Painkiller Already - PKN #200

Episode Date: June 29, 2018

It's PKN time baby! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 PKN, this is a very special number, although it's just regular PKN. Episode 200. Oh, shit! Yeah. Wow. Really snuck up on us. Have we ever talked about how our side podcast goes longer than most? There's two people behind Woody right now. They're dancing. Oh, the dancing girls have come in.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Off to the sides. Oh, and there's dogs on two feet walking around with hats on oh it's incredible the the oh woody the the oh none of us are wearing pants oh cocks out for 200 cocks out for 200 i went swimming in my pool naked today and i think we were going to dive into a whole new topic we've never touched on before. Helicopter dick over there. I love it. Yeah, so Wings did this thing that he always does whenever we talk shit about him. And by talk shit, I mean report the facts accurately. We were discussing amongst ourselves, really,
Starting point is 00:00:56 not really laying out for the fans what's going on, which is different, in my opinion, what kind of surgery he was getting, right? And we are a little confused about which surgery is which because there's like three of them and i only understand two of them there's the lap band and uh the gastric uh bypass i don't understand any of them well what we were what we said was that wings is getting the one where they don't just completely cut out your stomach and uh and it goes like esophagus basically down to like large intestine right we we were like he's not getting that one because
Starting point is 00:01:32 that one's very much permanent and you you had like this little pocket of a stomach that's not even really a stomach and you have to live this very specialized diet and lifestyle the rest of your life. And I think Boogie got that, right? Pardon? Boogie got that one, right? Yes, that's the hardcore one that Boogie got, I believe. And I think we all like it because Boogie's had so much luck with it. That is the one that Boogie had. I think you're right.
Starting point is 00:01:57 Yeah, and I don't know shit about this whole topic, but I know Boogie's had great luck with it, so it's the one I want wings to have but kyle and uh and we mentioned that wings was getting um the band or the sleeve or whichever one and that you know that's sort of like the one foot in one foot out kind of way but you know whatever i'm sure it's effective it's still like 90 effective or something like that and uh and he was like once again pka gets it wrong i'm not getting the one where they cut my stomach out i'm getting the one that's more temporary and it's like that's exactly what we said like he's done that three times to us now where he's like pka gets it all wrong i said this and
Starting point is 00:02:40 that they claimed that i said this and that and i'm just scratching my head over here like we literally you just literally just repeated what we said what was the little was it a phrasing thing he took umbrage with what was the little thing that he he just had what we said swap this is a this is a man with a tenuous grasp on the english language so i i think he's he's just confused about what we were actually saying or maybe he didn't listen to enough of us talking to get that we had like a full conversation about the thing where we at the end of it we we knew what we were talking about chis i had an idea he disparaged the good name of the rape squad killers that's the key takeaway here he acts like we don't do thorough research before going on our half-baked you know rants i don't like
Starting point is 00:03:26 we don't have the facts like the child's actually upset so uh i had an idea that i suggested to chis my camera focuses um i know the actual date of wing surgery. I know... Isn't that public? I know the actual date of wing surgery. I know when everything's happening. And I was like, Chiz, what if you and I flew down there? Because I know where he's landing.
Starting point is 00:03:59 We got prosthetics, right? Full disguises to look like Emilio and Roberto. The driving brothers from the uh from the garcia clinic this is good and we're waiting in the airport with a sign that says mr jordan and when he comes you just you wave at him take his luggage and he's never done this shit before he won't investigate put him in the car and then we just take him somewhere and then from there the ideas got a little crazy it was like idea one the simplest idea you take him where he's supposed to go right and just have a little fun with it along the way idea two we take him
Starting point is 00:04:36 somewhere he's not supposed to go take him somewhere ridiculous so you're gonna win what he's bet for him he won't get the surgery because he was kidnapped, frankly, by two people posing as limo drivers who didn't take him where they were supposed to. Well, in idea 3.2, we earn a lot more money than $5 because we live streamed the whole thing. All right, I'm there. Who can I beat?
Starting point is 00:05:03 You are the scary guy. We take him to an idea 3.2a. Okay? We're in the front discussing that, like, yes, we have the package. You better bring extra wrapping for this one. You didn't tell me this liver was in good shape. I'm not giving you full.
Starting point is 00:05:22 He's like, cut his organs out. They can make a harvesting scheme. That's more Chineseicans may do that too oh i'm sure the cartel harvests you know i mean normally they just sort of dismember and display but if they knew that harvesting was so profitable i'm sure they'd get on board yeah they seem to have their thumbs in a lot of pies in mexico like every pie human trafficking drugs so who's to say organ harvesting isn't right up there and they're big cash cows or maybe they're just a lost leader at the moment you know i'm trying to establish there but yeah i i love i love this idea of being a meal i'm emilio by the way i'm no roberto she's she's like oh i'm fine with roberto i prefer to be reberto and and just imagining getting those
Starting point is 00:06:09 i don't know if you've seen those ultra realistic masks that they make now but they look legit like it's an incredible latex mask you can get i i just thought that would be hilarious of course i would be great if you did a mask the same way that uh i don't know the name of the guy from jackass but the guy who puts the yeah uh him and that other guy who dresses up as the woman and they get that super detailed uh mask on and they go out and fuck with people like you know the one where the guy's walking around oh oh dear and his tits falling out and it's like clearly a fake tit and he's like in the ghetto and all the all the you know people trying to sell him bootleg. Your titty is out. Yeah, your titty out. It's so funny the difference of, you know,
Starting point is 00:06:48 in like the little hipster corner of town, some like Asian woman comes and like wraps her up in a big paper, like something you'd use to wrap a cake, you know, does that. And in the hood area, he's like, ah, your titty out. Well, it was super awkward. The one that you're describing
Starting point is 00:07:03 where the Chinese lady comes and covers her, the bit was her husband drives her up to the door of the restaurant, and she gets out, and her dress gets caught in the door, so when he speeds away, she's completely disrobed except for a large adult diaper,
Starting point is 00:07:17 and her sandbag titties are just flopping around everywhere, and she's like, oh, oh, and everybody's just like oh shit what do we do and i think a lady it's not a it's not a blanket she comes out with like butcher's paper to wrap her in because they're at a restaurant yeah it's great but yeah i i just thought that was a fucking hilarious silly little idea of course we never do it because i mean we're we want wings to succeed at this thing or at least
Starting point is 00:07:45 i do an uplifting version of it so i guess version one which was show up as cheerleaders you don't reveal that you're kyle and chiz you're roberto and emilio that was never in the cards no it was never in the cards to just show up and drive them there and try and make it if i don't get to dress up and put on those guys no no i'm saying you're still Emilio and Roberto. You're showing up and your bit is seeing how long you can go until he figures it out. And I think given your acting skills, and I don't know about Chiz, we'll see. He's never seen Chiz in real life. He's seen you in real life.
Starting point is 00:08:20 But I think you guys can pull it off for the whole time. I guarantee we could pull it off. I would bet serious money that Chiz and I could dress up and not be recognized by Wings, even having long, intense interactions with him. There's no way. Why do you think you can do that? He knows you. You spent hundreds of hours together.
Starting point is 00:08:41 Years. My dog knows me, too. But when I put on that chipmunk mask he's just blown away kyle there's no costume and accent you could use where i wouldn't instantly know you're kyle that's that's not true i guarantee if i got like one of those makeup artists my mother didn't recognize me when i got that stupid uh um hitman makeup on she was like yes sir can i help you i guarantee there is no way if i had full how long did it take wouldn't notice you you went bald his mom noticed that he was hitman inside of a minute if i remember the no i had to come out i was like like mom it's it's
Starting point is 00:09:19 me like like like you're weirding me out that you don't recognize me it kind of hurts my feelings here like i'm talking about going in a professional to put to make me into emilio the mexican gastric bypass surgery patient driver okay and what's best is if you you're you're not dressed like like a limo driver you're both dressed as custodians. So you're like moonlighting as a limo driver. And you need to work on your fake Spanish phrases. You know, just like sounds that sound Spanish. You need to work on that.
Starting point is 00:09:55 Oh, no, no, no. Yeah. You could use real Spanish words just in random order Like it's two times Gardeners What if we were dressed as gardeners And after this we got a motulons Chop chop
Starting point is 00:10:14 Like he's holding the weed eater Hold on to the weed eater That's my precious Like he's back there hanging on to the weed eater And he's got the oil to mix with the gas that's a three in one yeah i think it would there's no way he recognizes i guarantee he wouldn't he just wouldn't especially like like i can't do it because first of all it's chis wouldn't i i honestly all it would have taken was chis to have getting excited about the idea and been like yes let's do it now it's too late
Starting point is 00:10:46 almost now the flights would be rather expensive I know when these dates are I saw them posted on the subreddit the comment was removed so no one else can see it just grab your own surgery in Mexico while you're there make it a worthwhile trip what do you need
Starting point is 00:11:00 what does Chiz need what do you need do one of you need a tooth filled or removed or whatever yes yes i could i i've always got a tooth that needs something right you know like really the amount of soda you drink that's not surprising maybe i get yeah maybe you can get a little bit of like spot reduction liposuction probably not healthy for someone your weight to be getting liposuction, but, you know... A little. Just a little.
Starting point is 00:11:29 I want that gaunt look like Chase Utley. I haven't eaten in three days, so my cheeks have that angular athletic look. What was that thing that Max says where he's like, I think Chase Utley would be like, I'd be like the younger brother he never had. And he's like, you know, you're like five years older than that guy, right?
Starting point is 00:11:50 Really? No, that can't be right. He's like, oh, did you see Mac? He got ripped. Yes. Like real deal ripped. I'm so impressed because it was funny when he got really fat. It was funny.
Starting point is 00:12:04 And he did it for the show, which made it great. And then when he got really fat and it was funny and he did it for the show which made it great and then when he got back in shape i was impressed and then he got in fucking like chris pratt guardians of galaxy one shape or better and now i'm just amazed this guy it's incredible yeah he looked ripped at the gay pride parade is that where he was yeah that's why i think that's why davida was wearing that big rainbow boa i saw uh an instagram post from i don't know if it was from it's always sunny or one of uh or maybe max account but it showed the gang sans dennis with uh uh the indian woman from the office i don't know uh what her katie midney or something like that i believe okay oh uh whatever her that actress name's a name is she was in the middle there and they were like oh we're excited to start working with this person and like in the comments
Starting point is 00:12:56 people were like are you saying dennis isn't coming back this will not fly she does not mesh with the group and i was like in all seriousness i'm like oh fuck if they try and replace dennis with anyone that's going to be a failure like if they get rid of dennis i'm not watching the show anymore so i need that whole dynamic i'm a season behind can you explain where the dennis cliffhanger left off like what happened there the dennis cliffhanger it was i don't think it was the like a cliffhanger of the last episode maybe it was but it was a episode during that season where he has a family or a son in uh north dakota with this woman that he fucked there and so the little out story is apparently going to be if they decide to remove him or he leaves that he just goes back to north dakota to raise his family and abandons the gang in philly so he's doing in real life it's all about contract negotiations maybe i i think he
Starting point is 00:13:46 might want to go do another show or another project or something like that he's coming back um i hope so i know so oh good yeah that show he did with uh patton oswalt um it's about a school where he's a substitute teacher i don't recall the name it's really really funny but it's not worth losing sunny over that show yeah you don't think sunny's losing its magic it's definitely losing its magic but it's up there in my like top two favorite shows of all time it's like a feel-good show for me like if i just you know want someone in the background that's like laughing you know light hearted i always go to sunny or seinfeld for the most part yeah i i still like it a lot it's certainly a lot better than archer like a stupid i i i was i was happily reaffirmed when i went to their subreddit the other day to the the archer subreddit so many people are like echoing exactly what i've said i'd never been
Starting point is 00:14:37 there before but i went there and they're like these stupid dream seek seasons nothing's happening it's like yes exactly nothing is happening it's all a goddamn dream it doesn't matter what where's archer's daughter how old is she now is he all like thin and decrepit because he hasn't moved in in two years now when he comes out will he have will he have some sort of weird alcohol withdrawal thing like like are you sure that in real life that much time has passed maybe in real life a week has passed minutes yeah sure that's a good point could be yeah could be minutes see but that's the annoying thing is you don't know no contextual you know lens through which to look at it like i really don't like those dream sequence seasons or even
Starting point is 00:15:21 scenes either like even when a little scene is a dream sequence with a few safe exceptions it's like oh well thank you for wasting my time like you feel like you've been played for a fool especially when there's no clues that it was a dream sequence the entire time but is it definitely is the season ready to binge watch yet or is it still going on i think it's done it's i'm yeah i'm like at that i'm like 99 it's done because i saw a thing. I don't care about the story of the dream sequence. So I saw an article that spoils it, and it has a ridiculous ending. It seemed like...
Starting point is 00:15:55 The season is about Clue, isn't it? It's Archer Danger Island. Yeah, I remember the title, but it was kind of like Clue, where they're trying to discover a murderer, right? I didn't think that was what it was oh well you actually watched it so you know i only i only watched one episode i watched the first episode and you know they're on an island and everybody's in completely different roles again well i'll have to check it out because i liked last season i seem to be the only one but and i didn't like it as much i'll say archer's losing its magic a little bit,
Starting point is 00:16:25 but I guess maybe it's like Sonny is for Taylor. I still watch it. I like it. Absolute garbage. It makes me angry. You know that show only has one writer? It's not. It's only one.
Starting point is 00:16:38 Yeah, one guy. That's probably part of why it's fucking garbage. He's like, I don't know what to do now. Let's just make it all a dream. You can always tell when a show starts to go... You can't always tell, but 90% of the time, I feel like when a show starts to go downhill, you look at the people who had been writing it
Starting point is 00:16:54 for all the really good seasons, and then you look at the new season, and you're like, well, no fucking wonder. It happened to Sonny. They changed some of the writers on recent seasons, or at least the most recent season before you know the one that's being made now i guess and it's gone downhill quite a bit uh the best example is rick and morty which went off a cliff yeah between the second and third season in my
Starting point is 00:17:17 opinion were like the first two seasons i thought were very entertaining and funny and just engaging and you know it doesn't have to be super deep it's just silly and interesting and the third season i was like i still haven't watched the whole thing i've watched like five episodes of it and i was like what the fuck like this is not good pickle rick turned me off so much like it was a one-line family guy cutaway bit that they made into an entire boring episode i that was so disappointing the the way Rick and Morty went. You have to be really smart to understand Rick and Morty. I love that coffee pasta. I was hoping,
Starting point is 00:17:53 I was like, if he doesn't get this, I'm an asshole. They added those female writers, right? That's what went wrong. You know they got renewed for 70 episodes, right? No, Rick and Morty did?
Starting point is 00:18:06 Yeah, Cartoon Network signed them on for 70 more episodes. And so they're like, ah, every day we're doing half a day of writing. And it's like, why just half a day? You guys are the laziest millionaires on the planet. You've got gold here. Rest assured, Kyle, we're working all the way to lunch. We're working all the way to lunch, then a quick 90 minutes
Starting point is 00:18:34 on lunch, and then we wrap up with a little half hour. Half a day? If something you just dream up is worth millions of dollars, presumably an episode. I don't know how much money they got paid for 70 episodes, but I don't know, maybe $50 million, $100 million, something like that probably. Probably not that much.
Starting point is 00:18:53 It's adults. That seems a lot. Yeah, adults win. We're like Game of Thrones budget team. I assume a quarter billion dollars. It's like seven seasons of the biggest show on their network. It's got to be something like that. They got rid of Million Dollar Extreme,
Starting point is 00:19:09 and they added 70 episodes to Rick and Morty. Very disappointing. Hopefully, now that they got that signed, they can be like, all right, ladies in the writer's room, out! Because to try and pretend it's the same quality writing is is asinine it's not even close like keep that kind of stuff with the creators like if the new season of south park they're like uh trey isn't going to be a big part of this one be like well it's gonna suck dick
Starting point is 00:19:37 i'm having a hard time swallowing taylor's semi-accurate misogyny you know it's like women aren't funny oh no it's not that i hate women women do tons of awesome things and i love them for it don't let them yeah cooking cleaning laundry yeah cooking cleaning blowing laundry a whole list of things uh and and more non-facetious things but like don't let them infiltrate your show and ruin it. Because there's something about it that when you, on a comedy show, introduce a woman writer, they like can't help themselves, but like inject their own little beliefs and quips
Starting point is 00:20:13 and jokes. And it's like, now this isn't like them being silly, doing, I don't know Morty, I'm an alcoholic and we're not gonna make it. Like just silly, like haha kind of shit. And they have to have a little agenda. They have to have a little something. You saw agenda in rick and morty season three i didn't catch it no not like way too strong it's just you can maybe the better word would be they're not as willing to take risks and say really kind of offensive funny shocking things and that's kind
Starting point is 00:20:41 of why you go to those kind of shows in a lot of way it's a little respite from the constant you know blick you get from other mainstream shows i agree with that too like sometimes it's not that the women did anything wrong like this is sort of outside rick and morty it's that their presence changes the dynamic you know we were doing a i used to do these mancations where it's go on these surfing trips with my friends. And one guy was like, can I bring my wife? She's great. You'll love her. No.
Starting point is 00:21:09 No, you can't bring your – it doesn't matter how great she is. It becomes not a guy's trip anymore. Yeah, you're exactly right. The same reason that I don't fault when a girl I'm with is like, hey, we're having a girls' night. I'm never like, like oh can i come along can i come hang out with the girls can i come you know banter and it's like no because i would be the limiting factor of conversation topics they would be like oh let's have girl talk well we can't fully explore the things we're going to be interested in talking about our guys and whatever
Starting point is 00:21:39 else they talk about if there's a guy here same thing like you need those little separate spaces to get it all out and yeah i totally agree with you it changes the dynamic to where those writers who otherwise were hilarious in seasons one and two are now like i don't know if this is okay i'm just not gonna say it yeah we'll go with her idea that's a lot softer that's a lot less offensive that's a lot safer and that's not what you want from a show like that i want rape well you'll need an all-guy writing cast for that yeah especially if you want to portray it as a funny thing i always do you don't mean like morty gets molested by the gym teacher or that uh uh these are great ideas that glip glork thing that he was just go with it like the
Starting point is 00:22:27 the jellybean king or whatever the fuck his name was like oh yeah stick your finger in my thresher that was gross yeah that was i it's politics so i'm cautious about have you guys been paying attention to this whole immigration parent separation thing at all? Out. A little bit. Not a ton. Well, we put them in dog kennels now so they know who they are. I can't tell what the truth is with the cage thing. I haven't seen pictures.
Starting point is 00:22:56 So here's the scoop. In America, as has always been, if you get incarcerated, you get separated from your kids. That's the deal. Go knock over a liquor store. You'll find out for yourself. That's the deal. Go knock over a liquor store. You'll find out for yourself. That's the scoop. They don't come with you. And that same thing is true when the crime is being an illegal alien and entering America.
Starting point is 00:23:18 The thing is, historically, they didn't prosecute everybody. They would do what Republicans what what republicans would uh put it down and call obama like catch and release right they'd catch them and then they just send the whole family back where they came from and and not necessarily like prosecute them and and and change that well now trump and sessions have decided to prosecute every illegal alien and that means that a lot of them are getting separated from their kids because when you do illegal things, you get separated from your kids. And so now...
Starting point is 00:23:52 Especially if they can't tell if it's your kid or not because there is an issue with child trafficking coming from Mexico and like repeat kids they'll find where it's like, there's no evidence this is this person's kid. They're kind of just trying to get in and this could be a kid that's being sold into human trafficking or something. You're right. There's a whole lot of dishonesty that comes with the illegal alien thing.
Starting point is 00:24:10 Another one is asylum. I saw someone make a big deal like, oh my god, these guys are coming here for asylum. We're sending them back to their death. No. What happened is word got out that a good way to become a U.S. citizen is to tell them that the gangs back home are trying to kill you so exactly what you're quoting trump today trump hat oh did i don't know what i well i doubt i'm quoting oh you're nailing it like it was like you were there i don't know what i was i don't know what i was listening to uh like because i like got in my truck like mid speech but it sounded very much to me like he was
Starting point is 00:24:46 doing a campaign rally and uh because he's like doing those every two weeks for the last two years there was a raucous crowd who were loving it eating it all up he he pointed out the fake news media in the back uh and um and and everybody laughed and laughed at them and at one point um he was uh what what was the thing you just said god damn it uh asylum uh oh he's he's like you got these lawyers who who come in and volunteer to represent these people and right before they go up to speak to the judge they hand him a note in spanish and tells him what to say and it says i'm in fear for my life i'm endangered in my country please give me asylum they just put the words right in their mouths that's not what these people some of them sure some of them are in danger but the best but
Starting point is 00:25:38 not every single one and every single one is is being for being spoon-fed this uh the script by by these lawyers so i hadn't heard the lawyer part but i have heard that the overwhelming majority of people seeking asylum are trying to become citizens that's their budget yeah they're trying to fudge it um so i i think i've laid it out as evenly as I can. But the Trump administration has changed their policy so that they're, I guess you could say, prosecuting everybody now, you know, 100%. And that's resulting in a system that's overloaded because it takes a lot less cages, I suppose, to catch and release than it does to prosecute every one of them and see it through. Yeah, they don't have enough baby handcuffs to go around. Yeah, they're short on baby handcuffs and relief largely means all right you can go and find somewhere else to cross where we won't find you yeah and they see you next time that's the knock against it yeah and um uh
Starting point is 00:26:36 then but on the other hand the republicans not really the republicans trump in particular is doing some dirty shit he's blaming the democrats for all of this every time there's a new baby crying trump is loving it he's like this is fucking leverage to get my border wall paid for you know you don't like this is not an obama policy at all it was uh like the law was written i looked up in 2002 and i was during the bush administration it was a democrat congress in 2002 but that was during the bush administration it was a democrat congress in 2002 but that was during the bush time it's not like obama came up with this the difference is like this is an existing policy but like there's no law that says you have to enforce the law and so sessions is saying no now we're going to start doing it this way despite the fact that like they hadn't been
Starting point is 00:27:18 doing it as strictly before right because there's i forget the term for it it's like prosecutal judgment or something like that but in the same way that a cop can let you go off for a speeding ticket when he thinks that, you know, maybe you're not a threat to society. These guys can do like a catch and release when they feel like, you know, they don't need to be locked up in jail and separated from their kids and all that. And what's new is now they're just going at it as hard as they can. And part of it is a deterrent. they're just going at it as hard as they can and part of it is a deterrent they've come on and off of their deterrent things but they hope that these families in mexico and el salvador and etc are saying you know like well shit maybe i shouldn't come if this is the risk we run so that and then and then they backed off that claim that it's a deterrent but i think it is and i think
Starting point is 00:28:01 others they're just twisting the knife a little bit, trying to get people to pay for their border wall. So he just tries to blame the Democrats. In my universe, it seems like it's sticking to Trump. I don't know what you guys see. But I feel like the Democrats aren't getting blamed for this. It's really Trump. Yeah, I would say it's not even, to bolster your point, it's not even Republicans as a whole. And not even to bolster your point, it's not even Republicans as a whole.
Starting point is 00:28:40 I'm seeing Cruz is putting a policy forward or a law forward of, hey, let's change the way we do this so that when we do incarcerate them at the border, we can keep them with their families unless it's really sketchy and like, okay, this is clearly not your dad. This is clearly not your mom. This is a kid who's been coached to say certain things because they're terrified of what's going to happen to them if they don't. And then they get into the country and someone abuses them or does something, something terrible. But yeah, I think most of the,
Starting point is 00:28:54 there's so much misinformation about it. Like, and so many people head in the sand. Like I really, I, I haven't done this much research on it as, as Woody, but it does seem more middle of the road to me,
Starting point is 00:29:05 where it's like, yeah, I really don't like how people are being taken away from their families, but then you're reminded, like, well, how about every American citizen who's ever been arrested? It's not like they're like, all right, and on the way home from this attempted robbery, we're going to pick up your kids, and then we'll go drop you all off in jail.
Starting point is 00:29:21 It's like there's a lot more gray area here than I think most people are... Yeah, so what's new is they gray area here than I think most people are pretending to not see. Yeah, so what's new is they're treating people crossing the border like people who knocked over a liquor store. And whether one's as bad as the other I guess is up to whoever's in power
Starting point is 00:29:35 at the time. It's definitely a crime. It's definitely a bad thing. If you can't enforce your borders, you're not really a nation. And so I don't like the black and white you see on both sides of you know let no one in no matter whatever take them away from their family you know because there are some people not a large percentage but some are seeking asylum and then you know the other side of who cares if they are i mean yeah but yeah, kind of do, but then also
Starting point is 00:30:06 it's like, how am I supposed to take this seriously? You better be a nuclear scientist or something like that. You better have some skills, right? Help me! They're coming to get me right now! This goes to Woody's whole point about immigration, where it's like, we want the best.
Starting point is 00:30:22 The best and the brightest. If there's a neurochemist or something from Sweden or from Nigeria or from Japan, let them in. They're going to be very helpful. Here's a new system. How about we stack rank how valuable they are to society, right? Like nuclear physicist. He can bring in five people, hey, because you're that awesome. And then there's someone else who's like, I don't know computer programmer it's like hi you're solo you can come but dude i'll take you
Starting point is 00:30:54 bringing your parents on this bullshit no way get out of here so my high school kid isn't getting his job because you're going to undercut him so I don't know just think it out loud you get the science of points people points he did roll out the old they're not sending their best line today yeah that's bullshit
Starting point is 00:31:17 I hate that but he's such so I don't like I get that all politicians lie but I think it's beyond debate that Trump is a liar on a whole new level at this point. And this idea that Mexico is organizing who they're sending over is one of the whoppers that I don't like that he keeps retelling. No, they allow – Mexico allows Central Americans who make it through their southern border to go all the way up to the US. But the lie is that Mexico is that mexico is being
Starting point is 00:31:45 like you know what these are our worst let's export them to america well the cubans oh yeah i don't think they're empty the cubans did i don't think they're empty like mexico's emptying their prisons into the u.s or anything right and when he hears this they're not sending their worst it's the the murderers and the rapists and the gangsters and MS-13. Well, there is like a 60% to 80% chance that women crossing the border are going to get raped or molested or something like that. I've been hearing that lately. What are we supposed to glean from that? I want to get a reliable source on that one.
Starting point is 00:32:18 I don't hear it repeated by both sides. I need to see a few of these rapes first. I hear you. It's an unbelievable statistic to me. I don't know societies that rape. What percentage did you give out? 60-80%? It was like 60-80. But this is also not a society. It's a lawless
Starting point is 00:32:36 Mad Max zone south of our border. I know, but 75% of the women aren't getting raped at Burning Man. Are they? That's true. Well, that's because they give it up, Kyle. That's how you prevent rape.
Starting point is 00:32:51 They're putting out. That's why. You have to ask Dick Masterson. They're putting out. It's definitely more complicated than I feel like anybody's presenting it. Yeah, Castro literally did that back in the day. He emptied out his prisons and and sent them here ah well i don't like that but
Starting point is 00:33:11 if i'm castro i do that's a brilliant idea right i got some people i'd export too you know let's empty our prisons oh send them to canada see how they like oh you know what we should do we should do what mexico does where you know, when Hondurans come in and make it through the southern Mexico border, you know, they go, all right, all the way to the U.S., you're not staying here, asshole. We should be like, all right, everyone, gather up. We're taking you right to Alberta.
Starting point is 00:33:38 And it's all the same to us. Like, we know it is Pablo Hoppin'. How long until that Trudeau guy stops dancing around in rainbow socks with his mouth open? That dude, like, that whole soy boy insult that goes around the internet, and it's almost gone out of vogue now because they come and go so quick.
Starting point is 00:33:57 That gives me such a laugh. He is the epitome of that kind of guy. Like, I don't know how Canadians don't look at that guy and be like, oh no, really? He's embarrassingly dancing in public. Given that soy boy, Nintendo Switch face, I'm so excited for it. I'm glad my mom let me, or my wife,
Starting point is 00:34:21 let me play a couple hours tonight while she's out with her boyfriend. That's funny. So I must watch different media. I get a different view of him. He's the guy who kicks Trump's ass in handshakes on a routine basis. That's like the lens that I see him through. Yeah, Trump does this alpha handshake thing that I just find disgusting.
Starting point is 00:34:41 But both the French and Canadian guys now, they're like younger, fitter, stronger guys. And they out-handshake them. Yeah, they just run way weaker countries. That's true. Yeah, I'm not pretending they're the leader of the free world. But Trump and his alpha handshake thing, it stopped working in Japan.
Starting point is 00:35:00 Don't you like how we co-opt that and the rest of the world just has to deal with that title we gave ourselves just because, like, fuck them. They can't say anything. that and the rest of the world just has to deal with that title we gave ourselves? Just because, like, fuck them. They can't say anything. We're the leader of the free world. And, like, France is like, yeah, I guess we can't do anything about it. If France was like, we are the leader of the free world or whatever, we'd be like, no, you're not.
Starting point is 00:35:22 Bullshit. Fake news. Come over here and shake my hand again. You're not the free world. Kyle said this. I wouldn't go to France. When Trump first got elected, Kyle accurately described him as the most powerful man to have ever existed up until this point in history. And I was like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:43 Yeah, I guess so. think lincoln's army would have beat trump's i wonder when that's going to change like when our president will be elected you know hopefully a long long time from now where it'll be like eh right this guy probably isn't as powerful as trump was or the guy who followed trump was or you know when xi jinping's successor comes into power if he ever does because he just was like oh i decide no more election i take it all life they're like okay i'm not gonna tell him no you're gonna tell him no no to me that was we all look so similar that's when it changes that's so racially funny that's him look at him look at me not even close but but yeah i think china is going to be the i even wonder now like i oh man i stupidly apply
Starting point is 00:36:40 so much of what i learned from civilizations to real real life. It's like, I may have a better army than Kyle, but if he has better production than me, does it really matter that I started with a slight lead? It might not. That could be what happens. I think we'd be better at shutting their production down, though, right? I feel like what we're good at is pinpoint accurately destroying shit on the other side of the planet
Starting point is 00:37:05 like we are good at that you should watch some of the there are these really long videos that break down what various global wars would be like oh yeah they're kind of cartoony right well they have like cartoony animations to some extent and a lot of like map views like global map views and like lines okay so here's the pacific carrier fleet and uh here's if japan were involved they do this and this and this and of course they get their their shit pushed in but we come in from the from from the solomon islands it's it's always really interesting to see like and i could find it i forget is there a frog involved in the narration maybe
Starting point is 00:37:45 Or I may have seen it's possible there's like An apocalypse lizard or something Yeah yeah it's like you know Here's global Nuclear warfare explained by a gecko Explained by a gecko I didn't even know about the importance
Starting point is 00:38:02 Of the Solomon Islands until this gecko Explained it to me but yeah it's pretty good, the guy's clearly an expert on the topic, I enjoy it too I like how like 5 minutes after you see clips like that like 5 minutes before if you told me to point out where the Solomon Islands are
Starting point is 00:38:17 on a map, like what? and then like 5 minutes after that part of the video we're like well of course we have to control the Solomon Islands it's a nuclear hotbed of reachability five minutes after that part of the video, we're like, well, of course we have to control the Solomon Islands. It's a nuclear hotbed of reachability. They lay out the importance of the South Sea.
Starting point is 00:38:34 What do they call that area next to China that China's been trying to make their own? They're building islands. The South Sea, I believe. Is it the South Sea? A channel like this really describes why that's important is it yeah so you were you nailed it pretty well this is binkov's battlegrounds binkov with a v uh and a k and yeah there's a there's a goddamn frog
Starting point is 00:38:57 the frog it's imagine like a bootleg kermit wearing a military costume standing in front of a map. It's great. It's really great. In the first 10 seconds, you'll think that this is a goof and this guy is probably an idiot. And then in the next 10, you'll realize how much smarter he is about these things than you are. Yeah, he's got a lot of statistics and facts and historical knowledge about how war works, I guess. And the capabilities of the different equipment. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:27 So that's... He knows what certain... Well, they've got the I-87 missiles, which can do this and that with a range of 600 kilometers. But that doesn't matter because we fly in space now. Oh! I love that, right? We've got the Space Force.
Starting point is 00:39:44 The Space Force. It's the funniest fucking thing to come out of this administration by far. I want to make fun of it, but the other part is like, hmm, nobody else in the world has made a Space Force yet. We should be the first ones to have a Space Force. Come on, it's cool.
Starting point is 00:40:01 If Obama had made Space Force, you'd have been holy shit, we're boldly going where no man has gone before. But Trump's doing it. So you're like, ah, what does he know about space? Like the president has to be the space... You're knocking Taylor
Starting point is 00:40:12 for not liking Trump enough? I'm knocking anyone who's knocking space force because space force is so cool. But it sounds so dumb. It sounds so made up. Which I guess it is made up. Yeah, I can't get past it.
Starting point is 00:40:26 Space what? East Marines. That is good. Yeah, I was like, Space Force is so... Well, I guess it's just parallel to Air Force. Foreign, domestic, and cosmic. Is it going to suddenly have a huge budget? W created Homeland Security as a new, like, just division of the government.
Starting point is 00:40:49 And now it's gigantic. Like, it started as just kind of a paper coordinating agency between the other ones. And now Homeland Security in itself is a giant, like, thing with a huge budget of its own. Is that where Space Force is going? Will it have, have like today it's nothing it's probably just a few guys from nasa like getting lateral job transfers but make it 2022 is space force like a real thing i don't know i want to see what our our space uniforms look like oh kind of space weapons we have dude all, so I'm sure we've all seen
Starting point is 00:41:26 the commercials that the Army, Navy, and Air Force and Marines come up with, where they make it seem like you're going to be some sort of international man of mystery. No wonder Marines have swords. They fight dragons. You're going to be fighting dragons and
Starting point is 00:41:41 slamming Bangkok pussy all day every day according to these fucking commercials and then all of a sudden you're stationed in kansas shoveling shit or something like that for the next four years this is nothing like the commercial god damn it it is yeah oh go ahead imagine the space commercials it's gonna be it's going to be like the preview for the next Star Trek movie. Is that Chris Pine? Yeah, that's Chris Pine.
Starting point is 00:42:11 That's fucking Captain Kirk. Oh shit, he's going to be there. Well, he is a captain. He does outrank us. Dude, you know, I don't knee-jerkingly hate everything Trump does. So Space Force, let's wait and see. This could be good or stupid.
Starting point is 00:42:28 What if we get up there and we immediately... I've heard that we have a weaponized version of the space shuttle. Oh, I saw that on West Wing. Exactly. See, that wasn't just made up. What if we send up the weaponized space? What if we had a bunch of them and we don't even know? He's like, we need eight of those right now.
Starting point is 00:42:52 You guys had that prototype in the late 90s. No, no, no. I want ten of them in two years from now. And we get them all up there above the planet, right? And none of the other countries have anything even close to that. And we just start blowing their satellites up. And we blow up a few of them, right? And none of the other countries have anything even close to that. And we just start blowing their satellites up. And we blow up a few of them, right? And then we start... Have you learned nothing from your Call of Duty perks? You don't blow
Starting point is 00:43:11 up their satellites. You hack them and make them yours. Yes. We're gonna have an even stronger Space Force than President Bartlett. I'm a way better actor. Oh, that'd be great. That'd be great if somehow he got confused
Starting point is 00:43:33 for a moment and he referenced President Bartlett. Oh, I'd love that so much. Yeah, I can't tell where Trump's mental capacities are at this point. They're definitely diminished from the old days. If you see him talk in the 90s and such, he was a sharper sounding guy.
Starting point is 00:43:54 Now he does a lot of this word salad thing that makes you think he could be confused. This is why we shouldn't have presidents in their mid-70s. Well, there's the recordings of him on the bus. I don't know if we talked about it in the last show. I thought I'd pull up the clip, but I don't know if I shared it. But it's the old SNL bit where they made fun of Ronald Reagan. In the media, Ronald Reagan was dumb and low energy. That's what they went after.
Starting point is 00:44:23 They're like, he's a 70 year old stupid actor running our country okay and the snl bit it starts off and i don't know who's inner who's talking to reagan but he's he's he you're like yeah he is a stupid sleepy old man shit and then that person leaves the room and he pops out of his chair. All right, into action, boys. And he just starts like automatically like organizing a global effort. And he's got it all laid out on a chalkboard. He's going like step by step by step. He's like pretending to be a moron. I love those bits.
Starting point is 00:44:57 That was fucking hilarious. Maybe Trump is that guy. He's not. He's not. No, I suspect. He can't keep his mouth shut to save his life like he always has to be talking or going he has so that's the most aggravating thing about the dude is he'll have like the best news cycle imaginable like he'll actually do something good or something good
Starting point is 00:45:16 will happen or the economy will be booming and then he'll be like also trades people the military fuck that and they'll be like oh now you you just gave the whole media who was like, oh, thank God we don't have to report on the good stuff. Jump to that. Jump to that. He puts his foot in his mouth twice a week. Yeah, he does. Sometimes he dominates the news cycle. I think one of the reasons he got elected is how well he was at how well he
Starting point is 00:45:45 did it controlling the news cycle. And then he becomes president and it's just a lot harder for him to pull off my favorite. Oh, and this is, this is bad. Woody. He's not,
Starting point is 00:45:55 he was being a little biased when they take his old tweets, you know, like Trump criticizing Trump. There's a subreddit about it. I don't know if he saw it right now. He's like, you know, Obama's responsible for
Starting point is 00:46:06 everything. He had the House and the Senate for two years. You can't forgive him for not getting the things done that he wanted to get done, etc. Now you're on the other side of that coin. There's a lot of Trump criticizes Trump. He doesn't have the House. Yes, he does.
Starting point is 00:46:21 He has the House, he has the Senate, he has the Supreme Court, and he has the executive branch. He's got 51 in the Senate, right? He'll probably lose the House. Yeah, he's 51 in the Senate. He'll probably lose the House in the midterms because I think on average at midterms, the sitting president's party loses like 25 seats or something in the House. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:42 It's never going the other way. It's more up in the air. Yeah, it never goes the other way. It's more up in the air. Yeah, it never goes the other way. It's always people like, this isn't what was promised. There's an oddly, this election cycle though, like there's a lot more Democrats
Starting point is 00:46:53 up for re-election than Republicans. So a lot of the seats at risk are Democrat. There's a lot of stuff stacked in the Republicans' favor. And just like two weeks ago when the news stories were all about jobs and how successful the economy's been doing, they were saying, like, it doesn't look like the Democrats
Starting point is 00:47:08 are actually going to get this back. And now, of course, the news cycle is all about children being separated from their parents, and it looks like they will. We'll see. We'll see. I don't think, I think Republican voters are like, good. Maybe while we got those children in those cages, they can
Starting point is 00:47:24 make some JNCO jeans for us or something like that. JNCO jeans? Yeah, get them to work making Wranglers. Some Wranglers. This is Brett Favre's personal collection of jean makers. Little Emilio's face.
Starting point is 00:47:39 It's just a bunch of kids in dog kennels sewing. Yeah. Oh no, a child had to change another child's diaper? I don't fucking care. kids in dog kennels sewing. Yeah. Oh, no. A child had to change another child's diaper? I don't fucking care. I don't fucking care. Maybe we should have stayed in Mexico where there was a parent to change that diaper.
Starting point is 00:47:53 There's no blame on these parents at all. It's like, you knew people were doing this. You're a piece of shit bringing your kid here. Or you're a liar who's bringing a kid who's not yours here because he knows how to game the system. Yeah, Trump said today 12 out of 12 million kids that came over like 10 million of them were unescorted uh you're thinking a thousand not million okay yeah you're right of course of course i am why um why do you bring a kid with you how is that helpful
Starting point is 00:48:18 you said it's gaming the system a couple times i don't understand how it helps them so if you bring a child over, they're much more, and you say that child's yours and that child is coached to say that you're their child, they're way more likely to let you through with being qualified for amnesty than otherwise. And so they'll bring a child, and they've caught repeat kids where the kid and the adult go in,
Starting point is 00:48:41 and then they send the kid back to pick up another adult, and then they come back and do it again. They're like, you're Pablo. I saw you yesterday. I am Roberto. Pablo, how long have you been doing this? You're 24 years old.
Starting point is 00:48:58 I'd be like one of those migrants in Germany. Have you seen those pictures in Germany? I'm still playing T-ball. Dominating the Little League World Series. What's wrong? Look at how hairy your arms are, Pablo. Have you seen those pictures from Germany and France
Starting point is 00:49:15 where that migrant crisis is going on? And it'll be like, you know, Mohammed blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, you know, kicked out of school because it was revealed that he's 31 and not 16 and you'll see a picture of the guy and he's not like a
Starting point is 00:49:31 Hollywood actor 31 who could still play a high schooler in a TV show. That's a weathered Afghani 31. When that kid sat down the teacher had to be like what? No you can't lift the skirts of your fellow classmates. When that kid sat down The teacher had to be like What? No you can't lift the skirts of your fellow classmates Stop it Taylor
Starting point is 00:49:51 You're being racist, that's his culture That's true What a bigot I am That's probably too much politics I thought it was interesting I feel like it's dominating the news cycle More than previous stories have. So,
Starting point is 00:50:07 so that's going on. See how it goes. Well, we also need to wait and see how the space force goes. Yeah. I'm so excited about space force to boldly go where no one has gone before. Did you guys, maybe this will be our last topic.
Starting point is 00:50:23 Elon Musk. So you guys know Elon Musk has had production problems right he's trying to build these electric cars to change the world etc etc and he has had employees that are sabotaging his company and they're caught and they're confessing at this point
Starting point is 00:50:40 yeah they're like injecting bad code and problems that are disabling it and it's a computer programmer like i can't think of another job description which could so easily bring in problems you know like just insert little things intentionally yeah that make mistakes like it i don't know i feel like if you're an accountant it's like oh this guy cooked the books we can see what he did here if you're like building roads and laying pavement or something it's fucking obvious like oh there's there's potholes or uneven road surfaces or whatever
Starting point is 00:51:13 but a computer programmer they make mistakes it's really hard to do that error-free and it'd just be so easy to sabotage shit, to cause little problems. What's the incentive that they're giving? Or have they revealed why they're doing this? He hasn't. Oh, well, he said, actually, one of the guys said that he didn't get a promotion that he thought he deserved. So he started sabotaging Tesla. What a fucking asshole.
Starting point is 00:51:37 Yeah. But there are conspiracy theorists who've taken it to the next level saying, you know, Elon Musk is trying to disrupt some pretty major industries, you know, like the whole energy thing, right? Not just gasoline, but also they're working to replace, like, coal and gas and natural gas. And those guys can play really dirty. And they could have saboteurs injected into Tesla. And I was just like, wow. into tesla and uh i was just like wow it it seems to me that coal and natural gas would be on board with this because it's not like he's charging those fucking electric cars with like fairy dust right like that you know they're making that electricity but don't we make he's also the solar
Starting point is 00:52:19 guy right he's also the solar guy he's the guy building the solar roofs and the guy who like went into puerto rico and and installed solar panels down there because i guess he can do it faster than you know their diesel things could get back online and uh so yeah it's a it's a real disrupting thing and it turns out coal can't compete on price next to solar and wind and hydro so which i don't know i'm not an energy guy it just makes sense to me that an energy that you have to like get out of the ground and process and burn and convert to electricity is going to be more expensive over one that you just like collect from a windmill or sun a lot of it has to be the infrastructure for coal is already there and that probably you know really is a big tally there for coal companies where they're like hey we we can provide it at a little bit cheaper because we've
Starting point is 00:53:10 already got everything set up whereas you don't have your forest of windmills or your uh you know solar panel farm or whatever they would call that or an enormous hydroelectric dam that's got to be the most well next to nuclear i suppose like one of the more expensive ones to get going, right? But once you got it going, like Japan powers themselves enormously through hydroelectric. And nuclear, as we saw. They've got those radioactive pigs running around now. They're trying to get rid of all nuclear in Japan.
Starting point is 00:53:38 I just know because it was a major thing when I was there, and they're moving to get rid of every nuclear plant in Japan. They don't like the technology. Did I lose both of you? Did I freeze? No, for a moment. It might have been me because you both froze. Maybe Japan should get rid of nuclear
Starting point is 00:53:58 because they live on an island by the ring of fire that has tsunamis and earthquakes and Godzilla and they're so honorable that apparently they can't ask for help when shit is melting down in 5, 4, 3, 2,
Starting point is 00:54:13 America! They could have asked for help before that Fukushima thing got way out of hand, but they're literally too honorable to do it. But everybody else. I wonder if that's the so that might have been the way they pitched maybe too embarrassed yeah i have to think like you know like oh no it is fine that's my japanese accent yeah and maybe they were just kind of covering it and then things got out of their embarrassed yeah
Starting point is 00:54:45 they didn't want to look like future like given like of course the catastrophic meltdowns are more noticeable because they're big at one plant but like since people started utilizing nuclear it's it's only been a handful of incidents with way shittier technology than what we have now to to get that energy. It's going to be so efficient and clean. All the clean people should be on board with that. No one got hurt at Three Mile Island. It was close,
Starting point is 00:55:14 but they fixed it. Obviously, Chernobyl went pretty rough. That was years and years and years ago with shittier shit. 50,000 people used to live here now it's a ghost town shit hey if that doesn't happen we we miss out on the greatest call of duty of all time right so i'm i for one applaud the chernobyl tragedy i i i'm glad it happened. This could bring Cod back. Ooh.
Starting point is 00:55:51 There's a really big movement going against Activision with that whole Black Ops Season Pass thing. I'm seeing hashtags on Twitter and shit. People are not happy that they're trying to sell the game to people twice. Yeah. I always felt like they've done that. So I'm not in touch with what's happening this time maybe it's just more has been shifted into the season pass but to me like you had to pay 120 for black ops or for call of duty for the last five years
Starting point is 00:56:15 everything's in there now like all of the good shit like like the like all of the reasons that i would even play call of duty are in that. For $60 you could get the trailer. For $120 you get the movie. I think even the Battle Royale is packaged in with that. If you want to play Battle Royale or have all the zombie maps or have all the zombie weapons or have all the zombie characters
Starting point is 00:56:38 or have the 12 multiplayer maps, you've got to pay the extra $60. And that's probably not even everything. You know how they are. They're yeah it's everything except for the brand new bonus pack coming this christmas 64 uh what's what scumbags uh yeah i don't know are they worse than ea i thought ea was the who are we supposed supposed to hate now I hate them all right like EA is the microtransaction people but but but but Activision seems to be like just doubling the price of their game while while like I'm I remember so way back in the day
Starting point is 00:57:20 way you know before consoles were a popular thing and you go to arcades and pump quarters in, I was like, thank God it's coins. Because it's not like they can raise the price to 30 cents. They're stuck at games costing a quarter forever. Poor souls. Then the fuckers made them cost 50 cents and then a dollar
Starting point is 00:57:39 per play. And I feel like Activision did that too. Like, yeah, games cost $60. Well well the funny thing about that you know now there's another 60 fee that goes next to it they doubled the price games are 120 now yeah i don't like that um the uh total war warhammer uh i've spent i don't even know how much i've spent on total war warhammer at this point it's silly like i already it hasn't gotten like it's not like hundreds and hundreds of dollars, but it's well over $100 now.
Starting point is 00:58:08 It might be $200. Was it free? No. No, no, no. Oh, okay. No, the game's $60, and then you have to buy Total Warhammer 2 is the game in question.
Starting point is 00:58:23 So you've got to pay $60 for that. And then you're like, well, all right, well, I've got four factions to play as. Out of how many? 36. All right. How do I get the other 32? Oh, I've got to buy Total Warhammer 1.
Starting point is 00:58:39 Isn't that a couple years old? Yeah, yeah, but you've still got to buy it. All right. And I've got to buy it. right and i gotta buy and i gotta but the dlc for that game's free right most of it and then there's dlc for total warhammer 2 and some of the dlc packs are four dollars six dollars but then there's some that are eight and you're like yeah all right all right and then there's one that's like $19 like a couple of them were $19 to get these extra factions and extra characters
Starting point is 00:59:07 for each faction and if you want to play like competitively on the ladder then you gotta get them all you gotta get them all and I have them all now I have some I had to go but you play that game a lot right you really like that one yeah I've got hundreds of hours in it I guess it's worth it yeah
Starting point is 00:59:24 like in comparison PUBG pub g i have i i think it was 30 uh that i paid for pub g and i would say i've put like another probably 30 into crates and stuff like that however the clothing that my character wears is worth like 350 or something like that that i that i like like like this might be a beanie babies situation here. No. So there's sites like OP Skins, and you can go on Steam, and I could sell them right now. They're actual dollar values attributed to them. My skirt's worth $100.
Starting point is 00:59:58 My jacket's worth $100. My bandana is worth $100. It's absurd because they're super, super rare. The odds of opening the crates and getting these items it was like a it was like 0.032 percent for uh for a couple of the items that i've gotten and i get really really lucky uh with the crates everybody else is wearing like fucking denim jeans and white t-shirts and i'm just when i go into a lobby everybody's like oh where'd you get that what'd you pay for that i'm just lucky i got it i won it when i when i originally got it the skirt was worth like 275 the price has gone down to like 100 or whatever really should have sold when it was worth 275 damn shame i was looking at bitcoin today patting myself on the back it's at like 6700 or something
Starting point is 01:00:47 below my buy price so i got lucky uh we'll have a we'll have a major real world currency collapse and the bitcoin will just explode right oh yeah i'm waiting i would be fucked if that happened i'm waiting for that. One of those big apocalyptic type scenarios. Like the yin to just crumble. Well, I hope not. Not until I'm old enough to watch it.
Starting point is 01:01:18 Oh, a plague. Wouldn't you love a plague? Do you know how much fun that would be to watch on TV every night? Everybody's buying gas masks. What if you get a plague? Do you know how much fun that would be to watch on TV every night? Everybody's buying gas masks. What if you get the plague though? In Captain's Fantasies he's not one of the NPCs. He's Kyle. He'll be fine.
Starting point is 01:01:34 That makes perfect sense. That's for the common folk. I'll be in my bunker. He's in his underwater storage container. Yeah. A plague would be great. that would be such crazy tv or like one of those enormous volcanic eruptions like like like the earth changing ones like maybe one goes off in france i would like it i would like it to go off in france i would like france to get melted that'd be cool oh or the best one in my opinion because like there wouldn't even be
Starting point is 01:02:04 any lead up it would just be like one day at showtime would be a meteor strike right like a meteor the size of cleveland hits a european country that would be cool i don't want any of these things to happen yeah i prefer not yeah i just ice would live stream it oh i we're past an hour but i guess ice i've been watching these videos and it's like ice gets scammed out of twenty thousand dollars on his rv but then the video didn't show anyone getting scammed do you know what the backstory is there i didn't it very closely, but just from what I heard, something happened where I think they
Starting point is 01:02:49 broke their contract or damaged it or something and they got charged a little bit of money, but it wasn't nearly as much as they said. I think he lost money on the last RV trip. I could be wrong about that. He definitely got banned from the biggest comedy club on the fucking West Coast the other night.
Starting point is 01:03:06 So that was fun. He's trying to weasel his way in to get on stage, and he wouldn't turn off his goddamn camera. And finally they were like, no, you're not coming back in ever. It was pretty good. And they were getting super rapey with the chick who was just being nice and trying to get him in. He's going to have an assault charge before too long. Oh, and then there was a montage of him shitting on Caroline, his girlfriend, ex-girlfriend. Of him being like, you're just a hole to fuck.
Starting point is 01:03:39 You're just for sex. I just want to get my nut. I don't love you. You're obsessed with me. You're obsessed with me. Like on and on. I don't love you. You're obsessed with me. You're obsessed with me. Like, on and on. Like, two minutes of that, and then, like, current ice, crying on camera, being like, why does it matter who I love?
Starting point is 01:03:53 Talking about her. Like, ah. Ah. That's funny. Well, I don't know. Love. Biggest mistake that man ever made shaving his head he has a pointy head it is a temporary mistake yeah is the biggest mistake he ever made how long is this it's the biggest mistake yeah that's funny made uh not breaking up with Caroline? Because I thought breaking up with her led to a lot of amazing content
Starting point is 01:04:27 and an ice resurgence. But it turns out, well, fake breaking up with her did. Because it turns out that he can still make great content while he dates her. It was like getting her... It seemed to me that she was in Texas that whole time. That they were just still fucking.
Starting point is 01:04:42 But what wasn't happening was he wasn't going on streams just on a date with her which you know we saw plenty of times when he was getting 3 000 views it was just like him and caroline like going about their life like it was the it was the ice and caroline show like like them going to the store them going to dinner that all stopped and then he seemed to build his whack pack up even more than it had been before and start doing like these like planned events right like like locking people in closets at first and you know building a house on his back patio and then uh the rv trips and stuff like that i think the game the uh the streamer house is happening this week or next week or something like that down in Florida. I think they're renting a really
Starting point is 01:05:26 nice house. Do we know who's in it? There was a rumor that Only Use Me Blade would be. I don't know who's there. They tried to get him. I don't know if he said no. I know you suggested that sometimes the buy-in is really high. I would love to see Blade
Starting point is 01:05:44 on it. You'd have to get yourself there and then but like is sam pepper paying to be there of course yeah yeah okay i mean everybody would have to pay their part for you know the the renting of the house that's where the cost is it's not like you're just like chipping doling out some money to ice for the the privilege of being there like he wants you there um but you'd have to pay your percentage of the house rental. And he was talking about getting a place that would be like $2,500 a night.
Starting point is 01:06:12 The problem with that is he's just going to have a $30,000 repair bill on the back end of it too. Right? Yeah, he needs to get himself a Woody motel and hold the streaming event there. And then at the end of it, they'll be like,
Starting point is 01:06:24 I was probably this way when they got there. You'll be set. No, I like the idea. The Fredonia Inn, Ice. Central to everybody. A $2,500 a night VRBO is a goddamn castle. Sometimes literally.
Starting point is 01:06:43 Pack them in tighter. Pack them in tighter. I in tighter get us i think i think better content we happen in a smaller place well i mean he was talking about bringing like 10 streamers and then each of them of course has some kind of posse or whack pack i propose 10 streamers five beds uh three rooms. That's content. That's what I think would be fun. And sewage everywhere.
Starting point is 01:07:14 I mean, ideally, but even without the sewage, there's going to be a fight. There's going to be people disagreeing with each other. I could get along with ten people in a castle. I'd just be in my room on YouTube all the time. Don't leave your section of the castle. Stay in the east sunroom of the castle.
Starting point is 01:07:35 All right. Is that a wrap? Yeah. Yeah, I think so. All right. PKN, episode 200.

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