Painkiller Already - PKN #255

Episode Date: July 19, 2019

It's PKN time baby! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 of it pkn 255 we were just brainstorming on topics uh the epstein thing came up for me and we were starting it let me lay it out there there's this dude he's rich he's not a billionaire but he's like like millionaire doesn't even multi-millionaire like a hundred millionaire yeah right he's a nine digit guy yeah yeah so he's really rich and um someone said something on reddit that i thought was interesting to. So he got busted as a pedophile. And this guy is not just a regular pedophile. He is like a sex ring kind of tourist guy. He's the P.T. Barnum of poutine pussy.
Starting point is 00:00:35 That's a great line. All right. All right. So and he got off. He was found like guilty in some way of. oh, let me just double-check my audio. It should be good. All right. He got off with, like, almost nothing.
Starting point is 00:00:51 Like, I want to say that his sentence was lighter than Kyle's. Like, for, like – I don't even know. How many kids did Kyle fuck? Zero. This guy's got, like, decades of teen pussy that he's been fucking, right? Oh, what a life. This might be your whole, we might have to bring up the whole Walder Frey thing. I mean, a life of free teen pussy.
Starting point is 00:01:13 So, and someone was like, oh man, there's different standards for the rich. And a Reddit comment caught my attention in an interesting way. And they're like, he's not just rich, right? If you, Reddit commenter or listener or whatever, suddenly won a half billion dollar lottery, you wouldn't get this guy's treatment. He's not just rich, he's connected. And he's connected all over.
Starting point is 00:01:38 Like the Lolita Express was the name of his jet. And Bill Clinton has taken several rides on this jet clinton says look i flew with the guy four times and they were for like uh hiv fundraisers for africa or something like that but apparently that's a good way apparently there are records like flight logs of him being on it 26 times so you, you know, 426, who remembers? Right? Like anyone could have made that mistake. On the Republican side, he's connected there too.
Starting point is 00:02:11 So Trump had high praise for him. He's like, oh, he's a great guy. He likes beautiful women as much as I do. Him on the younger side. That's the Trump quote. Trump's secretary of labor is the guy that gave him that sweetheart sentence, sentence in quotes. The jail sentence I'm trying to say, not a grammatical one. So this guy's got every bun from every side eaten out of his hands.
Starting point is 00:02:37 He is crazy connected. So Schumer and Pelosi are demanding that the Secretary of Labor resign. Because basically by giving him that really short sentence, they shut down the FBI investigation and slapped him on the wrist and let him off. And he's, I want to say he's literally a pedophile. We've had discussions on the show before. I think as young as 14 makes him not technically a pedophile. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:03 I actually recently looked this up for no apparent reason at all there is a completely different word if you're attracted to i believe it's like 14 to 19 all the way up to 19 is considered like in the same category it's a difficult to uh pronounce oh i know it's like a heebie-jeebie file or something exactly it's it's i don't know what the prefix is and uh i was like, well, that's bullshit. 19 is definitely a woman. And somebody was like, not in South Korea. Apparently, the age I can sit in South Korea is either 19 or 20. me wouldn't hit woman until she was 20 but uh but sometimes you could argue that if you're sexually attracted to this person and she's 15 you're sexually attracted to a mature woman just a really young one you know at least the body of one yeah yeah right you know like brook shields is a big example she was in blue lagoon at 12 looked like a woman really very young one of
Starting point is 00:03:59 course but like not like a girl so uh anyway, this guy liked young women. He's crazy connected. And it's interesting to see. The Democrats are like, we like to punish all the pedophiles. But the thing is, I was thinking about it in terms of chess. They're like, we'll gladly give up our Bill Clinton, some president elected in 1992, for your Trump. You know, like, you take my, I don't know, bishop, and I'll take your queen. And so that's the same thing. It's not our Obama, no.
Starting point is 00:04:26 Yeah. Even Obama, like it. No, they want that Obama. They're holding that close. Okay. Obama, I don't know what the second best way to bring a rook. No, Obama's the queen. Oh, I would argue that like Biden is the queen right now.
Starting point is 00:04:41 Oh, no. Obama. Oh, Biden's the rook. Obama's tired. Okay. Well, Biden's the rook. Obama's tired. Okay. Well, anyway. They're going to wheel Biden. I mean, Obama right out this election cycle.
Starting point is 00:04:51 He's going to pick one of these, whoever the front runner is, that when it comes down to Trump versus Warren or Trump versus Biden or even Trump versus Bernie, I guarantee Obama's out there talking mad shit. You might be right. Maybe Obama's a valuable piece on this board. He's the most valuable. Who's not that valuable is Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton didn't get Hillary Clinton elected.
Starting point is 00:05:12 Bill Clinton looks like he's been weekend at Bernie the last three years. No. His eyes are so sunken in, it's weird. Bill Clinton looks like he's been married to a succubus for the last 45 years, and she's slowly been drawing the life force out of him. He really does look soulless. I kind of think that sometimes older people, when you get
Starting point is 00:05:34 old enough, like post-65-70, you look a little better fat. You know? The sunken in, the loose skin, a little plumpness, it adds some youth to you. it stretches you out yeah especially if you gain the weight late in life because i think one of the issues is clinton was a little chubby in his prime and then he deflated leaving extra skin and then
Starting point is 00:05:56 the extra skin wrinkled and that's a very specific look like if if if wings ever loses all the weight and then becomes a 78 year old man, he's going to look, remember Futurama when the crab man would be out of his shell and he'd just be all moist and like huge wrinkles and you're like, wow, what is everyone looking at? That's going to be him. Like you don't want to go in that direction. It might also have to do with expectations too. Like, like I, it, Clinton, in my mind's eye, isn't the current Bill Clinton.
Starting point is 00:06:27 So to see him all deflated and wrinkled and stuff, he might have aged more gracefully in my head if he was always thin like that instead of deflated. This Epstein guy, though, I know we got off into the weeds a little bit. The little girls he was flying around apparently on his jet, that wasn't like 16, 17, 18. That was like five, six.
Starting point is 00:06:51 They love airplane rides. Well, okay, you're saying something different than what I read. I heard it as young as 14. Ah, okay. Well, then I must have heard the wrong thing. I'm only as reliable as my sources. I don't know. Maybe yours is better.
Starting point is 00:07:04 No, I'm probably making it sources. I don't know. Maybe yours is better. No, I'm probably making it up. I don't know. You see the pedophile word thrown around so much that my mind, when I see pedophile, I just jump to an eight-year-old. Roger that. That's what I associate it with in my head. Yeah. I hope. I don't care who the fuck gets taken down by this.
Starting point is 00:07:20 I hope all of them. All of them get taken down. by this. I hope all of them, all of them get taken down. It's like an open secret in all these high caste places in Hollywood and politics and whatever, religion, business. There's something about being really powerful that makes you want to
Starting point is 00:07:34 do horrible things to children, apparently. And I hope all of them go down. I hope this guy starts singing. This one says she was 14 when the abuse began. So it seems like 14, 15, 16, right when they're in their sweet spot. She's got a picture of herself here on her little 14-year-old diary. She's in braces.
Starting point is 00:07:52 Cute girl. There's a number. I don't know what it is. I'm going to call it 15 million. Well, you can buy everything you want, right? Unless you're looking for a $100 million yacht or really crazy. You can pretty much just all day long never worry about money at 50 you can go to the apple store and buy it out what's that cost you could buy the apple store right right like you know well that's that's like a level of wealth
Starting point is 00:08:15 that most people don't have most people have to save up and think and you know it's bruce lane what level wealth that's it's where you know they tell you that your girl's dressed wrong for the club. You just buy the club. So I don't know. It seems like after $15 million, it's almost not about the things you can buy. You can have a Tesla. It doesn't even matter. It's about the access you can get. And that starts being a weird thing.
Starting point is 00:08:39 Like it's parties. It's elbow rubbing. It's politicians. This guy bought access and has his entire life and yeah i can't wait to see how it plays out i won't be shocked at all if this guy gets i heard i was watching a um a right-wing political youtuber and he calls it arkansided right you know all the like deaths that have been like loosely connected to the clintons he's like this guy might get arkansided you know as i say he'll be murdered because he loosely connected to the Clintons. He's like, this guy might get Arkansas-ed.
Starting point is 00:09:06 As they say, he'll be murdered because he's connected to Bill Clinton. Suicide. Two to the back of the head. That's what he said. Some are people related to Arkansas. If this guy gets suicided, everyone's going to have to come out and be like, are we all going to
Starting point is 00:09:22 pretend? Really? He's so connected. Imagine if this guy came out like i just saw this about him with kevin spacey apparently he flew bill clinton and kevin spacey to africa and i would i would wager that it wasn't for uh benevolent i disagree i disagree see i i disagree about this I think that so I definitely I see where that's fishy but I bet the list of celebrities
Starting point is 00:09:51 that he's had on his plane is wide and far because while we keep talking about the pedophile we're calling him a pedophile but you gotta forget you can't forget about that part where we're saying a very influential pedophile he's gaining that influence by having his fingers in a lot of pots, right? Like doing this charity work.
Starting point is 00:10:09 And if you're a pedophile, let's be realistic here. Like most people find that to be abhorrent behavior. You can't literally have a plane with like, let's just say five or six underage girls who are there for sex. You can't be doing that a lot with lots of people willy nilly. Somebody's going to rat you out immediately. you can't be doing that a lot with lots of people willy-nilly. Somebody's going to rat you out immediately.
Starting point is 00:10:30 So I think that these – if there ever was, like, sex on the plane, which I think is what's implied here, I think that that was a skeleton crew running or something like that. I think the more likely thing is that this plane was another part of his influence peddling manufacturing. It seems like he was trying to be as much of a benefactor to as many good causes rub rub elbows with as many high-ranking celebrity people in celebrity and news media and politics as he could and and be an influential guy be the kind of guy who can reach out to a judge or reach out to like some sort of telethon guy or to a politician more importantly that's a really good point like if hypothetically bill gates was discovered to be a pedophile tomorrow
Starting point is 00:11:08 the list of people that have been on his plane would be huge right you know you can't just call everyone a pedophile because they flew with bill gates exactly like if it came out that you were a pedophile and i'm not even trying to be funny like the list of guests that we've had on the show is like holy shit chris hansen's mixed up with this pedophile ring it I'm not even trying to be funny. Like, the list of guests that we've had on the show is like, holy shit, Chris Hansen's mixed up with this pedophile ring? It's like, well, no. Yeah, yeah. No, he just hung out with us one time for hours.
Starting point is 00:11:31 So, Woody has a show with FPS Russia. FPS Russia has a commercial with Robert Downey Jr. Can you believe Robert Downey Jr. did that? Dan Bilzerian, also a pedophile by relation. I saw Dan at the fight last night, surrounded by the hottest women in the crowd. I was watching the fight, and I was like, look at that girl in pink, guys.
Starting point is 00:11:54 Holy shit, that's a hot girl. And then I was like, wow, look at the one next to her. She's even hotter. And I was like, look at that big, strong guy with a beard next to her. That's Dan Bilzerian. He's just surrounded by beautiful women. Speaking of big strong guys, do you have any updates?
Starting point is 00:12:10 I know the holiday weekend impacted your TRT thing. Oh, they haven't called me back. I was going to call them today, but I slept too late. I was up all night last night. I was going to call them today, but I slept too late. I'm going to call them tomorrow. They haven't called me back, which I think might be a bad sign. So I may have to like find a new clinic, but I'm going to call him tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:12:32 Wait. Yeah. I don't know if that, yeah. I don't know how to take that as a sign. Maybe it is. Well, yeah, there was the holiday weekend and then we're waiting on lab results. So it is entirely possible the lab's backed up, but I'll give them a ring tomorrow and I'll get some more information. Or that they're, it caused a disorganization in the office, right? Potentially. They seemed pretty, like it was just kind of a skeleton crew. It seemed like two doctors and a nurse slash receptionist. Turns out there's no law against secretaries drawing blood. I do a little bartending, I'm a receptionist i'm a nurse
Starting point is 00:13:06 would you like a b12 shot or maybe some sangria now let me know if you're approved for the tea bad news we accidentally used a hep c needle on you i've been using the same one all day i watched her take it out of the packet it was clean it was clean so wait about the epstein thing yeah was the the thing that like the the fucking was clean it was clean so wait about the epstein thing yeah was the the thing that like the the fucking was supposed to be happening on the plane i thought it was like they would take the plane to like his private island or they would take it to haiti or somewhere in africa where you can basically do whatever you want and then have your your i'm seeing both are true uh you know they did fucking just about everywhere you can name and the the trump is tied in with
Starting point is 00:13:48 this even more directly than bill clinton like i was reading the testimony from the last trial the one where he got a slap on the wrist and uh here i pulled it up it's two paragraphs so hang in there on the third occasion occasion involving the defendant, Donald J. Trump, the plaintiff, Katie Johnson, was forced to engage in unnatural lesbian sex with her fellow minor and sex slave, Maria Doe, age 12, for the sexual enjoyment of defendant Trump. This sex act, both minors were forced to perform, orally copulate defendant Trump by placing their mouths simultaneously
Starting point is 00:14:24 on his erect penis until he achieved sexual orgasm upon zipping up his pants defendant trump physically pushed both minors away while angrily berating them for the poor quality of their sexual performance on the fourth and final sexual encounter with defendant donald j trump the plaintiff katie johnson was tied to a bed by defendant trump and then he proceeded to forcibly the plaintiff, Katie Johnson, was tied to a bed by defendant Trump, and then he proceeded to forcibly rape plaintiff Johnson. During the course of the savage sexual attack, plaintiff Johnson loudly pleaded with Trump to please wear a condom. Trump responded by violently striking her in the face with his open hand and that he would do whatever he wanted and refuse to wear protection. Upon achieving sexual orgasm, Trump put his suit back on and when johnson in
Starting point is 00:15:06 tears asked what would happen if he impregnated her trump grabbed his wallet threw some money at her and screamed that she should use it to quote get a fucking abortion now i don't know if this is true she could be that's almost like super villain level and she's perjuring herself. He morphed into a black dragon and flew into the night. This is case 516CB0079. Whatever. This is from the one that Trump's... The guy who became the
Starting point is 00:15:35 Secretary of Labor under Trump's administration. So this guy got rid of this lawsuit and then Trump hired him. I hope they really dig deep into all this epstein shit yeah right there's gonna be so many big time people implicated in this kind of nonsense usually my like anti-conspiracy thing you know i say look into it it's based on this core that like dude a thousand people don't keep a secret that's just not a thing that ever happens you
Starting point is 00:16:03 know a conspiracy can't go this far and wide with very few exceptions right like they're especially hired in area 51 or whatever you know they're maybe they're working on the next gen military equipment like maybe those guys keep secrets but if 600 people know about this and all keep it a secret then it's not true it didn't really happen this isn't a secret. You know, this is like, this, it could be fake. I don't know. The trouble with all this sexual assault
Starting point is 00:16:30 is that there's never any proof. You know, the proof disappears, I'm guessing, in like seven days. And then it's just he said, she said, things that happened in privacy. Or instantly, if you know what you're doing. But yeah, so like Trump is deep in this thing right that this was a case that had trump big trouble they got rid of it and then trump promoted and hired
Starting point is 00:16:52 the guy that got rid of it um clinton could be in trouble on this uh this guy's super connected i think he's gonna die yeah. Yeah. It seems like people who get, man, how crazy would it be if he came out and was like, all that pizza gate stuff? Totally true. We were wrong about the basement part, but the rest of it, yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:17 Yeah. They just need to lift up the oven, the pizza oven like in Breaking Bad, and down there was just a whole factory of pedophilia. Hillary Clinton was was down there she's like oh shit they're here don't worry ma'am they'll never find us dude if yeah if that came out like literally the entire media apparatus would have to quit it had to be like oops oops the entire media apparatus like if like if that pizza gate shit ended up being real i don't think it is but like if this guy came out and was like yeah all that stuff that the media said was
Starting point is 00:17:49 totally false yeah here's photos it's all real you'd be like oh there's no way he would get suicided before he said that but then again why would you go to a fucking pizza place to molest kids when you have an island right like that seems prettyarded. That seems like the biggest point to me. It seems like he was taking him to Palm Beach. I think he was just taking him to his house in Palm Beach. That's what I'm reading a lot. I just feel like... I've got Tahiti in my head. Thailand.
Starting point is 00:18:15 Don't you go to Thailand for this? Yeah, like Thailand, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, places in Africa. It depends what kind of girls you're attracted to. Not all of us want a Thai girl. This guy clearly wanted non-Thai girls. Anything under 15 I think will do, Kyle.
Starting point is 00:18:33 Well, not mine. I have more discerning eyes. I wonder if this is going to become something or if it's going to get memory hold and just like in two weeks people are going to be like, Oh,
Starting point is 00:18:45 remember that Epstein thing? Yeah. Crazy, huh? Yeah. Like war in Iran, new story. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:51 War in Iran, you know, we're going to start a huge war, but yeah, no, let's not talk about it. Yeah. Oh,
Starting point is 00:18:57 that's so frustrating. Yeah. I don't know. Or it could all be weird conspiracy. Look into it. Silliness. I have no idea. Yeah. But, um, I don't think so you know something about this level of powerful people yeah i'm not saying
Starting point is 00:19:12 they're doing something fucked up and it's it almost feels like this thing about fucking young girls ties into that like access for things money can't buy you know like this is money buying things that money can't buy and it's it's an interesting world a level of wealth that like most things in life people just sell them there's a price tag on them but there are certain things money can't buy raping little girls backstage tickets um in theory college admissions don't they literally sell back backstage tickets is that yeah well maybe backstage tickets isn't the term i'm using looking for but there are like there's like back i get your point with the raping girls one yeah no well i i forget what it is like i just want to say that like rich and power people get back
Starting point is 00:20:02 to taylor taylor swift doesn't have best tickets but people go back there i think she doesn't i read that it must be true it was right there on the internet so uh um yeah google it see what you find yeah i'm curious yeah um but like access to celebrities is a thing money can't buy but money does buy it sometimes and didn't he also like they found naked underage photos of kids in a safe yes right they found photos in the safe and they're thinking that it was used to like blackmail powerful people where it's like oh ha you had sex with this girl who actually she's underage and there were photos all of everything and so now you got to do what i want that's scientology level craziness like i i believe it i i i did read something about hundreds i don't think blackmail is that crazy with high level people
Starting point is 00:20:56 i didn't mean to say it was untrue just that i hadn't heard that aspect of the story before but i heard something similar which is they found all those pictures. I just hadn't heard a blackmail connection. And it sounds possible. This is one that I'm all diving in head first. Like, yeah, Clinton and Trump and this labor dude, and they're all fucking children, and there's photos. I want to see where this goes. I'm going to believe every conspiracy theory now, because eventually one's got to be right.
Starting point is 00:21:27 Right. Like, I feel like we're on maybe different ends of the... Like, I think you're more inclined to believe a conspiracy theory, and I'm less inclined. But the thing is, some of these conspiracy theories are true, right? They did lie us into Vietnam. They did lie us into Iraq. Those things were just bullshit.
Starting point is 00:21:43 And those are big, high-level things. I don't know. They seem to lie us into iraq those things were just bullshit um and those are big high level things uh i don't know they seem to lie us into every war they lie us into a lot of wars and then there's other like i don't know like conspiracies that we all just know are true like no big contracts and paybacks and stuff like that um you know the long john silver's one comes to mind. Yeah. I forgot the details of that one. But yeah, anyway, this Epstein thing looks like it has really deep, far-reaching... What did you learn about Taylor Swift? Yeah, it looks like you can. You can buy backstage tickets?
Starting point is 00:22:18 Apparently, you're suggesting that Reddit commenters are setting untruths. Yeah, they keep talking about this backstage room for super fans. To me, it seems like there may be some pedophilia going on. It seems very... I would love to find that. If one of these sort of
Starting point is 00:22:38 liberal chess pieces that's a lady, someone like Taylor Swift or Lady Gaga, it turned out that they had a whole pedophile ring going on where they were like scooping up young underage children from their concert venues and taking them backstage is that like their way with them take away the lady thing and isn't that like standard practice like in my opinion when you're a rock star you get to tell the bouncer like all, offer those four to say yes.
Starting point is 00:23:06 That's what Taylor literally does. She literally does that. I'm not saying that she rapes them or anything. Taylor Swift or our Taylor does that. Taylor Swift. Taylor doesn't have that opportunity. Have you seen his biceps? Ladies want that. I don't think he's performing on stage very often, though.
Starting point is 00:23:21 Yeah, and I'm just not very good looking at the end of the day. That guy. Crush me. very often though yeah and i'm just not very good looking at the end of the day i asked taylor to make a muscle on the show and he said no and i'm like why i want to see it i really do man i'm gonna be i'm gonna be thinking about this lolita express epsody and stuff like the rest of the night and i feel like every article is just gonna say the same thing in slightly different words. Has there been much released? Like really that? In my head, it's a
Starting point is 00:23:49 waterfall of stuff pouring out. And then I enjoy not just the story, but like the fall out and the reactions to the story. Like this is to me a really good one. And Schumer's on the Senate floor demanding the Labor Secretary, the guy who was the, I think he was the prosecutor or something and basically ended the FBI investigation and gave him that sweetheart sentence.
Starting point is 00:24:10 He's on there demanding that Trump's now labor secretary resign. And I think Pelosi said something. And then, you know, online, the Democrats, like I said before, they're all like, let's punish all the pedos, because their only link is Clinton, who at this point is a pawn on the chessboard. Not a solid guy like Obama or like Biden or even Elizabeth
Starting point is 00:24:36 Warren or Sanders or anything. Or even Pelosi. What they're doing is they're sacrificing their pawn, trying to get these more connected and current Republican guys. At the very least, i'm a knight okay yeah okay maybe i'm shifty i might move left might move right but i'm always heading forward they go back but anyway i should mention i don't actually know the rules it's about me don't forget i like calling up in board games it could be backgammon fuck i care just don't lock me up
Starting point is 00:25:10 so so yeah the democrats are all on their high horse like you know we just want to take out all the pedophiles which is you know clinton trump and whatever the labor secretary's name is escapes me and uh yeah so it's yeah it's i it's the interesting i i you never know you never know about the hottest story and like if it'll be the hot story tomorrow it really honestly i think whether we get justice unfortunately depends on how many clicks this story gets and how many eyeballs are actually drawn to it and we'll see but like i remember the panama papers were was the biggest story ever oh my god and then it Oh my God. Then some journalists got rubbed out in South America. And then it's like,
Starting point is 00:25:49 what papers? I'm Brian Gumbel and I have no fucking idea what papers you guys are talking about. You're right. Shut up. Also, Trump in particular has a knack for making the next story. I swear he could misspell something on Twitter.
Starting point is 00:26:06 And, you know, like, move over, Epstein. He wrote Cook Fofi. The funniest thing Trump could do at this point is come out as bisexual. Trump went and hung out with Kim Jong-un. The Kevin Spacey route. The Kevin Spacey defense. Fucking Trump there, like a candid photo
Starting point is 00:26:21 of him with a dick in his mouth giving a thumbs up. Hilarious. Wearing a rainbow flag vest. And all of a sudden, the gay community is like, but it's a grown man dick. Let's not forget. There's some gray hairs in there. So you see that not only this is his best friend in the world.
Starting point is 00:26:38 We just didn't know it this whole time. No, it's his vice president's dick. He's blowing the VP. Pence is so not gay. Pence is asleep. And they both get rid of both their wives, and they become the biggest power couple in the world. They scoop up the gay vote, right? Then they legalize marijuana.
Starting point is 00:26:55 They scoop up that vote. Unstoppable. Unstoppable at that point. They would get a lot of liberal votes. They would get a lot of liberal votes. Oh, you think Bernie's the liberal fucking guy to carry you forward into the into the 21st century no i don't see bernie with a dick in his mouth i don't see bernie with a dick in his mouth do you uh-uh no no sir bernie's are they like i guess i honey i would you mind if
Starting point is 00:27:21 now just like all the politicians are trying to copy Alexandria Cortez, her candid moments at home, now it's just all the politicians being like, oh, you've stumbled upon me as I'm sucking my daily dick. I like to do it for the working class. I don't care for it, but
Starting point is 00:27:41 we do this for each other. Blowjobs for all. We never for it, but we do this for each other. Blowjobs for all. We never discussed it, but I honestly thought it was pretty cool that Trump went to fucking... I think he literally may have crossed into North Korea a little bit. He did, yeah. There was a photo of him the step.
Starting point is 00:27:58 There's that little curb. Yeah, there's the neutral zone, I'll call it, being a Star Trek fan And then you know He stepped on over to the Cardassia or the the Romulan side a little bit and he was like, yeah I'm over here in Romulus and then you know They came back to the Federation and then they went back to the neutral zone and went of that little hut Had a little talk. I thought that was pretty neat. I get that. It's a photo op. I get that. It's somewhat political
Starting point is 00:28:22 But but still there there was some substance there um i i thought it was pretty interesting uh to see him there and i think that it's kind of hard to read trump you know to tell like what's going on on the inside but i think it's much easier to read kim jong-un and kim jong-un seemed tickled he seemed delighted to be there and like like like i i think to him you know maybe removed from our society he looks at trump as a legitimate celebrity slash president and both of those things mean a lot to him like you saw you see how he fawns over people like dennis rodman like he's he's clearly enamored with our celebrity culture so i think that Trump being a celebrity actually gives him more influence over somebody like him
Starting point is 00:29:07 than an Obama might have. It's like, well, how many movies have you been in, Obama? How many movies? I haven't seen your reality show before. Obama, where's your Home Alone cameo? I haven't seen you in one Pizza Hut commercial.
Starting point is 00:29:24 Get out of here. Obama has no WWE appearances. No. I bet Kim Jong-il is a big fan of SmackDown. As he tackles him is so funny. Just like his big, unathletic, fat,
Starting point is 00:29:39 cellulite butt barely being held in by those pants. Oh, it's so funny. I was like, what if Trump decked Kim and got him in a headlock and drug him back across the good side? And that's how we do it.
Starting point is 00:29:56 War over. Wait, the soldiers are coming across onto this side. Don't they know about the line? Don't they know about the line? There was a big to- when trump went there i think the western journalists wanted to take pictures of trump maybe crossing into north korea or something like that and kim's bodyguards weren't allowing it so i forget the woman's name but she replaced sarah huckabee sanders
Starting point is 00:30:22 she was like i don't know throwing elbows and pushing bodyguards and like military police from north korea out of the way they made a big deal out of it because she's all bruised up but she was a sport she's like yeah that's part of my gig you know they got the shot there was a lot of shoving and pushing going on i definitely saw that yeah yeah it was cool there was this intermixing, and you can tell it made both sides very nervous, of Secret Service and North Korean Special Police. They're all trying to do the same
Starting point is 00:30:51 job, essentially. But they're also conscious of each other. They're both trying to protect these guys. The guys are shaking hands. To protect one is literally to protect the other as far as somebody coming with a knife
Starting point is 00:31:08 or a gun or something like that. They're just very uneasy, both sides. They're just, fuck. You can tell that Kim picks only the tallest of North Koreans. Every North Korean was like Trump's height. I was like, I don't think that's an average North Korean that you're wheeling out for us there, Kim.
Starting point is 00:31:24 I think that you may have imported that guy from fucking Vietnam or something. Like, that dude is 6'2". Where'd he come from? And none of them are like a well-built 6'2". They're all like these, like, necks this fucking long and shit. Man, if I were Kim Jong-un,
Starting point is 00:31:42 0% chance, 0% chance I'm giving up my nuke program. There is no other country to look at and be like, yeah, the US was definitely chill. They said they'd be after. If I were Kim Jong-un, I'd be like, how can you even be mad at me? Look at what you do.
Starting point is 00:32:04 You make these promises and then and then nothing happens like like if you count cuba you know i mean well well we sort of went in there and killed like fit i mean post quarter million of those did we like you know like we're kind of friends with them now like for all i know half my clothes are built there like you know that's true didn't didn't lay like i don't think they're very stoked on us even now i think they are i think they're all cool i think the democracy won over over there um yeah i don't know the thing about the thing about kim he's in a he's got a king england i think they have a pharaoh. I don't really know. A pharaoh?
Starting point is 00:32:46 He will live forever. But the thing about North Korea is they have enough conventional weapons to sort of be a deterrent to us ever actually going in and fucking with them. We've talked about it many times before, but those artillery pieces alone and those rocket pieces they've got along the border
Starting point is 00:33:02 that are aimed at Seoul, we're not going to mess with them yeah i get um i guess pretty close the last uh vietnamese king emperor died in 1997 so pretty recent anyway sorry um what was i gonna say talking about vietnam i think the big deal is that we don't want Seoul to get ruined, like Kyle was saying. And I get mixed up on how big a city that is. How many people live in Seoul? Is it 20 million? It's way bigger than New York. Yes.
Starting point is 00:33:32 That's the thing. I thought New York City was one of the most populated places ever. If you've ever been to New York City, the population density is outrageous. Every building is 40 stories tall, just packed with people. And then I'm like what new york city's a third of seoul like wow yeah it'd be a real problem so 26 million in the metro area that so he could give up those nuclear weapons and he could use that money for other things uh you know and i think he'd just be he'd be fine i don't think we try to take him out you know if he if
Starting point is 00:34:02 he would just act cool and you act cool, he could still maintain his whatever relationship with the Russians and still be a fucking, not even a well, they call themselves a democratic republic, but it can continue being a dictatorship like it actually is. I don't think we'd fuck with them. We might start trying to
Starting point is 00:34:19 look into their human rights stuff, but we'd never invade them. Those conventional weapons are ridiculous. Another thing about making a deal with America, especially I want to get politics about it, but you make it with Obama and Trump doesn't necessarily
Starting point is 00:34:35 give a crap about that. You know, you thought you had a deal with America, but you really had a deal with the guy who's leaving next year. And you make a deal with Trump. Who's to say that like i don't know bernie sanders is like you know what trump said it i have to stick with it you know yeah that's a good point too yeah all it takes is one more hawkish person getting an office being like oh you done fucked kim jong and then just go in there and execute him in his own country for human
Starting point is 00:35:02 rights abuses which you know he does seem like a piece of shit with all his concentration camps and starving people and everything they got like seven light bulbs we all have concentration camps taylor yeah we all do yeah sure but uh yeah it's really interesting like it's it i wonder what it's actually like over there i've watched the youtube documentaries and it's like you'll like it's actually like over there. I've watched the YouTube documentaries, and it's like, you'll, like, there's one guy driving through, and like, every 30 miles, there'd be like, just a often does this happen? And they're like, oh, pretty much never. Like, we never see anybody. Nobody comes to this restaurant. We were specifically instructed to have a really good layout for you here,
Starting point is 00:35:54 you know, to impress our guests. And it was like, shit, this is like literally a stage, a play being put on, pretending that they're like a real country or that this is a real restaurant when you're sitting in there alone and a bunch of terrified-looking Asian women are serving you fucking sauce. They gotta have some restaurants, though. Like, the country can't be devoid of restaurants entirely.
Starting point is 00:36:14 What's the most popular restaurant in North Korea? Totally don't know. I don't know. Taylor, I really wish I knew. And when people go there, they get shuttled around and guided so much. They get put only in certain places. Kyle has to be honest with me.
Starting point is 00:36:27 I can't imagine an entire nation with no restaurant. Like, you've got to, like, think. I mean, I know it's, like, gut reaction to think that everything is a lie over there. And there's nothing of worth. But, like, where are these people getting their sewing machines? Or their, like, their shoes and stuff like that. Like, there's got to be a store somewhere that is selling their shoes and their shirts and their and their fucking refrigerators and and like their knives their silverware their plates their bowls like whatever like like there are some basic
Starting point is 00:36:54 things that these people just have we can't imagine the average north korean is some cave dweller i said you know like like literally a caveman like like they've got shit they've got houses they've got cars. This stuff is sold somewhere and there are employees at that place that sell it. There's an infrastructure. Just not what we would consider a modern, bustling infrastructure. A lot of it could be black market come over
Starting point is 00:37:16 from South Korea. Those trucks go back and forth. Look, I saw it on the internet. It's totally true. Yeah, like some stuff they're not allowed. It certainly comes over that way. Yeah, like media and stuff. Oh, this is a widely known story.
Starting point is 00:37:34 But like, remember, you don't remember, but Gorbachev came over to America. This is like the middle of the Cold War. And they took him to a grocery store to show him how Americans bought food. And he was just like, no, this is bullshit. No way you guys are just overflowing with food in stores like this. So they drove a little further and he demanded to pull over to a random grocery store. Thinking that we were pulling a fast one on him. And that was when he got blown away.
Starting point is 00:38:02 That all our grocery stores were just filled with food. Yeah. Yeah. But. Yep. But I guarantee like, like they buy their things somewhere. They have to. Like they all have clothes and cigarettes and fucking eyeglasses and everybody's got a TV or a radio or something. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:19 But there's furniture in their house. The basic things that we have in our homes, they have too, and they get them somewhere. There are stores. It's just interesting that you never see them. And I think that's just a product of how tight they are with their security in their country. They don't want you looking into their dirty sock drawer. Check out The Friendship,
Starting point is 00:38:43 the number one restaurant in pyongyang a lot of good 4.9 very positive review from pingu such food nicest i ate restaurant very good yum yum i remember food forever and their service is great so happy yum yum please tell me you actually read that word for word this is a a real review on the Friendship restaurant. Here's a good one. This one. Had the roast dog. Served over a bed of rice and some greens.
Starting point is 00:39:13 Mighty tasty and seasoned just right. The North Korean beer was very good. Large men's room is clean until you need to use it. Bada bing. That's like, I thought you were making that up. That is another review. Oh yeah, that's absolutely another review, yeah. I do this a lot when I travel.
Starting point is 00:39:34 I just look up like, you know, restaurant near whatever, Raleigh, North Carolina. So I looked up restaurant near Hang Hung, North Korea, and it didn't get me anything. I chose the second largest city I could find. I'm trying to find... Well, if you don't want to go to the Friendship, you can go to Rakwon, which is number two restaurant in all of Pyongyang, according to the TripAdvisor.
Starting point is 00:40:00 Okay, this is probably fake. The food was awful. This is a permanently closed restaurant. When I took a sip of my wine, it wasn't wine. It was gasoline. When I got my food, my kimchi had a severed finger in it. Bad customer service. They kept praying to this fat man.
Starting point is 00:40:16 Overall, don't come here. They're atheists there, and I don't think they're allowed to have religion, so that seems... And they wouldn't waste their gasoline serving it as a beverage. Yeah, they'd probably just give you water. I didn't like the food because I'm allergic to seafood so I couldn't eat most of the menu. Basically, don't go here.
Starting point is 00:40:36 Why would you go to a seafood restaurant if you're allergic to seafood? I'm glad I ate here. The place across the road just had plastic presentation food the service was pretty good almost like they were terrified of disappointing me yeah but i like the fact that they're in english should should probably jump out at us like like you know what i mean i don't know that one where she was like very yum yum good yum that that sounds real right
Starting point is 00:41:00 sounds like you wrote it i thought he did it first did he no it's it's on there but like reading it from but like if you go to it like that's how the internet is now like if you start reading amazon reviews of like obscure products you'll find a lot of jokesters get in there and have have their fun and there are a lot of really funny reviews for like you know weird little products on amazon i like to go through it and read them and of course look at the pictures of the people wearing them or using them it's always interesting what was that the one of your amazon pro tips you gave out oh you can go like to lingerie and stuff like that and then scroll down to user images and they're they're like these amazon hoes who
Starting point is 00:41:39 like like they're too conservative to for for like instagram i guess to be instagram hoes but they'll hop on amazon and be like oh yeah this thong fit just right and they're they're they're just like modeling lingerie high iq pretty good stuff uh we watched it i'm gonna i'll tease this for pka we'll wait till then uh but uh i i saw a couple of really good videos this week. One of them is this absolute melee at Disneyland. Not Disneyland. Oh, yeah. I saw it. And then the other, completely unrelated, is a man being stalked and attacked by a gang of monkeys.
Starting point is 00:42:18 How long was the Disney video that you saw? Six minutes or so. It went on for a while. I only saw a little clip. Exactly. I think I didn't see the full version it kept flaming up like like like like like they would get violent somebody would get the shit slapped out of them at one point a woman in a wheelchair tries to intervene again and she gets up out of the wheelchair because she was just faking it probably and she's like no no don't hit little Pow! The wheelchair woman takes a bitch slap.
Starting point is 00:42:45 And she falls. And she falls like a gunshot victim in a video game, like arms splayed out. And nobody helps her. She's just laying there. And then the girl's like, oh, no, you done slapped mama. And mama was like, 30? She's like, holy shit, you're like 30, 19.
Starting point is 00:43:03 There's like eight generations there. She's 11 years old. Yeah, there's like 8 generations he's 11 years old there's 8 generations of people there what was the impetus to get the fight going or is it a clip that started in the middle of the fight you can't even tell what started it there's 2 or 3 men, 2 or 3 women
Starting point is 00:43:18 and like a shopping cart full of babies and at one point the woman goes hold my babies and just pushes the the the stroller with the babies in it away from her away from her and like the street and like gets in the fight and disneyland security is completely unprepared to deal with this there's this there's the tiniest asian the real north korea that they don't show you this five foot two skinny as a rail guy who's got one of those claw trash grabbers and he's just like oh no please stop the fight please be friend he's got like the mickey mouse emblem on his shirt it
Starting point is 00:43:49 takes security like six or seven they don't get there to the very end and it's actually other disneyland uh attendees who actually finally grab the big guy and pull him off i i can't wait for this on pk two things one uh i'm pretty sure one guy's wife gets punched solid and two after disneyland security gets there and like handles it they just let everyone go scott free yeah yeah no he's walking around he's going i'm ready to go to jail tonight yes i'm ready to go to jail tonight and then he slaps another woman five or six times like like he's just walking around assaulting he salts like four people everybody gets some from this guy he slapped his own girl at one point like like this is all your fault
Starting point is 00:44:31 do you have a link like not for now but like we need that yeah yeah because the one that i had was a shortened version of oh i got the whole enchilada. And then I got this other one where this Indian man is literally being, you see him like pull up on his bicycle and he gets off and a monkey kind of like peeks out from behind him. And these monkeys are about the size of like a, they're about 15 pounds. They're not baby monkeys, like, like, but they're not like rip you apart monkeys either. They're maybe 20 pounds i
Starting point is 00:45:05 have to see this i cannot believe and you're like the monkey goes i haven't seen it like you're like hey what's that monkey doing back there watching this guy and then you go to another camera angle as he walks down the street and more monkeys are like and and all of a sudden he like he's like fumbling with his keys or something and they jump him like three or four at a time all over him and he's just like oh he's ripping monkeys off and trying to get away and now they come out of the works and they're all chasing him and some old lady comes out with a broom and she's like get away from him you and he's just like fighting the monkeys and he's just like bewildered by this monkey attack that has just suddenly been sprang upon him it was seemed coordinated i have a hypothetical let's say the
Starting point is 00:45:43 guy got into his car but he wasn't able to get in there completely alone. There's one monkey with a grown 15-pound monkey. I like the guy's odds. I liked his odds against the crowd. Personally, I liked my odds against the crowd. He never threw any
Starting point is 00:46:00 kicks. It was like he was so scared. He was just trying to get away, and he needed to go on offense, Woody. These monkeys were a little bit skittish they were like this guy's big all right we got to take him in a group but it was like any group attack there was only like one or two who were really in it but there's three or four who jump in every now and then get like a like a punch behind the head you need to realize in that situation that we are literally the bigger monkey yes yes we we got big hands we can when humans have monkey. Yes. Like, we got big hands. When humans lose these fights,
Starting point is 00:46:28 oftentimes they're not adding up the offense that they need to. A goose cannot beat a person. A goose has no chance. But they often win somehow. It's because of lack of offense. That's true. I would have stomped that first monkey out like American History X and looked at the other monkeys like, come on.
Starting point is 00:46:46 Come on. I like it. I love it. I would have crucified every monkey that whole walkway. Get me my tiny crosses. I once said that a human and a wolf would be closer than people say it is, but that was because I didn't realize how different wolves and coyotes were. I want to back up on that one. But a human against a single
Starting point is 00:47:10 coyote, there's a fight there. Yeah, you can beat up a single coyote. I know that Spider Pig was like, uh-uh, because his family raises wolves. We'll be playing video games and I'll hear a wolf. he's like
Starting point is 00:47:27 shut up oh okay like he's literally raising wolves what do you do with wolves uh i they sell them as pets i think but i think the main thing they do is like hot chicks pay to like have their pictures taken with a wolf get out because they look because they look like they they're beautiful like they're big as fuck and these are like beautiful wolves so i think i think uh he showed me a bunch of pictures of like it's if i remember correctly maybe the girls were in cosplay as well like like maybe they're dressed up like little red riding hood and then they like pose next to his wolf and you know that that sort of thing i wonder how you break out in the Instagram game. Right? It helps if you're attractive.
Starting point is 00:48:07 Okay, right. But let's... Interesting is interesting. So I've said many times, you go to any college campus, there's a hundred girls there that are dimes, right? That are somebody's version of perfect. And all right,
Starting point is 00:48:21 so given that being that beautiful is not that uncommon, then what does it take? Well, oftentimes the people who really shine on instagram are a next level of beautiful you know they're they're they're not the commonplace you can find three or four of these on a college campus like holy shit that is a top one percent beautiful kind of woman and not a literal one percent maybe a top 0.1 and you know they do interesting things and they have fun pictures and they also oftentimes seem to have an interesting personality.
Starting point is 00:48:47 Belle Dauphine's a good example of that. There's a reason she's so popular. If you look at Dan Bilzerian as a template, he really knows his audience. He's trying to appeal to a certain group of men. It's like his Instagram
Starting point is 00:49:03 is guns and like adventure and beautiful women. And that's... Who we all are when we're sleeping. I suppose so, yeah. When I'm dreaming, I'm Dan Blazarian apparently. Yeah. It was really funny to see him at the fight though
Starting point is 00:49:19 with just some very attractive young ladies. But yeah, I think it really, you know, you got to put up stuff that people want to look at. Can we talk about UFC 239 for the last 10 minutes? Sure. Dude. Was it a good one? Yeah, I think it was.
Starting point is 00:49:36 It was a good card. I think the shine is off of Jon Jones a little bit. Al disagrees, I guess. But he won a decision victory, his second decision victory in a row. Some people had him losing. I didn't. I had him winning three rounds to two. He crippled the other guy.
Starting point is 00:49:58 The other guy has torn ligaments in both of his knees and will be out for a long time with surgeries. Jon Jones literally did not cripple him. I think he was crippled before the fight. Is that true? I don't think so, no. He tore all the tendons in the guy's left knee and some of the ones in his right.
Starting point is 00:50:14 The guy's literally crippled. The fact that he walked out, it just shows that he's a dummy. Are you sure Jones did that? Yeah. I haven't seen that anywhere else. I know that he had a bad ACL in the fight. Joe talked about it all five rounds.
Starting point is 00:50:28 Well, Joe didn't know. Joe was assuming. But now they're saying that it's like all the ligaments in his left knee. And he has damage to his right knee as well. That's interesting. Look, I think that what you saw was John being meticulous with a guy who could knock him out with one punch. And winning a decision victory. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:44 So the guy wasn't as highly regarded as jones i had him winning uh before the fight i don't mean to say he won the fight but i picked the upset and uh apparently the guy has lethal leg kicks and knockout power john jones really likes to fight on the outside so i'm like wow you're just gonna stay in this guy's kick range. I'll fight. Eventually all these champs get upset. I'm going to call it. And it didn't happen, but, uh,
Starting point is 00:51:10 yeah, I don't know. Well, what John does is he beats you with whatever your best at. Remember what he did to Chael Sonnen? Uh, same thing. That was prime.
Starting point is 00:51:18 That guy was amazing. What, what he, the, he beat a black belt Muay Thai guy with Muay Thai last night, or during the third fight night. He fought a Muay Thai fight. There was no ground. There was no attempts to take the guy down.
Starting point is 00:51:31 There was one that got stuffed. I didn't see that or hear that, but he basically fought a Muay Thai fight. It was punches, elbows, and knees and kicks the whole night. And he beat the guy. And the guy was the second... He's the highest ranked contender in the world. I thought, sure, he didn't destroy the guy.
Starting point is 00:51:55 He didn't beat him like he did Gustafson. But Gustafson's a guy who's already fought once before, already beaten once before, and a much less dangerous opponent. When this guy could when this guy would move forward with those power punches it was like holy shit and john's it seems like john is inside of a car that's exploding dodging shockwaves it's like like john jones in the clinch is normally really dangerous for people aren't ufc guys he hits with his elbows he punches with
Starting point is 00:52:22 his elbows because his arms are so long that when he hits with an elbow, it's almost arm length for other people. Well, this guy, he's fighting. Of course, he punches with his hands, but crazy hard, super dangerous. So this is an area where John, John's real strength is at the outside
Starting point is 00:52:39 and in the inside. In the middle, he's not very good. And whenever he got on the inside, like Kyle said, it was just so dangerous. He was like dodging and getting the heck out of there. But I don't think he'd take anything away from John because he dodged all those punches. And it's not like he dodged five punches. He dodged 20. The guy threw 30 huge shots while they were close.
Starting point is 00:53:00 John dodged like 28 of them or something. He got hit like twice. And one of them knocked his mouthpiece out. And then John cut his head open with an elbow. There was one spinning elbow John threw when they were really close to the cage. And it was like, whoa, if he'd hit him with that, the guy wouldn't have lived.
Starting point is 00:53:17 He gave John Jones so much credit for dodging things. And then you also gave John Jones credit for missing on the other side. Oh, no. I give the other guy, well, like he threw an elbow and missed with it. Like I'm not – it was good technique, I guess. It just seemed powerful. It was – if he'd landed it, it would have been incredible.
Starting point is 00:53:35 Like, I mean, the other guy dodged it or it just wasn't on point or whatever. Like it's not like I'm giving him credit. I just think that it was just scary to watch that technique of him really coming hard with a spinning elbow. It's like, God damn, those are scary. Yeah, I need to see it again. I read that a lot of the things that look like great hits and had Joe Rogan reacting in a really great way were not the hits that Joe Rogan made them out to be. So it's like, I don't know, everything at me and everybody else is heavily influenced. If Joe Rogan is like, whoa, yeah, that is the most devastating leg kick.
Starting point is 00:54:07 I don't know if Jones will ever walk again. It makes me think the guy just landed a big hit. But if you watch it with the volume off, sometimes you see a different fight. I need to do that. Yeah, I mean, John took a lot of leg kicks. They were going back and forth with the leg kicks. Yeah, he had a huge welt on the inside of his leg for sure. And John has small legs.
Starting point is 00:54:23 Well, two people helped him get backstage after the fight. Yeah, absolutely. He came to the press conference in a wheelchair. Oh, did he? Yeah. But I don't think he shines off John. I think John's going to continue his... Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:54:38 John Jones doesn't have it anymore. He doesn't do takedowns anymore. Do you think Butterball can beat him now? Butterball is 50, right? No! Cormier just turned 40. There's literally a fighter named Butterball. Oh, that's Butterbean. Butterbean. He's the guy who beats up Johnny Knoxville
Starting point is 00:54:53 in that dick sporting goods. I'm like, Butterbean? No. No, Daniel Cormier. Who they're talking about both have agreed to fight each other. Here's what I do think, and this can't happen, but I think Prime Cormier, the guy who was 36 or 35, would beat current
Starting point is 00:55:09 Jon Jones. Whether or not the 40-year-old Daniel... I don't think 40-year-old Daniel Cormier who throws out his back sneezing can beat Stipe. I think they'll retire after that loss. I think that 40-year-old Cormier who does throw his back out sneezing could beat 8-year-old'm throwing that one out i think when john was in elementary school
Starting point is 00:55:30 cormier could sneak up behind him he'd want the element of surprise okay because even then john was dangerous yeah third grade john probably like seventh grade most people yeah and he could get him in the rear naked choke when john was at recess right he's got some crackers got a little seven up choke him the fuck out choke him the fuck at recess, right? He's got some crackers, got a little seven up. Choke him the fuck out. Choke him the fuck out. Wakely takes a bite first, though. That'll help.
Starting point is 00:55:53 But, yeah, the fact that Cormier is just too old and he's too – he's doing – people say he fights better fat. I just don't see him beating Jones. Yeah, I think he's healthier now with the back. You know, he had that back surgery. Did he? I didn't know that. Yeah, yeah. you know he had that back surgery did he i didn't know that yeah yeah he he said um he was saying that like something about how like when he was like bent over or something like he would have
Starting point is 00:56:11 to get a walking start to stand up straight like like he couldn't just like bend over and stand up straight he had once he was bent over like he was like if he's like going for a double leg or something or like picking something up whatever like he'd have to get like a walking start and slowly like erect i've had my back in that shape before yeah it was hurt and uh taking a slap shot would re-injure it i remember i went to the doctor and i'm like man my back is killing me and every time i take a slap shot it like gets hurt more it was a neurologist and she was like yeah i think maybe you should stop taking slap shots like no i need another solution they're non-negotiable so do you see anybody who do you see at 205 or even a heavyweight that can be did
Starting point is 00:57:00 you think could be john jones right now here's's where I'm just talking out my butt on this one. But Johnny Walker, let him get two more fights. Let Jon Jones turn 32 or something like that. How old is he now? 30, right? 30, 31. 31, I think. Yeah, so make him 33.
Starting point is 00:57:18 Let Johnny Walker be, you know, I think. But right now, I mean, the day. It just shines off the man yeah who in this in the greatest professional mixed martial arts uh fighting league in the on the planet nobody can beat the man well come on yeah no I think it shines off him now nobody on the planet can beat it yeah don't get me wrong I'm just saying he's not who he was when he was like in his prime like on the come up when he beat Loyola Machida when he beat Shogun when he beat he beat dan henderson like if he beats when he beat will that change your mindset if he convincingly if he takes steepay apart yeah if he would and i'd like to see him knock
Starting point is 00:57:56 someone out again aside from gustafen who retires afterwards and says he didn't even want to fight headed into it like i want to see him beat some guy not just point fight him from the outside. I think he fights everybody at their style. That's what he seems like he enjoys doing. Beating you at what you're best at. And then the second fight, if there is one,
Starting point is 00:58:21 he just comes with his style. I think you saw that with Cormier maybe. He tried to wrestle him a lot the first fight and the second fight he if there is one, he just comes with his style. I think you saw that with Cormier, maybe. He tried to wrestle him a lot the first fight. In the second fight, he fucking head kicked him. Even Cormier. I haven't seen Cormier wrestle a guy in ages. When he fought the Black Beast, it was a wrestling clinic. And Stipe.
Starting point is 00:58:39 I don't know why I said that. Stipe is another one where he just leaned on. Wait. Yeah, yeah. That is him. Stipe. Cormier beat Stipe is another one where he just leaned on... Wait. Yeah, he beat Stipe. You're right, but the fight I was thinking of is what
Starting point is 00:58:50 Stipe did to Nganou. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It was a good card. Holly Holm, who's kind of a fan favorite, pretty blonde girl, she got head kicked by Amanda Nunez. It was very much like what she did to Ronda.
Starting point is 00:59:05 More like Beche. She got head kicked by Amanda Nunez. It was very much like what she did to Ronda. And I thought, you know, like, More like Beche. It was almost exactly what she did. It was the same kind of kick that, but yeah, it was a head kick right off the side of the head, knocked her down. At least it didn't seem like she was like
Starting point is 00:59:18 too concussed, frankly. Like it didn't knock her out cold. She just knocked her on her ass and she was like, oh shit, trying to compose herself. But Amanda doesn't allow you to compose yourself yourself she's on her with punches right away just so dangerous dude ben askren ben askren lost the fastest fight ever i um i had masvidal winning and i had him winning because i thought it would be too punishing to get inside on him
Starting point is 00:59:39 i didn't know it was going to happen in seconds yeah it's a shame that it did like i think everybody would have whether regardless of which side it did. I think everybody would have, regardless of which side you were on, I think everybody would have rather seen two or three rounds to see what was going to go down. I don't take the win away from Masvidal, and neither does Ben. Ben's been very classy in the beat.
Starting point is 00:59:59 Because he planned that knee. It's not like he threw that knee against Darren Till. He didn't just come out against Darren Till with a flying knee. of course he knew darren till was going to be a stand-up fighter so he came out with a kick to the balls yeah like like he did the same thing with darren till he rushes into the middle kicks darren till in the nuts immediately that's his opening move mazdal's a real class should have worked an eye poke in there yeah you should have thrown something from this corner really hard the chair the chair i was rooting for askren just not predicting it yeah i i like askren a lot um i
Starting point is 01:00:34 thought mazvidal it i think the the i think in the end askren didn't lose any fans he probably gained a few by being so classy and i feel like mazvidal probably only gained the kind of fans who wear those those like tap out shirts and yell at people in Walmart parking lots like he came off kind of classless he's the new Diaz brother to me right like yeah Diaz brothers are they're
Starting point is 01:00:57 real right they really do fight in the stands they really do fight all the time they really do think that like the kind of talking you do is bullshit and should have physical consequences to it and and not you like the kind of talking that people do and uh and mass fidel is that guy too he's just there's no bull like i i don't know i wanted asker to win but i'm seeing mass fidel for who he is and i like him on my TV. I don't want him as my neighbor.
Starting point is 01:01:27 I don't want him in my circle of friends, but I want him on my TV. Yeah, absolutely. So interesting stuff. I don't know. It was a really good fight night all the way through. So they had someone test Belle Delphine's bathwater, and apparently there's no traces of human DNA, and she's liable for a class action lawsuit now.
Starting point is 01:01:51 By the way, she sold out of cases and cases of that bath water, like made a shit ton of money. So now she's selling jars of piss for $10,000. I saw that that was fake. I saw the jar of piss. I refuse to believe that it was not fake. Did you see she has herpes?
Starting point is 01:02:07 I saw she had a little bump on her mouth. First of all, I already got it. I don't care. Second of all, when I first saw it, I was like, well, come on. It's bathwater. You don't get herpes from bathwater. And they were like, well, she did put some bathwater in her mouth. And she did spit in one of the jars.
Starting point is 01:02:23 And I was like, ah, shit. Well, that's a thing. I'm not sure that's herpes. bath water in her mouth and she did spit in one of the jars and I was like, ah, shit. That's a thing. I'm not sure that's herpes. I'm so jelly of her hustle. Also, I don't know what people are doing with their bath water. They're drinking it. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 01:02:39 If I owned her bath water, I wouldn't get herpes because it'd be on a shelf. It'd be a prop for the show. One of my friends suggested that I put a catheter in, put the bath water in my penis, and then piss it out. Actually, he said that about her piss. That's a value add right there.
Starting point is 01:02:54 Over and over and over. I just keep pissing her piss. If that is her pee, bitch needs a Gatorade. Yeah, she's not very hydrated. She needs some water. Need to stay more hydrated, Belle. You should just dilute it, sell more. needs a Gatorade. She's not very hydrated. She needs some water. Need to stay more hydrated, Belle. You should just dilute it, sell more,
Starting point is 01:03:11 and come off hydrated. I want it dark. As a customer, you do. I'm in the scam. I'm working the hustle. Yeah. I'm very envious of her hustle. She's a very smart girl. Very smart girl. She knows a very smart girl. I'm so jealous, dude. Very smart girl.
Starting point is 01:03:26 She knows what she's doing. Yeah. Fucking hot. I wonder how it ages her, right? Not literally ages her, but how she does over time. Because a lot of these guys who have incredible success young don't deal with it well. It messes you up. We've seen it on YouTube time.
Starting point is 01:03:43 I don't even want to call it that. Yeah, but I don't see how that relates to her necessarily i think it relates to all young people how she's young she's like super young right she's 20 uh she's like 19 or 20 something like that shouldn't she make like 200 grand a month on patreon alone uh i think she kills it i don't know it was that much a 19 year old is making a million dollars a year and that dries up at i'm gonna guess 24 um that might not be good for her life it sounds like it is it's a lottery win but some people don't come out of that on the other side very well yeah wings uh has another staff infection um you know because he's dirty and uh he he said that he'll say this isn't true but he said it i saw him say it he said that he has a fever and maybe some cranial swelling, and that's what's made him be lashing out at people
Starting point is 01:04:33 because he has this staph infection-related fever and headache. And so he's been lashing out at people in Rainbow Six. He's got to go to a doctor if he's got head swelling and staph infection. There's pictures of him at the doctor without his shirt on. I wonder if, is he getting staph infection because he's dirty? Or would someone with a good hygiene, I'm not looking for it. Regimen. Regimen, yeah, I was saying repertoire, it's wrong.
Starting point is 01:05:02 With a good hygiene, reg regimen and body folds like that still get staffed sometimes. They wouldn't get staffed. I guarantee this is what is happening. He's got these folds like the Lobster Man from Futurama
Starting point is 01:05:18 and they are rubbing. You've got skin laying over skin and it's rubbing on the inside and it gets raw, and then it gets infected because it's not only raw and exposed, but it's dirty. First of all, you should never let it get raw. He should be putting baby powder or Vaseline or something like that. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:05:36 I'm not a monster. WD-40? It'd be better than nothing, right? Something needs to go in there. Maybe it wouldn't be, but carry on. It'd burn. It'd burn. He'd be better than nothing right something needs to go in there maybe it wouldn't be but carry on it burned it burned he'd be like ah but something needs to be going in there i either vaseline or baby powder i guarantee one of those would do the trick and you'd never get raw of course that would require you to bathe daily and i don't think he does i think i don't think he bathes daily uh
Starting point is 01:06:02 and then if it ever did get raw, you'd immediately want to be applying Neosporin in there. Because that heals like a road rash type injury. I can't imagine that. But what he's doing, it's getting raw and it's getting dirty and he's neither cleaning nor
Starting point is 01:06:20 tending to it. And then it gets fucking staph infection. There's no other way. Because staph doesn't just like, roasted staff grows on like like mats and jujitsu like like if you don't clean them overnight like like like you if everybody gets on them gets sweaty and then somebody's fucking open wound and and like you clean them i choose to believe that he's training and we'll kick all our asses in no time and And that's where the staff is coming from. I'd love that. I'd love that.
Starting point is 01:06:49 I'd have to give him props. That's not the case. He keeps buying – he keeps treating himself to these extravagant gifts. He got an Apple Watch the other day. He's on Twitter. He's like, boom, like showing off the Apple Watch, sharing off the AirPods, showing off the fucking – the new Mustang. He's the AirPods, showing off the new Mustang. He's done all kinds of improvements to the Mustang.
Starting point is 01:07:09 I kind of like this. I want to see the Money Mayweather version of Wings. Maybe get a grill. Yeah, you hate me because you hate me. Apple Watch, bitch. The idea of a grill is fantastic. He'll pour him out one minute about about like the air conditioner and how like like all of his money is being saved for the air conditioner
Starting point is 01:07:31 and and like then the next minute is like boom check this out check this out look at this look what i got over here it's it's pretty great money mayweather wings of redemption i hope turns out to be my favorite iteration of wings of redemption and they all need to be objects that are like $300 or less. Like, boom. That's what it is. New Leatherman, bitch. Huh? You see who I am?
Starting point is 01:07:50 What do you think about that? I got it, by the way. Throw that bitch away. Hey, Bastard Brooke, you want it? No, you don't. You're dead. All right. Yeah, let's go.
Starting point is 01:07:57 Gangster Grandma's going into surgery at the end of the month, too. We might be getting a whole new generation of Wings content. What ailment is she having? To quote Wings, I believe he said it was a major surgery. But we don't know what. But I like her odds. You know, older gal who smokes a lot. That's what I... Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:21 She's at a high risk category right there. I don't know how old she is. It's hard to tell by looking at her. it's like the opposite of asian people it's like how an asian woman you're like i don't know she she could be 30 or 72 i'm not sure i like the meme where asian people fall off a cliff like like 17 25 30 40 and 50 they look amazing 55 suddenly they're like arched back fat etc yeah yeah yeah they get shorter somehow but i i hope she pulls through because wings really depends on her i think that she is his only like i hate to say it this way she might be the only person who truly loves him and cares about him a lot you know like like like it's i see her coming in there with like
Starting point is 01:09:10 food and you know she seems like she relies on him a lot for things to help her out and it would i think he relies on her for things right there they're a pair and um a lot of times when parents die, you're already married and stuff, and you have more people in your life, but when grandma, gangster grandma, that's what I'm looking for, when she dies,
Starting point is 01:09:36 that's going to be wings as everything. Yeah. Yeah, for sure. I hope she makes it, because you get older, surgery gets hard, blood pressure, issues like that with anesthesia. Yeah, it's a whole thing.
Starting point is 01:09:49 I don't know the specifics, but I do agree. She's in a higher risk category. Yeah, for sure. Well, I genuinely hope she turns out okay. Yeah, me too. I don't want to do that. More gangster grandma content. Seemed like a nice lady. So, PKN, 255? Yeah, that was grandma content. Seemed like a nice lady. So PKN 255?
Starting point is 01:10:07 Yep. Yeah, that was fun. See you guys in a couple days.

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