Painkiller Already - PKN #264

Episode Date: September 20, 2019

It's PKN time baby! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 you can 264 Taylor and me I just landed rushed inside you did you send a cool picture you would have definitely died from that height oh yeah yeah that's I'm a little more comfortable up high no one gets hurt until they hit the ground that's true yeah I never thought of it like that we're like I feel like if I were doing that hobby I'd be like at around 30 feet but then if something goes wrong it's like you have zero time to react and you're also falling from 30 feet may as well be 50 feet you're still pretty fucked it freaks me out to be at that even like like can you imagine a 12-foot
Starting point is 00:00:35 ladder like do you know how tall that is yeah you know okay yeah if you were sitting on top of that and someone were to topple you over you'd be really hurt like you might break a bone a collarbone and a radii radius you can paralyze yourself doing that yeah 12 foot ladder is not a joke of a fall but you know when you spend all this time at 2 000 feet you're like i'm at 18 now i guess it wouldn't be a big deal no it would it'd be awful it'd be awful to fall from a tv you could break both your legs we're we're very bad animals at falling yeah cats are good cats solid followers let's rank our top top 20 falling in birds all the birds flying squirrels falling with style yeah owls eagles wrapped falcons they have cheat codes they're they're in God mode on this game that's not even fair I remember being like seven or eight and
Starting point is 00:01:33 getting a book at like the school library about flying squirrels and being dejected when I learned that flying squirrel meant that it could glide from tree to tree and that it couldn't take off. Oh, they're kind of like Buzz Lightyear. Yeah, they're yeah, yeah, it's still pretty cool. But it's cool. But when your head when you're like craning up wondering like someday I'll see a flying squirrel. Zooming by.
Starting point is 00:02:00 Yeah, that's what I anticipated. And that's their need. So their bats are they're like the dogs of the sky but nobody owns bats because they uh they all have rabies apparently oh i think i've told my friend had a bat with rabies possibly story oh yeah in it maybe should i not tell it or zoom through it but long story short he had a bunch of kids and he called the authorities to have the bat removed from his attic. That was not the move to make. The authorities alerted like more authorities that was protected.
Starting point is 00:02:38 They all had to go for rabies shots, which if I recall correctly, I think like the rabies shots were 24,000 for him and his four children and his wife and then the whole ordeal was like 36,000 by the time they like threw away everything in the attic and got it resealed and if bats live in your house I guess what you're supposed to do is give that part of the house to the bats and get your shots so just kill the bats is what I would do knowing this amount of money is I it probably never happened to me but there might have been an at a bat not in my attic but like we had screens like yeah I guess yeah like like
Starting point is 00:03:22 a screen with why can't I say screen and it's a screen yes so the ad it's vented so they they were on the outside of the screen but they had made their home there and while this probably never happened it seemed like they would want to come in eventually they might chew their way in or whatever so what I definitely didn't do was buy like Hornet and wasp spray and just make it a place they didn't want to hang out anymore yeah but that probably worked what i definitely didn't learn is it works on more than hornets and wasps turns out that shit is just genuine just poison it turns out bats don't like it at all so yeah
Starting point is 00:03:59 i always thought that too about uh like what like you think the dumbest as a kid like where if i would see like hornet and wasp spray like in my dad's basement i'd be like oh well that's poison specifically made by some scientist somewhere for poison for wasps and hornets and then you kind of realize like oh they just kind of found like a handful of poisons and it's like hey does this kill that perfect perfect all right all of these cans are the same let's slap some different marketing labels on put a scary beetle on that one put a scary bat on that one put a you know a spooky hornet in my head hornet and wasp spray is hornet and wasp spray because of the can it's in it shoots like 18 feet in a little like a tight
Starting point is 00:04:41 it's like a sniper and uh you know it walls if you're after like house flies or something it's a fog that's true i had some house flies in my kitchen and before i went on my recent vacation like i had had gotten most of them my girlfriend and i had we came back from a uh a friend's place or no we actually had a company over and everybody had left and we've been been drinking all day and it was like a friday or saturday night and we were just hanging out and it got to be like after midnight and we went into the kitchen to get a snack and there were like a couple of those like house flies flying around and so we spent like an hour me like with a snapping towel just killing them and i got real good i'm high quality oh yeah like Bruce Lee over there
Starting point is 00:05:27 just like Indiana Jones and saying snaps giving myself too much credit it's not like slap down my girlfriend had the nunchucks and the flies were dropping one by one what I figured though is if this pen is the towel you're snapping you know you don't try and hit him with the end you try and hit him with the middle because then they can't get away and it smacks him and stuns him and so I was killing all the flies and she must have got four or five flies very drunk over the course of like 30 minutes or so and it turned into a fun game but that was like one or two days before we left for vacation, and we were both like,
Starting point is 00:06:06 all right, let's put up some of those hanging, you know, those sticky kind of gross smelling fly things. I know all of them. I didn't know they smelled. But anyway. They smell very, very poor. And so it's like, all right, well, I don't want this in the kitchen. So let's leave them out.
Starting point is 00:06:18 Can we pause on smelling poor? Is it that poor is a bad smell? It smells of a poor person's environment what does poor smell like it smells of a low-income person no it smells like just like trash it's kind of been left out for too long okay it's kind of what it really smells like like if you have a full garbage can and you leave that like three days I've taken it out and there's a little bit of food in there. It's not rancid, but it's like,
Starting point is 00:06:45 I'm glad this is not a permanent smell. Exactly. And so I have one of those, uh, what are those things called that go over your stove that like hangs from the ceiling and you can turn on the fan, like a vent, a vent,
Starting point is 00:06:59 something like that. Yeah. Like a decorative vent. So I was just over my stove, like hanging four or five of those come back from a week vent. So I was just over my stove, like hanging four or five of those. Come back from a week long, no, turning to an eight day vacation because of a snafu, caught two, two total flies on six fly traps.
Starting point is 00:07:14 And I guess- You got four with a towel. That's what I'm saying. And the towel was already in the house. It was free. And you could just throw that in the wash. And so I learned one, that those things suck. And two two that we got a lot more flies in that drunken attack fest
Starting point is 00:07:35 a much higher percentage we thought we'd chop down maybe a quarter of them no i guess we'd gotten this is what i think you should be live streaming taylor you against flies with inappropriate utensils right it could be a towel dumb chucks chopsticks I don't know but I want to see this live stream I'm just gonna have the dumbest fucking live I've got six wolf spiders in the backyard in one set of golf clubs buckle up kids I want to see it wolf which six wolf spiders in the backyard in one set of golf clubs. Buckle up, kids. I want to see it. Which one? Wolf spiders are the ones that don't make nests. They don't make nests. They're hairy,
Starting point is 00:08:12 and they're kind of like strong-looking, tarantula-like. Yeah. What's a huntsman spider? Is that the same thing? I'm not sure. Giant crab spiders. Ooh, fuck.
Starting point is 00:08:24 Those are terrible-looking. All spiders are Ooh, fuck. Those are terrible looking. But all spiders are terrible. I'd rather deal with snakes. Really? I'd rather deal with snakes than men. Like most people have unfounded, like unwarranted fear of snakes. There's a couple venomous ones, so that's a big problem. But every snake I see is like an event.
Starting point is 00:08:43 Oh, really? Yeah. Like it's a you know oh my god there was a snake it was right within like 30 feet of me i don't do that for every rabbit and squirrel and possum but snakes i do see when the rabbit and the squirrel see us and they jump up the tree as fast as they can they got the same response to us as they do spiders as we do spiders you know where like evolutionarily we figured out like oh tunga get bit by little thing he die beware little thing and then over time people figure that out and enough squirrels got their
Starting point is 00:09:17 heads caved in by us either wanting to eat them or not caring that now they're like you know those monkey things don't fuck with them the only ones that are cool are like on college campuses where they're so used to people that was like a neat thing at uh at school it's like you'd be walking around in a squirrel like a gaggle of squirrels a murder of squirrels a herd of squirrels whatever it would be is uh this will just be eaten three feet from you it doesn't even pay attention until eventually somebody stomps on them and then they get skittish. A scurry. A scurry.
Starting point is 00:09:51 I was really curious. I kind of like it, but a group of squirrels is called a scurry. Man, what an awesome job. Yes, I'm a biologist. I'm from the Institute of Naming Groups. Can people be murders? No.
Starting point is 00:10:09 It's already taken by crows. I'm sorry. You can't do that. Murder of crows, scurry of squirrels, gaggle of geese. Oh. What? I looked up group of people, and it's group. That sucks.
Starting point is 00:10:25 That is shitty. Someone ruined an opportunity there. I said, these biologists aren't pulling their weight. I wonder what they do all day. Just look at pictures of animals. That's probably not it. Yeah. Every so often, like, you're looking through the list of majors trying
Starting point is 00:10:47 to figure out what you're going to be when you grow up and you see marine biologists and you're like oh do i dare to dream that high could i live a life of just fucking at the beach maybe or not i don't know do people hire marine by what do marine biologists do according to seinfeld it's kind of like an importer exporter it's just something you make up to get girls for that episode where george pretends to be a marine biologist he's actually on the beach and there's a beached whale and there's the woman he's there with is like you have to do something he's a marine biologist he's he goes in there and sticks his hand in the blowhole and pulls out kramer's golf ball and saves it yeah i don't remember that one oh
Starting point is 00:11:31 that's a good one i wonder how seinfeld would be remembered if it went on how what did it go seven seasons nine uh nine yeah nine yeah i think if it went 14 seasons like it could have right like that show was popular in my head i might be wrong because i'm not like the biggest seinfeld fan like the fact that it was the last season and we knew it kept the interest alive more than it may have would have naturally had yeah you know like wings uses this term friend season seven as a show that doesn't suck but it's kind of lost the excitement would sein Seinfeld have gone down as one of the top shows in history,
Starting point is 00:12:07 according to some, if it was 14 seasons long? Probably not. Yeah, you're probably right. I mean, because I think the whole reason Jerry Seinfeld ended it and Larry David ended it is because they were like,
Starting point is 00:12:21 we kind of did everything we need to do here. Like, we're kind of feeling like we're scraping the bottom of the barrel i'm interested in moving on and doing more stand-up and doing other projects and then he started doing like b movie and doing more acting and there was so money problems too like um oh i didn't know that yeah like everyone else on the show was wanting to get paid a lot more and they weren't doing it they wanted residuals they weren't getting residuals like even now like George Costanza doesn't get anything women but he was getting like a million dollars an episode so that he didn't get a back end and you think a million dollars an episode is great deal right
Starting point is 00:12:53 well it turns out that it was actually a great deal on Seinfeld and Larry David's part because what did they sell it for a billion all to get on Hulu or something like oh yeah outrageous they had like probably bidding wars between netflix hulu and amazon all wanting seinfeld because it's the most popular show ever or up there at least in the most popular show ever most popular sitcom ever i think that's fair or i would say they're probably the best sitcom ever. Every episode makes me laugh of that show. There's not like a missed one.
Starting point is 00:13:27 Like I'm re-watching some of the office, not really watching the office, but having it on while I'm doing other things. And it's funny, but there are whole episodes that I'll turn to on the office and I'll be like, no, no, this one sucks. I'm not going to watch this one.
Starting point is 00:13:42 The first season or even into it? Yeah. When the new bosses came in, I didn't like some of them. No, this one sucks. I'm not going to watch this one. The first season or even into it? Yeah. Yeah. When the new bosses came in, like, I didn't like some of them, and I didn't like first season Michael Scott. In my memory, that show is amazing, but I really think I'm talking about seasons, like, two through six.
Starting point is 00:13:58 I think you're right. Yeah, because once it gets, like, it does the same thing that it's always Sonny does, where, except Sonny, sunny like self-parodied at one point where they're like we've all become parodies of ourselves mac you have the worst body dysmorphia of anyone on earth d you're about to kill yourself frank i don't know what you're doing anymore charlie there's no one dumber than you and he's like the most narcissistic person on earth and they kind of parodied like in order to keep it fresh, you have to constantly amplify it.
Starting point is 00:14:27 And so I was watching some late season office last night. And in seasons one, two, three, early on, it was like, oh, this is something that could actually happen in an office. Okay, it's far-fetched. It would never actually happen. But this is really funny. An ill-meaning manager trying to do diversity day and putting cards that say black on the black guy or woman on a man and stuff like that that might be something that a total retard would do but by the end it's like he's screaming
Starting point is 00:14:56 and dancing and toga like on top of a desk and the pranks are like fire genuine assault the fire and stuff like that and it's like okay this is still funny when you put it in the right perspective but if you've lost your charm a bit like it it doesn't have that kind of real feeling thing it's a really tough thing to tell the same story again and again for 10 years in a row like i understand you have to amp it up and and then it gets dumb there but if you didn't amp it up it would have been dull so what do you do i think if seinfeld did another four seasons or so they'd end up being where it's always sunny is going to end up because no one i've talked to who's a huge sunny fan like and it's pretty much my whole
Starting point is 00:15:36 group of friends we all love sunny such a good show but it's not nobody goes to me now and says like do you see the new sunny oh it was so funny it was so out there now it's kind of like oh a new season of sunny yeah i might watch it i might and then the whole time you're watching like this is weird this isn't this isn't what i fell in love with as a show like it's still good i won't rip on it too bad the only really terrible episode that i've thought there was of sunny i ignore the entire first season because if there's no danny devito it's not it's always sunny in philadelphia okay so i never go back and re-watch the first one but that episode where they were all doing it is like episode one of a season or two ago where they all start singing and it's an entire musical
Starting point is 00:16:16 episode terrible it's terrible i don't want a musical episode from you guys. Kyle agrees with you. I didn't hate it. I didn't hate the Buffy musicals either. Maybe I'm a sucker for gay things. Well, you know my anti-musical bigotry. You know my pro-gay stance. That's true. If only they could have worked in more pink songs. It would have been...
Starting point is 00:16:45 Dovetail. What does he link here? Yeah, so a 17-year-old swimmer was disqualified for having a suit wedgie. What? She's an Alaskan high school swimmer disqualified from a race. I... There's no pictures of the girl. Otherwise, I'd show the article.
Starting point is 00:17:11 Yeah, how are you supposed to make a judgment unless you see how ridiculous this was? You know what? So it wasn't my school, but when I was in college, one of the girls came from a high school where the bathing suit budget was weak and they had to wear the same budget for them sorry the same suits for like
Starting point is 00:17:30 training that they wore in meets which meant that at meets they had pretty much see-through bathing suits and they talked to the principal and they wouldn't get them new bathing suits so all the girls got this idea and they all bent over and pretty much showed their snatch like and took a picture of this and sent it to the principal instantly they found money for bathing suits for the girls and well they didn't tell you what happened after that is he goes now they go all right we won't tell the police you're in possession of child pornography if you give us i saw the pictures and like i'm like 19 at the point like in my head i was like that's that's four or five
Starting point is 00:18:14 snatches right yeah would do would do wouldn't do would would that's my my. I can count the labia. Yeah, that, like, it was, they were see-through. You could see who, like, how they maintained their pubic hair. Like, you know, like, it was just, I can't describe the thinnest of bare materials. I'm sure you, as, like, you're straight, could have pulled that bathing suit apart with four fingers. Just pinch, pinch, pull. No big deal. Yeah. It was probably, they should have just done that yeah oops all of our swimsuits ripped right
Starting point is 00:18:51 in the pussy area you gotta buy us new ones sorry yeah how expensive are nice swimsuits for a swim team a lot because they're like marked up and they all have the numbers and the your name on the back whatever the comp ones are like a hundred dollars just for the girls and then um you know they get them done sometimes they have numbers or at least you know school logos and they're custom to that extent so it's a thing guys swimsuits would be way cheaper because it's just speed up right yeah well they used to be now guys wear like long pants that are swimsuits or something because it there's swimsuits now are smoother than skin so they want to cover as much as the rules let them see they're in like a full bodysuit if they'd let him now they've done that yeah they were like Olympics where the Americans had a big
Starting point is 00:19:38 advantage they were showing up in there was like a tank top but went all the way down to be like full pants. And the guys were all like breaking records and going so much faster. And then these poor strides were like, Crikey, this ain't fair. I guess. Now we shouldn't have.
Starting point is 00:19:58 I knew board shorts were a bad idea. Hey guys, what if we went dongs out? They'd have to buy us new suits get us new ones here x is a rudder make sure you spin a little quicker get the momentum of your popcorn ran helicopter on the starting blocks this is the worst country at swimming I wonder ah like one of those like first one popped into my head was Kenya like there's
Starting point is 00:20:30 always some black African swimmer who can barely finish the course in every Olympics really yeah and like every mediocre American high school boy is like I could have gone if I was from kenya or nigeria or whatever like some country that barely has a team nigeria's poaching 15 year olds from european yeah yeah there's uh yeah they're just i want to say there's a country where they said there was no pool but that's a while ago it's probably 16 years they have pools by now there are landlocked countries in like africa true but i guess you typically don't train in lakes and shit like you train in a pool
Starting point is 00:21:11 true true but i figured like probably the best swimmers are people who grew up on the coast or like in a swimming area right it's just like if you don't have any coast, it seems like it's... Or no shit, Lake Chad. Damn. And that's the only landlocked country I know in Africa. Maybe the People's Republic of the Congo or Republic of really good things happening here in the Congo. One of those lies.
Starting point is 00:21:39 The top swimming countries, usually it's like US, China, Russia. China kicks ass in every country. Australia is is huge i don't know how i left them out but i want to say that like china and russia do well because they're advanced on the cheating side those guys come and they're just fucking roided out i wonder how many of our guys are just as roided out as china and russia and it just doesn't get the play i'm but they're like oh this guy's got a lot of but yin jin jing over there even worse that's not even a woman you're probably right i i don't know you like i'm i'm thinking in my head like one hand you're probably right and the body's on i watched uh there was a world
Starting point is 00:22:23 championships in swimming recently and it was like oh my god these guys were like they came from a vial they're such perfect swim bodies but um on the other hand like swimming's not pro football there aren't a lot of budgets around it you know who watched world championship swimming me and another dude yeah and so i don't know that like they're putting the kind of research into it that they do for like even nhl but and fl of course and baseball and like they're they're things it ain't air arian foster didn't think that there are a lot of steroids in the nfl which blew me away away because I would not think that yeah I would think way more guys get away with it than get caught like just kind of by the nature of cheating I think I said NHL but I meant NFL and yeah I
Starting point is 00:23:14 would have thought I would have thought it was totally rampant that everyone was doing it and their bodies are outrageous basketball so I've been watching basketball lately the changes in their physiques are incredible now a lot of times they make it to the league at like 19 or 20 years old so they're gonna get stronger from like 19 to 20 yeah right like that's a thing that happens to guys but like that you know you evolve from an athletic 19 year old to a superhuman and it like there have to be on roids right they have to be that must have been a fun time for your sports watching career when uh phelps was breaking all his records because you were watching everybody it was so funny every
Starting point is 00:24:01 four years people be like dude we're crushing it look at how many golds we have and then there'd be like a little counter and it'd be like 68 of golds came from michael phelps and we're like but we love swimming we love swimming boys and that like as soon as he's not the best in the world anymore people like oh who cares if you know julio sanchez and portugal is now the best it's weird to me that that doesn't happen in track so look i get it if you're a great freestyle swimmer there's a good chance you're great at butterfly right and that like if you're the best at one you could cross train like that and make it happen and then if you're good at freestyle and butterfly shucks that's two out of the four medley strokes like if you're the best in the world at two out of those four you span you stand a good shot in the medley and then they have a bunch of
Starting point is 00:24:47 these races in different lengths so if you're good at the 100 you might be the best at the 200 or the 50 like you know you go either direction on that I get how swimming lends itself to racking up my metals what's up track boys what's up why aren't you sprinters doing more long jumping why aren't you sprinters it why is it the long jump guy doesn't even compete in the triple jump? What's happening there? Why is it I've never seen the 100-meter sprinter win the 100-meter hurdles? Why aren't you doing that?
Starting point is 00:25:13 There's so much crossover there that happens in swimming on the regular, but doesn't seem to happen in track. I don't get it. That's true. I didn't think about that. But also I feel like a lot of people aren't watching the running. You don't think running is as big as swimming? Oh, they're both probably about equal.
Starting point is 00:25:33 I just don't think those are usually... I feel like the team sports are the ones people watch the most. In the Olympics or in general? In the Olympics. They have Olympic soccer, right? Maybe. Olympic hockey is the big thing in the winter but most people south of the equator don't even compete in that because like what the fuck is niger gonna do you could have made the niger hockey team i think straight up i need i Straight up, I need fucking Botswana poaching me.
Starting point is 00:26:05 Getting the finest digs in all of Botswana. You'd lose out to that accountant that played for the Blackhawks one game. Yeah. Oh, my God. This man, he played for the Chicago Blackhawks. It's like, never let a goal in. Never let a goal in. It was over 12 minutes he played.
Starting point is 00:26:27 That is more than our entire team has ever been on the ice. We will no longer have to simulate with slippery plastics left here by the Chinese. Washed up on shore. That would be so funny. Yeah, I don't know. think of so for me like swimming happens the first week and track is the second if I remember right and those are the big
Starting point is 00:26:54 events that you know the big sports to watch I hardly even think about the team ones I can't even think of the team summer sports. Yeah, maybe you're right. I don't know. Softball? Maybe? Team summer Olympic sports. You got your... Okay, well, these don't seem necessarily team. What are they?
Starting point is 00:27:20 Canoeing. You don't understand the tactics of canoeing. Archery, baseball, softball basketball i carry the picnic basket for everyone so their shoes are lighter table tennis archery is a team sport come on how is that unless like i don't know unless you're like switching back and forth that that can't be right. It looks like badminton, baseball slash softball. Yeah, basketball, soccer, handball, hockey. I said Summer Olympics. You fucked.
Starting point is 00:27:57 Tokyo 2020. Okay, so I was looking at the wrong one. So take and disregard all of this. The Summer Olympics are way bigger though i wonder if they're way bigger everywhere like they're way bigger for us undoubtedly i agree if you live in norway are you like summer olympics are lame there's no like water there's just ice here we play probably like they probably are like that because nor like what is norway going to compete in in the Summer Olympics?
Starting point is 00:28:26 Fucking nothing. Unless there's a weightlifting portion and then everybody in Northern Europe and Iceland is like, yay, we're going to dominate. But if there's not that, it's funny watching the hockey rankings every year because there's never a surprise. It's never like Italy really looking good this year.
Starting point is 00:28:47 No, no. But Czechoslovakia sometimes fields a team. Oh, they do. And they can be good. Or Czech Republic or whatever they are now. And it's always the US, Canada, Finland, Norway, Sweden. Norway, not very much at all. Mostly Finland and Sweden. Then Czech Republic, Russia, Switzerland, and I think Germany did
Starting point is 00:29:14 their best. That's a lot of teams. I was expecting you to list like four and it's always them. Like in US, Russia, Canada, and another another one and probably Sweden at this point seems like Sweden's doing good I think they've won a gold medal in the last couple of Olympics or something which as a Canadian getting anything but gold
Starting point is 00:29:38 must be sad because nobody in Canada is stoked on your silver dude nobody gives a shit you're like you couldn't have been a little better you know you know how many people live in Finland you dumb fuck so in basketball right now the the men's team is getting threatened they lost a game not the biggest deal but I think they lost a game and then they've had some like you know come from behind wins and some hold off wins and like we should just be rolling through teams but it's not what it used to be like when they first
Starting point is 00:30:13 opened olympics to the pros and maybe 84 i'm not sure and like magic johnson larry bird like the top guys on the planet all Americans, all wanting to play. Now, like Steph Curry, he's not on the Olympic team. He's tired. He's, you know, look, I go deep into the playoffs every year. It's fucking exhausting. You know, go win a gold medal without me. And that's how it goes.
Starting point is 00:30:41 It's a different dynamic with like foreign players. We're like, because the nhl didn't let the players go to the olympics last time and all the players were requisitioning them to be like hey you know please let us go let us go we want to play and now that someone like ovechkin has won a stanley cup and his contract is up next year or whatever like it ends at a time where if he wanted to i don't think that i think he could just dip and be like all right well i won my stanley cup and you're not going to let me go to the olympics i'm going to the olympics i want to win a gold for russia like and who knows that
Starting point is 00:31:15 might actually happen he's made more than enough money so far so it does suck when they don't let the pros go like if you're trying to grow the sport, let the best of the best play. Chase is linking up. North Carolina has... The polls have just closed. I'm pretty sure they're not voting where I am. What's it for? Oh, congressional district. Yeah, is this for House of Representatives?
Starting point is 00:31:38 At least in the ninth. I don't know what the third is. And the Republicans cheated and stole an election. They modified and destroyed absentee ballots so that their person won by like 900 votes. So those people are... And this? This is why they're doing a special election. Because in 2018, the Republicans got caught cheating.
Starting point is 00:32:02 So now they're rerunning the election and I guess presumably tomorrow the 9th District will be represented by someone for the first time in a while. Did you vote? I'm not in the 9th. Looks like the Republican won in 3. Okay.
Starting point is 00:32:20 55.7 to 43.7 and then nothing in for 9 yet. The 9th is about 50 50 so it like uh trump won it by 14 so that was the 2016 situation and then the 2018 situation was that blue wave where the democrats did real well in the house and they would have won the ninth uh like statistically they show it they're like look these are the way the votes came in this is this and that if the absentee ballots weren't so fucked we're like suddenly no one in the ninth voted for democrats and and uh people were like they had uh ballots that like weren't filled out and the people were filling them out for them and turning them in like to vote for republicans and
Starting point is 00:33:02 then they turn in that as if that's what the person did. So they're going to jail. That's the thing. There's like seven of them going to jail. Yeah, that is good. I don't think the blue wave is as strong in 2019 as it was in 2018 so it's closer.
Starting point is 00:33:20 We'll see. I don't know. That's what I read. Some good news today that fuck John Bolton is gone. Yes. One of the worst people ever. Fucking hate that dude. Never seen a war he didn't love.
Starting point is 00:33:36 I said that same thing. Except it was like. But yeah, I used the same. He's never seen a war he didn't like. And when I first heard it i was like you know what there's a lot of things about trump that aren't my cup of tea mostly like honor integrity type stuff he just lies all the time and then but yeah he's anti-war and i like that you know like for all his faults that's the best thing about him he doesn't seem to want to
Starting point is 00:34:01 fuck with people all the time like it if there was a if w was in office right now we'd be at war with iran or north korea maybe yeah if hillary were in office we'd be at war with iran or syria or she'd amp up things with venezuela like bolton actually aligns pretty closely with his past record of being in favor of wars with hillary like hillary is the same boat of hawkish as fuck. You think? Where does that come from? Because I never, she never had any power. What are her war stances that you see? Well, I mean, she was still powerful enough that as a congressman, she could promote things and be like, this is a good idea.
Starting point is 00:34:34 We need to be in over there in Iraq and Afghanistan. And our officials and foreign officials are telling us that this is real. Not to single her out out but tons of people were doing that at the time and she also is someone that's much more likely to amp up shit with russia and i'm sorry not russia well i russia russia through iran because iran is russia's boy it's our next vietnam so yeah we need to not or it could be venezuela who fucking knows right but yeah i'm glad that fucker's gone. I have no confidence that he'll be replaced with anybody less hawkish.
Starting point is 00:35:10 But actually, no, that's not true. Because there's no one more hawkish than John Bolton in this entire country. So for all Trump's flaws, at least he doesn't like starting wars for no reason. And Trump said he fired Bolton. Bolton said he quit. When I heard Trump fired Bolton, I was like, yeah, all right, good move. I like that. Trump did something I like.
Starting point is 00:35:31 Tip my hat. And then Bolton was like, no, no, I resigned. They weren't doing the things I thought we should do, and I resigned. And that's what happens. And I'm like, oh, I bet Trump lied. He lies about fucking everything. He's never told the truth on it. If you ask him what time it is, he lies for the practice. I don't know, but what's a bigger lie?
Starting point is 00:35:51 Being like, oh, this crowd is enormous. It's the biggest crowd. Or, yep, we definitely need to let thousands of people die and kill a million Iraqis because there are absolutely, I've seen the bombs. They're there. That's a bigger lie. That's from W.
Starting point is 00:36:04 A way bigger lie. Well, that's from W that's from W and Bolton the beaten that drum forever yeah I'm not I don't really he's all the bombs I don't remember yeah he said but he came out staunchly in favor of like you know trust our intelligence officials who definitely aren't gonna lie in in 19 years yeah bolton bolton loves war loves war yeah so anyway i i guess i just hear trump say something and instantly assume it might not be true especially if someone counters it i i yeah maybe yeah it depends who it is who's countering and i couldn't trust someone like john bolton as far as i can throw him like imagine the terrible like you just have to be a shit person to like knowingly lie people into a war you do
Starting point is 00:36:54 you have to be a bad person to know that you're operating off of faulty intel and to have other nations i think it was israel who was telling us at the time, like basically, oh, this info came in from our guys and it just so happens to be exactly what you want to hear. And our guys are like, uncritically, perfect. You're awesome. Hans Blick was the UN inspector who was in charge of seeing if Iraq had any weapons of mass destruction.
Starting point is 00:37:19 And he kept saying, no, they don't see, we've never found one. There's been no weapons of mass destruction we surprise them we schedule it we surprise them we bounce around they were there's just never any and they're like well you're a bureaucrat and all of America was like yeah he is kind of a bureaucrat isn't he like us we're not bureaucrats oh no no yeah yeah our government officials aren't bureaucrats in the slightest but that guy guy, he's a bureaucrat.
Starting point is 00:37:46 So you can't trust a bureaucrat, right? Let's go to war. Put a commercial on about how there's a new show called Survivor coming out. Just bread and circus him into not caring anymore. They just kept talking about his, and, you know, I was the one guy in, like, my little universe who was like, you know, I think that one guy in like my little universe who was like, you know, I think that if the standard of proof for going to war should be higher
Starting point is 00:38:09 than like capital punishment, right? It should be beyond a shadow of a doubt, maybe. Like maybe have some evidence that they've ever done anything and not just hope you find it after you go in. We can't let the proof be a mushroom cloud over New York City, that's what Condoleezza Rice would say all the time and she'd mix it with 9-11 she'd be like look al-qaeda attacked us on 9-11 and Iraq has weapons of mass destruction probably and we can't let the proof be a nuclear bomb hit on New
Starting point is 00:38:38 York City a dirty bomb and I'm like you just conflated the 9-11 attack with the reason to go to iraq and anyway i could rehash this for ages but yeah it it's uh and then like they're trying they're stretching even further with iran where it's like you know how they never mention like the last time iran tried to start a war and invade anyone because it's been so fucking long that if they said like it's been 75 a hundred years since they've done anything like it would make him sound like quacks like retards like wait I ran a war with Iraq no no I mean anything with us like to do with us like they don't do anything last time there was a major engagement between the US and Iran it was us shooting down a passenger plane on their airspace, killing 280 something of their civilians.
Starting point is 00:39:27 And we're like, oops. Is that our response? I was curious if there's another side of the story. Like, I don't know the details of that one. Yeah, they didn't respond to it. They didn't respond to anything other than being like, fuck you. Did America say, oops? Like, sorry?
Starting point is 00:39:44 I think we probably came up with some excuse? I don't, I think we probably came out with some excuse. I don't remember the official story they put out there, but it was a civilian line. Iran probably hit a boat, and you know, so they're like, that ship was in international waters. Iran was like, that ship was in Iranian waters, and
Starting point is 00:40:00 I'm over here like, well, I can't know for sure where the ship was. Yeah, and it wasn't like how many people died a low number wasn't it like injuries instead of deaths or like yeah yeah it's I don't know I'm hesitant of all those
Starting point is 00:40:16 those false flag things now I just don't trust our media I'm hesitant to false flag things in general but I don't know maybe I'm hesitant to default slag things in general. I don't know. Maybe I'm a pussy. It just takes a lot to get me to go to war now or to support war. No, that's the way it should be. But anyway, you've been streaming with our boy Wings.
Starting point is 00:40:38 How's that been going? It was just the one time, but it was a while. I don't know, two or three hours, something like that. And it was a pretty good conversation. I hadn't talked to... it was a while I don't know how two or three hours something like that and it was a pretty good conversation I hadn't talked to I was a little nervous like they asked me if I do it and I said yes I wasn't sure I was actually gonna do it like I thought he might say no or something and then I was like haven't played this game with me and I thought it would be a nice like distraction you know from any potential
Starting point is 00:41:05 conflict like we both be doing something together as opposed to just like straight up just talking with nothing else happening and Wings would only agree to just meet in Discord and once we got that sorted out we just talked and
Starting point is 00:41:21 caught up on stuff I had like some questions about some of the wings like greatest hits like the korean starcraft team uh his superpower with fixing the car um oh the he faked drinking in a drinking episode once yep and the iced tea I have it was a crystal light I have a whole thing about lying like liars think they're slick but they're usually not usually the listeners the slick one who's pretending to be fooled and the liar is like yeah I think I'm getting away with this whole thing he's eating it up no
Starting point is 00:42:00 one believes your shit he's fucking liar. No one believes it. We all see right through it, and we're allowing you to fool yourself. But when Wings drank, he actually did fool me. He was chugging Crystal Light, and he doesn't drink, really. So I thought he just didn't realize that he was making a mistake, and then he passed out. But I think he just took a nap.
Starting point is 00:42:24 That was a smart way to do it yes just have a nice just enjoy some nice peach crystal light and then take a nap and you're and instead of people being like lazy fox sleeping for half the show it's like man he got him oh yeah you get a nap and the goodwill of the people and he explained that he had watched a bunch of people die of alcoholism and was kind of an expert in like like what it's like to really be drunk you know like what passing out looks like and you know all this time he thought he had been watching his family and friends die he was actually studying for his big day well he doesn't drink at all because of some family stuff, right?
Starting point is 00:43:05 Like just... I think that's part of the motivator. He's just seen it and he's like, it's not for me. A little of that and a little of what I have going on, which is just like, I don't really like what happens when I drink and I don't like the drinking itself. So it's just the worst thing in the fridge. Yeah, it's the worst thing in the fridge. Oh, it makes me feel weird and it's got a lot of calories.
Starting point is 00:43:24 Yeah, and it tastes bad a lot of calories yeah and it tastes bad that's the combo like it makes me dumb tastes bad has a lot of calories what's the upside of this it's not it's not for me yeah but it's a good treat to have yeah so i talked for wings for a while and uh it was a good stream i thought people seem to really like it so that's that makes me feel good You guys have any plans to do it again or just kind of a one-off, you know, if it happens it does It's funny you say that I I thought it was just a one-off but I've thought that pretty much about every stream so far So, you know who knows what's coming? How many have you done so far?
Starting point is 00:44:02 I don't know three or or four. Maybe four. Nice. One was short. I streamed and then like 90 minutes in, Hope needed help with her accounting homework. So I bailed. Oof. Yeah. Was that a fun blast from the past?
Starting point is 00:44:16 It was, actually. Accounting homework. It's... She seems to really appreciate it. Like, I don't know. Like, I guess I'm a sucker for someone who's grateful, but she did it. Well, she tried to do it on her own,
Starting point is 00:44:30 and then there were a couple showstoppers for her. But her accounting homework is not hard for me. So I roll in there, like, just feeling like a hero. Like, oh, you know, like, wait a minute. You're telling me they're trying to derive this year's income from the balance sheet that's not even a thing and she's like it says right here that if you can't answer it from the balance sheet you say that and I'm like say that the answer's not on that one yeah get me the cash flow statement or the income statement let's let's work
Starting point is 00:45:02 this out and you know we just go through and I, you know, she's just learning her debits and credits. Like it's entry level stuff. And because of that, I'm really good at it. That's gonna not be fun when she brings home some obscure like little type of accounting that never had anything to do with what you did and you're just like, well,
Starting point is 00:45:32 nah. Let's see. That happened in math too right like you're helping your kid with math her whole life everything's going fine and you know like what do people fuss about the paragoth pyragoth riem theorem i can't say your theorem thank you that's what i'm looking for pythagorean theorem pythagorean theorem is easy... That is not hard at all. But it does get hard later on. And you're just like, yeah, hope. You know, I think if I help you, you will never develop the study skills you need to get by in college without me.
Starting point is 00:46:01 You should probably do this on your own. You know, there's probably a japanese kid on fiverr i never lied about it but there was like i did try to pull back a little so that you know she'd learn self-teach because that's what she'll need at the next level and also like man like we're just getting the stuff that i either didn't know how to do or if i got it right i wasn't doing it in a direct straight line with the kind of confidence and knowledge it takes to teach it. So my math got rusty. Having to help with math homework, that's going to be so boring.
Starting point is 00:46:38 You can't just do it for them. You got to let them learn. But also say, don't ever think this is cool that's the real lesson here two things you need to do my math homework are you a nerd get out of here two things you need to know when you calculate the area of a triangle it's like a square but divided in half and this shit is gay yeah shit is lame dude fight your brother yeah how many kids do you want uh two or three i think okay it'd be ideal yeah definitely not just one
Starting point is 00:47:22 um yeah two or three it seems like three is a magic number for the lady in your life how big was her family growing up uh four including her so her and three more yeah all sisters i think you said right that must be an insane dynamic in that house it's actually not that bad there's some silly times but mostly like i i just avoid it i'll just go hang out with one of their their boyfriends if they get all all pissy and my girlfriend is not the kind of person to be like she's very go with the flow chill relaxed i don't know why i said my wife had two sisters and they don't have an insane dynamic but yeah is jackie the older or the younger one the very youngest yes she has a middle and
Starting point is 00:48:05 an older sister okay so she got to be the baby of the family yeah always seems like the most fun position to me i think it worked out yeah you get to do whatever you want that's right i remember my youngest brother like being like uh yeah i'm gonna go out with friends. He'd be like 16, 17 on a Wednesday night. My parents just like... My parents were divorced by then, so whatever parent it was, I'd just be like, okay, alright. See you later. And I'd be like, this is beyond retarded. I didn't...
Starting point is 00:48:36 What? I didn't get to do this. You were forcing me to have a bedtime almost. Jackie had her father wrapped around her finger and the other sisters were envious of that like, you know, like What? Why dad paid off your credit card bill cuz you were stressed about it Really? I was stressed about my credit card bill. He never paid off my bill and she's like, oh you weren't nice
Starting point is 00:49:01 You know like we've been pals. I helped him work. See that garage? We built that together. He called me Schmitty, pretended I was a boy. Now he's paying off my credit card bills. You should have put your time in, girls. Dad, I'm really stressed about the credit card bill I racked up. Oh, honey, you. It wasn't that.
Starting point is 00:49:23 I want to say it was $200, but that was a while ago, so you might call it like $350 now. But $350 for a teenager is hard to save up amount of money. That's a kind of debt that like, I mean, I don't have any credit card debt. My girlfriend doesn't. Most of my friends don't. But the people I do know who have it seem to have a shopaholic problem
Starting point is 00:49:49 where any and everything they see is like – and it really is a psychological thing. They've even done double-blind studies showing that people, even knowing a given budget in a study or something, where it's like, all right, you have this amount of money to spend on blah, blah, blah, and you're planning by the end of the year to accrue this much or save this much or sock this much away. even knowing a given budget in a study or something where it's like, all right, you have this amount of money to spend on blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, and you're planning by the end of the year to accrue this much or save this much or sock this much away, here's your cash for you to divvy up into these different piles.
Starting point is 00:50:13 Those people are way more conservative than the people who are like, here's your card and just write down in your little ledger what you're going to spend on. There's a psychological – it's the same thing as with freemium games where it's it's all right you don't want to spend five dollars to get your building to finish faster but you will spend seven dollars to get gems and then you can turn in those gems to do these same things to undo the waiting aspect and like it's just creating a you know additional step to make it easier psychologically to pay it's just interesting. It's weird. Yeah. It happens to me to some, like I recently,
Starting point is 00:50:49 two things happened. I wanted to buy new t-shirts and I'm like $20 a t-shirt. What am I Bill Gates? Right. Meanwhile, my lunch today was $18 and I didn't think twice. You know, I was just not an issue. Really?
Starting point is 00:51:04 That's yeah. That's something something i do i'll be at like some like chinese restaurant and i'm like i want uh mongolian chicken but i actually i want mongolian steak instead they're like that's an extra 350. i'm like oh well just kidding and i want a soda and i'm going to want you not to bother me with details like that going forward No, you know walks extra I know I came with extra yes You got blindside me with this revelation do you realize you're talking to Taylor Durka here, you know I'm gonna need you to to back off with the money Yeah to chill I've got three dollars and fifty cents of steak money burning a hole in my pocket that is the place where you can spend way more money than you thought you were going to like
Starting point is 00:51:52 Chipotle or Qdoba Qdoba whatever where a burrito because I always get double meat yeah you know and every time I'm surprised I'll get to the end and they're like, all right, $13. And they have all the signs up there with the prices and the list of things, what it costs. And I just went buck wild. That's the fun part about Subway, you know, or the least shitty part about Subway. You get your paper thin meats and everything on there. Then you get to the vegetable station you can just you just have a ball just spinach more spinach more spin i've asked for triple i've asked for more spinach twice before because the woman was not giving me an appropriate
Starting point is 00:52:38 amount of spinach i've asked for more jalapenos oh and i don't i don't mean twice before i've asked for more spinach i mean i said I said, can I have spinach? Can I have more spinach? Yeah, just a little more spinach. Like all in the same transaction. Do you see the spinach in that spinach container? Put it on the sandwich. Yes.
Starting point is 00:52:57 Until there's no more in the container. It's unlimited vegetables. I've got corporate on the line. Oh, shit. What did he link? Somebody died. Fatally shooting suspected kidnapper. Oh, well, at least he shot the kidnapper.
Starting point is 00:53:16 That's oh, and he's a Cubs fan. Let's see. Is this going to play or do I have to go to breaking let's see body cam shows police officer I think I found yeah if you scroll down a little bit one minute long here's a video oh here I'll pause it then uh start at two seconds yep ready set play all right I think I'm seeing a body cam Start at two seconds? Yep. Ready, set, play. Alright, I think I'm seeing a body cam.
Starting point is 00:53:53 There's a guy on a couch. What? Was he guilty? Go over the front door! Don't you fucking move! Don't you fucking move! Is he out of here? Was he guilty? Don't fucking move! I'm going to shoot you! Don't fucking move! Don't you fucking move!
Starting point is 00:54:22 That amped up pretty quickly. I got the weapon. The weapon's clear. Oh, there it is. There's a bunch of guns next to him. He went for his weapon. I had no choice. Was there? Well, then the cop... I said the weapon's secure.
Starting point is 00:54:31 You guys secure the rear. I might be dead in that situation because I thought the cop moved a little too fast. Anybody that's coming in, we have him in the very front of the building secure. I have no idea what's in the rear. Please secure the rear. Man, no wonder he's got a gun. I'm going to go get him. I'm going to go get him.
Starting point is 00:54:43 I'm going to go get him. I'm going to go get him. I'm going to go get him. I'm going to go get him. I'm going to go get him. I'm front of the building secure. I have no idea what's in the rear. Please secure the rear. Man. I'm going to watch the beginning again, try and see if I can see the gun. Me too. This time I'm turning the audio way down. So on the ground I see some clothing maybe? Oh, oh there's a gun the guy put his hands
Starting point is 00:55:08 in the air are you identifying that as a gun it looks like the thing I'm trying to go you're seeing it right below like the crack at like the two cushions if you go straight down there's a thing there yeah as you're talking about thanks that's hard to tell especially because the body cam is mostly showing his forearm, the cop's forearm. They just need to be like head top cams. Like Call of Duty. They knew what they were doing. Walk around like unicorns.
Starting point is 00:55:39 So I am going to advance this thing frame by frame and see what I think. How much is the hotkey to do that? Period and comma. I'm going forward with period. So they tell him not to move. He puts his hands in the air. He goes to sit up, I think.
Starting point is 00:56:03 I misunderstood that, so I take it back. All right, now he's going to sit up. He swings his feet out, and he has his hand on the couch to push his upper body up, as anyone would do. All right, let me see. Ooh, he's... The Civilian Office of Police Accountability
Starting point is 00:56:22 released Friday video of a Chicago police officer fatally shooting a suspected kidnapper on the northwest side. The body camera video shows an officer confronting a man July 8th in an apartment in the Belmont Central neighborhood. After partially entering the room, the police officer yells, don't move, Chicago police, don't move. The video shows the suspect reclining on the sofa, leans forward, yells something inaudible, and begins to turn over. The video shows as the suspect places his hand near an apparent handgun on the edge of the sofa, the officer lets off several shots and the suspect falls to the ground. He later died at Illinois Masonic Medical Center, police said.
Starting point is 00:56:53 Ephraim Eadie, a spokesperson, said the investigation into the officer's actions is ongoing. The suspected kidnapper, 42-year-old Luis E. Vasquez, has already carjacked two people the night before in the West Suburbs, police have said. He drove in the man and woman both in their 40s okay well he held them against their will inside an apartment that to me is a pretty big deal like that oh yeah i i thought they were talking about other stuff yeah well it goes into addresses and i can see why you're like i don't give a but yeah yeah that's where he held them against their will inside an apartment. So we know he has a gun. Yeah, and I might be seeing it. Right around 10 seconds, if you frame by frame it.
Starting point is 00:57:33 Is that what's in the cushions there? I think so. They should get 4K body cameras. This is bullshit. cameras this is bullshit and he might have even been bringing his hands together like to use the gun i think so if i'm seeing what i just said that was a really good shooting and i might have erred in the wrong direction if i was the cop. So you end up dead. Right. I've mentioned it so many times,
Starting point is 00:58:08 but I saw this footage of, let me run a spot, of a cop, no, the guy was a, what were like the Ferguson people that were kind of anti-police? There was a name for them. Black Lives Matter, maybe? The Black Lives Matter, yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:24 So a Black Lives Matter community leader there was a name for them black lives matter yeah yeah so um a black lives matter like community leader met with the police and his goal was to kind of like talk to him and explain his side and the police were there to talk to them and explain their side and what ended up happening is they had the guy go through police training and there were a couple scenarios i've made the audience watch but one was a guy that was totally cool his hands were up he was like diffusing the situation as he walked towards the back of a van and on that bumper was a gun he pulled it bang bang well a fake gun and as the black lives matter guy was like holy smokes that went from zero to 100 so fast i would have died then there was
Starting point is 00:59:02 another situation where guys were fighting each other and they were both kind of frightening like physically like they were like your build but two of them maybe even bigger and they're they're wrestling with each other and then one guy goes towards the cop he's all aggressive and the cop decides to shoot suddenly it flips 180 degrees policeman what were you doing that was my friend you just shot, and he's unarmed. You just shot an unarmed man for doing what? Walking towards you? And you're like, it didn't seem crazy. The notion that you were-
Starting point is 00:59:34 This is why media framing is so important in all of these incidents. Yeah, and I learned a lot from it. I'm like, man, if a guy's not complying and standing still, when you say to comply and stand still, I understand why a policeman could get so jumpy because it can go from zero to 100 like that uh this guy i thought he was unathletically trying to sit up when they said stand still and now i think maybe he was going for his gun. I think I saw it. So, yeah. And then, of course, there's other situations.
Starting point is 01:00:07 Like the guy that did that really shitty Simon Says, like get on your knees and start crawling, but he wanted them to crawl with his hands in the air, which isn't how crawling happens. And he got really confused and they killed him for it. And, yeah. That was probably the worst police shooting I've ever seen right hotel where it was like lay on your face call towards me it's like what
Starting point is 01:00:32 what how yeah that's exactly right could you just like in that instance if you're just so confused cuz you just lay out like a starfish and be like I'm not moving at all. I have This is the guy was drunk which inhibited his ability to like explain himself But I like to think that sober me in that situation be like officer You have to understand. I don't know how to crawl with my hands in the air Can you work with me on this and i probably wouldn't get shot but drunk me who knows or stress he was shooting uh um yeah under stress you never know how you're gonna respond especially when you know a cop's pointing a gun at you but uh yeah that one was absolutely
Starting point is 01:01:17 inexcusable this one just shows how gray so many of these situations are or how gray appearing they can be and still have a clear-cut answer where it's like yeah you know he was rummaging around everything but there was a you know 38 by the end of the couch and he would have turned around and started firing at me and you know you have to be proactive this is i mean he's got two carjackings and i think two kidnappings yeah right so like when that's happening people are less fan but I guess I'm right it like if you if I know you've got me for expired registration I'm not opening fire you
Starting point is 01:01:56 know like like look if you throw the book at me everything's gonna be okay this guy on the other hand is dealing with the end of the life end of life as he knows it. So he's more inclined to do crazy shit. That's true. Yeah. It's like, oh, not carrying insurance. I'm throwing the book at you.
Starting point is 01:02:15 This is going to be a $91 fine. All at once? Instead of $60. All at once. Do you have a payment plan? Yeah. Yeah. But so, yeah, when you get someone and he knows that there's like a couple kidnappings and a couple carjackings that that he's facing he might be inclined that might have
Starting point is 01:02:32 been suicide by cop you know i can't get into his head but that could have been what his thought process was so anyway that's a wrap yep Yep. Good show, man. Yeah, good show. Oh, what's the timeline on your streaming? Because I think a lot of people have it faster in their heads than I predicted. Did you order the PC? I haven't yet. I want to talk to Chiz about it.
Starting point is 01:02:58 He's going to be my resource. So I'm going to have him give me suggestions on And he'll also, he like cost sensitivity and stuff and then i'm gonna i'm gonna order it get that set up i need to figure out like a background thing to do and and probably like just a basic i don't even know how much green screens are they're too expensive not doing that but uh but we'll see yeah it's i'm definitely gonna end up doing it uh i just gotta get the the pc and all the parts and everything you could grow into it to the green screen like it might yeah yeah it doesn't have to be off the cuff are you gonna do a gaming stream is that the plan a
Starting point is 01:03:29 i know so little about twitch that i'm gonna kind of play it by ear like i'm gonna maybe i'll do a just chatting stream to start to get a feel for how the format works and and all that and then after that jump to a game or just i could see myself playing like a pokemon game on there i could see myself playing uh super smash brothers even though i'm not very good um so yeah those are the ones i'm thinking just kind of light-hearted more social games and then who knows but maybe when like age of yeah i i'm not good enough at the age of empires games to do that and stream i feel like i'd be sitting there i'm pretty good but like trying to do that and chit chat with people i'll just play computers nobody's gonna be watching for my game yeah i don't have much advice i don't think of myself as an expert on the topic i did have something though
Starting point is 01:04:14 i like the way you're thinking about being able to interact with the chat you know because they're not there just to watch how good you are at that they're there to fix as they like who you are um when i get set up we'll have to stream together and then kyle's gonna have a setup too oh it's gonna be just a bunch of boys having a rowdy time everyone wants me to play borderlands 3 it comes out really soon so you should yeah i'll probably end up great or i'll watch a couple videos and see exactly maybe get some initial i don't know it's not that expensive yeah uh but i've been looking i've been streaming the same game and variety streaming is better according to she is than single game streaming and there it is i just like the game because i
Starting point is 01:04:56 played a lot recently and don't suck but i'll switch to something and i'll suck and i guess i'll end up doing more push-ups it's just the way she goes the last time I streamed I straight up just wanted push-up motivation I really should do push-ups I see my this shows over we're past an hour but I'm I mean I'm meeting my doctor about the bad elbow tomorrow so I'm psyched for that good hopefully there's some good news I make a lot of bad decisions so I have a good relationship with an orthopedic surgeon. And we'll sync up. He's outstanding and we'll develop a plan. So now all I do is push exercises.
Starting point is 01:05:35 You're doing what you can do. Fair, all right. Well anyway, PKN 264, probably.

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