Painkiller Already - PKN #260

Episode Date: August 23, 2019

It's PKN time baby! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 up. PKN 260, our In Between Kyle series begins. I knew that he wouldn't be around for PKA, but somehow I didn't fully process that he would also miss PKN. Yeah, I didn't think about that either. I'm glad you said that. I'm glad you admitted to that, because it's pretty obvious. But I was like, he's not going to be here. It's just two people. Kyle and I did PKNs for some length of time I don't know how long uh when uh when you first joined the show so it'll be all right it'll be fine I'm really not concerned it's gonna everything's gonna pan out but it is Kyle being gone it's kind of like having a family member with cancer and you know they're gonna be gone at some point.
Starting point is 00:00:45 And then when they are gone, it's like, well, I just never thought this day would come. Yeah. Kyle's finally in prison as we speak. He's in prison, which is kind of funny. We got a picture of the prison, which we won't share. Kyle has opted to keep the exact which prison he's going to secret from the fans. But I got, it's,
Starting point is 00:01:07 it added a dose of reality to it. You got the same picture, right? You were in that chat. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I saw it.
Starting point is 00:01:14 It was just like, what? Like he really went in this morning. Okay. Then, and then the, the last PKA, right?
Starting point is 00:01:22 Like we were wrapping up, right? It's like, I don't know, come on, going on midnight or something like that. The next day by noon, he has to be at the prison. And like, I don't know. I was drawing out the conversation. Like, I don't want to hang up yet.
Starting point is 00:01:38 No, you hang up. No, you hang up. It was a little bit sad. Like after the show ended, we were all kind of actually being nice to each other you know you're a good buddy of mine kyle everything goes good and woody's like you know man you mean a lot i you're gonna get through it just fine and kyle's like i know see you later that's about how it went yeah yeah i'm glad glad that Kyle seemed to be going into it with high spirits. But like for, I think for you and I thinking about it as like,
Starting point is 00:02:10 oh my God, going to prison, that's, that's, that's not even like jail. That's a step beyond jail. That's prison. But for him, he's thinking for the last two years, I could go away for 30 years. I could go away for five years. I can go away for two years, two years in prison. Oh, that would ruin my life. So to get two months for him probably feels like a birthday almost. It seems like people who review his
Starting point is 00:02:32 case say he had really good attorneys because it went from like a threat of 30 years down to two months. Yeah. But I view it through a less realistic lens. And I'm like, well, I don't know. That Brock Turner guy got less for rape behind a dumpster. Is that his name, the swimmer?
Starting point is 00:02:49 Yeah. Yeah, that guy who even in his mug shots, you're like, you smug bitch. How many pedophiles did Epstein rape to get? I don't know who sent it. So Kyle has two months, but it's 24 hours a day. If Epstein was raping pedophiles, I would be on his side. Fair point. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. I see where you're coming from there but he was a pedophile and and his first sentence was 18 months of which he did not serve all of them and he was allowed to leave for 12 hours a day
Starting point is 00:03:16 he basically had the half halfway house situation he had internet he had conjugal visits um like he had and when he gets out he gets to go back to that cool-ass temple on Little James Island. Calling it Little James should have been a heads up. It is so difficult to get truth about him. So here's the thing. Clinton, I guess, had 27 flights on the Lolita Express, right? According to the flight log. And Clinton was like, no? According to the flight log.
Starting point is 00:03:47 And Clinton was like, no, it was maybe like four. Well, it turns out it was six. But there's like 27 legs. You know, they're going to Africa and shit. Like they're not going to this Lolita Island. They're doing like HIV fundraisers. So they're hopping over making these short legs because it's not like a 737 where they go from New York to South Africa in one leg.
Starting point is 00:04:08 They pop over and go to like Spain and then somewhere else and they have these short little legs. So they took these six flights and made it into 27 as if they were doing it all the time rather than flying in a tiny jet. Yeah, that's – the Epstein thing is. I want to save mostly for PKA. Okay. I was tweeting, like trying to like settle, get my theories in line. And Tucker,
Starting point is 00:04:32 who's going to be our guest this week, reached out, like just tweeted at me when I was doing it. He's like, dude, we have got to hit on this on PKA. There is so much going on. I want to,
Starting point is 00:04:41 I want to learn more. And so like my, my, my, my, my, my, my,
Starting point is 00:04:44 my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, There's so much shit going on. I wanna learn more. And so like my top tier take, I won't say any more than that,
Starting point is 00:04:46 is that the elite, the real tippity top folks, they want us arguing, no, it was Trump. No, it was Clinton. No, it's way bigger than that. Way bigger than these characters. And so it's- I look forward to it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:01 But yeah, that shit is interesting regardless. Does it get more elite than trump and clinton like oh yeah p on me thinks leader of the free world is the tippity top but perhaps i'm wrong perhaps that is just a short-term gig of four or eight years and the actual leaders spend their time pulling the strings for 20 30 40 years bez years. Sure. Bezos is more powerful than Trump. Bezos is insanely powerful. I want to take Trump and be like, I want this to happen here, now. And some judge in
Starting point is 00:05:32 Hawaii can apparently be like, nope, nope, just unilateral. No. And meanwhile, I feel like someone that's as rich as Bezos, you could just do anything other than cheat on your wife. I don't know. I don't.
Starting point is 00:05:48 And Bezos isn't necessarily the one I would pick. He's the richest guy, I think. You know, who knows? Maybe Putin's got more money or something or there's some Saudi dude. But, you know, people don't advertise how much cash they have. May have more. But anyway, I don't know that Bezos is the most connected, right? Like Epstein, supposedly a billionaire, right right so let's just say he is but no clients somehow yeah i circle back to that in a second but um is he more powerful because he's so connected
Starting point is 00:06:18 he's like this guy's dialed in if i was worth a billion dollars i still wouldn't be that powerful because i don't know anyone i just sit in my house all the time. That's true. You know, but- If I had to guess like power rankings, I would put like, I guess like Xi Jinping, the premier of China who just recently was like, no, actually I'm just gonna be here the rest of my life.
Starting point is 00:06:38 And everybody's like, you do you man, I'm on your side. So I bet he's the most powerful probably in the world. I wanna like top it and be like, no, have you thought of... Actually, that's a pretty good one. Leader of China with... There's no way Putin can match that. There's no way Trump can match that. As far as unilateral power goes.
Starting point is 00:06:58 Trump may have a better military, but he also has Democrats to deal with. That's not true in china i think is there an opposing party in china i think there is but they tend to work all their out in private so then when it comes time to approve stuff i was reading about it recently they did have like unanimous agreement because they've already done the back door dealing oh come on in do you like my office oh you know i know, I have here, you notice on
Starting point is 00:07:25 my desk, I have a picture of your family. Oh, beautiful family. Oh, you know, human rights abuses. We won't let that go. Yeah. I saw, uh, you see all those protests happening in China right now in Hong Kong, I guess. I don't know enough about it to speak, but that won't stop me. Uh, and I see, I see like all of the basically like propaganda pictures of like the waving of the American flags. You know, have you seen those? And it's like, it's basically these like Chinese in Hong Kong rebels being like,
Starting point is 00:07:58 oh, we want to be free like the United States. And I was like, this reeks of CIAia ridiculous interference like this is exactly what our cia would do who in china's first thought of freedom is the america who in the world still thinks that like yeah you guys haven't been watching i guess uh like how are we freer well i guess we're freer than you china but like yeah we got that there's no great wall of canada whatever yeah but the great wall is pretty neat yeah actually it doesn't even keep out it's the great firewall that actually concerns me that's the one that i don't like i wonder what we don't see that is active in like china and russia right because there has to be stuff like we're probably so dumb sitting over here like
Starting point is 00:08:42 these idiots don't even have twitter and they're over there with like 10 other sites probably 10 times as big just because of how many people there are over there and we probably don't have access to it like it it's interesting who knows if that's true or not yeah like i don't know the woody you're all talking about freedom but i've seen your porn history and you're awfully into bondage i guess you got me. I'd like to have the power stripped from me. Dude, have you been working out? You're back from vacation. You're back at it.
Starting point is 00:09:13 This actually ties into Kyle going to prison. I was thinking that because Kyle is going to come back looking like a snack. He's going to have lost some weight. Hopefully he'll pick up a weight or two while he's there, work out with his prison pals. And so we need to make sure that we're still alpha when he gets back. And so I think for the next eight weeks, we do a prison yard challenge where we try to get our bodies as fit as possible in a status I'm going to call unrapable.
Starting point is 00:09:44 We want to get our bodies unrapable now there's two distinct options you can we can work out a lot get very as fit as we can in eight weeks watch our diet do all that or we can throw it to and try and become so unfuckable that by transition we are unrapable see i am going in a third route. Oh, that's good. I have to devise some sort of unremovable underwear. That's my unrapeable status. If I could build a device which would either does not come off or tear your cock in two while you attempted to make it happen, that would get unrapeable status.
Starting point is 00:10:20 That'd be pretty funny. I spend all eight weeks working out and eating right, and you're just haggard. I just rip off my flabby clothes and show this jock strap with spikes in the back right now i had a lot of really creative ideas in the end i just taped nails to me undies and it seems to you know at the very least i think i'm insane i worked out today i i have like a there's no guilt because i like like, yeah, it was super me today. I got my work in. I did a pretty good job.
Starting point is 00:10:51 But also, like, tired. I'm going upstairs. I'm like, yeah. So post-workout, immediate post-workout, I'm proud. I got a pump on, right? My bison chest and my tris and lats are all competing for roughly the same space. Dude, guys, like, super me. An hour later, I'm going
Starting point is 00:11:10 upstairs like, ah, this isn't super at all. This is just tired. Yeah, it's like, man, I felt really good 40 minutes ago, but if I were to be attacked in an alley right now, I'd probably just give him my money. Like, sir, my quads are burning.
Starting point is 00:11:29 And like every time, like I, obviously I couldn't work out for like a couple of weeks because of the vacation and stuff. And I, and I was shitty in the week before the vacation. Cause you know how you get like the excitement coming. If I'm not going to work out next week, I really shouldn't work out this week. It'd be a waste. Right. Am I right?
Starting point is 00:11:43 Just like stupid little rationalizations where it's like, well, I mean, in for a penny, in for a pound, may as well make that five pounds over the course of this week and the next week of the vacation. And so I got back and I started working out. I worked out really hard yesterday and I worked out like a short little five by five, just a couple exercises before I hopped on here. And every time you jump back into squatting, you're like, the next day is terrible. If you take more than like 10 days off of lower body work, it feels like a brand new beginning of lower body work.
Starting point is 00:12:16 Maybe you like don't feel that as much, but I do. Where like, if I get really into it and I'm consistent for four, five, six weeks, I don't really feel it the next day after squatting if i take 10 days off and do it again the next day i like wake up and i'm you know yosemite sam walking to take a piss uh i the thing is when i i've had some games right so i'm proud of me right it's cool it did man you've been doing really good i don't look at my thighs and think man like i'm really shaping up this is a good this is good for look at my thighs and think, man, I'm really shaping up. This is good for me.
Starting point is 00:12:49 No, my thighs. No one looks at my thighs. I don't care about my thighs. I've got kind of strong calves and thighs in general. So it's not like an area where... It's my shoulders and my thighs and the traps and stuff where I feel like... The fun muscles.
Starting point is 00:13:03 Yeah, the fun muscles. Those are the ones that are the only reason I work my legs is the theory goes like this, increase muscle mass, increase metabolism, decrease fat. Decrease fat is the thing I actually want. But the rest of it is all a means to an end. I remember you were talking about a strong man and you were like, wouldn't it be great to be Olaf,
Starting point is 00:13:23 whatever his name was like I could carry things all over the place and I'm in my head I'm like no no I don't want that at all all the things that I have are pretty much where I want them I'm okay with not carrying like I feel like I just want to walk around and scare people in public yeah I don't need to be strong I just want to look strong that's all I need I could as fuck. But if I look beefy, mission accomplished. That's really what I'm going for. It is true. Like I've read those articles where it's like, you know, and you, and you realize pretty quickly into the fitness journey, these are just clickbait bullshit where they're like, now are you trying to look strong or are you trying to be strong? Like, do you want functional
Starting point is 00:14:03 strength? And I like, I would act like functional strength is the right answer. That's not the right answer. No, no, it's not the right answer. And then I'll look at a picture of a bodybuilder who someone like that blogger or fitness blogger or whatever would say they're just doing the look strong. And I'm like, there is 0% chance that that is a weak individual. That guy is strong as you may look at him with like a power lifter pro man strong man or whatever physique and be like oh see lats lacking how's he gonna lift the atlas stone meanwhile as he's walking through the mall
Starting point is 00:14:39 employees they're having to put up wet floor signs behind him because of all the women loving it so i think that guy's got the better that's a thing too like like who in Hollywood has your ideal physique what would your Target be oh man I'm so I'm so bad with Hollywood names who's gonna bail us out for the next eight weeks we're not me I can't help you yeah I'm trying if you have an idea tell me so i can go first like like look you can't go wrong with like the captain america thor type bodies they're they're pretty similar but if i were to land on like a ben affleck batman or a brad pitt fight club or christian bale batman or like that'd be pretty rocking to me that like thin sort of strong wiry guy i'd be super happy with that i don't really want to look like jay cutler not that
Starting point is 00:15:31 oh he's a super bodybuilder type guy and arnold schwarzenegger would say woody don't worry you never will and he's right and he's right uh Damn, that guy's yoked. Like, I would say probably The Rock. Because, like, I don't think it's in the cards. Someone like Kyle could get that lean Ryan Reynolds look because he's a narrower-shouldered, smaller man than we are. We're much broader. And so if we tried to do that, we'd probably look weird.
Starting point is 00:16:02 Like, too much gap between the arm and where it's hanging in your in your torso because the broader shoulders like i so the rock would be ideal i think as if that's even possible well none of these are gonna happen for me but but i do agree like my my as i'm like projecting out like on my trajectory i, yeah, I'm not trending towards Brad Pitt in that Achilles movie. Is that what it was called? Yeah. Or Troy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:29 Troy. Okay. Yeah. I'm not trending towards that. No, I'm trending towards some thicker, wider guy who doesn't get starring roles who I can't even name. I'm trending towards a soldier four who's hit with an arrow early in the battle.
Starting point is 00:16:45 Yeah. But it is a better version of me. I noticed I have traps now. You probably can't see anything right now. But when I was shirtless and my wife was like, you know, he's here. And I looked and I'm like, huh, yeah, she's right about that. They're not big or anything, but I'm a guy who since college hasn't had any at all. So this is a nice change.
Starting point is 00:17:11 And that's one of those muscles that even just depending on how you're sitting, it can look like if you are leaning forward, traps totally retract, can't tell anything. You sit back a little bit, they still don't really show up because we're not muscle men and we're wearing shirts but i was out of the shower and brushing my hair and they i don't know made themselves known so it was cool okay i don't know little gains every once in a while like like not every once in a while when i notice that i'm like putting on lots of overeating belly fat and like i still have like pretty pretty good chest and arms and
Starting point is 00:17:47 shoulders and track like my upper body girdle i'll like i can tell i'm going down the wrong direction when i'm like looking in the mirror and i'm like you like you look like someone who looked at a picture of the cave troll in lord of the rings and said i'm gonna go for that. And it's like, I don't want that. Like that terrible belly. Because of the paragliding. I think I more often put shoes on in my truck than most people. So it's a really curled over kind of shoe putting on in a car seat. And I'm feeling the volume of my gut in the way of trying to put shoes on. And it's like, yeah, gotta do something about this.
Starting point is 00:18:29 Like this isn't good. Another warning sign is if you make any audible noise while putting on your shoes. Like if you go, ugh, or something like that. Cause I've done that before and that's a red flag. I'm like, ooh. Shouldn't be making noise to put your shoes on, you fat retard. Yeah, I just, I really just hope that the extra muscle mass,
Starting point is 00:18:53 free weight loss, not weight loss, fat loss. That's what I'm hoping. I see it as free food. Every bit of muscle I put on, and that's why I like doing, like I never, ever skip leg day. Like I always do squats, never miss it, because the way I put on, and that's why I like doing, like I never, ever skip leg day. Like I always do squats, never miss it, because the way I see it, it's like, man, where else to pack on more muscle than my ass and my thighs?
Starting point is 00:19:13 And that muscle eats calories just like the bicep and the tricep and everything. It's not even more because they're bigger muscle groups. Exactly. The bigger muscle groups are getting to work. It's not your bi's that are increasing your metabolism yeah yeah i know like like today like because uh you said you were in the gym and i got home early from from where i was and i was like i'm gonna knock out a quick quick workout but i didn't have a ton of time and so i just did a five by five and i'm like
Starting point is 00:19:39 i'm gonna pick like three or four workouts that i just really like and do those and like i did curls uh farmers carries chest dips and face pulls and i did five by five of those face pulls are like my cheat exercise so like here's an example i i actually hit pull-ups and push-ups pretty hard that they're some of my favorites to do, so I work them pretty hard. And I do them on rings. So basically I have my feet on a step stool. I've got my hands on the rings, and I'm doing push-ups. And it adds a lot of chest because they just want to fly out to the side.
Starting point is 00:20:16 And anyway, so that's how I'm doing my push-ups. And it's like, ah, 15 more. Well, you know, I could put in 12 face pulls real quick. They're the opposite. So I like buy myself an extra minute of slacking off by throwing face pulls in the middle of my pushups as a way to rest, but not, you know, slouch over and read my phone type rest.
Starting point is 00:20:39 You have like the real, like adjustable pulley setup though, right? Where you can like unclick it and move, or how do you do yours I I have a lat pull down machine and I just sort of stand back and I actually saw the video again today on it so to get my form right you know and I got it like a little rope on the rep lat pull down machine that I'd go past my face hands when that's how I do it yeah I don't have that I just take like a couple of elastic bands and put it on the like through the top of one of the because there's like a
Starting point is 00:21:09 pull-up bar in the middle of the power rack and i'll just loop it around those and then stand and do the the face pulls and everything and it's it's one of those exercises where like i looked up athlean x talking about it sure because after doing it for a while i was like this is so easy there's no way i'm doing it right and then he explained he's like if you're getting strained or something from this exercise you're probably doing too much weight and you're probably going to end up fucking your shoulders more than you would help them so this is all about form all about just making sure that you're building the what is it anterior delt to the back half the words he says you know sound like other words i might know he's like you're gonna want to like speculum stretch your shoulders oh my god yeah
Starting point is 00:21:55 i do want that oh man if i was fit enough and ran a fitness channel i would totally sneak in made up body parts and like half of what he says you're right he's so scientific i just got harry becky stretch past everybody yeah that's a speculum that's a gynecology thing yes that's what they used to open up your or work that one in there yeah i i really enjoyed like i missed working out on my vacation even because like after you're used to doing it for so long you're not as tired at the end of the day thankfully i was out in the sun all day and so that really fucking takes it out of you doing stuff like kayaking and all that uh we saw manatees i think i don't even remember if i said that no i didn't know you saw manatees in the wild in the wild yeah my girlfriend and i were we went to this kayaking place and they're like it was a couple miles you could like go out and eventually get to the the bay area and
Starting point is 00:22:49 the guy there like the tan as not quite hippie not quite outdoorsy i don't know how you would qualify him but he's like yeah dude if you go out a couple miles or whatever this way that way you might see some manatees and i was like i bet but and we went out there and it was just us at that point there was no other kayaks for probably three four five hundred yards a long way and just like five feet from where she was in front of the boat because i was sitting in the back she was in the front two-person kayak and this giant animal just goes like it takes it a big breath and it was like were you scared uh not really only because of their nickname being the sea cow where i was like i know how to handle myself
Starting point is 00:23:33 around cows you know i don't i think if anything this thing will be skittish like a cow they're solitary creatures so it's not like there's a whole herd of them that's going to trample me and then bump me around and they're probably in my head i was like these things are so inoculated to the presence of these kayaks it probably doesn't even enter their mind like there's like oh there's another one of those orange bottom things that just sits around slowly and that's it but it was it was neat like it came up multiple more times and it was just it's cool to see a fucking huge animal in the wild like that, that especially in the ocean, but it does spook, it spooked me in a different way where it was like,
Starting point is 00:24:10 if something the size of a civic can sneak up on me and just right there, five feet, it's like, like we really are out of our element. Every single thing in there is better than we are at this. Yes. All right. So I was a lifeguard and I used to go out are out of our element every single thing in there is better than we are at this yes so i was a lifeguard and i used to go out with the dolphins all the time now a lot of dolphins like i don't even know it's hard to count 500 a thousand like that's the range there's just a block or two of dolphins coming by 15 wide two blocks long wow tons and i whenever i saw them i was like dude i should go out there i should go out there and swim with the dolphins
Starting point is 00:24:53 if i'm on a surfboard or something on a scale of one to ten i'm like four scared right somehow that board's gonna protect me you know i'm on top i'm not in there with them if I'm just swimming with dolphins like whatever happens is what they choose to happen people say how close did you get as close as they let me I don't know sometimes it's 15 feet it could have been one under me I don't know like they're all over on the surfboard you'd see that the water like it kind of like boils when they kick against it or flip against it or whatever. And you'd be like, that guy went right under me. But swimming, they typically didn't get too close. But unlike the cows of the seas,
Starting point is 00:25:32 dolphins are the rapists of the seas. So I'm out there like, huh? Yeah, so if a dolphin wanted to fuck me right now, not much I could do. You know? You'd probably give a little kiki-kiki- little, and then ten more dolphins would be over there trying to fuck you, and then you'd be dead and drowned. Because that's what they do, apparently.
Starting point is 00:25:51 But it's a neat experience. And I saw, like, you were saying, like, when you're surfing, seeing them, like, in the waves. I saw a video where it was some guy, like, clearly a good surfer, and he was, by my estimation, a good surfer. He was on a wave that was decent sizefer and he was by my estimation a good surfer he was on a wave that was decent size and he was going back and forth and doing all that and you could see like a dolphin in the wave next to him and there were other dolphins around and clearly just for the fuck of it because the dolphin thought it would be fun it just jumps out of the water just kind of bumps him just a little bit and goes back in the water and the guy's just, immediately right in the water.
Starting point is 00:26:25 I've seen that a thousand times. That guy was a stand-up paddle boarder. And he's paddling out. He's like standing with a kayak paddle kind of thing. Or maybe. And yeah, the dolphin jumps out of the water, twists his body sideways, and like slaps the guy off his board.
Starting point is 00:26:42 And it's just like, yeah. What happens out there is what they choose we're so out of our element it's that's kind of neat yeah be out of your element it'd be like if you put a great white shark in my living room right now oh you'd fuck it up you might want to wait a minute it would cause a lot of damage and it would be scary but i'm gonna win yeah like i'll wait at the very least i'll wait until it gets real real out of breath and then stab it with the longest implement I have I feel like you could hold it off with a table lamp you know for a minute or two and then uh then it will die probably like
Starting point is 00:27:18 ah you weren't you were pretty hot stuff 180 seconds ago but but fuck you now. That's like when I see people in like, you know how you'll see like, oh, 50 people saved 10 little whales on the beach today by pushing them back. It's like, that's cool. I like that. Saving whales. But I've also seen them where it's like, you know, people work together to push tiger shark back into the ocean. It's like, what are you doing?
Starting point is 00:27:47 People are still swimming nearby don't do that kill it unless unless tiger shark are in danger you know who's endangered all the people around tire shark tiger shark they're in danger yeah yeah sharks, they're probably the scariest animals. Taking away like snake spiders, the things that you can, they're like really little and sneaky. My wife got attacked by a prey mantis today. We were outside weeding. A big one? I didn't get a visual on it.
Starting point is 00:28:19 But like we're outside weeding and she cries out in pain. We're outside weeding, and she cries out in pain. And my instant response, because perhaps I'm an asshole, is like, you know, girls cry out in pain over everything because we're weeding by thorns. And I thought it was a thorn that poked her or scratched her. You know, suck it up. But she's like, it was a pre-mantis, and it was biting me. I didn't know they did that to people.
Starting point is 00:28:50 I thought they were rare treasures that you get to see every once in a while. And then we weren't done weeding. Was she weeding? No. She didn't know if it was biting her or clawing at her or exactly what it was doing, but it was clearly attacking her. And more than once, she had to swipe it away. It wasn't like, Oh wow. Like a thorn that would just poke you and let go.
Starting point is 00:29:09 The thing was on her and it was like working at it. So, but we're not done weeding. So these weeds are tall. They're like waist high, as tall as the rose bushes are. And that's why she wanted a hand. She had just kind of letting it go too far.
Starting point is 00:29:23 So we're going to attack it together. And it's like, man, there's a prey mantis in there somewhere. There's a known predator that's already attacked Jackie. And we have to pull the rest of these weeds out? In what universe is this a good idea? But we soldiered on. I'm proud of you. Yeah, well, thanks.
Starting point is 00:29:42 You stared fear in the face. You forged ahead. You can't spot prey manti in the weeds. No, they're very good at hiding. That's why they're still around. I put out, when I came back from vacation, I'd left all the sticky traps in the unfinished part of my basement. And one of the biggest brown recluse i've ever seen in my life
Starting point is 00:30:05 was just stuck to one when i got back like thankfully only one additional one had gotten stuck like in the midwest i don't know what it's like in north carolina every house here has tons of brown recluse it's just known like they live there are dense populations of them everywhere there was a house a couple years ago there's There's a story on CNN where it's like, Central Missouri House condemned after found out that millions of brown recluse living in the walls. Brown recluse are a thing that are theoretically in this area, but I don't think I've ever seen one. Oh, I can go in my basement and pick up some sticky tracks and I could show you 30 of them. Really? We see a couple of black widows a year, but notows a year but not i've only seen a couple
Starting point is 00:30:45 black widows in my life but uh brown recluse can get pretty big and uh but the right the reason they're called recluse is like the second you turn the light on or you do anything like they do not want to be around you they don't want to be seen they don't want to be spotted they want to be on their their own which is why you have to use like sticky traps and shit but uh this brown recluse like but that that big like which is pretty big for a brown recluse and those like i'm sure you're familiar with what they do like if that bites you like it's necrotic that's what i think it will create a hole in your body if we pause there maybe you know more i've seen brown recluse bites on the internet but i'm my suspicion is that i've seen the worst of them
Starting point is 00:31:26 that there are lots of people who get bit by them and it doesn't turn out so horribly is that true yeah as long as you get it taken care of pretty quick but like if you get tagged by one you and you don't go to the doctor and you don't like get it taken care of like it's probably not it's not gonna kill you unless it's kill you unless the actual hole gets infected. But your skin in that area and the flesh underneath is going to start to rot away and a hole will bore through in your body.
Starting point is 00:31:53 Does the doctor just take it out like a mole? I don't know. Because it doesn't happen immediately. That boring necrotic thing only happens if you're like, I'm fine. But if you go to the doctor... It's just a little fever spider bite yeah i'll be okay i didn't need that section near my belly button anyway but if you go to the doctor it's a weight loss idea something that like mitigates it or reverses it and keeps it gone i don't know science is crazy
Starting point is 00:32:21 but fuck spiders they're terrible brown recluses in particular and then so around here there's two kinds of poisonous spiders there's the brown recluse and the black widow the black widow is easily identifiable by that like hourglass red thing on their butt fine if you see one you step on it they're really small they die right away no problem brown recluse looks like all the other spiders if it has thin legs around here it dies like it is that a there's a lot of wolf spider around here they don't look like brown recruits they get to live anything that's like daddy long legs brown recluse type body style they're done we kill them in case it is oh for sure yeah yeah they they go right away
Starting point is 00:33:04 about wolf spiders though. Like I'm not good at recognizing spiders, but if you like, if I see a wolf spider outside, like I never kill that one because the wolf spider eats brown recluse. He's on God's team. He's helping us out. And so that's, that'd be good. That is good. I want to hear more about your gym. I hate to meet this all fitness talk. What do you got going on now? Oh, by the way, I was doing chest flies in the squat rack and I was like, I can only do this at home.
Starting point is 00:33:34 Earlier, just today, I was curling in the squat rack and being like, aha, life is good. Doing it at my own pace, whatever I want. I've got, really, I've just got my power rack. I've got my push-up board. I've got a deadlift thing that you put the bar in there. No, it's like a bar
Starting point is 00:33:54 with a perpendicular part that holds the bar. There's a handle at the top, and then you lay the bar on top of it, and then you load up the plates because it keeps it off the ground, and then you tip it forward and the of it and then you load up the plates because it keeps it off the ground and then you tip it forward and it the whole thing dumps so you don't have to be doing like like lifting one side of the bar and trying to get the plates on and then
Starting point is 00:34:12 like doing that's called a mini jack mini jack that's exactly what it is i couldn't think of what it was called i've got one of those which i spent 80 on but ever since I decided to stop deadlifting, I haven't used. So like, like recently what I do is I just like every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, I do squat bench overhead press and row. And then in addition to, I do five by five on those. And then I'll do just a mix of three to four accessory workouts after that. like face pulls chest dips curls because i enjoy those and then uh farmers carry because i've read enough stuff online that like farmers walks for farmers carry like there's there's so much benefit to it like you hit your traps you hit your arms you hit your forearms because it's all grip based and so i've and i've like the how heavy a weight
Starting point is 00:35:02 do you need for farmers's carry? It depends. So like I bought a farmer's carry handles that have like the sleeves, like you would have on a barbell on there. And so I can load them up with things. And so right now I think I've got, uh, 85 pounds per side. And so I'll pick up 85 each and then walk as far as I can. You have 45 pound plates on them I have on those I have a 35 pound plate 10 pound plate and
Starting point is 00:35:34 then three 10 pound plates and then the actual handle itself weighs like 15 20 power 20 to go across your shoulders are you holding it you're holding in your hands no it's just in my hand yeah it's just a thing you hold in your hand this way and then it hangs down and then going out here is the sleeve and so you load it up on the sleeve and then you just lug it around and so i just carry that as far as i can like and really the grip is the first thing that gives out always like my forearms will be burning like because they're getting they're getting tired my arms will be a little sore. My traps aren't that sore at all because this is a much bigger muscle group.
Starting point is 00:36:11 And the top chest or whatever the muscle is called isn't that sore. Or usually it actually is kind of sore because I've just finished doing chest dips or bench. But it's always the grip that's first where you're just like, I can't hold it on anymore because I'm trying to walk like 100 yards each time. Where are you going? Outside? No, I have a long area in my unfinished basement. It's almost like an L or I guess a T shape really. And I go back and forth and back and forth until my grip starts to give out.
Starting point is 00:36:39 Except the only place that has like the carpet padding is back near my rack. And so sometimes I'll get cocky and be like i got one more lap in me one more lap and i'll get to the end by the hockey net and just drop them but they're they're bumper plates and so it's not like it doesn't need damage but that that's a tool i love the farmer's walk uh the farmers carry handles like they every single fitness expert everybody who talks about like whether it's the looking good strength or the functional strength, everybody's like, yeah, farmers carries are really, really good. That there's a reason farmers are so fucking strong when all they do is just carry heavy shit at arm's length all day. But all I want to do is look good. So do farmers look good is the question we need to ask.
Starting point is 00:37:21 They can look good. But they also eat full country ham and country fried steak breakfast and all that. When I think of a farmer, I think of a guy in overalls driving a tractor. Yeah. These work out your forearms. That always looks good. Having big forearms, big vascular forearms.
Starting point is 00:37:39 I need to lose weight before my forearms get more vascular. And traps. It really works your traps to try and, like, stabilize that weight. So I've been having fun with that. Vascular is fuck. He's active duty army, and he's, like, really fit and stuff. But, like, that still doesn't explain these veins. Like, it's outright, like, I guess it's a genetic thing.
Starting point is 00:38:02 I mean, he. It really is probably genetic. Some people are just like that. He's a genetic thing. I mean, he... It really is probably genetic. Some people are just like that. He's thin and fit, but you wouldn't look at him and think he was bulky in the slightest. But my God, he's got the veins of a professional bodybuilder
Starting point is 00:38:13 just coming out of his forearms for some reason. Anyway. I want to get a bunch of bicep vascularity. That would look good. Like a nice big vein going up there. The only time I get that is if it's like if I take enough creatine and I weigh a little less and I just finished working out and then like 30 minutes later it's like oh well you're ahead of me I don't get that at all the only time
Starting point is 00:38:38 I get that is 30 years ago I really hope because know kyle was saying he's not going to work out or anything in there i feel like i mean i don't know all the activities in jail maybe it's a good time i was watching trailer park boys last night and julian was like i'm not going back to jail bubs i'm not going back ricky and ricky's like you know stop talking shit on jail man we got a lot of good friends there a lot of good people there good a lot of good people there, good food, good place to sleep. It's not cool, man. Stop shitting on jail. He said he was in with a lot of tax cheats,
Starting point is 00:39:12 and I almost wanted to hear that there'd be more fitness-oriented people in there with him. You know, like, man, I don't know. I don't want it to be scary or anything. I just wanted to be in there and be like and join the weightlifting team at the jail. Like maybe a personal trainer has to serve three months because too many parking tickets or something. That would be ideal. And he takes it under his wing and helps him out.
Starting point is 00:39:39 Why would a personal trainer be in prison? Tax evasion. I like to think, I don't know, something sex-related that's not so evil, but I can't think of anything sex-related that's not evil. Yeah, I don't think any sex-related people are hanging out in Kyle's ward or I don't even know what you call different areas. A block? Unit? I only know things from Oz and Gessick.
Starting point is 00:40:05 Yeah, I don't even wanna, I'm gonna avoid that because I don't wanna give hints to where he is. I'm afraid I'll say the wrong thing. Yeah, yeah. I don't even know what it's called. Yeah, that's what I assume all prisons are. Like there's a block or a unit or a-
Starting point is 00:40:19 Yeah, I was gonna start like describing stuff and it was like, no, yeah, when my kids say the wrong thing, one time I'll be like, not one time, I consistently say, yeah, you missed a really good opportunity to be quiet. Right? Now look at the jam you're in. You could have said nothing.
Starting point is 00:40:40 This whole thing could be done. Now it's not. Now we're going to settle there. Now we're going to figure they'll get to the bottom of the situation that had almost blown over. So I don't want to miss a perfectly good opportunity to remain quiet. So here we are. Take your own advice.
Starting point is 00:40:56 Yeah, yeah. Although not a great podcasting strategy. No. No. You know, that would only make it more embarrassing given where Kyle is like in a minimum security kind of thing. If he did get molested in prison, imagine if he got raped in prison,
Starting point is 00:41:17 but it was by a CPA, a real loiterer. He told me this was his corner to stand in and I said, go fuck yourself. And he wasn't even fucking me. He just entered me and then just stop and just wait. This guy is against all forms of activity. He loiters constantly. Get out of that prisoner's asshole, 2478.
Starting point is 00:41:46 No. In a minute. Go to your cell and stand still. Gladly. This son of a bitch. I fully anticipate he's not going to work out in prison or anything, but he is going to come back thin i bet like i because he was he was really enjoying his good food prior to prison for a while and i think he probably tried to put on a few pounds anticipating hating prison food
Starting point is 00:42:17 for two months yeah i bet he does have high standards in food that's a thing i think he has a high metabolism i'm still still bad. Remember the fitness competition when he got, I don't know, like 500 meps during the show or something outrageous like that? What is happening with his body that it's in the yellow now?
Starting point is 00:42:37 That was funny though because it was like, we're like, this is dumb. This isn't fair. He's getting meps. I was like, ha ha. I burned two maps this is like a indicative of a heart condition i wish i had a heart condition right now just for the next week or so yeah just to get to get those points yeah i don't even think uh rogan and them do their sober october where they have fitness competitions with those
Starting point is 00:43:05 maps i don't even think they're doing that again this year really i don't think they're using the uh mep process i wonder what they'll do they must have had a huge impact on my zones business for sure no doubt i bet a lot of people i don't know know. Rogan's influence is gigantic to me. I wonder if he likes it. I bet he does. He's so big, though, that guaranteed people from government agencies have been in contact with him about what he says and things. He's bigger than any mainstream media. I don't think that's true.
Starting point is 00:43:41 He says it's not because Alex Jones accused him of that. Well, then it can't be true. He says it's not because Alex Jones accused him of that. Well, then it can't be true. He was right about the pedos. I want to hear a clip of Alex Jones being like, I fucking told you. I told you about Epstein in 2002 and you all called me retarded and fat. And it turns out only one of those is
Starting point is 00:44:00 true. Maybe two. But I was right about the pedo thing. What did he say that got replayed constantly? Like, oh, Joe Rogan, I'm kind of retarded. Yeah, I'm kind of retarded. Oh, he is a national treasure. That guy is hilarious.
Starting point is 00:44:18 Is he still doing stuff? He's on D-platform, so I kind of fell out of my life. I assume he is on his website. Like, platforms so I kind of fell out of my life. I assume he is on his website. Like Yeah, there's still I've watched Steven Crowder today
Starting point is 00:44:35 lay out the whole Epstein thing and He's the comedian. Yeah, he does call himself a comedian. I don't actually think of him as a comedian though. He's buff as fuck. it he's really fit like it I'm trying to dislike the guy but I like his arms got it credit where credit is due this is way bigger than I thought he was yeah he's a pretty big deal but he was really I mean I guess it I know he was maybe he was trying to be unbiased.
Starting point is 00:45:08 I don't think he hit the mark. But people say that about me, I'm sure, so. Was he doing like the Clintons did it or something? Well, okay, for example, he mentioned that, like, he really downplayed the Trump connection to Epstein. the Trump connection to Epstein and he played Trump as a hero that kicked him out of the club for not wanting to have any participation in this sex stuff
Starting point is 00:45:29 and it's like yeah that sounds like Trump but didn't they throw a party with like 26 women Epstein and Trump like it I have no no clue about any of that and I'm a lot of pictures I'm on the side of like I don't care who it implicates I just want to fucking know like it's already
Starting point is 00:45:47 It's known that that guy's black book was full of Dozens if not like a hundred names of high-level people in Hollywood in finance in politics not just in the US worldwide I know we're saving it for PK. Yeah, you've got stuff, but they there's a thing that I didn't realize that's cool about his suicide So what sucks is that he won't sing like a bird right he's dead and we all kind of wanted him to be like yeah you know me Tony Danza and Matt LeBlanc would fuck nine-year-olds all the time but what's cool is this before there were going to be all kinds of games being played as to like how they can get access to his black books and his computers and his this and his that and uh privacy apparently now that he's dead they get that stuff they did that they're like all
Starting point is 00:46:39 his protections are kind of gone post-mortem and the government will be able to search his things yeah if our government's implicated i don't think we'll come up with anything i like i think this is going to go the same route as the panama papers where it's like implicated i don't i don't think we're like if information would come out that like the cia or the fbi or the federal government or you know some foreign intelligence agency like massad or something was involved, of course they wouldn't put that out there. They'd be like, well, everything was lost. Oops. Our bad.
Starting point is 00:47:10 On the other hand, if it really is Matt LeBlanc, who I'm going to just ride that one for a while, he's fucked. That guy has nowhere to hide now that he's dead. Epstein's not keeping your secrets anymore, Matt LeBlanc. You're fucked. You were fine in Friends, I guess,
Starting point is 00:47:27 but you were only the best of a shitty cast. Yes. Friends isn't as bad as people make fun of it. It's not a good show, but it's an okay background show. I kind of want to rewatch it and figure out if the girls are as slutty as Kyle says they are. Oh, yes, they are. Really?
Starting point is 00:47:44 I'd never watched even an episode of friends until a year and a half ago or so and then i was just trying to find a new show to put on the background while i was working out or doing work on my computer and i was like oh this show's got 10 seasons and each season has like 22 episodes just throw this shit on and i got through the whole series and it's just like wow they must have had a hundred sexual partners over the course of the last 10 seasons. And even like the losers of the group, like Ross are somehow pulling decent amounts. Like really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:16 A hundred sexual partners for one person or like for the whole group? Probably between the two women, I would say probably like maybe like. Which two? Monica syncs up with. uh well chandler and like early jennifer anderson yeah jennifer anderson of the i'll say 50 of the 50 jennifer anderson was probably 42 because she was a whore it's like i want to look into it again but i don't want to have to watch all that friends there has to be some other way there i bet there's a i hope there's a website devoted to it i've been re-watching trailer park boys and it is it's been such a gap since i last re-watched it i
Starting point is 00:48:54 think the last time i watched that show through was maybe five years ago or so a little longer than that maybe and god it is so fucking funny like it i just love it like i i don't even get that feeling anymore where i'm depressed for them like of course i skip the intro every time because there's something about that intro song and like the little kid on the bike and the shitty ass neighborhood and all these depressing dirty dingy places where you're like oh i don't want to watch that makes me think of sad things trailer parks like I'm sure they have a rip roaring good time in trailer parks I've never really spent time in one but
Starting point is 00:49:30 ah it's just kind of sad you know like I feel like no one's happy with their lot in life living in a trailer park right like no one thinks that this is how they thought it would turn out this is how they hoped I hoped that I would spend my life here in a trailer park with these other people that this is how they thought it would turn out. This is how they hoped.
Starting point is 00:49:47 I hoped that I would spend my life here in a trailer park with these other people. It's a land of disappointment. Yeah. And lost opportunities, probably. Or just people who were born into such shitty situations that they didn't ever really get the opportunity or they never seriously thought they had the opportunity to get out and so it was almost like a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Starting point is 00:50:06 That's a question though. Doesn't everyone in America have the opportunity to do better than trailer park? Like I get that if you're born into wealth and privilege, then it's easy to outperform trailer park. But if you're born into abject poverty, it's possible to outperform trailer park. Yeah, definitely more than possible. Like when you're born into abject poverty, it's possible to outperform trailer park. Yeah, definitely more than possible.
Starting point is 00:50:28 When you're that poor, there's a lot of, even business loan structured things that are set up to help you and get you started with an extra little boost and lower interest rates and things. And so you could definitely do it, but that's why I think most of those people just kind of get it in their head where it's like, well, the kind of person i am born here gonna die here that you know like that who knows maybe that's like a part of like wings mentality sometimes where he just gets sad about it and is like no you know this is just this is the tippity top for me i can do really good at video games when like you know he he could what i was going to say that is well corrected
Starting point is 00:51:10 but i was going to say he could he could have gotten out but no he still could he's 32. yes yeah he's done he's been halfway through his life i hope he's only like four yeah he's kyle's i wonder how he's doing like i i feel like i get updates on wings to a really biased prism right you know a link to a troll channel or something like that like how's wings really doing i wonder like he's i get it yeah solely from kyle and shiz is where i get a hundred percent of my wings knowledge me too i wasn't gonna call him out though i've never i think everybody knows where we get our wings yeah they probably do i i wasn't going to call him out though i've never i think everybody knows where we get our wings yeah they probably do i i don't think i've ever independently been like
Starting point is 00:51:51 i'm gonna check up on wings like i just it doesn't cross my mind sometimes youtube is like this guy's interested in wings news here's a lead video or something i think his name's lean but yeah so sometimes youtube pushes one at me, but not for months. I've noticed with YouTube, if you watch one video from a mainstream media source like ABC or CBS or Fox or CNN, you watch one little
Starting point is 00:52:20 two-minute video, and then for the next week, you're just suggested all that like non-stop and that that's an annoying thing about youtube now is you used to be able to look up news stories and you'd get like fresh independent just normal people kind of takes and you'd be like looking at what they said and they're like i looked at this article and it said this but i looked at this one that said that i looked at this and i don't know because against that it's not totally sure and now it's just abc fox fox cnn cnn cbs cbs cbs uh msnbc fox you know and it's like i would turn on the tv if i wanted to see you guys i the youtube should be for independent creators and
Starting point is 00:52:59 things like it i don't know i don't like that direction of YouTube. It's not what it's made for. It's not CNN or FoxTube. It's supposed to be YouTube, MeTube. You know, it's for us, the little guys. I wonder if you're right. I think you might be right with regards to news. Algorithmically, they've admitted that they changed that. To get rid of fake news, they push mainstream.
Starting point is 00:53:23 Yeah, yeah. Especially with regards to news and current events and stuff like that. I think they push it down. Um, but I wonder like, I don't know. It's probably also true that they like Jimmy Kimmel and stuff. If,
Starting point is 00:53:35 if something's on Jimmy Kimmel show, it's probably advertiser friendly. If something's on my channel, it could be anything, right? It could be a paramotor video or it could be us discussing labia preferences. A lot of the YouTube advertiser-friendly thing is just a scapegoat. It's just them saying, well, we had to do this because of advertisers.
Starting point is 00:53:59 We had to. There are not advertisers out there. to. There are not advertisers out there. If anything, the big advertisers who are paying for the exposure on YouTube, they don't want to put pre-rolls in front of ABC and CBS. If they're already airing on ABC and CBS on TV, they would rather expand out and hit somebody like Philly Deep or hit somebody like a big independent creator or someone even like us where they're like, oh, I want to hit young males between 18 and 36 or 34 or whatever. And this is a good place. And by delegitimizing a lot of those channels,
Starting point is 00:54:32 those more grassroots channels, you're actually hurting advertisers in a lot of ways. Like the, these big advertisers, like of course they'll still buy the pre-rolls and everything because companies like J and J P and G, they've got so much money they can sort of bonfire with it and not notice but that's the way i've always looked at it is like when they say that it's not advertiser friendly it's like i know exactly how people
Starting point is 00:54:53 advertise on youtube you can segment your choices of who you advertise on by channel if you so choose there are not big companies out there going we were just trying to advertise our our tide pods and before i know it i was on a neo-nazi site and a communist revolutionary site it's like no you weren't like you could segment that stuff so i i don't buy the advertiser excuse like i i think it's probably a concerted push by media to get control back because they're they are terrified of people like pewdiepie they should be pewdiepie could shits on every mainstream media outlet combined almost whoever's after pewdiepie is going to be huge huge and recognized as huge and not denied as huge right like um right now i think people would say that chris helmsworth i think that's his name thor is a bigger star than pewdiepie
Starting point is 00:55:42 the guy that's after pewdie, there will not be a question. He will be king of the world, I think. I don't know who was before PewDiePie. Like Epic Meal Time? Who was the gen before PewDiePie who was top of YouTube? No, no, Ray William Johnson, right? Yeah, first it was like Fred, and then it was nigahiga and then it was uh ray william johnson and then there were a couple other steps and then
Starting point is 00:56:11 pewdiepie i think but i feel i think i totally agree with you let's say pewdiepie was the guy that followed ray william johnson whoever follows pewdiepie is going to be bigger than tom cruise. Like it'll be ginormous. I wonder if it's Joe Rogan. Oh, that's actually a really good pick. Yeah, it probably is Joe Rogan as far as sheer influence because of the number of guests he gets and how many people he pulls from different kind of streams of reality and thought.
Starting point is 00:56:39 Because he'll have like Dr. Rhonda Patrick, who's a nutritionist. And every time she's on, I listen to that episode because she's so knowledgeable and it's really, really interesting. And but then she'll have some comedian who I don't think is that funny or he'll have some comedian who I don't think is that funny. But everybody who's heard of that comedian who thinks it's kind of funny, they get sucked into the mix and now they're watching Rogan. And so like my only I agree that PewDiePie is the last generation to get in there and not be fully acknowledged as a real. That's what I was trying to be hitter in the media world, like beat, like put in Wall Street Journal, New York Times, like HuffPo, WashPo, combine all those and double it. And PewDiePie is laughing at you, like not even fucking close. laughing at you like not even fucking close but my fear would be that youtube kind of given the controversies some of most all of them contrived with pewdiepie all the contrived controversies
Starting point is 00:57:32 where you're like they're like he's a nazi and it's like he can't do an ironic joke you literally cut it to make it look like he's praising hitler you fucking pieces of shit like he's obviously not like i would think that youtube is going to take measures to make sure someone like that can't get, or isn't incentivized to get as huge again. Like they'll make advertising more and more difficult. They'll make monetization more and more difficult. And they're slowly trying to create YouTube into the next aggregate mainstream media source.
Starting point is 00:57:59 Like with just a bunch of smaller independent creators, with the ruling class of ABC independent creators with the the ruling you know class of abc fox and such on top i want to talk to tucker about the ninja move i'm going to make a note what's the ninja move um so ninja is a twitch streamer was a twitch streamer and he did fortnite and he was unquestionably the biggest now i think think he's one of the biggest. There's a couple guys who trade places, but he left Twitch. He left Twitch and went to Mixer maybe. I need to get my facts in line, but he left Twitch and that's a big move. So it's like, why did he do that? Was there more money over there? Was there more freedom over there? I thought that leaving Twitch was going to end his career. That's what I predicted.
Starting point is 00:58:49 He's pulling numbers bigger on this platform that I never heard of than he was on Twitch. It's called Mixer. I might have it wrong. But it wouldn't be hard to look up Ninja. Let's see. Where did Ninja go? Ninja streamer. He's disgusted by pornography on his channel.
Starting point is 00:59:10 It is Mixer. I had it right. Yeah, so what happened is his channel became like a dead channel. I don't even know if he controlled it anymore. So they used his landing page to advertise other streamers, which he didn't like but didn't say anything about. But then they advertised porn. Maybe by accident. I don't know. It seems about. But then they advertised porn, maybe by accident,
Starting point is 00:59:25 I don't know, it seems weird, but now he has the high ground. So now he's on Twitter like, oh my gosh, I apologize to anyone who may have seen an advertisement for porn. Heavens to Betsy, I don't know what that thumbnail might have been like. So they made his channel now look like any other non-active channel.
Starting point is 00:59:47 They stopped doing it. But they were definitely using his landing page as an advertising stream for other stuff. And it's a little crooked-ish. That is very crooked. He went to Mixer and he's doing as well on Mixer as he did on Twitch, which I didn't expect. I would argue that when the MLG COD guys went to the MLG site instead of Twitch, they really hurt COD. Suddenly, Call of Duty didn't have the streaming presence it did before.
Starting point is 01:00:16 They went to MLG and it was the tree in the forest that no one heard. No one watched it anymore. The scene died. they didn't they couldn't be no one watched anymore the scene died it lost all its momentum and popularity and it killed esports for cod and i thought that was going to happen again when he went to mixer but no people followed him and i wonder if like if you're an up-and-coming streamer you want to go to mixer where it's not so hard to be second best or fourth best or whatever you know he's doing fortnight what if you do minecraft it might have a similar argument maybe you can go be the mixer minecraft guy and that's a lot easier than being the twitch minecraft guy where
Starting point is 01:00:55 all the legends are piling in yeah i would imagine like i don't know how much they had to pay to get him on that that medium mixer it was probably an insane amount but overall i bet it's going to be a good business proposition because for exactly what you just said like they're going to draw new creators there because twitch is so saturated i'm talking like i know anything about twitch i just know if you ask me to name streaming sites i would say twitch and you taught me in second one a few seconds ago and i'm a layman yeah oh and youtube yeah but it doesn't seem like youtube streaming is as uh it's more like uh weird that it's not catching on i don't know why youtube can't seem to break
Starting point is 01:01:36 into the streaming market they they messed up you know you youtube actively squashed gamers back when we were YouTube gaming channels. And it was a huge mistake. So now they keep investing in shit. They keep trying to buy places. They keep trying and trying, but they can't seem to get it back. So YouTube messed up. Anyway, I'm psyched for this PKA.
Starting point is 01:02:03 Yeah, me too. It'll be fun. Yeah, man. All right, PKN 260.

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