Painkiller Already - PKN #259

Episode Date: August 16, 2019

It's PKN time baby! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 pkn 259 Taylor but you know so when Taylor missed pkn my wife was like what you do what you tell him like did you say he died did you say that it was actually him going to like what did you would you come up with and I'm like oh I ruined it right out of the gate I said that found the emergency and left it there yeah and and I didn't. And we didn't pull it. Yeah, we didn't have any fun with it. No pranks. Because the thing is, we didn't know.
Starting point is 00:00:29 And I'm sure Taylor doesn't want to talk about what actually was going on. He had a family emergency. That's enough said. But we didn't know if, God forbid, a family member close to him had passed away or a car accident or something terrible. So we didn't want to. I didn't. I considered it. But I was like, man, if we,
Starting point is 00:00:45 if we like, right. If we're like, if we yuck it up about like something silly and then it turns out that something awful happened, like, like it's going to be, it's going to look real bad.
Starting point is 00:00:55 I'm one to get offended. Yes. Yes. Very thin skin. What if we got it right? Right. Like what if we were worse? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:04 What if we were like oh his mom got hit by a milk truck and drowned and then that was good and then that was it in the milk jesus christ yeah i'm thinking about it now like i don't know if it's because i'm up in the head but that would would have helped my grieving had someone died. Where if I was like, at least my good friends Kyle and Woody were making fun. And this sounds so gay, but I missed
Starting point is 00:01:36 the last PKA, obviously. And I was thinking just earlier today, I'm like, man, that's going to be nice to catch up with my friends,yle and woody yeah yeah yeah we we had a good old time with uh with filthy it went things went swimmingly you know went just fine i uh i saw today i don't know if you follow joe rogan on instagram but i saw that bernie sanders is in studio on jo Joe Rogan? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:05 He was there like- Wow, that's a huge step up from Tulsi Gabbard as far as like reach and number of people. That's pretty sick. Yeah, he was like, there was a picture of Bernie Sanders, I think with Joe's dog. I'm pretty sure Joe has a yellow lab.
Starting point is 00:02:17 And Joe's got this massive gym like at his recording studio. Like it's like it blows anything else you've ever seen away. It looks like people would pay to come there to work out. There's so many machines and so many activities. You can see all that behind it. Doesn't he have that kick registering machine
Starting point is 00:02:34 where you kick a pad and it tells you how hard you kick? Yeah, he's got that same thing. They've got it at the UFC Institute. Yeah, that's badass. I'd love to hit that thing. I'm sure I wouldn't register fucking bullshit. I'd like to hit it in private you know i don't want my score posted i'd like to do it by myself and then later be like no actually my my ankles act what did joe get yeah me too what joe get 500 and i got 400 and flirty flirt
Starting point is 00:03:02 yeah so that'll be really cool. I'm looking forward to that. Yeah. I'm looking forward to seeing how that goes. For a second. I thought, Oh, Bernie,
Starting point is 00:03:10 that's a good get, but then it's like, you know what? Joe's podcast is at a level and also a respectability that anything could be a good get right. Like Howard Stern's a huge person, but I could see why Joe Biden might choose not to be on Howard Stern. Oh, for sure. He's going to ask him about some rape fantasy or whatever.
Starting point is 00:03:30 That's where Howard will go. That's where we would go. But Rogan, there's nobody too big for him. Yeah, maybe not. This is one of his bigger guests ever, especially with the timing. Maybe if you get Bernie two years ago in the off season yeah maybe it's not as big of a deal but getting him right now in the midst of the uh the the election and everything not in the midst of the election but in the like in the midst of the debates and everything that that's pretty cool you know he's polling right up there top two top
Starting point is 00:03:57 three or something like that so uh yeah ernie i didn't know he was doing that good i thought it was like biden and har Oh, no. Harris is... She is yesterday's news tailor. She got her ass kicked in the last debate by Tulsi Gabbard. Yeah, yeah. Apparently, Harris's time as a prosecutor was a little... Actually, it's never anything she did. It's things that her office did.
Starting point is 00:04:21 And she was the top prosecutor, so she had a lot of lawyers under her who would have for example prosecuted marijuana crimes well now they're like dude why did you prosecute all these marijuana crimes you yourself smoked in college how hypocritical is this etc um there's a couple other examples too oh there was one where there was a brand new kind of dna evidence that she didn't allow into a case and there are people who are saying this guy's innocent but you suppressed evidence the truth is they later allowed that evidence and the guy's still not innocent but for her to not allow a brand new kind of DNA evidence maybe I don't know what her motivation was probably just trying to convict the guy she's a prosecutor yeah yeah in dealing with like you know talking to my lawyers
Starting point is 00:05:09 new anyway my uh my lawyer used to be a federal prosecutor himself and uh and and he was telling me like the mindset of of federal prosecutors he's like they don't care about right and wrong that's not their business they care about about conviction rates. They honestly don't care. That's pretty fucked up. He's like, they don't just want to convict you. They want to get as many years on you, no matter what you've done as possible. If you've done the most minor crime, they're going to ask for the most major punishment that they think they can possibly get because it just makes them look better. They're just like a batter at the plate. They want to hit the ball as hard as they can possibly get because it just makes them look better. They're just like a batter at the plate.
Starting point is 00:05:46 They want to hit the ball as hard as they can. The defense attorney also doesn't care about right or wrong. He just wants to get his client off. It doesn't matter what that guy did or if he's guilty or innocent. He's doing everything he can to just get the guy to walk. And then those two go at it, and one would hope good things happen in the end.
Starting point is 00:06:03 Yeah. I was thinking that's like super fucked up but now i'm trying to think of a system that would be better than that like what what would you do you do kind of want the prosecutor to have a little morality like when they know that the guy's innocent it's time to stop prosecuting right yeah have you seen minority report that's the future right there. We just need those psychics. It's like that show The Boys, which by the way, finished the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:06:33 It's good, huh? It was exactly as funny as you described, Kyle, when they were showing Haley Joel Osment or whatever his previous life as the star when he just touched some guy he's like he's the rapist the mesmerizer mesmer that shit was really good
Starting point is 00:06:56 I enjoyed that I really like it a lot we're definitely not spoiling the thing we talked about Haley Joel that's like a side point to a side point It's like a flashback to like okay. It's nothing. It's it's a nothing part of the whole like overreaching story I like when that one rant character goes back up for all laser. I need the fuck out of all of you It's uh it's good. It's good shit. It's I liked a lot
Starting point is 00:07:22 I think it's eight episodes or something like that Amazon's making some good shit. I liked it a lot. I think it's eight episodes or something like that. Amazon's making some good shit. It was like eight 50-minute episodes, and it got approved, I think, for two more seasons. Yeah, I knew they signed on for the second season already. That was funny when we talked about it, and Kyle's like, don't tell me how many episodes there are. I don't want any spoilers. And Taylor said,
Starting point is 00:07:40 eight. All right, well, I guess I'll watch the final episode later, right? Right at the end. It is the worst when you're like hyper into a show and you're just on the cycle of next episode,
Starting point is 00:07:58 next episode, next episode. Then it puts you onto some show and you're like, this is a show about two New York women. I don't care about And then it puts you onto some show and you're like, Oh yeah. Like a completely different show. Two New York women. I don't care about this. Why did you? Oh,
Starting point is 00:08:09 it's over. Yeah. But the best feeling is when you're doing that and you're like, Oh, let me see how much there. Oh, there's a whole other season. I didn't know about.
Starting point is 00:08:17 There's a season two and they doubled the episodes. I got 30 more hours of this shit. Fuck. Yeah. Like that's how like shows likenatural or The X-Files, the early seasons of The X-Files have 20 fucking episodes in each one, 45 minutes a piece.
Starting point is 00:08:30 You get halfway through season three of that show and you're like, I hope they've got time to wrap up this whole alien abduction plot. Oh, they do. They do. Yep, yep. I think they've got plenty of time here. We got this. I was watching on vacation how you just put on silly shows in the background sometimes and i put on trailer
Starting point is 00:08:52 park boys and i i put on and my girlfriend actually put it on and it was the one of the funniest scenes in trailer park boys i'll see if kyle agrees as the resident expert it was the one where bubbles where ricky becomes the guardian of the carts and bubbles is stealing carts and when he goes into detail explaining the way he makes a living he's being like well you know i i steal the carts and take them home and i sell them back to the other place and i don't even see it's a stealing you know i'm they give me 18 a cart and i spend all that money back here so you know he's making the money yeah exactly that's one of my favorite episodes i really like the episode where ricky is cooking french fries and he's banging lucy and his dad's trailer and he get he loses
Starting point is 00:09:45 track of time and burns the trailer down with the french fry cooker and uh he comes back like what happened like he's legitimately so stupid he doesn't understand what's happened and so like his dad just had paid off that trailer like he had like a 30-year mortgage on a trailer he just has got that motherfucker paid off and now it's literally cinders but they're still like sort of living in the cinders like like everything's burnt black and like like like burnt like it's a wreckage and they're in there like trying to come up with the last meal like whatever they can find and it's like he's cooked bacon and he's got like a bread heel you know the last piece of bread,
Starting point is 00:10:25 that's that bullshit piece of bread you just throw away. And Bubbles comes up and he's like, hmm, you got some bacon, Ricky? And he's like, nah, this is for old man, but you can sop up some bacon grease on this old bread heel if you want. And he's like, aw, all right. And he's sopping up the bacon grease on the bread heel.
Starting point is 00:10:46 And he's eating it. And the look on his face is just. It's like super frown. And he's drinking out of a melted 20 ounce plastic bottle, like a Mountain Dew bottle that's been melted and twisted. And he's sort of tipping it up to drink the melted water that's full of like, what was it? BHOs or whatever.
Starting point is 00:11:03 You know, when plastic bottles get too hot, it's chock full of them he just he just looks so different you mentioned they had just paid off on cat food they just paid off the mortgage on the trailer do you get a mortgage on a trailer or an auto loan it's an auto loan uh the way she has explained it to me now i wouldn't be surprised if that very state to state um and i think that like maybe the auto loan like guidelines are like the superseding law like framing that type of law but i bet on the paperwork it says like there's some sort of like different verbiage like maybe it's like a a utility domicile loan or something like that. Like I don't know how they verbalize that. I haven't done a lot of trailering in my life.
Starting point is 00:11:50 But I lived in a trailer briefly. When my dad was building, my dad sold, we sold one house we had, and we were in the midst of the construction of the other. And it took like eight months to build the house. So in the meantime, we did stay in a trailer for about six months or something like that six seven something but i remember it well i got a couple of injuries from that trailer trailers are dangerous how'd you i was you get stabbed obesity
Starting point is 00:12:22 i was stricken with obesity. I kept mine a little subtle. So like the air conditioning vents, like the floor vents, it had central air, but the floor vent in a home, oftentimes they're screwed down or at the very least they're like placed up against a wall, like out of the way areas. But in the trailer, they're like right in the middle of the floor. And I was running through the trailer one night and it was like tipped up and i tripped over it and it cut my big toe really badly but with like the edge of that vent and i get stitches and then trailer windows are like these like really heavy like kind of windows like and and like i dropped those on my
Starting point is 00:13:02 fingers once as a six-year-old and and like really like blackened my nails slightly. They didn't fall off or anything, but there was the fear that they would. To visit a trailer, it seems like any other house to me, right? Maybe I'm not, we all know me and my tastes in hotels. More or less, yeah. But you know, it's like, yeah, this is just a house. I get that it's trailer shaped or it's double wide shaped, but it's a house. But then when you live in a trailer, there are things that aren't obvious to the visitor.
Starting point is 00:13:26 Like, oh, we could never have a fish tank. The floors are made from quarter inch plywood. You know, like we could never have a gym in here. We wouldn't support that kind of weight. Oh, you don't hang pictures from just anywhere. These walls aren't, you know, sturdy drywall. They're paper thin something or other. Like if you see in the
Starting point is 00:13:45 movies when someone punches through a wall and you're like wow that looked easy i don't know if you've ever like gotten mad and punched a wall in real life or maybe you've been like like i kicked one playing a video game as a teenager once exactly like or maybe you've been in a situation where like oh they're about to tear this house down i let's have a little let's let's let's hit a wall or whatever like i've been in that scenario. And it's like, fuck, walls are sturdy. Okay, nevermind. God damn. But trailer walls are like paper. You can punch right through those. You couldn't lock somebody in a trailer. There was this lady one time, it was kind of a news story in my neck of the woods where I'm from. Her husband-
Starting point is 00:14:20 You couldn't lock somebody in a trailer. You can't lock, you can't. You can't imprison somebody in a trailer you can't lock you can't you can't imprison somebody in a trailer they'll tear out they'll be out in a minute but this man literally did that he was imprisoning his wife in her trailer in their trailer like he was working at like a local like poultry plant and they came to find out that he was like keeping her locked in the trailer and she literally did that i want to say she like dug her way through the walls and like got to an exterior wall and the only the exterior wall is nothing but like the thinnest of metal like like it's about to take take aluminum foil fold it ten times that's the exterior wall all right you just need to poke it real hard with like like like a pencil or a pen or something like
Starting point is 00:15:03 that and you once you got start getting it to tear you know you can you can get right out and that's what she did she like clawed her way out of the trailer and she was like i've been pressed her in here for weeks and the neighbors were like huh but yeah it was a big story you got a lot of trouble why take your weeks you could just pull right out paper and aluminum foil you winch yeah yeah and the doors in a trailer are like notoriously like like very low grade like why would you put quality doors and locks on a trailer it would seem nobody's gonna break in here well i mean just you could break through the walls if you wanted to there's like there's only so much use in the locks that's a trailer park boy style thing well jesus ricky i
Starting point is 00:15:46 don't think we're gonna find much in these trailers yeah yeah trailers are just really poor construction uh just just all the way around every every little bit of a cost like it depends trailer like like you get a nice ass trailer for like 150 000 and you've got like a big crazy like modular home that's a modular home right if you ever saw that video where i'm driving the armored personnel carrier through a guy's house that was a modular home they ordered it in pieces it came there and it was assembled that's what they do in europe i'm told they don't just i don't just. I don't, okay.
Starting point is 00:16:25 Here, a bunch of guys with two befores, hammers and nails show up and start making a house. There, they show up with house parts and they start piecing it together. You know? Okay. Mostly construct. And there's an argument for it, right?
Starting point is 00:16:36 Like here, you get like variable build quality based on who's there and how, what kind of mood. But if you take the house construction and do as much of it as possible in a factory environment with jigs and square floors and... Maybe robots even. That makes a lot of sense. Yeah, there was a... But anyway, you can see how it's indoors,
Starting point is 00:16:59 it's air conditioned, it's well lit. It's all the things that you need to really quality control in a factory yeah for sure for sure um but but yeah they vary in wildly in in price depending on what you're actually getting but but if you're thinking of that single wide trailer that like they live in the trailer park boys i'm pretty sure you can get those for like 18 20000 or something like that when they're used. That's like cheaper than a reasonable car. Yeah, well, I mean, it doesn't have an engine, does it?
Starting point is 00:17:30 It's a vehicle with no engine on blocks. I mean, you know. When you put it like that. It's a vehicle with no engine on blocks. Okay, when you put it like that, it doesn't seem like that great of a deal. No, no, it doesn't at that point. No, an RV sounds almost better if you think about it.
Starting point is 00:17:50 Would you rather have a mid-grade RV or a low-grade trailer to live in? I'd go mid-grade RV every time. I'd go RV for sure because rv means that like you're driving and you can walk backward and there's like tables and an oven and stuff right yeah yeah absolutely definitely like a microwave and fold down table and a big bed usually the bedrooms all the way in the back the way taylor laid it out though it's like you're driving and then just walk backwards and go to the you should park first taylor there Taylor. There's a step two. There's a thing called autopilot.
Starting point is 00:18:27 Yeah, I learned about autopilot. They don't stop at red lights or stop signs. Yeah, cruise control. That's cruise control. That's a little different. No, no, it is autopilot. Autopilot can change lanes. Autopilot can sort of navigate on the highways and stuff,
Starting point is 00:18:41 but subtle things like stop signs and red lights, that's self-driving and autopilot are different in like tesla terminology i'm learning subtle things like red lights yeah you can see well like red lights are important to us but they're subtle in the sense of like a sensor picking it up from the environment yeah and autopilot is i guess meant to mirror a plane's autopilot which people think of as really sophisticated but it's not it just maintains vector which means direction and altitude and that's its job vector and altitude and i guess speed and uh that when you parallel it to a car is like yeah it just stays between the lines that's what it does but subtle things like passenger i don't know pedestrians and all that business i guess they're still doing i i need to go test drive a tesla not
Starting point is 00:19:31 to buy one just good man yeah because i really have a burning curiosity about it aren't they pretty or maybe get one from turo like like i think like like like that would be the real like because test drives are kind of weird like like me like me as a, as a, as a, as a salesman, I was always like, look, have fun. This ain't my car, dude. You know, do what you want to do out here. But like a lot of, I think a Tesla salesman might take you to sort of a semi-controlled environment, right? Like let's do this route.
Starting point is 00:19:58 Yeah. I don't know how much fun that would be, but with Turo, I looked at him a while back and like, maybe it was like 200 a day 300 a day somewhere in that kind of range it wasn't like that five or six hundred dollar a day kind of that you see with like like supercars like if you're getting like some kind of crazy thing but uh but i don't know i feel like it'd be worth it to check that thing out um i'm curious as well about what i you know i've seen the videos i saw a cool video the other day of this guy taking his like his wife's grandfather or something out in his and like show he's like he's like
Starting point is 00:20:32 Where are the controls like this guy was ancient this guy was 98 years old or something He's like everything's right here Gramps. Like there's like a giant iPad like right in the middle of the console He's like if I want to turn your your air conditioning and your heater on or if I want to do this or that and he's just like whipping around in the thing. And he shows he opens the hood up. And then I don't know I can't remember what they call the hood trunk. They call it like a hunk or something like that. A frunk. That's what it is. They should call the hunk. Hunk is so much better. Why would it be? Because it's the hood but you got a trunk oh yeah instead of the front trunk it's the hood trunk okay yeah yeah i should call it a hunk uh but he opens the the frunk and he's just like wow you know he's blown away by that and it was cool to see that guy who literally comes
Starting point is 00:21:15 from a time of like model a fords and stuff like that like the he was probably born when the first cars were just getting going and and he's Fascinated by this this and you know, he puts he's like, all right lean back now I'm gonna show you what you can do You don't even hear anything Maybe I'm wrong, but aren't all electric cars like not all electric cars, but all Tesla's pretty quick Yes, because fast they don't have to amp up and get charged instant power instant power there's not a gearbox and there's there's not a transmission it just it just the electric motors they snap on to full power like
Starting point is 00:21:58 it's amazing it's like a blender this is the house you know when you press go it's insta that instantaneous like that's your tesla have you seen the pickup truck that's coming out i'm looking at it right now and that is sexy yeah check out the frunk like uh if you my pictures are slow and responding but so there's no engine under the front hood in this no right what they're it kind of looks like a skateboard there's a big battery pack under the entire car and then four wheels. And then they just stick the car on top of a skateboard looking thing.
Starting point is 00:22:32 That's cool. It's so cool we live in this time where stuff like this, it's like first being engineered. I wonder what, just like that old man was befuddled by the iPad control panel, I wonder what we're going to was befuddled by the ipad you know control panel i wonder what we're gonna be befuddled by when we're then well the japanese have a flying car right now that'll
Starting point is 00:22:52 hover for over 60 seconds and they say their goal is to have people flying around in flying cars by the 2030s of course it's the japanese those geniuses over there on their Island. I read that 45 minutes ago. I was like, okay, we'll see. We have to have so much power that we can piss it away for flying car. Cause it just takes a lot of energy to keep things in the air. Yeah. Compared to rolling them along the ground.
Starting point is 00:23:18 Yeah. What I do know is like the more I hang out by the beach and in Florida and anywhere by the beach, it makes me like man it sucks i grew up in the midwest people get to like look at this all the time like this is just part of their reality like that must be awesome to grow up near the ocean you can move there i can i can well i i literally went on zillow and looked at houses like in the Tampa area and was like, ah, can't afford that. Yeah, when I went to Utah.
Starting point is 00:23:55 You're close enough to like take a day trip to a beach, right? Oh, absolutely. Like I could go. Well, I mean, even closer. I could go to the Georgia coast, you know, and that's even closer. If I wanted to go to like Jekyll Island or something like that. Myrtle Beach, if I want to go to South Carolina is like six hours. Jekyll Island is five or six hours.
Starting point is 00:24:17 Tampa is like nine or ten hours drive for me, something like that. I used to go to Tampa a lot. I like Tampa. I know a lot of people down in tampa uh and always had a good time down there i'm three hours from the outer banks i could go but i don't tend to much yeah i don't like it frankly um i don't like the beach you don't like the beach i really dislike it actually what don't you like about it i don't like the sand and the salt water oh Oh, damn.
Starting point is 00:24:45 Yeah, well, that's going to ruin the beach for you. That's what constitutes a beach. Yeah, the sand and the salt water. He doesn't like those. You dislike 100% of what a beach is. I literally do. I honestly do. I don't want to upset anybody, any beach lovers out there,
Starting point is 00:25:03 but it's just not for me. I find them both to be irritating things. I don't want to upset anybody and beach lovers out there, but it's just not for me. You know that I find them both to be irritating, irritating things. I don't like it. Whenever I get in the event in the ocean, I always get like really itchy when I come out, like from the saltwater. It's like, oh, I instantly want to hit that like beach side shower thing they've got. You know, you can get salty and it makes you itchy. So especially if you put a shirt on a salt watered
Starting point is 00:25:25 body it's itchy just just my balls just everything feels just salty my ass cracks salty you know the and then and then if you mix sand with that like i don't want to sit on this towel on sand i don't want to be out here i'm getting all dry and crispy and i don't want to be out here with this many people either um yeah the the, the, the people, the beach, I think the number one thing is the sand, then the salt water, uh, then the people, and then the stuff that's out there living in the salt water in that order are the things that I dislike about the beach. So last time I was in Los Angeles, they had me, um, not the last time, the time before, actually, I was like right there by like one of the more famous beaches i think
Starting point is 00:26:07 like like in a really nice area they put me in a hotel that was like i could if i looked out my balcony i could see that really nice beat might have been venice beach i don't know i don't know i don't know it very well but kitty was like oh you you want to go see the beach it's quite famous and i'm like you never seen the Pacific Ocean, have you? We fly over it all the time. I had no issue walking a block. I had no issue.
Starting point is 00:26:33 I didn't go. I didn't want to see it. I didn't care. I disliked the beach tremendously. Man, that stinks. No, it doesn't because I don't live near one one so lucky me lucky you yeah well when global warming hits and the whole east coast is consumed you're gonna be beachfront property my man i will have moved considerably west by that point
Starting point is 00:27:00 yeah but the only thing i really hate about the beach other than like other people which you're right about that is I don't know they're like chiggers that live in the sand and they jump up and bite you really usually they don't like the water the sand fleas yeah
Starting point is 00:27:19 oh my god I processed that so slow I don't know what they're called but sea fleas or sea chiggers I just... Oh my God, I processed that so slow. I don't know what they're called, but sea fleas or sea chiggers or whatever they are, fuck those things. I'm not a big fan of jellyfish. I have so many little bites on my ankles.
Starting point is 00:27:37 I remember we went to... Where is it where they had the big oil spill like 10 years ago down in Louisiana? In the Gulf, right? Gulf something. Gulfport, Gulfulf beach something like that i went down there right after that thing um i was driving right through there and i stopped at this really nice like uh cajun restaurant that's like on the beach so we're sitting at this window um at this window that overlooks the beach and we're eating eating like etouffee and fucking gumbo
Starting point is 00:28:05 and all this like Cajun food and it's delicious. It's really good, tasty stuff. And I look out on the beach and I see black people. I had never seen black people at the beach. I didn't know they went. I didn't know they went. I thought that it was just something they weren't into. You know, like I've also never seen a lot of black like skateboarders or like hang glider pilots you know like like this is just something
Starting point is 00:28:29 they're not into you know these are little things that I've never thought about but the more you're saying it I'm like you're you're right I talked to a black guy at the beach he brought his family and his whole motivation was just to show them that they weren't missing anything he's like once i show her the beach i won't have to go again because they wanted to see what's up yeah well down there in gulf port or wherever it was first of all we just had been in a hotel the night before and cnn was like the devastation in gulf port has has never been seen before and they show like this oil slick on the beach and it looks like a disaster.
Starting point is 00:29:07 We get there and none of that is there. They must have found like this one oily patch of like 30 yards and filmed it at a close up, like just like they do whenever they've got like some democratic Senator, like peering through a fence, crying at immigrants. And they flip the screen around and she's just at a chain link fence outside of a Denny's like that's not true that was so that's bullshit like we
Starting point is 00:29:30 should just be truthful about it she was at a detention camp and the apparently the children weren't up against the thing but they were in the distance and i don't think she was crying either i've seen cnn pull that stuff a lot though Remember when they had the reporters, what were they at? They were at like a disaster or something. Like we are here at the, you know, the meteor strike or whatever. And then like camera whips around and like, they're just in a parking lot somewhere.
Starting point is 00:29:55 They lie a lot. They do the bear grills thing. Remember when bear grills, like he's like, we're going to have to jump over this magma. Yeah. And like, and then some guy uploads a video of him jumping over the same magma and there's a highway right behind him.
Starting point is 00:30:09 He took a special technique to walk on the rock. One of their cameramen for Bear Grylls got fired because it was him being like, all right, now I've got to get over this crevasse. It's dangerous, but hopefully I can make it. And it showed and the cameraman panned from him looking over this crevasse it's dangerous but hopefully i can make it and it showed and he the cameraman panned from him looking over this crevasse to the left and the crevasse ends like 100 feet to the left and then you see cars driving by on a highway behind it and it's like bear grills come on my
Starting point is 00:30:43 man like yeah they got there and there was no oil spill. Like, like not only was there no oil spill. That's direction sensitive, though. Like, sure. Because it all stays on the surface. And if the wind comes from the land, then it blows away quickly. But but it was it was a party at the beach that day. There were hundreds of people enjoying all of the activities of the beach.
Starting point is 00:31:03 It was like maybe they were shooting a commercial for Gulf port beach or whatever that thing is that day. Cause there were literally people playing volleyball on like jet skis out there. There were sandcastles being constructed. Everybody was having a great time. Like, like I was looking at it,
Starting point is 00:31:17 but I was just surprised that like, I don't mean there were 10 black people or like, like 50% of the people that were black. It was like 100 100 black people on the beach and i just never seen that before um and that's just like the nature of that either those are the demographics of that area apparently demographics yeah it was just the demographics that demographics of that area there's one a lot of white people i mean everybody in the restaurant was also black and people serving us were black and i just don't think there were any white people
Starting point is 00:31:40 there where we were dude talking about seafood restaurants like i i've eaten nothing but seafood for the last six days or five days or whatever and i am farting so foul so foul to the point that my girlfriend like even woke up and was like you you farted so bad last night, it woke me up. Smell. Not from the sound, from the smell. You polluted the room. Dear God. I'm so glad I'm not there.
Starting point is 00:32:18 Oh, I forgot. Lots of crab and lobster? You are a shelling master. I haven't eaten any crab yet. I think we're're gonna go get some crab after this night for dinner i've eaten a i found out that muscles i love muscles they destroy my insides i bet they make me i feel fine i feel fine but i expel a substance that is not of this world. It's a neurotoxin. It's a neurotoxin. It's enough to kill a small dog.
Starting point is 00:32:51 Oh, God. Look at the dog running under the covers, sleeping. He'd come crawling out like a World War I fucking fighter who'd been mustard gassed. Yeah, he would. He'd crawl out there like Hitler, who's like, yeah, the next time we have a world war we're not using this it's pretty terrible taylor's thoughts are not something
Starting point is 00:33:10 that we should engage in jesus christ i'm just sort of processing it on a slow roll oh yeah taylor's farts too rough for hitler okay oh yeah if hitler were around he'd be like honestly this is the first gas i've ever smelled and i've smelt some yeah he knows about the gas did hitler fight in world war one is that right he did yeah he fought oh that's what the mustache came from yeah yeah the story that's why he was like uh apparently uh from what i've read like super against gas warfare like like throwing mustard gas on people and but yeah he did gas the jews it was a thing well he blamed them for their loss in world war one isn't that what it was it was london it was london that they were shooting the v2s at uh they
Starting point is 00:34:06 didn't gas them they were shooting high explosive rockets at them um you know blowing up chunks of london uh i was talking about showers the gas thing that yeah yeah but i disproved that um like 30 episodes ago or something like that so no that's true and ever since kyle said that i believed it wholeheartedly because he made a lot of convincing points I mean you try to convince me we didn't go to the moon I feel like I laid out a much more believable argument that
Starting point is 00:34:34 the you know the holocaust didn't happen and you did that we didn't go to the moon I'm just saying I mean fair is fair you did convince me more than I convinced you yeah pretty sure we definitely went to I convinced you yeah we went to the moon yeah yeah we went we did that shit somebody did it is weird though it is
Starting point is 00:34:53 weird though right like I don't like that what he was like we've never gone back we've never gone back ever went there so all of our trips to the moon happened in the Nixon administration, huh? Okay. Yeah. It's like our least honest administration for decades. Maybe we'll go again. The Blues had only lost two Stanley Cup finals when we made it to the moon.
Starting point is 00:35:20 And it took, you know, an eon later for us. Dude, there's a whole documentary about the St. Louis Blues winning the Stanley Cup this year. I've watched it. of course you have i was flipping around on that on amazon or something last night and i and i was like oh are you talking about a real documentary yeah i was talking about a youtube thing no i haven't watched that no no there's a whole thing like i bet if you go on amazon and search st louis blues it'll pop up you know i skipped over pretty quickly but it appeared to be like a whole like you know documentary about them winning i also watched the um the whole uh documentary or the movie about that alex hammond guy i'm probably getting his name wrong the free climbing soloist guy yeah i had not seen the the movie I thought I had seen everything.
Starting point is 00:36:06 But I remembered Woody mentioned the documentary. And I was like, yeah, I've seen the documentary where he goes to Angola. But then I was like looking. I just searched his name on Amazon. And I found whatever it's called. El Capitan. Perhaps. That's definitely the cliff face he called. Oh, I thought that's what you were looking for.
Starting point is 00:36:20 The name of the documentary. But it's on Hulu. And I hopped on there and I watched that thing. And first of all, he's incredibly autistic. All right. This is. And I had never realized that watching his interviews or watching him on Rogan. The level.
Starting point is 00:36:39 He came off okay on Rogan. He came off okay on every other thing. But when you watch that movie you're like all right all right bro you've got some issues i see now now i understand why you do what you do and how you are the way you are you are not a normal socialized human being you have no social skills whatsoever you are a bizarre human being i still like him and everything and respect what he does but inc he definitely has asperger's like like he is definitely just way out there oh super high functioning but he has his social skills and his like like like i i just found like little things
Starting point is 00:37:15 like he's got this girlfriend who's really cute and she has a huge distraction and i hope he's not with her anymore because like the whole whole documentary, I'm like, get rid of that bitch. Get rid of her. Like, like he hadn't been hurt in like eight years. And like, he's been dating her for like two weeks and he's fallen twice. And it's just like,
Starting point is 00:37:34 it's that bitch. That's her. And like one of the falls, she's like giving him slack. And she just like, and like, let's the rope go through the pulley. And he falls like 20 feet or something like that and
Starting point is 00:37:46 sprains his ankle really badly and he's right in the middle of filming the documentary to like free solo el capitan and he's got this full national nat geo camera crew with him and you can tell that they have this sort of mindset of like look we don't want to be the fucking reason that he dies we don't want to ever pressure him to do anything before he's ready to do it. So we're just fucking not saying a word about anything. And we don't want to even be in his line of sight on the mountain when he's climbing. We don't want to be responsible. But we've been out here for a while now.
Starting point is 00:38:24 And he hasn't climbed it yet and by a while i don't mean a week or two weeks or a month it's been going on for like six months it seems like where they're just like hanging out with this guy and he's like practicing with ropes and like he goes up one time trying to solo and he's like i'm not feeling it i'm not feeling it and he just quits and then it goes three months later and he's like buying a house in Vegas Like he's not even doing it anymore I'm doing his own like the girlfriend of course has convinced him to purchase a home in Vegas and And he's like he's never had a house before he's an outside
Starting point is 00:38:57 He's an outside cat and and and she's like, yeah, we're going refrigerate She's like we're gonna put a sofa here and a chair there and a chair and he's on his phone and you know he's like looking up climbing ropes or super susan a new kind of flax seed to eat for breakfast or whatever and and she's like yeah and we're gonna oh this will all be baby blue and and like they go refrigerator shopping and like i don't know if either of you have been refrigerator shopping in the last decade but you can get a 450 refrigerator that looks like the thing that you see in like every 80s movie that like that detective comes home and opens up and there's nothing in it you know or you can get this space shuttle that sits in your kitchen and and and she immediately is looking at this space shuttle that's like $2,800 or something like that.
Starting point is 00:39:45 He's like, oh, that's way too wide. And she's like, okay, well, there's this one every, oh, that's way too deep. It was like 3000. And then she goes, ah, $450. This is our refrigerator. And it's that old, old timey, like all white freezer on top about as big as an ice cooler
Starting point is 00:40:06 and just a standard size like bottom refrigeration section and sure enough they slide they're sliding that bitch right into that hole in the wall i was like good for you man two things about that guy like one i wonder how much money he makes right he's the best worth about he's worth close to two million okay all right i was gonna say he's the best in the world at what he does but there's not a huge market for it and i wonder how attractive to women he is because he has a passion it's not just like raising family as a matter of fact he's probably he's not on that track his girl's a solid eight very very nice looking young lady there's a there's a person in my universe i don't want to out him but he's he's a paraglider, but an acro guy.
Starting point is 00:40:45 And he's very good, he's one of the best in the world. And I saw his significant other, I'm trying to really anonymize it, and it was like, huh. Because in my little circle, this guy's a legend. One of the world's greatest. But when you take him out of my circle, he's really just a person
Starting point is 00:41:04 with not very good job prospects right i'm sorry if i'm retreading you know walked ground because i'm sure you guys talked about it last show but i went to the our reddit and they said that as you were falling woody the song that was playing was i need a hero that's true that is true that is one of the funniest things that you're panicking trying to go through everything in your here I need a hero gotta be fresh from the fight. You gotta be smarter than my heart. I need a hero.
Starting point is 00:41:44 I'm just like, I gotta fucking fix this. You're like consumed with panic, but you're hearing I need a hero. That is, oh, that is, oh, God damn it. Why did I miss last episode? That is so prime. That is so funny. Yeah, I didn't put it on on purpose.
Starting point is 00:42:00 I had a play, I lifted weights earlier that day. So it was just an upbeat playlist that I was playing for the gym. Yeah, that would have been a little ridiculous if you were like, oh, I'm dying. Find the song. Let me find the right... Yep. I need it. All right. Good God. I was like, I can't
Starting point is 00:42:18 believe this is on right now. It's kind of encouraging. It's kind of encouraging. You know what? If I were plummeting to my death, I can't think of a song I'd rather hear. I'm a survivor. I'm gonna make it.
Starting point is 00:42:32 I'm gonna work harder. That's good, but I need a hero even more. I need a hero the most. Or that Tom Petty song, Learning to Fly. Or Little R. Kelly. Little R. Kelly. I believe I can fly i don't i need a hero beats all of them though i don't maybe i'm biased trouble dude i he is but i i've i think it's
Starting point is 00:42:55 part of my like i don't know grieving process but like it to work through it i've listened to that song 30 times like since last week like it's uh do you think it gave you like almost a form of ptsd not like oh yeah not stealing valor from those troops or whatever right in the sport they call it a fear injury right where like you're not hurt but you're not quite right either and uh you know maybe low grade i was more messed up when my friend got hurt than when he hit a power line than i was from my reserve throws but yeah we've about fixed the motor the frame was bent i think that's all sorted out from yesterday i've got two reserves to fold the first one's halfway done behind me um i'm putting it all back together. Have you flown since then?
Starting point is 00:43:47 Yeah, a couple times. Oh, my God. So the very next flight, I go up, and I'm doing this acrobatic move called a sat that puts some stress on the lines. And one of the lines breaks. So I'm, like, spinning around. I'm getting some Gs. I'm in the exact same position I was the previous flight. And a line goes, breaks on me. And I'm getting some, geez, I'm in the exact same position I was the previous flight, and a line goes, breaks on me.
Starting point is 00:44:07 And I'm like, no, I thought it was my harness, the thing you sit in, because that's how it felt, like I just like dropped a foot. I like quickly inspect it, I look up at the wing, and the middle of it is like fluttering around, like the front center. And I'm like, oh, damn it. You know, like that's not what I'm looking for.
Starting point is 00:44:26 So I briefly considered, like the wing is flying. It's wing shaped. It's doing wing things, just not very well. It's not gliding as well. And it's not steering as well. And I thought about going back to the airport I had launched from, but I was like, I think I'd rather just be on the ground right now.
Starting point is 00:44:42 So I'm way up high. So I get to like have choices I have decisions I can make and I picked this yard that I thought look flat it really wasn't I land in there and this 81 year old dude comes out and he's awesome I've been trained on how to handle this he opened the opening line is this is a beautiful piece of land you have right here right that's how it starts and then and you know he drank it at first and i was like i didn't mean to trespass this wasn't my plan you know but but here i am and i'm just taking my stuff to the edge waiting for a pickup and
Starting point is 00:45:14 we talked for a while we talked about retirement life marriage family work um all kinds of things he gave me a joke. I have a picture. I took a picture. Next time, I won't just shoot that wing. I think I'll include him in a video. Next time, I'm shooting for flesh. This is the dude. Look at that guy. Man, that guy is elderly.
Starting point is 00:45:45 He's 81. Yeah, he's 79. His wife is 79, so I accused him of robbing the cradle. It was fun. I sat on his front porch on a swing, and he gave me a Pepsi while I waited for rescue. It was probably a better experience than the flight would have been. What a nice guy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:03 You know you like Coca-Cola. I'm not really a soda guy at all, but he offered me a Pepsi and I kind of just liked the generosity. Like, you know. It's really kind. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:14 I fall into a thing where I'll assume that iced tea isn't like caffeinated and I'll drink like 10 iced teas without thinking about it. And then before i know what i'm like i just gotta stand up i just gotta move around i just gotta do this i just gotta do that i just gotta my my i'm like oh there's a reason my heart's beating so fast because i just drank 15 iced teas my tolerance for caffeine is uh it's pretty extraordinary because i drink almost
Starting point is 00:46:40 exclusively unsweetened tea like i drink it all day all day. Like, I don't drink water. I drink unsweetened tea. Do you feel anything if you drink a Red Bull at all? No, no. I get to drink, like, if I get, like, the really big Red Bull, then yeah. Like, I'll feel a little energized. But, like, I got a Frappuccino yesterday, like a venti Frappuccino with two shots of espresso. Does it have a bunch of caffeine in it?
Starting point is 00:47:00 Oh, so much espresso. Yeah, it's a huge amount of caffeine. It's probably two Red Bulls at least and I was just like oh, yeah I'm not tired anymore dance, I only drink coffee maybe twice a week and Every time I do like I have to tell myself only one cup Because I will get antsy and in my own head and wanting to pace around and you could drink decaf
Starting point is 00:47:25 i mean i mean decaf has caffeine in it like well the fact that i'll do is i'll have like a cup of coffee and then i'll just drink tea like hot tea if i want something else like an old granny like lavender tea ah cam a little chamomile of granny tea yeah lavender tea jesus christ tea is so good of granny tea yeah Jesus Christ he is so good it it helps calm down that that coffee buzz oh but yeah I highly recommend that that whole it's on Hulu that whole thing about the Alex Hammond guy or whatever his name is I'm butchering his name because it's when he finally climbs el capitan with no rope he's just dude he's just going up this thing i don't know how tall it is let's call it 3 000 feet something like that and there's parts of it more than 10 is enough to die he's he's just like he looks like spider-man going up this thing because he's there's parts where he's just doing this
Starting point is 00:48:24 to get grip he's just pinching he's just pinching and like there's one part where he's just in a crack doing this going up the crack it's just a crack it's crazy and he says nothing on that hillside i don't know what else to call it mountainside is more than like a six out of ten for him you know it's mostly four out of 10. He's just in a calculated way, going step by step all the way up. Here's how artistic he is, Taylor. He has a journal where he can recite every hand and foothold up the three or 4,000 foot mountain. He's like, yeah, then it's a, it's a left pinchy grab on, on the, on the, on the green rock to my left. And then my right foot slides up and then my left foot.
Starting point is 00:49:06 And then I cross over and I grab the big melon shaped rock. And then I do. And he's just got like all this huge notebook full of that. Definitely don't want to climb that again. Definitely. That was fucking scary. Definitely. Sometimes when we do death pulls, we pick an under 40,
Starting point is 00:49:22 which is like the most fun, right? Like, you know, you're like a Miley Cyrus, right you know who knows she could od or something uh alex hanault is always my under 40 pick yeah i i i would not be surprised if he died any moment at any moment it when he finished it he finishes it and he's just he's his level of happiness is about the same as when I win a game of PUBG Alright, he's just like yeah, I did it. It's good. He literally goes Yeah, he's telling I was in the phone his girlfriend He has sent the girlfriend away so that she won't be an emotional burden on him
Starting point is 00:49:57 And he's like I did it and she's like crying and exuberant and he's like he goes yay What are you gonna do now Alex well I'm not ready to take the go in a public place with a lot of people he goes to his van where he lives and he does finger holes. He's got this wooden black thing hung over the entrance and it's got little
Starting point is 00:50:32 like you took a router or whatever and made a little groove in it and you put your fingertips in it and he's holding himself and doing chin-ups and holds with just his fingertips. He's just holding himself there. He's got to be jacked out of his mind, right? He looks like Spider-Man.
Starting point is 00:50:49 Yeah, he looks like Spider-Man. He's all muscle, but not big, bulky at all. I think he's like 165 pounds. More like lean muscle. Yeah, yeah. And his hands look a little weird. He's not fat at all, but I feel like maximum performance isn't super ripped
Starting point is 00:51:10 right like like um I don't know like what you see in a bodybuilding contest or maybe even Brad Pitt fight club like that those guys are really just like paper thin skin dehydrated Alex I mean he's muscular and he's ripped but it's not like i don't know you don't see there's no striation in his abs or you know like he doesn't have butt rips or anything like that he's just yeah yeah i'm sure the fat helps i'm sure he needs like a good store of fat to like like what it's four hours to climb with the mountain that's how long it took him it's like three hours endurance level it takes to climb for four hours i was thinking like like he'll stop every now and then every time like they break the mountain up into like sections like oh this is called the boulder problem and this is called like giganto or whatever and like
Starting point is 00:51:59 every time he completes one there's usually like a position he can rest in like he can kind of stand there and look around and uh i just imagine getting past one of them being up 500 feet and being like i want to quit now i want to go home like definitely don't want to climb the rest of this definitely don't want to do that this is fun this is just fucking the rain man of climbing yeah there's uh definitely not as fun as my brother told me definitely definitely well on the rogan podcast they were talking to him and and they're like you know how how close is the second best guy to you and he's like uh pretty much the only guy who wants to do this. And I thought
Starting point is 00:52:45 that was interesting, too. There aren't a lot of guys... No one else has tried to solo El Capitan. Mostly the guys who free solo things do it in safer places. Alex Hinald? Maybe? The only climber I've ever watched is some guy named Magnus
Starting point is 00:53:01 who hangs out with Jujimufu and some power power lifters that guy that guy's curiously effective at everything that guy's cool as shit yeah did you see him uh i guess you mentioned the jiu-jitsu thing he tried to um like wrestle a brazilian brazilian an mma fighter but they were just doing brazilian jiu-jitsu and uh man it like he's really fit and he's really strong but he used that fitness and strength in the dumbest grappling ways and it just like i don't know tried to overpower a guy who had leverage advantages you know one hand against two well i'll do my best yeah good luck it was fun to watch an untrained guy he was a good sport i haven't watched that before oh he was totally exhausted i would love to see an untrained strong man someone like uh i don't recall his name
Starting point is 00:53:52 but he's like six eight and he's the strongest man on earth like the last four years other than this current year which uh we're not talking about the mountain one oh okay yeah it's a different guy uh something shaw okay no not no brian shaw i think or something brian brian's what it is Yeah, it's a different guy. Something Shaw. Okay. No, not. Brian Shaw, I think, or something. Brian. Brian's what it is.
Starting point is 00:54:15 I would love to see a guy like that do a fun amateur bout against a real fighter. Because what you were saying, oh, this guy was being stupid trying to do one hand against two. A power lifter? Might work. That level? I could he could lift anyone he would just just yeah it would be interesting joe lozon has said that he would not be able to beat shack yeah well shack's just a huge human well i don't know that shack has given up much to brian shaw i mean no brian shaw is definitely more powerful way stronger than yeah okay like shocking like overhead press a log that weighs a thousand pounds or something crazy like he's
Starting point is 00:54:53 so corded with muscle and has that like and he has explosive ability and he has cardio too those guys have a lot of cardio to do those circuits that they do like they run they like pick up an anchor like a like a big boat anchor and like run 25 yards and then run back and get like an anvil and then run it back 25 yards and then grab like a keg full of sand and water and doesn't anyone need a gallon of paint this dude being being the guy that comes up with strongman competitions has to be hilarious where you're just like how about you can can we make him try and pull a train like can we do that how about like like i don't know like a not a not a feral bear could they move successfully a smaller bear? I like it when they
Starting point is 00:55:47 toss shit over their head and there's like the kegs. Yeah, kegs. And I don't know how to describe the javelin. No, what is the pole vault bar type thing? Yeah, it's the pole vault thing that they throw it over. Yeah. Have you ever picked up a keg? Oh, they're heavy. I'm not sure I have.
Starting point is 00:56:04 You know, I used to shoot those things occasionally. It makes an interesting target. It's a little expensive. But, like, I would get it. I think that their kegs might have sand and water in them because it makes it awkward to, like, move around. You wouldn't want them to have easy kegs. Yeah, exactly. But just a beer keg.
Starting point is 00:56:20 I don't remember what it weighed. I want to say it's, like, I want to Google it. I want to say it's like I want to Google it once it's 15 gallons, but I'm just not positive how many gallons in a keg Clickety clack good to you. Yes 15 gallons nailed it so 15 times 8 is 80 plus 40 is 120 pounds So it's 120 pounds plus the weight of the keg itself you've got 120 pounds of liquid if you're just carrying beer around and 50 at least 15 times 8 is 120 though 15 times 80 plus 40 is 120 and then what i said oh i i maybe i stuck on the 80 i thought you said he times eight was 80 but oh yeah it's just the way I do math. Like I multiplied it by the big number, then a small number and add them together.
Starting point is 00:57:07 OK. But 120 plus whatever the keg weighs, which I'm going to say is like another 10 pounds or something because it's aluminum. I think I can pick it up. I can put it in the back of a pickup truck. Yeah. 130 pounds. That's about the limit of what I could carry around, I guess. You couldn't throw that over your shoulder and sprint with it?
Starting point is 00:57:29 I can put it on my shoulder and I can move with it. It hurts, though. The weight of something that heavy, like on your collarbone up here. It hurts. Your bone isn't buried in nine inches of trap and deltoid? It's exposed. There's barely skin on that bone. It's so funny hearing those guys talk like i was watching some i think it was brian shaw who was like yeah you know we we like doing this grip training sometimes you know when i'm training for strongman i'll do uh i'll do a couple warm-ups like i'll throw you
Starting point is 00:58:01 know something not too bad like 480 pounds over my shoulder and walk a little while just to warm up my limbs and it's like are you insane that 300 years ago people would have worshipped you i wonder what would have been like they would have shot you with crossbows he wouldn't have the testosterone to become him at 300 some years ago because that came from a needle. The protein probably. But like in everyday stuff, like if I had a jet ski, would he not use a trailer? Would he just pick it up and put it in a pickup truck and then carry it to the water? It's like a normal
Starting point is 00:58:36 way of handling a jet ski. Being that strong must rule. When I grip the fiberglass, it shatters. So strong, yeah. The everyday tasks that maybe we run into, that maybe you bring something else, like a piece of machinery into play,
Starting point is 00:58:54 like hand trucks or an engine lifter, I feel like they can just do that shit. But it's not worth it. It's not worth it. I mean, they're basically handicapped. I like when they take... Honey, honey, I need you. I just got back from Walmart. I need you to bring in a 400 pound atlas stone okay
Starting point is 00:59:13 i like when they take a sticker and they slap it right in the middle of one of those big dudes back and he's just like oh youtube keeps recommending a video like that for me the guy's the guy's a super good sport about it. I think he does it to himself and takes it off, and then he puts it on this muscular guy, and he's like, oh, I can't get it. He's just totally stuck. He's got too much butt.
Starting point is 00:59:35 Can't even get close. Can't even get fucking close to it. Yeah, they're so big and muscular. It's too much bulk. It's too big. The amount they have to eat is insane, and I don't remember what video it is, but I always laugh thinking about that one strong man who had like every morning he's walking into his
Starting point is 00:59:50 beautiful kitchen and he's got his beautiful wife there and she's making a hundred eggs or whatever and and they're like asking him like so so do you, what do you think about like, how do you feel rather about eating this much every day? Like, do you like the spinach and eggs? Do you, do you enjoy it? And he's just like, you know, you don't have to like eating. You just have to do it. Like the level of not caring he has of like, no, eating is just like shitting. I have to do it.
Starting point is 01:00:28 I don't want to shovel 100 eggs into my mouth, but here I am. I want to eat right now. I'm hungry. Oh, yeah. I'm going to eat some more seafood and poison my girlfriend with gas. I just ate. What did you have? I got some spicy fried chicken from Popeye's
Starting point is 01:00:46 sounds good got some red beans and rice, some Cajun rice it's very good nice been having a good time yeah, I guess that's the show I'll see you guys again tomorrow night we'll knock out another PKA
Starting point is 01:01:02 have a little fun here PKN 259

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