Painkiller Already - PKN #254

Episode Date: July 12, 2019

It's PKN time baby! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 pkn 254 taylor with our soon-to-be muscle man sitting here gonna get his trt everything rolling you're gonna be pumping iron 24 7 gonna get shredded or is that the plan congratulations yeah i went to a day to get uh tested to see if i qualify for the TRT. I found a place in test it tomorrow or it'll get pushed till Saturday, but they'll call me Saturday and I'll know. And then, uh, you know, I can start like right away.
Starting point is 00:00:51 I've looked into this for like years now. So what would they put you on? Uh, it's on their website. A needle, a cream. Yeah. It would be an injection.
Starting point is 00:01:01 Yeah. They inject me with X amount of testosterone. Do you have to do it at home or do do you go in once a month to do it? I go in once a week, yeah. Once a week? A weekly injection, okay. Yeah. What were some of the side effects they were warning about if they did it all?
Starting point is 00:01:17 Not a bit, not a bit. There were some warnings on some paperwork I read, but I spoke to these two young ladies um and they took my blood pressure and uh you know asked me some medical questions if i had any like uh it was clear which questions were meant for me to say yes and which ones for me to say no i felt like now these are the health ones you don't have any of this, do you? Hell no. Wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:01:49 I just said I did have some of that on the other one. Well, that's different. Now, do you have it still? I'm not scamming the system or anything. It's like, do you have low energy? I could use more. I'd like some more energy. That's your sex drive.
Starting point is 00:02:09 Could use more? I could use more. I could use more of that. I could lie. Just totally non-existent. I'm basically a eunuch. I felt like I shouldn't lie to my doctors. If they were doctors, I wasn't shown any sort of paperwork.
Starting point is 00:02:24 They took my blood, though. I allowed that. Hi, everybody. That's who you walked in and saw. I'm pretty sure the receptionist took my blood. Not even kidding. I swear to God. I get there, and you walk in, and I sent you guys a photo.
Starting point is 00:02:41 There's sports pictures. It's like Mayweather versusweather versus mcgregor on the wall and like um there's like uh falcons jerseys and braves jerseys and stuff lots of sports related stuff and i'm sitting there and this uh this pretty blonde girl comes out and uh i'm chatting with her while i flip my paperwork she uh she dates a guy who lives near where i'm from so like she knows my hometown and stuff like that. So I'm talking to her a good bit. And then she's like, all right, she can come back. She'll see you now.
Starting point is 00:03:09 And I go back and this black one. Okay. Yeah, there's two doctors there. A woman doctor? A woman doctor. What does she know about testosterone? I've seen everything. And I was surprised that the receptionist sort of stayed in the room with the doctor.
Starting point is 00:03:29 And she's like, any erectile dysfunction? I'm like, no! Now, unless that's integral to this process. In which case, yes, debilitate. The receptionist gathers your blood type and your numbers and your phone number. Because you were a few days away from rock hard erections and voluminous seen him semen semen yeah yeah yeah she was uh she's about to get cool it's it's this 27 year old blonde chick just they should have a hot bitch
Starting point is 00:03:58 fraud detector in the trt unit where she comes in with her tits out and she's like now this is just our fraud test you're just stiff as a board and she's like i'm sorry you failed so you'd have to come back just drunk yeah yeah i was like i was like really no no issues with that she's like but it could be harder you know right and what could always be harder and i'm just going through all the questions and everything and basically it was a lot of stuff like, you know, what are the symptoms that you think you have from perhaps diminished testosterone? What are the benefits that you would like to get from testosterone replacement therapy? And, you know, I mean, the list fills out itself, right? You know, like, well, I just said ridiculous shit, like, I want to be taller.
Starting point is 00:04:48 It was like, you know, can i kindly get some hair loss it was like well i would like some denser bones you know good dancer who wouldn't like denser bones if you just flip the old denser bone situation switch or whatever so so you know i i just went through all the forms and everything and uh and and she's still sitting there the pretty girl and i'm just like why is she still in there i would feel more comfortable it was just me and this this this other lady and then she's like all right uh and then the blonde girl takes my blood pressure i'm like well that's not too medical you know you just she puts a thermometer in my mouth she puts that little clippy thing on my finger does my oxygen levels my blood pressure i'm like this is yeah this is some mom shit like this isn't doctor shit and she's like all right now she's gonna take your blood i'm like she's gonna take my blood
Starting point is 00:05:33 and i literally start getting nervous about her like missing the vein over and over i'm like she's gonna be a fuck up there's no way this chick is a pro. She honestly was a pro. I've had it taken, I don't know, five or six times in my life. And there have been times where they missed a bunch. And this girl was like, I barely felt a thing and it was right in. But I was so nervous about her doing it. And I had these mental images of her like bouncing. That like, I browned out a little bit.
Starting point is 00:06:03 Like, I was like, was getting i was i was looking away at a mcgregor poster or something like that i was like give me strength kind of give my strength and it just started graying out easy veins uh i don't know i've never i've never done any heroin or anything but um usually i said without fail every single time i've ever had to given blood or you know tests, they compliment my veins. I guess I thought that happened to everybody. What did you say? I've never had a miss.
Starting point is 00:06:32 I've never had someone miss my vein. It's always first try. I gave blood in high school, and I'm pretty sure they had the C team working on the high school kids because that bitch missed me three times. And I was like, this is your last chance. They should have. because that bitch missed me three times, and I was like, this is your last chance. They should have, like, the doctor, as he was watching you brown out,
Starting point is 00:06:50 he'd be like, ah, a sign of low T, almost passing out from blood loss. Yeah, yeah. You just get a white bitch made right on your forehead. Pussy boy. B-O-I. B-O-I, yeah. Pussy boy. I'm looking at my vein. There's not much to see really,
Starting point is 00:07:05 but when you put the tourniquet thing on it and you pump your fist a time or two, they always get it. Yeah, I don't think they were aware that I was getting lightheaded. I didn't say anything or anything. I was like, I hope this isn't a sign of having
Starting point is 00:07:19 a medical condition that would disallow TRT. I better look strong, but not too strong. Better look happy medium. Yeah, I gotta look about 52%... Strong enough to survive the treatment, but weak enough to require it. That was totally the happy medium that... So do you have a timeline?
Starting point is 00:07:39 I guess... I think if the labs come back tomorrow, which is a possibility, they'll call me, then I could zip up there tomorrow and get an injection. So then every Wednesday you would just swing by and get another injection? Yeah, yeah. They give you a shot in the ass. And I think it just depends on how much you need. I did a little bit of research, but it just depends on how many cc's of testosterone
Starting point is 00:08:05 you need per week. I was clicking around trying to find information about this, and the first guy I saw is like a hulk of a man. He looks like Paul Costa, the UFC fighter or something like that. Just those deltoids
Starting point is 00:08:22 that are just spheres below his collarbones over just these spheres here and then flat and then these crazy traps coming up he's sitting there looking like the seat is uncomfortable having him in it and he's just like let's say hypothetically i'm on 125 cc's of t of t a week you know that that might not work for you you might not be able to build muscle on that and i'm like bullshit because it's working for you motherfucker you have strapped on like a 50 pound dog bag of nothing but muscle onto your skeleton in the last two years it's shocking what you've done with with 150 cc's or whatever he's on. Whatever it is. Is that your plan?
Starting point is 00:09:05 I think he's waiting for his results to determine his dosage. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. They'll give me, my understanding is like, they'll give me as much as it takes to get me to like optimal levels. And I think optimal levels are like that of like the highest levels that a man would naturally ever have. So like if that's 800, I think that if that's 800,
Starting point is 00:09:30 then and I've got 725, they're like, you can use a little topping off. We top you off. Give you 75. I do not want to go back to whatever level of T I had when I was 17. I was just wired out of control. who knows if at 17 you were even optimal though maybe at 17 i mean you were definitely were but but me at 17 maybe not maybe my highest peak ever was still like 300 points lower than like the highest than like an Arnold Schwarzenegger or something.
Starting point is 00:10:06 Well, there's no reason to try. Yeah. Yeah. I'm looking forward to it. I hope everything goes well and I get signed up for it cause that'll be cool. And, uh,
Starting point is 00:10:15 and like you said, yeah, if they give it to me, like I gotta start working out. Like it would just, it would like what I used to talk about, like ordering a bunch of supplements and like the, the dollar amount I'd spent on them would kind of be like hey it's 200 you spent over here kind of wondering
Starting point is 00:10:29 for you why you're not at the gym doesn't really make sense for you to watch cartoons if you're eating protein powder how much creatine have you had it's like it's always sunny where they're like you know we figured out the gym sucks the supplements are doing enough on their own let's just do the supplements. Cut the gym, do the supplements. How does that work? So it's like if I'm literally doing testosterone, then I've got to work out. I feel like I have to.
Starting point is 00:10:56 And I would imagine that maybe if I didn't, then I'd have a lot of pent-up fucking anger maybe. Anyway, I could see that being an issue you wouldn't be yeah just energy too yeah yeah they that was one of the things they talked about a lot was the energy and uh the better sleep that often came along with uh with testosterone and i a guy was like leaving as i was coming in and he was fucking huge just fucking huge just just uh just a real beefcake that's what you want a walking billboard for that clinic where you're like yeah i want to be that guy mac would have been all over this guy he'd have been greasing him up making sure that he'd drive so you're gonna
Starting point is 00:11:38 you're you're bringing your you got a full gym maybe people don't know you got a full fucking high quality gym and storage taylor's been talking about your cable machine now help me understand like i have a cable that you could do like lat you know push downs with i don't even know what they call them extensions but do you have like a cable machine with the wings like not like the bow flex thing i've got a machine where you add plates to the back, like a stack, and then there are cables that go up into pulleys that allow you to do the leg exercises and
Starting point is 00:12:09 the pull-down things, and it'll turn into a bench press. It'll turn into a squat thing. Will you set it up? Please send a picture. It's that yellow thing that Wings has always seen doing 80-pound bench presses on. You know what? In any case, I pound bench presses on you know what in any case
Starting point is 00:12:27 i really would like you to send a picture just i'd like to see your gym yeah it's nothing it's nothing too crazy it's not like i think i bought i bought it used for like four or five hundred dollars like years ago that's not bad for a cable machine at all oh it was years again maybe maybe our definition of cable machine is different it when i heard cable machine it like i said, it's got that stack of weights that you can add plates to on the back, and then it's got cables that come up from that. So when you do a pull-down, it's running the cable through a pulley and lifting that stack of plates over and over. But it's got lots of customizability, so you can just hook something else up there and do like these close pull down things. Is it something kind of like what I just linked?
Starting point is 00:13:09 Let me see. No, it has a bench. It has a bench press sort of where the man is standing there. Now that could be slid away. Yeah, for this one, you could do that too. You would just take those anchors on the side, slide them all the way to the bottom, put the bench there and then push upward um but but i still don't have the sort of it's still not like this at all um yeah you're manually adding plates
Starting point is 00:13:32 you mean yeah i'm definitely well i'm definitely manually manually also it has one cable uh i think it has two but but but but your your point is still the same that that like it doesn't have this sort of like double arm you don't have a cable for each arm ability um there's a yeah exactly there's there's one cable um that's like uh you know it's it's really like like there's a pull-down bar that you can put a number of attachments on there's a uh like a bench press option that is that just the long tube that you hook the the cable onto both sides and you do the bench from the cable because it's not a no it's not a freeway plate bench is it
Starting point is 00:14:14 the like the kind of setup i have where it's just a bar it is it is yeah it is it it it also has the ability so that like you have like a bar in each hand. Like it's not a straight bar across. It's like two separate bars, one for each hand, but they're sturdy and not everything's solid. And on the outside of that you can stack plates. people the exercises that people like to pretend to do if they want to like go to the gym for 30 minutes and say yeah i did it like those like kick forwards and stuff and the thing where you lay on your stomach and like do like calf curls or whatever the fuck there's no way to do that without looking like a douche the worst is the one where you pull your legs together the butterflies yeah oh god burning my my groin out today. It could burn over here, boys. Well, I'm happy for you. You should definitely jump headlong into fitness because I've gotten way more into it recently. I've tuned up my diet a bit.
Starting point is 00:15:14 The pictures you've been sending us in our group text, Kyle, much, much healthier than I'm accustomed to getting from you. I've known that a very hard and principled stance against vegetables. For people that don't know, he's talking about pictures of food. Kyle's been cooking. Pictures of food. So Kyle has long maintained his anti-vegetable stance, and he's never wavered. No, he's been hard fast. The last three meals that Kyle has sent
Starting point is 00:15:36 to us have been healthy fish and a ton of asparagus and Brussels sprouts or something. Is there an impetus for that? Like you're almost prepping yourself to get ready for the TRT and get i figured if i was going to do i'm kind of all in or all out with with most things you know like i don't like to sort of pussyfoot around about something so if i'm literally like driving an hour to get testosterone shot into my ass and and bringing 2 000 pounds of workout equipment to my home,
Starting point is 00:16:07 that just seems like a good idea. Maybe not to eat five guys, burgers and fries, like, like at the same time. And I always wanted to try cooking fish. It's something I've kind of been intimidated by like pork, chicken and steak.
Starting point is 00:16:20 You can't really fuck them up. But fish is so delicate. It's, it's really easy to mess up. So I've been cooking, um, swordfish, Chilean sea bass. I've got some halibut in there.
Starting point is 00:16:34 I've got some scallops in there and salmon. And so I've been copying Chef John from, copying his fish recipes and cooking those up. Have you baked any of them or have they all been stove-topped so far? I've done everything sauteed so far. Okay. That's usually the best way. My opinion on Kyle's cooking has changed and grown. So don't mock me too hard for my previous beliefs.
Starting point is 00:16:57 They're my old ones. But when I first heard Kyle talking about cooking, it was like, ah, boring. Why would you spend more time preparing a meal than eating it? Duh. Right? Like, like, like I'm the smart one in the room on that one. And now I view it more as like a parallel to woodworking or craftsmanship, right? He's not just like, I don't know, preparing sustenance for lunch. He's building a project, a project that, that the end result is a meal instead of a piece of furniture or a deck or whatever but this is a it's kind of a short-term crafting like i view it more along the line of like artistry or woodworking or something than just preparing a meal yeah you
Starting point is 00:17:42 should show them uh show them these pictures so they can see. Just merely, what was it, two weeks ago, a week ago, you were shitting on me for eating so much asparagus, and here you are. You know, I had never eaten enough to make my piss smell bad, and for the first day, I was like, what's that stink in the bathroom?
Starting point is 00:18:02 Is the heater burning out? It smells like burning electronics oh god and i and like then i go back and piss again i'm like yeah this yeah the heater's burning out in here i used my other bathroom and i was like there's no way this is my piss yeah my piss smells awful oh Oh, it's bad. And Kyle. Because I ate a pound of it. I ate a pound of asparagus. I've never tasted my own asparagus semen, but just from the odor of it, I know it's not meant for human consumption.
Starting point is 00:18:36 You might do a lady friend, if you know you're in this situation, a favor and just, you know. situation a favor and just you know with i i don't think that it affects semen flavor because with the amount of asparagus i eat i would have gotten some feedback i think you might have a very kind girl in your life because this is like an internet meme asparagus semen and oh i didn't know that yeah yeah i'm cutting back on the asparagus we're gonna add more broccoli zucchini is the one i'm on right now i'm gonna make uh i've been i've been adding zucchini to the mix that's the that's those little round things there i just sauteed it in like uh salt and pepper and uh olive oil last night but i think the next thing i'm gonna do with zucchini is make zucchini fries you cut them in french fry shaped slices and then you just put um egg egg on the outside and then dip them in shredded parmesan cheese and bake them that sounds great i don't know it looked pretty good
Starting point is 00:19:32 dude it's got parmesan on it it's gonna be fine well it's nothing but zucchini and well you you uh you put seasoning in the parmesan so it's got you know it's got like a lot of seasoning on it and i'm gonna make make some aioli. I'm going to get a garlic lemon aioli to dip them in. So that'll be good. The real victim in this is Jackie, because Kyle has not inspired me to make anything better, just to ask for things that are better.
Starting point is 00:19:56 Yeah, that bottom picture? Just text her photos that Kyle sent you and be like, do it. I didn't open the bottom picture, so I'll share it. So the bottom picture looks kind of ugly, but it was probably the tastiest of everything. It's red beans and rice. I used, again, Chef John from's recipe. He's a YouTuber who would like, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:20:18 3 million subs or something like that. He's a really good chef and he makes great tutorials. And it is kidney beans. There's a ham hock in there. There's a pound of andouille sausage, which is this spicy Cajun sausage. A lot of different seasonings. There's a pound of onion, a pound of poblano pepper, and a pound of celery. And it cooked for about five hours.
Starting point is 00:20:43 And it creates this sort of spicy savory kind of like chili kind of like a chili uh and then i have a instant instant pot rice maker so i made a fancy little rice sphere there and threw that on top next time jackie asked me what i want i'm gonna lay out that five hour recipe for her just tell her that's what she should be. I would like recipes. But see, it's not five hours of work. Yeah. I would say it's in total maybe 30 minutes of work. How many servings did you make? Is this something you can have?
Starting point is 00:21:15 I made enough. Well, I ended up throwing the rest of it away because I made so much. I followed his recipe. And I think he's making recipes for like a family of four so i had enough i i ate it for like two or three days or something like that but but i'm so skittish especially after getting that food poisoning the other day with that like i don't keep leftovers more than three days okay uh so i ate like three bowls of that and threw it away fish is one of the
Starting point is 00:21:40 easiest things to make for yourself super quickly. Like fish and sauteed vegetables. It takes zero time at all to saute vegetables. And fish cooks faster than chicken, pork, beef. Like a couple minutes of fish and it's done. I've had some bad fish. Olive oil in the pan. Olive oil in the pan. Fish goes in.
Starting point is 00:22:01 Count to three minutes. Flip it over. Count to two minutes. Then I crush two cloves of garlic and mix that in with the oil. And then I squeeze an entire lemon, throw a knob of butter, and then I start basting for like the last two minutes. And when it comes out, it's like this delicious, crispy on the outside, seared skin thing that tastes of butter and lemon and garlic. Sounds great. Really good. So the working out part of it, are you going to consult a trainer
Starting point is 00:22:31 or just go on like and make a plan or just watch around on YouTube? Athlean-X on YouTube is the guy to go to if you need tips for form and stuff. That guy is ripped out of his mind. And he always has like, like so many of the other like fitness channels that I would try. They'd be like, now they say to not do a front squat for, I just, I just picked a random exercise.
Starting point is 00:22:54 They say to not do this, this way. And to make sure your legs are bowed out more, but I prefer it the other way. It's just more comfortable for me. Whereas Athlean X will be like, now the reason you specifically don't want to do this is because it retracts your scapula when you retract your scapula look at this graph the muscle groups here aren't being activated you're actually getting
Starting point is 00:23:12 you know you're putting too much strain on the rear deltoid so and it's like ah i fucking get it now a lot of the bros on youtube are you know they're bros, and they're experts in a way, but this guy, I think, is a physical therapist by training. So not only is he, like, a gym bro, but he's educated and understands it and helps people. Well, I'm not sure if you're aware, but I've personally worked as a personal trainer, so I feel like I got all that squared away. Okay, fair enough.
Starting point is 00:23:41 Yeah, yeah. Well, physical therapist is more akin to doctor. I'm sorry. I'm not putting the respect on your name that it deserves. You're right. No, not at all. Not at all. I was a one-man stop.
Starting point is 00:23:56 There was psychiatry mixed in, some motivational activities. I was also a chef there. I was a real videographer you know editor incredibly informative but i don't find him to be as much you know what he has a lot of gifts fun's not one of them no he's not entertaining at all but that drives me more focused when he tries to get jokey with it i'm like athlean just fucking tell me how to do the workout and exactly what muscles it's going to work and give me like your end of the video few tips of don't do this or you're going to fuck up your joints.
Starting point is 00:24:30 And then he's got Jesse in there wearing short shorts or a pink crop top or something. Jesse, by the way, is a guy. And they're going for funny and I get it. Not getting there. I guess. No, they're not getting there. It's just not his gift
Starting point is 00:24:45 you go to athleanx for information if you want like a fun like guy for fitness on youtube it's juji mufu it's got really long hair ripped out of his mind does like backflips and stuff and like he's a lot of fun to watch too and he's all these guys are so shredded it's just motivating when you watch like you'll watch like one video or two and be like ah i could be lifting right now i could be making another step closer to this guy one last one i want to throw out there for kyle or anyone who's interested buff dudes so buff dudes have a series of videos that just show you form and oftentimes that's what i need and some do nots which i also kind of need and uh they'll do a video there'll be two minutes long 90 seconds long on how to do a squat it's like ah thank you for that i didn't need 12 minutes on the evolution
Starting point is 00:25:32 of the squat over time from egypt till now i just want to think yes you could not be more right about that because i'll watch like some of those guys will be like you know perfect bench press form and instead of doing what like buff guys or athlete or those guys do where they're like, hey, we're here to learn how to bench press. So now let's start learning how to bench press. And then they do that. They'll be like, all right, guys, I got with me, Ted. I got muscle Steve. I've got sunglasses, Alan, and all their qualifications and their channels.
Starting point is 00:26:04 Before we get going we're gonna have a watermelon eating contest so we can get a real good pump yes like you're fucking cunts i don't give a shit how many watermelons you can eat what am i doing wrong with my form to get more chest gains but then they really do that do they have a watermelon eating contest no i picked something okay good but they'll do stupid shit like that honestly like like i don't like... I probably won't look at anything. I'll just lift weights until I can't. is really helpful for that. I know most of the basic exercises
Starting point is 00:26:40 and I just feel like that'll do. You're 33, is that right? Yeah. You're 33. Is that right? Yeah. Yeah. You might be fine. When I was 33, I would just exercise and be fine. At 45 and now 46, I find that if my form's not money, then I get hurt. And it's almost like exercising becomes a subtraction.
Starting point is 00:27:01 Like, all right, I wore out my shoulders a little bit today. I hope I can work out on Wednesday. They they do these ivs at the place too uh if i get the trt and i actually do start working out i might mix in some of the ivs they'll give you like this sports related iv and like it's just a huge amount of like vitamins and minerals and like stuff to help sports performance and they'll fucking just stick a needle in your arm and give you a bag while you're there. I wish they would slip you some saline solution every now and then so you could tell which one was placebo and which one wasn't.
Starting point is 00:27:32 A couple weeks goes by like, dude, two weeks ago that one was bullshit, right? Ah, you caught us. The same for it. That's why this program is so good. You get charged whether or not it's the placebo. Kyle, what are your goals like your gains goals like like big arms big traps big legs flat abs what's your i think it's far too early to even care about that
Starting point is 00:27:58 um i i'll see if they give it to me and then i'll go from there i i just like like i think that if you get too goal oriented then you can disappoint yourself very quickly. And I think it's better just to go and stick to it for a month or two months and kind of look for results and be happy with whatever results you've seen. You know what you should do? I'm thinking this now and I really think you should take a before picture. You don't even have to ever mention it again. But your time for taking a before picture might end tomorrow, right? So get your before picture
Starting point is 00:28:30 and... This is what my wall used to look like before I had all the rage. Yeah. Now look! Results are no results. You might want to show your before and after results, so you might just bury it, but it'll all be on you. I do that every time I work out. I have never wanted to show your before and after results, so you might just bury it. But it'll all be on you. I do that every time I work out.
Starting point is 00:28:46 I have never wanted to show the befores or the afters. Maybe this time it's different. Maybe you'll be Paula Costa. What were you thinking? Oh, this is the after? Oh, no. Turns out working out four times in three weeks doesn't do a lot yeah no when we when we all get on a nice little fitness weight lifting kick i think
Starting point is 00:29:10 i think it's like a rising tide that that raises all ships like we all go with it more i've been good lately kind of so i've been good when i'm home last three weekends in a row i went to georgia utah then georgia again and uh you just don't hit the gym when you're not home at least i don't but it's replaced with really active days you know like i i'm the mountain one i hiked a mountain climbing makes it sound different uh you know i do 18 000 step days of just like loading anchors on and off boats and carrying things around and getting people launched and uh 18 000 steps is a lot for me i don't know no it is a lot yeah i might pick up a hobby like that like rock climbing would be fun um i would i would want to do indoor rock climbing i've been watching i bet everybody has seen a video of that guy who free soloed that
Starting point is 00:29:56 say that again you wouldn't want or you would want i didn't hear i wouldn't want to do real rock climbing you prefer indoor i prefer the safety that indoor provides and the air conditioning i understand uh and the ability to like park rock climb get in your car and go um i like the things i like all of those things that come along with indoor rock climbing and i don't care for the doom and death that could possibly come around with uh and actually learning to rock climb that might come along with outdoor rock climbing but i i watched the video of that guy who free soloed that uh that thing in yosemite he's a young guy and his honarled or something el capitan probably probably he did a ted talk he was on rogan um i watched a video last night of him reviewing hollywood rock climbing uh it was really cool
Starting point is 00:30:44 to like see his he's watching like tom cruise and mission impossible one or two or something climb this rock face and he's like well that's just insane that's just insane you'd never do that you'd never do that like like he's going into like an iron crucifix there and what he didn't even have to he could have just it was neat to watch that come from an expert. He'd be somewhere there like, this is Hollywood silliness. That's not even how you'd recover.
Starting point is 00:31:10 And there were other times when he was like, that's a real thing, actually. They're hanging upside down with their balls on their forearm and they're like, that's a resting position. Oh, is it? It's like Sylvester Stallone in Cliffhanger climbing ice.
Starting point is 00:31:24 He's like, well, he's climbing ice with his bare hands. You would never do that. He's holding on to an icicle. I don't even remember this scene. And I was watching and I was like, this must be in the deleted scenes. Because I've seen Cliffhanger at least half a dozen times. And I'd never seen that
Starting point is 00:31:41 scene before. Cliffhanger's great if you've never seen it. And by great, I mean it's like an early 90s action movie with Stallone. And I can't think of the actors' names, but it's the tall guy from Harry and the Henderson. You know, the old guy, whatever his fucking name is. And it's the guy who says, Mary Poppins, y'all, from Guardians of the Galaxy. He's in there too. guy who says mary poppins y'all from uh guardians of the galaxy he's in there too and uh uh it's you know it's sylvester stallone as a rescue climber and he's he ends up with with none of his gear being forced to climb these mountains and retrieve money for these terrorists and of
Starting point is 00:32:17 course he's sylvester stallone so he just does it he's just climbing ice with his bare hands and stuff it's great it's great you know my issue with indoor rock climbing so i used to go i don't want to act like i was into it i wasn't you know and i was a guy who rented shoes but there were people there and you could tell they were the cool kids right and they're bouldering lines that i could never dream of doing and i'm just like ah the bar is too high for this if you're not an 18-year-old with 6% body fat, you're just passed to the side. Oh, yeah. That was a hobby that I figured out I do not have the build for quickly.
Starting point is 00:32:57 The first time I went to a rock climbing place, I was just like, I'm too big for this. Very quick over short distances. Pretty much. Pretty much. Very quick over short distances. much pretty much very quick over short distances yeah pretty much that like i i would get like one grip on it and be like okay i feel pretty safe here pretty soon i'll be ready to take my other foot off the ground and then i get like a little bit i also i'm not a fan of heights since i kind of spooked me a little bit like actually
Starting point is 00:33:22 when i would yeah i don't I would be really fucked up Oh that with actual heights like actually climbing something where like if I were to slip or fall or this word or break I would just fall and like it crippled it, you know fall 50 to 100 to you know Whatever 400 feet or whatever those crazy mountains they climb but like indoors I wouldn't give a shit, you know I've got a rope. I'm fearless late late. I've always felt like that if I've got a rope, I'm fearless. I've always felt like that. If I've got a rope, I'll do some silly shit. Yeah. It takes a bit, but
Starting point is 00:33:52 we did some junior rappelling. You and I did. Yeah. At first, it's like, all right, I am backing off of a 30-foot drop here down to the rocks below or the forest floor below. We the tree the the forest floor
Starting point is 00:34:06 below and we are out in the middle of nowhere let's hope that steve over there knew what he was doing when he when he put all this gear together because when you just you just do it and after a while you just trust the gear so much that it's not a thing you could go for that like instead of the weight lifting strength which of course you'll still weight lift and stuff you go for that climber strength well you'll just be like what he said lean is just string being lean but also got like some lean muscle on there and your grip strength will be insane that grip strength is neat like you can't see it from the outside like i don't look at a climber's fingers and be like damn that guy's got some i don't even know what these muscles would be called right but their
Starting point is 00:34:45 their hands are ugly i feel like there are no muscles in your hand it that's why they have big forearms because yeah there aren't any muscles it's all the grip well there's this muscle here but and this one over here but like all this stuff up here is like like wires and cables and pulleys and shit that that's doing everything else and like i don't know that no that's doing everything else. And like, I don't know. No, that's not muscle. It's all down here. This is muscle. Move around and feel your forearm. So I have a...
Starting point is 00:35:12 Oh yeah, well there are muscles that control the pulleys and stuff. I have damage to one of my nerves. So I have atrophy in my hand. The camera's not picking up very well. But there's no muscle here. It's sort of string beanie here and there's no muscle there. Oh man, yeah I can tell. Yeah, it's string beanie here, and there's no muscle there. Oh, man. Yeah, I can tell.
Starting point is 00:35:26 Yeah, it's just straight. Hold up your other hand next to it. Like your hand's just straight there. Look next to my thumb, and then next to my other thumb. Yeah. I've got a chunk of muscle there. Yeah. More on this hand, though.
Starting point is 00:35:38 I don't know. I don't know if you can see it, but this is like muscle there. And this is just like wrinkly. Masturbation, Joe. This is just like wrinkly, soft worthlessness. And this is like muscle there and this is just like wrinkly this is just like wrinkly soft worthlessness and this is muscle I don't know if you can see I don't know if you guys
Starting point is 00:35:54 are currently banging brandy which means that you're a member of the subreddit no I'm not fill us in on what this oh i thought i talked about this in the show maybe i just told people a lot of people about it so now it feels like everybody should know um if you go to the wings of redemption subreddit um it's like
Starting point is 00:36:14 5 000 finger sniffers which is how many are subscribed and like 75 people this is the online 75 people currently blacking brandy and so if you online, 75 people currently blacking Brandy. And so if you're online, you're currently blacking Brandy. And if you're subscribed, then you're a finger sniffer. And I'll admit they have a lot of funny memes over there. I saw one thing that creeped me out a little bit. I always draw the line when I feel like someone's done something a little too far. It's gone past a little bit of fun.
Starting point is 00:36:47 Someone took a picture of his house. And you can see his grandma and Harriet on the porch. And you can see his car and stuff. And it's just like, that's creepy. That's definitely the man's house. A hundred thousand percent. That is there. His car is.
Starting point is 00:37:01 Yep. There's his car. And I was like, I looked at the comments to see if somebody would call him out for being creepy. They were just like, his truck's not there. His car is, yep. There's his car. And, uh, and, and I was like, I looked at the comments to see if somebody would call him out for being creepy. They were just like, his truck's not there. Somebody goes, yeah,
Starting point is 00:37:09 he's probably out getting Wendy's chili. So over there, so over there, someone did some math and they added up how much the surgery supposedly cost versus wings posted a picture of a check kind of semi accidentally he was showing like his passports and stuff and all his gear when he was going and there's a check for 5500 and this guy really broke it down with with a timeline and dollar amounts to the point where wings was he british that seems like a very british guy it's a text post so i don't know
Starting point is 00:37:43 okay um but i'm actually looking at it i could link it yeah he broke it down and essentially like wings raised twenty five thousand dollars and it seems that the surgery only cost fifty five hundred i don't know nice little bit here i'm gonna i'm gonna pull stuff from my hat so forgive me but in defense of wings here's my suspicion. That check was $5,500, but I bet he also made a deposit. So I don't know what that... Okay, I invented that.
Starting point is 00:38:11 Even he says that the surgery was $5,500. Okay, so the surgery was $5,500 and I was wrong about the deposit. But didn't he fly himself and a caretaker out to Mexico? He and his mother flew Spirit Airlines. They flew Coach out there,
Starting point is 00:38:27 and they flew what he calls the big seats on the way back, which is not first class. No, Spirit doesn't have first class. But, you know, he booked those tickets so far in advance. I'm sure he got a great deal. I was referring to him talking about how he had book tickets But probably hadn't really Talking
Starting point is 00:38:48 So then you've got to I think his stay at the Holiday Inn was included In the whole thing If not, how much does it cost to stay at the Holiday Inn You know It just seems like Thousands of dollars went missing And instead of him being like look
Starting point is 00:39:07 guys you gave me the money i'll do what i want with it he's just like no no no it all got spent up or you know i had to pay taxes on that money all of it and it's like maybe isn't some of that tax deductible like like like some some of the i could be out of date, but medical costs, well, that's a fair point. I didn't think of it as a business expense. It used to be you had to exceed 7% of your income in medical expenses before it became tax deductible on a personal level. That could be
Starting point is 00:39:36 out of date. But I don't know. I don't know. 7% before tax, yeah. I don't know. But yeah before tax. I don't know. It just seems like some money went missing. Then the guy lays it out there, I think, in that post. He's like, and then right after he got back,
Starting point is 00:39:54 he went on a spending spree. He's getting an iPhone X. He gets a new car. He upgrades the car. He buys a wagon for somebody. A chair. He got a new chair you know got a new chair yeah i guess those chairs are like 700 bucks or something crazy right he can't get a bad chair
Starting point is 00:40:11 this one is he needs a good chair yeah that's a way you have to have one that'll yeah like for the task if you just go to office max and buy a random chair it could be too small or too weak so he invested the fear would be and look i have this fear as a normal sized man my chair is just a random aren't we all afraid of that after seeing that meme where like the the rod stuck up through the seat of the chair and went into the man's asshole have you seen that no there's this there it's an image it's an image where like you know you've got this piston rod this hydraulic piston rod under you right now woody i like you and i both do i don't know what uh taylor's sitting in but like you know that's your ability to go and like slide up and down there's a metal hydraulic piston rod down there that's loaded and i guess like the rod came through the bottom of this guy's chair into his
Starting point is 00:41:01 asshole and the the after picture is just the chair with a bloody rod sticking up through the middle like sticking up like significant eight nine inches like i'm sure didn't penetrate him to that degree but it went into his asshole and and not in a friendly kind of like dildo way like a jagged metal rod kind of way so the bad kind of metal rod in your asshole yeah the bad kind when you never shit right again oh that poor guy of metal rotting your asshole. Yeah, the bad kind where you never shit right again. Was he a big fella? I have no idea. See, it's just a picture on the internet and a story.
Starting point is 00:41:36 But I have always had that fear that that could... So I'm not getting some bullshit chair. I'm not getting one of those Office Max chairs for $68 or something like that. I didn't get a $1,000 chair. I think this was like $700. It's the one I'm so happy I got. The arms go up and down and in and out and forward and backwards because it's a gaming chair.
Starting point is 00:41:56 This part of my arm has a rest that's perfectly level with my table. But what I'm getting at is wings bought a fairly expensive chair. And what that guy in the post was getting at was that like, seems like you bought about $4,000 worth of toys a few months after you got back from your surgery. Actually, if you count the car, then like eight or $9,000 for the toys.
Starting point is 00:42:22 Yeah. Well, okay. So the surgery was 55. I'm going to guess travel and hotel for a week for two people is over $2,000. Flying to Mexico? You know what? Well, they flew to San Diego.
Starting point is 00:42:36 We looked that up one time, and it was like, it was less than $400 a ticket. Oh. All right, I was less than 400 a ticket. So, Oh, all right. I was expecting you to be like, well, I just looked it up now, Kyle.
Starting point is 00:42:50 It is three 28. Oh yeah. Actually. And that's spirit. Three 28. So I, I thought it was going to be higher. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:00 Um, and you know, I want to believe the guy, you know, I I'm, I'm happy that he got the surgery i was proud of him when he got it uh a lot of people didn't think he would get it and i i didn't think for sure that he'd get it but he did he even references you in this little video um where he says you know yeah he says that you were his motivator to to like because when he was in the hospital he was afraid and he showed a little video clip. And you see him.
Starting point is 00:43:25 And he looks like a zombie. Like, he's just, like, deadpan. He's like, I was so scared. I was so scared. He's got the gown and the cap on. He's like, I'm so scared right here. And I just thought about Woody's gamer tag. When he said, you've only got to be brave for a few seconds to make a lifetime decision.
Starting point is 00:43:40 A lifetime worth of, like, difference. That's one of the good things i've done like like my channel has done some good you know it makes me proud one second god knows how many children you've gotten laid dude i have this picture on my wall and and it says you only need to be brave for a second the rest will take take care of itself. Someone made this. They were inspired by it. The bungee jumper's motto. I'm proud of it. It was cliff jumping. That's one of the things that popped into my head.
Starting point is 00:44:18 It also applies to asking out girls and stuff. I had a lot of young viewers asking for advice in that area. It was like, yeah, just initiate. Just start. Talk to her. Then the rest will take care of itself. Anyway, i'm glad that it had a positive impact for him i also feel like like i always knew that part of this donation was like look he's gonna be out of work for a while um because of the actual surgery and then the recovery from the surgery and like yeah um i don't care what he did with the money like my thoughts have always been that you gave him the money.
Starting point is 00:44:48 You can't really have strings attached to the money you gave him. You don't get ownership of this man forever. At some point, he's going to be able to say, hey, it turned out everything was a little cheaper than I thought it was going to be. You know what would help my mental
Starting point is 00:45:04 health right now? If I had an iPhone X. That would make me feel like a healthier version of me. You know what else would? A sports car. And a bit of gambling. It's getting a little hard to swallow. I'd like to take some of that money you guys sent me and I'd like to gamble it away. Because that would
Starting point is 00:45:19 cheer me up and it would improve my mental health. You know that whore you sent to my house? I paid her. Just saying. I gave her a little of that money. She ate my ass. She hated it. I imagine.
Starting point is 00:45:35 Someone asked him that question the other day. He's like, do you like to have your ass eaten? He's like, I'm a big guy. I never know if I'm clean down there. Not a good idea. Self-aware. Self-aware. Go Wings.
Starting point is 00:45:49 I love that answer. I hope he didn't. There's this thing about he beat the surgery. There's the meme, this and that. I hope it's not true. He doesn't even need to lose a lot. If he lost two pounds a month, I'd be pretty excited for him. Just keep that going.
Starting point is 00:46:05 Anything is better than nothing. If he's already resigning is better than nothing by definition well i mean like as far as like i'm being serious though like if he loses pain if he loses one pound a week like that's better than resigning himself to defeat and just being like well i'm out i'm done i'm always gonna be this heavy may as well eat the out i'm done i'm always going to be this heavy may as well eat the way i've always eaten and then he's gaining in a short six years he'll be at his goal with that right that's great yeah better that than to be even heavier than he is now in six years no no i'm not being facetious so you know six eight more years of of of good old dieting and he'll be there now see usually when you're looking for fitness plans you'll find this out they say do
Starting point is 00:46:44 you want a six week plan do you want an eight-week plan you want a 12-week plan and then you can switch it up after that nah nah fool you need a plan for the 2020s the entirety of it you know what do you want to look like 10 years from now this is the mentality to have five years from now wings is going to be 38 you know and he can be a thinner one or a fatter one. It's on him. And when you get into your late 30s, being really, really heavy starts to get dangerous. It's not just like, oh, you're just a fat guy. It's like, no, you're getting to the cusp of when real health problems are going to start rolling in.
Starting point is 00:47:22 And you think it sucks being heavy and fat at 29, 32 at 34 wait till you hit 40 like our bodies are pretty resilient you can do some awful shit to them and they'll just take it and they'll just keep coming but um i i feel like you know you sort of start declining in your in your mid 30s and late 30s to some extent like it's not like your life is over or anything. I was saying in the text. But you're not able to shoulder the literal weight of the situation as well. When you're 35, playing a pro sport, they're like, this guy's a medical miracle.
Starting point is 00:48:00 And you're like, okay. Yeah, it gets even younger. I'm seeing 32-year-old guys in the NHL this year where they're like, well, we're not offering him a five-year contract. He's 32. He may as well be dead. Soon. Yeah, that's how it is. Kevin Durant didn't get the Supermax.
Starting point is 00:48:20 He's arguably the best player right now. He's a basketball player. Anyway. They assigned Jose Aldo to an eight-fight deal. Supermax. He's arguably the best player right now. He's a basketball player. Anyway, so... They assigned Jose Aldo to an eight-fight deal. He was talking about going off to do boxing, so they chopped that shit right down. They did Anderson Silva like that, too. Yeah, yeah. This is a while ago, so he might even be through it. But he got a ten-fight deal at a time everybody was getting threes.
Starting point is 00:48:46 And they were just like, we need to lock in fighters so that they retire here. Oh, man. We never talked about BJ Penn going wild at the strip club. Did you see that video? Yeah, he was a fight. He got top, right? He ground and pounded the guy a bit. Yeah, he beat up a bouncer.
Starting point is 00:49:01 Yeah. They're good. They're good. First win in a while. That was the number one comment. Glad he broke the losing streak. I thought I was so clever. Yeah, fucking ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:49:16 This is a huge weekend of fights. I say it every time one of these super cards comes around, but if anybody out there is an amateur fan or you watch one card a year two cards a year this may very well be that card to purchase or stream john jones headlines you gotta do i love him or hate him he's one of the top five draws in the ufc right now uh below one gotta be well probably mcgregor is a person where's he at right now okay i was actually getting
Starting point is 00:49:45 somewhere on this guy that just beat mcgregor i'm going for habib habib in my heart is probably the top draw he might be yeah he's the number one paid guy so that that would make sense and then i i'd be delusional if i thought dc was a bigger draw than john jones but he's also a top five draw perhaps yeah Yeah. Um, so yeah, Jones is fighting. Holly home is fighting a man in Nunez. Um, and then this big fight,
Starting point is 00:50:10 the biggest one for me honestly is on, is Jorge Masvidal versus Ben Askren. Cause they've just, there's been so much vitriol. There's been so much hate spewed back and forth between the two of them where like Ben Askren is like a witty, smart guy. Who's like picking on you to like pump the fight up jorge masvidal is like a dumb street thug who's just like not getting the jokes and getting real mad about it he doesn't play that shit and i feel like
Starting point is 00:50:37 kyle's description was on target but i see it slightly differently like i don't know for example i don't know if you've ever had anyone in your life who just doesn't like to be touched right don't put your hand on his shoulder don't this guy is not a fucking toucher give him some space jorge like okay he's not as smart as askren but he's not a goofy guy he doesn't like being joked around with some people don't like being picked on you could say he can't take a joke but like they're just that's not how they roll that's not how he rolls he's about respect he's about you know the consequences for words that that's that's how he is and askren is just a whole different universe right he's been to college he's he's a different guy and uh they they'll never be friends.
Starting point is 00:51:28 So I like watching the lead up to it. I like watching Askren, you know. So Jorge Masvidal is the guy who said, you know, the guy talks shit to me, so I hit him with a three-piece and a soda. They asked Ben Askren about it. He's like, that's not witty, but it was cool. I'll give him credit for saying a neat thing. But, you know, that 12-year-old girl who said, catch me outside, how about that?
Starting point is 00:51:47 Yeah. That's the same thing, right? She wasn't clever or witty. She just came up with a thing that made her career. That's what he did. He just said a goofy thing. Anyway, I'm very interested in that fight. I can't wait.
Starting point is 00:52:01 I don't know who's going to win. I would lean toward Ben because you know I always lean toward the wrestler or the guy who's who's about controlling where the fight goes over the striker um and I think Jorge is more of a volume striker than he is a knockout artist despite uh his last fight his last two fights the one he had in the ring and then the one he had in the uh in the press conference. So I think that we saw that Ben can take a serious beating when Robbie got all over him. I don't think Jorge has Robbie Lawler power, and I think that Ben is going to weather whatever storm is required
Starting point is 00:52:37 to get inside and grab on to Jorge, and then it's going to be all Shiro. So up until the last sentence, I was on board with everything. Only caveat is, this guy fought Damian Maia, perhaps the best ground fighter in the history of mixed martial arts across the entire universe. And he lost to a split decision. The guy went all three rounds with him. He couldn't
Starting point is 00:52:57 get finished against a guy who's much better on the ground than Ben Askren. So I don't know what... I don't know who's going to win. Maya's more about submissions though, right? He is. I think he had position all the time and just didn't finish him. Then the guy's defense was better than expected.
Starting point is 00:53:15 I think Askren's better at grinding out those decisions with just position. I feel like his wrestling is more about gaining and maintaining strong positions and even in transition always being in that scramble of transition between whatever north south and some sort of side control or something he's gonna be the 200 iq guy and that's in that scenario where like you might be afraid or you not you personally
Starting point is 00:53:43 but his opponent might be afraid uh we'd all be afraid here perfect if ben askren put his hands on me i'll be like ray yeah no no they tell you to yell fire that's right fire ben askren spent most of his year not in the ufc but in something called one fighting championship and because of that i haven't really seen his whole body of work i just know his reputation and uh i guess we'll learn more i've seen his body though and it's hilarious yes yes i compare okay with my shirt off to ben askren yeah i do too like like ben askren has dad bod like he's got like love handles and he's got like no he doesn't have defined pecs he He doesn't even have strong arms, it seems. They don't look that way.
Starting point is 00:54:28 But then he does that double watermelon crush with his arms, and it's just like, I picked up a watermelon today at the market. I couldn't crush that watermelon. Dude, other fighters were like, that had to be a fake video. He's like, I think those were doctored watermelons. He doctored the melon. Yeah. He looks like a normal dude you'd see at a pool. Yeah. Like a fake video. He's like, I think those were doctored watermelon. He doctored the melon. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:48 He looks like a normal dude you'd see at a pool. Yeah. Like a public pool. Oh, totally. Luke Rockhold's fighting. Am I right about that? Luke Rockhold was on the card. There may have been some kerfuffle with his opponent. I didn't follow the...
Starting point is 00:55:04 I'm not a big Lukeke rockhold fan i don't know he's middleweight right it says he's fighting he's actually doing his 205 debut if i'm right okay he says he's fighting jan blockowitz yeah i think maybe he lost his original opponent okay i couldn't say for sure uh exactly what's going on there. Diego Sanchez versus Michael Chessia? Always like watching Diego fight. Diego's a madman. He's kind of nutty. A little cringy at the same time. He clearly knows that he's nutty,
Starting point is 00:55:36 but I always like to watch his fights. Do you remember The Secret? You guys were probably young, but when I was in my 20s or something, The Secret was a big deal. You guys were probably young. Yeah, yeah. When I was in my 20s or something, the secret was a big deal. And you just visualize success. You imagine things happening and then it happens. Like everyone was a Jedi or something.
Starting point is 00:55:55 Well, Diego is all about the secret. And he just does exercises where he screams yes. Just says yes. He does yes cartwheels. And they had it on video at the Ultimate Fighter where he's just doing cartwheels, yelling yes, yes, yes across the grass. That is just one of many, many things that he's crazy,
Starting point is 00:56:16 he's silly, and he's nice. He's up against Chessia, who's a dick. Yeah, isn't it? Yeah. It's going to be a good year of fighting. I'm very excited about the rest of the year. Colby Covington is finally going to fight. I don't even remember the last time he fought.
Starting point is 00:56:32 I feel like Conor has fought more regularly than Colby Covington has. Since he won that interim belt and went to the White House. I don't even remember the last time. Robbie Lawler? Is that right? He's going to fight Robbie, yeah. And get destroyed, I predict. I always bet on Robbie.
Starting point is 00:56:50 Robbie's a bad motherfucker. Robbie just looks the part. Robbie just looks the part. And it's not overstated. He's not an overstated badass. He's the opposite. He's an understated badass. And yet, he still looks scary as fuck and just hard as nails.
Starting point is 00:57:07 And he looks like he's got mental strength. Like something about the way he carries himself in interviews, in pre-fight, post-fight, in the cage. It just seems to me that Robbie Lawler really has his head screwed on straight. And this is business as usual. Oh, I'm in the ring. A million people are watching. There's another half-naked man coming across there that's been training for six months to destroy me. Another day in the office. Robbie Lawler.
Starting point is 00:57:32 A couple things. I love Robbie Lawler. I love his personality. He's one of my favorite fighters to watch, to listen to, like Kyle pointed out. He doesn't seem to value his fighting skills that much and by that i mean like people are like dude you realize this is an auditorium of 2 000 regular people and you could beat all of them up and he just like but that's silly like like like he values like he just does it like i don't know it must be an interesting thing to walk
Starting point is 00:58:05 around and always be tougher than everybody else in line of sight always that's that's the life you could say that to a it's almost like you're saying it to a gun owner like hey dude you you could kill anyone here you want yeah but that's fucking crazy don't even say that out loud jesus christ but i don't know that they all do that, right? Like, I've heard Chuck Liddell, I bet. I bet he's very aware. Like, I'm in this club, and if there's any trouble, I'm the guy that handles it. Or at least, you know, prime Chuck Liddell.
Starting point is 00:58:33 If Chuck Liddell is going up against that bouncer in Hawaii, my money's on the bouncer in Hawaii. Well, isn't Chuck Liddell, like, 70 years old? I was really going for the Chuck Liddell that used to go to clubs a lot. Yeah, back when he was in his 30s. Oh, yeah. Back, cocaine Chuck Liddell that used to go to clubs a lot. Back when he was in his 30s. Cocaine Chuck Liddell? Well, fuck your world up. Oh my god. Coked out Chuck Liddell.
Starting point is 00:58:52 Might as well be an actual pit bull. The thing I was going to say about Robbie. I hate that I believe this. I think he's on performance enhancing drugs. The fact that he had a career resurgence in his mid-30s and looks like an action figure. Yeah, he does. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:59:12 I'd like to see one of those embedded series to see what his work ethic is like. I feel like for him to maintain what he currently has and where he is, both from a performance level, a skill level, and from a physicality sort of standpoint, he must be putting some time in at his age.
Starting point is 00:59:32 Or, like you said, he's on something. I'm looking at a picture of him now. This is going to be a big link, but it'll take you to where I am. He has traps, traps right these are traps taylor back me up here from your neck to your yeah yeah yeah they're a muscle group that responds to steroids really well and i'm just looking at him like oh my they're outstanding that is probably steroids yeah but i don't want it to be true so it's not yeah i like it i like him a lot um uh i like maybe not in this picture he's like screaming and flexing and so like you can tell
Starting point is 01:00:13 so maybe like he looks more normal when he's just yeah mine probably look like that too if i were to scream yeah that's exactly how i look when i when i upset, when I get excited about winning a bout in the UFC. Yeah, he could be. You never know. I think they've got the best testing in the entire sports world right now, like outside of the Olympics. And we've even seen that in the Olympics, because it is basically Olympic level.
Starting point is 01:00:41 And what we've seen in the Olympics is it really depends on who's the home country, if they're going to be legit or not. saw what the fucking ruskies did yeah russia's super corrupt but i don't think china's going to be much less no china sends those like children in and lies about how old they are in gymnastics because apparently it's an advantage to be 12. Dude, yeah, I don't know why. The Russian sampling was hilariously corrupt. And you expect it to be kind of high tech, right? Like, oh, they're fumbling this or that, or they're forging tests or whatever.
Starting point is 01:01:21 No, the office that held the samples had a fucking glory hole. And they would just pass good p in and bad like that thing at the bank they're just like and an inside job although they did come up with a very sophisticated way to like crack into that piss jar because they had like these custom-made piss jars that have like a a non tamper a tamper proof type lid and it's very sophisticated it's not like a milk jug where if you just twist the whole thing just right it'll come off anyway without pulling the tab like like it was it was so that it was tamper evident if somebody fucked with it they'd know i don't remember i think they either built a machine
Starting point is 01:02:02 to get around that or something i watched that whole novitsky documentary um icarus or something icarus icarus is great very oh you haven't seen icarus no i've heard a million times how great it is and i yeah very good very good um i never have the commitment to watch it's like 90 minutes long right so instead i choose four half hour youtube videos because i don't have time for 90-minute movies. I watched the 90-minute documentary about Bob Lazar that's on Netflix. It just came out. It's the reason he was on Joe Rogan. And I feel like him being on Joe Rogan
Starting point is 01:02:35 pumped it up to be trending on Netflix. For people who aren't, we talked about it in the PKA Hangout, Bob Lazar worked at Area 51 and has seen alien spacecraft. Yeah, he claims he has. And he's got a very bizarre story where a lot of it has come true. A lot of the things that he said that he saw at the time were actual top secret stuff. And now it's released. And he's like, yeah, you see?
Starting point is 01:03:02 And he can prove he worked at certain facilities. I won't go into it a second time. But it seems like everything he said has either come true or not come true yet nothing's been pretty false yeah we haven't seen any flying saucers yet or anything and again i don't know how i feel about the whole thing uh but i watched the 90 minute documentary and what what was interesting to me is he's into jets and rockets so like he He built his first jet motorcycle when he was a teenager. His mom is like, I just looked out the window and there's Bob on some sort of
Starting point is 01:03:32 a rocket bike. I looked and then he put a rocket or a jet engine on a Honda. He's just driving around town in a Honda with a huge jet engine coming out the back that's almost as big as the Honda itself.
Starting point is 01:03:48 And then like modern day Bob Lazar, who's I guess in his 50s or maybe early 60s, he's got a bicycle and it's got like this bottle of jet fuel and this like a capacitor or something. I don't know anything about this thing. And he goes, he turns a knob and he goes, and a jet turns on in the back and you see like the cone that like shapes the exhaust turned red hot and then he goes and takes off on his bicycle that has a jet engine on it like a little jet engine the size of like maybe a little bigger than a 20 ounce bottle is like the actual jet part. I immediately go pulse jet engines for sale. Like I want one.
Starting point is 01:04:28 I want one on my, I don't have a bicycle, but I'll get one. God damn it. Let's go to buy a bicycle to buy the, the rocket. Yeah. People have made,
Starting point is 01:04:37 um, paramotors with jet engines like that. Oh, don't rocket engines. Yeah. That seems like risky business. Don't do that. That's it.
Starting point is 01:04:44 That seems outrageous. You know the big issue I have is the noise. It's more unpleasant, I've found. The noise of you hitting the ground. That's the one you should be concerned with. I don't know how to describe this noise of propulsed flame.
Starting point is 01:04:59 It's super loud and it's like standing outside at the airport. You've probably never done that. Where do you attach the jet like to your back yeah like instead of the fan you have a jet on your back is that the deal yes okay all right that's that's that's cool as shit you're a rocketeer virtually at that point oh you know they have rocketeer suits now that's cool are you gonna buy one of those no i'm not gonna buy a fucking rocketeer suit i i at the most i'm i'm i'm actually looking at these these jet engines to put onto something because they're affordable and you can kind of make them yourself and you buy a kit you just build the thing so i
Starting point is 01:05:35 might make some sort of a jet bike um just for fuck just to fuck around it's not expensive if you click on that link you'll see one one example of it. Oh, that's Death Incarnate. Yeah, so the guy's just got two jets, a left and a right one. Kinetic jetpack designer Jack McCormick, minutes before he exploded. Yeah, and you use a paraglider overhead for lift, and there you are. You're a human airplane. Holy shit, dude. Your neighbors would love this.
Starting point is 01:06:03 It's a really unpleasant sound. Paramotors in general are unpleasant sounding, but this is worse. Stick with the boilerplate paramotor. This doesn't look like it's been FDA approved or whoever needs to approve this. Probably not the FDA.
Starting point is 01:06:19 You certainly can't eat this. Oh, it's so loud. It's a screech. I just found a video of a guy who has what looks like a more modern version. Can you link it? Yeah. It's like...
Starting point is 01:06:33 It's just a really annoying, high-pitched scream, screech thing. All right, so this is the test flight. Look at those jet engines on either side of him. What if you touch one? Seems like none of this looks smart. No. Well, he's got a helmet.
Starting point is 01:06:53 It's not an anti-fire helmet. And if it were, it's only on his head. He's going to need some fish skin after this. I think he ended up in the tilapia section of his local chicken market. By sound, I think those might be ducted fans, not jets. Really? Paraglide thrusters. Paraglide test flight with dream science propulsion thruster system.
Starting point is 01:07:24 Let me google that dream science propulsion a friend of mine remember the girl i took up tandem i sent you guys some texts she landed in a tree a few days ago and when i first saw her landing in a tree i thought it was the funniest thing lots of pilots land in trees. They rarely get hurt. It's great. It's a cool experience. It teaches you not to go too close to trees.
Starting point is 01:07:50 It's cool. So I listen to the video now. Oh, my God. Just the audio is compelling. To hear the, I don't know how to describe panic breathing, but it's like the like the terror and, and like 30 seconds before it happens, she's talking to an instructor.
Starting point is 01:08:11 She's out there taking lessons and she's like, I am not going to make it back to the LZ guys, guys, I'm going down and you're looking at it. And like, even though I know how it ends, I have hope, right?
Starting point is 01:08:24 Like if I were like, I'm looking at this video. I think there's 50-50 she hits trees. And there's one particularly tall one. And she skims it and makes it past. And you're like, oh, could she? Maybe. And then the next one comes. And the next one seemed a little taller than average.
Starting point is 01:08:42 But it's like, dude, they're all seeming taller than average as she gets closer and closer to the canopy and uh she hits the tree and her wing stops flying now it's not a wing anymore it's not a device that gives lift it's a parachute a big branch catcher and she just drops what i'll call 20 feet straight down like free falls and and and she's not feet first she's kind of like back first as she's dropping through the canopy and then the lines suspender like 30 feet off the ground and it's like oh well we've changed problems and uh man i can't wait for her edited video to come out she's also an actress so she just like good storytelling and it's having like a secondhand fear injury off of this thing like it's it's frightening to watch yeah
Starting point is 01:09:37 the picture you texted us was really funny it's like her doing a selfie in a tree going hey dude that's it it's in the video right so she's like she's just happy she's not dead click i'm like that picture looks so funny and like settled it okay but the breathing that you don't see in the picture was so panicked and she said like immediately she comes on the radio, I'm okay, I'm okay. And I'm like, you don't know you're okay yet. You hit a tree 15 seconds ago. Have you wiggled your toes?
Starting point is 01:10:13 I can't wait for her video to come out. You don't know if there's leopards in there. Oh, she didn't get down for a long time. Like, where she landed wasn't near any roads or even paths so she's like blowing a whistle while the rescuers try to find it was hours she's hanging from trees high and safe but she's hearing wolves and getting eaten alive by mosquitoes and listening to wolves and she says uh this really sucks she's facebook messaging us all night while she's in this situation. It'd be so easy to troll her.
Starting point is 01:10:50 Like, hey, we're packing it in for the night. We're going to come back out in the morning and continue the search. Hang tight. I don't know how she got down. I want to ask about it. You can see that she threw her reserve after she crashed. Because that's the thing people do sometimes. They throw the reserve to ask about it. You can see that she threw her reserve after she crashed.
Starting point is 01:11:06 That's a thing people do sometimes. They throw the reserve and climb down it. I don't know what they did. Interesting. I'm glad she's okay. She is. Two days later they got the gear. At least they got her ship. Yep.
Starting point is 01:11:20 PKN 254? Yep.

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