlock for a bit. And it was a really ineffective headlock. The guy had side control on him, so the headlock doesn't work. But during that time, he might have bit his side. Only ineffective if you're not trying to gnaw at the side of the man's face. For that, it is excellent side control position. See, he's not going for an arm bar.
Starting point is 00:41:46 He's going for a face nod. The headlock was in it. I was trying to say the victim who had a headlock, that's not an offensive move when you're inside control. I was so fucked, man. I saw Paige Van Zandt all over. I want to watch more of those. Paige Van Zandt's all over promoting her. She's a UFC
Starting point is 00:42:01 fighter. Taylor, a really pretty one. She's all over promoting her new book where she talks about getting gang raped in high school. But when you look at the details of it, it sounds more like she had a gang bang and regretted it. I would say one-third of the comments on YouTube... I've really done some
Starting point is 00:42:17 research today in the early hours. I would say about one-third of the comments on YouTube, Reddit, and the mma sites are are sort of voicing that opinion of her that she's that she was just a whore who got really drunk and and had a gangbang and then regretted it um that's probably an unpopular opinion yeah in this me things like that never happen. Literally never, Kyle.
Starting point is 00:42:48 The fact that you'd insinuate it or bring it up, pretty misogynist. I'm pretty upset that Kyle didn't accept anything a rape victim says without proof at all. Yes, especially since she didn't go to the police and she admitted I love when the first part of the story...
Starting point is 00:43:03 Kyle, if you're wronged, you talk about it on social media and get that. But then you don't go to the police. But she's already got the book ghostwritten. She's already got the book ghostwritten before she comes out about the rape. Now, why is it a gangbanger, not a rape? I know nothing. Well, because, like, no one forced her. Yeah, a gangbanger is just, like, group sex that everybody wants to have.
Starting point is 00:43:25 That's what I'm asking. Did she lovingly blow the first five guys? Well, it seems like her version of the story is, they got me drunk, which is the most bullshit. I do not like reading that. Like, unless they held you down and, like, ah, have a little more! Ha ha!
Starting point is 00:43:41 Can't take his drought! Like, that's not what happened. Samarin, please, drink with me. They got him drunk before that fight where they held him there and they're like, no, you can't get someone drunk unless you're force feeding them alcohol. So she got drunk and then she kind of willingly participated? That's what it sounds like. and then she kind of willingly participated? That's what it sounds like.
Starting point is 00:44:06 In her description here, you never see her at a point where she was resisting or saying no. She was just, I wish I could find the quote. So she got drunk, they had a gangbang, and now she's saying, they got me drunk, and that's why we had a gangbang. I am such a bad person person because my thought process is isn't it a shame when that happens to really hot people i i think like she's way too hot to have a terrible experience like that her whole life should be easy street don't they realize
Starting point is 00:44:42 many of the sources many of the sources that I've also discovered, which include YouTube commenters who knew her, say that she was a real whore in high school and they called her Paige Van Slutton and that she was, they thought that she would become a porn star or a stripper.
Starting point is 00:45:00 Here's a nice little tidbit. Well, if a YouTube commenter said it. Exactly. Here's how you know i did my research though turns out while she never reported these uh this group of uh high school boys who raped her supposedly and so they aren't technically rapists um her brother is an actual child rapist and that's why she changed her name so she wouldn't be associated with her child rapist brother who's now in prison. Changed it from Paige Von Slutten. Yes, it was Paige Von Slutten.
Starting point is 00:45:30 I don't know what it was before. I saw it earlier but it doesn't come to mind right now. It's just a cry in shame when hot people have any trouble at all. Hashtag me too. Speaking of rape, I know Kyle knows who this is. I don't know if you do, Woody. There's this YouTube guy named Mr. Medeker and he makes really,
Starting point is 00:45:53 really fucking funny videos and he has this series called Internet Insanity where he'll delve and do really intense research into these obscure, weird people and figures on the internet and make like documentary length like series about them and it's just enthralling to see the the level of dirt you get on the internet but the most recent one is this guy he made it about named
Starting point is 00:46:14 ross and months ago you know he came across this guy's live stream and he was talking about how like he looks up videos and pictures of little kids taking baths on the internet trying to find pictures of little kids taking baths and was all and everybody was like rightfully for the most part like this is pretty fucking weird you don't you don't see how weird this is and he was like no i i i was doing it because i want to be a father someday you know like i don't think it's weird like it's not like i was jacking off during it or anything and uh basically this entire you guys need to go back to mr mr medicare's name of his channel uh you can watch these and over time it goes from that to like this guy admitting that he has like uh that he's a pedophile that uh you know i need to get help for being a pedophile you know
Starting point is 00:47:01 i'm at first he said i'm a borderline pedophile and then by the end they did another live stream he was like well i need to get help with my with my pedophilia he also has like bloodlust issues where he'll like go like have rants and screaming things where he's like i i just want sometimes i just want to kick kids like i would i would hurt kids like horrible horrible beyond shit like yeah he's like an actual crazy person and even now even after the whole internet because like these videos got hundreds of thousands of views after everybody's like you're a fucking pedophile he still doesn't get it and thinks that people are like picking on him he's like i'm not a child molester i'm just a pedophile and then someone that he knows came out recently and was like uh no i'm just now catching up on this.
Starting point is 00:47:46 You told me in a voice chat that you have touched a kid before. Why are you lying about it? Why are you lying about it? And so that other dude's alleging that now. And it has gotten out of control. It is a very interesting – I don't keep up with internet drama that much, but this is – it's more like an investigative journalistic piece than anything where he exposed an actual, you know, purportedly an actual pedophile. Well, I think he's going to be okay. There's an Arizona radio station that had a broadcast about child pornography recently.
Starting point is 00:48:18 Let me just timestamp it as best I can. And let's just listen to it because I don't think I can do this justice by literally just telling you what's about to be read on the air here. Oh, and that guy I was just describing, it came out that apparently he volunteers at a school. Good! An elementary school.
Starting point is 00:48:38 Give it back to the community. Alright, 35 seconds, I'm all queued up. I need to back up two seconds, one moment. So this was on a, I think it's called The Cave. It's a radio station in Arizona. It's like a rock station, I believe. Ready, set, play.
Starting point is 00:48:56 A Benson radio station for almost two years. You should understand that your internet provider could report you to the police if they catch you looking at a website featuring naked juveniles. And the PSA from Cave 97.7 FM includes specific advice. Never storing such pictures on the hard drive of your computer. Always use an external drive and hide it where nobody will ever find it. Likewise, never keep paper pictures, tapes, or films of naked juveniles where anyone else can find them.
Starting point is 00:49:27 33 years I've been doing this, and this is a first for me to have somebody promote such disturbing message. Cochise County Sheriff Mark Danels says he learned about the PSA from a reporter and immediately started working with the county attorney to see if it's protected by the First Amendment or if it violates any laws. He is enticing people and providing information that says, hey, if you're going to look at child porn, this is what you need to do so the cop doesn't catch you. The PSA is voiced by cave manager Paul Lotsoff, and online he has advocated for sentencing reforms in Arizona. Under Arizona law, possessing a single image of child porn carries a mandatory 10-year prison sentence, and each count must be served consecutively.
Starting point is 00:50:08 For instance, when a jury convicted former teacher Morton Berger on 20 counts of child porn possession, he got a 200-year sentence. In many cases, the penalty for possession of pictures is worse than the penalty for murder. The sentencing laws for possession of child porn in arizona are stricter than those for second degree murder yeah that's that's good enough now i'll tell you what that's insane i kind of agreed with them about the harsh sentencing sentencing and it goes back to the let me turn this phone off so it doesn't bother us it goes back to the um uh the 4chan thing like it i worry that i haven't been on 4chan for like a year maybe i
Starting point is 00:50:48 don't know so it's not like a real thing but i have seen it i've 4chan used to have cp child porn on it all the time and i could have had a thumbnail or something on some old computer in a cache that i didn't even mean to download. And that's 10 years and that's mandatory. Yeah. Yeah. That, that, that seems a way excessive.
Starting point is 00:51:11 There was an interview with now, now what he said there was outrageous because he's literally like, it's one thing to say what you just said, like, like, Hey, like there could be, there could be extenuating circumstances here.
Starting point is 00:51:21 Let's not give someone a life sentence. Reddit doesn't tend to have it, but it could be on Reddit. Like you could could you can accidentally download an image or two and the only issue i had it wasn't the 10-year sentence that bugged me it was the 10-year mandatory sentence that like there was no distinction between what he was talking about an external hidden hard drive full of cp yeah and some guy's browser image cache or something like that. Yeah, I would hope that there would be some sort of common sense taken by the law. Oh yeah, let's explain this to the judge.
Starting point is 00:51:54 You see 70 year old Judge Hatchet, this was on my client's cache, okay? This is not like the case right before that you gave the guy 200 years for with the external hard drive hidden under the baseboards of his trailer. No, no, no, no, no. This was on the caster's computer. He just visited 4chan. He was looking for some dank memes.
Starting point is 00:52:14 He was looking for some dank memes. What's a meme? That's not what this is about. Get my big gavel. Yeah, yeah. You're done. You're fucking done. Bring me my big gavel. Yeah, yeah. You're done. You're fucking done. Bring me my jitterbug. I need to call my son and have him explain this. He's only 54.
Starting point is 00:52:34 He's spry. He has a Twitter. That's exactly right. I saw an interview with this guy, and while and by the way, that guy's now, as you might imagine, being investigated for child porn. They're getting to the bottom of why he's so keen to be on the defensive side of this thing. And you know what? I think that it's a good thing they're investigating him,
Starting point is 00:52:55 because if he got to the point where he's comfortable enough with it to be like, I'm going to throw out a PSA for everybody else in this community of child porn purveyors. It's like, that guy definitely has some shit. I've seen too many good men be taken down by poor CP management. Just because they have an external hard drive with lots of kids playing in the bath. It's just fun. They interviewed him.
Starting point is 00:53:20 They interviewed him, and he was like, I felt like he defended himself fairly well. He was like, you're defending pictures of of children he's like no picture is worse than murder though possession of there's no there's no picture that you can possess that's killing someone and that's what these laws are basically saying right now it's like yeah okay i agree i agree with that i do think that 10 years per picture consecutively is a little ridiculous. Yeah, but you don't need to say, oh, well, having any image is better than murder. It's like, yeah, to make your point, you had to compare it to the worst crime of all crimes, killing someone.
Starting point is 00:53:58 Well, because the sentence is more stiff. Yeah, it is, but this isn't the way that you fucking handle that, right? You'd probably want to lobby a local legislative body or something and say, hey, let's get this corrected. Maybe we do whatever you have to do. You don't kind of tacitly – Maybe offer them a few trips to Thailand. Maybe offer to bring them along on your yearly trip to Thailand. Show them the ropes.
Starting point is 00:54:20 That's insane. I wonder – It took me a second to process that. That almost went underrated,yle that was pretty good yeah i i do not care care for that like if i if i heard a psa like that i would have like for the entire way through i'd be thinking like oh this is like you know uh uh war of the Worlds kind of joke. Like, there's going to be a punchline at the end of this, you know, or some kind of like really manipulative ad to get you to like donate to a charity or something for child porn victims or
Starting point is 00:54:56 child trafficking victims. And then it would end and you'd be like, oh, really? So those were just a couple of helpful tips, huh? That's it. Did you guys see that picture I linked of Zuckerberg today sitting on a four-inch pad as he's being questioned so that he looks taller? Is he short? He's 5'7".
Starting point is 00:55:16 Look at him there. I didn't notice. Honestly, I just thought that his posture was... He looked intimidated. And the picture of his face, he looks terrified. But now that I see the pad, he is sitting on an enormously thick pad. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:55:37 Yeah, he's sitting on a giant pad as he's being questioned because he doesn't want to look... Or I guess he wants to look more authoritative, I guess. That gave me quite a titter. Why would he do that? Why wouldn't he just ask for a higher chair? You've won $60 billion. Ask for a higher chair.
Starting point is 00:55:53 Everybody's going to make fun of you more for this. That desk comes up to his nipples. He needs that pad. Or he needs a taller chair. He might have his legs swinging. They went to get the pad out, and the guy who normally keeps track of it is like, do you want the molestation doll as well? we don't need it mike no no no usually that
Starting point is 00:56:10 goes along with the molestation doll so the child can be like yes he touched me here and here i don't think that pad that chair goes with that desk like that that they look misfitting to me that it's because he's a very slight guy unless Unless they can make the chair go up more. Maybe it's not at its highest setting or something. I don't think it has any settings. I think a guy who's 6'2 would look like a child in grown-ups furniture with that deal. It's hard to tell. A guy 6'2 is 7 inches taller than that guy.
Starting point is 00:56:40 Any of us would look like adults sitting there. A guy who's six two maybe has three inches from him in a seated position maybe he's got like a short torso i don't know i'm just saying he had to have known he's pretty familiar with the internet he owns facebook like he could have been like all right guys i know you had that pad idea but that's gonna end up backfiring because then more people will notice the fact that i was sitting on a fucking giant pad like a child where am i just give me a bigger chair? Oh, excellent
Starting point is 00:57:07 work, Zuck. This is why you're the king. I'm glad he's not wearing a hoodie. Wear the pants with the huge ass in them. I need those. Quickly. Oh, we didn't bring them? We didn't bring my booty pants? There's another gif of him going around, of him drinking water, and it's like, you know,
Starting point is 00:57:23 the caption is like, oh, remember Zuckerberg, drink water. Humans like water. And it shows him drinking water. And it's like, you know, the caption is like, oh, remember Zuckerberg, drink water. Humans like water. And it shows him drinking it. Why does the right hate Zuckerberg? Oh, this is a meme that everybody was retweeting. Yeah, but the right hate Zuckerberg. And I don't know what he did. You know, Facebook tends to shut down conservative pages
Starting point is 00:57:41 and is more apt to silence right-wing voices. But this was like a not political joke This was like it was so like the way he like he took the sip Like he was an alien in his first day in a body here Like he wasn't sure how it was gonna react and then like it was almost like he let it touch his lips and be Like I'm not gonna try my first drink yet. It could go wrong and It was funny Yeah, he just looks like such a goober do you guys use facebook much no no never always hated it yeah it i do not do not use it but i like twitter the most
Starting point is 00:58:15 like as far as yeah i don't use that just the stream of of information you get like it's always quick it seems to beat uh and it is what you make it you know like if you want to follow a bunch of political stuff you can do that if you want to follow a bunch of paramotoring or a bunch of fitness or a bunch of uh hockey or whatever like you can really cultivate it to be what you want it to be yeah and i'm sure you're right i just i cultivate exactly i'm not sure that i want to like start cultivating another form of social media to cater it to my interests and stuff like yeah i'll let one slide but i use facebook a lot because that's it turns out that like you know forums you know they're hockey forums or whatever they've all kind of died as facebook groups have
Starting point is 00:58:56 taken over the world so all the paramotor people are on facebook but i'd still have an individual feed because i have like a thousand friends now or something i don't know and uh it is very conservative like in my little exposure which is mostly paramotor people uh i would say it's like 75 conservative voices talking about their stuff so yeah and and that does that depends on kind of the community that you've cultivated around yourself or like you know you know people who woodworking, maybe they're more apt to be conservative. Who knows?
Starting point is 00:59:29 I'm just trying to think of one of those, those interests that you have. But so yeah. Anyway. Yeah. Uh, we have 30 seconds left. Hockey talk. Oh, I can, we can get the entire listeners fill of hockey in 24 seconds. Yeah. So there you go. Oh yeah. so i really have to thank you for your sacrifice i i like that you guys uh opted out of the playoffs uh because the if people don't know he's a blues fan i am a flyers and
Starting point is 00:59:58 hurricanes fan but we're not talking about them this year and uh the flyers have their first round draft pick the blues because they traded a player that player apparently not good enough to get them to the playoffs and we're getting a first round draft pick how good the pick is is yet to be seen i think or it depends yeah the blues are in the lottery because every team that doesn't make the playoffs is in it but we're the last place team in the lottery so there's a literally yeah you're right literally a one percent chance we get a we get the pick yeah i think 99 chance you guys get like a 15th overall or 16th overall or something i i looked at it i think actually you've got about a one percent chance at first second and third so you're like three one percent chances and then
Starting point is 01:00:41 after that i think you're pretty much just getting your slot which is probably what you get like the 15th first round pick it'll be better than the flyers pick because they're in the playoffs it will definitely be better and they'll get it anyway so it's okay and i'm not as upset about it i'm very excited about this the the flyers lucked out we are facing the weakest team in the whole playoffs they They actually have a female captain who can't grow a mustache. I was hoping for it. I was watching it like as the season was tailing off. There's no one I'd rather play than the Pittsburgh Penguins because they suck. And second round, practically guaranteed.
Starting point is 01:01:21 They fell ass backwards into the last two Stanley Cup victories, those Penguins. But to be fair, Giroux is playing way better than Crosby this year. I mean, they're both playing very well, but Giroux's having a career season. So I expect him to do some good things.
Starting point is 01:01:40 I hope so. I'd rather the Flyers win, too. I don't want the Penguins to repeat again. Fuck those guys. When the Flyers needed a win. If people don't know, they were a whole bunch of teams nearly tied for the last couple spots. And the Flyers had to get a win to secure their spot. Drew comes up with a hat trick.
Starting point is 01:02:01 They win 5-0 and come sailing into the playoffs. It's pretty cool it's pretty good we haven't had a lot of uh playoff hockey in flyer or hurricane ville lately and this year we'll be competing for lord stanley cup i think we might be the favorites i'll check on that i would prefer the flyers you know over pretty much anybody else, I guess. I'll jump on the Flyers with you. I'd rather Tampa win than the Flyers, I think. I like them. But, yeah, the Flyers are good.
Starting point is 01:02:36 As long as Nashville doesn't win, I don't want that annoying-ass city. Nashville's a great city, but their fans are a little too passionate. Really? Well, they're one of those cities where hockey's just now getting big, and so they'll boo obvious calls. At this point, if you go to watch a game in, let's say, Buffalo, or Chicago,
Starting point is 01:02:57 or even St. Louis, or Vancouver, they're going to be like... If there's a slashing call, you hear an, like, fuck, we're on the penalty kill. Not a,
Starting point is 01:03:11 it's like, this is just icing. That was only an arm slash. Come on. It was a gentle slash. But I'm not as bummed out about missing the playoffs now because it came out that Tarasenko has to get shoulder surgery. And so he wouldn't have been able to play in the playoffs now because it came out that Tarasenko has to get shoulder surgery, and so he wouldn't have been able to play in the playoffs anyway.
Starting point is 01:03:28 And if we didn't have him to come alive in the playoffs, we would have been fucked. Did he play at the end of the season? Yeah, it was in that game that he – his shoulder wasn't like 100%, but players play with injuries all the time at the end of the season, as you know. But he got hit in that game,
Starting point is 01:03:43 and it pretty badly exacerbated it, apparently. So even if we had won that game against Colorado, we wouldn't have him, and we would have gotten smoked even more badly by Nashville. Okay. Well, anyway, Kyle, who's your pick to win it all?
Starting point is 01:04:02 The Golden Knights, I suppose. They seem to be the best team not a bad pick actually i there you go i have them as an upset against the kings who won the president's cup uh that went to nashville okay yeah the knights were leading for most of the season it seems they're a good team yeah nashville i got uh i got got text message from this girl. I'm saying she was like tell your buddy that Even Edmonton made it in so go suck a cock Edmonton didn't make it in. What did she say then she was some Rana? I don't know
Starting point is 01:04:38 Toronto did make it. Yeah, they were doing well this season, but yeah Edmonton still didn't make it They have the best player in the league Can't make it to the playoffs he puts up like his second consecutive hundred point plus season and the rest of the team is just a shithouse around him but yeah it's not basketball oh speaking of basketball the 76ers are literally the hottest team they just passed cleveland you know lebron's team uh in the playoff race and they just beat cleveland to pass them i think they're on a 14 game win streak i know it's at least 12 and a lot of games what'd you say that's a lot of games to win in a row yeah in basketball they they have more lopsided like i don't recall any hockey
Starting point is 01:05:18 teams finishing an 82 game season with like 71 wins but oh no that's never happened yeah but in basketball it happens like every so often you know like it so uh uh 14 wins i feel like is not just i don't know the better team always seems to win in basketball but not always in hockey but uh yeah anyway the 76ers and the flyers are both looking to do some damage in the playoffs. The 76ers seem to be very good right now, and the Flyers are up against the weakest team in the league. There you go. Yeah, I'm excited for games to start tomorrow. Definitely going to watch one.
Starting point is 01:05:53 Good stuff. All right, call it a wrap. Yeah. PKN 190 with FaceBiting.

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