Painkiller Already - PKN #205

Episode Date: August 3, 2018

It's PKN time baby! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 P.K.N. Episode 205. Kyle was just starting to drop truth bombs on us and we thought we'd share it with you. Yeah, we were talking about Russia and geopolitical issues, because that's what we do in our spare time. We're very worldly here. We don't play Total War Warhammer 2 all night. We talk about geopolitics. It's not just cum shots and anal farts. We talk about the big issues when we're in private. And so I've been watching this thing on Netflix from Oliver Stone. Let me make sure I get the name right. I think it's The Untold History of the U.S. Let me make sure that's right.
Starting point is 00:00:33 Yeah, The Untold History of the United States by Oliver Stone. And I want to say it begins before World War I. It's a little out of order the way it's put on there. It seems like the last two episodes should be the first two episodes. So bear that in mind when you're watching. Scroll through and watch it. So the last two episodes are even older than the first two? Well, there's like...
Starting point is 00:00:54 Like they preceded? I'm going to say there's ten episodes of this thing. And the ninth and tenth episode should have been the first and second because they're like World War one and just before world war two and the first episode is like world war one and it's like it's so so just i watched it a little out of order but that that's that's that doesn't matter here just if you're gonna watch it just keep that in mind watch the last two first but uh but it's it's the untold history of the united states and it's a lot of stuff that like i don't know wasn't in my schooling or history books or even on the History Channel.
Starting point is 00:01:25 One of the things was the invasion of Japan, the mainland Japan and the dropping of the two nuclear weapons. They go really nitty gritty into the politics of the time and where all of the world leaders were in their opinions and what they were going to do next. And he basically makes a very strong case that we didn't need to drop those bombs at all the the thing was we were already firebombing the japanese cities to such an effect that they were destroyed even more so than the nuclear weapons would do like we were firebombing can every for one second yeah did the u.s invade mainland japan no i don't know okay but there was a planned invasion of mainland japan which and the estimates for casualties literally ranged from 36,000 to 1 million
Starting point is 00:02:09 US casualties. They're like, I don't know, it could get rough, because they're training the civilian population, literally giving them spears, and the emperor there is seen as a god. And like 30 Japanese were holding off hundreds of Americans in little islands all over the place.
Starting point is 00:02:26 So if they had mainland Japan, they could have held out forever. And for reasons I don't fully understand, I guess it would be lots of beach storming. It was just ground that they would hold very well. I'm told. Yeah, so they make the case that they were going
Starting point is 00:02:42 to hold out forever and we had to drop these bombs to shock and awe the emperor into surrendering. But in reality, the things that were actually happening were the Russians were about to enter the war with Japan in like a month or two. Stalin was going to be invading from the north with millions of men. You know, the Russians – On whose side? Invading Japan. Our side.
Starting point is 00:03:03 Our side. They were going to be invading... The way you said it, I think it could have been interpreted both ways. They were about to pull in Italy, is what Woody thought. Where they're like, actually, no, other team. Yeah. Every war, Italy does that. So what was going on, like, right before the bombs dropped,
Starting point is 00:03:19 was that the Japanese were already reaching out to the Russians to look for a peace. They were like, they wanted to surrender. The only caveat is they wanted to keep their emperor. Meanwhile, Truman is saying, unconditional surrender. We want that emperor. So that's really the sticking point. The Potsdam meeting was about to take place. This is a meeting between Truman, the Stalin of the Russians, and perhaps Churchill as well. And they were going to, I believe they were like cutting up Europe, basically, deciding who would get Greece, who would get Lithuania or Turkmenistan or whatever the fuck.
Starting point is 00:03:55 They were cutting everything up into pieces. And Truman made sure that the nuclear bomb had been tested just before that meeting so he could go in and have that in his back pocket. And he could tell Stalin, like, ah, we have an atomic weapon now and explain that to him of course Stalin had spies on the inside so he right after the meeting he's like telling his spies like what the fuck I should have known before Truman you should have got a nuclear device wow Truman how do you do it? We know how he did it. He's already right there on it. But the Russians are about to invade from the Chinese side of things and come right down through Japan.
Starting point is 00:04:35 That's imminent. The Americans tell the Russians to hold off on signing the Potsdam Agreement because they want to leave some hope in the mind of the Japanese that the Russians won't get involved because they want to make sure they get to drop these bombs. They want to drop the bombs so that they can scare Russia, basically, and then they can show the world what they have. They drop the bombs.
Starting point is 00:04:57 That makes a lot of sense. The Japanese are like, meh, you've been destroying our cities for weeks now. Like, this is just two more of them. I mean, whether you use two bombs or 20,000 bombs, it doesn't really matter to us. You know, it's not any more scary. They're still destroyed.
Starting point is 00:05:12 They're still gone. And if you look at the pictures of, like, Hiroshima compared to, like, one of the other cities that we had firebombed, same thing. It's just a big flat surface with nothing remaining, you know? Like, it does the same shit. So, yeah, we absolutely didn't need to evade. They were ready to surrender.
Starting point is 00:05:29 And of course, after we drop the nukes and the Russians are about to come down, they surrender. And we let them keep the emperor anyway. He stays there. So it was all just a big show. He was more of a puppet at that point, though. I wonder, I just wonder, right? We can't know what would
Starting point is 00:05:48 have happened without living in that alternative universe where it happened. Maybe dropping those bombs did help us tremendously in the Cold War. Maybe dropping those bombs got us a better deal with Japan, who was ready to surrender before, but enthusiastically surrendering now. I bet it definitely helped with the Cold War.
Starting point is 00:06:03 See, that's where the... Hey, this is the real deal. The Cold War is covered extensively. So you start realizing that we're as much of a bad guy in that whole Cold War thing as anyone. We're breaking agreements, we're installing puppet governments in places like Greece. Yeah, remember when the US
Starting point is 00:06:19 systematically starved tens of millions of people? We didn't starve tens of millions of people, though didn't starve tens of millions of people he's talking about stalin oh oh he's being facetious i'm like who did he start yeah no no yeah remember we just cut off texas like no more for you yeah it's the more like that old saying of like history is written by the victors is so true once you start looking into history more where it's like you have to wonder shit like you know 500 years ago how much of that shit and those battles actually
Starting point is 00:06:51 panned out the way we learn now like probably not that close at all like a lot of kings just writing it up like oh this is dope this is sick and then it's just now getting to the point with social media that like they won't be able to do this shit anymore barring some sort of like mass enforcement of of shutting down speech like because people are like you know some dude with his cell phone can be like hey you know i just filmed uh an israeli or a palestinian getting shot you can't hide it uh something i you know how they always present churchill like i was looking up stuff about churchill in world war ii uh recently because it's just interesting and they always present him as
Starting point is 00:07:26 this genius mastermind who would just get wasted and then come up with brilliant plans to beat Germany. The more you learn about him, you're like, holy shit, this was not the case at all. This guy was making dangerous and bad decisions,
Starting point is 00:07:41 risking the lives of his men. On D-Day, it was a success. You know, the great success of the war, except for the northernmost beach where most of the Canadians landed. And Hitler knew that that attack was coming on the north, so he was fucking ready.
Starting point is 00:07:58 He was ready right there. Churchill knew that Hitler knew this, but didn't tell the Canadian forces and allowed them to just storm it and get killed because he even said it was a show of good faith to the Russians to show we're not going to give up on our side. You can't give up on your side, even if something happens. And the Canadians just got slaughtered. Like Churchill set up back channels with all of his generals where it would be like, all right, the way it's supposed to go is, you know, Churchill tells this defense minister who then, you know, delineates that to the appropriate generals or whatever. And Churchill set it up where it was like, no, I'm not going through the defense minister. I'm going through this guy who's just adjacent to the general or the general himself.
Starting point is 00:08:39 So I don't have to like, you know, get checks and balances on stuff. And the more I learned, the more I was like, oh, man, like, this Churchill guy really was responsible for a lot of Western deaths there. Yeah, the documentary really covers Churchill heavily. And they talk about that they basically give the victory of World War II to the Russians. And it really starts to make sense after you watch it for a while. The losses on the Russian side
Starting point is 00:09:03 and the kills from the Russian side just are far and away higher than what the Allies did. Churchill was afraid to face the Germans directly for a very long time. He convinced Truman to go into North Africa, and they fucked around in North Africa and Italy for a very long time before they opened up the Eastern Front. front meanwhile the russians had been fighting them for months and months if not years at that point they'd lose half a million men in a battle they'd lose several million men in a season you know like the u.s lost like a quarter million people in the war which is terrible right an incredible loss the russians if they only lost a quarter million in a battle they'd be oh like, oh, that was a good battle.
Starting point is 00:09:45 That was a good battle there. If you learn your history like I do through sitcoms and movies and things like that, then you would think America came in and won the war. Like, oh, you guys are having a hard time, huh? And we go in like that dude who beat up the five Chinese women in that thing, right? Do I need a hero? No. It turns out that our impact, well, probably pretty important. go in like that dude who beat up the five Chinese women in that thing, right? Do I need a hero? No! It turns out that our impact, well, probably pretty important. Just looking at the numbers,
Starting point is 00:10:12 man, the war of attrition happened over there on the eastern front. Yeah. Hitler fucked up by, I think it was called Operation Barbarossa, when he invaded the Soviets. That's what cost him the whole war. retreated he may have succeeded if that if that well he did retreat he was repeating for a long time after he got to
Starting point is 00:10:30 after he got to the gates of stalingrad right like like and and he started getting pushed back then he had to retreat so so the way i understand it i've just learned about this like relearned about it recently some kind of fresh is uh is Hitler's initial foray into there went great. They just went mowing through, I'll call it Russia. I was going to say Soviet Union. I don't know if it was that yet. But they went mowing through Russia and just killed all these people.
Starting point is 00:10:58 They were doing fantastic, just super, super well. And then it got cold, the winter came, and that was a real challenge for them. Rather than retreat properly just like give up lots of land and be cool they stayed too long it was muddy it was hard to move their artillery they had tanks lots of heavy equipment got stuck where it was and they had to retreat without it and they went from this big wall like a really good front to sort of bundled up in pockets where they could be denser and i just wonder like huh what if they had gone in there with a great attack and then gave up that and sort of retreated on
Starting point is 00:11:29 their own terms instead of running away from their artillery they didn't need to invade at all it made no sense to invade them like they had a non-aggression pact with stalin and then they broke it you know they were you know why he did it uh they explained that in the documentary i don't quite because uh hitler like at that point in the war or around there got diagnosed with like some sort of heart arrhythmia or something like that and it was like you only have a few years left like you're you're not living that long regardless of what happens here. And so he went just totally off the wall and invaded Russia there. That's interesting. And even though it was the worst winter in Russia in like decades there,
Starting point is 00:12:12 he still forged ahead. Who knows like meteorology if they actually knew that and could have predicted it. It seems like they can hardly get that shit right today. So back then I doubt they were predicting it. No, radar was a verging technology. Someone probably would correct me. How about satellites? Was the satellite any good? That sounds it. No radar was yeah, he's a purging technology. So someone probably about satellite Russians launched the first one and it wasn't for like 25 more years
Starting point is 00:12:35 But yeah, document is fascinating just all around watch that documentary You'll love it like like like if they get into the really nitty-gritty Political stuff of World War two like what they have all of these quotes from the leaders. FDR seemed like a really nice guy. His plans for everything seemed great. What did he serve, four terms almost, like two years into his fourth or something? They go so nitty-gritty with the political stuff that it's like, this was FDR's vice president.
Starting point is 00:13:02 He was supposed to be Truman, but all of this stuff happened at the Democratic National Convention and he was ousted out. Even though he had 60% of the public vote, FDR wanted him. The Democrats finagled him out, put Truman in, and then Truman, well, they've got all these quotes from Truman. And the one guy is like, I never heard Truman refer to blacks as anything but niggers. In private, he always said nigger. What was the question the guy was asked to give that response? Now, about World War II, what was he saying about blacks in private? It was relevant.
Starting point is 00:13:40 It was relevant at the time because there was a quote from Truman, something like, the Lord made the white man out of dust the nigga out of mud and the jap is just whatever was left over you know the japs have a similarly racist thing that that i've heard about the japs oh my god what do they just say this is like old school um they said that God was cooking people. And they pulled out one and they said, ah, this guy's overdone. So they threw him into Africa and they pulled out another and they said, this one is undercooked. And they threw him into Europe and they said, this one is just right. And they kept them here in Asia.
Starting point is 00:14:24 What kind of retarded person takes undercooked food out of the stove and goes into the garbage that is you just cooking well god's done sillier things in our religion so i'll i'll take it i like that um they also explained that the emperor is like the head of the shinto religion and so putting him on trial hanging him doing like a mussolini or a hitler-esque thing to him would have been like the crucifixion of Christ to the Japanese people. It's very good, and it's very long. They spend like an hour on each, not just each time period. Like World War II must have been like two or three hours or something like that.
Starting point is 00:14:57 And it's very good. And they talk about the riots that were going, the strike. You always picture like our industrial complex as being like everyone is like, win the war, win the war. But meanwhile, they show all the strikes that were happening back here and all the strikes that had to be broken up. And quotes from workers that are like, I'd rather see Hitler rule the world than work next to a nigger. You know, like from all kinds of stuff like that. There were huge protests of people being like, leave Europe, or Europe's problems are for Europe. Oh, yeah, for sure. And, like, fuck this.
Starting point is 00:15:29 Fuck this. I don't want to get involved. Like, we just finished a war with Europe, it feels like, and now we're going to play again? Like, no. That's why FDR ended up taking so much advantage of the UK in that situation. So, like, at the time, the UK still had, like, its empire. You know, like, still had like its empire you know like they had like an empire a global empire that had taken centuries to construct and basically the uk was
Starting point is 00:15:53 fresh out of fucking money and so the u.s is like hey you know just just be in debt to us a little bit it's all right and so basically they had to mortgage and sell off their entire empire over the course of World War II to the U.S. That Highland lease. Yeah, they had to basically remove all of their influence in all these places to liquidate and save money. And then by the end of the war, the U.K. isn't even an empire anymore. Now it's just the U.K. They were so in debt to us. Part of an empire.
Starting point is 00:16:25 I mean, it's Britain and Northern Ireland. That's true. I don't know exactly what Wales is, but that's nearby, I'm sure. It's close. I know that's where the Welsh live. It's funny. The UK is very complicated
Starting point is 00:16:42 for non-British people. They made it over-complicated. So the UK is very complicated for non-British people. They made it over complicated. The UK is this. Britain is that. And then there's another thing I forgot the name of that is a little of this and a little of that. There's a three-way Venn diagram to describe what this crap is.
Starting point is 00:16:57 Or a way or something. This is the Isle of Wight. They're their own people. Yeah, yeah. This is where the Pirate Bay is. That's all by itself itself sea land oh yeah that's one of their groups hate the other groups i know it the brit the english don't like the scots and they also the english don't like the irish or is it the northern irish they don't like it's the northern irish right there although you know that that's all over but the ir IRA, right? You know, they fought against the English. They bombed London, right?
Starting point is 00:17:27 Like Kitty's always talking about like whenever that comes up, she's like, yeah, my dad's office was bombed. Like the whole street was bombed. Yeah, they were like secessionists essentially, right? Yes. Like let us lose our own country and England was like you can go ahead and eat shit. We just lost India. You're not going. India and Australia, yeah. Lost Australia. they probably weren't too bummed about that but yeah yeah it's
Starting point is 00:17:53 so interesting all the little things in history that like uh it's it's kind of cliche but looking through the chain of events after franz ferinand was murdered to start World War I. That's an interesting thing, too, because it was just so many little teeny things that happened that led to just global war or, you know. Everyone had these agreements with one another. It's like, oh, well, this happened. Well, we joined the war. Oh, you joined the war. Well, we joined the war.
Starting point is 00:18:18 Oh, they're doing it. Well, we have to join. Like so many so many agreements drug so many countries in. But yeah, that documentary is very, very good. I highly recommend it. I'm not even a quarter of the way through it at this point. I can't wait to get to George Bush. Did you say Netflix is what it's on? Yeah. I watched a much dumber Netflix
Starting point is 00:18:33 special, Lost in Space. Have you guys seen that? No. I know of it. I've seen the original and I've seen the movie. I have not seen the new Netflix show. I didn't know about the movie. It's bad. I didn't really see the original. I know of it. I'm sure I've seen the movie. I have not seen the new Netflix show. I didn't know about the movie. It's bad. I didn't really see the original. I know of it.
Starting point is 00:18:48 I'm sure I've heard that dumbass... Dan do it, Robin. Yeah, I was just about to say, I'm sure I've heard that dumbass robot say that and stuff. The new one is much better done. And I actually liked it. I'm not calling it the next Game of Thrones. That's not where we're coming off on this thing.
Starting point is 00:19:04 And about two-thirds through I realized just like I don't know if it's lazy writing to squeeze more in but my god there's a calamity every 10 minutes on this show some sort of major life-threatening like under the mud under the ice
Starting point is 00:19:21 it's stuck in the sky stuck in the space stuck here stuck there. You know, like, I need to launch a balloon. That goes poorly. Like, everything. These people are dragged off a cliff into exploding minefields all the time.
Starting point is 00:19:37 And to me, it's like, should they be using this time on, like, character development or something? It's a nonstop action-paced ride. And I'm like, man, I think I like this. That seems more up your alley. Because usually you're like, ah, too much of this character development. Get to the... I don't need your last name. Let's see you fight.
Starting point is 00:19:58 I hear you. But there is a balance to be struck here. And I just... My goodness. It was all... Literally, it's an hour long show and there seem to be like six catastrophes per show going on and of course all of them are solved with like science and bravery like this combination of being willing to swim through tar or something yeah and uh and knowing like csi like csi miami or svu or whatever where there's just
Starting point is 00:20:26 too many twists yeah we're like within the first two minutes they'll be like we got him we got the guy it's like how could you have got me here's footage of me at uh denny's that night and like ah we've been bamboozled and we thought we had and that's like three minutes in and then they'll twist you again and twist you again and twist you again until the point where it's like i don't even care who the rapist, except it's not plot twist. It's like, you know,
Starting point is 00:20:48 all right, this piece of planet in front of me is exploding. Better back up this Jeep thing. We're in at mock one. And then you'd think that itself was a way to escape it, but no, now the Jeep things backed up into this other problem. Oh,
Starting point is 00:21:01 well that situation just got worse. And, and now the other and uh just like the martian like you saw the martian right yeah like yeah that was a good movie and i read the book uh i think i guess i think i read it before i saw it maybe i got it the other way around but like even knowing what was coming and all the stuff he'd have to overcome like it was frustrating to watch we'd be like all right i finally got my shit and potato patch pretty under control uh i'm running out of vitamins but i'm keeping in high spirits i'm distilling pee outside and then like just a space moat of dust will like
Starting point is 00:21:34 like punch through the wall and suddenly everything's getting sucked out and it's like oh i would have given up and just died on the on mars there's that happened in lost in space i was gonna say 30 times as if i was exaggerating maybe 40 like it happened so much over these 10 episodes maybe 50 like this like like just when you think things are okay we got another issue now the robot's misbehaving or something it just like it never stops. I watched the new Super Troopers movie. That was very funny. I watched The Quiet Place with John Krasinski
Starting point is 00:22:11 where everybody has to be quiet or they'll get you. I thought that was pretty good. I was going to use that to introduce Colin to horror movies. It's like a PG-13 horror movie and it seemed like it wasn't that concentrated on language. But sure enough, half the movie is just written.
Starting point is 00:22:31 Yeah, there's a lot of sign language too. Yeah, it wouldn't have been a good choice. And it was way scarier. Oh, and Colin doesn't do well with movies where the parents die. He likes us very much, and it creates bad thoughts. And I'm like, I didn't realize his dad dies midway. Or does he? It was off screen, right? We just see
Starting point is 00:22:52 Jim, I'm calling him Jim from the office, obviously. We just see Jim begin to do battle with the alien and then we cut away. We don't know what happened. Maybe Jim was able to overpower that monster. I need to see it again. They clearly implied Jim dies.
Starting point is 00:23:07 They totally implied that Jim dies. You know what? I think he dies. Spoiler alert. Yeah, right. But it was a PG-13 movie, so they probably didn't want to show too much. Dude, they show so much in PG-13 now.
Starting point is 00:23:19 There are some hard PG-13 movies, but I'm with you. They don't show him dying they just sort of imply it which leads me to believe that he'll be back for the the sequel so there's this like there's an alien and just so you know this is not like a original star trek alien where where you know kirk might have a chance in a fist fisticuffs battle with it right like this lizard man and human just happened to be roughly the same amount of strength or Kirk might have a chance in a fisticuffs battle with it, right? Like this lizard man and human just happen to be roughly the same amount of strength or whatever.
Starting point is 00:23:50 No, no, no, no, no. These things travel at, I was going to say Mach 1, but literally like 70 miles an hour. They're giant strong lizards with jaws as big as your upper body. And it is a total mismatch. These things would beat a tiger. They munch people, yeah. It's like... It's a mismatch with a tiger. It's a mismatch with an elephant. Right? These things are just badass.
Starting point is 00:24:14 It wouldn't go well for the elephant. Yeah. So, here we have Jim with, like, a Leatherman knife or something, going to take on this alien. I think it's implied he's not making's implied the kind of knife you could like accidentally sneak on a plane yeah i've done that a bunch of times yeah yeah what are you gonna do tighten them yeah yeah i uh i i like to believe that jim's uh gonna make it i hope they bring him
Starting point is 00:24:38 back in the in the sequel and like they they show him like somehow like falling between some cracks and some boards or like escaping down into a hole or something. The Walking Dead Glenn theory. He was under a dumpster for the last three episodes. I want that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I liked it, though. I thought it was pretty good. And I thought the kids were really good actors. That scene with the nail and the
Starting point is 00:25:00 floorboards, after it happened once, the rest of the sequence, I'm like like is no one gonna mention the board is no one gonna hammer that nail down flat like there's like a nail sticking up taylor like and the steps that lead down to the basement and you have to be quiet because these things hear you from a mile away like two miles away maybe it makes sense if you not if you were to if you were to drop a glass on the floor it's scary because they might be on the way. And by they, I mean a dozen of these things from every direction.
Starting point is 00:25:30 Can I throw in a little movie detail? Sure. In the beginning of the movie, they're at a convenience store, like a general store, Quickie Mart type thing. And it's an apocalyptic world. So the whole thing is looted, except for the potato chips are all sitting there on the shelf because they're too noisy. I didn't notice it but I saw it on Reddit.
Starting point is 00:25:48 Yeah, nobody's got scissors apparently. Come on, just cut them off and dump them out, right? But I thought it was funny, yeah. Are they crunchy to eat? Like, I don't know how much noise we're talking about. You better leave them in your mouth for a minute, let them soften up. Taylor would die of Cheez-It consumption in this apocalyptic world.
Starting point is 00:26:03 I feel like, is there a lot in this movie of people, like, you know, carrying around, like, those poppers or things? You, like, just throw it away from you, and it pops. Like, little things, like, throw a rock over there. I feel like that would be really easy. Or, like, have a remote stereo set up.
Starting point is 00:26:19 They had the fireworks set up. They seem to be blind. They seem to operate only on sound. But they did have, like, this big firework display distraction he's like he like sends his boy off to set off the fireworks to draw them away from the house so that he can get in and save the wife um this movie sounds pretty realistic like it i assume there are no women left uh it's just a family it's just this guy
Starting point is 00:26:42 and his family are like out in the middle of nowhere trying to live by themselves, and it focuses just on his family. Ah, I was making a joke about women not being able to shut the fuck up. Ah, yes. I didn't get it, but I like the joke. Oh my god. All the Jews and Italians. I haven't seen one. Italians are fine.
Starting point is 00:26:59 They talk with their hands. They just learned it. Fuck you. with their hands they just they just learned it you know uh ready player one i fell asleep during that i didn't care for that i saw that i actually liked it five out of ten you know i enjoyed the movie it was a little fun but it you know it was supposed to be yeah is this uh you know those movies were like it's somebody controlling a soldier's body with like an xbox controller okay yeah so they're in they're in virtual reality and the people who made this virtual reality world set up some easter eggs and if you get them you get to like own
Starting point is 00:27:37 the virtual reality company which is you know very rich and very important and part of society and stuff like that who Who made this decision? So you have a couple hardcore players going up against big corporate player. I don't know. What if COD did that? Yeah, right? They just hired Optic and FaZe and whoever else is good. Envy, I guess.
Starting point is 00:27:59 You want 5% of Activision, you gotta find the Easter eggs. You gotta solve the zombie puzzle. Yeah, yeah. i'll take that season pass uh that'd be funny that's not too different than the plot of the movie and uh there was one point that was kind of fun like our main character sees another person racing next to him and he's like that's do you remember the girl's name? Elena something? Yeah. I'm going to call her Elena. He's like, that's Elena. It has to be. I studied her every move. I watched all
Starting point is 00:28:30 her Twitch streams. And I'm like, a little reference to Twitch and famous gamers. Yeah, for sure. Remember, I think I watched another movie, but it's not coming. I am watching Last Chance U right now. People don't know that.
Starting point is 00:28:47 It's a documentary. And it's 10 episodes per season. They're on season three. And basically, they take these football players who are known as bounce backs, right? So this will be like coming out of high school, a five-star quarterback, right? The best of the best. They show their headlines and it's like second to none. This was the number one guy, Malik something or other. And he goes to Florida
Starting point is 00:29:10 State, right? One of the top schools in college football. And he sucks. He falls apart. I think he didn't get the starting role. And then after that, he kind of fell off some more and had off the field problems and now he lands his sophomore year in junior college and there are a couple junior colleges that specialize in these bounce back players you know there's the second chance university that's what they call it and uh it's fun to watch these people because they're all amazing athletes they're they're you know ten dollar athletes with five cent heads. And they just don't have their shit together. They might be into drugs.
Starting point is 00:29:51 They can't seem to study. They go to practice and they don't work very hard. They don't respect the coaches. They used to world class coaches. And now they have these junior college coaches. And we're trying to get them back on track. And it's fun to watch these guys. And they're in like a... Oh, and by the way, a lot of them are –
Starting point is 00:30:07 a lot of them are really ghetto, right? They're used to like an urban environment and now they're in Kansas. So it's really like a fish out of water, like, all right, dude, you know, this is your last chance. This is last chance you – if you can thrive in junior college, then maybe next year you get picked up by a D1 school. And it's fun to watch them. Some thrive and some don't.
Starting point is 00:30:31 Yeah. That sounds interesting. That's one of the highest pressure things in our society, in our world, right? Like there's the world of business, right? You know, and politics and such. But it seems like you can make a mistake and you can bounce back from it so often in those arenas. But with athletics, you have such a short window of opportunity that you can make this mistake, whether it's something off the field or something mental, or it could even be your classwork.
Starting point is 00:31:02 There are so many facets to getting that done right and not falling into any of the right? Like there's so many facets to like getting that done right and not falling into any of the pitfalls that have taken so many great athletes. LeBron James is probably the best at like walking that tightrope. You know, he was offered like, I'm roughly speaking, like $9 million from like Reebok or something
Starting point is 00:31:19 coming right out of high school. And he was like, nah, I'm gonna hold out a couple years. I think I can do better than that. Like two years later, it's $90 million from Nike. You know, it makes sense. Yeah. Smart guy.
Starting point is 00:31:34 A neat thing about LeBron. Best player on earth. So LeBron came from a disadvantaged family, and he walked from high school to the pros, right? Even in high school, it's a young kid. I remember him in high school to the pros, right? Even in high school, it's a young kid. I remember him in high school. I watched his games on television when he was a high school player.
Starting point is 00:31:52 And I'm a casual fan, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. So the fact that I was watching this high school guy tells you the level of fame and expectation and hype that was put on him at 16. And he has somehow navigated this whole thing without being a dirtbag, as far as I know, into Jordan-level fame and wealth. Now he's a Laker. Now he's a Laker. But he's... Ooh.
Starting point is 00:32:15 Dude. That's so cool to me. I love the Lakers as an organization. I love these organizations. I won't be fans of them because I get it. But I have so much admiration for an org a sports organization who's like fuck it we got the money we're an empire like like from the yankees to the i feel like the the lakers are the yankees of uh of the nba and that occasionally
Starting point is 00:32:36 they'll just be like no we've got the money to spend we're just gonna buy a team the nba has salary caps which makes them kind of neat right like the yankees can outspend other teams because baseball doesn't have the kind of i'm not on my depth but i think baseball doesn't have the kind of caps that uh basketball has in basketball you have to get like value for dollar in a way that that other sports don't hockey has that too yeah like so uh the way it works is uh baseball has no cap so the yankees can just buy championships there's no penalties or anything way up high no no i don't believe there isn't baseball someone out there will correct me there might be i don't know much about baseball basketball has a soft salary cap so they say hey the cap is right here but if you
Starting point is 00:33:19 want to spend over it you just have to pay a penalty. And so teams like the Golden Knights or the Lakers or Cleveland or huge market teams, yeah, Golden Warriors, can shut down other teams and be like, all right, we're just buying them. Are we talking about Golden State, the Warriors? Yeah, the Golden State Warriors, the Lakers. I'm just saying any of the big teams. I'm confused because Golden Knights are a hockey team and it makes me... Yeah, sorry.
Starting point is 00:33:39 The Golden State Warriors, any of those big teams can just pay way more because lots of people are going to watch them. H a hard salary cap so like toronto and carolina both have the same max even though if they got rid of that and had a soft salary cap suddenly toronto would be able to just buy every player in the league because you know it's a city every citizen loves hockey yeah but yeah i i think every sport should have the hard salary cap to make it more more parody especially in basketball because it's already such a superstar driven sport like the fact that you could drop lebron on any team in the whole league and they're instantly competitive now it's like like man he's like a a cannon on your team like and if you're the only one you
Starting point is 00:34:26 can afford that cannon and then add a couple more can like here i think a lot of it this is just what are you talking what the hell do i know it has to do with like how much playing time a player gets right there's only five players on a basketball team on the court right yeah in hockey like there's well there's only five on the ice plus the goalie but they all share ice time so much you know they're actually shifting like lebron's out there the whole goddamn game yeah lebron is like 50 minutes i'm making it up you know like he's out there the whole time he's just like i gotta pee and they're like if you have to so uh i just think that's why a single player in basketball can have such a huge impact on the team whereas in hockey like one player even the guy who gets the most ice time is still just a little
Starting point is 00:35:14 piece of the team's ice time in the end having hitting in the sport definitely makes it easier to shut down star players like if you could take some oaf on the New Orleans Pelicans and be like, all right, every time you see LeBron out there, you take him down. Like he wouldn't be able to get as much. It'd be more entertaining. If there was less hitting in hockey. Because LeBron is one of the most athletic looking people in the world, so he'd probably throw some bombs at people.
Starting point is 00:35:37 How would hockey change if there was less hitting? You know, I think players would be using their skates almost as well as their stick. I think there'd be all kinds of like behind the back, at your feet skate work going on i think more lacrosse stuff would happen you know where guys hold it on the blade of their stick and do that like uh what was the movie with was it called young blood with um the guy from parks and rec it's a hockey movie i'm sure you've seen it taylor oh even though it's old. It might have been called Youngblood. It might be. I know what you're talking about, though.
Starting point is 00:36:09 I wouldn't want to see hockey with any less hitting. I'm fine with it taking the trend to less fighting because I'm getting a higher quality product of faster, more slick scorers. I like that. But I would never want hitting or fighting taken out all the way like that would ruin the sport you need hitting in hockey i somehow want hitting i want fighting even more of it and i also want more dipsy doodle fun stuff i know you can't have all because some you're just wanting to have your cake and eat it too and have someone else's cake. Yeah, that's the way I like my cake.
Starting point is 00:36:47 I like my cake, your cake. Yeah, what's the point of having my cake if I don't eat it too? I don't want to see all the fun sports where people get demolished, like hockey or football or rugby or what have you, getting taken down by this CTE thing. Everybody being worried about brain trauma and whatnot, which already I think like fewer kids are getting involved in, in little league football because parents are worried. And eventually that'll trickle down to hockey.
Starting point is 00:37:16 You know, it'll be a while cause it's not even a fifth as popular. One of the YouTube rabbit holes I've been going down lately is watching boxing and, and a lot of the greats and stuff. And to see these old boxers talk, I want to know what they talk like otherwise. Because sometimes they're old, right? They're over 65. And people who are over 65 talk weird.
Starting point is 00:37:39 My father just has more saliva, I think, than he did me growing up. Do you have shit in the corner of his mouth now all the time? No, not all the time. He's not all that bad. I just hear it. All the time. Yeah, when he's eating. But I just hear it.
Starting point is 00:37:56 Like, oh, look. Right. And that is a thing that I sometimes hear with old people. And he's never had CTE or anything. So I need to know what this 70-year-old boxer boxer would have sounded like he was never hit in the head you know and and a lot of them weren't like eloquent in their day right so but man i can't find my keys they do sound a little punch drunk they're like they're not i don't think they were going to be that bad if they never boxed no it's it's it's it's fucking serious Our brains aren't meant for that repeated trauma like that.
Starting point is 00:38:28 It's just over the course of one of these professional careers, they're getting so many legit concussions. And God knows how many just wax on the head that any of us would be like, oh, God, today you're not going to believe it. I got hit in the head so hard. That's a daily thing for them, I feel like. I can't get the math anywhere close to accurate. But at one time, Joe Lozon was telling me about how many fights he's been in.
Starting point is 00:38:51 He's like, all right, I've had like 25 UFC fights. And five more amateur fights will make that 30. The training camp for every one of those fights had 100 fights leading into it. So that's like what am i 330 fights so far and he's yeah it's just start to be like wowsers that seems like a lot oh you and your high school math yeah math is hard uh so anyway yeah it was just like a tremendous amount of fights and it was like wow that is that's quite a bit yeah the way that they do it now is like they always thought like oh okay
Starting point is 00:39:32 we'll make the equipment better so instead of having this like you know silly leather cap that you wear in football we're gonna give you basically borderline armor and we're gonna put better armor on your shoulders we're gonna going to make your quad armor better. And in hockey, yeah, you're going to take that shitty little leather thing off, put on this armor. And so now instead of people being like, all right, I want to hit him really hard, but I'm wearing this little leather cap, and so I need to gauge my hitting because I don't want to destroy myself too.
Starting point is 00:39:59 I've got to tackle him tactfully, as silly as that sounds. Whereas now it's like, I'm just an indestructible juggernaut and so you can just launch yourself at people and just your armor and so you're going to be fine for the most part when you're just using your head like a javelin elbow pads are my favorite example of this i don't know what they're like right now but the original elbow pads like when i first started playing hockey were like sort of padded leather that went over your elbow and then they got a little better and they started being they looked just like the padded leather except there was a plastic shell on it right and then they got better still because it was a plastic shell with kind of a plastic spike you used for hitting people
Starting point is 00:40:41 like that's not even the shape of my elbow you just put a weapon on my elbow pad for some reason okay like this is how we play yeah exactly rhino horns on each elbow that's that's descriptive yeah you put rhino horns on each elbow and then the goalie shit oh my god like wait a minute like you weigh 165 pounds why do you wear 5x pads and they started changing that now so like like for years now every year the nhl is like scoring's not high enough make the goalies pads smaller and every year the goalies are like this this is getting real shitty guys like this this is already a tough job and this sucks like and now they've shrunk it again and like it's still that it should be so small in like recent years like goalies have gotten way
Starting point is 00:41:31 taller so like ben bishop who's like six eight they're like all right here's what he can wear ben and he's like all right well i guess i won't stop shots from my belly button down then you know since there's nothing here and like already they're complaining of injuries in the offseason. That's how it should be, though. Fuck that. No. It should be the same for everyone, though, right? It's your job to stop it. You have no idea how much that shit hurts. It doesn't matter. It just stings in your belly. You don't get injured.
Starting point is 00:41:57 Every single goalie should have bare minimum padding. It should be so much easier to score in that game. I'm picturing the roller skate racing scene from malcolm in the middle right a nice little helmet and a latex suit i mean protect him he should be protected don't get me wrong i'm not i'm not looking for the latex is for but i i don't want them to have extra anything to help them stop the puck i want the
Starting point is 00:42:21 i want more scoring is better in every single sport like like baseball you can make a uh sort of a argument that like those those games where that are pitchers duels or can be interesting in their own kind of way but i i don't want to see like like when i when what when he stops the puck it doesn't interest me i don't go yeah he stopped it i'm just like i already stopped it all right well and now it's going back the other way. He stopped it too. It's going back the other way now. He stopped it too. It brings me back to why I hate soccer so much.
Starting point is 00:42:51 Goalie save percentages are like 95%. That'd be a good one, but not like the average. Okay. That might be a little high. It's too much. Goalies are getting too good, and they're just too big now. I'll tell you what, Taylor.
Starting point is 00:43:07 I can work with you on this. We can give the goalies a little more padding, and we'll make the net bigger. I was going to say the same thing. It's just the sports changed so much. Back in the day, they had those little pads, no mask, and weren't even allowed to go down to stop the puck. But everybody was shooting with a wooden stick with a flat blade.
Starting point is 00:43:29 And then in the 90s, they're like, hey, you know, we invented something else that shoots a lot faster. Yeah, it's composite. Yeah, give it a go. And so now it's like, oh, great. You know, now I'm not taking 95 mile an hour slapshots. Now I'm taking 105. What was the transition like between wood and composite?
Starting point is 00:43:44 Were there rule changes? Or were they just like, oh no, we got a new material now? It was just for the most part like alright, you can't have a curve this extreme. You can't have the material. Oh, the material, they're like no, you can do whatever you want with it. See, that's where they fucked up. See, baseball would
Starting point is 00:44:00 never do that. There have been aluminum bats forever. Baseball didn't go oh, we've got aluminum now. Now we can hit the ball 800 fucking feet i don't know how far a professional baseball player like a real slugger can hit a ball with an aluminum bat but i know they hit them 500 feet sometimes with a wooden one how interesting is that so probably it's known because they use aluminum bats at other levels. But would... How would that change the game? Obviously, records would be obliterated.
Starting point is 00:44:29 I get that. But is your leadoff hitter suddenly capable of hitting dingers all the time? Like, is... Everyone is. Yeah, yeah, right? Because right now, you've got... You are.
Starting point is 00:44:40 Kyle, that's where you're wrong. I can't hit shit. I have double vision. Strength-wise, an average man can hit 300 feet, 350 feet with an aluminum bat. It isn't that challenging. You can sit there all day and just ding them off the fucking green monster ball. How would that change the game? Because even now, I watched Moneyball a couple times, and it's interesting because they really value getting on base above everything else right um when everybody's a home
Starting point is 00:45:10 run hitter like it just changes the way it's managed in the field in oh no don't change the field in the same way that you are not interested in watching goalies block shots i'm not interested in watching shots dribble into the infield this is a home run derby we're gonna have here in woody's world a bit of umbrage i take with baseball that i don't like that every other sport seems to have figured out is like you don't show up you know in uh dallas to play if you're the baltimore ravens you don't show up at the dallas uh cowboys stadium and be like oh shit this field's only 75 yards total. So the game's going to be way different.
Starting point is 00:45:47 In baseball, it's like, oh yeah, I'm going to Boston to play. So we're going to hit a lot of dingers. Or, oh, we're going here. Oh, I love that. We're probably not going. Oh, I love that. I see the charm in it. It seems like it's charming, but it seems like it makes any kind of record for home runs really skewed.
Starting point is 00:46:02 I don't know what the name. But no, they're playing half their games at home every season. Yeah, exactly. So if your games at home are on the same team... If I'm a home run hitter, I want to go to some team where my home games are held in a t-ball field. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:17 And I just hit dingers all night long. Yeah, that's a good point. I didn't really consider that. But I really like it. I find it very charming, as Woody said um that that like they're all different you're like oh we're playing at this field today this is a dome you know so the wind's not going to come into effect or you play in another field oh the wind's really coming out of right field yeah it's going to be hard for these guys to get it out high altitude thin air this thing's going to fly differently yeah it's different
Starting point is 00:46:42 everywhere i i really like that. I remember watching Barry Bonds hit those dingers into the fucking bay. That was cool. He's hitting them out of the park into the water. There's guys in kayaks out there fucking going for homers. That was interesting. You don't see that anywhere else.
Starting point is 00:46:55 You do that in Atlanta. It's bouncing down the street. Really? Just some more vandalism. Welcome to Atlanta. Ah, you know what happened. Who did it? Ah, Barry fucking did it again. He hit two. Got two cars Atlanta. Ah, you know what happened. Who did it?
Starting point is 00:47:06 Ah, Barry fucking did it again. He hit two. Got two cars. On Reddit, I saw this thing. It was like in Toronto, someone asks, you want to go out to eat tonight? No, it's too dangerous. The sand people come out at night, which I'm pretty sure is a reference to some of the immigration issues they're having in Toronto. Oh, you're more than pretty sure.
Starting point is 00:47:23 I literally thought. I'm like, is this Dune? I didn't even think it could be. they're having in Toronto. Oh, you're more than pretty sure. I literally thought... I'm like, is this Dune? I didn't even think it could be... And you're right about that, but I was mixed up. Did you see the shooting in Canada? No, did you see the one in Florida? I almost want to say that for PKA,
Starting point is 00:47:38 but... We can save the Florida one. Well, the Canadian... In Canada, you see the guy draw the gun and shoot a person. Oh, really? In Florida, you do, too. It's a good one. I'm surprised you haven't seen it yet.
Starting point is 00:47:51 I didn't. I haven't heard of it. What happened in Florida? I'll lay it out. So here's what happens. A black family parks in a handicapped space, like a Quickie Mart, and goes inside. family parks in a handicapped space at like a quickie mart and goes inside a white guy sees the car parked in a handicapped space and starts really dressing down the people who are still sitting in it giving them a hard time yelling at them for parking in a handicapped spot so the
Starting point is 00:48:19 black guy comes out of the quickie mart sees the white guy like aggressively arguing with the people in the car and shoves the white guy hard the white guy uh falls to the ground and and by the way keep it it's a it's a good shove it's a good shove and physically the black guy uh has every advantage over the white guy the white guy guy is older. He's younger. The black guy is younger and stronger and bigger. And the white guy is kind of old and fat. And, you know, his best exercise is mowing the yard. So the white guy is knocked to his ass.
Starting point is 00:48:59 And from the seated position in the parking lot, pulls out his concealed carry. He's a legal concealed carry guy. And if you watch carefully, the black guy sees the gun and starts backing up. The white guy puts one in his chest. The black guy walks into the quickie mart after getting shot in the chest and dies. A lot of people...
Starting point is 00:49:22 Is this really recent? Yeah, like this week, I'm going to say. It's really recent yeah like this week i'm gonna say uh it's either either it just happened this week or the trial just ended this week one of those is true so um uh there's a concealed carry group and the police who apparently followed the letter of the law said hey this is what stand your ground is This guy feared for his life and put a shot into him. And while you might second guess it, like I kind of just did, like, hey, the black guy blacked up.
Starting point is 00:49:52 The second he pulled that gun out, he didn't have to shoot. It happened pretty quickly. He pulled the gun out and popped him. He didn't have a lot of time to process it and he was in an aroused state of mind and stuff like that. I might have used aroused incorrectly. Yeah, it's like fight or flight kind of yeah and it's like well i'm a big fat idiot who just got pushed down yeah i'm a big fat idiot who kind of started a
Starting point is 00:50:14 fight was about to lose it pulled out this gun and won it and uh hey the one side of it is dude you don't go shoving people to the ground. And another side is like, you know, this is murder. All you do is push them over. You don't push people. Yeah, you shouldn't shove people, but you also shouldn't start yelling at people in parking lots in public. Do you have a link? Because you might get shoved. Yeah, I'll tell you what.
Starting point is 00:50:40 If you're in Florida or Georgia, I believe we also have a standard ground law. Don't shove people. I'll tell you what, if you're in Florida or Georgia, I believe we also have a standard gram law. Don't shove people. All right. I'm not sharing this very well. Let me do better. Don't shove people. No, I don't. In a city where dreams are made.
Starting point is 00:50:56 You know, he shouldn't have parked in the handicapped spot. You get what you get. He gets what he got. I don't care if he's white, Asian, like whatever. I don't care if it's a woman. Kyle's just really passionate about handicap spots It's not that I'm passionate about the handicap spot itself I'm passionate about what kind of douchebag
Starting point is 00:51:11 You have to be to feel so entitled To park, to just ride right into that thing Because like There's other spots open And like I drive Kitty around And she's got a handicap placard And still though, I'll just drive up to the door and park in a regular parking space. Because I'm, you know, that's just, there might be someone who's actually really fucking handicapped and needs to use that space.
Starting point is 00:51:35 I don't like that at all when people use those spaces. So yeah, get what you got. So I'm showing it to people right now as best I can. get what you got so i'm showing it to people right now as best i can uh if you're watching this there's a circle on the car where he's kind of like berating the people for parking into a handicap spot he's he's very passionate about handicap spots like kyle and uh oh oh before he does that he kind of walks around and checks to make sure that another handicap tag he wants to be in the right and then they just showed it they kind of cut out the amount of the length of time he spent yelling oh and here's a scene i hadn't seen the shot guy go in the right. And then they just showed it. They kind of cut out the length of time he spent yelling. Oh, and here's a scene I hadn't seen.
Starting point is 00:52:08 The shot guy going the quickie mark. But yeah, so the guy walked around the car, made sure there wasn't like a placard that he didn't see at first. And once he was sure that they were parked there illegally, he starts berating the people in the car for some amount of time, accosting maybe. And the guy sees him doing that to his friends and family in the car for some amount of time accosting maybe and um uh the guy sees him doing that to his friends and family in the car shoves him hard and then the guy who got shoved hard
Starting point is 00:52:33 pulls out his gun and pops one in the chest perfect like a perfect a perfect shot i'm saying yeah so uh watching this that you were right to describe it as a healthy shove. I actually was going into it thinking it wouldn't be that hard of a shove. It took the guy off his feet almost. Yeah, he's on the ground. Also, you can see as the guy's on the ground taking his gun out, the black guy, his feet aren't angled towards the guy. I get he's probably scared on the ground or whatever, but I feel, I feel like from body language, and, of course, hindsight 2020, but it doesn't seem like the guy's still a threat.
Starting point is 00:53:08 Like, it looks like his feet were pointed in a direction. Like, if I'm threatening Woody, my feet are pointed at him. I'm, like, going to be approaching you. I'm not angling my feet this way, like I'm trying to, you know, edge out, you know? It doesn't, like, nothing about this looks like the black guy's still trying to continue the fight. Yeah, but that's not required.
Starting point is 00:53:27 Oh, I'm not getting the legal of it. I'm just saying that's my view of this. Oh, yeah, that's definitely right. He's doing kind of the right and wrong of it. Yeah, he's not like all over this guy. The second the black guy's... So here, let's do an alternate universe scenario. The guy never pulls out a gun.
Starting point is 00:53:42 I don't know what happens next. What I do think is clear, and Kyle and Taylor seem to agree, is that pulling out the gun could have ended this. Merely, what is the word for it? Brandishing? Yeah. Merely brandishing the gun
Starting point is 00:53:55 could have made the guy back off. It would have ended all physicality. Like, that's that. That would have been the perfect scenario. And I bet in hindsight, the guy wishes that he didn't shoot, right? I doubt it. My guess is...
Starting point is 00:54:08 I'd love to get an interview with this fella. My bet is there's a whole world of people pissed off at him. He's probably getting death threats on his own. It might have been expensive to defend himself. I made that up, but it seems like it could be. No charges, right? Do you not get an attorney? I would hire an attorney. Yeah, you not get an attorney? I would hire an attorney.
Starting point is 00:54:27 Yeah, you definitely need an attorney. Well, we would hire an attorney, but the average person is like, well, let's just see if they charge us with anything. It seems like I didn't do anything. I don't know. I agree with everything you guys have said. He definitely could have brandished it. He certainly got himself into a whole lot more attention and trouble
Starting point is 00:54:43 than he would have if he just brandished it. It would have ended there. He won a lifetime supply of Remington ammo because he stood his ground. Well, Remington won't even last the rest of his life. They're nearly out of business, Kyle. So, yeah, I bet he wishes he didn't shoot. And I think we all agree he didn't have to shoot. But we also agree that it happened so quickly,
Starting point is 00:55:07 I don't know that I threw him under the bus for shooting. It's not so clear to me. Yeah, it's hard to know. I don't know how that process works, but it seems to me that he gets knocked down, and he's already made the decision, defend yourself. And even though it takes literally 1.75 seconds to draw aim and shoot like that that's that's not a ton of time he's already made the decision like you know when the captain on star trek says fire he'd already given his brain has already said fire once he's on the ground you know
Starting point is 00:55:38 it doesn't matter what the guy's body language is to him he's just he's he's already in the firing process and defend myself process, stand my ground process. I definitely agree with both of you, though. The shovers, the guy who got shot, his body language suggests, he's done. As soon as he saw the gun. I will say...
Starting point is 00:55:58 I used to say that if he didn't take that gun out, this could have ended with getting your head kicked in in a parking lot somewhere. There's so much speculation you don't know. I think we're all on board with brandishing was the right call. Because Fat White Dad there, it wasn't
Starting point is 00:56:13 going to go well for him. He's like 48, I think, and the other guy's 27. 28. I don't know what you had there. 21 year difference. That fight's not going any other way. Is that Virgil's you have there? Virgil's? Is it a beer?
Starting point is 00:56:29 No, it's called Grosch. It's this weird beer. It's not great. I thought it was root beer. No, I was going to get a root beer, but I decided against it. I haven't had that in ages. Yeah, he's taking the low-cal beer option instead.
Starting point is 00:56:47 But yeah, anyway, this shooting is getting a lot of attention because it's taken the Florida stand your ground law and really shown what the extreme side of okay is. And when I first saw this video, the cop was kind of laying it out. Like, hey, this guy took a hard shove. He got out. He shot him. And some aspects of standing your ground I don't fully understand.
Starting point is 00:57:11 It's on – they have to prove that he wasn't standing his ground. Typically, you have to say, hey, I feared for my life, serious injury, or sexual assault. Typically, you have to sort of prove that you felt that. They have to, like, prove you didn't. You know, like, they flip it. And that's why he wasn't even charged. Like, they're not even allowed to arrest this dude. I like that law.
Starting point is 00:57:36 I like it a lot. It's basically a don't be a fucking asshole law, right? It's like, treat your fellow man like you'd want to be treated. Because he might have teeth. Don't assume that someone who's weaker than you that you think you can physically overthrow is just that because he might be packing heat. Treat everybody else the same as you would like to be treated. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:55 I definitely understand that. And that's why I like concealed carry in general. Like my daughter doesn't like concealed carry, so we sometimes talk about this. And I'm like, so you don't like women. doesn't like concealed carry so we sometimes talk about this and i'm like so you don't like women you like a world where guys can just walk around knowing that they can sort of safely overpower whoever they want you know as it is now you don't know every 10th girl out there could kill you so you know you sure you want to roll those dice and it should be more than that in a world where women never have guns, fuck it.
Starting point is 00:58:25 Anything you want. Yeah, the concealed carrier statistics are just ridiculous. The lack of – they commit crimes at such a lower rate than everyone else. Lower than cops. Lower than cops. Oh, I saw a really cool statistic the other day. Cops were responsible for like 12% of the homicides against males last year in the U.S. Or like maybe it was just gun related.
Starting point is 00:58:52 Like 12% of the gun related homicides were cops. Wow. And then if you take that number and then the suicides and you subtract it from those soy boy statistics I always see on fucking Twitter, all of a sudden guns are goddamn safe as shit, right? They don't even compare to slow cooker injuries and bread knife. More people get in trouble with their sleepwalking than guns. Guns are tricky. I can't think of another issue where it is as difficult to find reliable statistics.
Starting point is 00:59:19 And that goes on both sides, by the way. If you get your gun statistics from like the nra then you know shit no member of the nra has ever been an aggressor in a shooting what funny stat huh so odd it's almost like it tends to be fucking scumbag criminals who do these things doesn't it ah almost like they use the gun like a tool to get something bad done but i just don't believe no member of the nra has ever been the aggressor. Hell, a lot of... You can look it up.
Starting point is 00:59:47 No. Well, those stats probably come from the NRA. I bet there are cops who are members of the NRA who kind of were aggressors but kind of got off with it. It'd be easy to prove it the other way, though, right? Oh, no, the cops don't count. And therein lies my point where it's really hard to get great statistics on gun stuff. Well, cops aren't aggressors, right?
Starting point is 01:00:05 Both sides of gun debates are stacking the deck dishonestly. That's been my opinion on this stuff. That's why it's good we got Donald J. Trump in office because he's going to put at least one more justice who is pro-Second Amendment. They're not taking those guns away for at least another hundred years. That's my favorite kind of Trump advocacy. So my Facebook feed is filled with misinformation politically. I've complained about this before. But if someone goes on there and says, you know what?
Starting point is 01:00:33 I flippin' love Donald Trump. We had a Vegas shooting, a couple school shootings. We got shootings all the time. And my gun rights haven't been touched. They would have if Democrats were in office. I look at that and say, yeah, that's pretty true. That's what you like. that's what you like, that's what you got, then you should be happy with your vote.
Starting point is 01:00:49 If you're a single-issue voter and that's gun rights, Donald Trump is your man. Oh, I saw a great fucking Reddit post the other day. It was... They were giving Trump shit for something. I don't recall exactly what. One of the top comments was, here's where you can register to vote and there
Starting point is 01:01:05 was a you know it's like hyperlinked uh and i'm sure the the insinuation is like here's where you can go to vote donald trump out of office sure the replies are already did baby registered for republican like like like like 80 of the replies were that like like there was uh there was a funny thing you know 4chan fucks around, you know, poll, making their fake memes. They made a really funny one. You know the ones that look professional? And it was like,
Starting point is 01:01:31 get out and prepare for the blue wave this midterm season. Vote with your phone. Text 40404 to hatdemocrats and then the zip code of where you live to have your vote tallied. People were spreading that around. They were trying to fuck with people like,
Starting point is 01:01:49 I guess I can vote on my phone now. I'm doing my part. Don't worry when it says message not delivered. I used to think that internet voting was a great idea and then I was convinced otherwise. Now we know it's not right
Starting point is 01:02:06 those russians will have fucking vladimir putstaff as president next year exactly it is very difficult like what we have systems when it takes 20 minutes to like fill out a paper ballot like it's you don't get widespread vote fraud like that and it's it's an issue you have to be in person and go from places. There's only one place that expects you to be there. It saves a lot of trouble. If you start putting that online,
Starting point is 01:02:33 some of them will fuck it up. It'd be like letting our voting machines have internet access. It's like, no, they need to not have internet access. They need to just be remote machines out there, which is what they are. Some have Internet access. Yeah, they have Internet access. Oh, that's not good.
Starting point is 01:02:47 I agree. It got a lot of attention on Reddit recently. Well, so what it is is the people who man the vote places don't have expertise. They're just like volunteer grandparents and stuff. So they're like, yeah, you can plug this into the wall. Then an expert will come in and diagnose it for you. And I can see how someone made that bad decision, but I still think it's a bad decision. Yeah, the optical scan devices are often connected to the internet.
Starting point is 01:03:13 I think that's the distinction that they make. And a lot of them don't print receipts. I don't get that. They should give you like you get a receipt of what it does and then you you can check what you did against the one that went in the little paper basket and if they ever need to retally the votes they've got a paper basket full of ballots in there that they can look at and you know atms have figured this out it seems pretty reliable but instead they're just like no receipts you just sort of put it in electric because i never thought about that that That seems tempting to fuck with.
Starting point is 01:03:45 Yeah, yeah. Or no, no, wait, I did get a receipt last time I voted. I didn't. Mine's old school, though. It's like a Scantron. Yeah, it came out of my little shitty scan machine. Remember the, this takes me back to fucking the Bush-Gore election with the hanging chads and all that crap. Man, that was a debacle.
Starting point is 01:04:01 That was so weird to like, when they recounted that thing, and I don't remember how long it took, but it felt like weeks. It felt like it took two weeks to figure out who the president was a debacle. That was so weird to like, when they, you know, they recounted that thing and I don't remember how long it took, but it felt like weeks. It felt like it took two weeks to figure out who the president was going to be. The butterfly ballot, like that was a big thing. So I forget who it was.
Starting point is 01:04:14 Like, but like the Green Party, votes that would have otherwise gone to Gore went to someone at a really odd rate. Like, you know, 6% of Florida voted for this fucknard that no one heard of because on the ballot it kind of went diagonally to him or something it was it was an easy mistake because it was in like a book that opened i remember at the time shifted like i wasn't old enough to care about politics or anything but i remember like asking my parents
Starting point is 01:04:42 because it confused me because like they're like all right the elections today you know we're gonna see who's president and then like for like days afterward i was just in my little kid head just like so do we like just not have a president for now or is the old guy still hanging out in there is it still clinton hanging out dad and he's like i don't know i don't i don't care i was like it was that eventually it was like, oh, Bush. And I was like, all right, back to Pokemon. Who cares? Never in my life has there been any confusion about who should be president. There were two reasonable... It was so close that you didn't know who was right.
Starting point is 01:05:18 Who should get it? I voted for Bush that election, actually. I voted for W. election actually I voted for W Gore was so boring Gore was so boring he was boring and him and his dumb ass lockbox everyone mocked it
Starting point is 01:05:35 and then this was the thing that so Gore everyone called him wooden right because going up there in his button down shirts or whatever and they're just like this guy doesn't seem human he's boring he's wouldn't so then he starts dressing like a lumber jack to all these different events with like red and black flannels on different hats yeah and i start respecting him even less for like bowing to the pressure of like when he walks up on george w though like like you always talk about that moment in the debate yeah oh that's that's classic of
Starting point is 01:06:03 course of course fucking donald trump versus hillary clinton there's like a dozen moments like that a night right you know he's literally got sexual accusers in the crowd like this guy this guy plays dirty but like back then it was like gore like walks up on bush right like like he's like a playing tough guy yeah like and bush's like hey there yeah bush was sitting on his stool and and Gore came up and kind of like chest and face tried to like big brother him or something. And yeah, just, hey there. And he didn't seem intimidated.
Starting point is 01:06:32 He didn't like, you know, he didn't stand up and go chest to chest. It just made Gore look dumb for trying to play that game. I'm assuming my dad had this job, idiot. I'm a dynasty. Except I did a Clinton impression But otherwise it's close You want to call it a wrap?
Starting point is 01:06:52 Yeah I think so Very good PKN 205 maybe I think Stand your ground

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