Painkiller Already - PKN #262

Episode Date: September 6, 2019

It's PKN time baby! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 pkn 262 we were just talking pre-show about topic ideas are you watching gemstone yeah like the righteous gemstones or something like that it's uh it's last week andy and uh and well i guess everybody i think even uh who's our other guest last week? I feel like a dick now. Shit. Blame truth. Blame truth. They all blend together sometimes. I think one of those two was saying you gotta watch this HBO show and
Starting point is 00:00:34 it's got John Goodman in it, which for me is an immediate plus 10 because I love that guy. It would be plus 20, but it's skinny John Goodman. I don't like that as much. I like my John Goodman fat, girthy, unhealthy, heart attack around the corner. And so it's this show where basically
Starting point is 00:00:49 he and his sons, one of which is the guy from that baseball, that raunchy baseball show, Danny McBride. Yeah, Danny McBride. And then the other one, the other son is Adam Devine, the guy from Workaholics. i'm not sure if you've
Starting point is 00:01:05 watched workaholics i have that's silly they're not actually workaholics they're not no it's an it's an irony title um and it's really good so far basically they they are evangelical kind of you know uh pop-off kind of guys where it's just oh you know i do you feel the lord do you feel this and that that kind of stuff and already in the first episode it's just, oh, you know, do you feel the Lord? Do you feel this and that? That kind of stuff. Already in the first episode, it's kind of just showing the debaucherous sides of their lives and the things they do that they don't totally put out front. So they're knowingly scam
Starting point is 00:01:34 artists. They haven't revealed that yet. If I had to guess, just hazard a guess after one episode, all three of them do believe it, but one of them is kind of faking and then john goodman and adam devine are totally they totally believe it or at least adam devine totally believes that you can't tell what john goodman yet he hasn't gotten enough uh you
Starting point is 00:01:59 can tell he's a ruthless businessman but you know you can't tell yet because that leads like so when people believe in god that much and have confidence like that i wonder what goes on in their internal monologue right i think it's safe to assume that they've never seen any undeniable evidence of god instead they see like i don't know the sun's shine through some tree leaves with like i think they're called jesus rays or you know like it didn't rain on a wedding day therefore god exists or something like that and i'm like come on in your heart of hearts you're skeptical on this right right because it comes down like it's just everybody has their own form of confirmation bias like and for them it's shown in religion like for some
Starting point is 00:02:51 people it's news or politics or sports or whatever like if i'm a huge like i'm a big blues fan right when i see uh like even a few years ago when uh patrick kane one of the uh all-star one of the best american players of all time for the chicago blackhawks he got accused of rape and it was not credible at all it they ended up backing off because it was just a made-up lie and like it did suck for him that's a tough thing like we know from our guests last week that that kind of thing can happen so that was a much bigger bigger stage but even at the time when that came out because i just don't like that team i was like figures and then of course it comes out later that it's made up and i'm like well yeah but i probably knew that the whole time you know mostly but for these guys it's religion i've done it when they genuinely
Starting point is 00:03:41 like see a toast that looks like the virgin mary in you know mexico or whatever they're not making it up i don't think they're like this is a real sign that the lord this is the little thing that the lord gave me of course why would he do that when he could make a rainbow or something or make a comet with a nice little engraved note come down is what we would think but to them that's more than enough bias has been confirmed if i took every naturally occurring w as proof that woody was god i'd see them all over the place they show up in clouds scratch marks in the ground various footprints probably you know like it's like animal footprints of course um like but in my heart of hearts, I would know that I'm not actually God because there's never been any evidence of such, but I can't fathom buying that, but you laid it out pretty
Starting point is 00:04:32 well because I've had biases too. You know, like, uh, I think when I see politicians get accused of bad stuff, it's hard for me to jump straight to, no, everybody with a public presence gets some rape allegations now and then don't they people do it just for the the fame and the fortune and i'm like really i don't know why is this guy's 29 accusations so not credible and this guy's 39 i don't remember how bill cosby had so obviously credible to me. I can't tell the difference But you know it sometimes there's I want to believe I don't know and if you talk about Trump in particular Let me he has a lot of quotes where you could suspect that he doesn't have respect for women. Oh
Starting point is 00:05:22 Yeah, I can and see you can you can that's a perfect example maybe you can look at one you get you. You can look at something that he's said, and depending on what side you're on, you can go, he has no respect for women. He has no respect for women at all. That's clearly what is drawn from this. And then other people will look at it and go, well, actually, he's been a public figure whose kind of character and who he is has been this bloviating off the cuff loudmouth Arrogant fuck for like 35 years and so two people can look at the same exact thing and depending on their prior Previous or existing biases totally pull different things out of it And so like and then that's hard for everybody to do. It's really hard to like yes, everybody wants to have a Off the cuff boom. that's my take that's my decision and i'm sticking with it and they kind of set that anchor point and then any other
Starting point is 00:06:10 evidence you get the counterman's that you just kind of put up a shield and go nope nope nope decision made decision made if you do your best to be unbiased that shield is permeable but it's still there right you know some some uh evidence is has a hard time getting through and some is welcomed in you said something that i i really liked years ago i was like taylor you work in advertising more or less and does that make you not susceptible to advertising being privy to all the tricks and you're like no no nobody is every Everyone gets bombarded with messages again and again and again until they become a kind of truth. Everyone gets awareness. You can't be immune to advertising if you see ads.
Starting point is 00:06:54 Oh, of course. Because so much of it is like a perfect example was like I think the episode before Kyle got booted where taken to prison. Don't tell him taylor but uh it was i think during that episode we were talking something came up with marketing and advertising came up and i think kyle said like i think i'm immune to that i'm immune to advertising and not an hour later he was talking about how cool and rustic and just old-timey a Jack Daniels bottle looked and how he purchased one because of the way it looked and the way it's been presented in movies and the and the musing semi-alcoholic but hard-working and
Starting point is 00:07:32 diligent detective and that show takes a hard slug from a distinct she said oh it slams it down no I'm saying okay you're adding to it little things like that that was enough for Kyle to draw something out of it. Like nobody is the people that I think are most susceptible to advertising or the people who think they're above it because they don't have their guards up. They take things as they go and they internalize it without realizing. Meanwhile, if someone is, is on guard in the same way that a paranoid person who's homesteading in a weird way actually is less susceptible to an apocalypse because they have a guard up you know if you think that you're mr high intelligence high iq these these ads don't
Starting point is 00:08:11 get to me you're the one that's getting you're getting taken i think i'm mostly immune to advertising but for a very different reason i have youtube red i watch netflix i have ad block i like it's just hard to reach me advertising campaigns coming i this is a while ago i'm gonna i met the dentist or something and one guy says it's hump day and all the other receptionists start laughing and i don't get it and i'm like like they're like it's the camel you don't know like whatever debbie from some i don't know what the commercial was on yeah made hump day a big thing and i was like no i don't see as many ads as i did back when i had like television and i didn't have
Starting point is 00:08:52 youtube premium youtube red whatever it's called that doesn't remove that now because so many companies are realizing that as an issue they're just baking in advertising into shows more often like i robot is an older movie from the early 2000s with will smith but it's a good example of kind of an early adopter to that go back and watch that movie if you haven't in a while notice how many ad placements how many product placements how many scenes start with an emblem of a car or with a certain drink or with a certain uh coca-cola or a pepsi just whatever it is it's insane and so that i saw a clip on twitter today i've never watched 13 reasons why it's that that ridiculous show about a teenager
Starting point is 00:09:30 who kills themselves i did watch that i actually liked it but carry on oh i'm making fun of it without ever watching it that's par for the course for me but i saw a clip on twitter today of that show and someone was like this is a straight up uh this is a straight up um what the fuck is the the website builder that sponsors us squarespace oh really it was a straight up squarespace commercial as they're like sitting there trying to like make a plan to make a website and the guy's like showing the interface and how easy it is to use to the other characters and it's like are you shitting me is this what entertainment's gonna be now because i probably fell for it i had no idea that they were doing that this isn't season three yeah so if you haven't seen that one oh there's it i didn't know there were three
Starting point is 00:10:13 seasons i didn't either till i saw it oh um but the another will smith movie help me it's a zombie movie where's kyle when you need And, but they're not really zombies, but they, they can't go in the light. They're like zombie vampires. I am legend. Yes, I am legend.
Starting point is 00:10:31 My goodness. Like opening shots of Will Smith and a Ford Mustang as if that's an apocalypse to car, you know, just like zooming around. I can't say words. What is it? When you tail ground grinding around a corner, sliding around drifting. What is it when you tailgrip? Grinding around a corner?
Starting point is 00:10:47 Sliding around? Drifting. That's what I'm going for. Thank you so much. He's like drifting around corners in a Mustang. And later he hops into an Explorer. And like you said, like close-ups of a Ford emblem. And they zoom out to reveal the rest of the car as it does cool stuff driving around.
Starting point is 00:11:03 And this is an apocalypse situation right and not just like it's an extreme Apocalypse with zombie vampires wrecking everything and having murdered almost everybody but damn the car looked good I guess his hobbies are survival and detailing cars yeah because thank God I found this clean, current year Ford Explorer. Yeah. And this is the LE, the limited edition one. Wow. Man, now I can have air-conditioned ass cheeks as I mow down vampires and stuff. And it's ridiculous. Because that's real things. Maybe some people don't know this. When you watch a show or a TV show, movie, anything, and you see like, let's say they're on a bathroom counter and he has Rogaine there and he has Bayer brand aspirin and he has Crest white toothpaste.
Starting point is 00:11:58 Those companies all paid for that. They didn't just go and throw a generic toothpaste throw a generic thing in there throw this like there are companies that come that will reach out to consumer products companies and go hey there's a show that's going to be on this and we have an opening for a couple uh bathroom scenes we have an opening for a couple closet scenes would you like your product to be involved in that because they make that happen because i mean the absolutely if i needed to stock a pantry or a medicine cabinet the easiest thing to do would be to run to cvs so it they have to go out of their way to get like
Starting point is 00:12:32 i don't know a bottle that kind of looks like bear but isn't to to stock with that you really think that they always go the hard way if they're not getting paid oh no it's not uh it's not hard if they're not getting paid? Oh, no, it's not hard. No. Because a company as big as J&J or P&G, this is a pittance to them. This is like something that they would get an email in their marketing department and go,
Starting point is 00:12:54 hey, do you want fucking no more tear shampoo in a scene in this zombie movie as the woman is washing her hair and you can see it in the background on the little shower caddy for three scenes or something? And they'll go, yeah, whatever. Sure. Yeah. We'll pay 12 grand for that. Okay. Sure. Yeah. We'll do that. And so that's why part of the reason is believability. You don't want these over the top, different, weird brands. And so they're going to reach out
Starting point is 00:13:20 to those kind of mainstay J&J, P&G, large brands. But like, yeah, there are no mistakes when it comes to that. When you see a Coca-Cola or a Pepsi or even smaller things like they pay for that. And so I and that's something I had no idea until I kind of got into this industry and, you know, on behalf of some clients would get inquiries about that. And I was like, holy shit, everything I see on TV is carefully constructed from the bottom up all those scenes when it comes to products at least because you know they're not going to turn down opportunities to make money now that I think about it the I am I did this dancing competition years ago it was cool uh all the things we used were from a prop
Starting point is 00:14:00 department like I read a newspaper in one of the dances all the headlines there were like real articles that you could read they weren't interesting and they weren't though they didn't do two things they didn't date you although I suppose the newspaper at all is dating now but like it didn't mention who the current president was or anything that would help you associate a date and it also didn't say anything that could be remotely controversial in the paper. So even today's current events, I don't know. You could write like Trump does this at the G7 or Trump misses climate change meeting, right?
Starting point is 00:14:38 Half the people reading that will probably be offended at that title. And they'd figure out the time. The time too, yeah. So the time was one motivating factor, and the other thing was that they didn't want anything in there about a death or a politician that would make anyone not like it for some reason. It was all weather. And for the bigger companies, it's sometimes even different. Let's say Miramax says we've got six movies coming out
Starting point is 00:15:00 that we have a bundle of, and each one of them has an opportunity for you to promote something in a closet space or whatever. So we're coming to you fucking Tommy Hilfiger or whatever, old Navy or whatever, like, uh, uh, Thursday boots or some other company. So it's really interesting that so much extra thought goes into it and it's, it's all just to make money. And, and so like, even when you skip all of the ads you're still getting advertised you mentioned john goodman earlier you let you prefer fat john goodman so to me he lost weight and got old together and i always wonder like people say
Starting point is 00:15:37 oh the presidency ages you i don't doubt that that might be true i think it's a stressful job but i also think that a lot of times four or eight years have passed and that that guy was going to age in either case. You know, some are outrageous like Lincoln, but Obama, for example, he might've looked like that eight years later. Anyway, he doesn't look so horrible. Um, I wonder John Goodman, he lost weight and got old. What does fat John Goodman look like? Did he age a lot better? This like alternate universe, John Goodman that didn't lose the weight. Does he not his fate? I mean, his heart and his arteries and all that doesn't age better, but his face does
Starting point is 00:16:17 definitely like he, he lost weight at the worst time. Like if a 40-year-old, let's say a 35 or 40, let's say they're 100 pounds overweight and they lose it. Sure, they don't have the skin elasticity of a 22, 25-year-old or whatever, but they can still get it back together. They can get it going. When you're 67 or whatever,
Starting point is 00:16:38 like John Goodman, and you lose 120 pounds, all it does is make all of your wrinkles 100 times deeper and make your throat pouch look even more impressive than mitch mcconnell's those are bold words taylor it is mr goodman is really stepping up to the plate here with that throat pouch so yeah if you're gonna lose weight as a big fat adult do it before you get too old it's pretty young some
Starting point is 00:17:03 collagen i'm basing this on um how women's bellies bounce back. Like you see these girls in their, I'll say 25. Dude, you can't tell they were pregnant a few months later. They have a baby at 35. You know, their bellies are never stock again. Yeah, they're never stock. They're always aftermarket or something. I mean, that's when women go rotten.
Starting point is 00:17:27 They just don't bounce back the same way when they're 35 and they had the kid. Yeah. Yeah. Have you seen... Oh, go ahead. No, you go ahead. Oh, this is not that interesting. I was talking about the meme, the Popeye's chicken sandwich versus the chick-fil-a chicken sandwich and
Starting point is 00:17:47 people you are high as a goddamn kite if you think popeyes can hold a candle to the chick-fil-a sandwich the chick-fil-a sandwich is just better is this your inner white girl talking like it this is my inner consumer you know first of all you go to you go to chick-fil-a they're just stoked to have you there oh my god thanks for coming to chick-fil-a they're just stoked to have you there oh my god thanks for coming to chick-fil-a and ordering our sandwiches we love you they are at chick-fil-a at popeyes you get a surly person with dirty fingernails you know who's got a bunch of tattoos and you don't want to or at least the popeyes near me it's like st louis popeyes i got yeah st louis popeyes and i got a popeyes chicken sandwich to
Starting point is 00:18:25 test it out like uh soon after they released and you know when you get like a chicken sandwich sometimes and there's just surrounding areas where you'll bite into it thinking it's chicken but it's just an enormous hunk of breading oh and then you're eating bread on bread on bread and it's just it's just not good the chicken was dry there were too many of those breading bites i've eaten a thousand well realistically probably a hundred chick-fil-a sandwiches in my life i've never had a dry bite i've never had that it's always juicy it's always good they do the the kyle approach or whatever where he says they soak them in pickle juice or a pickle brine or whatever to keep the the moisture in there and that's peanut oil fried
Starting point is 00:19:04 it's just a higher quality sandwich and now these these two companies are memeing off each other which chick-fil-a not stoked about having their name associated with Popeyes Popeyes is doing line dances in their corporate office like yes we're in the same sentence with chick-fil-a really our quality with chick-fil- sentence with chick-fil-a really associate our quality with chick-fil-a oh because chick-fil-a wins like america's favorite fast food restaurant like every year because it's just you know it's got good service and it's a you know it is a fucking fast food chicken sandwich if you go to a real restaurant order a chicken sandwich
Starting point is 00:19:37 it's probably going to be better than chick-fil-a or popeyes or any of those but as far as fast food goes chick-fil-a is the best i hardly ever go to Chick-fil-A. There's a couple issues. One, I usually eat fast food when I have a long drive. That would be if I'm going to Florida or Georgia or something. And that happens on Sunday an inordinate amount of times. I almost always come home on a Sunday. So even though it's only one in seven days, it seems to be half of my driving days. And I don't know.
Starting point is 00:20:03 They're just not on my radar somehow like i i see wendy's is the one to go to and i'm not reprogrammed yet yeah but i have been to both and i thought of popeye's more as the like more seasoning a little like black grandmother's food and chick-fil-a as fast food maybe i don't know i think of both them as fast food like when i go to popeyes like if i go to popeyes i want chicken like i want a chicken chicken leg chicken wing right uh chicken breast or something if i go to chick-fil-a just give me the chicken sandwich the one thing that chick-fil-A does suck ass at, their fries are terrible. They are always floppy. Those waffle fries, one in a hundred are crispy and nice. They need to get a Terra Page out of McDonald's book on French fries. Stop trying to be Mr. Fancy Pantsy over there with your waffle fries and just make good fries. I never even order
Starting point is 00:21:02 their meals. I only get their entrees because I'll eat two of their fries and go didn't you learn last time that these soggy pieces of aren't worth eating it's just empty calories not even the the dopamine hit yes yeah look if i'm gonna sin it better be worth it you know i better get something in return not just soggy french fries yeah i've done that where i eat like half of a chick-fil-A container of fries, and it's like, I'm 300 calories into this, and I'm not even happy. Yeah, you don't want that. What a waste. But yeah, maybe someone can convince me otherwise. I don't think I'll be convinced otherwise unless I go back to Popeye's and decide to get in the chicken sandwich, and it's way better.
Starting point is 00:21:38 But I'm never going to do that because I go to Popeye's when I want fried chicken. And even then, if I want fried chicken and I'm in the area, I'm going to go to Church's chicken over Popeye's because Church's is just way fucking better than Popeye's when I want fried chicken. And even then, if I want fried chicken and I'm in the area, I'm going to go to Church's Chicken over Popeye's because Church's is just way fucking better than Popeye's. I don't know if you have Church's where you are. I've heard of it. I don't think I've been to it, though. Yeah. If you enter a Church's Chicken and you feel in danger,
Starting point is 00:21:58 you're in a good one. Oh, that's how I feel about Waffle House. Yeah, there's one in the city, and I'd go in there and just be like, head on a swivel. Head on a swivel. I'm in there. Then you get the chicken.
Starting point is 00:22:10 Can I have that seat with my back to the wall and my face to the door? Yeah, I'd be like Liam Neeson in Taken. I'm just in the back corner making sure I can scope out the whole thing. But yeah, that was my take on the fast food, little fast food battle. Not that it's even that interesting
Starting point is 00:22:25 so boogie boogie 2899 i actually like the guy i he's been on the show a bunch of times and uh i don't know i i want good things for him he seems all right but there's news surrounding him i don't know what's up it's just sort of a slow burn of youtube hot water now i'll lay it out through my lens of bias but um so he was on youtube for a long time people loved him right and they called him the mr rogers of youtube and he would just say good things and present the best version of himself and i think I could maybe relate to this to some extent and then he went on Twitch and somehow on Twitch he was I want to say a real version of himself I almost want to say the worst version of
Starting point is 00:23:16 himself like the pka version of me thank you and and so he's on Twitch and and they take his worst clips and present that as we found out who boogie really is and like i think he went to a bed and humped it and said that's how he treats whores and um he dated it's just funny i guess yeah actually you know it depends on what kind of figure you built yourself into if If me, you, or Kyle said that, they'd be like, that's a tongue-in-cheek joke. They're not doing that. But you're right. With Boogie building up the kind of Mr. Rogers appeal, for him to suddenly become that is probably shocking to his fans.
Starting point is 00:23:56 Yeah, continue. Sorry. It's the shock. It's the turn. People are upset because it's like they pulled back the curtain found a different version of boogie and they're very mad at him and on reddit there's this thread that details like every bad thing he's ever done painted in the worst light some of them wouldn't even register is not cool unless you put it in the context of a couple of other things he's done or said. And now his edgy joke is pure evil.
Starting point is 00:24:29 Boogie exposed. And he's been losing subs. Now, you lose subs or whatever. But I want to say, I'll look up the numbers. I'll look up Social Blade on him. Yeah. I'm going to do it really quick. He's lost 41,000 in the last month wow right that's a big deal but and it's been a couple of months too like even if it was just um
Starting point is 00:24:54 last month was the only bad one then that would be i don't know like somehow a different situation. But he lost... Sorry, I'm looking in the wrong spot. He hasn't consistently gained subs since like April 18th. In May, he lost almost 6,000. In June, he lost almost 15,000. And in July, he lost almost 30,000. And now he's on pace for over 40 and that dude that's a lot that's a long time and these are big numbers so people are like i want to say
Starting point is 00:25:35 they're leaving mad you know when you lose 4 000 subs a day which is like the high end of what he's done then like i don't know it's not casually moving on like every youtuber has subs casually moving on and then maybe new subs casually back like an aggressive unsubscribing campaign where people are like actively fuck you like it makes boogie kind of interesting to me like I want to know what he's do I feel like he continues to feed the flame of the negative people like he hasn't really cleaned up and started being good and i feel like it's a semi-conscious self-destruction that he's got
Starting point is 00:26:12 going on and that's the that's the core of what i'm finding fascinating boogie is going on long rants that he knows hurt him and doing it anyway but he's doing like on twitch on twitch yeah on twitch but then it gets clipped and it gets uploaded to like live stream fails or you know this becomes another little nugget for this copy paste about him that details like the 50 things he's ever done wrong that's the old they they're he um i guess he was a sugar daddy to this woman who you could call a prostitute ish i don't know like i think that was the story he told on pka wasn't it did he talk about him on pka maybe a different woman but i think so anyway she was i guess you i don't know if you call him an ex-john or if you call you call her a jilted ex-girlfriend or whatever,
Starting point is 00:27:08 but they've taken her side of it and turned it into like the worst possible thing. Like for example, I think she was a cam whore. I bet there's a better word for that, but let's roll with it. No, let's be real here. And he didn't like it. So he would be like, no, stay with me, no, skip that.
Starting point is 00:27:24 And she's like, hey, I gotta go. This is how I earn money. You know, if you're not okay with that would be like no stay with me no skip that and she's like hey i gotta go this is how i earn money you know if you're not okay with that then why are you with me and you know he's not okay with it because he likes her he's envious this is at least the the lens i see it through but they make him into this controlling asshole who doesn't want to let her earn a living and it's like ah but her living is kind of sort of cheating on him that i mean i think that's the emotion that he's going for when he says why don't you stay with me and uh you know but they paint it into like the worst possible way and anyway i'm seeing boogie on the second half of his youtube bell curve like so many people have.
Starting point is 00:28:07 And I'm wondering, how do you feel about this? What's your plan? Are you going to try and get a second bell curve? It happens. It's unusual, but it happens. Do you have any other job skills? Do you have enough money? Not after the divorce.
Starting point is 00:28:22 I wouldn't guess. I thought that. I wasn't going to say it out loud but it was in my head as well um yeah i i i'm putting together the things that he said publicly he said he was almost a millionaire and then he lost half in the divorce you can estimate his net worth from there you know maybe he's back up a touch and he's just crossed 500 which is still not a retireable amount of money. Right. Right. Yeah. So, um, you know, I wonder what kind of stresses he's feeling. Are these stresses leading him to make more what seemed to be to me mistakes? Or is he going to do a rebound on the hated side
Starting point is 00:28:57 of this equation? You know, maybe the next boogie is not the internet's Mr. Rogers. the next boogie is not the internet's mr. Rogers it's the next dark side Phil maybe I'm super curious about what's going on so are the big things the cam whore thing and the like the the silly h, pillow humping video? I'm trying to figure out what else. I'm looking on his subreddit for whatever the post is. The big thing is he's not who he said he was. And then everything else in isolation isn't so awful, right? But there's a facet of his personality that is a 4chan-er. And he was on 4chan before he was on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:29:46 That's part of his home. And so when they see that little side of him, that sort of angry, incel, misogynistic, whatever, like not so Mr. Rogers, love everyone, he tells a story and says, you know, someone broke into my house once. And you know what I did? I gave him a ride home.
Starting point is 00:30:08 That guy was having a hard time. And I'm so nice that I help out people who attempt to do home invasions against me. And that's like, wow, Boogie, you're so wonderful. And then they find out that that isn't the only version of him. And they feel cheated. They feel like he's put out a PR curated version and then it took their own investigation to be like wait a second this isn't the guy that's been presented to me for the last X number of years sorry it's understandable yeah it's all understandable but it's it to me like there's a lot of positive things
Starting point is 00:30:44 happening in his life, right? He's lost a bunch of weight. He's got the new teeth. There's a whole new him. He's single, which I don't think, you know, it was his choice, but, like, he could be living the best life, and instead he's living probably the worst life
Starting point is 00:30:59 he's had in a long time, right? He was probably happier being loved at 500 pounds than he is right now and i just wonder like how's he doing he okay why does he keep doing this what's happening in your head is this a version of suicide that you're doing when you just keep this up i feel like he's self-destructive behavior some people are cutters you know some people are scratchers this is his version of self-harm i think when he goes on twitch and says things that he knows harms him that he that he knows are going to come back to get him but he somehow finds it irresistible therapeutic something and i
Starting point is 00:31:42 i wonder what's happening in there it probably feels cathartic to him like if his true self is the more offensive you know making 4chan jokes and everything then it's got to be exhausting to try and keep up a facade of you know mr rogers-esque behavior like and also like the people have one true self though like i I'm going to paint this on you, forgive me. The version of you at work isn't fake. That's just professional Taylor. And there's a version of you around your family who might be different. And when you're alone with your girlfriend, who could be a different one?
Starting point is 00:32:17 And I would hope the PKA one is only here. No, this is how I behave all the time. Right? So none of this is fake it's just people behave you know appropriately for the environment that they're in and boogie behaves inappropriately or it behaves in a way on twitch that he knows hurts him and i feel like it's he's a cutter but he does it with a mic and a video camera maybe like maybe he's in like a cycle of not feeling like he deserves success in any way and so he self-sabotages or maybe it's just kind of the whole house of cards
Starting point is 00:32:52 crumbling down where it's like he's just fucking tired of being more wholesome than he feels he actually is and now he's he's kind of throwing that by the way so i don't know i i don't watch nearly enough boogie and by nearly enough i mean i don't watch any boogie content and so i don't know what his what his little quirks and everything are i do know that it seems like every time i see a tweet from him which is the only like i follow him on twitter so i'll see like every once in a while he'll have a take like he seems to be obsessed with trying to appease everyone at the same time. And in doing so, not just appeasing no one, but actively pissing people off.
Starting point is 00:33:31 Because there is a level of centrism that you can see in people sometimes where it's like you're being a bad faith centrist right now. You're taking the center position for the sake of doing it so that you have plausible deniability for any criticism that may come from your take. And then then he i think we talked about him with him on the show i think i even said something to him last time he was on where i'm like boogie you gotta stop the fence sitting go go hard one direction or say nothing or or just you know it because then at
Starting point is 00:34:01 least you're going to get people's genuine response and go, Oh, okay, look, he may actually have a belief about this, but going, Hey guys, just throw my hat into the ring. Everybody's bad equally right now. And it's like, maybe sometimes that is the correct. I march with LBGQT,
Starting point is 00:34:17 but don't want marriage rights for them. That's an actual stance. And it's like, I did see that. I saw somebody tweet that out. Yeah, I'm with you i find the fence sitting to be a certain kind of lack of courage and there's some honest fence sitters
Starting point is 00:34:30 right like i i'm pro-choice but look i kind of see the pro-life side right like i don't not happily pro-choice i just look at sometimes i find that's the way to land I'm the same boat with you yeah okay um Trump and his China stuff man I hope he wins the trade war I hope we win the trade war right I I don't know if he's doing it well but I felt like someone had to try that's right that's a little fence city I think but um what he does man every single issue he tries to find a way to have no one disagree with him and at some point it's infuriating yeah it comes off as disingenuous like see that's a good way to say it it's not the fence sitting in and of itself or the centrism you know i'll say centrism because fenn says he has an inherent like naked connotation but it's not that
Starting point is 00:35:22 inherent like the fence sitting it's the frequency of it i think where if every once in a while somebody who you're listening to spit out hot takes goes honestly guys i really hate both sides here like if that's not a consistent thing they'll go you know i kind of hear i disagree but i see what you're saying these people both suck but if every issue every single time is right down the middle can't say this because i don't want to offend these people i hate the sjw's but i don't want to offend them you know and i don't want to hurt these people over here so i'm going to say this in a in a you know a mealy-mouthed way it's like over time it it comes off as actively insulting to your fans because it's saying to them
Starting point is 00:36:02 i don't respect your intelligence enough that you can differentiate that what i'm saying is my true belief or it's a you know kind of just an amalgamation of what i'm i think you guys want me to say he said on our show at one point that he was like rick from rick and morty and he was just a nihilist who didn't care how things worked out and that's why he was so centrist on every issue and i'm like the fuck like you're you're rick you're a rick you're telling me you're a rick like you did a super genius who just sees beyond everything to the point where you look you can't care are you dr manhattan too jesus christ who do you think you are a rick that is funny i see myself as a gandalf of sorts above it all entirely and yet more powerful than you could imagine
Starting point is 00:36:51 and 900 years old maybe i don't know so like that that's the real thing like he would get a lot better feedback if he would quit the centrist fence sitting you know sometimes if that's his honest take go for it man say what you honestly, but don't look to your followers and try and garner what you think they want you to say, and then reproduce a bastardization of what that is, because you're going to get it wrong, and they're going to see through it, and they're going to call your ass out for both sides, and then because you're very sensitive to that, you're going to respond, and when you respond to that and say, I didn't mean it by this, I didn't mean it by that, all that shows is weakness. And the people who know that they got to rise out of you by responding to that are going to respond to the
Starting point is 00:37:29 next one and pile on. It's a cycle that you're putting yourself in. Just stop being political on Twitter. Showing weakness is an interesting thing. Sometimes an apology video gives people what they need. Sometimes an apology invites them to double down and triple down and never let it go. And it's interesting to see how that lands. Like Trump, he almost always doubles down. That's his go-to move. That's his instinct. And I want to say it almost always works. There are a few examples through my lens anyway, like the Charlottesville thing both you know good people on both sides then he doubled down I can't quote it but he didn't back off it enough and that kind of burnt him I'm coming up short on examples usually double down you know you know Mexico's sending the
Starting point is 00:38:20 rapists and murderers and he's like it they are it's like weird so yeah a lot of people crossing there are criminals and people are like well well bullshit okay because like the reason that you have to do that in a lot of situations and double down is because any sort of apology is going to be seized on as an admission of guilt you can't apologize and go i didn't mean it this way i didn't do this and that because the people who wanted you, you know, drawn and quartered already got what they wanted. They got a sorry from you, which means that you admit you're wrong. That's why you're not. And it's not just Trump who does this. A lot of politicians who are more savvy and or people, public speakers, business people like usually double down, double down and don't admit fault. And whether or not you're wrong,
Starting point is 00:39:03 you may be wrong, but don't do it and so he he makes that mistake continuously and sometimes it'll be like he'll say his hot centrist take and then i'll see like four minutes later he'll have like a quasi apology clarification above it like oh man come on dude like dm me before you tweet and i would i would have said hard pass on both of those. Boogie, don't. No, don't. Can you do an Asian accent? No, Boogie. What you want to do is you want to tweet
Starting point is 00:39:34 at prominent blue checks and call them cunts. You're going to hop on in there and call Trevor Noah gay? Perfect. Anyway, You're going to hop on in there and call Trevor Noah gay? Perfect. Yeah. Anyway, have you been watching the... I don't know if it's true, but there's a poll out that's kind of not consistent with the others,
Starting point is 00:39:55 implying wrong, but who knows. It's fun to watch because now Biden's in a three-way tie with Sanders and Warren. Yeah, I didn't see that. I knew Biden was tanking because he's did he do something he's just really bad by himself by himself he comes off as a blithering okay that's more extreme than i see it but here's what i do see i see a guy who's losing his edge because of age and by the, presidency is like two years from now,
Starting point is 00:40:25 a year and a half. So he's not going to be younger in 2021 if he were to get the job. So that's one issue. And two, he's kind of gaffe prone. So between him just, there's a certain kind of lisp that old, like really old people,
Starting point is 00:40:39 70 year olds can get that I get sensitive to. And when all of a sudden they don't have S's anymore and they like, it gets weird. I'm like, man, too much saliva happening.
Starting point is 00:40:50 I'm like that shit in the corner of their mouth. I'm wildly conscious of both things in my own mouth right now. That was my saliva level held by S's. And, uh, so when Biden slips into what is like any other 76, 77 year old dude does, it reminds me of what he's got going on.
Starting point is 00:41:09 And then he's just gaffe-prone. And his main appeal is, but I can win. No one's inspired by Biden. No one is like, oh, yes, just jerking off to the idea of Obamacare with minor revisions. Go, Biden. Please do that for us. No one is inspired by what Biden brings to the table. They're just buying into the idea that he's the most likely guy to win.
Starting point is 00:41:37 If you take that away, if suddenly he's second in the polls, if suddenly he starts losing states, his goose is cooked. And I find that, you know, I watch this partly because I like politics but some the chess of it I've said a million times and I'm watching these pieces moving like man if Biden's not leading the polls he doesn't make a comeback there's no enthusiastic Biden supporters who jump back on that train the only reason he's winning is because he's winning yeah nobody's stoked on biden like like you can always tell who like the media tries to prop up and like give that extra edge like someone they clearly don't want to be given an edge is tulsi gabbard she and and
Starting point is 00:42:17 andrew yang are kind of gaining ground slowly in their own way but they're not they're not propped up there the two that the media want to prop up are Harris and Biden. Harris is not looking good. Her criminal record or whatever, her prosecutor record, is not going to... It's not going to pan out for her. It's just not going to pan out.
Starting point is 00:42:36 Yeah, yeah. Her criminality. No, her really aggressive... That's what I'm thinking of. I'm thinking of every other fucking ball yeah yeah uh and but it and then biden is just pathetic at this point like he was basically grabbed in 2008 because they're like all right we got this guy uh obama he's charismatic and he doesn't have a long enough history in politics for him to have done anything
Starting point is 00:43:01 ridiculous he's he'll kind of he can be whatever we want him to be but we need an anchor for him to have done anything ridiculous. He can be whatever we want him to be, but we need an anchor for him so that people who are hesitant or worried see, ah, that guy will keep them down to earth. You know, he won't go too far left or too far this way or that way. And Biden was kind of that guy. In particular, I think there was an inexperience question with Obama.
Starting point is 00:43:19 So they grabbed the guy who looked like he solved the experience question or answered the experience question. Like I think in the next couple months, it going to become apparent that biden is cannot beat trump it's going to be if they try to run biden i swear it's going to be the exact same thing as 2016 nobody except for like super feminists just for the sake of like yay ladies wanted hillary even like my friends who are more left-leaning at the time were just like, God, man, I mean, she fucking sucks. I wanted Bernie and no more Bernie,
Starting point is 00:43:52 and they're going to get roasted. The inspiration gap between Trump and Hillary was huge. I think there were a lot of people who were inspired by Trump, who saw Trump as a person sticking their middle finger up to the establishment right and they found that inspiring hillary on the other hand she was prominent she's qualified you know she's got the background you'd want a president to have and her senator and secretary of state but not inspiring no she was just the Biden of 2016, in my opinion. Yeah, she sucked. But again, it's hard.
Starting point is 00:44:29 We were talking about advertising. It's hard for me to not see my own bias or to see my own bias. But I'm here thinking that Trump is one of the most easily defeated presidents in my memory. He might be. It very well might be. Number one, his base is very disenchanted because he hasn't kept any of the big promises that he said he might be it very well might be a number one his base is very disenchanted because he hasn't kept any of the big promises that he said he would he's he's actively been worse on a lot of things than he said he would he's sucked like like what's he going to rely on the judges
Starting point is 00:44:57 like because literally if you're a trump voter that's one of the only things you have to fall on as well i guess him appointing judges is better than Hillary, which true, I'd rather have Trump appoint than Hillary. But even then, he's not really he didn't do anything to really rile up his base and everything. He didn't handle immigration. He didn't handle he's handling trade in the way he can. He didn't get the North Korea thing. Well, that's not fair to put on his shoulders. Nobody's handled that. But regardless, he hasn't done what his supporters wanted. And so his base is going to not be that enthused. The Democratic base has a real problem, real real problem because no matter what they do, half of their base, half is not going to like it. And if they put Biden in there, those young people
Starting point is 00:45:34 are going to say fuck right off the same way they did last time when Bernie got screwed. And so if they put Bernie or Warren in, I think they beat Trump because enough older Democrats who don't like how far left Warren and Sanders are, they're going to hold their nose and go anyone but Trump and they'll vote. Whereas I think young people are still opportunists or optimistic enough about it that they'll say, no, I'm not voting for an establishment of Biden fuck or whatever. I could be totally wrong, but if they win I think they run Bernie. I think the Democrats are Preaching to each other the lesson from 2016 which is hey Whoever wins this a lot of you aren't gonna like it start getting over that now a year and a half in advance
Starting point is 00:46:18 I want you to practice a little bit voting for your second favorite because you might end up doing that to practice a little bit voting for your second favorite because you might end up doing that. But then I see it both ways because then like I watched a clip on the Democratic debate and they were like, there's one of the early ones, I guess we're still early. And they were like, who of you think that, you know, health care should be given for free to illegal immigrants and that illegal immigration should be changed to a civil issue more like a parking ticket than a real crime and every one of them i think sans biden raised their hand and so older democrats are going to look at that and go well hell i really hate this trump guy but uh i don't really want to bankrupt our country you want us to offer free health care to illegal immigrants and then treat it as not a crime you know what's going to happen we're going to become
Starting point is 00:47:03 south america in three days like i don't like that and so that might scare them back away from voting for i really don't know the democratic party is so divided right now by age like as far as age lines so it's hard to even tell the health care one so i don't love what you said but i also it's hard to implement a look if you want someone to walk in and get healthcare, then you can't like check their cards before they get it. They're emergency situations. But let's set that aside. The one that bothers me is the student loan stuff.
Starting point is 00:47:35 There's a lot of people running saying, man, we'll just get America to pay your student loans off for you. Won't you love it? And I'm like, what? That, that's not, that's crazy. Maybe. I think it's, if you were to offer American scholarships, right,
Starting point is 00:47:53 where it's like, hey, you know what? Right now the barrier to being a nurse, an engineer, an attorney, or an accountant, dare to dream, is whether your father was wealthy. We're going to make it so that a decent chunk of Americans can pursue these careers if they're worthy. And if there was an American scholarship that did that, that opened the door to become a certified public accountant for a smart young man or woman,
Starting point is 00:48:25 then I wouldn't be opposed to that. But it's like, oh, a lot of college debt, these loans, if people don't know this, it's not the tuition that we're talking about. It's the living expenses. It's the fact that they went four years just living off debt, and now they're like, yeah, shit, you know I I wish I had lived
Starting point is 00:48:45 a cheaper life I wish that I had chosen a cheaper school I wish that this I like you didn't maximize it because it was all tomorrow money and you thought you'd be richer than you turned out to be we had a filthy filthy robot on the show and he was like man you know I went to college and you know I didn't make much money with my degree it's like great you sure to Joe's accounting you know I didn't make much money with my degree it's like great you sure to Joe's accounting you know like you maybe you chose a degree that was that lined up with your passions but it didn't line up with a career and now you have debt or Malibu has debt but you know didn't turn out to pay those are
Starting point is 00:49:17 the decisions we make and why does America bail out student loans seems wrong yeah I mean it's it's I'd rather be hot student loans the bail out student loans? It seems wrong. Yeah. I mean, I'd rather bail out student loans than bail out all the banks and automobile manufacturers again. But the whole student loan thing, I get it. The people made bad decisions. Generally, people are very young when they do this, and you do not get a good financial education in American public schools. They don't tell you. And the companies giving you these loans get a good financial education in American public schools. They don't tell you.
Starting point is 00:49:45 And the companies giving you these loans have a vested interest in getting you to take as much as possible. They want you to take as many loans as you can and get you just basically be a debt slave the rest of your life. And you can't even bankruptcy doesn't get you out of a student loan debt. Like there's no way to escape. That's fair. Yeah. Fair enough. loan debt like there's no way to escape yeah it fair enough like but it is exploitative that these huge multi-billion dollar companies take advantage of a young american people in order to bolster
Starting point is 00:50:12 their own their own bottom line i almost go the other way on that and let me lay it out um just in in fast forward the not paying it back thing there's three kinds of loans there's mortgage like collateral backbacked loans, where if you don't pay it, they can get their money back by taking the house and selling it. That's how that works. There's unsecured loans, I think. There's like a credit card.
Starting point is 00:50:34 And the things you buy on that are like electrician services and restaurant food, and things that they can't get back when the interest rate is really high if you don't pay it back. And then there's student loans. Student loan is another thing they can't seize. If you get your education then don't pay it off.
Starting point is 00:50:50 They can't take that and sell it like they can your house. So you would think the interest rate would be really high like it is on other unsecured purchases, but it's not. It's a really low interest rate. And the reason is they have special protections that prevent you from getting out of paying it back. If you could get out of paying back student loans, then the interest rates would have to be really high. And probably a lot of people would do that.
Starting point is 00:51:14 They're like, why do I pay back this loan for 30 years when I could just go bankrupt for seven and have the problem be behind me? Yeah. So that's why they're as high as they are. And if you say, well, they should have never given this loan to that person, that was unkind of them to let them make a bad decision, then I say,
Starting point is 00:51:34 ooh, because the other phrasing of that is, I'm taking away your opportunity. Taylor, did you get into Harvard? It's expensive, you need a big loan, but you know what? I think you're making a bad decision, so I won't loan you all the money you need for your education. That's the other side of that coin, that you're taking away opportunities from people because they're not born with money that people who were born with money have.
Starting point is 00:51:56 Mad Fientist I understand what you're saying. It seems like the problem starts before any of this though, is that the government got involved in the education system, public and private private with the kind of doling out of student loans and then because the institutions themselves know that they can charge whatever the fuck they want now because they're handing out loans like fucking candy to people like at some point this student loan bubble has to burst the same way the housing bubble burst in 08 and the same way the housing bubble is going to burst again how long how many months did they wait before they're like, no, we figured out subprime loans this time. We got it.
Starting point is 00:52:28 And then they just started doing it again. We really are. It seems like the whole system is set up to make people debt slaves for their entire life. Yeah, but the only thing is my core disagreement with what you said is instead of making people debt slaves they're just opening the door and some walk through it and some don't they're probably most peaceful people listening to this are not drowning in student debt hopefully not yeah yeah and and but as some but some are and the ones that are really drowning because people exaggerate the cost of college you know they're like man it's a hundred thousand dollars a year for med school maybe but it's not actually a hundred grand a year you know and if you get
Starting point is 00:53:10 into your your state school where it's government assisted then it's like what eight or twelve grand a year for just the tuition part not the room and board like it it's not that expensive it's expensive but it's like you're making it out like a hundred grand a year and you're 400 grand in debt what were you living it up you're right about that and that's that's why it's like the same way that you shouldn't be able to give booze to a 16 year old at a store you shouldn't be able to set up an 18 year old for a life of you know failure because they went i need 140 000 so i can go to this in-state school and also live in this really cool bungalow with my friends and solved it like that what they need independent
Starting point is 00:53:54 loan counselors that would be the thing right they just need a woody in their life to be like dude like you're going to university of aust, but you're out of state? Have you considered UNC? Have you considered whatever, University of New Jersey or Mizzou? Just a little loan counselor who doesn't work for whoever's giving you the loan to help people walking to these decisions with a little more knowledge. That would be great. That would be really helpful for people, especially because the lack of financial education in our school systems, both public and private for the most part,
Starting point is 00:54:32 is just terrible. They'd be damn near loan therapists, right? It's like, okay, young Billy, I'm looking at your plan. Do you realize you're a financial masochist is this your kink what the fuck did I have a ball gag for you if that's your deal it's cheaper my crystal ball who I don't see a house or car and you know like look I can ball gag you and fuck you in the ass and it only hurts for 30 minutes your plan is 30 years yeah they need a that's my style of financial counseling they need that yeah like the whole in-state artist part of it also is that we now live in a world because you know the competition is so much higher with h-1b visas and things like that that like college
Starting point is 00:55:17 has become the new high school and the rate of pay or the rate of income hasn't matched the increase in college tuition. Like not even, not even fucking close. I was looking at some chart the other day, uh, it was like equalizing for hours. And it was like with 2,700 hours worked at minimum wage, you could pay for two years of college tuition in 1978. Same thing today. You need about 12,000 hours or whatever it was. It's an, it's an enormous, uh, enormous difference. But the whole culture of you need about 12 000 or whatever it was it's an it's an enormous uh enormous difference but the whole culture of you need college oh you need to go to a cool school you want to get drunk and do drugs and have fun don't you these are the supposed to be the best four years of your life right and so you get i have friends who now will tell me i think i might even mention this in the
Starting point is 00:55:59 show before because like and i could even say back in when i was like 18 like picking schools part of me wanted to go out of state so it's like well everybody I know is going to this school that's going to Mizzou drop and buy without notice yeah I want to be cool over here in my mini fridge I can't do that in the same state as mom yeah like and I have friends who were like all like just gung-ho about like out of state schools that weren't even better than the state school here they'd be like i have to go to clemson i'm going to clemson i don't care that it's 31 000 a year it's a better school for this department like like marginally like and then i would even ask him i'm like man that's crazy like it's only 12 grand to go to there's only 9 12 grand to go to mizzou for
Starting point is 00:56:51 a year and it's 31 to go there like have fun then man like i guess and those people later i talked to one of them like for the first time in almost five years just a month or two ago and he was like yeah that was one of the biggest mistakes I've ever made one of the biggest mistakes I've ever made and it was because I had no idea what I was doing and people were more than happy to say yes yes yes sign here sign here sign here you're good to go by the way you owe us X amount of money and you're never gonna make this back and you're gonna be a slave forever good luck buying a house that sign here sign here
Starting point is 00:57:23 it was also them providing an opportunity, but they needed the counselor that I'm talking about. And I wish that people knew. If there's anyone listening to this, apply for colleges this year. There are tiers of schools, right? At the very top, you've got your Harvard's and your MIT's
Starting point is 00:57:39 and your Stanford's and such, and they do open doors. I've hired a lot of people and you see like in comp sci um carnegie mellon is a really like impressive name and uh it's like this guy's practically hired before we start talking oh yeah you get like nepotism points when you go there you just show up in an interview it's like you went to harvard well our cfo went to harvard so tell everybody in the waiting room to fuck right off. You're in.
Starting point is 00:58:07 On the other hand, there's another tier of schools. UMC, Mizzou, Clemson, University of Indiana. I don't know. State schools. They're all about the same. Good school, check. And then there's another tier of school. The ones you probably don't know that well,
Starting point is 00:58:25 like the William Pattersons and the Shippensbergs and stuff that are just college, check. You are a college graduate. You are trained to do this job. And really, people spend a tremendous amount of money and time and concern about small variations in the same tier that aren't worth it. You should really work more, whichever is cheaper,
Starting point is 00:58:52 you know, whichever is the best value in that tier. Go there. Smart way to do it is two years of community college and then transfer to a state school. Yeah. Yeah. Four years in the school is nice.
Starting point is 00:59:04 If you, if you're in a position where you can – it's not going to ruin the rest of your life after school. You know, like – did you pay for your own school? No. No, yeah. I was very fortunate. So I think it's really nice if you can go to Mizzou for four years.
Starting point is 00:59:17 I would take that over two years at community college. But if I'm paying it myself, then two years at community college is probably a good deal. Oh, for sure. That would have been my thing. Absolutely. It's really you're paying for the socialization and the partying and everything. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:33 One might argue that even the education might be a little better at Mizzou than community college. Yeah, probably. Maybe not the most important topics. Yeah. People will go up about like, oh, I need to go to this school. It's like, what are you majoring in? It's like business administration.
Starting point is 00:59:50 It's like, well, you probably don't need to go to Yale for that. You're going to get a similar thing. Well, Yale is actually a bad example with their business school. But you don't need to go to MIT for your business administration major. You can go somewhere else for that. So I did a lot of mine at night. I don't often talk about this because I feel like it devalues my accomplishment,
Starting point is 01:00:10 but my employer usually had some partial tuition assistance. So they would pay, I remember I think for my undergrads, I think they paid for half a tuition, but half a tuition worked out to be about a third of the costs because they didn't pay for any books they didn't pay for the fees which were substantial you know like it's like wait a minute tuition's five grand and fees are 2,500 more yeah okay but um so that you know I worked like growing up jobs during the day and then I had tuition assistance and then I paid for it.
Starting point is 01:00:46 That's how, that's how I went through school. But I do recognize that it's more expensive now, but, um, going through school, like I, like I remember in high school I was like applying for all the scholarships
Starting point is 01:00:57 and everything. And like, I got a couple like academic scholarships and then, or I think I got one that was significant. One that was like hunky dunky, whatever the fuck. And I, I just one that was significant one that was like hunky-dunky whatever the fuck and I just like my 18 year old self was like scholarship that means everything's cool it's just like it is in the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air means you're you just hop on and go and you like see the amount you get and it's like what that's not even half one of these grands was mine i hope you appreciate what i did for you
Starting point is 01:01:27 you're adorable taylor yes i'll get the rest um but yeah i it's just such a big commitment to get to get student loans and it's a shame that so many people get get trapped in it but i do see your point about agency and all that. And that loan advisor thing really is a great idea. It's a shame they don't do that. Yeah. And it would have to be done impartially, right? Like somehow have them not connected to it. And a lot of times when people are impartial, they have to be biased because they'll lose their job, right?
Starting point is 01:02:07 they have to be biased because they'll lose their job right like if you're you know i'm a big company and i make you sign something that says we don't go to court we go to arbitration okay yeah here's this arbitration company over there if they don't rule my way in a fucking scandalous way then i'm gonna find another arbitrator because i'm bringing the business and it's not fair arbitrators should be but it's not i feel like that could happen to loan advisor but if they could find some way it just it's my best idea so far a little little counseling before you take your loan out someone who says you know why do you need 50 grand to live when tuition is 15 grand you know you you spending the extra 35 on living a lot of college kids have three roommates in their little quad suite.
Starting point is 01:02:50 You're the poorest person in America right now. You're a student. Think like that. That's a good way to look at it. You have a lot of that perspective because of how you went through it inside. It makes sense. Anyway, PKN 262. Yep, just get a couple there.
Starting point is 01:03:11 All right, bye-bye.

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