Painkiller Already - PKN #211

Episode Date: September 14, 2018

It's PKN time baby! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Here we are, Painkiller Nearly, episode 211. I'm pumped! I'm pumped! I got things to talk about, Kyle's got things to talk about. Woody texted us today. We were like, you know, we have this text every time we do PK, every Tuesday. You know, hey, do you want to do the show at 6pm, 7pm? We move it around a little bit to accommodate each other's schedules.
Starting point is 00:00:21 Woody's like, I'm not sure I can make 6. My friend hit a power line i'm in the er checking on him and we were just like fuck yeah so let me set the stage a bit to take a step back last night was beautiful the sunset was great the winds were calm everything great for paramotoring and we're flying around taking an extra long flight because it's one of those like 10 times a year kind of days so um he's like hey look down and we went to a new spot there are these fields shaped like a maze and this is fun because one of the things people like to do on a paramotor is to fly low you fly low you drag your feet on the ground, you go in and out. Now these trees are like a maze.
Starting point is 00:01:05 So you're banking sideways, 90 degrees, 20 feet off the ground, just like you would hold a bucket of water as you swing it around, and it's a blast. And it's a new place, and it's a better maze than we'd ever seen before. So we're both having a really good time with it. Ross says, you know what? It's about time to head home. And I was like, let's take one more pass.
Starting point is 00:01:27 You know? Because you don't get this day or this maze all the time. And I'm taking one more pass and I'm having a blast. And it comes over the radio. Woody, I fucked up. Like that. And I'm like, oh boy. You know?
Starting point is 00:01:42 I knew that meant that he had crashed. I didn't know what it meant beyond that. And I'm like, oh boy. You know, I knew that meant that he had crashed. I didn't know what it meant beyond that. I thought maybe he just got too low and hit the ground. And if you run into the ground, what I'll call naturally, it's usually just embarrassing and not a big deal. You're going 20 miles an hour. It wouldn't be unlike falling off a dirt bike at low speed. You know, it's not that big a deal.
Starting point is 00:02:05 But I would call this unnaturally. What you're supposed to do, his mistake was 10 minutes before the accident. You're supposed to take a pass at like 100 feet and inspect the area instead of just running it. And he hit a power line. And at first we didn't know if he hit it, hit it. We thought he maybe just spotted it.
Starting point is 00:02:24 That's what I thought from your text. I was picturing a dude sizzling, cracking, and popping, or black skin. We just said hit a power line. I was like, that's why I was like, hey, if we need to do the show tomorrow, I'm okay with that. Because I'm thinking, are you calling his wife? Like the world's largest bug zapper. Yeah. So I wasn't sure if he hit it, hit hit it or if he crashed trying to dodge it right like
Starting point is 00:02:48 mate because he saw it i'm gonna make up a number 10 seconds before he hit it and tried to avoid it um when we inspected the damage on the wing one it was torn so we knew that was it and two it was burnt it's nylon and around the edges of the hole are like a crispy kind of gummy accumulation that you would get from putting a lighter to it and also on the power line there was a little bit of wing lift so it's confirmed together yeah you put the pieces together and he's hurt uh the nature of his crash um again, you know, picture like a, I don't know, a nut on a string or something. He kind of fell forward and slid into the ground butt first. So he landed on his, like, I think he hit his heel and then his butt and then maybe like rib shoulder type thing.
Starting point is 00:03:40 So his heel was a little sore, but it doesn't seem to be injured. His pelvis might be, I don't want to use the word broken there's cartilage in the middle of your pelvis that allows it to like flex and move a little bit but you never notice it because your pelvis like mine is held together pretty solidly yeah his is like clicking and every step he takes, it's a problem. He's okay, say, standing on both feet, you know, I'm kind of solid. But if you have to do like one foot at a time or like a stairs or something or getting into a car, that's a big issue. So last night I landed next to him. We checked him out, whatever. It took me like almost an hour to get back to him. I flew home, got the truck and drove to him. And, uh, there were some nice bystanders there and they were the first, they were like, well, you hit the power line. We're, we're sure of it. You know,
Starting point is 00:04:32 it was moving for 20 seconds afterwards. Like he hit it and they were really nice. They stayed with him for the whole, it might've been 45 minutes, 45 minutes to an hour. They stayed with him. They helped carry his stuff to like the side of the road while I went home and retrieved the vehicle. We brought him back to the house last night. We fed him and we offered him the guest room upstairs, not knowing that steps were such a big deal. And he's like, no, I just really want to be in my lazy boy in my living room. That's his spot. And he drove himself home. I woke up this morning to a phone call like woody I need to go to the emergency room and I'm like all right I'm gonna run myself through the shower
Starting point is 00:05:09 I'll be there ASAP we put this coming yeah yeah let me turn my phone off so um I went there I packed a bag for him you know a little overnight bag full of clothes toothbrush toothpaste stuff like that Took him to the ER. And I thought they would admit him. That was my prediction, that he had something. Made sure he hadn't eaten. I thought he might be surgical. They x-rayed him, and there aren't any broken bones.
Starting point is 00:05:35 There could be ruptured discs in his spine. There could be. Oh, those suck. Yeah. So he's a first responder. He used to be some sort of high-level scuba diver, and his job was to jump out of helicopters and save people while they're racing boats and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:05:52 So he has a little more background on how to evaluate himself for injuries than most people. How old is he? He's now 50. Who do you think is the better swimmer today? Today? I wondered that. Right?
Starting point is 00:06:08 I think if you – okay, here's the – it might be in the environment. If we had to go a mile in the ocean, I think he's a tough competitor. If we had to go 100 yards in a pool, I think I'd just have a better flip turn and a better you know management oh yeah yeah i hear you yeah but um but he's definitely like i don't call many people a water man you know a guy who can drop i don't either yeah i don't call anyone but that's a thing like that like uh it's a high classification that a waterman might, you know, like, that dude's a surfer, but that guy, he's a surfer, a kayaker, you know, like, he likes to surf on rowboats and shit, you know? That's a waterman.
Starting point is 00:06:52 70% of him's made of water. Yeah. I took a second to process that. So, anyway, but he's a really fit 50-year-old. He hits the gym all the time. He's fitter than me. I saw that picture. I did not think 50. Right. If you ask him how old he is the gym all the time he's fitter than me okay i did not think 50
Starting point is 00:07:05 right uh if you ask him how old he is he'll tell you 65 so that you go wow he's fit that's what he does um but uh anyway yeah so he's a really fit guy but he is 50 and um he may have a broke uh a pelvis that needs to hook itself back together again. And that's where we are. It's been in my head. I've had a busy 24 hours. He's in our guest house now. We're taking care of him until he gets better.
Starting point is 00:07:33 Oh, nice guy. Yeah, so Jackie's helping, of course. She's feeding him and I'm delivering and taking him to doctors and getting drugs and shit. So, yeah, that's where we are i don't know how long he'll stay here but i imagine he's a little less sore and able to walk in two or three days so i i think that's what we're looking at but um yeah that's he hit a power line and got really hurt that that's damn it i've got two things in my so what happens every time i see someone get injured in the community i find some way to rationalize why it won't happen to me right of course it might be
Starting point is 00:08:13 i'm a better pilot than that guy that guy's a beginner um it might be that guy does a thing i don't do like he was doing acro low to the ground that hurts people all the time they're trying to you do acro moves and it's fun you show off but if you do them up high no one sees them so they always do it like you know three seconds away one and a half seconds away from death and it's like i don't do that i never do that you know yeah um he has spooked him a little bit like he'll be way more careful in the future and maybe he'd like were there any thoughts that you could tell of him being like i'm 50 years old i'm half a century old and i'm flying around fields with a fan on my back and man it just really got real that i could die at any time doing this you know or you think he'll be back on it the the mistake he made was 10 minutes beforehand not looking for
Starting point is 00:08:58 power lines you do a pass at 200 feet and inspect the area i I did that. But I will say, six weeks ago, I dodged a power line. And it woke me up. Like, Woody, have you gotten complacent? And fortunately for me, there was no price to pay. I spotted it, I guess, with more reaction time than he did. Or more time to react, I should say. He didn't. He saw it last second.
Starting point is 00:09:20 Oh, one last thing. For you guys that are on the ground all the time, which is most everybody, power lines look easy to spot. you see them against the blue sky yeah you see him against the blue sky you see him against white clouds power if you look down at power lines against trees and grass they're much tougher to spot than you might be thinking so uh that that's the position he was in i I guess. Yeah. It's made me... I was like that. Am I so different? Would this not happen to me too?
Starting point is 00:09:54 But yeah, he's going to be okay. He's going to be okay in six weeks for sure. I bet he's much better in one. But yeah, I spent most of my day caring for him. What a nice guy. Yeah, he should be really thankful. He owes you something.
Starting point is 00:10:10 Yes, there should be a meal in this for me, right? It's like a very, very nice dinner to take you and Jackie and the kids out to. Maybe there's some manual labor around the estate he could tend to. Just to be extra sure that you're okay, mow my lawn. I have a physical therapy routine that includes, I don't know, weed wiping. Landscaping.
Starting point is 00:10:32 Gutter cleaning. You've got to start slow. How are you with power washing? Fear of heights. So, yeah, yeah. Good news that he's going to be okay. Exactly. He's going to be okay.
Starting point is 00:10:45 Right now, he's just a little beat up. Well, my news isn't nearly as heroic or anything, but we've been playing a video game came out the other day. It's an early access. It's called Scum. I've heard of it. I haven't heard of it. It's getting attention online. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:03 So Scum is a survival game. It's a bit like DayZ. You spawn into this world, and you are a convict. And I believe the narrative is that you have an implant in the back of your head, and somewhere there's a guy controlling that prisoner, and you're that guy. So you controlling the prisoner is part of the narrative that there are steam game or yeah yeah it's pc and um pc only yeah i think so i you know i don't really look into the options these days anymore because i prefer that so you start off
Starting point is 00:11:41 sort of in a convict orange jumpsuit and out in the world that you're in, and it's an enormous world, bigger than PUBG's, and you don't run very fast, and you get tired. You piss, you shit, you vomit. You have to take shits in this game? What makes you vomit? Yes. Bad food? You can force yourself to vomit if you realize you've eaten something.
Starting point is 00:12:01 If you overeat, like if you eat an entire cantaloupe,oupe and you can you'll just start vomiting because nobody can eat an entire cantaloupe wow what kind of bitch can't eat a whole cantaloupe or a melon you know whole water you can be you and scum all you can be like eat all and it's a watermelon this fucking big and he'll sit there and eat it till he vomits um there's there's military weapons there's there's backpacks helmets boots knives and an intense crafting system where you can craft everything from a fire drill you know that thing you make fires with sure sure like a bow and stick yeah yeah so you can or you could craft like a campfire or or later on it's coming i can i i see the stuff that you're able to make but isn't in the game yet.
Starting point is 00:12:45 You can craft like deadfalls to catch animals. There are animals in the game. You kill a bear. You go and chop him up into pieces. And there's different parts of a bear, of course. And so you can put bear steaks in your backpack. What is the chopping a bear animation like? He gets down on one knee with whatever bladed weapon you have, whether it's like a knife or an axe or whatever, and he just starts hacking at it.
Starting point is 00:13:07 But is it a repetitive thing or does he look like a butcher? Oh, okay. I bet it's kind of like when you make anything in Skyrim. It's exactly that. It's very early access. We think that later on you're going to have more detailed animations for things like that. But it's a survival shooter, so there's definitely a lot of gunfights.
Starting point is 00:13:27 Are you making a character and then growing that character, or is it pretty often that you're dying and you have to start over from scratch? So right now, because it's early access, you kind of lose, I think, I think, I could be wrong about this part, because I've been moving around servers a lot, you lose your character every time you die, it seems to me. But definitely what's coming is a much more
Starting point is 00:13:50 in-depth system where your character is, it's like an RPG, it's like a multiplayer RPG where your character over time is getting more fit and there's a lot of items in the game that you can see that don't have a use yet. Things like anti-malaria pills. There's no malaria in the game right now. So we're like, ah, all right, well, malaria is a coming. Or there's like anti-radiation tablets and stuff like that. Well, the only problem was I'm playing with like four or five or six of my different friends and we kept going to various servers, trying to get a server with a lot of people in it. And we kept having a problem with that because if you go to get a server with a lot of people in it and we kept having a problem with that because if you go to a different server you don't have all of your shit and so i
Starting point is 00:14:29 bought a server so i have a server um you bought a server how does that work you rent the server oh so this isn't a financial opportunity you're not looking to like no no i'm not looking to profit or something i'm not yeah i'm not looking to profit from this i'm not even sure if that that's probably against their terms of service i'm in no way looking to profit from this. I'm not even sure if that's probably against their terms of service. I'm in no way looking to profit from this at all. Terms of service. It's the same with Minecraft. Carry on.
Starting point is 00:14:53 But I have a server. The name is pka.107.179.162 colon 28702. Can I get a repeat on that? I fucked up my num lock button in the middle. 172 dot... From the beginning,
Starting point is 00:15:24 colon 28702. dot one zero seven dot one seven nine dot one six two colon two eight seven zero two so if you want to connect by ip address in the game uh you can jump in there i did the same thing twice i hit the fucking num lock button uh here i'll just do this for you oh that's great thank you yeah okay yeah you got and um so if i bought 50 slots they're like a dollar and change per slot. And right now there's only like four of us in there. So if any of you guys listening want to come play Scum with us on my little server, feel free. I changed some of the options to make the game more fun. The mechs, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:15:59 I'm sorry. I know you're telling the story. When you play with just four people, are there bots that fill it or are you just the four of you? you tell the story when you play with just four people are there bots that fill it or you just the four of you um it's four of my friends jump into a server of 50 to 60 people um there's 64 people is like the max so there's plenty of other there's we join a squad once we we're like ah i'm in section b2 all right i'll start walking oh i'm on the yellow road all right i see you and you wave and you come over and you you invite them to your squad. And now they have their name above them like it's Call of Duty or something so you don't get confused and kill them.
Starting point is 00:16:30 And so the four of us will work together. Meanwhile, there's plenty of solos just running around in the world. How did the solos find you? You're on a list somewhere? They just happen to walk around until they see you? Yeah. How did other people get on your server? it's listed in a big server list like when you when you go to join a game you you know you click multi-play and the huge list of servers pop up and what i had been doing is going like you
Starting point is 00:16:55 know sort by the number of players in the server because i want pvp i want others in there with me um and i would just go to the most populated one that's in my region and has a lower ping and i would just join there but then i'd be like all right join this server it's 1503 and then like it'd fill up before if i could get in there or they'd reset the server or go down or there'd be a ping issue so i wanted my own and then the other thing is within the world there are zombies who are kind of walking around and they'll get aggressive and like chase you if you get close enough and they're not a huge challenge, but they're definitely an annoyance.
Starting point is 00:17:27 Like, maybe you don't make... Loot is rare. So if you've got 10 bullets, you might be doing okay early in the game. If you've got a whole 10 bullets, and you don't want to waste one... As rare as... Not as rare as DayZ.
Starting point is 00:17:39 Not as rare as DayZ. Where maybe they took it too far. Yeah, they took it too far in DayZ, for sure. Where if you get an axe,'re pretty strong you're a little op with a whole axe in your hand carry on you play this for an hour and you kind of you go to a big town you play for an hour you'll be fairly well dude you'll have a gun and a backpack and and like a full suit of armor and some food and water and you know that's really all you need to go have a good time um and there are also maps have you been pvp even like yeah successfully like or
Starting point is 00:18:06 is the combat like it's still in a lame phase or or not really it depends on the server sometimes it can feel laggy if it's a bad server um i'm watching some footage now and he's got a weapon but he hasn't seen anybody so i don't know yeah you're not it's not call of duty you know it's a 12 kilometer by 12 kilometer map with 65 people in it so you're not but but if you go to one of the really hot zones then there's lots of combat shroud's been streaming it a lot and he gets in a fair amount of fights it is definitely a slower it's like a really fun concept like being a convict i went out there amongst a bunch of other convict this is this is neat i've been looking for a game to get back into. I think this might be the one.
Starting point is 00:18:47 This looks really complicated based on the crafting list, the number of items you can have in your inventory. It's taken me about three days of playing it, you know, a couple hours a day to pick everything up. I certainly am not an expert in the game. I haven't crafted everything, but I understand how
Starting point is 00:19:04 to make a fire and cook meat and make items and where to go for loot and all that stuff uh you're more than welcome to come play with us i can uh you know i can show you liking the most about it like what's getting you like especially into this when you kill someone it's the it's the old concept of tearing down someone's sandcastle. Because this isn't... So I love PUBG. PUBG is still my favorite game. But when you die in PUBG, you're like, boom, new game. And you're right back in.
Starting point is 00:19:32 And five minutes into that new game, you got a full set of armor. And you've already been in three gunfights in five minutes. This is not that. This might take you... I definitely have played before two and a half half three hours into a game until i'm just looted to the gills and then i get killed by ai there are these mech suits these big giant robots that that are bipedal mechs like you may have seen in like some other games and they are artificial intelligence and they guard the high loot areas and so if you go to like the airfield, which is kind of a military base, there's maybe six of these things patrolling back and forth.
Starting point is 00:20:10 And when they see you, they go aggro, as we say. They turn red. And in a Croatian accent, because this game is based in Croatia, but it's half Croatian, half RoboCop. It goes, prisoner, leave this area immediately. But that's not a real warning, because they shoot right after they finish that scene.
Starting point is 00:20:33 Not quick enough. And they insta-kill you. Oh, so you can't beat a mech. Unless you have one, probably, right? You can't get one. These are AI. These are their own separate entity, just like the zombies. They exist alongside the zombies to keep the player in line and keep the game interesting. You can kill a mech. Some guy did it.
Starting point is 00:20:55 It took him, like, keep in mind, ammo's rare. So if you've got two magazines full of AK-47 ammo, we would all be impressed. two magazines full of AK-47 ammo, we would all be impressed. This guy shot the thing like 400 times, I think, from cover so that it couldn't return fire. Killed it, and because the game, again, is early access, there's no reward,
Starting point is 00:21:14 no loot on the ground, nothing. I'm sure another mech... Congratulations! You waste the entire evening! Exactly. And so on my server, I... Right now I've got the mech set to zero damage so they don't fuck with us right now but i'm gonna fix that as soon as i get off here i'm gonna bump it up to like half normal damage because the general consensus against me and my among my friends
Starting point is 00:21:37 and my and me and a few people online is they're overpowered they they really just insta kill you and ruin your night like you're like they're thanos or They really just insta-kill you. They just ruin your night like they're Thanos or something. They snap their fingers and nothing you can do. And plus there's a bit of a, because it's early access, sometimes they shoot through walls, which is infuriating. If you actually manage to get into a building and hide from the thing and it shoots you through, like if there are three buildings in a row and it sees you through all three of those buildings' windows or something,
Starting point is 00:22:04 it'll squeeze the bullets in somehow and zigzag them to you and insta-kill you. So we don't care for that. For a decade I've been saying, single-player game, the most frustrating thing in the world to me is being lost. Multiplayer game, the most frustrating thing in the world is dying when it's not your fault. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:20 Yeah. It's very frustrating. But yeah, if you guys want to come play, if you guys are already playing SCUMM, I gave you the IP address. Just go back and rewind and type it in. Or I think when I reset the server in a moment, there's like five guys in there right now just fucking around.
Starting point is 00:22:38 Can they search for PKA SCUMM in the list? I don't know if you can search for it, but you'll definitely see it amongst the list. But the easiest way is just to click Connect to IP and type that IP address. in the list? I don't know if you can search for it, but you'll definitely see it amongst the list. But the easiest way is just to click connect to IP and type that IP address and you'll get, obviously, you get right in that way. Is it free at the moment? You said it's early access. Yeah. Oh, no, no, no. The game is $20. Okay. Yeah. The game is $20 to get. I thought you were asking like for you to come play with me it's absolutely access i mean that you need like a special code no it means that they are they are releasing an unfinished product um for people to check out and i'll probably also to raise some money to complete it because uh but but it's
Starting point is 00:23:15 definitely got a ton of potential and a lot of people are playing it i don't think it's going to be the next pub g or anything they're not going to hate it for six weeks taylor there you go yeah i i go to their subreddit a lot and i think that a lot of the players who are playing this are former DayZ players and stuff like that. So they really like how difficult the game is and how noob unfriendly it is. And they're like begging the developers not to make it more noobfriendly, not to make it easier, and I don't know. What does noob-unfriendly mean to them? There's a lot of ways to be noob-unfriendly. Skill is rewarded. It's not random.
Starting point is 00:23:57 It's hard to play. It's just hard to play. With the crafting and stuff like that, if you want to make something, like if you've got a can of peaches, you can't open the can unless you've got a knife. And you can't beat it open with a stone? You can make a stone knife. If you've got the ingredients. My Minecraft ability is going to come in handy in this game.
Starting point is 00:24:19 Absolutely. And that's the other thing. You could be like a forest dweller and never go into a city, and all of your gear would be homemade. Like, you could be, like, a forest dweller and never go into a city, and all of your gear would be homemade. Like, instead of having a camping backpack, you'd have a goatskin backpack. And, like, the other day, let me, um, I'm going to tell them to get me a screenshot. Uh, if you kill a bear.
Starting point is 00:24:41 That's how I'm going to play this game. I'm going to play like I'm Ted K kaczynski just out in the woods making making bombs and things and ruining people's days who wander out into my realm so if you if you kill a bear and we've only come upon one bear that's far i'm gonna of it is rambo i'm gonna bump the number of animals up and in my server so there are more of them but if you kill a bear you can cut it apart and make bear steaks or i'm gonna i got somebody to grab this for me apologize it's taking a moment can you cheat kyle and by that i mean can you cheat because you own this server you're the admin what cheats can you do i think think so. I think I can definitely change
Starting point is 00:25:25 the zombie damage and the mech's damage. Look at this. This is... We killed a bear. Very intimidating. We killed a bear and we cut it apart and my buddy over there has its
Starting point is 00:25:40 paws as shoes and gloves and I have used its head as a hat and so i got its teeth it's pretty intimidating yeah yeah i cut the bitch apart um looks like you're pretty decked out like you've got a gun two guns it looks like yeah he's got camo i don't know why it doesn't seem like it would be useful to wear bare feet over your own if you're a patreon and you're watching the video version of this you can see the picture i'm sharing it yeah yeah um so you know stuff like that's just just silly i don't have you uh have you had to do anything like i
Starting point is 00:26:16 don't know if this is the same as pub g in that way but like anything underhanded where it's like there's too many zombies then there's a bear approaching like sorry sorry alan we gotta leave you it's like no don't leave me or like get the steps on the back and steal their fucking aspirin or whatever that's daisy like man for daisy like that's what i'm thinking of so the thing is that all the people you run into are complete strangers so it's really a shoot on site mentality and then amongst your squad, everybody's real cool, just like they are in PUBG. I want to share my extra. There's no need for me to have two guns
Starting point is 00:26:50 if you don't have a gun at all, right? As a matter of fact, your party gets better if you share your stuff, right? Exactly. Yeah, yeah. So no, no shitty. And there's no like, in PUBG you get downed,
Starting point is 00:27:03 and you're crawling, and your teammate has to come revive you. You get killed, you die in this game. I like downed. I don't know this game. It could maybe be better or worse with it. But as a game mechanic, I like the opportunity. You have a decision to make.
Starting point is 00:27:18 Are you going to put yourself at risk to make your party strong again? Or are you going to save yourself and let that guy die? Oftentimes there's a case to be made for both. And what are you going to save yourself and let that guy die oftentimes there's a case to be made for both and what are you going to do yeah yeah there's a if it were up to me there'd be a down mode in this game because uh it can be very frustrating if i'll tell you what happened last night um uh we were all looted up right after this picture was taken there were five of us in our squad i don't know if there's a limit to how many can be in your squad. I think maybe ten of us could be in there.
Starting point is 00:27:49 But we were just kind of standing around talking, like our characters in a circle, and my friend Klaas had a knife in his hand, and he didn't realize that there's a mechanic in this game where if you hold right-click instead of clicking it, you don't swipe with whatever item you're holding. You cock it back, and you get a visual representation of where it's going to go, and then you throw it.
Starting point is 00:28:11 So he threw a knife and killed me. Just... And there's a fame... Just accidentally murdered you? Accidentally murdered me, because you die like that. And there's a system in the game called fame, where if you craft things, loot things, kill people, you get more and more fame and you can spend that
Starting point is 00:28:28 currency to spawn back in the sector that you just were. The quadrant of the map costs like 50 fame points or you can spawn back on your squad mate for like 100 fame points. I just happen to have enough fame points to get right back and claim my gear
Starting point is 00:28:44 because your gear stays there. Are the fame notoriety points based on just general badass shit like kind of like you're out there in the woods and they would be like oh you don't want to go around big k you know special k they call them dumb is a rock but fucking crazy and lots of fiber yeah you need fucking 10 balls total to head over there to eat one piece of cake. He says a game, but I'm total. It takes four of him to take on one of me.
Starting point is 00:29:14 Yeah, you get the fame for just about anything and everything, but in small quantities. So you gotta play for a few hours. And it stays, you know, accumulates. So if you get off, you die or whatever you still keep your fame on that server how long has it given like like like you could you could live for i'm sure that there are people who have been alive for 20 hours and stuff like that because or days
Starting point is 00:29:38 of playtime because they just log off and your character vanishes and then when you log back in he appears at wherever he was before and he's still got all of his shit tangentially related i ask you kyle because i think you know more about weapons than me my theory is that throwing a knife is not really a thing i have a feeling that if you and i were in some sort of fight to the death and i threw my knife at you you would just get my knife and now i'm fucked what i would want most if i have to be in a knife fight is that the other guy throws it because then i am the one and then now you're in a knife fight with me like yeah yeah i've always heard that i've always heard that from like special forces guys when asked about knife fighting i don't remember which one said
Starting point is 00:30:22 it or i could pull it up he said why would i throw my weapon away essentially um i've thrown knives before and i've spent a lot of time practicing for like videos and stuff and gotten to the point where at a at a known distance like like oh yeah this is where i always throw from just like a pitcher's mound and that's my where my target always is i've gotten to the point point where I know which end of the knife to hold and the throwing motion, and I can stick it 90% of the time or something. Hard as fuck. So if my enemy, for some reason, stumbled upon my throwing range, and I was like, ah, ah, ah, one step back. Otherwise, the handle is going to hit you in the collarbone. Ah, perfect, perfect.
Starting point is 00:31:03 Don't move. You have to quick walk backwards. One minute. I need to take half a the collarbone. Perfect. Don't move. You have to like quick walk backwards. Wait a minute. I need to take a half a step back. All right. Left foot forward. If in that scenario, if I had two knives,
Starting point is 00:31:13 I'd throw one of them. But otherwise, no. Think about how hard that would be to hit someone with a knife. Like if you gave me a dart, something I know how to throw, and I know it's going to be point out, and you put Kyle 10 feet away.
Starting point is 00:31:26 And you tell me, hit Kyle with the dart. And Kyle, don't get hit by the dart. It's going to be really hard to hit Kyle with that dart. It's so hard. He's going to move. I'll probably hit him, I'd say, half the time. I'm going to dive and barrel. I'll be able to anticipate everything.
Starting point is 00:31:38 He'll be barreled by him. If I'm Kyle wearing that jacket, I just hold it up like a vampire shielding himself from the sun. And your dart has rendered ineffective. Yeah, gonna dart right to thigh i won't even really really give it a push yeah maybe a tomahawk through his jacket i don't know i think it would catch it like but yeah catch the tomahawk i've never known anyone who suggested that throwing knives is a real thing um and and in my experience, it's hard to do. It's hard to do repeatedly. And I'm certainly not an expert.
Starting point is 00:32:08 I just trained at one known distance for a video or whatever. But I would never throw a knife. From what I understand, when you are having a knife fight, you don't hold it... I wish I had a blade. Yeah, I got a fork here.
Starting point is 00:32:22 You don't hold it like this. You hold it like this with the blade facing forward. And one of the things that that provides is if they try to grab your wrist and get wrist control, they're grabbing a blade. They can't do that anymore. And the idea is you sort of slash forward like this and stab rather than, you know, like this thing. Getting in a knife fight would be so terrible terrible like just getting stabbed one of the reasons that brazilian jiu-jitsu got so effective is that you can train it at full speed without hurting the other guy right that's that's
Starting point is 00:32:57 one of the reasons it became an effective grappling method i feel like there's not that many people who are experts at knife fighting because you can't really train it at full speed, right? Like you get maybe one or two knife fights a life and then you die. Well, they use dummy knives. And it stops being like the preferred method of combat like literally hundreds and hundreds of years ago. Dummy knives are like learning shooting by playing paintball, according to me, right? What the hell do I know? But while paintball might help you a little bit, you could take more aggressive tactics to win in paintball knowing that the consequences are so low. You
Starting point is 00:33:30 run across the field in paintball when that might be not suggested with real bullets. People, there are training knives that are used to teach this sort of thing that I've seen. You can order them online. I don't know if you've ever seen the blue guns. They're usually called blue guns. And it's a plastic gun that's identical to any gun you can think of. Easily identifiable is not a real gun, though.
Starting point is 00:33:55 It's blue, though. Bright blue. They make knives exactly the same way. And I've seen military guys training with them. But again, I feel like, here's another thing, handguns almost fall into the same class. I've talked to military guys and special forces guys about handguns,
Starting point is 00:34:13 and they're like, if I'm in a gunfight with a handgun, something has gone terribly wrong. Terribly wrong if I'm using a handgun to shoot at another human being. Because for some reason my primary weapon system has been taken from me or has malfunctioned or i've lost it this is a nightmare scenario that will almost never ever occur you know and i was like yeah that makes
Starting point is 00:34:37 sense like like you know if you're if you're in a war if you're in a battle or you're like a special forces guy or something like and you're down to your handgun so many things have gone wrong so many is it yeah that's true i'm a regular person who sometimes shoots right i haven't shot in a while i probably suck but like with a rifle i feel like i can put 30 rounds at 20 feet into a car taillight quickly i can just they'll all hit the taillight like that's a thing that is not an extraordinary act with a pistol i need a second or two between shots you know we need to reset re-aim and i might still miss a taillight every now and then like it's difficult it's it's uh it's much more difficult than a than a shouldered weapon, for sure. And they hurt less. For sure, yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:32 I've always said I would either want a.30 caliber AR-15 or something, like the AR-10 as it's known, or a shotgun. I feel like shotguns in urban combat, like if we were going to have a fight in this house right now, I think I'd want a shotgun. Semi-auto? Does it have to be semi-auto, or would you take a pump?
Starting point is 00:35:52 You know, I'm not an expert in this or anything. The military uses a lot of there's a shotgun called an M4. It's a Benelli M4. It's semi-automatic. They're very effective. I've never had one fail before, but I've always had this sort of mindset about this imaginary... I've never had one fail before, but I've always had this sort of mindset about this imaginary, I've just had this mindset about this imaginary gunfight where, God damn, I don't want
Starting point is 00:36:13 to trust a semi-automatic shotgun. When there's a pump that I've never seen fail, I know you had one that failed, but like none of mine have ever failed i've never seen one fail in in my personal life and so it's like that one works now i think it just needed hundreds of rounds through it could have been yeah so so i'm probably that happens with guns sometimes need a break-in period sometimes uh especially in like semi-automatic handguns they need a break-in period because the spring is uh is just to begin with, and it needs loosening up so that the slide can go all the way back and cycle as much as it needs to. So at first you might have to shoot magnum rounds, like more powerful, faster, heavier rounds to get it to cycle correctly. And later on you can move down to target rounds that you'd prefer to shoot.
Starting point is 00:37:02 That can be a thing for sure. I have a pump shotgun under my bed for home defense i mean it's in my safe when i'm not home unless i forget to take it out which happens all the time but i've never had anybody bust in but i feel like all it would take is one shot right like it with with home defense rounds or like uh you know buckshot like what kind of human being who's not on pcp is going to keep coming like that's why at first i thought you were saying kyle like oh i'd prefer to have the semi-automatic but then when you're like oh you know i want the pump because it has you're the one doing the mechanism it can't fuck up yeah like you you know you wouldn't think more than one shot i go the other way almost i want
Starting point is 00:37:43 to hear kyle's answer about the one shot. But to me, I'm like, have you ever, they call it short shucking. What is it when you don't pump it all the way and you go back halfway? Yeah. Sometimes when I do, I'm like, now it's kind of instinct. But you have to really go all the way back, all the way down, slam it into the stops, and then it'll never fail. It's possible to fuck it up, and it's stressful. I have some muscle memory there
Starting point is 00:38:12 that's never happened to me. I was shooting a 12-gauge when I was six or seven. I couldn't shoulder it yet. It went under my arm, and then I put my head down to shoot birds. That was one of the first guns I ever shot was the Remington 870 Wingmaster. And so I've just got a muscle memory there where that would never happen.
Starting point is 00:38:32 But I hear your point. If you shoot something with buckshot, in my experience, it dies. I've never seen anything get shot with buckshot and live. It's a handful of.30 balls going a thousand feet per second you know it's or faster like what does that extend to like black bears grizzly bears elephants like how high does that go ah i've never had any i never had to tangle one of those but i'll tell you never tangle with an elephant unless you like put it right up against its temple or something i bet like blew its head i know i don't know, though. Not my area of expertise, but I will say
Starting point is 00:39:05 I don't want to say, I don't like saying things that I don't know to be true, but what I have used buckshot on are coyotes and white-tailed deer and wild boar. And in all of those situations, they dropped to the ground and died before I could even get to them.
Starting point is 00:39:22 You need to go hippopotamus hunting to see how that works out. Something like that might take a few. I don't know where the heart is on a hippo. I know on those other animals, I know where to aim. I'm going to guess it's in the same spot as the other similar animals.
Starting point is 00:39:36 Yeah, roughly. But there's a lot of blubber in there, a lot of fat. And what's good for penetrating fat? I'm thinking of my Mythbusters, right? Where I think... Do you remember in the Mythbusters what went furthest underwater? Was it a 9mm maybe? It was just whatever was the highest velocity, wasn't it?
Starting point is 00:39:54 No, no. That's what I would have thought too. And they brought out a 50 cal thinking this is the one that's going to really penetrate the water. And it went like a foot. It just, that's gonna really penetrate the water and it went like a foot it just yeah it that's an itch was it explained because it's like oh there's so much drag because it's such a larger bullet it it hits water is very different than flesh so i've shot a lot of ballistics gel and it's the uh it's the same consistency as human flesh um and you know know, higher... Different than flesh.
Starting point is 00:40:25 I wouldn't have guessed that. Oh, absolutely. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, definitely so. You know, I don't necessarily know the physics behind it, but you shoot a 5.56 bullet into water and it kind of comes apart when it hits it. It just gets shocked and it comes apart.
Starting point is 00:40:40 Something about the surface tension of the water or the... I don't know. Something about the surface tension of the water or the, I don't know, something about the physics of water really arrest a fast moving object very quickly. Whereas with flesh, they make special rounds that I've seen in my ballistics tables that are meant for big game. And they're often solid, what are called solids. So instead of being like a hollow point that's meant to like open up, this thing like sort of flat-nosed and sometimes made out of, I always get confused whether it's brass or bronze, but something very hard and heavy and dense that's meant to penetrate and go through large bones and then keep penetrating. trading uh and those kind of rounds in in rifles that i've never fired are meant for game like hippos and rhinos and elephants they're very big uh single shot rifles that uh that hurt those are
Starting point is 00:41:35 the ones where like you watch youtube videos of a guy with like a punt gun looking thing that's just enormous it has like a stand on it and they shoot it and there's like a video of like 2000 with a bunch of uh guys in like saudi arabia yeah a bunch of arabs shooting it and the thing is so powerful it's like flipping doing spins after they fire it and then it's those guys those guys are pussies was it called a t-rex that gun or there's a 577 t-rex there's a lot of them so the thing about a lot of those rounds is it was maybe not elephants or or hippos or any kind of game like that yeah the thing about a lot of those crazy guns that you see maybe on youtube or whatever is um now some of them this isn't true for but some of them
Starting point is 00:42:16 are custom-made guns it's like a guy a guy who happened to have the proper licensing and i think it's you probably need a just uh a dd like a type 10 manufacturer's license because these are considered destructive devices once the the the barrel is a certain uh diameter they will take like i saw i knew a guy he took a 20 gauge shotgun which is smaller than a 12 gauge and he chambered he made he manufactured the shell that would fit into this thing a brass bullet and then he he put gunpowder in the brass bullet and then he custom made the projectile out of lead he poured liquid lead into a mold he made and he now he's made his own custom gun right wait it seemed like he used bullet and projectile differently is there something they don't understand they're the yeah well what they're different well well what i mean by bullet is when i was getting it was the
Starting point is 00:43:10 cartridge oh okay actual metal the brass uh as it's sometimes called that part he he made everything for this custom right it the gun is a 20 gauge shotgun but, but now it's firing a rifle cartridge that he made in his garage. Yeah, and I shot one of those before, and it is colossally powerful. It hurt. My shoulder clicked for a year and a half. That's got to not be fun when you put all this effort into making a gun, and you shoot it the first time, and you're like, ah, that sucked. No. This is not going gonna be a fun hobby this is gonna be a way to like bruise friends shoulders you know that's what he was going for this guy's name is they call him dangerous bob he's the guy who blew off half his pinky that time he's the guy who who likes to make explosives he's the guy dangerous
Starting point is 00:44:01 bob they call him dangerous expert that's not a nickname you'd want. No. Safety conscious Bob. He's a fucking wild man. He looks like what his name sounds like. He's about 5'10", 225, long fucking hair down his shoulders and like a goatee and he likes blowing shit up and he
Starting point is 00:44:19 likes making custom rifles that hurt people so that he can be like, shoot mine, shoot mine, shoot mine. And watch you get your ass kicked by his big-ass rifle. I almost bought a 500 Smith & Wesson. If people don't know, this is the most powerful handgun in the world, I think. And I don't know. It's so big to look at it. You look at it, and it's the kind of gun they'd put in Arnold Schwarzenegger's hand so that it looks big even when it's in Arnold Schwarzenegger's hand.
Starting point is 00:44:49 It is huge. And when you shoot it, gun people say it hurts, right? And Kyle, the reason I didn't get it is Kyle's like, it's not fun though. You'll get it. Shoot maybe six shots through it. And before long, even the dumbest monkeys realize they don't want that shocking banana and yeah and that's where you are it just like it's it's not a fun gun to have it's just a fun gun to look at at best yeah and it's a
Starting point is 00:45:16 thousand bucks your video is the first one to show up what'd you say yeah on google is it is the one where i'm indoors or outdoors uh i didn't click on the thumb or no you were outdoors outdoors what'd you search yeah i just went in 500 smith and wesson and kyle's was the first that showed up yeah i i dual willed them in that video i shoot one in each hand at some targets um they are they're not fun to shoot i i could have bought one once for like 900 used because a guy had bought it and he had been like oh i don't like this with the gun came half a box of ammo because he had gotten halfway through a box and been like i fucked up this isn't fun i fucked up and uh and i was like i'll give you 754 and he's like no deal i was
Starting point is 00:46:00 like all right well i don't want it that bad anyway i i i want a great deal on it but i don't want a good deal on it because it's i don't fucking want it i don't want it at all uh they're just not fun to shoot and they don't really have a purpose i've heard people talk about like if you're an alaskan bush guide having one on your your uh side as like a last resort against bears but again my thought process and things like that is pretty practical i'm like if you're going somewhere where there's bears and you're using a handgun you have fucked up you have made three or four bad decisions first you went somewhere where there's bears second second you didn't have a like a shotgun loaded up with buckshot which is or slugs or something i'm not a bear expert but that's what i'd want and at least you're gonna die now you better be fucking josie whales out there with that with that handgun if you're gonna
Starting point is 00:46:50 take a charging bear down put one through both of its eyes if you want to have any chance yeah and if we've ever been in a high stress high stress situation you don't get better most people don't at shooting in high stress situations maybe maybe if you're like ah this is for the tournament you can calm your nerves but if it's like this is for my life and i have 2.1 seconds yeah i i don't know how i perform under those circumstances i like to believe that i would really calm myself and squeeze that round off but i don't know i definitely don't i i wouldn't bet on me and i certainly wouldn't like like you definitely you're right you never know it might be like you respond like and and spend 0.75 of your remaining 2.1 seconds running before you realize that's not tenable because it's a bear
Starting point is 00:47:38 and then you turn around and realize you don't even have the second you thought how many times have you been in a video game and like a guy surprised you and you just start spraying right because you're just hoping it'll you'll spray and pray oh get it up instead of like you're shooting a bear with a nine millimeter handgun or some shit like that would be like you know if like a chicken shooting rubber band paper clips at me as i was approaching it to kill it it's like it was all it's going to do is really upset me when you fly into the alaskan airport um i don't know if there are multiples but the i think it's the one in juno uh there is a bear mounted there and uh it's it's roughly 12 feet tall or something like that and when it stood up on its back paws it could put its paws on the on the roof of a one-story house. Its paws are bigger
Starting point is 00:48:25 than a pie plate. And it was killed, I think, or at least I remember the story happening in about 2002, because I remember we were all on the internet in my shop teacher's office looking at it, and he was telling us the story. And what had happened was this thing had killed and eaten, I think, a park ranger or a hunter, one or the other. And when they finally took it down, it had like a dozen nine millimeter rounds in it. And the guy who killed it had a semi-automatic seven millimeter Magnum, which is a very, a pretty serious, uh, rifle cartridge. Okay. And it's what I used to hunt deer with because i was an asshole kid when i was 12 and i wanted the really powerful gun and uh as a 12 year old it knocked me around and bruised me daily
Starting point is 00:49:10 but i kept it's a powerful gun and i but but it's it's good for elk it's good for uh for stuff like that um bears in the pinch apparently so just to ask i know what a 30-30 is like. A 7mm is more powerful. Yeah, a 30-30 is kind of a low-velocity round. And the 7mm Magnum is much more powerful. It's about.30 caliber, the way I remember it. But it's a longer cartridge and a lot more powder, a lot more pop to it. And I load my own ammunition. So if you bought it from the store, you kind of
Starting point is 00:49:45 only had one option and it was 175 grain bullets, uh, going like 3000 feet per second. And that would beat 12 year old me to death every time I fired it. Um, so I, I would load, uh, like 140 or 145, uh, grain bullets into it. None of this matters to anyone, but it's a very versatile gun. You could load it down to 110 grain bullets and they'd just be high velocity. That's often what I would hunt deer with is 110 grain bullets that were high velocity in that gun because it had a very flat trajectory
Starting point is 00:50:16 that was good for long range deer kills. Golly. This bear had so many goddamn bullets in it. It was 14 foot tall, by the way. I was close, I guess. 7 millimeter and 30-06 look almost the same in the picture. In that link I sent you guys, there's the image of the bear, of the person the bear killed before it was eventually killed.
Starting point is 00:50:41 Yeah, his leg has been devoured from the knee to the hip um to the bone completely to the bone yeah that hand is huge on the bear yeah terrifying absolutely fucking terrifying it's it's a it's it's like a predator from you know a hundred thousand years ago or ten thousand years ago when we were fucking cavemen and and the night was terrifying god shit shit was real back then like when we walk around never afraid of animals now like the only time we're afraid of an animal is if like we opt to where it's like man i'm gonna go i'm gonna go look at snakes modern man out wrestled the bear that's what happened we we learned brazilian jiu-jitsu the ancient art of manly cuddling and the bears once uh nerga men off beat that bear the tide had turned you do the
Starting point is 00:51:34 fucking uh crocodile dundee yeah mind trick on them if bears under if animals understood combat sports they'd be so bored by our versions of them. Imagine a bear that worked out. Here's the thing. They never work out. We think of animals as these incredibly powerful things. They haven't worked out a day in their fucking lives. Imagine a sentient bear who was out there doing fucking push-ups all day and getting buff.
Starting point is 00:52:01 Why does that bear run laps? Their whole life is working out they weigh hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of pounds they gotta scale a tree they're like wings of redemption's calves huge and strong it's strong beefy spectable yeah i remember like there's a it's been kind of a meme about my calves on the show for years and years after I told that story. And Wings was like, I've got bigger calves than Woody. And they weren't super defined, but he held an Xbox controller next to his calves and dwarfed that controller with his massive calves. They're like a table leg or something like that.
Starting point is 00:52:37 Like if you've got a fancy table, when it first comes off the bottom of the table, sometimes it's big, fat, and then it curves down. It's like that natural, down you know contoured wood design huge like literally cantaloupe sized or something bigger bigger they're huge super strong legs he uh i i won't say how much weight he's lost because he gives information yes he gets i'll tell you too i guess but but we won't talk it on the show because he gives Kitty this information, then she gives it to me. But it's given to her, I'm sure, as a kind of a
Starting point is 00:53:10 don't tell anybody kind of thing. Because for whatever reason, he doesn't want to put it out there. It's not our secret to tell. It's not my secret to tell. And I know I give him shit, but I don't feel like I ever do any backstabby stuff the way he does us. And I feel like revealing this would be
Starting point is 00:53:26 doing that. We completed our bet that I had with my Discord. Taylor, you owe some people some money. Can you write the number in this, Skate? Five dollars, right? I'll need to think about it for a moment.
Starting point is 00:53:44 It's like, I think he weighs this much now i think he weighs that much um you can say what the starting weight was right what was it i don't remember it see that's the other thing it's kind of hard to there was the starting weight before the surgery and the the weight right after the surgery he's lost about i have a rule on that i think he's lost like it's the highest roughly that ever seen that that's my take on it it wings if this if you happen to catch this that's your starting number the highest number that's ever been on a scale that's how much you've lost that i'll accept that yeah but our bet was like how much he was going to lose from the from the surgery ending he did a weigh-in and he told
Starting point is 00:54:30 everybody what he weighed i just don't have that number in my head and i think that number i just typed in there is the amount he's lost in about two months so quite good i think it i was yeah yeah that's a difference i i wasn't off by very much at all. I'd love to lose a third of that. Yeah, for sure. Happy for him. He's looking better. I need to see him.
Starting point is 00:54:56 I don't think I've seen a good view of him. I sometimes watch the clip channels and I think the clip channels are getting to be a little unfair. just do kind of grab like they're clearly trying to be neutral okay okay fair counterpoint what happened to their journalistic integrity over there at Wings House of Shame? Wings takes media.DF. But he'll be playing a video game for a long time, and they'll grab all of his lowest lows.
Starting point is 00:55:30 I see him in Rainbow, right? He plays Rainbow a lot. And they show his most unfortunate deaths, and they just make a montage out of that. It just doesn't give a clip for his gaming ability, which I know he cares about. Yeah, yeah. Now, I'll agree with that.
Starting point is 00:55:46 I think that he has been getting better at not giving them what they want or whatever. Call of Duty is about to come out, though. I hope he plays it. I hope he plays it. He's gone back and forth on whether he'll play it or not. He'll play it. I think he'll play it. I hope I haven't influenced him not to by saying that.
Starting point is 00:56:03 I imagine this gets to him. I always assume that, I don't know how many people are going to watch this, 5,000 or something. I don't expect 5,000 people to keep a secret. I just, you can't. Not now. Right.
Starting point is 00:56:16 But in any case. This is where I learned this. I was in some sort of drama. I don't remember which one of my many dramas it was. Back in the day when I was a bigger YouTuber. And I'm in some sort of drama. I don't remember which one of my many dramas it was. Back in the day when I was a bigger YouTuber. And I'm in a Twitch thing. And there's, I don't know, 65 people watching this stream. I wasn't streaming.
Starting point is 00:56:35 I was just chatting in somebody's stream. And someone asked me about it and I replied. And the move was to stay out of the drama, to let it die. But I'm like, there's only 65 people here this to me means nobody saw it i'm practically alone at 65 and it turns out 65 people one of them will go make it more public than it started is so you just have to assume that even tiny rooms like that, it's going to get out. Yeah, yeah, I suppose so. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:09 So anyway, Wings lost some weight. Good for him. Yeah, of course. I want to see it with my eyes. I want to... Yeah, man. Give him three more months and he is...
Starting point is 00:57:20 I don't know how else to say this, but a normal guy. That's two months different, right? That number that you wrote? Yeah, that's a two-month number. Give him three more at that rate. Holy shit. If he hits two-thirds of that rate over the next three months, that's still normal.
Starting point is 00:57:37 If he loses that again, right? If he does in three months what he did in two. Holy shit. Very impressive. I mean, he had the surgery and everything but i'm impressed it's it's cool to see him losing the weight he's gonna be a normal fucking human being in a year he just is there's no way around it i don't think i don't think you can eat your weight out of this uh this thing and i don't think he will out of the surgery yeah oh you can
Starting point is 00:57:59 yeah i know people who have yeah i know people have too. You can beat gastric bypass surgery. This is the gastrectomy, though. Wings and boogies should have made a competition of this whole thing. No, it's not. It's not the gastrectomy. These are two people who really don't have issues with public pressure and mental health at all. I think they should have brought the scrutiny of a competition and fans rooting and cheering for and against them.
Starting point is 00:58:30 I mean, fair enough on that. These are people who make their living online, putting themselves in front of the camera, right? Like, what better than the spectacle of competition? Logan Paul just made enough money to retire on. But the magic behind Boogie and Wings is that they are not particularly bulletproof to online criticism. It is both their curse and their magic. And yeah, it would be good for their bottom line and bad for their mental health.
Starting point is 00:58:57 I was going to place a bet today. I think it would be kind of good for their mental health because they would, like, I'm just speaking from my perspective, like the competition would make sure that you did not fuck up. You't cheat one bit because you won't you don't want to be the loser you know and so physical health you know is improving your mental health is going to improve as you're doing better and you make you know some nice cashola just by losing weight and feeling better and all you have to deal with is like get off Twitter for a couple months. So I was going to place a bet today. McGregor is plus 140. They're not even.
Starting point is 00:59:31 Oh, wait, no, I'm thinking of Woodley. Yeah, yeah. Habib is negative 170, and McGregor is plus 140. And I watched a video that basically said you know if you're gonna bet mcgregor bet now because as we get closer to the fight that that is going to uh the odds are gonna get closer you know you're not gonna you're not gonna have that plus 140 on mcgregor and i was like oh shit all right let's do this right now and then like i would it's fucking illegal to do it in georgia and so i i probably shouldn't do that um you don't need any more attention
Starting point is 01:00:06 yeah yeah i i asked some people in the discord i was like hey is this illegal for me to do and like a bunch of people started like copy pasting these things that had the official seal of georgia on them being like yep and so i didn't even look any deeper into it i just took their word for it because they seem to have done the research for me. But apparently so. Do you still think about moving sometime? That was the plan a year ago, I think. Whenever I can. Whenever the legal stuff is 100% done.
Starting point is 01:00:34 I thought it was. There are no charges against me, but there could be. You're just kind of playing the waiting game right now, aren't you? Yeah, we're waiting on them to either press charges or not, and they'll let us know at some point. I don't want to get too into the details, but it's happened three or four times now where they're like, ah, we'll know in X amount of days, and then something happens, and they're like, ah, it got extended. There was months and months there where they filed for extensions, and I think they filed for their last one or something like that. Is there a limit on how many extensions you can file?
Starting point is 01:01:13 Okay. They did not file the last time it was time to file for one. So either they're going to press some charge at some point fairly soon. I don't know exactly when that will be but it'll be this year or they're going to be like which which could totally happen right again i don't want to get too into the details but um like what happened has been blown out of proportion so much that it seemed like they uh were unaware of exactly what had happened, and they thought there was more to the whole thing than there was.
Starting point is 01:01:53 I'm not sure the amount of stuff that got sent, but it's much less, I'm told, because I never saw it. It's much less, I'm told, than what had been reported and stuff like that. It's way less than an ounce, apparently. And so, you know, even if they do press charges, it's some sort of like minor league possession type thing. I wonder, I'm just, I don't want to say anything, but I wonder if the original weight was much higher because they weighed the container.
Starting point is 01:02:22 I'm just making that up. But like, you know, they just like, just like yeah holy shit this weighs half a pound yeah you got to take it out of the tupperware asshole like you can't count that yeah i i don't even know i don't know and and like i'm not even talking about the number like like i've never heard from them you know they speak to my lawyers but like i think it had been reported on some like silly news site that there was like many ounces or like thousands of dollars worth of stuff that and none of that's even remotely true very small amount apparently but i again i i never saw it so it could have been a fucking it could have been a pablo escobar shipment for all I know. I never got to see what was going on at all. But yeah, I've said it before, and I'm not making it up.
Starting point is 01:03:10 You're supposed to know soon. It'd be nice if that cloud of uncertainty blew away. That would bother me. It would be a stress on my whole life. I don't mean to infect your brain about it. I just realized what I'm saying you know I hadn't even thought about this whole thing now that you mention it
Starting point is 01:03:31 I'm going to hold this over this is going to be serious I'm good at that I'm going to represent myself I've always had this mindset and I've kind of had to with some of the stuff that I've done the dangerous stuff that we filmed and stuff
Starting point is 01:03:46 it's going to be what it's going to be when you or in my case me has no control over something I have a really easy time of just letting it go and not letting it bother me we talked about going down the scary water slide before that you've only got to be brave for a second
Starting point is 01:04:03 my thought process is you don't have to be brave at all let let's just do it nothing then i'm completely out of control it's just physics that's how i do surgery yeah i all i needed to do was arrive here i am a slab of meat and i really have no responsibilities or stress whatsoever bring the drugs on that's yeah that's how much you're at the eye doctor then you really gotta be on point you don't want to get shit glasses because you're like fucking around I'll have them do that give me the 7 and 8
Starting point is 01:04:33 or you guys, you have good eyes so you guys probably don't have to go past 1 and 2 I get all the way to like 11 and 12 let me go grab another one of these machines I've had this a couple of times where I go to the doctor. They say, you know, you could use glasses. You would like clear vision.
Starting point is 01:04:51 And I get it, and I have clear vision. And I'm like, oh, well. And then I just decide that, like, it's not so bad that I can't function. And I prefer my own, like, I call it woody vision, but you could maybe call it Picasso vision, whatever it is. My world's just a little softer and nicer all the hard edges that that like you know you guys deal with fuck that no everything's soft a little do you get do you have a halo around every light you see at nighttime no i don't think so like when i get a it's real minor like a stoplight or something like at night in the dark you don't get those okay that's not that's always indicative of when i can tell my eyes are getting
Starting point is 01:05:31 worse than my prescription again is i'll be like driving this happened like uh six weeks ago before i got my new glasses i was wearing my old ones driving at night and i had a feeling where like i just noticed it was like huge it looked like a target sign like every single uh light looked like a target sign and i was like this just is not safe at all for me to be driving like this like if i'm on a small road a guy comes around with his headlights on if he if he accidentally leaves his brights on i might die like i all of my vision is gone i've had glasses. I wore them on the show for a couple of weeks or months, but now I don't know. I find myself reading the phone like, yeah, right.
Starting point is 01:06:13 I definitely the good one at this distance. And I just struggle to get through the word. Sometimes I put glasses on and wow, it's so much better. I have to rebuild carburetors probably more often than most people. They do this two stroke stuff. Then I put the glasses on and suddenly like, like, Oh my God. It's so much better. I have to rebuild carburetors probably more often than most people who do this two-stroke stuff. And I put the glasses on and suddenly, like, oh, my God. It's like supervision.
Starting point is 01:06:33 Everyone else has this all the time? But I don't want it all the time. I think I got my dad's vision. You know, he's 64 or something like that. And, you know, no glasses. You know, he reads the newspaper, the fine print and he can spot things at long distance. My mom, on the other hand,
Starting point is 01:06:52 has had LASIK twice and it didn't take. It didn't work. I didn't know you could get it twice. I didn't know that you could get it once and it wouldn't work. It was like seven grand a pop or something like that. I don't think she got any kind of a refund yeah sometimes well because they'll tell you it doesn't work for everyone but what the way that usually works is like my mom got it
Starting point is 01:07:13 probably 15 years ago and then she wears glasses again now because it's like they'll repair your eyes but your eyes keep getting shittier you just start start from the top of the peak of eyesight again. So her eyes now, she needs glasses, but they're not a tenth as bad as mine are because it's basically like hitting the reset button on your vision. Yeah. You get that. I also got my dad's vision, but my dad's goes to shit in your 40s.
Starting point is 01:07:39 Yeah. Yeah. Oh, well. Yeah, I'm pretty happy about that. I've always had pretty good vision. When I would take the eye test, I would do better than 20-20. I would be able to read the line below or whatever, like 20-15 or something like that. Do people wear glasses behind a rifle scope?
Starting point is 01:07:56 Some do. You don't just have a corrective scope? I don't know how that works. Definitely not a corrective. That would be crazy if you had a prescription sniper scope. I just picture him dialing in like the eye doctor has. You take your scope to the lens crafters like, Hey, I'm 30 and 8.
Starting point is 01:08:14 No, I don't think that's a thing. Okay. Because they... I want to say my eye doctor has adjustable fixing. I don't know. Yeah. So it seemed like you could put that technology in a scope and unblurry it for you. I don't know anything about that.
Starting point is 01:08:30 I'm not sure. I definitely know there aren't prescription scopes. I'm sure, you know, a lot of people wear shooting glasses. I suppose there are prescription shooting glasses that people wear. I just never kind of ran into it. My goodness. I don't know why people with bad vision choose to wear glasses every day.
Starting point is 01:08:47 Like, why would you not get contacts? It's so much more convenient. You don't have to deal with that border around here that's always fuzzy as shit. They look nice on some people. I mean, a gentleman like yourself with a large cranium, maybe they would suit you. I do have some glasses, and I've worn them on the show. I've seen you wear them.
Starting point is 01:09:03 They look very smart. Thank you. This has been a very positive PK. Oh, we passed an hour a little while ago, by the way. You got Woody's friend on the mend? Yeah, actually, I need to feed him. Yeah, right. I do. He's pretty much bedridden. He has my mother-in-law's walker to get to the bathroom.
Starting point is 01:09:22 Oh, poor guy. It's a pretty dope walker though all right he has no reason to complain about anything he's fallen into a wonderful situation oh no i got hurt my friend's family's just gonna take care of me for for days yeah i showed up at his house i'm like you want the walker or the wheelchair you know like yeah we're gonna take good care of him get him on get it back on his feet that's good well all right uh if you know if you guys want to play scum uh come come hop aboard i'm gonna get on there like right after the show everybody's waiting on me and look up some more videos and cool see you learn more about it yeah sounds good pkn 211

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