Painkiller Already - PKN #232

Episode Date: February 8, 2019

It's PKN time baby! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Painkiller Nearly, episode 232. Little delay on the button press there. Made me think I didn't press it, but it happened. Well, how's everybody doing? Good. Actually, Kyle, you just woke up? I think you're supposed to not answer that question and just say good, right? That's the common, you know, courtesy to just say good.
Starting point is 00:00:20 Well, I think it's grammatically incorrect, though, right? Shouldn't you say that you're doing well? Because Superman does good. You're supposed to, but like that doesn't to me that doesn't sound genuine you know like if i ask somebody how are you doing they go oh very well yeah no but if they say good good it's like okay it sounds more honest to me you know i know it's not you know correct i think i usually answer i'm doing well but so i look all the big stuff is going fine do you guys get that seasonal effect disorder at all maybe even a little no you just maybe i don't know if it's seasonal effect disorder i just really hate how cold it is and
Starting point is 00:00:58 it makes me sad when i have to like walk outside but that's more like an annoyance than like a sad depressed i like it when it's... You watch those movies where an asteroid hits and they have years and years of darkness and I'm like, that's not so bad. You're telling me it's like now without the societal pressure to go out there.
Starting point is 00:01:21 I accept. It's pretty nice. When the world does end, you're already going to be halfway to the light-sensitive Gollum people and so you'll have a natural King you'll have those like old person like white filmy eyes where you just your sense of hearing is so acute we had a great retinas from ten hours a day on rust we had a break in the weather the last couple like I I flew the last three days here cuz North Carolina had better weather and I had a midday fire and i'm like sitting on the swings just sort of soaking
Starting point is 00:01:49 in the sun and i need that like like i feel like my emotional state are our solar batteries that need to be recharged sometimes it definitely helps now i'm looking at there's like a polar like the second polar vortex of the last two weeks rolling in. Our temperatures are going down into the – well, the highs are going into the 30s. And the lows, who knows? Teens probably. I think our high tomorrow is 7 and our low is minus 11 or something. And at some point tomorrow, the coldest place on earth is going to be Chicago. That's funny.
Starting point is 00:02:24 It's supposed to get down to like if you look at detroit and chicago and like the northern midwest it's getting to like minus 30 in some places like there's so much that like schools are getting canceled all around the midwest it's gonna be minus 50 in the 50 something in the lower 48 and it's like that that's not a temperature we're supposed to get that's like an alaska temperature uh you know an anomaly a weird thing that other people have to deal with. Yeah. It just started snowing like another hour ago here.
Starting point is 00:02:49 So hopefully it doesn't get too much shitty. I hear that song from the mamas and the papas. All the leaves are brown and the skies are gray. And I'm like, oh. That's gaming weather. We're getting there. This just sounds nice i i hate this i hate fucking sunny days go out there it's too bright my skin burns get out of here burning my
Starting point is 00:03:15 skin and blistering my eyes yeah i prefer cold and gray yeah absolutely overcast overcast with a light drizzle and a bit of nip in the air. Oh, I would much prefer... I always prefer the weather to be too hot than too cold. Yeah, it keeps all those basketball-playing people out of their yard over there. It's good. You don't hear, tunk, tunk, tunk, tunk, all fucking day.
Starting point is 00:03:38 I don't need that shit. I hate it. Those basketball players. Is that a creative epithet? Yeah, it's a bunch of asian guys you know yes vietnamese loud bass heavy vietnamese music um guys out there on his little loot whatever the fuck that little thing i don't even know what a loot uh yeah you know i don't like the overcast i can't get on board with that at all but a nice cold sunny day with a little nip in the air
Starting point is 00:04:10 is a cool thing to visit like i like that like that's nice every once in a while sometimes you breathe in super i like it when if someone asked me to find the sun i couldn't that's that's not my cup of tea on the other hand i might complain again when it's 105 out and i feel like i'm chased inside oh yeah fuck that no you just go outside and instantly sweat like you try to put on like a collared shirt and you go outside you're like oh well my back's sweaty now it's this is this day is ruined or the worst is like because i naturally sweat so much like i'll just be in my car on the way somewhere and like halfway on like a 40 minute drive or whatever it's like oh well i'm already in too deep i hope i'm not that ridiculous looking
Starting point is 00:04:53 when i get out of this and then like you get out of the car and your back's just soaked and you look like a fat person yeah it's gross three hours oh speaking of fat people wings bought a mustang do you see this just i didn't see that let me circle back to the last topic in a few seconds. Next car, you might like those ventilated seats because that's exactly what it solves. Yeah, I saw it. I'm going to definitely look into that. I saw Wings got a Mustang. I couldn't tell at first if it was real.
Starting point is 00:05:18 Yeah, of course it's real. Yeah, he's been looking at it for days, for a week or so. been looking at it for days uh for for a week or so uh he got a salvage title uh like like six year old mustang uh that that has been in a pretty decent little collision you know does that mean it was totaled and then repaired from being totaled that is what a title means yeah looking at the damage it doesn't seem like it should have been totaled because i because i saw the before pictures i've got the before pictures if you'd like to see um i saw a picture on the subreddit of the after picture yeah i'll show it to you uh when it was crashed it's uh it doesn't look too serious to me all right so he sells for me that's good here's the thing no of course not wait i didn't what was that exchange oh i asked if he sold his
Starting point is 00:06:07 trucks to buy a to buy the mustang i was only got one he's down to one okay yeah uh one thing that happens when you earn your money online is the people who pay feeling like authorized to tell you what you're allowed to buy you know wings how dare you get a mustang you know our expectation is that you start walking everywhere because you're so goddamn broke i don't want to hear another word out of you or to me buy your mustang if that makes you happy i'm surprised it fits well i don't think that fits though i don't think this is the scenario of like just because he's online people feel entitled to tell him what he can and can't buy i think it's a scenario of people donated thousands and thousands of dollars for a weight loss surgery that was supposedly thirty thousand
Starting point is 00:06:52 dollars and turned out to be like forty five hundred dollars and then he he woes me woes me i'm i'm all out of money and tax season's coming i'm so afraid and mama's having a heart attack and grandma's had a wreck and i gotta take care of all this and hey a mustang you don't say a red one well well as a little those because my truck i don't know if you've heard made a funny noise the other day his truck was making a this is what he does when he's this is like um what's the thing when you make up uh like symptoms about yourself and the illnesses he's a hypochondriac for his truck when he was at my house and he was all stressed out about not having mama there all of a sudden his truck started making a funny noise he's like do you hear that we're driving down the road we
Starting point is 00:07:35 have to go listen that's a very normal well not normal is not what i'm looking for it's a common thing that people do as they talk themselves into new cars. You know, like there was someone in my universe who bought herself a new car. And she was like, man, yeah, it was a good thing. Because my car, it was going to break soon. You know, Volkswagens do that. And it's like, dude, if you want a new car, you want a new car. Don't tell me that you got in right before its first symptom. That's horseshit.
Starting point is 00:08:05 Like you're just inventing things yeah he's um it's interesting to me that he went with the sports car because he was always shitting on those types of cars for years and years for a decade he's been talking about what men do you know you're not a man if you're not driving a truck around here right yeah we've talked about that before too like he has no idea what a man he paints the entire south with the same i'm gonna get fucking yoked and i'm gonna drive a honda fit that's my plan okay girly man yeah no you've seen those guys they're one of the the big youtube fitness guys i think it's juji mufu is just jacked out of his goddamn gourd. So big that he'd be the kind of person that
Starting point is 00:08:47 in public, you're like, wow. You do not see someone like that even once a month. And then he's putting all this heavy ass shit in this teeny little Honda Fit or whatever the hell he has. Including himself. And you know what it makes him look like? Looks like the mountain in a carriage.
Starting point is 00:09:03 It's pretty badass. Maybe I just got the mountain on the carriage you know it's pretty badass maybe i just got the mountain on the brain because i've been trying to get my my girl caught up on game of thrones and uh that whole head popping scene happened last night and that uh that really spooked her i think she was she was happy for a bit that that uh what's his name slice yeah oberon the red viper got. Got a couple pokes in. You know, she still doesn't know. He looked like he was winning. He didn't pack those pokes.
Starting point is 00:09:28 Yeah, he looked like he was winning, but then he gets all high and mighty and like smirking at his wife, and then the mountain just brutalizes him. Is that how it went wrong? I popped her head like this! I forgot the detail of how he got caught. He was looking at his own...
Starting point is 00:09:43 He was doing a lot of stuff.... He was walking right next to him and then he looked over and there's a little exchange where she kind of smirks and he gives a little smirk and then the mountain takes his polar bear sized paw and knocks him on his ass, grabs him by the neck and then everybody kind of knows that it's over from there.
Starting point is 00:10:00 I saw a picture of the mountain recently. I wish I could find it quick enough for the flow of the show. He was holding a normal-sized coffee cup. Oh, my God. It looked like a thimble in his hand. It was outrageous just how huge that guy was. He's got, like, one finger through that little hole.
Starting point is 00:10:17 He was with his what seemed to be, like, a wife, girlfriend, sister. You know, somebody he cared about. And she had the same coffee cup in her hand. So you could tell it wasn't, like like a prop coffee cup because it fit her like like here's a normal person for a reference and and the coffee cups were the same size but the people my gosh he dwarfed it i bet he could eat an actual midget midget you know like i bet he could devour it that's why taylor needs a smart car i can't think of anything smaller but he needs to have that same like honda fit frame of reference going on that he looks annoyed he's hulked out
Starting point is 00:10:51 that's what uh hickok that's the goal he drives a smart car yeah yeah that's hilarious isn't he like six eight or something yeah he gets out of it and it's like whoa how'd they fold you up in there holy shit he's got a video where he's like doing a drive-by in the woods in his smart car. It's pretty funny. I wonder how his YouTube channel is doing now. It's not recommended for me lately. But I just know that gun channels are sometimes getting... Demonetization is more rampant than it used to be.
Starting point is 00:11:19 That's probably a YouTube thing, right? Not getting recommended it. Because I've definitely, in the past, I used to get recommended Hickok all the time. And now that I think of it, you're right. I haven't. Well, I still pop in and check his video every so often. I just never get recommendations. My recommendations are always
Starting point is 00:11:35 what I'm into at the time. Right now, it's a bunch of Russ shit. It's a bunch of Comics Explained stuff. And that's about it. You know shit that i get suggested all the time and i never watch are all of those late night clips like fallon and conan like i don't watch those and every time they're suggested yeah i get those sometimes too and i do watch them sometimes but i think we'll what i hate so i watch news clips from CNN, MSNBC, and Fox like all the time. But then I get
Starting point is 00:12:07 recommended this. It'll have a great title. Like, you know, Cuomo says you have to stop lying. And then the YouTube channel will be just like a collection of letters that don't spell anything. And it's 42 minutes long. And I'm like, yeah, you fucks. You just like pirate entire shows, put a fancy thumbnail and title on it, and try to suck me in. It's, yeah, off-brand news pirating is suggested to me constantly. Yeah. So anyway, Wing's got himself a Mustang, and I'm looking forward to seeing, to learning more about that. Is he planning on selling his current truck? No, no.
Starting point is 00:12:41 Charlene is in the family for good. She's not going anywhere. Charlene. That's the name of his current truck. No, no. Charlene is in the family for good. She's not going anywhere. Charlene. That's the name of his current truck. Oh, okay. I don't hate it. The only thing I hate about it is I don't know that his current truck needed to be replaced,
Starting point is 00:12:58 augmented, etc. And now he's increased his cost of living. I'm not sure he can afford that. I can. He totally can afford that. He can. He totally can. The car was six grand. Insurance is $400 a year. Yeah, of course.
Starting point is 00:13:13 Well, then that's not too much, I guess. But it's another $400 a year that he has to come up with. Yeah, I guess. I don't know. See, I wouldn't. That's the redemption we're talking about. My financing is a little different. yeah I guess I don't know see I wouldn't what's redemption we're talking about my financing's a little
Starting point is 00:13:27 different dude if you need some if you need $2,000 from me right like you're selling something for two grand
Starting point is 00:13:33 I'd be like oh yeah maybe I should get that I'd like it if you tell me that fucking thing is $11 a month I'm like
Starting point is 00:13:38 get out of here no way I'm signing up for $11 every goddamn month recurring beat your feet kid and that's why i i fell victim to that recently where i was just like going through my bank statement and i was
Starting point is 00:13:53 like 75 to like a month ago what the fuck plenty of fish turns out is what that is yeah and so i go on there to try and cancel it because i uninstalled the app for my phone i'll fucking two weeks after i signed up for it because it turns out of all of the dating sites plenty of fish is far and away the grossest like it's got the worst groups of people on there quick question oh never mind you answered it i was gonna ask if gross was good or bad in this context. It depends on your perspective. Yeah, yeah. There's some bad folks in there.
Starting point is 00:14:28 Gross in a day might be good. And they make it hard to cancel your shit. It's like, you need to put your email in here. I'm like, I don't know what burner email I use for my money and fish account. And it's like, well, I tried just a bunch of all the burner different emails I've done. I couldn't find it. I kept trying to find an actual call-in number, and none of those were fruitful.
Starting point is 00:14:47 So I had to call my bank and issue a non-payment in the future to anything POF. I'll tell you what I do. I think I've said it plenty of times before, but it's a bit of advice for me to people to avoid this sort of thing. Change your debit card about once every six months, and if it was something you really needed, you'll get it taken care of.
Starting point is 00:15:03 I talked to the lady about that. Does that work for you? You're coming to pick up my acetylene tanks? I need those. and if it was something you really needed, you'll get it taken care of. You'll be like, oh, what? Does that work for you? I need those! Does that work for you? For real? Yeah, absolutely. Because it's basically a stop payment for anything that doesn't... I said the woman that because I literally remembered you saying it and I was like,
Starting point is 00:15:19 I'd like just a new debit card with a new number so I can get rid of all these recurring payments in one fell swoop. And she was like, well, some of them is tied directly to the checking account. And so it would just continue to... And I was like, well, how do I know which ones are and which ones aren't? That's when you signed up for it. That's a lot. I've never had the other way. I think you have to give them your checking account when you sign up. I'm with Kyle, but I'm on the other side of it. Just recently, I went to a restaurant like 45 minutes from here,
Starting point is 00:15:45 and I realized I left my debit card there. Okay, I could drive and go get it, or I could get a new card. I thought the lazy option was to just be like, ah, forget it. Send me a new card, and we're good. That is not the lazy option. Now all of a sudden, my AT&T bill is unpaid. My Netflix bill is unpaid. My daughter's texting me about
Starting point is 00:16:06 like things that she's expecting to be covered, not getting covered. And yeah, I have a lot of recurring services apparently that I did want and would have been easier to drive. Yeah, I need to get, I need to figure out a couple of the other bullshit ones that I know I'm guaranteed still paying for. How do do you handle hope uh in her like college expenses is it like all right you get an allowance for this if you run out before the end of the month means you weren't careful enough or is it kind of like play it by ear more she has her own credit card that we pay for and we look at all the things she bought and um you know it oh my god we're terrible people but like we like to look at it and be like huh how you know is she eating fast food is she doing this is she and she knows she's not it's supposed
Starting point is 00:16:51 to be for emergencies that's the idea but whenever she needs something like hey like the cover for my ipad is wearing out and the one corner is just barren and i'm worried about it it's like all right put it on your card you know it comes through, we'll know. So that's how she gets money, mostly. Okay. So it's an idealistically emergencies-only card. Yeah, I guess so. And then I guess she calls and gets permission to buy other things.
Starting point is 00:17:19 So that's that. Also, we pay for her gas. So theoretically theoretically she could just go wild at anything a quickie mart sells you know she could go to pick up those 15 dollar one gallon fuel tanks all she wants you know it says here that it's from bp i guess it's man the coolest girl at university with all of those get empty gas or full gas pieces for everybody yeah that that was what did your parents do uh it was more because i did like the youtube thing i was spending a lot of my own money in like right you had it wasn't yeah it wasn't too
Starting point is 00:18:01 terrible a lot of my friends did the um the credit card like emergency route but like so much of my money got spent on gas because i'd get like roped into especially freshman year after that i stopped even telling people i had a car at school but like once you get figured out for the guy because at the time i drove a jeep uh an suv in the dorm like it was just conscripted every other day to drive people to walmart and do shit like that because yeah i told my brother like when he went to school like oh don't bring a car you'll just become a chauffeur fuck that like don't don't do it i am i'm sent like this is a year ago now more than a year ago because it was an october thing but um she and a
Starting point is 00:18:41 bunch of friends did this they went to scarowinds you've probably never heard of it but it's a yeah okay it's an amusement park and they do it up for halloween it's kind of a big deal anyway the whole thing like picking up people going back and forth and whatever it was like 10 hours of driving and nobody but me paid for a penny of fuel and it's like the fuck the all right how does that happen because that sounds like a lack of assertiveness with hope because in my high school and like just after that you know that period of my life when i'm 16 to 22 driving there was a discussion about who's going to pay for fuel when we went to like spring break i explained that I paid for Hope's fuel, right?
Starting point is 00:19:26 That's a thing that she gets to buy. The other option is to have her like work all winter long and we want her focused on school. Well, no. My parents were also paying for my fuel. Ah, yes. But when I'm 16. And yet I said, well, we're all going to Panama. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:19:43 11 hours each way. We're all splitting the fuel, right?'s like uh yeah of course we don't expect you're driving if anything you should pay for less fuel I'm like that's how I felt I felt like like you know oh don't worry daddy board warbucks has it all covered and uh it's not the cost of the feeling I can swing the cost of the fuel it's that i felt taken advantage of yeah you were yeah and that and i talked to her about it but that's where like like look it's not even the money it's right and wrong you can't just screw me over yeah i absolutely you're absolutely right yeah i'm really sensitive to that like i i i don't know we went to a uh hear out. So there's a thing that Marines do.
Starting point is 00:20:28 Uh, they get a coin for some reason, like when they become Marines, I think it's a Marine thing. And, uh, when you're out drinking together, someone produces this coin and everyone else is obligated to produce it too. Whoever doesn't pays for the drinks. You follow so far? Yeah. If everyone has the coin, then the guy who challenged has to pay for all the drinks. That's the way that it works. Well, I'm not drinking, right?
Starting point is 00:20:53 There's like 18 people at this table. One guy produces the coin. I don't have mine. And suddenly I'm buying everybody's fucking drinks? Yeah. Well, that's different. You're not a marine woody well i'm sorry i didn't say the people who graduated from this flight school they do the
Starting point is 00:21:10 same tradition so oh yeah so you do have a coin you have like god these marines are assholes no yeah so i do have a coin it was in the car and that's like one of the rules you can't modify the coin to make it like part of the keychain you can't and i'm like i'm not drinking like i'm not even in this and there's like 18 people they're probably 30 drinks or something they want me to buy all of them and in my head this is the way it's wired i'm like they would never pull this shit with like someone who couldn't afford it like like like they're entitling themselves to my efforts and and all you had to do was bring coin woody well in hindsight yeah but uh you have your coin on you right now no i don't have my coin on me right now what the fuck it's fucking huge it's like like it
Starting point is 00:21:56 it laughs at silver dollars it's god let's order coins for the next drinking episode i wish taylor and i had coins so bad that we'd never mentioned before and we're just like... So you would have paid for everybody's drinks at that table? Absolutely! If I'm not drinking, fuck no. Had you been told about this coin scenario in the past? Like two years earlier. Dude, it's that same shit when you go out with like a group of people and like i and my date
Starting point is 00:22:26 are drinking like budweiser or bud light or some like draft beer and they go you know another couple goes through like a 40 bottle of wine and the other one goes through a 50 bottle of wine and you know they order more food and it's like all right let's split the bill it's like no no no i'm not gonna you know you're taking advantage of me and you think that i'm not assertive enough to say fuck you no you're not gonna take advantage of me, and you think that I'm not assertive enough to say, fuck you. No, you're not going to take advantage of me. Because those people know what they're doing. It's so cheesy. The coin thing's different.
Starting point is 00:22:52 I agree on splitting the bill, though. The coin thing seems like some sort of... First of all, it's a bit of a... Returnal order? Yeah, it's like a little bit of an initiation thing for you to have to pay for the bill. It's like taking a few swats to get into those gay boy clubs that they have in college. Well, that I'm okay with, obviously.
Starting point is 00:23:10 The core, I just felt like, and I'm trying to phrase it without being an asshole. Look, they've seen my videos. They've seen my house. I think they're all like, fuck, Woody will pay for it. And it's like, no, you can't entitle yourself to what I've done. I wouldn't do it to you. I don't say, oh, yeah, you know, Johnny wouldn't do it to you i don't say oh yeah you know johnny i'll pay for it whatever there's no johnny there um like i would never i would never well
Starting point is 00:23:32 next time you're at like a smoothie bar or something and you order yourself a big old smoothie be like ah who's got their coin call them out make them pay for your smoothies well i can't do that now i didn't pay that would be very poor taste yeah no i it's well so you guys are split on this i'm with taylor i i felt like they were like not valuing you know the work that i put into getting set that uh they were trying to be your friend by bringing you into the group and and with their tradition that's not how it works like it's a business that gives a coin to everyone and then they put the game around it and i uh yeah i felt like they were trying to take advantage of me that's how how it reverberated in my head it's
Starting point is 00:24:16 hard to tell unless you're there like seeing kind of the vibe of it but yeah i would definitely not be cool especially if i was drinking yeah i would i would pony up and deal with it but yeah i would definitely not be cool especially if i was drinking yeah i would i would pony up and deal with it but if i was sitting there having water and they're all getting like three four beers or whatever then no hell no there was more so there's like 18 people at a table i didn't even talk to they were like too far away from me and then they like like i didn't see them all night i saw them but like i wasn't with them and now I'm paying for all their drinks because like next time bring your coin guaranteed and just ask the server
Starting point is 00:24:50 like all right what's the least alcoholic but most expensive thing that you have. What's that combo? You know and then hopefully you can get a little revenge. Well I didn't pay. I was like how should I because I really felt pay. I was like, how should I pay?
Starting point is 00:25:05 Because I really felt robbed. I was like, what if I just dropped like 200 cash and walked out? Like, I think that'd be, is that a bomber move or a baller move or an asshole move? I think it might be. Oh, that's an asshole move. I just didn't like the situation. No, this doesn't even cover it. Where are you going?
Starting point is 00:25:22 To get my coin, asshole. I don't know. To me, it was just like, whatever. They entitled themselves to me paying for them. I was barely with them. I wasn't drinking. And then suddenly they're like, hey, remember that coin you got two years ago? Now you have to pay for my drinks.
Starting point is 00:25:41 That's fucked. I would carry the coin in the future. Why would you carry that coin so that you don't have to pay for drinks it's like big they all had it another guy didn't have it too uh but then why wouldn't he have to pay no he's like i didn't know the game right he said he didn't know the rules so then that doesn't matter They let him off the hook, they all looked at me This is a little different now Woody, see now you're starting
Starting point is 00:26:11 To drag me on board because there was Another individual also without the coin And somehow he had immunity Yes And I felt like they were just Fapping into my bank account You can't invite yourself to it I can be generous but but you're not...
Starting point is 00:26:26 You can't entitle yourself. Like, you're not entitled. Yeah, I'm more on your side now because there was a person who apparently got immunity because of some feigned ignorance. That's exactly right. Yeah. I won't name him. Fair enough, fair enough.
Starting point is 00:26:38 He knows who he is. I've been watching the second season of The Punisher. How is it? And it's pretty goddamn violent. That's the one that goes along withisher. How is it? It's pretty goddamn violent. That's the one that goes along with Daredevil, right? I mean, it's in the same universe. The first season they were intermingled.
Starting point is 00:26:54 Yeah, yeah, okay. Yeah, but there's no Daredevil in this. There's none of the other heroes seen in this. It's just The Punisher. And it's Jon Bernthal, the guy from Walking Dead. He beat a man last night, I would assume to death, with a two-and-a-half-pound plate, maybe a five-pound plate,
Starting point is 00:27:16 and it's just one after the other to the face. And they show him throwing the blows, and I'm like, this would have killed him by now. Let's see what this guy looks like after this. And then they show the guy like they cut to a different angle. So you see the face getting hit and I was just like, Whoa! Oh God!
Starting point is 00:27:34 Oh, they went full force. Negan thinks you took it too far. It looks like that scene from Irreversible. His face is ruined. Oh, that scene from Irre... With the fire extinguisher smashing the guy's face in. Yeah. His face is irrepar is ruined. Seen from here. With the fire extinguisher smashing the guy's face in. Yeah. His face is irreparably ruined.
Starting point is 00:27:50 He's dead, I think. Honestly, I'm like 90% sure that the Punisher beat that man to death. Like, he was like the biggest bad guy that the Russian gangster had. He was like, don't kill him. And like, sick this guy on him. And this guy stands up looking like fucking Igor with cauliflower ears. And he beat this man's face off with a plate.
Starting point is 00:28:16 It was crazy. It's a very violent show. You made me think of Irreversible. That show. Dude, listeners, if listeners, if you like a show that leaves you emotionally scarred, this is a movie I mean to say, Irreversible is one of the,
Starting point is 00:28:33 that fire beating scene that he's talking about is not the rough one. The rough one is the rape. Oh, that's the hot part. There is nothing hot about that rape it was that he like i don't know how to describe this without being like a sick bastard but here i go um i feel like when a guy rapes a woman because he's just like horny and filled with lust, he's evil. When a guy rapes a woman as like a punishment, just hateful of the opposite gender,
Starting point is 00:29:10 he becomes a special kind of terrible. Like he's even worse. And dude, he couldn't be worse. I'll save it for you, but Irreversible is fucked up. Monica Bellucci, one of my favorite actresses very attractive lady big fan big fan yeah yeah and they make you like fall in love with her so it's one of those movies if i remember it's told backwards right yeah yeah so i i ruined a lot of
Starting point is 00:29:38 it for you but they they it opens with like a fire extinguisher face smashing scene. And then they just show you like reversing in time as to what motivated it. And my gosh, like, like she just, whatever. They just paint her as like the perfect girl. And then, uh,
Starting point is 00:29:56 it, it, it just, it lays it out there in a way that's horrifying. Yeah. She's super hot. She's super hot. And everything that she's ever done.
Starting point is 00:30:04 Yeah. Ah, irreversible.ible well i'm scarred i need to go back to my community that's what i've been watching the punisher too um it's uh it's a little more fast-paced than the first season did you say a little bit more a little bit more action okay yeah the first season felt like it sort of drug on and it was like more episodes than it needed to be and i haven't finished season two yet, but so far I've enjoyed it. You know, like there's a few nitpicky things I could complain about, but it's fine.
Starting point is 00:30:32 And it's very violent. He kills so many people, so many people. Is there going to be a season three? Did it get picked up? Do you know? You know, if it doesn't, then it won't be a matter of getting picked up. It'll be a matter of whether Disney wants it over on their platform or not.
Starting point is 00:30:50 But it's so goddamn violent. I just don't know if it's, it's, it's going to be their style. It, I mean, it's, it's rough,
Starting point is 00:30:57 dude. That's interesting too. I hadn't thought of it through that lens. He kills 13 people in like the first two episodes. Like, like, yeah, I want to say it's pretty cool i just want
Starting point is 00:31:06 to see that disney streaming platform like hey can i interest you in a little maui a little punisher you know would you like the rock to sing or john whatever his name is to bash a face in bashing faces in just gunning people down burning people alive kneecapping people he beat some women to just to death. It was great. There were some female henchmen. He didn't hold back at all. That's a quality. Not holding back is a thing I'm looking
Starting point is 00:31:34 for in my protagonist at this point. Right in the kisser. I want to see more children attacked on television too. Because realistically a bad guy isn't going to suddenly go light on a child. You can't let Live League completely corner that market. Yeah, Live League and World Star Hip Hop have a hegemony on that right now. It needs to change.
Starting point is 00:31:55 Netflix needs to get on board. Hulu needs to get on board. How many kids does the Punisher kill, Kyle? Probably not enough. Never enough. See, his kids were killed. So that's sort of his one of his his driving so he should know how it's done yeah so the guy's got a score to settle i'm not i'm not
Starting point is 00:32:11 hearing well he already he settled that score if i can't have kids no one can like the assholes that bully people as seniors because they got bullied as freshmen and think that it's like that's what you're supposed to do yeah he always like the the lamest people in high school like the ones who actually took that like upperclassmen shit seriously like it was never the the quote-unquote cool kids senior year who were like haha freshman it was always the guy that was a fucking loser and got picked on freshman year finally getting a little bit of bit of comeuppance on the young kids. Did you guys notice that same thing?
Starting point is 00:32:48 Yeah, for sure. In your schools? Yeah, for sure. My school was more widespread than that. I just felt like there was a ranking system that went more by physical ability than grade, but they're correlated. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:01 I really like Jon Bernthal. I think he's a really good a really good actor uh like like like he's a good actor in this punisher show it's got he's got some depth as a character you know he has some real sad times and some real rageful moments where he loses control and you know this his buddies have to rein him in like whoa whoa whoa stop torturing that guy he doesn't know anything and he's like ah let me torture him some more stabbing people's hands with a knife and wiggling the knife around tell me tell me where he is he's uh he's a rough customer and and i also thought that like here's one of the things i've noticed i feel like they were like so
Starting point is 00:33:37 the character is a white man who roams the streets with assault weapons and kills minorities is that correct uh yeah kills them all kills them real good wiping the streets clean well he's gonna need a lot of minority friends to even that out we're gonna have to let's make his cop buddy arabic and a lady let's make his best friend a one-legged black man And let's make his sidekick A young lady Now the last thing we want people to think When they watch this program Is that white men are anything but evil
Starting point is 00:34:11 Unfortunately Rosenthal What's the guy's name again? John Bernthal The character's name is Frank Castle That even sounds tough Badass They needed to have more white gangsters then Frank Castle. Frank Castle. That even sounds tough. Badass. You know, they needed
Starting point is 00:34:26 to go, they needed to have more white gangsters then. They should take, like, the ADT home security approach, where it's like, in those commercials, it'll just inexplicably be, like, a Croatian guy. With a scheming. And they can go away. It's like, who's getting robbed
Starting point is 00:34:42 by Eastern Europeans? Honestly, that's what they're doing this season. The bad guys are all white, if I'm being honest. Like, he killed a few black people in the first season, like, actual, like, drug dealers and stuff. But this season, there's, like, two main antagonists. And one of them is a white guy who's, like, an ex-friend of his. And the other one is, there's some Russians.
Starting point is 00:35:02 They're kind of bad guys, obviously white. And then, like like the big bad white guy is like a billionaire like pulling the strings and trying to put his son and off into the presidency dude i'm so bored of russian bad guys i'm so bored of arab bad guys let's pick a new group of bad guys jack city have you seen that i haven't no oh you haven't, no. Oh, you haven't seen New Jack City? Nope. Is that a show? It's an older movie. And Chris Rock is in it, I think. If not, Chris Tucker, either one. And basically, a gang takes over the projects,
Starting point is 00:35:37 and they have a really successful drug empire. And I promise you, all the bad guys are black. But not just black, like really black black like really black oh yeah yeah yeah it's um gangster talking i've seen this even on uh google the genre is described as thriller slash blaxploitation that's joke does it really say that it says that yeah i wonder if the new ghostbusters says femsploitation. No, probably not. They're completely going to disregard that when they make the next Ghostbusters film. They're going to pretend like that
Starting point is 00:36:12 lady Ghostbuster thing was just a dark, dark nightmare. They're going to do what they did with the Keanu Reeves Hulk? That was not Keanu Reeves. That was Edward Norton. I should have known that because he's good. He wasn't good in that. No, he wasn't. He's good.
Starting point is 00:36:26 I've heard that he's such an asshole to work with that that's why his career has been kind of iffy for the last decade. Literally, people don't want to watch him. He stars in one of my favorite movies, Moon. No, he doesn't. Sam Rockwell, yeah. Isn't that him?
Starting point is 00:36:39 That's a completely different guy. No, we just said Edward Norton. Oh, I get those two guys mixed up so easily. I would like to roll out the red carpet and welcome you to my world. It's nice here, really. You'll like it. Thanks for welcoming me aboard. Moon is excellent
Starting point is 00:36:56 and it's got my favorite child molesting actor as the voice of the robot in Moon, I want to say. Kevin Spacey? That's right. Yeah, it is Kevin Spacey. I heard Joe Rogan. That's a really good thriller. He was talking about the MAGA hat wearing kids.
Starting point is 00:37:10 And he wasn't so offended by the hat as much as he was the Catholic Church. He's like, you said at least five times, it's the largest child raping organization in the world. Number one. Name a bigger child raping organization than the Catholic number one name a bigger child raping organization than the catholic church and he just nambla they devote a lot of resources towards it yeah not as prolific but they're much more committed to it yeah i feel like they're you know per nambla member you may have them right but but if you just want to go with the raw amount of child rapes and and
Starting point is 00:37:43 joe rogan was like now this is coming from a Catholic. I was raised in the Catholic Church. And his guest was like, did they get you? And he's like, no, but they could have. And a lot of my friends have been gotten. And I think he's talking about Brian Callahan. I'm not sure. But yeah, he just, he knows a lot.
Starting point is 00:37:58 It sounded like multiple people in his circle have been raped by the Catholic Church. Was he talking to a Catholic person on the show show i don't think that she was catholic they i think she was actually uh political based and that's how the kid with the maga hat came up and then um but they came with the maga hat went to a catholic church and that rolled into the whole joe rogan ripping on catholicism as the largest cat child raping organization in the world and i'm just like yeah pedophiles and a lot of homosexuals in the clergy. Who's bigger. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:28 And I think, I think a big part of why they're having problems, this is an original thought to repeat. When you take away like marriage and like healthy sexual relations from a guy, it can just become a breeding ground of weird shit. I don't know. I don't think,
Starting point is 00:38:43 no, I don't think that's it. no go ahead that's it i think that it's that that's a position where they can they can camouflage themselves right we've heard of like gay guys having a beard which is basically a fake wife this is somewhere where they can go and be that be a 25 year old normal man, and have no ladies in their life, or men in their life, and for it to be just fine and normal and perfect. Like, oh yeah, of course Father Davis doesn't have
Starting point is 00:39:14 any people his age, any sexual partners or any dates. He's a priest. Kind of like a built-in excuse, I guess. Yeah, I think that's it. Because I don't think... I'm not around women. It doesn't offend me, but I feel like it's offensive to the idea
Starting point is 00:39:30 that if you take sex away from a man, he just immediately starts fucking young boys. Well, he's there. It's a hole. You can see the same shit with even daycare centers and places like that where the kind of people who put themselves in those positions, like not don't tend to be like that,
Starting point is 00:39:49 but people who want to harm children or do inappropriate things intentionally seek out positions where they get that opportunity without any scrutiny. Yeah. And like, I hear so many horror stories about like daycare workers beating the shit out of kids and stuff like that. So there's a chicken and the egg thing back on the priest, you know, are they priests because they're fucked up?
Starting point is 00:40:07 Or are they fucked up because they're priests? And it might be both. It doesn't have to be one or the other. But I feel like if you let them marry, have a healthy relationship with a woman, and a guiding light, you take that away, you take away the rudder to some extent. And who knows where this guy heads?
Starting point is 00:40:24 Like the smaller Orthodox churches that kind of broke off like greek greek orthodox and a couple other ones like they're allowed to marry and i don't think it's like and they're less fucked up yeah i don't think it's like a problem in in that church the way it is and because the pedos know they can't hide there yeah it doesn't answer the cause and effect problem though oh that's true yeah yeah i you got to believe that's happening in every like hierarchical major religion right i don't know why like i most of here's what i believe i believe every large organization has some bad apples in it you know there's probably some fucking i don't know politician well obvious politicians what are it's a big organization uh the u.s is going to have some rapists in it.
Starting point is 00:41:07 Yeah, there's like a million people working in it. You know, of course. That'd be true of whatever. Yeah, there's rapists everywhere. Cisco had some murderers. But nowhere are they. There's not a million people in Hollywood, and their per capita is off the charts.
Starting point is 00:41:23 That's true. I think it fucks your head up when people worship you. I could definitely see that. Take a regular person. I'm sorry, cut you off. They're making $20 million a film. Everyone in the world wants to fuck you. And most people can't handle that.
Starting point is 00:41:41 Yeah, especially the kids. Like the kids who get molested as their kids, and then they grow up all fucked up, and then they're more likely to do it because they were fucked with as a kid. I don't know, that's a pretty horrible thing. Apparently there's a four-hour documentary coming out about Michael Jackson
Starting point is 00:41:59 that may change my mind back to him being a pedophile again, I'm told. I've heard it's some rough stuff, a lot of interviews and a lot of stuff like that. And whoever I was listening to, it wasn't a podcast. It was an XM radio show that's pretty funny. They're a little edgy. And the guy was like, I think that people just separate the different Michaels. He changed so drastically over time
Starting point is 00:42:25 that they have a hard time narrowing down which one to hate. It's almost like he's four different people. There's little Michael, there's black Michael, there's, oh, is that still Michael? And then there's Blade from Puppet Master. Google Blade from Puppet Master real quick. When he dropped that reference, I was like, oh, he's been hanging on to that one.
Starting point is 00:42:48 That's a good reference. It does look like him. That's good. So I look forward to seeing that. Man, if it's four hours, I don't know if I care enough yeah they'll have to chop it up into one of those netflix like i want to watch that ted bundy show that everybody's raving about i can't have you watched any yet because i'm always hesitant now whether to hop
Starting point is 00:43:16 on like the netflix show train yeah or whether i feel like it's not organic at all and they're just like pushing it artificially i'm'm going to check it out for sure. After this Punisher thing. Um, I like stuff like that. I like the crazy, like people interviews. I watched,
Starting point is 00:43:32 uh, a really old television interview recently of a mob hit man who had killed 37 people. And he's on like a, a talk show sitting across from an interviewer. And it's just them for like 40 minutes. And he's wearing a black mask to conceal his identity and he's like the guy's trying to get him like find some sort of emotional like regret or something in this guy and he's he's like you don't feel bad about any of them
Starting point is 00:43:56 he's like no why would i it's my job they was dead one way or another i just pulled the trigger if i don't do it somebody else will do it. I'd rather have the 20 grand. And it's just like, okay, okay. So you never felt bad. No, I already said that three times. I don't feel bad. I kill.
Starting point is 00:44:15 It's just like over and over. He asked him the same question. And every time he comes back, no, I'm a killer. I can see his point, he's like, it's like blaming the gun. Someone else made the decision to kill him, I just am the gun.
Starting point is 00:44:32 Yeah, I'm just the button man, that's kind of how he put it. The guy's like, were all of your killings for money? Most of them. So you have killed for other reasons. Yeah! Some guys came to my house looking for me, and my wife was there, and she was pregnant. So they kicked her in the stomach.
Starting point is 00:44:51 Then they came and broke my neck. I spent eight months in the hospital. They made one mistake, though. They didn't break my neck good enough. He's like, what did you do? you ever seen someone shot with a 22 long rifle over and over in the legs and the shoulders in the ribs so they bleed real good and the guy's like no no i've never seen that before well let me tell you it's painful and fun that's what he said he was i just kept reloading i as kyle's telling the story i'm like i have a 22 long rifle but the thing is it's a lever action
Starting point is 00:45:36 so it just seems ridiculous to like old time western that's probably what he was doing i bet he had like a 10-22. He was talking about cutting the... He was like, I cut the... I flatten the heads of the bullets so when they go in, they just scramble. Have you seen that clip of like fucking the BTK killer? It was one of those guys
Starting point is 00:45:58 who's getting interviewed. What's that stand for? Buying Torture Kill. Thank you. And he's like... I think it was him. No, it was him maybe no it was uh gacy john wayne gacy is who's interviewing in this one the killer clown
Starting point is 00:46:09 and it was just him like calmly sitting there like answering questions about how his specific rope tying technique to strangle people to death like just casually like with an interviewer and he's like well here come here i'll show you and he's like got a string and he's like now you do it like this here give me your wrist okay pretend your wrist is a neck you do it like this you just tie it you're not gonna get that tight enough it's gonna take forever yeah what are you gonna do what you do is you loop it like this take a stick a pen larger than a pen but you know pretend something like this stick it in there twist it now you've got that torque and you'll absolutely kill him much faster and it's like it was like a peer-reviewed study of killing as fast as you can and it was just i don't know there's something
Starting point is 00:46:55 chilling about how coldly and without even a hint of remorse they talk about that stuff and it's not even like they they are like a born-again christian where it's like i've forgiven myself for my my past transgressions it's like they're the wiring for him to understand what he did being evil isn't there like it's not like he's going to come to terms and be and apologize at some point it's like he's just a fucking psychopath he doesn't get it i see it as close to that it's like no i'm the wiring to understand that it's evil is completely intact. He just doesn't care that it's evil. Like that doesn't bother him. Yeah, those people are probably just as scary, actually.
Starting point is 00:47:36 Yeah. Yeah. With the guy I was discussing, they were like, you know, you know, what you're doing is inhuman. You know, it's a terrible thing. He's like like i've got lots of other great qualities though he's like like what he's like i'm an honest guy i never lie to you he's like if i say i'm gonna be somewhere i'll be there i'll never be late he's like going through all these like normal everyday things my word is my bond i'm punctual i take the clothes of my victims to goodwill i don't even write them off i've killed a hundred people but always on time yeah exactly yeah it was uh have you ever have you seen mind hunter on netflix because if you haven't seen that you're
Starting point is 00:48:18 missing a wonderful show you will absolutely fucking love it. It's the true story of these, they might be FBI investigators who they basically invent the science of profiling. And to do so, they go, they want to interview
Starting point is 00:48:39 convicted serial killers who are in the system already and take from them some sort of, not like, why did did you do this why did you do it like that do you think that this had something to do with it how did you get away from the police like what were your methods and they use that information to try to catch other killers and it's really well done and they interviewed this one guy uh this this serial killer um big big guy and he's an actual serial, this serial killer, big, big guy. And he's an actual serial killer. This is all based on real people and real circumstances.
Starting point is 00:49:12 And you can go on YouTube and you can watch this real serial killer actually be interviewed, like the real deal killer in prison. And then you can go watch Mindhunter, and you can see the actor that they found that looks just like him, acts just like him. They're talking about Edmund Kemper. Edmund Kemper. It's shocking that you know the man's name.
Starting point is 00:49:33 Yeah, because he was like 6'10", and his little stories about killing people are like, he never mentions a struggle. Other serial killers would be like, yeah, there was a struggle for a little while, but after a bit, he shut up. With Kemper, he's like, well, everyone's horrified of me,
Starting point is 00:49:53 and so it was never much of a problem. Like, I just walk over. They just start crying. Yeah, they just start crying when they see me lumbering over with my ham hands. I just pelt them in the mouth well he'd like he'd pick up girls like who needed a ride around the college like hey where are you going i need to get to cross town well hop in and then he'd drive him up into the woods and kill him and he was like
Starting point is 00:50:17 it's interesting like the dichotomy in serial killers that so many of them are like below average in intelligence and then so many of them are below average in intelligence, and then so many of them are way above average in intelligence. Yeah, they break that down in Mindhunter too, the different types of killers. The spree killer and the killer that plans everything out methodically, and then another kind, like maybe the killer who's the compulsive killer. The three different kinds of serial killers,
Starting point is 00:50:44 and it's really interesting. They're this kind of this kind well the spree killer we'll catch him right away and the compulsive killer he's eventually going to mess up but this third category he is he's going to be a real problem because he's planned this for months he knows the victims ins and outs he knows where we are as law enforcement he's got a plan for before during and after he might have an alibi all of his like tools are going to disappear he's never going to keep trophies like it was it was really interesting to hear all that stuff it's a good show yeah that's interesting how even someone like the most intelligent ones like they can't resist taking trophies and that's what gets
Starting point is 00:51:26 them in the end so often it's just like well sir everything seems to check out why do you real quick why do you have a a oil barrel full of human teeth it's like well it's a hobby and uh bang bang bang oh jigsaw i gotta get out of here you know yeah ed kemper had described this scenario and i'll get it somewhat wrong but like the cops are at his house talking to him and he's standing there with a bag in his hand with a woman's head in it how do you keep cool in that scenario right so uh you're a big bowler yes i am yes i am i'm literally a huge bowler? Yes, I am. Yes, I am. I'm literally a huge bowler. Get out of my home. All right, sorry to bother you, sir.
Starting point is 00:52:12 Enjoy bowling. Looks like your ball's a little wet. A little oblong, too. The odd thing about Kemper, though, is how charismatic he is in those interviews and how polite. Well, he's one of the very smart ones. Yeah, very smart. Yeah. He's very polite, very well-spoken. You would think that you're interviewing him
Starting point is 00:52:31 about his woodworking hobby, and how he makes these amazing hand-hewn bed frames or something, you know, and he easily could have done something like that. He just was raised by an abusive mother, and he had that horrible relationship with her where she told him that she had he had ruined her life and she he was he was the cause of everything bad and it warped him
Starting point is 00:52:54 and twisted what was probably already a a bit of a broken vessel anyway and and so he started that's such a common denominator with those serial killers is abuse from your mother as a child. Hmm. It is. Interesting. A lot of them have that. You know, the stiletto killer, they call one of them. You know,
Starting point is 00:53:18 the ice scrape massacre. It sucks when you assign that stuff to people, right? Because we all just did the thing, right? Oh, Woody's a serial killer. But it's like, oh, fuck. So now there's people who are presumed guilty. Like, ah, we did it twice this show.
Starting point is 00:53:35 One, kids who were raped. Ah, yeah, you know what? They're probably rapists too. Kids that were beaten. Ah, they're probably serial killers. It's like, ah god poor guys you know now now they they can't do anything they need to be emotionally abused too really all different kinds of abuse yeah i mean like even in the subsection of kids who are molested and you know
Starting point is 00:53:57 people are beaten by their parents like most of them don't become serial killers like it would it would be a real society would look a lot different there's like a 90 percent you know conversion rate on that a couple in my universe and their parents had a lot of room for improvement and it's it's almost like springing back the other way where they are just super parents where they they don't want to be anything like that heck alcohol in my family was like, grandfather, total alcoholic. And my father and to some extent me have bounced back in the other direction where we just don't want
Starting point is 00:54:29 anything to do with it. So, we can go the other way maybe. Maybe people who were raped are sometimes just really, really not rapists. I'm sure some of them will be. Are you sure? You're sure you want this? Yes, I'm your wife, Steven. For the love of God,
Starting point is 00:54:46 stop asking every two minutes. Finish! You're consenting to this. Yes! I need you to hold down this clicker. If you ever release that button, a siren will sound. That will indicate a lack of consent on your part.
Starting point is 00:55:04 You hang on to this dead man switch. Yeah. Around me. Honey, honey, quiet! I'm wearing the saw shotgun thing to make sure I can't rape you. You let go of that switch, and my head's all over the bedroom, and you're safe from rape.
Starting point is 00:55:21 Are you... No, I won't untie your other hand. I know you can't go to your mother's for the last time that's a clever way for him to be a rapist where he's like he was he was so adamant about not raping me that he wore a a shotgun helmet and made me hold the button and I didn't want to die too and so I let him do what he wanted. And he's like,
Starting point is 00:55:48 Your Honor, it clearly states consent button. God damn it. The garage door opener defense. Yeah, I don't think that would fly. might i don't know i'm buying it i don't think so yeah netflix has some good content mixed in with a few bad things has a lot of medium content in my opinion like i was just thinking a lot of ho-hum shit in my head a lot of ho-hum shit uh but like like, did you see Room, is it 104, 108 on HBO? It was.
Starting point is 00:56:28 What's it about? I don't think so. So it's about a hotel room. And the stories were not related as far as I can tell. Just interesting things that happened in that hotel room over the course of a few decades. So it usually started with a couple or a person checking in having a problem and working through it over his stay there it was terrible like bad god awful i would just struggle to make it through an episode and then struggle again next week because the premise seemed good and the trailers
Starting point is 00:57:00 seemed good and every episode was so bad and i can't think of a netflix show that was just worse than high school detention but i can think of a couple of hbo shows that were like that for me so netflix is the master of the ho-hum but then again i can't think of a netflix show that matches game of thrones the wire sopranosos. There's a couple, obviously, HBO shows that are those. You're going to have a hard time with The Wire. It's probably
Starting point is 00:57:33 the best show ever made. It's just amazing. It's just amazing. I was talking to someone recently about The Wire and how good it is. We were talking about some of the episodes and the characters. It's just amazing. It's easy to forget that each season is completely different. While they keep the same characters, it. It's just amazing. And it's easy to forget that each season is completely different, right? That while they keep the same characters, it's sort of a whole different thing. The first one is
Starting point is 00:57:49 the drug trade, and then the second one might be in that school, and then the third one might be politics. It's always something different, but it's all the same. It's all Baltimore. It's all Baltimore crime and punishment. It's great. I love that they show both sides of the coin too.
Starting point is 00:58:07 Yes, they do that really neat. It's made me think that it's real Baltimore. And I wonder, obviously it's not average Baltimore. Not everyone in Baltimore is a nail gun killer. But I wonder if there's many nail gun killers in Baltimore is it exaggerated worst of Baltimore or is it real worst of Baltimore I don't know man I'm just not going to go to Baltimore I don't think there's a great side of Baltimore that I'm missing out
Starting point is 00:58:37 but there very well could be a part where you get killed and sealed into an old tenement with a nail gun just a quick aside before we wrap the show so the baltimore aquarium it was a terrible little part of baltimore and they poured a ton of money into it and the aquarium's there and now like tourist money pours in the aquarium is a great success and it's cool so camden new jersey decides they're going to replicate this program. And they come up with the, I don't know if it's the New Jersey Aquarium or the Camden Aquarium, but anyway, they're going to make their own aquarium. At this point, I am super into fish, right? So I'm a sucker for
Starting point is 00:59:17 aquariums. We would go down to Baltimore like once a month just to see the fish. I loved it, right? The expression I use, PETA, pain in the anatomy, loved it right uh the expression i use pita painting the anatomy that's one of the turtles from the baltimore aquarium it stuck with me anyway so i go to the new jersey aquarium as a guy who loves fish these stupid goddamn fuckheads decide to use all native new jersey fish it's just one ugly brown bottom dwelling flounder after another and and like you can't even see the fish in many cases the things you can see aren't interesting to you. That's so perfect. Here's the pigeon exhibit.
Starting point is 01:00:09 We don't seal it up. They just live in the area. They just come and go. We have squirrels, seagulls, and an occasional raccoon. Welcome to our zoo. You would never go. Have you ever been to the Atlanta Aquarium? No. I'm pretty sure that it is a globally premier aquarium.
Starting point is 01:00:24 They have whales there. Oh, that's cool. It probably is, yeah. It's huge. I've been to other aquariums, and nothing compares to the Atlanta Aquarium. Have you been to the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago? I don't think so. That's the best one I've ever been to.
Starting point is 01:00:41 Baltimore is really good. I think my favorite might have been in Hawaii, though. Hawaii is natural for it because they've got this great water so like their filtration system is just a pump that takes it from the ocean and they have like lots of you've probably seen it in the movies where you walk through the tube and there's like sharks and stuff all around you i went there that one was pretty good yeah yeah atlanta's great i want i'm pretty sure they have sharks and whales um and just it's it's enormous like we were there for hours just just looking at fish which i love zoos and aquariums i like because you're like keeping animals in prison and that's sad but it's also like this is neat i don't go to the zoo uh i i
Starting point is 01:01:22 don't want to support that like i feel like that's the same as going to Sea World, which is just pool world with poor orcas who are intelligent beings, probably as smart as a seven-year-old or something, locked in a pool forever. We went to a local North Carolina petting zoo. We all left with fleas. It's like, what kind of fucking zoo is this? All the the animals like there's camels and stuff just suffering
Starting point is 01:01:50 and we're leaving we're suffering and but it wasn't like like virtual fleas where you you see them jumping off you you're like yeah we have fleas now god damn it that sucks yeah call it a show yeah yep painkiller nearly 232

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