Painkiller Already - PKN #222

Episode Date: November 30, 2018

It's PKN time baby! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Oh, PKN222, I'm here. I've had a harder time working out in the last two days than normal. And the reason is I've done other stuff. I spent the entire day power washing today. So I like got up in the morning, hit the bike, fucking do my thing, right, right, right? Go, go, go, go. And I don't think I earned MEPs as easily as Kyle. The PKA episode was like the demonstrator, I felt.
Starting point is 00:00:31 When I got three, Taylor got one in like half the time. So roughly similar. I think it's probably easier for me to get to gray than it is for you to get to gray. But it's literally easier for you to get to yellow than it is for me because your yellow is lower than mine. That could be, and I'm kind of a yellow machine now. I was scared. Anyway, maybe we'll circle back to that,
Starting point is 00:00:52 but I've had less. Yesterday, I had a friend over for like eight hours, 10 hours, something like that, and that was a block of time I couldn't devote to exercising. Today, I power washed, and my legs are already like jelly and stuff. And I don't know if you've ever power washed
Starting point is 00:01:06 for like four hours. But afterwards, you know you did something. You know, like... It seems tiring. For me, it's shoulders. Yeah, like... Well, it depends what you're washing. Have you ever like cleaned your car
Starting point is 00:01:14 with one of those like things where it's attached to the ceiling? And like after maybe five minutes with it, you're like, man, my forearm's a little sore. I'm just holding this thing forward. I can't imagine eight hours of that. It might have been less than eight. It might have been like four or six or something like that. I'd have to look at my thing. forearm's a little sore. I'm just holding this thing forward. I can't imagine eight hours of that. It might have been less than eight.
Starting point is 00:01:28 It might have been like four or six or something like that. I'd have to look at my thing. That's a lot of hours of that. But yeah, and it's just not coming clean. That is really good at removing, say, dirt from the car fender, but it kind of sucks at removing spider webs from the porch. So just like spraying and spraying and spraying, relocating the spider webs repeatedly. And I had spent a lot of time doing that today then i come back afterwards hit the bike clean up for the show and uh uh anyway it's been hard to find the time i need and kyle
Starting point is 00:02:00 you have an update on the show yeah yeah i I think we're done here. Because like, I had that stupid hole in my big toe. So I was like, alright, well I'll just walk differently. Which meant running differently. So then my Achilles tendon started really hurting. And not a sore hurt.
Starting point is 00:02:21 Well, I guess I don't need to walk at all. What exercise damaged your Achilles? Running. I feel very proud of myself around this. a sore hurt like well i guess i don't need to walk at all you know just what exercise damage your achilles running running i feel very proud of myself around this because i did less of that like i was i was running in the woods and i had not twisted ankles but ever like your ankle twists and you just like the side yeah you bend your knee and you save it so you don't get hurt i had like half a dozen of those and i'm like you know if you keep this up you're gonna lose this game of russian roulette woody and and someone wrote me on reddit and they're like woody i think that exercise bike is the key to winning this thing because if you
Starting point is 00:02:54 run if you do you need to avoid injury for months carry on so i couldn't run anymore and running was my mainstay like bread and butter i'm gonna say five days ago like like anytime i would run it gets easy after half an hour and i could run and by run i mean jog i mean i mean run until it's yellow and then i can go into a jog and i can maintain yellow for like 30 minutes of yellow was no problem and like like an hour of yellow i didn't i could do but i didn't want to burn myself but i would do like five six hour sessions of like 30 hour of yellow, I could do, but I didn't want to burn myself. But I would do like five, six hour sessions of like 30 minutes of yellow, 20 minutes of green, 30 minutes of yellow. And I could knock out 750 maps and not be dead. So when my Achilles started hurting, I was like, well, I got to try something different.
Starting point is 00:03:40 So I got on the, I went and got a gym membership got on the um what's it called elliptical yeah so now every step i have to take on the elliptical i have to land just right because if i push down if i push down on my toe it's excruciating if i push down on my heel my heels is sharp pain oh and if i in the achilles and if i do it just right, it makes a pop, which is scary. Even just as much as a pop, if you are feeling sharp pains on an
Starting point is 00:04:14 elliptical machine, you have beat your body to shit. But if you do it just right, there's no pain. So Kyle, all you need is like a quarter million revolutions a day without any mistakes. Or just one leg. It gets worse. It gets worse.
Starting point is 00:04:28 The injury gets worse. So now I'm doing this thing where I mentally have to focus on my left foot so that it lands like with the weight going sort of on the front right segment of my right foot, right? Behind my pinky toe, essentially every step. I did that for three days and i i wish it counted the revolutions what i do is i do uh two miles at a time at like six miles an hour or something like i mess with the resistance so it's hard to like gauge work but like i do either 30 minutes of yellow or an hour of yellow, and then I would try to get on the treadmill and at two miles per hour, walk until green was gone, right?
Starting point is 00:05:09 Which, after an hour of yellow, yeah, I'd try to cool down and sap up as much easy green as I could and then get back on it. Now, from... I don't know what you call your ring toe, but the one next to your pinky toe, your ring toe. That is your dinky toe. From that toe on my right foot
Starting point is 00:05:30 to my right ankle, now that hurts real bad, like a sharp pain. It hurts like a sprained ankle. Wait, all the way from there to your ankle? Like a line? Yes. Now that hurts. There are a ton of little bones in your feet,
Starting point is 00:05:44 and I bet you exacerbated maybe not broken them but you've definitely exacerbated something or like just forcing yourself to go with that much like swelling just from the work and i went to a uh i i went to a physical not a physical therapist but uh like a got a sports massage today and she's like you've got a lot of fluid build up here do you want me to i got and she touches it i go ah all right all right well are you walking on this and i'm like well i i limp when i walk but i i i've been trying to use the elliptical i've got this ankle brace from walmart and she's like no no i'm like yeah i think i'm done here. So last night, like at like, whatever, 10 p.m.
Starting point is 00:06:25 Well, let's go back, I guess, 24 hours. Like 24 hours ago, the last workout when I ended it, I want to say I was like 2,200 points ahead or something like that. I went to sleep and we and I worked through yesterday. And at the end of the day, I think Woody had gotten maybe 400 points closer. He had caught up on me. And he was like within 1,700 or 1,800, like 1,780. This is like 1,200 by the end of last night for sure.
Starting point is 00:06:54 Well, I think your night ends a different time than mine. It does. Because my night ends at midnight. I've been using calendar days. And can I interrupt and tell like my perspective of this i'm almost done okay oh i'm almost done so essentially last night at like 11 p.m i'm laying in bed trying to go to sleep and it's just hurting it hurts all the time now like it hurts not when i'm walking because i if i walk it it really that lip. But when I just sit, it hurts. And I've iced
Starting point is 00:07:25 it for long periods of time with like a gel icing thing. And I would get out of my ice bath and I just sometimes I would come back to the ice bath and just put my foot in it for a while. Not helping. And then I see you start working out again at 11 p.m. I'm like, well, I can't not work out. I got to go. So I suit back up, even though I've just showered and been in the bed for an hour. And I go back. And it hurt so bad at one point on the elliptical that I made an audible, eh, kind of like noise. And the guy next to me went, huh, huh, huh. And I was like, eh, eh, I'm good.
Starting point is 00:07:57 I'm good. And so I went home. And then Woody worked all night and got a ton of maps. And so I talked to Taylor and she was there. And I'm like, I don't think I can continue. I don't think I should continue. And I certainly can't keep up with Woody's pace because Woody's killing it. He really is. Like, if Woody were getting 1,000 meps a day, I'd be like, you know, maybe I can get on the lat machine and, like, do pull-downs.
Starting point is 00:08:22 Maybe I can get one of those like hand rolling things maybe i can do a ton of sit-ups and do a thousand a day but what he's doing it would be very i just i've tried to earn more meps with upper body i'm shit at it now i'm kind of built really it's hard i have um it's it's hard and it's hard for taylor apparently i the way i'm like my upper body is really not that impressive but my lower body actually is pretty good, like better than average. It's just where my MEPS are coming from. Yeah. Well, like the thing with the weightlifting is like when Kyle is on the elliptical or when you're on – you're in the woods jogging and you get to 80, like that stays there for a while, that cardio 80.
Starting point is 00:08:58 Whereas if I get to 80 on dips or something, like within 15 seconds, like I'll look over at the monitor and be like, 85, 83, no, no, 81, 75, 60, no, how? I'm still tired. You just don't get the credit. I think what it is, and I'm no muscle scientist, but I think it's about the total mass of muscle
Starting point is 00:09:20 that's being engaged for any given exercise. Like the amount of blood needed to kill it. There's no way you're're gonna kill a lot of cardio working your traps which and your biggest like your biggest muscles are your butt your quads your hamstrings your legs essentially your entire lower body and so like jogging especially if you've got like your your arms and your shoulders into like pumping i found that like pumping. I found that pumping your arms versus not pumping your arms is a
Starting point is 00:09:47 big deal. Like on a treadmill or jogging or something like that. You feel like a fool. If it dips into the green, I'll be like, get it up, get it up, get it up. Essentially, I talked to Taylor today and I talked to Chiz today.
Starting point is 00:10:03 Chiz agrees that there's no way he's going to catch Taylor. There's no way Taylor's going to catch me. And there's no way that I can maintain any semblance of a lead on you, Woody. So there's no point in going through this any farther. I am one workout away from passing Kyle. You are. I was going to do it tonight. So on the scoreboard
Starting point is 00:10:26 right now, I'm down by 200, but I have about 200 and is it say 400? I think Kyle has 16,200 and you have like 15,800 or something. No, you're out of date. On the scoreboard, I am behind by less than
Starting point is 00:10:41 200. Sorry, my math sucks. About 150. Plus 246. That's where I was headed to. But I also got 246 before the competition started as I learned how to earn MIPs. So I can bust out a 400. In two hours.
Starting point is 00:10:59 It's two hours. Yeah, he's a hard two-hour workout away. And that's essentially what I've been looking down the barrel at. I think I'm going to do it. Yeah, you should. You should. I'm going to get it done. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:09 I might wait until tomorrow if you're going to give me a night off. Crank it out over the course of the next year for a while. You know what I mean? So can I tell you what's been brewing in my head? Let me just – and like the more i think about i was like well maybe i should just keep grinding this thing and let the cards fall where they're going to fall throughout the month but then the other thing is this legal thing that i'm staring down the barrel at i think it's gonna go my way like but but it's not a sure thing and i was i was
Starting point is 00:11:38 telling chiz i was like i might have to go to some kind of a halfway house i might get sentenced to that i might have to go to jail for a little while. I really don't want to spend what could essentially be some of my last free time for a little bit doing this. On the elliptical, hurting yourself? Yeah, and I know that's kind of comical, but to me it's actually... No, it's really not. No, no, no. I'm okay with it.
Starting point is 00:12:01 When you phrased it like that to me I was like okay I totally get it now it's not silly this is a real thing that's happening in your life and it makes sense anyone who would jump in and say not all of us tried or didn't give 100% effort that's ridiculous Kyle didn't put superglue on his feet for fun
Starting point is 00:12:20 he's not screaming and yelping on the elliptical like a maniac at 4 in the morning for fun Chiz didn't he's not like screaming and yelping on the elliptical like a maniac at four in the morning for fun like uh chiz isn't sitting there comatose because it's fun like woody isn't on his bike for four hours like goddamn uh a tour de france uh competitor like because it's fun like i'm not coming home from obligations and going hell yeah bike time like i didn't see anyone accuse people of not giving it their all. Oh, absolutely they did.
Starting point is 00:12:47 I think a lot of people were. I've been accused of snorting Adderall. I've been accused of... Seriously, people laying out the case that's why my nose is bleeding. My nose is bleeding because I'm intaking so much more air than I normally do. It's turned out to 63 degrees in your place.
Starting point is 00:13:04 I haven't done it to give my perspective for 13 minutes. This is where we are. So a week ago, uh, Kyle was winning. And in the first week, Kyle outdid me every day. Right.
Starting point is 00:13:17 And I had this mindset, like, I just need to stay within striking distance. I just need to stay within striking distance for the second week. Oh, and I should say it. Kyle was like, Hey, striking distance for the second week. Oh, and I should say, Kyle was like, hey, look, I'm not going to quit. But, you know, if you slow down, I can slow down. I will not give you a hard time about taking second, right? I will give this, not give, but like, you know, hey, we're murdering ourselves. And, you know, there's a restful comfortable second that you can get
Starting point is 00:13:47 and there's honor in second and uh i keep thinking about joe namath right joe namath dude he was a football player he played for the jets in like the 60s before i was born i wish you said ricky bobby i wish you said Bobby so bad. So he played in the AFL. Like the NFL and AFL weren't even together, I think. I'm not really sure. And everyone thought he was going to lose. Everybody, everybody, everybody thought he was going to lose. And they just keep like asking him all week.
Starting point is 00:14:17 Like, are you going to get your ass kicked? How bad are you going to get clobbered? Except his own team. His own team and his own coaches have burned in his head that he's actually gonna flip and win this thing. And you know, just one more time, they're like, hey, you know, how's it gonna feel to get your butt kicked on Sunday?
Starting point is 00:14:34 And he goes, what? Like, and he's like, these people don't know. We're gonna win this, I guarantee it. And I'm like, yeah, yeah. No one picked me. These people don't know the level of determination. I will work 20 hours a day at this fucking thing if that's what it takes to win. I've done this before in a lot of different aspects in life. And when I put my mind to something, it is hard to take it from me. There's 12, 13 years of advanced schooling.
Starting point is 00:15:06 No quit. No quit. I've had semesters of straight Fs. All Fs. They're like academic probation. Yeah. And I'm like, no. This is not the end of my education.
Starting point is 00:15:17 I will come back next semester. I will get off probation. And I will go. Because quitting is not a thing that we do here. And I'm like, this week. this week, every day I win. And I don't know if I did win every single day. You won two days, but look, you won them well. Well, okay, wait, wait. On the day thing, Kyle has a different time scale, right?
Starting point is 00:15:39 I do. So I want to go midnight to midnight and beat that. And I'll go midnight to midnight and what like what I think is beat Kyle Handley. And then he has this 4 a.m. 900 MEP workout. And I'm like, well, that counts towards tomorrow. That's not today. So I think I may have won more than two days on my grading scale. Yeah, the way I do it, just like to clarify, like I had to completely alter my sleep schedule to do three a days to your two a days because I can't go for four hours at a time on yellow.
Starting point is 00:16:08 So what I would do is essentially I would sleep from 8 a.m. to like 1 or 2 a.m. I would sleep three to four hours at a time three times a day, which can't be healthy. I know it's not healthy. I know you're supposed to sleep eight hours, and that's an important thing. But I felt like it was necessary. Like it wasn't about – none of this be healthy. I know it's not healthy. I know you're supposed to sleep eight hours, and that's an important thing, but I felt like it was necessary. None of this is healthy. I just felt like it was necessary. So, whenever I woke up, like those three
Starting point is 00:16:33 times per day, I'd look at what you had done, and I would make that my goal. And sometimes, I was relieved. Sometimes, it was 500 meps, which is no joke. Rogan did not average 500 through his month a day not even close he averaged like 350 he averaged 350 woody's workouts when he would only do 500 i'd be like about to gain some ground here all right we're gonna go to bed with 600
Starting point is 00:17:01 so like and you need to stress the mep difference for people who are just like seeing our scores and not the rogan scores like when when you see like oh kyle only did 500 today like that that's a good day use this app are not going for 500 a day like even rogan and those guys were like 500 a day that's a lot in a day and for a third of a day, Kyle is saying, oh, thank God, only 500. I lived my way today to about 300, if you count what rolled over midnight last night. And today, me just limping around and shit. But essentially, yeah, from midnight to midnight, I'm sure you probably outworked me. There was one day.
Starting point is 00:17:42 A couple of times. Yeah. And so it was my, I don't know how many midnights I got. It's hard to keep the score. But I was like, I want to gain on him. And I was. I gained on him all week. And it's a month-long competition.
Starting point is 00:17:55 Originally, it was a month-long competition. And I was like, I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. Whatever it takes. And I just – yeah. And i don't know if you came up with that quote where you're like if you wanted it to be easy you shouldn't have invited me when you would like surged ahead and i loved that i was like fuck yeah there was one i'm glad that you like that mine was like uh and i would take kyle's meps very personally right like yeah kyle was giving them
Starting point is 00:18:28 personally fuck woody yeah oh they were coming back personally too because i'd be like kyle did 927 meps that fucker is trying to break me before you woke up i'd do like like woody would be asleep and i'd crank out 927 and i'd be like yeah i'm gonna wake up and he'll see 927 he went to bed with a lead you know or he went to bed having like gained a little on me and he wakes up and he's 600 more behind i was like i was like how much longer can he take this for three more weeks or two i guess at this point i like it was i'd wake up i'd be like 927 meps does he think he's demoralizing me i am only getting pissed off there was one tweet my favorite one was like look what kyle just did i'm in a fighting mood hold my beer and uh i don't
Starting point is 00:19:19 even of course there's no beer involved but it's an expression. And I'm like, yeah, I am in a fucking fighting mood right now. We're going to rack up some meps. I think you had a 1,200-mep workout or something. Oh, by the way, I can do 500 meps. 500 meps is a two-hour bike ride. I can do a two-hour bike ride twice a day at this point. Maybe three. I think you could do three.
Starting point is 00:19:44 That's the other thing. I think Woody's getting stronger. I am not breaking down. My legs are kind of like jelly. I'm sorry I'm cutting you off. My legs are kind of jelly, but whatever. 20 minutes into the workout, I forget about that and just go. My back is a
Starting point is 00:20:00 little sore. When I was running and doing more skateboarding and running and stuff that muscle next to my shin bone i don't know what it's called yeah like that was getting kind of like it's it doesn't you're getting like shin splints is that what that's called a shin splint that's what my dad called it but i thought he was wrong i like like he's he was he called it that as well but i thought i thought it was wrong but it's the muscle that's on the outside of your shin that runs sort of knee to ankle. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:28 That's the muscle responsible, I believe, for picking the front of your foot up. I was trying to get a little more info about shin splints, and WebMD's symptoms just says, the main symptom is pain in the leg. WebMD says you have cancer. But yeah, at this point, I think I can can get more maps the last week than i have this week i i i'm and i'm like i i oh the other thing i didn't lay out was kyle has uh legal things that are going to take his time right so i was like if that ends Kyle's participation, I need this week to make it clear that my victory was inevitable, right? It needs to, like, I want this week to be a statement that says, like,
Starting point is 00:21:15 Woody didn't win because Kyle stopped playing. Like, that was, dude, I have a lot of very personal and not all positive thoughts towards the other competitors regarding this thing. And they're... Oh, and by the way, the most negative thoughts are reserved for me. Just look at yourself in the mirror. That's funny to imagine you
Starting point is 00:21:37 looking at the scoreboard being like, what's Taylor planning? Meanwhile, I've got 30,000 maps I'm waiting to upload. That's what I did a few days ago when I had my best day ever at 750. Where I saw it and I was like, I'm at striking distance to Chiz. This is the day where I not only catch Chiz, but I put 600 points on him. And I finished that workout, got a few hundred points ahead, and I was like, he's's planning something he hasn't put up numbers in a bit like he's this this duplicitous little fuck he's gonna he's trying to sneak up on me at the last like three mornings i'll like wake up and
Starting point is 00:22:13 be like still hmm okay chiz uh touche for you not uploading but i like i i'm i'm really proud that i i i caught up and and passed Chiz. I didn't think I was going to be able to. That's very cool. Proud thing is coming. But I have two pair of friends. Both of them are really fit. They don't live near me.
Starting point is 00:22:35 But I talk to them all the time on Facebook Messenger. And they kept the first week having me pull back, pull back. They're like, Woody, play the long game. You got to be more strategic in this thing. you can't break yourself in the first week and had they not told me to do that i don't know that i would have been comfortable losing to kyle the first week like i did um but in the second week i feel like they gave me good advice so uh yeah it's for me. For me, the wheels fell off the bus. To two or maybe two nights ago, because like like even though I was hurting, I felt like I had a comfortable lead. Like I had like like I don't think you've ever I had your best crazy days worth of points as a lead.
Starting point is 00:23:22 Like I had like twenty two00 when I went to bed again we're on different schedules but like when you wake up you're 2200 behind or something like that and I was like I could actually take today off and there's no there's no way he can catch me like eat like because I remember how sore you were after that day that was the day when you were like knocking drinks off tables and hitting whatever and you did like you did like 400 meps the next day. I think I did 49 the next day. Yeah. I was giving you some.
Starting point is 00:23:51 Oh, thanks. Okay. But then just not healing. It's not getting better. It's getting worse. It's getting worse. And so I feel bad because I wanted to at least make this a thing.
Starting point is 00:24:04 But the more I think about it, the less – it's harder to even get motivated about it and, like, try to hurt myself. Like, I would probably, like I said, do some sort of upper body thing if, A, you weren't capable of doing those crazy long bike rides. Like, if you were on your – I think if it weren't for that bike like i would probably be able to hold my own with like upper body or like crawling resisted buying that bike hope one of them like you know who really uses an exercise bike it's just going to be for hanging furniture or i'm sorry hanging laundry yeah yeah and but but but then like there's no punishments and for me early on week rain for a week i discovered the beauty of the bike sorry it was huge interrupting but then like there's no punishments and for me in the beginning like
Starting point is 00:24:50 as we started this thing the punishments were my biggest thing it wasn't about winning as much as it was about not losing like i was so scared of that i hated that portion of the competition i i like i i was like i was i was so scared to eat that chip or to do i don't remember what the other proposed punishments were but you know we removed the punishments essentially on like day four or something like that and then like or and then we moved the financial punishments on like day negative two yeah or something like that and so it's, well, even if I win this thing, the belt's kind of just coming out of my pocket to a certain extent. I was like,
Starting point is 00:25:30 I already have some trophies that are in storage. I've got my goal play button and a bunch of other crap. That sits in storage. I'm not a big decorator. I'm a big fan of the white wall look. The white wall look. It's just, I can't in good conscience
Starting point is 00:25:51 lip my way into a court proceeding a couple weeks ago. The way you and Chiz are describing your injuries, if you feel quad soreness from being on a bike for two hours, push through it. You can push through soreness. It's easy to push through soreness from being on a bike for two hours, push through it. You can push through soreness. Like it's easy to push through soreness after about 10, 15 minutes. I almost forgot that was true.
Starting point is 00:26:12 If you're on sharp pain, like if you're on a goddamn elliptical and you're getting sharp foot pain, that's not like push through it kind of injury. That's like, you're going to exacerbate something serious and have to use crutches for like, it's not like, I get it's a competition and it's fun.
Starting point is 00:26:24 You have to push yourself, but that's not the kind of thing you push yourself through especially she is talking about his sharp foot pain where he's like having to like lean on furniture and shit to like amble around like that's not no yeah the thing is this went from like getting healthy to like like now you're getting actively unhealthier by having to push yourself so yeah and i don't know i don't know how we could have done the competition differently to make it not what this has become. It felt like somehow with the Rogan thing that it didn't become this. You mean two separate races?
Starting point is 00:26:58 No, I mean just going so crazy hard. It seemed like none of them were just into that, into doing that. And people have suggested make it only five hours a day. so crazy hard it seemed like none of them were just into that into doing that like like and people have suggested you know make it only five hours a day well if you do that then we're all going to be shooting for five hours of yellow and a chis just can't do that like like not shitting on chis but he can't i don't think i can do it i could i could definitely do two hours of yellow but it's hard what he can do four hours of yellow seemingly without a brain. Working my way.
Starting point is 00:27:27 I don't know. I was like, I've got these strategies, right? By the way, Kyle, you're called the Prince of Darkness in my head. Not just yours. If I'm losing to the Prince of Darkness by like 1,500 meps, you better fucking believe I've got a 3,500 mep day in me. I know I can do this. That's as close as I need to be.
Starting point is 00:27:50 I will ride that goddamn bike until I fall off of it. Joe's talking about setting off smoke. I've got the door open. I've got a ceiling fan immediately above me. I don't know. I don't believe him. Joe being Joe Rogan in this. It wasn't as crazy as he made it out to be in my head.
Starting point is 00:28:05 Exactly. Going into it, it wasn't as crazy as he made it out to be in my head. Exactly. Going into it, it wasn't. But after doing it, it is. It's impossible that he's doing that. Because I've been on that rowing machine with a smoke detector above me with the idea that, let's see if it's even... Close that door. And I swear, especially that first night. The first night I might have done...
Starting point is 00:28:23 I don't remember what it was, frankly. But it was between six and a thousand meps or something like that and sweats ripping it's not even for it's not even it won't evaporate off of me anymore and i'm just going and i was in a really good zone with that thing i can't i can't do the rowing machine now every time i push it's it stretches the achilles tendon. It's gruesome. But, like, I never got to that point at all. I think that's a fabrication. I think that's Joe Rogan.
Starting point is 00:28:50 It totally is. Like, there's no way that you see. First of all, firearms don't go off because of how sweaty you are. Like, that would be a huge design flaw. Can you imagine that? Every NBA game, it's like, all right, got to take another fucking quarter to break because the fire alarms went off. I can't believe we're watching this on 4K TV and we can't figure this out, people. Like, no.
Starting point is 00:29:12 That's nonsense. There was a something wrong happened with his system, or that gym system. The internet says it can happen. I don't believe them. I selectively choose everything I want to do. If you had 10 Joe Rogans choose everything if you had 10 joe rogan i believe you had 10 sweaty joe rogan's working hard maybe but just the idea that one joe rogan
Starting point is 00:29:31 here's my counter argument i believe there's been a smoke alarm in like every bathroom i've ever had and my shower never set it off ah yeah that does it there. No human being is sweating as much as a shower makes steam. Yeah, there's just no way. Have you ever been working out super hard and stepped out into a very cold exterior and you see steam come off of yourself? Yeah, sure. And if you haven't, we've all seen it in a movie. Yeah, yeah. Bald guys in particular, it comes off their heads.
Starting point is 00:30:03 Yeah. That was a cool thing. It's like, you can take your glove off out there and he just looks like you're on fire. What did Gimli say? Just a wisp of vapor. Something like that. Wisp of smoke.
Starting point is 00:30:19 Yeah. Wisp of smoke. Like it's, it's not enough to set anything off for sure. Well, I am totally fine with, with stopping because there's no's not enough to set anything off for sure well i am totally fine with with stopping because there's no way for me to win and i'm at a point now where like at first the biking sucked and as much as i tried in the first week to be like i'm gonna keep this as part of something
Starting point is 00:30:35 i do now after this competition like in my back of my head i was like are you really though like this really sucks but then i changed it up so that now i'm not doing like an hour of straight biking but i do like my whole lifting regimen and then at the end i do some like you know medium high intensity biking for like 10-15 minutes after each set and so i'm getting like some cardio in there and that adds up to like 75 minutes of biking by the end and so like uh how many points do you have 6 thousand ish yeah so there's not even i mean correct me if i'm wrong it'd be a a tall task for you with your schedule to catch me right like like because even like limping around i'll get a 100 200 maps a day or something like
Starting point is 00:31:21 that i think more you got 250 during a podcast like i believe that's that's a real outlier i wore it today and look at my numbers today like look at my upload today i wore it like like like going to the uh massage thing i wore it uh yeah you're all great you get 30 today as far as those podcast points are concerned like if you do look at kyle's actual workouts there are huge spans where if you're wearing it for like eight hours where you're earning you know six points where you don't do anything for hours and hours today's i had a better representation of like what happens when i just wear it doing nothing like if i'm in the car it's gray when i'm at my lawyer's office today it's gray when i'm at the my pre-trial probation officer's office pissing in a cup
Starting point is 00:32:03 it's it probably got a little blue. Got a little blue for a second there. I'm like, what's in those supplements? I had Prince of Darkness in my head today as I'm power washing, right? Power wash for hours and hours and hours. It was like 22 meps.
Starting point is 00:32:19 And I'm like, duh! Kyle would have had many more meps than 22 for power washing. Maybe. Maybe, right? I don't even know. It doesn't matter. What matters is I need to get 500 more meps. And then... What if this was all a con?
Starting point is 00:32:36 And like, you went to bed tonight and I uploaded like 1,800 meps and then went on a tear. How mad at me would you be? I would love that. That would be some seriously me would you i would love that that would be seriously devious shit if you think that would be that would be i i was thinking today i was about prince of darkness of course and uh i i'm like putting i'm lacing my boots on and i'm like when he offered me second place the mistake he made was when he said he wasn't going to quit.
Starting point is 00:33:09 He doesn't realize I'm winning this thing. He doesn't. He should have offered me second. The thought process are motivational posters, like with cats climbing up on the basketball net and shit, where it's like, you know, hang in there, girl. Yeah, it was just like, I'm lacing up my boots. Like, you know, I'm not being acknowledged just a fucking victor in this thing like he thinks that because oh you said because i'm not gonna stop and i'm like yeah you don't have to like it week two woody is making a statement like i said because i thought that uh like i don't know if it's this week or next week but you've got your um
Starting point is 00:33:44 your time consuming attorney stuff coming up worse and worse by the day like like today was so the problem is a lot of the driving right because i don't know did you do a thing today having to do with the attorney yeah so a lot of the a lot of just the driving like i have to drive an hour with no traffic an hour but then like these meetings often end up around rush hour so it's just like you're sitting there rush hour so it's just like you're sitting there for two hours it's just so to meet with my lawyer for what's usually an hour you know i drive an hour and a half sit there for an hour drive back sometimes it's two and a half hours back and it's like well that that was my day that was my day and then today especially
Starting point is 00:34:21 because like i had a the massage is obviously something i could have skipped but i felt like i needed someone to look at this ankle and it had been scheduled for a week like i get one every tuesday and and then the uh the parole officer you don't show up to see her there's some real problems so like and that's in a completely different fucking direction than the lawyer so like today was mostly driving yeah just mine wasn't that inactive but i had the like i feel like i had the same challenges and these are self-imposed but today jackie was like i need some woody time this was a few days ago and what she meant was she's like she's got guy things around the house that she needs done that i spent a whole day um two days actually
Starting point is 00:35:01 cleaning the garage the shed and getting things out of the attic. And in my head again, I'm like, I bet Kyle will be getting a lot more meps for this than I am because it wasn't worth much for me, but it was really time consuming. Yesterday, totally self-imposed, but my friend came over. His paramotor was broken. We fixed it. We did a live stream. And after the live stream, we flew around. Paramotoring is not worth a lot of meps.
Starting point is 00:35:22 And that was all day. And today was pressure washing. And all these things are weak mep activities it would be easier on me if i could just devote all my time to like resting or cycling but uh whatever i just have 500 more meps i'm i might bust that out tonight i might give myself a break i don't know but uh up to you you know we're doing the show tomorrow obviously because of thanksgiving i think i think chiz will come on and uh we can get some of his perspectives of like the torture that he's
Starting point is 00:35:50 been through oh i'd love chiz to come i i want you two to trade your war stories on pka of how unpleasant this has been because i like in the beginning like if you go back and check like my whole thing was like you guys fucking wait until the soreness kicks in. Cause you're going so intense, like wait. And I was expecting it to be soreness. I didn't realize they were pushing themselves through literal injuries where they're like, well, you know, I'm limping all around and my feet hurt. And I almost cried at the gym this morning and, uh, I, and I'm really sad and I might go to jail.
Starting point is 00:36:24 Um, this is going gonna require a lot of super do this anymore this sucks like i yeah the soreness doesn't bother me anymore like like like what he's what he's absolutely right like like first of all the ice pads really do help a bunch like like like if by gauging like past i remember we played paintball one year and like i went i hadn't worked out it all prior to the thing. I went into it really out of shape, and the first day, I went really hard. I must have played for seven hours, and it's a lot of squatting and jogging and then sprinting just all day with all that weight, and the next day, I've never been that sore in my entire life. I didn't
Starting point is 00:37:03 get anywhere near that sore and stiff during this competition. I think the ice pads legitimately helped. The muscle roller legitimately helped. The anti-inflammatory stuff I was taking definitely helped. Because even right now, I'm squeezing the front of my legs or whatever. Is it quads? Yeah, not hamstrings. On the front of your leg.
Starting point is 00:37:22 It's quads. And they're not sore my calves are sore but i would say like a four out of ten a five out of ten i i'm physically able to keep going it's just my fucking foot hurts well i mean you're not physically capable of continuing like your foot's fucked he's emotionally capable of keep going oh i'm definitely emotionally capable i like like last night when i saw you going i was like ah let's go to the gym and let's let let's just keep work let's just work through the night because that's what i did that other night when like you had when you got 927 or something no no when you got it it might that might be what
Starting point is 00:37:57 you're referring to but i'm i'm thinking specifically of the night when you got like like you did 956 in the morning and I helped that girl move and got only got like 700 and I was, and you see 256 up on me. And then that night you went for like 1220 and I was like, and I was like, well, I just won't sleep. And I went to like 13 20 or something like that in one workout and it was gruesome and i was like i'll do that again i'll do that again i'll take everything that he's done and i'll x that out tonight and and that's when i yelped on the on the machine last night and and fucking went home after maybe two hours or something like that yeah like when i started seeing the scores you guys were posting early on like a good part of me was like thank god you are legitimately too busy to compete with
Starting point is 00:38:53 these two because even if you weren't i did not anticipate these kind of numbers going up like when and like day four when woody it like discovered the fact that he you know wasted his life doing internet stuff when he could have been the next fucking Armstrong over there in France. Sorry, Woody. You missed your calling. I used to compete in cycling. I was like, oh, shit. You used to compete in cycling, but were you on a JV team?
Starting point is 00:39:20 No. I could have been. No, I worked out with Cat 2 and Cat 3 cyclists. And in training, I was actually right there amongst the best when it came to just working out. But it turns out racing is different than training. And there's a lot of skill involved in being elbow to elbow. When you're working with a pack that's on your team, I was good at that. When you have to like play freaking cycling.
Starting point is 00:39:46 It's a lot of like maneuvering and like little subtle movements and shit. People are playing chicken. Like they want you in the wrong spot so they'll get in front and they'll push you over. And maybe a better like cyclist would push back or resist that or whatever. Like I had a race where – so where you really want to be in the whole peloton thing is second. You don't want to be the guy – they call it breaking the wind. Right up front, you want to be one mark from the back. And I had a race where the whole fucking thing, I was just dominating it.
Starting point is 00:40:15 Second, second, right where you want to be. And then with one and a half laps left to go, I'm like, I am in position to beat every one of these fuckers and uh i was not they they literally ran me off the road i buddy hopped the curb went through the grass and the trees and got nearly last like that that's the that's how my cycling went i just wasn't like the bike you were on was it was it one of those bikes that has the fixed gear or was it so you're able to stop pedaling have you seen that yeah for that that reddit clip where he lays on his belly yes that's so cool so like for people who haven't seen it essentially like i think most people have been on a bicycle before you're aware that you can stop pedaling on like
Starting point is 00:41:00 almost every bike that exists and the wheels still turn independently of that that allows you to rest your legs right well he's racing in some sort of class or whatever where it's a fixed gear so no matter what any farthing no no matter what like the pedals spin at the at the with the with the wheel i'm sure there's a there's a gear a ratio built in but they but nonetheless they always spin at that ratio fixed gear bike what a fixed gear bike is? Yeah. They call it a fixie. So what he does, as they're going downhill, all the other bikers
Starting point is 00:41:31 have to pedal really fast, but you can't pedal as fast as the bike could potentially coast because of the downhill. So he gets on his belly, more like his high crotch on the seat, and allows the pedals to just go into hyper mode and he like surfs past everyone and then the most skillful part is holding the the handlebars and
Starting point is 00:41:53 and then the most skillful part is when he remounts the bike because he puts his feet on either side of the back tire put some drag on it to slow it a bit, and then somehow gets his feet into the pedals as they're spinning at this rapid pace and keeps going. Yeah, he has to air pedal to match the speed and then goes, I've never rode a taxi. I would guarantee shatter my face. I tried standing on a skateboard once and almost hurt myself. If you go really fast on it, I've gone, I think I went 54 miles an hour miles an hour on a bike as quick as i've ever gone downhill of course and it gets like speed wobbly and stuff you have to hold the frame with your knees and maybe maybe their bikes are
Starting point is 00:42:33 better than mine but if you come off at 54 is that that's probably not a common thing but that's got to be some serious injury i did it at 34 once i uh yeah yeah, I was just on this bicycle tour, and I'm going downhill 34 and a half miles an hour. I remember it like I'll never forget it. And there's this, like, really sharp turn. But so I thought I had everything under control. Like, I can do this. And then as I got closer, I see it's all sandy, and there's, like, no traction there. So what I should have done what a better
Starting point is 00:43:05 cyclist would have done is just try it anyway uh what i did is deer in the headlights just lock up the brakes and go straight and i went straight and then next to the road like where the hair like if you'd gone straight through this hairpin there was a big ditch and then on the other side of it a barbed wire fence and i head like i drill my head into the far side of the ditch and my legs come up and over and hit the fence. I am a little concussed. I have a helmet on a total full body flip. That's perfect. Yes. That's what happened. And, uh, I'm a little concussed and confused as to how this went down. People are asking me questions and I'm not answering them right. Like what day it is or what state I'm in.
Starting point is 00:43:52 And, uh, um, my leg is fucked. I've got two like deep scars in it. And one of them has like an extra spot cause there is a barb there. And, uh, they took me to a hospital in West Virginia and they sewed me up very poorly. The stitches were like cosmetic at best. They didn't close the wound. It turned out I had some intern they didn't close the wound it turned out i had some intern who didn't know what the heck he was doing the anesthesia wore off during it yeah yeah i've had that i've had that same experience on a much smaller cut but i was a kid and it was on my hand and my mom was so upset she's she's like that looks terrible. I'm like, does it? Yeah. I, yes. So, you know, and like my, my home doctor saw it and he's like, let's see how they do this in West Virginia.
Starting point is 00:44:31 And he's like, oh yeah, I'd have liked to seen him a little bit tighter. Maybe the cut was big enough. I now know they should have done some internal ones and some external ones, but instead they just applied stitches like across the open wound they didn't close it at all but i was pretty psyched because one i thought it was tough i don't know it was like 17 or something and uh i got to put my leg up at school for the next week like you know which is you know so i'm like you know in class thinking i'm cool you guys can't see but my leg is up and everyone else is sitting like a normal person. But it probably wasn't cool at all, I was just an idiot.
Starting point is 00:45:09 Yeah, that sounds awful. That sounds awful. But, uh... But yeah, the bike turned out to be my best way of earning meps. For sure. Yeah, I can't bike at all. Like, even early on, my quads burn out so fast. Like, not to the point of hurting a little either.
Starting point is 00:45:25 Your quads? Yeah, yeah. Yeah, that point of hurting a little either. Your quads? Yeah. I don't have strong legs at all. The quads are the muscle I feel like I can beat to shit and they'll be okay for the most part the next day. No, the running was the... I feel comfortable blowing my quads out. I've got that on my lats a bit too.
Starting point is 00:45:40 The running was definitely the trick for me. If I could have kept running, I feel like I could have kept pace with this thing. But as soon as the running went and I had to go to that machine... The machine's soul-killing, for one thing. At least with running. It's nice to run outside and see people. And they see you running every day.
Starting point is 00:45:59 And they start, hey, yeah, hey! So you didn't just have a burning hatred for all your competitors the entire time? That really works for me. I had a lot. The whole time. Dark Lord. I was the total opposite. I had a huge amount of admiration for, first of all, the fact that you two were dominating in the way you did.
Starting point is 00:46:17 I knew there was no chance I was going to catch either of you or even compete, but that was really fucking impressive how hard you both went. either of you or even compete but like that was really fucking impressive how hard you both went chiz i was impressed with even though the number wasn't as high because he's working through a lot of hurdles that the other the others of us aren't facing you know like i think we all did a pretty fucking good job i agree with that i agree yeah no one here should be embarrassed of their performance like that's no that's really cool and i'm keeping this biking shit i'm keeping the biking a part of my workout i'm'm going to do it for real. Or maybe not even biking. This guy, this is so much fun.
Starting point is 00:46:50 Really? I had no idea that you could get your heart rate that high. Well, I don't know anything about boxing, and so I had to basically look up YouTube videos, like boxing workouts. And then I realized this girl doesn't seem like she's throwing punches right, so then I had to go watch other videos of boxers who are like, you't want to do this you want to do that and i was like okay i can try and figure this out like the taylor's first instinct was like you know if i'm gonna learn
Starting point is 00:47:12 about fighting i might as well learn it from hot chicks and yoga pants well when you type boxing workout a lot of that comes up but then you look and i'm like she's not covering her face at all like there's no competitor here but this this thing, I'm loving it. It's a lot of fun to just beat and hit it as hard as you can, knock it over. Is it abrasive? Do you wrap your hands, or if not, do you wear gloves? I bought 16-ounce gloves to use because people were like,
Starting point is 00:47:43 you want to not buy the light ufc ones like you want to be forcing yourself to carry a little more weight like it doesn't seem like a lot it's only a few ounces but trust me after 10 minutes of that you're going to notice the pounds you know yeah that extra pound almost so i'm glad to have found this kind of cardio this is a lot of fun it actually makes me want to learn more about boxing i yeah i had 12 ounce muay thai gloves which looked like boxing gloves and i'd use those for a while and then when i got to a boxing gym i was like joe joe lozano what do i buy like i have these already and he says woody don't be that guy that shows up with 12 ounce gloves when everyone
Starting point is 00:48:16 else has 16 it was like oh i didn't even know i was being that guy but i thought it was okay yeah i didn't even know that was it but yeah so i like the cambodian flag emblazoned on them or something cool yeah so you need 16 ounce gloves if you want to train with other people in box yeah i i as soon as i can i'm probably gonna run a little bit more i because because like in the past i'd never ran more than i don't know like like continuously more than a mile or so like like i would always stop and then you know run another mile or something like that and i was gonna run really long there was a lot of stopping but like like like what he says like you sort of like get to this point where like it stops hurting
Starting point is 00:49:00 and you i i don't want to say go, because that sounds like you're having a medical issue, but I think that's what's supposed to happen. Mentally numb, like you stop paying attention to you. No, I mean physically numb. I literally start not being able to feel my legs anymore, and so the pain doesn't bother me. And not the pain, right?
Starting point is 00:49:19 You feel yourself pushing into it, and then you get off the bike or whatever, and you take the first three steps like an idiot like a toddler like you know walking and then it starts to hurt again yeah as long as you're doing it it's not too bad i'm definitely gonna run some more because i've lost like a dozen pounds or something were you impressed with your like your fitness level like going into it were you like i'm gonna have to put in you know 12 hour workouts and then when you realized oh shit i can maintain yellow for two hours on this rower or whatever it, were you like, I'm going to have to put in 12-hour workouts. And then when you realized, oh shit, I can maintain yellow for two hours on this rower or whatever it is. Were you pleasantly surprised?
Starting point is 00:49:50 That's how I felt on the bike. I definitely could do that on the rower at first. But it was burning out the muscles in my shoulders so much. Yeah. Yeah. They weren't just hurting. They were cramping up and pinching and tingling. I get a lot of this tingling.
Starting point is 00:50:06 And that's one of the same things I get going on in my foot now, is this tingle. Like pins and needles. And I don't know what that is, and it scares me. So I stopped rowing as much. And when I switched to the running, the running seems more efficient, if that makes sense. It seems like for the time that's spent and the burn on my body or whatever, like the damage I'm doing to myself per meth, the running
Starting point is 00:50:29 seemed like the absolute most efficient thing. And especially if you factor in some mental health to the mix. Just rowing in that room, even with the television, I'm reading the subtitles and I'm not picking everything up.
Starting point is 00:50:45 That's a bit frustrating in its own way. I've started thinking in Hank Hill's voice and I hope it stops soon. I watched all 13 seasons in the last 13 days. I like music a lot. I've torn through it.
Starting point is 00:51:01 I haven't listened to music one bit. I listen to music uh faggy music of course because i'm me on repeat a lot of pink this is me the the greatest showman theme song but not the one by whoever sings it the one by kesha and i just listen to that like repeatedly repeatedly it's like uh i don't know the lyrics in my head have to do with like you know you all tried to hold me down but here i am and and like that's the core oh i know right kyle wants to describe my music preferences it's like i have my period but i'm not feeling bad about it he's not far off but but yeah kesha's this is me i i I've probably listened to that like 500, 600 times now.
Starting point is 00:51:46 Yeah, it's actually not true. I do listen to some music. I listened to about 90 minutes on repeat of the Soviet Union National Anthem the other night. And just like imagine, only the victory portion. Yeah, only the victory portion. And I included in there like, great job, comrades, and all that shit. Because I imagine myself punching capitalist pigs. You know, when Stalin's going through, picking the next gulag chieftain.
Starting point is 00:52:11 I imagine myself biking, like, you're going to be, Sergey, you're the one. You're getting it next. You're going to kill the capitalists and the proletariat. The way that this, like, recipe of motivation, there were, like, 1%, 3% of people that thought I could win. And I took a lot of strength from that. Like a lot, like there's people out there who like, they could have picked any of us and they picked me.
Starting point is 00:52:35 And then the 97% that didn't were also motivating. And, you know, Kyle had some trash talk, perhaps just to make the show interesting but uh it fueled me anyway and and i like i just there was another hilarious thing i fear you wouldn't forgive me if i told you all my thoughts towards you that's the other thing that like people didn't get is they're like kyle's talking so much shit and it's like you're
Starting point is 00:53:05 the same person that like if we talk about conor mcgregor you'll be like ah he's just building up the show and the competition it's like no shit like you have to have somebody who's talking a lot of shit like building it up increasing the competition making it more interesting and i went full kabed like this shit's not a game why does he take it so personally you know I've stopped eating pork a blinking beard yeah initially I had no idea if I could compete with Taylor because what's a mep
Starting point is 00:53:39 I feel like when I tell when I tell people it's a my zone action point or some shit. Effort point. We don't even know. We've got more of them than anyone. I've got 16,000 and he doesn't know what his name is.
Starting point is 00:53:55 I didn't know what a mep meant. If you tell me you're going to sprint for 30 seconds I know what that means. But I don't know to sprint for 30 seconds, I know what that means. But I don't know what a math even is. There's no computer. It's a measurement of cardio, right?
Starting point is 00:54:11 That's me. Like, this is a cardio competition. People are mad because we called it a fitness competition, which I could see where they're coming from. One, you just get mad too easily, guys. But, like, I see the CrossFit competitions where they're,'re like running around cones, doing a dozen pull-ups and whatever. And that is a fitness competition. That's a measure of someone's fitness. This to me was like, in my head, it was measuring my inability to quit.
Starting point is 00:54:37 Like that's what this was about. It was like that force equation, right? Where it's like mass times velocity. It's effort times time., right? Where it's like mass times velocity. It's effort times time. And you can... That's what it is, to get a map. It's effort multiplied by time spent doing said effort. And I didn't know if I was going to be third.
Starting point is 00:54:57 I just knew I wasn't going to be fourth. And if we were on the bubble right now, I would crawl if I had to, to not eat that goddamn chip. To not eat that. But I was so afraid of that chip. I knew I'd vomit. I like spicy things, but my definition of spicy isn't what Spicehead's version of spicy is. I like sriracha.
Starting point is 00:55:22 When I order hot wings, I get them hot. Just hot. spicy is like like i like sriracha like when i order hot wings i get them hot like just hot i don't get like smoky dokey kill bill version habanero or anything like that let's get regular remember when uh when what's the hottest wing at buffalo wild wings the blazing wings we got some of those like what was it god like seven years ago now when we were in chicago yeah i know what happened what happened was we ordered we had a table full of people and so the the strategy for cost purposes because not everybody had a ton of money was we just ordered like a basket of every single flavor because it was that that that equaled like 150 or 200 wings. And we figured that was much cheaper than each individual person getting a plate. And so there's these plates of 10 wings literally circling the table.
Starting point is 00:56:11 And everybody takes one or two. And I hadn't eaten all day. I was starving. So I would just grab two of every one. And I wasn't making a pile. I was just eating them as they came around quickly. And I downed two of the blazing wings like back to back like the they were boneless and there was a delayed reaction but it ruined the night like I went from being really hungry
Starting point is 00:56:32 to having eaten about four wings and being not interested in food anymore I must have drank four ice waters or something I remember that that was annoying to me because I remember I wasn't good friends with you at the time and so I was sitting close to you that night and I was, I was like, of course, like you were the big head honcho. And I was like, oh, this is going to be awesome. I'm sitting like right next to Kyle. I can get to know him a little better, talk to him. And then like we were passing the wings and it was like 12 minutes into dinner. We had just started talking and you ate like a couple of blazing.
Starting point is 00:57:01 And like 30 minutes later, like I'd be like, Kyle, you and you, I nevermind. You're just like, as like spit was forming and dripping. Like it was so spicy. So that, yeah, that awful. I had no fear of the spicy chip.
Starting point is 00:57:14 You Taylor. And I think she is, we're all like, Oh my God, this chip, this chip, this chip. I'm the only one who hasn't seen videos of people eating it.
Starting point is 00:57:21 And I was like, I think I need to keep it that way. What my fear was this. So I woke up, the competition started at midnight and it just so happens that the day before I had a really active day. So I wasn't like, well, you know, I kicked my own ass today. I guess it's time to kick my ass from 12 to 4am on top. I was like, it's a month long competition. I wake up in the morning and i think everyone had kicked ass like they had gained what i thought were tons and tons of maps and i'm like it was a very public embarrassment like i was at zero kyle was at like i don't know 800 or something out after the first night
Starting point is 00:57:57 and uh it just seemed gigantic so i'm i start start earning maps i start going i'm like eating my lunch and i go back at it again and again and again and uh that was when my friends told me to cool down on like day one they're like this is a month-long competition woody you know they're they're gonna burn out they're gonna get injured like you play this and i was like but i'm behind and they're like you need to be more strategic and that's i guess they were right yeah for sure yeah i i wish this hadn't happened i want to keep going i do like like i went to have actual injuries i i left the massage extraneous shit that you can't control i left the massage thing today and i was like maybe it feels a little better and i like started walking and it didn't
Starting point is 00:58:43 hurt for a step and i was like all right all right let me just put all my way ah yeah kyle there's 10 days left in this month and you need at least seven rest days to start working out again i um i don't like the way your odds are you're three against nine ten i don't either the um the the most annoying part is like i i'm having a hard time resting it. Because I don't know if I change the pitch. Or is it the yaw? The yaw? If I change the yaw at all on my foot, it's above an ache but below a sharp pinch.
Starting point is 00:59:22 So driving all day today, i'm on cruise control like like play i'm driving trolling i'm thumb controlling my car like it's a video game so that i don't have to engage my foot and i and i'm just it's and that can get scary when there's traffic for what it's worth that's the pitch the y'all would be uh i know pointing your toe from side to side on uh on south park there's an episode where like randy has come up with this very complex trigonometry formula for like how to actually measure a man's penis okay yeah randy's like so you may think uh specimen randy's penis is only 4.2 inches, but his corrected penis size is 6.5 inches,
Starting point is 01:00:08 which is average. He just stands there like all smug and happy about his dick math. He's like measuring diameter, circumference, yaw. Is that an older one? It's probably five years old.
Starting point is 01:00:24 I heard this season's good. It's much better than last season. They're ditching the whole... They're keeping certain little threads that are continuous throughout the whole thing from what I can tell so far, but they're not doing the nonsense they did the last two seasons, which kind of ruined it.
Starting point is 01:00:39 The last one I watched was PC Principal. That's two years ago, though, right? Yeah, but it continued in the last two years as well. PC Principal's a mainstay character now, because he replaced the Principal Victoria or whatever her name was. But it was really about him, and I think Caitlyn Jenner got introduced, too. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:56 It's a stop-net-for-me character. I'd rather watch the boys get into their rambunctious nonsense. I'm glad they're adding characters, though. I'm sorry to cut you off. Tally being high was funny 15 years ago, but I've heard that joke. I don't even think it was funny then. Okay.
Starting point is 01:01:13 I was just high. I'm just high. That and Christmas people do when they don't have an idea out in an episode. I like that there's some continuity, though, because early on in the season, Randy gets a pot farm. He moves out of the city, and he moves out of the country and gets himself a marijuana grow. And it's called Tegrity Farms.
Starting point is 01:01:32 And so now, every episode, you'll forget that Kyle has to commute. Not Kyle, but Stan has to commute 45 minutes every morning or something to get to school. And so whenever they go to stan's house you're like oh yeah that's right stands out in a farm in the middle of nowhere now every time they go to visit him and in the last episode they um do you remember the man bear pig episode which was basically there to mock al gore for uh his global warming stance yeah yeah that was a funny episode they literally made they literally admitted they were wrong about that, and they had ManBearPig come back and be a real thing now, and they're like, Mr. Gore, we need you.
Starting point is 01:02:11 It was real. He's like, well, maybe if you listened to me five years ago, something could have been done, but now ManBearPig. I like how he has no interest in ManBearPig anymore. They're like, Al Gore, you were right about ManBearPig. He's like, I've moved on to other things. But we believe you now. It's too late for you. ManBearPig's
Starting point is 01:02:33 here and he's not leaving. I'm cereal. I love I love the Al Gore character on South Park. It's hilarious. Yeah, it's been a pretty good season. I thought Sunny was a pretty meh season. But if you haven't watched Max Dance yet,
Starting point is 01:02:50 I thought it was really good. I haven't watched any of the season other than the first couple episodes, I think. But I saw on Twitter his dance. And it's like a four minute long thing. And I clicked it expecting to watch just a little bit. And I watched the whole thing partially in like a quasi-gay awe thing and i clicked it expecting to watch just a little bit and i watched the whole thing partially
Starting point is 01:03:05 in like a quasi gay awe of how ripped mac is now where i'm just like god i'm jealous like that's inspirational wow good for him how much how much fucking ass did he have to bust to get that done literally and figuratively for his character like he's great that he's done that much for himself. He said his diet was awful. He was basically defending... I think there are people out there who have said that what he's done is unattainable, and then muscleheads come back and say,
Starting point is 01:03:38 all you've got to do is work hard. And he was like, yeah, yeah, you just work hard, and you hire a personal trainer for four hours a day and you cut out all sugar and all of this and all of that and you cut your calories by about 600 a day for six months and that's all you do for six months is work out and eat very little food and it's like yeah that that is virtually unattainable what he's done at least that kind of changed that amount of time because he did it like in the off season of a year yeah i don't like when people see people that jacked or in that good of shape
Starting point is 01:04:10 and they're like unattainable whatever oh that woman with her flat stomach and her nice ass that she worked really hard for oh that man with his six pack it's like no we need to look at these people like models it's like that's a that's something you could be or you could be closer to that like it should be inspirational it's just dawned on me that if the fitness competition ends i can't take almonds to bed with me and think that it's reasonable behavior anymore just don't tell just don't tell jackie it's over and like like do something else in the bike room that's a funny bit starting a new hobby in there or something like like you're like gluing airplanes together or something like that like and you've got like a soundtrack of the bike going just playing really loud
Starting point is 01:04:50 don't come ahead i'm too sweaty the fire alarm might go off you guys want to call the show yeah i guess so all right pkn 222

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