Painkiller Already - PKN #217

Episode Date: October 26, 2018

It's PKN time baby! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 yeah all right here we are painkiller nearly episode 217 a call of duty black ops 4 has dropped yeah at least four and uh and it's kyle's entire life kyle tell us more you just drop it exploded all over me have you played a single game of multiplayer yet or only zombies one one game of multiplayer all right so normally here's the thing with Call of Duty. You get three games, right? You get zombies. You get multiplayer. And you get a campaign, which I think we've all enjoyed in the past. No campaign this year.
Starting point is 00:00:33 No campaign at all. There's no fucking storyline. There is a tutorial, Kyle. I have not noticed that. I might be mixing up games. I'm sorry. Carry on. So this year, I paid $ i paid 130 i think for call of
Starting point is 00:00:46 duty and it's just zombies battle royale and multiplayer now i've been told the multiplayer is fun i have no fucking clue because blackout and zombies are spectacular they're amazing pub g's probably gonna die because of this i i don't know who's going back to PUBG from my crew. Nobody is... It hasn't been brought up. Nobody's said the P word since COD's been out. That must be like a surprise disaster for PUBG, right? Because going into it,
Starting point is 00:01:16 0% of you or Chiz or anyone thought, oh yeah, this new COD might kill PUBG. If you'd heard that before it came out... Really? Because I remember you guys... We played the beta. See, we played the beta for a week. And we were all like, ugh. I don't want to like COD, but I like COD.
Starting point is 00:01:33 This is pretty fucking good. If they tinker with this, this, and that, this is going to be strong. And they did. Remember I had issues with the health and the armor and the looting system? They fixed it all. They heard me. They watched this show. They fixed all of that shit it's perfect now in my opinion i'm sure they'll continue to tinker but uh zombies is what's really been sucking me in we've played so much so much fucking zombies because you don't play a little zombies that's impossible it's like
Starting point is 00:01:59 wings of redemption trying to have one banquet meal right it doesn't happen no you have a feast trying to eat one cheese it's not gonna happen no no there's one case of them you're gonna eat them for five hours and feel like you wasted a lot of time and literally four to five hours that's how long we you know if i sit down at zombies we're not gonna stop i'm pretty decent that's the hard thing about zombies and like wanting to play is that it's like it's the equivalent of someone being like hey do you want to go see three movies right now it's like really like three back to back is that it's the equivalent of someone being like, hey, do you want to go see three movies right now? It's like, really? Like, back to back to back? It's like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:30 Yeah, well, you don't have anything going on tomorrow. It's like, yeah, no, I do. Not like a whole trilogy or anything. One and a half Lord of the Rings. Yeah. Are you liking this more than any previous iteration of Zombies?
Starting point is 00:02:45 Or just as much as the... I guess it was Black Ops 2 that got it really, really good, right? I don't know. There's a lot of varying opinions on when Zombies was the best. I think Chiz loves Black Ops 1. I think he was pretty renowned for his gameplay in Black Ops 1. But I don't have a huge amount of zombies play in the past. I've played hundreds of hours
Starting point is 00:03:07 of it, but I never really paid attention to the storylines, and I couldn't name you which map from which game and such, but this is really good. They took a little bit of flack with some of the changes they made, but I really fucking enjoy it, and god damn, the Easter eggs
Starting point is 00:03:23 are absurd. Like, i watched some of the live streams of these guys trying to figure out easter eggs and they're just running around like what if i touch this and then you touch that and then we kill five zombies in this room until that turns blue and then i look through the shields so i can see the dog's ghost and i pet it then what happens and they're like all right do it all nothing nothing happens what if we do the whole thing again but instead of petting the jog i shoot it twice and and i we kill six zombies that was it that was it still nothing okay like that's literally kind of shit that goes on like like like um there are easter eggs that take and it's not that that you know the steps even you have to
Starting point is 00:04:04 be good like you have you have to be good enough to do the steps in a lot of situations right it's not that that you know the steps even you have to be good like you have you have to be good enough to do the steps in a lot of situations right it's like that one with the big uh robot walker on the last one yeah like it wasn't just you have to run down there and do it it was like no you have to run down there through that scaffolding of the underground layer while zombies are chasing you and there's nowhere to kite down there and so like it goes from petty and boring and stupid of like you have to shoot the fifth torch from the left and then walk to the three it was something like that i swear yeah i really was yeah and uh and then it would go immediately to extreme where
Starting point is 00:04:35 it's like and now you have 40 seconds to run into the pit and get your your tomahawk sword it's like oh fuck that's how this shit is like like there are there are 20 30 minute videos that are like how to get the the the magma gat how to get the hell's retriever you know like all of these little uh little easter eggs that you do just to get a weapon or a shield or whatever or turn the power on in some situations are very complex and complicated and it's not nearly as simple as all right just open every door flip every switch and we're good to go. That's child's play. Yeah, that's 2012 stuff.
Starting point is 00:05:10 I would prefer an option for that, though. I would like to have an option where it's like, Easter eggs enabled, or Easter eggs disabled. So if you want to go through all the nonsense and figure it out once or twice, you can, but if then you decide, okay, I just want to play zombies and not do the Easter egg. So there's a couple of ways that you can, but if then you decide, okay, I just want to play zombies and not do the Easter egg.
Starting point is 00:05:25 So there's a couple of ways that you can achieve that. For one thing, there's a new zombies game mode called Rush, which turns zombies into a competitive arcade-type situation where there's an announcer that directs the players from one area to another,
Starting point is 00:05:41 then keeps them within that area, and sends tons of zombies at them, as well as these little, like, remember in Sonic the Gold Rings? Sort of like Sonic the Hedgehog Gold Rings that give you a bonus multiplier. And you're in a race with the other person to get points. And, you know, obviously you can imagine how the multiplier works.
Starting point is 00:05:58 But everything's open. Like, every mystery box is running, the Pack-a-Punch is running, all the doors are already open. Like, you're just going for broke. And it's quick too that sounds like this it's a good way to learn the maps like that i would suggest if someone's trying to learn the map because it's like all right now go there now go there now go here uh and it's also really quick compared to like regular zombies because like i said when we play regular zombies on 9, we get to level 40, 45, 50, somewhere in there,
Starting point is 00:06:27 and we don't lose. We quit. You have to. It's time to go to bed, boys. Someone's got to go to work. Little Mitt's got to get to work. He's got some grossing to do. We just got to call this a wrap here.
Starting point is 00:06:43 We just finally quit at the end. In Rush, you can just got to call this a wrap here and uh and we just finally quit at the end but in uh in rush you can just go to town and you can also create a private match where you just turn everything on you can uh but you can't turn everything on what do you mean all the doors are open you have a ton of money um um uh all the mystery machine the power's turned on all the basic shit is good to go but But if we're talking about just Easter eggs, that's kind of a word I'm using broadly right now, a term I'm using broadly right now. There are some Easter eggs that are just weird little things
Starting point is 00:07:14 that aren't necessarily gameplay changing, but they're just hidden in the game. There are boss fights that are hidden. They haven't discovered all the boss fights yet. I like that. That's really cool. Yeah, there are little... I don't know if you've ever seen chitty chitty bang bang with the flying car yeah there's one where you assemble a little skeleton man and he hops in a car and now he's driving around the fucking map i was watching one earlier and they're trying to figure out how
Starting point is 00:07:38 to do the the final voyage easter egg which is the titanic map and they're running around this the titanic looking for i believe for greek symbols that correspond to each of the nine planets and then they're trying to activate them in the order that they are from the sun and they're like where's mars i don't i don't know i don't know you're telling me we don't know where mars is we got this far we're two hours in. We haven't even found Mars. Start looking for Mars. I was just like, I can't watch this anymore. They got one guy
Starting point is 00:08:12 just training as the last. I thought you meant they didn't know. They're like, alright, someone just hit Venus. What's next? I know it's not Uranus or Neptune. They knew the order of the planets. Mars is after Venus. Mars is after Venus. Mars is after Venus, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:28 Earth. Mercury, Venus. Well, aside from us. I don't really count us. I don't know. I feel like we should count. We should. But we're an echelon above.
Starting point is 00:08:36 Those are bullshit planets. We've got people. Nobody even lives there that I know of. I don't know a single person on Venus or Mars. I don't know any of them. You guys don't watch that TV show. What is it? Exposed?
Starting point is 00:08:47 What is it? Come on. Ah, whatever. With the belters and the Martians and the Earthlings. I have not seen that. It's on Amazon. Amazon bought it. Kyle will know it in a second.
Starting point is 00:08:59 Oh, The Expanse? Expanse. That's what I'm going for. See, that's in the future. That doesn't apply to now. Fair point. Speaking of TV shows, last night, as i was just doing stuff on my computer like i was in the mood for like a feel-good kind of thing and so i re-watched a lot of the old jackass
Starting point is 00:09:14 content because it just reminds me of like high school and middle school and just laughing my ass off at that and wild boys and the movies and then i was like what's something else i liked back then that like i haven't watched in forever? And I was like, King of the Hill. I loved King of the Hill. And so I started looking around, and it turns out it is fucking impossible, impossible to digitally buy King of the Hill. You have to buy physical DVDs or torrent it.
Starting point is 00:09:39 I don't know. No, it's not where, oh, you must have bought them before they took it off the store. Because you can't go to Amazon and buy it digitally. You can't go to Google Play and buy it digitally. You can only get physical copies. It's not on Netflix? No, not on Netflix. There's a YouTube channel that someone tweeted at me.
Starting point is 00:09:55 It's like, hey, check out Jessica A. Burke. Or it's her channel name. And it's got a ton of mixes and everything. I was just watching some of that. But it's all out of order. But man, did you guys like that show? It's not as funny uproariously. It's the one that I watched. I was just watching some of that, but it's all out of order. Man, did you guys like that show? It's not as funny uproariously. It wasn't the one that I watched. I liked it.
Starting point is 00:10:09 I want to say it competed with Simpsons or something, and I watched that instead. I own all the seasons here on Amazon. I liked Simpsons long after everyone else stopped watching it. I don't know. I think it became cool almost to be like, Simpsons stopped being good at season five. Meanwhile, 17 years
Starting point is 00:10:25 it keeps on going. It's not that bad. I like The Simpsons even deep into it. I haven't seen an episode in probably I probably haven't seen any of the most recent 10 seasons. 10 or so seasons, but seasons two through eight are really, really
Starting point is 00:10:43 good. Yeah, that's when they were winning Emmys and they had famous writers. We stopped watching it when we got rid of TV, really. It used to just be on. There's noise. How long did you not have TV? How long did you just nix TV? We were pretty early on that
Starting point is 00:11:00 boat. When did Netflix start streaming? Like, 2009? 2009, 2010. boat when did Netflix start streaming like oh yeah oh nine oh eight nine 2010 yeah it was around then yeah I remember having Netflix been like being like man this movie's gonna be great in three days yeah like Netflix wasn't even streaming we had they'd just mail us DVDs and we'd have less the TV wasn't on really I didn't kind of nice. It was weird at first how quiet the house was with no background noise and then we played board games as a family and I'm like this is really
Starting point is 00:11:32 much better. It really is. I remember watching The Office three DVDs at a time and getting to the last DVD and being like fuck! Maybe if I get to the post office now i'll be a little faster that's how i watch true blood same thing yeah i think i did that yeah it took so long like yeah it was you do the math you're like all right this is 10 bucks a month but it's unlimited shows so if you
Starting point is 00:12:00 watch enough shows it's cheaper than blockbuster, right? And then you realize, like, you got to get that thing, watch it that night, put it back in the mail. And that's like a 10-day process between maybe nine days. Between, like, them shipping it to you and you shipping it back. It was faster. Snail mail. No, it was faster than that. They had some sort of, like, you know, like auto-shift or something like that. It was fast, the way I remember it.
Starting point is 00:12:23 I thought it was, like, he mailed it off and was fast, the way I remember it. I thought it was like he mailed it off and the day after tomorrow it would be back. It's possible you had better service because you're in a bigger city. But I remember it. I might have been exaggerating with five. But if I mailed them one, I don't think I got the next one in my queue
Starting point is 00:12:41 for like six days or something. Yeah. I don't know. I certainly don't do I got the next one in my queue for like six days or something. Yeah. Yeah, I don't know. I certainly don't do the DVD thing anymore. Did you not have a video shop you could go to and buy The Office? Like go to Hollywood Video or Rent, I mean. I don't think so. I doubt that it would have been available.
Starting point is 00:13:04 It wasn't like super popular at the time. You know, it was like 2010 or something like that. I mean, it was a good show, but I don't think it was – I don't think I could rent it now. And we had – what was it? It wasn't a big chain. It was like a movies or something like that. There's a cow on the front. We were talking about Black Ops before,lor was like you know we never saw this
Starting point is 00:13:27 taking over pub g i wonder right like let me lay out this scenario it's january right two three months from now everybody hates call of duty because it's almost mandatory by january right and people get totally fed up of it faster and faster every year. PUBG has a new map. So Black Ops has gotten stale, and whatever bugs there are, people are infuriated by. PUBG has a new map. Could they not get people back? No. No, absolutely not.
Starting point is 00:13:56 The gameplay is completely different. It's better in almost every single way. PUBG is getting another map this winter. They're getting a snow map. But Call of Duty has this shit already in the bag. There'll'll be map after map after map after map they're already made they're sitting in the bank like they don't they're not some little dev team in in south korea or whatever who are like oh i'm gonna use my japanese accent because i don't i don't do a set oh we must be very expedient we didn't move back no they're like yeah we we just made eight maps last year we've got them
Starting point is 00:14:27 we're ready to go here because we do this for a living and we're a billion dollar company billion dollar every pub g just gets a billion dollars and keeps it yeah these people like these people have been making a billion dollars a year every year since i can remember right like like just every year they do with one game with one game forget about their other gigantic library of games that they put out but but yeah so they're just going to keep putting content out they're going to keep improving this game at a rapid pace not at a not as developments are are created which is what pub g seems to do they're like they're like they're working right now like right in front of the train, trying to keep it on the tracks. Meanwhile, Call of Duty already built the transcontinental fucking railroad, and they're just like unveiling stop after stop on a schedule.
Starting point is 00:15:14 You know, they're ready to go with this thing. It's already done. He didn't take Bill Gates' advice, right? Where Bill Gates is like, well, if I only released it when it was fully good, I'd never release anything. Like, didn't he do that? Or was that Steve Jobs? When he was like, why did you release this and it didn't even work all the way that sounds like a steve jobs that sounds like a steve jobs move but um the pub g kind of had to do that because they were uh you know a fledgling game developer they the and it's a really popular
Starting point is 00:15:39 thing now it's a lot of studios do this is they they put out what they have you know like we're not going to go bankrupt making three quarters of a game when we could put a quarter of studios do this is they they put out what they have you know like we're not going to go bankrupt making three quarters of a game when we could put a quarter of a game out there test the waters and then and have like an early access period maybe it blows up and uh and we've got you know we're back in we're back in business here and that that's what pub g did it was incredibly successful um pub g did a lot of things amazingly well fortnight still doing a lot of things amazingly well but this call of duty game seems like what it's certainly the the flavor of the month i you know all of the biggest streamers are streaming it
Starting point is 00:16:13 um it's very addictive it's very hard to play it's much harder to play than uh pub g it's uh it's it's a it's a ton of fun when and we're getting better as my little squad won i think six or seven games last night or something like that we're having a good time playing it too i it's i watch uh sandy ravage dream and he plays with x cal and some other people who i presume are also incredible and they just they win every time it's they win every time and it's not like even when a good player like pub g um dr disrespect is good and it's not... Even when a good player, like PUBG, Dr. Disrespect is good, right? He's not Shroud, but he's good. We all know that he's very good at the game.
Starting point is 00:16:51 And he'll be like, I'm in a top 10 situation, you know? Like, shit's going down. These guys, as their team, there's almost no drama. Like, you knew they were going to win. They knew they were going to win. They knew they were going to win. And surprise, surprise, they won. Trout is so good at this game. Because it's everything that he's amazing at.
Starting point is 00:17:13 We talk about how good he is at clicking on a pixel. It's more than that, though. He also has the ability to move his character around incredibly well. I'm sure he got that from CS. But the thing that separates him head and shoulders above the crowd is his situational awareness, the way he reacts to a 2v him situation, the way he handles those two characters.
Starting point is 00:17:35 He'll quickly leave one and go to another at the right time. And when you mix in all the equipment, he's multitasking so well, and he's hot-keyed everything so well and his muscle memory is so perfect because he's already got 70 hours in the game. It's been out a couple days. Yeah, he's been 78 days.
Starting point is 00:17:53 I mean, 72 hours. Of course he has 70. The first night the game was out, he played, I want to say, I might get these numbers a little fuzzy, but I want to say he played 28 games. He won 24. Damn.
Starting point is 00:18:07 It's a 100-man server. I guess you kind of like a guy when he's really good at the game. That makes you inclined to like him. But I just like watching him play. I like his attitude. I don't know. I like the guy. I like him too.
Starting point is 00:18:18 That's statistically insane to win 24 of 28 games if there's 100 people in there. They were a squad game. This would be in a fucking... Well, I choose to believe it the way he said it initially because it's funnier to me. That's like one of those things like a Fibonacci sequence where they'd be
Starting point is 00:18:36 like, there's no real application here, but just look at how huge the number is. This is the Shroud sequence. You can win 2,800 person games? That's unbelievable. He's incredibly entertaining to watch. He was playing with Ninja all day yesterday,
Starting point is 00:18:52 so that was a gigantic fucking stream. Who's bigger between those two? Because they don't play the same games, right? Ninja's much bigger. But Shroud's much, much better at call of duty um ninja's the fortnight guy okay is this gonna hurt fortnight at all or is it so different from fortnight this will hurt everything yeah this is gonna draw players who are playing fucking assassin's creed this is so good it's so good and it's so popular and all of the the critic reviews
Starting point is 00:19:20 the ones that get paid off and the ones that don't are just just really really good and uh and just the word of mouth you know the only downside is it's 130 fucking dollars it's 130 fucking dollars let me interrupt is it did you buy in like a season pass to make that much yeah you have to if you're gonna play you know all year you might as well it's like you're gonna end up paying like 150 dollars if you don't that is absurd 130 and i guarantee like you and chiz you're not coming over to xbox anytime soon i was gonna ask you guys are on us my friend let me tell you i'm gonna be terrible i don't want to play zombies like that. You'll pick it up so fast playing zombies because there's so many hours of it. I was okay at console zombies. I'm really fucking good at PC zombies.
Starting point is 00:20:14 You're so accurate with your movement and your gun skill. I can WASD around those zombies so close. I'm just like, I'm not going to keep doing a figure eight. I'm going to cut back around them. I'm just going gonna run in circles around them and put them in a little pocket and then burn them all with one grenade sprint and jump through the gaps and everything thread the needle that was fun watch some of the fucking zombie videos and look at like the special weapons and the special grenades and all the weapon unlocks because of course you get every attachment imaginable on your wall weapons
Starting point is 00:20:45 and your box weapons that are in the game and the wonder weapons are really fucking cool and you've got like a power weapon my you know i always use the ham like thor's hammer i fucking break out mjolnir every like five minutes and just go to town it's just nothing can stand in your path you're just swinging it left or right and the more zombies you kill with it, the more it powers up within that singular game. So now I right-click, and I hit the ground, and I create a goddamn lightning storm that just kills every fucking thing. I like this. Sounds fun.
Starting point is 00:21:14 It's really satisfying. There's probably something that you can plug a controller into your PC, right? Does that actually work, or is that, like, shit? I can't tell you how bass-ackwards that is. You know, it's like, I have the most... Does that actually work or is that like shit? I can't tell you how bass-ackwards that is. You know, it's like I have the most... But I don't play enough PC games to get good at this. It will take you a week of being bad. You should invest the time into WASD.
Starting point is 00:21:36 I don't want to invest the time. I'd rather spend $80 on a controller. This is like if you moved to France and you're like... I wouldn't go to France. Pocket dictionary Why would I learn French when I can talk to Siri And then she'll repeat it back in French to people around me I'll just do that forever
Starting point is 00:21:53 It takes five minutes to order coffee but let's go If I could put a Bane mask on That like just an easy $80 Amazon purchase like You know what I don't want to learn French or Italian Or Russian I'm just going to put on this, oh yes, I understand it all now. And like, the only thing you have to deal with is
Starting point is 00:22:09 talking like this. Like that kind of shit. You wouldn't take the time to learn all their consonants and nonsense and tenses and syllables. You just use the thing that made it easier. Right? No, you American pig. No. I'm telling you. No, you American pig. No.
Starting point is 00:22:26 I'm telling you. Capitalist swine. But you think you can't purchase solutions to your problem. You must put in time for WASD. Yeah, maybe I'll just do it. I just know I'm going to get frustrated because even playing PUBG with you guys, like the few games I did. Yeah, you played for like an hour.
Starting point is 00:22:46 You played for like an hour. You played for like an hour. And PUBG is not the game to learn because it's slow paced and stuff. And there's a lot of like, alright, we'll hold this building down for the next eight minutes. Oh, now we're gonna move over here and sit for five minutes. And Zombies, obviously, it's continuous gameplay. It's continuous WASD and aim and shoot.
Starting point is 00:23:03 You'd pick it up in a night or two. You really would. Okay. I still have $130. Fucking bullshit. Yeah, well, wait until you see the price tag on the PC you're going to want. Oh, fuck. $130?
Starting point is 00:23:17 There's no way I can play that on this thing. There's not a component in my PC that only costs $130. My mouse costs more than that. Are you due for another upgrade at some point, or you're solid for a while? The current next best thing, like in graphics, would require me to upgrade everything around that. And I would get 20% boost in performance, but it would cost like $2,500 more. Why would you have to upgrade everything to upgrade your card? Well, I mean, because my current monitor is maxed out.
Starting point is 00:23:52 So I need a new monitor. Okay, okay. And so I'm either going to go 4K high frame rate, extremely expensive, or I'm getting another 1440, 240 hertz something like that I think it is okay it also not worth it and I see a lot of guys like a lot of guys play on 1080 and 240 hertz or something like that I don't want that I'm very happy with everything I have I'm already maxing out the the frame rates of the game like the game is limited to 120 hertz right now, and they're talking about unlocking it to 144. So it just makes no sense whatsoever to upgrade to a 2080 or a 2080 Ti GPU.
Starting point is 00:24:34 Until you switch games, right? Like, Crysis 4 could come out, and suddenly you can't run 90 frames or something. I'm not interested in that game. Well, I made it up. I don't know if it's a thing. There's no crisis. It's like the graphics card.
Starting point is 00:24:49 Yeah, I don't know anything about that. But yeah, it makes no sense for me to upgrade. Everything I've got is sort of not state-of-the-art anymore, but it's definitely top tier. It's still top of the line. Not quite state-of-the-art, but top of the line. Absolutely. Everything's maxed.
Starting point is 00:25:03 My monitor's maxed out in frames,ed my monitor is maxed out in frames and the game is maxed out in frames so there's not not all i could do is get higher resolution or uh yeah that's all i could get i also had a 1080 ti and i gotta tell you rento fortune looked great 8 000 frames per second it was really you, the sound especially, it was crisp. Crisp and loud. I had fun that night. Oh, that was fun. But the music on that was horrible.
Starting point is 00:25:34 For people watching, we had a patron. I can't say the word. Patron. Patron. Pay to play games with us. And we played Rento Fortune, which is like Monopoly. And it was a good time. Kyle, did you win one?
Starting point is 00:25:49 No. Oh, in my head, all the hosts won one. But I guess it was... Chiz, you, and... Taylor. Taylor won one. Yeah, yeah. So it was the one I won.
Starting point is 00:26:01 Like, Chiz is like, do you want to put in the special die? And the special die? And the special die did random shit. Sometimes you'd roll a one. Sometimes you'd roll like a 37. I rolled one, and then I got the equivalent of boardwalk. I move once, and I get park place two. And suddenly like – In the same turn.
Starting point is 00:26:23 In the same turn, yeah. Like, you know, you can't get a one but in this special die yeah and and if you get a one it's really a powerful move right because most of the times you get two-thirds of a monopoly in this case you got an entire monopoly and uh it just sat there looming like haunting people as death row yeah yeah it's hard to escape if you touched park place or boardwalk you were just broken because it was so early in the game nobody had enough cash to to be able to withstand such a such a rent payment it seemed like in the very beginning how chiz when he was like yeah let's
Starting point is 00:26:56 do the i'll just explain the new special die to you as we go and the very first roll he's like all right the red star one don't really know what that does it's like you either go twice as far or half as far sometimes four times as far sometimes you just keep going you have to you have to control alt delete the game that's the power of the star as he was explaining it i was like all right stand back everyone i'm about to apply my superior intellect to the star. And in pattern recognition, we'll see what's up. So the first time around, I'm like, I see.
Starting point is 00:27:29 So it doubles the second die. Next time around, huh, so it doubles the first die. Maybe that's random. Third time around, maybe the dies multiply together. I'm not quite sure. It seemed to be something different every time. Sometimes you'd roll it and you'd be like, did I roll a, oh wow, I rolled a 14. This is going to be big.
Starting point is 00:27:47 You're like, what? 17? 25? 38? How many times have I been around and around this fucking thing? You don't know where it stops. Nobody knows. Just round and round.
Starting point is 00:27:57 We had a good time. Sometimes less strategy than regular Monopoly. There'd be hotels on someone's Monopoly and houses on the next one, and you're like, oh my god, that's Death Row. So you roll this giant number, thinking that you're safe. You make your way three quarters,
Starting point is 00:28:13 all the way around the board, and now you're standing in front of Death Row again. It's like the opposite of being safe. It just put you where you started. It was fun. But you won $200 more to give Woody when you land on his spot. Yeah, but good times. It was fun. But you won $200 more to give Woody when you land on his spot.
Starting point is 00:28:27 Yeah, but good times. I like Monopoly. I've been playing Magic so much. Have you? You don't have to spend anything. Chiz was right about that. You can just play and they give you enough good cards. And, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:28:43 every time I get back into magic i have to re re-remember how boring it is to play against people who use blue and how boring it is to use blue because all that blue does is slow the game down draw them cards and return things to your hand and cancel things and it's the most boring-ass defensive fight in the world. Who's the most offensive fighter in the UFC? Amplify that to a thousand. He only is allowed to throw one punch per match.
Starting point is 00:29:14 It's a one guaranteed knockout. A lot of the times, he never throws that punch. He loses. Every once in a while, he gets that punch off and he wins. Is that a fun guy to watch? No. He's not defending, Woody. Don time running around you know he's not he's not defending what he don't get me wrong he's not perry defend he's sprinting away from you the whole time pouring oil and things to slip you up never coming directly in contact
Starting point is 00:29:35 every time i hear taylor talk about magic and the the details of magic and the blue and the this and the funding and this and that i have had to remind myself, Woody, he does have a girlfriend. It sounds like he doesn't, but he really does. It's a fun game. It is a very fun game. I have a very expensive magic deck, or magic collection. That's right.
Starting point is 00:30:01 You got into it one time and bought someone else's collection in an instant. Am I crazy i gave all that away i'm not even talking about the real cards i gave all that to kitty she plays a ton of magic okay i'm talking about my online cards i got a shitload of digital cards uh like like chis and i started a a cold war style arms race uh about about two years ago. I remember you guys talking about this. I'd be building the deck and I'd be like, we'll make this a $25 deck.
Starting point is 00:30:31 You know what? A $50 deck is at least three times better than a $25 deck. I mean, come on, with those percentages, what can I lose? By the end, I've got a $125 deck that I'm like, this is the shit. I trounced Chiz like six games in a row. He's like, alright, I'm done.
Starting point is 00:30:48 Next night, he's got a $200 deck. He's coming for me. We're just going back and forth with this to the point where I'm just going online and going to the pro circuit decks and just putting that on one monitor and just going through and buying their cards.
Starting point is 00:31:04 I'm like, let me find the card that won the grand championship this year let me find that deck and just buy it and i'll have the black lotus virtual like is it cheaper there uh it's not really playable in the formats that they play there so like the only place you really see in, Black Lotus, is played is for vintage tournaments, which is basically like saying, any card that's ever been printed, you're good. You can run it. And even then, Black Lotus is overpowered. They're like, but only one.
Starting point is 00:31:35 Be real. Right. Yeah, I remember that was like that. Well, who has budget for $260,000? I mean... Yeah, especially not the people who win Magic tournaments, where it's after, you know, nine years, I finally won a hundred grand. It's like, ooh, like that's probably not enough, buddy. You need more than that.
Starting point is 00:31:55 But that your Cold War thing that happened right after we went to Colorado and we played a lot of magic. I think that's when I kind of got you guys more into it. And we played a lot of Magic. I think that's when I kind of got you guys more into it. And we spent so much more. Because I was excited to go to Colorado. I'm like, I'm going to try, like, weed products. And that's going to be really neat.
Starting point is 00:32:15 I mean, I should budget a bit to make sure I, because it's going to be expensive. I spent four times as much money on Magic cards that trip than I did on weed. And it was just three adults who had too much money to spend. Just being like, hey, you want to go get something to eat too much money to spend just being like hey you want to go get something to eat like yeah it's like you know there's a walmart like three minutes from here you each want to go buy two hundred dollars more come back and try it ten times it got to the point where we had to like use the the ping pong table as like the cards you know repository card repository because the ping pong table was just where we kept our cards. The entire top of it was
Starting point is 00:32:47 sectioned into three sections. One for me, one for Taylor. This is all my cards over here. Everything on this side of the net is mine. I've got them organized by type and color. Everything. And these are my decks. These are my pre-made decks I've already got put together. We played way too much
Starting point is 00:33:04 and got really passionate about it and then came home and I discovered Magic Online and I would just trounce people online because I'm using a red deck that won some gigantic tournament or something like that and I've got some of my cards are $30, $40
Starting point is 00:33:19 a piece or something like that. And you're running like four of them. Yeah, I want a full set. Of course you do. You need a play set of them. You're not a fool. Well, this guy who won the world championship only ran three, but I'm not that good. I'll need to up it. I'll get four. Yeah, it was a lot
Starting point is 00:33:35 of fun, and it would still be a lot of fun, but I'm not that stupid. I'm not stupid enough to get back into a fucking heroin-style habit that costs more than heroin. Heroin's cheap! Magic is expensive! How much did you spend on magic in total, Kyle?
Starting point is 00:33:52 I don't know, a grand. Oh, on online, probably $750 to a grand. Okay. On real cards, probably $500 to $500-$600, something like that. That's a lot. Thousands on real cards.
Starting point is 00:34:07 I've never bought a digital card ever, but I've bought thousands of real cards, which I think saved me from getting into, from buying cards on Magic the Gathering Arena and buying cards on Magic the Gathering Go, MTG Go, whatever it was, because there's something about it
Starting point is 00:34:24 where I'm like, what? Taylor, you're missing out. You can buy all your cards again. Remember how fun it was because like there's something about it where i'm like what taylor you're missing out you could buy all your cards again remember how fun it was to buy those cards you could do it again my most expensive deck and then look through and be like yeah i'm gonna rebuy these all again another another 700 dare to dream yeah dare to dream the nice thing is though like they're just sitting there and i can sell them at any time and it's not like like if you got paper cards you probably gotta hunt somebody down or post them online or something i don't know what you do it probably takes a while to sell a whole collection online i can just be like sell and i can get the majority like 70 70 80 of my money back you know that's true but like
Starting point is 00:34:57 even not playing like i haven't played with my physical cards in a while now but i still like having them like i like the collection i like looking through them every once in a while like the memories of it and the ladies love it the ladies do love it it shows that you're not gonna cheat on them no i taught my girl to play like probably a month after we met and like i introduced things like that quick in relationships because it's like you gotta you know you gotta make sure this stuff's cool and of course you've got herpes or something dude if you if you lead with confidence and authority women will think whatever you're into is cool like genuinely like women tend to adopt the beliefs and everything of the man they're with as long as you're confident about it and so if i'm like well like i i do play magic i admit they'll be
Starting point is 00:35:44 like oh this is lame as fuck i'm like yeah i i i do play magic i admit they'll be like oh this is lame as fuck i'm like yeah i play this fun strategy game you want to learn yeah i started when i was a kid you want to learn it's like i don't know if i'm gonna be good i'll figure it out yeah it's so much fun yeah like all my friends who thought it was really in their words gay as fuck back in uh high school i was like just drop 15 on the on the learn to play kit and then come over and we'll play and you're gonna love it i promise and it started with one buddy who then relayed it the the one who said it's quote gay as fuck came over and bought it and then went to the to our lunch table was like it was actually taylor was right it's actually pretty
Starting point is 00:36:22 cool and then spread around i i wizards i'm an i'm a brand ambassador yeah i was thinking like it i wonder how much your halo effect and personal thing is brought to magic between what kyle did and i don't know if kitty is a kyle halo effect or she was there a long time she's a long time well kyle and chiz are taylor halo effect plus your high school friends, plus you yourself leading the way with your checkbook. They must have 10 grand. I'm the Pied Piper of wasted money when it comes to follow me!
Starting point is 00:36:54 Spend hundreds of dollars on something you'll look at in two years and go, why? I love all the cards I bought when I look through them, but then other times I'll look through and be like, ah this guy was $70
Starting point is 00:37:10 and I bought four of them and I haven't played with this deck in five years and it's like those that I'll be like, ah, you really kind of pissed away a couple hundred bucks for that, but that's okay If an entire game was $ was 70 we'd be like whoa they really went a little high you know we're talking about call it cod being 130 bucks like
Starting point is 00:37:30 what the fuck meanwhile you put it's an entire massive game with multiple game modes and multiple types of each game mode and millions of other people to play online with and and like like video series devoted to it but i've got a card that costs more than cod i don't even know what my most expensive card is i have to look it up they change so often i don't know either i've got a bunch of the aldrazi stuff um i've got a pretty complete tron deck um i've got a ridiculous red deck, a ridiculous green deck. Could you have made money on these? Could you make money? No, you don't really make money.
Starting point is 00:38:08 You just lose less if you sell. The only people who make money are the people who sell the cards. I made money on baseball cards. There was a bit of a baseball card, like, I don't know, fad. People were getting into it in the early 90s. You know, the 89 Dunross and stuff. I'd buy these complete sets,. People were getting into it in the early 90s. You know, the 89 Dunross and stuff. And I'd buy these complete sets and I was getting into it. And I'd read the, every month I'd check these little like black and white magazine type thing to see what my cards were worth now.
Starting point is 00:38:33 And I'd look it up. And then I turned about 17 or 18, something like that, and got a motorcycle. So I sold all my cards and actually made money. Nice. Yeah. It's like making money gambling at the casinos. You're one of the few who, if you're
Starting point is 00:38:49 ahead lifetime, that's unusual. Yeah, for sure. I think baseball cards is probably something about... It's just completely different, right? It's not like they're going to make a new Mickey Mantle card that's going to trump your old one. If you got in early or
Starting point is 00:39:05 if you were lucky enough to get some rookie card and that guy blows up, he becomes a Hall of Famer, you're just good. But with Magic it's like, you know there's another season next year they're just going to make a whole bunch of new shit. They're just going to create a whole other branch of new shit. Like a whole other type. There'll be robots next year.
Starting point is 00:39:22 There's always a new thing and that's why people who play standard which is just the three most recent sets like how they've all got to be millionaires or living in their trucks and the entire bed is full of cards because it's like if you want to play that competitively like you have to spend hundreds and just regularly you're spending hundreds of dollars every time every time a new set comes out or whatever. That's why modern or legacy is the way to go. Really old cards to semi-old cards.
Starting point is 00:39:49 I had modern stuff. Red was my favorite. I love burn decks. I have probably the best burn deck that you can get. I didn't scrimp at all. I was just like, give me four of those 4-1 devil cards that when you kill them,
Starting point is 00:40:08 they come back even more powerful. Oh, yeah, Vexing Devil or whatever that is. Yeah, yeah, I love that, yeah. Man, that was, that's autistic of me. That is. You know, that one devil card, Vexing Devil, red, three colorless, one red. Is that what it is? Two colorless, one red?
Starting point is 00:40:24 I don't know. But, yeah, that's. Yeah,. Three colorless, one red. Is that what it is? Two colorless, one red? I don't know. Yeah, that's it! That's it! That's it! I thought you were talking about Ball Lightning first, and then I was like, oh, that's probably not that one, because that's vintage. Or vintage or legacy.
Starting point is 00:40:38 I have every good modern red card that there is. I have the best of all of them. I literally went, like I said, and found the winners of recent big-name tournaments, and I just copied their decks. That's a way to do it. I've used those decks as archetypes before, but if you just buy the whole deck list, you don't feel like your flavor's in it at all.
Starting point is 00:41:08 I don't care about flavor. If you just use the the whole deck list you don't feel like your flavor's in it at all you know it's like if you just use the skeleton of it don't want amateur flavor we want rocky road like if you're making ice cream you're not like i'm gonna copy this whole rocky road thing that everybody loves but i'm gonna add bananas to it it just tastes like shit it's terrible raisins in it what I thinking? The marshmallows are the best part. You don't put bananas in. You know what? The guy who invented raisins, fuck him. Why? What is your deal with that guy?
Starting point is 00:41:33 My deal with raisins is that he was eating grapes. He's like, these are fantastic. They're juicy. They're plump. They're sweet. I got to try a way to improve this and he makes fucking raisins and i can't believe he took them to someone and was like and they gave it to him he ate it what do you think it's like it's all right i'm not on your team with this at all you
Starting point is 00:41:58 can use raisins in environments that you can't use grapes right i like raisins in my cookies sometimes i like craisins as well cranberry raisins they're good in cookies too if you put grapes in my cookies taylor you'd ruin it i'm not gonna put grapes in your cookies raisins never needed to exist i prefer raisins to grapes foolish foolhardy i would rather have a handful of raisins than a handful of grapes any fucking day and oatmeal raisin cookies oatmeal raisin cookies are like my one of my top three favorite cookies yeah i love them i i really like them both in in their raw form i guess i prefer grapes the raisins that i like tend to have sugar
Starting point is 00:42:35 poured on them like you know in raisin or something like that right but dusting in raw grapes to compare it to grapes that's got sugar dusting on it that's not fair i acknowledge your point but you know when you put them in a cookie you can put them in a lot of things i should i've never had it but i bet i'd like raisins in an omelet raisins are good in all kinds of things in uh often in cookies is because they only put them in oatmeal cookies and like i'm i'm like allergic to oatmeal which is the weirdest fucking thing like every time without fail i'll like someone will make an oatmeal chocolate chip cookie and i love those because like oatmeal adds a great texture to cookies and
Starting point is 00:43:16 i'll have i'll get like two bites in and like the back of my tongue and the top of my mouth and like my throat will like burn a little bit and it's only with oatmeal like I remember like eating like a bowl of oatmeal as a kid and like everybody else just wolfing it down cuz it's so bland you can't really dislike oatmeal just throw some cinnamon like there's nothing to dislike it tastes like cinnamon nothing and I would just like take bites and be like this this is horrible there's nobody else feeling like numb and tingly and little little burning when I eat oatmeal I make it so goddamn unhealthy. Oatmeal begins as such a healthy breakfast food.
Starting point is 00:43:49 It's oats. It's going to need a couple tablespoons of brown sugar. A little cinnamon to pretend that we're not just sugaring this shit up. And a king-sized sticker placed in the middle. I start with the oatmeal, right? I'm not making it with water. Water? No.
Starting point is 00:44:04 We're using whole milk. We're making this with whole milk. It's getting two tablespoons of butter, but that's the last step, all right? The sugar goes in, brown sugar, the cinnamon goes in, and then two tablespoons of butter that I put in, and then I scoop a little more oatmeal on top of, and I let it sit for a little bit so that when I cut into the oatmeal, there's a pocket of liquid butter right in the middle that i just burst like a pimple and it just goes everywhere and i'm just like oh yeah and before i'm done i'm like you know what i ate all that butter right away i just ate three big spoonfuls of butter right out of the gate i'm gonna need some more butter i make it so fucking fucking... And I love it. I fucking love it.
Starting point is 00:44:45 Yeah, no wonder. It sounds delicious. Butter and sugar. The trick is to find something you like that... Fat and sweets. You need to find stuff you like that's not that. That's the hard part in life. It's easy to like butter sugar. I used to have that
Starting point is 00:45:01 as a kid. We used to have bread and then we'd put butter on it and then sprinkle sugar on the butter and that was it sugar toast my mom would my mom would make sugar toast and the way you make sugar toast you take a pan like a like a like a cookie sheet cookie pan you put your just white bread on it slices of it butter the fuck out of it sprinkle sugar on that shit and you bake it or you put it under the broiler, and it comes out like this sugary, toasty deliciousness. It's incredible. Your mom's better than mine. We had the same thing, but raw.
Starting point is 00:45:31 What the fuck is wrong with my childhood? Just fold it in half and pretend it's candy. Did you guys ever have, like, tomato sandwiches? Yeah, I still do sometimes. Yeah, I did too as well. I put mayonnaise on there and an unhealthy amount of salt, and it's outstanding.
Starting point is 00:45:47 If you don't put an unhealthy amount of salt, then there's no point. There's no such thing as an unhealthy amount of salt. I've proven this time and time again. I forgot. Unless you have high blood pressure, and none of us do. Dana White eats a little bit too much salt, and he'll literally explode. Okay? He's purple most of the time
Starting point is 00:46:05 these days. Testosterone raises your blood pressure. It's a problem. Yeah. He needs a release valve on the side of his head. He has too many red blood cells and too much blood. Yeah. Whenever something... Whenever a UFC card falls apart, they make jokes on the MMA
Starting point is 00:46:21 subreddit about what shade of red he's going to be. And like, oh, he's chartreuse now, boy! And they Photoshop his head, like anamorphic, more and more red until the end. It's just purple. He's just a great now. It's great. So my doctor was going to put me on TRT.
Starting point is 00:46:38 And then the insurance company rejected it. And then suddenly he agreed with the insurance company after that. So I've never had it. And I'm like, the insurance company is practicing so i've never had it uh and i'm like the insurance company's practicing medicine and they overrun sucks but the point is he was telling me about what it was like to be on trt and one of the things that happens your blood pressure can go up which i don't have an issue with and uh the amount of red blood cells you have can climb out of control so he's saying he's like so you'll probably just have to become a regular blood donor to like dilute that shit out and i didn't know that so i
Starting point is 00:47:07 bet dana has that issue i bet he needs to donate blood all the time because he's just pink and chartreuse and he's angry red and like he might he probably ejaculates red blood cells at this point he looks okay like shirt off both dana white and Joe Rogan, and Matt Serra for that matter, all have a kind of thing where, like, with the shirt on, they look kind of fat. You know, there's like a little thickness to them that doesn't fit. The round heads, too. The bald and round head, that adds to it.
Starting point is 00:47:38 I agree. But they take their shirt off, and it's like, whoa. You're the boss character in a Bruce Lee movie. It far exceeded expectations. No, I couldn't agree more. I used until like probably a year ago. I thought Dana White was just a kind of heavy set, chunky guy. Like that's just I never paid attention to it enough.
Starting point is 00:47:59 And then I saw him. Yeah. And I saw him and I'm like, oh, that guy's got some pretty big arms and i saw some other like google image like that okay i see why he decided to be the commissioner of the ufc he used to do things like this clearly yeah he was a boxer he was a boxer yeah okay um uh what's oh there's have you ever seen the clip taylor of joe rogan getting heckled by this lady and then he gets off stage and she's still fucking with him in the crowd and she calls him fat.
Starting point is 00:48:27 She calls him fat, and he pulls up his shirt with one hand, and he's rippling with enormous muscles. There's not any fat. It's just abs. Super abs. Like linebacker abs or something. These massive abs that are each like a big
Starting point is 00:48:44 New York strip steak. His six pack is made out of Coca-Cola cans, right? They're that size. Gigantic. I remember. That's what he said, right? He was like, ma'am, I'm in very good shape. I'm in very good shape. You're an overweight, middle-aged
Starting point is 00:49:00 woman. You're an overweight, middle-aged woman. I think that's what he said when he was ripping on her, which yeah, he was right. And he isn't in good shape. I don't know what no TRT Joe would look like. I wonder what a lifetime of not having performance-enhancing
Starting point is 00:49:16 drugs would do to him. He looks so much different than young Joe Rogan did. Oh yeah, I'm very familiar. News radio. People do look different. I feel like I look different than I did even when I started my YouTube career. I just had like a thinner face. That happens as you age. But my face is not as round as Joe's is now.
Starting point is 00:49:35 And I think his face was more square than mine ever was. He went from less than me to more than me. He's passing right by in the roundness. It's a weird thing that's happened to him. Yeah, he was a very normal-looking dude on news. If you pull up a picture of side-by-side news radio and him now, the girth that he's gained in his head. He even has the hair in news radio.
Starting point is 00:50:03 And so that adds a little bit of girthy appearance. But compared to his bald head, which ostensibly would take away some girth, like it's gigantic. His head is as wide as it is tall. Yeah. It's a sphere. Yeah. It's like it's I mean, I can't you know, I'm not I'm just stating a fact. I have a round as fuck head, too.
Starting point is 00:50:20 So, yeah, I think it looks great. I think it looks great i think it looks great and i think this version of joe rogan is the best possible version of joe rogan that he could have been at this age at 50 years plus or whatever he is now i um and it's also the most dangerous version of him because that man like like i like how self-deprecating he was because when like the melee broke out or whatever at the connor fight he was they're like they're like good thing you weren't in there joe good thing you didn't rush into the ring that they could have came after you he's like what what would you have done what technique would you have used he's like uh run yeah uh run i would have tried to escape i was thinking like like i like what he was going to say and i'm like turtle right turtle oh run okay yeah that I would pay an enormous amount of money
Starting point is 00:51:06 to live in the alternate reality where Joe is in there and for some reason Habib goes after him and Rogan kicks him with that spin kick and just folds him like a goddamn lawn chair. Right? Never been hit like this.
Starting point is 00:51:22 I was hit by bus once. Not like this. He kick hit by bus once. Not like this. He kick me and break all ribs. Joe Rogan has a spinning back kick that is outrageous. It sounds like a gunshot when he kicks the pad. He's not just a good kicker. He's not just a good kicker for 50-year-old comedians. He's a good kicker for human beings yeah i don't know that so anyone
Starting point is 00:51:48 can kick harder in the ufc they may not be able to his technique is extraordinary it's been perfected over years and years decades from what yeah he's so stocky too like it's just like all power like exploding like a small his ass muscles his muscles, his – what do they call it? Glutes. His glutes are just hams of power. I just wonder what the non-enhanced version of Joe would look like. I wish I could just stop by. Jim Norton. That alternate universe.
Starting point is 00:52:19 Joe exercises a lot, right? He's doing a thing in Sober October where I don't know how it works, but he and his friends are competing to see who exercises the most. And he's trying to double up on everybody else in the competition. You know, you do one hour, Joe does two. And I'm like, yeah, but how would he do
Starting point is 00:52:35 that if he wasn't on steroids? Like his recovery time, he's like, you don't understand. I'm insane. I'll work out four hours. Yeah, I know. But if you weren't on steroids, like 50-year-old regular Joe, would he work out four hours yeah i know but if you weren't on steroids like 50 year old regular joe would he work out four hours a day who's he competing against like who's comedian oh and so it's already like i bet they're not on hgh or trt yeah they're not and one or two of them though are pretty fit like i couldn't name which but he was he seemed to feel like you know this guy's a
Starting point is 00:53:03 sleeper i need to watch for him and you, you know, there was another guy who was actually ahead of him before he worked out that day. So then Joe passed him back. So, you know, they're not slouches. But, yeah, I just – I want to know what's possible, right? Joe doesn't show me what's possible. Joe's showing me what medicine can achieve. I want to know what's possible. Joe's showing me what medicine can achieve.
Starting point is 00:53:23 I want to know what's possible. And workout times are the same thing as study times, like in college, where I would go to the library with friends, and we'd spend seven hours there. And they'd get up and go smoke a cigarette every 15 minutes with whoever else we were there with, and then come back and chit-chat and get a little something done. They'd go to the bathroom, get a soda. And then at the end of it, I'd hear them talking like, yeah, I studied for like seven hours today. It's like, no, you didn't. I studied for seven hours. You studied for maybe 90 minutes in between conversations.
Starting point is 00:53:55 Like the same thing with working out. How do you quantify? In this case – Because people are lazy as fuck in gyms sometimes. In this case – so I agree with what you're saying, but not for this competition, because they're using time on the elliptical. And I know, but they're like, this guy was above 85% heart rate for an hour and a half. He's insane.
Starting point is 00:54:17 So they're tracking it at that level, not just sleeping on a bench. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, because there's always people like, yeah, I work out three hours, five times a week. It's like, well, you spend a lot of time looking in the mirror. Yeah, but I don't know. I think Sober October might fall apart quickly this year. No, they'll keep it.
Starting point is 00:54:37 Oh, really? This comes from Joe. He's like, I don't know. It's five days into it. I'm already getting a pass for some trip I'm going on. So we'll see. It's five days into it. I'm already getting a pass for some trip I'm going on. We'll see. He's 16 days in. When I heard it, it was 16. I see.
Starting point is 00:54:51 They usually get really drunk some nights and get really stoned some nights. They haven't been doing that. He had Roseanne Barr on there the other day. She talked about her whole controversy. I immediately felt sorry for Roseanne Barr. She's clearly bipolar and when she was
Starting point is 00:55:07 talking about being on Ambien, I made jokes about that. That's silly. That doesn't make you make shitty jokes. She's out there. She's clearly not all there. She had a hard time staying on one topic. She's bouncing around everywhere saying weird stuff.
Starting point is 00:55:24 Chain smoking cigarettes and drinking coca-cola he's like yeah ambient does weird like i if i hadn't had the experience with a friend of mine who takes ambient for sleep problems and will like group text us sometimes i would believe like all the stories about ambient were just oh clever clever excuse but it like sometimes at like four in the fucking morning like i'll wake up the next day to like five a hundred texts from the same person and it's like going through like big organized plans for like we're going to take a trip to vegas this is how much each of us are going to need this is like a room with a place i'm already ready to book it i also set somewhere up for italy if we don't want
Starting point is 00:56:00 to go there what do you guys think about this shoe? I don't care for it. Just weird ass shit that doesn't make any sense. So disjointed. It reads like a Tim and Eric sketch where they're intentionally trying to make it disjointed. It's scary. Whatever this is doing to your brain, this cannot be good for you.
Starting point is 00:56:20 It can't possibly be good for you what this is doing. Help you sleep though. Man, does it help you sleep. I've taken it maybe five or six times before. I would not want to fuck with that. It's wonderful sleep. It's so good. Have you taken melatonin?
Starting point is 00:56:34 Yeah, I've taken that. That just made me a little drowsy. And then other times I'll take it and be like, I can't tell if I'm drowsy because I took that or because it's 10.45 at night. I've had melatonin. I've had valerian root. I've eaten turkey.
Starting point is 00:56:46 All right? No. Ambien. Ambien. I drank more milk once. A bunch of people tweeting really racist shit on Thanksgiving. I'm sorry. I got way too much tryptophan in my system.
Starting point is 00:56:58 I actually have no problem with the red man. I'm done. You take an Ambien and you don't wake up through the night. You wake up eight or nine hours later and you're like, it feels like you slept 14 hours. It feels like when you've slept all day or whatever and you're just like, whoa, I couldn't go back for more if I wanted to. There's no way I could. Oh, I'm sorry. I thought there was a break.
Starting point is 00:57:21 You're good. It's wonderful, restful, fully charged sleep with zero waking up in the middle. It's great. Diminishing returns though. I only took it six times. You only took it a couple times. People who take this all the time, eventually you have to take more. Eventually it will just stop working.
Starting point is 00:57:37 Melatonin, if anyone needs sleep, it's mild. I kind of like that. So hard your body produces it. You don't get addicted to it it's not a problem well here's what melatonin does you take a melatonin or two and about 20 minutes later you're sleepy you can fight it if you're stupid and i've been stupid you can like stay on reddit and keep that screen going at you and power through and then about 40 minutes later you missed your window but yeah it will give you a window 20 minutes from now
Starting point is 00:58:07 where if you just close your eyes and don't be an asshole, you'll fall asleep. Yeah, I prefer the milder thing than Ambien, which is like, you won't even have a choice. You better fall asleep or you'll be naked outside assaulting people. You better be out of bed because shit's going down. Yeah, those sleeping pills, they really fuck with you.
Starting point is 00:58:27 Hmm. Yeah, I used to take valerian root, and that's very, very effective. Really? But nothing. Anything with root in it makes me think it's snake oil, but I guess not. No, it's legit. I was just looking at comparisons between valerian root and melatonin. Okay.
Starting point is 00:58:45 What does the internet say is better? I don't know that they got a, what's better sleep? What's the best one? It's a natural question to ask, but it's not exactly the right one. The better question is, which one is better for your body? We all respond
Starting point is 00:59:02 differently to different supplements and different doses, so there's no simple answer. So we've got to buy a little bit of all of it, I guess. Yeah. There's only a minute left or so. I've been watching Trump deal with this Saudi Arabia thing. I find it really interesting.
Starting point is 00:59:17 So I try not to knee-jerk hate everything Trump does, right? Let's back off. This is the kind of problem that's very difficult because there's no right answers. There's no obvious answers, et cetera. So for people don't know, help me if I get any details wrong. This guy was a reporter for the Washington Post. He was a permanent U.S. resident, but not a citizen. Green card, maybe? I haven't heard that term used, but that's what permanent resident means to me. And he's a reporter for washington post he gets like
Starting point is 00:59:45 lord i think to the saudi embassy in turkey does that sound right doing divorce papers there okay so they like get him to go into that building and now this part is is only uh presumed to be true but a sa Saudi Arabian hit squad under orders of their government go in there with a bone saw, kill this guy, chop him up into smaller pieces, and pull him out of the place,
Starting point is 01:00:14 they think. Apparently, he may have recorded it with his Apple Watch, and there's some videos... The guy doing the cutting up and killing? No, the guy who got cut up. The victim has it maybe recorded on his Apple Watch, but I haven't seen the recordings.
Starting point is 01:00:27 There's definitely surveillance video of him, like, going in and not going out. So now Trump has to decide what to do about this. On one hand, we're not supposed to be friends with murderous regimes. That's a thing. On the other hand, Saudi Arabia is, I i guess behind the scenes their friend like you can ask him to do shit that like you don't want to be associated with and they're like yeah no problem say no more consider it done and they'll like i don't know murder people they'll do shady shit for us yeah and sometimes a shady friend is a good friend um on top of that they sell us a lot of oil
Starting point is 01:00:59 and you know do you really like them a And then murder countless people and are currently committing a genocide in Yemen. Yay! What friends? Right? So there's... They don't like the Iranians, and there's a real problem. Yeah, and they don't like the Iranians, and it's important that we have friends who also hate the Iranians, I guess.
Starting point is 01:01:17 And then, so there's a moral choice you could make where you kind of cut off Saudi Arabia and say, you know what? I'm not friends with bad people like you. And then there's the other side, which is like, damn, we're selling them lots of arms, which is good for us. And by the way, when you sell them, I'm making up a number, half a trillion dollars worth of military equipment, that gives you leverage on them because they're going to need training. They're going to need parts. They're going to need repairs. So once we get them hooked in our Apple ecosystem, then they're going to need parts they're going to need repairs so once we get them hooked right in our like apple ecosystem then they're going to have to keep buying more shit from us you know we get leverage over them if this deal goes through going forward so do you cancel this deal a lot
Starting point is 01:01:55 of people are saying we should cancel the deal i don't know i i don't even think it'll go that deep like what i would predict would happen is that even if it comes out with video of the Apple Watch, it'll be like a lip service, like, hey, wrist slap thing to them. I don't care if the person is Saudi Arabia. You're risking a censure. It's because Israel and Saudi Arabia are allied against Iran, and the most powerful lobbying group in the country is AIPAC one of Israel's lobbies and you know they're not going to let us just
Starting point is 01:02:27 throw away our relationship with Saudi Arabia for this one journalist thing like it's going to end up being a small potatoes hill of beans kind of thing where there's a lot of huffing and puffing but no real that's what I would think I think Taylor's right I just find it really interesting because there's no
Starting point is 01:02:44 no one's there's no choice he can make that will make everyone happy. This is, this is the kind of hard jobs that presidents have. And I'm, I'm just watching the whole thing. Like, how's it going to go down? I think he's already signaled which way he's going.
Starting point is 01:02:55 He's like, I know I'm not a baby. I'm not a baby. Like, and I think the unwritten thing there, the unspoken part was like, you know, sometimes people need killing.
Starting point is 01:03:16 It was a little shitty how, like, the second one journalist dies, every journalist is like, this is an emergency. This is the number one thing. Like, we got to do it. And it's like, you people actively cover up what's going on in Yemen all the time and try to downplay it. And it's like, now you're really worried about what this regime is doing. It's like, don't pretend like this isn't common knowledge. That happens every time a journalist is hurt. If a journalist gets hurt, that gets a lot of attention. They protect their own, yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:40 Yeah, yeah. And it's not like it's a liberal thing, right? I don't think you were saying that. No, no, journalists think. Journalists in general, yeah, they all consider it when one of their own gets hurt to be a super big deal. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:52 Who was the guy that got cut on camera? He got decapitated, right? He might have been from the New York Times. Do you have silver in his name? Oh, shit, yeah, yeah. This was a long while ago, wasn't it? Yeah, this was like nine, 11 days. Oh, maybe you're right. Was it pre? I thought it was on YouTube at the time. I remember it was a long while ago, wasn't it? Yeah, this was like 9, 11 days. Oh, maybe you're right.
Starting point is 01:04:05 Was it pre- I thought it was on YouTube at the time. I remember it was a big deal. But yeah, when that happened, it was like a giant, giant, giant story. But hey, people get decapitated there all the time. You know how people, ISIS is killed? I didn't get that kind of news, but this guy was a journalist,
Starting point is 01:04:21 so it was news. That fella had a special knife to do it with. That's his head chopping knife. Come on. It's a ginsu. I want to see. Yeah, anyway, I was going to look it up,
Starting point is 01:04:35 but I think it would break the flow of the show. But yeah, anyway, so I find this to be one of the more interesting stories going on because there aren't any easy answers. Another one. Yeah. I am over blaming presidents for bad weather that I'm just not. What do you want them to do?
Starting point is 01:04:54 When you go down there and hand out more paper towels, is that what you're looking for from your president? Go fight the hurricane with his bare hands. Yeah. Like that guy was on the beach. He were out on a shadow boxing as the waves crashed over him yeah that's what I was looking for all right there were there were some
Starting point is 01:05:11 people talking about how he held a rally like in Pennsylvania or something at the time that the hurricane was hitting and I'm like I don't I don't care I don't know what you wanted them to do he's got people that handle that he doesn't personally make decisions on like which power line should
Starting point is 01:05:25 be put back on yeah he's got a guy for that and not to say that he you know should be completely disengaged they might send something up the you know up the chain of command but hit him up on twitter yeah the president should actively not be involved in these things you're just gumming up the works let the professionals who are trained to do that handle it, and you do president things. Like, would Bush or Obama or Trump showing up, are they like, we've got to get water to the guy on the road? Oh, thank God. Trump's here.
Starting point is 01:05:53 All right, pack it up. A 73-year-old man's here. Yeah. You know what? Fuck you, God, for what you're doing to the great people of this country. How good would that be? Trump on the beach with the wind blowing. Fuck you, God god fuck you for what
Starting point is 01:06:06 you've done to the great people of south carolina like like the people on the news would just run with how dumb his hair looks while he did it that's what they do they find still shots of it like going on i've seen screaming fuck you god on the south carolina beach hurting with middle america find out i've seen so many photoshop pictures of like a guy walking in way deep water carrying an old woman with trump's face on it and people who believe it's real they're like oh my what a hero what a fucking hero they look so fun it's like if he did it makes me think that if he did do it it would it really would work in his favor like like if that picture existed like sort of the put Putin propaganda photos that he poses
Starting point is 01:06:46 for, like fighting bears or riding rhinoceros or whatever the hell he's doing that week shirtless. If you just had Trump with an old lady in his arms walking in waist deep water. Did you see the new painting Trump put up in the White House with all the Republican presidents in it?
Starting point is 01:07:02 No. Oh, you didn't? I didn't even know that they put up new paintings. I thought they just kept all the Republican presidents in it? No. Oh, you didn't? I didn't even know that they put up new paintings. I thought they just kept all the old-ass paintings. You get to pick the decor. I wonder when they would say, no, you can't change the desk and paint it red. They say no at one point. No, it's a different desk.
Starting point is 01:07:24 You get to pick which desk you want. Really? Yeah, there's several desks that are in circulation. You can get Ronald Reagan's desk. You can get Lincoln's desk. Whatever you want. If you look at this painting, our patrons can see it on the video version. It's crazy to me.
Starting point is 01:07:39 I don't know. He's there with a bunch of Republican presidents, including Abe Lincoln, who gets like a minor back to the camera kind of picture. Reagan's over there. Front and center is a noticeably slimmer Trump looking right at the camera. It's funny. He is much thinner. The reason they did Lincoln with the back, I would think, is that he's the only one with that distinguished beard. If they put H.W. facing the back, you'd be like, yeah, there's eight presidents and some other fuck.
Starting point is 01:08:11 You wouldn't know. That is so funny when you see those flattering weight loss pictures. And just his posture and everything. He's the man. Yeah. The lighting, this is a Trump picture with Abe Lincoln playing a minor role in the man. You know, yeah. And the lighting, like, this is a Trump picture with Abe Lincoln playing like a minor role in the foreground. He's growing white.
Starting point is 01:08:29 He's the only one wearing white. He's just popping. Abe Lincoln doesn't even get the... He's popping. That's what I was looking for. Reagan is maybe second place, but Trump is far and away first place. Yeah, they should have put Nixon in the back and slid Ulysses S. Grant up front, right? He won the fucking war.
Starting point is 01:08:45 Our Nixon always gets a front spot! Our Rooves! Slip Nixon back there in the back with Calvin Coolidge or somebody. This is ridiculous. Yeah. Nixon was in the bathroom at the time of this shot. Unfortunately.
Starting point is 01:08:59 Yeah, that's funny. I hope he puts up some weird-ass modern art that makes people uncomfortable. Like a bunch of vagina farts. Yeah, he was being interviewed on 60 Minutes. I can send you this picture, too. I know giant links. And that's when they saw it in the background.
Starting point is 01:09:18 He hung it in there. I don't know what room it is. Oh, that's great. Yeah, I see it. It's great. Yeah. I like it. I like it. I like it.
Starting point is 01:09:25 I like it a lot. I think Jimmy Kimmel described it as hilariously narcissistic. That works for me. That's what I think. But it's not the sort of thing I get upset about. I think that's hilarious. You just got to laugh. Call it a show?
Starting point is 01:09:41 Yeah. Yeah. All right. PKN 217.

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