Painkiller Already - PKN #224

Episode Date: December 14, 2018

It's PKN time baby! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Yeah. Painkiller Nearly, episode 224. Lots. Kyle, you had a topic you wanted to kick off with? Oh, we were all- Not just a normal topic. You were upset. You showed up crying.
Starting point is 00:00:09 You were really- You haven't answered my text in a couple days now that I'm thinking about it. What's going on with you? Are you okay? Something legally? Hopefully not. No, we lost George H.W. Bush. Not the good one.
Starting point is 00:00:22 We lost- How haven't I heard about this news? I don't know why everybody cares so much. You know what it is? Everybody is pretending like they care. The right is pretending like they care to steer focus away from, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:00:36 the 18 things Trump did this week. Let's forget about the fact that he missigned the NAFTA agreement, literally signed in Mexico's slot. That was the funniest fucking thing I've seen the funniest gift in a while have you seen this one oh yeah I'm not on the same page though agreement sounds he just like every side all three and then you see like Trudeau and the guy in Mexico like given the curb your
Starting point is 00:01:00 enthusiasm look like what do we sign over it? You know what? We're going to put a sign in the scam. We'll just sign that one. Two parts. So my understanding is he signed in the wrong spot. Okay, so in the Mexico spot. He signed his spot, and then he signed Mexico's spot. He was just signing them all.
Starting point is 00:01:20 He went sign crazy. And it's even worse because he refused to use the pen that everybody else was using and like brought out some big old fat sharpie or something like that no so there's a background to that right i'm gonna lay it out there for the viewers because i'm uh critical of trump there are a lot of things trump does that i don't like this is not one of them uh they gave him a pen a very expensive pen he describes and it was the super expensive i don't even want to tell you how much it was right because you don't even, but fuck off. So they gave him these expensive pens to sign with, and it didn't write. The ink would come and go, like new pens often do. So then he gets out this Sharpie, and the Sharpie is great. The Sharpie works flawlessly. He never has any Sharpie
Starting point is 00:02:00 problems. And he calls up the people at Sharpie and says, hey man, your pen's right as soon as I take the cap off and I never have any problems. That is a tally in Sharpie's favor. They always do. Always. And he's like, can I get a black one though? Because this black cap gray Sharpie,
Starting point is 00:02:19 I'm the president. There's appearances we have to put on. He called Sharpie directly for that instead of going to Costco? That's how the story goes. So he says, Sharpie, can I have one in an all-black casing? And Sharpie said, yes, Donald Trump, we will get you one with all-black casing, and we will put your signature in gold on the side. So he has Donald Trump gold signature Sharpies that he signs things with. And now he can hold them up to the cameras and you see this giant like
Starting point is 00:02:45 donald trump has a very unique signature i can't it's nice it people hate it online fuck it's great there are things there are legitimate criticisms that you can have of trump right yeah there's not one of them no no sick signature looks like an art it's the kind of signature that everyone who's like like like if you're rich, powerful, famous, and your signatures mean a thing, and they're going to be viewed like his are maybe a thousand years from now, at least 50 years from now for sure, you know, before the AI robots take over or whatever, you want that signature. It's powerful.
Starting point is 00:03:19 It's beautiful. I like that. All those guys have so much, like anyone who's powerful, signing a lot of things all the time, they get it down pretty quick. They work it out. Like after a few years, they get a good one. Like I bet, you know, when Trump was like, I don't know, 25, you know, Slick Willie, like all those guys, their signatures at 24 suck dick.
Starting point is 00:03:36 Oh, did you lose me? No, you're great. Oh, okay. You guys are gross for me. That's how he's signing. D-T. D-T. D-T. I saw something today where it's like,
Starting point is 00:03:47 never noticed, but it's DJ Trump and MC Pence. Because his middle name's Charles. DJ Trump and MC Pence. I had to put that together. So yeah, my theory on George H.W. Bush thing and all the fucking attention to this thing is that the right is like, oh, this will be a good way to like move things along and like not focus on the horrible stuff that's going on with the
Starting point is 00:04:09 white house left and right and the left is like well shit we can't we can't not keep up with the right on on kissing george hw bush's ass he jumped out of a plane when he was 90 and they and i don't care and not only do i not care i think he was a bad guy and a bad president and they're closing the post office tomorrow i had yeah i have the worst luck with shipping things i don't get to do i won't get into it but like every time like i order a thing or ship a thing i happen to do so on the like the the the perfect storm of like holidays, post office, not going to work days, and weekends. Like it makes it so that like I literally overnighted a thing. It's going to take like five days.
Starting point is 00:04:54 Because of the combination of George H. Bush and the weekend or something like that. It's like, well, what the fuck? The guy was selling, you know, when he was a CIA director, the CIA was selling crack cocaine to finance, to Americans, to black, in black communities, to finance their South American turnover, democratically elected dictator. You and your anti-drug crusade. All I want to know is if his prices were competitive. If they were, I don't have a problem with them. Yes, they made them extremely cheap so that the black community was going to afford it. And it would, it would put them in a downward spiral of ruin. Please, Kyle, if that was Barack, a fellow black man, you'd be calling him the Robinhood of crack cocaine.
Starting point is 00:05:29 But your crusade against white presidents, I've had quite enough, Kyle. Forget about paint chips. It's all about the crack cocaine that George H.W. Bush was pumping into the black communities in the 80s. It is annoying to see. Remember less than a year ago when people were like, H.W. inappropriately touched this woman at a thing.
Starting point is 00:05:50 And people were, like, taking it seriously when it was clearly a senile old man making an off-color joke. Like, he was in the last, what, seven and a half months of his life at the time? And people were still like, this is just evident that he's still a piece of shit. And then those same people, now he dies, they're like, this is, we need to compare. And like the insult comparisons are
Starting point is 00:06:10 funny too, where they're like, well, I hate this guy, but I hate Trump more. So I'm going to pretend that I've always liked this guy to try and falsely make my stance against Trump more palatable. Where they're like, you know me, I'm liberal, but I love HW. Don't look at my tweets from seven months ago. Someone hacked me. But he was a real presidential guy, not like Trump. And it's like, God, you guys are so fucking fake. All the media, and the right side does it too when some prominent establishment figure on the left does. When Hillary Clinton eventually dies or when Slick Willie dies, it is not going to be Fox News going, and he was a rapist, and he was this and that.
Starting point is 00:06:44 It's going to be glowing reviews of the good things he did. That's how it always is for the establishment people. It's almost like if they play the game long enough, they know when they check out, they get their numbers pumped. They whitewash it. They whitewash history. Oh, totally whitewash. And it's bullshit. It's absolute bullshit.
Starting point is 00:06:58 And then it'll come around. It's cyclical, right? It'll come around in like 25 years from now. There will be a documentary about the evils of george hw bush the evils of bill clinton a day will come when all the people who are afraid of the clintons are dead not because not because already here not because not because the clintons have killed them but because they're just they've just gotten old they've aged out and finally some people will start like you like things will come out and and like stories will come out and and and and we'll realize that those people were monsters and it's not just the
Starting point is 00:07:29 clintons that the same thing will probably happen to to every president eventually we'll find out some bad shit about barack obama maybe maybe i don't know that guy's such a choir boy my issue with clinton clinton's is this i think they're worth 250 million but let's just say between 100 million and 250 million a lot of money they don't have a product right what the fuck is the product that do you ever buy clinton brand shampoo did you see what happened brand designer labels where the what are her speeches really 650 000 good i don't think so i so. I wouldn't buy a pay-per-view for that. She's got two slides and a PowerPoint. Stronger.
Starting point is 00:08:11 Together. All right. That's all it is. I could just see her walking down the Senate steps. I am no orator as Brutus is. Like, no. You're not going to replace Charlton Heston. You're not a great speaker. We've heard your cackle we've heard your tone it did it couldn't win you couldn't beat
Starting point is 00:08:30 donald trump with it speaker she's nobody's paid people said she won those debates that might be true it might not but let's just say they're let's just say she's uh adequate right she won a debate against donald trump yeah i don't know if that makes you adequate or not point taken but six hundred and fifty thousand dollars she certainly isn't or is depending on how you score it's not worth it like because like look at like the the numbers of donations to the clinton foundation as soon as she wasn't elected it wasn't like a slow tapering off of a business that's no longer in a booming phase. You know, not a business, of course. Not a business.
Starting point is 00:09:07 Not a pay-to-play scheme. It went like, boom! Just like immediately people were like, does Trump have a, is he still doing that steak thing? You know, maybe let's throw the money we're having to Clinton Foundation over there. Did W do it? I don't even know. Like, my understanding is when W was finished, a couple things happened. One, even Fox News is blasting W, right?
Starting point is 00:09:25 Fox News hated W at the end of his term. i don't know if you guys recall it like that but it suddenly it was like fuck that guy he's not even a real republican uh you know we're a totally different thing uh so he didn't have the kind of power that like a retired barack does for example who people still worship at it on the democrat side um so there's that and the other part is he was i think just kind of cooked mentally with the whole politics thing that i could totally see him being going you know what 40 million is maybe enough and i'll just retire on that and and not do the like the clinton's left in debt right all their legal problems they apparently they were worth less than zero when they finished their term.
Starting point is 00:10:07 I don't fucking buy that. Those people don't. People like that in that upper crust, their book isn't really broke. They're like, oh, we just opened a fund and then the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia will give us $20 million to help a kid in fucking Haiti. When George H. W. Bush was trying to hammer home
Starting point is 00:10:24 his war on drugs when he was the president of the United States, he conspired to have the DEA lure an 18-year-old high school student who happened to be a drug dealer in a black community near the White House to sell crack cocaine. They arrested him, and then the next night he does a televised speech from inside the oval office and he holds up the bag of crack cocaine just feet from the steps of the very building where i'm sitting right now crack cocaine being sold on the streets did that come out like he really did that oh that's that is so fucking shitty but also poor choice of salesmanship i'm part of the dealer like if you get like a really suspicious phone call, and it's like, yeah, I need some crack. Where? You know, uh, you know where the president lives?
Starting point is 00:11:12 I need it right there. You're gonna see a lot of black vans. Don't be alarmed. That's normal. Like, that is duplicitous as shit. I didn't know that. Like, that's entrapment. I think that should be entrapment, right? I guess... Dangle Bob Dole up so he can that like that's entrapment i think that that should be entrapment i guess stuff that dangle bob dole up so he can shakily salute that casket let's let's all cry over his poor service dog
Starting point is 00:11:33 while it sits there confused as to why it's been shipped across the country in a goddamn airplane and now it's sitting outside of a smelly box i've been afk for a few days i haven't had the same exposure to this like hw bombardment that mania mania i listen to satellite radio so like so like i and i and i've got a whole category of this news as i've talked about before i'm like i'm like flipping through the minute and they've got like this trumpet music a memorial to George H.W. Bush. And I'm like, day eight? What the fuck are they doing? Is he in the ground yet?
Starting point is 00:12:08 No, they got him in state, which is what they call it when they take his body, stick it in a box, and haul it up to the Capitol for everybody to look at. And then close the post office for three days.
Starting point is 00:12:16 And then they close the goddamn post office. Like, I don't have shit to do. I was like, look, it is really dumb when people pretend that they liked this guy for even a second before he died.
Starting point is 00:12:26 But this has to be the funniest, worst idea of a take on this. To go after the dog where this person, without irony, wrote, Don't spend your emotional energy on Sully H.W. Bush. He's a service dog who had been with the president for six months, not his lifelong companion. And it's like- Do you know how far the mania has gone? It's a three dog who had been with the president for six months, not his lifelong companion. And it's like— Do you know how far the mania has gone? It's a three-page article. I know.
Starting point is 00:12:51 You're deranged, man. I didn't read that article. There's something fucking wrong with you. I didn't read that article, and yet I know exactly where the dog has been reassigned to. It's like Walter Reed Military Medical Hospital to join two other dogs there at the facility. I shouldn't have that information. I wanted to hear about Iran or Saudi Arabia. I wanted to know what's going on with Ukraine.
Starting point is 00:13:14 There are global geopolitical kerfuffles going on right now. To people, if I were president, my final wish would be they'd be burying me the normal way, and then it'd be like, and also President Taylor has requested that he be buried in the ways of old, as the Egyptians did. And so all of his staffers and his dog will be buried with him. They're like, what?
Starting point is 00:13:37 Just throwing people into my sarcophagus with me. I didn't know him! I'll just leave a note. I want 19 hours of coverage for my youngest dog. Please, all over CNN, Fox. Let's go blues.
Starting point is 00:13:54 Please just no cap. Where's the cutoff for spending this much time and energy on these dead people? Do VPs get this kind of coverage? Was it Dukakis? Was that his VP uh i think it's almost no dukakis was a democrat that he beat hw's vp was quail okay i was like six quail dies will we care no probably not god i hope not i hope they don't fucking shut ups down on that day i think so part of it is like i think those upper crust politicians and everything like all the real
Starting point is 00:14:32 ones the not state level in a federal level like when they see stuff like this they play along and they pretend like they liked them too because i feel like it's almost masturbatory for them because they're imagining themselves when they die and and all the stuff they're going to get. When Nancy Pelosi or Dianne Feinstein or Lindsey Graham or Ted Cruz, when any of them die, all of these detractors are going to flip on a dime and be like, you know, I hated Ted Cruz my whole life, but it was only 35 minutes ago. Wow. You don't have to go
Starting point is 00:15:08 back that far to remember McCain getting this treatment too. When they were just like, yeah, McCain was the maverick. He was the great... Liberals! Liberals were singing McCain's praises left and right. He was the greatest guy. Man, he stood up to Trump.
Starting point is 00:15:23 We love him. Right before he died like that set him up good for that from both sides i want to say he left a letter to be read after he died that took shots at trump and his divisiveness yeah yeah yeah very petty you didn't see that you don't see that from the bushes right now it wasn't petty it was brave to do that posture. How is it he's dead? He went so he's dead to say it. I'm standing up to the mainstream. To Akadet, to the education center.
Starting point is 00:15:55 No matter if everybody's against Trump, I'm taking a stand against him too. That's the silly thing he did. He disinvited Trump to his funeral. Meanwhile, the Bushes are being very friendly about the whole thing like like with trump that is you know trump's got the fucking flags at half mast all week which i think every flag raiser is like oh half the work this month nice nice just oh we're done done you know half-assed a bad i kind of like it when they do that but but but you, but, you know, he's invited to the funeral. He's given them all these, like,
Starting point is 00:16:27 all this attention, all this honor. He's going to be there, obviously. He'll probably get a bit of word salad going about what he didn't know about George H.W. Bush. Like, what could he possibly know? You actually know. News to be. He was president. In between Reagan and Clinton.
Starting point is 00:16:44 Most people don't know this, but he was president. That would be hilarious. Nobody knew. No one knew. No one knew. People were saying this. Did you know he was president? I had no idea.
Starting point is 00:16:56 But Reagan, Clinton. The Russian thing is heating up again, but I can't figure out exactly what the news is. So there's two things i actually have gotten cohen cohen's attorney or mueller filed something that implied cohen was participating with multiple investigations there's like the mueller one there's some new york one and maybe some other one so all the people he was keeping tight lips suddenly cohen's been like helping every one of them all right so that came out flynn came out and i guess he's cooperating in a his cooperate the extent of his cooperation has gone further and wider than people
Starting point is 00:17:39 knew so that's a thing and something is supposed to drop this week. And I'm like, I, like, I know this as closely as anyone. I can't tell what the story is. Rachel Maddow tried to lay it out for me in 27 minutes and I drifted away somewhere in there. So I don't know still. It's like, I don't really think it's that much of a story. Like they try and pump the tires on these things so much. And then when it does eventually not come to fruition, they don't go back and say well we were wrong about this or that or the other thing. They just kind of plow ahead until the next thing comes up.
Starting point is 00:18:08 I think they do themselves a disservice by making the story too early, if that makes sense. Hey, we've been talking about, for example, Flynn's participation or the fact that we will soon learn about Flynn's participation.
Starting point is 00:18:23 And then when he finally does it, it's like, isn't this from 2018? Why are we even talking about this now? You know what I'm most interested in in the world right now is France. I was wondering where you – Yeah, that's really an interesting – Here's the little thing I know. Apparently, their gas went up by either $0.30 or $0.60 a gallon, but it's very expensive now so it's seven
Starting point is 00:18:46 or eight dollars a gallon it's like 26 percent or something see but this is this is like oh that's maybe this is like six percent tax increase yeah which but not all the price is tax of course so you know it's yeah yeah yeah yeah but uh yeah so for them they're very upset. And France, I heard, said that part of their motivation for doing this is they want people to move away from gas and diesel towards Tesla. I don't know, towards something better. Or they're just maybe discouraging the use of it in general. So there's a bit of an— I'm telling you, they are not firebombing cars because they're mad about gas. This is one of those things.
Starting point is 00:19:24 It'll come out at some point with more independent journalists that this is mad about gas like this is one of those things like it'll come out at some point you know with more independent journalists that this is not about gas tax like have you noticed how the media has walked in lockstep about this is a fuel tax have you watched clips of what's actually going on like what's it about national police you might be a little alex jones in right here so here's why i say that because if there were i'm inventing a number from my hat, 14,000 people rioting in France, would all of them keep a secret as to what they're
Starting point is 00:19:49 actually frustrated about? No, no, they're not. They're holding signs, they're waving flags, and they're not holding up signs that say, gas price too high. They're saying, like, Macron or Macron, however you say it, he's not representing us. He's a shill of bankers. He's a shill of these
Starting point is 00:20:05 big financiers and people. For example, who has the lowest approval ratings of any leader in the Western world, if you just had to guess? Macron. Macron. Is it a little lower than Trump's or a lot lower? What would your guess be, just by the way that the media presents Trump? I would have guessed Chancellor Merkel. I feel like she's in real trouble. He's not nearly as low as you would think. Macron is the lowest by far. His approval ratings was like 29 the other day. My understanding is the French
Starting point is 00:20:33 are easily upset. They kind of run wild, hot and cold with their people. Yeah, I guess so. Maybe, but if you look at the intensity of what's going on... What if you said that about the Mexicans? What I understand is they're Very quick to anger people You gotta be careful what you say around them
Starting point is 00:20:50 They run really hot and cold That's funny because That is the chance I apply to things To see if I'm actually being bad And I feel like I was actually bad Yeah you gotta be careful with those They're hot blooded those Mexicans With those Ugandans.
Starting point is 00:21:06 They're quick to violence. And they have machetes. Yeah, but like, I don't buy that. Oh, Merkel's? Merkel's isn't very high either. Macron, or Macron, however you say it, Macron, some French thing,
Starting point is 00:21:22 like, his is the lowest by a good bit, or at least it was when I saw some rating comparison sheet last week when this started kicking off. But yeah, this is way too violent, way too intense to just be a, hey, our gas taxes are too high. Actually, he has a 40% approval rating, and Trump's is 42. Last week I saw 29. I saw 29 from, and it wasn't some bullshit place it was like like a real
Starting point is 00:21:47 comparison between her merch i want to take that back i just realized this is from march which is oh yeah so i'm going off history not news is that bad that can be bad sometimes yeah i'm sorry yeah we'll see what happens but like when you look at the actual riots over there like the intensity intensity of it blows anything we've had here out of the water aside from, like, a couple, like, Ferguson riots where there's, like, clips of people chasing others down just to beat them up. So, like, this is intense. Like, you can see there was one clip of all of the national France police who are dressed in all black, like a head cam, like dozens of them sprinting, like hundreds of yards towards these yellow vests. And there's one guy like leaning up against a building.
Starting point is 00:22:31 They're savagely beating this dude. Like he's down, he's out. Like these police are beating the shit out of him. Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! This baguette is four days old! You can feel that, can't you? My paramotor instructor had that job.
Starting point is 00:22:48 That's what he did in Germany. He was an anti-riot person. That was what he did before he taught me to fly. Yeah, and he talked about he had different jobs in it. At first, I think he held the shield in the front, but then they moved him to the other team that stands behind the shield goers and someone in the front will be like hey blue bad dana that guy they open up he and 12 people grab one and then pull him behind and the shields close again
Starting point is 00:23:19 and now that guy's just gone and uh and handled that for a while. They used water cannons there. And I was like, how do you feel about water cannons? Because in the United States, we're not pro-water cannon. What? There's a stigma for water cannons here. They don't view water cannons as a nice, nonviolent way to handle protesters. They view it as a really bullying tactic. And he had no regrets.
Starting point is 00:23:47 He was like, we warned them four sometimes five times we tell them if you continue to do that 30 seconds from now we're gonna fire our water cannon and then they keep doing it so really they made that choice i love the water i don't think i've brought this up before like I have a friend who's a St. Louis cop, and he's had to work some of those Ferguson anniversary riots. He's your age, roughly? Yeah, he's roughly my age. And he's been a cop for a number of years now, and he was talking to me about it. And he was like, God, nothing pisses me off
Starting point is 00:24:20 like watching the clips that get uploaded on social media after we deal with that stuff. And I was like, what do you mean? And he's like, something that you don't know is when we're standing there in a big line and we've got our shields and everything, the cameras, when we're throwing things at them to try and disperse them on us and they track projectiles that we're throwing. Meanwhile, on the crowd, they never track bottles of pee they don't track bricks a friend of mine got hit with a brick like badly in the head like he was talking about like yeah people have no idea they think that we're out there bullying these people and like we're having injuries every time and we're not getting coverage for it and i was like so you've
Starting point is 00:24:59 like media coverage you mean like media coverage yeah yeah oh yeah not health coverage like media coverage and he's like, it's honestly insane. You can watch almost the media selectively choose who they're going to film based on what would seem the most anti-cop. But then, of course, there are pro-cop narrative people there, too. Not a tenth as many, but there are. Yeah, I want to say when I look at Riot footage, I see both. Sometimes I see still shots although i'm processing it in my head as i start talking sometimes they look like hero shots right
Starting point is 00:25:32 me there with a rock tear gas you know gassing at my feet as i you know stand up against the man so that's not necessarily a hoodlum shot this point is like oh yeah you see the rubber bullet hit a guy in the teeth and and him go down you don't see my friend get caught with a brick in the clavicle and he's laying there getting dragged away like like he was like basically his point of it was like you can see both sides but you're given a wildly misconstrued version of the intensity of both sides like you're led to believe it is a volley, volley, volley when it's like a assault of bricks and piss and stuff.
Starting point is 00:26:11 And eventually when the mayor or whoever the chief is like allows it, then they start, you know, put yourself in the shoes of one side or the other and think about how you'd stack up. Like I put myself in the shoes of like a rioter. Cause I like to believe I would never riot or cause damage to people's buildings,
Starting point is 00:26:28 but I put myself in the cop's shoes for sure. Well, you could be a protester without being a bad guy. Oh, yeah, but these clips where it's bottles of pee and rocks and rubber bullets going on, these people are not protesters. The protesters are a ways away. Yeah, I'm thinking if i'm a protester and people start throwing bricks and pee i think oh i'm in the wrong place forgive me i'm gonna bug out i didn't mean to join the pee brick people like that that was never my intent to unite the
Starting point is 00:26:58 right because i'm you know i want to close our border and be like secure on our border and i bring a sign that's like, secure the border. And then everybody else is like, Jews will not replace us. And I'm like, all right. Well, it's been fun. Given some of you my number. Do not hit me up for beer afterward. I thought we were going to talk about sports.
Starting point is 00:27:22 I can tell that's not what you want to talk about. I went to an outdoor restaurant last week, and there were tiki torches there. And one of the guys I was with was like, I'll never see tiki torches in the same way again. Oh, my God. It didn't occur to me. I forgot about the correlation.
Starting point is 00:27:38 Yeah, they're tiki torches. Come on. Like, I don't know what that scent is that keeps mosquitoes away. But it's not supposed to be pleasant, but I like it. Yeah, I don't know what that scent is that keeps mosquitoes away. But it's not supposed to be pleasant, but I like it. Yeah, I don't mind. That's what it's called, I think. Citronella. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:54 It reminds you of outdoor barbecues and shit. Yeah. For mosquitoes. Well, I mean, things that kill mosquitoes are sometimes not good to inhale. I think citronella is okay. I think that's why it's so popular. It's cool for us. It sounds citrus-based. There you go go i think it is those are okay i guess i've done zero research this is okay it's made from the tangerine i have spent the last couple days improving my garage right mostly just painting it but also some cleaning and organizing.
Starting point is 00:28:25 Anytime you paint, you're taking all the things and putting it outside. And it sort of kept me offline a lot. I think my efforts have raised my garage from like a two to a five. So in my eyes, it's way better. Like this is a dramatic improvement
Starting point is 00:28:42 in how my garage looks. And everyone else sees a five. They're like, It's way better. Like, this is a dramatic improvement in how my garage looks. The biggest change. Everyone else sees a five. They're like, you got to do something about those floors. Like, well, huh, I guess I should. Would you add that was the biggest change? Or just reorganizing and cleaning? Reorganizing and cleaning was probably the biggest part.
Starting point is 00:29:00 I also painted it. The walls were painted orange and black, which I never really liked beyond that they were painted really really poorly like the top three inches were still like white primer and unpainted and like that looked terrible it just looked unfinished and poorly done so you have a four car garage just two just two we all just two we have some oh because you have the extra building okay have you actually use those ports for your car at all? Or have you thought about turning it into something cool? Taylor, there are paramotors and golf carts in the garage. Prioritize, would you?
Starting point is 00:29:35 I forget how many toys you already have. In my head, I'm thinking about the amount of toys I have. And it's like, well, you've got a big open space. Oh, I have a question about workout stuff. I wanted to ask you. What kind of barbell did you buy oh mine actually i would have to look at amazon i was gonna say it came with it but i wouldn't buy it again the knurling is too aggressive and i find it unpleasant if i i think The Titan one gets high dollar per quality reviews.
Starting point is 00:30:08 There is a dude that does just like reviews constantly. He has, I don't want to- Jim Reviews? 22 barbells hanging in his, and I'm just like, what do you do? Is he called Jim Reviews? Yeah, I was at Garage Jim Reviews the other day looking at it. And you're right. He has just an entire wall of his garage is barbells.
Starting point is 00:30:27 And for the amount of equipment this guy has, he's not buff enough. Taylor is way better, like way more fit than this guy. And Taylor has like, I'm going to make up a number, six and a half kettlebells laying around the living room. Right. This guy. Equipment equipment if you count the weights individually this guy has multiple sets of barbells and kettlebells and 22 bars he has multiple racks that he holds like they have these racks they hold i don't know eight
Starting point is 00:30:59 barbells well that won't do so he just stacks them on top of each other everywhere i think last time i watched him he was opening a gym with all the stuff he owned like yeah he could he's got an insane amount of stuff like it doesn't even look like he can work out in his garage gym there's so much but i was like the reason i asked about the barbell is all the advice i'm seeing is people are telling me to get a rogue ohio barbell that's a which is like yeah like 200 bucks but like all the advice for it is like the standard buy it nice or buy it twice like go cheap as fuck on the weights just get bumper plate weights like it won't matter that much but the barbell get that like it's been big for that i wish i did differently i think it's the crossfit weights. I'm not positive about that. But they're all the same size, right?
Starting point is 00:31:46 On mine, like the 10s are smaller than the 45s and such. And I'm also kind of married to that weight. And I'm sorry, to that style of weight. Because I feel like you have the, you know, the Olympic ones. They kind of match in size the whole way through. You know what are nice? I'm sorry, go ahead. I wish that I had, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:32:05 bought one that I would want to grow with instead of what I have now, which I'm almost like, what, am I going to get rid of all of them and start over? Yeah, I'm looking at the Titan T2 rack, the power rack, because that seems to be almost as good as the Rogue ones, as long as you're not pressing 500-plus pounds on the safeties. I'm not going to be benching 500 pounds ever.
Starting point is 00:32:26 If I were getting a new set, I would get those rubber plates. Have you seen those? The bumper plates? Yeah, that's what I'm planning on getting. Yeah, I like those a lot. And we had those in high school. We had one set of them. I believe they were quite expensive.
Starting point is 00:32:38 But if you dropped it, it was no fucking big deal. It's rubber. And all the plates, obviously, are the same diameter to to each other so they all fit together nicely and everything some of them are marketed towards crossfit people and they're literally like i don't know slinging them around crossfit shit like run these upstairs and drop them that's an extra this hurts my back just go keep going you mentioned the titan stuff that's something i wish that i had done i bought mine i just looked at different racks and i'm your power rack is a rogue right it's not no it's something that neither of us had ever heard of before i could look it up and it has a
Starting point is 00:33:16 really nice pull-up bar which i actually like like one side is like pull-ups the other side is chin ups and you can get all these different grips and i do like that but sometimes like i saw this guy's on the you know the safety bars that go across you can bench by yourself without getting hurt um mine are kind of a pain to put on they like go sideways and clip in and slide whatever and i see these other simple ones that are just a long dowel like a metal dowel you slide it through i should get that oh but wait what's ours diameter is that hole and what is the distance and if i wanted to get um like dip bars that go on the squat rack you know maybe you're into dips um it's like am i one and a half by three two by three like what is this whereas if you go into like a titan system where they make the rack and every accessory you
Starting point is 00:34:04 can dream of then you'll always be like oh, this fits the R2 instead of hoping it fits my off-brand also. That's what I'm kind of my rationale is for it is like the Titan power rack. All the reviews are, yeah, this is just as good as a Rogue. It just may not look quite as nice, but it's kind of the exact because apparently Titan entered Titan entered the market by just going, alright, well, we can make the exact same thing as you for cheaper. And that's just what they've done. We can make something 85% cheaper. We're going to be unqualified Chinese welders, and we think that people
Starting point is 00:34:33 don't care if the weld looks like a booger after it's painted. Yep, I certainly fucking don't care what the weld looks like. I'm not going to be lifting and be like, I could just push a little more if I wasn't so aesthetically distracted. I wouldn't do that but uh yeah t2 power rack titan power rack i like a lot and then the ohio barbell from rogue and then just bumper plates i'm gonna look for those i thought i'm getting super stoked for a home gym like i was looking at houses today
Starting point is 00:35:00 briefly because i finished meetings early so i was able to go out for a bit and I looked at a couple and like thank god like I have an agent who like I know and so she's a bit more on my side than uh you know not quite like family member level of side but still more than just a rando it's like where she's having to point out like oh but this might be a problem over here but I'm like yeah but the tv space and the vaulted ceilings in this room would be perfect for weights. And it's like my priorities aren't quite adult level yet, I don't think. So I'm just trying to think that through. But, man, this is a fun process looking for houses. It's fun, stressful, but mostly exciting.
Starting point is 00:35:41 It's going to be very neat. You said something. You agreed with something that I said, which was it's such a lifestyle upgrade. It almost feels like you're not worthy. Seriously? I'm going to live in a house house? Are you telling me that my neighbors won't be listening to me at all all day? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:03 I saw a couple couple potential neighbors for a couple of the homes walk out and i'm like oh that guy's like 61 he's never gonna cause problems he's never gonna do anything like just seeing like a new class of people you're moving around it's neat yeah so yeah it wasn't long before i wasn't long before I bought my first house that there were literally drug dealers under me throwing parties or alcoholics living next to me, accosting my wife. And then suddenly I'm in a safe neighborhood with grass and stuff. It was a yard that I could kill. um yeah that'll be it'll be fun for you it's also work though like that one thing about a house is it seems like there's always a task right there's a you know when's the last time you washed your baseboards right i uh my
Starting point is 00:37:01 girlfriend did it for me i okay well that wasn't what I was expecting you to say I thought you would say never I'm renting well you're right never she's like these are gross I'm like well then if it bothers you do something about it okay alright I stay corrected but I don't know
Starting point is 00:37:19 it's just gutters have leaves in them grass needs mowing and you know whatever I don't see not as you know dreading that because like you know how it is in the apartment where you try and get help with something and takes forever not responsive and eventually you'll like try your hand at it and even if you do fix whatever the problem was on your own there's no satisfaction to it you don't feel like i solved something you thought oh i just did the job of someone else for free whereas with a home i feel like i think more like boom something got fixed like i figured it out and i did it like i hopped on youtube and i twisted the thing and
Starting point is 00:37:58 tightened this and loosen that like i think that'll be more satisfying especially if it's an upgrade i don't know if this is the an enthusiastic or entertaining talk for other people, but I remember the first time I put in a digital thermostat, right? This is a while ago. But we had a thermostat with a little, like, lever that you moved across the bottom. Sometimes you see them in offices. And my wife, she doesn't do thermostats right, right? So let's say it's 72, and she's really hot. So what she wants is, likeostat right, right? So let's say it's 72 and she's really hot.
Starting point is 00:38:27 So what she wants is like 69, right? So what she puts it at is like 59. You know? So it gets there really fast or something. That's not how they worked at the time. Now they can. That's not how they work ever, right? Ours does.
Starting point is 00:38:41 It goes into like super mode. Yeah. If you got multiple zones. Yeah. If you've got multiple zones, you can do it like that, right? Yeah, we actually just upgraded our heat this year, like, within the last 12 months. And one of the ways that it's more efficient than a regular one is it has a whole, like, yeah, it'll go full power. It's variable. It's, like, infinite. Mega mode.
Starting point is 00:39:01 Yeah, yeah. So if it's 10 degrees from where it should be, it works extra hard. But most of the time, it barely works. But at the time, that's not what happened. So she would just turn it too far, and then I'd be, like, pulling my hair out, like, shivering in August. Like, baby, we talked about this. So what happened was when she could just lower it three degrees, I wouldn't even have to fuss or worry. Like, because four hours later, it'll go back.
Starting point is 00:39:24 It's not worth the fussing and uh it felt like i upgraded my whole house like it just the hvac system is better than it used to be it it mattered it was a thing and there's a million something similar to that i would like fixed here is the same thing except after four hours it doesn't return to the setting that you had prior it goes to a default start which is 40 degrees and so like in i like yeah like i'll turn it on and i'll be like i want it 70 degrees in here because it's fucking cold and then i'll go to bed and i'll wake up at you know 4 45 in the morning just like get up and have to turn it back on again.
Starting point is 00:40:07 I fucked with the settings. I've been on YouTube with this thing, and they're not going to fix it. They're not going to replace it until I leave, I wouldn't think. Whatever, I don't even care anymore. I'm just excited to get the fuck out, have a house.
Starting point is 00:40:18 It's going to be so much. Right now, you're still shopping. You haven't found one. I know you made a bunch of offers. I made two offers prior. And then, uh, one of those, uh, no, one of them came back in a way that I was like, okay, eventually they might, that one got an offer put on it. They're like in there, not closing stage, whatever's prior to that. So they're still like inspecting and stuff. And don't know uh i think they probably offered too high on it and then uh one i looked at today that i really really loved like a more ranch style
Starting point is 00:40:50 home which i like ranch more because i like the vaulted ceilings i always grew up in that style of home i like how open it feels and i'm putting an offer on one on that one tomorrow morning it's rent does it have a lot of land sometimes ranch is a big property oh no it's not a lot of land? Sometimes ranch is a big property. Oh, no. It's not a ton of land. Like, it's maybe half an acre, if that. Like,.4 acres. So it won't be too hard to mow. Yeah, I think I like ranch more, too. I was always raised in a two-story home.
Starting point is 00:41:16 Ranch people don't know it's one story. Oftentimes, it's high ceilings and stuff. And so I thought two-story was just the right answer. It's what I had in Apex. But this one, it's part of it's two stories. But it's kind of ranchy because the first floor is like 80% of the square footage, I think. I made that up. Maybe 60. And I think I like that.
Starting point is 00:41:37 You have high ceilings throughout. No. Like the main area. I like the high ceilings or something. But not like the Game of Thrones room. I don't even know. 18-foot ceilings? something, but not like the Game of Thrones room. I don't even know. 18-foot ceilings? Like, they're kind of super high to me anyway.
Starting point is 00:41:51 Yeah, I'm looking forward to that. That'll be cool. How, Kyle, what was your, like, or you didn't have quite the same option for your first home buying thing, right? Because you were more, like, targeting the area, not, like, a specific piece. Like, you were almost looking at the property than the house, right? I you were more like targeting the area, not like a specific piece. You were almost looking at the property than the house, right? I wasn't that picky. I really didn't care.
Starting point is 00:42:10 I rented a place for a while, and I liked it a lot, but it just seemed like wasting money, spending $1,450 a month on rent. And I wasn't really that picky when we bought that house. I just wanted to get a place. I knew it wasn't going to be,
Starting point is 00:42:25 I knew it wasn't going to be my final house or anything. So just didn't care. Was it a two story or ranch? Like what kind of house was it? One story, but the basement was really big. Yeah, so ranch probably.
Starting point is 00:42:35 The universe did Kyle dirty because he did his due diligence on what the internet would be after he got there and what they told him wasn't his reality. It was a lie. It was a lie and and like i've probably told it before but in fast forward i uh there was there's fiber about a half a mile away and i was like look i want that fiber that you guys got up there i know you got it and i want some and they're like well we don't come down to your area. And I'm like, ah, problem solved. I will dig the ditch.
Starting point is 00:43:06 I will lay the fiber. They're like, oh, you have to be certified to lay fiber. No problem. I have a friend who is nationally certified to lay fiber. He's actually serving on a nuclear submarine. His name's Dmitry Potapov. No, I had a guy. It's a Russian nuke.
Starting point is 00:43:23 Is that OK? I had a guy who was certified to do this. I'm like, I've had a guy. It's a Russian nuke. Is that okay? I had a guy who was certified to do this. I'm like, I've got the guy. He's bringing the fiber. It's $7,000 worth of fiber. No big deal. We'll just lay that in the land. All I need you to do is click the two ends together and bill me.
Starting point is 00:43:41 And they're like, nah. I was like, you fucking assholes all right easier yeah all right i'll use gum log cable because that's a nationally reputable brand and and i'll pay 240 month dollars a month per line for 14 down and 1.8.3 up or whatever the fuck it was. Yeah, it's fucking lame. When I wanted my... So I was working with Time Warner and I wanted cable, not fiber because fiber wasn't close to me at the time.
Starting point is 00:44:13 And they're like, ah, yeah, sorry. We don't serve your area. And I was like, I know that you don't now. What I'm looking for is a quote, right? And that's what they needed to hear. They're like, oh, you want to be sent to our construction division like yes they're like you realize it's crazy expensive and by crazy expensive they meant like 12 grand which is a lot like most people don't want to pay 12 grand for
Starting point is 00:44:35 like a better bandwidth but when you make your living online and you're buying a house that's much more than that it's like you you just alright, if this house is I don't know, $700 would you want it for $712? If that answer's yes, then you're in business. You know, so that was where I was. Yeah, I'm glad I don't
Starting point is 00:44:58 have to deal with that. I should be fine with my internet. Yes, you're moving to civilization. Yes, I'm not out in the boonies, so although I do have yes i'm not out in the boonies so although like i do have like the fantasy of living out in the boonies like it seems like it would be really cool is st louis too big for that not to be like 90 minutes away oh uh no it's not gonna be like 90 minutes away no like it five uh 5g's coming out you guys excited about this they're talking about massive amounts of bandwidth
Starting point is 00:45:26 on your phone coming I thought 5G was already a thing I don't think so, Sacramento is supposedly one of the first areas they're going to be testing it out and so Chiz should have some 5G I would imagine it's going to be big news for those guys who like to do the walk and talk streaming, like if you're Ice Poseidon
Starting point is 00:45:42 all of a sudden you've got crazy bandwidth, surely in Los Angeles. Oh, I don't know if we've talked about it before, the whole thing with Blade on the Ice Poseidon thing. Oh my God. I don't know the story at all.
Starting point is 00:45:56 I don't have an update per se for you. Are they hanging out together again though? Here's essentially what happened, Taylor. Ice took all of his, what's a good word for him his whack pack to hawaii and you might think oh what a nice fucking guy right like like he's gonna pay for all of us to go to fucking hawaii to stream with him and we'll probably party and have a great time right he bought one-way tickets taylor that's fucking hysterical and he
Starting point is 00:46:23 didn't and he didn't buy a one way ticket for me and you who, whenever we want, we can be like, alright, let's get, swipe our card and now we have a ticket back home. No, he might as well have gotten them a one way ticket to fucking Pluto. These people have no way to get home.
Starting point is 00:46:39 They have no way to get home. They're all to blame. They didn't see their itinerary and be like, well, there's no return flight. These are not the kind of people who plan ahead. I'm with you except Blade is smart, right? I think so. Whenever I talk to Blade, I'm not about to call myself smart, but I've always felt like he was my peer. You know, like I don't talk to Blade and think, this guy's whack pack material.
Starting point is 00:47:06 You're like, yeah, you know, I was a senior software architect and he sets up people's home entertainment systems. We're on, we're the same, we're the same. He just see, and as a matter of fact. Wait, Blade is one that also didn't get his ticket paid for? He stuck there. Blade can't get home. That's where I was headed with this.
Starting point is 00:47:23 They're all stuck. Blade has enough money for a plane ticket how do you know blade's finances because he i mean you're right i don't i haven't been to his channel in years but i know he used to be a very big channel and he does twitch streaming have you have you watched one of his look like i'm this isn't i've never watched anyone on twitch all right well i didn't start this conversation to shit on blade or anything like that that definitely wasn't where I was heading with this. Well, let's not do that. But I don't think he can afford to get home. I don't think the majority of them can afford to get home.
Starting point is 00:47:50 I don't know what a one-way ticket from Hawaii back to the mainland costs, but I would guess it's over $1,000, isn't it? Like, it's got to be fucking expensive. I'm just, again, look, I like Blade. I really hope that good things happen for him in life. Same, yeah. Looking at his video views on Social Blade for the last month,
Starting point is 00:48:14 he's averaging about $10 a day. That won't even keep him drunk. That's not good. Yeah, now that's so... I'm looking at YouTube, though. For all I know, he's not doing stuff there. Blade's main'm looking at youtube though that for all i know he's not doing stuff there blade's main source of income these days are his live streams and his live streams and i bet he wishes this weren't true uh i don't know probably he you know he's on the ice
Starting point is 00:48:36 beside and streaming network platform or whatever that that nonsense is but like it's uh you know people pay him to drink and they're like ah yeah here's 20 bucks take three more shots and he ends up doing that's that's how we get those those clips of him just really fall down that's a really difficult spot for him to be in because like that is his job but also i know he's made like a lot of points like in the past like hey this isn't really good for me i don't want to do it anymore i i talked to him years ago and it was after a bad clip came out you know a thing that wasn't cool came out and i was like blade like at the time it was kind of news that maybe blade and alcohol shouldn't be friends so uh so i talked to him and and he had a different attitude about it
Starting point is 00:49:23 he's like you know what i've always been really lucky in life. When I was super into games, I managed to make that a way for me to earn my living. And now I'm super into alcohol, and I managed to turn that into a profit center too. Into a profit center. That's a funny way to say it. I'm paraphrasing, but yeah. Into a profit center. That's a funny way to say it. I'm paraphrasing, but yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:46 What I really enjoy now is being trapped on one of the most expensive islands on the planet. It's great. I just looked up on Alaska Air, and you can get a one-way flight. I always thought he was in Washington or somewhere, like Seattle area. It's $2.29 tomorrow if you want to one-way from Honolulu to all airports in Washington. I'm looking. I said that his average views were like $10 a day,
Starting point is 00:50:12 but the last six days, it's been more like $50 or $60 a day, and that's not including the donations. Yeah, donations are what matter. Yeah, yeah. I don't know. Look, we don't know Blades finances. This could be a what matter. Yeah, yeah. I don't know. Look, we don't know Blade's finances. This could be a storyline that we're falling for. I don't know about that. I think
Starting point is 00:50:32 they want to come home at this point. Didn't you say he got donations and they were all charged back? That happens sometimes, yeah. How long have they been there at this point? A week or something like that. That could be a fit. Not so long enough to want to go home. Oh, I wanted to talk about pathetic mealtime my new favorite uh online cooking show pathetic mealtime is that a real
Starting point is 00:50:50 war welcome to pathetic mealtime where xbox pc man cooks on his balcony while his dad sleeps in the living room so he has to be real quiet out there with his george foreman dude my buddy anthony i i don't i don't think he'd like me calling it pathetic mealtime, but he needs to go with it because it's funny and it's good branding. Is Anthony the one that cosplayed me? Yeah. I love that guy. He's hilarious. He's a $50 a month
Starting point is 00:51:16 patron. It's all of the money that he has every month. That's how much he loves us. does because i i and and so essentially essentially he was hungry last night and by last night i mean like his time it was like 5 a.m this is 8 a.m this morning that i that i woke up and opened my computer and to see what the boys are doing and uh and he's like i'm hungry i want some more of these uh these giant burgers i've been cooking and i'm like you've been cooking giant. And he's like, I'm hungry. I want some more of these giant burgers I've been cooking.
Starting point is 00:51:46 And I'm like, you've been cooking giant burgers? And he's like, yeah, I cook like these half-pound double cheese burgers. And I was like, do you get like Bubba burgers, like frozen patties, or like fresh ground beef? He's like, oh, only the best, fresh ground beef. I buy it in these huge packages. And I'm like, oh, okay. And I'm like, so cook yourself one, man. Like,
Starting point is 00:52:05 we're not going to judge. You don't have to ask us for permission. He's like, ah, but my dad's asleep in the living room. I can't wake him up. And he's like, I was like, well, when I was a kid, when I was like 13 or 14, like in the summer, I would want to cook some French fries or something, but my parents would be asleep. So I'd take the, the, the fry daddy French fry maker out on the fucking porch. And I just cooked myself up some French fries up out there. That way I didn't smoke up, smoke out the house and wake everyone up or set up a fire alarm or something like that. And he's, and so he sets up a goddamn live stream on his little bitty balcony that has like a lawnmower on it and a bicycle. And he's got like a dog kennel cage with the with the george foreman
Starting point is 00:52:45 sat on it a whole array of condiments and these massive meat patties and he's out there like live streaming wearing full pka gear and like you can hear like animals and like you see like neighbors walking by in the background it's pathetic mealtime it's the online cooking show for real sad people is there and i was we can support this and make it a thing way ahead of you buddy way ahead of you buddy i sent him a hot plate as soon as i watched the first episode of pathetic meal time his hot plate will be there in on the sixth and another guy sent him a deep fryer so so we are we are readily sending steadily sending him cooking utensils, cooking gear.
Starting point is 00:53:26 It's going to be a thing. I want to ask you this. On the Hangout, I really like Anthony, but he doesn't, like, dominate the attention, right? Instead, he kind of bides his time and inserts the perfect comment or joke or whatever when it's appropriate. And he always seems to be like, I don't know, like almost a step ahead socially, it seems, right? Like he just sort of follows what's happening without putting his finger in every bowl. Will that translate to pathetic mealtime, right?
Starting point is 00:53:59 That's not his personality outside of the hangout. Okay. What is? He talks a lot about nonsense, really nonsensical things. He's very bizarre. He's got... Oh, that'll work. He has crazy eyes that frighten quite a few of us a little bit.
Starting point is 00:54:17 I'm pretty sure Chiz is afraid of him. They live in the same city. And occasionally, like, Chiz will be like, oh yeah, I went to Friendly's burger restaurant and got a grilled cheese. Best grilled cheeses in the world there. And Anthony will be like, on Montgomery Avenue. And Chiz is like, dot, dot, dot. No, no, not that one.
Starting point is 00:54:41 I don't ever go to that one. I certainly didn't just get back from there right now. He's an interesting fella. I like him, but he's kind of a... You know, he might kill cats. I don't know. You know, he said he did last night. He was kidding, of course.
Starting point is 00:54:57 He was like, ah, yeah, this is what I use for cats. And he's got like a big golf driver, like for golfing. You know, we were trying to get him to kidnap the neighbor's cat, do something weird to it. I want to go next year for halloween as anthony being me like wouldn't that be great yeah it's pretty meta it might be too meta i mean kyle didn't seem to actually like it but anthony is an interesting fella and i look forward to watching more pathetic mealtime um on like cooking show for for young adults on their
Starting point is 00:55:25 balconies while they're while the parents sleep nearby and uh and i'm looking forward to seeing some of the dishes he creates it's it's it's it was honestly entertaining i watched until because because not only did he cook the burgers like and it's really sad to watch him cook those burgers out there but then he sits there and eats them you know he just just just he's just sitting there eating these garth cute and he he's like, look at the inside of the burger. It's a little pink. But that's what you want. That's how I like it. It's juicy.
Starting point is 00:55:51 And it's got huge piles of cheese on there. What's the bun he's got going on there? He only had one. Oh no. It's his pathetic kill time. I think he was all out of buns so like it's like a potato bun
Starting point is 00:56:07 but it's like potato bread and then like something else like it might have even been sandwich bread I don't remember but like that's the worst he ate like a pound of beef while we sat there and watched this morning at 8am and I watched for a long time
Starting point is 00:56:23 and there were like 10 of us in there just watching this guy on his balcony eat burgers out there and talk about nonsense yeah, yeah, like his female neighbor walks by in the background, she kind of looks at him and I typed up, I was like, I bet she runs away and he goes, yeah, she is running
Starting point is 00:56:39 have you ever made a girl run away from you? no no, I've never made a girl run away from you? No. No, I've never made a girl run away from me. I still think about that day sometimes. Yes, last week. Last week. She thought she was next in line for the self-checkout when clearly it was me.
Starting point is 00:56:59 I think I've told this story before, but I'll tell it again because welcome to the show. I was coming i was it was after it was late at night call it 10 40 because that's when my classes let out at night school where i went and uh there was a girl walking i wasn't making a move on her or anything but she caught my attention because she was the kind of hot the kind of beautiful that you don't even see once a month. This was, she was like stunning and she had short hair, which I don't like, but it almost added to the package.
Starting point is 00:57:33 Like, like, like let's pretend she shaved it bald and still looked amazing. That's what like she was pulling off between my ears and I was watching her as she walked. He looked just like Jason St statham big pecs powerful arms i'm nothing great i'm an accountant by day night school student driving a chevy cavalier station wagon like just headed home and uh and and and there she is and then like i don't i see her and she's walking't know, presumably to her car. And I go to the next red light. And now I'm, like, by her again, still looking at her.
Starting point is 00:58:11 She starts running. She's clearly running from me. And she goes around the corner and runs to wherever she's going. I was creepy enough that she broke into a jog of some sort. be enough that she broke into a jog of some sort and like my first instinct which i did not follow was to chase her down and let her know that i'm okay right i was like she needs to be like ma'am yeah don't be scared but that's not what i did i just stayed in the car i'm just heading home with these knives. But I was like, once they start running from you, what move can you make to help them stop being afraid of you? Stop running from me.
Starting point is 00:58:53 It's offensive. Yeah, and you're way slower anyway. If I were a rapist, I wouldn't tell you I wasn't. Yeah, but that happened a long time ago. And I honestly think I freaked her out. It could have been she just ran for no reason, but I'm pretty sure I freaked her out just by overly staring
Starting point is 00:59:14 at her. That'll do it. Totally possible. Well, you know, I was in my car and thought I was invisible. You know, like no one else thinks. But yeah. Like those people picking their nose yeah right right you know i i just i thought i was i don't know i'm gonna have sunglasses on they can't tell where i'm looking kind of thought process but that doesn't work either anyway
Starting point is 00:59:37 yeah i'm creepy as fuck 30 years ago you guys want to wrap it there and play a little lfd2 yeah i'll keep you Yep. I'll keep everyone updated on Pathetic Mealtime. Whatever Anthony gets set up and going. His hot plate will be there in a couple days. I expect him to be making some milk steak or something out there.
Starting point is 00:59:58 Jelly beans. I don't even know what milk steak is. I can't wait for the first episode. There you go. Painkiller Nearly, episode 224.

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