Painkiller Already - PKN #257

Episode Date: August 1, 2019

It's PKN time baby! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 all right pkn 257 taylor i am curious you were busy all day today work or pleasure work work yeah yeah it was not a fun day i i had to delay the start of pkn for everyone listening out there because uh i got delayed on my way back and then like on the last leg of the trip after i'd made the connecting flight from chicago back to st lou. It's like the extend-o-matic thing that you walk into the airport on, it's approaching. In the middle of the approach, it breaks. Ooh. And the pilot is like, yeah, we got something going on with the stair-o-matic over here. We're gonna get that done as fast as you can. You can remain standing. It should
Starting point is 00:00:42 be done shortly. And then, and like 15 minutes later, he's like, all right, you guys can go ahead and take seat. It's going to be a little bit. It's like, are you fucking kidding me? That's the worst. I woke up so early this morning for a very early meeting.
Starting point is 00:00:55 I was at the airport. Like to head home by like nine, like probably before nine. Cause everything I needed to get done that was done for the day and i was so tired i don't sleep well in hotel rooms and so last night i was really trying to sleep really trying to sleep couldn't sleep very well so i maybe got like four hours maybe not even that much and i was just so deliriously tired that i just bought a 15 blanket and then i slept on the floor of the cincinnati airport which is filthy it's filthy but i was sitting there in one of those little chairs it was literally like 8 58
Starting point is 00:01:33 in the morning i'm through security everything's done and i'm like all right well my flight board's at three i was sitting there for like six hours waiting and i was trying to curl up in those little chairs wasn't working so i just went and bought a cheap ass blanket that probably has aids on it by now and then slept on my bag there like right near there's only one place to do it and it was right near where you board and off board planes and so then for the next 30 minutes for the next four, you know, three to four hours in a five hours actually No six hours fuck. Yeah six hours from like nine to three I was like just procession after procession of people getting on the plane off the plane on the plane as I'm laying there trying To sleep. I'm not keeping up with your timeline. I apologize. Maybe I'm the foggy head
Starting point is 00:02:21 He went to Chicago Era very early in the morning got all his work his work done, and he gets to the airport to come back here at like 9 in the morning or something like that, but he had six hours before he's going to fly, so he has to sit there until 3. He had done all of his work by 9 a.m. It was a very early morning. It was a really, really early meeting, and so by the time the meeting was over, it was like, well, head to the airport, and by the time I got to the airport and got through security was around 9 a.m. and my there was no other flights I even went and was like hey can you please get me back to st. Louis because at this point I may as well go to fucking hurts and run a car like that
Starting point is 00:02:54 might have been I thought it was drivable Chicago to st. Louis is like five hours little oh yeah made that fucking drive. I should have done that. You've been singing, driving, singing along with the radio, audiobooks, maybe. Your favorite podcast, perhaps? Rooster Teak, yeah, yeah, yeah. Windows down, you know?
Starting point is 00:03:20 Like, it just... I was so, so bored. I hope I'm not being too nosy. What did you do at work? First of all, what time was the meeting? Eight. Oh, okay. Or no, it started before eight.
Starting point is 00:03:35 So like 7.45. Yeah. Early. It went for like 30, 45 minutes. It sounded like insanity early when I first heard the story. Now, your day was, but the meeting was. The people who were your clients were probably at work a little early. Yeah. And you go there, and if I understand your meetings,
Starting point is 00:03:52 tell me how close I am. You go over the results of our advertising, and if the numbers say it's bad, you explain to them why the numbers are inaccurate. And if the numbers say it's good, you explain to them why the numbers are inaccurate. And if the numbers say it's good, you explain to them why the numbers are dead on. How am I doing? That's definitely included in it. It's more of like a client will reach out to me and be like, hey, I'm sending you all of our information for this year, all the financials and everything. And here's like a rough draft of a PowerPoint and stuff to kind of catch up a given retailer. And they'll be like, all right, this week it's, you know, you're representing this product and you're going
Starting point is 00:04:27 to go talk to fucking CVS corporate or something. And so then you go there and you have to make a presentation basically that the CVS, whatever category it is, like if it's, you know, you know, that's how retail stores are broken down. Like, uh, it could be going to CVS and you're saying you're saying Woody's Herpes medication over here should get better shelf space, and you're making a pitch for that. Basically, it'd be like, hey, Woody's Herpes medication, really killing it right now. We're getting our year-over-year numbers.
Starting point is 00:04:54 We're up double digits. We're beating everything else, even though the category's flat, so you know that we're driving business in this new sphere. You say whatever you need to say, and then usually if they're a smart buyer, they'll be like well go into that a little bit more and you just have to hope that it's not an actual problem because you don't want to lie to these people because they have way too much power over your business and so if they call you out on something you can't be like no no you have to kind of be
Starting point is 00:05:18 like you have to be like uh yep that's definitely something we're addressing we're taking care of that and we prioritize that just as much as you do. But if I can draw your attention to this over here, let's talk about this. And so, yeah, usually those meetings are super short, like whether it's Walmart, Walgreens, CVS, whoever, because it's just that same fucking dude, like the produce buyer or whatever. It's just a guy sitting in a chair who's dealing with people coming in talking about their kinds of lettuce or jalapenos or whatever all day. And so he's like rushing people in and out because he doesn't have time to do that. So you really have to go in pretty scripted, pretty ready to overcome any objectives and also not stumbling or panicking
Starting point is 00:06:00 or anything. It's been fun for me off on the side to watch you grow in competence in your career and get good at this. So I'm happy for you. I really don't give a shit. No, like the Taylor that I think I knew high school Taylor. I definitely knew college Taylor. I knew fresh out of college Taylor who, you know, was just learning the world. And now I know current Taylor who Taylor who you know was just learning the world and now I know current Taylor who's you know somebody that lots of people in this field would would wish they had working there
Starting point is 00:06:30 so that's cool yeah very very fortunate and pleased with it yeah but enough about little old me I I think I already said I had to take a shower before I hopped on here that's why I was a little extra late because I read an article on like Newsweek stand at the airport. It was talking about flesh-eating bacteria after I had woken up from the nap on the floor. I was like, this is no good. I would not have showered. That's how I would have built up my immune system. I get a good airplane nap every now and then just to toughen it up. I'll tell you what, I have been in that same scenario. that same scenario, you know,
Starting point is 00:07:06 you're at the airport extremely early many times. Cause like, you know, like a lot of the trips that we all go on or whatever, like what, for whatever reason, you know, booking flights back, back home, maybe I can't get out until 4 PM, even though the day is essentially over as soon as it begins, you know, like this is our last day here, but nothing's going to happen. Like I leave the hotel at 8 AM and I can't get out until 4 PM. I guess I'll just try to get to the airport early and I'll click that little button at Delta that says, would
Starting point is 00:07:34 you like an earlier flight? It's like, fuck yeah, I would. How fast do I have to run? That happens sometimes. I've been fortunate. I get there and it's like, hey, there is a flight leaving in 15 minutes. You want to hop on that one it's like fuck yeah i do get me out of here but you know you end up sitting there in the airport all day and i often bring a laptop so i can sit there and play civilization or listen to a podcast or watch something so restless and how lucky so kyle takes the atlanta airport and when he says yeah i'd like to get there early there's probably other flights headed to atlanta airport and when he says yeah i'd like to get there early there's probably other flights headed to atlanta oftentimes probably a hundred of them that button for me says hey would you like your layover to switch to six hours and it's like no i guess i'll just walk around chicago
Starting point is 00:08:16 you know like oh yeah this is only so many flights going around to get into the st louis airport it's like yeah you'll take what we give you and you'll like it, bitch. I missed my flight last year. It was the first time I'd ever missed a flight. I was at JFK one time and they only had one security line for all of JFK. Still made my fucking flight though because everybody was
Starting point is 00:08:38 slow, but I was flying out of, I don't even know where, somewhere in the Northwest last year and oh my god i just fucked up i just fucked up did you miss it like an hour like it like i wasn't gonna make it at all it's it's like i'm at the beginning of the process and the flight's leaving in 10 like it we're not gonna fucking make this and so i go to like this counter i'm like hey i i've missed my flight what can be done and they're like oh no big deal you're going to atlanta well how so jelly one leaving in 45 minutes and then another one in an
Starting point is 00:09:11 hour and then another one an hour and three minutes and it's like yeah fuck yeah yeah it is it really is nice you want the one 45 minutes from now or an hour you can go to chili's if you want yeah exactly i missed a flight to chili's once because i think it was out of boston maybe it was charlotte i don't know why those two are popping into my head but i like you know you walk right up to the little placard thing and it says the uh departure time on there and i got it in my head somehow as i was walking quickly by i was starving i was you know doing that scoping out restaurants before i get to the gate you know know, and I was like, all right I got the boarding time mixed up with the
Starting point is 00:09:49 Actual like leaving time and so I showed up like bright-eyed and bushy tailed stomach full of wings ready to go Like all right This shit Actually, uh, yeah, there's no more flights going to St. Louis tonight. So you get to bounce back to Chicago and then go from there. Oh, it's such a fucking pain. I'm a professional traveler now. I've been on enough flights.
Starting point is 00:10:12 I'm sure we've all been on a bunch of flights. You've probably flown. I don't know how much you've flown, Taylor, but it seems like you fly every month. Yeah, I've flown quite a bit. Right? You're always flying. But there was a time when I wasn't very competent at it. I wasn't quite at Wings of Redemption levels of expertise because i i don't know watched a movie and a
Starting point is 00:10:29 television show before about airports but uh but there was a time when i was definitely really intimidated at the airport and like like like ah i don't want to get on the plane train what if it takes me somewhere i don't know and i get I get lost because the Atlanta airport is so goddamn big. It's so goddamn big. Like, I know it like the back of my hand now, but there was a time when it was just elaborate. I can remember like being afraid to get on the plane train because I didn't know where it was going to take me. The plane train is essentially like an underground subway that takes you from one end of the airport to the other. But I didn't understand what the gates meant and I didn't know where exactly I wanted to go, so I just started walking.
Starting point is 00:11:07 In the Atlanta airport. So it's like, I'll come across it in the next mile or four. It was about four miles. I'm underground on this long passageway. Now on the train, the train goes 50 miles per hour, and it takes four minutes. Sir, sir, you
Starting point is 00:11:23 don't walk on the tracks. Well, they have like a thing you can walk through. And as you're walking through, there's always maintenance going on down there. It is kind of shady. It looks like a New York subway, like the side of the tracks a little bit. But you couldn't jump on the tracks if you wanted to.
Starting point is 00:11:44 That's not a thing down there. But I just remember when I finally got done, it was after like one of our paintball trips and I was just like breathing hard, covered in sweat, like not, not like sweat on my brow, like sweat in my eyeballs, like, like burning into my eyes to the point where I'm occasionally I'll stop. I took my button-up button button-up shirt off and like wiped my whole face with it and then just like tied it around my waist and kept going you just shirtless at this point am I understand you know you know we're getting an undershirt on okay okay yeah I'm like I thought he went like Lord of the Flies on this shit I'm like I'm like Rambo down there
Starting point is 00:12:25 like ripping my clothes apart dick and put the little ball in a hobo shirtless he's got his little bindle yeah i think so yeah so you showed up at your gate you know sweaty and feeling like shit and everybody else at your gate is like he's headed home see i'm heading home like like home is just my dad's out there somewhere you know he's out there he's just like what took you so long thank god you're here do you have water i never i didn't want to spend 11 on another airport water yeah Yeah, I never had that. I guess I was a kid when I first started taking a lot of plane trips, so I was the assistant. Just follow your parents around.
Starting point is 00:13:13 My first time alone, it was okay. Did they ever lose your luggage? Yes. Did they completely lose it? No. Usually, it's almost a positive thing. If the airline hasn't lost your luggage there is a very good chance what they're actually saying is not we
Starting point is 00:13:29 lost your luggage but hey we'll bring it to your hotel tonight and I don't know if things have changed but like the airline employees get money for taking your luggage to your hotel they'll be like dude you know random luggage handler would you like an extra 50 bucks to take Woody's bag to his hotel? And they'll be like, yeah, it's like 10 minutes out of my way. That's a good use of my time. And really, like, I have never had them not return my luggage by the next morning at the latest.
Starting point is 00:13:57 And it just means you don't have to carry it. They lost Kitty's bag one time when we were flying into Chicago. And then they lost Kitty's bag once when we were flying into Atlanta. Permanently. It took a day and a half. They sent it to another state. It got on the wrong plane and just went bye-bye. But the time that they lost it on our return journey,
Starting point is 00:14:17 they had to drive that shit to Hartwell from Atlanta. It's two fucking hours. Did you used to live in Hartwell? It's two fucking hours on Lake Hartwell. Lake Hartwell is so. It's two fucking hours. Did you used to live in Hartwell? It's two fucking hours on Lake Hartwell. Lake Hartwell is so big, dude. It's like... It must be super near me. I mean, I'm sorry to cut you off of your story,
Starting point is 00:14:34 but I go to a boat ramp in Lake Hartwell for... What's the town? Hartwell. Oh, yeah, of course. Yeah, that's where I'm from. Yeah, you've been there. You're from a nearby town. I'm not going to out you or dox you.
Starting point is 00:14:46 Yeah. I'm pretty sure it's well documented on the internet. I'm not part of the problem, though. Yeah. Yeah. Hart County is adjacent to Franklin County. Hartwell is, like, that's the town that we would often, that's the Walmart that I got arrested in, like, way back when, you know, when I was open carrying. I've been to the Home Depot. You know, Scott lives in Hartwell. Okay. Dude, one of these times I want to take you for a tandem paramotor flight. I know.
Starting point is 00:15:11 It hasn't been your passion. I'll do it sometime. I would be willing, you know. You know, I have no fear of heights, and I like views. We can instill some. No, more seriously, the way tandem paramotoring works is like, whatever you want is what you get, right? You want a short flight, a long flight,
Starting point is 00:15:32 you want to do acro, you want to go straight and level, we'll do that. I'm going to do you like that helicopter pilot that Bill Burt has that whole bit about. He's like, all right, and if you look off to your left here, you'll see beautiful Lake Hartwell. Hey, what are you doing that harness? And the great Smoky Mountain I'm almost at the door. Snap. Keep your seatbelt on. Anyway, I'm here. You'll see the snap.
Starting point is 00:16:06 And he's like, no. That's funny, but you can't do it. There would be the weight of the two of us and the paramotor. So it would be, oh, a knife would get it done. Yes. I got the wrong strap and you'd fall out. I'd be like, what is it? So hard after all.
Starting point is 00:16:22 I'm just saying the reserve's tied to me. Shit. Yeah. Shit. Yeah. Shit. Yeah. And I fly with two reserves too. But anyway, I would really love to do that. Yeah. I wouldn't be opposed to it.
Starting point is 00:16:33 There's not much I'm afraid of. I am hesitant to jump out of an airplane, but I think if I got up there, I'd do it. I have this worry that it just won't be very fun. I've done it. Did I tell you that? I think it seems smooth. Yeah. You've talked about it before.
Starting point is 00:16:46 I just have this worry that it's going to be like, this was a lot of nonsense for nothing. This isn't great. I really like being in aircraft and doing silly things. I always enjoyed being in helicopters and having a pilot who didn't give a fuck, who seemed like he had a bit of a death wish. I've done that too. Yeah, I've been in a couple really low like that yeah and i did this shoot where they got a
Starting point is 00:17:10 vietnam vet to fly a huey and there was a minigun we shot at the side of it and stuff and um but like i don't think he scouted for power lines or anything i think he was just sort of hoping there weren't any and and just like the way he was curving and low and and you know there's a minigun with uh tracer ammo shooting out the side and stuff it was distracting all of us i i really feel like he does that well he was a legit vietnam vet maybe he's good at it i was going to say that was a minute ago now yeah the shoot was five years ago so he was younger than yeah they're old as fuck a lot of those pilots are you know they've been doing their whole lives uh but but yeah that's always been fun have you ever seen like
Starting point is 00:17:56 a person walking around with a world war ii veteran hat like have you seen that in the last year? Holy fuck. You think Vietnam vets are looking old. This guy looked like he was being weekended Bernie. Dude, I saw he was death's door. There's no way that guy that I saw like two months ago is alive today. Zero percent. The guy I'm thinking of, right? He had a Vietnam vet hat on and it was a while ago. It was during the fitness competition, I think.
Starting point is 00:18:26 But he was a Vietnam dude. Like it was a Vietnamese restaurant and he was from Vietnam and he had a Vietnam vet hat on. And I'm like, yeah, exactly. What side were you on? Hey, Joe, which side? There's no indicator. I'm out.
Starting point is 00:18:40 I'm out. There was nothing American about his hat it just said vietnam vet on it and i should have fallen outside mark wahlberg treatment oh jesus didn't he beat up some vietnamese guy or something he beat up a i think it was a korean man i'm not sure he beat up some uh am i right ah who can tell you know right the eyes were halfway i think he called him some racial slurs i don't remember exactly what what slur he used but uh you know hey he's marky mark who cares i don't i'm not a big fan of that oriental guys movies or anything. He never
Starting point is 00:19:25 entertained me once. I don't think he's been in a single feature film. No. That's what my barometer is. Can he even dance? Definitely not as well as Marky Mark. Not anymore. Not after that beating. No. Well, certainly not after that. Not after that beating.
Starting point is 00:19:41 Not after that little hate crime that Marky Mark put down on him. Jesus Christ. And now he gets to be in like the departed and shit. And now we know you don't fuck with Marky Mark is what we know. Like he. Yeah, he's in the rock all the time. I imagine. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:58 He got pumped for that movie he was in with the rock. It may have been called. I can't remember what it's called. It's called like Get Hard. No, I can't remember the name of it. But he just, he totally did a bunch of roids and just got pumped as fuck. Can I tell you about Marky Mark? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:12 Tell us what he did. In 1988, Wahlberg assaulted a middle-aged Vietnamese man on the street, calling him a Vietnam fucking shit and knocking them unconscious with a large wooden stick. Wahlberg attacked a second Vietnamese man later the same day, punching him in the eye. When Wahlberg was arrested, he returned to the scene of the first assault
Starting point is 00:20:32 and told police officers, I'll tell you now, that's the motherfucker whose head I split open. Investigators also noted Wahlberg made numerous unsolicited racial statements about gooks and slant-eyed gooks. I'm glad he disembodied. I'm glad he disambiguized the two. I like that he's like the clarifier in there.
Starting point is 00:20:48 Yeah. Wahlberg was charged with attempted murder, pleaded guilty to felony assault, and then was sentenced to two years in jail, but only served 45 days of his sentence. Wahlberg believed he had left the second victim permanently blind in one eye dude there's a list here i that's what that's how it's phrased yeah wallberg believed he left the second victim
Starting point is 00:21:12 permanently blind one eye but there's more in 1986 two years prior wallberg and three friends chased after three black children yelling kill the brother kill the brother because i don't say the n-word even a little anymore, and throwing rocks at them. As you were doing that, I'm like, well, this isn't as bad as I was imagining, actually. I don't know that I'm messing with it. That would be on someone's soundboard. The next day, Wahlberg and others
Starting point is 00:21:39 followed a group of schoolchildren taking a field trip on a beach yelling racial epithets at them, threw rocks at them, and summoned other white males who joined in the harassment. Summoned them? Like he did a spell? That's how I choose to believe it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:53 Does it say in the article racial epitaphs? Yeah. Did I pronounce it correctly? That's not an everyday word. Like, here lies a dirty bee! Epithet. That's a silly little mistake. Well, in any case, American legend, hero.
Starting point is 00:22:11 Dude, it keeps going. 92, 2006, 2014, 2016. Last week. I can't get enough of beating the hell out of these Vietnamese guys. It's like a drug. I'm addicted.
Starting point is 00:22:26 That's so funny that of all the ethnicities, it's like two Vietnamese guys, same time. He had to be looking for Vietnamese guys that day, right? Did he explain why? That he just hates Vietnamese people? There's got to be a reason. It didn't even occur to me he wasn't in Vietnam. I guess he was in America. No, no.
Starting point is 00:22:43 He's way too young for Nam. Oh, no. I didn't think he was during the war. Oh, you thought he was beating wasn't in Vietnam. I guess he was in America. No, no, he's way too young for Nam. Oh, no, I didn't think he was during the war. Oh, you thought he was beating up Vietnamese in Vietnam. I just thought he, yeah, you know, I don't know. I guess I just connected some dots that don't belong. Yeah, call that a weight gain. Yeah, I just figured, like, oh, he's probably in Vietnam. If you're looking for those slant eyes, it's the best place to go.
Starting point is 00:23:02 It's a target-rich environment. That's where they keep them. that's where they keep them where they met that's where they manufactured them yeah i really lucked out that he did all that shit in the 80s no that would get you straight away canceled in 2019 in august 1992 walberg fractured the jaw of a neighbor in an unprovoked attack. Court documents state in 1992, Wahlberg, without provocation or cause, viciously and repeatedly kicked a man in the face while another man held the victim on the ground. You don't fuck with Marky Mark, boys. I guess not. I wonder what was...
Starting point is 00:23:38 That's a man's man. What was happening in his life? Did he have some lows at that point or highs? What made Marky... At what point? From the 80s to the 90s yeah that's been a rough two decades for you as a young man 86 to 92 right so it's actually six years all right was that in between we was he like he was 15 years old in 1986 was he yeah okay okay 71 so this, what group was he in? Which boy band?
Starting point is 00:24:05 Um, the, it's, um, Marky Mark and the Funky Something Bunch. Funky Boys or something like that? Funky Bunch.
Starting point is 00:24:12 Funky Bunch. I don't think, I don't think it was called Marky Mark. Yeah, Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch. Yeah. I,
Starting point is 00:24:21 and when does, when was this? I, active until 93. New kids on the block was the name of his boy band uh Marky Mark on the funky bunch might have been his solo act but he was a new kids on the block that's what I was you can't disregard the funky bunch I don't know the funky bunch are the guys who would hold a repeatedly oh no ways new kids on the block that was Donnie who would hold a Vietnamese man down while you repeatedly kiss him in the face. Oh, no way.
Starting point is 00:24:47 New Kids on the Block, that was Donnie Wahlberg. Yeah. Oh. Donnie Wahlberg? The new kids on the block suck a lot of dick. Boy-girl groups make me sick. Man, that's catchy. Well, I'm very confused.
Starting point is 00:25:03 I guess it was Marky Mark. Yeah, the brothers. Okay, well, my mistake. Anyway, I'm very confused. I guess it was Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch. Okay, well, my mistake. Anyway, I wonder if at this point, like, is Marky Mark a dick when he's on top of the world or on the bottom? That's what I want to know. Was it that his boy band had peaked and then he went into super dick mode? Or was he peaking? Was he in a boy band crushing it and that's when he was a dick to the world? Because different people are different that way
Starting point is 00:25:25 Yeah, I don't care. He's a cool guy to me. Okay? Yeah Seems like seems like the kind of a man who doesn't take any shit off anybody or like how he was like Tough at the time, but he also was like yeah, I smashed that guy right in the head with the stick The stick I didn't even necessarily want to use it. I like the feeling of my hand hitting someone who looks different than me. But that big stick had to do it. I wanted to blind him in one eye.
Starting point is 00:25:54 That, you know, it was where he was beating on that. And it didn't say which side he was fighting for. I was doing something for Miles. Yeah, how do you feel now, you yellow cyclops? Get out of here. Go back where you came from! I like the cyclops joke, that is funny.
Starting point is 00:26:10 Back then I was just like, Marky Mark does this and that, but new song came out, very catchy. On to that. Look at those dance moves! There's like a lot of punching and like a lot of stomps. Yeah, right! moves there's like a lot of punching and like a lot of stops and elbow drops things like that it's like stop one two stop stop yeah yeah do you think this is the kind of thing that might hurt his chances of doing 13 scorsese movies throughout his career no i don't think so i think it solidifies it in fact i think you'll be be fine. I think you'll be just fine. I have a different topic. So I read today that Leonardo DiCaprio was the last big movie star, right?
Starting point is 00:26:54 And this is how they defined it. They said there are a lot of other movie stars, but like they said Robert Downey Jr., for example, doesn't bring tons of box office success if he's not Iron Man, right? Chris Helmsworth, right? If that guy does a rom-com, people don't come to see it. Meanwhile, Leonardo DiCaprio can do an R-rated movie about a guy who crawls through the snow or something, and it's a huge blockbuster. Leonardo DiCaprio can do anything. He doesn't do a ton of movies, so if I see Leonardo DiCaprio does a movie, even though he's not my personal favorite,
Starting point is 00:27:26 I'm like, well, this is a guy who's very selective in what he does. So it's probably an event. I like him in pretty much everything. Tom Hanks, Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt. Still, still, still? You think that's true now? Tom Hanks' movie is about to come out where he's Mr. Rogers. It's going to be massive.
Starting point is 00:27:46 I would think Brad Pitt for sure. Think about that. This isn't like, oh, yeah. I mean, Tom Cruise is going to do Top Gun, and I predict that to do really, really well. But that's a cool fucking movie. It's Tom Cruise is coming back, and he's reprising his role, and he's going to fly a fucking fighter jet, and it's going to be slick and cool, and the music's going to be great. All right, we're going to go watch that, of course.
Starting point is 00:28:06 But Tom Hanks is going to play Mr. Fucking Rogers. If that is big, then you're right. Yeah, if that's as massive as you predict, then you're just totally right. He belongs on that list. Top Gun, I would say, is not a good candidate. Is his name Henry Cavill? Who's Superman? Yeah, Henry Cavill.
Starting point is 00:28:23 Sounds right. is his name Henry Cavill who's Superman? Yeah, Henry Cavill. If he played Maverick in a Top Gun reboot of some sort, I think it would also be pretty big. No way. No way. You don't think so? No. Tom Cruise brings the magic, man.
Starting point is 00:28:36 Everything he's done for a long time has been quite well. Those Mission Impossible movies are still just blockbusters every time he makes one. And they're great. They're great. It's the only series i can think of where like oh yeah the fifth one's good oh the sixth one oh it's great what about the seventh one i think it's better than the sixth one frankly ever see this style of youtube video where they're like hey rock climber watches rock climbing movie cgi very popular right now okay I watched
Starting point is 00:29:05 one where it was stuntman watch stunts and they were tipping their hat to Tom Cruise they were talking about some of the aerial stunts he does like hanging out a plane or halo jumping or whatever Tom Cruise is the only guy who does that that if it was anyone else it would be done in CGI but like I'm saying other stuntmen don't do this stuff that Tom Cruise does. Yeah, yeah. He really pushes the envelope. When I was watching the Top Gun trailer with some friends, I was like, wow.
Starting point is 00:29:34 Man, it looks like he's really fucking flying that goddamn fighter jet. And I was like, Tom Cruise isn't really flying that fighter jet, is he? Like, did he go learn to be a fighter? Is he at war right now? Are these movies just vehicles for Tom Cruise to live out his fantasies? Where he gets to fly a jet and halo jump? Did he just call Trump? And they're like, hey, you got like four wars going on over there.
Starting point is 00:30:01 You're always, put me in, coach. Put me in. Right? I'll pay for the plane if I wreck it. All right. That's a good deal. None of the other pilots are doing that. This is the best offer on the table. Nobody else puts a deposit down when they take off.
Starting point is 00:30:16 So yeah, fucking go for it, man. I'm trying to think, but it just seems like Tom Cruise does like woody fantasy shit. I would love to hang outside in a C-130 while it flies around. That's an experience I would enjoy. I do that shit too. That,
Starting point is 00:30:29 that doesn't look dangerous to me at all. I don't think there was any real danger in that. It was just, it was cool. The interesting thing is that Tom fucking Cruz did it, you know, that he did it. The,
Starting point is 00:30:39 the, the, the hundred millionaire who's like world famous did it. But if like some, like red, some guy wearing a Red Bull costume, did it on YouTube, you'd be like world famous did it. But if like some, like red, some guy wearing a Red Bull costume did it on YouTube, you'd be like, what?
Starting point is 00:30:48 You didn't, you didn't saw it off at the end and then jump off. Like, like, like, like what the fuck? Like, look,
Starting point is 00:30:54 I love Robert Downey Jr. But if there was a stunt that involved him jumping off a kitchen chair, they'd get a stunt man to cover it for him. Right. But Tom Cruise, no, I just made that up entirely. That's straight off the top of my head.
Starting point is 00:31:07 I would have believed you. But Tom Cruise does ridiculous stuff. It's pretty cool. He's great, yeah. I really appreciate all that shit he does. I like his movies. I say it every time he comes up. Incredible actor, great action star, and he can actually act.
Starting point is 00:31:24 He's just a member know he's a member member of the world's largest cult so that's kind of well well it keeps his young looking refuses to do his own stunts um have you appropriately yeah you don't want liam neeson doing any stunts yeah they did i don't know why han solo tried because he's that. Because he's old. Oh, yeah, he is old. And not only is he old, like Tom Cruise is pretty old, but he's aged really well. Heck, Robert Downey Jr. That's outrageous, yeah. Stallone is fit.
Starting point is 00:31:55 Stallone is fit as fuck. He's on all those hormones. You do a pull-up, but you don't just go up and down. You go back and forth like this. Are you familiar with this? No. I thought you were going to say a pull-up, but you don't just go up and down. You go back and forth like this. Are you familiar with this? No. I thought you were going to say a muscle-up, but that's even different than a muscle-up.
Starting point is 00:32:10 I know what you're referring to. You sort of extend out like a gymnast. It looks basically impossible. Like buff dudes did it or something. Stallone got motivated, and he did it at like 70. Jesus. All natural. Yeah, yeah. motivated and he did it at like 70 and like all natural yeah yeah and he didn't do it like like he had to work into it it took him a couple weeks to master this maneuver and um i was just really impressed yeah i'm very impressed with stallone and schwarzenegger they both look good i saw an
Starting point is 00:32:39 interview with uh schwarzenegger recently and dude looks good he's rocking the beard now he kind of came back because he didn't look good 10 years see that the thing about that picture of him looking real bad he just had had open heart surgery like like a few months before and like he could he was in bed essentially like and you know he lost all his muscle tone and so that that's at his worst i agree but i think that when he was the governator you know he fitness just wasn't his top priority. Guy was devoted to work. Probably less so than at most points in his life. He's got a new Terminator movie about to come.
Starting point is 00:33:13 You know what's crazy, though? Even him being a slouch with fitness, he, in that moment, was probably far and away the strongest politician we've ever had. Oh, well, Jesse the body ventura six foot four 250 pounds abraham lincoln said to wrestle well i bet i bet jesse ventura would beat up abe lincoln but i bet man jesse ventura is it does he know anything real or does he just like go to japan and make the prime minister uncomfortable jesse ventura is aAL. I didn't think that was confirmed. Oh, no, that's actually confirmed. He was in the SEALs.
Starting point is 00:33:50 I was a frog man. Was he actually a frog man? I don't know what that sounds anymore. Class of 58. I think he got ostracized from the SEALs. No, like 58 class. All right, so here's what happened. That's a lot of bullshit. What happened?
Starting point is 00:34:04 Chris Kyle, the American sniper, wrote this lie in his book about confronting Jesse Ventura and beating him up at a bar. And Jesse Ventura sued Chris Kyle in civil court, won the case, and was awarded a lot of money because it turned out that Chris Kyle had, in fact, lied about Jesse Ventura. And a lot of the SEAL community backed Chris Kyle rather than Jesse Ventura. Although Jesse Ventura was in the right. Now there's a little twist to it that you left out, which is, I guess, either he's basically taking it from Chris Kyle's estate. Yeah, that's a lie that the other side has told a lot. It doesn't come from the estate. Insurance pays it. Oh. Well, I didn't...
Starting point is 00:34:52 Yeah, okay. They make it seem like a grieving widow is coming out of her pocket to pay off this old Jesse Ventura guy who's holding a vindictive grudge against a fallen hero. I did not. who's holding like a vindictive grudge against a fallen hero when in fact this chris kyle guy who told lots of lies in his book and in public um uh told one too many got sued in civil court and sub and completely unrelated he was murdered by a crazed fan ptsd guy dropped on the opiate anthony show yeah yeah that that happened on the opening um that Anthony show. Yeah, that happened on the Opie and Anthony show. That came out over there. He was off the grid, as he says, when that book first came out.
Starting point is 00:35:30 He didn't know about it for some time until he was able to access internet. He got an email from his brother or something like that. I like Ventura. He's a little out there, but I liked his film career. I kind of liked him as a wrestler. I liked him as a politician. I was going to say, I liked him as a wrestler and uh i liked him as a politician i was gonna say i liked him as a real no nonsense an outsider with a good motive is why i liked him right like there are a lot of politicians who like the power who parlay that
Starting point is 00:35:57 power into money who you know this is like that's their thing a lot of guys running for president right now. Why? What are you trying to make better about America? Oh, no, I just want to be president. It's really about me. It's how I feel for a bunch of the field. That's not how I felt like Ventura was. I felt like he was like, I can do this job. He wanted to serve the people of Minnesota. That's what it seemed like to me.
Starting point is 00:36:21 I don't know if he was great at it, but if he comes from a pure place, then I like that. Yeah, yeah. I like to me. I don't know if he was great at it, but if he comes from a pure place, then I like that. Yeah, yeah. I like the guy. He's really interesting. He is kooky. He's got weird ways of doing things, and he's got very different opinions
Starting point is 00:36:37 about a lot of stuff, but he's got cool fucking stories from the wrestling stuff and the military stuff and the movies. and uh in the movies you know he was a predator that's my favorite movie that he's in when he's the uh i can't think of the character's name but when he's in predator he's that tobacco chowing oh i can picture him bad motherfucker yeah i believe i think the story about the biceps is true with him and Arnold. Do you know this? Yeah, I know what you're talking about. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:37:06 I don't know exactly. So Arnold made a bet with Jesse Ventura that he had bigger biceps than Jesse did, but obviously he does. Right. But that's not where the story begins. The story begins with Arnold, like falsely throwing out stats.
Starting point is 00:37:24 Like I've got 16 inch biceps. I'm pretty proud of them. The story begins with Arnold falsely throwing out stats. Like, I've got 16 inch biceps, I'm pretty proud of them. And he made sure that that leaked and got into Jesse's head. So then, when it was like, you know, we should measure biceps, and Jesse's like, yeah, yeah, we should. Meanwhile, he's got like 24 inch pythons that he's been lying about their size.
Starting point is 00:37:46 So when they measured it, Arnold came up the winner. That's the sort of shit that Arnold does a lot. Arnold's crafty motherfucker. Everybody thinks like, ah, he's that goofy Australian guy. He's so sneaky with a lot of that shit. At least not Australian. Austrian. I said Austrian.
Starting point is 00:38:01 I thought. I heard Australian too, but it doesn't matter. One of the coolest things he did in his business career. You know, first of all, he was a millionaire before he ever started acting from gym equipment that he was selling. But he was a spokesman for something like that. But when he, Twins. Twins is the movie he got paid the most for of everything. With Danny DeVito?
Starting point is 00:38:23 Danny DeVito. That is a very funny movie it's got like a 30% on Rotten Tomatoes it's a it's a goofy buddy buddy comedy and it's and so what happened was Alan Reichman directed it the guy who directed Ghostbusters and him DeVito and Schwarzenegger came together and they were like look this is gonna be huge but the studio doesn't want to back us because they don't think Arnold can do this they he's they want to put him in the jungle They want to put him, you know back fighting an alien or a monster killing some Russians or something like that
Starting point is 00:38:51 But he believes that he can do it. I believe he can do it Arnold so Arnold says to the the studio don't pay us We'll all work for free me Alan, right, but who just has come off Ghostbusters He's a huge director Danny DeVito who's got a pretty great career at the time too and schwarzenegger biggest action star in the world is like we'll all work for free we just want a piece of the back end so you can make this movie for 15 million dollars and they're like sure he got 20 of the back end on a 250 million dollar gross he made like 40 something million dollars or something like that i don't remember the exact number in cash the adjusted money it's like the adjusted
Starting point is 00:39:30 money is like 167 million people betting on themselves that's cool provided it's a good bet i love it i love it i don't like it when you know people drop out of high school and bet on themselves it's like i wouldn't bet on you. Ah, you can always go back. Geometry's too hard, but I've got this whole life thing under control. Go out there and do it. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:56 I like those guys. Guys like Ventura and Schwarzenegger. They're really interesting. I was listening to a Ventura interview today, and he was talking about how Vince McMahon is still paying him because of a suit that he had with Vince McMahon. Whenever he gets into an altercation, he's like, I do the right thing. I just take them to court. Vince McMahon owns everything about
Starting point is 00:40:24 his wrestlers. That's one of the things he does I think it was a long time before the rock was able to get away and and and like do his own thing Because I think maybe Vince McMahon owned the name the rock like like he owns your trademark and and all your shit Like if you're whatever you are he owns that like to make it so that you can't leave without like pretty much Yeah, yeah, so you can't leave without pretty much. Yeah, yeah. So you can't leave. And if you do anything bigger than wrestling, he gets a part of that. Well, Ventura owned all of his shit.
Starting point is 00:40:53 He owned Jesse the Body Ventura before he started doing the wrestling. He went ahead and made sure that he owned that. And so he sued McMahon at some point. And now every time they sell a DVD of Wrestlemania or they rebroadcast he gets a check every quarter. He's one of the guys they won't bring back. They bring all the old guys
Starting point is 00:41:14 back for Wrestlemania and shit like that. He's like, he won't bring me back because he knows he'll have to cut a check. That's funny. That guy's also pretty yoked. Is he still? Vince McMahon. Oh,'s also pretty yoked. Is he still? Vince McMahon. Oh, my head was on Jesse. Jesse, not so much.
Starting point is 00:41:31 He had an embolism or something like that years ago, but it just seems like he's not focused on it. He's an old guy. You're not going to pump iron forever. He's like 70 years old. He needs to shave that hair he's got that ponytail that kind of starts way back here you know and everything's pulled but he's
Starting point is 00:41:51 got like the same kind of scalp look as as smiegel taylor did you see my tweet yesterday by chance the uh you working out one yeah yes i did i liked did. I liked it even. I liked seeing the progress. Yeah, that's great. I, cause I didn't see your tweet. I guess I saw a picture of your tweet or whatever, but you made something, some mention of like, you're looking for people to work out, you're starting an army.
Starting point is 00:42:14 Does it, what did you? Oh yeah. I was like, it was more just like, like trying to be motivational, like start working out, like no more excuses, go out and do it. I can't start my revolution with a bunch of skinny boys that's what it was yeah so I'm working out and my arms are all like pump bigger than they normally are or something and I'm like you know feeling cute might delete later I should take a
Starting point is 00:42:35 shot right now while I'm all like the best version of me so I take a picture and I see it and the face I make is awful like I am flexing so hard and I'm all red and stuff because I finished my work and I just done squats and I see it and the face I make is awful. Like I am flexing so hard and I'm all red and stuff because I finished my work and I had just done squats and my face is beet red and all sweaty and I look terrible and I'm like, no, I can't let anyone see that. I'll take another one of me smiling. And on my phone, it looked okay, right? Like I was like, but then afterwards I'm like, man,
Starting point is 00:43:03 I think the face I made went from a one out of 10 to like a three out of 10. I decided to run with it for some reason. But, uh, yeah, you shouldn't feel bad about it. I didn't notice you making a goofy face at all. I just, it's there, but, um, that's really good. Yeah. I, I've, uh, this time around and making some gains, I haven't been doing chest, so I haven't been getting injured. It was always the bench press that hurt me or dips that hurt me. Like your shoulders?
Starting point is 00:43:30 Yeah, exactly. And I've started doing more. You know, I do bench press on rings. You know gymnast rings, the ones you hang on? I can't iron cross, obviously. But doing push-ups on those makes you like do like pull it in together. And I don't know. I've just,
Starting point is 00:43:48 I guess I crossed my fingers. I haven't been injured this time around. That's always what knocks me off my game. And I'm feeling good. Yeah. It's tempting to want to go way too heavy because you can be like, I could kind of do it, but then you end up fucking yourself up and then you're out of the,
Starting point is 00:44:03 out of the grind for a while. How'd you get your shit starting to come together? Your home gym or anything? No. And no T-info at all? I still haven't called him. Taylor, he's busy! It takes weeks to make a call.
Starting point is 00:44:19 Back off, would ya? This is more of an August. I started adding barbell no dumbbell bench presses and part of the reason is there's no comparison i think i do 30 pounds which i think is really light but uh i'm sure you bench press and i don't know what your weight is but it's like oh yeah they're they're incomparable yeah you can't measure my dumbbells against somebody's actual bench. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:44:47 It takes all the pressure off and lets me work with low weights. That's good. Yeah, and like, I don't know. The more I try to learn about this stuff, the more like the real experts and the huge guys always give the advice of like, you know, you trying to max out your one rep max and do all this stuff and just see how heavy you can get it. Like, that's just, it's just for you, you bragging. Like if you actually want to build strength and get stronger, like don't be a fool, take it slow. Like don't ratchet up the weight too high.
Starting point is 00:45:15 If you feel a pain, don't think you're being a macho man by pushing through. Like if you recognize the soreness pain, obviously that's fine. Like if I'm benching or squatting or something, my hamstrings are sore, my quads or whatever, then I push through that. But if it's like a shoulder, like, ah, oh, kind of sharp thing that don't, don't just take a few days off. It's not worth it.
Starting point is 00:45:35 Yeah. Especially shoulders. Shoulders get fucked up so easy. That is, that's been my hardship. That's what always knocks me off my game. The, uh, I got two things in my head. One, AthleanX is always talking about what a great exercise you can get with
Starting point is 00:45:48 ridiculously light weights. He's like, lay on your belly, just put five pounds in each hand and hold them behind your back. And I'm like, yeah, that does look really hard. It'd be hard just to lift my arms behind me. And looking at his body, you're like, well, I trust you entirely.
Starting point is 00:46:04 Yeah, it's his resume. Do you're like, well, I trust you entirely In the other David Goggins this That sounds familiar, but I don't know. Yeah, he's got a really good Joe Rogan interview he's this like Super motivated man who like does he's an ultra marathon runner He's one of these that guy who like ran and who ran and all the bones in his feet were broken. He just kept going for hundreds of miles or something crazy like that. He was just breaking the bones in his feet because he was overweight when he started. I can't remember who the third party was, but he was telling a story.
Starting point is 00:46:41 Goggins does an interview with Rogan, and he's this super intense guy. He was the one who was talking about listening to music when you work out. He's like, it's bullshit. You don't listen to music when you work out. Oh, that's going to give you a pump? That's going to keep you motivated? What about when you're in the alley and that guy's got a knife and he's coming for you? You got your headphones on now, boy? I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:46:58 It's like, whoa. My favorite song is my heartbeat. It's like, well, I'm not deadlifting to win a fight in an alley. Yeah, well, look at how easily I can pick up this full restaurant trash can, felon. What are they going to do? Be like, oh, thanks for holding that above your head. Now I can stand. I can push a dumpster.
Starting point is 00:47:21 This other guy wanted to get into shape. And so he called David Goggins. And he's like, yeah, I want to get into shape, man. He'sid goggins and he's like yeah i want to get into shape man he's like are you serious about this like yeah yeah all right i'm coming to live with you for a few months we'll see he's like well i got to talk to my wife first i'm on the way i actually anticipated this i'm here what's going on rookie white why aren't you in your sweats let's go no you don't i feel like if this guy got attacked in an alley because he's an ultra marathon runner, he'd be like, when someone tries to attack me in an alley, I turn 180 degrees and I run 300 miles in the other direction.
Starting point is 00:47:56 So is David Goggins, I was about to ask that, if you use his body as his resume, what do you think? He's so strong. Oh, he's a Navy SEAL. He's a Navy SEAL. Yeah, he's so intense. He knows all the moves he's he's like a runner so he's got lean strength he said he was fat early on and then just now you went through these phases yeah like he went from fit to fat to fit again oh but right now he looks fit right now he's insane insane oh uh like like
Starting point is 00:48:21 like he's got this instagram video where he's doing those pull-ups where you're just holding a rope wrapped in tape and Just pull it like like just a like a like a rope and he's just squeezing the rope pulling down on them doing these chin-ups And and while he's doing them, he's like There's music playing in the background. He's at like I don't know the University of Miami's football jam or something like that He's like these boys in here. They gotta have that music playing. Haha. I Don't need no music football jam or something like that. He's like, these boys in here, they gotta have that music playing. Ha ha. I don't need no music. Like that makes him better. He says it does.
Starting point is 00:48:51 He says it does. Cause like, you know, you're not gonna have music when the shit hits the fan. I used to work with an ultra marathon runner. Guy would run a hundred miles like as a hobby. Like he'd be all excited. That's so awful. But he didn't even look athletic.
Starting point is 00:49:04 He looked like a country strong but short you know so like a five foot not short short but like a five nine chubby ish strong guy and and it's like you run a hundred miles like not stopping in a weekend you mean like two weeks because that's you like it is yeah that if someone like said i had both of your parents in an underground shelter guns to their head they got that saw jaw thing strapped up to him you have to run a hundred miles in the next two weeks or well their head's gonna pop open i'd be like i'd be like the obituary i'd be like calling everybody else my family like they're not gonna make it well do they say we could do anything nothing doable even remotely like eight miles a day i can picture i could be i'm being
Starting point is 00:49:59 more seven yeah seven miles i think i can run seven miles a day if not i could walk it we could all we could all run seven miles a day you just don't do it in one would be killing us yeah i'm sure but you don't do like seven in a stretch like like maybe you wake up you get yourself two miles in lunch comes around get yourself in three yeah late in the evening get yourself two more you've had a rough day but I've been hiking with a full bunch of stuff on my back in a bear-proof canister 12 miles a day, 14 miles on a long one. I mean, I would put on a pedometer
Starting point is 00:50:32 when we'd go to like a shot show or something. You do 11 miles without even realizing. What's a lot of steps for you? I don't wear it regularly. That day was a lot of steps and it was 11 fucking miles. So whatever, 50,000 or something like that day was a lot of steps and was 11 fucking miles so whatever 50,000 and or something like that That was I'm just I'm just doing some stupid math in my head that could be way off
Starting point is 00:50:51 You know like like 5,000 280 feet times 10 miles. Yeah, I will want it something more than I split your step almost three and Theme park I got like probably a dozen miles like because you're not even thinking about it you're just like jogging from one ride to the other one and you're not tired enough you're just like oh if we could if we just dip in front of those seven-year-olds there we can get on a little sooner and then trying to sneak around that's yeah i'm very aggressive there was a so david goggins goes to this guy's house to help him train or whatever. And he's like, how many chin-ups can you do? He's like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:51:28 Eight, nine? All right, go ahead. Let me see. Let me see how many you can do. And he does. I mean, he does like seven. And he stops. And he's like, all right, that's good.
Starting point is 00:51:36 Now go again. He's like, all right. Gets like four. Good, good, good. All right, go again. Gets like two. And he barely gets the second one he's like all right well i guess we're done here's like we're not stopping you got a hundred out no no we can't he's like but three hours later and i had a hundred of them done he's like we go for
Starting point is 00:52:00 a run and it's like i don't know where they are in minnesota or something like that it's freezing cold outside they're running in the snow he's like he's like there was a run and it's like, I don't know where they are in Minnesota or something like that. It's freezing cold outside They're running in the snow He's like he's like there was a weather warning. He's like Dave's like, come on. Let's go for a run He's like no, no that the sirens are going off. They're warning people not to go outside because of danger He's like yeah perfect time. Let's go It's like so we're running in the blizzard and we come upon a frozen pond and David's like get naked in the blizzard and we come upon a frozen pond and david's like get naked is it david david like frog crawls out into the pond and like like monkey smashes a hole into it and just goes in and he like like pops up he's like come on this is really dangerous day and
Starting point is 00:52:43 rogan's like what'd you do? Rogan's like, what'd you do then? He's like, well, I didn't want to be a pussy, so I stripped naked and I went in. He's like, the worst part was coming out because you couldn't touch the ice with your skin because you just freeze to it. It'd rip your flesh off. So we had to put shoes on my hands and then crawl up in up like like in a weird way to get back out of the ice like I almost died how fit did he get though did it work I didn't want to I wonder like he lost 20 pounds that day in the form of his right
Starting point is 00:53:14 calf much lower that guy would be terrible. Yeah, you can just check out his Instagram. I just have a bad attitude. I'd be like, I'm never going to run in a blizzard again. This isn't helpful, Mr. Goggins. Don't be mad, though. I hate to bring him up, but his wing's losing weight again. I want to hear that he's back.
Starting point is 00:53:39 You don't know? I think he said maybe he was. The newest thing, uh this there's actually a video right here if you scroll up um but but he said uh he's almost got his house paid off again and uh he's like he's like i'm gonna buy a new car i think as soon as i get this house paid off i want a new car like i either want a a new mustang and i'll sell this mustang and get a v8 with uh with a with a manual or uh what was the other vehicle he said he might get? Or like a, said he might get like a four or five year old F-150.
Starting point is 00:54:14 Because he's a Chevy guy currently. That's interesting to me. Or he said he might upgrade his old truck. The one that he thinks is still worth $10,000. I am being tempted by trucks so look i love my truck it's great i have nothing to complain about but teslas drive themselves and that seems like a quantum leap that other people don't appreciate for all that it's worth i think once people get exposed to self-driving even the current level which is like learner's permit quality driving you say that but but they don't get into that many wrecks like like like i like like it's much
Starting point is 00:54:50 lower than like actual drivers you know i've literally never been in one i'm only as good as my sources that's what you can go to sleep all right so you can go to sleep in that thing and let it drive you places that is not recommended but you see not recommended. But you see it all the time, you see it all the time. It's on YouTube, it's like yeah, it's the new trend, right? Like, they're like, look at this irresponsible piece of shit, and I'm like, what a cool guy. I see these things, like there's a company called Rivian, I think I'm pronouncing it right, it's coming out with a new truck, it looks really neat.
Starting point is 00:55:19 And it's geared towards people living an adventure lifestyle as opposed to construction workers. And I think it's geared towards people living an adventure lifestyle as opposed to construction workers. And I think it's pretty cool. And then Ford is coming out with an electric truck soon, like 2021, like not super long from now. And that is interesting. But as I process it in my head, I really don't even think about my engine or transmission
Starting point is 00:55:41 all that often. What's new is the self-driving thing. The electronics are the part that interests me. And I don't know. I shouldn't be thinking about new cars. I just got one. I'm surprised you didn't just get a deuce and a half. That seems like what you need.
Starting point is 00:55:57 Like you get that deuce and a half. They're like $10,000. It's the opposite of go on. And then you turn it into that like van life mobile because you've got a huge amount of space in the back of that thing, like massive. And it does anything off-road, towing, and you can put anything in. One mile per gallon on diesel. It'll run gasoline, diesel, vodka, biodiesel. It'll run on lighter fluid.
Starting point is 00:56:24 Those engines just run off anything. And if you don't have water, you can put snow in it. If you don't have snow, you can spit and pee in it. You got poisoned in a restaurant. I've been poisoned! He dies in the first one. That mosquito says CIA on the side. God damn.
Starting point is 00:56:44 What the fuck was that? I'm sorry. I looked up Mark Wahlberg earlier in the show. Like these, did you know Conor McGregor called him out for a fight? Yeah. Yeah. What was the, what was the scoop with that? Why is Conor McGregor calling out actors to fight?
Starting point is 00:57:01 Oh, you think you can beat up more Vietnamese men than I can. I've personally blinded every single Vietnamese person that's ever stepped in Ireland. I think it was just being silly probably around the same time Bieber was challenging, um, Tom Cruise. Oh, okay. Okay. Uh, I think, uh, you know, I think sometimes those guys, I think the mainstream media doesn't understand trolling very well. And I think sometimes people
Starting point is 00:57:30 I guess I don't. I'm like, where is this coming from? Like Michael Bisping the other day, he's clearly trolling, said that he thought he would bet on Amanda Nunez versus Henry Cejudo. He's trolling. He's trolling. But everybody ran with it. I saw an article today that said michael bisping had very nice things to say about luke rockhold right it's a minute long and he spends like 50 of those seconds being like you know people think i'm mad at luke rockhold they think that because he was a total cocksucker leading up to our fight. This guy ran his mouth and gave me tons of material
Starting point is 00:58:05 to make him look like a full-on ass. And then he ran into left hook Larry, and I laid him out. And then I did this to him, and then I did that to him, and I had my way with him. And then afterwards, he just looked like a total fool. And I don't like to see him get knocked out.
Starting point is 00:58:20 I still see him as a person. We're not rivals anymore. And I'm like what how is that sweet and kind like you yeah you just reminded him of all you reminded him of when you took his title from him for most of this quote john jones is in a bit of legal trouble saw that you know look sometimes you take a stripper you lay her out you her on the pussy, you put her in a rear naked choke and lift her in the air. They're going to make a big deal out of it? You know what?
Starting point is 00:58:49 I think it's going to be fine. I think it's going to be fine. And here's why. The cocktail waitress said, hey, he slapped my pussy. There's a $100 deposit if you want to do that. And I didn't get it. I feel like that alone it i'm like all right well i think he's gonna be okay i don't know he didn't like slap some random lady on the streets he was in a slapping establishment and it seems like he
Starting point is 00:59:17 just didn't follow the uh the code of pussy entitled to slapping because of his suit he might have said when you're a star, they let you do it. That probably wasn't the only pussy that got slapped in that establishment that night. And he's just the only one who's had a complaint about it. That is possible. So as far as what happened that night, John Jones is convinced he's not in trouble at all. That nothing bad happened and they don't believe everything you read. I don't know why hearing that from him seemed like an effective defense.
Starting point is 00:59:44 Like in my head anyway. In this court of public opinion, I read it. that don't believe everything you read. I don't know why hearing that from him seemed like an effective defense, like in my head anyway. In this court of public opinion, I read it. I thought, this guy's off the deep end again. Then I heard him say, don't believe what you read. It's not true. And some reason I bought it. I don't know why.
Starting point is 00:59:56 I think it'll be fine. But I will say, this motherfucker talks about how God is guiding him all the time. How he's a changed man. I'm not the guy doing coke and drinking and going to clubs. That part of me is over. Now I am a focused fighter and family man. That's just how I'm wired. He's like, no, I smoke a little weed.
Starting point is 01:00:18 Welcome to the new Jon Jones era. And then it's like, wait, you're abusing cocktail waitresses and strip clubs? Hell yeah. He's so not changed. And then it's like wait, you're abusing cocktail waitresses and strip clubs like hell. Yeah So not changed. Yeah, I I look well, I don't think he's a parting as hard and it doesn't seem like he's doing coke But he's definitely like always had that fake Christian thing which I and that's the only thing I don't like about him is I don't like poking to I don't like I poking from anybody But uh, yeah, I don't like I poking from anybody um but uh yeah i don't like eye poking from anybody
Starting point is 01:00:46 i will say that um i but i love watching the guy fight looking forward to his next fight and i love that he's just a villain he is a villain yeah yeah it is my right not to like a villain that is a reasonable response yeah he's he's you can like if you don't like faces but uh yeah yeah i'm not denying that. Oh, I thought we had a conversation the other day where I said, I think he's fallen off a little bit. And you're like, who can beat him? I'm like, I don't know if anybody's better yet.
Starting point is 01:01:12 I thought of it. LeBron James. LeBron James, I think, is universally agreed, is falling off a little bit. He might still be the best player in the NBA right now. There's probably five guys who you could consider that, but he's one of them. But he's not as good as four years ago. So that, to me, is where Jon Jones is right now. Okay.
Starting point is 01:01:34 I mean, yeah, that could be the case. Yeah, that probably is the case. I just think that – but he's still the best is the thing. I don't know anything about basketball at all. Me either. That's a a fucking sport dude so i've gotten into basketball in the last year or so i'm new i don't have a depth of knowledge that someone who's been a five but what's it basketball is better to follow than
Starting point is 01:01:55 it used to be if it's just about the running and the shooting then that's not the whole picture for me jimmy butler he's a i'll call him like the 30th best player in the league. He has a YouTube channel, and you get to see this guy. Steph Curry's on it, has a YouTube channel too. Some of these guys are Twitch streamers. The social media aspect of it, and the memes that surround it,
Starting point is 01:02:19 and like, there's a lot of fun to be had on the NBA past just the running and the shooting. It's almost bandwagon time for me, boys. Atlanta Braves number one in the National League East. Six and a half games ahead of the Nationals last time I checked. The bandwagon is pulling up outside. Let's go Braves. I need a National jersey to the Nationals.
Starting point is 01:02:41 The St. Louis Nationals will clearly outdo your Atlanta Braves. The St. Louis Nationals. Uh-huh. I believe they have the Cardinals there. You know. Washington Nationals. No, last minute change. Are the Twins and the Cardinals in the same division?
Starting point is 01:03:01 Is that how that works out there? Do you know? Yeah, we're in the same division with Chicago, St louis milwaukee pittsburgh and cincinnati so the twins are in there uh no milwaukee's in there not minnesota okay okay i just i've heard you guys are atlanta washington philly new york mets miami. How are the Phillies doing? Phillies are 52-48, third place in National League East. Wait, you said the Braves are at the top of the whole league? No, National League East.
Starting point is 01:03:37 Oh, okay. Yeah, Braves are 60-41. Nice commanding lead. Cards are 52-47, second in the National League Central. That's the the thing that i do like about baseball even though i'm not into the sport really is it's fucking hard to make the playoffs like you like very different than basketball and hockey oh i dislike that i you get so many games to prove yourself you know it's like you make it or you don't i will agree that i i never feel like the wrong team makes the playoffs but uh it's just a little more fun when your team is part of the story at least
Starting point is 01:04:12 and uh you know it seems like half the years if you follow the canes and the flyers i don't know if it was if it was, they wouldn't even be a bubble team. They would just be cannon fodder for someone else's story. They got the wild card. They're only a couple extra teams. I don't know. I kind of like how baseball does things. You know sometimes halfway through the year, it's like, well, we know right now.
Starting point is 01:04:45 If you're a Mets fan, get the fuck out of here. Forget it. Go across town and watch the Yankees play, I guess, because Mets are going nowhere. Philly, you're going nowhere. We're in third. There's no wild card hope for Philly? I think you just get a wild card per league, I think, is the way that works, right? Top in the National League right now is the LA Dodgers and then the Braves.
Starting point is 01:05:10 That, to me, is why I don't love the baseball system, because it's July. It's like, Philly, start looking forward to basketball season. They could make a run. It's just super unlikely. You could make up ground when they play the Braves know there's going to be a homestand or something like that where they play the braves three games in a weekend or something they could pick up a lot of ground if they sweep the braves you know like you you can come back but you got to earn it you know you got to sweep you actually get to go after the team that's in first place and if you can sweep them yeah then you pass them and like you said there's
Starting point is 01:05:45 90 games out there that have already told us who we are you know so it's yeah people get hot though baseball is one of those sports it seems like we're like people get hot and and and it's it's it's just just have like a real shitty first half of the season and then the last half of the the year they can just be off balls to the wall just ridiculous or they can just have a month you know like that's what the blues did this year and that worked out for them absolutely what the blues did that that's one of the greatest sports it's gotta be one of the best comebacks of all time and you know i mean it's it's ridiculous that they were like last place right literally last place in the whole league in
Starting point is 01:06:24 january and everybody was ripping on them and like even last place in the whole league in january and everybody was ripping on them and like even at the time the whole blues subreddit was like having a riot and being like i keep looking at the roster and this doesn't make sense we're a good team we should be winning and we're losing so many one goal games over and over and over and then it they finally turned around plus Plus minus is telling. I swear it is. Taylor's always surprised when I look at that stat, but I pay more attention to it than most. It can be sometimes.
Starting point is 01:06:51 Usually it's a weather vane if you've spent your entire career on a bad team because you'll have like good players like Oliver Ekman Larson on the Arizona Coyotes. But because he plays in the Arizona Coyotes, his career plus minus is like minus 200 because he's just been on shit show of a team after shit show of a team. But they got Phil Kessel this offseason. Fair counterpoint, but I was talking about the team plus minus at the time.
Starting point is 01:07:14 Oh, okay. Yeah, that's fair. Yeah, this may be the year the Braves could go pretty far this year. I didn't realize they were second in the whole National League. Yeah. That's pretty great. You make the playoffs in baseball, you got a shot. I've seen it go wrong for the Braves 14 or 15 times.
Starting point is 01:07:31 Like 14 out of 15, it seems. Yeah, pretty much. 25 years from their last one. 24 years, I guess. I mean, how did we not win in 97? It didn't make any sense. I was reading some statistics on Reddit yesterday. It's like, 1997,
Starting point is 01:07:46 the day Greg Maddox pitched a complete game in 77 pitches. What? Against who? They had such great pitches. Seems like it should have taken him 27 pitches if he wanted to win. They won that game, but they didn't win
Starting point is 01:08:04 the series that year. They won in 1995 and haven't won since. It's 95. Yeah, 95. 1914, 1957, and 1995. They're due. They're due. They last 25 years.
Starting point is 01:08:20 Every 40 years, this could be the year. Could be. Roughly. You just want to call it a show? Yeah. I'm really loving this PKN and we should do that thing where we make everyone public every once in a while I was like we might have gone a little too hard on the slant-eyed jokes a little too hard on the slant-eyed jokes. This is not the one. This one's going to have to stay in the corner.
Starting point is 01:08:47 But I had a fun show. All right, PKN 257.

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